#Childhood type 1 diabetes
wellhealthhub · 1 year
Diagnosing Diabetes: A Comprehensive Guide
Hey there! Welcome to our ultimate guide on diagnosing diabetes. We’re all about providing you with the latest and most accurate info on health topics, and today, we’re diving into the world of diabetes diagnosis. So whether you suspect you might have diabetes or you just want to expand your knowledge, this article is the place to be. Let’s start by understanding what diabetes is all about. It’s…
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clownaddict · 7 months
No one will know the absolute unfairness that is being a diabetic 5 year old and the whole kindergarten is having cupcakes but you have to eat a goddamn sandwich before you can have one
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britneyshakespeare · 9 months
Another Thing Wrong With The Former Gifted Kid Discourse, Since I Can't Stop Thinking About It:
people have such an unhelpful tendency to universalize their own experience when talking about the plights and struggles about Gifted Kids™—and what they are talking about is not necessarily invalid, but they're more often talking about their individual responses to their particular schools' policies. This Is Not A Systemic Analysis. it's helpful; i sympathize with you. But You Are Not Dismantling The Inequities by saying this or that happened At Your School when you were a child, and it affected you this or that way because of Who You Are.
example. i always see people talking about neurodivergence in this conversation, which is actually helpful in spotlighting how the Gifted Kid discourse often glosses over such complex intersectional issues. you can talk about how you were Gifted & Neurodivergent and how those experiences lead you to future disappointment. this is, i must stress, valid. but your analysis of your own life Is Not A Systemic Analysis. your experience alone will never speak for how the educational system and trends in policy among schools across the united states affect ALL neurodivergent people negatively because there are neurodivergent people who are Different From You. not to mention that when people point out that very often "Gifted Kid" usually correlates with some degrees of privilege, people push back and go nooooo I'm neurodivergent. people across all other marginalized identities who are systemically disadvantaged by the educational system can be neurodivergent. this does not make you, initially, when you were as a young Kid determined to be Gifted, NOT also in fact privileged.
if you are not ready to discuss experiences that were different from your own growing up, you aren't really engaging in the discourse of how to improve public education in the united states. it's a diiii-verse country we live in. not only in the ways we traditionally think of. when we think of "marginalized" or "oppressed" people, some specific and historically significant groups come to mind. when it comes to advantages that set up a child for future educational success, these broad categories often leave gaps because they lead people to generalizations, and ultimately, fatalism.
but there's really so much hope in early childhood education if we were to make things more equitable, ie like i always say UNIVERSAL PRE-K. these kids who are determined as "gifted" more often than not were just from more enriched home environments that prepared them for learning how to read, write, and do math. it's often not special innate abilities that leads to differences in outcomes for different students, but That's How The Kids Interpret It When Some of Them Are Called "Gifted." they're more often than not, not doing something that's truly exceptional or precocious for their age. they're displaying signs of age-appropriate development, when often, the kids who may be lagging behind them skill-wise just Haven't Practiced Those Skills As Much.
so yes, that's why there's a correlation in things like upper- and middle-class white kids being seemingly more successful in school (and more commonly deemed "gifted") at a young age. it's from privilege. it's not even just the implicit biases of their educators already working in their favor for their race and class. it's the fact that being more privileged, generally, means their family and parents had all of their basic needs provided for. they had more time to read with you. they could buy more development-promoting toys. they probably had better mental health to cope with the demands of child-rearing. if they suffered chronic or sudden physical health issues, they were insured. privileged children are usually less exposed at a younger age to the harshnesses of this world, as every child should be. ALL of these little advantages build up, in terms of what a child can be provided with before they go to school. anything that's going wrong in a child's family system can negatively impact them without them even being old enough to understand it.
you may not think of yourself as Privileged. you might prefer to think of yourself as Gifted. Gifted is so nice, even if it's demoted to Former Gifted. at one point you were told you were superior and it felt really good. and You, reader, i do not know You. i'm not calling You privileged, even if you are! hell, everyone's privileged in some way. i am at the point in the post where for transparency's sake i think i should say I Could Be What Some People Call "Former Gifted". i was called smart as a kid and given special homework sometimes etc. i'm not calling any Former Gifted people stupid for not realizing this either. what i mean is that this kids Are Not Usually Actually Gifted. this is a compliment given overwhelmingly to children who were just simply not deprived. when people say they were once Gifted, they're more often than not saying I Had The Early Opportunities To Learn Everyone Should Have, But Doesn't. this doesn't make you an outlier. It Might Just Be A Sign of Privilege.
#also I Am Privileged#i wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth in fact my parents were unemployed for much of my childhood#and there were many medical stressors for multiple of my immediate family members that complicated things#my father was diagnosed w type 1 diabetes when he was recently laid off in a pre-affordable care act world.#but in terms of having basic needs met and provided for. i did!#i didn't know the differences for my family's circumstances#also both of my parents are college-educated which helped them get out of that and helped provide for the privilege i was born into.#I Acknowledge These Privileges Not Because They Make Me Bad But Because Not Everyone Has These Things Handed To Them!#privilege doesn't mean you don't struggle. it means you don't struggle as much as you could've.#things couldve been worse#rant#long post#im not making it rebloggable bc i dont trust this website lol#people wanting to say 'im not privileged im neurodivergent' in this convo just grinds my gears#theyre making it seem like 'gifted' = neurodivergent which is NOT true#even if what they were praised for seems in retrospect to them to be their neurodivergent qualities. and#how that might emotionally interact with the future disappointment of realizing you're Not Special.#or even the social isolation you MAYBE experienced from your own school's policies for students like you!#that's again though not a systemic analysis but a personal one. and that's fine. that needs room#but people will assign a disproportionate amount of importance on their individual experience. and deny they could be privileged!#it feels very 'oh officer id never kill my husband' but about privilege lol.#its ok to be privileged. its ok#if those privileges are that you were regularly fed and lived in a stable home and your parents were there for you then thats a good thing.#universal pre-k is what ive been driving home but really all other systemic inequalities affect educational success is what im saying.#much like suicide prevention is more than just having a hotline. it's correcting the injustices of the world that make ppl feel hopeless.#educational justice is providing an equitable world for all children SO THAT they are capable of being reached by education#let's acknowledge the layers please. please
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What It’s Really Like To Be A Parent To a Type 1 Diabetic
What It’s Really Like To Be A Parent To a Type 1 Diabetic
T1Dmom sometimes I forget there is more to me then that. Diabetes is a disease that can easily consume you. Especially when it’s your child’s life and health your worried about. Most days my bed goes unmade, the plates in the sink tower up, and I can’t remember the last time I vacuumed. But I can tell you how many times I was awake last night testing a sugar or treating a low. I can tell you…
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12percentspider · 6 months
Info time: Diabetes and related issues [this is long but I highly suggest reading]
Do you ever see something and you go "that doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about diabetes to dispute it"? Well, I can help you there. I can help you know enough about diabetes to dispute it if need be. Especially because well, there are seemingly a lot of scams going around where people claim to be diabetic [in my experience it's maybe 3 scammers that just remake] and the information is not very correct in most cases. Not to mention this type of scam pisses me off because I am in fact diabetic, and not only are people preying off of others' lack of information about the chronic condition, but it's also trivializing a serious lifelong condition that can be fatal. If you have now or have lost a loved one to diabetes complications, you are already aware of how dangerous it can be as well as how dangerous misinformation is as well.
