#FUCK Disney
gryficowa · 2 months
I came to mention that Marvel is owned by Disney and Disney supported Israel, so we are boycotting Disney
I'm giving you an additional reason to boycott (And I'm angry that Pixar's movie about emotions, the continuation of the previous movie, was a success, even a bomb, which means that Disney got the money)
So in short, Marvel belongs to Disney, and Disney supported Israel financially and even bragged about it, so if you type "Disney support Israel" on the Internet, you will see his message and how he brags about it)
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So fuck Disney, not for "Woke", but for supporting Israel, for censoring the creators, for recording in the area next to labor camps during the filming of "Mulan", fuck him for everything
TOH proved that diversity is not Disney's problem and right-wing conservatives call it "Woke" I give depth to the characters, the problem is queerbaiting and paying for anti-LGBT+ organizations
Disney is a disgusting capitalist company that only thinks about making money (Pocahontas and how much they romanticized white crimes and antagonized the tribe because they are angry and aggressive towards innocent white colonizers… And this romance, which is problematic, because it was based on a book by a man who distorted the facts and the real Pocahontas gave him a hard time for what he wrote in the book)
This movie proved that Disney counts on money, not on quality and creative freedom (Because "Beauty and the Beast" won an Oscar, it must get it too, fuck the fact that the movie is distasteful to those who learn about this girl's story)
Disney has so much shit on its conscience that it's no wonder it gave money to the colonizer
So yes, boycott the movie not only because of the characters depicting Israel, but also because Marvel belongs to Disney
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inkedcryptid · 1 year
The Owl House said:
Fuck redeeming a terrible human being for the sake of redeeming them/"it's a kids show of course everyone gets redeemed" trope
Fuck redeeming an abusive parent
Fuck "all magic's gone" trope
These characters worked so hard and went through so much of course they're going to get rewarded
Found family and birth family
Gay rights
I'm going to miss this show so much
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rjalker · 9 months
People literally calling the Public Domain a graveyard have no clue what they're talking about. Without the Public Domain, most of your beloved childhood Disney movies literally would not have been made, because they are literally based on stories that were in the Public Domain.
Please unlearn capitalistic propaganda before you go saying things like "the public domain is the graveyard of ideas". Literally the only people that benefits are giant corporations like Disney who don't want you using the Public Domain like they have been this whole damn time.
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the-irreverend · 9 months
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My own stupid-ass way of celebrating our long-awaited ownership of Mickey Mouse.
Yes, I'm a Nimona fan, shut up y'all.
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skysiren41 · 2 years
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Everyone to Disney rn:
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describe-things · 9 months
Here's something Disney desperately does not want anyone to know:
When you create your own original design for Mickey Mouse now that he's Public Domain, you now own that version of Mickey Mouse.
This is the same reason that Disney owns their versions of Rapunzel, Cinderella, Briar Rose, and more, even though these characters came from the Public Domain.
If you make an original design for Mickey Mouse, it belongs to you. You own the copyright. Disney cannot use that design for profit unless they get your permission and/or pay you. The exact same way you can't use Disney's version of Cinderella for profit.
Copyright goes both ways, despite what the billionaires who run megacorporations want you to think. They rely on you thinking of them as all powerful and unstoppable. But the rules do in fact apply to them too. They are not all-powerful. They're not invincible. They're greedy, lying bastards who rely on your hopeless fear.
Have hope, be bold, go forth and create with joy.
Edit because I remembered another example:
This is also why you're not supposed to show writers your fanfiction for their series! Even though you are writing fanfiction, and the characters belong to their creator, what you have written belongs to you! Writers do not want to accidentally steal from you by incorporating your fanfiction into the official material, because that does genuinely open them up to lawsuits! They're taking your ideas and profiting off them!
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"ugh mickey mouse hasn't been in the public domain for a week and people are already starting to make cheap horror movies????? people need to get creative they always go for low budget cheap horror as soon as something goes into public domain it's stupid" speak for your goddamn FUCKING self I hope bob "wait out the strikes until the workers start losing their houses" iger sees trailers for "steamboat willie: blood in the water" and starts crying so hard he shits himself
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ifwebefriends · 9 months
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Inspired by this post
Feel free to use, credit is appreciated but not required
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zappyzlmao · 9 months
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Mickey Mouse is public domain you say?
