#mental health guide
jannwrites · 2 months
Alternative readings for The Body Keeps the Score
hi, i'm a practicing mental health therapist and a writer here on tumblr dot com. the body keeps the score by dr. bessel van der kolk has a couple issues with it, primarily in the author's very much cishet male eurocentric approach to trauma and the graphic nature of the book. here's a list of some books about trauma that i've found preferable to the body keeps the score in addressing trauma and how the body holds onto trauma. i've included pdf links for ones i could find:
HEALING TRAUMA by peter a. levine. this one is a far less denser read than the body keeps the score while still providing solid education on trauma symptomatology. it even comes with mp3 access to exercises to address somatic symptoms.
MY GRANDMOTHER'S HANDS by resmaa menakem. this one discusses how racism in america is ingrained in our society and how intergenerational racial trauma is ingrained in our bodies.
INFLAMED by rupa marya & raj patel. this was written in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the structural injustices in medicine that caused so many racial disparities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and how trauma caused by our political systems affect the different systems of the body.
THE POLITICS OF TRAUMA: SOMATICS, HEALING, & SOCIAL JUSTICE by staci haines. a great read on how trauma is not just an individual problem but a societal problem, and how to integrate trauma work into society at large.
TRAUMA & RECOVERY by judith l. herman. this is a classic in the therapy field and really set the tone for our modern approaches to trauma treatment. the pdf linked is the first edition of the book but it has since been updated as we learn more about complex trauma.
THE BODY NEVER LIES: THE LINGERING EFFECTS OF CRUEL PARENTING by alice miller. what it says on the tin: this book covers the effects of trauma inflicted by parents on the body and the brain.
cheers, and happy reading!
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myblackgirlera · 1 year
Mental Health Toolkit at Workplace: A Guide for Young Adults
Hey there, beautiful souls! Let’s chat about something close to my heart: mental health. It’s like that silent friend, always there, influencing our every move, especially in our 9-to-5 grind. As our work world keeps changing (and boy, does it change fast!), it’s high time we truly develop our mental health toolkit. It’s not just about ticking off tasks or getting that promotion; it’s about the…
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healthmonastery · 1 year
Prioritizing Mental Health: A Pathway to Personal Well-being
In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, mental health has become an increasingly vital aspect of overall well-being. The recognition and understanding of mental health have evolved significantly, shedding light on the importance of mental well-being in leading a fulfilling and balanced life. In this article, we will explore the significance of mental health, common mental health challenges,…
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agirlwithglam · 4 months
🎀 The It Girl Lifestyle Guide 🎀
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hi girlies! this guide is a part of the big series: The Ultimate It-Girlism Guide. in this mini guide i'll be including all things health, morning/nighttime routines, and more!
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How to create your ideal morning / night / any other routine:
Here’s a mini step by step guide to curating a routine that works specifically for YOU, tailored to your own needs and wants. This can be for any routine u wanna create: morning, night, after school, after work, before school/ work, etc etc.
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Apps / things needed:
ChatGPT (or an AI like that- it’s not completely necessary but it’s useful)
Notes app / docs app. (Or a pen and paper- this will be to write down the routine!)
Calendar app (optional tbh)
Ok so first off: decide what you want in your routine. Make a list in no particular order of what you need/ want in the routine.
Some examples:
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Once you’ve created this list, you’re pretty much half way done. In this next part you can use chat GPT to make it easier, or use your own mind.
The next thing to do is: ask chatGPT to make a routine with the steps u wanted.
Make sure to mention what time your routine starts and ends. And if there’s anything you want to change, you can just ask the AI or make those changes yourself!
The last step is to write it down!
You can either write it down on the notes app, docs, on a journal/ piece of paper, anything that’s easily accessible to you. I heavily recommend writing it down somewhere, but if you dont want to you can…
Put it into your calander. This can help you be a bit more organised, but it’s not completely needed. As long as it’s written down somewhere- so you dont need to always remember it- you’re good.
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Health and wellness
In this section, i will be talking about fitness, mental health and physical health. I will mention some useful tips to finally start, how to overcome procrastination, and how to take care of that area of your body.
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Numero uno: fitness! I’m not going to go yapping on about how fitness is so important- im assuming you all know that by now. But let me just remind you that staying fit is not only exercising or going to the gym everyday. It can be: running, going for a walk, playing a sport, yoga, pilates, dancing, cycling, and THE LIST GOES ON. DO anything that moves your body and gets you fit!
