#Hunter fell down the stairs again
thatfreshi · 7 months
"He Can't Have You" (Astarion x Reader)
Seems as though Auntie Ethel doesn't go down without a fight, and that fight involves bringing out the worst in people's minds. (Also we get to see where the nickname Aster came from)
tw - mentions of abuse, panic attack
The Sunny Wetlands, later revealed to be a putrid swamp, have proven particularly difficult for Astarion. The last thing any of you expected was to find a Gur hunting him, especially this far from the city. It made your heart skip a beat, hearing the monster hunter utter his name, and you could feel the tension in the vampire. Thankfully, you did away with him quickly. By now, he's told you plenty about his past, at least as much as he could bear to tell. That haunting feeling though, knowing that Cazador was hunting him, it was paralyzing. As you searched for Mayrina, you and Astarion fell behind the rest of the group.
"Are you alright my love? I could tell them we should just set up camp for the night, rest up for dealing with the hag."
"Nonsense. What would I look like, asking everyone to stop for me? The Gur has been dealt with, let's just leave it at that darling."
"I cannot imagine dealing with the hag will be easy though."
"I'll simply run my blade through her like I do everything else. I'll be fine."
It hasn't been long enough with him to truly know if he's lying, but you certainly have a hunch. On the way back to the hag's house, Gale casts detect magic.
"She's definitely in here. We should be prepared."
Sure, she looked like a sad old woman, but those adventurers told you the truth, how she took their sister. When Karlach leads the charge, opening the door, she tries to look shocked.
"Oh dear! It's quite rude to storm into someone's house like that. Where are your manners?"
Without responding, Karlach throws her axe into the hag's shoulder, breaking the illusion, showing the monster for who she is. Covered in grime, like a witch born straight from the mud.
"It looks like I'll just have to teach you all how to be polite!"
Karlach tries to go for a second hit, but the hag teleports. Gale soon tracks her down, casting a ray of frost. Astarion follows her up the stairs while she tries to counterspell Gale. You and Lae'zel try to attack from a distance, missing because of just how quick she can move from place to place. Wyll has focused on assisting Gale, and Shadowheart is keeping track of all your party members, making sure to be there as soon as one of you takes a hit. In the meantime, she casts guidance on Astarion, who is fighting much more intensely than usual. Perhaps killing the Gur wasn't enough, and the anger was still boiling inside.
"Alright little mosquito, you want to be a thorn in my side? Poor decision."
The hag disappears from sight, and Astarion stops in his tracks. At first you think nothing of it. It almost looks like he's searching the room for where your enemy landed. For him though, the hag has cast a strong illusion, preying on his worst fear: being back in Cazador's grasp. The teahouse has transformed into the kennels, cold stone on bare feet, blood spattered across the walls.
Well, well, well. Seems as though the boy never learns! Perhaps, this time, will set you straight.
He hears the voice of Godey taunting him, threatening to pull him apart again.
"No! No, I left- I left, I was free!"
It's at this moment you realize he's not here, not in the mental sense.
"Focus on the hag, I'll try to snap him out of it."
You order the rest of the group, and they nod without a word, searching the teahouse for where she's gone now. You run up the stairs, finding a trembling pale man who has dropped his daggers.
Deep down, you like bein' leashed, don't ya?
The words bounce around in his head, a vision of Cazador appearing. You try to shake him, to mentally connect him back to his body, but it only plays into the illusion more, your actions becoming Cazador's.
"Astarion! Astarion it's just a spell, it's not real. It's not real my love, please."
Soon enough, your group finds the hag again, disrupting her concentration, releasing her grip on the elf. His breathing is terrifyingly fast, and he takes a moment to come out of the vision, grabbing a dagger from the floor and very quickly brandishing it towards you.
You're trying desperately not to cry, because you know he doesn't need your shared sadness right now.
"Hey, it's okay. It's just me, Tav."
You lightly touch the hand holding the dagger, and he loosens his grip. Your hands move to take the blade from his grasp, setting his weapons to the side.
"I... I was there. I was back there."
"I know. Seems as though Ethel knows more than she should."
Astarion is still trying to root himself back in reality, you blood still racing in his dead veins.
"I can't go back Tav. Please, I can't go back."
"I know. I won't let you end up back there, ever."
He's still weary of physical touch, so you simply rub across his knuckles, trying to ground him in the moment. Your deepest urge is to wrap yourself around him and never let go, keep him in a protective case where no one can ever hurt him again, but that's not real. Being entirely safe isn't real. But damn, do you wish it was, for his sake.
As you're sitting there with him, the group makes their way back.
"We lost her. Have a feeling she went deeper into a cave somewhere."
You eye Karlach, and the two of you come to a silent understanding as you hold onto Astarion's shakey hands.
"We'll go set up camp where we entered the swamp. Take your time."
And with that, the tiefling takes the rest of your companions out of the teahouse, leaving the two of you alone.
You turn to look at him, cocking your head slightly.
"Why what?"
"Why would you say you won't let me end up there again? Cazador isn't some being you can simply keep me from, he's... different."
"I don't care."
"What do you mean you don't care?"
"I just, don't care. I don't care how powerful he is or whatever abilities he has, he can't have you. He just can't."
You finally do tear up now, not sure how else to explain it to the vampire.
"He most definitely cou-"
You try to blink the tears away, feeling the little callouses on his palm from over the decades.
"I want you to know what it's like to belong to someone in a pure way, not for personal gain, but just because they need you. And now that I have you... I just need you. I need you Astarion, so he can't have you. I'd die before he could take you from me."
He's silent for a moment. All forms of ownership he's known have been terrifying. Whatever could you mean by belonging to someone in a pure way? How can you belong to someone innocently? Your tadpole senses his concern, connecting without much effort at all.
"I don't need anything from you. I don't need you to do anything for me, I just need you Aster."
He smiles a little.
"Yeah. Sorry, I had just been thinking about it. If you don't like it-"
"No I- I love it. Aster. Like the flower?"
Somehow, the teahouse is peaceful in this moment. You feel young all over again, like you've never been in love before, like Astarion is the only being you've ever known. He interrupts your thoughts.
"Thank you, for saying all that. Maybe I wouldn't mind belonging to someone without expectations. It sounds, nice."
His voice cracks on the last word.
"Well, Aster, then you can belong to me as long as you'd like."
You swipe a piece of hair behind his ear, looking for a reason to get close to his face. As if the fates knew it to be true, you lock lips, despite the horrific smell outside and the creaking wood of the floorboards, you're somewhere else. Some place where the asters bloom in peace.
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Haven't written modern au in forever
Hunter's alarm blared.
He sighed, sitting up. He rolled over, pulling his socks and a pair of sweats on, stretching.
He walked out into the hall, calling into the rooms as he walked past. "Up!" He didn't bother with "good mornings," because he knew no one would want them until they were downstairs.
He paused at the stairs, looking down. The door to their garage was open, exactly how he left it late last night, telling his youngest brother to sleep soon. That could mean two things.
"Tech?" He tried, waiting for a shift. When he didn't hear one, he sighed. Wrecker bumbled past him, shirtless and yawning.
"Grab Tech," Hunter told him as he walked down. "He fell asleep under the car again."
"You got it, boss." Wrecker gave him a thumbs up, ducking into the open doorway. Hunter heard the squeaky sound of Omega's old skateboard and the sound of Wrecker grumbling.
"Oil got everywhere again!" Hunter groaned at his brothers words. Omega barrelled into his arms.
"Morning!" She smiled wide. Hunter managed a small smile back, ruffling her sleep kissed hair.
"Hey, 'mega," He greeted. "Breakfast, teeth and bag. You know the drill."
"Yes sir!" She nodded, running downstairs, already dressed for school. How she did it, Hunter didn't know.
He heard the thump of Echo's prosthetics, and he turned. "Mornin'," He sighed, tugging his dressing gown tighter around himself. "Wha's the agenda?"
"Breakfast, teeth and bag." Hunter repeated around a yawn.
Echo looked confused for a moment. "Right.." He agreed anyway, walking past Hunter.
Wrecker passed him on the way, carrying Tech back up the stairs. "Gonna dump him in the bath," He explained briefly. Echo didn't question further.
Crosshair appeared last, their dog on his heels. On the way past, he spared Hunter a soft pat.
"Breakfast, teeth and bag." He joked, skipping the last step as Batcher barked, nipping at his feet. She paused to lick Hunter's hand, and followed Crosshair to the kitchen.
Hunter heard them talking in the kitchen, listened as Tech was rudely woken by cold water, with Wrecker's laughter to accompany him. He sighed softly, content.
He waited in-between them, happy to float as his family enjoyed a slow morning.
A bit too slow, considering Omega had school soon, but the thought was lost as Hunter shut his eyes and listened to the sounds of his family, close and safe.
Until Crosshair's sharp voice swore. "Hunter fucking Fett. It's Saturday! You woke us at six am on a Saturday!"
Hunter's groan into his hands joined the chorus of displeasure.
"Back to bed!" He ordered, already walking towards his room.
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doliacuddles · 1 month
𝖧𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗇! 𝖠𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋
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❝In the darkness of the forest, the hunted becomes the hunter.❞
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In the midst of a dark and dense forest, the moon barely illuminated the path between the trees. It was a quiet night, at least until Alastor, the feared hunter of those times, began his hunt.
You, being one of Alastor's many victims, found yourself running through the forest, your heart pounding and breath ragged. You knew that escaping him was an almost impossible task, but you were determined to try.
Footsteps echoed in the night, Alastor's sinister laughter pursued you, like an echo of your worst nightmare. Every time you glanced back, you could see his dark figure among the trees, moving with inhuman grace.
But then, by a stroke of luck or perhaps by the intervention of fate, you stumbled over a protruding root and fell to the ground. Quickly, you got up and realized that you were near your home. With your heart in your throat, you hurried towards it, knowing that your only hope of survival was to reach it before Alastor caught up with you.
Upon reaching your house, cold sweat ran down your back as you closed the door with a dull thud. You tried to control your agitated breathing, but fear embraced you tightly. You knew you couldn't stay there for long. Alastor was relentless, and sooner or later, he would find a way in.
You ran to the basement, where you kept some provisions and old weapons, inheritance from your grandfather. Among the dust and gloom, you found a rusty axe that you barely remembered seeing before. You took it with trembling hands, feeling its familiar and comforting weight.
You heard a noise downstairs, a sharp squeak that chilled your blood. Alastor was close. There was no time to lose. With the axe in hand, you climbed the stairs with determination, prepared to face your destiny.
The front door swung open with a crash, and Alastor's dark figure was silhouetted against the moonlight filtering through the entrance. His eyes gleamed with unfathomable malice as he looked at you with a twisted smile on his face.
With the axe firmly gripped, you faced Alastor with determination, although your heart pounded in your chest. The breath of both filled the tense air as you prepared for the final showdown.
Alastor advanced with a supernatural elegance, his movements fluid and lethal. But you did not retreat. You knew you couldn't afford to show weakness in front of this ruthless being who had pursued you for so long.
The first blow was fast and accurate, but Alastor dodged it with astonishing grace. His red eyes gleamed with malicious intensity as he threw you a defiant look. You knew you couldn't afford to fail. You had to stop him here and now, before it was too late.
