#Celebration Requests Open
peakyscillian · 1 year
Wild Horses | Modern!Tommy One Shot
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Summary: Using the prompt "I promise it's a nice thing. just close your eyes and don't cheat!" Warnings: Fluff! Pairing: Modern!Tommy x Fem!Reader Requested: Yes! by the lovely Liv (@gypsy-girl-08) for my 1.5k Celebration which you can join in with or request a prompt from! Thank you so much for the request Liv, here's my gift to you for being so supportive from almost the start of my wild Peaky community journey! ily! Notes - Thank you @heidimoreton for the gif!
Masterlist | 1.5k Celebration
Wild Horses.
You were sat outside the office block, waiting for Tommy to appear, he'd told you fifteen minutes ago he was on his way. He was impossible always working, you only needed him for the afternoon.
He'd promised you he'd been done by the time you arrived to get him, you'd somehow managed to keep a secret from him, with a lot of hushed phone calls to the family and late night emails.
You knew he was avoiding coming down to the car, he hated surprises, picking up your phone you dialled his number.
"I'm coming darling, I'm coming" he voice drawled down the line, you rolled your eyes hanging up without a word.
'Is he on his way down? x' you text your brother in-law for some support, 'putting him in the lift as we speak x' Arthur's response flew back.
You flicked the end of your cigarette out of the window, Tommy was leaving his office, you'd told him to take a change of clothes, be in something more casual, but, no here he was in his full suit slipping into the passenger seat of your car.
He lent across the centre console, pressing a kiss to your cheek "hello darling" he smiled.
You turned your head to catch his lips, letting yourself get carried away, as your phone buzzed.
You grabbed it quickly so he wouldn't see, turning to start the engine "I hate not knowing, you know that" he grumbled, throwing himself back into the seat like a spoilt child.
You laughed lightly "I promise it's a nice thing. just close your eyes and don't cheat!" you squeezed his knee, pulling out of the parking space.
You somehow convinced Tommy to put on the blindfold, one you'd whipped out of the box kept in the wardrobe, he'd never let you use it on him before.
"Don't think we'll do this in the bedroom again, it's not that nice is it?" he groaned, you bit at your lips holding in the small giggle "I don't know Tom, I enjoy it" you admitted.
You could sense the smirk on his lips, keeping your eyes on the road "then we will continue" he laughed.
You made the familiar turning into Charlie's Yard, he'd helped you plan almost all of this surprise, you checked the text on your phone from him.
'All sorted, third stable, set up. Curly out of the way he can't keep a secret'
You got out of the car, making your way round to the passenger side, helping Tommy out, guiding him across the cobbles to the large gates.
"Why are we at Charlies Yard?" he asked, you stopped trying to see where he had managed to sneak a peak from the blindford.
"The smell, its the smell of Charlie's Yard I haven't looked" he confirmed, you huffed of course he knew this place by just the smell, he'd spent nearly all his life here.
You stood behind him, standing on tiptoes to unknot the blindfold "Keep your eyes closed, Thomas" you giggled, making your way back round to his side.
Linking your fingers through his "Open" you whispered, so giddy with excitement.
You watched him as his eyes finally fell on the majestic black horse, he turned to you mouth agape with shock "You didn't?" he asked, stepping forward slowly towards the horse.
Tommy was always dreaming about owning a horse again, he'd grown up riding but moving into the City to launch the business meant he left his horses in Curly's care.
He turned to you, a beaming smile on his face, you moved towards him watching as he spoke softly to the horse, "She's called Gypsy Eve" you handed him the paperwork.
Tommy nodded his free arm wrapped round your waist pulling you into his side, "have you ever been on a horse?" he asked, you looked up at the towering animal "never, they frighten me" you admitted.
Tommy smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek "We can ride together"
You gave him a look, "don't start you little tease" he hummed with an amused smirk, "I do like riding sometimes" you quipped as he pressed his fingers to your side, making you squirm at the sensation.
"Lets go for a ride" he declared, shrugging off his suit jacket, "what kind?" you asked, he shook his head walking to the side of the horse, patting her on the back.
"later for the other kind of ride, eh?" he cupped at your jaw letting his lips slide across yours momentarily.
"Is that a promise?" you asked, fingers dancing in the shaved side of his hair "Of course, when have I ever let you down"
@cillmequick @runnning-outof-time @look-at-the-soul @gypsy-girl-08 @zablife @forgottenpeakywriter @cillixn @heidimoreton @thomasshelbee @queenshelby @missymurphy1985 @cloudofdisney @allie131313 @vhscillian @radioheadgirl @being-worthy @elenavampire21 @datewithgianni @magicalpieex @midnightmagpiemama @shelbydelrey @janelongxox @camilleholland89 @cilliansangel @uchihacumdump @inkandpen22 @lovemissyhoneybee @ysmmsy @lyarr24 @anotherhitandrun @alreadybroken-ts @flyingjosephine-blog @moral-turpitudes @lostgirl219 @duckybird101 @blyanyan @flippittygibbitts
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doumadono · 3 months
Doumadono's ice cream shop event
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About a year ago, I made the decision to start writing for my private blog, inspired by my first viewing of Demon Slayer. Since then, a lot has changed, and I've grown as a writer. I've had the privilege of meeting incredibly talented writers and artists, forming friendships that have endured to this day. But above all, I've been able to bring a little joy to my readers and those who trusted me with their emergency requests. A year on, with more experience and wisdom, I can confidently say that pursuing my small dream was the right choice. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who chose to follow my little blog. Without your support, I wouldn't be where I am today. Thank you, guys.
To celebrate and add a bit of fun to the mix, I'm opening up my inbox for a few days. This time around, I've got a little ice cream menu for you all. Check out all the details below the cut!
