#Elephant Trunk stage
toulousewayne · 11 months
Batfam and Batsis Headcannon: Ages 8-17
Bruce didn’t know about (Y/n/Batsis) when she was born. He didn’t know about her until she was older. By the time Batman began his second year, is when Alfred came across a old letter from Bruce’s earlier days. As fate would have it Batman attend a homicide scene with Gordon that same night. A woman had been beaten to death by her boyfriend who was in GCPD custody. In the small apartment in the East End was a small girl.
Bruce felt like he had seen the girl before but before he could speak with her CPS took her away, returning to the cave he opened the case on the woman and his heart dropped. M/n L/n was a woman Bruce grew close with before he left to train and study abroad. Looking into the girl he found out her name was Y/n and she had been in and out of foster care due to her Mother loosing custody of her several times due several causes but she got her back a year ago and seemed to be doing better. But her boyfriend wasn’t, his record was one of the worst Alfred had laid eyes on and now Y/n was without her Mom. “She’s only 8, Alfred—she’s only..” “…I know Master Bruce, what are you thinking?”
Bruce immediately went to find the girl and it felt strange, the girl before him looked so much like the woman he met years ago but she also reminded him of hisself. It wasn’t until several hours of talking did he learn she saw and heard everything, and Bruce hugged her and she cried for her Mom. Alfred and Gordon arrived and talked to Bruce to tell him that the girl’s “father” was not her real father, her Mother didn’t put him on the birth certificate nor did his DNA match.
Bruce nearly fell out his chair in the police station, a passing by cop made a comment about being a Playboy catching up finally. Once it was over Bruce took Y/n with him while he figured out how to help her.
It was hard at first, Y/n went from a shithole apartment in the dirtiest area of the city to a large gothic manor in the outskirts of the said city. She wondered around a lot and for a while she was very quiet. Bruce thought maybe he wasn’t helping her but instead was hurting her. And that’s when she found the piano in his office. She played it beautifully and found peace in this one room. Bruce joined her and it was the ice breaker the two needed. As time went on she learned about his parents—her grandparents and why he became the Dark Knight. She didn’t want Bruce to continue as Batman, she knew it was selfish but she didn’t want to lose anyone else. Bruce made her a pinky promise that he would always come back to her and she’s never be alone in this world even when his time did come.
Y/n was one of few people who knew Bruce could genuinely sing. And she asked him to sing for her while she played the piano and later on other musical instruments. He’d sing for her and only her. And Alfred had hoped this moment between Father and Daughter could stay. Bruce even stayed in a night every once and a while, but then the Circus happened.
It was only a few months after Y/n began living with Bruce when the three decided to attend the Traveling Circus. Y/n wanted to see all the animals and pet them. Bruce had to remind her that’s she couldn’t do that, but a friendly elephant used its trunk to pet her head. “Sorry, I hope she didn’t scare you.” A dark hair boy apologized. He smiled and Y/n became even more excited about the elephant. Bruce introduced himself and Y/n and shortly the boy’s father came to fetch him as they were on stage next. The boy waved bye to them and Y/n begged to watch the next act.
No one could predict what was gonna happen. Screams, yells for help and people running from the tent after such a tragedy. Bruce rushed through the crowd to find help, but Y/n saw it all, even though Alfred hoped the girl didn’t, having being put through more trauma. Her gaze never left the sobbing boy several feet in the air. The same boy who let her pet the elephants and fed them moments ago.
Y/n went home with Alfred and Bruce who immediately went to work. Y/n stayed in the office playing the piano. It was only a few days later that the same boy from the circus was brought inside the manor with Bruce.
From complete strangers to now being siblings in only a matter of days. Even though Dick was hurting he didn’t once shut out Y/n,and she didn’t pick at him for his random burst of emotions. She let Dick express whatever he was feeling and she didn’t Judge for it.
The nos 12-year-old acrobat showed his little sister how much he doing routines and acts. And she loved watching him, and he loved listening to her play piano and singing which she didn’t even do in front of Bruce just for her new Big Brother.
The two were thick as thieves playing pranks on Bruce, stealing extra cookies, staying up late in Dick’s room watching horror films. And Dick would get reprimanded for later for showing his kid sister Nightmare on Elm Street. But he didn’t care he loved his sister and she loved him back.
School was hard for her because Y/n was never in school long enough and she struggled. Dick had his own struggles but he always helped her with math.
“Little sis, I helped you with his homework how did you fail it that’s easy.”
“Read the question.”
Jokily,”If Sara had 3 dollars, seven quarters, how fast can Max drive to her?”
“What’s wrong Dickie?”
“How do—this is not aister!”
They two only grew closer as they got older and as Dick became Robin, it now meant that Y/n was worried sick about two people and Alfred had told that if they were hurt and didn’t tell him they would feel the wrath of the Lady of the Manor.
Dick began hanging out with other kids his age, and older and then he was gone from the Manor at chunks of time with the Titans.
Eventually she would meet the original Titans, Donna, Wally, Roy, and Garth. They were all older than her but the loved her because their Best Friend loved her.
She loved hanging out the most with Donna because it was like having a Big Sister, and plus if the boys were annoying she tell Donna who would make them scatter.
Everyone knew that Y/n had a schoolyard crush on Roy, well everyone but Roy of course. The other found it funny, Dick didn’t.
“Hey guys!” Roy shouted energetically.
“Hi Roy.” Wally and Dick muttered while playing Mortal Combat. He turned his gaze to Y/n who had her face in a book.
“Hey Y/n.” He greeted, she looked at him red in the face and smiled before speed walking out the room. Dick now had a scowl on his face as Wally laughed and Roy didn’t know if it was because Wally won or something else.
Wally loved giving her piggyback rides throughout the city with the wind flying through her hair.
But time was a cruel thing, as Dick got bigger so did the rift between him and Bruce. They’re days of small disputes become full on screaming matches.
Dick would go to his room and pack his stuff and leave for the Titans. First, it was only a week, than a month, but this last time they both said horrible things and Y/n saw her brother in rage trash his room and pack up whatever he could take and pack his car.
But this time she knew this wasn’t like before. Now older she pleaded with him to take her with him but he told her he couldn’t, it wouldn’t be fair to drag her into his and Bruce’s fight. Dick hugged the now younger teenage girl before him as he now towered over her, he knew he would turn 18 soon and he would be done with Bruce but not his Peanut.
“Don’t worry kid, I’ll be back. I call you when I get to the Tower.” And with that he spend off.
Y/n began to rebel against her Father’s wishes, she stopped playing music for bit, at least in her usual places, she wouldn’t wait for him in the cave, she would stay up late and ignoring whatever he told her. Soon they had their own disagreements and she would get the same scrunch in her nose that he would have on his face from fighting with Alfred.
“I’d say that went well, Don’t you Master Bruce?”
Y/n become last open with her thoughts and she would write down her thoughts, and play guitar a lot in her or sometimes Dick’s room.
She went to spend the weekend with Dick and when she returned with him she unintentionally convinced him to speak with Bruce. Upon her return she found another boy in the cave and this started another fight between the oldest and Batman.
Jason’s arrival brought on new experiences for Y/n even though she was close with Dick, Jason lived the manor something Dick didn’t do anymore she got used to being the only kid again. And Jason ever had siblings, so he made it his mission to be the most annoying big/little brother ever.
Jason would constantly pick at his baby sister even though he was only taller by two inches she still found it amusing.
The two bickered the most and it didn’t help that Y/n was the only girl in the house. She found peace with either Donna, Kori or Babs.
Jason would enter her room and leave her door open, would mock her voice, take her books and hide it., read her song lyrics, take her phone and make her chase him for it while teasing her. Don’t get me wrong Jason love his sister.
One day after school two guys were picking with her and Y/n may not fight like a vigilante but she could hold her own. But Jason stepped in. And by the time Alfred and Bruce got calls the two siblings beat up the bullies and were suspended for a week, Bruce had to pay the families to not sue even though he grounded them he was secretly proud that they had each others back.
Bruce even tried to be more present and take them to movies but Jason didn’t like the plot of the film because so much of it wasn’t in the novels and Y/n just wanted to see the changes for herself.
While out shopping with Babs Y/n got Jason his own personal journal and pen set for his to write down his thoughts. She went to his room but he wasn’t their, she went to the cave where Alfred was sobbing and Bruce was stoic. She asked for Jason but was met with her Father silently crying and tell her that he passed away.
Those words hit her but she didn’t believe them, ran to look for his and found a something covered by a plain white sheet. Only moving a few feet she saw the tuff of jet black hair, the partial showing arm with scarred, charred and bloody Robin suit.
Y/n became emotionless, it wasnt until after his black casket was lowered and covered in Earth did it take her to break. It took Babs soothing the young teen to let it out before she could try to process everything.
She’d visit his grave every Sunday with flowers and would talk about her week. She’d tell him especially about new books she read that she thought he’d read.
Sometimes after school she’s visit a cafe Jason took her to just to read or even journal about her experiences.
Once she turned 16 she begged Bruce to get a car, but just any car it was one Jason had always wanted. Seeing has he didn’t make it to 16 dying at 15 she felt like have the car he wanted was a way to keep him alive.
The first Batgirl and daughter of Police Commissioner Gordon. Y/n looked at up to Babs, she met her officially through Dick since he and Barbara had the same classes and they dated briefly off and on when they were younger.
Y/n found Barbara’s transformation into Batgirl to be bad ass, she loved how both Dick and Bruce didn’t approve of her and she still said,”I’ll show you boys.”
Babs was around a lot for Y/n especially once Dick left, she would text him and give him updates on her telling him how he missed a school play or she was doing good in math. She also scolded him for not picking up the phone to call his sister himself.
Even though she trained with Bruce and a bit with a Dick, she originally had no intention of being a vigilante. Barbara took Y/n under her wing too and taught her more advanced skills in technology and hacking that Bruce didn’t even know.
Even when Jason joined Babs was still there though she was getting older and eventually she retired Batgirl.
Shortly before Jason’s death would Barbara come to terms with a life altering experience.
Barbara shut everyone out and became very cold, she was trying to figure out her new way of life after being shot by the Joker. Just as Babs was their for her, Y/n did not let Barbara mop about. She pushed her to keep training,to find a new way to help Batman and other heroes.
A few weeks after the first year anniversary of Jason’s death Babs asked Y/n to come to her Clock tower and that’s when she asked Y/n to take over being Batgirl, she told Y/n that’s she helped her find a new outline on life and she wants Y/n to figure out if this line of work is not really for her.
She was reluctant at first but she was secretly receiving more training from Babs, and eventually Dinah and Helena.
She put those skills to the test when Gotham was under attack and Oracle sent out the new Batgirl. Bruce and Dick weren’t happy but a break out in Blackgate and Arkham would come first
Barbara told Bruce that Y/n was under her guidance and she would oversee her training. Bruce agreed and once he thank his daughter that was how she took on the new Batgirl identity.
She met a kid outside the manor one afternoon.
“Umm hi, why are you outside my house?”
The tween looked up,”Oh cool your the new Batgirl I thought you were taller. Is Batman home?”
She dragged the boy into the foyer and told her dad they have a guest.
*Part 2 coming soon 😘‼️‼️‼️
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coltrainbat · 2 years
Hi there. I just read yes no maybe both parts, and i loved it! It was so well written. Love everything about it. Since request are open can i ask first sex for Chris and reader? When it's her first time. She has waited for the one.
Pretty Special
A/N: Happy New Year! First one of 2023 and I must say I'm very happy with it if I do say myself but feedback is always welcome. 💕☘️
WARNINGS: SMUT MINORS DNI. 8k filth, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, pain during sex, sex, orgasm, P in V
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You fiddled with your hands nervously in the black car. 
Chris had generously brought you out to LA for the week, you had been talking on FaceTime and over the phone for over 2 months now. 
Making it 2 months since you’d last seen him and 2 months since you’ve had his lips on you. 
You don’t think you’ve ever been on a holiday where you did so little planning, he’d organised everything from the flight to the car, you just had to show up with your bags. 
You had landed a little after sunset and thanks to the comfy first-class seat you were well rested and just excited to meet Dodger for the first time. 
The elephant of the room sat in the back of your head, a looming force reminding you of the make-or-break situation that the future of you and Chris hanged on. You were a virgin. 
It’s not like you were lacking in offers from suitors it’s just that it was never right for you, wrong location, wrong guy, wrong underwear, too drunk, too tired, too bored. 
You had done anything else but that final threshold of having a dick inside of you was yet to be crossed, and why else would Chris spend all this money and fly you out if it wasn’t for the expectation for a little hanky panky? 
It’s not like you didn’t want the gorgeous man on top of you. That was all you could think about the last two months whenever he’d send a photo without a shirt on or if he’d send a bit of a suggestive text. God, it was all you thought about. 
But what if it turned him off? 
Taking someone’s virginity may not be a lot to some guys but what if he thought you were some inexperienced prude? 
What if didn’t want you to get really attached to your first time, but who were you kidding you were already attached.
The sex would probably just make you a sappy begging mess. That’s if he does. Worst case he tells you to get the fuck out and find your own way home. But he wouldn’t do that… 
Would he? 
“We are here ma’am.” The driver pulled you out of your train of anxious thought, parking in the driveway of a luxurious house that was definitely trying to sell itself as modest. Single story. So modest. If it wasn’t in the most expensive suburb of Hollywood and completely gated. You looked out the window to see Chris jogging out of the house towards your door. Your stomach flipped seeing him. He looked so… cool. In sweats and a T-shirt. You suddenly felt extremely overdressed in your casual dress and sandals. He was in sweatpants for God sakes! But he looked absolutely delicious and less tired than he did 2 months ago. He seemed calmer, more relaxed, and absolute overjoyed to see you. 
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He opened your door “Hey pretty lady! You made it.” You got out of the car opting for a hug because at this stage your relationship was still undefined, and you didn’t want to come off too strong by planting a big fat kiss on his plump pink lips. 
“I made it!” Omg you’re an idiot. 
He pulled you in close, sneaking a whiff of your hair. 
“Was the flight, ok?” 
“It was the best flight I’ve ever been on. So much leg room!” 
“Yeah the first class seats a pretty comfortable.” 
“Thank you again it was very generous but you didn’t have to.” 
“I want you comfortable so yes I had to.” He thanked the driver pulling your bags out of the trunk. 
Taking them and wheeling them up the driveway, you inched towards your bags, but he quickly shielded them from you “Hey no I got it.” You followed him to the front door where he stopped with his hand on the doorknob. 
“Just warning you, when I open this door, you will get attacked.” 
“I’m ready” you were grinning like an idiot, excited to see the pup in the flesh 
“if he’s too much I’ll pull him off you.” 
“Please don’t.” 
“Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.” He shook his head opening the door just a crack, but it wasn’t long between Dodger wiggled his way out, immediately going to sniffing and pawing at your legs, licking every surface he saw. 
“Oh hello! Hi puppy! Hi! Hi! Hey.. how are you?” You crouched down to be met with more puppy kisses. 
“Hey hey Dodge easy I haven’t even gotten a kiss yet.” Chris pulled him lightly by the collar. You looked at him smirking as blush rose to your cheeks. 
You rose, pecking him on the cheek. “More where that came from Evans.” He chuckled, leading you into the foyer with Dodged staunchly between your legs. 
“Did you eat already?” 
“I did, food was better than I get on the ground sometimes” reminiscing on the 5-star meal you had in the air. 
“Well can I get you a drink then? I have wine, beer, spritz...” 
“Beer is fine.” 
“Geez a woman after my own heart.” 
Your bags abandoned in the foyer you followed him into the modern kitchen as he fetched two beers from the fridge, pulling off the cap with his teeth. 
“Omg you’re gonna crack your teeth!” 