The fight continued, each of you exchanging blows and dodging each other's attacks with skill. Blood began to flow from superficial cuts, painting the scene with a dark red in the moonlight.
But then, in the midst of the furious combat, something changed. A distant noise broke the silence of the night, a familiar yet perplexing sound. Alastor stopped for a moment, his expression changing from surprise to confusion.
A figure moved among the trees, emitting a strange and guttural sound. To your amazement, a group of hunters had burst into the forest, drawn by the noise of the fight. However, they didn't seem to be interested in you.
The hunters, armed to the teeth, advanced determinedly towards Alastor, their rifles pointing directly at him. But in the darkness and confusion, they made a terrible mistake.
Alastor, confused by the sudden intervention, instinctively retreated, seeking to escape the hail of bullets that was coming. But in his desperate flight, he stumbled over a hidden root and fell to the ground, exposing himself to the attack.
The sound of gunfire echoed in the night, mingling with Alastor's cries as he was hit again and again by the bullets. His sinister laughter faded into the air, replaced by cries of agony.
You stood there, astonished, as you watched Alastor's dark figure slowly fade into the darkness. The fear that had dominated your heart for so long dissipated, leaving only a cold and hollow emptiness.
With a trembling sigh, you dropped the axe and walked away, knowing that this night had changed your life forever. The forest whispered with a somber silence, but now, at least, you were safe from the hunter's clutches.
Alastor, with a sinister smile and a malevolent gleam in his eyes, gazes towards the stars and says in a chilling tone:
"Darling, you know our paths are destined to cross time and time again, even beyond this night. Prepare for an eternal dance where there will be no rest or respite. My thirst for vengeance will burn like a perpetual flame until I find you, and then... then it will be your turn to face the darkness that awaits you. We will meet again soon in the abyss, where our destinies will intertwine in a macabre dance of torment and despair."
With a final gasp, Alastor succumbs to the darkness, his menacing presence fading into the air as his body lies inert on the forest floor.
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Intellectual property of @doliacuddles.
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cursedconstellation · 6 months
I just had the absolutely diabolical thought-
After Cas died the last time, Dean just shut down. He wouldn't let Sam speak of him, he wouldn't let himself think of him, if he saw a man in a familiar trenchcoat, he'd just turn away. Any of Cas' belongings made it to an old shoe-box, stashed away so well it could only gather dust, intentionally forgotten. As far as Dean Winchester was concerned, Cas might have not existed at all.
Sam, of course, wouldn't leave it alone. Every once in a while he'd mention the angel fleetingly, only to be ignored. He tried being forward, cornering Dean and begging him to at least acknowledge a part of their life was missing. He tried being careful and gentle in his approach, trying to spot a hint of vulnerability in Dean, that momentary, blink-and-you-miss-it look in his eye when he'd hear his name. He tried to be casual, off-handedly say something to catch him off guard.
"Oh, I think this was Cas' favourite mug," off to the shoebox it went.
"Cas really liked this song," and coincidentally, he'd never hear it again.
"Cas would've loved that," and whatever 'that' was would never be mentioned again.
No matter what he said, as soon as Cas' name was uttered, Dean suddenly could not hear it. Even when it was left unspoken, as soon as it became clear who 'he' that Sam incessantly talked about was, it fell on deaf ears.
Months went by, and Sam would not give up, he'd never give up. However his attempts would become more sparse and he'd go weeks without even trying to say anything alluding to Cas. In fact, at a certain point, although he could not remember exactly when, he actively avoided the topic, just as Dean did. Some days he was too tired to confront the reality of his brother being severely unwell, and played into it, just to give himself a couple of days of false normalcy. Because Dean was 'fine'. He said so every time Sam dared to ask. So, some days Sam allowed everything to be just 'fine'.
It was one of those streaks, then. They'd have breakfast together and make a small talk, about anything and everything - as long as Cas wasn't mentioned. Dean would make a bad joke, and Sam would roll his eyes. They fell back into decades long routine, only occasionally broken by Sam, who would always end up coming back to the topic of the angel. He'd always try and catch Dean off-guard, even though he knew the outcome by heart by then. Dean would simply look away, the same, dark look over his eyes, and while he'd stand still, the same as before Sam said anything, he seemed miles away.
That day Sam didn't plan on saying anything. In fact, he himself forgot about it, caught in Dean's denial. It was truly easier that way, to just take Dean at face value, to ignore the fact everything he said, did, or perhaps even thought was a facade. The day itself wasn't remarkable in any way, either. It was as if the entire world adjusted to ignore the fact Cas ever existed in it.
They had their usual banter over breakfast, only to split up after finishing - Sam hid away with his laptop in hands, Dean would leave to work on Baby. In fact he worked on her so much, Sam wasn't sure there was anything left to improve. He never doubted that was in fact what Dean was doing, as he'd always hear banging and scraping of metal even through the walls. It was like that then, too. There was clanking, and music, and occasional roars of the engine. Yet-
At one point it stopped.
Sam only noticed it after a couple of minutes - the music still played, echoing through the bunker, but there was no other sound accompanying it. There was no delicate vibrations from tools being tossed onto the floor.
Perhaps it was his hunter instincts kicking in, or perhaps simple paranoia, but there was something unsettling about that silence.
Sam carefully put his computer away and followed the music up the stairs, listening in closely for any sound of distress, or even any sound at all, but Led Zeppelin blaring from the speaker drowned everything out. Once he reached the garage and the music barely sounded like any melody at all, with mild annoyance, he turned it off, for a moment relishing in the sudden silence.
Except- he heard heavy breathing, as if someone was gasping for air despite being locked in a place deprived of oxygen. It was loud, it was panicked, it was-
It was Dean. Dean, sitting with his back against the wall, knees pulled to his chest, tears streaming down his pale, clammy face. Before Sam could even move, Dean looked up at him, eyes wide and glistening, and he looked so terrified and helpless, for a moment it felt like he was just a scared kid, who saw something in the darkest corner of his room.
Between heavy, disorganised breaths, he managed to pant out,
"My ears keep ringing, and it sounds just like him."
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swannieluv · 4 months
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖꩜ (Almost) free – (PLATONIC) Wriothesley x Teen!Reader
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐜: 1,5k
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆!!: Mentions of torture (?) and food poisoning.
✦⸼࣪⸳ A/N: HII! This was my first time writing a request and writing for Wriothesley, so I hope you can enjoy it!! Tumblr ate my last (three) draft before I posted, so I had to put an screenshot </3.
✦⸼࣪⸳ @wenutted
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╰┈─➤Wriothesley was certainly a man with a lot of work to do. As the Duke of Meropide Fortress, his duty also extended to the most "troublesome" prisoners in the place. Among them was none other than [Name], a juvenile offender bold enough to steal from authority figures in the city of Fontaine.
It was during a summer afternoon that he met them. Wriothesley was on the wait for the arrival of a criminal on reports of serial thefts of jewelry and priceless possessions. There were no witnesses or traces that could lead to the identity of this thief, so even the Marechaussee Phantom was unable to follow their tracks, coming to the conclusion that they were someone ingenious and extremely experienced at what they did.
Well, what he didn't expect was that the notorious bandit he had been waiting for was a teenager with a bad sense of humor and terrible acting.
The "menace on the loose" who was giving the Fontaine authorities such a headache was right there in front of him, caught after falling asleep in a very comfortable seat inside the Court of Fontaine. It could be said that their carelessness had handed them over to their own hunters.
When asked abouth how they had managed to flee so fast from the crime scenes and hide themselves. The only answer they gave, with a straight face, was:
“I was literally just going in and out through the front doors.”
Quite the unexpected answer.
"Your Grace?" Wriothesley was cut short from his thoughts by two fingers snapping in front of his eyes. The only person brave enough to do that, without a doubt, was them. "What are you thinking? I thought we were going to have tea together."
"Me? Well, I was remembering the first time you set foot in this place." He crossed his arms and let out a little sigh. Their sentence was running out with each passing second, and he didn't want to admit that he would miss them if they left.
"Oh, when I gave you the middle…" He quickly shushed them with a hand right in front of their face.
"Yeah, I know. You were terrible to deal with back then." He ran his fingers through their hair playfully, messing it up.
"But I'm better today," they retorted with a simple sentence that carried a deep weight behind it.
A few months had passed since the incident with the Beret Society. [Name]'s behavior had changed drastically since they had been invited to join the group. In the end, it had all been a tremendous lack of humanity on Dougie's part; recruiting the youngest prisoner in the place and putting them through the same punishment he used with adults while handling the Aqua Doloris.
Before, they were sharp in their comments and too relaxed for their own good, one of the reasons that led them to this place after all. It quite amazed Wriothesley at how they ended up avoiding being caught by the Marechaussee, when they definitely didn't even know how to hide or lie.
They played a big part in their little game against Dougie, making Wriothesley start to pay more attention and spend some extra time supervisioning them.
"If I leave, Your Grace will miss me so much that you'll want to lock me up in that cell again. But guess what? You won't,” they sarcastically declared while jumping down the stairs.
“If you fall down those stairs, you won't be able to leave here before recovering; You know that, right child?” Wriothesley could imagine them falling. It wouldn't be their first time hitting the ground hard.
But contrary to expectations, it was Wriothesley who tripped and almost fell down the stairs, holding on tightly to the banister; trying his best to act as if nothing had happened. An embarrassing silence between them.
It was all that could be heard, them laughing at him, who remained motionless in place. Maybe he really was going to miss that little pest who, until now, had given him nothing but trouble. There was only one day until they're officially a free citizen again, but even though they joked about the possibility of leaving, their final decision had not yet been made.
"You really are fearless, aren't you?" He chuckled and looked straight into their eyes. "Not everyone has the nerves to joke like that, maybe I should ask for your sentence to be increased or something..."
Click, click.
Soft footsteps approached them, a sound they were both used to hearing through Meropide.
"I brought tea."
From the top of the stairs, Sigewinne had a smile on her face, carrying a small tray with her. At the sight of it, their faces instantly paled. As Sigewinne didn't have the same senses as humans, her cooking was peculiar, to say the least.
"Did you ask her to do it?" Wriothesley whispered to the teen as he watched Sigewinne walk down to them.
"Definitely not. She must have heard we were supposed to do it today."
The two exchanged glances, as if in telepathic communication. The current plan was to escape from the tea without hurting the feelings of the melusine in front of them. So as soon as she got close enough, the lame excuses began.
"Well, Sigewinne, I'd love to enjoy this wonderful drink with you but," she said in a pained tone, a terribly fake performance, "my tummy hurts, so I'll pass this time. You can give my cup to His Grace, he loves tea after all."
They held their belly, pretending to be in pain. But as always, Sigewinne knew how to get around the situation.
"Hm? There's nothing to worry about, this tea is good for the intestinal flora."
"Wonderful news, right, [Name]?" Wriothesley nudged Sigewinne lightly. After all, revenge is a dish best served cold. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to join you two. Duty calls, child.”
Their jaw dropped. That's it, there was no way out of this. Wriothesley could only grin at them and walk away while [Name] was being forced towards their usual tea-time spot. His grin had the exact following translation: "You're doomed."
And so, [Name] had to drink the cursed beverage.
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Knock, knock.
Wriothesley's head rose to look at the door. He was just finishing his paperwork, something he could do another day, but which he needed to pretend he was doing so as not to make it so obvious why he wasn't drinking the tea Sigewinne had made.
