#Big Apple Coaster
funfairordnance · 2 years
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Attraction Gijinkas! :3 They’re my babies.
Art by Nikoru on Instagram!!
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major-marjoram · 4 months
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~Big Apple~
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xena58 · 1 year
10 cose da fare in 7 giorni a Las Vegas 
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helluvapoison · 2 months
First Date Time At LuLu World
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Lucifer smoothed any creases from his ivory suit and checked his hair four times in the nearby reflection. He wasn’t nervous! He just… needed tonight to go well. It’s the first date he’s had in years— or it might technically be his first date in history? Everything happened so fast with Lilith! He can’t remember if he ever properly asked her on a date. They did end up getting married though, so it worked out… until it didn’t. Fuck, there’s a lot of pressure on this now
• Steeling his nerves in place before he lost them, he allowed his knuckles to tap “the shave and a hair cut” on your door
• His smile (and ego) tripled in size when you opened it not a moment after. For the sake of his restless mind he let himself picture you waiting in anticipation on the other side, dreaming you might be just as excited as he was helped him a bit
• Lucifer twisted his cane in one hand and offered you his other, “Are you ready for the best night of your life?”
• “Hm, that’s a big expectation,” You reply playfully, bypassing his hand and hugging onto his arm, “Are you sure a theme park will live up to all that?”
• He scoffs and rolls his eyes but inwardly he’s hyper aware of the new proximity you’ve granted him, “LuLu World is not just any theme park! It’s my theme park. I designed and built it with my two hands!”
• “And maybe a tablespoon of magic?”
• “A teaspoon, at most.” He winks
• Your laughter was delightful, a sign that the night was starting off perfect. He just hoped it would end the same way
• LuLu World was big and chaotic, sending every sense you had buzzing with adrenaline and you hadn’t even done anything yet!
• Lucifer’s stuck for a solid minute just reveling in your awe. You like it! He made this and you already like it!
• He drags out of your stupor by pulling you to the teacups. He has one hand on his hat to keep it from flying while the other attempts to help you spin the wheel
• After Devil’s Drop (a terrifying 500ft plunge) you begged to go into the Haunted Dollhouse. Lucifer of course indulged you but couldn’t hide his boredom. Nothing here would scare him. He doubled over in laughter when a real ghost made you jump though
• The two of you rotated turns picking and choosing what to do next after that
• Giga coasters with butterfly loops, swings that went backwards, bumper cars, a massive carousel with actual unicorn horns— LuLu World had it all!
• Lucifer was bouncing in place, excitedly watching you bite into an infamous LuLu World caramel apple when he noticed how dark it had gotten
• He’d long forgotten his plan to make everything perfect and the schedule he was supposed to keep you on
• “H-Hey let’s go on the ferris wheel! Like right now!”
• You hardly have a moment to swallow the crunchy treat, asking with a full mouth, “Right now?”
• “Right now!” He repeats seriously with a tight smile
• The line would be ridiculously long, everyone likely had the same idea he had. But he had it first! He was the king and the owner, shamelessly walking past the line of sinners and straight to the front
• He flashes the operator a warning glare when they try to tell you to throw away your carmel apple
• (To his dismay you take a final, ridiculously large bite and toss it anyways, not wanting to start a fuss)
• “Hey this is a date right?” You asked while the two of you waited for the ride to officially start, sitting in a slow rotation while the empty carts filled up below
• Lucifer jolts, “Of course it’s a date! Why-why would you not think it is? Is it no lt date-y enough—“
• “I was just checking! Wanted to make sure it’s ok to do this,” You reply quickly and slip your hand under his own, lacing your fingers together with his
• Can panic and relief hit him simultaneously? He felt his nerves vibrating, deciding whether to spike or settle down
• You clearly see him internally struggling and attempt to break the silence casually, “I still can’t believe you made all this. It’s really impressive. I’m having a lot of fun with you. But I always do.”
• His brows jump, crimson eyes sparkling with delight at that, “You do?”
• “Of course I do! We could be surrounded by nothing but rocks and you’d find a way to make it entertaining.” You say with a laugh
• Joining in your mirth, he chuckles and squeezes your hand slightly
• A thunderous boom echoes in the air and makes you jump
• “Right on time!” Lucifer’s grin widens
• Colors pop and flower in the night sky with loud cracks! Some form shapes or spell short words
• Lucifer’s so immersed by the firework show he forgot he wanted to see your reaction to them. When his eyes flit to you he sees you’re ignoring them, gaze completely fixed on him in total adoration
• Your spare hand steals his cheek and guides his face closer with ease. Just as a firework explodes in the near distance, his lips meet yours
• Lucifer shares the sentiment with a giggle when you part, “Fireworks.”
• You laugh before kissing him again
• Safe to say his first date was a massive success
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ big sad so i quickly wrote smthn to cheer me up, i hope everyone enjoys
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andkisses · 7 months
♡ oh say it ditto | enha ♡
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ot7!enha headcanon: he confesses, and wants you to say it back
♡ ot7 x gn!reader | wc. 968 ♡ genres/tropes: fluff!  ♡ mentions of/warnings: none (this wasn’t proof read tho </3) ♡ a/n: little something for every member <3 jungwon’s first and the rest below the cut ^^ each part is inspired by lyrics from ditto by newjeans <3 ♡ a/n p2: this song is so sunghoon coded imo so if u see smth else get posted with him and this song 🙈 just know
♡ masterlist ♡
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✧・゚: * jungwon - “like you a little, don’t want no riddle” 
he’s had all this time to think about it, and do know that jungwon is really putting his thoughts to it. he’s decided—he needs to confess, and as soon as possible, because he’s slowly becoming concerned it might be a health crisis. this feeling, the one that started out so small and chaste, has grown into something he can’t contain anymore. and the idea that he doesn’t know exactly what you think? the riddle of it all? that’s what’s the worst. imagine his relief, after he confesses so simply in the winter wind, as he watches your cheeks and the tips of your ears flush red, red, red. and his heart sparks with hope. imagine the surprise when you grin, overwhelmed, and place a sweet kiss to the apple of his own smiling cheeks. “me too.”
✧・゚: * heeseung - “my feelings for you, like the memories we share, have grown so big” 
it started out so small, heeseung realizes thinking back on it. he liked your laugh, or your smile, or your fashion. then, suddenly, he found himself wanting to get to know you, not just see you from across a lecture hall. and now… this. the feelings that press against his chest, the ones that make it almost painful to see you because you don’t know. except, here in this stairwell after class, when he grabbed your wrist to catch you, you do know. the confession slips past his lips, almost desperate, and now heeseung is certain he will be sick. except, you take a step back up towards him, wrap your arms around his neck. and when he wraps his arms around your waist, the warmth that floods him tells heeseung he’s exactly where he needs to be.
✧・゚: * jay - “you smiled at me but do you think about me now?” 
uncertainty is not one of his favorite feelings, but jay deals with it for you. except, he’s not sure how much longer he can take this. he likes to think he knows things about people, knows how they tick. but you? maybe it’s the feelings that keep growing and growing inside, the way just hearing your voice down the hall or in the cafe makes him smile. but actually not knowing? it’s tearing him up inside, even if it’s masked by that beautiful smile. and now, here you are, standing at the corner of his desk after everyone has left. your fingertips on the corner, his gaze traveling up to your eyes, and the envelope in the other hand. the small, coy smile on your lips. “it’s hard saying things aloud, isn’t it?”
✧・゚: * jake - “i had a long day, i miss you” 
scheduling difference don’t have to be this hard, jake thinks as he waits for you at the corner of where your two paths meet. it feels like it’s been forever since he’s seen you—not like he’s obliged to see you or anything. you two weren’t anything official or special, even if he wants so badly to be. maybe it’s thinking about what life would be like if he could call you mine that made the words slip out. “i miss you.” normal words, but the way he said it, and the way you respond, eyes wide and cheeks dusted with blush. “miss me how?” you ask, winter breeze blowing at your baby hairs. jake takes a step closer, choosing to listen to his heart’s wishes as you do the same. he laces his hand with yours, then brings your knuckles to his lips for a small, dainty kiss. your growing smile keeps him going. “miss… like this?”
