#Choose your gender
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4ltrd · 1 year
I’ve seen you in the Akuneko tag a few times and was wondering who your top 3 butlers are? 😊 My top 3 is constantly flip flopping if I’m being honest. I really like Berrien, Lucas, Lamli, Miyaji, Nac, and now Haures/Fennez have grown on me with the release of chapter 2.
*jumps up and down, waving*
First, I adore Akuneko because I quit a 10-year-long position due to chronic migraines this February 2022, and having worked all my teen-adult life, I didn't know what to do with myself when I suddenly wasn't working at all. I found Akuneko around the time I quit, and it helped me basically in every way it's supposed to. It is a godsend.
If someone reads this who a) doesn't know Akuneko already, b) struggles with anxiety, depression, stress, etc., c) likes otome/ikémen games, and d) doesn't mind translating from Japanese, you can find Akuneko in the US Google Play store (link below) or in Qoo.
My top three are:
Lamli. He's awful at his "job," but he does everything possible to make you happy. He wants desperately to be a "cool adult" with his shit together to impress you, but he doesn't realize how overrated it is. He's full of unbridled energy and passion, and he never forgets to tell you how he feels. I see my ADHD in him and I love it. I just want to goof around all day with him (and give everyone else in the mansion grey hairs).
Boschi. Sure, Lucas is undisputed #1 for teasing you, with Ammon at #2, but Boschi is a real dark horse when it comes to flirting. He says some things where I'm like, "Boschi, you scoundrel!" When he invites you to the sauna with him with that look on his face...! Plus, he's very cute about his hair. He's resilient, proud, and stubborn, which appeals to the Midwesterner in me.
This one is harder! I flip-flop. Right now, I'd say Miyaji. He's always got me on the verge of tears, he's very tall, and he carried us in his demon form (I'm a sucker for kemonomimi). But it could also be Lato or Fennesz or Lono at any given moment. Lato's emotional growth has been so wonderful. Fennesz is always blushing and making adorable sounds (😈). And Lono reminds me of my actual husband (who says AkuNeko is the best/prettiest out of all the mobile games I play).
I'm behind on Chapter 2 (halfway through?) because I have a tendency to hoard story. I don't know why I'm like this... but I don't think there's anything in there that will change my mind.
I love them all! I can't believe how well-written they are, and how human they feel. The dev team behind Akuneko is wonderful.
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kidzboppizza · 9 months
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Choose your gender
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were you a dinosaur kid or a space kid or an egyptian/greek/roman mythology kid
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unhonestlymirror · 2 years
"Women are like cars" - oh yeah, and men are like frying pans
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izgu6ljena · 2 years
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Choose your gender
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cube-cumb3r · 1 year
while im at it neopronoun opposition is weird to me as a swedish person.. the whole debate is so anglocentric that they assume every language landed on the same solution they did, to reuse a plural pronoun as a gender neutral one and then they think any other solution is absurd or unheard of. what do you mean you just made another pronoun up you cant do that!! etc
coz its like here in the 2014 the swedish academy accepted 3rd person pronoun "hen" (as opposed to hon/han) like officially into our word list after it gained some popularity in the 2010s. like that is a NEOPRONOUN that someone just Came Up With in like the 60s and then people just started using it and now its just a recognized part of our language. sure we could've also reused our plural pronoun "de/dem" as a gender neutral one but we just made up a new one instead. and to like imply that mainstream use of a neopronoun is just UNHEARD OF and that neopronouns is something the mainstream could NEVER GET USED TO EVER!!! is... your perspective is very limited to the english speaking world is all i can say
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yupekosi · 13 days
it's been a while but here's another DP/DC plot bunny that won't leave me alone; a Demon Twins/Danyal al Ghul AU, but Danny is trans.
...hear me out okay?
Damian al Ghul had a twin sister, just as brilliant and deadly as him. they were the terrors of the League, working expertly in tandem to take down their foes before they knew what hit them. but there could only be one heir to the Demon's Head, and Ra's, being the old, sexist bastard he is, arranged for the 'spare' to be taken care of- and Talia insisted it be by her own hand.
Damian's last memories of Aishah al Ghul are of her packing her bags for her first and last solo mission. she knew what was coming, he thinks. the smile she gave him as she said goodbye was bitter and sharp.
of course, what really happened was that Talia -whether out of sentimentality or simply wanting to keep her other trained weapon-child alive- faked her daughter's death and left Aishah in the American adoption system, where she was taken in by the Fentons; and, when he was a teen, transitioned.
years later, Damian al Ghul, now Damian Wayne, sees an identical boy staring at him from across the batcave. He has his sister's sword and his sister's eyes, and the smile he gives him is bitter and sharp.
and Aishah al Ghul, now Danyal Fenton, says "Hello, ahki."