"Who's there?"
"Someone who’s going to be outside the Fortress as soon as they can," the familiar voice on the other side of the door mocked, sounding like [Name] had finally made his choice, "I don't really like the part about being a juvenile offender or something like that."
Wriothesley let out a low laugh and let them in. He was genuinely not surprised by such a decision. [Name] was a thief on the loose around Fontaine and never stayed in one place for long. Name's preference to not remain contained within the walls of Meropide Fortress was certainly not surprising.
"What made you not want to stay here?" He crossed his arms and leaned further back in his chair; it was a rather comical situation for him.
"Here is nice. I've got food, a roof over my head, people to talk to," they mimicked his action and crossed their arms, "and you're here. But I do miss my true freedom outside those thick walls."
He stared at them with a fond smile on his face. He was quite sad that he would need to say goodbye to that child. Even if selfishly, Wriothesley secretly wished they wouldn't leave Meropide yet. Maybe he did have a favorite prisoner, after all.
“Now, can I get my ‘ultra mega hyper master favorite prisoner’ title before I go?”
They looked at him with stars in their eyes. To be honest, it was quite laughable.
“We’ll see how it goes.” He placed down the papers in his hand, waiting for them to speak more. Wriothesley definitely couldn't do that, even though it would be hilarious to see the other's reaction.
He got up and walked over to them. Unlike expected, Wriothesley hugged them and patted their head. And with a big smile on his face, he could proudly say:
"Enjoy your life out of here, little prick.” He gave them a playful, painless smack on the head.
“Thank you, Your Grace; but…”
They smiled mischievously at him and pointed to the door. Through it, came Sigewinne with her snack tray.
“To show my appreciation towards Your Grace and the great time I had here, I kindly requested my little friend Sigewinne to prepare the best pastries ever.”
The snacks presented to him had a suspicious smell. Maybe Sigewinne was also voluntarily partaking in this small prank. It was hard to say because of her usual smile.
“Just for you.”
In the end, even he couldn't escape getting a taste from his own medicine.
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✦⸼࣪⸳♡ BONUS:
“I thought you would be free. What happened, [Name]?”
Sigewinne put a finger over her mouth, trying to understand the reason why they would stay inside such a place when they wanted to be free.
“I got sentenced to more time for ‘murder attempt through food poisoning’.”
“Towards who?” She tilted her head in confusion, an interested look in her face.
They silently pointed towards the Duke.
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hunterscabin · 1 year
That’s What I’m Here For
Request: Can you please write an asthmatic reader and Sam and Dean help calm her during an attack because they know what to do - helping her count and breathe and use the inhaler because it’s a really bad attack (I live for whump!) - Anonymous
Pairings: Sam x Asthmatic!Reader; Dean x Asthmatic!Reader
Warnings: Asthma attack; panicked reader; whump; worried Sam & Dean; fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
Author’s Note: Thank you for the prompt, Nonnie! I actually have asthma, so this was somewhat cathartic to write. I hope you enjoy!
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Morning had always been your favorite time to run. There was something so calming about watching nature wake up: the sun rising over the treetops, birds greeting the day with their happy chirps. Living the stressful life of a hunter made you truly appreciative of these peaceful moments, and you did your best to incorporate them into your daily routine. 
You were on a small trail that looped around the woods near the bunker. It stretched roughly two miles, the perfect length for a morning jog. Although you maintained a steady pace, you noticed your breathing rate increase around the one and a half mile mark. Wanting to enjoy the tranquility of the outdoors a little longer, you shrugged off the warning sign. Now, on the last leg of your run, a familiar sensation tugged at your chest. 
Slowing your pace, you reached into your running belt and felt for your inhaler. When you found nothing, you tried the other pocket. It wasn’t there. 
“How could I be so stupid,” you wondered. Asthma had been a part of your life for as long as you could remember, and you always had an inhaler with you in case of emergencies. 
Panicking would surely make things worse, so you ran through your usual mantra of reassuring phrases:
“You can still talk, which means you’re getting enough air.”
“Your inhaler is close.”
“Sam and Dean will be able to help." 
While your personal pep talk kept your mental game in check, the tightness in your chest continued to twist, and you were beginning to feel your throat constrict. By the time the bunker came into view, you were in the throes of a full-blown asthma attack. 
The bunker door was twice as heavy in your current condition, but with a weak heave, you managed to nudge it open just enough to slink through. The door closed behind you with a thud, and you braced yourself against the loft railing. 
"Y/N,” Sam called when he heard the bunker door close, “Dean found a hunt while you were on your run.” When you didn’t reply, Sam shouted after you again. “We’re in the library!”
No longer able to support yourself, you fell to your hands and knees gasping for air. 
“Y/N?” Dean yelled a little louder, thinking you may not have heard Sam. When you still didn’t respond, the brothers exchanged a worried look. 
You needed help, but you could no longer speak; there was no way you had enough breath to call downstairs. Trying to conserve what little energy you had left, you kicked over a small bucket of bullet casings sitting next to the door. At the sound of shells loudly scattering across the floor, Sam and Dean darted toward the stairs.
“Y/N!” Sam and Dean’s speed increased when they saw you on all fours. They quickly scaled the staircase and were next to you within seconds. Dean landed at your side and placed a hand on your back. Sam knelt in front of you, taking your face in his hands. 
“Y/N/N, what’s wrong?” Sam’s hands moved from your cheeks to your shoulders and down your arms as he felt for injuries. 
You responded by placing a hand on your chest.  
“Y/N/N, are you having an asthma attack?" 
Your eyes widened in confirmation and both brothers began to move on autopilot. 
"Where is your inhaler?” Sam couldn’t hide the concern in his voice. He and Dean had been helping you cope with asthma ever since you joined them, but it never got any easier seeing you struggle for air, especially when an attack was this bad. 
You tried to respond, but all that came out was a stifled wheeze. Sam knew they were running out of time. 
“I think she keeps one on her nightstand?” Dean offered. Again, words failed you, but found the strength to nod “yes.” As soon as he had confirmation, Sam shot up and ran to your bedroom. Without Sam to lean on, you began to sway, and Dean slid behind you for support. 
“Lean against me, Y/N/N.” Dean eased you into a seated position between his legs. Your fists gripped the rough material of his jeans as you fought for air. 
“I know it’s hard, sweetheart, but try to relax.” Dean’s big hands enveloped your upper arms. He massaged them as he ran his thumbs across your shoulders. Your head lolled back in the crook of his neck. 
“That’s my girl,” he soothed, “Try to match my breathing.” You could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest, but no matter how hard you focused, you could not calm the urgency coursing through your body. You were fighting a losing battle against the panic churning inside you when you heard the comforting sound of Sam’s boots growing louder as he bound up the stairs. 
Sam crouched down, and you reached out a shaking hand to take your inhaler from him. “I’ve got it, baby girl.” Sam flashed you a sympathetic smile, “You just relax against Dean.”
Sam wrapped one hand behind your neck and eased the pump between your lips with the other. 
“Ready?” You nodded weakly and Sam released a puff into your mouth. Sam’s heart dropped as he watched most of the medicine billow past your lips. 
“I know it hurts, Y/N, but you have to do your best to take a deep breath.” Sam’s hand left your neck. “When you feel ready, squeeze my hand, and I’ll give you another puff, okay?”
You closed your eyes, mustering all of the strength you could and squeezed Sam’s hand. He discharged the medicine, and you took a shaky but complete breath. 
“That’s it, Y/N/N,” Sam encouraged, “Let’s do a couple more.” After two more puffs, the tension in your throat eased. Sam set down the inhaler and grabbed your other hand.
“Slow breaths, Y/N/N,” Sam lowered his head to yours, “Look at me, baby.” Sam took a deep breath in through his nose and exhaled slowly through his mouth. You followed his example and took a shaky breath of your own. 
“In: one, two three,” Sam coached, “Out: one, two, three, four, five.” He could see your face begin to relax as the medicine took its full effect. 
“Good job, Y/N/N. In: one, two, three. Out: one, two, three, four, five.” 
Sam guided you through counting your breaths until your breathing evened and returned to a normal rate.  
“How you feelin’, honey?” Dean questioned behind you, his hands still rubbing your arms. 
“Better,” you replied in a raspy voice. “My chest is still tight.”
“We’ll get you downstairs to your room and set up a breathing treatment.” Sam assured. Both brothers were surprised when you shook your head “no.”
“Sweetheart,” Dean’s voice was gentle but firm, “you need a breathing treatment.”  
“I know,” you wheezed, “Sammy’s room." 
"You want to go to my room?” Sam asked, a hint of confusion in his voice. You usually wanted Dean after a particularly bad attack. When you nodded “yes,” his heart swelled. “Of course we can go to my room, Y/N/N. C’mere.”
Sam got on one knee and scooped you up in his arms. He carried you down to his room and laid you on the bed. He turned to go prepare your breathing treatment, but you grabbed his hand. Dean saw and smiled at his younger brother. “I’ve got it,” he mouthed across the room.
Sam walked around to the other side of the bed and propped up several pillows. He took off his boots and crawled in, leaning against the headboard. He reached over and pulled you to him, lifting you onto his chest. He used a pillow to support your back, knowing that being elevated would help your breathing. 
Dean came back with your nebulizer and set it on the bed next to Sam. He filled the cartridge with medicine and attached the tubing to the mask. Dean gently lifted your head and placed the mask over your nose and mouth. He turned on the machine, and you began breathing in the mist, feeling relief almost immediately. Dean leaned in, placed a kiss on your forehead, and then looked down to his brother. 
“I’m gonna get her some water, you need anything?" 
Sam shook his head. All he needed was to know that you were okay. Dean left for the kitchen and Sam tightened his grip around you.
"Thank you, Sammy,” you muttered through the mask. Sam exhaled in amusement at your gratitude. As if there was anything he and Dean wouldn’t do to keep you safe. 
“Anytime, Y/N/N,” he placed a kiss on top of your head, “That’s what I’m here for."
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Tags: @senjoritanana​
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zhonyua · 7 months
your wish is my command.
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soft injuries
blade x gn!reader
context: you're from the stellaron hunters and you see blade struggling with his bandages.
content: mentions of injuries, blood, cuts, bandages; a bit suggestive? but nothing more than it.
notes: sorry if blade is a little out of character; some things about the stellaron hunters are made up; i'm sorry, it's really short </3
you could say that today was a rough day. maybe because you had to 'deal' with annoying people or because you had to be scolded by kafka because you did something without thinking again. you just knew you were tired.
it wasn't easy to be great like them. they were good at everything they did. silver wolf was a great hacker, kafka was great at fighting and making strategies and blade... well, blade was truly awesome.
you could see how he usually dealt with his problems, even if he always found a way to injure himself. he was a difficult person, but maybe that was why you were so fond of him.
you didn't know how, but blade always found a way to take over your thoughts. if you were fighting, you would remember how hot he looked while threatening his enemies. if you were resting sitting on a couch, you would remember how his eyes shined when they narrowed at you. your mind was always thinking about him.
and today wasn't different. you were tired, yes, but your mind was already full of thoughts about him. you almost tripped on the stairs because you got distracted again. maybe thinking about blade wasn't so good for you. and when you saw him, alone in a room, struggling to wrap a bandage on his waist, you knew that you were already lost.
you slowly walked towards the room, trying really hard to not make any noise so he wouldn't notice you, but that was blade, so of course he heard the small creak your shoes gave each step.