Here are some tips to help you get started:
Start small. Set small goals first. Set SMART goals
Choose the activities you enjoy. Like i mentioned earlier, there’s tons of ways to stay fit- cycling, running, swimming, yoga, dance, sports, etc. etc. (if you like, joining a class or working out with friends can help you stay motivated!)
Stay consistent. I know i know, this is said everywhere. But there is no progress without consistency. Even if you can’t do a whole workout one day, try and do 10 jumping jacks, or 5 pushups. Do whatever you can. Remember: 1% is better than 0.
Create a vision board. You can create one yourself, or find tons of them off Pinterest. Vision boards will make the process so much more fun and will certainly motivate you.
Set a reward system. Tell yourself: if you do this high intensity workout now, you can go to the spa later or watch tv.
Find a why. This goes for like everything tbh. If your why is big enough, you are capable of doing anything (even finding that lost book that you owe the library!) basically, are you doing this to get ripped? With tons of abs, or to get strong and impress people? Or are you doing this to boost your self esteem and improve your health?
Balanced diet: eat the rainbow! Meaning- eat meals with a variety of different colours. Fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. it’s completely alright to eat a chocolate, but remember: EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.
Hydration: aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day. Trust me, drinking the magical potion that is water will help you SO much! It can help you clear your skin, have pink uncrusty lips, keep you fit and soooo much more.
Mindful eating: in the book IKIGAI it is said that you should only eat until you’re 80% full. Not 100%. Why? Because the time it takes for you to digest the food will have already made you extremely full. You may even have a stomachache. Studies also show that cutting back on calories can lead to better heart health, longevity, and weight loss.
Here are some tips to manage cravings:
Find healthier alternatives. If you are craving something sweet like chocolate, have something like a sweet fruit. If you crave something salty, try nuts. If you can’t think of any, search up some healthier alternatives to it!
Create more friction for junk, and less friction for healthy. This concept was said in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. What does it mean? Make sure that it takes a lot of energy to get the unhealthy junk food. Maybe keep them high up in a cupboard so whenever you want it you have to go get a ladder, climb up, and then get it. And keep the healthy food in easy reach. Like some fruits open on a table, etc. (also remember to keep some actually yummy healthy food like Greek yogurt or protein bars.)
Distract yourself. Go do a workout or engage your mind in a hobby that you enjoy. Basically take your mind off food.
Yummy water. Make some lemonade for yourself. Or perhaps add slices of lemon, cucumber, mint or strawberries to it for some flavours. I’d do some research on this cus i know that some combos can rly help for things like clearing your skin, boosting energy, etc.
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. It affects how we think, feel and act and also determines how we handle stress, relate to others, relationships, etc.
Of course there will be ups and downs for our mental health. It’s not something that you can just fix once and it’ll be good forever. No, it’s a rollercoaster. But having a “good” mental health is really important for a successful lifestyle.
Here are some tips to help you improve your mental health:
Meditation / deep breathing. I can’t emphasise how important this is. Even 1-2 minutes a day is good. Start small. You dont even need to be sitting crossed legged for this. Whether you’re in class, on a vehicle or in a stressful situation; just breathe. Take a deep breath, and out. Do it right now.
Journalling. Write. It. Out. Writing your problems and worries out is SOO therapeutic, especially when you want to calm down. There are SO MANY benefits to journalling. But remember that once you’ve ranted on the paper, tear it, rip it, and watch it burn. (Don’t keep a journal for this unless you KNOW 150% that no ones ever gonna read it. Trust me, it’s terrifying knowing that someone’s read that.) other things you can do is create a gratitude journal, so whenever you’re feeling low you can just go to it or write in it.
Self careee!! Create time for self care in your week. Because if you do that, it’s gonna be that one thing which you’ll be looking forward to each week, which will make life SO much more fun and bearable. For me, my forms of self care are watching thewizardliz or tam Kaur, reading, watching a movie at night, etc.
POSITIVE. SELF. TALK. Need i say more? What you say to yourself, is what you believe. And what you believe reflects in your external life.
Sing your heart out to Olivia Rodrigo. I swear this is actually so calming and therapeutic. Basically: express your feelings. If you’re angry at someone, feeling grief or really hurt by someone, screaming to Olivia Rodrigo songs in my bedroom is my go-to (i just make sure not to do it when others can here hehe). You can punch your pillow, scream, cry, etc.
