#Hope im not being too harsh with stuff..
adhdsocialist · 9 months
ok so saw a post recently that implied that thing again where critiques even jokey ones of usamericans are always completely void of nuance. and uh. i dont think thats true.
I just dont really like how I'm not allowed to live my life without understanding the cultural and sociopolitical intricacies (and culture) of a country I'm never going to visit, that don't expand my understanding of my own country's culture and history, coming from people who have no interest in learning about my country at all.
I dont know any of you and you have no interest in knowing me. My ability to spot american anti-blackness isn't helpful in a country with a different kind of anti-blackness.
Its an expectation of American ideas from the citizens of a country whose governments goal is colonialism and a frustration to not fall into the category of people who automatically understand Americanisms.
I dont know what Walmart is but i've Never Needed To Care. How is saying 'I'm not actually interested in every monster energy drink because its the worst brand on the market here' dismissive of American minority groups. I dont really care and its weird to insist that me trying to curate an online experience relevant to me is Xenophobic. idk. block me if its upsetting.? Theres literally millions more people in your country to interact with, and likely a couple thousand young people here who are willing to memorise this shit, but I'm not super interested personally.
'oh no perry hates americans' NO! perry hates having important info about his immediate surroundings squished because he is required by the internet to know about Joe Biden. its just funnier/easier/less frustrating to say 'lol americans are annoying' when this occurs.
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semercury · 5 months
That honestly was so fucking bad, and it kinda destroyed any last little hope I held onto for the remake being anywhere near acceptable.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
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mejomonster · 5 months
Creating stuff is so weird. (This time im talking about writing) like. U plan a story. U have an idea or vague vision at least in your mind. Then it comes out of your hand. Scenes expand, new scenes emerge that you didn't even know would be there, which lead to new realizations of what this story Becomes as it starts to exist piece by piece. And word choice, you didn't predict any of it, it came out on the spot, each moment a new surprise at what words your mind supplies, the options it offers in the second its demanded to give you a way to describe what you imagine. New descriptions come out, the words tack on bits of the moment you didn't see in your imagination until they come out, and now in a new light this scene is so much More than you ever imagined. It exists now on a page or screen, it is an imprint of this moment of contemplating it. Because any other moment, other words might have poured out from your hand and mind, because close as it might be to the silhouette you imagined initially weeks or months ago, or even a few seconds ago when the new possibility revealed itself, as it is written down it's taken on the qualities of this moment. Of right now. You never would have made precisely this, you won't make anything quite identical to it again. The image in your head that has existed forever long kept morphing, blurred at the edges or at the minimum in how its details spiraled out to connect to other scenes, and each time you contemplated it was just a little bit different. Close sometimes. And when you finally write it down, the blurred bits solidify into something this moment creates, unpredictable but you've tried to shape it up to this point and even as it happens you're trying to guide the thread of it into a more detailed rendition of what you meant initially or better. And then you finish writing that chunk. And are in awe of what came from a blurry idea.
Even the messes. Even the bits that come out of your hand and you're like: how in the fuck did this turn out so Far Away from what I wanted it to be? Even if you scrap it lol. There is a bit of wow there too, in how some moments your brain just refuses to cooperate or the words dont come and the slightly blurred picture in your mind turns out like when i draw a person and my hand isnt warmed up and i cant even get an oval shape right. In all that mess its like, how did what we didnt want even pour out, whys it in us to begin with, is there any gem in the disaster worth keeping. Is it so off the rails we decide the scene we imagined isnt what we thought or hoped itd be, and decide to throw it out all together and try a new scene entirely.
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nopeferatu · 1 year
ik that art is subjective and there is not one "true" meaning that one is meant to derive from a work but honestly, some people's readings of media ARE wrong and dumb and bad, lol
#ive seen ppl say that brokeback mountain was basically like emphasizing why people should be in the closet and stuff and im just like.#how could the point fly over your dumb little head so high smhh#they say that like jack and ennis end up miserable anyways so it shows that theres no hope for queer ppl or whatever but like?#i thought it was obvious that the whole point of the piece is that its a commentary on society and an argument as to why we need to fight#against homophobia with all that we got bc the story draws you into these two guys lives and you see just how miserable they ar#not because theyre queer but because society is so cruel and harsh and didnt let them have what they so obviously wanted#its a story thats supposed to be a mirror held up to audiences to be like 'if ur homophobic and toxically masculine and u express the same#ideals that are clearly torturing these guys then you are part of the problem and are the reason why not only jack and ennis' lives suck#but also why their families get dragged down into the muck too'#and like i guess it isnt common knowledge anymore how much of a groundbreaking movie this was but it came out at a time where it was#socially acceptable to be openly homophobic in most places and bc im insane ive read so many stories of ppl whos minds were changed#bc they saw the movie and were like damn. maybe i should stop being a dickhead to people who just wanna live their lives#so when i see reviews that are like "#brokeback mountains message is to stay in the closet im just like. shut the fuck upppppppppp and learn how to be media literate ugh. lmao#still brokeback posting
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emmyrosee · 3 months
So some idea for Sukuna fluff 🥺 like imagine you want to take a picture with him and at first he gets annoyed because he thinks this is stupid af and his grumpy ass just doesn’t understand stuff like this. But when he sees that you are like really upset he changes his mind and be like “come on brat, let’s do it” 😭 He still thinks it’s stupid but at least you are happy now 🥺 idkkk this thought just came to me, maybe you will use it one day, love your works 🫶🏻
“Kuna-baby!” You chirp, throwing yourself next to him on the couch. He flinched to the side to make room for you, and you curl into his side as you lift your phone up to fit you both in frame. “Smile!”
“For what?”
“My picture!”
“The fuck am I smiling for free for?” He scoffs, and you feel your heart stop for a sec and your smile falters slightly. “I smile for Ma and when kids fall. That’s it.”
“Not even for me?” You ask with a chuckle, but deep down, your heart hurts, and you hope this is just mindless teasing.
“You’re no exception to any of my rules,” he says flatly.
He means it.
You give him another chuckle and push off of him, letting him go back to his game and scrolling through your phone to try and combat the hurt in your soul at his harshness.
Apparently, the mood shift is too much for your boyfriend, and he paused his game again and moves his headphone from his ear, “what’s with you?”
“Nothing,” you lie.
He groans, “is this seriously making you upset? The fact I won’t take a stupid picture with you?”
“It’s not stupid,” you pout. “I just… wanted… a new wallpaper. For my phone…”
You practically feel his eyes roll back into his skull as you continue to scroll on your phone. Then, he wraps an arm around you, tucking you back into his side with your chin resting in the dip of his elbow, “don’t be like this, brat.”
“Im not being like anything.”
“Youre being a pouty brat.”
“Oh, am I?” you sigh.
“Fine,” he snips, resuming his game. “See if I care.” The room is shrouded in tenseness, practically suffocating for you both. You take a deep breath, understanding his discomfort but simply being told “no” would’ve been just as sufficient.
The game doesn’t last long, though, as apparently he’s discomforted in the silence too.
He takes a deep inhale through his nose and pauses again, pressing a kiss to your temple and using his hand to rub your cheek, “make it a good one. And I get to approve it before you make it your background.”
Immediately, you perk up, smiling softly and shifting to be in a more comfortable position, angling your phone to take a picture. He angles his head to bury his nose against the crown of your head, and his eyes close as he takes a relaxing breath of your scent. You’re quick to snap the picture secretly, admiring how blissful he looks merely relishing in your warmth. Then, he flashes you a close-mouthed smile, one wide enough where the dimple in his cheek is prominent, and when you snap that picture, his face falls.
“Hate that fuckin’ thing,” he grumbles.
“What thing?”
“The fucking divot in my cheek,” he says. “Makes me look like a kid.”
“Baby,” you coo, twisting your body to cup his cheek in your hand, “is that why you don’t like having your picture taken?”
He doesn’t answer, but he doesn’t have to. You know the answer. “I think it’s handsome,” you purr.
“I don’t care what you think.”
“Yes, you do,” you snicker. “Clearly. But that’s okay. Because I think you’re perfect.”
“I am perfect.” He presses another kiss to your head, “now shut up and let me play. Glad your ass is happy now.”
“I really am, sukuna. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it. Ever again. Ever.”
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bitchimasnake-sss · 8 months
hello :3 i was wondering if i could request a monster trio x fem reader nsfw of them begging during sex (ohmygod i know they b whimpering ANS moaning) tysm :p
ahh now that's my kinda thing *evil laugh* (cringing inside im sorry) (also, i added them being handcuffed to it cause i thought that's very funny of me, i hope you like it <3)
"ask me again, baby" ft. the monster trio!
in which, they ask you for what they truly want and you comply
ft. luffy, zoro, sanji x fem!reader
warning: nsfw drabbles; nsfw stuff includes edging, overstimulation, thigh riding, dirty talk, sub!op men (i had to bring them back lmao)
- his breath is hot against the shell of your ear, his hard-on pressing against your plush thigh as whimpers escape him as easily as air "yn" he ruts into your soft skin, the layer of his shorts separating you from him, "yn please~ please come on" "please what?" you inhale deeply, looking at the bruises on his neck admiringly "please anything" he whimpers again and his voice is scratchy, too harsh against the silent, dead night. the handcuffs on his wrists rattle again as he tried to break free, "anything, yn, anyth-ing, i'll take it" - "you'd take it like a good boy?" you trace your finger on his lips, silently tugging down his red, bottom lip before you're biting and sucking on it - he nods feverishly, tousled hair getting messier with every hasty nod. his lips against yours again and he moans against you, the cuffs rattling one more time "please" he's mumbling against your lips, his hips moving up and down to chase the friction you denied him of "ask me again, baby" you coo as you trail your cold fingers over his hot torso, "and ask me in detail" - his eyes flutter shut, words entangling at his tip as you sink down further on him, letting him actually feel your soft thighs on his painfully hard dick - your fingers squeeze his cheeks harshly, "speak, luffy." - he lets out a laugh at your harsh actions but the laugh turns into a wince as you shift your body weight again, depriving your captain of any friction against his thick, hard shaft - "i-" he's mumbling, whimpering each time you shift and tease his tip though his pants, "i want to f-fuck you raw." "hm?" "i want to pound into you, fuck you- please yn" he winces when you tease his tip again, touching him fleetingly through his shorts, "pl-please let me f-uck you, i wanna make you feel so good, please. please le-t me fuck that pussy, mommy please" - "good boy" you flash him a smile as you finally pull his straining dick out, spitting on it to make it wetter than it already is "now look at me as i fuck you, mkay?"
