#I always get scared when I upload things I always think I'm forgetting something
smallsimmer · 3 months
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Smallsimmer Oscar Isaac Download
I think the last time I uploaded a sim was around 2016 actually! Anyways he's just sitting in my sim bin thought maybe someone else could get some use from him. I made him around late 2022, he's definitely not perfect nor am I claiming he is but I think he turned out the best out of all of the celebrity sims I made.
He's very slider heavy, I don't want to break a tou by uploading my sliders but I am going to link to here
Download includes .sim file and custom skin that I made for him.
You can find the hair I used for him here (zac) other than the hair he should be packed in base game clothing!
Skin is probably far from perfect, I made it around 2 years ago for fun and personal use, never planned on sharing it so take that as you will.
Same body from this skin I uploaded here
Didn't include the contacts I used because I use the heterochromia contact thing so they would most likely not work in your game anyway! Any brown contacts would work the same though I would assume.
Images are unedited! What you see is what you get.
Skin is 2k in texture size and for YA males only
For the sims 3!!!
TOU: Also haven't uploaded a sim in awhile so uh I obviously can't stop you from tweaking the hell out of him but I can kindly ask for some credit if you end up using him please and thank you. Same if you use the skin in another skin blend I'd prefer to not have another June skin incident on my hands 😅
Download: Dropbox (alt)
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barcalover86 · 1 year
Where you are know as one of the best prodigy on the Barcelona female team. One day, they host a Barcelona event for the male and female team, to which you get really drunk and end up having a make out session with predi. However, what you don’t realize is that you guys were recorded and was later posted on the internet making it a huge scandal. But in an interview Pedri decided to defend your name saying “I can’t kiss my girlfriend” you may end it with a fluff and/or smut where they both end up together.
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Summary: You make a mistake that everyone knows now, and Pedri defends you.
You and your team won the Champions League, and Barca was throwing a party where both, girls and boys, were invited.
You were so into the moment that you didn't even realise how much you've drunk. You started to dance and enjoy the moment with your girls celebrating the win.
You always loved the boys' team, mostly Pedri Gonzalez, and when you saw him at the party, your heart skipped a beat.
Your friends told you to go talk with him, but you were so scared that he will reject you.
"Have another drink, and you'll forget it tomorrow" said a friend of yours.
"Wish me luck" you told the girls after you took another shot of alcohol.
You weren't thinking straight back then, so you just went to Pedri and kissed his lips.
He was so shocked by your action, but didn't object. He kissed you back with passion. He was sitting on a bar chair so you put one leg toward his.
What you two didn't know was that you were filmed by some boys, drunk as well, and without realising it, they uploaded the video on their story.
You didn't kissed much because after some time you were tired so you just sat on his lap and started to chat.
He was blushing when he looked at you after you two kissed and you smiled at him.
He did have an interest for you for some time, and you are making the first move, which made him happy.
When you saw the news the next day you were so angry with yourself for drinking that much. You didn't even remember, nor Pedri, that you two made out, and the news made you both surprised.
The fans were going crazy, judging you and making bad comments about the way you look. Is like after you touched Pedri's lips, everyone forgot how kind you were before.
Today, Pedri had an interview, and after some time of answering questions about football, the reporter asked him about you.
"A few days ago, you were asked about your love life, and you told us that you are not in love. Yesterday something interesting happened. Have you found a girl and fell in love that quickly, or is it, as everyone says, just a night adventure?"
Pedri somehow expected this question, but the way he was asked kinda surprised him.
"I don't understand why my love life interests you that much."
"Vamos, Pedri. Tell us, make people understand you."
"I honestly tell you that I don't understand why people hate her that much after one night of doing nothing wrong. She is a sweetheart. We admired each other for some time. What people didn't know is that we didn't just kiss but talked a lot about our lives. We weren't sore back then, but still, I don't see why you hate her? We did the same thing, and if you hate her, why not hate me too? We did the same thing, and I didn't know that kissing your girlfriend was something bad until I had seen the news this morning."
Everyone was shocked at his answer, especially you, who were watching him on tv.
Your heart melted at his voice and when you two saw eachother at training, your heart skipped a beat.
"Look y/n, I'm sorry if saying that you are my girlfriend made you uncomfortable. I wanted to protect you and I had to listen to my heart"
"No, no, Pedri. That's all good. I'm really thankful for what you did for me, gracias mucho."
He smiled at you, and you looked into each other's eyes when he finally leaned in to kiss you. You smiled, and he took that as an yes.
The kiss was beautiful and soft, full of love..like you always imagined.
"Now you really are my sweet girlfriend"
You laughed and kissed him again.
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cyberpunkaddict · 5 months
2023 Letter.
Here we are again. It’s been a year since my last letter. This is my last post for 2023. I included a bunch of unreleased VP again.
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Read the letter below:
This year has been a rollercoaster in many ways. It’s really easy to focus on the negative because it seems to take up so much space. But it’s important to take some time and think about the positive in life too to get some perspective.
Life is made up of tiny moments of happiness after all. ❤️
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The Cyberpunk 2077 community is very important to me. "Stuff" we may or may not agree with is bound to happen no matter where we are, IRL or online. But no matter who you are, in the end we all want the same things; feel like we belong, make connections with people, escape real life for a while, have fun and feel safe.
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I'm a broken record lol, but... Without you there wouldn't even be a community whatsoever. Thank you for being part of it and making it fun! ❤️
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So, back to reminiscing on 2023...
If you know me, you know I'm a stubborn perfectionist. With that comes pessimism, but I’ve grown and gained a more positive outlook on life, which is something I’m proud of. It's not often I'm proud of something, striving for perfectionism and all, so admitting this is a huge achievement for me. I know I'm always gonna be a perfectionist when it comes to my art though, but that just forces me to be a better artist, so it's not all bad... As long as I don't overdo it, which is something I'm working on. My goal for 2024 is to stop being so hard on myself and upload more to Tumblr. ❤️
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I started doing OC gif giveaways this year, and I definitely wanna do more, and not just gifs but VP too. I do these because I want to spread, excuse the cringe lol, happiness and positivity. I love to give back. It gives me purpose in life.
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I started modding as well, which I wanted to do for months, but I was too scared because it seemed so complicated... But I did it. I'm proud I went out of my comfort zone for once.
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So, Dear Everyone ❤️, once again...
Thank you for sharing your incredible art, writing, cosplay, mods, and the list goes on. I hope 2023 treated you well, if not, let's make 2024 beyond amazing! I want you to know that you make my day better no matter what is happening in my life. The simplest joke in a tag or a simple hi in a DM make me smile and laugh. And if this is how I feel, just know you make other people you've never met before feel this way too. I think that's pretty cool.
One day I might have to leave Cyberpunk 2077 behind, because that's how life goes sometimes. And that’s sad to think about... I’m not ready to put it behind me yet. At the same time it means that this community, and my OCs and yours will always have a place in my heart.
I will never forget you.
Here's to another year filled with lots of happy moments. ❤️
Bye 2023! Hello 2024!
To everyone who made it this far, I have a little surprise... I’d like to do VP with one of your OCs. Comment on this post and tell me what you’re proud of in 2023. In a week-ish I’ll pick a random person (from the comments). :3
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cerealmonster15 · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
ty for the tag @unpredictable-probabilities! I don't usually do tag things but I'm feeling an exception today and I want to ramble lol let's GO!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Right now, 51! I think i started using ao3 back in college with rvb fic lol. I've since orphaned 2 fics so I guess there wouldve been 53.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, mostly just Twisted Wonderland (and the occasional dndads, I still have a fic in my brain I kinda wanna write for that). Twst was kinda my comeback to wanting to write fics and has been my main inspiration for a lot of things and it's been the most fun i've had writing fics I think, and it's eventually what's gotten me to try to write my first multi chapter fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Slip Ups and Lift Ups (Stardew Valley) 444 Kudos 2. A Fishy Intervention (TWST) 354 Kudos 3. Company (TWST) 249 Kudos 4. Security Cauldron (TWST) 248 Kudos [my first twst fic i think? also has some errors in it teehee oopsie] 5. Because I Care (TWST) 234 Kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes!!! I think I didn't used to? Maybe because I felt weird about my own comments changing the comment count and like it was somehow lying lol. but that's silly and i like talking to people and I Need people to Know that i Love Their Comments
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm I do not write much angst, and even when I do it's more hurt/comfort, bc permasads make ME permasad. I think it was my rvb fic "forgotten" - which i always forget was my first fic uploaded to ao3 LOL, back in 2015. ironic that my first wasnt reflective of the tone i usually write for. i don't wanna reread it to check [even tho my fics from back then are WAY shorter] bc im scared to face how i wrote when i was fresh outta hs lol BUT if i remember correctly/based on the summary, it was a doc/donut fic and I think it was about how after doc had disappeared from the future cube or whatever in canon and no one knew he was gone, i wrote a scene of doc getting upset with donut bc Of All People Why Didnt You Notice I Thought I Meant Something To You 😔 kdlsjfkdlsj i think it ended with doc walking off and donut being SAD and idk maybe they broke up, idr if they were 'officially dating' in the context of that fic. but um hashtag docnut for life.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most all of my fics are happy endings with an exception of like one ^ or two lol. I don't know if i can quantify those!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not to my face if I do lol. I don't think enough people know about me to give a shit if i do stuff they dont like
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope!!!! i dont really like smut personally and it's not the kind of genre i have story ideas for.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't think i've ever done that 🤔
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
girl help i cannot choose. um. well first shout out again to rvb's docnut bc u will always be strong and married in my heart. and in dndads im an oakworthy truther til i die BUT for twst. twst beloved twst i am in that pitfall of i like 50000 different ships. jamiazu is the one i write and draw the most LOL and theyre def a top fave HOWEVER. god. treycater alters my brain chemistry. rookvil marriage real. adeuce beloved fool duo for life. im physically restraining myself from mentioning more KLFJDSKLFJS especially when we get into the multiship/poly web bc god we will be here all day. i can and will be enabled but this post is already long enough GOODBYE!!!!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oooh ok well there was a dndads oakworthy thing I started like last year but pretty soon after I started it, we started seeing more of hermies forbidden other 'true' personality traits and i was like ruh roh this guy keeps pulling a fast one on me, i dont think the direction i had with this fic is fitting anymore. i had barely gotten anywhere with it and it wouldve been short anyway, but i think about what couldve been.... lololol and then for TWST umm. Hehe. Teehee even. Back during nanowrimo I used that as time to start 2 fics: kalim and the great relationship rescue, which is my current multichap fic about kalisil and jamiazu, it’s got about 3 chapters, and I’m still writing it. AND IM STILL GOING TO FINISH THAT ONE!!! but the OTHER one I started during that time and have NOT posted any of it yet was the stuff with my first twst oc, Char, and his place in my big caterella multiverse ideas lol. I’ve posted a bit about that story idea and done a lot of doodles and brianstorming for it, but I fear it would be too intimidatingly ambitious to stick to and I’m not sure writing one concrete fic is the right medium for it 🤔 plus I just don’t think many people would like it much LOL it would be very self indulgent and tapping into my soap opera brain. I feel nervous when I talk about it HAHDBFNTG so I’m not sure I could commit. But I still have what I wrote, and maybe I’ll figure out another way to go with it or maybe I’ll just wake up one day and say WHATEVER and write it anyway lol. I’ve gotten shyer again so we’ll see 🧍
