#Disney princesses are not passive
Disney Princesses Are Not Passive
Can I just ask where this whole narrative about Disney princesses teaching little girls to wait for a man to save her -- to only focus on finding a prince -- came from?
Because I honestly haven't seen any female say that that's what growing up with Disney had taught her. That Disney might have given her unrealistic expectations about the concept of "true love", yes.
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That Disney had made her only goal in life finding a prince, no.
Now, allow me to go into a rant about my own experiences with growing up with Disney princesses:
One, I actually come from a culture that idolizes marriage and thinks any unmarried and/or childless person must be the most miserable and pitiable person on earth. I was also surrounded by family members who thought along those lines.
But not once did I get that vibe from watching Disney movies with princesses.
Rather, I was and still am a person who is least interested in marriage or dating. But I adored the Disney Princess stories! And I never thought their love stories made up most of their tales or was disempowering. Instead, it was more like the coupley-romance bit of it took about the least amount of screen time possible.
Cinderella? Three-fourths of the movie is about her life, the animal friends she has, and just letting us get to know her and her life with her step-family.
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She just wanted to go to a ball, take a break and do something fun. And the Fairy Godmother helped her with that when her step-family sabotaged her.
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The Prince wasn't even a thought until she found out the next day that it was the Prince she had danced with and that he was actually looking for her because he was in love with her. Yes, she had liked him too. But she hadn't thought her feelings were returned until that moment. Which, what, took up the last quarter of the movie?
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Instead of thinking that was all the story of Cinderella was, it rather felt like the deserved good thing that should happen to her after all she had been through; that she might finally find love and happiness and escape; that her optimism, despite her life, was finally being rewarded.
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Now Snow White met her prince right at the beginning of the story, yes. But, he shows up only then and towards the very end of the movie -- like the last 5 minutes.
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(I mean, these are all the scenes he appears in.)
If anything, Snow White shared the most screen time with her animal friends and the dwarfs.
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And the only time she mentions the Prince is when the dwarfs ask her for a happy love story.
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The rest of the story is mainly her just trying to survive and making the best of whatever she can find and whatever skills she has. (Frankly, we know more about the dwarfs than the Prince, tbh.)
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Then she has a good cry when she's reached her limit.
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And moves on.
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She even convinces the dwarfs to let her stay by telling them she can "clean and sew and mend and cook". And that's the main part of the story.
So when she finally meets her Prince again and "lives happily ever after", we're mostly just really glad for her. And why shouldn't she have her fairytale romance after being relegated to a maid at her own palace most of her life and then almost being killed twice?
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Ariel in The Little Mermaid too: I thought she was amazing as a kid. I mean, she explored dangerous shipwrecks that others avoided, was incredibly brave and a risk-taker, followed her interests (humans) with a blazing passion, and out-swam sharks.
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If anything, the only thing that surprised me was her bad decision to follow Flotsam and Jetsam to Ursula, and then sign a contract with her. And that was mostly because I was in the unique position of watching the movie for the first time after I had seen the animated series about her life under the sea. I had already seen that Ariel knew exactly how conniving and dangerous the sea-witch was. So her making a deal with her was very strange for me. (Then again, she was 16 and very hurt and angry. And like I said earlier, she was an explorer and risk-taker at heart, so it works in that context. But when I had watched it at 12 or 13, and being the opposite of Ariel in spontaneity and risk-taking, I couldn't understand why she would do that.)
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Her saving Eric was not the least bit of a surprise. It was a surprise that she would take Ursula's deal to make him kiss her in 3 days or she turns into a sea-slug. But her taking the option to switch her tail for legs so that she can finally go up on land? That wasn't a surprise at all. One of the first episodes of Ariel's animated series ("Wish Upon A Starfish") showed her travelling through treacherous places to reach a wishing starfish to ask for legs instead of her fins. So her taking that opportunity to finally go up on land? Right in line with what she's always wanted.
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Going thru Ursula for it? And accepting Eric kissing her in 3 days as what will seal her contract so she can keep her legs and never return? That was weird for me. (As an adult and someone who's worked with a lot of kids and teenagers, tho, that impulsivity checks out. Especially after her father literally went on a rampage and destroyed years' worth of her careful collection.)
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(Gotta say, in this scene, Triton was horrifyingly violent. None of the episodes of the animated series prepared me for this scene. Triton really lost it here, so I can't blame Ariel for reacting just as extremely in her own way in response. Kinda like: You destroyed years' worth of painfully collected and preserved pieces of a world you knew I have always wanted to know about. Fine. If you won't let me keep mere pieces of that world here, then I'll just go live there instead.)
So the ending of that movie was the absolute best!
Her father gives her legs, allowing her to live on land. And she does not have to choose never returning to the sea again and never seeing her friends and family again to get it!
But again, Eric and her finally getting together just feels well-earned. Not like the main/only plot.
And even if it was, so what? Why does romance in a story with a female protagonist mean that romance is the only thing viewers can see?
It doesn't.
(I could go on with more princess tales, but I think this post is long enough already. Might make a part 2 one day tho.)
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Anyway, yeah: Disney princesses don't encourage girls to be passive or only focus on romance.
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two-cell-appless · 8 months
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Downside of attracting animals through song: they do not leave you alone when you go out the forest
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teaboot · 1 year
I don't know why this keeps happening but I keep meeting toxic heterosexual couples who experiment with polyamory and are heavily into funko pops, board games, Disney princesses and Burlesque stripping and the man is always a withdrawn bearded dude and the woman is always a passive aggressive control freak with an Etsy shop that sells lawn gnomes styled after Dr Who characters and they don't really even seem to like each other but they're always exactly the same. this has happened four times
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anthurak · 8 months
Something I was always a little concerned about in the lead-up to Hazbin Hotel was that Charlie was going to be a bit too passive of a character, ie; leaning only into the ‘kind, optimistic Disney-Princess-in-Hell who just wants to help everyone’ vibe and not really have much else going on as a character. Which in turn would make her feel kind of bland next to the big, over-the-top or dramatic personalities like Angel Dust and Alastor.
