#Chapter 7: The Hunter and his prey.
shadowsshowdown · 2 years
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Shadow’s Showdown: Chapter 7
The Hunter and his prey.
Laura's apartment.
It was around 10 am when Laura heard the sound of an incoming message. She hadn't received anything but spam in a long time so she didn’t get used to thinking otherwise. A faint thought nested around her head, that maybe it was Adam writing back, but she quickly dismissed it. This time it was just an advertisement. She put the phone back on the nightstand with great disappointment. What was she imaging? That he will suddenly care about her? Hacker girl thought, wrapping herself in a bathrobe and turned on the radio on her way to the kitchen.
Oh how I wish For soothing rain All I wish is to dream again My loving heart Lost in the dark For hope I'd give my everything
She felt terrible overwhelming fatigue, which was not caused by illness, but something worse than fever and cold. Something that burned her from the inside. Something she could not reject or simply let go of. At the company she was occupied with work, listening to Frank mumbling or fighting with Jensen, and could not think too much. Now everything fell on her suddenly, and she was standing alone against fears.
Laura could still evoke the memory of Adam's touch on her hand as he handed over the bags. Why is she thinking about this so much? She only needs him for her own purposes to use and abandon like an unwanted toy. It's as simple as that. She had practised similar methods so many times, so another one is just routine. And yet something had changed, something was limiting her. In the mirror, she saw that hated reflection again. Green eyes filled with sadness, pointing to the guilt, reminding about sins. It didn't want to disappear, so she helped it with one swift punch of her fist.
"Fuck!" The auburn-haired girl screamed furiously as she watched at the blood dripping down from her fingers into the snow-white sink.
She pulled a first aid kit from the cabinet and carelessly bandaged her hand. Now at least she could see the real her, the broken, lonely and desperate one.
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Sarif Industries. Head of Security – Adam Jensen's office.
Adam couldn't concentrate today. He nonetheless had to solve unimportant matters which should be dealt with by his subordinates. There was always someone who wanted something. Head of Security simply had enough, so he called the people responsible for the current state of matters on the carpet. Faridah entered the office at the time when they were standing in a line, waiting for being scold.
"If I have to do your duties one more time, I swear heads will fall!" he shouted at them.
It was unusual behavior, even weird. Jensen always dealt with problems using common sense, he raised his voice sometimes, but this fury was odd.
"I'll come by later." she informed and U-turned. "But stay and see who I have to work with." he replied with anger in his voice, then picked up several files from his desk. "No, no. It’s not my concern." she stated and left.
Malik was waiting outside, leaning against the balcony railing, and observing the lobby. Even from that place, she heard almost every word.
"More than half of these documents are trivial matters! For example, this: 'Quarrel in the ladies restroom.' or 'A rowdy customer.' Oh, here’s the best one: 'Purity First wrote on the helipad a message for David Sarif: ‘Stick those augs into your ass.’ And a threat that they are going to burn down that company of his." Adam closed the file and slammed it against the desktop." Goddammit, what the hell are they paying you for?! How could they even get on our helipad?!"
The security guards remain silent, glancing at each other. The situation was serious indeed, and neither of them could answer the question.
"Get out of here." the Head of Security growled.
When everyone left, Faridah stepped into the office. Leaning against the wall, with her arms crossed over the chest, and shook her head with great disapproval.
"Adam..." she started, but he interrupted her. "Stay out of this." he hissed, feeling that she wanted to lecture him. "You already stated it was not your concern." "Indeed, I did, but now I have to interfere." she continued undeterredly. Malik knew Jensen well enough to be sure that he would listen to her opinion first and then kick her out. "That's not like you, Adam. Seriously, did you have to go that far? It is true boys have gotten lazy, but these screams are not going to raise their morale at all. " "I was supposed to buy them a round at the bar?!" he said irritably. "That wouldn't be such a terrible idea." Fly Girl muttered quietly, but he heard anyway. "Get out and leave me alone." Jensen ordered, and she obeyed.
Faridah was right, his behavior was utterly inappropriate, but he couldn't admit it. Miss Werner seems to be the reason for Jensen’s reactions today. He missed that annoying, quarrelsome auburn-haired girl to the point that he was starting to lose his mind. He promised himself to stay away, not to get involved, to be cold and surly, but he was only a human. He felt Laura’s scent until now, and his hands remembered every part of her body he touched. His seemingly unfeeling heart almost lost its rhythm when she fell down yesterday. He felt so helpless, and he didn't like being weak. He lit a cigarette and stepped to the glass wall. Below, people kept coming and going. He was pleased to see that his subordinates finally got to work.
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Laura's apartment.
Laura felt better, apart from her sore hand, so she decided to dive into the pile of documents Frank had given her. She was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed and the laptop on her lap. It was still early afternoon when the phone rang. She raised an eyebrow in genuine surprise when she saw it was Faridah.
"Hey, Faridah what a surprise. Did something happen?" she asked, trying to show at least a hint of mirth and interest. "Can I come over today?" she didn’t beat around the bush. “Sure, I have plenty of time so feel free to come over.” Laura encouraged. "After 5 pm would be OK?" "Naturally, no problem. Write down my address somewhere: 423 Gd. River Rd., Apt 303." she dictated slowly. "Oh, I know where it is. See you soon." "Bye, bye."
After the conversation had been over, she returned to work. Hacker girl noticed that Frank, as usual, gave her the worst things he had. Since he is so good, he should not be afraid of his position. Pritchard seems to stay in the company all day long, eating cyber boosts. In his veins was already flowing caffeine instead of blood. Mentioning the caffeine, Laura put the laptop aside and went to brew herself a cup of hot black coffee. Stalker jumped on the cupboard wanting to attract attention. In fact, he wanted to announce her that he was hungry, and she must feed him immediately. As Laura waited for the coffee machine to brew the hot drink, she poured Crunchy Pirate cereal into a bowl and then fulfilled her cat's wish.
When Miss Werner reached for a laptop, she noticed that she had received an email. "I guess Frank wants to keep me busy." she thought while opening the message.
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It wasn't sent by Pritchard, but the sender, nicknamed Red_Dragon, she also couldn't associate with anyone she recalled. At first, she thought someone had made a mistake, but the attached photo with the caption 'It was you!' made her shiver. At the last moment, she managed to grab the computer, which almost fell to the ground. The coffee mug tipped over and its content flowed onto the carpet in a rapid stream. Horror coated her face like solidified mud and she froze for a while. In an instant, she felt exposed, like an animal on the hunt. Unluckily, she did not know who the hunter was. No matter how far she ran from the past it was still one step behind her. What did it desire this time?
The doorbell reminded Laura that Faridah was visiting her. She saw her generous smile as soon as she opened the door.
"Hey, I found out you don’t feel well so I came with a friendly visit and brought something yummy." Fly Girl said, showing a box with the famous pastry shop logo on it. "Nothing can be hidden in this company." Laura managed to laugh. “By the way, I also brought your hoodie. You left it at The Jackdaw. Adam wanted to give it back to you, but you kept passing each other. "
Laura wanted to comment on her words, specifically the part about Jensen, but considering how fiercely Faridah was defending this Grumpy Cerberus she desisted from any kind of taunts. Instead, she decided to be a good girl.
"Oh thank you, I thought it was lost for good." She skillfully played up the delight. "Please, feel like at home." With a gesture of her hand, she invited Fly Girl into the living room.
Faridah walked through the hallway, which walls were made of red brick, glancing in the mirror along the way, and instinctively ran her fingers through short black hair. When Laura disappeared in the kitchen with the box of sweets, she looked around the vast living room. Walls were covered with green and beige vertical striped wallpaper. A purple sofa stood against the far wall, with night-stands on both sides. There was a painting above it, Fly Girl thought for a moment because its title just slipped from her mind. "The Creation of Adam." she thought with satisfaction.
"Coffee, tea?" Malik heard a question coming from the kitchen. "Coffee with milk, please." she replied sitting down on the sofa next to a pile of folders.
The clock had just struck 5 pm, Faridah looked to her left and evaluated that her friend was surrounding herself with expensive things. Her gaze stuck on the laptop screen that Laura had forgotten to turn off. She could have sworn that the figure on the picture was Miss Werner, but she did not resemble the present one at all. The hostess interrupted her further observation when she brought a plate with cake. Malik would have had a chance to look at the picture longer if Laura had not taken the computer with her. She was left with only her guesses. However, she noticed a certain nervousness in Laura's behavior. It was as if she wanted to hide something cause she saw too much. Faridah directed her attention to the housekeeper's carelessly bandaged hand.
"What happened to your hand?" she asked while placing a piece of cake on a plate. "Stalker, as usual, was checking if the cups are bouncing. I injured myself during cleaning up." she explained, hoping Fly Girl would believe her. "Nothing serious." hacker girl assured.
Fly Girl didn't believe her. Laura was too nervous to take her words just like that. Interfering in other people's business wasn't in her nature, but this time she felt she had to react. This girl was hiding something, and Faridah was determined to uncover the secret. As Laura placed the coffee cups on the table a bandage stained with blood slipped from her hand. Faridah raised an eyebrow at the sight of the wound, which didn't look like a cut from a mug shard.
"That doesn't look good." she muttered, shifting her gaze to Miss Werner's face. "It looks terrible, but it's really nothing."
Malik gave up. After all, Adam is the bad cop who pulls out information by force. She, in turn, will try to gain the trust of a new friend. Maybe then she reveal her something willingly. For now she concentrated on sipping coffee and admiring the jukebox standing against the wall to her right. Stalker came to check what kind of intruder dared to break into his kingdom. When Fly Girl scratched him behind the ear he accepted her with a loud murmur of satisfaction.
"Do you live here alone? Don't you feel overwhelmed by this space?" she asked reaching for the second slice of cake. "I spend most of my time at the company, and if not there I still have extra work to do, you know what Frank is like. So I don't have much time to think." "That's practically like me. I have to be available because you never know when a flight is going to happen. Most of them are scheduled, but often I'm suddenly needed." "There are no other pilots?" she raised her eyebrows with a genuine surprise. "Sure there are, but you understand by yourself. Faridah is the best and only one." she sighed shaking her head with resignation. "And how are you doing after the transfer?" "I'm used to it. Moving from one office to another is nothing compared to wandering around the world." "So it seemed to me that you are not an American." "Yes and no. It's pretty complicated." she bit her lip, poking her piece of cake with a fork.
Malik realized she had come across some painful topic, so she tried changing it.
"You don't have to…"
Laura shook her head, took a deep breath.
"My parents were Americans, but they decided we would leave here. They didn't like the hustle and bustle, the bright lights, and the alienation. We settled in Sweden in Uppsala. Life flowed very differently there. Every breath was unforgettable, every minute brought something new. You could calm down and commune with nature." "And yet you are here now." she interjected, looking at her curiously. "I am, but it's like I wasn't. After my parents had died, I wandered around the world and caught various jobs until finally, with a load of experience, I returned to my old port.
Fly Girl suddenly realized that this girl was monstrously lonely. She didn't mention anything about friends, boyfriends, or distant family. She felt her heart squeeze and was unable to drink her coffee. Malik didn't want to continue asking questions either. She got up from the sofa and walked to the terrace window. A moment later Laura joined her, under the silent pretext of watching Chiron Building. The blinds were drawn on the windows, which she thought belonged to Adam's apartment. He was probably still at the company. Just why did she care so much?
A quarter of an hour later Faridah left, and the apartment was strangely empty again. Only now she was overwhelmed by her illness; she had started coughing horribly and had used up probably a dozen tissues. When she had dealt with the cleaning, she placed an armchair by the window, moved the table over, and arranged the files on it. She made herself some cocoa, grabbed her laptop and a blanket, then made herself a comfortable nest in the armchair. She dived into the sea of numbers, signs, and commands, every now and then looking expectantly into those familiar windows. If only there was a command to get out of this swamp…
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All  chapters can be found: [AO3], [dA], [Wattpad] and [Tumblr]
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Love and Deepspace Timeline: MC, Philos, and the Aether Core
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Look I finished Xav's myths card. I don't regret waiting until I was done with it to post his timeline because the last two nodes have more to do with MC than him, but I am in a state so we are making this to cope.
This is all speculation and should not be taken as fact, I have done two other posts, one on Zayne and one on Xavier and I will not be doing one on Rafayel please see this reddit post by u/joonmin for relevant information about his myths card blah blah blah.
This post is less of a timeline and more here to answer questions you very likely have if you: A) decided to browse reddit and saw people saying Xavier feels like the "cannon ro" [this is a gacha game there isn't one] but have never read any of his memories, moments, or dates B) read chapter 8 and went "none of this makes sense I feel like I am missing something" or C) just generally are confused about L&D's world building and what's up with MC. I have answers for you. Wibbly wobbly soupy answers. This post also has a TL;DR in case you don't want to see me break out the string board and just want the relevant bits of information about MC you won't get from the msq.
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Current Timeline MC (i.e. The one we are playing as)
The game starts with MC's graduation from the Academy and first day as a fully licensed hunter. We learn a few things in this first chapter, namely that MC is combat trained, has a rare heart condition known as Protocore Syndrome that has no known cure, and that her decision to become a hunter has something to do with what she experienced fourteen years ago during the Catastrophe when the Deepspace Tunnel opened and Wanderers started invading earth.
Specifically MC describes something burrowing itself into her heart. She feels helpless, like prey, and has a strong desire to never feel anything like this again. Which is unfortunate because I have a feeling a lot of someones are going to be on her trail sooner rather than later.
In Chapter 5 it is revealed that MC has an Aether core fused to her heart. This sort of human experimentation is highly illegal and it is unknown who did this to MC other than our beloved Grandmother was directly involved. Grandma appears to have taken MC away from wherever this happened after the tests started to threaten MC's life.
This is known to Dr. Zayne and Dr. Noah, though neither seem to know more than what Grandma told them. Neither of them seem to fully understand what an Aether core is or what it is doing to MC's heart. Zayne in particular seems to find this extremely concerning.
Uncovering the mystery of the Aether core seems to be what will be driving the first arc so we will not be discussing it at length here. I do want to note that Xavier absolutely knows what it is, while Zayne does not but does seem to know more of the technical aspects of how it is effecting MC, and Rafayel is at least aware of it being valuable and maybe why exactly the people in the N109 Zone want it.
At some point in the past MC met and made a promise to Rafayel. It is my personal theory that this likely took place on Hat Island during the field trip MC talks about due to some of the comments made in Chapter 7.
MC and Caleb were friends with Zayne in childhood. MC's exact age is a bit fuzzy, but the game does seem to suggest she is younger than Zayne. She does not know why Zayne disappeared from her life or what led him to become a doctor.
Comments in Chapter 4 suggests that Caleb encouraged MC to become a hunter. He seems to be very supportive of her, but Grandma seems more interested in trusting MC's protection to Zayne.
On the surface MC seems pretty normal. Her memories from before the Catastrophe seem to be gone, if she had a mother and father or other blood relatives, she doesn't remember them anymore.
Philos MC (i.e. What is Going on in the Myths)
It is revealed in Xavier's When Shooting Stars Fall anecdote that Philos is Earth in the distant future. This has confused numerous people in the notes of my Xav's timeline so I am going to be insufferable and attempt to assist with a graph:
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The MC you play belongs to the game timeline, the MCs (plural each myths card features a different one) in the Myths cards come from the Philos timeline. I have tagged the Game timeline as a "potential tangent" as the events that take place in game are entirely reliant on the existence of the Deepspace Tunnel, which is created in the Philos timeline.
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At some point in the Original/Philos Timeline, Earth's core ceases to function. Humanity replaces it with a new, artificial core that causes noticeable weather changes and fuses all of the tectonic plates together, and begins a new calendar counting forward from the years since Earth ceased to be and Philos was born. As a result, we don't know what exact year Earth's core giving out happened in the Original Timeline. The artificial core allows almost all humans to "live eternal." They seem to be like Tolkien's elves in the sense they can live for an eternity but they start to get tired after a while and give up on life. This is why there is a royal family that needs a line of succession. Xavier is the Crown Prince of Philos, he meets MC in school and learns she has a rare disease called Protocore Syndrome which will not allow her to live forever. He attempts to cure this by finding a specific protocore she mentions, but fails to reach her in time and is forced to watch her die. This all happens in the year 214.
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At some point MC is reborn and assigned to the same teacher as Xavier. She is to train to become his knight and serve as the leader of the Lightseekers, an order tasked with killing Wanderers. At some point during or before Xavier's coming of age ceremony, he learns the truth about Philos: the planet is dying due to the artificial core never having been meant to sustain the planet this long. The Royal Family's solution for this is to occasionally feed humans to the heart of Philos in Starfall Forest. When they do this, it creates Wanderers. As if that wasn't bad enough, Xavier learns that his father and the royal family have found what they think could be a permanent solution: there is a girl who has achieved true immortality. She is the only person on Philos who can die and be reborn constantly, and while they don't seem to know why she does this, the royal family believes this girl is the life force of the planet itself.
This girl is MC and Xavier does not want this to happen. He has a plan that he does not explain to MC, but it involves traveling back in time. He says they have specific places in time picked out, but we know from Xavier's Passing By anecdote that something went wrong with his team's attempt at time travel and now there is no guarantee that the MC he left on Philos as its Queen is still there.
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So now we have two timelines: Original/Philos Timeline and Game/Tangent Timeline. But all of that is just taking Xavier's anecdotes and Myths card into account... so what happens if we try to plug in the other two ROs?
In u/Joonmin's reddit post they mention two very important bits of information: 1) It has been 30,000 years since the sea dried up and 2) MC is a member of the royal family of Philos, not by birth but because "she has a heart that’s been blessed by the gods" and has "awoken from the depths." If all three myths cards take place in the same Philos timeline as the one Xavier leaves, we can reasonably place Raf's myths card after Xavier's backtrack mission.
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So the Philos timeline would look like this. I have a note for Zayne's card there as well, but if I had to get picky with it I'm slightly tempted to place his Myths card between MC's first death and her being reborn to meet Xavier again. The other explanation would be that there are three separate Philos timelines created because the MC was successfully scarified to the Heart of Philos. In Xavier's Myths 6 MC briefly takes a dip in the space time anomaly at the center of Starfall Forest which could also explain MC scattering across different timelines, but the in game spacepedia makes a point to say that there is a chance that life still exists on Philos:
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So it could simply be that MC over there has been stuck in the exact cycle of death and rebirth that Xavier was trying to prevent. It could also mean that when they add that mystery fourth love interest there is an explanation for a fourth possible myths card. Anyway all this information leaves us with a set of timelines that currently look like this:
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This still leaves a lot of unanswered questions. For example, if the Philos timeline is where this all starts, what version of it is? What caused Earth's core to give out in that original timeline? Is Rafayel and Lumeria's existence the consequences of clashing timelines or are mermaids cannon to this universe? What effect on the space time continuum did Xavier's actions have? And how much of this is actually going to be answered in game?
