#I am a garbage man and sorry i took so long
hellfire--cult · 10 months
Baring Teeth {Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader} - Ch. 13
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Edit of Eddie: pitifulbaby
Chapters: Masterlist (Go here to see list of chapters, plotline and general warnings.)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Non-Traditional Omegaverse, Slow burn, Modern!AU, Mechanic!Eddie
⚠️This chapter contains: Angst, billy x reader, nervousness, allusions to homophobia, hurt
wc: 6.4k
A/N: Sorry for taking so long. I took a little break because november was a pretty messy month for me. I had complete writer's block, and I am slowly coming back to writing.
Anyways, Enjoy! ❤️ And don't forget to always support me by hitting the reblog button or leave a comment!
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“Am I interrupting?”
Your eyes snapped open as you turned to look at Robin who walked right into your office with a smirk to her face. You rolled your eyes, turning back to look at your phone with a shake of your head, the male on the other side laughing.
“You know what Buckley, you are.” Eddie said and you saw his smile spreading as he also earned another roll of your eyes. 
“Eddie is just showing me what else needs replacing in my car.”
“Cause you took it to Rick’s all this time, and everything in it is garbage–”
“Don’t insult my car Munson.” You glared at the phone this time and he raised one hand up in defense.
It’s been two weeks since you talked with Eddie… And since then, you two have grown close… Very close. How you didn’t talk to Eddie before? You had no idea. When you all get together at the bar or at someone’s house, you two always end up in your own world. You assumed that you were both trying to catch up on eachother, learning about one another still, and you were surprised each day by how easy and normal it was to talk to him.
“To me, it sounds like you are replacing me.” Robin pouted as she walked over to you to come into frame and glare at Eddie through the camera and the man only smirked at her with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Aw, you’re scared I’m going to steal your best friend status Buckley?”
“That’s never happening.” You said in a deadpan expression which made Eddie pull an offended frown on his eyebrows.
“Seriously? I give you friendly discounts at my shop!” He yelled at you and you couldn’t help but snort at how he tried to sound hurt from it, but it only came out as a comical act.
“You can’t buy my friendship Munson, and even if you handed me a billion dollars, Robin will always be first.” At your words, Robin blew a raspberry towards the phone, throwing a fart sound at Eddie. Robin’s arms wrapped around your waist and she rested her head on your shoulder while looking at Eddie, a grin to her face.
“You wish this was you, huh.” For some reason, those words Robin let out of her mouth gave you a feeling of embarrassment? They just simply made your belly twist in a way that wasn’t comfortable but it wasn’t unpleasant. 
Eddie on the other side shook his head, yet he felt his jaw clenching slightly, which he dismissed immediately. 
“Sure. Anyways, I gotta go, the new brake discs are coming in next week. We really need to put those in at least before you cause an accident.” You rolled your eyes at him and before you could say anything against that, “No comebacks. I am surprised you didn’t die yet.”
“I drive safely.” You retorted, almost offended, but Robin was amused and let out a snort out of her mouth. Your head snapped to look at her with a death glare and she backed away from you with her hands up in the air in defense.
“I’ll believe it when I see it. Talk to you later.”
“Sure– Oh, about the payment–”
“Next month is okay.” You sighed at his words and you shook your head at him.
“I can do a check.” It was his turn to snort.
“No, it’s fine, seriously Peach.” Eddie sucked in his right cheek as he looked at you and his brows twitched slightly when you sent a smile his way. It was still new, this friendship you two have, and it seems he is still a little weirded out that you smile at him so easily. Not that he is any different. 
“Alright, if you insist, I will take advantage of your kindness.” You heard a commotion behind him as he squatted slightly as if ducking and he just yelled at someone before turning back at you.
“I gotta go before these fuckers do something– FUCKING CHRIST, GARETH–!” And then the call ended. You were left laughing at the whole ordeal, putting the phone down to go back to your laptop, only to feel a presence behind you and you remembered your best friend came into the room a few minutes ago. You turned your chair to look at her, and Robin had her arms crossed over her chest as she looked at you.