But thankfully, that is not what happened and there’s actually a lot that I like about what the writers are doing with Charlie, particularly in the potential future development and reveals they seem to be setting up.
First off, I like how Charlie generally comes off more like an over-the-top caricature of that ‘Disney-Princess-in-Hell’ vibe, ie; SUPER energized, enthusiastic, affectionate and emotional, often to overbearing degrees that get on everyone’s nerves. It’s generally funny, or at least amusing, and lets Charlie stand out alongside the other big personalities in the cast. Funny enough, she’s actually a lot like Blitzo in this regard, minus the seesawing into extreme abrasiveness.
And more importantly, we’ve already gotten major hints all but confirming that this over-the-top personality is largely a façade, and that Charlie actually has some very clear issues and baggage that she’s working VERY hard to keep buried beneath the surface. Again, much like Blitzo.
Like how in the trust-fall exercise in episode three, despite asking everyone to reveal something personal, Charlie actually bullshits just as hard as Angel Dust and Sir Pentious with her whole ‘I love you all!’ bit. Sure, it’s not like she was lying or being insincere, but it’s clear that was NOT something truly personal for Charlie. And in episode 4 we have Husk straight-up calls out Charlie as ‘wanting to solve everyone’s problems but her own’.
Then of course we have the brief glimpses we’ve seen of Charlie getting angry. Both the times we’ve seen Charlie dealing with some truly despicable and horrendous characters, we’ve seen that rather than lacking the ability to get angry, Charlie is often working to hold herself back. In both her encounters with Adam and Valentino we see points where Charlie is clearly NOT intimidated or afraid of them at all and seems fully prepared to throw down, only being stopped by reigning herself in or by someone else (in this case Angel) stopping her.
Again, it all paints Charlie’s big, bubbly, hyperactive exuberance as something of a front, a way for her to bury a lot of thoughts, feelings and general baggage she doesn’t want to face. Just like what the show has already explored with Angel and Husk.
It actually raises some interesting questions as to what’s REALLY driving Charlie in running the hotel and trying to help Sinners. For one, Husk has already pegged Charlie as ‘wanting to solve everyone’s problems but her own’. And going back to thematic crossover with Helluva Boss, I can’t help but see some potential parallels between Charlie creating the Hazbin Hotel, and Blitzo creating Immediate Murder Professionals.
I think it’s pretty clear at this point that half the reason for creating I.M.P. was as a coping mechanism for Blitzo, or rather the assassination business in general. Something that we’ve gotten hints to as early as the second episode in Blitzo’s back and forth with the Robo-Fizz (“Does anyone love you, Blitzo?”/“No. But I’m really good with guns now!”). With the other half of the reason Blitzo created I.M.P. clearly seems to be to create a surrogate family, as seen with how much he tries to insert himself in the M&M’s lives. Possibly even a specific attempt to replace the family he unwittingly destroyed fifteen years ago.
So I really have to wonder if we’re going to find out that Charlie creating the hotel and her goal of redeeming sinners is in part likewise a coping mechanism and escape for her own baggage.
It’s actually really interesting how episode two first introduced the idea of people opening up with Sir Pentious, then episode four dived further into the concept of the walls and fake personas people put up to hide from their pain and trauma with Angel Dust and Husk. With those two opening up and starting to let their walls down to each other, and by extension we the audience, I think it makes Charlie’s own façade all the more noticeable. It’ll be pretty interesting if Charlie actually winds up being the toughest nut to crack when it comes to opening up about their real issues and baggage. Yet another interesting trait she shares with Blitzo.
All in all, I’m really liking what the show has been doing with Charlie as a protagonist. And I’m REALLY interested to see where the story is going to take her.
Particularly what’s going to happen when she reaches a breaking point…
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devoutvesta · 3 months
A Deep Dive Into Disney’s Most Underperforming Princess
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Princess Aurora can’t even be described as controversial. To most, she’s simply boring, too passive, and a continuation of the bland cycle of white princesses who wait around for magic or a prince to save them. Although no one hates her, they find her irritating at the worst, uninteresting at best. In the fifties, they must have thought the same thing. Sleeping Beauty was a commercial failure, and led to company wide annual loss. Sleeping Beauty had followed several other financial flops, such as Bambi and Alice in Wonderland, the latter costing Disney around half a million dollars. Due to her lack of popularity, Aurora may be one of the most neglected Princesses. Many cling to her out of nostalgia, or because she has a nice design, and they find it hard to defend their love for the movie. But the movie’s turbulent history and the amount of detail that went into Aurora herself is what really makes her so incredibly fascinating.
Starting with her design, Disney hired Marc Davis as the supervising animator for Aurora. He also animated Maleficent. The intention was for them to be realistic enough to be placed against the heavily detailed backgrounds of the movie. Davis had embraced this artistic direction, while many of the animators found it, and especially Aurora, laborious and tiring to work on. Both Maleficent and Aurora had to be refined and dynamic. Davis was Disney’s go-to animator for ‘pretty girls’, examples being Tinkerbell and Alice. His knowledge of anatomy and the human body brought both Aurora and Cinderella to life, two of Disney’s most visually iconic characters. Davis had also incorporated Art Nouveau and Art Deco into Aurora’s design, while the tapestry-like art style of the movie was chosen by Eyvind Earle, who was inspired by pre-Renaissance European art. The score and songs were based on Tchaikovsky’s ballet.
Aurora alone required more effort and attention to detail than any princess before her. It took Walt Disney and his team three years to choose a voice actress. They nearly scrapped the project until they discovered Mary Costa, but Disney himself avoided interacting with her in person early on in the project, fearing that she’d influence his vision of the movie.
