#Art journal therapy explained
cheekydimplesblog · 2 years
What Is Art Journal Therapy: Explained In Simple Terms
What Is Art Journal Therapy: Explained In Simple Terms
Art journal therapy is a therapeutic approach that involves using creative expression and the process of making art to explore and process emotions, thoughts, and experiences. It is a form of self-care that allows individuals to express themselves in a safe and private space, using art as a means of communication and self-discovery. Art journal therapy can be used by people of all ages and…
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lexezombie · 26 days
Good morning! (it's 2am)
MORE GRAVITY FALLS SHENANIGANS! Mostly Bill now oops,,, Funfact: I have over 30 images of Cluhsandra now : )
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bonus: shitty dancing Rosa <3
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fatkish · 4 months
Hii,could you do a part 2 of Aizawa x suicidal child? Please :)
Maybe they did hurted themselves or just confort
Father Aizawa x Suicidal Reader Pt.2
I’ll Never let you go
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You and your dad went to the hospital the next day to get your mental health evaluated. Turns out it’s shit. The doctors suggested that you should be on suicide watch and be put in the psychiatric ward for the mean time until they deemed you safe for the partial hospitalization program. While you were in the psychiatric ward the doctors suggested that you see a therapist and create a safety plan. So you asked if you could bring an instrument or at least a pen and paper to write with so you could write songs and journal.
It took some time but you got settled and your dad visited you every day. As the days went by you were writing and journaling. Things didn’t seem that bright right away but that was fine.
(Play the song)
You light a candle just to see in the dark
You're only running on a fuse, and it's been falling apart again
I'm by your side, I hope at least that helps
And life sucks sometimes, it's feeling more like hell
When your dad would visit he would tell you about your cats at home, the mischief his students got into, etc. sometimes Uncle Hizashi would come with him and you two would pretend to jam out to music he’d play. But even though you smiled and laughed there was still a darkness lurking beneath the surface of your mind.
And all the walls around you are turning to ashes
And the flames surround you when everything crashes
Don't hold your head, 'cause it'll all work out
And don't let go of my hand, I won't let you down
The silence is deafening
Keep fighting, you're trembling
But it's fine, it'll be alright
See the pain in your eyes, but we still survive
As you talked to your therapist about the reasons why you feel like dying the relief of getting it out in the open was momentary before the weight of your feelings would come crashing down. You and your therapist would talk about how your dad found you as you were planning to end it all. You talked about how your dad would feel if you went ahead with it and he was too late. How it would affect him and others and how they would feel if you died.
Just don't forget about me
When you feel like you're drowning
I know it's hard to try
If it gets rough, I'm by your side
As the days passed and you talked to the doctors they eventually saw that you were ready for a partial hospitalization program. This program would have you visit the hospital and have a certain amount of hours you would need to spend in the classes at the hospital. These classes had other people in them and was a sort of rehab program for many different people. The classes were about a bunch of different topics that focused on mental health.
When everything
Is falling apart, put your head on my shoulder
Don't cry, just another bad night
You'll make it out alive
When everything is taking its toll, I'll pull you a little closer
If you slip, I'm falling too
And I'll never let you go (never let you go)
You learned a lot of different things like how different mental disorders affected the brain and its functions. You took art therapy and music therapy classes where you would draw something based on the prompt or you’d share a song and explain how it made you feel. All in all, it was very enlightening and helpful.
If your clouds are grey then so are mine
Your smile faded but still you shine
Got my path again into your soul
It's a place that I call home
I can feel your fingertips, they're burnin' my skin again
But I still take your hand
And we'll run away from this mess
I'll bury my heart in the hole in your chest
Your dad would talk with you about your classes and what you learned. You’d show him your notes and he loved seeing the art you made even if it sucked. He found the techniques for panic attacks very useful and decided to have you teach them to him so he could teach his class.
Just don't forget about me
When you feel like you're drowning
I know it's hard to try
If it gets rough, I'm by your side
You spent more time with your dad and he took more time to focus on you and your mental health. He put time aside to make sure to spend with you. You guys would cuddle on the couch and you’d help him grade papers. Sometimes you’d need his help to understand what someone wrote. Apparently you read the students bad handwriting better than your dad. You decided to write feedback on some of the papers like ‘practice your handwriting on separate paper. Heroes need legible handwriting’ or you’d make small corrections and show them how to fix it for next time. Overall, grading papers with your dad was fun.
When everything
Is falling apart,
put your head on my shoulder
Don't cry, just another bad night
You'll make it out alive
When everything
is taking its toll, I'll pull you a little closer
If you slip, I'm falling too
And I'll never let you go again
You told your dad that you still have bad thoughts but now, every time you did, you’d follow your safety plan and talk to him or Hizashi. You’d find someone who you trust and talk to them. Your dad would let you snuggle up to him with your head on his shoulder as you told him everything you needed to.
You don't have to cry alone
And I'll hold this weight above you
If you slip, I'm falling too
And I'll never let you go
Some of the best things you learned were to just live day by day. You don’t have to worry about tomorrow and you don’t have to be hopeful about tomorrow either, it’s enough to just be curious about what’s next. You decided that you wanted to see your friends become heroes and that you had to see if Bakugou became the next number 1. That was enough for both you and your dad. And he promised that he would always be here for you and he’d never let you go.
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borderlandsresearcher · 8 months
Ashrah x insecure reader x Syzoth
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CW/TW: Reader is insecure about their body, gn reader, poly relationship. Not proofread, I am not a writer!!
(a/n @ the bottom)
* When you finally open up to both of them about your insecurities, Ashrah is slow to understand. But she knows you're suffering, and will do anything to ensure nothing less than your happiness.
* On the other hand, Syzoth understands right away. He offers up words of affirmation, reassuring you just how much they love you.
* "You are perfection my sweet. If only you could see yourself the way Ashrah and I see you ...". But he knew too much about what it was like, and that you needed more than just words. Unfortunately, he too was stuck in the same bottomless hell pit that was insecurity, just as you were.
* He takes it upon himself to explain to Ashrah just how debilitating living with such thoughts can be. Hoping she would understand and help him find a way to make their lover feel comfortable in their own body. Although he tries to hide his own insecurities, Ashrah connects the dots and sees right through him.
* Ashrah sees your and Syzoth's insecurities as sins that need to be eradicated. This leads her down a rabbit hole of studying the mortal condition and human psychology.
