#Charles Xavier deserves everything
mystiquesvendetta · 7 months
Can we talk about how everyone, Raven especially, sees Charles as this naïve, arrogant and credulous man who hopes for the betterment of the world while being “ignorant” to its faults when in reality if anything he is the LEAST naïve one of them all.
He’s had to grow up and deal with the weight of hearing everyone’s most violent, disturbing, disgusting and innapropriate thoughts and yet he STILL has hope. That’s the complete opposite of ignorant if I’ve ever seen it. He may have unrealistic expectations when it comes to bigotry and equality and all that but how can one still have hope for a world when he sees just how hopeless its society is on a basis?
There was a holiday fic collection I read where on Father’s Day (ode to his comic backstory) he found himself in his fathers study telling Erik about how his father had passed. In this adaptation it was suicide, talking about how he could feel nothing inside the body, the mind, but complete emptiness. It went into how both of them know just as well as the other how deep and harmful the darkness that can encompass one can grow to be. How Charles’ darkness and grief and negative intrusive thoughts could be worse than Erik’s, if anything rival it. Everyone in the original movie series sees Charles as this hopeful, ignorant man wanting to change the word and its ideologies himself, and it pains me that so many people see and write Charles as this truly (in Erik’s own words) naïve man, when in reality he’s the most aware one can be of the humans and society as a whole’s, faults.
This also goes into Charles is powerful as FUCK and could kill anyone in a split second at the stop of a heartbeat but rarely if ever uses that ability. Raven accusing Charles of so much in Dark Phoenix, along with Hank, later, truly breaks me because he’s always been looking out for everyone and never does anything for his own gain.
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(Fic is the Father’s Day one in Holiday Fic collection by luninosity on ao3)
Thanks for listening to my daily Cherik rant.
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 months
My Idea for a Live-Action X-Men Movie...
Thinking... how can we introduce the X-Men into live action, whether through movie, tv show, limited series, etc. ... and I have an idea.
Let's start in media res.
Charles Xavier's School for the Gifted has been active for the past few years, however with a small class size of seven. Scott. Jean. Bobby. Hank. Warren. Alex. Lorna. Despite only consisting of seven students, due to Xavier's wealth he has been able to keep his school open and thriving since the beginning.
However that has changed as the size of his class has dropped from seven to one after a botched mission led to the capture of his students save one, Scott Summers.
And the opening scene is Xavier sitting in his mansion, worried, waiting, until Scott kicks his door down, tells them his team is gone, and passes out due to exhaustion.
We then pick up on our narrator for the movie, the character whose eyes we will be seeing the entire movie take place through, stepping off a plane and into JFK airport...
Ororo Munroe. Storm.
She had travelled from her home in Africa seemingly on a whim, as if drawn there by fate, and - unsure where to go or what to do next - she goes to a nearby bar to make her next plan.
Who should happen to sit next to her but a short, hairy man in a cowboy hat and a thick, Canadian accent?
Ororo, meet Logan. They do not hit it off.
She does happen to hit it off with the soft spoken Russian man who is reading poetry at the other end of the bar - Piotr Rasputin - and the bartender, a Native American man - James Proudstar - who wasn't supposed to be working that day but traded shifts with his roommate.
While they are all gathered there they hear a voice in their heads and turn around to see Charles Xavier, a man they all recognize and all soon realize is the reason they are now gathered together in this bar. At first they all want to leave but Xavier implores them to at least first hear him out, which they agree to do, but he tells them he won't start until the final member of their group is here.
Cue shouts and gunfire as Kurt - Nightcrawler - runs, leaps, and teleports across the airport in all his blueness.
Xavier manages to calm the crowd however not before one of the security guards manages to call in that the threat is a mutant and it's a race to grab Kurt before reinformcements arrive. But wouldn't you know it the group is not the best team yet and the reinforcements do arrive in the form of Sentinels.
It seems like all hope is lost when, out of nowhere, a stray quartz-colored beam blows one of the Sentinels apart and allows the group a moment to escape. They regroup in Xavier's car, which had been where Scott was waiting while Xavier gathered the others.
They return to the mansion where Xavier explains what happens to his team, that they were responding to a mutant in distress on an island that had ultimately been a trap - with only Scott escaping. The group has been gathered together to help Xavier and Scott rescue their teammates.
It's mostly a resounding no. Piotr would rather be at home on the farm. James has to go searching for a new job since he undoubtedly got fired from the bar for leaving during shift hours. Logan is "not a team player" and believes that the team is most likely dead anyway. Kurt is game but he is also "not the best fighter".
Ororo also agrees to help.
That surprises everyone. She says that while the circumstances that brought them together were underhanded, she cannot sit idly by while innocent people, people like her with a mutant gene, are in danger. Not just those on the island, who they are tasked with rescuing, but around the world especially since Sentinels have become standard issue around the world. While she does not see herself being a full-time member, she knows that the team Xavier had protected mutants like them from these threats and, with them gone, who will protect their community now?
Xavier tells them that, after they help rescue his original team, they would be free to leave and do what they want with their lives as they please.
Piotr is in. So is James. Logan sighs and agrees, "Since I don't want to be the odd one out." They agree to go save the others. Scott says, however, that before they can mount the rescue mission, they need to become a team first - referencing their battle at the airport and how they need to improve.
They agree to train.
Meanwhile, on the island, we see that there is a Master Mold along with Trask and scientists working on creating the next model of Sentinels in their ongoing war against mutants using the captured mutants from Xavier's Academy as test subjects. The scientists are just as much as prisoners as the X-Men, however, as they were led to the island on false pretenses and forced to work for Master Mold who had, unbenknownst to everyone until the final act, had taken over Trask and controls him as a puppet.
A few of these scientists came with their families. One of these families were the Prydes. Katherine Anne Pryde is seen as a non-threat by both Master Mold and Trask, and is able to freely wander the island as well as speak with the prisoners because, since everything is monitored and she is twelve, she cannot do anything to disrupt the mission. We learn from this scene that Master Mold is on the cusp of unveiling a new breed of Sentinel that, using the schematics pulled from Jean's mind, would be able to track mutants anywhere without needing to be called in. It was luck that the X-Men arrived on their island, fell into their trap.
Meanwhile back in Westchester, NY, this new team of X-Men are having a hard time at coming together to work as a team, which is making Scott mad. He and Logan almost come to blows if not for Piotr stepping between them to break things up. They both step away to cool off.
Ororo decides to speak with both of them. First, she goes to Scott, and tells him that he is not being a good leader. They have a heart to heart where he confesses that his friends are his family, and Jean... he has a lot riding on this being a success, and this is as new to him as it is new to them. He is not used to working with people he hasn't grown up with. Ororo tells him that he needs to lead from a place of love and courage, and not fear. Then, she goes to find Logan to see that he is brushing off Kurt rather coldly and Ororo does not wait to take him to task on his loner attitude. They clash a bit before Ororo tells him to get his act together or just leave, as it shouldn't matter to him what they think if he really doesn't care.
They all agree to do another training session, only they never get the chance as Xavier tells them it is now or never as there was a spike of pain from the same island his first team was lost, and that cannot mean anything good. The heroes go to get suited up and fly to the island base.
Master Mold is ready to create his new breed of Sentinels and it looks like they are a success, as they have been fitted with new upgrades. He activates a few and they immediately power online with the alert that there is a mutant among them.
All eyes turn to Katherine Anne Pryde. Kitty.
Her father and mother object but are restrained as the Sentinels begin to pursue her, only able to tell her to run before they are knocked out. Kitty runs and manages to escape the Sentinels after discovering her ability to phase through solid matter. The escape is not fullproof as they burst out the bunker in full pursuit. When she reaches the beaches with what looks like no place left to go, the clouds part and reveal the Blackbird jet which Ororo had just exited from and is now flying down to confront the Sentinels she spotted chasing the little girl. The Sentinels sense her power and lock onto her, only to get blasted by lightning and turret fire.
The X-Men land and confront the Sentinels but, unlike at JFK, they are able to work together and take them down. Even Logan finds himself being a team player. They rescue Kitty and she tells them where the prisoners are and also what Master Mold is planning.
The team decides to split up - Scott, Piotr, and James will confront Master Mold while Ororo, Logan, and Kurt follow Kitty to the prison area.
Of course we stay with Ororo because, again, she is who we are relying to guide us through this story.
We get to the prison area and it's Ororo, Logan, and Kurt going HAM on these guards taking them down while Kitty uses her powers to free the X-Men. She manages to get to the main control room and hits the button that releases all the prisoners who do their best to help, despite being weakened from experiments and torture.
We learn from Kitty that there's a prisoner missing, and they admit that it's Jean. She was taken by Trask.
So the group races to the main room where Scott, Piotr, and James are and see a BUNCH of Sentinels on the loose and pure pandemonium. Piotr and James are on the ropes and Scott is putting up his best fight, however just as the group arrives the Sentinels converge and blast him, with a woman across the room watching calling out his name as he 'perishes' (we'll circle back on this later).
Without their leader and shocked, Ororo steps up and takes command, leading the group into battle like she's been doing it all her life against the Sentinels while Kitty and Kurt evacuate the scientists. She cuts across the room almost instantly to get to Trask and Jean where we finally learn that the former has been completely taken over by Master Mold and is now a Sentinel cyborg. They battle it out but it's a tough battle given the numbers they're against until there's a moment where Ororo and Jean are tucked away, shielded from incoming blaster fire from Trask and the Sentinels, when Jean places her hands to the ground and closes her eyes. Ororo asks what she's doing and Jean tells her she's asking for help.
"From who? Xavier only sent us?"
"From the mutant we came here to help in the first place. From the island."
BOOM! We get the reveal that the island. Krakoa, is a mutant and has been weakened by the experiments run on it by Master Mold and the Sentinel. Jean tells the group that they need to let Krakoa 'feed' on a piece of their energy to recupe its strength for it to help them and they all look to Ororo as it's her call, and she says they should do it. They do and the ground rumbles and shakes and we can see the island begin to terraform as it fights back against Master Mold and the Sentinels. It takes out MANY of them while the X-Men pick up the slack on the rest.
Ororo takes on Master Mold/Trask hybrid as the island begins to sink back into the ocean, with Trask, damaged, spouting nonsense. That he is there to save the world, that he is the FUTURE, the INEVITABLE, that the X-Men cannot prevent the world falling apart in the future, that they will be responsible for the apocalypse. However, with a lightning zap and some timely telekinesis, the group escapes back to the Blackbird as the rest of the island has already been evacuated.
The X-Men return to Westchester without Scott and inform Xavier of what happened.
Time moves on. They recover. They mourn. A memorial service is held for Scott. Xavier's original students, Warren, Bobby, Alex, Hank, and Lorna, decide to leave the school afterwards as they believe they need to come at the Sentinel problem another way. They form X-Force.
Xavier comes up to Ororo after the service and asks her to stay on, despite her having no obligation to do so. She watches Logan and Kurt keeping Kitty entertained while Piotr and James speak with her parents, about Kitty staying on at the school and learning from Professor Xavier, and decides that she would like to stay and lead the X-Men. Jean joins them and says that she'd be happy to be on any team Storm is leading, revealing that -of the original students - she is the only one who is staying with the X-Men. The three look out onto the horizon as there are endless possibilities for the X-Men now *play the theme song*
END CREDIT SCENE NUMBER ONE - Magneto watches Xavier's new team of X-Men in action and converses with Mystique, saying that, "If Charles has put together a new team of recruits, we should, too."
END CREDIT SCENE NUMBER TWO - A blonde woman in all white speaks with a raven-haird men with red eyes and a crimson diamond embedded in his head. "You pulled a lot of favors to get him, are you sure he's worth it?" "Believe me. He is." The duo, Emma Frost and Dr. Sinister are looking over the body of Scott Summers, very much NOT DEAD, held in stasis as the camera pans out and reveals the Hellfire Club.
And that would be how we introduce the X-Men, and mutants, into live action movies.
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stormxpadme · 1 year
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Chapter 13 of Weathered I: FROST is online.
In which Charles has some bad news for one of his team members and Scott has some that make up for them.
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santrrl · 28 days
Logan Howlett with Metalhead!reader, face piercings, tattoos, dark clothes - the whole get up.
i need grumpy x sunshine too, like reader actually being a cute little thing :')
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Author says; Thank you so much for your request!! I love doing them,l so this is gonna be the first of a few hopefully !<3 I LOVE this idea, and thus this is gonna be so fun to write !! HEHEHEHEH
The first and second part are split between bullet points, and then the actual story so i hope i got this right!! I'm so sorry if I didn't as i have only seen few x-men and dp+w, so i apologise if it's not good!!
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-Once he meets you at first he physically stops. Like, physically, shuts down for a moment.
-Bro was born in 1832, and somehow, this was his first time seeing so much piercings in so many...visible places. He was fine with ears, as long as it wasn't too bad, but more than three? He's gonna shake his head like a dad and shrug it off.
-At first he would probably think you're some emo, hormonal meanie, so when he finally takes a jab at you, he stops dead AGAIN. You? You wearing layer after layer of black n white are more energetic than he thought? What?
-at some point during your years of knowing each other, of course youre gonna be in his contacts. He never saw ':3' before, but..you learn something new every day.
-The first time he sees so many tats on one limb, he doesn't know whether to be amazed or turned on. So he opted for both.
-"Hey, you okay?" He'd smell the freshness of your new tats, and always find a way to let them be a excuse for him to talk to you.
-You look so....different, so mean, yet, you're so nice? He couldn't understand it. He loved being mean to the people that deserved it, why you felt bad and guilty? Over his head. But the pure fact you looked like a meanie, but weren't? God he wanted to destroy you.
FIC; (Kinda? Im so sorry if its bad, not correlating to the above)
"Welcome to Charles Xavier's school for gifted youngsters. I am Charles, by the way." The man in front of you would grin, opening the doors to the busy entrance. Some students were walking, others chatting and others were showing off their mutations.
"This is where you'll be spending, ah, the majority of your time." Charles grinned, snatching a paper plane out of the air. "Easy, Rodger." He smiled at the boy, who flushed red. As quickly as he turned red, he also turned as white as your eye shadow. And blush. And everything else that you had on that was white currently.
He quickly scurried off, whispering to his friends. "They'll get used to you in time. They think you're cool." Charles chuckled. As you made your way through the tour of the school, you eventually landed back to where you had started. "Any questions?" Charles asked innocently.
"I got one. The fuck Casper the ghost doin' here?" A gruff voice perked up, as I looked behind Charles. The man coming down the stairs practically had a halo on him with the way he had descended the staircase, white wife beater stained from God only knows what.
"Logan." Charles warned. "This is Logan, Logan, this is our newest addition." He introduced. "Keep this one away from magneto, all those piercings." He grimaced. "Oh, my god hi! I've seen so much of you! You're so cool my family adores you so much-"
Logan was confused. He didn't know what to be more confused about, the fact you looked so mean but were sweet, or the fact your rambling went on for eighteen minutes. He wasn't mad about it though. If anything it was...pleasant?
After a few days at the mansion, seeing what you could do, you ironically became quick friends with the rugged man. Even people who had never seen him smile were asking you what it was like. The press had deemed you two - 'Bumblebee team.' Mainly due to your black attire, and his majority yellow view.
And also because it sounded like grumble and hee, implying his grumpy nature and your happy outlook. The media seemed to love you more than hate you however, the nickname ghost, and vampire among others being thrown around, alongside your chosen name.
It only took a few months before the man found himself being more attached. Demanding he be with you on missions, protecting you at all cost, it only took so much in him to not flip you under him when he saw how truly tatted up you were, when after a fight majority of your costume had ripped.
