#Aspect Lux
austinausten · 2 years
Lavender Sticks in My Mind or Maggie Got Married!
Almost 3 months later, here's my recap of my wedding.
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been posting fic. btw.
first two feature the wachumeqimeqi bun boys bc they immediately took residence in my brain so i glued them to shayun, but so far the rest are oc-centric and pre-dt
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axellis · 28 days
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oneiricazalea · 9 months
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005 // Adhenu
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noxianwilled · 1 year
in lor lux saying she knew she couldn't trust kat and kat's reply being "i could've told you that"
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ofaither · 1 year
anyone want a tag on this scene
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riddlerosehearts · 5 months
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ever since vil's luxe couture groovy was first revealed i have not been able to stop thinking about how much i love him and the way his relationship with gender is written and treated by the narrative. the way that he's a gnc man who refuses to be seen without makeup on, who uses an extremely feminine personal pronoun in japanese ("atashi") and it isn't treated like an unusual thing or a joke. the way he admires the fairest queen, wants to be beautiful like she was and has such an immense amount of pride and confidence in his physical beauty. and then literally not one person in the whole story calls vil's masculinity into question except for epel, who gets told by vil that his views on gender roles and of men doing "feminine" things are backwards and archaic, and ends up having a whole arc where he learns that he was wrong and comes to see his own naturally cute and feminine appearance as a strength!
and then the fact that the narrative doesn't just treat vil normally as a gnc man but also actively celebrates him by having him be such a massive, world-famous celebrity who's so respected and loved?? he's a movie star, he's a model with a record number of runway appearances, he's an influencer who has 5 million magicam followers, if he advertises a product it flies off the shelves. in his dorm uniform vignette an international fashion magazine--which is specifically known for being the first to feature vil on its cover--is coming to interview the pomefiore students for an article on their pursuit of beauty, and the interviewer tells vil that he looks like the fairest queen reborn! and that's how he wants to be seen and is an entirely positive thing!! and with vil being so famous throughout twisted wonderland there will be kids and teens, most certainly including gnc and trans kids, who will look up to him and hear him publicly say things like how there's no such thing as something being just "for girls" or "for boys" and that men shouldn't be ashamed of doing feminine dance moves or wearing certain kinds of clothing. kids who will feel empowered because the vil schoenheit said they could be both beautiful and strong.
idk, it's just, in a lot of other stories i'd expect vil to struggle more because of the way he presents himself and to be treated in a more comedic way because of it. but instead he's a very important and well-developed character who's incredibly successful and confident, who isn't the slightest bit a joke or comic relief character and in fact is one of the most responsible and mature in the whole cast, whose struggles are mostly unrelated to his gender presentation but who gets to defend his right to be happy just the way he is when someone does look down on him for it, and who at least in my opinion gets some of the prettiest cards in the whole game. he is such a cool and unique character and i love him so much and find this aspect of how he's written to be so empowering and refreshing.
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tapis rouge groovies + new rhythmic/twistune ✨
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***Spoilers below the cut!!***
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Ooooh!! As usual, Vil is striking a model-esque pose and showing off not only his own looks, but the best aspects of the ensemble he’s wearing. (If his outfit looks different than how you remembered, it's because Vil gets new sleeves and a cape added on in part 4:)
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I like how the lights behind him and on his face are so bright, yet the shot is framed darkly since we’re looking from his shadowed side. It makes Vil look so mysterious!!
He’s holding up a black piece of cloth that seems to glitter; I believe this is “Black of Night”, the signature color of the high fashion house, Luxe, that prepared his and the other NRC boys’ customized outfits. (The name of the color is a reference to an ingredient in the potion the Evil Queen makes to turn into an old lady.) It’s iconic, and only Luxe knows the secrets behind achieving the color of this dye. Many celebrities wear certain brands on the red carpet as free advertisement for the brands they wear, so this makes sense for Vil to be doing as well.
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JAMIL 😳 I feel like both he and Azul are helped out a lot by moving in their outfits; the in-game models are a little too stiff-looking to fully convey the elegance of these particular looks. Jamil’s braids are so pretty here, they flow in the wind with such grace!! His expression is also nice, he’s giving the camera a cheeky little smirk from the side…
The shot’s composition is pretty interesting too! Jamil sort of has his arms spread out and his back revealed, and Vil, in front of him, is blocked out by an onlooker/reporter’s elbow. It gives off the impression of Jamil both showing off his coat while also playing bodyguard to Vil. Jamil is a trained bodyguard and can be protective, so… very fitting! Even moreso since Jamil was the card paired with Vil on the limited banner.
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Another outfit helped by movement!! You can see how the tailcoats trail behind him and how his jacket’s wide sleeves actually pull/bunch back to allow the green sleeves of his undershirt come out. The light being so prominent on him also highlights his golden frames very well; it’s usually hard to spot small details like this from the model itself so I’m glad we can better appreciate it here!
I love how Azul is soaking up the attention and making the most of it (as opposed to Jamil, who seems to be playing it cool and serious). Smiling and winking for the crowd… Azul stans eating good www He’s even in his usual “poor unfortunate soul, please allow me to assist you” pose 😂 Reeeeeally trying to paint himself in rbe most flattering way possible, eh??
We can see Vil’s head and Jamil’s pants + shoes here. Vil’s the SSR and the star of the show so of course he won’t be left out! Jamil is the other card on the banner that goes with Vil. You can tell it’s Jamil because of the long coat and baggy pants; his shoes are white but appear darker in this illustration probably because of the shadow over them. Ace is not high enough in rarity to cameo in other Groovies/j
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Note: Ace is the R card, so his illustration does not change significantly. A shame, really. I like his look the best in this batch 😔 It would have been fun to see what an interpretation on an Ace Groovy would have been!
There is a second rhythmic/twistune that features Vil and co. strutting down the red carpet! There are many cute details in it, such as Vil interacting with his fans by taking selfies with them, giving his signature, and speaking with a reporter.
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Jamil and Azul play their parts as "huntsmen" to the Fairest Queen by bringing Vil boxes akin to the one that was meant to contain Snow White's heart.
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When Jamil presents Vil with the first box, Vil pulls out his poison apple luxury bag. Then a fog of green covers the screen and when it fades away, Vil is in his new sleeves and cape combo.
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Here he is, posing glamorously for the camera! The others do their best to show him off too. (fhbalifiyabifeab Azul is really doing his best to present Vil...)