✧・゚: * sunghoon - “say it, say it back, oh, say it ditto” 
you make him nervous, sunghoon thinks, but the good kind. the kind that fills you with energy, like what you feel before a roller coaster. the hand that makes your fingers itch, wanting to be held by just one person. wanting to be held by you. this nervousness, he thinks, is what is motivating him, because he has surely never acted like this before let alone felt this much. he takes your hand on the walk back, a wash of seriousness pouring over his features. it’s too late to back out now, and you haven’t wrenched your hand away from his, so perhaps there’s a chance. “i like you,” he says, and he can feel the weights being lifted from his shoulders. “a lot. and i really, really want you to say it back.”
✧・゚: * sunoo - “can’t wait 'til the morning, so say it, ditto”
yes, the sun set a long while ago. yes, sunoo should be fast asleep. but how can he be when all he can think or wonder or ponder is you? more specifically, how do you feel? he can hedge a bet—how close you sit, how you laugh at his jokes, how you reach out for him in the hall. but it’s the not knowing that’s really keeping him awake. so, of course, he does something about it. phone in his hands, six simple words—i like you, say it back? and while he waits, he elects it’s the perfect time to ascribe shapes to the spots and shadows on the ceiling. and when you text back? yes, i like you too. meet me in 10? sunoo always thought the campus was more beautiful at night.
✧・゚: * niki - “do you want somebody? like i want somebody?”
the cafe is loud and quiet at the same time. niki is supposed to be studying, yet the pen in his hand feels like a heavy weight, and the words on the page in front of him no longer make sense regardless of how many times he tries to read. the one thing he knows for sure, though, is you sitting across from him, headphones on, pen scribbling and actually doing work. maybe it’s how loud the cafe is, or how short the distance across the table is to you. niki reaches out, taps on the side of your headphones, and once you look up and slide them off, he’s asking. “do you like someone?” your eyes grow wide, cheeks red, and he dares to be bolder, fingers tracing your cheek before: “and is it me?”
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wisted-twunderland · 1 year
TWST boys go to Disneyland!
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Ace: Is an absolute fiend on the teacups and knows which one spins the fastest (the orange diamond) and how to really get it spinning.
Deuce: Gets spun too fast on the teacups by Ace and throws up. When he feels better he enjoys being the Pilot on Smuggler's Run.
Cater: Documents the whole thing on Magicam in real time. He gets all of the classic shots, like the selfie in front of the castle, holding up the Dole Whip in front of the Tiki Room, etc.
Trey: Spends a lot of time on Main Street sampling all the different confectionaries. Also sits with Deuce after he throws up.
Riddle: Will ride the Alice in Wonderland ride and talk about all the historical inaccuracies to anyone who will listen.
Leona: He's been dragged here too many times with his nephew and made to ride all the kiddie rides, so he'd rather skip the whole thing and nap in the hotel room. But when he is inevitably dragged to the park, he enjoys the atmosphere of Adventureland and eats an unreal amount of meat skewers from Bengal Barbeque.
Ruggie: Doesn't go because it's too expensive. Nah I'm just kidding, he goes, but he definitely packs all his own food. Goes through the bakery tour and the Ghirardelli factory tour for the free bread and chocolate until he's told he can't have any more free samples.
Jack Howl: He likes Frontierland best, because it's the least crowded (and the cactus landscaping is exceptional).
Azul: He's not big on rides, but he really enjoys scouring the historical showcases at the front of the park. As the owner of his own up and coming mega-conglomerate, he is eager to glean any information he can about the park and its rise to fame (and fortune).
Jade: He's very eager to get a selfie in from the yellow mushroom in Fantasyland, claiming its because of its historical significance. (Did you know it used to be a ticket booth?)
Floyd: Rides any and all of the roller coasters as many times as possible. Is not above pushing past little kids to run to the next ride.
Kalim: Is as excited as any kid there. Wants to see and do everything, and cries at the fireworks at the end of the day.
Jamil: Spends most of his time trying to keep up with Kalim and make sure he drinks some water once in a while. Enjoys the music and the parade more than he lets on.
Vil: Enjoys the park from under a sun parasol, UV shades, and a high SPF sunscreen. He HATES that Snow White's Scary Adventure has been turned into *~*Snow White's Enchanted Wish*~*. The kids of today are WEAK.
Rook: He is hunting aiming to meet as many characters as possible and get them to sigh in his hit signature book.
Epel: Makes it his goal to sample every kind of candy apple in each of its differently decorated forms (Poor bear apple, Mickey ears apple, marshmallow apple, baby yoda apple, etc). Also a roller coaster fanatic.
idia: Rides Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster's over and over trying to beat the all time high score (it's his). Knows where all the best targets are and can turn the cart with one hand while shooting with the other. ("This is the OG of interactive rides, even though Toy Story Mania may be more modern, this ride paved the way. At the time getting your picture taken and sending it to friends via email was unheard of but this ride blah blah blah blah...)
Ortho: Enjoys Pirates of the Carribean for its theming and "primitive robotics". Likes Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln for the same reason.
Malleus: Will purchase and consume a Mickey shaped ice cream bar at every opportunity (He knows where all the ice cream carts are by the end of trip). He finds Fantasia amusing and says that the dragon is a "passable likeness".
Lillia: He's amazed at how much the park has changed since he was last here ("Star Wars Land? That area used to be a petting zoo.") Enjoys Haunted Mansion and startling Sebek in the queue.
Sebek: "We need to make sure we use our Lightning Lane at precisely 3:30, and then we must get to Goofy's Kitchen immediately after for our character dining experience, after which we must reserve our spot for the fireworks..." He's extremely concerned with getting the most out of the trip and ensuring that Malleus has a good time (Malleus doesn't care).
Silver: Enjoys the Sleeping Beauty walkthrough, as it is dark, full of vintage charm, and uncrowded. Falls asleep before the fireworks ever start.
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playful dress miss raven
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HI 🤡 I wanted to do some doodles of Miss Raven in her own version of Stage in Playful Land’s costume.
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Yes, I was too lazy to color-- I drew inspirations for the outfit design from the female dancing puppets in Disney's Pinocchio (since the new event heavily references this film), Doll from Black Butler's circus arc, and ballet in general. The specific ballet I looked at was Coppelia; it's about a boy who falls in love with a doll (the creation of a mad scientist. His fiancé, Swanhilda, then impersonates the doll in order to win his love back. I thought it fit well with the idea of the "human puppet" motif of the Playful Dress series.
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I like to think that Miss Raven got dragged along for the trip because she was busy chewing the group out for sneaking off campus... then Kalim (bless him) thinks she's feeling left out, so he tells her to come with them! "The more, the merrier!" (And hey, Ferro and Gidel won't say no to another poor unfortunate soul for their amusement park.) "F-Fine! I'll attend, but only so I can keep a watchful eye on you all! I intend to write a detailed report on your transgressions for the headmaster to review when we return."
"Yeah, yeah. You say that now, but I bet you'll be like a kid in a candy store once we actually get there." Ace rolls his eyes. "You spend so much time with your head buried in a book--it'll do ya some good to kick your feet up and do something different for a change."
"Gahahah! It sounds like she's excited for Playful Land!" Kalim grins broadly. "We're going to have so much fun together!" "I will do my best to assist in the documentation of this trip, Raven Crowley-san," Ortho offers. "Pictures, videos... I'll record them all, so we won't forget this anytime soon!"
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... Anyway 🤡 Miss Raven has to help babysit the idiots (while trying to mask her own childish wonder as she experiences an amusement park for the first time). Oh, and J word and L*ona are there, so 💀 more trouble for her...
"Heh. You're staring at that roller coaster with big, sparkling eyes. If you want to ride it, then just say so." Leona says it with a smirk, a lilt of smugness to his suggestion. "There's nothing wrong with a kid being a kid."
"I-I'm not a kid! I'm just... admiring the composition of such an imposing metal structure!! There is nothing like it in the natural world."
Jade chuckles. "Would prefer to partake in one of the many games they offer here? Ah, and should you ever feel peckish, there is a selection of carnival fare to indulge in: caramel apples, popcorn, cotton candy--"
"All foods which would result in terrible toothaches if consumed in large quantities! And games? We haven't the time to enjoy such leisures."
