#Hood: Yeah‚ and it's not like this is the only place like that. Star City-
phantoms-lair · 10 months
You wanted Red Hood vs Overhaul, you got it
Eri clutched Deku tightly and he sped away, Overhaul right on their trail leaving a swath of destroyed objects and people in his wake. And as soon as he caught up to them, that was going to be Deku. He was going to die because he wanted to protect her.
Deku was wrong. She was a curse. She clutched his shoulders tighter, tears welling in her eyes. Her horn began to glow as her quirk subconsciously activated. Because of her Daddy disappeared, and then Overhaul used her to make his bullets to steal other people's powers. She'd caused nothing but pain and misery, she was the one who should disappear!
Her horn grew as her quirk tried to activate. But much like you can't uninstall a computer program that's running, Rewind couldn't erase itself or it's user while it was activated. Eri's despair tried to force it over and over again. Just as Overhaul's outstretched hand was about to brush Deku's back Rewind divided by zero and they all vanished.
It was the smell that hit Midoriya first. The air around him had been full of dust and the scent of blood. Suddenly there was none of that, but an almost nauseating amount of fumes and unwashed humanity. Also they were in free fall.
He quickly assessed. He wasn't in Tokyo anymore. The cars were on the wrong side of the road and the signs in English. But all that quickly was overshadowed by the horror that they were in a residential area.
He had to get Eri to safety while luring Overhaul away from the area. He did his best to get they lay of the land before he'd fallen enough for buildings to block his view. Looked like there was a harbor. Maybe if he could get him there, there'd be less people for him to destroy. And hopefully some local heroes would come to help.
Path set, Midoriya used Full Cowling to kick off a building and launch himself away.
"Anyone have eyes on what the Hell is happening?!" Hood demanded over the coms.
"Two metas, Boss. One Robin-aged, one adult. Robin-aged one has what looks to be a small child. He's fleeing from the adult and heading towards the harbor. Small child looks to be injured."
Hood adjusted the route his motorcycle was going in order to better intercept. "How badly injured?"
"Bandages on her arms and legs, but it's hard to get close enough to see more, sorry." His lieutenant sounded apologetic, but from the sounds of Hood could hear from back where he was he couldn't blame her. "Powers?" Might as well know what he was getting into.
"Robin-aged seems to have some green lightning around him, but he's not projecting it. It seems to give him either a strength or speed boost, hard to tell when all he's doing is running. Adult looks like he can destroy or remake anything his touches and - Gah."
"Did you get hit?"
"Negative, sorry for scaring you, sir, Adult caught a piece of his own shrapnel in his eye. He then touched his face with his hand and half of it exploded, then reformed. I wasn't expecting it."
Good to know. Especially because she might have just told him exactly how to take this guy down. "I'm going to intercept the kids. Deploy Code Beta Omega on my mark." Hood's helmet switched modes from camera to radar as he pulled his bike even with the fleeing kid (who was definitely getting a speed boost out of his power if nothing else) as his people set off numerous bright flares right in front of the adult meta's face, followed by wide area smoke bombs. "Need some help?"
"Are you a local hero?" The older kid asked in very heavily Japanese accented English.
"I'm the protector of this area." Thankfully Japanese was one of the languages he was fluent in, so he could speak to the kid in his own language. "Get on."
The boy hopped on, the smaller kid strapped to his back and Hood had to respect his sense of balance. The green lightning vanished as the kid took a breath.
"Can you get Eri to safety?" the boy asked. "I can buy some time with Overhaul. Lure him out to the water where fewer people will get hurt."
The way he said it, it sounded like the cost of that time would be his life. And the littler one, Eri, seemed to pick up on it. "You don't have to do that Deku." she said in a shaky voice. "He won't hurt you if I go back to him. And I'll be fine. He won't kill me, even when he accidently takes too much of my blood, he can just take me apart and put me back together again."
The words were brave but the fear and remembered pain in them was palpable and Hood saw green in a way that had nothing to do with Deku's hair, outfit or lightning. He sharply turned the motor cycle into an alley, where he knew a group of his people would be evacuating civilians. "Get them to the clinic. The girl needs help and the boy probably does too."
The boy looked panicked. "But Overhaul-"
"-is Done." Hood finished. "Overhaul is done."
For a moment the boy looked like he'd bluescreened, then "Overhaul is mysophobia, destroying his mask should get a panic reaction. Especially if you spit on him or something. He's arrogant, sadistic, and enjoys psychological manipulations. He also have some bullets that destroy quirks, so be very wary if he uses a gun over his hands."
"Quirks?" Everything in Hood's soul wanted to get going and destroy the man who'd hurt a child like this.
There was a split second of panic on the boys face as he tried to reword "Powers? His lets him disassemble and reassemble anything he touches in any configuration he chooses."
"Power destroying bullets? Hood laughed. "Kid, I don't think you know where you are. This is Gotham." And with that he left the kids in the hands of his crew and stalked back to where Overhaul was about to meet his end.
The smoke was beginning to clear as Hood strode to Overhaul's location. Deku had given him what information he could, and he appreciated it, really he did. Any other Bat or Bat-Adjacent would have made good use it, especially the mysophobia.
Hood was not going to. He'd already gotten all intel he needed earlier. He took a good look at the man. Huh, when Deku said he had a mask Hood was expecting a standard supervillain mask, not a honest to goodness plague doctor one. He's sure the doctors at Arkham would have a fun time pulling apart this whackjob's psyche.
Not that he was going to give them a chance. Not after hearing a little girl talk about repeatedly being ripped apart and pulled back together.
"Where did they go?" asked Overhaul, in a tone that suggested he was in charge and giving up the intel was the only way Hood would live through the next few minutes.
"Doesn't matter. You're never going to see either one ever again." Hood smirked under his helmet. "In fact, enjoy your view of the ass-end of Gotham. It's the last thing you're ever going to see."
Overhaul sneered. "Eri will be so upset. Another person dead because of her. She really is a curse."
The green was overwhelming. The only thing keeping Hood in control was the knowledge that he was going to give the Pit exactly what it wanted.
Overhaul touched the ground and it exploded, rearranging itself as large spikes erupted from the ground. Most people would have been impaled. Most people weren't trained by the Bat, the League of Assassins, and the All-Caste. "You heroes are so annoying. Like any one of you would be able to properly use an asset like her."
"SHE IS A CHILD." Hood roared. One of the spikes nicked him, but only caused surface damage, naturally. It would have been embarrassing to do more than was entirely when one gets hit on purpose. He needed two things. Overhaul provided the presence of absolute evil, and he provided his own blood. With two flashes the All Blades appeared and two hands fell to the ground.
Overhaul stared for a moment. He'd lost arms before and it was easy enough to replace one using the other, but he'd never lost both at once. His mind raced, trying to come up with a solution, and his knees began to buckle.
He never hit the ground however, as Hood caught him by the throat with one hand. With the other he ripped off the mask before pushing Overhauls face into some street sludge. This being Gotham and Crime Alley in particular, who knows what it might have been. Guess he was going to use the kid's info on mysophobia after all.
"It's tempting, you know, to keep you alive just long enough to watch infection set it. But people like you do tend to find a way of rebounding and I'm not going to risk it. I do want to catch up with those kids and make sure they're okay, so I'll give myself...ten minutes? Yeah, ten minutes sounds good. Ten minutes to show you exactly what happens to people who hurt kids in my territory. Ten minutes to make you beg for death, then - like the kind soul I am- answer your prayers."
Overhauls eyes were wide with terror. "But...but you're a hero?"
Hood grinned cruelly under his helmet. "I haven't called myself one of those for a long time. And Babs," he said, seeming to address no one. "I don't want Daddy Bats or any of his crew interfering."
For the next ten minutes, he was going to enjoy himself.
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Sukuna "asshole to the world, sweetheart to his girl" Ryomen
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🎀minors and ageless blogs will be blocked 🎀
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Pairing: Yakuza!Sukuna Ryomen x Reader
Genre: Smut, dark hero.
Word Count: 1450
Warnings: first off, fucking sukuna himself is a warning on his own so let's just start there. Possessive Sukuna, dark sukuna, yakuza sukuna, shitty boss, mean fucking asshole boss, violence, against boss, dacryphillia, p in v sex, rough sex, semi-public sex, read at your own discretion.
Summary: Sukunas heard you cry because of your boss one too many times. He takes matters into his own hands
A/N: This absolutely SPECTACULAR ART is by @innaillus and you can find the original here.
I want to thank her, not only for allowing me to use this as a banner but also for making such amazing art and sharing it with us. ♥️
This is a purely self indulgent fic. If you don't like it, please don't read it. I had a shitty week and needed a place to cool off.
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Sukuna Ryomen glared down at your boss. He’d come in to pick you up and heard the creature screaming at you for something he already knew wasn’t your fault. You’d told him about the trouble you were having with your co-workers who slacked off and your shitty fucker of a boss who for some reason didn’t tell them off, but instead unloaded his anger on you. This would be the last time this pathetic vermin made you cry, he vowed.
He pushed open the door to your small office and stalked in. You stood in the corner trying to make yourself as small as possible, silent tears streaming down your face as your boss kept berating you – not even noticing his presence. One of the other workers tried to step in his way but he shoved them aside like they were nothing more than window curtains. He placed himself in between you and the balding middle aged man who dared to call himself your boss. “Hey nimrod, she doesn’t work for you anymore. Don’t fucking yell at her.”
The man cowered. Sukuna was taller than him and his crossed arms made his thick muscles ripple under his skin.
“Ryo…” you whispered
“Wh-who let th-this man in here? Sir, th-this is an office space. You n-need to leave.” your boss sneered at your saviour.
Sukuna merely smirked at you and pulled you into his side placing his lips on the top of your head in a chaste kiss. “Yeah, don't worry, I’ll be going pretty soon. Breathing the same air as you is making me feel nauseated. Can't believe the patience my baby girl had with your shit-ass, fucker” his first met the man's stomach with a sickening squelching crunch, and your now ex-boss, crumpled onto the floor in a heap.
“I'm gon-gonna call the cops on you asshole’ he croaked out.
Sukuna just laughed. “Have at it, ya great ballsack.”
When Sukuna came to pick you up from work that day he had planned the night down to a T. He’d wanted to take you to a new movie that you'd been itching to see but hadn't had the time. He would follow that with a fancy sushi dinner at the city's best restaurant and then take you to the outskirts where there was a nice little viewpoint he had discovered where he planned on showing you the stars – in more than one way…
But when you didn't come out at your specified time, nor answer the cute message he’d sent you – Where you at, kitty-kat? – Sukuna decided to investigate and came across your asshole of a boss yelling at you. He’d had enough. You’d been coming home and complaining about him and even once returned in tears. It took everything he had to not rip the bastard’s throat out. But he was done with you being abused. You deserved better. Which is exactly what he told you now as you lay with him on the hood of his car.
The plans had been altered slightly, you would be watching the movie with him the next day. He’d skipped the fancy sushi and instead opted for your favourite comfort food – Chinese cuisine. Slurping down saucy noodles, and munching on crispy gyoza always made you feel better he knew and he found himself smiling at your joy. He’d then driven you to his secret viewpoint. You sat there on the hood of his car with him beside you. In the distance, the pretty lights of Tokyo lit up the horizon and reflected off your lover's red eyes. Above you, the stars twinkled in their own magic…
Something about you had him wrapped around your finger. One of the most feared yakuza, putty in your hands. Of course, no one knew the connection. It was all kept hushed for your convenience.
“Kitty-kat?” Sukuna called to you and you looked up at your man. “You know— you know I’m rich enough to support both of us easily right?”
You hummed. “Yes, but I don’t wanna be some dainty housewife, sitting and waiting for my husband to come home and serve him dinner Ryo! I have a whole ass degree that a lot of money was spent on, I’d like to use it babe!”
“You said, husband. Not boyfriend. Or SO. Or partner. You said husband.”
“Yeah… I said husband…”
“You wanna marry me?”
“I mean, yeah, eventually right?”
Sukuna crashed his lips into yours in a heated kiss; all teeth and tongue. He pulled your body close, pressing against you. “I want you so bad right now, future wife. I want you so fucking badly.” He half growled in your ear.
“You have me Ryo. I’m right here.” you replied. You tugged at Sukunas pants and he unbuckled his belt. Sukuna grinded against your thigh while kissing you. His hands tugged at the buttons on your blouse, undoing them as he went. You could feel the bulge growing in his jeans. He kissed down from your lips, to your jaw, to your neck down to the valley of your breasts.
“I wanna fuck you.” He looked at you with a lidded gaze “May I? I won’t be able to stop if we go further than this kitty-kat.”
You lifted your leg to rub against his clothed cock. “I’d leave you right now if you didn’t, Sukuna Ryomen. So fuck me already.” Sukuna flashed you a fanged smile and dipped his head pulling down your bra and freeing your breasts. He bit and licked and sucked, actions that were sure to leave marks on you. Further south his fingers pushed aside your panties and found entrance. He slowly worked his way into you, rubbing gentle circles in your skin. You allowed yourself to let go and dirty moans slipped out from your lips. Your fingers tangled in his pink hair – so soft, so smooth.
Once he had you dripping, he lay back down and ordered, “Sit on my face, and suck my cock while you’re at it.”
You followed, undoing his zipper and pulling his boxers and jeans off his semi-hard cock. You tentatively licked his head as you positioned your pussy right about his face. Sukuna pushed your skirt up and ripped your panties with a practised ease, pulling your hips down to his face. He loved having you like that. Every time he flicked his tongue against your clit your pussy would visibly tighten. You’d drool down the length of his cock hypnotised. Tongue flat against it as you struggled to maintain composure. It wouldn’t take long for him to make you cum all over his face for the first time. Legs quivering and hips shaking he brought you down again, laying you on the hood for him.
He lined up his cock – now rock hard from your mouth – with your entrance and sank into you. Slowly pushing his bulbous head, followed by his girthy length. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
Sukuna thrust up into you. Your lips were hot and burning. You felt a wave of emotion come through and tears welled up in your eyes.
“Fuck Ryo— feels s’good!”
Sukuna snarled and increased his pace. His eyes glinted dangerously. “Feels good, huh kitty-kat! Gonna make you mine. No man’s gonna dare fuck with you again.” His movements were rough and jagged but drew out the pleasure in your core. The tightly wound knot in your abdomen built up with each movement, each drawn out pull, each hard thrust. You arched your back desperate to have him more, more, more!
Your second climax hit just as Sukuna grabbed a fistful of your hair. Your cunt spasmed, clasping around him and you cried out his name in a debauched prayer.
Sukuna looked more composed than he felt. His cock throbbed inside you, attuned to the flutters of your pussy. Just because you’d come didn’t mean he would stop. He chased his own release inside of you pulling your hair back, devouring your lips. His cock bullied you to the point of overstimulation. Tears ran down your cheeks again but this time they were those of pleasure.
He came, towering over you, eyes squeezed shut, head buried in the crook of your neck. His giant frame collapsed onto you and he carefully rolled off to the side so he wouldn't crush you.
“So, about that husband thing…”
You turned to look at him, blushing. “Ryo…”
He held up a ring; the ring his father left him. Gold work, carved into a dragon that held a shiny black pearl in its claws.
“I’ll get you a prettier one later, I promise but for now…” he took a deep breath. “Marry me, kitty-kat?”
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A/N: please note this was a very hurried creation and edit, if you do find any errors or typos feel free to point them out KINDLY. Thank you for reading.
As always likes and reblogs are much appreciated and comments will earn you kissies!