Aurora was loosely based on her voice actress. Her appearance and her habits (such as gesturing when speaking and singing) were both incorporated into Aurora’s animation. She was also drawn to resemble both her live action model, the same one as Cinderella’s, Helene Stanley, and actress Audrey Hepburn. Davis took inspiration from Audrey Hepburn’s slender physique and elegant demeanour.
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In the book Multiculturalism and the Mouse: Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment, author Douglas Brode referred to Aurora as “a model of modern (50’s) female glamour” and compared her to Brigitte Bardot. He also compared her gown to the work of Christian Dior.
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As a character, she was described by Nerve as being “the apex of women who made no choices for themselves.” Aurora is a member of the “Golden Era” of Disney heroines, the original Princess trifecta. Her dreams are the same as those before her. But it’s possible that Aurora’s dreams of true love derived from the need for companionship outside of her three fairy godmothers.
On their website, Disney describes her as, “graceful and kind. She knows that a wonderful future awaits, if you just have the courage to dream it. Aurora enjoys using her imagination and sharing stories with her forest friends. She is also loyal in her relationships -- to her animal friends, her fairies, and her kingdom. Aurora believes in a wish and remains hopeful that she will find the adventure she is looking for.”
Walt Disney himself described Aurora as being “a very layered character/different. She’s calm, yet playful. She has a sense of humour, and she has an imagination.” We can not argue that she was considered layered through the lens of the fifties, because many critics disliked all three of the original princesses for their passive personality, or lack thereof. But from the perspective of the team working on the show, they saw much more to her.
This was the film that Walt Disney worked his hardest on, it took ten years to complete. It was also the very last Princess film he was involved in. Her ‘layers’ were very much intentional. Disney tried to do the same thing with Cinderella.
With Cinderella, they attempted to make her less passive than Snow White, and they showed this through her rebelling against her abusive stepfamily. Maurice Rapf said, "My thinking was you can't have somebody who comes in and changes everything for you. It can't be delivered for you on a platter. You've got to earn it. So in my version, the Fairy Godmother said, 'It's okay till midnight but from then on it's up to you.' I made her earn it, and what she had to do to achieve it was to rebel against her stepmother and stepsisters, to stop being a slave in her own home. So I had a scene where they're ordering her around and she throws the stuff back at them. She revolts, so they lock her up in the attic. I don't think anyone took (my idea) very seriously."
The toned down version of Cinderella, although rebellious in her own way, is still toned down. That part of her character was written out. In comparison to what she would have been, she is passive. Aurora and Cinderella are both less passive than their predecessors, but passive nonetheless. All three of them are the staple damsels in distress.
However, Mary Costa described Aurora as “very strong”, citing her urge to defy her guardians as a display of independence and an example of her strength. Aurora was raised by three women, and had never met a man in her life. Costa believed that because of this, she was ‘innately romantic’ as opposed to lonely or depressed with her sheltered life. To quote, “there was a certain part of her that maybe she didn’t realise, that was just so romantic and maybe expecting something that–she didn’t even know what.”
She believed that her being raised by three older women rather than her parents made her “a little bit older, and yet, she…had this young, outreaching spirit.” Author Douglas Brode points out that the fairies’ independent raising of Aurora mirrors “precisely that sort of women’s commune numerous feminists experimented with throughout the seventies.” Aurora living in an isolated, female-only space, with female authority, is reminiscent of the bold and liberating radical feminist movement. In her own way, as a peasant, she was independent. And that independence and autonomy was taken from her upon discovering that she was royalty and betrothed to a prince. She was leaving her home and the presumed man of her dreams behind, and not of her own free will.
Aurora had enjoyed her simple life, it had fulfilled her, even if she desired more. She had dreams of finding romantic love, which she talks about in the movie’s song ‘I Wonder’. Additionally, her close relationship with animals demonstrates her loving and kind personality. She has a whimsical imagination, and it’s scenes like the ones from Disney’s Enchanted Tales series and ‘Once Upon a Dream’, that would support Costa’s claim of her being a romantic. Where she’s changing in and out of pretty gowns with a magical wand, and giggling to herself. Or dancing happily with the forest animals, thinking about her imaginary prince. In ‘Keys to the Kingdom’, she proudly sings about wishing to make decisions with her heart.
Her independence is demonstrated on multiple occasions in Disney’s discontinued Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams. Aurora graciously accepts responsibility of her kingdom while both her and Philip’s parents travel away for a business trip. All on her own, she is determined to get all of her Princess duties finished on time, the hard way. She refuses to take the easy way out, time and time again, even when she doubts herself. She works harder than even her father, who would take the easy way out by signing royal documents without reading them. Even when Meriwether gives her a magic wand to help her out, she reads and fills out every royal form diligently, and helps out all of her subjects. She manages to complete her tasks on time and throw a banquet for her family and Philip by the time they return. The lesson here is to ‘stick to it’ and to ‘persevere’. But her insistence on doing everything on her own is shown once again in A Kingdom of Kindness, where she must plan a surprise party for Philip. The three fairies attempt to help her, but she continues to tell them that she wants to do it on her own. This series was cancelled, and it is difficult to find any clips of it online. But this short-series gives us some insight into Aurora’s character.
She is assumed to be the protagonist by most, but many consider the three fairies to be the protagonists. They help move the story along, they protect Aurora, and they have distinct, in-your-face personalities. Many consider Aurora authentic, or the title character, but whether she is the protagonist or not has never been agreed upon. Her lack of role in the story has been criticized by many. But some take it as an allegory for the lack of control
The most lengthy debate surrounding Aurora has to do with how feminist her character is. She may have been an improvement from the previous princesses, but she is not regarded as a particularly feminist character.