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your order should look something like this: I'd like to order a vanilla ice cream cone with sprinkles and maple syrup on top (remember to include your preferred character/s, along with any other details like kinks, AU type, and so on)
Masterlist for the event will be updated with the links upon posting. I'll be sharing the works starting from March 31st and continue until I've fulfilled all the requests. Just a heads up, though: I might not respond to requests that don't follow the event's rules or my own guidelines, or if they make me uncomfortable.
Also, please share this post to help spread the word!
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lathalea · 2 days
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Yes, it is finally happening!
💎 HUGE 💎
Follower Celebration
… is here!
Remember the poll from last week? The results are here! You have spoken!
Thank you everyone for participating! 💙🙏
💎 What happens now?
Per your request,
I’m going to write ficlets for you, my lovely followers!
And I can’t wait! 🤩
💎 It’s time for the Prompt Game!
💎 To take part in the celebration, you have to be my follower before it starts!
💎 For the Prompt Game, I will have around 10 slots open. Maybe a few less, maybe a few more (it depends on boring real life stuff, sorry, I’ll try to do my best!).
💎 The participants will be picked on the "first come, first serve" basis.
💎 I’m going to write ficlets (300-500 words) based on Tolkien’s Middle Earth and the characters created by JRRT.
💎 Pick your favorite pairing, the prompt you’ve been dreaming of (or 1-2 prompt numbers from the list below), any additional details you want me to include (like your OC, quote, vibes…), and send me an ask! No anons please 🙏
💎 I will be happy to write about things like: canon x canon, canon x oc, canon x reader, oc x oc, oc x reader, textual ghosts, G-E rated romance (to request E-rated stuff, you have to be an adult), angst, gen fics, fluff, GIME, crack fics, Middle Earth locations, headcanons, imagines, worldbuilding… and much more.
💎 I’m not in the right headspace to write about things like: incest, rape, death, explicit descriptions of injuries/childbirth, themes/characters I’m not too familiar with.
💎 If you’re one of the lucky participants but I’m unable to fulfill your request because of some its content, don’t worry! You won’t lose your spot! I’ll ask you to submit a new fic request.
💎 Any questions? You know where to find me!
If you’ve just ran out of fic ideas or there’s something here that speaks to you, please add one or two prompt numbers to your ask:
1. “I lost my way. Twice.”
2. Regency AU
3. "It was an... accident?"
4. Pirate AU
5. “You did this for me?”
6. Neighbor AU
7. “We could just stay like this, cuddling all night, if that is what you wish."
8. Forbidden Love AU
9. “Whose wedding is this?” “Ours.”
10. Soulmate AU
11. “Tell me what you see.”
12. Library AU
13. “Where am I?”
14. Best Friends AU / Friends to Lovers AU (you pick)
15. “Is anything you say to me true?”
16. Modern AU
17. “The stars are bright tonight, aren't they?" "Not as bright as you…”
18. Stranded AU
19. “This quest is yours alone.”
20. Room Mate AU
21. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
22. Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU
23. “Make a wish.”
24. Amnesia AU
25. “Do I know you from somewhere?”
26. Hurt/Comfort AU
27. “What does your heart tell you?”
28. Meet-awful AU (funny!)
29. “How did you get here and what are you doing in my bed?!”
30. An AU of your choice
31. Surprise me, Lathalea! 🤩
🎉 Let the Prompt Game begin!🎉
Good luck everyone! 💙
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reactionimagesdaily · 8 months
hey boss outta curiosity does baldur’s gate lll have any reaction images you’d perhaps recommend i have a friend thats playing it rn! truly i know nothing about the game, but she said she likes the vampy dude, the one that sounds like stewie griffin roleplaying as a discord kitten? idk his name
Oh this is a fun coincidence! I DO know Baldur's Gate III, and I know the character your friend mentioned, and he does sound like stewie griffin roleplaying a discord kitten, that's a great fucking description. Just combine that mental image with that guy from that one barbie movie (white hair, funny scream) and you've got everyone's new favourite rat boy! (TBH I don't think he's that narratively unique, but he's integrated into the plot well and written excellently on a scene-by-scene basis and he's very well acted so I can get behind how compelling people find him xDD)
Anyways! The reason I know Baldur's Gate III is that it's, uh, actually my current hyperfixation. So,,,,, sorry for what you've inadvertently unleashed lol
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thewritersaddictions · 6 months
Day One: Soldier Boy + Baby It's Cold Outside
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It's late december when Ben comes back from yet another search for a Vought member. He's not really a fan of christmas having never really gotten the things he wanted during his childhood.
The first time Ben hears the song it's during his time away at war. Ben is just thirty, and he loves music. Warming his heart in a way that not much else can. He hums to himself during his time away at war, and as his mother used to. It keeps him clam, and striaght with his thoughts.
It's when Vought takes Ben to be their test subject and their propaganda device, does the song come back to him. Years had passed, Vought wanted, and tried like hell to make the face of thier company sell.
What was worth selling? Sex has alway sold, and by the standards of the world then and now Ben is a deliciously sexy man. Now mix that together with money and you've pretty much got yourself anything you can dream of.
It forces Ben, or what Vought called him "Soldier Boy" to become apart of a few things. Movie titles, pinup posters, and songs. During the sevetnies, and eighties when the tech get's better the songs he laid down on records turned into shitty music videos.
During christmas time one of the years before he was caught by the russians. He does yet another albums filled with winter songs. Speicallifly the song he had used to keep himself level headed during the war, down in the trenches dirt and blood splattering his face.
Shaking the thought he does what he's told, and sings the song. That damn song that has been stuck to him like glue for the past twenty years at least. Ben does a few good things before getting caught by the Russians like buying the song on record his version and the orginal stuffing them away with other importnat documents, and things from his childhood.