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Oh, he’s stupid.
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 4]
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Part 1
The frenzied question stuns Jason for a moment.
Oh. He realizes. He’s stupid.
Fuck, he wants to kiss him so bad.
Slightly incredulous, he manages to get out a question of his own in response.
“Just how many insane clowns do you think we have wandering around Gotham?”
“I don’t know, man! I’ve only been here for less than a week. And it’s Gotham, there’s a new rogue like every other week!”
Jason considers his point for a moment before conceding.
“… You know what? That’s fair.”
Danny slumps in his chair with a groan, his cheeks slightly dusted pink due to embarrassment. He puts his forehead on the table. Slightly worried, Jason speaks up.
“Are you alright?”
“Just peachy. Not even a week in a new city and I already managed to dispose of one of the city’s most infamous rogues, and I wasn’t even aware of it. Ugh, my sister’s gonna kill me. Fully this time.”
Right. Jason’s not gonna touch upon that last statement with a ten-foot pole.
Instead, he suggests “Well, you could try to keep it from her but, knowing how siblings can be, she’ll probably find out anyway. Better rip off the metaphorical band-aid and tell her yourself first so she’ll be less mad about you keeping it from her.”
Danny seems to think it over for a moment before nodding.
“Yeah, if I tell her beforehand she might be merciful enough to make it painless.”
Jason lets out a snort. He then considers something before speaking up.
“I could… show you around sometime if you’d like? Explain some standard protocols, show you which places to avoid, which places to visit… So something like this doesn’t happen again…?”
“I’d… like that” Danny days, looking up at him with a small smile.
“So…” Jason decides to switch topics “Tell me some more about yourself, you’re studying aerospace engineering, right?”
Danny decides it’s better not to ask how Red Hood found out all this information about him. If he were in any danger from the other, he probably wouldn’t have gotten flowers or been taken out to dinner anyway.
“Oh, yeah! When I was little I actually wanted to be an astronaut, but due to health reasons, that’s unfortunately not possible anymore. So instead, I decided to combine my mechanical engineering knowledge with my love for space. This way, I might still be able to land a job at NASA.”
Jason ponders over the possibility of sneaking Danny onto the watchtower.
They get interrupted by a waiter approaching their table, nervously asking if they’d like to order dessert.
“Oh, I’ll have some cannoli please!” Danny says.
Ah, a man after his own heart.
When they get to the observatory, Jason already notices Danny’s excitement growing the closer they get.
He managed to rent the place out for tonight, not having been in the mood for a tour or something. Besides, if he really wanted to know more about the stars, he’s pretty sure his date Danny’s got that covered for him.
“Over there you can see Ursa Major and Ursa Minor! They’re also known as The Big and Little Dipper, and are some of the easiest constellations to spot, mainly due to their pan shape. Though, the Big Dipper isn't the entire constellation, but actually only a part of Ursa Major, just the tail.”
Danny had started to tell him about the different constellations they should be able to see at this time of the year, using the telescope to navigate towards them and then letting Jason take a look while he tells him all about what they’re looking at.
“Oh! And there’s Hydra! While some parts of the constellation are visible for about half of the year, around this time of year the full constellation should be visible! It is both the largest and longest constellation.”
Danny seems to be practically glowing.
Wait, scratch that. Danny is glowing.
Jason takes a good look at Danny while he’s rambling. Not only does he seem to be emitting a soft glow, but his hair is also slowly starting to float as if he’s underwater. It looks like his meta powers are probably acting up.
Moreover, his freckles, which were very faint before, are now glowing a bright and familiar Lazarus green, which Jason finds mildly concerning. But also… kinda cute…
He tenses a little, keeping a wary eye on Danny, before slowly relaxing as he notices Danny is still excitedly going on about the Hydra constellation.
“Did you know Hydra is also often referred to as The Water Snake? The naming is based on the myth where a crow served Apollo a cup of water with a hydra snake in it. Apollo then caught the crow and was so enraged that he threw the cup and the snake into the sky.”
Yeah, no matter the connection Danny might have to the Lazarus Pits. There’s no need to worry about this fucking nerd, Jason notes with a small hint of fondness.
At the end of their little observatory tour, the glow around Danny starts to dim and his hair stops floating. The glowing of his freckles has also started to disappear, though he is still beaming.
Well, he’d call that a successful first date.
After their date, Jason brings Danny back to his apartment on his motorcycle. Once they’ve arrived and Danny is about to leave, Jason blurts something out.
“Oh wait! Before you go…”
Danny looks at him questioningly.
“Can I have your number?” he quickly asks, glad that his helmet is obscuring his reddened face.
He watches the way Danny lights up, his cheeks dusted light pink.
“Ah, uh. Sure!” the space nerd stammers.
Jason takes out a pen that he totally hadn’t taken with him just for this occasion and hands it over. Danny takes the pen and pauses, looking Jason in his Red Hood outfit over, before taking a gentle hold of Jason’s hand.
He glances up at Jason with a questioning glance, asking if he’s okay with this. Jason gives him a nod, that he really hopes doesn’t come over as too eager, in return.
Either way, it seems to be enough for Danny, who then proceeds to move down Jason’s glove a bit and write down his number on Jason’s hand.
Once he’s done, he puts the glove back in place and hands the pen back. Danny’s face is red and he’s grinning. Cute… Jason stays silent, not trusting his voice, and nods in thanks.
“So, I’ll uh see you… next time?” He asks, hope lacing his voice.
Again, Jason just nods in response.
“Great! Cool cool cool. Uh, yeah, uh Toodaloo Kangaroo?” He ends his statement with an awkward grin and finger guns, stumbling when he tries to walk backward.
Fuck me.
He watches as Danny rubs the back of his neck sheepishly before waving him goodbye and turning around, making his way into the apartment complex.
Jason keeps his eyes on Danny as he watches him disappear into the building before tugging off his glove and lowering his gaze to the phone number scrawled on his hand.
He swallows as he realizes that oh, he’s in deep.
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lightwing-s · 10 months
15 and 18 with Jason?
It was one of those rare nights when the Red Hood didn’t come out, and in his place, boyfriend!Jason would take over.
Tonight, he had planned a whole date at a fancy restaurant, much to your surprise, as you rarely went on those, preferring much more a chill family thing to an over expensive, overcrowded and overrated four to five stars option.
Dressed to the nines, Jason almost gave up his plan entirely when you opened your apartment door to greet him, the high slit on the skirt of your black chiffon an invitation to dirtier, unholy thoughts. He kissed the back of your hand, treating you like a proper lady. Opening doors and holding them until you passed, helping you down the stairs, and overall being the perfect gentlemen.
Until traffic decided to ruin everything.
A once in a lifetime thing, Jason chose car over bike, and now you sat on the road, nearing the second hour in a dragged out traffic jam. Tapping the steering wheel incessantly, your boyfriend checked his designer watch, an accessory you’d never seen him wear before, for what seemed to be the hundredth time.
“... in Gotham City, home to rich history, an exciting art scene, excellent education…” chimed the lady on the radio.
“Oh yeah. Nothing to complain here.” your boyfriend mumbled, the gold ring on his pinky finger becoming a stress relief toy between his teeth.
“Oh, babe,” you sang, taking his other hand and intertwining your fingers. “Don’t worry about it, we can still have fun.”
“But I-I had this all planned out, for months. This restaurant has this really long waiting list and I’ve been trying to get reserv…”
You cut his frustrated rambling, placing a chaste kiss on his plump pouty lips. Opening your eyes slowly, you met his, eyebrows low in a clear look of apology. “Don’t worry about it, Jay.”
After a long sigh, a smile finally returned to his face, a bit forced, the anger at the universe for ruining your date not gone from his head, but anything to make you happy.
“What about we just order pizza and eat in the car?” you offered, getting him grinning in amusement. “What? It’s a great idea.”
“I’m not saying anything.” he threw his hand up in defense. “A motorcycle would’ve clearly made it to that restaurant in less than an hour.”
Slapping his shoulder at his complaint, you giggle at his pouty self, kissing all over his face to make him feel better.
“Move on, you son of a bitch!” a man screamed from outside, followed by a honk and another curse, your heads turning to the side to catch the source of such foul words.
“Someone is impatient.” Jason stated, earning from you a raised eyebrow at his hypocrisy.
Continuous honking and swearing cursed the next couple of minutes in that car, causing both you and Jason to lose your patience. But it was one curse, one rotten, mean spirited sentence, that had your blood boiling, hand flying to open the car door and slap some sense into this man.
"Mark my words, this will not end cute." You said, one leg already halfway out the door.
In a quick, solid movement, one only a well trained vigilante could perform, Jason pulled you back in, closing the door on the way, the sound of lock swiftly following along. Seeing your angry face, he let off a laugh, holding your face between his hands and filling your face with kisses.
“Look who’s the grumpy one now.” he laughed, pinching your cheeks.
“He’s the one who’s being an asshole.” you complained, crossed your arms on your chest, something that only amused Jason even more, another breathy laugh slipping out of him.
“You're so cute.” he cooed, pecking the tip of your nose. 
Fumbling around with his suit pocket, he takes out his phone, handing it to you still locked. “Here, call the pizza place. We ain’t leaving here any time soon.”
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hotgirlgraps · 9 months
tyler surprises you with a spur of the moment night under the stars
The restaurant was packed when the two of you arrived, and even though it was nearly thirty degrees, you requested a table outside.
Tyler thought it was because there were too many people, he suggested that you two go somewhere a little less crowded, but he quickly realized the reason why you didn’t want to be in the restaurant once the two of you took a seat at your table.
He watched with an amused grin as you stared up at the sky. All the stars blanketing it was a rare sight in the midst of the city. He paid attention to the way your eyes lingered from one corner of the large sky to the next, just admiring all the little diamonds dancing above you.
“Hey” He whispers as he places his hand over yours. “Let’s take our food to go.”
You looked back at him confused, but he only closed the menu and waited for the waiter to come back.
“Why do you wanna leave so early? We just got here.”
“I thought of another place we can go.” He grins.
“It’s not gonna sound appealing if I tell you. Just trust me, okay?”
You still had questions of course, but you kept them to yourself and trusted the little gleam dancing in his eye instead.
Not long after, you found yourselves driving down a long, seemingly never ending road. The food you didn’t get to eat was sitting in your lap and by now you figured it would be as cold as it is outside.
“Where are we Tyler?” You asked as you looked out the window. All that passed you by were bundles of trees and the occasional random Dollar General.
“Middle of nowhere.” He smirks as he continues down the long road.
“I can see that.” You say. “Now my question is, why are we out in the middle of nowhere? This is how people get killed in the movies. You know that, right?”
He chuckled at your rambling and took your hand, keeping his eyes on the road as he placed a kiss to the back of it.
“Calm down mamas, nobody ever goes out here. I’m pretty sure we’re the only people for miles. Even a crazy killer wouldn’t wanna come this far out.”
“You’re definitely not helping my paranoia right now.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. A few moments later, he turns down a thin driveway. There’s a sign that says no trespassing in bold letters, and you turned to look at him when he drove right by it.
“I saw the sign.” He smirks before even having to hear you say something about it.
“Well then why are you still going?” You asked.
He ignored that and pulled into the middle of an open field. You looked around, couldn’t see much thanks to it being pitch dark outside.
When you looked back at him, he had his hand out waiting for you to take it. He placed another kiss to the top of it before he slid out the car and walked around to your door.
“What are we doing out here?” You asked for what felt like the tenth time in an hour. Despite the questions you still took his hand and let him lead you to the hood of his car.
He sat on it and patted the space next to him, and once you sat beside him, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and guided you to lean back against the windshield.
“I thought you’d like this view even better.” He says, and then it all finally clicks with you. Looking up at the stars, it seemed like there were possibly an extra thousand of them than before. Some shining bright amongst the rest and others clustered together all around each other.
You felt your heart melt, and looked up at Tyler staring up at the night sky with a content smile.
He glanced down at you, his lips tipping up in a soft smile as he rubbed his thumb over your shoulder.
“I remember when you told me a long, long time ago that nobody ever wanted to sit out under the stars with you before” He says as he brings his eyes back to the sky.
“Yeah, you were the first person who ever did.” You smile fondly at the memory. It was so long ago, but still undoubtedly one of your favorite times with him.
“Yeah, and I also remember something else.”
“What?” You asked, and watched as he points over towards the left where there’s one star in particular shining bright amongst the others.
“That” He says before he looks down at you. You kept your eyes on that specific star, a smile slipping upon your lips when you remembered the two of you claiming it as your star.
“Anywhere we are in the world-“ he whispers.
“All we have to do is look up at that star, and know that it’s always ours” You whispered back, looking up at him with a tearful gaze.
He nods, his smile slowly slipping when the lighthearted moment morphs into something so much more.
His hand cups your cheek, his thumb grazes over the one single tear that you hoped would be discreet enough that he wouldn’t notice it.
“Why are you crying?” He asks, his eyes scanning each inch of your face out of pure concern, until you couldn’t help but laugh and shake your head.
Confusion washed over his face, rightfully so considering you seemed to be going through thirty emotions in thirty seconds, but you wrapped your hand around his wrist and leaned into his touch right after.
“I just love you.” You admitted, not for the first time but you know you meant it different this time. Every day you love him, but tonight that love had gotten deeper, even though you didn’t think that was even possible.
“You’re crying because you love me?” An unsure look in his eye gets paired with a slow smile.
“Yeah” You nodded. “I’m just, I’m really thankful for you Tyler. I know I don’t say it enough, but I love you and I don’t know what I would do without you.”
His crooked smile melted away and a wide, gratuitous one took its place. His thumb stroked your cheek once more before he said, “I love you, and I’m gonna love you til that star falls out of the sky.”
“You do know that happens sometimes, right?” You chuckle.
“Yeah, I guess I didn’t think that through all the way.” He shook his head before he leaned in and placed a tender, gentle kiss to your lips.
Pulling back, he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes driving so deeply into your own, until he couldn’t help but let them linger down to your lips once more.
“I’m gonna love you until all the stars fall out of the sky.” He says with a boyish grin. “I’m gonna love you forever, y/n. forever and after.” He whispers against your lips before he locks them together again.
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lixiesfreckless · 10 months
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Burn It | l. m.
the last installment to Punch It, a fic from the PICU
➸ synopsis: The Golden Tire Cup semifinals is today, and Minho has the opportunity to get the Wolfgang Street Racing club to the finals for the first time in four years.
Hopefully with you by his side, he'll be able to make it into the top two.
➸ starring: lee minho x female reader(ft. idols from jypnation, smtown, hybe, kq, everywhere, I went a bit crazy)
➸ word count: 3.6k words
➸ general content: streetracer!minho, very very dangerous street racing(do not attempt to do any of this, no matter how tempting it may be), a stupid amount of cameos, one somewhat misogynistic background character, gearhead culture
➸ warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing, a mild car wreck
➸ rating: teen+
➸ author's note: this is(should be) the final official installment to the picu! imagine punch it, floor it, and burn it as one continuous timeline, with the ending being this chapter. do I have a favorite? no, not after writing this chapter.
♫ this fic has a soundtrack! you don't need to listen to it while reading(especially if the lyrics will bother you), but it's a street racing tournament for crying out loud. do yourself a favor and listen to these epic vibes.
yes, it's meant to be listened to in that order(starting from Deja Vu). shuffling it will result in Minho cramming you into an air fryer for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
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♫- Deja Vu
You feel the refreshing spray of hose water on your bare back, soaking your black bikini top for the fourth time this evening. 
