#Bi-phobic parent
How I Would Rewrite Exes and Ooh's
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First off make Chaz only Moxxie's ex because him also being the ex of Millie was unneeded.
Make Moxxie's mom still alive, but she still is the more supportive parent and actually tries to help Moxxie escape from his predicament forced by his father.
Crimson won't be bi-phobic because hell at this point showed not to care about sexuality and suddenly he being bi-phobic doesn't make a lick of sense and just to hammer in a message that wasn't needed.
No jails in hell but there would be dungeons meant to take people prisoner.
How about actually giving Moxxie and his family a legit last name?
Instead of the mafia, it should instead be a gang of imps who rose through the top being a thorn in everyone's side even Mammon's forces. They actually dare defy one of the sins by going after his resources.
Instead of Chaz pretending to be rich, it would be that Chaz rises in the ranks and becomes the number two to the point Crimson wants him in the family and forces Moxxie to marry him.
Cut all the dildo jokes out.
Moxxie's mom doesn't mind the gang life, but she hates that Crimson treats their son so poorly and tries to toughen him into the heir he wants instead of building him up to the position.
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mooniekive · 1 year
Slow Burn | five (preview + link)
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Pairing: min yoongi x reader 
AU: neighbors!au | producer!yooongi and teacher reader | they both identify as bi, and reader is aspec (grey-sexual/demi-romantic)
Genre: slow burn, kind of slice of life | fluff, smut
Word Count: 645 words (preview) | 13k (chapter)
Warnings: (edited)Yoongi is woodworking and he's very hot doing it, a little angst, a certain parent being kinds of phobic, lots of fluff, smut in the form of hand sex, not extremely descriptive but there's usage of some smutty terms, reader is expressing slight dom behavior, Yoongi is being a soft sub, and perhaps he has a praise kink hehe, lots and lots of kissing of course
When one of your best friends and neighbors moves in with his partner, you’re surprised to have a quiet (and attractive) man move in next door. His protective nature intrigues you, and his looks pull you in with a magnetism so unfamiliar to you.
Min Yoongi is so used to being on his own that when he moves into a new place, and into an existing little found family, he’s forced out of his little box. He has no other choice but to finally allow himself to want. To want what he always desired — a place and people to comfortably exist with. 
Preview under cut, or read on ao3
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Yoongi wasn’t sure you would enjoy the activity he had planned. When he picked you up this morning he’d started to second guess his plans. Maybe he should have planned something a little more romantic. It’s not that Yoongi can’t, he certainly has tact for the romantic when he needs to, but he figured a date with you doesn’t always have to be romantic. He approached this as a way to get to know each other’s tastes more, and he really wanted to share this hobby of his with you. 
Woodworking is not something he gets to do as often as he’d like, especially when he doesn’t often have hours upon hours to give to the woodworking projects he’s had in mind for months. Still, it’s something he enjoys doing when he can. 
To his relief, you became very excited when he mentioned what you were going to be doing.
“Am I going to sweat in this?” You ask as you take your spot next to Yoongi and take his hand. He looks down at the baby blue turtleneck under the puffy jacket and corduroy pants.  
Perhaps he should’ve told you beforehand what you’d be doing. “Well, maybe. I’ve never been here during winter but I do think the heater is on. We can always ask him to turn it off if it gets too hot.” 
You eye Yoongi’s shirt, move his jacket away to check his shirt, making him chuckle at the way your hands tickle. “You’re wearing a t-shirt, you’ll get cold.” 
He squeezes your hand and stops outside the workshop. “Don’t worry about it too much, sweetheart, we’ll figure it out.”
Turns out Jae-nim does have the heater on so the workshop is quite toasty when you both step inside — jackets off and aprons on. 
“Do we have to get you to turn down the heater?” 
“No, I’ll show you where to change the temperature.” It’s relatively easy, and Jae even leaves some cold bottles of water nearby just in case. 
“Let me know if it gets stuffy,” Yoongi leans into you to whisper. 
After Jae-nim leaves the slabs of wood you both picked out — soft wood so it’s much easier to work with for you, and him to be honest since he’s a little rusty — you’re finally left alone. Yoongi is a little too excited to teach you. 
After picking and drawing the shapes of the cutting boards onto the wood, Yoongi instructs you how to use the cutting machine but he can tell how nervous you are. 
“Okay, don’t think too much about it, alright. First we’ll cut the excess and then I’ll help you cut along the shape — remember to leave some space for sanding like I did.” 
You’re relatively quiet but very attentive as you watch him cut his board, and now you turn to study it once more before you cut down the excess with Yoongi’s help. Once you get into the shape itself, Yoongi lets you guide, putting less pressure on the wood as you get more confident. 