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lesbalixn · 9 months
I know we're all super excited for the Percy Jackson show but here's your reminder to PIRATE IT, we are boycotting Disney and don't want to support a Zionist company.
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the-bi-fangirl-biatch · 11 months
if i got a nickel for seeing a ship end with a chatacter who leaves to do something greater/fulfilling their purpose and help more ppl, but at the expense of leaving the love of their life alone and letting them lose their previous purpose...I'd get two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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Inside Job didn’t just get canceled.
It had its first season split in two, a tactic animators said was used for Cuphead to let them pay staff less. Then, the show was renewed for a real second season.
And then the show was canceled before that second season anyway.
Final Space didn’t just get canceled on the most depressing cliffhanger ever. It was removed from all platforms before becoming a tax write-off, essentially meaning the only ways of really watching the show is through DVD or pirating.
The Owl House wasn’t just given a shortened third season. Disney, a company already known for a, let’s say, complicated relationship with its LGBT+ history, took a show created by a bisexual woman, filled with beloved LGBT+ characters, some of which were teenagers just like the audience, and told said creator to destroy her shows pacing so she could finish her story in just 3 45 minute specials.
I can go on about how Hollywood and television don’t respect animation and the like but this is endemic of a larger problem:
Capitalism destroys art.
The constant need for shows to be either the biggest thing in history or a complete failure, the constant need for a cash cow, leads to any show that doesn’t immediately become Squid Game or Stranger Things levels of popular, especially animated shows, getting scrapped for no reason other then it doesn’t make them enough money.
In our hyper capitalist hellscape, I worry we’re going to see more Inside Jobs, Final Spaces, and Owl Houses: shows made with love, that showcase potential, and dedicated fanbases, having a renewal reversed, or becoming a tax write off, or having its story rushed, so that the executives can save a few cents, while also fucking over employees.
I think that’s the part that always needs to be remembered too; the people behind these shows. Not just the creators or voice actors or well known animators, but everybody. As NewDeal4Animation illustrated, staffs on these shows are often underpaid and overworked. And to then, to not just lose a show you spent months, years of your life on out of nowhere, but to essentially lose a job… it’s terrifying. And every staff member, from the creators to the unpaid interns, deserves better.
So yea. That’s just my thoughts on the matter I guess.
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yellowwwcrayon · 1 month
Ok but if the costumes didn't weirdly heal up during their catfight in the Void, they'd probably be half naked by the time they were done rocking the sex van. Like those greasy tits (and probably that hairy ass) could have popped out on the screen halfway through the movie.
We were robbed of greatness, we were robbed.
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a-heart-of-kyber · 1 month
"Hahaha it cost $180mil-"
Lower the budget.
"It starting in the top ten and ending in the top ten didn't justify the cost-"
So, lower. the. budget.
"Yeah TCW was initially poorly received, but it didn't cost-"
90% of entertainment currently being made is vastly overproduced and overvalued and overpriced. It is unreasonable to compare the cost of a live action show made by the largest entertainment corporation in the world in 2024 to a cartoon made nearly 20 years ago by fucking Cartoon Network.
Additionally, s1 had to build props/sets etc. If they haven't already Destroyed everything, there's no reason it couldn't have been reused.
Hell, I watched Once Upon a Time. I watched the Prequels. You think I give a fuck if they use green-screen to cut costs?
No, I do not.
Bring back the actors AND the writers and let them finish the story. Give them a reasonable amount of Time to do it in instead of 3hrs.
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willowshimmer · 1 year
I was sobbing, laughing, cheering.
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And I love how it ended with Ballister saying "HOLY SH-"
It was just awesome!
And this makes me wonder what it's like to put my head in a sharks mouth and how old is Nimona?
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ghostwav64 · 1 year
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Fuck Bob Iger, Fuck David Zsaslav, Fuck all these corporate pieces of shit who have wanted to remove the humanity and soul from the art for increased revenue streams who made it so none of us own any of the art we love, we all only rent it.
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