#Environmental Philosophy of Technology
omegaphilosophia · 1 year
Exploring the Philosophical Landscape of Technology: Theories and Perspectives
The philosophy of technology is a rich and evolving field that explores the nature, impact, and ethical dimensions of technology. Here are some key theories and approaches within this field:
Technological Determinism: This theory suggests that technology shapes society and human behavior more than individuals or society shape technology. It proposes that technological developments have a predetermined, often inevitable, impact on social, cultural, and economic structures.
Social Construction of Technology (SCOT): SCOT theory argues that technologies are not inherently good or bad but are socially constructed. It focuses on the process by which technologies are developed, adopted, and adapted based on the values and interests of different social groups.
Postphenomenology: Drawing from phenomenology, this approach explores how technology mediates our interactions with the world. It examines the ways in which technology influences our perception, embodiment, and experiences.
Actor-Network Theory (ANT): ANT considers both human and non-human actors (like technology) as equal participants in shaping social networks and processes. It emphasizes the role of technology in mediating human interactions and agency.
Ethics of Technology: This area of philosophy explores the ethical dimensions of technological development and use. It delves into topics such as privacy, surveillance, artificial intelligence ethics, and the moral responsibilities of technologists.
Philosophy of Information: This branch investigates the fundamental nature of information and its role in technology. It examines concepts like data, knowledge, and information ethics in the digital age.
Critical Theory of Technology: Rooted in critical theory, this approach critiques the social and political implications of technology. It seeks to uncover power structures and inequalities embedded in technological systems.
Feminist Philosophy of Technology: This perspective focuses on the intersection of gender and technology. It examines how technology can reinforce or challenge gender norms and inequalities.
Environmental Philosophy of Technology: This theory explores the environmental impact of technology, including topics like sustainability, resource depletion, and the ethics of technological solutions to environmental challenges.
Existentialist Philosophy of Technology: Drawing from existentialism, this approach considers the impact of technology on human existence and individuality. It explores questions of alienation, authenticity, and freedom in a technological world.
Human Enhancement Ethics: With the advancement of biotechnology, this theory addresses the ethical dilemmas surrounding human enhancement technologies, including genetic engineering and cognitive enhancement.
Pragmatism and Technology: Pragmatist philosophy examines how technology influences our practical, everyday experiences and shapes our interactions with the world.
These theories and approaches within the philosophy of technology provide valuable insights into how technology influences and is influenced by society, as well as the ethical considerations that arise in our increasingly technologically driven world.
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pavor-noctvrnvs · 1 year
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If the child, writes Plotinus, does not show any talent and seems unfit for a more serious career, the parents say that it would be best to give it to a trade. They do it today the same as they did a thousand and seven hundred years ago. The difference is that they were then aware of the mediocrity of the person who practised the trades. Today, however, the untalented, not so much with their numerical predominance, but rather with and due to the nature of modern civilization, considers itself the sustaining element of humanity. At this moment, there is no mention of Bernard Shaw's comment, who, with his usual inventiveness and his usual frivolity, considers the chauffeur-type to be the man of the future. At this moment, due to the power of technology, he who is usually called technical dictates. Which is just another name for a craftsman. Technology is not and never will belong amongst the representatives of the human spirit. But the overcrowded schools today are the technical colleges and universities, because a person without skills can easily get a well-paying job following what he learned here. This person dictates the standard of thinking and lifestyle and taste and morale and mood. To achieve the lifegoods are the easiest to him. This man has a so-called success.
We are not talking about technology. What we are talking about is the technician. A. Perron⁴⁴ says that the technique is puerile, typically a product of the imagination of the adolescent child. Everybody has a more or less developed technical age, but by the age of eighteen, in the normal man, it passes away. The technical imagination, once it reaches intellectual maturity, is only stays in the hands of the man without higher qualities. It is a pity, says A. Perron, to speak of the realisation of particularly great values in connection with technology. Behind all technical civilization is the Jules Verne idea of wanting to furnishes the world like Captain Nemo furnishes the Nautilus. If the hundred-seater turbine-jet aeroplane is to be valorised in spiritual terms, it must be we have to admit that it's value is not more than a carousel's. Rather it is less.
The literature of technocracy is large, but unusable, says E. B. Wallace⁴⁵. The opinion of every author is decided by some sympathy or aversion, as if it were impossible to take a disinterested position on this issue. Technology has become the focus of tensions in worldviews. Spiritualists reject it principally and unconditionally just as materialists praise it. European thinking does not have, and has never had, the unbiased measure that can determine the significance of technology without preoccupation. With a few exceptions, our thinkers have merely framed the passions of history well and badly, but there has been no one who could see the whole thing from above. European thought is the 'gifted personality', but do not stands in the sign of an absolute spirit. It takes more than being an interesting person to the truth.
Mircea Eliade claims that the earth's chthonic rhythm is pretty slow, and the goal of technology is to speed up this rhythm. Human takes over the role of time. What the earth's physical-geological-chemical life creates over thousands of years, man can do even in a matter of minutes with his technology. Man melts metal, cleans it of elements that do not belong there, or mixes it appropriately with other elements, shapes it and makes tools. It shortens natural processes, and what it achieves is always the more in shorter time.
Here is one of the interesting theories of European man, which is as much witty as it much is frivolous. The author do not really tell us the most important thing. What is the purpose of this shortening? Why do people take over the role of time and speed up processes?
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Man's behavior towards nature can be of three types. The first is metaphysical, which wants to lift up every speck of dust in nature and wants to ennoble it. This primordial behavior for us, after it has completely disappeared even from historical religions, has preserved by the tradition of alchemy. Alchemy wants to turn the world into gold, that is, it wants to raise it with every atom to the world of the incorruptible and imperishable spirit.
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The second behavior is man's paternal care for nature. Archaic cultures arose from this care. Where farming and animal husbandry are still intact, this spirit lives on.
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The third behavior became common with the passing of the archaic era, and it is the robbery of nature. If one take a look today to the mines, the scorched primeval forests, the plundered seas, the slaughtered animals and primitive peoples, and the billions of civilized bondman slaves, one can have no doubt as to what is happening here. For a short time in the last century, it seemed that socialism would create a perfect change in the way of life, and everyone believed that it would end this exploitation. The opposite happened. Socialism is a European theory just like the others, it is not a solution to a crisis, it is only a product of crisis, that is, it cannot grasp things from above, it only articulates the difficulties with great difficulty. Instead of creating a radical solution, it only intensified the robbery and rather justified his crimes with a stupid ideology.
Some consider the life-destroying nature of technology to be a forced consequence of overpopulation. This frenzied robbery economy would make no sense anyway. The author⁴⁶ delights in the usual horror statistics that we all know: how many people were on earth in 1800, how many in 1900, how many we will be in 2000. He secretly hopes that nuclear war or an epidemic will thin our ranks. If this did not happen, the situation would be hopeless. In a few hundred years, there will be four people per square meter on earth, which means that we will have just as much space to stop as on a crowded tram. These people, says G. B. Balling, will have a socialist ideology of a high order compared to today's simple barbarism. They just won't have anything to eat. The predatory nature of the technique is beyond doubt. However, this robbery is a compulsion that must be continued because there are many of us. If we had a normal economy, more than half of humanity would starve. Invention, says the author, is a function of population density. The anxiety caused by the ever-increasing population forces people to create more and more opportunities for robbery, and to exploit those opportunities with ever faster and more efficient methods. If the population of the earth were to decrease to the level of 1800, technology would cease to be eighty percent, if only because there would not be enough of us to maintain the industrial estates employing a large number of people and the densely stratified occupations. Cybernetics would disappear like nylon and canned pineapples.
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Of course, things can be even reversed. It is not at all certain that the regularization of robbery was caused by overpopulation. It could easily be that the exploitation that has become general, that is, the conscious breeding of slaves — just to have as many workers as possible and the labor as cheap as possible — caused such a horrible increase in the population. It seems that they want to explain the organized robbery economy with the necessity of population density, which is nothing more than a lame excuse. One cannot be careful enough with a theory that ascribes some crisis in life to external causes and wants to absolve the person from mandatory responsibility. The first reason is always the individual. The responsibility must be assumed not only out of fairness, but also because it makes sense, so there is a possibility for the person to change the situation he has recalled with his own will.
There is also an author⁴⁷ who attempts to bring technology and the office to a common denominator. The two really have something in common in life-destroying mechanization. One could also say that bureaucracy and technocracy are both by-products of modern utopianism. The author considers the office to be older, but technology to be more harmful. Today, in their demoralizing effect, they work together in wonderful harmony, as if both have the goal of exterminating life. G. W. Ballington is otherwise a more thoughtful type of journalist, who noticed the life-destroying effects of the two modern phenomena, but who did not notice the functional difference between office and technology. The office is always a question of humanity, the tension between the organism and the organization. Technique is the question of the living and the inanimate, the tension between the organism and the mechanism. The aim of the office is to corrupt the joy. The technique is a suicide attempt.
The natural consequence of man's activity to acquire more in a shorter time is twofold: one is that life speeds up, and the other is that it becomes more and more empty. E. B. Wallace calls this phenomenon loss of life-essence⁴⁸. Always more in less time. In ever shorter time, as far as possible. Run or swim a hundred meters in as little time as possible. Throw the javelin as far as possible. Jump as far and as high as possible. Lift as much weight as possible. This is the modern hero. How many bricks does the Stakhanovist lay in one hour? The speed of automobiles is two hundred kilometers per hour, so are trains, and airplanes travel at the speed of sound. One person manages thirty machines, the other forty. It is necessary to accelerate the development of plants with radiation. You have to produce more in a smaller area. More people need to be accommodated in fewer places. Bunk beds, two-level bunk beds. To make use of space, time, material, strength and energy. This grandiose idiocy is called rationalism. Rationalism is the metaphysics of robbing life. The faster someone runs a hundred meters, the less sense it all makes. There is a performance that is absolutely absurd. Rationalism is a great example of how could be something is reasonable and completely nonsensical as well at once.
