sansxfuckyou · 1 year
yeah i'll be normal about this show now that its over
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winterwrxter · 1 year
This may or may not say something about me-
(and my drawing abilities with my finger and a phone-)
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Also, I have an objectsona now, deal with it. :]
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Good morning ☀️
Who do you think gives better triple quack quack goat throat head? Mine, Masato or Shimano?
I hope you have a great day!
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shinayashipper · 1 year
I got anxious because I haven't finished up the comic I wanted to finish- it was mainly because work has been taking a toll... they said I'll get a hearty bonus this month but... the comic I wanted to make... hm :(
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rin-may-1103 · 4 months
The Wrong Robin Au (part three)
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Danny never said he knew what he was doing, but he thinks he's doing something right if the kid hasn't started crying yet. so you know, that's great. now, he just needed to get the kid out of here, so Danny could have a moment to mourn his retirement plans.
He wasn't going to blame the kid, ancients know Danny would have gone back to hero work eventually. He just couldn't let things go if he could help it, and he could in this situation.
"Alright, here's the plan." Danny announced, slapping his legs as he stood up. "it's late, you're a kid who needs sleep. let's get you home, then we can get a game plan on how to do this."
Tim had been nodding his head, even if it was reluctantly, before freezing in sudden realization. Danny raised his eyebrow in question, wondering what was wrong now.
"you want my help?" Tim asked, absolutely gobsmacked.
Oh, the kid thought Danny was just going to send him away like any reasonable adult would. Ha, Danny wished. but no. He had no clue what he was doing and this kid was his only trump card for making any of the half-assed plans still forming in his head work. AND he had a feeling if he didn't keep Tim close by, the kid would run off and do something stupid.
"Yep," Danny snorted, "you were smart enough to figure out who Batman was, and then you decided to take it upon yourself to help him; whether by convincing me to do it or yourself."
"Now then," Danny said as he walked over to the couch and pulled his hoodie from under Sam. Sam, to her credit, told him to fuck off and went back to snoring. Tucker, somehow having heard her, responded with a 'Go fuck yourself'.
Shaking his head, Danny turned back to Tim. "Let's get going. It's-" Danny turned to look at the clock, his eyes narrowing when he found it; 4 am. The kid was up and coherent enough to try and blackmail someone into being Robin at four in the morning. "-four. you seriously need to get some sleep kid. It's a school night." actually, what day was it???
Tim rolled his eyes but started to follow Danny out the door. "It's Saturday, and I've stayed up longer," he grumbled.
Danny snorted, "So have I, but we still need to sleep." He should probably try and prevent the kid from staying up longer than he should. Danny knows what years of not sleeping properly does to someone. The kid's obsessed with Batman and Robin, right? He'll just use them then.
"Robin needs all the sleep he can get. Otherwise, Batman will bench him. If Robin is benched, then who is out there helping Batman?" That's convincing, right? Does Batman even have the power to bench Robin? From the sounds of it, Robin is his kid's vigilante name. Which means he totally has the power to ground them.
If Danny was going to be Robin, does that mean Batman would think he's his kid?
Oh, hell naw. He was not going to be adopted by another fruitloop! If Bruce Wayne even thinks about it, Danny will be out of there so fast even the Flash couldn't stop him.
Tim stumbled, his eyes wide in surprise. "Really?" he asks, turning to look at Danny in horror. Danny blinked, brain failing to remember why the kid would be surprised.
shit, what were they talking about?? Robin... It's four am... Right!
"Yep," Danny chirped, leading the kid to his car. "Now, I know everyone says not to get into a stranger's car and all that jazz, but it's the only way I'm getting you home. So, hop in."
Tim didn't even hesitate to jump into the passenger seat, pulling the seat belt across his chest. Danny stared at him for a second, before opening the car door and sitting down.
"kid, you do know you're not supposed to get into strangers' cars, right?" Danny asked, closing the door and buckling up. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his keys and started the engine.
"Well, yeah?" Tim replied, turning to face him, "But you're not a stranger. You're Robin. You protect people not hurt them."
and well? Danny can't argue with that, now, can he?
"Right, fine. Just promise not to get into strangers' cars. I don't care how much you think you know about them. It's not safe, and you could get hurt."
Tim hummed, thinking about it for a moment before nodding his head. "Yeah, alright. I promise."
"good." Danny sighed, turning to look at the road to see if it was clear. then he sighed again, "Don't tell strangers where you live, please."
Tim looked at him in amusement, a small smile spreading across his face. "Drake manor. 1015 Mountain Drive. It's in the Crest Hill community."
"You're killing me here, kid." Danny groaned, hitting his head against the steering wheel. Then he slowly lifted his head and turned to stare at Tim, "Kid. How the hell did you get all the way over here? Mountain Drive is all the way over in Bristol??? That's, like, twelve miles outside of city limits?"
"I have my ways."
Danny narrowed his eyes, "You bribed someone, didn't you."
Tim looked away from him, fiddling with his fingers.
sighing, Danny sat up and started driving down the road. They sat in silence for a while, just listening to the chaos that was Gotham City as they drove. Tim eventually slumped over, his head resting against the window.
It took a good thirty minutes before Danny could turn onto the bridge out of town. The traffic wasn't heavy, just the occasional car here and there. It was almost peaceful.
"Turn here," Tim suddenly instructed, startling Danny.
"Tim!" Danny cried, turning to look at the kid, then back at the road. although, he did do as the kid instructed. "don't do that! you'll give me a heart attack or something! Ancients!"
Tim blinked, then shrugged. "ok," he yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"my house is the one with really stupid-looking ducks carved into the gates." Tim supplied, waving his hand at the road ahead of them. "Bruce's is the one with bats, but you knew that."
"Right," Danny agreed. What were the chances that Batman happened to live in a place called Gotham and in a house with black iron gates covered in bats? It was almost as coincidental as Danny's last name sounding like Phantom. Fate really had quite the sense of humor, didn't they?
after they passed a few more dirt roads, Tim pointed at a specific one, "Turn here. The gates a little further back than everyone else's."
Danny hummed, turning the car onto the road. What was his life at this point? Driving children to their huge houses at four-thirty in the morning? agreeing to become Robin? coming out of retirement because a kid asked him to?
Bruce Wayne better appreciate all the effort this kid was going through...
A tall gate slowly popped into view, making Danny slow the car down until he could stop right in front of it. "Alright, kid. You're home. get some sleep. Go to school, I don't know, what do you rich kids do on the weekends? actually, you know what? It doesn't matter, do you have a phone?"
Tim blinked as he slowly unbuckled, "yes?"
"One that's not monitored by your parents or anyone else?"
Danny sighed, reaching into his back pocket to pull out his phone. "Here," Danny unlocked it, went to settings and pressed the factory rest option. Once the phone finished the reset, he quickly scanned through it to make sure it was all gone before adding his second phone number. once done, he tossed it over to the kid. "here, should work for now. Don't let anyone else have it."
If this was any other situation, Danny would have gone straight to the kid's parents; but considering it was past four in the morning and there wasn't a city-wide amber alert? He has a feeling the kid needs a safety net, and well? What better than a direct line to him?
"I can't just take your phone!" Tim cried, catching the phone before it could fall to the ground.
"It's my backup one. I tend to break my phone pretty often, so I always keep an extra one on me. my current number is saved on it, you can reach out and get in contact with me now." Danny waved off the kid's concern, reaching into the back of the car to grab a bag.
with how often his phone had broken during ghost fights and how frequently his parents dissected his phone for parts? It's a habit at this point to have a backup. or Ten. Pulling the bag to the front, Danny showed the kid what was inside.
"..." Tim blinked, then looked up at Danny. "why do you have a bag of broken phones in your car?"
"Because my phones keep breaking and I figured it would be easier to just keep them for extra parts than toss them. Now," Danny tossed the bag into the back, ignoring how it tipped over and spilled the contents all over the seat. He'd clean it up later. Maybe. "It's early. You need sleep, I need sleep. We can pick another day to sit down and build a game plan."
Tim sat in silence for a moment, staring at the phone in his hands, before glancing up at Danny. "You really mean it?" he asked, turning the phone around anxiously, "you really want my help?"
"kid, Tim," Danny started, tilting his head so he could make eye contact. "with how bad you say Batman's gotten? I'm going to need all the help I can get. Who better than the one who went out of his way to try and actually do something about it?"
Tim's eyes watered as he looked back at the phone. "ok," he whispered, nodding his head. Reaching up, he wiped his face clean before taking a deep breath and letting it out.
"ok," he repeated, voice stronger now. "I'll help. I want to."
"Good," Danny nodded in agreement, then smiled. "get some sleep kid, you need it."
"I don't need it," Tim grumbled, turning to open the door and get out. "but if that's what it takes for you to allow me to help, then I guess I can take a nap or something."
Danny snorted, watching as Tim closed the car door and started making his way to the gate.
as soon as the kid was out of view, Danny slammed his head onto the steering wheel and groaned. He had definitely jinxed himself earlier. How hard can being Robin be? Yeah right. He hasn't even gotten to meet Bruce yet and he's already stressed.
Glancing up, Danny watched as the clock glitched then turned to five am.
Well then, he might as well do something productive since it was unlikely he'd be getting any more sleep if he went back. Sam would be up by the time he got there, which meant he'd have to answer all of her questions... which would wake Tucker up, which would mean Danny'd have to explain all over again.
Glancing around, Danny suddenly realized something.
Bruce Wayne was Batman.
Bruce Wayne; as in, Gotham's own himbo billionaire.
Who lives in Bristol.
Which is where he is right now. Logically speaking, he'd be able to find it pretty fast if he just looked at the gates. It's probably just a few houses from Tim's too, now that he thought about it...
Oh, this was a terrible idea, but when had that ever stopped Danny?
Jazz was so going to kill him for this.
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luciferlightbringer · 7 months
Love in a Hopeless Place
Chapter 7
Chapter 6|Chapter 7|Chapter 8|Updated through Chapter 12
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Lucifer x prostitute fem!reader Word Count: 3.9k CW: Slowburn, Prostitution, Hurt/comfort, trauma, fluff, cuddles, depression, anxiety, Sexual fantasizing, insecurity
Lucifer's eyes started to flutter open the next morning, a beam of light streaming in through the living room window. Wow, had he actually gotten a full uninterrupted night's rest again? What a pleasant surprise. He smiled as he looked up at the ceiling if his living room. Wait... his living room? Was he still on the couch? He was used to you bringing him back to his bed after he fell asleep, what hap-
Lucifer's thought process completing froze as he became aware of the weight holding his body down to the couch, specifically, the weight of your beautiful body, that still laid on him, sound asleep. Lucifer felt his cheeks burn a bright red. 'Oh my god, she feel asleep on me last night?! This is amazing, this is also terrible. Will she get mad? Will her boss get mad at her? Should I wake her up?' God he didn't want to have to wake you up. The sight of you curled up on him with your head on his chest was breathtaking. Shit... he really had fallen for you, hadn't he?
Lucifer had no idea what to do, he many ideas of what he wanted to do, but not what he should do. He could run his fingers through your hair, kiss your forehead, rub your back, any of those things could have encouraged you awake. But instead, he just sleepily watched you dreaming on his chest, until you eventually started to wake up.
After a little while, your eyes began to open. You too had experienced an amazing night of sleep that you were not used to. Perhaps all that crying gelling did you some good. But something felt off, where were you? You looked up to see Lucifer's smiling face, "Hehe, uhh... good morning, I guess."
Oh my god, had you cried yourself to sleep in his arms?! Lucifer cocooned you again in his wings before you could panic.
"Shit! Lucifer I'm so-"
"Shhhh shh shhh shh," Lucifer stopped you, "No apologizes, please. Yesterday was... hard, seemed like we both needed sleep, and frankly, I slept great. What about you?"
You blushed, and laid you head back on his chest while still looking up at him, mumbling, "Well, I guess that's the best I've slept... in a long time..." It was the best you had slept since you had arrived in hell.
"Excellent! So, lets just call it a happy accident, that we figured something out from. Also..." God he was trying to be a little bold and it made him nervous, "Would you be willing to try this again... but intentionally next time?"
"Like... have me stay through the night? And... sleep with you in your bed?" You asked.
"Yes..." he asked with a little more hesitance in his voice. You chuckled, look at him go, asking for what he wants, and so nicely too.
You smiled and shrugged, "Works for me, just let the boss know."
"Right..." he said, he was starting to hate the reminders that you weren't just here because you wanted to be. He wasn't upset at you, it just left him with a pang of insecurity, a curiously if you would even put up with him if it weren't for the fact that he hired you to be here.
