#Damian and Adrien are Brothers now
intercoursefluids · 6 months
WDIB Chapter 15
Bruce sighed, pulling up a chair but keeping his distance from the group of teenagers sitting at the table.
It was surprising how quickly Damian had integrated himself into their group, sliding right in like he’d always been there.
It had nothing on how shocking it was to see the boy he now knew as Adrien to be.
First of all, the boy looked awful. A ring of bruises around his neck, and a black eye were all he could see from his position.
Bruce suspected worse lay beneath the long sleeves of his shirt.
Second of all, he looked just like one of Bruce’s past flames. Emilie had been a lively young woman, and their time together, however short, had left a lasting impression on Bruce.
She wasn’t the type of person meant to stay in his life forever, which he had accepted long ago. But she had been the type of person you are meant to meet, at least once in your life.
It had been 17 years since he had last seen her.
The boy before him, who was a spitting image of her besides a few small details, was right around 16 years old.
Clark had clocked his anxiety and burning curiosity before Bruce had even realized it was there.
And now Clark was gone, off to test the DNA sample that Damian had talked the boy into doing.
Bruce wanted to get closer to the kids, to talk to them and help in any way he could.
But he could take a hint.
Anytime he got too close or moved too fast, Adrien would tense up or flinch.
It was subtle, barely there even.
But it was enough.
Enough for him to want to respect his boundaries and keep a respectful distance.
Enough to remind him of when he had first brought Jason home.
So, Bruce kept his distance.
The fierce protectiveness and ‘Try me, I dare you’ looks Alya and Nino sent him every time Adrien tensed up reassured him of his choice.
Damian ended up catching his eye, rolling his own before he stood up, sending a hushed whisper to the table before striding over to Bruce and corralling him into the hallway.
“Okay, here’s what I know.” Damian started, glancing around to make sure they were alone.
“Adrien just found out Gabriel was not his real father, he told him while he was choking him. Nathalie, Gabriel’s assistant and the woman who raised him after his mother’s disappearance stopped him. She fought back and got the both of them out of the building and sent them into hiding. Adrien is traumatized by the experience, but he is doing his best to compartmentalize; more accurately, he’s trying to act like it’s not as big of a deal as it is.”
Bruce flinched slightly at that.
“If you want an outside point of view on what Gabreil Agreste was like, and a general view of the entire situation, including Marinette’s, ask Alya. She’s big on privacy though, you’ll only get the basics. If you want an inside point of view on why Gabriel Agreste is objectively horrible and ways you can help make this situation better, talk to Nino.” Damian told him, laying out who would tell him what.
“Try not to press though, tensions are running high, and they aren’t exactly trusting of adults at the moment.” Damian warned him.
Bruce nodded, from what he had seen so far, it makes sense they wouldn’t exactly be open to adults interfering in their lives.
Damian nodded stiffly, turning back to walk into the room.
Bruce grabbed his arm, halting his movements quickly.
“And how are you doing?” Bruce asked, checking his son carefully for any signs of distress.
Damian opened his mouth, going to respond quickly before he stopped.
He paused, thinking carefully as he steadily leaned further into Bruce’s grasp.
Bruce pulled him into a hug, tucking him up close and rubbing his back softly.
“This is a strange situation.” Damian admitted.
Bruce nodded, smiling slightly as Damian wrapped his arms around Bruce, returning the hug.
“I know, how do you feel about it?” Bruce asked softly, carefully prodding just enough to get a response.
Damian hummed, leaning heavily into Bruce.
“I’m… not sure, yet.” He said carefully. “I think I’m slightly overwhelmed, with the situation as a whole.”
“I know, this entire day has been very stressful, for everyone involved. Can you pinpoint what’s causing you the most stress?”
“I’m worried about Jon. And Marinette as well. Jon has been very anxious to meet his sister, and now he found out she didn’t even know about him. Marinette has just had her entire world turned upside down, even worse than it was when she first lost her parents.”
“Not to mention the villain they were facing off against, and what we witnessed during that battle. Regarding Adrien-” Damian paused, carefully thinking his words over.
“I think he should come with us as well, regardless of the results of the test.” Damian admitted.
Bruce paused, his hand stuttering before he resumed rubbing Damian’s back.
“What do you mean by that, Damian?” He asked carefully.
Of course, Bruce wanted to bring the boy home as well, it was just surprising that Damian shared the same sentiment.
“He’s…Adrien is lonely, I believe. We were talking, when we went to get the test. It seemed like he hoped it was a match. He’s scared right now, but I think he wants a family. An actual family.” Damian said.
Bruce smiled, squeezing Damian slightly.
His siblings would be happy to know that Damian had referred to them a a ‘real’ family.
They would probably be happy to know he referred to them as family at all.
“And what do you want, Damian? Yes, there is a chance Adrien is my son, and of course I want the best for him. But you are my son too, I want what’s best for you as well.” Bruce told him, forcing Damian to meet his eyes.
Damian sighed, looking back down as his forehead thudded against Bruce’s chest.
“I… I like him. He seems nice enough, I feel like we could get along. Maybe not right away, but someday. I feel like he will fit right in.” He admitted.
Bruce smiled, squeezing his son slightly.
Bruce hoped he was right, that they were both right.
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Diner Girl
"So, we finally get to meet your girlfriend, in person?" Tim questioned.
"I'm already regretting this decision." Damian declared.
Jason chuckled, "Why? You think she'll like us more?"
"More like drive her away." Damian snarled.
"Relax, Little D." Dick smiled, "We won't do anything of the sort. Besides, it's been three years."
Damian sighed as they pulled up to the diner. Marinette had stated she was busy working until 5pm. The Wayne boys couldn't wait to meet her and asked if they could meet her at her work for a quick bite. They even said they could head out from there and take her home. He knew his brothers would try to convince her to change and go out instead.
Marinette heard the ding of the door opening and turned to see her boyfriend and his family. She smiled and looked at the clock.
'Thirty more minutes until I get off the clock. Maybe they'd like some appetizers.'
The Waynes sat down and saw Marinette subtly wave at them.
"My God, did you see her?"
"It suits her."
"I'm shocked she hasn't dropped anything yet."
Tim quickly took out his phone. He made sure to look interested at it, as he noticed the people in the booth behind them point at Marinette. He made sure his phone was still focused on them as his little brother's girlfriend approached the table.
"Sorry, for the wait." Mari spoke, "What can I get you to drink?"
"Hey, Pixie. Can I get a strawberry milkshake?" Jason questioned.
"Pixie?" she repeated.
"Because you're tiny and cute." he smiled.
His answered earned him a quick kick to the shin by Damian.
"Ow! You brat!" Jason yelled.
Damian flipped him off.
"Ignore them." Dick commented, "I'll take a limoncello float."
"Black coffee." declared Tim.
"Damian?" Marinette questioned, "Chai tea?"
"Yes." he answered.
Marinette smiled and walked away from their table.
"Oh, so she knows you favorites now?" Jason teased.
"Shut up." Damian growled.
"The butter knives aren't sharp enough and you know it." Tim sighed, noticing the girls in the next booth glaring at them.
Tim continued to appear interested in his phone.
'This isn't going to end well.'
Lila smirked as she tipped over her drink and it clattered to the floor.
"Oops." she spoke.
Alya snickered as the drink covered the floor.
"Clean it up, Lila." Adrien declared, "Now."
"Why would I do that, Adrien?" Lila questioned, "I don't work here."
"Well, if that is how you think, I can say you won't have a job anywhere." he replied.
Alya, Nino, and Lila looked at him shocked.
"You can't do that!" Alya shouted.
Adrien smiled and leaned back, "It's my father's company. Father expects perfection everywhere; especially in public."
"But my wrist hurts!" Lila whined, "It's why I spilled it. It was an accident."
He sighed, "We both know you're full of shit."
"Adrien!" Alya gasped.
"You are only special in your own head and it shows." he declared.
"Dude!" Nino cried out, surprised.
Marinette walked towards the table behind them and slipped on the scattered ice. Damian quickly grabbed her, preventing an accident, but the drinks still fell to the floor.
"Marinette!" the manager shouted.
"It-it wasn't my fault!" she stammered.
"You're fired!" he roared.
"But-" Marinette tried to refute.
"It's fine, Habibiti." Damian spoke.
"Yeah." Jason replied, "We'll leave."
The manager glared at her, "See! Now, you are making the patrons leave."
"The only reason we came here was to see Marinette." Dick annouced.
"Besides, " Tim spoke, "maybe you should hire Sausage Hair, there. Seems she'll be out of a job soon."
"Were you spying on us?" Alya shrieked.
"Recorded your conversations, too." Tim commented, "Planning to trip her? Classic."
"You're just jealous that Pixie Pop is better than you." Jason replied.
Lila stood up, in outrage, "I'm the daughter of an ambassador! I am a model for Gabriel Agreste! I travel the world and help with various charities! I know Prince Ali of Achu and Jagged Stone. I help Prince Ali in his environmental charities and I'm Jagged Stone's niece!"
The Waynes laughed. The manager noticed Marinette covering her mouth, but she was laughing, none the less.
'What is going on?'
"One: Prince Ali works in children's hospitals, not environmental projects." Dick stated, "He donates to our charities, all the time."
"Two: Marinette knows Jagged Stone. She is his 'niece', as well as his personal designer." Tim declared, "She doesn't even need this job, but she thought it would get her out of having kids thrown her way for unpaid babysitting gigs, at the last moment."
"Three: You are a waste of space from what Blondie was saying." Jason scoffed.
Damian smirked, "Go ahead. Tell her who we are Agreste. You've spoken to us before."
Adrien relaxed and smiled, "You're the Waynes. Your father is an international billionare."
Lila and the manager's faces drained of color.
Damian turned his glare to the manager, "Four: The only reason we were in your pathetic place was because of the angel in my arms."
"What's so special about her, anyways?" Alya snapped.
"She's my girlfriend." Damian announced.
The Waynes smiled behind him. Lila tensed up and looked between Marinette and the Wayne. Adrien just smiled and the manager sensed he had made a huge mistake.
"Come along, Angel." Damian spoke, "We'll take you home and we'll treat you to dinner."
"I have five restaurants ready to take our reservation in three hours." Tim declared.
Dick smiled, "We can settle it in the car."
"Sorry, I was such a bother, Damian." Marinette whispered.
Damian leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips, "You are never a bother to me. Though, you also have to thank Agreste there. He was trying to get the bitch to clean up the mess she made, before you came over."
Marinette smiled, "Thanks, Adrien."
"Oh, you're welcome, Mari." Adrien replied,, "Sorry, you ended up falling and getting fired."
Marinette just shrugged it off, "Like Tim said, I don't need this job. I just tired of Alya and Nino dumping their siblings at me for free babysitting gigs. I mostly took this out of spite. I'll be moving out of my parents' place this year; I didn't want to deal with packing and trying to take care of kids for some people who hate me."
"Come on, Pixie Pop!" Jason shouted, "Let's blow this popsicle stand!"
Dick smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, "We can drop you off and we can go change in our suits that you made us."
Marinette smiled brighter, "They fit, right? Nothing needs to be adjusted?"
"Are you kidding me?" Jason asked, leading the way out the door, "Like a glove! Best monkey suit I've worn!" making her giggle.
"Do we need to stop anywhere to get you dressed up?" Tim asked.
Mari scoffed, "You think I wouldn't have dressy clothes? I have to travel with Jagged to his functions."
"Rock and Roll!" Jason smiled.
Damian kept his arm snug around Marinette's waist as they left the diner with a smile.
"Move, Lila." Adrien demanded.
"Huh?" she spoke, confused by the hostility coming out of his mouth.
"I need to leave." he declared
"But-" Nino spoke.
Adrien pointed to the door as Natalie walked in. She quickly spotted the blonde's coiffed hair and walked towards them.
"Adrien, those were-" she bean.
"The people Lila just humiliated herself in front of and they recorded the whole thing?" Adrien stated, throwing her fully under the bus.
Natalie glared at her as she quickly moved, allowing Adrine out of the booth. Adrien walked around the mess and spotted one of the dishtowels that Mari had dropped onto the floor. He picked it up and threw it right in Lila's face. She sputtered as she removed the soaked towel from her face. It was painfully obvious by the two toned skin color that most of her makeup was wiped off on the wet towel.
Adrien smiled, "You might want to get use to your new job."
"They know Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" Natalie questioned.
"Marinette is dating the youngest Wayne. Unless, Mari puts him in a good mood, Lila is likely to-" Adrien declared as his phone went off rapidly.
He pulled his phone out as Natalie looked towards her tablet.
"Oh, never mind. Timothy Drake-Wayne blasted Lila on twitter. The co-CEO of Wayne Enterprise just showed the world how two-faced Father's model really is." Adiren overdramatically sighed, "He posted the whole video of Lila pretending to be injured and purposefully making Marinette slip. He also posted Marinette getting horribly fired and all of the Waynes calling Lila a huge liar to her face. That's really not a good look for Gabriel."
Natalie tightened her grip on the tablet, "I'll call your father to see how he wants to deal with this new situation, seeing as we were suppose to meet the Waynes tomorrow."
Adrien smiled, "I'm pretty sure that the girl Lila got fired is the Waynes' personal designer."
Lila gulped and slowly sat back in the booth.
"If that is the case, I agree with Adrien, Miss Rossi; I would start looking for a new job." Natalie commanded.
Adrien walked out of the diner with Natalie in tow. Lila sat there frozen until Alya reached out and touched her hand.
"It's gonna be okay, Lila." Alya smiled, "It's-"
Lila tore her arm away from the journalist grasp and glared at her. She got up quickly and tried to rush out the door. In her hurry, she had forgotten about the spill and slipped. Lila fell forward but landed awkwardly, attempting to catch herself. She was rushed to the hospital with a broken arm.
As Nino drove Alya home, she sniffled as she looked through her phone. Her blog was being torn to shreds by people around the world. They were pointing out every lie and detail on how everything Lila said was fake. The comment that hurt the most was: I can't believe this blogger wants to be a reporter! Doesn't this girl know the basics for a reporter? It's called fact checking! Google isn't that hard to use!