16. What are your writing strengths?
umm. i do not know if it is a strength but i feel more light comedy and dialogue come more 'naturally' to me, but i do not know how well i actually can pull it off LOL also shorter, contained stories. Everything I write is a one shot, and I’m struggling on my recent attempt at a multiple chapter fic BDBFFBFNGD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hrhrnrngm more descriptive writing, i find im in the pitfalls of writing TOO MUCH dialogue. and i also feel like when i try to do more serious tone things it comes off as cringe or trying too hard kFDKLSHFLDSJ. no one's said that to me but yknow. fear and whatnot. also ending the story is. Hard. I feel like that’s always a weak part of my fics bc I sit there like WELL I WROTE ALL MY IDEAS HOW DO I WRAP THIS UP…. I worry my endings come off kind of half assed but I do my best lol 😔✌️
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
like are you asking if i would do it? or how i feel when it's done in fics i read? i dunno lol. i could maybe do spanish bc ive studied it a lot but i'd get nervous i think.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
on ao3 it was rvb bu teeeechnically back in my neoseeker forums days i was in there writing like, animal crossing or harvest moon or pokemon stuff. it was very bad bc i was like 10 years old LOL
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
ohoho ummmm. Well I always have fun writing jamiazu and I’ve written a LOT of those lol. I have a soft spot for The Comfort of Familiarity. That’s one of the ones hats taken me the longest to write because I was really trying hard to handle it with care, as it was a less light tone than I typically do and I was trying to explore the characters and their situation in a particular way that I really wanted to come across well with who reads it. It was hard, and I’m not sure I fully got there, but ultimately I did like it quite a a bit. on the flipside, one of my more recent fics and I think now my longest oneshot to date, Blue Raspberry Mango was VERY fun to write lol. That one’s a lot more like what I typically write, silly romcom style lmao. Cater and Idia goofing, characters bickering, friendship, me trying to sneak in as many side ships into the background for funsies, jamiazu is there, it was a good time. And that one started as a prompt suggestion which I feel like often times I end up struggling with and not delivering super well… but this one ran away from me and I had a blast lol. Idikei fixed me 😌✌️
Ty for tagging me! Umm. I am too scared to tag other people 🧍 goodbye jk @officialgleamstar 🫵 You Do It
[sorry if I missed any typos or autocorrect, part of this was on my phone and I always miss SOMETHING lol]
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
When I woke up today, chapter 21 was uploaded...yayyy🥰💖☕️💚
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I always love the way they talk to each other. It's intimate and open, the atmosphere around them is calm and radiates safety. I get that y/n slept with so many men. I think she did it because she craved for attention and to seduce the men and her former (unmarried) bodyguards was something she could influence and control, she was able to DO something and it always worked. It was her distraction from the shitty things she had to endure...a way to feel something or something that makes her feel good for a short time and to forget the loneliness. She took what she could get, even a man who was 40 years older than her 😬...and all of this had nothing to do with love. Love she now gets from Loki 💚🖤💚
To be honest, I would've been a little bit irritated when my boyfriend had told me that he had 30 women before me...but y/n wasn't any better than Loki 😂😂 so I think for them it's okay...and Loki is sooo jealous, it's cute somehow and I hope he can handle it...and yes please, Loki, punch the heck out of Steve and Bucky. It was so mean and cruel what they did to y/n but I did not expect anything else of them.
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I'm sure Loki will always protect y/n from now on and he wants to be the one and only in her life...but he is still scared, so scared.
It's cute that they slept together and that y/n watched Loki sleeping but taking a photo of him...critical 🤔 and hopefully it doesn't strike back somehow at a later time of the story 👀🤔
Why? Why did the siblings of hell have to come back home sooner than expected 🤬😭. Loki and y/n had just one day😭😭😭. Why did the hellspawn ruin everything 🥺
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...and what a cliffhanger. Is it Peter who came with Katlyn? I'm curious and very excited for the next chapter.
Wonderful as always, my Queen 👑. You keep me addicted to TB 🥰💚🖤
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I love you 💖💖💖💖💚💖💖💖💖
Yes people get into all sorts of things to avoid feeling pain and this was her way out, I think deep down she was also looking for love and affection, just hoping to find it accidentally but she never got from anyone until Loki.
I mean he sleeps around too since that's what women wants from him and he never had a steady relationship until Sameera which Is sad because he would make the best boyfriend and treat his gal like a princess.
Hellspawn does ruin everything. I think both the siblings are holding a grudge against her for something. We will see 👀
I love you too my dear 🥺🥺💚
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
The Justice League Hangs out with Duke
Bruce: Duke, it's time we had the talk.
Duke: Uh... nope. No thank you. I'm not getting the sex talk from Batman.
Bruce: What? No! The Robin talk.
Duke: But, I'm- I'm the Signal now? Isn't it a bit late for a Robin talk?
Bruce: Son, it's never too late, not for this.
Duke: Um. Ok.
Bruce: When Dick, Jason, and Tim first started as Robins they created a tradition. A tradition that continued with Stephanie, Damian, and now you.
Duke: And that tradition is?
Bruce: Taking down the Justice League. By being annoying and slightly terrifying.
Duke: OHHHHHH. Is that why no one from the Justice League talks to me?
Bruce: Yes, yes it is. But don't worry. I made an arrangement that will allow you time alone with league members to continue the tradition. You have a week to prepare.
Duke: Cass, what do I do?
Cass raises an eyebrow at Duke.
Duke: For the Robin tradition thing. I have to take down the entire Justice League in a night using creative, outlandish, and original methods. But it's already been done by Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, and Steph. So what do I do? How can I be better than all of them.
Cass smirks: Take them down too.
Duke looking at Cass like she's crazy: What?
Cass: Take. Them. Down.
Duke: Holy shit, you are terrifying.
Cass just smiles and leaves.
-> One Week Later <-
Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, and Steph gather in the Watchtower.
Duke: Hey guys, Batman just wanted to go through some training exercises with everyone. He'll be a little late. Harley and Ivy escaped Arkham and are trying to grow penis shaped shrubs in all the public parks. But, don't worry he asked me to go ahead and start with out him.
Green Lantern: Why are you leading this meeting?
Duke: Batman is running late and he wants me to practice leading meetings.
Green Lantern, glaring suspiciously at Duke: Are you about to do that stupid Robin tradition where you torture all of us?
Duke: What Robin tradition? Also, I'm not even a Robin? I'm the Signal.
Green Lantern continues to glare at him.
Superman: Calm down Green Lantern, the Robins never do this in front of each other.
Every League member seems to relax at this.
Duke acting confused: Uhhh, yeah. Ok, we have a few housekeeping things to do according to the list Batman left. So, I'll have everyone pair up for sparring while I handle these individually.
Everyone is in the training room working out or sparring. Duke approaches Tim.
Duke: Hey Tim, Bruce wanted you to look in to that Bludhaven case. Is that ok with you?
Tim: Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
Duke: Oh, I just thought it might be difficult considering what Dick did.
Tim: ...What did he do?
Duke: Wait, you haven't noticed? Oh no, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything.
Tim: Duke. Tell me what he did.
Duke: Well, Jason said that he replaced all your coffee with decaf.
Tim: THAT BASTARD. No wonder I've been feeling so tired! I'm going to kill him!
Duke: Wait, just stop! I heard that he hid all of it in Green Lantern's room.
Tim: Wait, why there?
Duke: Something about you being afraid of him.
Tim: WHAT?! I'm not afraid of the Green Nightlight! I'm gonna find that coffee then make Dick pay.
Duke: Oh, well cool, good luck!
Green Lantern: Um, what are you doing in my room?
Tim: Where is it?
Green Lantern: Where's what?
Tim: You know what I want. Give up now or face the consequences.
Tim: Fine. Consequences.
Steph, sparring with Duke: So, what's it like being the first meta bat?
Duke: Not too bad, but I could do with out the whole 'predict the future' thing.
Steph, laughing: What? You can not see the future.
Duke: I bet you $50 I can
Steph: Your on.
Duke, makes everything around him light up and uses a weird voice: In the next thirty minutes Green Lantern will flee the Watchtower in fear. Soon after Dick will be attacked by Tim.
Steph, snorts in obvious disbelief.
Steph: That was so fake-
Green Lantern runs out of the tower looking terrified.
Steph: No way.
Tim tackles Dick and they start fighting like three year old's on the floor.
Steph, handing Duke $50: Holy shit Magic Man.
Duke makes things light up and does the voice again: Oh my god.
Steph, looking excited: What?!
Duke: The- the sushi. The sushi you brought today, it's made from-
Duke pretends to choke back a sob.
Duke: It's made from the fish who was the maid of honor at Aquaman's wedding.
Steph and Aquaman sit beside each other for lunch, she pulls out her sushi and looks at Aquaman sadly.
Steph: I am so, so sorry for your loss. But just know that her sacrifice is not in vain.
Aquaman, looks confused for a second then sees the sushi: NOPE. Not this again! I'm leaving.
Steph: Wait! I'm sorry!
Aquaman leaves as Steph tries to chase him down.
Jason is laughing and filming as Dick and Tim fight.
Duke, whistles: Man, imagine if that video went on YouTube.
Jason, looking confused: What?
Duke: I'm just saying if the video of Red Robin and Nightwing fighting like kids ever got on YouTube, it'd go viral. Oh and they would be so pissed!
Jason, laughs: Too bad B would kill me if I uploaded this.
Duke: Yeah, I guess so. And you can't upload it here because then Superman would get in trouble.
Jason: Why would the boy scout get in trouble?
Duke: Cause he always uses his YouTube account on the Justice League computer. So it'd look like he uploaded it and B would find out that Superman watches cat videos while he's on monitor duty.
Jason, smirking: Huh, so you're saying if I upload this on the League computer I'd piss off Bruce, Tim, and Dick and get Supes in trouble?
Duke, acting innocent: Huh, I guess so.
-> A Few Minutes Later <-
A call from Bruce comes up on the main computer.
Superman: Hey Batman, what can I do for you?
Bruce: You, Red Hood, cave now.
Jason: What? Why me?
Bruce: Because I saw that little home video you uploaded of your brothers.
Jason: What, that wasn't me!
Bruce: I could hear you laughing while you filmed.
Jason: Dammit.
Jason and Clark leave for the cave pouting like kids.
Duke: Hey, Black Canary?
Black Canary: Yes Duke?
Duke: I'm sorry to do this on such short notice, but I'm very worried about Dick and Tim.
Black Canary: Why?
Duke: Well, Tim keeps claiming that Dick is out to get him. Something about Dick messing with his coffee? And Dick feels like he's just being attacked for no reason and is worried about Tim's health. Is there anyway you could intervene?
Black Canary, looking sighing and looking exhausted: Usually I have three days of preparation before dealing with bats.
Duke: I know it's just-
Duke gestures to Tim and Dick rolling on the floor fighting.
Duke: They really need help.
Black Canary: Alright, I'll see what I can do.
Black Canary attempts to intervene only to get pulled into the fight. Now the three of them are tangled in a huge, confusing fight, that's filled with yelling and hair pulling.
Duke: Damian! Quick!
Damian: What is it Thomas.
Duke: I think somethings wrong with Dick and Tim and maybe even Black Canary. They're all fighting and won't stop! Can you help me contain them so that we can figure out what's going on?
Damian: Fine. I shall help.
Duke: Ok, just try to herd them into this containment cell.
Damian joins the fight managing to get everyone, including himself, into the containment cell. As Damian is trying to leave Duke closes the cell. Damian angrily yells and bangs on the sound proof walls.
Duke: What? Sorry, can't hear you! My hand slipped!
Wonder Woman: Very well done Signal.
Duke, acting innocent: Hm?
Wonder Woman: You tricked Red Robin into scaring Green Lantern away, then into fighting Nightwing. Once that fight broke out you tricked Red Hood into uploading a video to the internet using the Superman's credentials. By uploading that video he caused both himself and Superman to face Batman's wrath. You also used the fight to trick Stephanie into annoying Aquaman to the point of leaving. Then you involved Black Canary in the fight, which was her downfall. And, as a final touch, you managed to get Robin into the fight and trapped all in a containment cell. You successfully eliminated 9 foes with one trick.
Duke: You mean 11.
Wonder Woman: What?
Duke: 11. You see, I didn't trick Red Robin, I tricked Nightwing. I had a week to prepare. In that week I convinced Dick that Tim needed to cut back on the caffeine and that Dick should help by switching all of Tim's coffee with decaf. I also convinced him to hide that coffee in the watchtower, in Green Lantern's room. So that was all true.
Wonder Woman: But, that still does not make 11?
Duke: It does. Because This morning I moved the coffee. I replaced the Flashes decaf with Tim's ultra caffeinated coffee. You see Tim has it specially manufactured to increase the caffeine levels. And, while Flash doesn't usually drink his coffee in the morning, he's always running late and forgets, he does drink coffee during training breaks. Which is now. So in about five minutes we will have an incredibly caffeinated speedster in the Watchtower. And since you're the only one around right now with a chance of catching him, that's your problem.