Whipping around, you find Minho rinsing off the back of his car, free hand stuffed into his pocket as he whistles and avoids eye contact.
He’s hit with a soapy sponge, square on the back of his black shirt.
“Hey!” He ditches the hose, deciding to pause washing the vehicle in favor of chasing you around the bumper.
The Wolfgang racing club had gathered at Changbin’s house for the annual Golden-Tire-Cup-and-car-show-preparation-party, detailing and fixing cars as needed before it’s time for the race, which takes place in the California desert shortly after sundown. Members were littered across the lawn and garage, replacing rims, tightening brakes, and avoiding Minho, who had taken a liking to spraying anyone that came close to his ride.
“Yo Min, I love what you did with the brakes!” Jisung points and yells to him, twirling and fumbling a ratchet wrench as he runs into the garage, kneeling to meet Seungmin who slides out from under someone’s car on a skateboard.
“What did you do to them?” You ask, cocking your head to the side and crossing your arms.
“Oh, I painted them red to match,” he says nonchalantly, the only sign of something strange being the pink dusting his cheeks.
“Match…match what? There’s no red on your car-”
No, but your whole car is red.
A slow smile spreads across your face as you walk around the hood of the car, and Minho only looks up at you right before you lean in and plant a kiss on his cheek. He smiles as you step back, sighing and admiring your teamwork.
The 1993 Toyota MR2 glistens in the late afternoon sun, not a single scratch or scuff mark streaking the ebony shell. Minho doesn’t think the car has been this clean since he first got the keys.
“You nervous at all?”
“Me? Nervous?” He scoffs and waves you off, and then worry creases his features as he drops the act. “...a little. We haven’t made it this far in years.”
“Yeah, but…” you say, pulling him in to wrap your arms around his half-soaked waist, “for the best racer in the city, I think it’s manageable.”
“Laying it on thick, are we?”
“Better take advantage of it while you can,” you giggle, and he rolls his eyes before leaning down.
Suddenly, a set of loud engines cut into the air as they fly around the block corner, cars rumbling and thundering as they slow down and approach Changbin’s house. A modified black vintage Mustang jerks to a stop in the driveway, and then the door flies open, a slender man with long skunk-stripe hair stepping out onto the hot pavement. A leather jacket with the word Guerillaz across the back sits draped on his shoulders as he closes the car door behind him, and other men start leaving their respective cars.
“Whoa whoa whoa, what did I miss?” The man says, tilting down his sunglasses and smirking at the two of you, still holding each other. You take the hose from Minho and aim it at him, spraying a stream of water and sending him into a fit of shrieks as he holds up his team jacket as a shield.
“Look what the scaredy cat dragged in,” Changbin taunts from the garage, before ditching his work gloves and crossing the lawn to meet the unexpected intruder.
Wooyoung catches Changbin in a hug, elated to see his old teammate after so long.
He used to be a part of the Wolfgang racing club before he moved up the coast to Sacramento– but since he couldn’t keep his hands away from the wheel, he ended up making his own club, one that ended up driving back down to team with Wolfgang to win the Kingdom Cup a year later.
They only come back down twice a year; once for the Christmas car show, and again in the summer for the Golden Tire Cup Championship. 
Wooyoung lets go of him, nodding towards Minho as he takes off his sunglasses.
“Semifinals, huh?” He says, looking at him in awe. “You must have gotten a lot better since I last saw you.”
“My teacher was alright,” he sighs and shrugs, and you spray his face and walk off, leaving him dripping wet in favor of going to find Yeji.
“Now that, I did not see coming,” San whispers, dapping up Hyunjin as he approaches the latter’s Supra, now painted red to match his hair. “The last time I saw them, they hated each other.”
“Wouldn’t you feel the same way if you met your match?” Ryujin pipes up from the ground, tightening the nut on a wheel. “They both thought they were the best before Minho won Changbin’s car.”
“Minho did what?” He asks, eyes turning to saucers.
“Dude, let me tell you about what happened last summer…”
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧ ♫- Hall of Fame ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
Night is falling in the desert, but it’s never looked more awake.
Rows upon rows of cars line up on the dry earth, and photographers and gearheads alike gawk at the automobiles, snapping endless amounts of pictures and videos with their devices. 
Further down the track a stage is set up, with some DJ working a growing crowd as they sip on whatever they can get their hands on.
You’re at the edge of the car show with Yeji, helping her ward off condescending men with boring car questions. Surely they must know that car enthusiasts don’t all have to be male.
Another one saunters up to the two of you, sizing you up with a stare that lingers just a little too long at your exposed midriff.
“And this is your car?” he asks, and in favor of keeping your team from being disqualified, you keep your arms folded tight against your chest.
“Yes, it’s-” Yeji stops you with a raised hand, looking up from inspecting her manicure and staring him dead in the eyes.
“It’s my 608 horsepower V8 engine 2015 Porsche 918 Spyder, why do you ask?” She asks sweetly, smiling and batting her eyelashes at him. He narrows his eyes and reluctantly walks away, realizing this wasn’t a fight he could win.
“Nice one,” you chuckle, right as your phone rings in your team jacket. You check the time and answer it, noting that it’s just after 8 pm before speaking.
“Your boyfriend says to ‘get your ass over here’. The race is about to start,” Lia says, half drowned out by the crowd you’re sure is swarming there by now. You look at Yeji, who waves you off with a shake of her head.
“I think I can fend for myself,” she whispers, and you nod in response.
“I’ll be there in two minutes.”
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
You hear bets being made and taunts being thrown as you push your way through the crowd, making your way to the start of the track. Four cars of different makes, models, and colors sit at the starting line, with members of their respective teams standing near each one, buzzing with anticipation.
After showing the back of your jacket you get let onto the track, where at least half of your gang circles Minho, giving him some last words of advice and encouragement.
“Remember, the gas is on the right and the brakes are on the left,” Felix jokes.
“Oh oh, and your seatbelt,” Jeongin joins in, egging him on, “don’t wanna break the law, now do we?”
“Alright alright, knock it off you two,” Changbin laughs, then looks to the team’s resident mechanic.
Chan is silent for a moment, then puts a hand on Minho’s shoulder.
“You’ve got this,” he says quietly, and the team nods in agreement. “Be safe.”
You push your way into the circle, and Chan smiles at you before gesturing to everyone else.
“Let’s give them some space, yeah?” he says, and the group disperses, wishing safety and slapping Minho on the back before exiting the track.
The man of the hour turns to you as you step up to him, the shouts of the crowd fading into the background as you meet his eyes.
“How are you doing,” you whisper, flicking some sand off of his team jacket. He looks out at the crowd, drawing in a deep breath before looking down at you again.
“I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“Of losing,” he admits, running a hand through his black locks. “I don’t want to let everyone down, we’ve come so far-”
“Because of you, Minho,” you interrupt, pushing a pointed finger against his chest. “We only got this far because of you. We’ll be proud no matter what trophy you take home.”
The creases in his forehead ease at your words, and you take his gloved hand into yours.
“You’re not here to be the best; we already know you are,” you remind him, smiling. “You’re here to have fun. Winning would just be a nice bonus.”
“Oh yeah? And what happens if I win?” He grins, pulling your hand a bit closer as you chuckle at his forwardness.
“I can think of a couple things-”
The voice of the announcer booms over the speakers as a tall man with a silver microphone enters the track. You quickly leave a kiss against Minho’s cheek, then lean over to his ear.
“Come back to me in one piece,” you whisper, then squeeze his hand and run off the track. 
The crowd erupts into cheers as each racer stands in front of their car, awaiting their introduction.
A guy with curly brown hair waves at the crowd, blowing kisses and causing several girls pushed up against the barricade to faint.
A Japanese chick with sick looking sunglasses does a small curtsy, and you scream along with the crowd, always excited to see other women excited about racing.
A guy with snow white hair spells out his team’s acronym with his hands before waving, and you can hear his team start chanting from down the track.
You and the gang howl as loud as you can as Minho turns around and points to his back, showing off the detailed wolf design on the back of his team leather jacket.
The four racers shake hands with each other before each getting into their cars, waving one last time at the crowd before shutting the doors.
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧ ♫- Turn Back Time ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
If Minho really thinks about it, all races are the same.
The announcer had gone over the rules, and despite this not being his first race by a long shot, he assumes that anyone would have been able to guess them.
Three laps around the track.
No shortcuts.
Start at the sound of the gun.
Unlike NASCAR, foul play technically is allowed, but none of the teams that made it to the semifinals made it by playing dirty. It felt too much like cheating. That, and no one wanted to scratch their nice cars for a trophy if they didn’t have to.
Minho grips the wheel and closes his eyes as a girl wearing next to nothing struts out to the middle of the track, holding an air gun in her gloved hand.
Slowly, the sounds of the crowd roaring and his opponents cheekily revving their engines fade into the background, the world around him becoming more still as he goes to his happy place.
He opens his eyes again and he’s back, back in the passenger seat with you holding the steering wheel.
“What are you waiting for?” you say, giving him an annoyed side eye.
“Aren’t you going to tell me when to go?” 
“Okay, go.”
Minho breaks out of his reverie and floors it, the racers doing the same as the crowd screams in delight.
“AND THEY’RE OFF!” The announcer booms, standing in a tower on the other side of the starting line as a black haired girl next to him waves a giant checkered flag. The cars zoom forward, getting smaller and smaller as they tear down the track. A tiny drone follows them, becoming a tiny red light flashing in the distance.
Minho grins, falling into the rhythm of upshifting like it’s an old song he loves.
The P1ECE’s car takes the lead, narrowly cutting corners while NCT’s car stays hot on its trail, not letting it get a lead. The Wolfgang’s car gives them their space as Blue Flame’s car stays next to it, hugging the inside of every curve. 
One lap down, and Minho is cruising in third place as the cars zip past the finish line.
Silently, you say a prayer as the cars disappear from view, the crowd going insane around you and your gang.
Inside the car, Minho is having a ball, treating the desert track as his own personal time trial as he and the others burn rubber, trading places around every turn. 
He lets Kazuha’s car pass him as he eases up on the gas, enough to let her gain a small lead.
“What is he doing?!” An angry man yells, gripping onto the barrier as the cars fly past the start again, signaling the final lap. You assume he has money on the line as you smirk, knowing Minho’s real strategy.
The crowd becomes uncontrollable as they hear the announcer, seeing a small cloud of smoke go up from the edge of the track as Minho drifts around the first turn, not slowing down.
“That’s my boyfriend!” You point and scream, barely keeping yourself behind the barrier.
Minho spins the wheel left and right, howling inside of his car as it slides around every curve, leaving a smoky trail behind it. Threatened, the other racers speed up, attempting to widen the gap between him and them, but he’s gaining ground way too quickly.
He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face if he wanted to. He’s having too much fun.
He hardly realizes there’s only thirty seconds left between him and the GT Cup Finale.
And then, on the final turn, the unthinkable happens.
Jeno’s car pulls away as something under Kazuha’s car explodes, and then starts smoking.
Minho watches as her car drifts into Intak’s, making them both turn sideways and start to block the inside of the turn. 
Heart dropping, he realizes he won’t be able to clear the turn.
“Are you not going to slow down?!” He yells, frightened at the calmness in your voice.
“Why would I do that-”
“To keep us ALIVE?!” He screams, grabbing onto the middle console. “Because that’s how you handle turns?!”
“This is how you handle a turn,” Minho whispers, and then taps on the break and spins his steering wheel to the right.
Up ahead, you feel yourself going lightheaded as you see the smoke start to build, blocking the rest of the track from view. Only the neon green NCT car was visible, blazing towards the finish line.
Next to you, Hyunjin goes pale, and you grip onto his arm, more to steady yourself than to comfort him as the crowd collectively holds their breath.
And then, the crowd explodes into cheers.
Minho flies around the corner, tires skidding against the ground while the car drifts before he steps on the gas again, emerging from the smoke. You scream, nearly shaking Hyunjin to death as you grip onto his jacket and watch the MR2 draw near to the finish line.
The girl next to the announcer wildly waves her checkered flag as the NCT car crosses the finish line, followed two seconds later by the Wolfgang car, before they both screech to a halt.
Minho throws the door open, nearly tripping over himself as he strains to see down the other end of the track, followed by Jeno.
A hush falls over the crowd as they wait in near silence, hoping to see anything other than smoke emerging from the two cars that fell behind.
In the red haze from their tail lights, one figure emerges.
Kazuha’s thumb shoots up from her body, carried in Intak’s arms as he walks them both towards the starting line.
“THEY’RE OKAY!” The announcer cheers, nearly dropping his binoculars as the crowd joins him.
Relieved, Minho's eyes search for yours before locking on them, barely having any time to react as you sprint across the track, and subsequently crash into him. The rest of the gang hops the barrier, whooping and hollering as they celebrate their finalist.
“I knew it, I knew you could do it,” you nearly sob, clutching onto his jacket.
“You saved my life,” he shudders, holding your shoulders tightly. “I would have crashed into them if you never taught me to drift.”
You don’t hesitate; you can’t. You throw your arms around his neck, pulling him in for the kiss he should have gotten before the race.
The crowd screams as he picks you up and spins the two of you, not caring one bit about who’s looking as he returns your embrace in earnest, smiling against your lips.
“GET A ROOM, WILL YOU?” The announcer laughs, walking up to the two of you and dragging Jeno with him. Minho chuckles and puts you down, and you catch a glimpse of the announcer’s mic, spelling Soobin in sparkly silver letters.
Soobin takes Minho’s arm and raises it along with Jeno’s, and the crowd goes wild.
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧ ♫- Be Free ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
slowlee: come to the kitchen rq
You read the text and swipe away the notification, slipping the phone back into your jacket pocket.
“Glad to hear that no one got seriously injured,” the man you were talking to says, stepping back onto his motorbike. “Typically for people like us, crashes end up being way less epic.”
“Well I'm glad you haven't gotten into any,” you jest, waving to him and his crew before they roll off the driveway, their silver hexagonal logos glinting off their jackets in the moonlight.
You turn and walk back up to Changbin’s house, alive and overflowing with guests as the afterparty is in full swing.
Making your way through the crowded house, you dap up Hongjoong and a tipsy Mingi, do a shot with Chaeryeong and Yuna, and slide into the kitchen right as Minho picks up a brown bottle, instantly meeting your gaze.
“EVERYONE!” Minho yells, pouring a shot of whiskey into his cup before pulling you to his side. You try and fail to keep a grin from landing on your face.
“I’d like to make a toast,” he announces, surveying the room of members and supporters turning to face him and grinning. “To this team, for making it to the finals after four years!”
Whoops and whistles fly around the room.
“To Changbin, for helping me keep his old car in top condition so I don’t die on the road!”
A crazy sounding laugh comes from the man holding baby Chun Ja, complete with a mini racer jacket and red binkie.
“And to the rightful owner of his car,” he lowers his voice, face softening as he looks down at you.
“Minho,” you whisper, eyes widening as you stare up at him in shock.
“I want them to know,” he whispers back, hand squeezing your waist.
“For beating my ass by seven seconds in our duel last year,” he continues, and you watch as several members around the room blink and look at each other in confusion. Yeji and Hyunjin’s eyebrows shoot up simultaneously, and your best friend’s eyes meet yours, equally shocked. “And teaching me that there’s no point in being the best, if you’re not having fun with it.”
The room erupts into cheers as Minho raises his solo cup, and everyone follows suit, cups rising all around the kitchen. “Next stop, the Golden Tire Cup Finals!”