Remember honey: this too will pass. Repeat that over in your head. This will pass. This will pass. This will pass. I know you may be going through the toughest time ever, but this too will pass. Nothing is forever. You’ve gotten through so much worse. You’ve got this.
!! Girls, please remember that these are just some tips. I am NOT a professional. If you really feel horrible every single day, go to therapy or counselling. Also contact mental health hotlines or emergency numbers if needed.
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Mkay thats it! I hope this was of some value to you, and stay tuned for the next guide in the it girl series!
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forestpixies · 6 months
no actually you’re either gentle parenting your child or you’re being emotionally and/or physically abusive to them, whether or not you’re aware of that.
because the term gentle parenting already includes discipline and teaching your kid right from wrong. gentle parenting doesn’t mean you can’t tell your kid no. it means you can tell them no when they do something they shouldn’t, but instead of punishing or yelling at them, you’re explaining and giving them reasons why they can’t do that, you are helping them learn and encouraging them to be better. gentle parenting means you’re using reasons built on mutual respect instead of anger. because yes, no matter how young your child is, they deserve respect too.
I’m sorry but most of the times when someone says they’re a strict parent, what it means is that they give their child childhood trauma that’ll last a lifetime, whether or not they’re aware of it. especially parents who brag to other people about how strict they are and how they punished their children.
and I’m sorry but saying you have a short temper is never an excuse to be emotionally and/or physically abusive towards your kid either.
“I yelled at you because I have a short temper” then why am I the one suffering? if you can’t control your anger, then get help. work on it. do better. be better.
also… your child standing up for themself against you, when you’re being abusive to them, isn’t them being disrespectful towards you. it means they are defending themself because you wouldn’t do that for them and so they had to step in and be their own protector.
if you’re a parent and can defend and stand up for yourself when you feel like you need to, but at the same time punish your kid when they stand up for themself against you, then you are the problem.
I was that child and I’m gonna make it as simple as I can for any parent out there — because no kid deserves to go through what I went through — imagine yourself owning a dog. really. you can either
a.) beat that dog whenever they do something wrong and simply take your anger out on them until they’re fully submissive and are terrified of you
b.) train them with love and gentleness and earn their love and loyalty in return
now imagine both A and B dogs on leashes and imagine them no longer being on leashes one day. which dog do you think will run away as far as they can and never look back, and which one do you think will stay because they love and want to be with their owner?
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slfcare · 2 years
Let your bad thoughts be bad thoughts and your bad feelings be bad feelings. Let "I feel so worthless right now" turn into "I want to do something that'll make me feel better" instead of "the fact that I feel worthless must mean that I am". There is so much power in actively refusing to tie negativity to the way you see yourself, without ignoring it altogether.
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cheekydimplesblog · 2 years
What Is Art Journal Therapy: Explained In Simple Terms
What Is Art Journal Therapy: Explained In Simple Terms
Art journal therapy is a therapeutic approach that involves using creative expression and the process of making art to explore and process emotions, thoughts, and experiences. It is a form of self-care that allows individuals to express themselves in a safe and private space, using art as a means of communication and self-discovery. Art journal therapy can be used by people of all ages and…
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
ADHD Guid:
Difficulty Winding Down and Relaxing
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Future ADHD
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
20 Ways To Know You Are Healing ❤️‍🩹✨
You start feeling more positive and hopeful about life and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones naturally.
You become more aware of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors and can rationalize them without letting yourself get consumed with emotion.
Even though you might still feel upset sometimes, your feelings don't overwhelm you like before.
Your sleep gets better, and you wake up feeling more rested.
Instead of getting upset, you find better ways to handle problems.
Things that used to trigger you before bother you less now.
You have more energy and feel less tired.
You start taking better care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally and these activities start to become more natural.
You become interested in hobbies and things you used to enjoy again.
You have better relationships and get along with people more easily.
You're okay with your past and mistakes you made.
You set and enforce healthy boundaries and can say no when something makes you uncomfortable.
If stress made you feel sick, those feelings start to go away.
It's easier to stop being mad at people and things.
You learn new things and adapting to new perspectives and ways of thinking.
You're less worried and more secure about things.
You argue less and get along better with people.
You might notice your body feels better and stronger.