Philos is Earth in the future with an artificial core that started running out of power, and never should have been made in the first place.
The royal family fed some of their long lived humans to the anomaly in Starfall forest to keep the planet running, but then they found out about a girl who could constantly be reborn each time she died and had an idea.
An idea Xavier wasn't very keen on but who cares. They thought that "when the time was right" they would sacrifice her to the rift and leave her there to die and be reborn forever. They also did not think to ask her.
Oh yeah when they fed people to the rift they turned into Wanderers. So wanderers = people as mentioned in Zayne's Still in the Dark anecdote.
Whatever makes MC reincarnate might have something to do with Lumeria, or at the very least the Lumerians in Rafayel's myths card seem to think it does.
In game MC, current timeline MC knows none of this, and has no memories from her lives, past or future. This is consistent across all her incarnations.
Final Thoughts
The only reason why I think this way about timelines is because I watched Donnie Darko in a college theater class. People like to argue about that movie and how it is supposed to be interpreted, but generally speaking they all seem to think that Tangent Timelines and the Tangent Universes they spawn get deleted very quickly, so maybe that's why the game starts by talking about "being able to leave this loop" and why Xavier seems to think something bad will be happening to Linkon City soon.
Chapter 8 ends with Xavier attempting to send a message back through the Deepspace Tunnel to make contact with someone. Interestingly enough he calls this "Traceback II." This sounded familiar to me and sure enough the game starts by mentioning that exact same thing, it is going past a black hole and is what says that line "we are stuck in this loop."
I thought in previous posts that the Aether Core is what could cure MC... but now I think the Aether Core is likely what Philos's artificial core is called... so who created it in the first place? 「(゚ペ)
The Deepspace Tunnel is a spacetime anomaly likely caused by Philos's existence since it was "never meant to exist." So why was it created? And by who?
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sweetbunpura · 2 months
ok, ok. Hear me out on the Animal Lover Yuu! Eventually each dorm gets/befriends one of Yuu’s animals and adopts them into the dorm. For example, Murder the raven/crow goes to diasomnia (like Diablo for Maleficent) and vibes with Lilia’s bats. Heartslaybul gets a deer or a ferret (a group of ferrets is a business! And that fits Riddle’s vibes). Our lovely fox could befriend Savannaclaw, he plays underhanded tricks but is a good nap buddy for Leona. Octotrio has a duck, loves the water in the lounge, helps Jade collect mushrooms, chases out riff raff for Azul, and is the same level of crazy hyper as Floyd. Scarabia has a snek (Jamil does not appreciate the irony but does like that it keeps Kalim busy) who is VERY pretty and likes to sit on Kalim’s head like a turban or around Jamil’s neck. Pomfiore has a falcon or other bird of prey, they clean their feathers regularly with Vil, hunt/stalk with Rook, and are ‘manly’ enough to hang out with Epel. Ignihyde gets our lovely loyal pupper, Ortho says it reminds him or the Cerberus dog bots (from chapter 7) and our good boy is patient enough for Idia to warm up to (despite being a cat person).
An unintended side effect of the boys bonding with the animals from Ramshackle is that the animals become biased in the shipping war. Each one encourages Yuu to spend time with THEIR dorm, and thinks their dorm would make better mates for the Ramshackle prefect. The animals all get along back home, but on campus they take sides and aren’t afraid to play the cute/sad pet card to get their way.
Enjoy the chaos hun!! 😘
Each animal tries to sell Yuu on each dorm like it's real estate. Murder's over here like " You get a prince, a general, and two body guards." Marahute, the golden eagle, tells Yuu about the wonderful day they had with Pomefiore: "An actor and a Model, an exceptional hunter such as themselves, and manly apple." Scorch, the ferret, babbles about the unbirthday party they went to: "A baker, a Magicam magician, a nice rebel, a lawmaker, and a law breaker!" Wimdy's taking about the great nap they took with Leona, and all the things they stole with Ruggie (Yuu told them to put it back, but Wimdy kept half of it.)
Hista, the viper (ironically enough), sings a tale of their day: "A merchant's son and his powerful adviser, plus there would be plenty of room for us!" Scourge, the duck, goes on about their day in Octavinelle while humming a familiar tune: "A remarkable businessman, a man who loves nature, and one who can cook up an amazing meal." Floppy's having a field day in Ignihyde: " You two good boys! And a little brother!"
Yuu tries laughing it off, but they're noticing how the animals are trying to pair them up with a few of the dorm members...
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starlit-crossing · 5 months
Lost in Foster (Working Title) Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - A Feeling of Dread
Welcome and enjoy! All characters are of course owned by their original intellectual properties and this story is in no way canon.
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Danny wasn't sure what to think when his parents said they would be collaborating with the Guys in White for a contract. He knew nothing good would come from it. Jazz had even voiced her concerns, citing the times the GIW had tried to steal their work. His parents just brushed off their worries, stating the project was research-focused rather than weaponry. It relieved some of Danny's worries, but he couldn't shake this nagging feeling.
"If its focused-on research how much harm could it cause?" Sam reassured as the collection of herself, Danny and Tucker settled in for movie night in Sam's home theater. The theater was in the basement, red curtains hanging by the large movie screen.  A few chairs and piles of pillows were strewn about for the group to chill on. There was even a popcorn and soda machine in the back of the room next to a few classic arcade games.
"Yeah, Danny, what if they finally find evidence to support your side? Y'know the fact ghosts are the same as people and there is good and bad." Tucker piped in as he plopped into the cushiony seat with a bounce, extra-large popcorn and soda in hand.
"I don't know, Tuck. They've found stuff like that before, and they always find a way to twist it to fit their view on ghosts." Danny rambled, running his hand through his hair. "I just hope they'll be careful around the GIW and maybe let some research spill at home so I can eavesdrop."
"You could always follow them." Sam suggested. She watched confused as the boys just stared at her.
"You think Danny should follow his parents into the base of a bunch of ghost hunters hired by the government to research and destroy anything undead?" Tucker asked. "Are you insane?"
"Sorry Sam I'm with Tucker on this one, I don't think I could get close without catching someone's attention, human or ghost." Danny sighed, "Let's just get the movie started, what's on the menu?"
"Femalien 2: Predator vs Prey, Terminatra 7: Back to the Present Again, or Nightmerica: Dreams of Terror." Sam listed off just as Danny felt a cold wisp of air leave his lips.
"FEAR ME! I AM THE BOX GHOST!" screamed the Box Ghost, the cry making its way in from outside.
"Raincheck you guys, boxy shouldn't take me too long." As a flash filled the room and Danny flew through the walls disappearing.
"Ten bucks says Skulker shows up before he can come back." Tucker bribed.
"You're on, we took out his suit last week. Meanwhile, Kitty and Johnny 13 have been fighting again." Sam accepted, starting up a movie knowing it would be done before he got back.
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The following weeks were surprisingly uneventful, a sign Danny took to heart. His parents had been extra careful not to leave out any notes or research in the house, not even in the lab. Refusing to give any hints as to what they were working on. Ghosts had been scarce, nothing except ectopuses and blob ghosts. The GIW agents had been the complete opposite, they were at an all-time high. You couldn't go more than ten minutes without spotting a white van. He was glad he didn't need to save anyone from those agents, but he had a really bad feeling that something was going to happen. School was his only time away from the ghost hunters it felt like.
"Calm down, Danny. So, you have had a few good weeks, you've caught up on homework and Lancer isn't on your back nearly as much." Sam soothed as they took a seat outside in the courtyard for lunch. The hustle and bustle of students drowning out any chance of being overheard.
"Yea, dude even Dash has been picking on you less. Though that could be due to the championship coming up." Tucker added his mouth full of sloppy joe. The bully in question was across the court passing a football with his teammates, Paulina and her socialites sitting on the table watching them. Dash caught Danny's gaze and gave him a smirk dragging his finger across his neck.
"Don't remind me, I still remember last year when we lost. Dash was bully all nerds on sight that week." Danny grimaced as he ate. "But my parents have been really excited this week. Apparently, something big is coming." As if speaking it into the universe the Fenton GAV made its way barreling down the street, some white vans in tow.
"Spoke too soon, dude." Tucker whispered as they watched the GAV dodge and swerve to miss any pedestrians. The vehicle finally came to a stop on the grass with Drs. Fenton and the GIW rushing out to follow a gadget in Jack's hands.
"He's here somewhere, I just know it! Come out ghost scum!" Jack exclaimed barreling straight to Danny. The whole group of hunters stared at the young boy and his friends. "Aww. It didn't work, Maddie. It’s still stuck on Danny-boy." Now that they were closer Danny was able to see the Fenton Finder in his father's hands. It looked like it had been upgraded, it was bigger with handles on the sides and no voice stating where the ghost was. The screen showed simple faces on the screen next to the GPS. The current emoji was a shocked face as the map was pointing and beeping at him.
"That can't be possible, we tested it on other simple ghosts. The upgrade to the Fenton Finder was supposed to show and locate the emotions the ghosts project in order to fool and feed on the humans around them. Even that simple ghost with the boxes was able to show signs of disappointment as he failed to scare his victims." Maddie explained, grabbing the device. With it in hand she fiddled with the settings of the device, swapping it between ghosts till it landed back on the name Phantom. "We had tested this last week; Phantom's emotions reflected his actions time and time again in a hostile environment."
"Well, there's no ghost here, probably still has a few bugs, right?" Sam offered, trying to distract them and keep the focus off Danny. Danny's mind raced with the implications of what was happening. Of course, his parents would find out that ghosts tend to be more emotional than humans and would twist the fact to fit their biased theory that all ghosts were evil. It’s not like ghosts were moody on purpose, when your entire being is based on your mental state emotions tend to play an important part. Not only with obsessions but when interacting with each other, being able to read the emotions of the ghosts you interreacted with was as important as social cues and body language with humans. Sure, you could go without them and function as fine as anyone else, but they were still a great help with communicating if you were good at understanding them. With this they'd be able to tune into any ghost no matter the distance and translate it into coordinates. Not even the ghost zone would be completely safe as they could probably filter through the other emotions using the ectosignature of a previously known ghost. Danny's breath started to pick up, he could feel himself spiraling as he started to think about what that would mean for him in the hands of the GIW. They would never stop looking for him, they would be able to find him anywhere in the country.
"Look Mads, the ghost kid has to be near the emotion changed again." Jack exclaimed, jumping with excitement.
"I see that Jack and it would make sense with the transition of shock to confusion to panic. Though he's nowhere to be seen, Agent O do you have confirmation that Phantom isn't in the area?" Maddie turned, addressing the agents that had been standing by waiting for orders.
"Affirmative, there are no spectral entities in the viscidity on any energy spectrum. Could it be possible that the spectral entity is hiding among the student body? You said yourself that your device is focused on your son and that it’s a common occurrence. Could the ghost have caught wind of your contract with our organization and tried to find out more by hiding amongst your family?" Agent O suggested, eyeing Danny closely, the color draining from his face.
"That's preposterous, our family has ways of protecting ourselves!" Jack boasted, his voice carrying across the schoolyard. "Besides Danny knows not to trust any stinking ghost scum."
"Jack, honey..." Maddie called, eyes glued to the screen. "The emotion just turned to scared." Danny felt like all eyes were on him, going straight through him to his core. It felt like no one was looking at Fenton anymore, no matter where he looked, they all stared at him like they saw a ghost; like they only saw Phantom. Danny even had to look at himself to make sure he was still human. No gloved hands and red sneakers, he was definitely human still. Danny looked at Tucker and Sam, his best friends, looked at him with matching expressions. They both looked as shocked as he felt; they all knew they couldn't do anything, not with the GIW and student body all around them. With everyone's attention on him, he could only think of his sister who wasn't even at school. She was shadowing a therapist and had a college interview later that day. She probably wouldn't hear anything till late that night. It's not like they weren't prepared for it, for Danny to have to disappear without a trace or a goodbye. So long as they were unable to control the narrative, Danny would have to disappear. Danny knew they always thought it would be into the ghost zone, he had allies in there. People he knew would keep him hidden if anyone came looking; that Sam and Tucker would be able to sneak in if need be. They could still see him, bring him homework and food. This, however, meant goodbye and he didn't know for how long.
"Danny," his mom smiled at him with worry filled eyes. He searched them for something, anything that showed she wasn't about to drag him home and put the specter deflector on him just to make sure no ghost was using him as a meat puppet. Her arms reached out to him, as the GIW surrounded their table ready for action. "You have nothing to worry about, sweetie. We're just going to head home."
"Yea, Danny. We'll help ya out, run a few tests and make sure you don't have any evil spook haunting you." His dad tagged on, wrapping an arm around his wife's shoulder. Of course they'd want to fix this, to fix the ghost within him. One test would reveal the truth, and everyone would know his secret. Then it would be more tests, biopsies, trying to cure him of his powers. That was if they still loved him after learning the truth. The thoughts surrounding the lab became darker in his mind, nightmares he dared not to tell anyone becoming fresh in his mind.
"I'm sorry, mom. Dad. Goodbye." Danny disappearing from everyone's sight as he turned invisible and flew off towards his house. His parents’ cries fading into the distance, a mix of worry and anger as the ghost boy stole their son. Tears stung his eyes as he flew across the sky, Sam and Tucker would know what to do. They would stall for him, as long as they could. The road raced past him, he went through cars and buildings not bothering to fly high in the sky. The less time he wasted the better. As he floated into his room, he had to take a moment. The reality of it all crashing into him, he felt another wave of stress come over him. Choking on sobs he fell to his bed, clinging to the sheets. He had to calm down, he didn't have time to cry or pity himself, his parents were probably still tracking him. Which meant the GIW were still following behind, his parents he could one day convince, could one day explain how it all happened. The GIW wouldn't stop though, so long as they were getting paid and had the government's support he would have to run. He ran to his closet wiping away snot as he phased his emergency supplies from the wall. Extra clothes, a burner phone, and couple hundred dollars thanks to Sam's allowance all stowed away in a backpack. An extra belt with a Fenton thermos, ghost rays, and a pair of Fenton phones for any specters along the way. Finally, five letters addressed to Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Valerie, and his parents.
Sam and Tucker didn't know about these, he didn't know if he would ever need them but knowing his friends would drop everything to follow him, he needed to make sure Amity would be safe. Sam and Tucker's letters were a warning to not follow him, to stay and protect Amity at all costs, even revealing him to Valerie to gain her help in necessary. He couldn't trust his parents or the GIW to not torture any ghost that came into their hands. For Jazz, it was a letter to not look for him and to keep an eye on his parents. If anything changed with his parents, she would be the first to know. He needed her to be the fly on the wall, to make sure he still had parents at the end of it all. If there was ever an end to the running, he thought another wave of sorrow hitting him. He swallowed the hurt and pushed himself to keep grabbing what he needed. Valerie and his parents were the only letters not mentioning his secret. Valerie's was from Phantom explaining he would be gone, and he didn't know for how long. She would probably be thrilled at the thought of Phantom going away, but if she saw anything that had happened today, she might try and follow him too.  He knows she cares about Fenton and would probably want him safe but if anyone could protect Amity while he was gone it was her. If she needed any help handling the ghosts she could call the number provided. It went straight to Sam and Tucker's burner phone. Only one for the two of them in case either of them had to hide it for the other. For his parents, it simply stated that he was sorry and that could explain everything if they ever became open to the truth about ghosts. He did not explain what the truth was or how he would know that they were ready. That was for Jazz to tell him with a single message, she held the final burner phone the group of them had. They would be confused, not sure why phantom would kidnap their kid. Their hatred would grow much to his displeasure, but maybe one day they would give up on hate. They would find him and just ask why, and he could finally let them know the whole truth about him.
As Danny left the letter for his parents on the kitchen table he heard the stomping of feet, the whine of ecto-guns and slamming of doors as his father led the charge into the house. He was gone before they even reached his room. Leaving with what letters he had left to deliver and flying away as quickly as he could. He stopped at Tucker's house first, then Sam's, Valerie's and then flew as high as he could into the sky. He looked down at Amity Park, his home, his entire life, and afterlife. It always looked so peaceful from up above the clouds, he watched the GAV ram its way through the city. It was good to know there was a slight delay on the GPS, the emotions were able to update in real time but could only follow his trail not his exact location. They had moved on from Tucker's neighborhood and onto Sam's. He took one final breath and tried to steel his nerves. If they were searching for him with emotion, then he would just have to have no emotion. He wouldn't be able to think of home, his friends, his family, or he would start to miss them, an emotion. He couldn't think about how close the GIW were to him, or he'd become anxious, scared or even angry that they had forced him to flee. He had to stay calm and focused on running, to where he had no clue. If he headed west there was a chance of running into Vlad and he didn't need all the emotional baggage that would come with that. So that just left heading to the East coast and hopefully out of the country. He'd have to stop using his powers at some point to make sure he was untraceable.
"Goodbye, Amity. Hello worst road trip ever." he spoke softly flying off into the night.
- -      -
Hello! Author here, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! It’s intended to be sort of a prologue and set up the rest of the story. This is a crossover, but I wanted to get some establishing chapters in focusing on Danny and why he is running. I am still very rusty when it comes to writing so feel free to recommend any fixes and critiques. Let me know if I miss any typos!
The goal is to try and update weekly on Fridays or Sundays, so if I don’t post on Friday that probably means it will go up the following Sunday. Thank you to those coming over from Tumblr, loved the hype for another Dannymay fanfic! I’ll be trying to get more stuff posted there!
Let me know what you think through the comments, even if it’s just a simple one-word so I can know you’re enjoying the story! See you next week, byee!
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inawickedlittletown · 20 days
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A/N: Although I didn't intend to, I wound up writing quite a few fics this year. Buck and Tommy grabbed me and wouldn't let me go. So, it's time for a post to hold all the links. I'm sure I'll wind up with a part two eventually. But for now this will do.
Titles are links to the post here on tumblr. On the multi-chap stories it is to the last chapter as that contains links to all chapters.