- "you think this is funny" he hisses as your fingers skimmed over his erection through his pants, "come on, it's not funny" - his arms flexed, the rippling muscles on display as you continued, skimming slightly and then running your fingers over his taut abs - "aww, what's wrong, zo?" you laugh when he throws his head back, hips bucking into thin air almost instinctively - "yn" he groans but as soon as your hands at palming him, he loses all coherent thoughts, "f-fuck yeah, please like th-" "you like that huh?" "no" he lies as his hips shift under your soft palm and he closes his hand in ecstasy. he repeats softly, "no" - you retreat your hand, sitting on your knees beside him and he opens his eyes, "yn wh-" "tell me the truth" you softly whisper as your hips straddle him, clothed pussy rubbing over his erect cock, "do you like this baby?" - your hips move up and down, front and back and you can feel his wet precum through the thin trousers. your hands slowly wrap around his neck, applying a little pressure, "zoro" - "fuck yn" he's moaning, rutting his hips upwards to meet your core, "i- fuck, harder- please harder" - you sit against his dick, letting him fuck you through the layers and his voice is shaky, breathless, "i- god fuck fuck fuck, you- i wanna fuck you please" - "tell me again, baby" the hand on his neck is travelling upward to his hair, tugging at his nape and exposing his neck to you - "yn" he's whispering, face red, eyes closed, a bit on drool on his lips, "yn yn yn, please, your pussy, angel~ i- fuck i wanna cum inside. please i wanna fuck you till you can't take it anymore, til you're full of my cum yn- fu-" - you smile against his neck, "you wanna fuck me?" "so bad, baby please" "are you gonna fuck me good?" "fu-uck yes, yes let me please"
- he's always whimpering and moaning as his pretty cock slides in and out of your tight, slick pussy but this was different - his voice verges on prayer, breaking down into a fit of chant of your name as you, in your underwear, rut against his strong thigh - the muscles under you flexed and you threw your head back, biting on your lips - "my love" sanji breathed heavily, struggling against the constricting handcuffs, "l- let me help you, please" you shot him a mischievous glance, pushing down harder against him, "hm? how will you help me?" "a-anyway you want" he moans as your fingers lightly skim over his hard-on, "pl- s'il te plaît, yn" - you press a chaste kiss at the center of his throat and relish as you feel him suck in a deep breath, begging more "ask me again, sanji" you coo as your hands trace down his chest and onto his erection, "come on" "yn-" he is meeting you upwards, allowing himself some friction, "my love, darling, please. please, don't tease me" his hair is damp and when he speaks, his words are slurring into one another, "pl-ease, yn, let me fuck you. i'll fuck you so good, i promise, darlin', ple-ase i- i promise" "keep beggin'" "yn, you're driving me fucking insane, p-please let me atleast touch you, taste you, anything" "you wanna touch me?" as he nods, you carefully open one of the cuffs and settle down a little bit farther than he can reach "how about you do yourself?" you smirk, and when his face falls, you re-assure, "don't worry, i'll help if you can't fuck yourself like i do"
a/n: s'il te plaît: please okay listen, i think sub!op men are superior, talk to the wall that being sad, my lord, i am out of fic ideas so please let me know :') and sorry for any spelling errors, wrote this one in a hurry
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koiiiiijiii · 5 months
Heyyy, What if reader is in the hummingbird crew and is in a secret relationship with joker
Can u make some Sfw and nsfw headcanon
sorry, i decided to do only sfw part because i didn’t really came up with the idea how to add nsfw part here ://
hope you’ll enjoy!!
warnings ; only my not proofed english erorrs.
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joker saw you on league of streets before, for sure. he knew that you were from hummingbird crew and the fact that sangho choi had a request to sabbath to deal somehow with your crew.
he never liked that idea tho, in the first place because hummingbird had you and shelly, and joker could never compete with girls, it seemed unfair and unnatural for him.
but when he saw you leaving the changing room right after incident with missing drug from that guy in red glasses, and you clearly heard their conversation, wooin immediately bellowed to catch you and joker grabbed you by wrist and pulled your hand on the level of his eyes. that red glasses pice of shit immediately screamed that it was your team that stole "something" from him. your hart, in turn, has already sunk into your heels, and soul has left your body, a bunch of suspicious-looking guys were ready to tear you apart because of someones lost thing, while you and your team just tried to win cycling competition. joker didn’t immediately realize with what force he was squeezing your wrist, and when he looked from wooin to you, he felt as if his heart was pinched. he, being a huge guy, squeezed your hand so hard that there would definitely be a bruise... "a girl's hand.. so small" - he thought to himself and relaxed his grip on you. joker didn’t like to mess with girls. especially with someone nice like you. he clearly catched himself on the idea that he doesn’t like your scared face turned to him. one your still free hand started to pounding on his elbow and forearm demanding to let you go.
when wooin learned that that guy had no proofs that it was you or your team he was furious, and joker just knew that this guy is no longer safe. he actually didn’t care. the only fact that he cared, when he made sure everyone had left the room and discovered that he was right, there was indeed a bruise on your wrist. he was ashamed, really ashamed, to offend a girl who, in addition, had done nothing wrong.
you were sitting on the floor, leaning on the boxes, when you saw that white haired guy squatted down in front of you and held out his hand. "what does this thug need??" - your thoughts were spinning in your head, and you felt bad that you refused dom’s company to pick up your stuff from changing rooms.
"give me your phone" - you heard his harsh voice. what in the earth he wanted from you?. "hey your friends already learned that i didnt stole anything, now join them and leave." - tears were alredy welling up in your eyes and it was so insulting and unpleasant for you. "im sorry..." he paused and added "i wanted to ask your number. i know one good ointment, it helps with bruises. if you dont mind. just let me know were i could meet you."
on the evening of that day, you met in the park, and he shyly handed you a transparent bag with ointment and bandages.
he muttered an apology under his breath once more and was about to leave when you grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and stopped him.
“give me your phone” - now was your turn to ask.
he freaked out a little but handed you the phone and you typed in your number and made a call, so you had his number too.
you named him as a “nice big guy from snake team”
the next time you receive a call from joker was one week later, and he asked you to help him to patch him up.
you had no idea what happened to him, but you just felt that you need to return a favor and help him.
he said he was waiting for you in the park where you met, sitting on a bench. when you came blood was dripping from his nose, and there were abrasions on his hands and face.
worried, you rushed to the nearest store and bought water to wash the wounds and to apply that ointment that he brought you.
he didn't make a sound when you moistened a piece of screw, washed his wounds and applied ointment, sealed it with plasters, and as soon as you finished, joker thanked you.
you spent about 30 minutes more in each other company and he walked you to your house.
that night you received a “good night” text from him.
after that, your correspondence became more regular, as well as meetings.
and you both agreed not to share that information with your teams. you simply knew that dom will want to fight with joker because of the fact that he hurt you in first place and joker said that it is better not to let wooin know about him hanging out with “rival crew” member.
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kqulitz · 1 year
Hiiii, how are you? I have this on my mind for such a long time. I dont know how to explain this but im gonna try my best! So like Tom had really hard day and take it out on reader, like really rough sex, and hes gonna call her like someone really mean stuff, but reader after while get really overwhelmed and overstimulated and say her safeword. It will end with fluff.
You dont have to write it if you feeling uncomfortable with it ofc! I hope you've a good day!<3
tom kaulitz x reader
summary: you get a bit too overwhelmed
tags: smut warning!!, rough sex, overstimulation, degrading, dom! tom, dacryphilia, cunnilingus (fem receiving), use of safewords, slapping/spanking, squirting, use of the word cvnt, unprotected sex (wrap it up!!), reader is on birth control though :), spitting in someone’s mouth, tom having a breeding kink bc i said so, use of the words wh0re, fvck toy and slvt :), aftercare, crying, some angst, fluff!! :)
lowercase intended :)
smut under cut- both tom and reader are 18+!! minors dni!!
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
you gasp, hands tugging his hair as your back arches. tom’s lips wrap around your clit, sucking harshly as his fingers draw another orgasm from you. your thighs shake around his head as you whimper, tears staining your cheeks. “tom- please- it’s too much..!” you moan, glad that the two of you were completely alone so the rest of the band couldn’t hear you. “just a few more, baby.” tom mumbles, completely drunk off your pussy as he once again refuses to move away. his tongue moves down your slit, pushing into your hole to lap up any juices, they stain down his chin as he hums against your cunt. “tommy, please..!” you squeeze your thighs around his head. shuddering as you cum on his tongue.
tom chuckles, prying your thighs open so he had more room to pleasure you. his tongue moves up again to flick against your swollen clit, fingers slick with your cum as he thrusts them into you again. “t-tom, s’too much-!” you wail, squeezing around his fingers tightly. “you can take more than this baby. i haven’t gotten to fuck you yet.” he purrs, hand moving to pin your hips to the bed as you thrust them against his face. “don’t be a brat…” he mumbles to you, kissing along your pussy just to feel you twitch and flutter. “please, just fuck me already.” you whine, eyes looking down at him. he hums, moving up your body to kiss your lips.
the taste of you almost makes you cringe, yet tom adored it, he loved eating you out. “since you asked so nicely.” he smiles at you, lips latching onto your neck to suckle a dark hickey onto your skin. his cock presses against your cunt, it’s hot and sticky due to the pre cum that had gathered as he ate your cunt. “tom, please.” you beg, voice hoarse. he hums, wetting his cock using your cum. “you’re so pretty when you’re underneath me.” he tells you, pushing his cock in rather roughly. you gasp at the feeling of being stretched fully, immediately clenching down on his cock. tom groans, thrusting into you no matter how hard you squeezed him. “tom-! tom!” you moan, unable to find any other words as your nails dig into the soft skin of his back. tom winces slightly as you leave deep red marks behind on his back, sucking in a breath through his teeth as his hands push your thighs open to give himself more room.
his tip hammers against that sweet spot that had you sobbing, your cum gushing against him as you writhe a little. “stay still.” tom grumbles, hooking one of your legs over his shoulder to hit even deeper. you whimper out a soft apology, yet it’s cut off as you moan loudly. tom adores it, his lustful eyes drinking in how your tears rolled down your cheeks. your hips buck against his, legs trembling as you whimper and whine. “such a needy whore.” he purrs, thumb moving down to your clit. you gasp as he rubs harsh circles over your sensitive bud, cumming even harder as he fucks you senseless. “baby-“ you choke out. tom drops your leg down so you could hook them around his hips, drawing him in even further. “you’re such a whore for me, aren’t you? my pretty little slut.”
you whine at his harsh words, back arching. “tom-“ you whine, yet he cuts you off with a harsh slap. “sluts don’t speak.” he scolds, hand moving down to grab your ass. you whimper softly, body rocking with each hard thrust. you can’t help the loud moans that fall from your lips as you cum again, and again- all whilst tom held out. “god, you’re so fucking needy for me.” tom grunts, his own orgasm close. “tom-“ he spanks your ass hard, leaving a red mark behind. “shut up.” he glares at you, you whimper softly. “s-sorry..!” you gasp, back arching. tom groans softly. “shit… you’re such a little slut- taking me so well. fuck-“ he pants softly, fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs. “tommy-!”
