#HOWEVER. Would I have studied dark magic? No. And I couldn't do anything more than a snake or a bug.
imminent-danger-came · 9 months
Honestly, if Sarai actually knew to ask all the right questions about Dark Magic, that almost makes it worse that she went along with it anyway. She said all the ways that DM was bad then went along with it and said "oh well, gotta support my husband, y'know?" If Callum did that, people would be raking him over the coals for all time.
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yanderes-galore · 7 days
Could I request a romantic yandere alphabet for Rennala (Elden Ring), please?
🕊️ anon
I researched her and Elden Ring lore the best I could. Sorry if she seems OOC. I sort of see her as a platonic yandere and I couldn't find much personality-wise. However, I hope the wait was worth it. I had to end up changing the pairing to general due to her :( I'm so sorry... girl is messed up in the head, she probably can't see the difference at this point.
Yandere Alphabet - Rennala
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Isolation, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Regression, Delusional behavior, Dark themes, Forced "relationship"/companionship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Rennala is a tragic character in Elden Ring. After her husband leaving her (That portion gets complicated) and her being locked away in the Grand Library at the academy... she's lost her mind. Rennala appears as a calm individual, but her studies into Reincarnation magic and her isolation have rot her mind.
She's reincarnated many of the Juvenile Scholars who used to attend the academy to the point they have no memories. The way she treats others seems to be that of a mother. She struggles with attachment as when her husband left, so did her heart.
Rennala seems like she'd isolate her obsession. You'd either be a Scholar or Tarnished. Her affection would be soft... but smothering.
The Full Moon Queen is determined to not lose another. She's already lost her husband, perhaps even some of her "Sweetings". Which means she'd keep you locked away and smothered like a mother's love.
She clings to you like she does her amber egg. You are never far from the royal queen. Her affection and touch is soft... but oppressive.
Even if her feelings are romantic towards you, you're often coddled. It's as though that's the only way she can cope with her losses. You'll be kept right by her side...
Even if magic must be used to keep things that way.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Rennala is strong but she seems more defensive and reclusive. She's capable of getting her hands dirty. However, she chooses not to, instead preferring to isolate you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
You'd probably be treated like one of her "Sweetings". She clearly has a stronger connection with you... but treats you the same. Even if you were a Tarnished, she'd probably have you locked away in her library (Maybe with Ranni's help-).
She would never mock you. You are her beloved, the one that fills the void where her heart once was. She'd never want to hurt you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Rennala is mostly passive. She isn't too forceful, just clingy and smothering. The only thing against your will is your inability to leave the library.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
I imagine quite a lot. Rennala is a vulnerable woman after her husband left. Once she finds someone to fill the void, I highly doubt she's letting them go. She's very vulnerable with you when she holds you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
I have a feeling Rennala is delusional in a way. She probably wouldn't view you fighting back as, well, fighting back unless you were heavily armed. She wouldn't understand it and would instead try to soothe you with soft words.
When in reality... you just want to leave... you don't want to be soothed... it really makes you feel like some petulant child. Even if you're so much more than that to her.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not a game and she does not enjoy escape.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
It's definitely either the isolation... or the regression that would come eventually. I would not doubt Rennala would reincarnate her obsession to keep them beside her. Subconsciously, she wants you reliant on her.
If you're reliant... You'll never leave her... You'll be hers forever.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Considering her mental state, it's most likely her wanting to cling to you for all of eternity through consistent cycles of reincarnation to keep you hers.
Dark, isn't it?
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Not really, she's too delusional to experience jealousy with you since you both are isolated. Even if she was, she seems like she'd quietly cope.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Calm and quiet, often talking to you in a hushed tone. Due to her past she has trouble showing love properly. Which means she's usually clinging to you tightly and pressing soft kisses to your head like you're her precious egg. You're never outside of the library, yet allowed to read within it.
She's always watching you...
Ready to love her Sweeting with all of her heart (or what she has left of it....).
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
There isn't really any courting unless you two met before she lost her mind. Even then, she doesn't cling until she loses her husband. After that... "courting" is just "isolation".
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really except she clings to you more than others. She's usually calm and soft-spoken all the time.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
The only thing that comes to mind for me is forced reincarnation. All in an attempt to weed out any fight or disobedience. Love with her gets complicated.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
I would assume all of them, even if she doesn't realize it.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Extremely patient. Isolation does that to people.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Honestly? Is it possible for her to be worse mentally than she already is? She probably either couldn't lose you due to her hold on you... or would be too delusional to notice.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No and she could never let you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Definitely the mass amount of trauma her story has (Husband abandoning her, academy betraying her...). That's what caused her attachment issues... among other things.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
She'd soothe you like she usually does, even if it makes you cry harder. She doesn't understand your pain. She just sees you crying and thinks soft touches and kisses will fix it.
Soon you may just forget why you're crying.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
I can't really... think of one. Honestly, even if you tried to exploit a weakness of hers, would Ranni let you?
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not intentionally.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
I suppose in a way you could consider her nature worshipping. She'd do anything to keep the one she loves beside her. Even if it means giving them the magic equivalent of a lobotomy.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
There's no pining. She just... latches on the moment she sees you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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raayllum · 11 months
also cause I'm not there yet in my 5x08 liveblog but because even just a whiff of "Callum gave Finnegrin the spell" made the fandom troll come running into my inbox to say otherwise, just wanna clear up a few things for peace of mind before we get there
The first is that I know it was the fandom troll because of the timing & presentation, not necessarily because the now deleted/blocked ask had the "Callum purposefully gave Finnegrin the wrong spell" take. While that was an indication to me that this was probably the fandom troll since they seem to take issue with my characterization of Callum in particular, perfectly smart reasonable people have also proposed that possibility of the spell ingredients being not entirely accurate as purposeful; it's not exclusive to crappy people by any measure.
With all that in mind, I want to discuss how I view the scene (and indeed how I think it's meant to be interpreted per a casual viewer reading) as well as why I think Callum giving Finnegrin a not word-for-word accurate actually kind of makes his choice more morally questionable, not less
So let's begin
1) I don't think the scene's intended takeaway is that Callum gave Finnegrin the wrong spell
I think Callum panicked, and he folded, and he would've told Finnegrin anything the pirate had asked for in that moment to try and spare Rayla's life. While TDP is an immensely detailed show in many ways (hell I have a tag dedicated to just those details), every scene still has to ultimately work for a casual viewer. I don't think this scene is any exception. One of the first things in the series that we learn is that humans took down the King of the Dragons with dark magic and it's a repeated fact throughout most of the first season, and into the third when we see the events that transpired exactly.
So when Finnegrin mentions it, we're probably going to remember that was a thing that happened and it involved Harrow and Viren, but we're probably not going to remember the specific ingredients. Therefore, like Finnegrin, most audience members are going to take Callum at his word, especially since throughout most of his conversation with Finnegrin, Callum is arguably far more honest than he needs to be (fessing up that he did dark magic at all, mentioning that he studies all the primals, that he did the spell to save a friend at all - which is exactly why Finnegrin sets him the hand cutting test to try and break him, etc). The scene - again, for the audience's benefit - even as Callum clarify for those that wouldn't remember why he was spouting things about dying breaths and unicorn horns, because again, I do think this is the Intended Takeaway:
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Part of the reason I think Callum panicked (other than Jack de Sena's wonderful voice acting and uneven breaths) is because, if Callum was thinking clearly enough to withhold information purposefully, he could've considered 1) that Finnegrin is bluffing about threatening Rayla (Callum cannot see her or any of the others, so that could be the case) and 2) Finnegrin would have limited means to know that Callum was lying if Callum said exclusively the wrong ingredients and sent him on a wild goose chase. To give as much as he did accurately was dangerous (but we'll talk more about that in a second).
We also know from instances in the previous seasons and just the prior episode that Callum doesn't have all sky spells (ones that he can do whenever he wants basically) memorized either, and that it's not out of the realm of possibility that Viren would've fudged a little to Harrow about some components of the spell (such as emphasizing love and hatred) because he was actively trying to convince - somewhat guilt-trip and manipulate - Harrow into doing something didn't really want to do, but ultimately couldn't say no to.
However, one of the things that's the most fun meta is reading into things deeply, looking at various character interpretations, and seeing what we can find below the surface level / casual viewership read. Just because something may not be the 'intended takeaway' (which can already be hard to define) doesn't mean it's not a real possibility, especially if enough dots connect, and doesn't mean it's not worthwhile and or without merit.
So let's look at the scene from the assumption that Callum is giving Finnegrin a not totally accurate spell On Purpose - what does he omit, what does that tell us, and where does that leave us from a character standpoint?
2) Haha, jk, unless...?
First things first, let's look at what Callum says vs what Viren says
No, no, wait! A dying breath. Blood filled with hatred. And a unicorn horn. That's the dark magic you want.
In her final moments, I captured something that I hoped we could use later. It contains her dying breath. [...] Claudia captured a unicorn and brought me its horn. The dying breath. The unicorn's pure horn. There's one last component I need. The undying hatred of one who loved the victim. Your blood.
Now, even Viren's stance and the circumstances of the spell isn't entirely clear. We don't know if any dying breath would do, or if it had to be Sarai's (and had to go her killer, as opposed to someone else). We don't know if the spell requires the unicorn's horn to be 'pure' (I'm assuming not already corrupted somehow with dark magic) or if it would work regardless. And we don't know whether the hatred or love is more important, or just one, or if they're equally important. It's quite a list, after all.
Which is why I think in some ways Callum's lack of specificity actually makes what Callum told Finnegrin more dangerous, whether you read the minor omissions as intentional or not.
Cause think of it this way, you're a pirate lord and you want to kill your enemy. You heard from this mage kid that any dying breath would do. What's your next move going to be? You're probably going to murder a random member of your crew and collect the breath because you were never told it had to be your loved one's final breath (which would make the spell impossible).
So that's one murder down, bare minimum. Then you're going to either send people out or word that you're looking for a unicorn horn at a port where people already canonically smuggle dark magic supplies (Chasing Shadows, TDP reflection). This will either lead to you hiring people to eliminate one of the - it appears to be - few remaining unicorns that still exist to bring you the horn, or if you've put out a reward, multiple dark mages / mercenaries may try their hand at killing one and bringing the horn to you. That's probably 1-5 unicorn murders as a result, if the mages are working not in communication with each other and all vying for the reward. This is also assuming that none of the mercenaries or mages come back empty handed and get harmed or killed because of Finnegrin's anger at their failures.
You also might torment and torture someone else to get them to hate you before you drain them of blood / take their blood for the spell, again not realizing that 'love' has to be a facet of it. At best, that would maybe be what you do to the crew member before you kill them for their final breath.
Then, once he has all the ingredients (and he'd need some sort of incantation, because dark magic is a lot of steps and processes) there's two main avenues.
Either these all work and he successfully has his weapon of vengeance needed to kill Domina Profundis, because what was given was enough. This would mean Callum's actions led to about 2-3 successful murders of mostly innocent people and possibly more political upheaval at the death of another archdragon (the ocean would certainly be out of whack, but it's not clear how much, if any, political power Domina still holds).
It doesn't work and Finnegrin, stubborn as he is about control and loathe to admit he can't commandeer something (magic and wills included), figures that something went wrong and tries again, having to collect the ingredients all over again. Depending on how many times he'd try (I feel like maybe 2-3 max), this could put those murders up to maybe nine innocent individuals, assuming Finnegrin's worsening temper over his failures doesn't increase the tally.
Rattling off the accurate spell ingredients could've actually minimized the damage, because any of the specifics might've stopped Finnegrin in his tracks. If Finnegrin just needed hatred of one who loved the victim, he could've fulfilled that on his own with some of his own blood ("I loved that crab" and her definitely hates Domina Profundis). The one that could've entirely halted his plan is if the dying breath had to come from the victim, in which case the chance to avenge his beloved crab is long gone. Finnegrin could've heard the list of very specific ingredients, deduced that he would not be capable of carrying out the spell, and been on his merry way to use Rayla as revenge fish bait.
But by giving Finnegrin an 'imperfect' list, Callum made the pirate captain more likely to engage in the violence required to get there, without an actual textual guarantee to the audience that what was given wouldn't have worked, either (aka we have two ingredients list and without a third to tip the scales, it'll always be a technical 50-50, maybe 60-40 read in favour of Viren).
So where does that leave us?
With these two readings in mind, you have two options:
Callum is willing to sacrifice Domina Profundis', and a few unnamed innocent lives/creatures, to save Rayla and thereby gave Finnegrin a dangerous in its own way, if not more dangerous because of potential increased collateral damage, list of spell ingredients, because he acted entirely out of emotionally fuelled panic where he wasn't totally thinking clearly
Callum is willing to sacrifice unnamed innocent lives and creatures, but not Domina Profundis', in order save Rayla, because he decided on purpose to give Finnegrin a more achievable sounding list of ingredients that would increase collateral damage, but not let him kill the dragon, because he made a calculated decision on purpose that those lives were worth less than Rayla's and Domina's to him (for some reason, as she's a stranger to him)
To be clear, I would love the second option as an interpretation because I do think Callum can be calculating and I do think that's the far more Viren-like option - choosing what to sacrifice for other people in the mindset of harm mitigation ("A thousand men and women are prepared to fall protecting you tonight, but you won't let one sacrifice their lives for you?" / "If you must choose, choose the egg").
But again, given the framing of the scene I think the first reading is 1) more sympathetic and speaks to Callum's more compassionate emotional nature and 2) is the intended takeaway, but if people want to read it as Callum strategically deciding that certain lives - other than Rayla's - were worth sacrificing that so she and Domina Profundis wouldn't be killed, that is absolutely a valid prerogative.
It's just not mine
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 3
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖜 𝖜𝖆𝖘 a wonderful place. It was more magical than where dad and I lived, so I got to see new magical objects. Of course, the Weasleys also lived on the outskirts of a Wizarding village. Dad and I lived in a Muggle town. They had a huge garden with gnomes which was fascinating to me. I loved exploring the garden and found small hidden areas, like a clump of rose bushes that would close up, putting you in a secret hideout made of roses and vines. I think it was meant to be romantic, but I thought of it as a hideout.
I also got to practice Quidditch more often here. Fred and George were both excited that I was going to try out for Hufflepuff Quidditch team, though they teased me constantly about it. We also talked a lot about it.
"What position are you going to try out for?" George asked, "Seeker, like Harry?"
I shook my head. "Cedric is seeker. I'm going to be trying out for either Chaser or Keeper." I grinned. "You Gryffindors won't be scoring if I'm keeper."
George rolled his eyes. "We'll see about that."
"Diggory is seeker?" Fred asked in disgust.
"And Captain." I added happily as I liked Cedric. He'd been made captain this year along with prefect.
Fred made choking sounds. I laughed, though I was just slightly offended. But I liked Fred far to much to argue with him.
Besides Quidditch, I got to catch up on all my studying, mostly my Muggle studies. There was so much to do! I also got to know Ginny quite well since she was the only other girl there. She was shy around Harry, but she liked to talk to me.
Mr. Weasley was also fascinated that I knew so much about Muggles even though I had a wizard as a father. He liked having either Harry or I explain how Muggle things like electricity, TV's, dishwashers, microwaves, and many other appliances, toys, or electronics worked. Sometimes, things that I thought were so easy were so hard to explain. Like how a rubber duck works? What? How do you explain the properties of rubber ducks?!
I read all of the Lockhart books and found them to be, while interesting, weird. Sure, I suppose these things really did happen, but with Lockhart's looks, I couldn't image him wrestling a Yeti in mud and snow. I couldn't see him doing anything that would possibly ruin those curls and his expensive robes. But perhaps he only got the robes and curls after he published his books. It was plausible that he wasn't rich before he did those things.
The newspaper I was dreading came out four days later with a big bold headline saying:
"Oh no." I muttered, snatching the paper out of the delivery owls claws. It hooted, disgruntled. I put a few knuts in it's tiny bag and it flew out the window. Then I sat down and read the following:
A book signing in Diagon Alley on August 4th revealed more than one surprise. A great deal was covered in that signing that would interest mainly witches, but also wizards. Gilderoy Lockhart, author of the newest book series: Gilderoy Lockhart's Magical Creatures Adventures, announced that he would be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There have been many compliments to Headmaster Albus Dumbledore for choosing such a renowned Dark Arts fighter. Many witches have written into the Daily Prophet saying that they wish they could be going to school this year to have him as their teacher. But this was not the end of Lockhart's secrets and surprises that afternoon. Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, was there on the day of Lockhart's announcement. Of course, Lockhart was excited to meet him, and called him up to stand with him (photograph enclosed, see page 1a). Of course, Harry Potter is just as big as a celebrity as Lockhart, and this was only a natural thing to do. However, Lockhart perhaps made a mistake in also asking a girl to come up with him as well, calling her the sister of Harry Potter. The girl never announced her name, neither denying nor confirming whether or not she is Harry Potter's sister. Experts say however, that it is possible Lockhart made a mistake. "Magihistorians have studied the Potters for years" Says Bariums Lamour, a Magihistorian himself. "There is absolutely no evidence that this girl could possibly be related to Harry Potter. There are no pictures of her in the household (that we have seen as no one has entered the house since the fire was put out), nor evidence that a girl existed there at all. It is most likely just wishful thinking on Lockhart's part that they were related. There are many people out there that wish such a wonderful young boy like Harry Potter still had family. The two also look alike, so it could've been just a mishap in thinking they were related." However, it should be noted that since the Potter house cannot be fully explored due to safety precautions and also to respect the Potter household, not all rooms have been explored. Could there be evidence that Magihistorians have not uncovered? Could this girl be a Potter? Perhaps the world will never know.
I stared at the newspaper, the words blurring together. Oh this was terrible, super terrible.
Percy walked into the kitchen at that moment. "Is that the paper?" He asked, yawning.
I nodded mutely and handed it over to him and then quickly left the room. I went upstairs to the room I was sharing with Ginny. She was still asleep and I took out my quill and ink, writing quickly.
Dear Dad, I know you're at work and trying to settle into your new job, but I wanted to write to you, because I don't know if the newspaper got to you yet. If not, this letter may not make sense. I wanted to ask if my parents ever knew Gilderoy Lockhart. . . if they would've trusted him with such a secret. I'll probably be at Hogwarts by the time you get this. I miss you. Good luck at work. Love, Elizabeth
Then, I set it out on the window to dry and waited, picking up a Lockhart book, the Werewolf one, and reading it.
After seven minutes, the ink had dried. I folded it up before stuffing it carefully into an envelope, writing the name Dad a.k.a Remus Lupin on the outside of it. Sadie flew down from the wardrobe and held out her leg. I tied it on carefully. "This ones important." I whispered to her. I kissed the top of her head. "I'll have a treat for you when you get back."
She hooted softly, making Ginny stir, and then I opened the window so she could fly out. I had a knock on Ginny's door at that moment. I opened the door and stepped out, so the person couldn't wake Ginny. Fred was standing there with the newspaper. I scowled at him.
"Interesting article." Fred said, his voice quavering as he tried not to laugh.
"It's stupid, we don't even look like each other." I muttered, snatching the newspaper out of his hands.
"You seem mad to be seen as possibly related to Harry Potter." Fred said, tauntingly. "Why?"
I sighed, looking around. "Because." I muttered, trying to make this convincing, "Harry's had to go through enough. Don't you think he wishes he had family, that I really was his sister? Or maybe not particularly me, but a sister or brother in general?"
Fred dropped his smile at my seriousness. "You're right, I didn't think of it like that."
I shook my head. "And apparently neither does the newspaper. This will just cause confusion in the world, cause trouble for- not only Harry- but me as well, and all they wanted was a stupid story."
"Soooo." Fred said, "you just hate journalists?"
I laughed, but my heart was still heavy from all the lies. I hated lying. "sure."
"Let's go play Quidditch." Fred said, grabbing the newspaper back and tossing it into the rubbish bin. I thanked him silently with my eyes.
"Agreed." I said, darting into Ginny's room and grabbing my Nimbus 2000. Nothing was going to stop me from getting on that Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Nothing.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖜𝖘𝖕𝖆𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖑𝖊 was not made fun of by myself, Mr and Mrs. Weasley, or Ginny. The others however, found the article hilarious and kept teasing Harry and I about it, unless Mrs. Weasley was around. Mrs. Weasley had the same opinion that I did, that Harry didn't need something else to feel pained about. She also added, to the others, not to my face, that I, as a single child with deceased parents, probably would feel pained over this article as well. I did feel pained over the article, but for much different reasons. Ginny couldn't have teased Harry if her life depended on it. Fred only made jokes about it if Harry wasn't around, and only with George.
To be fair though, I didn't mind the teasing, because it showed that they didn't believe the article. As long as they weren't trying to ask serious questions like they believed it, everything was good.
The end of summer vacation came very quickly. Perhaps too quickly, considering that I wasn't looking forward to school anymore. First, I'd have to face Draco's wrath after tripping and humiliating his father in public. Not to difficult, I could beat him in a duel. But of course, rumors were harder to squash than angry boys. And I had a very large rumor to squash.
On our last evening, Mrs. Weasley made a delicious dinner that was filled with Harry's favorite dinner foods and my favorite dessert- Vanilla cake with vanilla icing on it. I thought it was a nice touch.
Fred and George let off fireworks in the house. They were red and blue, in the shape of stars. I thought they were wonderful. I told Mr. Weasley- as he was interested- that Muggles had fireworks too but that they couldn't be let off inside the house because their fireworks emitted smoke and gases, and also that they went up very high into the sky. If set off in a house, it would probably explode. He thought that was just fascinating. Then, we had hot chocolate, though at this point, I was already full, before we went to bed.