"Oi, eel." A scowl from Leona. "Shameless of you to cut into our conversation, isn't it? I guess without the octopunk around to keep you on your leash you think it's fair game to act out in front of an upperclassman." "Oya? I don't recall there being a formal chaperone for this trip, Leona-san," he replies easily. "Fufu, perhaps you feel the need to preside over your juniors in the absence of the usual pack you dole orders to."
"Here's an order for you then: back off. You're killing my mood."
"As you wish. Come along, Miss Raven. We wouldn't want to disturb our dear senpai." "Dragging prey around like they're puppets on strings," Leona snorts, blocking the path. "You go. The canary stays. Our business isn't finished yet."
"Business?" Jade continues to smile. "Oh no, I would never mean to interfere with such a thing--but it's not truly business you're interested in, is it, Leona-san?"
"Funny. I was going to say the same of you."
"... You're both talking as though I'm not literally right here!!"
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klapollo · 2 months
the thing is. taylor truly wants to be one of the big dogs in literary songwriterdom. she wants so badly to have the reverence of fiona apple tracy chapman jeff buckley et al. she wants to have folk singer type of credentials. but the fact of the matter is she is actually excellent at POP songwriting and thus a lot of her attempts to be joan baez or leonard cohen or james taylor just end up coming out like someone doing cosplay. it's like she listened to the "i drew a map of canada on a coaster o canadaaaa etc" part of a case of you and was like oh ok duh im supposed to put in random details to fill out the scene -- but she does it without the finesse or depth those great songwriters had. and now here we are w seven chocolate bars and charlie puth and golden retriever boyfriend
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domiforpresident · 1 year
Shuriri fair/amusement park hcs
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A/N: shuriri has been on my mind heavy lately They are just too cute I'm literally crying. I hope y'all enjoy this while I work on a fic for them
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They love going to the fair at night, it's more peaceful and so much more vibrant at that time in their opinion.
Shuri is terrified of roller coasters and gets motion sickness bad. But she sucks it up for Riri who is the complete opposite and loves roller coasters (Riri repays Shuri in kisses for going out of her comfort zone for her)
"Ri I think im going to throw up, you better be glad i love you "
"I am"
She pecked shuri on the cheek as she attempted to run off a bit.
"but if your gon throw up, ima move over here I don't want you to get it on my shoes"
Shuri cuts her eyes at Riri in annoyance.
Riri gets a little too serious when it comes to fair games, she swears She's only playing over and over again so she can win shuri a stuffed animal (she liyin). She will not give up unless shuri pulls her away from it, or wins the game for her.
"Ima win this one for you bae just watch"
"Yeah no, you've lost one too many times let's go"
*Shuri yanks Riri away from the game by her hand*
Shuri Loves all the sweet treats at the fair, the first time she had a candy apple she went crazy and ate one too many. Riri had to deal with the after math which was sugar rush.
"Riri I love you. did you know I love you?? ouu look at those lights the color is so pretty"
"Yes I love you too baby, and thoes lights are pretty"
Riri couldn’t help but laugh, seeing her lover sugar high was so cute.
The first time they said they loved each other was on the ferris wheel, Shuri was all neverous, but Riri finished her sentence for her.
"Riri I lov- I love-"
*Riri pulls shuri in for a kiss*
"I love you so much shuri"
"I love you too Riri"
They both chuckled.
Riri has to take a million pictures on her polaroid camera that she bought specifically to take pictures and videos of their dates together.
"Ri did you not already take a picture of us on that ride?"
"It's for memories. And you can never have too many" Riri notioned.
She also thought the faces Shuri made while holding onto her hand for dear life on the rides we're hilarious.
Shuri is ruthless when playing bumper cars, she doesn't hold back at all. She acts like there's a winner and a loser when the object is just to have fun. Riri usually hits shuri on her arm for being so rough while they were in the ring, Shuri apologizes even though she knows she's gonna do it again.
One time it was closer to Halloween and workers were dressed up trying to scare people, one of them ran up on Riri and she hit them in the nose, she felt bad afterwards and Shuri kept laughing at her while she iced Riri's knuckles.
"Riri you do know it's their job to scare people"
"Yes I do, but that nigga got too close way too fast, could've gave me a warning or something"
"That would defeat the whole poi-"
"Stop trynna be smart and ice my knuckles."
Whenever Riri is too exhausted to walk Shuri being the caring girlfriend that she is, picks Riri up and carries her on her back. There's been many times where Riri fell asleep on Shuris back unknowingly.
"Riri what ride do you want to get on next?"
*Riri completely knocked out*
"Of course she fell asleep......again"
Shuri won't admit it but she thinks it's quite cute that Riri falls asleep on her back, that's why she never bothers to wake her up unless she has to.
They got someone to draw them and the person drew Shuris head really big. Riri found it so funny Shuri on the other hand didn't.
"My head is big but it's not that damn big"
"It's just a drawing Shuri, and the whole point of these is to emphasize your features"
She laughed a little too hard while saying the last part for Shuris liking.
"In that case they should've drew you a few inches shorter" shuri smirked.
"Ok jokes over."
Whenever Riri gets something like powder sugar from a funnel cake there sharing, or just anything that's she's eating on her face, Shuri insist on wiping it off so she can sneak in a kiss while she's at it.
They love to walk around the park for hours just holding hands while talking and cracking jokes. They don't get to do that regularly with them being iron heart and the black panther. But when they can They enjoy every second of it, just basking in one another's presence.
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yulin-pop · 1 year
⤷ ✧ Amuse me
Gender neutral
- order 73 | headcanons | First years
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Ace Trappola
He’s so cute help meeee. He would actually be really nice for once and buy you whatever you want from the food stands. But he wants a bite of whatever you’re having.
You have to make sure to stay close to him or else you two might get separated in the crowd.
Those basketball shooting games— he’s a pro at those! He’s not the best at shooting since he mainly plays defense but he can easily win you something after a few tries.
He also probably talked the game vendor into letting him have an extra turn (he is so sneaky).
He always gives you the prizes he earns and you’re kinda left carrying around a bunch of stuff.
He is really impatient and gets a VIP pass to cut the line. He doesn’t matter how expensive it is, he doesn’t wanna wait for too long.
He’s not one for the Ferris wheel, it kinda spooks him when it starts rocking around.
Ace is either the one forcing you to ride all the scary tall rides, or you’re the one forcing him to ride them.
“Don’t be scared, you can even hold my hand if you want!”
He’s the one holding your hand.
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Deuce Spade
He has never actually been to an amusement park. Maybe he has before but as a little boy.
You’re mostly leading him around since he literally has no idea what he could or should do. Bringing him to the games is fun but a big mistake.
Do not take him to one of those games where the clown taunts you. You know what’ll happen…
He keeps on going for games that always end up with you failing. Like the climbing rope game.
He’s determined to win you at least one thing.
You will have to drag him onto those roller coasters because he is deathly afraid of going on those. He will never let go of your hand and there are tears in his eyes when he gets off.
He prefers going on the spinning teacup type rides or just ones where it’s generally chill.
He is so excited to go on the ferris wheel. It’s the first thing he sees and he’s like “oh my god I wanna go on that”
He’s always seen it on TV shows and he wants to see the whole park from up there.
Might smooch at the top too
“I’ve never been on one of these before. Hopefully it doesn’t fall…”
Please don’t shake the capsule or else he will actually start screaming and crying.
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Jack Howl
He’s gone to an amusement park but not one as big as this. The ones he went to were local seasonal carnivals in his town.
He’s confused at first and just follows you at first but soon he starts finding some activities.
Once he finds himself at the game section, he’s gonna be there for a while. He plays every game and what do ya know— he wins all the ones that involve strength.
He plays the rope climbing game not knowing it’s rigged against you. When he falls he’s like “have I not trained enough?” He gets banned from the game because he keeps on playing too much.
He probably gets a huge crowd around him on other games because he’s just that good. He’s left with a lot of prizes and he’s not sure what to do with them.