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At the very end, Azul and Ace step up to help Vil with final makeup touch-ups. Jamil seems to spritz him with some perfume too! Then Vil finally ascends to his rightful place up high!! Such a triumphant ending for a super fun rhythmic 🥺
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cannedpickledpeaches · 5 months
Insert Your Name (11)
Mafia!Jade Leech x Mafia!Reader
Link to series masterlist!
Notes and TW: Congratulations! You have successfully made it all about you (positive). This series will have mentions of blood, violence, crime (kidnapping, attempted assassination, extortion), and harassment, as one might expect from a mafia AU. Please enjoy!
Sorry that the tags haven't been working for the past couple of posts! I had to go in and edit the html for each individual one T-T please forgive me
Tags: @guava-enjoyer @itszzmoon @twstsandturns @myteacupisempty @rou-luxe @chikitasmol @night-shadowblood-writes2 @haveneulalie @owodi
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A strange sense of satisfaction fills you as surprise fills the man’s face, but you don’t show it. You need to see this through. If you’re powerless in the face of his ability, you simply need to borrow his power. So what if he’s akin to a god? All you need to do is bring him to your side. Whoever that author is, whoever took over (Y/N)’s body—maybe they aren’t capable of using such an asset effectively. However, you’re confident you won’t let that advantage go to waste.
The man hums in thought. “I suppose it could be done without much fanfare. I would simply need to shift my attention to your experiences and abandon the current story. However, you would need to have your story recorded somewhere, in whatever form you may wish for it to take.”
You understand what he’s getting at. A story needs a medium, just like that manuscript. There are many options: on film, as a novel, as a collage of pictures. No strict rules exist for expression of self.
“I’ll keep a journal. Every day, I’ll write an entry, and I’ll also use it as a planner. This way, my ‘story’ will have the events that occurred in my life, how they affected my ‘character development,’ and also outline how I expect the story to ‘progress.’ Is that good enough?”
You still don’t think of yourself as a fictional character. You’re real, in every aspect, to yourself. But that doesn’t matter right now. Functionally, you’re a character to this man. You’ll use that assumption to put yourself in the most advantageous position.
“Yes, that would be a rather interesting way to tell your story. There are indeed many stories that were written in the form of diary entries, so this is not an issue at all. This would, in fact, make things easier for me. I would not have to go through the paperwork and expend energy to bring someone from another world since you already exist in Twisted Wonderland as an established character. There is just one thing you should know before you make this decision.”
“Tell me.” Of course there are strings attached. There always are. You prepare yourself. Self-sacrifice in small amounts is necessary, of course, but if there’s anything you can negotiate with . . . .
“I will have to take the previous author’s soul out of (Y/N)’s body. (Y/N)’s soul will regain control of her own body, since it was never removed, only dormant. Since the author’s original body cannot function without a soul, she cannot return to her world. It will disappear, never to be recovered, lost to the fabric of what forms this space. Are you still willing to proceed?”
“Is that it?” You expected something else. This has nothing to do with you giving up anything. In fact, it could even be considered a bonus. This woman whose story made your life and relationships exceedingly difficult will disappear down to the traces of her soul. It’s an easy decision. “Of course.”
“How cold-hearted you are.” He chuckles down at his teacup. It never seems to drain empty no matter how he sips it. “That is not an undesirable quality in protagonists, although they often do not have a happy ending in fairytales.”
“Is that supposed to deter me or something?” You stay resolute. “My future was always uncertain no matter if it’s a story or not. I’m in the mafia. I’ve come to terms that horrible things could happen at any moment because of the nature of my job a long, long time ago. It’s my responsibility to plan so that I reduce those chances as much as possible. And you’re going to help me.”
“Yes, I am.” He glances at the fireplace, which has burned down to glowing red embers. “Perhaps you should count yourself lucky that you are under my jurisdiction. I am partial to tragic endings, but I also do not mind if an amoral character triumphs in the end. Some of my peers would adamantly ensure it does not happen.”
You furrow your brows. This is not the first time he brought up something being under his “jurisdiction.” However, this is the first time he’s mentioned “peers” instead of “characters.”
“There are others like you?”
“Yes, of course. Twisted Wonderland is filled with too many stories for me to manage on my own. Since you are mainly involved with the Leech Mafia and stories of the Coral Sea, you fall under my jurisdiction.”
It makes sense. This man compared himself to a god, but he isn’t one. He isn’t omnipotent or omniscient.
“Who are they?”
He tilts his head. “You would not know us even if I told you.”
“I’m curious. Tell me anyway.”
“Such a curious character.” He glances at the embers again. “Alright, I see no harm in it. My peers overseeing Twisted Wonderland include Walt Disney, the Brothers Grimm, Hanna Diyab, Victor Hugo, and Lewis Carroll, among others.”
None of these names ring a bell. It is just a list of names, but having more information is never a bad thing.
“And your name? I should know how to address you.”
“Oh, I have not yet introduced myself to you? My apologies, I must be turning forgetful in my old age.” He laughs at himself in a good-natured manner. “My name is Hans Christian Anderson. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
You introduce yourself as well. He extends a hand to you. When your hands connect in a firm handshake, the new deal you’ve made feels solidified.
Anderson looks at the fireplace one more time. The light has died completely, the little room lit only by the moonlight pouring in the window. With a gentle but decisive clap of his hands, he stands from his armchair.
“That was a fruitful discussion, and I thank you for your patience and understanding. I fear time has run out, however, and so I will be sending you back shortly. I’ll place you right back where you came from: at the moment when I brought you here.”
“Hold on!” Too soon, too sudden. You still have so much to say. He holds up a hand, stopping your protests.
“If you’d like to communicate with me, simply write a request for it in your new journal. I wish you best of luck.”
And with that, the world goes white again.
This is the story of a girl whose name is no longer hers. A girl so common that she may as well be a faceless background character in another person’s story. A girl who wishes, more than anything, to be the protagonist of a love story that will sweep her off her feet and solve all her problems.
Her family is normal. Her friends, too. And so is she. It isn’t enough for her. The world inside that game she plays is so magical, so whimsical, so perfect. The characters are handsome, powerful, clever, funny, or rich, or some combination of those qualities. If she enters this world, surely all those wonderful characters would treat her as someone special. They’d love and revere her unconditionally. She pines for a man who would love her and her shortcomings in their entirety, no matter what she does.
