soullessseraphim · 2 months
"but they're a demon, they don't need to sleep or anyth-"
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quiet. and accept my sleepy Valdemar.
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theflann · 1 year
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Behold! part 2 of my turtle tots thingy! poor donnie!
Part 1
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dracofeathers · 5 months
Calling Fic Writers! Story Idea? -Angst-
If this is already something someone has made, ya'll need to link me ASAP cause its been rotting in my brain all week (if not longer) and I very highly doubt I'd ever be able to write it properly LOL. Art? Maybe...
Please excuse my scatterbrained explanation. I'll probably be adding to this as my little angst-loving brain thinks of more details.
So, after x amount of time, Aziraphale returns/escapes to the bookshop from Heaven and being Supreme Archangel....just completely defeated, dazed, exhausted and just about broken/verge of breakdown. I've pictured the scene with or without his wings. Crowley and Muriel are there (or at least Crowley) and are understandably surprised/confused.
He just collapses in a sobbing heap muttering and crying "I'm sorry" "Please" "You/we can't do this" "Why" "I don't want to fall" among other unintelligible words, but doesn't seem to quite be with it enough to attempt to explain whats going on. Maybe he'd gain very slight, brief clarity upon seeing Crowley (who has also been a mess), keeps apologizing, begging for forgiveness (from him? Her? Both? Maybe) until finally passing out.
Of course Crowley steps up and tries to take care of him, and figure out whats going on. Because no matter how mad he might get at Aziraphale, how hurt he was by the end of S2, he'll always return and help his angel, because he loves him. Also I'm positive Crowley already knows Aziraphale didn't make that choice easily, that he hurt the angel as well. Bountiful soft, care-taking Crowley here because I live for it.
Eventually when Azi is a bit more stable, (as he would often rotate between quiet desolate/defeated shell shock, and near hysterical crying in fear and grief) Crowley gets bits and pieces of what happened out of him.
The "Supreme Archangel" position was merely a sort of placeholder/fake title, not an actual promotion. Because why would they want to actually give Aziraphale that kind of power to potentially use against them and their plans? He was dangerous enough
The Metatron (and other angels) lied/manipulated Aziraphale the whole time to get him to do what he/heaven wanted. And to of course separate him and Crowley. Possible eventual threats towards Crowley and others to keep Azi "in line". Book of life?
Plans of course include the second coming as it was mentioned, but I'm sure there are others mixed in. More apocalypse starting schemes etc. Never really give the full details and kept the real plans secret. Jesus only mentioned, never seen (very suspicious). Azi tries to investigate but keeps getting interrupted or thwarted. Kept a very close eye on.
Much gaslighting/mental and emotional abuse and manipulation, slowly wearing Aziraphale down in order to break and better control him. No erasing/changing of memories cause its over done to me.
God is still MIA and no one knows whats going on with Her. The Metatron says he speaks with Her, but lets face it he can't be trusted. Definitely scheming on his own with others, maybe Hell as well?
Aziraphale never falls of course, I couldn't do that to our precious angel. He'd be traumatized enough anyway.
Aziraphale tries to be a good angel so bad it hurts, wants to believe in Heaven and "The Great Plan" but is only ever hurt and betrayed for all his efforts up there.
I just really love hurt/comfort, angst and them taking loving tender care of each other. They would have a happy ending of course. This is how I cope until season 3, don't judge me xD
Also, what I was listening to during this ramble:
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thatuselesshuman · 6 days
Me: "So yeah there's these two assholes in my WIP and they're totally gay for eachother-"
My friend: "Didn't you just mention that there are no romantic relationships in the book??"
Me: "..... Yea"
My friend: "But you ship them???"
Me: "Yeah so?"
My friend: "Aren't you the author? Can't you make them get together?"
Me: "I am merely the scribe. These gays do their own thing and I scramble to write it down."
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clownery-and-fuckery · 6 months
So.. modern au's
"Can we not do this right now?" Hunter practically hissed, giving Crosshair a pointed look across the table. "This isn't a good time."
Crosshair scoffed. "It's never a good time, is it?" His voice was loud, and it was getting the attention of the others at the long table they were sat at.
