#Damian Wayne is Reader's blood son
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lovebug-apple · 5 days
Yandere!Neglectful Batfam x Batmom!Reader PART 2
Two months had passed since y/n had left the family. As she lived her life happily, the family that had been perfectly fine before, felt empty. They felt like something was missing, but couldn’t figure out what it was. This put a damper on everyone's mood. This continued until the youngest Wayne had to search all through the house for his hiding cat
He walked into a hall he had never been to before, and hastily opened each door in search of the stow away cat, each room looking the same as the one before. This was until he came across a room whose door was slightly ajar. Being who he was, he instantly became suspicious, and tense before slowly and quietly pushing the door open.
Inside, he saw a hunter green room, differentiating greatly from the cool toned white, of the other unfrequented rooms in the manor. Slowly stepping through the threshold, he noticed the big bed, which was missing from other rooms in the hall. On this bed was a paper, and a silver ring, which sparkled in the sunlight. 
He walked up the bed confused. Who could have inhabited this room, and why would it be so far from the rest of the bedrooms? Damian, the ever curious boy he was, picked up the paper, and began reading, eyes widening in shock as he scanned the page. Darting out of the room, he yelled for his father, the hidden cat long forgotten. 
On the other side of the house, Bruce relaxed for the first time in weeks. He had been stressed and sad the past couple of months, and Alfred had threatened his to relax for the day. He sat on the couch in his office, sipping on a warm tea Alfred had brought him not more than a few minutes ago. Suddenly a yell rang out, sounding as of it was coming closer. 
Bruce recognized the voice as his sons. Darting up, he opened the door, only to see his youngest son running towards him with an angry look in his eyes, and a paper clasped tightly in his small fist. 
As Damian reached his father, he jutted the paper towards his father, irritation clear in his eyes.
“That harlot left this family! Why did you let her leave!? I’ll go find her and get her back!” Damian didn’t know why he was so unbelievably angered by his step mother leaving. It wasn’t like they ever spoke. In fact, they had only had about two conversations in the short time he was at the manor.This fact however, didn't help settle his anger in the slightest bit.
Bruce however was confused. He read the paper over several times. He didn’t remember ever signing off on these. He would.never do such a thing. Without a word to Damian, he dashed to the Batcave, where he knew Tim would be. He needed to know if this was real. He noticed Damian was following, he stopped shortly, telling him to go find the others, before he hurried off to the cave.
While this was happening…
Y/n had just gotten off the bus, walking to her apartment complex, before she faltered slightly. She felt watched. She had felt watched for the past week, but this felt different. She felt as though she was in danger. As she continued walking, albeit a little slower, her eyes darted around in worry. As she passed an alleyway, she looked in, to make sure no one was going to grab her, before turning quickly after hearing a small chuckle.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the Bat's helpless little wife. What a coincidence running intpo you so far from Gotham.”
Y/n’s blood ran cold, her fear paralyzing her. Thoughts ran through her head at a million miles per hour. What was the Joker doing so far from Gotham? How did he escape Arkham? Does Bruce know I’m here? Who’s going to save me?
The last thought made her think. Who would save her? None of the Wayne’s gave a damn about her. If anything, they would probably be happy that the Joker got his hands on her. She was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t notice the goons coming up behind her until they grabbed her, and forced her to her knees.
“The Bat’s gonna love this” he said with a smile before hitting her over the head with a crowbar. Her vision darkened slowly, the last thing she saw being the Joker's smiling face staring at her weak figure.
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luludeluluramblings · 2 months
Damian Wayne’s Obsession with Smalltown!Reader
A/N: Strictly Platonic, this ain’t no Game of Thrones.
A/N: I’m over halfway done with Part Six, but I need to fluff it up. Life is just exhausting me right now. I feel like my writing is downgrading despite my efforts. But, I’m assuming that’s just the exhaustion.
A/N: Also, how y’all feel about AI art? I have some images of the Smalltown Folks for visualization purposes, but I’ve been keeping them ambiguous in the story. I plan on giving background information on them, so if y’all wanna see ‘em lemme know.
Warning: Slight Obsession and Yandere Themes
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Damian is so similar to his father and Tim in the way he sees Reader, his blood sibling. But, only after he realizes his mistake in pushing them away. He is one of the many that refuse to like reader on principle, yet the one of the quickest to fall into the obsession after the realization hits.
Damian has always thought of himself as the blood-son. Though, he’d grown less fanatical than he once was about it. It became his way of reassuring himself whenever he falls short of being Robin, or he can’t seem to live up to his own high standards. He’s the blood son, he is family. Bruce won’t abandon him. He’s worthy. He has a cemented place here.
His training and time with the League of Assassins caused him develop this need to constantly proof himself. Which still influences his behavior despite the family working to pull him from that unhealthy mindset. It’s still there, buried deep, and the fact that he was Bruce’s only biological child helped him keep that mental state at bay.
Finding out about the existence of Reader made that believe falter. Worse yet, Reader coming to join the family ripped that coping mechanism right out of his hands.
Bruce didn’t even know Damian existed until Thalia just dropped him off, and everything he and Bruce had took effort and time and so much work.
Yet, Reader instantly got it all. With no work, no fight, no blood, no sweat, no choking back tears because god forbid he cries. Reader had Bruce first. Reader had what he fought so desperately for.
That’s what stung. Damian was less concerned about being replaced as Robin, he had earned that title. But, he was concerned about being replaced as Bruce’s child. He no longer felt he had that exclusive connection to Bruce.
Damian can’t help but take it out on Reader. Yes, he has grown a lot of a person since coming to live with Bruce. But, Reader was just so fragile and weak and frustrating. It brought back a lot of old negative feeling he had thought he moved past. It didn’t help that Reader seemed to always be trying to squirm their way into his life. What more did they want to take from him? They’re nothing like him, or Bruce. Or anyone in this family. They don’t belong.
It isn’t until that night in the Kitchen, when they offer food the peace-offering to Damian, that he realizes he may have been wrong. That expression, that cold look, that had appeared on Reader’s face had look startlingly like Batman Bruce.
And, when the stopped attempting to talk to him, to wriggle their way into his life, he could shake the wrongness of it. Of course, his pride told him he had won and, for a while, he felt satisfied.
Until that phone call. Reader was always talking on that damn phone. Clinging to it like a lifeline. A weakness.
Damian overhead the conversation Reader was having with their other half-brother. The gentle reassuring tone. The unconditional love and care. Things he had craved. Things he sees other people have that he’ll never admit he wanted.
At first, he assumed it was a lover they were talking to. That love between family members still being a slightly foreign concept to him. But, when Reader confirmed it was their brother, something in him clicked with realization.
He wanted that. And, worse yet, he could’ve had that. But, Reader was now giving him that blank look. One of a stranger. Their walls had come up. They were no longer allowing Damian access to what they had previously offered him. How dare you withhold it? That affection is mine.
Of course, he’s disappointed. In himself and with Reader. He finally realizes that Reader had just been offering that love to him and he’d stubbornly foolishly refused. It’s not his fault, he didn’t know. It’s not his fault.
But, the thing about blood is that there will always be a connection. He has time. He can break those walls back down and bury himself in Reader’s affection. They already had a place for him anyway. He’ll let them cool off a bit before he tries again. In the end he is just taking what he’s owed.
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Second Chances
Summary: It’s not common knowledge that you have a superpower: regeneration. You didn’t think that would be a problem... Jason and Damian think otherwise.
Relationships: Jason Todd x Vigilante!Reader, Damian Wayne & Jason Todd & Reader (platonic because they’re brothers duh)
DAMIAN WAYNE IS MY SON I LOVE HIM SO MUCH (I just watched the Supersons movie he makes me smile so hard)
Word Count: 4.8k
Content warning for temporary character death. Reader’s vigilante name is Ghoul, BTW.
Jason is in the shower when he hears someone break into his apartment.
He groans, makes sure all the shampoo is rinsed out of his hair, then grabs the knife mounted to his curtain rod. It’s not the first time someone has attacked him in the shower, and it probably won’t be the last. Still, Jason wishes they would at least give him time to grab a towel. It’s just as uncomfortable for him as it is for them.
This time, they actually do. Maybe they’re going to be polite enough to wait for him to finish cleaning all of Gotham’s sludge off his body. Jason would appreciate the sentiment more if the upcoming fight wouldn’t immediately dirty his body again with their blood.
He doesn’t turn off the shower when he steps out, dries his feet on the bath mat. He’s reaching for his towel when he hears one of the intruders say something.
He recognizes that voice.
Jason sticks his head out of the bathroom and glowers. “What are you doing here, brat?”
Damian Wayne, one of Bruce Wayne’s many children and the current Robin, scowls right back. “Why is your shower still running, Todd? Do you not care for conservation efforts? There are people in Michigan who would—”
“Okay, Dami,” interrupts another voice.
Jason’s whole body flushes. He makes sure every part of him except his face is hidden behind the door when a second person comes into view.
Your vigilante costume is zipped halfway, the top pulled down and sleeves tied around your waist, exposing the compression shirt with kevlar-like weave you wore beneath it. A large bandage is wrapped around your upper arm, growing redder by the second.
“Hi, Y/N,” Jason says. Does he sound too excited? Does he not sound excited enough?
You just smile. “Hey, Jace. Sorry, we came by for first aid supplies. We’ll be out of your hair in just a sec.”
“No, don’t rush on my account,” Jason says. Does he sound too desperate? “Just give me a—”
He ducks back into the bathroom to turn off the shower after making sure he’s clean and one hundred percent soap-free. Not expecting company, he’d only brought a pair of boxers and military-style shorts in with him. Rushing, hoping you don’t leave before he gets out (Damian can leave, though) he pulls both on and slams the door open.
It hits the wall so hard it rebounds back into Jason’s hand. You jump at the sound, nearly poking Damian with the needle in your hand.
“Watch it, idiot!” Damian snaps. To Jason, he says, “You just dented your wall. Moron.”
“Don’t talk to them like that,” Jason says sternly. God, he knows why the brat is so prickly, but he still got on Jason’s last nerves. He checks the wall, hoping the brat exaggerated, but nope. Another dent to match the nicks, scrapes, and bullet holes that already littered his apartment.
He is never getting back his security deposit.
You’re about to stitch up a cut on Damian’s arm when Jason clucks his tongue. “That doesn’t look good.” The bandage around your arm is sodden with blood.
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” you say dismissively. “Ready, Dami?”
Interestingly enough, the brat doesn’t tell you off for giving him a nickname. It seems to be a privilege reserved exclusively for you and Dick; every time Jason tries, he’s vehemently told off.
Then again, his nicknames are usually derogatory. That might contribute to it a little bit.
Damian sets his jaw and you stitch him up quickly, murmuring, “I’m sorry,” every time his fingers twitch—the only indication of pain he’ll show. Jason eyes the bandage around your arm with worry, but the blood stain doesn’t grow any more in the interim.
As soon as you tie off the thread, Damian hops to his feet and scurries for the bathroom. You start to get up, brow pinched with worry, but Jason says, “Let me look at your arm.”
Your eyes take a while to slide from the shut bathroom door to Jason’s face, but then you say, “Yeah, okay,” and sink back into your chair.
To distract you as he unpeels the sticky bandage from your arm, Jason asks, “So you’re on babysitting duty now, huh?”
“Oh, no, Damian and I patrol together every Friday night.” You use finger quotes with the other hand and say, “B think it ‘promotes more accountability’ when someone gets injured during patrol if they have a partner.”
Jason frowns at the sight of the cut. It��s obviously from a knife, and not pretty, exactly, but also not big enough to let out as much blood as soaked through the bandage. “Who did this to you?”
“Just a typical goon. It’s really not a big deal.” Your eyes follow Jason’s gaze. “I guess it bled a lot, huh? Like a head wound. You know, disproportionate.” You tug your sleeve over the wound.
“Y/N is not as weak as the rest of you,” Damian sneers, having vacated the bathroom on silent feet. You jump, and so does Jason, even though he has Batman-honed instincts.
There’s just something intoxicating about your presence. You’re… distracting.
It was manageable back before Jason was Robin and you were one of his classmates. You were obsessed with Batman and crimefighting, and Jason was a bookworm, so your friendship shouldn’t have worked, but it did.
Then, ironically, Bruce Wayne adopted him and Jason became the crimefighter. He never told you about his identity to protect Bruce’s, but you figured it out when he died.
Then he came back to Gotham, hellbent on revenge, and burned every bridge he’d ever built. Including the one with you.
Jason still could barely believe you give him the time of day after all the awful things he’d said and done. But you’re just as obsessed with redemption and forgiveness as Bruce, and he will never take that for granted.
His fascination with you was manageable before Jason died, but it’s downright consuming now.
Jason can’t believe how you’d grown up to be so… so flat-out amazing. Graceful, and maybe not as skilled at hand-to-hand as the rest of Gotham’s vigilantes, but you adapt with a long-range fighting style. You’re strong, and self-assured, and really, seriously gorgeous.
Jason realizes his hand is still on your arm, touching the soft skin, and he yanks it away as if burnt. He doesn’t understand how you remain so scar-free despite years of crimefighting, and he’s abruptly self-conscious about the marks that litter his torso, arms, and legs. Your eyes roam over them, lingering on his chest and stomach
He’s most self-conscious about the jagged ‘J’ carved into his cheek, and Jason tries to cover it with his hand without drawing attention. That doesn’t work—he looks like a weirdo waving his hands around—so he tilts his cheek away so you don’t have to see it anymore.
You clear your throat and look away, as if embarrassed for some reason.
Damian’s gaze pingpongs between the two of you before he rolls his eyes, sighing dramatically. “Are you two finished?”
You push away from the table and make a grabby hand. Damian rolls his eyes again, but he sidles closer, and you check his stitched cut. Your thumb rubs over the raised line of stitches like you’re trying to wipe his pain away.
Jason realizes he’s staring at the bottom lip you’re jutting out in sympathy. He flushes again.
After everything he did, he can’t expect anything more than friendship from you. If that’s what you’re willing to give, he’ll never push for more.
“I am fine, Y/N,” Damian said, pushing your hand away, albeit gently. A hint of whine entered his voice and Jason blinked. It wasn’t often that he heard Damian sound like an actual kid. “Can we resume patrol now?”
“Wait,” Jason hears someone say, and it’s—him, he’s the one saying it. “Are you hungry? I have a casserole in the oven.”
Damian snorts. “My apologies. I did not know you had adopted the personality of a middle-aged white wom—”
You cover Damian’s mouth with your hand and say, “That sounds great, Jay. Thanks.”
Jason’s greedy. He’ll take whatever scraps he can get from you.
The three of you eat, the conversation pleasant whenever Damian isn’t threatening Jason because Jason taunted him. You laugh as they bicker, used to the antics of Gotham’s vigilantes by now.