“Veneers.” He grinned at you, cap between his front teeth as he spat it onto the counter. 
“No way!” 
“Yep but don’t tell anyone.” He winked at you, handing you the ice-cold drink. 
“It’s a nice night why don’t we sit outside?” You nodded, sipping your drink as you made your way outside and settled on the plush outdoor couch. 
Chris right next to you, falling with a sigh. 
“There’s a guest bedroom if you’d like, has a bathroom and everything I did it up for you. But I was kind of hoping you’d sleep in my bed but if you don’t want to…” You bit your lip at the suggestion. 
“I want to it’s just-“ 
“Yeah no sorry too soon I didn’t want to pressure you or anything.” 
“No it’s not that like I want to sleep with you. Badly” his eyes lit up your statement 
“I promise I don’t bite.” 
“I wouldn’t mind if you did I’ve just… I’ve never… slept with anyone before.” 
“Oh so you have a habit of sneaking out when the deed is done… should I lock the doors then?” He chuckled, holding the bottle to his mouth.
“No Chris, I haven’t had sex… with anyone.” 
“Wow.” A silence fell over you two.
“Yeah I know it’s embarrassing.” 
“No, its not, definitely not embarrassing. I’m just kind of shocked no one has gone there before I mean… god you’re gorgeous.” 
“It’s not that they haven’t tried I’m just… picky.” 
“Would you want me to be your first time? I mean I’d be honoured but I understand if you want to save it for someone special.” 
“I think you’re pretty special.” You smirked at him. 
“Well how about we sit down here for a little and then we can go inside.” He placed his hand delicately on your thigh, rubbing it softly. 
You leaned over towards his ear “I’ve wait this long why are you gonna keep me waiting longer?” You purred. 
His ears went red, immediately jumping up and pulling you up, wrapping his arms around you “we’ll go as slow as you want.” 
“Thank you but I think I’m more than ready.” He planted a soft kiss on your lips, putting his hand on your face, inching your neck back a little to deepen the kiss.
“Come on.” He led you inside towards the bedroom door. 
Dodger behind you two “Nah-uh, Dodger stay.” Chris told him, before he had a chance to sneak in with you two. The pup wined a little, falling on his stomach. “Sorry buddy adults only.” You sulked at him. 
You sat with Chris on the edge of the bed, side by side, his hand sliding to your waist as his softly palmed the fabric of your dress. 
“So how far have you gone?” 
“Everything but.” 
“Ok great so you won’t mind if I slip this thing off.” His hands went to the edge of your dress. “You first.” You stopped his hands, eyeing him. 
He groaned, getting up and ripping off his shirt. 
This was your first time seeing him shirtless in the flesh and you couldn’t help your mouth fall agape as your eyes widened, looking at the intricate tattoos covering his chest. You were desperate to the trace them. Pulling off his sweats, revealing some basic Calvin Kleins, with a large, hard cock straining against them. 
He winked at you “Happy with your choice?” You just nodded shyly as he scooted back onto the bed next to you. 
Hands going to the hem of your dress as he pulled it over your head revealing your matching black lace set. 
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“Matching? You definitely planned this.” 
You slapped his chest as he eased you back onto the pillows. 
Mouth falling to yours as he kissed you deeply, hands falling to your hips, grabbing you softly yet firmly. His mouth fell to your jaw, peppering kisses and nipping at the skin of your neck as he made his way towards your bra. 
“As pretty as this is...” he toyed with the lace edging, “Can I take it off?” He looked up at you, hands grabbing the two breasts. 
You just nodded as he smoothed his hands around your back, sitting up a little to allow him to expertly undo the clasp;
“You’ve definitely done that before.” 
“Practise makes perfect baby.” He purred against your lips going into kiss you. His tongue moved down towards your breasts, lightly sucking at the skin of your now erect nipples. You moaned, body instinctively moving into his. 
“Jesus… so perfect baby.” He left out a muffled groan while your tit sat delicately in his warm mouth. Moving towards your stomach, his movements slowed as he explored your bare skin with his fingertips, leaving a soft, wet trail of kisses towards your panties. He pressed his nose against your covered groin, inhaling your sweet scent. Licking at your inner thigh, your hands falling to his head, pushing him further giving him all the encouragement he needed to slowly pull off your panties. Mouth immediately returning to your folds as his tongue explored the insides of your oasis. Licking and sucking at your sensitive, erect clit, leaving you a moaning mess. It felt like he was between your legs for hours, making sure you were a soaking, moaning mess for him. 
“Good girl, god you taste so good baby.” Cumming onto his tongue, he continued to suck up and spit out your precious juices. 
Your hands aimlessly travelled towards his cock desperate to feel his length in your hand. 
“Nah-uh baby tonight’s about you.” He loomed over your now naked figure on his bed, drinking in the sight of you. 
“You can make up for it later.” He whispered in your ear as he sucked on your lobe. He broke the contact monetarily to finally release his now pulsating member, hard and erect with veins pulsating along the length. He was thick with a round, cut bulbous head. Your eyes widened at the sight of it in all its glory, gulping at what was soon to be your fate. 
“We’ll go slow.” He assured you, trying to ease the hesitation in your eyes. He sat over you, hands reaching towards his bedside table pulling out a bottle of lube and a condom. Slowly and delicately, he squirted the sticky liquid into his hand, rubbing it over his length in a teasing rhythmic fashion. Hands falling to your pussy, he slowly pushed a singular digit in, easing the lube in and out as you withered under his touch. Using his outer fingers to rub it on your folds, slowly adding a second finger to stretch you out;
“fuck you’re tight baby” 
“No shit I’m a virgin” you choked out through moans
 “Shit I almost forgot” he chuckled sheepishly.
Slipping in a third finger seamlessly, his other hand working your clit trying to inch you to a second orgasm. Your hand clawed at his forearm at the sheer feeling of you being stretched by his fingers. 
“Oh god Chris.” 
“Gotta make sure you’re all ready for me.” 
“Are your fingers the same size?” 
“Unfortunately… or fortunately… not.” Your head fell back to the pillow as you took in a deep breathe “I’m ready” 
“Are you sure cause we have the whole week we can-“ 
“Stop talking.” You pulled his head in for another passionately, sloppy kiss. 
“Ok ok… shhh. Now, it’s gonna sting at first, for a little bit it’ll feel better if I move,  but I’m not gonna move unless you say so and if it really fucking hurts say chocolate and I’ll stop.” You nodded at his instruction. As he positioned his now wrapped head at your core, making sure you were both overly lube up. 
He pushed his head against your tight hole, he moved inwards slightly earning a groan from you 
“You ok?” You nodded, gritting your teeth a little at his size. 
“Is it all in?” 
“That was the head baby.” 
“Hey it’s ok I’m not gonna move until you tell me to.” You lay like that for a moment, Chris leaving soft kisses on your décolletage. 
“Move.” You told him.
He pushed in a couple of more inches, 3/4 of the way in at this point. Your body jolted at the sudden sensation of being stretched beyond belief, the sting he warned you about forming in your insides. 
“You wont believe me but look really beautiful right now.” He was staring at you in the eyes now, a small smile on his lips as he watched you bite your bottom lip, sweat forming your forehead. 
“I’m gonna kiss you while I push the rest in it’ll help distract you does that sound ok baby?” You nodded, pawing at his neck, desperate to taste him again. 
You gasped into his mouth at the final push, him now sitting tightly between your fold, stretching against your walls. 
You winced slightly at the feeling of being fully stuffed. His lips fell to the tears that you didn’t realise had fallen, kissing your cheek and tasting the salty liquid, “Hey you’re doing so well baby, you’re ok.” 
You stayed like that for a while, adjusting your insides to his length. 
“You sure?” You confirmed the statement by leaning into kiss him as he started his slow short thrusts, staying firmly inside of you and only moving enough to get you adjusted to the feeling. After a couple of minutes of just that and more passionate kissing, the sting subsided, making way for a new sensation of pleasure and fullness.
“Oh wow, holy shit.” You breathed out 
“Good?” He looked up at you searching for reassurance 
“Really good.” You smiled at him, moaning again at his movements 
“Do you want me to go a little faster?” 
“Please.” You begged out, with that his thrusts turned more natural, as he moved in and out of you, hips pressing against yours as you started to adjust to the rhythm of his drive. Slowly accumulating to the feeling of hot, delicious, pleasurable sex. Chris’s pants grew as he supported himself by his forearms over you. Continuing his assault of his lips over your face and mouth. Deepening the kisses when he hit your cervix, swallowing each other’s moans you grew confident enough to move your hips upwards slightly, allowing a new angle for both of you. 
“Jesus Christ baby that feels fucking amazing.” Proud at your first foray into Sex Goddess status you continued to match his thrusts with a nudge of your hips. Your buttocks squeezing together as the coil in your stomach tightened when his head would hit your G-spot, a previously undiscovered spot of pleasure for you. You fell into a moaning mess begging for a release from what was sure to be an explosive orgasm 
“Chris, I’m gonna cum, omg please don’t stop.” You moaned loudly.
“I’m gonna cum too where you want it?” 
“Just cum in me please.” 
“Oh god Y/N” he let out a guttural moan with his final thrust into you, shooting out his cum as you creamed over his cock. 
Slowly pulling out gently, you whined at the loss of contact. He collapsed in a heap of heavy breaths beside you. Both of you now, spent from the intimate and passionate activity. He got up towards the bathroom, you heard the water running but with your eyes blurry from the orgasm still, you didn’t think you could find the strength to lift your head. Suddenly you felt the cool press of a wet rag against your heat, sopping up the mixture of your cum and lube. You opened your eyes to see him gently cleaning you up with the soft cotton towel. “That was-“ you breathed out. “Amazing.” He smirked at you. 
“Happy with your first time?” 
“As long as it’s not the last.” 
“Oh, it won’t be, but you do need to pee first… here.” Chris held out his hand, easing you up out of your euphoric state, up to your legs. Placing you gently, on the toilet seat, you sat loopy from your orgasm. Chris leaned against the sink, watching you with a smug smirk 
“A little privacy?” You looked up at you, lazily covering your chest. 
“Nope I need to make sure you pee.” 
“You’re a freak.” 
“It’s going to take a lot from you to get rid of me.”   
“Lucky I’m planning on keeping you around.” You blew him a kiss.
Chris brought you breakfast in bed the next morning, softly rubbing the sore spots you had never felt before as you ate. Ravenous after a beautiful passionate night. 
You moved to get out of bed, wanting to inspect yourself in the mirror.
“Y/N I wouldn’t try and wal-“ With the final word, your legs gave out like jelly and you plopped onto the soft carpet with a dramatic ow falling from your mouth.
“Walk.” Chris finished, coming around to help you up. 
“How did you know that was gonna happen?” You asked as he grabbed your hands, pulling you back onto the bed.
“You’re not the first.” He grumbled. 
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nobrashfestivity · 1 year
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Hodaka Yoshida Sacrifice (Ikenie)
self-carved, self-printed; signed and dated in pencil on the lower right, Hodaka Yoshida, 1956, titled on the bottom left corner, Sacrifice, 1956
16 1/2 by 22 5/8 in., 41.9 by 57.5 cm
In 1955 Hodaka traveled with his brother Toshi to Mexico, a trip which had a profound influence on his work, leading to a third period of work which Skibbe refers to as 'primitive energy prints.' Inspired by Mayan sculpture and architecture in the Yucatan, the early works in this stage depict a single form in the center of the picture plane. In this composition, Hodaka depicts a kneeling elephant offering a wrapped gift held aloft with his trunk.
Scholten Gallery
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da-mous · 11 months
enjoying smb wonder but I have so many tiny nitpicks? they don't kill the game by any means but like
-only one run button, so you can't hold one and press the other to swing the elephant trunk and shoot fireballs and such without losing speed. I was literally drafting a devblog post praising the ability to do that in Mario Maker a few days ago dhgdhdgd. I get that X is the emote button but damn
-just pressing jump while airborne and touching a wall isn't enough to perform a wall jump. you have to push into the wall to enter the wallslide state first. I don't remember if this is the case in other Marios, or maybe Celeste has just spoiled me, but it's tripped me up a few times and seems unnecessary!
-the spin jump makes no sense cause like. no matter how long you press the button it's always the same height as a full normal jump. I guess this is because it can be motion controlled? I keep pressing ZR trying to get a low jump like in Mario Maker but I get the opposite instead. beyond that it also just generally seems to have next to no utility unless you really wanna do an entire full height jump to kill a koopa without getting the shell for some reason
-no triple jump? I mean I guess a thing similar to it is a badge now but. why. they coulda done a cute rising pitch thing with the jump sfx. maybe even a full chord on the final jump. woulda sounded so nice!
-speaking of which, the spin double jump badge is best badge easy (why even use half the badges that give extra height through other means when this one does it best), but it also misses the opportunity to do a rising pitch thing with the jump sfx. idk maybe they tried it and it sounded annoying or something. just weird for the first jump to make a musical sound and the second to do something different entirely
-the emote and item reserve buttons (X and A) do nothing if pressed while the run button is held. why??
-R and ZR both spin jump. Nice. ZL ground pounds and crouches. ok nice. L does... I think it does nothing at all? why? maybe I'm missing something?
-feels like the same few music tracks get reused a lot
-there's like one level with climbable poles, and you can jump off of them as expected, but pressing spin jump does nothing. "why would you ever want to do that?? why do you care about this cass??" because uhhhhhhhhh
-I love the concept of the vine grapple badge but it feels slow and jankass to use
-I always try to let go of dash panels or drop out from ceilings I'm drilling into by releasing the jump button, but you actually have to press jump. pressing jump to go down is really counterintuitive!!
-however, pressing jump does not drop you down when hanging from a horizontal pole (a mechanic in a level or two). to do that you have to press down... and then hold it for a short time..? why can't I drop down right away? "cass it's like one level???" ok yeah but you can't spin jump out of a hang either!!! what about that!!!
-ok lastly I don't get the point of elephant mario. being big isn't really an interesting ability and the melee attack is nothing new. the water spraying doesn't add much either because even if the stage you're in does happen to have water it's not a particularly good projectile. it's mainly only useful to water withered plant dudes. a key for a lock
......anyways hdgdhsgdgs game good I'm just surprised at how many tiny things feel off. maybe this is just what happens when the small details on a game are your whole job for several months lol
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msweebyness · 6 months
Miraculous Barbie: Mylene, The Island Princess
Here’s Part 5 of my Barbie movie adaption series, with Mylene taking center stage! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
"There may be miracles awaiting. They may be closer than we know, when we have love to guide us as we go."
Mylene Haprele as Ro
Ivan Bruel as Prince Antonio
Austin Tomassian as Sagi
Jean DuParc as Azul
Jesse Ortega as Tika
Evie Balthazar as Princess Luciana
Lorena Flores as Queen Ariana
Sabrina Raincomprix as Tallulah
Sasha Bruel as Antonio’s Sisters (Composite Character)
Max Kante as Frazier
Iosif Bruel as King Peter
Galina Bruel as Queen Danielle
Fred Haprele as Queen Marissa (but a king obvi)
And so our story begins…
Many, many years ago, on a remote island in the South Seas, something unusual happened. The morning after a terrible storm, Austin, a thoughtful red panda, and Jean, an overconfident peacock, stumble across something most out of the ordinary. A young girl, unconscious on the sand. Jean is initially apprehensive, but with Austin’s insistence, the two decide to take care of the girl.
Years go by, and the little girl, Mylene is her name (it was engraved on a trunk that washed up with her), grows up to be a beautiful young woman. She spends her days happily on the island with Austin, Jean and Jesse, a young elephant who’s her best friend. She considers them her family and couldn’t be happier. She also learns the language of animals and can talk to and understand them. She makes herself a home in the trees with the contents of her trunk, and they spend their days having fun and exploring the island.