"what do you want?" his stern voice resonated through the empty room and you jumped slightly from the startle. you sighed, giving up on your slow and quiet pace and walking normally towards him.
"what are you doing?" you peeked over his shoulders and he moved so his back could cover your vision. "none of your business." he said in that same tone of voice. you felt an urge to keep annoying him.
"it looks like you're struggling there." your voice sounded terribly teasing. "i'm not." blade's words were interrupted by a low grunt when the bandage roll he was holding fell on the ground. you quickly kneeled down to grab it and he immediately tried to take it from your hands, but you moved it away from his reach.
"i could help you." you said and he rolled his eyes in an annoyed way. "i don't want your help." his face had a stern look that just made you insist even more. "don't be so annoying." you said and he frowned.
your persistence was irritating him so much, that he gave up after a few more tries. "alright, i give up. just do it quickly." blade said in a low voice, as if he didn't want anyone to hear it. you couldn't hide your victorious smile, while you carefully approached him, as if he was going to bite you.
he was leaning on a table, his arms behind him, so you could have more space. you could feel that, even if he was sighing annoyed all the time, he was liking how close you were from him. your eyes traced his bare chest without any hesitation, while you slowly began to wrap the bandage around his waist.
he had bleeding cuts all over his torso, and you carefully wrapped the bandage around them all, touching his skin even so slightly. you could see how he was holding his sighs, every time your fingers rubbed against a tiny cut.
you felt his stare at you, but you ignored him. you pressed an injury a bit too much and he grunted, grabbing your hand, roughly. you looked up at him, just realizing how close your face was from his.
"you're doing it on purpose." blade's voice sounded low and his eyes didn't leave yours. "am i?" you tried your best to give him the most innocent eyes you could. "oops." you pressed the spot again, smiling when he grunted.
"stop it." his voice sounded hoarse and his eyes narrowed at you, but that just made you want to keep doing it. "and what if i don't?" you whispered, teasingly. that was the last thing you said before he grabbed your face with one hand and pulled you for a kiss.
your eyes widened with surprise, but soon your lips curled up in a smile. you couldn't hide how much you wanted that, and now that it was finally happening, you felt like it was a dream. but blade's hands sliding down to firmly hold your waist, reminded you that it wasn't.
your hands, on the other side, ignored the bandages completely, brushing his chest until your arms wrapped around his neck. his mouth felt warm and he bit your lips in the most possessive way possible.
you sighed heavily between the kiss when his hands began to move lower, but he suddenly pushed you away before you could even react. before you could ask what happened, you heard a familiar voice calling for his name.
"hey blade, did you see my..." silver wolf entered the room looking around, but when her eyes stopped on you she fell silent. "oh." she had a neutral expression, but you could feel that she was going to laugh it off later. "well, sorry, i'll ask later." she left, not before giving blade a wink.
you felt your cheeks warming and you looked away from blade, but he didn't look bothered at all.
"we're going to continue this later." it was the last thing he said, before grabbing his things and leaving you alone in the room.
suddenly, you didn't feel tired anymore.
it was the first time that doing something without thinking led you to a good thing.
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whumpsday · 1 year
Hey so Bellamy saves Kane AU right?
But what if he hears about Kane being held captive at the hunters’ base like a month after Jim picked hum up?
And when Bel asks the hunters where Kane is they say that his former human took him so that he can get revenge
NOW THIS IS A FUN LITTLE AU. takes place sometime after Guilt.
Jim's blood ran cold as he answered his front door to find himself face-to-face with a vampire.
"Hello, dear," the vampire greeted with practiced warmth. He spoke in a manner clearly meant to hide his fangs, but Jim could still see them, and his bright-red eyes made it all that much easier to tell. "So we meet again."
Jim stumbled back, eyes wide with terror. "What?" he squeaked.
The vampire gave him a closed-mouth smile, stepping inside after him, but not approaching further. Keeping his distance. "I suppose it would seem a long time for a human. You and I made each other's acquaintance thirteen years ago, I believe."
Jim was too terrified to think about what on earth this guy could be talking about. He turned and bolted toward the phone. It was stupid, hunters wouldn't be able to get here in time, but maybe he could at least say goodbye this time-
The vampire dashed ahead of him in the blink of an eye, getting between him and the phone. "I think it may be a bad idea to involve others in this matter."
Jim flinched back so hard he fell, landing on his ass. He cowered away from the intruder, tears beginning to fall as his heart clenched with panic. "Please, not again, I can't do it again!" he wailed.
The vampire frowned. "Mr. Lieberman, I will not harm you. We met at the noble families' ball, if you recall?"
That's when Jim realized, through the haze of fear, that the vampire looked familiar.
"...Bellamy?" he asked, his voice small.
"The one and only," the vampire said lightheartedly. "I am here to take Kane off your hands. Would you be a dear and fetch him for me? Either that, or point me in his direction."
Jim pointed to the door to the basement with a shaking hand. He knew Bellamy could just use persuasion if he refused. "Please don't make me go back. I- I'm sorry."
Bellamy seemed distracted, rushing toward the door. "Worry not, darling, I shall do nothing of the sort. If you'd lend me a hand, this door is silver." He spread his hands helplessly. "I'm unable to open it. I'm afraid my gloves are a bit dirty at the moment."
"S-sure." Jim pushed himself to his feet and forced himself to follow, his heart pounding so hard he was sure Bellamy could hear it.
He opened the door.
"Kane?" Bellamy called, voice steeped with worry, peering down the stairs.
Kane looked up from where he sat at his desk, eyes wide. "Bellamy? What are you doing here?"
Bellamy took a step forward, like he wanted to zip down the stairs, but stopped himself with a glance at the silver door. "I'm here to rescue you," he said softly, voice thick with emotion.
Kane looked to Jim. "Can I come upstairs?"
It astounded Jim that he still bothered asking for permission. "Uh, y-yeah. Just-" He took a good few steps away from Bellamy. "Just please don't touch me."
Kane nodded, climbing the stairs, eyes not leaving Bellamy for a moment. As soon as he stepped past the silver door, Bellamy wrapped him up in his arms. "I thought you were dead," he whispered.
"I'm okay. I'm right here." Kane squeezed Bellamy back.
Jim watched warily as the two vampires embraced. He would have thought it was sweet if he wasn't so panicked about being sent back into hell.
Kane pulled away slightly. "I'm already rescued, though. Jim took me away." Jim winced as the vampires' attention fell back on him.
Bellamy looked Kane up and down, like he was checking for something, before looking to Jim. "I was told that my dear Kane was, ah... given to you for such purposes as exacting your revenge. Is that not what has been taking place?"
Before Jim could defend himself, Kane did it for him. "No! Jim has been- just the absolute kindest person on the planet. He saved me. He fed me with his own blood, even after everything I did. He helps me calm down when I get scared. You were right, Bellamy. You were right about everything."
Jim started to calm down slightly. If Kane was saying this now that he had no reason to fear him... maybe it'd be okay. "It was just- the right thing to do."
Bellamy gave him a warm smile, a real one this time. "Thank you for taking care of him when I couldn't. I know he put you through many hardships. Thank you, my dear."
"Uh, 'course," Jim replied awkwardly.
Kane let out a small sound of surprise as Bellamy scooped him into his arms. "I shall be on my way, now. You needn't worry about us any longer."
Jim nodded slowly. This was good. It was out of his hands, now. "Okay. Um, Kane? Good luck. Don't get too in your head."
Kane teared up a little. "Thank you. Thank you for everything, Jim. Same to you."
Bellamy dashed off into the night. And just like that, Jim was alone, the only sounds the whirring of his AC and the chirping of the crickets in the night air.
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TBB Incorrect Quotes, Part 4
Crosshair: What's this? Wrecker, hugging Crosshair: Affection! Crosshair: Disgusting. Crosshair: ...Do it again.
Hunter: I made tea.  Crosshair: I don't want tea.  Hunter: I didn't make you tea. This is my tea.  Crosshair: Then why did you tell me?  Hunter: It's a conversation starter.  Crosshair: It's a horrible conversation starter.  Hunter: Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate. 
Hunter: *is hugging Omega*  Wrecker: Hey! It's my turn to hug Omega!  Wrecker: *grabs Omega*  Echo: *kicking down the door* What do you mean, "yOuR tUrN"? We agreed now is my time slot!  Hunter: No, It's still my turn!  Omega: *suffocating* Guys, I love you, but just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean you can be hugging me constantly!  Wrecker: But we need the moral support!  Hunter: And you're small! Which is cute!  Echo: If I don't hug you right now I think the depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning.  Omega: *close to tears* Well- I, I guess. 
Crosshair, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it-  Wrecker, whispering: Should we call the exorcist?  Echo, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick.  Tech, appalled: Call the exorcist. 
Crosshair: Hey, can we stay in your dorm tonight?  Tech: Why?  Crosshair: Omega fiddled with a ouija board and cursed ours.  Echo: Hunter doesn't know how to banish spirits, so he just throws salt at them and yells "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!" 
Wrecker: Crosshair gave me a get better soon card.  Tech: That's sweet!  Wrecker: I wasn't sick, he just thinks I can do better. 
Echo: Crosshair, can I speak to you for a minute? In private.  Crosshair: Ooh, someone's in trouble. It's me. I don't know why I did that.
Wrecker, jumping out of Hunter's closet: BOO!  Hunter:  Wrecker:  Hunter:  Wrecker: *makes a sad face*  Hunter: Ahh! Oh my god! You scared me!
Crosshair: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. Echo: Fucking Wrecker and Omega were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
Crosshair: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me. 
Cop: What are your names?  Wrecker: Don't tell them, Crosshair.  Cop, writing: Crosshair...  Wrecker: Crap.  Crosshair: Nice going, Wrecker.  Cop:  Crosshair: Uh oh. 
Echo: Look, I’m glad everyone’s on the same page.  Echo: But it’s the last page in a book titled “we’re all going to die”.  Tech: That’s not even clever. 
Omega: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Crosshair and Hunter's convo?  Echo: Me. I'm in the laundry basket.  Tech: I'm in the washing machine.  Wrecker: I'm in the closet.  Echo: We accept you Wrecker. &lt;3 Wrecker: No I'm literally in the closet.  Echo: Love is love. <3
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle. Crosshair, with Omega and Wrecker behind him: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Crosshair: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Crosshair: Tech FUCKING FELL OFF!
Tech: Did you have to stab them?  Crosshair: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.  Tech: What did they say?  Crosshair: "What are you going to do, stab me?"  Tech: That’s fair. 
Wrecker: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life. Echo: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back... Omega: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this. Hunter: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years. Tech: I knew I lost that potential somewhere. Crosshair: Mental stability, my old friend! Wrecker: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Crosshair: Some people are like slinkies. Tech: What? Crosshair: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs. Tech: Tech: Please don't push Echo down the stairs. Crosshair, pushing Echo down the stairs: Too late.
Hunter: Your lab is in the bathroom? Tech: Wrecker says this is the perfect place for my work. I’m just now realizing that remark may not have been entirely complimentary.