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fanfic-recs-01 · 5 months
Miraculous LadyBug Fics
This is a list of Miraculous Ladybug fics I like on AO3, if you have any recs for me feel free to send me some!
Fair warning his is mostly going to be Felix/Marinette and Damian Wayne/Marinette.
Updated 6/15/24
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Felix Graham De Vanily
Hey, Little Songbird by charlietheepic7 
~Really, Felix couldn't believe his cousin sometimes. Marinette was talented, beautiful, kind, and had a crush on Adrien bigger than the mansion, yet Adrien was blind to the treasure right in front of him. "Just a friend," indeed.
Well, if Adrien wasn't going to do anything, it wouldn't matter if Felix... snatched her up?~
Welcome To The Back by Geeeny
~Marinette Dupain-Cheng sits alone in the back. Until she doesn't.~
birds of a feather by WithLovePoohBear
~When Mme Bustier’s class gets a new student, Marinette might just finally find true friends who love and support her for who she is.
But more accurately, she finds her home.~
Pen Pals by That_Kwami_plagg 
~Marinette and Felix have been Pen Pals for two years. She tells him everything. All of the abuse, lies and manipulations. He became her sanctuary, and her his. What happens when Felix moves to France? Can he help her through her struggles, or will he be another victim of Lila?~
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Damian Wayne
She’s Sunshine, She’s Grace, She’ll Punch You in the Face by Brinxiethebear
~Marinette struggles to stay happy nowadays but what better way to change your mood than with a change of location? Adrien gave up his miraculous so he could start fresh. After all, his dad was in prison for being the super villain Hawkmoth and his other caretaker Nathalie died from over use of a broken Miraculous. So now Marinette is the guardian of the miraculous. ~
for us to collide by LadyLiterature
~The story of Marinette stumbling upon the illustrious Wayne family over and over again, as well as the more infamous Bats, over the course of her many visits to Gotham. She, of course, charms the whole lot of them and finds that the same is true in the reverse.~
A Robin and His Lady by ProudGeek4Ever
~Marinette lost her friends to Lila, Adrien was long forgotten and Chat Noir kept getting more irresponsible. Being a teenage superhero was stressfull, but Marinette's life takes a turn for the better when a chance meeting in Gotham changes everything. Damian changes everything.~
No, Mr. Wayne, You Can't Adopt Me! by ggomoz (ggomo_springtime)
~Bruce's personal assistant is scarily competent---she seems to know the best decision at each time, predict emergencies, and is an expert at handling all of his children. But what if there's more to her than meets the eye?~
More Than One Secret by Tyshian 
~Marinette Dupain-Cheng has Secrets. Damian Wayne has Secrets. The pair together have Secrets.~
Reunions are... interesting if you’re a Todd by crazyjc
~Alright, this is based on laraceleste's Tell Me More where Jason Todd is Marinette’s big brother with one exception—Marinette didn’t know where Jason was after she was adopted until after he died when she was ten. They were apart for three years here, as GCPD got her at 7.~
It's Just Indifference by dontyoublink
~Marinette thought she would just get some inspiration for her designs when she headed to the park. As luck would have it, she also meets four (interesting? unique? slightly insane?) Americans. Frisbee, ice cream, and much-needed conversations ensue.~
World's Greatest Detectives, My Ass by Appleberry84
~Marinette figures out the Batfam's identities and decides to torture them.~
Leave it Behind by ShannonEsmerelda
~Marinette Dupain-Cheng has grown tired of Paris, and the miracle box was no longer safe there. It'd been active in the country for too long, seen too much damage. She needed to find a place for both her and the kwami's to heal, while still having the ability to be a hero. So, why not Gotham? The city had enough crime for both her and the bat family without getting in each others way, right? Right?~
Report to HR by SimplyAnotherWriter 
~Look; Bruce liked Marinette. If the girl hadn’t already had loving and adoring parents that had spotless records and nothing incriminating about them whatsoever(Bruce had checked long and hard), he probably would have adopted the girl just like he had the others.
However, things wouldn't remain this perfect if Damian continued to try and mess it up by SCARING the poor girl!~
The Sun Who Lit Up The Night Sky by FandomQueen10325, leaping_lizard_babe
~4 months after the defeat of Hawkmoth, the akuma class wins a trip to Gotham. While they are there, Marinette keeps attracting bad luck, and can never seem to stay out of trouble. The Batfam is very interested when they learn about what had happened in Paris, so they question ladybug.~
Travels of Passion by StarShine583
~When people as famous as the Waynes come to visit your city, the most you'd expect to get from them is a quick little smile. A hand shake if you're in the right place at the right time and extremely lucky. Marinette didn't really expect to get either, and she certainly didn't expect to get what she actually got.~
Of Birds and Bugs (revising and rewriting) by orphan_account
~Marinette was a busy girl. Between her idol work as NeTi, and her duty as Ladybug, it was hard to do everything else, like being a good class president. Still, she was able to pull through.
Somehow, the class get's a trip to Gotham, sponsored by Bruce Wayne himself, and it looked like Marinette would be able to take a break for once.~
Dinner at Wayne Manor by littlefleetinglight for 
~In the front hall standing in a line was Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damien; in that orders, with Alfred standing in front of them like an officer in front of his troops.
“Now, when Ms.Marinette arrives there will be no inappropriate language, no crude gestures or noises, and there will be no interrogation. Do you gentlemen understand?”~
#SunshineOfGotham by sixtyeightdays
~All of Gotham knows Marinette, the Sunshine who's made her way into everyone's hearts. But so what if all of Gotham knows Marinette? Does her class know that they know Marinette? Of course not, why would they! But, well, let's see how they find out.~
Rockin’ the House by littlefleetinglight for 
~It was another charity gala held by the Wayne Family; this one was raising funds for art programs across the world, and because it was for art there were artists of all types from all over, including the famous Rock’n’Roll artist Jagged Stone…and his guest.~
To marry an Assassin by PL_Panda
~Marinette wakes up in a cell and later is forced to marry a member of the League of Shadows, who is also less than willing. Exactly what she was pulled in? And of course there is magic involved, so no cancellation. And apparently in Tibet ancient orders can marry minors off just like that. This was definitely not Damian's day. Or Week. Or month. He got married with a random girl...~
Who Needs Words? by AKP31E
~After the defeat of Hawkmoth and the retirement of Suhan, Marinette’s life is just getting crazier. She doesn’t know how a soulmate could ever fit into her life, and sometimes she thinks the two letters on her wrist are just the universe’s joke to her, but she knows better than to bank on it. Her soul mark isn’t even a word. Who is going to say “Tt” to her?~
History Repeats by DesertSnowQueen 
~When Kitty Noire makes an appearance in Gotham, she finds herself drawn to a certain little bird whose brothers are far too entertained by this turn of events~
Magical Girl by Judysupremus
~Marinette accidentally portals into the batcave.~
The Power of Luck by FridayFirefly
~The Ladybug Miraculous had quite a few side effects, none more powerful and unpredictable than the power of Miraculous Luck. When Marinette's family relocates to Gotham, Marinette finds her Miraculous Luck leading her down a path she never would have expected, a path that leads straight to Damian Wayne.~
The events on a Saturday Morning by orphan_account
~Marinette and Damian have been in a long distance relationship for over a year with (most) of the Batfamily not knowing at all until a young girl stumbles through a portal on a Saturday morning.~
Friendly Sunshine In Gotham by M1dn1ght_Star
~Marinette is happy to be back in Gotham after a visit with Jagged several years ago. This might just end up being the perfect way to expose Lila once and for all, as a nice bonus to seeing her honorary family and boyfriend again.~
Daminette Soulmate AU by keeptellingyourselfthat
~Tradition says that your soulmate will have another tattoo, something that relates to you. When they meet you, it is said that the tattoos start glowing a bright gold.~
Calling for Help by Dramatic_Squirrel 
~It's been a month since the Battle of Miracle Queen and Marinette has been struggling alone under the pressure of being the new guardian. With her training yet to have been completed, Marinette makes her first official decision as the new guardian, to ask the Justice League for help.~
serendipity by keeptellingyourselfthat
~The last time Damian AL-Ghul saw Marinette was when they were twelve. He didn't think he would see her again. So, it's a huge surprise when he stumbles upon her in WE while exposing the liar of the class from France.~
In The Wrong Bed? by San_fics 
~“Like I said,” Jason yawned. “Eventually everyone in this family goes crazy.”
“I'm not crazy!” Damian protested. “She was here!”
“Maybe you just had a very realistic dream?” Dick suggested.
“I’m perfectly capable of distinguishing dreams from reality, thank you very much!” Snapped Damian. “She was real and she was in my bed!”~
Cat Cursed by TheStarfishAlien
~The Cheng family carries a curse. Every other generation carries a second form, that of a cat. Their dual nature makes it difficult for those with the curse to fit in with society. Some flee permanently into the form of the cat, while others try their hardest to pretend that their cat form does not exist. Very few find a balance in the middle.~
Secrets, Masks and Family Gatherings by ggomoz (ggomo_springtime)
~After nearly a year of being together, Damian finally decides to introduce Marinette to his family.~
living among the regular people of the world trying to blend in by another_cancer
~Marinette was an assassin named ladybug that was supposed to kill Damian, but she didn't and now they meet again years later.~
New but True by yannowhatigiveup
~Damian and Marinette are kidnapped from their lives to be betrothed to one another. Unfortunately, they were separated and missed the other greatly. Once realising that Marinette is in Gotham for a school trip, Jon, being the good friend he is, reunites them.~
Eons & Eternities by Utopian_angel
~After dedicating many life cycles to an endless conflict between chaos and order, Ra's Al Ghul decides to use his last chance to form a union.
A union between their respective heirs that will last for eons & eternities.~
Use Your Brain by Judysupremus
~Marinette and her class go to Gotham. What happens when she has to rescue Chat Noir from Batman?
The is silly, potentially crack.~
An Awkward Reveal by Miraculous_786
~Who can blame Edward Nygma for being protective over his adopted daughter?
The very daughter who was dating Damian Wayne right under his nose.~
The Bride that can Break Bones by LovesWifi
~Marinette and Damian are betrothed and that's all you need to know.~
Senses by Alexiessan
~Marinette never thought that she would be among the 0.1% of the population to have a soulmate, and yet, here she was.
She wasn't ready for her life to change drastically because of it.~
A Welcoming Change by Brinxiethebear
~Damian Wayne always saw himself in a certain light. He was calculating and cold and he always took his work seriously. He was what others would call the Ice Prince. He was a loner and by choice. The only people he ever really tolerated talking to was his family and his only friend, Jon. Mainly he just spent time with his pets.~
Never alone by Alexiessan
~For a moment, ever since Lila came into her life, Marinette thought she would lose everyone dear to her. Turns out, if she keeps trying, she can do anything and make everything turn out for the better.
Contrary to her belief, Marinette was never alone.~
#8024 by SimplyAnotherWriter
~“Inmate #8024 of Gotham Asylum Institution. State your name.”
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
How had she come to this, you might wonder? Well... It wasn't as long of a story as you would think.~
Summer in Gotham is a time for the Akuma Class to relax and oh wait are those assassins? by baby_blue24680
~After hearing a brief description of the class dynamic of the Akuma Class, Mayor Bourgeois all but blackmails Bruce Wayne into sponsoring a trip to Gotham for the summer semester, believing that it will lead to fewer akumas. Word travels to Talia al Ghul, who decides to give an old friend a visit and literally and figuratively throws an engagement at Marinette.~
Four times the Ladybug magic teleported Marinette to where she would be safest, and the one time she was already there by EditorOfEverything
~This is part one in a five part series. I have never actually completed a fic before, so this is kind of my NaNoWriMo goal for myself, I guess... So, without further ado, here is four times the Ladybug magic teleported Marinette to where she would be safest, and the one time she was already there~
The Bug, the Bird and the Bats by whoscountinganyway
~Everyone knows that Damian Wayne doesn't have any friends; he pushes away anyone who wants to get close to him, denies those close to him the knowledge that he cares, vehemently refuses to be in the presence of wanna-be suitors. He simply isn’t social.~
No Hesitation by orphan_account
~Marinette could never have foreseen just how quickly Lila's plan would work - but now a new school year has begun and she has transferred to a new school that could support her fashion career far better than Dupont ever could.~
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quindread · 1 year
Yet another Daminette post.
An actual fic this time. IDK if this will remain a one-shot or nah.
It’s not everyday you discover that the person you are undeniably attracted to is a retired hero. Damian did not know whether to feel horrified or relieved.
This was Jason’s fault like always. He just had to go and befriend Marinette as his alter-ego. And somehow that ended up with her outing her past so she could purge the pit madness out of him because she was kind and generous like that.
But who was he kidding, Damian was happy for his older brother. This was Jason’s chance at normal life. Besides, demoting him back to Peter sounded like an appropriate retribution anyways.
Now, Spoiler, Orphan, and Red Hood were on Marinette’s balcony as was agreed upon. Since Marinette was familiar enough with Damian and his mask could only cover so much, Robin was relegated to chair duty since it was too risky to have him in the meeting. So he wormed his way into a task he would normally leave to the other members of his team to be able to observe - babysit - his siblings in fear that they would scare Marinette off.
Through the Bat-computer, Red Hood could be seen knocking four times against Marinette’s glass door when the clock struck ten. Not a second later and it slid open.
Damian did not expect to see a topless blond. And so did everyone else it seems from the sound of gasps coming from inside the cave and the monitors. He could not even imagine any guy close to Marinette without the risk of popping a vein. But there he was, gaping at the view of an unknown guy his age standing in her apartment.
“Oh, hey. It’s the batfam!” The man grinned like it was completely normal to have three vigilantes on what was supposed to be a lone woman’s balcony. “Come in! Mari’s waiting in the living room.”
An invisible weight dropped against Damian’s stomach. This guy was apparently on nickname basis with Marinette.