The beauty about fictional characters is that because they are fictional, they can be whatever she wants them to be. She can wholeheartedly believe they’ll love her, and there is nothing wrong with that. But she isn’t satisfied with that alone. It needs to be real.
Desperately, she writes a story revolving around a faceless, flawless main character who she desperately wishes she could be. Everyday, the writing consumes her, dragging her into a fantasy of bliss. She begins to resent her reality. Nobody in real life will love her the correct way. Nobody can be as good as the characters she pours her love and headcanons on. She doesn’t consider how love can be gradual, nor does realize someone might have to get to know her before loving her. After all, in her fanfiction, the perfect mafioso loves her main character upon the first meeting and devotes himself with no questions asked. Isn’t that the ideal love?
One day, a miracle occurs. She meets a man who offers to make her story into her reality. Jumping on the chance to live her perfectly crafted life of happiness, she agrees. Finally. Finally, she will be loved the way she wants.
At first, everything went perfectly. Real life follows her fanfiction to the letter. Jade is charming, Floyd is endearing, and a string of coincidences leads her to meet Vil, another handsome bachelor. Love surrounds her at every turn. All she needs in this life are the handsome men who give her special treatment. After all, this body, this life—(Y/N)—was created by her, for her use. All of the previous relationships this body entertained no longer matter. They aren’t hers, anyway.
The polaroids that occupied her nightstand are probably in a landfill somewhere. The aesthetic was cute, befitting the tastes of a character she modelled after herself, but the person in them is irrelevant. Some side character she’s never going to see again. No matter; she’ll eventually replace those polaroids with cute photos of herself and her new love. (Y/N)—no, the placeholder—has served its purpose. It will not miss those useless decorations since it will never again have its own consciousness.
So where did it all go wrong? Perhaps it was wrong from the start. She should have cursed that old man for scamming her. Her happy ending was never a guarantee. How dare a throwaway side character upend her perfect, fairy tale ending? Is that even allowed? They’re all just characters anyway. How can they steal from a real person?
Until the very end, she couldn’t see anyone around her as anything other than characters in a story. Maybe if she did, she might have gotten the love she wanted. Now, she disappears, having never achieved the goal she so desperately grasped at. Like seafoam, her hopes and yearning for love bubbles and disappears.
Hans Christian Anderson places a book into an empty spot on one of his many shelves. He has always been fond of tragedies. As for this new story that’s unfolding . . . who’s to say how it will end? He’s a patient man. With a smile, he settles into an armchair and sips from a cup of tea. He���s looking forward to it. When it eventually ends, like all stories inevitably do, he’ll shelve it and find another story to bring to life.
The world suddenly flashes into focus. The sun’s dying embers flicker on the sea. Sand shifts between your toes. Fingers graze your neck. Before you can activate your Signature Spell, (Y/N) crashes into you and you both topple over into a bed of sand. Bloodlust raises the hairs on the back of your neck. But it isn’t coming from (Y/N). Instead, you instinctively wrap one arm around her and hold the other one out in front of you, shielding her from Jade.
“Wait, wait! Jade, it’s fine. I’m okay.”
He freezes. One of his hands stops a centimeter away from (Y/N)’s hair. She doesn’t react. Slowly, you lay back down, heaving a sigh. You shift her face to the side so that she doesn’t suffocate in your shoulder. Her eyelashes flutter against her cheekbones, complementing the slow rise and fall of her ribs.
“See? She’s asleep.”
Jade furrows his brows. “I fail to understand. Most importantly, are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah.” You chuckle, staring up at the stars that unveil themselves in the darkening sky. “I’m just a little tired.”
You explain everything to him. He seems skeptical, but eventually, he accepts it. He sits in the sand next to you, his hand covering yours. You pretend not to notice, but it offers a soothing calm to your exhausted mind.
“I’m sorry,” you say, glancing at his side profile. “Even if I write that Vil Schoenheit will cure your parents, it might not happen because of continuity issues. Maybe (Y/N) will still be able to convince him.”
“That’s alright.” He catches your gaze. “It would make the story progress more smoothly if we continue with our talks with Walrus.”
He accepted it so quickly. For that matter, so did you. You wonder briefly if there is something at play that makes you accept the reality of your situation as fact—if it’s because you’re a character after all—but that’s all speculation. Not worth your time and energy to figure out.
“Bottom line is, this is my story now. So I’ll make sure the curse on your parents is dispelled.”
“How reliable.” Jade gives you a gentle smile, one that causes an unfamiliar stirring in your chest. “Thank you. What would you like in recompense?”
You weren’t expecting him to offer anything at all. But since he offered, you aren’t one to refuse.
His quiet laughter blends in with the sound of rushing waves.
“No hesitation at all, I see. Of course, I will pay you adequately for your invaluable help.”
“I also want something else.” You fiddle with the strands of (Y/N)’s hair. “I’d like a vacation. Just a week or two after everything settles down so I can go back to my hometown with my mom.”
“Is that what the money is for?”
“Yeah.” Your heart feels a little lighter. “You should visit the Coral Sea after your parents wake up as well. I’m sure you’ll want to spend time with them.”
A pause. You scrutinize Jade’s expression in the low light, but his expression is wholly unfamiliar to you. He almost looks . . . nervous.
“Would you come with us?”
You blink. “Don’t you want to spend time with just your family?”
“Yes, but my parents would be delighted to have you over again. You have not been to our home under the sea in a long time, and I would be more than happy to show you around again.”
“It won’t be a bother?”
“Far from it.” His thumb rubs softly against the back of your hand. “I . . . We are very fond of you.”
You can’t help but think there’s an ulterior motive, but you accept. This wouldn’t be the first time you’ve travelled to their home under the sea, and this most likely won’t be the last.
Suddenly, (Y/N) shifts on your chest. A soft noise escapes her lips as though she’s finally awakened from a long nap. Her bleary eyes find yours. Kind, lovely, and gentle eyes. The eyes of the (Y/N) you know and love, the eyes of your friend.
“Huh? Are we on the beach? What happened?”
A relieved laugh bubbles out of your throat and you hug her tightly. Confused but sweet, she reciprocates with reassuring pats to your arm.
“Yeah, we’re on the beach. Let’s get you home.” You sit up and smile as she fusses over the sand in your hair. Normalcy is slowly but surely returning. “I’ll tell you everything on the way there.”