Once everyone is done, it’s just about time for the Red Hood to start his patrol, so with a little cajoling from you, Damian agrees to let Jason tag along until your patrol ends. Jason suits up, and you lead the charge out of his apartment window, followed by Damian. Jason is last out, stopping briefly to make sure the window latches before stepping off the fire escape.
The sensation of his stomach rising is familiar from so many years of grappling through the city, but no less exhilarating. He follows your and Robin’s flipping shapes as the two of you tear through the city. The bright primary color accents on Robin’s suit and the pale gray color of your own shouldn’t blend in so well with Gotham’s shadows, but you and Damian manage pretty well. It turns into kind of a game of tag, and whenever he gets close enough, you grin and twist away, muffling laughter behind one hand.
He could definitely catch you, but he thinks you’re enjoying the game of cat-and-mouse just as much as he, if not more.
Jason’s just thinking to himself that there’s not much crime tonight when the Batsignal lights up the sky.
“Way to ruin the mood,” he grumbles. The game is over. The three of you grapple toward the giant light without any more flipping or laughter.
Jim Gordon obviously isn’t expecting them when they land. After all, it’s common knowledge that Ghoul is a Bat-affiliate, but Red Hood’s alliance with the Batclan is still relatively new. Shaky.
And a lot of people still think the Red Hood hates Ghoul. Admittedly, the way Jason tried to kill you when he returned hadn’t helped the rumors.
It made sense at the time. He’d also tried to kill Batman, Nightwing, and Robin, so it’s not like it was entirely personal. You don’t hold a grudge.
“Where’s Batman?” is his first question.
You shrug. “Running late.”
Jason’s not sure if that’s true. With you and Robin patrolling Newtown and Otisburg, Spoiler and Red Robin handling everything from the Coventry to the Upper East Side, and Black Bat and Batwing watching over everything else but the Tricorner, the city is in pretty good hands for the night.
And yes, Jason’s knowledge about patrol schedules is from his days as a crime lord, but it still comes in handy as a reformed vigilante.
“Why did you summon us here, Commissioner?” Robin asks.
“Bane escaped Arkham earlier tonight,” says the Commissioner. “We have reason to believe he’s hiding out in Amusement Mile. The Joker’s not out, for one, and we have a… witness… that claims to have seen Bane in the park.”
“Where is this witness?” Robin demands.
“In our holding cell, sobering up,” Gordon says with a long-suffering sigh.
“Oh, great,” Jason says. “So it might have been Bane, or it might have been one of those giant stuffed bears at every amusement park.”
You elbow him in the side and promise Gordon, “We’ll check it out, Commish. Let you know when he’s handled again!”
You and Robin balance on the edge of the roof. Jason asks in a low tone, “Batman’s not coming tonight, is he?” He would have already been here.
You and Robin share a guilty look.
Jason sighs. Bane is a tough opponent, possibly their strongest rogue. It’ll take a lot of force to bring him down… force he’s not sure you and Robin can muster. You’re good vigilantes, don’t get him wrong, but Robin is a prepubescent boy and has the height and muscle mass to show for it. You’re strong and graceful and should be fine as long as you keep your distance, but Jason’s the only one that comes close to Bane in terms of muscle mass.
It’ll be up to him to keep the two of you safe.
“I think I parked my bike somewhere around here,” you say. “It’ll get us there faster than grappling.”
Jason thinks something is stuck in his throat. He croaks, “You have a motorcycle?”
You nod. He can’t see your face beneath the mask, but he’s pretty sure you’re smiling. “Got it just a couple weeks ago, but I needed Earl to paint it over.”
“It is parked in that alley.” Robin points.
“Okay,” Jason says. “You two drive to my apartment. I’ll follow above, then we’ll head to Amusement Mile.”
“Aye-aye,” you joke. “Come on, bud.”
You and Robin swing away, the younger boy loudly complaining about the myriad nicknames you think up for him. Jason swings away to get a headstart. A minute later, the sound of a bike engine revving hits Jason’s ears, and it isn’t long after that he looks down to see you and Robin on a pale bike painted in the same colors as your suit.
You look up and wave.
Jason almost misses his next swing. He swallows and has to look away. Seeing you on a motorcycle…
As soon as he puts the key in his bike’s ignition, you speed away, tires squealing against the asphalt. Jason grins and twists the throttle. He shoots onto the street and hunches low to decrease wind resistance, pushing the bike hard to catch up to you.
You wear no helmet, but you’d forced Robin to wear one. He sits behind you on the bike, arms locked around your waist. At the sight of Jason, he makes a rude gesture, but Jason just huffs out a laugh. The brat likes to aggravate him on purpose, but it’s hard to feel annoyed when he drives next to you, racing side-by-side.
It doesn’t take long to reach Amusement Mile. You and Jason shift gears, rolling to a stop.
“You and Robin go high,” Jason instructs. “I’ll go low.”
“Roger.” You kick the stand for your bike, then you and Robin shoot your grapples for the nearest roof.
In seconds, the two of you are out of sight.
Jason swallows. He hates this strip of clown-themed land. The Joker isn’t in it currently, but it still reminds him of that madman.
Come on. He shakes himself. Jason can’t afford to get distracted. Bane is dangerous.
Jason makes no effort to muffle the sounds of his footsteps as he strolls through the park. A plastic bag drifts along the path with a gust of wind, and a couple bowling pins on the ground roll. But apart from that, the park is empty and quiet.
Too quiet.
Jason turns just in time to avoid a crushing blow to his head.
He hits the ground rolling and comes up with guns blazing. Bullets deflect off Bane’s armor, and he doesn’t seem to feel the ones that burrow into his skin.
“You will not stop me, Red Hood,” says the mechanized voice. “No one will stop me in my pursuit to break Batman, even though he sent you in his place.”
“He didn’t send me,” says Jason.
Help comes from above. A steel bola—one of your weapons of choice—whips through the air and wraps around Bane’s throat. He chokes and reaches up to untangle it. At the same time, a Batarang slices through the air and cuts straight through one of the hoses pumping super-steroid into his body.
He groans. Drops to one knee.
Jason spares a glance to the rooftops, but he only sees Robin.
That moment of distraction costs him. Bane surges back to his feet and tackles him. Jason hits the ground, the back of his head colliding against the pavement so hard his vision blacks out for a moment.
He blinks away the darkness in time to see a punishing fist aimed right for his head. There’s not enough time to dodge. Jason can only brace for an impact… that never comes.
The hook of a grapple is embedded into Bane’s wrist. Its line is taught. On the roof of a decrepit popcorn stand, Robin yanks back with all his might.
Jason knees Bane in the crotch, then elbows him in the face.
Bane grunts and yanks his arm forward, pulling Robin right to the ground in a flutter of cape, but Jason slips out from beneath him and rolls to his feet. Bane may be strong, and his hits may hurt, but that’s only if they connect. And Bane isn’t very fast.
The engine of a bike roars, and your voice shouts, “Hood, out of the way!”
Jason obeys without thinking. It’s a good thing he doesn’t hesitate, because he barely dodges your motorcycle before you ram it full-speed into Bane.
Not even the giant can resist a motorcycle going full-throttle. He topples back, and you keep driving, treating his body like a ramp.
Jason laughs despite himself. “I can see tire tracks on your face, ugly!” He and Robin throw knives at the same time. Robin’s slices off another steroid line. Jason’s lodges in Bane’s shoulder. It should have severed his deltoid, leaving his arms useless, but the man doesn’t react to the pain at all.
Getting run over pisses Bane off. You turn in a sharp circle on the bike and rev your engine, obviously ready to try the same trick twice.
But Jason sees the tension in Bane’s legs, and he’s shouting for you to stop after you start.
You don’t listen. You just drive.
Bane sidesteps your bike at the last possible second, and his arm shoots out. His hand is large enough to wrap around your entire throat, and it yanks you off your bike, which skids away with a screech of tire and metal. You choke, scrabbling at the iron fingers around your throat.
Jason has his gun out in a second, but Bane holds your body in front of his. So Jason shoots his foot. It doesn't have an effect.
“Ghoul!” Robin shouts. He unsheathes his katana.
“I tire of this,” Bane says through his modulator.
He snaps your neck.
It’s like the world slows down. Jason can only watch as Bane carelessly drops your lifeless body.
He sees Robin lunge with his sword. He sees Bane casually backhand him so hard he drops his katana. Robin flies backward, hits the popcorn stand, and slumps to the ground, motionless.
Bane steps on you—your body—and something in your spine cracks. Something in Jason’s chest cracks, too, and he sees green.
The Pit surges.
After it recedes, Robin’s katana is lodged firmly in a moaning Bane’s side. Every one of his steroid pumps is severed, and his mask is cracked. He’s weak enough without his Venom that three Bat-restraints and a set of handcuffs can hold him.
Huh. Jason’s surprised he didn’t kill him.
His knuckles are bleeding; they’re slick inside his gloves. When he flexes his fingers, pain screams up his nerves, through his arm all the way to his heart. At least two are broken, and another knuckle might be dislocated. His jaw hurts, his brain is pounding—concussion, probably—and his knee feels swollen. But he can put pressure on it, at least, and he limps to a stirring Robin.
“Hey,” Jason says. His voice is rough. He doesn’t remember yelling. He tries to crouch, but can’t with the stiff knee, so he just kind of collapses in front of the kid. “Robin. Status report.”
The kid looks at him, wobbling even though he’s sitting down. One hand goes up to touch the back of his head, and the tips of his gloves gleam with dark blood when he pulls it back. “Possible concussion,” he says with a wavering voice. “Ribs—”
Robin gasps and stumbles to his feet.
Jason tries to grab him, but Robin wobbles out of his reach. He walks hunched over in a zigzag, limping to your—
Jason grunts and stands back up. “Hey, hey, Robin.” He gets between the kid and you. “Don’t. Don’t—don’t look.”
“Do not stop me, Todd,” hisses the kid, and wow, he must be seriously out of it to use Jason’s civilian name. “Let me see them.”
“You don’t want to,” Jason says grimly. He’s seen snapped necks before, and they’re… Well, they’re as unnatural-looking as they sound.
He hears a rushing in his ears. A wave of grief is cresting, ready to sweep him away, but Jason has to keep it together for Robin. He barely hears his own voice when he says, “Ghoul’s gone.” He can’t say the ‘D’ word. Not when he feels like puking.
“Unhand me, you blackguard,” Robin hissed. “You do not understand. They might be—”
“They’re not.”
“Todd!” the kid says, voice rising into a shrill.
Something clicks behind them.
Jason whirls around to make sure Bane hasn’t broken out of his restraints.
He hasn’t.
So what made the noise?
He and Robin are looking right at the body when some invisible force takes your head and—and wrenches it.
Robin lets out a low cry.
Jason feels frozen. He doesn’t stop the kid when he stumbles forward and collapses next to the body. His shoulders shake, head bowed with grief.
Jason is still watching when he sees your chest rise and fall with a breath.
“Oh, what the fuck,” he whispers, stumbling back. “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the—”
Your head raises, and you reach to your neck with a wince.
Robin freezes.
“Ow,” you grumble, pushing up to your elbows. “That sucked.”
“What the fuck?” Jason exclaims.
“What is going on?” Robin demands.
You look between the two vigilantes. “Sorry to freak you out, guys.” Which is a completely underwhelming thing to say when you just died and then unsnapped your own neck.
Robin makes a low, wounded sound, then throws himself at you, wrapping his arms around your neck and squeezing hard. You hug him back just as tight, murmuring low things that Jason tries not to hear. It’s a personal moment, and he feels like an intruder, but he can’t move. His feet are planted to the ground.
Seconds ago, you’d been dead. No doubt about it. Bane had snapped your neck and you had crumbled like paper.
Now you’re breathing and alive.
It doesn’t compute. It doesn’t make any sense.
Robin comes to the same conclusion, because he pulls away and pinches your arm. “How is this possible?”
“Bud, do you remember when… you remember when Pyg got me, right?”
“Of course.”
“Well, I don’t,” says Jason. Professor Pyg kidnapped you? What the fuck? When did that happen?
You look up at him, still holding Robin close. “We weren’t exactly on speaking terms when it happened, Hood.”
“But Father ran his tests and said his experimentation just gave you advanced healing,” says Robin.
“Which is technically true—”
“Resurrection is quite different from healing!” the kid says.
“Wait, you knew they had powers?” Jason asks Robin.
The kid sneers at him. “Of course. I was the one that found Ghoul, and I patrol with them at least once a week. It would take an unobservant fool to miss their obvious healing abilities."
Jason bristles with indignation.
Robin's head turns on a swivel to glare at you. "It was less obvious that you have nothing to fear from physical injuries. Informing me of this fact would have greatly reduced the chances of experiencing emotional distress at the sight of your dead, mangled body."
"I know," you say, cupping his chin in your hand. "I'm really, really sorry, Dami."
"Do not address me as such," he says, "we are in costume." Robin huffs and scrambles out of your lap, brushing debris off his suit. Then he wobbles and nearly falls over, and you lunge to catch him.
"Woah, bud, you okay?"
"He's concussed," Jason says.
"Too concussed to ride on the back of my bike?"
"Of course not," says Robin. Then he leans over and pukes.
"Oh, Batman's gonna kill me," you mutter.
It's a much tamer drive to the Batcave, in case Robin rolls off the bike accidentally. He doesn't, but you do have to stop a couple of times so he can lean over the side and retch.
When all is said and done and you're back at the Cave and Alfred and Bruce are fussing over Damian, you and Jason hang back a bit. He can't stop sneaking glances at you. Your Ghoul mask is off, and there's a little dried blood around your nostrils, and your hair is a little sweaty, but you're the most beautiful thing Jason's ever seen.
You're alive. He can hardly believe it.
You suddenly sigh and mutter, "I guess you're mad at me, too?"
"What?" Jason startles.
"For not telling you about my abilities."
"I just didn't want you guys to think of me differently. Duke has his powers, yeah, but he was born with them. I got mine from Pyg. I didn't want everyone to start treating me like a victim."
All things considered, you're remarkably well-adjusted for someone that survived Professor Pyg's experimentation. "You're the strongest person I've ever met, Y/N," says Jason. "Your powers don't change that. They make me feel a little better about you patrolling at night, anyway. They're basically like... a second chance."
You snort. "I think I'm on my fifth chance by this point."
Jason shakes his head. "How did you keep your powers a secret, again?"
"Well, the first time, Pyg shut off my heart, but that didn't shut down my body. When I actually noticed that I couldn't die, though, was that time one of Cobblepot's goons stabbed me in the neck and I woke up in the middle of a shootout. Now that wasn't fun." You grimace. "A bullet caught me in the head and I died as soon as I sat up. The Bats were too preoccupied to notice me, luckily. Then there was that time with the poison dart that I kept a secret, and now this time." You smirk, cross your arms, and bump Jason's hip with your own. "I'm beating you in the resurrection department, aren't I?"