I laid in bed, hoping that tomorrow was going to be better. As if in answer, I saw the barrier to Hogwarts Express, but someone was slapping their hand against it, and it wasn't going through. The vision was gone a moment later, leaving me nervous about the next day.
It took me a while to fall asleep, setting an early alarm. I woke up before the others and quickly jumped out of bed. Trying not to wake up Ginny, I started packing my trunk neatly so that everything fit. Then, I closed it, locked it, and started dragging it down the stairs to put it next to the door so we could put it in the car later. Then, I stacked Sadie's empty cage on top of that.
I went back upstairs and woke Ginny up so that she could get a start on packing. "Don't forget anything." I warned nervously. I could only imagine that the border closed when the train left, which meant we were going to be late. After all, they probably didn't leave the border open year round though I had never thought about it before.
She yawned and I helped her pack everything. "That's everything you need, right?" I asked.
She nodded, confused, but not suspicious. I sighed in relief and helped her carry her trunk down the stairs, putting it next to mine. Another trunk that had joined mine since I had gone back upstairs. Percy's by the look of it.
By this time, near most everyone else was starting to get up. Mrs. Weasley started on breakfast and then commanded me to keep watch of the stove as she dashed about the house, finding extra quills and spare socks.
I had a nice stack of toast going, using my wand made it go much faster, and buttered each side, stacking them on a plate. People kept coming in and grabbing a piece and going out, eating and getting ready at the same time.
I ate a piece of toast myself with a nice cup of lemon zinger tea. That would hold me over until I could stuff my face with sweets on the Hogwarts train.
I started breathing easier when it got to the point where all the trunks were loaded up in the trunk and everyone was starting to get into the car. I dashed back upstairs to Ginny's room and checked every crevice, making sure I had everything. I touched my neck, wrist, and finger to make sure I had my necklaces, bracelet, and ring.
Then I went downstairs and out to the car, grabbing my leather bag and sitting between Percy and Fred in the car.
"You remembered your broomstick, right?" I asked on a whim.
He gasped, and quickly dashed out of the car to run and grab his broomstick. He brought it back just as Mrs. Weasley and Ginny climbed into the car in the front seat.
"Well, Muggles do know more than we give them credit for, don't they? She asked. "I mean, you'd never know it was this roomy from the outside, would you?"
I giggled, quickly putting a hand over my mouth. Harry looked over his shoulder, watching the house disappear from view. Five minutes later, George said that he needed to go back for his Fireworks kit. I felt frustrated but was still able to breathe easily since Fred had his broomstick and Ginny had said she had everything.
We reached the highway, with thirty minutes to spare and then Ginny shrieked, making me jump, saying that she had forgotten her diary.
"I thought you said you had everything?!" I said, trying not to sound exasperated. We turned around so that we could go back for her diary. My nerves started going up again and I rested my head on Fred's shoulder, trying to relax. Good lord, he was tall.
By the time we got back to the house and Ginny got back in the car, we were starting to run late. We would still make it on time, thankfully, but we were going to cut it close. The image of the hand on the brick wall appeared in my head again.
I got that tingly feeling in my stomach and along my arms that one gets from being extremely anxious, almost sick. It was how I felt whenever I was invited to a birthday party somewhere and Dad and I weren't exactly late, but cutting it close.
Mr and Mrs. Weasley were arguing up front about whether or not we should fly the car which would cut our time in half. I wished they would. My stomach was doing flip-flops. I might vomit from nerves.
I mean it wouldn't be so bad, I supposed. Mr and Mrs. Weasley would probably discover, along with other parents, that they couldn't get back through the barrier. They'd find whoever was left behind and then either apparate them to Hogwarts, or send a letter off to Hogwarts to let them know about the barrier.
All we would probably miss, as Dumbledore was quite diligent, was the sorting, maybe the feast. Except I didn't have Sadie to write a letter.
The train left at eleven and we got there at 12 minutes till eleven. Mr. Weasley dashed across the road to get trolleys while Fred, George, and Percy started pulling the trunks out of the car. I waited, anxiously, holding my leather bag and empty bird cage.
Mr. Weasley brought the trollies over, and we started loading them up. I wheeled mine around and followed Percy into the station. Fred and George caught up, we were practically running through the station. Percy took quick look around and then ducked through the barrier. I waited impatiently as Mrs. Weasley ushered Fred and George through. Mr. Weasley followed.
Mrs. Weasley said, "You three come quickly, I'll take Ginny through right now."
I nodded, the hand on the brick in my mind again. Ginny and Mrs. Weasley quickly went through the barrier. I glanced up at the clock.
"Go Elizabeth." Ron said, hurriedly. I walked quickly and gently pressed my hand against the barrier. I sighed in relief and quickly turned to the others. If I kept my hand on it, they'd be able to get through.
"Let's go you two." I said and Harry and Ron hurried over. I went to pull my hand out and found that I was not able too. "Wait, somethings wrong." I said. I pulled again. My hand was stuck in the brick wall. I tugged again, panicking, but it hurt my wrist.
Harry and Ron glanced up at the clock at the same time. 8. . . 7. . .6. . . 5. . . 4. . . 3. . . 2. . . 1. . . The train had left.
"What are we going to do now?" Ron asked, sounding like he was on the verge of panicking himself.
"Can you free your hand?" Harry asked worriedly, looking around. I was just glad they hadn't crashed their trolleys the way I had seen in my vision. He came over, grabbing my wrist, and tugging. I hissed and he let go quickly.
I shook my head. "Take Mr. Weasley's car. Get to Hogwarts and let Professor Snape, Sprout, McGonagall, Flitwick or Dumbledore know. Whoever you see first. I can't do any magic here."
"So what are you going to do?" Harry asked, concerned.
"Act like I'm leaning against this wall, waiting for someone." I said, looking around nervously. No one was looking at us for the moment. I hoped that it stayed that way. "And hopefully people won't pay too much attention to me."
Harry nodded, giving me on last worried look, and then followed Ron out of the station. I groaned and leaned my head back against the brick wall. If only I had Sadie and could write a letter to Hogwarts. Oh I should've used Hedwig! Gosh darn it!
I gritted my teeth and leaned against the wall, waiting.
𝕬𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘 later, Professor Dumbledore, Snape, and Sprout came walking down the corridor. I had my eyes closed, half asleep. I was bloody tired and hungry and was about ready to bust myself out of there. But I had already foreseen that Harry and Ron were in trouble with the car and I didn't really want detention either. Or a letter from the Ministry of Magic saying I could possibly be expelled for using magic in a place that was highly concentrated with Muggles for that matter.
It wasn't my fault. They would've taken it anyways and I knew the car had to be on Hogwarts' grounds for something later on, I just didn't know what at this moment.
"Miss Kane?" I heard a familiar voice ask.
I gave a start, as I was half-asleep, and opened my eyes. "P-Professor Dumbledore." I stuttered, straightening my position. "I didn't realize you'd come."
Dumbledore just smiled patiently, drawing his wand, and said, "Let's do something about your hand now."
"If you don't mind me asking, Miss Kane." Snape said while Dumbledore took out his wand and tapped the bricks around my hand. "Why didn't you send an owl instead of Potter and Weasley in an illegal flying car?"
I blushed bright red. While both Snape and Dumbledore knew about my futuristic visions, Professor Sprout didn't and I didn't want to say anything. After all, Professor Sprout was my house head. Letting her know that she was the last to know about something about one of her students wasn't exactly something I was looking forward to. "Oh um Sadie was on another trip, delivering a letter to my dad. And er-" I flicked my eyes between Snape and Dumbledore and then said, "Well I had a feeling the car needed to be on Hogwarts ground for er. . . some reason."
Dumbledore tapped the bricks a few times and my hand fell out of the bricks and I rubbed it. "Thank you."
"Let's get you back to the school." Dumbledore said. "Madam Pomfrey should look at your hand."
I shook my head. "It's fine. I'm just tired- and hungry."
"Understandable." Professor Dumbledore said. "Let's go. Severus, please take care of Miss Kane's things. Pomona, let's get Miss Kane to the hospital wing for a brief checkup."
Guess he was going to ignore me then. Snape and Sprout both nodded and we left the potions teacher behind.
"Please tell me what happened." Dumbledore said as we walked through the nearly empty station.
I explained what happened the best that I could with Professor Sprout there, and Professor Dumbledore seemed to understand.
"It's not entirely important." He said with a wave of his hand. "You can tell me eventually when you've gotten some rest."
"How are we going to get to Hogwarts Professor?" I asked Professor Sprout as Professor Dumbledore strode ahead. "Floo powder?"
"Yes, we've gotten permission from Madam Rosmerta to transport to the Three Broomsticks. Then it'll be a short walk to the castle." Professor Sprout said. She seemed a bit distracted.
"Is there something wrong, Professor?" I asked, concerned. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
She shook her head. "It's an extremely dangerous job. Potter and Weasley crashed the flying car into the Whomping Willow. It's going to need some slings."
"Oh no!" I exclaimed. I hadn't foreseen that. "Is the Whomping Willow going to be okay? Harry and Ron are okay too, right?" I added quickly, remembering that people were usually more important than plants.
She nodded. "Potter and Weasley didn't seem to receive anything more serious than some bruises. The car took more damage, according to Severus anyways. The Whomping Willow will be alright as well, probably maybe take three or so days to heal."
I nodded, feeling exhausted just talking about it. The Whomping Willow was a very dangerous plant to deal with. I certainly wouldn't be able to help with that one.
Professor Dumbledore held open a door to a small, abandoned pub. "Is this where you came out?" I asked, uncertain.
"We apparated." Dumbledore said with a calming smile.
"Oh, of course." I said, feeling stupid.
Dumbledore went first and I followed. I fell out into a nearly abandoned restaurant. There were a few customers in the back but it was quiet. The guests didn't look at us as we exited.
"Where's Professor Snape?" I asked as Professor Sprout joined us.
"He's already at the castle." Dumbledore said. "Your stuff will probably be in your dorm room for you when you get there."
We walked the rest of the distance to the castle in silence. My visions, I realized, were a curse and a blessing at the same time. I was only in this position because I'd tried to mess with the future. I didn't mess with the future. That was why Harry didn't know I was his sister, that's why I let Quirrell almost steal the stone, that's why I didn't tell anyone the content of my visions. Because I didn't mess with the future. If I'd just gone through the barrier, knowing that whether I stayed behind or not, Harry and Ron wouldn't have been able to get through, I'd already have eaten dinner and be in bed right now. That was it, I wasn't listening to any more futuristic visions- no matter what.
Professor Dumbledore left me with Professor Sprout who led me to the hospital wing. There was no one else in the wing, but Madam Pomfrey was still up, rearranging bottles of medicine in a cabinet and cleaning up.
"Ah Miss Kane, back so soon?" Madam Pomfrey asked with a thin smile. Probably because I'd been here about the last week of school or so.
"Professor Dumbledore just wants her hand looked at quickly." Professor Sprout said. She quickly explained the situation. Madam Pomfrey didn't even look surprised. I suppose she'd seen pretty much everything. Or maybe she'd heard about the flying car and a hand stuck in a wall was less crazy. But really, what constituted for crazy in the magical world?
Madam Pomfrey took my hand in hers and examined it for about two minutes. "There's a bit of a strain on these wrist bones, right here," she pointed to my radius and ulna. "I can put it in a small brace for about 12 hours, and as long as you take this potion, it should be perfectly fine after that."
I nodded. I needed my wrist healed. "Please."
The brace was applied, the sweet turquoise potion was drunk, and I followed Professor Sprout back to the Hufflepuff common room. "I believe Professor Snape asked a house elf to bring food up for you. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Herbology first thing."
"Do you have my schedule?" I asked quickly. I needed to study it.
"It will be on your bed with your stuff." She said. "Anything else?"
I shook my head. "No, thank you."
I hurried inside the common room. There was a plate of something on the table. I quickly took off the cover. I smiled, picking up the note and burst out laughing, and then quickly clamped my mouth shut.
I grinned, sitting down with the plate of cookies. I set aside the note.
'Because I remembered you had a sweet tooth. . . First private lesson Wednesday night' -your favorite potions teacher
"Only potions teacher." I muttered under my breath, but I picked the card up again, folded it, and put it in my pocket.
I sighed. I seriously wondered why he treated me so differently from the other students. I mean, he absolutely favored Slytherins, hated Gryffindors, and couldn't care less about Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. I wasn't a Slytherin. . . so why. . .
I shook my head and then after I was done eating, I hurried upstairs. Susan, Hannah, Leanne and Megan were all fast asleep. Sadie still wasn't back. I wondered exactly how far dad had traveled. We hadn't discussed it much, he hadn't really wanted to talk about it which had been strange in itself. I usually knew what sort of job he was doing.
I quickly looked over my schedule. I'd have to fix up private lessons with Flitwick and McGonagall. Flitwick had done lessons on Friday. Snape was Wednesday.
I set it aside and quickly crawled under my covers and fell asleep quickly, unable to wait for the next day.
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 1 year
I asked Chatgpt to write jegulily fanfic
Title: "The Tangled Bonds"
Chapter 1: Unexpected Connections
James Potter, the charismatic leader of the Marauders, was accustomed to a life of mischief and adventure at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, amidst the pranks and Quidditch matches, his heart harbored a longing for something deeper. Little did he know that fate had a unique journey planned for him, one that would intertwine his path with two individuals he least expected.
It began on a crisp autumn day when James found himself engrossed in a book in the Hogwarts library. As he turned a page, he noticed a figure nearby, their dark hair and striking features catching his attention. It was Regulus Black, a reserved Slytherin who James had often regarded with suspicion.
Curiosity piqued, James set aside his book and approached Regulus cautiously. "Black, what brings you to the library? Not plotting anything devious, I hope?"
Regulus glanced up, his gray eyes narrowing momentarily before softening with surprise. "Potter, studying? I suppose even Gryffindors must crack open a book occasionally."
James chuckled, an unexpected warmth blossoming between them. "Well, I do enjoy surprising people. So, what are you reading?"
As they engaged in a conversation about magical theory, James discovered a shared passion for knowledge and an unexpected intellectual connection. He realized there was more to Regulus than the reputation he had carried within the walls of Hogwarts.
Chapter 2: The Unforeseen Bond
Meanwhile, Lily Evans, a brilliant and spirited Gryffindor, observed this newfound camaraderie between James and Regulus from a distance. Intrigued, she decided to approach James one day after a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.
"James, I've noticed you and Regulus have been spending quite a bit of time together lately," Lily began, her emerald eyes sparkling with curiosity.
James shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to articulate his growing connection with Regulus. "It's... complicated, Lily. We've discovered common interests, and he's not what I initially thought."
Lily studied him intently, her gaze filled with understanding. "James, I know you have a big heart. I trust your judgment. Just remember to be cautious."
As time passed, the bond between James, Regulus, and Lily grew stronger. The three found solace in each other's company, sharing laughter, secrets, and dreams. Regulus's reserved nature softened in the presence of James and Lily, revealing a vulnerable side he had rarely shown before.
Chapter 3: Treading New Territory
One fateful evening, the trio found themselves in the Room of Requirement. Surrounded by the echoes of their whispered conversations, they acknowledged the undeniable tension in the air.
James's heart raced as he looked at Lily, his affection for her burning brightly. Regulus, too, felt a deep yearning for Lily, but he couldn't ignore the undeniable connection that had developed between him and James.
Caught between loyalty and desire, Regulus's voice trembled. "I... I care for both of you. But this... this is uncharted territory."
Lily's gaze shifted between the two, her heart torn. "I never expected to find myself in this situation. But we can't deny what we feel, can we?"
James stepped forward, his hand reaching out to intertwine with Lily's. "Love doesn't always follow the rules, Lily. It defies expectations. And if we're willing to take that leap, maybe we can find something extraordinary together."
In that moment, their paths converged, and the boundaries of conventional relationships blurred. They navigated the uncharted territory together, discovering that love could be complex, but also rewarding.
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junipercreeps · 1 year
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🔖Day 12 - On Our Own.
In my room, it was slowly getting dark. The displays of my phone and laptop were the only sources of light.
"It's difficult to talk openly. Can you accept that for now?" my father said as I typed the word Samhain into my browser's search bar on my laptop.
"What your father is trying to say, June... we didn't keep things from you out of malice. There are good reasons for everything. What's important right now is that you find your place. Make choices freely. Learn. We'll see you no later than Samhain, and then we can talk."
I looked at the image search results. Among Halloween pumpkins, monster costumes, and sexy witch outfits, there were stone circles. Campfires. The traditional side of the Celtic festival.
Tears slowly dried on my cheeks. Silent tears shed because the disappointment of my parents not telling me anything for the past nineteen years hurt me deeply. And now, they expected me to understand. To understand that Oxford was now a place where I was meant to learn not just for my studies but for my heritage.
"You didn't mention anything in your letter. Why didn't you warn me? I knew nothing, Mum." I said, looking down at my hands. "You weren't here. None of you were here! They just took us and tied us up. They knew intimate things."
My father sighed and mumbled something I couldn't understand. Of course, my vulnerability bothered him. He had always been rational; emotions unsettled and annoyed him.
"I know, June. I know. Silly dramatic underpinnings. Sometimes it's necessary. Don't let it unsettle you."
"Unsettle?" I asked in disbelief. It was all so frustrating. Didn't they understand how I felt?
"How did your parents tell you back then?" I wanted to know. To have a comparison. Alaric and the others seemed to have grown up with their magic. They had many years to adapt to one another. Many of them had known each other since their childhood through the Kin circle.
And me? I was excluded. Kept secret. I could have had friends. I wouldn't have been so alone in the past few years.
"I always knew. Your father, however, was just like you."
"Really?" I asked and almost wanted to ask if it had overwhelmed him too.
"Yes, June. And as you can see, it didn't harm me. Quite the opposite."
A brief murmur that I didn't understand. Then my father said, "We have to go. You can do this. You're our daughter; you can do anything."
I remembered the day I learned to swim. When my father just let go of me, and I flailed wildly with my arms, submerged in panic. I screamed for him, for the firm grip that had always given me security. But he let me struggle in the water, encouraged me, until his hands finally had to grab me.
I had never entered a pool where I couldn't touch the bottom again. I had never swum again.
"I'm not like you. You should have made more effort and been there for me." I said.
"June, we-"
But I hung up.
It was the first time I had talked back. That had never happened before. I was tired of the secrets. We were a family, and my understanding of it wasn't to walk into an open knife.
I closed my laptop and looked at my phone. Hoping my mother would call, but minutes passed with no contact.
So, I made a decision and messaged Alaric.
Are you awake?
He replied within seconds: It's not even 8 PM. Of course, I'm awake.
Can I come over?
I'm not at Sinister House yet. Shall we meet at Linacre College? I'm nearby.
Okay, I'll head there right away.
The campus felt alive. Music, laughter, and conversations emanated from open windows. My parents' answers still occupied my thoughts. I had planned to tell them about my visions, about Nolan. I wanted to know what awaited me. What did it mean to have magic in my blood?
My thoughts accompanied me to the entrance of Linacre College. As lively as the campus centre was, it felt lonely up here near the Cherwell River. I saw a few joggers from time to time, but otherwise, I waited alone on the stone steps for the remaining minutes before I heard Alaric's footsteps.
"Sorry, have you been waiting long?" he asked as he approached.
I shook my head.
"Is everything okay?" Alaric asked and came closer. Instead of touching me without permission, I reached for his hand.
"Thank you for giving me answers. For not excluding me," I said.
He was silent but lightly squeezed my hand, and then Alaric hugged me.
Being hugged was an indescribable feeling. The warmth and resistance of the body. I closed my eyes and rested my face on his shoulder.
"Did you talk to your parents?" he asked after a while, and I mumbled, "Yes, but they only had excuses."
I briefly recounted how the phone call went, and as we broke the hug and slowly walked toward Sinister House, I also told him about my encounter with Nolan.
"Interesting," Alaric said thoughtfully. I glanced at him from the side.
"Have you experienced something like this before?" I asked, and he nodded. "Occasionally. But my visions often show the future. It must be different for you. Why would Nolan be in danger?"
I didn't know.
But I seemed to know nothing at all.
Arriving at Sinister House, we were luckily not met by Corbin or Ophelia. Instead, we went up to Alaric's apartment and sat on his unmade bed.
Our conversation went on for a long time. So long that I eventually realized I needed to get back to my dorm.
"Thank you for talking with me," I said and stood up. "Thank you for trusting me. It means a lot to me."
He hesitated.
"You mean a lot to me, even though we've just met."
I opened my mouth. His two bedside lamps were on, casting their warm light on him and me.
There was tension in the air. A tension I hadn't known before, but one where you knew what it meant.
"I..." I began my sentence but didn't know how to phrase it. "You?" Alaric whispered. He had come closer. We looked at each other for a while. Our hands touched.
"I don't know much about these things either, Alaric," I finally said. We intertwined our fingers. His ring lightly pressed against my knuckles. "About what things, June?" he asked and kissed the back of my hand. My hairline, and then he lightly lifted my chin.
"These things." was my response.
And then I kissed him.
What I didn't see was that on his bedside table, where his phone lay, the screen lit up. A message was waiting to be read by Alaric until the early hours:
Nolan is out. We're on our own.
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moonstone-vibe · 5 months
for the ask game!!! :D (all the questions are so interesting I had a hard picking just a few!)
alone, break, ghost, heartbreak, mask, midnight
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
He's used to being alone, and even if he's not been alone, he's felt completely alone before. When no one's around I think he sits and studies books of black magic or just loiters around doing nothing. When he's not planning pranks to scare poor, unsuspecting Bul.