The three original princesses, all being pale-skinned European princesses with a naive and endlessly forgiving (an unrealistic standard), sends a message to their viewers that this is what princesses should look like, how they should behave. All three classic princesses are deeply intertwined with Disney’s long history of racism and bigotry. In an attempt to amend this, Disney has released back to back live action remakes of their movies, all receiving mixed reviews. Maleficent was Sleeping Beauty’s remake, focused on a maternal relationship between Maleficent and Aurora. Many people interpreted the scene where Maleficent’s wings get cut off in her sleep as sexual assault. This inclusion made many survivors of sexual assault feel represented by the character.
From my perspective, the original Sleeping Beauty is technically a movie centred around women. A teenage girl lives with her three surrogate mothers, who end up saving her in the end from the female antagonist. Although Prince Philip’s role in the story is still a large part of what moves the plot along. It is Philip who is captured, as Maleficent knew that he would go looking for her. He courted Aurora, defeated Maleficent with the help of the three fairies, and kissed the princess awake. But he still doesn’t get as large of a role, or nearly as much screen time, as the three fairies.
In short, both the movie and the princess fascinate me. And although there is depth if you squint, a character does not need to be fleshed out to be lovable, or at least endearing. Aurora is my favourite Disney Princess, and I find the history behind her and the film to be more interesting than what meets the eye.
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tsams-and-co-memes · 6 months
TSAMS Sunrise Canon Info
Updated - 9/7/24
Sun's likes:
Cats (he owns two)
Dressing up his cats
Listening to/watching documentaries while he cleans
Red Dead Redemption and Baldur's Gate 3
Cult of the Lamb
Yellow (his favorite color)
Snapple (his favorite drink)
Hamburgers (his favorite food)
Sun's dislikes:
Balloon Boy
Hot water
Sea water
Taylor Swift
Garden gnomes
Kids (this was implied) <- (he might've made this implication jokingly, but he did end up saying that he does have a soft spot for them)
The creator
Sun tends to get very competitive with gaming
He’s watched the entirety of Dragon Ball Z
He has an obsession with cleaning and stacking the toy barrels/tumble barrels in the daycare. If they’re not adequately cleaned or stacked in a very specific way, he gets upset
He’s bought stilettos and tried on a dress before, while saying that he’s a pretty princess
He used to have a crush on Roxanne
He’s not good at dancing and really only moves the upper half of his body
Sun is pansexual (check for sources). He's not bisexual, so him being pan is slightly more likely (retconned. Sun is more than likely straight, at this point)
Sun has a car and knows how to drive
He isn’t very good at acting
He has a habit of cheating when playing competitive games
It’s been implied numerous times that Sun occasionally enjoys cross dressing
Old Moon has made a statement before, suggesting that Sun has kleptomania
Sun can read bar codes
He apparently knows the history of gravel and can talk about it for hours
He was programmed to know how to drive
His rays are made of plastic
He plays D&D and his character is a warlock
Sun grooms his rays like they’re his hair, and he uses ray polish to do so
Sun knows the history of Windex
Sun knows how to play Yu-Gi-Oh
Cleaning is one of the things that calms him and helps him focus
Sun panics sometimes when he's not doing anything, because he feels like he's not doing enough. Apparently this was triggered by Eclipse's return
Sun can't calm Moon down whenever Moon gets seriously upset, and Sun finds that "kinda scary" (<- exact wording from the therapy video). This means that on some level, Sun is afraid of Moon's anger, and of Moon acting irrationally when he's upset
Sun is the only janitor in the daycare
Sun's had a bird fly in his face before, and according to him, it's more annoying than scary
Sun's not good at bowling
He's eaten glitter glue at one point as a coping mechanism. He may or may not have also eaten sparkles
Sun knows how to grind coffee beans
He turned his basement into a cat den, and his cats have their own TV
Sun drinks (we don't know how often)
If he could be an animal, Sun would be a stingray
Sun doesn't clean the bottom of the ballpit
Sun received an offer to replace Glamrock Freddy as the face of the pizzaplex, but he refused. A lot of the refusal stems from him not wanting to be on a stage in front of so many people
Sun's never watched any classic Disney princess movies that occurred before Beauty and the Beast and Mulan. This would include ones like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella, although he's had Cinderella play passively in the background before (knowing Earth though, she'll probably make him watch all the original princess movies eventually)
Sun goes through a lot of existential crises
Sun knows how to set broken bones
Sun is very good at finding kids who wander from the group whenever he takes everyone somewhere outside the daycare
Sun has a fear of heights
Sun buys animal shaped soaps
Sun puts down a lot of sticky notes in different places
In the earlier days of the daycare, Sun once tried to play hide and seek with a blind kid. It did not end well
Sun's watched Death Note 4 times through
Sun has a crush on Yor from Spy x Family (his type seems to be people that could beat him up, but this could change)
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You would think that after all that Brie Larson, Jennifer Lawrence, Daisy Ridley, Kelly Marie Tran and, most recently, Halle Bailey endured, we would’ve learned our lesson. First, you said Rachel wasn’t Latina / Latina enough; then you said she was Latina and therefore she can’t be Snow White.
Y’all spent years criticizing the princesses, – namely Snow White – calling them “weak” and “passive”, saying that young girls shouldn’t aspire to be them and shaming those people that did. Disney heard you and decided “Fine, we’ll give her a more modern update,” and tasked Rachel with playing her.
Now y’all wanna do a complete 180 and want to claim that Snow White is “sacrilege” and was always a beautiful role model. You’re calling on Rachel to quit, calling her ungrateful for her role (nevermind that these photos exists), saying she “ruined the movie” for you, and hoping the movie fails based on an out-of-context 5-second Tiktok clip from a year old video. Disney creatives are the ones who made the decision to portray Snow White this way; Rachel is merely her vessel. What is wrong with y’all?!
Not to mention that y’all have the Audacity™️ to compare her handling of this whole thing to Halle Bailey’s handling of the racist campaigns against her. Rachel doesn’t it to owe to you to handle all of this with grace, by staying quiet and putting on a brave face. This constant barrage of hate and over analyzation of everything she says, does, and thinks is clearly taking a toll on her. (Also, Halle has signaled her support for Rachel, so just try pitting these two against each other again.)