Let's plant as many sugar beets as possible in as small an area as possible. This is what is reasonable. Take advantage of it. As fast as possible. No one has ever asked the question, what happens to the time you save when you do something faster? The word production is used misleadingly for this phenomenon. It's more clear as the day that it's a robbery. Sow twice a year. Growing five kilo potatoes. To introduce growing of oranges and bananas in the Arctic Circle. Shortening the production processes. The shortest way under the fastest time. This is what Mircea Eliade calls the acceleration of the rhythm of nature, when man takes over the role of time and dictates a faster pace. He wants to swim the hundred meters faster, but he doesn't know what to do with the time he saved. M. Eliade is certainly not a musical person and does not know the difference between rhythm and beat. Nature, life, thinking, and art have a rhythm, a pulse given together with life. And the mechanics are cadenced. The machine is automatic. Rhythm and beat can never be confused. If you use beat instead of rhythm, the result is loss of life-essence. The dance is rhythmic, the military step is cadenced. The heartbeat is rhythmic, the metronome is cadenced, even if numeric values of these two is the same. Rationalist thinking is an abbreviated and accelerated thinking from which the essentials of life have disappeared. Rationalism is the mindless pace that stands in one place, which has no meaning that can be called by any name. It is the modern chase and the record and the performance, the speed, the lust for life, and hurrying, and the foaming and the lagging and the dizziness and the absence of essences, when the individual is nothing more but only existence in Nothingness.
In every civilization, says Perron⁴⁹, there is a degree which may be called the minimum of spirituality, and there is every indication that this minimum is the same in all civilizations. A productive life is only possible on top of this. When a person reaches the freezing point, his life is not controlled by spiritual forces, but by pseudo-spiritual compulsions, which we know from the psychology of the weak-minded, the immature, the primitive, and the psychopaths, and which the common parlance calls obsessions. Obsession is a mere psychological phenomenon without spiritual content. A. Perron claims that if a person descends to the spiritual minimum because he loses control over himself, he can become a free prey to all abnormalities. The abnormality is precisely that a person is governed by an obsession instead of a rational spirit. In general, a person without talent can be recognized by the fact that their life contents are pseudo-spiritual. Lack of talent is actually a kind of intellectual minimum. The life of society depends on the wealth of talents within it. The dissolvance of society begins with the disappearance of talents.
Rationalism is actually an obsession that arose from the spiritual minimum of European civilization at the beginning of the modern age. Technology, un rêve défaillant, a fainting dream, was born of this pseudo-spiritual compulsion. What does this dream dreams? Jules Verne novels. Airships and airplanes and wireless telegraph and radio and television, rocketry and sustainable flight, travel on the stream of fire to the center of the earth, electromagnetism extracted from the air, and solar energy stored in boxes. Captain Nemo sits in his Nautilus, twelve thousand meters under the sea, alone. The submarine has its own power plant, shining light everywhere. He has his own way. Its own oxygen generator. He presses one of the buttons and the invisible organ plays Bach's Mass in B minor. He presses the other button and the television plays Hamlet. In the meantime, he gets hungry, presses the third button, and the table rolls in, with an eight-course lunch and port wine. He presses the fourth button and see the Moon and Venus and Jupiter up close through the telescope. Pressing another button, the submarine starts and rises to the surface of the sea, there is another button, the Nautilus grows wings, rises into the air and climbs to the top of Mount Everest. Captain Nemo sits on deck and smokes a pipe, watching the hurricane raging in the mountains, while he presses a button and a glass of fresh grapefruit juice appears on the table. He only needs to know which button to press. Captain Nemo is very careful that if he wants to listen to the Sunday sermon in Westminster Abbey, do not press the button that fires forty shells per minute from the automatic rapid-fire cannon. Captain Nemo is a colossal man because he takes all of this seriously and swears by the push-button theory. He invented and built all this himself. If this charms a sixteen-year-old, it is understandable because this is his world. If this is a mature person, then un rêve défaillant. However, if it becomes to an entire civilization, then it is a collective lunacy. And if this collective insanity prepares for war and makes tactical weapons, then that is what can be called suicide. Captain Nemo is a dangerous opponent. Not because he is smart, but precisely because he is unheardly limited and short-tempered and without talent. Because he's mediocre. Because he is immature and has no idea about the values ​​of humanity. He only cares about which button he press. If he were a student, there would still be a chance that it would be worth it. But he is a grown man, so the situation is hopeless. Captain Nemo lives below the spiritual minimum and doesn't even know what he's doing, like the student who gets drunk from sudden knowledge on how to develope chlorine—and poisons the whole house.
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More recently, the name homo faber has been coined for the mediocre people. Homo faber means crafting man. This is the one about whom Plotinus says that he is unfit for a serious career. If one wants to understand this man, one must turn to the Hebrew tradition. This tradition teaches that creation is only perfect if it passes through four stages. Creation is born in the realm of potentials (aziluth) as possibility and thought. From there it moves into the virtual world (berijah), this is the first step of realization. Then it must be shaped (jezirah) and finally physically made (assiyah). Homo faber only lives in this last, fourth circle. It deals only with what needs to be done manually and physically. What is usually called an invention today is such a monstrous creation that does not affected by the spiritual phases, which is why it is such a wasteful creation. That is why most of the machines are strange and grotesque. The machine was not made to be an object of joy forever, like a work of art. All machines are gnome-like because they are mere fabrications. The Homo faber is such a clumsy man. The operation of the machine is scary, and comical at the same time. The machine is stupid. There is hardly anything more ridiculous than watching the ever-repeating motions of it, as it spits out the tin elephants from itself. Since each thing is not only itself, but also a symbol and a sign of something else, the question must be asked, what is the machine a symbol of? The machine is a symbol of the rational function, of the human ability below the certain spiritual minimum, which was just mentioned, that is mediocrity, that is, lack of talent. Since the machine only moves in the circle of doing (circle of repeated mechanical acts*), it only does something that can it done, and nothing else. Therefore, all technical creations, like sound records, photographs and reproductions, these are only factitious objects, machine-made copies.* The machine does not create, but repeat. That's what's so outrageously comical about it, because life can do many things except repeating. The machine stands outside of time. It has no metaphysics. And if someone were to ask what the metaphysics of this lack of metaphysics is, the answer would be that the fear of time appears here. Man has managed to create something that has no awareness of passing away. However, this work is, unfortunately, idiotic and can only say the same thing over and over again. What does not know death does not live. The machine has no guilt, no conscience, no religion. The technique, let's say, is ineptia mysterii (insensitive to mystery, or to be more precise, to human spirit, and the mystery of inward and intimate humane relations*). Therefore, it is ultimately an occult phenomenon.
People like the machine because it is obedient.
The advantage of a machine over a human is that it does not require freedom. The dictator's ideal is the machine.
The machine is just practice, without any theory. But we know that practice is depraved theory.
The machine is reason manifested, technology is rationalism manifested. Accelerating and shortening intervention in the processes of nature. A kind of artificial and counter-nature where things are predictable because there is no life span.
Technology is an attempt to make people live without sacrifice. The machine is liked by the person who believes that he is at home on the earth.
Machine sentimentality (electric chair).
Technology is the triumph of the outside world, that is, technology is proof that even the wildest phantasm has a greater reality than the outside world.
Whoever builds on the outside world degrades humanity.
Technology is the desacralization of human work.
The comforting nature of technical civilization eliminates the tragic. Now there is only accident.
Sacred and profane work. There is no fruitful work without valeur liturgique (liturgical value*, M. Eliade).
There is no separate sacred and profane work. Work is the realization of dreams. Mediocre dreams (Verne novels, technique). Technique, being inspired by the fear of time, is an insurance against passing away. Illusion. This is the mechanical ideal of immortality.
A never been imagined materiality.
Technology is the fainting of the spirit.
Inventing technology is not productivity.
Technology is a defense against the threat of genius. The craftsman hides in his craft so that he does not have to deal with serious matters. Hence the spiritual deafness of technical man.
The technical person has a freak sense of reality.
Technology and genderlessness. A hermaphrodite machine, neither begets nor gives birth. He excretes. The infernal character of machines.
Technical civilization and narcotics.
Unproductiveness of machines.
The machine is a projection of the subspiritual layer that is instinct and reflex, the base of the machine is Pavlov's world.
A mechanized nightmare like utopia.
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⁴⁴ Arnold Perron: Un Rêve défaillant (A faint dream. Az ájult álomkép). Paris. Metteur. 1957.
⁴⁵ E. B. Wallace: The World of the Mediocrity (A középszerűség világa). London. Pencil and Stone. 1959.
⁴⁶ G. B. Balling: Malthus and Edison. Books of the recent times (Malthus és Edison. Legújabb idők könyvei). No.12. London. 1955.
⁴⁷ George William Allington: Technocracy and Bureaucracy. Diseases of the modern human life (Technokrácia és bürokrácia. A modern emberi élet betegségei). New York, Ontario. 1956.
⁴⁸ E. B. Wallace: I.m. 188-216. p.
⁴⁹ A. Perron: I.m. 127-141. p.
* extended/explanatory translations by the op
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sistersatan · 2 years
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Saito has made a career of teasing out an eco-theory from the late, unpublished writings of Karl Marx. He earned his doctorate at Humboldt University, in Berlin, and now teaches philosophy at the University of Tokyo. His first book was an English version of his dissertation, titled “Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism” (2017), which tracked Marx’s study of the physical world and communal agricultural practices. (Saito is fluent in Japanese, German, and English.) In a second academic book, “Marx in the Anthropocene” (2022), Saito drew on an expanded repertoire of Marx’s unpublished notebooks to argue for a theory of “degrowth communism.” He gained a following, not only in philosophical circles but among a Japanese public facing the contradictions of tsunamis, billionaires, and same-day shipping. “Slow Down” has sold more than half a million copies in Japan and launched Saito into a rare academic celebrity. He appears regularly on Japanese television and aspires to the public-intellectual status of Thomas Piketty, the French economist who had a surprise hit in his 2013 doorstop, “Capital in the Twenty-first Century.”