“Shit, I’ll drink to that,” Wooyoung laughs, before everyone throws their shots back.
As the party quickly resumes, you’re swarmed by some of the girls in the gang, bombarded with questions about the legendary duel that decided the fate of the club’s leader. Amongst the chaos, you lock eyes with Minho, who’s getting slapped on the back by Hyunjin while some other members tease him.
He mouths three words to you, and you swear you feel your whole soul light on fire.
You giggle, flaming red as you mouth them back.
I love you too.
After all, you should have known that after acquiring your heart, there’s only one thing he could do.
Burn it.
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
Burn It
a lixiesfreckles_ production
cast(in order of appearance)
Lee Minho as the finalist
Han Jisung as the baby mechanic
Kim Seungmin as the only one working
Jung Wooyoung as the old teammate
Seo Changbin as the host
Choi San as the one that's figuratively late to the party
Hwang Hyunjin as the drama
Shin Ryujin as the pit crew
Hwang Yeji as the one who knows her shit
Lia as the messenger
Lee Felix as thing 1
Yang Jeongin as thing 2
Bang Chan as the experienced mechanic
Choi Soobin as the mc
Hwang Intak as the heartthrob hero
Nakamura Kazuha as the victim
Lee Jeno as the neo one
Kim Hongjoong as the designated driver
Song Mingi as the passenger princess
Lee Chaeryeong as party girl 1
Shin Yuna as party girl 2
dedicated to everyone who read Punch It and demanded a book afterwards. it's never gonna happen, but the flattery stayed with me.
do not copy or repost. all rights reserved.
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lullabyes22-blog · 10 months
Snippet - Fairytales - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Jinx soliloquizes.
Or philosophizes.
Or something.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
"Perfect," she mutters. "That's what he says."
Except it's not about her. Well, yeah. It is about her. But it's really about Silco. His hopeless, relentless, bottomless thirst to win. To prove the world wrong. To show them all. He's always been the man with the big plan, and the empty pockets. He's come up the hard way, only to have Topside's snobs laugh him off the block. He's never been enough, never had enough, and the fierceness of it, that low-down burning grudge in the pit of his gut, has fed him like nothing else.
It's become his sustenance. His lifeblood. The heart of Zaun's revolution.
Jinx knows Silco's story. She was there for every page.
Same way she knows Vi's story. The girl with too much on her shoulders, who carried her burdens till they broke her, and left her better self to rot in a cell. Same way she knows Vander's story, the man who gave too much, and lost too many. Same way she knows Claggor's story, and Mylo's, and all the rest whose deaths were as quick as their lives were short.
And Ekko, who's still alive. Alive and kicking.
And that, Jinx thinks, is the kicker.
The Boy Savior's lost his way. And—boo hoo—it's all because of her. She's the one who let the Big Bad Wolf inside their home. And with a huff and a puff, he blew their world down. Never mind that it was made of sticks, and sticks are for burning. Never mind that Little Blue Riding Hood was only playing with matches, and the world had been waiting, hungry, to go up in smoke. Never mind that, if she hadn't gone a-knocking, the Big Bad Wolf would have, and the whole place would have burned anyway.
Silco was always gonna get what he wanted, come hell or high water. And in the end, hell won, and the high waters rose, and they all drowned. Burned.
Jinx nearly laughs, but stops. It tastes too stoppered-up with salt, and she's not here to cry. Since the Deadlands, she doesn't have a single tear left for them.
Not a single drop.
"In fairytales," she tells Billy, "tears are magic."
Billy's head tilts, listening. He understands nothing. But he's a good listener.
"But fairytales—they're all warnings, see? Tales of what happens when girls do bad things. Like not listening when your big sister says 'Stay at home.' Like not running when the brave boy says 'Come with me.' Like not screaming when the wolf opens his big, bloody maw, and says, 'Dinnertime.'" A clammy shiver flutters over her skin. "You're not supposed to get happy endings when you break the rules. You're supposed to die. Just like the monsters."
Because that's what bad girls are. Monsters in marzipan shells. Hungry to break out; born to be slain. That's the way fairytales work, too. If you're a good girl, you get a happy ending. If you're a bad girl, you get a dead end. 
There's no other way, and if there was, someone would've written it by now.
But this is Zaun. And no one writes fairytales here. The story's lived, not written. It's passed down from generation to generation. Mother to son. Father to daughter. Sister to sister. That's why Jinx knows Silco's story. Why she knows Vi's, and Vander's. And every story she's ever heard, true or not.
That's how the city lives. How it survives. Through living and suffering and dying, and having others remember, so there's always someone to tell the tale.
To never forget.
Jinx, though? Jinx has already died. Died, and come back. Destroyed, beheaded, cried; destroyed, deadheaded, survived. A phoenix, Silco calls her. Born the bones of her enemies, and destined to rule over a city reborn. 
That's pure Silly talk, though. Him and his Silcoisms. He could fill a whole book. A heavy tome, penned by the man himself. She'd read it, cover to cover. Hell, maybe she'd have a starring role!
The Blue Herring. The Chekhov's Loaded Gun. The Unjinxed Jinx.
She nods. "Yeah. I'd be in Silly's book."
Billy chirps. He's a curious little thing. He'd make a great detective, if he was less bird-brained.
"I'd be the heroine. Well—the anti-heroine. One of those film noir dames. The—the—" She snaps her fingers. "—the femme fatale. Yeah. Silco loooooves a good femme fatale. Says they're the ones who write history. With their wiles and wits and weapons hidden in naughty places. And they've got a whole lotta naughty places." She tips Billy a wink. "Get it?"
Billy's beady eye slits. The little prude.
"I'd be his muse," she goes on, "and he'd name a cocktail after me. A strong drink, with a bite. And he'd call it: Blue Lightning. Or maybe Pink Suckerpunch. Or, no, no! Jinx. Just Jinx." She giggles, and Billy squawks in scandal. "And he'd tell the bartender: A tall cool Jinx, Chuck, with a cherry on top. And he'd sip, and make a solo toast, and say: Here's to lookin' at you, kid. And I'd be a portrait on his wall. A big one. I'd be in a slinky gown. Something glammed-up and glittery. And my hair, all curled. And my face, all made up." She sweeps her short hair up over her head in mimicry of a lush chignon, sucking in her cheeks and pouting her lips. "And then there'd be a flashback. And the room would go smoky, and full of music, and there'd be a spotlight shining down on me. And I'd have a cigarette in one hand, and a gun in the other. And then I'd turn around, and shoot the cameraman."
She doubles over with laughter. Billy is less impressed.
Crows are many things. Comedians, they ain't.
"That'd be the last shot. Of the film. Get it? Because I'd shoot him!" Wiping her eyes, she grins. "The femme fatale with firepower. That's me. Waaaay better than a fairytale. Silco says so, too. He says the femmes Haunt the narrative. That's one of his words, too. Narrative. It's all about how you tell the story. Who gets to tell it, and what they've got to say." She juts her chin at Piltover's skyline, all glitz and glory. "Topside's stories? They're all the same." Her tone deepens: the bombast of a newsreel narrator. "'Piltover! Home to the Hexgates, the marvel of the century. An endless horizon of progress.'" She blows a raspberry. "Blah, blah, blah. Their story's just: Look how shiny we are. And how rich. And how pretty. What? That dark sooty hole down there? It's just the dirt. Ignore it. It's not real."
And just like that, the anger comes, bubbling up like lava. Her jaw grits.
"Their stories aren't real. They're lies. As hollow as their hearts. Hollow as fairytales. And fairytales, they're only stories for kids. Keep 'em soft, and sweet, and dumb. The real stories—the hard truth—they're down here. In Zaun. We're the city of dreams. Not Piltover. Because we know what it takes to make our dreams come true."
Not a wish upon a star. A fist to the jaw, and a knife in the back, and a graveyard's worth of corpses.
Vi couldn't see that. She took one look at Zaun's acid-green skies and thought, Who would want to live here? And that's all it took for her to turn her back. She chose Piltover, where her fists have no place, and her spine is a straight arrow, and her voice is a muted murmur. Where her story is:  Yes ma'am. No sir. I'm a good girl. I know my place.
She'd rather have a boot on her neck than live free.  Rather make kissy-kissy with a Piltie princess than fight for what's hers. What's theirs. What's all of Zaun's.
The place Jinx was born to defend.
And Ekko?
He's a turncoat, too. Just a different stripe. Like Vi, he fell for the fairytales. Instead of fighting, he flew off to Neverland. No Boy Savior, but a regular Peter Pan. He saw a little girl, and thought: Save her. He saw the Big Bad Wolf, and thought: Slay him. It never occurred to him that the Big Bad Wolf had a history, and a heart, just like hers. Never occurred to him that the little girl was a witch, a weapon, a walking timebomb.
Never occurred to him that maybe she liked being bad. Being blue.
Being Jinx.
"A gal's got a right to choose," Jinx tells Billy. "That's what Zaun's about."
Free will, not fairytales. No rules but the ones you break. No chains but the bling you flash. You can be anything. Be anybody. And if that means cutting a throat or two along the way, so be it. That's survival, baby.
Silco understands that. He understands her. He took Powder by the hand, and said: Your choices don't make you. You make your choices.  And: You, too, can change the world. And: You, too, can be more than you think
Be bigger. Better. Be the best.
Be my perfect girl.
Be Jinx.
Jinx knows Silco's story. And Silco knows Jinx's. Vi wrote the first chapter. But Silco's the one who rewrote the ending. Who gave her a new page, and a second chance.
A perfect beginning.
Jinx gusts a gloomy sigh.
"Perfect," she repeats, softer. "That's me."
She scritches Billy's skull. He thrums like a little engine.
"But sometimes I want to ask him..."
Her caress falters.
"Ask him..."
Billy opens his eyes. Red and black and déjà vu.
"I know," she whispers. "Stupid question. If I was just even a liiiiiittle less perfect: poof. It's curtains."
So: perfect.
Because Zaun needs her. Because she needs Zaun.
Because Silco needs both.
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icarus-suraki · 5 months
1, 7, and 9 for the movie ask!
It occurs to me that I could just answer Goncharov (1972) for all of these…
Movie Questions Ask Bait!
->what is your favorite film of all time? Very possibly Mad Max: Fury Road. That movie rewired my brain. That movie scraped the rust off my soul. That movie sneaked up behind me and stole my spine. And it was great.
I literally went to see it in the theater seven (7) times. Seven. If you dig back in my blog here to June 2015, you'll see that this place was full of Fury Road. Stills, gifs, music, meta, fic, shitposts, all of it. All of it.
Sidebar: I think my absolute love of Fury Road is what's keeping me from wanting to see the new Furiosa prequel: Fury Road didn't explain everything to death so we, the fandom, had a great time imagining explanations or making things up. We dissected that movie and we also left it alone. I don't want to know too much. I like that world being left a partial mystery. We, like Max, get thrown into it and we're both figuring out how it works as the story progresses. I love that.
I can't exactly explain why I love it so much. The colors, the action, the fight scenes, the music (holy shit the music), the characters, the weirdness, the story itself, the callbacks and parallels, the newness and the oldness of it (it really is a train robbery movie at its core), the sense (ultimately) of hope, the presences of women (old women even!) in action roles… Something about it, maybe everything about it, were just perfect for me at that time and in that place.
Yeah. Favorite movie ever.
->name a movie you’re emotionally attached to? There's so many ways I could take this. Positive attachment? Negative attachment? Very Strange Time in My Life attachment?
Like, I know I can never watch L'Illusionniste, Les Triplettes de Belleville, or Grave of the Fireflies again because I cried just too fucking hard at each of them, which I think is an emotional attachment.
Or I could say the Lord of the Rings movies (all of them). They came out when I was in college and a handful of us were counting down the days to the premiere, watching this miniscule clip of video taken by a fan from a train that showed a glimpse of the Minas Tirith set endlessly, gobbling up any news or leak or rumor about production on Livejournal, engaging in the fandom of that era (which was a whole thing in and of itself), even going to midnight local premiers. So while I'm not a huge fan of the movies, they certainly were a constant presence in my undergrad days.
Or it could be the other movies that rewired my brain: Mad Max: Fury Road (see above), Princess Mononoke (baby's first Studio Ghibli film in 1999 at the local art house theater), Star Wars (only episodes 4, 5, and 6 though; I kind of deny that any others exist), Kiki's Delivery Service (which I had on VHS in college and would watch when I was stressed and depressed because I love the city), Voices of a Distant Star (the concept really got me)…
Or it could be the kids' movies from my own childhood, you know? Robin Hood (1973) is very near and dear to my heart. And Panda and the Magic Serpent is what started me down the weaboo road way back when I was 6 years old.
There's so many possible answers here. But that's a few movies I have emotional attachments to. How's that?
->guilty pleasure movie? Do I have to? Okay, okay, okay: I like a good cheesy, gory giallo movie, red tempra paint blood and all. Spaghetti westerns are amazing with their half-understandings or misunderstandings of USAmerican history to the point that it becomes something different, something bigger and more epic (I love The Good, The Bad and the Ugly so much). Martial arts movies full of dramatic scenes and wire-fu are so much fun (and I get to practice my Mandarin or my Japanese). Gothic drama, especially from the 1990s, is great like the original IwtV, Crimson Peak, The Crow…
But I paid actual, real, hard-earned money for a (digital) copy of Bloodsport and it's so bad. It's so bad! But I love it--maybe as much for meta reasons as anything.
Like, the whole thing is based on this Canadian-American guy Frank Dux's memoirs about being trained in ninjutsu by a mysterious Senzo "Tiger" Tanaka (who probably didn't exist at all and has the same name as a character in You Only Live Twice) and then going on to compete in this international full-contact underground martial arts competition in Hong King (the "Kumite"). Oh and he was also in the military at the time, doing covert missions, so he had to go AWOL to fight in this competition of course. Which he does without being caught. And he keeps outsmarting the CID officers (one of whom is played by a young Forest Whitaker) when they chase him to Hong Kong, meanwhile picking up an April O'Neill-style beautiful American journalist ("reporter" because it's the 1980s).
The whole thing is so clearly ridiculous bullshit but it's marketed as being based on a true story because Frank Dux insisted his bullshit was true. And it was produced by Cannon Films, which is another can of worms entirely (I highly recommend the documentary Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films for more backstory on the company; it is bonkers). And did I mention that Frank Dux is played by Jean-Claude van Damme? And yes he does do the most epic of splits.
And the whole thing is simultaneously so deep in meta layers (self-proclaimed martial arts masters, which ties into Count Dante and the dojo wars, Frank Dux's amazing bullshit and stolen valor, Cannon Films) and yet so incredibly shallow at the same time.
There's minimal plot, zero depth to the characters, massively long flashback sequences, even longer training montages, a totally ridiculous amalgamation of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures into just "Asian Culture," the dubbing in some scenes is practically criminal, there's minimal exploration of the location (Hong fucking Kong!!!) outside of a chase and a throwaway scene about bad restaurant food, and even the fight scenes during the tournament aren't really all that great.