Y’all need to realize that you are bullying a 22 year old for sport and have no shame for it. It’s sickening. I am exhausted from watching female actresses get torn apart on social media, at this point for just existing.
We just had “Barbie” come out – a movie that famously talks about the difficulties of being a woman and how no matter what you do, no matter how hard you work or how hard you try, nothing you do will be ever be enough. Everyone missed the message. I’m disappointed, but shit am I not surprised.
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wnderkoo · 1 year
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୨୧ it's so sweet, knowing that you love me
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this is a part of my drabble series, read more here!
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With a measured amount of stealth and caution, Jungkook enters the apartment almost silently.
When the door closes with nothing more than a soft click he lets out a breath, one he didn't realise he was holding, and mistakenly takes his silent entrance for a sign that he was clear.
If he could just make it to the bathroom undetected, he could lock himself inside and tend to his wounds without being scolded.
It's not like he was scared of you..
You loved him, he knew that, and that was why you cared so much whenever he got hurt.
You'd supported his new hobby of boxing, it was the hottest thing imaginable- your boyfriend, all hot and sweaty, flexing his muscles in the ring. But he often got carried away when he was sparring with friends, his competitiveness along with his nature of pushing himself always ended up with Jungkook coming home with cuts and bruises more times than you would like.
Despite receiving punches and blows all day, he still had to brace himself for the wrath you'd subject him to when he walked through the door. The hand on your hip as you narrow him with a gaze that makes a shiver run down his spine, or the way you'd be deathly silent as you patched him up. He'd mumble a shaky thank you before spending the rest of the day being wary of his every move so that he wouldn't upset you further.
It turned him on and terrified him at the same time.
He thinks he's in the clear, and his shoulders relax in premature celebration as he turns for the bathroom. But Jungkook stops dead in his tracks, looking like a deer in headlights, when he sees you on the couch looking at him with a passive indifference.
"Hey baby.." he smiles, scratching the back of his neck with incredible awkwardness.
"Don't hey baby  me." you say with a clipped tone, narrowing your eyes ever so slightly, getting up from the couch and stalking off to the bathroom where Jungkook follows you in hurriedly, grabbing your hips that fit ever so perfectly in his palms and spinning you around before you can reach for the first aid kit under the sink.
"I'm okay!" he exclaims, looking down at you as you glare up at him.
You shrug his hands off you and pull the first aid kit out, grabbing the usual supplies. He wasn't so bad today, which eased your concern, though you don't let that show as you take his face and wipe his cuts with an antiseptic wipe.
Jungkook hisses, and you whisper an apology that lets him know you're not actually mad at him. Not that you ever were, you just worried.
"How was your day baby?" he asks, hands still grasping your hips, massaging them soothingly.
"It was fine," you reply, resolve slipping quickly when Jungkook tries to kiss your fingers. You push his face away with a roll of your eyes, grabbing the mini bandaids from the first aid box and peeling the backing away.
You had purposely gotten the kid bandaids as an indiscreet way of punishing Jungkook, but he was so hot that he managed to pull off the Disney Princess designs.
"Thank you," he says once you're finished with him.
He steals a kiss from you, pulling away with a grin that makes you roll your eyes, despite the smile tugging at your lips.
Oh, he was absolutely insufferable.
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some boxer jk because who doesn't love him? please let me know how you liked this drabble! i'd love to hear your thoughts <3
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Snow White is Resilient & Optimistic
I'll say from the start that Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was not one of my favorites. Most likely because it was made a couple of decades before I was born so I was used to more modern, smoother animation and audio quality when I finally watched it. (And I find her singing voice too high and not something I really liked as a kid.)
That's just my preference, tho. (I do understand it was a milestone in animation history, and comparing it to previous animation, it is so wonderfully dramatic and smooth and gorgeous. But that understanding came much, much later.)
However, I think it's definitely unfair to call her a weak princess.
I mean, think of her situation: Both her parents passed away when she was a child. And on top of that, before he died, all her father gave her was a stepmother who kept her in rags and made her a scullery maid because the woman was worried Snow White (a literal child) would one day be more beautiful than her.
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Snow White is in a literal patchwork dress when we first see her, scrubbing stone stairs while humming.
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It's not mentioned in the story. But just look at how alone she is here (barring the white doves). Generally, for palaces, you would have a host of maids working in large places like this at once. But here, it is only Snow White.
It wouldn't be a stretch to guess that the queen likely kept Snow White isolated on purpose. No one to help or support her, no one to give her information, no one to teach her any skills other than how to be a scullery maid.
And what does she do? She hums and sings, cheerfully, while she scrubs stone completely alone. Chatting with doves who see her as safe but who certainly can't say anything back.
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Honestly, if we didn't have the opening scene with the intro and the Queen and mirror, and if we only had this shot of her drawing water from a well, we would think she was a cheerful village girl with no severe problems, more akin to Rose in Sleeping Beauty.
But she's actually being isolated and mistreated. Yet we don't see that at all in her demeanor. In fact, she's busy singing into a wishing well about finding love.
Then that cheerfulness snaps when the Prince actually shows up.
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Her first reaction is to run.
Not curtsy, not ask who he is, but run.
And then, only when she's a safe distance away does she actually stop and listen to him. And he's nice to her, singing back that he loves her.
[And OK, falling in love with the first man you have likely met who is nice to you is dangerous, yes. But again, that's actually fairly common in children/adults who grew up in abusive households: You are so used to being mistreated and/or neglected that the first person who is nice to you seems like an amazingly impossible person and you are so happy you met them and they actually seem to like you. (After all, no one else has taken the trouble to be nice to them, so they can't fathom why someone who isn't nice would bother acting that way with them.)
Luckily, it did work out here, tho. So good for her.]
