#Children with diabetes
wellhealthhub · 1 year
Diabetes Ketoacidosis: An In-Depth Exploration of its Complexities, Symptoms, Treatment, and Preventive Strategies
This comprehensive and detailed discourse endeavors to furnish a profound understanding of diabetes ketoacidosis, a profoundly intricate and acute complication of diabetes. It delves into multifarious aspects of this condition, encompassing its intricate symptomatology, exhaustive diagnostic methodologies, sophisticated treatment modalities, and comprehensive preventive measures. Through the…
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dandelionsresilience · 2 months
Good News - July 8-14
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $Kaybarr1735! And if you tip me and give me a way to contact you, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week!
1. Zoo welcomes birth of four endangered horse foals
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“[The Marwell Zoo in GB] said it was "delighted" to welcome the arrivals to the endangered Przewalski’s horse herd. All four are female and said to be "doing well" after two were born in May and two in June. […] “These horses, that were previously listed extinct in the wild, are an example of how zoo breeding programmes can help restore threatened species around the world.” […] All the Przewalski’s horses alive today are descended from just 12 individuals. Current estimates suggest there are 178 mature individuals living in the wild.”
2. Restoring woodlands and planting trees for sustainability success
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“In 2023, [the Marwell Zoo] planted 9,000 new trees […] both within the zoo and on our surrounding land. […] Marwell tries to encourage natural feeding behaviour and nutrition by including leafy material [in animals’ feed] as much as possible. […] Planting more trees and enhancing management of our existing woodlands, prepares the way to further self-sufficiency in browse production in the future. Plus, it creates new habitats for wildlife in our woodland areas.”
3. Inclusive Playgrounds Allow Children Of All Abilities To Play
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“With ramps allowing children in wheelchairs to ascend the central play structure, as well as numerous other swings and apparatus usable for children of all abilities, the 16,000-square-foot P.K.’s Place is St. Paul’s first fully inclusive playground. […] To be universally accessible, a play area must have at least 70% of its play features fully accessible, far more than required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). […] Play areas should allow parents and grandparents with disabilities to participate as well.”
4. Combination treatment can increase human insulin-producing cells in vivo
“[Diabetes-model mice] were treated with the combination therapy [of a plant product called harmine and “a widely used class of type 2 diabetes therapy”] and their diabetes was rapidly reversed. Strikingly, human beta cell numbers increased by 700 percent over three months with this drug combination. "This is the first time scientists have developed a drug treatment that is proven to increase adult human beta cell numbers in vivo. This research brings hope for the use of future regenerative therapies to potentially treat the hundreds of millions of people with diabetes," said Dr. Garcia-Ocaña, the paper's corresponding author.”
5. Decades of Dedication: Australia’s Largest Ongoing Urban Restoration Project
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“[Friends of Lake Claremont] has transformed the area into a thriving ecosystem, re-establishing native habitats and fostering biodiversity. This year, 800 native seedlings (100 trees, 350 shrubs and 350 ground covers) have been planted on the northwestern buffer of Lake Claremont. Volunteers replaced a large Port Jackson fig (Ficus rubiginosa) affected by [beetle] infestation with native plants to enhance the local wildlife habitat, thereby benefiting insects, frogs, birds and brown bandicoots. […] Overall, the project contributes to the area’s function as a regional ecological corridor, linking inland bushlands, the Swan River and the Indian Ocean.”
6. Important habitat for fish in Heart of the Fraser now conserved
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“British Columbia’s iconic salmon now have more protected spawning habitat in the lower Fraser River, thanks to the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) conservation acquisition of Carey Island. […] Carey Island and its gravel channels offer calm and crucial spawning and rearing habitat for the river’s fish and aquatic species. […] The Pelólxw Tribe […is also] actively working to restore the resilience of aquatic habitat within this stretch of the Lower Fraser. NCC is exploring opportunities to collaborate with the Pelólxw Tribe in support of their vision for stewardship of the area, which prioritizes both ecological and cultural values.”