One night, Jesse is having bad dreams and can’t get to sleep, so Mylene sings him their favorite song, one she remembers from long ago, though she isn’t sure from where. It works as always, and Jesse falls asleep. Mylene sits awake and stares up at the stars, the song causing her mind to drift once again to where she may have come from…
The very next morning, something most out of the ordinary happens. A ship docks on the island, carrying Max, a devoted royal scientist, and Ivan, a shy but adventurous prince. They come onto the shore and begin to explore the island, unaware that they are being watched…
While her animal friends are wary, Mylene is stunned to see creatures like her on the island for the first time, and can’t help but watch and follow, despite the protests of her three companions. She also can’t help but notice that the taller of the two is very strong and handsome…
After a while of exploring, the two young men accidentally slip over a ridge and are sent sliding into the island’s swamp, i.e. the ideal habitat for…crocodiles. But before Ivan and Max can get any bites taken out of them by the creatures’ snapping jaws, a voice calls the crocs off. The young prince turns up to look, and is surprised to see a beautiful girl, stunning in fact, talking to the crocodiles as she would to people, and they seem to listen! He watches amazed as the crocodiles back off, and the girl assists them in climbing out of the shallows.
Mylene takes them back to her treetop home, and introduces herself and her animal family as they do the same. Max is astonished and wants to know more about her ability to speak to animals, but Ivan is more interested in the girl herself. Not only is she beautiful, but she’s kind, smart, and a bit shy like him. She cares about everything on the island, and shares his curiosity for finding new things. He guesses that from her scattered belongings, her lack of memories, and her telling him that the red panda said she came from the sea that she was likely shipwrecked years ago.
After a few days on the island, with Mylene showing them everything she can, it’s time for the prince and scientist to take their leave. But Ivan invites Mylene to come back to the mainland with him (and bring Jesse, Jean and Austin, of course!), in the hopes of helping her find her family. After some thought, Mylene agrees and they set sail the next morning. Jesse was more than a little afraid to leave the island, but out of support for Mylene and her desire to know who she is, he goes.
As they sail back to Ivan’s kingdom and the island inhabitants get accustomed to sea life, Mylene is curious and a bit confused by the way she’s starting to feel towards the prince. Not only is he handsome, he’s gentle and very sweet, and listens when she has something to say. He makes her feel safe and happy when she’s around him, and she finds she always wants to spend more time with him. It’s a feeling she’s unfamiliar with, but it’s a very nice one and she really doesn’t mind it. Unbeknownst to her, Ivan is starting to grow similar feelings toward the island girl…
After a week or so on the sea, they arrive in Ivan’s kingdom. Mylene is astounded at the sheer number of ‘people’ (Ivan and Max had said that’s what she was, a person), and all the buildings and houses. She had never seen anything like this. Ivan finds her wonderstruck state to be rather cute. They ride back to the palace, Ivan invites Mylene to join them in the royal carriage, but she opts to stay with the anxiety ridden Jesse, as does Austin. Jean, of course, takes the carriage.
When they arrive at the castle, an adorable little girl wearing a fine dress and a tiara rushes out and greets Ivan with a hug. He introduces her as his younger sister, Princess Sasha. The young princess immediately takes a liking to Mylene and the animals, especially Jesse, and the feeling is mutual.
As the animals play with Sasha and explore the grounds, Ivan takes Mylene into the throneroom to introduce her to his parents, King Iosif and Queen Galina. He explains how they met her, and they welcome her warmly, and promise to do all they can to help her find out her origins. They’re also quite surprised to see Mylene communicating perfectly with Sabrina, the queen’s posh and well-mannered pet monkey!
However, this is where things start to go a little pear-shaped. Ivan’s parents introduce him to Princess Genevieve, or “Evie” as she prefers…his arranged bride-to-be. She’s the princess of a kingdom with which the relationship with their own had been… tumultuous, and it’s hoped this marriage will fix this. Ivan is extremely taken aback by this, as his parents never mentioned arranging a marriage before. Not to mention, while Evie is beautiful, polite and very kind, his heart has already been stolen by someone else. However, he isn’t quite sure how to tell his parents this.
They also meet the princess’ grandmother, the haughty Queen Mother Lorena. She’s incredibly strict with Evie and can’t seem to wait to begin preparing the wedding, and speaks grandly of the engagement ball the next night.
In confusion about all these new developments, Mylene flees the room. She ends up in the garden with her animal friends, all three doing their best to comfort her, when Ivan finds her. He apologizes for everything that just happened, stating he had no idea his parents had arranged an engagement. She assures him she isn’t upset with him, and he offers her a room to stay in the castle until they can locate her family, but she chooses to stay with Austin, Jean and Jesse in the royal greenhouse. Mylene feels right at home, even finding scores of her favorite flowers: Island Roses!
Back in the throneroom, Ivan tries to tell his parents that while Evie seems like a wonderful girl, he is already falling in love with someone else. However, he is unable to get the message across with Lorena’s constant chatter, though the young princess has a sense she knows what he’s trying to say, having seen the way he looked at the girl from the island. But there’s also the troubling matter that the laws of his kingdom mandate that as the prince, he must marry a princess.
That night, in the grand room where the princess and her grandmother are staying, Evie tries to explain that she can sense the prince is in love with Mylene, and she doesn’t want to stand in the way of someone’s happiness. She dreams more than most things to find love with someone who loves her in return. But Lorena only cuts her off, explaining that love is a pointless, useless thing, before sending her off to ‘make herself prettier’. It’s then that Lorena begins to make plans for her true intent here, bringing down the kingdom she hates more than anything once and for all. She blames them for her own kingdom’s misfortune long ago, and wants to make them pay, which is why she groomed her granddaughter to be the prince’s bride from pretty much the moment she was born, to give her an in!
The next morning, Jesse has struggled with sleeping due to being in a new environment, but Mylene comforts him, assuring him they are all going to stay together. It’s then that Ivan enters the greenhouse, inviting Mylene to join him and his family for breakfast in the outdoor pavilion. However, Evie and Lorena are also there, on the king and queen’s invitation. On the one hand, Evie is kind to Mylene, even helping her sip her tea properly after she accidentally burns her lip, and asking her questions about growing up on the island. But Queen Lorena is rude and condescending to the girl, even commenting that Sasha, a six-year-old child and Sabrina, a monkey, have better table manners than Mylene does, though Evie is quick to scold her for this. But it’s at that moment, Lorena trips the server, causing him to spill his tray of food all over Mylene, who flees in embarrassment. Ivan tries to go after her, but is told by his mother to give her some time to compose herself.
Back in the greenhouse, Sabrina hears Mylene singing her special song, and goes to hear better. She compliments her voice, and Mylene invites her to climb up to get some fruit with her…but it’s been so long that Sabrina has forgotten how to climb! Mylene helps her to remember and the two have fun swinging through the branches together. While this is happening, Ivan and Evie take a walk through the gardens, on their parents’ suggestion, and discover that they have some things in common, such as a love of reading and poetry, but beyond that there isn’t much of a spark or connection, and Evie has a feeling she knows why.
Meanwhile, in the royal courtyard, Sasha has made Jesse a flower necklace and crown, telling him it’s so he’ll look nice for the royal ball. When she’s called by her mother, the other animals approach, and Jesse explains that the royal ball is a big party to celebrate Princess Evie and Prince Ivan’s engagement. Jean says that Mylene definitely shouldn’t go if that’s the case, knowing her feelings for the prince, but Austin disagrees…
Back in the greenhouse, the animals, including Sabrina, try and eventually succeed to convince Mylene to attend the ball, but she has nothing to wear. Austin and Sabrina disagree about which route to take, fancy or natural. Eventually, Mylene gets through to them and they reach a compromise, making a beautiful dress that suits her perfectly from the material they find around the palace! Jean even gives her some of his prized tail feathers as a finishing touch!
In the grand ballroom, Evie is watching as Ivan takes time to dance with Sasha, the little princess laughing as her brother spins her around, before her grandmother insists they dance together. However, after a brief while, Evie excuses herself as she sees someone else arrive that she feels he would like to dance with. Everyone’s eyes are drawn to the entrance, and no one can deny how beautiful the island girl looks, especially not the prince. He invites her for a dance, and though nervous, she agrees. No one can stop watching the two, and everyone can see the spark between them. King Iosif and Queen Galina begin to second guess their decision, but Queen Lorena insists they should move the wedding up, her words almost sounding like a veiled threat…
Meanwhile, outside the ballroom, Austin spots something interesting. A flag that’s identical to the one that washed up on shore with Mylene. This could be a clue to locate her long-lost family!
While they’re sharing their dance, Ivan and Mylene admit their feelings for one another, and almost share a kiss, but Mylene remembers Evie, and not wanting to hurt the kind princess, declines his offer to stay with them, knowing her presence would only cause problems, and with that, she leaves the ball. Outside the ballroom, Austin tells her about the flag, and she talks with the horse pulling the carriage the flag flies from. She asks if the people who came in the carriage had ever had a daughter, but it’s a dead end. Disheartened, she returns to the greenhouse.
Worried about Lorena’s possible intent, Ivan’s parents, with clear reluctance, inform him that he will be marrying Evie in two days, greatly upsetting him. He tells them he can’t marry someone he doesn’t love and who isn’t in love with him, and if they intend to force him, he’ll allow Sasha to supersede him as heir to the throne. He won’t subject both Evie and himself to a life of unhappiness in a loveless marriage! He places his crown on the table, and leaves the room, his parents very distressed.
Ivan then goes to the greenhouse to find Mylene, wanting to explain everything, but she isn’t there, only Jesse. He gives a note to the elephant, asking him to give it to her when she returns. Jesse reads the note when the prince leaves, and finds that it asks her to leave the kingdom with him. Fearing that Mylene will choose to leave them but not wanting to keep her from being happy, Jesse is torn on whether to give Mylene the note. But it quickly slips his mind the next day when things start to go down.
Angry about the condition of things, Lorena decides to enact her plan early. She gives a batch of sunset herb, a poisonous plant that renders one comatose when consumed, to her pet rats and instructs them to put it into the food of every animal in the kingdom, intending to blame Mylene when their state is discovered, effectively getting rid of her. The three devious rodents do as they’re told, and the kingdom wakes to all of their pets and livestock comatose! Including Sabrina, devastating the queen.
The condition of the animals is thought to be a disease, but Mylene knows better, having recognized the scent of sunset herb in the food of the stable animals, as the worried stablehand, a friendly young man named Brecken, tends to them. Thankfully, Mylene knows a cure, a tonic made with Island Roses! She heads to the greenhouse, but Jesse can’t shake the feeling he’s forgetting something.
Lorena speaks to Max, getting it in his head that this ‘disease’ was likely spread by the ‘wild animals’ that have recently come to the kingdom, and he races to tell the king and queen. Reluctantly, they send to have Mylene and the animals placed in an isolated room of the palace to keep the disease from spreading, but Lorena intercepts the written order and has her placed in the dungeons instead!
When Jean eats some of the food they are served in their cell, he falls into a coma as there was sunset herb in this food, courtesy of Lorena, devastating Mylene. Meanwhile, back in the castle, an angry Ivan confronts his parents about them having Mylene put in the dungeons, and while they try to tell him this wasn’t their order, Lorena cuts in and says it’s for the safety of everyone, arousing Evie’s suspicion. The Queen Mother posits that perhaps an arrangement can be made. If he resumes his duties as prince and marries her granddaughter, Mylene can go free and return to her island. Reluctantly, for the sake of the girl he loves, Ivan agrees.
As Mylene and her animals are loaded onto a ship, Jean still out cold, Lorena pays off the captain of the ship to stage an accident to drown the girl and her animals, just as some extra insurance. On the ship, Mylene, Jesse and Austin try to figure out who could be behind this. Mylene knows it’s someone who would want her out of Ivan’s life, but also knows that Evie would never hurt anyone, but as Austin reminds her, the same can’t be said for the princess’ grandmother… Mylene resolves that they must get back to the greenhouse to make the tonic, but it’s then that Jesse finds the note from Ivan tucked behind one of his ears, and breaks down in tears as he explains what it is to Mylene. He explains why he was reluctant to give it to her, and that he had forgotten all about it, stating he understands if she hates him. But Mylene assures him that no matter what, she will always love him, and Jean, and Austin, and she would never leave them. There’s always enough love for everyone!
It’s then however, that the captain fulfills his end of the deal with Lorena, tilting the ship to send Mylene and the animals overboard! Thrashing in the waves and worried for her friends, as Austin calls out to her, Mylene is suddenly hit with memories of being in the same situation many years ago, hearing a voice she knows somehow calling out to her. Thankfully, before they all drown, Mylene’s cries for help are heard by some friendly dolphins, who carry them back to the kingdom’s shore. They quickly make their way to the greenhouse to make the tonic.
Meanwhile, back at the palace, a visiting king, Frederick, gets out of his carriage, here to attend the wedding. He can’t help but feel like something he’s been missing for a long time is close by…
Meanwhile, Evie is getting fitted into her wedding gown when her grandmother tells her not to eat a bite of food today, stating that it’s terrible luck. But the real reason is that she’s poisoned all the food with sunset herb, not knowing that a little bird, who Mylene helped when she first arrived in the kingdom, witnessed the act and rushes to tell the girl.
The wedding commences, as Mylene makes her way into the greenhouse and begins to make the tonic, when the little bird tells her what she saw, and Mylene begins to work even faster. Mylene feeds the tonic to the still unconscious Jean, who awakens, much to her relief. But guards under the order of Queen Lorena arrive to apprehend her. She gives some of the tonic to Austin and tells him to bring it to Sabrina, to show the king and queen she has the cure. The guards chase after Mylene, but Jesse is quick to mow some of them down. Just as the pastor says the required thing about objections, Jesse crashes in with a loud trumpet, Ausrin rushing past to Sabrina’s quarters. Jesse pulls Ivan along to the greenhouse with him, arriving just in time for him to order the guards to let Mylene go. She assures him that she’s alright, and tells him she knows both how to cure the animals and who put them in this state. The king and queen, Lorena and Evie and the rest of the guests arrive, and Mylene learns that Ivan agreed to go through with the wedding so she could return home.
Lorena demands that the girl is arrested, saying that she and her ‘beasts’ are the reason the animals of the kingdom are ill. But Mylene explains the actual situation, the sunset herb and that she can cure them. The awakened Sabrina arrives just in time to back up her story, hugging the girl in thanks. King Iosif asks that if she isn’t responsible for this, who poisoned the animals, and Mylene answers with confidence that it was Lorena. The Queen Mother denies this and calls her insane, only for Mylene to reveal that the wedding food is poisoned too. She suggests that if what she’s saying isn’t true, Lorena should have some of the wedding cake, and the woman is clearly nervous. Before she eats it, she tries to suggest that Mylene poisoned the food herself as a frame job, only for Evie to step up and reveal what her grandmother had told her before the ceremony began: not to eat anything, and why would she have done that unless she knew it was poisoned beforehand?
Sensing she’s backed into a corner, Lorena commandeers a carriage and flees. With Mylene, the prince and her animal friends going after her. Mylene cuts through the trees, riding on Jesse’s back, and uses a tree branch as a spear to jam the wheels, flinging Lorena into a pigsty, before she’s arrested for her actions.
Back at the castle, the queen and king apologize to Mylene for assuming the worst, and Evie approaches Ivan, giving him assurance that she wants them both to be happy, sending him over to Mylene. The two share their first kiss, and Ivan tells his parents that Mylene is the one he loves, and receives their blessing. It’s then that he proposes, and Mylene is more than happy to say yes.