Jason huffs, pretending to be offended, and your eyes widen. "Oh, my God. That was in such poor taste. I'm so sorry."
"No," he says, trying to hide the twist of his lips. If it was anyone else saying it, Jason would probably kill them. "No, it's okay. I'm just glad you're all right. It would have been awful if you'd died and I never took the chance to..."
"Chance to what?" You look up at him through your eyelashes.
Jason's breath catches in his throat. He's never done this before, dammit, but seeing you die today made him remember just how limited their time is as vigilantes.
Well, maybe not yours, but he walks a thin line.
You blink. "What?"
"Do you," Jason says slowly, feeling sweat prickle on his hairline, "want to... Um. Get coffee? With me. As in, like—"
"A date?"
"Only if you want to."
You nod, eyes sparkling. "Hell yeah I want to!"
Damian, Bruce, and Alfred look over at your raised voice. Their disapproving smiles are all eerily similar.
"Sorry," you whisper. You look back at Jason and say, "Yeah, I'd like that. I've been waiting ages for you to ask."
Yes. You said yes. Adrenaline rushes through Jason's veins, and he only barely resists the urge to pump his fist in the air like a moron. He's brave enough to tease, "Well, why didn't you ask me?"
Your face flushes and you look away.
It's at that moment that Damian calls, "Y/N. Stop twittering with Todd and come here. Your presence is required."
"Seriously," Jason said under his breath, "the way he talks like a Victorian child doesn't bother you at all?"
You're smiling. "I think he's adorable." You walk backwards to the brat, making a phone gesture with your hand and mouthing to Jason, Call me.
He definitely will.
"Master Jason," comes Alfred's disapproving voice when he turns back to his bike. "Don't think I didn't notice that you have your own injuries to tend to."
Of course, that sets off Bruce's worry alert even more.
Jason groans. He won't be able to sneak out for coffee with you for an entire week after this whole debacle.
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@evalynanne @mismatchsposts
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Let me know if there's anything you guys want to see with Jason in the future. My requests are open!
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igotanidea · 9 months
Family rules: Damian Wayne x reader
Christmas bingo day 23 : midnight kiss
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The first time she truly understood the meaning of the proverb heart over mind was on a school trip in September.
He was just standing by the wall, doing nothing except staring into space with those piercing green eyes.
Such pretty eyes
Such devilish, snake eyes.
Acting like he was who knows who.
Arrogant, cold, keeping his distant, rough, self-absorbed, not caring about anything or anyone.
Just like his father.
Damian Wayne.
Y/N had the misfortune of being born into a technological company family. Obviously she didn’t know it when she was a kid, but the word Wayne was inflected in her home on all occasions.
Wayne this, Wayne that...
 sort of spell or- more likely - a curse.
Damn it!
She was 12 when she gathered enough courage to ask her father what this was about. A mistake she only made once, cause even the mention of the Bruce Wayne and his famous, profitable company made her father see red.
That's how she found about the on-going competition between her father and Damian's one.
Obviously it was not like she was excluded from family rules and allowed to live in a bubble. Y/N was supposed to hate the entire Wayne family, the progenitor, his adopted kids and everyone who even came close to them. The only blood son included.
The only problem?
Said blood son was attending the same school, the same class as Y/N was. Which meant a lot of time spend together.
And you just command a teenager to do something and hope they'll listen. It's pretty much impossible, if not foolish belief.
In her defence - she tried.
She really tried to hate Damian.
But for five years, his name has been coming to her from every way on every occasion.
Wayne this, Wayne that.
Damn it!!
She could tear her hair out in utter desperation. How was she supposed to not think about him when all the world seemed to be dead set to remind her of his existence.
Of his stupid, unnecessary existence.
With his stupid, idiotic smile and his ridiculous handsome face and infuriating behaviour and the tendency to just be mean all the fucking time.
The internal fight between what she felt and how she acted made her clench her fist and grit her teeth every time Damian came into her view. The little bastard has been doing it on purpose just to see her flustered and enraged. It was like he was trying this best to show his superiority and just rub it into her face.
„The hell you want Wayne?”
„Will you be attending this year’s New Year's Eve?”
„Will I what now?” she raised her gaze, unable to hide the confusion.
„want me to spell it out for you or something”?”
„Hm.” she muttered „I had no idea you knew how to do that Wayne.”
„I;m only telling you because I know you have problems with reading.”
„Clearly you have a problem with understanding simple things.”
„What I understand is that your father was left out when the invitations were being send. Are you finally going bankrupt”
„You little piece of-!” before she could stop herself her palm met with his cheek with a loud slap.
He got exactly what he wanted. Provoked her and got the awaited reaction. She exposed herself, cause acting so dramatically only proved her contradictory, violent emotions he evoked in her.
„Nice one. Didn’t think you had it in you.” he wiped the little drop of blood she drew with her nails.
„Trust me I had it in me ever since you invaded the class.”
„I’ll let you make it even when you invade Wayne Manor for the party.”
„Though you said my family wasn’t invited?”
„It’s a charitable thing to open the door for the poor. I’ll see to it personally.”
„Such a generosity on your part, Mr. Wayne.” she rolled her eyes. „You can take your fake bounty and shove it up-”
„I can’t wait till you meet Todd. You two have so much in common.”
„Your older brother? Yeah, from what I heard you two have quite a rocky relationship. Maybe we’ll gang up on you.”
„Can’t wait.” Damian laughed dryly and with a mischievious glint in his eyes walked away not bothering to say another word.
„I;m not going.”
„You;re going.”
„I am so not going!”
„You don’t have a say in the matter!”
„Last year you said that new year’s party is not a place for kids!”
„You’re not a kid!”
„I’m 17! I;m a kid!”
„You ran away from home few months ago. You’re not a kid. You’re going. End of discussion.”
„If I’m not a kid then how come I can’t make a decision on this?” she smiled at her father with absolutely innocent eyes, pointing out all the holes in his logic.
He didn’t take her defiance in a good way.
Almost dragging her to the wayne manor, but dragging nevertheless.
That’s how she felt entering the place,
Running away.
That’s how she felt walking up the steps and being thrown to the sharks when all the gazes landed on her and her father.
That’s how she felt when the gravity of being judged only based on her clothes and outlook sunk in.
Instead Y/N was forced to fake a smile, dance and do the rounds pretending to have fun.
All for the glory and good publicity of her father’s company.
Worst part?
He has been watching.
Like a predator in the darkness, waiting to strike when she was least suspecting it.
„Mr L/N.” Damian crept behind the girl and her father and she was sure he only did it on purpose to startle her. „Would you mind if I steal your daughter for a dance.
The tragicomic of the situation was truly poetic.
Her father went pale. Then red. His jaw got tense. Then loose. And then he smiled forcefully nodding his head, unable to say the dreaded yes. Apparently being torn between the devil (his daughter dancing with the son of his archenemy) and the deep blue sea (offending the host) was too much to handle.,
Too bad, Y/N had no chance to object or get away before Damian led her to the dancefloor.
„It’s not XVIth century Wayne, women can make their own decisions.” she hissed not really happy about his hands circling around her waist.
„Then run away if that’s what you want. I dare you.”
„I’m not going to make a scene here!”
„thought so.” he chuckled, capably leading her in the dance.
„what the hell is that supposed to mean!?”
„absolutely nothing.”
„I’ve known you for five years. There’s never nothing with you Damian.”
‘You used my name, Y/N.”
‘And you repeated my mistake.”
„Maybe it’s not a mistake?” he pulled her slightly closer, causing her to let out an involuntarily gasp. „I’m just saying-”
„I’m supposed to hate you.” she whispered making a turn and then a swirl
„So you don’t.” this was not a question but a statement, his hands trembling slightly. It was hard for him to keep the attitude while dealing with a whirlwind inside. He was 17 and liked a girl, having no idea how to behave to not make a fool out of himself, get embarrassed and lose in her eyes.
„don’t let it get into your head.” she whispered pressing herself closer to his body. They were dancing and it was only because of that.
„Me?” Damian smiled but it came unnoticed due to her head leaning on his shoulder „I think you’re the one who’s fantasising.”
„You sure you’re not hoping for a midnight kiss?” she mocked
„Are you?”
„me neither.”
Bruce and f/n were carefully watching their kids.
Damian and Y/n couldn’t care less.
Family drama and conflicts seemed light years away at that moment.
 Future could be figured out later.
Part 2: moment of weakness
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thealtoduck · 8 months
Being the son of Roulette and meeting Damian Wayne…
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Damian Wayne x Male Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You’re mom is the villainess known as Roulette and she sends you to attend Gotham City High School, where you just so happen to meet the so-called ”Demon’s son”…
(A/n: I know i was supposed to work on other fics but i got distracted…)
So how does one go all the way from Las Vegas to Gotham of all places. Well you see having a mom who runs several underground casinos with secret superhero cage fights. Can be a kinda dangerous environment for a person.
So in order to keep you safe she sent you to Gotham to attend school there. She got you a penthouse and signed you up for Gotham City High School.
Once you started attending the school, word got around that you were from an incredibly rich family, with no specifics on where the money actually came from. And since it was Gotham people knew better than to ask.
You befriended several other rich kids enrolled in Gotham City High School… or befriended was a strong word, took advantage off would fit better.
You didn’t make a real friend until Damian…
The two of you wouldn’t meet until you were paired up for an assigntment. As the teacher called out ”Damian Wayne” and ”Y/n Sinclair” as the final paring. You invited him over to your place to work the next day, he accepted and the two of went your seperate ways.
Damian had heard about you around the school, a future heir of an unknown fourtune sounded sketchy to him, so he decided to some digging that night.
Suprisingly he didn’t have to look very hard. After searching for a bit he found a file on the bat-computer for ”Veronica Sinclair” aka ”Roulette”, a woman who owned several illegal casinos all over the U.S, some which even included ”Superhero cage fights” where she kidnapped superheroes and then forced them to fight each other.
Damian grew suspicious of you, Why were you here? Was this a plot of somekind? Were you an agent for your mother? His suspicions followed him to bed and in to the next day.
Damian made sure to pack an extra set of knives along with his textbooks, just in case.
Alfred then drove him to the adress you’d given him. He stopped outside an expensive looking apartment building. Damian said a quick ”Goodbye” to Alfred and went in to the lobby. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
A man in black suit approached him and stated ”Damian Wayne, follow me. Mr Sinclair is waiting for you”. The man guided Damian in to the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. He was then led in to the hallway where a door waited.
Damian prepared himself for what waited behind, Assasins? Armed guards? Your evil mother? The possibilities were endless.
The man in the black suit unlocked the door and as he entered the inside was beyond anything Damian could’ve imagined…
It was just you… Just you…
You sitting at the dinner table with your study books and notes…
You sitting there looking cute in a Spyro the Dragon t-shirt and loosefitting sweatpants…
Damian didn’t know what he had been expecting but it wasn’t this.
You got up from your seat and went over to him. ”Hey Damian, what’s up?” you greeted cooly. Damian looked around in silence for a second and then answered dryly ”Uhm, I’m alright”. ”Cool, you wanna get to work now or…?”.
”Yeah, let’s get to work” he said awkwardly. The two of you went to the dinner table and Damian started bringing out his notebooks. ”I was just gonna make some coffee, you want some?” you offered.
”So this was his plan” Damian thought to himself. Lure him in to a false sense of security, drug his coffee and then throw him in to one of the illegal cage fights. No way he was falling for it.
”No thanks, i’m fine” Damian answered. ”Checkmate, Sinclair, I know what you’re up to” Damian thought satisfied with his detective skills. ”Okay, I’ll be back in a sec” you said walking towards the kitchen.
Damian took a look around the room, nothing seemed out of place. No loose weapons, secret plans or traces of blood. But then he found something, a giant portrait of your mother, Roulette. The painting was probably hiding some kind of secret vault or hidden elevator to a secret lair.
You came back holding a cup of coffee and a small tray of cookies putting them down on the table. You looked over at Damian seeing him observe the painting of your mother closely. ”Oh yeah, that’s my mom she comissioned a portrait of herself so i wouldn’t ”be lonely” here” you stated coming over to stand next to him.
Damian decided to test the waters of what information he could gather. ”Where is she then if you need a portrait for company?” he asked. ”Probably running one of her cansinos” you said, you weren’t fully aware of what she was doing at the moment and you had other things to worry about at the moment like chemistry and math tests.
The two of you eventually sat down and began your studies. Damian took occasional glances at you while you scribbled something down in your notes. There you sat looking all cute and evil, but Damian wasn’t fooled by your charms and he wasn’t gonna fall for them.
You were probably ready to strike at any moment when he wasn’t 100% alert. He knew your type, all pretty and sexy but as soon as he turns around he gets a knife in the back.
Damian played along as if he weren’t on to you, talking pleasantly while you worked on your assigntment together, the leauge of assassins had prepared him well for sirens like you.
Once you finished your work for the day you offered Damian to stay for dinner but he politely declined, he needed to bring his newfound information home before you tried to kill him. He texted Grayson to pick him up.
You followed Damian to the door. ”This was a lot of fun Damian, i hope we can hang out more sometime” you said happily. Damian looked for the right words ”Yeah, me too” he said.
Once he got in to Dick’s car Damian started explaining everything he had found out to his older brother, who listened sceptically. ”I don’t know Damian are you sure he is ”evil” he sounds polite enough for someone raised by Roulette” Dick stated.
”That’s what he wants me to think, Grayson, he’s like a pretty venus flytrap trying to lure you in” Damian said. ”Oh yeah and why do you keep emphasizing that he’s pretty?” Dick asked.
”I DO NOT!” Damian yelled indignantly. ”You’ve called him pretty 7 times during this ride?” Dick noted. Damian ignored him. Thought for a while and then stated ”Grayson, i have a new theory”. ”That you have a crush on him” Dick asked with a smirk.
”Of course not, no! I don’t think he knows about me as Robin yet, which means if i hang around him, i can use him to gain inside information on his mother’s crimes” Damian plotted out loud.
”Are you sure you’re not just looking for a reason to be around him more?” Dick questioned. ”I- No! Don’t say stupid things Grayson…” Damian scolded. He was gonna find out what your pretty and definetely evil self was up to, no matter the cost.
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lazycats-stuff · 6 months
What about Batfam x male reader where the reader was actually the first child Bruce adopted and he was the practice child. He hated growing io because Bruce had really no idea what to do and then the other kids came along and now Bruce kinda understood what to do. He hates family time because he never felt like family, he was just some doll the others could practice on so later they wouldn't make mistakes. And i imagine at some point they snap. I feel like what if Damian brought over Jon for dinner and Jon was like "oh I thought Dick's the oldest, you never told me about (reader)" and reader just slams down their fist and goes to their room. At this point the rest of the family try to comfort them but the reader only screams about how they never were a son or bother, they were only a practice doll for them to use and then throw away
This has angst written all over it... Ah. Angst train it seems... Also, I think I changed the end a bit, but that's fine...
