#Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Fic
wickedwitchofthesouth · 6 months
The feminine urge to write an atyd level fic for new gen Harry Potter where the slytherins have their own marauders-esque friend group and scorpius and albus are the main focus ship. UGHHHHH THE URGUE TO WRITE A FATHER SON ARC FOR AL AND HARRY THAT GOES INTO DETAIL ABOUT HARRYS TRAUMA AND HOW IT EFFECTS HIS PARENTING!! The heavy looming weight of the urge to write a strained sibling relationship for James and albus because they are THEE prodigal son and the cursed child.
THE WAY I WOULD WRITE THE PERFECT FRIENDS TO LOVERS FOR SCOR AND AL . the way I would add the best oc who the fandom will fall in love with and regard as canon for years to come UGHHHH
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dustyspines · 2 months
summer of seventeen
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Scorpius is a summer constellation. Albus is a Muggle. They are seventeen and searching for a way to make their final summer holiday a little less lonely when they meet on a lakeside bank at sunset. The world is their oyster, these aging England streets are their playground. It starts in July as they discover, together, the tactile way love and life can make, break, bleed, and mend.
chapter one: so we talk 'til we're sick chapter two: the nights were cold but we kept them hot chapter three: can we stay in this dream? chapter four: but I'm not who I thought I'd be chapter five: there's something dark hanging over my head chapter six: I had so many crashes that I couldn't feel at all chapter seven: I love you more than being seventeen epilogue: a malfoy
read on ao3 here ♡
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hoomandoescosplay · 4 months
Photo Booth | Albus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy Oneshot
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Prompt idea from @blue--ingenue
Scorpius is practically pressed against a shop window, peering at the different types of cameras on display. Albus has noticed how fascinated Scorpius got whenever they passed by a technology shop.
“This is… incredible.” Scorpius begins, eyes wide. “These things are all so cool. Cameras, phones, computers… these muggle inventions are incredible”
Albus just chuckles at his reaction. “I’m surprised you're so into these cameras considering ours are magical.”
“Precisely - I’ve been using magical cameras ever since I was little. I have no idea how these could possibly work.” He pointed at the display of photos near the window. “I’m dying to know how they produce pictures without magic! I feel like we should go inside!”
Albus laughs and nods, letting Scorpius pull him into the shop. It’s small and a bit cramped, but packed with electronics and little gadgets. Scorpius looks around like a kid in a candy shop, immediately heading to the section with cameras.
Albus follows him to the camera section and begins inspecting a few of the cameras on display, fascinated by the technology. “This is insane.” He mutters, adjusting a few of the settings to see how they work.
“I know.” Albus says, smiling. He looks over at Scorpius who’s fiddling with the settings, looking concentrated. He’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t find his boyfriend's fascination with cameras adorable.
Albus watches as Scorpius continues to examine the cameras, feeling a fondness in his chest. He could happily stand here and watch him play with the cameras for hours.
Scorpius picked up another one of the cameras, messing with its settings as well. He suddenly turned it and pointed it at Albus. “Smile!”
Albus blinks for a moment as he processes Scorpius’s words before giving him a small smile. As soon as he smiles, Scorpius takes a picture of him. He grins triumphantly as he looks at the photo that he had just taken.
Albus leans in closer to look at the photo as well. The photo shows Albus smiling directly at the camera, looking a little caught off guard by the sudden picture. “See? You look handsome even when not prepared for a picture.” Scorpius teased.
Albus rolled his eyes, his cheeks turning pink from the compliment. “You just took a picture of me without warning, of course I didn’t look prepared.” He smirked.
“I gave you a warning by saying the word smile.” Scorpius continues to tease with that contagious grin of his. Albus rolled his eyes again, still blushing a little. “That hardly counts as a warning in advance, you git.” He nudged Scorpius playfully.
As they continue with their bantering back and forth one of the employees makes their way over to the two. “Do you need help with anything?”
Albus and Scorpius both turn to face the employee, caught off guard by the sudden interruption. They look at each other, a little stunned, before Albus gathers himself enough to speak. “No, we’re just browsing,” he says with a polite smile.