* Some time later, she sits the three of you down on your shared bed. Laid out on the mattress were various arts and craft tools. You and Syzoth stare curiously at the assortment of colourful strings, ribbon and paper.
* "What is all this about?" You ask, fiddling with a pair of scissors.
* "Therapy." Ashrah responded bluntly. "You both need a distraction from those terrible thoughts eating away at your conscious. I will not allow such rare beauty to tear itself down. Liu Kang did not create this timeline for the both of you to spend it hating the body he so graciously gifted you." Ashrah is stern, clearly serious about making the both of you feel better.
* Only the tiniest bit intimidated, you and Syzoth nod a long at each and every one of her orders.
* After an hour of crafting, chatting and enjoying each other's company (as well as avoiding disappointing Ashrah with your self deprecation), the three of you end up with your own handcrafted personalised journals.
* Ashrah reaches for the both of you. Holding hands, she maintains her strict yet loving tone: "Use these journals the moment those wicked thoughts return. Write them down, be in touch with your true self. Do not isolate yourselves. Acknowledge your emotions and try to work through them using these journals. And know, that no matter what, we will always have each other."
* From then on, you all worked through your feelings together, offering up a listening ear and uplifting each other whenever possible. Your insecurities never truly went away, but they were quiet and less frequent now, allowing you to focus on what-- or rather who- was more important to you ... your lovers.
A/N: Hope u all enjoyed :) I am new to the fanfic/hc scene. I will ONLY be taking CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, please and thank you!
P.s. Remember that you are loved!
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aestheticallyoverload · 2 months
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😭 Traumacore (also known as Usedcore, Emptycore, Sadcore and Ventcore) – aesthetic that delves into the themes of abuse and trauma, particularly sexual trauma or CSA, along with cute visuals to give the whole aesthetic a „bittersweet tragedy” feel. Common themes in traumacore are also mental, emotional and spiritual abuse. In general, this aesthetic tends to be more focused on trauma experienced in childhood, explaining the cute visuals, but adult trauma can also be covered. Many people turn to these images to help them cope with the pain they suffered in the past. Most of the images are ones of Hello Kitty, Dreamcore, Nostalgiacore, or even something like cake, all overlapped with dark messages.
While many people say that traumacore isn't inherently an aesthetic, many of the images used in its photo or video edits are derived from other aesthetics. Traumacore is more of a type of art therapy or visual journaling for many people with trauma. It's worth noting that some people who have went through trauma and use traumacore have stated that traumacore is an aesthetic, while others state that it isn't, because people without trauma may try to romanticize the experiences of traumatized individuals. No matter who are right, its cultural impact is notable enough.
It's frowned upon to participate in traumacore if the participant isn't a survivor of some kind of trauma themselves, as it's considered fetishization of a really serious issue. Trauma consumes many people's lives. Traumacore can be a coping mechanism for those who need it. But remember, like any kind of coping mechanism, it shouldn't be a stand-in for proper treatment, like therapy or medication.
Remember: If you post or repost any traumacore content, use ONLY traumacore related tags and refrain from using unrelated tags, for example sanrio, aesthetic, pastel, etc.
[I try to make this blog present aesthetic styles in objective ways but this is one of the aesthetics next to which I cannot pass without saying something from myself. If you have some sort of trauma and are searching for a coping mechanism, I sincerely recommend this aesthetic. I can tell you from experience that it can help A LOT. Honestly this and vent books are probably the best coping mechanism not only for me but from what I can see also for many other people.]
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lullabybug · 1 year
Does anyone else ever get jealous of those recovery accounts on tiktok or Instagram where they have everyone’s full support like they’re being almost carried through recovery? When I was a teenager and people found out about my ed I was put into therapy and that was it besides that it was completely ignored. When I was at my lowest I was so ready to get help but nothing ever changed at home and my ed was enabled so bad I literally thought that the people around me wanted me to have an ed(they didn’t but I truly believed that due to the amount everyone ignored it)
I’m putting a cut here because this post is going to be long and Major TW for self harm below.
anyway when I was 16 I decided to stop going to therapy and after that it’s like everyone just let me have my ed like everyone knew about it but no one cared enough to do anything and at the time I wanted recovery so bad but I was so young I couldn’t do it alone at all even though I tried. I even asked if they would put me into an inpatient place because I was so miserable. My ed was so ignored it got to a point where people had walked in on me purging and they would just walk out and not say anything, I purposefully would bite my knuckles hard so they would leave cuts and not hide it like I was basically a walking eating disorder as well as very underweight and no one ever said anything so eventually I just accepted I’d never recover and I stopped wanting to. Don’t get me wrong I have an great relationship with my family now that I’m an adult and responsible for myself but at the time there was severe neglect and a lot of unprocessed trauma. Everything was ignored.
To paint a picture of how bad mental illness was ignored in my family: I started self harming when I was really young and it got really bad like I mean really bad and for whatever reason everytime I had a pencil sharpener I took the blade out so I had like a tin box full of razor blades and one day I had them out on my bed and my dad picked one up and was like “what’s this” and I just said it’s for an art project he shrugged and gave it back to me and walked out. He also took pictures of my journal where I wrote about self harm and never said anything to anyone(I was snooping in his ipad that’s how I found out don’t judge me) like when I say these things were ignored they were ✨ignored✨ although he wasn’t familiar with any of that stuff so he might’ve actually believed those were for an art project I don’t know.
This brings me to the recovery accounts, now that I’m an adult it’s almost painful to watch these other girls who have the same disorder have so much support and help through recovery. Like they’re fist bumped after finishing a meal, they can cry to their support system, and they’re genuinely encouraged though their recovery and don’t get me wrong I love that they have that I want everyone with an Ed to have that but I get so jealous and upset because I always wonder how different things could be if I wasn’t just left to fend for myself against my ed when I was so young.
Does anyone else feel like this? I’m not sure if I explained it well enough but I hate how jealous of others I can get.
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fatestaxes · 7 months
Death and Taxes HC’s:
Vacation/Earth Life
- For the time he was stuck in the offices, he would just sit in his small library and write (both for his novel and just journaling, hopes and dreams or just complaining about his job).
- if he ever made it to earth, he’d join a small writers club, change his name, and just spend his whole new life doing whatever he felt like.