It’s then that the rest of the party arrives, and the visiting King Frederick hears the prince’s new fiancé referred to as Mylene…the same name as his long lost daughter. As they both know the lullaby that Mylene loves to sing, and the resemblance between them makes it clear, Mylene is reunited with her father after so many years, revealing that she is a princess, so they’re actually still obeying the kingdom’s law!
A year later, the whole kingdom has gathered for the joyous wedding of the prince and his Island Princess! King Frederick attends, and so does Princess Evie, in the company of her boyfriend, the stablehand Brecken, who she grew close to on her many visits to the Bruel’s kingdom to see her friends.
With Jesse, Austin and Jean along for the ride, Mylene and Ivan spend their honeymoon sailing and exploring the world!
And they all lived happily ever after!
Here on their island, the fun never ends! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs, and watch for the final installment!
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ladylooch · 1 year
Safe Place with Timo Meier
A/N: well.. I preliminary looked through my inbox and thought we may need a brain cleanser before tonight. I am so proud of you all 🥵🤌🏻😘 so here is T being the best daddy he can be.
Lucie Hischier’s second birthday is a blow out. Her parents have spared no expense.
The bippity, boppity, two theme has it all- balloons, glitter, cake, chicken fingers, and Kraft Macaroni and cheese.
The birthday girl in question is currently settled in the living room between her dad’s legs, cautiously tearing at the wrapping paper on the gift Emma and I bought. It’s a… I pause, waiting for the big reveal. I have no idea what my wife picked. More pink, sparkly paper is pulled away. I bring my hand to the back of Emma’s neck, rubbing my thumb into her skin. She grips her hands together in front of her lips, hiding her coy smile. Okay, we got her something good.
Lucie begins to scream in delight at the animal on the box.
“Oh! Luc what is it.”
“EEE!!!!!” She squeals, slapping her little palm on the box. Her tiara nudges forward. Nico catches it as it makes a great escape off her hair. He untangles it as Lucie bats at it.
“Oh it’s an Elephant chair.” The blue-ish grey chair has white on the belly and a long trunk coming out from the back rest. It’s pretty cute and will fit in well with Lucie’s safari themed room in Nico and Lexi’s new house.
“Nice.” I chuckle, leaning down to kiss the part of Emma’s hair. She looks back at me, shrugging her shoulder but beaming with pride. It’s obviously Lucie’s favorite gift of the day. She starts to whine for Nico to open it.
“Say Dankeschön to Auntie Em, Uncle T and Lee.” Nico encourages her, pointing to us. Our niece grins showing off her little teeth, before making grabby hands at her dad to hurry up.
Lucie and Lio aren’t that far apart in age, but it feels like so long ago since Lio was that little.
Our closing in on four year old is currently by his Auntie Lex, watching his cousin open gifts. He is munching on a chicken finger that he dips cautiously into ketchup with each bite. He has blue smeared across his lips from the cotton candy he devoured 20 minutes ago. He is primed for either a tantrum or a crash in the next 30 minutes. I glance at my watch, then take a sip of my lemonade. May be more like 15 minutes.
Lexi brushes her hand along Lio’s hair. He sways a bit back into her. She leans down and whispers into his ear then pokes his stomach as he grins and giggles.
“Luc! How about some cake?” Lexi asks, realizing now that the elephant chair is out, Lucie does not care about the rest of the presents. Emma smirks in her victory.
“Best present.” She tells me, nudging me to high five her.
The group moves into the spacious kitchen as Lucie is set in her highchair, ready to devour her pink, ombre cake. We all sing happy birthday to the two year old as she grins along at us. Being the center of attention is kind of her thing. Everything is going well until movement catches my eye to the right. Around the corner, the Devil’s mascot, NJ pokes his head around the corner. Lucie gasps in excitement. Lio drops his cup of juice, beginning to back up.
“Oh T, Lee!” Em grips my forearm in concern.
I’m already standing, trying to carefully maneuver around people to get to Lio. He drops his plate to the ground, big blue eyes turning its saucers. His mouth drops open into a big O. Then his whole face crumples as he begins to scream. The happy birthday is drowning it out.
I reach Lio as the song is ending. He is sobbing hysterically, backing away.
“You’re okay baby. Come here.” I murmur, gathering him into my arms. His hot tears hit my neck as he squeezes his little body to me. “You’re safe, Lee. I’m right there.”
“I don’t like him!”
“I know, baby. Nothing is going to happen to you. Daddy’s got you.” His little body shudders against my chest.
Lio has been going through a fearful stage and anything sudden or new scares him. But his biggest fear is the mascot for the team I play for. Lucie loves NJ. She is running after him on the suite level all the time. She thinks he should stay with her all game long. The marketing team has to make a scheduled stop to see her every home game.
And they have started to tell Emma when that is so she can remove Lio beforehand.
I walk out of the room, climbing the stairs to bring Lio into a quieter space. We find Lucie’s room. I walk to the corner where her rocking chair is, sitting down with Lio on my chest. His little, hiccuping sobs are hot puffs against my neck. A tear drop rolls down to collect on the collar of my shirt.
“I love you, Lee. It’s okay. We are safe.” I bring my palm to his head, then turn to kiss his hair.
Emma appears in the doorway, checking in with concerned brown eyes. Damn, she’s in jeans and a t-shirt but looks so good I want to take a bite out of her.
“We are good.” I say as she walks into the room. I open my arms to her, letting her perch on the thigh opposite of where Lio is. She runs her long, pink nails through his hair, following down the curve of his body, scratching at his back between my hands.
“World’s best daddy.” She coos, leaning forward to kiss me. It knocks the wind out of my chest, coming out as a moan. Her lips tighten against mine as she tries to fight a smile.
“Hey!” Nico calls out anxiously after running up the stairs. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize how afraid he was of NJ. I thought it was a one time thing and Lex just told me it’s really bad. I didn’t even think to tell you. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Emma murmurs, not taking her eyes off me. “Daddy saved the day.”
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Might i request some elephant 'mons reviews ? So Donphan/Panphy and Copperajah/Cufant, let's keep great tusk for whenever there's official art.
(The official artwork has actually come out while I was waiting to backlog through to this ask, so I think I'm going to look the Phanpy line and the Donphan paradoxes into one big review as that makes the most sense. If anyone still wants to hear my thoughts on the Cufant line, just let me know.)
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Phanpy is pretty cute, just a nice blue elephant with a few bright red accents. At this stage, it doesn't have much of a concept, but the colors alone make it stand out a little despite it otherwise being pretty unremarkable.
I have to say though, there is a bit of a weird disconnect between it and Donphan. There really aren't any visual elements that the two have in common (I guess the red patch on the trunk looks a bit like Donphan's treads?), the faces and general moods are different, and the colors couldn't be further apart (Phanpy's being oversaturated and Donphan's having almost no color). It really feels like they took two unrelated elephant designs and then slapped 'em together into one line.
I do feel like this could be an easy fix. Phanpy could easily have the same "chains" on the legs (make them look like kneepads or something that connects to the tire theme), give it like two more patches on the face to mimic Donphan's trunk, and maybe make it a slightly lighter blue while making Donphan more of a blue with maybe a spot or two of red accents. It's not that either are bad as-is; they just aren't as coherent of a line as they could potentially be.
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Line aside, Donphan is pretty neat. An elephant is one thing, but making an elephant that rolls up into a tire is another thing entirely. The execution of this concept is also nice; the tire patterning feels natural, you can tell how it rolls up just by looking at it, and the various animations of it rolling are pretty slick as well.
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My only nitpick is that the ears stick straight out and that throws the tire shape a little—I wouldn't have minded them being floppier like Phanpy's. I also wouldn't minded a bit more color in the design, though it might just be Phanpy's oversaturation speaking there.
Overall, the line feels a bit disconnected, but both Pokemon are nicely designed and Donphan in particular has a great concept and a great execution.
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Great Tusk is actually pretty intimidating; it's hard to describe, but it's pretty eerie turning a corner in SV and being suddenly greeted by the titan version of this thing slowly moving around a corner. This effect is furthered by exaggerating some of Donphan's elements, such as the much larger tusks, squinting yellow eyes, and wicked-looking mouth.
Visually, I kind of prefer it over original Donphan a bit, even though original Donphan is perfectly good as well. The colors on this one are particularly nice—purple and pink give it just the right amount of "pop" while not making it look overly garish (and ironically, the pink kind of ties into Phanpy's red accents despite Great Tusk not evolving from Phanpy).
I guess you could argue that the back spikes, color, and tusks kind of detract from the "tire" concept, but then again, I'd argue that's the point—Iron Treads is the one that really leans into the tire thing, while Great Tusk is more leaning into a woolly mammoth side, what with the added fur. It's a nice way to justify both designs, as each design leans into a different "half" of Donphan.
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I don't like Iron Treads as much as either Donphan or Great Tusk, but I can give it points right off the bat for at least being Different than Donphan instead of just a robotic version of the same design. I know that's not much, but it's more than the other future Paradoxes try to do at least. The bright red paneling on the treads in particular really gives it a unique element, and helps draw attention to the smoother, more conveyor-belt like shape.
However, something about it is just a little off. I think it's the head, which looks laughably tiny compared to the body; not helped by it lacking a neck. Donphan doesn't have much of a head either, but it at least gives the impression of it having a tiny bit of a head and a much larger face than this thing's LEDs would suggest. I also find the "ears" a bit odd (why are they on the middle of the torso?) and the tusks feel pretty pointless on this version, to the point where I'd almost say they should've just been dropped. Right idea, but it could've been a little stronger.
(Also, side note: Shoutout to Iron Treads here for being one of the only future Paradox 'mons whose typing actually makes sense.)
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As a whole, Phanpy is cute and simple, albiet without much of a through line to its evo. Donphan has a solid concept and design, Great Tusk does what Donphan is doing but really makes it stand out, and Iron Treads at least stands out from the other future Paradoxes, even if it could've been stronger. Overall, some good elephants.
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269-million · 1 month
Another underrated screen from Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings:
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There's a handful of screens and sequences from this adaptation that tend to make the rounds online. Think Frodo grimacing at Gandalf, the hiding under the tree scene, or Legolas' indescribable smile when recognizing Aragorn. All good stuff yes, but I always lament those moments in the film that go overlooked. Like this one.
There are several things about this screenshot that I think qualify it as a hidden gem, one that provides extra context that the film's budget could not accommodate extensive focus on. Let's start with the easy stuff:
Pippin's adorable smile here. I'm listing it first because it's probably what stands out the most for the casual viewer, and most likely because of how out of place his expression seems, given how unhappy running for hours into days on end appears to make him before and after this moment. Those familiar with the books might readily surmise, however, that this is supposed to be where Pippin secretly reworks the bonds on his wrists in hopes of escape. Hence it's fairly straightforward when you know what to look for. (Though I don't think Tolkien described him as being threatened by a giant metal croissant, per se.) But from here we're about to get into the more original choices, such as:
The Venus de Milo of Orcs. What else can describe this background Orc? The seductive head tilt, the bodacious hip profile, the peculiar arm stump which curves off into the shape of an elephant's trunk... Though even I cannot explain her presence out here on this mission that's about to prove quite dangerous to the Orcs, nor why she has an extra face in her shall-we-say decolletage...
Folks, I think we can add another item to the list of things Peter Jackson drew from/built upon from this adaptation: The weird reproductive habits of the Orcs. I had to watch this scene in motion again just to make sure of what I was seeing. My research has left me fairly unconvinced that what's happening here is NOT a rare sight of Orc osmosis in action. Come to think of it, maybe that's what's happening with the Orcess de Milo's bosom over there?
I also confirmed during that investigation that this odd, translucent wind circle up in that monolith on the stage-left is as still as the rest of the background. But I ask you to really look at it closely, and tell me if it does not look like something that would normally be moving? Perhaps in this version of Middle Earth, freak localized mini windstorms are known to occur, but only in legend because the moment they notice anyone around, they go into freeze-mode to avoid detection? There are many familiar with Bakshi's film who would say it's not the craziest thing it did, so maybe?
And finally, how remiss we have all been hitherto, to have ignored the confirmation of trash bins as we know them in the modern world, having already been a thing during the ancient times of these stories? Especially when you consider that the trash bin lids of Middle Earth were apparently imbued with magical powers of flight? See you might initially assume that this resourceful lad front-stage-right onscreen is substituting a shield with whatever he could get his hands on, but I'm afraid that just does not add up with the fine details. The handle would not be visible to us if that were so, for the Orc is facing the camera. Plus, that dumbfounded look which can be read on his face is so ostensibly the nonverbal way of asking, "But... How?" The conclusion? We can add magic flying trash bin lids to the myriads of Middle Earth's populace who will attack Orcs on sight. Poor guys just can't catch a break.
I could maybe go on about a few other things here, such as the monopod boyfriend of the Orcess de Milo, or the bucktoothed Protoceratops that's been carved into that monolith, but I think I've given everyone enough troubling thoughts to try and digest, this time around.
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matchagator · 11 months
Inescapable Delusions | Ch. 12 | Explicit 21+
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Things are tense at the House of Cards, but some still hold onto hope while others have given up. Will there ever be a silver lining, and is it worth it?
*This is an explicit story. Minors do not interact*
{Summary:} Enter the House of Cards for an evening of countless wonders and jaw-dropping spectacles. While you become entranced in the various acts, take caution not to fall victim to the illusions or you may end up facing inescapable delusions.
{Main Pairings:} Animal Tamer Jeon Jungkook/ Original Female Character
{Rating:} 21+ Explicit Caution: Read Warnings
{Genre:} Alternate Universe - Crime Circus
{Warnings:} Circus (no clowns), Smut, Abuse, Gaslighting, Rough Sex, Bondage, Rape/Non-con - Freeform, Angst, BDSM, Blood and Violence, Knifeplay, Crimes & Criminals, Sex Trafficking, Death Threats, Nudity, Stockholm Syndrome, Explicit Language, Manipulation, Possessive Behavior, Praise Kink, Abusive Relationships, Unhealthy Relationships, Secrets, Sexual Slavery, Prostitution, Tigers, Elephants, Animal Attack, Virginity, Bad Decisions, Banter, Manhandling, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Degradation, Coercion, BDSM Elements, Whips, Throat Fucking, Unprotected Sex
The hustle and bustle of the various performers echoed throughout the rehearsal tent as they prepared for yet another evening of projected enchantment. Sophie was stroking Mambo’s trunk as she gently cooed at her on-stage partner, whispering small praises as her eyes shifted across the space. She felt uneasy from the previous evening, recalling the horrid treatment of her friend while Jungkook whisked her away to his tent. Even the possessive animal tamer seemed thrown off, their typical evening of sex being replaced with a casual meal and an early night’s rest. 
She caught the sight of Jungkook taking his confident strides through the tent as he adjusted the harness that hung loosely over his torso. His magenta hair was vibrant against the neutral colors of his attire. Sophie watched as he fiddled with the buckles of the harness, tightening the leather to accentuate his chiseled waist that Sophie had grown fond of. His large eyes flicked up to find his assistant, offering her a seductive smirk as he turned to have a discussion with Hoseok who was also preparing for his illusions. 
Sophie felt a magnetic pull to her metaphorical owner, her subconscious eager to please him and avoid any repercussions that came with defying him. It was as if her mind and body willingly submitted to the man, knowing she was fully engulfed in the delusional relationship he created for them. She let out a sigh as she shifted her gaze elsewhere, finding Celia walking into the tent with a new costume that compared to Jimin’s, a perfect white whispy attire that beautifully contrasted the warmth of her skin. 
Celia quickly found Sophie’s eyes, taking quick strides to join the star of the House of Cards. “Another night, another show.” She spoke plainly, attempting to gauge Sophie's sentiments on the evening with consideration that Sophie would happily follow Jungkook around like one of his prized pets. 
