thestamp3d3 · 1 year
why does the animal crossing new leaf music make me wanna cry
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rcbertleckie · 8 months
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masters of the air · part one
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volivolition · 10 days
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part of that "raising a kid au" i was working on, this is almost definitely not how skill checks work and i don't even know if i'll include this, but for now i think it's. so funny kjkgj
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endlessmidnights · 6 months
I want someone to notice so badly but I know what would probably happen if they did so I just stay in constant conflict with myself
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meatiors · 2 years
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scrimblo love
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pretty-boy-baby-girl · 5 months
Half the BAU are hard of hearing after all the explosions they've gotten caught in. Reid, Garcia, Prentiss, and Hotch are all autistic and occasionally go non-verbal. They all know and use ASL frequently. JJ and Garcia are the only two without much hearing loss and often translate what others are saying for their teammates. JJ signs in all her press releases/media appearances. Everyone keeps noise-cancelling headphones, aac books, and a few different things they know are comfort/regulatory items for their teammates in their go bags. The plane is stocked with weighted blankets and sensory friendly snacks at all times. After especially long amd/or hard cases, they all stay at Rossi's house for a few nights and eventually, they all kinda just end up with their own rooms there even if they almost always end up the living room to cuddle. (Rossi pretends to be annoyed but they all know that he actually loves to have them there.) Rossi often comes home to find one or more of his teammates just hanging out in his house even though he could swear that he never gave any of them a key. (They'll often come to his house if they're having a bad day. The most frequent perpetrators of this are Reid and Prentiss. Spencer picks the locks and Emily jimmies her way in through a window. Garcia made a copy of his key the one time he asked her to water his plants while they were away on a case, Morgan kept breaking the door down until Rossi started leaving random doors unlocked for him and a note with which door was unlocked for him that day under a rock by the front door after having to replace said door four times, Hotch does actually have a key that Dave gave him, but more often than not he'll just knock and then wait patiently on the porch swing for Rossi to get home and let him in even though Rossi always insists 'you have a key, Aaron, you know you're more than welcome to use it and just come in', JJ usually calls first and he'll tell her whatever door he'd left unlocked In Case of Morgan, and you may be wondering, why doesn't he just give all of them keys after this happens a few times? And to that I say, what, and deprive them of their fun? Come on.)
When they stay at Rossi's house after a long/hard case, JJ calls Will as soon as they're on the ground and he meets them there with the boys. Hotch calls his sister (or whoever he's got watching Jack) and she'll meet then there with Jack. Rossi cooks them all dinner and once everyone else has gone to bed, he sits in the living room, sipping on a glass of wine (or scotch, depending on the case), and waits. One by one, the others shuffle into the living room.
Reid is usually first, trudging into the room rubbing his eyes (its adorable, but dont tell anyone Rossi thinks that, he has an image to maintain) and he'll curl up impossibly small on the couch next to Rossi and put his head in the older man's lap. Rossi will run his hands through Spencer's hair and hum quietly. Garcia comes next, wrapped in a long, silky robe that billows as she moves because it's dramatic and she loves it, and she'll slip onto the other end of the couch to lay her head on the arm as Reid stretched out just enough to brush the soles of his feet against her thigh. Then comes Morgan quickly after his baby girl and pretty boy have disappeared, and he'll have a blanket wrapped around his shoulders as he drags an already inflated air mattress behind him that he drops in front of the couch. Reid drips a hand off the edge to brush against his shoulder and Garcia stretches out her leg until she can nudge his with her toes. Prentiss comes trudging in next with JJ hanging sleepily off her and Will right behind them with the boys on his hips. Will settles with the boys on the love seat and JJ and Prentiss curl up on the floor at his feet. Hotch is next with Jack asleep on his shoulder and he settles into the chair beside Rossi with Jack on his chest. By this time, Rossi has finished his wine and he reaches out to clasp Hotch's hand in his own and they fall asleep like that, surrounded by their family and taking comfort in the fact thay everyone is there.
This got a little bit away from me. Oops.
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dailykugisaki · 2 months
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Day 274 | id in alt
I like to think Gojo has the strongest mentality so far up his ass it pisses Kugisaki off because, DUDE. SHE FUCKING GETS IT. BE QUIET. He's emo but a different color.
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iamhereinthebg · 2 months
This may be a strange question but have you ever been bullied in the tbhk fandom? I am having a hard time here
Heya no worries at all for the question! This is an important thing and if you needed to have a place to say it I am happy you did!