And so she falls in love with the Prince who returns her love song.
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Then the Queen sends a Huntsman after her, telling him to escort Snow White outside into the forest to pick flowers, and then to kill her.
And here, in his shocked response of, "But Your Majesty, she's the princess!" do we get any inkling at all that people might actually know of Snow White's existence and her actual title.
Of course, the Huntsman's nerve breaks and he begs for Snow White's forgiveness instead and tells her what the Queen had hired him to do, and then tells her to run.
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And this child who is a princess in title but more experienced as a scullery maid, with little to no experience of the world outside the palace, does just that: She runs.
Into a dark forest.
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And she does not have a good time.
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It's only a brief horror-like sequence. But it's very telling in how much of a huge and terrifying change this is for her. She is completely in the unknown. And she had to choose it because the Queen was going to kill her.
I'd talked about Cinderella's resiliency in another post before. About how growing up as a child in an abusive household and making the best of it is no easy task.
But just consider Snow White's situation here: Disney's Cinderella, despite everything, had a certain maturity in her demeanor and actions. (Which is often true in cases where children need to grow up fast.) We never see her as a child or teenager somehow; that's not the impression she gives.
But Snow White gave the impression of a naive child throughout the movie, to be honest. (Which also happens, when children cling onto innocence and naivete as another coping mechanism against a difficult life. Different people have different coping mechanisms for hard childhoods.) In any case, none of us would describe her as "mature". "Innocent" is more apt, a description we often mention in connection to young children.
Also, the one who wants to kill her -- outright kill her -- is the Queen of the land, her stepmother, and arguably the only mother figure she's ever known. Forget escaping. Who could or would even help her when the Queen is the highest authority in the land? And the only people who have ever openly shown positive interest in her have been a prince she just met and likely didn't know how to find, a bunch of doves and birds in the palace who wouldn't be able to stop the Queen, and the Huntsman sent to kill her who could only urge her to run away. What is she supposed to do?
And note that she never asked the Huntsman for help. She only asked him "Who" had wanted to kill her, and had seemed horrified and shocked when he had said it was the Queen.
And despite that shock, she runs into the forest (maybe even because of that shock and being in flight mode). And despite the horrors there, she keeps running and moving forward until she collapses in exhaustion.
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And that's when the animals show up.
On a side note, figuratively, these scenes could be a metaphor for panic attacks, depression, overwhelm, and/or trauma: As in, you're trying to run, but you can't plan or think ahead, all you can do is react when you're in it. But the moment you reach your saturation point and can't think or do anymore, and have a meltdown and a good cry... you might calm down... and see that the horrible darkness around you is not quite so dark and horrible anymore.
It's not like your problems disappear (Snow White is still in an unknown forest and homeless). But you're able to see more clearly and maybe find a way to take a few steps forward, even if you can't completely solve your situation or are not sure what to do next.
[Trauma, anxiety, and depression, in their worst modes, can alter your perception of reality; and it might take that episode fading, or someone else's support, or a lot of time, before you can actually see your reality clearly again.]
Now back to Snow White.
The moment Snow White looks up, she's startled-scared by the animals watching her, which makes the animals run away too. And the moment she sees them as not a danger, she calls them back. And it's because of the bird she had helped earlier to find its parents that the animals are comfortable with her.
And then they take her to the dwarfs' cottage which she cleans up, hoping that will convince them (who she first thinks are orphan children) to let her stay.
Being little more than a scullery maid all these years, cleaning, mending, sewing, and cooking is all she knows. And that's what she offers the dwarfs when they finally meet. "I can clean and sew and mend and cook," she tells them, offering her services, her skills, for shelter. And the "cook" part hooks them, and she tells them all the desserts she could cook for them and wins them over.
She never just asks for help; she barters her skills. And then she wins their friendship over time with just the kind of person she is.
She trusts the old hag and bites the poisoned apple in the end, yes. But as already established in the earlier part of the story, she is very trusting and innocent. She didn't know the Queen was a witch, had only likely seen the imposing, beautiful version of her. So why should she suspect an old, frail woman?
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Maybe her trusting nature could be touted as a weakness. But then, this was actually the first and only time in the story that trusting someone had ended badly for her.
Snow White trusted the Huntsman's words, even though he had just a second ago aimed a dagger at her. It was because she trusted what he had told her about the Queen that she had run.
She had trusted the prince who she had just meant, trusted his love for her, and then, in the end, it was he who had found her, kissed her in farewell and grief without knowing about the curse she was sleeping under, and broke the spell and saved her.
If she had not trusted the animals in the forest and followed them, she would never have found the dwarfs' cottage.
And she had trusted the adult dwarfs and stayed with them, even though she had initially expected the house to belong to seven children from the size of their furniture.
So if, in every instance, her trusting people and believing things would be all right if she just kept her spirits up had actually helped her out in difficult situations, why would she not trust the old lady? It was just an apple, and she was just a frail old woman.
In essence, Snow White is actually very resilient and very good at adjusting to whatever is thrown at her. And keeping her hopeful and positive attitude through all that is a strength. She could have so easily fallen into despair, but she didn't.
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Such optimism and hopefulness despite such odds are marks of strength and resilience. She was the epitome of a person who could go with the flow, no matter what was thrown at her.