The key insight, or provocation, of “Slow Down” is to give the lie to we-can-have-it-all green capitalism. Saito highlights the Netherlands Fallacy, named for that country’s illusory attainment of both high living standards and low levels of pollution—a reality achieved by displacing externalities. It’s foolish to believe that “the Global North has solved its environmental problems simply through technological advancements and economic growth,” Saito writes. What the North actually did was off-load the “negative by-products of economic development—resource extraction, waste disposal, and the like” onto the Global South.
If we’re serious about surviving our planetary crisis, Saito argues, then we must abandon capitalism, with its insatiable appetites. We must reject the ever-upward logic of gross domestic product, or G.D.P. (a combination of government spending, imports and exports, investments, and personal consumption). We will not be saved by a “green” economy of electric cars or geo-engineered skies. Slowing down—to a carbon footprint on the level of Europe and the U.S. in the nineteen-seventies—would mean less work and less clutter, he writes. Our kids may not make it, otherwise.
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lunarlianna · 8 months
Pluto generations
Aries (1823 - 1851)
The presence of Pluto in Aries defines a generation marked by a pioneering and assertive spirit, reflecting a profound longing for independence. Those influenced by this placement often take on key roles in instigating social change and revolutionizing established systems. Historical events from 1823 to 1852, such as the Wars for Latin American Independence, the First Opium War, and the Women's Rights Convention, exemplify the transformative impact of this astrological configuration.
Taurus (1852 - 1881)
Pluto's position in Taurus defines a generation characterized by unwavering perseverance, determination, and a profound connection to the material realm. These individuals prioritize stability, security, and the sustainable use of resources, leaving a lasting imprint on economic systems and environmental consciousness. Notably, during Pluto's transit in Taurus, the Industrial Revolution surged forward, marked by the rise of corporate structures in industries like railroads and steam engines.
Gemini (1882 – 1913)
The generation under the influence of Pluto in Gemini witnessed the dawn of the Second Industrial Revolution, aptly named the Technological Revolution. These individuals, marked by intellectual curiosity and adaptability, excelled in communication and media, significantly shaping cultural and technological progress. The era marked the birth of influential figures like John Maynard Keynes and Benito Mussolini, along with German scientist Robert Koch's identification of the tuberculosis bacterium. Notably, the First World War occurred during this period, bringing significant changes in all areas of life.
Cancer (1914 -1938)
Pluto in Cancer signifies a generation characterized by deep emotional sensitivity, nurturing instincts, and strong family values. Living through World War I, the Spanish flu pandemic, and the Great Depression, they grew up in a challenging era that shaped their conservative outlook. This generation, often referred to as the "Greatest Generation," prioritized family, spirituality, and adherence to societal norms. While their emphasis on politeness and chivalry had positive aspects, it also gave rise to dark elements such as sexist gender roles, racial segregation, and cultural supremacy.
Leo (1939 – 1958)
Pluto in Leo defines a generation marked by a quest for self-expression, creativity, and a hunger for recognition. Born during historical events like the Nazi invasion of Poland and the Battle of Stalingrad, these individuals challenged authority, imprinting their influence on art, entertainment, and leadership styles. Ruled by the Sun, Pluto in Leo symbolizes a fresh start after periods of war and chaos, fostering a sense of self-value and confidence. This prideful, generous, and naturally leadership-oriented generation, however, tends to resist change and stands firm in their philosophies as a fixed sign.
Virgo (1957 – 1971)
Pluto in Virgo defines a generation marked by a robust work ethic, practicality, and an innate drive for perfection. Born during pivotal events such as the first documented AIDS cases and Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic "I Have a Dream" speech, these individuals contribute to societal shifts in health, wellness, and environmental consciousness. Ruled by Mercury, Pluto in Virgo emphasizes efficiency and hard work, fostering reliability, trustworthiness, and empathy. This generation focuses on rebuilding and technology, epitomizing an era of research and preparation, notably during the Cold War.
Libra (1972 – 1983)
Pluto in Libra defines a generation marked by a profound yearning for harmony, justice, and equality. With Venusian qualities, these individuals are inherently social, compassionate, and value connections with others. The events during their time, such as the end of the Vietnam War, the introduction of VHS, and the rise of personal computers, align with their commitment to justice and duty for the collective. This generation, while not necessarily seeking radical societal reshaping, is more focused on preserving law and order, offering assistance to those in need, and rectifying wrongs through the pursuit of justice.
Scorpio (1984 – 1995)
Pluto in Scorpio defines a generation marked by intensity, depth, and profound transformation, playing a pivotal role in societal shifts related to power dynamics, sexuality, and psychological exploration. While the preceding Pluto in Libra generation advocated for balance, Pluto in Scorpio pushed the limits, ushering in events like the Gulf War, the end of the Cold War, and the advent of the World Wide Web. Resilient and empowered, they navigated constant transformations, developing a keen ability to adapt and thrive through each metamorphosis. This generation also contributed to a shifting cultural perspective on sexuality.
Sagittarius (1996 – 2008)
Pluto in Sagittarius shapes a generation marked by a thirst for knowledge, cultural exchange, and a global perspective, contributing significantly to societal shifts in education, philosophy, and belief systems. This generation, embodies the archer's bravery and fearlessness, fostering a spirit of rebellion and outspokenness. Sagittarius' affinity for networking and socializing with individuals from various nations aligns with the rise of the internet, a tool that facilitates global connectivity. Key events during this period include the successful cloning of Dolly the sheep, the introduction of the Euro to financial markets, and the groundbreaking launch of the iPhone in 2007.
Capricorn (2008 – 2023)
Pluto in Capricorn defines a generation marked by ambition, pragmatism, and a distinct focus on challenging traditional structures, leading to transformative changes in politics, business, and governance. Ruled by Saturn, this era, encompassing events such as the launch of Bitcoin, the Syrian civil war, Edward Snowden's revelations on mass surveillance, and the COVID-19 pandemic, unfolded amidst the Great Recession and the rise of social media. The influence of Saturn instils a commitment to rules, regulations, and social changes that align with a desire for structure and order.
Aquarius (2024 – 2044)
Pluto in Aquarius heralds a generation marked by innovation, individuality, and an impassioned pursuit of freedom and social progress. The current era unfolds amid a new global order, carrying both anticipation and uncertainty. Emerging from the constraining Capricorn era, Aquarius brings a promise of hope, healing, and a future-focused mindset.
Pisces (2044 – 2067)
Pluto in Pisces gives rise to a generation marked by empathy, spirituality, and a deepening of the collective consciousness, contributing to societal shifts in compassion, art, and transcendence. As one era concludes and another begins, this period signals the resurgence of spirituality, with people connecting profoundly to the universe through meditation and prayer. Anticipated as a peaceful time with minimal conflict, technological progress may temporarily slow after the Aquarius era's boom. This wise generation is poised to challenge traditional norms, potentially leading to the disappearance of gender roles, marking a significant chapter in human evolution.
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stellanix · 6 months
something i saw once that has stuck with me ever since was a comment on a post about some scientific discovery made by the mars rover perseverance that said "why are we wasting time looking at rocks when we should be preparing for colonization?
another comment was on a post about the environmental issues surrounding the spacex launch site in southern texas, which said "human expansion to mars delayed to protect some turtles"
and comments like these perplexed me. space is a subject of science, and people interested in space are always talking about the wonders of the unknown, and how many fascinating and beautiful things are out there. so how could people interested in space be so fundamentally uncaring and incurious not only about the places they're supposedly interested in, but about nature in general?
it's not just random people in twitter replies who are like this. elon musk once posted this picture:
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thing is, that's not mars, that's the moon during a lunar eclipse (when sunlight tinted red after passing through earth's atmosphere lights up the moon in earth's shadow). you'd think that someone known for wanting to bring people, himself included, to mars would care enough about mars to at least know what it looks like, but apparently not
he also rather infamously says he wants to nuke the ice caps of mars to warm the planet up. the ice caps of mars look like this, by the way (image credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin/Aster Cowart):
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they are beautiful places, that hold an irreplaceable scientific record of the geologically recent martian climate, and are shaped by unique processes. there's no other place quite like them in our solar system. but elon musk thinks we should nuke them. again, no care, no curiosity
nothing has made me feel jaded and cynical about the entire enterprise of spaceflight quite like learning that the people ultimately in charge of it and funding it don't give a shit about space. it's not just elon musk. space nerds love quoting kennedy's "we choose to go the moon" speech as inspiration, but kennedy is also on record saying "I'm not that interested in space" in a conversation where he was arguing to the nasa administrator that they should prioritize beating the soviets to the moon over space science. no curiosity, only a desire for geopolitical showmanship and maintaining hegemony. it's the same thing when many modern politicians only seem to care about space exploration as a way of keeping a technological lead over china
this leaves the people who do genuinely love and care about space in an awkward position. they basically have two choices: A) become jaded and give up on space exploration, or at least parts of it (abandoning human spaceflight but maintaining interest in robotic science missions, for example) or B) give in. work with military contractors. spout the jingoistic rhetoric that the politicians writing the checks want to hear, even if you don't believe it. go along with the colonialist ideology, the hypercapitalism, and the extractivism. sell your soul for pictures of mars and let your passions be exploited for the ends of powerful people who don't care
the sad reality is that our society only values those things deemed useful or profitable. we hear it all the time. the idea that schools should only teach things useful for jobs, that people who try to make a living in fields like art, the humanities, or philosophy are all getting useless degrees and will inevitably end up stuck working retail, and of course, the idea that space exploration is a waste of time and money
space nerds are often deeply insecure about their greatest passion, because it's true, space exploration offers no immediate practical benefit. but they still love space and want to explore it
so they believe the lies. they repeat the colonialist ideology. they say there's money in mining asteroids, that we can terraform planets and let number go up forever. they let themselves be exploited by companies and governments that see everything in the universe and all the people in it as things to be used, and that will ultimately chew them up and spit them out if it's expedient to do so. and those who reject the ideology and keep their love for the cosmos pure often find themselves with no place in the project of space exploration
i don't know how to fix this, but i do hope that i will live to see the day when our curiosity and interest and love for the wider universe is valued for its own sake, and no longer shackled by colonialism, capitalism, and political ambitions
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whitenoface · 1 year
Barbie vs Oppenheimer: Twisted Wonderland Edition
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Who would watch Barbie or Oppenheimer (or Barbenheimer 🤭)? My thoughts on the Barbenheimer showdown in Twisted Wonderland:
Riddle: So he says Oppenheimer and adamantly watches only Oppenheimer because "only children would watch Barbie" but he can't help but listen in on everyone's conversation about Barbie and doing fervent research on Barbie. He'll end up asking Cater about the entire movie later.