“how many times do i have to tell you to shut up? good sluts don’t talk, do they?” he grabs your jaw, leaning down. you open your mouth, letting him spit onto your tongue. “swallow.” he demands, closing your mouth for you. you do so, making sure he can see your throat move as you swallow his spit. “so you can follow orders. why’re you trying to be such a brat for me?” he coos, watching you sob at the overstimulation. “aw, my baby is just so pathetic, isn’t she?” tom laughs, it’s cold and cruel. you didn’t particularly like when he got this mean, yet you were too busy having your brains fucked out to fully compute what he was saying. “tom, i need you..” you request meekly, hands grabbing at his shoulders. “i know you do. fuck- you’re so lucky.” he grunts, cock twitching as he grows even closer. “so so lucky. my pretty little whore.”
tom moans as he cums, filling you up, yet he doesn’t stop thrusting into you as if it were his only purpose. you moan, back arching as your noises crumble into pleasured sobs. “fuck… my pretty little fuck toy- you’re so hot like this.” tom groans, pushing his tongue into your mouth as he kisses you. you kiss back weakly, thighs squeezing his hips. “you don’t realise how lucky you are, do you?” he smiles innocently, finally pulling out from you. before you can even begin to come down from your high, his fingers are pushing his cum back in, thrusting faster than before. you wail, back arching as you try to move your hands down to grab his wrist. tom snatches your hand, pushing them both above your head as he continues to pleasure you.
“so many girls want this, i could go out and find another so easily. you’re so lucky.” he coos, you snap, breaking down into sobs. “red..! red!” you whimper, tom’s eyes widen a little as he pulls his fingers from your sopping cunt. “shit- i’m sorry baby. i didn’t mean to-“ he cuts himself off as you move away slightly, sniffling and whimpering as you curl up a little. “i don’t mean that, baby. i’m sorry.” he whispers, moving over to try and comfort you. “just- stop for a moment, please.” your voice wavers. tom feels terrible; he knows how insecure you got, knows how you felt in the beginning of your relationship. “i didn’t mean it.” he tells you softly, hoping you’d at least look at him.
tom ponders for a moment before getting up off the bed, he’s angry- but not at you; at himself for being so stupid as to say that to you. he looks around, gathering his clothes and pulling them on. your soft cries break his heart, he hates being the reason that you’re upset. tom glances at you before leaving the room, you hear him jogging away. you sniffle, curling up tighter as you sob. your brain is filled with all sorts of possibilities, some completely unrealistic, yet you’re too upset to decipher many of them. assuming tom had left, you bury your face into his pillow, sobbing harder.
you don’t know how long you had been crying, your head hurts, your nose is stuffy. the door slowly clicks open. tom pants, gathering himself as he steps inside. “baby.” he coos, moving over to the bed. “have you not moved?” he frowns, crouching beside you. you whimper softly, finally looking at him. “oh my sweet girl… don’t cry.” he sighs, kissing your forehead gently. you want to push him away, yet you can’t. “why did you leave me?” you hiccup, tears still falling. “i went out and got you some of your favourite snacks.” tom explains, he puts a bag down on the floor beside the bed. you hum a little, letting tom scoop you up from his bed. “c’mon, you need to get cleaned up.” he mumbles, bringing you into the bathroom that was adjoined to his bedroom.
you sniffle as tom sits you down on the counter, watching him grab a towel and dampen it. with tender care, he carefully cleans you up, being careful as to not press too hard. you’re silent, excusing the occasional sniffles and your breath hitching. tom feels terrible. “i’m so sorry, baby…” he sighs, kissing your lips gently. “i love you, i’d never ever cheat on you. i don’t know what i was thinking…” tom’s eyes are full of regret as he wipes your cheeks for you. you hum, hugging him tightly. “it’s okay…” you sigh, voice hoarse. “no, baby- it’s not. i’m really sorry.” tom hugs you back, a wave of relief washing over him. “i suppose there is a way you can make it up to me.” you smile a little, pulling away. “anything, baby. i’ll do anything.” he replies rather desperately.
“i get to wear anything in your closet, cuddles, snacks- and watch a movie with me- i get to pick!” you list off, tom smiles widely. “of course baby.” he chuckles, lifting you from the counter. you giggle softly, hugging his neck to keep yourself balanced. tom let’s you down, watching you move to his closet. smiling to yourself, you pick out your favourite hoodie; which coincidentally was also one of tom’s. he rolls his eyes playfully, yet deep down he didn’t mind. snatching a pair of his boxers, you slip into his clothes before getting into bed. tom gets in beside you, handing you the remote. “thank you..!” you chirp, seemingly brightened. “no problem, baby.” he mumbles. leaning over, he picks up the bag he had left on the floor, putting it down between the two of you. turning on the tv, you rummage through the cd’s tom owned. you hum slightly, finally picking ghostbusters. “ghostbusters?” tom raises his brows. “i get to pick..!” you remind him, getting up to put it into the cd player. tom hums, bringing the snacks out of the bag. “of course, of course.” he smiles, stealing a quick kiss.
you set the snacks aside, cuddling into tom’s chest. he exhales slowly through his nose. “i’m sorry again, baby. i love you.” he mutters, kissing your head. “i know.” you reply innocently. tom’s stomach sinks. you let your words marinate for a second before looking up at him. “i’m just messing with you. i love you too.” you smile, kissing his lips. “you little minx.” he chuckles, kissing you again. “the movies starting.” he tells you; you hum gently. he can’t keep his eyes on the screen, too busy looking at you. you’re curled up beside him, head resting on his chest as you watch the movie. tom’s hands gently rub your back, watching you melt into him even further. “watch the movie..!” you scold gently, hand softly hitting his side. “sorry.” he smiles, turning back to the tv. you smile, letting your legs tangle between his, arms squeezing his torso tightly as you listen to his heart beat methodically.
the movie carries on, and around the 30 minute mark tom glances back down at you. you’d dozed off, eyes closed, mouth slightly agape as you breathe slowly. tom smiles, pausing the movie and moving the snacks from the bed and onto the bedside table. “i love you, baby.” he tells you, craning his neck and kissing your forehead gently. you hum sleepily, clinging to tom even tighter as you slept. he sighs, wondering how he got so lucky to be with you.
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doobean · 7 months
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synopsis: There's a problem student in your class and he just can't seem to understand that he needs to put in the effort. You've already given him three chances to make up his assignments - all of which he ignored. But what happens when he suggests another alternative during office hours?
contents: explicit content, afab!fem!reader, age gap (he's 22 and reader is 27), student-teacher (duh), reader kind of a tough professor lol, also a bully too ig, sex in teacher's office, masturbation (reader), power imbalance, nonconsensual video recording, vaginal sex, unprotected, creampie, breast/nipple play, dom?reader, switch!nagi, cunninglingus, cumming on face and inside, degradation, name calling (brat x 2, good boy x 1), nagi having a big dick, happy ending :) word count: 3.7K a/n: part 3 of my kinktober event :3 SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG LIFE TOOK OVER BUT I HOPE THIS MAKES UP FOR THE LOST TIME ;; I WILL MAKE THE LAST KINKTOBER FIC EXTRA SPICY TOO DONT WORRY FAM - also im super proud of myself for literally scraping the draft and rewrote this within a span of two days?? like wow the pressure is on.
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There are some habits that never seem to change — even with age. You’ve seen it all, experienced it too, from emailing your teachers last minute about having to make up an exam worth over half of your course grade to faking a family death in order to get an extension, or — and this is more for students who are a bit too ‘brave’ — blaming the teachers for their inability to do their jobs. You knew what you would be getting into when you went into this job, from having to do the last minute panic pleas to now being on the receiving end of it. And you now actually feel sorry for having to bombard your past professors like that.
You release a deep breath from your nose and flick the red gel pen across a student’s exam, circling the large failing number by their name. “I’ll see you next year.” You try to sound less harsh, more on the sympathetic side, since you’re relatively still within the same age group as some of these students, but who wants to hear that? That they have to repeat a course and be stuck a graduation year behind? Absolutely no one.
You want to look away as you hand the student back his exam scores because you just know it’s going to end with tears and meaningless pleas but that would be unprofessional on your end. Instead, you give the student a small smile and a couple of pieces of candy from the glass bowl next to you. 
“Sorry if it’s not much but it’s better than nothing?” God, you need to work on your pep talk. These students are basically adults, not elementary school kids.
“A-Are you sure I can’t do anything else to boost my grade?” The student starts to whimper and you have to tense your whole body from cringing at their quivering voice. 
Ugh, it’s useless. Why bother begging if they haven’t bothered to study the material?
Still, you manage to whip up an emphatic frown and shake your head, voice sounding more motherly. “I’m sure it’ll be easier for you to understand next time.”
Another whine and then a final huff before the student storms out of your office. By the time the door shuts and their wails are out of ear shot, you slump back into your chair and groan loudly into your palms. Your body aches from being at your desk all day long — your mind is doing no better, having to deal with students’ cries and unwarranted trauma dumping. Seriously, when are they going to pay teachers more to deal with this type of stuff?
On the bright side of things, your office hours are officially over. Final grades will be up by tonight and you’ve completed most of your tasks with all but one student being a constant no show for the eternity of the semester but that responsibility doesn’t fall onto you. He and the handful of others can just show up again next year. 
You spend some time debating your options, eating a nice, warm bowl of noodles sounds good for now but… you did spend nearly eight hours cooped up in your office and you are feeling a bit high energy right now, so stress relieving might be a good answer first.  
“Now, where did I put that thing?” You reach down your desk, pulling up your purse and rummage through it looking for a very specific purple ‘massager’. 
It’s super rare for you to ‘release’ stress while on campus grounds, this might be one of the few times, with others following the same patterns, but you feel the utter need to reward yourself after today’s events. It’ll only take you maybe ten minutes max, afterwards it’s dinner and then a quiet train ride home. Plus, not like you have a partner who can do this for you — you barely have time to take care of yourself, let alone be in a relationship or commit yourself to a random hook up. Sometimes, it’s just better to handle the situation yourself since it is your body.
A breathy sigh leaves your lips as you place the vibrating head against the soft cotton fabric of your panties, already soaked through by just the thought of de-stressing yourself. You throw your head back, with one hand steady with the magic wand and the other traveling up to your blouse, unbuttoning the top and allowing your black bra to be exposed in the room. As you increase the pressure from the vibrations, your free hand spills your breasts from its cups, your thumbs and digits immediately running over the sensitive nubs and plush flesh of your chest as you start to chase your high.
“M-Mhm—! Right there…” You roll your head to the side and shut your eyes, imagination fleeting to the thoughts of a male seated in between your legs, his tongue desperate and latching to your overwhelmed clit and folds while your thighs keep his shoulders in place. 
You think it’s so unfair that your other friends have already settled down with partners of their own. When holidays come around the corner, when you finally catch a break from all the whining and fake wolf cries, you just have to hear your friends gush about how romantic their partners are to them. You secretly hate winter because of it. All those talks about Christmas gifts, their New Year’s couples resolutions, their stupid fancy ski trips that cost close to thousands of dollars, and then top it off for Valentine’s Day. Summer is more bearable, only because of the lack of romantic holidays, but you still get bitter from seeing their beach photos and international trips.
You change the position of your magic wand, facing it closer and pressing it harder down your clit, nearly drawing blood from your lips as you suppress back a frantic moan — a moan that’s a mix of both pleasure and frustration. 
Fuck the students. Fuck your friends. And fuck this job.