Summary: (Y/N) was nothing but a test child for Bruce. He finally lets them have it
Warnings: angst, resentment, author sucks at angst, but hey, I tried, yelling, mentions of anxiety, the fam is trying, (Y/N) is mad beyond belief, implications of child neglect... If you can call it child neglect.
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(Y/N) (L/N) was the oldest member of the Wayne family and the first child that Bruce had adopted. (Y/N) didn't have a good life at all before he met Bruce. (Y/N) could also argue that Bruce didn't treat him well as well, since being emotionally unavailable is not a good trait to have when you have children.
As the years went by, he hated growing up in the manor and with Bruce. He had food, a roof over his head and some sort of education. But that wasn't enough. The feeling of resentment that (Y/N) had has only grown as the years went by.
The feeling of being a test to Bruce, to see what he need to improve made his blood boil. He was a test pancake for Bruce and some sort of feedback to Bruce. It made (Y/N) mad beyond. Bruce could have gotten his shit straight when he started to have him as his legal child.
(Y/N) wished that he could forget everything about Bruce. About the family too. Even before Dick came, resentment building up in him nearly exploded. Looking back, he should have exploded on Bruce and Dick... Maybe even punch them. Maybe he should have done it.
When Dick came, (Y/N) saw signs that Bruce was improving, but he didn't show that to (Y/N). Years went by and Damian came. To say that Damian pretended that (Y/N) didn't exist is an understatement. (Y/N) tried to get closer to Damian, but Damian always pushed him away. (Y/N) took the signs and gave up, sadness and anger boiling inside of him. But he did observe Damian and Dick. In matter of a few days, they were close.
Dick did it without even trying.
So, (Y/N) has decided to alienate himself from the family, at least until he gets enough money to leave. Thankfully, the resentment towards Bruce and the rest of the family made him even put everything he had in school, even though no one cared about it. He had straight As and he was on his way to go to college that was far away from here. He knows that he can do it.
Even as Tim and Jason came, (Y/N) tried to be close to them, but none of them cared. None. (Y/N)'s solace became his own room and would avoid the family at all costs until it was time to eat where he had to step out. That only solidified the fact that he was going to leave as soon as possible.
Either way, he just had to alienate himself and move out. Then, everyone in the house would be happy.
However, everything would turn on its head when Damian would bring his boyfriend Jon over to meet the family and by default (Y/N). If only (Y/N) knew what would happen.
Dinner rolled around and came down to eat. He didn't expect to see Jon, but was nice to introduce himself to Jon, trying to be nice and just get this stupid dinner over with. He put some food on his plate and just ate in silence while everyone else talked.
He listened to bits and pieces and just stayed silent. He finished his plate quickly and pushed it away and sipped at his water, just being polite and getting ready to leave back at his room.
" Damian, you didn't tell me anything about (Y/N)... I thought that Dick was oldest of the brothers. " Jon said and (Y/N) froze.
Damian didn't tell Jon about him...
(Y/N)'s anger boiled over and he slammed his fist into the table before standing up quickly, knocking the chair over. Everyone got startled at the actions and watched in silence as (Y/N) left the dining room.
After a few seconds they all jumped into action, trying to stop (Y/N) to comfort him. (Y/N) slammed the door of his room shut, locking to make sure no one could enter, before he broke down on his bed. He hugged his pillow and sobbed into it.
It shouldn't hurt like this. He should have been stronger than this. Not cry over them.
" (Y/N), please open the door. " Bruce said through the door.
" Please, we just want to talk. " Dick added and (Y/N) snapped at that, anger boiling over once again.
" Talk?! TALK?! Stop acting like you care! " (Y/N) yelled at the top of his lungs.
" We do care. " Jason started.
" You don't give a single flying damn about me! I was never a son or a brother to anyone! I was only a test toy to Bruce so he could see what he could fucking improve! I was never a fucking brother either! Damian fucking proved it! " (Y/N) yelled at the top of his lungs, tears streaming down his face.
Everyone stayed silent and (Y/N) sobbed his heart out. Damian swallowed hardly, realizing what he did and how that hurt (Y/N) deeply. Maybe he shouldn't have...
Everyone glanced at each other. They stayed silent as they listened to (Y/N)'s sobs. Just how much pain did they brought up onto him?
" (Y/N), look- " Bruce started and (Y/N) screamed again.
" Don't you dare care right now! I'm moving out in a few days anyway and I don't need your pity or apology! " (Y/N) yelled, trying to wipe the never ending stream of tears.
" Moving out?! " Bruce yelled, eyes wide in shock. He know he has no right to tell (Y/N) what to do, but something flared up in Bruce. " No, you're not moving out! You are going to stay put because we have to solve this problem! "
" Are you shitting me Bruce?! Work things out?! "
" I'm not shitting you! I have to make things right with you! You are my son too! " Bruce yelled through the door.
" I don't give a single damn about any of you! "
Bruce took a deep breath, trying not to explode. He knows he has no right to be angry, but (Y/N) was still his son. " (Y/N), I am your dad and we will solve this problem. "
" We won't solves shit Bruce! "
" (Y/N), please, " Tim started, but (Y/N) cut him off. " Shut up Tim! "
Tim bit the inside of his cheek and stepped back.
" (Y/N), " Jason started, " You need to calm down, you'll give yourself a heart attack. "
(Y/N) wanted to scream even more, but he felt like he was going to die from this situation.
" Shut up, all of you! "
Now Dick started. " (Y/N), we may have been bad brothers- "
" May have?! You were- No, you are the worst brothers! " (Y/N) yelled and clenched his fists as he started facing around the room.
Dick sighed and stepped back. At the moment, everyone knew that (Y/N) talking to them without yelling at them and more importantly, he needed to calm down first.
But with how much anger and resentment there is, it is going to take a while.
" Lets leave (Y/N) alone for a while. He needs to be alone for now. " Bruce said and gently moved everyone away from (Y/N)'s doors, who was inside, trying to breathe more normally. He felt like he was going to jump out of his skin in the next few moments. He calmed down after a while, but he was still anxious beyond belief.
Unfortunately, the threat of moving out is just a threat and not a promise. (Y/N) sighed as he sat down on his bed. It was a stupid move to say that while he didn't have everything secure yet. Stupid.
(Y/N) went to the bathroom and washed his face and drank some water, to soothe his soon to be sore throat. It won't be nice to talk in a few hours.
Either way, it's better than leaving this room in order to face his siblings and dad. No, they are just roommates here, until (Y/N) can move out and just finally cut them out of his life.
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
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➳ Reminder that all of these are Female reader insert
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── one shots ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
✶| Headline |
➳ Dating Damian Wayne was It’s pros and cons, cons being the press follows you almost every where when you’re alone or with Damian.
✶| Truth hurts |
➳ you find the truth about that scar on his chest
✶| He has feelings? | part two |
➳ Damian has been coming home late after his patrol, coming home smelling like strong feminine perfume. His brother follow him one night and they are in for a surprise
✶| Her laughter brings me joy |
➳Damians is in loved with the way you laugh. His brothers tease him about it
| “I promise I’m not scared of you” |
➳scarecrow uses you as bait and an experiment for his fear toxin leaving you in fear of someone precious to you
✶ | Is that my shirt? |
➳ playing with Titus a fun but sometimes he gets a little to competitive
✶| “Kind hard to focus when you look like that” |
➳ Damian find you staring at him while he does his daily workout session
✶ | “I don’t like sleeping alone anymore” |
➳ Damian confronts you after acting weird this past couple of days only to find out you haven’t been sleeping, but for what reason?
✶| “He’s only soft with you ” |
➳ Damians really whipped for you if he’s nice
✶ | “He lost his virginity!?” |
➳ the batfamily notice Damian acting off these past couple of months and come up with weird ideas as to why
✶ | “Don’t say a word about this” | Ft: Alfred|
➳ Pennyworth has to keep yet another secret
✶ | Media is stupid |
➳ you and Damian play with social apps—giving people taste of your love life
✶ | “Dance with me ” |
➳ you and Damian dance together at one of Bruce’s Galas and the attention is set on both of you.
✶ | lipstick Stain | part 1 | Part 2 |
➳ a TikTok trend that leads to the media coming crazy
✶ | “Crazy idea let’s make out” |
➳ teens being teens Y’know?
✶ | punished by my body |
➳ period are never fun. Especially when they keep you from killing you for seeing Damian.
✶ | untitled |
✶ | Rainy days |
➳ Damian realizes that the rain rain always put you in a mood—getting moody once you fix your attention one the thunder rather then his lips
✶ | Thoughts |
➳ Damian is neglecting his duties as being your husband—I’m result puts bad thought in your head that make your two confront him about it.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Headcannons ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
✮ Damian Wayne, the blood son of playboy billionaire Bruce way. Damian Wayne doesn’t live up to the playboy title like his father back in the day
✮ Fem!Reader having a crush on Damian Wayne
✮ Boyfriend!Damian Wayne
✮ Hispanic!Fem!Reader
✮ Damian Wayne doesn’t get crushes
✮ husband! Damian Wayne
✮ bat boys type
✮ random Damian Wayne headcannons
✮ Platonic reader
✮ Quality time
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── scenarios─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
❀ Damian Wayne hates galas , more then he hates his brothers.
❀ Damian ‘Clingy’ Wayne
❀ his bed is more comfortable
❀ “I loves you’s” coming from him
❀ Damian’s not a big fan of holidays
❀ thinking about league of assassins! Damian Wayne
❀ he’s sick to his stomach every time he looks at you
❀ never question why’s your hair is always up
❀ Damian doesn’t get sick often but when he does…
❀ argument | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Random─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
✄ incorrect quotes!
One, two, three, four, five, Six, Seven(Jason Todd)
✄ Instagram!
One, two, three
✄ message between you two!
One, two
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This is a years worth of writing that I managed to put on one page 🥲
Just let me know if any of the links aren’t working
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Blood Son's Girlfriend ~Batmom Imagine~
Summary: Damian takes his new girlfriend Raven to meet you.
Author’s Note: I ship Damian and Raven in Teen Titans vs the Justice League. Also, Damian and Raven are 18 and 20 in this. I think Raven is older than Damian by like two years? Martha is five in this.
BatFamily Masterlist
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: fluff
Do not repost this anywhere!
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There was one person that Damian valued for their opinion. And that person was you.
So when he began to date Raven, he wanted you to meet her after the first month of dating.
“I’m nervous to meet your mom,” Raven tells him as they walked over to the backyard.
“She’ll love you,” Damian reassured her.
Raven knew about you and Bruce. She also knew that you weren’t Damian’s biological mother but he loved you like you were. You had changed Damian in a good way. So when he told Raven that he wanted her to meet you, of course it was natural to feel nervous. Raven had met Bruce on multiple occasions so she wasn't too nervous.
They found you under the gazebo in the backyard with Martha, Alfred, and Bruce sitting with you. It looked like a tea party as Martha was in a dress and a tiara.
“Damie!” Martha yelled excitedly before running over to hug her older brother. Damian picked her up before hugging her back.
“Hey Martha.”
“Do you and your friend want to join my tea party?” Martha asked.
“Sure. Are there seats for us?” Damian asked.
“Okay then. You up for a tea party?” Damian asked Raven.
“It sounds fun,” she smiled softly. The three of them got closer to the gazebo where you were sitting and smiling with Bruce, waiting to be introduced to Damian’s girlfriend.
“Ummi. Father. I want you two to meet Raven. My girlfriend,” Damian introduced.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” you say as you got up. You have her a hug before looking at her outfit. “I love your outfit!”
“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Wayne. Damian talks about you.”
“You can call me Y/n.”
“It’s nice to see you again, Raven,” Bruce smiles as he shook hands with Raven.
“It’s nice to meet you too, sir.”
“Damian and Raven are having tea with us!” Martha said excitedly.
“Do you drink tea Raven?” You asked her.
“Yes ma'am."
“We have some good tea right now. And Alfred has made some sandwiches and little snacks for us,” you tell her.
Raven sat next to you and Damian as Martha carefully poured tea into a cup for her.
“Make sure you raise your pinky,” Martha tells Raven.
“Okay,” Raven nodded.
Damian watched as you and Martha got along with Raven. After the tea party, Damian and Raven had to head back.
“It was so nice to meet you Raven! I hope to see you again soon,” you tell her after giving her a hug.
“It was nice to meet you too. Thank you for the tea party.”
“Now that Martha is the only child in the mansion, we basically have to listen to her,” you joked.
“We’ll visit again soon,” Damian tells you.
“Oh! Maybe we can have a dinner sometime with everyone! I miss you kids. You hardly visit anymore,” you pouted.
“Sorry. I’ll talk to the others and plan something for you,” Damian said.
“You two have a safe drive back,” Bruce tells them.
“Thanks. We’ll see you again soon,” Damian said before walking off with Raven.
“I can’t believe Damian has a girlfriend now,” you say out loud as you began to clean up the tea party.
“I can’t believe someone is willing to date him. Remember how anti social he was?” Bruce asked.
“Don’t remind me. But he looks like he's getting better," you tell him.
"She's a powerful being with powers including manipulation and telepathy," Bruce said.
"If someone is using powers on our children I would notice. But she seems like a nice young girl who is dealing with Damian now so if you're worried, I'd be more worried about her," you tell Bruce. Bruce felt Martha tap on him to get his attention, making Bruce pick her up.
"Mommy? Can we go visit Jason tomorrow?" Martha asked you.
"Let's see if he's busy before we go visit him," you tell her.
"Let's help mommy put the tea set away before she calls him okay?" Bruce tells Martha.
"Okay," Martha nodded.
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dahliakbs · 3 months
Random Ideas I've Had For Batfam
Writer's block is the only reason I've yet to post any of them
1) Idol! Reader x Batfam
This is one of my newest ones, where basically the reader would be a tired, overworked idol in an industry full of talent. Their attention span would be that of a goldfish so in order for batfam to get them to actually relax and take some time off (which they can't do any of that but whatever) the batfam would use their attention span against them.
Leading them away slowly but surely from the toxic idol life and instead trying to get them back into the real world.
2) Batfam x Reader - The bats are from a different universe
Where basically reader lives in a universe where heroes don't exist and one day they phase into reality. Coming out of nowhere and for some reason no one is questioning a single thing.
Almost everyone you know has these alrmtered memories of those vigilantes or villains and you just can't seem to understand how the world changed so drastically over night.