The footage shook slightly as his siblings step foot into Marinette’s home. He ignores the pit in his stomach in favor of taking in every detail he could. Cream walls, random trinkets, vintage decorations, and a painting he recognized as a gift her gave her, framed and hanged beside a vase of irises. The weight in his chest seem to dissipate at the sight.
Then the footage pans to the topless guy again as he opens a door. He could hear Timothy whistle in appreciation and Damian would have shivered in disgust if the monitor did not currently have the vision that is Marinette Dupain-Cheng plastered on it.
She stands and smiles and Damian could only stare. He was glad the monitors were generations better than the ones his father originally used. He could see how her eyes crinkle into half moons as she greets his siblings.
“Sit wherever you like.” Her voice sounded just as refreshing coming from speakers.
His siblings all settle around on their chosen seats. From Spoiler’s view, the topless blond is seen leaning against adjacent wall. Where the fuck is his shirt?
“Uh, is he supposed to be here?” Spoiler points at the guy and Damian takes note of this, she did always support him in his paltry romance endeavors.
“Oh! This is Adrien Graham de Vanily—“ Ah, yes the next name to be added in Damian’s ledger. “—but you may know him as the first Chat Noir.”
That changed everything. Marinette told Hood about her relationship and role in the Court. She mentioned that she was closest to the cats and the dragon - they had a good camaraderie. They were teammates. Friends. Just friends.
But why in the world was he without a shirt? Does he not have any decency, lounging there like he was some sort of nudist? Is this some datum of friendship Damian was not aware of?
“And why is he…?” Yes, Stephanie asking the right questions.
Marinette eyes her friend and sighs. “Ah, we were—“
“We were in the middle of a very heated debate,” Graham says with a smirk and Damian swear he could see crimson. He squeezes his armrest hard.
Footsteps sound from his back. “Dames, it’s probably nothing—“
“Fuck off, Drake.”
“Okay! Woah. Last names. Geez, you really like her.” Before Damian could respond, a smack echoes through the cave.
On the monitor, Marinette is shown standing by Graham as she slaps him on the arm repeatedly. It sounded like music to Damian’s ears.
“People will get the wrong idea!” Marinette admonishes but her efforts are futile as Graham laughs louder at every contact of her hand against his skin. She faces Damian’s siblings with a slight flush on her face.
“We really were debating,” she says.
“About what exactly.” Red Hood drawls in amusement. “And did he really need to be shirtless for it?”
“It was to prove a point!” Graham exclaims.
“And the point being; you lose!” Marinette slaps him again.
“You’re biased! I’m literally a model!”
“Am not!”
Graham sticks a finger into each of his ears. “Your biased opinions are painful. I gonna get tinnitus,” he snickers and that seems to stop Marinette from hitting him again. Shame, it was beginning to get entertaining.
She glares at him for a second which just seemed to amuse Graham even further.
“You know what,” Marinette starts. “You can call me biased and I won’t give a fuck.” Damian definitely did not get hooked at the way she cursed.
Marinette pokes Graham’s chest before taking a huge breathe.
“Because for me, Damian Wayne is way hotter than you.”
Tim gasps beside him. “Holy shit.”
Holy shit, indeed.
Damian sat there, fully aware that he was probably as red as the accents on his suit. His head was ringing with embarrassment and he swears that he might get thermal shock if he tries to breathe in the drafty air from the cave.
And Marinette was not even finished. She pokes at Graham with ferocity - her every word clear with conviction.
“You may have abs but Damian was literally carved by the Gods.”
Damian disagrees but preens at the compliment anyways.
“I will die happily after he lets me take a body shot off of him.”
She can’t! Damian would be the one doing the dying the moment her tongue touches his abdomen. And he has been through it before, what’s one more if this is the particular cause of death?
“So, you do wanna bone him!” Graham exclaims smartly.
“Kwami! Yes, I do! Can this discussion wait another time?!” Marinette shoves him this time. Damian can hear his heartbeat drumming in his ears.
“But why don’t you?!”
Good question.
“Because we’re friends! And I’m fine with that!.”
Graham raises any eyebrow at her. “Are you?” He asks and she falters, stepping back with her arms crossed.
“You’re a shit liar.”
Marinette tries to slap his arm again but her catches his wrist. “You are more than just your duties, Marinette.”
The way Graham’s playful demeanor melts of his face suddenly reminds Damian that this man was a hero, a child soldier, who lived with his emotions under duress for years. His voice was solemn, grave with grief.
“You’ve given up more than anyone for the sake of the Order.”
“Why can’t you take a pause and live—“
“It’s not that!”
“Damian isn’t interested in me—”
“You don’t know that!”
“—He’s gay!”
What the actual fuck?
“He and Jon dated. How am I supposed to compare to his best friend? And that’s even if he would so much as look at me which he never will because he is not interested on the opposite sex!
No. Nonononono. This was nightmare, somebody wake him up. Damian and Jon kissed twice and that was the end of it - you could find more spark in a coin battery. And he looked at Marinette plenty. He just makes sure she could not see him doing so like the sneaky assassin that he was.
Timothy had dropped to the ground a while ago and was cackling so hard that Damian fears he might pop open like a kernel and loose his spleen. Again.
From the monitor, his siblings were laughing up a storm as well as Marinette and Graham stood there in confusion.
“Wuahahahahahaha—He’s not—hahahaha—The Wayne kid is—Oh my god, I’m so glad I volunteered to be here.” The feed from Spoiler was pointed at the ceiling. Damian could imagine her clenching her stomach as throws her head back in laughter.
“He’s bisexual.” Orphan says, amused. The only reliable footage came from her albeit a little shaky.
Marinette blinks at her. “And you know that how?”
“We talk. Rescue him and his family all the time.” Hood and Spoiler could be heard agreeing.
Graham pushes Marinette down on her spot on the couch. “And now that we’ve established that, you are going to make a move on him,” he says.
“I will not.”
“You will—“
“He doesn’t see me like that!”
“—after you heal M. Hood.”
That snaps the mood in place and the conversation is stirred away from the topic of Damian.
Said subject was unfocused during the rest of the meeting, his thoughts replaying every single interaction he and Marinette had. In the end, he came to an obvious conclusion:
Marinette will be getting that body shot.
AN: There you have it folks! Another one from my archive. I just edited the dialogues. And speaking of archives, should I post this on AO3?
Inspired by the recording contact lenses in Battinson. Here we have an indirect Daminette confession witnessed by Cass, Steph, Tim, and Jason.
You may have noticed that Damian first-names his siblings in this one. I always though that it would be a good measure of his growth as a person. And I headcanon Damian going from last names to middle names to first names as his tolerance (read love) for his siblings grows. He goes through middle names because his male siblings absolutely detests it (except Duke). Imagine pubescent Dami addressing Jason as “Peter”.
Adrien taking his mums maiden name after handing Gabriel’s ass to him? This is non-negotiable. But I really had no idea if I should write Damian referring to him as Graham or Vanily. I like graham crackers so there you go.
Damian and Jon as a ship will always have a place in my heart. Like I can see them trying for more but deciding against it. I think Jon has a partner in the comics. And with his new age, he and Damian now have this space between them I hate with a passion. (I saw a fan-art of Damian crying about how his Jon was taken from and I bawled like a baby. Please do link that art in the comments. I enjoy pain.)
And finally, should I make this a multi-chapter fic? Or is it satisfactory as one-shot?
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starwarsmum · 9 days
Day 16! @maribat-calendar-events gives us a prompt of Strike a Pose
Marinette's day was looking up - she had been suffering relentless teasing from her friends after the article had been shared around. Adrien had taken great pains to apologise that she had been mistaken for his girlfriend again which would have hurt if this had been two months ago. As it was, she was mostly just annoyed that his public relations team wasn't handling it.
But now that school was over, she was looking forward to seeing Damian again. Was she surprised that he was the son of a billionaire? Yes and no - she would challenge anyone not to be a little surprised by a new friend coming from that much wealth, but she had noticed that neither he nor Cass had given his full name. Besides which, he had mentioned that his father owned a company, and if it was big enough to be international…
All of which was to say that she didn't blame them for not telling her. Hell, she hadn't mentioned her own business, although that may change now that she knew they could be discreet. She stood on the steps of the school, checking her phone for any new messages.
“Marinette!” She grimaced internally as she turned towards Adrien. He smiled at her and she wondered how long it was going to take for Damian to come and get her out of whatever conversation Adrien felt the need to have. “Listen, I'm sorry the reporters still have the wrong idea, but I talked to Natalie and she said you could come to the photoshoot today! You know, because you said you wanted to go to one sometime?”
“Oh, um, that's really kind of you but-”
“Adrien!” Lila called out to the blond boy and he tensed slightly when she grabbed his arm. She gave a smarmy look to Marinette who simply rolled her eyes. “We should get going to our photoshoot, we don't want to keep everyone waiting. Marinette, you don't want him to get in trouble with his dad, do you?”
“I was just waiting for someone,” Marinette said coolly. She heard someone call her name and turned automatically. A smile spread across her face as Damian approached the trio, drawing everyone else's eyes to them. “Hey Damian! I'll be with you in just a sec.”
“So, do you want to come to the photoshoot?” Adrien asked, eyes almost pleading as he tried to pull his arm out of Lila's grip. She was ready to say no when Damian interrupted.
“You are Adrien Agreste, are you not?” Two pairs of green eyes met and Adrien seemed to get smaller the longer they looked at each other. Damian finally looked away, almost like he was dismissing the model. He turned to Marinette with a smirk on his face. “There are people who are under the impression that you are romantically involved with him.”
“Don't remind me,” Marinette said, burying her head in her hands. “So you saw the article too, I take it? I'm so sorry they got you involved in all of this. Never mind, we should probably get going, didn't you say you had visitors coming today?”
“Tt, they are already here,” Damian sniffed, glaring at a black car that sat on the street. Marinette could just about make out two dark shapes in the front seat of the car and was immediately curious. “I must apologise in advance, they are exceedingly annoying and have also seen the article. Perhaps I could speak with you privately for a moment?”
“Sure,” Marinette said, fairly certain that she was blushing but powering through it. They stepped away from the others and she waited for Damian to say whatever was on his mind. She also allowed herself to properly drink in the sight of him, noticing that his shoulders were slightly tight and a little frown line marred his usually relaxed brow. “Is everything okay?”
“Tt, I am fine. My obnoxious adoptive brothers arrived this afternoon and have been insufferable in regards to the article,” he admitted, glaring again towards the car she had spotted. “Am I correct in saying that the blond boy is the son of our leading suspect? Because if that is the case, I strongly advise that we accept his offer to accompany him.”
“Ugh, do we have to?” Marinette was only half joking - the idea of watching Lila drape herself over Adrien was no longer as heart wrenching as it once had been, but it was still annoying. She was rewarded with the amused twitch of his mouth and grinned at him cheekily. “Fine, but if I have to suffer through it-”
“Sorry to interrupt but Mari, do you want to come to the shoot?” Adrien had approached them, interrupting Marinette mid-sentence. He looked slightly nervous and even more perturbed about something. “Only we need to get going, so if you want to-”
“Okay, where is it? Damian and I will catch up with you there,” Marinette said, resigning herself to a very awkward afternoon. “Maybe we can straighten out this whole ‘pyjama girl' mess at the same time.”
“It's so crazy that people think that you and Adrien are dating,” Lila tittered, shooting Marinette a smirk. She changed it to a smile as Damian gave her a sharp look, pretending it was a friendly remark. “It's just so unfortunate, you know? I would hate for it to stop anyone who wants to date her eventually. Not that that's a problem right n-”
“Tt, Marinette is perfectly capable of explaining herself and the situation. You have my word that it does not prevent those of us who are interested in her from pursuing her.” Damian stared Lila down, even as Marinette blushed again, a warmth spreading through her chest.
“W-well, we'll get to your photoshoot as quickly as we can,” Marinette said after another beat or two of silence. Adrien nodded, still looking at Damian strangely, and gave her the address. He waved at her awkwardly, following Lila to the car that waited for them. Marinette hardly remembered that they were there, she was so focused on Damian.
“Your friends seem like imbeciles,” Damian said as Adrien and Lila drove away, and Marinette snorted. A smug look flitted across his face and she poked her tongue out at him. He looked like he was about to say more, but just then the doors to the car that held Damian's companions opened and his smirk changed to another scowl.
“Lil D! I thought we were, uh, doing research tonight? For work?” A taller, blue eyed, dark haired man looked over the pair, and Marinette blinked up at him. He blinked back at her and then a smile spread over his face as a squeal erupted from him. “Ohmigosh, you're so cute! Dami, you didn't tell me pyjama girl was so adorable. Hi, I'm Dick.”
“Nice to meet you,” Marinette said, accepting the offer of a handshake. He made a soft noise of delight, and she giggled slightly nervously. “So, you work with Damian?”
“Huh? Oh! No, we're his older brothers,” Dick said, gesturing to the tired looking man who stood behind him. “B didn't want Dami here by himself so he asked us to join up with him after our sister headed home. So, how did you two meet?”
“As interesting as this conversation is, we have somewhere to be,” Damian interjected, stepping between Dick and Marinette. “Since you are both insufferably still here, you may give us transport to our next destination.”
“Sure we can give you a ride, lil D,” Dick said, apparently unbothered by the blatant way his questions were ignored. He ushered the two teenagers over to the car, the tired man grumbling as he followed along behind them. “Dami, you can sit in the front if you want so you can give me directions.”
“Tt, I can give you directions from the backseat just as easily,” Damian retorted as he slid into the car and motioned for Marinette to follow him. As she did, Marinette couldn't help noticing the look the two men shared, the tired one looking more awake suddenly. “Besides which, you should know enough of the area with a navigation system that there is no need for me to give you more than an address.”
The car lapsed into silence as Dick got the address from Marinette and started driving.
_ _ _
Dick sat at the back of the photoshoot, watching with amusement as Damian chatted with Marinette. She had introduced herself properly on the drive and proceeded to give Damian what Dick could only describe as heart-eyes. He had exchanged several glances with Tim to make sure he wasn't imagining things.