Tech: What's worse than a heartbreak? Omega: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging. Echo: Waking up in the morning. Crosshair: Waking up. Wrecker: Waking up in the morning... Wrecker: And seeing Hunter. Hunter: Hey! Rude!!
Hunter: Stressed. Echo: Depressed. Crosshair: Possessed. Tech: Obsessed. Wrecker: Impressed. Omega: Chicken breast. Everyone: ...What? Omega: I just wanted to join in.
*when the Squad drops food* Hunter: Eh, oh well. Wrecker: FIVE-SECOND RULE! Crosshair: FUCK! Tech: *just gets more food* Omega: *drops to her knees and mourns the food* Echo: *eats the food off the ground*
Omega: So, are you two friends? Echo: Yes. Crosshair: No.
Crosshair: Alright Omega, Wrecker. Let's go over this one more time. Crosshair: If something breaks? Omega: We try to fix it before Hunter gets home. Crosshair: If it doesn't work? Wrecker: We blame Echo. Echo: Seriously guys, what the hell?!
*Everyone is playing a board game together* Echo: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'. Omega: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'. Hunter: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'. Tech: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'. Hunter: *flips the board*
Crosshair: Today at 7 am, Tech poured a Monster energy drink in his coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing. Echo: I watched Tech brew his coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think he ascended into the astral realm. Wrecker: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
Crosshair: If I die, you can have what little I own. Tech: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die? Crosshair: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full. Tech: Tech: *Sighs* Let me call your therapist again.
Hunter: Say no to drugs. Wrecker: Say yes to drugs. Tech: It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to drugs. If you're talking to drugs.. then you're on drugs.
Hunter: *Answers phone.* Hello? Wrecker: It's Wrecker. Hunter: What did he do this time? Wrecker: No, it's me, Hunter. It's actually me. Hunter: What did you do this time?
Omega: How did you even get in here? Wrecker's: Echo's window! Or, as I like to call it, "Wrecker's door"! Echo: I’m closing the window.
Crosshair: We wouldn’t last two minutes without Tech. Crosshair: Crosshair: Don’t tell him I said that.
Wrecker: ARE YOU- Crosshair: Fucking. Wrecker: KIDDING ME?! YOU- Crosshair: Fucking. Wrecker: IDIOT! Tech: …What was that? Crosshair: Echo banned Wrecker from swearing, so I’m helping him out.
Hunter: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon. Tech: Spear. Hunter: BLOCKED.
Omega: Crosshair and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us. Tech: What did you do? Omega: Crosshair chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and- Crosshair: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
Omega: So, what's for dinner? Echo, staring at the food he burnt: Regret.
Omega: If you got arrested what would be the charges? Echo: Theft. Tech: Disturbing the peace. Wrecker: Aggravated assault. Hunter: Arson. Crosshair: All of the above. In that order, probably.
Wrecker: HYDRATE OR DIE-DRATE! Wrecker: *aggressively throws water bottles* Crosshair: Uh... what's up with him? Tech: He's trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us. Wrecker: I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU! Hunter, crying: It's working.
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childlikegoblinqueen · 5 months
Huntlow Week Day 1: Prompt Halloween/Hooty
"Oh! Good evening Hunter!"
A sliver of light passed over Hunter's body from the inside of the Park house.
He'd knocked.
He had.
Willow liked the danger of Hunter sneaking in through her balcony, and though she'd offered to "magic him up" with vines, or to have Clover fly him up, tonight of all nights, Hunter opted to act appropriately and knock.
Slowly, the door cracked open and a small sliver of warm light slid out from the Park's kitchen in a line over Hunter's head.
"Ah! Hunter. Good evening!" Harvey Park smiled. "Please come on in!
"Thank you Mr. Park!" Hunter gave a small smile and Harvey opened the door even wider which made Hunter's smile wider as well.
"Gilbert's out getting some last minute grosseries for dinner, and Willow's upstairs waiting for you!"
"Yessir!" Hunter bowed his head only to feel Harvey's sturdy hand on his shoulder.
"Of course." Harvey chuckled. "And Hunter? I do hope one day you will call me Harvey?"
"I hope so too." Hunter whispered.
Within seconds he had rushed up the stairs, with a thick tapping sound from his pink crocs. He reached another door covered in pictures of various types of flora and knocked again.
"Trick or treat!" Hunter sang out as Willow's sunny face answered.
"BOTH!" She answered, pulling him in as quickly as she shut the door behind them.
Then, Willow Park had Hunter in her arms. She tackled him gently and they fell on the floor in breathless peels of laughter.
Hunter let out a snort and lifted his hands , "I SURRENDER!" he shouted. "I AM AT YOUR MERCY! ANYTHING YOU WANT! IT'S YOURS!"
"Pfft! You're being a pushover on purpose." Willow teased. She laid her head across his chest, ear to the place she had told him so many times was best to hear his heartbeat. "Did you bring the goods?" She whispered.
"Check my bag." Hunter nodded.
They sat up as Willow dug her hands through his school bag pulling out a big pillow case full of every kind of Human Realm Candy possible.
"W-we probably should wait until after dinner before we get started on that." Hunter rubbed the back of his neck as he watched his girlfriend line up each piece of candy in order of what she liked to eat first.
"Hunter?" Willow stopped a moment. She looked at him with a soft smile. "Are you sure you're not mad that Gus is over with Luz and the others for Halloween?"
Hunter shook his head. Gently, he pressed his hand against his chest where Flapjack lay. "I get it. Maybe one day I'll be ready to do a real Human Realm Halloween again? But I wouldn't want to hold anyone else back." He felt a sharpness behind his throat. "Are you disappointed?" he whispered. "I mean, that you aren't over there now?"
Willow's cheeks went pink. "Nah." She waived her hand and shuffled a bit more through the pillowcase. "Getting to do Halloween last year was fun and all ... until ... you know. Until it wasn’t?" Her eyes watered a bit. "But there's a lot of things I get to do this year that's even better?"
"Yeah? Like what?" Hunter gave his girlfriend a lopsided grin. From the look on Willow's face he knew that she'd found it. The one thing he'd hidden in the bag of Reeses', and Hersey Bars, and those weird triangle things that Luz insisted were "loser candy." And then, Hunter felt his grin spread.
Gingerly, Willow opened the box of Pocky and slid out one long thin cookie, resting the chocolate covered side between her full lips. With the tips of her fingers she drew his chin closer towards her own. As Hunter began to eat one side as Willow ate the other, meeting in the middle in a soft, sweet crumb covered kiss.
"I get to do stuff like that." Willow whispered as Hunter felt his ears light up.
"Mmmmmmm." He hummed. "That was nice."
"You wanna have another piece?" She whispered.
A sliver of guilt filled Hunter's stomach. "B-but your dads are gonna be calling us down for dinner soon?"
"Maybe?" Willow shrugged. She crawled closer, placing the new stick between her lips and with a devious laugh, she rumbled, “But it is Halloween, and I think we're required to spoil our dinner with something sweet."
And without any further argument, Hunter closed the space between them with another kiss.
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odasantiago · 24 days
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“Every action has its equal opposite reaction”
A Xanthus Fanfiction by Oda
—I would say that this is just an AU, but it’s just a rushed idea I had of Xanthus’s lore and kinda a part love’s lore, so enjoy!
..You remembered the pattering rain against the car window as if it’s a childhood dream—the man with blond hair and velvet eyes whom you once basked in, his arms stretched out to you not in desperation, but pure fury to have you back. You recall the gun to your head, a finger on the trigger, a black hell surrounded you and you woke up in a surveillance room. What happened next you may say…
You couldn’t say. Your conscience wouldn’t let you recall the events that happened on that shit attempt they called a revolution.
Chained in handcuffs, you stare at the camera keeping its lifeless focus on you. Fighting with the chain’s until you bled, you lay on the surface that those monsters gave you. For three months, you were put under surveillance. It was near to torture, maybe it was torture, you had no idea.
All you wanted to do was to see that genuine smile again.
. . .
Waking up a couple hours later, for you realized that there were no handcuffs, the camera was broken. Stumbling up, feet feeling as if they wanted to sink into the ground. The door opens, eyes widening.
Your dear vampire was there, waiting for you.
He looked hazy, as if it wasn’t real, but it was. It was real, completely real.
. . .
Xanthus spoke, in a voice you could not recognize, “Come with me.”
You tried to say, “Xanthus, you’re finally here.” But no words came out, only raspy breaths. You quickly stumbled to come closer, but before you could—Xanthus stared at you with nothing less than neutrality. He had bandages covering his left eye, you tried to ask about it, but before you could..
The blond took your hand, not bothering to look at your bruises, you passed by the hunters who guarded your room—but they didn’t care. They didn’t even look. Feeling light as a feather, an overwhelming speed took over and your legs went quicker, up and down the stairs of the underwater headquarters.
You tried to pull away, but the velvet eyed hologram echoed back, “stop resisting, see the truth.”
“Unveil the secrets. I know you can do it,”
Feeling the urge to run away, feeling the urge to hide and quiver—your attempts did not work with the lighting speed of which Xanthus dragged you along the Building.
Was this truly the vampire you adored so much? The vampire that took you in, who protected you, who loved you.
Until your thoughts could race circles around you more, you found yourself standing in a balcony just above the water, the hard raining hitting against Xanthus’s brown overcoat.
The man who held your wrist turned to face you.
That was not Xanthus.
It was a pale, terrifying man with long blond hair and velvet eyes with bandages covering his face; only showing his right eye, just like Xanthus’s eyes.
He vanished, and you looked beyond to see your real love looking up into the sky. Hair drenched, face was a shade of a sick, pale, almost peach white.
This time you tried to speak, words came out.
“Xanthus! Is.. is that the real you?”
Xanthus looked back at you, his mouth opening, but saying nothing. Looking up into the sky, your heavy steps came to approach him.
Patter, patter, patter
The same pattering you heard on that day, when he was taken away from you, but you could feel him again, kiss him again, love him again—as you smiled and said his name one more time, he looked back at you, and gasped
“Love..?” He said
“Are you another illusion? No.. no, please don’t be another illusion..”
His voice faltered, as tears fell.
“No.. No, I'm real! Xanthus, it’s me! It’s really me!” You yelled back. Balling your fists up, hot tears streaming down your face.
He stared back, and ran up to hug you as tight as he possibly could. You could feel his tears staining your neck
“Oh my god, I knew you would come back.. please don’t.. please don’t… leave”
You looked back at his face, his eyes were dead, looking as weak as a twig, he would’ve yelled out your name, but he was afraid that you would leave again.”
Xanthus didn’t believe it at first, but you two could finally get away from this hell together, all you had to do was find Dontis.. and..
“I’m so happy.” You uttered, “I love you, Xanthus” you uttered again.
Basking in each other's warmth, you felt a deep love surge through your veins, feeling alive again. It was addictive, almost. Xanthus didn’t reply back, he just held you tighter and tighter, as if he desperately needed all of you, it was nice, calming, to be reunited again.
Until you felt a gun press up against your head.
Until you felt a gun press up against your head.
Was it audric? No, it had to be audric, wait.. why didn’t Xanthus tell you? He would’ve seen it, would he?
“Don’t you dare make another move, Lawrence.”