“Actually,” Albus says before the employee walks off. “We’ll take this camera.” He points to the camera in Scorpius’s hands.
Scorpius looked down at the camera in his hands, surprised by Albus’s sudden decision to buy it. “Really?” he asked, a grin slowly spreading across his face.
Albus nods. “You like that one right? If you want a different one that’s fine too.” He begins to ramble making sure Scorpius didn’t want a different camera.
Scorpius shakes his head, stopping Albus’s rambling. “No, no. I do really like this one. “A small smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth. “You just surprised me, that’s all.”
A smile returns on Albus’s face as he takes the camera from Scorpius’s hands to give it to the employee.
“Let me get the box for this and I’ll meet you back at the register.” the employee says kindly as they begin to walk off.
Albus and Scorpius nod and begin walking towards the register to wait. As they’re waiting, Scorpius nudges Albus with his elbow. “You didn’t have to buy this, y’know. You didn’t have to buy anything.”
“I know but I wanted to.” Albus shrugged. Scorpius smiles at that and reaches out to link his hand with Albus’s.
While waiting Albus notices something out of the corner of his eye taking a mental note of it as the employee returns with the camera just then and starts ringing up their purchase.
Scorpius watches as the employee rings up the purchase, barely able to conceal the excitement on his face as he thought about the camera that Albus had bought for him.
A smile forms on Albus’s face at Scorpius’s excitement. He’s always so much more smiley whenever Scorpius is around.
The employee finishes ringing up the purchase and tells them their total. Albus quickly pulls out his wallet to pay them. He can feel Scorpius practically shaking with excitement next to him, making his own smile grow.
Once the transaction is complete, Albus turns to Scorpius and holds out the bag to him. “Here you go. It’s all yours now.”
Scorpius takes the bag carefully, almost as if he feared that the camera inside was going to explode, and pulls it close to his body, grinning from ear to ear.
“Thank you,” he says, his gratitude evident in his voice. “Now come on I saw something I think will really get those wheels in your mind turning.” Albus says pulling him deeper into the store.
Albus’s vague statement piques Scorpius’s curiosity, and he lets himself be pulled deeper into the store. They quickly find themselves in front of a photo booth and Albus smiles excitedly at him.
Scorpius looks at the photo booth and then turns his gaze to Albus, a mixture of curiosity and excitement on his face.
“A photo booth?” He raised an eyebrow at Albus, a small smirk playing at the corner of his lips. “If you think cameras are interesting just wait and see how this works.” Albus grins.
Scorpius’s curiosity was now fully piqued. “How does it work?” he asks, walking closer to the photo booth and examining it.
Albus lightly pushes him into the booth before following right behind. “Best way to learn is to watch.”
Scorpius stumbles into the booth, surprised by the sudden push, and then turns to watch as Albus closes the curtain behind them and joins him inside the cramped space.
Albus fishes out some spare coins from his pocket and inserts them into the machine. “Okay so there will be a countdown on this screen so make sure you pose before the countdown ends.”
As he inserts the last coin he says one last thing. “I think this machine takes four photos.” Scorpius listened intently as Albus explained to him how the photo booth works. His face lit up at the information, eager to try it out.
“Four photos, got it,” he repeated, nodding his head in understanding. The machine lights up and the boys blink from the extra sudden lights before the countdown appears.
As the countdown appeared on screen, Scorpius felt a sudden sense of urgency. “Albus! We have to make four different poses!” he whispers urgently, slightly panicked by the time limit.
Albus chuckled as he saw Scorpius’s panicked expression. “Relax, Scorp. We have enough time to make four different poses.”
Scorpius places his bag in front of their feet before standing back up.
He glances at Albus as they still aren’t in a pose. His eyes dart around as he tries to think of a pose for them to do.
Scorpius throws himself into Albus as he tightly hugs him. That’s the only thing Scorpius could think of as the countdown was stressing him out.
Albus almost stumbles backwards from the force of Scorpius’s unexpected hug, but he quickly steadies himself and hugs Scorpius back. He grins as he looks down at his boyfriend, thinking that the panicked hug was adorable.