You somehow gain their attention, you know from nearly freaking out every time their in your proximity (as vigilantes) or when you start noticing the questionable things occurring in your universe
Like ripples in time, or holes in the ground that when looking inside of it lead to another universe. The world eventually ends with only you and the vigilantes being left and you start to put it all together.
(Basically its kinda was supposed to be like Rick and Morty, where if they destroy their own universe they just skip to another one and in the end they end up having to take the reader with them)
3) Batfam x Five Hargreeves! Reader
Long and short of the story, your an overworked sidekick. Batman seems to have this idea that your the key, that your powers would be extremely useful in his nightly crusades so he trains you. Day after day your worked to the bone and then you snap.
Why can all the other kid sidekicks get to live their lives as normally as possible but your stuck training day after day to do something you don't even want to do? Your muscles are screaming and your on the verge of passing out from all the strain your training had on your body so when your desperate, tired mind comes up with a way to put all of this to a stop you decide to do it.
You use your powers to send yourself into the future, thinking that it will permanently separate you from your daily hell... and it did, just not how you were expecting it to.
(Then basically you return to the past and in the same body you left in with the mission of saving the world, the batfam slowly uncover your secrets and after a while confront you about it.) Like about how you were an assassin
4) Damian Wayne x Child! Reader
Funny idea I got from a tiktok audio where reader is a church girl and they meet Damian during morning mass. He's covered in blood, clearly looks like he'll jump at the next thing that moves in his peripheral but your a kid, you don't care.
You immediately become friends (that's how you see it in your mind) sneaking him out of the church while your parents aren't looking because he asked you to, well more like demanded you to but a friend is a friend. He'll keep secretly inviting you out, somehow finding your parent's house and showing up in the middle of the night to whisk you away.
Not for the purpose of hanging out. No no no, your his cover. He camouflages well when your around, your bubbly, childlike demeanor hiding his intense and dark intentions. And that's a good thing when it comes to his missions, his mother doesn't seem to care about your presence in his life so for now he'll just keep you around.
Your parents are a bit apprehensive about your friendship with him and only when they find out that Damian is Bruce Wayne's son is when they finally accept your friendship. (After Damian meets Bruce)
They finally allow you to hang out with him and you finally get to meet his "irritating" siblings that he for some reason always goes on about and they're just staring at you like.
How did you become friends with their rat of a brother?
A little dialogue I had:
"How did you meet our brother?" Dick's trying to seem as sweet as possible but your entire outfit could light up an entire city, your parents have you dressed like a disco ball and it's not doing you any favors.
And you know, these nocturnal vigilantes aren't really used to such bright light.
"I met Dami while I was in church" you answer sweetly, it's clear that the difference between the two of you is night and day which us honestly a breath of fresh air.
"Oh really...?" Dick's smile tenses, I mean who would expect Damian to go to church, let alone be at least 15 feet near one.
"I was there to kill the pastor" he just simply states.
"You were there to kill the what?!" Boom, reality shattered. Innocence gone, now you know why you haven't been seeing Pastor Malcom as of late.
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sleepydeprived · 8 months
A Chance for Redemption
—A mysterious high school student appears out of the blue, bearing the face of the late Martha Wayne and puzzling even Gotham’s greatest detectives.
[chapter 2]
| Platonic!Yandere!Batfam x Reader
The Batcomputer hummed with activity, casting an ethereal glow on the somber faces of the collected vigilantes. Five figures stood in a semi-circle, their eyes fixed on the screen.
"It seems we have an unexpected addition." Bruce, the one who called for their presence, broke the heavy silence.
The images of the young high school student continued to linger on the screen. Bruce's gaze drifted to Damian, the youngest among all of them, whose narrowed eyes betrayed a mix of curiosity and skepticism.
"What nonsense is this, Father?" The young boy’s voice cut through the air.
Bruce spared a glance at the stoic faces of his other sons, each processing the revelation in their own way. Dick's expression held concern, and Tim seemed lost in thought.
"She is a potential blood relative, a daughter,"
Hearing Bruce’s explanation, the rest stayed in a deafening silence. Silence in which did not last long as Jason was the first to break it with a cynical smirk.
"A long-lost daughter? You sure know how to keep things interesting, Bruce."
The man in question’s jaw tightened, a hint of frustration flashing in his eyes. "This is no time for jests, Jason."
The youngest of the bunch crossed his arms. "This is preposterous. We need evidence, not some blurry images claiming to be family."
Bruce, torn between the skepticism that fueled his vigilante persona and the yearning for a connection lost in the echoes of tragedy, took a deep breath.
As the initial shock settled inside of Dick’s inner turmoil, he stepped forward, his eyes meeting Bruce's with a hint of understanding.
"Alright, what’s our next move?"
Returning his gaze to the screen where the same haunting eyes looked back at him, he answered,
“We can’t disrupt her life until we have concrete evidence.” Looking back at the faces of his sons who looked back at him expectantly, he continued, “For now, we observe.”
Through the symphony of slamming lockers and loud chatter, a figure clothed in the infamous Gotham Academy’s prestigious uniform navigated through the school halls, a mysterious aura surrounding her.
Her demeanor was an ironic mix of grace and clumsiness, her backpack swaying with each step. Unbeknownst to her, the school’s surveillance cameras tracked her every move and captured her interactions with fellow students, the footage easily accessed by those who were over taken by curiosity.
Being one of the said individuals, Damian Wayne—who fortunately goes to the same school as the said girl—observed his potential sister from a distance. His piercing gaze followed her, skepticism etched in his features.
Nothing extraordinary.
She seems normal enough. Too normal to be considered a Wayne.
As she approached her locker, Damian skillfully maneuvered through the crowd, ensuring a safe distance. He observed her interactions; the genuine smile that adorned her face, and the unintentional charm that seemed to draw people toward her.
The boy had attempted to interact with her at least once, yet couldn’t bring himself to think of a topic to talk about, as the girl was as much of a mystery as the shadows that cloaked Gotham City.
The school day continued, each passing period carrying the young girl further into a world where her identity remained a mystery, and her every move became a piece of the puzzle for those who watched in silence.
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cherrrydragon · 2 months
➤ find something worth saving (it's all for the taking)
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SUMMARY ↳ Cat's out of the bag. Jon pops in frequently, bringing snacks and trying to cheer you up with his jokes and antics. He's restless and energetic, always finding something to fidget with or bounce around on. His concern for your well-being is evident, even if he tries to mask it with casual banter. Damian, on the other hand, remains more aloof, observing from a distance, but you notice his presence nonetheless. His gaze seems far more heavy and intense than usual. You wonder if he feels like he’s been lied to (ironic.) pairing: jon kent x gn!reader x damian wayne warnings: mentions of being paralyzed (not permanently) wc: 4.4K
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“Maybe it’s just their suit.”
“What kind of metal lets you stick to walls?”
“Alien metal?”
As soon as Superboy and Robin brought you to the cave, the first thing Bruce Wayne did was get you taken care of. He set you down in a cot and hooked you up into a monitor. Alfred treated your wound with care, sedating you and removing the bullet tentatively. He wrapped it with practiced efficiency, and predicted you would be awake in a day or two. The news relaxed Bruce, it gave him enough time to move you out of the cave safely.
The second thing Bruce Wayne did was scold the boys for bringing you there in the first place. “If they turn out not to be Spinnerette, you could’ve compromised us,” he had said. “They were safest here,” Damian had mumbled. “I chose to trust Damian,” Jon had muttered.
The third thing Bruce Wayne did was take a sample of your blood and run it through his system. What? He wasn’t one to let this opportunity get away from him.
The fourth thing Bruce Wayne did was take off your bracelets to examine them. His son had said that you always have them on. Spinnerette has devices on their wrists that shoot out webs. If you are Spinnerette, then these bracelets could be those devices. As far as he can see however, they just seem like regular bracelets. He’s left Tim and Duke to poke and prod at it for now.
Jon and Damian lingered nearby as long as they could, but Alfred ultimately shooed them away. Their faces were identically pensive. Jon cannot sit still for the life of him, and his movements only seem to make Damian more tense. His son keeps twirling a knife around.
Looking up at your DNA results now, he had his answer. Kind of. For one, you don’t have the metagene. It sends his kiddos spiraling into a discussion about your suit, because if it’s not you, then it must be your suit. And they’ve seen the cool stuff you can do. What you do have is… a kind of radiation? The strands of DNA are thicker as well. Actually, it all looks highly intricate and interconnected, much more than regular people. To put it simply, your DNA doesn’t look normal
“Radiation?” says Dick, coming up to his side. Jon perks up across the room, making Damian pay attention as well. “Maybe it’s… cancer?”
Bruce can see how Damian’s hand tightens around the knife. “Not the kind of radiation we’re used to seeing with cancer,” Bruce replies, his eyes narrowing at the screen. “This is something else entirely. It’s as if the radiation is part of their genetic makeup.”
“Like they were born with it?” Tim suggests, examining the bracelets closer. “Or it was… introduced somehow?”
Bruce gives a noncommittal grunt, his mind racing through the possibilities. “Either way, it doesn’t change the fact that their DNA is fundamentally different from ours. We need to understand how this affects them, and more importantly, what it means for us if they’re indeed Spinnerette.”
“Maybe it’s not even the suit,” Stephanie interjects. “Maybe their body naturally produces this radiation, and the suit just channels it into their abilities.”
“That’s a good point,” Bruce acknowledges. “We can’t rule out anything until we have more information.”
Jon, still restless, added, “But if they're not Spinnerette, then what are we dealing with? Someone with mutated DNA?”
Stephanie chimed in again, “Or maybe it’s some experimental enhancement gone wrong. We’ve seen stranger things in Gotham.”
Bruce Wayne remained silent for a moment, absorbing the various theories. “Until they wake up, we can only speculate. But when they do, we’ll need answers quickly.”
“Well, I’m flattered, B-man. You can just ask me, though. No need to be shy.”
The entire room stiffens, all looking above towards the ceiling where the voice came from. Bruce's eyes dart upwards, his instincts immediately kicking into high gear. Above the rafters is rather dark. The bats that occupy the cave like to hang out around there. There, hanging casually from the cave top, is… you. Hanging from a thread, a web. Upside down. There’s a grin on your face.
"How long have you been up there?" Bruce asked calmly, his eyes never leaving you.
"Long enough to hear all your theories," you replied, flipping down gracefully to land on the ground. "And I have to say, you guys really know how to throw a party."
Damian tightened his grip on his knife, but Jon placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, a silent signal to stay calm. "You shouldn't be up," Jon said, concern lacing his voice. "You were badly injured."
You shrugged, a nonchalant expression on your  face. "I've had worse. Besides, your butler did a great job patching me up. Thanks, Alfred."
Alfred nodded politely. "You're welcome. But it would be best if you rested a bit more."
You smile at Alfred's concern but shake your head. "I'm tougher than I look. Now, let's address the elephant in the room. Yes, I'm Spinnerette. No, I’m not a meta. It’s… complicated. Yes, I know all of your identities.” You web a chair and pull it over to you, slumping in it. “Any questions?”
Everyone starts speaking at once, making you snort. You barely make out a single sentence before Bruce raises his hand, silencing everyone. Bruce's gaze pierces through the noise, his authority commanding the room into silence. "One at a time," he says firmly, then turns his attention back to you. "We thought your webs came from your bracelets, but clearly not. How?”
You hold out your wrists, facing them up. They lean in to inspect, finding two little holes residing on your skin. “I have organic spinnerets. The reason I have the bracelets is because they can do more than my regular webs.”
Damian gently takes your hand as he looks. “Assuming you’re human–” You roll your eyes and nod. “–if you're not a meta, how is this possible?”
“I was bit by a radioactive spider,” you shrug.
They all blink, then the room erupts into a chorus of disbelief and skepticism. Bruce holds up his hand again to silence them. "You're serious?"
You nod. "Completely. It sounds ridiculous, but it's the truth. I was bitten by a genetically altered spider. I’m not sure what exactly the spider was for, but instead of killing me, the bite gave me these abilities."
Bruce narrows his eyes, processing this new information. "And this spider bite altered your DNA?"
"Exactly," you confirm. "The radiation you detected in my DNA is a result of that bite. My body's changed at a fundamental level."
Stephanie leans forward, curiosity in her eyes. "So, you're saying this spider bite made you... what, part spider?"
"Something like that," you say with a wry smile. "Enhanced strength, agility, the ability to stick to walls, and of course, the webbing."
Dick, ever the optimist, chimes in. "That's actually kind of amazing. I mean, as far as origin stories go, it's up there with the best of them." You grin at the flattery.
“Yeah, cool and all,” chimes Tim, holding up your bracelets, “but why do your web-bracelets just look like bracelets? I can’t figure it out.”
“Oh, that’s probably because Karen’s not letting you.”
A reply of “Karen?” drops from their mouths. You point at the Batcomputer. “Karen?” you prompt.
“It’s good to see you alright, [Name],” comes Karen’s voice. “What can I do for you?”
Puzzled glances are exchanged. “Please introduce yourself,” you smile.
“I am Karen, the AI assistant inside of [Name]’s suit. I was created by Tony Stark to provide assistance in the form of information, analysis, and tactical advice.”
“Tony Stark?” Bruce questioned. “Your father?”
You nod. “He made the suit. Karen here is my trusty AI companion. She helps me out with all sorts of things, from analyzing situations to managing my suit's capabilities."
“How does she have access to the Batcomputer, though?” asks Duke.
You cringe guiltily and sink into the chair. “Yeah… about that…”
Bruce raises a brow. “You guys remember that one time the Batcomputer got hacked…?” you mumbled.
Blank faces greet you, wondering how exactly you remember that. Then, Tim gasps, pointing at you. “YOU!”
“Me!” you chuckle.
Bruce's expression darkened slightly at the mention of the Batcomputer being hacked. It was a sensitive topic, considering the level of security and classified information it contained. "You hacked the Batcomputer?" Bruce's voice was calm, but there was a firmness to it that suggested he wasn't taking the matter lightly.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, sensing the tension rise in the room.  “Yeah, sorry about that. In my defense, I just wanted to find a place to work on my stuff. I figured if anyone had information on the city, it’d be you. Karen got carried away and got you for all you’re worth.” You clap your hands. “As my apology, you may use her as you’d like. Trust me, she’s really useful.”
Tim's eyes widened, alternating between disbelief and admiration. "You breached the Batcomputer's security protocols?"
Bruce placed a hand on his shoulder, silencing any further questions from Tim. His eyes flicked to Karen's interface on the Batcomputer screen. "Karen, you have access to the Batcomputer?"
Karen's response was swift and straightforward. "Yes, Mr. Wayne. I apologize for any intrusion caused. My primary directive is to assist [Name] in operational efficiency and tactical support."
You sighed, realizing the gravity of your actions. "I'm genuinely sorry for any concern or inconvenience it caused. It was never my intention to compromise your security."
