#Forgotten magic
@ratticus-overlord are you ready to learn some forgotten magicks? I'll teach you the basics you need to learn and then we'll learn the thing I've been working on
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kitty-is-writing · 2 months
OK I've had this specific bit of a scene in my head for nearly two years now and I've finally got to the point where I'm writing the rest of the scene. I just wanted to share this little snippet because I love seeing Kandrina go full on mama bear for her baby sister!
(from my current WIP Forgotten Magic)
The two women, one dark as night with lightning crackling in her hands, the other pale and blonde wielding a shortsword, marched towards Cassandra with matching fury in their eyes. She started to turn and face these intruders properly, but the mage threw her into the chair with a vicious spell.
The warrior pressed the tip of her sword against Cassandra's throat, hard enough that a small bead of blood welled up and ran down the blade, and snarled. “I hear you’re in charge. Now what in the Hells have you done with my little sister?
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books-in-a-storm · 6 months
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Book Of The Week
Title: Stolen Magic #1 Forgotten Magic
Author: Jayne Hawke
Pages: 212
Synopsis: No one can know what happened on my sixteenth birthday, what really happened to my old coven. I’ve built myself a pretty nice life. I have a business as an independent acquisitions expert and fixer (that’s thief and bounty hunter in less polite company). When a client hires me to find a couple of stolen magical artifacts, it seems like a straightforward job. Then it turns out that she didn’t just hire me, she hired my biggest rival, too. Elijah, alpha of the Sentinels pack. He’s as sexy as he is infuriating. Working together seems like the most logical option. The problem is soon dead bodies start piling up alongside the stolen artifacts. The new thief in town isn’t my only problem. Someone has been digging into the disappearance of my old coven. If they find out the truth about who and what I am, my carefully constructed life will be over. At best, I’ll be hunted to the ends of the Earth. At worst, the fae will have me begging for death. Together Elijah and I must unravel the mystery of the new thief and murderer before my past is brought out into the light and everything comes tumbling down around us.
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counting-stars-gayly · 5 months
Sometimes, I think about how Merlin purposefully turned Arthur against magic twice—the first time to save his soul and the second to save his life—so when he finally told Arthur he was a sorcerer, it was the ultimate bamboozle.
“How could the bumbling idiot I’ve known all these years have been my greatest protector the whole time?” Yeah, sure. But also: “How could a sorcerer have chosen me over magic? Over his own freedom and the freedom of those like him? Over the gods who created him and the religion that saves him?” It’s one thing to die for someone and another thing entirely to give up who you are for them.
Obviously, Merlin was wrong, and that’s why playing God had an effect opposite to what he’d intended. But I think it’s so interesting to consider how Arthur might have viewed this confession. He was betrayed by Morgana because she loved herself more than her own brother and betrayed by Uther because he loved himself more than his own son. And all of this while Merlin, at first, fell in love with the cause and, then, even more with the man behind it. His loyalty to and love for Arthur was so pure it turned sinful, and I don’t think Arthur would have ever gotten over that. If he hadn’t died.
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bearsandswears · 2 months
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Asena is perfectly comfortable with nonsexual nudity (you kind of have to be as a werewolf, the clothes don’t come with), but seeing a chance to make Gale blush activates her prey drive.
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
This is based off of that one tiktok from @sorruna where it’s the audio from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse.
Dick Grayson was a sneaky, intelligent little shit.
He was also dumb. These things are not mutually exclusive.
To this day, one of his best kept secrets- one of the many, many that he had now- was something he’d take to his grave.
Or to Jason’s grave, at least.
Dick sat down and began telling the story to ears that would never truly hear it.
Batman’s voice rumbled behind him as Dick, in his Robin suit, stood blankly on top of a roof.
“I know you snuck out last night, Robin.”
Dick froze, train of thought about his dinner derailed. Holy busted, Batman! Quick! Play dumb!
“Who’s Robin?” He asked, the years of performing in front of a large crowd coming to save his ass.
Not that dumb!
Batman sent him a dry look, reprimand already poised on his lips. Dick, however, was nothing but a good performer. Nay, a dedicated performer.
Quick! Do something out of character! He shouted at himself, panicking visibly. He stepped backwards, an idea appearing in his head. In his defense, it sounded like an amazing idea at the time. He had no idea it would blow up into a Justice League issue. If he had known… Dick would have lied better, probably. There was no way he was going to let B bench him for weeks!
“Who the fuck are you?!” He yelped. Dick apologized mentally to Alfred and his parents. Batman paused, stunned.