Trey: Barbenheimer. He's not particularly interested in either movie but he wants to know what the hype is about, so he'd go to see both movies for Science. Ends up liking both a lot for different reasons.
Cater: BARBIE GIRLY. 100%. Goes with Light Music Club. Decked out in all pink Barbie gear and you know he's tweeting think pieces on Barbie after. Cries during the movie because it hits hard about family and being human and he's depressed.
Deuce: Barbenheimer. Epel would convince him to watch Oppenheimer together for the cool effects and explosions, but he would later watch Barbie after hearing Cater rave about it for the 1000th time. He cries at the mom scene.
Ace: Oppenheimer publicly, but catches a midnight showing of Barbie secretly. Honestly he enjoyed Barbie more but he can't have the upperclassmen finding out.
Leona: Oppenheimer. Not that he really cares either way, but the anti-nuclear message and environmental impacts would pique his interest. Probably falls asleep somewhere in the 3 hour movie though.
Ruggie: Oh he's a Barbie girly, but he'd also movie hop and take advantage of the whole Barbenheimer trend and go watch Oppenheimer (for free) after just because. Brings his own snacks for both.
Jack: Probably would see Oppenheimer, but he would also easily get peer pressured and dragged to go see Barbie too. And secretly like Barbie way more than he thought he would.
Azul: Oppenheimer, absolutely. Would go into tangents after about the philosophies of the movie. The only reason he would watch Barbie is for capitalist purposes: make merch and know his target audience 😌
Floyd: 100% a Barbie girly. Would go to the theater decked out in Barbie gear and quote Barbie for the next two weeks until Azul threatens to kick him out of the dorm.
Jade: BARBENHEIMER. He would spend the entire day at the theater to watch the double feature. Probably in the order of Oppenheimer and ending the day with Barbie for the vibes. Would enjoy both thoroughly.
Kalim: IS THIS EVEN A QUESTION. BARBIE. Goes with Light Music Club, and then drags Jamil to see it again. Cries at practically every single scene. He makes Barbie Day a thing at his dorm.
Jamil: Oppenheimer. He only wants to see Oppenheimer but he gets dragged to Barbie and is inevitably sucked into the Barbie world by Kalim. Against his will he knows more about Barbie than Oppenheimer.
Vil: Barbenheimer. As a film producer and actor, he can't not watch Oppenheimer and appreciate all of the film's effects and the heart that went into it. But he grew up a Barbie girly and he's not passing up the opportunity to be best Barbie dressed at the movie theater. He’s take a day to watch the double feature with Rook.
Rook: Like Vil, Barbenheimer. He would watch Barbie first in all Barbie gear and then switch to a more somber outfit to match the mood of Oppenheimer. He finds both movies equally as beautiful and dramatically cries at both.
Epel: Oppenheimer, but like Jamil, dragged against his will by Vil to see Barbie too. He begrudgingly likes Barbie more than he thought but would never admit it to Vil. Still likes Oppenheimer more though.
Idia: Oppenheimer. Something something only normies see only Barbie, something something movie effects and technology. He gets unbearable at a certain point talking about Oppenheimer. But, he strangely knows everything about Barbie and won't be caught lacking in Barbie knowldge...
Ortho: Barbenheimer! He'll go to Oppenheimer with his brother but absolutely goes with the first years to see Barbie. He changes his gear to pink just for Barbie.
Malleus: He's perpetually confused by the hype and does not understand what Barbenheimer is. Nevertheless, a Barbenheimer girly he is. He goes to see Barbie after Lilia comes back recommending it but would accidentally wander into the wrong theater and watch Oppenheimer instead. He'd eventually see Barbie after. Surprisingly enjoys both and even preorders with Lilia the "I'm Kenough" sweater but watching either did not ease his confusion.
Lilia: DEFINITION OF A BARBIE GIRLY. He's seen (and been in) enough war in his lifetime, so he doesn't feel the need to watch Oppenheimer. He goes hard for Barbie. He goes in Barbie gear, buys the Barbie popcorn cup, and preorders the "I'm Kenough" sweater. Light Music Club becomes Barbie Music Club for a few weeks after. He thinks Barbie is the epitome of the modern century.
Silver: Doesn't really understand the whole Barbie vs Oppenheimer thing, but he gets invited by the first years to watch Oppenheimer and then by his father to watch Barbie. He falls asleep during Oppenheimer and takes Barbie very seriously. He questions the meaning of humanity and the implications for peace after Barbie and tries to discuss it with Lilia. Lilia replies with, "It's not that serious, Silver." Silver becomes a Barbie girly.
Sebek: He hears that Malleus liked both movies (and is very distraught Malleus went alone without him) so he's determined to watch both in one day. Takes copious notes during both movies so that he can discuss the movies with Malleus after. The verdict: he didn't think he would like Barbie but was found crying outside the Barbie theater.
Bonus: the entire Diasomnia definitely went to see Barbie together in matching Barbie outfits.
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deadrobinthoughts · 2 months
Bat Kids & Their College Degrees.
Dick Grayson - Criminology and Law. - Dick has always been involved in crime fighting. A major in crime and law would easily fit in and deepen his understanding, which only aids in combatting criminal behavior.
+ definitely a performing arts major. he would love being able to explore and express himself through dance and theatre.
Jason Todd - Criminal Justice and Psychology. - during his time as the Red Hood would instill an understanding of crime from a pov that could easily be etched in a psychological perspective. This would be able to aid in his navigation of the darker corners of his vigilante methods. ( Ignore him when he says it's to get answers, with a smirk. )
+ literature and philosophy. it's never been a secret that jason loves to read and study things. he would also get to explore complex composition and moral questions.
Barbara Gordon - Library Sciences & Information Technology - Barbara's initial career in the librarian field would be a dead give away for library science. Her expertise lies within collecting, organizing and checking information, along with hacking, which would be helped by a strong IT background.
+ creative writing. i'm not sure why, i just feel like her level of knowledge and intellect would lead her to enjoy writing and creating new worlds.
Tim Drake - Computer Science & Detective Minor. - Tim is very much known for his computer and detective skills already, majors and minors in these areas would definitely pair with where his interests already align.
+ i feel like regardless of the universe, he's got something to do with computers. even if it's graphic design. i feel like he'd enjoy creating things, too. or, he could go the way of being an agent of some sort but i'm not sure, outside of everything, if he'd be okay knowing the things that agents do. because that's beyond even what the batfam sees.
Stephanie Brown - Forensic Science & Journalism. - considering the time she's spent uncovering the truth and mystery solving, it would be easy to stick her with forensic science. plus, her determination to bring justice to light could easily be an end with journalism.
+ sociology. she'd probably enjoy studying the structure of society and understanding issues better. ( i don't like steph, i'm sorry otl so this isn't great. )
Cassandra Cain - Martial Arts & Linguistics. - her background is already deeply rooted in martial arts, so a major focusing on that area would make sense and be a breeze for her. her communication barriers are what would lead her to want to learn to read, speak and write on an effective level.
+ going the same route as dick, i feel like she'd major somewhere in dance and performing. it would be something expressive.
Damian Wayne - International Relations & Strategics. - damian would be very interested in global affairs and strategic combat. his upbringing would aid in his international relations, while other studies would align with his intellect and training. ( let's not pass up the fact he would have a minor relation to animals, medicine or plants. )
+ fine arts ( still with a double major or minor with something involving animals or plants. ) but, damian does have talent with art and i think he would enjoy the silence and time to delve into that outlet.
Duke Thomas - Electrical Engineering & Urban Studies. - duke's abilities would make it easy to work with concepts of engineering. his focus on protecting and improving, during daylight, aligns well with urban studies.
+ environmental science and, hear me out, music theory. i think duke deserves the ability to explore his creative side, as well.
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fatfables · 5 months
I found this undergrad project online looking into the growth of adipophilia (fat fetishism).
Well worth a read as the guy gets kinda carried away!
It's reproduced here in full.
How do cultural, societal, and technological factors intersect to shape the emergence and growth of adipophilia among young male adults in the digital age?