Right as Duke finishes Flash runs by, majorly hyped up on caffeine.
Duke: Checkmate.
Martian Manhunter: It appears that I am the last remaining League member.
Duke: Yeah, I don't really understand this tradition but apparently every Robin ends it by picking a favorite league member.
Martian Manhunter: Out of all the League members, why have you chosen me?
Duke: Your smart and have a lot of cool powers. Also, I dunno, I hear you sometimes feel like an outsider with the league. Cause, the whole martian thing. And I know it's not the same but, sometimes I feel like an outsider with the bats, being the only meta and all.
Martian Manhunter: You have chosen me so that we may bond over our lack of connections?
Duke: Uhhhh, yeah?
Martian Manhunter: Hm. Very well, I assume that this is your “Robin Weakness”. Apparently every Robin has one.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Morning Routine Pt.2 (Jung Wooyoung) Rated
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Part One
Pairing: Videographer! Wooyoung × Camgirl! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Fluff.
Summary: Loving his new job as the videographer for a camgirl, Wooyoung has no idea about the new project she has in mind for her channel.
Word Count: 4.3+K
Warnings: Non-established relationship, p*rn filming, use of sex toys, exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation, fingering, handjob, p*rn viewing, unprotected shower sex (always use protection), slight degradation, multiple orgasm (female) these horny mfs can't keep their hands off each other, Y/N has a thing for Wooyoung's arms (who doesn't?)
Taglist: @seacottons @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @brie02 @deja-vux @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @nanamarkie @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters
Wooyoung threw his head back, eyes shut as his mouth uttered out some rather loud and harsh grunts. Tiny sweat beads formed along his hairline, his forehead creasing slightly as he fully immersed himself on stroking his hard length. His head was filled with images of the previous night with his new housemate, images of her dressed in the most alluring black playboy bunny outfit bodysuit, completed with ears, collar, cuffs and everything else. It was like a dream come true, watching her look extremely pretty as she played around with her pussy in front of him as he filmed her. To continue the bunny theme, she had taken out her pink rabbit vibrator, making sure to tease him, and her viewers later, by licking the longer part of the device, covering it in her spit before inserting it inside her tight little hole. Wooyoung would never get the picture out of his head as he witnessed her overstimulating herself over and over until she had tears brimming down her cheeks.
"Oh fuck! Fuck! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna-" She gasped violently as tiny spurts of her orgasm squirted out, staining the carpet underneath her. Wooyoung didn't even know that she was capable of squirting like that, but it was the most erotic thing he had ever seen before his eyes.
"Holy shit."
Just remembering that image had him holding himself up on the vanity counter with his free hand, the other furiously pumping his shaft with intensity as his white semen started to pour out of him and spill onto the floor. He panted heavily as he came down from his high, chest heaving up before lowering back down. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he grabbed a couple of tissues and proceeded to clean up the mess he had made, discarding the waste into the basket underneath the vanity. Pulling his pants back up and throwing on his black sweater, he looked at his reflection in the mirror one last time, only needing to fix the part on his growing black hair. Satisfied with how he looked, he came out of the bathroom and picked up his bag that he had laid out on his bed, books and materials ready for the day.
Stepping out of his room, he had to do a step back when a certain feline scared him by her mere presence outside his door, meowing loudly at him, almost like a whine.
"Oh god, don't scare me like that Baby." Smiling he stooped down to try and pet her head, but in her usual fashion, she hissed at him before scurrying off. Wooyoung let out a sigh and shook his head.
"One week after moving here and she still treats me so coldly." He didn't understand what was up with that cat, seemingly warming up to him only to revert back to her aggresive behavior.
As soon as he stepped into the kitchen, his face broke out into a smile as the object of his deepest fantasies and affection was currently standing in front of the sink again, finishing up her task of drying the dishes she had just meticulously washed, wearing nothing but one of his oversized shirts and cotton underwear. Coming up behind her, his hands cupped at her waist as his lips pressed themselves against her cheek.
"Took you a while to come out." She chuckled softly, knowing exactly what he had been doing in the bathroom.
"Morning to you too beautiful." He greeted her, lips pulling away only to dive into the side of her neck.
"Woo, you're going to be late for school." She reminded him yet made no effort to push him off her, enjoying the way his hands caressed her hips too much.
"No I'm not, I still got plenty of time."
Turning her around, he wasted no time in connecting their lips together, parting and closing them over hers in a fervent and needy way. Y/N couldn't suppress a moan when one of his hands dropped in between her thighs and caressed its way up. His palm started to rub her clothed heat, paying close attention to the wet spot starting to form at the bottom of them. Y/N gasped into Wooyoung's mouth when he suddenly slipped his hand inside her panties, fingers immediately working on her clit.
"Wooyoung please.." She whimpered, hands clutching onto his arms. Even through the fabric of his thick sweater, she could still feel the muscles of his strong biceps and that turned her on even more. Her hands grazed across his arms, and Wooyoung chuckled lowly as he knew what she was doing.
"Love my arms babygirl? Yes you do, especially when they're manhandling you down on the bed."
It was a good thing his arms were holding her up because she nearly fell to the floor as her mind recalled all the times she had been pinned down to her bed or to wall by Wooyoung's biceps. It was a borderline fetish now and she was not ashamed of it. Y/N began whining as Wooyoung's fingers continued playing with her little nub.
"Woo..." Her breath hitched, a sign she was about to cum, body growing hotter by the second.....
Until a disgruntled cat broke the two apart, pouncing on Wooyoung from behind as her claws dug into his thighs as they usually tended to do.
"Oh my god Baby would you kindly fuck off?!" Wooyoung exclaimed as he backed away from his lover in pain as he tried to get the Persian cat off his body.
Y/N immediately went over and grabbed her, her master's touch making her calm down and retract her claws enough to pry her off Wooyoung. The poor boy was rubbing on the attacked spot, face grimacing at the dull pain. Looking back, he narrowed his eyes at the cat, who likewise had her pupils turning into slits when she noticed him glaring.
"God dammit, can't even play with my favorite pussy because that demon pussycat wants to be a cockblocker."
As if understanding him, the cat hissed at him once more, body trying to jump out of Y/N's arms and no doubt lunge at the man in front of her.
"Ok ok that's enough. I think you need some catnip to help calm you down." Y/N kissed the top of her pet's head, trying hard to appease her.
"And you should probably start heading to school. Don't waste anymore time."
Wooyoung grabbed his bag again and slumped it over his shoulder.
"Fine, only cause you ask me to."
He came up to try and kiss her goodbye, but when the feline got agitated once more, he decided against it.
"Ok I'll see you later." Wooyoung waved at her.
"Don't forget, we're filming something else later tonight as well." Y/N smirked, petting the top of her cat's head in a comically fashion.
"Oh please, do tell me what my favorite porn star is planning." His teeth tugged at his bottom lip as he stared her up and down.
Holding a finger up to her lips, Y/N giggled.
"It's a surprise and you get to find out when you come back."
With eyes glued to the screen, Wooyoung continued to edit the video in front of him. He had been so immersed in his other endeavors with Y/N that he had nearly abandoned his other pending projects he needed to turn in. Luckily for him, it was rather easy since they weren't that difficult. The hard part was trying to ignore his classmates that were sitting and hovering around the computer next to him, giggling and snorting amongst themselves.
"Honestly, where's that mean, grouchy librarian when you need her to shut some idiots up?" Wooyoung thought to himself, twirling the pencil that was currently held between his index and middle finger.
Judging by the tiny crowd next to him and the weird moans faintly coming out of the speaker, he knew for sure that they were definitely not watching something family friendly.
"Typical." He mused to himself, humming out a little tune in hopes of drowning out their incessant and lewd chatter.
"Ok but guys, I need to introduce you all to this really hot camgirl I recently found. You won't believe it." One of the older guys named Seonghwa lightly pushed his way in the middle, fingers delicately typing away at the keys in front of him. Scrolling down for a while, he found what he was looking for and promptly clicked on it.
"This was her most recent one. Literally uploaded last night."
Although the volume was turned significantly low so that nobody suspected anything, Wooyoung's ears perked up as they distinguished an extremely familiar voice whispering obscene and dirty phrases towards her audience, ones that had been repeated over and over in his head for a while. Slightly pushing his chair away from the table, Wooyoung leaned back and tilted his head as unsuspecting as he possibly could to look over and get a glimpse of what his classmates were looking at. Just as he suspected, on the screen was none other than his beloved roommate in the attire she had worn the previous night. His face blushed slightly and he quickly looked away, afraid of getting caught looking over at their direction.
"Damn she's smoking hot." A classmate his age, Mingi spoke up.
"You know I'm more of a cat person, but fuck. I'd let that bunny hop herself on my lap and rut her sweet little ass on my cock."
Wooyoung's thumb pressed hard against the pencil he was holding, a tiny vein popping out of his neck that showed his displeasure at hearing such things being said about his fuck buddy.
"Keep dreaming Choi San." Wooyoung muttered under his breath in a passive aggressive tone.
"Ok but seriously, who's the bastard that gets to film her videos?" Mingi asked, a hand coming up to push up the glasses that were falling low on his nose bridge.
"Whoever he is, he's seriously one lucky guy." Seonghwa stated with a gloomy look.
"Yeah. Probably gets to jerk himself right in front of her as he's filming no doubt." San huffed, voice clearly laced with envy.
Wooyoung tried but failed in keeping a straight face, a smug grin appearing on his lips as he continued his task at hand.
"No but I get her to help me out after each session." He seriously wanted to say that out loud, but he contented himself with that knowledge that was a secret between him, Y/N and her cute yet menacing cat.
"Fuck it, I'm subscribing to her channel. Do you know when her next video will be up?" San whipped out his phone, tapping away at the keyboard as he looked up Y/N's camgirl profile on the website.
"I don't know but she's been a lot more active recently, posting a lot more content than before." Seonghwa answered.
"Great, cause I can't wait for her next project."
Wooyoung laughed inside himself when he heard San say that
"Trust me, neither can I...."
With the camera held in his hands and the all too familiar throbbing inside his pants, Wooyoung kept his gaze locked on Y/N as she was spread across her bed. If he thought she looked stunning the night before, it was nothing compared to what she had on at the moment. Her body was exceptional beautiful in the glittering body chain lingerie consisting of a silver rhinestone bra that had a connecting waist belt with metallic tassels dangling from the ends. To top it all off, not only was her makeup more extravagant than the ordinary, but she had even gone as far as applying sparkling highlighter on some parts of her body like her shoulders, collarbone and the top of her breasts. She truly looked like an ethereal queen, one that many people would love to get a glimpse of up close and personal.
Y/N was a mess of stuttering gasps and whiny moans as she continued bouncing herself on the 8" dildo in between her thighs. She often open her eyes and look at the camera with a hazy look while adding a few comments that were bound to rile her viewers even further.
"I'm so close. I'm gonna cum...." She exhaled deeply, teeth biting harshly down at her lip.
"Are you gonna cum with me?"
Wooyoung felt like he very well could cum untouched just by the sheer sight of her. The dildo was lodged so deep inside of her, one could see it bulge out of her lower abdomen. She herself knew it as well as her hand brushed along the outline of it.
"Your cock feels so good inside me, I don't think I can hold off any longer."
With hands firmly pressed on the mattress to hold her up, she fucked herself so roughly down onto the sex toy, her cries becoming more loud and staggered.
"Oh fuck! Cum with me! Please cum inside this pussy of mine." She pleaded.
She collapsed on the bed after reaching an intense high, her mouth agape as she took in deep breaths to calm her heated body. Reaching down, she pulled out the dildo, a thin clear line of arousal coming out as well. Holding it up, she waved it in front of the camera, knowing fully well Wooyoung had zoomed in close to her face.
"Until next time my darlings." She giggled and gave an expert wink at the lenses in front of her.
"And cut."
As soon as he said those words, Y/N sat up and took hold of Wooyoung's arm rather sharply, pulling him so he could follow her into her bathroom.
"Whoah, still got energy left after that show princess?" He snorted when she closed the door behind them.
Huffing softly, she took the camera out of his hands and carefully placed it on the vanity counter.
"I'm sticky, sweaty and in need of a shower." Within giving any other explanation, she began unzipping Wooyoung's pants and sliding then down his legs.