“That’s my question. Who are you?!” Bruce asked, immediately hostile. His son doesn’t curse. Well, not in any normal way anyways. Dick quickly backpedaled by yelling at him with a heavy Vlax dialect, missing his parents terribly as he screamed stranger danger in rudimentary Romany. After this, he was going to have to convince Bruce to get him a language tutor. He refused to forget one of the only ties he had left to his parents.
“Wait, wait- you’re my son.” Bruce replied back, in perfect Romany. He looked more convinced but still skeptical.
“My dad is a circus performer! Not a flying rat!” Dick screeched back. He couldn’t help but feel touched about Bruce seeing him like a son.
“Oy! Keep it down out there, you assholes! Some of us like our sleep, damn!” A random Gothamite screamed out of their window.
“Yo, shut the fuck up! The vigilantes are helping to keep the rent low, motherfucker!” Another Gothamite shouted back.
Needless to say, Bruce quickly brought Dick back to the cave- with precautions to make sure he didn’t figure out where the Cave was if Dick was actually someone else.
“You would have loved it, Little Wing. B was running around like a headless chicken. The memory loss protocol was actually made because of me, you know.” Dick chuckled, sniffling as he talked to the carved gravestone.
It did not reply.
The blood tests came back. Yeppers, Dick sarcastically thought, who woulda thought I’m me?
Reinforcements were called in.
Meaning, Batgirl.
“Watch him while I contact Justice League Dark.”
“You think it’s magic?” Barbara asked.
“Yes. There was no one else near our vicinity that could affect Dick like this. He has no head wounds.”
“Eesh. Okay, go. I’ll watch him.”
Bruce disappeared in his zeta tube, looking harried. So, to everyone that’s not a Bat, he looked absolutely terrifying.
“What did you get yourself into now, Boy Wonder?” Barbara sighed. Dick was careful to keep any signs of recognition out of his face.
“Stop calling me that! Where are my parents?!” He asked back. Barbara coughed and looked uncomfortably away.
That’s right, Babs. I’m pulling out the orphan card. Feel bad. Dick hid his feral grin.
“They’re… uh, busy.” Busy being dead, Barbara thought, immediately wincing at her own thoughts. Apparently, Dick thought the excuse was lame too, and he sent her an incredulous look.
“Would you like refreshments, Master Dick?”
Alfred held out some cookies on a platter, giving Babs a quelling look as she tried to reach for his share.
“Oh, wow, these are really good!” Dick said as he shoveled cookies into his mouth. He tried to replicate the reaction he had when he tried these for the first time, and from Alfred’s satisfied look, Dick nailed it.
“Robin doesn’t remember who he is.” Batman rumbled as he all but dragged Zatanna and Constantine by the scuff of their jackets towards the zeta tubes.
“Hey, wait-”
“We have no time.” Batman snarled, tossing the two magic users into the zeta. He punched in the destination.
When they got there, he glared at the two magic users until they got into the cave.
“Damn, Bats. Really living up to your name, huh?”
“Not bad,” Zatanna said as she looked around.
“Robin,” Batman- Bruce- reminded them. He did a quick glance over to check on his kids, and found them satisfactorily uninjured. Though, Barbara was looking worse for wear. Bruce quickly found out why as she stalked to him.
“You deal with him.” She muttered. “I’m going home.”
Bruce blinked and nodded. “Get home safe.”
Zatanna and Constantine followed Batman as he walked towards Robin. It was odd to see the normally laughing child frown.
“It’s you! The kidnapper! Where are my parents?!”
Bruce winced which, for him, was akin to a full body flinch and recoil. No wonder Barbara was so tired.
“Fix it.”
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Batsy.” Constantine grumbled.
“Well help, Batman. Though… I’m not sure if he should be doing that.”
Bruce sharply turned his head back to where Dick was. Emphasis on was. Because now, he’s halfway up the giant dinosaur the Robin had insisted they keep.
“Robin, get down from there!”
“Stranger Danger!” Dick hollered back.
Batman- Bruce Wayne- sighed.
“That’s high level magic,” Zatanna hummed. “I can’t feel anything, but I know for sure that he won’t die. Magic like that either dissipates naturally or…”
“Lasts forever,” Constantine finished.
Bruce groaned, shooting off a grappling line and swooping upwards to catch Dick as he fell from the giant dinosaur.
“I pretended to get my memories back later,” Dick chuckled. “And pretended to forget the whole thing. Bruce was so relieved that I stopped knocking things over and trying to do cartwheels in high places that he totally forgot I snuck out.”
Dick patted the headstone.