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wuntrum · 4 months
artists flirting like wow you have such a nice side profile...the tip of your nose makes such an interesting shape where it connects to the bridge...
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centaur-dreaming · 9 days
Happy birthday fellow gays and queers of other flavours <3
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
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cheralith · 4 months
all i wanted — gojo satoru, ft. geto suguru
content warnings: gn!neutral, no pronouns or body parts mentioned, angst
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he can't believe what he's seeing.
in the park's gazebo that sits near your apartment building, there you are. settled underneath its vines and ivy and the sunset looking overhead in the sky. a bundle of colorful flowers gathered in your arms with a large heart-shaped box of chocolates nestled underneath. there's a plethora of matching shaped balloons settled around the floor of it, all red and pink and white and shiny, resembling mirrors that shine your much too happy face that doesn't face him...
but another.
there you are, hiding your shy smile behind a hand and giggling at whatever suguru is murmuring as he pushes a lock of hair away from your flustered face. satoru fists his own bouquet of flowers he gathered last minute hidden behind him, evidently frustrated as he bites his lip so hard that it draws blood. his seem so weak and desolate compared to the larger than life bouquet suguru has given you; a bouquet that shows careful arranging and organizing of each flowers, not the flimsy, clustered flowers that satoru grabbed on his rushing way to see you to declare what he had been hesitating to say for the longest time.
his knuckles turn white and pulse with a fiery ache from how hard he was grasping his now-bent flowers, doing his best to shove down the thick lump in his throat as he sees suguru wrap his arms around you and pull you closer to him as you accept his valentines proposal of "be mine?" written on a small, but intricate lunchbox cake decorated with colors that replicate the balloons. satoru doesn't miss the small bunch of boxes seated on the benches of the gazebo already unwrapped, the leaves of their wrappers nestled nicely on the ground—there's more presents than flowers in his bouquet, and satoru cannot feel anymore pathetic. his flowers can't compare to the intricate set-up suguru has created. he thinks its almost a mockery of sorts.
it's not fair, he thinks. you've been friends with satoru in the same length that you've been friends with suguru, and he's sure that both of them have harbored feelings in a time frame equivalent to each other, so why does suguru get first pick? he's the one that broke off from you, him, and shoko... he's the one that left you mysteriously in the dust those years ago... he's that ignored you on the first couple semesters of college up until a few months ago...
but satoru was there. why can't you acknowledge him in the way you acknowledge suguru? satoru was there every step of the way—his shoulder was the one you cried on. his arms were the one you ran to when you celebrated a good grade on a test. his presence was the one that comforted you in the bane of suguru's absence.
but here's the problem.
you did acknowledge him. you had actually acknowledged satoru's place in your life so much and valued it to a degree that you took the risk of perhaps making it more than just a mere long-term friendship. maybe it wasn't explicit, but it was implied enough to the point where it struck fear in satoru's heart.
and he ran away from it like the coward he was—terrified to his wits end that another suguru situation would happen again to him, in which his feelings already engrained so deep within him that if there's the slim chance that you'll leave him like suguru did, there'd be nothing but a deep and hollow pit in his heart. a relationship would just increase that chance—and he wasn't going to take any chances of that happening.
satoru thought he'd never fathom two large chunks of his heart being empty, yet here he is—facing what remains of his heart that belongs to you in the palm of the other person who owned the other half of it and tore it away all those years ago.
the ground feelings more dense, locking him in place and forcing him to watch the scene that unfolds before him.
if he was just a few mere hours faster, he knew that he could be in suguru's place is he was just stronger, if he was just willing to pay the small price for a potential forever with you. it was a severe last-minute decision, but he knew that's what he wanted, what he yearned for. what he even needed, perhaps.
yet, his hesitation has paid its dues.
your back is to him, thankfully. but suguru's eyes flicker up from your smiling face that he holds tenderly in his palms to share satoru's grief-stricken one. for a second, his face in unreadable to satoru, until a cruel smirk snakes on suguru's lips.
and, while never breaking eye contact with satoru, those same lips reach down and share a soft kiss with yours, your forever now being in suguru's hands that just barely pass his own.
the bouquet of frail flowers fall to the ground, yet no feeling returns to satoru's hand. only a cold wind of nothing grasps it back.
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oldshrewsburyian · 1 month
For better or for worse, my literary tastes were shaped by spending most of my adolescence reading swashbucklers (and Sherlock Holmes.) I am blaming this for the fact that my jaw actually dropped when Jaime Lannister, asked about his relationship to Brienne of Tarth -- Qyburn is clearly professionally and personally primed to appreciate relevant emotional history/Hot Goss -- chooses to define her as his protector. Sir. Literally anything else would have been more normal. Anything else. He's not wrong! But also. My god.
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unknownuser93828 · 4 days
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zxal · 1 year
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boychild of destiny
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eebie · 3 months
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