#BBC book list
libraryraccoon · 1 month
Listening No Surprises and all I can think about are scenarios/fanfics with the characters who's traumas are overlooked gave up on everything and just move in a cottage, they'll take a quiet life, with no alarms and no surprises.
And I can imagine it being a crossover !- What ? A crossover between Good Omens, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock and (possible) Harry Potter with that scenario ? More probable that you think !-
*open silently Ao3 and Quotev*
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jtownraindancer · 11 months
the struggles of hunting down a recording of a radio show that aired in another continent when you were only 10 years old
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j-femmescoli · 8 months
episode title references bbc sherlock to original conan doyle stories:
a study in pink = a study in scarlet
the “pips” in the great game aka the tones he gets on his phone are a reference to the five orange pips
a scandal in belgravia = a scandal in bohemia - where we meet irene adler in the books too
at the beginning we see john titling some entries of his blog, including the geek interpreter = the greek interpreter, where we meet mycroft in the books, the speckled blonde = the speckled band, and the naval treatment = the naval treaty
the hounds of baskerville = the hound of the baskervilles, obvi
the reichenbach fall = in the final problem, the short story where sherlock dies (doyle is forced to retcon this into faking his death when people beg for more sherlock stories) he and moriarty go off a cliff at reichenbach falls into the water below
the empty hearse = the empty house
the sign of three = the sign of four, where we meet mary in the books
his last vow = his last bow, the last sherlock holmes book story-wise
the six thatchers = the six napoleons
the lying detective = the dying detective
the final problem = again, the final problem
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bingus-bing-bong · 1 year
Tag game:
List eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
Thank you very much for the tag @lithiumseven <3
Doctor who
Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency
The goes wrong show
Young royals
Young dracula
Tags: @bubbues @zanoc @flowergrenades @quillandrapier @bluebox-girl and as always anyone who wants a go <3
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thesewers · 2 years
ooh im thinkin about my helene design... i think im onto somethin
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infizero · 9 months
and it fucking ends by dorian stabbing the portrait, only for it to result in he himself being stabbed, now old and unrecognizable. hell fucking yeah baby
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booksofdelight · 1 year
The 100 Best Children’s Books of All Time According to the BBC 
The earliest books that many of us read are children’s books. There are thousands of amazing children’s books to read. Today, we will look at the 100 best children’s books of all time according to BBC. Keep reading to see which books made their list.  The 100 Best Children’s Books of All Time According to the BBC  The BBC used a lot of data to make this list. 177 book experts from 56 countries…
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detectivejay · 22 hours
I'm sure this has been done countless times, but polls are fun and I'm curious, so... For the purposes of this poll, I'm only counting shows/books/games/etc. where Sherlock is a main or very prominent secondary character, there's a decent amount of other Sherlock canon characters represented (at least a version of a John Watson), and there are some references made to the ACD originals. Not counting where he's only a relative of the lead but not a main (like Enola Holmes, RKDD, etc.)
Not counting the ACD original canon as an adaptation here, as none of these would exist without it. Everything else listed is adapting it in some way.
There's also some series I haven't watched/read yet but have been recommended that aren't on here yet for the purposes of space, including Detective L, Miss Sherlock and the Bonnie MacBird Sherlock books.
Feel free to reblog this for a larger sample size :)
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carpe-mamilia · 1 year
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Bloomsbury has acquired a companion book to the BBC television series “Ghosts”. Katy Follain, head of Bloomsbury general, acquired UK and Commonwealth rights to Ghosts: The Button House Archives from Paul Stevens at Independent Talent. It is her first acquisition since she joined Bloomsbury. The companion book will be published on 26th October 2023. “Ghosts” was first broadcast in 2019 and has been nominated for multiple national comedy awards. It returns for the final season this September. The tie-in book is described as “a hilarious, colourful and entertaining compendium of surviving artefacts and documents relating to the ghosts of Button House’s past lives”. Ghosts: The Button House Archives will be written by Mathew Baynton, Simon Farnaby, Martha Howe-Douglas, Jim Howick, Laurence Rickard and Ben Willbond – six of the ghosts who also co-starred in the franchise Horrible Histories. They will be signing books at events around the country in the run-up to Christmas. They said: “We started kicking around the idea of a ‘Ghosts’ companion book quite early on in the life of the series and got very excited about how the characters could show up in all kinds of documents and artefacts. We’re delighted to finally be bringing this idea to life with Bloomsbury to produce something we hope fans will treasure.” Follain added: “To be working with this hugely talented group of writers on the tie-in book of such a massively popular comedy series is complete heaven. It combines everything I want the non-fiction Bloomsbury General list to be: quality and best-in-show entertainment with broad appeal. It is the perfect Christmas gift and I’m looking forward to seeing the fans dressed up in their favourite ‘Ghosts’ costumes for the events.”