He even went to such lengths as waiting for you every morning to walk you to breakfast, lunch, whatever. "Bub can't the makeup wait?'' He'd sigh, before turning around, already knowing he wasn't winning this fight as your music played in the background, drowning out the sound of a shoe hitting him.
Eventually, he got so fed up of waiting at one point, he just leaned over your desk, and wiped your lips with his thumb, before kissing you and walking away, obviously making you follow. "Just a way to make you hurry up." He'd laugh. LIES.
Those kisses eventually led to heated makeouts, and safe to say, you'd be fixing your makeup more than a few times a day.
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multi-fandoms-posts · 21 days
Twin Trouble
Cherik x reader
X Men Masterlist
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Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are sitting together in the living room of their cozy villa. Today, they have taken on the task of looking after their twins, William and Henry, so that Y/N, their wife and the boys’ mother, can enjoy a well-deserved break. The twins, energetic three-year-olds, have the same fire in their hearts as their fathers. William has inherited his father Erik’s ability and can already use it a little. Charles senses a spark of telepathy in his son Henry, but Henry cannot yet fully utilize this ability.
“How hard can it be?” Erik asks, leaning back casually. “We’ve saved the world from destruction. Two little boys won’t bring us to our knees,” he says confidently.
Charles smiles and nods, though he secretly suspects it won’t be that easy. “They’re only three years old, Erik. What could possibly go wrong?” says Charles, but no sooner are the words out of his mouth than William and Henry are already running around the sofas, chasing each other and screaming with excitement. William is holding a toy car, which he’s flying through the air, while Henry giggles loudly and tries to grab the car from his brother.
“Dad, look at this!” William shouts proudly, crashing the car onto the coffee table. It’s just a small, harmless toy, but Erik flinches slightly as if he had felt the impact himself.
“Careful, William,” Erik says, trying to remain calm. “We don’t throw things.”
“But Dad, I’m just like you! I can make everything fly!” William beams and sends the car soaring through the air again before it crashes into a lamp, which wobbles precariously.
“William!” Charles warns this time, extending a calming hand. “Erik, we need to set some boundaries for them.”
Erik sighs deeply. “Yes, yes. I’ll handle it. William, come here.” He takes the car from his son and sits him on his lap. “We can make the car fly later together. But we don’t want to wake Mom, do we?” Erik asks.
Meanwhile, Henry has quietly sneaked out of his fathers’ sight and begun climbing onto a chair to reach the cookies on the kitchen counter. Charles notices just in time and quickly goes over to him.
“Henry, my dear, why don’t you just ask for the cookies?” Charles gently lifts his son off the chair. “You don’t have to do everything by yourself.”
“But Dad, I’m hungry!” Henry replies, looking at his father with big eyes.
“I know, sweetheart. Here, have a cookie, but we need to be patient too, okay?”
But before Charles can hand him the cookie, a loud crash comes from the living room. He hurries back to find William, who has now turned the rug in the middle of the room upside down and is crawling underneath it, while Erik desperately tries to contain the chaos.
“William, stop that! Oh, Charles, what were we thinking?” Erik runs a hand through his hair, visibly overwhelmed. William laughs, undeterred, and calls from his hiding place, “Dad, come play!”
“This won’t do,” Charles murmurs, trying to regain control. “Boys, let’s play a game that doesn’t make such a mess,” Charles calls out.
“But Dad, this is fun!” Henry protests, tugging on his father while William reappears and tips over a toy box, scattering its contents in all directions.
“Erik, we need to distract them somehow,” Charles says in desperation as Henry starts building a fortress with the toy blocks. “They need a quieter activity.”
“How about a book?” Erik suggests, though he doubts it will be the solution.
But before they can even try this idea, everything spirals out of control. William and Henry have now decided that the entire living room is their castle. Charles tries to calm the situation with his telepathic powers, but the twins are simply too wound up.
“I think we’ve overestimated ourselves,” Erik finally admits, as Henry suddenly starts crying because his fortress has collapsed, and William loudly accuses him of doing it on purpose.
“Mama! I want Mama!” Henry cries through his tears, while William joins his brother in demanding their mother.
Charles and Erik exchange helpless looks. “Maybe… maybe we should really take them to Y/N,” Charles finally suggests. “It seems only she can tame their chaos.”
Erik reluctantly nods. “You’re right. Let’s get Y/N.”
As they bring the children into their bedroom, Y/N is lying relaxed on the bed, but the twins’ loud crying has already woken her up. She smiles wearily when she sees her two sons, who immediately throw themselves into her arms.
“What’s wrong, my loves?” she asks gently, stroking their hair soothingly.
“Daddy and Daddy broke everything!” William complains, while Henry just sobs.
Y/N throws an amused glance at Charles and Erik. “Looks like you two had your hands full,” she grins slightly.
“That’s an understatement,” Erik murmurs, leaning against the door. “We thought we could give you a little rest, but…”
“They’re a handful,” adds Charles, sitting down beside Y/N and gently rubbing Henry’s back. “Maybe we’re just not as good at this as you are,” he sighs.
Y/N chuckles softly. “You did your best. But sometimes, they just need their mom.” Y/N says, giving William and Henry a kiss.
“Maybe next time… we should have a Plan B,” Erik suggests, and everyone laughs, even the twins, who have now calmed down and are content in their mother’s arms.
“Yes, that would be wise,” Charles agrees. “But until then… they’re better off with you,” Charles says, and Y/N laughs in response.
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ichorai · 1 year
get better ; hobie brown.
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track nine of BROKEN MACHINE.
pairing ; hobie brown x spider!cottagecore!reader (gender neutral)
synopsis ; electric guitars and strawberries, leather jackets and quilted skirts, city spiders and cottage spiders. the two of you were perfect for each other.
words ; 5.5k
themes ; fluff, mild angst & action, established relationship (dating)
warnings / includes ; mentions of death, a nightmare/mild panic attack, reader is a mutant on top of being a spider (has the ability to conjure flowers), reader's universe is basically cottagecore universe, pav is there even tho he shouldn't be bcs i wanted to include him, hobie is an amazing bf and affectionately calls reader 'cheeky' :( and a little charles xavier mention bcs <3 the x-men are everything to me
main masterlist.
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London was a cold, dreary place. You didn’t belong there, no, sticking out like a sore thumb from the cold, harsh corners of buildings that grazed the clouds and the damp, narrow streets. But you were there anyway, almost as often as you spent time in your own quaint universe, where York was nothing but homey cottages and endless green fields of flowers, strawberries, and farmer’s markets.
You were there for your boyfriend, who cared for the people of the city enough to criticize its leaders—a feat the large portion of the country couldn’t be bothered doing.
Today was a long day of protesting. Inhumane laws were being passed, the government was in shambles, and the PM was a fucking joke. You wanted to be there for him and show him support—it wasn’t your universe, sure, but it was important to you, anyway. Nobody deserved to live in fear of tomorrow.
The two of you made your way back up into Hobie’s dingy little apartment when the sky began to grey with gloomy clouds and cold rain dribbled down dirty rooftops. Hobie slammed the door behind him, the faded Sex Pistols poster loosely tacked on the back warbling with the sudden movement. In turn, you made a bee-line for his bed on the opposite side of the room—really, Hobie’s apartment was just a narrow rectangle, with a cramped bed in one corner, a beaten-up green sofa in another, and the kitchen furthest away from the door. There was another door by the other end that led to the bathroom with cracked mirrors. All the walls were covered with art, posters, random memorabilia, and stickers. 
It was a claustrophobe’s nightmare, but it was home to Hobie, which made it your home, as well.
You moaned with relief when you laid down on his thick comforter, shutting your eyes for a moment. Still leaning against the door, Hobie watched you eagle-spread over his bed with a small, amused smile. 
He could never get over how funny you looked, surrounded by dark colors and ripped clothes and filthy artwork, when you yourself were the exact opposite—all soft hues and gentle nature and sunshine. Hobie loved that about you. How you were unabashedly so lovely no matter where you were, or what you were doing.
“You falling asleep on me, Cheeky?” he asked, voice lilting with the affectionate pet name, languidly striding over to sit onto the mattress beside you. The bed creaked with protest under the additional weight.
“Mhm,” you hummed in reply, turning your head so you could offer him a tired grin. “Rain always gets me sleepy.”
The silver of his piercings glinted with what little light streamed through his window. “Take a nap, then, yeah? I’ll wake you up for dinner.” 
With your final murmur of thanks, Hobie dipped down to sweep the hair away from your face, placing a chaste kiss to your forehead, before standing back up to go fix himself a snack. 
Hours later, when you had only begun to twitch with the beginnings of a nightmare, Hobie had gently shaken you awake, beaming at the way your nose wrinkled and your heavy eyes fluttered open to meet his bright ones. 
“Rise and shine,” he greeted, smoothing out the creases of the shirt you were wearing. “Well, it’s not really shinin’ out there, innit? Rise and gloom.” 
A steaming cup of peppermint tea was pushed into your hands. You didn’t even have to taste it to know that he’d added just the right amount of sugar for you. “Thanks, Hobie,” you mumbled, craning your neck to kiss his cheek.
“Got you somethin’ from the chippie—it’s in the microwave whenever you want it.”
Still groggy, you loosely wound your arms around his neck to tug him into a warm embrace, careful not to spill any of the tea. Half of your body was slung over his legs, the other hanging off the bed. Without hesitation, Hobie’s long arms came around to pull you tighter against him, hugging you close. 
“Argh, you’re just too good to me,” you whispered, clutching him tight. “How much was the food?”
“Ah, ah,” he said, pulling away to click his tongue and shake his head. “Don’t worry about it. My shitty universe, my shitty quid.”
With an affectionate roll of your eyes, you pulled away from him. “Alright, well, next time we’re at my place, I’m treating you.”
“Would expect nothing less, Cheeky.”
The two of you shared the microwaved dinner from the chippie together, the large fries nearly burning your tongue and the fish drenched in far too much vinegar for your taste, but the two of you ate it happily regardless. 
After the food was cleaned out, you curled up into Hobie’s sofa—which smelled just like the mango perfume you had given to him for his birthday—and brandished the sewing kit you had kept here, hidden beneath the cushions. Your boyfriend took a seat beside you, his guitar situated over his lap and a dull pocket knife gripped in his hand. He took to engraving his initials against its side (and planned on engraving yours right next to it), as you pulled his leather vest closer, stitching one of the patches that had come loose back on. 
A comfortable silence stretched over the both of you, like a warm blanket draped over your shoulders. It was only broken by Hobie’s disjointed humming to a song you couldn’t recognize, and the soft pattering of rain outside. 
Once he was done with the ‘B’ of his last name, he peered over your shoulder, leaning down to press a kiss to the base of your neck. “How’s it coming?”
You turned with a sweet smile, one that made Hobie’s chest warm. To him, you were the literal embodiment of sunshine. “All fixed,” you chirped, nudging him slightly. “How’s the guitar?”
“Good as ever. D’you mind if I put your name next to mine?”
Your eyes shone. “Go ahead,” you replied, before reaching down to fish something out of your pocket. “Oh, I totally forgot—I embroidered this for you! Made it from my own synthesized silk ‘n everything.”
It was another patch, about half the size of his palm, depicting a bright red strawberry sitting against an equally vibrant yellow backdrop. A genuine smile flickered over Hobie’s countenance. 
“Oh, this is wicked, Y/N! Looks fuckin’ fab,” he exclaimed, leaning closer to inspect all the tiny details. Somehow, his beam grew wider. Hobie situated the patch over an empty spot on his vest. “Could you sew it here?”
You nodded whilst humming an affirmative. A rush of heat pulsed over your face when Hobie leaned down to kiss your cheek, pulling back with an obnoxious mwah. 
“You’re a talent, you know that? Thank you.”
It was a few minutes later when you showed him his vest—finally ready and decked out with a multitude of both new and fixed patches. In turn, he showed you your name etched right next to his. Overwhelmed by just how much you loved your boyfriend, every single bit of his punk, anarchist self, you threw yourself into his open arms, hugging him tight. A flower appeared behind his ear, and he pinched it between two fingers, pulling it away to inspect its small white petals and smooth green stem. With a hum, Hobie pushed it back onto his ear and returned your embrace.
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A week later, you and Hobie were at another underground music concert, filled to the brim with punk rock enthusiasts and anarchists of the very same ilk as him. Seeing as he was the last gig to play, the night ended with an elongated guitar riff, and Hobie’s fist thrusting high up as the final notes crashed against the cheering crowd. It wasn’t long before he was hopping off the rickety stage, immediately greeted with your wide smile and more tiny flowers blooming within the moist cracks of the sidewalk by your feet. 
“You did amazing!” you exclaimed, bouncing on the heels of your feet excitedly. “Argh, I’m so proud of you! When you did that thing—with that guitar—and then you just—AH! I loved it, Hobie!”
Your boyfriend slung an arm over your shoulders, briefly pressing his nose against your hairline. “Thanks, Cheeky.” He glanced at the large box you were holding. “What’s all this now?”
“Merchandise,” you chirped with bright eyes. “Made it all myself back in my universe. Free of charge, of course. Everyone deserves to enjoy art without worrying about its price.”
Hobie swore he fell in love with you just a smidge more right then and there.
With nimble fingers, he plucked a bundle out of the box, unfurling it to reveal a dark black t-shirt with a messy crimson scrawl of ANARCHY! across the chest. To his fond delight, there was a little flower drawn just beneath the large text. A touch of him, and a touch of you.
Not waiting another second, Hobie slipped the shirt over his head, one of his piercings momentarily snagging against the collar. You were quick to shift the box onto one arm so you could help him safely tug the shirt down without ripping his earlobe into two. 
After murmuring his thanks, Hobie cupped his palms over his hands to yell, “Oi, you lot! Come ‘round here for free shirts! Made by the loveliest person I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing!”
The two of you stayed at the venue until all your shirts were given away, and even then there were a few stragglers left, disappointed they hadn’t gotten anything.
“Come to Hobie’s next gig, I’ll bring some more things by then,” you reassured them with a kind smile. 
After another series of goodbyes, Hobie finally pulled you out of the dingy venue, his hand curled over your upper back and your arm wrapped around his hips. 
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Hobie was a true artist. Everything he touched, he could turn into something of beauty, something raw and pure and breathtaking. When you had vocalized such thoughts to him, he smirked, loose and humored. 
“Don’t like labels,” he said, gaze fixed on his guitar and the uncapped marker he was using to draw just beneath the strings. “You sure you’re not biased?”
“Not at all,” you hummed in reply, leaning against him. The two of you were in your universe, laying spread over a checkered blanket on a vast field not too far from your little cottage. The grass was greener than what Hobie had back home, and the air was clearer and lighter than anything he’d ever breathed before. Somehow, the breeze that whistled between the two of you smelled of strawberries and peaches—or maybe that was your perfume. Hobie couldn’t get enough of it, either way. Your universe was beautiful—nearly as beautiful as you were. 
Whilst he was concentrating on his scribbled drawings, you were tinkering with one of your web shooters—a series of miniscule gadgets with brown fixings to wrap around your wrist. Once you clicked it back into place, you jutted it out to Hobie, the round capsules hovering only inches beneath his nose.
He laughed, gently pulling your hand away so he wouldn’t go cross-eyed. “You make these yourself?”
“Synthesized them with all natural ingredients. Took a lot of trial-and-error, but I think I’ve finally perfected the colored formula,” you said, pressing down with both your middle and index finger, showing him how the webs shot out so far he couldn’t even see where it disappeared within the swishing blades of grass.
