#Hinduism Buddhism Religion
awakefor48hours · 10 months
I saw a post about this so now I'm curious
New poll with more options if you want there
please consider reblogging for a larger sample size unless you're planning to say something that's anti-theistic
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junotter · 5 months
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Part 2 of my modern avatar au, The Gaang (part 1)
#avatar aang#atla katara#atla toph#atla sokka#atla suki#atla#avatar the last airbender#modern avatar#atla modern au#my art#atla fanart#kataang#CAUSE THEY ARE IMPORTANT IN THIS AU#lots of inner debates on how to deal with aang's tattoos and if to make him say an actual buddhist#decided that he and monk gyatso (plus a handful of others) are/were part of a largely dying religion of a nomadic group#from the himalayan/tibetan plateau region that's a mix of buddhism hinduism and other religions (plus air nomad culture)#due to the politics of region aang and gyatso traveled around the world which is how he met katara and sokka#who were on a fieldtrip in the south (of canada)#they live in the Qikiqtaaluk Region originally in a smaller northern town but to continue their schooling they moved to iqaluit#Toph is from China and she met the gaang during the first big trip sokka katara and aang took together (at aangs begging)#meet her the summer before katara's first semester of college (so she was 18 aang 16 sokka 19 toph 16)#also by 16 aang is his own guardian cause of gyatso's death so he just does whatever p much#suki from okinawa and they meet briefly another summer of college when traveling to a bunch of islands in the pacific#suki specializes in and teaches ryukyuan martial arts (she's ryukyuan)#all reunite after sokka and katara's graduation (katara graduates a year early) during aang sokka and kataras celebration world tour#where they come into full actual contact with the fire nation crew#they are all in their twenties in these expect for monk aang who is a teen#hehe i cant wait to make more for this auuuu
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charlesoberonn · 3 days
AITA for breaking out of an eternal cycle of death and rebirth?
My (28M) inner Atman (155trillionNB) recently escaped the cycle of Samsara by quenching all earthly desires and achieving Nirvana. But I kinda feel bad for abandoning all of the trillions of souls still suffering on Earth.
Should I become a bodhisattva and guide others on the path to enlightenment or is it okay if I rejoin the Brahman right now?
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onemoreattempt · 4 months
I like how one of the few things a good chunk of major religions agree on completely is that pomegranates slap.
Christianity 🩷s pomegranates
Islam 🩷s pomegranates
Judaism 🩷s pomegranates
Buddhism 🩷s pomegranates
Hinduism 🩷s pomegranates
Taoism 🩷s pomegranates
I have yet to find evidence of anti-pomegranate rhetoric in Shinto, Sikhism, Confucianism (which is not really a religion but whatever), or Caodaism.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Oh, you can't conceive of a critique of religion where the solution isn't that "all religion must be abolished"? Skill issue.
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ed-recoverry · 3 months
Happy pride to religious LGBTQ+ folks.
It never doesn’t hurt to see religious people, especially possibly from your own religion, hate you for just existing. Staying true to yourself and keeping your faith while doing so is something to have pride about🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Muslims.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Jews.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Christians.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Hindus.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Buddhists.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Sikhs.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Shintoists.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Taoists.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Vodouists.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Spiritualists.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Shamanists.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Confucians.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Jains.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Baháʼís.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ Zoroastrians.
Happy pride to all LGBTQ+ religious folks.
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daisy-mooon · 2 years
I love you queer Christians. I love you queer Muslims. I love you queer Jews. I love you queer Hindus. I love you queer Buddhists. I love you queer Sikhs. I love you queer Jainists. I love you queer Taoists. I love you queer Shintoists. I love you Zoroastrians. I love you queer. I love you queer folk religion believers. love you queer pagans. I love you queers from religions I don't even know about. I love you every queer person of every religion and sect and denomination and belief in the world. I love you I love you I love you.
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blue-lotus333 · 2 months
💕Goddesses of love💕
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Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of love, beauty, sex and lust.
Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, emerged from the sea in a scallop shell and sailed to Cyprus. She possessed a magical girdle and had many lovers, including Ares and Adonis. Ares killed Adonis out of jealousy, leading to the creation of anemones. Adonis became a god split between the Underworld and Earth due to Aphrodite's love. She travels with the Three Graces and bestows joy, brilliance, and abundance upon mortals. She aids in romantic love and is associated with myrtles, roses, and anemones.
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Freya: Norse Goddess of love, war, fertility and magic.
Freya, the Norse goddess of love and ruler of war and death. She mediated conflict between warring groups of Norse gods and established peace in Asgard. She is known for her beauty, sorcery, and sexuality, as well as for riding a cat-drawn golden chariot. Freya wears a falcon-feathered cloak that allows her to move quickly between heaven and Earth and has an enormous palace in Asgard where she celebrates with the souls she chooses from the battlefield. In one myth, she obtains the famous amber necklace, Brisingamen, from four dwarves by sleeping with them, beauty for beauty.
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Oshun: African Goddess of love, beauty, prosperity & femininity.
Oshun is a goddess of love in the Yoruba religion. She is one of the 7 orishas and the source of power for all the other orishas. Oshun has the ability to make all things flow in the universe through her love and strength. She played a significant role in encouraging Ogun, father of civilization, to continue creating. Oshun is the only goddess who can carry messages between the mortal world and the Supreme Creator in heaven. In Nigeria, there is an annual ceremony called Ibo-Osun where women dance for Oshun during a feast of yams, with the best dancer winning Oshun's favor and becoming the village adviser on healing and fertility.
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Parvati: Hindu Goddess of love, fertility, harmony and motherhood.
Parvati is a golden Hindu goddess known for love and devotion, forming a holy trinity with Saraswati and Lakshmi. She was born in the Himalayan mountains and embodies nurturing feminine energy. Parvati won over her husband, Shiva, through patience and determination in asceticism. Parvati is the creator of her son Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of wisdom. She is also worshiped for her strength and ferocity. In one legend, she transformed into the fearsome goddess Kali-ma to overcome & destroy demons who threaten the earth, showing her protective nature.
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Guan yin: Buddhist Goddess of compassion, love, peace and kindness.
Guan Yin, originally a mortal princess named Miao Shan, was known for her compassion and kindness. Despite her father's cruelty, she devoted herself to helping others and performing miracles. After her death, she chose to remain in human form as a bodhisattva to help suffering beings, eventually becoming a goddess. By simply invoking her name, people can receive protection from harm. Guan Yin is often depicted in a white gown on a lotus throne and is revered by her followers as a symbol of love, compassion & purity. Her devotees often follow her vegetarian diet on her sacred days. Guan yin is not only the goddess of compassion, but the literal personification of it.
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Hathor: Egyptian Goddess of fertility, love, womanhood and the sky.
Hathor, ancient Egyptian goddess of love and joy, has been revered for over 3,000 years. Known as the Gentle Cow of Heaven, she provided milk to the Sun God Ra, making him and other pharaohs divine. Hathor created the Milky Way and is often depicted wearing a crown with cow horns. She is worshipped through joyful ceremonies of music and dance and is the most beloved goddess in ancient Egyptian belief. Hathor is also the goddess of the Underworld, protector of females, and champion of romantic bonds. She can appear in different forms and her symbols are the sistrum and hand mirror.
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Laka: Hawaiian Goddess of love, wilderness, the hula & music.
Laka is a Polynesian goddess of love and wilderness who taught humans the art of the hula dance. She is married to the fertility god Lono, and rain is considered a sacred time for them. Dancers in training build altars to Laka with her favorite flowers and plants, and offerings are taken down to the ocean after performances to thank her for her blessing. She is a Goddess who rules over all vegetation. Plants sacred to her are: maile, Lama, hala pepe, `ie`ie, ki, `ôhia lehua, `ôhelo, and palai.
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Aine: Irish Goddess of the summer, love, wealth and light.
