#He objectively didn't mean to but that was still the end result
non-cannon · 10 months
If you think about it, technically Rufus did his job as the Osirian in the season two finale. When he took the mask from Nina he protected the Chosen One from going to the afterlife, and with Senkarah following the mask he also sent the evil being harming/threatening the Paragon to the (probably technically not hell) bad afterlife.
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lizardsfromspace · 1 month
The factchecking this cycle has been so profoundly incompetent that it's finally getting some real backlash, but the extent of it really should be clear. So much of factchecking is not based in reality, but in a kind of contorted moon logic that can find true claims to be false and false ones to be true based on wildly inconsistent reasoning.
But this one really shows off some of the base assumptions of modern factchecking, and also bc it got a community note which is funny:
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Let's take this one by one
The idea that quotes have any options but "he said it" or "he didn't say it". It is a binary, maybe with a third option of "it was clipped wildly out of context", but something you see constantly now is the idea that quoting someone's direct words without deceptive editing or removal of context can somehow be false
Pointlessly noting that it's from 2016, and that it's not clear if he currently believes it. What the hell does that matter to the question of if he said that in 2016? People understood that the "dig up someone's tweets from when they were 17" thing was inane, but they counter-balanced by apparently deciding that citing anything someone said more than about six months ago is Misinformation if we don't have objective evidence they would say the exact same thing now, even if there's no evidence they believe anything else. Analyzing someone's high school tweets and analyzing something the literal President said seven years ago are not equivalent
Noting that he walked it back following criticism. You see this constantly, too. Again, what does that matter to the question of if he said it? But this is just taken as a given now: if someone gets blowback and says "whoops I didn't mean it", that should be taken at face value. Effectively, Politifact is letting Donald Trump self-factcheck Donald Trump: their only evidence (and I read the article too) this is at all false is that Donald Trump said Donald Trump didn't really mean the words he said, so they must agree with the judgment of Donald Trump that Donald Trump was treated so unfairly here.
A general confusion over what factchecking is. If you're asked "did Donald Trump say this in 2016?", your sole job is to determine if he really said that in 2016. It's not to divine if he, deep in his heart, still believes it now. That's completely irrelevant.
The two guiding principles of modern factchecking are this: one, it's strongly rumored - and also, obvious to everyone literate - that the major factchecking sites have either standing orders to find equal numbers of lies on both sides, or are staffed by people who think it's their job to hold both sides equally to account (the exception is Snopes, whose writers are just terrible at their jobs). In the name of this, Donald Trump can say something on camera only for it to be judged false, while a Democratic politician can be excoriated for mildly rounding down a figure in a speech. A factchecking website once determined that saying climate change was a threat to life on this planet was a lie, because climate change won't kill all life on this planet. Politifact's lie of the year one year was a Democrat saying a Republican plan would "end Medicare as we know it", which was judged to be a lie because it wouldn't literally end Medicare completely. Figurative language needs to be scoured, comments said directly on camera need to be made fuzzy. This makes factchecking sites worthless at factchecking, because what even is this?
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It's not true that Donald Trump will refuse to accept the election results, because he's merely said he won't accept, and has said if he loses, it's only because the election was fraudulent. Okay, what, do you demand that people prove he said his plans in exact words? What is the actual, functional difference between "he said he won't accept it" and "he said if he loses it's because he won and they stole it from him, and he won't commit to saying he'll accept it"? What are you talking about, who is this for? When you go to the Logic and Reason Site for Debunking & end up having to puzzle out their convoluted logic and reasoning to understand anything, the plot's been lost a bit
The other is the idea that context is exonerating. Any context at all. If they said they didn't mean it, partially false. If they walked it back, partially false. If they said it was taken out of context, partially false. If they said it a certain number of years ago, partially false. If there's a longer video, even if it shows functionally the same thing, pants on fire, five pinocchios.
Again, we have footage of Trump saying this, and the footage in the ad is unedited, and the factchecking website is declaring something that OBJECTIVELY HAPPENED WITH HARD EVIDENCE IT HAPPENED didn't really happen bc we don't know his heart, maybe he believes something different now, we simply can't know for certain. But we do know for certain. Because "false" at least used to mean "didn't happen". But factchecking sites are now on those Beyond Belief definitions of "true" and "false" I guess
But the real problem here is that they just accept anything someone being factchecked says at face value. Because, and I can't believe I'm saying this
It seems like the people paid to determine if other people are lying...have forgotten that people lie sometimes
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orcasoul · 3 months
Joel Miller Headcanons
Joel's Reaction When You're Sexually Harassed
Ahhhh I love me some protective Joel :)
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Joel didn't think nights like this could ever exist again; Night's reminiscent of the 'Before Times', when you could unwind, leave your stress and worries behind for a little while and just enjoy the moment. The jovial laughter and carefree atmosphere that fills the community hall still amazes him.
For too long, people in this world just existed, trying to make it from one lousy day to the next, always having to look over their shoulder. But here in Jackson it's different. Life doesn't just go on, it thrives, breathes, grows stronger, a testament to the resilience and determination of the human spirit.
Even though some things here seemed frivolous at first, Joel had to admit the room did look beautiful, with fairy lights strung up and handmade decorations adorning the walls - all for the anniversary of Jacksons' founding- but it all pales in comparison at the sight before him now.
There you are, his 'partner in crime' (as you so often playfully referred to the both of you as), looking effortlessly radiant as usual, long hair draping over both shoulders, the ends trailing down to the low cut top that accentuates your cleavage, (not that he's looking, nope, not looking at all), a pink tint to your cheeks and a smile that could bring Joel to his knees.
"Hey guys, mind if I sit?" you gesture to the empty seat at the table. "Please join us," Maria smiles warmly. Joel removes his coat from the back of the empty chair beside him and pulls it out, an invitation to make yourself comfortable. "Such a gentleman," you beam at Joel, gently nudging his shoulder with your own. Joel smiles, "Always am, darling."
He doesn't miss how your already pink cheeks flush even brighter at his response, but no, couldn't mean... nope she'll never see you that way, so don't even go there. He listens intently as Tommy and you discuss your patrols with Joel, blushing slightly as you praise him for his capability and competence beyond the walls, even going as far as to calling him a good teacher.
"Well, you're a quick learner. Not everyone catches on as fast as you." Joel has to fight with the small smile threatening to break into a full on grin at his pride in you. Tommy raises his eyebrows in amusement as he watches the easy back and fourth between you two. The night goes on and Joel wishes it would never end.
Just sitting here with you, listening to the sweet lilt of your voice, watching the way your face lights up in genuine laughter brings a warmth to Joel's already thawing heart. He watches you leave as you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. He knows what's coming just from the smug looks his brother and sister-in law are giving him.
"Don't...," Joel rolls his eyes, "It's not like that at all." "Mmhmm...," Tommy hums, smirking into his glass. Joel huffs, returning his attention to his drink. A few minutes later he sees you making your way across the room, weaving in and out of dancing couples, when you are suddenly blocked from view by a large back and broad shoulders.
Joel is instantly on his feet, defence mode triggered in his brain, suspiciously eyeing this seemingly insistent man. The look on your face tells him everything he needs to know; You're uncomfortable and looking for a way out. His feet move as if they are their own entity, taking large strides across the floor, fists balled up and jaw clenched.
He can't make out what you're saying but it's obvious you are refusing this mans' advances. As you try to push past, the man grabs your wrist, making you wince in pain. Joe's eyes widen in shock. This fucker actually had the audacity to lay his hands on you. Pure, unbridled rage burst through Joel's veins, burning him from the inside out, his objective now crystal clear.
In the next moment, Joel had spun the asshole around, connecting his fist to his jaw, relishing the satisfying crack that resulted. "Don't ever put your fucking hands on her again!" Joel roared while pulling you behind him, shielding you with his large frame. He could feel you trembling as you placed a hand on his back, which only angered him more. How dare this entitled piece of shit treat you that way. You deserve to feel safe in your own community!
"What the fuck, man!" fumed the stranger as he picked himself up off the floor, rubbing his injured jaw. The room suddenly became void of voices, the jukebox being the only continuous sound for a moment, as all eyes shifted to the unfolding scene. The man's gaze shifts from Joel to you. "Seriously?!" he narrow's his eyes at you, anger painting his face red. "You'd rather fuck this old timer than me!"
"Back. The. Fuck. Off... Now!" Joel growled lowly. The guy looks back to Joel. "You know what...," he scoffs, "You're fucking welcome to it! God knows where that whore has be-" Crack!! He falls onto the table, then onto the floor with a sickening thud as Joel rains down, blow after blow. '"Joel! Joel stop!" He can hear you, but he can't stop, not after the vile comments aimed at you.
"Joel, please!" Only upon feeling your hand on his arm did Joel stop, turning to face you, hoping his actions haven't frightened you. But instead of fear or disgust all he sees is concern in your eyes. He turns back to face the man when he hears him groaning while being picked up and escorted out by a few other men.
Tommy appears at Joel's side, quietly reminding him that there are better ways to deal with people like that, - even if his look is silently conveying an 'I would have done the same thing' message -, then he makes sure you are okay before trying to ease the tension in the air by encouraging everyone to return to their business.
"Joel...," you whisper while gently taking hold of his bloodied hand, examining the gashes and forming bruises. "Let's go. We need to take care of this." Joel nods at you, allowing you to lead him outside.
Joel sits at your kitchen table, watching studiously as you sit in front of him, rummage through your first aid box. The deep concentration etched onto your face as you carefully dab at his split knuckles, stirs up a multitude of feelings in Joel's gut; Relief that you're okay and not afraid of what you saw, appreciation at how attentive you are and a fierce need to protect you from any more harm in future.
"I think it's broken," you say, sadly. "Yeah, probably just a hairline. It'll be okay," he shrugs it off, trying to reassure you. You sigh and shake your head. "You shouldn't have done that, Joel." Joel's brows knit together in confusion. "I shouldn't have helped you?" "I mean, I appreciate you defending me, I really do...," your eyes meet his and he can feel the sincerity of your words. You return your focus to Joel"s hand. "But he's not worth breaking your hand over."
It kills Joel that you sound guilty, as if you're blaming yourself for what happened, when it was all the fault of that arrogant prick. "No, he's not...," Joel replied flatly, then gently lifts your chin with his other hand to look softly into your eyes, "But you are." Joel watches as your frown softens into a heartfelt smile, your eyes glistening with un-shed tears.
His eyes momentarily drop to your lips, looking so soft and plump, he wonders if they'd feel as soft as they look. He doesn't have to wonder for long. In the blink of an eye his collar is in your grasp, your lips crashing onto his, and oh, they are soft, just like he knew they would be. Is this really happening?! Joel skims his tongue along your bottom lip and immediately you open, welcoming his tongue as it claims your mouth.