But the Kowloon Walled City gets some screentime (except that it's just a set sometimes). And there are tons of locally-hired extras and bit players, along with a slew of international actors and/or actual martial artists, even if a lot of them have been cast as nationalities other than their own???--like Bernard Mariano, who is Filipino by descent but was born in Hong Kong, had no martial arts experience but got scouted while he was working out, was cast as a "Middle Eastern" fighter named Hossein, but used his pay from the movie for university classes to go on to be an English teacher in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Jean-Claude van Damme is busy taking his shirt off and wearing super tight spandex underwear (he snaps them in one scene; you're welcome). Leah Ayres is a "reporter," which is really "journalist" and one of the few adventurous jobs acceptable for women in 1980s movies to have, who maybe lives in Hong Kong or maybe doesn't but she's super cute and deserves better than she got in the script; she's The Girl (Leah Ayres is now into pseudoscience). And Donald Gibb is playing this American bar brawler who somehow got invited to this elite fighting tournament and he looks like Kurt Russell in The Thing if he were still infected by the Thing and living out on the ice alone.
Like, I could just keep going. I love this shit. There is so little that's "good" in terms of filmmaking, scriptwriting, cinematography, anything in this movie and yet it entertains the fuck out of me.
Hence: guilty pleasure film.
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icrypop · 7 days
Pink Pony Club
Angel Dust/Anthony x Trans FtM reader Songfic
Warnings: Homophobia/Transphobia, talk of suicide,drugs, alcohol, overdoses.
Chappell Roan currently has my heart with this song and I immediately felt the pull of Angel Dust with it...sooo...I think this'll be so cute 🥰 trust that im working through thr few requests I've got left so feel free to request more fandoms <3
-Writer Icy♡
Y/n stared out of the window, watching the fields of Tennessee blur past, the early morning sun casting long shadows over the countryside. This town had never felt like home, not truly. Not since they realized who they were—a boy in a body that didn’t quite fit. That discomfort, that gnawing feeling, had always been there, just beneath the surface. But it wasn’t until they met Anthony that everything became clear. Anthony, with his loud laughter, confidence, and unapologetic flamboyance. His bright eyes like neon and his Italian accent that fit his face just right. They had met at a dive bar when Anthony had flown in from LA, all talk of dreams, lights, and big cities.
Y/n had never met anyone like him. Anthony made LA sound like paradise, and the way his eyes sparkled as he spoke about performing made something click inside of them
I know you wanted me to stay
But I can't ignore the crazy visions of me in LA
And I heard that there's a special place
Where boys and girls can all be queens every single day
"You ever thought about leaving this place?" Anthony had asked one night, the two of them sitting on the hood of Y/n’s car, the stars twinkling above them. Y/n had hesitated, then nodded.
"Every day."
"You got that fire, N/n. I see it in you." Anthony had said with a grin, his cigarette dangling from his lips. "You could be anything out there, you know? Come with me to LA. I perform at this club called the Pink Pony Club. It’s a place for people like us, people who don’t fit anywhere else."
Y/n had laughed, a bit incredulous. "You think I could perform? Like… on stage?"
"Hell yeah!" Anthony had punched them lightly in the arm. "I can already see it. We’d tear it up together."
I'm having wicked dreams
Of leaving Tennessee
Hear Santa Monica
I swear it's calling me
Won't make my mama proud
It's gonna cause a scene
She sees her baby girl
I know she's gonna scream
Leaving home had been a fight, though. Y/n's mother had found the plane ticket tucked away in their drawer.
"You’re not leaving," her voice was sharp, eyes wide with panic. "What do you think you’re doing, Y/n? Running off with that boy to God knows where?"
God, what have you done?
You're a pink pony girl
And you dance at the club
Oh mama, I'm just having fun
On the stage in my heels
It's where I belong down at the
Y/ had squared their shoulders, heart pounding but resolute. "I’m going to LA, Mom. I’m going to perform with Anthony at the Pink Pony Club."
"That’s not real life!" Her hands flew up in frustration, voice rising. "This isn’t who you are! You’re just confused, Y/n!"
"Confused?" Y/n's voice broke. "You don’t even know who I am! You’ve never listened, not once! I’m not confused—I’m finally figuring it out. I’m leaving."
Tears had welled up in their mother’s eyes, but Y/n had already turned away, grabbing their suitcase. The pain in their chest was sharp, but it was nothing compared to the suffocating life they would have if they stayed. They didn’t look back.
Pink Pony Club
I'm gonna keep on dancing at the
Pink Pony Club
I'm gonna keep on dancing down in
West Hollywood
I'm gonna keep on dancing at the
Pink Pony Club, Pink Pony Club
LA was everything Anthony had promised. The lights, the energy, the thrill of the stage—it was a world that Y/n had only ever dreamed about. Performing at the Pink Pony Club became their life, the rush of adrenaline from being on stage filling every void that had once been left empty.
The first night Y/n performed with Anthony, it felt like magic. The two of them danced together, the music pulsing through their veins, lights casting them in a warm, ethereal glow. Y/n had never felt so alive, so seen. On stage, in front of the world, they were exactly who they were meant to be.
I'm up and jaws are on the floor
Lovers in the bathroom and a line outside the door
Black lights and a mirrored disco ball
Every night's another reason why I left it all
As the months passed, the connection between Y/n and Anthony grew stronger. It started with stolen moments backstage, laughing about the wild characters they encountered at the club. It grew into late-night conversations about their dreams, their pasts, their shared pain of feeling like outsiders. Slowly, their friendship turned into something deeper. Something more.
I thank my wicked dreams
A year from Tennessee
Oh, Santa Monica
You've been too good to me
One night, after a particularly electric performance, Y/n found themselves sitting next to Anthony on the rooftop of their tiny apartment. The city stretched out below them, buzzing with life.
"You ever think about what it would be like if it all just stopped?" Anthony asked, staring out at the skyline.
Y/n frowned, glancing over. "What do you mean?"
Anthony shrugged, his usual bravado dimmed, his fingers absently tracing the rim of his drink. "You know, if all the lights went out. If it all just... ended."
Y/n's heart clenched. "Anthony, are you okay?"
Anthony looked at them, his expression softening. "I’m fine, toots. I just think too much sometimes."
Won't make my mama proud
It's gonna cause a scene
She sees her baby girl
I know she's gonna scream
But they knew better. There was a weight to Anthony that hadn’t been there before, and it scared them. With all the partying they did, drugs, drinking...everything had made them wonder…
God, what have you done?
You're a pink pony girl
And you dance at the club
Oh mama, I'm just having fun
On the stage in my heels
It's where I belong down at the
Pink Pony Club
I'm gonna keep on dancing at the
Pink Pony Club
I'm gonna keep on dancing down in
West Hollywood
I'm gonna keep on dancing at the
Pink Pony Club, Pink Pony Club
The overdose came suddenly, though, in hindsight, Y/n had seen the signs. The long nights, the pills that became more frequent, the way Anthony’s laughter started to sound hollow.  Y/n had tried to help, but they hadn’t known how. They weren’t enough to save him.
Anthony was gone.
Don't think I've left you all behind
Still love you and Tennessee
You're always on my mind
And mama, every Saturday
I can hear your southern drawl a thousand miles away, saying
The funeral was a blur of pain. Y/n’s world crumbled, and they found themselves back in Tennessee, standing at the doorstep of the home they had once fled. The fight with their mother was inevitable.
"I told you!" she had screamed, her face red with anger. "I told you this wasn’t real! And now look! Look where it’s gotten you! God what have you done?!"
God, what have you done
You're a pink pony girl
And you dance at the club
Oh mama, I'm just having fun
On the stage in my heels
It's where I belong down at the
Y/n had been too numb to argue, the guilt and grief sitting like a stone in their chest. They had felt like an outsider everywhere—LA, Tennessee, and now even in their own skin.
Pink Pony Club
I'm gonna keep on dancing at the
Pink Pony Club
It wasn’t long after that Jade found themselves in the same spiral. They continued preforming but they went harder everytime. Double the alcohol, double the drugs...double the pain. The pain of losing Anthony had been too much, the crushing weight of trying to survive without him too heavy to bear. It was easier to numb it all. To slip away.
And then one day, everything went dark.
When Y/n opened their eyes, they were in Hell. Landed hard on the front steps of some hotel where people were talking.
The irony wasn’t lost on them. Hell was loud, chaotic, filled with the type of characters that would have fit right in at the Pink Pony Club. But amidst the chaos, there was one face they never expected to see again.
I'm gonna keep on dancing down in
West Hollywood
I'm gonna keep on dancing at the
Pink Pony Club, Pink Pony Club
Except now, he wasn’t Anthony. He was Angel Dust, a larger-than-life version of the man Y/n had fallen in love with. It was shocking at first, seeing him again. Y/n’s breath had caught in their throat, their heart racing as Angel dust sauntered over, that familiar smirk on his lips.
"Toots? Is that really you?" Angel asked, voice teasing, but there was something soft in his eyes.
Y/n nodded, too overwhelmed to speak. They couldn’t believe it.
"Well, well," Angel grinned, "guess you really couldn’t stay away from me, huh?"
I'm gonna keep on dancing
And just like that, the years of pain, the grief, the loneliness melted away. They were back together, in Hell of all places, but it didn’t matter. They found a new club, one even better than the Pink Pony Club. The lights were brighter, the crowds wilder, and on stage together, it felt like they had never been apart.
I'm gonna keep on dancing
Y/n and Angel performed night after night, their love for each other rekindling, this time without the weight of the world dragging them down. The bad was still included...but it was dulled. It felt more at home at the end of the night. In Hell, they could be exactly who they were meant to be.
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imaginecolby · 2 years
my favorite t-shirt || c.b.
summary: on one of your first date with colby, he gives you a piece of him that you end up keeping forever.
inspired by the song “favorite t-shirt” by jake scott
You look so good it hurts In my favorite T-shirt
colby knew that he loved you. it took him a bit to realize it, but he loved you more than anything in this world. but he always wondered how he got so lucky to call you his.
it all started on the first time you accepted his invitation to go out with him. he’d taken you to dinner, which was wonderful. after your meal, you suggested parking up on mulholland at one of the overlook spots. 
“i've always loved coming up here. the city lights are so beautiful.” you said softly.
“y’know, of all the years i’ve lived in LA, i’ve only been up here a few times.”
“well, stick with me and we’ll come up here all the time.” you said, laying your head on his shoulder as you laid on the hood of his car. you stared up at the stars as they began to populate the sky. 
the night went on, and the wind started to pick up. you nuzzled closer into colby’s embrace, him tightening his arm around you.
“are you cold? your skin feels like ice.” he laughed. you nodded as a small shiver coursed through your body. you were in a thin shirt, so you were trying your hardest to bundle up to keep warm. “here, lemme see if i have something you can put on.” he said, sitting you up before he stood. he rummaged around his back seat for a little bit before he walked back over to you.
“it’s not much, but it is a little thicker and some more coverage.” he said, handing you a t-shirt. you slipped it over your head and were immediately engulfed in the fabric.
“thanks.” you said softly. you looked up at him and had a small smile on his face. “what? why are you looking at me like that?”
“nothing. you just look really cute.” he said, laying back down next to you. you sat up there for a little bit longer before it got too cold to bear. colby took you home and you shared your good nights, as well as a quick kiss before you went inside.
he didn’t know it, but colby was already falling. falling for everything about you.
that night eventually led to a few more dates, which then led months and years of a beautiful relationship. a few years had passed since that fateful night, and you and colby were inseparable. you both were disgustingly and annoyingly in love with each other. but you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
one evening, colby was over with you at your place, the two of you having just returned from dinner. you’d just changed into some sleep clothes and met colby back in the living room. he watched you intently as you walked over to him on the couch and sat down. a smile spread across his face as he gave you a once over.
“what?” you said with an awkward laugh. 
“nothing. i didn’t realize you still had that shirt. i thought i’d accidentally gotten rid of it at some point over the last few years.”
“yeah, i’ve definitely had it since the day you lent it to me that first day we went up to mulholland. i wear it a lot. especially on nights when you’re not here, or you’re gone on an exploration trip and i’m missing you extra.”
“i’m glad it’s of good use to you then.” he laughed.” y’know that was my favorite shirt for a long time, i wore it super often. although, i do think it looks better on you than it ever did on me.” he said, pulling you into his arms.”
“well then i guess i’ll just have to keep it safe for you.” you said, smiling up at colby.
“that sounds perfect to me.” he said, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.
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dropout-if · 1 year
one giving the other their jacket / covering them with it when they fall asleep and J gray
From this ask game!
Tumblr media
The night air is crisp and filled with the kind of quiet that only the countryside can offer. You've convinced J to go stargazing with you, a rare departure from their city-centric comfort zone. You both lie on the hood of J’s car—how you convinced them of that, you don’t know—parked in a secluded spot far away from the bustling noise of the city.
As you both gaze up at the starry sky, it’s hard to ignore the chill in the air. The thin jacket you’re wearing doesn’t provide much warmth against the night’s cool embrace. You shift slightly.
J, ever perceptive, notices your discomfort. They’re lying next to you—hands behind their head, eyes fixed on the constellations above—but they barely look at you before mumbling, “Cold?”
They speak so suddenly that it almost makes you hesitate.
“A little,” you admit just as quietly.
Without another word, J begins to sit up, causing you to turn your head to look at them. They reach down to their side, unzipping their jacket.
“Here,” they say, gruffly but not unkindly.
You watch as J takes off their jacket and then, with surprising gentleness, places it over you. The warmth of the fabric immediately envelops you, and you can’t help but smile gratefully.
“Thanks, J. Are you sure? You—”
You hate the cold, you want to say. J doesn’t let you, they wave their hand nonchalantly.
They shrug, laying back again, “Don’t mention it.”
Shifting closer to J, your shoulder brushes against theirs.
“You know— This isn’t so bad,” you comment, your gaze returning to the stars, “I think I like it here.”
“In Manhattan?”
You grin a bit, already anticipating their reaction, “Here. Now. With you— I like it.”
J lets out a soft snort, there’s a hint of amusement in their voice, “It’s too quiet out here.”
“I thought you liked quiet.”
“Forget it,” J stretches lazily, “It’s hard to explain. Don’t worry.”
You still worry—
Turning to face them, you force yourself to grin, “Yeah, but— You’re here. With me. That should make up for it, right?”
“Humble much,” J’s expression softens, and for a moment, you see a glimmer of something more beneath their tough exterior, “Yeah, I suppose it does.”
As the night wears on, the peaceful serenity of the countryside begins to work its magic. J, despite their earlier protests about the quiet, finds themselves slowly succumbing to drowsiness. Their eyelids grow heavy, and their breathing becomes steady.
You steal a glance at J, notice their eyes have closed, and they’re out like a light—they often fight against tiredness, and tiredness has won for once. With a soft smile, you carefully shift their jacket from your shoulders and gently spread it over them, ensuring they stay warm as they sleep.
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rmoonstoner · 2 years
Kinktober 18+
04 - Size Difference- The Lycanthrope
Pairing: Werewolf MK System x Petite Female Reader
Warnings: Size difference, breeding kink, werewolf mates, soul mates, knotting, biting and scratching, marking, p in v sex, creampie, human werewolf, no furry sex, no wolf penis, it's a regular penis that can knot, chasing kink, pregnancy mentioned at the end, cunnalingus
Not proofread at all, and it's late. Whoops. 🤡
It was the night of the full moon on a fall day. The skies were clear and the stars were bright in the sky. You had gone camping to a nearby lake in the mountains to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Your new boyfriends of three months had pleaded with you to come with them to check out the cabin they had purchased for real cheap.
The cabin itself was secluded, and far away from any other people. You were barely able to get your jeep up to this place, and frankly, if it didn't have 4x4, you wouldn't have made it.
The cabin was clean and cozy. It only had one large room, a small bedroom, and a small bathroom with a shower. You and the boys had been cleaning it the entire day, and decided to call it quits for the night. You went outside to have a joint, and Jake was the one to follow you.