What is diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic condition related to the endocrine system- the pancreas specifically. However, if complications get serious enough other parts of the body will be affected. In type 2 diabetes, the body's cells have become resistant to insulin, which is a hormone produced by the pancreas that allows cells to use glucose from the blood- your body's energy it needs to function. When someone is 'type 2', the food that person is eating is not able to fuel them, regardless of caloric content. Glucose is commonly called "blood sugar". It's a type of sugar that is processed and then transported via the circulatory system to your cells where it's needed. With type 1 diabetes (which used to be called "juvenile diabetes"), the pancreas does not produce any/enough insulin for some reason or another, generally because of autoimmune or other damage. [For me personally, I was diagnosed as an adult and had to have it confirmed as type 1 due to the presence of autoimmune antibodies, also apparently my pancreas hadn't quite given up at that point.] As we've seen before, insulin allows your body to use the food you are putting into it. As a double whammy, you can have type 1 with resistance, so not only is your body not producing any/enough insulin, what's there can't be used properly. [RIP Spider who has this] So to explain the effects, think about what happens when you're literally starving. Now imagine that's happening no matter how much you eat. Your body may go into starvation mode and store fat. This can be misleading, which when combined with fatphobia has people concluding that "well, you have diabetes because you're fat, duh". Heck, I have/had diabetic relatives who believed that eating too many carbs will automatically cause the condition because that's what everyone is told/assumes. Eventually, you'd starve and your body would start deteriorating as so. HOWEVER because you would have so much glucose that just sits there because it can't be used, your kidneys are going to work overtime to try and correct this- and they can't do it alone. Your liver can also suffer severe damage. That's not to mention a whole host of other complications that can occur.
So what about it? Well, obviously there are treatments. Insulin injections have existed since the 1920s. There are also medications that can help your body actually use the insulin it's being provided, be it naturally or artificially. So yes, people with diabetes are dependent on prescriptions to survive. My grandma lost a sister in childhood due to insulin treatments apparently not being available in the extremely rural area they were living in at the time. More recently, the israeli occupation has banned insulin from being distributed to Palestinians. [Insulin has also been used historically in psychiatric hospitals to force low blood sugar in psychiatric patients, but that's a whole other rabbithole about psychiatric abuse.] There are resources for the US and beyond if you or someone you know and/or love are in dire straits financially and need help with insulin or other diabetes medications/ related medical help. That's only one aspect of treatment, though. Because pain, stress, hormone changes, other medical issues, and plenty of other factors can raise your blood sugar to dangerous levels, other kinds of treatment to manage other factors may be necessary.
Now that that's out of the way, let's get to specifics. So the most common problem you're going to see mentioned is high blood sugar. We've already covered what the effects are, but what is considered high? For the most part, "high" is 200 milligrams per deciliter. My CGM (continuous glucose monitor) lists "high" as anything 181 or higher but stops giving an exact number after 350. This is why I had a good laugh that time I saw a scammer using an image of a meter reading glucose in the 120s- that's good blood sugar. If you're going to get even more specific you want your pre-breakfast blood sugar to be 80-130. So when you see an accompanying image reading in the 500s, that's extremely dangerous. That's "you're in danger of going into a coma" dangerous.
Insulin pricing? How come I'm seeing people saying they need $300? In the US, pricing cap was set to $35 somewhat recently. What this means is that per insulin pen (as far as I've experienced, the above-linked resource post should have links with better clarification) it's $35. Can't be more than that for one pen. How many doses that provides is very up in the air. It absolutely varies from person to person. I have relatives with type 2 that have to inject a dose of very long-acting insulin weekly, one has gone back and forth with daily doses on top of that. I'm type 1 and have to take one dose of long-acting nightly with injections of a short-acting insulin before every meal, with the exact dosage amounts varying per meal. Insulin is measured in units (there's probably an actual mL amount, both of mine are 100 units per mL with a 3mL pen). How many units someone needs is determined with their medical provider (or care team? When I went to 'diabetes education' after diagnosis I was set up with a "care team").
["...pharmacies can refuse to split boxes of insulin pens depending on company/store policy. so if someone lost their insulin and needed to get a replacement because insurance wont pay for more, the pharmacy could make them get a full box of three or five pens."]
via: anon ask (thank you much!!!) So it turns out that yes, with $35 being a cap it would very much likely be for EACH pen, with 3 being $105 in this case and 5 being $175.
But at any rate, if someone is in an emergency situation in the US should be able to get an insulin pen for $35 pretty much when they get to a pharmacy [again, from edit: no, not every pharmacy]. Yes, I get that this can be difficult in some situations, but that's outside the concept of insulin prices.
If someone's blood sugar is over 500 though, they almost certainly need a hospital more than they need an insulin pen. Yes, alright, the actual real single mother on twitter who was the source of the profile images/meter images that whatever the current url for vero-og has stolen and been using for months... that was actually months ago and I'm sure she doesn't need to be told to go to the hospital right now. [That said, if you get an ask from someone and the url is a variation off of 'vero-og' that is a confirmed scammer.] And then on top of that, yes, why would you block people that can get you free or discounted insulin? If someone was offering to save your life for free or find you what you need for far less than what you were expecting to spend, why wouldn't you take it? Unless what you're actually after is money.
SO TO RECAP: Insulin does not cost $300, $350, $370, whatever someone is sending you an ask about. In the US, it is federally capped at $35 per pen, with further resources available, as well as further resources being available internationally. If you need help, please be honest about it. I promise there are people who care, you don't have to try and explain yourself- but it absolutely does not cost that much and if it did, there are ways to lower the cost by quite a bit if there aren't resources to make it free. Diabetes is a lifelong chronic condition that is not caused by "being fat" or "eating too much", it is caused by your body not functioning right and your body can starve no matter how much food you eat. Unfortunately, people have been lying on this site for months if not years claiming to have type 1 with an insulin emergency. These people cannot possibly have diabetes, or they would be well aware that they do not need hundreds of dollars to get their insulin. They are counting on you not knowing this so you will donate to them. The 'vero-og' scammer had been harassing someone who donated and threatening them with the intention of bullying more money out of the donor.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
141 and what their patient file looks like
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summary: This is what I imagine everyone's favorite pharmacist as well as medics see when they look at 141's medical file.