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Betrayal, defeat, loss, the general feeling that he's lost something or someone for good. I think he'd be too overwhelmed and have a very hard time piecing himself back together after this one. He'd just curl up in a dark corner and cry, and just brood for days, ruminating to no end. He'd let no one see him like this though, not if he can help it.
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
I think his ghosts are all the people he couldn't save, and for which he believes he was responsible.
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
Not yet. He has taken a liking to Bul, but knows he can't condemn anyone to his darkness, it's not fair, it's not an act of love, it would just be selfish. He doesn't want to think about losing him eventually, not now.
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Sometimes he likes to wear the mask of a shallow, rather silly and harmless young man to deceive people. It's best that way. I think only Bul gets to see a glimpse, but more of his dark side than anything for now.
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
I think he does have a fear of being discovered, although he's pretty confident that he can play the fool and get away with it. The small hours of the morning is when he goes out hunting. However, sometimes he will sneak in Bul's bedchamber to just curl up next to him (like a cat). And occasionally scare the hell out of him in the process.
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janshu · 3 years
In The Shallows...Part One.
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Summary: @hanji-is-life more merman!Bakugo and so I shall provide! I was hoping to get this out much earlier, back in may because MerMay but better late than never I suppose! You, a marine biologist, take a scuba dive to see the local fauna off coast and you find more than you ever could've bargained for...
Word Count: 1.5.
Warnings: None but minor curses, mentions of the ocean, an illusion of drowning. Viewer discretion is advised at least.
How did you manage this?
You hadn't walked on the beach, much less roll around in the coarse substance. So how did it manage to get into your pockets? This was a new jacket so how?
A short walk from the parking garage to the pier was all it was, no beach travel involved yet it had wormed its way into your pockets, in between your toes and nearly everywhere else. 
Your team chuckles at your discomfort finding your squirming the funniest thing on the planet as they loaded up the sizable vessel for the day on the water. For the past several weeks you had been cooped up in a lab studying the samples others brought to you but now you were given the green light to head out into the field yourself. Your goal for the day was to gather samples, check on the status of the coral nursery, and a checklist of other menial tasks. A full plate all things considered, much better than getting a migraine staring through a microscope at sea water until you either give up or get sent home. 
Waves battered against the hull of the boat while you and your fellow colleagues suit up in scuba gear. The goal wasn't to go to the bottom of the ocean, far from it, fifteen meters was the maximum for today so simple snorkeling hear wouldn't cut it. You didn't get your diving certifications to be stuck in a lab. The salt spray refreshing against your skin for the few seconds it was vulnerable while you changed from your outfit into the designated wetsuit. Not the full suit that covered your body from head-to-toe, just a body one to keep your core warm when your swimsuit didn't offer much protection.
The boat came to a stop right around where the GPS locator dinged where the nursery site was and the captain gave everyone a thumbs up as you and your fellows attached their fins, tanks, SPG's and all the other necessary equipment. One-by-one each of them held their regulators to their mouths and fell back into the blue ocean below until it was your own, to which you received a wink instead while everything turned upside down.
Ten, twenty, thirty, a hundred. Regardless of how many dives you've had you'll never get over the beauty of the reefs. Each time serving something new, change was ever present in your line of work. Never seeing the same specimens twice to witnessing a rare species and everything in between. The sunshine overhead casting glittering ripples on the sandy floor, catching your eye on the schools of fish that swam by as their scales gleamed in different patterns. This was the closest feeling you had ever come to your childhood dream of becoming a mermaid. When you wished on your birthday candles and shooting stars to holding your breath underneath tub water in hopes gills would magically appear. That's what started this career. Maybe it was a long forgotten portion of your evolved brain from life's time in the ocean but you felt at home, a familiar sense of belonging that you didn't have on dry land. This was where you were meant to be but sadly your wishes had never come true and you were cursed to remain a land-dwelling mammal.
The beeping in your ears ripped you from your fantastical daydreams to remind you of the harsh reality. This is as close as you were going to get but that wasn't so bad, it was better having a little than nothing at all. Looking at the gauge meter it showed that you have roughly an hour left of oxygen which meant you had been in the water for an hour already. How time flies when you're having fun, absorbed in your daydreams, and checking on coral and taking samples.
"Hey, could we switch our tanks out without getting oxygen narcosis or are we screwed in that department?" Your voice came over the radio built in the full face masks everyone in the diving team used no doubt scaring those who were lost in thought as you just were. 
"Y/N...do you really want to stay out here longer? Shitting Christ, you should be glad you're out here in the first place!" The captain's voice responded from the safety of the boat. "Now get your asses back up here n' we'll head on ba-...what was that?"
"What was what?" 
A chorus of responses chimed in immediately after, some crackling from the distance they were from the source and others sounding as if they were a foot away.
"Nothing, never mind, must've been a Manta Ray. Forget about it. Just get your shit and come back, I'm gettin' hungry and its close to lunchtime so hurry up." The static cut off as he put down the radio and looked out into the churning ocean. The massive shadow he had just seen passing by the boat putting him on alert, he didn't want to witness any reef shark's feeding frenzy.
"We can come back tomorrow, Y/N. Nothing's stopping us from that, right?" Another voice, one of your favorite colleagues suggested. That was right, you were there and your boss hadn't explicitly said that this was a one time thing. Another visit would do some good to see if the biometrics have changed in a span of twenty-four hours.
"Alright, okay, we'll come back later for a differential test."
The group had a collective sigh of relief. You were notorious for loving the ocean to such a degree you'd do anything to stay in a while longer, they were all content with leaving now and coming back later if it meant they wouldn't see your sad pouting all the way back to the van. Picking up their equipment and vials everyone began swimming back to the boat now most of them making small talk and discussing their plans for the weekend while you were once again lost in your thoughts.
Something impossibly dark darted through your vision. Blocking out the beautiful view of the turquoise water and colorful life like an angry, ominous storm cloud. A blanket of blindness shrouding all light for a moment but it felt like an eternity as dread sunk in the pit of your stomach, anchoring you to the spot. The warm water now felt cold, goosebumps running up your bare arms and thighs like pinpricks. The heart that had been so calm in the home of your ribcage now pushing adrenaline through your bloodstream, adjusting to a state you weren't acting on. Fear. That wasn't a Manta Ray or a comically large Stingray that was something else entirely. A predator that crashed against the fragile cage of safety, security and believing you were untouchable in shallow depths.
You were reminded of the psychologically scarring and irrational fear of one's ankles being grabbed particularly in the ocean by a shark, the part of your lizard brain firing signals all across your synapses to detach the leg. If only. A fair trade, being left alone at the price of a limb but unfortunately humans couldn't detach or regrow whatever they lost.
That fear was horrifically evoked when something far more firm than a limp leaf of seaweed wrapped around your ankle. Slimey, cold as death and tipped with five sharp points. Reminiscent of a hand, a very large hand. Expanding across your bare skin like a calloused cuff that threatened to break the skin, sink into the meat and tear your foot off entirely. However, that didn't seem to be happening. No cloud of your own blood instead the safety of the boat got further and further away, turning into a speck barely seen in the shallow water.
"Wait, wait no! What the fuck?! Let go! What the hell?" When your brain managed to get over its fear and shock of the situation your fight-or-flight instincts kicked into high gear and your body began to thrash around against the hold. If it was a shark hitting it in the snout and eyes was imperative to get it to release but what if it wasn't? What else could possibly have your leg in its grip with a goal of pulling you away from the boat?
A flurry of indistinguishable voices and noises came over the radio. From yelps, screams and to curses but the thudding in your ears and the furious splashes drowned them all out, everything became topsy turvy, what was the bottom of the ocean and what was the surface became an abstract concept. The primal urge to escape was ripped away when the respirator giving you oxygen was unceremoniously and harshly ripped from your mouth, the hand that had done it orange and black. The water was salty, like you had dumped an entire container of table salt into your mouth and you washed it down with a sip of water. It was invasive, slipping down your throat into your lungs as they tried to gulp air instead. The more you inhaled the harder it was to move. Your limbs becoming as heavy as cement bricks. Unconsciousness began to consume everything, your body down to your mind. The eerie sensation of falling was the last thing before everything faded to black...
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cyphersuna · 3 years
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pairing: isaac lahey x fem!reader!mikaelson (Slow burn), derek hale x ex-lover!reader, mcCall pack x platonic!reader, original family x sister!reader, stiles stilinski x platonic!reader (at the moment)
sypnosis; Y/N Mikaelson arrives in a small town with the hope of becoming independent and having a new life but a near accident will turn her plans around and risk them knowing who he is.
Has the war of Original Vampires and Wolves started?
The smallest of the Mikealsons, will she be with a wolf?
Will Isaac accept Y/N?
warnings; none
author’s note: hello baeess, welcome to a new #saturdayofyouaremikaelson!!! I only hope you enjoy this chapter because your emotion excites me and if your emotion excites me, I will be excited to do more chapters to excite you. see you next week 😺
Word count; 1.7k
゚・ 🌌ރ ੈ♡‧₊˚🎲 *ૢ✧ ۪ ♟️ ° 。
YOU WERE ENTERING Beacon Hills while looking at the forest around you which looked spooky, possibly because it was night or they were infested with those human dogs. Possibly both. You still remember the faces of Niklaus, Kol and Elijah knowing that you would live here. You think it was the best thing in the world, but you get it. That your sister, the youngest of the Mikaelson clan, decides to move alone, with no one from her family nearby and in a "city" full of dogs. You would also worry.
It began to be heard on the radio lurk from the neighborhood to which you began to hum it. This century was very different: 16-year-olds look like 18 or 19, their type of clothing... You did not complain, it is better than the clothes of before.
Six teens and two adults appeared out of nowhere to which you stopped. You got out of the car and they watched you from head to toe. One in particular made your blood run cold. Derek Hale...
You sighed and spoke.
"Forgiveness! Are you okay?" You asked, and the bearded one came up to you.
"What are you doing here?" He asks and you start to breathe. Human dogs have to hear it and feel it so they know that you are not something supernatural. Speaking of that title, it's the best series and more daddy Dean. You pulled myself out of your thoughts and looked from left to right to fix your gaze on the dark haired man.
"Me?" He nodded. "Sorry. Do I know you?"
"Don't act, Mikaelson," he snap at and Peter comes closer to both of you. The Good Peter, he was more your brother than the ones you have, well not so much like that but he was like a brother.
"I think you're wrong" you say to see him in the eyes. "My name is not like that" you say playing stupid, well! When you don't? Coming here you thought that Derek and Peter would leave and more because of what happened to his sister who did not doubt that Peter would kill her. But just in case you knew you would have to change your first and last name.
"It's not a name," says the older of the two raising an eyebrow. "What's your name?" He ask.
"Diane Jones" you say pretending to be a little scared. You saw how Derek would glare at you deadly and the teens stared at the scene in confusion. Wow! The redhead's shoes were fantastic.
"What brings you to Beacon Hills?" Asked Peter.
"I came to live here" you respond.
"Alone?" Said the one with black hair, super furious. He looked sexier like that. "Without your parents?"
"Excuse me, but I don't have to tell you anything" You walked back and Derek took your arm tightly and the children approached looking worried.
"You won't leave until you answer." Peter put his hand on Derek's shoulder with a "calm down" look
"And your parents?" He asks calmly.
"I do not have. I'm an orphan" you say looking at your feet. Seriously, you deserve an Oscar for best actress.
"How did you get here?" Peter still asked.
"My uncles sent me here to study and not cause problems" you say looking at Peter.
"Don't li-" Derek says to be interrupted.
"It's not her" said Peter. "Listen" as you said, breathing helps and more if it is accelerated when you feel threatened.
"Can I go?" You asked.
"Yes" Peter says. You walked to your car and your turned it on to continue on your way, when you saw that you were far away you start to laugh. Derek's faces and the wolf children, the banshee, and the humans were gold.
You arrived at your new home. You smiled when you saw that it was normal, not big and not too small. A normal house. It was supposed to be furnished since yesterday. You got out of your car and opened to see the living room, you closed the door and walked into the kitchen and up the stairs. You went into all the rooms and they were perfect and yours was much more.
It was big, being a Mikaelson it couldn't be small. You were already beginning to miss them. Well not all. Elijah and Rebekah's overproduction were suffocating. Also you will no longer be listening "little Klaus" or "little Kol" You're not like them, you just like to have fun. And you like being with them more. Kol and you, hunted and had fun at parties and flirting with people. Klaus gave you life lessons. You were amused by his stories and how could he be so... him. Of your seven siblings, you only loved Kol and Klaus, of course you had your differences: you were friends with Katherine and Klaus hates her, you love the Salvatore brothers with your life and they detest them, even more. You lay down on the bed and you smiled a smile that only bring problems.
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Isaac Lahey Pov
"It was her," Derek says, somehow I felt concern and more to see how he reacted when he saw the girl as our age.
"Who is she?" Scott ask.
"Y/N Mikaelson" Peter said calmly.
"And she is...?" Stiles question them.
"She is one of the Originals and Derek's great love," Peter replies.
"Original of what?" Lydia ask.
"From the Original Vampires," Derek says angrily.
"They exist?" Almost all of us say at the same time.
"Yes. And between them the two hybrid of Vampire and werewolf" explains Peter.
"What is a hybrid?" Allison ask to which Stiles responds.
"Hybrids are a supernatural cross between two or more different species. The term is commonly used to describe a werewolf turned vampire, as they were the first type of hybrid introduced to the world. However, since the creation of the werewolf-vampire hybrids, there have been other hybrids of other races in the universe, such as siphons turned into witch-vampire hybrids, werewolf-witch hybrids, among others" he says to finish.
"How do you know that?" Asks Scott.
"I read it when I was trying to find out what you were, but I thought the vampire thing was a lie," Stiles responds.
"A hybrid is more lethal than any werewolf or vampire" Says Derek. "Nature does not tolerate such an imbalance of power. Thus, the warlocks, the servants of nature, saw to it that the wolfish side of Klaus and Y/N Mikaelson are asleep. But they are still a danger.
"Who are the Mikaelsons?" I ask.
"The Mikaelson family is a powerful family whose line goes back at least to the Kingdom of Norway in the late 10th century with Mikael and Esther, a wealthy landowner and a Viking warrior, and a housewife and a witch, respectively. In the early 11th century, the family was deadly until the loss of Esther and Mikael's seventh child, Henrik to a werewolf attack that spurred them to use Esther's magic to turn Mikael and the rest of their living children into the The world's first vampires, from whom all Vampires are descended from the original vampires, are known as the most powerful supernatural beings in the world, but the Mikaelson family is also known to have members who are also witches and hybrids. Among them are two hybrids: Klaus and Y/N. In total the Mikaelsons are eight; Mikael, the father, Esther, the mother, Freya, The first daughter which is only a witch and does not belong to the original lineage, Finn, The second son, Elijah, the third son, Klaus, the fourth son which is the hybrid and is not the son of Mikael but bears his last name, Kol, the fifth son, Rebekah, the sixth daughter, Y/N, the seventh daughter which is not the daughter of Mikael and the last, Henrik, the eighth son. Of these eight only are alive: Freya, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah and Y/N" Derek answers.
''They wasted no time," Stiles says.
"Neither is Esther. Children of different parents" I say smiling. "But how did "first hybrids" happen?
"When Klaus and Y/N first killed after being turned into vampires, they triggered their werewolf gene, which finally reveals the truth of their true paternity to their family: Klaus and Y/N were not Mikael's children but the boss's children of her village werewolf clan, with whom Esther had an affair. Once Mikael learned of Esther's infidelity and realized that her lover's pack were the werewolves who killed Henrik, Mikael hunted down and killed Klaus and Y/N's father and his entire family, igniting a war. Between vampires and werewolves that still exists. Shortly after the Mikaelsons became vampires and learned of Klaus and Y/N werewolves' legacy, Esther was forced to curse Klaus and Y/N to make their werewolf natures lie dormant, so that they didn't bother yet. More to nature by possessing so much power. However, Klaus and Y/N felt betrayed by this punishment, and in retaliation, Klaus murdered his mother and framed Mikael for the act. Understood?" Peter asks and I nod.
"I'm more than sure it's her!" Derek exclaims.
"It has to be her, if you questioned her or just stopped...-Lydia says to be interrupted by Peter.
"It's her Doppelgänger..."
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Y/N Mikaelson Pov
You got out of the tub while you were dripping to grab the towel and start drying off. Tomorrow would be your first day in high school, you had never attended one and according to Caroline and Stefan they are very good, also Rebekah go into one and she looks older than you. You wrapped the towel around your body and left the bathroom to go to your room. You dropped the towel while you felt the air all over your body, you took off your underwear from the wardrobe and then put on a loose shirt and some pajama shorts. You go down to the kitchen for some whiskey and you go back upstairs. You arranged your things for tomorrow and left them arranged so that you only had to go...
˚༉🎠·₊✧ 🧺 ϟ₊˚🎻ミ༉‧🍫₊˚
previously in you are a mikaelson > next
@blessednereid @itmejado @rottenstyx @chloe-skywalker
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP - PT AU - Beauty & the Beast
I just thought about an idea for a Phantom Twins AU.
I want a Beauty & the Beast where my character, Dina, is Belle, Plasmius is Beast, there is no actual Gaston & in his place is Dina's overprotective twin brother, Danny. This would make Dina's conflict with him, instead, his overprotectiveness.
Sam & Tucker are sort of his Lefou, minus the brown-nosing & yes-manning. Danny is courting Sam & since this isn't a more modern story, she doesn't havr the same 'not like other girls' problem.
I mean, I guess there is sort of a Gaston, it's Dash & he does try to get with Dina, but he's not the antagonist in the end.
The Fentons would still be considered very strange. They are both inventors & Jack is, specifically a Fenton, which are a branch off a long line of illustrious supernatural hunters, called the Nightingales, that were descended from a dhampir, so they have the ingrained ability to sense the supernatural, as well as have slightly superhuman physicalities which gives them a leg up in the business. The Fentons, including Jack & Maddie, prefer to specialize in ghosts, but also know how to handle other supernatural beings just in case.
Jack & Maddie specifically consider themselves scholars of the study of spectrology & spend a lot of their time trying to pioneer new ways to study & fight ghosts. This, however, tends to get them viewed by the staunchest of church-goers & other religious believers, such as the Mansons, as dabbling in the dark arts themselves. Sometimes, they are looked at through a similar lense to witches. Which is why Sam has to sneak out in order to see Danny & Tucker.
Sidebar: It actually turns out that Pamela is descended from a wiccan burned at the stake & this is part of what makes the woman so strict. She worries that her daughter has inherited some of her ancestor's aberrant behaviors. This is initially what interested Sam about the Fentons, but she stayed for Danny.
Just keep a lot of Disney's animated version of it (I don't agree with what Disney does or supports, but they do make great animated movies when they're not trying to woke-ify everything), add the live-action's Evermore scene, plus some modifications to the story.
As far as Vlad goes, he was a sorcerer king dabbling in trying to access the 'Hereafter' with dark magic to gain power & conquer both life & afterlife. Asshole was ambitious. What he skipped over was the section explaining that such portals required a sacrifice.
When he cast the spell, he was suddenly met with a little old man who offered him a rose to turn back & never attempt this again. Of course, Vlad refused, mocking such an ugly old man.
Only to fall back in horror when the old man revealed himself to be Death itself, come to judge him. To his credit, when Death tried to reap his soul, Vlad resisted his fate strongly enough that the primordial being was impressed & decided to give him one last chance to save himself.
So, Vlad & his castle & all the servants in it were cursed. The servants & Vlad all became ghosts & couldn't leave his castle. Like in the live-action, no one outside the castle remembers anything to do with the castle or its residents.
Vlad's form & coloring is like Plasmius, but it's also like the gargoyles from Gargoyles. We all know his coloring, but his hair is down & long instead of up in those dumbass devil horns. Instead, he has teal horns, the same color as his skin, that start at his forehead, curve over his head, then point up. He has massive, saber-like fangs & sharp teeth, talons, is digitigrade with sharp, taloned feet, the ends of his fingers are coal black as if frostbitten, a long, tapering, lizard-like tail, a long, snake-like tongue, & large, bat-like wings that he wraps around his shoulders to form a cloak instead of a cape like in canon. He's also much taller than normal. However, normally, his eyes are the same as they were when he was human; royal blue with white sclera. Except for when he's angry, they glow entirely red with black slitted pupils.
Like this:
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The past 20 years have not been kind to him & he's become bitter & somewhat feral in his isolation. He often switches between walking on 2 legs & walking on 4 & his temper is short & explosive.
Vlad was always power hungry & selfish, so to suddenly have so much power, yet be unable to use it would make him miserable. Not to mention how hideous he found himself now.
Anyway, we all know the story, "love & be loved in return & the spell will be broke." Specifically, here it needs to be that he's loved enough to share the burden of the 'curse.'
Anyway, Vlad & Dina meet when Jack was taking the Fentons' latest invention a town or so over to help with a hunt, when he stumbled upon Plasmius' castle & trespassed under the guise of flushing out some ghosts.
He's imprisoned & his horse finds Dina who leaves a note & goes off to find him. Like in the animated version, she offers herself in exchange for her father, impressing Vlad with her bravery, & so the story begins.
The dresser, I think I'd make Dorathea, who was actually a princess from one of Vlad's allying kingdoms. It was Mattingly, a kingdom known for their magical rulers who'd been dragonslayers that forged amulets from the hearts of dragons to obtain their power. She was a gift given to Vlad by her cruel brother, Aragon. Initially, she was meant to be Vlad's wife & future queen, thus forging a stronger alliance between Vlad's kingdom of Amity Vale & Mattingly, but he had no interest in sharing his rule with anyone & made her his servant. Though Aragon was a misogynistic sack of shit & cared little for his sister, he viewed Vlad's actions as an insult to him specifically & was insulted because of his pride rather than on his sister's behalf. This lead to war between the 2 kingdoms which lead to Vlad's conquest of Mattingly. Anyway, she'd be either the dresser or take the place of the featherduster. She also has a thing going on with Fright Knight.
