#Fasteners are widely used in energy
mia8866 · 2 years
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Summary: With no friends and the looming threat of losing custody of his son, Eddie's the lowest he's ever been. But you know what they say: “Rock bottom just means there’s nowhere to go except up."
Warnings: angst, visits from CPS, Reader's grandma has Alzheimer's
WC: 6k
Chapter 5/20
Scruffy!Eddie edit credit to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple Divider credit to @saradika
The phone rings as Eddie wrestles Harris into his jacket. He still hasn’t figured out how to break the news about his classroom change; at this rate, he’ll be dropping him off at school before he works up the nerve. Is there any good way to tell your kid that he no longer gets to spend his days with his favorite teacher?
“Keep that on,” Eddie instructs Harris, pointing to the navy blue sweatshirt. “I’ll zip it for you in a sec.” He jogs over to the phone, answering with an irritated, “Hello?”
“Ed?” Wayne’s voice drifts from the receiver. “It’s Wayne.”
Eddie nods before remembering that Wayne can’t see him. “Y-Yeah, hey,” he says, tone softening at his uncle’s familiarity. There’s a dull ache in his chest when he thinks of how he willingly shut him out over the last month. “How’ve you been?”
“Good. Can’t complain.” Wayne clears his throat. “I’d love to see you and Harris. Whenever you get the chance.” Eddie can hear his concern, the unasked questions that dissolve on his tongue: Are you okay? Is Harris? Do I need to file that custody agreement?
He glances over at his son, who, despite Eddie’s promise, is unsuccessfully trying to thread the zipper with its teeth. He motions him over, cradling the phone to his ear and stretching the cord while he kneels to fasten the jacket. “We were actually about to head to the park if you wanted to meet us there,” he says. “This kid’s got way too much energy to keep him cooped up in the apartment. We’ll both lose our minds.”
Wayne lets out a kind chuckle. “Sounds like a Munson.” Eddie can hear the tinny jangle of his keys. “The park over on Porter Drive?”
“Dad, let’s go!” Harris whines, twisting the doorknob back and forth to emphasize his impatience.
“We’ll be there in ten,” Eddie tells Wayne, catching a glimpse of the neon orange cast peeking out from under Harris’s jacket. It’s now adorned with his classmates’ names. Your signature seems to beckon Eddie, taunt him, even, and he tries to convince himself that it’s because it’s the only one that doesn’t resemble chicken scratch. “Oh, Harris broke his wrist, but he’s fine. I’ll explain everything when I see you.”
“Hoo boy,” Wayne breathes. “Definitely a Munson.”
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Harris spends the short drive to the park bouncing in his carseat. “Is Grampa Wayne gonna play with me?” he asks, rocking back and forth excitedly.
“Mhm,” Eddie nods, keeping his eyes trained on the road. He nervously thrums his fingers along his jean-clad thighs. What if Wayne still didn’t think he was a responsible parent? What if he took one look at Harris’s injury and raced home to call his lawyer? “But I gotta talk with him first, okay? You can play by yourself for a little while.”
Harris hums his agreement, eagerly unbuckling as soon as Eddie parks the car. He starts to run towards the field, and all Eddie can picture is him tripping and hurting himself again.
“Harris, don’t–” he starts, but he then remembers those magic words: “Walking feet, bud. Don’t want you breaking that other wrist.” He grabs the soccer ball from the trunk and kicks it in Harris’s direction.
Wayne pulls up in his truck a few moments later, almost as exuberant as his grandson. “Har-Bear!” he calls out, opening his arms wide for a hug. Harris picks up his pace, slowing down when he remembers his dad’s instructions.
“I’m using my walking feet!” he chirps proudly, and though they’re fast walking feet, Eddie beams at him.
Wayne squeezes Harris so tightly that Eddie worries he’ll inadvertently cut off his oxygen supply. When the boy starts squirming, Wayne laughs and puts him down.
“Go ahead and play,” Eddie tells his son. “Grampa Wayne and I are gonna catch up real quick.”
There’s an uncomfortable silence as the two men sit on the bench, waiting for the other to say something first. Finally, Wayne breaks through the tension.
“Missed you two,” he murmurs, not looking at Eddie. “‘S too quiet around my place without that little rugrat.”
“We missed you, too,” Eddie admits, chewing on his thumbnail. “Harris won’t stop asking for Grampa Wayne.”
Wayne preens slightly at this, shifting in his seat. “This is the longest we’ve gone without talking since…”
“I know,” Eddie cuts him off, not wanting to revisit the part of his past that Wayne’s referencing. “I, uh, started working at Rock Records,” he tells him, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “It sucks, but it’s a job.”
He feels Wayne clap him on the shoulder, pulling him closer to him for a brief side hug. “I’m proud of you, Ed.” He purses his lips before asking, “and no more of the…”
Eddie shakes his head. “Nope, I’m done with that. Returned the rest of what I had to Rick; told him I was out.” His gaze drops back to the ground, and he stares intently at the blades of grass as though they might disappear if he blinks. “But that might not matter anymore anyway, so…”
“The hell you talking about?” Wayne pinches his eyebrows together, adjusting his position to face his nephew.
Sighing, Eddie tells him about what happened at the hospital last week. Wayne’s eyes widen when he hears that they filed a report with CPS. “That’s some bullshit,” he mumbles, scratching at his gray beard. “Kids get hurt all the time. Can’t keep ‘em in a bubble.” He shakes his head incredulously. “They’re not gonna take him from you, okay? They’re gonna see how you provide for him, how great you are with him, and they’re gonna be sorry they wasted their time.”
“I’m not great with him,” Eddie mutters, standing up in a feeble attempt to exert some of his nervous energy. “I’m ruining his life.” He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. “He had this teacher, and he adored her. Calls her ‘Ms. Sweetheart.’ And I was just…just a total asshole to her. I accused her of telling people about the CPS thing and said some really fucked up shit about her sick grandma and…fuck, Wayne. She had Harris transferred to another class just so she doesn’t have to deal with me. And now I have to say, ‘Hey, you know that teacher you fuckin’ loved? Well, she’s not your teacher any more, and it’s all my fault.’”
Wayne absorbs the information, contemplating what he says next. “So fix it,” he shrugs.
“It’s not that simple,” Eddie argues, plopping back down onto the bench in defeat. The wood digs into his lower back uncomfortably, so he stands up again.
“It’s not?” Wayne questions, digging a pack of Newports out of his jacket pocket and offering one to him. “Because it sounds to me like you owe this ‘Ms. Sweetheart’ an apology.”
Eddie takes a cigarette, toying with it before tucking it between his lips. It takes a few flicks of his old Bic lighter to get a spark, and he lets the nicotine calm his nerves before speaking again. “I don’t think she’ll forgive me.”
“Never said she would,” Wayne counters, plucking the Bic from Eddie’s hands and bringing the flame to light his own cigarette. “Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apologize.”
Inhaling sharply, Eddie watches his son kick the ball around before letting out a slow, controlled exhale. “My boss asked if I could teach guitar lessons once or twice a week,” he says, using his empty hand to toy with the frayed holes in his jeans. “If…if you wanna, could you watch Harris? I can pay you.”
“Don’t insult me, boy,” Wayne scoffs, but a playful smile dances on his lips. “You’re not gonna pay me to watch my own grandson. Just let me know the day and time, and I’ll have a pot of mac and cheese ready to go.”
The pent-up tension dissipates from his body at Wayne’s easy agreement. An unspoken I love you floats between them, and he could cry from the sudden surge of relief.
“Daddy! Grampa!” Harris calls out from across the park. “Let’s play!”
Wayne stands up with a grunt, rolling his shoulders back to loosen them up. “You heard the man,” he jokes. “Up and at ‘em.”
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It’s your first day off of work since the start of the school year, yet all you can think about are your students. Well, one particular student and his god-awful father. Eddie’s comment replays in your mind, cutting through you like the chilly mid-October air. The sting still hasn’t faded, despite it being three days since he’d said it. 
You say goodbye to your grandma and Elise, her home health aid, grabbing your car keys and closing the door behind you. This morning was already overwhelming; Grandma had woken up at 5 AM, ready to start her day. The sound of her TV blasting at the highest possible volume jolted you from your sleep, and you’d spent the following twenty minutes trying to persuade her to go back to bed. Unsuccessfully, you might add. 
You wince when you see your reflection in the rearview mirror. Your eyes are puffy and bloodshot, with pouches developing beneath them that only emphasize your exhaustion. You practice smiling a few times before starting the car, peeling out of the parking lot to meet Jess, Viv, and Jeff for lunch.
The pleasant aroma of burgers cooking on a grill wafts past your nose as you push open the doors to the restaurant. It isn’t too crowded when you arrive; you assume that the usual lunchtime rush is quelled by the Columbus Day holiday. Your new friends are already waiting at the table, waving you over excitedly.
“Hey,” you call out, forcing pleasantries into your otherwise flat tone. You slide into the seat next to Jess and across from Jeff. “How’s everyone been?”
“Better, now that I’m out of the first trimester,” Viv says with a small laugh. “Now that I have my appetite back, I’m definitely getting the grilled cheese.” She glances at the menu again, adding, “and a side of fries.”
Jess nods. “I think I’ll do the same.” She turns to you and her cheerful expression shifts to one of concern. “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah, just tired.” Your lackluster reply is unconvincing, but she doesn’t challenge it in front of Jeff and her sister. “Chasing after kids all day is wearing me out.”
“Oh, that’s right!” Viv exclaims, taking a sip of her water. “You’re a preschool teacher. The one with Eddie’s kid in your class!”
“Mhm,” you manage; the mere mention of Eddie’s name turns your throat into sandpaper. “Well, not any more, I guess.” Your throwaway comment is met with inquisitive stares, so you give the group a rundown of last week’s events, watching their eyes grow wide.
“He’s such a fucking douche,” Jess grumbles, resting her hand over yours. It feels like forever since you’ve experienced the simplicity of a kind gesture, and you have to swallow the emotion that comes with it. 
“Seriously,” Viv agrees, looking over at Jeff. “Why were you even friends with him?”
Jeff lets out a terse chuckle and shakes his head. “Believe it or not, he actually used to be a good guy. The best, in my opinion.” Disappointment flashes across his face as he continues. “Something changed when he went to Chicago. He was always on-guard, had his walls up, but it used to be more of an ‘if you mess with me, I’ll mess with you’ attitude. But when he came back home, he was…different.”
“Different how?” Curiosity gets the best of you, and the question slips off of your tongue before you can stop it.
“It was like he was determined to hurt people before they could hurt him. No matter what I did, he never fully believed that I was on his side. I was constantly trying to prove that I wasn’t out to fuck him over.”
Viv drapes an arm over her fiancé’s shoulder. “How long did he live in Chicago, again?”
“Long enough to knock someone up,” Jeff muses, mind wandering for a moment before he brings himself back to the conversation. “About four years, I think? He left to chase his dreams of being a rockstar. Then one day, he shows back up in Hawkins with an infant, trying to act like nothing had changed.” He snorts at the very idea of it. “But it obviously did–I mean, besides the fact that he had a whole child, the rest of us had grown up, too. College, work, all that stuff.
“When he suggested getting Corroded Coffin back together, we figured, why not? It seemed like a decent way to chill out, blow off some steam at the end of the day.”
“Let me guess,” you chime in, cocking your head knowingly. “Eddie had other ideas.”
Jeff nods. “He still wanted to do the rockstar thing. And he’d always get angry at us because we didn’t. Not professionally, anyway. Kept mocking us for having 9-to-5 jobs, like it was the worst thing in the world.” He pauses, screwing up his face in contemplation. “Which, come to think of it, was weird. Because back in high school, he told me that it really messed with him, not having that stability growing up. Y’know, before Wayne took him in.”
There’s so much more you want to know, but the waiter striding over to the table to take orders brings the conversation to a natural conclusion. What you’ve gathered so far is that Eddie Munson is a many-layered man, each one more puzzling than the last. Despite your festering hurt and anger, you can’t help but hope that he untethers himself from his complicated past. If not for his sake, then for Harris’s.
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“Daddy, what’s a new cents?”
Eddie’s taking the left turn onto the main road when he hears his son speaking from the back seat. “What’s new since when?” he asks, craning his head to check for oncoming traffic. 
“Noooo,” Harris whines, letting out an exasperated sigh. Eddie has no clue where his new attitude came from, and he can’t say that he’s a fan. “A new cents.”
“That’s not a thing, buddy,” Eddie answers, starting to twist the radio knob. 
“Yes, it is!” Harris insists, clearly growing frustrated. “Ms. Marion told Ms. Paula that I’m a ‘new cents.’”
It suddenly clicks for Eddie, and he grips the steering wheel tighter and hopes Harris doesn’t notice the edge in his voice. “You mean a nuisance?”
“That’s what I said!” Harris groans. “What does it mean?”
Eddie pushes past the question to ask one of his own. “What exactly did Ms. Marion say?” Maybe there was a misunderstanding, he reasons with himself. 
But Harris’s answer only confirms his initial suspicion. “She looked at Ms. Paula and said, ‘this one’s a ‘new cents.’ An’ then she pointed to me.”
“Why the hell would she say that?” Eddie’s speaking to himself, but his son replies, still too young to grasp the concept of rhetorical questions. 
“‘Cause of my shoes being untied. An’ she doesn’t like when I ask her to tie them.”
Eddie cringes. He’d meant to teach Harris how to tie his sneakers, but the lessons had to be put on hold when the kid had broken his wrist. Pausing before posing his next question, Eddie carefully selects his words. “Did…Did Ms. Sweetheart ever do that? Get mad about your shoes or call you a nuisance?”
“Nope,” Harris shakes his head. “An’ Mr. Will didn’t either.” And considering that his laces had always been tied in neat bows when Eddie arrived to pick him up, he can only assume that the two of you did this without a second thought. Jesus, why even bother to be a preschool teacher if you’re gonna bitch about tying shoes?
“So, what is it?” Harris snaps him from his thoughts. 
“Huh?” Eddie’s right foot presses on the brake as he approaches a stop sign. “Oh. Um, I don’t know. Sorry, Har.” It’s the second time in as many days that he’s lied to him in order to spare his feelings. Yesterday, he’d waited until they were already in the school to tell Harris that he was picked for a super special project where he’d act as a secret agent in another class. He didn’t know whether to be proud or ashamed that he’d spent all night thinking of that excuse. 
“‘S’okay,” Harris shrugs, raising and dropping his legs so they bounce off the bottom of his carseat. His ankles are exposed, and Eddie realizes that he must’ve grown. Again. Which means that he needs to scrape together some money and buy him new clothes. Again. “How much more days until I get to go back to Ms. Sweetheart’s class?”
“Not sure.” Lie number three. He flicks on the radio, the sounds of Ozzy effectively distracting Harris for the remainder of the car ride. 
If only it was that easy to fool himself. 
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A harsh knock on your classroom door and the formality of your first and last name draws your attention from the mountain of paperwork on your desk. Will left thirty minutes ago with the rest of the TAs, so you’ve been sitting alone, humming a song you’d listened to on the car ride to work.
“Yes, that’s me,” you tell the tall man standing in the doorway. His intimidating stature and sullen disposition juxtapose the orange and yellow hues of autumn-themed artwork lining the walls. “Can I help you?”
He flashes a name tag as he steps into the classroom. “My name is Andrew Smith. I’m here on behalf of Child Protective Services to speak to you regarding one of your students…” he checks his notes, “Harris Munson.”
“Oh, um,” you stumble over your words, “he’s–he’s not my student any more. Not since Tuesday of this week.”
“Right,” the social worker nods slowly, patience already running thin, “but I briefly spoke with his new teacher, and she said that she didn’t have enough information to answer the questions, and directed me to your classroom.” When you don’t respond, he gives the legal rundown about the process and your obligations as a mandated reporter. “Do you understand?”
“Then let’s proceed with this, shall we?” He clicks his pen, eyes boring a hole into you as he speaks. “How well would you say you know Harris’s father, Edward Munson?”
More intimately than you know, you bitterly think. “Fairly well. He dropped Harris off and picked him up every day.”
Mr. Smith scribbles that down. “Was Edward Munson punctual? Did he drop off and pick up Harris on time?”
“Yes,” you confirm, and your mind flickers back to the very first day of school. “There was only one time he was late for pick-up, but it’s common for that to happen once in a while with any parent.”
“Right, okay. And how would you describe Harris’s disposition around his father?”
“He adores him. He’s a generally happy kid, but he lights up around his dad. Or even when he’s just talking about him.” One lunchtime conversation in particular centered around how his dad could play anything on the guitar, even “Old MacDonald.” Harris had been bursting with excitement to report that Eddie made the funniest animal sounds, and you’d be lying if you’d said your interest wasn’t piqued. “I’ve never seen Harris act nervous or scared around him.”
Pen flies across the paper, and you swear he’s writing more than you’d even said. “Besides the broken wrist, did you ever notice any injuries or abnormal bruising anywhere on Harris’s body?” 
You shake your head before realizing he’s waiting for a verbal response. “Nope, never. Just the usual bruises that come with being a kid.”
Mr. Smith cocks his eyebrow, pressing his lips together. “And where were those bruises located?”
Shit. Did you say too much? Why can’t you just shut up when you’re nervous? “Knees and calves?” You point to the spots on your own body, as though the social worker needs visual aides, while silently berating your own stupidity.
“And based on your interactions with him, how would you describe Edward Munson as a father?” It’s a loaded question, and its magnitude is a weight on your chest. 
