#Dark Knight Valerie
swtorramblings · 1 year
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From the journals of Valerie Yndera, Soul Hunter
Fray is beginning to disturb me. She says that this darkness inside is something healthy to bring out, but I see how she responds to requests for help, and now to a demand for payment. That demand was certainly unfair, but was she overreacting? I do hope she is all right, the powers she is drawing out seem dangerous. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually.
My hope is that by continuing to pursue her training, I can help her as she helps me. If she is, ultimately, helping me.
The soul stone seems remarkably quiet most of the time. The only times it seems to speak are when we do this bonding ritual. I'm not sure if that really is the soul stone, though, or of its significance if it is.
But the people we help have also started to react oddly to her. I'm not sure what to make of any of this. So many mysteries.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Ghosts are Dragons Art
Putting my ghosts are dragons art (so far, I will reblog with more if I make more) without being separated into the prompts. Hope you enjoy lol.
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Also including @radiance1 blob king dragon Danny & my Class Pulls a Tiamat Au. In both dragon & "human" forms.
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danny-phantom-slut · 2 months
heavy is the crown (12k)
A rewrite of Season 2, Episode 5, Reign Storm.
Phantom wins the throne through trial by combat.
Danny was in the middle of English class, head down on his desk in the back of the room, trying to hide from Dash and Kwan (it wasn’t his fault they were after his ass – well, okay, maybe it was his fault, because he’s the one that played multiple pranks on them, but still!), when he felt something in his core shudder. It felt like a wave – a tsunami, really – of ectoplasmic energy slamming into his core. Danny froze and tensed up for a few seconds, gripping his pencil so hard that it snapped, damn his ghostly strength. Then the moment passed, and the energy was gone. Danny immediately looked up, startling Star, who sat next to him. She gave him and his pencil a dirty look, but Danny didn’t pay attention to her. He was too distracted by the foreboding feeling in his core. It wasn’t the typical blue mist that indicated a ghost, but somehow, he knew that a ghost was causing his core to cower.
It was strange. Usually, his core reacted angrily to another ghost coming into his haunt, or it reacted happily to his friends being around, but never had it cowered before. Danny didn’t do fear, he got too much adrenaline from the fighting to even consider being scared.
Unfortunately, it was in that moment that Mr. Lancer called on him to read the part of Sebastian in the “Twelfth Night” by Shakespeare, forcing Danny to actually pay attention to what they were doing in class. Danny sighed as he picked up his book – “act two, scene one, Mr. Fenton,” Mr. Lancer said – and flipped to the required page. His core continued to shudder for a moment, then settled.
Danny started to read in a dead voice, “By your patience, no. My stars shine darkly over me …”
Danny Fenton and Valerie Gray were running as fast as they could – or rather, Danny was keeping pace with Valerie, trying his best to resist the urge to jump into the air and fly away at Mach speed. They both had good reasons for running; Valerie, from her stalker, Nathan; Danny, from Dash and Kwan, whom he had pulled multiple pranks on earlier in the day. Fenton Works was close, but up ahead there was an alleyway that was even closer. Danny and Valerie locked eyes for only a moment before hastily jumping into said alley, pushing each other behind the dumpster that gave prime hiding real estate. Except – there was already someone there. Behind the dumpster sat Sam Manson, one of Danny’s best friends.
All three looked at each other, confused. Danny shoved at Sam to make room for him behind the dumpster, sitting beside her. His recent growth spurt made it hard to pull his lanky legs out of sight, but he managed. Without a word, Sam pointed at Danny, and he shrugged, arms hugged around his legs. “Hiding from Dash.”
Sam pointed at Valerie. “Hiding from Nathan. You?”
Sam only jerked a thumb over at the alley entrance, where her mother, Pamela Manson, ran by. “Sammy-kins!” She screeched; her eyes were wide. She looked around, and Valerie ducked behind the dumpster just in time. Pamela was holding a god-awful looking dress; it was a pastel pink, yellow, and white. It had puffy sleeves, a frilled collar lined with pink hearts, and a ballroom-skirt with lots of pink, frills, and hearts. Pamela looked very distressed. “At least try it on!”
She kept running, going right past their hiding spot.
“Fair enough,” Danny conceded. “But we can’t stay here – my house isn’t far, and we can all hide in it.”
The three of them got up and quickly hauled ass to Fenton Works.
As they ran, Sam frowned over at Danny. “So, what’s up with this?” She asked discreetly, making sure Valerie didn’t hear. “Why are you helping her all of a sudden? After everything she’s done to Phantom?”
Danny knew what Sam was talking about. Valerie had become the Red Huntress in the last month of their freshman year, almost a year after Danny had his accident in the summer before and became Phantom. Ever since getting her ghost hunting suit, Valerie had been relentless in her pursuit of ghosts – and all of it was bad. She absolutely hated all ghosts. The Red Huntress was indiscriminatory and went after both the destructive ghosts, like the Box Ghost, and the local ghostly hero, Phantom. Not to mention that the Red Huntress didn’t care about keeping ghosts safe and alive (heh – alive, ghosts), and that she had the mindset of “tear them apart molecule by molecule,” just like Danny’s parents. So, Danny often had to save the ghosts she went after, only painting him more as a villain in her eyes.
“Well, she helped hide me from Dash earlier,” Danny said, picking his words carefully. He chose not to mention how he may have still held an old candle for Valerie, even after everything that had happened. “I’m just returning the favour. It doesn’t need to mean anything.”
“Well, just be careful,” Sam whispered, just as they reached the steps to Fenton Works. “The last thing you’d want to do is invite your arch enemy into your own house.”
His arch enemy was inside his house.
His father’s hulking figure, dressed in a neon orange and black hazmat suit, sat over a small chess table, his features frowning down at the pieces. For as much as Jack Fenton was a genius when it came to engineering, he was not very bright in other aspects of life – case in point, chess. His sister, Jazz, sat on the sofa reading a book on psychology. Her bright orange hair was pushed back with a teal headband that matched her pants. And his mother, Maddie Fenton, stood above both; she was wearing her teal hazmat suit with her red goggles pulled up over her eyes. She held a teapot in one hand, with her other hand on her hip. She glared down at …
Vlad Masters, otherwise known as the halfa Vlad Plasmius, Danny’s self-proclaimed arch nemesis.
Vlad sat across from Jack, hand on his rook, as he turned to face Danny at the door. “Ah! Hello, Daniel!”  He grinned maliciously; his voice way too chipper for all the devious deeds Danny knew he’d done before.
“Too late,” Sam muttered.
“You!” Danny said. “What are you doing here?”
His mother, who didn’t like Vlad anymore than Danny did, and was actually quite obvious in her dislike, ‘accidentally’ poured hot tea onto Vlad’s crotch. Vlad cried out in pain. Maddie narrowed her eyes behind her goggles. “Totally valid question, Danny.”
“Still steaming!” Vlad said, voice cracking.
“You have no idea,” Maddie growled out.
Vlad looked appropriately cowed, up until Maddie left the room, and he turned back to Danny with a smirk. Danny didn’t like that look on his face. “I was just, you know, passing through. And then I saw that marvelous battle suit –” Danny remembered the Fenton Ecto Skeleton his parents were working on, and just how powerful of a weapon it would be … if it actually worked “– and thought, since I can’t just destroy Jack and take it, I suppose I’ll steal its secrets right out from under his nose!” He followed up his words by flicking a finger at Jack’s nose, causing Jack to look up in confusion, too stupid to understand the threat.
Vlad and Jack stared at each other for a good long while, until they both burst into laughter at the same time, as if Vlad had just told a funny joke and hadn’t threatened Jack’s livelihood. They held onto each other like they were good friends and not estranged college classmates.
“Oh, I swear,” Vlad laughed, “I am such a joker! More tea, please?” Maddie poured the tea over Vlad’s head, not even pretending for it to be an accident, and Vlad cried out, “not there, oh!”
Maddie swiftly left the room, along with Jack, who followed her, looking lost.
Danny was quick to jump on Vlad now that his parents weren’t in the room. He got in Vlad’s face. “I don’t know what you’re up to, Vlad, but – well, no, actually, I do know. You literally just told everyone your plans. You’re going to try to steal the Fenton Ecto Skeleton.”
“That’s right!” Vlad snapped, “and say a word about it, and I’ll share your little … secret. I’m sure mom and dad would love to know their son is a freak and – ah, the young Miss Gray.” It was only then that Vlad seemed to notice Valerie standing behind Danny. Vlad’s eyes sparked red for a split second, so quickly that if you blinked, you would have missed it, thinking it was just a trick of the light.
Valerie blinked. “You know me?”
“How do you know her?” Danny demanded, feeling protective.
Just then, there was a loud beeping sound, coming from the bust of Jack Fenton on their fireplace mantle. The eyes kept flashing red as a warning. Jack rushed over to the bust, flipped the head up, and pressed the giant red button underneath. Above the mantle, the TV flickered to life, showing a black screen with “GHOST ZONE RADAR” written in bright red on the top, with a neon green grid below. In the middle of the grid was a giant green swirl, and in the corner, little ghost icons slowly encroached on the middle. It was obviously some sort of map – something anti-ghost that his parents had once again created. Danny had thought the bust was stupid when his father first created it, thinking it nothing but a conceited self-portrait – in the same way his father had to name everything “Fenton” such and such – but now it put him on edge. He hadn’t known it was actually some sort of anti-ghost tool.
“Galloping goblins!” Jack exclaimed, staring with wide eyes at the screen. “It’s the Ecto Exodus Alarm!”
“The Ecto what?!” Danny asked – no, demanded. He needed to know if this was something dangerous, something that could harm him or other ghosts. Behind him, his sister and friends seemed just as confused and concerned. Fenton inventions weren’t exactly known for working well …
“The Ecto Exodus Alarm,” Maddie repeated, looking just as frazzled as Jack, “or the EEA. It’s an alarm we attached to the sensors on the ghost portal, which are linked to this map on the screen. That right there –” she pointed to the green swirl “– is our ghost portal. And that –” she pointed to the ghost blob icons “– are the ghosts. The alarm can sense when large amounts of powerful, sentient ectoplasm encroach on the portal – and it’s only supposed to go off if we’re about to face a massive ghost invasion!”
Danny immediately looked over at Sam and Jazz. “Stall them!” He hissed, then he was off, running downstairs to the Fenton Ghost Portal.
Danny ran downstairs, pushing off the last step and doing a front-flip, transforming mid-air. Familiar blinding white halos flickered into existence at his waist, splitting apart and traveling up and down his body. His skin faded into a light shade of blue, his eyes flashed an ectoplasm green, and his hair was shocked white and started to float. His ears elongated into points, his canines sharpened into fangs, and his freckled started glowing and moving like the constellations. His clothes morphed into his iconic black and white hazmat suit; his boots a glowing white, and his gloves making room for his claws.
Phantom’s core pulsed excitedly, eager to face the ghosts (he couldn’t help it, fighting was just in his ghostly nature), making the room drop several degrees. Adrenaline was already flowing. Right before his feet hit the ground, he automatically started to float in the air, the natural state of ghosts.
Phantom sped toward the portal to try to shut it off before any ghosts could get through, but he was too late. A ghost flew out of the portal, a blur of blue and white, barreling into Phantom, pushing them further into the room … but it was just the Box Ghost. Phantom got up off the floor and reached for the Fenton Thermos at his waist, already laughing.
“BEWARE!” The Box Ghost shouted.
“Oh, Ancients,” Phantom said, chuckling. “It was just you?”
Just then, a bright green beam came out of the ghost portal, hitting Phantom and knocking him back several feet. He was still looking down when a large metal boot slammed in front of him, and Phantom looked up, only to see – “Skulker?” Phantom gasped.
But Skulker didn’t even look at Phantom.
“I told you there was a way out through here,” Skulker said. He turned to face the portal. Behind him, through the swirling green ectoplasm of the ghost portal, multiple heads popped out. Phantom recognised some of them – Ember, Lunch Lady, Walker – and some of them he didn’t recognise – ghost eels, ghost demons, and ectopuses. They all had one thing in common – they all looked scared. Skulker grimaced. “Now, save yourself – go, go, go, go!”
They didn’t need anymore direction. The ghosts all immediately left the poral – not just Phantom’s usual rogue gallery, but hundreds of unidentifiable ghosts, ghost animals, and even blob ghosts. They shot out of the portal like there was something chasing them.
Behind Phantom, he heard his parents cries as they got closer.
They could not see Phantom and these ghosts in their basement, or they would lose it.
Phantom grabbed onto Skulker, turned them intangible, and shot them up through the roof. As soon as they were in the sky and alone, Phantom turned to face Skulker, fists at the ready. “Now, what in the hell is going on –”
Someone grabbed onto his fists, holding him back, and Phantom looked up, surprised. He came face to face with Dora in her dragon form, with Sidney Pointdexter sitting on her back. Sidney frowned down at Phantom. “Phantom, I know this might sound a little fishy, but Skulker isn’t the bully here. Not this time.”
“Bully?” Phantom exclaimed. He backed off, floating a few feet away from Skulker. “What are you talking about? What is going on – what are all you guys running from?”
From the densely packed group of ghosts crowding the sky, Ember floated out. She strummed her guitar, creating a foreboding melody. “His name … is Pariah Dark,” Ember said. “The Ghost King and ruler of the Infinite Realms. Somehow, he’s escaped from the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, and he’s angry. He’s searching for something – but we don’t know what. He declared the entire Ghost Zone as his, though, and that’s why we needed to escape.”
“Pariah Dark? I’ve never heard of him before,” Phantom said. “How could one ghost chase out thousands of other ghosts? He’s just one person.”