Multi Chapter
You Can Always Find Me Where The Skies Are Blue
Summary: Soulmates are rare. So rare that it's actually incredible that Buck has two soulmate couples in his life. Statistics tell him it's very unlikely for him to meet his soulmate. Of course, then he meets Tommy. Too bad it happens at the worst possible moment. Canon compliant soulmate AU where Buck is still a mess and Tommy is still very understanding. Words: 31k Rating: M Chapters: 7/7
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Part One
Don't Make A Shadow Of Yourself
Summary: "A man who's pure of heart...may still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright" - Howl (F+TM) Throughout most of his adult life, Tommy had dealt with what he was. The duality of being a man and also an animal…a beast. Werewolves weren’t born, they were made. Words: 58k Rating: M Chapters: 16/16
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Chapter One
Rather Be The Hunter Than The Prey
Summary: Buck doesn't tell Tommy immediately about Gerrard coming back to Captain the 118. Tommy decides he needs to do something about it. Words: 5.7k Rating: T Chapters: 3/3
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Part One
Dragon Chosen
Summary: The shadow was huge and unmistakable. Any hope that it was just a passing cloud covering up the sun was futile, especially once he felt the downdraft of air from the wings. When he finally looked up, Buck took in the dragon in all its glory. The dragon was huge, the biggest that Buck had ever seen — not that he’d seen many. - In a world where dragons exist and where they pick their riders, Buck doesn't expect his perfectly normal Tuesday to include a dragon and his rider, Tommy, showing up to ask for his help with an injured dragon...a dragon that has picked Buck as his rider. Buck doesn't know who captivates him more his new dragon or Tommy. Words: 21.8k Rating: M Chapters: 6/6
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Chapter One
One Shots
Step Into The Light
Summary: In the aftermath of 7x04, Buck reaches out to the one person that he thinks can help him. Words: 1.2k Rating: G
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Take A Look At Us Now
Summary: There is a magic to finally finding your true self and maybe Tommy has a deeper understanding of what that journey is like and can see it plainly as it is happening to Buck. Words: 2.9k Rating: T
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I've Been Waiting For The Tides To Change
Summary: It was itching at him, the pull that he felt towards Evan. He hadn’t been attracted to someone that quickly in a long while and the thing was that Tommy got it. He got how scary it was to come out and the bravery it took to not only admit that to yourself, but also to everyone else. - Or 7x05 from Tommy's perspective and what happens after the coffee date. Words: 4.9k Rating: G
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Coming Out Is Easy
Summary: 7x06 coda because Buck not cleaning up the soot was a choice... Words: 500 Rating: G
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You've Got The Love To See Me Through
Summary: Tommy's pov of 7x06...or just let this man get some rest. Words: 4.7k Rating: G
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Isn't It Ironic
Summary: 7x07 coda. Buck and Tommy are on a date...they run to Eddie who is also on a date... Words: 600 Rating: G
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Summary: 7x09 coda. In the aftermath, Chris goes where he feels safe. Words: 800 Rating: G
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Summary: Buck finds out Tommy wears reading glasses...as inspired by Lou wearing a different pair of glasses in every cameo. Words: 1k Rating: T
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More Than Patience
Summary: 7x10 coda. It isn't patience, as much it's understanding. Words: 400 Rating: G
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How Do I Love Thee
Summary: A sweet moment between Buck and Tommy where Buck gets to tell Tommy what he likes about him. Words: 1.3k Rating: G
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What's In A Name
Summary: Buck didn't like his name and definitely didn't like other cutesy nicknames...at least not until Tommy uses them Words: 1.5 Rating: G
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Meeting The Parents
Summary: They liked Tommy. It was strange because Buck hadn’t expected them to. Words: 1.9k Rating: G
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Handsome Little Bookworm
Summary: In which Buck discovers how avid of a reader Tommy is. Words: 1.1k Rating: G
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It's A Love Story
Summary: You saw all kinds of things working at a restaurant. First dates. Failed dates. Proposals. Arguments. Break ups. The passing of secrets. Or, the waitress at the restaurant Tommy and Buck go to for their first date likes to people watch. Words: 2.9k Rating: G
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Becoming Pawrents
Summary: Out on a call, the 118 finds a box of abandoned puppies. Words: 2.3k Rating: G
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And Every String Led Me To You
Summary: It happened when Buck woke up from the coma. At first, he was absolutely sure that he was dreaming because there was no way his hospital room could be so full of string. or, Buck can suddenly see the strings of fate, including the one that connects him right to Tommy. Words: 8.6k Rating: G
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
Through the Shadows: Chapter 7 - Confronting Fears
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Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader
Series Summary: A hunter's Journey through despair and recovery is guided by Dean Winchester's unwavering love, leading her to reclaim her strength, voice and hope for their shared future.
Chapter Summary: A hunt leaves Y/N broken and scared in more ways than one.
Warnings: Heavy triggers; broken leg, injuries, ghost attacks, pain and anxiety. Mentions of bullies.
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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The morning dawned crisp and clear, a welcome change from the tense night before. Y/N felt surprisingly calm, her anxiety at a manageable level of 2-which was a rarity she cherished and she couldn't help but think maybe sleeping next to Dean was the cause of it. She caught Dean's smile and admiring glance from the table beside the beds, and it warmed her heart more than she expected.
They gathered their gear and headed to the abandoned factory where the ghost was rumoured to haunt. Dean briefed them on the plan as they stood outside the weathered entrance.
"Sam you take the left wing, Y/N, you'll come with me," Dean instructed, his voice firm yet reassuring.
Y/N nodded, listening intently as Dean explained the nature of the ghost. "It preys on our fears, shapes itself to them. It can mess with your head and even physically harm you. Stay alert and keep your guard up."
They entered the factory one by one, the air thick with dust and an eerie silence. Y/N stayed close to Dean, her senses heightened. They walked down dimly lit corridors, the echo of their footsteps reverberating off the walls.
Suddenly, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, grabbing her arm with an icy grip. She gasped, struggling against its hold, but it was strong. In a heartbeat, Y/N was already pulled into a seperate hallway, out of sight.
Panic surged through Dean as he shouted her name, his heart pounding in his chest. He raced down the hallways, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios. Where was she? What would happen to her?
Meanwhile, Y/N found herself in a nightmare come to life. The ghost twisted and morphed, taking the form of her worst fears. First, an image of herself appeared before her, bloody and disheveled. "You are never going to be loved, nobody could ever love you!" The image screamed, inches from her face. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as the image vanquished before her. It was quiet for a moment as she turned, her entire body jumping in spot when she saw her next fear come to life.
The tormentors from her school-the bullies who made her life a living hell appeared before her, sneering and laughing loudly. Her breath caught in her throat as the memories flooded back, their taunts echoing in her ears.
One of them grabbed her roughly, slamming her against the wall. Another came up behind her and pulled her on the ground, their hands tightening around her throat. The main bully stepped forward, a cruel smirk across her face.
"Remember when we pushed you and you broke your leg?" He sneered, his voice dripping with malice.
Y/N's eyes widened in horror as the ghostly manifestation pressed down on her leg with supernatural force. Pain shot through her as she cried out, the memory vivid and agonizing. With a desperate surge of strength, she slammed her food against the ground, breaking free from the ghost's grasp but not before a loud snap echoed on the walls.
Dean's heart nearly stopped at the sound of her scream rushing through the factory. He followed the noise, rounding a corner to find Y/N crumpled on the ground, her face contorted in pain. He dropped beside her, his hands resting gentle but urgent.
"Y/N, what happened, are you okay? His voice was thick with concern, his eyes scanning her for injuries.
Tears streamed down Y/N's face as she clutched her leg, "It's broken." She gasped, her voice trembling with pain and shock.
Dean's hands shook slightly as he lifted her into his arms, his heart breaking at her anguish. "Hang on, we're getting you out of here." He vowed, his voice steady despite the lump in his throat.
They stumbled out of the factory, Sam appearing at their side with a look of relief mixed with concern. Together, they hurried to the Impala, Dean carefully settling Y/N in the backseat. He sped towards the nearest hospital, adrenaline coursing through him as he prayed for Y/N's swift recovery.
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At the hospital, Y/n was quickly taken into surgery to set her leg and apply a cast. Dean paced the waiting room, his mind replaying the terrifying moments in the factory and how it felt to lose her.
When the doctor finally emerged, Dean's heart leaped into his throat. "Is she okay?" he demanded, his voice strained.
'The doctor gave him a reassuring smile. "She's stable. She's going to have to be in a cast until her leg heals with time."'The doctor gave him a reassuring smile. "She's stable. She's going to have to be in a cast until her leg heals with time."
Dean let out a shaky breath, relief flooding through him. He followed the doctor to her room, where she lay pale but conscious, her leg elevated in a bright white cast.
He approached her bed, his expression a mix of guilt and tenderness. "I'm so sorry Y/N..." He murmured, his voice filling with emotion. "I should have-"
Y/N reached out, gently touching his hand. "It's not your fault Dean." She whispered, her eyes filled with gratitude despite the pain. "Thank you for being there for me, for saving my life."
His throat tightened and he tried to clear it before speaking, "Always." He vowed, his voice an earnest promise.
As they sat together in the quiet hospital room, she couldn't help but think back to what the image of herself yelled at her, and seeing his smile, she worried that the image may be right.
But as Dean sat beside her, hand clutching hers tightly, he couldn't deny the growing strength of his feelings for Y/N-feelings that went far beyond friendship.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 8 coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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meimi-haneoka · 11 months
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Chapter 79: Comments + JP-ENG translation differences
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Welcome back to our monthly appointment, CCS fans! This chapter comes right after this month's full moon, the Hunter Moon! (lol yes I will feature the name of the relative full moon till the end of the story). And speaking of the end of the story, I will start this analysis and translation post from the end of the chapter, where I found the confirmation to the rumour that had been going on for hours before the official release on Comic Days:
yes, dear readers, this is not a drill, Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc will end with chapter 80, after 7 years of serialization! 🎉✨ When *the last chapter* is announced, there's no turning back! No more sudden announcements of extensions! 🥹 But at the moment of writing this post, no mentions have been given about any "epilogue" or extra chapters that might be serialized in the upcoming months leading to the big release of volume 16 on April 1st!
On the translation side, I have to sigh in relief because no major misunderstandings happened in the ENG version, just some minor inaccuracies! I was kinda scared because this chapter is pretty important and complex in itself.
And let me say that what happened in this chapter 79 definitely marks the end of the climax, so I can totally see it ending in next chapter. The chapter tackled some very important thematics regarding the presence of "evil" in this series, that I will talk about extensively in my analysis.
The announcement today made me already a bit nostalgic and sad, but I want to strive hard to accompany myself and all of you towards the end of this arc with excitement and a smile, therefore I won't let myself be prey of the sadness yet and introduce you immediately to the gif of this month, because there's a lot we need to talk about and analyze and we can't waste time!!
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This is entirely dedicated to our protagonist and heroine Sakura-chan, because damn, she really slayed this chapter!!! Under the cut to see what miracles she made happen!
The Color Page
My dear readers, after years of countless pleas on my social media, after being let down month after month, CLAMP FINALLY GRANTED ME A COLOR PAGE SOLELY DEDICATED TO KAITO AND AKIHO TOGETHER ON THE SECOND-TO-LAST CHAPTER!! Yaaaay!! Excuse me while I celebrate this event here in my little corner, especially after having a rough month! 🎉🎉🎉 I hope my followers thought of me when they saw it? Like "finally she'll stop asking for it" (breaking news, I'll keep asking for more even after the series is over) 😂 It took them 79 chapters to do so and honestly I'm laughing because....yes, I admit it, I expected another vibe for such an important color page coming after such an important emotional scene in chapter 78, but honestly the first thing I thought when I saw it was "....they had to wait 79 chapters for this? 😧" 😂because it's very very "regular", I think it would've been ok for this to come out long ago. LOL I'm being brutally honest here, I hope no one gets offended, especially because that pet peeve aside, OF COURSE I love this precious color page to bits, and I know under its "normalcy", its got a very important meaning to the both of them.
Akiho and Kaito are depicted together clearly during one of their travels....but the question is, is this from the past? Or the near future? I'd daresay they look the same age they are now, so this might probably be a foreshadowing for the future...? They'll keep travelling the world? But seeing the content of the chapter, this might also be just a call-back to their memories together and everything that they experienced during those travels, tightening their bond. Travelling the world is, after all, really their thing, their element. I really like Kaito's expression, with his usual smile that almost turns into a smirk, he gives off a vibe of being finally free to express his emotions. He looks carefree, and that's really something for him. Akiho, on the other hand, is always so much more expressive than him and you can literally feel the joy and excitement emanating from her delighted expression. Travelling with him makes her happy, so yes, should this be what awaits them in the finale, it's fine by me as long as they're happy (I'm rooting for the other option though, the "stay in Tomoeda with your newfound support network" route).
But as you know, I always have to analyze the color pages a bit deeper, especially when they're about these two. And since I had to keep myself distracted, I made a bit of research. Other than the "travelling" vibe, this illustration gives off also kind of a "vintage" vibe (which is another strong element to Akiho and Kaito). It seems Akiho is dressed in a sleeveless coat with cape and wearing a bonnet fully inspired by those worn by children in the second half of the 1800s, in the Victorian era.
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(pic courtesy of Etsy) This is a model from 1896, for example. When I pinpointed the period, I immediately thought "uh, the Victorian era is also the period when Alice in Wonderland came out", although that was more towards the 1860s. I found it really interesting and a nice touch for this illustration with a retro flavor (the suitcase and purse also look kinda vintage).
But another thing that immediately caught my eyes were those cute birds landing on Kaito's shoulder and Akiho's bonnet. I immediately tried to look what kind of birds they are, and it seems like they could really be eastern bluebirds, typical of North America. Searching further, I found out that in several cultures bluebirds are harbinger of happiness and symbols of hope. I couldn't honestly have thought for a more fitting symbolism, for these two. Especially cause birds often are associated with an imagery of freedom, and this is something else that these two need, after being hunted by evil people for so long. They really do look free, in this color page. Also, the presence of the birds in this color page immediately brought me back to the color page of chapter 62, where we can see baby Kaito in a wintery setting, sitting on a lamppost, extending his little hand to a swallow coming to him. Swallows are a symbol of hope and bring a message of "spring is coming", and continuing from that message of hope, of "spring is coming for you too", we can finally see here in chapter 79 our Kaito with his true happiness, symbolized literally by the birds most associated with happiness. Another thing that caught my eyes is of course the lily depicted on the cover of the book Akiho is holding, a nice callback to Akiho's mother and Kaito's torment, Lilie. She's always going to be with them ❤️
The Japanese editorial text over the picture is an excerpt of what Momo was musing to herself in chapter 39, while imagining to talk to Kaito: "You traveled with her, and spent time together with her". I think CLAMP chose to feature this line to indicate an important thing that will be restored at the end of this chapter.
Everyone Is Doing Their Best
The chapter starts with a panel showing some light coming off Yukito's house, and we find out that even Touya fainted, exhausted by the effort to keep time stopped as much as possible. Ruby Moon is cradling his head on her lap trying to assist him and "recharge" his magical power, in hope to be able to maintain time "stopped" a bit more. In fact, if you notice, the "black covering" that symbolizes the time-stopping spell isn't completely destroyed yet, but only riddled with "holes", an indication that the spell is still somehow active, even if feebly. I imagine this might "slow down" the attacks, which are still coming but probably not at full speed like they would if the spell came undone completely. I have to point out immediately a mild inaccuracy in the ENG version, that I want to specify in order to dispel extreme theories before they're born: no, Ruby Moon didn't give up all of her powers to Touya, the verb used here is simply 補える, "can replenish (your magic)", not "give all".
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Touya doesn't lose his sense of humor even in a dire situation like this, and comments sarcastically "What are you, a battery?", a clear recall to the whole "batteries" matter that came out in the un-rewritten world. Touya isn't supposed to remember about that, and he probably doesn't, but this is just a way from CLAMP to show that even in a situation where memories have been rewritten, some things will be unconsciously said again, because they're just meant to happen.
Ruby Moon calls for assistance from her "brother" Spinel Sun (love how even in these true forms, she still calls him "Suppy"), whom rejects the appellative of "battery" but agrees to give her a hand with "recharging" Touya to keep the spell up a bit longer. Everyone looks outside, only one thought in their minds, which is voiced clearly by a serious Tomoyo: "Sakura and everyone else are fighting with all they've got". I have to point out a typo here in the Japanese version (nothing serious, it can happen and will be surely fixed in the tankobon version): Tomoyo calls Sakura "Sakura-san". I loved the "sparkles" around Tomoyo's eyes, as if indicating that her extraordinary intuition is "at work" and just telling her that, even if they can't see them because they're quite far away, Sakura and the others are doing whatever they can to stop these attacks. And the fact they can see the attacks, but not their friends and their condition, must be really hard to witness, for all of them. But no worries, there's Touya nii-chan who's always ready to lighten the mood even in this challenging situation, joking that "If they don't get back before the curfew, they won't be getting their snacks tomorrow!". Here the ENG adds "squirt" to make Touya refer specifically to Sakura, but truth to be told, in the JP there's no subject, so he might be referring to everyone. It's amazing how he's able to keep his spirit up and be sarcastic even in this situation....he really believes in his little sister so much!
I'll Make Them Forget About You
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Back where our heroes are, the attacks keep coming relentlessly, countered by Syaoran, Yue and Kero in tandem. Sakura reflects on the fact that the only transparent Cards she's got left are these two she's holding in her hands (Time and Rewind) and Flight. This statement leads me to believe that when Record transformed into that crystal that entered her, that meant that the Card completed its duty and disappeared inside of her. But Sakura isn't worried at all, because she knows that she can create more Cards. Yessss, this development that I've been anticipating since quite some time is finally here! ✨🎉 Sakura seems to finally have a concrete plan, but before proceeding, she needs to ascertain something. She asks directly to Kaito: "The people who are using these spells were trying to hurt you, right?". Kaito, with a pensive face, answers affirmatively.
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But it's when Sakura asks again "Were they trying to hurt Akiho too?" that his expression turns really painful, the background after him portraying well his raging emotions and, while Mokona-sensei chose to leave Akiho hidden by Kaito's black wings in the previous panels, now she finally shows how both she and Kaito are holding onto eachother, while our boy answers with a "...Yes" dripping with sorrow. It really squeezed my heart with pain, this scene. Because as long as Sakura was asking about him, his expression was pensive but almost as if it's something he's used to, that didn't shake him too much. But when Sakura mentions Akiho, god, that wrecked him. Any mention, any reminescence of what those bastards did to her and how they were chasing after her to put their filthy hands on her again wrecks him even now, and it's like Mokona with her visual skills is showing how Kaito seems to be holding Akiho a little bit tighter, while he answers Sakura's question. I also have to point out something that I had noticed already from last chapter, but a panel tricked me into believing I was just seeing things: CLAMP here use a dark screentone for Kaito's eyes, that he never had before (actually, no other character in CCS got this effect in their eyes). This effect will be used on him for the entire chapter.
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And it seems like it's the very same screentone that was used for the dragon. I think this might be an indication that the wings aren't the only reminescence of his dragon appearance!
Sakura shows once again an incredible empathy that allows her to go right to the heart of the issue without investigating much. If Kaito rewrote an entire world, and if it's true that Akiho in the previous world didn't have all the love and familiar support she's got now, it means that she was probably in danger too. And seeing as these people are attacking them now because they freed Kaito from his "punishment", Sakura doesn't really need much to make 2+2 and understand the situation. Sakura believes in Akiho, therefore she believes in Kaito too, and knows that if he came to this point it's because they were in a desperate and dangerous situation.
