#Event news
Equal Opportunity Solas week
Taking Place Oct 6th - Oct 12th
Equal Opportunity Solas Week seeks to promote the Solas romance as inclusive and diverse. We wish to celebrate the possibilities of the Solas romance for characters of all races, gender identities, gender expressions, sexual orientation, and disability.
The event supports content involving:
Solas rare-pair romances
Solas romances with queer characters
Queer Solas romances (in which Solas himself is queer)
Asexual & aromantic Solas pairings
Solas romances involving characters with mental or physical disabilities (beyond missing anchor arm)
Due to the tendency within the fandom to view the Solas romance within heterosexual and cisgendered norms, the event will exclude all depictions of heterosexual cisgendered (cishet) fem!Lavellan
Queer representations of fem!Lavellan or female-presenting Lavellans are valid and encouraged within this event, including:
poly romance with Solas and another character(s)
aromantic or asexual relationship with Solas
bisexual Lavellan
nonbinary Lavellan
trans Lavellan
gender fluid Lavellan
See Event Info & Rules for content guidelines as well as Themes for more information!
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jhdanes · 3 months
Heyyo! A little update for yall, im going on a little hiatus, so I can focus on the council comic and au-gust, which are both going great. I might be even be able to finish the council comic in August!!!! But we shall see. And when august starts the au-gust event starts so there will be updates every day! But until then I wish you farewell and a good month of July :)
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Opportunity for Artists!
Howdy folks! The event is underway but we find ourselves in need of an extra artist to join us! If you are interested in participating, please reach out to mod @neva-borne via DM for details!
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Hello again!
If you are one of the folks interested in participating in this Disabled Billy and Steve Week, we would like to ask a follow up question.
This server will be created with the intention to become a small community of creators and fans alike sharing their joy for the characters of Billy and Steve, as well as others! It will feature casual conversations, venting safe spaces, disability education, and lots of multi-shipping fun!
However, we ask that any interested members be respectful of ALL other creators, in the server or not. Antis, haters, and bigoted individuals can of course be brought up and trashed on a bit, but please, if you’re interested in joining the space, do so knowing it is intended not to become toxic. Rather, our goal is to create a space where disabled creators can feel safe interacting with other artists who are just as passionate and respectful, and possibly even disabled themselves!
Who we would encourage to join:
1. people who plan on participating, either this year or possibly sometime in the future.
2. individuals who for any reason (no need to disclose) cannot participate, but who are still interested in the event and the community
3. followers of this account
4. smaller blogs who support fan creators and would like to find a safe space in the fandom
We as the moderators reserve the right to remove users as we see fit if their behavior becomes an issue, however, we will give multiple warnings and reminders before doing so, as we want everyone to have a fair chance. Our intention is to make sure everyone who joins or wants to join will feel safe knowing they can come to us with any issues that arise and they will be dealt with accordingly.
Limitations to server content will be the same as the event rules: you can see those here and here.
Anyone with questions can reach the mods at their blogs (@intothedysphoria and @hargrove-mayfields) or take them to our inbox! We’re happy to clear anything up!
The server will only be created if we get enough votes, so if you’re interested, vote yes!
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mudoca-info · 2 years
23ss collectionお披露目会ご予約会スケジュール
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先日お披露目となりました mudoca23ss collection _そのすべて_
毎シーズン恒例 お取り扱いショップさま店頭にて 開催いただくご予約・お披露目会 23ssのスケジュールご案内です
(※開催日程は変動の可能性がございます              お出かけの前に必ず各ショップ様サイトをご確認ください)
23ss collection  preorder exhibition  schedule 
at mofmof   > 3/18(sat)~  21(tue)   
at  Rallye   >3/24(fri)~27(mon) ※仮予定となります
at SUNNY CLOUDY RAINY   >4/6(the)~ 15(sat)  
※開催日程は変動の可能性がございます               お出かけの前に必ず各ショップ様サイトをご確認ください ※期間中店頭にてご予約いただいた方には  ご予約特典として先着でノベルティをご用意しています
at ZOZO anlio  
> 詳細未定  
ZOZOウェブページ上での先行ご予約会ですが 23ssの開催は現在未定となります 開催決定の際はまたこちらでご案内致します
at mudoca  
>   item catalog 公開に伴い    当方でのご予約受付もスタートしています  
   ☞ mail★mudoca.com (★→@)        ご予約時にはお内金として30%を頂戴いたします    直接ご予約いただいた方には       先着で直接ご予約限定ノベルティをご用意しています
23ssコレクションは 従来通りの「受注生産」に加え、一部 生産数の限られる「限定数生産」のものもございます。
限定数に達した品番は、そのまま生産終了か、もしくは 納期を新たに設定して追加生産の場合がございます。
ものによってご不便をおかけする形となり大変申し訳ございませんが ご承知おきの上ご検討いただければ幸いです。
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rainn-dropz-world · 4 months
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OG: https://earthliberationstudio.com/shop/reclaim-revolutionary-queerness/ !!!!!
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politijohn · 4 months
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sayruq · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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Continue Escalating
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eurekq · 2 months
Anyways here is the official gofundme set up by sonya masseys surviving family if you have the ability to give her family real tangible support
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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self-hating-zionist · 5 months
This will make you cry.
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lasttarrasque · 7 months
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On Friday, a group of protestors walked on Highway 89 in Cameron, Ariz., protesting Pinyon Plain Mine owner Energy Fuels trucking uranium ore through the Navajo Nation to Utah. Uranium has a long history of impacts on the Navajo Nation and its people since the 1940s. "We've seen the effects of these things in the past on our land, the spills into our rivers, into our communities, the residual effects on our on our health, of our children, our elders," Cameron resident Adair Klopfenstein said. "It's awful, and we don't want it to happen again." The Pinyon Plain Mine, formerly known as Canyon Mine, began mining uranium ore in December and is expected to be actively mining for at least five years. The company had told 12News at the end of June it would start transporting the uranium ore to a mill in southeast Utah in July or August. That hauling appears to have started before the pause was put in place. "I call it illegal smuggling across our border and then through the Navajo Nation," Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren said.
And from June:
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ivalioneisavenue · 6 months
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homoquartz · 4 months
watch for this as you scroll social media this evening:
israel today dropped a bomb on a refugee camp located in rafah, which, as a reminder, had been sold as a safe zone.
remember that this camp is made of tents, not buildings. this strike was dropped directly on families in the dead of night, with no shelter to protect them. many people have become trapped by the burning tents. we don't have a death toll yet, but it's likely more than 50.
the images coming out from this attack are among the most graphic we have seen out of gaza. do not look them up unprepared.
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