Bruce remained silent for a moment, contemplating the situation. "What were you looking for?"
“I was able to find an abandoned subway thanks to the maps on the Batcomputer. I turned it into my own lab/workshop so I could build my stuff in peace,” you explain. “I can take you there if you’d like.”
Bruce's expression softened marginally. "Responsibility is a word we take seriously here, [Name]. Trust is not easily earned, especially when it comes to the safety of this city."
You straightened up, meeting Bruce's gaze with sincerity. "I get that. I'm here now, willing to work with you. You have my word."
“Why reveal yourself to us now?” asks Damian. he hasn’t stopped staring at you, same with Jon.
“Well, I already know you were suspicious. I knew your secret, now you know mine,” you shrugged. “Plus you were gonna find out about that guy I paralyzed and have major questions.”
Dick chokes out, “I’m sorry, paralyzed?”
You wave your hands. “Not permanently! I have a paralyzing venom that comes out of my fangs, fangs which come out of my gums. It’ll wear off in a few hours,” you reassure. “Though… that bite mark might be permanent.”
The room falls silent once more as everyone absorbs this new piece of information. Bruce's analytical mind is already working through the implications. "Paralyzing venom... and fangs," he muses. "This spider bite of yours truly altered you in more ways than one."
“So… the suit?” implores Tim.
You web the bracelets out of his hands, making him gasp. You slip them on, “Karen?” you prompt. Instantly, the suit begins to cover your form. The nanotechnology flows over your body like liquid, covering you in your distinctive Spinnerette outfit. The Batfamily watches in awe as the transformation completes in a matter of seconds.
"That's... incredible," Duke breathes, his eyes wide with fascination.
You nod. "Yeah, my dad outdid himself with this one. The suit enhances my abilities and provides extra protection. It comes with a bunch of different web combos and can adapt to different situations."
Bruce raises an eyebrow. "And Karen controls all of this?"
"Karen assists with the suit's functions and provides tactical support," you confirm. "She's an invaluable part of the system."
Bruce folds his arms, his expression thoughtful. "You've certainly managed to impress. But there's still the matter of trust. You've breached our security once. How can we be sure it won't happen again?"
You meet his gaze steadily. "I understand your concerns, Bruce. My goal has always been to help, not to harm. If working with you means gaining your trust and ensuring the safety of the city, then I'm all in. You have my word."
“I do believe they’ve been up for far too long,” cuts in Alfred. “Back to bed, Mx [Name].”
“Oh, that reminds me,” you start, walking back to the cot. “I have enhanced healing. As long as I eat a lot I’ll probably be all healed up in a day or two.” Alfred nods and leaves the room, probably to make some food.
You relax into the cot. Holy shit. That just happened. You think it went well, all things considered. Jon floats over to you, criss-crossing in the air. Jon's concern is evident as he hovers beside you, his arms crossed. "You sure you're okay? That was a pretty intense wound."
“I’ve had worse.” It does nothing to reassure him, only making his eyes shine more with worry. “I’ll be fine. I just need to eat well.”
Damian steps forward, still gripping his knife, though his posture is less tense now. "You took a big risk revealing yourself like that," he says, his tone a mix of admiration and skepticism. "You keep surprising me.”
You stretch out, feeling the weight of the day beginning to catch up with you. "I've always been one for surprises," you reply with a playful wink. "But don't worry, I'm here to stay."
Jon and Damian share a look, their expressions conflicted between curiosity and caution. Jon eventually speaks up, his voice laced with concern. "You're not just some ordinary vigilante, are you? I mean, with all these abilities and the suit... it's a lot to take in."
You chuckle softly, seeing their reactions. "Nope, definitely not ordinary. But I'm on your side, if that helps. I want to help make Gotham safer."
Dick steps forward, a reassuring smile on his face. "Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance. Welcome to the team, [Name]. We'll figure this out together."
You blink. “Just like that, are you sure?”
He snorts, “Please, Bruce has been wanting to horde you into his brood since he found out about you.” Chuckles ignite the room. Bruce defends himself by saying nothing. “Tim literally figured out who we were because he’s a nerd,” he ignores Tim’s indignant ‘hey!’, “if you ask me you fit right in.”
You nod, relieved. Leaning against the pillow, your eyes begin to feel heavy. “Wake me up when there’s food,” is all you say as you begin to drift off. You feel a hand brush your forehead before you’re pulled under.
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Two days pass slowly, languidly. Alfred insists you stay in bed (and who are you to say otherwise). The rest of the batkids come to visit. Jason tells you of how Bruce ‘picked him up by the scuff’ when he found him stealing his tires, saying, “you fit right in.” You already know how Jason got in with the family, but it was kind of nice of him to be reassuring.
Tim and Duke like to chat with you about all the capabilities of your suit. Tim says that he caught up Barbara on the situation, and that she’s expecting you to share some of your skills.
Meanwhile, Cass drops by silently, observing you with keen interest. She doesn't say much, but her expressive gestures and occasional nods indicate that she's evaluating you, perhaps sizing you up in her own way. You catch her mimicking your web-slinging motions once or twice, which brings a smile to your face.
Dick, true to his nature, acts as the unofficial cheerleader of the group. He brings positivity and encouragement, checking in on your progress with genuine warmth. Sometimes you catch him lingering by the door, scratching his head and pacing. You figure it’s awkward now that you ‘know’ he was the one trying to parent you a while back.
Jon pops in frequently, bringing snacks and trying to cheer you up with his jokes and antics. He's restless and energetic, always finding something to fidget with or bounce around on. His concern for your well-being is evident, even if he tries to mask it with casual banter.
Damian, on the other hand, remains more aloof, observing from a distance, but you notice his presence nonetheless. His gaze seems far more heavy and intense than usual. You wonder if he feels like he’s been lied to (ironic.)
The first thing you do when Alfred gives you the green light to be officially off bed rest is call May. She confirms that Nari is a-okay, which fills you with relief. The second thing you do is call Sam. They fuss and worry over you before promising to tell the others that you’re fine at your request. The third person you all is Victoria. You’re pleasantly surprised to find out she’s been worried as well. The attempted robbery had made the papers, and she assumed that your stupidity had got you in trouble again. She wasn’t wrong. You reassure her and promise to update her if something like this happens again.
The first thing Bruce does is tell you to show them your base. And so, you, Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin spend the night traveling across the city. At some point you and Nightwing have a ‘flair-off’, taking the time to add as many flips and twirls into your swings as possible. Among you all, it ends up being a tie.
Coming upon the entrance, they stop once they see the rocks covering it. “Did it cave in?” asks Tim.
“No,” you say as you walk up to the rubble. Your claws dig into the rock slightly as you move it with ease. “I just move it whenever I need to get in and out.”
They all stare as you move very heavy rocks with ease. “What?” you mutter.
Dick grins, shaking his head and walking in. The rest of you follow, entering the dimly lit space. Dick hums in approval at the fairy lights that make the place pretty. “Are those sticky?” he asks, pointing at the web hammocks. At your head shake he immediately crosses the room and lounges in it.
Tim spins around, taking in the mess that makes up your workshop. “What is that?” he points, referring to the large tube that wraps around the room.
“A particle accelerator,” you hum, mask retracting. You hand traces it as you walk around. “It’s to synthesize the badassium.”
“Synthesize the what now?”
You hum, holding up your arm and pulling up a holographic interface of the blueprints for the new element. “My dad’s dad came up with this,” you gesture to the plans, “but neither of them got around to it.” Well, Tony Stark did get around to it, but not in this universe. The hologram expands, showing your group the atomic structure of the element.
“What is it?” gruffs Bruce.
“A new element my dad would’ve called badassium.”
Tim and Dick openly gape, while Bruce simply stares. “A new element? As in periodic table material?” gawked Dick.
Bruce folds his arms, his expression thoughtful as he studies the hologram. "Creating a new element is no small feat. How far along are you with this?"
“Karen says I’m about 97% complete with it,” you say, closing the hologram.
“Where did you even get all of this stuff? This is high quality material.” Tim pokes the particle accelerator.
“Some of it I scavenged from the school, you can ask Damian about that,” you smirk at the boy who's been lingering at the back the whole time. “I’ve got a friend who can pay and bring me the more expensive stuff discreetly.”
Tim looks at you with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "And you've been doing all this on your own?"
You chuckle, rubbing the back of your neck. "With a little help from Karen," you admit, gesturing to the suit. "And my own knack for tinkering."
Damian finally speaks up, his tone serious. "You've been keeping quite a secret."
You meet his gaze squarely. "Yeah, well, so have you.”
Dick claps his hands together, breaking the tension with his trademark optimism. "Well, color me impressed. You've definitely got our seal of approval for sheer audacity."
Tim is still inspecting your workshop, his mind clearly racing with ideas. “What will it do, exactly?”
“My dad theorized that it could be a clean, virtually limitless energy source," you explain. “Once I synthesize it, you can use it as you’d like. I only need it for my creations.”
“This can change the world,” Tim stresses. “You should… patent this or something.”
“Funny, my friend said the same thing,” you breathe out a laugh. “I’m okay with changing the world in secret. I’m not looking for fame or anything.”
You catch the look Dick sends Bruce. Bruce’s gaze softens slightly, and he gives a nearly imperceptible nod. “Your intentions are admirable,” he says, his voice firm but not unkind. “You have the potential to do a lot of good. We’ll support you in any way we can.”
“Have you thought about the security of this place?” Tim asks, already thinking ahead. “If anyone were to find out about this…”
“Karen helps me with that too,” you reply. “She monitors the perimeter and alerts me to any potential threats. Plus, I’ve got a few traps set up.”
Damian raises an eyebrow. “Traps?”
You nod, a mischievous grin spreading across your face. “Oh, yeah. Let’s just say any unwelcome visitors will have a hard time getting out.”
As the night comes to an end and everyone starts to head back to the cave, Dick pulls Bruce aside. “You know, they’d make a great addition to the family. You know Damian likes them.”
Bruce looks at him, understanding the unspoken suggestion. He glances back at you, watching as you talk animatedly with Tim. He sees Damian behind you too, eyes staring through you. “I see,” he says quietly, though there’s a hint of a smile on his face.
Alfred’s waiting for you at the cave with various snacks. He gives you most of them. Perhaps he’s caught on to the fact that you need to eat more. You gratefully accept the snacks from Alfred, settling in comfortably at the cave. 
As the night winds down, Bruce takes a moment to pull you aside. "You've proven yourself capable, [Name]," he starts, his tone serious yet not unfriendly. "Your skills and ingenuity are impressive," Bruce continues, his expression contemplative. "But being part of this team requires more than just abilities. It's about trust, responsibility, and a commitment to our mission."
You nod, understanding the weight of his words. "I get it, Bruce. Trust goes both ways. I'm here because I want to make a difference, to help protect this city." You meet his gaze with sincerity. "I'm committed to earning your trust, and to proving that I can be a valuable member of the team." Jeez, when’s the last time you’ve spoken so formally like this? You feel like you’re putting it on thick, but you are being earnest.
Then, he clears his throat, looking to the side. “Damian, I, would like…” he trails off. You tilt your head to the side and raise a brow. Damian ‘tt’s at his side.
“Do not bring me into this.”
Dick rolls his eyes. “He’s trying to ask you to move in.”
“What.” you say.
Bruce clears his throat again, a faint hint of discomfort crossing his face. "I believe Dick is being... rather direct," he admits, glancing at Dick with a slight frown. "But what he's suggesting is that we'd like you to consider joining us here, in the manor. Making it your…home."
"Move in here?" you echo, trying to process the offer. The idea of officially joining the Batfamily in such a concrete way hadn't crossed your mind before. "I... I appreciate the offer, I really do. But I..." God, it’s like a fanfiction. When did things get so complicated? Maybe you should’ve just stayed out of Gotham.
Dick steps forward, his expression earnest. "Hey, we get it. It's a big decision. But you're already part of this team in a lot of ways. And honestly," he looks at Damian, “...it would be a lot easier to have you close.”
You look at Damian as well. He has his arms crossed and his face is tense. There’s a miniscule pout on his lips. He catches your gaze. “...It’s your choice.”
“But…” you try to think of one last rebuttal. “...my cat?”
Dick blinks, before laughing heartily. “What about it? Just bring it here.”
Bruce shakes his head as he watches the exchange, a small smile playing on his lips. "Your cat is welcome here too, [Name]. We have our own, we promise they’ll be comfortable."
You consider their words carefully, feeling the weight of the decision. Part of you is drawn to the idea of being closer to this makeshift family that has welcomed you in spite of yourself. Another part of you hesitates, unsure of what it means to fully commit to this life.
“Just say yes. They’ll only get more annoying until then,” comes Jason’s voice around the corner. “Your apartment is ass anyway.”
“Oh, well, you didn’t have to clock me like that,” you huff, deflecting. Bruce ‘hn’s  softly at Jason's comment, though his eyes remain on you, waiting patiently for your response. The room is quiet, the tension thick as everyone watches you, giving you space to make your decision.
Finally, you meet Bruce's gaze squarely, a determined look in your eyes. "Alright," you say, your voice steady. "I'll move in."
Duke and Stephanie ‘whoop’, high-fiving you. Bruce nods approvingly, his demeanor showing a rare hint of warmth. Damian’s reaction remains inscrutable, but you catch a fleeting glance from him that might be interpreted as acceptance.
Alfred, ever the pillar of support and practicality, ensures that the transition goes smoothly. Your belongings are carefully relocated to Wayne Manor, including a comfortable space for Nari, who quickly finds a friend in Alfred (the cat). It’s done discreetly and out of the window. You tell May that you’re moving in with your boyfriend.
You settle into your new expensive and comfy mattress, exhausted. Your senses buzz quietly, not sensing any danger but still uncomfortable. Nari curls up next to your head, the only familiar comfort. You let your eyes shut, letting future you deal with this new circumstance.
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notes: the long awaited identity reveal teehee
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zaceouiswriting · 6 months
The favorite Bat-Brother?
Characters: Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Brother!Male Reader
Universe: Somewhere in DC
Warnings: Slight Brutality
The warm summer sun shone on the beautiful world. On a day like this, you would usually have been sitting by the pool or challenging your brothers to a water fight, but instead, you were in the garage working on your car to distract yourself from what you saw the day before. 
To say you were heartbroken would be an understatement. For the first time in your life, you cried. You had felt like a schoolgirl as you stormed through the front door of your home and cried your heart out. On your way to the room, you ignored your brothers' and even Alfred's pleas to talk, but you couldn't speak. Since then, you've been ignoring everyone, whether, in your bedroom or the garage, you always had your headphones on.
So it was no wonder someone tapped you or, in this case, gently kicked your leg. That alone let you know who it was, and that didn't help your terrible mood.