Showing an incredible insight, Sakura shocks both Kaito and Akiho by asking:
Sakura, JP: "In that case, can I make those people forget about you both?"
Because our girl needs to make sure that the plan she came up with won't have any undesired consequences. But most importantly, she needs to have their consent. She reiterates this once again, actually she will make sure to ask Kaito and Akiho's consent 3 times in total. She says: JP, lit. "If going back to before the world was rewritten will put you through hardships once again, then, can I just make them forget?" Kaito is even more shocked, because he finally understands Sakura's intent. A generous, selfless intent born from a loving heart. Our girl wants to make sure that these two will be safe and sound once she fixes this situation. She can't take risks, because their happiness is all she's really caring for right now. And in his shocked expression, I can also see some kind of "omg YES, PLEASE" vibe. Because probably, having those terrible people forgetting all about them is everything he ever wished, but couldn't achieve. And I think it's really funny how we berated Kaito so much in the past chapters for making Akiho and the others forget facts that happened before and forgetting about him, but here Sakura just takes "inspiration" from him and actually decides to use that same "trick" in the right way. Because it's not fair that it should be them, the abused people, to forget about their most important person, in order to achieve a happy life for at least one of them. It isn't fair and it isn't right that Kaito was driven into making all the mess that he made, pushed by desperation. The abusers, that clan and Association of magicians, should be the ones forgetting.
But this is Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card's finale, and Sakura definitely hasn't finished with being amazing yet, she actually just started. Her very strong power at this point allows her not only to see things that were difficult before, but also to connect the dots more easily thanks to that renowned instinct that I've always talked to you about, and that she learned to finally listen to.
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As if she were seeing through him with X-rays, she confidently affirms that there's a book inside of him, a white book where you can inscribe magic on. And she also knows that that same book was inside Akiho, once. I guess this might be even coming from past memories of the unrewritten world (do you remember when, before the play started, Sakura said that she could feel something inside Akiho?). Akiho of course is shocked to hear that, and from her expression you can almost feel the chill that went down her spine in that moment. Sakura affirms that this book knows both Akiho and Kaito (thanks to the fact that it was inside both of them - something that I've always found painfully heartbreaking but also quite moving, for my ship), and it's got a very strong power inside of it. These will be two crucial things for Sakura's plan. In fact, our heroine is hellbent in attempting something pretty arduous: utilizing that artifact's power to create a new Card. For impartiality, I have to point out that the ENG added (completely on their whim) a "you, her special person" that isn't there in the JP version! Of course it's all the better for me, since they repeat (finally with the right adjective) that Kaito is Akiho's special person, but it's kinda funny that they messed it up so much in the previous chapters, and now they're adding it where there isn't any mention of it!
Sakura will be using a tool that knows the both of them, therefore she is sure that her plan will succeed, because the Card will know what it will need to erase. Sakura asks for Kaito and Akiho's agreement one last time. After hearing how those people wanted to hurt them both and even implanted the same magical artifact inside of her, Akiho is quite resolute and doesn't have any doubt: on with the wiping off! It doesn't matter who those people are, they've tried to harm her most important person and her too, so she doesn't really seem to give a damn about proceeding with this plan. Kaito, on the other hand, seems to be giving a more lackluster affirmative reply, but it's not that he's uncertain: he's just still riddled with guilt for all the mess that he's done, and he's probably realizing that now Sakura will need to put herself on the line in order to fix this and protect both of them, hence his sad face.
Still surfing the confidence wave, Sakura guesses that once those people have forgotten about Akiho and Kaito, then the magic arrows will stop too, and Kaito confirms that: forgetting about the person who had the Seal of D enforced on him will be equal to "undo" both the activation of the Seal itself (when Kaito removed the book from Akiho) and also the rescission of it (what Sakura did when she freed Kaito from the cage). This will therefore stop the arrows too, because the Seal wouldn't have been triggered in the first place. However, Kaito warns her that, although time is still barely "stopped" (because the time-stopping spell is still weakly on), it's necessary an enormous amount of power in order to do what Sakura wants to do. I have to point out another inaccuracy in the ENG translation in this part, which makes Kaito say "before things could get worse" and I have the feeling they misunderstood the word 辛うじて, "barely" or "narrowly", which is also written with the kanji of 辛い, "hard" or "tough". So Kaito isn't saying "before things could get worse" but actually meaning "although time is barely stopped".
Sakura doesn't seem to be scared by Kaito's warning, and activates her wand without a second thought, and immediately we can see that her task wil NOT be easy, as she can feel the strain almost right away.
Here we go with another inaccuracy of the ENG translation:
Sakura, ENG: "Great book, please show yourself! My power alone won't be enough...!" Sakura, JP: "The book....doesn't want to come out. (it's too difficult to pull it out) with just my power..."
Basically, Sakura isn't begging the book to "show itself", she's actually actively trying to pull it out of Kaito, and she's aware that it's opposing a lot of resistance, and her power alone isn't enough to take this damn book out. Sakura refuses to give up, because everyone else is doing their best too. Yes, everyone else.
And that's when CLAMP decided to bring us a big surprise for this finale.
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A pair of hands seem to be appearing next to Sakura's, as if a spirit is hugging her from behind. We can see the famous fan that we learned to recognize so well ever since her first appearance in Movie 1. Sakura feels immediately the same magical power of Syaoran surrounding her, and with her instinct she finally recognizes her: it's Syaoran's mother, YELAN!!! We can see her, sweating and all, in her sacred chinese pavilion, lending her power to help in this difficult task.
What a great, welcome surprise for this finale!! You might have heard me saying on Twitter that Clear Card is really a celebration of motherhood, with this constant presence of mothers and mother figures who try to help these kids growing up without removing their right to choose for themselves. And since Yelan is the only mother figure who can concretely help Sakura in this moment, with her immense power, I really loved to see how this woman didn't hesitate to assist her future daugher in law. For any SyaoSaku fan, this scene here is a huge thing. We have seen in the anime how Yelan doted on Sakura ever since she met her in Movie 1, even before her own son realized his feelings for this girl. Yelan and Sakura haven't met in the manga yet (and hello, CLAMP, now this is a good chance for letting that happen, after the madness is over), but the woman didn't hesitate a moment to lend her power. I can really imagine how along these two will get, in the future. ❤️
Sakura thanks her aloud, while her eyes show that she's really really tired. Yelan's assistance is finally effective in summoning the artifact book out of Kaito, and we see again those countless book pages that we saw both when Akiho used to go "berserk", and also in the most heartbreaking scene of chapter 70. Kaito, still holding onto a worried Akiho, seems to suffer physically from this removal, and I can't understand if it's because removing something magical from inside is naturally painful (we've been shown something like that before, Syaoran crouching to the ground in pain while the Sakura Cards were being removed from inside of him) OR if the removal of the artifact also triggered his poor health conditions in which we left him, before he disappeared in chapter 70.
Sakura tries with all she's got and finally manages to turn the artifact into its "true form": a book filled with countless of spells written in strange magic runes.
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You have spotted it, right? ☝️ I haven't seen many fandom reactions yet, but I guess this "cameo" made more than one person scream: it's Fay D. Fluorite's tattoo, yes! This page of the "book" is probably describing the procedure to cast that tattoo (which was also a kind of "seal", if I remember correctly). So that spells exists in this CCS world too! 😅 The magic Sakura is weaving starts "working" on the book, literally removing the spells from its pages and turning them back to their original form of magical books (remember that the Squids used to say that they would inscribe "magic books" and their power onto Akiho?).
Then, solemnly, we hear probably for the last time ever the magical incantation that accompanied us in the beginning of the story, used by Sakura to secure the strange manifestations of power into a transparent Card:
ENG: "Force without master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams and become my power! SECURE!"
The countless of books and all this tremendous amount of power get secured into the birth of a new Card: BLANK!!!
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Blank got the human appearance of Akiho, but also the protective wings of Kaito. The girl is holding a book (of course, how perfect for her) which is the representation of the artifact that was inside both Kaito and Akiho. This card is really so meaningful for someone like me who loves Akiho and Kaito. It's representing them united in their suffering (the artifact) but also in the hope for a better future (Akiho is smiling and the Card will be used to grant them safety, away from their abusers). I've always imagined that one of the last Cards Sakura might have produced would have Akiho and Kaito's elements, and here it is.
Also, how AWESOME is that Sakura managed to dispose of that damn artifact and succeeded to use it for Kaito and Akiho's sake, and turned it against the monsters who created it??? HOW. AWESOME. IS. THAT!!!!
Producing the very first consciously created transparent Card sucked almost all of Sakura's power and strength, and she's close to fainting, under the terrified eyes of Akiho, who lets go of Kaito for a moment in a gesture of going towards her "sister". But Sakura isn't done yet, no. She can't give up yet because her job isn't done.
And I Will Make Them Remember About You
Sakura wants for Akiho and the people who care about her (the ENG decided to translate this with "the people SHE holds dear") to remember who Akiho really is. She wants basically to "undo" what the rewriting of the world caused on the people who know Akiho, making them believe that she was born into the Kinomoto family and that she was Sakura and Touya's sister.
After pondering for a while and discussing with my friends over at my Discord server, I decided I'm not gonna go out on a limb and assume things from this decision, because I definitely NEED to read the next chapter to see how much Sakura intends people to remember, with this move. It's really not clear at all, as of now.
Anyway, other translation inaccuracy incoming!
Sakura, ENG: "I'm going to make another new card for that...and I might not have the power to do it alone" Sakura, JP: "It might probably be really difficult to create one more new card with my power, right now..."
As you can see, the nuance is different, because Sakura in the JP addresses how it's almost impossible for her to create another new card in the situation she is in right now, exhausted and all.
That's why, very cleverly, she's going to do something different. (My gosh how proud I am of this girl!!)
Saying "But these two Cards will surely help me", Sakura skillfully manages to merge Time and Rewind to create a new Card, not from scratch (which requires more power) but using what she's already got: and that's how the REMIND Card is born!!! The name of the Card originated by just replacing the "W" of Rewind with the "M" of Time. Ingenious, isn't it???
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And as the two Cards merge, they give us lots of flashbacks, like the "effect" used here resembles a lot the one that used to happen when Sakura was changing the Clow Cards into the Sakura Cards back in the old arcs, or how the merging of two Cards seems to also be a callback to how the "card without name" and the "Nothing" merged to create HOPE in the very last minutes of Movie 2! What a nostalgic trip down the memories lane!
And the appearance of this Card is even more touching, because it features Syaoran (with his current age) holding Nadeshiko's pendant watch. I found that so sweet, especially coupled with Yelan's assistance to Sakura in this chapter. Yelan associated with Sakura, and Syaoran associated with Nadeshiko. How sweet. And when you think that even Lilie, Akiho's mother, was associated with Kaito, you really can realize that this is some kind of "theme" that CLAMP seemed to be wanting to portray in this story.
I Can't Be On Everyone's Side
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And now, the scene that I think is worth the whole chapter, but probably the whole Clear Card Arc in its entirety. As usual, with important scenes, I'll use the literal translation from Japanese:
Sakura, JP: "It might not be right that there'll be people who will forget things (after this), but....I can't be everyone's friend/ally/can't be on everyone's side. So I won't go back...but actually, along with the people important to me... I WANT TO GO ON"
Wow. Let that sink in.
Sakura, of Cardcaptor Sakura, just came to the realization and spelled out clearly that she cannot be on everyone's side. That she cannot be "everyone's friend", like in a cheesy fairytale.
And I really, really, want to thank CLAMP-sensei for this scene and this line because for a period, long time ago, I was worried that this story would go down the "let's be friends" or "let's show sympathy to them" route. But as the chapters continued and the things CLAMP told us about the Association and the Squids were more and more cruel, and they made me more and more sick, I started to realize that there was simply no way CLAMP could've had Sakura try to justify or compromise with them. Because when cruelty is real, there's no compromise to be made.
This scene also shows how Sakura realizes for the first time ever that in her world, contrary to what we all believed previously, evil exists. It might not touch her or her "entourage" directly (and she's really blessed for that), but it exists out there and it's hurting people, people who can also become really important to her. And she decides to not stand idly by, blessed as she is with the luck of not experiencing that evilness, but actually using whatever it is in her power to bring those suffering people to safety.
Sakura cannot fight those people on equal terms. She's just 13, and although her power is very strong, she's still inexperienced. Moreover, she cannot really bring herself to deny her current nature and use violence on other human beings. That's not Sakura. I want you guys to reflect on this because I know that one of the favorite things expected for this finale was to have a direct magical confrontation with the true villains of this arc, defeating them and restablishing the peace. And I am sincere when I say that I would've wished for the same too, because you know how much I love Kaito and Akiho, and how much I was disgusted to read about what they did to them. I've spread my "burn the squids" gifs all over the fandom. I wanted someone to vindicate them. But not here. Not in this manga. I realized that after the initial satisfaction, I would've probably felt like the series would've been "defiled". And that's exactly what happens when you answer to violence with more violence.
Sakura just could not go hunting those bastards down and defeat them in a magical battle. Because, powerful and corrupted in their greed as they are, the only way to "fix" this situation would've been to exterminate them. I just could not picture this story to cross that boundary, no matter how much the bar had already been raised well over what we initially thought.
So, if someone out there is disappointed by this outcome, I'm sorry for you, but it was just not meant to be and I'm actually really glad that this series kept true to its fundamental values. Of course it would, CLAMP really do care about this series and they know very well how far to push the plot, and when to actually stop.
So what is the role of Akiho's clan and the Magic Association in this story, especially considering that we never saw their faces at all? Talking with lots of fans in these years, especially Japanese, I've come to the conclusion that they are not in this story to fill the "villain that needs to be deafeated" role, but actually they're a representation of abusive families that smother and suffocate their children with expectations, completely disregarding those children's natural inclinations, and abuse them when they do not meet such expectations, but also the society as a whole, that looks at you only basing on how it can take advantage of you. Which is exactly what happened to Akiho and Kaito, driving them to very dark places. The absence of faces for those characters makes it possible for the readers to see the Squids and the Association as the representation of whatever environment they relate the most to. It can be family, society, school, workplace etc... It also helps us focusing on their actions, rather than their faces, and not attribute any prejudice to them (because of religion, race, skin color, or whatever other attribute they could have).
Seeing as the story treats them more like a concept, than an actual entity, it's basically impossible for Sakura to defeat them (and their great power is an indication of that impossibility). Just like in real life, darkness will always exist, along with light. Good and evil will always be side by side. It's bigger than any of us. Then, what can we do, in a situation like this? What Sakura is choosing to do, here, is not to confront directly with violence these people who are way out of her league, and not even to sit back and look, but actually finding a way to make them forget about her friends and keeping her friends safe, granting them the possibility of living a happy life, finally away from the darkness of the past, healing the wounds on their souls together with the people they love and who love them back. Because even if you've been abused in the past, you can still hope for a happy life.
The focus here is all on helping the abused people. And Sakura, in order to do that, is okay with coming to terms with the fact that she can't be on everyone's side, and she needs to choose. In the end, the thing that really matters the most is to GO ON with your most important people. Not going back to what is lost, but going forward. And I know that this is such a CLAMP theme, and I'm glad that they reiterated it in this arc. When I say that Clear Card brought Sakura so much more closer to what's usual for CLAMP, I mean this.
The panel with Sakura raising her staff and shouting she wants to go on is absolutely beautiful, with those wings growing so big and unleashing Sakura's power in a storm of cherry blossom petals.
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Sakura is exhausted, she finally reached her limit by using her ultimate magic. As she faints, her eyes just make it in time to catch a glimpse of her prince, the love of her life grabbing tightly his girlfriend's hand, to not let her fall, while the watch of Remind and the book of Blank do their job in the background. And I really loved this spread too, because even if it's not a conventional romantic scene made of physical display of love, this in my opinion is even more powerful. Many were reminded of Tsubasa, but I was also reminded of the long time those two spent unable to touch one another, and this scene here seems like a catharsis for that hardship they went through. Syaoran will always catch Sakura everytime she falls, he will always be there to grab her hand, no matter if he can really touch her or not. Cause his love is stronger than any kind of impediment. He will always be by her side, no matter what. When she's exhausted by her heroine's duties, she knows that she can always count on him to support her.
And speaking of "always be by her side", I just can't avoid mentioning how Akiho and Kaito stayed "glued" to eachother for the entire duration of this chapter, protecting and supporting one another. Kaito, in particular, kept holding Akiho even as Sakura's magic was hurting him like hell, because it was extracting the book from him. Even in excruciating pain, he did not let go of Akiho, intent in protecting her and keeping her safe in his hold. Akiho let go of him just for a moment when she was scared out of her mind for Sakura, but went back to him when she saw that her "sister" was hellbent in completing her task no matter what. Kaito, as the good "moon boy" he is, is someone who shows his feelings through his actions rather than words, just like Syaoran. And his constant grip on Akiho in this chapter, such an opposite act compared to how he used to stop his hand everytime it started reaching out to her, told me all that I needed to know about him: she's his most important person, and he will never let go of her, ever again.
Sakura wakes up in her bed. The scene is a direct parallel with an almost identical scene in chapter 3, as you can see here:
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Kero is next to her and is relieved to see her awake, so he goes to shout in the hallway, directed to Touya, that Sakura is finally awake. Sakura seems a bit surprised to see Kero talking so nonchalantly with her brother, and he tells her that he chatted with him back at Yukito's house, together with Suppy, so I guess now he finds it "natural" to talk to her brother too! 😂 I'm kinda glad to know that, I like this "change of relationship", compared to the old series (and it was also kinda long overdue).
Sakura opens the palm of her hands and she finds the Dream Key, still intact and all. She also asks about Remind and Blank, and Kero confirms to her that she was able to use them successfully! Sakura is absolutely delighted to hear that, and says "We were able to go on!"
And thaaaaaaat's how the second-to-last chapter of Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card ends! Solving a lot of the pending situations, but still leaving some secondary questions that will surely find a (more or less) detailed explanation in the final, next chapter. And well, we also have to prepare to not have ALL the answers to ALL the questions we might have. This is usual for CLAMP, and especially in their Spaces they never made it a secret that they love for their fans to wreck their brains over theories and imagining the characters' future after a series is over. They love for the fans to give their interpretations to things, they encourage that a lot (also because it creates more long-lasting engagement with their series).
Alas, I expect they'll leave something in particular to everyone's interpretation, but we'll see. 😅
Overall, I really loved this chapter and it was really emotional for me. I think it's fitting for a "climax". Sakura was ABSOLUTELY running the show and after this I dare anyone to say that she isn't the main character of her story. She pushed her limits, and even questioned her own morality in doing so. What a wonderful thing. She reminded me so much of Sakura-hime when she shooted all those monsters in order to take the precious egg, back in the Acid Tokyo arc of Tsubasa. She knew she was doing something bad, but her wish to do everything needed in order to "have him back" was stronger than anything else. And she made her own choice. Here, Sakura, on a smaller scale, made her own choice too.
