#Creative love
theinwardlight · 2 years
Faith is fearful and defensive when it begins to die inwardly, struggling to maintain itself and reaching out for security and guarantees. In so doing, it removes itself from the hand of the one who has promised to maintain it, and its own manipulations bring it to ruin... [This] occurs wherever, in the face of the immorality of the present age, the gospel of creative love for the abandoned is replaced by the law of what is supposed to be Christian morality, and by penal law. He who is of little faith looks for support and protection for his faith, because it is preyed upon by fear. Such a faith tries to protect its 'most sacred things', God, Christ, doctrine and morality, because it clearly no longer believes that these are sufficiently powerful to maintain themselves.
Jürgen Moltmann, The Crucified God
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soul-from-another-era · 3 months
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Unconditional love isn't a free pass to hurt me.
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echoesoftheinfinite · 1 month
I want someone who admires me with the same intensity as they admire the moon and the stars.
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keystocompanionship · 7 months
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7 Exciting Activities to Cultivate Creative Intimacy with Your Partner
Building and nurturing creative intimacy with your partner can greatly enhance the depth and connection in your relationship. Engaging in activities that encourage creativity and mutual expression can foster a unique bond, enriching the emotional and intellectual connection between partners. Here are seven stimulating activities to explore with your partner to cultivate creative intimacy:
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1. Artistic Collaboration:
Collaborating on a creative project, such as painting, sculpting, or crafting, can be a profoundly intimate experience. Working together to create something visually striking and meaningful allows for shared vision, expression, and mutual inspiration.
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2. Storytelling and Writing:
Engage in collaborative storytelling or creative writing exercises with your partner. This can involve taking turns adding to a story, writing love notes or poetry for each other, or even creating a shared journal where you both contribute thoughts, memories, and reflections.
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3. Cooking or Baking Together:
Prepare a meal or bake a dessert together, embracing the opportunity to experiment and create in the kitchen. The act of sharing and combining flavors, textures, and culinary ideas can be a delightful and intimate experience that encourages creativity and teamwork.
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4. Dance and Movement:
Exploring dance and movement together can be a powerful way to cultivate creative intimacy. Whether learning a new dance style, improvising movement together, or simply swaying to music in your living room, physical expression and synchronization can deepen your connection.
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5. Photography and Visual Exploration:
Embark on photo walks, exploring your surroundings and capturing moments together. Experiment with creative photography techniques, framing each other in unique ways, and documenting shared experiences through visual storytelling.
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6. Mindfulness and Meditation:
Engaging in mindfulness and meditation practices together fosters a deeper emotional and spiritual connection. Whether taking a meditation class, practicing deep breathing exercises, or exploring guided imagery, the opportunity for shared introspection and emotional vulnerability can be profoundly intimate.
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7. Collaborative Music Making:
Explore making music together, whether through playing instruments, singing, or composing. Collaborating on musical expression allows for shared emotion, vulnerability, and creativity, fostering a unique form of intimate connection.
In conclusion, engaging in these seven activities with your partner can cultivate a deeper, more meaningful bond through shared creativity, expression, and exploration. By embracing these opportunities for mutual creativity, you can strengthen the emotional, intellectual, and physical intimacy in your relationship, fostering a deeper connection built on shared experiences and creative expression.
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kmac4him1st · 7 months
The Facets Of Love
You are a people set apart as holy to God, your God. God, your God, chose you out of all the people on Earth for himself as a cherished, personal treasure. 7-10 God wasn’t attracted to you and didn’t choose you because you were big and important—the fact is, there was almost nothing to you. He did it out of sheer love, keeping the promise he made to your ancestors. Know this: God, your God, is…
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reesestshirt · 9 months
When I was in middle school, I tried to learn how to crochet. I knew how to knit already, so I figured ‘how hard could it be’ and used my Christmas money on a brand new set of aluminum hooks and a how-to book.
To say it was difficult was an understatement. I spent hours pouring over my book, begging to gain some inkling of understanding from what felt like incomprehensible runes. My reward? One lopsided trapezoid of lumpy fabric and a resolve to never pick up a crochet hook again.
And so life went on, I finished middle school and high school without giving crochet so much as a second glance. In college, I read about how crochet couldn’t be replicated by a machine, it was unique in a way that knitting and many other fiber arts weren’t.
