#I Hope I did. this well! it was kinda just a fast spontaneous writing
hcdragonwrites · 9 months
(a @jttw-monkeybusiness inspired Drabble)
It was hot today and we have a thunderstorm warning so I wrote something really quick! Enjoy another one this one is short.
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A heat wave.
It was the only way to describe the sudden shift in temperature from the last week of travel to now.
Sophie turned her head upward, blinking against the sweat rolling from her face. The last of her sunscreen had been used now, to prevent her skin from cracking beneath the sun's attention. The hat Wukong had snatched from a while back was the only protection she had against the hungry rays of light that drove knives of pain into her skin.
This is a miserable business. She could feel the beginnings of a burn on her arms, from where the sleeves of her tunic didn’t cover her wrists.
It was midday, the heat blistering against the companion's skin. Pigsy complained at every step, at every rock in the road, at every breath. He was drenched, his robes dark from his body perspiring. He waddled at the back of the group, bemoaning his pain to the point that even Sophie was beginning to feel it grate on her nerves. It wasn’t like the rest of them weren’t also suffering in this insufferable heat.
Sandy simply stayed quiet, the only sign of suffering beneath the heat was that the demon had emptied seven water skins- ones he had carried himself. Sandy was closer to Pigsy, getting the brunt of his complaints.
Wukong kept his discomfort silent from what Sophie could see except when he would pointedly look back at them from the head of the group, staring at Trip as if waiting for him to say something. When the monk just kept walking, Wukong would turn back around and look upward to the column of thunderclouds beyond.
The heat seemed to suck all the moisture from the world, sending it up into the dark clouds that were beginning to grow in the mountains ahead of the group. It was a day that promised burning warmth and teased the relief of a downpour. A storm born of the heat. At least it was a reprieve of sorts from yesterday's typical shenanigans of Tripataka being almost devoured for the seventeenth time. At least Sophie thought it was seventeen. Was it actually eighteen?
Sophie and Trip were both walking side by side in the middle of the group, leading Yulong behind. The poor dragon horses' sides were slick with sweat, the white fur turned brown with the road dust. Wukong was carrying the saddle, the great leather contraption held easily in one arm to give their silent companion some relief.
“The gods are punishing us.” Pigsy groaned, rolling his pack from shoulder to shoulder. “Maybe they are punishing us for the wanton murder Wukong had committed just a bit ago.”
Pigsy please… Sophie groaned silently, as she saw the Monkey King whip his head around, teeth bared.
“I didn’t see you helping any to save our master.” Wukong shot back. “The last I saw was you running away from that battle when you got cut by the centipede women!”
Sandy rubbed his face, just as annoyed that these two were picking now to start something.
“I thought I would die of poison!” Pigsy gallantly said, hand to the cloth bound scrap on his arm. “I did not want my fellow companions to have to protect me and save our dear Monk.”
“Centipede's poison only hurts insects and smaller beings. Not demons like you.” Wukong countered. He had paused at the head of the group to swing his gaze on the pig demon. “You just wanted an excuse to get back and have the first taste of the sake we grabbed from those merchants at the festival!”
“You know drinking is forbidden on our holy quest!” Pigsy tried to piously counter but Wukong cut him off with his words and a savage slash of his hand.
“Oh for Pete’s sake.” Sophie muttered quietly. She was too tired, too sticky with road dirt, to care much for the beginnings of this argument. And it was shaping to be a big one. Pigsy wanted to take out his discomfort on someone and it didn’t take much to get the Monkey Kings hackles up. Blaming him for the heat? That would rankle his pride.
Trip also looked between the two, face begging silently please not now.
“Stupid Monkey!” Spat Pigsy.
“Shitty Swine!” Snarled Wukong.
The storm clouds ahead cracked with thunder, the noise temporarily pausing the quarrel.
The monk took advantage of the pause.
“Let’s rest.” Tripataka called, wiping his own forehead free of the sweat clinging there. The monk's eyes looked just as relieved as Sophie felt at the excuse to both rest and to stop a full blown argument from starting again. This had been the third one today, and soon it would come to blows or to Tripitaka using the charm to put the Monkey King to heel.
If that could be avoided it would be in everyone’s favor to avoid it. Wukong usually sulked after such uses and he and Tripataka would get into their own argument.
Tripataka and Sophie both beelined for a small copse of trees, Yulong snorting in relief. They left their companions behind without a second thought, both of them tired and sweating. For all Pigsys complaining, he wasn’t being baked by the sun as badly as their mortal companions. Tripataka had a red patch of skin beginning to form on the back of his neck despite the protection of the hat. Sophie could feel the beginning of a blister at her heel. She hoped it wouldn’t burst.
The immortals only took a moment before they too joined the rest of their company beneath the trees. Sandy set to making tea, already propping a fire up faster then Sophie could follow with her eyes.
Pigsy simply just fell against a rock beneath the shade, complaining loudly, grousing about how hungry he was and how he had a pain in his back that may need looking at. No one paid him any heed.
Trip and Sophie dropped their packs in an unceremoniously heap. Tripataka pulled out a curry brush and passed a flat brush to Sophie who took it wordlessly and set to work.
The two humans had fallen into a habit of helping to strip down and tend to the dragon horse, both taking to brushing the flanks. When Sophie had first been asked by Trip, she had been eager and a bit apprehensive. She didn’t have much experience with horses (let alone shape shifted magical dragon ones) to be confident in this task. But Trip had smiled and taught her the basics of care- from brushing his coat to checking his hooves for rocks that could threaten lameness, and bring discomfort.
“You're a patient teacher Trip.” Sophie had said.
“Thank you. It was actually Wukong who taught me to tend to Yulong.” The horse had nipped fondly at the sleeve of the monk in thanks.
“Wukong?” That surprised her. “He knows about horses?”
“Before he rebelled against Heaven he had been given the position of Stablemaster. It was his duty and job to tend to the celestial beasts of Heaven. He showed me what to do to take care of Yulong.” Trip rubbed at the horse's poll, earning a happy snort from the dragon horse. “You should ask him about it! He has seen so many fabulous beasts in the Heavenly stables to rival any lord or Emperor of earth.”
Of course Sophie had. She had bothered and questioned and asked everything she could of the Monkey King about what the Heavenly court looked like, what beasts he had tended, how he had taken care of them, and much more. Wukong, if in a good mood and not acting aloof or having been reprimanded by his Master, was always willing to boast about himself. Of course that usually meant an exchange of sorts. Yesterday it had been for her to sit with him as he answered her questions, rifling through Sophie’s bag and asking questions of his own on what these were and insulting them- he particularly had taken to insulting her makeup which Sophie had, of course, taken the bait on. She had only realized it was a trap until after she was halfway through the reason why her brand of makeup and mascara was perfect and made her look and feel like a goddess that she saw that shit eating grin and had shoved at him.
Today she wouldn’t ask him her typical questions. She had something else she wanted to do.
Wukong brought the saddle up and set it at the base of the tree, tail flicking back and forth. He glared at Pigsy, opening his mouth to finish the argument when Trip, without having to look up, stopped him.
“Leave him Sun Wukong.” He ordered. There was patience still in the monks voice. “He means none of what he says.”
“He means all of it, Monk.” Wukong retorted. Sophie saw Pigsy look up and grin at them, egging the demon monkey on.
“Go.” Tripataka pointed away from Pigsy to another shaded patch. “Cool your temper and yourself. Let us have a moment of peace until we must embark into the heat again.”
The Monkey king sniffed and turned on his heel angrily, leaving Sophie and Trip to their task. As he walked past Pigsy he curled his middle finger up and away from the rest of his hand, flipping the pilgrim the bird.
Of course Pigsy didn’t understand what that statement meant. Yet.
Wukong had pestered and bugged her about the hand signal she had given when one particularly shitty day finally had gotten beneath Sophie’s skin and she had reacted silently. It had been an unusually rough day when finally, her headphones (may they rest in peace) had died in the middle of Gustav Holst Jupiter.
Sophie had at first pulled the headphones out in disbelief and then tried to pop them back in. Maybe they just need to reconnect. She tried them again. No use. Her music was finally gone. So she of course reacted silently and, with what she thought at the time, was appropriate. Sophie had regretted losing her temper that way and regretted even further to having caved to Wukongs questions.
Soon all of them would know what the middle finger meant and that may also lead to further arguments. Sophie could see Pigsy using it the most to get a rise from Wukong. For now, only the Monkey King knew. She hoped it stayed that way for as long as possible.
Or at least till we get out of this heat.
Between Sophie and Trip, they had Yulong brushed down, feet picked clean and a small bucket of water set before the great white stallion. Once his needs had been tended Sophie looked back up at the sky. The thunderstorm was tall and black, staining the blue sky wherever it crossed. A blessedly cooled breeze blew into her face carrying the scent of water and damp earth. She dragged her backpack a bit away from Trip who was meditating now, to a bit of shade a few lengths away from the rest of them where she could watch the storm unfurl.
Sophie would catch up on some reading, having been lucky enough to snag a book. It was a book of poetry by a scholar of the name Li Po, and whatever magic had cast her into the past had also given her an ability to understand and read the languages here too. A small blessing, that.
Sophie hadn’t had anything new to read in what felt like ages and was eager to crack open the little book and read its contents. She craved it.
She settled herself down, setting her backpack behind her and crossing her legs. As she crossed her legs, and turned to dig into her bag, she felt something heavily land in her Lap. She peeked down and beneath her arm.
Wukong stared up at her, face set in a scowl.
“Yes? Can I help you?” Well. This was new. Wukong would sit with her when they had time to silently rest during their travels. Usually it was side by side, usually it was Sophie joining the Sage to ask him questions. But- never him resting on her. That was new.
Wukongs head was resting squarely in her lap, arms crossed behind, shoulders on her legs.
“You aren’t going to ask me questions.” He didn’t say it like a question. More of a statement. He sounded glum.
“I was going to read this book I snagged in the last town we were in.” Sophie pulled it from her bag, showing him the simple black embossed cover. She was too tired to complain about Wukong not at least respecting her boundaries or asking permission before he settled himself on her person. If I brought it up he would just say he was a king and it was his right to any person's space. To keep peace, she wouldn’t voice her thoughts. The heat had made all of them tired and she would rather have a calm monkey resting in her lap than a monkey that would rise eagerly to argue. Even if said monkey had come uninvited.
Wukong wasn’t demanding anything of her - at least not yet. Which meant he was in a … better mood ? It was hard to tell. Some days she felt like she and the Monkey King were as thick as thieves, dodging demonic creatures, bandits and the like with an ease that was comforting in this strange world. Other days it was like walking around a scalded cat, Wukong picking and poking and snapping at things Sophie didn’t understand fully. He was a prickly monkey but …
She looked down and saw that his face, though set in his typical apathetic scowl, had none of the stormy look he usually wore when something was bothering him.
When he acted like this it made Sophie want to be his friend all the more.
Wukong pulled one of his hands free from behind his head and held up a hand, asking silently. Sophie passed him the book. The Monkey King squinted at the words, turning the book and it’s pages in his hand with a disinterested air.
“I guess that’s suitable.” He said and snapped it closed.
“To read aloud.” Wukong said, passing it back to her. He closed his eyes, breathing out as another cool breeze shook the tree leaves above them.
“We may have an hour or two before that storm will be upon us.” He lifted his chin up, gesturing at the storm.
“I don’t think you want your little book to get wet in that downpour so if you want to get a good deal into it, best to start sooner rather than later.”
“You want me to read aloud to you?”
Wukong opened one glowing eye and stared at her. “Yes. It will be a welcome change to that monkey stalker crap you have.”
“It’s not crap it’s science!”
“Sounds like crap to me.”
“If you want me to read to you, you better not call this book crap either or I will drop it on your nose.” Sophie threatened.
Wukong opened both his eyes to fix her with an upside down glare.
“You wouldn’t dare.” But there was a hint of a grin about his face, a tugging of humor to his lips.
Sophie kept his stare, unblinking.
“Watch me, monkey boy.”
She shook the book in threat. She would drop the book on his nose. Sophie had a suspicion that Wukong would then take that book and either chuck it away or keep it away from her.
Wukong grinned up and then closed his eyes again, tail curling up and onto his waist.
“I wouldn’t. It’s poetry. I want to hear what this pompous Li Po has to prattle about.” With that Wukong settled back into Sophie’s lap, getting comfortable.
Sophie felt a touch of affection for her friend, something that may have struck a different cord with her if this had been earlier in their relationship (and before Wukong had squashed that very early crush). Wukong may be an ass- pompous and self important himself- but he was genuine in a sense. He may dance around things that made him turn moody and broody but he really couldn’t hide that, despite being hot and cold at times to her, Sophie and Sun Wukong had a friendship. One born of arguments and teasing, questions and prodding. Maybe he had scared her into falling into a river. But he had stolen her clothes to replace the ones soaked. Maybe he had poor communication skills and liked to get her attention by kicking walls or suddenly jumping up in front of her or taking her things and holding them at ransom. But it was friendship. A friendship so very strange and bewildering at times that It confused Sophie as much as rewarded her.
The snap of thunder had her stare back up into the sky. The storm moved closer, already a sheet of rain visibly pouring down onto the mountains beyond. It would be a bit before it reached the pilgrims but it was making its steady way toward them all the same.
Sophie opened the book, flipping to the first poem. Quite appropriately it was about storms.
As the thunder rolled closer, promising a reprieve from the heat, Sophie felt a peace settle in as she read. Even as the sky broke apart before them, she felt a calm and grounding. She may be from another time, another place. Adrift she could have felt. Reading aloud she felt an anchor settle in her. She belonged. Even if it was only to a very angry stone monkey, she belonged.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hey, hey! I've been following you for a while and have just worked up the nerves to send in a request. So, how would Dutch, Arthur, and John react to a... reader? An s/o?? Who is the typical outlaw, but the radiation of crack-head energy increases when their running on little to no sleep.
I hope this makes sense, and I hope you have a great day/night 😊
heyyy, i'm so glad you requested this!! it was so fun, seriously you don't need to be nervous, i like to think i'm friendly and writing requests are what i love to do! they make me so happy <333
i hope i understood this, i kinda went with like wild and reckless outlaw running on no sleep so i hope its not terrible! I wrote all of it in under an hour since i've sick so i'll edit it later but for now enjoy :))
Its a lazy afternoon in Rhodes where you and Dutch had spent the better half of the day sweet-talking Sheriff Gray until he well and truly passed out over his desk from too much moonshine.
It wasn’t often that you got to spend a quiet moment with the gang’s leader and so the two of were enjoying the short ride back to camp together, laughing about the perfect opportunity to rob two families of all they had right under their noses.
Of course, all good things must come to an end as you were quickly ambushed by a large group of raiders.
Maybe it was your apparent lack of sleep or maybe you just had more of a crazier side than you thought but while Dutch began to negotiate with the leader of the group, you didn’t hesitate to whip your revolver from its holster and fire, bringing two down instantly.
“What the hell are you doing!?”
By now, Dutch had no choice to start shooting along with you as the shock of your sudden outburst wore off. From his view he saw you laughing like a maniac as another three raiders fell from their horses.
After working together, you both finally brought down the raiders until only one remained. He was smaller than the others and was attempting to run off into the tree line.
You stood your ground, lining up your revolver to extend from your shoulder and took aim. That was until a hand on your arm brought it back down and you looked over to see Dutch staring at you amused.
“Come now my dear, I think you’ve had your fun. We wouldn’t want to get too carried away so close to camp, would we?”
That afternoon, as the sun was setting over the red dirt, you and Dutch walked back to camp. Your arm was linked with his, resting your body on his side as the exhausting day finally caught up to you.
When you finally returned to camp with your horses trailing behind you, Dutch kissed the back of your hand before wishing you a goodnight.
Homestead robberies were one of your favourite things to do with Arthur. You always seemed more excited then him, being more than eager to break down the front door and get to the gold but you knew that deep down grumpy old Arthur enjoyed it too.
You’d already secured your horses well away from the homestead, prepared your weapons and hopped over the fence. Technically Arthur had the lead on this one but you’d never been great at devising a plan.
Both of you have your backs plastered to the wall of the house. You were loading your rifle while Arthur was peering through the window to count the men sitting around the makeshift poker table.
“Now, I’m thinking we go around the back, take em’ by surprise. You take the back window while I — oh where the hell are ya going now?”
Arthur pulled away from the window to see an empty spot besides him. Before he could finish his sentence you’d busted through the front door and fired upon the three men sitting at the poker table.
Arthur had only just managed to come in after you fast enough, firing over your shoulder to the other two armed men.
“How’s that for taking em by surprise huh?”
Your grin is filled with over confidence at your spontaneous approach to the robbery and it only grows as you see Arthur roll his eyes at you.
“Well ya damn took me by surprise. At least warn me next time before you throw yourself in front of danger.”
Whatever comeback you had is cut off by a yawn as your body slowly catches up to the fact you’ve been running on almost no sleep the past three days.
“Common lets just find the stash and go set up camp somewhere to lie low— besides I could use a nap.”
With the tent pitched and your bellies filled with a warmed can of corned beef, you finally allowed yourself to drift off to sleep with your head on Arthur’s chest. If there was one good thing to come out of your crazy and reckless behaviour during robberies, it was that you always got to cuddle up to Arthur afterwards.
“Hey John! I gotta tip about some doctors office just up in valentine. Some drunk fella said they were holding a side business for O’Driscoll’s boys. What do ya say?”
Being a close companion to John meant you could always go to him for robberies and potential leads. Together, the two of you weren’t a bad team and always enjoyed getting to spend the extra time with each other so you couldn’t help but jump for joy when he accepted your offer.
The two of you made small talk and shared inside jokes until you hitched your horse at the entrance to the Doctor’s office. John followed behind you but stopped to see you fiddle with your bandana and load your revolver inconspicuously.
John stared at you in shock, knowing you well enough to know exactly what you were thinking. He eyed the Sheriff standing, not three feet in front of you and quickly went to grab your shirt before you could open the door.
“Now wait a damn minute! You can’t just waltz into the front of the store and rob it— how do you even know its a real lead?”
John’s words are as hushed as they can be for someone who’s internally panicking at your apparent lack of planning. His panicking was only worsened when he saw you shrug like it was nothing.
“Live a little Johnny!”
To say that it was a mess was an understatement. The sheriff and the deputies, heard the gunfire immediately and the two of you only managed to barely escape with your lives.
John was half way out the door, whistling for your horses when he saw you run back to grab the pile of cash between two dead O’Driscolls before narrowly escaping the gunfire of the Sheriff’s department.
It wasn’t until hours later when the two of you were hiding in some shack in the middle of nowhere did John finally decide to even bring up just how reckless and wild you’d been.
“Jesus, you’re insane sometimes ya’know that right?”
“Yeah, but you love me!”
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randominagines · 3 years
If you get the chance to do a part two for Bucky x Reader aka Steve's ex, where she has super healing/ can't die, here's a possible prompt or 2...
"Don't worry about me gentlemen, I always get up, wether I want to or not." Precedes to jump off a building or out a plane... kinda like in Tfatws, also sounds pretty sad but I love all the angsty sad writing...🤔😳
Like bucky swinging his metal arm, sorta getting pumped up before a fight I was thinking considering reader's powers, maybe she pounds her fists together or spins her arms n punches a wall hard enough to break her knuckles but since she heals super fast it's like an adrenaline thing to get ready for the pain of the upcoming fight. Sounds kinda violent so sorry if that's bad.
Just in the prompt mood I guess no idea if any of them would work.. also currently obsessed with your writing n so glad you answered a bunch of my asks cos I've always been too nervous to ask before. any who hope you're well n take care ☺️👍🏼
Thanks for the request!
Part 1 here
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Fem!reader
Setting: post FATWS
Warning: angst, violence, blood, kidnapping
P.s. if you find any mistake please correct me, English is not my mother tongue and I want to improve. Reblog, if you can, it helps a lot, thank you💕
P.p.s. gifs belong to the creators.
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The Vigilante PT.2
"Do we need to go over the plan again or--"
"Sam, we're good, seriously." Y/n said while putting her gun into the folder. Bucky nodded at his best friend and Sam relaxed. "Okay, so y/n will go in there and will distract them while me and Bucky take the weapons away." He concluded and y/n and Bucky both nodded.
"I'll go check the perimeter, try not to kill each other." Sam said and his eyes travelled from the Vigilante to his friend. Bucky rolled his eyes while looking at him flying away from the plane they were travelling on.