I think Lunch Lady, I think I'll name her Mrs. Annabeth Letterman, would take the spot of Mrs. Pots & Box Lunch, Abigail Letterman, would be Chip. Box Ghost, Herbert Letterman, would still be human & working in Dina's village unaware that he even has a wife & daughter due to the nature of the spell.
Skulker would be the royal huntsman (he's obviously not gonna have a robosuit here & he instead has a legit body that mimics his suit in canon), Fright Knight would be a general. Ember the court musician. Cujo would be the footrest from the animated version. Ghost Writer would be chronicler & librarian.
Here, Walker isn't a ghost, he's the local sheriff in Amitytown (the town nearest the castle) & Maddie's father. He used to work at the palace as captain of the royal guard, but retired to the town when his wife got pregnant.
Anyway, this version would follow Lima Syndrome in that the captor would start to change as a person due to exposure to his captive. While Dina would begin to see the humanity in him, it would only be once he started to change & she wouldn't make excuses for his bad behavior before that, standing up to him much like Belle does in the animated movie.
She's there for months & by this point, Jack's gotten back to town & tells everyone, including his family, that a monster had his daughter. While the Fentons are the town crackpots, they're taken more seriously than in the show because of Jack's connection to a long & illustrious line of hunters even if he is the black sheep of the black sheep of the family. (And no, that wasn't a typo. I meant to do black sheep twice in order to emphasize how far removed from his family he is.) How he managed to land Maddie, no one knows. As such, the townspeople might not initially believe him, but are still cautious.
In his worry, Danny, who had been studying to be an astronomer, heel-face turns into going full hunter to try & save his sister. It turns out that he has a natural talent for being a hunter & becomes very good, very quickly. He goes out on hunts, exercises ghosts & demons, slays monsters & other supernatural creatures that have attacked nearby villages & towns.
Danny quickly becomes the new rising star in the hunter community & at home. Ousting Dash from his place as star of Amity before eventually ranking higher than Valerie as top hunter in the district with her being top non-Nightengale hunter, only now he doesn't care about popularity. He's doing this all to save his sister. Sure, he now has a lot of girls throwing themselves at him, but he cares about that about as much as he does being popular right now. He's got a mission & he's going to accomplish it, damnit!
His friends actually help him despite his warnings to stay away. Sam even learns apotropaic magics to help while Tucker takes up archery.
It's during one of his hunts that he manages to take out one of Valerie's targets & that pisses her off. Danny doesn't particularly care because so long as the target is taken care of & no one's getting hurt anymore, it shouldn't matter who does it.
They get into a rivalry that eventually turns into a companionship of sorts.
During the months that Dina is with Plasmius, the Fentons are training their son & studying up on how to fight against this 'Beast.' Jazz tries to be the voice of reason, but the rest of her family are out of their minds with worry.
When Dina runs off & is saved by Plasmius, they become friends. This is when he begins to value her as a person & wants to make her happy. He begins falling in love, but Dina isn't yet. In an attempt to make her happy, he gives her free access to both the library & the kitchen. At some point, she bakes him a plate of cookies to which he's touched. He tells her that he used to bake with his mother before she died to which Dina asks him if he'd like to help her next time. To this, he says yes. After the iconic dance, Plasmius gives her his magic mirror, then releases her from his custody to go & nurse her ailing father back to health & Vlad is already in love & just wants her to be happy.
He sings Evermore as she runs home. He doesn't realize that she intends to come back. Anyway, when she gets there, her family is relieved by her return. When they ask how she escaped, she tells them that she didn't, Plasmius released her.
Maddie denies the possibility, insisting that a ghost wouldn't do that.
Then, Danny comes in saying, "Unless, he put her under a spell to put us under a false sense of security." Like, he's been, essentially, eating, sleeping, & drinking the anti-supernatural kool-aid since he learned his sister was captured & he hasn't had a good night's sleep since. He's a little whacked out rn.
This leads to the Fentons locking Dina in the basement of their home & Jazz trying to convince them not to.
Danny gathers the mob, Valerie being one of his frontrunners, & attacks Plasmius' castle in an effort to try & protect his family, & especially his sister, from Plasmius & get him to release his twin from his influence.
At the end, when Plasmius decides to put Danny down instead of dropping him to his death, Danny doesn't stab him because he finally realizes that Dina was telling the truth. Instead, Dash picks up Danny’s iron sword with a rowan handle & stabs Vlad in a vain attempt to get back on top of the social ladder.
When the spell is broken, Vlad is in human form & his eyes are how Dina recognizes him. When they kiss, the magic doesn't just turn all the servants & the castle back to normal, it cuts Vlad's ghostliness in half, turning him into a halfa, his ghost form becoming more in-line with canon Plasmius. To compensate, Dina is given the other half of his ghostliness & made into a halfa with him. One that reflects her inner beauty.
In ghost form, Vlad has fleshy-colored skin, if slightly paler than his human form with just a tinge of blue (it's actually unsettlingly corpse-like in color), his hair remains down & charcoal black with a silver streak, & his eyes are glowing magenta with white sclera, but they turn entirely red when angry.
They marry & she becomes his queen. Then, they live happily ever after.
The End.
Phantom Twins AU Masterlist
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britishboystm · 3 years
The Reunion | The Day We Met: A Fred Weasley Mini Series
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Inspired by:
Pairings: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW 18+ (minor dni!) oral f & m receiving, handjob, fingering, unprotected vaginal penetration (please be safe please, for the love of god!) swearing, fighting, arguments, angst, fluff, mentions of possible depression
WC: 7k+
Chapter Summary: A year after that infamous night, will flames be rekindled?
Series Masterlist
As promised, George and Y/N wrote to one another.
Fred had excluded himself from the letter exchanges as he felt that it would be too painful to put words to paper. He was also worried that the process would bring up deep unsurfaced feelings of regret and remorse.
George would often ask Fred if there was anything he would want him to add to his letters to Y/N. Fred would always say to write; Fred misses you a lot. But that was it.
It had now been a bit over a year since Y/N last saw the boys fly away into the dark sky that cold April night. Keeping her promise, Y/N continued her studies at Hogwarts and immediately began training to become a healer once she graduated. She was lucky enough to be granted a mentorship with the ever so helpful Madam Pomfrey during her last couple months of classes.
Now, on one hot May afternoon, Y/N found herself with Alicia, Katie and Angelina, walking aimlessly around Diagon Alley. All four girls had been so wrapped up in studies and work that it had been months since they last saw one another.
It was nice to finally catch up with her old schoolmates but Y/N did have an ulterior motive to her visit however. As they strides the cobblestone walkways, sitting at the bottom of Y/N’s tote bag was George’s last letter.
And in that letter, contained what seemed to be a plea for help.
Dear Y/N,
I hope training is going well and you are putting everyone in their place like always. We are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished in such a short amount of time. I’ve got to admit though, things aren’t going that well over here. The store is doing fine, brilliant actually! That isn’t the problem. It’s Fred. He hasn’t been getting any better. I know in our past letters you have said that it would take time for him to adjust and get over everything, but I’m not so sure now. It’s been over a year and nothing has really changed. He smiles and jokes around the shop like he always does and I know he loves what he is doing but it’s the nights that are the worst. He turns into a completely different person. I think it's the quietness. He doesn’t like his brain being the only thing he can hear. In the shop everything is so loud and energetic that he can distract him from his thoughts. But once that closed sign is put up and we head up to our flat for the evening he shuts down, almost like all of that energy has been drained out of him. He doesn’t even come out for dinner anymore. I usually just leave things on the table for him and he hobbles out to grab it when he feels like it, only to go back to his bedroom right away. I haven’t been in his room for months by the way and quite honestly, I’m scared to even try. Who knows what type of monster has formed in there. I’m also finding it hard to sleep. The walls aren’t thin in this place so I can usually hear him cry at night. I’ve been constantly casting silencing spells to drown him out but nothing’s working. I guess what I’m trying to say is, could you come visit? Only for a bit, you have no obligation to stay long but I think he really needs it. He misses you and I know you miss him too. So for my sake and both of yours, could you please find the time to come down here? You won’t regret it. I’ll bribe you if I have to, just name it!
Consider it Y/N,
Love George
After reading that letter she couldn't sleep for an entire week. Tossing and turning, Y/N contemplated on whether it was a good idea to go see them... to go see him and what would happen if they reconnected and all of those old feelings resurfaced? It would just make it that much more painful when she would have to leave. There was no sense in showing up only to give him false hope... right?
Then came the call from Angelina asking if she wanted to join her and the girls for a day on the town in Diagon Alley that weekend. Y/N wanted to say no, but something inside her forced her to say yes.
She instantly regretted it, but didn’t have the heart to cancel. She thought that maybe this was her subconscious telling her to finally bite the bullet and walk through those shop doors.
So here she was, avoiding that part of Diagon Alley. The four girls walked around in the heat, stopping along the way to window shop for what felt like hours. They even took a nice long lunch break at the Leaky Cauldron which provided a nice cool down for awhile. Things had been going fairly smooth sailing up to that point. Then they left the Leaky Cauldron and began walking around again. Y/N’s worries of having to face Fred Weasley started to re-emerge. But even though her brain was setting off red alerts for her to stop and turn around, something kept her feet moving along the path to where she remembered George saying they were located.
“You alright Y/N?” Katie asked as she linked arms with her old roommate. Y/N nodded slightly and let out a shaky breath.
“Hey, we don’t have to go in there if you don’t want to.” Katie said with care as she gently grabbed Y/N’s arm to stop her in their tracks. All of her friends knew how Fred and her left things the year before and that it was a sensitive subject for her.
“I’m fine Katie, really. Thank you for checking though.” Katie gave her a sad smile in response. Y/N didn’t know if she was fine to be honest.
The group continued to walk a little longer before they came to a sudden stop. Looking up from her feet for what felt like the first time in a while, Y/N came face to face to one of the most ridiculous looking shops she had ever seen. The huge robotic head tipping it’s top hat that resembled the boys almost perfectly was the first thing that caught her eye. Then she noticed the etched golden letters that spelled out Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes just above the door. It would also be fair to say that the bright orange and purple paint coating made it the most colourful building in all of Diagon Alley.
Of course this was their shop.
“Fancy a visit with the boys?” Angelina asked cautiously. Y/N could feel all of the girl’s eyes on her, waiting to see if she would agree or not. It was now or never.
“Yeah, sure.” She said hesitantly. Katie gave her a reassuring rub on the back before they all walked up to the loud building, dodging hyperactive children rushing past them in both directions.
The second they stepped through the door, a gust of warmth and the smell of gunpowder hit Y/N in the face. The inside of the shop was even louder then the outside. Kids and parents ran around different displays and shelves of magical toys, trinkets and miscellaneous items.
It was incredible and Y/N couldn’t help but gasp at what the twins had created. Everything started to make a bit more sense as to why they were so adamant about leaving before graduation.
The girls began to walk further into the shop, clearly familiar with the space, unlike Y/N. They had formed themselves in a way that Katie and Y/N trailed behind, hidden from anyone’s view.
“Ladies, welcome!”
Y/N froze in place upon hearing that oh so familiar voice. He did sound a tad older though, almost as if his vocal chords had grown accustomed to constantly yelling over the many ecstatic customers they have gained in the past year.
But it was him.
Her Fred.
She began to turn around before Katie grabbed her, keeping her planted in place.
“Hey Freddie, George!” Angelina chirped before sauntering over and engulfing them into a hug.
From where Y/N was standing, Fred seemed nothing like how George mentioned in his letters. His face was bright and radiated a youthful energy.
She shouldn't be here, she thought. And yet something told her to stay. Something more than Katie’s tight grip on her shoulders.
“Guess who came to visit?” Angelina suddenly said with a cheeky grin. Fred frowned down at her, traces of a smile still evident his face.
“Who?” Once he asked, the girls all moved away from where they were standing, leaving Y/N completely exposed. There was no turning back. She had been spotted and struck. No escape in sight.
The second he laid eyes on her, his smile dropped. Everything was happening in slow motion.
Even though it had only been a year, she looked so different. She looked like a woman. Not that her face had aged at all but just from the way she held herself. Like an adult witch who was making her way in the world. She was no longer the young naive Hogwarts student that he had fallen in love with all those years ago.
That love never disappeared though. He could still feel it dancing within his chest and gut as she shifted awkwardly in place, clutching her canvas tote bag in an attempt to grounding herself.
Fred also looked older to Y/N. He had grown taller since the last time she saw him, if that were even possible. He looked more strongly built, most likely from lugging around all of those boxes of inventory day after day. His face had filled in a bit and the waistcoat he had on hugged his sides nicely underneath his colourful dress jacket. He looked great, amazing actually.
“Y/N.” He gasped out as he dropped the small box of fever fudge he was holding.
“Hi Freddie.” Her face was flushed and the pounding in her chest held a strong presence within her. She wasn’t given any more time to speak as he ran up to her and pulled her in for a bone crushing hug.
“I’ve missed you so much. What are you doing here?” He muffled into her hair. It smelled of the lavender and sage shampoo she used throughout their school days.
Such good memories.
“Girls day I guess.” She awkwardly giggled, pulling away from him and looking down at the floor.
He couldn't help but stare at her intently, happy she had finally decided to come see him.
It didn’t take long for Fred to take Y/N’s small hand in his. He gently tugged her away from the group and pulled her through the chaotic space, showing her everything that him and George had worked so hard to obtain. It was as if he had completely forgotten about the last year.
With every minute, Y/N became more and more relaxed. She watched him intently as he explained things with so much animation while his hands flailed around rapidly. It was really nice to see the childish excitement behind his eyes again, the childish excitement that made her fall in love with him in the first place.
“You’re staying for dinner right?” He asked out of the blue while the other girls bid their adieu to the younger of the two twins.
“Freddie I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I have a lot of work to catch up on an-”
“Please.” His big brown puppy dog eyes were exactly why she shouldn’t have come in the first place, but it was too late. She had already been caught in his web.
“Alright. Only dinner though, and then I need to head home.” His face lit up and his eyes formed those same old endearing crinkles in the corners that she adored so much. Not thinking clearly he began to lean in for a kiss before he stopped himself, suddenly remembering where they were in their relationship.
“Sorry.” He whispered bashfully as Y/N shifted away from him, looking everywhere else but his baby browns. She had to set boundaries.
“You coming Y/N?” Alicia asked as the girls started to exit the shop.
“Umm,” Y/N looked between Fred and the girls, finding it difficult to decide on what she should do. Fred’s hand then found itself placed on her lower back, sending a nice tingle down her spine. Her final decision was finally made.
“You lot go ahead. I think I will stay back for a bit.” The girls nodded, grins sitting on all of their faces. This was clearly planned and Y/N had fallen for it.
“Thank you ladies for your help.” George muttered under his breath while he led them out and placed the closed sign on the door. Y/N thankfully didn’t hear him say a single word.
Once the shop had fully settled and filled with quiet, George began to subtly examine his brother's behaviour, already noticing a difference. His shoulders weren’t slumped over and his eyes weren’t hooded with pessimism and exhaustion.
“I’m really glad you came Y/N.” George explained as he finally walked over and went in for a welcoming hug. It had been sort of difficult to do so earlier, since Fred had kept her glued to his side the second she got there.
“Nice to see you to Georgie.” She replied with a small laugh. Once they finally detangled from one another, the twins led the third member of their long lost trio up the stairs and into their shared flat .
It was a good thing that she was there really. The twins couldn’t cook to save their lives, so the minute they began preparing dinner, Y/N shooed them out of the kitchen, only allowing them to approach if she needed help with something small or uncomplicated. It was like the good old days when their mum made meals for them. The scents of cumin and cooking oil as well as the sounds of long lost laughs wafted through the space. Things were going swimmingly, and if anything, solidified the fact that Y/N had missed Fred and George dearly.
“Godric, Y/N. It really is great to see you again.” George beamed as he sat back in his chair, easing into the fullness he was feeling from Y/N’s amazing grilled chicken dish.
“It took me a while but yeah, I’m glad too.” She stated, blushing slightly as she looked over to Fred. With the three of them together, everything was fine. It reminded her of when they would run and hide within the halls and walls of Hogwarts at the peak of their pranking careers.
Y/N being alone with Fred however, was a completely different story. Wounds had yet to be fully mended and deep scars still very much remained.
George took a moment to dart his eyes back and forth between Y/N and Fred as an obvious awkward aura danced around the cozy flat. George knew exactly what to do to remedy the tension.
“Well, I’m stuffed. Should probably be heading off to bed. I’m so glad you agreed to dinner Y/N. I hope we do this more often.” She abruptly looked up at the younger twin with a pleading look in her eyes that screamed; please don’t leave me with him!
He read it perfectly, but chose to simply give the begging girl a sly grin and an obnoxious “good night.” before patting his brother on the shoulder and retreating down the hall to his room.
Damn George Wealsey. Damn him to hell.
The awkward silence remained but it was now so much louder. Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N could see Fred shift around in his seat, trying to calm the uneasiness that they were both clearly experiencing,
Someone had to say something before one of them spontaneously combusted from all of these pent up emotions.
“I’m sorry.” They said collectively. There was a moment of shock that they had spoken the same words at the same time, then small smiles that led to shy blushes.
“I meant everything I said that night you know. About me waiting for you.” He said while staring down at the table, folding his napkins over and over again to busy himself and ease his anxiety.
“Fred I-“
“I’m serious.”
“Then why didn’t you write to me?” Her words were laced with hurt. It was quiet for a moment. He then bowed his head slightly in shame before bringing his hands up and through his red strands of hair, letting out a sigh.
“It would have hurt. Trying to keep something alive that you didn’t want anymore. But the minute I saw you walk through that door this afternoon, I felt like hope was restored.”
She relaxed slightly at his answer, but only slightly. She never wanted it to end, so for him to think she wanted to let go of what they had killed her. This conversation was happening though, and that was all that mattered
“It’s been a weird year. I found myself at times picking up the phone or running to grab parchment to tell you about crazy events that had happened. Then I would remember, remember that you weren’t there.” He frowned, being slightly offended by this.
“I never really left. If you wanted to, you could have. Called and written that is.”
“You’re one to talk.” She scoffed, folding her arms.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He retorted in a state of defensive confusion.
“It means you aren’t allowed to be mad at me when you didn’t contact me once all year!”
“You hurt me Y/N! I had everything planned out for us and you ruined it!” Voices were beginning to rise.
“I’m sorry?” She was this close at screaming at him. The first time they fought, she had been scared. This time was different. She was stronger, maturer and quite honestly, sick of his shit.
“Last time I checked, you were the one that left school to open a fucking joke shop! What? You just thought I would up and leave an actual future so I could be your little housewife? Fuck you Fred Weasley!” They were both standing at this point, moving in closer and closer to the point of them almost touching. He towered over her and she couldn’t help but notice that feeling.
“Oh get off it L/N.” He spat down at her. The image they took resembled a Chihuahua trying to gain dominance over a Great Dane.
“You, are a man child Fred Weasley. When the fuck are you going to grow up and face the real world?” She shoved a finger into his chest, which didn’t even him an inch.
“A man child?” He chortled mockingly with a raised eyebrow and obnoxious smirk.
“Yeah.” She retorted, grounding her feet to make herself feel bigger and stronger. Her Gryffindor was shining through like no tomorrow.
“Say it again.”
“What?” She asked confused.
“Say it, again.” His tone was low and direct. He exerted an intense sense of power and strength that she secretly loved.
“You are a man child Fred Weas-“ Before she could finish her sentence, he grabbed her cheeks into his palms and slammed his lips against hers. Her eyes widened in pure shock but she quickly closed them and grabbed his wrists in her hands, giving into the sensation. It was a sensation that she had been craving for so long. They moaned and groaned into each other’s mouths before he pushed her back and hoisted her up onto the kitchen counter by her arse. His hands then squeezed into her sides, causing her to squeak and squirm.
“Fuck.” She whispered as their mouths seperated for a moment of breath since she had gripped the base of his neck hair and pulled him away from her.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” She continued as he moved his lips down her neck. She was slightly mad at herself for giving in to him so easily. Deep down though she knew it was going to happen eventually. She had just been too proud to admit it.
“Why?” He whispered as he sucked on her jugular, making sure to reach every single beauty mark that painted her neck.
“B-because I-. Fuck Freddie I can’t speak.” Her words were getting lost with each lick and smooch he planted on her jawline.
“Then don’t.” He muttered into her flesh. She dropped the subject and chose to grip on to his hair once again. His hands slowly moved from her hips down to her thighs, stroking them softly. The feeling triggered Y/N’s memories of the night he left. She wanted to yell at the top of her lungs; Don’t leave again! But all she could do was whimper at the touch of his warm and inviting fingers circling against her quads.
The whimpers she was releasing made Fred stop and look into her eyes which he had been dreaming about for over a year now.
“You are so beautiful.” He stated as tears began to form in his lower waterlines. He hated himself for being such a prick and for not fighting hard enough for her. Instead he chose to put his tail between his legs and accept defeat. That wasn’t the Fred Weasley he knew.
But this girl, this stunning girl with her chest heaving and legs open had changed him. She had changed him for the better.
Just from the mere sight of him crying made her tear up herself. Unable to watch him suffer any longer, she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into her chest as he continued to silently sob.
One of her hands crept up his back in hopes of soothing him. She began to rub gentle circles between his shoulder blades. Her other hand came up to caress his hair as she shushed him gently.