As they sway in the hug and finally get their balance back they turn to face the camera and see in bold letters ‘Thank You! Please collect your photos down below.’
“We’re done already?” Albus asks, surprise evident in his voice. Scorpius grabs the photo card that the machine printed and can’t help but laugh.
As they both look at the photos Albus joins in on the laughing. All four photos were of their singular hug. Each photo was slightly different due to the force Scorpius put behind the hug.
The pictures were all slightly blurry, but captured their hug in various stages. In the first photo, they were both off-balance and stumbling backwards.
In the second, they were just managing to regain their balance. The third picture showed them standing still in a hug, and the final photo captured them looking at each other with such adoration in their eyes.
The pictures were all so candid, so real, and Albus couldn’t help but think that they were perfect. He looked over at Scorpius with a smile, seeing the same adoration in his eyes as in the final photo.
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rewritingcanon · 10 months
when the potter brothers in the fic talk like:
albus: i make my parents sad so i’m a bad person
james: no!! ur just sick in the brain ☺️
albus: nuh uh
james: yuh huh
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shrimpalbuspotter · 2 months
Being extremely invested in Albus Severus Potters characterisation in Cursed Child is maybe one of my worst decisions because good god I tremble everytime I read a next gen fic with him in it cause I KNOW i'll be put off if he's even slightly ooc. Like I'm TOO Interested in how his mind works and have made it very obvious in my posts, so if I read a fic and he says more than 3 things that I just know canon Albus wouldn't say I need to skim straight to the bottom, leave kudos, then click off or else I'll automatically log onto tumblr and rant about how I perceive him in a fit of sad rage.
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I saw Cursed Child in London this summer without knowing what to expect (never read the script). I fucking loved it. I traveled to Munich, Paris, Euro Disney, Stratford-upon-Avon and London over the course of a month. I saw old friends and spent time with family. Cursed Child was hands-down the highlight of the whole trip. Certainly the thing that stuck with me the longest. Did the plot make sense? No. Did that subtract from my experience even a little bit? Absolutely not.
Harry Potter was never the reason I breathed like it was for some people. It wasn’t even my main fandom. But I grew up with it. I loved it. Deathly Hallows Part II came out the year I graduated high school. Afterwards, I moved on without much difficulty. Thought about it from time to time because nothing epitomized my childhood and growing up like Harry Potter. And then the opportunity arose to see Cursed Child and I took it. Insisted upon it to my family. One of the best things I ever did.
Because sometime in my 20s I realized I was gay. And as I now know, that’s something I have in common with Albus Potter. Harry Potter’s son, my childhood hero’s son, was gay. As far as me and my 65 year old father are concerned, Albus and Scorpius are as canon as Ron and Hermione. And that matters. It’s more than LGBT representation in Harry Potter. The fact that Harry’s own son is in love with Draco’s son matters so fucking much. It feels good thematically and it feels good for me personally. When it comes to that show, Delfini being Voldemort’s daughter doesn’t matter. A cliche time travel plot doesn’t matter. Voldemort/Bellatrix doesn’t matter. Albus and Scorpius matter. Their love story is the only thing that matters.
I’m sad that even post-covid audiences wanted more from them. Could they have kissed? Sure. Would i have wanted it? Of course, but they also didn’t need to. What I was already given was enough. More than enough. More than I ever thought to ask for or dare to hope for. I’m happy for Albus. So happy. Happy in a way that I wish I could be happy for myself. Not just for having a boyfriend but a best friend. I have been lonely in a way that Albus and Scorpius never had to be. And that makes me happy…and maybe a little bit sad.
Anyway, all this to say, I’ve spent the 5 weeks since I’ve been home losing myself in Scorbus fan fiction. I even wake up early so I can read before work. So if any of my fellow shippers have any recommendations, I would be very grateful.