Ben can see the stupid LED christmas lights from the apartments window as he walks up his duffel over his shoulder. With that he jams the brass key into the lock twisting and turning the knob before the door gives and he's let in. The lights are dimly light, and the sound of the tv plays in the background.
"I'm home." He says loudly so you can hear over the tv. He can the scampering of your feet on the hardwood, as he drops the duffel kicks the door shut with his boots, and sits down to unlace his boots.
Theres that beautiful smile he wishes he could see everyday whenever he's away. "Hey beautiful." He says with a contentment that you can hear in his voice. You smile sweetly down at him, and when ben gets up from his kneeled postion you smother him kisses.
You taste of choclate and mint, "What have you been up to while I've been gone?" He asks even though he really doesn't have to. The apartment is decorated ceiling to floor in christmas decorations. Ben feels as if he just walked into a christmas store, or maybe a hallmark.
"Well," You start with a smile written all over your face, "I've been trying to get into the sprit of christmas, and  I pulled some of your old records out looking for something a least a little bit chirstmassy." The words "your records."
"You weren't through my things?" Ben doesn't mean for the words to come out so harsh, but they do. Ben is and has always been protective of what he has and that includes you, but he wishes you could have waited till he was home and you had asked him instead.
The smile on your face starts to fall you open your mouth open to apoliges, but nothing comes out. You drop your hand from his, and get quiet moving over to the couch. "I'm sorry Ben." The tv is still playing but the sound is lower.
Ben can feel the tension in the air. Thick and it annoys him. He forgets just how sensitive you can be not used to being home just yet. Ben needs a drink before he can deal with that mess he's created.
He leaves you in the living for now, to mutter in your feelings while he finds in the kitchen a jug of eggnog. An old recipe card sits out, he internally groans. 'Fuck you for being so damn sweet to him.' and 'Fuck him for having such a sweet spot for you.' He pour himself a glass and it hits him with a tingle down his thoart. His eyes scan over the recipe card, In cursive, "Just a dash or two cups of whiskey."
He can't hear you, but cna hear the tv. He rolls his eyes has he pour himself anther cup, and you one as well. When he comes out of the kitchen you are right where he left you. Setting your cup on the side tablebut not before you move a coastar underneath it. He set his cup down on the other coastar. The silence isn't uncomfortable for Ben, but he can feel you messin' with your fingers and nails. He starts to scan what you took out. His records, and one catches his eye.
He slides his fingers over the old package, and pulls the record from the safety of it's home. The record is safe from marks, or scratches and so Ben slips it onto the record player. Grabbing the remote, turning the tv off.
"Listen baby," You don't look at him, "Honey, look at me." Your eyes are glazed with hurt, but you look at him anyways. He has to stifle his laugh at how adorable you look right now for him.
"I'm sorry for being short with you, you know it takes me a few hours to get back and used to being home with you love. Now get up here and let me fix it." Ben says, reaching out his hand palm up so your much smaller hand can fit right in it. You chew your bottom lip for a moment like your thinking of denying him, but as much as Ben's missed you you've missed him tenfold.
You grab his hand and Ben pulls you up effortlessly. He smiles for the first time since he arrived home, and your shoulders fall with contentment. Ben only lets go of your hand for a few seconds just enough to let the needle fall on the record and his hands to slip back into yours. One hand holding onto your hand and the other your waist. The two of you sway as the music crackles and then starts to play.
You rest your head against his large chest, and breathe him in. The first few tracks are not the song Ben's looking for, but he waits patiently. He likes being able to hold you like this, there's no rhythm or reason to your swaying.
That is until the song Ben had been waiting for hit his ears. The songs start slow, and then your movements become more fluid. Your socks glide on the carpet, and even if you accidentally step on Ben's feet he is still okay with having you in his arms. By the chorus of the song Ben's humming in your ear with his hand holding you with a warm grip 'round our waist.
"You'll sing it for me?" You ask with your cheek pressed into his chest. Ben's humming stops and for a moment so does the little swaying the two of you have gotten into. Ben thinks for a moment, "Maybe sweetheart. Maybe." But he can already feel you getting excited at the thought of him singing, "But for now can you take the hummin' and the swayin'?" He asks, putting a stray piece of hair behind your ear. Nodding, you place your head back on his chest, swaying, and humming resumes.
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Completed on: 10/06/23
Posted on: 12/01/23
The Anti-Hero-
The Boys Master List // The Anti-Hero Master List // Christmas Stoires Master List
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zarnzarn · 3 months
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(requests for one-shots open in celebration!)
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amaranthineghost · 2 months
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indulge in as many as you want and stay a while...
˗ˏˋ꒰ ☕️ ꒱—stay and have a chat! talk with me about any and everything (I love to talk and listen)
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍪 ꒱—want something sweet? choose a prompt for fluff from any of these / one two three four five / options for any driver!
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🥯 ꒱—want something savory? choose a prompt for angst from any of these / one two three four five / options for any driver!
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🧄 ꒱—want something with a little kick to it? choose a prompt for smut from any of these / one two three four five / options for any drivers!
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🧸 ꒱—trouble sleeping? ask for any movie, book, fic, or anything you want recommended!
I just want to say THANK YOU for 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 and now 1000 FOLLWERS!!!
when I posted my first lando imagine, I NEVER would've guessed that I would be where I am today with this much support for my writing, and it means a lot to me.
with every milestone, it became more and more surreal, and while I might not have announced every one of them, it doesn't mean it meant any less to me. forever grateful for all those who have follow me and for @foreveralbon who has helped me SO MUCH with my writing and literally everything <333
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luxexhomines · 5 months
Welcome back!!! It’s great to see you again, I hope you’ve been doing well 💕 Could I request a Kokichi/Reader (romantic) for the dialogue prompt “You're so persistent”? Either fluff or silly, whichever you prefer! Thanks and have fun!!