"Mi amor… The moon is almost at its peak." Jake murmured as he wrapped his arms around you and swayed to the battery operated radio you had outside.
"Hm, yes. It is so pretty. I hear the aurora borealis is supposed to appear soon." You replied with a smile and handed the joint over. Jake took it and inhaled a deep hit.
"Yeah…" He nodded and nuzzled into your neck.
Jake was very touchy feely, more so than normal. He had been demanding cuddles just as much as Steven did. And Steven had become exceptionally bold. He had made out with you an hour ago on the hood of your Jeep. Earlier that day, Marc had snuggled with you for hours, instead of fucking off first thing in the morning like he usually did.
"I have to take a piss. I'll be right back." Jake said as he went and vanished behind some trees to do his business. You smiled and went over to your jeep to grab a pop from the cooler in the back. You drank it while checking your phone to see the time, and if you had any signal up here, which you didn't. It was just about midnight, and the clouds were almost all cleared away. It would be a perfect view of the lights in the night sky.
You heard some rustling in the bushes near where Jake had disappeared. You looked up, expecting your boyfriend to come out, but instead, nothing but more rustling could be heard. You trained your ears for any sounds of movement, hearing a faint groaning. The sound was almost painful to hear.
"Jake? You okay?" You called out as you went closer. You wanted to make sure you weren't interrupting him or anything.
But no reply was to be had.
All you got was a strangled grunt and whimper that almost sounded canine. You could hear twigs snapping and heavy breathing, making you seriously think that something was wrong. You got closer, pulling a branch back as you looked around in the dark for your boyfriend.
"Jake? Is it still you, or..?" You said loudly. You walked deeper and deeper into the brush, the sounds seemingly getting farther and farther away as you approached.
"Honey? Sweetheart?" You kept calling for him, switching to pet names in case he had switched alters.
The sounds had died off, and now everything was eerily quiet. You couldn't hear anything, except the slight rustle of the wind through the trees. It was unnerving, and you were worried.
"Come on!" You yelled. You heard a low humming that sounded suspiciously like a wild animal. You bet they were playing a prank on you.
"This isn't funny. Please come out!" You barked out.
The humming got louder, but now it sounded like aggressive growling. You tensed a bit, feeling a trickle of fear begin to pool in the bottom of your gut. You rapidly looked around, trying to find any sign of your boys, but all you found was darkness and the light of the full moon shining down through the trees. With one final passing glance, your eyes locked onto a set of glowing white dots.
"Love? Is that you? Please stop fucking around. I don't like it." You trembled a bit as the glowing dots went sideways, almost as if they were eyes on face that was tilting to the side in curiosity.
More rustling and a shadowy figure came out from the bushes. It appeared to be your boyfriend's form, but nearly doubled in size. The heavy breathing was coming from the shadow, and when it stepped into the light, you could see Jake's face.
He wore a snarling scowl, his mouth oddly misshapen from his teeth looking sharp and long. His facial hair had seemingly grown out in a thick beard, and his black curls seemed to puff out. His shoulders were hunched, and his overall bulk was much larger than before. His shirt was tight enough to give way at the seams, and his pants were straight up missing.
You were filled with terror at the sight of your boyfriend looking like he had suddenly become a feral animal.
"Jake..?" Your voice quivered as he took a step closer towards you, his head cocked to the side as he sniffed the air. His eyes twitched and he jerked his head back as he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. He looked at you again, his eyebrows turned up in sadness.
"Run." Begged the raspy voice of Steven.
You gasped and turned around, scrambling to get away from him and almost tripped. You dashed into the brush and maneuvered yourself over fallen trees, through bushes, and avoiding stray rocks in your path.
The entire time you could hear heavy breathing and the sounds of thudding behind you as you were chased. You realized right quick you had gone the wrong way, and away from the campsite. You tried fixing this mistake by taking a wide angle in the trees to get back to the Jeep, but failed and you couldn't spot it at all. You switched directions when a sudden growl was heard to your right.
"Come out, come out wherever you are, mi vida…" Jake's raspy voice echoed around you. You couldn't tell where he was, and it sounded like the bushes were rustling all around you. You looked up to the sky, using the stars to guide you, and you bolted north, towards where you hoped your cabin was.
A howl was heard southeast of you, sounding almost like a strangled cry of desperation. You flinched and sped up, only to trip and fall on the ground because of a loose tree root. You landed hard, twisting your ankle in the process. You cried out, tears stinging your eyes as you tried to get up.
"I can smell you, sweetheart." Marc's voice hit your ears. You shivered at the way he spoke, because it sounded like he wanted to eat you, and not in a good way. You got up and scrambled away, your ankle hurting badly as you limped over things.
Finally, you could now see the vehicle in the distance.
You ran towards the Jeep, making good time as you broke into the clearing. You went to the doors, trying to open them, but then remembered that you didn't have the keys. You turned towards the cabin and decided to try and get inside to lock the doors.
You darted into the cabin and slammed the door shut, locking it and running to the windows to shutter them in. You ran to the back bedroom and hid inside. Loud scratching and creaking could be heard from the front door as it was being pried from its hinges. Deep guttural growling and snarling came from the front of the cabin as you heard the door crack and land with a clattering thud.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you heard his footsteps make their way towards the bedroom. You had not thought things through, because the window was too small to fit through, and there was no other way out.
"I can't hold myself back any longer. You smell too sweet. I have to have you." Steven's voice came out a growling whisper behind the bedroom door.
You shuddered, the fear pushing you to try and think of what to do. It was hard, but your eyes caught sight of the attic trap door. You hopped onto the bed with a wince as the door groaned from the force of being pushed on. You could barely reach the trap door, so you tried to jump, just barely missing the rope handle.
The door finally gave way with a crack. It hung from the hinges as a hulking shadow stood in the doorway. You froze in place, seeing glowing eyes staring back at you.
This was it.
You were going to be torn apart by your boyfriends.
The worst part, was that you didn't know if they purposely planned this trip to murder you, or if they genuinely had no idea that this was happening. It broke your heart, and you suddenly resigned yourself. With tears in your eyes, you sank to your knees and hung your head as you shook from fear.
"There you are…" This time it sounded like all three of them were speaking at once, their voices all speaking at the same time. It was unnatural.
"I… I am r-ready to d-die…" You replied with a bit of a sobbing wobble. They snorted and a deep laugh reverberated through the room.
"We won't kill you." They said, and you looked up in surprise, cheeks stained with your hot tears.
"We don't wish to kill or hurt you." They took a few steps forwards, making their way to the edge of the bed. You noticed the rest of their clothing was gone, including their boxers. Your eyes stopped in their tracks when they got to their groin.
Dear Gods and Goddesses above…
It was huge, painfully hard, and leaking generously with precome.
It was then that it set in what they wanted, no, needed from you. Your face heated up, as did the rest of your body. The fear slowly rolled away to nervous arousal.
"Take off your clothes. Please." It was Steven this time. His clawed hands came up to gently cup your face. You could see the pain and anguish in his eyes at having to refrain from taking you without your consent.
"Okay…" You replied as you tugged your clothes off as quickly as you could and sat there. You didn't want to test the promise of not hurting you if you took your time.
"¡Mierda! Such a good girl for us…" Jake purred out as he crawled onto the bed with you. The bed creaked under his added weight, and you felt yourself burn with desire as his large hands roamed down your sides. You shivered and found that he was still being overly gentle, because Jake normally would have your legs over his shoulders by now.
"P-papi… I am scared…" You whimpered while staring at his heavy cock. It was much bigger than it normally was.
"Mmm… Don't be, carino." Jake said as he cupped your breasts and leaned down to lick them. You moaned and arched your back into his touch.
"Will it hurt?" You gasped out, feeling him move his large hands down to your bottom and your thighs.
"A little." He said, this time Marc's voice came growling out softer than before. He grabbed your thighs and pulled up suddenly, forcing you onto your back. You yelped as he stuffed his face into your heat and lapped at your opening.
Oh sweet Gods above, his tongue was much larger now, and it hit all the right spots just right. Electricity shot through you, making you convulse and see stars. You could feel your clit being rubbed thoroughly and it was fucking amazing.
"Fuck!" You gasped out as your hands flew to his head, fingers digging into his hair to pull on as you thrust your hips up for more.
He growled loudly in response, obviously pleased that you weren't fighting him. He delved his tongue deep into your hole, taking long and languid licks. The way his beard was rubbing at your skin felt amazing, tingling each nerve. You melted for him, finding that you enjoyed this so much.
"Feels so good…" You breathed as he suckled on your clit, rolling his tongue all around it. You shook violently as an orgasm hit you so suddenly, you tried to close your legs around his head. He refused to allow you to do that, and he kept you spread eagle as he drank back the gush of fluid you released. You could hear the wet sounds of him slurping away mixed with a low growl.
He let go once you stopped shaking as badly. He loomed over you, licking his lips as he stared at your heavily breathing and limp form. The way his eyes glowed in the low light of the room held you still, almost mesmerized in a trance.
"So good for us… You smell and taste so sweet tonight." It was still Marc. He grinned down at you as he grabbed his thick cock and gave it a slow stroke. A thick glob of precome came dribbling out, and ran down the underside of his shaft.
"You're ovulating…" Marc continued with a groan as his dick pulsed painfully.
His other hand slipped under your ass, pulling your hips back up as he positioned himself at your entrance and rubbed the tip against your folds. You felt your pussy clench around nothing as he rubbed your clit with the head of his cock.
"You're exactly who we have been searching for… A perfect mate…" Marc whined while dipping his face down to nuzzle into your neck. You let out an unsteady breath as he nudged his way in.
Oh fuck.
He was so thick, it was bringing you to your limit, but it felt amazing. Your nails were digging into the meat of his back as he entered you. You wrapped your legs as best as you could around his waist as he sank in, inch by agonizing inch, until he had no more room to go any deeper. He paused, allowing you time to adjust, and he looked down into your eyes.
"M-marc… I feel so full…" You whined at him as you clenched his cock. He kissed your forehead and rubbed his hairy cheek against yours.
"You will feel even more full soon." He grunted and then he reared back, hands holding your hips as he started to thrust in and out of you.
You keened and bucked up against him as he set a gruelling pace. Marc was not being gentle, but he wasn't trying to be rough, either. So far, nothing was hurting outside of the regular and normal sex things. You wondered when that would happen, or if you were just lucky enough that they were taking your safety into account.
That thought was quickly shuffled away when a heavy pressure was felt down there. You burned as you felt the stretch, his cock somehow growing larger around the base. It was almost painful, but the pleasure from him grinding into you was making it bearable.
"Our pretty little mate…" Again, you could hear all three of their voices at once.
"You will make a perfect mother for our children." They groaned as their movements became faster and harder. You scratched at their back, squirming as you came again.
"Fuck, boys…" You moaned hard as they adjusted your waist, somehow dipping deeper inside of you. You felt another orgasm quickly approaching, and you were not prepared for it.
"We are going to fuck you all night, until daybreak." They hissed as they ground harder into you, face against the crook of your neck and shoulder. You screamed as you came again, soaking the sheets beneath you.
"Steven… Fuck, fuck! Marc… Oh Gods… Jake!" You couldn't take the maddening pleasure, so you bite down on their shoulder while trying to muffle your screams.
They snarled in response, and that's when the pain came seering through as they bit down into your flesh. You spasmed and convulsed, eyes rolling back as you felt them spurt inside of you. You could feel your womb expanding, filling up with their come as they stilled. They licked your wound as their hips stuttered, and you tried to push them off of you for a break, but they held on tightly.
"Can't move yet." Suddenly it was Steven's voice whimpering in your ear. You whimpered back, trying to ask why, but your voice failed you. Luckily Steven was coherent enough to explain.
"We're sorry, love. We can't move yet. The knot hasn't subsided." Steven whispered as he kissed all over your face.
You didn't bother asking why, because at that point you knew what was happening. Instead, you slowly ran your shaking hands through his hair as he gazed down at you with nothing but love and affection. Steven slowly flipped over so you were on top, and you whined at the movement. He hushed you and stroked your hair and back.
"We love you, so bloody much. We hope you're not angry with us…"
"I'm not angry. I love you guys, too. But you should have fucking warned me, instead of scaring the shit out of me."
True to their word, the night continued on like this until morning. By the time the full moon was gone, you were exhausted and completely spent. The bed was broken, bedding soaked, and you were not going anywhere for a while. The boys had given you the best after care you had ever received and then waited on you hand and foot for the rest of the trip.
By the time you left the cabin a week later, they had informed you that you smelled different, and that they were certain you were with child. When you got home, it was confirmed with a few tests. Life was going to be one hell of a trip from now on, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
This took so long to write, because of life beating me down. I hope you enjoyed it.
Tags: @snippychicke @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @queenotaku23 @clairewinchester14 @promiscuoussatan @mona-has-friends @lazyotakujen @timeless-crow @crazylittlereader2474 @bibibeu @novagonz3elz7799
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hinadori-chan · 1 year
❛ you don’t have to keep me company, i’m fine by myself. ❜ 
thinking of this one in particular with kei is sending me into an early grave, i wanna see what your rendition on it is 💞
Anon you and I are on the same fucking wave-link I SWEAR. This prompt is one of the ones that made me pick this prompt list first, ngl.
Sorry it took a couple of days, I've been busy with work, lol. Hope you like it 💖
pairing: Keigo Takami (Hawks)/Reader (gender not specified)
Word count: 2,242
CW: Talks of canon-typical violence and traumatizing events, Take's place post final arc of the manga. If I'm forgetting anything, let me know so I can add it.
(Prompts are still open if anyone's interested.)
“You don't have to keep me company, I’m fine by myself.” Keigo told you as you opened the door to the building's rooftop, knees tucked to his chest, chin resting on his forearms.
“Yeah, I know.” You replied, stepping onto the roof, closing the door gently behind you.
The two of you remained silent as you walked over to him. It was quiet up there, several stories away from the hustle and bustle of the city below. You took a moment to admire the night sky. The low hanging moon hardly brighter than the skyscrapers around it, the few stars shining their way through the city lights and clouds, the stray helicopter or airplane flying by. Sure, it wasn’t as pretty as out in the mountains, but at least the city did its best to make up for its light pollution.
You sat down next to him, taking note of his short sleeved shirt in the harsh winter cold, his skin a bright pink as his body fought tooth and nail to keep warm. He still didn’t look at you, eyes fixed on the people down below. You tucked your knees to your chest, mirroring his body language, and allowed a silence to fill the space between you for a moment.
After a few minutes, Keigo sighed, turning to look at you, resting the side of his head on his arm. You shifted to meet his gaze, his eyes hooded and glazed over. You could already see the toll of his thoughts weighing on his mind. 
“You wanna talk about it?” You asked him.
He paused, thinking about your question, before turning his attention back down to the street below.
“It’s been a year.” He replied.
“Yeah, I guess it has, hasn’t it.” You took a moment to let the notion sink in. It’s been a year. A year since the raid. Seven months since the war ended. Six months since the two of you met. “A lot’s happened since then, huh?” 
Keigo was silent for a moment.
“It was my fault, wasn’t it?” He asked. There it is.
“What was?”
“Everything!” He exclaimed, unfolding from himself. “If I’d been a little faster, thought further ahead then-” He paused, before tucking his knees back to his chest. “Bubaigawara would still be alive. The war wouldn’t’ve happened. No one would’ve gotten hurt. It was my fault.”