“I’m sorry.” He choked out through weak whimpers.
“I let you down.” Her heart broke at this statement.
“You didn’t let me down. I’m sorry too Freddie. I didn’t mean what I said about the shop. I am so proud of you and all the hard work you have done.” She leaned down to kiss the top of his head. This made him tighten the grip he had on her.
She let him hold her for as long as he needed. Merlin knew just how much they both needed it.
When he finally started to feel the emptiness within him fill slightly, he pulled himself away from her grasp to look into her red puffy eyes.
“Stay? Please?” He was desperate for her. Desperate for her touch, her body, her laugh, her voice, her smell and everything in between.
“Freddie, you know I can’t.” She spoke softly while she closed her eyes, forcing out a tear.
“Just for tonight, please.” She sighed as she laid her forehead against his shoulder in frustration, wrapping her calves around his waist to pull him in closer.
Neither one of them spoke for a while, instead choosing to listen to each other’s laboured breathing, finding that missing comfort in the inhalation and exhalation.
“Just for tonight.” She spoke quietly. He closed his eyes in relief, smiling to himself before pushing her off of his shoulder and gently taking her face in his hands.
“Thank you.” He spoke, lightly pecking her on the lips. She smiled back and removed her hands from his neck.
“I’ve missed you.” She said in a whisper as her right hand grazed down his torso, stopping at his crotch. She began to palm him, making sure not to break eye contact. He sputtered out and buckled at her touch.
“Fuck.” He softly groaned, his face tucking into the curvature of her jaw and neck.
“What do you want, baby?” She asked, speeding up her movements.
“You.” Was all he was able to vocalize. This sent a sensation right down to her underwear.
“Stand up straight love.” He followed her instructions immediately, pulling all of his weight off of her and struggling to find a solid stance. She then hopped off of the counter and found her way down onto her knees, preparing herself for what was to come.
He tried so hard to not go absolutely feral as he watched her look up at him with these soft doe eyes. Her hands then came up to tug at his belt, making it so his hips dipped forward from the force of her pull. Never in his wildest imagination did he think that the sound of a clanking belt would be so heavenly.
“Need you.” He said through a gasp, gently stroking her hair. He could feel her fingers dance along the elastic band of his boxers before tugging them down to above his knees along with his work trousers. The cool air hit his member once it sprung free and lightly tapped his lower stomach. The feeling sent shivers down his spine and caused his leg hairs to stand on end.
His tears had now become dry against his cheeks as he strangled out a new cry. This time from pleasure as Y/N thumbed the tip of his member gently.
Noticing how desperate he was, Y/N continued to stroke him until his cock was covered in any kind of wetness he could offer.
Once she felt it appropriate she leaned forward and took a deep breath, taking him into her mouth and as far down her throat that she could. Everything she couldn’t swallow was dealt with by her hand.
Fred groaned profusely through his bitten lip, trying hard not to be too loud. His brother was just down the hall after all.
“Fuck love.” He encouraged, holding the back of her head lightly in a make shift ponytail as he gently thrusted forward, causing her to gag and slobber slightly. The strangled chokes she let out around his member made him subconsciously quicken his pace. No longer in control, she gave up on taking care of him with her hands and chose to lay them flat agaisnt his tense thighs for support instead.
Her breathing began to shorten and the choking was becoming a tad bit unbearable, so she lightly tapped one of his thighs, making him pull her off of him and up to her feet. She wobbled slightly at the feeling of coming up to fast and from the lack of oxygen as she fell into his arms.
“You alright love?” He asked with concern through erratic pants. She could feel his still rock hard member cuddled up against her hip as she leaned against him.
“Yeah, just thought we should take this into the bedroom.” He nodded in agreement and let go of her for a moment to pull up his trousers and boxers. He hissed at the fabric grazing against his sensitive area but paid it little attention. He couldn’t worry about himself since he wanted to be fully invested in Y/N and her wants and needs. He would be dealt with soon enough, that was for certain.
Once he was fully clothed again, he decided to pick Y/N up, catching her off guard by throwing her over his shoulder and making her squeal out in excitement.
“Shhh, don’t want to wake up George do we?” He whispered through a sly smile.
“Depends.” She spoke seductively.
“You cheeky little mink.” He growled jokingly while placing a palm down on to her arse with a firm smack, making her squeal out once more, this time in pleasure.
He carried her down the hall and into the room right across from the one George disappeared into. Once they were fully inside, Fred threw Y/N down onto his unmade bed.
She took a moment to take in her surrounding, mentally referring back to the letters George had sent her. She thought about how worried he was about the depressive hole Fred had found himself in and that his room would be a good indication of it, even if he himself hadn’t been in there in months.
It wasn’t terrible. Laundry scattered the floor, clearly making it difficult to differentiate dirty from clean. A few bottles of fire whiskey sat in a dark corner by his work desk, almost as though they were being shunned from the rest of the room. Used tissues were placed on his bedside table in the formation of a small hill, making it unclear which ones were used from his nights of tears and which ones were used for his nights of self pleasure to calm the tears, both actions having her in mind.
She observed all of this as he laid on top of her and licked up her neck.
“Freddie.” She moaned out, finally coming back to reality from her thoughts.
“Yes baby?” His lips attached to her upper chest.
“Off.” She said, brain too fried from the pleasure to speak in fully formed sentences.
“ ‘f course.” He mumbled before detaching himself from her collarbone and sitting up to straddle her waist. His fingers traced up and down the buttons on her light summer dress before he started to unbutton it, allowing her bra to be exposed to him. It wasn’t a fancy lace or an elegant silk, but rather a sweet light yellow cotton that drove him absolutely mad.
Because it was her. It was always her.
He took a moment to admire the canvas that was laying below him that he couldn’t wait to paint before tugging the bra down, revealing her breasts to him. She let out a small whine as the cold air struck her bare skin, making her nipples perk up in the process. He shifted his gaze between her face and her chest. She nodded slightly, giving him the go ahead. With her approval, he leaned down and latched his tongue and lips around her delicate areolas.
She hummed with ease and shimmied her hips underneath him. He took a good minute to praise her supple mounds before bringing his hand down and underneath her dress, tapping her hip. She caught the hint and lifted herself up, allowing him to pull the floral patterned fabric from underneath her and toss it amongst one of his numerous piles. She then arched her back, making it so he could remove the constricting bra fully. He let out a small groan before shifting his body, specifically his lips, down her stomach to her navel. His lips littered her skin with kisses but he could tell she was craving a different kind of touch.
“So good f’ me, love. Have always been so good f’ me.” She smiled at this and shut her eyes as he started to tug her underwear down her bent legs. Almost automatically her knees fell open, giving Fred admission to his own personal holy grail. His gaping mouth emitted a hot breath that hit her centre, causing her to squirm.
“Freddie, please, right there, ‘m ready for you.”
God she was so perfect.
“I know baby. I can see it, can see all of it.” His index finger stroked down her wet folds, making her shudder.
“So sensitive.” He tutted softly as he grabbed both of her ankles and tugged her further forward, placing the back of her knees over his shoulders.
“Need it now,” Her whining made it abundantly clear that she was unable to handle much more of his teasing.
He couldn’t torture her any longer, so he leaned in and let a small amount of spit to drop from his lips and on to her sensitive clit. Then he brought his tongue down to swirl the liquid he released around her entrance, making her moan out loud to indicate to him that he was doing his job really well.
All he could think about was the sounds she was making and how she tasted just like he remembered.
So sweet.
“Taste so good love.” She gripped the sheets at the vibrations of his words of encouragement.
“Whenever you’re ready, come f’ me.” He spoke as he stopped his movements against her clit and dropped her legs, allowing her to be laid out for him. He then laid himself on his stomach between her legs and I nserted a couple of digits into her hole, hoping to speed up the process of bringing her to a fully euphoric state.
“Okay.” She whined, along with a submissive nod that was so innocent, he couldn’t help but rut his hips into the sheets beneath him to try and calm his own ache. His fingers sped up and he attached his lips to her once more. She dug her heels into his upper back, pushing him further against her heat.
“Right there, right there, fuck I’m go-going t-” She couldn’t even finish her sentence as she released onto his face. They both wheezed out in exhaustion and once he felt like he could finally move, he sat up, kissing her roughly, making it so her wetness transferred from his lips to hers.
“Too many clothes Freddie.” She sighed out as she weakly tugged at his waistcoat button, while she slowly came down from her orgasm.
He was utterly bewildered by her and what she had just done that he had no choice but to scramble to sit up more and almost rip off his clothing in anticipation.
He moved off of the bed and tried to keep eye contact with her as she leaned back on her elbows, naked and open for him. He could see their mixture of slick fluids covering her thighs reflect in the moonlight.
Once he was fully nude, Y/N stopped him from moving towards her like a dog in heat by pressing her foot against his chest.
“Stay there. Wanna get a good look at you.” He tilted his head slightly in confusion, but obeyed his queen nonetheless.
She just wanted to see how he had changed over the past year. A year since they first made love. His arms were more toned and his abs carried a deeper definition. His thick thighs made her practically salivate.
“Okay.” She breathed out shakily.
“Get over here.” She continued, giving him the come hither motion with her finger. He smirked and quickly crawled over to her, hopping on top of her, pinning her down underneath him and smothering her with kisses.
She laughed out, trying to pry him off of her small frame.
‘Okay, okay enough! You’re crushing me!” She giggled.
He finally stopped, not expecting her to then lunge at him and roll them over so she was on top.
Her naked figure straddled his hips and he couldn’t help but to stare up at her in awe as he stroked her figure gently.
“I’ve missed you.” She said out of the blue. He smiled sadly in return.
“I’ve missed you too.” They both went in for a kiss.
“Want you inside me baby.” She mumbled against his lips. He nodded and shifted so she was hovering right above his erect shaft.
She let out a shaky breath of release from her sweaty, heaving chest as she eased down onto him, making him groan out loudly and grip her hips harder than before.
It had been a whole year since he had felt the touch of a woman but it had been totally worth it in the end. Because it was with her and that’s all that mattered.
“Oh Freddie.” She moaned, placing her hands against his chest as she began to rock back and forth. He could feel his toes curl just from the mere sight of her getting off on his cock. Her lashes sat gently against her soft cheeks and her plush lower lip was stuck between her teeth.
Unable to bear it, Fred began to thrust up into her with a rapid and rough pace, trying to catch up in the chase. The sounds admitting from both of them and their collective wetness grew. He knew neither of them would be able to last much longer. Especially after being away from one another for so long.
“Come ‘ere.” He panted, sweat forming in his hairline and on his upper lip. She nodded and leaned down so he could wrap his arms around her in a hug. They stayed like this for a while as he continued to slam up into her again and again. He made sure to have her ear close to his lips, so she could hear just how good she was making him feel.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He winced as his orgasm began to rise to the surface.
“It’s okay, let go.” She struggled to whisper. He nodded in response and squeezed her arse, pressing her further down on to him with every rough slam of his hips.
He then let out a shuddering sigh as he finished inside of her, all of his muscles relaxing that had been clenching during their heated escapade.
Y/N continued to whine and rut herself against him, making it clear that she hadn’t reached her climax yet.
Fred laid his head back on to his pillow in exhaustion, taking her with down him. He wasn’t done though. This was all about her and Fred be damned if he didn’t make her come at least twice.
His hand crept between their sweaty, connected bodies and pressed his fingers to her sensitive clit. Small ministrations were made to her bundle of nerves and she couldn’t help but kiss up his neck and grind down on him in return, a lot like when she would use her pillow after they broke up, always thinking of him of course.
“Freddie, baaaby!” She cried out, making his body tense up again as well as his cock.
“Yes baby?” He asked while stroking her arse with his other hand.
“Almost there.” She answered through heavy breaths.
“You look so good for me, love. Using me as your personal sex toy. Fuck I love you so much.” His words encouraged her to quicken the pace of her hips which made her clench her thighs against his sides.
“Oh god.” She groaned out as her eyes rolled back slightly before shaking and then relaxing, dropping all of her body weight on top of him.
Hot air deflated from her lungs, hitting his sweaty chest.
“Fuck I’ve missed you.” He quietly chuckled while rubbing her moist back with one hand and combing through his now wet hair with the other. She giggled in return and dragged her lips over the skin of his chest tiredly before reaching up to kiss him.
“I love you.” She hummed.
“I love you.” He responded candidly.
It didn’t take long for sleep to take over the young couple as they held on to each other for dear life.
May 8th, 1997
The next morning Y/N woke up with a jolt. Remembering it was a Sunday she relaxed again.
Her eyes roamed around the space for a moment, recalling that she never made it back home the day before.
Looking to her left, she saw Fred laying naked on his stomach with a leg draped over her torso and his arms tucked underneath his pillow. His face was sunken into the feathery fabric as he emitted soft peaceful snores. The poor bloke probably hadn’t had this good of a sleep in over a year.
She didn’t want to wake him right away. Instead she allowed herself to watch him and enjoy his beautiful features that she adored so much. Almost as if he were a spectacle.
She shifted over so she was laying on her side. Fred’s leg slipped off of her frame in the process. Her hand then came up to his face to caress his cheek.
“Mm, hello there.” He spoke through a dopey smile and deep morning voice, sending her into a tizzy. She chuckled lightly and began rubbing his exposed bicep in a soothing manner.
His eyes stayed closed as he let out a deep sigh, pulling Y/N further into his chest.
“Freddie?” She asked quietly. He hummed in response, pressing her even closer to him.
“I should be going soon.” She hated to break up the lovely moment but she couldn’t stay for much longer.
What would happen after this moment, no one knew. But what was most important was that the year of silence was now finally over.
“No, don’t.” He whined and pouted as he shifted down a bit to nuzzle his face in between her breasts. His favourite place to be.
She let out a sigh and gently played with the hairs at the back of his neck.
“Freddie, you promised.” She warned. He groaned out in a huff and finally let go of her, followed by getting out of bed begrudgingly.
She watched him as he walked around the bedroom, picking out an outfit for the day from the numerous piles of clothes.
“Fred talk to me.” She hated the silence.
“I don’t want you to leave.” He was unable to look her in the eye as he paced around his room, continuing to get himself dressed.
“I don’t know where we go from here.” He gripped his dark oak drawer at her words, frustrated that she was still being so stubborn, even after the events from the night prior.
“Look, I want you here, always. I want to wake up in the morning and have your face be the first thing I see, then have it be the last thing I see before I go to sleep. Is that enough of a forward for you?”
She groaned in aggravation and threw herself back down on to the bed. It seemed as though no compromise was ever going to be made.
“Look Fred.” She stared up at his ceiling.
“We can take it slow. I can make more of an effort to come see you on the weekends and you can make more of an effort to write to me. We will see where things take us, you know… slowly.” He turned at this with a sigh and walked back over to the bed, crawling over to her and placing a loving kiss to her lips.
“If it means the possibility of us being us again, then yes, I’ll do whatever it takes.” She smiled and grabbed his face, kissing him once more.
“Deal.” She sat up enthusiastically and stuck her hand out for him to take. He looked down at it as if she had an extra thumb. She waited patiently and he rolled his eyes, finally grabbing her hand in his and shaking it, almost as if they had just closed a business deal.
He then tugged her towards him by the hand which made her land on top of him. He began to tickle her and she immediately squirmed in his grasp.
“Stop, I need to get dressed!” She squealed.
“Who’s the best shag of your life?” He asked teasingingly.
“You!” She laughed through her struggle.
“What was that? I couldn’t quite hear you love.” He further pushed through a cheeky grin.
“Fred Weasley is the best shag of my life!” She knew this was the only way that he would let up.
“Right answer.” She scoffed at his smug response as he let go of her.
“Only shag is more like it.” She muttered jokingly, just loud enough for him to hear.
“And don’t you forget it.” He winked before smacking her bare arse and rolling off the bed. She yelped and gave him a look of light hearted warning.
She soon got up herself and began to change, noticing out of the corner of her eye, Fred watching her from the doorway.
“What?” She asked in false annoyance.
“Nothing, just looking at you is all.” He was beaming from ear to ear. She rolled her eyes playfully in return.
Once she was done getting dressed, he reached his hand out for her to take. She walked over and grabbed it, allowing him to lead her out of the room and down the hall.
When they reached the kitchen, they didn’t initially notice George sitting at the kitchen table, enjoying a bowl of cereal.
The couple were to busy poking and prodding each other as they looked through the fridge for breakfast.
“Mooorning.” They quickly shot up and shut the fridge, turning to see George smirking at them, who was as it seemed, clearly aware of what had occurred the night prior.
He gave them a wink and a knowing look before going back to his bowl.
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B2:S - Chapter 5
Much of this series will be about the differences and additions in the novel version, and how they contribute to my understanding of story canon. But there will be character appreciation, the odd theory and headcanon, and suchlike as well.
Here be lots of Viren deets, Best Boy Soren deets, some writing/continuity stuff, worldbuilding appreciation and half of a theory, Detective Rayla, Moon Temple geeking, Claudium and dark magic, and more!
Spoilers for Book Two: Sky below.
(I know for darn sure that I wrote up a post for chapter 4, but I can't find it anywhere so I guess Tumblr ate it and I'll have to redo it at some point, but today is not that day)
Viren, my evil dude, my bad guy, coming in clutch with the worldbuilding and backstory again! If you want to know decades of information, you gotta talk to Viren. Or read his scenes, at least. Here, he seems to not sleep much when he has a big problem to analyze his way through. Solutions trump pretty much everything else in this guy's life, and he's had a really hard week with a lot of new and complicated problems. Of course he's getting sleep-deprived trying to find his way through them all.
Harrow put so much trust in Viren when he made him High Mage! He just threw himself extra hard at that Lady Justice blindfold, didn't he? Didn't really want to see what Viren was doing in his magic study, so he left Viren to his devices. And Viren has a lot of devices.
Also, this is fascinating: Viren made the secret passage to his "less official study" in Katolis Castle! And he was inspired to do so by the way his own mentor kept the Puzzle House. What else could a Puzzle House be, except a place with secret passages? Yay! secret headcanon that "the Puzzle House" is just "Katolis Castle" from Kid Viren's perspective tho
So either Viren built all of those passageways, or at least the ones to his dungeon. Which means he has to have, or know where to get, a stash of those glowing blue Moonshadow crystals. Hmmm.
I can't wait to learn more about Kpp'Ar and young Viren, btw. From this description of Viren and all his literal secret ways, it feels like another parallel between Viren and Runaan, with the whole "secretive paths, members only, insider knowledge" type stuff. Only the really cool members of this cult club get to know the secrets, and guess what, kid, you're cool now but you can never tell anyone, okay? Our secret.
Yeahhh, that'll never backfire in any way for either of them.
Kpp'Ar calling puzzles and secrets "man-made magic," though. Yes sir, knowledge is indeed power.
This chapter mentions Runaan by name, from Viren's perspective. Generally that would imply that Viren knows his name, even though assassins do not share their names, and Runaan didn't seem to give his to Viren in the first book. However, there was a scene in book one where the last paragraph switched perspective from Viren to Runaan - a technique that's very common in visual media like movies and shows and gives you that "ohoho they left the room and didn't notice this, but you do!" vibe. Using Runaan's name there in book one, where Viren couldn't see it but readers could, helps them keep track of the assassin's story arc while maintaining Viren's racism.
So in book two, in which Runaan has no onscreen scenes (alas), using his name in a scene that calls back to the events in book one helps us remember what happened in that dungeon cell. It would be a bit muddier to recall the specifics if Viren kept thinking about Runaan as "Elf." So I'm cool with the perspective nudge because it serves a narrative purpose: clarity. But I'm also enjoying the angst of considering that, somehow, Viren learned Runaan's name either during or after the coining spell. Mwa ha ha haaa. (Obligatory "Keep my pretty name outta your mouth" goes here)
Okay, back to Viren's scheming! He took the mirror because it was human-sized in a dragon lair. He knew it didn't really fit there, and that made it interesting, so he stole it. But he realized it was really powerful when Runaan wouldn't tell him squat about it - the assassin's instinct to protect Xadian secrets from human hands meant that Viren was holding a very powerful Xadian secret. And that just made him want it all the more. Ah, Runaan, if only your relationship with lying was, like, the exact opposite of what it is. Nyx could've spun Viren a believable tale in 2 minutes flat.
Also of interest: Viren considers his cursed coins to be a final fate. He expects Runaan to remain in his coin forever. With the Chekhov's coins still extant in the storyline, we can assume that they'll come up again eventually, but Viren has no current plans to do anything with his elf money except carry it around.
It's worth noting that Viren admits that he got impatient when he trapped Runaan in the coin. Runaan's first fate in Katolis was supposed to be death at Soren's hands, but Claudia "saved" him from that. His next fate was to become spell components, but Viren's frustration with his stubbornness "saved" him from that fate, too. So now he's in a coin, where no one can chop him up at all. Yay? No, boo!
We get one last line about Runaan before Viren shifts gears: he makes a point of noting for us that Runaan's shackles are still locked shut. However much of Runaan made it into that coin - body, soul, hair care products - he was magicked there, pulled right out of his restraints.
The creepy black liquid that Viren pours right into his eyes is the last of a powerful potion he got from Kpp'Ar, and its recipe is ancient! Humans used it back in the age of Elarion to see through the illusions of the world. And we get a delightfully creepy bit of description about the preparation of this serum, which makes it abundantly clear that it's a Moon magic-based concoction, harvested from eyeless vipers on a moonless night, with the threat of irrevocable madness ("madness" by whose definition, though) if it's done wrong-
Hang on. Hold up. This is a Plato's Cave reference. OH MY GOD.