“You misunderstand,” Skulker growled. “Pariah Dark is not just ‘one person.’ He is the Ghost King, in possession of the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire. With both, he has near limitless power. He existed long before all the other ghosts in the Ghost Zone even spawned, and he will exist long after we have all faded. He used to run his kingdom with an iron fist, until the Ancients decided he was a tyrant. It took all of them teaming up to finally seal him away in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep – and now he’s escaped!”
“The – the Ancients had to team up to defeat him?” Phantom thought about the sheer power Clockwork, the Ancient of Time held, just on his own, and then imagined that tenfold. And even that had barely been enough to defeat this ‘Pariah Dark’ guy? His throat ran dry.
“Yes, and now he’s really angry, and really powerful,” Ember said.
“You said he was searching for something – what? Maybe if we give it to him, he’ll leave the rest of you guys alone?” Phantom said, grasping for straws. “Because you guys cannot stay in the Living Realms. It’s not safe for you guys – not with my parents and Val – er, the Red Huntress around.”
“You think if we knew we would be here right now?” Sidney demanded. “Pariah Dark is just a big bully – even if we gave him what he wanted, he would just go back to being a tyrant.”
“Well, you guys can’t stay here –”
As if to prove his point, an ecto blast shot past him right at that moment, almost clipping his shoulder. Phantom immediately flew to the side to dodge the other incoming blasts. He glanced down at the ground, spotting his parents. Jack had a Fenton Bazooka hooked over his shoulder, and Maddie held an anti-ghost net, ready to throw it down over any unsuspecting ghosts that got close by. Phantom’s core shuddered angrily – how dare they try to hurt his rogues?
“Scatter!” Phantom yelled.
All the ghosts listened immediately, rogue or not.
“So, the equipment is to your liking? It functions properly, does it?”
Vlad sat on the edge of the building beside the young Miss Gray, who was dressed in her hunting suit and floating on her hoverboard. After the Ecto Exodus Alarm went off, it was easy to snatch the girl’s backpack while she was distracted, essentially cutting her off from her ghost hunting equipment. From there, he only needed to reveal that he was the one who gave it to her – providing information that only one who created the suit would know to prove it – and to share his “ghost-hunting” inclination to get the girl to trust him. From there, he gave the ghost hunting equipment back and convinced the girl to fly them out of Fenton Works to somewhere a bit more … private.
“Heck yeah!” Valerie exclaimed. She folded her hoverboard up back into her suit, sitting down beside Vlad and dangling her feet over the edge of the building. “It’s like you designed it just for me!” Then she paused, as if realising how creepy that was. “… Why would you do that? I’m like, fifteen.”
Vlad smiled – a soft thing, with wide eyes. “Why, Miss Gray, you’re the most capable ghost hunter I’ve ever seen! You’re smart, you’re fast, you’re strong, and most importantly – you’re motivated.”
It was like luring flies in with the sickly-sweet smell of the venus fly trap. Now he just had to close the claws before she could fly away. Vlad put on the charm, chuckling as he spoke. “Of course! Why else would I say such a thing? I’d have to be some sort of … diabolical villain to manipulate you like that!” Valerie stared at him for a moment, as if unsure about the joke. Then she started to giggle, and Vlad joined in. Together, they laughed heartily. Finally, she was in his trap. And now, to finish the plan … “And, my dear, it’s the reason I can trust you with this …”
Vlad put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a ring.
But not just any ring – it was the Ring of Rage.
It looked like a ghostly signet ring – it was a bright neon green, made of crystallised ectoplasm, and on the broad side was black obsidian, with an emerald inset skull engraved in the stone. The ring was magically enchanted to fit the finger of every person who came in possession of it, as well as giving a power boost to any ectoplasmic entity that owned it. The only nasty side effect was that it could also enhance the emotions of the wearer, sometimes causing emotional – and wrathful – outbursts.
Valerie stared down at it in confusion. “A … ring?”
“Not just any ring!” Vlad lied. “It’s a ring from my family, and it’s been passed down from ghost hunter to ghost hunter for generations. Made of the very ectoplasm that ghosts are made of, it’s virtually indestructible, so no nasty ghosts can ruin it.”
“I … don’t know what to say,” Valerie said, eyes now wide.
“Don’t say anything, dear – but please, let’s keep it our secret, hmm? We wouldn’t want anyone else to find out and try to take it from us, would we?” Vlad asked. He slipped the ring on her finger, grinning.
Valerie nodded. “I won’t let you down, Mr. Masters!”
Vlad chuckled darkly. “I’m sure you won’t.”
Deep within the ghost zone lay Pariah Dark’s keep. Once upon a time, it used to be a large castle surrounded by acres and acres of land, with a whole kingdom standing on the island. But after the battle between the Ancients and Pariah Darm, during which Pariah was trapped in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, the Ancients destroyed the area surrounding the castle, scared of the power and wealth Pariah had built up. The buildings and land surrounding the castle crumbled, leaving Pariah’s Keep isolated on its own small island in the Ghost Zone.
That didn’t mean it was now unimpressive, however. Pariah’s Keep was still a large concentric castle, well put together and not crumbling, resembling one castle nestled inside the other. It looked like something straight out of the middle ages, with a moat and everything.
Inside said Keep stood hundreds and hundreds of ghost skeleton soldiers, all dressed for battle and war. They all floated inches off the ground and glowed an ectoplasmic neon green, gnashing their fangs in excitement. At the head of these soldiers stood Fright Knight, an ancient and powerful ghost, the spirit of Halloween, and the Ghost King’s second in command. He had large and muscled body, adorned with black and grey full-body armour. His faced was obscured by a black helmet with a mohawk of spikes on top, which was only accentuated by the flaming purple hair and cape and flaming grey gauntlets. It was paired with his ectoplasmic sword called Soul Shredder, which had the ability to make ghosts fade.
A ruthless knight, Fright Knight was known to strike fear into the hearts of anyone he went against.
At the very front of the group of skeleton soldiers stood three unique ghost skeletons. One wore typical Roman armour, with a gladius at its side. Another wore a World War II uniform. The last one wore clothing typical of the Vikings, paired with a Viking helm and long braids. All had vicious fangs and canines, glowing red eyes, and long claws. They were the generals of the skeleton army.
“Your armies are amassed?” Fright Knight asked. The three skeleton generals all saluted Fright Knight, silent but sure. Fright Knight grinned. “Then, on my orders –”
“On my orders,” a loud, booming voice said from behind.
Fright Knight spun around, surprised. Fright Knight was a looming eight feet tall, but Pariah Dark absolutely towered over the Fright Knight at almost twenty feet tall. Pariah was a large, well-built ghost, with a white face outlined by a red helmet. He wore an eye-patch over his left eye and had a scare over his right. Pariah also had a gorgeous mane of long, green hair, and a braided green beard. He had two grey horns on either side of his head, the left of which was broken. His outfit consisted of black full-body armour, with grey shoulder guards, boots, and gauntlets, and he had a green belt with a metallic circular buckle with a green skull in the middle. At his waist was his sword, Reaper, which had the power of absorbing ghostly cores to enhance his power. And on his head sat the Crown of Fire, a beautiful piece of craftsmanship. It was made of crystallised ectoplasm infused with the power of Pariah’s core, lighting it on fire eternally. It was supposed to be paired with the Ring of Rage, which would have sat on his left-hand ring finger, but …
“Go to that world,” Pariah demanded, baring his razor-sharp teeth, “bring the Ring of Rage to me, and to those that stand in your way – show them no mercy!”
“Dude, you okay?” Tucker asked, looking concerned. In the fluorescent lights of the cafeteria, Danny looked dead … well, deader than usual. His features were gaunt, skin impossibly pale, with large circles under his eyes. Danny gave Tucker a deadpan stare, and Tucker blushed. “Sorry, standard question. Late night?”
“Of course, it was a late night. Every ghost I know – and about a million I don’t – are loose in the Living Realm and there wasn’t a single thing I could do about it, because apparently, they’ve been kicked out of the Ghost Zone by some maniac Ghost King who wants the entire Zone to himself! And instead of having to fight them, I had to protect them from my parents all night, who were trying to capture them for experimenting!” Danny exclaimed, getting more and more frustrated as he went on. He threw his hands out in helplessness. “Not to mention, I couldn’t sleep because my arch enemy was in the guest room next to me.”
“My parents sleep in the bedroom next to me,” Sam offered. At Danny’s glare, she shrugged. “I mean, it’s not the same, but I can’t sleep either.”
Danny was about to retort – no, it was not the same thing at all, especially since Sam didn’t need to worry about her parents ripping her apart molecule by molecule – when behind him, he heard: “Oh hey, Danny.”
Danny immediately plastered a smile across his face, just for the sake of things. “Hey, Val.”
“‘Hey, Val’?” Tucker repeated, looking unimpressed. He turned to Sam, jerking a finger over at Valerie. “Isn’t that the same ‘Val’ who’s usually on a jet sled trying to kill Danny?”
“Yup,” Sam said, voice sarcastic, “and apparently, next week, we’re having cookies with Skulker!”
“You might want to … uh, bag-lunch-it outside,” Valerie said, looking concerned for something Danny couldn’t fathom. She, too, didn’t look too good that day. She had large bags under her eyes, her hair was frizzy, and her outfit seemed ill put-together, as if she hadn’t had time to look at what she was putting on before leaving the house. One thing that struck Danny as odd was the green and black ring she wore – Valerie had never been one to wear jewelry, even when popular. But then Valerie started speaking again, distracting Danny. “This isn’t exactly the safest place for you right now.”
“What makes you say that?” Danny asked, confused.
Just then, he felt two large presences approach behind him. Danny sighed.
“Hey, Fenturd!” Dash said, grinning down at Danny maliciously. His stupid blond hair was styled perfectly with gel, and he wore his football jacket, like he did the other three-hundred-sixty-five days of the year. “Guess what? There are no teachers around to protect you now.”
“Dash, take a hike, will you?” Danny snapped. His core pulsed angrily, wanting to freeze the jock in a block of ice – but that was a big no-no. Not if he wanted to keep his identity as Phantom a secret, and if he wanted to stay as a hero instead of a villain. When Dash didn’t budge, Danny frowned. He resisted the urge to bare his fangs. “I’m way too tired to put up with you! Besides, shouldn’t you be failing a test, kicking a puppy, or beating up someone weaker than you right now?”
“Come to think of it? Yeah! And guess what? You’re weaker than me!”
Dash went to throw a punch, but at the last minute, Danny went intangible, letting the fist fly right through his chin. Dash stumbled from the motion of the punch, not expecting to not hit anything. For a solid few seconds, everyone in the cafeteria stood stalk still. Dash looked down at his fist like there was something wrong with it. While everyone was distracted, Danny discreetly shot an ecto-beam at Dash’s shoes. Ectoplasm had highly acidic properties, was extremely corrosive and, at high enough temperatures – like, per say, a ghost’s ecto-blast – could melt things. Danny’s ecto-beam easily melted the plastic of Dash’s shoes to the ground. Luckily, no one noticed.
When Dash finally regained his wits, he growled. “Oh, that’s it, Fenturd!”
But when he went to take a step forward, his shoes stuck to the tiles, making him trip and fall to the ground. Danny was quick to take his chance, and he ran away from the cafeteria while Dash was incapacitated. Behind him, his friends ran after him. They only came to a stop once they reached the bleachers in the back fields, far enough away – and hidden behind the bleachers – for no one to see them.
“That was sweet!” Tucker said, out of breath from running after Danny.
“Is it?” Sam asked, putting her hands on her hips. She, too, was slightly out of breath. Danny rolled his eyes, his core sending out static annoyance. They’d already had this argument before; Sam didn’t believe in Danny using his powers for anything other than hero work, but Danny tried to get her to understand that he was literally a ghost – or, well, half-ghost – and that using his powers casually, even for mischief (especially for mischief) was in his ghostly nature. “I know Dash is a jerk, but what if he saw something?”
“He’s not going to see something,” Danny dismissed. “If no one has noticed anything for the past year and a half, no one is going to notice anything now. Besides, I’m tired of getting kicked around all the time. It’s time I do something for myself!”
Sam’s expression twisted into something Danny couldn’t read, but Danny wasn’t willing to argue with her about this, so he turned away.
The large ghost had commanded the skeleton ghosts to “find the King’s ring,” whatever that meant. Ghosts were always doing insensible things, courtesy of their cores and obsessions driving them to far extremes. They just weren’t capable of higher, intelligent thought. Besides, Maddie was too busy trying to get Jack out of the Fenton Ecto Skeleton pants to focus on what the ghosts were looking for. The Fenton Ecto Skeleton pants, which were draining Jack of his energy, using him as a battery to charge the machine. It was a scary thought, being a battery and potentially being burned out.
If only there were some other sources of energy, something that was naturally occurring and had large amounts of power – like a ghost’s core! Hmm …
The army of mindless ghost skeletons swarmed Amity Park. They marched through the streets, throwing and breaking cars, cutting fire hydrants, pulling parking meters, crashing storefronts, and causing immeasurable property damage. They searched through apartments, stores, and more. They even chased after humans, determined to find their King’s Ring of Rage.
“Those poor humans,” Sidney Pointdexter said. He was hiding out on the roof of one of the many apartment buildings in Amity Park. He turned the gaggle of ghosts behind him, who didn’t look nearly as concerned as him. “They’re being overrun by ghost bullies!”
“Oh, who cares about them!” Ember scoffed. “That is the Ghost King’s crew, which means he’s on his way here! And did you hear what Fright Knight said? They’re looking for his ring!”
“A ring that we do not have,” Skulker said. “Which means when Pariah Dark comes through that portal, he will not hesitate to set Fright Knight on us, whether we have what he wants or not. So, we have to camouflage ourselves.” He turned to the streets of Amity Park, where a hoard of humans was running from the ghost skeletons. He grinned. “And you hear that? That’s confusion and panic, which means it’s the perfect time to find our hiding places.”