“Caring, attentive, very loving,” you answer honestly. “Responsible. Harris always showed up with lunch and a snack, bathed, clean clothes, whatever supplies he needed. I never worried that Harris was unsafe or in an unhealthy environment.” You force yourself to meet Mr. Smith’s gaze when you say the next part. “We, um, actually were at the hospital at the same time. My grandma got hurt, and we bumped into them when being discharged.”
This grabs his attention. “And did Mr. Munson appear to be impaired or otherwise behaving out of sorts?” The way he looks at you could easily be mistaken for a glare. “Under the influence of any substances, perhaps?”
“Not at all.” You keep your tone firm and even.
He shoves the paperwork at you, pointing to where your signature is required. “Thank you for your time,” he says flatly, leaving the room before you have time to reply. It seems nearly impossible to go back to the task you were working on before the interruption, but you try to push away the intrusive thoughts about everything that could possibly go wrong.
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An hour later, the heavy-handed knock raps on the door to the Munson’s apartment. Eddie knows the drill; unfortunately, this isn’t his first run-in with Child Protective Services. He’s double, triple, quadruple-checked that every electrical outlet is covered, the matches and lighters are far from Harris’s reach, and there’s no remaining product from his recently-abandoned dealing days. The visit is technically unannounced, but since he’s not getting many visitors these days, there are limited options of who could be at his door.
“Edward Munson?” The social worker asks, giving him the same opening spiel he gave you. “I’ll just need to take a look around your home and make sure it’s a suitable living environment for your son.”
“Of course.” Eddie hopes he sounds more confident than he feels, but he can sense the waver in his voice. “Yeah, come on in.” He opens the door a bit wider and lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, drawing unwanted attention from the social worker.
“Something the matter, Mr. Munson?”
“N-No,” Eddie insists, shaking his head. If he confesses to being nervous, this Smith guy could mistake it as an admission of guilt, and that’s the last thing he wants. “Just, um, long day?”
Smith recognizes the response with nothing more than a disbelieving glance as he makes his way through the apartment. Eddie watches silently, pushing down his anxiety with a thick swallow. His mind races when the social worker rummages through the refrigerator. Are there fruits and vegetables in there? Did I throw out that container of leftover spaghetti that overstayed its welcome? His stomach sinks when Smith marks something down in his notes but doesn’t have time to ruminate over it before Harris pokes his head out from the bedroom.
“Daddy? You gonna come back an’ play Hot Wheels with me?” His big brown eyes instantly melt Eddie’s heart, and all he wants to do is scream at the man, See? See how much my kid loves me? See how happy he is? Now, why don’t you go deal with the parents who actually deserve to lose custody and leave me to play with him.
Before Eddie can stop him, Harris traipses out and sees Smith rifling through the pantry. “Who’re you?” he asks.
“Har-Bear, this is Mr. Smith. He’s, uh, one of my friends.” Eddie scrunches his face and shakes his head defeatedly at the blatant lie, but Harris doesn’t notice.
Mr. Smith gives a short wave, neither kind nor impolite. Just one slight movement to acknowledge the boy’s presence. He’s determined to get back to his job, but Harris has other plans.
“I like your glasses.” He points to the wire-rimmed frames on the man’s face. “My Grampa Wayne is s’posed to wear glasses, but he doesn’t. Daddy says it’s ‘cause he’s a mule.”
“Stubborn as a mule, Har,” Eddie gently corrects him, a blush creeping into his cheeks. “I’ll be in in a minute, okay?”
But Harris ignores his request, forging towards his dad’s friend. He lifts his arm and flashes an innocent smile. “Look at my cast! It’s from when I jumped on my bed and breaked my arm.”
“Harris!” Eddie hisses, trying to keep his cool. “Can you go play? In the room?” Pleading with him is like negotiating with a terrorist, and he knows his efforts are futile.
“Actually, I do need to take a look at Harris’s bedroom,” the social worker muses, tapping his pen against his lower lip. Eddie has to stifle a scoff at the charade that this just occurred to Smith. Like he didn’t have this mapped out, another bullet point on the list of uninformed judgments he needed to make.
“We, um, we share a room,” Eddie mumbles, as though there would be another possible reason as to why there’s a twin bed nestled into the same space as Harris’s race car bed. “I used to sleep on the couch, it’s just easier to be close to him when he has nightmares an’ stuff.” His heart races when Smith jots this down. “N-Not that he has nightmares a lot. I don’t let him watch scary movies or anything. Just normal kid stuff.”
The man nods, visibly irritated by his rambling. He clamps his mouth shut to inhibit the flow of unnecessary explanations that freely pass through his lips without a second thought.
Harris motions Smith over, using his uninjured hand to grab the stranger’s and leading him into the room. “That’s my bed,” he announces. It sounds like he’s giving a tour, and Eddie almost laughs at the absurdity of the situation. “And that’s where I falled,” Harris points to the unassuming patch of carpet alongside it. 
“Ouch,” Smith mutters, and Eddie swears he can see a semblance of a smile. Leave it to Harris to thaw the most hardened of hearts. “I bet that hurt.”
“Yeah, but there was no blood,” Harris says nonchalantly. “An’ I didn’t need a shot. Just this cast. All my friends signed it. Even Ms. Sweetheart!”
“Ms. Sweetheart?” Smith repeats.
“She’s my teacher. Well, she was my teacher. Now I’m a super secret spy in Ms. Marion’s class, but don’t tell anyone!”
Eddie scoops up a couple of toy cars off of the floor and hands them to Harris, determined to end the conversation before anything else can be revealed. Can you get your kid taken away for being an asshole to his teacher? He doesn’t want to find out. “Here ya go, bud. Why don’t you get the racetrack set up, and I’ll play with you as soon as Mr. Smith leaves.”
“Actually,” Smith says, “I’m about finished. Mr. Munson,” he says, his natural stoicness settling back in as he turns back to Eddie, “after completing this investigation and conducting our interviews, I’ve determined that Harris may remain in your custody. I’ll just need you to sign a few forms and I’ll be on my way.”
Eddie’s relief is palpable. He sweeps Harris into a hug, clutching him to his chest and wordlessly swears to never put him back down. “Th-thank you,” he mumbles, acutely aware of the tears leaking from his eyes. “Wait–what interviews? No one interviewed me.”
Smith nods. “Yes, we spoke with Harris’s teacher. She only had great things to say about how well you take care of him.”
She did? He barely knows the woman; Harris has only been in her class for two full days, and she never indicated any partiality towards him. He makes a mental note to thank her tomorrow at drop-off. For now, all he wants to do is treasure every moment with his boy.
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Eddie doesn’t want to let Harris out of his sight, but he begrudgingly takes him to school, not wanting to add a truancy charge to his growing list of misgivings. 
Ms. Marion greets both Munsons with a muted stare, harsh enough to drain Harris of the excited energy that typically buzzes through his little body. “Are we going to listen today?” she quips.
“Yes,” Harris says.
“Yes, what?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” Harris’s affect is robotic and monotone, and the uncharacteristic spiritlessness nearly distracts Eddie from thanking the older woman for her interview.
“The guy–um, the social worker–he told me that you said some nice things about me. About how I am with Harris,” he stammers. “So, uh, thank you.”
Ms. Marion crosses her arms over her faded pink sweater, pursing her overlined lips. Her forehead is marred with frown lines. “That wasn’t me, Mr. Munson. I directed him to speak to Harris’s previous teacher, since she spent more time with him.”
Ms. Sweetheart.
After everything he’d said and done, you’d still vouched for him. Spoken so highly of his parenting abilities that CPS allowed him to keep custody of his son. You could’ve easily ruined his life, but you didn’t. 
What Eddie doesn’t understand is why.
Perhaps he doesn’t need to; at least, not immediately. Right now, he just needs to fix this. And he knows exactly where to start.
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Friday marks one week since your blowout fight with Eddie. One week since he’d caught you pathetically crying in your car because of the venom he’d spewed. One week since you’d informed him that you’d had Harris transferred to another class.
Which is why you’re confused when the boy bounds up to your classroom door, shouting, “Ms. Sweetheart! Ms. Sweetheart!”
“Hey, Harris,” you greet him, unable to mask your confusion. “What are you doing here? You’re in Ms. Marion’s class now, remember?”
Harris nods, his curls bouncing with each movement. He drops his backpack to the floor with a thud and unfastens the zipper, tongue poking from between his lips as he digs through it to brandish a cassette. “This is for you.”
You take it from him, eyes widening as you take in Toni Braxton’s face staring back at you. “Harris…where did you get this?”
“My daddy put it there and said to give it to you. So I did,” he answers with a shrug. He looks up at you, innocuous and angelic as he adds, “I miss you. I wish you could be my teacher again.”
“Me, too,” you reply before thinking. Clearing your throat, you kneel down to meet him at his height. “Thank you for my gift. It was very sweet. Go ahead and head to class now, okay? I don’t want you to be late.”
“Mmkay!” he chirps, slinging his still-opened bag over his shoulder. “Bye, Ms. Sweetheart.”
Why would Eddie buy you a tape? Why this tape, the one you’d come in for when he’d said such malicious things to you? You can’t make sense of it, regardless of how many times you try to piece together the puzzle.
At dismissal, you find yourself waiting by the door, hoping to catch Eddie before he can dash out of the school. There’s no logic to his actions: he despised you enough to weaponize your grandma’s cognitive decline, and then he gives you a gift with no further explanation. 
You distractedly hand parents the sign-out sheet, barely registering when Joshua Harrington’s dad asks you about any upcoming plans for a class Halloween party. 
“Is there gonna be a list of things you need? Candy or cupcakes or something?”
“Oh, uh, I’m gonna send home information about that next week,” you stumble over your words as you try not to make it obvious that your mind is elsewhere. 
“Great,” he says, stretching out the word as he tracks your gaze to the spot behind him. “Everything okay?”
“Yup.” You slap a smile on your face just as you spot the mane of frizzy curls you’d been searching for. “Um, excuse me for a second.” You call out to Will, letting him know you’ll be right back, before sprinting down the hallway. 
“Ms. Sweetheart!” Harris’s eager face twists into a frown. “You gotta use your walking feet in school. Or you could get hurt.”
Eddie moves to correct him, but you just smile sweetly. “You’re right, Harris. Thanks for reminding me.”
You allow your gaze to travel upwards, eyes locking onto Eddie’s. You can’t quite read his expression; his brows are furrowed in confusion but the flush in his face indicates that he knows why you’re here. 
“Harris gave me the tape. The Toni Braxton one.” Like he’d gifted you myriad cassettes that required this distinction. “You really didn’t have to do that.”
“Don’t mention it.” The right corner of his lips turns up into a half-smile. “Besides, I  should probably be the one thanking you.”
“Me?” What is he talking about? As far as you know, you’re the bane of his existence. 
“Yeah. For, uh, what you said to that social worker guy. Even after I treated you like a piece of…” he presses his palms to Harris’s ears and lowers his voice, “shit.”
That makes sense; he was relieved that you’d sang his praises when it had mattered most. This was an expression of gratitude; nothing more and nothing less.
“You’re a good parent, even if you’re mean to me,” you say nonchalantly. “I wasn’t going to make up lies and ruin your lives out of spite.”
The statement hangs in the air, gathering an awkward silence that has you and Eddie both grappling for ways to end the conversation. 
He’s the one to interject. “Well, anyway, I hope you like the tape.”
“Mhm.” It’s all you allow yourself to utter in front of Harris. A thousand questions swarm your head, threatening to spill off your tongue, the first of which is simply: why? “I’ve gotta get back. But, um, enjoy your weekend.” You pivot on your heel before Eddie can wish you the same. With the necessary chaos of your life, you can’t invest any more time trying to unravel him. 
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“Daddy, when is Ms. Sweetheart gonna be my teacher again?”
Eddie knew it was inevitable that Harris would ask about going back to your class, but he thought he’d bought himself more time with the spy game he’d concocted. He can’t delay the truth any longer. 
“I’m sorry, buddy. I don’t think you can switch back.” There’s a pang in his heart when his son drops his hand, digging his heels into the parking lot asphalt. 
“Is it because you were mean to her?”
His question catches Eddie off-guard. “Wh-What?”
“In there,” Harris points towards the school, “she said you’re mean to her.” He squints when he looks up at his father, the midday sun shining in his eyes. “Why were you mean?”
Eddie exhales, puffing out his cheeks and rubbing the back of his neck. “Sometimes grownups accidentally hurt each others’ feelings.” Or purposely, in his case, but he omits the complexities from his explanation. He reaches out to once again take Harris’s hand, but the boy pulls back. 
“Ms. Sweetheart says that when we hurt someone’s feelings, we gotta say sorry. Even if it’s on accident.”
“I did,” Eddie counters, raising his brows. “I gave her the tape.”
But Harris remains unconvinced. “That’s not saying sorry. You gotta actually say it. Or else it doesn’t count.”
“It doesn’t count, huh?” Eddie clicks his tongue and puts his hands on his hips. “All right, I’ll say it the next time I see her.”
“And then you can be friends?” The question is posed innocently, but it rattles Eddie. Friends? Did he even know how to be a decent friend any more? He’d fucked it all up with Gareth, Jeff, and Danny, and he’s known them for forever. “Daddy?” “Uh, maybe,” Eddie replies meekly; this time, Harris grabs his hand when he offers it. “We’ll just have to see.”
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ktchie · 7 months
'Save a horse ride a cowboy'
Ted x reader
Fluff and smut
♡additional tags: smut, p in v, creampie, reader hates Halloween, Ted in a cowboy costume, a little daddy kink, She/her pronouns.
♤7.4k words
◇ she hates Halloween but maybe Ted can change that?
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Her dreaded day is fast approaching, the leaves scattered around the ground - brown and dry from the autumn.
A lone pumpkin, yellow and bright under the shying sun, glare at her from a stairwell of a random flat. Its triangle eyes, hollow from any emotion and sympathy seemingly bore into her as if telling her to submit to its command and the inevitable event that will happen 2 days from now.
She averted her eyes quickly, sweat dripped down her nape as she fasten her pace.
She hated Halloween more than any day there is, she would rather choose her family's dysfunctional Christmas dinner with 5 grown adults yelling at eachother and 3 crying children than be caught dead wearing a ridiculous costume that would tarnish her reputation and self image.
Contrary to Roy, she doesnt hate Halloween because of the loud children and their questionable attire that varies from appropriate character from a cartoon show or a superhero franchise and to some wierd and super inappropriate costume that would and will get a atleast 50 concern side eyes (like a nun smoking a tobacco or pope Francis with devil horns and blood pouring out of his mouth)
She hated Halloween because of her coworkers (mainly Rebecca, keeley and Higgins) and their insistent for her to wear a bloody costumes every damn year. Rebecca would email her and would ask her what she will be going as on the Halloween, the first few times it would only be an additional note, a passing normal interest at the month of October but as the day goes by and the 3rd week rolls around Rebecca's previous important email that is relevant to the well being of the club was replaced by a 5 to 10 sentence regarding the importance of Halloween and how essential it is, to both to yourself and to others, to wear a costume and to have fun. The email will come to her 2 times in one day, sometimes even 3 and in worst times even 5 (if Rebecca is really desperate or in a sour mood) which will automatically go into her spam folder.
And it is also widely known on Richmond that Keeley Jones goes a little unhinged whenever the month of October rolls by. Her energy seems to crank up to its highest peak when the autumn breeze finally grace her skin. So naturally, Halloween would be a BIG BIG deal for her. Massive deal. A deal the size of Asia and Europe combined. A deal that she, unfortunately, has to deal with too.
Keeley Jones, despite of having a own company of her to run, was quiet frequent on the Afc Richmond building. Always lurking on the hallway with her bright pink shoes and heart melting grin (in the normal month) however, when its October - Keleey's only destination is her own fucking office. She would burst in guns blazing and teeth bared with no knocking whatsoever and ask her (more like yelled at her) what her costume will be on Halloween, in which she would proceed to answer with 'none' which in return would make Keeley Jones fumed with anger and rant about her being no fun while calling her all kinds of creative names under the sun.
The two women was both amusing and irritating at the same time, she had to admit that their desperation to get her to celebrate the nonsense Holliday of the 31st of October was quiet funny in their own way. What is not funny however is Higgins..
Leslie Higgins, a man as gentle as a falling feather and whose laugh could light up the entire room, can actually turn into a 10feet tall demonic entity whenever he heard 'Halloween' and 'no costume' in one sentence. Maybe it has something to do with him being a father of 5 children, getting so used to dressing them up that it was downright ridiculous and criminal that she wouldn't. He would breath heavily like a bull whenever she say no and he would look at her in the eye and speak to her, though very calmly she could very well see the veins throbbing on his forehead, and would explain how important it is for her to dress up and to celebrate the day because if he wouldn't he would no longer talk to her and would rather die than be near her ever again (dramatic, but something tells her he wasn't lying)
So, in a desperate attempt to make him leave and calm down she had agreed, she told Leslie she's going to dress up and that he doesn't have to worry about anything else.
She's still deciding if she's lying or not.
She opened her front door with a sigh, the exhaustion visible on her tired eyes.
She had gone home more later than everyone else because of the heavy work load that she had let pile up over the last few weeks due to her avoidance to go to work and accidently bump into the monster trio.
She sat down on her couch before throwing her shoes somewhere in the room, groaning in pleasure as her back met the soft cushion.
The comfort of her own home enveloping her suddenly, all the tension gone from her shoulder and all the worrying thoughts of her work vanish from her head.
Then her phone rang,
"Goddammit.." she mumbled with a frown, head thrown back and eyes closed. She let it rung for a few second before reaching for it.
"Hello?" Her voice was groggy, a clear indication she was tired.
"Yellow!" Ted's voice were loud on the other side of the phone, awfully cheery despite it being late in the evening. "You takin' a nap? You sounds a lil' raspy, oh no I didnt wake ya up did i?"