“H-Haah—! Oh my god…” Your hips buckle feverishly, body quaking in your seat as you start to feel a familiar coil tightening in your stomach and a rush down below. A build up of tears start pooling at the corners of your eyes as your vision starts to grow hazy. Your heart heaves forward, about to burst out of your chest, the imaginary man just about to finish you off—
Your eyes immediately pop open and the color drains from your face at the squealing sound from the door. You don’t have enough time to cover yourself up when you realize that a student is standing by the entrance, wearing an equally shocked expression on his face. A tousle of white shaggy hair, large gray eyes, appearing at a staggering height with—your gaze trail to his hands and nearly faint from the sight—his phone.
The sound of the door creaking again snaps you out of the phase and your arms fly over your chest, the words stuck in your throat and your vibrator falling to the floor. 
Shit, what should you ask first? Has he been recording you this whole time? When did he even show up? You’re positive that you were the only one left in the academic building, so what is going on?
“Um,” The male has the audacity to walk in the room, his gaze fixated on everything but you. “Are office hours still open?”
What. The. Fuck.
You blink once, twice, and, when the student is still standing there, confirming your thoughts that he isn’t an awful mirage sent down by the Lord himself, you feel yourself internally shrinking.
“I-Is that the first thing you want to ask me?” You stifle back a laugh, or at least you think it’s a laugh. Maybe even a few waterworks for later. “Just who are you?”
But then it hits you. The black and blue duffle bag he has by his side had his name engraved on it. You don’t need to take a closer to recognize the national team’s logo and you certainly don’t need a Google search to realize that Nagi fucking Seishiro, a soccer prodigy and your apparent student for the semester, might’ve just recorded you masturbating in your office.
You manage to find an old jacket from one of the drawers at your desk and throw it on before pointing a harsh finger at the man. “Delete it, now.”
“Will I get an A?” Nagi is surprisingly blunt and, now looking back, this might honestly be the first time you’ve ever talked to him out of the whole semester. He seems to catch your perplexed look, shooting you a pair of creased brows back as he explains, “All of my other courses were remote because of training and football games… You were the only professor that denied it.”
You huff, seemingly annoyed that he thinks he can be an exception to your course rules. “I don’t hand out favoritism to just anyone and,” You glare at the phone in his hand, sneering right back at his uncaring facial expression. “I’m definitely not going to pass you if you’re threatening to black mail me.”
“Maybe we can help each other out?” Nagi offers, maybe a bit too fast and too eager. 
You cautiously sink back in your seat, eyes narrowing at his suggestion. “What are you implying, Nagi?” The male shuffles awkwardly in place and your gaze flicks down, eyes widening for the nth time today and an audible gasp slips out. “You can’t be serious.”
“I need to pass and you—” Nagi clears his throat and motions to your slick covered vibrator, which is still very much on and buzzing away on the wooden floor boards near his feet. “You didn’t finish.” He rakes his fingers through his hair and adjusts the semi-hard length through his sweats with his other before finishing his offer. “I’ll delete the video, help you, and you’ll give me an A?” Nagi lamely suggests. 
You want to scream, dig yourself a ditch large enough to fit you and the rest of however much pride you had left, and wither away. You’ve had students coming to you with plenty of other excuses, much more tamed than whatever situation you’ve found yourself in. And, regardless how much shitty this actually is, it doesn’t get rid of the fact that: one — you’re still sexually frustrated from having your orgasm ruined by this oversized, lazy fucker, two — you literally just got this job a year ago and getting fired for masturbating on campus might not look so great on your record, and three — if Nagi is true to his words, maybe you both can just forget about it the next day.
“You don’t get the control, I do.” You rise from your seat, allowing the jacket to fall from your frame. Your gaze hardens on the male subject in front of you as you bend down to reach for your toy, turning it off and putting it away in a nearby drawer that’s most likely filled with other student’s graded assignments. 
Whatever, they’ll probably cry more fluids on it when they get their results back anyway.
Nagi tenses when you reach over to touch his arms, feeling up his toned biceps and rest of his upper body underneath the black hoodie, and he doesn’t dare to move unless you tell him to. You let out a scoff, feeling satisfied that he’s already willing to compromise so quickly under short notice. With a light tug on his sleeve, you drag him closer to your desk and settle yourself on top of it. You hike up your pencil skirt to your upper thighs and spread your legs wide enough for the width of his shoulders.
“On your knees, brat.”
He silently obliges, bending down on one knee and his hands find home on your inner thighs. You resist the urge to squirm under his touch, still feeling rather sensitive from your earlier chase and not wanting to give him any ounce of satisfaction. Without any audible exchanges, he allows you to direct his head closer to the heat of your sex, the combination of your increasing wetness and the hot puffs from his breath makes your stomach twist in anticipation.
With a quick swipe, his fingers brush aside your panties to the crease of your thighs and lean in, giving a few experimental licks to your slicked cover folds before burying the rest of his face in. Your reaction is instant. Your fingers claw their way deep into his shoulder blades, thighs threatening to squeeze the living life out of him, but Nagi’s grip is even more threatening. He stays rigid, palms glued to your thighs and keeping them in place as his tongue flicks against the stiff nub — drawing lazy circles.
Your mouth betrays your character as he suddenly decides to insert two digits, scissoring their way into your velvety walls. Nagi grunts in response at just how lewd you sound right now. 
“Soaking wet…” He observes with careful eyes at your sex before looking up, a playful smirk flashes across his face when he notices the flush in your cheeks. With another twirl from his fingers, combined with the slow swirls from his tongue, your head rolls back as the torrent seems to be relentless.
With the next extra pumps, you cum hard with a shudder, vicing your thighs against his head.  You can feel the leak of fluids slide out of your folds, and Nagi pushes his face inward, making sure he slid his tongue against that sweet spot of yours again. It blinds you with a final surge of pleasure, and you cry out as your orgasm shakes you to the core, nails biting into his shoulders.
You’ve never experienced an orgasm that intense before, even with the usage of your vibrator — hell, you can’t even remember when’s the last time a man has made you reach that high. Bright colors cloud your vision as you tumble through what seems like an endless bliss. Your body goes slack, back now flushed against the office desk, but Nagi’s body is still tense, his muscles twitching as he gets to his feet and lifts your legs off his shoulders.
“Hey,” Nagi slurs, wiping away your slick with the back of his hand.  “We’re not done here.”
“W-What are you talking about—ah!”
Your vision is just beginning to clear up when you find yourself trapped between Nagi’s arms. He’s hovering above you, a certain dark look casts over his gray hues as he bores into your own. You swallow hard, heart beating faster when you look down to see his sweats already laid around his thighs and his cock springs free, head spilling with heavy amounts of pre. Nagi’s length twitches at the sounds of your moans and the male takes that as a sign of approval.
“What?” He leans forward, his bangs brushing against your forehead. “You’ve never seen a penis before?”
“Don’t get smart with me, brat.” You spit back, immediately tearing your gaze away from his rather impressive size. Might be the biggest you’ve ever seen in person outside from those awful porn videos online.
If you can find the energy to, you might’ve laughed at his lame attempt to have the upper hand, but Nagi doesn’t waste his time. He closes the distance, smashing his lips against yours, tongue already dragging its way down your throat. You choke back but recover quickly, hands flying to his locks, grabbing fistfuls, and rocking your hips against his hardened appendage. A sinful groan slips from his lips and lifts one of your thighs up, your ankle resting on his shoulder while he wraps the other around his waist. 
You part your lips when he breaks away from the kiss, a thin trail of saliva connecting you two, and a whine spills from you as Nagi begins sliding his cock in between your folds. He sucks in his teeth, breath hitching sharply at the sight. 
“Wanna put it in so bad—” He shudders seeing your slick engulfing his length. “Can I—Can I please put it in?” His monotone voice now replaced with a shaky resolve, almost as if he’s seeking for your next stage of approval and pleasure. 
You reach up and cup his cheeks in your hands, eyes softening at his glassy ones. “Promise to delete that video and you might get a chance, Nagi.”
“Sei,” The male breathes out.
You tilt your head. “Huh?”
Nagi leans into your touch, nuzzling his cheeks into your palms. “Want you to call me Sei… Can you do that?”
“Sei…” You whisper out, suppressing back a laugh when you see the towering male tensing at the sound of his name. The twitching from his cock brushes against your clit making you squirm. “Sei, make me cum around that cock of yours.”
A cry escapes from the both of you when he slides in, inching bit by bit and holding your waist with both hands as leverage. You can’t do anything but throw your head back, sounds leaving your hoarse throat at the sheer size from him.  Your hands can only reach his thighs, nails leaving their crescent marks on his skin as Nagi bottoms out inside of you with a long, agonizing stroke. Nagi takes his time, building a slow but steady rhythm, staring down at you with intense gray eyes and making sure the thickness of his cock stretches your walls as he continues. You suddenly feel grateful that you came earlier, the extra slick and foreplay made the insertion easier because you’re certain without it there’s no guarantee that you would’ve been able to handle this mind numbing fucking.
After a few more experimental strokes, Nagi finds a comfortable pace. You’re now starting to get used to him and it feels so, so good that you’re finding everything in your power to spread your legs as far open as they would go. Sensing your struggle, Nagi lifts one hand to push your thigh back even further, and you let out a yelp, whining when you feel him brushing against that sweet spot inside of you again.
A warm rushing sensation starts building in your stomach again and you feel as if you’re about to jump off a cliff. Your walls clamp down around his cock, wails starting to bounce off the walls and legs shaking without any means of control. You’re absolutely floored by the way Nagi’s able to make your body react this much under his touch. It’s only your first time having sex, yet it feels like he’d been making love with you for a lifetime. 
Your eyes fly shut as the feeling of his callous thumbs make their way onto your swollen clit, rubbing and tapping away. Flames are riding your nerves, you can’t hold back any sort of resistance in your voice as he picks up the pace, hips slamming into yours and sounds of sex filling the air. Nagi moves swiftly and punishingly, holding your hips still and not allowing you any room to move around as his cock tears against that spot that had tears finally spilling down your flushed face.
“Sei,” You choke out a sob, throwing a hand over your mouth to try and suppress some of the noise. Though, you and him both know it’s a futile effort.
The build up of pleasure is so binding that you’re beginning to lose sense of time and place, feeling only the desperate and feral thrusts from your student. Your second orgasm fades slowly, leaving you in a pool of ecstasy, but that doesn’t stop Nagi. 
Still hard and pumping, his grip on your hips only tighten and he grunts out a lustful moan. “Feels good, right? Cumming all over me?”
You look up to him, tears of pleasure disorienting your vision, and in a state where you’re too incoherent to speak — pleading only with your doe eyes.
Nagi understood immediately. He slows down his pace, leaning forward, making sure the head of his cock kisses the inside of your cervix before bending down to place one on your own gaping lips.
“Such a good boy, aren’t you?” You manage out.
He groans at the pet name and peppers your face and neck with wet kisses, lifting your leg with one hand so that he can slowly stroke back and forth inside.
One of your hands reaches for your chest, fondling and toying with your nipples while your other hand reaches for the back of his head, gripping his white locks and pulling him down for another feverish kiss. Your lips remain sealed and pressed together in a battle of tongues as he rocks inside of you, sending you yet another orgasm as he moans into your mouth. 