Shane Tjock
(Bachelor of Science student)
University of Michigan
Department of Environmental Philosophy
Obesity Studies
This research project outlines a comprehensive approach to studying the growth of adipophilia (a sexual attraction to fat or overweight people) among young male adults online, integrating observational and experimental methods as well as qualitative and quantitative analyses to provide a holistic understanding of the phenomenon. Adipophilic tendencies have been on the rise in the United States and other western countries in recent years amongst young males and in particular within the homosexual population. The occurrence of sexual attraction to big, round, bloated bellies and buttocks, as well as thick thighs and swollen man breasts is clearly visible through social media platforms, forums, and so called ‘gainer’ dedicated websites. The rise of ‘gainer societies’ at colleges and universities, including the University of Michigan, evidences that the growth of gainerism is not limited to online spaces. Gainerism and feederism are linked sexual proclivities where people actively participate in a concerted effort to make themselves and or someone else fatter. Sexual arousal is often achieved through the act of binge eating or ‘stuffing’ until the stomach is stretched to the max after the consumption of excessive amounts of food and drink. Adipophiliacs like to rub their own and other people’s swollen bellies and elicit pleasure from the effects of purposeful weight gain, such as; out growing clothing, button popping, the appearance of stretch marks, and watching big bellies bounce. Pride is taken in calorie counting, measuring growth, and regular weigh-ins. As well as a personal increase in laziness, selfishness, and greed. The growth of gainerism amongst young LGBTQ+ males is multifaceted and has been caused by the normalisation of obesity in society, the overabundance and marketing of cheap unhealthy foodstuffs, a move towards body positivity, an increased awareness and openness to kink lifestyles, and the fact that it is sexy and fun.
The rise of adipophilia as a cultural phenomenon is of interest to psychologists, sociologists, and fat fetishists. The question of why young men chose to over-inflate and swell their bodies with fat until their abdomens are abnormally round and swollen, like water balloons about to pop, is the key question of this study. What is it about huge, heavy, rounded-out bellies, that evidence the greed of the young male overconsumer, that is so deliciously desirable?
This study seeks to answer this question through a mix of observational and experimental techniques that provide both qualitative and quantitative evidence that the results of purposeful weight gain are hot as hell. Observations of publicly posted photos, videos, and conversations of male gainers will be carefully considered and analysed in order to identify common themes and factors related to stuffing your belly so full that it strains and stretches out inches over your belt, jiggling with every step you take. Due to the doubtful efficacy of feeding healthy participants up to the point of morbid obesity, the author has decided to partake in several gainer related activities himself and will rate them on a likert scale, from 1: Not at all arousing, to 5: Extremely arousing, in order to gather real world data into the immense joy of feeling oneself grow bigger and bigger everyday. As a voluntary participant the author will also undergo a regular testing and measurement routine in order to ascertain the effectiveness of various weight gain diets and to see if the experience of having one’s growth recorded is as hot as other gainers say it is.
Literature Review
There is a very limited amount of scientific literature on this topic, I have chosen therefore to give a brief overview of adipophilia in popular culture. The most commonly cited adipophilic book is Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, (Dahl, 1964), in which an extremely fat German boy wins a trip to a chocolate factory by eating an obscene amount of chocolate. His wonderfully greedy guts are then sucked up a pipe while he attempts to drink an entire chocolate river. A disappointing failure. It also includes a girl who inflates like a giant blueberry, but this study is not interested in girls. A recent prequel film, Willy Wonka (2023), features a heavy-set policeman who is fed chocolate bribes by chocolatier gangsters until he almost triples in size. A life goal for many. The Fattest Man in America (Nicholson, 2005) is a novel about a thousand pound man who eats himself up to a glorious size in order to become a tourist attraction. Alternatively The Fattest Man in Britain (2009) is a TV Movie (freely available on YouTube) starring Timothy Spall about a man who gets into an eating contest in order to prove that he is in fact the fattest. Heavyweights (1995) is a Disney film featuring the fat kids from The Mighty Ducks and a young Ben Stiller. It is set in a summer weight loss camp. The storyline features a lot of alarming similar events to the story of my friend Shawn when he went to fat camp. Life imitates art. The Simpsons (1989-Present) features several episodes in which characters gain weight, and I also used to fancy Kenen from Kenan & Kel (1996).
Research Objectives
To observe online gainer content in order to identify and analyse themes and factors that turn me on.
To experience the pleasure of gaining an insanely unhealthy amount of weight within a very short period in order to discover just how sexually gratifying it is.
To promote adipophilia as a lifestyle amongst other young gay men.
Observational Study
Conduct a systematic observation of online communities, forums, and platforms known for adipophilic content. Utilize qualitative methods to analyze discussions, interactions, and content shared within these communities.
Select a diverse range of online platforms catering to a single interest and demographic.
Collect data over a specified time period to capture variations in content and user engagement.
Data Collection:
Employ data scraping techniques to collect publicly available content.
Record observations, noting patterns, themes, and prevalent attitudes towards adipophilia.
I have spent the last four months observing several online gainer platforms and websites. I have viewed thousands of photos and videos of fat growing men of all ages, from 18 years and up. Though I have a few doubts about all of them being at least 18 and for some reason I couldn’t really find any gainers much older than about 65. I am unsure as to why this is.
Common themes and factors that I have identified are; huge round bloated bellies, ball bellies, balloon bellies, and beer bellies. Some bellies hang low while others stick out really far. Some look soft and squishy while others look hard and round - as if the guy has swallowed a basketball whole. They are my favourite. All of them are wide, swollen, and beautiful. Gainers often eat in their videos and stuff themselves stupid on takeaways. They like to watch each other over-eat and encourage each other to eat even more. I often did this whilst being sure to maintain my distance as an observer. Other factors were; soft flabby love handles and muffin tops that overhang tight shorts and boxers. These were lush fat rolls that I watched grow fuller and thicker on many sweet boys. Moobs, man breasts, and titties are also very popular. Fat boys tend to get big flat nipples that accentuate their doughy chests. I like how once you’re fat enough your tits rest on top of the dome of your distended over-ripe belly.
In many videos boys play with their fat tits, they squeeze and caress them, while teasing the viewer to suck on them like they were a woman. They also like to rub and pat their bloated bellies. I would eat tacos and rub mine while watching them. Some guys burp really loudly after downing fizzy drinks. It makes them seem so wonderfully greedy. One guy on Tumblr did this in only his boxers and I swear I saw his dick twitch.
I didn’t do all of the data collection I was supposed to due to becoming distracted by all the sexy fat men, especially the comparison pictures that show you how they used to look when they were thin compared to now. Other reasons for this weakness in my study design will become obvious when I explain the experimental study.
My prevalent attitude towards adipophilia is very positive as is that of all the gainers I spoke to online. They love getting fatter, telling me about it, and sharing private pics with me via DM’s.
Below is a list of all the fat factors that I identified, my rating for how sexy they are, and my explanation of why they are so fucking hot.
Trying on old clothes - Level 4 - Super Hot - Because I love how it demonstrates just how much they must have eaten. Watching a fat young guy struggle to fit into a XXL shirt makes me super hard.
Button popping - Level 5 - Dick Burstingly Hot - As above, only better! Boys suck their bellies in to try and look as thin as they can and they breathe out. Their bulging bellies overwhelm their shirts or pants as they expand, sending buttons flying off as fast as it makes me cum.
Burping - Level 3 - Sexy - Burping due to overconsumption is cool. I think I prefer it when I do it myself compared to watching others. I love how the escaping gas creates extra space in my belly for even more food!
Shaking/Jiggling - Super Hot - Big bouncing ball bellies and just the best! They make me want to grab them and smash my face into them.
Trying to exercise - Level 2 - Kinda Hot - This one I don’t get so much. Why would anyone want to exercise? It goes against all of the glory or adipophilia. It is though kinda cool to see sweaty fat boys struggle on the floor.
Belly measuring and weigh-ins - Level 6 - Super Dick Burstingly Hot!! - Videos and photos where boys measure their belly circumference and stand on scales cause me to nut directly. I love how happy they seem when they see the benefits of all their gorging. It makes me so proud of them.
Experimental Study
Spend three months eating as much as humanly possible in order to see just how fat I can get with the help of my friends in the gainer society.
Data Collection:
Quantitative data: Weekly weigh-ins and belly measurements.
Qualitative data: Personal record of how turned on I get by my gains.
I first decided to gain when a friend of mine told me about the new gainer society that meets every week at KFC. I had always found fat boys attractive and was overweight myself. My starting weight was 193 lbs. My friend knew that I liked being fat so he suggested that we go together. There was a guy there called Shawn, he was the fattest kid I’d ever seen. He was so cool! He ate like three family buckets to himself. I wanted to be able to do that. Shawn said that I had a good attitude and welcomed me to the group. I ate eight pieces of chicken, a burger with extra cheese, and three corn on the cobs. I felt so full and my belly ached as I walked home. I knew I needed more. That’s when I decided to do this study for my end of year project.
My friends in the UMGS thought that the project was a great idea and helped me to write a plan and food diary to ensure that I ate an extra 500 calories every day in order to expand my capacity and ensure growth. I stuck to it for the first week and then couldn’t be bothered any more so I just ate as much as I wanted. The plan was too restrictive and writing everything down all the time became a fucking ball ache. I just wanted to eat!
After two weeks I was noticeably fatter. My pants felt tighter and my t-shirt began to ride up my belly. Danni one day even pointed out that one of my love handles was on display in class. I started eating all the time and always snacked on Doritos and Snickers during lectures. I started to go topless in my room so that I could see and play with my fat while I did my observation study and snacked. I started jerking off more often. Gaining is definitely arousing.
After a month I needed bigger clothes and went to TJ Maxx to buy cheap shorts and t-shirts. I knew they wouldn’t last long! In the lunch hall my favourites were chilli dogs and fries, with chocolate fudge cake for dessert. I ate so much of it that my friends started to call me ‘Fudge’, I’d never had a nickname before!
My belly was now noticeably bigger. It protruded out and the front and felt heavy due to the fact that I kept it constantly stuffed to the brim. I could now cup my hand under it and lift it up. I love doing that. The fat feels so smooth and luxurious. My Mom even mentioned to me on a Zoom call that I looked like I’d gained weight. I told her that it was normal for guys at college. I was so impressed that I even looked fatter through a screen!
I kept eating and soon I could manage a family bucket at KFC with ease. I would drown the chicken in gravy, which Shawn said they make out of the fat scrapped from the bottom of the fryer. I so hope that this is true. I also started drinking nothing but Cola and Fanta and Beer. If it ain’t carbonated keep it the hell away from me! Brrruuurrrrppp!