“Another audience.” Sophie replied, a small smile tugging at her lips at the thought of another group of spectators gasping in awe of her and Mambo. The small moments of fame seemed to soothe the part of her that craved attention, thankful that Jungkook created such a platform for her. While it came with a price, it was the perfect distraction to keep her mind off of his temper and possessiveness. 
Celia studied the doe-eyed woman carefully as they both glanced around the group of performers getting ready to take their marks. It was then that Celia noticed Anna sitting compliantly on the large trunk she was forced into during every performance. 
“How’s your friend?” Celia spoke quietly, making sure that Jungkook was still occupied with Hoseok to notice his pet was distracted by someone else. 
Sophie felt guilt seep through her limbs at the realization that she didn’t know how her best friend was feeling. Jungkook managed to rope her into obeying his every word once again, preventing her from checking in on Anna after her night of torture. “I…I don’t know.” She sighed, defeated by the haunting truth. 
Celia’s eyebrows pinched together, noticing just how much Jungkook manipulated the naive woman to keep her ensnared in his mind games.  “Well, let’s go see.” 
Sophie blinked as the petite aerialist pushed past her, making her way confidently towards Anna. Sophie nervously bit her lip, knowing Jungkook wasn’t fond of her being around Anna since he thought she’d try to negatively influence her. She noticed his back was turned and took the risk, following after Celia to inquire about her friend's well-being. 
“Anna…” Sophie spoke softly, moving to sit beside the woman she used to laugh with, missing the closeness of their bond. “Are you okay?” She offered, gently nudging her side as Celia stood in front of them, blocking them from the eyes of their owners. 
Anna kept her gaze on the ground, finding patterns in the dirt as she gently nodded her head in response. The truth was, she was far from okay. She was completely humiliated, forced to be a shell of the person she used to know as she sunk into desperation, realizing that she would forever be trapped in the House of Cards. Sophie sat still beside her, silence engulfing the trio and Celia observed the once lively brunette sink into despair. 
“Maybe we should string up Yoongi tonight.” Celia teased, knowing that from her brief interactions with Anna, she was one to quickly agree to anything that gave their owners a piece of their own medicine. Anna simply stayed quiet, her eyes focused on a spot in the dirt that seemingly looked smooth compared to the rest. Sophie looked up at Celia, distraught that Anna completely missed the opportunity to talk badly about Yoongi. This was the first time she noticed Anna looked so utterly defeated and hopeless. 
“Alright, listen,” Celia spoke softly, making sure her back was turned to Jungkook and Hoseok so they couldn’t read her lips. “I have a plan to get us out of this. Trust me…” Her eyes softened as she looked at Anna with pity reflecting in her pupils. “Just give me some more time.”
Sophie nearly gasped at her words. While Sophie hated the treatment Anna endured, she enjoyed her time with Mambo. She didn’t necessarily want to leave. Why would she when things were looking up for her? She was the star of the show and Jungkook made sure she was taken care of compared to the other women. She pressed her lips together, knowing at this very moment, it was best to keep silent and be a support for her best friend. 
Celia’s words would’ve usually sparked Anna’s rebellion, however, the full ache of her limbs from her attack served as a painful reminder that she was nothing but used goods. Her rebellious spirit only seemed to cause her more and more dismay. She let out a sigh as she finally broke eye contact with the ground, glancing up at both women accompanying her. “You should both go. Yoongi will…”
Before she could get much else out, Jungkook’s stern voice echoed over them as he took powerful strides towards the three women. “Sophie.” He nearly growled, upset to find her with Anna while she should be preparing for the show. “ You should be with Mambo, Kitten.” His words seemed endearing, however, the wrath behind his pupils only caused Sophie’s body to tense in fear. He held his whip between his hands, twirling the leather through his fingers menacingly as his mouth forced a smile. 
“You’re right.” She quickly corrected herself, pushing herself up from the trunk before turning to offer Anna an apologetic look. She quickly glanced back towards Jungkook, walking past him as he grabbed her arm to pull her to a stop. 
“We’ll talk about this later.” He whispered in her ear only loud enough for her to hear, causing her to shiver under his hold as he released her arm to let her continue on. Jungkook typically only became possessive around the other males of the circus, yet recently, Sophie realized that her spending any time around Anna instantly spiked up a rage in the animal tamer. 
Celia raised a brow, watching them disappear towards the animal cages while she turned back to face Anna. Just as Celia went to speak another word, she heard Jimin holler at her from across the lot, seeking out his partner given the show was about to commence. “Hang in there.” She offered, giving the brunette a small smile before making her way across the terrain. 
Anna let her eyes follow after her before spotting Yoongi walking in through the vinyl. She sighed as she stood from the trunk, opening the compartment and crawling inside before Yoongi could approach her and say a word. She closed the top of the trunk, hoping to enjoy her moment of solitude before performing their act once again for the crowds of unsuspecting guests. 
The show went on like any other night, the performers enchanting the crowd with each display of talent. Sophie and Jungkook caused them to cheer in awe at the wonderful juxtaposition while Hoseok added an air of mystery to the evening. Celia, Jimin, and Seokjin cast spells of beauty through their acts while Yoongi and Anna brought the daring fear, and excitement. While everything seemed normal, Anna was the complete opposite. Her feisty temper was snuffed out, leaving her to be a very silent and complacent assistant to the knife master. 
Anna pulled a small silk strap across her waist, keeping her robe from coming loose before her session for the evening. She glanced at herself in the mirror of her vanity within the lavish suites set up for their clients and instantly looked away, ashamed of the image that reflected back at her. She gently reached across the cluttered surface for her brush, dragging the bristles through her long tresses and smoothing out the stray hairs that were disheveled from her performance. 
She paused as she heard heavy footsteps outside of her tent, listening to the distinct pattern as she realized one set of steps belonged to Taehyung. She swallowed the lump in her throat, quickly brushing out the rest of her hair. She could hear two men talking beyond the vinyl, anticipating that her suitor for the evening would reveal himself shortly. She flickered her gaze up as the entrance flap was pulled to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of the customer; however, to her horror, Taehyung walked into the space instead. 
He caught her stare in the mirror’s reflection, and the evident fear in her facial features illuminated a proud smirk across his lips as he made his way toward her. She steeled herself, keeping her body turned away from him as she placed her brush on the vanity. She flinched as his hands came to rest on her shoulders, rubbing the silk material of her robe between his fingers. “This suits you quite nicely…” He hummed, his eyes devouring her figure in the loose-fitting attire that replaced the outfit he tore from her body. “Soft and easy access.” He chuckled, allowing his fingers to trail down the seam traveling between her breasts, the pads teasing the tender flesh with feathery touches. 
Anna was tense, silently begging for him to stop as she relived his previous punishment, vivid images plaguing her mind. “Please.” She whispered as he leaned down, practically hovering over her as he breathed in her ear. 
Taehyung pulled his hands away from her torso, grabbing her firmly at the hips before turning her to face him. The darkness in his pupils shined with malicious intent as he glowered at her. “This is your last chance, one more complaint about your behavior and I’ll make sure you never see the light of day again.” He gripped her jaw between his fingers, squeezing her lips together. “I’ll lock you up, and the only ones who would know you even exist are the ones that fuck you. I’ll take everything and you’ll be forced to survive on our cum. Do you understand?”
Anna struggled as he applied pressure against her jaw, but managed a small nod before he finally released her, patting her cheek with the palm of his hand as he adjusted his posture. He grinned as he looked down at her, his charming smile now painted on his face. “Enjoy your evening, slut. Your client is Mr. Kim Namjoon.” The kindness in his voice did not match the intensity in his eyes or the vulgar name he used for her as he turned on his heel to vacate the tent.
Anna didn’t even blink as she watched the space Taehyung once occupied, hearing him speaking just outside the entrance. She shuddered as she replayed his words, imagining getting used routinely in a similar fashion to the other night. If that’s what awaited her for unsatisfactory customers, then she would do her best to cater to their every whim. 
The vinyl was lifted to reveal a handsome man in a dark overcoat with hints of a clean white button-up hidden beneath. He had a matching tie around his neck and pleated slacks tailored to his stature frame as he stood a few inches taller than many of the men in the House of Cards. His Oxfords clipped against the grass as he entered the concealed area, his ominous irises flashing toward Anna. 
She instantly approached him, a light smile gracing her painted lips as she fluttered her eyelashes at him. She grabbed his hand, luring him further into the tent and placing him on the velvet sofa. “Let’s get you more comfortable.” She purred, slowly peeling back the coat from his shoulders, exposing the impressive muscles that flexed against the material of his button-up shirt. 
Anna picked up on the way his body became tense while the apple of his throat bobbed. She moved with a sway of her hips to place the article on her vanity, glancing over her shoulder to find him trying to keep calm. She dealt with nervous first-timers before, but this man almost seemed afraid to enjoy himself considering the stoic expression he forced on his face. She stepped slowly back in his direction, “You don’t need to be nervous.” She crawled onto the velvet cushion beside him, crossing her leg over the other as her thighs slipped from the split in her robe. “How can I help you relax?” 
Namjoon peered down at the seductress, taunting him with an illustrious preview of the assets hidden beneath the silk fabric concealing her from him. He could feel sweat pebbling over his brow as the constriction of his tie seemed to suffocate him under the lure of temptation. “I…” He nearly choked on his own saliva as her hand slid over his thigh, her fingertips teasing the seam that ran along the inside of his slacks. Her palm traced up his leg and he nearly jumped from her touch.
Anna could pick up on his skittish behavior and pulled back, bringing her hand away from his body. “Do you want to touch me instead?” She wondered, feathering the material of her robe until she reached the thin tie around her waist. She slowly plucked the loops of her bow loose, feeling the fabric drape comfortably on her shoulders. “Would you like to undress me or would you rather watch?”
Namjoon panicked as the part of her robe started to divide, revealing more of the skin of her torso. His large hands wrapped around her wrists gently, startling her as she flinched from his grip. He leveled his stare, waiting for her eyes to reach his own. “You don’t have to do this. I just want to talk.”
Anna froze, her heart racing as she analyzed Namjoon’s details for any indication of trickery. Her mind warned her that this could be a test conducted by Taehyung, ensnaring her in a trap that would lead to another punishment. She found herself struggling to obey, confused about the man’s motivation to have a conversation when he paid a hefty price for the sexual favors she offered. She released her robe as she fixed the tie around her waist, her brow furrowed with uncertainty as she perched herself beside him. “What would you like to talk about?”
Mr. Kim cleared his throat, pulling at the tie around his neck to relieve some of the constriction as he turned slightly to properly face the woman. “Is anyone listening? No one can hear what I’m about to tell you.” He whispered, leaning in close to Anna as he spoke. 
To say she was unprepared for his question was an understatement as Anna tried to determine what he could possibly say. She glanced toward the entrance of the tent, thinking that Taehyung would suddenly reveal himself, but after a moment of silence in the air she met the heavy gaze of Namjoon. “I don’t believe so…” Without peeking outside to check, that was her best guess. It would be reasonable for Taehyung or Hoseok to be waiting for her to fail, but she wasn’t sure that they would need to be doing something else during that time. 
“Okay listen carefully. I’m Detective Kim Namjoon from the Investigation Bureau.” The handsome man dug into his pocket to retrieve an item similar to a wallet before quickly revealing his credentials. Anna’s eyes were wide with fear, subconsciously backing away from the detective as he stashed the badge away. Namjoon noticed her backing away and held a hand up in surrender. “I’m only here to help.”
Anna couldn’t decide if her situation was better or worse. How did he intend to help exactly? What would Taehyung do if he found out Namjoon was a cop? Part of her wanted to cling to him like a lifeline, but another part of her worried that even humoring the man would put her in jeopardy of punishment. “I don’t think I should be talking to you.” She slowly rose to her feet, contemplating if she should share this information with the ringleader.
Namjoon moved quickly, grabbing her hand again to keep her from running away. “Wait!”
Anna was now standing, her arm extended from him holding onto her. She glared at him as she tried to pry his fingers from around her. “If you don’t let go, I’ll scream.” She promised, slowly filling her lungs with air to project her voice.
“If you scream, I can’t save you.” He stated firmly, glaring back at her just the same. 
The salacious entertainer froze, the oxygen she inhaled sitting still as she scrutinized the man before her. She questioned the validity of his promise, curious how he anticipated saving her when the House of Cards had her utterly enslaved. He might be a detective, but what could one official do against a whole circus of performers? “And exactly how do you plan to save me?”
“How fast can you run?”
Anna’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, finally ripping her arm from his hold. “Are you out of your mind? You’re not just gonna sneak out of here without getting us caught. They’ll kill both of us.” She adjusted her robe, wrapping the silk tight around her body as she crossed her arms. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not taking any more chances.”
Namjoon stood up, his frame towering over her. “You’re Anna Carmine, aren’t you?” He waited to see her response. She remained silent, but the subtle jolt of her body language told him that she at the very least recognized the name. “Your mother contacted the police saying she hasn’t heard from you in a while. We’ve been trying to track you down, and I heard from an anonymous source that you were taken, is that right?” Again she stayed quiet, her eyes flicking with attention up to meet his gaze. “I also know about your friend, Sophie Jennings. She was taken too?”
Anna finally nodded, almost looking away in shame as memories of their attendance were reimagined. The replay was so vivid, it felt like she was back in time reliving the moment when she stuck her nose in the place it never belonged. “Yeah.” She whispered softly. 
“Then come with me and help me build a case against this place. I can put the ones who did this to you away for a long time.” He encouraged, knowing with her testimony and the help of some of the other women, he could put the men who ran the House of Cards in prison for all the illegal activity that was handled behind the scenes. 
Anna stared at Namjoon for a moment, gnawing on her bottom lip as she flickered her gaze toward the entrance of the tent. She feared getting caught again, thinking about the threat Taehyung promised if she acted out one last time. The only other time she tried to run away, they made her sleep in the cold with nothing, and she could only imagine a second time would be much worse. She believed that Taehyung would, in fact, make her live the rest of her days as nothing more than a prop for him and his men to get off on. Her health would surely plummet until finally, she would tossed out of the public eye to rot.
“Do you trust me?” He asked softly, while she was distracted by her thoughts. She fixated her pupils back on Namjoon, her heart pounding against her ribs. While he seemed intimidating, she couldn’t help but notice the kindness deep within his dark irises. His jaw was locked with determination, but he was calm all the same. Namjoon was patient despite the urgency of their situation, he wasn’t going to force her like the men of the circus. He was willing to wait as their window of opportunity slowly closed because it wasn’t his decision if Anna wanted to be saved and fight back; it was hers.
She dropped her gaze down to see his hand was held out to her as an offering. His large palm faced up, displaying the deep creases and scattered wrinkles that created a detailed texture across his skin. She slowly lifted her hand, reaching out toward his own with a tremor running through her limbs. Her fingertips brushed over his calloused palm, before placing the weight of her hand into his. “Yes.” She answered simply, her heart screaming with anxiety as she allowed him to pull her to the back of the tent. 
Namjoon picked up his coat from her vanity, glancing back as he realized Anna was in nothing but a simple silk robe. He scoffed lightly, tossing his coat over her shoulders and letting the heavy material hug her frame. “Here, take this. It’s chilly out there.”
Anna blinked as the warmth of his jacket encased her, trapping her in a hug of wool. The moment the weight of his coat wrapped around her, the tension in her muscles relaxed. His hand grabbed her own before they made a run for it, sneaking out into the darkness and hiding in the shadows of the evening. Anna could only allow her body to follow his every move as she was overwhelmed with emotion and sensations. 