Cody looked over from the head of the table, apprehension clear in his smile as he raised an eyebrow. Hunter nodded stiffly, and Crosshair leaned forward.
"When are we going to talk about it, Hunter?" He asked, glaring. The eldest gave him a sharp look of disapproval. "Or are we going to ignore it, like we ignore every other problem you've caused?"
Crosshair's voice had risen. Tech glanced up from his phone, sharing a concerned glance with Echo across the table. "What's going on?" Omega asked from beside Wrecker. The larger brother shrugged, a small frown on his face.
"Cross." Hunter's glare softened into something more pleading. "Please not here."
"I'm sick of waiting!" Hunter grunted when the table jolted. Crosshair stood, glaring daggers at his older brother. The restaurant went quiet, eyes on the two brothers.
"Uh-oh.." Wrecker's voice was small, already moving to remove his younger sister from the table. Echo shot a look to Cody and Rex, who were moving to stand. Tech gripped his phone at his lap, glancing between Crosshair and Hunter.
"Every choice you've made since we were kids has been wrong." Crosshair snapped, pointing a finger toward Hunter. "And you can't even admit to it."
"I'm serious, Crosshair." The eldest stood now, too, leveling him with a glare. "Sit down. We'll talk about it later, not when we're in the middle of a restaurant, with the others and with Ome—"
"Omega!" Crosshair huffed a laugh, entirely fake sounding. "Of course, turn around and forget about us again for her, why don't you?"
Omega jumped, looking hurt as she turned to Wrecker. He was quick to assure her, taking her hand and standing, trying to subtly move out of the near silent restaurant. Hunter looked startled, blinking in surprise.
"I haven't forgotten you–" Hunter said. "Yes, you have!" Crosshair yelled, slamming his hands down on the table.
Tech flinched. Rex caught his arm, shooting a reassuring smile his way before turning back towards the other two. "Lads," Rex snapped. "Take this outside." He gave Hunter a pointed look, still holding Tech's arm.
Hunter sighed, nodding. Crosshair barely glanced his way, before he rounded back on Hunter. "Ever since you picked her up, you've given her everything you promised us."
The tension couldn't be thicker. Echo swallowed, glancing toward Tech. He pushed his glasses up higher, pressing them tight against his nose. "That's enough, Crosshair." Hunter snapped. "I understand you're angry at me—"
"Angry?" Crosshair asked, shaking his head. "I'm beyond angry, Hunter." The eldest sighed, hardly noticing the quiet of the surrounding tables anymore. "You're the only one who is." He said, giving Crosshair a look. "Why?"
Crosshair pointed across the table to his younger brother, who startled. "I'm angry for them. For the family you've chosen to forget."
Tech glanced around as eyes pinned him in place. Hunter froze. "I have not-" Hunter said. "–ignored them. I did everything I could—"
"Everything you could?!" Crosshair's voice rose, and Echo winced, moving to stand now, as well. "Is that what you think that was?!" Crosshair almost laughed.
"First, you had us all drafted in the military," Crosshair held up his wrist, showing an ugly scar. "And you dragged us from one suicide mission to the next." Crosshair gestured to Echo, who glared slightly before turning his head away, facing the table.
Hunter jumped when Crosshair hit the table again. "Cross!" Cody snapped this time, catching a glass that toppled over. Crosshair ignored him. "Let's not forget Wrecker blowing up, and you turning around and letting him fight some more. Like that was a good idea." He rolled his eyes as he spoke.
Hunter tensed. "Oh, and let's just gloss over–" Crosshair was getting hysterical, blindsided by a deep, festering anger he couldn't shake as he glared at his older brother across from him.
"–let's just gloss over how you had us leave our younger brother in a lab with the woman who abused us for years, and how you pretend not to notice the damage!"
As soon as the words flew out of his mouth, reality slammed back into him like the table had slammed into his gut. Crosshair's mouth snapped shut, eyes widening as he finally seemed to remember where he was.
Hunter's eyes were wide, and looking furious as he stared at his brother. Crosshair's eyes scanned the stunned restaurant, his gaze settling on his brother's at the end of the table.