Jack is actually not very fond of roller coasters. Admittedly, he’s a bit scared of them. He doesn’t show it but he’s just in a state of shock after the rides.
“Here you can have this. I-I didn’t win it for you. Just take it already.”
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Epel Felmier
He’s simply amazed. He’s been to a carnival before but this is just amazing. He wants to try all the foods. If they’re caramel apples, he’s probably gonna criticize it, his apples are way better! He’s running all over the place because he wants to see everything.
He knows most of the games are rigged but will attempt all of them regardless. He’s motivated but after a while starts to get upset. He is really determined to win.
Eventually he does and he realizes he doesn’t want the prize offered and just gives it to you.
When he gets tired of the games, he wants to ride all the tall loopy rollercoasters. He is a bit scared but riding those would make him a real man.
He takes you with him and you have never seen him that happy before. If you grab his hand, he’s gonna feel so good about himself.
He’s boasting about it after.
“If ya get scared, jus’ grab my arm.” He’s so smug about it.
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Sebek Zigvolt
He doesn’t wanna be there. He acts like he’s being forced and someone is dragging him by the neck.
You have to lead him around for a while and once something grabs his attention, he’s hooked. You kinda have to force him to try the food. Buy him cotton candy and he’s begrudgingly gobbling it up.
Once you bring him to the games, he’s not as miserable. He may or may not rage when he loses a game but he has a lot of motivation.
He thinks all the prizes are ridiculous until somebody says “Maybe Malleus would like that” and then he’s blowing his entire life savings on winning it.
He doesn’t realize the games are rigged but eventually realized after a few failed attempts.
Sebek isn’t really interested in the roller coasters. You have to challenge him or threaten him to make him go on one.
“Sebek go on that ride with me!”
“It’s a waste of time. Go ask someone else.”
“Oh okay. Oh Malleus~?”
“That’s too dangerous for the Young Master!!”
That’s the only way you’ll get him to go with you. He will be almost stoned faced the entire time though but only because he doesn’t wanna show he’s actually having fun.
At the end there’s a slight look of disappointment that it ended.
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alrightbuckaroo · 2 months
ada!!! i was thinking about your post with poems you think the lone star characters would love, and for nice ask week i was wondering if you have any others you’d add to that list? or if there’s any you really love that you think capture certain characters/relationships on the show? always love to see your recs :’) <3 —maddie/reyesstrand
Maddie!! I love this question so much so thank you for asking it!! <3
I actually planned to make a part two, especially since it's National Poetry Month, but it got a bit away from me so I'm taking this opportunity to just ramble (godspeed to whoever reads this):
Wild Geese by Mary Oliver is one of the most Carlos-coded poems you'll ever have the pleasure of reading. Or maybe it's not, but after using it as basically a thesis for tender eyes that shine, I've decided that it was written for him. Especially:
You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.
Hello?? That's Carlos Tomás Reyes in his purest form!
Oh TK, our hopeless romantic self deprecating boy. I think I'm going to give him Molly Brodak by Molly Brodak, one of my favorite poems that makes me want to burst into tears each and every time I read it. When I think of him, I specifically think of the ending, but I think the whole thing could ring true to him:
I am a good man.  The amount of fear  I am ok with   is insane.   I love many people   who don't love me.   I don't actually know   if that is true.  This is love.   It is a mass of ice  melting. I can't hold   it and I have nowhere   to put it down. 
Nancy is absolutely getting Aileen Wuornos Takes A Lover Home by Olivia Gatwood because it's one of my favorites and Nancy's one of my favorites, it only makes sense! I think the ending would really get to her in a way she didn't expect, and I don't blame her, because this is the ending:
In a phone call tapped by police, Aileen called Tyria her right arm, her left arm, her breath, how all Tyria could say back was Please tell them, please say it out loud. But Aileen didn’t want to talk about it. She wanted to talk about love. So Tyria would hang up, unsuccessful, and the officer would tell her to Say it like this, tell her she’ll get off, tell her it won’t be so bad. But how, each time, for three days straight, the police listened to Aileen talk about love. About her right arm. Her left arm. Her breath. Her breath. Her breath.
Actually going to tag @sznofthesticks because I feel like you would love this poem as well, and you'll agree that Nancy would love it too.
This is cheating but this song is so poetic I'm going to call it a poem. Owen would listen to You Are Your Mother's Child by Conor Oberst and he would want to sob but then he'd get cry lines. I think the whole thing is so Owen-coded but this part especially:
Out on the diamond, and you're up to bat Chewing your Big League, adjusting your hat Taking a swing and hearing it crack Look at that apple fly Tears will dry if you give them time Life's a roller coaster, keep your arms inside Fear, that's a big emotion But you are your mother's child And she'll have you for a while But someday, you'll be grown Then you'll be on your own
You could tell me Judd wrote I Am Offering this Poem under the pseudonym Jimmy Santiago Baca and I'd believe you. I'd believe he wrote while looking at Grace when she wasn't even looking at him because it has Judd all over it like:
Keep it, treasure this as you would if you were lost, needing direction, in the wilderness life becomes when mature; and in the corner of your drawer, tucked away like a cabin or hogan in dense trees, come knocking, and I will answer, give you directions, and let you warm yourself by this fire, rest by this fire, and make you feel safe                         I love you,
That's Judd!
Tommy would adore Every Job Has A First Day by Rebecca Gayle Howell. There's a cozy feeling to it, but the final words hold such a heavy weight that I think Tommy would appreciate and carry with her:
I listened as he taught me to relax the hand just enough. They can smell, he said, the oils our pores release when we tense to catch. You have to believe it, he said. You don’t mean any harm.
Speaking of Rebecca's, Marjan is giving me You Are the Penultimate Love of My Life by Rebecca Hazelton vibes in the best way. Maybe it's the romanticizing of something that has an inevitable ending but I feel like this would be Marjan's approach to a break-up, especially this part:
                                             The garden you plant and I plant                               is tunneled through by voles,                                                              the vowels                                                              we speak aren’t vows,                but there’s something                               holding me here, for now,
I feel like Paul, like me, would love the work of Cameron Awkward Rich, but specifically The Child Formerly Known As____ and even more specifically, the ending:
 & in the end, isn’t that what we all want?                         To not feel so split?                          To carry an image of ourselves                                                 inside ourselves & know exactly what we mean             when we say I—         .                      I—                               .                              I— ?
I think Mate would love getting the chance to read Prayer for Werewolves by Stephanie Burt because I think he would see so much of himself in it. Stumbling and tumbling trying to find himself somewhere and eventually finding the place where he belongs. I also feel like he loves the supernatural and the first part of this poem would feel like a gut punch:
Someone will probably love you for who you are.    If not, you’ll still find friends, friends who, given time, or given warning,    will probably gather around you, hold your hands, and wrap you in soft coats and blankets till the violence    inside your body ends.
Finally, my beloved Grace, is things i want to ask you by Helga Flores because I feel like the poem is just a list of things running through Grace's mind when she only knew Judd by voice, but that first one in particular:
i want to ask you what god feels like.
You've reached the end of my exhaustive essay that would probably keep going if I didn't reign myself in. I hope you liked these, they're some of my favorites <3
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masterwords · 8 months
adding it all up
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Summary: Hotch follows Reid and Jack into a haunted house. Inside he meets a ghost and stumbles right into some unexpected arms.
Pairing: Hotch/Will
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: nightmares, ptsd, minor injuries, panic attack
Notes: I formally submit to you my entry for @imagining-in-the-margins Meet Cute/Ugly Challenge with the prompt: Character accidentally gets hurt in a spooky attraction and a scare actor breaks character to help. To the surprise of no one at this point, I took some creative liberties with the prompt. There isn't much to the plot, it's pretty simple and we mostly just have an excuse for kissing. As with everything I've written so far about this pairing, we live in a universe where Will is a DC Metro Detective but he is not nor has he ever been with JJ because we don't have time for that kind of backstory in these little one-shots. Thanks for reading yo! Let's show this incredibly rare pairing some love. (And now I return to writing about hotchgan...I can only stray for so long.)
“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease dad!”