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leonaquitaine · 2 years
GPose Guide: Dark-skinned characters
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I got some questions about how to work with dark-skinned characters - and also heard some comments on how hard it is to gpose them. So here's a compilation of use cases, some techniques, and setups!
Posing in dark settings
This is where dark-skinned characters shine, pun intended. Point lights give a lot of flexibility, and character/environment lights are great tools to give volume and detach characters from the background.
In this example, 3-point sources are used to provide volume to the characters, without relying on character brightness at all. The Neneko Nikuman preset gives excellent brightness, contrast, and depth of field (DoF) options.
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Posing in bright settings
Contrast is a powerful tool, and dark-skinned (and dark-clad) characters can use that to their great advantage.
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In the following example, a hard white light is positioned to create a strong rim light for volume, with a support gold source for tone and a light purple point to bring up the character's face. The Neneko Cocktail preset gives rich metal tones and excellent contrast.
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The second example is about color. The same preset (Neneko Cocktail) is used, with ADOF+BOKEH and ADOF+BLUR enabled to give a dreamy quality to the background. Light sources emulate the sky.
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Colorful/Pastel clothing/scenario
You may have heard that dark-skinned characters don't go well with certain colors, like pink or white. That is not true: Dark skin palettes have as much width as pale ones, just in a different range - and light sources can bring them up.
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The first example uses a very colorful background, with Neneko Lux driving the hue and brightness up. Instead of fighting it, we use the scenario colors to our advantage by projecting them around the character.
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The second example is a portrait where we again use the scenario to provide hints about the light sources. Neneko Melonpan gives an excellent, smooth pastel treatment. Let's see the step-by-step from the original state to the final result.
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The first light is placed to emulate a cyan reflection from the water. The second emulates the bluish reflection from the sky, and The third is pretty near and creates a sunny rim light.
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With everything in place, we can enable the preset - and play around with DoF to decide how much we want to detach it from the scenario, taking away attention from the background and popping the character.
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 Posing together with fair-skinned characters
We can borrow some practices from real-life photography. The most important: position your light sources around the dark-skinned character. This will give you enough contrast to play with, and lessen the amount that reaches the other.
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Composition (Extreme)
Compositions with lots of glow elements make it hard to pop the character features: since armor and weapons don't emit real light, everything needs to be compensated with the three-point lights, plus character and manual scene brightness.
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In this case, the character is positioned in such a way as to hide frontal reflections while still bringing his expression out a bit with well-defined rim lights.
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Comment: The default in-game lighting leaves much to be desired
This is certainly true to an extent. The in-game settings are apparently tuned towards a common denominator between wildly different form factors (i.e. PC, Playstation 3-5), so a muted palette is used.
This results in ashen colors and small gradient differences between dark tones in certain situations; keep that in mind if you're looking for locations. Again, lighting can be used to remediate - but not eliminate - these limitations.
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Final Thoughts
This isn't, by any means, a comprehensive guide. Dark-skinned characters come in a glorious amount of shades and tones, so I tried to keep it simple and discuss some basic aspects.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! It'll help others that may stumble over this thread.
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And thank you for your patience!
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sageourplanetmeow · 4 months
I have ideas about what owl house S3 filler episodes would be like, because yes, we were robbed and yes I am repeating it even though it’s been said by everyone else already.
A fashion episode. Since ROTMNT had a whole episode with the turtles dressing up, why don’t the TOH cast do that since we saw a clip of that. Considering that Hunter is notoriously bad with fashion and @moringmark made a comic with Amity being horrified by Hunter’s fashion tastes which makes sense for her, I think they would have a good opportunity to build their character dynamics. I think it would also have them going to the hair salon with their hair cuts and getting their hair done, and they would have had to go to a random Halloween store in town to find fake human ears to stick them on. Of course them falling off would be a lingering threat. Of course Vee was just browsing the whole time so she has inspiration for what she was going to shape-shift into.
Movie night. They would watch a variety of things such as the Azura movies, since Lux and Amity love them, and Cosmic Frontier. Then I have a feeling that Willow would be all over nature documentaries, in particular ones centred around plants. In an episode before the episode where Luz returned to the human realm but in mirrors and phones, Vee was sitting with Camilla watching a documentary so maybe she also like nature documentaries, although she prefers the animal aspect, therefore getting to bond with Willow a bit. Camilla cries a bit from the nature documentaries and feels sentimental over the Azura movies cus Amity and Luz seem to be enjoying it so much and it reminds her a bit of Luz’s dad. She also withholds the urge to spill a bunch of facts about Cosmic Frontier and just reminisces about it.
One or two school episodes to focus on Luz. Aka her bullies if she has them, I mean she’s a neurodivergent bisexual kid who’s obsessed with witchcraft and draws weird stuff (glyphs and stuff from the demon realm) and also reads he Azura books and makes fan fictions, it’s an unfortunate reality. (Plus she does taxidermy). So we see her relationships with the students and the teachers and maybe her having to struggle to pretend like she knows what stuff Vee did with Masha when Vee was pretending to be her. Hence Masha starting to be a bit suspicious considering that Vee seems to bond with her quickly and feels familiar to her. Another thing, if Luz ever gets sick (which will be talked about later) Vee will shapeshift into Luz so she can get a little bit of education and so that she can bring Luz some of her work and all so she can spend time with Masha, plus she volunteers to because she likes school.
An arcade episode. Hunter and Gus go to some space one since it reminds them of Cosmic Frontier and Camilla lingers around them cus again she’s a secret nerd. Luz and Amity go to a magic combat game where you can customise your character, hence Luz spends a long time on hers and Amity helps her decide. Willow ends up acing all the sports games so she gets some alone time so we can see what she’s like by herself. They also all play Mario kart and they customise accordingly. Plus there’s this enclosed space at the arcade in my city and balls fall from the ceiling of it and fill it up as in plastic ball pit balls, and you need to put them in holes. I think Hunter would be a bit clumsy and Willow would ace it. Then Amity would have barely contained rage till it comes out and Luz is mildly shocked considering she’s usually so calm and composed. Willow takes a picture with Gus of Amity and they show it to her later.