But, sure enough, Marinette and Damian had been glued to each other's sides for the entirety of the photoshoot so far. Tim had latched onto the coffee available as soon as Damian had used his name to bully their way past security but Dick had been far too interested in watching the situation unfold to stop him.
Marinette had been chatting with the photographer, an Italian man who spoke loudly and talked a lot about pasta. He heard them mention something about paparazzi and the photographer seemed sympathetic about the fact that Marinette seemed incapable of escaping the spotlight. He had just finished photographing the Agreste kid and his coworker when he snapped his fingers and pointed at her.
“I know just what you need! You need a fresh narrative, from someone less biased. Here, we should take some photos of you with each of the boys in question and then release them with a small article giving the facts! Quickly, come and stand next to Adrien. Miss Rossi, you are finished now ma bella, you may go!”
The girl that had been dealing herself across Adrien shot Marinette a poisonous look but Damian was the one who stepped forward.
“I do not think it is necessary for Marinette to take pictures with Agreste,” he said. Dick's eyebrows shot up but nobody was looking at him so he was free to continue watching. 
Now, Dick wasn't as good as Cass at reading body language, but both Damian and Adrien had pretty obvious facial expressions to work with. The blond had looked pleased when the photographer had dismissed the other girl and offered him Marinette as an alternative, but his face had dropped when Damian had immediately tried to veto the idea.
“Ah, I see! So the article was not entirely wrong about little Marinette's romantic prospects, eh? Do not worry, it will only be photographs that show what a - how did you say it to me, Adrien? Oh yes - what a ‘very good friend' she is. I was thinking perhaps back to back, yes?
“But when she takes her photos with you, if you wish to take a different direction we can,” he finished, pulling Marinette around Damian to place her with Adrien. The friendly effect that he was aiming for was somewhat ruined by the vaguely adoring looks the model kept shooting Dick's apparently prospective sister-in-law. “Adrien, eyes on the camera please!”
The moment the photographer was happy with a photo, Damian stepped forward and pulled Marinette away, throwing an arm over her shoulders almost possessively. The two teenage boys exchanged glares but Marinette was a grinning, blushing mess. 
The photographer thanked Adrien for his time before turning an excited look on Damian and Marinette. By the gleeful look in his eyes, the following photos were bound to be memorable.
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stormiclown · 1 year
Master post (& fics I’m planning to write)
Ladies and Gentlemen: My take on Adrien having his own antagonist like Marinette has Lila and Chloe. A new transfer students makes an enemy of the entire class, but Adrien seems to be his main target.
Part 1 Part 2 Headcannons
Status: Completed (maybe)
Let Her Eat Cake: A one shot in which Lila is exposed as Hawkmoth’s ally, which opens up questions about Francois DuPont. In other words, Bustier is accused of being Mayura.
Read Here
Status: Completed
Lila’s Reflection: A one shot in which Lila has a twin sister who she feels inferior against. Includes Lilanette, Male Marinette, and Lila angst.
Read Here
Status: Completed
Marion Dupain-Cheng: Ice Cold: So we know the umbrella scene where Adrien basically pulls his “sad boy” card to make Marinette feel bad for him? Realistically, she shouldn’t have fallen in love with him just like that. I think she should have been wary of him because of his association with Chloe or outright hate him after he scolded her for being happy that Chloe was leaving. Or in ’Bubbler’ when all he cared about was having a party and not that adults we’re literally being launched into the sky. Or in ‘Despair Bear’ after a day of forced niceties he laughed when Chloe insulted Mylene’s macaroons. Long story short, Marinette shouldn’t have tolerated Adrien for as long as she did much less have a crush on him. If she did, it should’ve been obliterated by now. (This is a Drabble)
Read Here
Status: Completed
A Beetle’s Blossom: The members of the Justice League have seen many things. The deaths and resurrection of some of their comrades, alien doomsdays, off planet missions, and the literal destruction of the world. But the boy who *strongly* resembles Bruce in more ways than just his appearance has them stumped, especially Bruce himself.
On AO3
Status: On going
Fics That Are Coming Soon
The Most Hated Girl in Paris: An AU where instead of getting off Scott free, Chloe is legally punished for the Train Incident and has to deal with the fact that’s she’s Paris’ most hated girl. She must decide if she wants to continue living this way or if she’s going to claw her way to redemption. Long term project.
Tumblr Concept
Status: Not started
Not So Miraculous After all: Tired of citizens justifying their reckless behavior with the Miraculous Cure, Ladybug stops using it, making sure that consequences get left behind.
Status: Not Started
The Fall of A Queen (C. Bourgeois): An Au where Andre isn’t re-elected as Mayor. This changes everything. Long term project.
Status: Not Started
Cuisine Paradise: Seeing as both their parents work in the food industry, Alya and Marinette decide to start a YouTube channel together to share their recipes; Marinette’s pastries and Alya’s dinner recipes. It all in good fun and they accidentally become famous. Long term project.
Status: Not Started
New Boy In Town (Remy Gasteau): The son of the Prime Minister transfers to Francois DuPont and takes an interest in Marinette. Extremely long term project.
Based on an ask I submitted to @mcheang
Status: Not Started
Civil War (Paris Edition): No matter how hard Lila tries, the class refuses to turn against Marinette, believing that Lila was just confused and there was a misunderstanding. In an attempt to get the girls to help her with Adrien, she insists that Marinette would go great with Luka. It was a brilliant plan— until war breaks out over the class. Lukanette vs Adrienette. Short term project.
Status: Not Started
Round the World Trip: After winning a series of contests, essay challenges, and competitions, Marion unintentionally earned his class a fully paid global trip over summer vacation. Includes Male Marinette and shenanigans. Mid-length project.
Status: Not Started
Damian’s Secret Brother: After ruining any chance at a brotherly relationship with Tim after his murder attempts, Damian Wayne is determined to prove that he wasn’t just a brutish assassin. The discovery of his newest biological brother provided him with the opportunity to show everyone that he could be civil with new family members. But he didn’t think he would get attached to the friendly baker’s boy who had ambitions to be a fashion designer. Male Marinette and bio-dad Bruce Wayne. Mid-length project.
Status: Not Started
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
Maribat Origins October 2022 Days 14 and 15 - Shopping/Truth
"I shouldn't have come to Gotham."
"If you had not, we wouldn't have seen each other."
"We're in a hostage situation, Damian."
"Yes, I am aware."
"We're trapped in a small metal box with explosives attached to it."
"I know."
"And this box is suspended on the ceiling."
"I can tell by the swaying."
Marinette stared at him. It was purely coincidental that they found each other in the same predicament. She was kidnapped because of her status as MDC, while Damian was taken because he was a Wayne. They both had their hands cuffed at their backs, seemingly helpless until the vigilantes came to save them.
Did she mention that he was looking at her fondly?
"It has a romantic touch to it." Damian shrugged. 
She snorted out a laugh. "Yeah, sure. Let's go with that. Why did you let yourself get kidnapped anyway?"
"I have to appear as a defenseless rich boy to protect my identity," he explained coolly. "It is better than to rouse any suspicion if I showed my abilities. Besides, this is not the first time this has happened."
She glanced at the digital numbers ticking down to zero. They had about five minutes before the bomb was set to explode. "So .  . . you were just going to stay here and wait for your family to save you?"
"That is my plan, yes." He smiled. "The company is not bad this time."
Damian leaned down and kissed her cheek. "I've missed you, ma chérie."
The bomb ticked down to three minutes. She pecked his lips in return. "I've missed you too, ya hayati. Shall we get out of here now?"
"In a few minutes."
"Damian," she said in a half-scolding tone.
He didn't say anything, only coming down to kiss her again. Marinette gasped against his lips, silently cursing the handcuffs restraining them. She tilted her head to get a better angle, nibbling on his bottom lip.
"You did not tell me you're coming to Gotham." Damian said breathlessly.
"I wanted it to be a surprise," she replied softly.
Tick. Tick. two minutes.
Damian raised an eyebrow. "I could have prepared for your arrival."
She huffed. "I'm here mainly for the fashion show anyway."
A minute and a half.
Like synchronous clockwork, they picked their way out of their handcuffs, rubbing their reddened wrists. Damian kicked down the door of the box and held her hand tightly before they leapt onto the railings together. Just in time, the bomb went off just as they ducked into a safe place.
Marinette craned her neck upon hearing footsteps down the hallway.
"That must be Father and my brothers," said Damian. "They're getting sloppy."
Marinette checked the time on her watch and groaned. "I'm late for the technical run!" She kissed Damian's cheek, squeezing his hand. "I'll go ahead, habibi. Take care."
Not long after Marinette ran to the exit, Red Robin found Damian crouching in the hallway. The vigilante studied him warily. "You got out by yourself?"
The youngest Wayne scoffed. "Do not be ridiculous. I escaped with my wife."
"Your . . . you're still going on about your imaginary wife?"
The product aisles were seemingly endless in the grocery store, reeling in buyers with colorful packaging and tricky deals. A blonde girl wrinkled her nose distastefully as she followed her two friends, one of which was pushing their cart and humming.
"Why do we need to buy food, Maribug?" Chloe whined. "Isn't the hotel buffet enough?"
"Snacks for extra sustenance," Marinette responded, dumping a box of instant coffee and some cookies in their cart. It soon followed with a set of energy drinks as they moved to the next aisle.
"Right. Sustenance." Chloe rolled her eyes.
"Why, Chlo? I thought you agreed on shopping?" The cheeky look on the bluenette's face made Chloe want to stomp her foot.
"Clothes shopping, not grocery shopping!"
"Okay, let's get ourselves some face masks for a spa treatment later," Marinette lightheartedly consoled. She turned to Adrien, who was eyeing a jar of cheese balls on one corner. "What about you, Adrien? Pick whatever you want."
"But my diet." The boy pouted.
"Fuck your diet. While we're in Gotham, your diet is nonexistent."
After a visible internal debate, Adrien nodded and began gathering snacks in his arms: Doritos in every possible flavor, packs of M&Ms, loads of chocolate Pocky, and grape sodas. Marinette grinned wildly, pride radiating as she watched Adrien spoil himself.
They were traversing down the aisle when Marinette stopped, lips parting as she looked at someone who was also pushing a cart in front of them. "Damian! Ya hayati," she gasped.
Chloe and Adrien immediately exchanged a look, both equally confused. The two men following behind Damian also glanced at each other.
"Mon amour." The stranger perked up, going up to Marinette. They exchanged a la bise, holding each other while smiling.
"And what are you doing grocery shopping?" Marinette smirked teasingly.
"Pennyworth is currently unavailable and Father sent us on these errands . . ."
The two went off to a far area in the aisle, catching up like old friends while picking out snacks. They had completely left behind their carts and companions, who were currently short-circuiting at the odd encounter.
Chloe looked at Adrien and whispered, "What the fuck?"
Adrien stared back with wide eyes. "I haven't seen him in my life. Ever."
"Since when did Marinette know someone in Gotham?!"
"I don't know! She's never mentioned it to me."
"Wait a minute." Chloe narrowed her eyes at the boy Marinette was talking to. "Damian . . . that's Damian Wayne!"
"The Damian Wayne?"
"The Damian Wayne!"
"Maybe he was her client before?" Adrien scratched his head.
"Adrien, all of Mari's clients go through you," Chloe pointed out. "I'm sure you'd remember if he ever commissioned her."
"Oh right."
Meanwhile, Jason and Tim gaped at the couple, failing to comprehend how soft Damian acted around the girl. They could butt in and ask about their relationship but they had a feeling Damian wouldn't spare them if they dared interrupt their own bubble.
The two boys looked to their side to see the girl's friends sporting the same puzzled looks. They held eye contact for a few awkward seconds before the blondes whispered to each other in French.
Jason tugged on Tim's shirt. "Take a video."
"We need proof or else Dickiebird and the others won't believe us."
Tim begrudgingly held up his phone in a sneaky angle to capture a video. Finally, after forever, Damian and Marinette parted with cheek and head kisses, heading towards opposite ends of the aisle.
"Who the hell was that?" Jason was first to ask.
"My wife," Damian responded nonchalantly, taking a bag of potato crisps.
"She's real?!"
"Of course she is. Why would she not be real?"
Jason and Tim looked at each other yet again, minds running at lightning speed as they tried to figure out the 'who's, 'when's, 'why's and 'how's. Damian would always be too casual about mentioning his so-called 'wife' and they didn't take him seriously, thinking  that it was a sort of joke or delusion.
The same bemusement plagued Adrien and Chloe as Marinette examined the label of a juice bottle. "Marinette," Chloe began. "How do you know Damian Wayne?"
"Oh Damian?" Marinette barely looked up from the bottle. "He's my husband."
"I'm sorry, your what?"
"Yeah, I know I still use Dupain-Cheng, but that's just for convenience since we technically don't have a marriage certificate. Also, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Al-Ghul Wayne is a terrible mouthful."
A knock rapped on the door during one rainy night. Bruce hesitated opening it at first, realizing that all his children were present in the manor. Stephanie and Cass had dropped by and had decided to stay until the storm weakened. Dick was back from Bludhaven. Even Jason was home for the obligatory family dinner.
Which led to Bruce wondering who could be knocking on the door.
He opened the door himself in Alfred's stead, since the butler was busy cleaning in the kitchen. On the doorstep was a young girl, shivering and wet from the rain. Bruce did a double take. Another one of mine?
"Good evening, Monsieur Wayne." The girl sniffed as her teeth chattered. "May I stay here for the night? It's a long story, but I'll explain later."
Bruce gave a polite smile. "Sorry, who are you?"
"I'm really sorry!" Her eyes widened. "I would've texted ahead of time but my phone died and I had no way of reaching Damian."
What did she have to do with him? "Damian?"
"Yes . . .? My husband?"
Before his brain could fully comprehend, the others' heads popped in, lured in by the sound of a guest. Jason and Tim let out a chorused gasp while Damian immediately rushed to get his coat to wrap around Marinette.
"Mon coeur, what were you doing out in the rain?" Damian protectively tucked her inside the large coat.
Marinette sneezed. "I got stranded in the area and the manor was the nearest place I knew and my phone died . . ."