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Thank you so much for the heart-warming welcome back and for the request!! I'm happy to see you again too, and I hope you've been doing well, too, ehe~ ♡ ♡
I took a little while to think about this prompt and to reacquaint myself with Kokichi as a character, ahaha. I realized then that I...don't even know how to write Kokichi, even though I love him so much?! But nevertheless, I tried to write something fun. Honestly, it feels kind of awkward/mechanical, but maybe it can't be helped because it's been so long since I last wrote for Kokichi?
Anyway, here we go! It's almost 3k words (oops) so there's a cut. Icon credit to dreamcrush!
“You’re so persistent.” Kokichi x Ultimate! Celebrity Reader
“You’re so persistent.” You slammed the metal locker door close and glared at Kokichi. “And annoying.” 
Kokichi simply shrugged with that same shit-eating grin on his face that he always had. 
“Well, maybe you wouldn’t have to deal with the annoying me if you’d just say yes,” he says in that sing-songy voice. 
You resist the urge to box his ears and instead turn away, speed-walking toward the classroom. To your dismay, he quickly follows behind you, matching your pace easily and practically skipping. You supposed someone like him burned a lot of energy annoying people and pulling tricks everyday, so this was probably nothing to him. 
“Don’t you ever get tired of being rejected?” you glanced at him, genuinely curious. 
“Nope!” He folds his arms behind his head leisurely and grins at you. “But I bet you’re getting tired of rejecting me, huh? You really want to say yes, don’t you? Huh?”
“I’m not even going to answer that,” you sighed. 
Kokichi made a face of shock, mouth and deep purple eyes wide in a way that could only be described as overexaggerated and purely for dramatic effect. 
“But you just did!” 
You suppressed an exasperated sigh and looked away from Kokichi, who was strolling next to you without a care in the world. He’d even started to whistle some annoying little tune that sounded suspiciously like the tune that had recently gone viral for being one of the worst earworms ever. 
Kokichi had been asking for your autograph for the past month since the fall semester of Hope’s Peak Academy had formally started and the two of you had met in-class for the first time. 
“Ultimate Celebrity, huh?!” he’d exclaimed, eyes comically wide and sparkly. “Does that mean you get to be an Ultimate for just existing? Do you even have to do anything? How is that even a talent, huh?” 
Kaede interjected with her hands on her hips. 
“Hey, don’t make fun! You know, they’re an Ultimate for a reason,” she huffed. “Look at that face! That style! The stuff that they use gets sold out within minutes, and the places they go get so popular they only take reservations for months after!” 
To be fair, you tried to stop Kaede. Tried and failed. 
“It’s okay, Kaede-” you put a hand on her shoulder gently, only for her to not even notice. 
“Do you even know how much one of their autographs goes for? It can go for a million yen!” she burst. 
It was then that a chill ran down your spine as you watched Kokichi’s face flash from that of a naive and playful prankster to a calculative one worthy of being called the Ultimate Supreme Leader–whatever that bogus-sounding talent was. Actually, how dare he question your talent when he had a suspicious talent like that? 
“Oho, is that so?” he smiled and tapped a finger to his lips, seemingly in thought. You didn’t know what he was thinking, but you did know that whatever it was, you didn’t like it at all. 
You gave the door to the classroom a furtive look. 
“Okay, well, if that’s all, I’m going to go to the bathroom now- Eek!” 
Kokichi had made his way to the door before you and was somehow effectively blocking your exit route with both palms pressed on either side of the door frame, even with his slight frame. Not only that, but he was currently making one of the most horrifying faces you’d ever seen on anyone, and you’d seen a lot of terrible things in the entertainment industry. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” he smirked. Whatever that black pit of a face was, his eyes were two black holes in that pit. And, his mouth was stretched unnaturally wide in what could only be called an evil smile. “Hand it over.” He held out a hand, and you stared at his empty hand, simply appalled. 
You’d faced plenty of terrors and challenges as the Ultimate Celebrity, from surprise paparazzis at night to stalker-fans trying to break into your apartment, but you had to say that this was your first time being extorted for an autograph–not even asked, but threatened. 
You crossed your arms and gave him a dirty look. 
“No. Now step aside.” 
You couldn’t imagine that he’d keep blocking the doorway forever, especially since from the corner of your eye, you could see Kaito walking toward the classroom from the hallway. 
He slinked to the side surprisingly easily, making a disappointed puppy-dog face. 
“Aww, you’re no fun. It’s just an autograph, you know?”
You slid past him and made a beeline to the bathroom, which he thankfully did not follow you to–but you did feel his eyes on you until you disappeared from his line of sight. You’d think you’d have gotten used to being watched, being the Ultimate Celebrity, but somehow, this felt different. 
Fast-forward to today, about a month into the semester, and he hadn’t failed to pester you for an autograph every single day, although he luckily spent some of his time playing with (irritating?) your other classmates, too. 
“Keeboi, robots don’t have nipples, do they?” Some clanking noises came from the other side of the classroom, which you desperately hoped wasn’t Kokichi touching Kiibo.
“This is harassment! I must ask that you cease and desist at once–no, seriously, stop, Kokichi!” 
You winced but opted to remain a bystander. Getting involved ultimately meant offering yourself as the sacrificial target for Kokichi’s tricks and attention. ‘Sorry, Kiibo,’ you thought sympathetically. 
But unfortunately for you, Kokichi must have quickly gotten bored with Kiibo, because not even ten minutes later, he was at your side again. To be exact, he was sitting across from you at the desk in front of yours, hands holding onto the backrest of the chair.
“Come on, just one little autograph,” he begged with those big, gleaming eyes. Man, since when did being an Ultimate Supreme Leader involve having incredible acting abilities? Because otherwise, how could he look so pitiful and sad? Like a cat left in the pouring rain, sitting in a rotting cardboard box, waiting for a kind owner–
You averted your eyes. It would be fine if you didn’t look at him, you desperately thought to yourself. 