A soft smile made its way on her lips, a smile only Ted could make. "Uh no, I was about to though. I just got back from work"
"You just got back?! Don't office hours end at 5?!"
"Got alot of work that held me back, I don't want to let it keep piling up on my desk like a leaning tower of Pisa"
"Darn, you must have a heck of a day" she hummed in confirmation before closing her eyes again. "Have you even had lunch yet? Ya didnt came in the locker room earlier, thought ya had lunch on your own but now I have a suspicion that you didnt eat at all"
She took her time to answer, Ted's voice bringing her comfort and making her a little drowsy. "Didnt eat lunch, im planning to order a pizza later for dinner"
"You sounds really tired, darlin' and listen, I know I ain't exactly the proper man to tell ya this but pizza ain't good for ya" Ted had replied, a hint of worry on his voice. "Pizza is a-okay once a week, but you been eatin' it nonstop these days, im gettin' a lil worried"
"Im not going to suddenly drop dead because of pizza, that will be a humiliating way to go out" she replied with a sigh, scratching her eye. "But sure whatever, ill have a cup of tea instead"
"I still can't believe y'all drink that sewer water willingly, you better eat something good with that garbage drink"
"I don't know what else to eat beside pizza if I'm being honest and I'm too fucking tired to cook anything else" she groaned and adjust herself on the coach. "I'll just have a big breakfast tomorrow"
"Are you tellin' me that tea is only thing you'll be having tonight?" he had stated, putting a harsh emphasis on the word 'tea' as if it was someone he wanted to kill.
"Am I hearin' you right, hun? Not only did you not eat lunch but you are willingly, without a gun to your pretty little head, going to drink that poop water and nothin' else?"
She laugh lightly and she desperately try to ignore the sick sick part of her brain that is telling her she looks like a giggling love sick school girl talking to her crush. "Yes Ted, im going to drink tea and only tea and head to bed. If you and a perfectly fine beverage have some beef going on, leave me out of it. I can't let you persuade me on hating our national drink and risk the Queen catching a whiff of my traitorous blood and shoot me in the head"
"She would do that?" Ted asked, genuinely afraid.
She chuckled "no, Ted. I'm fucking with you" she settled deep on the cushions, fully laying herself down.
"She'll hire a few men to raid my house and make my death look like a suicide"
"Oh well thats smart, but I prefer if you're alive and well"
She laugh a little "do you need something, Ted? Its quiet late, shouldn't you be watching some trashy reality show right now?"
"Oh it can wait, I can have coach beard summarize the love island for me tomorrow" he cheerily replied and some part of her are envious of him being so happy in such a tiring night. "I called ya because I wanna know what you'll be wearin' on Halloween night"
A glass shattered on the background and the small smile plastered on her lips fell as quickly as she can blink.
"Jesus christ, not you too" she groaned lowly, eyes closing not in exhaustion but in irritation.
"What? Just askin' cause im gosh darn curious! I asked boss what you'll be goin' as but she pulled a funny face and told me to ask you myself!"
She cursed Rebecca in her brain.
"What brought this on anyway?" She wiped her face with her hand with a sighed.
"Oh well our resident genius Nathan Shelby told me that Rebecca host the best Halloween party every year and it got me all kinds of exicted! 'Been awhile since I went to one of those, in college I always go to parties y'know? Even nonsense ones, I mostly went for the booze and the free food cause I was hella broke and I ain't got no money to even feed myself" Ted voice went down a little at the end, as if reminiscing the time where he couldn't even find a single nickle on his wallet. "So it got me thinkin' that I should really go all out this year, don't ya think so? My first party ever since I turned 30, I don't even know If I can still chug an entire jug of beer but we'll see"
"Jesus Ted, you sounds like frat boy" she grimaced lightly but a pleasant image of Ted wearing a backwards cup and a stupid grin on his baby face got her all giggly.
Maybe he'll let her do a body shot on him, lick the fucking salt on his neck and take him home to her flat the next minute.
"Oh I was a frat boy, alright! Got nothin' better to do in college than cause trouble and play football - y'know the one with a brown ball that looks like a wallnut? That football - though i didn't get to play much, coach said i was too giddy and too happy, that instead of making the other team annoyed i cheer them up, its crazy even Beardo said so. Speaking of Beard he was a beast back then! You should've seen him! You'll love him, he's always laughing and always loud, got in all kinds of bad troubles but he set himself straight in the end. I'm very proud of him"
She heard their story before from beard, or willis (he had revealed his name after weeks of nonstop questioning and obnoxious teasing) she had learned how they came to be Ted and Beard, how insufferable they were like two giggling school girls that had known eachother since birth. How beard became beard and how much an asshole (his own words, not hers) he was to Ted back then. He had told her the time he was sleeping on his couch, how his back felt funny and ache weirdly every morning, how he could map out Ted's house with his eyes closed and ears shut because of how much time he spent in there. How Henry felt so much like his kid, how he watch him grew up and how he had been there when the kid lost his first tooth or rode his own bike.
He owes Ted alot, he had told her. Said he would lay his down his life for him with no question ask and no hesitation on his mind. That Ted is kindest man he had ever met, that he see no wrong in someone even when its staring at him right in the face, even when his own friend stole the car he had been saving for since high-school and almost wreck it.
"Im sure you are, Ted" she replied, picking a piece of loose thread on her couch pillow. "I uh, I don't think I'll attend the party"
She quickly pull the phone away from her ear with a grimaced."Yeahhhh, I just don't really like partying"
"Ted im really tired-"
"And I'll make you more tired, don't you dare lock your door or I'll break it in I swear to god-"
She laughed lightly "are you actually going to come over? This is crazy Ted, and for what? Because I'm not coming to that stupid party?"
"IT AINT STUPID, YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" He breathed heavily and she hear a clang of keys followed by a loud thump and a whisper of curse. "-shit, bump my darn knee on the table. This is your fault"
"Im not even there, Ted. That's all on you"
"Yeah but you got me all panicky and annoyed, im comin' over there I'm bringing my left over pasta so you could put a decent meal on your tummy"
God she's so stupidly inlove with him. "Is it your famous spaghetti that you have been bragging about these past few weeks? I heard its good, keleey said its to die for"
"Quit being sweet to me, missy. I'm still annoyed and I'm still comin' over and once I get there we're goin' to eat my pasta and talk about your bad decision okay? Like a proper talk, like a therapy session Dr. Sharon and I been doin' these past few weeks"
"Do I have to cry and tell you my childhood problems and let you figure out how it connects to my annoyance on Halloween?"
"See? Youre already pro at this, just sit pretty and wait for me"
She chuckled lightly and stretched, yawning. "Are you really going to come over?" She had asked "Cause I think I'm about to fall asleep now"
"Ya can fall asleep once I get there and after we ate my pasta, m'kay?" Ted replied followed by a front door closing and being locked.
She blink sleepy as she listen to him "alright, ill wait for you"
"Atta girl" he whispered and she tried to ignore the heat on her stomach as he did so.
Ted arrived with a loud bang, her door hitting the wall so hard she thought it would bust a hole in.
"What the hell?!" She lightly yelled before laughing, watching as Ted pant with a Tupperware of spaghetti on his left hand.
"Sorry, god, wait gotta catch my breath first" he hit his chest a couple of times and cough a little. "Okay, sorry, got excited. But I brought my spaghetti!" He raised it with a large grin, dimple and teeth out and oh she wish  she could kiss him right there.
"I see that you did" she leaned on the marble bar of her kitchen as she watched him walked over to her, eyes ranking up and down.
God he looks good, how dare he?
"And I see that you're still sleepy" he grinned and put the tupper wear down beside her, looking down to meet her eyes.
"Gonna put you to bed, after our talk m'kay?"
"That a promise?" She blinked at him flirty, a sweet smirk playing on her lips.
"N-not that kind of put to bed" Ted looks panicky, flushing pink on her gaze.
"Bummer" she mumbled with a pout before straightening her posture. "Come help me with plates, let's talk while we eat yeah?"
Okay, maybe her drowsiness is making her a little more bolder, more braver, more yearnful for what she wants. Makes her want to capture his very being on her palm and not let go until the sky fall from above.
She wouldn't flirt with him on a good day, wouldn't even smirk at him if she can help it. He's a recently divorced man who has eyes as sad as whimpering puppy, looking anything and anywhere with a kind of desperation you would only find on someone so despondent and so so alone. He wasn't available on the public market, wasn't meant to be courted when she knows his heart still depict someone's else image, she knows he loves Michelle, miss her everyday, and she knows deep on her bones she could not barge in roses in her mouth and poems on her hand and offer to take him out on a date he would never forget.
"Why is the spaghetti cold?" She asked with a frown as she took a bite, water on her side instead of wine because Ted insisted that she should drink something normal for once.
"Spgahti ish dbest win clmpd" she frowned and watched him hold a finger up before swallowing his food. "Sorry. i said spaghetti is the best when its cold"
"Well its not bad" she shrugged as she ate it. "So how's your day? Heard Roy got mad on Jaime again, per usual of course, but this time he was about to tear his throat out"
Ted nod his head "yes, yes, ill tell ya all 'bout it later but first were gotta talk about the Halloween party"
She groaned loudly, throwing her head back. "Must we do this? Really?"
"Yes, really" he wiped his mouth with a napkin before taking a sip on his water, she could not help but feel like he was about to question her every actions and decision as if she was placed under government surveillance.
"Its really not a big deal, teddy. I just don't like going to parties"
"No, no, I heard ya' goin' to bunch of parties before, specially new-year. You're lyin' to me"
"Fine" she raised her hand in defense, tired. "Seems like I can't lie my way around here so ill give it to you straight.." she took a deep breath, dreading it. Ted watched her closely, brown eyes boaring into her own and if she wasn't sleepy and wasn't bothered by the topic she would mention how beautiful they are.
"I don't like dressing up"
He slam his fork down. "THATS ABSURD!"
"Wow I didnt expect that big of a reaction at all"
"You tellin' me, someone, someone I gosh darn know! Dont like wearin' costume on Halloween? Thats like- thats like worse than murder!"
Her eyes widen "okay thats a little-"
Ted nod calming down a little "yeah yeah, I know, a little dramatic. It ain't worse than murder at all, I was just-" he poke his heart. "Just lost in the moment AND ITS YOUR FAULT!" he pointed at her
She laughed lightly.
"It wasn't even that bad! I just don't like doing it, its perfectly fine"
"No it ain't! I have never met someone like ya before! People always like dressing up, doesn't matter how bad it looks, Halloween is for everyone, its the only day its legal to pretend you're someone else" he's slowly losing his mind.
"I get that and I fully support that but its just not for me" she explained, finally finished with her spaghetti and she had to admit it was pretty fucking good. "I have to say, you're a good cook i didnt expect-"
"Youre goin' to the party even if i have to drag your bum in there"
She whistled, eyebrows up and eyes a little wide. "Oh my, I didnt know you're into that"
"Shut it" he stated but the blush on his cheeks are apprent.
"Youre goin' that's final, wrapped your self in a toilet paper if ya don't got any costume, you just have to be there"
"You literally cannot make me" she shrugged, leaning on the chair with arms crossed. "Im not going to that party even if you have to put a gun to my head, I don't like Halloween, I don't like costumes and I dojt like candies"
"YOU DONT LIKE CANDIES-" he stop himself before taking a deep breath, controlling his emotions. "Its like, its like I don't know you at all"
"Ted we've been friends for like 2 years, of course you don't"
Ted shook his head, distraught. As if the revelation of her dislike for the holiday might send him spiral to a pit of hopelessness. "If you ain't goin, im not goin'"
Her eyes widen. "What the hell are you on about?"
He looked up to her, eyes hard, determined. Like a soldier off to war.
'This is ridiculous' she had thought
"I said, im not goin if ya ain't goin"
"Y-you can't do that! The others would kill me!" She yelled, panic settling deep on her guts. Rebecca would literally drag her corpse on the road, yelling shame! Shame! Shame! While the folks of richmond would throw shit at her face. "Ted, they'll do worse than kill me. Keleey would use my skin to make herself a new bag, you can't do this to me"
"Oh I will" he pointed, shoulder squared. "I will blame it all on ya', if they ask why I ain't goin' ill tell them it was you"
"This is crazy! Why are you even doing this?!" She asked him, wanting to laugh and wanting to cry on how fucking mental it is.
"Why do I even- why do you even want me there?!"
"THATS NOT A PROPER REASON, IDIOT!" she yelled before groaning, throwing her hands up. "FINE! FINE! IM GOING! GOD!"
He then grinned, big, wide and bright that she had to squint. She hates the part of her brain that told her that suffering on the party is all worth it if she could see him like this for a second , smiling just for her. Its crazy how he can make everything more livable just by existing.
"I know ya would come around"
She scoffed "like you just didn't threaten me"
"Had to do it" he shrugged, still smiling, still joyous. It makes her heart melt.
"Whatever" she looked away when he met her eyes, blush slithering on her cheeks. "Im going only because of you, you hear?"
It was his turn to blush, dimple deep on his cheek and eyes glimmering. "Yes ma'am" he looked down, suddenly shy. "And I'm only goin cause of ya' either"
She gave him a sideways glance, suspicious. "You sure its not for the beer?"
"Nah, just for ya" she suddenly had a sick sick disgusting urge to giggle. "Ya make everythin' better, not the booze"
God she's so inlove with him she would carved a pumpkin right now if he ask.
She went as ghostface.
Tight black shirt and a sweatpants with fake blood (ketchup) splattered on her white shoes and arms. Its a simple costume that required a little amount of effort and money. And she had to admit, she look hot as fuck, she just wished the security guard up front had let her kept the kitchen knife but no matter how many pleading and yelling of 'its not real!' The man wouldn't budge.
She stood next to Rebecca whose dress could send any man with eyes falling on the floor. She went as maleficent, with horns, high cheek bones and everything that made her almost fall inlove with her.
"Hows the drink?" She had asked, smiling at her so pleasantly ever since she had got there.
"Oh?" She blinked, confused. Blood red lips almost scowling. "Was it too strong?"
"Not strong enough" she replied with a teasing smile that made her boss rolled her eyes.
"Of course you would say that, the one person here that wants to go home"
"Thats not true" she laughed, putting her glass down before leaning on the wall. Watching as the other dance on the floor, some giggling and some stumbling.
"Im actually enjoying myself"
"I doubt it" Rebecca raised her perfectly drawn brow before a slow teasing grin slithered its way on her red lips. "Ted isn't here yet"
She ignored the heat on her ears
"Are you implying i can only enjoy this party if Ted is here? That he's the sunlight on my dark days? Because if so then you're are one hundred percent corre- holy fucking shit, get out of the way" she quickly, as fast can blink, lightly push Rebecca off the view of the entrance door.
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph is that Ted fucking Lasso dressed up as a cowboy?" Keeley -dressed as katniss everdeen - strolled in like a ghost in the night, suddenly popping up, a cola on her hand.
"I think I'm about to faint" y/n confessed with a heavy breath while clutching her heart. Rebecca giggled next to her, gently holding her arm.
"Look at him walking around like he doesn't have half of the woman's eyes on him, he's killing me, he's fucking killing me"
"Look at that ass, oh that is criminal" keeley stated with a whistled, watching as Ted walked around, greeting people with a laugh and a smile.
"Is that a whip?" Y/n squinted her eyes and oh  fuck it is, it is a whip, right on the holster on his hips - she swallowed thickly, the familiar heat of desperation drawing a line on her stomach.
"I have to say, im impres-"
"Im going to ride him"
Keeley choked on her drink
"excuse you?" Rebecca's head whipped around to look at y/n's face, eyes blown wide.
"Forget about the horse, im going to ride Ted Lasso tonight"
"Y-youre going to hook up with him?" Keleey asked her carefully a grin on her lips. "Tonight? Like actually tonight?"
"If he let's me" she answered though her eyes still hangs heavy on Ted Lasso who is currently standing across the room with Beard beside him dressed as Alan from the hangover.
"So you're going to confessed?" Rebecca then asked "Because this is your opportunity to tell him what you really feel, this is your time"
Ted's eyes suddenly met hers and suddenly - everything stops.
The chatter, the song, even the loud flash of cameras and the yells of the drunk. As if one look from him can make the whole world stop turning, made the time crumbles and lay dust beneath his foot.
She could hear her breathing, slow and full and deep. As if he's taking it away, feeding from her own soul. For a minute she would let him, let him take it all, place her heart on his palm and make him promise to keep it close, pour her soul onto his mouth and kiss it to seal its lock, reduce herself into nothing but atoms and dust and particles on the air and be kept in a jar, forever still, forever there, forever on him.
Ted grinned so beautifully she could cry, he gave her a wave, almost shy, almost adoring before he took his first step towards her. Every foot the same rhythm as her heart, for a second she believed in soul mate and for a second she had hoped it was him.
"Hes coming this way!" Keeley squealed lowly, turning away from him and walked towards the bar. "Im going to pretend I dont know you so you can jump on him, okay?"
"Im going to, uh, going over there! Right there to Higgins" she scrambled to lift off her gown and run lightly towards her assistance who's currently dressed as a Frankenstein.
Ted walked towards her, apologizing to the people he had bumped on his way. She doesnt think she can love anyone like this dork..
He wore a flannel, blue and black and rolled over his thick forearms. It was tucked inside his jeans, scandalously tight on his muscled thighs. There's a leather belt slithered between it, thick with a silver buckled on its front. A whip and a fake gun hang on each side.
There's a red bandana hanging on his neck and brown cowboy hat place upon his head.