He led her to the living room and the rest of the siblings followed in quiet curiosity. Meanwhile, Bruce was still standing dumbfoundedly by the door.
"I have a daughter-in-law?" He whispered to himself.
Marinette plopped down on the bed, holding up her hand to see the permanent mark on the back of it. So I'm married, huh.
Did she mind? Not as much as she expected. She had already given up on all chances of romance since she became swamped with guardian work and designing. Nonetheless, she still wished she had a choice on who she'd be bound to for life. 'Damian' was a complete stranger, one affiliated with a group of people she didn't know existed until the previous day. 
The door flew open just in time, and Damian was ushered inside by Talia. "It's time for you to consummate your marriage," the woman told them. 
Damian scowled, while Marinette deadpanned, "We're barely eighteen." 
Talia only shut the door and locked it. Their room was windowless, devoid of any other potential exit routes aside from the door itself. Marinette sat up and watched as Damian restlessly paced around the room in frustration. 
Her hand touched her earrings. Strangely, the League had returned her kwamis and belongings after the ceremony. 
"Damian . . . Right?" Marinette began tentatively. "What do we do now?" 
Damian's lips pulled into a thin line. "We need to escape." He crossed his arms. "I can take out about half of their numbers, but they might summon more people and we will not be able to handle them anymore." 
He looked at her. "Unless you can contribute?" 
Marinette bit back a smile as she held up her ring. "I take it you're familiar with the Miraculous?"
"The Black Cat," he breathed out. "We can take out this base in one blow." 
Marinette hopped off the bed, making her way to the array of decorative weapons on the side of the room. Why Talia even allowed that collection to be within their reach, she didn't know. "But we need a plan. I can only use Cataclysm once before I need to recharge." 
"We can target a weak point by the grand hall and I can take care of the ones who won't get trapped in the debris." 
Marinette nodded, picking out a rope dart (which had a similar feel to her yoyo) and a separate kunai. "I can support from the back." 
They talked about their plans in detail, even deciding to steal off some food from the kitchens and priceless artifacts during their escape. Marinette was surprised about how well they clicked together—Damian was blunt, but straightforward and competent. 
She figured that maybe it wasn't too bad being married to him after all. 
"Wait a second." Tim ran a hand through his hair. "So you blew up a base of the League of Assassins after you got married?"
The whole family was now sitting in the lounge room, gathered around Damian and Marinette, who had just changed into borrowed clothes from Cass and was now cradling hot tea. Alfred had also served snacks and drinks as everyone listened. Unsurprisingly, the news was already known to the butler.
"Cataclysmed," Marinette corrected. "Only the grand hall collapsed so it's all cool. Damian and I fought our way out until we reached the mountains."
"So that time when you went away to see Talia . . ." Dick looked at his younger brother.
Damian nodded. "I got married."
"Why didn't you tell us?!" Stephanie exclaimed.
"What are you talking about?" Damian pulled Marinette closer to him. "I have always talked about my wife with utmost appreciation and pride."
"What happened after that?" Tim leaned forwards.
"I got a teleportation Miraculous and dropped Damian off back in Gotham," said Marinette. "But we exchanged contacts so we can figure out how to go about our marriage."
Bruce cleared his throat. "Son, why haven't you invited her to a family dinner before?"
"She was not comfortable with meeting the family yet." Damian protectively placed his arm from around her waist to her shoulders.
Marinette ducked her head. "Sorry for that, Monsieur Wayne. We were trying to keep our marriage down-low."
As the family tried to badger them with more questions, Damian stood up with Marinette. "If you will excuse us, we need to get some rest. Marinette had been out in the rain for too long."
The couple retreated to the upstairs bedrooms, leaving the Waynes staring after them, still in disbelief.
"Holy shit," said Dick. "They're sharing a room?"
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Into the Unknown
If you're happy and you know it
(The sequel story that I will never do)
After a lot of debating over the ethics of leaving baby!Damian as a baby vs aging him up (and a rogue suggestion that they yank an alternate-universe Damian over right before he dies so they can all have their way), they decide to let him grow up naturally. In the end, baby!Damian is still a child and in the process of aging him up magically Damian would reexperience all of his traumas in basically a split second, which is just a lot of mental strain to put someone through. Beyond that, even after aging him up they still wouldn’t get the original Damian back, as the base person is so fundamentally different.
So, Damian basically gets to have a happy childhood with his parents and new extended family! Yay him!
I mean, sure, Damian has never truly known a world outside of the one he had been in, and his aunt and uncles are acting weird around him for reasons he can’t really comprehend, and his dreams are getting increasingly concerning and confusing, and his parents seem more quiet than usual even though they’re around more to hang out with him…
Did he do something wrong?
Meanwhile, Adrien comes from France to check on her and also chuck the Miraculous Box back at her in revenge. Marinette explains that she no longer wishes to do superheroing, but would be happy to help support him from the sidelines. Adrien is surprised, because she had been so interested like a year ago, but before he can be like “oh, good for you”, Gotham experiences its Giant Rogue Attack Of The Week and Adrien looks at the bats like Damn bitch you live like this? Gotham vigilante crew has now been adopted by a French demigod, congrats to them.
But, since Adrien is staying in Gotham, he and Marinette have to navigate this new dynamic between themselves where Adrien actually takes charge while Marinette is more of a healer character, staying out of sight during battles and only really cropping up at the end of fights to help victims and make sure her favorite Kitty doesn’t die. She has the condition that she will not enter a fight at all, as she refuses to leave Damian without a parent, and she will keep to it. So, Adrien is a little bit more careful, not wanting to risk it.
In that same vein, this old universe is still a cesspool of villains that didn’t exist in the original one. Joker, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze. And, as a Wayne, and a young one at that, Damian keeps getting targeted.
Until villains start dropping off the map. Under mysterious circumstances. And none of the bats can bring themselves to look into it. Because it’s much harder to brush off all of the deaths they have been indirectly causing by letting Rogues live when you know the person who has almost died personally. Even more so when that person that almost died is your little brother that closely resembles the little brother that you just found out ‘died’. When the person that almost died is the little brother that named that stuffed turtle you bought him Turtle because he’s too young to be good at naming things (and will never get better, because they had seen what he had named Alfred the Cat, and maybe the reminder just makes it more difficult).
In the meantime, Tim goes back to work as CEO and starts training to be a vigilante again. People at his job who hardly respected him before because of his age and the nepotism surrounding his hiring now don’t respect him at all after his sudden 6-month break. But that's just his day job, his cover. He's rich. He could quit at any time with very little repercussions.
When it comes to his vigilantism, if he works hard, he could get back into it in a few months, but he keeps watching his family members walk back home with bruises and cuts and more and he had forgotten just how bad it had gotten. Or, maybe he hadn’t forgotten, maybe he had just never realized, and his time as a civilian has altered his perspective.
But he has always been one to commit, and he can’t bring himself to sit by idly without helping, and it isn’t quite so dangerous when most of the major players have been forcibly removed from the equation, so he does it.
Until he comes back, bleeding all over the floor, yelling for Marinette, and Damian sees him. The kid stares at him with horrified, wide eyes. And it would be one thing if Damian didn’t understand, if it was something he would later realize was a close call, but Damian rushes forward to press his hands against the wound.
He realizes he can’t bring himself to do this to the kid.
But he can’t sit idly by while his family risks their lives, either.
So, he becomes a mechanic in this world, too.
And, with both Tim and Marinette off the streets, and Damian more or less safe, and a little bit of time where they get used to their 'new' lives…
Tim proposes. Properly.
They have a wedding. Damian is the little ring bearer. Adrien is a bridesmaid. After all of this time, after all that struggling, they finally get their happy ending.
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eclipsedrgn · 1 year
𝐄𝐱-𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
Pair: Batsis!Fem OC x Adrien Agreste Summary: After his previous relationship, Adrien began to love a girl that's mysterious and cold-hearted who turns out to be his ex-girfriend's boyfriend's sister! Warning: Dick (28), Jason (24), Tim (20), Batsis (20) and Damian (17). Marinette (17) and Adrien (20). Yes, I've aged up Adrien just a little.
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ADRIEN AGRESTE barely reminisce about his life, in fact, he hates doing it. He didn't like to stare into nowhere and thought about his mistakes, no, because he didn't like the feeling of regret. As a child hero, he made a lot mistakes, ones that would risk people's lives and he hated the feeling. He didn't want that feeling. Especially now, with the love of his life. (Y/N) (L/N).
The couple met in one of Adrien's adventure around Europe, after the defeat of Hawkmoth, the reveal of his partner who turned out to be his girlfriend, and then broke up with said girlfriend. Adrien decided to go on a trip around Europe to clear his mind where he met (Y/N) in London attending a meeting from her father's company.
They went on a date and kept in touch after that. (Y/N) moved to Paris after dating for two years, moving on from her life in Gotham where she retired her own vigilante act.
And now, here they are sitting in their home cuddling on the couch where (Y/N) gets a phone call.
Groaning, she didn't glance at the caller ID and answered the call. "Hello?"
"I had expected you to answer after ringing you five times"
"Damian?" she asks sitting up from the couch, "Isn't it early morning there?"
"No, I am in Paris visiting"
"What?! Where the hell are you and why haven't dad said anything?"
"I am here to visit someone. Not you"
(Y/N) deadpans and grumbles, "Don't fucking call me then to say your in France then tell me you ain't visiting"
There was silence before Damian mutters, "I just thought to let you know..."
"Dami... I'm not telling you to feel bad about this but you can't expect me to be nice when the last time you talked to me you told me you hated me being your sister just because-" she paused remembering that Adrien's listening to the conversation.
"Just because I quit" she finished quietly, "Goodbye Damian. Have fun in Paris"
As (Y/N) hangs up, Adrien placed kisses by her shoulder and neck relaxing his girlfriend.
"Who was that?" Adrien asks.
"It was my brother. My younger brother. He's in Paris" she mumbles into the blanket.
"And that's a problem why?"
"Because the last time we talked he told me he hated me... I quit a family tradition and he didn't take it nicely... because I'm technically consider his blood-sister"
Adrien sighs, even after all this years he still didn't know the full story of (Y/N)'s relationship with her family. He didn't bother pushing it because he loves her no matter what, and if telling the story hurts her he's not going to push it.
The next week, Adrien and (Y/N) made their way to his old high school for a little reunion. It's been a while since he's saw everyone especially since their so busy.
(Y/N) was talking to Juleka and Luka who just walked in when they hear a few gasps, looking over to where the crowd is looking they see Marinette and DAMIAN!
She grabs onto Adrien's arm who looked at the couple with wide eyes as well. "That's... that's Marinette"
"Marinette? As in your ex-girlfriend Marinette, who was your partner in crime?" (Y/N) whispers.
Adrien nods. "That's her with her new man"
Damian looks across the crowd when his eyes lands on his sister.
He blinked.
She blinked.
They both just blinked.
"Do you know her Dami?" Marinette asks in a soft tone.
"I... I- yes I do" he replied softly, "I'll be back Habibiti"
(Y/N) backed away slowly before walking away, Damian rushed towards her as he grabs her arm to somewhere private for them to talk. They stop at an empty classroom, awkward silence filled the air.
"I must apologize" Damian spoke quietly, "When you quit the team it completely threw me off guard. We've been fighting as a family for so long the fact that a missing sibling, partner would completely-"
"Dami" (Y/N) spoke quietly, "You've always knew I wouldn't be a vigilante for so long. I'm not Babs, Cass or Steph"
"I'm the Wayne girl who settles down, who starts a family. I'm not the Wayne who fights behind the mask for eternity" she defends.
They both paused hearing movement from outside the room. Damian grabbed the nearest possible weapon with was a vase, while (Y/N) resorted to using her hands. In a count of three, the door was open to reveal the Wayne sibling's partners standing by the door. Who coincidentally are exes of each other as well.
"Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?" Marinette asks, tilting her head in confusion.
(Y/n) glances at her brother who gave her a small shrug, Damian sighs. "Beloved, this is my older sister. (Y/n)"
"And this is the youngest of my brothers, Damian" she introduces to Adrien.
There was a pause.
The two exes blink at each other.
Then screamed, "WHAT!"
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intercoursefluids · 6 months
TBTSB Chapter 5 (Damian's POV)
This Gala could not get any worse.
First: A group of girls all decided to try their hand at touching him/ forcing eye contact. They were given a warning before they were escorted off the property.
Second: Grayson and Todd had started making bets with each other which never ends well at functions like these. So he left to find someone else to entertain him.
Third: Father and Drake were both greeting guests and he wanted no part in that so there went that idea.
Forth: Alfred and Cassandra were nowhere to be seen which, while unsurprising, was disappointing, to say the least.
And Final: A girl just ran into him and fell on her ass.
Again, this night could not get any worse.
“Oh my Kw-Gosh! I’m so sorry, I should have been paying attention!”
He places his now empty glass on a passing waiter's empty tray before extending a hand down to her.
What? Just cause he doesn’t like being touched doesn’t mean he’s a complete and utter asshole.
“It’s perfectly fine. I should have been paying more attention as well.”
She smiles gratefully as he pulls her up dusting herself off before meeting his eyes to, presumably thank him, before she freezes.
Both of them for that matter.
“Your eyes are beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like them.”
Her voice is barely a whisper, dancing softly in the voices surrounding them yet still crystal clear.
“If my eyes are beautiful then yours must dance on the edges of enchanting and divine.”
She blushes holding out to shake.
“It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Marinette.”
Taking her hand Damian bows low and presses a kiss to the back of it instead.
“My name is Damian, and I can assure you the pleasure is mine. Please enjoy the party.”
He straightens back up to see the guy behind her filming the interaction (mostly just her face).
Nodding to him Damian turns to walk away just to meet the gaze of his older brothers. 
Both of them filming the interaction, Grayson with a happy smile on his face and Jason with a smug smirk and-
Wait a minute.
Their eyes aren’t grey.
Why aren’t their eyes grey?!
“Well then, Mari. Are you going to let me help name your future kids this time or do you want to do it yourself again?”
A strangled shriek and slap followed by several people laughing can be heard.