“I’m not giving an autograph to any classmates,” you state. “We’re all Ultimates and more or less equal, so I’m not going to give a fellow Ultimate an autograph. Plus, you think I don’t know you’re just going to go and auction it off?”  You turned and stared him down with the last sentence. 
“Nishishi, you got me there!” he laughed, but he didn’t seem surprised or offended. “Why don’t you do your classmate a little favor, then? You gave one to Nagito!” 
You huffed and pursed your lips. 
“I said no, Kokichi! And it’s different if it’s a fan,” you argued. “Nagito was already a fan because he loves Ultimates. Plus, he’s our upperclassman!” 
Kokichi put a hand to his chin in thought. 
“So it’s different if it’s a fan, huh? Okay, got it! I’ll be your fan, so give me an autograph!” he cheers. 
“No, Kokichi! Were you even listening to me?” 
He didn’t reply immediately for once, just watched you in an unsettling way. He even started twirling a strand of hair around his finger as he looked at you, and you started to feel self-conscious. You thought you’d gotten used to being watched, but yet again, it felt different coming from him. 
“Hmm, I guess I wasn’t… Well, if you won’t give me your autograph, then I want something else!” 
“What is it, now?” 
You sighed and rested your cheek on your hand, propping your elbow up on the desk and preparing yourself for whatever other ridiculous demand he’d come out with next.
“Give me your heart!” 
You almost fall out of your chair and scramble to hold onto the desk for dear life before incredulously staring at him. You could feel your face heating up, but you were sure it was just because he’d said something so unbelievably absurd.
“What did you say?” 
“I said, give me your heart,” Kokichi enunciated with a smile. “Do you need hearing aids? How come you didn’t hear it the first time?” His eyes reflected obsequious concern, and you frowned. 
“I heard you the first time! I just thought I heard wrong because you said something so– so weird. You know, your habit of lying and playing around with other people is going to get you in serious trouble someday.” 
Kokichi held up a hand and started examining his nails, shrugging. 
“I was being serious, though? This time, at least.”
You stared at him, unable to discern his true intentions or motives. 
“Kokichi, I–you’re just pulling my leg, right? Because if so, it’s not funny…” you trailed off, not sure what to even make of the current situation. On the off chance that he was being serious, you didn’t want to be dismissive, but after the past month of being teased and watching him trick and lie to other people like it was nothing, you couldn’t just take his words at face value. Especially when he said it so offhandedly. 
Kokichi clenched his fists and pouted, puffing up his pale cheeks. 
“Hey, don’t make me repeat myself! I tell the truth once in a while, you know! Don’t tell me you don’t believe me after I told you I was telling the truth already!” 
You blinked slowly, feeling your cheeks reddening. 
“Uh, then… What do you even mean by, ‘give me your heart?’ You want to date?” 
“No, silly,” he stuck his tongue out at you and rolled his eyes. “I want you to fall in love with me, duh! Come on, are you really so boring that you can’t even understand a figure of speech?” 
“I just didn’t expect it from you,” you quietly muttered. 
How did you feel about him, anyway? The past month suddenly felt like a blur–what had you even done the past month? You couldn’t quite remember, but whatever it was, it definitely felt like it was all memories filled with Kokichi’s presence, as infuriating as he could be sometimes. 
Then again, you knew he never truly meant any harm, and overall, you considered him–a classmate? No, that felt wrong after all the time you’d spent together for such a short span of a month. 
A friend. That felt so much more right, suited your relationships so much better.
You paused. 
“Wait a minute! You never even said that you liked me or anything. You just told me to fall in love with you!” you said, affronted by the realization. 
“Oops, you got me!” Kokichi snickered. “Well, if you insist, though I’m sure you get plenty of proclamations of love everyday as the Ultimate Celebrity.” 
He pulled out a flower from behind his back and thrusted it toward you with a big, innocent smile on his face. “I like you!” 
You facepalmed but plucked the flower from his hand begrudgingly.
“Somehow, that felt so disingenuous,” you complained. “Like it was just an afterthought. And you wondered why I didn’t believe you.” 
Kokichi poked your cheek, which had puffed a little without you even realizing. 
“Hey, don’t be so pessimistic after I told you I liked you! How can you have so many complaints about the Ultimate Supreme Leader liking you, huh? It should be your honor! A snap of my fingers, and I can have my thousands of underlings kneeling before you in seconds,” he boasted.
You gave him a look–you could just about see his nose growing longer for every lie coming out of his mouth.
“I doubt you have thousands of underlings,” you sighed. “Plus, this was so anticlimactic. I’m still pretty sure you just want to get my autograph.” 
Kokichi put a finger to his chin, thinking hard–or hardly thinking, it was always hard to tell with someone like him. 
“Well, do you need me to prove it? I’ll say I like you a thousand times! Here, why don’t I start now?” He opened his mouth wide and started chanting, “I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I like-” 
You hastily slapped a hand over his mouth and fearfully glanced around the classroom. Luckily, everyone else was busy with their own conversations during lunchtime. 
“Stop that, you’re going to get everyone’s attention!” you grumbled. 
“Oh?” he chuckled as he pulled your hand from his mouth, and a look of delighted mischief sparkled in his eyes–a look, you now realize, of trouble. “You know what an even better way to get everyone’s attention is? Watch this!” 
And then, he leaned in and pressed his soft, pale lips to yours–but they were gone so soon, no sooner than you had realized they’d even touched you at all, too soon, in fact. You sat there in shock, face rapidly heating up; you were melting like butter in a hot pan, like ice under the summer sun, and you had no idea how to cope. 
Slowly, you brought your fingers to your lips, still staring at Kokichi, who had the smuggest little smile on his face. 