“H-Haah—I’m close…” His hips buck wildly. “Gonna cum inside of this pretty pussy…”
Nagi finally comes undone inside of you, his whole body shuddering as coats of white paint the insides of your velvety walls. A heavy pant from him catches your ears as he pulls out slowly, eyes admiring the hot, white trail that travels down your thighs and onto your desk. 
By now, you can barely keep your eyes open, both mind and body exhausted. You try to get up, only to find zero strength left in your limbs, but soon you feel a pair of toned biceps around your waist and Nagi pulls you into his firm, yet comforting chest. 
You want to ask him something again, something regarding that video he took of you earlier, but you’re beginning to lose your train of thought as exhaustion creeps up. Your entire body aches and your pussy is still emptying his remaining orgasm. But, strangely enough, you find yourself not caring about it anymore. 
A smile makes its way onto your features as you drift off to sleep, making you miss the fact that Nagi did delete the video shortly after and scribble a quick note next to your purse. It’ll be another hour before you have the chance to read it.
‘Don’t forget that A. XXX-XXX-0506 - Sei.’
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© 2023 DOOBEAN. do not copy any of my writing and translate/repost.
@milkistoshi @mareonyan @saenora @blissblossom @wowonamo
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heeliopheelia · 9 months
"there's nothing i'd change about you. i love every single part of you" (niki x reader)
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genre: fluff, comfort fic word count: 0.6k requested by @im-yn-suckers ♡
a/n: i felt like writing something lighter tonight so here we go with kinda reversed comfort fic!! i'm working on the next hee drabble as i'm posting this one, so if everything goes well i'll finish the 1k event this week!!
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A frown makes it way on your face as you check the clock and realize it's been fifteen minutes since your boyfriend's finished his shower. He's been in a foul mood ever since he's come back home, visibly exhausted and irked by every smallest thing on his way. He spat some harsh words at you too, but the instant regret flashing in his eyes each time let you know that he didn't mean them at all.
So you did your best to give him the much needed space, knowing that nothing helps him clear his head more than some time alone, but after such a long time of absolute silence coming from across the hall, you can't help but feel slightly worried.
You call out to him softly and when you get nothing in response, you make your way into the bathroom where Riki is. You tilt the door open and take a peak inside the steamy room, only to feel your heart dropping at the sight of your boyfriend slouching in front of the mirror, hands braced on each side of the sink as his head is hanging lowly, eyelids squeezed shut.
Your eyes soften immediately at the miserable sight and without a shadow of hesitation, you walk towards him.
"You okay, babe?" You put on your most comforting tone as you wrap your arms around his torso from behind. "You've been beating yourself up for a while now, hm? Tell me what's on your mind, handsome?"
"It's just–," he cuts himself off with a frustrated sigh, running his hand through his face. "I know I can be a lot sometimes. And I'm sorry that you have to deal with all of that so often. You must be tired of this shit by now."
You frown slightly, pulling your head away slightly to press a kiss to his shoulder blade.
"Hey, don't say stuff like that. It's okay, everyone lets their emotions unleash from time to time, it's normal. Would be hard for one to stay perfect all the time," you hum quietly, squeezing his waist a little tighter. "But there's nothing I'd change about you anyway. I love every single part of you. Especially the parts that you love about yourself the least."
Riki breathes out a heavy sigh and finally lets himself relax into you a little bit as the guard that he's kept so high up absolutely crumbles. You can see how exhausted he looks now, the usual playful glimmer abandoned his now nearly dull eyes couple days ago. You slip your hands underneath his shirt and run your warm hands over his abdomen in hopes of bringing him some source of comfort.
"I could never get tired of you," you let out a quiet whisper after another moment of silence, and rest your cheek on his back. "Just because you're not smiling and laughing all day long doesn't mean you're suddenly undeserving of my love, Riki. I love you just as much as I did last week – if not even more."
At that, your boyfriend finally pushes himself off the counter and turns around to draw you in closely into his arms. Leaning down, he buries his face in your hair and holds you tightly as his head buzzes with all the love he carries for you.
"Thank you," he murmurs, hand caressing your hair gently, "for always being here. You're my little angel, you know that, don't you?"
You hum quietly and raise to your toes to plant a soft kiss on his lips. "And I'll always stay here. And you will start trying to let me in a little more, okay? It's you and me against the problem – not you against me. Promise me?"
Riki looks at your outstretched pinky finger for couple seconds before intertwining it with his and lifting it up to his lips to seal the pledge with a kiss.
"I promise."
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permanent taglist: @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997 @satoruskitchenrag @ramenoil @jenjnk @jaylaxies @yoongspi @nichoswag @s00buwu @dazzlingligth
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astr0exe · 2 months
Hollup, wait I js had an idea
Bull hybrid!tm reader with Farmer!Graves, it makes total sense! Because Graves is from the south and he definetly owns his own little farm. Reader is spoiled asf, during breeding season he knocks Graves over almost all the time and Graves is just wondering why his boy is acting like this. Until he feels reader grinding against his jeans and then he's like 'oh shit, thats why' :3
OKAY SO THIS HAS BEEN IN MY ASKS FOR SO SO LONG IM SO SORRY ML 🫶🏻🩶 !! THIS IDEA IS SO YUMMY THOUGH:(( but yeah m rlly sorry lovie hope you like this <33 n M SO SORRY IF THIS IS BAD😭 also sorry i changed this to male reader by accident 😕🫶🏻🫶🏻
// CW : MALE!Reader , bull!reader , breeding , rough housing (??) , no aftercare ig
Farmer!Graves with Bull!reader who is large, like huge and built like a brick wall. Your horns that are sharp and thick, everyone knows you if they visit Graves farm. But that’s because he spoils you, you’re just too cute:( , He can’t help but just adore you some times, especially because you are used as a stud on the farm.
Breeding season rolls around, your cock is painfully hard between your legs. Its bulbous head red and dripping pre-cum excessively. Your huffs of air are loud, as Graves comes into your pen. You basically barrel into him, knocking him into the wall of the barn as you groan lowly in his ear. Your grip harsh on his hips with your face hidden into his neck. Your cock rubbing against the fabric of your shorts and his pants, the feeling is euphoric and overwhelming as you whine and huff, needing relief.
Graves is completely taken aback, his eyes wide and confused before slowly realising what time of year it is. Breeding season. He can feel your cock rubbing against his belt. Straining against the thin material of your pants, needing to stuff his arse full. Graves hands move down, pulling down the material keeping your dick confined before ultimately letting it spring out, hitting your abdomen. His hands are on you in an instant, trying to relieve the pain for you. Your precum coating your large cock.
Your groans are loud as you move rapidly, pinning Philip to the ground with your body as you rut your hips aggressively against Graves arse. Your hot puffs are air against his neck makes him shiver and whine almost silently. His hand grips your cock and helps guide your rutting into his hole. Your cock hammers straight into his needy hole. The sudden tightness makes your hips stutter. A whimper leaves your lips as your horns nudge Graves cheek. Your thrusts are fast and rough, giving away your need as you whine and huff loudly, growling. Your large hoofs (idk terms?) gripping Philips hips harshly.
His moans are loud and bounce off of the walls of the barn, the roughness of your cock dragging along his walls makes his cock twitch, his embarrassment from being about to cum overshadowed by the immense pleasure you are giving to him. His shout as he cums is high pitched, the pleasure blinding him as his cock spurts with ropes and ropes of cum.. His hole tightens on your cock making you howl in pure pleasure, your own orgasm being brought on because of Graves’.
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miam0re · 1 year
Overheard Fantasies | Honkai Star Rail
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Warning: Fantasies(mentions) of- Group Sex/Gang Bang, Blowjobs, Cunnilingus, Anal stuff, spanking, biting, deep throating, cum swallowing, more stuff i probably missed
Summary: And there you were with your best friends, talking about your fantasies of fucking the men you've met...who happen to be hearing your conversation from the other room
Pairings: Welt Yang, Jing Yuan, Gepard X Fem!Reader (together)
Mia's Notes: Yooo This was inspired by THIS ASK asked by @cxxmine lots of love for the ask!! I wanted to include whichever men i could but Im not too good with writing group stuff so I thought I'd write for 3! If you all like it then maybe I can write more owo but yep this is it for now, I hope you enjoy it mwah mwah Ps bold text is you talking and the normal text is their reaction
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“Oh, Mr.Yang? He’s such a dilf, ya know? Like I would totally spread my legs wide open for him-oh or maybe just sit on his face- and I just know that he’s got the most skilled tongue ever. Would I call him ‘daddy’? Absolutely yes. Would I start whoring out if he called me his dearest little one? You bet I would be an obedient girl for him while all the other guys watch me be good for him."
Your sweet Mr.Welt Yang coughs into his fist, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, imagining it accidentally bump against your clit while he eats you. Really, he wasn’t that much older than them in looks…but apparently, in your eyes, you considered him a ‘Daddy’. Maybe he would almost immediately get addicted to the taste of your leaking juices, lapping them up greedily the way he’s imagined so many times. Yes, he’d desire for you to be a good girl for him, he doesn’t have the time to tame you and discipline you. But maybe a few harsh bites to your thighs, leaving marks of his presence ought to do the trick. 
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“I’d let him play with my ass while I’m being eaten out by Welt. I just get this feeling that he has the biggest thing for asses like have you guys noticed how his eyes keep wandering down when I walk in front of him? And if you’re asking if I’d let him stuff my hole…perhaps. I bet he has a collection of toys. Yeah…I wanna use them. I would also shamelessly ride his fingers if he asked me to.”
He’s smiling to himself, a slight glimmer in his golden eyes with faint pink dusting his cheeks. You are quite the observant lass aren’t you? Seeing the way his eyes have been stealing glances at your plush ass. And since you’re so willing to permit him to have his way with you, maybe he would stuff you with one of the many plugs in his possession. All different shapes and sizes that will stimulate you till you’re convulsing and rolling your eyes to the back of your skull. If you’re good for him, maybe he’ll smack your butt to sear his touch into your skin for you to never forget. And if nothing else, he’s got his long slender fingers that he can thrust into your puckered up hole till you’re loose and prepared for his cock. 
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“Awww I’d love to see his face all flustered and red as he tries to keep his composed self. Definitely going to give him head in this situation. Kiss his pretty red tip and run my hands up and down his thick cock- you know he’s gotta be sporting a monster behind those pants with a body and adorable personality like that. Roll my tongue all over the length till he’s shaking and cumming on me.”
Oh my…oh dear…Gerard has gone as red as a tomato, covering his burning ears to cool them and try to not let any more of your vulgar thoughts corrupt his mind. But he’s already too far gone, imagining having your hair in a fist while pushing you down on his generous length, watching how you so professionally swallow it all up, hollowing your cheeks to vacuum around his hot dick. Oh god, he’s imagining the way you’ll drool all over him and then lick him base to tip to clean the saliva and precum. If you’ll go on looking at him with those dazed eyes, he might just shoot a heavy load down your throat, clutching the back of your neck to keep you in place as he bucks into you. 
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The three men accidentally make eye contact with each other, breaking the uncomfortable gaze and bouncing on their heels, hands in their pockets to adjust their growing boners. 
Will any of them make the first move to talk to you? I guess it’s up to March to decide how this plays out!!