Based on this pharmacist and 141 interactions
pairing: Task Force 141 x pharmacist!Reader
warnings: medical/pharmacy terminology, medical inaccuracies, swearing, depiction of wounds, mention of substance use disorder and abuse
PMH - Past medical history - the total sum of a patient's health status prior to the presenting problem
FH - Family history - contributing family history, generally parents and siblings
SH - Social history - contributing social behavior and routine
a/n: not canon at all! this is just a reference for me
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Height: 1.88 m (6' 2'')
Weight: 93 kg (205 lbs)
Blood type: O+
Extensive physical injuries
21+ stab wounds - 2 required antibiotics for recurrent infection
9x bullet wound - 5x in the extremities, 4x in the chest (no perforation of vital organs), healed without complication
5x abrasion collar - 1 near right eyebrow became infected following medical eval and stitches
3x diagnosed concussion
Previously evaluated for tinnitus and hearing loss
Father - deceased at 76 from liver disease - 50 pack years, mycardial infarction (x2)
Mother - deceased at 84 due to chronic heart failure (CHF) -Glaucoma, asthma, CHF
Sister - Sports induced asthma, hypothyroidism
Negative family history of diabetes, hypertension, and cancer
Smokes - 30 pack years
Drinks regularly - 4-5 hard liquor each weekend; 1 glass of whiskey occasionally
Physically active - Enjoys recreational activities such as hiking, swimming, and biking
Has 1 dog, currently under the care of pt's younger sister
History of monogynous long term relationships, currently single
Medication list + indications
Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid 625mg - Infection
Morphine 15mg + Ketamine 3mg - IV - Pain
Paracetamol 750mg - Pain
Buproprion SR 150mg - Smoking cessation - not-taking est 2004
Aspirin allergy - Reaction: hives and asthma - ONLY PRESCRIBE PARACETAMOL
No environmental, food, or animal allergies
Patient has denied smoking cessation options
Height: 1.88 m (6' 2'')
Weight: 91 kg (200 lbs)
Blood type: O+
7x stab wound - 6 required antibiotics for recurrent infection, 2 MRSA resistant
2x bullet wound - 2x in lower extremities, healed with no complication
6x abrasion collar
2x broken collar bone - healed, with no complication
Lactose sensitivity - Recurrent IBS if ingested
Chipped first left molar following opening a beer with teeth
Father deceased at 68 due to heart failure - Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, high cholesterol
Mother - Stage I HTN (hypertension)
Sister #1 - Postpartum depression, generalized anxiety disorder
Sister #2 - Elevated cholesterol/triglycerides
Brother - No known chronic health issues
Positive family history of diabetes and hypertension, but no cancer
Drinks regularly and heavily - 8-12 beers and 2-3 glasses of hard liquor each weekend; 1 glass of scotch occasionally
Smokes socially - 5 pack years
Physically active
Close relationship with family, has 4 dogs at home under the care of pt's mothers
Avid fan of The Glasgow Football Club
Medication list + indications
Clindamycin 300mg with ciprofloxacin 400mg - Infection
Amoxicillin/Clauvanic acid 625mg - Infection
Vancomycin 18mg/kg - MRSA resistant infection
Paracetamol 500mg - Pain
Morphine 15mg IV - Pain
Doxycycline 100mg - Acne discontinued in 2004
Insect stings - Observed anaphylaxis to childhood bee sting
Patient demonstrates medication non-adherence, counsel ESPECIALLY with antibiotics
Scored 6 on Alcohol use disorders identification test for consumption (AUDIT C)
Height: 1.86 m (6' 1'')
Weight: 93 kg (205 lbs)
Blood type: B-
3x stab wound - healed, no complications
1x broken collar bone
2x broken femur
Diagnosed concussion - evaluated in Oct. '19
Father - Type 1 Diabetes, high cholesterol
Mother - Vitiligo, Stage 3 breast cancer
Positive family history of maternal cancer and diabetes, but no hypertension
Social drinker - 3-4 beers each weekend
Does not smoke
Physically active - Enjoys morning and evening runs
Enjoys spicy food and tries to introduce into diet
When on leave, enjoys attending concerts and music festivals
Medication list + indications
Piriteze 10mg - Allergic rhinitis
Fluticasone Propionate - 93 mcg/actuation - Allergic rhinitis
Paracetamol 500mg - Pain
Seasonal - Pollen and pet dander
β-Lactam allergy - Reaction: anaphylaxis evaluated in '19
Organ donor
Height: Weight: 1.93 m (6' 4'')
WeighT: 100 kg (220 lbs)
Blood type: AB-
Extensive cuts and scarring to entire body
4+ stab wounds - healed, no complications
Gun shot to lower abdomen - healed, no complications, evaluated in Nov. '22
13+ collar abrasion
2x broken nose
Childhood injury of broken tibia and large toe
Psych eval - History of depression and post traumatic stress disorder, childhood history indicates emotional and physical abuse
Father - status unknown Diagnosed alcohol use disorder
Brother - deceased, cause of death non-contributory - Substance use disorder
Mother - deceased, cause of death non-contributory - Hypertension, thrombophilia (blood clotting disorder)
Positive family history of hypertension, but no diabetes or cancer
Social drinker - 3-4 glasses of hard liquor each weekend
Smokes socially - 10 pack years
Physically active - Enjoys nightly walks
Psych eval - Other squad members act as his emotional support
Expressed interest in cats and tattoo art (FLAGGED: Further input and comments from other medical professionals would be appreciated)
Medication list + indications
Paracetamol 1000mg - Pain
Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid 625mg - Infection
Morphine 20mg + Ketamine 4.5mg IV - Pain
Mafenide acetate 5% topical - Antimicrobial, burn wounds
Fluoxetine 20mg twice daily - Depression - not taking est 2001
NKDA - No known drug allergies
No environmental, food, or animal allergies
Psych recommends evaluation of a pet, such as cat, for pt while on leave
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While November is National Diabetes Awareness Month in the US, November 14 is World Diabetes Day because it’s Frederick Banting’s birthday. He is credited as the co-discoverer of insulin and was the leading force behind the team working on it.
In type 2 diabetes, your body can produce insulin but it has trouble using it.
In type 1 diabetes, the immune system destroys the cells that produce insulin. Onset is mostly during childhood Insulin is essential to turning food into energy, and type 1 diabetes is 100% fatal without insulin treatment.
At the time of insulin’s discovery, the leading treatment was to essentially slowly starve to death. Insulin changed everything. Parents no longer had to watch their children painfully die. My parents didn’t have to watch me die before I reached double digits.
Frederick Banting and his team sold the patent for insulin to the university of Toronto for $1 each so it could be more widely produced and distributed. He famously said “insulin does not belong to me, it belongs to the world”
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fanby-fckry · 2 months
Decided to make a list of vetted fundraisers from Palestinians who have reached out to me, personally.
I only post fundraisers if I can find proof that they’ve been verified. Unfortunately, some scammers have taken advantage of this tragedy, and I’m not going to risk diverting donations from real people in need.
Because I’m not qualified to tell which campaigns are legit, I rely on other blogs like @/90-ghost or @/northgazaupdates and crosschecking against the Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraisers List, Operation Olive Branch, and Project Watermelon.