His hands settle on your waist, gently hoisting you up off of your chair and onto his lap. Joel feels your pert tits press against his chest and his cock press against his jeans. He moans into your mouth, running his good hand up your back to cup the back of your head. You respond by wrapping your arms around his neck and deepening the kiss, tounges and teeth battling it out in a game dominance and passion.
When you both finally part, panting for breath, Joel rests his forehead against yours and murmurs, " You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, baby." "You don't know how long I've wanted you to do that," you coo sweetly. Joel chuckles and kisses the tip of your nose. "I'll do that for however long you'll have me." Whatever is happening between you both, Joel knows this is the start of something amazing.
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riskyraiker · 7 months
So I saw your requests were open and that you do both x men and tfp, leading to me wondering how would the team prime and the cons react to a mutant reader? And could readers mutant ability be like Johny Storm from Fantastic 4? (Keep up the good work 👍)
LOVE IT! ALSO YOU GET EXTRA POINTS FOR MIXING UP TFP AND X-MEN. I wrote this as platonic. Let me know if you want any romantic version
How did you end up like this? No one knows, but they don't even know you're like this. Ecxept Miko, Raf and Jack, since you know that they're friends with huge fraggin robots. When you met the bots it wasn't the best situation, because you were enraged about the events that happened at home that day. Almost engulfed in flames you calm down when you spot Miko talk to a bit bulky bot behind an abandonded building. You saw the bots which resulted in you being brought to the base. You were amazed that you could forget the sorrow you have for being different. You grew close with the team really quick, even Ratchet took a liking to you. The moment the team sees your ability for the first time was when they were cornered by cons in a energon mine. Since there was no backup at the moment you ran out and light yourself up. At first the autobots thought you were an alien or something, but when they realize it's you they didn't believe it at first. The vehicons weren't so lucky since you almost melted some of their limbs. Once the fight was done they just stared at you. "Uhh..guys? Does anyone have some spare clothes?"
Optimus Prime
He would be confused. Like literally confused which is rare, but still you managed to achieve it.
You're human and fire should hurt you. How do you light yourself on fire?!
The moment you tell them that you're a mutant and your not the only one they start to do some research on these so called "mutants"
He would ask you what you can do and what your abilities are.
Doesn't like the idea of having you on the battlefield even if it means that the autobots have the upperhand
You're now his child. No objections.
The team needs help? You're there to melt them down and that earns you a big lecture from Optimus about how they can't risk human lives.
If he's wounded you would melt the metal gently and repair it.
Since he's made of metal some of his plating might be cold. So he absolutely loves how you work like an furnace.
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Almost freaked out by your abilities.
The moment he gets to know about your so called mutation he turns into a fragging scientist. Blood samples, dna samples and etc.
Anytime there's any need for repairs he just picks you up and points where repair is needed.
"Fix it, you're smaller, steadier and you're hot"
He wouldn't realize his mistake until you laugh straight into his face "what's so funny? Wha- NO NOT LIKE THAT"
He would love your help in the medbay since you can mold wounds.
Your now his favorite assistant in medbay and in the lab
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He thinks you're so awesome! A human who can light themselves on fire with no harm?!
He would ask you to fly or use any other abilities out or nowhere because he wants to see you as your true self
If you could understand him he would straight up just rant how cool you are. He also gave you a nickname which is Firefly
He loves giving you hugs since you're so warm.
He's in trouble? They're melted before he can even ask for backup
He's your big bro now and Raf your lil bro. You're the best sibling duo there is.
On cold nights he would just keep you on his shoulder so he could feel your warmth close to his face so he can relax
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Oh she would be speechless. You can melt vehicons, fly somehow and just in general use your abilities
You're now her favorite human (BYE JACK)
She would love to watch you make fireshows
Your warmth would comfort her since she's lonely sometimes
She would call you as backup anytime the team is struggling
✨The sassy team✨
Oh you two would be unstoppable. Cybertronian femme whose sassy and a mutant who is also sassy.
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Oh he would take you for a drive to ask you all kind of questions
First he thought the cons lit you on fire and panicked
After that he wants to see your abilities. That includes you having clothes on (of course🤨)
He would be so interested, but terrified about your ability to melt cybertronians
He's a wrecker! Of course your abilities will be useful.
He wouldn't like the idea of you in the battlefield, but still is amazed how well you handle it.
The big chunky guy is usually warm but won't mind some extra warmth from your body in the colder days.
He's bored? Be ready to fire up.
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Oh oh oh! You'll never hear the end of it. He's around every corner begging you to light up.
He's more chaotic than bulkhead so of course he's after you all the time and asking you to set things on fire.
Wouldn't actually mind going on patrol with you since you're so awesome
He would secretly carry you around on missions to have you melt the cons. I bet he would stare sadisticly.
But don't worry he wouldn't risk your life! If you want to stay safe he won't bother you anymore. (Maybe)
Any old enemy of his he managed to meet on earth would most likely be melted by his request to bring you along.
Ultra Magnus
He would not be happy about you breaking protocol and not staying in the base.
But he would be grateful about you saving the team
"Aaww you're worried about me" No teasing! Now you're in for a 1 hour long lecture
He would find your mutation interesting, but would let it be since he's a robot himself
He's always cold. Mentally. And! Physically so he wouldn't admit it but does love your body warmth.
"YOU'RE ON FIRE?! COOL!" Wouldn't understand that isn't normal until he's back in his senses. "YOU'RE ON FIRE! AHH PRIMUS WHY ARE YOU ON FIRE!?"
Would absolutely love your abilities even if you would be insecure about being 'different'
If you ever would kick decepticon aft he's your 1# fan in the background
He finds beauty in fire so he thinks you and your abilities are absolutely stunning
If he's scared about succeeding or about the future you would be there on his shoulder warm like an oven which calms him down
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The team were in trouble. Why? There was a surprise attack by Megatron himself. You flew through the groundbridge so you could help the team. You were almost too late as Megatron had his servo/sword up and about to strike Optimus. Hurrying you catch on to his servo and start to heat up, melting his servo in the process. "GAHH! WHAT ARE YOU!?" Megatrons sword and blaster were both out of the game since you melted most of his servo. Having the upperhand, the cons give up and leave. There was one con left. Megatron. "This isn't over, Optimus. Not with you and your firey PET!" Oh oh, he was pissed!
That little mutant dare to melt his servo!
He didn't even know you're a human with a mutation until soundwave found footage and info about you.
Would try to get revenge on you, but doesn't want to risk losing his servo again.
For once the warlord was worried about his opponent.
If you could melt his servo, could you melt your way through his whole frame?
He didn't show it, but the thought actually made him shudder.
He couldn't lose to a pathetic human who is 10 times smaller than him.
In short, he hates your guts but loves your abilities.
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The moment Megatron asked to find information about you, a switch flipped in his processor.
Finally he found a human interesting. A extraordinary human to be specific
If he had time he would try to see you on cameras so he could catch you for Megatron
He wasn't scared or anything, but would be slightly worried could you melt his screen off?
He did almost catch you, but you lit up inside him so he had to drop you out before he would fall down from the sky.
Knew that you're stronger than anybot thinks. Wouldn't mess with you unless he has something to overpower you for example: some relics
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If he ever I MEAN EVER sees you in action he would definitely run away and protect his paintjob.
Fire + his beautiful plating/paint job did NOT go together.
If you would try to attack him, you won't see him after a while. He's AFRAID of you.
Would always seem busy when he heard lord Megatron talk about a mission where you could be involved.
"Knockout!" The cherry red medic saluted. "You have a mission to go an retrieve a relic. Y/N could be there, so be quick." "My Liege I'm in the middle of a medical check up I don't have t-time. Send breakdown. He's willing to do it."
If you're on the nemesis he would run away like from the bot zombies in season 3 of tfp xD
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You're mutation was...illogical
A human shouldn't be able to light themselves on fire
Would ask permission from Megatron to take you as a test subject.
Be careful not to be caught by him! It would be worse than having others afraid of you and your freaky abilities.
He wanted to see how you could work with your abilities. How could he make them..Logical
Wouldn't be afraid of you. Oh no no no. He would be so so so interested about your abilities he wouldn't care if he would get melted at the same time.
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He would love your abilities to be on flames, but! Since he's a decepticon and a predacon ofcourse he has to attack you.
Would speak to you someway or another in his bipedal mode during a mission
If he need fire styled company, he would try to contact you. He doesn't care if you're part of the autobots. You're his friend
Frag Megatron and Shockwave. You're warm like him! You're now his grandchild!
You would joke around that he's your actual king! Since you both are fire themed basically.
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dceasesd · 4 months
why juni ba’s the boy wonder has my favorite jason characterization of any contemporary comic run: a needlessly in-depth analysis (pt.2)
alright here we are with part two! i promised i'd be quick with it, didn't i? you can find part one here. thank you guys so much for all the nice comments, i love yapping to a receptive audience :D
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so, if you haven't read part one, i've been going over the common critques of ba's characterization of jason, the main three being:
the typical boiling down of jason's character to "the angry one"
his lack of strategy going into the fight with the demon is out-of-character
the neighbor's kid interaction
in the first part we went over #1, so now were gonna look at #2!
so, a problem people have with the story is how ba writes jason's reaction to the fight with rok (white tophat demon guy); damian and jason jump into the fight with seemingly no preparation at all, "underestimating" rok and paying the price for it.
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i'll be honest, i do agree with this critque a bit. jason, if he is nothing else, is an obsessive planner and strategist; his back-up plans have back-up plans, and so on. we see this in plenty of his comic renditions, especially in lost days and under the red hood, where there are numerous examples of jason's competency. despite this, many comics fall into the habit of treating him as the "reckless, stupid robin", once again reducing his character to just his anger, usually to make the other robins more competent. looking at his actions in utrh & lost days, however, makes him jumping into a fight with no information uncharacteristic.
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so, i sort of agree with this critque. HOWEVER. i will attempt to rationalize this part of ba's writing (because there are still parts of it i disagree with and it's more fun than just agreeing and moving on)
alright, to begin, lets look at these three different series; utrh (under the red hood), lost days, and the boy wonder. there is obviously many other examples out there, but i'm just gonna focus on these three for now because otherwise we'd be here all day.
in utrh & lost days, jason is driven by an obvious goal with an obvious end result; in utrh his goal is making bruce kill the joker & taking over gotham's underbelly, and in lost days it is getting skilled enough to complete the previously mentioned objective. i also chose to highlight the scene where jason puts a bomb underneath the batmobile in lost days, intending to kill bruce, because it's another very clear example of jason's strategic prowess. the whole bomb thing even happens before jason starts his murder training, making the feat even more impressive.