- Going shopping, going to the beach, going to the park, you name it. He’d probably find entertainment anywhere considering what his previous life was like.
- In fact, he would probably be overwhelmed with everything there is to do.
- He needs a nap and some therapy too. Maybe he’ll make some friends there, who knows.
- After adventuring a bit, He’d find a few -1 or 2- close friends (probably from the writers club) and just chill w/ them in a small restaurant or cafe in the town
- He wasn’t very close with the rest of the club members because he came off as cold/uncaring to them
- he’d think about revealing his past life, but would most likely just end up trying to forget about it and move on completely. Although they might find out, considering the fact that he has literally NO social skills and doesn’t know any general human-life skills (eating food, social ques, slang, behavior, etc.)
- Would be repulsed by how similar a lot of schools are to his previous office job (very restrictive)
- He’d be able to sympathize with the ‘older’ students (high school, college) who are already like- over it.
- He would also probably make a friend with some minimum wage worker he meets at a coffee/tea shop or something
- “Im not paid enough to care about what management does” and Fate would be like “you’re so right” and now they’re besties
- makes a good amount of money as a writer, he publishes an actual novel he wrote and a copy of his journal that he used to write in from the offices (it was marketed as fantasy, which was fine by him, less explaining to do)
- They would probably be content with a small corner in town that they would frequent.
- They hadn’t been in the office as long as Fate so they didn’t have a major desire to venture out very much.
- In the offices, Grim would socialize with the other reapers, so they still had some company.
- Despite this, they still have a bit of trouble socializing with humans- but when they try and wing it for the first time, they do fairly well.
- They might decide to join some sort of art club (pottery, painting, that kind of stuff)
- They would try to befriend everyone, and they came across as pretty nice, so they were welcomed and fairly liked by most of the people in the club.
- Although they wanted to befriend everybody, they found three very close friends that they hung out with every weekend
- Fate and Grim both ended up in the same town (probably because their clubs or somethn) and were hanging out with their respective friends when they all bumped into each other. Awkward introductions ensue.
The Archivist:
- Actually enjoyed their job in the death dept. so they’d miss the endless shelves of books and knowledge.
- They’d find their way into any town library and just start reorganizing the books.
- checks out 5 or more books at a time, whenever they visit.
- Perfectly content to live and be alone, but might find someone who shared an interest in learning at a library.
- Would open up their own bookshop (named The Archives -no surprise there-) as their job/Lifestyle, Grim is their first loyal customer.
- They would be fascinated with humanity’s creativity in both visual art and literature.
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thatonegirljessy99 · 2 years
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Pairing: Adrienette
Rating: PG13
Themes: Angst (?), fluff, time skip AU (characters are in their late 30’s)
Word count: 2460
Warnings: characters getting over a bit of trauma, talks of self doubt
Spoilers: None
Summary: After years as Ladybug and Cat Noir, Marinette and Adrien have taken a back seat in the hero scene to focus on their personal lives. But now Marinette has to deal with the consequences of switching guardians at such a young age, but Adrien is there to remind her no matter what he will be a soft place to fall on for his lady <3
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A/N: This is my MLB Secret Santa present for @raspberry-radiation ! I really hope you enjoy it and Merry Xmas! And thanks to @mlsecretsanta for letting me be a part of this event :)
To everyone else, I hope you enjoy my little one shot and hope you have some happy holidays! :)
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It had been almost two decades since Marinette had given up her spot as the guardian of the Miraculous box. Things had been peaceful in Paris for the last few years, a few meetings had gone down and the group agreed it was time to find the next Miraculous holders since everyone was moving on with their lives. Alya had gone into journalism and was now married to Nino, Kagami got into business management and helped fund a school for gifted children in the Arts and STEM fields. Even though the school was only 2 years old with a small student population, it was already beginning to show a promising future. Then of course Marinette went into fashion and realized that, like her parents, she wanted to have her own shop where she could sell her designs. She had already gotten enough recognition from past designs, that when she launched her online store things were going out of stock quickly. That wasn’t even mentioning how well things went when she  opened her boutique! There were plenty of people ready to buy the designs of the soon to be Marienette Agreste. Adrien was also making good progress in therapy and decided he was going to open his own therapy practice after getting his masters in psychiatry.
Things were actually falling into place and it seemed like it was the perfect time back then to make that shift, Kagami being picked as the next Guardian of the miracle box. She had been helping Marinette decipher some of the elixirs in the old texts to the point where they had discovered a potion that could help bring back Marinette's memories after the transfer. It had apparently been invented for times of peace for the guardians that had taken their turn protecting the miracle box and now wished to enjoy the fruits of their labors. The group had also made a back up plan in case the potion didn’t work, with videos and pictures being collected to show her and explain what was going on.
Easy to say, the elixir did not work at first. It took everyone a month to convince Marinette that what they were saying was true and that she indeed was the former Ladybug. But slowly some of the memories seemed to come back, memories no one had mentioned to Marinette. It was exciting and made everyone relieved that things would be okay overall.
Now, almost fifteen years later, Marienette and Adrien were happily married with three beautiful children. Their oldest, Jack, was eleven years old and the twins, Juliet and Sarah, were nine years old. At this moment all the children had set out their snacks for Santa Claus and gone to bed in hopes of finding presents under the tree when they woke up the next day. Marinettee had already gone to  her room and Adrien’s room, changing into her nightgown and sitting in bed with a mug of hot chocolate on her nightstand and a fashion magazine on her lap. As she flipped through the pages of her magazine to see if she could start to get inspiration for her spring line, Adrien entered the room with his own mug of hot chocolate, flashing a smile to his wife when she looked up from what she was looking at  before going to his side of the bed. He scooted closer to her, placing a kiss on her shoulder before leaning his head on it, humming a random Christmas tune as they looked through the magazine together.
“Anything catching your eyes?” he hummed softly.
“Not just yet, however I am starting to come up with a color palette at least for the collection,” she exhaled  a little disappointed,” but hopefully Bernadette will have some ideas for when we meet up in two days.”
“Maybe you should just relax for now and enjoy your drink before it gets cold. You took Bernadette under your wing as your apprentice because you saw potential. You two can worry about work when you are back in the office,” Adrien smiled, removing the magazine from Marinette’s lap and reaching over her to place it back on the nightstand.
“Yeah, you are probably right. I just get excited working with her because it is like seeing a younger me getting into fashion,” Marinette beamed before taking a drink from her hot chocolate.