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
some thoughts on dave lalonde
so note this isn’t a kidswap au, just a strilonde guardian swap au; a plausible au wherein dave’s meteor(s) are set to land in upstate new york and rose’s in houston tx where they are discovered by mom lalonde and bro strider respectively. so it’s not even really an “alternative universe” so much as “alternative circumstance” because that’s literally all that changes
their interests aren’t swapped; their interests are a natural result of a mix of what they were always predisposed towards (we can look at their post-scratch versions for constants) combined with their living environment. rose strider is still gothy and writes, knits, and has an interest in the zoologically dubious. perhaps rose might handcraft some delirious puppets for her brother-slash-ectofather’s enterprise as a “gift” in one-upmanship. probably has good rapport with the crows that fly into her ironic knockoff disney-princess themed bedroom (see the post i linked above) and get them to fuck with bro passively in exchange for peanuts. she also keeps all the things the crows gift her, pickpocketed shiny things and whatnot
dave lalonde is still the knight of time, still makes sbahj, likes photography, still loves cooking up unbelievably ill jams, still into post-ironic expression, however he’s not irony-poisoned by bro so he’s more comfortable being genuine. his interest in dead things and paleontology comes more to a forefront because of mom’s predilection towards science and genuine encouragement from her. after all she’s made many a mutant kitten herself
i feel like since dave fell to earth with maplehoof, crushing the pony instantly on impact, instead of using its hide to make a bib like a fucking weirdo, mom would paradox clone maplehoof. so dave has a pet pony with a ribbon and little pink heart on it. a knight needs a loyal steed. and hes been attached to maplehoof since his literal first few minutes of existing. so maplehoof wouldnt be bought anywhere, it would originate from itself
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i mean he’s seen with the pony at his side in the post-scratch universe so…..
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would make sense if the pony mom gifted to rose in canon was more of an involved thing with dave in this circumstance
the only issue is maplehoof cant become his sprite, otherwise that would break the timeloop (they need to come unaltered to earth with dave on the meteor in the first place during the reckoning). also [S] Ride with dave and the scarf would absolutely be a thing at some point
i was thinking maybe instead of a crow, since they aren’t as “everywhere” in upstate new york as they are in that high rise in texas, dave has something more prehistoric put into a sprite. like a parave theropod. can you imagine parave davesprite. maybe an archaeopteryx or something
i guess mom would indulge in a living museum/zoo for “domesticated” ancient organisms all jurassic parked like a weird ongoing experiment but the ectobiology wouldnt be perfect especially because the dna wouldnt be able to be fully read from fossils and specimens. i feel like jurassic park should be dave lalonde’s sort of in-universe media reference the way con air was with john and putting the bunny back in the box. like his friends would just rip on him for living out jurassic park in an imperfect domestic way
and he accidentally kills it through some fetch modus shenanigans. dave still has the bladekind strife specibus but not because he does rooftop battles but because swords are unironically cool, and flings it out the window by accident and it strikes one of the parave theropods in the enclosed zoo below outside his window and dave feels kinda bad
when jade sees it as his server player shes like “oh nooooo :(“ and dave is like “oh god no dont put that in the seizure kernel while i take a piss in one of the many fancy bathrooms this household has”
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rius-cave · 6 months
Hear me out! Just 5 seconds of your time! So I don’t think Adam can be a Sinner but can still get stuck in hell.
The First Man never ate the Apple of Wisdom = no free will = no applicable sin. However, he is technically made of clay that imitates flesh and where does he die? In the dirt. SO he revives due to a passive skill using Hell’s hard clay. Now, The entire realm (the dirt, animals, weather, everything) recognizes him as part of itself and it won’t let him go back to Heaven! QUE PLANT!ADAM BEING HELL’S DISNEY PRINCESS- sorry Charlie. All layers of Hell basically lean into his hand like a lazy cat but now that he’s in a better environment Adam just vibes and pets things!?
Adam out in his flower patch with a giga murder bee he picked up from the Gluttony Ring since he’s not restricted, much to everyone’s horror.
Also, totally not Yandere!Lucifer vibrating like a cockatiel with a solo cup because he basically gets to do Eden all over again but this time he’ll succeed! Plus plants have both bits. Charlie could use a sibling right? :D
Bonus: did you know that if anyone eats both the Apple of Wisdom and the Apple of Life they will be in sin in perpetuity? Lucifer = Wisdom. Adam = Life (he constantly talks about dezz nuts all the time so I mean…)
- Anon 🔴☘️ (I hope this wasn’t to long I don’t really use Tumblr)
Hmm... Anon I have to say I feel like I'm missing something here. I don't think I'm quite understanding the mechanics of this situation. Adam dies but he isn't reborn...? He revives using a passive skill, and this means...? Does he still have his physical body? Are you implying his spirit lives in everyone in Hell like Eren from Attack on Titan? sdkjsfsd
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falderaletcetera · 7 months
The Princess (hulu/disney) and Damsel (netflix) (seriously can we start using more original names already) are absolutely in the same genre of "princesses put in princessy situations and acting in very unprincesslike ways", which I love, but I'd argue I Am Dragon/On – drakón fits the bill too.
a little less obviously. but without spoiling anything, neither the characters nor the genre expect her to be so selfish and resourceful, and (okay this is a spoiler) I personally felt the rug pulled out from under me when she was entirely willing to kill someone who'd just saved her life.
it's about the moment the story shifts from a tragic fairy tale with a passive princess to the princess turning around and saving herself, even if she has to hurt people along the way, even if she has to be everything the archetypal princess isn't. that shift is less stark and less tidy in I Am Dragon, but it's there.
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coeluvr · 5 months
love a disney princess mc who still absolutely loses it around luceris...going to bed every night staring at the ceiling like we are NOT killing him remember what vesphirian confucius said abt seeking revenge...its not worth it.....we're better than this...
Disney Princess MC that complains to their plants about Luceris OR smacks their dough while baking/cooking pretending it's Luceris OR paints/draws Luceris dead OR writes their version of fanfic where he's dying or dead 🥺
Just a passive little guy who uses their healthy coping mechanism to let out steam. 💗
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Could I request a self aware neige reacting to us being the definition of a Disney princess? Thanks and have a good day
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, possessive behavior, manipulation, poison, unhealthy relationship
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Player is the definition of a Disney princess
Neige is already pretty naive (if you ask me) but even he had to do a double take when he witnessed you first hand
Animal magnet? Yes. Sunlight that hits you softly from the side like a well-meant cushion thrown by a passive-aggressive friend? Mhm. Choirs of angels in his head? They are living in there without paying rent
Even Neige is somewhere deep down like “mum, easy to abduct, just need sum cookies”
But we don't talk about his darker thoughts here (or at least not yet, point eight should start to get not do cuddly)
I wouldn't be surprised if RSA had something like “save the maiden in danger”-classes
Even if they don't, he will still somehow end up with you on a white horse riding into the sunset
I mean, hello? You thought he will leave alone? Just like that? (He hit you on the head or what??!)