The frigid air wrapped around her bare legs and curled between her toes since the jacket only covered down to her thighs. Under the wool, she was contently warm with the comfort of his heat encasing her hand, the thick muscles flexing as he urgently dragged her through the service tents. Her heart spiked against her ribcage as images painted themselves involuntarily with every similar sound they passed by. Tears pooled on her eyelids as her mind taunted her, causing fear to grip her being with Taehyung’s voice overtaking her subconscious. If Namjoon noticed her sudden hesitation, he did well to ignore it as he peered over at the big top waiting for his moment to make a break for it.
Anna shuddered as her mind slowly shut down, crumbling as they seemed to be waiting to get caught. She whipped her head back and forth anticipating every shadow would reveal the ominous presence of her tormentors. She watched the collection of her breath fog up into the cold air, everything becoming numb and only an acute ringing in her ear. 
She was no longer aware of her surroundings as the ache of her muscles screamed at her to stop when Namjoon suddenly pulled her again. He was leading her far from the rows of tents and in the complete opposite direction of the big top. Her lungs struggled to accommodate her rapid breathing as the weather constricted their functionality. Then she distantly heard a commotion, causing her to snap back into action as they approached a vehicle hidden by an overgrown shrub. She glanced behind her, seeing the lights of the circus illuminate the darkness that surrounded the place. She could hear some faint yelling, but Namjoon was ushering her into the car before she could figure out what the noise was all about. 
She huffed as she sat on the cool cushion of the back seat as she realized the vehicle she was sitting in was indeed a squad car. She peered through the divider as Namjoon hopped into the front seat and turned on the vehicle. He glanced back with a dimpled smile, “You’re safe now.” Without hesitation, he turned his key as the car rumbled to life, vibrating under the weak frame of Anna. Everything hit her all at once when she felt the car roll forward. She looked over her shoulder one last time to see the circus becoming smaller and smaller.
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instruth · 1 year
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Whispering voices of thunder
Cool sun with stars blazing
Moods-swinging moon casts a spell
Over the bright shadow on a still lake
Amplifying duets performing on stage
Singing solo in tender Whispering
Gently do the rugged sportsmen tackle
Blowing the soft hairs of wild opponents
Swiftly fly the broken-winged swiftlets
Grasshoppers sting and bees go hopping
Little elephants in long swimming trunks
Mouths widely shut to roar ever loudly
Home coming, riding away from my house
I stop and ask a blind man for direction
With eyes shut, he glares at me, “What!”
I can’t find my way home, said I
Wild horses cannot slow me down
He says, “You are at home, my son."
I fall off my horse, look to the ceiling
And pull the blanket over my head
©Johnny J P Lee
12 September 2023
A Gogyoshiren Poem (20)
Photos Credit J. P. Lee
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yibo-wang · 2 years
KINOi Studio who designed the stage for Yibo’s performance (Like the Sunshine) shared the art and what it means. Connecting the art to yesterday’s dance and I love it even more!
Performer: Wang Yibo
Concept design, choreography: Chen Zihao
Visual Design: KINOi Yang Qian Studio
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Sudden heavy rain
broke the tranquility of the afternoon
I'm on a fantasy journey
Two floods flooded the house
The roof becomes my floating boat
led by the waves
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i came to a forest
it's here
butterfly whispers to me
birds play with me
I feel like I've known them for a long time
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huge forest
weird and mysterious
I saw a big tree like a ladder
I climb up step by step along the tree trunk
landscape from the top
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that's it
I climbed into the clouds
The tumbling sea of ​​clouds stirs up waves
Whale jellyfish cheer for me
I'm excited to wander among the clouds
I thought I could finally fly free
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Migrating elephants fly over my head
I stare blankly
falling from the clouds
everything so suddenly
I started running hard
looking for my lost home
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Golden light pierces the clouds
Awaken thousands of creatures
at the corner of that winter
Unexpected warmth
wake up like sunshine
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harryglass · 1 year
Catch 22!
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1 You’d like to read some verse? Please do! Our story starts inside a zoo Where animals from Africa Arrive in North America. It’s here the hero of this tale Is brought – the zoo’s new holy grail, The ‘King of Kings’, a mighty lion! (At least, that’s what HE thinks) – meet Brian.
2 You may feel sympathy (“Boo hoo!”) For this lion locked inside this zoo But DON’T – young Brian roamed his cage Like pompous actors strut the stage; Visitors would point and stare As Brian pranced about his lair And grinned, and shook his shaggy mane: “My fans! They love me! Global fame!”
3 Each morning he was brought a meal Of pork: “My favourite food!” he’d squeal. Then days would end as they began– Lazing around (he NEVER ran). But this easy life was soon forgotten When the zookeeper (who spoiled him rotten) Died, and another took his place Who took one look at Brian’s waist 4 And gave a thumbs-down sign, and booed And said: “You need some faster food!” He came back with an Ostrich (live): “Catch that!” (He knew it would survive). The Ostrich ran superbly fast– Two hours on, it still blazed past And (far behind) there’s Brian (puffing) Very nearly dead (or bluffing).
5 The Ostrich ran him round in rings! The poor, exhausted 'King of Kings' Collapsed, and held his paw up: “Truce! My…knee is hurting!” (Lame excuse). The big bird laughed and screeched to a halt. “I’m far too fast, agreed – my fault! I’m a bird, but you see, I can’t fly in the air So I’m super at running! They call me D’Anger!”
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6 “I’m Brian and I’m…dying,” he puffed, “I’m hot…and quite…unfit,” he huffed. “I’ll nap ‘till two…we’ll go from there… Fan me, Ostrich, use your hair!” “They’re feathers–”.  “Whatevers! Do I look like I care? Aren’t feathers for lifting birds up in the air? If so, why don’t you ever fly? You call yourself a bird? You LIE!”
7 Just as Brian settled, though, The weather turned; large flakes of snow Spun down. The lion watched the sky. “What’s happening? The sun’s gone! WHY?” He’d never seen it snow before. He caught a snowflake on his paw: “It’s FREEZING! Agh! What is it? Ick! Ostrich! Get it off me! Quick!” 8 The Ostrich scooped a ball of snow And caked the lion’s face (good throw!). Brian snarled and shook his mane Then threw a snowball back again But Ostrich heads are like a pin– The chances of a hit were slim! Brian missed him once, then twice… The Ostrich teased: “You’re being nice!” 9 The Elephants then yelled: “Attack!” And spat out snowballs: RAT-A-TAT-TAT! With trunks like guns they blew them out Through bars at every beast about– To hit the giraffe, the brutes aimed higher And blasted anti-aircraft fire! The Elephants sang: “This snow’s a hoot! With trunks like these, we’re born to shoot!”
10 The zookeeper (who’d only just started) Was hit so hard on the bum, he farted. The visitors screamed, and ran away And the keeper fainted (what a first day!). They shot the locks off every gate– The animals could now escape! The creatures numbered 22 All running from the city zoo… 11 But what do you think Brian did? Absolutely right – he hid. He hugged the Ostrich like a teddy. When the zookeeper stood up (unsteady) He looked around, and sobbed, and said: “They’re GONE! The zoo will close! I’m DEAD!” And fainted once more – down he fell! (His first day hadn’t gone too well). 12 Brian said: “Hang on a minute– The zoo will not be closing, will it? The food in here’s spectacular And (usually) so regular… We’re famous, Ostrich – even you! We’ve got to help him save this zoo! (And maybe then he’ll treat me right And bring me hot meals every night…)” 13 The Ostrich knew this to be true. “Alright, let’s catch those 22!” The lion tried to run, but slipped. “If only birds could FLY,” he quipped, “You’d fetch them while I rested here!” A pair of Penguins then appeared: “It’s wonderful, our kingdom’s grown! We love the snow, feel right at home.”
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14 “I’m Watson, yes?” “I’m Crick, no?” “Emperor Penguins, don’t you know? We’re birds, but you see, we can’t fly in the air”– Brian guffawed: “I do despair! What’s YOUR excuse? Why can’t YOU fly? You tell me you’re all birds – you LIE!” Watson and Crick waddled next to D’Anger: “But we’re super at slipping and sliding, so there!” 15 “Ostrich legs look strong,” they smiled– “Use us as skates, D’Anger, go wild!” D’Anger hopped on: “At last, some speed! I’m skating! Who needs wings? Indeed! The lion may be ‘King of Kings’ But Emperors are more useful things!” “Fine,” said Brian, “you’ll be my reindeer– Get skating, then! You pull, I’ll steer.” 16 With Penguin skates on Ostrich feet They searched down every snowy street: Four monkeys, and a crocodile, A hippo (with a goofy smile), A leopard, two lemurs, two giraffes, Three hyenas (with three loud laughs), A pair of rhinos, plus one snake, And a gorilla by the name of Blake. 17 Asked Brian: “Is that 22? Fantastic! Right! Back to the zoo! It’s feeding time, and my bottom’s sore.” D’Anger replied: “We’re missing four– Four Elephants, and there they are! You tell them, Brian – you’re the star, The famous ‘King of Kings’, the lion!” “I’m doing no such thing!” said Brian.
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18 Four trunks – just like four cannon – boomed! Four snowballs – fairly large ones – zoomed! Brian was hit (chest, face and mane); His reindeer turned: “Poor you, what a shame.” The animals didn’t know what to do And soon retreated back to the zoo; They disliked this city, it was sombre and grey, And their fans acted strangely, kept running away… 19 But the Elephants stood – the ‘Awesome Foursome’! Brian threw snowballs and then tried to roar some, But snowballs bounced right off their flanks Just like marshmallows hitting tanks. Brian wiped his snowy nose. “That’s it, our cosy zoo will close.” Then, at the end of the street, they saw An enormous, chomping dinosaur!
20 The Elephants turned and rubbed their eyes– “The King of the lizards! Run for your lives!” Back they ran! Retreat at last! They trumpeted a warning blast And stumbled back through snow and ice– Back to the zoo, like frightened mice! The Ostrich, Penguins and lion went too. D’Anger declared proudly: “Now THAT’s 22!” 21 The dinosaur rose up into the sky! “Wow!” gasped Brian, “A T-Rex can FLY? The King of Kings is lost for words.” “That ‘T-Rex’ is a flock of birds,” D’Anger explained, “your brain’s a joke!” A Starling landed, bowed, and spoke: “A favour – from the family! Birds help other birds, you see.”
22 Brian hugged the Ostrich: “Why, You ARE a bird! You didn’t lie!” D’Anger looked round the city zoo: “What fun catching the 22! But I don’t want fame, nor fans – I want freedom!” “Then RUN! I’ll explain that I caught you – you’re ‘eaten’!” He winked. The keeper awoke: “Have I dozed?” “You have! Without MY help your zoo would have closed!”
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Memoir - Elephant
This is an unexpected event. One that has taught me much about myself and the world around me.
I entered the grand gated zoo. It was one of the biggest zoos in all of China. Two majestic bronze tigers guarded the entrance. Each had a paw an embroidered silver ball. Their lips are pulled back in a roar as their sharp eyes gleamed yellow in the piercing sun. Impatient clouds danced across the sky. Fans posted on poles whirred angrily; the bee-like hum filling the air. My dad was with me at that time. The wind played with his almond-black hair as we walked.
“Squawk, Rerfff, Squawwk” The fiery sunset colored flamingos were yelling at each other, haggling over who has the best feathers and feed.
“Do you want to feed them?” The sound of my dad’s deep rumble startled me out of careful observations.
“Sure, why not?”
We quickly paid the money and went inside. The birds flapped their massive ruby colored wings in our faces and plunged their beaks in the cups that are filled with feed. Several more flamingos rushed at us and jumped on my dad’s arm. Beaks flashed as they ripped feathers from each other’s neck.
We walked and looked in the exhibits, the animals frolicked in the pools and chased the pigeons away from their food. Lions roared, and the prey animals crowded in a corner. Poor prey creatures, they are frightened by all the noise and the roaring lions. You could see that in their eyes.
Bikes zipped around and sang a robotic “twinkle-twinkle little star” every time someone was blocking their path. It was chaotic but at the same time very orderly. We walked our way to the elephant exhibit, dodging several bikes. This was very annoying; my dad yelled and waved his fist at a few people that didn’t put on the mechanical song. I couldn’t blame them. That mechanical song sounded like someone have messed with the radio so that instead of the normal songs and the news people talk, it sounds like two broken plates rubbing against each other.
I was being a complete nerd, lecturing about animals and their genus, habitats, and behavior. My dad listened quietly to my rambling and lecturing. His thoughts somewhere else in his mind. I can’t blame him; his job is quite energy-sapping.
The trees have cast the shadows on the sidewalk. Providing the much-needed relief to the scorching overhead sun. Birds chirped and hopped in the shadows of the trees. Peacocks strutted to the patches of sun and fanned out their massive tails. The catching the sun and spilling the light like green-gold diamonds
We walked to the elephant exhibit. Two elephants were playing in the mud; trees with spray hoses created a majestic waterfall. Several elephants were using their trunks to gather the water from the waterfall and drinking it. Around the corner, there are two elephants performing tricks. A large crowd is gathered around the performing elephants. One of them turned around and around in great circles; the other walked on its hind legs the trainer threw buckets and buckets of sliced apples, carrots, and other goods at them. They stopped to pick the treats up and walked away. Walking off the performing stage they went straight for the mud-pool and started to fling mud at the elephants under the mechanical waterfall. The mud splattered all over them, creating a gloopy brown and grey blob with small beady eyes. Everyone in the crowd laughed. The elephant then washed the mud off and charged at the elephants playing in the mud-pool. They flung mud everywhere and soon a full-blown mud-fight ensued.
We walked off at this point.  Behind the mud-fighting elephants, there is a large petting place. There you can feed zebras, ride camels, pet ostriches and fish for goldfish and many more. At each exhibit, there is a long, complicated line of people at every event. All of the people there were craning their necks to see what was happening.
I saw the elephant ride and my eyes gleamed. An elephant ride. That will be quite interesting, I never rode an elephant before, except when I was 3 but that was a long time ago. My dad saw my eyes gleam at the elephant ride and asked,
“Do you want to ride the elephant?”
 I ran off to the ticket stand in the middle of the petting place; My dad jogging behind me.
“How much does riding the elephant cost?” I said when I reached the ticket stand.
“It costs 20 yuan.” The keeper replied cheerfully.
At this point, my dad ambled up next to me and gave the 20 yuan to the keeper.
We got the ticket and stepped in line. The excitement is contagious, soon I was jumping up and down like some over-excited toddler every time a lion roars or an ostrich booms at some zookeeper. The line got shorter and shorter I felt the impatience grow stronger and stronger until… it’s my turn!
I hopped to the stand and climbed on a peaceful-minded elephant. The thick hide is warm and gave off the sweet smell of lion-grass and fresh leaves. Its strong shoulders moved under my legs. We ambled across the muddy track there were carrots everywhere for the trainers have tossed them to the ground to encourage the elephant to move on.  That’s a wonderful way to do that, these elephants will have to be starving if there aren’t any snacks. Plus, this brings some fun to the elephants who walk around the track so many times.  
I looked around the place for a little bit. There is an artificial tree in the center of the enclosure. There are small black nubs that let out a hissing sound as it sprays a fine mist in the enclosure. My dad stands on the little photo-taking stand, a bright smile on his face as he snaps away; the camera flashing brilliant light.
The elephant ambled off the path to a drinking pool. It sucked in a trunk full of water and sprayed it all over me and its sides till we are dripping wet with water and some elephant boogers. Then it began to drink the water in the pool. That strong trunk rapidly sucked in water and sprayed it in his gaping mouth. In the time I took to say mouse, that elephant has gulped down three trunksful of water.
The elephant has finished and looked at me with its beady eyes as if saying “Are you ready?”
“Yep, I’m ready.” 