"And I'm here because....?" Although he knew very well why she dragged him with her, he still loved feigning like he didn't know what she was up to.
"Because showers are a lot more fun when you have company." Looking up at him, she smiled and tapped on the bottom of his shirt, a signal for him to remove it, which he of course did.
After a pile of clothes was accumulated neatly and tossed in a corner, the two individuals stepped inside the glass surrounded shower. Turning it on to a cool temperature, both of them emitted soft sighs at the feeling of the refreshing water pouring down their bodies. Taking hold of her pink and soft sponge, Wooyoung took it upon himself to clean her body of the sparkling residue left from the makeup. Making sure to create as much lather as possible, he began to gently swipe the sponge across her body with slow and gentle movements, being careful with her skin lest he accidentally scrubbed too hard. Y/N would never admit it out loud, but she loved having intimate moments like this with him. Taking showers together just because, without needing anything to happen between them. Cooking together, which she ended up finding out Wooyoung was an above average cook, which added to his fatal charms that had her melting for him. Or just cuddling together on the couch as a movie played, more often than not ending with one of them on the floor after they decided to start play wrestling amongst themselves, both of them in fits of giggles afterwards.
After making sure to cover her body with the floral scented soap, Wooyoung stepped back and moved her so the majority of the shower head was aimed at her, rinsing off the foam around her body. Watching it trail off her figure and down the drain, he let out a satisfied smile at his work.
"All better?"
Instead of answering, Y/N came up to him and rested her head on his chest, eyes closing as her hands took hold of his arms to wrap them around her. Getting the hint, Wooyoung held her body against his, fingers lightly running themselves down her back in soothing strokes. Reaching up, her hands came up to rest against the muscles on his upper arms, fingers tapping against his skin every now and then. Wooyoung couldn't help but laugh softly when he felt her grip tighten around them.
"What exactly is it about my arms that makes you horny over them?" He questioned her.
Frowning slightly, Y/N pulled away to look at him.
"I do not get horny over your arms, excuse me." She defended herself against what she considered to be slanderous talk.
Quirking an eyebrow up, Wooyoung let out a scoff.
"Oh really? Then tell me everytime I wear a sleeveless shirt, you're practically drooling and keep your eyes off them?"
It was a good thing there was water splashing all over them or else Y/N wouldn't have been able to camouflage the subtle blush that appeared on her cheeks.
"I do not." She interjected.
Shaking his head in a teasing fashion, Wooyoung leaned in and pecked her lips.
"Beg your pardon miss, but I've seen the way you eye them, especially during my workouts."
Making sure to flex his muscles, Wooyoung gripped her tighter against his body, pressing her unbelievably close as his arms encapsulated most of her body, leaving her slightly out of breath from the tight squeeze he gave her.
"Is it cause you like having me smother you in an embrace with them?"
Wanting to play around with her even more, he suddenly pressed her back against the tile wall, arms coming down to place themselves at the back of her thighs.
"Or cause you like it when I man handle you like this?"
Y/N groaned when she felt Wooyoung's mouth start pressing kisses along her jaw and neck, tilting it back so he could have more space to work with. He chuckled when he felt her breath hitch.
"You're so easy to rile up beautiful." He pointed out in a cocky manner.
Not wanting to let him get away with his behavior, Y/N slid a hand down his chest before taking hold of his dick, making it spring back to life and get hard once more after forgetting how aroused it was when the cold water splashed onto it. She made sure to pump it vigorously, causing Wooyoung to pull back and moan loudly at her ministrations.
"I could say the same about you handsome. Just one brush of my hand against your thighs and your little friend comes up to greet me."
Closing her lips over his, any sound about to escape was muffled by her tongue which slid its way inside his mouth, massaging itself against his own wet muscle. As one hand continued stroking along his shaft, her other hand came down to cup underneath and fondle his balls. That action further fed his aching need to bury himself inside her wetness.
"Getting a little hot my love? Bothered? I can feel your cock throbbing in my hand." Knowing exactly what she was doing, she squeezed his balls rather hard as her thumb circled around his tip. That and the fact she bit down at Wooyoung's bottom lip was enough to make him lose control of his senses. He could no longer hold back after hours of having her tease him.
Prying her hands off him, he placed one hand on the back of her thigh and wrapped her leg up around his waist, allowing him to slide his length rather easily past her folds to rest inside her heat. Pressing her back against the wall once more, Wooyoung dropped his other hand down to her other thigh.
"Hold onto my arms." He whispered against her ear, a command she didn't need to be told twice as her hands placed themselves on his biceps. Hoisting her other leg around his waist, Wooyoung didn't wait any longer and immediately began slamming his hips into her. Having been sexually frustrated since their interruption that morning, both of them basked in the enjoyment of having their lower bodies connect again.
"Oh fuck- you're still tight even after fucking yourself wide open with that dildo?"
Y/N's hands clung tighter to his arms, nails nearly digging into his skin. Her wails were only half heard due to the pounding of Wooyoung's cock that had her back hitting against the wall behind her, cutting off her sounds midway. The way he gripped at her thighs was so strong that she had no doubt about having purple bruises on those spots for days to come, but she didn't care. Her mind was too focused on the overwhelming feeling of his cock inside her, cries of pleasure echoing through the room.
"You like me fucking you like this baby? Cock deep inside this little pussy of yours?" He taunted her as his timed thrusts continued to impale her tight core, slick and warm walls tightening around his hard shaft.
"Yes! Fuck me just like you are doing!" She exclaimed, eyes looking down to watch as his cock drove out of her only to ram itself back in. At this point she was becoming light headed, feeling intoxicated by the tension building in her body, ready to snap at any moment.
"Fuck! You're gonna make me cum!" She whimpered as she clawed into his arm muscles, making Wooyoung hiss.
"Then fucking cum like the slut you are." He growled against her ear.
With a piercing shriek, her walls tightened unbearably against his length, pulsating as she came hard all over him. Even during the peak of her climax, Wooyoung maintained his pace and harsh pounding, not giving her an ounce of pity to diminish the euphoric sensation overtaking her. Pulling out of her and safely bringing her back down, Wooyoung tilted her chin up so she could look into his lust filled face.
"If you think we're done, you're wrong baby. I'm not quite done with you yet."
Swinging her body to the left, Wooyoung pressed her body up against the clear glass window that covered the shower. Taking hold of her hips, Wooyoung's cock lodged itself inside her warm walls once more, the sound of smacking skin bouncing against the walls. Y/N placed her palms against the clear glass to keep her steady as his hungry cock fucked her in a furious rhythm. She could barely keep her eyes open as she was overly sensitive from not only her previous orgasm but from having played with herself rather intensely during their filming session.
"Fuck- your cock feels amazing." She moaned out in a low and airy tone.
"Yeah? Is it better than all those toys you fuck yourself with?" Wooyoung cooed against her ear.
"God yes! Way better. Wooyoung you fuck me so good." She responded, her wailing becoming higher in pitch as another build up began to rise up in her.
"So good that you'll cum for me a second time? Will you?" Y/N knew that wasn't a request, it was an order, an order that her body couldn't resist fulfilling, especially when the angle his hips hit against her ass had the head of his cock brushing against her g-spot continuously.
"Cum on me one more time beautiful. Let me feel you again."
Falling under the spell of his command, Y/N let out sputters of his name as her legs trembled under her, threatening to give out on holding her up had Wooyoung not had his hands keeping her upright as he kept pushing his cock into her from behind. It wasn't long before he himself felt himself being tipped over the edge.
"Shit! Oh shit!"
With a few more pops of his hips, he was done, spurt after spurt of cum filling her pussy up until it started running down her legs, getting swallowed up and washed away along with the rest of the water pouring out from above them. They both stayed still for a couple seconds, each one trying to catch their breath and steady their heartbeats. Resting his forehead atop of her shoulder, Wooyoung's raspy breaths were the only things she could hear.
"Fuck Y/N....." She let out an involuntary smile when he whispered that, his labored breathing telling her he enjoyed that quite a lot.
Withdrawing himself from between her legs, Wooyoung's dick softening after finally being able to find release in Y/N's body. Making sure to do a final rinse to clean up any leftover cum, Wooyoung turned off the water and carefully guided Y/N out the shower, knowing fully well her thighs were burning after all that.
"Easy there beautiful, don't worry I got you." He smiled ever so sweetly at her as he picked up a towel and draped it over her shoulders. Y/N let out a groan as she reclined back against the counter, exhausted from their intense love session.
"Wooyoung, could you please get me my pajamas and help me dress?" Her bottom lip poked out, voice slightly frigging after having her vocal chords nearly ripped out from all the screaming his cock had her doing.
"Of course beautiful. I'll be right back."
Booping his nose against hers, Wooyoung tied a towel around his waist before scurrying out of the bathroom in search of something comfortable for Y/N to wear. Through pained hisses, Y/N managed to turn her body so she was facing the mirror in front of her. Bending down, her face gave out a tired smile towards the camera that she had placed strategically on the counter beforehand, the tiny red light indicating it had been recording everything that happened in the shower, unbeknownst to her partner who was still in her drawers looking for her clothes. Reaching over, she stopped the film and made sure to save the file, a sly smirk on her face as her mind was already coming up with the title of her next project.
"Fucking my camera boy in the shower without him knowing...."
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
Lost Without You (Sakusa x Reader)
A/N: People visited today so I had to write between interactions. No uploads tomorrow as I'm going to a theme park and this one was cute to write ngl. Its one of my favorites so far.
WARNINGS: Loss of senses, angst, lowkey fluff end
Date: Sunday October 25th, 2020
Details: 5.6 pages 2,070 words
Theme: Senses- you slowly begin to lose all of your senses. Most people die quickly after the loss of their fifth sense. To gain them back one has to admit their love or forget about them.
Angst Masterlist
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Smell was the first to go.
I hadn’t even noticed at first nor do I really know how long it’d been gone. I didn’t notice until one day my mother asked me about perfume.
“Y/n what do you think?” I turned my mom had two glass bottles in her hands. One was a pale blue the other a mint green. “About what?” I asked “Which should I get? We are going to see the Sakusa family today,” I blinked. “We are?” “Yes Y/n now which one?” I hummed “Can I smell them?”
“Sure,” She spritzed the blue one first “This one’s Ocean Wonder,” I sniffed and shrugged when it didn’t smell like anything. She then sprayed the green one “This is Mahogany Apple,” I sniffed and realized I couldn’t smell it either. “Umm Ocean Wonder,” I said “Something wrong?” My mom asked me. “Nope!” I chirped sending her a small smile.
As we continued I discreetly smelled things freezing when I realized I couldn’t smell at all.
Taste was next it happened quickly after smell since they were linked together.
“Thanks for the food!” I said with everyone else a smile on my face. I sat next to Sakusa doing my best to avoid touching him as I knew he didn’t like it. I hummed as I ate the food was bland it had no taste only texture. I blinked schooling my features so I didn’t make a face. “How is it?” I looked at Sakusa's father as he asked “Its good!” I said matching the smile he sent me. “Im glad,” he went back to quietly discussing something with my mom.
I took small bites of the food not really paying attention to what was going on. That was until a hand touched my thigh under the table. I jumped slightly my eyes shifting to Sakusa's he was studying me dark eyes watching my moves.
“What’s wrong?” He whispered trying to avoid drawing the adults attention towards us. I turned red the longer he stared “I don’t know Omi,” I whispered back. He hummed the adults had stopped talking so he didn’t bring it up again.
Touch was third to go I had noticed that one quite quickly.
“Hey Omi where are we going?” I was trying to keep up my feet hitting the ground at a quicker pace then him. He stopped letting me catch up to him “A park,” I reached him with a smile “Even with all the germs?” He rolled his eyes at my statement. “I only see one germ,” he stated flicking me in the forehead. I scrunched my nose as he took my hand “Let’s go,” I held on as he gently pulled me along.
We reached the park fairly quick and I realized he’d taken me to the cherry blossom park. I watched the petals fall as we walked around but I blinked when I noticed multiple petals stuck to me. “I didn’t even feel those land on me,” I whispered swiping the pale pink petals off.