From where he stands, Yoongi smells your perfume, and that quintessential you scent. That smell he can find in your room, your hair, even your skin. It even overpowers the strong wood scent in the room. 
When you pull away the now elephant shaped wood, you give Yoongi the biggest smile. “I did it!” 
“Knew you could, isn’t it fun?” 
You lean into Yoongi and kiss his cheek. “It’s more than fun, it’s rewarding when it comes out right. I’m not going to lie though, the sanding machine looks terrifying.” 
Yoongi can’t help it and he pulls you in as you stare at the machine. He wraps his arm around your waist and squeezes your soft skin as he pulls you in to kiss your temple. “It’s a bit scary but very easy to use, I’ll show you.”
read more on ao3
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starzfandomblog · 9 months
Rody Lamoree Character Analysis (At least I think.)
I'm really bad at doing analysis of characters + this is my first time doing one so here I go!!1 Note that quotes from the game are paraphrased bc I can't remember anything ------------------------------- Rody is shown to be a bright, but brash man. (Described as "brash" in the newspaper review about the bistro.) Rody is also described as "exhausting" by Vince. (During the climax.) Overall, Rody could be described as exhausting, bright, forgetful, messy, and an optimist. Looking closer, RODY IS JUST SOME SAD SILLY AND HE DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER. But all jokes aside, Rody seems to be going through a lot during the events of the game, despite how "happy" he may act/be. At the end of his first shift when he returned home, we see his apartment, and it's a mess. It looks like he hasn't cleaned it and days/has the motivation and/or time. When you enter the hallway, Rody exclaims, "The bathrooms flooded... again!" When you interact with the dirty dishes in the sink, he says, "I'll get to that. Someday. Eventually." Literally almost everything you interact with is messy. He doesn't exactly have a proper apartment either. I'm pretty sure having no motivation to do things you NEED to do/used to enjoy is a sign of depression. (I could be like entirely wrong on this point.) Also while watching many gameplays, (cough I've only watched two) I've picked up that Rody is a people pleaser. When Vince asks his favorite food, he says, "I eat whatever my girlfriends into." When Vince asks why he needs so much money, Rody needs it because he wants to buy a gift from Manon. He's basically devoting his life to her, he's so in love with her he can't see how terrible-ish of a girlfriend she is. ("WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!? SHES AMAZ-" SHH I'LL EXPLAIN ON A LATER POST.) Imagine the pain in his voice when he found out Vince killed her. The desperation in his voice just to hear Manon's voice on the phone. He doesn't realize how much he's hurting himself, he's oblivious. Also what I found interesting is that the creator has stated he's "bi and bi-phobic at the same time." I'm prolly thinking about this way too deep, but maybe Rody's just like, in denial, for Manon. Moving on, there's various reason as to why people will become people pleasers. It could be trauma, stress, childhood experiences, etc. I imagine Rody being from the poorer side of France, as he grew up in a somewhat loving family. His parents pressured him to be good in school, and although Rody KNEW his parents had good intentions, but he couldn't help it. Despite this he just brushed it off, and continued to please everyone, although this isn't exactly possible. Basically burnt out gifted kid. (ok i just realized that went on to be a hc thing SO LETS MOVE ON TO THE MORE LIKELY ANSWERS) In the ending where Rody burns down the bistro (I forgot the ending name) Rody seems so desperate for Manon not to leave him. But she just kind of did anyway. He could have become a people pleaser because of his (maybe) deep fear of rejection. He made Manon his whole word, and it fell apart when she left him. Also, I feel like Rody's prone to comparing himself to others, especially after the interaction with his former classmate at the dinner party. Seeing how well his classmate was doing, the feeling that he wasn't doing as great just stung. Overall, Rody Lamoree tries his best to be happy, but he NEEDS to take care of himself more, maybe insecure, and realize he can never please anyone. ---------------------------- im sorry this was so random uh
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rhysnolastname · 1 year
It’s so hurtful when a fellow queer person is extremely bi/pan phobic and cruel towards us. Like much more than a straight person… my own parents don’t hurt me this much.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 3 months
Okay, so Isaac, I'm trying to make this as short as possible, not sure how it will go
Isaac grew up overtly catholic, managed to run from the federation, he managed to sneak into Elias's office unseen, that and the insider info he had got him into the ghosts, he's a trans guy and he doesn't trust anyone but Merrick (and then later Hesh, but that took a lot of convincing from Hesh), Legal name is completely redacted, he does tell his deadname to Hesh and later to the other due to a mission
Isaac doesn't get along with his parents, for a lot of reasons, like their strongly lgbt phobic views and him being trans and bi, them forcing him to join the feds
Tho, he kinda got adopted by Merrick after a few months with them. They had some free time for all to go home or just off base and Isaac had nowhere to go so he stayed and Merrick came back like 2 days later to look how he's doing, cause he knew Isaac wouldn't go anywhere and then they spend the whole time together and Isaac slowly warmed up to Merrick. He made Isaac feel like someone actually finally cared about him, after that Merrick became more and more of a father figure for him and Merrick was also the only one he really trusted (not that he didn't trust the rest with fighting, but not really on a personal level) til Hesh came and wormed his way into his world and didn't let up
While not married, Hesh and Isaac are technically engaged, on the battlefield Hesh basically proposed. They made a promise that if they ever have a few quiet days, that they'll get actual rings and get married, but for the time being Hesh used the pin from a granade, that Isaac is always wearing together with his dogtags (Merrick got them for him, eventhough he's not technically us military,  he is a ghost and therefore deserves them in his opinion)
Tho one time they had a bit of trouble (big trouble) and Isaac took it off giving it back and walked away, broke both of them a little bit
Trouble was Logan coming back to them turned.