I really hope people will be nicer to you :// There is never a good reason for bullying unfortunately it happens a lot on internet QvQ my only advice would be to block those people and/or delete anonymous asks for a while if people are just putting stuff as anonymous :///
To answer your questions, idk if it counts as bullying but I was the target of some stuff like that yep, and tbh I don't really know why. People can have the opinions they want but I will be honest in the tbhk fandom you like a character or a ship that is not 'what everyone in the fandom should like' and people start menacing you for no reason.
A lot of people in this fandom are kids who sometimes don't get what insulting people do. (and not only kids but it is one of the reason, I feel like a lot don't have 'internet basis' like not saying everything about yourself on twitter help.)
Which is also one of the reason I am taking my distances with anyone in this fandom because I had too many unwanted stuff like when I was just trying to be nice and answer messages. It's not because we are in the same fandom that we are bffs.
This is sad to say but yes I don't think you can just have fun 'fun' in this fandom anymore, people will make sure you have a hard time for no reason and honestly I am tired of people who are unable to understand that we aren't just bots on the internet and that Surprise! people have feelings wow
I hope you will be better but don't hesitate to take some time off the fandom a bit ^^ I am being overly dramatic here because I had some bad experiences (I've been in the fandom since the start of 2020 so welp) but a lot of people are really nice and I am sure you can make some friends too ^^ (I did too! even if a lot aren't in the fandom anymore, it's nice seeing mutuals from far away doing their lives)
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pocketjeeble · 2 months
I just got max trust with Billy and I got his dynamic wallpaperrr🤩🤩
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I really love any quest that he's in. His expressions are so cute and he's just the cutest. I'm also really interested in his past I hope we'll get to learn more about him.
He's so pookie I just want to hug him so badly🥹🥹
Anyways that's 2 agents at max trust. I think I'll max Ben and Ellen next.
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angelpuns · 6 months
Thinking about how much I would genuinely enjoy doodling the kid Leo spinoff comics if only I didn't have to explain every single time that they aren't canon and that them being canon is not possible- I really did want to explore Present Leo's complicated emotions and healing process but I have a problem where I get really upset when I'm not like- completely understood? Like I have gotten way better at it as I've worked on projects, but back when I was doing more with the spinoff comics I'd get so frustrated having to explain over and over that they couldn't be canon, even if I wanted them to be. And its not a matter of me SAYING they're not canon just because, I have actual plot reasons that they CANT be canon.
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Heyyyy :3 and could you do how Kate laswell would help you when your on your period?? :D
Hey! Sure I can!
Laswell Helping Her S/O on Their Period
Laswell doesn’t get periods anymore, which she couldn’t be happier about. Every time she did get her period she felt as though she was going to die. Her cramps were bad, everything else hurt as well, she was moody and probably almost decked someone several times throughout her life. She always thought getting her period was unnecessary. She's a lesbian, she was never going to do the devil’s tango with a man and get pregnant. Laswell always wished her body would understand that as well, but alas. However, she would feel a lot of pity and sympathy when you’re on your period as she knows how much it can suck. While she may not actively track it, she’ll always know when you’re about to get your period, being able to identify the signs. She’ll make the preparations as well, which can range from getting you some meds, should you need them, to buying chocolate or other snacks. Hell, she’ll buy you the best heating pad she can find as well. However, she still won’t be too big on cuddling with you, unless you insist on her doing so. She’s not the warmest person around, so she likely won’t be able to ease your pains like that either. However, she’ll bundle you up in a blanket and watch bloopers of your favorite shows with you until you’re laughing again and it gets a bit better. Although she’s usually okay with doing the chores on her own, when you’re not doing well because you’re menstruating she will actively encourage you to stay in bed and let her handle everything. Cleaning the dishes should be the least of your concerns for the time being. Makes you tea, coffee or maybe some hot chocolate. You won’t need to move a single finger. If she really needs to, then she’ll change the bed sheets as well if you bled on them. She won’t be mad, she gets it. It’s not something you can control, after all. So, all in all, she’ll do her best to take care of you as well as she can. Might take a day off too if you need her to.