After this, the conversation shifted to how their half days at work had gone for each of them. Adrien's practice had only been open until two in the afternoon and he told Marinette some of the lighter things going on with his child patients. There was one girl in particular that was giving him a run for his money because she would tell him one thing and then two seconds later would go back and say actually it wasn’t this thing but that thing. She really didn’t want to be there but she was causing so many problems at school that her parents thought therapy might help. 
Marinette laughed a little knowing kids can be very difficult, as their kids reminded them from time to time. She then started to share some of the ideas that Bernadette had brought up for spring wedding dresses and how it was inspired by a cookie her three year old niece decorated for her. She showed the picture to Adrien who almost spat out his hot chocolate from the mess of colors on the single cookie. Neither of them were really sure how her apprentice had gotten inspiration from that but it was hilarious to look at the inspirational cookie.
Eventually the hot chocolate and the conversation came to an end and they both curled up close to each other, whispering their goodnights. Adrien placed a small kiss on Marinette’s forehead before pulling her closer to him and drifting off to sleep.
‘M’lady, you left me.”
The voice was soft but sounded so familiar. But Marinette could only see darkness around her.
“Why didn’t you choose to stay with me? We could have had all this,” the voice taunted getting closer, images of her with her children and husband beginning to fade in and out as it continued.
That was until suddenly there was a figure that started to walk towards her. Within a second, the figure was close enough to see who it was. All Marinette could do was back away slowly as he got closer.
“Chat… Adrien, I am so sorry.. But you weren’t from my world,” Marinette whimpered, feeling her back finally hit against the wall she hadn’t noticed was there,” You came from a different time then me.”
“You could have stayed, we could have had this,” he gestured at the images of the kids that ran around behind them,” You could have stayed.”
His voice was becoming angrier, his hands grabbing onto Marinette’s shoulders who only shrinked back into the wall trying to get away. He could have been mistaken for an angel if she hadn’t met him in her dreams before. It was odd to see him in this adult version, the white suit still looking the same as it did when they were teens.
“I am not her! I wasn’t and am not ever going to be her! You aren’t my Adrien!”
Adrien woke up noticing that Marinette was whimpering as she started to move around. All of a sudden Marinette shot up, shaking, with tears beginning to run down her cheeks as she gasped for air. Adrien automatically sat up to hold her gently, careful to not move too suddenly and spook his wife. Even though he didn’t know what had just happened in her dream, he could tell that it was a lot for her. Gingerly, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed the side of her head softly.
“Do you want me to turn on the light for you?” His voice came in a soft whisper, his question only being answered by a small nod.
He nodded and let go of Marinette for a moment as he turned to his night stand to turn on the light. Marinette pulled her knees up to her chest, her arms staying wrapped around her legs as she put her head down, her breaths coming out in hiccups as tears continued to spill. Adrien moved to kneel in front of her, giving her a moment to cry before placing a hand on her head and scratching her head lightly.
“Was it another memory?” he whispered, Marinette peeking up to look at her husband and biting her lip.
“Yes and no… I don’t know if you remember when I told you about my memories of Chat Blanc. He appeared in my dream telling me that I left him… I almost feel guilty for having what I have, knowing that in another time you don’t get to enjoy any of this with me,” she explained, her hand taking his from her head and holding it in front of her for a second before he took her hand and kissed it.
“You feel guilty for being a hero and having a family?” Adrien coos softly. There was a moment of silence before he let out a sigh and continued,” You know that you did what you could so you could fix things but he was too far gone when you got there. You came back to where you belong and you have also gone through a lot but you haven’t turned dark like him. I don’t know how it must feel to lose your memories and have them trickle back but I am sure that it doesn’t make working through your feelings easy.”
Marinette started to uncurl, Adrien then moved to her side once more and took her hand in his with a sympathetic smile.
“You don’t think I am ungrateful, right?” she asked with a nervous laugh.
“Did you think I was ungrateful when I wanted nothing from my father after we found out he was Hawkmoth?” He chuckled knowing the answer already,
“Of course not! I am still not sure how I would have reacted if that had been my parents!” Marinette quickly answered, looking at him wide eyed before freezing and smiling at him with a small playful glare. Clearly the message had been received and understood when Marientte spoke up again,” Okay, I get it. I shouldn’t be so hard on myself when I have gone through something no one else has. Or if they did, they were way older than our Master.”
Both of them started to laugh, the heaviness in Marinette's chest having already vanished. After the laughter died down Adrien pulled her into a hug and kissed her softly, pulling back to look into Marinette's eyes.
“We have been through a lot but I am going to be here for every nightmare you wake up from to remind you that things are okay and that we worked hard to deserve this,” his voice was soft but Marinette knew he meant it,” We worked hard to make Paris peaceful and we deserve this. This home, our kids, our friends. We made all this for ourselves and have every right to enjoy it.”
There was a gummy bear smile that appeared on his face as he looked down at his beautiful wife of almost fifteen years. She wasn’t the same Marinette he had met on his first day of public school. She had flourished into a beautiful woman who could speak her mind and demand the attention of a room if she wanted just with her presence. But in moments like these, he still saw the girl he would find out on her stoop late at night that would pour her heart out to Chat Noir. She cared so much about everyone still and still couldn’t bring herself to see how much she had accomplished. It made her so humble and was one of the many things that had made him fall in love all that time ago.
“You are such a good kitty,” Marinette smiled, nuzzling her face into his neck.
It was funny for Marinette to think that once upon a time, this was all reversed. When Adrien had finally gotten a moment to properly process that his father had been Hawkmoth, he questioned everything about the father-son  relationship. There were nights he would come over to Marinette’s place to just cry it all out. But after she had her memories wiped and things started to trickle back, he had become her shoulder to cry on. It was a lot to process and still was. Some days the memories would come out of nowhere but it would be parts that evoked anxiety  and panic in the up and coming designer. Now that some time had gone by, Adrien had taught her how to ground herself after these flashbacks and showed her some techniques he would use with his patients to help her process the memories in a safe way. Even when all of it was starting, he never once complained or made her feel like she was some sort of burden for him to take care of.
“Anything for m’lady,” he grinned as he wrapped his arms around her tightly before hearing some little footsteps in the hall. Both of them pull back already knowing it was the twins trying to see if they could catch a glimpse of Santa or get a head start on their presents.