“Y/n?” I turned Sakusa stood behind me with an eyebrow raised “Yeah?” I asked blinking. “Did you not feel my hand on your shoulder?” I hummed as I thought “No I guess I didn’t,” I shrugged holding out my hand towards him. His eyes narrowed slightly before he took my hand it was weird I saw his hand clutched in mine and yet I couldn’t feel it.
We walked slowly and in silence for awhile before he spoke up “You’re losing your senses aren’t you?” he asked suddenly. “How did you-?” I trailed off. “At dinner you hardly ate and kept making a face. I also caught you sniffing things before making a face,” I hummed “I am losing my senses,” I whispered “That’s okay I am too,” I looked at him wide eyed “Omi you’re in love!?” I whispered shouted avoiding attracting attention to us. He rolled his eyes “I am yes and so are you,” I frowned.
“It’s too bad we can’t do anything about it though,” I said looking forward and this time he hummed. “Yeah it is too bad,”
I didn’t lose my hearing until a few months later it was a few days after my wedding when my hearing went.
I woke up stretching my muscles waiting for the popping of my back but nothing happened. I shrugged at that slipping out of the covers of my bed. I skipped to the kitchen I had grown used to my missing senses they didn’t bother me anymore as I knew they were unrecoverable. Unless I found a new love or told my current one but I couldn’t I had no way of contacting my love anymore and even if I did the world knew I was married.
Sakusa suddenly appeared in front of me causing me to jump. I placed a hand over my heart and noticed his mouth moving as his eyebrows furrowed in concern. My eyes widened when I realized I couldn’t hear him. I tried telling him as much but I couldn’t hear myself either. He nodded his head at me despite that I began panicking Sakusa reached forward pulling me towards him. It made me feel better even though I couldn’t feel it he pulled back and lifted his hands ‘sign language’ I thought as I watched his hands move
“It’s okay We’ll be fine,” I nodded at him “Find something to focus on and calm down okay?” I moved forward hugging him. It provided comfort for us both even if neither of us could actually feel it. I focused on the gold ring on Sakusa's finger it matched my own but it brought joy to neither of us.
Merely a sign that we had no choice in the manner they felt more like weights to us. I took a deep breath and pulled away looking at him I raised my hands “I have to find him. Just to clear everything,” He nodded “I understand,” Sakusa told me he had to go and I reached out and pulled him back suddenly. He turned to look at me with a questioning look “Im sorry I never told you,” He shook his head then “Don’t say sorry…Just come back,”
Sight was the last to go. I had never found my love and I couldn’t see Sakusa anymore. I knew he was there he'd been giving me medicine keeping me alive. Things were different now. My life was fading and I thought of my memories causing me to smile.
“Hey Omi what’s your favorite animal?” I asked getting ready for dinner with my parents. He hummed before he answered “I don’t know I’ve never really thought about it,” He said fixing his tie before a smirk settled on my face “Is it a fox?” He snapped his head towards me and narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you dare suggest that again,” He stated and I just smiled at him mischief in my eyes. “Ooo what about an Owl?” I watched him stand up and head to the door. “Im leaving,” He said walking out of the room as I started laughing. “Wait Omi what about a crow!” I heard him sigh from the hallway before he answered “Im divorcing you,”
That was one of my favorite memories another one was from Sakusa’s first game on the Black Jackals team.
I looked at my phone ringing noting the caller I.D from the stands. I picked up the phone immediately “Omi? What’s wrong?” I asked into the phone “Nothing…I just wanted to talk to you,” I frowned “Omi…You’re five minutes from your debut game you never want to talk before a game,” I stated. I heard a deep sigh on the other line and I knew it was instinct at this point knowing what was wrong with Omi. “Its okay to be nervous Omi. I still get nervous just watching your games,” I chuckled. “You get nervous watching? Why?” I shrugged “I’m scared you’ll get hurt or something will happen,” I said “You should have more faith in me then that,” Sakusa said. “I’ve got plenty of faith in you Omi. It sounds like you don’t have faith in yourself,”
He was silent for a moment before he chuckled “I guess you’re right. Thanks Y/n,” I smiled “You’re welcome Omi! Make a service ace for me okay?” I chirped “Will do,” he stated back hanging up the phone.
I smiled he did make a service ace that day even going as far as to look at me afterwards. Ever since he started volleyball he dedicated one service ace to me and I was always in the audience cheering him on. I blinked or at least I think I did choosing to bask in one last memory.
“Hey Omi?” I hummed from the couch. I heard a noise from the kitchen before he hummed letting me know he was listening. “Do you think our parents would have cared if we had said something about the marriage?” I voiced twisting the gold ring on my finger. I heard footsteps before Sakusa crouched in front of me he looked at my hands before taking them preventing me from messing with the ring.
“Honestly? No I don’t think they would have and gone forward anyway. I know what your thinking…That guy you love he wasn’t good for you he left as soon as he found out not even bothering to ask you and instead chose to leave with no notice. He’s making you suffer right now,” Sakusa spoke and I stayed quiet he rarely talked this much unless he was making a point.
“What about the person you love Omi?” I whispered “They left too…But I’m glad our parents did this we might not love each other but…We at least know each other,” He sent me the faintest hint of a smile and I smiled back “You’re right Omi…Thanks,” He let go and stood up heading back to the kitchen “You’re welcome,” He said quietly.
I realized then that all of my favorite memories had Sakusa in them but never the person I loved. The longer I thought about it the more I realized that I couldn’t even remember their name and just like that it hit me hard. I didn’t love that person anymore. I loved Sakusa I hadn’t used my voice in a while but I knew I had to say it so I did. I couldn’t hear myself but I knew what I said “I love you Omi,” only four words but they were enough.
I felt something touch my hand and I flinched before I realized that I could feel. I relaxed again in curiosity and I realized it was Omi's hand he was using his fingers to write letters into my hand and that was enough to know what he was saying. “I love you too Y/n,” I smiled feeling Omi grab my hand. I tangled our fingers together and the smell of Lemon hit my nose and my smile got wider knowing my senses were coming back.
That’s when the unexpected happened I felt something soft hit my lips and vaguely tasted mint before I realized that Sakusa had kissed me. He pulled away letting my senses come back slowly and hoping to not overwhelm me. I heard a faint buzzing noise that got louder before it vanished. I listened there wasn’t any noise besides the fan moving and Sakusa’s breathing and the occasional shuffle.
“Can you hear me Y/n?” Sakusa asked quietly. “I can hear you Omi,” I heard how scratchy my voice was and I flinched. He chuckled quietly and helped me sit up he pressed a glass into my hand helping guide it to my mouth as I drank. I closed my eyes as the cold water traveled down my throat when I opened them again I realized I could see. The edges of my vision were blurry but I could see everything again.
I turned my head looking at Sakusa the sunlight was dying outside casting him in an orange glow. The lights in the room were off probably so my eyes didn’t suffer when I opened them. He smiled at me then one of his rare smiles and holding on to my hand before he spoke.
“Welcome back Y/n,” and suddenly those rings on our fingers felt weightless.
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romanticworks · 4 years
Yeah. We use the word “digital” to refer to one specific way of storing information, discrete signal values interpreted at pre-established levels. “Analog” is just a fancy way of saying “everything else.”
[speaking over him] Almost everything in the world is analog, but we’re obsessed with digital. We try to surrender everything into it, break the world down and turn it into as much binary as it takes. But it’s not the same.
I used to work on OCR programs, teaching computers to read, to take the messy physicality of the written word and convert it into something that a computer can understand in a digital format.
I'm not sure what this has to do with my tape recorder
Magnetic tape. Everyone thinks it’s analog, but it’s digital. A lower-tech version than what we use now, but people forget that it was used to store computerized data for decades. Maybe it reminds people of a film reel, or, or maybe nostalgia turns everything analog.
Although people always think of digital as not really there, but the thing is information is always physically present. It doesn’t exist as some formless nothing. Even within the tiniest, most advanced storage systems, physical memory cells change and alter themselves to render that information in a language all of their own.
I suppose it isn’t language, not really, because, because language as we use it is about as far from digital as you can get. We may call them words, but, the units of data that a computer works with are by their nature discrete and definite, while the words we use are clumsy, vague things, always at the whim of interpretation and decay.
It’s the obvious thing to say, that a computer cannot feel, but it’s true. No sequence of distinct ones and zeros can replicate the swirling cocktail of chemicals and, and, you know, nerves that is a human being. Or any other animal for that matter. Nothing about humanity is binary.
…r-right. So, you work in computers, then.
Sorry, I, um… it’s been a while since I talked to someone in person? Been spending a lot of time in my own head, you know. Used to just dumping information when I get the chance. I have a blog, actually, but I haven’t posted for almost a year. Almost too embarrassed to, now… Assuming I’m not losing my mind, of course!
Yes, I hear that a lot, too.
Well, that’s what’s terrifying, isn’t it? Your mind is all you are, there’s no backup, or you know, reset, If it goes. I’m not just talking about madness as it appears, but what it is from inside. The way people talk about it, it’s like you have to think you’re saying that our mind is everything we perceive, everything we are. That means you can never know when your grasp might be slipping. I’m not convinced that’s it, though.
Or maybe deep down somewhere inside, you understand what’s happening to you and - no. I am, I don’t know which scares me more.
I’ve got a lot of friends whose retirement plans basically comes down to uploading their minds into a computer and living forever in a virtual world. They’re so sure it’s just around the corner. I’ve never had the heart to tell them it’s impossible, that the human brain is a wet mess of analog signal interpretation that is as far removed from the clean logics of digital processing as it’s possible to be.
We’ve tricked ourselves into thinking that computers and people have anything in common? But no matter how good we may program them to be at pretending to think like us, that’s all we’ll ever be. Crossing the line from meat and chemicals into pure digital systems is impossible. And everything else is just sophisticated programming and, and illusion.
TMA65 - Binary
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Most of the time I leave my house when I wake up I go for a walk or to the gym but today it is different, I have gone on a trip for a few days due to work issues, I was not in my house, but also in my hotel; Last night I had not taken anything, I just exercised and went to bed, the minutes passed and I still did not move trying to decipher how I got to that place, knowing nothing about my whereabouts I just started moving my head from one side to the other. another but I didn't recognize anything from that place, everything was different, I literally felt my breathing lighter and more "clean", I felt too comfortable and relaxed, that feeling of total rest that I couldn't have had so long ago, I didn't want to panic I wanted to find some congruent answer and logically this that I didn't want to call it a problem, I arm myself with courage ... I decided to take confirm no matter who would be in this room, my biggest fears would be kidnapping but this kidnapping is too comfortable so I discarded it as an option. Minutes passed since I said that I would arm myself with courage but I still do not move, without thinking I got up, I had my eyes closed for what I could see, when I got out of my bed I almost fell from it - "what the hell ..." - when speaking a very marked British nod out of my mouth, this could not be happening I am supposed to be Canadian, I open my eyes to see where I am, I stop and I realize the great change in height and weight, I start to worry and I walk by the hotel room when I open the bathroom door ... - "This is not possible ..." - - "Iii aaam ... TOM!" -.
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This was impossible in so many ways, this was not logical or even meaningful, as it is possible that I went to sleep and is in Tom's body, I am not supposed to be here I should be in a recording, I decided to calm down and for a stranger reason I started to see and touch "my body" was still very shocked by the great change, I saw the definition of each of the muscles and that abdomen so well exercised and at least I realized I was already flexing Tom's body, suddenly He reacted and I see that my phone was ringing but it was just the stupid alarm, I go out I put on a pair of sleeping pants and a shirt and turned it off. I had no idea that someone so young already had so many responsibilities, it caught my attention in his agenda "shooting day" - "shit" - I was still very surprised by my voice, I was hoping that my body was I was going to save or it would be fine, I didn't think Tom would be there I'd rather he was unconscious, so I decided to take the responsibility of going to the recording set and doing what I can ...