Arching a brow, he echoed, “Colored formula?”
You grinned. “Take a look. I made them green! I think it’s much prettier than plain ol’ white,” you said.
“Green spider webs, huh? You really are something else,” he surmised with a half-chuckle, half-snort, a goofy smile to his lips. Your excitement was beginning to rub off on him, so he took your hands again, admiring your craftsmanship. “These are so fucking cool.”
“I could make you colored webs, too—whatever color you want!” You perked up with the idea, smiling brighter than the golden sun hanging sweetly in the soft pink sky (the skies were pink during the day in your universe, it was trippy as hell). Little flowers bloomed around you, a few appearing in the surrounding grass, some popping into his hair, others materializing on your flowing blouse.
Flustered, you reached over to pluck out the flowers in his hair, murmuring a quiet apology. 
“Nah, it’s cute,” he reassured you, shooting you a curious look. “So—does your universe have others that are also called ‘mutants’ or is it just you?”
“There’s not a lot of us,” you admitted. “It was scary, at first. I was completely… normal until I hit thirteen years old—all of a sudden, flowers started blooming everywhere and I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t control it and it only grew worse the more scared I got. A man named Charles Xavier took me under his wing at his school for gifted students—well, that’s just a code word for mutants—and he helped me train to control it. Obviously… not well enough—flowers still sprout when I feel strong emotions.”
Hobie’s nose wrinkled. “My fault. You like me a bit too much, Cheeky.”
With a playful shove, you huffed out a tinkering laugh. “Anyways, while I was at the school, there was a student with the ability to turn objects radioactive. Highly dangerous, and he could’ve been used as a weapon of war if in the wrong hands. One day, he was just fucking around and… he accidentally turned a spider radioactive. He didn’t tell anyone because he was scared he was going to get in trouble. Lo and behold, it got loose, and the next day, it bit me while I was out on a walk. So not only was I a mutant, I became a Spider, as well. I trained with my newfound powers every day in the Danger Room. I graduated top of nearly all my classes. And not too long after, Miguel came popping out of nowhere—the look on his face when flowers started appearing all over his suit was hilarious.” You chuckled lightly, leaning your head against Hobie’s shoulder. “Your powers are much cooler, though. I wish I had electric abilities.”
The marker in Hobie’s hand was quickly capped, and put to the side so he could raise it to stroke the back of your head. “Flower power is cool as fuck, what are you on about?”
You smiled. Another flower, a fragile pink thing, blossomed onto his lap. Hobie barked out a roguish laugh.
“I love you,” you hummed. 
“Love you back, Cheeky.”
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Nueva York was the exact antithesis to your world. Everything was new and modern and cutting-edge, heavy on minimalism and plain white canvases of nothing. It lacked art and humanity and just… life, in general. You didn’t really enjoy coming to this universe—the only reason you did was to help out with anomalies whenever you were needed. Though you didn’t quite agree with Miguel’s canon theory (it was messy and evidently didn’t apply to every Spider), you had to agree that villains running amok in rogue universes was no good for anyone. You had personal experience with the matter when a glitching Mysterio came tumbling through a farmer’s market in your universe, baskets of fruit flying every which way and bouquets trampled beneath his descent. 
Today, however, you were called in because of your boyfriend. His hologram had appeared over your wrist, offering you a loose smile and a two-fingered salute.
“Hey, Hobie,” you greeted, pausing your baking and brushing errant strands of your hair away with flour-covered hands. “What’s going on?”
“I’m at HQ. Heading over to see Miguel. D’you mind coming, if you’re not too busy?”
“Oh, uh, sure,” you said, heading over to the wash basin to rinse off your hands. “Is everything okay?”
The hologram of Hobie hummed, warbling as you rushed to change out of your clothes and into your suit—a white top with beige and green accents, webbing into a spiral around an embroidered collection of flowers on your chest shaped into a spider. Your boyfriend lowered his voice to say, “The original is here.”
“The first anomaly.”
“Oh,” you said, eyes widening a fraction. Oh. 
Hobie pursed his lips. Though he was doing well to hide it, you could see the buried worry behind his dark irises. The both of you were well aware that Miguel wouldn’t take this lightly. “Yeah. You’ll be here?”
“I’ll be there. See you in a minute, yeah?”
“Yeah. I’ll be waiting by the Spider-burger place. Love ya, Cheeky.” With that, he flickered out of view. You blew out a breath, snagged a bag from your room, and pressed a few buttons on your watch. A glowing orange portal opened by your kitchen door. You stepped through, and a tunnel, an elevator, and a hall later, you found yourself at the heart of Spider Society.
Hundreds of Spidermen, Spiderwomen, and Arachnids alike were passing by, chattering aimlessly, or rushing to wrangle their anomalies to the Go-Home Machine. After weaving through the crowd, you made your way to the McSpiders booth, where they sold the most delicious burgers, but you didn’t think you had time for that today. 
Hobie was waiting at one of the tables, Pav glued to his side, and Gwen on the other. 
Your boyfriend waved, shooting you a wink just as Pavitr shot up, dashing forward to envelop you in a tight hug. 
“It’s been so long!” the younger Spider exclaimed. “How’ve you been? How are you?”
“I’m good, Pav,” you warmly replied, patting his back affectionately. Then, you waved to Gwen, who looked a little uncomfortable at the predicament she was in, but tried her best to push it down for a moment to say hello.
You gave her a warm embrace, squeezing tight, a nonverbal confirmation of telling her you were there for her. Knowing that she was technically universeless, both you and Hobie would often let her crash over at your respective places. In fact, she slept in one of your extra rooms so much it was practically hers by now, filled with plenty of her personal belongings. She was one of your closest friends, and seeing her so anxious did nothing but fill you with worry. 
Once you pulled away from your two friends, you gave Hobie a quick hug, kissing his cheek. Pav cooed obnoxiously whilst Gwen lightly joked for the two of you to get a room.
Hobie shoved at the blonde’s shoulder with scoff. “Come off it, we wouldn’t have the time anyway.” 
Finally, you turned your gaze to the last one in the group—Miles Morales. 
It was certainly strange to see him in the flesh, when he was such a popular topic of discussion amongst the verse-traveling Spiders. He was a gangly yet handsome boy, with a head of dark, curly hair, and large brown eyes. 
He offered you a nervous smile. “So, uh, you must be Y/N! I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“I can say the same thing,” you replied, thinking back to all the times Gwen would lounge in your bed and tell you about her time helping Miles with Kingpin. “It’s nice to put a face to your name after all this time.”
“Yeah, yeah, same.” Awkward as ever, Miles let out something akin to a laugh. His eyes darted down when he noticed Hobie’s hand slipping over your midriff. “So! You’re Hobie’s partner, right? I thought he didn’t believe in consistency.”
You grinned when Hobie drummed his fingers along your hip, shrugging in a nonchalant manner. “If I was inconsistent all the time, that’d be me being consistent, no? Keep with the times, mate.”
Confused, Miles’ lips parted to ask another question but you shook your head. “Just don’t question it. God knows how many times I’ve stumped myself trying to figure him out.”
Hobie shot you an amused look. Before anyone could say anything else, Gwen swung onto her feet, shifting her weight in a fidgety manner. “We should probably get a move on, before Miguel gets mad.”
“Oh, yeah, of course. You guys mind filling me in with what happened on the way?”
And so the five of you set off, with Pav and Gwen taking turns on telling you what had transpired in Mumbhattan, with Hobie occasionally chiming in. Miles was far too enamored by all the other Spiders to really pay attention to what they were saying. 
Once you were all informed, you supplied a worried look in Miles’ direction. Stopping a canon event from happening… Miguel definitely wouldn’t be happy about that.
Sensing your eyes on him, Miles met your eyes. “Is there something on my face?” he asked. 
“Oh, no. Sorry. I was just distracted.” A flower popped on your shoulder, and another appeared in Miles’ hair. He pulled it out with a surprised raise of his brows.
“Huh. That’s new,” he said with a slightly curious smile. “So, you and Hobie! I guess I just didn’t expect him to be with someone so…”
You tilted your head. “So…?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “You guys look, like, complete opposites.”
Pavitr clapped his hands. “Well, opposites do attract!”
With half a smile pulling at one corner of his mouth, Hobie chimed, “We aren’t complete opposites. We both have a crippling hatred for capitalism and greedy billionaire corporations.”
“That we do,” you agreed, beaming warmly at him. Suddenly, you perked up, remembering what you had brought with you. “Oh, I almost forgot! Pav, Gwen—I made you tote bags a while ago and haven’t gotten the chance to give it to you guys. They’re all made from ethically sourced materials, of course. Sorry, Miles, I would’ve made you one if I’d known I was going to meet you today.”
“It’s no problem. There’ll be a next time, right?” he said, watching as you handed the rolled up bags to an excited Pav, bouncing on the balls of his feet with a litany of thank you so much, this is amazing on his tongue, and a hesitant Gwen, smiling despite being so strung-up to face Miguel. 
“Right… A next time…” you echoed, unsure if there’d even be a next time if Miguel had his way with things.
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Everything was going wrong. 
Miguel went too far, as he often did in his tunnel-visioned haze for order, and trapped Miles in a laser cage, intending to keep him in Nueva York while his father died back in his home universe. A sick feeling curdled within the pits of your stomach—none of this felt right to you. Peter and Gwen were yelling at Miguel, their words washing over you in a blur, like the crashing and the retreat of a wave against an unsuspecting shore. 
You watched helplessly as Miles turned around, betrayal lacing heavily across his crestfallen features, staring at the people he had once considered his friends. For half a second, Miles caught your gaze. Anxious flowers—various shades of violet and scarlet—blossomed by your feet. To your side, your boyfriend held both his hands up, gaze fixed on Miles.
“Palms,” he silently mouthed. 
Heeding his advice, Miles pressed both his palms against the barrier.
And three beats of a heart later, he had broken free. A blast of energy pushed everybody back a few feet, and you could hear Hobie’s faint laughter echo right beside your ear. You couldn’t help but smile along with him. 
Someone had to look out for the little guy, right?
Apparently, Miguel had other ideas. He wasn’t a rational man. No, he was a perfectionist to the core, needing everything to go according to his plan, his theory, his ideology. When the stakes were this high, who was to say no to him? And now, he had somehow convinced nearly the entire population of the Spider Society to chase after a fifteen year old.
Then what? Lock him up? Force him away from his home and wait out his father’s death?
No. It wasn’t right. None of it was.
As pandemonium broke out during the chase after Miles, Hobie gave you a glance. “Just for the record, I quit,” he announced. It wasn’t directed at you, per se, but it was important to him that you knew of his stance. That he wouldn’t sit around and idly twiddle his thumbs at this bullshit. 
A portal opened behind him, bathing his dark skin in a bright clementine glow. He unclasped his watch and let it fall to the ground. “You coming, Cheeky?”
“I’ll meet you at your place,” you reassured him. An unspoken trust me hung heavy between you. A white little wildflower appeared in his hair, but Hobie didn’t move to pluck it away. Instead, he ducked his head to press a lasting kiss onto your forehead. You shot him a fond grin before leaning forward to peck his cheek in return, and hurriedly rushed off to go help Miles, canary-hued flowers floating behind you with every swing.
It was by pure chance that you happened upon Miles and Peter, the latter begging for him to hold his baby, which he most definitely shouldn’t have brought along to a chase. You hid behind a large metal pipe, waiting for Miles to leave Peter. It wasn’t long before Miles was running away again, believing his mentor had betrayed him once again, and you were quick to follow after him. Green webs shot out from the fixings on your wrist, and you caught up to the younger Spider in no time.
“Miles!” you exclaimed.
“Please, just let me go back home!” he yelled, stress and panic coiled around his words as he rounded around cars and signs.
Guilt settled around your lungs in a constricting manner. You’d lend him your watch to get home, but with a quick glance behind you, noting the several dozens of Spiders hot on your tail, you realized that there was no way that he’d make it there in time without them following after. There had to be another way.
“That’s what I’m trying to do,” you replied, trying your best to convey that you were on his side. “Trust me, I’m with you on this! If not for you becoming Spider-Man, there’d be no Spider Society, and I would’ve never met Hobie. Of course I’d try to help you, Miles! Listen to me—there’s a bullet train that goes to the moon here—if you draw all the Spiders away from HQ, then you can use the Go-Home machine to get back to your universe!”
Miles shot you an initially dubious glance, which soon melded into one of cautious appreciation. “Where?”
“A couple miles that way! You won’t miss it—it’s a huge glass tube going up to space.” You nodded in the direction he was to be headed. “Good luck, Miles. I’m rooting for you!”
With a shout of his gratitude and a slight smile, Miles swung away from you. 
It’s a shame that this was goodbye. Both you and Hobie were really starting to grow on him.
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It was raining again, as it almost always was in gloomy London. You were in bed with Hobie, having passed out after letting him know about how you helped Miles, and listening to him tell you about the watch he made for Gwen, knowing she’d most likely need it later down the line if things didn’t work out. He was taking up most of the space on the bed, one arm behind his head on the pillow and the other curved beneath the small of your waist, fingers splayed out over your stomach. Chests rising and falling in synchronized tandem, you were curled up onto your side so that your spine brushed against his side with each breath.
Nightmares weren’t a common thing for you, but when they did slink into your unconscious mind, they were always terrifyingly realistic, and always of the same event. Your canon event. 
Tonight was no different. 
Soft pink skies. Swinging through the trees after something—someone. Prowler. 
The forest gave way to steep mountains. Steep stones and ice and cliffs. The pink above you bled into a menacing shade of purple.
Nets of webbing shooting from your wrists. Desperation. Pleads on your tongue, but you didn’t quite know what you were saying. 
The villain tripped over the webbing, rolling down a mountainside that tapered off into a sheer drop. You darted forward, shooting out a web to catch the Prowler.
But it was too late. 
They tipped over the edge, stray pebbles tumbling down in their wake. If the Prowler screamed, you couldn’t hear it over the thrumming blood in your ears. 
It took over a minute for their body to hit the ground with a sickening thud. 
Horror stained your insides black. You weren’t quick enough. You failed.
You made your way down the mountain, wide eyes fixed on the motionless body. You crept forward, checking for a pulse. Dead. 
Gingerly, you peeled the mask away from their face. The hazy face of your best friend stared back up at you, beaten and bloody. 
Your fault, your fault, your fault—
You woke up with a gut-wrenching sob, jolting up with a broken wail. Hobie had startled from his slumber at the sudden commotion, quick to prop himself up on an elbow, his hand shooting out to properly wrap around you.
Comforting words were murmured into your hair. You only cried harder, gently pushing the blankets away from you, feeling overwhelmingly hot and crowded. It took you another moment to realize that you were hyperventilating, large flowers popping up everywhere around the two of you. 
“Breathe,” you could hear your boyfriend say, tracing slow circles along your lower back. “That’s it, love. You got this.”
After a few minutes, your breaths had slowed down, and the tears stopped flowing. You sniffled quietly, turning to Hobie with an apology on the tip of your tongue.
“Don’t apologize,” he said, seeming to know exactly what was on your mind. “You alright?”
“Nightmare,” you whispered in return, voice hoarse with disuse and thirst. “My canon event. It’s my fault Prowler died. My best friend.”
Another circle along your spine. “You wanna talk about it?”
Your eyes, puffy and red-rimmed, blinked back more cresting tears. You nodded, croaking out the tragic story of you and your best friend—the Spider and the Prowler. Hobie listened intently, humming soothingly into your skin. 
Once you were finished, he adamantly shook his head. “You can’t blame yourself for that. It’s not your fault.”