7. Prime editing efficiently corrects cystic fibrosis mutation in human lung cells
“[R]esearchers have developed a gene-editing approach that efficiently corrects the most common mutation that causes cystic fibrosis, found in 85 percent of patients. With further development, it could pave the way for treatments that are administered only once and have fewer side effects. The new method precisely and durably corrects the mutation in human lung cells, restoring cell function to levels similar to that of Trikafta [the standard treatment since 2019].”
8. Montana’s High Court Considers a Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate
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“At issue was the appeal of a decision last year, when a Montana judge blocked a state law that prohibited agencies from considering climate impacts when deciding whether to approve fossil fuel projects such as new power plants, pipelines or mining. The ruling, by District Judge Kathy Seeley, was prompted by a lawsuit filed by 16 youths who argued that the law violated Montana’s constitutional right to a “clean and healthful environment.” It was the first ruling in the United States to effectively establish constitutional rights to a stable climate[….]”
9. The US is about to get its first solar-covered canal
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“The first canal-based solar project in the U.S. is nearing completion on tribal lands south of Phoenix, Arizona. […] The long, narrow solar array design would snake along the line of the canal and tap into the local electrical distribution grid every 1,000 feet, or every one megawatt. […] “Canal solar allows for greater power production per land size, cleaner water, less power transmission losses, and significant reduction in evaporation[….]” Covering the entire 8,000 miles of canals and waterways managed by the Bureau of Reclamation with solar panels could generate over 25 gigawatts of renewable energy and reduce water evaporation by tens of billions of gallons[….]”
10. Camera traps offer glimpse of first beaver born in Northumberland for 400 years
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“"It’s such a relief that they have bred successfully and to see a new fluffy kit swimming with the family[….]” In just one year [since releasing the beavers], there has been a noticeable increase in resident trout, says the National Trust, along with more regular visits from kingfishers and grey herons. There are more insects at the site, too, thanks to the organic matter that builds up behind the dams, which in turn provides food for Daubenton’s bats. […] Beavers also play an important role in creating habitats that are more resilient to the effects of climate change[….]”
July 1-7 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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lem0nademouth · 10 months
idk who needs to hear this but diabetics can have sugar. they can have as much sugar as they want as long as they take the appropriate amount of insulin. the only reason diabetics are ever told to lower their sugar intake is to reduce the amount of insulin they use. and almost every sugar free alternative sweetener is either a literal carcinogen or insanely expensive. not to mention the fact that sugar is naturally occurring in every. single. thing. you. eat.
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halfhildhalfmarilyn · 2 months
Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need .
I pray that you and your family will reach safety soon and your daughter can get the medical care that she needs InshaAllah. May Allah SWT make it fast, Ameen ❤️
@burningnightgiver needs our help to get her family out of Gaza and to safety, please help as much as you can and reblog. Thank you
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swagging-back-to · 9 months
it is not controversial to say that if you cannot finacially, emotionally provide for a child and/or your genetics would lead to them suffering then you should not have said child.
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dazedasian · 5 months
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butasslyn · 4 months
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Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need .
God bless you and your family 🙏🏾🇵🇸
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
Let's get cracking and understand this Diabetes in Youth, shall we?
Welcome to our super-duper guide on Diabetes in Youth, folks! At Well Health Hub, we totally get how important it is to give you accurate and reliable info to help you make sense of this condition. In this here article, we’ll dive deep into what causes Diabetes in Youth, the symptoms to watch out for, and how to manage it like a champ. We’re all about empowering parents, caregivers, and young one…
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arataka-reigen · 11 months
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I'm gonna miss my silly children so much
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lilylived · 8 months
I always think.... in a end of the world situation, how are people supposed to get insulin? Do diabetics just have to die immediately? Even if there's food and everything else, they would technically not survive.
That's what's happening in Gaza already. While we have all the insulin we need on the other side and while israelis block and bomb aid trucks.
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Gonna post this every 1 December forever
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bonefall · 2 years
type 2 diabetes can be treated without insulin. im just on metaformin and some other medications, no insulin pump/injections yet thankfully
OH this ask reminds me to mention I've been looking at cat diabetes from the corner of my eyes as I work on 4435435 other things (send help)
Cat diabetes has very different trends than human diabetes, so I'm trying to hit a 'balance' between reflecting it for the diabetic human beings in the audience, versus the accuracy of cat diabetes
Because, Type 2 Diabetes in cats is treated the same way as Type 1-- insulin injections. Unlike humans who can take oral supplements like metformin, pancreas-affecting medications have a weird quirk in felines where they cause the cat pancreas to throw a tantrum, say "I DUN WANNA" and swap over to Type 1 Diabetes.