Isaac, as an ex fed realising what happened and that Logan turned, but the rest not really going on it, thinking he's paranoid. He doesn't mind everyone, Merrick being a little apprehensive about the idea, hurt a bit, but Hesh not believing him was the worst (even if understandable). Had him thinking that Hesh doesnt trust him enough, so in the moment he proofed his point with Logan he took the pin of and shoved it into Hesh's hand with the words "i can't hold this promise if you can't even belive me on my area of expertise"
They did got back together not too long after but it was rocky few weeks
Keegan is possibly the closest thing Isaac had to a friend before Hesh, not that they were particularly close, but they tolerated eachother and Keegan is also the only one (apart from Merrick) that Isaac was okay being alone in a room with, possibly silent bonding
"Funniest" thing Isaac is very much from southern Texas, can hide his accent pretty well tho, unless he's tired or agitated, then it's just full on southern drawl.
He also has a very prominent scar on his right cheek from under his eye all the way back to his chinbone under his ear (i hope you get what i mean) he got this from his uncle, when it came out that he was trans, unc actually tried to kill him, but even with 14/15 Isaac was already a pretty good fighter
I hope that was everything, i mean short is something else, but i don't really wanna cut anymore, also sorry for it being a bit disorganised
-🐑 (i swear if tumblr eats this)
Elias, coming to hide in his office from the gaggle of dipshits he swears he loves but sometimes can't stand: "Finally. Some peace." Issac: "👁👁 Hello"
I wonder where in the timeline Issac came in? Post or pre Caracas? Post or Pre ODIN? Post or pre The Boys (Logan+Hesh.)?
Issac 🤝 Mich "Parent's don't fuck with the gender swag."
DAD MERRICK LETS GOOOOO!!!! Ofc Hesh gets Issac to like him. He prolly came up with a 20 step plan to get him.
You've heard of field promotion now get ready for field engagement. Lets go. Underrated COD trope. I KNOW Hesh got a goddamn wedding planner/daydream book under his bed. There are several pictures of doggie ring bearers.
Damn a few weeks lmao. They deadass couldn't last without each other.
Keegan, the fiance's brother in law, being another one of the handful of people Issac likes is KILLING me lmao. Found family.
Hesh bagged himself a cowboy, well I'll be damned.
I think you've described it perfectly! Kick that mfs ass Izz.
You're alg, I can't organize my oc thoughts for shit too so we fine with a little chaos. Plus, this ain't horrible.
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cianmarstoo · 5 months
How do you think MerDer would react to Alex being bi and sneaking out to meet a guy or someone from the hospital catches him and MerDer find out (I know he doesn't experience any attraction due to being little but if he were Big or in another AU)
(sorry this took so long!)
I think Alex would be so sneaky about it and would start to set up lies for alibis (managing to pay Jackson in coffee or something to say they're going out together somewhere while also telling Jackson nothing about who he was going out with) and sneaks out at night, or claims to be working nightshifts (that one rarely though as he knows he'll be found out fast) While MerDer try not to be overbearing when he's big they do worry a lot about him, and Alex is often grounded anyway, and he does have a curfew for when he's not working as even when Big as a Little he needs more sleep than Neutrals or Caregivers
He ends up being seen by Bailey who is at the same bar with some friends, but Alex and the guy, who also works at the hospital, leaves before she can go over, after he leaves she does see that there were two empty beers on his table. Alex gets caught sneaking back in, he claims he just went for a run, and MerDer are already so tired from working that they ground him for being out past curfew and tell him that they're going to have a long conversation after work the next day
It's only when at work that they find out - with Bailey bumping into Derek (cause the two of them are friends lbr) and stopping the elevator like they do, and being like 'I'm not telling you how to parent, but I'm surprised you and Grey let Alex out on a date at a bar at night, especially without you guys around." She quickly realises by the look on Derek's face that he had no idea and is like "... ah... I'm guessing you definitely didn't know about the whole beer thing then?"