Ted lasso looks sinful underneath the beating lights and shadows, like a proper seduction on a night, dress in pure temptation with a smile that held thousand of promise.
"Howdy, ma'am" he tipped his hat on her, winking. "Never have i thought I would see a lady as fine as you are"
She pray to get she wouldn't get a nosebleed. "Why thank you, cowboy" she push her mask down, hiding the grin and the blush on her cheek.
"I must say, you look good enough to eat-" she approached him a little, standing close. "-ya wouldn't mind a little bite would ya', sweetheart?"
Ted swallowed "n-not at all"
"What got you stuttering now, little lamb?" She went up to his face, titling her head a little, as if taunting him. "Youre not scared are you?"
Thank fuck for the mask, if it wasn't for it she would be on the floor right now, confidence and determination gone and replaced by the undying need to have him and never let go.
"you're really into your character arent ya?" Ted grinned at you.
"Was i?" She peered up to him with smirk, removing the mask off her face. "What are you going to do about it, cowboy? Lasso me away?"
Ted's dimple become apparent "Might have to if ya keep this up" he titled his head "Whisk you away out'a 'ere and show you what happens to a pretty little naughty thing like ya'"
Her breath hitched, body hot and guts swirlin. Her fingers itched to yank his collar and kiss him stupid.
"Yeah?" She uttered breathlessly
Ted nod his head, gaze stuck on her mouth. "Mhm, but ya would like that wouldn't ya? Have ya with me, bound and tied. Bet you would love it, a minx like ya'"
"Oh I would love it alright" she looked up to him with half lided eyes, almost drank on the words spouting of his mouth.
"Specially so because its you"
Ted had blushed then, red and harsh even under the thousand beating lights. He chuckled, the magic that reside between them now gone, replaced by the silence that you could only get when everything is light and adoring and filled with colors of love and feelings too big for your own heart.
"I uh," he looked down "im glad ya' came, thought ya wouldn't"
She chuckled and took a step back, away from his space.
"I told you I would didn't I?"
"Yeah I know but I thought you're just foolin' me, get me to shut up"
"Ted i would literally pay you my entire savings just to NEVER shut up" she smiled when he shyly looked away. "You know how much I enjoy you talk, even about things I do not understand like a 100 years old pop culture reference from an ancient movie"
"Im not that old" he grumbled rather adorably and it took everything on her not to pinch his cheeks.
"Yeah? Bet your hips would pop if I took you to the dance floor right now"
He stared at her for a couple of seconds before a grin erupted on his lips. "Is this your way of asking me to dance?"
She sighed "depends, are you going to say yes?"
"You gosh darn right I will!" He had replied with a big smile before interrupting it with a pointed finger " 'n not cause of your allegations about my perfectly fine hips, its cause I want to dance with ya'"
"I know that ted" she laughed, grabbing his hand suddenly, warm and big and rough. She likes it. "Now show me what you got, cowboy. You're too fine not to show off on the dance floor"
They stumbled around the flat, kissing heatedly - all teeth and tounge and the pain of desperation to consume.
"Fuck, you're killing me" she grumbled, eyes half lided and lips red and wet. Her fingers worked in frenzy to take off every clothing he wore, buttons flying and his hat somewhere on the floor.
"Did I mention how good you look tonight?" She nose his neck, licking a stripe that had him shivering. "Did I, darling?"
"N-no, oh god" he moaned when her palm squeezed the outline of his cock on his tight jeans.
She smirked and bit him lightly on the skin between his shoulder.
"Well you are, my love." She whispered, not even bothering to give a flying fuck on the nickname she had accidently slip out. "Absolutely handsome, couldn't keep my fucking eyes off you you know that?"
Ted looked half drunk across you, hair a mess and neck covered with bites. "I-i didnt know ya find, ngh- I didnt know ya find me t-that attractive, sweetheart"
"All the flirting wasn't enough then?" She questioned, pushing him to fall on the couch and he did, easily, with a grunt and a look of anticipation and dark lust.
"Looks like you're more of a visual learner eh?" She sat on his lap, grinding her heated core on his hard cock - wet with slick and thick between her thighs. "What do you say, cowboy? Gonna let me ride you till sunrise?"
Ted moaned loudly, hands gripping her waist and nails digging on the flesh. "Y-yes please"
She smiled, hands slithering on his hair before pulling it to bare his throat to her like a submissive prey would. "Dont worry, darling. I'll take good care of you"
In one move his cock was inside her, thick and splitting her open. A gush of slick drip down her thighs and Ted moaned loudly, not a care in the world. "God.." he groaned, throwing his head back. "Feels good, fuck, ya feel so fuckin' good baby doll"
The nickname send shiver down her spine, a tingling of heat and cold.
"Squeezin' my damn cock so fuckin' tight" he licked his lips before grinning up to her, eyes lazy, dark and blown wide. "Ya sure this cunt ain't made f'me, dollface? You takin' my cock like champ"
She moaned on his filthy words, tounge frozen and chest tight. She could feel him inside her, deep on her guts, moving and rearranging anything it can reach.
"Yeah-fuck, look at ya'" he strike a palm on her ass, loud. "Beautiful thing sat on my cock, s'yours yeah?" He took her mouth, gifting her a wet kiss, pulling her bottom lip. "How ya feelin', bunny? Feels good?"
"Y-yes, feels-fuck, feel so full" she arched her back as Ted's hand went to her waist, big palm squeezing it thigh with his thumb caressing the skin he can reach.
"Cock's too big, ain't it?" He questioned, a lazy smirk on his lips. "Fitting into your tiny cunt just right though yeah? Look at it" his other hand went to her soaking pussy, caressing her folds before sucking it clean with a hummed. "Swallowing me whole easily, what a good fuckin' girl ya are. Makes me wonder if ya can take my cock on the back, fill ya up even more what'd ya say?"
He pulled her close and she gasped as his dick pierced her impossibly more deeper. "Talk to me, darlin'" he nose her neck, breathing warmth on her throat. "Gonna let your man tear ya' up from behind? Shoot my cum inside ya till you're a drippy mess hm?"
Goodness his fucking mouth..' she had thought, shivering.
"Bet ya would huh?" He bit a skin on her neck before sucking it harshly, drawing a bruise and a shiver on her spine. She moaned when his hands went to her ribs, big they were and rough, a hands of a man who could toss her around. "Bet ya would even beg for it, ya naughty thing"
His fingers went to her shoulder, brushing it gently with heavy breath and heated eyes. Tracing the collar bone and the line between her breast before his fingers reach her perked up nipple - making her shudder. "Beautiful" he whispered lowly, as if it was a secret meant only for himself. His hand envelop her whole breast, playing with it as his cock speared her in a pace that had her toes curling. She could feel every vein inside her, every thrust had her cunt quivering and gushing, painting his pelvis with her own slick.
His mouth went to her nipple, hot and smooth and soaking. His tounge swirled and his lashes flutter as he closed his eyes, the hand on her ribs pulled her much closer than before and Ted sucked at her nipple like a man starve, groaning.
She bounce on his cock, moaning wantonly from the fullness between her thighs, she swore she could feel his dick on her throat, so deep and so thick it was splitting her open, making a room inside her just for his cock and his alone.
"Thats it" he remove his mouth off her nipple with a pop before throwing his head back. "Thats it, dollface. Take my cock like ya own it" he clenched his jaw, the litte hair dangling on his forehead moving at every movement she makes, long eyelashes closed and mouth slightly agape.
She moaned when his hips started moving, meeting her thrust halfway through, it hit the hidden spot inside her that made her want to scream and sob and stop at the same time. "T-ted, Ted, Ted!" She repeated his name like a mantra, like a broken prayer of a desperate man, filled with adoration and lust and yearning for something she doesnt even know what.
He groaned loudly, almost like a growl of a feral man before he sat up more straighter, grabbing her closely, impossibly close, pushing her head on his neck and hugging her tight on his own sweaty body that it render immovable and writhing in pleasure. "Gonna fuck your pretty little pussy just like this yeah?" He stated in her ear before his hips started moving much faster, more harder, hitting her spot over and over again that every thrust had her gushing and moaning.
"Yeah, fuck yeah, t-take it, take it, take it" he repeated in her ear, thick thick cock spearing her mercilessly until she was sobbing and drawing her nails on his shoulder.
"S'too m-much!" She complained and yet she widen her thighs further more, savoring the feeling of his wet cock. "T-teddyy" she whined, pushing her face into his neck as tears fell from her eyes.
"What got ya cryin' now, sweetheart?" He chuckled breathlessly, hips still moving, dick still splitting her open. His hand went to her nape, grabbing it with his whole palm before pulling it to glimpse at her fucked out face. "Even with tears drippin' on your cheeks you're fuckin' beautiful" he pecked her lips sweetly before drawing back, a grin on his lips. "'S my cock too much for ya' dolly? Daddy hurtin' your cunt hm? Do-dont worry.." his hand tighten. "Gonna give ya my cum to make it all better"
That was the last straw of it all, snapping everything in place, cogs turning and limbs rigid.
She came on his cock with a cry and a thousand tears on her cheeks, back arching and quivering that Ted had to hold him more tighter. She could feel her cum dripping down his cock, soaking him wet. Ted moaned in return, loving the filth of it all, basking on it even - he watched her face relax and brows furrowed, letting herself be used even when her cunt throbs.
"T-teddy" she whined lowly, biting her lip. Her hand went to his arm, gripping it tight. "C-cant, m'too, im too s-sensitive!"
"Just a lil' mo-more" he groaned, holding her waist now, lifting her up and bringing her down, completely using her like she was only a hole for him, a cum dump. "Ya can take it, d-darlin'. M'sure ya could yeah? Jus-just a little, be good f'me"
She squealed and she sob, soaping cunt loud at every thrust. He was breathing heavily then, sweating like a dog in heat as he split her. Thighs sticky and cunt still dripping.
"Fu-fuck, bunny" he groaned, grinding her on his throbbing cock. "M' close, f-fuck, so fuckin' close" he whined, head thumping on her chest, breath warming her breast. "G-gonna cum, can-can i, can I fill ya' up? Pleas-please please, oh god.." the sound he had made was between a sob and a moan, it made her guts coil, made her cheeks hot.
"Mhm hm" she nod her head quickly, pulling him close to him. "P-please cum inside me, t-ted pl-please" tears drip down her cheeks, cunt swollen and clit throbbing with need. Hes stretching her wide, touching every corner of her inside.
"Y-yeah, thank you dolly, fu-fuck thank you" he groaned and push his hips much faster, fucking her silly with his cock. "Gonna fill your pretty pussy up nice and good yeah?" He was breathing heavily, heaving chest and throbbing cock. She can feel it more on her guts, a dull bump on her tummy at every movement he makes."G-gonna have ya drippin' f'me, use ya' like a fuckin hole and dump my spunk into your pussy yeah? Fuck!" He gave a harsh thrust "Oh god, sweetheart oh fuck i love you"
Her eyes widen.
"Love ya' so fuckin' much" he growled, pulling her onto his lap before he lift his hips up and gave her a single harsh thrust. "Fucking take it, take it, take it" he repeated in her ear as his cum came flooding in, hot and so so many.
"Yeah, s-shit look'a that. 'S too much its dripping out'a ya'" he groaned, thrusting slower then, riding his high.
"Ya did such a good job" he sighed as he had stopped, pulling out of her with a low moan and a shudder.
He kissed her forehead with a lazy grin.  "Lets get ya clean-"
"You said you love me" she interrupted him with a wide eyes and a blushing cheeks.
"You told me you love me" she repeated, as if in trance. "You said you love me so much earlier, you repeated it twice, Ted"
Ted sat frozen underneath her before looking away, suddenly so so sad.
"I-yeah, okay, no point in-in denying i supposed" his brows furrowed and his eyes had turned into that softer gentler look that had her heart always aching. "I love ya..for, for a long time. Don't know how it started and I'm quiet upset im confessing to ya' like this but what do I do" he chuckled but the humour on it was gone. He met her eyes, earnest, adoring, the same gaze he had used to looked at her for as long as she can remember, a gaze she couldn't put a finger on back then but could finally see it as clearly as day now.
"I love you, im inlove with you, stu-stupidly so and I get it if ya don't feel the same, its okay and I can do whatever ya like me too after this, I can walk away or I can pretend to never know ya at-"
She kissed him.
She kissed him like he would loose him.
Like any second he would turn into ashes, flew in the air and never to be return again. Tasted him like It would be her last to see him for a very long time, as if he's off to war with death hanging like a noose on his head, ready to pull and ready to kill.
"I love you too, you fucking idiot" she grinned up to him, eyes wet and cheeks hurting.
"I love you, Ted. I fucking love you"
Ted smiled, big and bright despite the darkness of the night. He looks beautiful with happiness lingering on his eyes.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, fuck yes"
Their lips met and yeah..yeah maybe Halloween wasn't too bad.
Ted smiled on her lips and it tasted sickeningly sweet as a melted sugar.
Yep, it definitely wasn't bad at all.
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bestedoesmeow · 1 year
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summary : You decide to mock Charles after the ''almost hitting a fan with his car'' video.
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'' You want to go and grab breakfast, amour? Charles said. He was laying his body on the bathroom's door frame while you were brushing your teeth with half-open eyes. You caught his gaze from the mirror. His lips were curled into a wide grin while watching you try to start the day.
'' Aren't we going to eat in the hotel? Or is it already lunch time?'' You said. You were trying not to sound so disappointed. Because you were not in the mood to leave the hotel until the GP.
'' Je suis désolé Y/N but yes its almost lunch time'' He said, while laughing at your 'eagerness'.
'' Why didn't you wake me up, did you miss the breakfast too?'' You said when toothpaste was still inside your mouth. It was high time you spit it.
As he approached you in the bathroom, he said. "I slept with you last night, and you were exhausted. I've gotten used to it, but jet lag is no joke." While you were rinsing your mouth, he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. You turned to face him and flashed a wide smile, revealing your pearly whites, inviting him to give you a quick kiss.
'' Okay, wear something and then we'll leave, I can't wait much longer.'' He said before leaving a kiss to the crown of your head. It always made you happy, that little interaction. Charles always managed to make you feel comfortable, safe and loved. You smiled at him as to answer before he left.
'' I am going to check on Carlos, we'll meet outside D'accord, bébé?'' He said when you were busy getting clothes out of your luggage.
'' Sure, I'll be there quickly.'' You said while taking off your hoodie in order to wear the red jumper you chose to wear. Charles left the room after he got an answer from you. You were still so tired and sleepy that you couldn't find the energy to wear something showy, or do your makeup. Also you were not going to an event, you were going to grab breakfast so you decided to wear your leggings with your sneakers. You grabbed your bag and applied sunscreen before leaving the room.
Charles was inside of the car, you could hear the hoarse sound of the music that was coming from the radio. You opened the door, but instead of placing yourself on the passenger seat, you looked at Charles from the open window.
'' Amour, why aren't you sitting? Something wrong?''He said when he stucked his head out of the car window. Save Your Tears were playing on the radio.
'' You know what, I'll get a taxi, send me the adress will you Charles?'' You said while trying to act serious.
''Êtes-vous sérieux? What's the matter?'' Charles said worriedly, you wished you had your camera ready to film his reaction. He raised his eyebrows before lowering the volume of the radio.
'' Yes, I saw the way you drove, you were almost gonna kill your fan, Charles. This is not a race track, you just can't overtake people on the road.'' You said this time mockingly. Your lips were curled into a halfway grin with his reaction.
'' I am worried for my life amour, I am sorry.''
Charles this time closed his eyes and rest his head on the driver seat before bursting into laughter.
'' You saw the video?'' He said when he opened the passenger door for you to sit.
You took a deep breath and placed on to seat, fastened your seatbelt aggresively and fast in order to mock Charles for the last time that afternoon.
'' Maybe, I will be fine like this, I am still not sure tho-'' You said before giving a look at Charles who was leaving the parking lot.
''Yeah, yeah maybe wear a helmet and googles next time huh? amour?''
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thedarlingdearestdead · 8 months
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Summary: Enemies to lovers (kind of), you are on a mission with overly handsy General Skywalker, you try to resist but... come on...
Warnings: None :)
Word count: 1,340
The dimly lit corridor of the Republic Cruiser seemed to close in on you as you ventured deeper into the heart of the ship. It was barely wide enough to fit the two of you. Anakin Skywalker, your fellow Jedi and mission partner, led the way, his Jedi robes flowing gracefully around him. You were following closely behind, green lightsaber securely fastened to your belt. The tension of the mission hung heavily in the air. 
He looked back at you as you met the end of the corridor, a wide grin on his face. He loved this. General Skywalker, the saviour of the Jedi, the golden boy, chosen one – he wore many titles, but in moments like these, he was just Anakin, still a teenage boy. You could only humour him as you nodded back, gesturing that you were ready to continue. 
His face turned serious then, his blue eyes flickering in the darkness, moving towards the door to your left, the door which hopefully led to the emergency escape passage, and a ladder towards your goal; the intelligence offices. He had aged in the war, you all had. 
We reached the door, and Anakin brought his gloved hand to the control panel. With a soft hiss, the door slid open, revealing a narrow passage bathed in dim emergency lighting. It was clear that this part of the cruiser hadn't seen much use in a long time.
“After you.” He said, his cheeky demeanour somewhat undermined by his searching, scanning eyes and defensive stance. He was ready for a fight, ready for some enemy to come out of the dark. You were certain that he was capable, that he knew what he was doing. His casual tone still annoyed you though.
It wasn’t the first time the two of you had been paired together for a mission, it happened with increasing frequency, especially as Anakin climbed through the army ranks for some reason… 
The passage seemed to stretch on forever, a labyrinthine maze of twists and turns. It was a stark contrast to the grandeur of the Republic Cruiser's more accessible areas.