“Shut your face, Adrien!”
Damian meets Grayson's eyes from behind his phone to see obvious concern from the older boy.
Todd raises an eyebrow, looking plenty ready to go grab his brother and take him home. And, looking at his shaking hands, he understands their concern.
“You suck so mu- Woah! Adrien! Your eyes are so pretty!”
He distantly hears a snort from behind him as he starts to put the puzzle pieces together.
“Not as pretty as loverboy’s eye bet. Wait. Mari my eyes are green, you wouldn’t be able to see them unless-.”
Damian spins back around to face her at the same time, both having come to the same conclusion.
“I’m going to take a guess and say that we are thinking the same thing right now.”
Damian mutely nods his head, walking towards her and taking her arm, slowly looking her over for the signifying tattoo.
There, peeking out from the fabric of her low-hanging backless dress is part of the League of Assassins logo and the tip of a bird wing.
He taps her hip gently looking back up at her face.
“You didn’t happen to have a tattoo here before we met did you?”
She shakes her head no, slowly stretching her hands out for the lapels of his blazer.
“Is it alright if I check for yours?”
Nodding his consent she slowly unbuttons his shirt with one hand moving his Jacket aside with the other.
She doesn’t have to unbutton his shirt very far before she finds it.
A threaded sewing needle wrapped in an insect wing resting directly over his heart.
“I’m going to take another guess and say that this wasn’t here before, was it?”
She gently rests her hand over the tattoo looking back up to meet his eyes.
“No, it wasn’t.”
She smiles up at him gently and begins buttoning up his shirt once more.
Almost instantly he misses the warmth of her hand over his heart.
She places her hand back over his heart once she's done buttoning his shirt much to his delight and he places his hand on her hip, right on top of where he knows his mark rests.
She reaches up with her other hand to hold his cheek, staring into his eyes with wonder, marveling at the color as a soft smile lifts her lips.
“Mr. Wayne! Smile for the camera!”
Marinette and Damian turn as one in the direction of the shout, Marinette's hand falls from his face as she turns but their position doesn’t change much more than that.
Several flashes go off temporarily blinding the newly found soul-pair in an attempt to get the first scoop.
Security immediately runs over and starts forcing the paparazzi (that somehow got inside) out the doors as Damain’s family and Marinette’s (probably) friends surround them to limit the pictures they can take.
“I’m sorry about that, Marinette. I don’t know how they got in.”
She waves him off, nudging the blonde guy in the side.
“Kind of reminds me of when Paris thought I was Adrien's girlfriend and stalked us across the entire city. That was a fun day huh?”
‘Adrien’ groans, covering his eyes with a hand.
“I thought we agreed to never talk about that.”
She laughs, directly in his face.
A single sharp puff of air that she leans into his space to make.
“You said, you hoped, and then you pretended that we had that conversation and that I said yes.”
He sighs, electing to just stay quiet.
“So, is anyone going to explain what happened or should we start guessing and hope one of us is right?”
Everyone turns to the blonde girl leaning against the guy with blue-tipped hair.
“Right, okay, Damian, these are my friends Adrien Agreste, Chloe Bourgeois, Kagami Tsurugi, and Luka Coffaine-Stone. Kids, meet Damian.”
Damian turns to his family, decidedly ignoring the ‘kids’ part of the introduction.
“Marinette, these are my brothers Dick Grayson-Wayne, Jason Todd-Wayne, and Tim Drake-Wayne, I have another brother Duke but he didn’t want to come. One of my sisters Cassandra Cain-Wayne, Barbra, and Stephanie both decided to stay with Duke. Our grandfather Alfred, and my father Bruce Wayne. My stepmother also decided to stay home, her name is Selina Kyle-Wayne.”
Marinette nods to his father about to say something before Todd interrupts her.
“Yeah it’s nice to know your names and all but why are you two still clinging onto each other?”
Marinette Looks at their position realizing that they still have their hands resting over the other's soulmark.
With a fierce blush, she reluctantly pulls away to just stand at his side.
“We’re soulmates.”
Damian nods along with her words gently taking hold of her hand and lacing their fingers together.
It's strange, everyone had always told him that when he finally found her that it would feel like finding a piece of himself that he didn’t even know he was missing but it doesn’t feel like that at all.
There was no missing puzzle piece or newfound feeling of wholeness. There didn’t need to be. He had always been whole, it just felt like he could be better than he was before.
“Congrats, Mari. I guess this means you can finally see green now huh?”
The one with blue-tipped hair- Luka, grabbed her attention from his brothers who had taken to passing money between themselves and slapping each other repeatedly on the arms.
“Yeah! I can see green now-...”
Damian turned his attention back to Marinette when she froze up her eyes going wide.
“I can see green now! Holy sh- wait a minute.”
She starts to run away from him before turning back, grabbing his collar, pulling him down to her, and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll be right back.”
She darts off towards the gardens again, leaving a stunned (and blushing) Damian in her wake.
He finally snaps out of his daze to his brother's loud laughter, and a hand shaking his shoulder.
He takes off after her, jogging slightly in an attempt to catch up.
“You can’t just do that , Marinette.”
As he chases her throughout the garden, trying to catch her as she practically floats from one spot to another he can’t help but think that he can see himself falling for her.
He’s going to fall for the bitch that stole blue.
And he’s not even mad about it.
Come Find Me In The Maribat Discord!<3
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette December 2022: 1-Ice
(NOTE: This was inspired by the 'Elation' trailer only-IF you are avoiding Miraculous Ladybug trailers, DO NOT READ!!!!)
Marinette smiled as her partner took her around the city. She had a grown to have greater appreciation for him. Chat Noir was always there for her. He was steadily becoming her best friend, in and out of the mask. Even when everything and everyone seemed against her at school, she had Chat Noir and Damian.
Marinette had never been happier then when her Nona introduced them. Damian had needed a bit of help with a project for his rivalry with his brothers. He proudly stated he didn't need her assistance and to go back to playing dress up. She had sneakily set up a booby trap in his room and made his life a living hell for three days until he gave up and asked for her help.
Marinette smiled fondly at the memory.
"Beg me." She spoke.
"What?" He shouted.
"Get on your knees and beg me." She repeated, "You wasted three of my days when I could have been working. It's your own fault; you're too prideful. Your revenge probably would have been finished by now."
Damian had glared at her and sighed. He got on his knees and his cheeks tinted pink.
"Please," he growled out, "help me with my revenge."
Marinette smiled, "Of course. So, which trap was your favorite and who are we getting first? Also, are we doing irreversible damage that is seen as childish and petty or all out war?"
"How many siblings do you have?" Damian questioned.
"I'm an only child." She answered.
"How do you know about traps then?" He asked.
"Bullies. One of them said they forgot something in my room. My parents let them up without my permission and they tried to steal my diary. Their hand was trapped in a box until I unlocked it." She replied.
"Effective." He responded.
Marinette nodded, "I had moved onto trapping my school supplies and locker. Someone broke in and was splattered with a glue and glitter bomb. The school got mad and tried to expel me. So, I took it up with the school board about defending my property and there were no locks. Our principal had said he updated the lockers months ago. They weren't happy with him. He was fired; turned out he had been using the school's money as his personal piggy bank. Lockers were updated and the person who got bombed was suspended. There's an internal investigation going on."
Damian smirked, "All that from a glitter bomb?"
"What can I say?" She asked, "When I get creative, sometimes it's chaotic."
After getting his revenge, Damian Wayne asked her out.
It didn't matter anymore if her classmates apologized. She was sure there was going to be a lot of changes after the internal investigation. She couldn't wait for the can of worms that was going to be unleashed that had Lila's name all over it. Lila Rossi made her see that her feelings for Adrien were too extreme. She deserved better than someone who let her get bullied. He never had her back, like he promised. Adrien Agreste had become a coward in her eyes.
"We're here, Princess!" Chat Noir cried out, gleefully.
'Oh, right; Andre's.'
Andre looked between the two teenagers, upset.
'Why are they together again? It will never work.'
"Look who's here!" he spoke, "Marinette, Chat Noir? What are you doing here?"
"We're here for your ice cream." Chat answered, "Unless you sell hot dogs."
"What a joke, this Chat Noir." Andre commented, as the two laughed, "But I am the glacier of lovers! Not the ice cream parlor of pranksters and good friends. You, Chat Noir, are in love with Ladybug and you, Marinette, are madly in love with Adrien Agreste."
Marinette just blinked. She wasn't sure if she had heard Andre correctly.
'Did he just declare I was in love with Adrien, in front of Chat Noir?'
Adrien felt his cheeks warm up under the mask.
'Marinette is in love with me?'
"You're wrong." Marinette spoke.
"Huh?" Andre commented.
"I'm not in love with Adrien Agreste." Mari spoke again.
"Yes, you are." Andre smiled, before making her sweetheart cone, "Matcha for his eyes and almond for his skin."
Andre smiled, smugly, as he handed Marinette her scoop. Marinette smiled as she took the cone. Chat Noir watched as she took a bite, before smiling from the flavor combination.
"My sweetheart cone for Adrien was pistachio and peach, but this describes my boyfriend perfectly." Marinette declared.
Andre froze in shock. Chat Noir slowly turned and looked at her.
"You......have a boyfriend?" he asked.
"Yep." Marinette smiled, "It took me awhile to see how cowardly Adrien was."
"Cowardly?" Chat asked, hurt by her answer.
"Yeah. There's this liar at our school. She's been bullying me, threatening me, basically gotten me expelled twice. Adrien told me it was fine she was lying to everyone and that he would have my back." She spoke, "He never 'had my back' when the people I thought were my friends tripped me, spilled things on my homework or designs, or spread lies about me."
Adrien felt himself shrink under her words. He had promised her, but....He couldn't risk his father being angry at him with Lila around. He had just convinced his father to let him quit modeling.
"If anything, that liar showed me that he wasn't who I thought he was. After that, my feelings for him faded pretty fast." Mari continued, taking another bite of her sweetheart ice cream, "I liked him because he was honest and kind; just not to me. Honestly, he's not for me. My Nona introduced me to a great guy and he asked me out."
Chat Noir gulped, "You-You sound happy."
Marinette smiled, "I haven't been this happy in a long time. He doesn't mind my rambles about fabric and colors. I can bounce ideas for fashion off of him and if I can't seem to design something right, he helps me. He doesn't even like fashion; but he's there for me. He sends me pictures of all his animals. Whenever I get close to being akumatized, I talk to him and he makes everything better."
"A-Akumatized?" Chat questioned.
Marinette turned to the miraculous hero and nodded.
"What? When? How?" he growled out.
"I've almost been akumatized several times since that liar came to school. So far, I've been managing, but.......my parents have started to notice them. I feel like they're planning on sending me out of Paris soon. I don't know if they will send me to Shanghai or if I'd travel with my Nona. I doubt they would send me to live with my boyfriend and his family, but my Nona might." she concluded, "She thinks of them as a second family, a very chaotic family."
Chat felt like he couldn't breathe. He couldn't imagine going to school as Adrien and Marinette not being there. He thought the high road would make verything better. Now, it seemed like it made everything worse.
"Your ice cream is magical, Andre, but you expect too much." Marinette spoke, "You can't force people to be together. Our hearts know. It just takes awhile for us to see through everything that we hoped to be true."
"What do you mean, Princess?" Chat questioned, ignoring the Ice Cream Man's glare.
"I once saw a future with Adrien. A house full of kids; three of them, but it wasn't real." she stated, "When something makes us happy, we want to hold onto it for as long as we can. It's hard to move on. We're scared of falling for someone again, only to be rejected."
Marinette turned to Chat Noir.
"Like your love for Ladybug." Mari smiled.
Chat sucked in his breath. She hadn't realized he had been trying to take her out on a date.
"I-I'm trying to. I really am. She told me she was in love with someone else. I have to respect her wishes, even if it hurts." Chat admitted, before quickly facing Andre, "Can I have a sweetheart ice cream cone?"
Andre looked between the pair. They truly were different people from the last time they had come to his shop.
Andre nodded and smiled, "Blueberry for their hair and bubblegum for their bubbly personality."
Chat Noir took his cone and gulped.
'Please, don't let her figure it out. I already know I waited too long; she's already taken.'
Marinette looked at him and smiled, "I hope you find whoever makes you happy."
"Me too." he answered.
"Thanks for the ice cream, Andre." Marinette smiled as she took another bite and began to walk away.
Chat quickly trailed after her.
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A Blue Bird and a Black Cat pt3
(Selina decides that Marinette would be better as the Cat than Adrien. Five years, later Dick is very confused about this Lady Noire)
ao3 previous beginning
"She's a criminal we should arrest her," was the only thing Damian could say on the subject. 
"Damian," Bruce warned. "The situation is a little more complex than that." 
"Besides," Stephanie chimed from the couch, "We're all criminals in one way or another. And she's a mini-Selina! Wouldn't be kind of hypocritical to arrest her considering the reason for tonight's party?" 
"Selina has proven herself worthy of our trust and redemption," Damian declared, "We know nothing of this 'Lady Noire' or her motivations. Did any of you knew of her before tonight?"
Selina sighed and surveyed the sitting room where her new family was gathering before the party. Damian was standing in front of the fireplace with his hands clasped behind his back. Glowering at everyone and everything, he looked like his father when something particularly frustrating had occurred, like the Joker escaping Arkham. Bruce was as stiff as steel pipe covered in ice, as he purposefully straightened his bow tie. He had been like that ever since last night. Duke was slumped in an arm chair rubbing his forehead as if he were fighting a migraine. While Dick leaned against the doorframe in an attempt to be casual, but one look at his face and anyone would think he was attempting a Batman impression. Jason was taking a swing from a flask, and, at a nudge from Tim, splashed some of the contents in his brother's coffee. Barbara would have shot them in a disapproving look, but she had been glued to one device or another all day typing furiously while scowling from time to time. The only people who seemed even moderately relaxed were Stephanie and Cass, who were both sitting on the couch. Well, Cass was sitting calm and serene, while Steph was lounging clearly enjoying the chaos Marinette had brought upon their slightly over paranoid family.