Behind him, the ghosts smiled.
The screen showed a pretty woman with orange hair and teal eyes, dressed in a pink dress with matching earrings. She shuffled her papers in front of her, professional as always, despite her shaking hands. “Hello, this is Tiffany Snow, with Action News! And tonight, we are covering the Ghost Emergency Broadcasting System, or the GEBS. Amity Park is in the midst of a massive ghost attack! Sources say that while the attacks have been happening for over several hours, and there has been numerous property damage –” the screen showed multiple ghost skeletons flipping a car over, and other clips from the news station “– no humans have been seriously harmed. There are no reported injuries or fatalities. And now here’s Lance Thunder, with the ghost weather.”
“As you can see, we have random ghost activities in restaurants, malls, and this box store.” Action News showed a brief clip of the Box Ghost haunting the box store, shouting “BEWARE!” at any approaching humans, but running at the sight of the ghost skeletons. “If you look to the West, you can see a huge wave of ghost skeletons heading from the center of town toward Casper High. All parents are advised to immediately pick up their children and run – run for your lives! No! NO –”
Maddie gasped as she saw the news reporter overrun by ghost skeletons in their news station.
No injuries or fatalities, her ass.
She needed to go get Danny and Jazz – right away!
What was Plasmius doing in the school? Was Danny’s only thought when he first saw him.
He was quick to escape from his friends and the rest of the student body by running into a janitor’s closet and transforming into Phantom. The familiar white halos appeared within seconds, and Phantom turned intangible and flew through the school, chasing after Plasmius, all the way to the football field. When Plasmius finally landed and stopped, Phantom bared his fangs and readied an ecto-blast. “What do you want, Plasmius?” He demanded. He knew he could kick Plasmius’ ass ten ways to Sunday if he wanted to – and man, did he want to – but right now, he needed answers.
“Calm down, Phantom!” Plasmius scolded. “I didn’t come here to fight you; I have other things to worry about!”
The sound of a horse, and the stomping of hundreds of feet, interrupted the two. Both turned, eyes wide, as they saw Fright Knight riding atop a black horse with large, bat-like wings. It had massive canines, like a sabre-tooth tiger, and had glowing red eyes. Behind it came a rushing skeleton army, all dressed in a mix of modern military uniforms, Roman armour, and Viking-esque armour.
Fright Knight plowed through the football field on his ghostly pegasus, wielding Soul Shredder. Phantom knew full well what the sword could do – and how it could made ghosts fade – so he dodged immediately, flipping away through the air as Fright Knight swung the six-foot long blade. Unfortunately, the football goal post was in the way, and was easily cut in two. Phantom landed on the ground, ducking and rolling, and jumped back up right in front of several ghost skeletons. He was quick to shoot a powerful ecto-blast at the first one, then punched the next one that got too close. It went down like a sack of potatoes, the bones collapsing in on themselves. A blue mist escaped from his mouth, and he turned just in time to see the sword of a Viking ghost skeleton coming down – only for a pink ecto-blast to destroy it, saving Phantom.
Phantom turned to Plasmius, who had shot the ecto-blast. He was baffled. “You’re helping me?”
Before Plasmius could say anything, he was grabbed by the front of his suit by Fright Knight, lifted off the ground. Plasmius may have been six feet tall, but Fright Knight was eight – and atop a horse. Fright Knight growled. “The King’s ring – return it!” He demanded.
Ring – they were looking for a ring? Phantom knew about Pariah Dark from the other ghosts, but they had originally not known what Pariah was looking for. Was he really causing all this fuss for a ring?
“I don’t have it!” Plasmius snapped. “But, if you join me, perhaps we could –”
Just then, a large red ectoplasmic blast shot at Plasmius and the Fright Knight, effectively knocking Fright Knight off his horse and Plasmius several feet behind. From the sky, the Red Huntress descended on her hoverboard, carrying her blaster over her shoulder. “Guess what everybody?” She yelled, “the best ghost hunter in Amity Park is here! And that means you’re –” she pointed to the ghosts “– about to get your ass handed to you!”
Plasmius staggered to his feet, whispering to Phantom, “she really is quite good at this.”
“She also thinks we’re the enemy!” Phantom hissed.
“… Good point,” Plasmius said.
The Red Huntress swerved down to the field, hovering in front of Phantom. She aimed her blaster directly at him. “Alright, ghost,” she spat, as if talking to him physically disgusted her. “What’s going on here?”
“It’s, uh, kind of hard to explain right now!” Phantom said. “Wait, look out –”
The Fright Knight got up and was back on his pegasus, charging straight toward Phantom and the Red Huntress. The skeleton ghost army followed behind him. Before they could get too close, Plasmius shot up and made multiple duplicates of himself, using them to shoot down the incoming skeletons. He protected Phantom and the Huntress. The Red Huntress, though her mask covered her face, still looked visibly confused. “Uh … thanks?”
“You’re welcome,” Phantom said. He floated out of line of her blaster. “Look, I know this is going to be hard to believe –” behind him, Plasmius was body-tackled by Fright Knight “– but right now, that guy is the problem right now, not Plasmius. And I could really use your help to get rid of him.”
“I still don’t trust you,” the Red Huntress said, “Or your spooky friend.”
“You don’t have to trust me!” Phantom yelled, “just fight with me! Or else the entire Living Realm is going to be overrun with ghosts and a rabid Ghost King forever!”
Phantom held out his hand for the Huntress to shake, and after a moment of hesitation, she took it.
Phantom grinned.
Together, the two flew in to save Plasmius. Phantom shot multiple quick-fire ecto-blasts, while the Red Huntress used her blaster. The Fright Knight was pushed back several feet by all the blasts, and the unlikely team – two halfas and a ghost hunter – continued to fight. They must have taken out hundreds of ecto-skeletons, with Phantom and Plasmius focusing solely on the Fright Knight, making sure Soul Shredder didn’t hit anyone, before Fright Knight seemed to finally snap. “You fools!” He growled. “All I wanted to do was seize the Ring of Rage and return to Pariah Dark’s Keep. But now you give me no choice. By the authority vested in me by my King –” Fright Knight took Soul Shredder and stabbed it into the ground, until only three feet of the blade was left in the open “– I claim this town, now and forever under the banner of Pariah Dark, the King of all Ghosts!”
From the blade, an ectoplasmic green light shot upward into the sky, changing the skyline to greens of the Ghost Zone. Amity Park shook as if under attack from an earthquake. Cracks appeared in the ground, surrounding the entire town, and all the skeleton ghosts stopped moving. A huge, green-like dome descended upon Amity Park, separating it from the outside world. Then, finally, Fright Knight stood before Soul Shredder and spoke. “The sword is sunk, the die now cast. The sword removed shall signal fast, make reappear the ring thou hast, or your next day shall be your last.” And with that, Fright Knight disappeared into thin air.
“Again, with the ring!” Phantom said. “Where is this ring he’s talking about?!”
He glanced over at Plasmius, suspicious.
Plasmius only shrugged with a small smile.
Phantom’s eyes narrowed.
On the screen sat the pretty woman from before. Her hands were no longer shaking, probably from the fact that she was in a new studio and away from the ghost skeletons. “Welcome back, to the big scary town watch! Otherwise known as Ghost Emergency Broadcasting. I’m Tiffany Snow! We’re in our fourth hour of captivity, and tenth hour of ghost invasion. Amity Park remains cut-off from the outside world. With more on that, outside the safety of our studio is our very own weatherman, Lance Thunder! Lance?”
The station cut to a view of the outskirts of the dome, with Lance Thunder in front of the camera. His blond hair was styled perfectly once again, clearly having been fixed since being overrun by ghosts. His suit, however, was still rumpled from earlier.
Lance didn’t seem to realise he was on air yet.
“Why the hell do I have to be here, I’m a weatherman, for the love of – oh!” Lance finally noticed the person behind the camera making cutting motions with their hands. He plastered a wide smile on his face. “Tiffany! Despite the odd circumstances, an eerie calm has fallen over Amity Park, with the ghost skeletons having stopped attacking. Unfortunately, emergency teams are still having no luck in piercing the dome surrounding Amity Park.” Behind him, there was a giant metal drill, with several volunteers in hazmat suits manning the machine. They attempted to drill through the dome, but it only sparked and made the drill blow up, causing the volunteers to run away, screaming. “It seems to be made of some sort of electrically charged ectoplasm, which is why everyone is advised to stay away from the outer edges of the dome, lest they be shocked or hurt. Wishing he had taken that job in Chicago, this is Lance Thunder, Action News, out!”
Danny and Valerie, who had been watching the news on the Fenton TV, turned to each other with matching looks of concern. They were currently hunkered down in the basement of Fenton Works, with carbon-steel enforced metal walls and anti-ghost tools up the wazoo. If there was anywhere safe to be in a ghost invasion, then this was it.
Behind the two teenagers, Maddie and Vlad worked tirelessly to finish the Fenton Ecto Skeleton. Even Vlad, who usually wore pristine suits and had his hair gelled back, was now wearing overalls and work boots, and his hair was pulled back in a high bun to keep it out of his face. Jack would have been helping his wife and friend, if he hadn’t still been too drained and ill from using the Fenton Ecto Skeleton pants earlier, protecting Maddie and Vlad from Fright Knight. The pants had literally drained the strength and energy from his body to charge the suit, and he was paying the price.
“This suit is the only hope we have to punch through that ghost dome,” Maddie said, welding a piece of the suit together. She took a step back to admire her work, and she pulled her goggles up and over her head to reveal her blue, almost purple eyes. “But I still don’t think we’ll be able to perfect the neural receptors. The suit simply needs a lot of energy, and we don’t have a battery powerful enough to substitute.”
“Which is why I’ll wear the suit,” Jack said. He was sitting over by a lab work bench, ice pack on his head to ease his raging migraine. “If anybody is going to beat that ghost back into the Ghost Zone, it’s me!”
He stood, as if making a point, but almost immediately became dizzy. He groaned.
“No, Jack!” Maddie scolded. “Look at you! You’re still wiped out from the last time!”
Danny grinned as he leaned over to whisper to Vlad, who was still under the Fenton Ecto Skeleton, tinkering with the bolts. “It kills you, doesn’t it? How much they love each other?”
“I have other things to worry about!” Vlad snapped. “And … so do you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
But Vlad was already turning back to the suit to tinker some more.
Valerie decided to get away from … whatever weirdly charged tension was between Danny and Vlad and headed back upstairs in Fenton Works. In the living room, though it was scattered with open wires, various ecto-guns, and had ectoplasm stains everywhere, it was still a somewhat cosy place, if only because the furniture was all over two decades old, there were multiple blankets, and the TV was one of those old box television sets from the seventies.
Still hurt from the ghost fight earlier against – what was it Phantom called him? Fright Knight? – Valerie was quick to take a seat on the couch in from of the TV, sighing into the soft cushions. Sam and Tucker were also in the living room – when were they not at Fenton Works or around Danny? – and Tucker looked over at her, concerned. “You feeling any better?” He asked.
“A little,” Valerie admitted, “though I’m surprised you care.” And she was surprised. Sam and Tucker seemed to hold a grudge against her since day one. “You guys don’t like me very much, do you?”
“Well, we don’t know you very much,” Sam said snidely. She crossed her arms, frowning; Tucker also looked over Valerie with a critical eye. “And honestly, you used to be pretty mean to us when you were still hanging out with the A-listers, like Paulina and Dash. You think we’re going to just start hanging out with you without wondering what you want? And what you’re going to do with that obviously ecto-infused ring?”
“What I want?” Valerie asked. “I don’t want anything from you guys. And the ring officially falls under the category of none of your –”
Before she could finish, Danny skipped up the steps behind them, almost like he was flying. He smiled when he saw Valerie, and Valerie smiled back at him. She couldn’t help it – he was cute! With his tousled black hair and baby blue eyes, anyone would think he was adorable. “Hey, guys!”
Sam’s eyes narrowed. She leapt off the couch to storm up to Danny, grabbing him by the forearm. “Can I talk to you for a second?” She asked, before not even listening to him and dragging him off to the nearest closet. On the way, she also grabbed Tucker. She locked eyes with Valerie, right before slamming the closet door closed behind her, cutting Valerie off from the group.
Valerie glared after her.
In the closet, Sam turned the light on, so at least two of the three could see something. Danny didn’t need it because he was a ghost, and ghosts could naturally see things in the dark. All three sat in a cramped circle, surrounded by spare hazmat suits and winter boots.
“Yo, dude!” Tucker said, almost immediately. “You do know that the minute you turn into Phantom, she’s going to shoot first and ask questions never, right?”
“She’s not going to find out!” Danny dismissed.
“How do you know she’s not snooping right now?” Sam demanded. She leaned in, worried. “What if that ecto ring on her finger is some sort of ghost detection device?”
“Wait – ring? What ring?” Sam only rolled her eyes and pointed at the door. Danny turned intangible and invisible and peeked his head out from the closet, spying on Valerie, who was still sitting on the couch and watching the news on their older-than-dinosaurs television set. He spotted a green and black ring on her finger, and with his enhanced vision, he was able to see the green skull carved into the obsidian gem. If he focused, he could feel the strong power of ectoplasm leaking from the ring. He didn’t know how he didn’t notice before. Suddenly, he remembered seeing the same ring on her before, in the cafeteria of Casper High. It had struck him as odd, because Valerie didn’t wear jewelry – at least not usually.
Danny pulled himself back into the closet and turned visible again. “Oh, man. We have a problem. I think that’s the ring that the Fright Knight is looking for! But I just don’t know how she could have gotten her hands on it, unless … Vlad must have given it to her!”
“Isn’t Vlad a little old for her?” Tucker joked.