No no I'm fine, this is brilliant. Sorry, sorry, I couldn't figure why there was so much description for a potion prep that Viren didn't even have to perform himself. But now I get it. I see the light. HA. I should make a separate post for this, it's amazing.
Anyway, for reference, the humans who used this serum were called the Oracles of Ophidia, and Ophidia is a taxonomy group that includes all modern snakes. Can you say "creepy ancient snake rites"? I can! Woo!
Viren activates the serum with a spell, but apparently he's never done it before. He's not sure if it's supposed to be hot and bubbly, and he worries that it's been tainted by moonlight.
Oh, I do hope so.
The magic potion hurts, a lot. Viren will do just about anything, to himself or anyone, to do what he believes is necessary. He just risked madness and blindness to find out what this mirror does! Viren. Can you just. Take a nap or something. Have a Snickers.
This chapter gives us a fun clue that I don't remember from the show: when Viren's vision clears and he can see, his reflection has white pupils and the room reflected in the mirror has inverted colors. You know where else has inverted colors?
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You know who else got white pupils for a hot second?
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Okay, now it makes sense! Viren and Lujanne were both seeing into the realm beyond life and death. Him with his moon magic potion, and her with her moon powers on a full moon night at the Moon Nexus. Which is Very Interesting! Is it a direct hint about Aaravos's location, or just a separate cool detail? Orrr, does it look like a direct hint because Aaravos is actually trapped in the world beyond life and death, but it's actually separate and we'll see something about white pupils again later on?
Viren really does have self-esteem issues, we all picked up on it with his rant at his reflection. He throws a fit when he catches himself wondering if he's actually worthless. In the book version of his tantrum, he shoves the mirror and hurls a candelabra instead of flipping a table. He didn't need to shove the mirror to set the fire, but it's in here. Foreshadowing that perhaps, if push comes to shove, Viren will choose himself over Aaravos? Giving Aaravos time to peek through and see that the coast is clear?
Soren, my boyyyyy. He has a rough night at the Moon Nexus because two sides of him are fighting with each other. He struggles to understand Callum's friendship with Rayla, and he also fantasizes about chopping off Rayla's head. One of these is a pretty ordinary thing to do. The other is Soren's internalization of what he needs to do to gain his father's approval. If he brought his dad a chopped off elf head every week, he'd probably feel a lot more confident because Viren would praise him a lot more.
Okay, okay, omg, is it just me, or does the "Moonshadow Madness" story, as it's told in the book, seem like Soren just doesn't know what a monsterfucker is? He thinks an elf bite puts humans under a spell. But vampires are sexy, and some people want them to do more to them than just bite them. A passionate kiss under the moonlight could look very bitey, especially if one of the participants has horns and you're already culturally trained to hate them. No yeah, I'm already headcanoning an actual human-elf kiss that got misunderstood by an observer long ago.
it's Lujanne isn't it, we all know, because what is a love spell but a sweet soft illusion, I mean how else does she get supplies for her Caldera, I ask you, and also Corvus was totally sent to investigate once and he told Soren at camp what he saw
And then back to magefam angst: Soren pretending that his sister's nose-tapping is stupid, even though he actually thinks it's cool, just because their dad thinks it's stupid. Viren, istg. Let your kids like harmless things. It's so cute that Soren taps his nose back at her, though! Like they have their own sibling code. I hope we get to see the nose tap again, especially now that they've chosen different sides. It could mean so much, that they're not too far apart yet.
Rayla knows what buttery pancakes smell like. I love this. Do Moonshadow elves have butter and pancakes, does Rayla eat a stack of eight giant pancakes in the morning? Orrrr it is just illusion food? I don't care, let Rayla have pancakes! Everyone loves pancakes. Pancakes will save the world. this message brought to you by the fact that I can't eat pancakes rn, send help
I love that Rayla is both sus of the pancakes and hungry, and that combines into a very motivated "I will get to the bottom of this" attitude. She kind of goes into Poirot Mode when she inserts herself into Soren and Ellis's conversation about Ava, explaining about the wolf's illusion leg and segueing into her claim that the pancakes taste sus. Claudia confirms she used dark magic, and Rayla is furious. It's different than the show's version in that it puts Rayla in detective mode, as the only Moonshadow elf in the scene, and boy does she take that role seriously. Also, she doesn't actually swallow the dark magic pancake bite. It ends up on the ground just like Lujanne's grubs from that earlier meal. These poor kids are so nutrient-starved. You guys gotta eat!!
Rayla's determination and prejudices and the fact that she super knows Harrow is dead all dovetail to make her try repeatedly to persuade Callum that Soren and Claudia are Not To Be Trusted. It's nice that the book keeps taking the time to point out that Rayla is Well Intentioned But Flawed, just like Callum and pretty much every other character in the show. No one is Right All The Time, no one Knows More Than Everyone Else.
Callum loving the sound of Claudia's unique voice is so wholesome. When you like someone, it only makes sense that you like all the things about them that they can't change - like the sound of Claudia's voice. Her choices with dark magic, not so much!
Claudia seems to have the same concerns Soren does about Callum's relationship with Rayla, but she comes out and asks him. The inherent possession implied in "your elf" is interesting, though. Elves are not people to Claudia. They're enemies who can be disassembled for the magic inside them. So maybe more like robots than living beings, if she knew what a robot was. Maybe she heard Soren's "Moonshadow Madness" story and realized he totally missed the kissing implications - but she didn't, and now she's genuinely worried that Rayla could kiss Callum under a full moon and enchant him to do her will. Good thing it's only a half moon, then!
Okay, Callum nervously making a puppet hand and then not knowing what to do with his hands and freaking out about itching and moving and pointy elbows is such a ND mood. The sudden stress of knowing that someone else is noticing your existence and maybe you're Not Existing Right, amirite? Ugh, poor Callum.
The Moon Temple! Omg it's so pretty in the description! Made to be beautiful and useful, full of knowledge but also allowing light and life inside (butterflies and vines). Lujanne, when can I move in, please? Also, it's all the more angsty because Lujanne is the only one who gets to see this beautiful place, but it has lots of chairs and shelves and tables, and it was meant to be used by lots of people. :(((
Claudia knows some of the runes on the walls. She isn't in a hurry to copy the rest of them down or anything, either. Her spellwriting is very precise, and she's a skilled mage. Her father would have made sure she was aware of the dangers of drawing sloppy runes, as much as he made her aware of the dangers of doing dark magic wrong. And the whole point of dark magic is that it's easier to learn than primal magic. Claudia supports her dad and their shared knowledge and life path. She's not gonna go nuts over an elf library she can't translate.
Side note: Between Claudia knowing some Moon runes and Viren building a secret passageway and a dungeon and lighting it with the same blue crystals that Lujanne and Ethari use for light--and Claudia exclaiming that she loves ruins--I wonder once more if there are really Moonshadow ruins somewhere in Katolis, which Viren has found and looted. Father-daughter relic hunting trip, maybe while Soren is away at camp? Omgsh that would be so wild!
Callum out here having a Viren moment with his "I feel powerless unless I've got magic that lets me help" vibes. God. I love their complicated mirroring. One of the hard differences between them is that Callum is very sure dark magic is bad because you have to kill stuff and take its power to cast spells, and he doesn't want to be a person who kills and takes like that. The line he walks to be nice to Claudia on their tour of the Cursed Caldera because he likes her, while telling her that he doesn't want to do her magic, like, ever, is so fine that it might as well be a shifting shadow on the ground. It's a very fitting conversation to be having during the half moon, with its tricks and little white lies.
Callum being out of the castle and his comfort zone, having to deal with the fact that the Claudia he loves is not quite the Claudia who's chasing him down across the kingdom, but of the two of them, he's the only one with a problem with this.
They say that if you really want to get to know someone, you should spend time with them outside their comfort zone - in heavy traffic, with a small baby, taking care of a new pet, trying a new skill, following unfamiliar directions, etc. While the castle is familiar territory for them both, Callum's never really found his comfort zone yet, while Claudia is pretty comfortable with her growing skill set. The creepy part starts to kick in when Callum begins to realize that Claudia's comfort zone encompasses a whole bunch of stuff that seems like it should make her uncomfortable... but it doesn't. But that'll be for a future chapter!
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we-dragons · 3 years
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 9 Damian x reader
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"What is this place, why is it shaped like a T?" We stand on an island with this enormous building smack in the center of it the sunset shade casting a large shadow over us, I can't get over how ridiculous it looks. Or contemplate my confusion, Nightmare makes an unimpressed huff and nuzzles back into my shoulder.
"Titan's tower."
"why would this be a good place to hide? It's the most obvious building here, I ran with you for several days I'm beginning to think I would be safer under my floorboards." He walks up to the doors and pulls out a card holding it in front of the circular panel. It beeps and a clicking noise comes from the door.
"Believe me this would be a better place for you." I sigh a form of any and all anxiety pools in my body, but I still meet him at the now unlocked door.
"Alright fine but you need to explain to me why here of all places."
"When we get inside." The doors swing open, the area behind it lights up leading to what I assume is an elevator. I'm pulled inside not giving me a chance to look around. "Hey!" He doesn't answer but pulls us into the elevator, I don't see him push a button but we almost immediately move up. It's fast but not as fast as the one I had to go down for training at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Though the feeling is familiar and I start missing my classmates all over again. I rub the wrist that Damian was holding to dragging me here. Nightmare growls at the space moving him and interrupting his nap. The space stops and the door opens to an open space that looks like a large living room. a white angled couch a large kitchenette and an impossibly large TV by open glass windows. The room has several people all staring at us, my anxiety hits me tenfold and I take a step back. A hand is at my shoulder the moment I do and pushes slowly while moving itself. The doors close signaling that I'm truly stuck here, a woman with Neon pink hair and bronze skin zooms up to us.
"It's so good to see you, and I see you brought a friend. Richard has been looking all over for you."
"I know that's why you can't tell him we're here." I'm pushed forward. "She's a mutant possessing the X-Gene, my father wants to interrogate her for the information, she needs to stay here till a better solution becomes present. Can she stay here?"
"Well of course she can stay-"
"What?!" Nightmare jumps from my arms and hisses. I walk backward, taking in this new information. "How did, you find out when-when." Fear creeps how long had he known how much trouble was or might be in. But he didn't mention this. but then again why would he. How does he know about the X-Gene though, from the research I did there were none here with it. The closest there was were Metahumans but even they didn't have anything close. My back hits the wall and I return to the world Nightmare growls standing guard in front of me. Everyone who was in the room now stood in front of me, a boy that was green from head to toe, another girl in a purple cloak and unitard, and another boy with something attached to his back. The pink-haired woman steps forward, but Nightmare swats at her yowling as a warning to keep away. She raises her hands in surrender but looks at me.
"There is no need to be afraid, I knew people like you, Jean Grey, Cyclops. they came here by accident once a few friends and I helped them get back. It would have been 7 years ago now." Damian steps forward Ignoring Nightmare, guilt is painted slightly on his face he tries to coax me from the wall. "I'm sorry I knew since the time you showed me, I checked my recorder after that visit and played it back home in front of everyone. I was to find out more from you and report back after we scanned those samples that healed me. When we were ready I was supposed to bring you back with me for interrogation with confirmation of your mother's research." Something snaps inside me and I glare at him.
"So all that was for those stupid journals. Wow, for how long were you faking nice. No, don't tell me it'll just feel worse. " I put a hand on my face willing the emotions of confusion to stop. A crackling noise makes its self known in front of me followed by screams.
"Holy Crap that thing has tentacles coming from its face!"
I gasp at the sight Nightmare had gone full flerken and is attempting to drag Damian in. I lunge at Nightmare dragging him across the floor. He lets go of Damian but he hasn't changed back to cat form. "Nightmare No! Calm down I'm fine I swear it! Stop!" The black fuzzball retracts his tentacles and hisses at the crowd.
"I'm sorry, he gets like that when he sees me upset sometimes. Not sure if you have them here but he's half flerken, they look like cats but they're quite deadly." I set Nightmare down and he crawls behind my legs once again hissing particularly at the green boy how has gotten closer, he turns into a green cat making Nightmare run in the process. Damian limps forward his leg is bleeding through his suit. I would let that heal naturally if only wounds inflicted by Nightmares in the flerken form never heal normally on their own.
"Y/N these are the Titans, the one mimicking your," he waves his hand in the air as if to find the world. "flerken is Garfield." He points to Nightmare being chased my the green cat attempting to lose him. The bronze woman glides forward stomping a foot from me the others followed behind.
"Hello my name is Starfire you can call me Kori, this here is Raven," She points to the purple girl then moves her other hands to the boy. "and this is Jaime. We are pleased to have you here Y/N." She grabs my hand pulling me away from the middle of the room where I had landed. "Now let's get you settled in I'll talk to Damian for a bit after." Nightmare notices my leaving and jumps onto my right sholder hissing at the green-skinned boy.
I honestly don't know how to feel, to be honest, I should have guessed it so it's my fault. I could have left him and then this wouldn't have happened, but then he would have died in my apartment. Could have been more hostile, but then he definitely would have gone with the kidnapping strategy and I would be already in the hand of batman. Now I'm in the known world of their superheroes, the superheroes know about the Crows and they know about the X-gene. That information can go from good to bad in minutes. Though Kori did know about Jean and Scott, though it was years ago they have traveled through many universes with a small team. I would have been about 10 when this happened and my mother didn't take me there for classes till I was 12. In their lectures, they didn't mention anything like this they did bring in Doctor Strange to teach those of us who could understand how to perform magic. I Now I'm sitting on an insanely comfortable bed knees curled up to my chest just reminiscing. I have been told to use my abilities only when necessary as not to attract any unwanted attention. But what did I do, I screw up my chances of living normally till Doc Strange can pull me back only to find I'm not in my home where I should be. Everything was going so smoothly till now.
The door opens behind me and by the almost silent footfalls, I can tell it's Damian. Nightmare has jumped into my arms forcing me to let go off my legs and watch as the boy drags a chair to face me.
"I suppose you want the whole story now," I said barely looking at him.
"I wasn't going to talk about that yet."
"What did you think you would find in the journals that my mother wrote?"
"An answer on how to stop the Crows."
"You most likely will."
"Than what's in them."
I sigh looking him dead in the eye, pulling myself together for this.
"My mother didn't only study history, in my dimension, she studied all sorts of fields one day she was asked to study something and was gone for almost six months. We hardly heard from her but just enough to know she was alive so naturally when she came back she swore me into secrecy. She explained that she had gone to another world entirely, she studies with them and when she came back more time had passed than when she was there. One journal explaining how she got the and how to get in and another explaining what she found, and the rules for everything she experienced there. She learned things no human should know and kept it from the people she worked for and everyone else. She-she found Avalon, lived among the fey in return for her curiosity and genuine interest they helped her make a guide and history of all fairy and Fae both the pure and the equally disturbed." I reach in my bag and pull out the books from missing from the very research my mother so loved. One being ordinary leather-bound and the other two bear a glowing purple gem on both sides of a very purple dark Tome thick and pooling with some sort of energy as the gem. I give him a serious look gripping both books. "She left it to me but I haven't read them yet, I...I couldn't bring myself to. It might be better used in your hands anyway. Though I shouldn't I still trust you for some reason, so under the conditions that you only use what you find for the better of those in need you may find your information. The journals, however, will stay within my sight understood." He nods, I start to give the leather books to him he stops me.
"I don't want to see them before you," He takes the books from my hands and places them back in the bag. "If you are convinced that I should still read them, then I will convince where ever you wish to study them." He sits on the bed next to me staring out the window. "What I want to talk about is how we get Father not to view you as a threat and as a friend. I went over it with Starfire and we both agree this is the best option." He pauses before he continues. "We're you a hero in your world?"
"You want me to do hero's work and gain a positive reputation so that he's more willing to work with me than slowly forcing out of me."
"How do you know about the X-gene?"
"It was in our database from when Jean Grey and Cyclops had visited. They helped take down an invasion of the skrul and took them back with them to their own dimension. Father took some DNA samples to work with and ask about their abilities. There are entire folders on the subject alone." He pauses again running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"Not for that, for everything else."
"Yes that is very much on you but it's also on me. But if I had left you with Crow poison in your blood you would either turn into an undead flesh puppet in my room or die. That would not have gone down well for either of us. I was also mostly upset you broke my window and wanted compensation," I see him visibly tense and clench his teeth. "and didn't even bother to say thank you."
"I Fixed your awful goddammed window isn't that thanks enough." He glares at me.
"Was it? After all, you did spy on me and report it to the Dark Knight." I fall back onto the bed. "There's no getting out of this now might as well get used to it."
"You shouldn't be this comfortable with what's happening, I wouldn't"
"Then why are you smiling ya weirdo, It's almost creepy."
"Tsk, just hand me your computer so I can pull up Star Trek, I would like to finish and begin the movies." I hand him my laptop and he walks over to the wall in front of the bed.
"Um, you know we watch on that computer you making a get away with."
"Yes but the enormous 4k TV is here." He pushes a button I didn't even see before and as promised a TV appears. He smirks at what I assume is my expression. He opens my computer and within minutes Star Trek is cast on the TV. "Please hold your applause till after the show."
"Did you just make a joke? Are you joking now?"
"Aren't I allowed to have a sense of humor?" I Look at Nightmare who has the same thought in his head and I look back at Damian.
"Nope, Nada, No way."
"You know, you're the only one who has talked to me that way and lived."
"I should consider myself lucky then huh."My gaze falls to his leg, It's poorly bandaged so I pull my scales and Med-kit from my bag. " But before I forget I need to treat your leg before your tissue becomes necrotic. You can watch while I work, but you need to swallow one more of the "glittered plastic"."
"How do you make them?"
"The scales?" I pause stoping the wrap on the angry-looking tentacle mark on his skin.
"What do you think I was talking about?" I smile evilly.
"I thought you were talking about my jokes and wonderful sense of humor." I tie off the bandage and put away my first aid kit. "But If you must know it has to rain first, and I have to be in it. The acidity in the rain is was caused the scales to form but there has to be enough of it. In Gotham, the rain has plenty of it, It soaks into my skin and drains my health which is why I was sick for so long. In return for taking my health, the scales form with healing agents that even baffle me. Normally I would take one and feel fine after but someone decided to take them."
"Do you pull them off?"
"Takes too long and much too painful, I just pour scalding hot water on myself and they pull away from the skin. I clean them and there you have it. Health restoring scales." He stares at me, like I said I pour milk before cereal and then pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds in that order.
"Aren't there better ways to remove them?"
"Yes, but those are back at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters I couldn't pack it with me so I had to find other methods."
He silent again so I put my stuff in the closet, take my Suit out from the bag, and place it on the hanger, the vibranium fibers shimmer in the soft lights then I stuff the rest of my things in there. I have to tell Professor Xavier what's happened on the check update next week with any luck the multi-functional com-piece found the data by now and I can see what they already know. I inwardly sigh, closing the closet and making my way back to the bed. I see Damian drawn into the scene playing on the screen, Data has made his sacrifice saving the Enterprise. I wasn't expecting to last the cleaning to last that long, but then again the poisons from the suction cups dug deeper than I thought. I put some more things away in drawers even though I didn't have much to bring. "We probably should head to bed, I imagine I have to do a proper introduction and demonstrate some form of my power."
"Yes, probably." He gets up grabbing the two scales I gave him for when he starts feeling pain again. Moving swiftly to the door, he takes one more look back then leaves. My eyes fall on Nightmare who sleeps soundly on the end of the bed. I Climb into the warm comforter letting the warmth surround me. I don't even notice myself drifting till all I can hear is static signaling that tonight was going to be a dreamless one.
"What exactly can you do?" Starfire walks me down to the center of a metallic room filled with weapons and tools, no doubt the training room. I look around more absorbing the room but still answer the question.
"If I see something I can almost instantly learn it or adapt to it, powers, fighting styles, languages I just have to see or hear it. I've had to control it in order not to learn everything and overload happened one time was not pretty."
"What do you mean by almost instantly?"
"Things like shape-shifting are hard to master, but if I concentrate enough I can alter my physical appearance though it takes five minutes to get there and can't hold the form very well after an hour. The first time I saw someone change form my body tried to copy it but I broke my hand instead. But oddly enough I can learn most other powers and knowledge just fine."
"Really? Well just to check could you copy this?" Starfire lifts her hand and green energy forms around it. I lift my hand to match hers and form the same energy in my body, though not green It's a lilac purple. "Sorry still have trouble getting the colors right." The woman stares in awe at my hand, the knowledge of how to use the ability is stored in my memory. I turn my hand light off and look around. She had given me the tour of the building and probably saved this for last to test what I can do. They did the same at XSFGY and had us fight in the ever-changing challenge/training room. I hear the door open and two cheery voices call out.
"Hey Y/N, about to train?" Garfield, the boy in green calls out from the railing where the door is accompanied by Jamie how still looks half asleep.
"I was just about to test her now, could you all stay there, I'm going to pull the full immersion-based training." She floats to a podium on the far side of the room. the area around me pixelated before stilling into a jungle heat and all. Monsters appear from the undergrowth enough level but not easy looking. I raise two fingers to the sky and strike lightning on them Increasing the voltage when one didn't go down, I even open a few portals in the body to warp holes from the flesh. It took about a few minutes to finish and for the simulation to fall. The dark misty cloud vanishes when I flick my wrist. I hear cheering from the side, I turn to face them everyone was now there.
"No way! Did you just see that!!" Jamie is now wide awake sharing an amazing look with Garfield, Raven is a little shocked, while Damian holds a stoic face. I feel a hand on my shoulder and follow it up to the orange-haired woman. I don't catch that she isn't stopping and is dragging me out of the room. With the way her hand had angled, I dragged out facing the other people in the room. She moves so fast that they get so small to quickly "You did excellently today, I'm so happy to welcome you to the team! We shall celebrate with a feast fit for kings and I shall cook it."