None of them had noticed Selina yet, so she was content to think fondly, If Mari was trying to create chaos, then she succeeded. When she stepped further into the room, everyone turned to look at her. So far she had refused to answer any questions about her first darling kitten, partly for her own amusement, and partly for Marinette's privacy. But now she felt the need to clear at least a little bit of the air, since Mari was guaranteed to be in attendance tonight. So she walked up to Damian with her fondest smile which she reserved solely for her kits and said as she smoothed Damian's hair and straightened his tie, "I have known Lady Noire for over fiver years. She was my very first kitten, and I love her just as much as I love you. She is the kindest, most generous soul I have ever met, and I trust her with everything. Is that not enough?" 
Damian scowled with a "Tt" and averted his eyes. Selina's smile deepened at how it was becoming increasingly difficult for Damian to argue with her. But she turned her attention to Barbara when she said, "I've been doing some research, but the only result I've found is from the Paris Incident, but not as a thief."
"What do you mean?" Dick asked sharply. 
"Well," Barbara said, "Apparently, there were a few times, and please note that this happened very rarely, when neither Ladybug not Chat Noir could come to the fight, and they sent in substitutes. Mr. Bug was Ladybug's sub, and Lady Noire was Chat Noir's." 
This got everyone's attention and they all looked at Selina questioningly. Her smiled turned mischievous when she noticed that in Barbara's analysis she had not realized that Lady Noire and Ladybug were the same person. Marinette would appreciate that so all Selina said was, "It's true." 
Six mouths dropped to the floor, but all nine pairs of eyes stared at her in shock. "Ah," she thought "If only Marinette could see the fruits of her labor."  But she stayed silent as she waited for the first one to speak. It turned out to be Dick was the most eager for information (she was not surprise). 
"How?" was all he said incredulously.
"When I went back to Paris to give Ladybug the Hawkbitch file, I noticed that Chat Noir was not...gentlemanly enough for my taste, and Ladybug agreed. I convinced her to give the Cat miraculous to Lady Noire permanently. Then after a long talk with Lady Noire's alter ego I decided that instead of the Jade Cat Statue that I originally wanted, I preferred her. We left Paris the moment Hawkbitch was arrested, and neither of us have regretted it since!"
Stunned silence was followed by a low chuckle from Jason as he took another swig from his flask. Tim just shook his head as he took a long dink from his coffee, but it was Damian who said, "Are you telling us that the one of the most powerful magical artifacts in the known universe is in the hands of a common thief?!" 
Selina smiled at the boy, "My kitten is hardly a common thief, Damian. I taught her everything I know, and she was quite the natural too. Besides she only steals what's technically hers. But I'm afraid I can't explain more than that. You'll have to ask her yourself."
"So she's really coming tonight?!" Stephanie said probably a little to excitedly, and out of the corner of her eye Selina saw Jason pass Duke his flask.
"Oh, most definitely!" Selina exclaimed. 
Some low grumbling began at the same time as some murmured excitement, but it was silenced when Bruce stepped forward and said, "Ladybug is a highly respected hero and leader by every member of the Justice League. In fact after the resolution of the Paris Incident, it was agreed the Ladybug should have an open invitation to join the Justice League whenever she chose. And she trusts this Lady Noire?"
Selina's smile deepened in satisfaction. There was so much in that statement that she and Marinette would have to laugh about later, but at that moment she said, "She hasn't taken the ring back yet."
Bruce nodded and smiled as genuinely as he was able when in a situation that he was extremely uncomfortable with, "Then I look forward to meeting her tonight."
And just like that the argument ended, as Selina thanked her fiancé with a kiss, and Alfred entered to tell them that the first of the guests were arriving. Selina couldn't stop smiling. Tonight her family was going to be made complete. 
Dick sighed as he took a long pull on his champagne glass. He had naively hoped that since this was Bruce and Selina's engagement party, they would think to liven it up a bit. But nope, it was the same dull and annoying affair as always, with the only mildly interesting thing being the arrival of the Kents, and some other disguised heroes. But since this was a public party for PR reasons, everyone had their civilian personas firmly in place, and those people who Dick could talk with easily had already been captured by the rest of the family, or were on missions. This meant that Dick was in for a long, long night, unless he could find where Barbara and Gordon went. Maybe then he wouldn't be so bored.
"Not your scene I take it," a voice said at his elbow, and dick jumped to see who could have possibly snuck up on him. He turned and standing at his elbow was a beautiful young woman. Everything about her had a classic elegance, from her slim black ball gown, to her glistening white pearls. He black hair that shone blue in the light was done up like Audrey Hepburn, and only accentuated her gentle features. But her eyes were what caught Dick's attention. They were anything but simple, or gentle. Her eyes were a deep, bright bluebell, that seemed almost too full. Too full of mischief and playfulness, but also something else that Dick couldn't put his finger on. Something that made her smile bright by contrast, instead of similarity. It struck Dick in a way he couldn't describe, except to think, "Well this night just got more interesting." 
"No, not at all," Dick said with a smile when he remembered to speak, "What about you?"
The woman shrugged, "Depends I guess."
"On whether or not I'm working."
"And what is it that you do?" Dick said as he swiped a glass for his new companion. 
She took with a smile and said, "Fashion. I'm a designer. Somehow when I'm working these parties become far more enjoyable. Probably because I actually have a reason to be there but oh well, c'est la vie!" 
"Are you working now?" 
"No, actually I'm here for personal reasons."
"Oh?" Dick said with a smirking smile, "May I ask?"
"You may but I think you already know the answer...Blue Bird," the woman's smile deepened satisfactorily as Dick's face dropped into a mask of shock and horror. She laughed into her glass as he sputtered and finally said, 
"Did you not recognize me?" She interrupted him, "Magic, it's designed to protect my identity. The only way you'd be able to recognize outside of the mask is if I told you the truth, or if you caught me transforming. It's a very handy piece of magic."
"Oh please! I've known Selina's identity for years. And when she introduced her fiancé as Batman, it was ridiculously easy to figure the rest of you out. Maybe you need some magic masks!" 
"Shouldn't be here? But where else would I be? The whole reason I came to Gotham was for Selina's wedding. She's my darling mentor after all, I'm not going to miss it! The vambrace was just a bonus."
"Still belongs to me! really you need to let that go, cause there is no argument on Earth that could convince me to give it back to the museum." She sipped her champagne again with a knowing smile and Dick glared in annoyance. 
"Stop finishing my sentences," he hissed.
"Then stop being so predictable," She playfully chided. "My name's Marinette by the way. Since you didn't ask. Honestly Blue Bird, and here I thought you were the nice one." 
Dick groaned running a hand over his eyes. Well, he thought, At least I'm not bored anymore, I'm just...annoyed! When he opened his eyes he studied her more critically, trying to see past her gown and cheeky smile. He still remembered the flash of something dangerous up on the roof, and the careless way she had teased him during their fight. Right now she was definitely that reckless burglar that had caught him off guard. But now that the magic and the mask was gone, the other thing was far less hidden. It was right beneath the surface, something dangerous and powerful that was testing him, with the teasing smile, and the laughing eyes. Dick didn't know what it was but it made him shiver, and want to take a step back, or maybe a step forward? He hadn't decided yet.
"Selina is in the main room. I'm sure she'd be more than happy to see you."
"Aww," she said with mock disappointment, "Trying to get rid of me already! But you hardly know me!"
"Then why do I get the feeling, that I'm going to need to start stocking my cabinets with aspirin?"
"And here I was thinking your brothers had already driven you crazy."
"Clearly not as crazy as you."
"Rude, but forgivable if you admit one thing?"
"And what is that?"
"That you like my dress."
Dick found himself fighting a smile as he involuntarily looked down at her dress again. He did like it. It was beautiful on her except...This is exactly what happened with Bruce, he thought. Literally exactly what happened! One night he's fighting Catwoman on a random roof. The next their flirting at a gala. I can not be him! Oh God! They're never going to let me hear the end of this if we keep it up. So schooled his features into as much calm composure as he could manage, before saying, "Why don't I take you to Selina?"
For some reason, that made Marinette smile brighter, and Dick came to a horrifying revelation. If he played her game, she was amused. If he didn't play her game, she was amused. She just liked seeing him react to whatever crazy thing she did or said. She really was just like Selina. It was fascinating. And very annoying. No matter what I do, she's going to be entertained! Shit! I can't win here! he thought.
Marinette opened her mouth to continue the game, but she was silenced by someone behind her shouting, "Marinette!"
The change that overcame the woman was so sudden and drastic, it made Dick flinch. One moment she was bright, confident, playful, the next...Her face had paled to the color of paper. Her eyes widened in sudden panic, as their light switched from testing mischievousness to startled horror. Her mouth lost it's bright smile instantly, but she fought to return it to a strained mockery of what it had been before. She turned and saw the woman who had called her name.
"Alya!" she said. Her voice was strangled with the attempt to appear cheerful.
"Girl!" the new woman, Alya, exclaimed as she rushed to hug her. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in years! What is going on what have you been up to?"
"Oh!" Marinette said waving her glass with jerky movements as she tried to appear casual, "This and that. What are you doing here?"
"Can you believe it! I graduate from University, and Lila hooks me up with a job at the Daily Planet. THE Daily Planet! Can you believe it?! I'm apprenticing under the Lois Lane! Eeee! I feel like I'm in a dream. Lila really came through!"
"Lila?" Marinette said, and somehow her voice had become even more strained. "Really? Is she here?"
"No clue! Last I saw her was at Lex Corp. Did you know she's an old family friend of M. Lex!" Alya threw up her hands in amazement, and Dick decided that whoever this Lila was, he didn't like her. "But enough about me," Alya continued clearly oblivious to Marinette's growing distress. "What about you? Girl, you totally ghosted us! We haven't seen or heard from you in ages! What is up?!"
Marinette cleared her throat, and sipped her drink desperately before speaking. "Umm...ahem...Alya do you remember our last year at lycée?"
"Girl, you know I don't!" Alya exclaimed with exacerbation. "I don't know what kind of magical, bullshit, PTSD, trauma Hawkmoth did to us, but I swear all of lycée and parts of collège are just...I don't know...like a blur. Our whole class is like that! Probably for the best right, I mean, God can you imagine remembering all of that bullshit!" 
"Hmm," was the only answer Marinette can give as Dick watched in silent shock, and concern. He considered stepping in taking the attention away from Selina's ward, when a voice echoed through the halls that had to be much more welcoming to her than anything else.
"Kitten!" Selina exclaimed as she rushed forward and she embraced Marinette. 
"Selina!" Marinette cried in obvious release.
"You're here!" Selina cried, "Oh! I'm so glad you made it! You've met Dick I see!"
"Yes we were just---"
"Oh. My. God! Marinette!" Alya interrupted, "You never told me you know Selina Kyle! Girl! You've been holding out on us!" Dick cringed so hard he thought it was audible. He had no idea what the relationship was between these two women, but Dick was hating it more and more with every second of Marinette being uncomfortable. 
"Yes," Selina said slowly, her gaze becoming deadly cold as she surveyed Alya, "Marinette is my protégé...and you are?"
"Alya! We're old school friends, I'm sure she's mentioned me before!"
"Hmm," Selina said, her expression the most thinly veiled form of disgust and murder, Dick had ever seen from the woman. "Well, you'll have to excuse us. Good bye." 
"Ok," Alya said completely oblivious. "See ya around Marinette, we really got to catch up!"
Marinette was silent, as Selina quickly rushed her away. Dick tried to disappear with them, but he lost them when they entered the next room. Dick emptied his glass, as he scanned the crowd in concern. He quickly decided that it was probably best that he not follow. Whatever had just happened, was clearly none of his business. But it had shaken Marinette so badly. The confident, crazy, aggravating, deadly rogue, had been shaken to the core by the sudden appearance of her "old school friend." And that disturbed him more than he cared to admit.
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He tried to push the thoughts away, but the longer the two women were absent from the party. And the more often he caught glimpses of Alya in the crowd, the more the questions and concern plagued him. In the end, he didn't see Selina again until after the obligatory rogue attack. It was Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. None of the family moved to do anything, since they were clearly just there to scare the rich assholes and wish Selina their congratulations. It was the friendliest hostage situation, Dick had ever been a part of. Naturally, their appearance, ended the party. Dick immediately went to his room, opened his computer. When Alfred called for breakfast he was still staring, trying to wrap his head around what the world called, The Paris Incident. But the people of Paris had a different name for it...The Reign of Hawkmoth. 
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kleenex-tissues · 1 year
Yours Truly (14)
AO3 here
Ch. 14: An Idiot’s Discovery
Marinette could pass away right now and be perfectly content with the impact she left behind on the world. Hell, she probably already had passed away because there was no way her life could possibly be real.
It began in the morning, when she checked her phone for the first time since yesterday. She wanted to stay up late into the night texting Damian, but the poor boy struggled as it was to keep the conversation flowing. It would be rude of her to overwhelm him with messages. She had learned the hard way that that was the worst possible route for making a guy like her back. Adrien’s place in her life was proof enough of that. Safe to say, she locked away her phone before going to bed.
Being the typical teenage girl that she was though, Marinette’s first course of action after waking up was to open her phone. Notifications popped up before her eyes at a frantic speed. They were almost unreadable as she struggled to keep up with the never-ending line. All that she was able to make out was that they were mostly from instagram and that a lot of people were commenting on a post she was tagged in.
Who could have possibly tagged her to garner this amount of comments? She hadn’t seen Jagged recently enough for him to justify a post, and Adrien would always ask for permission to post about her beforehand. None of her other friends ever reached this extreme of a response to their own accounts, save for Chloe, but she was on a ban from instagram at the moment.
Deciding to just bite the bullet, Marinette clicked on a random notification to be brought to the offending post.
The picture was definitely of her, except it wasn’t just her. She was accompanied by none other than Tim Drake, the billionaire she had just begun sewing a suit together for. Kwamis, she was on Tim Drake’s official instagram account. When had he taken this?