Derek literally goes storming off and reluctantly forces himself to see Mer instead of going straight to Alex and grounding him forever , because he knows (after several fights in the past) that parenting is them having to talk first.
Meredith hears about it and like Derek wants to find out who this guy is and kill him, but they need to find out who is first, they page Alex claiming its an emergency and he thinks it going to be a cool surgery.... nope, its them and they force him to go to Derek's office which is when he knows he's in trouble they force themselves to not yell or say anything until they get to the office, and when they do they demand the name of whoever it was he was on a date with
Alex internally spirals, Jimmy Evans was probably every type of phobic, and Alex didn't think that MerDer would be but he worries now.
MerDer on the other hand aren't even thinking about the sex or gender of whoever it was, they just care that Alex has been hiding it from them, sneaking around, and drinking when he definitely shouldn't.
Meredith is like "Alex I mean it, tell me his name now. I'm going to kick his ass."
"So am I!"
"Wait... what, his ass? It's not like he turned me bi, the fuck?"
thats when MerDer get confused and realise Alex is looking panicked.
"Yeah, you were drinking, Alex, and sneaking around, hiding things from us? He's clearly an asshole-"
"-he didn't make me drink!"
"Don't care, he should have made sure you didn't, you're not meant to, you're a Little, you know that, so why didn't he stop you?"
"... because he doesn't know my classification, we've only been on a few dates...?"
its then that they realise that they probably can't kill this guy, even if they feel protective of Alex.
They assure him that they know someone can't just turn him bi. That they're not homophobic or anything, and love him no matter what.
Then they get him to tell them absolutely everything, because they need to be able to trust him, so he does... and totally ends up grounded for a month...
They also find out about the guy, like who it is, how they met, what he knows about Alex or doesn't know.
They all leave to head back to work and MerDer privately admit to each other that they still want to kill the guy, and are like "Who doesn't ask about their classification in the first few dates?" then realise that they only promised not to kill him... they didn't promise not to threaten him....... so of course they do threaten him, because at the end of the day they know what they are, and that's protective parents
they also give Alex a very indepth sex talk, he points out that he's both a doctor and completed high school, they tell him they don't care, they know him, and they heard him and Jackson saying that they thought the morning after pill is 100% effective, and they're like 'nope, you're gonna be safe, whether you do or not, and you're getting regular checks'
'and someones going to be in the same place as you are on dates until we know him better, us, or one of your uncles'
Alex would never agree to them that it's nice getting to have essentially the teen experience which he never had, even if they're overprotective and embarrassing
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(Alex when being made to listen to their safe sex talk - it doesn't work they still give him the lecture)
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Why can not David just be a good actor and a good human being in your "discourse"? He cannot just play gay/ambiguous because he's a trained actor, he has to BE gay irl, there's no other explanation. He cannot wear the NB pin and be an outspoken ally because he's a good human and has always felt the unfairness of the situation, no, it means he's GAAAAY and maybe NB irl. Don't you see how you refuse his agency in your desire to objectify and imagine his sexuality as you'd like it to be?
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(The Anon above is responding to this post, but I thought I would group these together since we now also have the picture of David wearing his new Pride pin.)
Hello, Anon. I realize I'm a few weeks late in responding (to this and many other Anons still waiting in my inbox), but we are still in the last few days of Pride month, as we've recently seen, so I thought I'd take a moment and address this.
First of all, I have not once anywhere on my blog ever said that David is gay, so I am not sure why you are putting words in my mouth, but doing so does nothing to help your already flimsy case. I think it's also worth noting that I am not the only one who has made the observations I have, as I've had countless people of all sexual orientations/gender identities say these things to me over DM, things many of them are afraid to say publicly because of people like you.
Secondly, it is very obvious to me that you did not at all listen to David's appearance on that podcast where he talked about Pride Month, because if you had, you would know that your attitude is the exact same type of phobic mindset he was talking about fighting against on the playground in primary school. It's the very fact that you are "defending" him from something that doesn't inherently need defending from that is the entire point that you seem to be missing. Further, when I have talked about David's sexuality, I am basing my thoughts on things David has actually said and put out into the universe, which you by contrast seem determined to ignore in favor of projecting who you think David is onto him, which seems far more like removing his agency than what you've accused me of doing. I also do not believe I am "objectifying" David's sexuality in any way, because for me, I do not care if David is straight, bi, gay, whatever--I just want him to be happy and feel that he can be free to be who he really is.