That have gotten quite a few confused and weird looks from the people in the stands. After all, it’s not every day you hear some teenager talk to an elephant. The elephant once hearing that I was ready to move on started it’s way to the main path. In the corner of my eye, the elephant behind me charges and at the same time let out a loud, ground rumbling trumpet. Then without much warning, the elephant behind me charged. The elephant that I was riding sat on the ground and wouldn’t budge. Fear, like lightning, flooded through me. The people on the stands stepped back. Shock and anger flooded their eyes. My dad looked like he was about to jump into the enclosure to get me out of that fight. Dozens of trainers used dusty dusters and threw carrots as an attempt to distract the two elephants to stop fighting. 
Somehow, despite the jostling, I’ve stayed on the elephant that I was riding. The elephant, clearly spooked by this attack has run on the track in wild stops and starts every time a trainer approaches. The eyes of the elephant buggy. Calming down, it has stopped and following the fluff-on-a-stick walked to the stand. 
There my dad was waiting. He grabbed my arm and hauled me off of that elephant. He is shaking but it’s hard to tell. His eyes have given his worry, fear, and anger away though. He quickly patted my arms and legs to make sure that I haven’t somehow got bruised.
“I’m ok, Dad.”
“What if you aren’t.”
“Well, the what if didn’t happen, so stop worrying!”
We walked off. Even though the people in the stands saw that attack, they still continued to ride the elephants as if nothing had happened. Are they all mouse-brains? Still riding the elephants even after that attack? I half-expected them to all run to some other part of the zoo.
We walked on. My dad still fuming over the attack and how “irresponsible” the zookeepers are. We looked at some monkeys and birds. Eventually, we have walked out of the zoo.
Boy, that was one interesting day!
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kozmekthrob · 2 years
Traits of Hasta Nakshatra 10° 00’ to 23 ° 20 Virgo
Hasta mean ‘the hand’. Hasta is connected to the elephant and it is in fact another name of elephant. The elephant’s trunk is extra hand he uses it to do all its jobs. Hasta Nakshatra is where we think we can achieve whatever we desire and therefore can concentrate on our own efforts and forget the divine blessings that come with it. The Elephant is an important animal as it is link to lord Ganesha and Brishpati.
Planetary Ruler – The Moon
Hasta develops potential through self-efforts and understanding the laws of nature. The Moon ruler ship of this Nakshatra makes for changing perspectives and moving realties. Hasta has the quality for the individual to change, and to grow in different directions.
These people can be moody and they reflect the waxing and wanning phases of the Moon. Although they appear confident and in control, the inner self is vulnerable, insecure and in conflict, as they are always questioning themselves.
Kanya Rashi (Virgo Sign)
Hasta is entirely in Virgo. Hasta people can know everything or at least think that they know it all. But this is the aspect that can either give them immense power or restrict their personal growth. They feel by controlling the flow of their destiny, they can become what the soul wants them to be. The people genuinely believe that they can change their relationships to suit their way and this can lead them into partnerships that are inherently flawed.
🚦 Planets in Hasta 🚦
Planets in various Navamsa of Hasta. Starting with Aeries Navamsa: Mercury may perform well or very well here whereas Saturn and Rahu may perform well but not very well. Saturn is debilitated in Aeries and Rahu is not strong in the sihn. Moon may perform above average or well in this Navamsa; since it may do well in Aeries as well as Virgo and it has great comfort in Hasta.
Sun and Mars may perform above average here. Sun is exalted in Aeries and Mars is strong in this sign. Jupiter in its purest form is simple, clean and innocent like a child whereas Hasta is a master at the art of deception. Jupiter may find maximum discomfort in Hasta.
Venus may perform below average or poorly in this Navamsa. Venus is not strong in Aeries, it is debilitated in Virgo and it is not comfortable in Hasta.
Ketu may perform below average in this Navamsa; since it is debilitated in Virgo but it is strong on Aeries. Among all planets Mercury may be the strongest in this Navamsa and Venus may be the weakest.
Symbol – The Hand
Its symbol is the hand. The hand reflects the destiny of an individual and their individual efforts. The right and left hands are positive and negative, male and female energies, past and future lives. The four fingers of the hand show the four motivations : Artha, Kama, Dharma and Moksha, and the four directions: North, South, East and West. The three digits on the fingers are the three are the three gunas or psychological qualities : Rajas, Tamas, and Satva; and the three Ayurvedic doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The fingers and thumbs show the twelve zodiac signs, and the joints of the thumbs and fingers together number 30, or the thirty days of the solar month. The hand also reflects the solar system and its planets. To write about all we can see from the hand is to complete an entire field of knowledge, a knowledge which is reflected in the Hasta Nakshatra. They are masters of knowledge.
Puranic Myth – Gayatri Mantra
The Gayatri Mantra is found in the Rig-Veda (Rig-Veda III/62/10) and in three other vedas too. It is chanted to invoke Savitar, the Spirtual Sun, and through him Parabrahman (Eternity). While we can all see the physical Sun, the spiritual aspirant wants the Sun to reveal its inner light and bring enlightenment. It is chanted three times a day at times known as three sandhyas : morning, midday and evening. The main function of Gayatri is to free the souls from the bondage of Maya (illusion). At the Hasta stage the soul is stuck in materialism and needs to invoke the higher power and see the inner world, so regular chanting of Gayatri Mantra will help Hasta people develop their higher selves and free them from their material ties.
Regards----- Anurag Saxena
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herculean (drrr x f!reader) - chapter 32
chapter 32 - missing
synopsis: an unexpected obstacle makes itself known.
word count: 4,698
warnings: canon-typical violence
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"trouble on my left, trouble on my right i've been facing trouble almost all my life my sweet love, won't you pull me through? everywhere I look, I catch a glimpse of you,, trouble - cage the elephant
At some point, as the winding road extended further and further, fluorescent street lights were replaced with trees and shrubbery. The beams of headlights emitted the only light for miles. A tall street light would occasionally appear, but it would stay completely dark. Perhaps this area had not been tended to in a while, or more likely, the electricity had purposely been shut off to diminish any suspicious activity. Eventually, the trees suddenly parted, revealing a tall, drab building. Once upon a time, it might have been some sort of factory or manufacturing establishment, hinted by its height and long windows. Now, it was most certainly abandoned. Many windows were cracked or wholly bashed in. The brick was waning in the very late stages of decay. Even the front entrance appeared to be completely caved in; a wide, open entryway residing where there once were tall doors.
The silver car skids to a clumsy halt across the cracked asphalt ground. The minute that the headlights flick off, everything is shrouded in complete darkness. As the two men step out of the vehicle, their eyes take a moment to adjust. For a moment, all they can fathom is the deep blue of the starry sky. Brigall does not pause to account for the time, instead clamoring towards the trunk to the best of his ability.  Isaac fishes through his coat pocket before procuring a flashlight. As both men reach the trunk, Brigall snatches the flashlight away from the man, gesturing for him to open the trunk. Isaac quickly complies, popping the lid open and revealing its contents. 
Your body had clearly been ruffled by the bumpy ride, but you were still intact; and unconscious. 
“Should we tie her, sir?”
“No use, she’ll just break out of them. I’ll have to administer the dose just as she gains consciousness. This serum is only temporary, and I can’t risk her regaining her memory before we’ve gotten her back to the lab.”
Isaac scoops your body up with ease, tossing you over his shoulder and slamming the trunk closed with one hand. Led by a small pool of light, the men traverse into the abyssal entrance of the warehouse. Upon entry, their feet kick up layers of months-old dust, flurrying into the air and invading their lungs. Brigall doubles over with a nasty cough, briefly obscuring the rays emitting from the flashlight. In a flash, Isaac’s hand is in front of him, holding a handkerchief from his coat pocket. The doctor snatches it thanklessly and presses it over his face. 
“That damn informant!” His voice is muffled as they move deeper into the space. 
From their position, they narrowly miss the sound of two more vehicles pulling into the lot. Both drivers, without any communication, make the clever choice to come to a slow, quiet stop. In an instant, the lot is filled with a multitude of bodies.  
Mikado and Anri stare up at the building, memories flooding their heads from the last time they had inhabited it. So much changed because of that night. To return to the setting of it all felt almost premature, considering where they resided in their respective journeys. But another thing was sure about that moment…you were there for them. With how little you understood of what was truly going on, you charged into the fray to support them in their time of need. Now it was their turn.
Nobody bothers to even close the van doors behind them as the group gathers. Everyone clocks the familiar, and now empty, silver car in front of the building.
“Ok, so what’s the plan?” Walker is the first to speak up in a poorly hushed tone, sensing the need to be conspicuous. 
“We don’t know what leverage they have, if there are weapons involved. We’re unfortunately unarmed.” Kyohei contemplates, eyes trained on the entrance to the building.
“Speak for yourself,” Erika chimes in. Kyohei shoots her a side eye, but makes no further comment.
“There were only two people in the car, right? We have advantage in numbers.” Saburo circles around his vehicle, quietly shutting all of the doors.
“That’s if they’re not meeting more people here. Who knows what kind of operation this is?” Kyohei mutters.
“Well, we’ve gotta do somethi-- Shizuo !?” Everyone follows Walker’s line of attention, leading them to the tall blonde who was currently stalking toward the warehouse. For such a strong man, he certainly made a lot of distance without being noticed. Before anything could be done to stop him, he had already breached the front entrance. 
He has to remove his sunglasses to gain some semblance of vision. Pools of moonlight melt through widened divots in the ceiling. What immediately stands out to him, though, is the moving ray of light closer to the back wall. His adjusted eyes make out two bodies, and after further inspection, one more body thrown over one of their shoulders. The sight lights him aflame with rage. The group’s carefully crafted cover is effectively blown by a vicious roar.
“You BASTARDS! I’ll kill you!”
The noise immediately draws everybody through the door. Celty, slowly wheeling in on her bike, presses an exasperated palm to the forehead of her helmet.
“Wh-what!?” Brigall bristles at the sudden appearance of so many people. What spikes his fear most though, is the blonde….bartender…standing in the middle of the room, staring him down with chilling animosity. In the blink of an eye, the wild man is sprinting towards him, long legs carrying him at an inhuman speed. The flashlight slips from his grasp and he fumbles for it in panic. He sends a frenzied glance to the taller man beside him, who remains oddly stoic. 
“Why are you just standing there, you imbecile!? Do something! ”
“My apologies, doctor.” Isaac nods, flipping your body off of his shoulder with one arm, before draping it over Brigall’s. The sickly man receives you clumsily, almost dropping you upon reception. Mere seconds exist in the space between the pair and the rapidly approaching blonde. Isaac takes three calm steps, positioning himself a few paces in front of Brigall. The more he can make out the men’s faces, the more Shizuo snarls. He pulls his elbows back, prepared to reel his arms into a violent strike. 
What should sound like skin against fabric-covered skin instead releases a solid clap of thunder. The force of the blow kicks up several layers of dust, so suddenly that a large cloud materializes around the two bodies.
The group looks on with bated breath. Through the dust and darkness, it’s impossible to make out what exactly occurred. For a moment, they are overcome with a subtle sense of relief. It appears the whole operation would be easier than expected, what with Shizuo’s sake. 
The dust settles, and everyone squints, expecting to see one body standing, and another crumpled on the ground. However, as the last of the cloud slowly dissipates, jaws drop and gasps resound.
Because there, cloaked in surprisingly bright moonbeams, were two standing silhouettes.
Shizuo’s limbs quake, his teeth clenched and eyebrows twisted. Wild brown eyes stare into cool, unaffected green. Where tremors moved through Shizuo, the body across from his remained completely still. The two men were locked in a grapple, bodies poised offensively. A confused breath leaves Shizuo’s mouth, anger momentarily replaced by pure astonishment. Then astonishment gives way to recognition, then comprehension. In one suspended second, the heat drops back in. His lips curl into a bitter sneer.
“I…I get it.” His graveled voice wavers with effort. “‘S’not just her. Yer churnin’ these guys out!? Huh, Doctor !?”
His fury suddenly shifts to the man behind Isaac. Said doctor still stands in the same spot, paralyzed with fear. With a new burst of energy, Shizuo shoves past Isaac in a B-line toward Brigall. He only gets a few steps ahead before two arms cage him around his shoulders. “Hah!?”
“You’ll have to get out of here, Doctor. I will take care of it.” Isaac commands coolly. Brigall seems to snap out of his stupor. He hurriedly slips through the door beside him, sloppily maneuvering your body along with him. The sight only ignites Shizuo further.
“Like hell, you will!” He suddenly bends at the torso, disorienting the man behind him before slinging him over his shoulder. Isaac’s body tumbles onto the ground before him. He does not stay down for long, tucking his legs beneath him and quickly regaining his bearings. Shizuo clicks his teeth in annoyance. His ears perk at a low whirring from behind him, that grows into a high-pitched screech. A dark figure appears in his peripheral.
“Looks like we’re tag teaming this one.” He doesn’t even need to look at Celty to know of her presence. Isaac is unperturbed at the idea, eyes scanning the small group of people.
“I apologize.” His low voice bounces off of the high walls. “The doctor has very important plans to tend to. I must not allow any vagrants to get in the way….at any cost.” 
Shizuo stretches his neck to the side, his vertebrae releasing a few quiet pops. His knuckles follow shortly after. He fixes Isaac with a dangerous stare, an almost wicked smile playing on his lips. “ Any cost , huh? Then I won’t hold back either. No hard feelings!”
The end of his sentence breaks off into a grunt as he takes another charge at Isaac. This time he throws a fist, aiming to land a hit on the man’s face. Isaac narrowly dodges, grabbing Shizuo by the wrist and yanking him off balance. The blonde quickly recovers, using his low position to swing a leg at his ankles. The kick lands, but appears to do little damage.
The men devolve into a series of hits, kicks, and dodges. Their bodies move so fast that it’s often hard to distinguish which body is which, something that even Celty starts to struggle with as she searches for a way in. Each landed blow holds so much force that small clouds of dust explode from every hit.
“Doesn’t look like we’ll be of much use in this fight.” Saburo mutters.
“Much as I hate to feel useless, you’ve got a point.” Kyohei sighs. “But we can’t just stand here, that guy in the labcoat has (Y/N). We’ve gotta find a way to him.”
“Not sure I wanna take a chance sneaking past that guy,” Walker nervously gestures at the rapidly ensuing battle. “Or getting caught in the crosshairs…”
Shizuo’s back collides with a pillar, sending metallic tremors up through the ceiling. His eyes hone in on a decaying rod of scaffolding beside him. Isaac charges at him, preparing to sink a fist into his stomach. Suddenly, a hunk of metal appears before him, swinging in an arc before colliding with his side. The momentum forces his body into the wall beside him. In his brief incapacitation, spiraling shadows appear at his feet. They rise up his body, wrapping around his torso and encasing his arms. Celty’s shoulders bob in something akin to a relieved sigh. 
“Now!” Erika shouts. The van gang and Raira kids take the opportunity to make a break for it. Their running feet carry them toward the same doorway that Brigall had disappeared through. For a moment, Isaac’s cool exterior dissipates, a low growl slipping through his gritted teeth. His legs, free from the apprehension of Celty’s shadows, suddenly bend into a preparatory stance. He jerks his torso backward, pulling the string of shadows taut and jerking Celty a bit in the process. Feeling her weight give, Isaac’s shoulders reel in a sharp circle. 
Still knocked off kilter from his prior movement, Celty is completely taken off guard by the strong yank from the other end of her shadows. It happens so quickly, she doesn’t have time to sever the connection before she’s flung from her bike and through the air. Her lithe body moves in an arc before pummeling the ground right in the path of the others. The sudden obstacle stops them all in their tracks, looking down at Celty in shock. Anri and Mikado run to her immediately, concern etched onto their baby faces. 