He cleared his throat, trying to refocus. "You won't... get into any trouble for this, right?"
You waved your hand, "Naw, I'll just tell him I was out late partying. After what happened yesterday, he wouldn't bat an eye."
"Ok, how are you feeling, by the way?" he asked, looking over your face.
"Much better... Thank you... for... well everything..." you smiled nervously. You still felt guilty that Lucifer had to spend his paid time with you dealing with the aftermath of other client sessions, you were normally better than that. He seemed like he wanted to be there for you, but you had no idea why he would even want to. It felt so good, but you still could not tell how real or how deep the care actually ran. If this continued, the guilt and confusion might become overwhelming.
"It was my pleasure," he said, grabbing you hand and kissing it while staring deeply into your eyes.
Ugh, why did this have to be so hard to figure out!
After that, the two of you begrudgingly got up, and got ready for the day. Lucifer teleported you back to your room, bit you farewell, and left. Both of you back in your own spaces, alone, already missing the other.
The next night you two had together, you and Lucifer would change the end of night routine as had been discussed, ending up with you both falling asleep in each others arms, and getting the joy of waking up to seeing each other first thing in the morning. It was beyond bliss. You didn't know it, but you two were in a secret competition to see who could wake up first, and get the privilege of watching the other as they clung onto their last few minutes of sleep before they would wake up.
The mornings that Lucifer woke up before you were both beautiful and painful for him. He loved getting to stare at your beautiful face, sure, but the urges... oh the urges to run his fingers through your hair, the urges to lace his fingers with yours, the urges to kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your lips, your neck, your... everything... the urges to let his hands explore your body, to sneak his hands under your clothing, to find the sensitive places on your skin that would make your breathe hitch, make the fire grow in your eyes, make you want to touch him the same way... the pain of all of these urges pulled at his mind, every morning, every day.
Some of them he could get away with more once you were awake, fingers through your hair, kisses on your hands, but he wanted more. Beyond that, he wanted them to mean something. He knew that he could just ask you for kisses or sex, and you would say yes, but he didn't want that, he wanted it to be real, he wanted passion, he wanted to make love to you. Every day with you made those feelings grow stronger and more unbearable.
Luckily, at least for another couple weeks, Lucifer would still be distracted by the upcoming extermination, and he figured that it was best that he focused on one life altering event at a time. You and Lucifer would spend more of your evenings hanging out with Charlie and the others at the hotel. Alastor had helped Charlie recruit many of the people of Cannibal Town to help, much to Lucifer's chagrin, and Vaggie had also gotten some intel on angels being able to be killed with angelic weapons, and was able to get resources from Carmilla Carmine, another Overlord and the only Angelic Weapon-Arms Dealer in hell.
Lucifer did not like learning that angels could be killed for a number of reasons, but he tried not to focus on that right then. Right now, he cared about being there for Charlie, and enjoying the calm before the storm.
The night before the extermination, most of the hotel crew, honestly, seemed like they were in good spirits. Alastor was even behaving and not doing everything in his power to piss of Lucifer, just some minor loitering on the edge of his conversations around the hotel. Angel and Husk were hanging out at the bar, and Angel's best friend, Cherri Bomb, had also come to hang out to join the fight. You noticed that Angel and Husk had increasingly been giving each other cute looks, and that Sir Pentious was nervous when it came to any interaction involving Cherri.
What you didn't know, was that Angel, Husk, and Cherri had also been watching the way you and Lucifer interacted over the last couple of weeks, the way you too looked at each other, the way his touch would linger, or that any hug would last a littleeee too long for a hug between just friends. Whenever you were not at the hotel, those three would come up with theories on what was going on with you two.
At some point, you ended up in a conversation with those three, chatting it up, and eventually Angel was the one that finally brought it up.
"Alright, babe. So...spill it. What exactly is goin' on between you an' da Boss Man, hmm?" Angel said, leaning his hand on one of his hands with a cocked eyebrow. You were startled by the question. Shit.
"Uhhh... w-what do you mean?" you say sheepishly, messing with your hair.
"I think you know exactly what I'm talkin' about~" Angel replied with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
"I-uhhh..." you started.
"Come on, (y/n), cut the crap," Husk chimed in, cleaning a cup. "Ya!" Added Cherri, "We can all tell you two are seriously vibin' with one anotha," she said in her spunky Australian accent.
'Shit, had these three really been that curious about my relationship with Lucifer? Was it that obvious? I have been just trying to follow his lead on things when we visited.'
"I mean... we are just really close, and comfortable with each other... that's all," you say, not trying to look at them directly.
"But how close are you too exactly?" asked Husk. "Yaaaa, like bedroom close~?" Angel pushed in his flirty voice, talking a little louder.
You quickly covered Angel's mouth with your hands, looking around, no one else had seemed to hear him. Lucifer was across the room, chatting with Charlie and Vaggie, and Alastor seemed more focused on listening in on their conversation than yours. You look back to see Husk and Cherri with satisfied looks on their faces, along with a twinkling mischief in Angel's eyes.
You sigh and remove your hands, "Look, guys, I really want to talk about the details around my dynamic with Lucifer, but... I really can't... I'm not allowed. Even saying that might be too much..."
The trios' faces became more concerned. "Wait... he doesn't... own your soul, does he?" Husk asked.
"Oh! No, no, nothing like that. And he has been nothing but kind to me. It's just... not something I can talk about... no matter how much I may want to..." you say, holding yourself and looking down sadly. The other two looked to Husk, Husk looked sadly back at them, he could tell this was not a bluff, you were telling the truth.
Lucifer glanced across the room at you, and was surprised to see your body language had suddenly changed from how it had been during the rest of your conversation with the others at the bar. Your body language looked more sad to him. Lucifer briefly excused himself from his conversation with Charlie and Vaggie, saying he would be right back, and made his way over to you.
Cherri, Lucifer, and Husk saw Lucifer approaching, and he giving off a protective look of 'what did you do?' before putting a hand on your back.
"Darling? Is everything ok?" Lucifer said, his face softening as he looked down at you.
Your head spang up at his sudden contact and sound of his voice, 'Crap, did he hear any of that?'
You looked up at him in surprise. "Oh! Ya... sorry, we were talking about Adam and the battle tomorrow... just made me think about how worried I have been for you all..." you say sadly. The other three relax once they realized you were covering for them, Husk almost didn't like how good you were at pulling out a story like that, but right now he cared more about not pissing off the King.
Lucifer sighed and ran his finger through your hair, before pulling you in for a comforting hug, "I know... we are gonna get through this." He looked over at the other three over your shoulder, smiling, "Together."
The others smiled back at Lucifer and he released you from the hug before asking if you felt like we needed to leave for the evening. You shook your head, telling him you wanted to stay longer. He nodded, and then walked back to his conversation with Charlie and Vaggie.
"Well, one thing is for sure," Husk said looking after Lucifer, "That man cares a lot about you."
You blushed, you hoped so, you hoped and prayed that was true. But because of the structure, no matter what he said or did, you always had some level of doubt hanging in the back of your thoughts. You wish you didn't have to second guess every interaction. You wish you knew how an actually health dynamic looked like so that you had something to compare to. Most of all, you wished you didn't have to be scheduled and paid in order to see him. Would he even want to see you outside of the time he pays for you?
"How do you know?" you asked Husk. Husk gave you a soft smile, "No man spends as much time as he does constantly checking in on you if he does not care."
You cock an eyebrow, "But, he doesn't constantly check on me."
"Maybe from you're perspective," Angel chimed, "That mothafucka is constantly lookin' over at you, why do ya think he was over here so fast as soon as you started pullin' into ya'self. Which, thanks for da save by da way. I am not ready ta get on his bad side."
You looked over your shoulder at here at Lucifer, a moment later, he looked at you, smiled, and waved. You waved back, and looked back to the others.
"See? Man's totally whipped," said Cherri. Doubted that, Lucifer having feeling for someone like you? Ya right. But you could see how they would think that way without knowing the truth behind your relationship, and they made a fair point, he did care to some degree. You couldn't keep the blush from tinting your cheeks. I mean I guess he did send a man to be tortured for all eternity for hurting you, that has to mean something... No matter how small.
Before long, it was time to go. You hugged everyone goodbye that wanted hugs. While hugging Charlie you said, "Kick his ass honey, I'd really hate to lose a good housing option." Charlie beamed and hugged you even tighter, to the point where it almost hurt, "We will! We'll get you set up right after we kill all of the angels or kick their asses back up to Heaven!"
You laughed, said goodbye, and you and Lucifer departed back to his place. Little did you know, that would be your last time inside of that hotel.
Sleep had not come easily for both of you that night, but it did all the same. Your time at Lucifer's did not end the following morning, Lucifer had booked out the rest of your day, he did not want to risk you getting caught if an exterminator if the angels were successful at wiping out everyone at the hotel and started going after the rest of the sinners. He knew the exorcists would not go anywhere near his house, Here, at least, he knew that you would be safe.
You wanted to help, but you knew you weren't a fighter, and giving Lucifer some peace so that he could fight when it came down to it was more important. Lucifer already had his hands tied in this situation. He had been the one to originally allow the exterminations to happen in Hell, mostly because he had no clue what else to do and he had been backed into a corner in that initial discussion with Heaven.
There was one rule however, that if broken, would allow him to fight, that rule being that hellborns were not allowed to be harmed. Funny, that a rule that he originally set in place to protect Charlie was now the rule that he hoped would get broken in order for him for be able to fight, and the only hellborn in this fight was Charlie, well, and Razzle and Dazzle too. Lucifer had created them as guardians to protect Charlie, and creations fell into a weird catagory. But an attack on them normally meant an attempted attack on her. He had to gamble that one of them would get hurt, but not so hurt that Charlie would be erased. It was a very uncomfortable situation, but nothing about this whole situation was anyway.
The two best case scenarios were that they could take out everyone, including Adam, without hurting Charlie, so Lucifer would never be needed, or for Charlie/her guardian's to get lightly hurt, so that Lucifer could jump in. Once he was able to jump in, the battle would basically be over. You didn't know much about how powerful Adam was, you had only seen small bits of Alastor and Lucifer's power, and nothing of Charlie's ability to fight him off. You had no idea how this was going to play out.
Lucifer however, knew how powerful Adam was, as well as his and Charlie's power, and he had a small idea of Alastor's power based on how he had defended the hotel a month ago. Lucifer didn't think that Alastor was going to be able to take out Adam completely, but he thought he would be able to most like put up a good fight, delay him, maybe get a few good hits in. If Charlie was as much of a fighter at Lucifer was, he wouldn't be as worried, but she was a gentle soul and didn't utilize her powers a lot. It was gonna be hard to tell how this was going to go.
Lucifer sat on the couch, tense, holding your hand, wings already out, waiting for the signal, waiting for the energy between him and Charlie to activate that would inform him that Charlie or her guardians had been hit. Before long, the sensation of a sting of shared pain ran through his body. He quickly kissed you on the forehead, said "See you on the other side," and jumped through a portal out to the battlefield.
You were now alone with your own fear.
You went to the window to see if you could see the hotel from his manor, but you barely couldn't. All you could do was pace around the house, waiting for Lucifer to return. You thought about turning on the tv or radio to listen for any news, maybe looking for a livestream on your phone, but no, all of that would have just made it worse. So you paced, until you decided to lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling, trying hard just to breathe.
Until... a portal opened up. You sat up, looking at the portal, through the swirling red magic, you saw a familiar black claw reach out to you. You smiled, as the image continued to clear up, and you could see Lucifer, next to Charlie, and Vaggie, Angel, Husk, Cherri, Niffty... all covering in golden blood, except for Lucifer who looked exactly the same as when he left.
You felt tears well up in your eyes as you jumped through the portal into the arms of your friends. You all hug in a group before Lucifer picked you up and spun you around. After the laughter and smiles you looked around, something was missing, something big. It was quiet.
"Where are Alastor and Pentious? And... oh my god! The hotel!" you said realizing that it was not only some friends that were missing, but that the group was literally standing on the rocky remains of the Hazbin Hotel.
Charlie rubbed her arm, "Pentious... Pentious scarified himself for us... Adam killed him... he's... he's gone. And, umm... we aren't entirely sure what happened to Alastor either... He was fighting Adam, and the next thing we knew, Adam was out fighting the rest of us. We haven't seen him since. And... ya... Adam took out the hotel."
"And I took out the Bad Angel Man!" Niffy said, proudly holding up her little dagger, both her at it covered in bright golden blood.