You're more open to doing things you haven't done before.
You find yourself laughing and enjoying fun moments again.
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How to feel alive/stop being bored out of your mind, a guide for losers
jump on your bed, write something teeny tiny on the walls, break a small rule
get a dollar worth of pennies and write lucky on them and drop one or two at places you go
bury something small that you like in a place you feel safe
make a small bracelet/anklet, even if its just a piece of sting and never take it off
take a really really cold shower
go star gazing/look at the moon
write a letter to your past/future self
write bad poetry/nice messages and tuck it into books at the library
sit and listen to a song that was your favorite four or five years ago, don't do anything else but sit and listen to it
make a trash journal. Get a cheap notebook and write down EVERYTHING in there, carry it around with you. It will help you figure out who you are/remind you that you are a person.
when was the last time you felt alive? Like really alive? If you remember, write it down in as much detail as you can. If you don't know, write down a time you were happy or very angry. Honestly, any strong emotion will work.
create a bad drawing, like kindergartener level. If you want, fold it up and stick it onto your fridge.
block that person
tell someone how much you appreciate them
put old things you don't need anymore in a box, write take care of it on top, and leave it somewhere
write positive graffiti in public restroom stalls
bake bread
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221bluescarf · 9 months
My Psychosis Survival Guide
Things from my coping box that might benefit you too. Like any other skill, many of these things can be used to help any other mental health problem. This is just my own list of things I use in addition to seeing my pdoc and taking my meds:
Grounding is my first and most effective coping skill. Among the skills in the grounding category, coloring and doodling are my favorites (bonus if you can color-in doodles you've made yourself) but any art will do, like painting or making collages.
This can distract you from hallucinations and keep your mind occupied to stop dwelling on paranoid or delusional thoughts. Art therapy is known to reduce anxiety and depression too, which is common with psychotic disorders.
Instrumental music
LoFi is my favorite. Something calming can reduce anxiety and help you rest or sleep, which is good for a brain bombarded with the psychotic experience. Lyrics can sometimes trigger unwanted thoughts and some people even find that the lyrics change and suddenly have special meaning, so this is avoided with instrumental music.
Some LoFi music has other sound effects which can help auditory hallucinations to blend in and be less intrusive. Cafe vlogs are excellent for this, as they have a background of people talking and kitchen appliances being used which disguise mild and pesky hallucinations.
It can be Silly Putty, Thinking Putty, or whatever you can find. Some of them change colors, some of them are even scented. This is excellent grounding. It involves your senses and you can completely turn off your brain and just play with it in your hands. It's also great as a fidget tool.
Letters to yourself
Writing letters to yourself while you're in a good and healthy mindset can be valuable to look back on while in a psychotic episode. Give yourself a pep talk. Remind yourself that this is real life, remind yourself of why these thoughts are irrational and why you really can trust your friends and family, etc.
I find it useful to write about past delusions, so that when similar ones happen, I have "proof" that this is unreasonable and I'm less likely to fall for it (nothing is perfect. sometimes I'll still believe the delusion despite everything, but it helps)
A list of people who can help
Keep a list of friends or family who are aware of your diagnosis and who are ready to help you if you're struggling. Keep the numbers to these people in case you chuck your phone. Also include the numbers to your doctor, therapist, social worker, or anyone else you may need to reach when you're unable to use your own phone. (It's also good to have these listed in case you get hospitalized and are unable to have your phone)
Also if you're dealing with paranoia around your phone, some people find it comforting to use WhatsApp because it's encrypted unlike text messages.
I hope these are helpful
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audreys-diaryy · 4 months
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Digital detox checklist 📱
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Delete old emails
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Organize desktop icons
Delete unused apps
Sort through photos (albums)
Delete photos
Remove unused bookmarks
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Clean out ‘downloads’ folder
Unfollow inactive/social media accounts you don’t like anymore
Delete unnecessary phone contacts
Update contact info
Clean up music playlists
Update apps
Delete unwanted ‘notes’
Review unchecked notifications
Delete tabs from google or safari
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angel-dustblgs · 27 days
⎯⎯ ౨ৎ To live in the countryside ౨ৎ⎯⎯⎯
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agirlwithglam · 4 months
💌✨💗 The ULTIMATE It-girlism Guide: 💗✨💌
(for ages 12-15 mainly)
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Hiii pretty girls! Welcome to a new guide: IT-GIRLING 101. It’s time we stop accepting a mediacore life with terrible treatments and up level to your greatest, most loved, most best potential. In this master guide, there will be tips on school/ academics, style, lifestyle/ daily routine, habits, socialising, confidence, mindset, you name it! AND this is specifically tailored for people who are in their early teens <3 (also make sure to check out my youtube channel: iamvanillaangel for more tips!) without further ado, lets begin!