“I really hope no one is trying to get a peak at their presents. If Santa finds out that two little girls didn’t listen to their mommy and daddy and didn’t sleep, he will come back to take the present and leave them some coal!” Marinette called out loudly, the footsteps stopping suddenly with two little gasps being heard from behind the door.
“It would be a shame because I told him to make sure to bring them something special this year since the kids were really good,” Adrien chimed in, now a squeal being heard before they heard footsteps running back toward the kids room.
Adrien and Marinette stared at each other for a moment before both of them fell into a fit of giggles, both trying to hush the other so the girls wouldn’t hear them laughing. After a second, it was decided they should probably go back to sleep before they get woken up by all three of their children to open the presents Santa brought them. Marinette curled up into Adrien who wrapped his arms around her waist happily. Marinette almost instantly felt at peace, the feeling of sleepiness was starting to  creep back into her system.
“Hey, m’lady…”
Marinette looked up at Adrien who pecked her nose and smiled.
“Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, kitty.”
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed the story! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year y'all!
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vanerespira · 2 years
Inner chaos (The first draft)
Healing through writing is an action I have done before. One that I like to believe I’m going to keep doing until it loses its magical properties. It’s not that I’m waiting for the writing to stop working for me, though, it’s that I’m open to being surprised by other possibilities.
But make no mistake: Writing will forever be my root, my first love. 
Language and its richness and complexities and implications have always been at the center of most of my obsessions. It’s in the How do I describe this feeling? This love/dislike/fear/sadness? Can I, even? How can I reach out to anyone else if not like this?
I’m so attracted to stories that I can’t remember a day that I hadn’t read something or talked to someone just so I could imagine scenes, seeing flashes of moving pictures inside my brain that are straight out of movies or show framings except that they are impossible to recreate because it doesn’t matter how good of an artist one is, a single frame can’t contain all the big and small details that a mind can conjure in just one close-up. It can be very darn close, not it’s never quite right.
Processing feeling through stories, integrating traumas and difficult situations using words is an old, old tool. It has been used intentionally and unconsciously since the very beginning of humanity (myths and legends explaining all the things that are out of our control, for example). Still, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Some people paint or draw, some dance or act, others sing and/or design and create things. Art, apparently, has always been part of the answer.
Movies, of course, although visual art, are deeply interwoven with writing. After all, without a story to tell, there’s no movie to make, no manga or comic to draw, no monologue to recite, no recipe to follow.
Language, stories, and writing. They are interconnected to the point that I don’t know if I can separate them. All three of them are the focus of my attention whenever I find myself exploring, well, myself. What’s the most fitting word to describe this feeling? What is this feeling, even? What’s the story I’m telling myself here? What’s the script that I’m following? What can I do next to change this or to keep growing?
I think about these questions a lot. That’s me writing in my journal after therapy, that’s me pausing Hunter x Hunter in the middle of a battle after Killua moved slightly to the left looking cocky and uninterested with his enemy, that me repeating a song after a phrase or a melody or a tone of voice left me breathless, after eating a piece of something I really enjoyed. That’s me, locking my eyes with a person and wishing they would become my friend.
That’s me over and over, wondering: what are my words right now? What am I feeling? What I’m expecting to happen next? How can I make it happen?
I’ve heard before that some people think in images and, honestly, that sounds cool. I can do that as well if I try. But really? I usually think in abstract emotions and feelings and in words. Conscious words. Sometimes even using languages that I only know one word but the feeling is the right one.
And now I’m reading about the connection of writing with breathing. Color me intrigued. Color me in questions and curiosity. Color me (picture me) in the same questions: How the hell can I put all of this knowledge, these feelings, this healing, into words, now that I know even more words to describe it? What kind of stories I’m going to find about myself? How can I change it, how can I embrace it? How do I know what to do next?
(How can I write a paper for my institute about without sounding like a fanatical of language and stories instead of someone that just wants to open a safe space for creation and rewriting and healing? How? Is it even possible? What are the words I'm looking for here?)
This is me, making an effort to integrate the first batch of my very abstract feelings from the very first chapter of my current book. This is me reaching out for the words, the story, for more language. This is me, writing for the hell of it and healing something inside while at it.
I don't know what I'm going to find in the next chapters. But I know how I'm feeling about it: fascinated. (There. That's the perfect word.)
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First Entry
I have not posted on here for many years, I was an avid Tumblr consumer since being in high school. I am now in my 30's working as a licensed mental health counselor. This will be a place for me to maybe get my shit together. I found blogging helpful in the past and my life got away from me.
I am hoping this will be a positive experience for me to process post therapy content and lived experience for someone with complex mental health needs who is also a provider. Which means I need to start by acknowledging my privilege and a white, mostly cisgender, well educated human. I have access to a network that a lot of people do not have. Yet live in fear of for the day for me to finally need a higher level of care and for me to be sitting across from another client or being treated by a colleague. There are always pro's and con's to things I guess.
For now this will be an experiment for me to document my life, as journaling has been hard and difficult and I will explain further at some point.
I will do my best to always tag my content and CW/TW anything specific. I will also not be going into graphic details about anything. I will also only be talking about me and people in my life that are not my clients. I will not be breaking HIPPA or disclosing anything about them. Their privacy is important not to just them but to me as well. As I would hope no other provider discusses my shit online. Only I want to be talking about my stuff online.
All you need to know right now is I have my masters degree in holistic mental health counseling. I am a huge nerd for psychological theories especially feminist and existential content. I also love other nerd shit like video games and board games. I also struggle with complex PTSD and ongoing dissociative symptoms. It has never been made super clear to me if I fall in the OSDD or DID category. While I wish to all the gods that my therapist would just tell me his thoughts on the matter I professionally understand why he has stayed away from pathologizing my experiences under a diagnostic code. I get it. I truly do. However, that does not mean I am mad about it. I will also not be disclosing my therapists name. I will simply be referring to him as My/Our therapist, the therapist, or simply N.
I will be sharing post therapy thoughts, possibly things I have written or made for art. I write, or one of us, writes a lot of poetry so that may make it on here if they feel like sharing. I suspect for the most part this will be a place for therapist me to process stuff.
That's it for now I think.
PS I swear like a sailor. Sorry.
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I'm in a weird place in life, story time.