“He’s obviously using her to hide the ring from Fright Knight,” Danny said, slowly piecing everything together. “But why the ring is so important, I don’t know. Something fishy is going on. And I have a feeling that the other ghosts know what is going on.”
“Skulker!” Phantom called.
Using his ghost sense to find the other ghosts was usually easy – after all, he only needed to trace the sentient ectoplasm he could sense, and he usually ended up finding whatever ghost it was that was wreaking havoc on Amity Park at the time. But Amity Park was now filled to the brim with hundreds of thousands of ghosts, and paired with the natural ambient ectoplasm that was always present, it was harder to discern the different ectosignatures and find the specific ghost he was looking for. Luckily, he had lots of practice in finding ectosignatures, thanks to all the times he needed to hunt down certain ghosts in the Ghost Zone.
“Skulker!” Phantom called again. The abandoned gun shop was completely trashed, but Phantom knew that Skulker was around, he could sense him. “Skulker! Skulk – Ember? Sidney?”
Phantom’s eyes widened when he took in the gaggle of ghosts in the store. Bullet, Dora, Ember, Klemper, Lunch Lady, Sidney Pointdexter, Technus, Walker – it was like his entire rogue gallery was here. He knew that they all came through the portal together, but he hadn’t known that they had stuck together in the Living Realm. Ghosts were mostly solitary creatures, so it surprised him.
“Phantom,” Sidney said, “we need your help.”
“Only if you tell me what’s going on,” Phantom said, hands on his hips. “And what is this big fuss about a – a ring? That Fright Knight wants.”
“Very well,” Skulker said. “You already know part of the story: it was many years ago, before you, before me – before most of us – that there was a ghost called Pariah Dark. He was the king of both the Ghost Zone and the entire Infinite Realms.” Phantom remembered Skulker saying that before, but even now, he struggled to wrap his head around ruling the entire Infinite Realms. It was, well, infinite, after all. “Pariah ruled with an iron fist alongside his second in command and enforcer, Fright Knight.”
“Another thing you need to know –” Skulker said “– there are many ghostly artifacts that can only be used by ghosts or denizens of the Ghost Zone. One of these artifacts was the Crown of Fire – a crown which was made of crystallised ectoplasm, and which gave the wearer power over other ghosts. With this power, no ghost could refuse any order made while the person wore the crown. Well, they could try, but only the most powerful ghosts – the Ancients – could resist the Voice of the Crown of Fire. The other artifact was the Ring of Rage. Also made of crystallised ectoplasm and obsidian, the Ring of Rage lends the power of the Ghost Zone to the wearer – fueling them with infinite ectoplasm. But it had a nasty side effect of enhancing the emotions of the owner, oftentimes causing emotional – and wrathful – outbursts. Paired together, the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage give the user infinite power. But it is also dangerous, because that infinite power could overtake the core of the user and make them fade.”
“Pariah was a ghost of such power and magnitude alone that he was able to control the energies contained within both artifacts. When wearing both, Pariah could do anything he wanted. He was a tyrant. That was, until a group of powerful ghosts – the Ancients – banded together in a last-ditch effort to defeat the King. They locked him within the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, another powerful ghostly artifact, capable of putting any ghost to sleep for an eternity … or so we thought. Somehow, he escaped. And now he’s wreaking havoc in the Ghost Zone once again.”
“He’s looking for the Ring of Rage,” Ember said, “as you’ve already figured out. Pariah has only been free for a day, and he’s already destroyed our homes.”
“And that’s without the ring,” Phantom summarised, finally seeing just how strong Pariah Dark was. He bit his lip, thinking about what to do next. If Valerie had the ring, that meant that she was going to be a target for Pariah and Fright Knight. But … that must have been exactly what Vlad wanted, to keep the heat off his own back. He needed to get the ring away from Valerie, and quickly. “We can’t let him get the ring back,” Phantom decided. “Somehow, we need to get him back into the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep again. But I’m going to need your guys help to do so.”
“And what, exactly, do you think we can do against a ghost like Pariah?” Skulker demanded.
“Well …”
Phantom flew down to the front door of Fenton Works, de-transforming back into Danny mid-air and flipping down to the ground. His skin melted from the icy blue to a sickly pale colour, punctuated by strong freckles across his cheeks and shoulders. His ghostly white hair fell to the power of gravity and became tousled and a night black. His eyes went from their shocking green to a baby blue. His black and white hazmat suit shifted to his usual NASA t-shirt and ripped jeans. For all intents and purposes, he looked like a normal human boy. But both he and Vlad knew otherwise.
“You wanted to talk to me?” Vlad asked, looking smug as he leaned on the Ghost Assault Vehicle, which was parked in front of Fenton Works. He was back in his stupid, pristine suit, hair gelled back obnoxiously.
“You’re putting innocent people in danger,” Danny growled. “It stops – now.”
“Really?” Vlad said, chuckling darkly. He crossed his arms, looming over Danny. “You know what I’m up to? Your tiny teen mind has pieced together the rest of my plot?”
“Yes, it has,” Danny said, not rising to the bait. “I know that you stole the Ring of Rage, woke Pariah Dark from the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, gave the Ring of Rage to Valerie to hide it, and now you’re waiting for your chance to steal it back.”
“That’s pretty good!” Vlad said, as if he was complimenting Danny, but they both knew better. “It’s almost as thought I barely consider you a threat.” Danny felt his core pulse angrily – he was just so angry at how nonchalant Vlad was being about putting so many people in danger – and he knew his eyes were burning a toxic ectoplasm green. Vlad only grinned. “Oh, there’s that temper of yours, again. What are you going to do? What if Valerie sees us, hmm? You wouldn’t want her to know you’re a freak, would you?”
Danny growled. He shot an ecto-blast at the nearby streetlamp, causing the light to shatter and drench the area in pitch dark. Vlad cursed – that was one thing that he hadn’t developed as a halfa that Danny did: night vision. Now with the upper hand, and ensuring no humans could see, Danny shot an ecto-blast at Vlad. It knocked Vlad almost a whole block, enough to land at the next streetlight. Danny jumped and rolled, letting familiar transformation rings slide over his body. His core sparked, eager for the fight to put out his aggression. When he jumped up after his roll, he kicked at Vlad, sending him hundreds of feet into the air, and halfway across the town. Sometimes, ghostly strength helped.
Vlad hit a billboard sign and slid down to the top of a roof, letting his own transformation rings appear, changing him into Plasmius. He floated up from the roof. “Sneak attach – very good, Phantom. You’re getting more like me with every battle.”
“I am nothing like you!” Phantom growled. “I don’t put innocent people in danger!”
He flew upwards and punched Plasmius directly in the sternum, knocking him another few hundred yards away. He hit him so hard, in fact, that Plasmius landed back in the football fields of Casper High School. Phantom flew up to Plasmius and grabbed him by the front of his suit, only for Plasmius to grin at him. Phantom furrowed his brows, until Plasmius spoke. “Oh, you’re not like me? Using your powers to get back at people you don’t like? Throwing the first punch? You’re more like me than you know!”
Plasmius shot an ecto-blast and knocked Phantom across the field. When Phantom got to his feet, however, he realised he was directly next to the Soul Shredder, still stuck in the ground from earlier. He remembered the words from Fright Knight earlier. He frowned.
“Oh, yeah?” He said to Plasmius. “Well, if I’m more like you than I though, then instead of asking you to give the ring to me, I’ll make you!”
He reached out to Soul Shredder, both hands wrapping around the hilt of the giant sword.
“Phantom, no!” Plasmius cried. “The sword is a signal!”
“I know,” Phantom said. And then he pulled the sword free, having to use all his ghostly strength to do so. As soon as the sword came out of the ground, the ghostly green dome that surrounded Amity Park … fell apart. From the centre of the dome, large cracks appeared, until the entire dome looked like a starburst of fractures. The pieces then started to drop, large, crystallised chunks of ectoplasm falling from the sky. But as the pieces fell away, it revealed that the entire town was no longer in the Living Realms, but instead, in the Ghost Zone. The sky was painted many shades of swirling green, random purple and black doors floated about, and the edges of Amity Park dropped off into nothingness.
The ghost skeletons, who had previously been stationary in the streets of Amity Park, now all flew upwards into the Ghost Zone, to congregate at the side of the Fright Knight. And beside Fright Knight … that must have been Pariah Dark. He was twice as big as Fright Knight, adorned in black and grey armour, and wore what was obviously the Crown of Fire atop his head.
Fright Knight held out his hand and though Phantom resisted it, Soul Shredder was pulled from his grasp and shot toward the Fright Knight.
The Ghost King floated gently down to the ground, but when his feet touched the dirt, it cracked and splintered under him, as if the sheer force of him was too much to withstand. Pariah observed Phantom and Plasmius, who had both frozen under his gaze. Pariah tilted his head, as if confused. His eyes glowed a bright red. “You’re not … ghosts. But you’re not, not ghosts, either. Freaks of nature – will there ever be an end to today’s surprises?”
Phantom’s core cowered under the gaze of Pariah Dark.
Then, behind him, Phantom heard – “hey, stone-face! Surprise!”
From the sky descended the Red Huntress, holding her blaster over her shoulder. She shot it at Pariah Dark, blinding him momentarily. Pariah yowled like a hyena, then turned around and shot a strong, red, laser-beam from his one good eye. The Huntress was forced to dodge the large beam, dropping her blaster in the process, and accidentally running into the football goal post. She fell to the ground but was quick to get up, forming a smaller blaster on his wrist to shoot – except, it malfunctioned, broken from the fall, and sparked. The Red Huntress yelled out in pain at the heated blaster sparking, and she ripped her glove and the blaster off her hand. But by doing so, she revealed –
“The ring!” Fright Knight yelled. “Give that to the King, now!”
The Huntress looked down at the ring that sat on her finger, then back up at Pariah Dark and Fright Knight. She knew she was in over her head – and she needed a distraction. Her visor turned downward. She removed the ring, pulled out a torpedo shooter, placed the ring on the torpedo, and hefted it over her shoulder. “You want it?” She said, “then go get it!”
She shot the torpedo out into the endless Ghost Zone, watching it disappear into the green. Then she booked it out of there, heading toward the Fenton Ghost Shield like her life depended on it.
Fright Knight was quick to follow after the Red Huntress, raging as he hit Soul Shredder into the ghost shield over and over again. He had long lost sight of his King, who he had left back at the fields of Casper High, but he knew he needed to go after that miscreant that had dared attack his King. He yelled as he hit the shield again, the glowing green dome not giving under his ghostly sword.
“This – is – not – over!” He grunted with each hit, in a rage watching that dastardly hunter walk away.
“Actually, my loyal servant,” Pariah’s voice said behind him, “it is.”
Fright Knight stopped, letting go of his sword and dropping into a deep bow at the feet of Pariah. His frown, which bared his fangs, was vicious. But then – then he smiled. Pariah never smiled. Except then Pariah opened one of his clenched fists, showing the Ring of Rage within his palm. Pariah chuckled darkly, escalating into a loud, shrill laugh, as he carefully put the ring on his finger. Once the ring was on, Pariah’s features scrunched up in pain as the sky glowed bright, and the ring sparked. A bright, blinding light lit up the sky, the source of it being Pariah Dark – it flickered, turning the world white, black, and green for several moments, as Pariah screamed in pain. But it only took a minute, and then the light died down, showing how Pariah dark was glowing an endless ectoplasm green, courtesy of the ring. The flames of the Crown of Fire were brighter, larger, and hotter than before.
“Come, we have plans to make,” Pariah said, slightly out of breath, “for soon, this human world will also be mine!”
“Danny!” Sam exclaimed, bursting into his room, “you’re – you’re okay!” Danny turned around, revealing a passed-out Valerie behind him. She was covered in bruises and dirt. Sam took a step back, startled. “Whoa – what happened to her?”
“You name it, it happened,” Danny said. “Fright Knight, Pariah Dark, Plasmius – all of my enemies.”
“Dude, you can’t blame yourself for this. It’s not your fault,” Tucker said, stepping into the room from behind Sam. “Valerie chooses to go into ghost fights – you know this.”
“Maybe it’s not my fault,” Danny said, “but it is my responsibility. The humans in Amity Park, the ghosts, the Ghost Zone – all of it. It’s my responsibility to keep it all safe as Phantom. But this time, I just … I froze. As soon as Pariah Dark came, it was like … it was like my core stopped working. I couldn’t handle his presence. And Valerie got hurt as a result. She passed out just within the ghost shield, and I was barely able to drag her to my room after, escaping Pariah and Fright Knight. Now I don’t know where Vlad is, Pariah has the Ring of Rage, along with the Crown of Fire, and the entirety of Amity Park is stuck within the Ghost Zone. I don’t know what to do!”
“Danny,” Sam said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “you need to stop catastrophizing. Take a deep breath, and let’s go through this logically. You’re powerful on your own – and you have the support of hundreds of ghosts right now. You said they agreed to help you. If you all attack together, then you must have a chance against Pariah Dark!”
“Sam’s right,” Tucker said. “As much as I don’t like it, we need a plan to go up against Pariah – and you’re our best bet.”
Danny sighed. “Okay, let’s do this, then …”
Travelling through the Ghost Zone with almost a hundred rowdy ghosts was not easy, but eventually, they made their way to Pariah’s Keep. When they got there, there was maybe a hundred – no, thousands of ghost skeletons surrounding the Keep. Phantom quickly realised he didn’t need to defeat all of them – he only needed to make a path through them, enough to get to the doors of the Keep and find Pariah Dark. With his rogue gallery behind him, Phantom let loose on the ghost skeletons. He blasted away hundreds of skeletons with his ecto-blasts and froze hundreds of others. Klemper was right behind him with his icy breath, covering them in a deep impenetrable snow. The Box Ghost assaulted several with boxes and bubble wrap, while Dora let loose a torrent of fire from her maw. Ember knocked some out with her sonic blasts, and Skulker shot multiple bombs and used his nets to incapacitate them.