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secretmellowblog · 8 months
It’s actually odd that modern Les Mis adaptations never really seem to take the interpretation that Jean Valjean is suffering from severe trauma/PTSD?
You would think that’d be the most obvious road for a modern adaptation to take— especially because “the lasting trauma of incarceration that continues even after a sentence ends” is still a very relevant Thing.
In the original novel, as I’ve mentioned before, reading the descriptions of Jean Valjean’s personality are often just like reading down a list of PTSD symptoms. He has flashbacks at reminders of prison, he has “panic attacks” at the idea of prison where he loses touch with reality and feels the desperate need to run/hide even when he’s not actually being pursued, he is obsessively avoidant of talking about his trauma to anyone, he deprives himself of food and warmth in fits of self-harm, he isolates himself from other people, he throws himself into dangerous situations with little regard for his own life, and so on and so on.
But it feels like adaptations either take the interpretation of “Jean Valjean is a saint” (the musical/2012 film) or they swerve in the other direction of “Jean Valjean is a violent Criminal(tm) who constantly flies into dangerous rages” (bbc Les mis, Les mis 1998.)
While I obviously prefer the musical and think it’s closer to the spirit of the book…. I’m so confused that people who try to write a “gritty/realistic” Jean Valjean are just like “he’s a criminal so he must be Violent, the way criminals are.”
Because again, book Jean Valjean is a deeply flawed character! He’s full of repressed anger/trauma, and makes kind selfless sacrifices but also horrible self-destructive decisions. He’s excessively conciliatory and conflict-avoidant and self-effacing. His relationship with Cosette is complicated and fraught, even though it’s kind and loving. I think if you had any investment in portraying “the lasting trauma of incarceration on the people who suffer through it,” it really wouldn’t be that hard to make Jean Valjean’s characterization very immediately relevant to a modern audience.
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squirrellypoo · 21 days
Ep8 "What Can The Damned Really Say To The Damned" rewatch thoughts (Part 2)
Here's my second set of things I noticed on my third rewatch! Part 1 is here if you missed it...
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11. On Claudia's first visit to the forest, we can briefly see a red mark on one of the trees. When brightened up, it's clearly a handprint, in fresh blood. Edit: ah, it’s not blood but paint from the kids painting their hands and slapping trees to show how far they could go into the forest!
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12. I totally missed that the BBC radio bulletin talks about looted art being loaded onto trucks to be taken back to Paris! So that’s how they knew to jump in a truck and be taken all the way there rather than just random hitch-hiking.
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13. Morgan mentions that Louis's photo of Grace was printed onto albumen, by a glass-plate camera, and I was intrigued by this and wanted to learn more. If you're also interested, have a read of this Wikipedia article.
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14. I thought I must've been missing some sort of reference in Daniel's “Maybe you’re just frosting the pie?” line (about Louis remembering Claudia dreaming), but Google has no evidence this is a saying? So it looks like this was just a Daniel-ism? How odd.
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15. Ohhhhh it's a factory they're all camping in! That makes sense, with the thick walls and boiler room, but I couldn't quite work out whether it was a church or meeting hall or what.
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16. Claudia is singing the Anna Anna nursery rhyme that the children just taught her in order to lure the pissing soldier into the woods. Nice touch!
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17. Both soldiers from the woods are in Daciana's castle. First we see one in the room that Louis and Claudia pass through before the one on the table by the fire that she calls “a burnt tray of bread”. Guess this first guy just dies after a while? Or maybe Louis and Claudia finish him off?
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18. In the Dubai bedroom, there’s nothing on Armand’s bedside table (nothing!) but on Louis’s side there are so many well-thumbed books, cascading from the nightstand onto the floor…
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19. The TdV programme is for “Des Cris Dans Les Ténèbres!” (Shrieks in the Darkness). I love that the actual item is in French, but the posters up all around Paris are in English, because Louis would’ve translated them into English and that’s how he remembered them! The details! 🤌
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20. In the truck scene, Louis is still healing from Daciana’s attack. It made me wonder how long it would take to drive (pre-motorways!) from Romania to Paris. So I looked it up, and using modern roads, but avoiding motorways, it'd take 31hrs straight. But they’d have to break to sleep somewhere safe in the day, and many of the roads and bridges would likely have been bombed and required detours, so I think we can assume it'd take several days to get there. So if Louis still isn't healed by the time we see them outside Paris, he is one seriously malnourished vampire. 😔 The blood really was bad there!
And that's my list of weird things I noticed in the first episode! Part 1 is here if you missed it, and do let me know in the notes if there's any of these you missed, too!
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shyhighbunny · 27 days
Good morning 🌞
My name is Lina I'm 19 years old, I work in a convenience store which is pretty boring but not too bad.