As you rolled your board down, on which you went under the car, the light was blinding, but you, thankfully, didn't have to get used to it because Damian came to stand over you, blocking the light. He looked moody as always, but that day he seemed strange. Suddenly, he motioned for you to take out your earbuds, which you did, only for him to squad next to you.
“Do you remember Alek? The tall black-haired one? The one who models part-time?” Damian asked you casually. But his words broke your heart even more.
“You mean my boyfri- sorry, ex-boyfriend?”
“Whatever,” Damian said, rolling his eyes. But before you could tell him to fuck off if he wanted to make fun of you, he suddenly took your hand and played with your longer fingers. It could only mean one thing: he had done something he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.
"What happened? Did he do something to you? Do I have to punch him?"
Damian looked at you questioningly, as you both knew that as the only pacifist in the Bat Family, you wouldn't do that. Still, it made Damian smile.
“I think he learned his lesson.”
“What do you mean?” You asked him suspiciously because his questionable words made you feel uneasy.
“Someone got to his car last night, you know, the red sports car, where he cheated on you with this blonde girl. That someone scratched his car paint and broke his windows with a crowbar.”
You were stunned, unable to speak, and not knowing what to say. On the one hand, you were grateful, but on the other, you were afraid that he might get negatively involved with the law, even though your family is filthy rich. However, Damian had taken your silence strangely as he was fiddling with something in his pocket while, at the same time, moving nervously and still playing with your hand. You didn't know whether he was excited or nervous.
But since you still hadn't said anything after a few minutes, Damian took his hand out of his pocket, placed it in your open palm, and dropped something into it. As he pulled his hand back, you saw something small that looked vaguely like a small pebble. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. When you raised your gaze again, words were on the tip of your tongue, but when you looked at Damian's nervous face, your throat tightened.
Nothing was said for a moment, but when your eyes finally met, you saw the fear in his green orbs, letting you know you had to say something.
“What is the meaning of this?” You asked him quietly. “Why did you give me a pebble?”
Damian shrugged. "When I destroyed the dickhead's car, he was there too," he finally confessed. “He won’t be doing any more photo shoots anytime soon,” he continued cryptically. “Unfortunately, he was with a gang I was hunting for a while.”
You were stunned. Up until that point, you thought no one cared. You were always quiet and often felt left out of place. Unlike the others, you couldn't hurt a fly. At least not yet, even though you're Bruce's blood son, just like Damian. Although it didn't matter to you, all four boys were your brothers. You still looked after them, helped them when they were sick or injured, lent them an ear or your strength, whatever they needed. But all the brotherly love was never reciprocated. It was the very first time one of your brothers did something for you. And it was the baby brother of all people.
“Why?” You could only ask before a lump in your throat stopped you from making another sound.
Damian rolled his eyes again as if the whole thing was a nuisance to him, even though you knew better now. “I couldn’t hear you crying at night. You know our rooms are next to each other. I hear everything that happens,” he spoke the last part exasperatedly.
Damian groaned in annoyance and rolled his eyes so hard he bobbed his head. "Can you just accept it and not make a big deal about it?" His voice was just as annoyed as the rest of his demeanor.
At this point, you could only nod, still in a strange trance. You were sure that this had to be a dream because it couldn't be real life. Damian had gotten up again and was about to leave. But after a few steps, he stopped.
Damian was always the easiest for you to read, so you knew he was reluctant to say something. But as you knew him, he would turn around once to make a decision. And just as you thought, he did just that. Meeting your eyes, you could see his body tensing and then hopelessly deflating.
“It’s not a pebble,” he admitted strangely. Your face contorted in confusion. “It’s a tooth.”
“What?” you asked, confused. Your eyes fell on your hand. “Whose tooth is that?”
“Shouldn’t you remember that?" He asked you dryly. "You tongued it several times in the lounge,” Damian told you, suddenly teasing with a sideways smirk. Only to have his face scrunch up in realization and disgust. You could only laugh.
“And why is there red...color? I believe?"
"Oh." Damian suddenly became more sheepish. “Well, I accidentally broke the idiot’s tooth on his car. Even though I had already destroyed it before when I found the tooth, I took it and scratched it further in front of the dickhead's face, but just to be safe, I followed with a knife."
Damian tried to remain casual, but you could see a spark of pride in his glimmering eyes. At that moment, all you could feel was the same thing: Pride. With a speed that not even your battle-hardened little brother could comprehend, you stood up, scooped him into your arms, and swept him off his feet. You spun in circles, laughing as you watched Damian try not to smile.
“What did I do to deserve a little brother like you?”
You slowly stopped spinning until you placed him back on the ground. Only then did you see the blush growing on his pale cheeks. You nudged him and asked what was wrong with him. He didn't want to talk, so you laid your hand on his little head and ruffled his hair. You told him everything was fine, not wanting to overwhelm him further. You turned to your car but stopped when you heard a whisper behind you.
"What?" you asked, chuckling in delight.
“Because I love you,” Damian whispered again, but this time you heard it. When you saw him look away, his ears glowing red and tears in his eyes, your heart melted. It made you wonder if your brother had always been this cute or if this was a recent development.
Once again, you were in front of your brother before he could react. You pulled him close, his head barely reaching your chest. Tears quickly wet your dirty shirt. It was the first time he had shown real feelings towards someone. You couldn't bear to say a word, so you petted his head instead.
For minutes, the two of you stood there silently, enveloped in each other's warmth. Only when a lightness befalls the atmosphere did you dare to speak.
“And I love you too, little bird,” you whispered in return with a big smile. “And from today, I break my neutrality! You’re my favorite now!”
“Really?” he asked quickly, looking up. His eyes were bloodshot, and his cheeks were even redder than before.
Instead of saying anything else, you kissed the top of his head, ruffled his hair again, and turned away, only to burst into silent tears. You just couldn't let him see you like this, you were still sore from the heartache you had just endured.
Damian took it as a sign to leave, but not before hugging you from behind, giving you a tissue, and running away. He went outside and walked back to the main house from the back. When he went back into the main living room, he found Jason and Dick there. He didn't care that they saw him in this mess. Instead, a devilish grin crossed his face.
Both older brothers looked questioningly at the boy, who they believed was the devil reincarnated.
“I’m his favorite!” he announced proudly. His two older brothers looked at him stunned. Then they looked at each other, wondering where Damian had come from. At the same time, something clicked within them. They both stood up simultaneously.
“You liar!” they shouted, not angry but more panicked.
"What did you threaten him with?" Jason asked further through gritted teeth, ready to pounce on the little boy.
Damian shrugged. "I just helped him get rid of a little sadness by beating up his ex," he told them, equally proud. He bathed in their stupid looks before he started whistling and walked away completely relaxed.
The information left the two older brothers speechless, thinking you didn't like brutality. But maybe they had the wrong idea.
Dick jabbed his elbow into Jason's side with a mischievous grin, and when their eyes met again, he couldn't hold it back any longer. “I told you we should have done it ourselves!”
Jason mumbled something incomprehensible before leaving. Dick never thought the other one would be the soft one since he prevented them both by going after your ex, but he had a feeling another chance would soon open up. After all, you're handsome, intelligent, and a Wayne. There are other fish in the sea for you. Maybe, if he finds your future husband, he may finally become your favorite, everything he ever wanted to be. And all your brothers fought about. Only now the war has really begun.
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xan-izme · 1 year
Dubble Life (ACTSV x reader x Batfam) 4
Summary: Reader made a promise to never let Spider-Woman out. Knowing the dangers of putting that mask on. Reader is starting off fresh now, and they will be damned if anyone tries to have you pull that mask down your face again.
Part 3 Part 5
TW: break downs, mentions of past trauma, mentions of mental health
"Just listen to me!" Gwen was following you as you were still franticly searching for Damian.
"Bug off Gwen. Don't need the society's shit right now." You spoke harshly. Gwen sighed as she watched your stressed expression switch between worry and frustration.
Gwen stopped and spoke. "I know your probably still hurting. But New York needs Spider Woman. Your uncle and Miles can't hold Brooklyn down forever." You paused and turned your head to the blonde.
"More anomalies are showing up. The Prowlers aren't fit to control them. If this keeps up, who knows what will happen." Gwen was staring at you with those big blue eyes of her's.
You always used to like looking into Gwen's eyes. Her eyes always held this kind of sadness in them, sadness you and her connected with. But no, you see no connection. At least not the same as before.
". . .I'm sorry Gwendy. But I don't have time for this."
You made sure the coast was clear before shooting a web to a nearby building and land in an alleyway.
After nearly two hours of searching for Damian and nearly having a break down. Alfred was able to find you and inform you that Damian was safe and was currently with Bruce. Damian had wanted to stay with Bruce. And you decided to go back to the manor.
"Don't do that again Damian. You can't just leave your sister like that." Bruce scolded his son for making you worry. Knowing you must have been freaking out with the way he had disappeared. Damian sighed.
"If she's cross with me, then I'll tell her I went back for this." Damian lifted up an album. Bruce frowns in confusion. Because how the hell is a Boney M album going to calm you down?
"Lady Y/n. Is there anything you need before-"
"No Alfred! I just need some rest; I'll be in my room." You rushed up the stairs. And slammed your room door.
You finally took a seat on your bed. A second passed, and your breathing started to pick up, a minute passed, and your eyes began to sting from the incoming tears that seem to build up until your eyes couldn't hold them any longer, letting the tear drops fall.
It wasn't long till you became a sobbing mess.
it was too much. Emotions you didn't know were still in you started to burst out of control. You were a crying mess.
Were you stressed?
Or is it that you miss your family back in New York?
Were you upset seeing Gwen? Was seeing her bring back memories that you didn't want to see? Memories of people you don't want to remember?
No. . . that's not it, is it.
It was what happened with Damian. How he let your hand go, and just disappeared. It's funny, you don't really like the boy. Well, his attuited is what you distaste the most. But you were crying, because you thought you almost lost him.
You were scared you almost let someone who was your blood, your kin, die.
What a silly thought. Don't be thinking these things. Suck it up, you keep doing this and let these feelings show to the family. They won't be happy. If they aren't happy because you're not happy. You'll ruin the mood.
So, suck it up, you thought to yourself. Forget those silly thoughts, forget that knot you feel in your chest. Because your Y/n Morals- . . . Wayne. Y/n Wayne.
And this family, this manor. Is your fresh start. Your new beginning. And in order to make sure this new life of yours is to keep them safe. Make sure Spider-woman is never involved in their lives. Make sure they live.
Hours passed. There was no dinner time tonight. Which you were thankful for. You washed up and got yourself ready for bed.
Your phone began to ring. You stared at the contact number.
You took in a shaky breath and answered the call.
"Hey. . .you good?"
You smiled in relief from hearing your cousins voice.
"Yea. . . did you need something? Is Tia Rio, okay?" You questioned. Worried by the way Miles spoke.
"No- I mean yes! yes Mami's alright, It just . . ."
Your eyes squint, getting curies, and a little worried as to what was the matter.
"Just what?" Your voice seemed to have snapped Miles out of whatever train of thought he had.
"One of those people, a woman. Jess, she said her name was. She stopped by here. Saying she had a package for you."
You felt your heart stop for a second. Why the hell was Jess there.?
"A-and I heard her talking to dad. She claimed she was a doctor you and your mom used to go to. Sis, she was saying some shit bout you being mentally ill. And it looks like Dad and Mami bought it."
You began cussing at whatever caused this to happen.
"I just wanted to give you a heads up. Mami's going to drop off the package tomorrow at noon. She'll most likely bring it up to Bruce."
You sighed. You can handle this. You just have to observe, be patent and don't jump too early. Make sure to make the right moves. One wrong move, especially in front of Tia Rio. It's game over.
"Thanks bro. Goodnight, love you." You say as you lean on your desk. Your posture made it clear that you were absolutely exhausted for the day.
"Love you too. Good luck."
Miles hung up and you were once again alone with the silence in your room. You grabbed a CD and popped it in the CD player. You had to keep yourself distracted.
You needed to be distant from those silly thoughts. But don't float away now, you have to plan on how things are going to be tomorrow.
You want to jump and go straight into why in the hell did Jessica Drew go to Miles's house. A place you had made clear was off limits. You had informed Jess and Peter B that the places where your family is, are off-limits. Meaning Uncle Aarons apartment, Miles's apartment and the Wayne Manor in Gotham.
But for now, focus on the challenges that are in front of you now.
The next day came around. Damian had apologized and gave you a album as an apology.
You ended up forcing him to watch a horrible rom com just to get something out of it. And you did.
"That was stupid, and I'm never doing this again."
You laughed at Damian's words. The boy was truly fun to watch. A second past before you two heard a knock. You both look at the doorway to see Alfred.
"Lady Y/n. Your aunt is here to see you." The man said.
You began to mentally prepare yourself as you stood up and walked off to your room, that was where Alfred led Rio to wait for you.
As Rio was waiting for you. She took a look at your room. Your books were organized on the bookshelf. Pictures of you and Miles when you two were younger on the walls. One picture was on your nightstand. It was of her sister, your mother.
Rio didn't know you were seeing a therapist. Well, after what happened with that friend of yours a few years back. You did need it.
You just seemed so happy, even after that incident. But Rio now knows that you were only so happy because of your mother. After she died, Rio hasn't heard your laugh in a while.
The door to your room opened. You smiled, walking towards Rio with a smile.
Rio hugged you tight. She pulled away and saw how tired you look. She cups your face in worry.
"Oh, my baby. You look tired, have you been sleeping? Are you eating well? How about Bruce? Is he being good to you? I sware if he is not-" You chuckled and held both of her hands and kept them close to you.
"I'm okay, Bruce is nice. He's been spoiling me actually."
Rio calmed down and nods "And sleep? Hija mía, parece que no has dormido."
"Ah, I fell behind my studies last week and have been working to catch up. Don't worry I'm good now. My grades are safe!"
Rio smiled and sighed in relief. "I came here to drop this off. Your Therapist, Mrs. Drew?" Rio took out a box that was a size of a jewelry box. You took it and set it down on your nightstand.
"Honey is-. . ." You waited for what Rio was going to say. Was she going to ask about that 'theripist' of yours? Whatever Jess said, it seems to have made Rio upset.
"Is Bruce here? I need to speak to him."
You sighed and shook your head "Sorry, he's still at work." Rio nods and just smiled again as she gave your hand a squeeze before letting go. You and Rio went downstairs so you could walk her to her car.
"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. Your uncle has got a new position now. He's going to be captain!" Rio smiled widely as she told you news.
You smiled and grabbed her hand. You kissed the back of her hand gave it a tight squeeze "Thats amazing"
You were spacing out. It looked like you were staring at something but thinking of nothing. But you were thinking of a lot of things. You wanted to live peacefully. Is that selfish?