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dr3c0mix · 9 months
Heyo! Hope you're doing alright! Firstly, sorry if this is too long... summary: yan oc reactions to male/gn reader with a high pain tolerance whose platonic affection language is rough housing (biting , headbutts, body slams/shoulder bumps, aggressive bear hugs, or a good grip/squeeze. All of these forms of affection are done by reader with as much force as is allowed without actual damage and which reader happily reciprocates). Bonus, what're the reactions of rough housing intolerant yans when said reader starts trying to find someone else as an outlet for this affection need. Context: I saw the mini react to the affectionate chair wielding and had a thought. I am a very energetic and affectionate individual with folks I'm close with, and often times a gentle hug or soft touch just isn't enough to get across the energy and emotion or i just NEED something more grounding/comforting cause "yes this gentle hug is comforting my stress a little but i really REALLY need you to crush my soul and being back together with this next hug. Really trash compactor my body so i can feel whole again :) 💪". It's what i grew up with and what some of my friends encouraged/reciprocated (have definitely popped backs when giving each other hugs and once i popped someone's fingers when i was allowed a good squeeze). When soft affections aren't hitting right (and i have permission from my friend) I tend to turn to play bites (at whatever maximum safe pressure is allowed by the person being bitten), headbutts, body slams/shoulder bumps (again, at a maximum safe force that is allowed), and harsh grips/hugs (again, whatever maximum safe force is allowed). It's really a grounding/comforting thing cause it allows me and my friend to destress, release energy, and also kinda reassures us that we're truly physically and emotionally there. It's definitely not something for all my friend circles and i usually turn to my high energy friend circles that have similar needs (and they come to me if they feel the urge as well). A good example is the time Friend A saw me out and about, shouted out my name and charged me full speed from 30 feet away. I tanked the brunt of their full body affectionate tackle and honestly? Was one of the happiest and closest i felt to my friend. Haven't done that in a while cause we got warned not to do that again by personnel lol. We usually try to meet up at parks (cause indoor places understandably don't like when a group of adults start rough housing) though it's hard to rn cause of the heat and stuff
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OCs w/ a Rowdy Darling
My OCs x GN Reader
THIS IS LITERALLY AMAZING !! you seem like a really cool person to hang out with ! id definitely let you give me a back popping hug >w< not sure if im strong enough to give you a hug as strong as that though hehe ^^" anyways heres the fic ! (´ ∀ ` *)
Adrian is literally the same as you. Every shove or punch or rough housing is a sign of affection.
You two probably rough house all the time ngl, and he loves it!
You're his energetic little lover and he's all for it!
You two might have gone to detention for rough housing to hard a few times hehe..
If you bear hug him, he'll try to hug you harder, it's like a competition to him!
Honestly, he sees everything as a competition. You push him playfully? He'll push you harder.. headbutts? You might get a slight headache after he's done..
He might be your boyfriend, but he's still a bit of a bully, but it's all in good fun! He stops if ever he notices you're getting uncomfy.
Not a biter though, but when you do it, he melts like putty!
He loves how strong and rowdy you are and that you're not afraid to express it, it shows how tough and confident you are!
He likes his gentle moments once in a while, but being able to love you in a love language you both share is so special to him <3
"Cmon babe! One more hug! I can take it!"
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Brandon is kind of impressed..
He's one of the best football players in his school and his little darling is biting and shoving and headbutting him, so adorable!
You remind him of a little goat, so excited and happy and lively!
Definitely makes him more protective of you because of how precious you are to him.
If you get to rowdy for his liking, he grabs you and traps you in a bear hug until you calm down or if you give him an even tighter bear hug than the one he's giving you.
Invites you to play a bit of football with him and his team.
But protection is key! He wraps you in all sorts of gear before you play, he knows how high your pain tolerance is but he still wants to keep you safe! and also he likes seeing you wear his helmet
Your body slams are praised not just by him but by his team, it's too cute!
If he catches you being your little rowdy self around anyone else, he'll get jealous fast..
He shoves you affectionately to get your attention.
"Heya baby! How's my little ram doing huh?"
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Valeth just thinks you're copying him in a way and is flattered.
Aweee, little mate is so strong and tough! He's so proud!
Encourages the behavior, as long as you don't hurt yourself!
He's much stronger than you so your affections don't do much, but you bet your ass he's putting his whole soul in pretending to get hurt.
Rough houses with you as if you were a little child play fighting, he loves playing with his little warrior!
If you do get hurt, he's putting all play fighting to a halt! He's checking up on you and making sure you're ok with the softest voice you've ever heard from an orc.
You might be fine but he's not taking no for an answer, you're getting some rest!
Love love loves your bearhugs! He tests your strength and lets you squeeze him as hard as you can!
Biting is met with kisses all over your face, it's what you get for being so cute!
Body slams are more like you latching onto him and trying not to fall off because of how large he is..
"Oh my little duckling can bite! How fierce! You're so strong haha!"
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Bo appreciates how energetic and lively you are, but please no rough housing ;-;
He doesn't want you to get hurt or hurt anyone else, even though you're perfectly capable of regulating how rough you can me, he's just a lil protective is all
He only allows bear hugs and squeezes, anything else is greeted by the time out corner (him trapping you in his arms in the bed until you give up)
"Now now hun, not so rough ok? I don't want you gettin banged up or anythin.."
Ribs is also a feral little man and absolutely loves that you're as rowdy as him!
You two love play fighting and biting affectionately!
He loves your headbutts! he returns them all the time
"Ahahaha! Again again!"
Soda tolerates it, he just appreciates that you're comfortable enough to rough house with him.
He's not the energetic type but he'll give you sleepy kisses and squeeze you back if you bear hug him
Doesn't bite but he likes nibbling on you
He's not as lively as you, but he loves reciprocating your affection!
"You're so strong hehe~"
Screw is scared
He is oddly aroused
He's also hopelessly trying to stop himself from called you sir or daddy or any dominant title because oh my god you are so awesome
He's looking at you with puppy dog eyes asking for your love and attention
Imagine him kicking his legs and rambling about you to the others
"H-hello si- dadd- (Y/N)! Hi (Y/N) heheh.."
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Wolfie loves how rowdy you are! he loves playing!
That's his way of telling you he loves you, but of course he's extra gentle when playing with you, he wouldn't wanna get his mate scratched up!
Loves rolling around and playing around with you, it makes him feel like a pup again!
Doesn't like you biting him though, you might get something icky in your mouth!
Licks you all over if you get hurt or get a little too rough to make you feel better!
Headbutts are rewarded with his big paws bopping you on the head like he's trying to pet you!
If he's tired and you're being your lively little self, he just takes you and sleeps on top of you so you can't escape.
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Dorik actually has a lot of brothers and sisters back in hell and you remind him so much of how they used to play around with him.
As much as he adores cuddling you close and doing gentle and calm things with you, he loves how tough you are!
Yes he moans when you bite him.
Everytime you're affectionate with him, he can't help but kiss you all over, you're just so cute!
Almost cries if you give him bear hugs, this man is touchstarved!!!!
He gives you his own love by wrapping his tail around you or rubbing his face into your clothes, chest, hair, anywhere! He loves how you smell so good everyday!
Shrieks if you body slam him, but somehow he's as solid as a rock, he didn't even stumble..
But he's all over you asking if you're ok.
"Master? My love? My darling are you alright?!"
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Kalva unfortunately doesn't like rough-housing, he's made it a rule that you can only mess around outside the nest!
But he adores your bearhugs and headbutts and bites, they're comforting to him in a way, it shows that you're close to him!
He headbutts you too, it's his way of asking for your love and attention.
For a while it was also how he kissed you since he didn't know how to do it properly yet.
He might indulge in your rough ways sometimes by jumping around and messing up his feathers on purpose, but you should promise to help preen them afterwards!
Nevertheless, he loves you to bits and just wants to keep you safe <3
"My mate is so excited! My mate is happy!"
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Jasper is scared for his life but in a fun way.
He never knows the next time you're gonna bite him or tackle him into a hug, it's like a game for you both.
He gets you back by surprise tickling you, it's pretty effective.
If he expects the biting, he definitely bites you too, kissing the area right after for extra measure.
Don't get me wrong he's absolutely flustered whenever you do it, but he gets used to it after a while.
But no rough-housing with him! He's fragile and might break something.
Legit asks you to crack his back if ever he's having back aches.
"Hey love, my back's a little weird again, can I get another hug~?"
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Viktor is surprised and a little intrigued.
Oh? My darling is so energetic, I love it!
If you ever try anything on him, he chuckles and 'punishes' you with kisses all over your face and cuddles you until you give up.
Your bites kind of freak him out
Like he's supposed to bite people! It's kind of weird having people bite him, it's a bit exciting..
"My my~ Is my little bat misbehaving again~?"
Garrick doesn't tolerate roughness at all.
You might get hurt! What if one of them reciprocates the affection and goes too far? He's not having it!
That is until you do it to him and he absolutely melts at your cuteness.
He goes from strict to 100% on board with your love bops
Refuses to bear hug you, he might break your spine because of how much he loves you!
"Remember to be careful my turtledove! And I love you!"
Silas is all in on your rowdiness, considering he's like that himself.
He's a mischievous little shit and loves play fighting with you.
Loves picking you up and spinning you around, making you hold onto him as you two giggle like young lovers together.
Always does this thing where he cups your face and shakes your head side to side, he says its because you're too cute and your face must be a mask because no one is that perfect!
Gives you gentle and soft kisses after your rough moments because he wants to make sure he didn't hurt you. He feels the need to remind you always how much you mean to him and how happy you make him feel.
"My little owl, so cute, so adorable~ I'll never leave you Darling~"
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Baron tries his best to keep you calm but you're just to fuckin adorable!
He's a cold hard assassin! Why is he smiling over weak little attempts to hurt him?!
Scolds you for rough housing but his heart breaks if you pout or if he hurts your feelings
Immediately says sorry and holds your hand tight to show he still loves you, he just doesn't wanna see you potentially hurt yourself.
If you're rough with anyone else, he's pulling you off and dragging you away whilst holding you in the tightest bear hug, his actions screaming out 'you're mine!'
Of course he denies it all, saying excuses like 'what if they think you wanna pick a fight?'
But you know he's just jealous that you're not giving him that attention.
Still doesn't tolerate bodyslams or bites but bear hugs, headbutts and squeezing his hand are highly appreciated. Highly
"How about we settle down now boss hm~? I'll run you a nice hot bath if you'd like~"
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Caspian is a wimpy little bitch and gets upset if you play fight with him.
He'll start whining for you to stop but like also whine if you stop giving him attention. (little shit)
Lives for your bear hugs! SQUEEZE HIM HARDER PLEASE!!!
Headbutts make him dizzy and otherwise just confused but he appreciates it and thinks you're trying to kiss him.
He'll pull you close and show you what a real kiss is like~
Bite him and he's flustered.
Like about to have a stroke and can't form a complete sentence flustered.
"Ohohoh~ Oh my~ H-how fascinating~!"
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Hallow loves playing! Wait what are you doi-
Gets the message (i think) and starts to play fight with you too, chasing you around the house and wrapping you up in his long arms to tickle you all over!