THE BEACH EPISODE. The boiling sea means the witches are scared of the water. Luz is apprehensive for a split second cus she’s been in the demon realm for a while. Hunger is more scared since he sank into the ground in hollow mind so he goes with Willow to see the plants nearby that grow there, e.g. palm trees. So the two scale up walls and trees to pick leaves and fruit for Gus to collect as specimens since he joins them for a bit. Later they play volleyball together. However, Willow then goes to swim and encourages Hunger to join in. Luz and Amity just jump off stuff together and splash around plus they have a conversation with Camilla. Vee and Gus then decide to do something together so Vee writes down in Gus’ notebook for a bit but Gus ends up showing her how to do shorthand. Vee also sees Masha and they do stuff together and swim together a bit since Vee plucks up the courage to ask her if she wants to since Masha came alone after her friends were too busy.
An indoor trampoline park episode. Again Hunter, Willow and Gus do tricks and stuff like in grudgby and the two mention Cosmic Frontier so that they both nerd out about it to Willlow. Luz and Amity do stuff and Amity twists her ankle and gets scooped up by Luz as a throwback. Vee invites Masha to join them so she does stuff with her, I have a feeling Masha would like DnD and they both roleplay that they’re in DND as they run about in an obstacle course and jump into the soft trampoline thing from that really tall ledge like they’re escaping something by jumping into a river after a heist or something. They’d also climb like they’re on a cliff on the climbing walls. And they’d use the Tarot cards (I think that’s the name) to decide what they’d do as predictions and stuff. I dunno.
Sick day episode. Since Luz had that in one episode in one the witches are gonna get the common flu along with Luz and her mum. The witches are convinced it’s dramatically bad and is like the boiling isles version and how crazy it made Luz (I’m not sure if that’s what happened with Luz). In this one Vee would shapeshift into Luz to be at school and bring back her work plus cus she likes school as mentioned before.
Luz and Amity getting a dinner date and I dunno stuff like that.
The zoo episode. There will be the giraffe gag as was showed in S3 and they’ll run around and gave fun. Since I have gotten the theory that Vee might like animal stuff I think that she might volunteer at the zoo and therefore gives them special access to the behind the scenes. Camilla is at work in this home so she can’t chaperone them, therefore they get into more shenanigans. Luz stays around the bird section with Hunter as she looks at the owls and Hunter looks excitedly as the birds that look a bit like Flap Jack. Hunter however, gets especially obsessed over the wolves, Luz also says the snake fact with them shedding their skin and Amity looks at the cats and enjoys a cat cafe at the zoo. Gus looks at the chameleons and takes notes before taking notes of the humans themselves. Willow goes to the insect exhibit and looks at the insects, and chiefly the plants. They also accidentally robbed a gift shop.
THE CINEMAAA. I know there’s already a movie night idea but ya know… they all watch an old movie that Luz’s grandparents on her dad’s side take them to watch. Cus I dunno they just visit and I wanna see them watch an old movie kinda like ‘Italian Job’, as an example. Or something with Charlie Chaplin but they probably wouldn’t be that old, those are just examples since we haven’t actually met them if they’re actually alive. There might be a horror movie alternatively and they all get spooked when there’s something that looks a bit like Belos, Hunter in particular shakes and ends up hugging Willow whilst everyone holds hands together (aka the whole group together). Or they watch a romance one and they jokingly tease Luz and Amity for being so cheesy I guess.
Robotics Club Episode. So here’s the context for why I randomly thought this up: I was sitting outside at break, a nice person in my friend group picked me up and yeeted me into robotics club with everyone else and now I’m there with zero experience or knowledge regarding coding. Now I need to reference @moringmark again, look this person just makes such good TOH content- I- I have to. Basically there was a comic with Luz making a vehicle with glyphs in the boiling isles so maybe she has a small amount of inspiration and experience with a robotics club in her town and it ends up being an activity she does with Amity since she is also quite techy due to her dad. Therefore, she can also get into thinking about combining human technology with abomination tech.
An arts and crafts day, everyone at the house is bored and are just scrolling on their phones so Camilla sets out arts and crafts stuff for them to do: Luz draws fanart and does some taxidermy; Gus makes a display and/or a poster/homemade fact book thing about human history and the stuff he’s learnt about the culture; Willow makes plant wreaths, daisy chains and plant sculptures as well as doing her best to paint some pots; this is where Hunter gets to work with a sewing machine and basically sews abominable outfits and a bunch of wolves onto said outfits; Amity creates a technological thing aka where there’s the whole thing with balls rolling down into different slides and triggering stuff but with abomination magic mixed in to help; and Vee makes a couple of character sheets and plot ideas for DND (look I’m gonna admit it, I wish I could figure out how to play it but I don’t know where to look so eh I have no idea).
A convention episode. Now, they’re all nerds, they should go to a comic con convention or something. They will do it and I’m making them do it. Luz and Amity will go to the very small area with one or two artists for the Azura book series where there’s a bunch of fellow fans dressed up as characters from the books showing off fanart and getting it signed. Gus and Hunter will go to Cosmic Frontier stuff and Willow will join with Luz and Amity. Vee does DND stuff with Masha and the rest of their friend group. Gus and Hunter find Camilla at a stall drawing commissions and selling merch for cosmic frontier which she was keeping hidden from them. (She hides various requests for NSFW). Due to the cosplayers, Hunter and Gus think about outfits for the future.
Pride March/Fayre Episode. This is how Luz gets her bi badge and how Camilla gets her LGBTQ+ support badge which was donating to a lgbtq+ charity. They all have fun, until Disney shows up as Belos and screams at them that they’re not the Disney brand.
A Halloween Episode. They showed us it but maybe if we got showed it with more time and then making their cosplays then that would be fun.
Vet Episode. Maybe it would be fun to see Camilla working at the vets but eh.
Cooking episode?
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gooppoo · 2 years
it was an accident: part 2
Part 1
Requests Closed!!
warnings: agedup!Neteyam, fingering, hair pulling (keepin w da themeee), teasing :/
There was a very obvious, suggestive smile on Neteyam's pretty lips. His body caged you against the tree, and made his stance known after harshly pinning you against the bark with a single hand over your wrists. But he let go, trusting you would resist and wanted to indulge as much as you. Next thing you knew, his nails dusted your scalp and gathered a handful of your hair. Before he even tugged in the slightest, an anticipatory whimper ticked your throat, and made his brow quirk.
"Already so noisy." He chuckled, flicking his steadily growing pupils at you sarcastically.
Between you were a few unimportant inches, because you could feel each other's warm breath on your lips, noses bumping together. Your breath lodged in your constricting throat at the sensation of Neteyam's steamy palm merely resting on your hip bone. A portion of your body that didn't know could be that alive nearly burst into passionate flames.