From my observational study I learnt that some gainers like to rest their full bellies on a sink. I thought at first that this was just a bit weird and silly but then I tried it! I was amazed by how fat I felt resting my gorgeous growling gluttonous gut on top of the cold service. I spent ten minutes lifting and fondling it while I jerked off to my own reflection in the bathroom mirror.
By the end of the second month I felt massive! My dick was constantly as hard as my tightly packed stomach. Adipophilia is so sexy. I bought new clothes again and they already felt restrictive. My tits became more sensitive and I was overcome with pleasure when Danni sucked on them. They didn’t quite rest on top of my belly yet but I knew it wouldn’t be long.
In the lunch hall I turned to pizza and pasta and all the carbs. It was like the Atkins diet but in reverse. ‘Fudge’ was turning into a real fat boy. My thighs were thicker and began to chaff in the heat. At first this annoyed me but Shawn said that it was a sign of my progress and kindly offered to rub vaseline onto my groin for me. He said that my thighs were soft like two tubes of thick cookie dough. That made it feel much better.
With all the extra weight I was carrying I felt myself become more lethargic and lazy. I spent even more time in my room alone doing my observational study but lost the urge to continue with the boring data collection. All I wanted to do was eat, watch videos, and jack off. My gut is now so big that I really have to stretch to reach my dick when I’m sitting. When I lie down it still rises up into the air, whereas before it splayed out wide and flat while I slept. I guess it’s because I always have a pre-sleep meal of filling chow-mein and dumplings every night.
On the very last day of this study I returned to KFC by myself and ate three family buckets! I knew that I could do it! I was so proud of myself that I had to go into their bathroom and jack it while I farted ferociously on the toilet!
I would never have behaved like that before I got into adipophilia. I feel now like a much happier, sexier, more fun, and adventurous guy. I’m sad that this study is over, but I know that my adventure with gaining is only just beginning. I’m now 286 lbs and am determined to gain my first hundred. I am so close and just typing this makes me deliriously hungry. I’m gonna go stuff myself with a mountain of McDonalds before I write out my results which are summarised below.
Month One:
Starting weight 193 lbs, Waist size 36 inches.
Main foods consumed: KFC, Chilli Dogs, Chocolate Fudge Cake.
End weight 216 lbs, Waist size 38 inches.
Turn ons: Outgrowing my pants, feeling my belly swell, burping.
Month Two:
Starting weight 216 lbs, Waist size 38 inches.
Main foods consumed: KFC, Chilli Dogs, Fries, Pasta, Pizza, Chocolate Fudge Cake, Doritos, Snickers.
End weight 245 lbs, Waist size 40 inches.
Turn ons: My fast ass ripping my boxers, eating so much that I actually puked, abdominal pains, lifting and massaging my soft silky overhang, my love handles spilling out in class.
Month Three:
Starting weight 245 lbs, Waist size 40 inches.
Main foods consumed: KFC, Chilli Dogs, Fries, Pasta, Pizza, Chocolate Fudge Cake, Doritos, Snickers, McDonalds, Chinese, Cheesecakes, Profiteroles, Tacos, Ice Cream, Chicken Wings, Candy. So much candy!
End weight 286 lbs, Waist size 42 inches (and feeling tight AF!!)
Turn ons: Red raw stretch marks that circle my deep belly button like a whirlpool sucking me deeper in to the world of gaining, my fat heavy circular tits that feel soft and squishy, eating despite the fact that my stomach is howling in pain due to being stuffed with delicious high calorie junk foods, licking Shawn’s ass out while he farts, knowing that I’m already a huge fat gluttonous pig that’s only going to grow rounder and fatter with every greedy day that passes.
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Implications and Recommendations
I recommend everybody to get into adipophilia. Fat is not only beautiful, it is tantalising, addictive, and highly erotic. Fat boys are the epitome of sexual desire and the most lush and lavish example of the human form. Big, round, heavy, ball bellies are the most attractive and every gay boy needs to have one. Social media and other online forums are a great way to get into adipophilia and the gainer/feeder scenes but nothing is better than doing it for real. Growing as fat as you can with the help of friends who want nothing more than to see you bulk out and grow into the fattest, roundest, blob of lard possible is unbeatable. Especially when they are more than happy to beat and suck you off while you gorge yourself on heavy milkshakes.
The personal implications for my belly and ass have been massive. They have both grown and swollen out immensely. Other gay boys love to watch and grope my fat ass as it bulges out of my straining gym shorts. It’s so soft and wide and round now, more of a balloon butt than bubble butt! The belly is so much bigger than it was. It loves what I have done to it and only wants more. It speaks to me now and says “Feed me!” all of the time. I have forgotten what it feels like to be hungry. A sensation that I never want to feel again. Being constantly full is the only way to be. The only way to ensure that I keep expanding.
Societal implications are also hugely positive. The more young guys who get into gaining then the more sexy fatties there will be for me to look at, encourage, play with, and fuck. Boys deserve to be fed to the brim with everything that they could ever desire and more. I want everyone to experience the advantages of the fat, lazy, and greedy lifestyle of a true glutton.
Adipophilia is on the rise and we should all welcome it with open arms and a tray of twenty four chocolate cream donuts! Through my observational and experimental studies I have discovered just how thrilling purposeful weight gain can be, both for the gainer and the people encouraging them. Online adipophilic content is growing every day, like my waistline, and I predict that it will continue to do so. I sincerely hope that adipophilia continues to develop into the mainstream and recommend any young male researchers interested in the topic to repeat and expand upon my study in order to help validate the scene. I promise that you will have a whale of a time!
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omegaphilosophia · 1 month
The Impact of Telephones and Cellphones on Society
Telephones and cellphones have significantly transformed society, influencing communication, social behavior, economics, and even personal identity. Here’s a detailed look at their impact:
1. Communication Revolution:
Instant Communication: Telephones introduced the ability to communicate instantly over long distances, which fundamentally changed how people interacted. Cellphones took this a step further by making communication portable, allowing people to stay connected virtually anywhere.
Global Connectivity: Cellphones have created a more interconnected world, enabling people to communicate across continents with ease. This has facilitated international business, diplomacy, and personal relationships, shrinking the world in terms of social and economic interaction.
2. Social Behavior and Interaction:
Social Dynamics: The telephone transformed social interactions by making it possible to maintain relationships over distances. Cellphones, particularly with the advent of texting and social media, have further changed how people interact, often reducing face-to-face communication and leading to new forms of digital socialization.
Accessibility and Availability: The expectation of being constantly reachable has altered social norms around availability and response time, creating a culture of instant gratification and often blurring the lines between work and personal life.
3. Economic Impact:
Business and Commerce: Telephones enabled businesses to operate more efficiently by facilitating quick communication. Cellphones have revolutionized commerce through mobile banking, e-commerce, and mobile payments, making transactions faster and more accessible.
Economic Growth: The mobile phone industry itself is a significant driver of economic growth, creating jobs in manufacturing, services, and app development, and contributing to GDP in many countries.
4. Emergency Response and Safety:
Emergency Communication: Telephones have always played a crucial role in emergency response, allowing people to quickly report emergencies and seek help. Cellphones have enhanced this capability with features like GPS, enabling faster and more accurate emergency responses.
Personal Safety: Cellphones provide a sense of security, especially for vulnerable populations, by allowing immediate access to help and keeping individuals connected to others.
5. Information Access and Sharing:
Information Revolution: Cellphones, particularly smartphones, have put vast amounts of information at users’ fingertips. This has transformed how people access news, learn new skills, and stay informed about world events, contributing to a more informed populace.
Social Media and Content Creation: The widespread use of cellphones has given rise to social media platforms and user-generated content, democratizing information creation and sharing. This has had profound effects on media, politics, and personal identity.
6. Impact on Privacy:
Privacy Concerns: The ability to be constantly connected has also raised significant privacy issues. Cellphones can track locations, record conversations, and store vast amounts of personal data, leading to concerns about surveillance, data breaches, and the erosion of personal privacy.
Social Surveillance: The constant presence of cameras and recording devices in cellphones has also led to a culture of social surveillance, where individuals may feel they are constantly being observed or judged by others.
7. Cultural and Psychological Effects:
Cultural Shifts: Telephones and cellphones have influenced cultural norms around communication, changing how people express themselves and relate to others. The rise of texting, emojis, and social media has altered language and communication styles.
Psychological Impact: The constant connectivity provided by cellphones can lead to anxiety, stress, and the pressure to be always available. On the other hand, they can also provide comfort and a sense of connection, particularly for those who feel isolated.
8. Education and Learning:
Educational Tools: Cellphones have become powerful educational tools, enabling access to online courses, educational apps, and real-time information. They have made learning more flexible and accessible, particularly in remote or underserved areas.
Digital Divide: However, the reliance on cellphones for education has also highlighted the digital divide, where those without access to modern technology are at a disadvantage.
9. Technological Advancements:
Innovation: The development of cellphones has driven technological innovation, leading to advancements in computing, battery technology, wireless communication, and user interface design. Smartphones, in particular, have integrated numerous functions, from GPS to cameras, revolutionizing how people use technology in daily life.
Smart Devices Ecosystem: Cellphones have also become central to the ecosystem of smart devices, connecting with other technologies like smartwatches, home automation systems, and IoT (Internet of Things) devices, further integrating technology into everyday life.
10. Environmental Impact:
Resource Consumption: The production of cellphones involves significant resource consumption, including rare earth metals and energy, leading to environmental concerns. The disposal of electronic waste (e-waste) from outdated or discarded phones also poses environmental challenges.
Sustainability Efforts: In response, there has been a growing movement towards sustainable practices in cellphone production, such as recycling programs, the development of eco-friendly materials, and efforts to reduce the environmental footprint of manufacturing processes.