Pretends to be a scary monster and nuzzles his face into you once he catches you, imitating eating. That's what you get for trying to fight the big spooky Hallow!
Your headbutts and affections make him so happy he starts jingling from how much he's trying to hold back.
He loves roughing you up a bit too, but his little bops aren't so strong since he's made of cotton and love <3 <3 <3
If you're getting a bit too rough, he wraps you up and kisses you softly before letting you go once you calm down.
"You tired from lovin on me all day sweetie~? It's alright, I got a looooootta lovin left for you~!"
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Ashvan is terrified!
On one hand eeeeee so cute! He wants to return your affections so bad!!!
But also you might die???
He's a big guy, and he's aware of his size and strength, so he's pretty wary on how he handles you.
You're like a little porcelain doll to him! He'd be so sad if anything happened to you just because he wanted to express his love to you!
He loves your bops, but giving you a warm smile and a kiss is all he can do really.
He makes up for it in giving you gifts, helping around the infirmary, cuddling you at night, the little things.
He wished he was more gentle so he can do the things you do to him! He so wishes to hug you as hard as he can!
"S-so cute...I-I mean so uhm..strong and fierce haha! So not adorable and precious in every way possible! Yeah.."
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rodolfoparras · 23 days
OK imma be honest and little personal, before I knew a little bit more about the LGBT, I just didn't care I just knew they existed, now that im older and apart of it nothing changed ngl...just maybe a little rude with it. I'm like "Oh you're gay? Cool want a cookie?" Or "Oh, you think being gay is the devils or whoever you claim doing? Want a medal?". I don't mind having people like having something for them but a month? Sounds like robbery 2 me like, What about soldiers like I mean the good soldiers who actually fight for their people? I'm sorry, but if I could, I would make certain... things like these two have at least a week, but like I said, I don't mind it... I just find it... wrong in a way...like think about it...when something big happens in your life (if yall do it like me) we just celebrate it in like that first week, like what I mean is for the first few days it's all "WOOHOO THIS HAPPEND TOO YOU" then the rest of the week it's just "congrats". Like I remember a few years back, I'm not sure if it's still the same now. But soldiers die every day and stuff, and all they get is a day, and everyone like "poor soliders rest in peace" and then go on about their lives after a few bours or something . But the moment a Trans person got killed, suddenly everyone dropped everything and talked about it for weeks....trying not to sound harsh, but come on....
Sugar I think you have a lot of inner work to do
Pride month cannot be boiled down to a celebratory party of sexualities and genders
While yes a major part of pride month is to celebrate lgbtq people it’s also about remembering the journey as to how we got here, plenty of people literally laid their lives down so there could be a celebration in the first place sugar I don’t know if you know this but trans people would literally use bricks and drop it onto their genitals or their chest to get rid of those parts, a lot of trans people died of cancer and other terminal illnesses because it was considered shameful to treat an openly trans person no matter what severe condition they had it’s also to raise awareness of how lgbtq people of color made a lot of things possible for us, did you know that before colonization native people had woman man and then a third gender that didn’t fall in either category white, Christian cis people wiped that out because it was considered abnormal and now today we have a whole chunk of people who are seen as abnormal because that whole gender identity has been wiped out pride month is to also raise awareness to everyone who can’t live their lives like they want to. It’s like international women’s day just because women in Europe have it good doesn’t mean that it’s fine and dandy all around the world
The reason as to why people don’t care much for soldiers is that the only ones discussed are American ones- soldiers belonging to armys who have more or less started the war in different places. Never have I seen people discuss the 10.000 soldiers that died in the srebrenica genocide - soldiers- boys 18 year old boys 10.000 of them- that had to forcefully enlist in the army because their country was going through a genocide
And the reason as to why trans people get so much coverage once they get killed is the same reason as to why women get so much coverage when they get horrifically murdered by a man they’re oppressed, soldiers are not oppressed soldier more often than not are the oppressors.
With that being said I do hope you take time to actually do research on your history because the reason as to why you can be like “woo I’m gay ok let’s move on with my day” is because of thousands upon thousands upon thousands lgbtq ppl that made sacrifices for you those sacrifices didn’t happen that long ago
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renranram · 2 months
Casual Pt.2
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nsfw!! kind of fluffy sex
quackity confesses, and reader replies and they have sex, yes
pt 1. is this
a/n; guys would u believe me if this i tell you this almost has 3000 words
the next day arrives as rei just woke up late, the girl had falled asleep at 4 in the morning, waking up at 11 pm, as she steps out of her room, she notices their shared apartment was empty, alex went streaming in his studio, but leaving a bouquet and a small note on their kitchen's counter for her
reader had slept in way too late, her overthinking had kept her up all night long, forcing her to skip out on breakfast. luckily, she managed to get ready in time for lunch
she was about to walk out of her room when she noticed the rose bouquet and note on the counters in the kitchen. there was a note attached that she hoped was for her
' take all the time you need, im always here for u ( ps: i went for recording, will be back later in the evening with some food so dont cook ) - alex :]'
as the time finally arrives, schlatt came back home with a fresh take out from their favorite restaurant down the street, deftones playing on the background of their apartment
alex entered their shared apartment with a bag full of food in one hand and a freshly-poured drink in the other. deftones had been playing in the background for a while now, he isn't such a huge fan of the band, thinking their music was a bit too harsh for him but letting it slide
he then looked at the rose bouquet that was still sitting on their shared kitchen counter. the vase was full of fresh water, which showed that reader had taken good care of the flowers while he was away
" .. welcome back " reader sits up from the couch, holding the cushion's pillow as she faces him, a tad bit awkward
alex couldn't help but smile at the site of her, he was about to respond when he noticed the slightly awkward expression on her face. she looked like she actually had something she wanted to say
" uhh, something wrong? " she chuckles awkwardly as she scratches the back of her nape, " no... uh.. i think ive decided "
he raised an eyebrow as he watched her try and figure out what she was trying to say. "decided? decided what?"
he looked at her with a small smile, which was the same smile he had been wearing during their little casual talk they had before going to bed yesterday.
" .. i think.. uhm.. i think i wanna be more than casual.. " she added, " but it's just.. im kind of... scared of it " alex was pleasantly surprised by what she was saying. this was not what he had expected. but it was definitely good to hear.
"more than casual? so.... exclusive?"
he said as he slowly took a few steps forwards, placing the back of takeouts on their counter, " girlfriend boyfriend.. you know stuffs like that " she looks up at him as she gently sets the cushion down
alex froze in his tracks as she mentioned the words 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend.' he suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, his cheeks turn slightly red at the thought of them being a couple.
"so...you want us to..."
he paused for a moment, still trying to comprehend the thought. he didn't know why, but he felt a sense of excitement wash over him.
"...to officially go out?"
she slowly nods, " uhm.. yeah actually " she mumbles, " kiss in public, hold hands, hug, and pda stuffs.. " alex was still having a hard time processing this as he heard her list off all of the things they'd be able to do as a couple. holding hands, hugging...and publicly kissing.
"and...you would be willing to do all of this with me?" " do you not want me to? " she mumbles, now playfully, as she chuckles softly
a chuckle escaped his lips as he saw how playfully she was acting.
"no. i want you to."
alex smiled as he was now standing right in front of her, he then leaned forward and placed his other hand on her shoulder.
" i want all of this."
he said as he looked directly into her eyes. " all of this? " she repeats, chuckling softly as she leans her head onto his neck.
"all of this."
he repeated his answer as he wrapped his free arm around her and pulled her close to him. his warm grasp covered all of her tiny frame and pulled her even closer to him.
" i want all the cutesy things, and all the intimate things. i want everything." she slowly nods, pecking his neck, " ... i love you " she mutters
alex froze once he heard her whisper those words to him. he had gotten used to her teasing and flirting, and even to a degree, them being casually committed. but this...
her saying those words was something else entirely. the way these words melted through him had his heart beating rapidly. " huh? "
" i said i love you, dummy " she repeats herself, "w-...right. you said you loved me." alex stuttered out his response as he was still struggling to grasp the words she said.
and while what she had said was the furthest thing from his expectations, he was not gonna question it. he didn't even want to say anything in response that could ruin it. instead, they both remained quiet as alex held reader close to him. the silence was deafening as he wanted to say more, and to even tell her how much he loved her as well.
The silence was deafening as reader sat back down on the couch and alex still had his arm wrapped around her
alex wanted to speak, to say more to her, or even to just comfort her with his presence but he was too terrified to spoil the moment. his silence began to extend itself, as neither of them spoke up and just left it as awkwardly as it was.
the silence lasted for a good while until alex could feel the awkwardness getting the better of him. though he didn't necessarily want to, he knew that it was best to break the silence.
he mumbled as he tried to think hard on how he was supposed to approach this situation. he wasn't sure if what he might say would be the right thing to ask or say to her right now.
"are you...are you okay?"
" im.. shy.. and uhm... flustered and overwhelmed " she mumbles, " .. you? ", alex let out a soft chuckle as he thought about her response. she was being so honest with him now. it was...cute
"yeah...i'm overwhelmed too. this is..."
he paused for a moment as he thought about the right words to say.
"this is new. and good. and something I've been wanting for a while." alex said with a small smile as he looked back into her eyes
she cant help but crack a small smile before nodding, " that's... nice.. you have me now ", "yeah. i have you now."
alex said as he tried his best to hold back any other sweet words that were about to spill out of his mouth. In the process, he also began to feel his heart beat rapidly as he held her close to him.
"and since we're together now...i'm gonna have to take better care of you." he said jokingly, as he squeezed her closer to him and pulled her head onto his chest
" alex. " she calls him out before looking at his eyes directly, " i wanna.. i wanna make love to you " she bluntly states
"..you want to..."
his eyes widened in response of her blunt statement as he gulped loudly. things had just been a steady back and forth between them a few moments ago with no real momentum of what was to come next.
"you want to make love?"
alex repeated those bold words back to her. he could feel the redness spread across his cheeks as she asked this question. but he didn't want to back down from it. she was everything he had been wanting, and now...she wanted this too.
" well... uhm.. uh.. we used to have casual sex.. and stuffs and uhm.. i wanna.. i wanna see if there's a difference " she mutters
alex nodded, clearly understanding her reasoning now. that's what this whole relationship was built on, after all. so why should they not take this next step and truly see whether or not it could change things for the better? he paused for a moment, taking another deep breath, as he then finally spoke up again.
"only one way to to find out then...right?"
" well.. uhm.. yeah " she mutters, before blurting out, " if you dont wanna do it it's totally fine and you can just tell- " she was cut off by lips on hers
reader didn't need to finish her sentence before alex responded, because he was already doing what he needed to do. instead of saying anything else, he just pressed his mouth against hers and started to kiss her eagerly. she immediately kisses him back as she wraps her arms around his neck.
he embraced her firmly, holding her tightly close to him as he tried to put every last bit of his emotion into the kiss. his tongue darted around hers as he made sure to truly make love to her mouth.
hus heart was beating faster than anything they had ever done before, as it was clear that they wanted this moment together. they wanted to take our relationship to this stage. their desire was undeniable.
alex didn't want the kiss to end, as he felt such an incredible amount of love for her. but he forced himself to pull away for a few seconds, just to breathe.