"Okay?" Neteyam's voice was barely anything, you had to read his lips. In response you dipped your head affirmatively. "Okay." He murmured.
You expected his lips to reach yours slower - but you were foolish to think this considering the minuscule space floating between you to begin with. Nonetheless, the softness of his lips surprised you; eye opening as they say. A deeply satisfied hum reverberated against your lips, even your chest as Neteyam's warrior-like pecs bumped against your petite boobs. Your limbs felt like they were melting into the ground, your eye lids following suit and darkening your world so all you could perceive were fireworks.
Taking some initiative, you tossed your arms around Neteyam's taller stature, almost on your tippy toes to reach his towering height. In a natural succession your chests fully collided, followed by your torsos and hips. Collectively your temperatures were skyrocketing. Particularly the fire crackling in your pelvis.
Another hum tickled your lips, and you reciprocated your desire with your own hum, even allowing his tongue to bypass into your mouth. This unlocked a new sensation - something more slippery and warm, mimicking your center. As Neteyam's tongue swiped and swirled with yours, reaching new depths, your thighs squished together to sadly alleviate the lust flourishing for Neteyam.
Without glancing down or separating any section of your bodies, his fiery palm slithered slyly lower on your body. He shifted slightly, and his digits were breaching your loincloth. With consideration for you, he paused just before experimenting with his fingers and your loins, and when you didn't stop richly kissing him, he took it upon himself to dive deeper.
As he dipped into your syrupy pool of pleasure, the forgotten bundled hair was held tighter. There was a mild sting - nothing like before- it seemed now he was inclined to ease you into things. No matter the extent, you were producing whimpers for him. Particularly when he traced your essence toward your touch deprived and eager clit. The combination of textures was lux in an erotic way: his roughed up finger pads, and your slippery, soft slick working in unison to press against your bud. With that came a firmer hold on your hair.
Every time you couldn't control your yelps and moans, Neteyam darted his tongue past your lips, like he could gain greater access to your pleasure if he kissed you deeper. There wasn't a single aspect of him you wouldn't object to in that moment. Certainly not his lengthy fingers caressing semi-circles into your grateful nub.
Sending back the love he offered your lips was growing admittedly difficult. You wanted to let your jaw hang loosely so you could let him hear how fantastic he made you feel. For now you accepted his sloppy kisses and carving your nails into his shoulders and sturdy upper back. Neteyam didn't hesitate to tug your locks when your nails dug a little too deep into his azul skin. This only exacerbated your haphazard kissing.
But Neteyam wasn't completely numbed by pleasure like you, he could tell your laborious panting and weak attempts to return his embrace was telling of your climax. If it wasn't that, he had yanked your hair expertly - which he wasn't confident was the case, only a factor. It became clearer to him what was to come when your feeble knees and thighs began to rub and press together. He added a third finger to his efforts, then lead your strands in a different direction. Now, he just wanted to hear you.
His eyes studied you: puffy, wet lips, half-lidded eyes, slack jaw. The motion of him biting down on his lip was involuntary, but a perfect reaction to your indecent expression. Even more so when you'd struggle to mewl due to his lethal grip on your hair.
"Talk to me Y/n. Getting close?" Neteyam purred, clearly struggling against the desire to lick along your feminine neck.
Swallowing thickly, you coated your throat enough to mutter to him, "Y-yes. Very clo-ose uuuhaaa..."
As your orgasm began it's ferocious reign over your body, a few warning rolls of your hips were all you could offer Neteyam. Just as your climax shot up your spine and burst beneath your belly button, the one responsible heaved your hair and kept it steady with an unbreakable grasp. The painfully blissful bite taking your scalp by storm collided with the potent satisfaction stemming from between your hips, birthing a new kind of pleasure that had total control over your nervous system. Neteyam had to (or wanted to) use his fit torso and pinned you against the bark once more, fearful you'd collapse to your knees.
Neteyam wanted to know what noises you could make - so you fucking showed him. Gasping, whining, reeling, sobbing, screaming. You gave him a five course meal of noises for him to enjoy and lick his fingers over. Nothing short of outstanding and scrumptious.
And even though your eyes were mostly squeezed shut, you could feel his animalistic eyes boring into your skin. You knew his ears were flat against his neat braids and his jaw was hung in amazement, the corner of his abused lips curled upward proudly.
"Well-!" Neteyam huffed, completely awestruck. He didn't know he'd get a show quite like this.
However, soon enough it had to come to an end. His rushed fingers tending to your clit eventually became far too much for you to handle, and your body began to jerk and tremble because of it. A hand that had rooted into Neteyam's back left to smack away his fingers as you sputtered about it being, 'too mu-uch.'
Respectfully, his hands retreated from your swollen bud and tender strands. You gasped and huffed each other's air, chuckling when Neteyam sucked his fingers like he had just enjoyed a delectable dessert.
"Sweet. I like it." He winked, way too full of himself.
You groaned and let your eyes roll, trying to fix your hair and adjust your garments to their original state. One of his hands stuck out before him and kept you from exiting, propping himself against the tree. His other hand took to his jutted, sassy hip.
"For the record, you are very hard to track. But not so hard to finish off. Yeah?" A hearty laugh followed your annoyed sigh.
@lovergirl-3000 @slutforspacelatinos @fuyuji-ii @jakexneytiri @eywaheardyou @fanficblogs @neteyamyam @vorecentral
Sorry if you didn't want to be tagged! Just lemme know if you want removed <3
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brightest-stars-if · 7 days
What if f!Lux loss her own Elysia like Isolde did in the high corruption route? The world will collapse? What if the two childrens wants to see their other mother at least one more time?
That is massive spoiler territory XD. I don't want to give away Isolde’s reaction to that, because there are still aspects of her relationship with Elysia that I want to keep shrouded in mystery atm. And Lux's reaction would be even bigger, as would the thoughts of the heirs.
I'll skip this ask for now; you'll be seeing a lot of it in the game anyway.
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letterstoear · 3 months
Three reasons to love Vil Schoenheit
One of my personal favorite characters in twisted wonderland for sure. I actually didn't start off caring for Vil all too much, but I think he's one of the characters you love the more you know.
Also, please check out my shop for Twisted Wonderland inspired merch!
Shop here: Shop — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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Potatoes can be simple vegetables which have the capability to transform into just about anything. Perhaps that is the reason Vil often sees those around him as potatoes. Everyone has a great potential to become even more stunning and all he wants to do is to carve that out of them. I’ve come to love this aspect of Vil, but I’m also just a big sucker for these kinds of characters.