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🎀 The It Girl Lifestyle Guide: morning routines, nighttime routines, daily routines/ planning, etc.
👠 The It Girl Confidence Guide: confidence & self love tips/ advice.
📚 The Student It Girl Guide: study tips, conquering school, and academics!
⭐️ The It Girl Mindset: full of mindset shifts/ tips.
🗣The It Girl Guide to Socialising: convo tips & tricks, how to effortlessly make people like you.
🌸 Personal It Girl Guide: personal style tips, hobbies, habits, etc.
also btw in each of these i'll try to add/ recommend an article / book/ youtuber to read or watch relevant to the mini guide.
Stay tuned for the posts!
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Found
After some thinking I decided to write this little thing :3
I was thinking between this drabble and one that was about Dream and decided to go for this one.
Mostly because the timing for later in the series is just so much FUNNIER if this one is done first. (you guys will understand later)
First Drabble and original prompt by @spotaus Prev Drabble Next Drabble
No beta and no edits. We jsut going.
Killer sighs as he rubs the sweat of his skull. You would think it is cooler now than the summer but it hardly matters when you are physically active.
Ugh. He hates cleaning duty.
Still he looks around the area he is cleaning up and grins proudly. They had realised that the decliding cliff was facing the south meaning it had so many sun hours.
Horror had offered they could grow grapes using the cliff side and because those where plants that liked to climb up they could use the vertical area to create more space!
Also leaving the flat area for them to do soemthing else with. Killer had been thinking about trying to convince the others to agree to animals but he may need to plead a bit more for that idea.
Still he looks over at Cross nad Horror, both are setting up trellises along the side to help start to grow. All preparation work for their first season of course.
Tehy hadn't quite decided what they would make of the grapes, maybe even just sell the grapes themselves. But they will figure it out. Killer had offered the obvious wine but he hadn't been too excited about it himself. Seemed like a bad idea to make wine when you have a babybones running around.
Even so. Tehy aren't in a hurry. They first need to manage to grow some to begin with.
Killer stretches his limbs when he hears a strange sizzle. Killer blinks and looks back up the side of the cliff before looking at Cross and Horror confused. Both looking up themselves as they no doubt heard it as well.
They assend their, newly repaired, stairs and get to their normal area. It looks fine but Dust is also out and looking around wiht a frown on his face.
Killer gets to his side "Ngihtmare?"
Dust hums "in the nest. Sleeping with his bat." he looks around again and shoots Killer a look "sound?"
Killer shrugs, he has no idea. Cross shoots upright as he looks up "oh no..."
Killer looks up himself and feels himself freeze. becuase he knows those glitching effects. The sizzling gets louder and with the sound of ripping fabric the very universe opens up.
Moment later a figure they all know appears.
Error blinks as he looks around before spotting them. He huffs annoyed "hello abominations. I am looking for your boss." he looks around and frowns "Why are you in this dump?"
Killer freezes. Waht do they do?! Normally it was Nightmare who contacted Error about things he wanted or shifts or jobs or anything. Error coming to them?! Unusual! Also! How the fuck?!
Killer huffs as he crosses his arms "We are busy. How did you even find us here?" Did they leave traces? Did they mess up? Do they still need to move around again?!
Error looks smug as he jumps down from the roof and lands in front of them soundlessly "I obviously looked into the code of the multiverse, antivoid and void."
Killer feels a part of him relax. While most of them can in someway check a universe's code. Checking the code of the multiverse itself is a skill only Error can reliably do.
Error looks very annoyed as he crosses his arms "Do you ahve any idea how long it took me to find you? It is so annoying! Now. I got to talk business with nightmare. Where is that octopus?" he looks around.
Dust growls and glares at him "leave."
Error blinks and tilts his skull "Since when do you talk?"
Dust keeps glaring "Nightmare doesn't want to see you. Leave. You are not welcome."
Killer must admit Dust has guts but also Dust not the time!