Y/n looked at the soldier, he was rotating his vibranium arm. "Is this from Wakanda?" She asked while reaching her arm and hesitating. He nodded, and she stared at him. "Can I?" She asked, her hand centimetres away from the metal and he nodded. She touched his arm, her fingers travelling on the cold vibranium while he stared at the slow movement, mostly surprised at the fact that he didn't mind her touch at all. "King T'Challa gave me this as a fresh start, because the old one was..." He stopped, his voice shaking. She nodded and lowered her hand. "I understand, Hydra didn't exactly care about what use had to be made of their..." She hesitated. "Experiments." She concluded, a bitter smile appearing on her face while she looked away. Bucky sighed. "What did they do to you?" He asked, his question so spontaneous that y/n stumbled back. No one ever asked her what she had to go through to become a Vigilante, she never had to tell her story so she didn't even know how to put it into words. He stared at her and tilted his head. "I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He apologized but she shook her head. "No, it's okay. It's just... I never told anything to anyone." She admitted and he frowned. "No one ever asked?" He asked in surprise. She shrugged. "Well, the only people I've actually considered close are you and Steve. For the rest of my life, I've always been alone." She honestly confessed.
Bucky opened his mouth, not able to say anything at all; he stared at her and saw the sweet and clever girl who quickly became his friend and dated Steve back in 1940. She didn't look like a spy, a killer, a skilled agent or an immortal creature, she just looked like a normal girl, with insecurities and fragilities. He shook his head. "I'm sorry, for whatever happened." He whispered and she nervously chuckled while preparing for the mission. "Well, probably I deserved it all." She said and kept walking around to collect her things. Bucky gently took her arm and she froze, his touch giving her goosebumps.
She looked at him, his eyes showing a mix of emotions that she wasn't able to decipher or maybe she didn't want to. "No one deserves what Hydra did to people, let alone you." He said, his voice firm and his hand delicate on her arm. She shook her head. "You have no idea of the things I've done, of the people I've killed, the government I destroyed and the families I've ruined. The only moment in my life that wasn't filled with blood and killing was the year I spent as Steve's girlfriend, the year I spent as your friend. I am a mon--" she tried to say, but he put his hand on her cheek and interrupted her. "Then I'm a monster too," He said. She shook her head, her eyes watery while he caressed her cheek. "We never had any choice and I never thought I was going to say this but, we should go easier on ourselves." He concluded, surprised at the things he was saying.
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He always believed he was a monster too, that his past was always going to define him as a bad person, but hearing her talking like that about herself broke his heart. She desperately tried to hold back the tears while nervously smiling. "I'm glad you forgave yourself, you deserve it." She said, and she really meant it. She always had a soft spot for Bucky and knowing that he was able to toss aside the horrors of his past was a relief to y/n.
Bucky shook his head. "You should do it too." He insisted but she sighed. "I've been responsible for things I cannot forgive myself about." She added and he frowned, his face showing how curious he was. She tilted her head, desperately wanting to tell someone about what tormented her since she was a teenager, but in that moment, Sam flew back inside and Bucky immediately stepped back, as she did too.
Sam looked at them for a second but decided not to say anything. "So... Everything is clear. We're about to fly on the building and y/n," he looked at her. "Tell us when you're ready so we tell the pilot to lower the plane on the roof and--" He froze, because she was already about to jump. Bucky grabbed her arm with his vibranium hand and looked at her in shock. "Have you lost your mind?" He asked, the wind so noisy that he had to shout. She laughed while looking at him and Sam. "Don't worry about me gentlemen, I always get up, wether I want to or not." She said and winked before jumping.
Sam and Bucky both looked at her in total terror but she managed to perfectly land, her movements so gracious that she didn't look human, then she ran inside the building.
Sam looked at Bucky. "Am I the only one that can't jump from a flying plane?" He asked and Bucky couldn't help but smile. Sam looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "So, did you kiss?" He suddenly asked. Bucky gasped, his eyes widened while he stared at him in shock. "What?!" He asked and his best friend laughed. "Oh come on, you were pretty close." He finally said. Bucky shook his head and felt his cheeks getting red while Sam kept laughing. "Shut up, Sam."
*3 weeks later*
The mission was half a success: after weeks of trying, they managed to take the weapons away but they failed to capture some of the men. The majority they managed to arrest, were mostly not informed about the essential things regarding the organisation.
"The CEO of this trashy organisation must be very smart." Sam pointed out while the three of them were sitting in a bar, finally drinking a beer all together after the last mission. Y/n nodded. "He must have revealed the important stuff only to his closest men." She added and Bucky agreed too. "Well, I hope this whole story is simply over." He said and y/n couldn't hold a laugh. "You can't wait to stop working with me, uhm?" She joked, but Bucky froze and looked at her. "Probably." He said.
Y/n raised her eyes to look at him, a sudden awkwardness spreading in the air while Sam raised an eyebrow. "Well, I... Uhm, I..." He didn't know what to say to fill that embarrassing silence, so y/n put her glass down and stood up.. "It's okay, your torture is over." She said and grabbed her leather jacket while staring an Bucky and stepping away. "Y/n?" He tried to call her but she was already leaving the bar. Bucky sighed.
"You should go talk to her." Sam said while drinking from his glass, his best friend shook his head. "It wouldn't make sense." He said but Sam chuckled in frustration. "Oh for god's sake, you like her! Maybe you even have feelings for her! You have spent these last weeks forcing yourself to hide it and don't even try to say otherwise, I know you, Barnes. Does letting her go make sense instead?" He asked, his voice firm and his eyes analysing Bucky. He thought about it for a minute, his forehead filled with pensive wrinkles and his lips pressed, thinking about how actually beautiful it had been sharing the last weeks with her, working with her, fighting side by side with her and getting to know her again. It took him a minute, then he stood up. Sam laughed. "See you tomorrow." He said while watching him leaving.
Y/n was just a few steps ahead, her arms crossed over her chest and her legs moving fast. Bucky quickly walked to her and grabbed her arm, so she snapped: her combat reflexes made her immediately lower and she almost punched him in the face, he managed to grab her first last minute. "You must be really mad." He joked and she stepped back and looked at him in shock. "Are you crazy? Never sneak at a fighter's back like that." She scolded him and his lips curved into a tiny smile. "It's okay." He said and she shook her head. "I could have hurt you and you know that." She said and he nodded. "Oh, trust me, I know." He concluded.
She sighed, her eyes scanning Bucky. "What do you want?" She asked and the soldier shrugged. "To apologize, I've been..." He hesitated and she puffed. "An asshole." She added, Bucky smiled. "I was about to say rude." He concluded and she shook her head. "It's okay, I know you can't stand me and I know you hated these three weeks. The job is over, you won't have to see me anymore." She said and he bit his lower lip, his hands in his pocket and his body tensed. "It's not like that..." He whispered, not sure how to put her thoughts into words.
She sighed. "So how is it? Why don't you just tell me truth for once?" She suddenly asked, her tone showing how bothered she was. He took a breath, his eyes fixed on his own feet. "I'm not sure." He said and she rolled her eyes, tired of not having any certainty at all. "Is this because I left Steve? I'm deeply sorry, I didn't want to, but the Hydra threatened me to kill him and you too. I was alone, scared, manipulated, the job I had was my entire life and the only reason why I managed to not to kill myself, it gave me a purpose, no matter how bad it was," she started to say, her voice shaking and her eyes filling with tears. "They took my family, tortured them. When they were training me, my every fail meant pain for them, untill they died and I became their killing machine. I've been responsible for my family's death and I decided not to love anyone ever again," she went on, tears running down her cheeks. "Then I met you, we spent that night together and I opened my heart again. Steve happened and when I found out you were his best friend I thought I had found my place. I loved Steve, I really did, but I loved you too. I know we were best friends and I wasn't supposed to love you too, but I wasn't able to decide for my heart," she finally confessed. Bucky stumbled back as if she had just punched him, not sure how he was feeling, so she went on. "That's another reason why I left: no matter how much I loved Steve, I felt shitty for loving his best friend as well and that's another thing I never forgave to myself." She concluded, her voice shaking and her eyes filled with sadness. Bucky stared at her, his heart suggesting him to step closer to her but his body not willing to cooperate. "I didn't know..." He managed to say, his own words sounding empty to himself.
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She shook her head. "How could you? I know you hate me, and that's okay, I get it." She said but Bucky couldn't just stay there and let her believe that. He shook his head and walked to her, his vibranium arm grabbing hers while he lifted her chin with the other one. "Hey, look at me. I don't hate you, I never managed. I was shocked when you left back in 1940 and I was shocked when I saw you three weeks ago, but I am happy that you're still alive. I'm sorry for what happened to you, you didn't deserve it and it doesn't make you a bad person. Hydra took much away from me too and it took a lot to me to understand that it was not my fault and I get it, okay? It sucks and you feel a murderer, a monster, a heartless machine, but the fact that you feel like this is also what shows that you are the complete opposite of these things." He said, his voice firm and his eyes stuck into hers.
She looked at him, tears running down her face while she couldn't hold them anymore, her lips pressed and her body slightly shaking. "Bucky, I..." She tried to say, but she didn't know how to tell him that she just wanted to kiss him, that she still loved him. All those years she had never stopped thinking about Steve and him, and when Bucky came into her thoughts it was so hard to let him go. Those last weeks with him made her realize that she hadn't felt that happy in decades.
She caressed his cheek, her touch familiar to him as if it hadn't passed a single day since their first and last night spent together. She traced his cheekbone with her finger, travelling to his lower lip. She caressed him, her touch delicate and her eyes stuck into his. He stepped closed, his hand grabbing her waist to pull her toward him and his lips centimetres away from his. Bucky's lips barely touched hers, as if he was scared that she could fade away, while his hand pressed on her cheek. "You said you loved me, you still do?" He asked, his voice a whisper.
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Y/n looked at him, a mix of emotions crossing her face, then she opened her mouth to answer, but in that moment, she got shot: she stumbled back and looked at her hip, an excruciating pain invading her whole body. She looked back at Bucky and noticed the shock in his eyes, his hand immediately pressing on her wound while he slowly layed her down with the other one. "Y/n!" He called her and she started seeing black spots, clear signal of the fact that she was about to pass out. "The bullet..." She whispered, trying to tell him that it had to be removed: she could heal faster than a regular human being, but the wound couldn't close with the bullet still inside. He immediately nodded and reached his hand to take it out when a small dart embedded itself in his neck. Y/n widened her eyes, her hand automatically taking it ou. Bucky looked at it and opened his mouth. "No..." He whispered, perfectly aware that she was the target and not him. He tried to quickly remove the bullet from her hip but the strength were already abandoning him. She looked at him in total pain, her eyes stuck into his while he started to lie down next to her. "It's okay, I'll be okay." She said and he shook his head, unable to talk or move.
They looked at each other while hearing footsteps approaching, and a couple of men lifted her up while she moaned in pain. "Leave him, we don't need him." A man said to the other who was carrying her away. Bucky looked at the man quickly walking to a car and putting her inside, her body totally abandoned and her eyes closed while the blood kept running down her hip. He tried to stand up, scream, do something but the blocker in the dart was incredibly powerful, so he closed his eyes thinking that he hadn't kissed her and told her that he still loved her.
"Bucky, wake up, you're scaring the shit out of me." Sam's voice was just a whisper to Bucky's ears, but he slowly opened his eyes and squeezed them to bring his friend into focus. The soldier shook his head and automatically sat up. "Where is y/n?" He immediately asked and Sam put a hand on his shoulder. "Woah, calm down, you've been unconscious for hours." He said and Bucky widened his eyes. "Hours?! We need to find her, they took her." Bucky started to panic and Sam frowned. "They took y/n? Who?" He asked in confusion and Bucky nodded. "The men we didn't manage to arrest, they took her away, she was..." He hesitated, thinking about the fact that she had lost so much blood. "Hurt. They shoot her and took her away, I couldn't help her..." He concluded, his voice slowly fading away. Sam opened his mouth in surprise and put a hand on his friend' shoulder. "They drugged you, it's not your fault." He reassured him and looked at him in his eyes.
Bucky shook his head in agitation. "We need to do som--" before he could finish his sentence, Sam's earpiece started buzzing. Sam frowned and removed it. "There is a video message." He said and Bucky grabbed the earpiece. "It must be her." He said and pressed a small button on the earpiece: the small devices started to project an image and Bucky's heart skipped a beat. Y/n was sitting on a dirty floor, surrounded by what seemed to be cement walls and with nothing but small blanket on her side. She looked straight into the small camera and shook her head.
"If hope you both will have the chance to see this video message because I had to hide this earpiece in my mouth for hours and it wasn't pleasurable at all," she started, trying to sound casual but she actually looked worried. "I'm healing pretty fast now but I think I have an infection, since I removed the bullet myself and I had nothing to disinfect my wound with, so I don't know how this is gonna end," she kept going while showing that she had applied a small piece of ripped blanket on her wound. "I think they want to use me to blackmail you and convincing you to return those weapons, but I'm pretty sure you're both smart enough to understand that I'm not worth the mission. These people need to be stopped, I'll take care of myself and I'll get out of here, but just in case I don't..." She hesitated, her lips pressed and her eyes watery. She took a deep breath. "I just wanted to thank Sam for trusting me with the operation, you're a great leader and I would definitely follow you in every mission, Cap." She said and softly smiled. Bucky perceived Sam slightly gasping at his side and he looked at him for a second, his eyes watery, before he looked back at y/n. "And Bucky, I don't even know where to start..." She took a deep breath, hands covered in stained blood running through her hair. "I hope we'll see each other again, but in case I die here just know that I'm sorry and the answer is yes, is yes and has always been yes," she said and smiled, she looked like a regular girl, with shining eyes filled with love and cheeks red of embarrassment. Bucky held his breath while she became serious again.
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"Okay, I really have to go now. I'll destroy the earpiece so they won't have this technology for them. Don't come searching for me because this is exactly what they want. I'll see you soon guys, or not. Please, be safe." She concluded and the image faded away.
Nor Sam neither Bucky managed to say anything at all for a full minute, then Bucky stood up and grabbed his gun. Sam crossed his arms over his chest. "We're totally not listening to her, uhm?" He asked and Bucky mumbled, too distracted by his knives to answer. Sam put a hand on his shoulder. "Bucky, we don't even know where she is, we need a plan, we need help and--" he couldn't finish, because Bucky looked at him with watery eyes. "I can't lose her, Sam, not again." He said, his voice shaking while he desperately tried not to cry. Sam softly exhaled and nodded, his hand squeezed his friend's arm. "We'll find her, I promise." He said and Bucky nodded, immediately hiding his fragilities and focusing on his weapons again.
He put his gun into the folder and rotated his vibranium arm, there was no way at all that he was not going to find her, not now that he understood how much he still loved her.
Pt. 3?
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jade-parcels · 3 years
Modern au careers
For Kaeya, Jean, Zhongli, Ningguang and Venti
Something quick between longer posts!
Kaeya would totally rock being a police officer you can’t convince me otherwise
He and Diluc went though the academy together. Diluc dropped out and took another career path which left Kaeya feeling kinda betrayed cause they were going to be awesome cops together! That was the plan :/ oh well
He’d excel in the police academy, he’s physically fit and fast which makes it easy for him to go through training
He won’t be a captain/commander for a long time since that’s a high position that takes years of testing and promotions to get to so for now let’s just settle for officer
He loves being out on the road doing real police work! There are plenty of times where he has to sit at his desk to write reports which he doesn’t exactly enjoy but oh well, it comes with the job
He won’t be promoted for awhile since he’s only 23 but man oh man, he’s been on the job for 2 years and he already has the best stories of chases, public interactions and just general stories about messing around back at the station
Kaeya isn’t exactly supposed to but when the K9 is in the building, he’ll neglect his work to go play with the dog :’)
He doesn’t have a long term plan, he’s taking things one step at a time and loving every minute of it
She’s also a police officer, she ranked very high in the academy and graduated the year before Kaeya! They work at the same station
Jean and Kaeya work together a lot! They are even partners most of the time! They have a lot of laughs but Jean is really the one keeping Kaeya in charge
Her goal is to be the chief of police one day! The first female chief in a looooong time
She takes her paperwork seriously, she almost never makes mistakes. Additionally, she patrols populated areas so citizens will see her face and she can chat with people! She wants them to trust her! And she wants to learn about the people she has sworn to protect
There are female bosses above her who she really looks up to and aims to impress! She hopes they’ll be the ones to promote her too :)
After her long shifts she’s always happy to come home to her sister Barbara to tell her alllll about what she did at work that day! She’s Barbara’s biggest role model so Jean strives to do her best at work in order to come home to tell Barbara all about it
Barbara has her mom drop her off at the police station on the weekends to bring lunch for Jean! They eat together in the break room away from everyone else to catch up! Jean also helps Barbara with her schoolwork when she can :) she’s a great older sister
A history professor who looks....really good for his age
He’s 40 but he doesn’t look a day over 25, all of his students either want to date him or hate the way he drawls on for hours
He’s super qualified for his job, he’s studied in China, Japan, Russia and Italy, he knows pretty much everything anyone would need to know about history
He specializes in Chinese history though and even teaches a Chinese history course for honors students who are truly interested in the subject
Zhongli is super patient with his students though he can be strict when he needs to be. If he sees them falling behind he’ll meet with them after class in order to figure things out “if you need more time to finish these papers, I can give that time to you. However, I would hope you take these seriously. Education is important. Not only that but you paid to take this class, I’d hate to see you fail...’
Zhongli is a father of two, Xiao and Ganyu and failure in school is not an option for either of them lmao Zhongli helps them with every subject. Failing math? He’ll get a tutor. Failing english? Don’t worry, he’s multilingual and will help. Failing science? He’ll stay up all night watching videos about chem or bio in order to reteach it to his kids the next day.
He loves his kids very much...he has tons of pictures of them on his desk at work and he constantly gets notifications saying he’s almost out of storage on his phone lmao
M’lady <3
Ms. Ningguang is a super successful businesswoman. She is super into the stock exchange, she is constantly buying and selling stocks
She is also the CEO of a luxury makeup brand. She took over the position and turned the basic, bland brand into something truly special
She’s been on the cover of many magazines all over the world with her success story! She went from wandering the streets as an orphan to a wealthy businesswoman.
Ningguang has a gorgeous house and two, luxurious sports cars. Dayum...You go girl!!!!
She sponsors multiple orphanages and plans on adopting kids when she settles down a little cause she is constantly on the move, she doesn’t have time for a kid right now...though she would love to be a mother :’)
Venti has multiple jobs and his additional job history is hilarious to look at because this man gets bored too easily!! So he’ll just...quit spontaneously
He’s had 3 past jobs as a bartender and got fired from all 3 for excessive drinking, he worked at a dog shelter for a month and quit because a dog puked on his shoe, he was a receptionist for a dentist’s office and was fired for yelling at an old lady (she deserved it though!!), he worked at a Target for 4 months and quit because his coworkers gave him too much stuff to do (they did not but he felt like they did)
He’s really done everything!! He has plenty of good stories to tell at the bar with his buddies!
Now he’s a songwriter. Well, he’s been a songwriter for a long time but now it’s official
But being a songwriter isn’t exactly...profitable for him yet. So he’s holding down 3 jobs. A Starbucks barista, a KFC cook and a Khols cashier. He’ll get you that sweet, sweet khols cash baby!
Is he successful? No, not yet but he will be!! Hopefully!! He makes a lot of money when he sings at bars or restaurants so he has a lot of faith in himself!
Venti is the definition of a free spirit so who knows what he’ll be doing in a month from now!! He sure as hell doesn’t know lmao
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xWicked Romance : Chapter 4 : He’s cute.
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Character : Mob!Steve Rogers x Retired Assassin Female Reader
Summary : Steve was hoping to meet the right one until he met her. But is he ready to be with her? He thought his life already dark because of his job. He wouldn’t able to find a woman that strong enough to face the hardship to stand beside him. Turn out his life is nothing compared to her. 
Warning : No smuts, since I don’t know how to write it. Peace y’all.
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Steve woke up because he felt someone softly brushing his hair. He opened his eyes, finding her hand stopped. Both of them are lying on his bed.
Her head still laying on his arm, he move her body closer to feel her warmth. He bury his head into the crook of her neck and mumbled "Don't stop."
“That’s a nice way to wake me up.” His voice sounded deeper and raspy. 
(Y/N) chuckled softly when she heard his voice. “You’re too excited last night.”
She suddenly turned her body and jumped off the bed. 
“Where are you going?” Steve was surprised that she's easily escape from his arms.
“Stay there; I’ll be back.”
When she left the room, Steve noticed she was wearing his shirt and boxer. 
The smell of bacon and pancakes made him look at his door. She came in, bringing a tray filled with food, a glass of water, egg, bacon, pancake, and coffee. It's been a while since he had breakfast in his own house. 
Steve is confused if today is his birthday or not? He never got pampered like this. Usually, it was him the one who did this kind of thing. Not the other way around. 
He sat up, the blanket only covering his waist this time. (Y/N) gently put the food tray on his lap. She saw Steve had a confused expression on his face.
“You need a big breakfast to start your day.” (Y/N) said.
“How did you manage to do all of this?” Steve asked after he finished drinking water. 
“Because I woke up too early. I made breakfast for both of us.” (Y/N) said, walking in with another tray of foods. She sat beside him and kissed his side lips. “You completely tired me out last night.”
Steve gave a loud laugh; he never could imagine a girl like (Y/N) not just brave but also good at cooking. He didn’t notice she was able to slip out from his arm. Because of his habit he got from the military, Steve could get awake so easily even with a small voice and movement.