Apparently someone did a lot of gym yesterday, since it stunk a bit so I decided to go for a bath, I was scared I had never seen a real naked man, but if I really wanted to do this I had to be presentable and clean ... I headed to that bathroom, I had not seen it so thoroughly when I first entered but to be a hotel bathroom it was too big and luxurious, ~ • Come on, you can, you just have to take a bath, what could be wrong with that? I thought as I started to take off my shirt to reveal Tom's big torso ~ • How is it possible that I'm so toned? • ~ I asked myself, put a little hand on my abdomen and arms because I liked the feeling of muscles but no body hair, after admiring Tom's achievements I took off my sleeping pants, • ~ Well, you are not as hairless as you look • ~ seeing the little body hair on my legs, I could not help but think I was very well marked and formed or, and everything with that age, now the hardest part, take off the boxer, call me dramatic if you want but I felt bad for not respecting the privacy of Holland, • ~ Just do it, download the boxers and now, what can happen? ~ • so I did, I closed my eyes to see nothing and proceeded to lower the boxers and that was it until my hand touched the member and made him open his eyes and forget that he was in front of a mirror and I saw him Maybe that tight latex suit can hide you are 7 inches! It was not big but it was very thick, wow I was amazed at how well endowed and well disciplined that this man came into the world, I was admiring his body for a few minutes in the mirror, all his, he was beautiful, I see the time and I give myself he tells me that it's getting late so I go to the shower, the sensation was strange and maybe I had never felt it, the water falling on the hairless torso, it was a strange and new sensation, leaving the doubt I put on a towel at the waist and I'm going to look for clothes, I had a lot of variety of clothes and that was something that complicated me at that moment because if I wanted to impersonate him I had to act and dress like him and I didn't know what to wear, the only times I eh him seen are the carpet and always wears a suit and obviously I was not going to wear a recording set, after wasting time looking for a good change of clothes I choose sportswear because it was comfortable and marks Tom's gifts a lot, I'm looking for and the only thing Tom has to wait for his stuff is a Backpack, he takes it along with a cap and I leave.
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Friends !, Eh come back uwu, I will not leave, it is not worth stopping doing what I like by standards :v, so this is the first part of a collaboration I did with @screechingpizzasaladparty , the second part of both was uploaded at 12 at night, I hope you like it!
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Forever linked
Part 25: reunited and epilogue
Omg, last part.
I loved to write this serie, I loved each part of it. I hope you enjoyed it too 🤗
I'm sorry, I took quite some time to upload this. Thanks for your patience ❤️
W.C 2179
Note: fluffy fluff fluff
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You just put your little princess to bed, finally. She and her appa talked on the phone, you holding the phone on speaker mode in front of her while she was making “pa” sounds. After that, she was too excited to sleep. It took a while before you could calm her down, she was continuously babbling and tapping her hands together, laughing. She was just excited and didn’t want to sleep. You can’t believe that she’s already trying to talk but if you think about it, sometimes you could hear her say “ma” too. She really was trying to communicate with you and it made you so proud of her. You filmed her and send the video to Ji, he was crying saying “my princess misses me, Omg, she’s so lovely”. Of course he would react like this. He was totally whipped for his daughter. She was indeed a beautiful baby. Soon after, you received messages from the rest of Bigbang:
Tabi: «make her say “the coolest uncle” for me please, followed by a lot of heart and praising emojis.
Dae: «my goddaughter is the most wonderful little mermaid on earth omg omg omg»
And finally Youngbae: «Wow! She’s a genius like her father! What does she have from you? Ha! Ha! Ha! Are you the real mother»?
You love those boys so much, you can’t help it but squeeze their cheeks when you meet them. Dae, being your best friend even before you met the rest of the group, will always have a special place in your heart. But Seung Hyun’s innocence and Youngbae’s kindness are also precious to you. They became your family in Seoul, the people that calls you to take some news, the people you meet to share a meal with, the people you talked to when you wanted to complain about your boyfriend being at the studio in the middle of the night. They also tell you how much you changed their leader, how he became stronger and more down to earth after he met you. You never believed it was because of you but it was nice of them to say that.
Jiyong… it still hurts so much to think about him. The memories that you have with him, those precious moments you shared will always be engraved in you. You don’t know what would have been your life without him in it for the last 5 years. He was your man, your better half, your love. What is he, now? What place does he has in your life?
Laying alone in your bed tonight, you imagine your life in the future. What will it be? What is there for you if Jiyong is not in it? Who will be by your side? You’re not scared that you won’t find another man, you are just scared that you won’t love him as much as you loved Ji, how much you still love him. You cannot imagine yourself with somebody else. Just the thought of being in someone else’s arms makes you feel awkward, like there’s no oxygen in the room.
He was the perfect boyfriend before all that, he really was. Your complicity can’t be denied. You were accomplices on every levels. You miss those moments. You sight in your bed and turn on your left side. If Ji was with you, he would have take you in his arms and run his fingers on your back, arms and shoulders, asking you what’s wrong. Trying to understand what’s on your mind to help you sort it out. He would have kiss the anxiety away, hugged you and stayed awake as long as you were, regardless of his schedule the next morning. That’s the kind of man he was, he still is. Last night, you slept in the same bed than him, you have missed that body against yours. It was warm, comfortable and cozy. You slept like a baby, snuggling against him. It was like before, exactly the same as when you were still a couple. He felt like home.
If you are being completely honest with yourself, you hope for him to come back in your life since the say he broke up with you last year. He asked you earlier today if you regret having those intimate moments with him last night. When you analyse it, there is something you regret. You regret that it didn’t happened before.
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand beside you. He was texting you.
«Kkulieya… I miss you. Do you have problems to sleep, just like I do? I wish you were in my arms now. Please, don’t forget that I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I will tell you 100 times a day until the end of time. One day, you will believe me. Also… It was great, right?».
You smiled at your phone. He really seems to be sure about it. You don’t reply now, leaving him “on read”. He doesn’t like when you do that but you need to think about him. You don’t want to play with his heart. You don’t want to use his love for you in any way. You respect him too much for that.
You couldn't sleep more than a few hours that night, not even because of your little princess. She was sleeping like an angel. You turned around in your bed, you stood up to drink a tea, you went to sit in the rocking chair in Min Soo’s room. The more you think about it, the more you are sure of you. You want Ji back in your life. He seems to be really sure. He made some mistakes that you will never forget. But you can forgive.
When your day started the next morning, after you slept maybe an hour or two in Min Soo’s rocking chair, as you were admiring the sun rise with your little princess awaken in your arms, drinking, you decided that it was the beginning of your new life.
“Little SooSoo, would you like mommy and appa to live together again? Yes? You agree? I thought so”. Smiling, you elaborate your plan.
Jiyong is coming back from a short trip today, normally he will be home at around 21h00. You took the day to prepare your surprise for him, not answering any of his call or message. You just told him you were busy today but you and SooSoo are doing fine. You packed all the belongings that you will need for the next few days and leaved your house to finally go back home. The home you shared for so long with the man you love the most. Your man.
At 21h25, sitting on the couch, you heard the door open and close with a crash. Jiyong, who haven’t seen you yet, enters the hall. You can hear his progression in the house as he make his way in. He put his keys on the table in the entrance, leaved his shoes in the middle of the hall and he throws his suitcase to the other end of the room. He throws it literally. You hear him call someone, hanging on the phone and sight. At the same moment, your phone buzzed on the cushion of the couch next to you.
«Who are you trying to reach at this time of the night Mr. Dragon? Was it me? I bet it was, we haven’t spoke today”.
He jumped out of fear and put a hand on his heart.
«Omg, love… Are you ok? What a nice surprise but is everything fine? Is Min Soo with you?»
«She’s asleep in her bed, go see her and come back. I need to talk to you». You smiled as you answered his numerous questions.
Looking at you with round eyes, he seems frightened.
«Well, ok… Do I need to be scared?»
«It depends Ji, were you a good boy today?» You answered, playful. «Go kiss her and make sure you don’t wake her up»
He went in her room and stayed with her for a few moment. You could imagine him, leaning over the little crib, smiling fondly at his daughter, even caressing her hair or adjusting her little yellow pajama. His favorite color on her.
«Kkulie, I’m scared. What is it? She or you are not sick, right?» he asked as soon as he entered the living room.
He was still standing up in the middle of the room, scrutinizing your expression with a serious look, uncertain.
«Come and sit with me» you said but he didn’t make an attempt to move.
«I’m petrified, you seems worried. Is someone dead»?
You stood up and came to him. You encircled his neck with your arms, dragged his face in front of yours and kissed him, on the lips. You couldn’t resist the temptation, he was just too lovely with his anxious face, his pouty lips, his questions and his beautifulness in general.
«Yaaaaa, what was that for?» he asked, grinning. He seemed to have a ton less on his frail shoulders.
«I missed you, can’t I? Can a woman miss her man?”
«We were together last morning my love… you miss me already?».
«No Jiyong. I missed you».
He locked eyes with you, frown his eyebrows and lift up his chin.
«You mean...»
«I mean I missed you. You and me together. Us. Do you want me back in your life for real?»
«Are you serious? I want you more than anything. Oh! My! God! You are serious right? You are not playing with my feelings?»
He took a step back, leaving a big gap between you. He looked at you from head to foot, trying to understand. Seemed confuse.
«It wouldn’t be a funny thing to do. Of course I want you for real. You doubt my love for you»?
“No, I don’t. It’s not that I doubt it. I always knew you love me. I just… you said… you…”
You get closer to him, you didn’t support the distance that separated you. Too long you have been away from each other. You have lost too much time.
“Ji, I can’t imagine my life without you. I was scared that maybe, you don’t love me for real or will get tired of «us» again. But you know what? There is a risk in every relationship. Us, together, we worked. It will work again. You are the only man I can imagine my life with. The only one I love. I want nobody else”.
You framed his face with your delicate hands and kissed him passionately. Your man, your beloved Jiyong, the love of your life. You can’t believe that he still chooses to be with you, after all this time apart. After all those years together. After all you’ve been through. He’s still there, still showing you how much he wants you back in his life.
You were softly kissing on the sofa, sharing love words like new lovers, staring at each other’s eyes when suddenly you heard Min Soo crying, loud cries all of sudden. Half amused by the situation, you quickly become very worried. Both of you stood up really fast and runs to her bed room. That poor little girl seemed to have had a bad dream, her cheeks all red and her hair soaked wet. As soon as she saw her father, her cries decreased in intensity and she held out her arms to him.
“This is the most beautiful day in my life, my girls both want me”.
You looked at him holding his little girl against his heart, swaying from one foot to another to gently rock her. He was perfect.
“Kkul, we’ll be fine, go run a bath for us, i'll join as soon as she’s asleep” he said blinking.
“Change her ok, she’s wet and don’t forget to…”
“Kkul, I know how to handle her”
You smiled at him. He was so proud, for the first time, she was easily comforted in his arms and not yours… You were happy for him. He loves his daughter and she loves him so much.
“I know you will do perfect. Sorry, I just hate to see her like that, yelling and screaming”.
“It’s alright my love. Hey, come here” he asked you, leaning his face towards you so you can kiss him. You caress your daughter’s hair at the same time and kissed her little forehead before you left to prepare a bath for Ji and you.
Laying in bed later that night, you were not sleepy even with the lack of sleep from the last days. You were just too excited to be reunited with the love of your life. Ji felt the exact same than you and you share some time together, happy to be in each other’s arms. Just like that, enjoying every caress, every kiss, every tender word.
Heart against heart, skin against skin, your new life was starting perfectly.
Epilogue, 2 years later
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***The end ***
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poldeyber · 4 years
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I apologize to those people who bother with my content, they must understand that I am crazy
The next day Eddie gets up very early to organize everything to go to work, Karla has taken care of Cristofer while he takes a good shower
A constant stream of cold water runs through his naked body, Eddie makes the water pressure fall on his neck, he just wants to relax a little forget everything, he is tired of so much thinking,
Frank's voice does not come out of his head instructing what he should do regarding his feelings to Buck
Buck damn Buck, !!!
What have you done to me?
why do you have me like that ??
Eddy wonders with a sigh closes his eyes, he doesn't want to think, it's inevitable not to do it, his mind and body want to do it
his heart rate increases, Eddie completely forgets that cold water is running through his body and there was Buck staring at Eddie as his hands on his hips push him forward ,
Buck's lips and tongue fell on Eddie's skin wanting to look for something, Eddie sighs loudly and groans in pleasure, Eddie brings his fingers to Buck's red lips and gently strokes them, pushes Buck against the bathroom wall and kisses him like the world is going to end,
both bite their lips while their fingers run between their bodies,
They hug tightly as if they wanted to merge,
as if they wanted to be a single being,. not even the icy water can turn off the heat there
But there is Eddie again returning to his reality surprised at what his imagination can do ...
his disgusting imagination ... !!!!