For Christmas last year, my girlfriend gave me what I now consider to be my most prized possession: a crocheted plush of my favorite pokemon. I raved over her skills and, since she never learned how to knit, we decided to have a yarn date at some point and teach each other our respective skills.
We never did get around to that yarn date. She passed a few months after our declaration, leaving me to inherit what was left of her yarn.
Nearly a decade after my initial attempt, I got ready for the toughest battle of my life. My weapons? One skein of yarn, a YouTube video, and a crochet hook that I had somehow never gotten rid of.
I slowly made my way through the video, redoing my work a couple times until I was satisfied with my product: a small, slightly misshapen rectangle.
I looked at my pristinely-made pokemon plush with hope for the first time in months and thought to myself, ‘maybe crocheting isn’t the hardest thing in the world, maybe you were just 12.’
Maybe this isn’t the hardest thing in the world. Maybe I’m just 21.
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diet-mountain-dew-nyc · 2 months
"I wanted to be unforgettable. Indelible. I wanted to haunt their hearts and minds—to be everywhere and nowhere, spectacular and out of reach. Only in the chaos did it dawn on me. Being remembered is not the same as being missed."
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binglepringle · 2 months
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
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daily--cats · 3 months
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Cat food appreciation post
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jacobnordby · 1 year
Message of the year:
“How do you spot an idiot? Look for the person who is cruel. The kindest person in the room is often the smartest.” — Gov Pritzker
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lyralit · 1 year
things to think about for characters
do they have allergies?
what foods will they not touch?
what kinds of music do they like?
how are they around new people?
do they speak in an accent?
have they tried learning a new language?
how many languages do they know?
what is a song that will always make them cry?
how do they cry? heaving? silently? sobbing?
how do they dress? for practicality or fashion?
what is the first thing they notice about a stranger?
what is their humour like?
do they have scars? what caused them?
do they wear jewelry?
are they a frivolous spender or a miser?
do they prefer luxury or practicality?
who would they quote?
what could make them change their mind?
who is the first person they'd call?
how are they around animals? do they have pets?
what is their favourite childhood food?
what is something they've never told anyone?
childhood friends?
what are habits they've picked up from other people?
what are their guilty pleasures?
what is something they're staunchly against?
do they speak a certain way? do they use contractions? popular turns of phrase?
can they fall in love? what does it look like? does it differ between people -- friends vs family?
what would they rather die than do?
what is their biggest mistake? one that they look out to never do again.
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luna-azzurra · 4 months
Sweet and genuine moments when characters realize they are in love
Cooking their partner's favorite dish just to see them smile.
Recalling not just the big moments, but also the small, seemingly trivial details of conversations they've had.
Feeling a sense of peace just by being in the same room, even if no words are spoken.
Making future plans in their head that unconsciously include their partner.
Feeling a pang of longing whenever they see something their partner would like or enjoy.
Automatically writing their partner into hypothetical scenarios when daydreaming.
Finding themselves texting or calling for no reason, just because they want to connect.
Getting nervous or excited before meeting up, just like it's still one of their first dates.
Being more willing to compromise, even on things they used to be stubborn about.
Noticing that they're smiling more often, and it's usually when thoughts of their partner cross their mind.
Feeling a strong protective instinct whenever their partner is upset or in trouble.
Starting to adopt some of their partner's habits or phrases without even realizing it.
Finding joy in planning surprises that they know will delight their partner.
Experiencing a deeper empathy towards their partner's challenges and achievements.
Seeing their partner's quirks not as annoyances, but as endearing traits that make them love them even more.
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soul-from-another-era · 3 months
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echoesoftheinfinite · 1 month
Some people want you to be like them, because they don't have the courage to be like you.
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ruushes · 26 days
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still endlessly indecisive abt my datv worldstate bc ive played these games too many times and have too many ocs now but ive seen a lot of people drawing their worldstate characters and i wanted to too lol so here’s my tentative pick
fantastic templates are by marianchurchland ❤️❤️💕
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creativealys · 1 year
Clean Carpet Logo PSD Mockup
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Unlock the magic! Dive into the video below and witness the mesmerizing process of crafting your logo’s stunning showcase on a pristine carpet, all in a distinctive style, powered by our PSD Mockup and the enchanting capabilities of Adobe Photoshop.
Get Free Mockup Now
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