“Did you like it? Should I kiss you again?” he licked his lips, smirking. “Here, hold still-” 
But before he could do anything else, he was interrupted by Kaito, who had grabbed onto his shoulders firmly with an uncontrollable blush on his face. Kaito could barely even look at you, instead fiercely glaring at Kokichi.
“What are you doing to them?! You didn’t even ask, and you’re in the damn classroom, Kokichi! Our entire class just saw that!” 
Kokichi stuck his tongue out at Kaito, struggling against Kaito’s hold on him.
“Yeah, and who cares? They didn’t say they didn’t like it. Right, [Name]?” He paused and waved his hand in front of your dazed face. “Hellooooo, Earth to [Name]?” 
You shook your head rapidly, trying to come back to your senses. Of all the things to happen today, you hadn’t expected to be kissed by Kokichi Ouma. Maybe just another plea for an autograph, and maybe a prank or two, but a kiss? And not only that, but you hadn’t expected yourself to like it so much. Or like him so much.
“No, I…” Still thoroughly startled, you glanced away, still blushing, only to notice that the entire class was practically staring at the two of you (and Kaito, now that he’d tried to intervene). Tenko had put her hands up over her eyes, except she’d parted her fingers, so she wasn’t actually blocking anything from sight as she blushed furiously. Meanwhile, Shuichi had dropped his egg roll onto his desk, and Gonta was trying to ask Miu what kissing was and what it meant. Angie was watching with fervent interest, and Maki seemed shocked you’d let him kiss you to begin with, judging by the murderous expression on her face. 
To hell with it, you decided. Let them watch. Most of your life as the Ultimate Celebrity was already watched, anyway. What was one more thing? 
“It’s my turn now,” you grinned. Kaito let go of him, seeming to notice the tension in the air. “Don’t move.” 
You leaned over the desk and with a finger, tilted his chin up toward you, watching the Adam’s apple of his slender neck bob nervously. 
You leaned in and pressed your lips to his, not just once, not just twice, but three times. When you finally let go of him, you had the pleasure of seeing a thoroughly and truly bewildered look on his face for once; his eyes were blank, as if trying to process what had just happened, and a generous amount of pink had painted itself over his usually pale cheeks.
Kaito gave a wolf whistle and clapped, while the others started murmuring to each other.
“Nyeh… Is this the power of the Ultimate Celebrity?” Himiko uttered in surprise. “Truly magic to be wary of…” 
“It’s not m-magic,” Tenko stuttered and flusteredly pointed at you. “It’s, it’s sorcery! They made Kokichi shut up for once in his life!” 
“No, no, this surely must be a divine act bestowed by Atua,” Angie crowed. 
“Did we want Kokichi to shut up that badly…?” Shuichi asks tentatively. 
“Yes.” Maki stabbed her pickled plum with scary precision. “Yes, we did.” 
Kaede tried to assuage everyone’s complaints.
 “Now, he’s not that bad…” 
“Well, I’m glad that pipsqueak shut up for once!” Miu exclaimed. 
“Yes, he’s an absolute menace,” Korekiyo agreed.
But the quiet Kokichi didn’t last for long–or at least, not as long as some of them hoped it would. He swiftly leapt up from his seat and pulled you up, too, before hug-attacking you. 
“Wow, I didn’t know you had it in you! From now on, you have to kiss me everyday,” he declared proudly. “And if you skimp, you have to give me an autograph!”
You pat him on the head, chuckling–his hair was so soft, you absent-mindedly thought to yourself. 
“Again with the autograph. You really are persistent,” you laughed. 
He pulled back for a moment and sweetly stared into your eyes. 
“But that’s what you like about me so much, right? Nishishi!” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you shrugged, but you could feel your cheeks warming up again. 
Kokichi leaned in close, the breath from his mouth tickling your ear.
“Just between you and me, though, I’d take your kisses over your autograph any day, so don’t forget~”
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late-to-the-party-81 · 3 months
1,500 follower celebration
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Hey my little chickadees - I've hit another milestone, so it's time for a little celebration. Head on under the cut to find out what is going on!
First things first - I will be opening my requests for a week from 1st to 6th March, so if you have something you desperately want me to do, then now’s your chance 🥰 Please read my requests info page here.
Secondly, I want your help deciding which of my x reader ‘two-shots’ is worthy of getting a third instalment, so vote now in the poll and reblog for reach. (CA= Canon Adjacent, AU = Alternate Universe)
You can find the current two parts for each option by navigating to either the Canon Adjacent, Full AU or Non-Marvel (CE/SS) one-shot pages, on my master list.
If you have an idea for your choice feel free to put a comment in the tags or send me an ask.
And thirdly, please send me asks about any of my established series, X reader or Ship - whether that’s asking if I know where the story is going, asking for specific head canons, NSFW A-Z etc
If you wish to be included on my tag list, please click here to fill out the form.
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You are invited to:
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Hello, lovely people of the internet! I promise I am not dead, just been going through some things lol. On a happier note though, I am so excited to share this little thing with you all!
Idk why but like a week ago I just randomly decided "hey, what better way to celebrate summer than by writing about a certain bat wielding bisexual who takes up every crevice of my mind?" and thus...
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The Main Attractions:
Happy Camper - fluff requests
Looking to cuddle with your muse by the fire? Then look no further than "Happy Camper"!
Bow and Arrow - angst requests
Maybe you're looking for something a bit more ouchie? If so, "Bow and Arrow" is right up your alley!
Dear Diary - headcanon requests
Want a quick summer read that's short, sweet, and to the point? Just ask for "Dear Diary"!
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I Want S'more:
Cabin Fever - domestic!au
Wanting to spend the day at your vacation home with your muse? Then "Cabin Fever" is the way to go!