“I’d rather not,” Hotch said, as if it was going to change the mind of his six year old son. And maybe he didn’t really want to because his argument was pretty flimsy. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go in, or that he didn’t like Halloween. “I don’t like to be scared.” That was a lie and Reid saw the opening, poking a huge hole in it immediately.
“You get scared for a living,” Reid pointed out from behind him and Hotch groaned. He’d been hoping Reid would take his side. “Come on Jack. If your dad is too chicken I’ll take you in. I’m kind of an expert.”
“You are?!”
Reid crouched beside Jack as best he could, favoring his still sore (always sore) knee and leaned as close as he could to the child. His whisper smelled like kettle corn and candied apples and cotton candy, that’s what Jack thought anyway. Reid smelled like a carnival. “I’ve already been through it three times. I bet you could find some people in there you know. Like playing a really big game of Where’s Waldo…”
“Who’s in there?!”
“You’ll have to come in with me and see.”
“Can I dad?!”
Hotch sighed and nodded reluctantly. “I’ll be right behind you.”
“You don’t have to if you’re too scared! You can stay out here! I’ll be tough.”
“I know you will buddy.”
Hotch looked at Reid and then at the doorway. He wasn’t scared, it wasn’t that. He simply didn’t care for jump scares or people being that close to him, close quarters, being vulnerable. Not in control. In the dark. Worse than that, he didn’t want any of that to be witnessed by a man he’d just begun seeing just a couple of weeks prior. Because that would be embarrassing. Big strong FBI Agent can’t handle a clown yelling boo in his face.
He always knew this was a possibility. Jack had never wanted to go into the house of mirrors or the haunted house before, he preferred to stick to roller coasters and prize games when they came to the carnival. He thought he’d be safe, especially this year. They were coming up on one year since Haley died and he thought for sure Jack wouldn’t want a thing to do with fake blood and jump scares but here he was practically dragging Reid through the entrance. Dutifully he followed them in, staying a few steps behind. “See you at the end dad!” At the entrance he was asked to wait. Reid and Jack got shoved in with another group and he was about to be sorted with the next when he asked if he could go through on his own.
“I don’t have a guide for a solo trip,” the young man at the door said. “You good at following directions? There are little green glow in the dark arrows along the ceiling that point you the direction you’re supposed to go. Keep an eye on them and you’ll find your way. Don’t go too fast or too slow. There are little red lights on the walls where there are emergency exits if you get hurt or lost or too scared to finish.” The young man flushed a little as he said the last part, Hotch didn’t look much like the type to get scared of anything but he still had to say it. There was a script and he followed it. He liked his job.
“Got it. Follow the green. Red means emergency exit. Thank you.”
Great. Alone. Jack didn’t even care to walk with him, too enthralled with whatever whispers and promises of adventure Reid was feeding him. He didn’t even turn around to see where Hotch ended up. He moved at a relatively quick clip, barely looking in the direction of the sets or the mini scares. Up ahead he was sure Reid was peeking at all the details, getting the most out of everything and helping Jack do the same. He was barely paying attention to any of it. Occasionally he found himself jumping when a clown popped out with a hatchet. That was natural, his heart thumped a little harder, but he smiled and thanked the volunteer in costume before stepping around the corner into a room that was filled with spider webs and hissing sounds. He’d never been afraid of spiders, in fact as a child he’d found himself collecting them in little mason jars and feeding them for a week or two before releasing them back out into the woods. He batted at a piece of cotton webbing that tickled his ear and frowned, not caring much for that feeling. It was worse than the room full of animated spiders.
The haunted house wasn’t huge but it felt like it lasted forever, twisting and angling and collapsing in on itself until he really did feel dizzy. His senses had been warped by the strange dark shafts and violent twists and hanging bloody sheets behind which shadows lurked.
Was he lost or could it really be this long? He glanced up as if to assure himself that he was going the right direction, and squinting into the dark he was able to make out one small green arrow.
There was only one way to go, really. He could hear Jack’s chirpy little voice up ahead and Reid’s surprise, maybe real or maybe an act, and there were voices not too far behind him but he was otherwise completely alone in the maze. The ceiling ahead dropped until he was hunched over in a sort of soft, undulating tunnel. It was pitch black, with only a foggy red light to guide him from what looked like miles away. Hunching like this hurt his back. Up ahead was a pinprick widening to an opening he had to step through into what looked like a torture chamber with bodies hanging from the walls. He’d seen this in real life, this wasn’t entertainment. This was work. Well researched, too. He recognized bits that had been pulled from crime scene photos, small elements not many would recognize but they made his breath catch in his throat more than once. People’s fascination with serial killers would never cease to worry him.
“I’ll gut you like a fish!” growled a man in a grisly voice from the shadows beside him. Hoarse from saying his line so many times, Hotch knew, but something about it still made him flinch away. There was a strangely familiar quality to it, something ghostly and pale, dry leaves rustling in the chilly October wind. “You should have taken the deal…” the voice whispered in his ear and he froze. His legs wouldn’t move. A flash of muzzle and the smell of gun smoke, steel bright in the dark and then pitch black.
“What?” he asked, ashamed of the fear that welled up in his chest. There was a vague pain where his heart should be noisily thumping but was making not a sound. “What did you say?” (He knew, somewhere deep inside, that the man hadn’t said that. There was some still quiet voice of reason in there, it was just disappearing second by second as fear seeped in.)
No reply. He had to be hearing things. There was no way. (Someone could have read the book. He told Colson what Foyet had said to him. He'd been on pain medication, heavy stuff, when he talked to Roy...he should have said less. He knew it but Roy had been so good to him, he found it hard to hold back.) He squinted into the dark where he stood motionless, breathless and saw a black mask coming toward him, outlined by a sickly white fog. Hovering there, not attached to a body for the longest time, and then around him materialized a hooded sweatshirt. Foyet’s mask. He knew it wasn’t Foyet, he’d seen the autopsy report, Foyet was dead. But the mask still startled him, and when it came closer (the person now muttering their actual lines and not something his frightened mind invented on his behalf) he found that his legs did work. They just didn’t obey his commands. He stepped backward, his heel catching on the curtain separating the two rooms and he managed to pull part of it down on top of himself. The feel of the fabric against his neck sent him into a tailspin and he lunged forward past the man in the Reaper mask (now reaching for him and asking if he was alright) until he stumbled into the next corridor where he narrowly missed stepping on a body on the floor. One of his victims, presumably. Hotch glanced down at her, stabbed repeatedly (do you have any idea how long it takes to stab someone 67 times?, he thought) and felt his blood run cold.
Was this some kind of a sick joke? Did someone know he was coming today? (Someone aside from Will? Will would never…he’d been there that day, that was how they met.) As he stepped around the woman on the ground with her guts strewn all around her, he slipped in the gore and took a header down the small flight of black and white checkered stairs. The sound his body made as it hit the wall was horrifying – he wouldn’t doubt if the people outside waiting in line had heard. He groaned and tried to push up to standing but he knew right away that he was hurt. Or just about ready to pass out. His head swam and he collapsed in a heap. “Dammit,” he mumbled. His chest was tight and there was a pain, a burning and squeezing that ran through his left arm. He couldn’t catch his breath.
“You okay mister?”
He recognized that voice, that molasses drawl he’d been hoping to hear in any way but this. Never this. Slowly he looked up, taking the hand of a werewolf who helped him stand. He was dizzy after hitting his head and his ears were ringing. Most of the time his tinnitus was manageable, background noise, but when he was around loud noises or when he hit his head it made sure he remembered it was with him forever. Now it was screaming so loud he felt like his head might burst.
“Yeah,” Hotch replied, slipping back against the wall when the group of people who had been a few turns behind him made their way curiously down the stairs. They looked perplexed, probably wondering at all the commotion a few turns ahead of them. Waiting to see a body on the ground. Will quickly maneuvered them until they were part of the exhibit, pretending to eat Hotch and to his credit, Hotch moaned because...well he really felt like it, his head hurt that bad. Once that group passed, Will lifted his mask and eyed Hotch in the dark. There was only a dim foggy glow from the previous room but even in then he could see that something was wrong.
“Are you hurt?”