When they finally carved out a pathway to the Keep, Skulker turned to Phantom. “Now go, defeat Pariah! So, that I may be free to hunt you another day!”
“Wow, you really know how to motivate people,” Phantom snarked, but entered the Keep, nonetheless.
He flew through long, tall corridors, until he finally came to a set of red wooden doors over twenty feet tall. His core shuddered at the sheer power emanating from behind the door, and he deep down, he knew, that this was going to be his final stand. He kicked the doors open, knocking them off their hinges, to open into a large throne room. At the end of the room, behind the throne, sat the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep. And standing between the sarcophagus and him was none other than Pariah Dark.
Standing twenty feet tall, adorned in strong armour, and holding a glow spiked mace, Pariah was every bit the fearsome King that he was thousands of years ago. Pariah grinned at him. “I was hoping you would come,” Pariah said, “if only so I could see the freak of nature again.”
“What do you say,” Phantom said, “we skip the snappy banter and go right to the part where I kick your ass! You shouldn’t have the Crown of Fire or the Ring of Rage!”
“Very well,” Pariah conceded, “I accept your challenge and terms.”
Pariah launched himself at Phantom, swinging his mace – which was almost as big as Phantom – downward. Phantom put up a large ectoplasmic shield, blocking the hit. The mace came in contact and immediately shattered the shield from the sheer force of Pariah’s power and strength, forcing Phantom to flip backwards and away from Pariah. He regained his wits quickly and shot a powerful ecto-blast at Pariah, following it up with a sheet of ice on the ground, knocking Pariah to the ground and making him slide into the throne and destroying it. Pariah’s sword fell from its sheath, clattering to the ground, but Pariah didn’t seem to notice. Pariah recovered, floating to his feet. He glanced down at Phantom, reassessing what he had previously thought of the ghost child.
“That much power – it’s a burden, isn’t it, child?” Pariah said, grinning with fangs. “But I wonder – how did you come across it? Is it due to your freakish nature?”
“The power isn’t the burden,” Phantom said, “it’s in how you use it – and you’ve been using yours very poorly!”
Phantom jumped up, floating in the air, but Pariah threw his mace, curving it along the walls before it hit Phantom and sent him forward, closer to the King. Before Phantom could reorient himself, Pariah gave a roundhouse kick and sent him sprawling. Phantom’s back hit the wall and he fell, dropping to the ground. While Pariah watched in amusement, Phantom got to his feet. He grunted as several duplicates of himself appeared around Pariah, all with their eyes blazing and fists clenched. Together, all the duplicates flew at Pariah, punching and kicking and sending stray ecto-blasts.
Pariah cried out in pain as an ecto-blast hit his eye. He called his mace back to him and swung, making one of the duplicates disappear into dust. Another duplicate pile-drove him from behind. Several of them approached, and all together, they spoke – “You better leave my town alone!”
Pariah shot another red charged ecto-blast, making another duplicate disappear.
“Surrender, child. You can’t possibly win,” Pariah said, growling.
Phantom’s core shuddered at the order from the Voice of the crown, but he refused to give in.
“That’s the thing, I don’t have to win,” Phantom said. “I just have to make sure that you lose!”
From behind Pariah, one duplicate opened the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, while another shot a perfectly aimed ecto-blast, which knocked the Crown of Fire from Pariah’s head. The crown flew through the air until it landed in Phantom’s hands. Face lit up from the flames of the crown, Phantom glanced up at Pariah with a sinister grin. He placed the crown atop his own head. The crown’s fire rose several feet, spluttering and raging. Phantom could physically feel the itch in the back of his throat, the Voice of the crown trying to overwhelm him – the power that it held. Pariah howled.
“No – NO!”
“Now,” Phantom said. He let the itch overtake him. “G̶i̵ve̴ ̵m̷e̴ th̷e̶ ̶R̷i̵ng̴ ̴of̷ R̵a̵ge̷.”
Pariah’s whole body froze. He visibly struggled to resist the order from the crown. “N-never,” he said, voice rough. “I will never – never give this power to you!”
“G̶̟͕̭̤̭͔̤̲̜̱̝̉̐̇͜I̷̢̨̱͍̬̓̆̏̑̉̈͆̒̿̀̃̐͋̾͗̊͜V̶̛͖̝̝͇͉̞̗̤̾͊̐͋̓̄́͗͋́̑̾̇́͊͜Ȩ̶̥̜̳͇̱̹͍̺̟͓̜̐͌̽̀͆̇̓͗͒̈̌̾͘̚͝͝ ̴̢̛̻̮̖̮̖͉͓͕͙̤̱̞̼̲̇́̿̅̇͆͋͌̏͐̒̄̚̚ͅṀ̵̛͚͇̪͙̟͇̫̬̭̭̱͕͔̓̋̉̀́É̢̛̯̘̝̞̗̦̯̻͙̝̮͓̖́̎͋̊̐͛͌̈́͒͊ ̧̢̠̤͇̞͓̝̲͈̫͉̀͝Ṭ̥͚̗̤̞͜ͅĤ̴̡̻̝̪̫̬̦͌̎̌̐́́̋̅̿̊̎͋̑͝È̘̺̻̘͔͔̯̭̟̹̘̍̍̅̾̍͆̾̐͝ͅ ̴͈̈́̏̕͠R̷̡̧̡̨͎̳͍̘̬̻̪̦͔͓̫̖̈̾͊̐͋͛͗̓͗̐̽̋̒͝ͅI̵̺͚̠͎͎̅̌̔̒͗N̴͎̟̊̿̉͌̓ͅG̵̠̟̺̻͎̫͙̭̼̠͉̹̬̅͌̋̈́̅̂̓ ̨̱̼͉͙̫͓͕̘̃̈́̈́͋̅͗́̓̀O̷̯̳̮͒͛͗͆́̎̃̌͐F̶͙͉͖͕̯͕̘͔̹̪͆͌̓͒́͂̉͆͝ͅ ̶̻̊͘R̷̢̺̙̠̜̤͈͛́̈̏̃͛͛̒̍Ȧ̴̰̘̀̋̆̂̏̈͆̐̆͂̀̎̓̿͛͝G̵̡͈̪͔͎̱̈̆̓̏̏̈́̿̀͂̀́͋̑̈́̈́̃̕E̵̢̡̢̧̛͓͔͖̮̅̃͂̅̍̔̈́̚͘!̷̡̧̡̡̨̻̟̮͚͔͖͈̝̲̩̤̍̏̆̂̿̈́͌́̕̕̕!̴͓̥̮̺̓̀̇̚͜”
Pariah Dark fell to his knees and cried out in pain, still resisting.
Phantom took the chance. He rushed forward and slashed downward with his arm, created a sharp ice attack which cut off Pariah’s left hand. Pariah howled again. The hand fell the to ground, limp and spewing green ectoplasm and blood. Phantom bent down and picked up the hand, taking the Ring of Rage off Pariah’s now limp finger. In his hands, it felt so small – so insignificant. But he knew of the true power that it held. If he focused, he could feel the infinite ectoplasm that it leaked, fueling its wearer. And carefully – ever so carefully – he slipped it onto his own hand. For several moments, there was nothing – and then pain, pain like he had never felt before. The room lit up in green light, which emanated from both the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage. Phantom could physically feel his core being ripped apart.
His core pulsed and shuddered, overwhelmed by the power of both artifacts. But it only took one look down at Pariah – the sniveling king, who had taken his town, his people and ghosts, and destroyed their homes – to know that he couldn’t give into the power of the artifacts. There was no way he would let himself burn away and fade, leaving anyone at the mercy of Pariah Dark ever again.
The light faded. The Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage stopped glowing. Phantom’s core slowly released the heat, ice spreading out in fractures from beneath his feet, freezing over the entire throne room. Snowflakes fell from the ceiling, the wooden throne splintered under the cold, and the Sarcophagus of Forever sleep slowly froze over. When the ice reached Pariah, it melted around his feet at first, but slowly, it overtook him, too. Phantom stepped forward, spreading more rapid-fire ice under his heel, causing craters in the ground and sharp ice pillars to form with every step.
“Go̵ ̶i̶n̴t̵o t̵h̵e̴ ̴Sa̶rc̵o̷ph̴a̶g̷u̷s o̷f̴ F̷o̶r̴ev̵e̷r̴ ̴S̴le̶e̴p,” Phantom ordered.
And Pariah, features still scrunched up in pain, was forced to obey.
Phantom closed the Sarcophagus of Forever sleep. He didn’t have the key, so he froze over the sarcophagus with his impenetrable ice, freezing it into a solid block of ice, so that Pariah may never escape again.
On the way out, Phantom picked up the sword that Pariah had dropped during the fight. The sword shrunk as soon as it was in his hands, going from over ten feet in length to only five feet of blade. It looked like crystallised ectoplasm, with a glow surrounding the blade. On the hilt, which was made of some sort of green leather, was the inscription “Reaper.” By only holding it, Phantom could feel that it had similar properties to Soul Shredder. He very carefully held the blade as he left Pariah’s Keep, not sure if he would need it or not, but knowing he couldn’t leave it out for anyone to take.
While the inside of Pariah’s Keep was quiet, when Phantom stepped out of the Keep, he found the battle was still very much ongoing with the ghost skeletons. And, unfortunately, his rogues were started to flag in their energy. Phantom saw Ember fall beneath several ghost skeletons, he saw Skulker’s blasters fail to go off, he saw the Box Ghost’s boxes crushed, and his core pulsed angrily. He took a single step outside he Keep, and the ground cracked beneath his feet. Another step, and frost started to spread. The ghost skeletons around him froze over quickly, but this wasn’t a battle that Phantom needed to fight. He knew, as long as the Crown of Fire sat on his head, and the Ring of Rage stayed on his finger, that this was his army to command.
“S̷͎͎̝̣̠̫̤̠̣̙̱̩͇̉̿̾̒͒̈́̽̋̾͛̀̀̚͠T̶̛͙̤̬̯̜̗͍͈̮̮̖̻̿̊̆͛̈́͐̃̌̑͒̽͌̈͂̎̌͜Ő̷̡̱͇͕̤̞̓̏́̐̿͜P̵̡͉̯̫̮̌̌̍̈́̉̽͂̓̎̔!̶̢̢̛̻̱͇̙̙͕̫̅̔͐͋̑̓̈͛̏̅͊̕” He commanded, his Voice loud and clear. He held out Reaper in threat.
And they listened.
Figuring out how to bring Amity Park back into the Living Realms was a bit of a harder task than stopping an army of hundreds of thousands of ghosts. His rogues weren’t any help because none of them could open a portal on their own, not like Wulf could – but Wulf wasn’t here right now. Pariah had known how to open portals, too, but he was gone now. Except … Fright Knight was still left, his second in command. And if anyone were to know how to do what Pariah did, then Fright Knight would.
It wasn’t hard to find Fright Knight considering he was waiting outside Pariah’s Keep with the rest of the army. When Phantom floated in front of him, Fright Knight immediately dropped to his knees and bowed before him, no Command or Voice needed.
“My Liege,” Fright Knight said, startling Phantom.
“I’m no king,” Phantom denied.
“You are now,” Fright Knight said. “You are my King now. By trial of combat, you have defeated Pariah Dark, and you now possess both the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage. I will follow you wherever you go, I will do whatever you wish.”
“I don’t want to be a king, I want to bring Amity Park back to the Living Realms,” Phantom said. “How do I do that?”
The Zone swirled around him, the purple doors moved out of his way, the islands appeared at his will, and Amity Park was safe. It was like the Ghost Zone responded to his emotions and wishes. He only felt marginally bad when he used his claws as he ripped a giant hole in the space and time around him. The Infinite Realms bent around him, splintering and ripping under his will, creating a large rip in the Ghost Zone. The dawn-lit sky from the Living Realms bled through, and Phantom used all his ghostly strength to push the island that was Amity Park through the rift, right back to where it belonged.
Phantom invisibly flew to Fenton Works, phasing through the walls and dropping right into his bed. He de-transformed, turning back into Danny, and groaned into his sheets. After using so much power, and his core being abused so much, he felt like he had been run over by a bus. Behind him, his friends, who had been waiting in his room, startled.
“Danny!” They both exclaimed.
“What happened?” Sam demanded.
“Are you okay?” Tucker asked.
Danny groaned again. “Let’s just say, Pariah Dark will never be a problem … ever again.”
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daisyjoyflower · 1 year
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307 notes · View notes
ceoofmetagala · 2 years
Almost forgot to post these 2 💀
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Anime style is so fun 🔥🔥
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ladywatereton · 4 months
20 years of Van Helsing!🧛🏻🏹🐉
🎶 Blue Monday, New Order (Slowed).
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a-ghost-zone · 1 year
Danny Phantom Screencaps Season 2, Episode 4-5 - Reign Storm
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{ Google Drive Link }
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five-rivers · 5 months
vacation in camazotz
“... keeps going like this, he’s going to end up dropping the house into another dimension again.”  Danny sighed heavily.  
“Well, that’s not really fair,” said Sam.  
“Huh?  What do you mean?” asked Danny, blinking blankly at her.  “That’s definitely a thing he did.”
“Yeah, but that wasn’t totally him.”
“He was pretty tangential, actually,” said Tucker.  “Unless there’s something you aren’t telling us?”
“I… haven’t I told you about the time he sent the house into a parallel dimension?”
“You didn’t exactly need to.  We were all there.”
“No,” said Danny.  “What are you guys talking about?”
“Yes, we were.  The whole town was there,” said Tucker.  
“You know,” prompted Sam.  “Vlad pawning the Ring of Rage off on Valerie, you pulling Fright Knight’s sword out of the ground, Pariah Dark.”