An accented voice fills the air, it was Dontis who held the gun against your head.
Xanthus’s eyes widened, not in fury, not in rage, but in sadness, in realization.
“So.. I guess you already saw through me, Dontis.”
The vampire said in a rough voice, suddenly pulling you against his chest, yelling.
“I.. I refuse to believe anything that demon says. That.. Audric..”
The horned man whispered back to his yell, “you already know. You.. you knew everything, didn’t you?”
Xanthus said nothing, Dontis pressed harder on the trigger. He spoke in a calm manner.
“Let them go, or else I pull the trigger and they’ll remember everything. It’s not like they’ll die anyway.”
Xanthus shed more tears, speaking up, “Dontis, don’t..!”
The incubus looking back on him, his other fist balled up.
“Dontis please, this is all I have, this is my only chance, I—“
He pulled the trigger, and everything went black.
everything went black.
. . .
You fell into a pit and the atmosphere turned into the same room where you met Audric for the first time. Their voices seemed echoey, as if you were in a memory You witnessed a tall vampire named Audric facing Lawrence. Audric spoke,
“Lawrence, you’ve always been a good subject of mine, why won’t you do this for me?”
He continued.
“It’ll be in your favor, you’ll get their power, a power that none of us have faced yet. You can finally bring back your status in the trimidian, and..”
Lawrence interrupted, bandages covering his left eye.
“And bring back my brother.. I could live my life again and die peacefully.”
Audric chuckled, and said back;
“Good memory, that’s my Lawrence.” He smiled, a smile looking so genuine and full of praise, fatherly, if you must. Audric looked off to the side and started to walk around the room, explaining.
“That ‘love,’ has a phenomenal power that only we know of, for what I can tell, it’s close to godhood. All this is finding out more information to help the trimidian, to help your dead brother. You just.. will be feeling raw emotions so you won’t give us away.”
“Now, can you remember what the mission is?” He continued. There was a small moment of silence, not an awkward silence, but a deep—dark premonitious silence.
You could see Lawrence’s forever blank expression, devoid of love, devoid of hatred. It was nothing less than a neutral sorrow, somewhat like a lost child who has parents that don’t bother to search for them. The vampire sighed, “If this even goes through, after this I will be brainwashed and seek out ‘love’ and when I come back, I’ll tell you all I know about them.”
Audric smirked, he patted Lawrence’s head, Lawrence shook it off—speaking louder in response,
“Audric, I’m not a fledgling anymore, I don’t even know if I want to do this, in fact; I don’t really want to. What if this power of theirs is too powerful? What if..”
Lawrence cleared his throat, stopping his sentence midway, and tried to walk away. His footsteps echoed in the big room, looking down at the carpeted floor.
“Did you forget Nathaniel?” Audric spoke up, his arms crossed. “Did you forget your honor? If you do this one little thing for me, I’ll give you your freedom, you’ll get to see your brother.”
Lawrence knew that, he stopped in his tracks, looking back.
Why can’t he just do it? It’s not like he’ll ever love again. He shouldn’t be a coward. He should get this freedom, his life back.. his humanity back. Maybe he could try. Audric held out his hand,
“So what will it be, this will be your final mission, the last time you’ll be serving as my right hand man in the trimidian.”
The vampire looked at the hand held out by Audric, a simple handshake is what all it took. He walked forward, and looked straight at you before shaking Audrics hand. His right eye was beautiful. It was devoid, but full of color.
…You couldn’t think, you didn’t even want to think, you just witnessed. Lawrence was.. beautiful. Messy blond hair frames his face perfectly, the same pale skin, the same stare that you swore you adored so much. That’s when you realized,
This is real, this isn’t a dream, xanthus never loved you, he was just brainwashed.
He was just brainwashed.
Before you could think of anything more, you felt your head throb.
…All of his memories started to rush in your brain; scenes rushed in your brain. Climbing a tree with Nathanial, training for the war, practicing piano with your mother, the first time becoming a vampire, the sickening smell of the battlefield. Was this a side effect of being.. here? Who even knows. You held your hands in your face, leaving a little gap to see ‘Xanthus’
Lawrence looked back, and shook his hand.
“We have a deal,”
Audric laughed uproariously, his eyes turning rancid.
“It seems like it, good choice, ‘Xanthus’,
The bandages on his left eye fell to the ground, you could almost see him smiling..
Patter, patter, patter.
You could feel the same patterning on your back, it felt like your neck was choked and pulled out of the scene, the last thing you could see was Audrics fatherly smile.
Your consciousness brought back to the rainy balcony. Xanthus and Dontis were yelling at each other, the rain muffling their voices.
“What.. was..” You whispered,
Xanthus turned his head from dontis, seeing that you were awake. He didn’t say anything, just a smile full of realization, pure, raw defeat took over him. The vampire collapsed to the ground.
What happened? Did he not love me? Why is he working for the trimidian, why are we here? What happened? What happened? What..
The blood dripped down from your forehead, you stared at the bullet on the ground, the same bullet that Dontis shot you with. You didn’t die, as he said, but you wanted that gun to take you away. As if you could wake up and none of this was real.
You sat against the balcony, patter, patter patter,
Every action has its equal opposite reaction, they say. Betrayal is nothing less than that.
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dominimoonbeam · 4 days
To The Edge - 10
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This work is mine and I do not give consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted without my permission. I am sharing chapters as I work on this story but it is copyrighted material that I plan to rework and publish when completed.
story tags: scifi romance, hijinks in space, rogues learning to trust, violence, blood, guns, death, explicit language, so much kidnapping,
Works organized and easily found over on the patreon. <3
He still had bits of tape stuck to his clothes and the residue on his wrists when he stormed down the long corridors of Carina, one of the worst outposts in the whole stretch of dark space he called home.
He couldn’t believe they’d tased him again.
He checked his gun before holstering it against his thigh, hands still twitching from the electricity. Could he even aim the damn thing right now if he needed to? Maybe it was a good thing if he couldn’t, because his first shot might be for that primer.
He hadn’t been unconscious for long, though it had taken him a few minutes to get his legs under him and then find his damn guns.
His vision still had waves at the edges when he reached the station proper. A hub of transport and exchange buzzed around him, making him sway into a wall but never stop moving forward. Ships docked along arms in all directions on twenty levels, cargo pushed on trollies and driven on trucks into that center ring. He willed himself not to drop when all that sound and movement hit him at once.
Closing his eyes, Rory dragged a breath and then a second before opening his eyes and accessing his optic implant. He had maps of the whole station from previous visits, blue light in his vision putting up signs and arrows, making order out of that jumbled mess. He pulled up the tracking program and there they were, a pulse of yellow light down the corridor on the seventh floor up from where he stood.
He took the stairs rather than waiting on an available lift and with each flight he felt himself shaking off the residual disorientation and twitches of that electric shock.
When he reached the same floor as them, their beacon of light flashed at him through walls, somewhere in that direction.
Rory turned down a hall and a mercenary stepped into his path, hand on his gun and mouth pulled in a sneer.
It wasn’t like he was wearing a badge that said he was a mercenary, it was just sort of obvious after decades of dealing with them. It was the gear, the stance, and the confidence. “You’re heading the wrong way, buddy,” the guy said. A second mercenary leaned against the wall near an open docking door to their ship.
The problem with mercenaries, in Rory’s opinion, was that they were so easy to identify, and yet none of them had any idea what a bounty hunter looked like when they saw one. They saw military. They saw other mercs. And they saw pirates. But Rory? Rory was a background civilian to these people.
He pulled his gun so fast the merc barely had time to register it… and then he shot him.
The merc fell with a groan, hands to his bleeding middle, and Rory leveled the barrel on the second one. She wasn’t leaning against the wall anymore, her full attention on the situation and her hand on her gun, half-pulled from the holster before being caught in his line.
Rory laughed shakily, still looking at the second one when he said to the first. “Sorry, buddy. I meant to shoot you in the leg. I think I’m still twitching…”
The first just groaned and rolled, crying now.
“Where’s my bounty?” he asked the second.
She hadn’t let go of her gun yet. Was she waiting for a chance to pull and try her luck? “What are you talking about?”
Rory clocked the welt on her cheek and recently opened scabs on her knuckles. “Oh, I think you’ve met them. We both know I can’t stand here for long. Give them back or you’ll be on the ground with your friend.”
Her gaze didn’t budge and her hand didn’t drop.
The mercenary on the floor kicked onto his back and pulled a gun from his thigh, lifting it in a second wind of violent desperation. Mercenaries were good at that. Pirates would run, plea, and beg. Mercenaries would die with gritted teeth, taking as many people down with them. Though Rory appreciated that trait poetically, it was a nightmare in practicality.
He lunged forward, shouldering the second mercenary into the wall while dodging the first shot and trying to stop her from pulling her gun. He stretched his arm down and fired another round into the merc on the floor, still struggling with the second. She kneed him hard in the thigh, dropping him to his knee and getting her gun free.
Rory caught her hand and pushed it away just as she fired, her shot going wide while his barrel pressed right up against her chest. Her body muffled the shot and he grunted, pushing himself to his feet while she dropped to the side.
He ducked through the doorway they had been guarding, shoulder to the wall of the long hall as he jogged the length to the ship, inside just before another mercenary came around a corner.
How many were there?
The whole interior of the ship pulsed in yellow for his vision, telling him they were there…somewhere.
The mercenary held up his hands, gaze flicking between Rory’s face and his already-drawn weapon. “I think you’ve made a big mistake,” they said.
Rory was honestly surprised this one hadn’t called him buddy too. “Where are they?”
The mercenary shrugged, hands slowly lowering. They took a step back and to the side.
“I said, where is my fucking bounty?” Rory yelled, keeping his eye and his gun on the merc.
“What are you talking about?” They weren’t even trying to sound confused.
“You heard me!” His hand started shaking, not from nerves but from the fucking electric shocks of the last day. “I know you have them! I know they hired you and I’m guessing you already double-crossed them. I’m giving you a chance to hand over what’s mine before you end up like the rest of your crew.”
The merc grinned at the tremble in his hand, reading it all wrong. Their own hand, steady, drifted toward the gun holstered against their thigh.
“Don’t draw that on me…” Rory warned. “I swear, if you—”
Fearless, the mercenary pulled their gun—probably already imagining their own legend unfolding from this moment.
Rory fired before the gun was even free, blowing the merc back into the wall in a heap.
He sighed, holstering his weapon and shaking out his twitching hand.
“Okay,” he said, more to himself than anyone else, turning to consider the ship for the first time. “You’re here somewhere, Stardust. I know you’re here and you’re still alive so…”
He spun toward a thump and blinked down at a cargo box.
Something inside knocked again.
Rory bit back a laugh, stepping closer. “Stardust…are you in the box?”
A series of thumps rattled off inside the metal container.
He tapped on the outside and they drummed angrily inside. “Okay, knock twice for yes. Do you regret trying to hire these guys?”
The pause was palpable. Rory waited.
Knock. Knock.
He laughed, forgetting his anger about all the trouble they’d put him through. “Yeah. You’re lucky that bounty on you made it really clear your family wants you back alive…” This was perfect. He cast his gaze around for a way to move the box. “You’re awfully quiet though. Did they gag you too?
Knock. Knock.