Meanwhile if you just treat Type 2 Feline Diabetes with insulin, the cat pancreas can sometimes go "oh oopsie woopsie" and just... stop having diabetes.
Why, you ask, you beg, does the cat pancreas act this way? Science doesn't know. Their organs are just jerks.
So that leaves me sitting here considering what to do-- because Metformin specifically is derived from Goat's Rue. Naturalized basically everywhere. Dangling right in front of my nose is the easy pharmacognological basis of Metformin, the specific thing that the Type 2 Diabetics in my audience have been telling me they take, and this solution is so simple it's almost painful.
But off in the horizon looms Type 1 Diabetes, which logically would be the one way the cats would want to treat all forms of diabetes... and I still need to work out how exactly they're going to get this INTO the patient while still being canon-compliant.
The earliest IVs were made of bladders and feathers, incredibly crude but still effective, and both of which are easy to get... maybe a cat was taken by a human and given an IV injection and that's where they got the spark of the idea? Long ago?
And making insulin... I've found some absolutely fascinating things about the early production of insulin, but the problem is the chemical separation of animal insulin from the digestive juices produced within the pancreas.
I think a cat with their sense of smell just doing dissections, with a LIIITTLE bit of an extra stretch, could tell there was something different about the islet structures inside of the organ... but how would they know the pancreas is connected to the development of diabetes? Would they be able to experiment enough to find out that freezing the pancreas separates the digestive enzymes from the insulin?
I'm still batting it all around though
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
no but fr tho have we noticed that whenever this man eats anything she introduces him to it's like he's having an out-of-body experience? the Japanese restaurant. the beer. the instant ramyeon by the Han River. the roasted eggs at the sauna do i need to keep going
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xtruss · 2 months
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Credit: Dana Smith
Understanding The Sudden Rise of Type 2 Diabetes In Children
The Metabolic Disorder Was Long Known as a Disease of Adulthood. Now, It’s Spiking in Kids and Teens, With Worrisome Consequences.
— By Charlotte Huff | July 31, 2024
The appearance of type 2 diabetes in children and teens puzzled physicians from the start. Fida Bacha recalls working as a pediatric endocrinology fellow in Pittsburgh shortly after 2000 when young, overweight and obese patients began to arrive at the clinic, some describing increased thirst, more frequent trips to the bathroom and other symptoms of what was then called adult-onset diabetes.
“It was a new realization that we are dealing with a disease that used to be only an adult disease that is now becoming a disease of childhood,” says Bacha, who practices at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston.
More than two decades later, physicians and researchers are still trying to unravel what’s driving the emergence and proliferation of youth-onset disease, particularly among marginalized communities including Hispanics/Latinos. The increasing prevalence of obesity among young people is clearly one contributor, but researchers are also scrutinizing the potential influence of other lifestyle and environmental factors — everything from exposure to chronic stress and air pollution to sugar-rich diets. Along with physiological factors, such as where they carry excess fat, youths from lower socioeconomic levels may be vulnerable due to aspects of daily life beyond their control, such as more limited access to healthy food and opportunities to safely exercise in less-polluted neighborhoods.
As researchers try to sort out the interplay among genetics, metabolic factors and environmental influences in Hispanic and other populations, their goal is to answer this key question: Why do some seemingly at-risk adolescents progress to diabetes while others do not?
Long-term, the challenges and health stakes are significant. When type 2 diabetes first emerged in youths, clinicians initially thought its progression would mirror that in adults and thus could be treated accordingly. That hasn’t panned out, says Barbara Linder, a pediatric endocrinologist and senior advisor for childhood diabetes research at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). For instance, researchers have determined that metformin, a commonly prescribed oral antidiabetic medication in adults, doesn’t work as well in young people.
“We know that the disease is very aggressive in youth and very difficult to treat,” Linder says. “So it’s really imperative that we develop effective approaches to prevention. And to do this we obviously need to be able to effectively identify which youth are at the highest risk.”
