#Beacon is a University
novankenn · 1 year
Cherry Pie
Fresh off of a nasty break up, Pyrrha is taken by her friend and roommate Blake out into Vale to relax.
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Original Post (Not Cannon for this Au)
One / Two / Three / Four / Five / Six / Seven / Eight / Nine / Ten / Eleven / Twelve / Thirteen / Fourteen / Fifteen* / Sixteen* / Seventeen / Eighteen / Nineteen / Twenty /
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askdamijon · 1 month
At the end of shopping, how are the boys dressed? And how do they feel about the upcoming date?
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I swear I'm going throw up... -Jon
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rad-batson · 2 years
Kathy: Why do you keep letting Damian “kidnap” you? Can’t he just invite you over?
Jon: Oh, that’s just his enrichment.
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athleticperfection1 · 20 days
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Bushnell Volleyball
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Grant Morrison's Dick Grayson is essentially "The One Man that The Joker Can NEVER Defeat".
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Sources: Batman (1940) #682, Batman and Robin (2009) #12, 13 & 16.
"I love that...Dick Grayson is just happy. Just, NOTHING depresses him. His parents died and he fought back. He's been a superhero since he was 10 years-old and— THAT guy; you know, who was in the Teen Titans, who KNOWS everyone, he's Superman's pal, he's Jimmy Olson's pal, he's THAT guy, you know?" -Grant Morrison
Dick is Mr. Laughs-in-the-Face-of-Danger. He out-laughed the freaking Joker (and continues to)!
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dougielombax · 7 months
I wonder if the Great Spirit Robot had something like a black box.
You know. A flight data recorder containing all the data and information concerning its journeys, work, and research, among other things.
I mean it all had to have been backed up SOMEWHERE!
Just something to think about.
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a-writing-otter · 22 hours
“Now we just go in there, with bats swinging, and we—“
“Slow your roll, Mabel.”
The gates open and Bill has to squint against the bright, pulsating, technicolor lights of the glen. He holds a hand up to shield his eyes as an over pronounced “neigh” is shouted into the air, the unicorn in question shaking its mane back and forth as it stands up proudly beside the babbling water.
“Welcome to my realm of— You!”
Mabel takes three strides forward with her crossbow in hand, but stops when Bill puts a hand out to stop her.
“Quit the drama, Celeste,” he tells the unicorn flatly.
Celesteabellabethabelle and Bill regard each other for a few moments. It squints at Bill before its eyes go wide.
He raises his hand to give a wave with a grimace.
“What’re— What’re you— Why are you here?!”
He folds his arms and then starts to tick off on his fingers.
“Tried to take over the universe, got taken down by meddling kids and their pet grunkles, was sent to prison, flunked out of prison, was sent to this universe to do community service, and now my ex-boyfriend wants to turn me into a living beacon so he can take over the world.” Bill pauses for a second before looking down at Mabel. “Am I missing anything?”
“We’re here to take her hair?”
“Oh! Right. We need your hair.”
“What?! I’m not just going to give you my hair! In order for a lock of my hair, you need to be a maiden of—“
“Yeah, yeah, pure of heart,” Bill waves it off. “I remember that whole scam you set up in your realm.”
He leans down to Mabel, a hand put against his mouth as he speaks to her in a stage whisper.
“You know, they used to be from another dimension pulling this shit before everyone got pissed and they were able to bleed over here. Anyway!” He straights up and looks at Celesteabellabethabelle, “Either you give us a lock of your hair so we can do what we need to do, or I set this thirteen year-old on you.”
“And I’ve got so much pent up puberty rage!”
The three of them regard each other for a moment, Celeste looking put out, Mabel looking bloodthirsty, and Bill is kind of proud of the look on Mabel’s face. He really is starting to rub off on these kids, he thinks.
Or puberty is more of a bitch than he gave it credit for.
He prefers to think it’s the first one.
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verdantrivers · 1 year
hey friends it's doodle dump time, and my current brainworms involve some geriatric scrolls and rims of sky, so i'm just going to make that all your problems hope that's cool, anyway here's my falmer db nerwith, he's miserable and his favourite food is Wall Snacks (those glowing mushrooms)
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he's gonna befriend the guy that gave him his latest grievous head-wound. he's going to befriend him so fucking hard.
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serana has some Concerns
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Kaidan also has some Concerns. Specifically about Caryalind and his soulful shojo eyes that gaze right into his bitter and shriveled heart.
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idk what it is, but Rumarin is always hyper aggressive to mudcrabs. maybe he wants to eat their succulent meats? who even knows the inner workings of his mind
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he's tuckered out from yelling at dragons all day uwu
bonus: morbid curiosity compelled me to play some of the skyrim romance mod until sexlab made my game implode. it was all very Heterosexual, i had a blast.