The other point of yours with which I strongly take issue is that you are trying to shove David into a narrow box when that is the very thing he was speaking against in that podcast. According to your words, he can either be a good human/actor or he is bi/enby, which gives the impression that these things are somehow mutually exclusive. My question to you is, why can't he be both? Why can't David be a good human/actor AND queer himself? What if what makes him such a good ally is that he is bi or enby and has experienced such difficulties with his identity and now wants to protect his child and others from going through something similar? And if that is the case, I'm not sure why you think that would be so awful as to resort to leaving mocking messages in my inbox.
To the points made by @hunterofartemisblog: I am so, sorry for what you went through. No child should experience something like that, let alone from a parent. I fully concur with you, however--we could speculate about David's (and Michael's) sexuality until the cows come home, but the one thing we can say for certain is that David and Michael (and Georgia) are incredible supporters of the LGBTQ+ community. Michael has been outspoken about his support for years, but I feel like David has become much more vocal in just the last year, and it is beautiful to see. Indeed, how lucky so many of us would be to have such support in our lives--from a parent, a friend, or anyone who loves and cares about us.
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When I looked closely at this picture yesterday, I felt as though I could see tiredness and worry in David's eyes--which, again, could be for any number of reasons. My hope is that if he is bi or enby, that David has someone in his life to give him that support, who is letting him know that it is okay to be exactly who he is and that he is safe with them.
Clearly, there is still a lot of judgment awaiting David and/or all LGBTQ+ people who decide to be open about themselves, which may be one of the reasons why it's so hard to do exactly that. As Pride month draws to a close, I hope we can all think about how we can unlearn our own preconceived ideas about gender and sexuality--whether well-intentioned-but-misguided or outright harmful--and make this world safer for queer folks everywhere.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
The Tobias x Casey rec made me sad. They were my most favorite OH pair when I got here, but I don't read anymore since you said your Tobias is straight. Would you consider changing him? I miss reading your stuff.
Nonny, there is so much I could say to this that my head is spinning.
You're seriously writing to a creator and telling them what to create. Seriously?
Let's flip this around. "I love Tobias x Casey, but stopped reading when I learned Casey was bi. Can you change it and make her straight for me so I can read again?" I hope you see how fucked up that would be. You're doing the exact same thing.
If I just say, "OK. My Tobias is bi now," you'll read? Literally, nothing else will change because I'm not editing my story - but you'll read? Do you see anything wrong there?
The reasons I didn't HC him as bi are well documented, I'm not discussing again except to say playing as an F!MC. You know the rest of that story. By the time I came to this shithole and learned about drama, I already had an EXTENSIVE backstory for his character. That includes Casey sporadically teasing Tobias with things like "It's OK baby, you're straight, you wouldn't get it." (My MC is bi, I'm bi... so, no, I'm not biphobic). Part of which is Tobias's brother, Jordan, coming out to Casey and his journey in telling his family and living his truth (so, no, I'm not bi man phobic either). Part is because one of their daughters is queer, and I wanted to show how her parent's - one straight, one queer - reactions differ. I'm not someone who is like, "Iw, no! Queer characters! BAD!" I just have a different HC than you. It seems we have a tolerance issue here, and I'm not the one with the problem. It's you. This time, it's you.
You enjoyed their story, and you stopped reading. So, you're depriving yourself and not hurting me because I don't write for notes.
I have toyed with making Tobias bi in my HC for reasons that are moot because I've decided against it. I have AUs in my WIPs where he is bi and AUs where he's bi and poly. I'm not sure if I'll ever share them here. Why? Because of the bullying culture in this fandom. Because of anons like this. Of course, that's me being stubborn. I should write/share whatever I want and not let this crap bother me. That is a "for me to work on" issue.
One last thing: I am a real person. I'm a bi creator who writes for bi characters, but you "erased" me because I didn't change the sexuality of one character whose sexuality is determinant per canon (take that up with Pixelberry, not me....). That makes so much sense. You're doing so much to lift the queer community! I'm sure GLADD will be commemorating your efforts any day now. You should be very proud of yourself.
As always, I will be happy to discuss this further with you (or anyone else) in DMs. But I've said all I will say though anon.
Shit like this is so discouraging, but don't worry, I'm going to write some Tobias/Casey content to cheer myself up.
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I've been seeing so much discourse about bi women bringing their boyfriends to pride and I'm just so tired of having this conversation
So I've identified as bi since I first figured out my sexuality when I was 13, although lately I've been using the term queer more when talking about my sexuality, I still mostly identify as a bi woman
I've really only been to pride twice because they don't have pride in the small town I grew up in, but from my experience its such an open and positive space for queer people to come together and just celebrate being ourselves, and the fact that people want to police that just makes me incredibly sad
It's such a positive experience for a lot of people to be in a space like that and to know that they belong, and wanting to bring someone with you who you are comfortable with and want to share that experience with is so important
Like are you going to tell me I can't bring my mom and dad to pride because they're cis and straight? You're really going to tell a queer kid who isn't old enough to go to pride by themselves that they can't bring their parents with them? Or their best friend who happens to be cis and straight? You're gonna tell a queer parent that they can't bring their children to pride because they're cis and straight? Like do you realize how absolutely ridiculous that sounds?