Telephones and cellphones have dramatically transformed society, influencing how we communicate, work, learn, and interact. While they have brought numerous benefits, including increased connectivity, economic growth, and access to information, they have also introduced challenges related to privacy, mental health, and environmental sustainability. As technology continues to evolve, the impact of these devices on society will likely deepen, further shaping the way we live and interact with the world.
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molagboop · 5 months
The Mawkin believe in learning by doing, which is why they have little rooms with which to bestow upgrades upon fledgling warriors. Some of the morph ball paths Samus goes through in Dread are defunct + repurposed maintenance chutes, and a few locations (particularly in Ghavoran and Artaria) were set up with the express purpose of serving as testing grounds. The statue rooms are pilgrimage sites whose stone guardians serve as an emissary of the ancestors, bestowing the gifts their people and the Chozo collectively have long developed unto promising warriors.
The process of earning an arm cannon is a whole thing in and of itself: special firearms training is required for certification if a warrior intends on using it in any official military capacity or seeks an upgrade. The power suit as a whole requires its own post because there's a whole culture around it: today I'll just talk about how youngsters earn their first set of basic upgrades.
Let's set the scene. You're a freshly minted warrior between 10 and 30 years of age: you sit on the character spectrum between a kid who wants to make this power suit the focus of your education and someone who has just decided they want to get serious about the whole power suit thing. Maybe it's a cultural curiosity for you: maybe you want to do it for the sake of tradition, maybe you want to put yourself through this to build character. Perhaps you're just seeking a new experience, or looking to supplement your actual area of study with something different. Some warriors, especially those whose family tree includes storied wielders or scientists who developed advancements in power suit technology, are heavily encouraged by their families to take on their own power suit. If you're heading into the military, you're going to be put through a similar series of tests anyways: you might as well get ahead of the game.
So you've passed the knowledge tests on theology, the technology surrounding the suits, and the history of the technology's advancement. The first and third of these are not strictly a prerequisite for the bestowal of a suit: your uncle snagged their suit first and dove head-first into the philosophy and history once they had a grip on how to work it. You wear the suit for two hours a day to start, familiarizing yourself with the mind-to-matter components and getting a feel for your new bio-metallic exoskeleton.
The suit's basic functions are useful, but you want a little more. You go in for your bi-weekly check-in with the team of suit architects and physicians who eased you into the tech, and you get a tip about an old research outpost by the geothermal processing plant in Artaria. It'll take a bit of effort (hope you've figured out how to land on your feet comfortably from a high distance), but it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to reach.
By this point, more people were working their jobs in and around what we people of real life would designate an "EMMI Zone". Artaria's EMMi Zone was originally a hub for power and environmental control infrastructure overseen by a pair of biological computers. The robots take care of the place, but the touch of a living soul was still tantamount: you'd pass technicians keeping tabs on heating and cooling systems, sanitation agents, civilian personnel and the odd researcher working a project down here in the sticks.
After a fair stroll and perhaps a bit of jumping, you'd find yourself in a compact, contemplative, temperature-controlled room with none but a statue for company. It's eerily quiet, bit the statue looks friendly: it's obviously offering you a gift. Shoot the casing off your present, which is emitting an energy signature your suit bristles almost eagerly at upon approach, and you've found yourself the grapple beam.
The trial doesn't lie in simply acquiring to the beam: it's getting out of the hole the technicians who invented the damn thing put it in. The spider magnet is a standard-issue upgrade that most people acquire through basic testing rather than a statue trial, so grabbing the magnetized walls isn't an issue. Your job is to get a grip on your new toy: figure out how it works so you can get out of the hole.
Most of the "fun" upgrades are locked behind minor tests like this which everyone with a suit has some knowledge of. For some upgrades, warriors are told outright where they are after a certain point in their education. Others are just sitting in the wilderness waiting for the enterprising individual to seek them out. You are guaranteed to collect them all if you fully immerse yourself in the study of the history of power suit development. Upgrade locations are extensively documented: you just have to either find them or be granted access by some means. Some upgrades were designed to be taken freely by whoever's clever enough to find them, but your basic education in suit tech is enough to nab you all the important stuff. In fact, warriors are routinely assigned an upgrade trial to complete by their technicians or professors as part of their education.
Not every upgrade is locked behind a scavenger hunt or a unit test: others require specialized training to receive, and some are granted out of necessity for one's chosen career path. An engineer with a power suit who specializes in underwater infrastructure requires the gravity suit. The varia installation is standard for those working in high-temperature environments.
The reason people aren't granted everything right off the bat has to do with the way the suit and flesh interact: you don't want to overwhelm a new powersuit user with a bunch of new powers while they're just getting accustomed to the way the suit interfaces with their central nervous system. If you botch suit-flesh-mind integration, you can seriously injured the receiving party. Samus has been wearing her suit for decades at this point: she doesn't need to be eased into earning new toys. Having everything snatched away from her on a dime is physically taxing in a uniquely awful way, but she's a seasoned warrior: she can adjust to traumatic change on the fly.
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very-grownup · 9 months
Book 85, 2023
In my second year of university, all I took was English courses, because a full course load of nothing but reading seemed like a good idea after a stressful, somewhat traumatic first year. It was a long time ago and over the course of my time at uni I read a lot, only some of it multiple versions of Beowulf, and doodled my way through hundreds of hours of lectures, but some things have stuck with me.
I think a lot about my short story (later science fiction) professor and his frustration with the colloquialising and simplification of the word 'awesome', how it had become synonymous with 'impressive' and 'cool', stripped of the nuance where it is something so impressive it frightens you. 'Awesome' is a regular part of my casual vocabulary and language evolves, but I feel for Professor Matheson; sometimes the word you need is the awesome with the deeper connotation, and it's frustrating to think a reader is going to miss the nuance of the word because of the way it's popularly used.
Which brings us to Rebecca Chambers' "A Psalm for the Wild-Built"; every word I want to use to describe it feels like it's been muddled or neutered by a combination of internet hot take discourse and marketing speak. I've settled on 'gentle', which isn't the same as 'cozy' or 'soft', 'safe' or 'unproblematic'. Gentle is mint tea, warm, hydrating, a caffeine-free invigorating that's also relaxing, but it can still burn your tongue. It's a loving cat resting in your lap, soft paws massaging your thighs with pressure that can turn to pain and blood. Gentle feels good, comforting, but there's a choice, a restraint; the capacity to hurt is still there.
A distant future, another planet, an age of robotics leading to sentient artificial intelligence, and not a conflict of man versus machine but the quiet aftermath of an agreement between humans and robots, a separation of their societies, a pact of no contact, and humans moving forward to create a post-robot society, striving always to exist fully but conscientiously.
A young monk sets off on a vague pilgrimage in response to a vague inner malaise and becomes the first human being to encounter a robot since the robots vanished into the greater wilderness. They talk and continue the pilgrimage together.
That's it.
It's a novella, not a novel, a bite-sized road tale, and Chambers builds a world with rising and falling technological ages and environmental awareness, shifting human philosophies and ways of life to support this bite with the structural soundness and visibility of a spiderweb. It manages to be a very far flung future piece of science fiction, acknowledging the mistakes and damage of human society, while envisioning something better, and also acknowledging that this is an ongoing process. There's no goalpost for a 'good' version of humanity, there's just humanity, constantly evolving and growing and learning about the world and itself and changing in response to that; that involves hard truths and hope in equal measure.
It's a smart, thoughtful, sincere book, charming and funny and cathartic. It's not a reading experience that coddles you, but it refreshes you like walking in a downpour.
If you've ever felt lost in life or lost in the woods, "A Psalm for the Wild-Built" is the book about robots you need.
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Top Architects in Indore: A Comprehensive Guide
Indore, the largest city in Madhya Pradesh, is known for its vibrant culture, historical significance, and rapid urban development. As the city continues to grow, the demand for innovative and sustainable architectural solutions has surged. Whether you are planning to build a residential home, a commercial complex, or a public space, choosing the right architect is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the list of architects in Indore who are shaping the city's skyline with their exceptional design and architectural prowess.
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List of Top Architects in Indore - Best Architecture Firms
1. Abha Narain Lambah Associates
Abha Narain Lambah Associates is a renowned architectural firm specializing in conservation and restoration. Their work in Indore includes the meticulous restoration of heritage structures, blending historical significance with modern functionality. The firm is celebrated for its commitment to preserving India's architectural heritage, making them a top choice for projects that require a delicate balance of old and new.
2. Manoj Patel Design Studio
Manoj Patel Design Studio is an innovative architectural firm that focuses on sustainable and eco-friendly design. The studio's projects in Indore are characterized by their use of recycled materials, energy-efficient technologies, and green building practices. Manoj Patel Design Studio is known for creating aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible spaces, making them a favourite among eco-conscious clients.
3. Design Studio – The Architects
Design Studio – The Architects is a well-established firm in Indore, known for its modern and contemporary design approach. The firm offers a wide range of services, including residential, commercial, and institutional architecture. Their portfolio showcases a variety of projects that emphasize functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability. Their attention to detail and client-centric approach have earned them a strong reputation in the industry.
4. The Grid Architects
The Grid Architects is a leading architecture and interior designer firm with a strong presence in Indore. The firm is known for its innovative design solutions that cater to the specific needs and aspirations of their clients. Their projects often feature a blend of traditional and modern elements, creating unique and timeless spaces. The Grid Architects' commitment to quality and excellence has made them a sought-after name in Indore's architectural landscape.
5. Aakruti Architects
Aakruti Architects is a prominent architecture and interior design firm in Indore. The firm specializes in residential and commercial projects, offering bespoke design solutions that reflect the client's vision and lifestyle. Aakruti Architects is known for their creative approach, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering high-quality projects. Their portfolio includes a variety of innovative and aesthetically pleasing designs that cater to the diverse needs of their clients.