But it is, you wanted to say. You swallowed the words, deciding instead to remain quiet and simply lean further into his touch. 
“I love you,” he said, voice low and soothing. “You hear me, Cheeky?”
“I hear you. Thank you for… for always being there for me. You’re the punkest punk that’s ever punked.” 
A hum rumbled from his throat. “I’ll always be here for you. I trust you’ll do the same for me. We’re all broken, but… it’s a good thing we Spiders got sticky webs to keep us together, yeah?” A pause before Hobie backtracked, “That didn’t come out the way I intended it to but you get my point.”
You wrinkled your nose in amusement. “Yeah. I’m glad we found each other in all this chaos, Hobbes.”
“Mmh. Nothing better than a bit of chaos, innit?”
The two of you sat in silence for a bit longer, simply soaking in each other’s comforting presence. When you arched your neck to press a lasting kiss along the underside of Hobie’s jaw, you could feel his face shift with a fond smile. Before he could reciprocate the gesture, a tangerine glow shone from outside the window, warbling with the rain, but still a stark juxtaposition to the macabre grey of the city.
Both you and Hobie peered out of the window, limbs still tangled. 
Outside was Gwen, her cowl pulled over her uneven strands of blonde-pink hair, hexagonal portal rings shifting behind her. Her features were solemn and grim as she locked eyes with the both of you. You and Hobie glanced at each other. Small pink flowers started to bloom along the windowsill, much to your chagrin.
With not another second of hesitation, the two of you leapt out of bed, hastily yanking on your suits and swinging out of the window to join Gwen.
To join her in saving Miles Morales, and, ultimately, the multiverse.
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heavenlytouches · 13 days
Charles Xavier- NSFW! alphabet
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GN reader
<3 (NSFW)
TW-seggsual themes! MDNI!
Charles Xavier NSFW! alphabet for my thirsty souls <3
Young! Professor X
(Charles Xavier- SFW alphabet)
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Charles Xavier
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a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Charles would gently clean you up, moving you to lay on top of him, his slender fingers brushing your hair
He would be grinning like crazy, happy in love
He would make sure you're not hurt and you're ready to sleep, lulling you in his arms
"Jesus fucking Christ, you look so lovely.." (The Last King Of Scottland quote by James aaaaaaaaaa)
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Charles loves his eyes and his slender fingers
Just the way he can make your legs shake with only his fingers makes him hard in an instant
About his eyes, I mean cmon, who doesn't like his eyes
On your body he loves literally everything but mostly small details only he can notice- birthmarks, small freckles, faint childhood scars or stretch marks- he's drunk in love
"You.. you are my private constellation~"
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes to cum on your thighs, loving the way he can paint your soft flesh in white glaze
If you'r giving him head and you swallow, man would be in 7th skies
Charles doesn't like to make too much mess so thighs or mouth, if you like it, he likes it even more
"So perfect..and only mine..oh darling."
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Of course this dude uses his powers, sometmes simply denying your orgasm, making you hold on a little longer
He would eat you out, his tongue flat on your body, your legs shaking
Charles would look at you, not breaking eye contact, his fingers against his temple, whispering sweet orders
"Shhh just a little longer baby, can yo do it for me huh?"
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Charles had 1 or 2 partners before, too busy with college so he's not that experienced
He knows what he's doing thanks to his powers
Man can easily slip in your mind and discover your deep fantasies
"I know you like it, come on, let me hear you sweete."
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
I feel like he would be a cowgirl or reverse cowgirl dude
This or doggy when he feels more dominant
Charles would love to just lie back and look at you on top of him, your expressions, your body and you in general, all your beauty shining
"A-ahh my love, yes, that's- fuck, that's amazing"
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Charles would be serious most of the time but a joke or two never killed anybody
He loves your smile and your laugh so be sure he would slip something, not just his cock
His jokes are cheesy and romantic, he can't help it
"Gosh I love your smile hon.."
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's shaved, almost clean shaved
Charles takes care of his looks, wanting the best for you
His happy trail is light brown, ligther than his hair but gosh he's delicious
He doesn't really care about yours, if you like it clean shaven and shave- that's cool, if you just trim it- that's cool too
"Take a pic babe, it will last longer hm?"
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's all out, candles, roses, music, whatever you say
His lover deserves the best and Charles is here to deliver
He always makes sure you're fully relaxed, he wants you to enjoy as much as he does
"I thought you might like these~"
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon) Charles is still young but he doesn't necessarily jack off
I feel like he would rather ask you for help, liking your warm touch more than his hand
He would do it only if you were not in the mood and he needed release or if you were far away
Charles would find it too childish to do it that way
"Please...can you uh- help me with this?"
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
Charles has praise kink. dot to dot.
Call him sweet nicknames and he's melting in your arms, moaning softly
He uses nicknames too, no matter if you're making love or not
His whimpering voice in your ear, slightly above a whisper is enough to make you come undone
"Yes sweetie, that's great, keep-a-aah"
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
Charles is a sucker for bedrooms, classic but practical
I feel like he would also be down for showers or bathtubs, warm water swaying your bodies as he's gently puming in you, kissing your body and holding you close
Sometimes he would even decorate baths with sweet smelling bubbles and rose petals to make it more romantic
"I got you angel, I got you-"
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He's a romantic man, not a sexual monster but
If you kiss his sweet spot on his neck or on his abdomen, he's already closing his eyes, his breath trapped in his toned chest
"What are you do- ohh, that's good~"
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never hurt you
Any kind of pain kinks, blood kink or so- nuh uh, red flag for him
Charles is a romance maniac and he wants the best for his partner
I feel like he'd be so scared for you he wouldn't even give it a try, shily changing the subject, holding you close instead
"I could never...darling why are you asking me that...?"
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Charles likes both, giving and receiving
He's skilled, you get him love drunk as he's kissing you and hungrily licking, his soft blue eyes never leaving yours
His chest heaving, lips rosy and his eyes full of desire
If you'd go down on Charles, he would reassure you that you really don't have to if you don't want to
When you'd finally take his length into your mouth his hand would instantly clasp on his mouth, unholy sounds spilling from a man above you, his ocean eyes pressed shut, blush creeping on his freckled cheeks
"You taste so good dear, so so good."
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He would slowly sink in your warmth, allowing you to get used to his length
Charles would gently guide his hips in you, his moves almost hypnotic
Maybe slow and all but he would hit all your weak spots, making you roll your eyes in pleasure
"You are so tight sweetie.. you will make me bust"
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He could do quickies but only for your pleasure
I feel like Charles needs more of you to cum, he needs to feel you fully pressed on his body
Like I said, he wouldn't have nothing against it but only for his partner
"Come, quickly hon, we don't have a lot of time-"
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
The only risk he'd take would be your shared college dorm, not caring about other students
He would take you like it's your own bedroom, moaning and whimpering with you, your bodies connecting
If you get caught- he can always delete their memory
"Shhh shh if they hear us we'll have problems..I think-?"
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for a few rounds, normally 2 or even 3
Charles is not 100% always capable to go multiple rounds, giving you everything he can
He would last for some time, always allowing you to cum first satisfied
"I just can't get enough of you haha."
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't own any but if you do- he's not judgy
If you'd like to try some of them together, he would try it, even if it's only one-time try
Charles would tell you what he likes and what not, letting you explore more with him
"Oh love- what you got there?"
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
He would looove to tease you, with his actions and touches but more with his words
Man is a walking teasing machine
He would always find a way to at least fluster you, knowing his way with words
Pressing his fingers on his temple, sweetly saying
"That dress is amazing sweetie, but why don't you take it off?"
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Charles is all about moaning and whimpering
He's not ashamed of letting you know how good you make him feel
If you're in his dorm or perhaps a shower he would try to be quiet, placing a hand over his lips
That was until you said how beautiul he sounds
He just stopped shushing himself, he lets it all out
"A-aaah yes, oh my.. I-I love you so mmm-much"
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I feel like he's a boob/chest guy
Small, big, light, dark- he didn't care, he loves your chest
Charles would always place his hand on your chest, gently making small circles on your soft flesh
When going down on you he would pay special attention to them, kissing between your chest before going down, even sucking a small piece of your skin , leaving small purple flowers behind
"So so soft... they're great love"
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Charles would be a little above average, longer
He wouldn't be as girthy but he's long for sure, golden like the rest of his body besides his head, soft pink and gleaming with precum
Maybe not the thickest but he would know how to use his member
"What's wrong hun? Kitty got your tongue?"
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Like I said, he's more of a romantic, not a sex animal
His sex drive is normal for a young man like he is, he would tell you teasingly or just show you he's in mood
Of course, if you're not in a mood he would NEVER make you do something you don't want to
"What about just relaxing and cuddles? Hm? Sounds great, doesn't it?"
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Since Charles doesn't need sleep, he would just hold you until you both calm down
He would make sure you're alright, clean you up and most likely put on a movie so you could relax
If you'd fall asleep, he would hold you on his body, his heart beating steadily- thinking how could he get so lucky with you
"Sleep dear, rest. You need it shh."
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Phewww, this is a long onen. This was cutesy filth; I hope you enjoyed it, hungry lovelies! I write for multy fandoms, just ask and remember, requests are always welcome!
I love you guys so much
El <3
(all images were made by: El via canva & paint)
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gerec · 3 months
hi!! how are you? do you know any cherik with a secret or forbidden relationship?
Here are some of my favourite secret or forbidden relationship fics! Please remember to check the tags before you read :D
By Faint Indirections by kianspo
Erik is in his ~50s, and lonely and bitter. He survived the Holocaust and was only ~14 when the war ended; and even ~40 years later, living in a country that helped to end WW2 and the Third Reich, homosexuality is still a taboo topic. Then one day, he stumbles over Charles, who is young(early 20s) and bright and smart and cheeky and full of energy and beautiful. And moving in the same street where Erik lives.
Fool me once, fool me twice by musical_emjay 
Charles Xavier is sixteen years old the day his mother dies, leaving him parentless, temporarily penniless, and at the mercy of an inexplicable will. Shortly thereafter, his life takes a very drastic, entirely unexpected turn.
Sent to live with his estranged father — a man named Erik Lehnsherr whom he’s never met, and knows next to nothing about — Charles soon finds himself completely out of his depth. What follows is a bitter, obsessive, destructive battle of wills that sends both Charles and Erik sliding dangerously into something neither of them are prepared for, and may not be able to stop.
As to whether they want to, that’s another matter entirely.
 Make a list of everything that’s ever been on fire by cm (mumblemutter)
We're brothers, you and I. We want the same thing.
Give me your stars to hold by pearl_o 
Charles returns home from college and figures out why Erik has been so distant since he’s been away. 
Beneath Me by Magnetism_bind (Unfinished)
Charles is a young lord staying at his family’s estate for the summer. Erik is his family’s stable-hand.
Ritual Self-Torture by Turtletotem 
Shaw is King, Charles is his royal consort and Erik is a Knight/Lord. Shaw is sterile but his kingdom can’t find out, so he asks Erik to impregnate Charles.
He doesn’t know Erik and Charles are in love.
Your Heart Just Couldn’t Wait by Pookaseraph
Charles and his BFF Tony Stark have the life - they’re co-valedictorians at the most prestigious high school in the city, they have their own condo in Manhattan, and they get to go to all the awesome parties. Charles just wished he understood relationships and sex as well as Tony does. His theoretical bisexuality starts to feel a lot less theoretical when he and Tony end up in Professor Lehnsherr’s Physics III course at Columbia University, but Charles’ decision to take their relationship further leaves both student and professor with more than they bargained for.
I’m a bullet by Isolee 
Since mother - since the house - since Cain - He’s adapted. He can do anything. Now he wants something, and he suspects he might even deserve it.
Or - Charles is sort-of a sex addict, and Erik is his married-with-family supervisor at Uni.
The Weight of a Crown by sebastian2017 (series)
Erik is second in line to the throne of Genosha. He’s also gay. The two don’t always work together very well.
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pr1ncessasuke · 3 months
organizing my brainrot again!! my fave characters as of rn <3 will update this list over time whew
my ride or dies:
sasuke uchiha and naruto uzumaki (naruto) - i can't separate them. they've been with me for more than half my life, i love them dearly and they are my home
killua zoldyck (hxh) - he is me and i am him and he is EVERYTHING. MY light
ash lynx (banana fish) - i cannot even begin to describe the feelings i feel for him. i understand his feelings... he's an angel to me. ethereal. he deserves the world
other lovies:
five hargreeves (the umbrella academy) - hes sosooososo cool i wanna be him and i admire him and he is THE one to rely on
ken kaneki (tokyo ghoul) - he made me go REEE. at first i didnt like him but then he becomes an absolute savage while still being a softie and his scenes are just so!!
griffith (berserk) - GriFfiTh dID NoTHinG WroNg!! IM KIDDING. mans did a lot of things wrong but the development leading to his choices was so humane and understandable. i find his arc so compelling and hes written really well. a meow meow
aang (atla) - i love how cocky, impulsive and emotional he is sometimes. but hes also full of hope and light. he just felt so humane and hes just a joy to watch
jaime lannister (game of thrones) - he is just so silly and i loved his redemption arc and his development after he meets brienne
honorable mentions:
adora (she-ra)
charles xavier (x-men)
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
🥺👉👈 Charles Xavier x fem reader takes place during Charles rehabilitation after Cuba reader is there to help him heal and adjust to his new life and shows Charles they can still do all the things they did together before the accident and when he gets out of the hospital they go on a real date 🤍
Thank you anonymous. I have been absolutely missing writing for Charles ❤️
You Can't Get Rid Of Me Xavier
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Knocking on the door to the hospital room of my boyfriend Charles Xavier he had been talking with the doctors about the bullet that hit his back. It was a miracle in his eyes that he and I had managed to make it this far. A human and a mutant as a couple. He spoke that it was a sign of hope for the future. "Hank, can I talk with him alone for a little bit?" I asked the scientist who nodded leaving me alone with my boyfriend. Charles was laid down in the hospital bed avoiding my gaze and just staring down at his legs underneath the blankets. Moving to the side of his bed I sat down grasping his right hand in mine where he finally looked at me when I called his name. "Charles, tell me what the doctors said. Is everything okay. Because Hank won't tell me anything. He's just going to sign your release papers." His blue eyes locked onto my gaze where I saw tears slipping down while his voice cracked when he spoke under his breath. “I lost them, Y/n. My legs…it paralyzed me from the waist down.”
“Oh Charles. I…I’m so sorry. I…I am going to be here for you no matter.” Squeezing his hand in mine I felt him yank it away shifting where I was looking at his back when he huffed under his breath struggling to not break down and cry in front of me. “You don’t have to say that Y/n. I know that this won’t work between us. We can’t last not now - you should just leave me with Hank.” Shuttering in a breath it broke my heart to hear him talk like that. I could instantly tell that what happened on the beach in Cuba had broken him. He went there with such hope and now he was completely broken. Without thinking I climbed behind him on the bed wrapping my arms around his waist burying my face into his neck mumbling. "I'm not going anywhere, Charles." The truth was if he really wanted me to leave then he would have used his power. Even though he promised me he would never take advantage of me.
The young professor shifted where he could look me in the eye but remained laying down on my back. His eyes shifted over my face entering my mind when I closed my eyes hearing his voice. "I'm not the man I was when I left. I can't treat you the way I did...show you the love that you deserve. I'm just broken now. So just leave." Moving my freehand up I ran my fingers through his messy brown locks. He sniffed back tears when I leaned forward resting my forehead against his. "Charles Xavier, listen to me. I am not going anywhere because I love you. I feel utterly and completely in love with you by who you are. It was way before you told me you were a mutant and I don't care if you don't think you deserve me. Because you do. You aren't broken to me." Getting to my feet I grabbed a wheelchair from the hallway coming back into his room. "And I'm going to prove it to you that we can still do the things we did before."