You and the others laughed at Niffy's excitement, but your heart broke for your friends, you hadn't really gotten to know Sir Pentious very much, but your knew he had meant a lot to the hotel crew. You hoped that Alastor had found a way to slip out or something, he was... a unique individual... but he was also an important piece to the hotel. And the hotel...
Lucifer grabbed your hand, "The hotel, however, we can fix." He said with a smile, "Wanna help us build a hotel?"
You smiled, finally something you were able to do to help.
"Lets do this!"
The rest of the afternoon was spent with the whole crew building up a new Hazbin Hotel, one that was even bigger and better than the previous one. You had no idea that it was possible to set up a new building in an afternoon, but with Lucifer's extraordinary magic and an amazing team, the shining new doors of the hotel were gleaming and open again.
Lucifer could not stop smiling the whole rest of the afternoon, to have a purpose behind his creativity and powers of creation, to have a community again that liked him, to have his daughter back and getting to support her dreams, and to have you, you who made all this happiness fall into place again. Getting to beat the shit out of Adam had also been quite enjoyable.
He looked down at the wedding ring that was still on his left hand, after wearing it for so long, he had forgotten that it wasn't just a part of him, it was his reminder of Lilith. He would still always have love and care for Lilith, but the time of her had come to an end, and you were his new horizon. He wasn't ready to take off the ring just yet, he didn't want to tip anyone off, but god did he just want to toss of the ring, swoop down from the sky, scoop you up, kiss you, and tell you how much he loved you in front of all of hell, but this wasn't the time. This day was about Charlie and her dream. Plus... he was still really fucking nervous and didn't know how to say it to you.
Eventually, Alastor manifested himself back from the shadows and re-joined the group, Lucifer and Husk were... less than thrilled, but everyone else was happy, including you. The group celebrated at their new beautiful hotel together late into the night.
Eventually, you and Lucifer split off for the night to celebrate the rest of the night together snuggling in each other's arms. You fell asleep first that night, and Lucifer spent his last few minutes awake looking at your beautiful face in the darkness or his room, daydreaming about the best way to tell you how he felt.
Don't get too comfortable! I've got one more twist in store for these two :) xoxo, dany As usual, leave a comment if you want added to the taglist so that you can get notifications when future chapters drop!
Taglist: @froggybich @wonderlandangelsposts @glowinthedarkbones1150 @marydragneell @crescent-z @superdinosaurnacho @jam0001 @kyo-kyo1 @so-get-this-sammy @lilzebeth @kelppsstuff @loquacious-libra @pinkhoneydrop @luleck @writer-girl99 @lavenz @stormz369 @littleladydemon @soujiswife @melday0105 @luluxx118 @sseleniaa @futureittomainn @cktkat @zaneyyyy @uravitsy @liecoris @starlitvenus @hannahrose130 @elleofdragons @butch-medusae @concentratedconcrete @erosamasan
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A request...
Dunno if this has been done already but A self aware Azul, Trey, and Lilia reacting to the player saying they "had a bad day but seeing them made it much better".
Let me know if this is confusing and you're free to not answer of course
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, unhealthy behavior, mentions of blood, mentions of war, death, bad cringe humor bc I haven't written for a while
Trey Clover/ Azul Ashengrotto/Lilia Vanrouge-"Seeing you made my day better!"
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Oh, are you alright?
The second you returned to them, Trey could tell that something was wrong with you
A bad day perhaps?
If he could talk to you he would sit you down to talk about what (or who) ruined your day (whilst secretly planning their demise but pshh)
But then you suddenly stare at the screen and drop something like that at him? Whew... I-I think he is swooning
He almost forgets that you are having a horrible time before all of this until he finally sees you having a strained expression once more before going off
Oh ok. This is fine. This is totally fine. Haha... TOTALLY FINE
Like, imagine my mans expression
He feels honored that you feel and think that way about him but at the same time...
Bro over here can't really help
He tries to be as present as possible after that
(Toatally not like a cat throwing itself on your lap for attention)
In his mind, the more present he is the better you feel
(Not like peeps play games to escape reality but sure, if Trey wants to see himself as your emotional aspirin then sure)
But perhaps his attention really helped, perhaps something good just happened that got you in a good mood
So when you finally said that seeing him made your day so much better it felt like the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds after a long storm
Well, luckily he didn't need to conspire with Draconia to get you here anymore
But then again, if what you said was true then him being with you would keep you happy all the time, right?
Oh what he does for his go-I mean his uncrowned ruler
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This brings back a lot of dark memories for him
And I mean that literally
His memories of these days are filled with him sitting in a dark corner of his little pot
Only with the difference that for him his ray of light was food, for you it… is whatever this is
It does surprise him though
You, the high scholar, wisest of the wise, were more human than he imagined you to be
Well, to be fair, it was easy to imagine you as that unfeeling being that hovered over all of them
Day after day did the octopus see you do whatever you came to do and then go again
Although… you always made sure to check on him whilst having that faint smile on your face
How sweet. Doesn’t make him worry any less though
Until one day you finally tell him that seeing him made your day better
Wow… how is he supposed to react to that?
His inspiration for everything he does sees him in that light
This totally won’t get to his now. Naw. I have no idea what you are talking about
Continue to tell him that. Tell him how much his presence makes you happy
And if you should look in the direction of some unfortunate NPC that unknowingly made you laugh he will see red
Interesting, his cane looks a bit red as well. The handle area should be cleaned again… why is it so sticky?
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Lilia is not amused
Sleep deprived, yes, but not amused
Oh why that? Well, this father decided to pray even more to you in order to cheer you up
Now, if you know anything about Lilia in this au then you also know how religious he is, so him praying even more? Uh… perhaps he gets two hours of sleep at best
You are his god so surely you hear his words, asking you why your expression is always so sad, so exhausted
Anyways, if Lilia is not in a good mood, so is entire Diasomnia. He is more or less the dorms old and wise fairy grandmother who hands out advice like lollipops so when he is not in a good mood, so is nobody else
No matter what the local group of non-violent military trained guys do, they just can’t cheer up their usually oh so happy teacher and guide
Lilia reminds the NPCs of the dorm of a certain general they read about in the history books (but there is no way that could be Lilia)
Until one day he walks in like he is in a romance anime, looking up with sparkling eyes to the altar and thanking your statue for your favor
If this was any other dorm, he would have been send to the school therapist (oh yeah, they have a shrimp instead of that)
When asked by his son what happened Lilia just looks up, still with that weird look in his eyes, tells him that “I have finally been noticed by our grace”
Malleus is telling Sebek in the meantime to call for a doctor because it seems like their general just lost his last few marbles
What really happened was Lilia heads down dangling from who knows where, perhaps the cafeteria chandelier, and asking himself what could have made you so sullen the last few days
Until suddenly you zipped in, looked at him (probably once up to his knees and then down to his head whilst saying “Mhm. Looks good.”) and were like “Seeing you made my day better.”
That was the moment when Lilia lost his grip on the metal and fell face-first, thankfully it was already late so no one was present but if I got a coin every time he fell like that I would have one, which tells us how rarely that happens
How about you go to whatever NPCs that govern the other countries and warn them that there is a high low-key mad general who would start would annihilation if you so much as feel slightly sluggish
You know those people who need to hear compliments constantly so they don't go bananas? Yeah
Whoops. Seems like you complimented the uniform of Octavinelles uniforms after seeing one of their NPCs. Wonder what happened to that guy. He isn't attending his classes anymore, that's for sure
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slickchickchocolatier · 5 months
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This is the look when heethan succeeds in baby trapping you, and watches you cry because you’re too young to have a baby. You wanted to finish college, get married, and wait a few years. But naw, this man pumped you so much with his juices every night, sneaked your birth control into the garbage can, lied to you every single time you asked him “are you wearing a condom?” And stealthily released inside you over and over again in one session. Him, and his alter ego.
All those times when you felt slightly bloated, thinking you drank too much water or tea, it really was because this man slowly thrusted into you while you slept, sometimes drugging you undetected as he gives you sleeping pills instead of your multi vitamins, or giving you the sleepy time tea instead of green or jasmine.
This man would run his fingers through your hair as you whined while being unconscious as he kept thrusting more and more while you’re sleeping peacefully, or trying to. If the harrowing physical act of being impregnated is not haunting your dreams as he’s doing you.
You walk around leaking all day wondering why because according to your ‘memory’ you guys had sex the night prior and you had showered and cleaned up afterwards. So why are you dripping with his cum sliding down your legs?
You wake up one morning feeling incredibly sick to the stomach. Nausea hits you and you spend an entire day throwing up non-stop. You go to the hospital to get medicine for what you suspect is the flu. They make you take a urine test as protocol, and you don’t think anything of it because after all, each time you did it he was wearing a ‘condom’, and you were awake. But surprise! The test comes back positive and the nurses and staff congratulate you as they schedule all of your follow up appointments, while you’re sitting there crying. They mistake it for tears of joy.
You figured a condom broke and expected him to be just as shocked as you are when you tell him but when he hears of the news…
“Hmph. About time—I was about to take things up to a drastic level.”
You stare at him and yell. “Why did you do this to me?!”
His eyes remained hidden under the shadow of his hat and he hugs and kisses you forcefully while telling you…
“So you can never leave…now you’re stuck with me forever.” >:) “Guess forever starts now. I’m so happy, and you should be too. Now put a smile on your goddamn face…otherwise I can give you something else to smile about.”
#isaidwhatisaid #sorrynotsorry #hewoulddoittoo #manisinsane #doesnotcare #aslongas #hehasyou #hesyandere #obsessive #possessive #toxic #andhesays #itsallyourfault #helovesyou #takeitbaby
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
Some Fairytale Bliss
Pairing: Big Stunna x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Fluff and filth. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female receiving) teasing/mocking, cum play, dirty talk, praise kink, breeding kink, Daddy kink, all consensual. Referring to female anatomy as "girls".
Summary: Going through your nightly routine of getting your daughter to sleep, Stunna is a very attentive father and husband. Not only does he take care of your daughter, he makes sure he puts you to bed as well.
Word Count: 4,951k
A/N: Couldn't stop thinking about Stunna. Even after this one, I'm wondering what else I can write for this gorgeous man. Hello brainrot. LOL Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @blackerthings @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh @xo-goldengirl @kindofaintrovert @flydotty @judymfmoody @slippinninque @soufcakmistress @henneseyhoe @westside-rot @melaninpov @twocentuar @blackpinup22 @babybratzmaraj @theyscreamsannii
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“Naw, princess, it’s time for bed,” Stunna said and laughed down at your three-year-old daughter. He got to his knees and poked her belly and then her nose. Nerriah squealed with laughter and grabbed your husband’s face with her chubby fingers.
“Pleeease,” she said and stuck her bottom lip out. Stunna laughed and shook his head. He looked over at you. 
“Why’d you teach her that?” He asked.
“She ain’t get that from me,” you said, innocently. You giggled and folded up some of Nerriah’s clothes from the latest load of laundry. 
“She ain’t come up with it by herself,” he said. He poked your daughter on the nose once more and picked her up with a grunt. 
She pouted harder and shook her head. While Stunna wasn’t looking, you pointed to your eyes. Nerriah saw you and her little head nodded, her beautiful hair in a neat tiny bun. Stunna placed her in her bed and pulled the covers over her.
She turned wider doe eyes to him and started sniffling a little bit. “But daddy,” she said.
“No buts. Big girls go to bed on time,” he said. He tucked her in and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Your heart melted seeing Stunna be such a…father. 
Your daughter managed to squeeze out a fat tear and Stunna sighed. “That doesn’t work for your mother and it ain’t workin’ for you neither. Bed time. Now,” he said. He grinned at her and tapped her nose.
She fell back on the bed dramatically and you silently giggled. You should not be encouraging your daughter like this. But you couldn’t help loving how Stunna got fed up with your shared shenanigans. 
Finished with the laundry, you picked up the basket and gave Nerriah a kiss on her forehead. “Goodnight, bug,” you said.
“Night mommy!” 
Stunna waited for you at the door. He grabbed the basket from you and you sucked your teeth playfully. “Really? I can carry a basket,” you said.
“Not when I’m around. My queen shouldn’t have to worry about carrying a thing,” he said. He closed Nerriah’s door behind you. 
“Your queen, huh?” You asked. Across from Nerriah’s room, there was the laundry room. Stunna put the basket on the small folding table and then closed the door. With his hands free, he reached down and grabbed your hips pulling you closer.
You swayed as you did so and he matched you with a wide smile. His rich chestnut skin felt smooth and powerful. You placed your arms around his neck and smiled at him. “Does that mean you’re our king?” You asked.