"Aw hell no!"
They all start running after us, shouting and trying to stop the woman. I feel refreshed after getting the OK for using my powers finally releasing some of the tension I've felt. I feel exhausted though, probably anticipating all the social interactions yet to come.
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kyloxmoegi1993 · 3 years
Loki Oneshot
Author's Note: wazzzzzzzzzzup??? So I am writing the second chapter of the Loki series I started it's a wip. I'm trying to write in between work, moving, and life in general so please be patient. Please enjoy instead this Oneshot that was on my mind. Enjoy!
It had been months since being named the Goddess of Healing and Ailwyn learned new things everyday. She had learned many things from several people and walked among humans on midgard with Thor learning some of their ways, she learned the caution of hindsight from Heimdall, studied the teachings of Frigga's medicinal library. She was learning to answer prayers and how to aid her worshippers and had become exceedingly good at it. There was, however, one thing she couldn't learn. Or one person rather....a man... Loki.
Ailwyn had been rather fond of the god of mischief for as long as she could remember. Her feelings wavered for awhile when Loki overtook the throne after Thor had been banished, though she would admit seeing him rule did turn her on a bit. However, her love for him never died even if the flame dwindled ever so slightly. He was there at her ceremony and they even shared a dance together. One filled with unspoken tension and emotion. She had sworn she had seen curiosity sparkle in this spring green eyes of his. He hid it well though. VERY well.
"Where has the little butterfly gone?"
Her emerald eyes opened and she looked down to see she was indeed floating above her throne and looking down at the infamous Loki himself. Bringing herself down to the ground she cleared her throat.
"Loki. It's not often you wonder into the Goddesses Temple. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Unbeknownst to her his gaze followed her as she passed by him. He watched her loose but form fitting gown hug her form and accentuate the movement of her hips. His gaze moving up her noted how her dark chestnut colored hair fell in soft ringlets along her back, seeming to bring our the color of her creamy alabaster skin. She was absolutely gorgeous and worthy of the title of goddess. He had watched her grow from child to the breathtaking woman that stood before him. He had to keep his composure. Smoothing back his hair he chuckled and followed her through a garden she kept.
"I just happened to be this way and seeing as you are the newest goddess I'd check on you. See if there was anything I could provide for you or...educate you on."
This wording grabbed her attention and she glanced at him as she checked on a new plant hybrid between a pomegranate and a cherry. She called it a Pimrey. It was the size of a cherry but tasted like a combination of both cherry and pomegranate.
"Educate me? On things such as what? Manners? I think I could teach YOU that."
There it was. Her quick tounge he had come to adore. He lived for the small bangers they exchanged with one another. Not many people matched him in that realm.
"Careful butterfly...you wouldn't want to be ensnared by the spider's web would you?"
Ailwyn rolled her eyes and threw an apple at him that he caught one handed.
"You wouldn't be threatening me would you Loki? I'm sure your father raised you to know better than to threaten a goddess."
She watched him take a bite from the apple and she swallowed a bit too thickly when the apples juices rolled out the corners of his mouth. Absentmindedly she licked her lips but noticed his gaze lock onto the small movement. That's when she knew. He hadn't come here to "check on her", he had come to finally tell her how he felt in a way that only he knew how.
"Ah. I see...well, I mean no harm," wiping his mouth his gaze flicked back up to meet hers, "I shall leave you to your prayers butterfly."
Turning on his heel, he continued to eat the apple and panicking she reached out to him with magic halting and surprising him.
"Ailwyn.... release me butterfly."
She walked in front of him and took the apple flinging it across the room.
"I was enjoying that."
"What do you want Loki?"
The pair gazed at each other, heat seeming to intensify between the two. The games had to end. It had to be now or never.
"I told you why I came...unless you do need me I do need to return to the palace."
She stared him down for a moment longer then bowed her head releasing him and stepped back.
"Very well my lord."
Starting to walk off she pulled out her chapstick she had gotten from earth catching his attention once more as she placed it on her lips.
"What are you doing?"
She glanced at him confused before answering, "Putting on chapstick. I got it from Earth when I went with Thor last month."
Coming back to stand in front of her he watched, gaining a look of concern from her.
"What flavor is it?"
"Strawberry why?"
He studied her gaze and knew what to say now to gain her back.
"Could I have some?"
A giggle escaped her lips as she went to hand him the tiny capsule.
"Sure, kind of hard to-"
Before she could finish her sentence she was caught off guard by his lips crashing to hers in a hot feverent kiss. Backing up she let him pin her to the wall as the kiss deepened their tongues battled for dominance. Heat coiled inside her belly seeming to fan out in waves as his lips moved against hers.
Finally, he pulled back looking into her eyes and resting his forehead to hers panting. Leaning up slightly she pecked his lips over and over until he chuckled cupping her cheek with one hand.
"You...." Licking his lips he hummed in appreciation, "are a temptress..."
Pressing her body to his and surprised when he pulled her closer with his other hand she smiled.
"Took you long enough darling...I was beginning to think you'd never notice me."
Feigning shock he placed a hand on his chest as if she had wounded him.
"Not notice you? I think every man on Asgard has noticed how beautiful you've become and how disappointed they'll be to know that you're mine."
Pulling her closer she gasped feeling his hardness pressed against her lower belly. Her gaze flicked downwards before meeting his and she smirked.
"Hmm....I may need confirmation of what you just said. You are known to be quite the liar."
Growling, Loki pulled her close and in between kissing her neck roughly started as such.
"You. Are. Mine," Stopping at the base of her throat he placed gentler kisses, "any man stupid enough to cross you will deal with me."
Breathless she held onto him feeling intoxicated from his touch.
"Yes Loki...I'm yours..."
His tell tale smirk crossed his features as he swept her off her feet carrying her back through the city to the palace and to his chambers where he would ensure for the rest of their days she knew just how much he truly cared for her. His little butterfly.
Author's Note:
Ooooooooo y'all did you feel the steamy chemistry? *Fans self* whooo. I hope you enjoy it and look no sex! I CAN write without being sexual 🤣 . Thank you all for the support and as I said before chapter two will be out soon. Please tell me if you want a continuance of this little Oneshot. I MAY be persuaded to do so. Who knows 🤔
Below I shall post pictures of the looks.
Ailwyn's Dress Loki's Outfit
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Just Like Mine
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Niko had seen the pictures plenty of times from afar. They hung above a small sideboard in the entry hall of his home. It’s been only recently that he was tall enough to actually see and recognise the faces on them. And so today, as he glanced there out of boredom, one face caught his attention.
He stretched his neck and leaned onto the sideboard to see better but it wasn’t enough. He pulled over the small stool from the other side and climbed onto the top of the sideboard. Resting on his knees he was now real close to the picture he wanted to study.
It was a black haired young man with darker skin and some facial hair decorating his chin. He smiled, looking sideways to a beautiful young woman, who reminded Niko of his mother. He didn't know who either of them where but what interested him extremely, were the pointed ears of the man.
His hands came up to his own ears. He felt the dreaded tips, bending them around with his fingers. The only other person he knew had them was Erik. He was the husband of mom's best friend. Erik didn't mind his ears, in fact, he loved them for he can hear really, really, really well. Niko, however, couldn't hear any better than anyone else. So why would he need to have different looking ears? They weren't special. Dad doesn't have them, mom doesn’t have them, gramps didn't have them, his sister doesn't have them. All his friends have questioned him and he just didn’t know what to say.
Niko’s finger traced over the features of the man in the picture.
"What are you doing?", came the voice of his mother behind him. She had come from the living room with some dirty laundry in her hand.
Niko turned around. "Mom, who’s that?"
Astra came closer to take a look at the picture her son pointed at.
"That's Ivan and Aurelia, your father's parents."
Niko looked back at the man and woman. "Dad's mom and dad?”, he paused for a moment. “I thought, maybe that was your sister?"
Astra smiled. The similarity was there. "I know, we really COULD be sisters, could we not? The truth is, however, that we are not related at all."
Niko’s eyes stayed on the picture. "Look, mommy. He's got the same ears."
"Yes. That's true." Astra placed the dirty laundry onto the bottom steps and then stepped closer to hold his son by the shoulders. She bend forward and tried to kiss his ear from the side but Niko wiggled himself away from her. He was too big for kisses now. Astra protested playfully. "Hey... I truly loved your ears from the day you were born."
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"But you never said anything about this Ivan. I always thought there was only gramps..."
"We HAVE told you about Ivan. Just not... much by name. But that Grandpa Makarov was your great-grandfather, that you should know."
Niko pointed at another picture. This one showed a group of mages, among them stood Ivan, older here, with a full beard and slightly shorter hair. "That's Ivan, too, but you can't see the ears so well. Did he work for Fairy Tail, too?"
"Yes. He grew up in the guild, much like his own father and then his son, Laxus."
"What kind of magic did he do?"
Astra smiled at his son. He didn't take his eyes of the picture for one second. His curiosity lifted her spirits and heart. She had hung up the pictures some years ago, just before Makarov’s death. More than her own fate at the hands of Ivan Dreyar, she pitied the old man. His mind hadn’t found rest ever since Ivan died and it was quite understandable. Despite everything his son had done, Makarov still loved him very much and it was those conflicting emotions that the old man suffered from. Astra didn’t know whether he found peace through it, she can only hope, but they had begun to create and sort the family heritage in attempts to re-establish relationships. The pictures hanging here were a start. They wanted to do so much more, but then Makarov passed away and Astra alone had been slow in continuing. She hoped her children might become catalysts to this project and she stayed to answer her sons questions.
"Three kinds. You would find the shikigami use to be most unique but for power and attacks, he often combined them with his dark force magic. Just power to push and blast things away and to pieces."
"What's shikimagi?"
"Shiki-gami. He created small paper dolls with an empty soul, so he can make them do whatever he needs them to. Tiny expendable helpers."
"Like those." Niko stated and pointed at two hand-sized paper dolls that were put into a frame at the very top of the wall. He always wondered what they were for.
"Yes, exactly. Although, I drew and cut them myself. See how badly I drew the unique markings? If it was a real one it would just fly off one day..."
Niko giggled at the thought. "So they fly around when they are real?"
"Yeah, if you need them too. And then, Grandpa Ivan also was quite a proficient user of Illusion Magic. Creating false people or items to mislead your opponent in battle."
"Like you can do, Mom?" Niko finally turned around to look at his mother. She smiled faintly and tilted her head. Her eyes darted to the picture of the older Ivan on the wall.
"It was him who taught me some of that."
"Really? You knew him then, too? I thought he is dead?"
"He is. I knew him for a couple of years before that, however, that is something I will talk about some other time."
Niko was still way too young to know what Ivan had done to her. Or to Laxus. Or the guild. Not yet.
"Daddy's going to come home very soon. I’m going to prepare dinner. Will you help me?"
"Hm." Niko seemed to affirm, but when Astra turned around a few minutes later to look at his son from the kitchen, his eyes were still glued to the pictures on the wall and his fingers by his ears.
She smiled and left him to the world of his imagination.
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 14
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Ya'll, when I say, that the writer's block for this story practically parked it's 18 wheeler sized ass in front of me, like a boulder on a mountain road AND THERE WAS NO WAY AROUND IT, to the point that I didn't know if I ever would get to write it again and I had to take a break for...way too fucking long. Also- for the record, all of this still happens in my head in 2018, you know, when I started writing this story, because BY GOD, all these characters should have had their weddings and a small piece of happily ever after BEFORE COVID comes to fuck everyone over. But Hazel's dress, that's still 2022 Pnina Tornay, it's a fantasy story, I'm fudging the timeline, a little. Also Hazel's engagement ring? Chocolate diamond. She's a foodie. It made sense.
Also, Yes, I do realize that I am face casting Alex Pettyfer twice. The first was as modern Ravus Nox Flueret, and then...as Dash Parr in my modern Incredibles AU Why So Jaded. Look, I just adore the guy ok? He's...incredibly good looking and talented, and HOT. They don't happen in the same alternate universe, it's fine, it's fine.
Anyway, so back to the road block, sorry, detour, anyway, so then, tragedy struck in my personal life, ok several tragedies kind of piled up all at once it felt like and shook me to my core, and suddenly those earthquakes, knocked that boulder off the road and opened up the creative roadway to this story again, then I wrote something truly horrific for this particular story. AND IT'S AWESOME, like it's brutal, will reach inside and grab your heart, put it into a blender before handing it back to you as you cry and say thank you, kind of awesome, so angsty.
But, I couldn't just...post it and not keep wrapping up other character's story lines because this was still "everyone needs to find their happily ever after" foundations laid. So. What that did, was give me a "if you want this- angsty thing to happen, how do you get the story from here to there, now that you don't have this fucking boulder in the way." and my brain finally went "I got it! TREDD IS AN ASSHOLE" and boom, problem solved. See I had- most of the components to this particular chapter, already written and mentally mapped out and planned out but the "go juice" to write it was empty.
But Tredd, lovable, asshole Tredd, gave me what I needed. I don't even know if I should tag who I used to tag...however long ago I used to post chapters to this story or if they have all changed their usernames and stuff or if any of them are still interested. But you know what? I'm gonna post it anyway. So enjoy.
Also, @the-immortal-marshal, thanks for sticking with me and hanging in there, THE PAIN IS COMMING NEXT CHAP. ENJOY the last moment of "peace and happiness where everything is perfect and nothing hurts" while it lasts.
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 14
“Hello Behbehs!” Selena cooed when she came home from school to her dogs and Duchess who eagerly greeted her before she got all the packages from the little stylish boxes she built out of pallets to create a little place for packages to be stored on her front porch before she and Ravus could get home and get them in their apartment.
“Ah thank goodness.” Selena breathed in relief when a couple of them were those pre prepared meal kits. Because with both her and Ravus being in school and both of them working too, they rarely had a chance to go grocery shopping anymore and the meal kits were a healthy alternative to fast food and surprisingly less expensive than take out and right now they were still in their “try everything once to find our favorites” stage. But Selena barely had them all unpacked and put away by the time her phone chimed.
‘Hope you had a good day today Darling’ Ravus texted when his phone chimed that she had made it home.
‘It’s been fine, busy, how about yours?’ Selena texted back.
‘Not great, I’ll be happy to call it a day soon.’ Ravus texted back as Selena frowned at her phone before she got an idea and raced up the stairs to get dressed in more business formal attire that was clearly flirtatious that covered up some ridiculously sexy lingerie and some really good ‘fuck me’ heels and put on some makeup and put her hair up in a quick bun then quickly left their apartment to go to Miracles Hospital where she parked next to Ravus’ car and purposefully strutted into the offices, using the badge keycard Sylva had made for her to get in before she made a B-Line for Ravus’ temperoary office while his was under construction before she checked in with Kathryn to make sure he was alone in his office before she opened his office door and struck a pose in his door frame with a smoldering look and a mischevious smirk on her lips that had Ravus’ jaw dropping to the floor at the vision she was.
“Hey. What are you doing here? Is there a problem with…?” Ravus began to ask as she closed the door, locked it then sauntered up to him and straddled his lap before she kissed him passionately as he eagerly held her and pulled her to himself as he kissed her back with equal passion that had Ravus thanking God that he put such an amazing, wonderful and sexy as hell woman in his life that could give him the one thing he wanted that he knew money could never buy- her love, priceless and perfect as it was. And with her love came devotion, loyalty, honesty, faithfulness and right now- desire and it was his life’s goal to make himself as desirable to her as he could possibly be because being the object of her affection was all he could ever want and he wanted her to feel as lucky that she had him for a partner- that he felt about her.
“How’s your day now?” Selena purred when they broke for air.
“Ah-amazing, I can’t, can’t complain.” Ravus answered truthfully, his mind desperate in it’s grasping for coherent thought as he was completely blown away and delighted by her little surprise visit as his hands traveled down her body, appreciating every nuance and curve she had.
“Good, now do you want to fuck me here or in the sleep studies wing, in the car or at home?” Selena asked and watched as he swallowed thickly as his own eyes grew a dark stormy gray with lust.
“Is there an ‘all of them’ option?” Ravus returned which made Selena smile brighter as he quickly hiked up her skirt the rest of the way to reveal that she had not been wearing underwear but was wearing thigh highs attached to a matching green silk garter belt ,which were his favorite kind of stockings as his cock tried to break through his pants trying to get into her as he gasped and ‘oohed’ in surprise and delight as she made quick work of his pants and underwear before she managed to seat herself onto him as he let his chair lean back and rest on a filing cabinet so they wouldn’t crash backwards and also so that Selena could ride him as hard as she wanted to without hurting anything as she opened up his silk dress shirt so that his chest and neck were bared to her before he yanked down her shirt and undid her bra so that her breasts, which had been pushed up to show her amazing cleavage before- were now bared to him in turn as he suckled as his hands went to her hips to guide her over him and when his other hand reached down to stroke her clit with practiced ease as he whispered some absolutely filthy things to her in French which he had discovered could get Selena all riled up and to hear and see and feel that was like a drug to him.
Selena could feel her orgasm approaching as her body and mind were in absolute bliss and to hear Ravus whisper, moan and growl in her ear in between kissing and licking and playfully biting every inch of skin he could reach as he drove up into her as hard as he could and rub her clit just right. Not too hard, not too fast, but as if he was delicately conjuring her soul through her pussy was the greatest pleasure she had ever known and she didn’t care what he was saying to her in French, but the way he said it, the way it rolled off of his very gifted tongue and the way he could enrapture her mind, body and soul so easily, as easy as he breathed and leave her so desperate for him, desperate for more. Just one more touch, one more kiss, one more thrust, one more profession of love, of promise, of adoration, everything. How she was his everything and how he was going to love her and cherish her for as long as he lived and she had the utmost faith in every word. And she knew that she was going to love him for the rest of hers. She didn’t care if he lost his fortune or the hospital or anything. She would keep him and he would keep her. And that would be all that mattered.
In rapid succession Selena came, her shuddering cry of bliss was the most perfect sound in Ravus’ ears as he smiled victoriously that he was able to give her the greatest pleasure possible before Ravus’ own face scrunched up as he came himself, a grunting, hissing moan. His cock throbbing but since his injections, there were no loads, other than an extra load of precum before they both collapsed in the chair as they held each other as Selena let her head rest on his shoulder as they recovered.
Selena traced random designs on his skin around his chest hair that was starting to fill in nicely along with more muscle mass that had started to build just in the last few months since he graduated highschool and gotten back from the most epic summer vacation. It was as if he was a late bloomer. All the bulky muscle he had always wanted was finally filling in the way he wanted it to and he was having to buy new suits and shirts because his old ones no longer fit him the way he wanted them to, but thankfully that glorious cock of his stayed the same, much to Selena’s utter and complete delight.
The only thing that hadn’t grown was thankfully his feet so that meant the man didn’t need to buy new shoes. Which was his own guilty pleasure and obsession, especially dress shoes. While they had gone cross country all summer, he and Luche would hit up all the thrift stores and speciality shops looking for old shoes to restore and when they had been in L.A. They had hit the mother load. All these places that had all the shoes from the old stars of hollywood, whether they became famous or infamous or never even made it on the map. But their very expensive and very good quality shoes were left behind. One shop in particular was run by a couple of older gentlemen that were so happy to see some younger guys were into this kind of thing that they gave them the deals of a lifetime and even Tredd and of course Ignis came along and between Ravus and Ignis, Luche and Tredd got quite the crash course education on shoes, in particular old dress shoes as the four of them practically bought the store out and had to ship out most of them back home because they wouldn't fit with their former travel plans. Ravus and Ignis were the way about shoes the same way some women were about fashion and purses.
Of course that wasn't the only "obsession" Ravus and Ignis had shared with Luche and Tredd, Ravus' mother and of course his grandparents were avid fountain pen collectors and when Sylva's parents had passed, they went over her parent's very, very extensive fountain pen collection that was in the thousands of pens large, Ravus insisted that about two dozen of them go directly to Selena so she could "impress" her more "financially affluent" clients she was starting to get as Sylva happily let those precious few go to Selena, then the rest were picked through by Sylva, Lunafreya who was also an avid fountain pen enthusiast as well as Ravus and Ignis who then coached Luche and Tredd of all people who showed an interest in what he called "rich people shit", just like jewels, yahts, jets, shoes and the like, which amused Sylva who humored him enough to go through what made a good fountain pen and what made different pens valuable and what the more "famous" or well known "name brands" were and what inks were best for which pens and corralating inks to the pens themselves as Luna did the same thing with Selena so that Ravus could coach Luche through the same thing too as the rest were divided evenly and "put away" so that they could become an "inheritance" for the next generation.
Meanwhile Ravus wasn’t the only one who had gone through some changes over the course of the summer and now fall, Selena too seemed to fill in quite nicely, she had gained some weight over the summer, her hips had filled out and her derriere had plumped out and her breasts had grown, filled in and rounded out and while she had gone up a few dress sizes, Ravus couldn’t be happier about the developments. Like she had transformed from lithe teen to full blown woman and he was all too happy to replace every piece of clothing in her wardrobe so that she was comfortable and could embrace her current body.
And with Selena landing what in her opinion was the dream job at Fosters as a junior designer and was currently designing all her friend’s houses as Oak Creek Estates under the supervision of a woman named Samantha Leeds, who had taken Selena under her wing and was showing her the ropes and helping get all the classes at the local college. Selena had had the hardest time understanding CAD but when she finally figured it out. She quickly excelled.
“So what’s going on?” Selena asked after they seemed to recover but were in no need to change their positions or state of partial undress.
“Something stupid in office politics.” Ravus huffed.
“Ok…” Selena urged.