Both of them enjoy their breakfast together, a few dirty jokes there but not much since it’s still early in the morning. After that, they have another hot session in the bathroom. (snu snu time.)
The time they spent together (Y/N) told Steve he is free to ask anything from her. She’s pretty sure if she tells him everything about how she grows up, he wouldn’t believe any word that came out of her mouth. 
Steve doesn’t mind it; he prefers her life to be mysterious. She never failed to give him a surprise. He likes her spontaneity. Perhaps some day she could give him a heart attack. 
While they put on their clothes (Y/N) phone vibrates with a pop message from Peter saying he’s downstairs to pick her up. 
“Do you have to go?” 
Steve felt the time was not enough when she told him that she needed to go. 
“Come on, just stay a bit more,” Steve asked her with a pleading tone. He holds her wrist when she is ready to go out. (Y/N) saw his puppy eyes couldn’t help blurting out, “So cute.” 
Steve get worried; no one would dare to call him the mafia boss cute. At the moment, he questioned his masculinity. In which part she saw him cute. 
“I have too.” Her finger caressed his cheeks and touched his beard. “Let’s have dinner tonight. Okay?”
Steve answered, “Alright, see you tonight.” Before he released her, he gave a surprise kiss on her lips. 
With hazy eyes, he pulls away while (Y/N) is still shocked with the kissed “Wow.”
Steve chuckled and winked at her. “That’s a sneak peek for tonight.”
(Y/N) smiled, she doesn’t want to light a fire from Steve. She closed the door and left the house. 
When she walked out, (Y/N) saw two older couples get out of a car. She knew who it was. They are Steve’s mother, Sarah Rogers, and the former mafia boss Joseph Rogers. 
She looks at them as a couple; they look lovely together. But (Y/N) noticed when Sarah looked at her, she became a scary mother in law like on the TV. 
Sarah walk like a lady and stop infront of her. She told (Y/N), “Listen carefully. Regardless of what happens between you two. I can’t accept you. I know you are different from any other woman. Even if you can stop Brock with just one bullet, I’m not going to let some girl use my son again.” 
After she said her words, Sarah turned and left (Y/N) alone while Joseph finally followed her. 
Sarah walks too fast; she turns and talks to her husband, “Is she still looking?”
Joseph glanced through his shoulder “Yeah, and she’s waving at us.”
Sarah was bewildered. “What kind of woman Steve got into this time?” She thought the woman would get angry, but it turned out she’s still there and waved at them. 
“First, it’s a C.I.A then a journalist. Now what?” Sarah sighed. 
Joseph also feels the same way as his wife. Their son picks a girl that always reveals their business. It’s pretty funny seeing his wife getting so worked up. 
“Alright, don’t get mad. Let’s meet our son.” Joseph hugged his wife's shoulder. 
When the bell rang, Steve hoped it's (Y/N) the one who stands in front of his door. He didn’t even check the monitor; he quickly opened the door. 
"You're back…." Steve didn’t even finish his speech. His smile dropped when he saw his parents.
"Stevie." Sarah hugs him. 
"Mom? Dad? What are you- AHHH!!!” 
Steve hissed when his mother pinched his chest. He looked at his father with a look of ‘What’s all that about?’
Joseph answered, “We met her when we arrived.”
Steve finally understands why his mother became moody this morning. 
“I can see why you like her. She seems different.” Joseph whispered at his son while Steve nodded all the time. 
Sarah suddenly jumped in. “Are you sure she’s good for you? What’s her job? Please don’t tell me she’s a lawyer or a judge?”
Steve patted her back to calm her down. “Mom, calm down; I’m not dating from that side this time. She’s an analyst in automotive for a private company.”
“Ooh, that explains the nice car,” Joseph murmured. Sarah glared at her husband. 
“I hope you don’t get a heartbreak this time.” Sarah felt pity towards her son, Steve could be scary when he’s mad, but when he’s sad, he looks like a golden retriever puppy. 
He understands why his mother asked him this cause she saw how broken he was when his relationship ended with Peggy. 
From day one, they have obstacles because of their jobs. Peggy stands to abide by the law while he already saw how corrupt and hypocritical the government is. He saw his comrade die for nothing. 
His world almost crumbled when he found out that Peggy was ready to put his family into jail. And the most hurtful thing is that she did that to get a promotion. 
'What am I to you?' He asked her this question. She was unable to give him the answer.  
But behind the thunder, there’s a rainbow; his mother, Sarah, she used to not give a damn about what Steve and her husband did in mobster stuff. When she found out her son got used, she went livid. 
She told her son to make them regret treating him like that. Sarah knows her son is a mobster, his life is always related to dark stuff, but he always makes sure to treat his own woman like a queen. 
And right now, he knew he moved too fast with (Y/N), but he felt like she shares the same value with him. 
In the afternoon, Steve is in the car with Sam and Bucky. They’re heading to the hospital right now. 
Steve was looking at the window; he could see his reflection. He suddenly remembered what (Y/N) said in the morning, “Guys.”
Bucky and Sam ‘Hmmm’ at the same time.
“Do I look cute?”
Sam stops the car abruptly. Suddenly everything became silent. While Bucky cursed, “What the f#%* Steve?”
“Alright, the answer is pretty clear.” Steve scoffed, he doesn’t want to continue; their reaction is enough for him. 
Sam and Bucky are confused because their friend just asks them nonsense questions. 
“Well, we have arrived,” Sam said; he looked at Bucky. “You follow him; I will stay here. Make sure he doesn't get plastic surgery.”
Steve rolled his eyes and got out of the car with Bucky. 
“Is she the one who said you’re cute?”
Steve nodded.
“Hmm, you completely whipped. Well Steve, I completely understand,” Bucky tells him they’re in the same position since he’s with Natasha. 
Both of them stopped at the V.I.P patient room. They saw two bodyguards standing in front of the door. The bodyguard steps away when Steve approaches them. One of the bodyguards opened the door for him. 
Steve turns to Bucky. “Wait here.”
Steve walked into the room; he thought Brock still fainted. It turns out he’s awake and eating. 
Brock was wearing a neck brace, his two legs wrapped in a cast, his left arm also wrapped in a cast, and his elbow fractured. 
Brock lifted his head when he saw Steve. He clicked his tongue. 
“Your girlfriend almost killed me.”’
“Huh?” Steve responded. 
Steve didn’t know that (Y/N) visited Brock before him. 
What happened 4 hours ago 
It was Peter who picked up (Y/N) at Steve’s place with her car.
She gets into the car and puts on her seatbelt. “Let’s go back to my apartment first; I need to change my clothes. I have to meet someone later.”
“A friend, he got into an accident last night.”
When they arrived at her place, Peter asked, “Let me guess your sick friend is Brock?”
Peter shook his head. “Poor guy.”
At the hospital.
Brock is feeling drowsy because of the painkiller. Because of the car crash, his neck got the impact. 
He saw a shadow figure in front of him, “You!!!”
“Good afternoon Rumlow.”
“Hmph!!!” Brock wants to strangle her; he remembered her from last night. 
(Y/N) walked closer to his infusion bottle; she took out something from her pocket. 
“You see, Rumlow, I kinda like Steve, but the Tom & Jerry fight between you and him has to stop. I don’t want you to appear and ruined the romantic moment like last night.”
Brock finally could see what she’s holding in her hand. (Y/N) notices he is looking at the syringe that she has.
“What inside this syringe could put you to sleep forever. You know what I’m capable of, right?”
Brock cursed, “#$%^*!!!”
(Y/N) nodded. “Correct, so if you still want to leave, just stay 1 million km from us, okay?”
Brock defeatedly answered, “Okay.”
“Great, go back to rest.” She opens the cap of the syringe and injects it into his infusion bottle.
“Relax, it’s just another painkiller for you.” After she said that, Brock eventually fell asleep. 
When he woke up, his bodyguard gave him a food container with a small note 'I'm sorry, she’s pretty scary.'
Back to the present
“Really?” Steve was astounded.
“Your new girl is crazy.” Brock clicked his tongue. He can’t imagine having a girlfriend like (Y/N).
In Steve’s mind, her threat towards Brock is nothing. His heart fluttered when he knew what she did for him. Never in his life, a woman would threaten his rival for him. He never get spoiled like this. 
Steve chuckled; he got up from the chair and mumbled on the way out of the hospital ward, remembering what (Y/N) had done for him “My cute devil.”
He finds it cute, though; he never had a brave enough girlfriend to threaten his rival. He used to be the one who protects his girl. 
Steve wants to meet her again; lucky for him, she texts him first and gives her location. 
Steve arrived at the high-end restaurant that, even for him, it’s difficult to book a table. She won’t stop giving him a surprise. He saw her wearing a dress that fitted her figure. She looked beautiful and confident.  
(Y/N) raised her face gently, the corner of her lips moving upward when she saw him. 
Steve felt like he could drown in it. Both of them had dinner together. While they’re eating, he needs to say something important to her. They were having wine when he grasps her hand. It made her look at him. 
He has to say it to give her the chance to walk away “(Y/N); I like you. I feel a connection between us. But being with me means sometimes you will be facing unexpected things. I know you are strong, but I don’t want you to get hurt.” 
She tilted her head a little and looked at Steve in front of her. She pinched his chin lightly. “Steve, I don’t care how many enemies you have.”
“I will kill them one by one.” 
She wasn’t saying a flirty line towards him instead of a deadly one. Everyone said she’s scary, but for him, she’s a great blessing in his life. 
“You know that I’m capable. I don’t mind working as your partner. Not just as your girlfriend.”
‘Thump!’ Steve's heart fluttered when he heard that word.
“You don’t want to?” (Y/N) raised her eyebrows. 
Steve quickly answered, “Please be my girlfriend.” It would be crazy to decline it; he wants to show the world that she belongs to him. He’s afraid if he’s too late, she will slip away from his finger. To put it more plainly, Steve may not have met another woman like (Y/N). 
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A/N: Thank you for the likes and reblogged my post. 
To my followers and people who liked my post, I hope you don’t mind if I tag your name:
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thekitschdiet · 3 years
the kitsch diet part II
part one alr posted!! this chunk is about 3,000~ words long... let me know what u think :-) thank u all for all the luv already!!! looks like I really will hit 31 followers by easter!!!!!!!!
  Who is the Kitsch Girl? 
 I think this is more loosely defined, but The Chic Diet did a truly admirable way of reducing a girl to her YSL bag and her really skinny legs. Now, that implies an archetype, or a population in a specific location. I think kitschness is kind of the niche you fill when you’re not really much of anything else, sort of your own conglomerate of mainstream-specific. One major requirement, though, is being a little too into something somewhat uncool. And the whole illusion falls apart if you have any sort of outward insecurity. See, the Kitsch Girl is somewhat undefinable because she is so much of everything. She exists in multitudes, in a way that is also quite simple to understand; think of a list of axioms, or principles to live by. And now add a section to each one that says “but…” to make a collection of verified exceptions. Say, the kitsch girl will never wear jeans. But she thrifted this pair of vintage flares she just loves. She doesn’t reply to texts efficiently, but sometimes she will within a couple seconds. No mascara, no dinner forks, candles are to be collected not burned; but that was a gift, or something. It’s not personal, of course, those are just the contradictions she exists in. Don’t try to understand it, the enigma is essential to the facade. Or maybe she just lives like this, and her character is so homogenous with her inner world there’s no sense in trying to separate it. You have to have a little bit of an individuality complex about the whole ordeal, which is normally so eugh, but if you’re kitschy enough it works on you. Trust!The Kitsch girl is not someone unlikeable, but amiable and well heeled. I double checked that last one, assuming it meant liked by most, but apparently means affluent. I suppose that is an aspect of the kitsch girl too, having seemingly endless frivolous expenses with no real strain, but that’s not important right now. People that don’t like her think so out of jealousy, or something. Envious that her clothes are all kind of shake-it-up-esque and her highlights desperately need touching up, but she still seems so enthralled with the whole of life… How does she enjoy her own company so much when other people want to know her better? Doesn’t she feel weird about blowing people off to make a joke about reading Kafka in the bath? Why would she document her cluttered, unexciting life on Instagram so delicately, so vibrantly? Of course, no one would say this to her face because they are really baseless claims. She’s nice, generous, and valuable to have as a friend. Trade-offs exist, as they do with anyone. But I like thinking it’s easier to overlook a forgotten birthday when your kitschy best friend gave you a multi strand pearl necklace to celebrate the welcome breeze of June. Or some other made-up holiday. She is so unassuming if you’re not really looking. Girls want in on her inner circle. Or they just don’t care. Nothing wrong with being liked or thought of naught, for the most part. Boys are either enthralled or repulsed by her. Her doctor knows her as something of a hypochondriac, but only minorly. It’s just carpal tunnel, don’t worry… The sales staff at CVS turn a blind eye when she slips an eyeliner pencil into her tote bag. She shoplifts on occasion, just to see if she still knows how. But she is not a shoplifter. $9 here and $6.45 there doesn’t really add up to much. Everywhere she goes, she makes a tertiary friend or two. The term of friend is loosely used here, of course. But it is nice to tell a stranger you like her earrings. Or her phone case is so fun, is it Wildflower? The kitsch girl has an eye for this kind of detail. Simply put, she is sort of unspectacular. But in a way that makes you sort of wish you knew her better.
Phone cases
The phone case is, like, religious for the kitsch girl. Sorry, but there’s just no other accessory as flippant and expensive and single-purpose as a trendy little iPhone case with some semitacky stickers plastered over the design. I used to have an iPhone XS- extrasmall-  with like, 18 phone cases. It was kind of a sordid affair. I jest, but really… owning that many phone cases was kind of sick. We get it, you are frivolous and spontaneous and sooo stylish! Stop posting mirror selfies on your Instagram story, your crush isn’t going to see it. Kidding again. Having an extensive collection of phone cases is just so fun because while attainable, most people just simply do not partake in it. That makes you kitschy and unique. I really thought I had more to say about the IDEA of the phone case, but I guess in practice it is all very, very simple. You can slide your driver’s license in the back of a clear case. At what point does it stop being cool to have legal operational control of a vehicle? I don’t display mine because I don’t really like the photo. I look round. In the eyes but also just in general, swollen, unglamorous. Whatever. Not like I drive a Nissan or anything. I drive my *Mom’s* Nissan. Playing Bladee in the car seems sacrilegious. She would hate it.Back to phone cases. Sonix ones are cute but kind of overpriced retail- unless you have like, an iPhone 12 Pro Max or whatever the fuck is new this year, just go to Winner’s. They always have Xs and 11 cases. I had a cherry one for my previous phone, like the exact one Lana Del Rey had? Thank god I sold it before she got outed as a copfucker or whatever. Casetify is for an inadvertent flex. Flexing your lame, lame taste. Sorry, I know you bought it because you liked it, but what you failed to consider is just how un-Kitsch they are. SO common, and they advertise on Instagram. Sorry, I just can’t get into it! Kind of how I just never liked the Brandy Amara tanks. Or lowtop converse. Otterbox is just distressing. Like, if my boyfriend gave me an otterbox phone case I would probably break up with him because somebody clearly isn’t paying attention- one of my favorite, potentially overused joke is how Otterbox cases are the equivalent of orthopedic insoles. Sorry but if you have poor arch support or whatever, but no pain is worth giving up a good pair of Margiela slingback tabi heels. Obviously I couldn’t afford that right now because all loose income goes directly to Wildflower and my cig boy. But like, one day. I hope you want to punch me in the face a little bit after reading that.  If Wildflower isn’t your thing, at least have the decency to get a beaded phone strap. But not from String Ting. Pray tell you aren’t keeping score, but they are one of my several parasocial enemies. That should have been ME collaborating with Wildflower! Should have been ME mailing shit to Caroline Calloway (more on her later, but she is the only blue check I follow. I adore her! I was on her patreon for a bit I thinkl!!) …. Side note. Phone cases are cute but there is no way to properly protect your laptop without looking just absurd or colossally lame. The foam sleeves… ick.
Having the shittiest music taste ever
So like, here’s the thing. I’m an Apple Music user, which sort of reinstates my status as an unironic My Bloody Valentine Hyperpop Death Grips kinda gal. Read; volcel. My most recent conquest ended up being a huge L on my part, but also… I totally dodged a bullet. The guy had an iPhone 11 (female trait) and didn’t know who Rei Brown was, which just seemed suspicious given his Niche. I just know he had a “making out playlist” comprising entirely of like, Joji. Which isn’t a bad thing I guess but so unembarrassing it horseshoes back to being humiliating.Like I said. Having the worst music taste. It’s nice how subjective and deeply personal your music taste can be; no one really Needs to know you’re a die hard drainer. But there’s also no point in being a die-hard drainer and Not capitalizing off it somehow. I added it up and I have well over 150 hours of just Bladee and Yung Lean. Which is so yass? The more I write, using myself as a case study, I realize just how desperately jobless I am. And Yogenfruz isn’t even hiring! UGH!I think there is something very kitschy about liking hyperpop in the least ironic, least obnoxious way. Sort of feeds into a “I’m not like other girls” thing, but I mean… That’s kind of the idea of kitsch, isn’t it? Be a little different but also the very same as your lipgloss brethren?!Side note. If you make monthly playlists I am genuinely kind of afraid of you. That is just so organized!! I just make playlists with esoteric titles and then make a new one when I’m sick of the stuff on the last. I have exhausted most genres but I think my favorite is the “I’m wearing f****ng air forces and my teeth are SO white”. Guess what genre it is. Or don’t, but it’s probably what you think is. Okay, moving on….
Curating a scent
I like thinking I smell like mango and peach, Glossier you, whatever citrus is in that Lush shower jelly and mint 5Gum. But of course it is probably less distinct and just kind of generally fruit-floral-mint. Anyway. I think Glossier You is the perfect scent for anyone with a rather elementary understanding of the whole.. Perfume business. Every bottle of intentional fragrance I own was made via aesthetic choices… it really helps that Glossier You is so cute And so universal. Now, Glossier is kind of interesting to me because it really is at the intersection of cheugy and kitsch. Kind of basic, overplayed, unspectacular. But also…. Often popular things are popular because they are good. Glossier has excellent customer suurv, they ship SO fast (and no import duties! W!) and their stuff is just so sweet and nice if not unoriginal, in kind of the same way strawberry ice cream is. Which is still my favorite, of course, especially if there’s a vegan option. I was talking about Glossier. What the hell! It’s really worth trying out. A huge principle of kitsch is just… having as many possible layers and appendages to your composure as possible. And adding a signature scent just really completes that! When curating your own, I say this as a complete amateur, know-nothing; make it something that comes kind of naturally to Your Character. Like, I’m just not a Chanel No 5 kind of girl. Odds are you aren’t either. My bottle (before she asked for it back when I told her I didn’t use it, in exchange for a Nordstrom’s gift card) was from my grandmother. Ummm.. Yeah, I really have no expertise in curating a scent. But it is nice to have a signature. And having a bottle displayed on your dresser next to your aughties McDonald milkshake themed beanie baby and a handful of lip products is just way too fun! This is the kind of girl I am, everyone! Cluttered, but prioritizing pretty-delicate things!
Cheugy is a relatively new word that has unfortunately wormed into my vocabulary to replace “uncouth”. Which I use to mean graceless or tacky, but if that isn’t what it means…. Don’t tell me. That would hurt more than weighing myself after a “feast” slash pastry binge at my dear Grandmothe’s house. Like I was saying. Cheugy. It’s sort of a fucked up concept to me because it is a critique on consumption, but not the pace or volume or magnitude of it. But rather… the idea of not being “good” enough at engaging in microtrends, or involvement in the fast paced fashion cycle. Don’t get me started on TikTok, or do, but… yeah,. No. That will require a cigarette because I’m so sorry, but writing a thinkpiece on social media is so lowbrow I would need to find about six ways to aesthetically counteract it…. Moving on.  I think the idea of cheugy is good, we really do need a word to simply and efficiently define “out of date/uninspired/lame”. But the way it is used to shame others for not liking the same trends or whatever is kind of gross. If you use cheugyism to put other people down and not as a neutral identifier umm… you will become what you fear. Sorry, that’s what happens. Some things that I think are cheugy or embarrassing, or just not part of my stylistic lexicon are… 1. Hooded or zip up clothing, or things with a large graphic on the back. Bingo if it's all three! I just can’t get behind it. Side note, my summer home outfit is brandy sweats and a tube top (Urban Outfitters tank I ripped the straps off) and a large cardigan that should have belonged to a stoner, but probably didn’t. I can dunk on bulky, uninspired clothes because I would honest to God NEVER be caught DEAD out of the house wearing any of it. I’m so serious. Next segment should be about the kitsch girl’s inadvertent affinity for diuretics. Remind me….. One of the ports of my laptop is dead. Not really sure what to do about that.
Eye makeup and what it means to me….