As you walked, your sense heightened and your body became more alert. Your fingers flexed slightly, sensing an energy coming from somewhere ahead. The passage was far too dark to see any further than a few feet ahead but eventually your hands found the rungs of the ladder that you had to climb.
Anakin glanced at you, his eyes locking onto yours in the dim light. "After you," he repeated, gesturing for you to start the ascent.
You rolled your eyes but acquiesced. Tucking your hair behind your ears you began to climb, your boots echoing softly against the metal rungs. As you ascended, you couldn't help but feel Anakin's eyes on you, his presence close behind. The tension in the confined space was palpable, and you knew it wasn't just the mission that was causing it.
“These missions really do bring us closer together, don't they?” He says from underneath you. 
“It’s certainly cosy, General.” And it was. The ladder was enclosed in a small pipe-like structure, enough room to crouch and climb and not much else. 
The ladder seemed to go on forever, each rung taking you deeper into the heart of the ship. Your heart raced, not just from the physical exertion, but from the pressure of Anakin’s gaze. 
As you neared the top of the ladder, and the cover which you would need to arise from, Anakin climbed close behind you. His hand brushed against your waist and he pulled himself to your level, his long arms encapsulating you body. You tensed and resisted the urge to elbow him. His presence sent a jolt of electricity through your body. He didn't move his hand away, even as he ran his other over the edges of the hatch. You couldn’t pull away either, clinging onto the ladder with him against your back. 
“Do you mind?” You say, sharply. 
“Not at all.”
You close your eyes, praying to the force for patience.
“Ready?” he whispered, his breath warm against your ear. His voice was low and husky, sending shivers down your spine. It was a dangerous game he was playing, in the darkness of the passage, with the mission hanging in the balance…
He opens the hatch quickly and jumps out, clearly ready for a battle. But he meets no resistance, instead he lowers his hand down to help you out of the tunnel. 
You shove his arm away and pull yourself out stubbornly. 
The dim emergency lighting cast shadows across Anakin's face as he watched you with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "Always so difficult, aren't you?" he remarked, his voice laced with a touch of sarcasm.
You shot him a glare, your eyes locked onto his. "I can handle myself, Skywalker," you retorted, your tone dripping with irritation.
Anakin's lips curled into a smirk, and he stepped closer to you, closing the distance between you. His eyes bore into yours, his blue gaze unwavering. "I've noticed," he said, his voice dropping to a low, seductive tone that sent a shiver down your spine.
You gritted your teeth, refusing to be distracted. “We have a mission to complete, General.” You say the last word slow, as if to put him in his place, like he wasn’t your leading commander. 
He chuckled softly, the sound sending a tingle of frustration through you. "You're always so serious," he said, leaning in closer until his lips were dangerously close to yours. "You should learn to relax a little.”
The proximity between you was maddening, and you couldn't help but be acutely aware of the tension that hung in the air. Anakin's gaze flickered down to your lips, and you could see the desire burning in his eyes. But then he steps back, and smirks. 
Anakin sighed, his expression shifting from playful to serious. "alright," he conceded, straightening up. "Let's get this over with.”
The two of you continued down the narrow passage, the tension between you simmering just beneath the surface. It was a constant battle of wills, a push and pull of attraction and irritation.
As you reached the intelligence offices, Anakin took the lead once more, his focus on the task at hand. You followed closely behind, your senses on high alert, scanning the area for any signs of danger.
The mission proceeded with precision, your Jedi training guiding your every move. Anakin's presence was a constant, reassuring presence by your side, even as you exchanged sharp words and glares. It was a dance of conflicting emotions, a battle between desire and duty. In the end, you prevailed, the enemy defeated, and the mission accomplished. But as you stood there, victorious but bruised, the tension between you and Anakin remained unresolved.
He approached you, his eyes searching yours, his voice softening. "We make a good team, you know," he said, his words filled with a sincerity that caught you off guard.
You couldn't help but soften in response, the anger and frustration giving way to a reluctant admiration. "Yeah," you admitted, a hint of a smile playing at your lips. "We do.”
Anakin's lips curled into a genuine smile, and he reached out to touch your arm, a gesture of camaraderie that felt strangely intimate. "Maybe one day we'll figure out how to get along outside of missions too.”
You raised an eyebrow, your guard still firmly in place. "Don't hold your breath, Skywalker."
Anakin didn't waste a moment. His lips crashed onto yours in a fiery, passionate kiss, and any pretence of restraint was shattered. It had probably been building for months. The world around you faded away as you lost yourselves in each other's embrace. His hands moved possessively over your body, fingers tracing the contours of your curves through your Jedi robes.
Almost without stopping, but with a cursory glance around the room, Anakin dragged you over to a narrow door to the right, closing it behind you, you realised that it was a closet. 
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roobiedo · 5 months
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Happy Solarpunk Aesthetic Week and Winter Solstice! ❄️
While we do celebrate here, we don't actually experience winter in my region, or any of the classic four seasons! The weather here is basically a coin toss between searing heat and torrential rain lol. So while I was musing over how to adapt a solarpunk aesthetic to a tropical lifestyle, I came up with this!
Lengthy explanations and chaotic ideas below:
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Disclaimer: I am not a science-y person, so I'm not sure how any of these would technically work or what materials would go into making them. Hopefully one day someone could figure it out, but I'm just having fun sharing these ideas for now :)
What works well both in harsh sunlight and heavy downpours, plus is already something that people here use everyday? Umbrellas! How cool would it be to have an umbrella that absorbs sunlight during the day, and turns it into a personal spotlight at night? Or perhaps it could absorb and store large amounts of rainwater, to be re-used later or released somewhere more useful?
My main inspiration for this is the bamboo. This plant already plays a huge role in our lives here -- culturally, economically, and from what I recently learned, ecologically too! Our region suffers from floods often, and bamboo can help to control the flow of water, for example through their roots providing a barrier against soil erosion, or their ability to store large amounts of water and release it gradually during drier seasons. (And that's just one of the many reasons why bamboos are awesome and solarpunky!) I thought it would be cool to have water stored in the 'bamboo nodes' of the umbrella shaft, which could then be detached and used individually, or as components in other tech!
I chose the Amazonian lily pad as the canopy design because 1) it looks big enough to cover a person, 2) it has a wide surface for solar panels to 'photosynthesize' energy, 3) its container-like shape looks as though it could hold rainwater like a funnel while it trickles into the shaft, and 4) it just looks really pretty! Realistically, this canopy might not be able to do everything at once, so I'm hoping for this tech to be modular and highly customizable -- as in, you could replace this 'lily pad' with something else that serves a different function! I did play around with some other designs, here they are hehe
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Hibiscus: Our national flower! Have these bad boys growing in my yard so I thought why not. Not sure what functions it would have yet... perhaps the pistil could be a sensor for gathering weather data? Or maybe the anthers are little lights? Maybe it attracts BEES???
Mushroom: Not familiar with the fungi in my area yet so I went with the classic Amanita. Though now I'm kinda regretting because! Wouldn't it be so cool and lunarpunky to design it based on a bio-luminescent mushroom, so it would make sense for the umbrella to glow in the dark? AGH missed opportunities ;;
Anyway while I was designing the umbrella I thought about giving the model a cool fit too, so tadaaa! A customizable pair of pants that can be worn as a shorts + half-skirt/sarong combo during hot weather, or extended to become a full pair of jeans during colder/rainy times! I used zippers as the connectors because they seem easy to sew on and I like the punky vibe it adds to the outfit. HOWEVER, I'm realising that might be inconvenient or way too time consuming for some people. Maybe buttons, magnets or hook-and-loop fasteners would be easier?
As for the shirt, idk that was just for fun. Maybe it changes colour/design based on the surrounding temperature?
So YEAH that was my longer-than-expected idea dump for this week! Thank you for reading <3 If you have any thoughts or ways of expanding on these ideas please please please share them with me I'm just really excited to see what people think waaaaa!!! ok bye stay hydrated
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seishirospeaches · 1 year
- them reacting to their crushes confessing to them
genre: fluff
warning: crabs, frogs (you might be afraid of them so heads up)
characters: nagi seishiro, bachira meguru, gin gagamaru, kenyu yukimiya 💗
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it just happened one morning, everything was peaceful. So it seems, but you were in a middle of crisis debating whether or not to back out.
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─── 凪 誠士郎
It was his birthday today, you wanted to make something special for him that's why you decided to bake him a cake. You wanted to make sure everything was perfect, the icing wasn't too sweet and the cake wasn't dry either. You mentally gave yourself a fist bump.
But once you showed up in school the first thing you notice was Nagi being surrounded by girls, both in different class section. You somehow felt down about this, knowing you weren't any different from them, of course he was famous with the ladies even his best friend Reo.
You decided to keep the cake to yourself and maybe give it to him in lunch break, the whole time you were silent you practically ignored the words of your teacher giving lecture and just stared outside.
Watching the cloud pass by in each second, it was somewhat amusing. As lunch came by you decided to leave the cake to his table followed by a note.
Everyone left the room, leaving you alone in the silence. You fasten your movements in hopes to leave the room before anyone else comes back in, the last thing you would ever want.
Placing them up top his desk beside the pink letter, suddenly the door swings open. You heard Nagi behind you.
"What's that?" He looks to your hands notably seeing the cake box along with a letter. He casually walks closer looking somewhat amused by this.
He was quick to grab the letter from your hands, you put down the cake chasing him but it was futile he was just taller than you. (my tall baby)
His eyes scanned the letter, you wanted to leave but you couldn't do so as if your toes was planted on the ground.
So you used your hair to shield your face, you felt yourself heating up from embarrassment but above all you couldn't look him in the eye since the letter contains your feelings about him.
'Happy Birthday Nagi, I hope you continue to do what you love and always be happy.
You may not know me, but I have always liked you. <3'.
You heard him giggle, you slowly looked up. He faces you as he pats your head. It was the first time seeing him smile widely and even his laugh sounded like a soft feather, so light and soft.
"I'm glad I'm the one you like, because I like you too."
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─── 蜂楽 廻
Your friends decided to drag you outside the comfort of your home, it was Friday night and everyone wanted to unwind. That being said you were inside a karaoke with all of your classmates.
Bachira was late since he just got off practice, you were anxious being beside him you have feelings for him in such a long time.
Everyone thinks Bachira was such a weird kid, but even you had your own imaginary friend which was a bunch of crabs and frogs. You see nothing odd about someone who is lively and full of energy.
Later on it was your turn to sing, you were anxious because you didn't want to look stupid in front of the man you like but he was kind enough to ask if you wanted to do a duet with him, it was so horrible it ended in tears and laughter.
Your stomach hurts badly thanks to Bachira's singing skills, he wasn't that talented to singing.
When the night came Bachira offers to walk you home, since you to were practically neighbors. You had a sudden feeling to be bold for once, and you decided to do something you wish you didn't do because you didn't thought of the possibility of getting rejected.
'Fuck it' you thought.
"I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU MEGURU BACHIRA, I ALWAYS HAVE AND EVER SINCE. I LOVE YOU!" You shouted on top of your lungs, disturbing the peace. Hopefully none of your neighbors walk out and see whatever ruckus was going on outside the streets.
Bachira smiled, he walks back talking your hands. "I shouldn't have waited for tomorrow." You looked at him puzzled, he understood what you were thinking.
"I was planning to confess my feelings for you, but you beat me to it." His laugh was adorable, you could see the tinge of redness in his cheeks, he was flustered.
"I love you too, idiot."
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─── 我牙丸 吟 (mountain boy)
Being friends with Gagamaru is pretty adventurous. Wild nature walks then a wild animal would appear, him saying he knows the way back to the main street but you two ended up getting lost in a middle of nowhere not until the authorities had to look for the two of you.
It was always fun and exciting to have another day to spend with him, but you kept it in the shadows about how you ended up falling in love with him.
It started as a joke between the two of you, "You might end up liking me." He would joke around, but you would playfully smack his arm denying the fact that you would but you did and now it feels like a disaster.
It wasn't until the two of you got stuck in the middle of a pouring rain, resting by the bus waiting station.
He sighed for what felt like the millionth time, "Aren't you getting tired of me?" He asked, you shook your head no, he just looks at you his eyes showed many emotions you knew he has more to say but you decided to wait for him and let him talk.
"I can't read a map, I live like Tarzan as people say and I don't know how to use chopsticks. Weird isn't it." You whispered 'no'.
"You aren't weird to me Maru, you even find me weird for using chopstick or fork while I eat chips, and even find me weird eating tons of ice cream flavors all at once." He lets out a laugh, you couldn't help but let out a snort, Gagamaru turns to you your legs resting on his lap as you both waited till the rain stops.
"Whoever gets to marry you is lucky." He suddenly lets out his thoughts, thinking about you made his heart race yet he couldn't find in himself to admit he has already fallen in love with his weird/cute best friend.
"I already have one in mind, but it might be too forward or too soon."
"What do you mean about that?"
Facing him until you close the gap between the two of you, placing your palms on either side of his face.
"I like no one else but you, Maru."
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─── 雪宮 剣優
(I went feral on the right panel, I looove him sm💗)
Yuki was always helping you, whether it was science, math or even Japanese literature.
He was always around until you got use to him, he seemed somewhat intimidating at first because he was pretty well known. He was friends with people around him and slowly you became one of his friends too, but that wasn't it.
Even before you have always admired Yuki from afar.
Giving him those mysterious letters you leave inside his cubby hole, desk and even inside his bag when no one is around. You don't peep inside his privacy just sneaking the things you just wanted to give him.
It wasn't long till you invited him over, since finals was near you needed his help even more. You didn't want to cram anymore and decided to make a change, you wanted to be more responsible student. (ehem ehem, I'm doing this but I still have pendings, midterms was soo hard I could hardly study.)
You left to go to the comfort room, soon after you came back with some snacks in your hand but you noticed Yuki saw those familiar papers scattered on your table, even those little star stickers you always place on the letters better yet the letter you decided to give him for tomorrow.
He faces you, seemingly confused yet you notice a glint of amusement in his face.
"So, it was you?" You wanted the ground to swallow you whole on your spot, you placed the tray down explaining to him that you were sorry, you didn't even thought this one through and better yet you weren't even prepared to face him about your feelings.
He places them down, leaning close to you ears. You could smell his cologne as his lips kisses your ear you felt ticklish.
"I'm happy to hear that it's you, because I love you too."
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a/n: I hope you enjoyed this one and have yourself some Barou Kyuuun.
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pahtoosh · 1 year
you’ll always have a place here
summer celebration masterlist
wc: ~1100 words
warnings: baby has a bad dream. fears of being unwanted. so cheesy. like soooo cheesy.
a/n: this piece had like three totally different iterations😭 my brain is melting i can’t look at words anymore
pairing: stucky x gn!little!reader
summary: you have a bad dream and doubt your daddies’ love for you
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“We can’t keep doing this.”
“Doing what?”
“Taking care of you, babying you! God, do you have any idea how hard it is on us?
“I- I’m sorry, I-“
“We’re tired of it. We want you gone.”
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
You startled awake. There was a deep pain in your chest and you were breathing heavily. You started to remember the dream and cried. How could your daddies be so cruel?
Something came to rest on your shoulder, making you flinch.
Steve retracted his hand. “Sorry, sweetness. We heard you crying and you didn’t answer when we knocked so we decided to check on you. What happened?”
You wanted to tell him to go away, but your Dada’s gentle, concerned gaze made you feel safe. He wouldn’t hurt you and you couldn’t hurt him.
“H- had a bad dweam.”
“Aww, I’m sorry to hear that, baby.”
“D- daddies was m-mean to me an-“ the thought of repeating what your nightmare daddies said made you burst into tears again.
“What, sweetness, what was it?”
You shook your head and hid behind your hands. Bucky came up on the other side of you. “That’s okay, angel. Are you feeling overwhelmed right now?”
You nodded and crawled into Bucky’s lap, burrowing your face into his neck.
“Is someone feeling very small right now?”
You hesitated before nodding again.
He spoke quieter this time. “Does someone need their daddies?”
You were quiet, scaring Bucky into thinking that he overstepped. But then you quietly whispered, “Need daddies”. With their supersoldier hearing, Steve and Bucky just barely caught it.
Steve cooed, scooted closer, and comfortingly rubbed your back. “Daddies are here, baby.”
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
When you calmed down, Steve and Bucky brought you to the kitchen for breakfast.
“Let’s get some food into that belly of yours. Your brain needs all the energy it can get!” Dada got the food ready while Baba set the table.
“Do you want a bib, angel? Dada and I saw these and thought you might like them.”
You were taken aback by their kindness. “For me?”
“Yeah for you! Now, do you want the flowers or the stars?”
“Um, stars please.”
“Good manners, baby.” He kissed your cheek and then helped fasten the string around your collar.
Steve reappeared to put the plates of food on the table. “Oh, someone’s looking very cute right now.”
You blushed at the compliment.
“Do you want us to feed you, sweetness?”
You looked away and toyed with your bib. “Don’t wanna be a bother.”
“You’re not botherin’ anyone, baby. This is what daddies are for. Here, open wide for the pancake plane.” Steve held out a forkful of pancakes toward you.
“Can it be a submarine instead?” you asked shyly.
“Well if it’s a submarine, now I gotta start over!” Steve brought the fork from the plate to your mouth again, this time bobbing the utensil up and down slowly to make it move more like a submarine.
You giggled at the show he was putting on for you and happily took a bite.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
After breakfast, Steve and Bucky decided you could have a little screen time and watch one of your favorite shows. They were a little shaken by this morning and thought a treat would help you get your mind off of it.