In my opinion, if you want to come to pride to show your support you should be allowed to! I think that as long as you are being respectful, anyone should be allowed at pride. It gives me so much joy to see families at pride, whether its a family there supporting their queer child/sibling or a queer parent with their children/spouse.
Not to mention that you cannot tell who is queer and who isn't. You literally can't. Like if you saw me walking down the street you'd probably have no idea that I'm queer because I'm a mostly feminine presenting cis-woman. Does that make me any less queer? Absolutely not. It's such a stupid argument because you cannot possibly know that a person isn't queer or trans or gender non-conforming.
People who think like this really need to take a step back and try and put into perspective why they think bi women shouldn't bring their boyfriends to pride. Is it because you don't think cis/straight people belong at pride or is it because you're actually bi-phobic?
Just a thought.
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truly-quirkless · 4 months
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May as well since it's dancing around, so!
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Toshinori Yagi is bisexual, with a leaning towards pan. The pan is mostly because he's dating/married to Fin, who is neither gender, and he does feel attraction for feminine, masculine, and neutral presentations/bodies. So- man's out here trying to sort if he's bi or pan. Kinda flip-flops.
He identifies as male/he's cis, and he goes by he/him pronouns and the like. Always dresses masculine- not really a big fan of dresses and whatnot. He'll wear them if requested, but they make him just a little uncomfortable...loves a pretty kimono (so one that feels more fem than masc to him) though, and good luck making him shy away from feminine colors/getting his nails done.
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Finley Well is a flavor of graysexual/demisexual. They very rarely feel sexual attraction, and it pops up more often with those they've already developed a deep bond with. Gender presentation means very little to them, but if you're someone they have feelings for? You could dress in a trash bag and still get them to nosebleed. Doesn't matter what your gender is.
Fin identifies as nonbinary, and presents in a semi-masculine manner. Fin goes by they/them pronouns and gender neutral terms, but they're fine with more masculine/male-leaning terms. They despise wearing dresses and anything 'feminine' leaning. Much prefer a solid suit. They are AFAB, so they have female equipment- but they try to dress in loose clothing as much as they can so that no one can see their chest. They're considering top surgery- but have yet to develop the guts to go through with it (haha....).
Yagi's family would have been pro-LGBTQ+. His adoptive family...not so much, but they wouldn't have stopped Yagi if he did develop non-heteronormative relationships. Nana Shimura, who kinda became his last 'mother' of sorts, supported him full-heartedly, as did Gran Torino, though Torino is still confused about the whole concept in general. Just 'whatever makes you young whippersnappers happy, just leave me out of it'.
Fin's parents are very much LGBTQ+-phobic. Fin and Yagi met their folks while they were at I-Island, and when said parents kept calling Fin 'their darling daughter', Yagi stepped in, grabbed them, said 'I fucked them, now if you need me, I'm going to go have a lovely day with my S P O U S E', and walked off. Fin was both mortified and relieved.
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jaqiqi-blog · 4 months
First of all, Happy pride month!
Secondly, Slight vent cause I never really talk about it to anybody, and I just gotta vent, idk. Tldr at the bottom if you just want the lil kinda happy message, but happy pride month to all y'all that have dealt with or are still dealing with people like this like I am.
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I didn't plan on telling my parents I was trans until I was moved away and safe from them. Unfortunately, my mom backed me into a conversational corner that had me out no matter what I did, so I left that night and have been living with my amazing sister and her family for the past months while my mom (and grandma after she told her) spread the gossip to as much of the rest of the family they possibly can.. Its fucked y'know cause my parents always tried to feed me and my brother that bullshit of 'you can do whatever, we dont care' except for denying my sister is bi cause she married a man, or calling trans people wrong, or getting upset if someone makes a gay joke regarding me or my brother, or calling us 'queer' or 'fag' as an insult, or telling me to stop doing certain things because it was feminine throughout my whole life. I apparently WALKED too feminine when I was younger. I was like 10. I also was told not to dance to some songs, not play with dolls, not wear my flare pants that I wear and love, not dye my hair red, which it currently is. Etc, etc.