Personally, I am one of those people who never wears foundation and kind of has a complex about it. The kitsch girl wears fluffy eyelashes and owns a plethora of sparkly eyeliner. Or maybe she doesn’t, but she has something distinct and a little ritzy, if not haphazard. We all saw Euphoria and it like, totally imprinted on us. The way glitter sits on your face after a long day is so resplendent. When it’s shining and a little bit melted off from your long, semi-productive day… ugh! Just made for film. Pictures on film. But not the Prequel app. I keep getting fucking ads for it. But it’s so embarrassing. Like, isn’t the whole point of film the authenticity of the moment? The texture of the afternoon? Why would you fabricate that? Prequel is just so cheugy. More on that later. But anyhow. Wearing a ton of eye makeup kind of fits with the idea of film too I think. Like, look at you, in the moment. With your strip lash falling off! It’s all so tres-chic. Plus, for whatever reason, it’s kind of unique or notably dedicated to ~Pull up to the function~ with more eye makeup on than everyone else. Sorry, but it really doesn’t take that long! But yes I will gracefully accept your praise… it’s kind of like the dropshipping of complements if you think about it. Easy to source with little to no effort in the curating. Side note, lashes are like $20 for 40 weeks if you cut them in half and use each pair about 5 times. You could probably do more but I lose track. How the fuck is it almost June? I was trudging through the snow to check the mail for my Online Ceramics shirt just last week, I swear. The trick to cutting your lashes (the way I do it anyway) is pretty simple. Get out two lashes that are symmetrical. Find the middle and cut one slightly to the left and one slightly to the right. This means you have two sets (one set is a little more dramatic than the other but at least they are symmetrical) with longer outer edges. Glue this to the outer corner of your eye and you will look so Composed… obsessed with how this layers with three eyeliner tails (one traditional one pointing up and one pointing down directly below it, sort of like the tail light on a 2019 Lexus UX) and one below your eye, like a clown. Fun, irrelevant fact, is the first time I added this third tail to my eye makeup, my dad had just gotten home from the hospital because he was sure he had like appendicitis or something and it was actually.. Not that. Typical indie hypochondriac. He made me bring him cottage cheese on a plate with a teaspoon that evening. I put black pepper on it for flair, which he hated. Walking up and down stairs with a plate of cottage cheese is much more imprinting than most of the multiplication tables. Don’t forget to use a bright shimmer eyeshadow in your inner corner. It really opens up your eyes. I recommend Too Faced.  One time I got a little bit too high and tried to film an “editorial” makeup tutorial. You will never, ever, ever see that video. But I essentially covered my whole eyelid in the ABH shadow “palermo” and smudged out the edges with a tan Tartelette Toasted shade, coupled with my long-expired Milk Makeup holographic stick. Lopsided lashes and near-blinding eyeliner experience aside, it was kind of cool. My point is, you really cannot go wrong with an arsenal of shimmers, taupey mattes and a good eyeliner pen.
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the-rad-pineapple · 3 years
substance abuse
Supernatural fanfiction: Set in season 8, Sam and Dean get into a big fight, so Dean turns to alcohol to solve his problems.
Words: first 2k words are here, the rest of the 13k word story can be found on
A/N: I had a crazy depressive episode in January this year, and the only thing that brought me serotonin was Destiel. So the result was me not leaving my room for three days and writing the majority of this story on the notes app on my phone. I have some ideas on how to finish this, but I haven't had inspiration to continue since March. Maybe I'll finish it someday, but I hope you enjoy what's there. Thanks for reading!
Dean was finally in a good mood. The bar near their motel was surprisingly decent. It had good music, but it also helped that Dean had one too many drinks. So that meant everything was just a little funnier. He was well past the stage of being buzzed and dangerously tipsy. He and Sam had gotten into a little fight earlier, so he was solving it the only way he knew. Alcohol. He took another couple shots against his better judgment. Hey, the more alcohol he was drinking, the better his mood was getting, so why not?
He just finished setting his last shot glass down when someone sat down beside him. It was a guy around Dean's age with dark stubble and bleached blond hair beginning to darken at the roots. He had colorful tattoos swirling up his arms. They were pretty. The man turned to look at Dean, and the way he had to brush his hair from his eyes made Dean feel...something. He smiled playfully at Dean, and Dean felt his heart flutter.
You know what? Fuck it. He was having a good time, and this guy was hot. It had been a while since Dean had been with anyone, let alone another guy... Dean shoved that thought away and winked at the man sitting next to him.
The man raised a playful eyebrow as he took a sip of his drink, his eyes wandered down Dean's body. Dean felt his cheeks heat up, but he had enough alcohol in his system for the shyness to pass quickly in place of confidence.
"I'm Marco," the guy—Marco—introduced.
"I'm Dean."
"What are you doing here, Dean?" The way he drew out Dean's name made Dean shiver.
Dean shrugged casually. "Nothing much." He looked pointedly at Marco. "Looking for something fun to do."
Marco smirked. "Like what?"
Dean slowly looked down Marco's body. He was wearing a printed button-up shirt, with too many buttons undone, so Dean got a decent peek at his chest hair. He wanted to see more. Dean trailed his eyes back up to Marco's. "I'm looking at it."
Marco grinned. "Wanna drive back to my place for a bit?"
Oh fuck, was this really happening? He didn't picture his next time being with a stranger. With a guy, yes, but a guy with blue eyes and a trench coat.
"Yeah," Dean heard himself answer before he realized he had spoken. It was all happening so fast, and he could tell his grip on time wasn't exactly right. Maybe he was a bit drunk. But, did it matter? He was having fun and felt better than he had in a long time.
"I'll pay for your drink and we can go." Marco winked before grabbing the bar tender's attention and paying.
They were soon walking out the door. Dean didn't remember standing up, but they were suddenly halfway across the room. Dean also felt himself starting to stumble and grabbed onto Marco's arm without a second thought. Marco put his hand over Dean's as they stepped outside.
The cold air managed to make everything just a bit more clear. Dean's surroundings sharpened a little. Everything outside his direct line of sight wasn't just a haze now. It was just slightly out of focus instead. They stopped at an old truck. Dean tried to place the make and model, but the information was barely out of reach. It was fuzzy, and retrieving anything other than immediate thoughts felt like sifting through mud. But who cared anyway? He was about to get laid by some hot guy.
"Nice truck," Dean complemented. He did like it even if it was a bit plain.
"Oh, yeah?" Marco replied.
And before Dean really knew what was happening, his back was against the truck, Marco's hands on his hips. Hot breath hit his face before Marco's mouth was on his. Dean closed his eyes and let himself get carried away. The kiss was all tongue and desire. Dean grabbed Marco's hair, and he imagined he was kissing someone else. Someone with dark hair instead of blond.
Dean's head was spinning as someone's tongue was shoved down his throat and hands were underneath his shirt, touching every inch of his torso. He already had too much to drink, and now he was kissing some stranger outside. Or was it a stranger? He had envisioned kissing Cas, but that couldn't be right. Shit, shit, shit. Those last two shots were catching up. But now there was a leg between his thighs rubbing on him in all the right ways that took priority over everything else he was feeling.
It was Cas. And it was close. But it did not come from whoever he was kissing. He felt cold as he and—Dean glanced at who he was making out with, but the name escaped him—some guy broke away from each other. Dean looked in the direction of Cas' voice. The angel stood uncomfortably a few feet away. He glanced between Dean and whoever the other guy was. Dean was suddenly warmer as his embarrassment finally set in. He wished Cas hadn't caught him like this. With someone else when the only person Dean had been thinking about lately was Cas.
"I need your help," Cas said gruffly.
"Right now?" Dean asked, suddenly very aware that this guy's leg was still in between his, and his hands were under Dean's shirt.
"Yes, Dean," Cas answered, the annoyance in his voice was strong. "I wouldn't bother you otherwise."
Dean cleared his throat. Obviously. "Right." He glanced at the guy. "Sorry," he said sheepishly and pushed him away.
They disentangled themselves, and Dean made his way to Cas, trying to avoid eye contact from everyone. It wasn't too hard to stay embarrassed when Dean had to concentrate on walking in a straight line.
"What's up?" Dean asked Cas once he managed to find his footing. He ignored the sound of the truck's door closing, and its ignition. He was still disappointed even if it had been completely spontaneous.
"It's Sam."
Shit. Was Sam hurt somehow while Dean was out getting drunk? That was completely his fault. Dammit. "What's wrong? Is he ok?"
"Yes, he's fine," Cas said. "He just wanted me to tell you he left the motel."
Dean crossed his arms. Was that it? Seriously?
Cas went on, "He said you weren't answering your phone and asked me to see if you were ok. I called him when I found you."
"So, you're Sam's mediator now?"
"We were worried, Dean. You weren't answering Sam's calls." Cas' eyes bore into Dean's. There was a lot more anger in them than there should've been. Did something else happen? Did Dean do something? "I'm glad to see you're fine." Cas turned and took a couple steps away.
"Wait!" It was louder than Dean meant. He just had to get Cas' attention before it was too late, and time was moving fast while he was like this, so he wasn't exactly sure how much time had passed since Cas spoke.
Dean wanted to tell Cas that he and Sam had had a fight. And that was the reason why Dean had been so irresponsible. So stupid. So inconsiderate. But they were all excuses in the end, and trying to make thoughts into words seemed impossible at the moment.
Cas turned back. "Yes, Dean?" Cas tilted his head. Fuck. That was cute. "Cute?"
"You said, 'that was cute'."
Oh my god, Dean had said that out loud. "Uh, yeah, I don't know." Dean laughed nervously.
He couldn't let Cas know he had...feelings...or whatever for him. That was something he buried deep down, but it was all threatening to come out. Shit. What was happening? Everything was still spinning, and things kept happening that took Dean too long to register.
"Are you okay?" Cas asked. The anger was gone, now replaced with concern.
"I'm fine," Dean quickly answered.
Cas' eyes narrowed in suspicion. That was also cute. Everything Cas did was kinda cute anyway, if Dean was being honest with himself.
"Walk over to me," Cas commanded.
Weird request, but ok. Dean frowned but walked in Cas' direction anyway. But walking was hard. Placing one foot in a steady position shouldn't be this much work. It felt more like tumbling from one step to the next, but Dean eventually made it to Cas. But he had struggled. A lot. Maybe Cas didn't notice.
"I noticed, Dean," Cas said.
Oh. He heard that, too. How much was Dean saying aloud? "I'm a little drunk," Dean admitted. Maybe this would absolve his behavior tonight, and they can go on like it never happened.
"You're more than a little drunk," Cas replied harshly.
"Are you mad?" The question was out of Dean's mouth before it was fully formed in his head.
Cas sighed heavily, but didn't look at Dean. "No, Dean, I'm not mad."
"Yeah! You are!" Oh, Dean totally had this. One of Cas' tells was avoiding eye contact. "You don't look at me when you're upset."
Cas looked at Dean wearily. "Let's go."
Cas started walking away. Quickly. Cas was somehow already by the sidewalk. Dean tried to catch up, but one moment he was following Cas, and the next he was on the ground. He didn't even remember falling. All he knew was he was now laying on the street looking up at the night sky.
"Dean!" Cas rushed to his side. Dean reached his arms up for Cas to help him up. Cas grabbed him.
"Sorry," Dean said and laughed. That probably looked funny.
"Are you hurt?" Cas frowned in worry.
Dean didn't feel anything, but he couldn't really tell. All he could focus on was Cas holding his arms. Cas was strong. "Oh, baby, don't worry. I feel great!" Dean said and grinned in reassurance. Wait... did he call Cas "baby"?
"Let's get back to the motel."
And then they were suddenly there. Dean laughed again and said, "I forgot you can fly."
Cas really was incredible. He was such a beautiful, strong angel. But also so cute at the same time. Dean saw his bed and tried to step towards it, but almost fell again. Cas' arm was around his waist. It felt really nice. Dean put both his arms around Cas. He was warm and smelled like rain. He was like a strong fortress. He was home. Dean wanted to stay like this forever.
"What are you doing?" Cas asked but didn't take his arm off Dean.
"Hugging you."
"You need to sleep."
"No!" Dean didn't want the hug to end, so he held on tighter. "You're warm." It was true. Cas was like the perfect bed. Soft and warm.
"I can hug you while you try to sleep."
Wait, really? "For real?" Dean made the mistake of looking at Cas while he still hugged him. They were close. Super, super close. Dean loved those blue eyes. "You're pretty." He didn't mean to say it. He thought it, then his mouth moved, and then he realized what happened.
Cas just moved him to one of the beds without saying anything. Dean tumbled onto it and stared at the ceiling. It looked like every other motel ceiling. He was sick of motels. Something tugged on his foot. He couldn't be bothered to look what it was. Cas was there after all, so everything was fine.
"Something is pulling me," Dean said.
"I'm taking your shoes off," Cas explained.
It was a simple gesture, but one of the kindest things anyone had ever done for Dean. Or one of the best that Dean could think of right now. Who else would do this? Cas always went out of his way for Dean.
"I love you," Dean said.
Cas finally pulled Dean's shoe off then started tugging on the other one.
"I love you, too." It was soft and so...genuine. Was this actually happening? And did Cas mean it? Or was he saying it to please the drunk?
But it didn't matter. Dean was in a good mood. He'd believe it for now. Everything else was tomorrow's problem—if he could even remember any of this. If any of this was real. His second shoe was taken off, and Dean held his arms up again for Cas. He felt the bed next to him dip before Cas put an arm around Dean. Dean held onto it like a lifeline.
"Goodnight, Cas."
"Goodnight, Dean."
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spices-and-cherries · 3 years
SFW alphabet for Joe Bang
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I’ve actually been working on this bad boy for a while now. Surprisingly, some of these were pretty hard to write and required some thinking...
I did not reference race, gender, sexuality, or physical appearance. If I missed something, please let me know so I can change it!
Warning: mention of explosives and sex
A= Affectionate (How affectionate are they?)
He’s super affectionate all the time with you. He calls you ‘baby doll’ or ‘sweet thang’. He’s a believer in PDA and always has an arm around you (it’s probably more of a possessive thing than anything else).
B= Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
You’d kinda already be dating before either one of you asks the question. You were introduced by a mutual and hit it off - before you knew it you were going on car rides in the middle of the night or drinking together at Duck Tape. No matter what, though, if someone asks, Joe will tell them it was love at first sight.
C= Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Joe really loves his cuddles on the couch. He enjoys having you either laying on top of him or snuggled into his side while watching TV. He also doesn’t care if he’s the little spoon.
He doesn’t really care if there are other people around either. Joe will just pull you down with him or tug you closer mid-conversation.
D= Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He does his fair share of the work without complaining. He comes from a big enough family, so cleaning and cooking comes naturally to him. That being said, his cooking does leave much to be desired seeing as hard-boiling eggs is his only forte... 
At the beginning of your relationship, you kept sleeping over at each other’s places so it was the obvious decision to move in with him. You help with yardwork and maintenance.
E= Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He doesn’t seem like the type to end things unless its really bad or if there’s no way around it (like you got a job far away). In all honesty, you’d probably leave him.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It would take a while - you’d have to be together for almost a decade before he even thinks about it. Either way, he likes things the way they are and doesn’t feel the need to hurry anything up. It kinda already feels like you’re already married. 
G= Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Joe, to put it kindly, is rough around the edges. He’s soft and careful one moment and acting tough the next. That being said, he knows his own strength and always makes sure that he doesn’t accidentally hurt you. He may act nonchalant about it, but everyone can tell he treats you differently than everyone else. 
In terms of emotions, he’s not the one you want to go to for a heart to heart. That’s not to say he can’t have one, it’s just that he doesn’t like it when conversations get too serious.
H= Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He’s a one-armed hug kind of guy, especially in public. He’s not much of a hugger. 
Joe also really, really loves it when you hug him from behind - his face lights up and he smiles when you poke your head from under his arm. 
I= I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) 
A few months - a year at the most - will go by before he says anything. When he does say it, it’ll be out of the blue. You’ll probably be out on his porch drinking beer and talking. Joe would just pause and turn to you as he says it. It might also be while you’re causing some mischief or doing something wild. 
Joe shows his love through action and presumes you already know.
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Joe gets jealous very easily. If the two of you are out and he sees someone getting a little too close to you, he’ll come up from behind with his arm around your waist or back. He’ll either divert your attention to him by whispering some nonsensical jokes in your ear to make you giggle or tell you that something’s happening and you should come with. Near the beginning of your relationship, Joe might’ve been quick to try and show off (if it worked, you’d never tell).
K= Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Joe is an all or nothing kind of guy. If you try to be cute by kissing him on the cheek, he’ll pull you to him and tell you that you hit the wrong target. That being said, he really loves it when you kiss him on the cheek - there’s just something about it that makes him feel fuzzy inside. 
L= Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kids love him, but their parents don’t. Since he’s on the same wavelength as a five-year old, it’s easy for him to connect with children. The problem is, leave them alone for half a minute and he’s trying to teach them how to light a match or make a molotov. All that being said, he doesn’t want his own kids. They’re too much of a hassle and he doesn’t think he could ever settle down like that.
M= Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
Cuddles and sex.
N= Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Cuddles and sex.
O= Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s super open about somethings and super not about others. His family, for example, is something that he’s fine talking about and does it often. But any trauma or bad memories are things he doesn’t want to dwell on.
The first time that you did have a long heart-to-heart was on the porch of Duck Tape while drinking. The two of you were just leaning against the railing, looking at the stars, talking about this and that. Something about the air that night made it feel as though that you were the only ones in the world, so he was a lot more open than usual. 
P= Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Unless he’s in a hurry for whatever reason or just got up on the wrong side of the bed, he’s pretty chill. When he does get annoyed, he tries hard to not direct it at you, but that doesn’t always work out. That being said, you almost never fight. You’ve built up a steady rhythm and have learned how to spot the tells when one of you is not doing too good.
If he drops something or is tired, I would not suggest helping him out. He’s just fine and what ever it is, it’s nothing a few curse words can’t fix.
Q= Quizzes (Who much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
His memory is surprisingly good. It’s not the best (selective even), but not ban considering. He doesn’t remember every little thing by a long shot, but he does pay attention.
R= Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you took him to a tattoo parlor to get matching tattoos as a surprise or when the two of you went on an impromptu road-trip and got lost.
S= Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Joe is super protective, especially at the beginning of your relationship. As a big brother and being slightly stronger than the average man, he feels somewhat responsible for your safety. He can get aggressive if he needs to, but he tries not to, especially when you’re around. That doesn’t always work of course and you might have to keep some band-aids in the glove compartment...
Your presence alone is all he needs. As long as he knows that he can fall back into your arms, he’s fine. You don’t have to do anything - in fact just setting his eyes on you has helped him more times than you realize.
T= Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
When it comes to gift giving, he’s not very good. Like at all. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t try, but let’s just say that his brothers should be the last people he needs to go to for brainstorming... 
U= Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Those damn eggs. Also, he thinks it’s funny when he tries to kiss you while he’s all sweaty from working out.
V= Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
He’s pretty confident in his looks and definitely thinks that his tattoos make him look sexy. 
Joe loves it when you dress up for him - it makes him feel special. Besides that, though, he thinks that you can wear whatever you want to. 
W= Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He might not at first, but that changes pretty quickly once he realizes that you’re already pulling out of the driveway. Even if you’re gone for one night, please call him. He’ll be eying his phone all day.
X= Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’s both spontaneous and not. Joe likes doing things for the sake of doing things, but if you’re planning on doing something, he likes to make sure that there’s an agenda. It can be super short, sweet and simple, he just needs to know that everyone’s on the right page. You don’t even need to tell him what it is half the time, just that it exists.
Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He likes people who are smart and have personality. Joe doesn’t really understand why anyone would want to change themselves for others. 
He also doesn’t appreciate having his food taken...
Z= Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
He snores pretty loud and has a bad tendency to steal the blankets. Besides that, he doesn’t move around a lot and sleeps like a log.
Please send me any and all constructive feedback as well as requests! I love seeing your comments as well! Side note, I just started watching Hotel Splendide with Daniel Craig and Toni Collette. It’s good but I don’t think Craig and yoga do well together... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this and, as always, see you in the next one!
- Simpy
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mayaree-darling · 4 years
Hii! I was wondering if you can write a scenario where the reader is a friend of Shinobu's and with her she teases Giyuu alot, which kinda has him annoyed with her. But one day, Giyuu is upset about something (probably his self doubt or him being tired of getting targetted at) and the reader finds them. At first Giyuu doesnt take them seriously but eventually tell her his situation and realizes that maybe he likes her? Im sorry if its too much, but if you do consider this, TSYM and take ur time!
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Giyuu Tomioka x Bully(ish)! Reader
A/N: Haha first of all, no probs anon I gotchu covered. Second, of course this was fucking long because it wouldn’t be me if it wasn’t haha. And third, this bitch can’t read for shit because I read your request like 5 times and still didn’t get that you asked for a scenario and I legit wrote a full BONUS for a long fic before I finally saw “scenario” (I usually write the ending first just to get a grasp of how the story will go). So, yay! I guess you got a bonus haha I hope I did your request justice, though! Thanks for requesting OwO
the Pillars are hanging around HQ as back-up for the moment because the demons have surprisingly gone quiet 
good for everyone except Giyuu apparently
coz Pillar hangouts meetings mean two of the biggest thorns on his side being there
namely, you and Shinobu
“Oh? It’s Tomioka!”