“Some of the board members are getting greedy, in particular Mr. Greed, they look at how much Project Recovery is making them and they’re seeing dollar signs at the other pharma we produce.” Ravus revealed.
“But I thought your mom had a pretty good stance that when it came to life saving drugs like insulin and other medications like it- that you put a cap on all those so they’re affordable to everyone.” Selena frowned.
“She did, but the other board members see Luche and I coming onto the board and think they can get to us and pit us against mother or pit us against each other- thinking their greed is going to be contagious or something or that we’re too young to know what we’re talking about and too inexperienced to have valid opinions.” Ravus grumped before he kissed her forehead sweetly, grateful he could bare his heart and soul like this to her so freely.
“Well that’s not going to work right?” Selena said as she raised her head to fix him with a look.
"No, it's just frustrating to deal with until they retire, although I can’t imagine dealing with Roman or Ainsley is going to get any better, all I hear is ‘chip off the old block’ when Rob talks about them." Ravus shook his head.
"Is there any way we can get Mr. Greed to retire early? Get some peace before Roman and Ainsley come on board or is it not just Mr. Greed that’s giving you all the headaches?" Selena hoped.
"I wish it was just him. But it’s not. It just...comes with the territory. Besides if there was a way to make Mr. Greed and the others to retire early, I'm pretty sure my mother would have done it already. They've been thorns in her sides most of her life and they’re proving to be thorns in ours as well." Ravus mused as Selena frowned deeper.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not your problem to fix, but thank you for listening.” Ravus thanked her gratefully as he held her comfortably in his arms. “And thank you for this, this was the best surprise.” He smiled appreciatively as he nuzzled her face with his.
“You’re welcome.” Selena smiled happily.
“Hey you wanna go out to dinner?” Ravus asked hopefully. “We could see if Lu and Ada wanted to join us?” He asked.
“Sure,” Selena nodded as she and Ravus worked on getting straightened up as Selena pulled her dress down a bit more so it was a bit more modest and pinned the top up to a much more modest height and by the time they got squared away and unlocked the door they saw Ada coming out of Luche’s office dressed similarly to Selena and Luche himself had the same love drunk smile Ravus was wearing.
“Hey,” Selena greeted as both Selena and Ada blushed before they looked pointedly at each other’s shoes then back up to each other before they both tried to stifle their giggles because they both knew exactly why the other was wearing those heels as they beamed knowingly at each other.
“Dinner?” Ravus asked as he self consciously smoothed his hair as Luche did the same as Luche gave Ada a questioning look and smiled when she eagerly nodded her head.
“Oh yeah.” Luche agreed before they all hopped into Ravus’ new Land Rover and drove to the restaurant that piqued their interest and hunger.
“So how’s the wedding planning going?” Ravus asked Luche while they looked at the menus.
“Good, still deciding on invitations, although we've narrowed it down to three different choices.” Luche answered.
“We did agree to use the same venue Sylva used when she got married.” Ada revealed.
“Yeah, that’s the same venue we decided on too.” Selena smiled happily.
“Do you have any ideas what dress you’d want?” Selena asked.
“Actually yeah.” Ada nodded as she scooted closer to Selena in the booth to show her the dresses she had found on Pintrist.
“Oooh, I like that one.” Selena agreed.
“It’s just going to be a challenge to find one that doesn’t drown me out. Because I’m so short and petite, but I don’t want to walk down the aisle in like 7 inch heels just to not trip over the dress.” Ada confessed as Ravus nearly lost it Luche’s grin as he had that ‘I wouldn’t mind’ kind of expression.
“Are you excited to go back to Kleinfelds?” Selena asked.
“Very much so, I’m already packed.” Ada confessed.
That weekend, the whole crew went back to Klinefelds for Ada to do her dress shopping. As Sylva made sure that Ada’s parents and Luche’s parents were in the middle couch while the boys made sure to keep Luche preoccupied while all the girls happily rallied around Ada as they all had their own ideas of what Ada should wear while Morgan got Sylva’s picks and other dresses into the room.
“Ok, this is Crowe’s pick.” Morgan said as she brought Ada out in the first dress.
“Aww,” they all awwed.
“You’re drowning in it though Love.” Ada’s mother noted as others kind of grimaced and nodded in agreement.
“So what do you love about this dress?”
“I love the bling, I love the tiered layers, it’s just a little too poofy.” Ada offered Morgan.
“Ok, so let’s try again, we’ll be right back.” Morgan offered the crew.
“Ok, so this is a mermaid, fit and flare,” Morgan announced as she brought Ada back out.
“It looks amazing, I just can’t really move because it’s so restrictive.” Ada realized as the rest of her family put in their 2 cents about it before she was back and tried even more, trying on her mom’s picks, Linda’s picks then finally getting to Sylva’s picks but Sylva made sure that Morgan didn’t tell Ada that they were her pick’s and instead urged Morgan to introduce them as her picks before sneaking one into Morgan’s hands that was brand new that had not been there when they had been there last.
Ada softly gasped when she saw it, it was perfect, it had the tiered layers but it also had lace and glitter and just a little bit of everything. It was perfect and when she put it on, she couldn’t help but cry. It was a soft, blushed ivory. It complemented her red hair and her skin tone gorgeously. She felt like a proper bride in this and she could see in her mind- so clearly- how Luche would probably cry tears of happiness if he saw her in this. This was it, this was the one.
“There’s that smile.” Morgan grinned victoriously as she looked at Ada in the mirror after she cinched the corset back closed and got it looking like Ada was born into this dress.
“This is it, even if all of them hate it, this is it.” Ada insisted.
“Well then let’s show them.” Morgan insisted.
Everyone could tell that Ada’s smile practically came from her toes, she was practically glowing with happiness as Sylva got choked up which caused Linda and Ada’s mom Amelia to start crying as all the girls started gasping and cooing before Morgan happily snagged an appropriate veil and put it on her and that’s when they were all practically sobbing.
“It’s perfect Love, absolutely perfect. It has those tiers that you love and the lace is so romantic.” Amelia cried as she squeezed her husband- Richard’s hand who was also getting choked up as they passed a box of tissues down the line.
“You look stunning Ada, really, just perfectly beautiful.” Linda praised as she had already made her peace with Ada being a daughter in law.
“And it still has enough sparkle and glitter to it, that even in low light, you’ll glitter like the jewel you are.” Sylva added.
“So, are you saying yes to the dress?” Morgan asked.
“Yes, I’m saying yes to this dress.” Ada confirmed happily before Amelia got up off the couch and hugged her daughter tightly before her dad hugged her tightly too along with her brother who had also been flown in for the event with his fiance.
A week later, Hazel and Sylva returned to Klinefelds as Sylva had flown out Hazel’s sister Mei and her mother Huan and her dad Tommy along with Titus' mother Helen and Titus’ sister Jenny in for the appointment. Helen and the rest of her family had been all too happy to welcome Hazel into the fold. Once Titus was thirty and then almost 40, Helen gave up on the idea that Titus would ever get married and settle down, especially when the rest of her children were giving her grandchildren at this point but it seemed she was too hasty when Titus finally met Hazel and seemed to get with the program and settle down “properly”.
Meanwhile Huan and Tommy were also over the moon that Hazel was finally settling down and even though Billy wasn’t wild about the age difference at first, the more he and Titus got to know each other, the better they got along, Tommy was happy that Titus made Hazel happy in addition to Titus’ character and stability and profession and Huan was so happy to learn that Titus was a good man, who had a house and was planning on building another with Hazel and when Titus and Hazel adopted Brutus who was Kona, Kahlua and Sasha’s sibling, while Tredd and Stella adopted Brutus’ brother King. To Huan- a grand-dog was close enough to a grandchild, for now. While she was always proud of Hazel for earning her own way though the world and earning enough to take care of them in their retirement, she had been on Hazel since she was in her twenties to have someone take care of her. And it seems Titus had finally come along and to do just that.
“So what are you looking for?” Meredith asked Hazel after everyone had been introduced.
“I’m looking for a very simple, not too many embellishments, comfortable, light weight wedding dress. Titus and I are getting married at the beach next May, right after school lets out, because he is highschool football coach. It’s going to be a very small, intimate wedding with just family and really close friends.” Hazel answered.
“Aww, that’s awesome, is there a price point we’re comfortable with?”
“Ten thousand.” Hazel answered.
“Ooh, more than enough to work with, well let’s go.” Meredith urged as she brought Hazel back into a dressing room to get changed before she went hunting for the perfect dress.
“Simple, light, comfortable.” Meredith echoed over and over again as she combed through the back room, her almost encyclopedic knowledge of the backroom to her aid as she went through all the dresses before she found several that would fit those criteria.
Charlotte came into the bridal shop, a giddy grin on her face as she came and “snuck up” on her family as Sylva turned her head and smiled at the newcomer.
“Surprise!” Charlotte announced to her family.
“Charlie?!” Tommy smiled happily as he got up and gathered up his daughter into his large arms. She may have been a wanted criminal and fugitive, but he was always happy to see her and to him, she would always be his "little Charlie".
“I thought you were overseas?” Tommy asked.
“And miss this? Nah, it’s Hazel’s first big day before the big big day, I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Charlotte happily murmured into her dad’s chest before Tommy put his arm around his daughter’s shoulders and introduced her to Titus’ family who were completely oblivious as to Charlotte’s true identity as Charlotte sat next to Sylva.
“It’s nice to see you again. Different kind of exciting this time,” Sylva offered with a mischievous grin that Charlotte mirrored.
“I take it you didn’t get any kind of trouble from the last time we were in each other’s company.” Charlotte offered.
“Nope, not a peep, thank you.” Sylva reassured her.
“You’re welcome, this was wonderful, thanks for letting me know, when you get to know their wedding arrangements, forward them to this number, I doubt the groom would be comfortable with Gil and I coming but I want to send them a proper wedding gift that won't be on any kind of gift registry, at least domestically.” Charlotte nodded as she handed Sylva a slip of paper written in Mandarin as Sylva read it quickly, nodded and put it into her billfold just as Hazel came out in her first dress and stopped when she saw Charlotte.
“Charlie?” Hazel gasped in excitement as she saw her sister.
“Hey you, don’t you look beautiful.” Charlie greeted as she set her large, heavy purse on the seat and came over and embraced her sister.
“I didn’t think I would see you again.” Hazel admitted as she hugged her sister tight.
“Sylva invited me, hope you don’t mind.” Charlotte explained.
“Nope, not at all.” Hazel readily assured her sister.
“Is Gil here too?” Hazel asked.
“He’s doing business, as usual, plus I don’t think Dad would be cool and I know your fiance wouldn't be cool if Gil and I showed up to the wedding itself, so this is the best I can do and this is exposed enough without making things difficult or uncomfortable or "unsafe".” Charlotte excused.
“I get it, I'm still really happy to see you and that you're here. It means a lot, especially to Mom and Dad, and of course me as well.” Hazel nodded as Charlotte nodded in unison.
“So is this your dress?” Charlotte asked, changing the subject.
“This is just the first one, you came just in time.” Hazel answered.
“Well then let’s get to it.” Charlotte insisted as she returned to her seat.
“So this is dress number one. What do we think?” Meredith asked.
“It’s nice, I’m not in love with it, but it’s nice.” Hazel answered honestly.
“It makes you look like you’re wearing a tent.” Huan criticized as Helen and Jenny nearly choked on their spit and looked at Huan in alarm as Charlotte akept her snickering quiet enough to pass it off as a cough as Mei just rolled her eyes and complained to her mom in Mandarin that she was being too harsh.
“You don’t look like you’re wearing a tent, but the cut isn’t quite right. You need a more flattering shape to the fabric.” Charlotte offered.
“Agreed.” Sylva nodded.
“Well, that’s what first dresses are all about, finding what elements can work and what elements won’t.” Meredith explained before they tried on a few different picks as Charlotte looked around as did Sylva at the other dresses on display at the other dresses in the store.
“That one,” Charlotte and Sylva said at the same time once they both locked eyes on it and pointed to it.
“Well go get it then, bring it to her, it will mean more to her if you do.” Sylva encouraged before Charlotte got up and strutted across the floor to get the dress in question before she asked to see which room her sister was in before she came to the appropriate dressing room, a security guard shadowing her.
“Try this one.” Charlotte suggested as she handed the dress over to her sister as Hazel gasped softly when she saw it before Charlotte saw her way out and went back to the group and waived the security guard back a little farther so his presence was not felt by everyone else.
“And?” Sylva prodded.
“She had the gasp and the smile.” Charlotte answered as she checked her phone.
“Please let this be the one, I’m running out of time.” Charlotte whispered as she looked at the time on her phone and read the messages her henchmen were sending her as they stood guard a short distance away as her driver himself was scanning the police channels as Gil’s other men were monitoring the area.
Hazel came out a short time later, wearing a smile that shamed the sun, moon and stars as everyone else gasped and oohed and awed.
“Now that’s the dress, you look exquisite Hazel.” Huan finally complimented as Charlotte and Sylva gave each other a meaningful smile as Hazel nearly burst into tears as Jenny and Helen were already crying too.
“It’s perfect, but still incomplete.” Hazel began as she stood up and pulled a special box from her bag and took out a set of jade jewelry and put it on Hazel as Huan and Mei cooed and practically giggled as they put it on her as Charlotte gave Hazel a special sachet as well before Charlotte’s phone chimed.
“Do you have to go?” Hazel asked as Charlotte’s eyes watered as she tried to put on a brave, happy smile but nodded yes.
“Thank you for coming and for all of this. Thank you for being my sister. I love you so much.” Hazel thanked her as the two hugged before Charlotte got to hug every member of her family as Sylva got to get a quick picture of them all together, both with Charlotte’s phone as well as other members of her family so that each one would have a picture of this moment to treasure forever before the Henchmen came over and cleared their throats to get Charlotte’s attention as Charlotte hugged her parents, specifically her dad one last time.
“I have to go, I love you.” Charlotte bid her family before she used her handkerchief to dry her eyes and left with the henchmen as her driver was already anxiously out front, waiting to take his Empress back to a safer, less ‘exposed’ space.
“How come she couldn’t stay?” Helen asked.
“She’s a very busy woman. She lives half a world away and she probably had to fly back pretty soon, and security at the airports is a nightmare.” Sylva delicately excused as she waived it off.
“But now that we found the dress and the veil and obviously the jewelry. Let’s get settled up and get dinner shall we?” Sylva encouraged with a bright happy smile.
When Sylva came back home from flying and taking care of all the other guests, she came home to see all of her kids and their fiances and their friends as they had made a really nice dinner for everyone as Pelna and Yasmine, Gladio and Pashmina, Prompto and Cindy, Luche and Ada, Libertus and Crowe and Craig and Iris were on their way as well as Luche’s family and Ada’s family.
“Hey! So how did it go?” Luna asked as she gave her mom a big hug.
“Good, Charlotte came and surprised Hazel and the family.” Sylva revealed which caused everyone to freeze and look at each other worriedly.
“Charlotte Stevens?” Luna asked, taken aback by the news.
“Oh don’t look so surprised, when Charlotte and Gil used the jet they left a single phone number for the pilot to give to me and said I get to use it once. And I knew Charlotte wouldn’t want to miss the milestone in Hazel’s life because Charlotte knows she probably won't be welcome at the wedding since Cor is one of Titus' groomsmen, so I used it and told Charlotte the plan and she was very grateful for the invitation since no one else in her family knew how to get a hold of her to tell her. Besides, Titus’ family was blissfully ignorant of who she really was and Hazel’s family got to have a nice little reunion within the realitive safety confine of a public space and Charlotte got to see Hazel in her wedding dress as a good sister should. It was fine, I mean she had to be carrying four guns on her and who knows how many knives on her person, she had to have two guns in her outfit and at least another two in her purse and her four henchmen were armed to the teeth as well and she could only stay for about an hour but Hazel found the dress and everyone gave it their stamp of approval and Charlotte gifted Hazel some really pretty jade jewelry which is customary for a Chinese bride to receive which honored that part of her heritage and traditions, which was really nice, it was a lovely time.” Sylva waived off as she got the picture and showed everyone the family picture she took.
“She has got to have the biggest balls in the world.” Tredd noted, impressed when he saw the picture.
“She’s got you beat, that’s for sure.” Stella teased.
“She’s got everyone beat.” Sylva laughed.
“So is this everyone or are more coming?” Sylva asked.
“More are coming.” Luna reported.
“How many more?” Sylva asked before her doorbell rang and slowly then all at once, everyone came as everyone started pulling all the components at the table, setting it up for a large extended friends and family meal before Luche and Ada came in last, both of them having anxious smiles on their faces.
“Is everything ok?” Sylva asked Luche as she tried to keep her knowing smile to a minimum.
“Yeah, yeah, everythings great.” Luche reassured her.
“You sure?” Sylva asked as she looked from Luche to Ada who had the same anxious smile on her face.
“Ok, so we have some news and we wanted everyone to be around to make the announcement and we don’t exactly know how it’s going to be received.” Luche hinted.
“If it’s what I think it is, I will do my best to lead the way in accepting the announcement with all the happiness and joy that such an announcement garners. But I also want to be the first to offer my congratulations.” Sylva reassured them both.
“Thank you.” Luche and Ada breathed in relief.
“Come on, dinner is getting cold.” Sylva encouraged them before they all came into the kitchen where everyone was getting something to drink with their dinner.
“So Luche and I chose wedding invitations!” Ada happily announced as she handed every couple an invitation as well as one to her parents and one to Luche’s parents as well.
“Wait, I thought we agreed on May 18th, this is in December..only three months, it’s the weekend before Nyx and Luna’s wedding?” Linda pointed out.
“Well that brings us to announcement number two. We’re pregnant, or rather Ada is.” Luche announced as there was just a hint of nervousness to his excitement as Sylva was the first to squeal, almost an excited scream in delight, only half a second before Crowe did which got everyone else to cheer joyfully as Sylva came over and hugged them both and offered her first “official” congratulations which got Linda and Ada’s mother Amelia and Linda to get over their initial shock and plaster on happy smiles and congratulate them before Ada was swarmed by the girls with hugs and congrats as the first ultrasound pictures were passed around that she had gotten the day before.
“So how far along are you?” Sylva asked.
“Ten weeks.” Ada announced as Tredd, Nyx and Ravus shared a rather knowing smile, but no money was passed between the three because Tredd and Ravus had “seen it” when Sylva had as well. Crowe especially was super happy because she wasn’t the only one pregnant anymore as her own little baby bump had seemed to pop out since her own wedding.
“Baby bump!” Crowe happily cheered as she gently bumped her little baby bump into Ada’s belly which got Ada to giggle as the two hugged tightly and couldn’t stop laughing.
“Congratulations man!” Libertus congratulated Luche as he hugged him super tightly.
“Thanks.” Luche laughed into the hug before he got more congratulations from everyone else as even Tredd was, for once, gracious.
“So what are you hoping for?” Tredd asked.
“A healthy baby and a non complicated delivery.” Luche answered honestly.
“Good. Ok, everyone listen up! Taking bets on due dates and gender, where’s a white board?” Tredd suddenly turned, raising his voice to shout over everyone as he received a mixture of laughter and groans from some of the adults as Sylva laughed the hardest as Tredd took the whiteboard off the fridge and the little marker and erased all the important reminders after taking a pic of what was on it so none of it would be lost.
“Ok so that technically puts Crowe five months ahead of Ada so if gestation is 40 weeks, that’s basically ten months and Ada is already ten of those 38-40 weeks in- that puts us at...holy shit you’re due on your original wedding date- May 18th. OK, So, taking bets on three day spreads May 18th, 19th and 20th? Any takers?” Tredd continued undeterred.
“You asshole, I announce my fiance is pregnant and you immediately turn it into a bet?” Luche laughed, not surprised by his friend’s behavior, but was hoping he would have at least five minutes before Tredd turned into “The Lovable Douche Asshole”, the lovable part was questionable though most of the time.
“May 12th through the 15th, and a boy and the winner gets bragging rights but all the money and proceeds go to Luche and Ada.” Sylva said as she fished several hundred dollar bills out of her wallet and handed them to Ada before discretely handing Tredd another one too.
“Sweet, first better, Sylva Caelum, May 12th through the 15th and a boy.” Tredd repeated as he wrote that down and put a note in his phone.
“Oh what the hell. Twenty quid on the 16th-19th and I want a granddaughter so I’m betting on a girl.” Amelia offered as she handed Luche and Ada the money with a laugh of her own.
“May 9th-12th, a boy.” Ignis said as he handed Luche a few hundred dollars as well.
“May 19 through the 21st and a boy as well.” Luna giggled as she handed the couple a few hundred dollars too.
“May 14th through the 17th, boy as well.” Ravus added as he gave Luche most of the money in his wallet.
“Amelia it looks like if it is a girl, you’re getting amazing odds, five to one, that’s pretty awesome.” Tredd grinned at Amelia.
“Oh hell, I say May 21st through the 24th, also a girl.” Linda added as she gave Luche and Ada some money too as soon Luche and Ada were holding wads of cash and laughing as their friends were giving them money as Tredd was taking “bets” from everyone as everyone joined in on this impromptu gamble.
“Ok, so this isn’t so bad.” Ada had to confess to Luche as they tried to organize their “winnings” into a “gift bag” that Sylva had on hand before they all sat down to eat dinner as Luche nodded his agreement to that. That had gone way better than he was fearing as Selena, Stella and Luna all looked at their fiances with thinly veiled suspicion as they were looking at each other knowingly as they also noticed that Sylva also seemed particularly smug as they all happily enjoyed a very nice friends and family dinner as they discussed baby shower ideas as well as when to plan all the bridal showers and such and made a new, accelerated timeline.
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