You sighed, changing positions to sit cross legged before taking off your coat.
“You know what I think?” You asked rhetorically, placing your coat over his shoulders. “I don’t think it really was your fault. The situation they put you in was an impossible one. There honestly wasn’t a way for anyone in your position to succeed. You were doomed from the start.” You rested your hand on his shoulder, before guiding him to rest his head on your lap. “Even then, you did everything you could. More than most people would’ve done.” You began running your fingers through his hair. “You tried talking with him. When that didn’t work, you tried intimidating him. When that didn’t work, you incapacitated him. The only reason that didn’t work was because Dabi intervened. If you ask me, it’s his fault Twice lost his life that day, not yours. It was a lose-lose situation, there wasn’t really more for you to do.”
“I still failed.” He muttered, clinging to your coat as he pulled it over his shoulder. “Things got way out of hand because of me.”
“I don’t see how? If anything, I think things would’ve been much worse without you. I honestly don’t think they could’ve won if you were down for the count. Things didn’t go the way you wanted. Hell, they didn’t go the way anyone wanted. That’s war for ya’. But I don’t think it’s fair to place all of that on one person. Hero’s are people. People were built to make mistakes, even if over the years they’re given less and less room to do so. It’s okay to mourn those mistakes and learn from them, but this?” You tap on his temple for emphasis. “Making each one more than it needs to be? Letting them all hold you back from growing? That’s not good for you. It’s okay to be ashamed of the past, but it’s also okay to let it go.” You finished, petting his head once more.
Keigo let out a soft, unconvinced hum.
“Look,” You continued, “it’s not something you're gonna be able to internalize right away. For most people, it can take years, and that’s with professional help. It’s gonna take a while to let it sink in, but remember that you’re not doing it by yourself, okay?” You gently caressed the side of his face, brushing his hair back as you did. “I’m gonna be here with you every step of the way. I promise.”
He placed his hand on top of yours, as you began gently tracing his cheekbone with your thumb.
“Okay.” He responded quietly, almost whispering.
The two of you were silent for a moment, as snow began falling lightly around you.
“Something else is bothering you, isn’t it?” You asked him.
He nodded, slipping his hand back under your coat.
“Been thinkin’ about my parents. Moreso my mom. Don’t like thinkin’ about my father.” He replied, curling up closer to you.
“Yeah? What about ‘em?”
Keigo paused, gathering his thoughts for a moment.
“Neither of them were good parantes, but I think only one of them was a bad person. Looking back, I think mom was in the same position I was. The only real difference was that I was an easier target.” He let out a gentle sigh as you began running your fingers through his hair again. “I’m glad he didn't make it out. I don’t want to see him again. Don’t want mom to see him, either.” He stopped, taking another moment to think. “I don’t forgive him. And, I know I’m supposed to. I know it’s childish of me not to, but I can’t. Not after what he did to us. To others. I just can’t.”
“Honestly? I don’t think you need to. If you ask me, the whole ‘you need to forgive people to heal’ bit is overrated. Not everything really can be forgiven. Sure, if it’s something you're comfortable doing, then by all means go ahead. But if not? Then don’t! You can let go and move on without actually pardoning the people who’ve hurt you. Sometimes it's easier than others, and I think with how long you’ve been holding onto this, it might take a while, but it’s an option. It’s completely fine to just walk away from him, if that’s what you want to do.”
“But, is that really okay? I mean, everyone else-” He stopped himself, before falling silent. 
“Yeah… The influences in your life are… not great. But, they’re the only ones you have. It can be really tempting to emulate them, especially when some of those people share aspects of your past. But, they’re still different people. Their situations were different. Their needs and outcomes were different. You don’t need to follow their footsteps just because you sympathize with them. You’re a different person, with different circumstances, and it’s okay if you handle this differently as a result.”
“Yeah, maybe…”
Another silence falls between you, as you twirled tufts of his hair between your fingertips. Keigo picked at loose ends along the hem of your coat as he mulled your words over in his head. You watched as the snowfall shifted from small crystals to fluffy duck feathers, reflecting the city lights in a way that made the night feel brighter than usual. Part of you wanted to go inside, the biting air freezing you through your long sleeved shirt, the other wanting to stay just like this for a while longer.
“What about your mom?” You asked him. “You said you were thinkin’ about her more, yeah? What’re you thinking about, exactly?”
“I just, I can’t get over how quickly I abandoned her. I didn’t even give it a second thought, ya’ know? Just… took their offer, without even considering her. I know we weren’t on the best terms, but still. What kind of son does that? She needed me, and I just left her.”
“Honestly, I’m not too sure about that. Based on the few times you’ve talked about her, I think your parting ways was mutual. Sure, you decided to go, but she didn’t stop you. Might’ve even thought it would be the better option for you. She probably figured they had the better resources to take care of you, plus you’d get to be something you admired. I wasn’t there, so I can’t say for sure, but she probably just wanted what would make you happiest. As for you, you were like, what, five? Eight? At the time? Of course you’d pick the Special Superhero Course. Any child your age would've done the same, especially if they were in your shoes. I think it’s unfair to beat yourself up for that. Neither of you could’ve known.”
“Still.” Keigo pulled your coat tighter over his shoulder. “I wonder how she is. If she’s okay. Now that the Commission’s gone, she can’t exactly stay at her house anymore. Not that she’d want to after Dabi…” He trailed off, lost in his own thoughts for a moment, before continuing. “I should’ve reached out to her. If I had, then maybe… Maybe she would’ve been okay. I could’ve been there. Protected her, like I was supposed to.”
“Do you still want to?”
He shot up slightly, using his arm for support as he turned to look at you.
“Reach out. Do you still want to try and talk to her?
“Well, I…” He contemplated, shifting his gaze down at nothing in particular. “It’s a little late for that, isn’t it?”
“Not necessarily. You said she left you a note, right? After the raid?”
“Yeah, but like, that doesn’t really mean anything.”
“Sure it does.” You placed your hand on the top of his head, and he relaxed back onto your lap.  “She knew you’d try to check up on her, and didn’t want to leave you without an explanation. And, she was right. You did try to see her.”
“That wasn’t out of concern, though. I was more just confirming my own suspicions.”
“I don’t think that’s fully true. You wouldn’t’ve kept the letter if you didn’t care.”
“Yeah, I guess…” He began picking at the frayed ends on your coat once more. “Still, I don’t think she’d want to see me.”
“Nah, based on what you’ve told me, I think she’d be a lot more open to the idea than you realize.”
“You really think so?”
“Yeah, I do.” You draped your arm over his side. “Now that the two of you are in a much better place in your lives, I think it’s the perfect time to try and rebuild a bridge between you. It doesn't have to be a mother-son relationship right away, but you could start being in each other's lives again, if you wanted. Worst case scenario, you two still go separate ways. Only difference is now you’d both know it was the right call.”
“Still, it’s been almost twenty years. I don’t even know what to say to her.”
“Would it help if I was there with you?”
“Is that really okay?” He glanced back up at you. “I mean, I’d really hate to drag you into family drama…”
“Of course, baby. I don’t mind at all, really. If you want to, I’m more than happy to be there for you when you do. It’s no trouble at all.”
“Thank you…” He rested his hand atop of yours, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Of course. Come on, it’s freezing out here. Let’s head inside, yeah? It’s getting late, and I’d bet anything you haven't eaten yet. Let's get some food and get ready for bed, okay?”
“Yeah okay…”
Keigo sat up from your lap, before rising to his feet, and extending his hand towards you. You took it yours, and before you knew it, he had you standing on your feet. Once you stood in front of him, he wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Thank you.” He whispered. “Seriously, I don’t know what I’d do without you. I don’t deserve you.”
“I wish you’d stop believing that.” You said, returning his embrace. “You deserve to be loved, whether you like it or not. And I’m going to love you, like it or not.” You kissed the side of his head. “And there’s nothing you can do about it.”
He gently pulled away from you, just enough to look you in the eyes. He was so tired, and yet you could see his affection for you in every detail of his face.
“I love you, so, so much.” He said, before kissing you lightly on the lips. “You have no idea what you mean to me.”
You placed your hand on the side of his face, and he instinctively turned towards it.
“I have an Idea.” You smiled. “Now, come on. Let’s get you taken care of, yeah?”
“Yeah, okay.”
You took his hand in yours, leading him back inside the warm apartment complex. The two of you leaving nothing behind, but your tracks in the fresh snow.
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Nessie’s parents were seated on the couch. Nessa sat across them, looking at the gift they gave her, an iPhone.
“Thank you,” she said to her parents.
“We don’t know what happened between you and Ken,” her mom said, “we just want you to be happy.”
Happy? It seems like a foreign feeling to her. The last time she was happy was…
Seeing a cute white bat cuddling itself in her makeshift bat house. The small furry mammal who was keeping himself safe. She was glad she found a cute friend to spoil.
Only finding the bat was a handsome vampire. Who was probably going to treat her like Ken did. It was the acceptable way couples acted. His porcelain slender body was the opposite of her fat and chubby thighs.
Maybe she just didn’t like men with her bad luck. Then again, who would dare hang around a hag like herself?
“We wish the best for you,” her dad commented, “we know you act differently in situations with others. That's ok, since it’s your illness.”
Yeah, stressed out of university and failing her parent’s respects, she ended up becoming a paranoid schizophrenic. Now she follows a schedule daily and writes her days/feelings in a journal.
The same journal that damn vampire was reading like a pop magazine.
“I’m sorry I act that way,” Nessa replied, “I just feel like I’m just not good enough.” 
Then the parents did the strangest thing. They got up from their seats and embraced her into a family hug.
“No need to apologize Vanessa,” her dad said, “we’ll always be there for you.”
Tears were running down her eyes, as she accepted the hug. She really missed her parents. Living on her own made her become independent.
“Thank you,” Vanessa replied. 
The police arrived and were studying Ken’s dead body. Some homeless person was making a ruckus and after a police call, they found his body.
Crime specialists were taking photos, seeing two puncture marks on his neck. His body was as pale as white, the shocked face Ken had was going to last forever, due to rigor mortis.
Someone had to know something. There was no natural way Ken died. Someone had to kill him, but with what? What made those puncture marks on his neck?
It just didn’t make sense.
The news reporters started reporting the case of this mysterious death. This city wasn’t known for strange death occurrences like this. Nor are there a lot of homicides.
The casual Vampire Ascendant was strolling the streets of the city, smirking from his lavish meal. He did get rid of said problem. Therefore, Nessa would be quite pleased that she no longer has to fear her abuser any longer.
She was quite an interesting human. Perhaps a gift should be something to get her. 
But what?
He strolled onto the streets, pondering what would be the gift. He had read journals before. Most of them write their deepest desires, whenever it was wealth, healing, or a star crossed lover that they just met.
Yet in Nessa’s journal, it felt like all she wrote was full of suffering, isolation, and pain. It showed her having an obsession with knives, eyes, and a detailed drawing of a hooded man holding a noose. Not something a young lady would write. 
He was especially glad he got rid of that jackass. 
Turning his head to a speciality shop, something caught his eye.
A realistic brown bat plush.
Cute little thing.
He entered the store and asked the clerk about said plush. The clerk was thankful and picked up said plush, then headed to the cashier to sell the said plush. He knows how humans pay for their things, despite having wealth. He used his Visa Debit card to pay for said plush.
“I hope your child enjoys said plush,” the clerk said, “not a lot of people buy bat plushies, due to Covid.”
“Oh she will enjoy it,” he replied.
He left the store with said plush in a bag. No one questioned why a pale young gentleman would buy a bat plush in the first place.
All he wanted to do was to make her happy. 
Nessa’s parents left. It was quiet in her apartment. She was thinking of playing something or going back to reading her novels on her eReader.
She turned on the TV for a bit. 
There, plastered on the TV screen, was a news report of a homicide. Someone had passed away from odd circumstances. 
It was Ken.
She dropped the remote and placed her hands over her ears.
Ken was dead. The only person she cared for. The only person who gave her a glimpse of how relationships work. Then cheated on her, making her feel more worthless.
No, this couldn’t happen.
She hated Ken, but he didn’t deserve this. No one did.
Now, she had to figure out what to do. This has to be her fault Ken died.
Rolan and his fellow hunters were watching the cops wrapping the body up to bring to the coroner's office. A bloodless victim was found.
“He had a relationship with one person,” Layla said as she looked at her tablet, “her name is Vanessa Alexandria.”
“Good,” Rolan replied with a smirk across his face. They were on the heels of The Vampire Ascendant.
Find Vanessa Alexandria. Find out where she lived. Question her about the relationship between her and Ken. Then finally get their hands on The Vampire Ascendant. No more will that vampire feast on another person. She might be in danger. They have to act quickly before said vampire devours her as well.
The hunters nodded at each other as Layla gave them an address.
Vampires were aloof creatures and only cared about blood. She had to be warned about being next on this vampire’s list.
I tremble
They're gonna eat me alive
If I stumble
They're gonna eat me alive
Can you hear my heart beating like a hammer?
Beating like a hammer?
Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Hard to be soft
Tough to be tender
Come take my pulse, the pace is on a runaway train
Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer
Paranoia ran across her mind.
Why does this always happen with her? All she wanted was to take care of a cute bat. With Ken dead, she felt more scared of the vampire she encountered. He was definitely going to kill her. It was stupid enough to think a vampire of all things would take care of her. Vampires were still monsters who preyed on young people, regardless of the situation. 
It was completely stupid of her to trust that vampire. She was hoping someone in her life would finally treat her nice, someone who would respect her. Instead, he invaded her privacy and flew off. 
Maybe she was destined to be alone. She always had bad relationships. At least her parents weren’t here. She couldn’t tell them that Ken is dead.
She then heard a knock at her door. Startled, she's afraid of answering it. What if it was that vampire? Readied with her box cutter as a self defense weapon.
She slowly unlocked the door, box cutter ready to stab in self defence.
The door swung open to reveal....
I need help.
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lovesosweeet · 11 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter sixteen
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
august 13, 2018 melbourne, australia calum
Waking up in Australia doesn't feel like it did a few years ago. It'll always be a special place, and I love being close to friends and family, but truly, it's not home anymore. LA is home.
Actually, now that I think about it, I don't know if that's true. I love LA. It's a rich mix of cultures, an incredible place for us to do our work, great friends are there, the weather can't be beat, and I really don't have any complaints about the city. I just know that there are many other cities that I could live with Orion and Duke that would feel like home, too.
That's where home is: with Orion.
I have to check my phone to see where we are today. I know we're in Australia for another few days, but exactly where we are on the continent and what day it is are two things I don't know without looking. When I tap the screen, it lights up with a few notifications and a photo of Orion and Duke hiding behind them as my background.
It’s only 7 am, which means I have a few hours before we’re escorted around for press interviews and then sound check and the show. Most of my notifications are normal stuff, just random emails about bills, each of the boys letting me know they made it back to the hotel safe last night, etc. I have a few texts from Orion, which is what I click first.
From: my love + stars good morning whenever you see this i miss you so much talk to you soon probs ily❤️
To: my love + stars hi good whatever time it is are you up? got time for a chat? xxx i miss you
Her texting bubble doesn't appear for a few moments, so I sigh and click through the rest of my notifications. There's nothing as exciting as hearing from her. I text my mum, who's still with us since we're still in Aus. All of our mums have joined us for the Australia leg, which we all have a love-hate relationship with.
I ask if she wants to grab breakfast with me, and she does, so I quickly get up and put on a shirt, some sweatpants, and a pair of slides in order to meet her in the hallway of the hotel we're at. She grins when sees me and reels me in for a hug as if we haven't spent the past several days together.