As you sat between your daddies and watched the colors dancing on the screen, your mind began to wander. You were doing exactly what your nightmare daddies hated. Forcing them to watch a show that only you like when they could be working or doing something they liked.
You daddies noticed a shift in the air. Your heart was beating fast, you were breathing a little heavier, and your eyes were pointed forward but not looking at or focused on anything.
They turned off the TV and went into caregiver mode.
Steve gently guided your hands away from scratching holes into your pants and rested your palms on his chest so you could feel his heart.
“Breathe with me, baby. In, and out. Just like that, perfect.”
When you calmed down, you broke away from Steve’s hold. Instead of crawling into your Dada or Baba’s lap like you so desperately wanted to, you hugged a pillow and sunk into the couch.
“I’m okay now. Yous guys- uh, you guys can go do whatever you want now.”
“What do you mean, babydoll?”
“I know you guys don’t want to just sit here and watch TV with me so you can go. I’ll be okay by myself.”
“Sweetheart, what makes you think we don’t wanna be with you?”
“I just know, okay?” You were getting frustrated now, why did they keep arguing with you?
Bucky connected the dots. “Oh, baby. Is this about the dream you had?” His head was tilted to the side and his eyebrows scrunched together. He looked so sad and worried.
You had to turn away.
“Sweetheart, we love you,” Steve began. “And that means we wanna spend time with you. It doesn’t matter if it’s your big activities or your small ones, we want it all with you.”
You began to sniffle and hid behind the pillow.
“Angel, maybe you’d feel better if you tell Dada and Baba what happened in that dream of yours. Can you try? We promise we won’t be mad.”
You shook your head. You didn’t want to make this a bigger deal than it already was. You felt immature and undeserving of their comfort.
“Please tell us, we just wanna help.”
You took a shaky breath and explained. “You said you didn’t wanna take care of me anymore. You said you were tired and you wanted me gone.”
“Oh, baby.” Your daddies wrapped their arms around you as you cried again.
“It was so m-mean and it felt so real,” you sobbed.
“Sweetness, I’m so sorry you had to hear that. We would never, ever say something like that to you.”
“Yeah, Dada and I are crazy about you, you know that?”
“You are?” You looked out from behind the pillow to see from your daddies’ faces if they were lying.
“Sure are. We talk about you nonstop with the team when we’re on missions, we can’t wait to get home with you. And when we’re with you, we’re as happy as can be.”
“You’re it for us. You make all of this,” your Baba waved his hand in the air, “worth doing.”
You pushed the pillow aside and hugged your daddies close. “Thank you, Baba. Thank you, Dada. I’m sorry I believed the dream.”
“Shh, you’ve got nothin’ to apologize for. Anytime you need a reminder of how much Baba and I love you, we’re here.”
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beansprean · 2 years
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Who put this drama in my funny ghost au
My Familiar’s Ghost Part 10
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Close up on a tall illuminated billboard-type sign that says “U-Store”. The night sky beyond is still dotted with a few stars, but clearly beginning to lighten. Offscreen, Nandor exclaims “Ugh, it is almost dawn! Guillermo should be very thankful to us for all the trouble we are going through for him.” Colin replies, “Oh, I intent to collect, energy-wise. Once we find his corporeal self, he’s gonna owe me, like, two screenings of “Queen of the Damned”. Just cycles of horniness, boredom, and rage for 200 minutes, and just enough Aaliyah on the screen to keep him from passing out.” 1b. Wide shot of Nandor and Colin walking through a corridor at an outdoor storage facility, each small garage-type door on either side fastened by a padlock on the bottom. Nandor looks around anxiously and asks “How do we know which one of these storage holes is correct?” Colin, walking ahead with his hands in his peacoat pockets and a smug smile on his face, brags “I bet I could puzzle it out. I’m a bit of a detective. What do we know about this Derek guy?” 1c. Close up of Nandor and Colin on a white background covered in ellipses, both looking to opposite sides and humming with a frown. Text in parentheses at the bottom answers the question: nothing. 1d. Close up of Nandor’s boots coming to a stop in front of an unremarkable storage unit. Colin continues from up ahead, offscreen, “Maybe we should have brought Stu along…” 1e. Close up of Colin turning around as Nandor announces from offscreen “It is this one.” Colin looks a little disappointed, saying “What? Aw, man. How can you tell?”
2a. Close up on a suddenly very serious and angry Nandor on a dark red splattered background, face thrown into sharp angles by deep shadow, eyes glowing gold beneath a heavily furrowed brow. He lifts his upper lip in a snarl, fangs long and gleaming, and responds, “I can smell Guillermo’s blood.” 2b. Close up on Nandor’s hand gripping the padlock on the storage unit and rattling it angrily. 2c. His grip tightens, denting the metal on all sides, and he pulls the lock straight off the hook, shattering the shackle completely with a loud SNAP.
3a. Shot from inside the storage unit as Nandor rolls the door up, he and Colin silhouetted by the light in the corridor and throwing long shadows into the room. In the foreground we see the storage unit is a plain concrete square containing a closed polished wood coffin on the left and a massive pool of bright red blood on the right. Some of it is splattered up the wall, and certainly looks to be more than a human could safely lose. 3b. Close up of Nandor and Colin in deep shadow, staring at what has been revealed. Nandor’s face is screwed up in an expression best described as rage struggling not to turn into sorrow, brow deeply furrowed and mouth pressed in a shaky line. His eyes, focused on the pool of blood, blaze gold. Colin stares at the same spot, brows lifted in horror and worry, and declares, “That’s…a lot of blood.” /end ID
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coqxettee · 1 year
How to be like
🧁 Cat Valentine 🎀
Tips on how to be like the cutest, pink, sugar frosting girl in the whole wide world.
Cat Valentine!! 🍭💖👄🌸🍰💝🍥
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MORNING: ☀️ Start every day with a positive attitude! Cat is fun loving, free spirited and sweet. Wake up and put on your snuggliest, pinkest, fluffiest pyjamas! Snuggle with a stuffe in bed for a while and read a book/check your phone to wake you up 💘
Try and always be in your own world. Cheery and optimistic as possible 💘
Eat sweet, sugary cereal for breakfast! I imagine cat likes lucky charms and have it with some chocolate milk! 🌈
Have a shower and use the sugariest, sweetest shower gel, body lotion and products you can find 🧁 We want to smell like a cupcake all day long, so make sure you use a body cream, hand cream, body sprays/perfume and a lip balm so you radiate cotton candy energy all day 💘
WARDROBE:🎀 ANYTHING pink! Floral print, denim jeans, pink zip-up hoodies, flats & pumps, floral dresses, pink mesh skirts, peplum tops, pink tanks, cardigans, tracksuits, anything with frills and lace, babydoll dresses and anything that gives a soft, vintage, feminine feel! The list is endless! 💘
HAIR: 🎀 Section your hair into a side part and twist the two pieces you have sectioned behind your head. Fasten with small hair pins/small claw clips. (Cat uses those exact ones!) Lastly, using a curling iron, tightly curl the ends of your hair. Lots of tight, springy ringlets! Finish with hairspray and your done! Easy Cat Valentine hair 💁🏼‍♀️
MAKEUP: 🎀 A full face of the cutest makeup you can find! Go heavy on the blush and add a line of eyeliner to your lid. Use glittery eyeshadow if you have it and use pink, sparkly lip gloss on your lips! 👄💖
Have a cute school bag/stationary/supplies. Never be afraid to customise and make everything look adorable and PINK 💗
Listen to pink, bubblegum pop-music! Put your earphones in and listen to some 2013, girly throwback music. Ariana’s album “Yours truly” is great for this, and so is her song “put your hearts up” she once said in an interview that she feels that if Cat had a single, it would of been “put your hearts up!” 🎶💗
Eat sweet, sugary things! 🍭🧁🍓🍰 Cat looooooves sugar. Especially Bibble! There are loads of “Bibble inspired” recipes online made with popcorn, but if you are in the UK, you can also buy “Rainbow Drops” from any food store! They are basically Bibble and they are soooo sweet and crunchy. They are also colourful too! 🌈 Cat loves candy, sugary breakfast cereal, ice cream and red velvet cupcake! Always carry around candy with you and offer it to others when you can! 🍭🌈💖
Carry a stuffed animal around with you. You don’t have to do this ofc, but even if it’s a cute little keychain to your backpack or bag! 🐰💘
Wear cross body bags/purses in the shape of animals or cute things. Clip a bunch of cute keychains and badges to them to customise them and make them yours! 💘
Have a cute phone case and add a cute phone charm too! Organise your phone layout and have something pink and sugary/something that makes you happy as your lock screen! 💘
Always wear cotton candy/sweet scented perfumes and body sprays so you smell like a sugar girl allllll day long 💘
Cat Valentine Activities: Watch kids cartoons, colour in colouring books, read fairytales, go to the beach, go to a dessert shop, sing, sew, study, go to the fairground, and spend time with friends! Have fun everyday and don’t be afraid to bring out your inner child. Cat is all about healing her inner child 💘
Have a pink colourful room! Cat’s room is AMAZING. Even though it’s split in half with Sam’s, she has everything she loved scattered about. Pink, glitter, sweets, stuffed animals, rainbows and more! Add some of these into your own room to give it that Cat Valentine feel 💘
Collect stuffed animals! Cat has a HUGE collection, she also has a lot of the “TY beanie baby’s” and unicorn plushies! She even gave them names and birthdays🤣💘
NIGHT: 🌙 It’s time to unwind after a long day of being ditzy and adorable. Have a relaxing bath/shower using your favourite scented products and get into a fluffy onsie! Cat has candy jammies! 🍭 Warm up some hot coco or milk to help you relax. Chill out and watch a comfort cartoon show/movie, read a book and snuggle up with your stuffies. Drift off to dream happy, sugar frosting dreams 🌈💖🍭🌸🐰
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And there you go! 🍭💖
I hope this was fun to read! I mainly wrote it to get my thoughts out and because I love the character. Cat is a great character to take inspiration from because she is so cheerful and has her friends best interests at heart, therefore she is so fun and lovely to be around. I hope this post helps you radiate her ditzy, cutesy energy at the very least 🎀💖🍭🐰🌸🌙🌈💘
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moonmaiden1996 · 2 years
Claiming his Mate- Part Ten
 Very Mature 
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You were forced back into softness without time to let out a gasp. Knocking the air from your lungs, you watched helplessly as Morpheus’s hand reached out. With one powerful tug, the dress ripped from your body, sending you juddering against the bed in horror as the material turned to dust in the air. His onyx eyes burned into you, a gleeful spark igniting in those murky orbs as formless black tendrils wrapped around your thighs, dragging you harshly down the softness of the sheets. No matter how you kicked or twisted, the thick vines ensnared you fast and firm, unrelenting till you were displayed before him like a sacrifice on an altar. Thighs pried apart; arms tugged gently, leaving you bare and exposed to him.
"Morpheus... What?" you gasped as his eyes roamed your body.
"Hush, My Queen. Save your strength... you will need it. The Fates tell me it is rather arduous." The husky voice purred.
‘’Morpheus, please... wait," you tugged helplessly on the swirling masses that held you down.
"Save your pretty words, my love. I have tried to show you only my best intentions. I gave you soft dreams and brought you to my home, my heart... I showered you with only the best I could offer. Yet you spurn me still. Deny me your love. But not anymore. You are mine."
"Morpheus, you must understand... "you choked as his fingers traced the delicate folds of your core.
‘’I understand everything. Your fragility…your humanity… it clouds your understanding, but after you become mine, it won’t be a problem." With a flick of his wrist, he summand a large square wooden box. The same from the library, adorned in strange carvings. ‘’I had hoped to gift this before the ceremony for you to wear, but it still looks stunning on you.’’
Morpheus purred, snapping open the box. Inside a gleaming band, a crown so bright it was almost blinding, so delicate it threatened to shatter into dust in his hands, almost breathing upon it would destroy it. Gently he lifted it across your head, and with a shiver, you felt it slide across your skin, fastening tight, its icy coldness sending a shiver across your body.
‘’You feel it already, the energy flowing through you. The Fates told me of the ritual and what we must do, what I must do. But don’t worry, it is something you will enjoy.’’ He mumbled, lips brushing against your cheek.
"Morpheus, please listen."
"Enough, My Dream; I would hate to bind your mouth when you give such pretty moans. Or would you prefer something else? Is that what it is? Does My Queen wish to pay tribute to her Future King? It would certainly make this part of the ritual more fun.’’ Morpheus’s eyes were now black holes of fire.
Baring down at you, he watched as you struggled weakly against your binds; his jaw line seemed sharper now and could cut you just by staring at you. With wide eyes, you watch as he smirks. Stepping back, he stripped slowly, piece by piece, till every inch of skin was exposed. His eyes never leave you.
Thick cock bobbing tauntingly above you, angry and red. A finger dipped down between your folds finding that sensitive bud. Skilfully, fingertips drew the wetness pooled at your core, using it to manipulate that bundle of nerves. You hated that your body was too easy to bend to his will.
"Feel how your body accepts you as mine. It reacts to me.“  His purred happily—fingers swirling in tight circles. “You look so enchanting in your crown. Worship me." He commanded, cock swaying before him.
Shaking your head, you whimpered as his fingertips pushed harder into your clit. Sending shock waves through you, he whined helplessly as his movement edged you closer and closer to that familiar peak.
As soon as that feeling began to bubble beneath your skin, that delicate pace shifted to move to light strokes, moving lower to gather more of your wetness. Your lips parted in a frustrated moan. Why did Morpheus torture you so? Something hot and salty pressed against your mouth, tracing the plump lips. Eyes snapped open as the Dreamlord’s cock teased at your lips.
Dark eyes consumed you as he watched his pretty pink head glisten with precum, making your lips sparkle. Curling his fingers into your dripping passage, you let out a breathy shriek. That was swiftly filled with his throbbing cock.
"Oh, my Dream, you feel so good." he moaned" take me, my darling mate, and I will send you to a bliss no other has felt before", he purred, punctuating his words by curling his fingers upwards. You gurgled against his member. A mixture of salt and something entirely Morpheus filled your mouth. Morpheus’s fingers continued the sinful torture, alternating between thrusting into your tight passage and thumbing your clit. As he hit that spot, a moan ripped through you, making your legs quiver. A growl ripped you from pleasure as his cock surged shallowly into your mouth.
"Take me my Dream; worship your king". Tears welled up in your eye as lightly as you suckled against him, bobbing your head as much as possible in your position, but Morpheus didn't seem to mind. He seemed blissed out. Head lulled back as he watched his cock disappear into your mouth, returning glistening with your spit." You look so beautiful like this. Just the sight of you gets me ready to burst. Are you going to make your King cum?"
You returned to your task with a restored vigour at the sound of that. You were taking him as deep as you could. You were swirling your tongue in a desperate attempt to spill his need and prolong your time to escape this terrifying ritual. Your sleek pussy was abandoned in favour of tangling in your hair as he met your pace with feral grunts. You felt him grow near the way his body tensed; his head was thrown back. Scrunching your eyes, you waited for your mouth to be invaded by his salty release, only for him to pull away, pumping his cock mercilessly till warm cum shot out across your chest. A sigh of relief filled you as the sticky mess lay hotly against your skin.
“Oh, my little Dream, don't think I would let you off so lightly. You will be mine before you rest—my mate. " Morpheus panted, eyeing his cum with glee; his fingers began making strange marks on your skin. Each symbol was more elaborate than the last, he worked devotedly till your whole torso was covered in sticky runes.
” So gorgeous wearing my crown, covered in my cum, pussy crying for me." Morpheus chuckled as he stood nestled between them. You yearned to snap your thighs close, but the tendrils held you fast and tightly held you in place as his cock glided up and down your pussy. "You will be begging for me to take you again. To make you my Queen.” He chuckled as you wiggled and whined.
He moved over you slowly, his warm cock rubbing tenderly over you and pulling you closer. Every slow drag of his cock pushed you further to the edge.
The obscene sound of your wetness filled the air along with your soft whimpers and his primal grunts: It was all too much. Overwhelming, you screwed your eyes shut.
"Look at me", Morpheus growled, digging deeper; your eyes snapped open as you watched him. Obsidian eyes glowing down at you ferally. So beautiful in the low light. Perfect and pretty, so brutal and possessive. A true god.
Morpheus traced his lips over yours, trailing down open-mouth kisses and quick flicks of his tongue till he cradled your forearm against his nose, letting out a contented purr. Your eyes fixed as he caressed and suckled at the delicate skin. Molten heat pooled lower in your stomach. Every nip, every graze of teeth, every lick made you tremble. All the while, he lavished attention on the mark, his hips never haltered, sinfully dragging his cock across your sensitive core.
Sharp teeth bit down into your flesh. Fire enveloped your body; Morpheus suckled against the wound, his cock pushing into your tight passage. You howled as you felt him seat himself fully within you. He was stretching you completely.
"Shh, just enjoy the feeling, My Dream," Morpheus growled as he kissed your wounded mark.
Energy sizzled and swirled around you both. You could feel every breath, every thrum of your hearts merging into one. Loud beats.  It was happening. Whatever this ritual did, it was coming.
"Morpheus, please. Don’t do it this way. Please... my king."
"You will not. This is the only way to have you by my side." Tears were in his eyes as he brought your wrist to his mouth.
"Please let me show you; I do."
You saw it. The fight surged within him: light and darkness. The taut tendrils slowly released, and sluggishly, your legs encircled around his. Hesitate eyes watching you.
You told yourself that you weren’t settling or allowing him to do what he wanted. You were allowing this. You were controlling this. As much control as humans could have over a god. You were looking into his eyes; the harsh darkness was gone, leaving behind the vulnerable silver, tears lining up his lash line as he brushed his lip over the savage lines of your forearms.