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sophfandoms53 · 3 months
Hi, same ‘how can I make this about Striker’ anon from before. I dont know how to feel about the ‘Satan is Striker’s father theory’ because on 1 hand I guess it could work??? But also it just doesnt sit that right with me, like I feel like if Striker was literally half sin he’d act/be more powerful than he was shown to be so far. My numerous ideas for his backstory basically change by the daily because I think about him too much but I only gave credence to the ‘Striker’s half royalty’ idea once and even then I wrote it in a way where Striker didnt know about it/had zero idea that was the case to begin with.
Not to mention that him being half-royalty would technically be a way to dismiss his (very valid) arguments about the upper class but maybe thats just me imagining the worse case scenario. For all I know it could be the most well-executed plot point ever.
If Satan isn’t Striker’s father than once we actually see the Envy Ring we’re gonna get ‘Leviathan is Striker’s father’ theories instead because they’re both snake-based. If Striker IS half royalty, than I could imagine it to be some sort of goetia, maybe, but half deadly sin? Next Striker ep appearance would need to have him pull off the most insane shit ever that a imp cant do for me to consider it plausible
I’m responding to this so late but omg anon yes you’re so right.
I feel like the only way the twist of Striker being a half blueblood could work would be if he straight up didn’t know about it and/or if they suddenly give him more power and strength that we’ve never seen from any other imp, like you mentioned. But again regardless of him knowing or not, like you also said, it completely negates his entire character and everything Striker’s said up to this point about royals and how they treat those lower than them.
Which only continues to be validated to the point where Blitz is now echoing his sentiments in canon. So like ??? It wouldn’t make sense for the show to suddenly invalidate Striker’s points after directly paralleling his words with Blitz’s.
Striker’s entire existence is to be a dark reflection of Blitz anyway. They’re two sides of the same coin. Striker is who Blitz would be if he let himself drown in his sorrows and his grief. If he let his anger control him. If he let himself do things alone. For as much as Blitz pushes people away he cares too much about others to truly let himself be alone.
As far as we know - Striker has always been alone. Or at least we know he’s been alone since he lost everything. Which is honestly the big thing people are missing when they talk about the Striker is Satan’s son theory - the entire scene where Striker voices his grievances to Stolas about his experience with royals.
This is the scene that tells us everything. And if it was meant to foreshadow something as huge as Striker being a literal sin’s child then the dialogue choice and the BODY LANGUAGE of Striker during this monologue would be insanely different.
The emphasis this scene gives to his claims of having to live a hard life, losing everything, and being talked over. That is Striker talking about his experience.
His feelings. His loss. His anger.
He is SO angry. Too angry for it all to just be about being a bastard son.
I’ve watched, analyzed, and thought SO MUCH about this moment right before he cuts Stolas’ ropes.
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The pure disgust and anger on his face. The way he shakes. His eye twitches. He grinds his teeth. He growls. He’s pissed.
This is insanely personal to him. This is part of him. This is who he is. This disdain runs through his veins. He’s made it part of his identity. He was so scorned that he just cannot let it go.
This is not just anger about a royal parent or a loss of status.
This is anger from a man who was failed by Hell’s system and has not healed from it. He has not allowed himself to heal and he refuses to.
This is Striker’s way of taking back control that he once lost.
And not even mentioning the fact that Striker’s canonically a WANTED MAN in TWO Rings.
Wrath (y’know Satan’s ring) AND Pride.
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Considering royalty in this universe is all about status and reputation, you’d think a sin wouldn’t want their kid just having their face plastered everywhere like that?? Cuz it’s embarrassing?? Just wanted to point that out😭
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liquidstar · 9 months
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the goddamn show came out
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nearestend · 8 days
sorry but i'm going to need everyone to stop writing autistic / "gifted" (in quotes because i hate that term) characters who were little baby geniuses that skipped grades and graduated as valedictorian and were every teacher's pet because it's the most unrealistic shit ever and kind of just perpetuates this ableist misconception when in reality most autistic / gifted kids are more likely to be abused and exploited and bullied (both by peers and teachers), especially if they are not rich and especially if they are not white
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glitchyko · 5 months
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So I know I said I wanted to try and check out different things and make not just lmk art, but now that season 5 is said to be completed and they’re just waiting to release it, I’m scared LMK is gonna break into my brain again with a vengeance and that’s all I’m gonna make art of again even though I wanna try making art for multiple fandoms-
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
@creelby Alright since it won't let you watch south park I force upon ye a high quality recording of one of my favorite scenes
(was gonna send u an ask of it but it wouldn't send the video)
And ermmm the link to the episode just in case it works this time for u (its one of my fav episodes actually)
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