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very serious and real suggestion to the romance mod devs: allow for flirting options that let the ldb be just as much as an unhinged weirdo as bishop i think it would be so funny
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zacs-of-rwby · 9 months
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Home is Where Your Light Shines Brightest
Chapter 1: “House” Doesn’t Mean “Home”
Story Summary: Ozpin thought he was prepared for the task ahead: to turn Beacon of Hope into a safe place for kids to grow up. Little did he know that he would need a lot of help along the way- help he isn't quite ready to accept yet. When he meets a new volunteer just looking to make a difference, Oz starts to realize that maybe refusing help is causing more harm than good. With Qrow's help, maybe Oz will be able to reach his goal of turning this house into a Home.
Story Categories: Mental Health, Recovery, Slice of Life, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, LGBTQ+ Themes, Alternate Universe, Ozpin’s Halfway House AU, please check Ao3 tags for potentially triggering topics
Chapter Summary: Ozpin has a lot of work ahead of him to get Beacon of Hope set up at their new location. Luckily, he has a new volunteer starting who is more than happy to lend a hand where needed.
Chapter Categories: First meeting, character introductions, establishing setting and plot, no trigger warnings apply to this chapter
Author’s Note: I can’t believe I’m here posting this before the end of 2023. In my head, this was way far out, not even a thought in my mind. I am so incredibly excited to share this story, I swear I’ve never been more proud or enthusiastic about a project in my life. I’m honestly so excited to share this story and I hope anyone who reads it is able to take something away from it! With that being said, I present to you, the first chapter of Home is Where Your Light Shines Brightest.
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novankenn · 1 year
Cherry Pie - Ten -
(Master Chapter List)
Jaune: Seems like a nice person, but a bit too tightly wound. She needs a hobby or something.
Yang: (muttering under her breath)Or someone.
Jaune: Did you say something?
Yang: Nope.
Jaune: So, what did you think of her? You talked to her more than I did.
Yang: Pretty much the same as you. She needs to relax, but I understand she's under a lot of pressure.
Jaune: Pressure?
Yang: Wait? Do you not know who she is?
Jaune: Should I?
Yang: She's a track and field star. Won the Mistral regionals like four-times in a row. I think she also won some accolades in gymnastics, and maybe cheer as well.
Jaune: Okay. Well, never heard of her.
Yang: Do you live under a rock? Wait, don't answer that, I already know the answer... and it's yes.
Jaune: Sue me. I don't pay much attention to that type of stuff.
Yang: Even though you DID have a cheer and dance scholarship for Beacon? You'd think you'd keep tabs on your competition.
Jaune: Why worry about how well someone else is doing, when you can focus on making yourself the best you can be. Besides, it's a moot point now. Beacon yanked the scholarship after head-hunting someone and giving them my spot on the team.
Yang: Is that why you're sore at Beacon?
Jaune: Wouldn't you be?
Yang: Yeah, I guess I would if that happened to me. Wait, they yanked your scholarship? How can they do that?
Jaune: Apparently I wasn't "Beacon" worthy material.
Yang: The dancing.
Jaune: No, the stripping. Someone outed me for it, and bye-bye went my chances for Beacon. Probably for the best anyway.
Yang: Why?
Jaune: Just is.
The pair sat in silence, both sipping on their cooling mugs of coffee, before tired of the uneasy silence, Yang spoke up, changing the topic in the process.
Yang: Are you doing routines tonight or working?
Jaune: Working. Blue Oyster.
Yang: I wish you would quit that gig. That place is in a bad part of town, Jaune. Why won't you take the tending job at the Valean?
Jaune: I can make a grand and some in tips at the Valean on Ladies Nights, but I can make twice to three times that at the Blue Oyster. It's simple math. I need the lien, and this is the fastest way I can do it.
Yang: Well, I still don't like you being down near the waterfront at night. It's not safe.
Jaune: (Chuckles and then sighs) Don't worry about it, sis. The crew at the Oyster would never let anything happen to their beloved "Cherry Pie".
Jaune stood up, collected both their empty mugs and deposited them into the sink, before stretching and rolling his shoulders.
Yang: So what's next? Are you going to the studio or the gym?
Jaune: Gym. You?
Yang: Same. Head out in ten minutes?
Jaune: Ten sounds good.
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askdamijon · 2 months
How’s Kathy doing with helping Jon get ready?
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uwmspeccoll · 11 months
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Steamy Saturday
The novel that dares to tell the truth about a perverse love.
Theirs was a love no man could share!
Draga yielded her long-legged girlishness to unnatural embraces. . . . it was an ecstasy such as Draga had never known.
Her lips were tender and clinging as she pressed them to Jo's voluptuous flesh. . . .
She was on the brink of total perversion. . . . Draga's only hope now was -- a man!