Vil noticeably has influenced many of his fellow dorm students into this new lifestyle. We can see this in his little group right before the VDC as he preps everyone. From giving out skincare, meal plans, and even workouts! Vil does it all.
The many versions of beauty~
Vil is undoubtedly beautiful, whether he chooses to wear a potato sack or a fancy suit. He looks absolutely phenomenal in all of them because he makes it work for him. To put it simply, Vil embraces whatever he is given and uses it to the best he can. When situations call for improvisions, Vil makes quick work of the items around him. This can be seen in the Luxe couture event where his outfit is missing the final piece. In the end, with the help of Grim, Vil uses curtains from the shop he was in.
I would also like to put out that Vil is someone incredibly comfortable with exploring fashion as a whole. Through each new outfit we see Vil matches his outfits to whatever event it is he is partaking in. Furthermore, he himself explains how he came about to the choices he makes when it comes to the outfits. I enjoy learning each little detail Vil has about his outfit as you can really get the sense, he loves what he does. So, to Vil fashion is a means to express himself as well as something he finds enlightenment in.
There’s always going to be losses in life
When the results came out that Vil lost the VDC, I for one was incredibly upset. However, Vil understood why he lost and saw the competition for what it was. To gracefully accept a loss in the way Vil did was absolutely beautiful. He didn’t take the loss as a sign that he was below anyone either, he simply understood what went wrong.
Another instance in which we see this is during the Beanfest event in which Vil loses. In such an intense fight Vil loses with a smile on his face as he gave it his all for the last happy beans day in NRC. Despite losing the fight Vil doesn’t lash out nor does he get sad about losing, rather he gives encouragement to his remaining teammates to go on.
With those three points I hope you’ve grown to love Vil, even if it’s not much!
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Some Lightcannon Headcanons
Just some thoughts re: these two idiots, specifically how I've been writing them in the Ill-Omen's fanfic series. YMMV, 'official' lore is pretty fuzzy with League stuff. LUX
Lux was expected from a young age to continue the Crownguard legacy in some fashion. With her brother captaining the Dauntless Vanguard, the possibility that he would Die in Glorious Battle leaving that branch of the Crownguard line without an heir would mean Lux stepping up.
Demacia seems fairly gender equal so there are plenty of ways she could do this. But if Garen were to die without issue, as the last remaining heir to that branch she'd have more pressure on her to Continue the Line through marriage and children on top of whatever else she was doing.
She is a trained diplomat and very good at putting her game face on. She usually expertly plays the sunny, charming young lady that has led her to be beloved across Demacia, but she uses so many different smiles she's literally numbered them in her head.
Like most good facades, it's not entirely inaccurate to who she is; Lux really does have a lot of warmth, compassion and idealism, but she isn't naive. She won't hesitate to manipulate people to her advantage if she needs to protect herself or a loved one, defuse a conflict, or deflect scrutiny.
As an Illuminator, she is officially a member of a charitable religious order responsible for helping the poor and downtrodden of Demacia. This is an aspect that Lux excels at, her natural empathy and ability to remain calm in the face of others' distress make her a natural carer.
The Illuminators also operate secretly as a spy network keeping tabs on outside threats to Demacia, including infiltration by old enemies like Noxus. Though young, Luxanna's political status as a Crownguard makes her a valued asset to the Order.
The Illuminators are also one of the few organizations in Demacia that tolerate and utilize mages, albeit discreetly and off the record. They are aware of Lux's abilities and have trained her to use them - covertly - in service of her country.
The Illuminators have on occasion acted to conceal and protect mages or smuggle them to safety, particularly those who might prove useful to their mission.
This puts them directly at odds with the Mageseeker order, (completely separate in my canon) who consider them bitter rivals and suspect, but cannot prove, that they aid mages in secret.
Like most oppressive regimes, the Mageseekers are giant hypocrites and use mages, brainwashed or tortured into compliance, as agents themselves.
In short; the Illuminators believe magic is a viable tool to protect Demacia if carefully shepherded and trained, Mageseekers believe magic is an abomination that must be suppressed or destroyed at all costs.
Lux has proven herself to the Order in several high-difficulty missions, including spying on the Noxian high command, primarily using her invisibility and light-bending powers to remain unseen and gather intel from a distance.
Though the Illuminators have kept Lux away from missions requiring seduction, to avoid 'sullying the Crownguard name', she has killed in the line of duty more than once.
Whilst not a frontline soldier like her brother, Lux has been trained since childhood like any Demacian noble in the warrior arts. She is adept with sword, staff, knife, bow, shield, lance and a deft rider.
She excels most at tactics and strategy; whilst Garen is a fearless and shrewd battlefield commander, Lux has a greater grasp of big-picture strategy and perceptive ability to read others.
She always beats him at strategic games.
Lux is a combat pragmatist. Her magical moves are dance-like and graceful, because when channeling her light she's accessing a transcendant mental space; her swordplay is more to-the-point, favoring strong defense and a quick end to the encounter.
She's not a natural killer, though she is as trained one; she'll kill in self-defense or duty, but she does not enjoy it and feels the weight of each life taken. She finds Jinx's aptitude for killing alarming, less out of moral judgment than out of fear that Jinx may lose herself in it if she goes too far.
Lux's strict, privileged upbringing, many duties, and the necessity of guarding herself from anyone discovering her magic have left her with very few actual, close friendships. She's often lonely, and whilst she's had a handful of unrequited crushes she's inexperienced with romance or relationships and feels like the Crownguard name intimidates away potential partners. She is quick with a smile but keeps people at arms' length for her own protection; with the weight of her name and her secrets on her small shoulders, Lux is slow to trust for very good reasons.
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olrastrology · 26 days
Lucifer & Luciferianism
Lucifer, a figure traditionally associated with rebellion, light-bringing, and the pursuit of knowledge, holds a significant place in the belief system known as Luciferianism. Unlike the portrayal of Lucifer in mainstream Christian theology, where he is often depicted as a fallen angel and embodiment of evil, Luciferianism views Lucifer in a more complex and nuanced light. This essay will explore the origins of Lucifer as a symbol, the key tenets of Luciferianism, and the role Lucifer plays within this philosophy, emphasizing the themes of enlightenment, personal empowerment, and the rejection of dogmatic authority.