Even with treatment, young people develop other medical problems related to diabetes faster than adults, according to a study that followed 500 youths, more than one-third of them Hispanic. Sixty percent developed at least one complication within about 15 years after diagnosis, when just in their 20s.
“It’s really alarming,” says Luisa Rodriguez, a pediatric endocrinologist who studies type 2 diabetes and obesity in children at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. For every 10 adolescents with youth-onset diabetes, she points out, “six of them, within a decade span, are going to develop a significant comorbidity that will highly impact their lifespan and quality of life.”
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Complications of diabetes appear more quickly in young people than in older adults. Researchers studied 500 overweight adolescents, aged 10 to 17, who had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Within 15 years of their diagnosis, 60 percent of the participants had developed at least one medical complication of diabetes, and 28 percent had developed two or more.
Insulin Resistance
In type 2 diabetes, the body struggles to use insulin effectively. This vital hormone, made by beta cells in the pancreas, helps glucose in the bloodstream enter cells in muscle, fat and the liver, where it’s used for energy. But sometimes those cells gradually lose their ability to respond to insulin, forcing the beta cells to pump out more and more of it. If the beta cells can’t keep up, blood glucose levels will begin to rise, leading to a diagnosis of prediabetes and, eventually, diabetes.
In the past, type 2 diabetes typically didn’t arise until well into adulthood. But now, cases in US youths ages 10 to 19 are rising fast. Since 2002-2003, overall diagnoses have doubled from 9 per 100,000 youths to 17.9 per 100,000 in 2017-2018, particularly among Asians, Pacific Islanders, Blacks and Hispanics. If those rising rates persist, the number of type 2 diabetes cases in young people is projected to skyrocket from 28,000 in 2017 to 220,000 by 2060.
Various factors have been linked to insulin resistance in childhood or adolescence, including obesity, inactivity and genetics, according to a review of the causes of type 2 diabetes in youths published in the 2022 Annual Review of Medicine. The disease tends to run in families regardless of race or ethnicity, which suggests that genes matter. Among US Hispanics, adults of Mexican or Puerto Rican heritage are most likely to be diagnosed, followed by Central and South Americans and Cubans.
Obesity is also a contributing factor: Slightly more than one-fourth of Hispanic youths are obese, a higher percentage than for any other major racial or ethnic group. Children also are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if their mother has the disease or developed gestational diabetes during pregnancy. One theory is that fetal exposure to maternal diabetes while in the womb can spur metabolic changes following birth.
Puberty is also highly influential — most cases are diagnosed after its onset. During puberty, youths temporarily experience insulin resistance, due in large part to an increase in hormones, Linder says. Most youths offset that transient resistance by secreting more insulin, she says. But for reasons that are still unclear, a subpopulation of adolescents does not. “When they’re faced with this stress test of puberty, they can’t increase their insulin secretion enough to compensate,” Linder says. “And that’s probably why they develop type 2 diabetes.”
One analysis, which looked at type 2 diabetes trends from 2002 to 2018, identified the peak age for diagnosis as 16 years in boys and girls. The sole exception involved Black youths, in whom diagnoses peaked at 13 years, and possibly earlier among Black girls, which may be linked to an earlier start of menstruation.
American Diabetes Association guidelines recommend that clinicians screen overweight or obese youths for the disease starting at age 10 or once puberty starts, whichever is earlier, if they have one or more risk factors. These include a family history of the disease, signs of insulin resistance or affiliation with certain racial/ethnic groups, including Hispanic/Latino.
During checkups, clinicians can look for a visible sign of insulin resistance, an associated skin condition called acanthosis nigricans, says Paulina Cruz Bravo, a physician and diabetes researcher at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The skin changes tend to appear in the neck area or along folds in the skin, including in the armpits and on the elbows and knees, she says. “The top layer of the skin gets thickened. It’s described as a velvety appearance of the skin — it’s darker compared to the skin in other places.”