Last updated: August 9, 2024
@bilalassadabedrou – Fundraiser to help Bilal Abed Rabou and his family evacuate from the Gaza Strip after their home was destroyed: gofundme link, vetted by @/90-ghost (€6,374/€80,000 | 8%)
@omarasaadb – Fundraiser to help support Doaa Jadalhaq, her son Omar (age 5), and the rest of their family still in Gaza. Omar is autistic and has trauma and health issues from spending most of his childhood in a war zone: gofundme link, vetted by @/90-ghost (SEK kr92,333/kr300,000 | 31%)
@musababed – Fundraiser to help support Musab Abedraboo and his family. Musab Abedraboo is studying medical equipment engineering at Al-Azhar University in Gaza: gofundme link, vetted by @/90-ghost (Original gofundme canceled at: €2,394/€10,000 | Current gofundme: £2,973/£8,000 | 37%)
@salahaldinahhorsblog – Fundraiser to help Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor, his wife, Sundus, and their daughters, Maria (age 10), Farah (age 8), and Maryam (age 3) evacuate from Gaza and pay for medical care. Maria and Maryam were injured by shrapnel during a bombing: gofundme link, vetted by @/90-ghost (€4,688/€40,000 | 12%)
@ahmed79ss – Fundraiser to help Walaa (age 17), and her sister and two brothers evacuate Gaza and reunite with their parents. Walaa is a type 1 diabetic and has no access to insulin: gofundme link, vetted by @/90-ghost (CAD $9,841/50,000 | 20%)
@save-hijazi-family – Fundraiser to help Mohammed Hijazi and his elderly parents evacuate from Gaza: gofundme link, vetted by @/90-ghost and @/northgazaupdates (€7,210/€20,000 | 36%)
@wafaaresh – Fundraiser to help Wafaa and her family, including several young children, her younger brother, Mohiy, who suffers from hepatitis, and her mother, who suffers from chronic hypertension: gofundme link, vetted by @/90-ghost (€20,779/€100,000 | 12%)
@asmaayyad – Fundraiser to help Asmaa and her family of 8 evacuate Gaza after losing their home and their cat: gofundme link, vetted by @/90-ghost (€4,912/€45,000 | 11%)
@falestine-yousef – Fundraiser to help Jad Al-Haq and her husband provide for their baby, Youssef (age 3 months), whom she gave birth to during the war: gofundme link, vetted by @/90-ghost ($8,609/$40,000 | 22%)
@hayanahed – Fundraiser to help Ahmed evacuate his 7 family members from Gaza, including his sisters, Haya and Amal, who are allergic to penicillin-based medication and medications in the same family as ibuprofen, respectively: gofundme link, #26 on Operation Olive Branch, #249 on Project Watermelon Families in Gaza (€66,574/€100,000 | 67%)
@lailashaqoura – Fundraiser to help Laila (age 18), her 4 siblings, and their pregnant mother evacuate Rafah: gofundme link, #152 on the Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraisers List (€27,580/€45,000 | 61%)
@abedalazeiz and @safaabed8 – Fundraiser to help Safaa, her husband, Abed, and their 2 young children, Ibtisam and Ibrahim: gofundme link, vetted by @/90-ghost and @/northgazaupdates (€25,858/€50,000 | 52%)
And some that didn’t reach out to me:
Madleen (no tumblr) – Fundraiser to help Madleen, her husband and their two young children, Intisar (age 3) and Mohammed, escape Gaza and begin a new life: gofundme link, #3 on the Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraisers List (USD $53,167/$70,000 | 76%)
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noxspost · 4 months
hades 2 head cannons
so in Eris's design she has candy bars. So I headconnoned Eris Is having a very fast metabolism. So does Hermes I also gave her the headcannon of having a fiction version of type one diabetes. Hephaestus and Apollo make her medical a device is when they get damaged but they're pretty sturdy.
hynpos has a mobility disability which was made worse by Zeus's lighting bolts that Hypnos got shot by during the Trojan war. Charon has a speech disability had hurts so he doesn't speak much.
---Here is some more---
I also gave moros a anxiety disorder since he can see all the possibilities of a single person's doom. Hades has war ptsd also depression it was worsen by his trashy father waking up.
Hestia has pyromania ares has sensory issues also is Neurdivergent. Ares and Artemis are both Trans and twitched names when they came out to each other.
Athena is hard of hearing also fear of storms why? Because owls are her animal and Owls don't have the oil needed to repel water. So they avoid flying in rain also shs hates the sounds of the thunder and lighting.
Every child of Zeus that is on olympus has at some point has ran to that library room when Zeus starts storms doesn't matter if he was mad or not. The reason why they go to the library room is because that's the only place in the entire mountain that is soundproof completely.
Ares cheating with Aphrodite wasn't a thing and or surprising to Hephaestus since he has been with Ares it is just Hephaestus is greysexual. He also sees Aphrodite as a friend most of the time. All three deities have made it work.
Both him and ares have pain flare ups. So both just rest and go easy also the chains were to trap for hera who loves to Snoop in his room and also in Ares's room. He did not mean to trap both his partner and Aphrodite. People think he hates Ares nope he doesn't
Ares is claustrophobic because of his childhood with his two cousins and the jar. Hephaestus can walk with his prosthetic limb, it just hurts a lot of the time, so he uses his wheelchair or his cane to help. Ares is a great sculptor map maker and is a very patient lover.
Athena and him have a good relationship It just gets a little bit more sharp words during war.
Hermes Loves the weird crochet items he gets from Eris. Oizys Is great at comforting people who have lost a loved one.
The fates, hynpos, charon and Erebus raised their children and siblings since Nyx's parenting style is like those clothing that claim to be one size fits all.
I do not hate her it just she's just not really good at showing her kids that she loves them which can be problematic.
Nemesis is a Loyal friend. She wears a blindfold over her eyes when she is working.
when she doesn't answer her domain it can start to build up tillers too much and she has to Answer to the call of her domain.
It happened once when she was younger and It did lead to a Hecate getting hurt around the lower half of her face, hence why she wears double the amount of face protection.
when she's alone she still wears that mask Hecate is super self-conscious of her face scars. Nemesis feels bad but every time she tells Hecate she can react to this in agner as justice.
She would never got the justice and Hecate reassured her that she didn't need that.
That's why she does listen to Hecate when she has to guard the crossroads because if was any other time before that incident...
she would have just not listened, but she did because she's still repaying Hecate for that mistake. No one wants to talk about that though.
Melinoe was too young and doesn't get answers to The question also Odysseus has a fear of the oceans that one's pretty self-explanatory.
He did cry when heacte said he would have to help her raise the princess. He was despondent for about a week and a 1/2. He cried when Melinoe called he uncle once.
Zagreus favorite type of tree is the sandbox tree and yew berry trees.
Thanatos cried when he got to hold oiziys. She was so tiny and he loves her dearly. Zagreus reminds hades of the Dionysus that was his wife's child before Hera thought it was a great idea to kill him.