“Naw, didn’t you hear? I’m dadddyyy,” Stunna fake whined and then planted a wet kiss on you. His sexy lips smacked as they left yours. 
“Shut up,” you said. You rolled your eyes and pushed away from him. He let you turn around but then he pulled you against him, your back hitting his chest. He moaned at the impact and dropped his head to your shoulder.
You reached your hand back to rub at his cheek and neck. “Damn girl, yo ass gettin’ fatter?” He asked.
“No!” You said. He said that same shit every day and hadn’t anything changed. A thrill still went through you at the compliment; that he paid that much attention to your body. You loved being desired by him. Lots of people were attracted to others. But to desire someone was to be in awe of their existence. To know without a single doubt that this person has everything you want to explore. 
You walked down the hall with him while he placed tiny kisses across your neck. “Hm, I’on know. Feelin’ pretty thick back here, mama,” he said. 
“Shut up,” you said. The hallway let out into the hallway. Your taste never failed to take your breath away. Thanks to Stunna always taking care of you, your little modest house was decorated exactly how you liked. Your style was uniquely yours and a hit of pride filled you looking at it.
Stunna stopped you just before the living room. He tried to pull you into your bedroom and you resisted, planting your feet in the threshold. “Nuh-uh, I got chores to finish,” you said.
Stunna pushed his hips into your ass, pinning you to the door frame. He dug his hips in harder and you felt the outline of his erection in his gray sweatpants. “Oh fuck,” a moan escaped you. 
Your pussy immediately throbbed. You licked your lips, shivering already. You knew what he was capable of. You knew how he got when he’s feeling frisky. When he needed you, he needed you right this second.
No matter what you were doing, Stunna needed relief now. If you were washing dishes, he was pulling your hips back and playing with your pussy. If you were folding laundry, he wanted you to dick warm him until he was filling you up. If you were ready to get out of the shower, he was pushing you back in and sliding right in since you were already so wet and relaxed for him. 
“Stunna, we just put the baby down,” you said.
“I know, which means she out like a light. When I saw you playing with her earlier, I couldn’t help but think,” he said in your ear. 
You rubbed his hands around your waist. “Should I be worried?” You asked.
“Naw. Got me to thinkin’ she need a sibling,” he said.
“Boy, what!” You nearly shrieked but you remembered to lower your voice. Stunna moaned and pushed his dick into the crack of your ass. You bit your lip and moaned back. 
Your body tingled. His breath fanned across your neck, hot and needy. His hand started to travel lower, sliding in between the frame and your body. His long fingers cupped your pussy and you gasped.
“We ready for another baby, what you think?” He asked. 
“How you just gon’ decide that?” You asked.
“‘Cause you lookin’ too goddamn fine in those pants and my shirt,” he said.
You wore gray lounge pants and a black T-shirt of his. Your least sexy outfit. It fit you like a snug dress but that was okay. His bulk allowed room for your curves and girls. 
“And this pussy gettin’ hot n’ ready for me,” he said. He kissed behind your ear. He brought his hands up to cup your breasts. One in each hand. He began to move his fingers, massaging your titties. He found your nipples through your fabric and started to twist them between his fingers.
His careful, deft fingers caressed over your nipples and you moaned whenever he tugged. You felt it right down to your clit. You sighed, your back bending. Your head fell into him harder and your chest poked out. 
“Lemme give you another baby,” he said. 
“Stunna, be serious. We barely got Nerriah’s schedule settled down,” you said. You always thought that after years of idle researching, you knew enough about how you wanted to raise your children. That you’d try to be fair, teach them that no means no, and if they were old enough to ask then they were old enough to know. 
Nerriah took every idea you had about kids and ripped it to shreds. She wasn’t a demon but she was a curious little thing that saw far more than her little age of three. Everything you tried with her was met with a little stern face accompanied by the question, “Why?” You had a giant attitude all throughout your pregnancy. And the little girl inherited every drop of it. 
“Stunna, c’mon , I got chores to finish before I can lay down,” you said. Your resolve was crumbling though. You couldn’t take too much more of this teasing. Your pussy was throbbing, its way of giving your flashbacks to how he behaved the night Nerriah was conceived. 
“Lay down now. C’mon,” he said. He twisted his body and since he was so much taller and stronger, he lifted you with ease. Out of the doorframe, he closed the door. He pushed you forward and you approached the bed, sighing but also giddy with excitement. It had been far too long since you two had sex. This morning may as well have been last year. 
You lifted your knee to get onto the bed, but Stunna stopped you. He pressed soft kisses into your brown skin, planting pieces of love that would sink in and claim your soul. You moaned as he lowered your pants and panties in one fell swoop.
Years of marriage and you still felt a teensy bit shy when he undressed you like this. When the lamps were still on and he’d see your entire body. You weren’t ashamed of your body, not by a long shot. He was just so gorgeous, it was like committing blasphemy whenever he saw you. Like getting dicked down by a god.
You quickly got over that as one of his favorite parts of you was revealed. He moaned and grabbed a chunk of your ass, shaking it. “That ass,” he sighed. 
You giggled and helped him by taking off your shirt. You dropped it to the ground and shook your ass for him. He pinched your ass and told you to quit playing. 
His clothes were the next to go. He slipped off the tank and sweats, no underwear. No wonder he felt so big against you, there was less fabric separating you. Naked as the day you were born, you turned in his arms and looked up at him. 
He smiled, leaning down slowly and kissing you. Once more, his wet lips pressed against yours. You moaned at the taste of him. The feel of him. You ran your hands across his shoulders and down his arms. Every corded muscle flexed under your touch as if there was a thin wall of electricity between you. 
He lowered you to the bed and you spread your legs to accommodate him. Your knees drew up to his hips and his dick slotted against your pussy. His lips found yours as he leaned against you.
Skin to skin. Chest to chest. There were no boundaries between you. He grinned against your lips. “You’ll be so damn sexy carrying my baby again,” he said. He kissed down from your lips to your chin. He landed on your chest, lips soft and sweet. 
“This sexy belly carrying it. Hmf, and the way your titties get bigger,” he moaned. He kissed his way to your titty, swirling his tongue around the nipple. 
“That’s a lot, two babies,” you said. You only half paid attention. There was nothing you wouldn’t give this man if he asked. 
“You know I take care of us,” he said. He hadn’t taken out his grills yet and they flashed some of the light on the room. He was so damn sexy. And right. When you were pregnant with Nerriah, Stunna did absolutely everything he could to make sure you had a stress-free time.
He was up with you while you puked your guts out in the morning. Rubbed your feet whenever you were tired, whether they hurt or not. He bought all kinds of baby books and read them to you to help you fall asleep because he knew you loved the sound of his voice. 
You squeezed the hell out of his hand when Nerriah was delivered, but he never complained. He championed you in the delivery room, cheering from the side because there was no way in hell you were letting him further south.
He grinned and chuckled at your foul mouth, calling him everything but a child of God as the pain was unbearable. But then Nerriah’s cries filled the room and the look on Stunna’s face was priceless. His excitement nearly rivaled yours as you finally met your child. 
Stunna suckled on your nipple and sucked a tad too hard. You cried out, looking down at him. He looked up at you and grinned. His necklace tickled your skin and you shivered despite it. 
He let go of your nipple and kissed down your belly. He placed a kiss on your lower belly and then dropped down between your legs. He lifted your thighs and placed them over his shoulder.
“Oh, that’s what I like to see,” he said. He blew across your wet pussy and you squirmed. 
His long tongue licked you from your entrance to your clit and back again. His tongue was hot and wet, slurping up your essence and causing your toes to curl. 
“Oh shit,” you moaned. 
“So fuckin’ beautiful. So fuckin’ wet,” he murmured into your pussy. You clutched his head with one hand, pushing his face into your welcoming pussy. Your other hand was above your head, clutching at the blue sheets beneath you. 
“Never get enough of this pussy,” he moaned. The bed started to shake a little as he ground his hips into the bed. 
“Oh baby,” you moaned. 
“That’s right. Let me hear how good I eat it,” he moaned. His lips ticked your pussy lips as he spoke and you threw your head back. 
Your body shivered and clenched. You gyrated your hips effectively wetting his beard. Wetting his entire lower jaw. 
Stunna used his fingers to spread you open so he could lick and suckle every inch. He sucked in a flab of meat and held on, shaking his head with a groan. 
“Shit, shit,” you moaned. 
“Mhm, how good does Daddy eat it?” He asked.
“So good. Soo good, Daddy,” you moaned. Your eyes rolled upwards towards the popcorn ceiling. 
“You fuck right I do. Ouu, what’s this,” he said. He dipped a long finger inside of you. Your pussy clenched around it. He pulled his finger out and sucked on it, moaned, and stuck his finger back in. Another one joined it and you gasped, back bowing off of the bed. 
“Let me hear it,” he said.
You moaned louder, thighs shaking on his shoulders. Your moans turned frantic as your orgasm approached. He curled his fingers ever so slightly. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” your voice squeaked. 
“Let it out baby. Let that shit out, you deserve it,” he encouraged. 
Your soul left your body as he dropped his lips back down to your clit. Your orgasm was intense, powerful. Life changing. You squeezed your eyes and star stars winked behind your eyelids.
Untold relief flooded your system, like the strongest hit of a drug. You hadn’t thought you were so wound tight but you felt none of that tension right now. You were free and unburdened. 
You clung to him as you came, your body shaking and twitching. He watched it all, licking his lips at the faces you made. Love poured from his eyes, a small grin on his face. Your gasps were deep and sweat pooled on your chest.
Stunna placed wet kisses along your body, climbing back up. He made you scoot back a bit so he could place his knees on the bed. He leaned up on one hand and looked at his handy work, your dripping pussy and the small puddle pooling underneath you and on the sheets. 
He grinned, those golds making your pussy ache. Every orgasm only made you want him more. Crave him more. Need him more. 
“We’re gonna make a baby tonight. Make sure you remember tonight, baby,” he said. 
“Really? You ready for another baby?” You asked.
“Hell yeah. Nerriah needs a sibling now. They can play together while I give them another one,” he said.
You slapped at his chest. “You so damn nasty! Who said I want three kids?” You asked. 
“Hmm, before Nerriah was born when I was digging in your guts on the couch. That weed turn you into a little nasty ass,” he said with a chuckle. 
“No it does not!” You complained. He dropped quick kisses on your stomach and ground his hips into you.
“Yes it do. Get you creamin’ and cryin’ on this dick. Until you agreein’ to give me however many kids I can plant in there,” he said. 
“Oh my god,” you said and placed your arm over your eyes. You absolutely would agree to give him whatever he wanted. Whenever his long dick was inside you, you lost all higher functioning. 
“Let’s see if we can’t get you creamier now,” he said. He grabbed his dick and slapped it against your pussy. Droplets of your arousal went flying onto the bed and onto your thighs. 
He flicked the tip of his dick against your clit and you moaned. He pushed into your entrance, groaning at how you were gripping him already. He slipped out and then pushed back in, getting deeper with every stroke.
You cried at the fullness of him, pushing into your wet heat. He pushed and pulled, pushed and pulled and groaned on every long stroke. He finally got his entire dick wet, seating it fully to the hilt.
You could barely breathe around how deeply he filled you. You were shaking, your whole body lost from your control. You whined, needing him to move. When he stayed still like this to let you get used to him, you couldn’t take it. Your body felt too good with him inside like this was home. This was where he was meant to be at all times.
It was as if his dick held all the answers to the universe. Somewhere out in the cosmos, stardust conspired to combine your souls in this life. If you believed in reincarnation, then you lived a thousand lives all echoing throughout the centuries. Finding each other, over and over, in each life cycle. 
“Fuuck, you feel so good huggin’ this dick,” he said. “Creamy as shit.” He leaned up so that he could use both of his hands. He placed one hand on your tummy, pressing down. You gasped, eyes opening wide as you felt him from both sides. He was so long, it was like he was literally digging in your guts. You were pretty sure that he was kissing your cervix. When he came, he was gonna shoot his load straight into your womb. 
Your pussy clenched around his dick and he moaned, making him stroke longer and deeper. “You feel me there?” He asked. 
You nodded. He brought his face down to look closer at you. Your eye contact made the moment even more intimate and soft. He breathed with you as you gasped, your heart thundering in your chest. 
“You sure you feel me there?” He asked. He pressed down harder on your tummy and you whined, feeling yourself get wetter for him. He noticed too, sliding in and out of you with ease. 