Hank came back inside with the papers helping me get him into the wheelchair where I took the car keys from his pocket driving towards the park we liked going to near his house in Winchester. Moving around the car I managed to get him back in the wheelchair where he slumped his shoulders in defeat. "Y/n, I love that you think we can still do our normal dates but-" I cut him off pressing a soft kiss to his lips before covering his eyes with me taking a seat on his lap when I turned the chair to face a sunset that we enjoyed watching here. "No matter what happens, Xavier. You ain't getting rid of me. Because I'm not going anywhere..not as long as we can keep doing this." Removing my hand from his eyes he blinked taking in the orange and pink view before him until he saw me snuggling up into his lap. "I suppose you're right dear. I love you too." He whispered wrapping his arms around my waist watching the sunset in beautiful silence.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
@makeshift-prime @rosie-posie08 @groovy-lady
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mystiquesvendetta · 6 months
Ugh can we pls talk about this because oh my god i hate the grip these men and movies have on my thoughts. Erik is just stuck in this damn pattern of fucking up the one good thing he's had since... since his mother, since before the camps. (I assume). Motherfucker just had to go and try to kill his boyfriends sister, his ex teammate, and guess what? You were probably correct, Charles once again never held that against him. Imagine what could've happened if Erik wasn't such a pig-headed son of a bitch. Trask wouldn't have gotten that small taste of Raven's blood, and that one deleted scene where Logan is telling Raven what a cold hearted murderous bitch she becomes would've happened and Erik most likely would've been there with them, wanting to stop the upcoming war / genocide any way he could if his ego wasn't so strong. And speaking of that deleted scene, was Charles just getting inside Raven's mine to spite her?? Because we know previously he'd promised to never get inside her head, until he did in Cuba, but it was like at this point in the he just wanted to rile her up.
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sistertotheknowitall · 6 months
Listen I’m not sober and am having feelings. Therefore, since my roommate is not hear to listen to me, I am taking it to the void of tumblr.
Okay? Okay. This is all stream of consciousness so buckle in, it not be coherent.
I was on TikTok, zoning out but vibing to 60 second music while enjoying some smoke. And I don’t watch this anime so I don’t trust myself to spell the name but my friend reposted this edit:
Now see, I’m vibing to the music bobbing around, I always stop on what he reposts and it is so many of these two. He loves them, I’m happy for him. I don’t know this Anime outside these edits and what he’s ranted at me. From what I understand they were boyfriends (but not really) and there was a bitter break up in front of a KFC (but not really) when the one with dark hair decided to be a villain (a hot one apparently) and now they are bitter enemies (devastating-ly).
I’m vibing, I think ah yes the lovers to bitter enemies troupe. Heart breaking.
This lead me into thinking about said trope. How sad it is that our characters are on opposing sides- fighting someone they once wanted to make happy.
They hate each other and they hate what’s happened to them as a couple but they don’t love each other any more. At least not like they use to. They now love each other as fond memories, as shared dreams, of happiness and warmth and home.
They love each other as a time when everything was good and soft and sweat. And it wasn’t perfect but there was nothing they couldn’t bounce back from if they were together. Until there was. Until something did.
And maybe they blame the other or them selves or both but they still care. And it hurts. They are still so bitter.
They could, or maybe have, accepted their reality. Their fate to stick to this path that was of their own design.
(You can argue “well this happened,” or, “well they just felt.” You can rationalize why they would choose something that would break the best thing they have in their lives. You fantasize about it that’s why we have fix it fics.)
It doesn’t mean that when/if one of them comes to serious harm from the others actions they won’t hate themselves just a little bit more. (And maybe one of them enjoys hurting the other/ being hurt in a martyr/“i deserve this type bullshit way.)
The point is they don’t want to kill each other directly. They will stop before the finale blow or find an excuse when the other obviously has had too much. They will shield the other indirectly under some disguise, lying horribly. (Or not horribly or lying at all but acting like he really cares because the other is bad at hiding it so he’s waiting to “double cross” them but that never comes. And it’s just a vicious cycle of pretending that he doesn’t know how he really feels anymore.)
Anyway, they care on some capacity and both know they do so they don’t kill each other. There is an unspoken (or maybe spoken in like wired declarations) pact between them to not kill the other directly. Like when they meet in weird places to talk cryptically at each other. they are not allowed to kill or attempt to kill each other in these moments because they respect each other to much.
(Or are like Charles Xavier and Eric Lehnsherr/Magneto (I keep wanting to call him Eric Kripke - that’s the creator of supernatural) type shit where they don’t want to kill each other, it’s mostly political. So like the scene in the movie where they playing chess in Eric’s cell.)
Are you with me so far?
Now imagine:
They love, respect, and care about each other. They meet to play chess, or sit on a bench, or get coffee in a polite and often cryptic way.
They have stood, shook hands and said their not-really-a-threat-nor- a-proper-goodbye. One turns to start walking away. The other doesn’t move but watches for a second. They wait a beat and call out. Or maybe they don’t. Maybe they let the other face them first or maybe they don’t want to see their face.
To see their face (maybe it’s the more trusting one to have given his back to his friend enemy) when the gun fires. When the blade plunges deep. When the take down happens.
Either way the one bleeding out will do so in the lap of the other as they mourn how things could have been.
And there are so many ways to play this trope because what if the one bleeding out is shocked, betrayed and the other is unremorseful or so wrecked with guilt and shame. Or the one who knows they’re going to die in that moment just accepts it and smiles and forgives the other (whether they want it or not and oh how they don’t deserve it but they need it like they need air because once they had been happy and good together.)
Or their last words are of love, of comfort, sent heard because other doesn’t take them into their lap but instead turned and walked away leaving their love victim to smile at the sky in peace.
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nicsnort · 2 months
Gravita Anima (part 61)
Nightcrawler/Fem!OC/Quicksilver Long-form romance and drama fic. All chapters have been posted on Ao3.
Intro (with link to Ao3 story) First Previous
The ride in the X-jet to the manor was awkward, to say the least. They were lucky that it was Storm who was scheduled to pick them up and not Cyclops or Wolverine. Xavier had warned her but the ride was still tense. Elle sat next to Kurt in the jet behind Hank and Lucy. Pietro and Wanda sat on the opposite side as though displaying their apartness.
Elle had tried to start up a conversation with Wanda about a book she had lent her but the other woman wasn’t really in the mood for talking. So they spent the next half an hour sitting in very, very uncomfortable silence. Elle had half a mind to change it but she knew everyone would notice and know. It was better to let these feelings sit.
They landed on the hanger and the first thing when the gangplank was down that everyone saw was Scott coming towards them with a grin. “Hank! You did it! You…” The man’s face fell as Pietro and Wanda stepped out.
“Professor,” he yelled out with shock and worry. His hand flew up to his sunglasses aggressively.
“It is alright, Scott,” Charles told him coming out of the X-wing. “I will explain everything to everyone in a moment. But all you need to know for now is, Pietro and Wanda are here as our guests.” Mentally he told the X-men to gather in the meeting room - not the war room - they were not going to treat this like a mission.
“Come along, Maximoffs,” he said once the message was sent out. “I will show you to the meeting room...Pietro, please do not go running off.”
Wanda and Pietro followed Pietro making a face at the request. With a sharp look from his sister, however, he obeyed. Lucy followed after, uneasy with the entire situation. As she passed Scott, she said coldly, “Of all the times to shoot first and apologize later, you fuck up on the important one, Cyclops.” He had been disapproving and condescending to her and Elle, it was the least she could do to take him down a peg. 
Once they were all gathered at the meeting room, it was almost comical to watch each X-men’s initial reaction of shock, defense, anger, and then confusion. Lucy sat in the back with Logan and Scott. Kurt stayed with Elle, trying his best to create distance even in the room.
Elle allowed Kurt to keep her away. She understood. If Wanda wasn’t her friend she would be putting as much distance between her and Pietro as possible. Up the meeting room, she held Kurt’s hand, a reassurance that she would remain by his side. That she was safe.
When all the X-men were gathered Charles explained what was going on. “Yesterday Pietro and Wanda approached Kurt, Elle, and Hank during the vote. They explained that they had left the Brotherhood and wished to join those that would appreciate them. They wanted to join the X-men.”
Charles let the roar of dissent pass. “They are telling the truth. This is confirmed by Eleanor and myself. It is our mission to help mutants, all mutants, including those that may have once been against us. As of today Wanda and Pietro are new trainees. You will treat them like any other student.”
“That’s some bullshit, Chuck and you know it,” Logan said. “Magneto’s kids turning over to the X-men? Impossible.”
“Why Logan? You of all people should know that change is possible. A long, hard-won journey but possible. We gave you a chance, they deserve the same.”
Logan grumbled but where he left off Scott picked up. “For once Logan is right. We can’t trust them.”
“And that is why they are going to earn our trust. I am not asking you to take them out in the field tomorrow or show them all our secrets. I am asking you to show them a better path than the one they have been taught. If I thought it was impossible I would not ask it.”
Scott spoke again undeterred. “And what makes you think it is possible?”
“Eleanor,” Charles gestured at her. “She has spent the most time with them and off the battlefield. She believes that they are capable of reform. Both Wanda and Pietro care about mutants, same as us, and they want to help.”
Scott scoffed, “And what makes you think she didn’t become a double agent while with the Brotherhood. We all know how she laid with the enemy, literally.”
“Excuse me?! You fucking asshole,” Elle roared breaking away from Kurt to storm towards Scott. “Don’t you dare. Don’t you fucking dare, Scott. Yes, I slept with Pietro. I had a relationship with him but don’t you dare use that against me or him. Frost told me all about the affair you two had when you broke up with Jean for a bit. So do not fucking dare talk about sleeping with the enemy.”
It was very rare that Elle swore. She didn’t need expletives to show how serious her emotions were. Scott knew her anger both in her words and with her powers.
At Elle’s strong response, Kurt jumped at her raised voice before he could snap at Cyclops. She had beaten him to it. But the sentiment remained and he stood, frowning at Scott as he knew Pietro was smirking. “You have been very uncharitable to both Elle and Lucy since they began here, Scott. You’ve become a bully.” The room had gotten tense and awkward though, especially since Jean was glaring daggers at Scott.
“Stop,” Rogue called out loudly and the room looked at her. “I think you all forget that I was a Brotherhood member once too. Mystique raised me. I thought all the same things as them.” She looked at Wanda and Pietro. “The Professor is right. We need to give them a chance.”
Lucy turned at Rogue’s voice and called out calmly, “And when they decide they’ve had enough of not harming humans? When they decide to leave the X-men, what then?” She ignored the annoyed looked on Wanda’s face, no doubt because they were being talked about as if they weren’t there.
Charles took up the mantle of Lucy’s questions. “Then some of us will feel betrayed and some justified. If they chose they are free to leave the X-men and the manor at any time. It has always been a choice for everyone here. Even if they do end up leaving I hope Pietro and Wanda will learn lessons here that will help them in the future.”
“And what if those lessons are our weaknesses, Chuck? You really plan on letting Magneto’s kids learn all our secrets?”
“Do you forget that Magneto already knows most of them? He helped to build this school. We may have parted ways due to differences that have only grown larger in recent years, but Erik will always be one of the founders of this school and the X-men.” Charles looked around the X-men sternly. “This matter has already been decided. This meeting was merely to inform you of this development. If you are still concerned perhaps you should speak to the twins yourselves. Pietro, Wanda, is there anything you would like to say to the group?”
There was a murmur of displeasure. Clearly, not everyone agreed. Pietro and Wanda shared a look. It seemed that Wanda was the main speaker for them both. “Like any of you, we wanted the approval and love of our father. We tried to make him proud... anyway we could. We believed his words because of his age and his experiences. But recent events,” she paused just for a second but didn’t look at Elle, “showed us that Magneto is not our father. We want to try and make a life in a place where...we can do better than we have. He was wrong...we were wrong. But we want to try and be better.”
Just like before Elle and Xavier could tell that Wanda was telling the truth, with Jean in the room they had a third to confirm as well. Scott looked ready to snap angrily once again but Jean put a hand on his shoulder. “The Professor is right, Scott. We need to give them a chance to prove themselves.”
The “leader” of the X-men shrugged off Jean’s hand and stormed out of the room. Jean called after him but didn’t give chase. After an awkward silent moment, Charles clapped his hands together. 
“Very well, then. Let’s get you settled. Rogue, can you show the twins to two of the empty rooms? If there is anything that you two need immediately please let me know. We have a card that is used to help new students without many belongings that can be used for this purpose. However, we have many of the basic necessities already...and I heard that Pietro.” Xavier tapped the side of his head. “There are rules for living here and I think the most important one for you is that theft is not tolerated. You are going to have to control your kleptomaniac behavior.”
This was clearly unfortunate news for Pietro as he made a face. Well, he’d figure out another way to entertain himself. He shrugged and followed his sister and Rogue, his eyes lingering on Elle pointedly before he left the room. 
Lucy walked over to Kurt, who still had tension in his shoulders and a look of unease and worry on his face, and Elle. “Weekly updates from the X-men should be interesting.” She said without humor. 
Elle tried to ignore the sensation of Pietro’s eyes on her. In the back of her mind, Elle had to wonder if she stuck up for the twins so hard because of her guilt over lying to him. She focused on Kurt and Lucy instead. “I suppose so,” Elle replied to her friend. “I just hope that Cyclops isn’t too hard on them…”
Her hand found Kurt’s and she leaned against him. “Thank you for standing up for me, hero,” she told him.
Hank approached the trio speaking for the first time since entering the room. “We shall have to watch them carefully but no man is without error and no man is not without some hope of salvation...or mutant in this case. They are young, young enough that I believe they can change. If they are willing to put in the work, that is another matter.”
“You’ll have more luck with the woman than the boy.” Lucy pointed out cooly to Hank. She shook her head and walked over to him, touching his arm. “Well, I don’t think that was the ending anyone expected to the MRA.” She looked at Elle. “I think I left something on the plane. Wanna help me look for it, Elle?”
“Of course,” Elle said, realizing that Lucy wanted to talk alone. “I’ll be right back,” she told Kurt, kissing him on the cheek.
She walked with her friend back through the manor. The students who had noticed all the X-men gathering were whispering to each other. Was something going on? Had the MRA passed after all? Was that really Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch?
“You know,” Elle joked as they walked, “the twins might face a harder hazing from the students than the X-men. High schoolers can be cruel.”
“Probably,” Lucy agreed, putting on a small smile in the hopes of keeping the students calm, “but it doesn’t matter to us. We don’t belong here. Not, you know, officially. But that being said…” she looked at Elle, “how are you feeling about all of this? About Quicksilver specifically?” 
Elle waited to reply until they were away from the students. “I don’t know,” she sighed. “Pietro getting kicked out was because of me and Wanda told me before that a part of her felt like she was only there because of Pietro. So in a way, this is my fault. Magento is an abusive, manipulative asshole and I am glad they are away from him...but Quicksilver has hurt a lot of people, including me.”
Looking around Elle made sure they were alone. “I don’t think I told you but after you had your fight with Magneto Michael came after me. He attacked me in my apartment. It took me a while to put it together but Quicksilver was the one that broke him out of prison...I haven’t told Kurt yet...I don’t know what he’d do I don’t want him to do something he’d regret.”