Now, I hope in the last chapter we'll be granted the possibility to delve a bit more into Kaito and his thoughts, I need to see his character development, I need to see that he learned something from this. That he -at least- started to interrogate himself over the nature of his feelings for Akiho. I know it's reasonable to think that with him, things will take looooong time, but as least show me the signs. Because I need to know that Akiho will be truly happy with him (I know she will!), and she can only be if he's learned to be honest with himself. And learned what Lilie meant with the last conversation we saw between them.
Okay, this is probably the longest post I ever did but I think as the second-to-last chapter it deserved to have some big thematics explored in depth, because they're very important. I'm still pondering if I should divide the post of the final chapter in two because, in addition to even more pages, I expect there'll be soooooooooo much to talk about (cross your fingers with me that there won't be any translation mistake).
I also hope there'll be room for an epilogue or a couple of extra chapters, to help us coping with the separation in a more gradual way, cause after 7 years it's quite hard. I was curious to see the end, of course, but also not entirely ready to let this wonderful story go. I really, really enjoyed it and I say this from the bottom of my heart. I don't care what everyone else thinks, I can only be grateful to CLAMP for Clear Card Arc. 🙏
Chapter 80, along with all the tears that will come with it, is expected to be uploaded on November 29th on CLAMP's Youtube channel. Yes, it's less than a month away! I also expect some news about the anime (BLESS THE ANIME!! Something to cling onto when the manga is over 😭).
Well, see you at the end of November (please come to hold my hand cause I cannot do this alone, lol) !!!
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sourtomatola · 1 year
Pinned post
Hi! I'm Sourtomatola, you can call me Sour or Toma. I'm happily drowning in the FNAF fandom, mostly for the daycare attendant, Sun and Moon. (also am certified Eclipse SIMP)
I write fics, draw (a lot of comics and fanart), and animate. I also have a Kofi shop who's sole item is embordered DCA butt earrings (for now)
I do not do requests. Please be respectful.
Stuff I've done you might enjoy:
Fic's: My AO3
Rise of Eclipse |Shooting for the Sun |Of wood carving and Metal wiring
Buckethead Family (Kill code fic, very dark, lots of death)
Dark fae AU series: MASTERPOST
Thing on your swing
A midsummer nightmare(spinoff)
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Thing on your swing (in comic form)
The entire first chapter: Part1 | Part2
Stalker Y/N AU (not Yandere)
First episode
Master post
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Arsenic and Old lace AU:
Discovering a body | Accusations
Others of mine:
Farmer and chicken au
Pro(phesy) T-shirt AU
Sun eating glitter glue
Prosthetic AU: Part1 | Part2 | Part3
Learning Tolerance and fetch (comic) (Fic Here)
Big brother Moon: first | second
Candy Factory AU (aka Taking Candy for a Fool) Masterpost
Powerwash sim
Camelot AU : Masterpost
Light switched AU | Part3? | Part4 | Part5 (darn it) | Part6 :)
Moon activation noise
Sun in a rocket
Sun vs fish
black eye fic
Spooder Moon fic
Not My AU/fic comics (credit's are in the posts):
Enthralling you enthralling me (Vampire AU) Masterpost
Anything for the truth
Sleuth Jesters:
No small favors
Take a bow
Bounty hunter eclipse saves Vigilante
MB Eclipse being a creep
Henchman Humphry (my idea in SJ world)
Eclipse dancing animation
Cosmic Chaos (My story, not my AU):
The bank altercation | The kidnapping | The New guy Part1+2 | Part 3+4 | Part 5+6 | Part 7+8 | Part9 | Part 10 (last)
Villainous Trio (some fanart, and some creative liberties):
AU comic
fanart of fic
Solar and his Sunny
Accidentally undercover:
Idiots in love
The brothers are all idiots
Biting the hand that feeds AU:
Meeting the boys
Moon's trolling
Moons hat
Ghost in the machine AU
Nova Zoomies
Sombra dancing like a bird of prey animation
Misuta and fool dance off animation
You and I, and Sol animation
Delivery guy is misunderstood
GITM roll call
Wine and feathers (and blood and feathers):
Harpy Sun being dramatic
harpy moon dancing animation
BAF Moon ficlet
Vampire equinox:
Eclipse Pic
Fic to go with the pic
Any comic related to The Sun and Moon show:
Bloody solar animation
You don't need that much sanitizer
Sun teaching earth how to drive
Solar paint job
Blood Moon going after Sun
Ruin's tea party
Solar in jack
Sun's TRUE PURPOSE animation
Nexus be like
One time comics AU:
Kappa Sun
Dealer's choice, chapter 27
Beings made of stardust AU (sources of light fic tho)
Staff and security stinky
One time fics I didn't post to my AO3 (not my au's):
The dark Sun's approach
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mikhailwrites · 7 months
Soaring Ever Higher 4 - Ghoap/Ace Combat 7 crossover
Previous chapter | This Chapter on AO3 | Next chapter
And so, Ghost finally has a chance to make good on his promise... with some interest...
Be advised that this chapter is pretty spicy so if you mind or are a minor, I trust you'll stop reading at # symbol :)
The bar is nice and surprisingly classy, considering the city is on the smaller side. The music isn’t too loud or obnoxious; the overall noise is also bearable. Ghost lets himself enjoy it.
“What can I get you, lads?” the bartender flashes them a broad smile, not even batting an eye at Ghost’s scarred face, which is to his credit.
Trigger also doesn’t seem to mind. Once Ghost took the balaclava off, the bloke did pause on his face, but there was nothing to suggest what he thought of the map of scars. After a few seconds, he nodded and smiled as he held the door open for Ghost.
“Bourbon for me,” Ghost points at the bottle of Woodford Reserve on the shelf. The bartender nods and looks expectantly at Trigger, who seems to be scanning the shelves for something specific.
John shakes his head in mock disbelief. “And here I thought you were a cultured man,” then he turns back to the bartender, “Do you have Lagavulin 16?”
The bartender thinks for a second. “I think so, but let me check; we keep the better stuff in the back.”
Ghost chuckles. “What can I say? I’m drinking Yank stuff with a bloke flying a Yank plane. If you were a patriot, you’d be flying Typhoon like the rest of the base.”
“Somebody knows their jets,” Trigger whistles. “But last time I checked, Typhoon ain’t Scottish-made.”
Their exchange is interrupted by the return of the bartender with two glasses. Ghost says he’ll be paying for both. The price doesn’t really surprise him. “Are you getting the good stuff at my expense?” The money is no issue. He’s just interested in the reaction.
“Why, of course,” Trigger smirks, “it’s not every day I get a free drink.” He raises his glass, “Slàinte mhath.”
“Cheers,” Ghost answers the toast with his glass, sipping the bourbon, sighing in content as it slips down his throat, warming him inside out. “You think I believe you? With the free drinks? Or do you want me to feel special?”
“Right down to the business, aren’t you?” the corners of his mouth twitch. “The thing is, I don’t leave the base often. Don’t have much business outside.”
“And for pleasure?” Ghost watches him intently, noticing a minuscule twitch in John’s left hand, the way his tongue darts to wet his lips. He’s either nervous or pretends to be. Both options are intriguing, if for slightly different reasons.
“That’s complicated,” he lowers his gaze. Now that’s a good tell that he’s just pretending and luring Ghost, tickling the hunter in him by playing a helpless prey.
“It’s really not. When you boil it down, it’s always about pushing, shoving, and exchanging bodily fluids. Nothing complicated about that,” Ghost presses, shifting a little closer and putting his hand on John’s knee.
“Yer not a wooing and romance kind of lad, are ye?” Trigger takes his glass and drinks a bit more of his whisky. The smell of smoke, disinfectant and burnt tyres tickles Ghost’s nose. Christ, he could never stomach peated scotch, but the scent becomes John. It may very well be how he smells when he climbs out of his plane after a mission.
“Is that a problem?” Ghost asks with fake concern, tasting the bourbon once more.
“Didnae say that,” Trigger shakes his head, resting his hand atop Ghost’s. That’s the only permission Simon needs.
He leans closer as he speaks quietly, right into John’s ear. “I want to bend you over the counter and shag you like there’s no tomorrow."
“Damn, not even a second drink? You think I’m that cheap?” Trigger grins, and it’s all teeth and intent.
“Not cheap. I think you know what you want and usually get it. Am I close?” Ghost leans even closer. If he tried a little, his lips could brush the trimmed beard. He notices a pleasant whiff of cologne as well.
“Close enough,” Trigger admits, wiggling a little in a movement intimately familiar to anyone ever sported a stiffer in public space.
“Base or hotel?” Ghost asks, momentarily turning his attention back to the drink. There’s still about half of it left.
John understands and promptly finishes his glass before answering. “Hotel, but we need to do some shopping first.”
“Obviously,” Ghost agrees, tipping the glass back and setting it on the counter.
The moment the door of the small hotel room closes behind them, they’re on each other. John’s fingers tangle in Simon’s blonde hair where it’s long enough on top of his head, nails scraping the scalp. Simon’s lips smash against John’s; tongue, teeth, doesn’t matter. First, Simon presses John against the wall. Then the other man, despite being shorter, retaliates and shoves Ghost back, pinning him to the opposing wall and wedging his knee between Simon’s legs and up until Ghost grunts in both impatience and anticipation.
Trigger’s hands leave Simon’s head and immediately sneak under his tee, feeling him up, kneading at the hard plains of muscles.
“Fuck I love how you’re built,” John gasps between harsh breaths, tucking the tee up, uncovering inch after inch of scarred, pale flesh.
Simon grabs him by the mohawk and forces him to expose his neck. With no hesitation, he licks it with a long, broad and wet stroke before sinking his teeth in. John yelps above him, digging his fingernails into Ghost’s sides with enough strength for it to hurt.
Trigger’s pelvis also moves in a fluid, steady motion, hard-on on hard-on. It’s wild and heavenly, free of any and all troubles. Just like Ghost said back in the bar, when it comes down to it, sex is a rather uncomplicated endeavour.
Somehow, they manage to get mostly undressed and on the actual bed. Simon lies on his back with John braced above him, only heading in the opposite direction. They suck each other’s cock in a perfectly balanced ratio of giving and taking. Well, it’s a little more taking on John’s part once he finds out he can actually fuck Simon’s throat and does so with relentless vigour. Simon, however, uses the situation to his advantage, blindly grabs a bottle of lube and, without John noticing, squeezes some on his fingers before he presses them against his hole. Two at first, and he’s about as gentle about it as Trigger’s cockhead is to his throat.
John gasps and groans at the intrusion, but Ghost sucking him feels too good for him to withdraw. He takes those fingers just like he takes Simon’s prick, at least what he can actually fit into his mouth.
Soon enough, the stretch starts to feel good, and he moves back further to have more. He’s close and feels the orgasm building between his prick and his balls. He lets the cock fall from his mouth to slobber nearly unintelligible “’M close.”
Simon grabs his ass and helps him thrust deeper. He’ll have an even raspier voice for days; he knows it, yet doesn’t care. His airways are momentarily blocked, but he expected it. John grunts and then changes the rhythm to senseless rutting as he nears his peak. Simon adds another two fingers and wedges them in by force, knowing the pleasure and the tension of impending orgasm will numb the pain, morphing it into something else entirely.
John cries out, his voice breaking, and he thrusts one last time as he comes down Ghost’s throat in powerful pulses.
Simon barely lets him have a few seconds before manhandling him, throwing him off of himself and onto the mattress face-down. Once more, he reaches for the lube, slicks his prick and slides into John’s now pliant and lubed-up hole. John moans, hypersensitive and surprised, but he doesn’t move.
“Fuck yes,” Simon growls as he starts thrusting. Fast and deep, he’s way past caring. Bracing himself on John’s shoulder blades, he enjoys the hard body beneath all the more as he knows the other man could stand his ground easily. He could fight Ghost if he wanted to, and even though he wouldn’t probably win, it would be a good fight. And he shags him like that, too. With none of the gentleness and all of the respect.
John grunts and huffs beneath him, the discomfort clear in his voice, but eventually, he starts jerking his hips to meet Simon’s thrusts. His back glistens with sweat, scars starkly pale on the tanned skin. Ghost leans down and tastes the salt and musk—breathes Trigger in as he regains his focus and slows the thrusts to savour this.
Simon drags his fingers through the mohawk, grabbing a fistful of hair barely long enough to get a hold of. He lifts John’s head from the bed and motivates him with a firm tug to look over his shoulder. John’s face is flushed, his lips slick with saliva, his eyes searing despite their colour.
“That all ye’ve got, Si?” Trigger taunts, smirking. His brow furrows, and his mouth forms a pretty “O” when Ghost answers the challenge with a backstab of the pleasurable kind.
Simon can feel the tension inside him rising. The fast, punishing pace he’s set does nothing to stave it off, and he doesn’t even try to fight it. His breath is ragged and Simon groans every time he bottom out. So close…
And then it’s here, rolling over him, dragging him under as his whole body locks for a moment before the muscles seize and his heartbeat thunders in his ears. Simon collapses on top of John. It’s bloody uncomfortable, all hard muscles and hot, sweaty skin, but he barely even registers any of it.
In about ten seconds, his brain reboots, yet he still doesn’t move. Instead, he nuzzles against short hair and the mohawk. Trigger sighs; it sounds content and peaceful, so Simon continues rubbing his stubbly cheek against the trimmed hair.
“Yer a good weighted blanket, Simon,” the Scot says quietly, but there’s mirth in his voice—an almost fond edge.
Ghost hums. He wouldn’t mind staying like this longer, but the discomfort is only worsening. Eventually, Simon rolls off of John, but seeing as the other man didn’t complain so far, he grabs him and squeezes him in a firm hug. He basks in the closeness as he buries his face in the nape of John’s neck.
“Not that I’m complaining, but I haven’t pegged you for a cuddler… ‘s nice surprise,” Trigger speaks again, squeezing Simon’s hands where they hold onto him and presses even further into him.
They drift off like that, because shower can wait, and they wouldn’t be in the military if they couldn’t stand being occasionally gross and disgusting.
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I have way too many screenshots, here, have some Eurofighter Typhoon.
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Desperate times, desperate measures | ch. 7: It's all about the money
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: these two *talk*, parents beign absolute assholes, feelings, cuteness, fluff and a bit of angst as always.
A/N: i will introduce a new character in the next chapter, i just need to find the face claim. Initially, Michael B. Jordan was supposed to be a doctor, as in the movie, but as i planned the whole thing, the doctor made less and less sense... so now I need to find a face claim for an actor who will work with Page!
It's okay if you like it and all, but please... a comment is also welcomed and if you reblog it? I'll kiss you on the forehead.
If you want to be added, comment down!
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When you wake up the next morning, Jake is still in bed, his soft snores leaving his body through parted lips. You could take this moment as an advantage, run towards Emma’s room, and busy yourself to avoid the necessary talk that awaits you. But running away from the problems is not the best solution. 
You’ll have to face it sooner or later. 
The thing is, whatever the hell almost happened last night, it felt good. It’s weird, it’s rare and new, and you don’t want to dive in head first just yet. Not when there’s so much at risk. Not when you two have a baby to take care of. Maybe you can tell Jake how you feel about it, and he won’t feel like you’re rejecting him. He really seemed interested in exploring this feeling that arose between the two of you last night, but you had fallen asleep by the time he came back. Not on purpose, though. You were tired of all the activities of the day. 
“I thought you’d run away,” Jake mutters, eyes half open and voice hoarse and heavy due to the sleep. He stirs awake, the movement making the blanket fall from his chest and leaving his golden chest exposed to the morning sunlight entering through the window. 
“It wouldn’t be fair to you, right?” You question, more to yourself than to him, while sitting on the bed with your legs crossed under you. “Can we…talk?” 
Jake sighs, covering his face with his hands before sitting up and mimicking your posture. “Page, if you’re going to dump my ass, just be quick. I can take it.” 
You shake your head, catching his attention. “I don’t want to dump your ass, Jake. It doesn’t mean that I want to change our whole relationship just because of one kiss.” 
He nods, looking at his hands. “Yeah, you’re right. We should talk about it first. See what it meant to us? And how we feel.” The surprise in your face must be quite evident because he rolls his eyes and grabs a pillow that he throws at your head. “What? I can be rational too, you know.” 
“Don’t throw me a pillow, cowboy.” You warn him, sliding your hand from your lap to the pillow resting on your side. 
“What are you gonna do, darling?" 
"Hit you with a pillow." You say it matter-of-factly, raising the pillow over your head. Jake jumps off the bed and throws himself to the floor, along with the rest of the cushions that were over the bed last night. 
"You shouldn't announce your movements to the enemy." He looks at you, smirking like a hunter does when he has finally cornered his prey. 
“Enemy?” You huff, moving slowly backwards. “I thought we were a team!” 
“There’s no team in the pillow fight, Page. You should know that.” and before you even have time to answer, he's throwing all the other pillows your way, some of them—if not all—landing on your head. 
You raise your hands in surrender and only look at him when you hear him chuckle. "I give up." 
"I'll spare your life, then." Neither of you move from your spots. Not even an inch. You stay there, sitting on the floor and looking at each other, hundreds of unsaid words floating in the air between you. "I don't want us to fake that this didn't happen, Page." 
You place your arms on the mattress, needing to touch something that grounds you and assures you that this isn't a dream. Not only are you having a proper conversation with him, but he's also confessing his desire to pursue these feelings that you two seem to have for each other. 
It feels like a scene from one of your books. 
"We have Emma, Jake. This decision isn't about us anymore." 
"Emma deserves to have parents that like each other." Well, he's right on that. 
"And what do you think it is that we deserve, Jake?" You ask him, wanting to know what he truly thinks. 
You can see the corner of his lip twitching as he tries to conceal a smile. "We deserve to know what would have happened if I hadn't made that call." 
You smile softly, looking at your hands. The same ones that ache for touching his bare chest. "Maybe it was meant to happen, you know. Call it destiny."
"I don't believe in destiny, darling," he retorts, getting up from the floor and walking towards you, offering you a hand to help you stand up. "But I do believe that we can make this work."
Once you're back on two feet, you look at him, finding solace in his emerald eyes. "This doesn't even have a name."
"You're a writer, I'm sure you'll find a word for it." He mumbles, caressing your cheek and getting lost in the intensity of your eyes. He always loved them. "Can I kiss you to seal the deal?" 
You chuckle, moving your hands to rest on his shoulders. "You have been reading too many fairy tales lately." 
"Yeah, maybe it's time to start writing my own." He places his hands on your hips, bringing you closer, and leans down to press his lips against your soft ones. This kiss is different from the one you shared the night before. 
It's soft, sweet, and tender. And yet, it also leaves you craving for more. 
Jake's whole existence makes you crave more than you have. 