“Yes, Daddy. I feel you there. Oh, baby, I feel you,” you moaned. You rubbed his back. You couldn’t stop touching him, feeling him. Feel the way his shoulders moved and muscles contracted. 
Your hands snaked down to his ass and gripped his cheeks. He twitched, but relaxed right after. It took a long time and a lot of trust for him to let you grip his ass during sex. He wasn’t opposed to it, it was just the first time someone had wanted to hold him like that. To show non-verbally that he was hitting it right and how you liked it.
You pulled him into you as if he wasn’t already as deep as he could possibly go. “Oh, Daddy Long Strokes,” you moaned with a breathy giggle.
He laughed and leaned down to kiss you. “Goofy ass,” he said. He kissed you again, feeding you over and over again. 
When he retreated, your eyes widened as you felt your approaching orgasm. It crept up like a slow wave breaking the shore. “Stunna,” you whined.
“Let me feel that shit. Don’t hold it back,” he said. You listened, letting your body go and letting the orgasm crash over you. You jerked and twisted, uncontrollable moans escaping you. 
“Fuuck, squeeze Daddy’s dick. Squeeze the fuck out of it, baby. Look at you, letting me feel it. Fuck,” he groaned. 
He kept giving you long strokes until he followed behind you, grunting as he released his climax. His hot, sticky cum bathed your pussy walls and you shuddered from such a sensation. 
His face was contorted, with his mouth wide open and his eyes closed shut. He looked blissed out and totally devoted to chasing that high of pleasure. When he finished, he bit his lip and looked at you. 
He grinned. “Needed that,” he panted.
You giggled. “Even though you came this morning?” You asked.
“I love watching my dick disappear down that pretty throat, but nothing compares to when I’m deep inside you. Do you have any idea how much I fucking love you?” He asked.
You giggled, pulling him down by the neck to kiss him. He still smelled faintly like you and you licked his lips and his tongue. He stuck it out and you sucked on it. Your wet smacks were music to your ears. Your pussy clenched and unclenched around his dick and he groaned.
Aided by his cum, he began to move again. His erection got harder the more he ground into you. 
“What you think we gon’ have? A boy? Another girl?” He asked. 
“Shit,” you moaned. You scratched his back. Your nails dug into his skin as he found a pace that made you pant on every stroke. Huff and hiss and toss out curses to express how good you felt. 
Stunna licked your neck. “I feel like it’s gon’ be another little girl. One that look just like you. Cute as hell,” he said.
“Please!” You moaned. “I can’t deal with two little girls with my attitude,” you said. You felt overheated and hot. A faint sheen of sweat gathered on your brow. You curled into him, another orgasm scratching your throat.
Your ragged moans were yanked out of you with every stroke. Your pussy sucked him in with wet noises and squelches. He fucked his cum into you, deeper and deeper. You felt him in your womb. Pushing a little swimmer farther into you. 
“Every time you cum, I just wanna give you another load,” he groaned. His lips captured your nipple and his teeth nibbled on the sensitive little bud. He swirled his tongue all around the nipple, moaning and sending vibrations through your skin. 
Already, another orgasm stole your senses. Your vision cut off as you closed your eyes. Your nails dug into his skin, scratching him deep. Your hearing rang out a dull tone replacing the sounds of his moans. 
“Cum on that fuckin’ dick, baby. Let Daddy know he hittin’ it right,” he said.
“So right, so right, so right,” you echoed. He slammed into you, fucking you into the mattress. 
“Gonna keep yo sexy ass pregnant and full of my babies. Carryin’ my children. Gonna take care of you. Gonna rub your feet. And help you shower. Give you massages whenever you want. And while they in there, I’ma still make you cum so you always feel good,” he said. 
He leaned forward on his elbows and dropped more of his weight on you. His left elbow was placed near your head so he could rest comfortably on it. His right hand gripped your waist painfully and slammed you back down on his dick.
“Ou, got a big one for you,” he moaned.
“Gimme,” you whined. “Gimme that baby. I want it,” you moaned. 
You were already stuffed with his cum and your greedy ass wanted more. You wanted to completely drain his balls inside of you. Hold it in and keep a piece of him with you. 
“You want that baby?” He asked. He switched to your other nipple, suckling it into his mouth and holding on. 
“Yes! I want that baby. Fill me up, Daddy,” you whined. 
He moaned and shook, driving his hips deeper and cumming with a shout, dropping his head against your neck. He gasped and panted, out of breath and laying all of his weight on you. Hot pulses of his cum throbbed inside of you, pulsing against your snug walls. 
You cried out and twitched, rolling your eyes back. 
“That’s my beautiful baby. You take me so damn well. Pussy made for me, for fuckin’ real,” he groaned. 
He finished pulsing inside of you and sound returned to you. Nerriah was crying on the baby monitor and you groaned. How the hell were you supposed to go comfort her when you couldn’t even walk? 
Stunna wiped his sweat with the back of his arm. He grinned and gave you sloppy kisses. “I got her,” he said.
“Are you sure?” You asked. 
“Mhm,” Stunna said. He pressed small kisses into your shoulder while he slipped out of you. You groaned, already feeling so damn empty without him. Adrift. Like a piece of driftwood deep out at sea. 
He climbed off of you and out of the bed. Your legs were still stuck in the air and you hissed as you lowered them. Your thighs ached. He snatched his sweats from the ground and dressed and told you not to move. He left the room and soon, you heard him on the baby monitor. 
“What’s wrong, princess?” He asked. 
“Is mommy okay?” Nerriah asked.
“Of course, baby. Why do you ask?”
Your daughter sniffled. “I heard bad noises,” she said. 
You stifled a giggle. Lord. You weren’t as quiet as you thought. You rubbed your belly, already picturing what another child would look like. Nerriah already favored her dad in so many ways. You’d be damned if you baked another baby and it came out looking like him. 
Stunna chuckled. “Mommy is fine. We’re just play fighting,” he straight up lied. You turned to the side and buried your face into the pillow. You were traumatizing your daughter. But you couldn’t help it. You turned into an animal for your man, needing him to just live inside you at this point.
He was an incredible dad and always provided for the two of you. It was more than what he was supposed to do. He wanted to do it. He took pleasure from taking care of you and his baby girl. He loved watching her mini fashion shows as she threw together wild combinations. He loved sitting his tall ass on Nerriah’s floor, pretending to attend her tea party. 
He did draw the line at painting his nails and face though. He didn’t want to run the risk of forgetting and walking around his boys with paint all over his face in what’s supposed to be make up. He didn’t want to have to fight the first mu’fucka that tried to joke about it. 
Everything else was fair game. He rolled around the floor with her for hours, pretending to be a pony and carrying her on his shoulders. Or telling her some complicated fairytale he thought up as she slept. 
You listened to Stunna comfort Nerriah until she was sound asleep again. A moment later, Stunna reentered the room with a tired grin on his face. He saw the way you were lying down, curled up with your ass in the air. 
He closed the door and groaned, tugging down his sweats and revealing his fat dick. He stroked himself as he looked at you. “I’ma clean you up in a min, but I need one more,” he said.
You sigh mixed with a yawn as you sleepily shook your head. “Ain’t no way,” you said.
“I just wanna make sure I give you a good nut,” he begged. He climbed into the bed and placed his hands on your upturned ass. He rubbed it and you moaned as he hit deep knots and proceeded to rub them out.
Your body instantly came awake, tilting your ass to meet his masterful hands. “You did, I swear,” you moaned.
His hands felt so damn good kneading your skin. Massaging the little balls of tension you tended to carry around unintentionally. How did he manage to find these spots? You rubbed your thighs all the time. You couldn’t find half the places he did. He always knew when to dig in and when to ease up.
You sighed and groaned into the massage. Your brain turned to mush and relaxed into the bed. You loved his hands on you. Those big, strong hands meant to protect you. “I love you,” you whispered. You were too full of the emotion. Simmering with the feeling that he was yours for eternity. That you’d find him again and again in the next life. 
“I love you too,” he said. He leaned down and kissed your cheek. “Love you so much. My girls are my only reason for breathing. And I can’t wait to add to our family. You’re the only thing I need in my life to feel whole,” he whispered against your lips. 
He slipped inside anyway and you groaned softly. You’d never get tired of him. Tired of him deep inside you and making you groan and shiver. Elicit all kinds of dirty, filthy sounds with just a stroke. You felt loved. Cherished. Worshiped. 
“Gonna spend the rest of my life making you the happiest woman in the world.”
You giggled and looked at him. “I’m already the happiest and luckiest woman in the world.” You sealed your words with a kiss, contracting around his dick and cumming in unison with him. 
You wouldn’t trade this shit for the life of you.
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The Secret Big Stunna Files
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Knightmare In Toronto
Chapter 2: Portal Paradox
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There was a distinct pain in your head when you rose from your slumber, laid on the couch like a drunkard. A blanket had been draped over your prone form, though you chalked it up to an unusually proactive action you'd taken before your nap. Your perfectly normal, fever-dream nap starring medieval men without food allergies who broke into houses.
That is, until you saw one of those men–a new one with dirty blonde hair, a dark green tunic with tan pants, and... were those face tattoos–sitting in your armchair and your fears were realized: today (at least, you think it's still today) was real and there were more strangers in your house.
Ignoring the pang of discomfort in your neck, you shot up, ready to square up to this new threat. "Who are you?"
"Oh! You're awake," the man smiled, which was incredibly weird for a home intruder. "I'm Twilight."
Twilight… why was that familiar? It almost sounded like a gang name, but you highly doubted the aforementioned situation was even remotely affiliated with gangs—though the odds that he had been watching you sleep were a bit close for comfort.
At your lack of response, Twilight's expression shifted to one of concern. "You alright–?"
"I don't want drugs!" You blurted.
"I repeat, we don't have drugs," Four's head popped in from the kitchen, expression a perfect deadpan.
"Only people on drugs talk about portals!" You shot back as black spots danced in the corners of your vision. "Ain't no portals in Toronto!"
"Toronto?" Twilight looked puzzled in the shrill wake of your outburst. What was this guy, a saint?
"Canada," you finished. He stared at you with a baffled expression and you deadpanned. "How do you not know where that is?"
"Because we are not from your world," another, deeper verse answered. You watched in disbelief as yet another man stepped out of your minuscule kitchen. He was tall, wearing a long silver tunic and black pants. Two crimson stripes lay perpendicular beneath his right eye, and there was another blue marking on his forehead.
You opened your mouth, closed it, and opened it again.
"That's not–" Four sighed, running a hand down his face like a tired dad. "You need sleep."
"You need Jesus."
"Excuse me?" Asked the tallest man, and you wisely shut up.
Twilight, who had been silently observing the exchange, piped up. "About that, sorry for falling on you."
You blinked. So that's why your head hurt like you chugged some bourbon and fought a moose for territory. "Oh, naw, it's fine, you should see what I deal with at work."
"When you say it like that, I don't think I want to."
Your laugh surprised even you, bubbling up your throat like soda. "Smart."
The newcomer cleared his throat, bringing silence back to the room. "Miss..." he looked to Four, who mouthed something suspiciously close to your name. "(Y/n), I know this may seem impossible to you, but this situation is very much real. I can assure you that no one here is under the influence of… substances."
Damnit, you were hoping you could make that joke a few more times. "Okay, well, he," you pointed at Four. "materialized in my living room and that man," you pointed even more aggressively at Twilight, who had the decency to look sheepish. "apparently fell on me. Speaking of, how are you here?"
"The door was unlocked," the tall man said, and you nearly fell over. "About your garden..."
Your expression turned to one of terror. "Not my petunias..."
"I'm afraid you'll have to direct me in finding replacements as none of us are familiar with this world."
"Us...?" You parroted, trying and failing to hide your apprehension.
"About that–" Four began, only to be interrupted when yet another crash rang out in your kitchen, followed by a series of loud whoops, and your greatest fear was once again realized: there were more of them.
"Just how many more of there are you?" You asked in horror.
"Currently five, as we are waiting on Legend, Warriors, Sky, and Hyrule."
Oh god, was your first thought, followed by: who the hell names their children that?
"We got Wild!" Wind introduced. "Five down, four to go!"
You could handle this. You would handle this. Like an adult.
"So... you're not from this world?" You asked the tallest of the three, which seemed to be the leader of the current group.
He nodded sagely "Yes, we are from a land called Hyrule."
...Hyrule? Why was that familiar? It certainly wasn’t a place you knew of, but you didn’t think they were lying.
"You seem conflicted," Four observed dryly.
"Quiet, I'm having my midlife crisis," you said, despite the fact that you were nowhere near your fifties. "You try having medieval men poof into your living room like it's a regular Tuesday."