Every hour in my day is spent staring at a screen while sitting in my couch. Studies? Online. (Currently in vacation so yeah, not even studying) Friendships? Online, and currently very few (2 to be exact). Therapy? Online, once a week. Mental stimulus? Reading random posts on all sort of subjects online. Do I leave my house for anything, ever? Very, very rarely. Irl friends/companies? My ex, only him (he's not a monster, I assure you). We see each other every weekend and occasionally after he leaves work on a weekday when I *need* to get out of the house even if it is for just one hour to grab a coffee and watch the street.
I feel like I'm floating in the void of outerspace, completely lost.
Recently, I've been bombarded by my own thoughts of projects I abandoned. If you're reading this, brace yourself, this gonna be long. From 8 years of age I took great interest on reading, writing, acquiring knowledge (not always useful), learning languages (here am I fluent in English now). 12 years of age, I absolutely loved writing on notebooks (I'd always carry 3 of them EVERYWHERE in my backpack, each for a different topic). I would also spend hours on end drawing anime/mangá style art. 14 years of age, I got my very first tablet and began trying digital art and painting, while maintaining all the rest. I carried on all of those interests and hobbies until my 15 years of age.
In between 12 and 15, my privacy was breached many times and I got bullied for my art, for my texts, for my attempts creative expression as a whole. I was not one to express verbally already (actual autism, selective mutism), because talking felt unsafe and bullying made that worse. Overtime, artistic and creative expression felt less and less safe.
Until by 15 years of age I got into an abusive relationship and dropped everything. I lost my voice, and what was left of my ability to express myself along with my dignity and self-respect. I just gave up for good on trying to express myself in any way.
Got out of that relationship at 17. Entered another one with an alcoholic, made some attempts at trying to start writing again, on private, password protected journals on a website I won't disclose. Again I was forced to let someone read my stuff and had verbal stones thrown at me. By 19 I left that relationship, and entered another one. Healthier one, but not perfect, still with some toxic traits because nobody is perfect he is unable to understand some things about me and is unaware of others, all he knows is I'm traumatized (got PTSD from the 2 previous relationships), mentally fucked and hard to deal with. [He also has untreated ADHD (which doesn't favor him being able to listen to my long explanations of what's actually going on with me), and a very critical personality (though he means to be constructive, he lacks sense. Both of us think he might be autistic as well as he does identify with it, but he can't focus on learning more about it as he can't for any other psychology or neurodevelopment/neuroscience topic, at least he tried).]
I again tried to recover my interests and means of creative expression through art and stuff, but as a critical designer he'd give his unsolicited opinion and again unknowingly take away my freedom of expression by accident when he was only trying to help, he was unaware on how his comments hit me in a very different way and I was unable to communicate that to him, explain, or make him aware. That relationship ended by unrelated reasons when I was 22, in May. Just over a year ago. It was very hard to deal with the breakup and he remains as my only in-real-life friendship/social interaction other than my mom and occasionally grandparents.
I am currently 23 years old, I want to try to recover/reclaim my life, my voice, my creative power, creative expression, writing, drawing on paper, doing digital art. I started by beginning in oil painting, my paintings are unfinished and have been sitting in my shelves for months now with no new alterations. I feel like writing and I know not what to write about because there is this huge block which is something in between a creative block and a sense of danger/unsafe in my chest.
I feel like drawing on paper but I don't even try all the progress I worked so hard on making in my skills between 12 and 15 was totally lost. I don't know what to draw anymore (nothing comes to mind) and when I try it feels like everything is too ugly. Digital art is even worst. It's worth mentioning I lost any precision I had with a pen or pencil (I also shake a lot due to Anxiety and PTSD). So I decided to focus on other areas of life, started college online in a unrelated subject, while pursuing this technical degree online I'm also trying entrance exams for another university in a totally different bachelor (psychology) to do both at the same time.
I made projects that would suit well this focus on other areas:
Finishing oil paintings.
Reading Tarot/Sibilla/Lenormand professionally.
Teaching English conversation.
I have not taken a single step forward in any of those. It's like I'm petrified into staring at the computer and doing the same things over and over again:
Talking to online friends
Browsing random knowledge
Reading random books
I have lost my capability to organize my life/tasks and move things forward, completely. The only thing I'm moving forward is college which is now on break.
The wish to express myself creatively is calling me constantly, yet the block still stops me. The biggest advance I made towards that is rambling about my personal life in this anonymous page which I'm constantly paranoid about being linked to my identity or figured out by anyone in real life (specially my ex who's my only friend, or the closest I got to one. He has my back in a lot of stuff) for no special reason other than the feeling of unsafe exposure.
I will keep on trying to improve my organization. I will keep on trying to regain my power of self-expression, be it artistic, textual, visual, and even someday verbal! I know this will be a long battle, and any support is welcome since I have no means to express to anyone irl (other than my therapist) that I need that support. I must not give up even if any drawbacks shove me straight back in my isolated cave. I hope someday I'll be able to produce quality art again, in texts or images, and post it here, and eventually somewhere not anonymous. If I get there, I will be proud. I just don't know how to start or what to even try first, but somehow I will figure, wing it! Any advice is welcome. If you read this far, thank you very much for giving so much attention to this fragment of the story of my life, that truly is much appreciated.
Thank you, Tumblr. This is indeed an amazing website.
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“Journaling isn’t for everyone. I try to do it for my therapy, but sometimes it makes me anxious writing out everything. Acknowledging what I am thinking and feeling means I have to deal with it and I’m not always ready for that,” Natalie explained, setting up the canvases. “But with abstract art, you don’t have to explain anything to anyone. You just do whatever you want, whatever you’re drawn to. And only you really know what you’re going through.” She set up the paint and brushes next, laying out a bunch of stuff in the tarp covered empty room. “So we’re just going to throw stuff at the canvas and let it all out.”
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your-thorn · 1 year
Since a whopping 4 people liked my last ♠︎Thorn's Resources♠︎ post, here's another. I adore all of you. This post mentions sensitive topics. Viewer discretion advised.
If you wish to do your own research Positive Psychology does a run down on CBT, it's application, and what it can help.
This all a gross oversimplification of CBT.
I offer a very small stepping stone based on psychology (but shouldn't be a replacement for professional help, for all the legals).