“Well, I see you’re slowly changing me.” Robin has always been known for over exaggerating things, and this was one of them. You rolled your eyes and turned again to type on your computer.
“I am not Robs.” You defended yourself but it was true you and Eddie had become very close, but it wasn’t as nearly as how you and Robin are. 
“You talk to him everyday, be it because of a TikTok or a Reel, or just simply messaging.” Robin walked towards you and leaned her butt against the edge to rest there as she looked down at you. 
“We just… We clicked. Putting the past behind us.”
“Which still sounds fucking crazy to me. To everyone really– I mean, you two really hated each other.” And you didn’t need a reminder of that. 
“It was very pitiful. We were hurting each other when we could have helped one another. I hurt him and he hurt me, and all for nothing.” Robin nodded at you, and she agreed with you on that. You had told her about what you and Eddie talked about, and you even bared to her how guilty you felt about so many things you said to him. 
Robin explained that everyone’s stories are private, so you didn’t really blame her for not telling you stuff about Eddie’s life, just like she didn’t tell Eddie anything about you.
“I know… I am glad though. You two seem to be enjoying one another’s company so… that’s good.” Robin said sincerely and you smiled up at her. “And what about Billy? How do you think everything will go once they meet?”
“Well, I think they will hit it off instantly.” In all honesty, you didn’t know if that was true. Eddie and Billy had different yet alike personalities in some sense. Aloof, cheeky, yet attentive if needed. It would be the first time you were going to introduce Eddie to him, and Billy only knows Eddie as the friend who sends you memes all the time.
He doesn’t even know his name is Eddie. You will introduce them tomorrow night.
And you were hoping everything turns out okay.
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Things with Billy have been…
Ever since meeting your friends, your boyfriend has been a little bit weirder than usual. You wanted to have an all together with his friends and yours, so that the two groups would collide and meet, but all you received from your boyfriend was a talk on how his friends are known figures, and they cannot be seen going out at all.
That felt weird in some sense because you distinctly remember them saying something about going out to a club whenever they get a chance to do so. They didn’t look like the type of people that would avoid the public eye, but rather, seek it. Always seeking it.
Today, you and your boyfriend would go to Robin and Steve’s home, get some drinks, spend time with your friends, but sometimes now you just want to be alone with them. Your boyfriend, even if at the beginning was not very friendly with your group, he now seems to want to be included at every gathering.
You didn’t want to be a bitch about it, cause maybe he does like talking to Argyle a lot. But, they can just message each other to get together by themselves, right? No need for Billy to always be on an outing with you, yet, he sticks with you like a leech. 
You wonder how tonight everything will go with Eddie. Hopefully, he is the one that makes your boyfriend finally have some fun inside the group. You’re pretty sure they will get along nicely… hopefully.
You were in the bathroom, throwing the curtain to the side in order to open it as steam floods the entire tiled room. You step out of the tub after turning off the scorching water, just how you like it. Hot showers always help with your nerves, they never miss it. You sigh in contentment only to be struck with the fact that you didn’t bring a towel inside. 
You groaned as your body started shivering slightly as the air hit your wet skin. You didn’t want to yell so much in respect for your neighbors, so you leaned and opened the door, opening your mouth to call out to your boyfriend, only to stop when you heard his muffled voice behind the bedroom door. 
“I told you I don’t want to do it!”
“I don’t want to be part of something I don’t see right.”
Silence again. What is he talking about?
“I know it’s for publicity, I know, and I don’t care what the voting polls in social media say, I won’t stand for something I don’t believe is right.”
Polls? Social media?
“Okay, okay, fine. Fine. I will say I stand by it.”
You were blinking, trying to understand what your boyfriend was talking about just now. A publicity stunt? Agree to what? A belief of his? You heard footsteps and immediately closed the door of the bathroom as quietly as possible and you felt your heart beating loudly in your chest. You jumped in your place when he knocked on the door.
“Baby? You okay in there?” Fuck, he can’t know you were eavesdropping.
“Y-Yeah! I was calling you to get me a towel but you weren’t listening to me Billy! I am freezing over here!” You tried to put on that whiny voice he loves when you get a little bit angry at him. You heard him chuckle but wince at your tone.