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The thickened, darker, velvety skin shown here, known as acanthosis nigricans, is a potential warning sign of developing type 2 diabetes. The condition is likely to appear on the neck, elbows, knees and other areas where the skin folds. People who notice acanthosis nigricans on themselves or their children should bring it to a doctor’s attention. Credit: S. Dulebohn/Statpearls 2024
Where an adolescent carries any excess pounds also matters, as insulin resistance has been associated with a type of fat called visceral fat, says Alaina Vidmar, a pediatric endocrinologist at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Unlike the more common type of fat, called subcutaneous and felt by pinching around the waistline, visceral fat surrounds the liver and other vital organs, increasing the risk for type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease and other conditions.
“You really need the liver to process glucose to be able to utilize your insulin well,” Vidmar says. “And if it is full of fat, you are unable to do that.” Fatty liver disease, which has been associated both with obesity and type 2 diabetes, is most common in Hispanic adults, followed by white adults and Black adults, according to a meta-analysis looking at 34 studies.
Imaging scans would be the ideal way to identify the extent and location of visceral fat in adolescents, Vidmar says. But given that routine scanning would be costly, clinicians can instead measure an adolescent’s waist circumference, “a great surrogate marker,” she says.
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Diabetes risk depends not just on how much fat you carry, but where you carry it. People with an “apple” body shape, with much of their fat in the abdomen, are at higher risk of diabetes than those with a “pear” body shape, who carry their fat under the skin, especially on the hips.
Still, obesity accounts for only a portion of the type 2 risk profile, reflecting the complexities involved in understanding the pathophysiology of youth-onset disease. Roughly one-fourth of youths with type 2 diabetes are not obese, according to a meta-analysis published in 2022 in JAMA Network Open. Asian youths are least likely to be obese; roughly one-third don’t meet the criteria for obesity.
Moreover, while obesity and insulin resistance boost the risk of developing diabetes, those factors alone don’t predict whether an adolescent is eventually diagnosed with the disease, according to the authors of the Annual Review of Medicine overview. Instead, they point to the role of impaired beta cell function.
In one study involving 699 youths with type 2 diabetes, the standard antidiabetic drug metformin controlled blood glucose levels in only about half the participants. (The medication was least effective among Black youths, for reasons that are unclear, according to the researchers.) Another analysis of the same study population identified a 20 percent to 35 percent decline in beta function each year in diabetic youths, compared with prior studies showing about a 7 percent to 11 percent annual decline in diabetic adults.
“What we see in the youth is that beta cell function fails very rapidly,” Linder says, adding that the beta cell decline tends to correlate with the lack of response to metformin.
It’s unknown whether specific racial or ethnic groups are more vulnerable to loss of beta cell function, says Linder, who hopes that a new large-scale NIDDK study launching this summer will identify any such physiological and other differences among populations. The study, called Discovery of Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes in Youth Consortium, aims to enroll 3,600 overweight or obese adolescent boys and girls, 36 percent of them Hispanic. Bacha and other investigators on the project plan to follow the youths through puberty, looking at genetic and physiological markers such as insulin resistance and beta cell function. Their goal is to track who develops type 2 diabetes and what factors precipitate the disease.
In addition, researchers will learn about the participants’ mental health, lifestyles and social determinants of health, Linder says. To that end, families will be asked to share details about nutrition, physical activity and sleep, as well as food insecurity, exposure to racism and other stressors.
“Stress induces certain hormones that antagonize insulin, so they create more insulin resistance,” Linder says. “Stress also is associated with chronic inflammation in the body, which affects the ability of the body to respond normally.”
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Young people experience many of the risk factors that predispose people to type 2 diabetes, such as prenatal exposures, junk food, sedentary lifestyles and high levels of stress.
Zooming in on Risk Factors in Hispanic Kids
Already, researchers who have studied at-risk Hispanic youths and their families have begun to flesh out environmental and other influences rooted in daily life that can boost the likelihood of obesity or diabetes. Michael Goran, a child obesity researcher at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, has led a research project called the Study of Latino Adolescents at Risk (SOLAR), which tracked 328 Hispanic/Latino youths considered at highest risk of youth-onset diabetes based on their body mass index and family history of the disease. The participants, recruited in two waves between 2000 and 2015, completed health questionnaires and underwent annual exams, including imaging scans and other measurements.