Persephone has many bats in the pomegranate trees in gardens hence, why there was a gated door and it was locked for most of the first game. Those bats live in the trees in the crossroads now.
Charon taught Thanatos and nemesis how to use a oar as a weapon. The fury sisters see Persephone as a mother.
Melinoe is the bringer of madness and nightmares. Her domain is not fully awake yet because dionysus is too far away and on a madness trip currently.
Everyone in the crossroads repeatedly ask moros what her doom was when dionysus comes back till In the madness half of his domain.
Melinoe Has never used her darker side of nature, and Hecate is terrified of that because she has brought back multiple spiders the size of Cerberus's biggest paw Pad.
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jeff-the-box-boy · 11 months
Random sinner headcanons and stuff
This is not all my hcs, I have some for Vergil as well. This is probably most of the sinner hcs I have tho
Yi Sang
Enjoys fermented, rotten and spoiled foodstuffs
Kinda looks like a Victorian orphan (pale, thin, probably scrounges around on the floor for food)
Fibromyalgia, type 1 diabetes, nyctalopia, pica, depression, autism, depersonalization, sea sickness, motion sickness, nut allergy, pet spit allergy, (to be continued?)
Yi Sang and his multitude evil exes like Ramona Flowers (Dongrang, Dongbaek, Gubo)
Stupid sense of humor but he rarely laughs, mostly just smiles to himself when he makes a name pun or hears an accident innuendos
Doesn't like conflict, especially personal conflict with people he cares about
Autism, NPD, lactose intolerant, (to be continued possibly)
Has a special interest in trains, was much more prevalent in childhood (Still prevalent in adulthood, it's why everything seems kinda train themed despite them being on a bus)
Plus sized fat girl
Indulges in Yi Sang's stupid puns and stuff, sometimes making puns of her own with him
ADHDtism, delusions of grandeur, probably schizophrenia or STPD, pet hair and spit allergy, (TBC)
Never gets bed head or knotty hair
Very strong arms
Fixated on the fixers part of the fixer fandom
Writes fixer fanfic
Probably ASPD, (TBC)
Has favorites when it comes to the other sinners (Faust, Sinclair, and Hong Lu)
Was likely an artist for the ring in her past
Shibari enjoyer, mostly rigger but does not mind modeling
Autism, SPD (schizoid), hypersexual, hyperthymesia, (TBC)
Studies the people around him and slightly changes how he acts around them to make conversation less of a hassle/go smoother (I have a few examples of this kinda happening in canon)
Keeps a mental list of things he likes and does not like about the other sinners:
How they treat him, things they say that stick out, reactions to things he does, random tidbits and pieces of backstories
Also has like an actual physical notebook but his memory is good enough, tends to be full of shockingly detailed and realistic sketches with very few notes
Collects scraps of newspapers, pictures, and documents he finds
May or may not have pocketed an old Gregor propaganda poster
Hong Lu
ADHDtism, pica, latex allergy, nut allergy, (TBC)
Vaguely multilingual (not fluent) and sometimes practices with the sinners, like speaking German with Sinclair and Gregor (he sounds very funny when he speaks german)
Emotionally intelligent
All of his questions are genuine, except sometimes he asks stupid questions specifically to annoy Heathcliff:
Sometimes he just wants to hear Heathcliff explain something even if he already knows about it
He also plays along with light jabs and insults Heathcliff does, falsely proving them correct (often making Heathcliff groan or very fuckimg confused)
Good with hair styling and decent with makeup, if the girls have sleepovers he's definitely invited to them
He eats lipstick and chapstick. He takes big fucking bites out of them. He likes mint flavored lip balm.
He often steals lipstick from Rodya seeing shes one of the few on the bus that uses it but he makes it up to her by buying her more expensive makeup or food
Possible IED, inferiority complex, C-PTSD, lactose intolerant, (TBC)
Lower empathy for rich people; higher empathy for poor people
Like using nicknames, they come naturally to him
Defaults to things like "bloke" and "lass" but he does have a few sinner specific ones
OCD, cyclothymia, Insomnia, nut allergy, (TBC)
Distracts herself with busy work, shes always trying to do something
If she has nothing to do she often stims or fiddles around with stuff like her hair, her fingers, or bounces her leg and stuff
Doesn't like feeling useless or inadequate
Showers and cleans herself multiple times a day
"scrubbing the sea water/whale spit(?) off"
HPD, possible BPD, dyslexia, gambling addict, binge eater, inferiority-superiority complex, lactose intolerant, (TBC)
Left handed but claims ambidexterity
"Wanna hear something to get your brain thinking?" Proceeds to say some stupid shit that seems like it could be philosophical but it's actually a big nothing burger (sometimes Yi Sang actually tries towards interpret her nonsense in an actual poetic way)
Tries her hardest to ignore and not face problems, especially her own
Severe anxiety, DPD, PTSD, dyscalculia, possible BPD, nut allergy, pollen allergy, (TBC)
He has many bad habits that have stuck with him since childhood/school
Biting his nails and cuticles up while stressed
Not drinking enough water (doesn't want to pee during class/a meeting)
Waits till the end of a briefing to ask questions or for help 
Wears his gloves to stop his nail biting 
He also just has really cold hands
He's bites the inside of his cheeks when he can't bite his nails
Internalized homophobia but like.. in a weird way. Like. Does gay things but, either feels bad abt it, like guilty, or tries to make not gay excuses for it. But like only for himself?
Projects self hatred and his trauma on his enemies, which makes it easier for him to attack them
When both him and Demian are asleep at the same time they can share dreams and interact with each other in them
Autism, possible PTSD, latex allergy, (TBC)
She's a kiss-ass towards Dante because she had to be a kiss-ass during the war in order to move up in position
Kinda glues herself to Dante's side, she explains things that don't need explained or says she's gonna protect them (Ishmael does it better) (Dante doesn't bother trying to get Outis to stop)
The oldest sinner (until proven not)
Looks down on many of the other sinners, she kinda ranks them in her head (waste of breath, fixable, I can work with this, decent, the manager)
Autism, PTSD, survivor's guilt, immunocompromised, pollen allergy, latex allergy, other possible allergies,  seasonal depression, disassociation
Doesn't really know how to take a compliment since he doesn't usually get complimented 
Has long antenna coming from his head along with the bug arm, also unfinished/underutilized/healed over wings that sometimes nub up under his back when he's stressed but don't break through his skin (like g corp Greg's wings)
Whenever he's in battle his eyes kind of glaze over and he disassociates, buggy bits kinda take over
Gregor doesn't like killing especially when it's not very necessary, makes him think of the war and his buddies 
Gregor also has watery eyes, this is not specifically during battle but just in general. Sometimes when he lays on his side the eye on that side starts to tear up and leak
During intense moments, little bits of exoskeleton and chitin harden on him; like a patch of shell on the side of his or his buggy shoulder extends up a bit
Actually prefers stale or slightly turned food since he got modified but he doesn't tell anyone cause he's embarrassed and kind of ashamed of it (based on book Gregor not liking fresh food and only eating rotten or bad food, but less intense)
Amnesia, latex allergy, some kind of chronic pain (arthritis possibly), (TBC)
Nonbinary they/them intersex clock with a pair of sick tits (Dante deserves boobs)
Actual like. Dark gray skin 
Usually a bit of a nervous loser but occasionally has bouts of confidence/competence/authority similar to how they were from before they lost their head
Also likes to keep themself busy with work similar to Ishmael (they are trying their hardest to be a really good manager despite being thrown into this role suddenly)
Communicates with people that aren't the sinners through writing, simple sign language (they're still learning), making a sinner translate, or tracing letters on people
Gets phantom pains all the time, especially is a sinner died an exceptionally painful death recently
Clock has feeling like a real head
Gets repairs and check ups for their internal mechanisms, the clock even more sensitive inside the clock. all the wires and gears and stuff feel strange
Gregor and Ryoshu sometimes take smoke breaks with each other or light each others cigarettes 
Meursault and Heathcliff sometimes "play dress up" or "cosplay" with Don, Heathcliff refuses to be anything that's not somewhat badass though (Meursault has worn a dress before. Meursault does not talk about this incident.)