No one at the table knew about that. Crosshair was the only one, until now. Now that he had blabbered the secret for an entire restaurant to hear. Tech stared at him, almost horrified as the words sank into the group.
Echo stared, unsure whether to look at Crosshair or their younger brother. "Tech–" He started, prosthetic hand reaching across the table. Tech jerked back, chair clattering to the floor as he stood quickly.
Tech himself looked startled by his reaction. He seemed to freeze up, looking around with glazed eyes. His eyes met Hunter's, and he took a shuddering breath. There was a bear of silence, then Tech seemed to remember himself.
"Excuse me." He croaked hoarsely, turning and walking away, shoving the door open as he escaped out of the restaurant.
Cody stood to follow him, but Echo clamped a hand on his shoulder. "Wrecker's got him," He assured Cody. "Don't worry about it."
Cody smothered a sigh, nodding. Echo was right, his attention should be on the eldest brother, who looked about ready to swing at Crosshair.
Rex was already pulling out a taser.
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rhynehoward · 15 days
not to sound like a hater but i love when the aces lose 😭😭😭
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yiasukink · 10 months
It's okay Caitlyn, maybe you can rest now knowing that you save her one last time
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theknifeclown · 7 months
Some Peepaw Bumbles and Gordy for the soul?
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danceswithdarkspawn · 2 months
giving my characters a band-aid, a forehead smooch, and a juice box after i traumatize the shit out of them
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Sometimes…sometimes I think about putting the 141 through horror scenarios just for “character development”
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soldmybones · 9 months
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gewdmorning · 2 years
Vegaspete: *barely keeping themselves from killing the other*
Vegaspete: it must be love
“Kill me, jerk”
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“Shoot me”
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ifyoucandaniel · 1 year
Me: yeah jegulus is one of my favorite marauder ships
Also me when everyone BUT jegulus gets a happy ending:
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 9 days
A/n: Not an x reader, just something I'm proud of that I wrote for PRIDE. It's sad but I absolutely love it, enjoy and HAPPY PRIDE MONTH
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She sat tied to a wooden pole in the cellar, blood spills from her lips as they continue their torture. Her head faces the side, soon she starts laughing, releasing the blood from her mouth.
“What’s so funny?!”
The guard grabbed her by the cheeks, forcing her to stare into his eyes. After subduing her last couple of chuckles, she smiles at them.
“You guys hit like little girls.”
That earns her a kick to her gut. The sound of heels clicking against the cold, stone floors make the guards stand from their positions in front of the woman. The wooden door creaks open revealing the princess, looking over the scene in front of her. The guards bow their heads and kneel.
“My father didn’t ask you to harm this woman, she’s being executed tomorrow.”
She steps into the room, the bottom of her dress now soaking up the blood on the ground.
“Leave us or do you want to join her at the execution?”
As soon as they scurry away, she kneels in front of the woman, tears brimming in her eyes.
“Diana…if they catch you helping me…”
“They won’t…I was so damn scared, Journey.”
Diana’s fingertips traced over every scar and cut Journey endured in the cellar.
“We’re leaving at once.”
Diana quickly unties her from the wooden post in the middle of the room. Journey shakes her head at the princess who was now trying to lead her out of the room.
“Princess, leave me.” One of Journey’s arms is around the pole. 
The cellar door opens, Diana’s father stands there with guards and handmaidens. Diana stands in front of Journey protectively, hand still in hers.
“My own daughter is trying to protect this…this intruder.”
“She did nothing wrong. It’s my fault, I led her into the castle to stay with me.”
A look of disgust paints across the features of her father.
“You didn’t do what I think you did.”
Diana stays quiet, her grip tightening on Journey’s hand.
“I did.”
Diana’s eyes are on the ground, finding the blood more interesting than her father.
“Take her back to her room and don’t let her out. We’re executing the intruder today.”
Both Journey and Diana’s eyes widened in shock as the guards grabbed Diana’s free hand.
“Please. Stop it! All of you! Journey!”
The guards rip their hands apart. Journey can hear her struggling and screaming her name throughout the hallway.
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avatarkv · 1 year
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oh no ‼️ i have another angsty fic idea for lo’ak ‼️ i’m never letting ANYONE rest
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foxovobear · 1 year
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