The shadows holding Isaac dissipate upon impact. At his first moments of freedom, he bursts into a sprint toward the invading bodies, intent on putting them at a farther distance. Shizuo is in his path in the blink of an eye, using his body as a wall. He spares a warning glance at his companions. 
“Don’t get too close.”
It’s the most attention he could give them before diving back into the fray. Despite Anri and Mikado’s concern, Celty was quickly back up on her feet, seemingly unscathed. Good to know that, even if she had a head, that helmet would do a pretty good job of preserving it. She quickly ran back into the fight, now with a fire under her butt from being taken off guard. For the others, however, Shizuo’s warning was most likely better heeded. 
“We can’t get anywhere while they’re stuck in this stalemate,” Kadota grunted in frustration.
“We need something to tip the balance!” Erika’s eyebrows were set in a deep furrow, her fingers scratching her own chin in contemplation.
“...or someone.” Anri’s soft voice suddenly chimes in, taking everyone off guard. For a moment, everyone just stares at her, puzzled at what she could mean. She nervously scans the crowd of people, starting to regret speaking up. The only eyes she doesn’t meet are Mikado’s, whose attention is fixed on his phone as he rapidly taps on its keyboard. He momentarily meets her gaze, before his lips curl into a smile of understanding and determination. She returns it, her brown eyes twinkling with resolve. Mikado turns to the rest of the group.
“I think we’ve got an idea.”
You don’t realize you’ve lost consciousness until you regain it again. Vitality engages your senses and when you command your fingertips to wiggle, they listen. As you take in the vast, breezy darkness around you, a frustrated grunt bubbles from your lips.
“You’re back!”
Once again, a voice materializes behind you. Tension seizes your shoulders. Something stirs and sizzles in your gut at the mere timbre and enunciation. You don’t even have to turn to look at her, just her existence is enough to piss you off. You stew in the following silence, willing yourself to lose consciousness again and abandon this state of purgatory.
“Silent treatment, huh?”
“Just shut up.”
Your words are gruff and graveled; improper. Your brain starts comparing your voices without your permission. You know that if you turn around, your brain will do the same with your faces; your bodies.
“If that’s what you want.”
You roll your eyes before letting your eyes fall shut. A forced, slow breath washes over your body. It’s just like falling asleep, you think to yourself. Just fall asleep.
It’s too empty. Too quiet. You try to imagine soft blankets and warm sun, but the breeze carves goosebumps into your frustratingly bare skin. The more you will your muscles to relax, the more they tingle with pins and needles. You let out a frustrated huff. 
“Not working, huh?”
It’s a reflex when you shoot an indignant glare over your shoulder. You don’t catch yourself in time and you lock eyes with her; you. She simply returns your gaze, a seemingly immovable simper etched onto her face.
“Am I supposed to become you again or something? Is that what this is? That asshole turn me back into his little puppet?” The words shoot out of you with little thought, spurred by the desire to push away; to hurt. She was much too soft. Too welcoming. It made your skin itch. “How long until I absorb you back into my system?”
You’ve turned back away from her now. A moment passes with no response. You click your teeth in annoyance. “What, now you’ve got nothing to say??”
The silence continues. Refusing to look back at her, you resign to crossing your arms and stewing in the frustration. You were growing so, so tired. Who knows what’s happening to you now--what’s going to become of you. And now, on top of it all, you’re standing face to face with the girl you once were? The life you once had? Was your brain not fucked up enough? It was all so unfair--all such…
“Bullshit.” Even in the low murmur of your voice, a crack sneaks its way through. Your nose and eyes tingle in a familiar, unwelcome way. Could you cry in your own subconscious? As tears breached your lower lashes, it felt as though they evaporated upon release. There was no trickle down your cheeks or clumping of your eyelashes. Just a stinging feeling, clenched jaw, and heavy swirling in your chest. Just your luck, you couldn’t even cry.
Abruptly, that weight in your chest explodes. Instead of destruction in its wake, it only leaves behind warmth. A bright warmth that continues to spread. A gasp rises from the pits of your belly at the feeling. Your fingers graze your own sternum, and for a moment, flashes of red-feathered darts fill your mind. You don’t look down, too fearful of what you might see. Your breaths are short and high in your chest, doing little to provide your lungs with the fuel they truly needed.
Your heart starts at the new voice. Your body acts on its own, taking a long breath that you can feel low in your belly. Tears still well up and evaporate, but your body begins to feel light.
It’s a different voice from before-- completely different. A man’s voice. Low, graveled, soothing. Familiar. 
You can’t will yourself to be angry at the calming effect it has on you—not when your body finally begins to settle into this fuzzy feeling.
“I don’t want to see you.” You say helplessly, voice soft yet solid. It’s made of the hearty, silky air that fills your body with each deep inhale. 
“That’s alright. But I was hoping you’d recognize who I was.”  Even without turning around can you envision his dark, stern gaze. Your brain subconsciously removes his beanie, leaving his eyes and face completely unobscured. Your face scrunches into a troubled furrow. It feels like a bittersweet cycle just to speak to him. Relief, then shame, then affection, then longing.
“I do.”
“Good. Now, what’s all this about being a puppet?”
Your skin bristles. You don’t like hearing those words uttered by his voice. It brings to life all of the scenes you’ve created in your head. The worst-case scenarios that you spent every day running away from. You gulp down the rising cotton in your throat.
“I’m probably going to lose my memory again. Lose everything I had. And turn back into her.”
“You know who. The one you’re really friends with.”
He doesn’t grant that a verbal response, just an even hum.
Silence ensues. You don’t possess enough concept of time to know how many minutes pass by. It leaves you itching. Another goosebump reappears on your arm for each second you don’t hear his voice again. Strain racks your body as you resist the urge to turn around. 
“I’m going to miss you guys,” You finally sigh.
“We’ll miss you.” You shake your head.
“Not me.” None of it is real. He’s not really there, standing behind you—but the pure relief you feel is palpable. It’s thick in your bloodstream and potent in your every exhale. To say all of this and have someone listen. You heave a bitter laugh. “I’m just some fucked up kid.” 
“I don’t get it.”
You almost look back. “…what?”
“You’re you. I’m standing here and I see you. I don’t know who else you’re talkin’ about.”
“Bullshit!” His silhouette briefly enters your peripheral before you catch your mistake and turn forward again. “You can’t say that. I’m clearly not the same person.”
“Aren ’t you?” Something breaks mid-sentence, sounding almost like a technological glitch. Your inner ears adjust around the foreign sound. Low gravel layers over soft high pitch. 
“I see the same person.” 
Once again, the voice has changed. A smaller sound. It takes rearrangement within your ears to attune to it. This voice, you also recognized. Suddenly, the feeling of comfort is overtaken by embarrassment.
A girl a decade younger than you. How could you possibly seek asylum? You were supposed to be that for her . Now, you were too caught up in your own baggage to be there for anyone. What would she really say if she saw you as you are now, pitiful and brooding? She’d probably decide never to depend on you again.
“I don’t want to talk anymore.”
“I told you the same thing, once. Remember?”
“S’different, Anri.”
“How different? There was so much you didn’t know about me. I thought when you knew the whole truth, you’d abandon me.”
Your eyes widen at her words. Comprehension creeps into the back of your brain until you grasp what she’s trying to say.
“Y-you’re still the same person, Anri. Your past didn’t change that. You still look the same, act the same, sound the same! There’s been a whole part of me missing, don’t you understand!?” 
Against your will, your voice creeps up in volume. You’re too buried in your own shame to stop yourself.
“But how much was really missing?”
Once again the voice splits into two, layering and divulging until one sound comes out on top. It’s harder to distinguish between the two female voices, but one holds more confidence over the other. A playful lilt that would normally leave your heart feeling lighter.  
“Where does the real you end, and the other you begin?”
Something pauses within you. You can almost physically feel the cogs of your brain stop turning.
“‘What a ridiculous question!’ That’s definitely what you’re thinking. But have you really thought about it?” Erika’s voice continues in your silence. Still, no words grace your dumbfounded mouth.
“…Can you try?”
The entire interior of the warehouse was obscured by a cloud of dust. It grew difficult to take a breath that wasn’t closely followed by an unforgiving cough. 
Kyohei buried his face into his jacket, using his collar as a makeshift air filter. His eyes scanned over the group behind him, all doing the same thing with their shirts and jackets. This wouldn’t do at all. The longer they sat here, they not only risked losing (Y/N), but also flirted with a nasty case of black lung. Still, the brawl a few yards away had not let up. Surely, not too much time had passed--but each wasted second felt like an eternity. 
“Kkh--!” A sharp choking sound echos through the air, accompanied by a heavy, unforgiving thud. Shizuo’s body collides with the stone wall. His recovery is slightly more sluggish than his past ones, a detail everyone in the room is acutely aware of. Still, he hurtles toward Isaac once more, harboring no intention to slow down.
“This isn’t good,” Saburo murmurs. “If Shizuo goes down, the balance is tipped against us for sure. There’ll be no chance!”
Celty provides as much support as she can from the outer bounds. The Dullahan would be no match if she were to go against Isaac hand-to-hand, so she uses every opportunity to restrain Isaac with her shadows. It’s earned Shizuo a few extra blows, but between him and Isaac, the blonde was looking worse for wear. Even Shizuo Heiwajima’s strength seemed to have its limits.
As for Isaac, the man had hardly broken a sweat. Despite taking on two powerful beings at once, his own strength had barely started to falter. Everyone watched him in horrified astonishment. Where had such a powerful man come from? 
“Like (Y/N).” Erika says suddenly. The others turn to her at the confusing declaration. They find her with widened eyes, jaw open with realization. 
Cogs turn in numerous brains in an attempt to catch up. Isaac…Like (Y/N)? His strength... her strength. The other man’s lab coat. Shizuo’s immediate recognition, and the animosity that immediately followed…
“...S’not just her. Yer churnin’ these guys out!? Huh, Doctor!?”
“We’ve got to get her out of here.” Kyohei’s voice is ignited with a new sense of severity. He eyes Mikado sharply. “How’s that idea pannin’ out, Mikado? Window of opportunity’s closing real fast!”
“Any second, just a bit more time!” Where one would expect desperation in Mikado’s face, they would only find pure tenacity.
“The first opening we get, we’re goin’ after her--no hesitation!” Kyohei’s command banishes whatever hopelessness had begun to creep in. 
But that resolve did nothing to tip the balance of the ongoing battle. Shizuo sloppily throws a punch at Isaac’s side, which the latter easily evades. Overextended and thrown off balance, Shizuo’s center of gravity shifts, throwing him off kilter. Isaac seizes the opportunity, wrapping his arms around the bartender and gripping him in a headlock. 
“B-bastard…! Gkkh-!” Shizuo’s fists beat at the strong arms that begin to cut off his airflow. He thrashes in an attempt to throw the body off of him. The force jostles the butler’s grip, but he doesn’t let up, determined to conclude the brawl for good. 
Celty revs up Shooter, rapidly closing the distance in a desperate attempt to rescue her friend. She skids across a raised slab of cement in the ground, lifting her front wheel and sending her soaring through the air. The perfect trajectory presents itself, her bike hurtling straight towards Isaac’s exposed and vulnerable head. 
Just as the tires are about to leave tread marks on the man’s face, Celty’s efforts are evaded by a swift duck. Isaac completely drops his body weight, throwing himself to the ground and taking Shizuo’s body with him. The blonde is left kicking and scrambling for purchase, losing any of the remaining leverage he’d had. Celty lands roughly onto the cement, managing to keep her balance atop her motorcycle. Her tires continue to burn across the ragged floor, the sheer momentum overpowering her brakes. 
In her motion, something whips past her. In the blur and commotion, she can’t distinguish what it is--only that it’s big. Huge , even. It practically trades places with her, tearing through the darkness towards the two struggling men.
Isaac’s stoic countenance is disrupted by a minute, triumphant smirk as Shizuo’s thrashing begins to weaken. Relief overtakes him as the man’s broad shoulders begin to sag. 
“The doctor will be happy to hear of my besting you…I am his greatest creation, after a--GH!”
Isaac’s gravelly, even drone is disrupted by a choked wretch. His vision briefly flashes as his body is roughly snatched from its position on the floor. He hovers in a moment of suspension before his back collides with something stony and solid.
Everyone jumps at the sound that, compared to the previous noise, was particularly violent. A rumble reverberates through the space, accompanied by creaking metal and crumbling stone. The group stands from their huddled position on the floor, eyes trained at the ceiling in fear that something was beginning to collapse. 
Thankfully, the roof remained intact. What had really taken damage was the pillar adorning the furthest back wall. A thin crack ran through the top, branching out into several fractures toward the ground. At the very bottom, though, was most of the damage.
At the bottom, the pillar was almost completely caved in, a large, deep crack left by Isaac’s body. Said man still resided there, the most incapacitated he had been up to this point. His body twitched with effort, signaling that he was still cautious. Despite his efforts, he remained pinned to the wall--a single, meaty hand gripped around his throat. From where the group is standing, a large, familiar silhouette covers Isaac’s body from complete view. The silhouette doesn’t move, except for a tilt of the head over his shoulder.
Even through the dust and darkness, they recognize that wide, sturdy smile.
“Sorry am late.” Simon’s voice strikes a relieved chord in every chest in the room. “Took a minute to close up shop.”
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artcalledtheewhip · 2 months
Not a noodle
Love a Ramen
Raw mein
So I veined
In my body from hear to brain
Synapses connecting together
Meant for sumthyng more
Suicidal For Life
The street ST
Was written upon!
Let cool before tha bite
We gather and you say nothing for the sakes of all in much so smooch Mac more
Bring the ammo too kill for fall
Heat energy dividing plans
M E under our noses felt tectonics brought in by the boned syneregized weather
All feelings caught or without
None moving with gun shots
Let cool before tha bite
Play it it was it is safe
No backer’s kept his back safe
They never ever really moved
Like directed
Watch again
Imposter poser rumpt trumpty
My universe loves suicidal tendencies
Sue a cycle of tender loves
Deep fried
Let cool before tha bite
No yellow and black
Bee colors or hive
Shape up your skin
Before diabetes
Lost ear folds
Give U S close up for an examination
So former ducked head
So former ducked head
Dunce liked balance took over
My men on top of me
Rally tall with fist
Obliged obligations obligatory
Sitting Ass’s
Under direct gunfire
Staged hoaxed dump a rumpt y and the trunks
Political wharf and snares
This is my golf course!
Summed up to all worthless others!
You must be a Republican
And your toucan is still supposed stoopid
In my head & opinion
Racked up bored out pinions
Haven’t had a something since 2020
Covid dropped out my loves
The country fell closed
My loves torn away
So former ducked head
Let cool before tha bite
Aim son’s
Play some more
Golf rival impact clash battle
My fore look up to not hit on head
My scores beyond compare
Easy for the
Sousing elegantly
Soldiers never took you, anywhere
Not allowed to charge the
After Covid deaths
Play son, disregard a country
Other feasibly devised grabbed that money
They took that message
Vocals grabbing all sorry asses
Elephant ized against
Chuckle me up some
Duck ex former
Ear bits
No ear worm controlling the me
Over played hip hop add some
Scratching replaying to dubstep
To fornication and simple sinking
That whole boat down under
Lest attached in surrounding waters
Can you intake it without
A filter
The glitter was sitting shooting in the time frame
All others
“Let Trump take it”
The four leafed we hold
All funny by the bystanders
Easy sitting on asses
Elephants directing
Add a special episode
Watch closely!
Meant four some thing more
Meant fore sum things momentum
Keep running, after the time spent
It’s not a relay
You be in on your own
Blood orange
0 notes