Outis and Gregor have a mutual kind of respect, and disdain for each other. They respect each other as veterans. Outis is a bit disappointed in his deserting and not seeing the war till the end. Gregor is freaked out by her "at least I didn't die" mindset compared to his "why was I the one that had to live" mindset
Gregor empathizes greatly with Dante whenever he sees them being dehumanized because of their prosthetic. He actively tries to talk and befriend Dante to make sure they never feel lonely or worthless
Gregor and Yi Sang both have midnight cravings and they dig through the dining room trash can for stale food. One night they both ran into each other in the dark while making their way to the trash can, Gregor nearly exploded in embarrassment. They don't talk about it, or at least Gregor doesn't. Both of them think about it pretty often though, more often then they'd expect
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
Understanding A1C and Its Role in Diabetes Diagnosis
Hey there! At Well Health Hub, we’re all about sharing valuable info on diabetes and everything related to it. Today, we’re diving deep into the importance of the A1C test when it comes to diagnosing diabetes. We want to give you a resource that goes beyond the usual articles out there, providing you with a clear and in-depth understanding of A1C and how it relates to your blood glucose levels.…
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sysboxes · 6 months
not a request but a question, we saw you had the epileptic user boxes, and we wanted to know if you had a toureettes userbox? we never saw one and didn't know if we overlooked it.
we would also like to see other disability userboxes you all have done if it's okay to ask you to show them off? /nf
ok I- ran out of spoons 😭😭 but here is a bunch
I tried to semi organize them
-mod weeping ❤️
This user has BPD, OCD, and tourettes.
This user has BPD, OCD, ASD, Tourettes, and is chronically ill.
This user has OSDD, ADHD, ASD, BPD, Tourette's, possibly dyslexia, anxiety, and a sleep disorder.
This system is autistic and has ADHD.
This user has BPD, ASPD, NPD, ADHD, ASD, Schizophrenia, APD, and OSDD.
This system has ADHD, autism, and possible personality disorders.
this system is influenced by being autistic and having adhd and many phobias.
This user has DID, NPD, BPD, ASD, and ADHD.
This system has BPD, polyfragmented DID, and autism.
This user is an autistic system who splits easily, and has a high alter count with a lot of fictives.
This system splits fictives easily due to being autistic.
this system frequently splits alters from their special interests and hyperfixations
this users special interest heavily impacts their system
This system has DID, autism, manic depression, and anxiety.
this user is autistic but their special interests have barely influenced their system.
this system is autistic and has ADHD.
This autistic system needs allistics to stop speaking on autistic issues.
this system has introjects from their childhood special interests
this system is very protective of their special interest
this system has a hard time hearing bad things about their special interest
this users special interest is their source
Multiple POTS userboxes.
This system has overlapping chronic mental illnesses.
This system has a lot of mental illness holders.
This system can’t feel pain and is willing to bite.
This system has introjects who hold pain and symptoms.
This user is a Tweek Tweak fictive so they may twitch sometimes.
This alter tics a lot while fronting.
frequent fronters depend on the systems current hyperfixation
this system constantly reblogs things related to their hyperfixations and interests
This user has a hard time telling introjects from kins from delusional attachments
This alter is an ADHD symptom holder.
This user has ADHD.
This user is an autism symptom holder
This alter is an autism symptom holder
This system is autistic.
This system is type 1 diabetic
this system is epileptic / this system is a left temporal lobe epileptic / the system is a right temporal lobe epileptic
this user has insomnia
This system has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
This system struggles with chronic fatigue.
This alter struggles with chronic fatigue.
This system struggles with chronic panic.
This alter struggles with chronic pain.
This alter struggles with chronic pain and chronic fatigue.
This system struggles with chronic pain and chronic fatigue.
This system has chronic pain and it causes them to split. / This system has chronic pain and it causes them to split. Please be patient.
This system struggles with chronic pain.
This system is chronically ill.
This system is physically disabled.
This system has a disability.
This system is disabled.
This system has an unspecified disability.
This system is a walker user. / This system uses a walker
This system is an electric scooter user. / This system uses an electric scooter.
This system is a wheelchair user. / This system uses a wheelchair.
This system uses a cane. / This system is a cane user.
This system uses a rollator. / This system is a rollator user.
This system uses a powerchair. / This system is a powerchair user.
This system has alters who need mobility aids always, sometimes, and not at all. Please ask first.
This users ability to speak fluctuates.
This alter cannot speak or type.
This user is semi verbal. / This system is semi verbal.
This user is nonverbal and upset they don’t know BSL.
This user is nonverbal and upset they don’t know ASL.
This system has difficulty talking and is doing their best to talk to people
This system struggles with hearing. Please be gentle.
This system has a hard time masking.
This system is having a hard time again.
This user is sick.
This system is quick to cry and feels a lot of emotions.
This system is tired in a way sleep can’t fix.
This system struggles with empathy, sympathy, and compassion.
This system is on the struggle bus
This system struggles to remember things and apologizes in advance
this user struggles with severe paranoia, please do not vaguepost around them
this system needs tone tags
Please be patient with this system, they’re struggling with a lot of their symptoms.
This system is easily scared
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domifucker · 9 months
Hi! My friend and I are getting into hockey and we’re kind of wondering what the vibe on Max Domi is?? I’m kind of seeing mixed messages about him so we were wondering why you like him so we can figure out what his deal is and if we should try to pay attention to him more on the leafs. Thanks!
hi anon!! just wanna say before i get going that i’m in love with this ask and you by extension for asking, and i’m sorry this took me so long!
now on to the propaganda (this is long i’m not sorry)
i’m obligated to preface this by saying i’m hugely biased as a Leafs fan who grew up in Southern Ontario. my dad has always been a pretty big Tie Domi fan, so liking Max just seemed like a natural continuation of that.