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ba's jason, though, exists in a reality post-utrh; his plan failed and he must live with the consequences and implications of that truth. the recklessness that he presents in the fight in the boy wonder could be a representation of him grappling with this idea-- his supposed failure and banishment obviously must have had an effect on his psyche, and ba is attempting to portray that. ba plays a lot with the sadder side of jason's existence in the comic, so it's a plausibly theory, even if it is admittedly reaching a bit.
additionally, referring back to the earlier conversation about jason's anger in the first part of this discussion, i have the same sentiments about portrayal's of jason's recklessness. he can possess a strategic mind while still being reckless; it's his numerous paradoxical character traits that make him such an interesting character (at least to me). he's a mess of contradictions.
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furthermore, while jason's actions are reckless and brash in this specific instance of the story, that does not mean that ba presents him as a reckless character. there's a difference between a reckless character and a character being reckless, and i feel like jason mostly falls into the latter. while maybe not super obvious, jason's tactical-ness is still present in ba's portrayal. this is represented through damian's responses and reactions to jason.
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the fact that damian goes to jason for help in the first place is baffling. as a prideful kid desperate to prove himself, damian is not predisposed to asking for help, which is clearly presented in the first issue when he interacts with dick and babs.
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damian's willingness to work with jason could be a result of him recognizing their similarities; he's more approachable than dick "golden boy" grayson. beyond that, he goes to jason because he needs a certain set of skills to help him catch the demon.
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while jason is not able to fully present his usefulness at this task because the demon finds them first, he is clearly seen taking charge of the situation and dictating their plan to locate the demon, and damian actually defers to him. while brief, this instance represents that despite his recklessness in the battle against rok, ba still accurately presents jason's tactical skills, underscoring the intelligence he has that so many author's ignore or downplay.
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i could go into how this plays into jason being a foil character to damian, but i'll save it for another day. sorry if this post is a little nonsensical, i did my best. i'll finish up my analysis in part 3! :)
part 1 / part 3
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bambi-slxt · 2 months
✨a concept✨
the absolute touchiest mf you've ever met in your entire life.
when you drive him around (because of course you do 🙄) he keeps his hand on your thigh, rubbing gentle circles over you with his thumb, but if he's able to, bro will wrap both arms around whichever one you're not using to drive and hold you like a koala
^^ this translates to literally everywhere else as well btw
walking through the mall? he's positioning your hand on his forearm to keep you close to him and he matches your pace so he doesn't have to stop touching you.
going out to eat? yeah he's gonna get a booth seat and sit next to you instead of across from you, shut up. he will also insist on using your fork. don't ask me why, he's a funky lil weirdo
when he can't have his limbs pretzeled around your body, his fingertips are slipping across your back, his knee is touching the back of your leg, always a whispered reminder - i'm here. i'm always here. you're not alone. i'm right here.
when you finally give in and take the bastard home (he's been begging to "escape enemy territory" since y'all stepped foot out the front door), he tackles you into bed and begins his daily play fighting routine.
it leads to sex more often than not, but even when he just wants to roughhouse, he's always gentle with you. chris adores the sensation of your bodies so tangled up in each other that he can't tell where his own ends and yours begins. he demands that you sleep intertwined, regardless of how hot nick keeps the house.
it's 74 degrees and the fan's broken
don't care. (muffled, from between your tits)
i'm gonna leave a sweat puddle on the sheets
i'll have something to drink in the morning then. (still muffled, still between your tits)
that's objectively disgusting, im going to shower ALONE
okay wait i didn't mean it lemme come with you-
when he's in a more serious mood, either working or trying to calm down from a stressful day, chris will sit on his bed, back against the headboard, legs open for you to snuggle into his chest (it's non-negotiable and failure to comply will result in a temper tantrum hissy fit the likes of which the world has never before experienced).
once the position is assumed, his arms settle around your body. his thumb may move up to your cheek, his legs may trap yours in a tangled web of blankets, or he may just put his laptop in your lap, reach his hands around, and rest his chin on your shoulder while he answers emails, manages Fresh Love orders, or plans content.
waking up with chris is lovely
getting out of chris's bed is a wildly difficult test of willpower that you rarely win.
five more minutes
you said that ten minutes ago
you didn't smell this good ten minutes ago
you're terrible
i know. please stay.
...five more minutes. i love you
i love you to.
let me into your skin.
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bambi's notes: can y'all tell i luv him
tags: (more in comments) @pinksturniolo @cindylcuwho @slutsformatt @st7rnioioss
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rockrosethistle · 1 year
TSH hot takes 🔥
-Julian was actually a dick. He isolated and groomed vulnerable students (do you think it's a coincidence that every single member of the greek class had a difficult home life?) into thinking that these very outdated concepts of love and power were good for them. He compared their dangerous behaviour to that of ancient gods. Then, rather than face the consequence of his actions and take accountability, he left when it mattered.
-Charles was an asshole, but he's not a scapegoat. You cannot blame all the problems on Charles, he was an addict as a result of his trauma. He needed help. This doesn't excuse him from his actions, but it explains them. At the beginning of the book he physically could not bring himself to hurt Camilla. He's not a "bad" person. He's a sick person.
-Bunny didn't deserve to die, but he was also probably going to condemn the group at some point. He didn't just die for no reason. (Believing that Bunny's death was truly pointless also means believing that Henry was an actual psychopath who killed his friend for shits and giggles.)
-Judy, Cloke and Sophie ended up the happiest. That is literally the moral of the book. Judy wasn't all tortured when Richard didn't want to hang out with her, she shook it off and kept living her life. That's literally the point.
-Richard was never in love with Camilla. He loved the idea of her, but didn't see her as a person. Because of this specific dynamic and the fact the Richard is narrating, we know nothing about her actual personality. Anything he says can be disputed, and a lot of it contradicts itself.
-Francis is not blameless or unproblematic, but of the group he probably had the best intentions. Most of his behaviour that can be interpreted as creepy can be chalked up to Richard's internalized homophobia (remember, everything is told from his point of view, and Francis was a gay man in the 80's) When you look objectively at what Francis did, you see that he made a pass, got rejected, then dropped it and moved on. There is (i think) one more attempt made later on in the book, and that is furthered by Richard and only interrupted when Charles shows up.
-Henry may be the metaphorical representative of death when talking about the book, but in the narrative it's important to remember he's also just a person. Otherwise everything he does seems beyond question, and he's assigned this label as just "evil." He was 21!! Literally still a kid
-There were not good or bad characters. The reason they hit so hard is because each of them are so layered. They all have good traits and bad traits, but calling one "evil" takes away their humanity and dismisses their complexity that makes them so great.
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shaunashipman · 1 month
Writing vs. Character
yes i am terribly at coming up with titles
the problem with most criticism of tommy and bucktommy is that, it's coming from a point of view of criticizing the character instead of criticizing the writing. the characters don’t exist in a vacuum, if you dislike a character, it’s either because you are supposed to dislike the character, or the writer/s didn’t do a proper job with conveying what they wanted with the character.
(there is, of course, the third option, where you simply just don’t like a character with no objective reasoning, which is perfectly valid but consistently denied as the reason for the dislike, so for the sake of these writings, we’ll be disregarding this reason)
the writers haven’t succeeded in convincing them about tommy, but instead of blaming the writing, they have decided that their negative perceptions are instead the writers’ intentions.
instead of "tommy's redemption felt unearned because we didn't see enough of the work and I would like to see it addressed" it becomes "tommy was never shown apologizing, so he's still racist"
instead of "the joke felt ill-timed and out of place in what was otherwise a serious emotional conversation, and took me out of the moment" it becomes "tommy made a sex joke during a serious conversation, he's clearly a sex-crazed predator"
instead of "it doesn't fit with previous characterization for tommy calling buck 'evan'" it becomes "buck doesn't like tommy calling him 'evan' and tommy is disrespectful for doing it"
instead of “we haven’t seen or been told much about buck and tommy’s relationship so it seems he put more effort into his friendship with eddie than he does his relationship with buck” it becomes “tommy doesn’t actually care about buck and was trying to get with eddie first”
instead of “buck didn’t seem committed when he said ‘I guess so’ and the realization scene was confusing as a result” it becomes “buck is confused about his own feelings and doesn’t actually like tommy”
I think it's because they feel they can't criticise the writers? cause the writers—tim—are supposed to be the ones giving them this epic slow-burn romance, so they can't be bad writers. it must be intentional. but then they ignore how it doesn't fit with the writing of the other characters.
"hen never forgave him and still hates him"
there's a difference between not liking your friend's boyfriend, and thinking your friend's boyfriend is a racist misogynist. hen has never been shy about telling her friends what she thinks of their SO's, why would she hesitate for a second to tell buck what she thinks of tommy? and the "what are your intentions" scene doesn't count, whatever your reading of it. I mean, why would she not have gone over to his loft, or approached him at the firehouse, and said "hey, this is how your boyfriend was towards me, he's never apologized, and I don't believe he's changed". buck highly values hen's opinion, I'd go as far as to say he values her opinion most after maddie and bobby. hen always has the answers, hen doesn't follow others' leads, she marches to the beat of her own drum. it would take one conversation with her for buck to go and end things with tommy. so saying hen still hates him does not fit with her characterization or the writing.
"tommy ignored buck's vulnerability and made a sex joke"
then why didn't we see that reflected in buck? if we were meant to come away from that scene thinking that tommy was being inappropriate and buck felt grossed out by him making a sex joke during talks of their father figures, why is the last shot we have of buck's face on the date a grin? if that's what they wanted us to come away from the scene thinking, they would have ended the scene with a shot of buck frowning, of him looking vaguely uncomfortable. it would have made a good mirroring of him being uncomfortable less than a minute before about something that tommy said, and tommy noticing and asking about it, if they had shown buck making a similar face when tommy looked away after the comment, but they chose to have the last shot be of his grin.
“buck doesn’t like tommy calling him ‘evan’”
there is no evidence of buck disliking it when anyone except his parents call him evan. maddie regularly uses it, eddie has used, and ali used it. the only people he’s ever objected to calling him that is his parents. we have also seen, in 6x10, his reaction to being called ‘evan’ by someone he expects and prefers to call him ‘buck’, when chimney refers to him as ‘evan’ to pre-emptively keep the parental visit cordial. buck reacts with confusion and amusement, as evidenced by his face at the initial naming, and by him jokingly referring to chimney as “howie”, done so with a smile. no sign of upset in his response. to argue that buck doesn’t like tommy calling him ‘evan’ also doesn’t account for buck never objecting. buck has been shown to be perfectly capable of standing up for himself, and it goes directly against his growth in relationships. he’s not going to settle anymore, and that would include settling for someone calling him a name he doesn’t like. furthermore, tim said they were going for a “rom-com” with bucktommy, and a significant other using their real name while everyone else calls them a nickname is a rom-com staple.