"Gee, that's oddly specific."
Your eye twitched.
"Four," said the tallest man, effectively regaining control of the situation. "Our apologies for causing you strife, but this situation is quite unique."
"No kidding," you muttered, but being upset wasn't going to solve anything. "Okay, what's your plan then?"
The tallest seemed to hesitate, so Twilight took over. "We were hopin' we could wait here until everyone passes through. For safety."
You couldn’t argue with that; they were a long way from home if your suspicions were correct. "Alright, I can do that."
"Much appreciated," he looked like he wanted to say more, but purposefully chose not to.
You would have said more, but Wind chose that exact moment to appear with yet another man in tow. He was lanky and tall, with yellow hair that reached his midback. His tunic was also blue, though considerably shorter than Wind's, and he had various belts criss-crossing his chest. His most defining feature, however, was the large pink scar marring his left cheek and ear. You tried not to look too hard.
"This is Wild," Wind introduced. "Wild, this is (Y/N)."
'Wild' nodded politely. "Nice to meet you."
"Likewise," you responded, feeling a bit sheepish. You glanced at the clock and realized it was now past five. "Geez, I really slept in, huh?"
"It was for the best," Twilight offered a wry smile. "Better get so"
You waved him off. "You're fine, I'm alive."
"That is good."
"Wait, what's happening?" Wild cut in with a confused expression. "Where is everyone?"
"They haven't appeared yet," Four responded, though his voice was slightly uncertain. He gestured to you. "They've agreed to let us stay until everyone comes through."
"That's so kind," Wind exclaimed. "I knew you were nice."
You couldn't hold back a soft scoff. "I wouldn't be so trusting, l could be an axe murderer."
"Are you an axe murderer?" asked Four.
"Naw, I prefer maces."
"Well, I'M a pirate," interjected Wind, laying a hand on his chest.
"Oo, shiver me timbers," you said on instinct. Wind laughed raucously, and you caught a few others chuckling along. Maybe this wasn't as bad as your reptile brain had made it out to be...
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you pulled it out for inspection, missing the curious glances from the other occupants of the room. In the time it had taken to come to terms with this insanity, you'd managed to miss six messages from your bestie, Brianna, who had invited you to an after-work party a few weeks from now. After typing a quick response, you shoved your phone away and stood up. "So, who's hungry?"
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This chapter fought me tooth and nail, so I’m glad it’s finally out there for you all! Enjoy and don’t forget to tell me what you think in the comments!
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swifty-fox · 19 days
Outlaws AU snippet
More rough drag of rubber soles over rocks as Benny drops down onto his launches, voice suddenly closer.
“Look,” He says, quiet enough to not carry over to the rest of the milling travelers, “I don’t know what want down with your last travel partner, you haven’t said anything and I won’t ask what you’re not offering, but you’ve got ‘broken heart’ stamped all over you and Jack’s gotten attached.” 
Gale screws his face up, pinching his lips together as if he could deny that’s exactly the beast that’s been crouching on his shoulders. 
“He and I are gonna stick around here with these guys for a week or two,” Benny continues,  “Stage crew their gigs and earn a little cash. There’s a spot for you if you want it.”
Dropping his arm back down to his side, Gale squints one eye up at him.
Benny scratches the back of his head, “Losing Jack is my worst nightmare. Nobody should be goin’ it alone so if you want to ride the High Line with us, we thought we’d offer.” 
He has to swallow a couple of times, clear his throat and sit up to reach for a water bottle, “That’s kind of you Benny.” 
“Everyone should see it once,” Benny shrugs, “It’s the prettiest freight ride in North America.”
They spend two weeks and three days in Portland, carrying drum sets and guitar cases and amps to every sticky one room dive bar in the city. The set up sound systems under the careful eye of Alex and teaches him how to pick pockets in turn. Rosie is the most frequent victim of the bassists newfound sticky fingers and it’s not an infrequent occurrence to hear him begging Alex for his lucky lighter back.
Cranks a good guy. East Coast as they come but Gale’s trying not to hold it against him, especially since he was graciously allowing them to crash in the already cramped van. 
The band isn’t bad. Not the next Nirvana but might go somewhere if they played their cards right. 
They work other odd jobs, as sometimes all Rosie and the others can offer in payment is a dry place to sleep and a meal, and Gale spends a couple weeks helping out at a record store run by an old dyke called Baby and her partner Alice. He picks up a taste for Bob Seger and while he lifts the walkman the cassette for Night Moves is an honest purchase. 
Johnny and Benny drop acid one night, disappearing into the van, and Gale sits with Rosie and Crank who trade a cigarette back and forth and giggle like children everything the wheels squeak.
“Do you think they realize we’re still all out here by the fire?” Rosie gasps into his hand. In the low light, face creased by mirth he makes out so similar an image to John that Gale finds his gaze lingering for just a moment. 
“Naw,” Gale drawls eventually, placing a toothpick between his lips and drawing his braid over a shoulder to brush fingers through it, “Let the lovebirds have their fun.”
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luvrlou · 1 year
"Y/N and Cal being our favourites"
Pairing: Calfreezy x fem!reader
Summary: If a fan made a compilation of Cal and Y/N's best moments.
Warnings: swearing, sexual references, alcohol use
A/N: I made the reader Scottish for no real reason
Word Count: 1.6k
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"Christmas baking attempts"
"Cal! Are you stupid?" You shrieked as he put an egg, shell and everything, into the cake batter you had spent half of your video making.
"What! It said add one egg!" He was quick to defend himself. You and Cal had decided to make a baking vlog for your youtube channel. Safe to say it's not really going to plan.
You sighed and clutched your head, "without the shell babe, without the shell."
"I'll just take it out then," he grumbled, reaching into the batter to retrieve the egg, coating his hand in the gooey subtance.
You groaned yet again, he looked over to you, his face holding a cheeky grin. "Cal," you warned as he approached you. "Cal! Stop!"
He chased you around the kitchen island his dirty hand stretching towards you, "come here, darling!" He cooed jokingly.
"Piss off Freezy!" You screamed, him closing the large gap between you alarmingly fast.
Before you knew it, he had grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. He planted his batter-covered hand onto the side of your face.
"I fucking hate you," you mumbled as he cackled. "Naw don't laugh, it's no funny Cal!" Instead of laughed again, he leaned into you and enveloped your lips in a sweet and innocent kiss.
"Don't want to scare off your viewers now do we, doll?" He taunted, his lips ghosting over yours, you slapped his face lightly, turning away in a faux huff.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
"Alright Harry," you smiled at the younger man as you and Cal walked over to the table he was sitting at. A view of the beautiful Mykonos beach stretched past you all.
Before he could reply Callum's voice echoed, his camera pointing towards the three of you, "just hooked up with them again, apparently there was some interesting stories that happened last night." He sat across from you and Cal, who you were practically on top of. "Aw what an adorable pair of lovebirds!"
"Shut it, Lux," Cal groaned back. You sending him the middle finger
Callum only laughed in return and placed his camera in front of him and Harry. "I come to my senses at six, thirty am. So I'm outside, didn't even know how I got there." Harry continued to tell the story of how he had drunkenly let himself into a random man's villa.
"Even worse, he was in nothing but his boxers," Cal chuckled, making Harry groan embarrassedly.
"So, I'm like alright, Freezy will save me! So I run upstairs, bang on his door for a bit." He explained.
"Aye, then I answer the door and that shred of innocence I had left fucked off. The only man I should see in such a lack of clothes is Cal!" You butted in, making Cal red in the face And Callum burst out laughing.
"Yeah, so I end up sleeping in their bathtub with a towel over me, Y/N was nice enough to lend me a pillow." Harry finished his story.
"Sure I'm such a gem," you laughed, leaning on top of Cal, who only kissed your forehead in return.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
3. "How I bitched Calfreezy"
You and Cal were making a storytime of how your relationship came about, at about 6 minutes in footage of Cal's vlog from the unexpected night started playing.
"Is that the real KSI!" Cal exclaimed in faux shock, his plastic cup half full of beer swishing about in his hand.
"Ah, Yes! It is I! The KSI!" His friend states in return, waving his arms about in a drunken manner, accidentally hitting a girl behind him.
It was you, you were that girl.
You whipped your head around in an irritated sense, "Watch it! I'm trying to drink over her!"
Cal laughed in response, "sorry love!"
"Don't sorry love me," you quipped. Before turning back to your girlfriends, "what a fud, honestly," you mumbled to them.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
"Hello, hello. If you don't already know me, shame on you. But I am Y/N L/N-" You began, standing at the podium before getting interrupted by your boyfriend in the crowd.
"Freezy! Y/N Freezy!"
You smiled while rolling your eyes, "we'll talk once you put a ring on it."
Everyone in the crowd laughed giddily at your roasts, picking off each member one by one.
"Honestly Harry, I don't know what's a bigger misfortune for you, your love life or your intense drug issues. I mean they probably go hand in hand, no one wants to get in and about a druggie." You stated, earning cackles from Ethan and JJ.
"That's my girl everyone!" Your boyfriend shouted out yet again from the crowd.
"Like a said previously, put a ring on it babe!"
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It was Cal's shot at the sidemen, lets just say that boy had both no filter and no mercy. The best and decided cutest roast by fans was when he reached Simon.
"My girl also wants a ring, the kind you put on her finger. I think Talia is wanting a different ring for you." He grinned, shooting you a smile.
"Aye Freezy, when's my ring coming?" You shouted to him.
He chuckled in response, "hope you realise that you also have to spend your life with me, not just get a ring."
"Better be getting 2 rings then!"
He scoffed, "that is the whole point of engagement and marriage, darling."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
6. is he proposing or did he just...
You had seen those tiktoks floating about your for-you-page for at least a month now, them always ending happily. As if on cue Cal decided to book a last-minute getaway to Rome.
Is he proposing or did he just give me his bank card and tell me to get my nails redone? You were walking into your kitchen when Cal stopped you, "babe!" He called.
"Yeah, what's up?" You answered, puzzled.
He handed you his bank card, "go get your nails done for Rome!"
You looked at him sort of suspiciously, but you weren't one to pass up on an opportunity to get your nails done.
Is he proposing or did he just tell me to pack my favourite dress for Rome? You were sat going through all the clothes in your closet, putting together outfits for your holiday when Cal walked in.
"Bring your favourite dress with you." He stated.
You tilted your head to the side, "why?"
"I booked that really fancy restaurant you haven't shut up about for the past 6 months." His answer made you jump up and hug him, chanting 'thankyou's. "Anything for my girl.
Is he proposing or did he just want to take me on an impulsive trip? Cal was walking with both of your cases in front of you as you sorted out your passports. Every time you flew he would deal with luggage and you would deal with the documents. You both knew that Cal was way to risky to have both passports and boarding passes.
"Can we go get drinks after security?" You asked as you joined to line to luggage check-in.
Is he proposing or did he just buy me a brand-new bracelet as soon as we got to Rome? Cal dragged you into an authentic jewellers, eyes darting straight to the bracelets.
"What wrist do you usually wear your bracelets?" He asked, odd question.
"My right."
He hummed in response, "maybe you should switch things up and put it on your left."
Is he proposing or did he just take me to the most high-end restaurant in Rome? You giggled like a child who was going into a sweet shop as you approached the restaurant.
"Are you excited darling?" He asked, slightly tensely.
"Of course!" You practically squealed in response, "why? Are you not?"
He smiled softly at your confused demeanour, "Why wouldn't I be?"
He proposed.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Cal's face dropped when the next girl walked into the studio, you.
He first looked to the camera, then you, then the boys behind him. "Who's idea was it to put my fucking girlfriend in this?" He yelled before the camera cut off.
Cal walked forward towards you, a coin in his hand. "If I flip a coin, what are the chances I get head?"
This made you burst out laughing, "naw, lets switch this up, shall we? What are the odds I get head?"
8. We revered the tinder in real life ft. the sidemen
"Now if Cal swipes right to any girl who gives him a shite line I will not hesitate to two-foot him." You stated to the line of your friends.
You smiled as he strutted in as if he was on a catwalk, adding a little spin when he reached the board.
"Hello I'm CalFreezy, I'm 25 years old and I'm from London." He introduced himself.
You walked up to him first, "Hello, I'm Y/N L/N, I'm 24 years old and I'm from Glasgow." He chuckled silently, acting as if he wasn't aware of every little thing about you.
"Hello Y/N," he grinned.
"You're hot I would leave my fiancé for you." You stated, all your friends, including Cal, started to laugh uncontrollably.