“No.” Hotch swayed where he stood and watched as an ominous gray cloud crept in at the edge of his vision. He felt foggy and wrong, his heart had slowed to a syrupy thump in his chest. He thought he might pass out. There had been such an immediate feeling of panic and now his heart felt like it might give out entirely. “Maybe.”
“What happened?”
Before he could answer, another group came around the corner and they slipped back into their role of werewolf devouring a poor innocent man. It wasn’t exactly what Will’s job was supposed to be, he was supposed to jump out from around the next corner howling and chase the passersby to the next room but it beat not doing it all or having undue attention paid to him.
Hotch swallowed hard. Was he really about to admit he’d been frightened in a haunted house? Really truly scared? And now he probably had a concussion to take home as a souvenir once this panic attack left him alone? “I don’t know,” Hotch said quietly, incapable of finding the right words. He couldn’t admit what he saw. Was it real? Had his mind played tricks on him? “The last room got to me.”
“The torture chamber?” Will asked, his hands gripping Hotch’s waist to steady him. “You seen stuff like that a hundred times…I guess the mad scientist was kinda creepy, I just thought he looked like Doc from Back to the Future.”
“Mad Scientist?” Hotch asked, gripping Will’s forearms. “I didn’t see a Mad Scientist.”
“Huh. I coulda sworn today was Mark’s day. He loves that damn wig. Who was in there?”
Hotch swallowed hard. His throat was dry and clicked painfully, and for a split second he questioned not only his hearing but his eyes...had he just made it all up? Before he could answer another group came around the corner and Will pulled his mask back down and once again set to devouring Hotch’s jugular. Hotch was happy just to stand there pretending to be eaten, it beat the hell out of exploring the caverns of his mind. Of wondering what happened. Did he invent it all? It was possible. He’d been having nightmares again as the anniversary crept closer but he thought he had a pretty good handle on them.
“You want me to get you outta here?” Will asked when they had a brief break. “You’re still shakin’ and you're breathing all funny. My shift is over in fifteen minutes, I can meet you out front when I’m done. We can talk then.”
“Jack is with Reid,” Hotch whispered. “Can I stay?” He didn’t think he could walk. One step and he had the distinct impression he’d be face planting. Maybe if he stayed until this silent panic attack passed – this panic attack he was so far not admitting to – it would be okay.
“Yeah. Sure. But I gotta do my job so you think you can help me out?”
“I’ll try.”
Will smiled from beneath the mask and let it fall back over his face, taking Hotch’s hand and leading carefully, slowly down into the hallway. He kept his arm around Hotch’s waist, walking with purpose. “Right here, lay down.”
“Lay down?” He liked the sound of that. His head was swimming and his legs felt like they’d been poured with concrete.
Hotch eased himself down until he was on the oddly soft fake grass, and Will nudged him until his body was flush with the wall painted with a glowing full moon and pitch black trees. It looked like something painted by children. “When people come, I’m gonna pretend to be eating you. Then I get up and chase ‘em down the hallway and come back. You just lay here. Close your eyes. Play dead.”
“Yes, sir.”
Hotch had no complaints about closing his eyes, it instantly made the pounding in his head quiet to a dull throb. Will shifted above him, and he heard the distinct sound of a howl. It was low, gutteral, almost sexy. Hotch shifted where he lay when he felt a heat growing in his belly. This was not the time, but it did settle the racing of his heart, and the ache in his chest. There were footsteps beside him and Will was panting, chasing a family who giggled and squealed at him, and then he was dropping to his knees over Hotch.
He expected the fur from the mask against his neck again, but instead in the blind darkness he felt the soft flush of Will’s lips against his own. The mask bobbed against his nose, obscuring both of their faces as Will drew him into a kiss. He was breathless from running, Hotch’s chest was constricting like his heart was going to give out, and suddenly the world around him erupted in kaleidoscope colors behind the black of his eyelids. He sucked in a deep breath, a wanting breath as Will stood and chased a couple past them. And then a group of teenagers, one of whom kicked the bottom of Hotch’s shoe before Will returned.
Another kiss. And another. Hotch had rolled over enough that he could press his thighs together to stop his body from responding in ways that would be wholly inappropriate in a haunted house. Every kiss brought him back to the surface for air, and slowly the panic in him drained to quiet nothing. He forgot, briefly, about Foyet’s mask. He’d been caught up in the moment, that was all. Just his mind taking the haunted house a little too seriously. The nightmares seeping into reality. The handle he thought he had on them was weaker than he thought.
Fifteen minutes later they emerged into the glaring daylight. Hotch had almost forgotten it was just barely afternoon, the sun was still overhead bathing everything in its warm glow. Will held his mask beneath his arm, the sweat on his brow making the strange mix of facepaint he’d had on beneath clump and smear. His eyes were blackened, his lips gray and lifeless. Reid smiled and nudged Hotch, handing him a paisley print silk handkerchief from his pocket.
“You uh...you’ve got something right….there…” he said, indicating his lips. Hotch glanced at Will’s smudged gray mouth and frowned, realizing what he must look like too. “Did you need CPR?”
“Something like that.”
“See ya LaMontagne!” an officer yelled as he exited the haunted house, his black hoodie tied around his waist and a mask dangling from his arm. Will glanced at the mask, and then at Hotch, and then back at the mask. He doubted it was intentional, at least not aimed at Hotch. How could it be? Probably just a practical joke, trying to get the best out of a local legend. Still, he was angry and embarrassed. This was one of his guys. Not a great look.
He didn’t even need to say it and Hotch wouldn't want to hear it. Likely he would argue on behalf of the officer, make an excuse for his poor judgment and lack of taste, and maybe he'd be right too but Will didn't want to listen. Roy Colson's new book about the Reaper's last stand was studded with Hotch's own memories, a gift to his friend for keeping his promise during the initial investigation, and the entire squad was in the process of reading it. They knew, they all knew. He couldn't believe one of them would think this was appropriate. Hotch turned away and wiped the grease paint off of his lips while Reid followed Will’s gaze at the officer and the mask. “Is that…”
“Yeah,” Will grunted. “I’ll handle it.” The guy was going to be seeing a lot of paperwork and grunt security jobs in the near future.
“Who wants a funnel cake?” Will asked, changing the subject abruptly.
“I do!” Jack had never turned down an offer of sweets in his life, and even Hotch could hardly say no to an offer of deep fried batter covered in powdered sugar.
“Well lets go find some grub then!”
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batmanshole · 9 months
my favourite emojis
thumbs up. salute. bomb. tulip. strawberry. sobbing. two red exclamation marks. red exclamation mark and question mark. woozy. dizzy. hand cupping. hand pointing. eye. female firefighter. female farmer. female construction worker. pregnant man. woman in wheelchair. woman in power chair. woman with probing cane. puppy face. duck. duckling. snail. ant. bee. jellyfish. whale. seal. sheep. guide dog. wing. dove. clover. four leaf clover. sprout. mushroom. lotus. bouquet. hyacinth. hibiscus. cherry blossom. rock. sunflower. coral. sparkle. star. rain. rain and thunder. snowflake. gust of wind. onion. garlic. bagel. ginger. cherries. peach. green apple. red apple. pear. lemon. orange. mango. blueberry. carrot. corn. broccoli. bok choy. potato. bread. sweet potato. baguette. pretzel. pancakes. hotdog. hamburger. sandwich. fortune cookie. rice. dango. sorbet. flan. lolipop. tea. honey. bubble tea. hockey. roller skate. fishing. woman surfing. fencing. paint palette. woman juggling. trumpet. saxophone. violin. chess pawn. guitar. headphones. probing cane. wheelchair. power chair. crutch. suspended train car. tram. trolley. train. train at station. airplane. airplane taking off. airplane landing. different airplane. ship anchor. moai head. map. roller coaster. park fountain. pink hospital. keyboard. phone with arrow. CD. DVD. minidisc. floppy disk. VHS tape. camera with flash. dial. antique clock. hourglass. hourglass with falling sand. old tv. plug. candle. lightbulb. ID card. ladder. pickaxe. saw. nut and bolt. gear. hammer. box propped up by stick. magnet. water gun. knife. axe. sword. dynamite. cigarette. gravestone. hole. bandaid. telescope. pill. broom. plunger. picnic basket. bath with bubbles. razor. toothbrush. lotion. soap. person in bath. toilet paper. toilet. sponge. bucket. key. skeleton key. bed with person in it. bed. chair. door. teddy bear. present. balloon. box. tag. scroll. document. document bent. file folder. open file folder. clipboard. office trash can. rolled up newspaper. filing cabinet. newspaper. composition notebook. plain notebook. red volume 1 notebook. green volume 2 notebook. blue volume 3 notebook. orange volume 4 notebook. stack of books. open book. triangular ruler. pin. pen. fountain pen right. fountain pen left. pencil. crayon. closed lock. pink heart. red heart. orange heart. yellow heart. green heart. cyan heart. blue heart. purple heart. grey heart. white heart. brown heart. black heart. sparkling pink heart. pink heart with arrow. pink heart with bow. double pink hearts. swirling pink hearts. glowing pink heart. vibrating pink heart. broken heart. radiation warning. libra. big red X. big red O. crossed out circle. question mark. exclamation point. warning sign. trident. fleur de lis. accessibility sign. canadian flag. brazillian flag. pirate flag. ok sign. cool sign. music notes. on arrow. top arrow. TM sign. crossed out bell. thought bubble. yelling bubble. speech bubble. spade. club. heart. diamond. gay pride. trans pride.