Counselors' Lounge - work!au
Do you love a good colleagues to lovers moment? You should ask for "Counselors' Lounge"!
Talent Show - celebrity!au
Have you or your muse always wanted to be a rockstar? Then look no further than "Talent Show"!
Macaroni Necklaces - royalty!au
Perhaps you've always wanted to be treated like the queen you are? Well, "Macaroni Necklaces" should be just right for you!
"Ghost Stories" - fantasy!au
Looking to add a supernatural flare to your blurb? Just ask for "Ghost Stories"!
Past Universes I'm Happy to Write for Again:
Single Dad!Steve
Brew and Me!Steve
Cat Dad!Eddie
Star Boy!Billy
Any other fics you'd like to see spin-offs of, really!
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The Rules:
🎒 This event will run through until July 31st! - okay, so the flyer is a bit misleading... but i promise, August will have something just as exciting as this event!
🎒 Send asks to designated blogs! - i think it goes without saying this is a courtesy to me so i don't get posts confused. but if you have any questions about my other blogs, or really anything related to requests, be sure to check my pinned post or just ask me!
🎒 Please be respectful to the blogger and to others! - remember to use your noggin when putting in requests! treat people with kindness always!
🎒 Please be understanding when putting in requests! - i am simply one person who has ebbs and flows in life. while i try to get to everything in a timely manner, i do get overwhelmed sometimes. please be courteous and gracious when putting in requests. i promise i see all of you and try to get to everything as quickly as i can!
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Thank you all so much for bearing with me these past few months! I know there are things you're all still waiting (cough cough, B&M ending) but I am thankful that you've all been very patient. I am so thankful for each and every single of you. I wish you all a very happy summer! ⛵️🧡
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mutuals! feel free to spread the word if you'd like! no pressure as always! ❤️
@dungeons-are-too-cold @writer-in-theory @rupsmorge @serenity-lattes @stevesmunsons @appocalipse @reputationmunson @sadgirlml @gay-prentiss
dividers: @strangergraphics
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saradika · 1 year
could you do some alchemy-style masterlist headers and dividers pls?
**i tried to make them myself but i failed miserably**
p.s love your blog!
Ahh, thank you so much! And I’d be happy to give it a shot - hopefully these will match the sort of feeling you were looking for. 📖💖
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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reidsaurora · 12 days
You are invited to:
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Hello, my dear friends! Long time no sea! No, I am not dead, just depressed lol, but that's a story for another time because...
I randomly decided like a week ago to do this. I didn't put much thought into it other than that I miss you guys so much and I need a reason to get out of my writing slump! So here we are, starting off our summer the right way!
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The Main Attractions:
Sun Kissed - fluff requests
Looking for a cute and romantic blurb with the muse of your choice? Just ask for "Sun Kissed"!
Crashing Waves - angst requests
Wanting to get your heart ripped out of your chest? Then "Crashing Waves" is for you!
By The Seashore - headcanon requests
Craving a quick read that's still tons of fun? Then you should pick "By The Seashore"!
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I Want S'More:
Malibu Dream House - domestic!au
Looking for a day in with your lover? Then "Malibu Dream House" is the way to go!
Another Day, Another Sand Dollar - work!au
In the mood for an office romance? Just ask for "Another Day, Another Sand Dollar"!
Sea-ing Stars - celebrity!au
Are you looking for glitz and glamour? Then "Sea-ing Stars" is right for you!
Building Sandcastles - royalty!au
Have you always dreamed of wearing a tiara or perhaps sitting on a throne? Then "Building Sandcastles" is the way to go!
Atlantis - fantasy!au
Mermaids, vampires, werewolves, oh my! If you're into the supernatural, just ask for "Atlantis"!
Past Universes I'm Happy to Write for Again:
Two Valentines!Spencer
Any other fics you'd like to see spin-offs of, really!
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The Rules:
🌴 This event will run through until July 31st! - okay, so the flyer is a bit misleading... but i promise, August will have something just as exciting as this event!
🌴 Send asks to designated blogs! - i think it goes without saying this is a courtesy to me so i don't get posts confused. but if you have any questions about my other blogs, or really anything related to requests, be sure to check my pinned post or just ask me!
🌴 Please be respectful to the blogger and to others! - remember to use your noggin when putting in requests! treat people with kindness always!
🌴 Please be understanding when putting in requests! - i am simply one person who has ebbs and flows in life. while i try to get to everything in a timely manner, i do get overwhelmed sometimes. please be courteous and gracious when putting in requests. i promise i see all of you and try to get to everything as quickly as i can!
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Thank you all so much for bearing with me these past few months! I am so thankful for each and every single of you. I wish you all a very happy summer! ☀️💛
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my auroras! feel free to spread the word if you feel so inclined! 🫶🏻
@dungeons-are-too-cold @reidsbookclub @reidselle @broken-stardust @serenity-lattes @writer-in-theory @sadgirlml @gay-prentiss @ssahotchnerr @ptrckjcne @nomajdetective @writingquillsandpainpills
seashell dividers: @tsunami-of-tears
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hornyhornyhimbos · 12 days
You are invited to:
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Hello, friends! Long time, no see! I hope you are all doing well. If not, I hope this gives you at least a little excitement because...
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The Main Attractions:
The Splash Zone - lighter fics
In the mood for something soft and sweet? Then look no further than "The Splash Zone"!
The Diving Board - darker fics
Perhaps you're in the mood for something a little kinkier? Then 'The Diving Board" will be just right for you!
The Cabana - headcanon requests
Just looking for a quick read? Ask for "The Cabana"!
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I Want S'more:
The Pool House - domestic!au
Interested in a day at home with your muse? Then "The Pool House" is right up your alley!
Lifeguard Duty - work!au
Maybe you're looking for a workplace romance? Just ask for "Lifeguard Duty"!