“tommy doesn’t care about buck and was trying to get with eddie first”
all of tommy and eddie’s hang outs were average ‘bro’ hangouts. the only one that required any ‘effort’ on tommy’s part was the fight, which, considering tommy got the tickets from a friend, may be something he does regularly and not anything special; the same could be assumed of karaoke trivia. basketball is canonically something that eddie does regularly, and invites other friends to. there is no textual basis for believing that tommy had romantic/sexual feeling for eddie at any point, which we can see as we have textual evidence of how tommy behaves when he has feelings for someone, buck, for comparison. tommy shows he cares for for buck when he goes to buck’s to clear the air and make sure buck knew he wasn’t intentionally being excluded. he didn’t have to do it, but even as an acquaintance he was concerned about buck’s feelings. while at buck’s he offered to teach him muay thai, and his prior offer of flight lessons was explicitly referenced as something he still wants to do, showing that tommy wanted to spend more time with buck, even prior to confirming the feelings are romantic. after the failed date, if tommy didn’t actually care about buck, he could have either simply not agreed to meet for coffee, or turned buck down when asked to the wedding. a wedding, especially one for the family of your date, is an extremely hectic emotional affair. many people would not go with someone they had only been dating for a few months to a close family member’s wedding. before the wedding, tommy attended the bachelor party despite being on call. first responders on call generally spend that time resting in anticipation of being called in, as unless something happens to a responder on the clock whose position needs covering, being called in means there is an emergency that won’t allow much if any rest. which is exactly what happened. from context, people including tommy, left the bachelor party somewhere between 9pm and midnight. the hospital wedding couldn’t have happened any sooner than early evening, even at exaggerated tv speeds. with tommy coming to the hospital in his turnouts, so directly from the fire, that means he was fighting the fire for between 20-24 hours. that is in addition the being awake for at least 2-3 hours before being called in. it would be perfectly understandable, especially to a wedding full of first responders, if he simply went home, showered and slept. but he had a chance to show up for at least some it, so he did. if we were meant to believe that tommy didn’t care for buck, they would not have had him show up, and they wouldn’t have shown how much of an effort it was for him to show up.
“buck is confused about his own feelings and doesn’t actually like tommy”
buck wasn’t confused about liking tommy, he was initially confused about the nature of his feeling for tommy, platonic vs romantic, as he was not aware that romantic feelings for men were an option for him. but after the failed date when speaking to maddie, he responds first generally about men—that he checks out men’s asses—then, unprompted, he begins listing things he likes about tommy—that he’s confident, interesting, and has a cleft—both physical and personality-wise. if we were meant to believe buck didn’t actually like tommy and was just caught up in realizing he’s bisexual, then they would have had buck stay to generic things about men. by the time of his talk with eddie, at least 3 days have passed since the failed date, and almost a week since tommy kissed him. and yet when asked, he says he can’t stop thinking about tommy. they could have had him say something non-committal, something that could be read as him liking tommy while still being ambiguous, but they had him explicitly state that he has been thinking about tommy frequently since the kiss. and finally, the coffee date. a date that buck initiates, where he states that he thinks he and tommy could have something. while he uses the word “thinks”, that language is in line with many rom-com love declarations, and tim has stated he wrote the storyline with rom-coms in mind. buck then invites tommy to maddie’s wedding, which was not spontaneous as he would have had to clear the invite with maddie. all of which would reasonably lead the audience to understand that buck has in fact examined his feelings for tommy over the course of several days, and settled any confusion he made have initially had.
the writers may or may not have done a good job, that is always up to interpretation, but it is undeniable what their intentions were
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yourstrqly · 1 year
alex albon x gf!reader
you've never entertained the thought of having a child together but now it might be the right time.
warnings: pregnancy scare, alex being the cutest human to ever grace this planet !!
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"birdy", alex exclaimed, voice filled with concern and a whiff of confusion as he walked through your shared home, searching you.
"kitchen, babe", you replied tiredly. the day had been exhausting, having to stay longer at work than expected, getting wet from the british rain and on top of that missing the last bus, resulting in you walking about forty minutes home. there was nothing you wished more than eating the pho you made for alex and yourself, and ending the evening in bed, cuddling until you sunk in the land of dreams.
you heard him approache, feet dragging over the wooden floor til he stopped causing you to turn around; he swallowed loudly while his warm brown eyes borred into yours.
your heart rate risen by the second, pounding wildly against your ribcage, adding pressure to your chest and making you breath stuck in your throat. "what happened, al?", you chocked out.
he didn't answer, however he raised his hand up, opening his fist and revealed the object he had found, all while he watched your face morph from slightly happy to see him to panic. eyes focused on the white stick you had used this morning, tears began to shine, trying to escape their ocean.
"you weren't suppose to see that", you shared quietly with your boyfriend. inside your mind, your screamed at your own stupidity — why couldn't you have hidden it better or throw it away? Alex on the other hand, looked down at the pregnancy test, still in disbelief.
clearing his throat, the half thai dragged his vision back to you. "you shouldn't have done this alone, birdy, you know i'm always a call away."
shame fired up your body; it was true, he always had your back as you had his, but this morning you felt like you were on your own, telling yourself that you couldn't possibly ruin his career by taking his focus to a baby and away from driving.
"i know, al . . . i was scared, you know?", you mumbled, "my period is late so there was a change i could've been with child."
"was?", he whispered as he stepped behind you, leaning your body into his, faced pressed to your neck where he placed a soft kiss.
gently you grabbed the test, turned it around so you both could see the small window with the line. "it's negative", you cleared the air, "one line means not pregnant."
a hum escaped his body. "we should buy another one or two, to make sure, yeah?"
he sounded confident, free of panic, the complete opposite of what you were feeling inside. you simply nodded, surprised as he let go of you to grab his car keys. "see you in a minute, birdy."
"al, i have another one in the bathroom", you told him, stopping him from walking through the kitchen door.
"then what are you waiting for? take it, and let me in when you ped on it."
you did as he said, cuddling him on the floor opposite the sink where the test laid on while the pair of you waited for the result. alex stroked your head softly, tracing your features, lost in your beauty — sure, you eyes were a bit red, your lips were swollen because you nervously bit on them but you were still the most beautiful being he had ever laid his eyes on.
"guess now it's the right time to talk about kids", he said.
"can't believe we've never talked about", you shrugged, a small giggle leaving your mouth causing your boyfriend to laugh too.
"do you want kids?", the williams driver wanted to know, setting his eyes onto yours.
a small beam formed on your face. "i do, i just don't know of its the right time now." you truly didn't know it; you just had started your job, and alex was busy travelling around the world for formula one.
he breathed out, an excited grin spread on his lips. "there's nothing more i'd rather want than having a family with you."
his words broke your heart, it beat fastly once again and turned it into a puddle — blush creeped up your neck and you couldn't stop yourself to press a kiss onto his lips, silently telling him that you felt the same.
ending the kiss, a question burned at the top of your tongue. "what if i'm actually pregnant?" you didn't break out in a nervous sweat, no, you waited for his answer while his hand roamed down your body to your stomach.
"then our family starts now."
interlocking your hands, you waited for his phone to buzz; the silence was comfortable til it broke, alerting of the result. hope and love filled your bodies. alex stood up first, holding his hand out to you to help you up. then he gestured you to get the first glimpse at the test. your shoulders sunk when you read the words not pregnant; you turned to your boyfriend who opened his arms, giving you solace. he didn't need to see the result, he knew and like you, he experienced his first heartbreak in this relationship.
alex cradled you face, peaking your lips and drying your tears away. "i'm upset too, didn't expect to want a baby but birdy this doesn't stop your dream, alright?"
you voice trembled. "al, could . . . could we start our family?"
his lips widened into a big grin, before lifting you up causing you to laugh out loud, kicking the door of the bathroom shut. "what are you doing, al?", you couldn't stop laughing like an exciting child.
"well, we have practice, don't we?"
"i'm not going to be pregnant this month."
"I know birdy, but that isn't going to stop me", he cheekily replied, throwing you on the bed, "practice is the key."
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Hello! Hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request Jason x male reader he's been going out with Jason and has been keeping alot of secrets from his past. But he's very loving and protective of Jason!
Reader is covered in scars that he doesn't elaborate on how he got them. He has strange quirks like wearing gloves (never touching silver), tries hiding his nervousness around muzzles and cages and petrified of small confined spaces.
Reader's a werewolf and has been for many years, being a werewolf means you're life will never find peace forever, that you'll be hunted down like a monster till eventually a hunter arrives that does kill you.
Maybe at a gala something happens and reader gets poisoned resulting in him almost dying. Like maybe he took Jason's drink smelling something off about it and his protective instincts kick in, I can also imagine reader and titis being close friends, and trys to warn them that something wrong?
Sure thing! Already on it! Oh I feel good this morning.
Summary: (Y/N) is a werewolf. Jason finds out the hard way.
Warnings: (Y/N) is claustrophobic, doesn't like silver, poisoning, Jason loves (Y/N), but wants to know more about his past, cursing, implications of smut, Titus is a good boy.
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Jason sighed quietly into the dark night. It was cold and he wanted nothing more than to go to his boyfriend back home. He knew that (Y/N) was waiting for him back home, reading one of the books they had at their apartment.
Jason smiled at the thought of (Y/N). He is the most loving boyfriend there is in the entire universe. They met a bookstore and Jason thought that he was cute. The two chatted for a few minutes before Jason asked him out.
(Y/N) was a bit hesitant to accept and Jason suggested that they exchange their numbers and to let him know if he wants to. No pressure, Jason said at the time.
(Y/N) got back to Jason a day later, accepting the date. Jason was over the moon when he accepted and the two met in a small diner that was near the bookstore.
The evening was filled with laughter, easy, flowy conversation and they have talked for hours on end. After the diner closed, Jason suggested to go back to his place.
Neither one of them wanted to stop talking and (Y/N) had absolutely on objections to it. The two talked in Jason's apartment for hours, well into the night and Jason suggested that he sleeps over here. It's not safe to go out in Gotham during the night.
(Y/N) accepted that and Jason slept on the couch that night. He didn't want to make (Y/N) uncomfortable. He felt something with him, something he didn't feel with his exes.