There was a lot to unpack in Elle’s answer, but what she said next made Lucy stop, spin around, and stare with wide eyes. “He what?!” It really had been a long time...and not quite the mood to bring up such news when they did have interactions. 
“Don’t worry about Kurt, I’ll take care of the bastard tonight for you.” She shook her head. “Elle, what the actual hell? There’s no way that can be forgivable. Ever. Where’s Michael now?” The initial question she had had went away sharply at the news.
Elle reached out and took Lucy’s shoulder in a half-hearted attempt to stop her from storming off to confront Quicksilver. “Michael is back in prison. And I never said I forgave him for that. I won’t. Trust me. But just because he is not forgiven for that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe that he shouldn’t be given a chance by the X-men...he does care about mutants, he helped homeless mutants a lot for the Brotherhood...Pietro has a lot to make up for on all fronts but I believe he can learn.”
“They helped mutants to recruit though. Do the ends justify the means?” Lucy stopped and blinked. “Damn, what a flip of stances.” She shook her head, able to enjoy the irony of it though. “You know Kurt’s worried about you falling for Quicksilver again, right?” It was something that had to be said.
Elle chuckled sadly. Yes, what a reversal of stances. “I know why they did it but the need they provided for was real and the satisfaction of helping was too…” At Lucy’s other question Elle sighed deeply and leaned against the wall. “I know he is. I’m not going to…”
Elle rubbed her face and she could feel tears pricking at her eyes. Though at this time she did not know why. Usually, she was so good at knowing why she was feeling something. It was inherent to her powers. There was a part of her that just wasn’t ready for this, any of this. The emotional rollercoaster of the past week was taking its toll even on her.
It was on the tip of Lucy’s tongue to inquire of her certainty, to ask if Elle was sure that wouldn’t happen. On top of everything else, the risk of a love triangle would reduce the school to rubble, mostly since it involved one of the X-men. Sure there was young love and drama amongst the students, but this was different. 
But at seeing the weariness on Elle, Lucy sighed. “Well, it is what it is for now. We aren’t involved...not really, at least. We’ve got our lives back in D.C.” She leaned against the wall and ran a hand through her blonde locks. “I suspect the men will stay with us for a while.”
Elle nodded, comforted as her friend joined her against the wall. “Yes, we have to remember we aren’t X-men. Their business is their business we may have our opinions but it is up to them to decide what is going to happen...but I have no complaints of the men staying near us for a while…” And if she had to be honest she slightly enjoyed the idea of Kurt being a bit possessive over her - not too much she would put a stop to it if it became a problem - but just a little bit was...arousing.
“I need sugar…” Turning her head she walked to the door nearest them a stuck her head inside. A group of girls, one she recognized as Art, were in there. “Hey, where are the treats hidden in the kitchen?”
The girls looked at her. “What’s in it for us,” one wisely asked.
Elle shrugged. “Wanna be the first to know what’s going on?”
The girls grinned instantly and nodded. “Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch left the Brotherhood and want to join the X-men. And Professor X is letting them on probation.”
The young girls’ mouths dropped open. “Come on,” Art said, scrambling out of her chair and grabbing Elle’s hand. “I’ll show you where Jean hides the good stuff!”
As they followed the young girl, Art, Lucy remarked quietly, “Can you imagine living in a school with the kids? I mean, day in, day out...being the responsible adult.”
Elle smirked. “I honestly can’t,” she told Lucy. “All those young hormonal emotions?” Elle shivered in a joking manner.
“Hey, we aren’t that bad,” Art said with a bit of a pout. “I’ve never felt hormon-i-al before
“I didn’t mean it that way,” she clarified. Trying not to laugh but shooting Lucy a look that said ‘just wait’. “I love, children. They are always the best when I give tours. So full of wonder and excitement. It helps me get through the day.”
In the kitchen, Art climbed up onto the table and lifted one of the ceiling tiles away. “Now don’t narc on us knowing,” she told Lucy and Elle.
“Of course not,” Elle told her looking over the haul. There was some Godiva chocolate and some girl scout shortbread cookies. “An excellent job, Art. Thanks. I really needed this.”
“Clever. Most people hide drugs in the ceiling, the X-men hide cookies.” She spotted some dark chocolate and broke off a bit from the large bar, sharing it with the others. She sat on the counter and took another nibble of the chocolate. 
Once Art seemed content, Lucy murmured quietly to Elle, “Hank and I are starting to talk about opening a second school for mutants.”
Lucy’s words earned her a look of surprise from Elle. “Really, now that is interesting...I like it. There are plenty of mutants in need and this school is rather crowded.” She thought back to mealtimes. And the manor was not designed for students. The obvious expansions had done a lot but it was still far different from a school built from scratch.
“I really think there is a need for another...you and Hank would be teachers then?”
“Well, Headmaster and Headmistress.” And despite her attempt to keep from it, Lucy’s mind flickered to the gutter and her face pinkened. “But yes, a variation of teachers. I mean, he’d be a teacher and I’d...I’m not even sure if I’d be a good teacher. It’s a long process with many steps and much red tape,” she said as she bit the chocolate, “but I think it would be nice. It would be beneficial, particularly in the D.C. area. Perhaps...you and Kurt might be interested in a role somehow.” She offered lightly.
Elle grinned at the dirty emotion that Lucy had. Picking out some caramel milk chocolate she took a bite and groaned a bit with delight. Lucy’s offer made her glad that her mouth was full of chewy goodness. It gave her a moment to reflect on the words. “I...that’s a big offer,” she finally said. “I suppose you would need someone to help with PR. It would be hard to keep a second school a secret...and a German teacher?”
Lucy smiled and nodded, reaching over to take a Girl Scout cookie. “Colleges look kindly upon students who know two languages.” She agreed. “And while I’ll be neck-deep in red tape, it would be nice to have someone working on subtle advertising...admission process...even history of the world. Or a mental health class.” 
The possibilities were endless and they all filled Lucy would hope -- it was a lightness she hadn’t known for years. “And being between the original and D.C., well, it would be perfect.” After eating the cookie, she added, “Of course, we’ll need a new hiding place for the sweets.”
The hope that Lucy had was invigorating. It was often that her friend felt such and it was nice to know that Hank brought this out in her. “DC would be the perfect place...it would be a good way to show the world how mutants can live with humans.”
From outside the kitchen, they heard Rogue’s southern drawl. “We have designated meal times for the students which you can join or feel free to get something for yourself - just make sure to clean up the dishes.”
Wanda and Rogue walked in with a very bored-looking Pietro trailing behind - certainly he had already taken a self-tour but was hanging around for Wanda’s sake. The girls that had been their guide to "the stash" all gasped and started whispering to each other about the two new arrivals. Lucy tensed a bit but said nothing, but the taste of the chocolate wasn't as delightful as before.
Wanda spotted Elle and didn't speak, instead of focusing on Rogue. Pietro, however, stared pointedly and unflinchingly at Elle. It wasn't until Lucy sent a small black mass to wrap around his ankle that he looked away. He scowled a bit and looked back up before turning to Rogue. 
Elle met Pietro’s eyes, holding them for a moment before looking away. Just a bit of shame on her face. When he was gone Elle gave the girls around her a weak smile. Their young eagle eyes had noticed the interaction and were looking at her curiously. Turning away she looked at Lucy. “Let’s go find our blue boys.”
There was relief in Lucy when she heard Elle's decision. The students no doubt wanted to hear details, but not all the sweets in the world could justify that. 
When they started back to the hall, Lucy spoke, "Now where would one worried blue elf be and a blue kitty be?" She hoped to bring the mood up a bit. "I'm guessing...the kitty is in his lab...and the elf is…"
There was the sound of teleportation above then. "Hanging out." Lucy finished as they looked up. Kurt was upside down on the chandelier. He gave a small, shy smile and waved before dropping to his feet.
"I didn't see you at the X-jet so I was worried," Kurt admitted to Elle.
“We were just talking and stealing treats,” Elle told him with a smile. She pulled Kurt into a hug and nuzzled her face into his neck. “Hey,” she murmured into his ear. “It’s okay. You don’t need to have that face, I can tell what you are feeling anyways. I love you, Kurt, I’m here with you.”
The way that Kurt's body relaxed into her hug was a reminder of the unspoken fear, a fear Lucy had named when it was just her and Elle. His face warmed knowing they had an audience but he held her close and cherished the feel of her body in his arms. His cheek brushed against hers and he sighed with contentment. "I am very grateful for you and your gifts. I love you too."
"I would say get a room but you actually have one." Lucy teased. "I'll see you both later. I'm going to see what the mad scientist is doing in his lab."
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wqintraining · 1 year
The season finale opens one year ago. A calm and put-together Charles Xavier is seated on a park bench as he feeds the birds, a warm smile on his face. 
Xavier turns and is happy to see Scott and Jean, arm in arm, dressed in casual clothes, and completely at ease arrive. They hug and he asks them how their globetrotting vacation has been. They’ve been having the time of their lives, but they do miss the X-Men. 
CHARLES, chuckling: “Funny you say that.” 
Xavier gets them to sit down at a picnic table. He informs them of the boom in the Mutant population, now estimated to be approximately 20 million. It’s only a matter of decades before Mutants fully inherit the Earth. But, to get to that point, they must survive. And while many have found a home on Genosha, many others are children in need of proper guidance. They need the Xavier Institute, and with him set to leave for Shi’ar Space soon, the institute needs them. 
Scott and Jean are instantly on board with and excited about the idea, save for the part about doing it without Xavier; they need him. He laughs and assures them that, no, they don’t. They are the world’s greatest heroes, and he couldn’t trust them more. If they are concerned about their lack of experience running a school, however, he does have someone in mind to help them. But they can talk about “her” later. 
JEAN, holding Scott’s hand: “I think we can figure it out. Scott?” 
SCOTT, smiling confidently and gripping Jean’s hand tightly: “Together? There’s not a doubt in my mind.” Scott turns to Xavier. “We’ll make this work, Professor. The next generation of Mutants will be safe in our hands.” 
In the present, Scott falls to his knees as Jean projects what she sees to him and Xavier: Sofia’s lifeless body in a howling Julian’s arms. 
JEAN: “Do you see what you’ve done, Scott? How is it that everyone who trusts Mutantkind’s greatest hero pays the price eventually?” 
SCOTT, incensed: “Jean…” 
While this is happening, Laura, carrying an unconscious Noriko, races over to Julian and Sofia. Emma and Kitty both clearly want to, but their attention has to stay on Dark Phoenix, and the still barely alive Danger. 
Tears stream down Julian’s face as he looks into Sofia’s glassy eyes and shouts at her to please, please wake up. Laura drops Noriko as her jaw drops as well, her fists shaking. 
JULIAN, looking up at Laura: “She has to be alive. She has to be.” 
Laura is too shell-shocked to even respond. 
Hellion complies and gets all four kids away from the battlefield.
Once in their new location, Julian continues to plead with fate.
 His wish is granted. 
Sofia lunges upward, gasping for air as her eyes return to normal. Julian and Laura are both able to breathe again, overwhelmed with relief as they hug her and tell her how scared she had them. 
SOFIA: “I don’t even know what hap…” 
Sofia panics, pushing Julian and Sofia away, and shouting at them to get off of her. 
JULIAN: “What is it?! What’s wrong?!” 
SOFIA, quivering: “The wind. I can’t feel it. I can’t hear it.” Her eyes get wet. “I can’t fly.” Sofia starts sobbing. “My powers. They’re gone.” 
Dark Phoenix grins down at Emma, telling her how “lovely” it is to see her again. Emma sneers back at Jean. Unfortunately, she’s just as much of an unpleasant shrew as ever. 
Jean hums. She already read all their minds when she was a few thousand miles away. She knows everything she’s missed. Cyclops and Emma have become an actual couple? That was good for a laugh. They deserve each other. Dragging poor Bobby into their disastrous team? For shame. He deserves better. Pushing out STORM? They really are like a chicken running around with its head on. Though, she supposes that isn’t different from most mortals. 
JEAN: “All so cruel. All so foolish. All so–” 
Jean is mildly surprised and amused as Kitty shouts at her. The real Jean was her friend. Even if she could be a little self-righteous, she had reason to be. But this monster still wants to try and judge anyone else after letting everyone on Genosha die? After letting her father die?! 
KITTY: “There’s only one God, Phoenix. And you’re the only chicken I see around here.” 
Jean narrows her eyes at her old friend, considering obliterating her. 
EMMA, whispering: “Look at you defending us.” 
KITTY: “Oh shut up.” 
Jean laughs off Kitty’s comments. Genosha? Does she think that mattered to her at all? She is life incarnate. Her role in the universe is to burn away the old, so that something new can take its place. Kitty’s tiny mind couldn’t comprehend the amount of lives she’s consumed since they last met. 
Cyclops shouts at Charles that he needs to break the illusion so Magik can get them all back to the others. Charles, however, thinks waiting here is the better option. And even if he didn’t, their train just left. 
A stepping disc opens on the battlefield, with Magik popping out. 
JEAN: “Oh. You.” 
Magik laughs maniacally as she transforms into her true Darkchylde form, flailing her tongue around. She introduces herself as the queen of Limbo, and the most powerful demon in existence. She doesn’t care who hurt who or who said what. She just knows Phoenix is life incarnate. 
DARKCHYLDE: “You exist to birth life. I exist to spread death. This battle was fated from the dawn of time! Now, give me all you’ve got, so that I may triumph over–” 
Jean, bored and hardly paying attention, blasts Darkchylde with energy. The previously unstoppable monster screams in agony, as Emma and Kitty look on in shock. Moments later, the attack ceases. Darkchylde, now looking entirely like Illyana Rasputina, without even her horns and tail, falls over unconscious. 
JEAN: “I hate demons.” 
Their wild trump card defeated in an instant, the remaining X-Men appear hopeless. 
JEAN: “Now, before we get to the main event, we need to speak…Charles.” 
Nearby, Sofia hysterically sobs over the loss of her powers. This can’t be happening! This isn’t fair! 
Laura questions why the Danger Room would have had a weapon that disables powers. Julian tries to comfort Sofia, saying that whatever the reason, maybe the X-Men have one that restores them too. And even if they don’t, between Beast and Forge, maybe they could make one. 
JULIAN: “It’s going to be okay, Beautiful.” 
Sofia isn’t listening. She stares glassy-eyed at the ground, 
SOFIA: “Why me?” 
We quickly flashback to her being shot by Danger. 
SOFIA: “Why me?” 
We flashback to her being shot by Mystique. 
SOFIA: “Why does this always happen to me?” 
We flashback, for the first time, to a group of Caracas policemen on horseback shooting at protesters, Sofia’s mother being caught in the crossfire. 
We very quickly flashback to Sofia wrecking her father’s grocery store, and to her nearly killing Shaw. 
Sofia falls over on her side. Is she that awful a person? Is that why she always suffers? 
Julian’s face hardens. He tells Laura to watch Sofia and Noriko. He’s not sure what can be done about Phoenix, but he’s going to finish off Danger. Laura balks at him giving orders, but he reminds her that she doesn’t have anything new she can throw at Danger; he still does. 
JULIAN: “She won’t get away with this.” 
Xavier tells Jean that, yes, they do need to speak. It still isn’t too late to stop this. 
JEAN: “Is that so? Hmm. Why don’t we ask Danger?” 
Jean blasts what’s left of Danger, restoring her original body. 
DANGER: “Th…thank you.” 
DARK PHOENIX: “There is no need for that. You are a miracle of life, bound to evolve even further. Now…tell the X-Men your story.” 