->[{If anything sounds like it would bad for you, don't do it. Often you know what is best for you in your circumstance. Play smarter, not harder.}]<-
Being inclined towards our behaviors like we do offers new challenges when we live life, for example we may not like ourselves or think too highly of ourselves, even body dysmorphia, mania, hallucinations, delusions and tons upon tons of others.
This may help you gather yourself and ground yourself, as it did me. I hope I explained it well enough, if not, please let me know and I'll fix it.
"Soft CBT" (cognitive behavioral therapy)
This is easily done by yourself, but you need to |{keep at it}| don't quit. All you need to do is |{look at your thought or emotion from a third party perspective and really examine it.}|
"I'm so sad x, y, and z happened." Why? Could you use some mourning time? Is it an outburst and you need some time to gather yourself? Is it a pervading thought that makes you sad?
Take some time then. It's okay, you probably need it by now. Being gentle to yourself is #1.
([{Look at it like it isn't even yours and it's some other person's emotions and prescribe a logical approach to ALLEVIATING the problem, you don't need to solve it at that moment, most of the time these things pass.}])
After examining and alleviating, make sure to tell yourself the things you wish could be said to you like "wow, I did it :)" "I was good today." "OOF today wasn't my best, but that's okay." "I'm not responsible for other's feelings, even when I'm the direct result of their feeling."
A part of CBT is positivity gaslighting, so you can see a little more... "clearly" than with a negative spiral.
Example based on my life: an optional read.
"I feel trapped, suicidal, and like I want swallow the whole bottle of benadryl and just croak in my bed."
Why? Well, if I examine it, I just solved my own problem. "I feel trapped" was at the beginning so it might be smart to make myself feel less trapped, ergo I might feel less suicidal and sad all around.
Also while I'm getting my 5 minutes of freedom, I'll also fill my head with happy thoughts and grateful affirmations. ☆It feels like gaslighting ngl☆ and makes my brain feel like it's on fire, but it does work.
I still do feel suicidal but not nearly as much as I used too. I used to feel this way 6 out of 7 days of the week, and now I can gently coast along the days and actually feel happy.
Make your own affirmations and gratefulness mindset so it's appropriate to your life and circumstance. Add some journaling, maybe some art, do what makes you happy.
One of mine happens to be -> "this is just my brain acting up, I was okay and I will be okay when it calms down" and if I'm hallucinating too hard that day and feeling paranoia I'll opt for going outside to hear the birds (even if they're pigeons) -> "the birds are chirping, if anything dangerous was really happening the birds would've stop singing and fly away"
Speaking of birds... it is proven by science that bird song calms humans. Put some bird song on from youtube and leave it on for a bit. Don't like it? Turn it off. Meditate in silence like a monk, it's all legitimate and good.
♡Bless you all, I pray that all of you remain safe, and may many positive manifestations present themselves unto you.♡
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gxbrielle111 · 2 years
Holding on to others' potential is holding you back and limiting YOUR opportunities, blessings, and abundance.
Firstly I wanna say I struggled with this a lot, especially with people I loved. The people who I adored and couldn’t see myself living without so don’t feel bad for yourself because it’s a common thing. But I want the best for you so here are the three main steps to stop doing this.
But first I want to explain what I mean by “holding on to other's potential” and why this is damaging. when I state that phrase. I want you to think of someone in your life, no contact or contact. This person has had chance after chance and could have broken you down multiple times maybe even abused you mentally and/or physically but you love this person you see the potential in them. the potential for them to randomly change, stop the abused, and love you the way you love them. This is unrealistic but I see so many young girls and women going through this. Let’s look at another scenario say you were talking to this person getting to know them and BOOM they ghost you. one day you see them out and about but there is one issue they are out with another person, kissing them and hugging them. you go home sad and instead of collecting yourself together to heal and better yourself from this situation you blow up their phone, think about them 50 times a day and hold on to the potential for them to change and randomly come back to you.
This is extremely draining mentally and physically but also disrespectful to yourself, and your self-esteem and dignity. So let’s go over the three main steps
(1) don’t get too attached (the art of detachment)
The first step to any problem is to reflect on yourself and see where you went wrong so either one it won’t happen again or two if it happens it won’t bother or affect you as much. Holding on to others' potential usually stems from one or more of these things, being an empath, having low self-esteem, identity of self solely based on others, and/or having low self-respect. How to fix these problems? these problems can be fixed by healing techniques such as going to therapy, journaling, and meditation. Another way to avoid this problem is to become your friend, fall in love with yourself, and heal past experiences.
(2) self-love And respect (boundaries, me over anything)
Having self-love and respect would have saved a lot of us from looking like a fool and that’s okay because now we’re bettering ourselves so it won’t happen again. a woman with self-love and respect is powerful, this woman doesn’t take crap from anyone. She always puts herself first and most importantly sets clear boundaries and stands on them. she doesn’t double back on people who disrespect her boundaries because who the fuck do they think they are disrespecting her? She’s powerful and she stands her ground women who fit this example are Lori Harvey, and Naomi Campbell. Once a person especially a man disrespects them they move accordingly. Fuck them people you come first, sis.
(3) realize you aren't a reflection of their actions (can’t change others)
This sounds easy but this step is just as hard as the others honestly might be the hardest. When someone hurts you, abuses you, and disrespects you this is not a reflection of your character but only there’s. You are only responsible for your actions AND what you put up with. Empaths especially struggle with this, you feel their trauma and pain so will sit and be their human punching bag and this needs to stop. Now not only are you not responsible for the actions of others you also can’t change others. if you think you can change hurt men/women you need to check yourself into therapy. You constantly find yourself in abusive relationships where it’s a beat down every night but you stay in hopes of changing them you need to escape and find the nearest therapist to sit down and talk to.
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ies10 · 24 days
Vydehi Institute of Allied Health Sciences Bangalore: Comprehensive Guide
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Vydehi Institute of Allied Health Sciences, Bangalore, is India's leading institute for professional education and training in health sciences. Located in the heart of Bangalore, Videhi has earned a reputation for imparting quality education and training highly qualified medical professionals. In this blog, we will highlight various aspects of the institute, from its academic programs to its facilities, and explain why it stands out as a premier institute in health sciences.
Overview of Vydehi Institute of Allied Health Sciences:
Vydehi Institute of Allied Health Sciences is part of the Vydehi Group of Institutions, which also includes medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing schools, and other medical teaching institutes. The institute is affiliated with Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS), Karnataka, and is recognized by the relevant regulatory authorities. The primary focus of this institute is on comprehensive training in Health Sciences, a key area of ​​healthcare.