“Yeah, you’re more related to us winding up in the Ghost Zone than your dad is.”
“Ooohhhh, I get what’s going on.  You’re thinking of a completely different time.  The time I’m talking about is way back in sixth grade.”
Sam’s gamer cave (she did not call it that, but that’s what it was) went quiet enough that the faint hum of the computer screens could be heard.  
“Your dad sent you guys to another dimension when you were in sixth grade,” said Sam, spinning her chair around and pointing a painted fingernail at Danny.
“Yeah,” said Danny.
“Three years before your whole…”  She waved her hand at him.  “Thing.”
“Before you got zapped, she means,” said Tucker.
“Yeah.  So?”
“So,” said Sam, “why is that, even though you knew alternate dimensions were a thing and your dad could get you there, you didn’t believe in ghosts and were okay with walking into the portal?”
“Okay, but, look,” said Danny.  He put his controller to one side.  “That’s– That’s a false equivalency.”
“Spending time with Jazz, I see,” said Tucker.  He was now the only one still playing the game.  
“Shut up,” said Danny.  “I know stuff without Jazz telling me about it.  But just because one unbelievable thing is true, that doesn’t mean that all unbelievable things are true.  Besides, the dimension we wound up in was way different from the Ghost Zone.  Had nothing to do with ghosts at all.  Definitely not something you look at and then go, ah, yes, ghosts exist.”
“But you knew that other dimensions existed.  Even if there weren’t ghosts on the other side of the portal, you still could’ve realized that it could take you to another dimension.”
“But it didn’t do that.  It just half killed me.”
“By opening a portal to another dimension in you.”
Sam glared at him.  “You’re just playing dumb at this point.”
“Neither of you are playing anything, and I think at this point we can just say that Danny’s dumb.”  Tucker’s computer let out a little jingle as his character completed a quest.  
“Hey!  Most of their stuff doesn’t work,” said Danny, exasperated.  
“But you were messing around with something that they had made work before.  Didn’t you think that could be dangerous?  Or have consequences?  Drop you in yet a different dimension?  Something?”
“They said it didn’t work.  I believed them.  And you guys kept hassling me about it.”
“Someone skipped out on the ‘don’t give in to peer pressure’ PSAs,” said Tucker, singsong.  
“You are not innocent here, Tucker!  We’ve all done dumb stuff.  Can we drop it?  I thought we were playing games today, not playing ‘gang up on Danny for stuff we all did.’”
“Fine,” said Sam.  She picked her controller back up.  Danny picked his up a second later. 
They continued playing the game.  
Then Sam dropped her controller again, this time in her lap.  “Okay, actually, this is going to bother the heck out of me if I don’t know.  How did your Dad drop the house in an alternate dimension?”
“And what was it like?” added Tucker.  He, of course, kept his eyes on the game.  
“What was it like…” said Danny, contemplative.  He made his character run around in circles.  “How to explain?”
“Start with how you got there,” said Sam.  “Go from there.”
“Okay.  Well.  It started off– It was pretty normal.  You know.”
“Uh, no,” said Tucker.  “Sending your house to another dimension is not normal.”
“Normal for them.  For my parents.”
“Define normal here.  Like, describe it,” said Tucker.  
“Working on the portal.”
Sam let out a slow, exasperated sigh.  “Really, Danny?”
“Well, it was that or weapons.  Do you think their weapons teleported us to another dimension?”
“They could’ve.  The bazooka does,” said Tucker.  
“Fair,” said Danny.  “But, like, they were working on the portal, but then they were going over some of the math - it was wrong, obviously - and they saw that there was, like, there was a, um.  There was an ‘interesting result.’  Supposedly, distance fell out of the equation if you had the right inputs.  Something like that.”
“Which means… what?” asked Sam.  
“They thought they could make a teleporter.”
“What!”  Tucker finally whirled away from his monitor.  “They have a teleporter?  They made a teleporter?”
“No.  That’s the whole point.  No teleporter.  They messed it up.  But, like, they built what they thought was a teleporter.  And, of course, as soon as they built it, they had to use it.  Mom wanted to do small tests, sending an apple back and forth or something, but Dad decided to jump right into teleporting the entire house, because it was vacation time.”
“Yeah, okay, that sounds like your dad,” said Tucker.  
“Doesn’t it?  Which is why I’m worried now, because it’s the same thing all over again, he keeps getting too excited and then doesn’t slow down to make sure things work the way they’re supposed to.”
“You have no right to criticize that, Mr. Walks Into a Portal and Dies,” said Sam.  
“I think I’m the only one who does have the right to criticize it.”
“And the dimension?” asked Tucker.  “I want to know about the alternate dimension.”
“Right,” said Danny.  “Well, when Dad ‘teleported’ us, we knew things were wrong pretty much right away.  You guys have read a Wrinkle in Time, right?”
“Sure,” said Sam.  
“Yeah,” said Tucker.  “It was assigned last year, wasn’t it?”
“Right, so, you know the planet with the brain?  It was– It was kind of like that.”  His character died and he sighed.  “I suck at multitasking.  It wasn’t even just the stuff, it was, like, the air was flat.  The texture of everything was wrong.  Everything was… fake?  Like a performance, except it was the whole world.  Everyone just had these smiles on their faces but they were… empty.”
Sam propped her head up on her fist.  “Your parents sent you to play outside and didn’t notice any of that, didn’t they?”
“They did.  But they did notice stuff.  Like, all the houses being the same, the creepy sky–”
“The sky was creepy?”
“Super creepy.  It was like.  Segmented.  Triangles.  Like we were inside a pyramid.  And all the roofs were also pyramids, now that I think about it.  Just, pyramids everywhere.  Really pointy ones.  Oh!  And gravity was also a pyramid.”
“What?” asked Sam.  
“Gravity was a pyramid.”
“What does that even mean?”
“It was a pyramid.  Gravity.”
“Okay, okay, I think I’ve got this,” said Tucker.  “What shape is gravity here?”
“It’s round,” said Danny, “duh.”
“It’s round, so there you go, Sam,” said Tucker.  
“It is round,” said Danny.  “Like, gravitational fields, they’re round.  But they were pyramids there.”
“Wow,” said Sam.  “I wouldn’t have expected that.  Pyramids.”
“See?  Ghost Zone is totally different.”
“Yep,” said Tucker.  His computer let out another chime.  “By the way, you guys owe me soda now.”“How did you do that?” complained Danny.  “You weren’t even looking at the screen!”
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
knight in shining leather |bouncer!eddie munson x bartender!reader|
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prompt: based off this ask- heyy!! i was reading you bouncer eddie series and i love it so much :((((. if you take requests could you maybe do a little blurb of reader being bothered by a creep and eddie being the knight in shining leather that he is helps her. this is such a lame plot i'm sry. pls just write anything for bouncer eddie when you have the time it would be so cool!! sending hugs
reposting from my deleted blog <3
contains: possessive!eddie, jealous!eddie, a little dark!eddie not towards reader, creepy men, cat calling, language, oral fem & male rec, throat fucking, squirting, rough p in v sex, hickeys, creampie. minors dni.
It was a slow night at The Hideout, especially for a Friday. All the college kids had gone back to school for the spring, and it was too cold for others to venture out, snow and ice covering the ground. But in any weather, you could always count on your regulars showing up on Friday nights. The regulars, who would ski if they had to, to make it down to the bar nestled in downtown Hawkins.
It was you, Eddie, and Ellen for the night. Tony and Valerie had shown up, but cut earlier with the lack of customers. You were bartending, taking care of the familiar patrons, while Ellen was the manager on duty for now, helping clean and keep the jukebox rolling. Eddie was at the door, in all black of course, tight beanie around his head to fight the cold, wild curls flying out around his face.
"Can I get another sweetheart?" Roy slurred from the other end of the bar, shaking his empty glass your way. You smiled, grabbing another glass, tilting it to stop the foam as you filled the beer.
You added beer number five to his tab before sliding it to him, switching the full glass out for his empty. "Your friends not joining you tonight?" You asked him, wiping the counter down with the spare rag.
Roy blew air out his mouth. "No, pieces of shits bailed on me. Can ya believe that?"
You giggled, getting his a fresh bowl of peanuts. "That's tough. Sounds like you need some new friends." You chided in cheery, playful conversation, filling another glass for the man on the other end who indicated he wanted one.
"You wanna be my friend, baby?" Roy blubbered, eyes glazed with a sloppy smile.
You snorted, lifting a brow at Roy. "Depends how much you tip tonight." You shot back with a tight lipped smile, walking to serve your other customer.
Roy howled, slapping the wooden top of the bar, nearly falling out of his stool. Eddie looked over, face stoic, hard, like it always was when he was working. He needed to be tough, or at least appear to be, especially with this crowd.
They were harmless, usually, drunks that liked to spend their hard-earned dollars tossing booze down their throats. Sometimes, they'd get a little out of hand. Eddie would have to intervene or call them a cab.
Eddie turned when the door opened, the frigid, biting wind of the night slipping in with the person who opened it. Eddie looked at the ID the man presented, but he really didn't need to; the guy looked Wayne's age.
"There a cover tonight?" The man asked, eyes already blood shot, swaying in his snow covered work boots.
Eddie shook his head. "Nah, not tonight."
The man nodded, stumbling over to Roy, clapping the man loudly on the back. The two had a rather loud, slurring reunion, stumbling in and out of stools. Ellen cut her eyes from you then back to Eddie, rolling her eyes.
Eddie's lips pressed in a tight line, looking over at you, the way you smiled, laying down a coaster, leaning forward on the bar to get his order.
"What's good here, huh, angel?" The man slurred back at you.
You fought the urge to roll your eyes. "Well, your friend here likes our draft." You motioned to Roy. "But that'll depend what you're in the mood for."
"I'm in the mood for something tasty." The man licked his lips, eyeing you. "You on the menu?"
You did scoff at the comment. "No, but I make a mean old fashioned. You want one of those? Or are you more of a light liquor kinda guy?" You asked, trying to shift the conversation and get away from him. He wasn't a regular, you weren't sure about him.
"I'm whatever kinda guy you want me to be, baby." He grinned all sloppy, swaying towards you. "Make me whatever you want."
You nodded, rolling your eyes when you walked away. You closed out a tab for another before starting his. You smiled at the customer, Johnny, when you handed him his tab, thanking him when he left you his usual 20% tip.
Eddie watched you carefully, nodding at the two leaving with a tiny smile. You reached for your bourbon, bending over to grab a glass out of the bottom shelf.
The man beside Roy let out a loud, ear piercing wolf whistle, cackling into the other man after. You felt a cold prick run down your spine, face flushing.
"Goddam, baby, I'll have you make as many drinks as you want if you stay bent over like that!" The man whooped. "Get to see that ass all night. No wonder you love this place so much, Roy!" He laughed, slamming his hand on the bar, so the glass jumped.
"Hey, easy there," Ellen warned, raising a brow at the two. "Roy get your friend under control."
Roy nodded, lifting a hand in apology, as the other guy bristled, eyes narrowing to focus, teeth gritting and snarling. "'M not doin' anything wrong, you fuckin' bitch. Stay outta it." He snarled.
You felt your heart hammer, looking at Ellen then at Eddie. Eddie stood, fists clenched as he walked, slow and purposeful behind the two, heavy boots clanking on the wooden, creaky floors.
"Hey, watch it, man," Eddie growled. "Settle down or get the fuck out."
The man turned, swaying slightly, looking at Eddie before scoffing, turning back to you. "Hey sugar tits, you got my drink, honey?" He slurred.
"I'm finishing it up." You said slowly, warily looking at Ellen to see if she'd give you the cut off sign. "Tryna make sure it's perfect."
"If it's coming' from you, I'm sure it is." He smirked.
He looked at Roy, nudging the man drunkly before pushing his coaster purposefully off the counter. "Whoops." He laughed, snorting slightly. "Hey, sexy baby, could you pick that up for me? Ole klutz over here knocked it over." He clapped Roy on the back.
Eddie's jaw grit tight, looking at you then the man. He could feel his blood boiling already, hands tingling from the way he had them clenched. You looked at Eddie, rolling your eyes and walking to where the coaster fell, bending over and picking it up.
The man whistled again, clapping his hands as you flushed, furious and embarrassed. "Goddam, baby, you gonna keep teasing me like that?" He asked, laughing and leaning towards you. "Stick that pretty little ass out for me one more time, huh? Better yet, come over here and let me see it. Or do I need to drop something again?"
"Alright," Ellen snapped, walking towards the two men. "They're gone. Eddie, get them outta here."
Eddie was already stepping towards them. Roy's face dropped slightly as the other snarled. "The fuck you kickin' us out for?" He snapped. "I haven't even got my goddam drink!"
"Yeah, and you're not gettin' one." Eddie growled. "Out. Now. Before I have to make you." He threatened, boasting his chest to intimidate the older man. Sure, he could take him, drunk and old he wouldn't be an issue.
Roy apologized to you, drunk but sincere, holding his hands up as he tried to coax his friend. The man snarled. "The fuck you gonna do, huh?" He snapped at Eddie. "You gonna... you gonna make me leave, huh, pussy boy?" He laughed mockingly in Eddie's face.
He turned back to you, snarling and mean. "Dumb bitch, 's your fuckin' fault. Walking' around like a goddam whore, just asking' for it, then when you get it you don't want it, huh?" He spat, angry.
Eddie's hands were on his shoulders, yanking him out of the stool. The man fell to his knees, groaning in pain before Eddie had him back up, shoving him out the door.
Eddie pushed the drunken man out the door and into the snowbank on the sidewalk, and he would've smirked when the man groaned in pain if he wasn't so furious. Roy was still inside, covering the tab and apologizing to Ellen and you.