Being Spider-Woman was amazing. You felt strong, felt like you could overcome anything that came your way. And protect loved ones made you feel safe. Knowing that you could protect them, made you feel safe.
But after your mother. After finding out the truth from Miguel. You didn't feel safe, you no longer felt like you could keep your loved ones or anyone around you safe. Not when you have that mask on.
So, you gave up the mask, made sure that without a Spider woman in your universe, things wouldn't go to hell. But every time, every time you thought things were okay, thought that everyone was safe from Spider Woman. The society keeps coming to ruin it. You had to find a way to stop them.
"Y/n? Hello?"
You snapped out of your train of thought. "Huh? Oh, sorry Damian, what were you saying?" You leaned in on your palm and gave your brother a smile.
"Movie. I'm bored." The boy bluntly said. You paused and began to process what he said. You smiled warmly and walked with Damian to the screen room.
You swear to all the gods, you won't let the mask take what you have left.
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igotanidea · 3 months
New rules: Damian Wayne x reader
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part 4 of "Family rules" series.
A/N: bit of a filler, cause it's been 3 months(!!!!), but promise next part will be more eventful :D
„What is this?!” her father yelled, almost throwing the Gotham newspaper in her face.
“Let me tell you what this is! This is you kissing Damian Wayne! And your face is all over the newspapers’ front pages!”
“Stop screaming at me!” she spat back feeling her self-control slipping.
“You better tread carefully young lady. Last time I checked you were still living in my house.”
The nightmare began the second she got back from school, still reeling from everything that happened in the principal’s office. Y/N could barely step over the threshold when a tight grip on her shoulders yanked her back, pushing her into the chair in the living room, with a very angered Mr. Y/L/N hovering above her. Felt like a freaking interrogation because she dared to behave like a teenage girl falling in love for the first time in her life.
If her mother was still alive, she would understand. She would sit down with her, ask a lot of questions, let Y/N blush and be supportive as a mother could.
Instead the young girl had to deal with her father, who clearly forgot that part of the role, focusing only on acting as a CEO, whose daughter was fraternizing with the enemy.
And it made her feel guilty.
Guilty for her own feelings, as if falling in love was something shameful. As if he had to pick the right person to whom her heart should start beating. Or not. Not that she could have experienced that, yet¸ but judging by the screams and rage she could say that in the future her father might try to marry her off out of reason.  
“Dad, please listen, I –” her pleading tone was supposed to make the man realize that she wasn’t just a bargaining chip in his business’ development.
“I understand.” The response was cold, emotionless, almost ruthless, leaving no space for arguing.  
“No you don’t understand! You don’t understand! How could you possibly understand love when even mom was nothing more than a trophy wife for you-!“
Her outburst was immediately cut off by a slap and sharp stinging on the cheek followed by the reddened skin and pulsing blood.
“This is what your mother’s upbringing caused.” Her father hissed “ungrateful, stupid, snouted brat. But let me tell you something. This ends here. And if you want to keep living on my expense, you will do as I tell you!”
“I’m 17! I’m underage, you can’t just cast me out!”
“Unless you want to find out what I’m capable of, I advise you to listen to the plan you’re just a pawn in.”
“What is it, Damian?” Bruce asked his youngest son when he came back from school. If there was any anger or disappointment in him, he did a great job hiding it.
“It’s nothing.” Said youngest muttered bellicosely.
It obviously had to come to this stupid awkward conversation with his father but Damian was not going to admit anything easily. And the fact that the boy only just realized that he might be slightly in love with Y/N Y/L/N was causing him to act even more coldly and aloofly than usually.
“I said it’s nothing!”
“So you kissing that girl was just you having fun? Or maybe you were trying to humiliate her?”
“What? No!”
“Look, you are a boy. It's okay if you want to blow off steam. It’s understandable.” Bruce smirked, clearly setting a trap for Damian with the reverse psychology trick.
“You understand? Because you had so much blowing off steam when you were younger?" Obviously the boy raised by Thalia Al-Ghul and Ra’s Al-Ghul was smarter than to fall for something so childish. “Besides, it’s such a humiliating experience. I have no interest in primitive youthful pleasures and amorous activities, father.”
“You sure about it?”
“Positive.” Damian crossed arms over his chest, having his face expression under perfect control.
“Good. Get ready for patrol then. We’ll be leaving soon.”
Damian nodded and with stern look and pursed lips left the room, allowing Bruce to finally let out a sigh of worry. His son may have been a skilled vigilante trained in restraint of emotions, but he could not trick Batman himself. It was impossible to notice how Damian’s eyes were focused on that little Y/L/N during all of last night’s gala. Showing much more than just resentment. And then the dance, which Bruce didn’t even have to force him into. And the way his boy was holding that girl. It was almost obvious that Damian had in fact an interest in amorous activities.
And unlike Y/n’s father, Bruce was not mad about it. In fact, he was quite relieved. As long as possible the relationship would not detriment Damian’s Robin duties of course. But seriously, as a father of a 17 year old, Bruce knew that it was only a matter of time when dilemmas and problems related to love and adolescence would come forward.
And unlike Y/N;s father Bruce was going to watch it carefully, intervening when needed, giving a push here and there, but without obvious control.
She was crying a waterfall, holding onto the bruised cheek wondering how to best cover it up so no one at school would ask silly questions.
Locked in the room on the first floor, making the most stern resolution to avoid Damian Wayne for dear life. Even if that was the last thing she would do in her life, she wouldn’t get closer than three rows of desks in the classroom.
For what Y/N cared, Damian Wayne was now officially dead to her.
He was sitting on the branch of a giant tree next to her house, dressed in Robin costume, observing how the girl walked into her room with a hand on her cheek, though the distance didn’t allow him to uncover why. Was she sick? Would she be at school tomorrow? Maybe the press got to her and she hurt herself running away from the paparazzi?
AH! He almost fell to the ground.
“Yes, father?”
“What are you doing?”
“The target.”
“What now?”
“Unless the target changed age, gender and appearance—”
“Our criminal is currently running down 34th street.” Damian cut his father off abruptly and roughly “his tires are about to burst in about 100 meters due to the explosive I planted there. The explosion will give us enough momentum to jump into action and catch him with the stolen goods in his trunk. That is if we get into action in 3…2…1…” he swiftly shot into the air without paying attention to his companion and even less to his words.
As if Batman was trying to suggest Damian might have been watching her.
Huh! Ridiculous!
“Hey Y/n, what happened to your face?” The same girl that used to laugh her out about ending up on the pages kissing Damian, guffawed the next day seeing the poorly covered bruise on Y/N’s face.
“None of your fuckin business -“
“Oh, such bad words coming out of the little princess' mouth, isn’t it?”
“Get lost Lisa!” Y/N shut the locker and tried to walk past her bully.
“You will not ignore me!” Lisa hissed and yanked the other girl’s hair back.
“GIRL FIGHT!” someone yelled and in a blink of an eye the corridor was filled with students cheering on one or the other girl as they started to circle around each other waiting for the moment to strike. Before teachers arrived Y/N was on the floor, blocking the hits that Lisa, who was sitting atop her kept on throwing.
“Wait… what?” Y/N stuttered and the moment of confusion ended up in the perfectly aimed nose punch and a quite decent bleeding. Followed by Lisa’s vindictive smile.
“Now your nose matches your cheek.”
“ny-noze….”  tears pricked from Y/N’s eyes from the combined pain and shock. It was not just about the fight, but everything that happened in the last couple days. Her father’s abuse because of falling in love and now Lisa’s torment because of pretty much the same followed by a girl’s jealousy.
“What is happening here?” Fuck, why were the teachers always appearing  after the drama happened.
“She attacked me!” Lisa exclaimed, putting on an innocent face. “So aggressive, I suppose it’s because she was raised only by one parent.”
For a second the principal and the tutor were looking between untouched Lisa and beaten up, bleeding Y/N. It was clear who was the casualty, nonetheless it was Lisa’s family who’s been giving generous donations to school.
“Get up from the floor Y/N.” she was finally instructed and on shaky legs and with dizziness she clumsily stood up still clutching her nose. “This is your second stunt this week. You’re coming to my office and this time, I won’t go lightly on you.”
“It was not her fault.” Someone from the crowd of the students dared to speak up and the people parted, revealing the fuming….
Damian Wayne.
“it was Lisa—”
“Oh, I don’t feel well!” Lisa exclaimed accidentally falling right into Damian’s arms “I feel like I’m going to faint—”
“Mr. Wayne, take Mrs Thomas to the nurse’s office so she can be tended to.”
“What-?” Damian swiftly avoided Lisa’s fall and the girl almost ended up on the floor. “No.”
“No. Y/N was the one who was attacked. And for crying out loud, she’s the one bleeding and needing medical attention. So no, I’m not taking her—” he threw a glance at Lisa “anywhere when there’s someone else in need.”
“U-uh…” the principal still had in mind the humiliation he was subjected to last time when he had Damian and Y/N talk to him. “Fine! Fine, you take her to the nurse, though it’s completely unnecessary and –” half a sentence and two of them were already halfway away “Fuck. I mean, you all go back to your classes! There’s nothing to see here! Now go, before I put you all in detention!”
So her resolve to avoid Damian was broken on the first day. 
And it was about to get even harder from now on. 
part 5: Cracking
@6000-fandoms @beyond-your-stars @mikyapixie
@heartz4miz @crookedmakerfury @mariam12344 @celestair
@faimmm @hornyslasher @urdarlingali
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lyralaneoriginal12 · 10 months
Your Voice is My Reality (Platonic Older! Damian Wayne x baby boy reader)
“There there, my sweet angel... Baba isn't going anywhere...”
Aged-Up Damian Wayne as Demon's Head of League of Shadows who also the loving and protective father of you. (It gives 'I will burn the world for you' kinda vibe, but oh well)
Damian felt like his heart was about to explode, he fell on the ground and was wounded. The enemy had shot him right in his chest. The pain is unbearable but worst of all, his baby witnesses all this. It was a mistake already to bring you to this type of meeting. Here you are now, witness his assassination.
The League's assassins quickly neutralize all the threats and manage to take control of the situation. You was crying in fear. The enemy also looked scared of what he just did to the Demon Head. You pry release the hold of the nannies and quickly run towards your father.
Damian tried to breathe, he was struggling to stay alive and awake. The assassins and the nannies were shocked because Damian stayed in a pool of his on blood, with a gunshot wound on his torso. The Demon Head was bleeding profusely on the ground after being shot.
“Baba, no!”
Notice his son now right beside him, Damian raises his hand and slowly caressed your head. Even in this state, Damian’s mind only filled the need to protect you and to make sure that you are okay and safe.
“There there, my sweet angel... Baba isn't going anywhere...”
Says Damian in between pain while looking at you with a sad and concerned expression. He tried to fight the pain of the gunshot wound, which was making him feel a bit weaker each moment that passed. Damian vision start to blur. You were crying while clutching on your father's chest. Your beautiful blue robe completely soaks in Damian's blood.
Damian looks at his baby, with a loving, concerned and tender look on his face. With that, Damian closes his eyes. The vision is becoming more and more blurred until... the darkness comes slowly and gradually.
Time Skip
There’s many people wearing all black cloaks, circle the Lazarus Pit. The very pit glow in green and had a very rotten aroma. The smell that was coming from the green pit was awful, it was as if a lot of dead bodies were buried there. Damian's body being carried by the monks. He's ready to be revived from death.
You currently in the arms of Marie, one of the nannies of the League. You suckles quietly on your pacifier, with tiny cloak covering your body, watching the whole ritual carefully and looking closely at the monks.
The monks, Damian's advisors and the assassins were surrounding the pit, waiting for the moment.
You saw how the monks submerge their body until they were waist-deep while gently carrying Damian's corpse. Then, they carefully placed Damian’s corpse into the waters.
You watched as your father was completely submerged in the water. You squirms a little at Marie's arms, feel a little distress when you sees your father being submerged into the toxic green water.
“Hush, Master (Y/N)”
Assure the nanny at his young master to calm you down.
There's a long pause until Damian broke through the water with a feral cry, his jade eyes were glowing an eerie green. The greenish mist coming from the water then filled his eyes, making Damian see the surroundings very weirdly. Damian snarls at the monks and feel how his body is moving and healing on its own.
Damian starts to go wild and attacking the monks and assassins. Everyone knows the effects of being dipped into the Pit, how the user is driven temporarily insane. But well... Damian had used it quite a lot, so the effect doesn’t take toll on him completely. Damian keeps attacking the monks and assassins like a wild animal. Tearing them apart with his bare hands.
The madness continues until you calls out for him.
The Demon Head stopped immediately and turned his gaze to those angelic voices, looking at the baby with malicious gaze. Damian saw that you was being held by Marie. You makes a grabby hand at Damian, which scares Marie who tries to protect you from Damian rampage.
Damian stops attacking everybody once he hears his name being called by his angel. Damian closed and opened his eyes once again, as his sweet angel's voice snapped him back to reality. Slowly but surely, recognition was in his eyes. Damian’s rage and feral behavior are over.
Damian slowly stands up, while look at all the shocked faces of the advisors, assassins, and monks, who are watching the whole scene with a confused and scared expression on their faces.
Damian slowly walks out of the Pit and goes to you whose still in the nanny arms. The green water wetted the concrete floor, but he didn’t care, he needed to embrace his son now. The servants quickly cover Damian's body with his majestic red robe, so he won’t catch cold. Like there’s no tomorrow, Damian takes you from the protective hold of your nanny. You quickly hugs your father in a loving manner.
Damian gently holds the baby in his arms, with the loving and caring eyes of a father, who's glad to be back with his little boy. Damian looks at the whole room, with all the advisors, assassins and monks looking at both Damian and his son, with a confused expression on their faces. Damian couldn’t help but chuckle a little especially to the monks and assassins he accidentally hurt previously.
“Well, this is... awkward...”
The people in the room couldn’t help but giggle a little at Damian’s remark.
Damian looked at his baby with a happy smile on his face.
“Hey, beloved. I missed you so much.”
Damian kisses you on your chubby cheek, as your cute smile touches Damian’s heart. You giggles softly when his father does so while pinching his your own nose cutely.
“Baba stinky. You are stinky!”
Damian chuckles a bit when you says that he is stinky. You didn’t go wrong though.
“Yes, yes, beloved. I must admit... I need to get a bath but now that I'm back with you again, my precious angel.”
Damian smiles a little at you again, feeling his heart being touched by your adorable words and the little pinch you gives yourself after making this sweet and funny remark. Then, you happily claps your hand.
“Bubble bath, Baba! Bubble bath!”
Damian chuckles after your comment as he gently touches your small and soft chubby hands.
“Yes, bubble bath it is.”
The servants quickly scatter to prepare bubble bath at the grand bathroom of the League of Shadows base.
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