Eddie gets out of the shower before going crazy
Buck: I'm so glad to meet you Athena !!!
your hands make my palate have many orgasms,
Buck savor a little of what Athena prepared
Athena: I can't say the same!
you spend trying my food and do not help at all
Buck: I'm so sorry !!!
I have always been very clumsy in everything related to the kitchen so I prefer to make way for professionals like you
Athena: It's never too late to learn Buck ... !!!
It takes some things to complete breakfast,
could you call eddie ???
I need you to buy them at the supermarket on the way to the station
Buck nods, takes out his cell phone,
Unlock it!
Athena can see that in the background there is a photo of Eddie, Christopher and Buck, so he stares at it
Buck calls his friend and instructs him on what to buy, Eddie decides to go to a supermarket near the station
While Athena and Buck are in the kitchen Bobby and the others finish organizing some equipment at the station !!!
It's a splendid morning!
minutes later Eddie arrives at the station with what was needed for breakfast, greets all his colleagues, delivers the order to Athena and goes to the changing room to change
Athena gives the last touches to breakfast while Bomuck organizes the dining room.
Athena: Buckey !!!!
A while ago I wanted to ask you a question !!!
Buck is approaching a little curious
Athena: Do you like Eddie?
Buck: what are you talking about ??
Athena: you don't have to hide anything Buck !!!
stares and adds!
You can trust me ...!!!
Buck: is that obvious?
Athena: We only put the people that really matter to us on the wallpaper of our cell phone!
Buck smiles And answers:
I guess you discovered me !!!!
yes !!!
I like Eddie !!!
I like very much !!!
Athena: you must keep in mind that all your love relationships after sex end badly !!!
wants to throw Eddie in the trash
Buck: no, no !!!
This I feel for Eddie is more real!
in the previous cases it was only sexual attraction, I got what I wanted and everything changed
with Eddie it's different, I want to protect him, take care of him
well, there is also sexual attraction !!!
but all this goes to another plane ...
I think about him all the time and my days are completely different when I am with him.
Also, her son is lovely!
Thanks to him I can see life from another point of view!
I have learned a lot from
I really love Christopher
Athena: you have me a little baffled
I never imagined a Buck like that, you've always been a bit unstably sentimentally
I like that change !!!
Look Buck !!!
What beautiful feelings you have but I think that before taking the next step you should give Eddie a little more time I feel that he has not yet overcome the death of his wife is in therapy and maybe all this can confuse him a little
If you receive this advice, I may have the hope that they can correspond to you!
Buck took a few seconds to think, bites his lip with his eyes lost, then gives Athena a big hug and adds:
Buck: You're absolutely right about that and much more I feel so fortunate to have met you thank you very much.
Athena: you are a great Buck boy !!!
You deserve to be happy and I know you will be very soon !!! ( both laugh )
Everyone is in the dining room Eddie climbs the stairs to join the group.
Hen: here comes our hero.
Chim: Thank you for saving us from this Eddie!
that's why we love you
Hen: And who doesn't love Eddie?
Who doesn't love his huge ass?
by God Eddie !!! You look good in those pants
Chim: yes !!! we love your ass !!
Athena: I agree with them.
Chim: and you Buck!
Don't you love Eddie's ass?
Eddie blushed a little in the middle of laughter
Buck gets a little nervous.
Buck: I like Bobby's butt better !!!
(everyone looks a bit surprised)
I do not like so large but also formed butts do not call me so much attention !!!
Buck Look Athena to show him that he is following his advice
Athena: I also agree with Buck !!
My husband has a phenomenal butt and best of all is that only mine!
( everyone laughs )
Hen: Eddie if I didn't know you, I would think that you have had cosmetic surgery or you work very hard down there.
Eddie: when I was in the army any of my platoon that committed a foul We all paid the consequences so they were many hours doing squats with weight on our back
also in special operations by land they were very long days climbing mountains with some weight !! Food rations, equipment, weapons !!!
that strengthen my legs I think that influenced a lot !!
Hen: Now you have your results !!
We all love your butt except Buck
Eddie looks at Buck a bit disappointed !!!
Buck doesn't even look at him
the alarms sound !!!!
Bobby: well guys it's time to go to work !!!
Everything says goodbye to Athena grateful for such a delicious breakfast.
Buck: cap !! What do we have ?
Bobby: a car with two passengers has fallen through this small chasm, one of them is unconscious
Bobby: Chim enlists the team !!! Hen, Buck and Eddie epreparamesen to get off !!
Hen and Eddie are the first to go down to provide first aid !!
Eddie : Hello what's your name?
My name is Catalina !!
Eddie: Okay Catalina !!!
you're good ??
can you move ??
Catalina: Yes, yes !!!
I'm fine !!
My friend is the one who is unconscious
Eddie: Okay, we'll take care of this!
we will get you out of here and your friend
Hen and Eddie help Catalina get out of the car to facilitate Hen's entry and thus verify the status of the other victim
Hen: he has vital signs !!
has received a heavy blow to the head, we need an immobilizer !!!
Buck: How did it happen?
Catalina changes her expression to be captivated with Buck's presence
Catalina: we were driving and from one moment to another one of the car's tires exploded, we lost control and we fell into this void was so horrible
Catalina pretends to be very scared and throws herself into Buck's arms to be comforted !!
Eddie immediately perceives the scene !!
which deconcentrates it a bit
Hen and Eddie manage to get the girl out, immobilize her and get her up so she can be transferred to the hospital
Next up is Catalina who is still captivated with Buck!
this one begins to speak in a language which Hen and Buck do not understand which is very familiar to Eddie
Catalina: está como el doctor me lo recetó !!
Me casaré contigo !!!
Eddie frowns
Hen: what did you just say?
He seems to like Buck and a lot !!
Eddie gives the signal to start uploading
After putting everything in order
Catalina approaches the group of young people in search of Buck before being sent to the hospital
Catalina : Hi !!!
I wanted to thank you for everything you did for us has saved our lives !!!
then stare at Buck:
this is my number if you want to write me handsome
Buck smiles (thanks)
the girl walks away
Hen: it seems that Buck has a new girlfriend and Latina
Bobby: well done Buck !!!
Eddie walks away a little obfuscated but trying to calm his emotions, he repeats himself again and again (this is a signal to get Buck out of my head once)
The day passes and they attend a couple more emergencies,
when everyone is at the station ready for the shift change Buck looks for Eddie who is in the locker room
Buck: You hardly talked to me all day long!
I've come to see if you're okay, you haven't even told me how you did in therapy
Eddie: I'm fine, Buck!
As for my problems, I don't have to get involved with them.
Buck: come on man !!!
I am your best friend I am here to support you in whatever is necessary
Eddie frowns !!
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Hey Buster: Hey Rio: Thanks for telling your friends to shut up Buster: Whatever Buster: They needed to shut up Buster: Doing my head in Rio: Yeah Rio: My bad Buster: I handled it Buster: Nothing I can't Rio: Sure Rio: I'm glad Rio: well, that's all I wanted to say Buster: Fine Rio: How have you been Buster: You know me. Standard like Buster: Are you okay? Rio: 'Course Rio: You know, can't complain Buster: Yeah? Rio: Literally, like Rio: You know how that is, yeah? Buster: 'Course Rio: Buster Rio: ugh Rio: You've not seen it, have you Buster: What do you want me to say, Rio? Rio: Yeah, no Rio: Who hasn't Rio: Don't worry Buster: My friends are cunts Buster: Like I've said before Rio: Yeah Rio: Didn't have to show you Rio: its just so funny, obviously Buster: They ain't laughing now Rio: However many down, like Buster: I'm not either Rio: I said sorry Buster: Fine then Buster: If you've said the magic word, like Rio: What else can I do? Rio: Can't unpost it Rio: Internet is forever Buster: Whatever Buster: What do you want me to do, say congrats for making him cum? Buster: Well done Buster: Happy for you Rio: Fuck off Rio: I'm not asking you for a review Rio: I know its shitty for all of you alright but do you have to be such a dick to me Buster: What do you expect? Buster: What do you fucking want, like Rio: I don't know Rio: My mistake Rio: Go back to hating me on your own time Buster: You keep making them Buster: Fuck you Buster: Don't tell me what to do Rio: What, and you don't Rio: Don't be a hypocrite, McKenna Buster: I obviously do Buster: Making one right now like Rio: Well I've said my piece Rio: You could leave but you've blatantly got more you wanna say Buster: You'd love that Buster: Keep making it so easy Rio: Yeah, it was all about you Rio: You're such a narcissist Buster: Says you Buster: I'm not the one performing for the camera, babe Rio: No? Just keeping up the act day to day then Rio: You're not better than me Buster: Shut up Buster: I'm not saying I am Rio: Bullshit Rio: You're always saying as much Buster: You're so full of shit Rio: Back at you Buster: You know how to avoid me Buster: Go ahead Rio: No Rio: This is how this all fucking started Buster: This isn't my fault Rio: I'm not saying it is but you drove me to it Rio: I told you I'd show you Buster: You didn't have to show everyone else too Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: That's what I do Rio: May as well go all the way, yeah? Only a matter of time, everyone knew it Buster: Bullshit Buster: You got what you wanted, nobody else Rio: Yeah, exactly what I wanted Rio: I'm laughing over here, loving life Rio: Fuck's sake Buster: You should be happy Buster: I can't stop seeing you and him Buster: How you wanted Rio: That isn't how I wanted it at all Rio: and you know it Rio: I was trying to help Buster: Cheers Buster: Really considerate Rio: It isn't that bad Rio: You'll get over it Rio: I fucked myself over harder Buster: Course Buster: Already am Buster: Worry about yourself Rio: Then job done Rio: Should thank me Rio: I'm good Buster: Fucking hell Rio: I am still sorry Rio: I didn't want it to go down like that Buster: How did you want it? Rio: We both know that doesn't matter Rio: Can't happen Rio: I'd rather I didn't have to go that hard but Rio: wouldn't stop otherwise Rio: would you? would we Buster: I didn't wanna stop Rio: Yeah Rio: Same Rio: but we had to Buster: We didn't have to do anything Rio: That's not true Buster: It is Buster: I don't know how many times I told you I didn't care Rio: Then why hasn't it happened Rio: if it was alright it wouldn't be this hard Buster: That's what I do Buster: The hard way Rio: Don't act like you love it Buster: Why the fuck not? Rio: 'Cos that's bullshit, baby Buster: Says you, babe Rio: Not everything is a test for you to ace Rio: show-off Buster: Not everything is there for you to sabotage Rio: Go to hell Buster: Already there, cheers Rio: You're such a drama queen Buster: At least I give a shit Rio: Excuse me Rio: that's all I do Buster: Not for yourself Rio: 'Cos that doesn't matter Rio: Ain't got the time, or need Buster: Stop lying Rio: What do you want? Rio: For me to say how much of a mess I am Rio: Not good enough I've humiliated myself for all to see already Buster: Just admit it Buster: You're so fucking scared to get something you want it's bullshit Rio: 'Cos why should I Rio: why should we Rio: get to do what we want just 'cos we want Rio: when it could fuck over so many other people Buster: Why shouldn't we? Buster: People get fucked over every day Rio: Not by me Rio: not my MO Buster: You've done it to me Buster: Get off your high horse Rio: For your own good Rio: Idiot Buster: You think you know what's good for me now? Buster: Fuck off Rio: You ain't got the best track record, babe Buster: Was it for your brothers and sisters own good that you uploaded that video too? Rio: Don't Buster: Don't you Buster: Like I said, so full of shit Rio: Fuck you Rio: I'm allowed to do what I want Rio: its not wrong Buster: Do it then Buster: Why the fuck is this wrong? Rio: We're cousins, if that fact escaped you Buster: So what? Rio: Um, who else do you know that's doing their cousin? Buster: I ain't going around asking Buster: Who cares? Buster: We're adults who want the same thing, if that fact escaped you Rio: Because it's not something people do Rio: Normal people Buster: Neither is fucking their ex on cam for most people Buster: Or fucking their sister's nemesis Buster: We're allowed to do what we want. Your words Rio: So lets just revel in being shitty fucking people then, yeah? Buster: Better than pretending to be a fucking saint Buster: You're not better than me either, however you wanna play it Rio: Trust me, I know Rio: Well, its done now anyway Rio: I can't undo, you can't unsee Buster: Trust me, I know Buster: Are you back with him now? Rio: No Rio: Please Rio: it was just sex, he happened to be there and up for it, regardless of previous Buster: You enjoyed it though Rio: Maybe I'm just a good actress