Eddie looked down at the drunk man, trying to twist and move out of the freezing snow. "The fuck you-you-"
Eddie bent down, pushing him back on the ground, teeth bared and a grip on his collar, dangerously close to his neck. His rings were cold, biting against the man's jugular. "I better never see you here or near her again, you understand?" He growled.
The man stammered, lifting his hands gently. Eddie slammed him harder into the ground, the snow sinking around his head. "Understand?"
"Yes, fuck, yes!" The man stuttered. "Jesus, fuck, I-I don't wanna come back here anyways!"
Eddie snarled, shoving him slightly before standing up. "Good." He bit. "Now get the fuck outta here." He turned around, leaving the man to get out of the icy ground.
He nodded curtly to Roy as he left, not listening to his apologies. He was fuming, buzzing, adrenaline shaking and rattling his bones. His jaw still ground together, eyes not meeting yours though he could feel them on him. He needed to calm down before he did.
Ellen came over, checking on him, and checking to make sure they were gone, before patting him on the back. "Go have a drink." She nodded towards the bar. "As soon as these two leave, we'll call it a night, huh? Think that's enough excitement for us all."
Eddie stomped over to the bar where you watched him from the other side, eyes rounded to meet him. "Thank you," You whispered.
Eddie nodded. "Anytime, baby," He grinned, but it didn't meet his eyes.
He was still angry, not at you, but at that disgusting fucker. Who the fuck did he think he was, talking to Eddie's girl like that, talking to you?
You poured him a beer, cutting an orange and placing it on his glass. Eddie sipped it slowly, the tingle in the back of his throat mixed with the alcohol calmed him slightly. You smiled at him, squeezing his hand gently when Ellen wasn't looking, before checking on the other two that still remained at the other end of the bar.
The night moved slow. No one else came in. The final people left, letting you cash out for the night. Eddie helped you stack chairs, while Ellen unplugged the jukebox, the three of you walking to the back where you parked.
Eddie had just climbed in the van, barely putting the key in the ignition to roll over the engine when you pounced on him. Hands on either side of his face, pressed against his side, lips attaching to his, hard and needy like he was your life line.
Eddie faltered for a moment, movements stuttering before he kissed you back, his own hands finding your waist, the back of your neck, pulling you as close to him as you could.
Eddie's brows furrowed when you pulled back, eyes canning your face, your rounded eyes, blown pupils, bottom lip ticked between your teeth. "What was that for?" Eddie asked, shocked, amused.
You shrugged, placing your hand over the zipper of his jeans. "I dunno, just a thank you, I guess." You grinned, eyes batting at him. "For saving me tonight. My hero." You purred, squeezing him through the rough fabric of his jeans, grinning when he groaned low and throaty.
Eddie flew over the icy roads, squirming under your touch the entire way. You palmed him gently, slowly, pressing kisses up and down his neck, shoulder, collarbone, cheek. Nuzzling your nose against him before trailing the tip of your tongue down his exposed skin.
You were throbbing between your legs, had been since Eddie had grabbed the man so aggressively- so protectively. The adrenaline and sheer primeness of it all made you soak, your head reeling and fuzzy as you fumbled through the rest of your shift. He had done that for you, was protective over you.
You and Eddie stumbled through his trailer, his boot shutting the door behind him, teeth gnashing, lips mushing, hands roaming and groping. You pushed Eddie back onto the couch by his sternum, dropping to your knees, hands fumbling to undo his belt and zipper.
Eddie grinned, brows lifted in amusement. Gone was the anger, the disrespect he felt from that man. He worried that you would be hurt, upset by what he said, maybe even angry at him for being so rough. Instead, here you were, ready to jump his bones, needy and aching all for him.
"Easy, baby," Eddie muttered, ringed hands finding your hair as you freed him frantically from his boxers.
Your soft hands held his cock, thick and long, oozing already from your teasing touches in the car. You wasted no time licking a long stripe up the base to his tip, swirling the salty pre-cum around your tongue over the head. Eddie groaned, head tilting back against the couch cushions.
You pumped his length, sucking what you could of the thick head down your throat. "Atta girl, that's my girl, fuck," Eddie groaned, gripping your hair a little tighter so you whimpered, vibrations tickling down his shaft to his sac making him tense, bucking gently in your mouth.
You gagged gently at the intrusion and Eddie let out a near pornographic moan. "Fuck, baby, can I- shit- can I fuck your throat? Please?" He begged, half lidded and lust filled.
You clenched your legs, nodding with his cock still in your mouth as he grinned down at you. That's how you ended up, head lolling off the arm of the couch, mouth open and gripping Eddie's thighs as he thrusted into your throat, relishing in how you gagged and swallowed.
"Fuck, baby, you're doing so good for me. You're such a good girl, aren't you? Good little girl." Eddie praised, eyes pinched close in pleasure.
Tears pricked your eyes, breathing slow to try and match his pace, nails digging into his hairy thighs. Eddie's abs clenched, pulling out of you slowly, before fisting himself.
He moved so his balls were in your face, heavy and hitting your nose, but you knew what he wanted, instinctively sucking them gently, tongue rolling over the skin.
Eddie's breath stuttered, grunting as he jacked himself quicker, leaning over you. "'M gonna cum, baby. Just like that, oh fuck, just like that. 'M-" Eddie groaned before you felt the hot spurts on your chest, your tummy.
Eddie's chest heaved, hunched over you, bracing himself with the back of the couch. You looked up at him, eyes meeting his through his curly bangs.
Eddie grinned at you, reaching down to kiss you, hard. He didn't waste time walking around to the other end of the couch, pulling you by your legs so your hips were on the arm of the couch, kneeling down to kiss your inner thighs with sloppy, wet kisses.
You moaned, arms above your head as you grabbed at the couch, back arching when Eddie licked a long, fat stripe through your folds, circling around your clit.
"Oh!" You whined, clenching when he kitten licked your clit, one hand on your lower tummy, pressing gently, the other adding a finger and pumping slowly in and out of you.
Normally, he'd tease you. get you whiny, teary-eyed, the way it drove him crazy, but not tonight. He was urgent, needy, devouring you from the inside out like a madman.
You felt it building quickly, the sweet release that threatened to take over you any minute. The way Eddie was sucking, nibbling at your achy clit, his long fingers curling and pumping at a much faster pace, mixed with his other hand pressing on your tummy; you knew you were going to soak him, flood him.
You writhed, hips wiggling to get away, the pleasure overwhelming. Eddie knew just how to work you, toy with your body to get it to do exactly what he wanted. Your eyes rolled back, hands pressing against his hand, but it wouldn't budge.
Eddie rolled your clit between his lips, licking gently while his fingers curled, pressing hard down on your lower belly. You cried out, back arching, legs pushing against his back as you gushed around his fingers, spewing all over him, all over the couch.
Eddie grinned, the squelch of wet liquid around his fingers as he pumped into you still was a melody, your cries and moans music to him. Eddie watched as you bucked, then slowed, legs falling and giving out, melting into the couch with heavy breaths.
Eddie licked you once more, the sweetness of your release making his eyes roll back. He stood over you, wiping his wet, shiny mouth with the back of his hand and you whimpered, legs snapping shut, throbbing again.
He was on top of you in an instant, hands on wither side of your head holding him up. Lips on yours, tongue swirling around your mouth so you could taste your release on him. He kissed down your jaw, neck, collarbones, chest, sucking large bruises as he went. He wanted everyone to see them, to know that you were his.
You moaned, legs wrapping around his waist, hands in his hair as he sucked deep bruises into your tits, biting and sucking at them, then rolling your nipples in his mouth, teeth grazing them slightly so you yelped.
He pushed himself into you without warning, rutting into you fast, hard, deep strokes that had you gasping, clawing down his back, feet dug into the meat of his ass.
Eddie pressed his face into your neck, sucking and nipping the already sensitive skin, marking it up even more. Your eyes rolled back, bodies rubbing together, chaffing skin to skin.
"Fuck, gonna cum inside you, that ok?" Eddie grunted, his nose nuzzling your cheek, lips pressing sloppy kisses to your flushed skin.
You nodded, gripping his arms, biceps bulging in your hands. You drooled at the definition, the inked skin firm and prominent next to you. Eddie snapped his hips flush against yours, smirking when you cried out, burying your face into his neck to try and muffle the pathetic cries falling from your lips.
Eddie snapped his hips a few more time, clenching with a grunt when he spilled inside you. He kept himself inside you as he rode out his high, long, deep breaths, his mouth hovering over your shoulder. You were barely holding onto him, legs still wrapped loosely around him, head swimming with feeling and fullness of him.
Eddie pulled back, brushing his bangs back so he could look at you. Marked up and bruised, mouth shaped red marks all over your neck and chest. He trailed his finger down your neck, over the well of your breasts where he really bit down.
"'M sorry, baby." He muttered to you, cupping your cheek with his hand. He hadn't asked to do that, cleared it with you, and the guilt was setting in. Girlfriends in the past were furious with him when he'd mark them like that, angry that they'd have to cover them up, and he didn't blame them.
You smiled softly, tucking your chin down to look at the damage. "It's alright." You whispered, tired. "I can cover them it's alright."
Eddie shook his head, pressing a kiss to your lips. "I should've asked. I can put a coupla spoons in the freezer. That trick worked in high school-"
He moved out of you, not caring that you were oozing him on the worn fabric of the couch, his cock softer and covered in both your spend. You catch his hand gently, thumb running over his rough knuckles. "Eddie, it's ok. I promise." Your eyes shone up at him, warm and gooey in your own afterglow.
Eddie hesitated. "It's ok." You reassured, bringing his hand to your lips brushing them feathery light over his knuckles. "I-I liked it." You blushed at the admission, nuzzling your nose into his hand to hide your giddy smile.
Eddie's eyes lit up, cupping your jaw with his hand, lifting your gaze to his. He cocked his head to the side, dopey grin on his face. "Yeah? You liked it?" He asked. You nodded. "You like it when I mark you up, huh? Want everyone to know who you belong to?"
You bit your lips, legs shifting uncomfortably. The dull ache between your legs was still there. Eddie knelt down so his nose was touching yours, an intense look in his eyes. "Who do you belong to?" He whispered, sending shockwaves down your spine, shivering against the couch.
Eddie pressed his lips towards yours so they were barely touching, hairs of his bangs tickling your forehead and eyelashes, sweaty against your skin. "Who do you belong to, baby?"
You squirmed against his gaze, feeling a little vulnerable, a little electric with the way he was looking right through you. "You." You whispered, your bottom lip brushing his, leaning in to kiss him.
Eddie pulled back slightly, his hand on your jaw. "Say it again." His eyes were dark again, lust blown, intense.
You shivered, legs clamping together and you could feel him still running out of you, creating a puddle under you. "You, Eddie," You whispered, eyes rounding into his gaze. "I'm yours, Eddie."
Eddie grinned, teeth bared and grip on your jaw tightening just slightly. "That's fuckin' right." He muttered, lips crashing into yours. He moved so you were halfway off the couch, holding onto him for leverage, his grip secure on you. "All mine." He nipped at your bottom lip, dragging it between his teeth.
Eddie moved so he was on the couch, long legs crowding on either side of your hips. He pulled you up gently by your arms, so you were in between his legs, curls ticking your cheeks when he kissed you again. He laid back slowly so you were on top of him, hands gripping your waist, your hips, anywhere he could grab and squeeze.
"My turn now." Eddie grinned, wiggling playfully underneath you. "Mark me up, baby. Show the world I'm yours."
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haleswallows · 3 months
Between a Rock & a Dragon's Egg teaser
(rest assured, i promise i'm still working on this. as well as the dead-on-mayn fic and the summoning series... as well as the bang fic. oh whew, i kind threw myself back into fandom, huh?)
Full fic here
“Your Highness.” He said it with a bow, then circled back to the window behind the desk. Tim felt his chest loosen with the distance and obstruction.
Objectively, he knew Shadow was unlikely to harm him. Objectively, Tim knew the risk was low. It was the unknown that kept him on edge.
"Good afternoon, Shadow. I believe Sir Valerie is with Phantom, if you are looking for her.” Shadow tilted his head. The sun caught his eyes. They shone like an animal’s. Tim dared not blink.
“I was looking for you.” And he blinked, setting Tim free who took an involuntary step back.
Why in the world would he be looking for me? Tim thought but instead said “My apologies for assuming. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Does Phantom talk to you?” That wasn’t what Tim had expected. He barely managed to keep his face blank. “He’s hiding something and won’t talk to me or Val about it.”
And why would Phantom hide something from his brother, and his sister’s knight? The question looped around in Tim’s mind. He’s sure his face did something weird while lost in his thoughts. It seemed Shadow picked up on his thoughts. The large man huffed. It dripped with frustration.
“Phantom does not always… trust us. For good reason,” he added in a mumble Tim is sure he wasn’t supposed to hear.
“Because of your service to Pariah Dark?” Tim couldn’t keep from prodding. There was so much he just… didn’t know. He was hungry to know more about his husband and family. The politics in the Infinite Lands felt like ever-shifting shoal under his feet and Tim was desperate for a foothold.
Shadow’s shrug was petulant. “My lack of humanity.”
Shadow searched his face. “You don’t know. You wouldn’t know. Of course. I’m a magical creature. A copy of Phantom, created in the echo of… of what Plasmius did. It isn’t fair to Phantom for me to give the details, but this part is mine.”
Tim sat on the chaise. His entire worldview shifted. “That’s why Phantom… when we met in Gotham for the marriage contracts. Why he asked what he did for you? And… and Mistral?”
Instead of answering, Shadow looked out the window again. “Mistral would be fine on her own. Val wouldn’t let anything happen to the princesses. Making a deal for my protection is stupid.” He seemed almost insulted by it. Tim was sure Shadow was entirely capable of taking care of himself. But that didn’t always matter with family.