They have been dating for 2 years now and (Y/N) has moved into Jason's apartment a few months ago. Jason liked it. There was now a more personal touch to the apartment and it wasn't silent anymore. It felt nice going back to someone who made sure he was okay and well.
It's not like his family didn't do that, but there was something about having a partner that takes care of you. It felt nice.
As much as he loved (Y/N), he was suspicious of certain things. Jason didn't tell (Y/N) immediately how he is Red Hood, that came later, but he did tell (Y/N) about his life before and after being adopted, but (Y/N) didn't want to talk about anything relating to his past.
He noticed that he was covered in scars and Jason wasn't a stranger for his body being covered in some scars, but Jason thought that (Y/N) was tortured for months on end. (Y/N) got insecure at the time, thinking that Jason didn't like him anymore.
Jason couldn't care less about the appearance, but he still cared about how he got them. That evening, he kissed every single inch of those scars, showing (Y/N) how much he loved him. (Y/N) tried not to cry, but silent tears were slowly falling down his face.
It made Jason protective of (Y/N) when they are in public. But if there was someone who was protective more than himself then there was (Y/N). Always vigilant, arm around Jason's shoulder, putting himself to the side of danger. Normally to the side of the road where cars drove, in restaurants he would sit somewhere where he could see the doors...
All the little stuff.
His family adored (Y/N). Bruce liked him a lot, seeing that he loved Jason a lot. At first, noticing the glove wearing all the time, he was a bit weary of (Y/N), but he saw how he looked at Jason. So much love and adoration in his eyes.
Dick absolutely liked (Y/N) and the two became good friends in matter of minutes. He listened to him and he didn't mind some scars and he didn't mind him not telling them much about himself. Jason knew how to take care of himself.
Tim was a bit suspicious as to why (Y/N) wouldn't really tell them anything about himself, but the past could be traumatic or just pure shit. He investigated him and couldn't find any type of criminal activity or anything else illegal.
Now Damian was the toughest one to crack. He didn't like how secretive he is about his past. Despite never really getting along with Jason while he lived in the manor, Jason is still his brother. They are all ride or die for each other and Damian would never allow anybody to hurt Jason.
Absolutely nobody.
But after some time has passed, Damian liked (Y/N) too. He saw the way he treated Jason, how much he loved him and how he looked at him like he was the greatest thing in the world for him. The most precious treasure for him.
And he became great with Titus. (Y/N) seemed to read the dog very well and Titus actually listened to (Y/N). You see the way a guy is by the way he treats animals.
Jason sighed in relief as he entered his apartment, taking his helmet off. He peeled everything off of himself, leaving himself in just his boxers. He walked into their bedroom, smiling at the sight of (Y/N) laying down, book in his hands, reading.
(Y/N) looked up, smiling at the sight of his shirtless boyfriend. " Since when do I get a show like this? " (Y/N) teased and Jason chuckled.
" Anytime you want. I will join you in a few minutes, I have to shower. " Jason said and (Y/N) went back to his book until Jason came back. It didn't do anything to calm his desire for Jason after seeing him in just boxers. He tried not to lose his mind, but how could he not?
Jason is gorgeous and (Y/N) still wondered how he ended up with him. Jason was never shy to compliment him and kiss those same scars that (Y/N) hated. He could never tell Jason how he got them. He could never tell him what he is.
How is going to explain the fact that his past is filled with inhumane torture and violence? How he was hunted? How he lost so many people along the way? How he lost his entire family? How he was muzzled as if he wasn't a human being?
How he was confined into small cages, like some sort of trash? Well, he was trash to the hunters. He put the book down on the nightstand, marking the pages where he left.
He looked at the doorway as Jason entered, with a white towel hanging lowly at his hips. (Y/N) licked his lips at that and Jason smirked.
" Like what you see? " Jason teased as he walked closer. (Y/N) wasted no time grabbing him by the hips and throwing him on the bed, crawling on top of him. He kissed Jason deeply, making Jason wrap his arms around his shoulders to bring him closer.
(Y/N) hands wandered lower to remove the pesky towel that was in the way of touching his Jason. Jason chuckled as (Y/N) threw the towel somewhere in the room.
" Somebody is eager. " Jason said and (Y/N) just kissed him in response, moving down to bite his neck. He always got possessive during sex, always having a need to mark his boyfriend, his Jason. He needed to show to everyone who Jason belonged to.
I mean, it's only fair right?
" I mean, how could I not? Such pale skin, perfect for marking. " (Y/N) murmured into Jason's neck, hips grounding against Jason.
The two were laying next to each other, Jason moving to lay down over (Y/N)'s chest, seeking his warmth. They were breathing deeply, trying to come down from their highs.
" You know, you never fucked me this hard. Not that I'm complaining though. " Jason said, moving even closer. (Y/N) wrapped his arms around him. (Y/N) leaned down to kiss him, but without the urgency.
It was soft, gentle and more intimate.
" I know. "
The two basked in the afterglow for a while longer, enjoying the silence.
" Hey, I have to ask you something. " Jason started and (Y/N) looked down.
" Hmm? "
" Would you like to go the gala with me? It's at the manor and you can say no, I don't mind. " Jason said, looking up to see (Y/N)'s eyes.
" I would love to go with you Jason, but I'm afraid that I don't own a fancy suit for that. " (Y/N) said and Jason chuckled quietly.
" I will take care of the suit, don't worry about that. "
" When is the gala? " (Y/N) asked, eyes closing. He was so tired.
" In a week. Good night (Y/N), love you. " Jason said, seeing how he was tired.
" Night Jay, love you. "(Y/N) mumbled, giving him a soft kiss before drifting off.
" Hey (Y/N), nice to see you! " Dick said, giving (Y/N) a hug. Jason and (Y/N) came to the manor a little bit late because Jason couldn't keep his hands to himself. After seeing (Y/N) in the costume made suit, tailored just for him, how could Jason stay calm and collected?
An impossible feat.
The gala has started and Jason and (Y/N) started mingling. They have talked to many people and (Y/N) was impressed with how the gala is and how it's working.
He has never been to one and it was... Well, the rich are bragging about their stuff, completely ignorant of the normal world. He talked to some politicians, some business people and some other people that he didn't even know the name off.
Other than that, it was a sensory experience. The constant chatter in his ears, different types of smells too. Those were the more interesting then the sounds.
(Y/N) could smell some high end, expensive perfumes from the ladies. There were also some high end colognes from men. Not to mention the food and drinks too.
Some would find it to be a sensory overload, but (Y/N) enjoyed it. Jason was right next to him, making sure that (Y/N) is comfortable. If he saw the slightest sight sign of discomfort.
" And how is it? " Jason asked as he came back from a bar with a drink in his hands.
" Good. Nice... I feel like a rich person. " (Y/N) said, chuckling.
" I'm glad. " Jason said and (Y/N)'s eyes went to the drink. What the hell? The smell coming from it made him frown. What the fuck?
" Hey, do you mind if I try it? " (Y/N) asked, already taking the drink from his hands.
" No. "
(Y/N) tried it and he saw why. Somebody is trying to poison Jason. He coughed and Jason watched him in wonder.
" It tastes like shit. I wouldn't drink it if I were you. " (Y/N) said, walking away. " Where are you going? " Jason asked.
" Bathroom. I will be right back. "
(Y/N) walked off, feeling hot beneath the suit. That was poison. Somebody tried to poison Jason... He pressed himself against the wall, trying to walk to the bathroom. He was out of the big ballroom and nobody could see him.
Titus walked up to him, whining at him. (Y/N) was on the brink of passing out. There were dark spots in his eyes, body flushed hot and just feeling sick to his stomach.
" Find Jason. "
With that, (Y/N) passed out and Titus got to work. He made his way to the ballroom, moving through the groups of people. He made his way to Jason, who was confused. Everyone was confused as to why Titus, the Great Dane is in the ballroom.
" What are you doing here? " Jason asked and Titus took his wrist into his mouth and started dragging him to (Y/N). Jason looked at the dog in confusion.
" What the fuck are you doing Titus? " Jason asked as he was led down the hall. Alfred decided to follow too, just to see what was going to happen. Jason's eyes widened when he saw (Y/N), down on the ground, completely out.
" Oh God! Alfred! " Jason cried out, running towards him. He knelt down, trying to see what was going on with his boyfriend.
" It looks like poisoning. " Alfred said and Jason has paled. What?
" We need to get him to the cave. We will take his blood and see what he was poisoned with. " Alfred said as Jason picked him up and the two ran towards Bruce's office.
Time is off the essence.
(Y/N) opened his eyes with a lot of effort. He saw the familiar sight of the cave. Everything was a blur. How did he end up here? Jason! Is he okay?! He sat up, looking at the IV going through his hand. He listened intently.
Where is Jason?
He watched the curtain move as Jason walked in, smiling widely at the sight of his boyfriend being awake. " Hey... " He said, trying not to cry.
" Are you okay? " (Y/N) asked, worrying about him.
" I'm okay. I should be asking you that you know. You were poisoned by MY drink. I was supposed to be the target. But how did you know?" Jason wondered, sitting down on the edge of the bed taking (Y/N)'s hands in his own.
(Y/N) took a deep breath. This is it. Jason will leave him.
" I wasn't honest with you Jason. " (Y/N) started and Jason just listened. " And I can understand if you leave me. " (Y/N) said, trying not to cry. He took a shuddering breath and started.
He told Jason everything thereat has happened to him. How he was hunted down just for being a werewolf, how he was tortured for pleasure of those hunters. He told him about the time he was muzzled for a long time, as if he was a rabid dog and some sort of a demon. He told him about the cages, how he was poked and outright tortured.
He told Jason about the people he has lost people in his life and how love and people close to you are a danger because they could be used as a weapon against you. He told him about silver too and that's why he wears gloves. Jason watched him in wonder and (Y/N) changed his eyed from (E/C) to red, just to show him he wasn't kidding.
Jason was shaking when (Y/N) finished up the story. (Y/N) wiped the tears from his face.
" I'm going to kill them! I will rip them- How dare they?! " Jason said and (Y/N) was shocked. What?
" If you think I'm leaving you, you are wrong. I love you for you. You can be a vampire for all I care, I still love you. Nothing you say will change my mind. " Jason said, bringing their foreheads together. " And I want the description of those hunters. I'm going after them. "
(Y/N) nodded and wrapped Jason into his arms, being careful of his IVs. After they parted, Jason pushed the covers up.
" Now, I will get you some food and water. Alfred said it's okay too. And if you say yes, I would like to say your story to the others. They are wondering about how you knew too. " Jason said and (Y/N) nodded.
