#Forgot My Troubles
mod-a-day · 8 months
Unsigned Artist "Forgot My Troubles…"
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ruporas · 11 months
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thinking about wolfwood (ID in alt text)
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egophiliac · 6 months
here's the Meleanor chibi speedrun! upfront warning for some flickering and/or flashing throughout from all the sped-up zooming/layer changes.
it turns out I only really recorded up to when I exported the PSD for the first time, so I went back and recorded a bit more to at least show a little of the reworked cape breakdown and background. and then bounced her rig around so you can see a bit of it too! the parts I'm not too embarrassed to show, anyway
even sped up it's still like 47 minutes (s-she took a really long time to make okay), so there are timestamps/chapters in the description if you click through! I certainly don't expect anyone to sit and watch it through, but maybe it'll be interesting to skip around in?
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druizard · 4 days
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Gods, what did you do to make him so grouchy?
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
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amnesia rules is how the rest of the crew find about maq and the twins (macaque could have tried to stop him but this is the first time hes seen swk happy in so long and he is weak)
the idea for this was solidly @animemoonprincess​ ‘s and its been stuck in my head for two months
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aspecdestiel · 8 days
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destielpride day 4: divine purpose
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lotus-pear · 2 years
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layla >>> everyone else
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yudol-skorbi · 3 months
Bitches be like i dont have social anxiety then go to unfamiliar cafe and first struggle to come in for 20 minutes and then turns out this is not like cafe where you take your carton cup and leave or maybe work somewhere in a corner but like cafe cafe and oh god there are a lot of people and oh god i am already here it would be so awkward to turn around and leave and at least there is a big tea menu and i am going to kill myself but first i will drink maybe some tasty tea
I am bitches and i am dying but at least the tea is good
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reddiamondyeet · 2 months
Screenshots Of Despair x Ace Attorney... Now including:
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The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, blame Miles Edgeworth for everything session.
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Who let Blaise Debeste in charge of listing people's traits?
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He's not doing it to quit smoking, he's doing it to get even more nicotine in him.
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The non-communicative family ever.
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No money. 😔
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RIP to the Fey Clan ig.
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And woohoo! Trauma!
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House of Troubled Dragons (Part 2/?)
part 1 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8
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jkpng · 2 months
day 135/547 of missing jungkook
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
can be pretty hyperactive, forgets things regularly (even important things, forgot he turned into a heartless in kh1), distractable, later on he seems to have some problems with emotional dysregulation. hes constantly called lazy by his friends but as soon as hes doing something he likes he has all the energy in the world, and also tends to dismiss his own intelligence despite actually being pretty smart, both of which are things that i think are decently common with undiagnosed adhd
#poll#noncanon adhd character#kingdom hearts#kh#sora#kh sora#sora kh#kingdom hearts sora#sora kingdom hearts#THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG TAG RAMBLE#ok first sora even getting posted is like a saga#originally i was going to post him myself but had trouble verbalizing evidence#so i asked my discord friends#and then i forgot to write down what they said and lost it#then he got submitted in the initial submissions right when the blog started#but the only evidence was 'look at him lol'#so he was unpostable#then he finally got submitted again during the recent spike with actual evidence!! so i can post him now#sora is so important to me#kingdom hearts is how i found playframe and that community is a huge part of my life now#and also i spent multiple years playing a weekly ttrpg campaign in a completely homebrew kh system#and it was the most fun ive ever had in my life and i am not exaggerating#there was only one other non dm player so three of us in all#and we had such a great dynamic we are such close friends now and the dm even looked up tips for dming for adhd players#and gave my character the ability impulsiveness which turned out to be one of our most powerful abilities#(i say our bc later we got the 'sisterly bond' ability which allowed us to use some of our coplayer's abilities and impulsiveness was one)#it let me take an action during someone else's turn at the cost of one less action on my next turn. basically taking it early#making her adhd one of our most powerful tools#and my character ended up very much a sora parallel despite not living in the time of the main kh games#so yeah. kh and adhd sora specifically. very important to me
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Ghost!Robin Part 6
It's Wednesday, you know what that means! After spending so much time writing for Carry Your Heart this week, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get a long enough segment of this completed to share. Especially since I had a busy weekend. But here we are with 1.3k more words!