“Shit honey, I’m sorry. I’ll get it for you!” You heard his steps walk away from the bathroom and you let out the air you were holding in.
Something’s not right.
Something is definitely not right.
You don’t know what it is, but there is just this feeling in your gut that something will happen, that something is not what it seems, that there is this idea in your head you are afraid that is true but you don’t want to believe it. Not from him. Not when you started to feel more and more for him each day.
Only to be starting to wash away the more and more you learn from him.
“Billy!” You yelled again and the door opened completely, revealing a smirking Billy Hargrove on the other side while holding a white towel in hand. 
“You want it?” He aimed to hand it to you, but as soon as you were going to catch it, he snatched it away with his teeth showing. “Come get it.”
And that’s how you end up chasing your stupid boyfriend through the whole apartment, completely naked while he runs around, laughing in delight, towel in hand. 
You didn’t want to believe it.
So when you finally get to dry yourself off, and get some clothes on for tonight is when your nerves start settling in, harder than before. Something in your gut was turning, uncomfortably, nervously, knowing that something was not right, that something was going to happen, that something had been happening all this time that you decided to simply look away from.
You looked at him, at your splendid boyfriend and you still don’t know how he chose someone like you. How he decided it was you the one he was going to risk his fame for. He was choosing a red button-up shirt today, his hair in a small ponytail in the back. You don’t know how you two came to be.
And yet, you still haven’t told him your story. You haven’t told him a few parts of yourself you didn’t feel ready to tell him, but will that time ever come? Why is it so hard to open up to him?
“You ready to go?” Billy asked you as he walked towards you after checking himself in the mirror one last time. You smiled up at him and gave him a nod.
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
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“You finally made it, Jesus.” Robin greeted you as she opened the door for you, and you rolled your eyes at your friend’s comment. You were late, yes… but it was because Billy took his sweet time always getting ready. You scolded him a few times for it, but he always tells you he has to keep his skincare routine intact. 
“What a greeting.” You heard Billy mutter under his voice as you two walked into the house, music already invading your ears and the chattering of your friends, making your nerves go away a little, only for confusion and disappointment to fill your gut. You turned your head as Robin came back from closing the door behind you both.
“Where’s Eddie?” You asked, and your boyfriend’s head snapped to you and then back at Robin.
“I think he is running late! What, already missing your NEW best friend?” Robin answered with a huff, and you could only giggle at her jealousy, not noticing the storm that was brewing inside your boyfriend’s chest. 
“Quit that Robs.”
“Who’s Eddie?” 
Robin looked at your boyfriend for a second with a confused frown on her face and then back at you. For some reason, there was a turn in your stomach because you realized you never told Billy about Eddie. He just knew there was a friend missing from the group he still hadn’t met yet.
“Um, the last friend you don’t know.” You looked at him and his blue orbs were not very helpful. You couldn’t quite read his eyes as they looked at you, but a twitch in the eyebrow told you he was thinking. 
“Why did she call him your best friend?” And Robin was looking panicked between you and your boyfriend, and you simply smiled at Billy, shaking your head.
“It’s Robin being dramatic.”
“Why did she call him that? I mean–” And you could see the moment Billy’s head clicked, an eyebrow raised up. “Is he the one you’ve been talking to for the past few weeks?”
“Okay, you say we talked, we mostly sent memes to one another.” You tried to defend yourself, but against what? You didn’t do anything wrong. So why do you feel the need to explain yourself?
“Right.” You could see the change in mood in Billy’s body language. This night was already turning in a way that you didn’t expect, or you wanted to avoid. Robin shot you a look with a worried frown and you turned to go into the living room where everyone else was. 
“Billy! My man!” You could hear Argyle yell and god fucking bless Argyle. You saw how he rushed towards you both as Robin walked towards Nancy and whispered into her ear. You knew she was going to tell Nancy about what just happened at the front door with Billy. There is an uneasiness in your throat as Argyle hands you a beer and Billy another. 