I'm 5'3, 95 lbs, I have brownish dark hair, white, pink nips and slit, decent butt, tight and fit. Small A/B cup tits 36A/34B depending on the bra.
Bisexual - heavy leaning towards older men though.
420 friendly
I don't send pics or nudes
I don't meet
I don't sext
I don't rp
I'm just here to chat and explore my kinks and interests.
I watch a lot of horror movies and comedy movies
Mostly watch a24, neon, and weird artsy movies people hate.
Music: metal, emo, rock, pop, rap a little or a everything.
Games: league of legends ( with my irl friend mostly) and mostly play roguelikes like tiny rogues, slice and dice, and stuff similar to those.
Kinks: I'm still exploring what I like but I like intox, older men, women, BBC, multiple partners, giving oral, and bondage.
Black list: piss, scat, pregnancy, diapers, racism, forced feeding, weight gain... Probably other stuff I can't remember but if it's super niche or slightly gross I'm probably not into it.
Body count : somewhere around 50+
Oldest man I been with : 47
Virginity lost a long time ago both pussy and anal
I'm an open book most days feel free to ask anything.
Asks and anons turned on
Unsolicited photos = ban no questions asked no hesitation
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gallifreyanhotfive · 2 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 47
The Third Doctor bought Sarah Jane her stuffed owl. (Novel: Interference - Book Two)
The "most detailed, informative, and in many ways insidious" information about the Doctor that the Daleks possess was taken by dramatized biographies made by the BBC starting in 1963. (Novel: Dalek Survival Guide)
The Master put together the Psychic Circus in order to exploit the psychic energy with the help of an amulet that the Gods of Ragnarok had given him. (Audio: The Psychic Circus)
The Ninth Doctor got himself banned from the York Central Library and possibly all other UK libraries. (Short story: Have You Seen This Man?)
According to some accounts, Time Lords gained the ability to regenerate due to a regeneration virus, which spread through contact. It only granted about 5% of individuals regenerative abilities, killed 10%, and left 85% unaffected. (Short story: The Scrolls of Rassilon)
The Council of the Great Mother is a Gallifreyan organization that specializes on the politics surrounding regeneration and some additional religious matters. (Audio: Spring)
While stuck in a dream on the verge of regeneration (while the Master was in turn trying to prevent that regeneration), the Fifth Doctor was unable to remember his wife's name or how many children he had lost over the years (he lost count after five). (Audio: Winter)
The Sixth Doctor once became the Valeyard, but this was temporary. (Novel: Millennial Rites)
On an unknown university campus, the Ninth Doctor was caught having an argument with the Seventh. (Short story: Have You Seen This Man?)
The Seal of Rassilon was designed originally to ward off evil. (Novel: The Pit)
"Gallifrey" translates to "they that walk in shadows." (Novel: The Pit)
The Seventh Doctor had a cat named Wolsey, which the Eighth Doctor eventually gave to Bernice Summerfield. (Novel: The Dying Days)
Braxiatel had a fiancee named Veronica Bland, who was actually a plant. She had been using a pheromone to attract people to eat, and after withering away, he kept some of her remains on his desk. (Audio: Braxiatel in Love)
In the above situation, Benny Summerfield was Braxiatel's best man. (Audio: Braxiatel in Love)
The Fifth Doctor once said that Gallifreyans from the Prydonian Chapter could not be trusted as they were far too cunning. Nyssa then had to remind him that he was Prydonian. (Audio: Spring)
The Third Doctor's address was listed as "The TARDIS, care of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, UNIT HQ." (Novel: The Time Lord Letters)
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'When Cillian Murphy took to the podium during Sunday night’s Golden Globes, his nose smudged in his wife’s lipstick, it was as if a door had opened on this Hollywood Neverland and an ambassador for the real world had stepped through.
Accepting the Best Actor in a Drama award for Oppenheimer, Murphy wasn’t so much un-starry as stonkingly everyday. Here was a normal person who had somehow beamed into peak Tinseltown and, if pleased, was also clearly a bit perplexed by it all.
The Oppenheimer win has made Murphy a frontrunner for the Oscars. In all likelihood, he will be up against a creepy Barry Keoghan in Saltburn, an overblown Bradley Cooper in Maestro, and a fervent Leonard DiCaprio in Killers of the Flower Moon. With the arguable exception of the grandstanding Cooper, all would be worthy winners. And yet, underdogs everywhere will be cheering for Murphy. He’s spent the past 20 years negotiating Hollywood on his own terms and has rejected Tinseltown’s showiness in favour of staying grounded and playing the long game.
Murphy always wanted to be an actor rather than a star. Such a choice could easily have condemned him to a lifetime of supporting roles. Or a hiatus in TV, to which he seemed exiled when he settled in for a long run as Tommy Shelby in Birmingham noir Peaky Blinders.