"Just get out of here!" He laughed, his arm indicating to the left.
You huffed and stomped away, "my own fiancé, what a dick."
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 4 months
"Save a horse, ride a cowboy" - Tex "Oatmeal" Johnson asking for his.. "breakfast" and some exercise to wake them both up 😌
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Spooky, here’s your breakfast. Tex Johnson x Fem Reader. Gif by @cristinaricci. TW: somnophilia, dub-con, Tex, spanking, anal play, really nsfw
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You should really know better by now; sleeping in Tex’s big flannel and that little thong (or, as he likes to muse, a scrap of cotton on elastic) he loves… just to get him riled up? Tsk.
That’s how you end up with him kissing and nibbling your cheeks while he knuckles over your pussy.
You’re all weak and jello, unable to protest properly when he slaps the band of stinging elastic against you, pulls it aside and flicks your little asshole with his tongue.
“Nah, nuh-uh,” you growl, hands going back to stop him, but not before he catches your wrists and holds them flat against your back with one unfairly big grip—your own personal pair of handcuffs.
“You don’t like that?” He asks, grinning a kiss into your plump left cheek, only letting his teeth graze just a little bit. 
You giggle, and it’s stupid that you honestly think you can get out of this by saying, “go away.”
“Oh yeah?” He muses, nuzzling his beard into your pussy lips, sucking and slobbering. The underwear does little to deter his sneaking, slippery, silver tongue.
You try a different bargain. “Tex, I can’t -“ 
He gives your butt a wicked little slap. “You’re gonna.” 
You groan and bury your face into the pillow while he eats the cum out of you. 
“Fuckin sleeping in these cute little panties to get me hard first thing in the damn morning. You just wanted to tease me, huh, little girl?” 
The generous bastard gifts you two thick fingers curled perfectly.
“Answer me or I’m gonna edge ya til you cry.”
“No no no please. Okay okay yeah. Nah ah ahn oh fu-uh-uck.”
You clench on three fingers without warning, soaking right through those aforementioned cute panties. Fuck, you really liked those.
“Already?” He asks, shaking his head. “Talk about jumpin the gun.”
“Shut uppp Texx—“
“Tell me what I wanna hear.”
“Oh, you better fuckin do it.”
“M’ your pretty girl.”
“What honey?” He purposefully ups the force of his fingers to get you louder: “m-mmmmah yuh-ur pretty girlll.”
This is what you get for insulting yourself in front of him that one goddamn time. He had grabbed your cheeks, smushing them between his fingers. “What was that?”
“What?” You challenged, defiance ruined by the comical distortion of your voice.
“Naw, you know exactly watcha said, and if you ever talk like that about my pretty little honey again, you ain’t gonna like me very much.”
You rolled your eyes and batted him away, but he threaded his fingers through your belt loops before you could run. “You hearing me? Only person that gets to be mean to you is me and my cock. Are we clear, pumpkin?” He tugged you chest to chest, usual playful smile turned down into something stern and menacing.
And, ever since that moment, he has been making you say it—that you’re his pretty girl. Even in public, around people you know, if he asks, you supply with a bright blush and eyes downcast and pussy clenching.
As he’s stated before, he really likes making you gush around his fingers and then licking it up with his tongue—overstimulate your “poor little kitty kat”. Loves it when you’re swollen and spent, cum dribbling from both holes when he and John decide to make a sandwich out of you. Sure, he can threaten all he wants with edging games, but you know that, if you play cards with this wicked devil just right, he’s going to make you cum many times over, until it fucking hurts—leaves you screaming and crying and kicking your feet, actually missing Wick’s week long edging sessions…as awful as they are.
You’re already sore when he makes you sit on his cock.
“I’m tired,” you whine, draped over his torso so his fat tip isn’t bruising your cervix quite so much.
“Baby,” he murmurs, kissing your hair. “You’re always tired. Nappin like an house cat every time I see you.”
“I’m sleepy,” you protest, huffing into his chest. And it’s probably because we fuck like rabbits every six or seven minutes, you think to yourself.
“Aw, poor sleepin beauty.” He gives your ass a sharp smack. “You better start workin on this cock before I do it for you.”
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gvnvks · 1 year
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zb1 giving you partner privileges … !
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> pairings: non-idol!zb1 x fem!reader
> warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread
> song recommendation: mori by dawid podsiadlo (its in polish but u gotta listen to it fr)
> note: i started my exams today … two more to go !!
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김 jiwoong.
im being so fr 😭
when literally anyone tries to take something from him, JUST BORROW FOR A SEC he immediately turns D:
except when its you
you could take (over) this mans whole life (you already did) and he wouldn’t even complain
hes THAT whipped
girl TRUST ☠️
“hey jiwoong, i wondered if i could borrow your charger for a sec, mine just stopped wor-“ rickys sentence got cut short by jiwoongs whine
“jiwoong, my sweet !! i thought i could use your laptop. i need to get some work done real quick”
jiwoong immediately gives u the laptop no hesitations
trust me if he could give you his all time life savings along with that laptop HE WOULD
(pls do i kinda need money 💯)
“can i use ur cologne jiwoong pls” “no”
“hey jiwoong!! i thought your cologne smelt really nice and wondered if i could spray a little on myself too!!”
shows u all colognes he has ever bought
“u can choose. the one i used today is this one :D”
later gives u like 2-3 of his STILL FULL colognes that you liked the smell of cause “i dont need that many anyways”
장 hao.
he’s serious about his sleeping
trust me.
he gets so mad when someone disturbs him in his slumber
and he’s also very difficult to wake up 😭
“hao u really should wake up…”
“hao pls we have a schedule in 30 minutes”
jiwoong you should just give up atp 🧍🏻‍♀️
“literally wake up what the fuck”
and let me tell y’all
when someone other than you miraculously manages to wake his ass up
he’ll just straight up yell at them
“SHUT UP” yes throw that pillow hao ‼️
but you
your voice has something that immediately wakes him up in his best mood
rainbows around his head and allat yk yk
every time when it’s you waking him up TRUST ME you’ll never see a morning pout on his face
you could literally beat his ass awake and he’d have nothing against it ☠️
he gets all soft and allat … yeah cute babe hao
his members r fucking confused cause what he so whipped for
can u see the what the fuck expression on jiwoongs face ??
he’s in love like that
giving you privileges LIKE THAT …
also his morning i love yous … hi I need a bf quick
he’s a 10/10 boyfriend btw 💋
성 hanbin.
the amount of privilege you get as hanbins partner …
he literally pays for your every single thing
u saw that new pretty skirt while window shopping ??
“honey, want me to buy it for you?”
no matter your answer he in fact always does buy it
ur on a date in that cute new caffe ??
“hey, choose what you want. ill pay.”
“hanbin !! this necklace is pretty, isn’t it ??”
“yeah, pretty neat” and the necklace is at your door 2 days later
basically your human wallet
of course its not like u demand from him to pay for you, he just does
and hanbin really enjoys buying you things and making you happy btw ‼️
but when it’s his members 😭
oh hell naw he ain’t having it
“hanbin could you pls pay for me I forgot my wallet”
and sometimes SOMETIMES he does pay for his members but it’s like
once in a blue moon literally
“hanbin do you maybe want to buy me that new, cool game (whatever games he fucking plays) ??” GYUVIN BABE YOU KNOW THE ANSWER
“no” LMAOO
“oh no !! i ran out of money on apple pay …” you just wanted to buy keys on subway surfers 😕
hanbin IMMEDIATELY charges your apple pay with … a lot of money. you can buy a lot of keys now. are you happy.
석 matthew.
i get a feeling that as long as matthew enjoys physical affection, he’s not that big on hair touching ?? like yk
he probably won’t let his members touch his hair very often
i dont know i just feel like he wouldn’t like it
“matthew, u got something on your hair” gunwook tries to pick whatever shit landed on his head
“i can do it myself” okay mr serious ?? gunwook literally didn’t ask
its not that serious, it was never that serious 💯
you really like touching his hair
it’s so soft and allat
and sometimes you just randomly place ur hand on his head
he tenses up FOR A LITTLE SECOND and then softens up cause he realizes it’s you
lets you touch it for however long you want
matthew just doesn’t mind
when you kiss his hair while ur hand is on his head he gets all shy and covered in blush 😭
kisses u back …
can u imagine what he’d do if instead of you it was one of the boys
honestly i dont see matthew as an aggressive (?) type of guy but when it comes to his hair ☠️
김 taerae.
we all know taeraes fashion sense is a bit … yeah.
basically it’s kinda bad
but that boy doesn’t let ANYONE literally anyone style him
“taerae i dont think these red pants fit well with that shirt …” hao just tried to give him some advice
and taerae just ignores his words 😭
“no taerae, don’t but these shoes, they won’t go with anything”
“stfu” BYE
but you ………
of course you love your precious bf but
sometimes you just can’t stand how off his outfits look 💔
”hm taerae… i dont think this shirt fits these cargos! maybe you could wear this white one?”
changes in the blink of an eye ���️
“do i look better, sweetheart ??”
he’s so cute pls
he’s ready to change his whole outfit if you ask him to
“taerae i don’t think this outfit suits a date night…”
it’s not like you demand him to change, you just simply share your opinion
maybe even a little too much 😭
so whipped
guess who has head over heels for you
definitely not taerae
“taerae, my sweet !! these pants have too many bright colors, don’t you think they won’t suit anything you have ??”
“oh! maybe you’re right. thank you, sweetheart”
리키 ricky.
he’s so in love that the amount of privileges he gives you is fucking enormous, im fr
but we’ll focus on one
ricky never lets ANYONE go through his phone 🙏🏼
he doesn’t hide anything or sth
he just doesn’t like when people go through his things, especially without his permission
“what the fuck are you doing with my phone, yujin” in a matter of 0.5 seconds rickys phone is not in yujins hands anymore
poor boy just wanted to check the weather 💔
“hey ricky, can i check something in your phone ?? mine just died”
“no” as simple as that 😭
“oh ricky … i also wanted to check my gmail real quick but its o-“
he doesn’t let you finish and just hands you his phone
HANBIN IS OFFENDED (who wouldn’t 😭 this looks like some kind of prejudice)
oh my god how things change when it comes to you …
basically you have more access to his phone than ricky himself
sometimes it even comes to you literally using his phone all day. literally whole 24 hours 💯
like literally no complaints whatsoever. zero. none. 0. FUXKING NULL.
his members r like what the fuck because like
yall sometimes also like to switch phones for a day
the amount of pictures you take on his phone 😭
so whipped that he deletes NONE of them ‼️🙏🏼
김 gyuvin.
yes i do know i use this theme a lot while writing for gyuvin but i just cant help leave me alone pls
okay we all know gyuvin likes gaming
but he’s real serious about that …
if you’re not (y/n) don’t even think of disturbing him while he’s gaming 😭
“gyuvin do you want som-“ taerae can’t even finish because gyuvin starts fucking throwing hands at him
“im kinda busy yk.” yes. yes we know.
oh such a discord mod he is (im joking btw..)
but if it’s you …
oh girl i envy you this kind of boyfie 😕‼️
when you’re near him while he’s gaming he’d literally play with his headset only half on
yk in case you need something from him
so cute and so hot at the same time 🧍🏻‍♀️
he’d abandon his game for you
and ..
he lets you sit on his lap too ??
oh lawd have mercy 🙏🏼
when u sit on his lap he would literally play with one hand just to rub soothing circles on your back …
pls i need a therapist 💋
박 gunwook.
gunwook really doesn’t like when someone disturbs him while he’s focused on something
i mean its kinda obvious ??
probably no one does lmao 😭
he’s ready to throw hands even if it’s something way more important than the thing he’s focused on
“gunwook, can you stop what you’re doing for a while?” jiwoong asks with a pretty serious tone
not good … 💔
jiwoong im so sorry you’re probably so done by now
but if it’s you … !!!!!
“gunwook…” you whine, feeling kinda bored and alone today
god, teenager in love ‼️
he doesn’t really want to abandon what he’s doing rn as gyuvin does so he just
divides the attention 💯
sits you on his lap
holds you by ur waist and just simply
plants kisses all over your cheeks
do I need to say his members r kinda disappointed ?? ☠️
hi i need a cute boyfie rn 💔
한 yujin.
okay so
there’s a lot of things yujin would let you do without you noticing it’s a “privilege”
because he wouldn’t complain if others did those things too ??
i mean like … its yujin so
but when YOU do these …
he encourages u so much 😭
im so serious … ‼️
“yujin can i try your food ?? it looks so good” ricky asked waving his chopsticks at yujins face
“oh… yeah go for it, i guess” WITH THE BLANKEST STARE EVER LMAOO
“yujin! can i see your necklaces? it’s so cute!”