Áine is a powerful and loving fairy queen in Irish legend, associated with agriculture, animals, and light. She is celebrated at the Midsummer Festival in Limerick, where people run up her hill to seek her blessing. She is also a survivor of sexual abuse in legends, where she shows strength and guides women to empowerment. Áine is depicted with red hair, a headband of stars, and surrounded by her animals. She can transform into a red mare who is unbeatable in speed.
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Xochiquetzal: Aztec Goddess of fertility, beauty, flowers and love.
Xochiquetzal was a powerful and complex Aztec goddess known for her beauty and seductive nature. She was worshipped as a patroness of lovers and prostitutes, encouraging love-making for pleasure rather than reproduction. Despite her associations with sexual relationships, she also had the ability to absolve humans of sins unrelated to sex. She was married to the water god, Tlaloc, and was considered a consort to the creator deity, Tezcatlipoca. Xochiquetzal was widely worshipped and honored through great rituals that included acts of sacrifice and confessions.
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Ishtar: Mesopotamian Goddess of love, war, fertility and power.
One of the oldest goddesses in the world, Ishtar, the goddess of war and sexual love, was the queen of heaven. Ishtar is considered a member of the special class of Mesopotamian gods called the Anunnaki. Ishtar is often called Inanna, she is also an astral deity, linked to the planet Venus, and was worshipped widely in the ancient Middle East. She was known as the Queen of the Universe and had powers attributed to various other gods. Ishtar was the very first goddess of love, Mesopotamians described her in her many legends and poems as young and strikingly beautiful, with piercing, penetrating eyes.
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buddhistmusings · 2 months
Pay Attention to Bangladesh
My heart breaks today as I learn about the immense suffering that Hindus are being subjected to in Bangladesh.
There is a history of oppressing religious minorities in the country, including periods of immense ethnic violence, escalating to the point of potentially being labeled as genocide in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, which are populated by groups of mostly Buddhist indigenous peoples called the Jumma. This is a label for a group of related tribes.
Both Hindus and Buddhists have faced violence in Bangladesh, this is nothing new, but since the fall of their government a few days ago, the violence has become much higher. Hindus in the country are being targeting especially strongly right now. People are being killed, their homes are being destroyed, people are being kidnapped, temples are being desecrated and destroyed, and at a pretty massive scale.
I see people celebrating the fall of this government, which I can understand on one hand, as it was repressive, but the lack of authority has allowed incredible violence to be carried out against Hindus.
Please, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Jain, or Jew, pray for an end to this. Whatever power you believe in, pray for the violence to end. Do what you can to spread the word about what is happening to my brothers, sisters, and siblings in Dharma.
May all beings be free from hatred and the causes of hatred. May all beings be happy and may all beings be free. Let none anywhere despise any being, let none deceive another. May peace and Metta extend outwards from myself to each and every person, barring none, and may all beings swiftly be free of all suffering. Namo Buddhaya, Namo Buddhaya, Namo Buddhaya.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
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Jews control the world? Huh?
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angelic-shadow · 4 months
challenge: i want jews, muslims, christians, pagans, hindus and buddhists to say something nice about each other (faith, culture, etc). athiests and agnostics also welcome to participate if they so wish.
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asocial-skye · 7 months
this is strictly between christian denominations ex. anglican and catholic
reblog with your answer and your religion
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“It is okay — and in fact good and necessary — for members of a religion to engage with their religion in a esoteric and transgressive ways that are still healthy” and “Nonmembers of a religion should not use that religion and make jokes about that religion in ways that are disrespectful and churlish to the religion, its adherents, and its beliefs” are two statements that can and should be simultaneously believed.
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himalayaan-flowers · 1 year
@ religious people who think that reading their religious text has all the answers on how to live - what are you meant to do when you have crippling ocd and cannot even read a sentence without 10000 intrusive thoughts about somehow committing unforgivable sins and going to hell to the point reading the text becomes impossible?? same goes for praying, meditation etc (and medication does not help enough. finding a religious therapist involves knowing which religion you believe in in the first place)
and atheists how do you function without ever knowing for sure if what you're doing is right or good enough without any objective rules and believing so much suffering in the world is completely purposeless
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