(Yes, this long emotional post is just an elaborate way to ask for fic recs. Life’s too short for reading mediocre fan fiction. 😉)
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moonytoast-x · 7 months
it's an au where regulus comes back to life, except he doesn't wake up until 12 years later and he's been inexplicably aged down so now he's 11 years old again, physically. (it sounds weird but TRUST) so then he goes to Hogwarts to protect harry and basically the entire series happens but with regulus being an adult in their friend group and it's one of the best fics I've ever read in this fandom and omg this author is so good and the fic is so flipping long and knsjdjsjbsbshdff just read it
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I want to write a fic where a friend of scorbus on the seventh year suggests they briefly break up just to see what's like being apart, otherwise they might become that couple that went from childhood friends to teen lovers to married people to parents without knowing otherwise.
They decide to try it on but it goes horribly wrong.
Scorpius cries knowing there's another man in Albus room and Albus suddenly starts freaking out wondering what the f was he thinking bringing that stranger in here. He goes to find Scorpius, and they end up hugging tight.
They don't mind being "that couple" as they never get bored of each other. Their life together is an adventure filled with love and companionship till the end.
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not-eli · 10 months
"𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡'𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑒? 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑟?!"
"𝑁𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑜𝑡, 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝐻𝐸𝑅 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑌𝑂𝑈-!"
Albus doing his best to matchmake Scorpius with Rose without his best bud knowing that he loves him a lot but doesn't wanna ruin their friendship, until he can't hold it anymore :(
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dustyspines · 5 months
building up like waves
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In the throes of their Sixth Year, every single night, without fail, Albus dreams of Scorpius. He wants to pretend it means nothing, but it's them. It always means something. Or, a tale told across nine months; the one where Albus comes out.
It’s a wistfully warm September morning when the prettiest boy in the world – not that he’s keeping track, of course, that’d be strange – looks at Albus and says, with a cadence so sweet it almost tastes like honey, “Your tie is crooked.”
Albus sets down his triangle of toast and drags a napkin over the outline of his lips before he looks up at Scorpius, sitting on the opposite side of the table, all starry ocean eyes and a decidedly not crooked tie.
“Why are you looking at my tie?” Albus asks, making a bit of a pedantic faff of the way he loosens the article and readjusts his best attempt at a Windsor knot until he’s certain it’ll pass the standards of the professors he’s to walk past in the corridors.
Scorpius shrugs. Smiles. It does something astonishing to his cheeks, digging into the softness of his skin some sort of treasure trove and leaves a triad of smile lines on either side of his lips. Like water ripples, a rivulet disturbed by a hapless toss of a pebble. Fleeting in appearance but, Albus will testify, real.
read on ao3 here!
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hoomandoescosplay · 5 months
Checking You Out | Albus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy Oneshot
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Albus has been observing the blonde haired man for weeks ever since his schedule got changed.
This was mainly due to the fact he was unsure of how to approach Scorpius, so he would keep himself busy at work and keep glancing over at the boy whenever he wasn't dealing with other library patrons.
Albus can't help but get distracted anytime Scorpius is within his sight. His coworker keeps telling him that he should go up and talk to him, but Albus always gets too anxious to do so.
The most they ever talk is when Albus is lucky enough to be the one checking people’s books out. Even then he mainly stays quiet in fear that he’ll fumble over his words.
Albus feels bad for not being talkative. Especially on the days Scorpius tries to engage in light conversation, asking him about any books he recommends, the weather, and even about work.
The library’s doorbell jingles, pulling him out of his over complicated thoughts as he turns his head towards the door and notices Scorpius walk in.
Albus gets all flustered at the sight of him. He can barely breathe as he watches him walk inside, a bit nervous about talking to him. He's never been good with talking to people, especially when it comes to people he likes.
He just stays behind the desk, hoping that he doesn't have to talk to any other patrons so he can keep an eye on Scorpius.
Today was a lucky day for Albus for two reasons. First was the fast that today was a slow day for the library. Second, he’s working at the counter today which means he’ll get another interaction with Scorpius.
Albus takes a deep breath and waits for Scorpius to come up to the counter. He can feel the heat rising to his cheeks and the nerves in his stomach as he waits for him to get there.
He can hear the sound of footsteps approaching, and soon he spots Scorpius walking over to him. He feels his heart beating faster, but he tries to stay calm before he greets him.