“oh… well… yeah”
now imagine you doing it 😭
“can i try some of your food, yujin ??”
“yes! this here is rice with chicken and sour sauce and these ones there are some fried vegetables! eat as much as you want, cutie!”
okay yujin… 😭 not THAT serious babe
“yujin, my sweet! can i see your necklace?”
“of course! i can help you put it on if you want to! you’d look so good in it!”
bae is so cute
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gvnvks © 2023
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ablobwhowrites · 4 months
Thats not me
(feeling silly and I saw the game and wanted to make it a little more horror and sorry if my writing is shit, I just got on break after busting my ass on final 😭, I'm sorry my bestie's, I promise more yandere stuff, this is kinda practice to getting me back in the writing game after so long) flash back and dream dialogue= this
The clock ticked on the wall, m/n’s shift was almost over and he wanted to go back to his apartment and sleep but he had to wait for the night shift worker to come and that’s one of the parts of m/n’s job but even though everyone’s nice to him, he didn’t like the dopplers…he didn’t like how they looked at him, even after the first time he met one, he looked back at the clock and sat back “maybe I can rest my eyes for a little…the door is closed anyways” m/n said to himself as he closed his eyes for a little.
M/n was a kid, in high school with his friends, the clock ticked “man I can’t wait for summer. My mom is taking me to a doppelgänger free resort over sea’s” amber said “how about you m/n? You going anywhere?” She smiled at him “naw, I think I’ll stay home, I don’t really go out a lot” he looked at the door and then the intercom went off “please all teachers, keep you students in class, we are in shelter in place” the intercom turned off “eh it’s probably noth-“ then m/n jumped as he felt a tap on his shoulder, m/n was startled awake as he looked back and saw the night guard was here for their shift. M/n quickly got up and apologized for accidentally staying so long, but non of that matters now, he can now just go back to his apartment after a long shift especially with so many doppelgangers this week, maybe he should check in some vacation time but no he can't, especially with the rise of Dopplers getting so rampant the past week.
M/n's mind wandered as he then accidentally bumped into someone "oh I'm sorry! I should have watched where I was going" he quickly apologized as the person he accidentally bumped turns "oh no worries, Im just waiting for the elevator, it's been on the Fritz lately and has been slower than usual." mia stone said as the sound of the elevator coming down came louder and louder "yeah, I've talked to the manager and they said it would get fixed but apparently a Doppler nearly got it disguised as the repair man" m/n said waiting with mia, the elevator gate opened as the two stepped in, m/n pushed the button for the third floor as she stepped back "I just hope that this Doppler pandemic goes down, I heard that some are getting more hostile" mia said as she looked at m/n. "More hostile? What happened?" M/n said scared of the answer as mia looked at the carpeted elevator floor "it was on the news, four cases, one got in a supermarket and attacked several people but the D.D.D where able to get there fast, then the next was two that forced its way in a apartment complex, the door man was killed and the Dopplers where well killed on sight but the rest of the residents where okay, the two other cases the Dopplers where able to escape, but no one was hurt luckily..." Mia said as m/n gave a sigh, rubbing his eyes as he had a tired look on his face "I just hope the D.D.D will resolve this soon" mia looked at m/n "Im sure it will, I'm sure this will blow over soon" mia said putting a hand on m/n's shoulder and gave him a smile and m/n relaxed "yeah, I hope it does" m/n wishes he could have the same optimism as mia but he knew what those things could do, what they would do.
The elevator came to a stop, "well I'll see you tomorrow, and if you need anything, you can come to my apartment, I'm sure my husband would be glad to help you" mia said as m/n smiled "thanks mia, I'll see you tomorrow" the two parted ways to go to their apartments. M/n came, putting his hat on the hanger and his shoes away "Francis, you home?" M/n called out to his significant other as he closed and locked the door, "I'm in the bathroom! I got some takeout, I have a shift early tomorrow so I have to go to bed soon" francis yelled from the bathroom as m/n went to the kitchen to just get a bite to eat, he didn't need to eat fast but he was just tired, he didn't know why but the sooner he sleeps then hopefully he'll feel better in the morning. After M/n was done eating, he cleaned up after himself and got ready for bed, he saw Francis was already in bed so m/n tried to be as quiet as he could to put his PJs on and get in bed without trying to disturb Francis. M/n got in bed and Francis snuggled up next to m/n, "sorry I got back so late" m/n yawned as he held Francis close to him, "no, it's okay, just get some sleep, I'll cook breakfast tomorrow if I can" Francis said as he fell asleep and m/n followed suit.
M/n raised his head from his desk, he's in the same classroom, "please all teachers, keep your students in class, we are in a shelter in place." The intercom did the same thing, but why this dream? What it a dream? It feels so familiar yet these people in class, where they all re- "eh it's probably nothing, probably a Doppler spotted near the school" Amber said as m/n's other friends nodded "well how about you tom? Any summer plans?" But before he could answer, the power went out and there where people screaming and running in the hallways, something then screeched "what is t-" the door busted open as a Doppler, but it looked human yet monstrous, it's mouth unhinged like a snakes, it's arms turned into some kind of pray mantis limbs as the rest of the legs like a centipede, easily crawling and its mindless bloodthirsty hunger made it run towards anything that made sounds and anything that ran from it, smashing into desks as students got up and ran, some being able to dodge it as it smashed into walls, smearing blood that dripped from his jaw and the insect like arms, everything was a blur, screams, people running, bumping into each other as m/n hid under the teacher's desk after it was thrown to the side. He saw the half eaten people on the ground, the window could be a easy way to get out but smashing It would attract it to him, even chasing him outside. It stalked the room, like it knew m/n was in there, waiting for him to make a run for it until it weaseled it's was in, through the barricaded classroom that m/n tried hard to make sturdy. He didn't wanna be eaten, he wanted his mom, he wanted to go home then it stopped near the desk, m/n froze, it knows hes here it wasn't dum- "it's okay kid, come out" it's distorted voice called out as it slowly lifted the desk, "it's safe now" "it's safe now" it's safe now" it kept repeating. "It's safe" it stared straight at m/n, it's human disguised arms holding the desk up as it drooled, it's drooled mixed with blood as it hit the floor. "your safe now" its jaw split open as it smiled at him.
M/n woke up in a cold sweat as screamed as sat up, Francis who was getting dressed rushed over to m/n "m/n! What happened! Are you alright!" M/n sat up as he panted, looking wildly at the room, then looking at Francis "Im okay, I'm...I'm okay, just that fucking dream again" m/n said as it rubbed his eyes "it just keeps coming back" Francis looked at m/n worried and sat on the bed with him "how about you take today off, you need a day off" Francis said and m/n was about to protest but was cut off "no, no you need it, please" m/n sighed and looked at Francis "I'll call them and tomorrow I'll stay home" Francis smiled "okay, but I mean it, I just think this Doppler stuff is getting to you." M/n sighed "yeah, just the news and all, it's probably getting me paranoid but I promise I'll take tomorrow off" the two shared a small kiss as m/n got ready for work and Francis left to go to his. Maybe it'll be good to use some of those sick days, won't hurt to take a small break.....right?
(IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN NEGLECTING YOU GUYS, IM SO HAPPY I FINALLY GET A VREAK, ILL TRY MY BEST TO DO THE REQUEST IN MY DRAFTS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, IM WRITING THIS AT 12 PM, IM SO SORRY BESTIES😭😭😭 also yes we doing yandere dopplgangers to and yandere neighbors and also, that dream may not be a dream. But anyways I love you guys so much, I'm sorry for being away so long😭😭)
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birinboom · 6 months
Kirishima Comes Home To Reader Drunk Off His Ass
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Kirishima Eijirou x GN Reader
Tags: Established relationships, alcohol consumption, pet names (Reader calls Kiri ‘honey’, Kiri calls Reader ‘babe’), fluff, spice 🌸 832 words
A/N: This drabble actually belongs to a Kiri x OC fic I’m working on. Not sure if I’ll ever manage to finish it enough to even post the first chapter so I rewrote this part to fit a GN Reader. If I left in any fem pronouns please let me know!
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You were jerked out of your sleep when the front door slammed, then someone shushed it loudly.
Groaning at the rude awakening, you rolled over to check the time. Eijirou was finally home from his agency’s New Year’s celebration, and it sounded like he was drunk off his ass. Turning on the bedside lamp, you got up with a heavy sigh; when he got this drunk he usually needed help getting into bed. Thankfully you only had to deal with his drunk, stubborn ass once or twice a year.
You found him sitting on the floor by the entryway, trying - and failing - at pulling his shoes off. 
“Hey,” you mumbled, rubbing your face. 
Eijirou looked up at you with a bright, toothy smile. “Hiya!”
Crouching next to him, you pointed at his shoes. “Y’know it might work better if you untied them first.”
“Do you need help?”
“Naw, I got this!”
He finally managed to get his shoes off and got to his feet, swaying. You eyed him suspiciously. “How much did you drink?”
“Jus’ a lil’ bit. About… thiiiis much!” he giggled, holding his thumb and index finger up about two millimeters apart.
You sighed again, looping an arm around his back. “You’re such a pain when you’re drunk.”
“Am not! At least I don’t get angerey, like Ba-*hic*-hakugou.”
“Mhm. Let’s get you to bed, honey.”
He shushed you. “We gotta be quiet, my partner’s prob’ly asleep.”
You couldn’t help but smile. This was the first time he had been drunk enough to not recognize you. “Is that so?”
“Yeah! They need their sleep, they work wa-hay too hard.” He let out another giggle. “They’re super-super-duper cute when they sleep. Have you ever met them?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Well, you should!”
When the two of you made it to the bedroom, Eijirou flopped down on the bed, then pointed at the oversized Red Riot shirt you were wearing. “Hey, that’s me!! I didn’t realize you were a fan!”
You had trouble hiding your smirk. “One might even say I’m your biggest fan.” 
“Oh, cool! It’s nice to meet ya.”
“Yeah, likewise.” You reached for his belt buckle but he pushed your hands away.
“Whoa, what are you doing?!”
“C’mon, Ei, I wanna go back to sleep. You’re gonna get too warm if you keep your jeans on.” 
You reached out again, but this time he grabbed onto your wrists, keeping them away from him. “I don’t want--”
“Ei, stop. That’s not what I’m trying to--”
“No! I’m sure you’re a very, v-very nice person, but I really love my partner!”
“Ei, I AM your partner.”
He blinked up at you for a moment, then his face split into a brilliant grin. “Oh hey, babe! When did you get here?”
 You had to fight not to laugh at his change of mood. If you did, he’d never agree to go to sleep. 
“I’ve been here all night,” you said.
“Really? D’you know who runs this place? ‘Cos the service here is terrible. One of the staaffff won’t stop hitting on me even though I keep saying no.”
You pulled your hands out of his grip and reached for his belt again. “How awful. Let’s get you to bed.”
“I’d love to, babe, but I think I’m a teensy bit too drunk for that.”
You finally managed to pull his pants off. Straddling him, you set to work on the buttons of his dress shirt. He sat up and kissed you sloppily, one hand at the back of your head, the other kneading your behind. The rank taste of old alcohol filled your mouth. 
“I thought you were too drunk for that,” you coughed when he finally let you breathe.
“Well… I can give it a try since you keep in-- insssh-- inshisishting.”
You pushed the dress shirt over his shoulders, leaving him in a white t-shirt. “I’d rather not. Just go to sleep already.”
“Only if you join me!” Wrapping strong arms around you, he let himself fall backwards with yet another giggle. He started pressing wet, open-mouthed kisses against your neck then abruptly stopped.
You were met with a soft snore. Sighing once more, you shuffled around in his tight grip to turn off the lights and pull the covers over the two of you. He really was the worst, most endearing drunk.    
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 When you got up the next morning, Eijirou was still fast asleep. As soon as you left the bed, he reached out for you. When he couldn’t find you, he instead grabbed your pillow, burrowing his face into it. You heard him mumbling something about a teapot battle. 
Checking up on him an hour later, a bottle of water and painkillers in hand, you found him with your pillow thrown over his face. He shifted the pillow a smidge, glancing up at you with blurry, red-rimmed eyes.
“Could you tell the sun to shut up?” he wheezed, voice gravelly. “‘S too loud for me.”
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Thank you so much for reading! Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks (on and off anon) are always greatly appreciated! If you like, you can check out my other works here. Love, Em 💖
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