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baby Max with Mats Sundin, then-captain of the Leafs. he’s just a little guy,,
born March 2nd, 1995, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, one month before Tie was traded (back) to the Leafs, Max spent his childhood in Mississauga, Ontario, roughly half an hour west of Toronto. at the age of 12, following some health complications at a hockey tournament in Detroit, blood work revealed that Max had type 1 diabetes and celiac disease. 
not the end of the world, clearly, but a pretty significant shock for a kid with aspirations of greatness. of course, he was able to manage it, with time, and when i finally read his book i’ll tell y’all more about it i promise.
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these pictures make me emotional,, a couple of Domis, a couple of decades apart,,, except Max looks about 200% cuntier
scored a hatty in his OHL debut (slay). won consecutive OHL championships with the London Knights in 2012 and 2013 (double slay). selected 12th overall by the Phoenix (now Arizona) Coyotes, and signed a three year ELC (!). won gold with Team Canada at the 2015 WJC, and was named the tournament’s best forward (huge W). traded to the Montréal Canadiens in 2018, to the Columbus Blue Jackets in 2020, to the Carolina Hurricanes (via the Florida Panthers) at the trade deadline of March 31st 2022, to the Chicago Blackhawks in July of 2022, to the Dallas Stars in March 2023, and finally signed as a free agent to our beloved Toronto Maple Leafs on July 2nd 2023. he’s been on seven different NHL teams since he was drafted. 
sadly, as i’ve only been a hockey fan for one calendar year, i cannot provide much insight into his time with NHL teams other than the Leafs. i have ordered and am waiting for his book to come in so i can better rotate him in my mind, but i encourage anyone who knows more about his other teams’ lore to add to this post or send me what you know, so i can share it with the world. (pls i wanna know everything about him ever)
what i can say is that him and Mitch Marner were teammates on the London Knights for two seasons, (13-14 and 14-15), the second of which saw Max as captain and Mitch as an alternate captain. the season after, Mitch was named captain in Max’s stead. seeing them back together on the Leafs brings joy to my little London Knights heart.
now back to him as a Leaf. 
the current Leafs points leaders, as of December 30th, are as follows:
William Nylander - 48P (17G 31A)
Auston Matthews - 44P (29G 15A)
Mitch Marner - 38P (14G 24A)
John Tavares - 31P (11G 20A)
Morgan Rielly - 27P (4G 23A) 
Max Domi - 21P (3G 18A)
the first five of these are pretty much to be expected, but there’s my close good friend Max Domi right there too :) he’s doing his part, and even if he’s not the biggest scorer, assists are just as important and valuable :) if i have to kill y’all with positivity for this i will :) i love him dearly :)
also, he currently sits at 389 career points, and he’s nowhere near done, while Tie Domi earned 245 points in his entire career of 1020 games. nobody can say shit to me about him not living up to his dad’s legacy (Note: Tie also sits at third in NHL history for penalty minutes with 3515, but that’s a stat nobody will ever surpass. ever. the current PIM leader in the NHL is Corey Perry, and he only has 1392.)
and now i’m not about to sit here and pretend i know how to quantify the skills of an NHL player, let alone describe them in great detail. i do not. however, what i do know is that i love watching him play and make plays. in my eyes, he is a good player, and this is the Max Domi Propaganda Blog so if you want something less biased i can’t help you, sorry :’)
this love began in a preseason game against the Habs, on Oct 2nd. his first game as a Leaf in Toronto, he scores a tip-in against his former team, and he shrugs it off like NBD. for those of you who were following me at the time, you know i was not normal about it then and i am not normal about it now. i think about that celly every goddamn day. 
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much to my great sorrow, they Leafed this game up and lost in OT 5-4. but either way, this was the moment that definitively kicked off the Rick eastoncowan Domishka era. 
and the only time Max ever seems to get a scoring chance, it’s either on a breakaway or from a spot that would have been absolutely NASTY if it went in. my mans only wants sexy goals, which is a stance i respect immensely. 
his first regular season goal… didn’t give him any points. it was beautiful, and a game winner, but since it happened in a shootout, it didn’t count towards his points totals. personally, i think this is bullshit, but now is neither the time nor the place for me to get into my issues with some of the NHL’s rules. (Nov 10, 2023, Flames @ Leafs)
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Domishka bardownski SO winner,,, you were so beautiful and so unappreciated but i will never forget you </3
Max’s first real goal as a Leaf.
for those of you who followed me at the time, you may recall this post:
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a post that the Hockey Gods took to heart
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and obviously i followed through. what do you think i am, some kind of quitter?
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and, again, unfortunately, we Leafed that one up, too. we lost it in OT again, so still no Domi belt pic for Rick :(
now i’m not going to go back and gif all 18 of his assists, because i don’t think y’all care quite that much about Visual Proof of all of them. for your convenience, though, i did go back and track down whose goals he had assisted on, and the results aren’t super surprising IMO
Calle Järnkrok, Nick Robertson (assisted on 5 each)
Matthew Knies (assisted on 4)
William Nylander, Morgan Rielly, Mitch Marner, Timothy Liljegren (assisted on 1 each)
anyway, now for what is quite possibly my favourite game that i didn’t actually get to watch live.
December 16, 2023, Penguins @ Leafs, a decisive 7-0 victory.
it was also a 3 point night for Max, two of which helped to complete Matthew Knies’ Gordie Howe hat trick, the first since Daniel Winnik in 2015. but a goal and an assist are only two parts of it, the third being a fight. a fight which Knies initiated against John Ludvig after he knocked out yet another of Max’s front teeth with his stick. a fight which was Knies’ first ever. i’m still mad i didn’t see this happen live, but i’ve rewatched the game in its entirety twice, and the highlights too many times to count. this game sparked my undying love for the 23-11-16 line, which is a line i still pray keefe will bring back.
and so, we have a goal and a fight, and we have an assist to finish off the hat trick, and none of it would have happened without Max :)
and speaking of fights, Max has had a couple of em himself in his time as a Leaf so far. granted, if you ask hockeyfights dot com, he didn’t win either of them, but that’s not what matters. what matters is that he looked beautiful doing it, whether it was against Ian Cole (VAN) or Sam Bennett (FLA), especially with the fun added bonus of him flexing his full head of hair at Bennett’s bald dome. as an aside, i fucking hate Sam Bennett, so Max trying to fight him was… well it made me feel things. all i’m gonna say.
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max’s third goal was also gorgeous. stunning. amazing. another beautiful bardown, the sound of which lives on in my dreams.
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this is getting far longer than it really needs to be, so i’ll take a step back and give you my true, honest thoughts.