Killer tries to nudge Dust further back but Dust refuses to move from his spot. Oh shit.
Error glares at Dust "You dare try and get in my way? The destroyer!?" he chackles as he raises a hand. Strings slowly appearing in the air "I will show you what happens if you do. Now. How about you-"
Killer feels his skull freeze as he looks at the door. Oh no.
Error frowns and turns before looking confused at Nightmare. A large error sign in Error's sockets as he just stands there frozen. Nightmare doesn't say a word but just keeps looking at the other god.
Error blinks and slowly turns to Killer and points over his shoulder "you abominations made a tiny abomination?" Error looks utterly confused.
Killer almost wants to laugh at that notion but he just isn't sure what to say. What can he say to make Error leave them be? More importantly what can he say that would keep Error from telling everyone about what he saw here? Where could they even go if Error can just check the code of the multiverse to find them!?
Before Killer cna say anything else Nightmare takes a step closer. A very panicked sound leaves Cross before he just sprints by Error to stand between him and Nightmare. Keepign his arms spread in front of Nightmare as a living shield.
Error frowns at him and studies Nightmare.
Nightmare gulps before he has that same tiny grumpy stubborn look on his face that Killer just adores. Nightmare huffs as he crosses his arms "What? I thought you wanted to talk?"
Error stares and then he takes a step back "what the fuck?"
Killer mutters it before he cans top himself "language" look they all had just been trying to fix their own cursing a bit but it is habit for all of them.
Error dismisses him as he takes a step closer. Cross summons a weapon and growls at Error "Not a step closer. you can talk from a distance."
Error rubs his sockets. Stares at Nightmare. Rubs his sockets again. Stares at Nightmare again. Then he calls up the code screen for this universe. Looks at Nightmare again. the he looks at Killer and just mutters "What?"
Well would you look at that. Aparently even the destroyer hadn't seen everything in the multiverse.
Dust takes this chance to get to Ngihtmare as well and pick him up. he huffs "What is wrong? You are acting like you have never seen a child before."
Error stands there before waving at Nightmare "That is Ngihtmare! The Nightmare?!"
Horror just crosses his arms and raises a brow "so?"
Error blinks and the error messages around him get a bit worse before he waves at Ngihtmare again "So!? Since when is he a child?!"
Killer grins himself even if his soul pulses quickly. He makes a show of leaning against one of their new fenches "I mean. For a while now. Since his birth. Then again his age was frozen when he corrupted so..." he shrugs.
Error stares at him "No?! He wasn't a child?! He was... You know! Adult? dripping goop and tentacles?! Remind you of anything?!"
Killer raises a brow and shrgus "yeah. Turns out? Not an adult. Just a babybones with magical god apples making a corruption shield around him and temporarily giving him the body he needed to do his god thing." Killer figures it is fine to tell Error. Error will be able to find out anyway and honestly they don't need Error being mad at them for lying.
Error stares at him. Looks back at Ngihtmare. then looks back at Killer for a moment "you aren't shitting me? You are fucking serious?"
Killer sends him a look "dude. seriously. there is a six year old here. Try to not swear." he shrugs and walks over to join Cross and Dust, and Horror for that matter. Killer continues speaking as he walks "It is hardly needed to curse the whole time."
Nightmare shoots him a look and mutters "hypocrit."
Killer grins "you know my tiny boss!" he grins and pokes the tiny cheek. Nightmare looks away embarresed and flustered. mh... weird.. normally he doesn't mind the poking...
Error frowns as he looks to the side before looking at Nightmare "So what now? No goop?"
Ngihtmare glances at Error for a moment before nodding. It takes him a bit to find the right words. Nightmare still speaks softly but with how quiet it is his voice still seems loud "I... I am sitll a god... I think... Just not of balance anymore. I can't do stuff with that anymore..."
Error stares at them for a moment. looks around the area. Then looks down thinking. there is a small loading bar showing his thought process.
It hits full and he straightens "well... I am leaving." he turns to the side adn starts to mess with a coding window again.
Killer frowns "That is it?!"
Error pauses and shrgus "obviously? I was looking for Nightmare, you know, king of negativity and god of balance and all that sh-... stuff..." he glances at them before looking back at the window "Nightmare isn't that anymore. So I will have to figure something else out."
Cross looks anxious as he steps forwards "No one can know! If they know...." he rubs his hands "Just... please..."