You had a choice. To resist and allow yourself to be devoured by him and broken into a mindless mate. Or to submit and allow yourself to be with him and let him love you. And, in turn, you learn how to love him, knowing you had no choice in that. That was your fate. To resist the will of a god was human but to submit was to become something more. Something beyond human, part of Morpheus, an Endless. And you made your decision. Your fate. Your choice. Your destiny. With watery eyes, you reached up and let your lips claim his mouth.
A brutal moan passed from him as he started to fuck you full, making your back arch towards him. “Good girl, my good, sweet mate,” he groaned, fisting your hair. “Take my cock—you take it so well.” He leaned forward, placing his lips over yours and sucked, drowning in your sweet scent flooding his nose like he was drowning in your perfume.
It was all too much for you—his cock, lips, heat building for so long, his incessant teasing— you came hard, body spasming in his arms. He continued to fuck you through it as your muscles went rigid, shaky, and limp, letting him revel in how your pussy spasmed around his cock and sucked him in deeper.
He dropped your thighs across his own, easily holding your boneless legs around his hips. His thrusts jarred you, whimpering with every single one, your spent body pummelled by his cock. He hitched your hips up a little higher, allowing his cock to hit that perfect spot each time.
You screamed out. The sensation of his cock inside of you was incredible, overwhelming, almost to the point of pain.
“See this, my love?” he asked, pushing in all the way, hips stilling. Running his fingers lightly across your joining, he encouraged you to look at it. “That’s my cock, right where it belongs. Deep inside you, making you mine.” He started to fuck you again, letting the heat slowly build up.
“Please,” you begged him again, “—please, please—”
“My Queen is paying tribute to her King”, he purred, picking up speed, hardly breaking a sweat. Playing with your clit, his other hand over your breasts, your belly, your hips, looking at you so reverently, with so much love in his eyes and his heart for his mate, it almost made you believe it. In a soft voice, he said, “Let me worship you.”
“Yes,” you sighed as his fingers on your clit sped up until you thrust your hips into his as much as possible. He could tell by your face that you were close, the way your eyebrows scrunched together, lips opening around nothing as you panted for more.
“I’m going to fill you up,” he whispered, almost reaching his peak, voice growing gruffer and guttural the closer he got. “I’m going to fill you up with me, and you’re going to look so beautiful.” He growled, “You going to look so pretty with my cum dripping out of you,” he ran a hand across your stomach, then brought it up to squeeze your breast.
He pushed you over the edge, the finger strumming at your clit, barrelling into a cascade of pleasure, screams ripping through the dreaming, sending out waves of distortion. Morpheus watched in awe as he watched as you, the power, vibrated between. Finally, he let himself go and allowed himself to come deep inside your tight core, your quivering walls milking him over every drop, the pressure of his pulsating cock prolonging your orgasm. He collapsed over you and gave a few deep lazy thrusts.
The bond forged so suddenly that it jarred you, feeling the tug of your soul against his, your pleasure magnifying and intensifying his own. Another orgasm ripped through you both, sending you shrieking into the dreaming.
"My mate,” he sighed, bringing his lips all along the mark on your wrist, licking and kissing and lapping away the blood and tear tracks, all salt and sharp metallic, until he licked it all away and could only taste your skin and scent. "Open your eyes.” He commanded that he wanted to look into your soul and watch as your souls bound together the same way their bodies did.
Your eyes opened, bleary and unseeing, his cock twitching violently, sending you hurtling over another parapet of ecstasy. Now you felt him everywhere. He was still in you, plunging determinately into your core, but now you felt him everywhere. In your skin, in your veins.
‘Finally, My Queen.’
I am so sad there is only one more chapter left with possible one shot. I hope you loved reading it as much as I loved writing it.
On a happier note, I will have more alphabets coming about, with a possible short story coming out for House of Dragon for either Aemond or Daemon…or both. I am such a whore for dark, brooding men. Prompts are open for HOD if anyone is interested. More Morpheus soon though, don’t you worry!
what-is-your-wish  @daydreamin1220  @jesllianaquilesrolon @ultimatreality @musemaniac42 @duhitzdae  @songbirdcannabe  @wt-fxckk @quillycrow @lemontails-blog @zafirina12 @alastorhazbin @witchybitch @thegreatestsandwich @buckys-pillow @sunscreenfeverdream @lu123sworld @asianfrustration13 @leighs-posts @elraeeee @intothesoul @sparklinglilac @lustreader69 @thraetor @fate-huntress @itshamleth @beautifulsoulsublime @bookohocolicsstuff @aurorarevenclaw1927 @winxschester @gingermous @scarlettmoon98 @nushy @nanadesudesu @sinisterandfun @the-whispering-mountain.  @ellie-xoxox @xixxala @theraggedygirl11 @poemfreak306 @sugarstone1999 @depressooexxpressoo @lovesickollie @andy-rocks @reallystressedhoneybee @theoddballinyourcloset @zaflrina12 @dangerousdreamkitty @chadekelevra @wandas-soulmate @yor72 @sugarstone1999 @heartyhope @thecrazytealady @louslous @minetticatinwonderland @thecrazytealady@deafeningnightmarecrown @kiki13522 @fantasylover-92 @weirddominatrixpop @majestyjade @electric-cabaret @littlewhitefairy7777 @acdassenza @immaturedinosaur @juniebugg @theamuz @itsbqueenthings @thedepthsoffandomminds @nightly-polaris @pinkcyclewitch @kuchokitty @asgardiandeadpoetsociety @humongousgalaxycoffee @arim0895  @kuchokitty @inannamoon @true-queen-of-mischief @tyelikesbees @one-loud-mind @hoefortonks @notabotiswear @cynic-spirit @mamamidnight60 @paulina15  @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @thedepthsoffandomminds @minetticatinwonderland @blossomedfloweroflove @bluebear142077 @ladychibi @sinisterandfun @itsbqueenthings @hagofyourdreams @sugarstone1999 @44capybara @tortilla-chips-and-allioli @loverofallgoodboys @dilf-of-the-endless @aiko-uzumaki @kipoturtle   bisexualunicronrunninglose   angelheartifillia1   @azrielloveselain @the-ruler-of-death  @the-disastrous-one  @one-loud-mind @wardlow @aurorarevenclaw1927 @v-vic @hedwigprewett12 @intothesoul @  bisexualunicronrunningloose @boofy1998 @abcdefghi-lmnopqrstuvwxyz @diamondskyforever​ @ammonialovebutt​ @dees-newest-obsession​ @mikariell95​    secretdreamlandmentality   hb8301 sidekickforlife    lothbrokcore   ladyredstar1991   darkqueen1  
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jimmy-dipthong · 11 months
罠英語・Trap words pt 2
Part 1 had some satisfying explanations for the etymology of trap words. This time it’s the opposite - we’ll be looking at some trap words that have unclear origins.
コーンフレーク → cornflakes ✅… but also → any breakfast cereal ✅
Though the word コーンフレーク is used to refer to cornflakes specifically, it is also used more generally to refer to any breakfast cereal at all. Researching to find evidence of this usage was difficult, despite its widespread usage. Every Japanese dictionary defines コーンフレーク as cereal made of flakes of corn, without so much as a mention of the common “misconception”. You get a hint of the reality of the common usage when you google 「コーンフレーク 意味」— three of the results on the first page are variations of 「シリアルとコーフレークの違いは何?」.
The best I can do for evidence is this video from Kevin’s English Room where they refer to various cereals like Froot Loops and Reese’s Puffs as コーンフレーク.¹
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非常に代表的なアメリカのコーンフレークでございます "This is an extremely typical American breakfast cereal."
Part of the silence here is due to Japanese speakers being generally a bit more linguistically prescriptivist than English speakers, especially when it comes to loan words. There seems to be this notion that the original English definition is the “correct” one - but this isn’t the case! The “correct” use of a word is simply one that conveys the intended meaning. That’s just how language evolves. It’s why “nonplussed” has come to mean “unconcerned” instead of its original opposite meaning. Not to mention, when a word is borrowed into another language, it is now a part of that language. It goes through phonetic changes to match the language's phoneme inventory and syllabic structure, gains its own meaning, and can play by the unconscious sound and grammar rules of the new language.² The Japanese word コーンフレーク and the English word cornflake are not the same word! And it’s ok for them to mean different things! I don’t think this sentiment is widely accepted by Japanese culture, which explains why it’s so hard to find a Japanese dictionary definition that defines コーンフレーク as “breakfast cereal”. (Jisho does though!³)
As far as its origins are concerned, I believe this is a simple case of genericisation (though I can't find any evidence to support that), similar to how we call all hook-and-loop fasteners "velcro".
ハンドル → handle ❌ → steering wheel ✅
This word is was also hard to find any etymology on. Even the best articles I could find are unsure about its origins. There are a couple of theories but nothing solid.
The word ハンドルバー for the handlebars of a bike may have been misinterpreted to mean “steering mechanism” rather than “horizontal pole to grab” and applied to cars as well.⁴ Then in standard Japanese fashion, the word was trimmed down to four morae, becoming ハンドル. Another article suggested that it originally came from the “handling” of a car. The wheel controls the handling, so 「ハンドルを操るホイール」 may have just been shortened to ハンドル.
テンション → tension ❌ → excitement ✅
テンション is often used in phrases like 「ハイテンション」 「テンションを上げる」 「テンションを下げる」, to mean the energy or vibes of a situation. This graph might help:
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I did a lot of digging on this, and I couldn’t find any reliable sources or actual records of how テンション came to have this meaning. The best explanation I could find came from an unsourced yahoo answers question (lol), but there does seem to be a consensus: It seems to come from musical tension, specifically tension chords on guitar.⁵⁶⁷ The first use of テンション in this way may have come from bands playing at live concerts. “Tension” in a chord is an extra note that’s not a basic part of the chord.⁸ Apparently adding this extra sound causes a feeling of anticipation - it feels like the music is building up to a resolution, which gets people excited at a concert. Musicians would use the phrase 「テンションコードを上げる」, meaning “build excitement with tension chords”, which became simply 「テンションを上げる」, and this phrase was then adopted by the general population and taken out of its musical context, becoming a trap word!
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tROynQjSSVc [2] https://www.tumblr.com/javerend/702780060197879809/these-are-all-good-thoughts-im-going-to-borrow?source=share [3] https://jisho.org/search/コーンフレーク [4] https://nihon5-bunka.net/jinglish-handle/ [5] https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13195893143 [6] https://kimini.online/blog/archives/22851 [7] https://dhits.docomo.ne.jp/feed/10004705 [8] https://hubguitar.com/music-theory/chord-tensions
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I can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare. It all depends on you...
Hello Heathens! This chapter is mainly just porn with very little plot. A sexy interlude if you will. Have no fear though, the next chapter is back to being story driven with hot sex thrown in. I hope you enjoy your time with the Science Bros! Happy Reading!
Banner by @cafekitsune Divider by @unowakot
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"I've been summoned" you proclaim, as you walk into the enormous lab the AI directed you to, occupied by earth's mightiest scientists. 
Bruce looks up from his table, a surprised expression on his face at seeing you stand before them.
"Honestly I wasn't sure you would show." Tony states as he continues tinkering. "After seeing your little weapons lab in your warehouse -"
"Lair." You correct him. "Tartarus is far more than a warehouse."
"Right." He nods his head, finally turning to face you. "I figured you might want to play with my toys. Get a fresh set of eyes on some ideas I've been working on. Maybe create something I, in my vast knowledge, wouldn't have thought of."
"Are your toys the only thing I get to play with? You pulled me from rehearsing a new rather intense set with Walt & August that involved some cleverly placed mirrors." Your eyes wander his secretly built frame before moving over to a still confused looking Banner, sending a wink in his direction when your eyes meet.
"I fully consent to any form of playtime you’re offering. If I'm being honest, I'm a bit jealous the others have had you before me. I am the playboy after all."
"And I'm the vigilante sex worker with a lust for blood and debauchery." You husk out. "I get it. I also understand that as much as you like to play up the Dom vibes you're really more of a Switch."
"You can sense that huh?" He teases.
"Part of my day job is to read people and give them what they need."
"And what do I need?"
"Someone to match your energy." You walk up to his bench, looking for something to tinker with as you continue. "To be willing to drop to their knees when you want to exert your power. But also able to grab a fist full of your hair and take what they want from you." 
"And what energy am I giving off now?"
You step between him and the bench, bodies pressed against each other. You run a hand up his chest, tapping his arc reactor once before continuing your trek up his neck and around to the back of his head. Your fingers dance along his nape, tickling the shorn locks before grabbing a fistful, wrenching his head back and pushing him down onto his knees. 
"You want me to use you for my pleasure. You need to know that you can make me feel as good as the others have. You're dying to know if my pussy tastes as delicious and feels as tight as they say it does. But you don't want to take it from me. You want me to make you work for it. Earn my orgasms." You tug on his hair and he lets out a whimper. "That sound about right?"
"Fuck." He readjusts himself in his sweats, looking up at you with pupils dilated with lust. "I really want to give a smartass response here but you've hit the nail on the head and I'm really distracted by the view."
A wicked smile crosses your face. "Bruce. If you don't want to watch me make Tony worship my body like a temple I suggest you retreat to somewhere else."
"I'm good where I am." He states, locking eyes with you. "I'm due a much needed break anyway. Told I work too much. Might as well enjoy a show while I'm at it."
You turn back to Tony. "Undo my jeans and remove them." 
Clearing the bench, you hop onto it and spread your legs wide. You fasten your hand back into Tony’s hair, directing his head to your waiting and weeping pussy. “You’re going to eat my cunt like the cunning linguist that I know you must be. But before you get started on your task, I want you to pull that philanderous dick of yours out and place your hands on my thighs. You are not to move them until I say otherwise.”
Pupils blown and eyes lidded he nods his head as best he can with the tight hold you have him. Licking his lips, he pulls his rock hard thickness from beneath his sweats. Once his hands rest on your inner thighs you pull his face up against your aching slit. “Now feast. And don’t bother trying to be polite. If your jaw is not covered in my essence then you’re not worthy of that playboy moniker.”
And boy does he eat. Licking you in long strong strokes. Dipping his tongue as deep as it can get. Sucking your engorged clit into his mouth and humming "Highway to Hell". All with his hands balled into fists or gripping you tightly, but still in place where you told him to leave them.
"Mmm. Such a good boy. That tongue is almost magical Tony. Just a few more licks and you'll earn your reward. You want that dont you. Me coming on your tongue?"
He nods his head and hums a yes but does not stop his task. He increases his efforts and locks eyes with you as he does a nifty little trick with his tongue that has you tightening your grip on his hair and riding his face as you come undone. Your walls clench around nothing as you scream in pleasure. 
Coming down from your high, you pull his head back and address him. "A true playboy with a talented tongue indeed. Now clean up your mess." You watch him clean your cum off of your thighs. 
"Good boy." You give him a sloppy kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. "Stay right there on your knees where you belong." You lower yourself down off the bench and walk over to Bruce. 
"Enjoy the show Banner?" You step into his personal space. "Want a second hand taste?" Closing the gap between you, you run your tongue along the seam of his lips. Without hesitation he opens up and pushes his tongue against yours.
You nibble and suck on his bottom lip. Riling him up by talking to Hulk in between kisses until he wraps a hand around your throat, turns you around to face Tony, and bends you over his workbench. Unzipping his pants, he pulls his large dick out and slams inside you. 
He is not gentle with you and you couldn't be happier about it. You're prepped and ready thanks to Tony’s talented tongue anyway. You allow yourself to submit to his natural dominance and take his thick dick like the good girl you are. 
Bruce takes no time making you cum on his dick while Tony is still on his knees, cock leaking, whining as he watches. His hands grip his thighs so tightly he’s leaving crescent moons from his nails. But he remains in place like he was told. 
"I've never seen him this quiet. I might need you to visit the lab more often, Nyx." Bruce grits out.
"If you dick me down this good every time I just might have to." You moan. “ Fuck! ”
"You're taking my cock so fucking good baby. Not even afraid of the Hulk taking the reins."
"I'd love some playtime with him. In his special room of course. Wouldn't wanna scare the locals." 
"Oh fuck! I did not think hearing that would be so sexy." Tony blurts out.
You continue to let Bruce take you apart until he abruptly pulls out and spins you around. Pushing you down to your knees he sticks his dick in your mouth and comes down your throat.
After you swallow every last drop, while maintaining eye contact, you show him your clean tongue. 
Crawling over to a still kneeling Tony, you seat yourself on his angry, weeping dick. 
Placing his hands on your hips, you slowly begin to ride him. Engaging your core and grinding on him so that his fat dick hits all the good spots. 
"You do have a magic snatch." He muses, "You may have just become my newest addiction."
"Good. Now lay me down. Use my ankles as earmuffs and fill me to brim with that borderline evil genius semen. I have places to be." You giggle a little.
"The pleasure is all yours baby girl." He smirks.
With a quickness you were unaware he had, Tony has you on your back with your ankles resting on his shoulders. He fucks you with a skill that rivals your fellow male sex workers. He knows all the buttons to push and secret places to tickle. In no time your back is arching and you're screaming his name for the entire floor to hear. 
“Fuck that feels good. I’m so close. May I come for you Nyx? Please let me come.” He whines as your walls contract around his girth.
“Yes! You’ve earned it for being such a good boy for me. Come. Right. Now. Tony.” You command.
That's what does him in and has him bending your legs back and to the side as he paints your womb white. Filling you to the brim like you had originally requested.
You pull his face down to yours, nipping and biting his lip as you feel the last twitches of his cock stir inside you. 