“Smart. I’m kind of sorry I killed them now. They had the right idea…” This couldn’t be better. He found a trolley and pushed the cargo off of it. Boxes of protein bars busted open, spilling brightly wrapped rectangles onto the floor. “You’re lucky I caught up to you before they left the station. How long did it take for them to realize you were worth more as a bounty than an employer? Oh yeah, you can’t answer that… Yes or no questions…”
He looked at the crate. “Are you sorry you stole my ship?”
In the pause before the two soft knocks, he imagined their scowl.
“Are you going to behave if I open the box?”
Rory waited.
The knocks were quick.
He laughed. They were a shit liar even when they were gagged. “Yeah, I don’t believe you, Stardust. Not even a little bit.” Without jostling them too much, Rory hefted the crate onto the trolley. “I’m convinced that you’re incapable of staying out of trouble, which would have made you a great friend in another life but right now you’re a terrible bounty.”
They beat what he hoped was their boot against the side of the box, screams that sounded a lot like they were meant to be swears muffled inside.
“Settle down.” He pushed them past the dead mercenary and down the hall, toward more bodies. Would they care? They hadn’t been exactly squeamish about the pirates he dropped when he picked them up. “You’re not getting out of the box yet. In fact, I’m thinking I’ll drill a hole in the top here to drop in some water bottles and protein bars when we get back to the ship. Maybe you can stay in there until we get you home.” He had to kick one of the mercenary’s legs out of the way to get the cart around the corner.
Stardust banged against the lid of their box.
“Yeah, yeah, the restraints and the gag.” Dropping food and water in wouldn’t work. “I wonder what their plan was for keeping you alive in there… Or maybe they thought they’d let you out once they were on their way. Poor fools. You would have done a number on them.”
He turned down the main hall, into the flow of other visitors moving cargo around to the lifts. Carina wasn’t a lawful station by any stretch, even for the edge, but getting out of there before someone decided to care about the dead mercs was probably the best move. The last thing he needed was someone else realizing how much the cargo in that crate was worth.
He took the lift back down to the floor where Stardust had parked his ship.
“Do you still have that jacket?” he wondered aloud. If anyone noticed him talking, they would assume it was on a call over his optic implant and not to the person in the box he was pushing.
Stardust kicked and thumped wildly.
Rory laughed, biting his tongue to try to stop. It was just too good. “Calm down! We’re coming up on a checkpoint and I’d rather not have to shoot anyone else for you today…” Really, if Stardust had paid a little extra to park on one of the higher levels, they could skip the checkpoint. It was really just a shakedown for a little extra credit.
The augmented human stood in his path, one scope eye twisting side to side to analyze him and his cargo. “What do you have there?” they asked, voice shuddering with a synthetic rattle. Another augment stood behind them, more machine than human to the point where Rory wasn’t entirely sure they were alive and not just a statue.
“In this?” Rory asked, pointing at the crate on the trolley like there was any other crate they might be asking about.
Stardust screamed and thumped wildly inside the box.
The augment lifted the eyebrow they still had and he instantly hoped they never gave up that swatch of skin for more metal and tech because it was a very expressive gesture, especially with that smirk.
Rory leaned against the handlebar of the trolley. “Bought them off a skin ship. I wouldn’t suggest getting a peak. I hear they’re a biter.”
The smirk became a grin. They had metal teeth. “You’re into biting?”
“Oh, I’m just transporting,” he clarified and held out a plastic card between fingers.
The augment took it, their scope eyes honing in on the card to read the prepaid credit value before their smile turned polite and disinterested. “Have a good night,” they said, stepping back.
“Yeah, you have a good night too,” Rory pushed on, into the quieter hallway leading off into arms numbered by parking spots at the station.
His cargo had been quiet since their attempt at getting rescued. They would have been better off with the mercs than the cut-throat muscle working Carina. But how could they know that? “Did you really think they’d care? You have no idea where you are, Stardust. You should be thanking me for trying to get you home.”
There were no knocks of agreement or thumps of rage this time.
Rory laughed, pushing them back to his ship.
The door opened and he finally got them back onboard, parking their dumb ass on the deck while he manually locked the ship.
When he came back to the deck, they were pushing at the lid of their box, like it might suddenly be open.
The bounty hunter laughed and shook his head, even if they couldn’t see it. “Oh no, you’re staying in there until I’m done resetting the systems controls.”
They kept thumping but he ignored them, opening a panel to get at the primary access controls for the ship. In all the cycles he’d been picking up bounties, some willing and some definitely not, this was the first time he’d lost control of his ship.
When Stardust continued to thump, he tried a command and flooded the deck with music, pleased it had worked and even more so that the beat synced up with the primer’s tantrum nicely.
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cubicle-eyes · 1 year
Hunter Noceda x
Anon asked...
A request! A story where Hunter gets a bad itch on his back and is doing an absolutely terrible job of hiding it, and reader notices and scratches it for him :) He's kind of embarrassed at first but soon discovers that he really likes getting his back scratched (he's probably never had anyone do that for him before...wow I kind of made myself sad writing this request lol)
This is amazing and I feel this on a spiritual level . For the entire time I was writing this I was literally giggling
The Noceda's couch was the best place to be at two in the morning. Willow, Luz, Hunter, and Y/N had been previously locked in a heated Mario Kart tournament, while Gus and Vee pretended to be commentators on a sports show. Now, Willow had given up and went to bed, and Luz was passed out while Amity tried and failed to play for her, ending up with them eliminated too. Vee helped Amity take Luz up the stairs and just never came back down, and Gus fell asleep on the floor.
The TV's light cast a blueish glow over the pair, eyes still glued to the screen as they frantically steered around. Hunter shifted slightly, leaning back, and Y/N glanced at him. Hunter moved again, pushing his back against the back of the couch. Y/N paused the game, raising an eyebrow.
"Babe. What are you doing."
"I hate that name. It's either baby or the other one."
"What other one?"
"You know exactly what other one." Hunter huffed, pointing a finger at his boyfriend. Y/N laughed, then scoot closer to Hunter, forcing the blonde to uncross his legs as Y/N pulled them across their lap.
"But seriously, are you good? You keep rubbing your back against the couch like a bear."
"Yeah, I'm fine." He shifted again, scrunched his nose.
"Ohhh. Your back itch?"
Hunter flushed, opening his mouth to protest, but didn't get the chance. Y/N touched Hunter's arm softly before going to his back and scratching gently where Hunter seemed to have the worst itch, making the grimwalker lean forward slightly.
"Up. Right." He said it almost awkwardly, and Y/N chuckled at him, making the blonde sigh. He moved the controller and his legs, shifting so he laid across Y/N's legs, digging his nose into the space between the outside of Y/N's hip and thigh, hugging his torso.
"That feel good, sunshine?"
"Yeah. It's.. different."
"Mhm. My parents used to do this to help me fall asleep."
Hunter hummed and Y/N stopped scratching to run their hand from Hunter's neck to his hips, rubbing each scar carefully. Hunter hugged him a little tighter, sniffling, and Y/N sighed. They pulled Hunter up into their lap, hugging him tightly as Hunter sniffled again, blocking his tears with an awkward laugh. Y/N shook their head, scratching Hunter's back again as the blonde buried his head in their neck.
"Hey, Hunter?" Y/N said softly.
"Hm?" His voice cracked slightly and Y/N turned their head to brush their lips over his cheek.
"I love you."
Hunter smiled, pressing their foreheads together and shutting his eyes, giggling.
"You're weird."
"No, I'm heartfelt. You're weird, you big cat."
"I am not."
"Are too."
"Are not!"
"Are too!"
Y/N sang, tickling Hunter's side. Hunter laughed, fisting at Y/N shirt. The two fell sideways onto the couch with a yelp, then giggled again. Gus groggily blinked, then stayed silent as he watched the couple cuddle on the couch. He exhaled through his nose in amusement, and Y/N made eye contact with him above Hunter's neck. Gus winked and Y/N's smile grew. They kissed Hunter's cheek again and the blonde giggled.
"Hey, Y/N?"
"Yes, sunshine?"
"I love you too."
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the-little-moment · 3 months
Part One
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“To be alive: not just the carcass, 
But the spark.
That’s crudely put, but…
If we’re not supposed to dance,
Why all this music?”
-Gregory Orr
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Part One (Words: 647, Warnings: None)
Senna followed the captain off the ship to a grassy clearing, her heart beating faster when she saw the familiar lines of the Marauder ahead of them. Rex turned and smiled at her as the ramp of the shuttle began to lower, seeing the anticipation on the doctor's face. The stairs had barely hit the ground when there was a loud shout and a massive man in grey armor came bounding down them to sweep her into his arms and off her feet. 
“Sen!" Wrecker boomed. "You’re here! I knew we'd get ya back."
Senna hugged his neck, boots dangling above the grass as she fought back tears. “I’m here, honey.” She kissed the clone's scarred cheek as he laughed, the lovely sound of it echoing through the clearing. “I’m here.”
Instead of being set back on her feet, the doctor found herself being passed into another pair of strong arms. Hunter almost crushed her against his armor, loosening his grip to look down at her when she squeaked. “Sen.” His deep voice was husky with emotion as he lowered her to the grass.
“Sweetheart.” She could hear her own voice shaking as she gripped his broad shoulders. “Oh, Hunter, it’s so good to see you. I was so worried.” The sergeant had opened his mouth to reply when he was interrupted by the sound of a clearing throat.
“If you are finished monopolizing the doctor.” Senna twisted in Hunter's arms to see Tech behind her, smiling as he pushed his goggles up the bridge of his nose.
"It's been twenty seconds—" his brother objected, but he released his grip on Senna as she reached out towards the pilot.
“Tech!” Senna laughed, throwing her arms around the slender soldier. Now the tears finally fell, running down her cheeks to drip on the scuffed plastoid of his chest plate as she struggled not to sob. “Little one.” 
He returned her embrace with the gentleness she had missed so much. “I missed you, Senna. Omega has already grown tired of my lectures.”
Senna choked out a laugh and nodded against his chest, unable to speak. When they finally broke apart, she saw the young girl standing awkwardly at the foot of the ramp, blonde hair conspicuously bare of the silver pendant she had worn on Kamino. Omega's small hands were clasped nervously in front of her as she watched the emotional reunion of her brothers and the doctor she had barely known.
Senna wiped her face and held out her arms to the girl, relieved when Omega ran into them, burying her face in Senna’s tunic.
“I’m glad you came!”
Senna twisted them both back and forth, squeezing Omega and kissing her hair. “So am I. You’ve already gotten taller and I missed it.” 
The young clone looked up at her with a shy smile. “Sorry. And I’m not actually tired of Tech, he just talks about the ship a lot.”
Senna laughed again when the pilot harrumphed behind her. She pushed her fallen hair back behind her ear and looked around the group in realization, “Where’s Echo?” 
Hunter gave her a smirk as he stepped aside to reveal the pale clone. "You didn't forget about him, did you?"
Echo looked nervously at her, his gloved hand fidgeting at his side. “Is it my turn?” He smiled in that soft, familiar way that went right to her heart. Senna stepped towards him, hesitating for a moment in front of the soldier to look up into his light eyes. 
She wrapped her arms around him then, feeling the tears come and not caring. The only thing that mattered was the sound of his heartbeat through his armor, strong and reassuring. “I missed you so much. So much.” A shaky sigh escaped her as Echo's arms circled around her.