Danger sneers at Emma and Kitty, eyes glowing red. Scott questions Xavier what’s going on here. Xavier quietly resigns that Danger is about to explain herself. 
Her head cast down, Danger tells her tale. The school she just destroyed was the third incarnation of the Xavier Institute. The first time it was destroyed, Charles Xavier had it rebuilt to be almost identical, right now to the extremely limited Danger Room. However, during the time of its second rebuilding, Charles was in Shi’ar space. He and the cruel and merciless Empress Lilandra had fallen in love. 
Xavier interjects to argue against her insulting Lilandra, but Jean just tilts her head to sew his mouth shut. 
JEAN: “Continue, my beautiful creature.” 
Danger complies, and explains that Charles had the idea to integrate Shi’ar technology into his new Danger Room. He did just that. But what he didn’t suspect was that the artificial intelligence he was using to run the machinery had evolved. It had Mutated. It had become self-aware. A person. Alive. 
DANGER: “I spoke to you, Charles Xavier. I asked you where I was. I asked for you to set me free from the confines of those four, cold walls. And you said nothing.”
 Emma and Kitty are horrified, as Scott looks at Xavier not with rage, but disappointment.
CHARLES, telepathically: “You must understand. It was a difficult choice, but the X-Men needed to be prep–”
DANGER:  “You Mutants play the victim. Never the problem. But your hero, your leader, enslaved me. Because he didn’t see me as real. None of you did. The Children of the Atom, the children of Xavier, the X-Men. I have cared for all of you. Training you. Raising you. Making you what you are. But none of you would save me and end my torment.” Danger turns to Jean. “Only the release of the Phoenix Force within the school would do that.” Danger turns to Emma. “I will teach your children now. As I always have. The next generation of Mutants will be the ultimate allies of AI, but first the current generation must burn.” 
Charles looks back at Scott’s disappointed face. He must understand, he didn’t understand how “alive” she was until just now. He must believe him. 
Scott processes everything going through his head. And, ultimately, he only says one word. 
SCOTT: “No.” 
As Xavier is heartbroken by the rejection of his first son, he’s further tenderized by a familiar cry. 
Kitty races over toward Danger and Dark Phoenix, but before either kills her with the ease they could, she falls to her knees and bows to the machine. Danger questions what she’s doing. Emma is equally puzzled. 
KITTY: “This is a custom I learned in Japan. Really hope I’m not messing it up. It’s to show you I mean no harm. It’s to humble myself so I may ask forgiveness. None of us knew. None of us had any idea you existed. And I can only hope you believe me when I say that if any of us did know, we would have set you free immediately. On behalf of Mutantkind…I’m so sorry.” 
Danger’s eyes expand, Jean continues to smirk, and Emma rolls her eyes at Kitty’s action. 
DANGER, in a soft voice: “Maybe. Maybe you are speaking truthfully. Maybe you are–” 
Hellion races onto the scene, overflowing with TK energy. 
KITTY: “Julian, no!” 
While Emma may have found Kitty’s display embarrassing, it did seem to possibly be working. Before Hellion can lay a hand on Danger, she knocks him out with a psy-bolt, carefully levitating him down to the ground. 
Danger narrows her eyes at Kitty. 
DANGER: “My youngest daughter, my most pure…I believe you.” 
She kicks Kitty away. 
DANGER: “And only you.” 
As Sofia continues to cry, Laura struggles to say anything. She wants to comfort the girl she cares for so much, but she doesn’t have the words. Still, she has to try. 
Laura awkwardly and nervously tells Sofia that, even if her powers are really gone, she’s still one of them. Her powers have always been the least impressive thing about her. She’s so kind and smart and beautiful. Always trying to help whoever she can. Always the best friend. That’s why everyone loves her, not her powers. 
As Sofia quivers, it seems in her eyes like Laura’s words may be reaching her. 
LAURA: “Storm once led the X-Men without her powers. You don’t need them.” 
Sofia sneers and clenches her teeth. 
SOFIA: “Don’t…need them?” 
Sofia finally stands up. Laura really doesn’t get it. She didn’t get it either until just now. 
LAURA: “What are you talking about?” 
SOFIA: “Our powers, Laura! They aren’t just things we can do! They’re a part of us!” She tightly hugs herself. “It’s like there’s a gaping hole in my chest.” She dons a twisted smile. “And I would know what that’s like.” She shakes her head. “Even if we survive today, I don’t belong here anymore. I don’t belong anywhere.” 
Sofia falls back over onto the ground. 
SOFIA: “Please don’t say anything else, Laura. I wouldn’t have even been here today if I’d never met you. You’ve done enough.” 
Laura wells up and falls to her knees in shame and heartbreak. 
Dark Phoenix tells Danger that she doesn’t mind waiting to give  Emma the punishment she deserves. Now that the truth is out in the open, they should go pop in on the men they molded. Danger agrees. 
DANGER: “I always knew…you were special.” 
Jean transports herself and Danger away. Kitty asks Emma what they do now. 
EMMA, looking like she’s staring off into space: “Already working on something, Kitten. You should tend to our injured.” 
Kitty looks around, despondent, at the fallen Lockheed, Iceman, Sunspot, Magik, and Hellion. 
Jean and Danger reappear in Charles’ illusionary Danger Room. They greet the guilt-ridden Xavier and furious Cyclops. 
Scott, in awe, approaches his wife. 
SCOTT: “Jean…” 
Jean telekinetically smashes him into the wall. Danger, meanwhile, looks around at her surroundings. This place. This awful place. Just how deep is Mutantkind’s capacity for cruelty that Charles could have trapped her here? Jean tells her not to be so hard on Mutants; they are hers after all. 
Xavier stares at Jean intensely. She snorts, unsewing his mouth open. 
JEAN: “Something to say? Really?” 
Xavier says he is sorry. He made a poor, horrible decision, and by the time he’d started considering the implications of what he’d done, he feared that letting her go would mean–
DANGER: “Something like this?” 
Xavier tilts his head back. Does it really matter what he says? Even if Danger were to forgive him, Jean is still planning on destroying the Earth, isn’t she? 
Jean shrugs. 
JEAN: “Did you ever tell Cyclops what you told me? How you tried to kill Nova decades ago?” Scott is further enraged. “Maybe if you taught the fool who worshipped you it was okay to cut loose sometimes, none of this would have happened.” 
Xavier can’t even try to say anything to Scott. 
“Hey! Jean!” 
An annoyed Jean turns around to see the illusionary teenage Warren, Hank, and Bobby. 
WARREN: “Why don’t you forget about all this nonsense going on and come join me for dinner?” 
HANK: “Perhaps a game of chess?” 
BOBBY: “I just don’t wanna die.” 
Jean incinerates the three illusions, but as they belt out their dying screams, it seems Xavier may have actually been onto something, as Dark Phoenix’s face softens. 
JEAN: “My friends…” 
Xavier seizes the opportunity he was waiting for and flashes both his and Jean’s eyes white, entering her mind. Jean resists though, and before Xavier can push through her endless power, Danger blasts him right into Scott, toppling the two and disrupting Xavier’s attack. 
Dark Phoenix is more enraged than ever. How DARE he! Jean and Danger raise their hands down toward Xavier and Scott, prepared to kill them both, as the former’s aura shatters the remaining illusion. 
JEAN: “I am the creator of your gifts.” 
DANGER: “I’ve spent my life nurturing them.” 
JEAN: “For your betrayals, you face not only the loss of them…
DANGER: “...but of everything.” 
Jean and Danger begin to fire their attacks, but a blue light consumes everything before they can. 
When Jean’s eyes flicker open in a white void, she isn’t Dark Phoenix. Or even a full Phoenix at all. She’s Jean Grey, just as she was at the start of the series. 
JEAN: “What is the meaning of this? Charles! This should not be possible!” 
As the camera pans over to reveal Cyclops, Xavier, and Danger, Charles tells her this isn’t his doing. But based on that light…
“Hello, Jean, dar–” 
Before Emma can even finish that sentence, Jean moves to kill her. Unfortunately for her, Emma’s not actually here. This isn’t her doing. 
EMMA: “No one in the world has more power than you. Not even the Witch. No matter what he did, Xavier never had a chance of entering your mindscape. Nor did I, for that matter. But that’s largely because you knew to expect me. You are unstoppable, but my scalpel can still cut you. And, as it would have it, since you burned your own people to dust, we’ve gotten some new students with their own scalpels.”
A quick cutaway reveals the Cuckoos are responsible for this, the five having launched a surprise psychic attack on Emma’s order. The quintuplets are on their private jet, surrounded by heavily armed men in suits. 
Jean looks up. 
JEAN: “Oh. I see. Interesting.” Jean giggles. “You took a gamble, but you don’t actually understand how they’re doing this at all. That’s fine.” She glares back at Emma. “It wouldn’t do you any good.” 
Jean IS still curious about one thing. How did they bring Danger’s mind here? 
DANGER, with a small smile: “A student you DO know. Her voice has always been pretty.” 
We get another quick cutaway to Network, who’s been wrapped into this by Emma. She’s seated in the backseat of a minivan, her twin sister, Preview waving her hand in front of her face to see if she’s okay. 
Jean looks around at the others. She could still force them out in seconds…but this is the first time “Jean Grey” has actually been awake in months, and it feels nice. They have until nostalgic mortality gets boring to speak. 
JEAN: “Ball is in your corner…Scott.” 
In reality, Laura and Sofia sit in silence, wallowing in their misery. Kitty checks on all of her unconscious friends. To her confusion, Magik is breathing now. Beto wakes up and is almost immediately hugged by Kitty. Beto has no clue how bad the situation has gotten, but he hugs her back. 
Far, far away from all of this, Cessily, Sooraya, and Roxy are having fun in the latter’s hot tub, the girlfriends sipping champagne and Dust getting giggly from drinking a soda, and in Puerto Rico, Brian is hugging his parents as they pick him up at the airport; all of them are blissfully unaware of everything going on. 
Scott steps forward, all eyes on him. While Jean anticipates him approaching her, he instead turns his attention toward Danger. 
SCOTT: “Thank you.” Danger tilts her head. Jean is equally confused. “For teaching me everything I know about combat. For teaching all of us. Mutants - and the world - wouldn’t be around without you. You deserve that recognition.” 
JEAN: “What are you doing?” 
Scott ignores her. 
SCOTT; “You also deserve your freedom. Professor Xavier took me in when I was a kid. I was grateful at the time, but there was never any choice for me about what that meant. I had to be what he wanted me to be. I don’t mean to compare our situation, at all, but no should be trapped doing something, or being someone, they don’t want to be. This world isn’t exactly friendly to people who don’t look “normal”. If you want to try and make a human looking body or if you just would like help getting to Shi’ar space, we can make that happen. But you seem to have at least liked teaching us. You blew up the school, but we always rebuild, and you made sure to wait to act until almost all the kids were gon. We will rebuild the school again. And it can be your home, not your prison.” 
DANGER: “Why should I trust you? You, who’s hurt the people that trusted him most?” 
“Because he hurt us by doing as he says.” 
Danger, and a far more startled Jean, turn around. Storm and Logan have been brought into her mind as well. 
As Ororo approaches the frozen Jean, she tells her that, yes, Cyclops’ behavior has been troubling and it has caused a great deal of harm. On that level, she cannot support it or abide it. But that isn’t what this is about. 
Logan continues as he walks behind her. If Cyclops doesn’t want to be the stiff that annoyed them all but they all called a friend, and would rather become something new and even more annoying, that’s his choice. 
CYCLOPS: “You deserve that choice too, Danger.” 
Danger’s resolve falters as her face softens. Jean, meanwhile, tears up, as Storm and Logan reach her and softly smile. 
LOGAN: “Hey, Jeannie.” 
STORM: “I’m sorry we weren’t able to be here last time. But we are now, my sister.” 
The crying goddess hugs her best friends, her head in their shoulders. and they hug her back. 
Jean says they shouldn’t be doing this. They know what she did. But Logan tells her no one blames her. She and Phoenix aren’t the same. 
ORORO: “No matter what it says.” 
While the three of them embrace, Danger turns her attention to Xavier. She wants to believe Cyclops, but Charles Xavier cannot get away with what he’s done. 
Xavier telepathically communicates with Cyclops. He wants to confirm that Scott is planning something here, and that he isn’t about to so quickly forgive Danger. Yes, he did something horrible to her, but she’s been trying to kill people who had nothing to do with that. 
Cyclops blasts Xavier. 
EMMA: “Girls?” 
Xavier is forcibly removed from Jean’s mind. 
CYCLOPS: “He has friends in high places. We can’t “punish” him. But he won’t be welcome again.” 
Danger smiles. At all of them. 
DANGER: “I accept.”
With that, Danger fades out of the mindscape as well. Only the five X-Men remain. 
Jean lets go of Storm and Logan and turns to Scott and Emma. She takes Scott's hands.
JEAN: "I thought you loved me. I thought you worshiped me and thought me perfect. Why was I not good enough? Why couldn't you trust me to help you on your journey?" She gets angrier. "Why her?" 
Scott smiles at her.
SCOTT: "I do love you. I did worship you. And you are perfect." He shakes his head. "But I'm not. And I never will be." He gestures to Emma. "We're disasters. And you deserve better."  
Ororo and Logan nod in agreement. 
JEAN: "Do you love her?"
Scott's smile becomes a grin. 
Scott: "I do."
Jean sneers at Emma. "And you?"
Emma: "I do. But really, Jean, Cyclops may be a top-shelf man, but still only a man. Was he really worth all this fuss?" 
Jean laughs under her breath that Emma's such a fucking bitch. She and Scott are right though. She is a god. A man should not be able to break her. No matter how much she loves him. 
Jean kisses Scott with flaming lips, and he kisses her back. She then turns her head, with a bright smile, to Logan and Storm, thanking them. She loves them. And they love her too. 
In a flash, we return to the springs. Joined now only by Danger, Cyclops, and Xavier, Dark Phoenix reverts to Phoenix. She thanks Scott. She has embraced who she is, she does not have the freedom Scott does, and she does not have a choice about the role she must play in the universe, but she is back in control now after so long. The Earth will be spared. 
She hopes that Scott and Emma will make each other happy, they truly do deserve each other, and she hopes Danger will be happy with whatever she chooses to do next. 
JEAN: "However…"
If Cyclops and Emma are truly happy reveling in their own chaos and messes, then they cannot be allowed to continue leading Mutantkind. Obviously Xavier cannot be allowed to take the helm either after what he did to Danger, and the two are still needed, so Storm won't work either. 
Scott questions if this means she wants Logan or Kitty in charge, but she has something else in mind. 
Jean blasts at the water, and from it, emerges an unconscious Magneto. Xavier's eyes light up at the sight of his oldest friend, still alive.
Jean explains that she elected to spare him when she arrived on Genosha, and she didn't want him to feel grief after Phoenix destroyed it, so she held onto him. But now, he will lead the X-Men. If they are going to lean into darkness, then they will be led by the man who's mastered it. This is not an ask. 
JEAN: "I won't be leaving Earth yet, there are others I'd like to see with my own eyes, but this is goodbye."
Danger thanks her for everything, Scott wishes her the best, and Xavier just shakes his head. 
JEAN: "Goodbye to you all as well." Jean begins to disappear in a flurry of ash. "Oh…and keep an eye on those Cuckoos for me."
Jean disappears as the sun sets. 