Time for the explanations to start.
First, Previous
Danny slapped his hand over his face. “Jazz!” he hissed. He looked over, hoping Robin could help him. Only to realize he had rushed over to Alfred to give him a hug. “Great,” he muttered. “Everything is fine!” Danny tried to assure the room as he let his transformation flow over him.
The shouted questions just got louder and Jazz shifted to more completely block Danny from view.
“Jazz!” Danny tried again. “Lower your weapon! They’re safe!”
“Mom and Dad were supposed to be safe, too!”
Danny sighed. Then he ducked under her arm, using a mix of martial arts training from Pandora and intangibility to prevent her from stopping him. Ignoring the Waynes, he turned his back to them to face his sister. Robin could explain things to them if he wanted. “Jazz, it’s okay. They’re in almost as much danger from the Guys in White as I am.” He put his hands over hers and found the button to disarm her staff.
At least one person behind him demanded he explain what he meant by that, but Danny just looked Jazz in the eyes as he removed the staff handle from her hands.
She let him take it an narrowed her eyes at him. “What do you mean.”
Danny gave her his biggest shit-eating grin. “Congrats on the second dead boyfriend. I like this one much more than the first. Goes well with the dead brother.”
“Second…” Jazz’s voice trailed off as she looked over the people behind him. It was getting harder to ignore their shouted questions and demands for explanations. “Jason was the second Robin.”
“Yep,” agreed Danny. “And something went wrong when he was brought back to life. He ended up split in two and haunted by his own ghost.”
“Why couldn’t I see him? Or sense him?”
“He was that weak. I gave him some of my ectoplasm to strengthen him which is why he’s visible now.”
“Okay. Okay. So, what next?”
“Now I apologize to Jason and petition a founding member of the Justice League for assistance for my people.” Before Jazz could ask the questions she clearly wanted to at the last half of his sentence, Danny turned around and faced the Waynes.
Nearly all of them were facing Danny and Jazz in fighting stances. Damian had gotten a sword from somewhere and looked like he was half a second from rushing them. Bruce’s expression was blank, but his fists were clenched and he was glaring at Danny. Though his eyes kept flicking to Robin who had stopped hugging Alfred and was settled on Barbara’s lap signing to Dick and Alfred. Cass was paying more attention to them than Danny and Jazz.
But Danny didn’t really care about any of them. He sought out Jason who was pressed against the wall staring at Robin with wide eyes, a gun held loosely in his hand. “Jazz, feel free to share anything. Bruce is Batman. I’m gonna talk to your boyfriend for a moment.”
“How did you find that out?” demanded Bruce who moved to block Danny’s way.
At the same time, Jason fell into a defensive stance and held up the gun properly. “Don’t come closer!”
Danny cocked his head and looked at the gun. With barely a thought, he froze the trigger mechanism so it couldn’t shoot while sending out calm, safe, no harm pulses from his core. He trilled a I come in peace for good measure. To Bruce, he said, “Robin told me.” But then he realized there was more than one Robin present. “Not… Damian? The dead one.”
He realized that was an awful way to phrase it even as Jazz hissed his name in reproach. Even Robin facepalmed at his statement.
Bruce barely twitched. “Who are you?” he demanded, voice low and threatening.
“Right, okay, that’s a fair question. So I haven’t lied about who I am. Or much of anything tonight, really. I’m Danny. I was born Danny Fenton until my parents decided they were not okay having a half-dead son and tried to fix me. I escaped and now I respect their wishes by not using their last name. I did die when I was fourteen and became a vigilante in our home town keeping humans safe from ghosts and ghosts safe from humans. I was able to broker a semi-permanent peace on the ghostly side a few years ago and retired from vigilantism. But now I’m basically the liaison between the living realms and the Infinite Realms. Which means I need to talk to your son. So we’ll continue this after I do.”