Error pauses again and shrugs "Don't see the point in sharing. After all. He isn't the god of negativity. And when people ask about him they want to find the gooped up bas- guy who had all powerful magic and abilities... Why give them the location of a child and his group of babysitters?" and Error disappears through a portal.
A long silence.
They... are fine?
That... that was pretty much him saying he wouldn't tell anyone right?
Like... They are good?
Killer glances at the others and they all share slightly unsure looks. Nightmare however looks at where Error disappeared.
Nightmare just stares before getting a very tiny grin as he hides his face a bit and mutters "he is cool..."
Killer freezes. Nightmare's tiny blush. the embarresment. the way he tried to looks tough and controlled and cool... before when Ngihtamre always searched Error out. The fact Nightmare was always very willing and easy about helping Error even if it hardly helped his own goal.
No absolutely not!
Killer turns to Nightmare and makes him look at him. Ngihtmare huffs and looks annoyed while Killer stares at him "No."
Dust shoots him a look "Killer what are you even saying-"
Killer continues as he stares at Nightmare "No. No crushing on Error. I don't care he is technically the only other god who was nice to you or was understanding about your work. You are not allowed to have a crush on him. He is dangerous and crazy and you can do so much better."
Ngihtamre has a lsightly panicked look on his face as he looks away and mutters "I don't... he is jsut..."
Cross blinks before laughing "Killer calm down. It is just a little crush. Kids have those all the time."
Killer shakes his skull "Nightmare will evnetually grow up again!" may take them ages or not. Hell they don't know how gods grow up but still! Killer isn't allowing it! No way! He looks back at Ngihtmare "You are too young and too tiny to even think about liking others like that so stop that. And even if you do start thinking like that WHEN you are an apropriate age! You aren't allowed to like him because he is crazy and you deserve so much better!"
Horror chuckles "what is the appropriate age?"
Killer's mind blanks before he answers "When he is thirty! Physically! AT LEAST!" and even then Killer isn't sure about it.
Cross snorts "you aren't even thirty... physically."
Killer huffs "And I am a bad example. We don't do what i do." he stares at Ngihtmare.
Nightmare just looks down embarresed before pushign his face back into Dust's shoulder.
Killer will accept that answer for now. But maybe he will need to look through the stuff they have. Clearly no romance novels or movies are allowed anymore. He will have to check it all. Honestly what are those people thinking?! Showing romance to such young minds!
Cross snorts and leans closer to Dust "Somehow I did not expect Killer to be the anti-date parent. Yet here we are."
Dust hums "same. expected it to be me."
Horror chuckles as he leads them back inside.
They still remain watchful and pack some emergancy bags. If they notice even the tiniest sign that their location is compromised they are leaving. They give Crop and update and ask him to watch out as well.
Nothing happens.
Not even a peep.
days go by and they slowly start to relax and get into their own rhythm again. Cleaning and repairing stuff. Getting ready for the next spring and talking with some town folk.
Today is a day that Killer, Dust and Nightmare are just laying in their nest watching an old western movie on the repaired tv, thank you Dust.
It is nice and calm untill.
Killer shoots upright and a small portal opens up. only for a black skeleton hand to drop something through it before it closes again.
It had fallen right in Nightmare's lap and Ngihtmare blinks confused at the small hastly packed present.
Dust looks over his shoulder and a check later and it seems fine. Dust nudges Nightmare and Nightmare first opens the small card.
Killer leans close and reads wiht them.
It is just a card saying 'so he knows which side to aim towards when he grows up.'. Which, weird.
Nightmare blinks at it before opening the present and he lets out a tiny gasp.
Killer stares as he sees a small woolen doll octopus. It is bright purple with a tiny grumpy face on it.
Nightmare feels the plush carefully as he stares at it with pure awe. A tiny purr starts to leave their baby bones.
Killer is going to have to make plans in advance to make sure that WHEN Nightmare is a teen he doesn't try and hang out with Error. Killer will also have to figure out how to successfully threaten a god.
On his 'to do' list it goes.
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Also Also
Error finds them
gang: *panic*
Error leaves again because whatever but leaves a little plush for Nightmare.
Gang: ... okay.
Nightmare hugging the plush: I did always think he was real cool... *slightly wishful stare*
Killer realises baby has a first crush: ... *PANIC TIMES FIVE* absolutely not!
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