But his decision to turn away from flashy parts has proved inspired. He is that rarest of things: an experienced A-list actor who comes to the Oscars without baggage. Unlike DiCaprio, he hasn’t had to overcome a past life as a teen pin-up. Nor does he have to justify a lucrative stint in comic book films, as Cooper has with his time as Rocket Racoon in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Above all, Murphy goes into Oscar season as an antidote to the “look at me!” culture of the social media era. In an age when fame is regarded as the ultimate commodity – more important than awards or critical acclaim – Murphy would rather let his work speak for itself. He lives humbly in suburban Dublin with his wife and two children – and his great passion outside of acting is music, as demonstrated by his semi-regular presenting slot on BBC 6 Music.
That’s lifetimes removed from Hollywood, with its self-mythologising and turbo-charged fakeness. It is also of a piece with his career since he broke through playing a survivor of the zombie apocalypse in Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later. Ever since, he has chosen his jobs thoughtfully. In so doing, he has assembled a body of work of which he can be proud.
He hasn’t been above popcorn. He was a memorable villain in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, where he played the Scarecrow as a trippy nightmare. But even when shooting for the box office, Murphy has been studiedly un-starry. Careful to keep his ego in check, he’s often happy in an ensemble – hugging the background in A Quiet Place II and settling for an extended cameo in Nolan’s Dunkirk, where he was content to let Harry Styles and Tom Hardy hog the spotlight.
Hog it they did – yet it was Murphy who proved to be in it for the long road. Because he could go into Oppenheimer without a Hollywood aura, he disappeared into the role. If hardly obscure, he nonetheless assimilated fully into the part. Throughout that film, you were aware of its stars. Florence Pugh and Emily Blunt doing their best with under-written female characters. Robert Downey Jr trying to pretend he hadn’t spent a decade as Iron Man.
Murphy, by contrast, split the acting atom. He vanished into Oppenheimer with a performance that exuded humility and sincerity. Bookies have now installed him as a favourite for the Best Actor Oscar. If he wins, it would be a victory for knowing who you are and what you stand for and believing good work has value beyond short-term acclaim. Above all, his success shows that it is possible to stay grounded while scaling Hollywood’s giddiest heights.'
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bellasbookclub · 17 days
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The Bella's Book Club summer reading challenge is BACK for 2024! 📚
As 3B1P wraps up New Moon season, BBC is gearing up for Hot Rec Summer! Have a book (or five) you think book club would enjoy? Now's your chance to recommend it!
How to participate:
Fill out the Google form by June 10th, 2024 with up to five of your recommendations! These can be your own favorites, books you think go with Twilight or the Gothic genre, your favorite cursed books, or even plays, poetry, or nonfiction! Almost anything goes except for:
Books that already appear on Bella's list from Midnight Sun
In solidarity with the ongoing boycott, books published by St. Martin's Press (see Google form for more info)
2. When the compiled rec list is posted on June 11th, choose five of your fellow BBC readers' recs and read them by early September! Come chat about your picks on the BBC Discord, or link us to your Goodreads/Storygraph review. We'll also be running the challenge on Storygraph so you can track your progress.
Didn't get to read everything you wanted to from last year's reclist? No worries, it's eligible for this year's challenge too! While you're at it, check out last year's reccer spotlights 💡
Happy reccing! 🎉
Bella’s Book Club is an interactive virtual book club created by the Three Books One Plot podcast. Our monthly Discord discussions are open to all! More info here.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
How do you keep up with current events and expand your knowledge?
Hi love! Here are some of the best ways/resources I've found to stay updated on current events & lifelong learning:
Subscribing to daily newsletters like DailySkimm, The Morning, and Morning Brew for current events & news updates and industry-focused newsletters to stay up-to-date in my field (for me, I subscribe to Business of Fashion's Daily Digest, Glossy POP, and Vogue/Vogue Business's newsletters)
Read publications including New York Times, Wall Street Journal, BBC, The Economist, The New Yorker, etc., and more industry-focused publications for fashion/beauty/marketing & advertising/digital strategy daily (or at least 5 days a week)
Keep and work through a reading list for the quarter. I try to read at least two self-development/psychology/health and industry/career-focused books per quarter; sometimes, I'll throw in a biography, finance, art, history, philosophy, or literary book in too for more variety/to expand my worldly knowledge
Take at least 1-2 courses and certification classes per quarter (either through Google, LinkedIn Courses or Assessments, Youtube, Masterclass, Skillshare, Udemy, etc.)
Frequently listen to TED talks on YouTube and podcasts (mainly on Spotify & Apple Podcasts)
Attend virtual panels and talks in areas of interest
Have conversations with insightful people (mentors, colleagues, and the amazing individuals I get to call my closest friends)
Hope this helps xx
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