Oh, the steaminess of it all!! Carol Emory's pulp novel Queer Affair was published in New York as a Beacon Book, an imprint of Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp., in 1957, and even by today's standards, the sexual frankness of the novel is pretty steamy. Unfortunately, because it's the 1950s, a fully-realized lesbian relationship will not stand. At least one of the partners has to be off her nut (in this case, Jo), while in the end male heroes come to the rescue.
The story centers around up-and-coming dancer Draga Hamilton who is introduced to celebrity sculptor Jo Stanhope by Draga's lawyer Gilbert Young who is desperately in love with Jo. Jo, however, has other ideas, as she seduces the vulnerable Draga and they begin a torrid love affair, which, as already stated, is quite frankly narrated. Draga is head-over-heels, until of course her old flame Ronnie Marsh shows up on the scene and ruins everything for Jo.
In the end, the whole sordid love quadrangle literally devolves into a barely-suppressed S&M encounter. Jo takes her revenge on Draga's infidelity by grabbing a bullwhip that is inexplicably hung on the wall and beats Draga almost senseless with it. The whipping, however, sends both into a building sexual frenzy until both Gilbert and Ronnie come bursting through the door. Ronnie whisks Draga out of harm's way (at least as he perceives it), and Gilbert gives Jo a taste of her own whipping medicine, to which both react with this memorable passage:
Jo Stanhope looked up at him with misted eyes. "Oh, Gilbert -- you've done something for me. You've rescued me. Why, it--it was --" "Never mind," Gilbert said. "And you won't find it so bad being married to me. After all, I'm sort of womanish, you know."
Meanwhile, Draga is recovering in Ronnie's soothing arms, to which she responds, "Move over a little, sweetheart . . . I want to sit in your lap." THE END. Ugh!!
Despite Queer Affair being mentioned in several texts on early lesbian pulp novels, we could find nothing on the author Carol Emory, who we suspect is possibly a man. Nevertheless, the author makes sure early on that the reader knows Emery has done their homework on lesbianism:
Gilbert had warned her that the sculptress was a lesbian, but at the time the fact had seemed to her irrelevant. Love between women was not altogether a new and startling idea to Draga. She had read many books on the subject, including those by Radclyffe Hall and Diana Fredericks.
Appropriately, Barbara Grier, in her iconic The Lesbian in Literature, gives Queer Affair a rating of A for having "a major lesbian component but not sympathetically portrayed." While we may not know who Carol Emory is, we do know that the butch/femme cover art is by Frank Uppwall and was first painted for another pulp novel, Gutter Star by Dorine B. Clark, published in 1954, and then reissued for the cover of Queer Affair three years later.
View more posts on lesbian romance fiction.
View more LGBTQ+ posts.
View other pulp fiction posts.
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yoyosuitehearts · 1 year
i love blacksun a lot but i think that sun and blake were always destined to be best friends
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ilovefredjones · 9 months
i wish i had more collected and intellectual thoughts on jim and la’an. instead my brain just screams about them all the time
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pynkhues · 9 days
#lowkey surprised no one’s asked me yet what they’re going to be haha
I MEAN if you're willing to tell us then I'm all ears, I just didn't want to be annoying with requests to know lol--and I know I'll love whatever you write!
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Ahahaha, I'm pretty relaxed about it! I'm being a bit liberal, maybe, in my approach to the prompts in that I'm treating each week as a little collection to pull from for each week, so you'll probably get a bit more of a sense of what these are going to involve if you look at them too, but yes, what I'm writing is:
Week 1: reunion fic - not really that smutty tbh, but the rest will more than make up for it, haha. Using 2-3/6 of the prompts.
Week 2: post s2 fic, loosely in the same universe as Beacon and Ungodly Hour, set sometime between those fics? Louis and Lestat are in London for different reasons (Louis finance / stocks meeting, Lestat recording) and they kiiiind of end up role playing a cruising situation in a public park? Things get. Unhinged, lmao. Probably the weirdest of these fics? And also probably the one I'm having the most fun writing at this stage, haha. Using 5/7 prompts.
Week 3: Louis and Lestat talk about Armand and the sexual particularities of that relationship. Lestat gets Real Weird About It. This one might be in Lestat's POV? I'm still percolating on it. Will probably end up using variations of all of these prompts.
Week 4: I guess the 1.06 fic now!!
Week 5: Louis' not the photographer on Lestat's tour, but he kinda unofficially becomes the behind the scenes photographer when he's there. It's not really an issue until he starts lowkey directing the official photographer on how to photograph Lestat. Then things get uncomfortable AND deranged, haha. Creative interpretations of all four of these prompts kinda? There are Elements At Play.
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timmurleyart · 23 days
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Have you been naughty or nice?…because today is Allston Christmas.🐀🐁🗑🛏🚛🪑🎄
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