"i love you. i love you so much. "
he said in between short breaths as he looked back into her eyes, staring deep into them while he was still holding her. " i love you so much " she replies to him as she moans softly, her hands slowly making it up to his hair for support as she was lift up from the ground by him
he knew that his hold on her was only gonna become harder and tighter, as he lifted her off the ground completely and carried her to his bedroom. alex was still kissing her as they made their way from the living room to his bedroom. his hands had only become more attached around her waist, and he kept her elevated until they finally reached the bedroom. the very second he got through the door, he immediately slammed it behind them both.
as reader gently placed on his bed, alex stops to admire his work, " jesus fuck.. you're so pretty mami " he mutters
" i.. fuck.. i love you so much " he mutters as he leans down to her, cupping his cheek whilst his other hand on the bed, for support as he showers her with kisses
" you're so pretty, you're so fucking pretty, i cant fucking believe you're mine now " he whispers to her, as reader gets goosebumps, his hot breath hitting her neck, " i wanna make love to you.. i wanna show you how much i love you "
reader moans softly, " a-alex " she stutters, face flushed, alex pecks her cheeks before slowly leaning up to bite her earlobe, " hm? what is it mami? " he mutters
as he continues to trace kisses on the side of her neck, before slowly reaching her shoulder, " ... i love you " she blurts out again as alex chuckles
" really? why do you say that? " he continues before pausing, his hands now cupping her breasts, pecking her clothed breast
" because.. because i love you so much " she rambles as alex fixes her hair for her as he helps her to remove her shirt, " you do? "
" uh huh " she nods, maintaining eye contact with him as she bites her lip, " i love your face, your personality, how you treat everyone, .. everything "
alex pauses, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks, " you're so fucking cute, always looking so dumb " he mumbles as reader chuckles softly
" well, atleast im saying the truth " she replies, as alex removes his shirt, tossing it on the side of his room, " i love you so much, so fucking much, ive been wanting this for years now " he confesses
" hot " she states as he bursts out chuckling as he sat next to her, lifting her by her waist as he makes her sit down on his lap
" you're hotter " he replies, before continuing to kiss her, reader didn't hesitate to kiss him back
alex places his hands on her waist, devouring her, gently, one of his hand slowly making it's way to squeeze her breast as reader moans out softly
" ah fuck " her breath shudders, as they continue to kiss, alex unclipping her bra with his other hand, letting the bra slip down, letting her breasts out
" they're so pretty hm, so pretty like you " alex breaks the kiss as he leans down, cupping her breasts, pecking her nipple as reader throws her head back in pleasure, " holy shit- a-alex.. "
the man chuckles, massaging the other one as he started licking on the soft bud, swirling his tongue around it as reader winces under his touch
" wait- ah, " she moans out, " alex.. for fucks sake- im so.. im so fucking wet.. please baby "
the boy chuckles, letting go of her nipple with a pop, " want me to give it some love? " he smirks, slowly sliding his hands on the waistband on her shorts, helping her slip it off
" mhm, need you to touch me there " she nods as alex gasps, " fuck... you're actually so fucking wet, holy shit you weren't kidding " he chuckles, amused
" shut up " she buries her head onto his neck, embarrassed, " im sorry " he chuckles, " it's just.. fuck..., i wanna devour you "
he slids his hand onto her panties, playing with her folds, feeling the wetness on his fingers, " ah, lex.. " she moans out, overly sensitive
" feels good hm? " he continues, slipping his finger in, feeling her heat, " yes.. ah.. fuck.. feels so fucking good lex, " the man continues to pump his finger inside her
slowly fastening his pace time by time, before inserting another finger in, " oh my god- alex- i love you.. i love-.. ah- i cant.. i cant fucking take it.. please, please " she pleads, her voice, whiney
" you're really making it harder for me.. " he chuckles, sweat dripping on his forehead as he tosses his beanie, letting his hair fall, " does it feel so good?, hm, princesa? "
she nods, now braindead as he continues, " lex.. please.. please just- just put it in ahh " she shudders
" fuck... you're so fucking pretty " he mutters, as he kisses her, reader wraps her arm around his shoulder as alex continues to finger her hole as his other hand fumbles with his belt and zipper
he lifts her up again, taking off his pants as he palms his already hard clothed dick, " shit.. " he groans out
" princesa.. lay down, " he breaks the kiss as the already sensitive reader nods, slowly getting off his lap as she lays down his bed
he takes off his boxers, pumping himself as he blinks, his eyes with admiration, watching her blissed face, " fuck.. i love you so fucking much " he groans out as he lifts up her leg, resting it on his shoulder as he slowly inserts his dick into her hole, making reader release a loud moan
" shit... why the fuck is it bigger.. " she moans out, as alex chuckles softly, " you know my dick can't magically grow some inches right " he hums as reader chuckles
he grabs her hips as he leans down, showering her face with peck and kisses as his hips does the work, slowly thrusting in and out of her, causing her to moan every thrust
" shit... lex.. " she groans out, " fuck.. princesa, you're so fucking pretty, it's fucking insane " he continues thrusting in and out of her, his eyes, heart shaped, watching her body bounce up and down every time he thrusts inside of her
" fuck.. i fucking love you so fucking much " he moans out as he fastens his pace, as readers leans in towards him as the two shares a kiss
both of their tongues dancing with eachother as every moan gives alex a motivation to fasten his already fast pace
" ah.. ah.. lex.. i love you.. i love you so much oh my god " she mumbles, moaning as her eyes roll back, " no mami, i love you more, fucking more " the two kisses eachother
alex continues to thrust inside her as her moans getting louder and louder every second, " fuck.. fuck.. lex im so fucking close.. lex oh my god "
" yeah? shit.. you're so fucking tight " he can feel her squeeze under him as he fixes her hair for her, " fuck.. i think im close too " he added
and with a few thrusts, reader reaches her climax, her eyes roll back, as she continues to moan as alex tries to reach his
" does it feel good hm? feels so fucking good? " he asks, as reader nods, now absent minded, overwhelmed with pleasure
" yeah.. yeah.. it's so good.. m'very good " she stutters as alex's gasps, his thrusts slowly getting sloppier
" fuck.. im gonna fill you up okay, ah- fuck... im gonna fill you up princesa " reader nods, as finally alex reaches his climax, filling his seed inside her as he gently pulls out
" shit.. princesa, wow... holy fuck " he mumbles, panting as he tries to catch his breath, " i...i fucking love you so fucking much " he mumbles, as reader smiles softly, " i love you too lex "
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agirlwithglam · 2 months
Hi!! I hope I'm not disturbing you but I wanted to ask how do I work hard. Because when I was younger I got really good marks without trying and now the subjects are hard and social media is distracting but I can't seem to delete it. This is also why my grades are even low then before and I'm really afraid to disappoint my parents (being the eldest daughter doesn't help). So can you please just give me some pointers on how can I actually study and not just cry because I don't know how to. Have a great day!! <3
literally omg. is this past me asking me a question?? like actually u have no idea how much i relate and understand this. the "gifted child" who always got good grades without needing to study now finds things more difficult. i know many people have said this, but i actually have been through this not too long ago. i hope these tips help <3
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how to work hard + actually study (realistic)
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forget hard work. at least do the work! (its so funny because i literally had a post about this all ready in my drafts about to get posted, so i'll keep this short and link the post.) stop focussing on doing hard work like studying 24/7. just put in the basic necessities you need to get a better grade. hard work post link
use the disappointment and embarrassment as fuel. (basically find a very strong why) (mini story-ish thing coming up, skip to the blue text for the actual advice) i still remember the day i got such a bad score on my math and science test, i was FURIOUS at myself and i cried about it! telling it to my parents was one of the hardest things i had to do and feeling their disappointment was even worse. but that became my turning point. i was so ashamed of myself and i resented me so much that i basically just told myself "i dont freaking care what you feel *with distaste*. you brought this on yourself you failure" (a bit very harsh, yes i know) but the way i studied that week- i studied more than i every had before! also doing this doesnt really lower my self esteem a whole lot, but if it does with you, please be gentle with yourself. : so what i'm trying to say it; use that feeling of shame and disapointment as a fuel, a motivation. The big “why”.
ALTER EGOOOSSSS. this helps SOOOO MUCH its so underrated. embody the energy of your fav people who are the academic inspiration you wanna be! example: rory gilmore, paris geller, elle woods, blair waldorf, etc etc! not only is this so helpful but it also makes it so much more fun and easier!!
parent yourself. i used to tell myself to do stuff like "go study now!" or "get up lazy-butt" but in my mind. but what if you tried to say those stuff out loud to yourself? it just creates a whole new level of real. So start telling yourself to do stuff out loud.
honestly just start. stop letting yourself think about how "uncomfortable" and how "annoying" it will be. All you need to know is that you need to get it done. Right? Ok. So now what’s the next smallest step you can take to getting to do the unwanted task? It may be taking out your material, opening your book, etc.
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( !! tough love, but very important rant coming up)
You privileged brat. Your parents gave up EVERYTHING so you could have the education that you are having. They worked so so hard for YOU. So YOU can have the life you want. And all for what? Just for you to throw it all away and say “oh im lazy”. HELL NAH.
And also, do you realise how fortunate you are to be even living in such a time/ era where you have access to basically EVERYTHING? You’re stuck on something? You could easily search it up!! And whats more is that you can further learn. You can search up and find out more about the thing that you’re studying, become the smartest person in your class, get so ahead in life. I hope you realise that if you do use all the resources and materials and help that’s been given to you, just imagine how far you could go! Further than Albert Einstine, Elon Musk, etc. you may be like “what! No that’s gonna be too hard!” But did they have the tools that you have right at your hand? No! They made it all the way with just simple stuff and having to work super hard. But you live in a time where you can do TWICE as much without working as hard!!
And one more thing, QUIT WHINING. “Oh school is so hard!” “Oh school is so boring!” Like whattt???? You are so FORTUNATE and LUCKY to be even getting access to such education! MILLIONS of kids out there would kill to be able to learn what you are so easily dismissing right now. So TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT YOU HAVE. Put your ALL, your very BEST into studying and getting good grades because THAT is whats gonna take you so SO far in life.
Thank you very much, *mic drop*. (i still ly pookie)
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dealing with social media:
put the screen time widget on your phone home screen. i did this, and i became so embarrassed by the amount of screen time i had in one day (*cough* 12 hours *cough*) that i made certain to stop using it as much.
screen time limits. this may or may not help you, bc i know that when i knew the screen time password, it didn't do a lot of help but when someone else did (like parents or someone you trust), then it definitely worked. this is probably only best if you're a child around under 14 ish bc thats around the age when most parents put screen time limits + after that age you're gonna be a lot more independent.
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more *extremely* helpful resourses:
tips to decrease your phone screen time by @imbusystudying
how to reduce your screen time in the digital age? (an article)
studying tips from a straight-A student by @universalitgirlsblog2
how to study like paris geller by @4theitgirls
more blogs i recomend:
@elonomhblog @mindfulstudyquest @study-diaries @thatbitchery
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xoxo, vanilla
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