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readerleedigest · 2 years
This is a tickle fic, don’t read if that’s not your thing. This fic is a little lighter on the tickling, and reader absolutely has a crush on Steve Harrington (because don’t we all?).
“My only goal is to get my hands on some of this carnival food,” you told Steve as he divided out the tickets to the kids.
Eleven, Max, Dustin, Will, Mike and Lucas wasted no time in running off to ride the only rollercoaster, leaving you behind with Steve and Robin.
“But you’re gonna ride the rides, yeah?” Robin asked, linking an arm through yours as you walked through the boots.
Hawkins-Palooza was a carnival they’d introduced after the mall fire in an attempt to boost community (and distract citizens from the true horrors of Hawkins). It happened in the fall, and after the turnout of the first carnival, the city had managed to book more rides for the 2nd.
“I don’t know, guys. I’m not really a fan of the drops and turns.” You almost felt sick at the thought of it.
Last time you’d been on a carnival ride it’d been one of the rides that resembled an octopus and spun you around and lifted you up and down. You’d sworn off carnival rides ever since.
“What if we start off easy?” Steve asked, ever the mother hen. “We ride the Ferris Wheel, maybe race around on the bumper cars, and then see if you’re up for the rollercoaster.”
Robin began bouncing up and down beside you. “Ooo I love the Ferris Wheel! And if we do bumper cars, you’re SO going down, Harrington!”
“Mmmm… okay.” You agreed reluctantly, trying not to think about what you’d gotten yourself into. Ferris wheels and bumper cars were no big deal. Rollercoasters? Yikes.
The Ferris Wheel was really an attraction designed for groups of 2, but you all managed to squeeze onto the bench, ignoring the questioning look from the ride operator as he secured you all in.
Sitting between Robin and Steve, you felt yourself grinning despite yourself at the view. The lights glimmering below you from all the booths, the faded sound of laughter and crowd noise, the smell of apple cider and popcorn, and the cool breeze as the sun sank out of view.
Robin must’ve been experiencing the same happy feelings as you, as she rested her head on your shoulder, and you found yourself doing the same to Steve, who huffed out a chuckle at the both of you.
“Dorks,” he teased, ruffling Robin’s hair.
Next was bumper cars, and you immediately felt the demeanor change in Steve and Robin from the Ferris Wheel friendship to intense competition.
“Y/L/N, I’m coming for you!” Robin joked, running over to a blue bumper car conveniently aimed directly at the one you seated yourself in.
“Don’t worry, Y/N! I got Buckley right where I want her,” Steve proclaimed with an evil laugh.
And just like that you were off. Robin wasn’t joking about having it out for you at the beginning, as you both hit each other head-on and Robin forced you out of her way.
“Rude!” You called over your shoulder, neglecting to look ahead.
“I had to get away from Steve!” She called back.
No wonder she did. When you turned your head back you saw Steve with a mischievous look he must’ve learned from Eddie. He was coming directly at you, and FAST.
“Crap crap crap…” you muttered to yourself, all but squealing as you tried to maneuver away from him.
He followed you relentlessly around the circle as you dodged and weaved other drivers, laughing to yourself at the absurdity of it.
And then the stars aligned. Robin was coming head on towards you, and Steve was following you closely, so you swerved to the right, sending the two crashing directly into one another as the ride operator announced the end of the round.
“Ohohoho I got you both soo good,” you teased as you left the ride and stopped for the small complimentary cups of apple cider.
“Yeah, yeah. You talk a big game now, but the roller coaster is next.” Robin noisily took a slurp of the apple cider, wigging her eyebrows at you.
You rubbed the back of your neck before wrapping your arms around yourself.
“I don’t know… I mean it’s getting late, and boy it sure is cold… maybe I’ll just-“
“Here.” In a flash, Steve had removed his jacket and held it out to you.
You definitely weren’t blushing. It was the cold.
“Uh.. okay,” you stammered, throwing on the jacket. “Thank you, Steve.”
“Cute,” Robin laughed, grabbing your arm and dragging you along behind her. “Come on, Steve!”
The line for the rollercoaster was the longest line in the festival. Max and the rest of the kids were just getting off the ride as you all approached.
“Have you ridden it yet!?” Dustin asked.
“Nah, Y/N had cold feet about it. But good old Steve warmed ‘em right up, didn’t ya, Steve?” Robin grabbed the fabric of Steve’s jacket for emphasis, and the kids laughed.
“It’s really fun,” Max said. “We’ve ridden it 3 times now.”
“But it looks pretty steep,” you said, mostly to yourself.
“It’s not scary though, and it didn’t make Lucas feel sick like some have. It was El’s first time riding anything and she loved it.”
El nodded enthusiastically, leaning into Mike.
“It wasn’t scary. The bumps felt weird though. They tickled.” She shrugged, and then jumped a little when Mike fluttered his fingers against her side.
“And El would know,” Mike joked, teasing her.
You rolled your eyes, your stomach flipping a little more at the mention and sight of ticklishness. You were nervous enough about this rollercoaster, you didn’t need to add more nerves about the group finding out how ticklish you were.
“You’ll be fine,” Steve said, knocking his shoulder into yours. “Besides, we’re all riding it this time together.”
By the time you had all made it to the front of the line, you were shaking out your hands at your sides and bouncing on your toes.
“Breathe,” Will encouraged you, before he and Dustin were led to a row on the coaster.
You were up next, and you pretended not to notice as Steve asked Robin quietly to let him move in front of her in line.
The row you and Steve were seated in was in front of Dustin and Will but behind Robin and Max, who both turned and gave you a reassuring thumbs up.
It was obvious you were on the verge of a freak out.
“Gonna be fine, it’s all gonna be fine,” you murmured to yourself as the operator lowered the bars to secure you in place.
“It’s gonna be fun,” Steve added. “And you’ve got all of us around you. Do you really think El would let anything happen to you?”
“My hope would be that El wouldn’t have to keep anything from happening to me to begin with,” you laughed nervously.
Steve looked over at you for a moment, studying the way your knuckles were white from gripping the bar so tightly.
With a sigh, and a playful look, he reached over and pried your right hand off the bar, securing it in his.
“Just try not to break my hand, okay?”
You laughed, and felt relieved just for a moment before the coaster began to climb the first hill. Then the panic set in again.
“Steve? Steve I don’t think I can do this.”
“Yes, you can. Just remember what El said.”
“It just tickles a little, yeah? No harm, no foul.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“Oh really?” Steve looked over at you, still holding one hand. Just as you reached the top of the hill, and you felt as if you were going to be sick, he reached over with his other hand and began squeezing your side.
Your scream of terror quickly turned into laughter as you felt yourself plummeting down the track, Steve still squeezing your side.
“Whahahat is WROHOHONG WITH YOU?” You laughed, trying to bat his hand away and failing.