Academic Programs:
The institute offers a wide range of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Health Sciences. These programs are designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their respective fields. The main programs offered are:
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT): This degree focuses on the physical rehabilitation of patients and teaches students techniques to help them recover from injuries, surgery, or chronic illnesses.
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Medical Laboratory Technology: In this course, students are trained to carry out a range of clinical tests essential in diagnosing illnesses and diseases.
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Radiation Therapy Technology: This program teaches students how to use radiation to treat cancer and other diseases.
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Anesthesia Technology: Students in this program learn the techniques and equipment used to administer anesthesia during surgery.
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Renal Dialysis Technology: This course focuses on dialysis procedures and trains students to help treat patients with kidney problems.
Each program is structured to provide a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience so students are well-prepared to enter the healthcare industry after graduation.
Faculty and Teaching Methods:
Videhi Institute of Allied Health Sciences has a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty who are experts in their fields. Faculty strive to provide students with a deep understanding of the subject matter and promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Videhi's teaching methodology is student-centered and emphasizes practical training and hands-on experience. This approach ensures that students are not only well-informed but also able to apply that knowledge in real-life situations.
State-of-the-art Facilities:
The institute is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that enhance the learning experience of the students. The key facilities are:
Modern Laboratories: The institute has well-equipped laboratories where students can practice and hone their skills. These labs are essential for courses such as Medical Laboratory Technology and Anaesthesia Technology.
Modern Classrooms: The classrooms are equipped with the latest technology including audio-visual aids that enable effective teaching and learning.
Clinical Training: The institute is affiliated with Videhi Hospital, a multi-specialty hospital that provides valuable clinical experience to the students. This practical training is crucial for students to gain practical experience in interacting with patients and understanding the complexities of healthcare.
Library: The institute has a well-equipped library with an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources that support the academic and research needs of students and faculty.
Student Life and Extra-curricular Activities:
Vydehi Institute of Allied Health Sciences encourages students to participate in extra-curricular activities and events to promote a well-rounded education. The institute organizes various cultural, sports, and academic events throughout the year, providing students an opportunity to showcase their talents and develop their interpersonal skills.
Career Opportunities:
Vydehi Institute of Allied Health Sciences' Career Centre plays a vital role in helping students find employment after graduation. The Institute maintains close ties with various hospitals, clinics, and medical institutions across India and abroad. This network of connections gives students access to numerous employment opportunities in their chosen field. The Career Office also regularly conducts workshops, seminars, and mock interviews to prepare students for the job market.
Why choose the Vydehi Institute of Allied Health Sciences?
Vydehi Institute of Allied Health Sciences stands out for its commitment to impart quality education and training in health sciences. The institute's comprehensive academic programs, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and strong placement support make it an excellent choice for students seeking a career in the medical field.
Moreover, the institute's location in Bangalore, the educational and medical capital of India, gives students the added benefit of being close to some of the best hospitals and medical facilities in the country. Exposure to a vibrant and dynamic medical environment further enhances the learning experience at Vydehi.
In conclusion, Vydehi Institute of Allied Health Sciences, Bangalore is a premier institute that provides students with a solid foundation in health sciences. With a focus on hands-on training, state-of-the-art facilities, and strong placement support, Vydehi empowers students to succeed in the rapidly evolving healthcare industry. Whether you're looking for a career in physical therapy, medical laboratory technology, or another health-related field, Vydehi Institute of Allied Health Sciences provides the education and opportunities you need to succeed.
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ruminate88 · 2 months
Protecting yourself on this healing journey 08/07/24
You try to open up to people and they don’t so much say you’re crazy but they can’t understand or see your wounds. They can’t even see their own wounds. Unless their eyes are opened, no reason to hurt yourself by trying to over explain the past. They don’t understand how impactful words can be.
most people just say what they want out of habit. There is many old sayings that people use every day and they don’t even know what they mean or where they come from. People just talk. They don’t stop to look deeper in between the lines.
You try to explain that you have wounds on the inside still healing. Most people treat you like, “Oh, just get over it.” Yeah so easy when it’s not them hurting. Everyone has their own hurt. You can’t compare and say that one person hurts worse than the other or say someone’s situation is worse or not as bad. Just having compassion in general. I’ve beat my own self up many days and I’m trying not to because it only makes me feel worse. I protect what I say to people who are close to me because they just don’t understand and I don’t wanna give them wrong impressions or make it seem like I am not over Andrew because I still think I wanna be with him. No one understands the hurt Andrew caused me and I can’t explain it well enough to make people understand me.
In general, I never feel fully understood already and so I protect so much of me even without the abuse I endured. People do act like “Oh you gotta heal already. Oh just get over it.” And so, what if it was physical abuse and you could actually see physical scars!?! Then, would people have more understanding?
The more I focus on “it is wounds needing healing” then I feel better it’s completely out of my control: there’s nothing I can magically do or say other than praying AND journaling. I’ve tried to look into therapy but NOTHING is free. 😕 that’s ok I’m praying about that too.
I do think I’ve come a long way in the last year and learned a lot too about myself and the past. I’m still learning every day and even on days when I felt completely stuck or overwhelmed, I did beat myself up but I always seem to come out of it. Just having to be patient and realize that even though it’s hard not to wanna talk to people about what I went through, accepting that not everyone understands or gets it. Unless they’ve been through it or have an open mind.
As smart as people in my circle are, it’s still a lot of unseen things they can’t help me with. The abuse was unseen, the wounds are unseen and so is the emotional barriers. They aren’t in my head or heart but God is and he has been working with me. Even last Sunday the message I heard was very deep and personal for me ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 it lets me know I am truly not alone in this fight and that I’m gonna be ok.
making music has been a great and safe way to release the trauma too ❤️❤️❤️ I highly recommend to anyone who has been through any kind of emotional abuse to write about it in some art form. It’s expressive and makes you feel more free!! One day at a time too seems to be the only way to make it through this healing space but I’m always learning and growing and that won’t ever stop. I’ll never forget Andrew or Cody. They’ll always be a part of my story even when I do finally stop writing about them. Forgiving them is freeing but doesn’t instantly take away the hurt they caused. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 it’s taken me more time than I’ve wanted it to but it’s not over!!
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