His voice was quiet when he answered. “I missed you, too.”
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ki-irke · 1 year
Ground Zero
Prologue: Fresh blood
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"Damn it, Bianca, you can't just leave Mystic Falls!" Klaus shouted, making me stop on the stairs leading to the floor where my room was. A sly smile appeared on my face as I turned to my friend.
"A bet, Klaus?"
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Don't bet with me.
"How's it going, Klaus? Any pee break or no?" I asked, taking my eyes off the road for a split second to look at my grumpy friend, who was scrolling through social media. Klaus forbade me from going, even though after so many years (sometimes I forgot how many) I deserved a vacation. Wasn't it true?
"At least check where we are," I said, seeing that houses began to appear around. My new home, here I come!
 "Ten miles from some town called Beacon Hills," Klaus replied, taking a swig from his coffee mug. Then he winced as he put the cup back in its holder. "Gross"
"And yet you're still drinking it," I laughed.  “We'll stop at the nearest station and wait until morning. I'm getting tired"  I explained, and the man nodded. I continued to drive, when Klaus suddenly shifted in his seat, glancing intently in the side mirror.
"I think we'll might have to stop a little further" I furrowed my brows and looked in the mirror. I caught a glimpse of the driver of the car behind us in the mirror and smiled sly at him.
"Klaus, turn the music up"  The man did what I asked for and fastened his seatbelts. "This is going to be fun" I said, suddenly hitting the gas. The car following us was also speeding up.
"Any idea?" Klaus asked.
"Hunters. They're going after me for a few weeks. I changed gears and looked in the mirror.
"Automatic transmission is easier, you know?"
"Manual funnier," I said, shifting gears again. Seeing that the car was still following us, I frowned.
"God, I can't have one day off?" I asked, annoyed, and suddenly turned left.
"What's the plan?"
"We're stopping at Beacon Hills. Find some house on sale" he raised his eyebrows, but he didn't comment on it, he just started looking for a house to buy.  Money has never been a problem for me.  I had loads of them and liked to spend them.
"They're still coming after us?" I asked, focusing on the rough and dark road.
I could see well in the dark, but I preferred to be careful.
"Yupp, they are" he smiled slowly, slowly realizing what I mean. He stretched his arms out in front of him, stretching after a long trip. Wish I could do the same.
I noticed, that the road is closing, so I slowed down and swerved hard, making us face the car that was still following us.
Klaus quickly got out of the car, stretching his body and getting ready for a fight. I stayed in the car, carefully watching the car stop in front of my friend. I noticed something in the woods, like a pair of eyes. I ignored it, though. Seeing the second car, I got out of my car. Several people got out of the cars.  There weren't many, maybe five or six.
"Hungry?" asked Klaus, turning his head back to smile at you. You chuckled, showing him your fangs.
The man turned around, as hunters attacked him. They only paid attention to Klaus, which made me yawn and move closer to one of them. I tapped his shoulder twice, and when he turned around, I punched his nose. He tried to punch me back, but his eyes were filled with tears.
I quickly grabbed his hand that was outstretched towards me, and with no hesitation, threw him over my shoulder. As I leaned over to knock him unconscious, another man pulled me back and punched me in the nose.
My head snapped back and my whole body followed, causing me to fall over and roll a few meters. I groaned, feeling tears in my eyes making it difficult to see.
My other senses, luckily, still worked, and I sensed the man approaching me. 
He grabbed my right leg, lifting it up, and when he did, I bounced off the other which, thanks to my grace, allowed me to jump on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed hard, choking him.
When he finally lost consciousness, he fell forward, allowing me to stand calmly on my feet. I ran my tongue over my teeth, feeling hunger grow stronger through the smell of blood, but there was still one man left. I turned around, facing the last man back, as he fought with Klaus. I came up from behind and hit his temple, which made him lose consciousness quickly as he fell down. I looked at my friend and frowned, seeing as his mouth was already stained by blood.
"And here I was thinking, that you would wait for me with dinner" I sighed, shaking my head, as I moved to one man. I didn't know who it was, all that mattered was the beautiful smell of his blood. He must have had a good diet because his smell was the most inviting. I bend down extending my fangs again, and I quickly showed my fangs into his vein. His blood tasted amazing and fresh.
"Now, now, we talk about not getting used to fresh blood again" Klaus said, pulling me back. I turned around to him, rolling my eyes. He laughed as he came a little closer, gently wiping the blood from around my mouth.
"And now you look decent" he stood up again, giving me his hand to help me up. I accepted the help and when I got up we walked to my car together. Klaus got in, but I felt the need to look around the forest.
I was almost sure that I locked eyes with someone or something, but I shrugged it off and got into the car. I noticed that the sun was slowly rising, so I started the engine and drove away, heading for Beacon Hills, where I had been gone for a long time.
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hunterscabin · 1 year
Birthday Pie
Request: Can you write a fic where she falls down the stairs please? Like really clumsy, can hunt like a badass but still falls over her own two feet? - Anonymous
Pairings: Dean x Reader; Sam x Reader
Warnings: Small injury; angsty Dean; fluffy Dean; fluffy Sam; the gang’s all here!
Word Count: 1.2k 
Author’s Note: Thank you for the request, Nonnie! I had a hard time wrapping this one up, so my apologies for the disgustingly saccharine, after school special ending. 
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The drive back to the bunker was spent in silence, save for the frustrated grunts and sighs Dean let out every few minutes. It had been a long day. Breaking up the vamp nest hadn’t gone as planned with the leader fleeing before you were able to get the answers you needed. Dean was always agitated after an unsuccessful hunt, but he was never this theatrical with his disappointment. You had a feeling it had something to do with the fact that it was also his birthday. 
“At least this hunt was close to home,” you said, trying to infuse some positivity, “We’ll be back at the bunker in no time!” 
Dean scoffed at your platitude. 
“We’ll be able to track them down again,” you assured, “and we know they won’t be feeding for a while.” 
You could almost feel Dean gritting his teeth.
“We killed over half the nest!”
“You killed over half the nest,” Sam corrected, “you were great today, Y/N.” 
He turned to face you, but his smile quickly faded when he saw your somber expression. You were clearly trying to lift Dean’s spirits, and he wouldn’t even acknowledge you. Sam turned to his brother and cleared his throat, hoping to send the message that Dean needed to cool it. Dean ignored Sam and kept his angry gaze fixed on the road. 
“I made pie.” you whispered earnestly. 
Your last attempt at finding a silver lining struck a chord, and you saw a smile tug at Dean’s lips. His face hardened when your eyes met in the rear view mirror, but the second he thought you weren’t looking anymore, he allowed the smirk to slide back on his face. 
Dean’s birthday pie balanced precariously in the palm of your right hand, the scent of sweet crust and tart cherries wafting over you as you made your way downstairs. You had baked the pie before leaving that morning, hiding it in the sitting area near the front door to ensure that Dean wouldn’t eat the entire thing before dinner. His gift was tucked under your left arm, making the descent more difficult than it needed to be. You could have taken two trips, but the boys were eager to eat. 
Lost in thought over where the fugitive vamp leader could have retreated, your foot missed a step and sent you tumbling. When you moved your left hand to steady the wobbling dessert, Dean’s gift fell out from under your arm; a small sacrifice to save Dean’s precious pie. You were able to regain your balance by supporting your elbow on the railing. Satisfied that you had sufficiently steadied yourself, you let out a sigh of relief and continued making your way to the kitchen. The instant you lifted your foot and felt resistance, you knew you were doomed. In your initial stumble, the sock of one foot became caught under the other, and you were now stuck beneath yourself.  
Your entire body toppled forward. Unless you let go of the pie to free your hands, you were going to fall flat on your face. In a last ditch effort to save the dessert, you lofted it over the railing to the floor below. For a moment, it looked as though you may have made the right decision, but at the last second, the pie flopped forward and landed upside down on the cold tile. You reached the bottom of the stairs with a loud thud. 
Hearing the commotion, Sam and Dean came running from the kitchen. While the sight of your twisted limbs would have sent anyone else rushing to your aid, the boys had seen you like this enough times before to know that you were fine. You were an extremely skilled and agile hunter, but navigating your own two feet had always proven difficult. In day-to-day life, you were an absolute klutz. 
Sam let out a soft chuckle as he stepped forward. “You okay, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You mumbled, your ego hurting more than anything else. 
As Sam moved to help you up, everyone’s eyes fell on the upside down dessert.
“It was an accident, Dean, I swear.” You scrambled to stand, not realizing you had injured your ankle in the fall. As soon as you were upright, the pain hit you and you winced, teetering forward.  
“Y/N!” Sam caught you before you fell on top of the pie. He helped you sit back down and propped you up against the wall. 
Dean still hadn’t said a word, and was looking at you, expressionless, from the other side of the hallway. 
“I’m sorry I ruined your birthday,” you apologized, your eyes casting down to the floor. 
Dean let out a loud sigh before turning around and walking toward the kitchen. 
“Do you think he’s mad?“ 
"It’s just a pie, Y/N. He’ll get over it.” Sam sat down and leaned up against the wall next to you. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, almost inaudibly. 
“Y/N/N, look at me.” You lifted your eyes to meet your Sma’s. They were filled with sympathy and kindness. 
“It’s been a long day. You know how cranky he gets after a bad hunt. If he’s mad, it’s not because of you.” Sam wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You knew he was right, but you couldn’t help the tears forming in your eyes. 
To your surprise, Dean returned with a towel of ice. He sat next to you on the bottom step and placed the ice on your already swollen ankle. One of the tears you’d been holding back escaped and rolled down your cheek. 
“Does it hurt that bad?” Dean questioned, knowing your usually high tolerance for pain. 
“No,” you said to the floor, unable to look at him, “I thought you were mad at me." 
"I’m not mad at you, sweetheart,” Dean confirmed, cracking his first real smile of the day, “You made me pie!" 
When you still didn’t look at him, Dean sat down next to you. 
"Look, I know I’ve been a crab ass all day.” You and Sam stared at Dean, both of you surprised by his admission. “We don’t get to celebrate things like a normal family. I knew I wasn’t gonna get a party or balloons, but I hoped I’d at least get vengeance for the people those vamps have been killing." 
"I’m sorry today wasn’t what you wanted it to be." 
"You don’t need to apologize, Y/N/N.” Dean pressed a kiss to your temple before leaning forward. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out three forks. He handed one to you and one to Sam. 
“What are these for?” Sam inquired. 
“Pie.” Dean stated as if Sam’s was the dumbest question he’d ever heard. 
“You’re going to eat the pie off the floor?” You looked up at Dean in disbelief. 
Dean crouched down next to his dilapidated dessert. He lifted the baking tin and drove his fork right into the center of the bottom of the pie. A look of ecstasy washed over his face as he shoved the piece into his mouth. 
You and Sam flashed each other a look of “Why not” and crawled toward the pie. Careful to avoid the parts that had touched the floor, you took a big scoop.
“This is really good, Y/N,” Dean praised, wiping away the cherry syrup at the corners of his mouth.
The three of you sat on the floor, picking at the pie until you were too full to continue.
Dean leaned against the staircase banister and let out a satisfied chuckle. 
“Turned out to be a pretty good birthday after all."
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