Max Domi has been a very helpful player for the Leafs since he got here. he obviously has the drive to play here and to play well here, and 21 points is nothing to be ashamed of. you know who else has 21 points as of me writing this? Alex Ovechkin. and now i’m not saying they are players of the same caliber, but Max is 6th on the Leafs in points, and Ovi is tied for first on the Caps. 21 points is still 21 points, no matter where in the standings someone is. Max was born to be a Leaf, and nothing makes me happier than to see him here and thriving on the team he’s loved since he was a kid. he takes shots, blocks shots, defends his boys and is defended right back in turn. 
and i would not be Rick eastoncowan if i didn’t mention that i think he is hot. like stupid hot. especially without his teeth. fuck, the heart wants what the heart wants, and damn if my heart doesn’t want this tiny toothless idiot. 
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stardust-sunset · 5 months
dude i hate the chubby kyle headcanon so much like i really hate it and it’s not because i have anything against chubby headcanons in general (i hc stan, butters, clyde, and sometimes bebe as being chubby) it just does NOT make any sense to me based on his actual character. he’s canonically very athletic. and as for the diabetes thing some of these people actually have no idea how diabetes works. he has TYPE 1 DIABETES and people with t1 diabetes are more often than not thin/underweight because they don’t produce insulin which converts glucose to energy and they can’t regulate blood sugar levels so instead their bodies burn fat and muscle rapidly for energy instead. also overweight people with t1 diabetes are at higher risk of developing serious heart issues and double diabetes, so i don’t think sheila would feed and spoil him to that point. little science lesson for you all. but lately i’m realizing i think the real reason i hate it so much because makes him look like and have the vibes of kyle schwartz who’s entire existence serves as an over the top stereotype meant to be a foil to kyle who is not a stereotype. why is chubby kyle is always fucking portrayed with some gayass sweatervest on. if people really desperately want their chubby, nerdy, IBS-having, sweatervest wearing, investment banker jewish boy kyle s. is RIGHT THERE. there’s also a million other jewish characters in media that are canonically portrayed that way so can we please just have this one. kyle s. even refers to kyle as a redneck jock!! which he isn’t of course but obviously it would seem that way to kyle s, who is everything this fandom tries to force kyle to be. god sorry for ranting, i’m lowkey expecting to get flamed in the notes but we ball
…honestly yeah. me as well.
i’m a bit of a biology nerd myself. it’s a special interest of mine. i have family with diabetes (albeit type 2) and my father is a diabetes specialist. so i believe i’m qualified to talk on behalf of the diabetes aspect. not only does it make more sense for kyle to be underweight but it’s also spreading the false narrative that everyone with diabetes is overweight when that isn’t the case. apologies for the upcoming ramble. but t1 diabetes is typically childhood exclusive. it’s diagnosed at a young age for the most part, especially as seen with kyle. type 1 means that no insulin is formed at all. like…none. like anon said. and don’t think i’m regurgitating what they said. i could literally write up a whole ass essay on how to write kyle’s diabetes and i will if you guys want. i think many people think of type 2 diabetes when writing kyle. the difference between type 1 and type 2 is that people with type 2 diabetes can actually make insulin. but it isn’t enough to fully cancel out the sugar levels in the body. type 2 is also more often than not a somewhat curable disease. you can get rid of type 2 in some cases. you can’t get rid of type 1. and yeah. like anon said. i think sheila cares more about kyle’s health than she does about spoiling him with food.
and yeah. i guess the argument that ‘Ph BuT hEs OnLy 7 lBs lIgHtEr tHaN cArTmAn’ but you can really only say that he’s overweight if you know his height too. they look to be the same height. but you don’t know his exact height therefore you can’t make a case for or against it. like comparing someone who’s 5’6’’ and 120 lbs and someone who’s 5’1’’ and 127 lbs has a BMI difference of more than 6 units. cartman could be shorter. it’s hard to say. but yes. i agree with anon. i hate the chubby kyle headcanon. flame me in the notes. i don’t care. leave anon alone though. shit on my behalf. not theirs.
also yeah . it’s stereotypical as fuck. it’s kinda gross at some point. i agree with anon tho about chubby butters and clyde. maybe stan too because his father insists on feeding him ‘rich kid food’ but yeah. they’re right about kyle s. too. kyle s. is right there. or there’s mort from family guy. go slap your based hdcs on them ig. leave kyle b. out of it. the stereotype that all nerds are chubby and weak is overdone especially when it’s done to the only jewish kid in the show (kyle s doesn’t exist in fanon clearly.
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Everybody Deserves Their Someone
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52732255 by spidey_wid3y Peter has spent the last two years in a group home after being pulled out of May's care. His wish of being adopted finally comes true when Tony and Pepper Stark realise they are ready to start a family. (I took this down for some reason so I'm reuploading it. Peter isn't Spiderman in this universe.) Words: 5001, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Happy Hogan, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Pepper Potts, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Adoption, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Protective Tony Stark, Parent Tony Stark, Tony Stark Feels, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Precious Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Teen Peter Parker, Childhood Trauma, Trauma, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Diabetes, Peter acts a little younger in this, because i read somewhere, that it can happen if they are traumatised at a young age, Eventual Peter Parker/Michelle Jones - Freeform, Fluff and Angst, Found Family, Domestic Avengers read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52732255
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bonefall · 2 years
Cat Diabetes
So as you've probably seen, lately I've been considering what Diabetes will end up looking like, both for my rewrite and any herb guide I make. I had been trying to consider how to strike a balance between Human Diabetes and Feline Diabetes... but I'm not sure if it's possible to do that.
Cat Diabetes and Human Diabetes have significant differences.
Human Diabetes:
Type 1 is typically an autoimmune condition where the body destroys the cells responsible for insulin production, usually with a childhood onset. Type 2 diabetes is the body becoming insulin-resistant despite the pancreas still producing insulin, usually with an adulthood onset.
Type 1 is treated with insulin injections. Type 2 is treated with medication, usually metformin.
In human diabetes, Type 2 does not progress into Type 1.
Feline Diabetes:
Type 1 is the total failure of insulin production in the pancreas, it is very rare in cats. Type 2 is insulin resistance or reduced production in the pancreas, it is common in cats.
Both Type 1 and Type 2 is treated with insulin injections. Type 2 can be managed with medication, but this is becoming an outdated practice because...
In feline diabetes, Type 2 can progress into Type 1. This is a significant side effect of oral medication in cats.
So What?
It didn't come up before in any discussions of what to do, but I've been told that it could be offensive to diabetics to show a character progressing from Type 2 to Type 1, even if they are cats, because that is a misconception of human diabetes.
Ultimately my goal is representation. While I WANT my herb guides to be consistent for Warrior Cats and be adapted for feline biology, I will bend those secondary goals in the name of better reflecting the real human people with fake cat OCs these guides are made for.
I wanted to mix the two and strike a balance between Feline and Human diabetes, but the more I work on this and consider every angle, the more I'm feeling overwhelmed and the enjoyment is actively draining out of it.
I'm not having fun imagining disappointing everyone with a compromise that doesn't accurately portray Diabetes in either species.
So I'm going to commit to making a herb guide that reflects human diabetes, and in this case, ignore feline diabetes. It seems like the more requested option anyway.
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