* cue Giyuu trying to speedwalk away *
boii is so used to out-speedwalking people he almost gets a heart attack when you suddenly link arms with him
(being the Thunder Pillar pays off for being Sonic Fast™)
Before he knows it, you and Shinobu are flanking him
“Eh? Were you trying to ignore us, Tomioka?”
“yes no.”
“Right! Of course you weren’t.”
“I bet you’re glad we came to talk to you. After all, no one else would, right?”
(Giyuu’s tempted to stab himself right then and there if you weren’t holding on to his dominant arm)
“Shinobu-chan, don’t be so mean to him you’re going to hurt his feelings.”
“Oh, sorry, Tomioka-san. I didn’t think you had feelings.”
“...can I go now?...”
it mostly goes on unless you’re occasionally called out one by one on small scale missions
one day, you’re bored around the Ubayishiki Estate when you see Giyuu sitting alone by a stream
and since Shinobu’s on a mission, you decide to “hang out” with him
(you’re not blind, though, and you can tell there’s something different about him)
(he looks a bit… jittery?)
“Hello, Tomioka!”
“Go away.”
Giyuu is honestly thankful it’s just you this time since you’re relatively “tamer” than Shinobu (still didn’t want either of you around, though)
“I said go away.”
“Did you really think I’d listen?”
you sit next to him and you’re a bit surprised when he doesn’t shove you away or try to walk off
“Aww, am I growing on you, Tomioka? I’m touched~”
normally, Giyuu would muster a glare at you at most
(Tomioka-san, why are you glaring at me like that?)
(Maybe he's hoping you’ll spontaneously combust into flames.)
(Oh, I see. Well, you’ll have to try harder.)
(May I suggest asking Rengoku-san for help, Tomioka?)
But when he turns to you, the look on Giyuu’s face is so sad you’re rendered quiet for a few seconds. 
“Tomi-... Giyuu, are you okay?”
“If you’re done, go away.”
You keep pestering him (your voice much softer than how you’ve ever talked to him) and just when you think he wasn’t going to crack-
“I promise to hear you out! No jokes of any kind, whatsoever. Cross my heart and hope to die.”
that was probably pretty childish for you to say, but before you can take it back, Giyuu turns to you, wide-eyed and
Oh shit.
You stare in horror as tears start falling down his face 
but Giyuu pulls at your arm before you can leave and get help or some shit
“No. I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.”
you  wait for him to calm down a bit before asking any questions
“I’m fine.”
“Obviously, you’re not.”
“I am.”
“Who the fuck cries when they’re okay, Tomioka.”
he’s quiet again, so you try one more time before completely calling quits
“I meant it. I’m all ears, no jokes. I promise.”
He stares you down for a few good seconds before deciding you were serious (for once)
And he couldn’t exactly let you leave thinking he’d gone completely mad, crying out of nowhere like that
Boii must be desperate or something if he’s telling you shit
“It’s my older sister’s death anniversary today. I was doing fine pushing the reminder away but my sister used to do the “cross my heart” thing when she’d promise me something. So when you did it, I just…”
Oh shiiiiiittt
You don’t know what to say, but you don’t try to say anything either because you don’t think this words would be good for something like his problem
(plus he’d probably take the words of his bully by a grain of salt)
“Come on. Get up,” Giyuu’s surprised when you start tugging at his arm. “You haven’t eaten breakfast yet, right? Of course you haven’t. You’ve been sitting here ever since Oyakata-sama called off the Pillar Meeting. We’re gonna get some food. Now let’s go.”
before Giyuu knows it, you’ve dragged him to the kitchen, already preparing a meal for the both of you.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like, Tomioka? I’m cooking.”
“No, I mean, why are you-”
“Food’s ready!”
Every time he tries to ask what you’re doing exactly, you distract him with something else
You drag him around the headquarters and to the neighboring village the whole day
You helped train some lower-ranked Slayers, did some favors for the villagers, tried some of the local delicacies
If Giyuu tried to run off, you’d drag him back
At one point you carried him to your next destination and it was at that point he decided to suck it up and let it happen
After all, it felt nice to help others once in a while and it distracted him from-
Oh. oh.
Was… was that what you were doing? You were distracting him from feeling sad…?
Well, if you could hear his thoughts then DING DING DING he was completely right!
You felt a bit bad since he pretty much started crying because of you and among other things
By sunset, y’all had to take a breather because you’ll be deployed to your assigned villages for stake-outs by nightfall 
“So, uh,” Shit. How do you talk again? “I hope you had fun today.”
Giyuu didn’t know. Was it fun? It was.. Okay?
“Don’t carry me ever again.”
“I don’t want to anymore. You’re heavy.”
Giyuu’s surprised you’re suddenly quiet when all he’s known you do is talk. 
Oh. He wasn’t expecting that.
“If this is about earlier, it’s-”
“No. Not just earlier. Sorry, in general. For making fun of you.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not” God you were persistent. “I just… I didn’t like seeing you sad or alone. So I tried making fun of you to get a reaction. You never smiled, but I thought seeing you angry or annoyed was better than nothing, so… That doesn’t excuse the stuff I’ve said. I’ll stop now, I promise.”
You… didn’t like seeing him sad or alone…?
You’d tease him just to rile him up? Just so he wasn’t sad?
That was a little fucked up, to be honest, but it was well meant enough. 
It was also the most thoughtful thing someone had done for him in a while no matter how fucked up your tactics were 
“Thank you. For today.”
You look up from twiddling your thumbs and smile. 
“No problem! Now come on. It’s time for dinner!”
Giyuu blinks because this is the first time you smile at him like that. No jokes of any kind, whatsoever.
You both had a long way to go, but it was definitely a start. 
“Let’s go, then.”
Maybe you weren’t as bad as he thought you were.
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❀BONUS (bcoz I am dumbass)❀
You hung your head down in shame, a smile frozen in place as you chose to stare at Shinobu’s feet than meet her judging stare.
“Are my sandals that interesting, (F/N)-chan? I can show you where I bought them, if you want,” Shinobu asked in her usual singsong voice, making a shiver crawl down your spine. Ah, so this is what other people felt like. You were mostly part of the teasing side of a conversation with Shinobu than the one being teased. It was rather intimidating. “But I’d appreciate it if you’d answer my question first.”
“S-Shinobu-san, please calm down,” Mitsuri said, but her words weren’t quite that effective when she was cowering behind you.
You weren’t getting out of this easily, that was for sure. Might as well face it head-on.
“Sorry, Shinobu-chan, what was your question again?” you asked, straightening your posture, the same annoyingly pleasant smile on your face. Shinobu’s smile seemed to widen at the sight whilst Mitsuri paled at both of your auras. 
“How on earth did you go from this-” Shinobu motioned to the two of you, before pointing to a certain group across the courtyard. “-to that?”
You mustered the will-power to casually look over to where she was pointing, immediately regretting your decision as you tried to subtly calm your suddenly rapidly beating heart. Giyuu was flanked by most of the male Pillars, most likely going through the same shit you were going through right now. Sanemi had walked out earlier, saying something about “too much shit happening in one day”. Obanai had stuck around to make sure this wasn’t another elaborate prank by you.
It’s been months since you and Giyuu had built a sort of friendship that day you dragged him all around the place. But after today’s Pillar Meeting, you and Giyuu had just announced you were going out. Not even a minute after the words escaped your mouth, Shinobu had pulled you aside with a panicked Mitsuri following close in your wake.
“Shinobu-chan, I swear, if I knew how to answer that, I would’ve told you already,” you sighed, trying to ignore how warm your face had gotten. 
Shinobu sighed, “I would’ve appreciated the heads up. I thought we were friends...?”
“No, of course, we are!” you quickly held her hands in yours, panic and worry evident in your face. “It’s just that… I didn’t know how to tell you.”
“You could’ve tried using words,” Shinobu deadpanned, making your face flush in embarrassment. “What were you afraid of? It’s not like I’d bite your head clean off.”
“Isn’t that what you’re doing right now, though…?” you mumble to yourself, but Shinobu slips one of her hands free from your grasp and bonks you in the head. Oh, she heard.
“No, it’s just that…” you look away, the shame overtaking your body. “I was scared you wouldn’t agree to it...”
“Th-that’s not true! We’re really happy for you!” Mitsuri cut in, nodding her head vehemently, before turning to Shinobu. “Right, Shinobu-san?”
To your horror, Shinobu doesn’t answer immediately. She’s staring at the ground thoughtfully. You and Mitsuri exchange looks once for every second that Shinobu doesn’t respond. The longer she doesn’t say anything, the more you could hear your heart plummeting. 
“Are you happy with Tomioka-san, (F/N)-chan?” Shinobu suddenly asks, and you turn to find her practically staring right into your soul. She wasn’t smiling. 
Your breath hitches at your throat. But you thought about the past months with Giyuu - bumping into one another after missions and going out to eat before he finally got the courage to ask you out. It was awkward at times, yes, since you’d find yourself talking to yourself majority of the time. And you’ll admit that you might have pissed him off as you always did at other times. But he’d still ask you to go out to the village and you’d still go with him. 
It was the most fun you’ve had with someone besides Shinobu in your whole life. 
“Yeah,” Shinobu and Mitsuri were caught off-guard by the loving smile that overtook your features, eyes twinkling as you looked at the both of them. “I am.” 
Shinobu sighed, slightly resigned, but her smile was one of the most genuine you’ve seen in a while. “Then it’s not like I can do anything about it, huh? If you’re happy, then that’s all I care about.”
You pull Shinobu into a hug, Mitsuri glomping the both of you soon after. 
“But,” Shinobu whispers, and you don’t have to look at her face to see her expression. Her seething aura was enough to scare you and Mitsuri. “If he makes you sad for even a split second, they’ll never find his body. Understood?” 
“Y-yes, Shinobu-chan,” you answered. You doubt Giyuu could make you sad, but you pray for his safety anyway. 
Mitsuri pulls away from the hug, as do you, and the Love Pillar looks at you, eyes sparkling.
“So, (F/N)-chan, how did you guys fall in love?” Mitsuri probes, poking at your cheek. “You always used to tease him, right? How’d it happen? How’d you know you loved him? Tell me, tell me!” 
How..? You rubbed at your temple, thinking hard. 
Was it after your talk? Or when you bumped into him at that ramen stand? Was it when he stole your kill and he looked so cool you almost forgot what he did? Or was it-
“Oh!” you snapped your fingers. Shinobu and Mitsuri were surprised when you suddenly turned to the other group. “Giyuu!”
The Pillars - your group and Giyuu’s - watched as you waved your hands around comically, almost like you were trying to gain his attention (despite how he was already looking your way) with a wide smile on your face. Then you cupped your hands around your mouth like you were going to yell, but you only mouthed out a couple of words, exaggerating each syllable for him to properly read.
I love you.
The Pillars were already surprised at the news that loud and social (L/N) (F/N) was going out with quiet and cold Tomioka Giyuu, but the cherry on top was watching as the Water Pillar turned a lovely shade of red before giving you a small smile and turning away, almost shyly.
While Uzui and Kyoujuro had thrown arms around Giyuu and proceeded to give him noogies, you turn and watch as Shinobu and Mitsuri exchanged looks, no words passing between them, only sharing the same resigned but impressed expression-
Ah. That’s a fair reason. 
✨ Masterlist ✨ 
🌙 Disclaimer: Characters are not mine and belong to their respective creators. Their portrayal is merely my own interpretation of them and may not be accurate to their intended characterization. I stake no claim to the original works, only to the ideas and plot of the fictitious stories I’ve written them into.
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Mornings with Nagito
Mod Mikan: For the lovely @mrsjenkinspendragon that won 1st place in my 100 follower raffle! Congrats again, love! I didn’t know exactly what to write, so I bring you fluffy morning headcanons! I hope you enjoy! I’m also sorry this turned out kinda short!
-Living with Eva’s beloved boyfriend, Nagito Komaeda, meant that there was never a day where surprises or adventures took place. Even a simple, lazy mornings like the one today, was filled with bliss and joy from the two lovers tangled in each other’s limbs, smiling in their sleep. Who knows? Maybe they were having dreams about each other
-The day would usually start off with Nagito waking up. He’d smile down at his angel, who was still fast asleep in her side of their shared bed. He ran a lanky hand through her locks, muttering a praise about her beauty. God, he was truly a lucky man. She was friendly, energetic, bright, honest, and beautiful! What was there not to adore about her? 
-He felt his long-term girlfriend shift in her sleep, twisting her body towards Nagito’s side. With her eyes still closed, she let out the cutest sigh that filled her boyfriend’s ears like smooth classical music, sending a swift wave of serotonin to his brain. His adorable smile grew into a wider one, as he pressed his chapped lips onto her forehead
-He twisted his head to see the time on the wall clock, both hands signaling that it was exactly 6:45 am. A sigh of relief escaped his breath, relieved that he still had some time left before his beloved hope woke up. With caution, he creeped out of their shared bed, the squeaking of the mattress filling the empty space of their bedroom. However, the sleepy actress was still snoozing lightly, pulling the sheets towards her body
-Practically throwing on his jacket, the white haired male couldn’t help but mentally laugh at the delightful sight of his angel sleeping. She was always one to take advantage of the weekends and sleep in He thought to himself, zipping up his loafers. Still proceeding with wariness, he grabbed his keys and exited their bedroom, making his way towards his car that was parked in the basement of their apartment building 
-What could Eva’s hope obsessed boyfriend be up to this morning? Well, as stated before, mornings with Nagito almost always contained a spontaneous shocker that awaited the actress, whether it would be waking up to gifts surrounding the bed, maybe a few love letters and notes that could easily pass for Nagito’s future wedding vows. Sometimes, Nagito would order breakfast for her and amaze her with a small ‘breakfast-in-bed’ date, with an even more serene day to follow with the already rapturous morning
-”Hmmm?” A soft mummer escaped from the Ultimate actress’s lips, follower by a soft hand rubbing her groggy eyes. Eva looked around the bed she shared with her boyfriend, but disappointment filled her as she found his side of the bed empty. However, that despondency only lasted a second, as it was rapidly replaced with confusion. She may have not seen her boyfriend, but she found a small note that contain a neatly written letter in blue ink. She grabbed the note, mumbling what it said under her breath
Come to the living room, my beloved hope! I have a surprise for you
-Nagito ♥️
-A smile crept upon Eva’s beautiful face. Dating Nagito came with many bombshells, both good and bad. Sometimes, Nagito’s luck would’ve put a damper on surprise dates or presents that the infamous luckster put a tremendous amount of effort in creating. Nevertheless, there were the good surprises that certainly made up for the downfalls. Especially as time went on, the relationship became more stable and Nagito’s luck didn’t effect him or his girlfriend as much as it did in the beginning. Pushing aside the bad/unlucky days where Nagito needed time to himself, they were deemed ‘the softest and cutest couple alive’. Or well....Sonia and Mahiru squealed and enthused that they were the most adorable pair of lovebirds they’ve seen 
-Smiling to herself with these thoughts in mind, Eva straightened out the oversized hoodie that once belonged to her boyfriend, now acting as her pjs for most nights. She allowed her body one last stretch before heading to the designated area
-When she finally arrived, her rubbed her eyes one last time before focusing her field of vision on her boyfriend lying on their couch. Surrounding him was a bunch of presents wrapped in cyan wrapping paper, tied with black bows. Two frail hands covered a pair of pink lips that curled into a smile, along with tears streaming from her face. Before Eva could say anything, Nagito rushed up to her, wiping the forming tears from her face
-”Love,” He smiled gently, pressing a gentle kiss onto her forehead. He pulled back, looking as beautiful as ever with his ever-so calming expression. A veiny hand rummaged through the front pocket of his hoodie, pulling out a small brown box
-”Don’t cry, my hope. I got you these presents cause I wanted to make you happy. And I wanted to hand present this to you personally,” A joyous chuckle left Nagito’s lips, as he finished his explanation. His girlfriend sniffled back her remaining salty tears before nodding quietly, bliss overfilling her body. If she didn’t beam with hope from the sweet message Nagito left on his side of the bedroom, this certainly made Eva feel like she was on cloud nine--Nagito was known for his unbidden actions. A great deal of the time, they ended with laughter, pleasure, and overall joy between the lovebirds
-Eva’s eyes focused on the box presented to her. When Nagito opened the lid, a gasp of surprise left her lips, seeing a pair of funky looking earrings. Eva was guilty of having a collection filled with cooky, weird earrings. She thought it was strange, but her white haired boyfriend laughed and assured her he thought it was cute. Another quirk that made him love his shining ray of hope even more
-The earrings Nagito bought were shaped like hot dogs, hanging from a small silver hook. She carefully removed one earrings, allowing the warm polyester clay to dangle eye-level towards her. She giggled, blushing at her guilty pleasure. But Nagito kept his collected demeanor in the form of a smirk, crossing his arms
-”You seem to really like them. I’m so glad, my hope. But I have more gifts,” He motioned his hand towards the rest of the boxes that still rested on the couch. Eva couldn’t contain the happiness that continued to swell up inside of her. The dam that was containing her delight burst and she suddenly trapped Nagito in a tight embrace, squeezing him until he was pale, even for his usual white skinned complexation 
-”Nagito....” She muttered, her delicate voice a bit muzzled from her face buried in the green fabric of his jacket. She pulled back, playing with a red hoodie string before turning to lock her eyes with her boyfriend’s green orbs. The hopeful beam that Nagito adored so much on the ultimate’s face shone even brighter. He couldn’t help but run a lanky hand through her messy locks, affection painted on his sunny face
-”Thank you...” She managed to choke out, still trying to come to terms that Nagito was the perfect man. The perfect partner for her, at least. Yes, Nagito did have his flaws, his luck cycle, but he always tried his best to make up for his...complicated nature. And it was definitely worth it, seeing at the end of the day, he could build hope for the two of them from the despair he unintentionally (or sometimes intentionally) brought upon them. But it all worked out in the end, for the happy couple was still in their loving hug, holding each other in their arms
-Speaking of, still in Nagito’s arms, Eva was brought to the couch, sitting down near the other boxes that contained small presents of hope (as Nagito liked to call his unprompted offerings). The infamous luckster rested his face on his fist, eager to see his hope’s expression as she one-by-one went through the presents that he worked so hard to prepare for her. After all, nothing was too good for his hope
-What could these gifts be? Was it really a surprise that a good amount of these presents were movie DVD’s, manga, broadway charm bracelets, and notebooks covered with glittery covers decorated in gold star stickers? Eva was known for being the ultimate actress, after all! She loved watching movies as much as she enjoyed starring in them. Part time, Nagito noticed her love for anime and writing showing through her side hobbies. He couldn’t help but snicker a bit, seeing a giddy actress flip through the pages of the new Black Butler manga
-”You really like them?” Nagito asked his girlfriend, scooting closer to her. All Eva did was hug him once again, nodding rapidly. She was too in shock from all the kind gestures her boyfriend showed through his actions. It wasn’t a secret he was big on praises and compliments, but Nagito’s other love language, gift-giving, was just as fluent as his verbally admiration. Still, surprising his lover in gifts wasn’t something new to the couple. In fact, it was quite often that it wouldn’t have been consider a surprise at this point. Still, the marshmallowed haired man never fazed to amaze Eva 
-”I’ll take that as a yes,” He let out another laugh, cuddling his skinny frame close his hope. Eva rested her head upon his shoulder, wanting to stay in this position forever. But they knew that they have to spend the day together and cherish another great morning by making the most of it
-”Come on, my hope. How about I order some breakfast for us and you pick out a movie?” He offered, already seeing Eva reach for Avengers: Endgame. The actress flashed a grin at him, leaning to peck his cheek as a subtle signal of agreement
-”You always know how to start off a great morning, babe,” She winked, earning a pink blush on Nagito’s face, as he reached for the phone
-Yep. Mornings with Nagito was almost always something special 
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
(HC) RFA + MC in Quarantine
Listen lads, this is just a silly I wrote this the other day (I may have been a little but tipsy but shh) and I thought I might as well share it. I hope this cheers some of you up during such a scary time <3
★ okay this is gonna sound obvious
★ but bare with
★ G A M E S
★ but!!! not just LOLOL!! oh no no!
★ i’m talking board games, PC games, active games like tag and hide and seek
★ you guys basically act like children how are you surviving on your own
★ you guys also do LOADS of cooking
★ like so much
★ you’re baking like one cake a day pls slow down
★ ngl you guys are thriving staying home all the time lol
★ if Yoosung has online classes, you set up a study club!
★ he does his college work whilst you do whatever work you gotta do boo love that tEAMWORK
★ honestly you guys have never been so productive oop
❤︎ oh boy
❤︎ be prepared to be SMOTHERED in love
❤︎ zen i love you too but pls i have stuff to do
❤︎ m o v i e  n i g h t s
❤︎ f a c e  m a s k s
❤︎ there are so many movies/tv series that you guys have been waiting to watch together but haven't had time to bc of zen’s work
❤︎ big sad :(
❤︎ it usually turns into make out sessions but shh nobody has to know
❤︎ Zen kinda discovered that you guys c a n n o t cook
❤︎ so!!! you learn!!!