Shades On - celebrity!au
In the mood for lights, camera, and action? Look no further than "Shades On"!
Tan Lines - royalty!au
Have you always wanted to date an actual prince? Just add "Tan Lines" to your request!
Summer Solstice - fantasy!au
Looking for love bites? If you're into the supernatural, then "Summer Solstice" is the way to go!
Past Universes I'm Happy to Write for Again:
Cowboy!Steve Harrington
Inexperienced!Eddie Munson
Rockstar!Eddie Munson
Vampire!Eddie Munson
Supernatural Hunter!Jonathan Byers
Sugar Daddy!Spencer Reid
Bucket List!Spencer Reid
Any other fics you'd like to see spin-offs of, really!
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The Rules:
🌊 This event will run through until July 31st! - okay, so the flyer is a bit misleading... but i promise, August will have something just as exciting as this event! Be sure to check out my main blog, @reidsaurora when the time comes!
🌊 Send asks to designated blogs! - i think it goes without saying this is a courtesy to me so i don't get posts confused. but if you have any questions about my other blogs, or really anything related to requests, be sure to check my pinned post or just ask me!
🌊 Please be respectful to the blogger and to others! - remember to use your noggin when putting in requests! treat people with kindness always!
🌊 Please be understanding when putting in requests! - i am simply one person who has ebbs and flows in life. while i try to get to everything in a timely manner, i do get overwhelmed sometimes. please be courteous and gracious when putting in requests. i promise i see all of you and try to get to everything as quickly as i can!
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Thank you all so much for bearing with me these past few months! I know I have been very inactive but I really hope to change that soon.
I am so thankful for each and every single of you. Thank you all for always being so supportive! I wish you all a very happy summer! 🥥🤍
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mutual sluts! if anyone wants to spread the word, feel free! no pressure, though! 🤍
@dungeons-are-too-cold @rupsmorge @reidsbookclub @writer-in-theory @serenity-lattes @foxy-eva @reidselle @espressomunson @reputationmunson @munsonsbtch
dividers: @strangergraphics
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thewritersaddictions · 6 months
Day Three: Karl Heisenberg + Violent Night
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The movie you want to watch is rather fitting for your partner. You drag Karl to the makeshift living space. The TV is old, but that doesn't mean that Karl hasn't tried to update it.
'Just because everyone else wants to be stuck in the past doesn't mean I wanna be.' Karl had muttered as he tinkered with the metal box.
"Are you sure it comes out tonight? I've got a lot of work to get to Buttercup." Kalr asks; you roll your eyes. You're pretty sure of it. "It played on the radio a few days ago that it would be out before Christmas." You answer Karl. "And all of this is necessary?" He asks, waving his hand around to the decorations filling the room with light and life.
You roll your eyes and shake your head. "Of course, it's all "necessary" Karl." You say, making air quotes out of your fingers. Karl sighs. "Fine, but the popcorn is all mine," Kalr says, taking the large bowl from the table and placing it in his lap. Large hand dipping into the bowl, grabbing kernels of popped corn.
The static on the TV screens blurs out, and the movie starts quickly. You curl into Karl's side, his eminence heat. Seaping from his skin through clothes to wrap itself around me like a heat blanket.
The mountains behind the factory keep the cold wrapped around us, though Karl says that keeps the super-sized bitch and her kids away. Regardless, Karl seems to be genuinely calm and even relaxed in the movie that plays on the screen. Your original plan had been to watch the movie alongside your boyfriend, but the longer you sit there with him. The longer your eyes drift over to Karl's face.
Gray hair litter his beard and mustache. A sharp nose that you want to reach out and boop half the time. His hair is pulled back into a messy bun, making his face more evident. His sunglasses were tossed off to the side table along with his worn-out hat.
Gloves sitting on top of them. It makes you jolt when Karl laughs at a line or two in the movie. Karl's right arm is wrapped around your shoulder, as he always does, keeping you tucked to his side.
Moments later, the light flickers as Karl burns the end of one of his cigars. The smoke filters into the air, making you feel at home. Karl smokes his cigar and laughs at a few lines for the rest of the movie.
Karl looks over at you, "What's wrong, buttercup?" He asks, his voice thick and smooth. "Nothin'." You mutter softly before returning your attention to the movie for which you have no idea what's happening. "Are you sure? Cause staring is rude, you know." Karl grunts out, with a chuckle rattling the both of you. You roll your eyes, but your cheeks burn with the embarrassment of being caught.
By the movie's end, you've seen not enough to even understand what's happened. On the other hand, Karl is impressed by the film; he's always been a Western guy. Loving the gun-slinging cowboy. The violence usually follows them around on their horses' backs, but you can guess the violence in this movie is enough for Karl to enjoy it.
"Good pick, love," Karl mutters, stubbing his cigar into the ashtray. You wish you could stay like this forever, in the warmth of your boyfriend, in a fantasy world that doesn't exist outside the factory's walls. "I'm glad you liked it." You say as you try to snuggle further into Karl's side. "We should do this more often." He comments, letting you practically climb into his lap.
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Completed on: 10/18/23
Posted on: 12/03/23
House Heisenberg-
Resident Evil Master List // House Heisenberg Master List // Christmas Stories Master List
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ladyanidala · 1 month
LadyAnidala 150 Follower Celebration
Whelp, it looks like posting the masterlists put me over 150 followers, so what better way to celebrate than to have a little writing party, eh?
For the next 72 hours, I will have this Google Form open for requests. Once it hits 12 PM EST on 5/10, the form will be closed. Feel free to request anything as long as it complies with my request guidelines.
All of these pieces will be at least 800 words. I hope to have them out by the end of May.
Happy celebration, everyone! I'm so happy to have you here! <3
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recurring-polynya · 2 months
hey guess what happened last week
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