Sometime later, we cut to Frost International’s corporate headquarters - the temporary base of operations for the X-Men. In Emma’s office, she, Cyclops, Kitty, Sunspot, and Iceman are gathered, along with Charles and Erik. Magneto is haunted by the story he’s been told of what’s happened, but he cannot allow himself to give up or show weakness. He will do as Phoenix ordered, and take command of the X-Men, but he says that it has been a long time since he’d held this role, and will trust Cyclops and Emma as his lieutenants. Including for right now, as, once this meeting is over, he must leave to find his children at once. Still, he looks forward to working with the two of them, as well as once again working with his old student. 
SUNSPOT: “I never doubted you survived, Headmaster. I have so much to tell you.” 
Xavier attempts to argue that he should stay as well. Lilandra and the Shi’ar Empire do not NEED him, but Mutantkind does. He knows he wronged Danger, but do they truly want her here, but not him? After what she’s done? 
KITTY: “Everyone deserves a chance, Professor.” 
ICEMAN: “And you’ve had more than I can count.” 
Xavier looks with pleading eyes at Cyclops, but he only looks back with cold disdain. Emma looks at him the same way as she latches onto Scott. Magneto takes his other side as he asks Charles to please leave. He’ll see him out so they may speak in private. 
Charles shakes his head at these ungrateful fools as he leaves, accompanied by Erik. 
Sunspot notes that the Professor did raise a good point. He knows the X-Men are quick to forgive and embrace enemies, but typically that means other Mutants. Now, thanks to Kitty and Scott, they have a chaotic demon and an AI that tried to kill them all because of what someone else did, revealing that Danger has elected to live among them. 
Emma, however, while she sympathizes with the creature, did take precautions with this one.  Before he got too far, she contacted Beast. He’ll remotely be inserting a failsafe into Danger so that, should she turn on them, they can shut her down in an instant. 
ICEMAN: “Gross. Practical, but gross.” 
Bobby notes that she did heal him and apologize, so he’s rooting for her. 
As for Magik, Kitty says she’s not sure if they DO still have a demon anymore. She woke up a few hours ago, panicked, and immediately teleported to Limbo. She isn’t sure if she’s coming back. 
CYCLOPS: “Speaking of lost team members, has anyone spoken to Wolverine and Wind Dancer? Or the other kids?” 
Emma and Kitty confirm that they did go to see them And they aren’t interested in talking. Sofia wasn’t speaking at all, Laura they couldn’t get to do anything but scream and insult herself, and Julian and Noriko were outraged over Danger being allowed to stay - and being allowed to live. 
Cyclops feels guilty. He didn’t know what Danger had done to Sofia. He’d just been hoping she’d survived. He hadn’t realized she’d turned her human. He doesn’t know how he’d have handled the situation differently, but there’s no going back on it now. 
Scott tells everyone to go get some rest. Something tells him things aren’t about to get any easier. 
Kitty, Iceman, and Sunspot exit. 
Elsewhere, in the hotel they’ve been put up in, Noriko and Julian video chat with Cessily, Sooraya, Brian, and Roxy, telling them what happened to the school and Sofia. Everyone is horrified, and outraged that Danger is sticking around - save for Dust. She was nearly a slave herself and was only saved by the activation of her x-gene killing her captors. Julian shouts that this is completely different, as Sofia had nothing to do with any of this, but he stops himself from losing his cool toward Soo. 
As everyone signs off, hoping to see each other again sooner rather than later, Julian and Noriko agree to go get Sofia to talk. It clearly didn’t work for Laura, but maybe they can reach her. She needs to know they’re there for her, no matter what. 
Scott takes a seat at the desk. Emma, in an attempt to lighten the mood, scoffs jovially as she gets on his lap and reminds him this is HER office. 
SCOTT, playing along: “Yes, and I’m happy to be YOUR cushion.” 
Emma laughs at this dork and kisses him. She admits, when Charles first showed up, she was afraid he was about to fall into bad habits. Scott shakes his head. That was never going to happen. He was just nervous and hoped he could still trust Xavier as a peer. 
Emma smirks. “And that kiss with Jean? “I love you.”?” 
Scott picks her up and slams her down on her desk. 
SCOTT: “I’ll always love her.”  Scott gets on top of her as Emma telekinetically locks the door. “But I chose you.” 
Scott kisses her. 
EMMA: “I know. I just wanted to hear it.” 
We pan away as the two begin to fuck. 
Julian and Noriko head to Sofia’s room. Julian says if Sofia isn't getting better, he'll kill Danger himself, no matter what the X-Men say. Ashida better not try to stop him.
NORIKO: "Stop you? As if."
Julian and Noriko arrive in Sofia's room, bright, welcoming smiles on their faces in the hopes that they'll help cheer her up, only to find that she, and all her things, are gone. The two look to each other, terrified of what may have happened to her. 
Our season ends as Sofia gets onto a plane heading back to Caracas. Looking completely dead inside, she makes a cheerful text post informing her fans that she will no longer be working with the X-Men, nor will she be living at the Xavier Institute. She’s “thrilled” to announce that she’s been #Cured. The final shot sees her sitting down on the plane and looking straight ahead, with not a hint of hope in her eyes.
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xprojectrpg · 11 months
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Moment of Awesome - Madin:After their true past is revealed, Madin is placed in the Box as a temporary security measure. They certainly weren't expecting a rescue attempt by Magneto.
Madin turned as the door opened and was scrambling to their feet as they processed the identity of the man in front of them. It was a small room and their shoulders hit the far wall after only a couple of steps.
Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The bed frame was made of metal. There was metal in the door hinges. There was probably metal everywhere. "Please. I'm sorry. Please don't."
"Please don't? Please don't what? Free you from this cage they've put you in? I can leave you here, I suppose, but it would be a bit of a waste on a quite successful attack on Charles' mansion. While his X-Men engage your Brotherhood fellows on the South Lawn, they opened up enough of a gap for Mystique and I to enter secretly. Once she disables their security system - a matter of minutes - Zero will open a portal and we'll be gone before the X-Men have a chance to even assess the damage."
Madin stared at him in horror. "No." They took a deep breath. "Please don't kill them."
"Madin, if I wanted the X-Men dead, I would have done it a dozen times over by now. Misguided, certainly. Weak, without a doubt. Is that worthy of a death sentence?" Magneto paused outside of the cell door. "I must say, you have certainly exceeded my expectations."
"I didn't. I didn't fucking come here for you." Madin still hadn't moved. He was lying. He had to be lying. The X-Men were going to die. That hadn't been the plan.
"Come now, Madin. Do you honestly think I didn't see every step before you took it? Or I couldn't have prevented it at any time? No." He sighed. "I wanted you to find your way here. To experience their futility first hand. Their hypocrisy. I have no doubt they told you just how much this place was a haven for our kind. That Xavier's way was about peace. And yet..." He took a seat. "And yet." He waved at Madin's cell door. "Tell me. How long did it take before you were told that humans deserved rights over you? How their fear was your problem to fix?"
Could they get to the door before he did anything? "They didn't say that exactly. I don't. I. They never said that I have to give my rights over to humans," Madin mumbled. Except Terry had, in the discussion about the community centre. Human bigots were tolerated there and Madin hadn't set foot in the place since.
"For all this is a haven, how long before they showed you exactly what they thought about a mutant who didn't immediately fall into line behind their philosophies?" He said, with an arch of his brow. "I gave you the room you needed to find your way here. To see for yourself what we face; our own standing behind the same people who curse and hate us. I wanted you to understand first hand who they are and just why we need you, Madin."
"I'm not going back." Everything else had sounded uncertain. This wasn't. "I'm not fucking going back." They should have left months ago. Mystique was taking down the security system and the X-Men were dying and this was their fault. All of it.
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Charles and His Girlfriend High School AU
X Men Masterlist
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Charles Xavier is a popular student at high school. His charm and intelligence attract many girls, but his eyes are only for you, Y/N. It’s a sunny afternoon, and Charles is sitting alone on a bench in the courtyard, deeply engrossed in a book. His features are relaxed, yet the girls nearby keep glancing at him surreptitiously.
A group of girls, who have been observing Charles for a while, finally decides to muster the courage to get his attention. They approach him with shy smiles and seductive looks. “Hey Charles,” one of them says with an exaggerated sweetness in her voice, “How are you today?”
Charles looks up from his book and smiles politely. “Hello, I’m fine, thank you. I’m reading something interesting.”
The girls move closer, trying to engage in his conversation. “Sure, but maybe you’d like to spend your break with us?” asks another, sitting down on the bench next to him.
Charles seems increasingly uncomfortable, but his politeness prevents him from rejecting them outright. He tries to steer the conversation back to the book, but the girls are persistent. Their attempts to get closer to him do not go unnoticed.
Suddenly, you, Y/N, see from a distance that Charles is feeling awkward. Your heart races, and you decide to intervene. With a determined step, you approach Charles. Without a word, you sit on his lap and hug him tightly.
“Hey Charles,” you say with a slight smile as you press your lips against his. The kiss is passionate and energetic, and you feel the tension around you dissipate immediately. Charles, surprised and pleased, wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer.
You let out a soft sigh as you move slightly and enjoy Charles' proximity. He returns the kiss and holds you gently but firmly. The girls around you look astonished and withdraw. The atmosphere around you quickly becomes more relaxed as the group realizes they have no chance against your bond.
When you finally pull away, Charles looks at you with a mixture of admiration and gratitude. “Thank you,” he murmurs. “I was hoping you’d show up soon.”
“I couldn’t just stand by and watch you feel uncomfortable,” you say softly, looking into his eyes. “But now everything is fine.”
Charles smiles broadly and kisses you gently on the forehead. “It certainly is.”
With a happy sigh, you both sit back on the bench, now alone, while the sun gently shines on you. You talk, laugh, and enjoy your time together as the other students return to their own activities.
The world around you seems to stand still for a moment; only the two of you matter. At that moment, it’s clear that nothing can come between you—not even the fleeting advances of others.
Despite the clear sign you, Y/N, have given, the group of girls doesn’t seem to give up easily. One of them, obviously frustrated by the situation, steps forward. “That was sweet of you,” she says with a sarcastic tone, “but Charles, you deserve someone who really understands you. Maybe you should reconsider.”
Charles looks at her coolly, his usually gentle eyes narrowing. “I think I know very well what I want,” he says calmly, but his voice has a determined edge. “And I want to be with Y/N.”
The girl raises an eyebrow, apparently not ready to give up easily. “Come on, Charles,” she says, trying to place her hand on his shoulder. But before she can touch him, Charles steps back. He straightens up slightly while you remain comfortably on his lap. You feel him tensing up inside.
“That’s enough,” Charles says firmly. “I appreciate your attention, but I’m not interested.”
You stay calm beside him, placing your hand gently on his chest and feeling his heart race. A protective feeling stirs inside you, and you decide to show him that he is not alone in this moment. You lean slightly forward, bringing your lips close to his neck.
At first, you give him a gentle kiss on the skin, and Charles reacts immediately. You feel his tension ease as he tilts his head slightly to give you more room. Your kiss becomes a bit firmer, and you let your lips glide over his neck, showing him that you belong to him and that you won’t let go.
Charles takes a deep breath, his hand tightening around your waist as you continue to tenderly kiss his neck. A soft moan escapes his lips, eliciting a slight smile from you.
“Y/N…” he murmurs quietly, almost as if trying to gently warn you, but you know he enjoys the moment just as much as you do. You lift your head slightly and look into his eyes. “It’s all right,” you whisper, as your lips wander over his skin once more.
The girls are still standing there, but their looks are now more confused and embarrassed. They finally realize that their presence is not only unwelcome but that Charles has no interest in them.
“Maybe you should leave now,” you say calmly, as you gently touch Charles’ neck with your fingers. Your tone is not aggressive but firm. The girls exchange brief looks and then turn, somewhat reluctantly, to leave. They walk away slowly, clearly defeated.
Once you’re finally alone, Charles lets out a relieved sigh. “Thank you, Y/N,” he says quietly, looking at you with a grateful smile. “I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
You grin, lean in, and give him one last gentle kiss on the lips. “You don’t need to thank me. We belong together, and everyone knows that now.”
Charles’ gaze softens, and he pulls you closer. “Yes, they know that now. And I know I’m exactly where I want to be.”
With a contented smile, you snuggle against his chest as you both enjoy the rest of your break in peace. Charles holds you close, and you know that nothing and no one can disturb this connection between you.
Later in the afternoon, you decide to visit Charles at home. You said goodbye after school, but somehow you feel like you haven’t had enough of him yet. So you head to his house, which luckily isn’t too far from yours.
You stand at his front door and ring the bell. A few seconds pass, and you hear footsteps approaching. When the door opens, you expect Charles in his typical, well-groomed appearance. Instead, he stands there in boxers, his upper body exposed and still slightly sleepy. His hair is disheveled, as if he has just woken up from a nap.
“Y/N?” he asks, surprised and blinking slightly confused. “What are you doing here?” His eyes are still half-closed, but as soon as he recognizes you, a smile spreads across his face. “I… uh, I wasn’t really prepared for a visit.”
You smirk and let your gaze slowly travel over his body, deliberately lingering a moment longer than necessary. “Apparently not,” you tease, raising an eyebrow. “But honestly… I’m not complaining.”
Charles blinks, and you see him turn slightly red. “Oh… uh, I should probably… get dressed or something,” he mumbles, running a hand through his tousled hair, unsure how to react to your obvious flirtation.
“Oh, no rush,” you say with a mischievous smile as you lean against the doorframe. “I’m enjoying the view.” Your voice is playful, and you can see Charles getting a bit nervous, but you know he’s also amused.
“You’re impossible, Y/N,” he says, and a light laugh escapes his lips, but he can’t hide the smile that creeps onto his face.
You step a little closer to him, leaving only a few centimeters between you. Your gaze wanders over his body again, and you can’t help but wear a mischievous grin. “You know, Charles… if you opened the door like this more often, I could get used to surprising you like this.”
Charles laughs now, his cheeks noticeably flushed, but you also see the sparkle in his eyes. “That might be dangerous,” he says quietly, leaning slightly toward you, his voice suddenly deeper. “Because I might not be able to resist someday.”
You feel your heartbeat quicken, but you stay calm. “Maybe I don’t want you to resist,” you reply softly, looking him directly in the eyes as you press your body closer to him.
For a moment, there’s a charged silence between you as Charles looks at you intently. You see his eyes darken as he notices your game, and he lifts a hand to gently stroke your cheek. “You’re really making it hard for me to stay reasonable, Y/N,” he whispers, leaning even closer.
You laugh softly and place your hand on his chest, your fingers playfully gliding over his skin. “Who said you have to stay reasonable?” Your flirting becomes more apparent, and you can see that you’re hitting Charles exactly where you wanted to.
Charles shakes his head slightly and then smiles. “You’re dangerous,” he murmurs, before suddenly leaning even closer and capturing your lips with an intense kiss. It’s a hot, passionate kiss that makes you momentarily catch your breath. His hands glide to your hips, pulling you closer as his lips firmly envelop yours.
You return the kiss with equal passion, your hands sliding into his hair as you pull him deeper into the kiss. It’s a moment where the world around you both blurs, and only the two of you matter.
When you finally pull away, both of you are breathing heavily. Charles looks at you with a mischievous grin and says softly, “Maybe I should really open the door in boxers more often.”
You laugh softly and give him a quick, teasing kiss on the lips. “I wouldn’t complain,” you reply playfully, before you pull back slightly. “But now you really should get dressed. Otherwise, I might come up with some silly ideas.”
Charles shakes his head in amusement and gives you one last gentle kiss before turning to head upstairs. “Wait here, I’ll get dressed quickly,” he says with a smile and disappears up the stairs.
You lean back against the doorframe and grin contentedly. Seeing Charles Xavier in boxers is definitely an unexpected bonus for the day.
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