❤︎ it’s MESSY y’all
❤︎ “aw mc you look so cute with flour on your nose” throws flour at your face “zen i sWeaR tO GoD I just wanna make b r e ad leave me ALONE”
 ❤︎ quality couple time <3
☞  lets get down to business
☞ to defeat
☞ lol JK
☞ seriously the house has never been cleaner
☞ obvs your cafe isn't open so y’all have some time on your hands
☞ one day Jaehee suggests gardening
☞ oh man
☞ it escalated
☞ gardening has now become an OBSESSION
☞ honestly you couldn't find a prettier garden on pinterest swear down
☞ you also decided to renovate the house you’ve been meaning to do it but have never had the time
☞ your house is now a work of art wow proud of you guys <333
☞ tbh, Jaehee actually has a small fear of getting sick/you getting sick so you guys are only leaving the house if it is a b s o l u t e l y necessary
♚ nobody talk about the bad ending
♚ i said don’t…
♚ he’s be waiting for this moment who needs a cage when you have a national lockdown
♚ all jokes aside though this man still has to work from home
♚ poor bby
♚ let us all shed a tear for Jumin Han
♚ you love to bring him tea and homemade baked goods whilst he works and guess what??? so does he lol
♚ it is time
♚ to D A N C E
♚ this man is so extra oml
♚ insists on taking online ballroom dance lessons bc why not MC hmmm???
♚ he is actually a very good dancer
♚ once you guys get good enough it turns into spontaneous ballroom dancing in the kitchen whilst you clean up after dinner
♚ wine??? wine did you say??? W I N E???
♚ oh b o y
♚ you've seen each other tipsy before, and lemme tell ya it takes a lot to get this man drunk
♚ his tolerance is so high from all the w i n e
♚ but one night you two get absolutely HAMMERED like oh my God guys calm down pls
♚ rip your liver lmao
♚ it makes for a v e r y funny evening though you guys have literal tears in your eyes and its so nice to see the mighty Jumin Han loosen up a little aw bless
☀︎ okay
☀︎ listen
☀︎ this man is absolutely out of control i can’t
☀︎ you thought he was a prankster before???? oh man i am so sorry
☀︎ “saeyoung why is there a balloon above saeran’s door” “don’t worry bout it babe” “i am WORRYING SAEYOUNG”
☀︎ on a serious note though being stuck in the house does sometimes bring back some bad memories for him
☀︎ there are some bad days where he just n e e d s to get out
☀︎ so you sometimes go out for a quick drive in some desert place ya know let’s be sensible
☀︎ you guys have also made a habit of climbing to the roof and watching the stars aw
☀︎ you’ve also both fallen a sleep there a few times oopsy daisy
☀︎ the memes are the only thing getting you guys through at this point it’s a problem
☀︎ but you are loving the quality time with your choi boys so it’s not all bad <3
☀︎ family snuggles are a must
☀︎ a M U S T
☀︎ the desired s n u g g l e position is you sat on Saeyoung’s lap, your legs draped over Saeran’s lap and Saeran’s head resting on Saeyoung’s shoulder AW
☀︎ sometimes you hold Saeran’s hand whilst he’s asleep bc your edgy boi needs love but wont ask for it ever
❁ first of all
❁ a w
❁ this man is the sweetest peach
❁ he makes so many cute things for you whilst you guys are in lockdown
❁ i mean he’s writing letters, knitting you scarves, painting you pictures the whole shebang
❁ he even made you a pyjamas
❁ he’s sewing guys he’s out of control
❁ if your working/reading/just having a quiet moment he will sketch you
❁ you wouldn't know it though bc he’s a s n e a k y bastard
❁ he’s never filled a sketchbook so fast and it’s his most treasured possession
❁ a book!!! filled with YOU!!!!! amazing!!!!!!
❁ wait, did you hear that????
❁ oh yeah
❁ actual children
❁ even if what you make is terrible its just so fun because you're doing it together
❁ brb just crying my eyes out i love this man so much
❁ you guys also make care packages and do the grocery shopping for the elderly/at risk people in your area and deliver it for them AND sewing scrubs/masks for doctors
❁ “I don’t want to stay inside doing nothing all the time when there are people who need help” THIS MAN IS TOO MUCH
☽ i hope you're ready for this grumpy motherfucker
☽ he never went outside anyway but now that he cant go out it sounds like the best thing in the world saeran pls
☽ ah yes it is time to wake up
☽ oh it’s 4pm?????
☽ HA who needs a sleep schedule anyway
☽ also Saeyoung is not the only twin with the Mischief Gene™
☽ oh no no no
☽ you two team up and absolutely destroy him
☽ i am so sorry Saeyoung but you had this coming
☽ when Saeran says that he wants to learn an instrument you are GOBSMACKED
☽ he orders a keyboard and omg he’s such a fast learner
☽ probs from all the years of hacking ouch
☽ do i smell??? A FAMILY BAND?????
☽ you and Saeyoung play kazoo
☽ Saeran has left the chat
☽ seriously though his piano playing is so pretty and it calms him down so much ughhh PRECIOUS TOMATO BOI
This is so chaotic hahahah I hope you enjoyed though. If people liked it I’ll do some more silly things like this. It was a nice break from...the other stuff I’m writing...hint hint watch this space ;)
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader, Loki, Steve Rogers, OC Vera
Warnings: Fluff.. Idk let me know if I’m forgetting something :)
Series Masterlist
Part 5
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Today I was gonna go to Coney Island. Haven’t been before it was some kind of theme park. I had just picked out a green dress to wear. Any moment now Bucky would come and pick me up. And I heard a knock on the door. It must be him. I gathered myself and walked over towards the door. Taking a glance in the mirror that was next to the door, checking if everything was in place and it was. I was excited to see Bucky again even though I had just seen him. I loved being around him. I don’t know how else to describe it, but he felt like home. Bucky was my home. I reached for the door and went to open it with a big smile excited to see him. But my smile immediately dropped. It was Loki. “Hello, Love.” He said as he invited himself in. “Loki I kinda got to go. So..” I told him as I pointed towards the door with my thumb. “Right. Your going on a date with that Midgardian.” He said with some slight disgust. “Bucky, and I’m a Midgardian too smart ass.” He smirked at that. “The best one there is.” He told me and I narrowed my eyes at that. “What do you want?” I asked him. 
“Nothing I just have something you might want. Vera sent this addressed to you.” He held it up, but gave it to me immediately, not playing some weird game he usually does. So I raised an eyebrow at him. “What?” He asked like he didn’t know how he usually acted. “You’re being nice.” I noted. “Well.. Am I not allowed to be nice?” I crossed my arms at that. “Usually you don’t act nice.” I went on to say. “Usually I trick people.” “So this is a trick?” I asked him. He stepped closer towards me. “Love, I could never fool you.” I uncrossed my arms and looked at the envelope. “Did Vera write you something? I that why you’re being nice. You like her right?” I asked him. “She is tolerable, But not as tolerable as-..” And there was a knock. Bucky. I put the envelope on the table and walked towards the door eager to open it.
As I opened it there was Bucky. In a nice suit. A very nice suit. “You look handsome. I thought we were going to Coney Island. Am I underdressed?” I asked him looking at my dress. “No, we’re going to Coney Island. And you look beautiful doll.” He said as he kissed my cheek. Then he put his hand forward that was behind his back to show me some flowers he had gotten me. Roses. Pink roses. “Ahww, this is so sweet, Bucky. You didn’t have to do that.” I told him as he handed me the flowers. I walked back in the room to put them in some water. Behind me I heard short words of hello being exchanged between Bucky and Loki. 
“Alright. I’m ready to go.” I told Bucky as I grabbed his left hand and walked out of the apartment. “Bye Loki.” I said not looking back.
Bucky had been so sweet the entire night to me. He won me a stuffed animal. We went on the carousel together. Steve had been there also, but he had been kinda avoiding us for some reason. I felt like I did something, but I didn’t know what. As Bucky was trying to win me another stuffed animal I stood a little closer to Steve. “Is everything ok?” I asked him. I really hope I didn’t do anything wrong. “What? No. Why would you think that?” He asked me. “Well, you have been kinda avoiding us since we got here.” I noted as a matter of fact. “Sorry I didn’t mean to-..” “Don’t apologize. Here I’m gonna win you a stuffed animal.” I interrupted to make light of the situation. I gave Steve the stuffed animal I had been holding and walked over next to Bucky. You had to shoot the ducks that were moving. Bucky was really good a few were already down. 
“Sir! Can I have a turn?” I asked the man that was behind the counter. He gave me a look. Most likely because not a lot of women do these. He was hesitant, but when I showed him I got money he gave me the gun. Bucky turned towards me. “You’re gonna win me a stuffed animal?” He asked with a smirk. “No, I’m gonna win Steve one.” I said as I was about to hold up the gun. “Alright here. This is how you do-..” He started as I started shooting at the duck and hit it. “You don’t need my help.” He noted smiling. The guy behind the counter was perplexed, not seeing a lady do this before. I had hit all of the ducks and got to choose the biggest stuffed animal. “That one I said.” It was a giant monkey. “Here you go Steve.” I said as I handed him the stuffed animal. It was almost as big as he was. “Thanks y/n. That was awesome.” He said laughing.
After that we moved on to walk around the park. In the distance I saw a phot booth. “We need to do that!” I exclaimed. “I’m pretty sure you don’t have any pictures of me.” I told Bucky. I grabbed his arm and almost dragged him towards the booth. “Slow down doll. We’re losing Steve.” He said laughing. In the distance it looked like there was a big monkey jumping around. I laughed at that. “He’ll catch up.” I said as we went to sit down inside the booth. “Alright. Four pictures. What should we do?” He asked. “Lets be spontaneous.” I said as I put the money in. For the first picture I put my head on his shoulder and smiled. The second I looked up at him smiling. The third I kissed him on his cheek. And the fourth he held my chin and kissed me on my lips. “Do you think they came out nicely?” He asked. “They came out perfect.” Already more happy about the moment than anything else. I got out of the booth, Bucky following behind me. I took the picture and looked at it. “I love them.” I said handing them over to Bucky. “Now its our turn.” I told Steve as I dragged him in the booth with the giant stuffed animal. The first picture I put up bunny ears and Steve put up bunny ears behind the monkey. The second I pushed the monkey to the ground to get it out of the way. The third is us laughing at my aggressiveness towards the monkey. And the fourth is us sticking out our tongues at the camera. “Perfect.” I said as I got out of the booth with Steve. Bucky was still staring at the pictures we just took. “You like them that much, huh?” I asked him. “I love them.” He said. Steve came up and showed me the pictures of us. They were really cute. “So where to now?” I asked them. “Lets go in that ride.” Bucky said as he started dragging Steve with him. “I’m not going in there. That will mess up my hair. You go.” I told Bucky and he nodded taking Steve with him.
Before the ride started Bucky was talking a lot. It almost looked like he was freaking out about something. I was very tempted to listen in, but I decided to not do it. Even though I was very curious.
After that ride it was time for us to go back home, Steve had thrown up because of the ride. Which for some reason made Bucky freak out in a not normal way. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why.
In the apartment Steve went straight to bed and took his monkey with him. Bucky looked very nervous. “Are you ok?” I asked him. “Yes? Why?” He said unsure of himself. “Well, for a start. First Steve looked really uncomfortable when we got to the park. Then it seemed like you were more freaked out by Steve throwing up at the park. Aaannddd. Your hands are shaking.” I said trying to figure out what was going on. I put the stuffed animal down on the couch and walked over to him. “Are you sure nothing is wrong?” I asked him again. He sighed. “Actually.. Alright, here goes nothing.” He took my hands which seemed to calm the shaking down. “Bucky?” I asked him. “I have been wanting to ask you this. For a while actually. From the moment I met you.. It felt like you had been in my life for as long as I could remember. It feltlike I loved you for a long time. And then two weeks later, when I saw you again, I knew.. I knew I wanted to be with you I wanted to love you, take care of you... Marry you. When I’m around you I feel like everything falls into place, like the world is right. And I would be a fool if I didn’t ask you this.” I was not expecting this. My heart was pounding so fast and loud I was afraid Bucky could hear. “Now I don’t have a ring. And I can’t offer you a lot. But I can promise you that I will love you and will fight for our love until I take my last breath. I promise.” Bucky went down on one knee. I felt one tear fall down me cheek. I took a deep breath. “Y/n Ironside, Will you marry me?” I went down on my knees and kissed him deeply. “Yes! I’ll marry you! I love you!” Bucky put his arms around me holding my tightly against his chest. “I love you y/n.” He told me.
Waking up for the first time in a long time I felt like I was truly living. I am Bucky’s fiancé now. I was looking at our hands that were intertwined. Me holding his hand felt like everything was right in the world again. It felt peaceful. I looked up and saw that Bucky was still fast asleep from the night we had. But I decided to get up and make him some breakfast, even though it felt so comfortable with him in bed. I quietly got out of bed and got a shirt from his closet to wear.
As I walked out of Bucky’s bedroom I saw Steve sitting at the kitchen table. “Good morning Steve.” I said cheerfully. “Good morning.” He said with a knowing smile. “Congratulations.” He said. “Thank you! How did you know?” I asked him curious. “We share the same wall.” He told me looking at his notebook in front of him. My eyes shot to him and I felt my cheeks getting red. “I’m so sorry Steve.” I said, that is embarrassing. “Don’t worry about it.” He laughed awkwardly. I needed to chance this awkward subject now. “So what are you doing in that notebook?” I asked him as I got some coffee. “This.” He said as he held up the notebook towards me. I turned towards him to look at what he made. “My ring?” I asked him. “Yes.” He smiled. “It looks good.” I told him as I went on to make the coffee. Walking past Steve to grab some cups I glanced at the drawing again, but a little too long maybe. “Is it accurate?” He asked me, probably wondering why I was looking for so long at the drawing. “It is.. It’s just.. It looks very similar to.. Never mind.” It looked similar to the drawing I got before I got sent back in time, but that doesn’t make any sense. “No what?” Steve pried on. “Well.. Someone once gave me a drawing like that as well.. I just looks very similar. Almost like a copy.” I laughed. I was impressed. Steve was a good drawer.
“Good morning.” Bucky said as he walked into the kitchen giving me a kiss. Steve and I said both our good mornings and I finished making our coffee. “What do you want to do today?” Bucky asked me. “Well I gotta go back to the hotel and get a change of clothes. After that I’m all yours.” I told him as I sat down on one of the chairs. “Alright. Let me get dressed and I’ll take you there. I also got to get a few things from the grocery store. After that I can pick you up again?” I nodded my head.
When I got back to the hotel I quickly took a shower and got ready for Bucky to pick me up again. I just put my hair up and put on a yellow Summer dress. I was looking for my white bag that would go nicely with the dress. Walking around the hotel room I was looking everywhere. In my closet, under the bed, the bathroom, the seating area, but of course I skipped the most obvious part of them all. The table by the door. It was right there. I looked to see if I got all my things in there that I would need for the day until I saw in the corner of my eye the letter from Vera. “Shoot, I totally forgot.” I said to myself. I put my purse under my arm holding it like that and opened the letter.
Dear Y/n Ironside,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing you this letter in ask of help as Y/n, not as Ævi. I have been dreading putting this to words, because I have not yet accepted what has happened. 
The Germans have come to Borgheim and have taken over. This has cost a lot of pain and loss. We lost our fight and we lost a lot of people. My husband and Else have lost their lives because of this.
The last time I felt this alone was when I left Kattegat by myself. But Now I am asking you as an old friend to please be here. I miss you deeply and hope you are doing well y/n.
I closed my eyes Imagining the horrible things she had to endure, while I was here. Ignoring the fact that there is a war going on. How stupid am I. I felt bad by how happy I was here. I felt bad I was even forgetting that there was a war. I might not be able to change certain things in history, but I could’ve helped people where ever I could. I need to go back to Norway. 
How am I gonna tell Bucky this..
Let me know what you think :)
Let me know if you wanna be tagged!
@darkdragonphoenix @toribentleyva​
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lightskinrry · 4 years
no wedding for the bad boys
The one where the bachelor’s party doesn’t go according to the plan
A/N: hello cuties,,, after not writing for a while im back with some angsty shit!!!! i hope you guys like it and don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with me about this mess!!
Word Count: 5k
TW: a loooooot of alcohol; gambling and ANGST.
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One of the things you liked so much about being the single friend was that you were always the one to keep the party alive. And now you were about to birth the best party of all times. Your best friend was getting married in two weeks and you were in charge of the bachelor’s party.
And with great power comes great responsibility, you had to plan everything and keep it a surprise. And if there was one thing you sucked at; it was keeping secrets, especially from Harry. He always had his way with you; it was hard keeping anything from him.
You couldn’t quite believe he was getting married. You watched him grow from a horny teenager to a beautiful and inspiring man. You saw him give his first concert in his mom’s living room and then watched him sold out arenas around the world.
You gave him his first kiss and helped him cheat his math tests and now you were his best-woman at his wedding. You helped him break up with his exes, held him while he cried, bringing him tequila and ice cream on bad days, making him laugh once the tears dried away. And he always did the same for you. And now you were gonna be by his side like you’ve always been on the most beautiful day of his life.
You had your little reluctance towards his future spouse. She was a beautiful and independent woman but you felt like you couldn’t see through her. Maybe because she entered into your lives not so long ago and you needed more time to get her. You could tell she didn’t like you much, anyway.
They’ve been together for less than a year and Harry “commitment issues” Styles proposed to her, to everybody’s surprise; even his own.
His mom tried to tell him that he had to be sure before pulling out such a great move. But he was so infatuated, it was too beautiful to bring him back to reality.
You didn’t want to interfere anyway so when he told you, despite your surprise and little bitterness; you supported him like a good friend.
He seemed so happy and into her, you didn’t want to let him know you didn’t trust his future wife or that to you all of this seemed premature. You also didn’t want your own feelings to balance his.
Anyway, you started planning the party ahead of time and everything was going rather well. Miss (future) Styles gave you some instructions and rules to follow regarding the party because Harry said you could do anything you wanted except if she wasn’t okay with it. So no strippers, no hookers, no clowns. Who would even bring a clown to a bachelor party? Well it seemed she didn’t want that anyway. She also said not too much alcohol and no drugs. She could’ve just tell you to cancel the party at that extent. But you had to give in to her commands...
Looked like you were about to organize a tea party for elderly people… Literally, bring out the cucumber sandwiches and put milk in your tea like these old rich british dudes.
You had to find a way to make a real bachelor party. Something huge and iconic; something legendary. You planned on giving Harry a Barney’s worthy type of party.
You thought about every outcomes that could make his future wife freak out. So you decided instead of staying too close to her, why not make a spontaneous move.
You met with the groomsmen and basically all yours and Harry’s friends that would be attending the party to make sure everyone was in with the plan and obviously said nothing to Harry.
You kept the secret until d-day.
You were waiting for him, wearing your red suit, in the lobby. “Harry, we’re leaving now, man. If you’re not out that door in 2, we’ll celebrate your party without you.”
He rushed through the hallway. “I’m right here. Ready to party like I’m already seventy.”
You told him about his bride-to-be restrictions concerning the party so he didn’t expect anything crazy. “No worries, baby. You still look young.”
It was a short ride to his favorite restaurant. You were driving, screaming-singing the lyrics to Got To Be Real and he was singing with you, taking breaks in his track to laugh with you. You parked in his usual spot and walked through the door, all your friends already sitting at the table, cheering when they saw the two of you walking in.
“Ah! Here he is! The man of the night!” Jeff stood to welcome Harry to the table.
You both took a sit and order a few drinks.
The evening went fast, you had great dinner, shared cuban cigars, good alcohol and had the best chocolate cake. Everything was moderate just like Tania asked; a fancy dinner in a fancy restaurant, not too much alcohol and nobody blacked out.... yet.
Harry stood, raising his glass to make a toast. “Thank you guys so much for tonight. I know we wanted to throw a rock’n’roll party…” He gave you a sly look. “But I appreciate that you took the time and care to give me a real grownup bachelor party.” He laughed a little. “I love you guys. I feel so lucky to have friends like you. So supportive and thoughtful. Thank you.”
All of you cheered on him. And one by one all of your friends left, claiming to be going home to their spouses. You and Harry were the last one to leave the restaurant. You stood next to the car, as Harry thanked the staff, waiting for him to come to you.
“So… I have a little surprise for you.” You gave him a sneaky smile.
“Oh god, this cannot be good.”
You smiled and pulled out a blindfold out of your pocket. He shook his head. “No. No. No. That doesn’t look good at all.”
You giggled and insisted. “C’mon. It’s your bachelor party. I promise it’s going to be fun but not too much.” You smiled. “Do you trust me?”