After a few seconds, he pulls away, licking his lips and smiling like he just won the biggest prize at the carnival. "I liked that." 
"Me too." You admit while your fingertips find their way to his neck, playing with the soft and short hairs that have been growing since he started his paternal leave. "Let's not rush it, please. It would only fuck things up, and we still have many months ahead of us…" 
He nods, kissing your forehead sweetly. "I'll try my best." 
You hear movement in the other room, letting you know that Emma is up and ready to start a new day. "Looks like the princess woke up." 
"Wait, if she's a princess, what are you? A king?" You laugh, feeling empty, when he moves away to go get Emma. 
"I'm just a peasant amazed by the presence of a princess and the beautiful queen." He says before disappearing through the door and making you smile when he uses his sweetest voice to say hi to the little girl. 
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Jake and Emma are sitting on a blanket in the grass at the back of the house hours later while you answer your emails when Olivia comes out giving you an iced tea. 
"Oh, thank you, Olivia. You didn’t have to!" She's been a sweetheart all day, and you think that maybe the initial awkwardness between Jake's family and you is over. "I didn't ask about your show. Was it good?" 
"I didn't watch it in the end," she says, sighing and sitting down next to you. "I lost track of time talking with my husband." 
"Oh, dear. I hope you get to see the chapter soon." 
"I hope so." 
The conversation ends there, and you keep answering your emails. You don't realize until a few minutes later that Olivia is still sitting there, but she's looking at the screen with gossiping intentions. "It's work stuff, you know." 
"Oh, yeah, that I gathered." 
Isn't she even a bit ashamed of having been caught snooping on someone's else's business? It doesn't seem like that, because she doesn't tear her eyes away from the screen even after being subtly called out. "Oh, you're gonna be an actress now?" 
You let out an incredulous sigh before answering. "Yeah, but I'm sure you know that already after… reading the whole mail." 
"We're family now! Your mail is my mail." She says with a gleeful expression that doesn't go well with the situation. 
"I don't think this works like that." You mutter, sending the email and closing the laptop before she can start reading another email that doesn't have to do anything with her. 
"A movie is a big opportunity, isn't it?" Olivia questions, taking a sip of her tea. 
"It's what I wanted to do before becoming a writer." You answer her as politely as you can, looking in Jake's direction and hoping that he gets to look your way and see your expression. 
"But you earn more money selling books, right?" She asks again, trying to learn more about the topic. Is she that interested in knowing how much money you earn? 
“I don’t sell books, Olivia. I write them.” 
She shakes her hand, waving it off. “You know what I mean.” 
“Can I ask why are you so interested in my… net worth?” 
She blinks, as if asking her that question surprises her. “Oh, I just want to know if you’ll have money to raise Emma alone once Jake gets tired of you.”
You stare into the distance for a solid thirty seconds before turning your whole body in your seat and looking at her. “Excuse me?” 
“Come on, dear. It’s evident that he just married you to prove something to us. He needed someone to date. He found you and the kid and saw a chance.”
You rise to your feet, making yourself big in front of her and trying to look intimidating. “Mrs. Seresin, your son and I knew each other way before you and your husband threw him an engagement ring and forced him to get engaged to someone he didn’t love.” 
Olivia scoffs, getting up from the chair, and showing in her face the same feelings that made you want to run away yesterday. “Honey, please. Don’t try to make yourself important. You’re just another pussy in my son’s dating history book.” 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You question her, tired of her antics and how she’s objectifying you. Your voice makes it to Jake’s ears, because as soon as the words leave your mouth, he’s walking in your direction with Emma in his arms. 
“Everything alright, ladies?” He asks it in plural, including his mother, but he only looks at you, worried about the possible absurdities that his mother could have said to you. 
“Oh, I don’t deserve that title, Jake. I’m just another pussy.” You repeat Olivia’s words, making her face go red. Now she’s getting embarrassed? 
“You did not say that to Page, right?” Jake asks, stepping closer to her. “Right?” 
Olivia throws the glass of ice tea to the floor, broken glass and ice cubes scattering all over the wooden floor of the patio. “And what if I did? She’s the reason why we’re going to lose the ranch! You decided to marry a famous whore rather than fulfill your duty as a son!” 
“Don’t talk about her like that, mother.” Jake warns her, raising his tone and making Emma cry a bit. She must be scared. “I didn’t want to marry someone I didn’t love, I told you.”
“We all have to marry someone we don’t love, son. Look at me and your father!” 
“Yeah, and how did that go? You hate him and us so much that you can’t even hang family pictures on the fucking walls. You hate your family!” 
“But at least I did what I was supposed to do!” Olivia is yelling at this point, making Emma cry out in fear. 
“I don’t want to form a family and hate my kids. I deserve better than that.” 
Joe walks out of the house, looking between all of you to see what is going on. “Can you stop the yelling? I can’t hear the fucking TV.” 
“Joe, can you tell your stupid son that he has to marry the Willer girl?” She keeps raising her voice, and it’s giving you a headache. You’re really close to slapping her. He just called Jake stupid, in front of you. She doesn’t care a bit about him. 
“You don’t even know her name.” Jake shakes his head in disbelief, and you can see how his heart breaks a bit more every second he keeps talking to them. He manages to soothe Emma, and she grabs his shirt in between her tiny fists. 
“I don’t need to know her fucking name because you won’t marry her! You only had one job, Jacob. You were supposed to inherit the ranch, but no, you had to go play the little soldier in the fucking plane!” Olivia is totally unhinged at this point, and you’re tired of her shit. 
“I would fucking appreciate it if you stopped talking about my husband like that.” You grab your bag that had been resting on the table next to you and rummage through it until you find the checkbook that you always carry around but don’t really use. “You want money? Is that why you were so interested in how much I gained as a writer? Say your number.” 
"Mom, you did what?” Jake shakes his head and places a hand over yours. “Please, Page. You don’t have to pay her anything.” 
“Jake, it’s nothing, I promise. I just want you to get rid of them.” You whisper, squeezing his hand. 
“Get rid of us? He should get rid of this fucking who—” Joe starts the sentence, but he stops halfway through it when Jake glares at him. 
“I’ve been waiting to punch you in the face since I was six. Give me a reason.” 
“Your number.” You repeat, looking only at Olivia. 
“750k.” She smirks, raising an eyebrow, seemingly thinking that you don’t have that amount of money. 
Little does she know that writing romance novels is more profitable than she thinks. You open your pen, swallowing a bit after you realize that this pen was Anne’s gift after you published your first novel. Seems like she’s still there for the important moments. 
You write down the amount she asked for, sign it, and before you give it to her, you take a step in her direction, raising a finger. “There’s a condition, though.” 
“What now?” She says, rolling her eyes. 
“If you talk shit about Jake one more time, I will come back, buy this fucking dunghill, and destroy everything you have fought so hard to keep.” You simply say, not raising your voice, and being as calm as you can. You’re not going to give them the satisfaction of looking affected by their actions in front of them. “Am I clear?” 
“Yes, now give me that fucking check.” Olivia mutters, not looking at you, her eyes fixed on the small piece of paper that put an end to all her problems. 
“If you grab that check,” Jake says, standing next to you, “you can forget that you have a son.” 
She raises an eyebrow, takes the check between her hands, and looks at him with scorn. “I’m sorry, who are you?” 
You place a hand on the back of Jake’s arm, grab your purse and your laptop, and move him inside the house. “Let’s get our things and leave this place.” 
“Page… I can’t return that money.” He whispers to Jake when you get to your room, looking embarrassed due to all this situation. 
You grab his face between your hands, making him look at him. “Honey, you don’t need to pay me back, okay? There’s no need to. I feel bad, though.” 
“Why?” He asks while packing the few little things you used this morning. 
“I kind of feel like I bought your freedom, you know? I just... I couldn’t stand there and see how they were treating you and how this wasn’t going to end once we were gone.” You rant while sitting down, watching as Jake takes a place next to you. 
“... would you be mad if I said my brain didn’t register anything after you said “my husband”?” He admits sheepishly looking at his hands. 
You snort at his confession. “Really, Jake?” 
“What? It was hot, okay?” 
“Did I make you horny, baby?” You joke, getting up from the bed and closing the suitcase. 
“Oh, yes, you did.” 
He grabs the two suitcases while you carry Emma in your arms. “And you were supposed to be celibate for a year?” 
“I swore fidelity, right?” He winks at you, trying to make things a bit easier. “I never said anything about us not doing things.”
“Cheeky bastard.”
You’re out of that ranch in fifteen minutes, not wanting to waste a single moment more there. They had what they always wanted. Maybe Jake would be able to live his life without having to worry about them. 
On the way home, you two finish posting the pictures on Instagram—the ones that will make your relationship public and that will let you know not only to the world but to social services as well—that you two are in a serious, loving, and real relationship. 
Now, the only thing you have to worry about is this new relationship that you two seem to be entering. 
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The instagrams
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106 notes · View notes
cherrysoulth · 3 months
What Hides In The Shadows - Chapter 7: Inference
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🩸It will show its true colours 🩸
💕Pairing: Taehyung x Reader, Jimin x reader
"What hides in the shadows will let you see who you really are."
✏️Genre/au: Vampires, Alternative universe (Future of humanity), Sci-fi, Horror, Romance, Action, Vampires vs. Hunters
✏️Rating: PG 18+, explicit
📝Word count: 4428
⚠️Chapter warnings: blood, sire bond (implicit: dominance and obedience), vampire hierarchy, rivalry, violence,
<<<𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 6 | 𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 8 >>>
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You remembered getting in the cubicle with Taehyung, cuddling in silence, and at some point you fell asleep.
In the odd feeling that dreams can be, you couldn't remember how, but you were now chasing something in the middle of the night. Only the light of the moon allowed you to see in the darkness of the deep forest where you were sliding through silently. You could hear the heavy steps over the dried leaves carpeted earth that were the main telltale for who you were running after. You could also catch on your pray’s breathing. He was scared and was starting to grow tired while your heart barely changed its pace. At the same time, you felt no joy about the whole situation. Instead, the sadness and sorrow flowed over all, your tired brain letting you feel down and willing to cry.
You could smell and feel the others, also playing the same part on the hunt party. Jungsik, being the fastest, was in charge of the wrapping. Everything was going as planned and the end was near.
Finally circling the prey, Jimin grabbed the neophyte vampire who was showing its teeth and blue as he tried to escape Jimin's grip, breathing erratic and terrified. 
"I've served you well, master. Please, please, don't do this. Please, don't kill me," begged the guy as tears of fear started dripping down his cheeks. There was a connection between you and the pleading prey, that you were unable to translate.
"There can be no exceptions." you said hoarsely, tears streaming down your face, as your heart ached for him. Just that it wasn't your voice, it was Taehyung's. You could feel the  powerful build of his body, muscles, tendons, every little fiber of his body ready to move at any change in the situation. You were in Taehyungs body and mind. ‘Everything is going to be ok,’ you added mentally. The words acting upon the vampire about to meet his end, as if he could hear you. He seemed to relax straight after.
Then you, he, pulled a knife and slid it from underneath the neophyte's chin towards his head, damaging the brain irreparably. You screamed but held into the dream, halfway in and halfway out, acknowledging the bright light coming from the ceiling. Jimin held the body, while a sob escaped Taehyung, not letting it fall but lying it down on the floor and closing his eyes with his fingers. 
"I'll carry it." offered Jungkook teary eyed. Someone was wiping your neck with a wet cloth.
"The last one." pronounced Jungsik sobbing. Jimin hugged him and he let out a pained whine before hugging back onto his cousin.
Pain teared you from the grip of your hunting nightmare. The tears from your dream had translated to reality, a mix of what you'd seen and done, and your own body aching and trembling from a high fever and something else that couldn't be described. You could feel your guts, your organs burning. Cherry's words about more pain coming your way resonated and you understood, still panicked that all of it was part of the change. That the vampire blood was still incinerating -at lack of a better word- whatever human cells were left in  you.
A heavy silence deffened your ears and the wind moving trees from the dream started taking over again for a moment. Taehyung appeared in your line of vision as you tried to look down from the ceiling but the pain was keeping your nervious sytem paralised. 
You wanted to scream but couldn't. Again. Adding to the pain with a forming knott on your throat. He was sitting on the bed, wiping the sweat off your chest and with the corner of your eye you could see his stern expression, dedicated and careful. 
There were too many things going on in your body for you to completely understand what was happening, too much pain to focus, and  you blacked out again. 
The next time you woke up, you were back in the cubicle. The only trace of what happened was that you were dressed in a clean, lily-white nightgown and had a soft, grey blanket on top while Taehyung hugged you in his sleep. 
This time, you realised you weren't alone in the room. Soft breaths surrounded you, senses sharp; disturbing, being able to tell where everyone was.
Taehyung pulled you closer, still sound asleep. The sun had started hiding down the horizon, that much you could tell, but the others seemed to be sleeping peacefully with no intention to wake up to it. In no hurry to wake Taehyung up, you gently moved his arm to the side and got out to use the bathroom. 
When you exited the bedroom, Jimin was in the kitchen, shirtless and in grey sweatpants. Your eyes unavoidably traced the muscles of his back, noticing a tattoo on his right ribs. His body was beautifully built too, sculpted. You had to give him that the second before you looked away. 
Turning around with his chin low, his magnetic stare allured you in a flirtatious way. He smiled and then put a finger to his lips, signaling you to keep quiet. Then he served a glass of warm blood for you, from a bag taken out of the machine. You were parched but tried to walk calmly towards him before grabbing the glass and giving in to it, letting it down your throat without second thoughts or care. 
It wasn't until you swallowed the last drop and breathed out that you realised something familiar in the blood. Your eyes went wide and you noticed Jimin’s unreadable expression.
"What do you think you'll do when you're alone with him and the thirst hits?" he asked you. You slapped him and charged at him without hesitation. He tried to contain your hits, as the anger boiling in you made you see red, but he didn't calculate how enhanced and taught you were until you grabbed his arm and his back met the main table then it cracked in half. You towered over him and launched your long nailed hand to his throat with a growl. But before you could attack further, the twins had rushed in, pinned you to the floor and Taehyung had ordered you to stay put. 
Cherry helped Jimin to his feet and moved to grab the robe Taehyung had taken off. At that precise moment, Taehyung was calmly folding the sleeves of his pyjama top and Jimin licked his lower lip. He took your blows that had split his lip and spilled blood over the rugs. You went slightly feral and tried to escape under Jungkook’s grip but he was stronger, by far the most built one. 
"He's mine!" you screamed. The taste of the mixed blood making tears drop down your face. Never had the taste of betrayal been so sweet.
"I told you to stay put!” growled Taehyung, showing his long fangs and his cold stare. The master command in his words hitting hard and making your muscles desist the fight against the arms pinning you. Jimin took the chance and kicked him in the stomach to get Taehyung on the floor. You saw red and surprised the twins by fighting harder; your nails digging into their arms, drawing blood.
“Let her go,” demanded Cherry. Even with that, because of the order, you weren’t able to approach the fighting males. You could only watch as they both measured their strength, tears falling silently down your cheeks. Anger, frustration, sadness, all piling up inside.
"You crossed the limits!" snapped Taehyung, before blowing a punch to Jimin, which this time reached its target under his jaw.
"Me!? You crossed them first!" Jimin twisted his hand behind his back and pushed him away. "You took her from me first!" Jimin kicked him in the ribs on his left. You heard and felt the crack but Taehyung didn't hesitate to throw another punch. You could feel his determination to set things straight with Jimin, also feel the energy exuding from him, as if it was palpable. Your will to hurt Jimin, the anger towards him, also felt very material.
"You were going to hurt her!" confessed Taehyung, angrily. 
“I thought you said you were trying to protect our kind…” replied Jimin with a smirk, skirting the blow and punching him in the stomach. They weren’t containing themselves but you knew they could be inflicting way more damage than they were doing. Still the situation felt wrong, as if you had to stop them. After all, the fight was because of you. Taehyung didn’t reply to his brother but tried to knock him down by side-kicking him in the face, yet Jimin avoided it. 
“Stop!” you finally shouted. “Stop this nonsense!” they both did, abruptly, looking at you as you cried. “I don’t even get why you guys act like this. This all-” you were overwhelmed by your own feelings again, their projected energies, and the scents coming from them. Taehyung must’ve sensed it because he approached to hug you and so did Jimin. “No. You don’t get to come near me after what you did. I don’t give two everloving fucks about your status,” you told Jimin in a cold tone, looking at him sideways. “You don’t just feed me my best friend’s blood and get away with it!” 
“Anya…” muttered Taehyung and your eyes tilted to him. “It wasn’t just Yoongi’s blood that was mixed…” It didn’t take a genius to guess what he meant after he had tried to beat the hell out of his brother but you still waited for the confirmation. "His was there too."
“Oh my god…” you covered your mouth but then finally exploded. Grabbing the nearest chair, you threw it on Jimin, who easily avoided it. It didn't break like in the movies. You had thrown it with such strength that one of the paws got stuck on the wall, turning the act of violence into almost art. It freaked you out how powerful you had become, how impossible to measure the extent  of your own strength you were. It sent a shiver down your spine. The image of what could’ve happened to Jimin if it had reached him horrifying you. But as you had those thoughts, the need to take it off on the offender took over and you launched towards him again. This time, Taehyung held you by the waist. “How dare you!?” you growled. Jimin gave a sort of puppy sad eyes as he stared at you, just for a second, before his sass displayed. 
“Well, he’s done it too and I wanted a chance… It’s very simple if you think about it,” he shrugged. Then your eyes darted to Taehyung. 
“Whatever brotherly bullshit you two have going on, keep me out of it,” you said, walking past them towards the door, slapping Taehyung's hand when he tried to stop you. “If you care or not, make your bloody mind about it. You’re confusing me by saying one thing then acting another, and I’m not staying here to play I want you- I want you not.''
As you reached for the door, the twins appeared to block you. This time the anger flowed differently than the explosive way it did before, it exuded through you, similarly to the other non-living energies in the room. It was volatile but very physical at the same time. It was like you  could touch them in an atomical level. 
Then suddenly it was like you could connect to the electricity flowing through the cables in the room with your own energy. 
Succumbing to your curiosity you went on with the flow and the lightning in the room started to flicker. This time it wasn’t tiring like breaking wood out of anger, it was light, scaryly extracorporeal, as if you were touching things with your soul, as if it could get out of control.
“Anya…?” muttered Taehyung. The twins were wide eyed. You could see your hair floating in all directions and there was a tingling sensation against your skin, making your hairs set on end too. Jimin dashed to embrace you from behind, disconnecting you, and you found yourself unable to move. He was so warm. His touch was so tender. It confused you snapping you back to a more human state. 
“I wanna leave,” you said tearing down again.
“You can’t,” countered Taehyung. “And you know why.” Jimin released you as Taehyung approached and halted in front of you. “I do care. I’m sorry if I’ve been too harsh on you. I do care,” Taehyung explained with a soft tone. “I have too. I made you. I think I’ve made my points clear,” he finished, caressing one side of your waist. You huffed and shook your head. You didn't understand.