"The rest of rehearsal with August and Walt is going to be so much more interesting now with you slowly leaking out of me." You smile devilishly. "May just get myself covered and reclaimed before the night's over." You laugh.
"Seriously?!" Tony shakes his head and chuckles.
"Oh yes. Although Auggie and Walter love to share. They love marking their so-called territory even more."
You wait for Tony to pull out before you get back up on your feet. You grab your pants off the floor, pull them back on and kiss him on the cheek. "We'll set a proper play date to tinker when I don't have a new routine to get ready for my show."
You walk over to Bruce and kiss him deeply. "And you just let me know when the big guy wants something warm and tight to sink into."
His eyes flash green as you back away and turn towards the elevator.
"We are all fucked." Tony states as he puts his dick back in his sweats. 
"So very fucked." Bruce agrees with a smile on his face. 
"Told you." They hear Steve laugh over the speakers.
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As you're leaving the building, Wade catches you. "Let me guess? You were in the vents again." 
"Duh. And I'm glad I was. I thought I'd for sure see the big green guy with how Bruce was fucking you. Guess the man really is just angry all the time."
You laugh at his antics. "Are you going back in the vents or do you want to have some playtime with Ferne? I know you haven't cashed in on my promise yet and she has the whole night free."
"Oh ho ho. That does sound appealing. But alas I have a job to attend to. Tell her to keep my favorite strap on ready and waiting for me. And not to forget the core exercises so she can pump harder next time."
"I'll be sure to pass the message along. Don't blow yourself up this time okay."
"No promises."
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azlrse · 2 years
➳ their last "i love you" (an idia shroud x GN!reader oneshot)
summary: it's said that the prefect from ramshackle dorm has feelings for the housewarden of ignihyde, he didn't receprocated their feelings and been chasing him ever since.
cw: major angst w/ a hint of fluff, implied s*icide (but didn't do), chapter 6 spoilers (I didn't reach that book yet so it maybe inaccurate), ooc idia (?) & implied death.
a/n: idia shroud, the loml <333
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"Aww come on, Idia don't be such a buzz kill! You know I really like you and if I'm honest, you're literally the most handsome guy I've ever met!"
"No m-matter how much you flatter me, I w-won't say it front of you and that's final!"
The housewarden quickly fasten his pace as soon as his classes had ended. At first, he was about to attend the class remotely due to his huge dislike for crowds and being together with so many people in one room. This concept alone brought him so much distress and can feel his anxiousness creeping through his body. As the bell rang, signifying that the class being held for today was finished, he got up fast from his seat, gathered all his things and quickly ran for the door before the hallways are filled with noisy students.
He was excited to go back to his dorm and grind for his games when all of the sudden, he saw you running towards him, a smile appeared on your face. As he saw you, he stopped himself from getting flustered as his hair began to shift it's color. You really are the most adorable person he saw within his eyes. His polar opposite and didn't believe that he had a huge crush on the student that has been talked about all the time.
"Awww that's a bummer but I won't stop until you admitted that you also like me or even better, you love me!" Idia rolled his eyes in annoyance, lifting up the hood of his hoodie to cover up his head. No, not because he was annoyed by you and your constant nagging but because he didn't want you to see how much your words made him so fluttered. He was thankful that his hoodie covered his long hair that turned hot pink, same goes for his face, beet red from the intense feelings he felt from your words.
It was pure torture for the housewarden himself. He does want to confess on how much he really liked you. Considering that the two of you are the closest of friends before and constantly daydreams about what's it like to be married to you and starting a life together as a family (and if you want, to have kids that looks just like you and Idia) but it's not easy for him. He didn't want to loose the only person who cared for him aside from Ortho.
And true to your words, you didn't stop chasing him around.
In the school grounds, the courtyard, or even on the wide field at the back to the school, you are always there to pester him. He would always run away from you, earning some questioning stares from the other students. It's been like that from the past few weeks, you constantly waiting for him outside of his classroom or his room and kept on confessing to him. Being the stubborn man he is, his answer was the same.
On a particular day, you eavesdropped on the conversation he had with his younger brother. "Brother, you should move on. If they see you like this, they won't like it seeing you this sad." Idia sobbed on his gaming chair, his game paused and his table was littered with so many energy drinks, keeping him awake from the last 48 hours. His eyebags worsen as soon as he started crying when his cybernetic brother mentioned them. "I can't Ortho, I can't loose them! I-I already lost you, I don't want to let them g-go! If I didn't overblotted, n-none of these could have happened to them!" He sobbed, hugging his brother as Ortho started to pat his back as a way to comfort him.
The pats alone eases him a bit, reminding them that they always used this technique to comfort him whenever he had his anxiety came up, same goes for head pats and their words of support. He closed his eyes and smiled a bit and that when sleep finally took over him. You smiled in contentment, seeing Ortho tucking in his brother and left the room, surpassing you from the hallway of his dorm. You went to his bed and kissed his forehead and spoke a small 'good night' before finally leaving his bedroom.
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
"You should forget about that student Idia." Idia is startled by you as he placed a bouquet of flowers at the entrance of the once happy dorm. It gives off an ominous vibe, considering that a certain cat has been transferred to another dorm but for the memory of a certain student, the headmage ordered all students to maintain the once abandoned dorm. "Seeing you like this breaks my heart. Go find someone else to be with you, someone whom you cherish and love and can give you a family of your own."
He went quiet. He stood up from his kneeling position and turns around to face you. You can see some tear streaks on his face as his face contorted into anger. "It's not easy to move on, (y/n). Especially when that person means alot to you." He started walking towards the gate that surrounds the entire area but stopped on his tracks. "I won't say it, no matter how many times you'll ask." And just like that, he disappears in your view, making you a bit sadden when he couldn't just tell you the truth.
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
He couldn't stop his thoughts about you. His sleep schedule has worsen and no matter how his younger brother pushed him to go outside and attend his classes in person, he still refuses to do so. All he could think about is you. On a particular day, he couldn't go to sleep. He got up from the soft mattress that gave him comfort from the last few weeks as his eyes landed on the picture frame that was placed on his table, downside to make the picture more obscured.
It brought him great sadness everytime he saw that picture.
For the sake of his flunking grades, he finally decided to hear his brother's words to attend his classes on person but something was off as soon as his classes had ended. You weren't there on your usual spot outside of his classroom. While he ran and calling out for your name, many of the students looked at him in pity but didn't bothered telling him that he's crazy or being weird. They knew that he was still grieving. He called out for you nervously and when you didn't showed up, he quickly ran to find you, pushing his peers out of his way while ignoring their angry screams towards him.
His own heartbeat racing as he tries of find you, every corner and hallway as his eyes can see. His legs growing numb but he ignored it, sweat embedded on his head as he calls for you name. The last place he will find you was in the Ramshackle Dorm. Oh how he felt so relieved when he saw you, gazing upon the tombstone that was obscured by so many trinkets and flowers. You look at him with a smile as he panted and his lungs intaking alot of air.
"So you're finally gonna say it?" Idia only glared at you and stomped his way towards you. "You- you scared me to death! I thought that you left me there all alone in that hallway!" You shook you head, knowing that he avoided your question. You took his hand and interwined it with yours. "You didn't answer my question, Idia. Will you say it?"
You sighed sadly, placing the trinkets and flowers on the side that obscured the name on the newly carved tombstone. Idia's eyes began to water when he saw the tombstone for the first time.
Here lies (y/n),
Student and a great friend.
May they rest in peace.
"Idia... Listen to me..." he couldn't bring himself to look at you. His eyes begin to water and his knees starting to gave up on him as he cried loudly over someone's grave. Not just any grave but yours and it was difficult for Idia to accept that the only person who accepted him was gone, all because of what happened on the Island of Woe.
He still blames himself because of your untimely death, even after so many days has passed. Another curse was placed upon himself; he will never forgive himself, forever walking the grounds with your death as his burden. He felt so selfish if he doesn't say those words, keeping you in the mortal world where you soul would be trapped if your wishes aren't fulfilled.
"It's been 49 days since I've passed and if I couldn't pass on as the sun sets, I'll be forever trapped here, walking around these grounds for eternity. So please Idia," You said, caressing his face. "Say that you love me." The final string that holds him for 7 weeks has finally snapped, he sobbed and cried, holding your waist as he didn't want you to pass on. "It's unfair for you, (y/n)!! You chased me around like I was some kind of relic in the games we played, only for you to die before I could confess. I should've protected you back there and there's no way I could forgive myself because of your demise!" You quietly approached him, wiping his tears with your hands.
He can describe that feeling as your hands touch his face; it's warm and peaceful, just like the times when you cuddled with him during your sleepover with the shut-in. "I'm so sorry, Idia." You apologized but he didn't just accepted your apology nor deserve such forgiveness from you. "I don't want you to leave me here! If you leave this place then take me with you! Please I beg of you!"
"....no Idia, you can't come with me..."
He looked at you, tears continuously streamed from his face as the base of his hoodie formed a wet patch from his tears. You sadly smiled at him, tears also formed from your eyes. "You need to be strong for me, everyone here on NRC needs you and that includes your brother, not to mention your family back at the island. Just this time, be honest with your feelings, Gloomurai."
You placed a kiss on his forehead and to your happiness, a smile has formed on his face. Without hesitation, he pulled you in a hug and spoke the words you've always wanted to hear.
"I love you, prefect. I've always loved you since the day you accepted me." As he said those words, little specks of glitter like dust began to surround your entire body as you ascended towards the skies. "Idia, if you want to remember me, always visit my grave here at the dorm I used to call home." He still held you tightly, unable to let you go after he confessed his feelings for you. However, there's one more request Idia has for you before letting you go to enjoy your newfound freedom.
"Please watch over me and Ortho, will you player 2?" You nodded as you caressed his face for the last time, remembering that the face you held was none other than the man you truly loved. "Yes I will, love. Just remember that I loved you so much, I'll never forget you." Before you completely disappeared from his grasp, you gave him a kiss on his lips, making him a bit surprised but quickly melted as he kisses you back.
He pulls away from you and places his forehead on your own to feel your presence for the last time as the last bit of shining dust had descended, making your body disappear in his arms. As he watched the skies, Idia finally felt the weight on his shoulders has lifted but he still misses you. Now, his life's regret is that he couldn't confess to you earlier because of his self-doubt and crippling anxiety.
Now all alone, he walked back to his dorm and have to deal with his younger brother's scolding on how worried he was for him. Idia ensures that he's fine, telling Ortho that it's just his anxiety acting up. Entering the room that brought so many memories with you, his eyes landed on the table where the picture frame that was faced downside. Finally contented, he lifted up the picture frame that held the picture of the person whom he loved from the past year.
It was a picture of you two during the day where he was saved by you and the others during the wedding that Princess Eliza held, smiling lovingly as you fawn over him on how handsome he looks on a suit.
The lingering sadness was still there but he felt on a state of happiness for you, now in peace and was watching over him, his brother and their friends from the heavenly gates.
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[heavily based from the manga "49th Confession"]
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reborrowing · 10 months
a mouse in the basement - part 1/?
sorry for starting 546 stories instead of finishing things. kind of. this isn't as writery for me to work on. chapters linked in my pinned
David has been imprisoned. He's not sure where, he's not sure why, but he has no chance of freeing himself. Except now he's not quite alone. Kikitok links are here, if you want to try and puzzle out what the borrower character is saying throughout (more relevant later, honestly) word count: ~800 content: kidnapping & captivity, blood/injury, restraints, ~language barrier~ kind of a disclaimer note that arguably this should go on my whump blog instead of here, thematically speaking. But the point is more to flex my conlang (even if that's not yet obvious in this piece) and this blog is where I've been putting Kíkítok. I'm not really including particularly graphic violence or torture etc anyway
The only things to do in the basement were sleep and wonder why he’d been brought here. David was tired of both. The first few days, he had wrestled with the chain around his ankles and the ties around his wrist. He’d resigned himself to the aches of having his arms pinned behind his back for hours. He’d waddled around the perimeter in search of an escape. He hadn’t found one. He hadn’t even found a reason why he was here.
He didn’t think he was important enough to warrant a ransom and whoever was holding him down here only bothered to acknowledge him for about forty-five minutes per day. That was only to keep him fed. He imagined all kinds of horrible scenarios about being sold and enslaved or killed off for his organs, but he’d been down here for weeks. He didn’t have dignity but he wasn't really being humiliated either. Nothing happened, he was just locked in this crushing, monotonous isolation.
David slipped back into consciousness and stared up at the thin window on the far wall. It was still dark out. He hummed to himself, imagining words he couldn’t form through the duct tape over his mouth.
Something fell past the window.
It was such a brief flash that in any other context, if there was anything else happening, David wouldn’t have even noticed it. Something small and metal plinked across the floor. After several days of pretending to watch paint dry for entertainment, it may as well have been a fireworks show.
He didn’t waste the energy to stand and shuffled across the basement on his knees, chains clattering behind him. On the floor, almost glittering in the moonlight, was a thumbtack that hadn’t been there before. David hobbled forward towards it, trying to imagine something he could do with it. It was the only sharp thing he’d found down here and he really wanted it to be useful in some way, but it was too short to pick his cuffs or the locks around his ankles, even if he had the dexterity to try. He left it where it lay.
Another flash of movement drew his eyes to a small shadow along the wall.
Mouse, he thought at first, then, what the hell?!
The creature there was mouse-sized, as they hunched against the wall it was clear they had a perfectly humanoid shape, even covered up in a tiny gray dress. It was just that they couldn’t be more than a few inches tall. Tiny black eyes glittered up from underneath a miniature hood.
Is this real? Did the man upstairs do this to you? Is this what I’m here for?
They stared at each other for several seconds, both looking terrified. The creature—person?—took several steps to the right to start looking for an escape. David wished she would find one, but knew there was no way out but up, even for a mouse.
“Ah-I’m sorry. Pease, don’t hurt me,” the tiny thing gasped.
David shook his head no, eyes wide. He automatically started to protest that he would ever do such a thing but the duct tape over his mouth caught the words before they could get out. All he could do was stare at the poor thing.
Whatever she was, her situation was at least as bad as David’s, probably worse. Her skirt and her coat, which was fastened with a single button nearly the size of her head, were both dripping wet. She clutched at her side as if in pain and her already tiny steps were slowed by a severe limp.
David sat down and tried to look as harmless as possible (he felt most of this had already been done for him, what with the restraints). He wished he could do more to try and calm the woman's nerves. Communication was next to impossible with both hands and tongue held back. He nodded his head towards himself in a “come here” gesture that was much vaguer than he’d like.
The little woman shook her head and continued her hobbling retreat.
David leaned forward and tried again. You’re freezing, he thought as he watched her squeeze himself behind a table leg and hunker down. The cement floors would only make the cold worse. He mimed shivering as best as he could with his arms behind his back and nodded towards her, then stopped as he nodded back toward himself. Let me help you.
“I’m sorry, piyískasara wun. I’m sorry.”
David furrowed his brow as he tried to parse what the woman said before registering it as another language. He leaned back and sighed.
He refused to let the little stranger die. If he couldn’t help directly, he could still share. The shitty camping cot he’d been allowed had come with an equally shitty fleece blanket, the sort you leave in the closet for decades. Slowly and awkwardly, he kicked it across the room. It was thin and hardly any comfort to David, but it would be more than excessive for the mouse-woman on the other side of the room, presuming she was real.
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trivialbob · 7 months
All this mall walking I'm doing, a track suit and Velcro-fastened shoes may be in my future.
Today I started at Southdale. It is the nation's first indoor mall. I grew up nearby. Friends and I would bike or take a city bus to get there. The stereo store and Woolworths were my favorites.
It's not a bad place now, but like some malls these days it has low attendance. Good parking spots are plentiful.
The Apple store was the only busy place. Others were, like Bed Bath & Beyond's checking account, mostly empty.
I hate to go in and browse if I'm the only customer. Either an eager employee will want to talk to me or a sullen one will glare, thinking I could interrupt the time he or she is spending on the phone. Being lost in a light crowd is my preferred browsing experience.
Southdale isn't much of a hangout for young people. The few teens I saw mostly concentrated on their screens. Maybe the stores could have doorways that look like big iPhones, to get the kids' attention.
Having a dollar store surely isn't a good sign for a mall, nor is one that just sells candy and chips. One end of the building had a lot of vacancies. Festive signs cover windows, or clothes from other stores that are still open are displayed.
Southdale is like a 10-year-old red haired Golden Retriever, that good boy whose smiling face has turned white. I have fond memories of the mall of my youth, when it had the energy of a puppy. Now it naps a lot and has a difficult time with stairs (one of Macy's escalators was out of order). You start to wonder if it will be around next year.
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The good news is that a huge athletic club repurposed a JCPenny store, and a really nice grocery store is taking over where Marshalls(?) used to be. There's still hope for the old boy.
After I walked both levels I crossed the street to the The Galleria, the mall with higher-end stores. There I had a hard time finding a parking spot.
Williams Sonoma and Crate & Barrel are awesome. A $2000 espresso has now been added to my letter to Santa. A more moderately priced martini glass also got my attention. I would have bought a pair of them, but the checkout line was too long for me for an impulse purchase.
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There's a Yeti store in that mall that I hadn't seen before. That was a great place to look around. Note to young people working a first job: When a well dressed $$$ customer asks a very specific question about a $450 item it doesn't sound good to start your reply with "Uh, yeah like maybe..."
I want some new eyeglasses. Warby Parker had a few frames I liked. We'll see (hahaha). These frames look much better and not so wide in person than in this photo, I think. As I always do with glasses, I'll bring my wife with some other time for help selecting.
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