He sighed loudly… “Fine, Y/N. You better not throw me in the back of a truck or some kidnapping bullshit like that.”
You scoffed. “No worries.”
He closed his eyes and you put yourself behind him, placed the blindfold on his face and smiled contentedly. “Good. Now just follow me, baby. I got big plans for you.”
He laughed nervously and turned around to face you. “I feel like I might die tonight. But you know what? I trust you and your fucking crazy ideas. I knew you couldn’t just stop at dinner party and cigars.”
You gave him your best evil laugh and directed him to his seat in the car. You placed yourself in the driver seat, put on your playlist and drove.
After about 30 minutes driving and Harry complaining about the blindfold, you pulled over in the parking lot. You directed Harry through the airport, up until the gate of the plane. There all of your friends were waiting silently, smiling slyly.
“I can’t believe you convinced him.”
Harry turned around on himself. “Mitch?”
All your friends cheered to let him know they were all here.
“Fuck, so that was a group plan, huh? What did she convinced me to do? Because I can tell we’re in a airport, I’m not deaf and this is a bad plan, I can already tell. This is a bad plan.”
You all laughed and you gently stroked Harry’s shoulder. “Harry, when did I ever put you in a bad situation?”
“That time in Atlanta when we ended up-”
“This never happened. It was a fever dream. You know I would never put you in a bad situation.” You cut him in his track, remembering the misadventure.
“What about that night in NYC last year? I remember that basement, Y/N.”
“This wasn’t a bad situation, just a plan that kinda failed.”
He giggled before turning around again. “Okay, so what’s the plan that will most certainly fail today?”
“You get your ass on that plane and you’ll see!”
Harry sighed but with the help of everyone, he got on the plane. You took the blindfold off him and made sure to keep him busy during the flight.
After the pilot announced the destination, you watched Harry’s soul leave his body.
“Vegas? Fucking Vegas? You guys are all mad. Mad men. Does Tania even know?”
All of you gave him a big smile and said “Surprise!” in harmony.
“She doesn’t know. We’ll call her later. Just relax, mate.” Tom smiled at Harry and laid back in his seat.
Harry leaned in your ear and whispered. “She’s going to kill both of us, you know that?”
“Then we’ll both die after the best party of our lives.”
The flight was fun. You guys chattered and laughed. Harry was finally relaxing and giving into the mood. You couldn’t wait until you land to show him all you planned for tonight. But mostly all you didn’t plan; the best nights you spent with Harry were the ones that started without a plan. The ones that were supposed to be chilling at home. Actually even chilling at home turned into the best night. That was the thing; even the most boring shit can be amazing if you’re with the right people.
After landing and getting down from the plane, you lead Harry and all your friends to where the party was at; everywhere. You were painting the town red tonight.
You started with a few drinks in the lobby of the hotel, making your way downtown to a Casino just for the sake of being in Vegas, then you moved to a ballroom where a 30s theme party was going on. You sipped on Martinis and Manhattans until the fancy drinks were getting boring so you moved the group to a grunge club. Everybody was dancing and drinking and whatever else they found amusing. You could tell everyone was having fun, especially Harry.
Around 2AM some girl proposed to your group to come to her place cause she was throwing an after-party.  And obviously, everyone followed because following drunk strangers is fun.
You ended up at her place; all of y’all in a tiny apartment with some trash music and cheap alcohol, dancing and screaming until the neighbors called the cops for disturbance. So everyone, as drunk (and high for some) as they were, started leaving and running when the pigs showed up. You rolled with Harry, running through the night in the neighbourhood, laughing and breathing loudly.
“Fuck! I knew this was gonna end badly!” Harry laughed at you while reaching to grab your hand so you could run as fast as he did. You tightened your grip around his hand once you had it and ran to a dark corner.
You placed your hands on your knees and sighed, breathing deeply. “It could’ve been worse. The pigs could’ve arrested us.”
“I’m pretty sure my negotiation skills would’ve gotten us out anyways.”
You scoffed. “Your white ass face would’ve been enough, baby.”
He laughed and grabbed your hands to keep going further away from the girl’s house and the police car. You both were too drunk to even think correctly about where to go. You sent a text to the groupchat asking if everyone was okay and to meet up at the hotel.
But neither you or Harry could tell what way to go so you walked for a little while, stopping by any bar you came across  to get another drink.
You walked for about an hour and you were finally heading back into the city center. Your feet hurt so you stopped in a little park next to a Casino and a crappy motel.
You sat your ass down on a bench and grabbed Harry’s hand to make him sit next to you. He sighed and sat. You watched the sky for a little while.
“The stars look like a bunch of beans. Like a shit ton of beans flying above us.”
You laughed at his drunken comment. “Yep, a sky full of fucking beans.”
You both started singing the Coldplay’s song in harmony but replacing stars with beans all the way through the chorus and cracking up in laughter everytime you emphasize the word ‘beans’.
Harry took a long breath after his giggle and sighed. “Fuck, I’m gonna miss this.”
You looked at him for a second. “What do you mean?”
“Having fun with you like that. I’m gonna miss it.”
“But none of us is going anywhere?” You were pretty confused about his statement.
“Tania wants to settle in Los Angeles.” He turned his head to look at you. “And you know… You’re not…in Los Angeles, you. You’re not.”
You didn’t expect that. You thought if Harry was to ever settle somewhere it’d be in London. “You mean you’re gonna spend all your free time in LA? Fucking LA? Drinking grass smoothies all the time?”
He chortled at your comment. “It seems like that’s the plan.”
You stayed silent for a few minutes, taking the information in. It felt worse than a breakup; you were losing your best-friend and without even knowing it, you threw the goodbye party.
“So you’re really going to marry her and move and we’ll never see each other again?”
Obviously alcohol made it all even more dramatic to you; it was an overwhelming emotion.
“Not never again…”
“C’mon, you know damn well what happens when longtime friends part sides! We’ve watched How I Met Your Mother together!”
He chuckled and then took a deep breath. The air was suddenly heavier, and all the alcohol in your blood was making it hard to keep the focus on the serious conversation.
“We should do one last crazy ass thing together. It’s not like we’re gonna remember it anyway!” Harry pointed the casino with his head.
“You mean blow all of our money on bets and shots of patron?”
“Yep, that’s exactly what I mean.”
You didn’t check your phone as it rang in your pocket and followed up behind Harry running towards the Casino.
You took a last round of shots in the lobby. And you started shouting at Harry, your glass in the air. “You know what? I just remembered you’re getting fucking married, dude! Married? Fucking married. I can’t believe I’m gonna say this but fuck this bitch you’re engaged to.”
Harry laughed and shouted back. “Hey! I’m already fucking this bitch I’m engaged to!”
You cracked up in a laugh. “Noooooo! I mean she sucks! She wants to take you away. Awaaaaaaay.” You hiccuped and took a breath.
“I’m in love with you. I’ve been since like fifth grade or whatever.” You chugged down the rest of your glass.
Harry stopped for a second, he placed his glass on the bar. “Wow. That’s a revelation.”
He giggled and took a sip of his tequila. “I’ve been in love with you since like….. That time in third grade when you punched me in the chin cause there was a bee on me….”
“Oh fuck! I remember…. Your lip bled so much.” You let a little laugh slip through your lips. The alcohol in your blood made you lose sense of the importance of the words you just shared with Harry and what he shared back. And you thought for a second that maybe it was just drunk talk but the stupid smile you couldn’t get off your face reminded you the truth of it: it was going to stink in the morning.
After making sure both of you got enough drinks, you led him in the Casino and stopped at the first roulette table.
“Okay.” You looked at Harry. “What’s the bet though? Cause I will be putting money on something I have no idea how to play.”
“Well if I win, then you have to elope with me.”
“Oh shit.” You took a deep breath. “Fair, but if I win, we are eloping this motherfucker together.”
He scoffed. “Looks like we’re eloping tonight… That word is fucking weird, though. Eloping.”
“Who cares about the word! I’m betting on number 22 and 15. What about you baby?”
Harry took a look at the roulette for a second, placed the cash he had in his pocket on the table. “22;15.” He looked at you with a smug smile.
The dealer spinned the wheel and revealed the winning number. “22. You win.”
You collected your payout with Harry, left a big tip to the server and ran out the Casino to find a chapel.
“This is going to be so bad!!” You laughed out while running with Harry.
“Like every plan you’ve ever put me into.”
You stopped in front of the chapel at the back of the crappy motel.
“I don’t want to get married to Tania… She’s amazing. I love her so much. But it’s so boring. So boring. I want stupid plans and crappy basements party and casinos and unexpected flights and I want to be able to say when I’m 78 and I don’t have no hair left and I smell like old shoes and cheese that I married my best friend and I never regretted anything.”
“You’re being too fucking deep, Harry. There’s a Madonna drag as the officiant in this chapel. You are going to regret this.”
He chuckled before taking your hand. “We, Y/N. We are going to regret this.”
You took a step into the chapel, glanced at Harry’s face to be met with a big smile and his drunken eyes. “Fuck this, I guess?”
You woke up with a terrible headache, your eyes could barely open because the light was too bright in the room. There was a weird smell of old alcohol, carpet and coconut air freshener. You opened your eyes fully only for your vision to be blurry as hell, the ceiling was moving and your head was so heavy, you couldn’t lift it up. You tried to look around you, seeing pulled up green sheets over your naked body and what seemed to be the curves of someone laying next to you. You felt a rumbling in your stomach and that’s the moment you knew; you had to get up…. because you were going to throw up.
You rushed to the bathroom and closed the door behind you. After emptying your stomach, you sat on the floor for a few seconds. The bathroom was small and poorly lit with a little window over the bathtub. You stood up and washed your face, taking the time to look at yourself in the dirty old mirror over the sink. Your hair was a mess and your make up was smudged. You had a huge hickey on your neck and little ones following down to your chest. You got out of the bathroom, holding your head and stumbling slightly. The room was clear since the curtains were pulled, you peaked at who was sleeping in the bed and found Harry, draped in the sheets peacefully snoring. You swallowed the gulp in your throat; this wasn’t good. You checked your phone and to no surprise you had a shit ton of missed calls and texts from your group of friends. Some asking if you’re okay, others where you’re at and some insulting you for not answering.
You gently shook Harry’s body. “Wake up.” He moaned before pulling back the covers to his face. You tugged on them to uncover him, leaving his chest bare. “Wake up, Harry.”
He groaned and turned around to lay on his back, his face turned to the ceiling. “What time is it?”
“It’s almost 9.” He turned to face you, opening slightly his eyes to peek at you. “You’re naked.” He nonchalantly said. You blushed for a second pulling the covers off him to cover yourself. He looked down to himself. “I’m naked, too.”
A floating silence lasted a few seconds before Harry jumped out of bed to find his underwear. “I’m naked! I’m naked. You’re naked. We’re in a bed. We’re in…. Where even are we?”
“In a motel somewhere in Vegas.”
“In Vegas?” His voice got two octaves higher. “Why are we in Vegas?”
“For your bachelor party, Harry. Stop freaking out.”
“Are you asking me not to freak out? We’re in a bloody crappy motel in Vegas and we’re both naked. I can’t remember what happened last night for the life of me and my head is killing me.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, putting his pants back on. You looked at his back and you could see slight scratches marks with the sun light. You started getting dressed too, as fast as you could. Harry grabbed his phone and started scrolling down. You heard him sigh loudly.
“The fuck we did last night, Y/N?”
“Wish I could give you an answer, Harry. All I remember is getting on the plane and then it’s a black hole.”
“Well…” He got up from the bed, wearing only his trousers. You watched his chest for a second, his tattoos and his glowing chest in the sunlight. You caught yourself staring at him; his shoulders, his chest hair, your glaze going down to his trail.
“Y/N?” Harry’s voice resonated.
“Did you hear what I said?” He tilted his head to the side and gave you a confused look.
“What did you say?” Your eyes lowered to the floor so that you would stop looking at him.
“I said I hope we didn’t do anything stupid. The wedding is next week. I have a stressed and very angry bride-to-be waiting for me at home and at the look of her texts, I’m in for a bad fight.”
You pinched your lips at the thought. What if you did something stupid? What if you messed up? It was already a stressful time for them. And you stewed in with a giant weekend party in Vegas when the instruction was clear: no big party.
“Let’s go find the others and finish our weekend.”
Harry scoffed as he picked up his shirt. “I’m going home. I’m sorry if I’m breaking the mood but I’m hopping on the next flight back to LA.”
You couldn’t quite figure out how to place the flashbacks from the weekend. It was already Monday and the wedding was in 6 days. You had flashes of a party in a small and unknown apartment and running in the streets with Harry and playing in a Casino but still nothing on how you got into the motel with him. Harry went back home on Saturday morning and from his voice message last night; he got quite into fight with Tania. She wasn’t happy at all with the Vegas plan but Harry reassured her and apparently everything was better today. You wondered if Harry remembered anything more than you, maybe he could fill in the blanks.
You knew the week was going to go fast and the wedding would be here sooner than you’d think, so you just hoped nothing unexpected would come back to you or him.
On Wednesday, you met up with Harry and the groomsmen for last minute check-ins for the wedding. You walked into the manor Harry reserved for the ceremony and as an obvious bad sign, Tania didn’t even said hello to you and avoided any eye-contact. You kinda wanted to apologize to her. After all, you did mess up a little bit.
“Hey guys.” You walked up to where your friends was.
“Hey Y/N. Did you pick up the ring from the jeweler?” Harry didn’t even look at you. He was signing some papers with the caterer and just asked the question without looking up.
“Yep. Got it right in the bag.”
Harry gave you a little look and you felt weird about it. It wasn’t his usual ‘thanks for doing the job’ look or anything tender. It was cold and almost professional.
You went over your check-ins with the groomsmen. You didn’t talk to Harry for the two hours you were there, not a word or a look. You knew something was off so once the work was done, you asked him to meet you in the bathroom.
You were standing next to the sink, checking your reflection when Harry walked in.
“Is there something wrong with the ceremony?” He asked bluntly.
“No.. Um… I just wanted… needed… to talk to you.”
“About?” He wanted to cut the conversation short and you hated this feeling in your stomach.
You sighed and smiled tenderly to him. “Well… How are you feeling? The big day is so close.”
“I’m feeling okay.” His answer was sharp but you were desperate to understand what was going on.
“Harry… What’s wrong? Why are you so cold?” You insisted.
He took a deep breath and closed the door behind him, making sure it’s locked.
“You know how I said I hope we didn’t do anything stupid in Vegas?”
“Yes.” You were confused about where he was going with that but it seemed bad.
“Well, we did something stupid.” His jaw clenched and you felt out of breath. “We did something so fucking stupid, Y/N.” You swallowed the gulp in your throat. “We fucked. I can’t even believe it. I don’t even remember how we ended up in that crappy fucking room. All I remember is how I had sex with….” He didn’t even look at you. “I cheated on my wife, before we even fucking got married.”
You couldn’t say anything, the images slowly came back to you.
“You have nothing to say, huh?”
Your ‘humour coping mechanism in stressful situations’ reflex kicked in at the wrong time. “Well, technically it’s not cheating, the bachelor party is a single man party.” You laughed nervously.
“It’s all your fault. We said no fucking party. No big stupid plans, but you had to go against our wishes because you’re so fucking selfish.”
You couldn’t say a word. You never seen Harry so mad at you before.
“Look, I’m sorry your dating life is such a mess. And that you can’t find anyone, but I did. I found someone. Someone amazing and then I fucked this shit up because you couldn’t go without one party.” He rapidly passed his hand through his hair, and sighed.
You felt anger boiling down in your stomach. Him being mad was comprehensible but it wasn’t all your fault.
“You fucked this shit up, yourself. I wanted to throw a fun bachelor party for my best friend. You wouldn’t have had sex with me if you didn’t wanted to. Because deep down, you know you don’t want this marriage. You don’t want to be stuck with Miss Boring Pants and spend the rest of your life here in LA, drinking grass smoothies and having to partake in her posh high standard life. You know that’s not what you want. You know it was premature to propose so soon in the relationship. You’re mad at yourself, Harry. Get a grip. You shouldn’t do this.”
It all slipped. You just couldn’t hold it in.
“I shouldn’t do what?” Harry’s face was red, his nostrils were open and the vein on his neck was popping. You could tell he was holding back the tears at the gate.
You took a deep breath and a calm voice. “Get married. You shouldn’t get married.”
He filled his lungs with air and exhaled loudly, trying to keep his composure.
“Listen carefully Y/N. You are nobody to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. What happened in Vegas was a drunken mistake and I won’t let it ruin the best day of my life. I won’t let you ruin the best day of my life. So here’s what’s going to happen. We’re going to go through the ceremony with no slips and then I’m moving to LA with Tania. And you, you move out of my life.”
Your heart sank to your stomach, and your face was boiling; the tears slowly gathering in your eyes.
“You don’t mean it.” Your voice was almost like a whisper.
“I do, Y/N. From now on, I just want to make sure this wedding is the perfect wedding Tania wants.”
He unlocked the door of the bathroom and left without looking back. You brought your hand to your chest as if it would soothe the pain and let the tears flow down your face. It couldn’t be real.
It was hard going on like nothing happened but if there was anything you could do right now was make sure you got your best-woman duties done. The wedding was tomorrow and you had to finish your speech. What would you even say? “To my ex-best friend, I wish you the best to you and your boring wife.” That sounds about right.
You were waiting for Jeff to come in with the last informations regarding the ceremony so that tomorrow everything goes according to the plan. You heard a knock on your door, you got up thinking Jeff came in early and opened up. A postman with a big envelope was standing there.
“Y/N  Y/L/N?” He asked, looking up from his notes.
“Yes, herself.”
He asked for your id and verified it. “That’s for you.” He handed you the enveloppe and after you took it, asked for you to sign the delivery papers.
You thanked him and got back inside. You sat on the sofa to open it, there was a Vegas postage on it and your heart missed a bit.
You slowly opened the envelope. Inside you found a marriage license legally binding you and Harry for life. You pinched your lips and took a deep breath. This was a mess, a huge mess.
How on point was this news? Good way to make sure his ceremony goes exactly like they planned when you’re going to come in and let them know they can’t get married anymore.
You sat back and tried to clear your mind.
You were officially married to Harry…. And Harry is about to actually get married tomorrow. This didn’t make much sense but you had to think of a solution and quick.
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the-second-tonks · 3 years
hey! i heard you are doing a really cool avengers game and i would like to participate!’🥳 i’m a straight female and here are some info about me
capricorn sun, libra moon and leo rising : ENFP/ ENTP i keep going back and fourth with those mbti types
i have medium length black wavy hair
i’m tan but not tan tan
people say i have expressive eyes lol
average height
likes and dislikes
socializing, i enjoy meeting new people and hangout out with others
i like science and social studies they r my favorite subjects in school. i also like art and pe
taking risks and big adventures
traveling, spontaneous activities and shopping lol
people who are always serious (although i like to push their buttons), no humor and dull
being restrained, underestimated
people not being nice to one another
people who can’t carry convos (it doesn’t bother me a lot but still)
i’m extroverted but can be a tiny bit shy
i like the hustle, and really passionate and determined - action oriented
im very humorous and witty and creative
people mistake my friendliness as flirting (but im a huge tease)
i like to see the big picture; and get carried away with multiple projects bc i may not finish them all.
i have a loud laugh
kinda competitive
in romance i like to keep switching from chasing my partner to them chasing me (just for the thrill)
i like hanging out with my friends/family, learning new stuff, cooking (i try), napping, playing sports (i try), biking, playing my flute and drawing.
fun facts about me
i’m left handed but can write with both hands
i can wiggle my nose without lifting my eyebrows
i can raise and wiggle both of my eyebrows
i kinda have a lot of stamina and could run fast
chat noir and rena rouge are my fav characters from mlb! i like their personality and their powers!
people say my personality is kinda like Black Cat from the Spider-man comics expect i lean more towards the heroic side hahah
i tend to fall for ENTJS, ISTJS, and ESTPS 😫😫
my comfort characters from marvel are peter, steve, rocket (the racoon, i think that’s his name), steve, ant man and groot
i’m a gryffindor
from the ship request, i believe you shipped me with peter parker/spider-man. but i’m also curious to se my secret admirer if that’s fine
and that’s it!! i tried to minimize but keep things precise at the best of my abilities! i hope it’s not too much and i’m excited to see my life if i were in the MCU!! have a great day and take care!! 🥳🥳💞💞
Hii! Okay , it's a bit more than medium , but it's fine ! Okay sure ! You also asked me to add you fall in love quickly and also your comfort character is thor . But again, the decoration is so beautiful !
Coming back to your ship .. thank you for participating !
Your power is
Super strength !
Wow wow . This is so good . Okay , I know you already have much stamina , but for your adventures and stuff , I guess you'll have this . From your birth . Yes . You'll be always the one who's oh so powerful and stuff . Your strength will give you popularity . Not just this , ofcourse you'll be one of the best additions in the team of Avengers . You'll always be the one who's compared to Steve . Let's face this , you might not be able to defeat him sometimes , but that doesn't mean you don't win . You would be a tad bit smarter than Steve and so , you might win many times .