" You can tell them. "
Jason nodded and gave (Y/N) a soft kiss on the lips. " Try to rest a little bit. "
(Y/N) nodded once more and just closed his eyes. Another kiss landed on his lips. " I love you. " Jason said and (Y/N) mumbled out a love you too.
He was asleep once more.
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There was only one time Gojo yelled at you seriously. It was about two months after Geto died. Gojo kept up appearances that he didn't care much about the fact that he had to kill his friend. The loneliness, the pain, the sense of meaninglessness. Of course, all of this seemed to weigh him down less when he was working. So he worked harder.
"Do you also feel like Mr. Gojo is different lately?" Ijichi wiped the sweat from his forehead. You were in Brazil, at the height of the equator, the sun at its zenith burning your skin. You and your coworker were waiting in a stuffy room for Gojo.
"Myhym, but I'm sure he doesn't want us to see that. Let's pretend we're being fooled." You said, fanning yourself with a piece of paper.
"When was the last time we were in Japan?"
"It will soon be a month..." Your voice was tired, you had bags under your eyes and dry mouth. Ijichi was in no better shape. You were both like two exhausted mutts running after their master. It should be added that the whole master became a workaholic. As strange as it may sound, Gojo was simply letting off steam. And he probably did it poorly.
Ijichi saw Gojo's facade, and you saw it perfectly. You saw the ugly mask he put on every day, how he forced himself to smile. And when he said "I'll take care of everything, after all I'm the strongest" you felt like smacking him once and for all in that empty head of his.
Assuming there was a ladder nearby, and the barrier that protected himself 24/7 would somehow disappear.
"My dear slaves, daddy's back!" Satoru announced, opening the door to the room you were sitting in. He was grinning, holding a bag of three kebabs. He didn't tease, he didn't cause mischief, he pretended to be happy... You and Ijichi were presenting the results of your investigation into the curse. Gojo listened.
Gojo behaved as he should, like a shining, sparkling, pure hero of all time. He pretended to be what they wanted to see in him. A role model. You pressed your lips together tightly as you looked at his suffering.
"So maybe we should go to Peru now?" He asked, sitting between you, sticking his fork into the meat.
"But there is no work in Peru..." Ijichi whined pitifully.
"Yet~... Just because we don't have information about a curse doesn't mean we won't find one there~! I'll book to us plane tickets right away..." Gojo didn't accept any objections, he didn't look at you both as if you didn't exist... Or rather, as if he existed on a tracing paper superimposed on reality. And that's how he felt... Idiot.
There was a curse in Peru, as well as in Paraguay, Ecuador, Mexico. If only you had done it the way you always do - slowly: finding time to travel, get to know the place, visit a few museums and restaurants. Gojo was working at top speed as if time was pressing on him. And you just... Dying from exhaustion while trying to follow in his footsteps.
It is no wonder that sooner or later an accident had to occur that once and for all woke Gojo from his trance. Ijichi made a protective barrier, you were on guard outside the building, and Gojo fought. He wanted this curse to be a challenge. He restricted himself, toyed with it, pissed it off so it would attack him more fiercely.
He was sure he was alone. That's why when you suddenly appeared at the end of the corridor and shot an arrow at him. He froze. Not because you were shooting, but because you were there. Among the piles of torn stumps, corpses, remnants of defeated curses, and humans fluids.
The arrow struck the target behind him, destroying the small flying curse on the spot. The cursed bow was your favorite weapon. Gojo himself had given it to you years ago, when Geto was still...
"Satoru! Run!" you screamed with terror in your eyes. Why did he have to run? A wry smile twisted his lips. "The building's about to collapse!"
Everything else went so fast.
The floor collapsed beneath feet.
Gojo was immediately at your side, but... He couldn't touch you. His own barrier was so condensed, so strong, that it simply trapped him in an invisible bubble from the entire world - from you.
Rocks fell from above, hurting your skin, Gojo tried to cover you with his body while struggling with his power. Something crunched.
His heart?
Those were your bones...
At that moment Gojo no longer had the strength to smile. To pretend. He sat with his head hanging, staring blankly at the tiles at his feet as you suffered behind the door to Shoko's office. The doctor had to "put you back together" before she could cure you, so it wasn't quiet. He could hear the beeping of the equipment and your scream. You pass out from the pain and awakened from the pain. Broken bones, wounded skin, exhausted organism... It was all his fault.
"Don't heal her completely," he said finally, entering the room. From the movements of the cursed energy Shoko, he could sense that she was already in the final stages of healing you.
"But why?" Shoko lifted herself up from the bed you were lying on. Sweaty, with dried blood on face, breathing heavily. "I'm almost done-"
"STOP HEALING HER!" He shouted, clenching his fists, digging his nails into his own skin. Shoko looked at him, frowning in surprise, the silence had lasted too long.
After a brief exchange of shouting, she finally gave in and walked out of the office, leaving you in a state you could have recovered from on your own with just a little time.
Gojo approached you without a word with a bottle of water. You didn't even realize how thirsty you were. You drank it all and wanted more. Then you finally opened your eyes.
"...-jo... What day is it? You have a meeting at the end of the month with..." He wasn't listening. He heard your weak voice, saw you small breathing. You'll survive. You'll be fine. You'll get better... And then he'll buy you food. Whatever you want, he'll eat even the most spicy food in the world. All to make you laugh.
You're smiling... Even now. You weren't afraid for yourself when you entered that building, but for him...You forgot about his barrier. You always forgot the obvious. And now after waking up... You were thinking about his life.
"I'm firing you." He whispered quietly, putting his hands in his pockets so you wouldn't notice how much he was shaking.
"I'm firing you." He repeated louder. The words hurt him, but he knew he should have done it years ago.
"Oh..." Gojo saw clearly the moment you understood the meaning of what he said. Your energy boiled. There was so little of it that he could compare it to a small dessert spoon boiling with anger and disbelief. "I disagree! You can't fire me! Who will take care of y-?!"
"you're hopeless." His words were full of venom, suffering and rage. "Weak! You miraculously lived to see your age! You're a pain in the ass! A parasite! A pathetic worm I could..." He shouted, insulted you, called you names, felt his eyes getting wet under the bandages. He didn't want to accept the fact that he was crying, so he turned his back on you. He didn't even know what words he was using to describe you. He knew that all of those... All of those words... He was thinking about himself.
He was hopeless because he didn't save his only friend. He was weak because he allowed you to get hurt. And you... You sat and cried, hearing words full of venom and hatred. You never deserved them. You should be the one yelling at him. Insulting him. Humiliating him. Laughing at how pathetic he is.
And it happened just as he said. He fired you.
You used the three months it took you to get back in shape to sleep, catch up on anime, and updates on your games. And for reading. Your apartment was a mess, rejection slips were strewn across the table. You tried to get a job with another sorcerer, but every single one rejected you. You were certain that Satoru was behind this. He pulled the strings and there was no place for you in the world of jujutsu.
He forgot one thing though.
You knew him better than he wanted.
One day, when you told yourself it was time to get back into the game, you went straight to him. He was sitting in his office at school. His students were training on the field, and Yaga was somewhere in the city. Your energy was always small, almost imperceptible, so it's no wonder it was easy to miss you.
Gojo didn't expect to ever see you again. He suffered more and hid it harder. He said how good it was that he didn't have to worry about you anymore. But... He probably knew all your photos by heart. A shelf with gifts from you appeared in his safe. It was right next to the shelf where he kept Geto memorabilia.
So when you stood in the doorway of his office with a face as if nothing had happened. As if you had caught him slacking off at work again, his heart sank. You were supposed to return to the society of normal people, live a long happy life! Fall in love, have children, and die in your own bed surrounded by a garland of grandchildren!
"Here..." You said, handing him the bundle. His body reacted on its own, he lunged at your gift without taking his eyes off you. Black blindfold. "I made it myself."
"why...?" Why did you come back? Why are you wearing a business suit? Why....
"Because with those bandages on your head you look like a mummy. Almost." You raised an eyebrow, resting your hand on your hip. "Moreover, I'm looking for a job and from what I know there is one idiot who has a vacancy."
"...Y/n..." His tone was pleading. He wanted so badly to agree and refuse at the same time.... He watched you approach the filing cabinet, clutched the black headband in his hand as you pulled out the briefcase. He was afraid to react as you take out the employment contract.
"You owe me dinner. A proper dinner. And an apology to Shoko." You said as you signed the employment contract with him. "Throw me out and fire me as much as you want, and I'll still come back. You may be number one among sorcerers, but I'm the best at taking care of the best." You smiled, and colors and sounds came back to Gojo's empty world. He hugged you tightly and buried his head in your neck. He swore to himself that he would never defend himself with a barrier against you again. The thought that he would never be able to touch you again... "Hey hey, I miss you too. But you know.... You're suffocating... Me...." You patted him on the back, but he didn't listen. He hugged you tightly.
The blindfold was shitty. But he loved it anyway. He had all the others sewn exactly based on the one you gave him, and he always kept the original with him.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
"Are you done?!" Mini Gojo stood outside your bathroom door.
"A moment!" You shouted hiding your face in your hands.
"No!" Bang, bang, bang. "Where's my blindfold?!"
"I said I'd give it to you when it finishes drying!"
"Fuck! Satoru! Let me take a shit in peace!"
"My sweet Y/n, I'm glad your intestines are working properly! But I reeeaally need my blindfold!" Bang. "I miss it here!"
And this is just the beginning of the day... You feel that it will only get worse.
"Y/n?! Are you done? Y/n!"
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maka-moved · 5 months
having some more thoughts about postal 1
p1 dude is such an interesting character in my opinion because he's not a sympathetic character at all, yet at the same he... kinda is?
like, there's nothing that could justify what dude ultimately decided to do, at the end of the day he's still a spree killer, he's someone who voluntarily decided to go out and take other people's lives. however, there's still something bone-achingly tragic about someone who is so hurt and desperate that they feel like murder is the only option they have left (at least, to me there is).
of course that's not true, but to him it was, and subjective truths can be so much stronger than objective reality. it's the result of what i can only imagine must've been the perfect storm of trauma, the outcome of growing up in what was likely an abusive religious household, cut off from the rest of the world and any support networks he could've had. it's never stated anywhere in the game, nor is any real information given about dude's backstory at all (other than what's written in his diary/war journal), but it's hard to believe that dude grew up in a stable or healthy environment.
this isn't to say that dude's upbringing or mental state is the sole reason as to why he ended up snapping, but he couldn't have possibly been a healthy or well adjusted person even before the massacre. it isn't fair to treat p1 as though he's without autonomy or to refuse to hold him accountable for his (undoubtedly heinous) actions, but it'd also be doing a disservice to his character to not acknowledge the traumas that influence his motivations and worldview.
it's this pointed duality that is what defines p1 to me, the fact that he is multiple, often clashing, things at once. he's a cruel, sadistic bastard who hurts people as a means of exerting power and control over his life, yet he's also someone who's scared and suffering and lashing out in pain like a wounded animal. he's callous and uncaring towards the agony of others, but he's still concerned with doing the right thing and warning others of the "infection" despite everything else he's done. he's practically a shambling bundle of contradictions in a trench coat, and that's precisely what makes him so intriguing to me.
the funny part about all of this is that it probably wasn't even intentional on developer's part. the inconsistencies in dude's character almost definitely just because the people over at RWS didn't think too hard about all this, but in the process they accidentally made an incredibly interesting and oddly nuanced character.
i dunno, maybe i'm looking too deep into things, but those are just my thoughts.