“I will not allow you near Jason until you explain everything.” Bruce stood even taller and tried to loom over Danny.
“It’s his medical information. I’ll explain what I can to him and he can choose what to share with you. Besides, I’m a ghost. You really can’t stop me.” He strengthened the peace, no harm, calm vibes he was sending out. Bruce was liminal enough he should be able to feel them. “You know I’m telling the truth. You’ve died and there are no secrets among the dead.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Damian lower his sword.
“What are you doing?” demanded Bruce who didn’t relax at all.
“Later,” insisted Danny. This was pointless. He needed to talk to Jason and delaying wasn’t going to help any of them. Turning intangible, he walked around Bruce whose arms went right through him. As did Tim’s follow-up attacks.
“What are you doing?” yelled Tim as he tried to restrain Danny.
“Trying to talk to your brother,” replied Danny. “You should let me do it.” And then he was before Jason.
The calming pulses from his core had calmed his sister’s boyfriend down somewhat. The gun was now pointed at the ground and his hand wasn’t on the trigger anymore. Not that it would’ve fired anyway, but Jason didn’t know that.
“I’m sorry.” He heard Jazz yelling at Tim and Bruce and starting her own explanations and happily let her handle her boyfriend’s family. To Jason, he continued, “I knew Clockwork was hiding something from me about you and Jazz, but I let myself get distracted and put off visiting you. I don’t know everything that happened to you or how or why you’ve been split in two, but I can help. However you want. I promise to explain everything I do know tonight. Once we get somewhere private. Do you want Jazz there, too? I’d recommend it since she’s better at explaining things than me, but it’s your choice.”
“What are you? What is that?” Jason pointed to Robin with a shaking hand.
Danny smiled sadly. “You know who he is. He’s you. Whatever brought you back to life did a fucking awful job of it. Being split in two like this isn’t good for you and I say that from experience. Now, I can keep answering your questions here in full hearing of every single member of your family, or we can wait until later. I promise no more harm will come to you.”
“He’s been there the whole time?”
“He’s been there the whole time,” confirmed Danny. “Waiting a few hours won’t change a single thing.”
Jason nodded once and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and as he did so seemed to stand up taller. When he opened his eyes again, he no longer looked to be on the verge of attack. He even clicked the safety of his gun back on and put it away. “Now, I do have one question,” he said.
“What was that you meant about me being Jazz’s second dead boyfriend?”
Over his surprised laughter, he heard Jazz’s groan from across the hall. Yeah, he really did like Jason more than Johnny.
Danny is setting himself up to be interrogated by the entire batclan. He has no idea what he's about to face. I wanted to get more into everyone's reactions, but that'll come in the next parts.
Unrelated to this fic, I'm glad you all enjoyed I'll Carry Your Heart! I did feel a little guilty with the comments/tags on part 2 talking about how sweet and fluffy it was only to twist all of that in part 3. It was a lot of fun to write and I can't wait to get back to it.
Tag List
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @emeraldcorpral, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @flyingpansaurus, @akintoabitch, @marivictal, @8-29pm, @justreadingthefanfics, @happybear135, @kisatamao, @spoopyspoony
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toasteaa · 4 months
No longer 1 am, time to post "as close to done as I'm getting it" self insert refs -
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etoile-gracieuse · 1 year
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afc richmond (and associates) as troubled birds: 3/?
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nopeferatu · 8 months
Dude I know ur neck deep in brokeback these days but I just wanted to say that anytime I get anxious abt drawing/posting/showing a hetalia chara w visible top surgery scars or otherwise visibly trans a little voice in my brain goes "nickie would do it :)" and then I go yeah ur right and draw them extra trans
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If you're ever questioning whether or not you should make your characters look visibly trans, just ask yourself, "what would nickie do?" And then make them look as transgender as possible.
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