'Why does it worry you so much that those are not romantic feelings? What did you expect? He's told you that, and you know the real reason why he turned you now. Stop. Overthinking. It. This is not a fairytale.'
“Good,” you voiced. “What about you, Jimin?” you asked, surprising both. “What is it that you want from me, huh? Why give me your blood when it’s obvious that you can’t make me do anything?” you snarked, moving out of Taehyung’s grasp to get closer. 
“You,” Jimin confessed. “I want you,” he repeated in a breathy tone and with a seductive look that set your skin on end. He was using a charm, you could tell but you understood it worked differently with your own kind. You sensed Taehyung’s breath change, a somber energy exuding from him. You darted from Jimin to return to Taehyung. Body against body. “I had to watch you for a while before I decided to do what I wanted to do. And you’re beautiful. Just like that, since I don’t hate you, I started craving you,” Jimin said, getting closer. Taehyung held a grip on your waist and you could feel him vibrate with anger. His jealousy and ownership made it crystal clear that in your bond he’d accepted the part of him that wanted you, too. Reflecting on it, it made you feel a bit objectified. You were his neophyte, his thing. Only that your natural responses were allowing his behaviour. “Just as he does.” 
“Back off, tiger,” you told Taehyung, tilting your head and looking at him sideways. His eyes bulged a little and he retreated slightly. “But what makes you think you have the right to make me drink your blood, or stick to any claim for that matter?” 
“You were tender with me when we first met just some hours ago. I saw a chance, I took it,” Jimin explained. “Males are like this in all species when they try to mate. You sure are aware of it.” 
“You are trying to mate with me. Is that what you’re saying?” you questioned, putting space between both vampires. “You are aware of how derogatory all of this sounds, right? Like I’m just a bitch you guys want to get your heat off with.” 
“No one is forcing you to do anything-” Jimin stated. “I didn’t force you to drink that blood. The fact that you didn’t even sniff it before drinking it. Coming from me, someone who wanted to turn you into a weapon against those you love, shows that you’re either stupid or simply comfortable around me. And I really think you’re smart,” he smirked. You were wide eyed and outraged. “I did not trick you. I saw an opportunity and just took a chance. I didn’t even try to hide it,” Taehyung surpassed you by getting face to face with him, in a quick move.
“You were aware she wasn’t in her full senses. She’s a newbie and you played her, that’s the end of it,” he proclaimed with a deep, harsh tone. You felt his desire to punch Jimin again.
“No,” you said, surprising Taehyung, who turned slowly to you. “He’s right. I can’t believe I’m saying this… but he’s right. I’m never unaware of my surroundings. I’ve not been recruited but I’ve been taught how to take care of myself, and I had my guard down.” you explained, Taehyung tried to speak. “No. If I wouldn’t have been comfortable with him or feared something he could do, no matter how high on my own shit I am, I would’ve still been careful. It’s what I always do. If he’s been watching me in public places, like clubs or anywhere else where I’m usually not comfortable, then he’d know I'm always careful… Now, I wasn’t…  So, he’s right,” you concluded.
“You thought you were safe and he used it against you. This is not on you, it’s on him,” Jungkook chimed in  while landing a judgemental look to Jimin, who raised a brow on him then narrowed his glare warning to which Jungkook only responded by switching his gaze to you.  
“Still though,” you muttered. “Even if I can't guess why, I let my guard down. It's a fact,” you concluded again. Yet you walked towards Jimin and without a warning you punched him in the face, making everyone else gasp but he didn't move. "I still want to shred you into pieces, but I'll take that for now." Then you grabbed his face by the chin and his eyes bulged. "Don't you ever feed me blood from anyone I know. Never again. Or I won't rest until I'm done with you." 
"Sounds fair," he whispered with a husky tone, leaning closer. Still you found yourself standing your ground but when he tried to kiss you, you placed your palm over his lips, keeping him away and you felt him smile against it.
"What do you think you are doing?" 
"Trying to kiss you," he said, leaning backwards a bit, and you felt his vibrating energy like a summer day. His scent was like recently rain upon wood and cherry blossoms. Grabbing your hand, he kissed your wrist and you felt the rest of the room containing a breath. Taehyung, still behind you, was like a hurricane about to hit the shore, making you not only pull your hand away but recoil this time. You turned around to soothe him. 
Once close to him, Taehyung looked at you with pained, angry eyes just a second enough for you to catch it, before returning to his inexpressive gaze. You unavoidably hugged him, gripping slightly on his white top and feeling the texture of his chest. The need to kiss him tickled on your lips. Unexpectedly, he leaned over, raising your chin with two fingers and went for it.
It was a breathy and shallow kiss, parted lips closing against one another while his other hand rested on your waist. Short, but it made a point. When you separated and you looked around, Jimin was fuming. Dangerous eyes set on Taehyung.  
"Uh. I'm out," you said, walking away from both to look for the fake book at the table and retrieving your phone out of it. 
"I thought you understood, I told you-" Taehyung started, approaching. 
"Put me with a babysitter. I'm not up for this," you told him, moving your eyes between him and Jimin, who showcased a surprised expression.
"We'll take care of her," offered Cherry to Taehyung, then looked at Jimin while approaching and putting her hands over your shoulders meeting your eyes. "Don't worry, sweetheart, when you come back they'll behave like the gentlemen they were raised to be," she scolded without looking at any of them. Both of them seemed to energetically back off and you felt the tension in the room start to fade.
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"You're leaving with Min Yoongi," confirmed Jimin, huffing air and looking away with a chuckle. You could easily tell that Yoongi irritated Jimin more than Taehyung did. You just couldn’t put your finger on why. 
“You can count on it,” you said to him, raising your eyes from the screen. You soon noticed the brotherly bond when Jimin exchanged a look with Taehyung. othing was said or gestured, but there was a  sort of communication. And, Taehyung's conclusion didn’t go as Jimin had wanted.
“Ok. You’ll guard her,” Taehyung said to Cherry, who smiled proudly and looked at you as if she’d been given something interesting to do. “But you’ll stay with us until past midnight,” he said to you.
Once the order was in, everyone started to scatter. Auria and Cherry went to the hallway where the bathroom was and disappeared for some time. Just as they did, Jimin went on one knee and picked a robe from one of the cubicles in the floor, where he had been resting. All the covers were still open and you were surprised you hadn't fallen inside in any moment. 
Then Jimin, as he walked out confidently, dedicated you one last turn, showing you his bare chest and a smirk. You rolled your eyes but caught a glimpse of his body, and something twisted in you. 
The twins waited until he had left the premises to start moving and seemed to have very different wishes. Jungsik left his and Jimin’s lid fall without care before leaving. Jungkook on the other hand was careful and made sure to not alter the silence that had befallen the room as he picked up the kitchen with an inhuman speed and left. 
Now, only you and Taehyung remained, and you caught him staring. He seemed upset, but you couldn't tell for sure. You thought maybe, the chemistry that existed -against your best wishes- towards his brother, bothered him. 
You moved to sit on the divan. Taehyung mimicked you but  kept a distance. You disgarded the space, scooted closer, and laid your head on his shoulder. A deep breath of relief left him. 
The girls returned shortly after. Cherry stood tall in a dress similar to the one she wore the night before. However, her hip-length hair was neatly braided and pinned back, matching the styles of a gorgeous Russian bride and a warrior Viking. Auria, on the other hand, had a delicate appearance in a green dress as if 20th century model with her thin frame and short hair in beach waves. However, her features were ruthless. 
Just as the two came out of the hallway, Yoongi stumbled in the room with a semiautomatic gun and everyone froze. 
He pointed it to Taehyung. 
"Let's go, Anya." he demanded. 
You stood to comply and he threw a bundle of clothes towards you. You grabbed it but didn't even look at it. You only kept moving his way, then shifted in front of the gun, so he had to move to relocate it towards his target but he wasn't there. You saw the girls leave through the main door at a gracious speed that made them seem like they were floating away with their long dresses. 
You pulled the gun from Yoongi and hugged him. His smell went to your nose from his throat and hit you like a train, making your fangs poke and be awkwardly aroused. You wanted to kiss him, fuck him, and bite him; all at the same time. It didn't sit well with you. You backed off. He was shocked by that, even more so when Taehyung didn't do anything after he'd threatened him. 
"There's no need for guns, she'll leave with you at midnight," Taehyung informed him, regaining part of his control over the situation. 
The fact that Yoongi had come in with one of Hoseok's weapons, like a kamikaze, with the intention to rescue you, made your heart swell. But, you felt terribly guilty and feared the consequences of it all for him. Taehyung put a hand over your stomach and got closer to your body,  choosing to be possessive at this exact moment. Yoongi moved and another hint of his smell hit you. You felt a stir inside your skin and tears started dripping down your eyes, as you fought the urge to pounce on him. "Cherry and Jungkook will come with you," Taehyung explained, with a contrasting calm tone. Yoongi wasn't surprised but he did startle you by keeping his eyes on him, as you kept crying. This time, it was Yoongi who's energy felt like a storm. Now, the idea of leaving didn't seem so attractive anymore. You were really scared of losing control and killing him. The thought made you shake. "You’re not going to hurt him. Once you've assimilated what you ingested, the need to drink him up will decrease," Taehyung whispered in your ear, still holding you.
"Why don't you just let her move on her own?" inquired Yoongi, misinterpreting the whole thing. Taehyung removed his hands off you, taking all the security you felt away. Yoongi sprinted suddenly and you clashed your back against the furthest corner in the room, hands shaking as you tried to take an impossible hold on the wall. The distress and your wild energy floating around your body touched the power lines behind the walls and the lights started flickering. 
"Anya…" said Taehyung. "Breathe," he whispered through the buzz of the electricity that you could hear. There was something distracting in it that you held onto. Then, all the lights went off. "Anya?" you felt like you were still pinned to the wall, connected, recharged on a very powerful energy. 
Then you felt a touch, a hand settling on your cheek as full lips parted yours for a quiet kiss. Tongue snaking to touch the middle of both, inserting its taste in your mouth. The moist, breathed air and the promise of breathtaking kisses before it was gone. 
Your knees failed and you fell on them on the floor, bringing the power back. Taehyung approached with Yoongi to assist you up. Yoongi was less tempting in regards to his blood, as your skin burned and tingled after the mysterious kiss. Taehyung exuded the musk and whipped cream scent again and his pupils were wide with desire. You realised you were aroused, again, and he had definitely caught on your scent. And, it seemed with Yoongi, who helped you to your feet, displayed  the same desire. 
You wanted them both but didn't wanna do them both. So, you rushed out and darted towards the bathroom. You climbed into the shower, cold setting, and you gasped, leaving was a good idea after all. Why did Jimin kiss you like that? 
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🩸Why did it taste so sweet?🩸
How much you like? Let me know your thoughts and reblog. If you dare... 😈
I'll see your little fangs in two weeks! ❤️
Big thanks to @/heathfritillary for doing the beta for this chapter. 💜
Taglist: @taebangtanbabe
© 2021-2024 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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13 notes · View notes
"Sword Fight" short comic
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Lol, more Philomina content.
I drew this in my handheld calendar so that's why there's spotted lines.
For this comic, I was really inspired by the fights in Dandadan(great manga, though a very surprising first chapter). Paneling, perspective, foreshortening, speed lines, dynamic posing, I did my best in incorporating all those in this here mini comic. There's a lot of cut corners, like how Phil and Blade seem to be battling in a white void, and where the heck both their swords have gone, too. Next time, I'll draw the background so the space doesn't feel so barren!
I'm very proud of panel 7. In manga, I love how characters are sometime drawn out of frame to showcase speed or power. In this case, Phil looks like she's jumping into the frame to show her speed to the reader! It's just really neat. Hopefully, the way she's posing guides the readers to the next few panels. Also, the way Blade is flying backwards and the way the onomatopoeia "BAM" is drawn just accentuates the force behind Phil's kick, with the speed lines and negative space attracting your eyes to her shoes 😌 Absolute chef's kiss imo.
Honestly, this is the first time I've ever drawn Blade, so I don't really know if I did the man justice in the handsome department 😅. I didn't draw his mouth most of the time because I wanted his eyes to do the talking. I tried my best to draw him as a beast of sorts with determined and crazed eyes looking only at his prey, in this case Philomina(who we sometimes take the perspective of). His focused expression only falters when Phil does something that surprises him.
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I don't know if I showcased it well in the comic but Phil is using her rapier to pierce through Blade and curving the rapier's blade to stab him multiple times in order to restrict his movements(panel 5). Then after that, Phil has the rapier spiral behind Blade to an unrecorded amount of length hence the star. Then, while Blade is confused because he's never fought an opponent who's done this before, Phil kicks him in the gut real hard, the force pushing him back. And you know what's behind him? That's right, a spiraling blade that breaks if applied too much pressure to the sides of it. So while, Blade is being kicked by Phil, he's also getting sliced up in the back by multiple shattered pieces of the rapier's blade. And because Phil is significantly smaller than Blade, she won't sustain as bad of injuries as him.
Little tidbit: Philomina despises the Stellaron Hunters. She believes that the actions they've done are unorthodox and vehemently believes that there are other options in changing fate than committing crimes. Speaking of fate, she doesn't believe it at all. Phil believes that the future can never be predetermined and claims that prophecies are psychological traps that prevent people from recognizing other options than what was shown to them by "fate". You can see why she has vendetta against Elio of the Stellaron Hunters. By looking into the future, you are cementing that future as the only option forward.
Because of that, she doesn't believe the Finality is actually real(never has she seen such evidence aside from stories from the Creed Exequys and Omen Vanguards) and argues a lot with a pink-haired master diviner from the Xianzhou Luofu.
7 notes · View notes
vixnovacoda · 1 month
Doctor's Medicine || Chapter 11
Hannibal Lecter x Original Character
Word Count: ~2k
CW/TW: NSFW 18+, graphic, disturbing content, dissociation, canon-typical violence.
[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][Chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5][Chapter 6][Chapter 7][Chapter 8][Chapter 9][Chapter 10]
[ao3 version here]
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They were barely through the second glass when Hannibal tried to change the topic from favourite wine flavours and European countrysides. He lowered the wine from his lips, holding it how a trained hand would. “We’ve yet to touch upon the subject of your parents,” he said abruptly. 
   “Or yours,” returned Emma with the clashing of her nails against her wine glass resounding loud against the vastness that was Hannibal’s living room and its gothic decadence. The whole place was decadent, an oasis in concrete, filth-filled Baltimore - there was no sensible way that being a psychiatrist paid for this all on its own. It was made clear then that she didn’t know him well at all. Just bits of him.
   He took his time drinking, body turned to face her as he sat upright and perfectly poised on the other end of the sofa. The whole time, he sipped while she gulped. Not once had he broken form like a careful man being a gentleman with nothing to give away. “You don’t like opening up, do you?” assumed Emma.
   Then it broke briefly. Hannibal looked away from her. She could barely see the look in his eye, but it was clear enough by how he chose to focus on the skulls of dead prey, their lives having been taken away from man to be used as decoration, that he was questioning something. Maybe letting her inside this room while he had still been awake. It wasn’t clear what exactly. It was never always clear with him. Hannibal Lecter, the man who chooses horse hooves for chair feet. The man who designed his living room to be a forest; his hunting grounds. A place meant for calmness or to take home a meal. But she knew she said something he wasn’t expecting.
   “Then in that, we share,” came to utter Hannibal unexpectedly.
   “I suppose,” responded her. “However, I just simply don’t like getting close to people.” She lingered on him as the open fire painted the contours of his face like it were some greco-roman sculpture. If his head wasn’t so attached to his body she’d donate it to sit amongst the greats at a museum. “… Not anymore.”
   “Am I not ‘people’?” asked Hannibal in his usual manner, in his usual way that had you giving more of yourself up to him than he ever would; charming. Hannibal’s words were a bait she openly ate from.
   “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
   His head slanted, ever curious. “And what is your assumption so far?”
   The details of his sculpted lines turned less blurred. “A hunter,” she answered, her hand grabbing the back of the sofa between them as her body shifted closer. “You wait. You watch with care. You stand in a world of prey and take the ones you need in search of something, maybe you enjoy it, maybe it brings you calm. Either way, you’re alone.”
   “I am?”
   “It’s hard to find someone willing to hunt alongside.”
   The firewood crackled in the silence where they were at a stand still. Embers broke and sparks flittered, seen reflected in the only clear thing of that man she called a hunter, his eyes. Deep, dark forces of nature. Flecks of red. So much red in them. So… familiar.
   A bathtub, marbled by blood spilling, pouring over under my knees. I sit in it. I stare. There’s the body, then me. Fingers dip like toes in water, testing the climate. Eyes float to the surface. Iris of blue turned a glaring red. I bend closer, and it almost bleeds into my own.
   A hunger.
   That’s what it was. She had seen it before back in that house she was supposed to call home. Years passed where she might have almost forgotten. But, how could she when he was right there in front of her to remind her. Hannibal had that same look in his eyes, she was sure, and not a reflection like Will. Just, similar. Which meant he was one of the only people that understood her and what she felt. He had to. He just—
   With a grip larger than her own, Hannibal coerced the half-empty glass from her teetering grasp before she could taint the expensive upholstery or the remnants of his stripped-down suit – in which the shirt (a couple buttons undone) and trousers remained – and there she remained without moving an inch. Any closer and their knees would be touching. Then, a buzzing, tingling. A warmth filled her cheeks. She couldn’t help herself, but what was she doing? She barely knew this man she labelled as a friend mere hours ago. 
   Embarrassment swallowed whatever feeling she had while reality came rearing its head in. “But, what do I know? Maybe I am just projecting,” Emma stammered and lurched herself back, resting her tiring body over what was her side of the furniture. “Or deflecting the original question. After all, there's a lot of revealing oneself in discussing parentage, no hiding from the truth where the pieces come together. Even when buried, it never dies.” Though she wished it did. Then none of this would ever have happened. No pain. No tragedy. No dead Alex.
   The alcohol made light work with her, festering in all the nooks and crannies of her body, and the unrest fashioned lead from her frame as she slumped with a heave, spine curving against the armrest. Emma never believed in spirits, but as her heart felt cold while the tips of her fingers and the fireplace burnt, she might have sworn it was Alex. But she would never be so cruel to leave Emma at odds and staring at where heaven laid between the clouds that was Hannibal's ceiling for an answer. It had been this way not too long ago in the spare bedroom Hannibal had provided. Wide-eyed and brain ticking, she had stared at that ceiling. Unable to sleep, Emma was the one to search for the bottom of a bottle and Hannibal the one who indulged her thirst by uncorking a vintage when he probably shouldn’t have. 
   “Why are we still awake?” questioned Emma. Why am I alive?