When he saw you for the first time he was weary
Why did you seem so familiar... OH F-*insert un-princely vocabulary* YOU ARE THE OVERSEER!
But then again, how could you not be?
Just look at all the animals. The world is literally fighting for your attention!
So after mister “not so innocent innocence” finally decided that you are the one he always wants to be with he might do some things not so good for his reputation if his fans ever were to find out... unknowingly of course (does that make things better or worse?)
All I can say is, you, the innocent somehow seen as almighty cinnamon roll, believes every word he wipers into your ear
How ironic, Snow White is poisoning you this time... just without the apple and more with words
Before you know it you think that your friends are actually laughing all the gone about you and only see you as a fool
But no need to worry! He is here! Just for you! All you need to do is take his hand and follow him! I just don't know if you will ever see another human soul beside his own after that
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holly-opal · 6 months
🎪The opposite digital circus 🎪
So I thought a thought and i made tadc swap au. Except they swap personalities and are the opposite of themselves.
Instead of being anxious and wanting to find an exit, Pomni is over the moon and is very happy to be here. She has always wanted to be in a happier world when she was in the real world, and now she is! Pomni has made friends with everyone! Sometimes she sings songs out of nowhere like a Disney princess with music no one else can hear, she talks to imaginary animal friends, and she makes jokes even at the most inappropriate times. She would honestly get along with Kaufmo.
Instead of being mean and egoistical, he's more shy and quiet, often staying out of the way of conflict. He likes to make his own movies in the tadc version of Windows Movie Maker (inspired by @sm-baby) and occasionally make pillows forts with Kinger and Zooble. He is relentlessly bullied by Gangle and sometimes gets yelled at by Ragatha, but he still sees the good side of people. He's the type of person to give people a second chance even after they've already broken every chance they've got. He gets along with Kinger and Zooble the best, and he has a bit of a crush on Pomni. He used to make comedy movies with Kaufmo.... But we all know how that turned out.
Instead of being optimistic and caring, she's pessimistic and is very dead inside. She doesn't like to be around people and is more often in her room when not on adventures. She is very depressed and is prone to lash out to others, she doesn't really mean it tho. She finds it hard to cope in the digital realm, she's practically stopped cleaning her room. She and Gangle fight a lot, she finds it hard to relate to Zooble and Jax, Kinger is very naggy, and Pomni is... Well Pomni. She was good friends with Kaufmo though...
Instead of being moody and avoidant, they're very carefree and adventurous. They love being around people and experimenting with creative projects like sculpting, lego building, etc. They still have an identity crisis and smoke a lot though. They sometimes try to get Jax into drugs, Kinger scolds them alot about that lmao. They used to smoke a lot with Kaufmo.
Instead of being sad and kind, she is a BITCH- Jk but she is mean tho. She takes out her anger about being stuck in a digital hell out of people, particularly Jax cause he's the weakest. Her sad mask is replaced with her angry mask, which makes her yell and harm everyone in her path. Gangle still has the happy mask, but it's more passive aggressive and fake now. She still writes fanfiction and watches anime tho. She sometimes forced Kaufmo to watch an anime.
Instead of being..... Well very kooky, he's more logical and stable. He acts like a father figure to most of the inhabitants in the circus. He likes to research bugs and capture them, he sometimes captures the centipedes for Ragatha. He has a very low tolerance for anyone's bullshit, especially Gangle's or Ragatha's. He's usually very sweet, but can be VERY scary when he's mad. Besides Gangle and Ragatha, he's good friends with everyone else, he even had a crush on a certain ringleader (Wink wink 😉) Kaufmo supported him having a crush on the AI.
What was once an enthusiastic and happy ringleader, became depressed and apathetic to it all. After watching players abstract day after day after day after day, he became less of himself. Eventually becoming more sad and unmotivated, only doing the adventures cause it's the only thing to do nowadays. Although he doesn't see the point in it, he's still good friends with the inhabitants, but he keeps his distance. He truly does love the chess king, but he knows it's only a matter of time before he abstracts. Hell, Kaufmo already did.
And that's everyone! I'll do more with this au, such as making everyone's designs, make comics, and other stuff. Here are some drawings of them
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lisaas2418 · 9 months
You know a trend noticed: gay men will just be absolute besties with women, but hate the shit out of straight cis men.
Ya know what's even funnier? If the TWST boys are just nice/polite/very respectful to the disney princesses but the second an RSA counterpart gets within a two mile radius there's a fucking manhunt.
Also my theory is that all the gays end up at NRC while all the straights or stuck in the closet go to RSA.
It's just like this:
NRC with princesses: oh dear oh dear gorgeous
NRC with male counterparts: you fucking donkey!
Well who is gay or not is up to the viewers eyes (although I do think Cater and Trey are great together)
Also do I sense a Gorden Ramsey reference 🤔
So when it comes to the princesses they try to be polite to them considerung they are royalty and they dont wanna be rude to people who are historical figures.
I think about every Disney Character is a historical figure in TWST, but that is just my opinion
But when it comes to RSA.....yeah they are not so friendly or atleast more passive aggressive, due to losing against them at every event
The RSA boys are almost completely oblivious to it
Yuu is pretty much neutral about it. They are nice to the princesses and nice to the RSA boys, because honestly they dont care for their rivaly.
Its their fault if they cant change their strategy and work together to win 🙄
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