One analysis found that Hispanic youths who lived in neighborhoods with higher levels of air pollution were more likely to experience a breakdown in beta cell function. “Which we weren’t necessarily expecting — we don’t know the mechanism of that,” says Goran, who coauthored a close look at pediatric insulin resistance in the 2005 Annual Review of Nutrition.
In more recent years, he’s turned his attention to studying nutrition shortly after birth, with a focus on infant formulas that contain corn syrup. Those formulas are more likely to spike blood sugar than are lactose-based formulas, he says. “If you’re spiking blood glucose with corn syrup in babies,” he says, “you can see how that would be problematic for long-term control of blood sugars.”
In one study, Goran and colleagues looked at obesity trends in 15,246 children who received formula through the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Babies who consumed any formula with corn syrup were 10 percent more likely to be obese by age 2 than babies who didn’t. Nearly 90 percent of the study’s participants were Hispanic.
In other research, epidemiologist Carmen Isasi of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York helped lead the Study of Latinos (SOL) Youth study, which delved into the extent to which a child’s family circumstances contribute to obesity and metabolic changes that may boost risk of youth-onset diabetes. Isasi and colleagues found chronic stress to be pervasive. Three-quarters of parents and caregivers reported stress and 29 percent detailed three or more stressors related to health, work or relationships. The higher the number of parental stressors, the more likely the child was to be obese.
Isasi also has looked at the relationship between food insecurity and metabolic health. Hispanic youths raised in households with the highest levels of food insecurity had significantly worse metabolic results, including elevated blood glucose and triglycerides, a type of cholesterol. Families dealing with food insecurity, Isasi says, probably have a lower-quality diet and skimp on costlier protein and fresh produce.
Preventing diabetes has proved challenging. A review paper looking at diet-related and other lifestyle initiatives targeting Hispanic youths found few studies to date that have shown improvements in body mass index or blood glucose levels.
Adolescents of lower socioeconomic status may also shoulder responsibilities that can undercut efforts to stay healthy, says Erica Soltero, a behavioral scientist at Houston’s Baylor College of Medicine, who works with Hispanic youths. For instance, older teens may struggle to attend an exercise class if they have an after-school job or must pick up younger siblings or start dinner. Technology, Soltero says, may be a better way to reach busy Hispanic teens; she’s piloting a study that will provide text-based lifestyle guidance to Hispanic teens with obesity.
Approved medication options remain limited for children and teens. If metformin doesn’t work, the alternative is insulin, and parents may resist giving injections because of the difficulties involved, Rodriguez says. She’s involved with an ongoing study in youths with type 2 diabetes to study the effectiveness of oral semaglutide, one of the newer diabetes drugs that also has achieved notable weight loss. Rodriguez estimates the results will be available by 2026.
The new NIDDK study won’t assess medication treatments, as it’s an observational study. But researchers involved are bullish that study-related insights could lead to better prevention and treatment approaches. “If someone is predisposed to beta cell dysfunction, should we be much more aggressive in treating their overweight/obesity,” Bacha says, “so that this beta cell function is preserved for a longer period of time?” Doctors could, for example, decide to start treatment earlier, she says.
Neither are researchers like Soltero deterred by the long-standing difficulties involved with revamping lifestyle habits. Soltero, who has worked with overweight and obese Hispanic adolescents to improve exercise and make dietary changes, describes them as often highly motivated given the damage they’ve seen the disease inflict on their own families.
“A lot of times they’ll have a touch point with a relative who’s on dialysis and maybe had a digit amputated,” Soltero says. Or “they’ll say, ‘I don’t want to prick myself every day like my Uncle So-and-So.’ Or ‘I don’t want to be on medicine for the rest of my life like my grandma.’ ”
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irresponsiblereader · 11 months
Hey Everyone! Some of my good friends are running their yearly charity gaming stream today and tomorrow (Nov 4th and 5th 2023) for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. The money raised will go to support hospitals in the area and the life-saving work they do everyday. This is extra special to my friend (and me) because these very same hospitals saved my friends life when she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 12. Their goal is $2,500 and any donation no matter how small would be appreciated! You can also come watch the stream on twitch on the Geek Therapy channel.
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