Tikki giggled maniacally as they took in the picture together. Marinette was kneeling before Tim as he smiled into her floor length mirror. Her face was pinched into focus, arms spread to measure the length of his in-seam. She was the image of gentle beauty. The light was making her eyes shine, and a pretty pink flush danced along her cheekbones. It was a rather flattering angle, considering her awkward pose.
Tim, on the other hand, was very obviously comfortable and pleased. She wondered then why he had seemed so relaxed, and she especially wondered why now. She had measured enough people by now to know that it wasn’t exactly a comfortable process. Stiffly standing in place for an extended period of time began to cause a couple aches.
He must have set up the camera when she stepped away to the bathroom halfway through because she did not remember him ever having his phone out. She had to hand it to him. He was sneaky. It was no wonder Damian seemed to have such a negative view of the celebrity. They were both from Gotham, so they likely ran into each other at least once, after all.
Clicking on the account, she decided she should follow him since he had brought her so much attention. And given that he had gone out of his way to find, commission, and tag her in a post, she figured she should at least look into his account, as well.
The first few posts were exactly what she expected – pictures of Tim in his office, candid photos from the occasional charity gala, and the typical proof of international travel. What she didn’t expect, however, was to find a picture of Tim posing with a very angry Damian.
Marinette needed way more context to this. She scrolled through the slides, seeing more of Damian, the siblings that Tim had gushed about, and even Duke! The caption made her heart leap into her throat.
Nothing like having the whole family together. A shame Damian can’t manage a smile for the gram tho.
Oh, Kwamis. No wonder Damian had such a strong opinion on Tim! The little brother around Marinette’s age Tim had talked about was Damian. Her Damian was the Damian Wayne, the youngest of Bruce Wayne’s brood and well-known for staying out of the public eye. How could she be so stupid?
She vaguely felt the touch of Tikki as the kwami shut the jaw she didn’t know was hanging open in the first place. Tikki was laughing even harder.
Marinette gasped, “You knew about this, didn’t you?”
Tikki avoided her eyes, and Marinette pressed her face closer to stare. Now the sweat was gleaning on her red skin.
“I-um, maybe?”
“Listen, listen,” she pleaded. “I knew you’d freak out, just like you’re doing now!”
Marinette turned and slammed her head dramatically into the pillow. She whined, albeit muffled, “I’m never gonna live this down.”
After a few moments of groaning, she stopped moving abruptly. Tikki panicked and rushed to meet the girl before she swung up and asked, “Wait, how did you even find out?”
“I may or may not have had the kwamis help me hack into your computer and run a background check.” Tikki looked very guilty before continuing, “And I asked Kaalki to teleport to Gotham and stake out the family.”
“Since when did you get so devious, Tikki?”
Said kwami stuttered and kept her eyes everywhere but meeting Marinette’s. “We just wanted to make sure you weren’t gonna get hurt by someone evil.”
All Marinette could do was sigh. The kwamis may not know much about human standards of boundaries and privacy, but they were genuinely trying to look out for her. That’s what they did. Marinette kept them safe at home and out of Hawkmoth’s hands, and they in turn, watched her back both on the battlefield and off. She couldn’t be angry. Tikki would never do anything purposefully malicious. That was against all she stood for as the kwami of creation.
Marinette held out her hand for Tikki to rest on. “It’s alright. I know you weren’t trying to do anything bad. You’ve just got to remember that social norms are a little different for humans.”
Tikki nodded in shame, but Marinette only brought her to her chest and cupped her against it in a makeshift hug.
“We’re sorry, Marinette,” Tikki whispered.
She smiled in return. “It’s okay. You didn’t realize.”
And they held each other in a warm silence, with only the sounds of Paris outside her window to keep them company. Birds, cars, street vendors shouting, citizens screaming–wait. Citizens screaming?
Marinette’s eyes shot over to the bright red text flashing on her screen, signaling an akuma alert. Leave it to Hawkmoth to akumatize an innocent person at 9 o’clock in the morning.
Tikki met her determined eyes, nodding. They knew what needed to be done. Her freak out over Damian could wait until later.
“Tikki, spots on!”
Ladybug and Chat Noir were racing across the rooftops towards the far end of the Seine. Roaming the streets nearby was a large and angry teddy bear that was sending the occasional laser beam from its eyes. The akuma was likely a child, if the chosen form was anything to go by. Straightforward akumas like this were the best, though. Given the simple design, there was nowhere to hide the akumatized object – a red ribbon wrapped around the neck of the bear.
“How kind of Hawkmoth to wrap our akuma up for us in a pretty silk ribbon! It’s almost like a present, m’lady,” Chat cheered as he ran beside her.
It was hard to keep in a laugh, but she instead offered him a sincere smile. Chat’s humor never failed to make akuma battles less tiring, but she couldn’t afford to let her guard down, easy fight or not.
“Let’s just hope this is as easy of a fight as it looks,” she teased back.
They were on the scene in seconds, going straight into their usual maneuver of distraction and capture. This time around, it was Ladybug’s turn to play the bait as Chat Noir wrapped around the back. Watching as her partner moved to hide in an alley below, she set to throw herself directly into the fray.
Standing on the roof adjacent to the akuma, she yelled, “What’s got you all worked up, little bear?”
A fluffy fist came flying towards her slowly, giving her ample time to leap to the next roof and out of harm’s way, if you could even describe it as harmful. She was ready to jump back and onto the akuma’s arm when suddenly the teddy bear was falling backwards into the Seine.
Her head turned to look at the alley Chat had been hiding in, only to find him standing there as dumbstruck as she was. If he wasn’t responsible for this, who was?
There wasn’t time to worry about it, so the superhero duo bounded into action and in the direction of the akuma. The stuffing was dissolving quickly into the water, the teddy bear’s lack of movement signaling its defeat.
Chat dove into the water and swam to the ribbon hanging loosely around its neck. Calling on his cataclysm, the ribbon disintegrated until a black butterfly came flying out. Ladybug was already on the move, and she swung her yo-yo to catch it before it could disappear.
“Bye-bye, little butterfly,” she sang softly as a now white butterfly released from her yo-yo.
As it fluttered away, she threw her yo-yo upward, shouting, “Miraculous ladybug!”
The little damage incurred to the city vanished with a swarm of ladybugs, tickling the noses of citizens and filling the air with a pleasant smell. It was a quick akuma. This likely even surpassed the record for their quickest take-down, but there was still something making her stomach sit uneasy.
Where had their assistance come from?
Scanning the water, she noticed something shining. A hint left for her by her miraculous cure, she assumed. Reaching in to fish it out, Ladybug’s hand grabbed onto cool metal. She pulled the object out, and a silver batarang sat nestled between her fingers.
Damian — 32 min ago
I saw the announcement online. Congratulations are in order. I have no doubt that you will win the Paris Young Designer’s Contest.
Yeah. She could definitely pass away now.
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Sunshine Twin of Gotham
Sunshine Twin of gotham by shadow cale
Izuku never expected to be born again after his final fight with his dad All for one. but here he is alive in another world with a new name 'Marcel' and with a cute twin sister who share a mind link with him, parents that will love him no matter what. even though having to fight an emotion terrorist is a bit of hassle, Izuku won't trade his new life for anything. ********************** Marinette loves and look up to her twin brother, when their mind link activate at the age of ten and his secret get exposed, she respect him even more for being a hero and saving the world, so when she get the chance to be a hero for Paris along her brother, she accept. *********************** the Twin went to Gotham to ask the bats for help in identifying Hawkmoth's identity, they never expected for a can of bean to be spilled. now they have to convince their protective Biological father and their protective siblings to help them defeat hawkmoth and not lock them in the manor so they could stay safe.
Words: 13801, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois, Max Kanté, Alix Kubdel, Lê Chiến Kim, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Mullo (Miraculous Ladybug), Batfamily Members, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Midoriya Izuku, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Jason Todd, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Tikki, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Damian Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Bruce Wayne, Midoriya Izuku & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Midoriya Izuku, Dick Grayson & Midoriya Izuku, Batfamily Members & Midoriya Izuku, Batfamily Members & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Max Kanté & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: multimouse Midoriya Izuku, Ladybug Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Protective Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, protective max kante, biodad Bruce
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45125797
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
brick by brick (if he kills him with one)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/M8wTI7q by Haybeecee, NoraAshryver, Nova_51_49, Strawhat_Pirate Adrien Agreste, fueled by caffeine and a desperate craving for adventure, catches Batman red-handed—or, well, bat-handed—taking out (read beating to death) the Joker at 3 am. With the bravery of a barista on his fifth espresso shot, Adrien volunteers to take the blame for the Joker's demise. #WhoopsIJustKilledTheJoker   Now, he's knee-deep in a mess of his own making (more like Plaggs) trying to maintain his 'killer' identity while making sure his dad's life in prison is miserable (because he deserves it) and admiring with the sight of the supposedly dead Jason Todd muscles. Where Adrien's new coffee addiction meets Gotham's wildest vigilant by accident. He regrets nothing. (Okay that’s a lie) Words: 3, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Miraculous Ladybug Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Multi Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain, Justice League (DCU), Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Gabriel Agreste, Jonathan "Jon" Kent (Superman & Lois TV 2021), Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Joker (DCU), Jim Gordon, Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley, Selina Kyle Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Jason Todd, Pamela Isley/Selina Kyle/Harleen Quinzel, Clark Kent/Lois Lane/Bruce Wayne, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne Additional Tags: SO MANY PEOPLE, This is pure crack, well except like two chapters, erm idk how to tag this forgive me, Adrien agreste is on crack, he’s a gen z, What Have I Done, I Will Go Down With This Ship, I REGRET NOTHING, I regret everything, bruce “touch my kids and ur dead” Wayne, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd Needs Therapy, Jason Todd is Red Hood, somehow a Twitter fic, Twitter, Batfamily Social Media (DCU), Social Media, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, Marinette Dupain-Cheng needs sleep, Tim Drake Needs a Break, they bond over coffee, I have no idea where this is going, Bruce Wayne Kills Joker (DCU), Until he doesn’t, he got the spirit, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Is Sunshine, The police knows the shit, Gotham welcomes a new religion, well more like a cult, but who cares, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug is Called MDC, bruce Wayne adoptive problem, Everyone is gay for each other, Rare Pairings, LGBTQ Themes, LGBTQ Character, AlleyCat - Relationship, Crack, Fluff and Crack, Crack Crossover, Angst, not a lot but some read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/M8wTI7q
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starwarsmum · 10 days
Officially halfway through the month 🥳 @maribat-calendar-events day 15 of Maribat BioFamily September prompt is Social Media Snafu
Marinette had awoken that morning with a sense of foreboding. Things had been going well for her ever since she had met Cass - a little too well apparently. And given that her good luck had practically imploded in the past two days, she was destined for some bad luck to balance it.
So when she saw that Alya had sent her a link to a news article, she braced herself. Had someone else worked out that she was Ladybug? Had Hawkmoth already found out and was on his way to get her right now?
“Marinette, perhaps you should read the article before working yourself into a panic?” Tikki said, making Marinette realise that she'd been thinking out loud. She grimaced at the Kwami before opening the link. 
To say she was surprised was an understatement and she groaned out loud before slumping onto her desk. Tikki hovered next to her, reading the article over her shoulder and gave a giggle when it became apparent that it was not a life ending problem.
_ _ _
Damian was in a good mood. His father had entrusted him with the task of making contact with the Parisian hero team and he had not only already accomplished this task, but he had gained the trust of Ladybug enough that she had shared her suspicions and theories on who was wreaking havoc on the city.
In the past two days, he had begun to work with her around her other responsibilities and was impressed with how far she had gotten in her investigation. And he had so far managed to respect her wishes not to share her identity with his family, as it wasn't entirely pertinent to their assistance.
So, yes, he was in a good mood which of course meant that something would come along and ruin it. This ruination came in the form of two of his older brothers joining him in Paris to aid in the search. Both Dick and Tim would be arriving later that afternoon and encroaching on his mission. 
He had argued the point several times but to no avail. And now he was getting messages from Jason and Steph, which he chose to ignore for now. He sighed, wondering if it was too soon to call Marinette and work further on their investigation. As it was only 10am on a Friday, she would be at school so he was left to work alone on it and face his brothers when they arrived.
When he got the text from Dick to say that they had landed in Paris, it was close to 3pm. He stretched and set aside the file he had been compiling on Gabriel Agreste, grabbing his phone to message Dick in return. Once that was complete, he decided to indulge Jason and Steph's messages. He was not prepared for the article that they had sent him.
Pyjama girl bags a new hottie!
Pyjama girl, famously known as Adrien Agreste’s girlfriend, has been seen this week in the company of another young, rich socialite. The pair were spotted at a hole-in-the-wall cafe in Paris, looking cosy as they chatted.
So who is this mystery boy, and how much of a threat is he to the young Agreste's relationship with pyjama girl? Well, given that he is the son of notorious playboy Bruce ‘Brucie’ Wayne, perhaps Adrien should look out. 
Damian Wayne is reportedly in Paris to do some work experience with his father's company but when seen in the cafe, they did not appear to be working particularly hard. And when approached by a Wayne Enterprises employee, the infamous ‘Ice Prince’ of Gotham was quick to dismiss them.  
Is Adrien in for heartbreak? Or was this an innocent misunderstanding? Only time will tell!
Beneath the article was a photograph of Marinette and Damian sitting at the cafe table with them both leaning into each other's space. The look on Damian's face wasn't one he had ever seen captured on film previously, and he had mixed feelings. On one hand, he was annoyed that the ever looming paparazzi had caught him speaking with Marinette, but on the other he was glad that the moment had not been lost.
Glancing at the time he groaned. It was not even half an hour until Dick and Tim arrived at the hotel, and doubtless that would have their own opinions on the situation, especially as Tim was a co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises. He didn't know how to successfully head off the veritable storm that was coming his way.
He decided to set the matter aside until confronted with it, but messaged Marinette to let her know he would meet her outside of her school. He did not expect to receive a reply, so was pleased when she sent back a confirmation followed by a smiley face.
Yes, in spite of his family descending upon him, today was a good day.
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