As Scorpius gently places the books he collected on the counter Albus can’t help but stare at him. This guy is hot. Really really hot. Albus can’t help thinking to himself.
The more Albus looks at him, the more he begins to think to himself that this is the most attractive person he has seen in his life. He can't help but notice every little detail about him, from his piercing grey eyes, to his blonde hair, and even his hands.
Albus is getting so lost in thought that he barely realizes that Scorpius has said something.
"What was that?" he asks quietly, shaking himself out of his thoughts. He clears his throat a few times, trying to calm his nerves before returning his gaze up onto Scorpius.
“Are you checking me out?” Scorpius asks the librarian while taking a mental note of his name on his name tag.
“Huh?” Albus’s face immediately turns red. “Oh no, no I’m not. Nope definitely not.” He begins to tap his fingers on the counter nervously.
“Oh? I always return my books on time. Is there a specific reason I can’t check these out today?” He asks clueless.
"Oh no, no no it's not that.” Albus stammers, his face still flustered. “It's just... uh, it's just that…” his voice trails off as he thinks of what he’s even trying to say.
“I just…” he stops talking as he finds it hard to finish his sentence. “I’m so sorry. I um- I made a mistake. You’re all good to check these out today.”
Scorpius gives him a smile as Albus begins to quickly scan all of his books. “Thank you Albus.” After collecting all of his books in his hands Scorpius adds one last thing before leaving the library.
“Too bad you weren’t checking me out, I thought you were cute.” As he walks out all Albus can do is stare at him with a flushed face.
Albus's face turns red as he realizes what Scorpius had said. “Wait, what?” he manages to get out, but he's too slow to catch him.
He can only stand there, his face still flushed with embarrassment. But as he watches him leave, he can't help but feel a bit of a silly, dumb grin on his lips.
Luck must have been on his side however because as he looks back down at the counter he notices a small piece of paper with a number and name on it. Scorpius’s name and number.
Now today was a lucky day for three reasons.
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
Thank you @rewritingcanon for the prompt idea!! I loved writing this oneshot! :)
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rewritingcanon · 2 months
what do u think albus would grow up to be like had he never met scorpius in hogwarts?? i need to know im running an experiment (writing a fic)
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
Love the idea that Albus doesn't get Howlers because Ginny doesn't want to humiliate him when he's already getting bullied and feels bad whenever she needs to give him into any trouble. (She doesn't have a favourite child, WINK)
James is pissed off by this, he says its a breach of his wizardly rights.
Lily Luna doesn't care because she doesnt need to have howlers sent to her. She's perfect.
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ineffably-queer · 1 year
Albus, leaving the room:
Scorpius, falling to the ground with a painful scream:
Rose, already performing CPR: JAMES, GET ALBUS BACK
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poisonghoull · 1 year
albus potter hcs that will eventually be shown in my fics that are totally ready to be shown to the world
- favourite colour is blue
- morning person but not by choice. his body just wakes up with the sun and it’d take a hell of a night for him to sleep in
- he doesn’t really need his glasses—but wearing them helps
- he doesn’t wear them
- after hogwarts he pursues magizoology and illustrates for luna’s book on magical creatures
- animals > people
- his hair tangles cuz he twirls it when he’s nervous
- dude’s gay
- can’t pick a favourite creature cuz he’ll find a new one and call it the best
- doesn’t like being called Potter
- he sleeps on his back and sometimes on his side
- never on his stomach
- rose really was his best friend when he was six
- world class mumbler
- doesn’t particularly hate quidditch but he doesn’t like it either. he’ll watch the games for scorpius or his siblings
- love language is physical touch
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fidgetyweirdo · 2 years
Hello my Next Gen siblings! After almost SIX years, the wonderful Janel has stepped down and the lovely, artist extraordinaire @eleonorapoe and I are the new, bubbly, fresh-faced admins at the long-running next gen server.
We're both really wanting to breathe new life into a fandom full of some very awesome people. Come chat and help Next Gen rise, like a phoenix from the ashes!
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