Buster: You wish, babe Rio: Fuck off, clearly doing something right Buster: Never denied that Buster: But I've seen the vid enough times to know so was he Rio: Does it matter? Rio: Would it be better if it was shit? Buster: I don't know Rio: It's just sex, Buster Rio: Doesn't mean I want a repeat Rio: Not that good, like Buster: Yeah Buster: I can't say shit, I know, I did Chlo Buster: but Rio: Amongst others, I'm sure Rio: are you jealous? Buster: I never made you watch though Buster: What if I am Rio: I mean Rio: Fair Rio: I'm not allowed to like it, am I? Buster: You're allowed to do whatever you want Buster: That's what I keep saying Buster: Can't go back on it now Rio: You can call me out for it though Rio: It ain't why I did it Rio: Well Rio: maybe a little but not the whole reason, I swear Buster: well maybe I'm sick of being a cunt to you Rio: Ditto Rio: I tried but I can't maintain it Buster: Thought you didn't try, like, ever Rio: Shut up Rio: You're making it hard not to Buster: Try and make me. You tryhard Buster: Yeah well you make a lot of shit hard you know Rio: Good double-entendre Buster: It's true Buster: Bane of my life, you are Rio: You love it Buster: Maybe Rio: It's okay Rio: You can admit it Buster: You'd love that Rio: Maybe Rio: Who can say Buster: You can Rio: So can you Rio: stalemate, honey Buster: I need a drink Buster: Where are you? Rio: In hiding Rio: Indie's but she's out Buster: Come on Buster: Come out. Or let me come in Rio: You really wanna be seen with me? Buster: I wanna see you Buster: I don't give a fuck if anyone sees us Rio: Gonna have to do it eventually, aren't I Rio: May as well be now Rio: Where you wanna go Buster: Your pick. You're the disgraced one, like Rio: I don't need reminding, thank you Buster: Use it. Make them look 'cause you look fucking good Buster: That's your MO Rio: You're gonna complain when I take too long again? Rio: 'Cos I do NOT look good rn Buster: Not if you make it worth it Rio: You're on Rio: My own clobber this time, unfortunately Buster: For you maybe, labelhound Buster: It's how I want it Rio: Bit of a headfuck, yeah? Buster: You reckon? Rio: Still didn't stop you looking Buster: You called it ages ago. I'm sick Rio: Nah Rio: Only natural Rio: Look at me, like Buster: Here we go Buster: There she is. Back again Rio: You miss me? Buster: You know it Rio: I promise I'll make it up to you Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yes Rio: If you want me Buster: Don't be an idiot Rio: I just want you to say it Rio: Guess I have to try harder Buster: How bad do you want it? Rio: You know Rio: C'mon Buster: Tell me Rio: Please, Buster Rio: You're making me crazy Buster: Please, what? Buster: You can say it Rio: Please want me Rio: Please take me Buster: I do, babe Buster: And I will Rio: I want you so bad Buster: I know Rio: Don't forget it Buster: I can't Rio: Not sorry Buster: You gonna show me how bad you want me too or is that just for when you don't Rio: Try and stop me Buster: Your phone has video and I know you know how to shoot yourself. Prove it Rio: Okay Rio: Rather you were co-starring but I'll convince you Rio: Hold on Buster: When we fuck I'm having you all to myself Buster: No cameras Rio: I'm all yours no matter what Rio: [Sends video] Rio: See? Buster: Fuck Buster: You're not the only one going crazy Rio: Save it Rio: Don't touch yourself Rio: You're mine Buster: Shit Buster: Okay. I can wait Rio: You better Rio: I wanna make you cum in person, no technology between Buster: Hurry up Buster: I already know you look fucking incredible Rio: Perfection takes time Rio: Nothing less is gonna do Buster: Not for you Buster: Come on Rio: Are you admitting I'm not a tryhard? Buster: Maybe Rio: Hmm, you just cost yourself another 5 minutes Rio: So close Buster: Rio Buster: Christ Rio: I've put myself on the line and done all the begging so far Rio: you know what to do Buster: Such a tease Buster: Where's Indie? Can I come over there or what? Rio: Not entirely sure Rio: Come over anyway Buster: You need to be sure she won't walk in. I can't be interrupted again. Fucking hell Rio: I've got a door with a lock, don't worry Rio: Bathroom if you want for the memories Buster: Shut up Rio: Not going to 'til you make me Buster: I don't really want you to Buster: Be loud if you want. For the memories Rio: You'll really have to make me Rio: Think you're gonna explode before then Buster: Not an amateur, remember? Rio: I'm gonna make you feel like one Rio: Trust Buster: Big talk, babe Buster: Actions speak louder, yeah? So you always say Rio: Well, you're coming to me now Rio: You want the action, be here now Buster: On my way Buster: Your fault if you're kept waiting, making me too distracted to drive Rio: Be careful, idiot Rio: Don't get turned on and drive, there should be a pamphlet Buster: Honestly Buster: Can't even get a lift in case the driver reckons I'm horny for him like Rio: Turning real life into faketaxi porn Rio: hot as that might be, you promised me Buster: I ain't forgot, don't worry Buster: I just want you Rio: I know you're not that distracted Buster: Not yet Rio: Mhmm, can claim it after I've blown your mind Buster: You can try and claim for my life when I crash this car if you want Rio: Shut up, not funny Rio: who's gonna give me legal advice, you've gotta at least make the connections before you ghost Buster: That's me, babe, unfunny fucker Buster: You're just shitting yourself that I'd haunt you for cockblocking me all this time Rio: Well, would put my new lawyer turned loverboy off, I reckon Rio: Annoying me from beyond the grave is a bit much, babe Buster: I can't help it Buster: Always making me jealous like, dead or alive Rio: Don't need to be Rio: gotta keep you interested somehow though Buster: That's why you wouldn't fuck me then Buster: Where do you reckon I'm going? Rio: Down the aisle if Chlo has anything to do with it lmao Buster: Shut up Buster: I don't wanna think about her Buster: Not trying to get road rage as well Rio: Sorry Rio: when we're done you won't even remember her name Buster: Good Buster: Indie's neighbours are gonna know mine Rio: Damn Rio: Lucky they've heard and seen worse Buster: There'll be nothing better, babe Buster: It'll be them that are jealous Rio: Ugh Rio: You're so fucking hot Rio: Be here now or I'm making you another video Buster: I'm turning the corner Buster: You can start without me if the door's open Buster: Don't leave me standing there though Rio: Done and done Rio: Lets play hide and seek Buster: Fuck Buster: You know I'll hear you, yeah? Rio: I'm not looking to win Buster: You're really gonna let me win? Rio: You've gotta fuck me like a winner Rio: That's what I want right now Buster: I will Buster: Even if you're trying to make me lose it right now Rio: You gotta earn the win Rio: Can't make it too easy Buster: I've parked Buster: Be ready for me Rio: Understatement
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shornb · 7 years
Moved to Japan. I'm scared and unprepared. 8th day. Still adjusting.
8 days since moving to Japan. I should be happy, excited and ready to be here. I'm far from. I'm worried, anxious and upset about how very unprepared I am. It could be worse. I could have no money, no experience, no idea or plans, alone. I have quite a lot of money. I'm fortunate and to be honest have always been quite fortunate with that all my life. But that doesn't come without draw backs. Having that lifestyle I had back at home for so long has made me so naive and unprepared about this new move and lifestyle change it actually scares me. At the time of writing that I feel how pathetic I'm being but I can't help feeling that all the same. I've always had what I needed when I needed with the smallest of worry and effort. And at 28 I realise and remember, the problem I've always had all my life. I never was prepared for not having any of that. So with that. These 8 days have been quite the rollercoaster ride with emotions. Again with being how naive I am I decided that the first few days should be filled with no worry as the couple of weeks before were filled with stress and worry as well. It would be so easy to just give up. Better for my mood, better for my anxiety but looking forward to that path that I could choose I see more worry and more self doubt as I would regret my giving up and loss of this amazing opportunity I currently have sitting in. Living on your own is a big deal and fending for yourself is obviously a big change from moving away from your parents. But that, on top of a foreign country with a different language adds to a whole new level of challenge. A few things I really wish I finished before coming here which adds to the unpreparedness and general naivety of my personality and I guess, laziness.. was not being further in my Japanese studies and also my English teaching course studies. I can read basic Japanese. I'm proud to say it's helped me a few times. Albeit the first time was discovering coke cola on a menu. And with speaking, being able to ask questions in stores. But again that doesn't come without the worry thinking that I may be doing something wrong. As for English teaching, I just looked up my course and I have 7 months to complete it. Now I just need to not do what I always do and let that time run out. The good thing I have at the moment and that might turn things around is that I have yet to look for a job. I am completely unknowing on how difficult it may be and what I could get a job for. I know it's possible to get a job where no prior experience is needed and that only knowing English and no Japanese is fine. But I guess I'll have to wait and see with that. Luckily I also have my girlfriend Viki of 8 years who have a lot of knowledge on being here and finding a job, she also has a lot of friends over here that may be able to help us along the way as well. Okay so more troubles I'm facing; Weather: It's extremely cold here, our heating isn't perfect, it's very cold outside and I wish I brought more of my warm clothes from home. Washing and drying: we are lucky that we have coin operated washing machines and dryers in our building but there are also easily 60+ people in the building as well. And all the instructions are in Japanese. I think we managed to do everything fine but spent more money than we needed in learning. Internet access: okay so these part will probably make me look really awful, petty, pathetic etc. But I've more or less always had access to the internet, and TV. I could easily just spend days in watching TV and being online. And I was like that for all my life. Not anymore. There is no TV here. And as for the internet, we have a limit.. and that means constantly checking on how much I've used and not being able to watch any Type of videos without getting worried and also no online streaming of any kind. I'm assuming people will argue that, why should that be an issue, I'm in Japan and shouldn't be watching videos or social networking. But that's the problem. Me like So many people are used to social networking and spending time watching TV shows and movies. I don't get that luxury anymore. Not without spending a lot of money that I don't know if I can spend yet. Spending money on luxuries instead of necessities could be the difference of me making it out here and not. And what made the change more difficult: For the first week we though our internet was limitless. We though my because it was under the things our air bnb was providing that it didn't matter, and that may be partly on our landlords fault but it is majorly with us as we should have asked at the beginning. So we allowed our selves to watch a lot of Netflix, I downloaded a game on steam, we viewed a hell of a lot through instagram, facebook, Snapchat, YouTube etc I also played a hell of a lot of Pokemon Go.. something Viki won't let me forget.. And through constantly doing those things we managed to clear the 50gb that we're on our pocket wifi within the first week. That being all said it wouldn't have been unreasonable for it landlords to leave it at that. After the limit. Wifi speeds on this system drop to around 0.05mbps. This leaves just enough to send and receive messages and view text pages after waiting for a long time, occasionally you might be able to view the image at low quality here and there. But the landlords told us not to worry and gave us a new pocket wifi the next day. So we were back online, kinda. We now have 3gb per 3 days for the both of us. Viki's still sleeping, it's 11:00am and if I remember correctly I woke up around 9:30am. I used about 260mb since getting the internet back at around 10pm last night. And have used it for Reddit, facebook, twitter and instagram. Instagram for only a little time. We're planning on going to a Mochi? Event today and also visit Harajuku again. Oh, free wifi is accessible around a lot of places in Japan, including a lot of train stations. And also when our wifi speed was capped, upload speeds stayed the same as before. I'm unsure if that is normal or not but I'm still able to post pictures and updates etc even if I can't access or read anything. So I guess that's about it. I don't really want to post this on facebook so I guess my tumblr will have to do. Maybe I'll wait a while to share this on facebook. I don't want my parents to worry. Cheers. Hope all you guys are well. Take care. Shaun
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