But hey, it's getting better soon. This month, I'm finally moving out with my cousin at a house we've secured, and it's so relieving to finally be almost done with my parents. Ig pride month is always gonna be a lil extra special to me cause this'll always be the month I'm actually free :)
But uh yeah, sorry. I needed to get some of this shit out and I don't want to just bug people with it y'know? I guess I am doing that right now, but yall don't have an obligation to read whatever I write so it's less.. demanding I guess? Lol
Sorry for the wall of text on your feed if you sat through and read this
TLDR: If you got shitty lgbtq-phobic people in your life, you can and will get outta there eventually. One way or another <3
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Oh great, my mom just decided to open her mouth and spill the usual bullshit of her denial regarding my gender and sexuality. Ffs, the only reason why I don't call it transphobia/aphobia (and also biphobia even though I'm not bi) is cause I don't wanna despise her.
She's always trying to find whatever the fuck could be the imaginary cause of my confusion such as: the bipolar disorder (even though I've been stable for over a year now and my mental health is the best my psychiatrist and therapist ever seen), other people are manipulating me, content I watch, a trauma that either I or someone in the family went through (and it somehow passed down to me).
This time, along the usual questioning just to try and sway me out, she decided to go with the "what would changing your name and possibly having top surgery be good for you?", "what friends even sticked with you? do they really, or are they just pretending? your therapist, psychiatric, and friends don't really care about you! only your parents do and what you do affects us, you should think about that", "I see your not exercising, taking care of your food and psychical health as a whole, you should focus on that instead of your name! what is changing it gonna do?". Overall, we know better attitude sundue with the cherry on top of you are abnormal.
Yeah, you can say she's transphobic, aphobic, queerphobic as a whole. I BELIEVE YOU! But I can't accept it because how could I look at her in the face after that! I know I'm not taking care of my physical health, but mental and emotional are important, and while exercise and eating properly and sleep help, so does not hating yourself and trying to be someone your not. So shut the fuck up, you never noticed when I was doing bad, when I wasn't being myself while growing up you still loved me, but now that I trusted you with who I am you do this! I want to trow up every time you open your mouth, I want to be away from you, I tried to be vulnerable with you so many times and you always do this yet I'm in the wrong! And I can't even say all this because you will make yourself the victim. I know I depend on you, financially, but that doesn't mean you get to talk to me like you know me, you don't know shit, you never do, and it's not because your older that your wiser about everything you dumb fuck!
And the last fucking paragraph is why I can't think of her as all those phobics, how am I supposed to look at her and not spill all of this out? I can't leave yet, I don't have the money. And even if I did my sister still lives with them. And my dad, oh poor dad, he just stays in the middle and tries to be the only fucking person in the house that was never mentally ill, yet he does not call me by my chosen name and thinks I'm confused. I don't even know where he is with all this.
Also, my mom is real into pseudoscience. I don't know when it started, but I should've seen all this coming. I should have only told them after I changed my name, I should've known better than to think I could be vulnerable with them.
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do dimmesdale
These are two of the most random characters ever thank you so much
Absent dad priest man Dimmsedale:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay gay homosexual gay LISTEN HIM AND CHILLINGWORTH WERE MMMM- Gender Headcanon: Cis man, he's too pathetic to be anything else A ship I have with said character: Him x Chillingworth, it's lowkey so toxic, I love it A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Hester ngl. Like if he stopped being a coward for five seconds they could be besties A NOTP I have with said character: Him x Mistress Hibbins, I feel like she would try and get him sell his soul and he would have a mental breakdown and die even faster A random headcanon: He doesn't know how to children. Like if he and Pearl ever spent more than five seconds together she'd destroy him because he can barely adults much less children. General Opinion over said character: Help this pathetic man, he's a wet cat but in a derogatory way, I want to hit him with a chair
Tim from Boss Baby:
Sexuality Headcanon: He's seven guhhh I feel like he's gonna be bi and his parents are gonna be home of phobic Gender Headcanon: He's seven but I feel like he's gonna be nb bc disney would sob A ship I have with said character: He's seven. Him x being less irritating A BROTP I have with said character: Does he have any friends? Idk. Him and the baby. What's his name? Or him x a slap. A NOTP I have with said character: Everyone and everything. A random headcanon: His family is Trumpee republican and idolize Ronald Reagan. General Opinion over said character: Irritating toddler child I'm so glad i haven't watched anything relating to boss baby in forever
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deafblindshorty · 1 year
Glee and Days of Our Lives
So, ten years ago, some people on here compared some Glee characters (well, the gay characters) to DOOL's gay characters.
-They said Burt Hummel and Justin Kiriakis were the best fathers ever (Justin way less so than Burt, but he's still a pretty good dad. Mostly.)
-They said Glee should take notes from DOOL and have their gay couple talk things out.
-They wanted Blaine to give a long, anguished declaration of love to an unconscious Kurt the same way Sonny did for Will when he was in the hospital.
-When Sonny first appeared on the show, someone on Daytime Royalty said they also need a "Karofsky" type character (and they kind of got their wish with Paul).