“But between you and me? I’m pretty sure Alfred knew. I think B pissed him off that week.”
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thinwhitedoc · 2 months
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SHERLOCK | Martin Freeman as John Watson
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descendinight · 8 days
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ineed-to-sleep · 13 days
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Some Enderal characters + my silly little arcanist because I've been rotating this game in my mind 24/7
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wantonlywindswept · 3 months
forgotten fox ficbit
With Palpatine's dying breath, he curses Fox to be Forgotten.
(Fox isn't really bothered.)
There was a personnel transfer authorization sitting in Marshal Commander Thorn's crowded inbox.
He didn't remember requesting a fourth commander. The Guard was in desperate need of one following Thire finding Palpatine's wrinkled ass dead in his office, and the ensuing shitshow about the former Chancellor being a Sith and also controlling the war from both sides. Interim Chancellor Organa was incredibly competent and parsecs better than their previous natborn overlord, but even he was being swamped by the uproar in the Senate and the peace talks with the Separatists and the doubled amount of assassination attempts and the petabytes and petabytes of datawork--
Thorn couldn't remember requesting another commander, but he also couldn't remember the last time he slept.
Commander Vertex stood calm and at the ready on the other side of Thorn's desk, all-black helmet tucked under his arm as he waited patiently for Thorn to remember how to read. His hair was stark white, and there were vine-like scars wrapped around his neck that disappeared down into his blacks. The remnants of Sith lightning, Thorn knew, now that they'd been briefed on what that kind of thing looked like. 
Vertex's file was sparse, mostly redacted, and marked him as coming from the Special Operations Brigade, which Thorn could entirely believe.
"This isn't part of an investigation, is it?" he blurted, brain-to-mouth filter entirely gone after five too many cups of caf and an inadvisable number of stims over the past month. "The Guard was already cleared of suspicion involving the former Chancellor's death--"
Vertex held up a hand. Thorn's mouth snapped shut. 
"It's not," Vertex said, his voice firm, reassuring. There was something about it that made Thorn relax, as if his beleaguered hindbrain knew that the other commander had everything under control.
Spec Ops troops were amazing.
"The GAR is just reallocating resources given the recent upheaval," Vertex continued. Thorn nodded along like that all made sense. "I'm here to help with anything you need."
The word 'help' triggered a sudden burst of manic hope in Thorn's chest, and he lurched forward across his desk, grabbing Vertex's free hand in both of his own. The commander didn't even blink at the sudden movement, calmly meeting Thorn's wide, desperate eyes.
"Can you--" Thorn struggled to keep from sounding like he was begging, which he definitely was. "Can you do datawork?"
Vertex's sigh was entirely exasperated, and the roll of his eyes oddly, familiarly fond.
"Yes, Thorn. I can do your datawork."
Pt 2
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@ratticus-overlord aren't we supposed to learn some forgotten magic tonight?
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steamclouds · 2 months
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Zethir Adravo, secondboy of House Adravo. Voradras' younger brother. Finally happy with his design! I have his story mostly figured out and I might share more in time
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littjara-mirrorlake · 4 months
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Norn propaganda:
Insists on being called mommy, to the point of making it her religious title
Catastrophically down bad for a human woman she has never spoken to in her life (because a nightmare enby trolled her)
Hit on said woman mid-combat and got rejected in front of the entire Mirran and Phyrexian armies
Massive head crest is the Phyrexian equivalent of those insecure guys who drive huge pickup trucks
Obsessed with yonic imagery
Hisses and spikes up like a cat when angry
Jin propaganda:
Living embodiment of the 🤓 emoji
Talks like he consumed several thesauruses
Shrimp shaped
Hopelessly and loudly obsessed with his homoerotic rival
Threatens to feed his enemies to his kids
Wears extremely gaudy silk pants
Got one-shotted with a samurai sword during his extraplanar mission, had to be dragged home unconscious
Got his ass handed to him by his infant children
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winged-eggers · 1 year
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1.) Amon demon beast form fiddling
2.) post credits sheep peeling scene (important) (domestic sheep need to be sheared regularly for their own health)
3.) in AU Forgort Land. We see him
4.) The throwaway joke has taken root within my heart and grown out of control
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we aren’t translating that
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oldschoolfrp · 2 months
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The wizard Flamsterd sinks his tower into the sea. Don't worry about his troublesome apprentices -- he turned them all into toads and salamanders and they survived the flood just fine. (George Barr, Moonshae, AD&D Forgotten Realms campaign supplement by Douglas Niles, TSR, 1987)
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