Your life with the Avengers
You were the one who had like three sisters and two brothers . In-short , a big fat family . But in tug-of-war , you alone vs all of them , still you'd win with few efforts . Because you were born with super strength . All , everyone from the neighborhood used to ask you mother about your diet and activities , but it was just what normal people ate . Okay , now having supers strength didn't mean you were so bulky and stuff , you had toned body , perfect for a girl. You were often the one who stood in front of the bullies , and the bullies simply ran away because they know who you were. You were quite popular in your neighborhood , until a team member (Tony Stark) from the famously called Avengers , sent you a letter . He asked you to side with him in the civil war . You did , but you also met the boy called Spiderman , Peter Parker . You and hit off really well as soon as you both met . Fighting together through the war , you also encountered Wanda , who appreciated your bravery and smartness before you knocking you out (bonus - you were caught by Peter before you could hit your head to the ground ). Finally , from fighting saving the wizard on Tony Stark's orders to following Peter into the spaceship , you were now battling Thanos with Doctor Strange , Peter Parker , etc . Strongly standing against him , you were still fighting until you got knocked out . Waking up, you saw doctor strange giving the stone to Thanos , who disappeared. Everyone was fine now , but the situation was tense . Suddenly , people began disappearing . Your eyes travelled to Peter , your love , who was already looking at you . He stumbled , staggered and fell down , whispering how he was feeling. He simply gave you a full-of-love gaze and disappeared .
With a new hope and a bit excitement of the risk , you stood on the machine beside Thor , the cool guy . Soon , from going back in time with Thor and Rocket to fighting against Thanos again , you saw Peter enter through the hole . All alive and well. You knew it wasn't the right time to be emotional and so, you contained your excitement and continued to fight . Finally , after saving Tony Stark with your witty brains , science and help , you all returned back . Reuniting with Wanda , you talked about the severally things you both had missed out . Later but yes , the boy Peter , did find some courage to ask you out .
Your bestfriend would be
Wanda Maximoff !
"Wanda , forget it. You won't be able to do it" your competitive nature spoke as you tried to discourage (jokingly) your bestfriend Wanda . She had been trying to wiggle her nose without raising eyebrows to raising and wiggling both the eyebrows , just like you do . And all you were doing was laughing at her attempts . Okay , it was really funny . The weird crooked faces she made , oh lord . "Okay , I give up . I know I can't do this , but I definately can beat you in running " she huffed but spoke the last part smirking . "Without magic" you added , informing her not to cheat .
After the run , Wanda was lying on the floor , exhausted but you still had the energy to stand . Looking at her with a big smirk , you let out a friendly hand which she took . But she was yet not done friendly competiting you . She tried writing with both hands , again she ofcourse couldn't manage it . Then , she took the biking challenge (almost cheating in it) , the drawing challenge was just fun (because she drew you so wierd and kept laughing at it for full one hour ) , the cooking challenge (okay , she nearly won in it) to playing sport . At the end , your score was quite higher than her , but not to deny the day was fun . Cue you playing flute , that peaceful sound filling the house and soon , Wanda's loud snoring accompanies .
Your s/o would be
Peter Parker !
Your laugh echoed through the empty corridor as Peter ran in your direction . The boy , Flash Thompson excused himself on seeing Peter , your boyfriend . You smiled at Flash before turning to Peter and hugging the boy who was almost out of breath . "Hey Peter !" You chirped . "H-hi Y/N" he greeted back . You and him had decided to go on shopping after grabbing some of your cooked meal which he loved .
Walking to the table , you both sat on it . You slowly removed your tiffin and offered Peter , who smiled and picked up the first bite . Ordering you some food , you both were peacefully eating except for some disturbing glances from Flash Thompson , who not so secretly admired you and thought you deserved someone better than Peter , someone like He himself . After finishing the science class with Peter , you both set out for shopping. The complete while , during shopping , Peter was looking at you as if you were some princess . Ofcourse he did treat you like that , but you felt something off . As if this treating was much of lowering himself than hyping you .
When you both returned back to your house with full bags he was silent during the whole walk . He didn't laugh or blush at your teasing . You were shocked at his behaviour and seeing the bigger picture , you concluded that he was tired . But no , you missed the minor details . The way he kept looking between flash and you in the canteen , the way he was always looking around to see a girlfriend and boyfriend enjoying themselves and then letting his head drop with dejection and how he simply listened to your witty jokes and teasing . Finally , when you both sat on the couch to check out the dresses , you spoke "what's up spideyboy ? Something gor you tired?" . He simply smiled and continued to look through your dresses . But you knew that look. The broken look . Immediately you dropped the dresses and hugged him . As expected by you , he let it out . He cried . Balled his eyes out . "Y/N , I-i'm really s-sorry for th-this . B-but really , we bot-h know you fa-all in l-love pretty quickly-y . Mayb-be you-u made-e a m-mistake in m-my case. And m-maybe , y-you des-serve a g-guy lik-ke Thompson , wh-oo ca-an make you l-laugh and s-smile ." You shushed him and spoke "P , I do fall in love pretty quickly , but do you realise I've been in love with you for 7 years ..and everytime I think about you , just the thought is enough to make me smile " . He released you from the hug , confused . You replied "yes p , 7 years .. did you forget the five years of the blip?" .he smiled teared eye and spoke "We . Are going to New York . Tomorrow itself . Start packing" and with that , you hugged him again .
I hope you liked it !
Thank you for participating !
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halinski · 4 years
Cold Bones
I’ve finally found enough courage to start working on my goal to just write when I feel like writing... there’s a long road ahead of me but here, have some self indulgent sterek bc today i remembered that last year I found out I’m not the only one who gets unreasonably freezing cold when I’m really sad. I can be wearing 2 sweaters, have a blanket and be pressed up against a strong heater and I’ll still be shivering, teeth clattering and so so fucking cold, bc it’s a psychological thing, not physical whatsoever. I guess this is also kinda me implementing my mental health stuff into sterek -another goal :) 
comforting yourself when you’re sad is v important. allow yourself to hide in bed and hug your plushy, warm yourself up and wrap your blanket around you like a cape. it helps
sterek also helps :P hopefully there will be a lot more of these spontaneous writing sessions (and hopefully it won’t take a big glass of wine for me to do what I want and love to do, aka write (sterek))
Werewolves don’t get cold, everybody knows that.
Well, they don’t get cold as easily as humans do, at the very least. Something about their metabolism makes them more adaptable. Stiles hasn’t figured it out yet. All he knows is that he’ll be freezing his ass off in four effing layers, while Erica prances around in barely more than a spaghetti tank top over her bra. They’re all like living space heaters even in the dead of summer and Stiles is jealous.
He’d also like to be figuratively hot, thank you very much, but you don’t usually get what you wish for. Most times you don’t. That’s just life.
Either way, werewolves don’t get cold and Stiles knows that better than anyone else in the world -especially compared to humans who don’t even know that werewolves exist, for example- and so he’s stumped to find out that Derek even owns sweaters. He doesn’t say anything about it, though. Derek’s allowed to make whatever ridiculous fashion choices he wants. He even gets to make thumb hole sweaters look attractive rather than cutesy ridiculous, so yeah, Stiles doesn’t get a say in any of if because he’d be sure to put his foot in his mouth and that’s not tasty.
His concern does overrule his nagging crush when he notices that in fact, Derek sometimes does get cold. Stiles can’t really see if in any of the other pack member’s behaviors and he really doesn’t think it’s just because he sees Derek more than anyone else. It’s a thing. Derek wearing a sweater and wrapping himself up in a blanket and still pressing himself deep into the cushions and making himself small.
The worst part about it is that it happens in summer, too. So when Stiles walks into the loft on a warm day that warrants a t-shirt, and he sees Derek on the couch, hiding in a blanket that goes up to his ears and is actually shivering, he puts his foot down.
“Werewolves can’t catch human colds, but you must have your own, right?” he asks, as he makes his way to the kitchen.
“No,” Derek says softly, shaking his head. “We can’t get sick. Not unless we’re poisoned or something.”
“Right.” That doesn’t exactly lessen Stiles’ worries. It takes him a moment before he remembers that Derek doesn’t even have a kettle. Much less anything to use as a heating source.
He looks through all the cupboards anyway. And the closets. There’s nothing.
“I know you’re nosy but what are you doing?” Derek sounds tired and Stiles makes his way over, letting his gaze roam over the werewolf closely. Stiles would’ve expected more snark or resistance to his snooping. Sure, this is his second home now but it’s still primarily Derek’s.
He sits down on the coffee table opposite of the alpha -who doesn’t even say anything about this unmannerly behavior.
“You’re not coming down with something,” Stiles states but it sounds as unsure as he feels.
Derek shakes his head. Stiles bites his lip subconsciously before he lets himself lean forward to place a hand on his forehead.
Derek raises an eyebrow. “I’m fine, Stiles.”
Stiles wishes he could argue with that but… he doesn’t even know what Derek’s forehead normally feels like, let alone when he’s sick – or has been poisoned or whatever. He lets his hand fall.
“You don’t seem fine,” he counters. “You’re obviously low energy and fatigued and you look tired. How do you feel?”
Derek stares at him for a long time. Stiles almost gives up hope that he’ll answer. Then, Derek looks down and makes a little movement that could be a shrug but didn’t necessarily have to be classified as such.
“I am tired,” he then says quietly, pulling the blankets tighter in around himself.
Stiles doesn’t believe it for a moment, and waits.
Derek fidgets but stubbornly doesn’t say anymore.
“You better not lie to me, Hale.” Stiles sighs and leans backs a little to give him more space. “You’re not sick and you’re not poisoned?”
“I’m not. Just tired and a little cold. That’s all.” Now, Derek meets his eyes again.
Stiles believes him. But he knows something is still off. Nevertheless, he nods eventually.
“There’s no reason to worry.”
And that’s that.
The next day, Derek is fine. Just like the day after that. And the day after that.
Stiles almost forgets about it.
Until the day Derek schedules a pack meeting on the anniversary of Laura’s death. Stiles assumes maybe he wants to plan some sort reference, honor her memory, or something. Except there’s no mention of her whatsoever. Derek sits, poker faced in his chair, arms crossed- all business.
What tips Stiles off is that Derek’s wearing a sweater and it’s not even autumn, yet. Yesterday Derek was in a sleeveless shirt. He was fine.
Today he’s rigid, almost vibrating from the tension, shoulders pulled up and seems to be fighting tremors. Stiles doesn’t let him out of his sight for a single second.
He takes his time packing up as the others leave one by one, until he’s the only one left. His brain has almost settled on how to approach this situation, when Derek speaks up.
“Close the window before you leave, yeah?” His voice is feather light, like he’s either afraid to speak too loud or like he doesn’t have enough strength. That’s not even the only reason why it’s weird. Stiles knows for a fact that Derek prefers windows open.
He watches the alpha pull his sleeves over his hands for a moment before he makes his way over to the window and shuts it. A glance over to Derek proves again, Derek making himself small as he huddles into a corner of the couch.
“You know, all that could’ve waited?” Stiles points out, busying himself with his backpack again in an attempt to appear casual.
“Hm?” Derek looks over.
“The meeting. It could’ve waited a few days. You don’t have to put everyone else’s demands before your needs.”
“But that’s my job as alpha.”
“It’s your job to be there for everyone, make sure everyone is okay. That includes your dumb ass,” Stiles says, pointedly zipping his bag.
“I’m fi-“ Derek attempts.
“No.”  Stiles will have none of his bullshit. Derek watches him walk away, only slightly bewildered and more determined to fight Stiles – as always – if the stubborn pout on his lips is anything to go by.
“No more bullshit,” Stiles tells him, from the kitchen where he sets up some water to boil and prepares a hot water bottle – both a courtesy of his last impromptu home improvement shopping trip. The new kettle is miraculously fast and Stiles wishes it was his, rather than Derek’s. But he can sacrifice an appliance for Derek. He owes him that much, at least.
“I know what today is,” he adds, making his way back to the couch, while simultaneously twisting the top of the hot water bottle onto it. He doesn’t specify, doesn’t want to be throwing the reminder into Derek’s face when he obviously doesn’t need one.
“And it’s okay to be sad,” he concludes, stopping in front of Derek and holding out the radiating warmth.
Derek stares at it, visibly fighting himself, and Stiles swings it a little closer until Derek takes it and gingerly pulls it closer to his chest.
“How did you know?” Derek asks, looking up to him, a lot more vulnerability cracking the emotionless mask.
“I have a lot of things filed away up here. Lots of names and facts and dates. An incredible amount of knowledge.” Stiles taps on his temple with a small smirk, grabs the fluffiest blanket and spreads it over Derek with a flourish. He makes sure to tuck in the edges of it around Derek’s body so that no cold can creep in.
Derek still sits rather uncomfortably. “I mean about-“ he gestures slightly with his arms, hot water bottle and blanket moving with him.
Stiles pats down the blanket, more of a comforting touch than anything else. “I heard someone else mention it. Getting cold. Different emotions causing different physical responses.” He shrugs, way too fond of the man in front of him. Stiles dares to go a step further and run his fingers over his hair gently.
Derek’s breath hitches.
“It’s all just psychological bullshit, really.” He shrugs. “But it works. Contact, warmth, safety… It helps.”
Stiles isn’t sure how many second tick past. His own heartbeat is beating a little too fast for measure and besides Stiles’ hand in Derek’s hair, neither of them really moves much.
Eventually though, Derek’s letting the tension bleed out a little and he lets out a breath as he says, “It does help.”
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lia-writes · 4 years
let it all go
pairing: jaskier x reader
summary: mostly sober reader keeps an eye on jaskier when he starts trying to challenge Geralt. 
a/n: this was fun to write - even though the first word document of this disappeared into the abyss. Hopefully it makes sense aha
; As soon as Jaskier started challenging Geralt, you knew you were in for a long night.
“I can definitely out drink you,” he aims at Geralt across the table. He elbows you in the hopes that perhaps you’d back him up.
There’s a pause and then, “Jaskier, no.” the two of you speak at the same time and Jaskier raises his eyebrows in offence. Geralt rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. 
“Ah ah, I believe that should be Jaskier, yes.” 
“Fine, but don’t forget that you asked for this,” Geralt shakes his head and he moves back toward the bar to order another drink.
You walk away without saying a word, leaving Jaskier with two jugs of ale in front of him and as predicted, it doesn’t take long for Jaskier’s hopes of victory to start sliding out from under his feet, almost literally. 
Jaskier has his arm around the waist of a young local following a few drinks, his lips at her cheek every so often. It’ll take many more for Geralt’s expression to lighten and his laugh to become a little more prominent. 
You choose to watch from a safe distance, with your back to the fire and a look of exasperation painted across your features.
The blonde giggles loudly then at something Jaskier says, her hand resting on his chest and your face falls. 
He hasn’t looked your way even once.
It shouldn’t hurt, but it does. 
It stings. 
Too many unspoken words and over felt feelings have your heart aching and your skin burning with longing. 
An hour passes and the drinks continue to flow freely. One eye kept on Jaskier, you’re focused on shrugging off the attention of another man, with sweet words and sour intentions. 
He leaves with a scowl and, always looking out for you, Geralt catches your eye across the room. His expression hardens and you give a dismissive wave to say, you’re okay. 
Eventually, Jaskier moves on from ale to spirits and you find yourself sitting at the end of the bar, hands clasped around a drink of your own. 
“Ready to call it?” it’s Geralt’s voice you hear over the hum of chatter. 
“Of course not, Geralt,” Jaskier moves to clap Geralt’s shoulder and misses, swaying off balance and spilling half his current drink, all over the blonde. You can’t help but laugh when she shrieks in response and runs off, followed by both Jaskier’s apologies and her friends. 
You’re a little surprised Jaskier’s still on his feet. He could hold his own against most men when it came to his tolerance for alcohol. But Geralt, definitely had the upper hand against the Bard in this… well most situations. 
The nights ticked into the early hours of the morning when the crowd suddenly breaks into unsynchronised song, led by Jaskier and your lips twitch up into an amused half smile.
Until, a young man who lacks Jaskier’s confidence and boyish charm, approaches you.
“Care ta’ dance?” he asks meekly, and you tilt your head back to finish off your drink.
“Not really,” you glance up at him and he sighs. There’re a few moments of silence, and you swear you can hear him thinking.  
“Or, I could buy y’ another drink?” He tries again, a hopeful smile on his face.
“You know, I was planning on leaving soon.” 
Its Geralt’s hand on the man’s shoulder that has him shutting his mouth and shrinking away from the Witcher’s grip. You can’t decide if it’s in fear or disgust.
 He’s quickly turned and given a shove toward the door. He scurries out with his tail between his legs and doesn’t look back even once.
“He was hardly a threat, Geralt,” you spin on your barstool and hop to your feet. 
“Hmm, I’m just looking out for you.” He moves to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and gives you a nudge. “Just the way you’re looking after him,” he jerks his chin in Jaskier’s direction. 
You exhale loudly as someone passes Jaskier yet another drink. Geralt reaches out to give your arm a gentle squeeze, “maybe not with quite the same intentions, though.” His eyes soften with an almost smile and a laugh bubbles up from your chest.
The two of you stand in each other’s company for a while before Geralt heads away with the mentioning of a game of Gwent he had to win.  
You turn back toward the bar, leaning on the bench with a tired sigh. The spontaneous singing finally seems to have died down to idle chatter and the odd jeer.
“Where’s ma’ girl?” Jaskier calls loudly and you pause, glancing over your shoulder in the hopes that he means you and not the blonde from earlier.
He slings his arms around you, pulling you against your chest and momentarily, you melt. 
“There she is,” his words are not as quiet as he seems to think and you spin on your heel to face him, taking in his flushed cheeks and the way his eyes light up when they drink you in.
“Love you,” he chides, and you bow your head, forehead resting against his chest. 
“You’re incredibly drunk.” You tell him and he tilts his head. 
“Still loooove ya’,” you ignore the fact that you’d been watching him draped around that other girl for most of the evening and sigh pointedly. 
“Okay tough guy, let’s just… Get you to bed.”
“I’m not even tired,” he pouts, eyebrows raising, and you sigh. 
“Well I am, and you’re supposed to be letting me take care of you tonight, so I say, we’re leaving.”
“You’re sweet annnnd bossy,” He pulls you close then, hands at the small of your back and plants a hot kiss on your lips. You can’t help but lean into it in a moment of needy weakness. 
“I kinda like it,” his fingertips graze your hip as he smirks, “like, a looot,” 
“Point taken,” you roll your eyes and he laughs at your expression. 
The one that simply screams both I love you and you’re a damn fool.
But he’s your fool and that kinda happens to make you one too.
“Where’s Geralt?” He asks as you begin tugging him over to the staircase in the corner of the room. 
“He left a while ago, I think,” you manage briefly, even though it was only moments ago that you’d caught sight of Geralt over Jaskier’s shoulder. The Witcher seemed entirely coherent and focused on his game of Gwent.
“I won,” he chides, “against bloody Geralt, can y’ believe it?” 
“You must be my good luck charm. That’s what being in love does for me – a gut of steel... Or would it be a liver of steel?”
Charming. He wasn’t going to remember any of this come morning. 
Eventually, he gives in to your grasp and follows you up the flight of stairs. 
You arrive at the door to his room and he sways on his feet, leaning back against it and blocking you from opening it.
“It also lets me share a room with a pretty girl,” he blinks at you, eyelashes fluttering flirtatiously, “a bed too, if I’m lucky?” 
He’s unbearably adorable when he looks at you like that, and you swallow down your feelings. 
They catch in your throat. 
With rosy cheeks, you point a finger at him, “don’t push it, sweetheart.”
You kiss him this time, like it’s the end of the world and all Jaskier can do in return is kiss you back and pray he remembers this in the morning. 
“Pleaseee don’t let me forget this,” he mumbles, struggling with the doorknob behind him. 
Hand grazing his waist, you reach around him to open it. 
He pulls you inside. 
“You’re welcome.” 
You kick the door shut with your heel. 
Unceremoniously, he drags you toward the bed and almost knocks you off balance as he flops onto his back with a loud exhale.  
He watches you for a moment as you help unlace and pull off his boots and he gives you an impressed grin, pipes up suddenly, “you called me sweetheart.” 
In the beginning, when you’d first started travelling with him and Geralt, it had been hard to accept that Jaskier would flirt with not just you, but everyone. 
So far, there hadn’t been anything that had particularly convinced you that he wanted you more than anyone else.
Not only did he claim to love you, but he also loved the brunette in Cintra, the red headed sisters from Rinde, and the blonde from only earlier that evening.
Honestly, it’d taken you a while to warm up to the idea of wanting someone else, especially when that someone was equally infuriating and easy to love. 
It frustrated you past the point of no return logical thought and rational action.
But now, in allowing yourself a smidge of weakness… He became all you wanted, hard and fast. 
& it didn’t hurt one single bit. 
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