Lately, I've realized...
Paul is Karofsky's good counterpart (which is funny, since Karofsky's dad's name is Paul). Both were athletes who hid their sexualities. Paul handled it way better (Although, he was older and more mature, so...) and pursued men who were already taken and they knew it.
Leo is Kurt's evil counterpart. Both dress flamboyantly, use expensive facial products, and both are besties with an overly ambitious and obnoxious brunette woman.
Will is Blaine's morally grey counterpart. Both cheated on their SOs because they felt lonely, both are married and have a daughter, and both pursued a career writing stories based on their own personal experiences (Will in screenwriting, Blaine being a playwright), and both became a big brother mentor to someone who was confused about their sexuality (Will to his sister Allie and Blaine to Kurt. Okay, Blaine is younger than Kurt, but still.)
Sonny and Kurt have a few things in common, too. Both are a little bi-phobic, both lost their moms and took it really hard, their boyfriends (husband in Sonny's case) cheated on them, they both have a parent who got cancer and they became despondent over that, and they both have a daughter.
Sigh. I've been wanting to write a fanfic where they meet, and it looks like when Will and Sonny left for New Zealand, it'd be the perfect time. But, is New York a layover on the way to NZ from Illinois or is California?
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breathetoburn · 2 years
Lol I feel like I've done a good job for as long as I've known that I'm bi and trans to not let my parents intense homophobia and transphobia like. Upset me a lot and ruin my life and whatever. And I'm so used to concealing so much about myself from them and from other people for my safety that it just comes second nature..but the dysphoria and upsetness of having to pretend to be a girl and use dead name and whatever else is just starting to get sooo unbearable and agonizing lolll and has just been ruining my mood all day. And I'm moving into student housing in a few months and I really really don't want to introduce myself as something I'm not to my roommates but I know it's so inevitable that my mom will have to meet them and the whole "use this name and these pronouns in front of my parents" thing is just so exhausting and upsetting. And it's just starting to freak me out how much I've been hiding from so many people for so long because inevitably i have to lie about so much of myself to so many people in order to conceal the fact that im trans. life would literally be so fucking simple and easy if my parents weren't old as dust and even the slightest bit accepting of the idea of me not being cis and not being straight and its so fucking hard to not be bitterly resentful and jealous and miserable when So many of my friends and so many of the lgbt people around me at school at work are able to be publicly out.. or out to their parents.. even with varying levels of acceptance at least they're able to safely live as they are. I could even bare masquerading as cis to them and to people around me if they could at the very least accept the gay part. And I genuinely believe if I tried to come out to them they wouldn't even believe me because they're the kind of phobic where they think it's a choice or a perversion and it's just so hopeless. And so crushing to live this way knowing I'll have to free myself from dependence on them before I can even at the very fucking least start any sort of transition or displaying myself publicly as what I am
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shayochism · 2 years
It’s sad. Shayan was brought up in a homophobic (and abusive) family. She didn’t meet anybody gay, or bi, or trans, not way until after leaving home. Her family were the sort who were like “they’re GAY. Avoid them at all costs, it’s wrong!” and she just... was like “okay...” but didn’t think too much of it. It wasn’t something that was spoken about, except on like three occasions until she left home at ten. So she grew up just not really knowing about it or paying attention to it. Life was just going to school and then going home, sometimes playing out with other kids, but you know, she never came across gay people etc except on one occasion on a family outing, then twice on TV. Unlike most people, her friends (who she wasn’t close with anyway) didn’t talk much to her about anything, so there was never that younger discussion of “have you heard of gay/lesbian people?”
Luckily, albeit all that, she wasn’t ever phobic as such due to never really noticing it all, so when she did leave home at ten and see the world, see people who were gay holding hands etc, she started to think on it a bit. And the only conclusion she came to was “I don’t fucking care what people do”. Because she had more important things to do.
In Rocket, joining at sixteen, she met a few LGBTQ+ people and her world opened up more as she became more receptive to humans in general. She became someone who was like “I don’t care what people identify as as long as they’re not attacking me”, which later, around age eighteen, became “I will punch someone for being phobic”. Her mindset definitely changed and she’s now very supportive.
But she still thinks (hopes) she’s straight because of that inner phobia drilled into her by her parents. And she’s not straight at all.
For the past five or six years she’s been having deep thoughts about women. And her gender. But “it doesn’t matter because haha i’m a straight cis woman who just has bad thoughts!!”. And it’s like... Sweetie... You get hot over thinking about women which, yea, you freak out about ‘cause you’re “straight”, and you don’t resonate with being a woman. But it doesn’t take a rocket (hahaa) scientist to realize your sexuality when it’s staring you in the face. 
It’s just pure denial now. And that’s sad.
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