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Origins and Symbolism of Lucifer
The name "Lucifer" originates from the Latin term "lux" (meaning light) and "ferre" (meaning to bring), translating to "light-bringer" or "morning star." In ancient Roman mythology, Lucifer was a name given to the planet Venus when it appeared in the morning sky, symbolizing the bringer of light before dawn. This concept of Lucifer as a light-bringer later became intertwined with Christian theology, where Lucifer was reinterpreted as a rebellious angel cast out of Heaven for challenging God’s authority.
Lucifer in Christian Theology:
In the Bible, particularly in the book of Isaiah (14:12-15), Lucifer is depicted as a fallen angel who sought to ascend to the heavens and become equal to God. This act of rebellion resulted in his expulsion from Heaven and his subsequent association with Satan, the adversary. Over time, Lucifer became synonymous with the devil, symbolizing pride, defiance, and the embodiment of evil.
Reclamation of Lucifer in Esoteric Traditions:
However, in various esoteric and Gnostic traditions, Lucifer is reclaimed as a symbol of enlightenment and the quest for knowledge. In these interpretations, Lucifer represents the pursuit of truth, the challenge of oppressive systems, and the light of wisdom that guides humanity. This reinterpretation is foundational to Luciferianism, where Lucifer is seen not as an evil being, but as a symbol of individual empowerment and the search for enlightenment.
Key Tenets of Luciferianism
Luciferianism is a philosophical and spiritual belief system that venerates the qualities associated with Lucifer, such as enlightenment, personal freedom, and the pursuit of knowledge. It is not a religion in the traditional sense but rather a path that encourages individuals to seek their own truth and cultivate their inner strength.
Enlightenment and Knowledge:
At the core of Luciferianism is the pursuit of enlightenment and knowledge. Followers of this path view Lucifer as a symbol of the light of reason and intellect, guiding them towards self-discovery and understanding. This pursuit of knowledge often involves questioning established norms, challenging dogmatic beliefs, and exploring the deeper mysteries of existence.
Personal Empowerment and Self-Actualization:
Luciferianism emphasizes the importance of personal empowerment and self-actualization. It encourages individuals to take control of their own destinies, make informed choices, and cultivate their own inner power. This process of self-empowerment is seen as a form of spiritual evolution, where individuals transcend limitations and realize their full potential.
Rejection of Dogma and Authority:
A key aspect of Luciferianism is the rejection of dogmatic authority, particularly that which suppresses individual thought and freedom. Luciferians often challenge religious, social, and political structures that they perceive as oppressive or limiting. This rebellious spirit is inspired by the myth of Lucifer's defiance against the ultimate authority, symbolizing the struggle for autonomy and the rejection of blind obedience.
Ethical Individualism:
While Luciferianism values individualism, it also advocates for ethical conduct and personal responsibility. Luciferians believe in acting in accordance with their own moral compass, rather than adhering to external codes of behavior imposed by society or religion. This ethical individualism is based on the principles of self-respect, respect for others, and the pursuit of what is just and true.
Spiritual Transformation and Alchemy:
Many Luciferians view their path as one of spiritual transformation, akin to the alchemical process of turning base metals into gold. This transformation involves the refinement of the self through the integration of knowledge, the overcoming of personal weaknesses, and the development of wisdom. Lucifer, as a symbol of the light that guides this process, represents the alchemist’s fire that purifies and transforms.
Lucifer as a Symbol in Luciferianism
Lucifer in Luciferianism is not worshipped as a deity but is revered as a symbolic figure representing the ideals of the belief system. The qualities associated with Lucifer—rebellion, enlightenment, and personal sovereignty—are central to the Luciferian path.
Lucifer as the Light-Bringer:
In Luciferianism, Lucifer’s role as the light-bringer is paramount. This light is understood metaphorically as the light of knowledge, reason, and truth. Luciferians seek to bring this light into their own lives by striving for intellectual and spiritual enlightenment. This contrasts sharply with the traditional Christian view of Lucifer as the bringer of darkness and deceit.
Lucifer as the Rebellious Spirit:
Lucifer’s rebellion against God is reinterpreted in Luciferianism as a noble act of defiance against tyranny and oppression. Luciferians see this rebellion as a metaphor for the human spirit’s quest for freedom and autonomy. Rather than viewing Lucifer’s fall as a tragic event, they see it as a necessary step towards the assertion of personal will and the rejection of unjust authority.
Lucifer as the Promethean Figure:
Similar to the Greek myth of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give to humanity, Lucifer is seen as a Promethean figure who brings the fire of knowledge to mankind. This fire represents the spark of consciousness and the capacity for self-reflection, creativity, and innovation. Luciferians honor this aspect of Lucifer by valuing intellectual curiosity and the pursuit of forbidden or hidden knowledge.
The Role of Ritual and Practice in Luciferianism
While Luciferianism is largely a philosophical path, some practitioners incorporate ritual and ceremonial practices to align themselves with the energies and symbolism of Lucifer. These practices vary widely depending on the individual or group but often focus on themes of self-empowerment, transformation, and the invocation of inner strength.
Meditation and Self-Reflection:
Meditation is a common practice among Luciferians, used to cultivate inner peace, clarity, and self-awareness. Through meditation, individuals can connect with the symbolic energy of Lucifer, seeking guidance and insight on their personal path of enlightenment.
Rituals of Empowerment:
Rituals in Luciferianism may involve symbolic acts of empowerment, such as the lighting of candles (representing Lucifer’s light), the recitation of affirmations, or the performance of ceremonies designed to invoke personal strength and determination. These rituals are not about worship but about embodying the qualities that Lucifer represents.
Symbolic Alchemy:
Some Luciferians engage in symbolic alchemical practices, using metaphors of transformation and purification to work on their own personal development. This might involve ritualistic acts that represent the shedding of old, limiting beliefs and the embrace of new, empowering ones.
Lucifer’s significance in Luciferianism is profound and multifaceted, representing the pursuit of enlightenment, personal empowerment, and the defiance of oppressive authority. Far from being a figure of evil, Lucifer is revered as a symbol of the light-bringer, the rebel, and the seeker of truth. Luciferianism, as a belief system, encourages individuals to embrace their inner power, challenge dogma, and strive for self-actualization. By redefining Lucifer in a positive light, Luciferians find inspiration in the mythological figure to guide their spiritual and philosophical journey, emphasizing the importance of knowledge, autonomy, and ethical individualism.
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