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swtorramblings · 1 year
FFXIV, Dark Knight spoilers below the cut.
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Liner notes: I made a quip how the real problem for the Warrior of Light and Darkness was stress and PTSD, and @itsmeappo commented, "Have you played the Dark Knight story?" Now I know why.
I commented a while back that Valerie might accidentally be too close to my ongoing obsession. Watching a version of her on her knees talking about her "freedom" did not help that impression.
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From the journals of Valerie Yndera, Soul Hunter:
Well, that explains a great deal. The actual Fray is dead, and part of myself took his place when I took up the soul stone and sword. And pushed the knowledge of his death from my mind. I suppose the other me was right, I did want this.
I do not know, though, if this was a part of my quest to become whole. The stone remains quiet, except for the instructions that all of them provide, and the part of me that took Fray's name has not returned to me so far. Was there truly a piece of my soul in this stone, as I first assumed? Or did some darker urge of this life draw me there instead?
I am not certain how much it matters. Fray, the other Valerie, is a part of me either way. I suspect I will need to reconcile with this, sooner or later.
For now, I have acquired new armor to replace that damaged during the fight. It seemed fitting.
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pransesdp · 9 days
For the first gen/parents of the NG-verse, what are their future jobs in your current HC timeline?
From what I’ve got so far; I see Danny continuing his same role as the protector of Amity Park (probably just going by “Phantom” now in terms of hero monikers), Sam would open her own lil flower shop (whilst anonymously writing up dark fantasy novels subtly based on Team Phantoms’ past adventures), Tucker would become an expert tech guru running his own repair company (think BestBuy’s “Geek Squad”, in a way), and Jazz ofc becomes a renown psychologist (living out-of-state with her husband Dash, now a physical therapist).
In the meantime, Valerie’s carrying on strong as a ghost huntress (teaching younger aspiring hunters like Morgan all about her craft), Paulina & Wes Weston are the current main news anchors for Amity Park news, Star teaches science at Casper High, Kwan is a local veterinarian doc, and Danielle’s currently vibing as a traveling “freelancer” (taking up odd jobs/fighting ghosts in various parts of the world).
As far as the ghost cast, not a whole lot changed for most of them (cause, well… they’re ghosts lol), but some like Dorathea has risen up in power as a queen of her own realm (+the Fright Knight is technically crowned-royalty with his wife, but he still prefers to be called “the Fright Knight”), Johnny & Kitty are living the wild biker fam life with their squad of kids (+Zanna), and Desiree’s thriving well in her own palace/door realm of riches (think the inside of the Cave of Wonders from “Aladdin”):
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I imagine for most of the ‘known’ ghosts by the current NG timeline, there’d probably be a few outfit changes/updated designs depending on their own preferences. Otherwise, pretty much the same spooky threats as before (now with a second gen) lol
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
It's the last day of Mermay...
So have my most common headcanons on who would be which (or take inspiration from such) for if they were merfolk <3 Yes, this is DCxDP but can be used for either separately if you want.
Bruce- Ray
Alfred- Remora
Kate- Angel Shark
Dick - Guppy
Cass- Cuttlefish
Jason- Thresher Shark
Tim- Bichir
Steph- Spanish Shawl Sea Slug
Duke- Anglerfish
Harper- Cichlid
Cullen- Rasbora
Damian- Stingray
Carrie- Dusky Batfish
Jarro- Starfish
Terry- Devilfish
Matt- Koi
Barbara- Jellyfish
Gordon- Squirrelfish
Ghostmaker- Moray Eel
Harvey- Tiger Shark
Selina- Catfish
Harley- Clownfish
Poison Ivy- Leafy Seadragon
Riddler- Corydoras
Joker- Piranha
Bane- Pufferfish
Mr. Freeze- Leopard Seal
Scarecrow- Anglerfish
Waylon- Saltwater Crocodile
Solomon Grundy- Coelacanth 
Penguin- Longfin Icedevil
Ras Al Ghul- Sturgeon
Talia- Pike
Dusan- Pike 
Deathstroke- Tiger Barb
Clark- Sea Lion
Connor- Fur Seal
Jon- Fur Seal
Kara- Sea Lion
Martha Kent- Ribbon Seal
Jonathan Kent- Manatee
Lex Luthor- Cardinalfish
Barry Allen- Marlin
Wally West- Swordfish
Bart- Marlin
Iris- Trout
Thawne- Wahoo
Captain Cold- Beluga Whale
Heatwave- Guppy
Captain Boomerang- Discus Fish
Mirror Master- Mahi Mahi
Green Arrow- Goby
Arsenal- Arapaima
Artemis- Grouper
Black Canary- Orca
Diana- Lionfish
Cassie- Lionfish
Cheetah- Spotted Snapper
Vandal Savage- Dunkleosteus 
Marvel- Whale Shark 
Billy- Wrasse
Mary- Wrasse
Freddy- Killifish
Eugene- Loach
Pedro- Danio
Darla- Goby
Black Adam- Gar Fish
Dr. Sivana- Dolphin
Mister Mind- Bristle Worm
Martian Manhunter- Octopus
M’gann- Octopus
Aquaman- Hammerhead Shark
Kaldur- Blue Tang
Oceanmaster- Ray
Plasticman- Oarfish
Booster Gold- Goldfish
Blue Beetle- Blue Shrimp
John Stewart- Sailfish
Hal Jordan- Neon Tetra
Red Tornado- Mantis Shrimp
Zatanna- Swordtail
Constantine- Fighting Fish
Doctor Fate- Wrasse
Deadman- Glass Fish
Klarion- Platy
Cyborg- Mola
Raven- Squid
Beast Boy- Triggerfish
Starfire- Koi Fish
Beast Boy- Fluffy Sculpin
Lobo- Wolf Fish
Deadshot- Ruby Barb
Killer Frost- White Koi
King Shark- Great White Shark
Doctor Light- Dolphin
Catman- Tigerfish
Angel Breaker- Redtail Black Shark
Trigon- Giant Squid 
Martha Wayne- Mako Shark
Thomas Wayne- Devil Ray
Lucious Fox- King Mackeral 
Jack Drake- Freshwater Angelfish
Janet Drake- Comet Goldfish
Danny- Betta Fish (Or Giant Phantom Jelly)
Dan- Lancetfish
Ellie- Betta Fish
Jazz- Oarfish
Sam- Lamprey
Tucker- Devil's Hole Pupfish
Valerie- Cherry Shrimp
Vlad Masters- Vampire Squid
Maddie Fenton- Lion's Mane Jelly
Jack Fenton- Whale
Ida Manson- Gulper Eel
Mr. Lancer- Hatchetfish
Spike- Gourami
Wes Weston- Carp
Kyle Weston- Perch
Paulina- Dragonfish
Star- Cichlid
Dash Baxter- Short Beaked Dolphin
Kwan- Goldfish
Box Ghost- Boxfish
Lunch Lady- Killifish
Skulker- Sea Turtle
Ghostwriter- Lyretail
Sidney Poindexter- Shubunkin
Jonny 13- Corydora
Kitty- Loach
Ember- Basslet
Desiree- Seahorse
Spectra- Eel
Walker- Frogfish
Nocturn- Lanternfish
Overgrowth- Sea Pig
Fright Knight- Swordtail
Pariah Dark- Skate
Princess Dora- Dragon Goby
Pandora- Leaf Scorpionfish
Frostbite- Crabeater Seal
Clockwork- Colossal Squid (or Congor Eel)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want pics of any of the fish/creatures I am happy to put them out, I just can't put that many links on one post lol. (Also apologies if I missed anyone)
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thelightningstreak · 10 months
Can I ask about Tortuga part 2? 👀
Hello, and omg thanks for your interest! This WIP is a sequel to the story Tortuga, originally posted as part of the Dark Gray Deliverance collection on FFN (soon to be fully available on AO3). Here's a sneak peek!
Valerie stared out the window in a daze, still sitting in a wheelchair. On occasion, her nerves seized with phantom pains from the GIW’s experiments to replicate her suit and end her life. In her lap was Dan Phantom’s folded cape, the edges of which flickered against her skin.
It was almost a comfort. A stabilizing presence and proof that Phantom had rescued her, even if he had not done so out of altruism or love. The Red Huntress was simply a devil he knew compared to the super soldiers being bred by the GIW.
She still felt his cool fingers against her skin—the gentleness of his touch—and she chilled in the warm sunlight, swallowing down hard emotion. Every part of her body felt raw.
“The fact is, we need to end our soldiers if they go…out of line.”
“The organization thanks you for your service—”
Movement flickered in the corner of Valerie’s eye, and she flinched, nearly activating her armor as she grabbed for a blaster at her side.
“Whoa, whoa,” Paulina said, raising up her hands, eyes wide. “Easy. I’m just here to check on you.”
Valerie’s fingers trembled against the blaster, her expression crumpling as her muddied image of a GIW man blurred into the image of her frightened best friend. She lowered the weapon to her lap, resting it upon Phantom’s cape. The flickering edges kissed against her wrist, where the bruises from restraints had faded but reddened scrapes still remained. The cool power of the cape felt like a spring breeze compared to the heat that radiated from her healing wounds.
As if Dan Phantom were still watching over her. A strange and stoic knight. 
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katakankollector · 6 months
FIRE ANGEL SENTENCE STARTERS Sentences were taken from a novel "The Fire Angel" (1908) by Valery Bryusov and depict magic, witchcraft, madness, occult practice, demonic possession, toxic love in a medieval setting. TW for profanity, mental illness and general dark themes. Change names and pronouns as necessary. The translation is by me. The list shall be updated with time. [ art credit: "Triptych of the Temptation of St. Anthony" by Hieronymus Bosch ]
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He can not encroach upon those of a strong will.
Now I must share my life with you, for you have saved me, and must know all there is to know about me. 
Oh, sir knight, better not to ask about her!
Now I see how she suffers, how she weeps all day and all night long.
We need to leave immediately, this very instant! I can’t abide this place for an hour longer. 
I have no horse. You can help me up the saddle and lead your horse by the bridle.
The city is not far. It is possible to buy another horse there. 
I will prove to her I am not such a simpleton or an ignoramus she takes me for.
A woman of beauty is worthy of a sacrifice.
Come now, com quickly! Otherwise, she will get tired and her powers of divination will vain.
She is reading the past as if it’s an open book.
I tried divination on the bones, on the vax, on the cards, on the beans.
Off with you, witch! Otherwise I shall run your cursed body through, as if you were a fish!
She revealed to me what I myself have long forgotten.
No, no, [ name ], you must not leave! I can not stay alone. I am frightened.
I knew it before; she merely read my thoughts.
Don’t you love him? Is it possible not to love him? He is of heaven, he is the only one!
Aren’t we the one? Doesn’t my pain pierce your heart as it pierces mine?
[ Name ]! A demon has possessed you!
There is no demon inside of me. In vain you planned to deceive me and mock me. I am not as foolish as you think!
You must not be cross with me and ask of me what I can not give.
I have neither kisses, nor fervent words left for mortal men. 
[ Name ], I shall be terrified if you leave. They shall attack me again and torment me all night long. You must stay by my side.
My kind heart might have led me into sin by giving a shelter to a heretic who had signed a pact with the devil.
If the devil is chasing after her, it is naught to me.
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hannahmanderr · 11 months
Dan for the ask game!
full disclosure: these opinions are pretty much exclusively based off of TUE and fan representations, not AGIT
One aspect I love - gonna be real honest off the bat and say I've never been totally sold on Dan, BUT that doesn't mean I don't appreciate his callousness. AGIT aside, it's great to have another DP villain who has no scruples and won't even bat an eye at razing down anything standing in his way. the only other villain like that in canon was Pariah Dark, but yeah. for some reason the ruthlessness intrigues me
One aspect I wish more people understood - *inhales* DAN IS NOT JUST DANNY'S ALTERNATE SELF like hooollly crap I know Danny is the main character but DAN IS LITERALLY HALF MADE OF PLASMIUS TOO and the Plasmius side of Dan often gets overshadowed (no pun intended) in favor of giving Danny more angst. and I get it, Vlad doesn't even know Dan exists (again, AGIT aside), but I'm talking more in terms of characterization. for instance, I see fics all the time that have Dan having memories of being Danny, but I barely see any acknowledgment of Vlad's side of it. idk I just wish people would recognize that mroe afdhkl
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have - a big contributor to Dan's instability is because he has two contrasting cores rattling around inside him. Danny's cold core and Vlad's hot core aren't meant to get along, especially in the same body. ofc it's gonna cause some pain and distress
One character I love seeing them interact with - keep this man away from everyone HONESTLY IN A WEIRD WAY seeing him interact with grown-up Valerie is fun. I like how it's implied she's really the only one who's ever been able to meaningfully stand up to him and keep him from making things too horrible, at least for Amity Park. I wish they had more of the fun taunting between them, but ig that part of Danny didn't make it over (insert sad emoji)
One character I want to see them interact with more - oKAY YOU KNOW WHAT I would've loved to see a newly formed Dan and a newly ghost-power-less Vlad interact. I know realistically, the latter probably went and hid right away bc he can be a coward, but I like to believe that Vlad had genuinely started to turn a corner after Danny came to him when his family died. Personally I think it would have been super fun to have Dan sticking around for a bit after he was first formed, taunting Vlad about his failure to fulfill on his promise to Danny, that he lost his powers, etc etc.
One (or more) headcanon(s) that involve them and another character - Dan essentially forced the Fright Knight over to work for him because he reminds the Fright Knight that it was him who got Pariah Dark kicked back off the throne - both parts of him really, since Danny did the fighting and Vlad did the locking. Either way, the Fright Knight is bound to serve whoever sits on the throne, and by all known laws of aviation, having defeated Pariah, Dan sits on the throne
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