   Hannibal’s voice waded through the confused silence like an echo. “I think only you can answer that one.” Followed by the pour of more wine. Drop after drop.
   It wasn’t a difficult answer when there was pause and alcohol in the air and the warmth of another who was in reach. She knew, like she had never known before. “… Company,” admitted her with newfound lucidity being consciously aware could never give her. “The world sounds different when I’m with you.”
   “What does it sound like?”
   “Like… Like a symphony.”
   The sofa sighed under the shifting of his weight as she swore he moved closer. “Harmony. When the right notes mix with the right instruments under the direction of the conductor, it is a cacophony of delight that is profound to the senses,” assuaged Hannibal.
   Makes a part of you from deep inside feel as if you could finally breathe , added Emma mid-thought.
   “Everything in sync. Everything right.”
   “See, you understand.” Too drunk with enlightenment under her breath to care, Emma threw herself upright to the rhythm of a bounce and eureka. “You’re the only one who sees me. Is it so bad to want to understand why? To be curious as to what you have buried when you’ve already begun digging up mine? Tell me anything of your parents, then I shall tell you mine. Is that so hard?” pressed Emma as she leaned forward, hunching slightly like a blind beggar to assuage and bend his gaze from above as predators pretending to be as innocent as prey ought to often do. This was the time. She was sure. He’d finally give a little; a test to their bond. To their friendship. Or whatever it was that they had and pretending was friendship. Survival.
   He looked at her.
   She looked back.
   And there was that look again. That hunger . When was the last time either of them had consumed? Too long, but Emma’s hunger was stronger, enough to beat Hannibal by a mile. He sighed through seething teeth. Just this once. That’s all she needed. That’s all she’ll get. “It was snowing the last time I saw them. Our home was covered in thick layers of its pure colour that you could barely see the horizon at dawn. A guise of innocent ongoings, one might say, or the blessing of god,” divulged Hannibbal, straining, like he was slicing off a part of him and serving it up to her raw on a platter. The act softened her. It was the closest she had gotten to understanding him, and sure, he could have been lying to get her to divulge something deeply personal. But only God would do that and he wasn’t God. He was far better than Him.
   Emma swallowed the hardened lump of salt in her throat. “There was a storm when my mother was murdered. It flooded our moors like an ocean. No one could leave,” she confessed.
   “Did you think it a blessing?” he asked.
   “Did you?”
   They stared amidst a revealing quiet, their eyes piercing through reflections.
   “Death is no blessing. It is just death,” spoke Emma through dry lips, suddenly more thirsty than she’d ever been.
   Hannibal slid her lipstick-stained glass across the table.  “I find that it is an end and a beginning.”
   “That’s one way to think about it, certainly.” Nodded along Emma half-heartedly and took glass to mouth; rapid and fast. Anything to completely satiate herself to completion. It wasn’t often she had told someone about her mother and she did not like this strange feeling that came to occupy her because of it. This bitter bile stuck within her like a rot, like a shame. Her fist clenched the wine glass stem with ferociousness. “I prefer to just let death be death.”
   “My, you really are a persistent force in the face of a battle, Emma Darcy,” commented Hannibal, with his sliver of admiration seeming all too genuine.
   Suddenly smiling and all too proud, Emma said, “I get that a lot. People are often surprised to find how unwilling I am to lie down and play dead.” She raised her glass almost triumphantly as she pushed down the rising rot.
   “And nor should you be forced to be something you are not.” Peering past the lip of the glass, she could see the beginnings of a smug smile like he knew something she didn’t. But, no sooner than downing the wine glass’s remains did the red liquid wash away the sight and her vision blur around the corners with a swallow. Light-headed and weightless. Unaware and buzzing. She didn’t seek to stop. The alcohol numbed the pain of her chrysalis – the pain that followed her existence, the pain she had come to stop. The change that was the end of her. Though it was less of a change or evolution and more of a breaking free from an ill-fitted cage.
   “Emma, are you still there?” came the sound of Hannibal’s dulcet voice, distant and far off, ringing and echoing, come to pull her back to the surface.
   “Yes.” She tried to follow it. Dragging, squeezing. Rising, and rising, and, then, free. Blinking away an old layer of a blurred world and struggling to centre her body upright, she repeats herself with a newfound conviction. “Yes, I always have been.”
   With reality rearing back in, she could feel the palm of his hand on her forehead, the other on the small of her back, as the warmth of his body melding with the closeness of hers. The beginning of early daylight cracked into rays behind Hannibal’s head and seeped into the smile that flitted across his lips. This version of herself, the one that had been begging to be let out – the one that found an easy way through the cracks of drunkenness – owed its life to him, and she matched his delight with awe and thankfulness at her saviour.
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holylustration · 7 months
Index of Works & Art
Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Fanfiction
Predator & Prey - A reworking of Chapter 4 of the Rogue Trader CRPG, focusing on the Marazhai Aezyrraesh and Rogue Trader romance to make it more Iconoclast-astic. There's also plenty of mutual pining between the Rogue Trader and Heinrix van Calox to go around. I tongue-in-cheek call the story an "I can fix it!" romance, since that's what my Iconoclast Rogue Trader wanted to do, but there's much more nuance to it than that. Themes are heavy, and there is violence and heavy sexual content. WIP.
My Knight So Daring - An Imperial Knight!Heinrix x Noble!Rogue Trader AU. It features Heinrix van Calox not as the Interrogator we know and love, but as a fearsome Knight pilot and sworn to marry a woman from the planet he just helped conquer. If you love some enemies to lovers romance and arranged marriage tropes, I think you'll like this. Heavy sexual content. WIP.
My Blood & My Right - A short story of love and dynasties between two famed Rogue Traders of the Koronus Expanse: the scion of the von Valancius family and Calligos Winterscale. Heavy sexual content. Complete.
When Stars Collide - An alternate ending to Chapter 9 of Predator & Prey. Featuring a one-night-stand between the Rogue Trader and Calligos Winterscale. Heavy sexual content. Complete.
To Worship at the Altar - An alternate ending to Chapter 11 of Predator & Prey. The Rogue Trader was always Heinrix van Calox's to lose in the main storyline, and he comes to his senses here. Heavy sexual content. Complete.
Long Have I Waited, Long Have I Loved - A one-shot, featuring Lord Inquisitor Heinrix van Calox worrying over the fate of his favorite Interrogator. Written for Skolas. Heavy sexual content. Complete.
The Lady and the Mouse - A sweet one-shot featuring Lady Cassia Orsellio and the Rogue Trader. The Rogue Trader thinks he's found a gift to help Lady Cassia settle into life aboard his void ship. Complete.
A Hunter's Ballad - A two-shot, featuring Calligos Winterscale and the Rogue Trader. Lord Winterscale invites Lady von Valancius on a hunt, and finds she needs the break as much as he does. Written for Aparima. Part 1 is sweet. Part 2 has heavy sexual content. Complete.
A Lonely Stage - An angsty one-shot, featuring Marazhai Aezyrraesh trying to put his past to rest before he can become a Harlequin. Written for Pallysuune. Heavy sexual content. Complete.
Of Fools and Stars - A one shot featuring Lienna von Valancius and Marazhai Aezyrraesh. Marazhai has been injured and the Lord Captain tends to his needs. Written for Indigo Scribbles. Heavy sexual content. Complete.
Choices - A one-shot, featuring Elena Caelys and Lord Inquisitor Heinrix van Calox and showcasing the events that culminated in their relationship. If you like the trapped in a cave while it is raining outside trope, you will like this. Written for Skolas. Heavy sexual content. Complete.
Of the Earth - A one-shot, featuring Melianna von Valancius and Heinrix van Calox. It is the sex pollen trope: that's really all you need to know. Written for Pallysuune. Heavy sexual content. Complete.
Paper Flowers - The Lord Captain has heard it is Cassia Orsellio's birthday. Only, he doesn't have a gift for her. He'll have to change that. Complete.
Paint Dreams - The Lord Captain has been summoned by his Cassia Orsellio to help with some important task. Lord Edmant von Valancius is ready for anything. Complete.
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Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Drabbles
Kiss Prompt #47: ...out of spite (Aurelia/Calligos)
Kiss Prompt #36: ...to give up control (Aurelia/Calligos)
Kiss Prompt #38: ...because they're running out of time (Aurelia/Heinrix)
Kiss Prompt #3 & #42: ...goodbye and ...out of pride (Aurelia/Heinrix)
Kiss Prompt #44: ...out of lust (Aurelia/Heinrix)
Kiss Prompt #7: ...to shut them up (Aurelia/Heinrix)
Kiss Prompt #24: ...in danger (Aurelia/Marazhai)
Kiss Prompt #23: ...in relief (Aurelia/Marazhai)
Kiss Prompt #17: ...to distract (Aurelia/Nocturne of Oblivion)
Kiss Prompt #36, #16 & #20: ...to give up control; ...in grief; and ...on a scar (Gisla/Alaric; Aurelia/Heinrix)
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Aurelia & Marazhai from Chapter 25 by MaggotKnight
Aurelia & Marazhai from Chapter 12 by CadenceSpark
Aurelia & Marazhai by Ziorre
Aurelia & Knight Pilot Heinrix by MaggotKnight
Tiberius & Heinrix (Chapter 10 of MKSD) by Sanzosin
Aurelia von Valancius portrait by Arcandoria
Do Drukhari Dance? (feat. Marazhai & Aurelia) by Sanzosin
Aurelia & Marazhai by Nananarc
Merelia (Mermaid Aurelia!) by Darka-art
Guisorn III Wedding Bells (feat. Heinrix & Aurelia) by Skolas
Aurelia in Blue by Darka-art
Aurelia on Steed by Cadencespark
Hark! A Knight Intuition (feat. Heinrix & Aurelia) by Archtech-Fox
Rogue Trader & Master of Whispers (feat. Marazhai & Aurelia) by Indigo Scribbles
Aurelia von Valancius Portrait by Skolas
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omgkatherine01 · 1 year
Dream Girl: Chapter 8 - A Way In
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 7, Chapter 9
Pairing: Neytiri x female reader
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Neytiri had started to help you bond more with your banshee as the days passed, and in turn, the two of you grew closer, much to Tsu'tey's annoyance.
As the both of you flew above the clouds, you glanced down to the ground when Neytiri led you somewhere. You frowned as you spotted something.
It was a strange rock structure making a sort of shell of various arches over a huge tree. The tree was in the center of a clearing and glowed with a gentle purple light.
"The Tree of Souls," Grace explained to you while the both of you, Norm and Trudy were looking at the screen as the tree you saw. You watched it as you were eating because Grace's annoying motherly tone. "It's their most sacred place. See the Flux Vortex in these false color images?"
"Yeah, that's what messes up my instruments," Trudy said.
"There is something really interesting going on in there biologically," Grace said, "I would die to get samples. Outsiders are strictly forbidden."
"Quick question," you said, "From what you aiming, they connect with Eywa there, right?"
"Well, what they think is Eywa," Norm said, and glanced at Grace to see if she would correct him. "They think they can communicate with their ancestors through the tree's. They're probably linking up to the same system that all the other plants and animals in the jungle seem to be on, and the result is a sort of cacophony of experiences and sounds. It would be enough to make anyone think that something spiritual was happening."
You glanced at Grace and she nodded lightly. "Well, isn't it?" you asked, and she and Norm glanced at you. "I mean, every living thing in a jungle being connected like that, sure sounds spiritual to me."
"It's true that we haven't found the exact scientific reason it's happening," Grace said, "But I'm sure, given enough time and funding, we could pin something down. Remember, people thought Heaven was sitting on clouds until we invented airplanes. We've only been studying Pandora for a couple of years, and not nearly at the level I'd like to."
You tilted your head as your eyes moved back to the screen.
The next day, Neytiri and you were flying along a forested ridge. She was teaching you to hunt from your banshee. You were all carrying your bows, scanning below you for prey when you hit one, to Neytiri's delight.
But your happy day was cut short when the both of you flew alone during the day and a huge shadow covered you and your ikran.
Neytiri frowned and quickly looked above you before quickly shouting you a warning, "Ma, y/n!"
You immediately looked toward her and followed her gaze up quickly. A Leonopteryx dove straight at you. A banshee, only several times larger, it is the king predator of the air: the great Leonopteryx. Striped scarlet, yellow and black, with a midnight blue crested head it is both gorgeous and terrifying.
The hunter became the prey.
"Dive!" you shouted, and your ikran immediately did as told and Neytiri with her ikran. The Leonopteryx missed you and followed the both of you through the forest until it stopped because the branches stopped it because of the beast's size.
It let out an angry screech before it flew away. Yours and Neytiri's ikran landed on one of the trees, and you both calmed them down as you tried to catch your breath.
"It's okay, shh," you said to your ikran softly as you petted his side. You looked at Neytiri and she glanced back at you, her face showed a shock experssion.
Oh, my God.
That was what you thought and couldn't help but laugh at that and the thought that you just survived almost getting eaten. Neytiri started to laugh as well.
Later that day, when the sun settled down, Neytiri and you were back at Hometree at night, standing by the fire as you looked up at a massive skull atop a totem, which was the great Leonopteryx. Neytiri watched as you reached up and touched the skull's teeth.
"Our guys call it a Great Leonopteryx," you told her.
Neytiri tilted her head lightly and explained softly, "It is Toruk. Last Shadow." She moved closer and looked at the skull. "My grandfather's grandfather was Toruk Macto. Rider of Last Shadow."
You glanced to her and then back at the skull, "He rode it?" you asked.
"Toruk chose him," she explained, "It has only happened five times since the time of the First Songs."
You looked at her, "That's a long time."
"Yes," she agreed, "Toruk Macto was mighty. He brought the clans together in a time of great sorrow. All Na'vi people know the story."
You glanced at her and then looked over her shoulder to see Mo'at and Eytukan speaking as they were walking by. Neytiri followed your gaze at her parents and looked at you.
You looked at her to explain, "I was hoping, I could speak to your parents, about bringing Grace and my friend Norm over... maybe... even my brother, Jake."
She didn't say anything for a moment but then she nodded and led to you to them. They turned to you when she called out for them. "I wanted to ask you something," you started and glanced at Neytiri before at them, "I was hoping to speak to you about Grace."
Mo'at glanced at her husband and quickly at you, "She is not welcomed here," she said.
"I was hoping I could change your mind," you admitted, "Grace really misses the village. Her students, you and your family, everyone here. She really did try her best to protect the kids. Your daughter. She's not a bad person, I've known her for years."
"You have great love for her," Mo'at stated with a nod, but after a moment she shook her head, "But we cannot forget nor forgive for what happened."
"You don't have to forget what happened or forgive for who did it," you said softly, "But you could watch Grace, and you will see she is not like those who harmed you. I know two more people that would love to join and see from up close how it feels to be walking here by your side, to see what I see. They're good people, just like Grace."
Mo'at thought for a moment before she spoke, "And who are those others?"
"One of them is a good friend of mine, and the other... is my brother. Jake."
The leaders looked at their daughter, and she nodded, hoping they would agree. They exchanged a long look with each other, and Eytukan nodded. Mo'at nodded and looked at you, "You may bring them here."
You stared at them in surprise and relief, and they walked away. You turned to Neytiri and she grinned, which made you smile.
When you were back to your human body, you opened the link pod and grinned up at Grace. She raised an eyebrow, "I don't know if I like that grin."
"You should," you said as you sat up. You looked at her, "I just got you a ticket in that calls 'welcome back to the village'." You stood up as her face turned shocked.
"What?" she asked quietly.
"Yeah," you said, still smiling. "You're welcome back to the village. Talked to Mo'at, and it's okay now."
Your smile disappeared a little and you frowned a little in concern as you noticed her eyes watering. "What's wrong?" you asked as Norm walked in, "I--I thought you wanted--"
She cut you off when she moved closer and pulled you gently into an embrace. You hugged her back, letting a soft smile appear on your lips.
"You're going to get to see them all again, Grace," you said softly.
"See who?" Norm asked, "What's going on?"
Grace and you pulled out from the hug. You noticed some tears slipped down from her cheeks and she quickly brushed them away. "I'm going back," she said softly, and you nodded.
"You're going back," you agreed softly and looked at Norm who was staring in shock. "And I also got a way in for Norm, and--"
"Are you serious?" he asked, stepping closer, staring at you in disbelief but his eyes showed excitement.
"Yes," you answered, "I'm sure Mo'at is looking forward to meeting you."
"Oh, my--" he cut himself off, "I'm going to pass out. I think, I will pass out!"
You chuckled softly and he pulled you into a tight hug, lifting you up from the floor, "Oh, thank you!" he said, laughing.
He placed you down on your feet and you nodded, "No problem... but, uh, I also..." you trailed off and looked at Grace, "I asked for Jake to join for that trip."
"Wait, what?" Norm asked as their smiles disappeared. "Y/n--"
"I know," you said, "I just... I want to give it a second chance, for me and him." You looked at Grace, "He's my brother. I need it to work, because... I don't want to lose him."
Grace stared at you for a moment before she nodded with agreement. "All right. One last chance for him."
"Hey, I'm--I'm glad you called," Jake said, giving you a smile.
"I'm glad to see you," you admitted, "It feels like it's been a while."
"Feels the same," he said with a nod.
You took a deep breath before speaking, "Look, I--I'm going to cut straight to what I want to say." Jake nodded. "I want you here, with me, with us. Here at the Hallelujah Mountains, and--and at the village, but this all deal with Quaritch needs to disappear."
"You can get me into the village?" he asked in surprise.
You nodded, "Yeah. But you have to promise me, you won't do anything that will make me regret it."
He seemed hesitated for a second before nodding, "Yeah, okay." You didn't knew that Quaritch and Selfridge were behind the screen, nodding to him with approval. "Where to go?"
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childlikegoblinqueen · 8 months
SCOM Next Chapter Preview:
A little angst with a sprinkle of Adrian.
Next chapter will be another longer one (trying to move the story along!) It will wrap Severine's hearing -- but as one might have gathered, it will begin with a flashback.
Severine was asked many things, but ahead of Hunter appearing as a character witness, she was asked if she every outwardly was on record displaying dislike for Hunter.
And Hunter knew exactly what she would say.
We met Severine and Adrian (officially with a speaking role) in the same episode -- and their presence in Hunter's memory is also intertwined with first meetings.
Preview below.
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“What have we here?” A tall thin guard captain appeared from behind a snow covered tree. His face was covered, as was customary for these exercises – but he had a tail that peaked from under his white cloak. The tufted tip twitched with interest. 
Hunter spun around from the rock he’d been hiding behind. He lowered the beak of his scout mask further over his face, and held a hand over a blade at his side.
The figure chuckled, moving closer and then around the small encampment Hunter had set up for his watch. Face covering or not, Hunter was certain that this witch had eyes locked on his prey, the small scout that everyone still called “Recruit” even though he’d been a full member of the Coven since his branding at age 7. 
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