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commsroom · 1 year
memoria is incredibly close to my heart, but when i listen to it now, it's hard not to think about the undertones re: how therapy as an institution handles disability. maxwell's objective was always to help hera get back to work, to find accommodations she could function under, or otherwise to replace her. "i'm sorry you feel like you can't do your job." maxwell presents her solutions in a less hostile framing, but her methods are the same ones cutter threatens hera with in her live show performance review (re: deleting her memories) and it's something she intends to do regardless of hera's consent. maxwell's practice aligns with goddard's interests, and of course it does. there's something about therapy as maintenance, and the treatment of the disabled mind and/or body as a broken machine.
hera is used to being condescended to and taunted for her limitations ("we all have our limits. you can't do what you can't do. it's not your fault.") and that intersects with her trauma ("i can't do this. i'm not good enough.") in a way that inherently ties her self worth to her ability to be useful and perform a job. as a result, she has a gut reaction to and a resistance to anyone suggesting she might not be capable of something, or that she might need help, and that makes her constantly push herself past her limits, causing real damage. the problem is that hera is disabled, there are things she can't do, and she hasn't been given the security or compassion to really come to terms with that. no amount of ways to manage doing her job will really help the core problem; she needs to be able to separate her concept of self worth from her productivity. "we get things wrong, and we get better." is a nice sentiment, but i think it applies more to interpersonal conflict than physical burnout. hera even directly calls back to and casts doubt on that specific line later in the show.
that's why eiffel matters so much to hera. when eiffel says "you can do anything" - he believes that, he has that kind of sincere faith in all of his friends, but he means it even when it's disproven. he's seen her fail. he's seen her make mistakes. it doesn't matter because it isn't about what he expects of her, it's about who she is to him. minkowski is the commander, even when she's not. hera can do anything, even when she can't. eiffel values people, not their jobs. if hera didn't have a supercomputer for a brain, she would still be the same to him; it's who she is and her companionship that he wants. i'm not saying that what maxwell did for hera was useless - it's effective therapy that gave her a clearer understanding of herself, and a framework to understand what's been happening to her; that's extremely valuable. but that alone would not have been enough. what hera thinks of at the end of memoria, what actually pulls her through, is the support and care that eiffel and minkowski continually show to her.
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anystalker707 · 2 years
Maybe unrequited feelings
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 2 800 Summary: The way he treated you made you wonder if he didn't like you, but it seems to be quite the opposite. Tags: Sanji is just a babygirl / Shy Sanji A/N: I'm still learning how to write for op
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          It felt off, really. Were you ugly or something? Maybe annoying. Or just not his type. It all always bugged you a little, an insistent thought in the back of your mind that always resurfaced whenever you saw Sanji with heart eyes pampering whoever he found attractive. Something shifted in your chest whenever you watched it happen, so it wasn’t much different now, watching him talk to whatever person that sat two tables away from you.
That was supposed to be a nice day, shaped for relaxing and clearing your minds on this new island. The crew had divided itself in two parts at some point, with Luffy, Franky, Usopp, Brook and Zoro wandering off at the moment they saw the local commerce, an activity you and the others weren’t really up to, given the intense heat. In the light of this, at the moment, you sat at a small table outside a little restaurant with Nami, Robin, Chopper, and, previously, Sanji. His drink sat unattended at the table; its cold temperature clashed with the hot weather and resulted in a puddle of condensation at the base of the fancy glass.
“You seem a little off, (y/n). Are you sure you are alright?” Chopper asked. His eyes barely made it over the table and his straw made a comically long turn to go above the glass then down to reach his lips.
Your eyes averted to Chopper, but you just pursed your lips in a little funny pout that made him chuckle, so you couldn’t help and smile a little. “I’m fine, Chopper, don’t worry! Just thinking a little, ‘s all!” Why would you talk about it, in the first place? You were sure Robin was tired of your venting.
Nami raised an eyebrow at you, however, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned back against the chair. “Are you sure? I mean, I’ve been noticing something...” She trailed off, averting her eyes away in a badly played clueless manner; you looked at Robin out of instinct, and the chuckle she gave you in response had your cheeks warming up while you sat back on the chair, covering your face with your hands.
“Waaa, don’t leave me in the dark!” Chopper cried out, tugging at you and then at Nami. “What’s it? What’s it?” He almost walked over the table to do the same to Robin.
“Well, let’s say that Mx. (y/n) would enjoy a little more attention from our cook.” Robin smiled. You wondered how amusing the situation was for her. Even Nami herself seemed to have fun, giggling into her hand.
“Yeah, maybe...” You trailed off, letting your hands run through your hair, and decided to take a large sip of the drink to end it already and perhaps clean your mind a little.
“Eh?” Chopper looked at you for a long moment. “Then you can just—”
“(Y/n) has a crush on Sanji, Chopper!” The volume of Nami’s voice not only had your cheeks burning bright red, but also looking at Sanji to make sure he didn’t hear anything while Chopper made a scandal, as if he had heard the biggest gossip of his whole life—part of you hoped Sanji did catch on it and came over, even if it wouldn’t have the best outcome.
“B—But him, (y/n)?” Chopper’s jaw dropped. “H—He’s nice and all, but—”
“Look at the way you put it!” You clicked your tongue, shaking your head at Nami. “It’s not a crush... I’m just... interested. I would at least like to be friends with him, closer and all, but he just, um, treats me as if I were still new to the crew and all.” A sigh escaped your nose and your eyes drifted away from everyone else—you didn’t need their pitiful looks. What if it sounded a little too attention seeking? It wasn’t really your priority. Everything was fine as long as you and Sanji worked together just right during the fights and didn’t get in the way of each other’s objectives.
Nami hummed as she tilted her head. She didn’t remember Sanji ever directly asking you for your favorite dish so he could prepare it nor at least once urging to be paired up with you when you split up on any plan or adventure. “Now that you’ve mentioned it...” She raised her eyebrows and looked over at Sanji, scratching her chin. “Maybe there’s actually something up with this.”
“Would you like any of us to find out what is happening, (y/n)?” Robin asked you. “I suppose it could be of certain help since you want to be friends with him, at minimum.”
Worrying them wasn’t good—it made a weight set itself in the back of your mind—, but at the same time, something in your chest insisted that you accept it. Maybe there would be improvements you weren’t aware of at the moment. Silence your mind, even. That would be a great improvement, actually, not having you worry about something so constantly, as silly as it was.
“Well, I am not opposed to that,” you mumbled, absentmindedly playing with the straw inside the empty glass. “Just don’t tell him that I, um, am interested. I trust you.” Those words had Nami immediately grinning, rubbing her palms together; you glared at her along with Chopper, though he had more of curious eyes. “Correction, I trust Robin!”
You left after a quick exchange of words, once again telling how you trusted them and reminding them of your condition, this time deciding to go after Luffy and the others to find out what they were up to.
Walking with the others was fun. It was no surprise that Zoro was not with them, but you managed to find him after some point. At first, you were just making sure not to let him get lost, although you eventually got to a point in which you didn’t recognize your surroundings and didn’t see the others as well. As much as you insisted, Zoro just said you two would eventually find them again because you weren’t even lost. Technically you did find them, but it was just when the sun had already disappeared in the horizon, and dinner was already being served at Sunny.
“Hi!” You called as you took a seat next to Nami, happy to be at the ship again, and eyed her bowl with a hum of appreciation. “Sorry, we got lost!”
“We did not!” Zoro retorted; you chuckled with a roll of eyes, but wouldn’t argue, not this time.
“Here, Mx. (y/n).” Sanji stood there bowing down, with a cloth over the arm he didn’t use to hand out the bowl with food that he had served for you. He was there, noticing you. Wow, you existed to Sanji as something aside from a fighting partner. “I hope you enjoy it.”
“Thank you.” Your voice was weaker than you’d like it to be. The bowl was warm, heating up your hands after a long day of holding glasses and cups of cold drinks, and the taste was better than ever. Nami’s eyes on you were difficult not to notice, however, you decided to ignore it for now, continuing to eat. What did they tell Sanji?
The empty dishes were set aside, being collected by Sanji and Chopper, while you talked with Nami and Robin, leaned against the railing while observing the waves crash against the side of Sunny. Once loud and crowded, now the island sat quiet since the people at the streets near the shore were in their homes already, plus that Zoro and Luffy already snored away wherever they were; the rest were probably off to their quarters or messing with anything else in the peace of the night.
Your talk with the girls had already faded away, leaving you busy with your thoughts instead, or at least until Nami spoke up again. “I’m going to be right back,” she said, leaving with no further explanation, disappearing inside the kitchen.
“Maybe I should go to sleep as well.” You yawned. Your muscles complained a bit with the way you rolled your shoulders in a futile attempt to get rid of the weight that clung to them. Lying down on your soft mattress would feel simply perfect after a long day like that.
Robin placed a hand over your forearm before you could move. “Can you just wait for Nami to return, with me?”
“Well, sure.” Just a little longer wouldn’t hurt. The thing is, it wasn’t just a little longer. You couldn’t keep your feet in the same place for long enough. You had spent the whole day walking around the city, so lying down wasn’t a bad idea at all. "Robin—"
"I think she is not coming back." Robin chuckled. "Come on." She nodded back to the kitchen—aw damn, she dragged you to the kitchen instead of the quarters' direction.
The kitchen was all quiet. Only Chopper was there, asleep in the corner, and the other two were nowhere to be seen. Robin moved to get a glass of water for herself and you did the same, hoping it would help you fight the tiredness a little. It did, thankfully, because Robin was taking you downstairs next. Why would she go to the bar, anyways?