"Good morning," I tell her.
"Good morning," she says. "I already looked and found us a place to go, not too far. Are you ready?"
"Yeah, sure."
Mum and I walk through the fluorescent-lit hallway to the elevator, nodding at the security officer standing guard by it. We ride down to the lobby and head out the back door, running into Matt who's standing outside on a phone call that happens to end right as we're walking out.
"Back by 10:30, Hood!"
"Ay, ay, captain," I confirm, saluting him. Matt rolls his eyes and flips me off. I turn to Mum. "Which way is it?"
"Just this way," she says while she checks her phone for verification. She starts walking to the right, turning onto the street. A few fans are waiting, and I just wave and smile at them all. A stray security guy holds them back while Mum and I pass.
We walk about a block before she pulls me into a small cafe. It's busy, which is a good sign. Lots of business must mean it's good, right?
Mum and I stand in silence, both of us scanning the menu that's hanging on the wall. I pick out a basic breakfast sandwich and will just get an unsweetened latte like normal. If Orion were here, she'd scold me for getting something I can get in LA and she would push me to try something unique.
I look back to the menu, trying to see what I think Orion would get if she were here. I find it quickly. A pistachio rose latte and a kimchi bagel. She'd say they don't go together, but she couldn't choose to get only one of the two. They both sound so good, she'd say.
"Have you decided?" I ask Mum.
She nods. "Yeah, I think I'll just get the bacon egg and cheese and a black coffee."
I smile. Our orders are practically the same. "Sounds good. Wanna grab us a table and I'll order?"
"Perfect plan, thank you."
It used to be hard for her to let me pay for things, but thankfully, over time, she has accepted it and lets me pay now without a fight. She makes up for it by spoiling me with Aussie things when she visits the US, making all of my favorite foods while I'm home, helping clean the apartment, and taking Duke on walks.
I order our food and drinks, taking Mum's coffee from the cashier and plopping a few dollars into the tip jar. While I wait for our food, I take Mum her coffee. She's found a table outside under a blossoming tree, and she smiles at the sight of her hot drink.
"Oh, thank you," she says, happily taking the cup from me.
"'Course, Mum. Happy to buy you breakfast anytime."
She smiles, taking a sip of her coffee.
"Can I take a quick photo of you?"
Her smile grows. She's not as bad about it as Orion, but Mum is always asking for photos. "Yes, but we need one of us, too."
I agree, snapping a photo of her smiling under the tree with her coffee, and then pose for a quick selfie with her. "I'm gonna go back inside and wait for the food."
Once back in earshot of the baristas, so I can hear when they call my name, I open my photos again. Carefully, on the photo of my mum at the table, I draw a light blue stick figure on the chair that will be mine in a few moments. I draw some shoulder-length hair and add a pink heart next to it.
To: my love + stars Image attached pretending you're here with us. will have to bring you someday they have a pistachio rose latte
From: my love + stars WAIT HI SORRY I DIDN'T SEE YOUR LAST TEXT i have time for a chat but you're busy now so dw!! THAT SOUNDS SO YUMMY AND JOY IS SO CUTE
I silently curse our situation. I won't be able to call her until after the show tonight, since once Mum and I get back to the hotel we're headed out for interviews. Then we're going straight to soundcheck from interviews, and once sound check is over, we're typically off our phones and watching the opener, getting ready for the show, and just doing our general goofing off together while we get hyped up. Especially since our families are here, we are present in the moment backstage.
“Calum!” A barista calls my name, making me put my phone back in my pocket. I’ll reply to O later. I grab my latte and the two sandwiches and tell her thank you.
I bring the food out to the patio, giving Mum her sandwich and taking a seat on the empty chair. Mum unwraps her food and takes a picture of it.
I laugh. "Since when do you take pictures of your food, Mum?"
Mum smiles and shows me the picture of her sandwich. "I've been texting updates to Orion. You don't think she minds that there's meat on the sandwich, do you?"
I try not to let my chuckle turn into a full laugh. "Mum, I promise, she doesn't care." Orion is a staunch vegetarian — she has no intention of ever eating meat again in her entire life and she's vehemently against the meat industry, but she also would never expect or ask anyone else in her life to feel the same.
A wave of relief washes over her face and she nods. She types out some kind of text to go with the picture and then locks her phone.
"What else are you sending her?"
Her face lights up again and then she unlocks her phone again to show me her chain of texts with Orion. It's a mix of food she's eating, blurry photos of me onstage, sneaky pictures of me and the boys goofing off backstage, and sunsets. Orion's side of the conversation consists of pictures of Duke and Emelia, coffees, and views of sunsets from our balcony.
I had no idea they were talking this much, and I'm almost a little envious of the pieces of their lives they're sharing with each other but not with me. At the same time, I adore that two of the most important people in my entire life are becoming closer, despite living on different continents and having several years of age between them.
"I'm glad you guys are friends," I say, sliding her phone back across the table.
"How can I not love her?" Mum asks.
It's rhetorical and it's true. I am quite biased, but I can't imagine someone not liking Orion once they spend more than a few minutes with her.
"She loves you," I say. I also feel like Orion loves everyone. It's one of her many incredible traits: she sees the good in anyone and anything.
Mum scoffs. "She loves you."
My cheeks get hot with that and I can't help but smile. "Yeah, I mean, the feeling's mutual."
The day flies by. It's a whirlwind of interviews and drives to other interviews and then we're back at the venue, our families all waiting for us backstage.
"Soundcheck in 20, boys!" Matt yells out before he disappears down a hallway. His job never ends.
"Hey, I'm gonna go call O really quick. Haven't gotten to talk to her at all today," I tell Ashton, turning toward the dressing room.
"Yeah, of course, tell her I say hi?"
I nod, patting his shoulder.
"Wait, we all say hi!" Luke yells.
"Actually, I say hey!" Michael follows up, and I just roll my eyes at their antics.
While I walk, I'm tapping around on my phone to call her. I press the phone to my ear and walk into the dressing room, flopping onto the couch as it starts to ring.
It rings three times before she picks up.
Her tone is curt, short, and neutral. She's mad. I brace myself for impact.
"Hi, how was your day?"
She's not giving me anything here, and I wince. My absence from her today must have her feeling upset. I wish she'd just say that, but I also know that she's told me several times that she has been having a hard time adjusting to life without me there with her, and I've basically ignored her all day. I can understand why she might be unhappy with me.
"I'm sorry I've not been texting much today, it's just so busy with our families here and the press all day."
Orion's side of the call is quiet for a few seconds while she calculates the right thing to say. That's how she is when she's upset: calculated. It's either incredibly calculated or she can't hold any of her emotions back. There's no in between. The precision comes when she's been stewing on something for a while.
"Joy didn't seem to have a problem with keeping up with me today. Or yesterday. Or any of the other days that y'all have been in Aus. I think Ashton has texted me more than you have, and we aren't dating."
I don't doubt that Mum has been texting her more than I have, but Ashton? If he's in contact more than we are, then I definitely feel like I've been slacking. It's been a long time since I've been in a committed relationship while on the road. I realize that while Orion and I were together the last time we did a big tour, she didn't realize we were actually dating.
I feel my heart drop a few inches. I don't know what I expected. We live together and have spent so much time together that I don't have a lot of experience with us being apart anymore. I feel like I've been making an effort to stay connected to Orion, but maybe I haven't been making enough of an effort.
Orion sighs and I realize I've been thinking for too long.
"Fuck, I'm sorry, that came off more harsh than I meant it—"
"No, you're fine," I say, cutting her off. "I'm sorry."
I am. She's the most important person in my life, and she deserves to feel like she is.
"Do you want to send me your class and work schedule? I can get Matt to give me mine for the week every week, and each week we can plan a time for each day that we can talk?" It's the most logical way—find a gap and cement it with time for her.
"Cal," she says sadly. Was that not what I should've said?
"I'm sorry, O, is scheduling a time not good for you? I want you to feel like—"
"No, sorry, I just... we don't have to talk on the phone." Her voice is still quiet and veiled in a thin layer of sadness.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, it's nice to hear your voice. I just wish you'd take a few seconds to reply to my texts, even if it's just a heart or something, or if you're headed into an interview just give me that heads up." Her words are still slow, like she's tiptoeing across them like rocks in a stream. "I appreciate calls, just more consistency throughout the day, I guess, would be nice?"
Today especially, I've been pretty much offline. Aside from the handful of texts I'd sent her this morning, it's been almost 7 hours since I last texted her. Yesterday wasn't that different, and neither was the day before. I know that she's right. I really haven't been talking to her that much.
"Yeah, of course, I'll be better—"
"Sorry, and I don't want to be a girlfriend who wants to hear back from you instantly every time and I don't mean that you can't just, like, live in the moment and have fun with everyone. I don't want you to feel like you have to be on your phone constantly to keep me happy, either."
Here it is, the side of Orion where she doesn't have a filter to keep some thoughts inside.
"O, I don't think you're being unreasonable," I say, hoping that'll calm her mind a little. "I will try to be better."
Orion sighs again. "Thank you."
"How was your day today?" I ask. I think our crisis is averted. "It's Sunday there, right?"
"Oh, it was fine. Macy came over and we watched a few movies. Oh, and we split a bottle of wine and watched the sunset on the balcony. That was nice."
I wish I could've watched the sunset on the balcony with her. I remember when we first moved in, Orion would set a timer for 10 minutes before the sunset every night so we could go watch it. After the first night, she insisted we get more mirrors so that the colors can reflect all over the house. We have dozens of pictures of us sitting in golden hour together on that balcony.
It's not happening anytime soon, but one day, when I propose, I'm either doing it on that balcony or on a balcony in Madrid (at sunset of course.)
"Sounds like you and Macy are hanging out a lot?"
Orion laughs. "Yeah, I really like her. She's fun. How's today? I know Joy's been having a great day. The mums all went to get pedicures."
I'd wondered how they were filling their time while we were off with press. Orion isn't even here and she knows more about what the others are doing than I do.
"Oh, y'know," I say. "Same as always. Interviews where I don't really talk, bullying Luke. Walked around a park with Mum this morning."
"Cal, I always tell you. Bullying your best friends isn't okay."
"Babe, he knows we're joking."
"Cal," she warns, and I can picture her stern expression. If she were here, she'd be wagging a finger at me.
"Don't say it," I plead.
"As your former best friend Harry Styles says, treat people with kindness." Not this again.
Ever since she found out that we opened for One Direction, she brings them up constantly. 'Did you see what Louis posted?' she'd ask. 'Can you ask Liam if he still has that beanie?' or 'How did you not know Harry worked at a bakery? You were best friends for two years!'
This bit is arguably my favorite recurring one that she does. It makes me laugh every time. She says it to the rest of the band sometimes, too. Instead of quoting the Bible as instruction to be kind, she quotes our 'former best friend' Harry.
Our conversation is interrupted when Matt bangs on the door to the dressing room.
"Five minute warning, Cal!"
Damn it. Already?
"Babe, I'm sorry, but it's almost time for soundcheck. Did you have anything else you wanted to talk about?"
"No, no, I'm good. I'm sorry for being snippy earlier. I'm glad we got to talk for a bit, even if it wasn't too long," she says.
"It's okay. You're allowed to get snippy," I assure her. "It's always great to hear your voice. Oh, and before I go, Ash and Luke say hi and Michael says hey."
She giggles. "Tell them I say howdy."
I laugh, shaking my head. Always has to be a little different. "Will do. Gonna let you go. I love you very much, and will text you when soundcheck is over?"
"Sounds good. I love you very much, too. Bye."
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auroragehenna · 11 months
Ai-less Whumptober
Day 27 Paranoia
CW/TW: Aftermath of torture, seasoned whumpee, wlw flirting (gasps)
Word count: ?
Did that person just stare at her? The one that looked like an elf. It was hard to tell with the hood on. But her features somewhat resembled hers. Please not, she already finished a job today. But usually people don‘t spend their free time here outside, why else would she be here, her head whispered. No they actually do, this is freaking garden, get it together. Was that a blade she saw glinting in the dusk light? Yes, that‘s also normal. You also carry multiple. The world is a dangerous place you know. My point. Shut up! Over there‘s another person! Shit! Was this a trap?! Did she walk into another trap?! Not again. Wait did the lighting just change?! No, I don‘t think so? Fuck the girl is coming here. Shit, shit, shit. Tierney clutched her hidden blades and went though her spells in her mind.
„I’ve never seen a wallflower this pretty.“, the girl said. Sitting down next to her, with a bit of space and leaning back on her arms and hands. „Are you doing alright thought?“
Tierney looked at her absolutely baffled. Still clutching her hidden weapons. But this wasn‘t a behaviour she encountered before. We can‘t trust her! Before she even really processed it her hand shot down onto the grass, fingers digging into the soil. „I‘m fine. What are you up to?“, she asked still suspicious.
„I’m up to a lot, but not tonight. Tonight is just about the grass between my toes and the stars above my head.“
Tierney looked at her. Her eyes seemed to light up with something deeper. Something more emotional. Before she sighed and started to speak again: „Listen if you‘re here because of my reputation or to kidnap me just say that I‘m done with games.“
„Kidnap you?“ she asked with confusion written all over her face. As her face relaxes again she follows up with: „The only games I play have the goal of relieving idiots from the burden of heavy pockets filled with money.“
Tierney finally relaxed a little bit again. Her other hand eased it‘s grip on the knife and freed it out of it‘s hiding place. She casually lowered her hand with the knife onto the grass and used the other one to release your arms. She nearly smiles a little. „Well I can‘t really judge that.“
„The guards think otherwise“ She laughed. „I know a beautiful place a bit south from here, close to a park, and great view of the city.“
Danger! „I uhm.“ Fuck it, if this is another job then I might as well do it. And if it‘s not then? Uhm… „Yeah, why again?“, she asks confused.
„It’s my safe spot. I thought I share it with you if you need a place to escape reality for a moment“ she smiles. „I‘m Nalani by the way.“
„Tierney. Okay. But no funny business.“, she adds earnestly.
„You can just tie me up with flowers, if you don’t trust me“ Nalani giggled
Tierney smiled a little bit. „Indeed I can.“ She got up on her feet and watched the girl do the same. „Alright. Show me.“, she hesitated, „I would like to see it.“
„would you like the scenic route or walk among the peasants, my lady.“ Nalani snickered, while over exaggerating noble etiquette.
Tierney raised an eyebrow at her. „Typically I like to take routes that have more nature and less people, fair lady.“
„That means we drop the fancy talk and jump from rooftop to rooftop“ She grins before she skillfully jups up the closest building.
A grin also widens up on Tierney‘s face now. She focuses on the fluffy ears on her head until her whole body morphs into one of a cat and follows you up to the rooftop before starting to morph back. But halfway through she get‘s stuck and ends up somewhere in the area of a cat and her own self. She rolls her eyes and balances on her footballs for a few moments. At least it will be good for climbing and jumping. I just hope it won‘t freak Nalani out. But the girls seemed fine and so she followed her over the rooftops through the town.
Nalani giggles a bit as she sees why the tiefling had fox ears beforehand. „I hope as part fox you can keep up with me!“ She yells cheerfully.
Tierney tsk‘d. She wasn‘t yet sure if she liked this weird stranger and she certainly wasn‘t sure if she could trust her.
Taglist: @yourlocalgaefae33, @princessofhe11, @greatkittencloud, @bisexuawolfsalt, @ailesswhumptober
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