“Just have fun!” He quit tickling you, just for a moment to let out a quick ‘WOO’ as you went around a turn.
“Crap CRAP CRAP,” you panicked, noticing the next steep drop ahead of you. And once again, just as you began to drop, Steve reached over and squeezed your knee, making you kick out as your screams once again turned into laughter.
Hawkins-Palooza was small, and the rollercoaster ended after those two drops, leaving you to playfully smack the back of Steve’s head as you caught your breath from the whole ordeal.
“Ouch! What was that for?”
“You tickled me?!”
“You didn’t believe that the rollercoaster tickled. I had to convince you.”
“Yeah, but-“
“No buts. Besides, you seemed like you were having a pretty good time to me.”
You stopped at that, realizing he was right. You’d been so focused on the ticklish feeling you hadn’t been able to panic about the feeling of your stomach dropping.
“Shut up.”
“Nah, I don’t think I will,” Steve grinned. “I can’t believe I didn’t know you were ticklish.”
“Well it’s not information I go around volunteering.”
“Buckley is gonna have a field day with this.”
“No she isn’t, because you aren’t gonna tell her,” you countered.
“Tell me what?” Robin asked, turning around in her seat as you all waited for the operator to release the safety bars.
“Y/N is -“
You weren’t sure what compelled you to do it, but you cut him off the only way that you could think.
You kissed Steve Harrington.
And he was absolutely kissing you back.
“Get a room,” Max groaned, and you pulled away, looking at Steve.
He smiled, his arm curving around your waist as he pulled you in for what you assumed was another kiss.
Instead, he began squeezing your side once more, making you fold in on yourself as best as you could.
“As I was saying Buckley, Y/N here is adorably ticklish.”
Robin rolled her eyes at your antics, turning back around in her seat as the operator came to let you out of your seats.
You began to let go of Steve’s hand, feeling self-conscious about the kiss, but he tightened his grip.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked, pulling you out of your seat with him.
“I just-“
“Oh no you don’t. I’m not letting you get away that easily.”
And then he kissed you. Again.
Hawkins-Palooza had never seemed so bright.
“So, you all up for another ride?” Robin asked.
Steve pulled away, giving you a mischievous look.
“What do you say, Y/N? You up for another ride?”
“I don’t think I really have a choice in this, do I?” You laughed.
“Not really,” Robin responded, poking you in the stomach. You flinched backwards, hard, giggling.
“You get that, Steve?” Robin asked.
“Noted,” Steve smirked, hand still secure around your own.
Needless to say, the rollercoaster became your favorite ride at Hawkins-Palooza.
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gallawitchxx · 11 months
getting to tag game tuesday right away this week because i cannot keep @celestialmickey or @energievie waiting & i also have real life responsibilities to attend to 😔 BUT FIRST --
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name: bee 🐝
age: 30, flirty & thriving ✨
pronouns: she/her, but also in a genderless way lmao idkkk 😅
tell me about one of your hobbies: i'm about to have a future hobby as i just picked up a sewing machine from my parent's house last weekend 🧵
what languages do you speak? english & conversational french 🗣
one of your comfort movies: elizabethtown ⚱️
do you have any kids? do you want any? nope & nope. i think i'm okay with just raising my lil pup!
cold weather or hot weather? hot bayybeee ☀️
you're at an amusement park. what ride are you going on first? ooooh it depends on which amusement park i'm at, but likely some kind of coaster! the bigger, the better! how about a loop-de-loop? 🎢
what's your go-to hairstyle/how do you wear your hair most days? it's usually pulled up into some kind of messy bun, but recently i've also been loving having it down with a big ole headband! 💃🏼
who was your top artist in your spotify wrapped/apple music replay in 2022? MUNA 🥰
you've just been handed $1000 but you have to spend it on clothes. where are you shopping? i do love a good secondhand store, but i think if the money's just been handed to me, i'm going to anthropologie 🤘🏼
wireless or corded headphones? wireless, over-the-ear chunky boys 🎧
finally, tell me something that sparks joy: over the weekend, we drove up to my hometown for an engagement party & it's so nice to be in such close proximity again! it makes me feel like every visit doesn't have to be this HUGE EVENT, which i also think will help with some of the strange post-lockdown mess we've been navigating... a big blessing! 💫
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tagging @squidyyy23 @thisdivorce @heymrspatel @gardenerian @metalheadmickey @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @howlinchickhowl @harrowhark-a-vagrant @iansfreckles @y0itsbri @grumpymickmilk @grumble-fish @sleepyfacetoughguy @too-schoolforcool & whoever else wants to play! i love you all! xx
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mysticmunson · 2 years
lone star: chapter two (sneak peak)
summary: eddie had packed up his things and moved to the big city, indianapolis, but when he enters the fast-growing world of the adult entertainment industry, it gets lonely.
rating: R
part one
authors note: i just want to start off by saying the reception to part one was incredibly overwhelming. all of your kind words means so so much to me, like seriously. always feel free to pop in my inbox or dm's and share thoughts with me or just chat. much love to you all.
part two will be up tomorrow! :) but for now, here's a sneak peak ;)
“I’ll have the number 5 please with apple juice.” You replied, handing her the flimsy plastic menu that she exchanged with a nod. She walked off into the back, the silver door swinging back and forth till it came to a halt. 
The decor was 1950s themed, checkerboard flooring with some neon signs teasing 5 cent soda. The shiny red seats at the bar were mounted to the floor, the booths matching similarly across the rest of the place. It was charming, providing a comforting feeling of home cooked meals. 
“I don’t think I’ve had the number 5 before.” Eddie spoke, your attention snapping to him as he looked at you, no clear emotion present. But then again, what kind of emotion should he be having over your choice of breakfast.
“It’s chocolate chip pancakes and bacon, don’t worry I have a toothbrush.” You jested while Veronica brought over your drinks, setting down coasters to prohibit the condensation from pooling. 
The steam from Eddie’s cup rose to his nose as he put in creamer and sugar, stirring it and watching it go to a lighter shade of brown. Pulling out the spoon, he watched the small tornado within it dissipate before taking a sip, sighing at it going down his throat.
“Don’t worry about it, once had a partner eat tuna and garlic bread before a scene.” He assured, but the small smile on his lips let you laugh, placing a hand over your mouth to regain some composure.
There were some unspoken rules in your line of work. Spending your day physically with or in someone means you need to be extra cautious on hygiene, like showering with nicer body wash or putting on extra strong deodorant. 
Even when you would film alone for solos, you took additional routes for cleanliness. There’s very few things more embarrassing than someone saying you smelled bad or were dirty when you were intending to be clean.
Eating tuna and garlic in one sitting is a dangerous concoction by itself, but before a shoot was a whole different type of sadistic. The pair didn’t even sound appetizing, your stomach twisting at the mere concept.
“Did she hate you?” You pondered, but he only shrugged, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he took another drink. You took one as well, wiping your dampened hand on your jeans and seeing them go from medium wash to a patch of dark denim. 
“Dunno. But you’re the first adult I’ve ever seen order apple juice at a restaurant.” He pointed out, his chin resting on his knuckles looking down at your drink with confusion.
“Are you saying you don’t like apple juice?” You inquired, not being able to believe someone could dislike it. Maybe it seemed childish, but it put you at ease, caffeine would only make you more jittery. 
“Not at all, it’s great.” He grinned, tucking some of his hair behind his ear, peering over his shoulder to see Veronica returning with plates of hot food.
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taglist: @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @edsforehead @wiltedwonderland @idathereader @red-2-0@cutiecusp @haileyhellfire @bimbobobaggins69 @harrys-tittie @sillypurplemurple @thikkiesixx @metalsunflowers @creepytoes88 @girl-frm-mars @eddiesbabe95 @qnsfwthoughts @p4st3lst4rs @whoahoney @Innlove @whore-for-eddie @kiyastrf94 @mirrorsstuff @micheledawn1975 @whoreforhowl @killyspinacoladas @nevermore66 @aysheashea @sweetsouthernbitchery @sidthedollface2 @trixyvixx @munsonsuccubus @gaysludge @abirdinthehouse @christalcake @lokiofasssguard616 @loving-and-dreaming @igotloki @munsonology
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