6. Design Atelier
Design Atelier is a dynamic architectural firm based in Indore, known for its contemporary design philosophy and innovative solutions. The firm offers a comprehensive range of services, including architectural design, interior design, and project management. Design Atelier's projects are characterized by their sleek, modern aesthetics and functional design elements. Their ability to transform spaces into inspiring environments has made them a preferred choice for many clients in Indore.
7. Shri Designs
Shri Designs is a reputed architecture and interior design firm in Indore, known for their personalized and client-focused approach. The firm specializes in residential, commercial, and hospitality projects, offering tailored design solutions that meet the specific needs of their clients. Shri Designs is celebrated for their creativity, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence. Their diverse portfolio showcases their ability to create beautiful and functional spaces.
8. Studio8
Studio8 is an architectural firm that has made a significant mark in Indore with its innovative and sustainable design solutions. The firm's projects range from residential homes to large commercial complexes, each reflecting their commitment to quality and sustainability. Studio8 is known for their ability to integrate modern design principles with eco-friendly practices, creating spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible.
9. Aashray Design Consultants
Aashray Design Consultants is a well-known architecture and interior design firm in Indore, offering a wide range of services for residential, commercial, and institutional projects. The firm is recognized for their creative design solutions, attention to detail, and ability to deliver projects on time and within budget. Aashray Design Consultants' portfolio includes a variety of innovative and functional designs that cater to the unique needs of their clients.
10. A3 Architecture
A3 Architecture is a leading architectural firm in Indore, known for their contemporary design approach and innovative solutions. The firm offers a comprehensive range of services, including architectural design, interior design, and project management. A3 Architecture's projects are characterized by their modern aesthetics, functional design elements, and attention to detail. Their commitment to delivering high-quality projects has made them a trusted name in Indore's architectural landscape.
Indore's architectural landscape is rich and diverse, with numerous top-tier architects offering a wide range of design philosophies and specializations. Whether you are looking for sustainable design solutions, innovative architectural expressions, or bespoke design services, the architects listed above have the skills and experience to bring your vision to life.
By choosing the right architect, you can ensure that your project is executed to the highest standards, creating a space that is not only functional but also inspiring. The right architect will help you navigate the complexities of design and construction, making the process of building your dream home or commercial project in Indore a seamless and rewarding experience.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Natural farming and genetically modified (“GM”)crops are fundamentally incompatible. The promotion of natural farming methods, which prioritise ecological balance and biodiversity, cannot coexist with the widespread cultivation of GM crops.
Natural farming emphasises cooperation with nature, whereas GM crops rely on technological intervention and manipulation of biological systems. These differing philosophies are incompatible and cannot be reconciled.
Natural farming aims to promote ecological balance and minimize harm to the environment. GM crops, on the other hand, have been linked to negative environmental and health impacts, including reduced biodiversity, increased pesticide use and potential harm to human health.
Natural farming relies on diverse, open-pollinated seeds, whereas GM crops are often proprietary and controlled by multinational corporations. This shift in seed ownership and control undermines farmers’ autonomy and sovereignty over their agricultural practices.
And there are serious health implications for humans and animals as well.  With genetic engineering, familiar foods could become dangerous or even toxic. it could also upset complex biochemical networks and create new bioactive compounds or change the concentrations of those normally present. In addition, the properties of proteins may change in a new chemical environment because they may fold in new ways.
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solarpunkbusiness · 9 days
The pandemic was a “big pivot” for Bali, says Lauren Blasco of AC Ventures, a Bali-based early-stage technology venture fund. Blasco, who is head of environment, social and governance (ESG) at the venture capital firm, adds that entrepreneurs who would otherwise set up in Singapore or Jakarta chose Bali, plugging into the island’s half-decent wi-fi and well-equipped co-working spaces as remote work graduated from pandemic-time necessity to accepted business practice.
From hard-nosed investors looking to turn a fast buck from Indonesia’s multi-billion dollar sustainable business opportunity to “woo-woo” fly-by-nighters dabbling in alternative healing and spiritual psycho-babble, Bali is home to a colourful concoction of green startups of all different derivations, sizes and shades of credibility.
“It’s a crazy spectrum,” says Christian Oechtering, a German early-stage investor with an interest in sustainability, wellness, hospitality and psychedelics. “One minute you’re talking to a Russian billionaire building an eco-village, the next a former Amsterdam drug dealer turned life coach.”
There are two types of eco-preneurs in Bali: “inspirators” and “aspirators”, says Oechtering. Inspirators are switched-on entrepreneurs looking to make a genuine difference, aspirators are less credible dreamers living in a bubble – and aspirators outnumber inspirators by two to one in Bali, reckons Oechtering.
“You have to be careful who you work with. You don’t want to squander your time here,” he says.
Bali is a natural launchpad for conscious startups because of its unique cultural identity,says Blasco. Rooted in the island’s philosophy is the saying Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali, which roughly translates to respecting nature and culture to make Bali prosperous. In that sense, new enterprises that work on conserving the island’s natural beauty have a head start, says Toshihiro Nakamura, a former United Nations executive who co-founded Kopernik, an Ubud-based research and development lab for startups working on social and environmental problems.
It helps that the government wants to diversify Bali’s economy beyond tourism. Haunted by the lean pandemic years of empty hotels and barren beaches, when Bali’s economy was hit harder than any province in Indonesia, the local authorities have signalled an intention to attract greener industries and reduce the island’s reliance on tourism, which accounts for 60 to 80 per cent of the local economy. 
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cinerins · 4 months
Another Road – Expedition Overview
This is a general look at the direction and structure of the Atlantis expedition in my AU "Another Road" — I thought I might as well share my own ideas and concepts for a slightly different SGA setting here!
The team embarks on their journey about a year later, August 2005, after a 16 month period of training and preparation, following the discovery of Atlantis.
With an initial count of 200 volunteers, the expedition is comprised of several researchers previously stationed at the antarctic outpost, as well as additional candidates and military personnel approved by the IOA and HWC.
Given what they have thus far learned about the Ancients and the experiences gained in the Stargate program, there are a number of potential points of interest and expected risks to consider, before stepping foot into another galaxy.
As an international scientific project, the primary focus of the expedition is the gathering of information pertaining to the Ancients and research of their technological advancements. However, due to the unknown nature of the Pegasus galaxy, the research of any extraterrestrial life and technology is a general goal.
Peaceful, undisruptive exploration may be the ideal direction of such an undertaking, but the International Committee and Homeworld Command have come to agree, that a military component would be necessary as a precaution. Should they find it unwarranted, the selected personnel could simply aid in emergencies and the overall operations of the group.
The 16 month buffer serves to prepare for anything the team might find on the other side of the event horizon — be that a thriving society, or another abandoned outpost left to sleep in a wasteland. All members would've been required to learn the Ancient language (Alteran) and the basics of Gate travel, if they weren't familiar already.
Since the Ancients are genetic cousins, originating from Earth in this setting and have left a grand network of habitable locations throughout the Milky Way, it gives our team the hope of establishing a reliable base, even if they don't find anything alive.
The possibility of no return is a risk they are well aware of.
Each and every volunteer has been selected and vetted by the agencies involved, either with Weir's recommendation or approval.
Key factors are an extensive understanding of relevant fields (particularly regarding the Stargate and Ancients) and/or the possession of the ATA gene. There is much overlap of expertise among expedition members, the idea being to employ a wide array of knowledge and skills in as few people as possible.
Senior staff manages the overall decisions and is comprised of the representative leader of their given division, with Dr. Weir as head of the expedition as a whole.
The team features seven divisions, color-coded for convenience and each with departments as subsections, covering specific fields.
Cultural Division (red)
Head: Elizabeth Weir
Departments / Fields
-> Initial numbers: 15
Technical Division (purple)
Head: Peter Grodin
Departments / Fields
Technology & Engineering
Stargate Operations
Computer Science
-> Initial numbers: 31
Physical Science Division (blue)
Head: Rodney McKay
Departments / Fields
Quantum Physics
Wormhole Physics
-> Initial numbers: 20
Life Science Division (green)
Head: Veronica Weaver*
Departments / Fields
Botany & Agriculture
-> Initial numbers: 24
Environmental Division (yellow)
Head: Mercedes Torres*
Departments / Fields
Atmospheric Science
-> Initial numbers: 12
Medical Division (white)
CMO: Carson Beckett
Handle primary medical treatment and care, ensuring the overall well-being of all expedition members in the following points:
Physical Therapy
-> Initial numbers: 14
Military Division (black)
CO: Marshall Sumner / John Sheppard (later)
Offer assistance to the other divisions and the expedition as a whole, cover following responsibilities:
Emergency Management
Emergency Medical Treatment
Military Operations
-> Initial numbers: 84
*unoffical characters added to fill these positions.
The team is provided with enough supplies to cover each division's general needs, both work-related and personal, for about a year. If necessary, their use of equipment and gear can easily be extended, but water and food production would depend on the environment and resources they're met with.
Complete, long-term self-sufficiency should be possible, with access to the needed materials, but is not the intended goal of this expedition.
An emergency transmitter would've been used to send a signal to Earth, in case they cannot dial back and have found themselves trapped, with no means to support themselves beyond what they brought along. It would've taken a while to be received, but by then the Daedalus should've been fully operational and able to retrieve them, before their supplies run out.
If they are not heard from in any way within their first year (taking communications delay into account, given their distance) Earth would've presumed them dead and the mission a failure. However, if the mission was at least partially a success and they have access to safe food and water, but still no way to return, a number of satellites would've been launched to act as relay stations between the galaxies.
Sending a ship to and fro would be off the table, unless it was really worth the cost of such a long trip — say, if it was to rescue the group, or to transport artifacts and materials of significant value. The IOA would be reluctant to send off one of Earth's limited number of interstellar vessels, while they have more pressing uses among our own stars.
Either way, unless they found more convenient alternatives, the expedition would've expected to rely mostly on themselves.
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