Getting closer, you could hear Nami’s voice. She sounded stern. "...and you'll open that damn mouth of yours and speak, you hear me?" A hand rested on her hip while she held her index finger out at Sanji's face, looking like a mother scolding her kid, when you walked in.
"Yes, Nami-swam!" Sanji bit on his handkerchief that he held, sniffling and crying dramatically as he nodded frantically, with red cheeks. His wide eyes observed Nami proudly move back and cross her arms, with a smile lingering over her lips when she finally acknowledged your and Robin's presence. Oh. The idea of what could happen already had your cheeks heating up.
"We did have a talk earlier today, as you had asked, (y/n)." Nami’s humor took a turn again, turning light and sweet as it always was most of the time when it came to you.
A soft sigh escaped your nose; you nodded, not knowing where to look. Thankfully, it was happening, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea if it were over soon. You gulped, returning your attention to Nami in a silent request for her to continue. It was awkward, of course, because you were dragging Robin and Nami into a situation that wasn’t theirs, even if they were the ones to offer to help, in the first place. Sanji could be being bothered in unimaginable ways and then start hating you, you never knew.
“Well, I’m heading to bed. I don’t think it’s my business to interfere!” Nami said simply, waving a hand as she walked past you to leave the place, followed by Robin, who wished you a good night before she could leave.
A shiver ran down your spine and you felt reality finally crash over you at the moment their footsteps faded in the distance and Sanji sniffled again. You shook your head, scratching the back of your neck. “Um, look, I—”
“I’m so sorry, (y/n)-san!” Suddenly, he was on his knees right in front of you, frantically bowing. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t ever mean to make you feel this way! Truth is I actually like you a lot! I’m so sorry, (y/n)-san!” He cried out with that traditional drama of his that you’d always seen, but never directed towards you.
“You... like me?” You furrowed your eyebrows, confusion only growing when Sanji froze on his tracks and moved to sit back on his legs, with his hands clasped together over his chest.
“I—I, um, yes!” Sanji had his cheeks red; hell, that was something new since he wasn’t even drunk. How much did Nami scold him for him to be reduced to pieces like this? It was even funny. “I just don’t know what to... I felt like flirting with you all the same as the others wouldn’t work, it needed to be special, but I also didn’t know how else to approach you, I was just waiting for the right moment—” The whole blabbering had you questioning if he would die talking so much without taking a single breath, but then something clicked in your mind. Approaching you had to be...
“Special?” You questioned as you crouched down in front of him, and the new proximity had Sanji covering his face with his hands.
“Sorry for not being good enough and for my unrequited feelings! I never wanted to bother you, (y/n)-san!”
Unrequited feelings. You wanted to laugh, though you held it back because of the uncertainty regarding how he would react to it, so you instead just pressed your lips together into a smile as you looked at him. Sanji was about to bow again when you held onto his shoulder.
“I...” You sighed, gaze falling to the ground. “I wouldn’t call it unrequired.” An awkward chuckle escaped your lips, fading away into silence. Did you do something wrong? Aw, fuck. When you looked at Sanji again, his face burned bright red as blood flowed from his nose again. “Sanjiii!” You cried, shaking his shoulders to knock life back into him, and finally stopped when his hands wrapped around your wrists.
“You like me back, (y/n)-san?” And Sanji started blabbering again, this time soon falling silent with a soft cry muffled into the palms of his hands. Even though you couldn’t see his face, his ears were bright red. Who knew? Sanji actually liked you, and instead of being bold and flirty like he usually was with the people he was infatuated with, he got all shy instead.
Holding back another chuckle was impossible, letting your lips curl into a smirk as you poked his hand. “Ohh, so that’s why you get all shy around me? That’s why you avoid me? Because you don’t know what to do, afraid I won’t like you?” Whatever he said in response fell incoherent against his hands. “Hell, and me here thinking that you didn’t like me! Who knew I could’ve gotten the boy I wanted much earlier?” The words you chose had the exact effect you expected, flustering Sanji even more, though you didn’t imagine him to be quiet with it, whining about something you didn’t understand, once more. “Aw, Sanji!” Something in your chest shifted with the way he knelt there all small.
Sanji’s shoulders shrunk a little with the way you reached out to run your fingers through his hair, almost curling up into a ball right there when you pressed a kiss to his head.
“C’mon, can I see your face?” Your finger ran up and down the back of his hand, tracing a protruding vein before circling his knuckle. Gulping, Sanji shook his head. “Aw!” You pouted. “How am I supposed to kiss you, then? Not that I will be mad if you don’t want it to happen now, but it would be nice.”
His fingers twitched a little, and Sanji parted his fingers a little to look at you—you tilted your head with a smile in response. It was slow, but he did uncover his face, still never looking you in the eyes. Damn, and think that, among so many people, you were the one who could reduce him to such a state. His hands rested over his thighs, clenched into fists.
“There’s no need to be nervous,” you mumbled and cupped his cheek, leaning in. At first, it was only a brush of your nose against Sanji’s, experimentally—as light as the touch was, he still flinched and leaned back. Okay, maybe you were rushing... or not. He immediately leaned into your hand again, although closing his eyes.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
“No, no, it’s fine.” You let your thumb run over his cheekbone. “I can just—” He shook his head again, so you interrupted yourself.
“Please...?” Sanji opened his eyes a little, letting his hand rest over yours.
Before you could start to overthink things, you just leaned in to finally press your lips to his. It was awkward at first, out of synchrony, slowly growing into something softer. His lips were a little cracked, letting you control the kiss then seeking yours when you threatened to pull away, so you deepened the kiss; he sighed softly. You only pulled away when the air wasn’t enough and let Sanji rest his head against your shoulder.
Only the sound of your breathing along with the water’s broke through the silence. A feeling tingled in your chest, making you feel nice all over; you couldn’t help but hug Sanji close, nuzzling his shoulder softly. A long sigh escaped your nose when you fell to reality again, noticing how your knees started to ache against the wooden floor.
“Hey, it’s late.” You patted his back. “How about we go to bed? Make sure to sleep well so we can enjoy the day tomorrow, okay?”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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laura1633 · 11 days
pulling up your fics for the much needed comfort after another bad race. when will it end : (
(i know it's objectively not "bad" but anything behind lando is bad to me <3)
Aww I hope they will provide a little bit of comfort 🥰
I know it wasn't great today and I feel like if Max had had the right set up he could have capitalised on Lando's poor qualifying position but honestly if you had told me that he would be coming away from Baku with only three points lost in the championship I would have taken it. The gap is not being eaten up anywhere near as quickly as it could be (or should be ) and taking 3 points away is actually a really poor result given how the cars have been comparatively.
I know Singapore might be another difficult week but the fact Checo was competitive today does give me some home. Apparently he had a different set up to Max so hopefully they can take some learning from that. Max actually seemed more positive than I was expecting post race, pointing out that he didn't lose out too much in the championship.
Then there is quite a gap between Singapore and COTA so hopefully Red Bull can do a lot more work on the car and set up (budget permitting). We can't keep relying on other people's errors. If they have a competitive car for the last few races then that is all we need, Max can do it. We have seen things turn around for teams so lets just hope Red Bull are figuring things out. I mean even by luck they should surely be able to figure something out the amount of goes they have had 😂
I know it's not nice seeing Max not winning but I would definitely choose the championship over race wins. He still has by far more wins than anyone else this year.
I am just thinking about Jenson's 2009 season. I think he won 6 of the first 7 races and then didn't win another race all season (sorry if I have that slightly wrong).. still won the championship though which was what mattered.
I just need to keep believing it will all work out!!
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aihoshiino · 4 days
Chp 160 was so??????? that I am straight up unable to form an opinion on it.
Like I can see the story going one of two ways. 'Kamiki is the evil mastermind actually he faked his reaction to the dvd' or 'Kamiki is playing the villian but is actually not the culprit'
And like both directions have massive problems.
The former would mean that the movie (which we spent nearly 40 chapters on) amounted to fucking nothing. Other characters ominous talking about Aqua trying to kill his father with it? Ruby's so called revenge arc? Nah, that meant nothing, the movie didn't do a damn thing.
And while I prefer the latter interpretation as it's the tonally and thematically consistent way, it would also mean that Akasaka has been circle-jerking us with the 'Kamiki is an evil serial killer.' -> 'No wait actually he isn't.' -> 'SIKE, HE IS EVIL.' -> 'Nvm he isn't.' for some inconceivable reason.
It's a mess no matter how you slice it, honestly I am so tired of oshi no ko and I just want it to be over already.
In general, I just don't know why we're having a second confrontation with Kamiki. Narratively and emotionally, it's redundant - having him come back into the story and get his final resolution would be fine but playing out Yet Another Big Dramatic Showdown between him and Aqua just falls so flat for a number of reasons. We've already had the huge release of tension that was Aqua and Kamiki facing off like nearly an entire volume ago and everything that was emotionally riding on that confrontation was emotionally resolved. I know some people are still mad that Aqua didn't hit Kamiki with an orbital laser or something, but the absolute fucking gutpunch that was 153-154 was so incredibly effective and also just more interesting than this much more generic standoff. Not only is it kind of mid on its own merits but I feel like it retroactively makes that first confrontation weaker because like... it ends up not really mattering and we get a take 2 where Kamiki is acting like an entirely different character.
@yuseirra made an excellent point in their discussion of ch159 which is that (thematically speaking) the movie has to be the method by which Aqua achieves his revenge because Ai's tragedy was the result of the public's perception of her. If it isn't able to do that then not only was that arc just kind of a waste of everyone's time, reader and character alike, but it means the movie itself as an object in the narrative loses what little shaky thematic ground it has.
An issue the Movie Arc always had that it never really engaged with to my satisfaction is the underlying discomfort of watching Ai's life being turned into a movie. I said this over and over as the arc was ongoing, but there's something almost repulsive about taking this character whose life was warped and eventually ended up the exploitation of the entertainment industry and the voyeristic gaze of the public and indulging in that voyerism by creating fiction out of her life, chopping it up and outright making shit up to invent a version of her that the public can devour. It claims to be a movie about 'Ai Hoshino' but literally and explicitly fictionalizes the most pivotal events and relationships in her life - the 'Ai' of 15 Year Lie is just as fake as 'Ai of B-Komachi', just sold with an even more insidious lie to make her go down a little sweeter.
If the manga actually engaged with this idea or was even the slightest bit aware of this underlying discomfort, the Movie Arc as a whole would've been much better off for it and so would all the resolutions in the arcs following that rely on it as foundation. But as it stands, the movie is thematically dead on arrival and the fantastic emotional resolutions we got out of it, in spite of everything, have been seemingly retconned into irrelevance.
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