“Hi, Argyle.” Billy spoke and you took a sip out of your beer as you felt Billy’s arm wrap around your waist, pulling you close. You raised an eyebrow at that, looking at him. Why did he trap you with him? You wanted to go say hi to Steve and Jonathan, but you guessed you could do that in a few minutes.
“I have so much to tell you Billy man, I tried that shampoo and conditioner you recommended and it left my hair perfectly smooth, but curly man!” You couldn’t help but giggle at Argyle’s commentary and Billy followed through, shaking his head at your friend.
“I told you to get that brand but for straight hair. Not curly.” You looked at Argyle’s hair and sure enough, there were some waves at the end of his long hair. Billy smiled but there was a hint of something hidden behind it as he talked to Argyle once more, “Who is this Eddie guy?”
“Ah, my brochacho, we met way back in California, and then I followed him here.” Argyle replied with a genuine smile and Billy for some reason let out a sigh of relief, making you frown in confusion. 
“Oh, that’s nice. You two are close then.” 
“Yeah, very!” You felt the tightness on your waist loosen up, and Billy shot a smile your way, kissing the top of your head. You blinked in confusion and you stepped away to finally go greet Steve and Jonathan who were looking at you with worried faces.
“What was that all about?” Steve asked and you shook your head, taking a long sip out of your beer. There was a pit in your stomach, a nervousness you couldn’t quite describe, a sense of deja vu of some sort.
“I have no clue, but…” You didn’t want to worry your friends with these things going on inside your head. They would question your boyfriend and you don’t want that but at the same time, you want to tell someone about these feelings you’ve been having lately, or the realization of these feelings. 
It’s not like you didn’t notice the drastic changes in Billy over the past months, and it all started when he met your friends, but it got better… Yet, you couldn’t help but notice certain aspects and your feelings started swaying from side to side. A sense of dread, of being afraid to know the truth.
“But?” Jonathan asked and you opened your mouth to then close it once again when the doorbell rang, making your head turn to the direction of the door. You were feeling your heart in your throat, and excitement grew in your stomach.
Nancy was the one who walked to get the door this time, and you looked over at Argyle and Billy talking excitedly. You saw how Argyle was gesturing as he talked, and you saw how your boyfriend laughed at his commentary. Maybe he and Eddie will get along. You were worrying about nothing.
And then Nancy stepped aside to let Eddie walk in. 
You felt some heat coming up on your cheeks, across your body, but you shook it off as the beer kicking in your system. Your eyes scanned his outfit now. Dark jeans, ripped in some parts, a tight Slayer T-Shirt with a jean vest on top. His hair was in a low bun like always, and the stubble was neatly done. 
You wondered what cologne he was using today.
Your mind was snapped back in reality when Eddie approached you, putting the six-pack on the table. He had a warm smile on his face as he flicked your forehead with his middle finger. You winced at the sudden pain, rubbing your skin while glaring up at him.
“What was that for!?” You whined at him and he raised an eyebrow at you.
“For making me watch the stupidest movie ever.”
“Did you just call ‘When Harry Met Sally’ stupid!?” You couldn’t help but be slightly upset by that. It was one of your favorites, and you also liked watching Eddie’s movie suggestion, ‘Armageddon’.
“I am not a fan of those kinds of movies sweetheart.” He was looking at you as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, but there was a sly smile in his lips, tugging up, making you smile at him.
“You’re a lying piece of shit. You liked the movie.” He chuckled and shook his head at you, but you knew he liked it. He was just messing with you to get a rise out of you.
“I’m not lying.”
“Yes you are! You loved that cheesy crap, admit it.” You poked his side, which made him chuckle, moving away from you.
“This is still too weird.” You heard Jonathan talk and you lifted your head to ask what he meant only for your waist to suddenly be grabbed, fingers digging into the skin making you wince just slightly. You turned your head to see Billy looking at Eddie with a grin on his face.
“I don’t think we’ve met.” The voice your boyfriend let out was not friendly. It was strained as if it pained him talking right now. Eddie glanced at you for just a second, and you cleared your throat as your nerves tried to get the best of you.
“Right, Billy, this is Eddie.” Eddie gave your boyfriend a forced smile, and you could feel the tension in the air as the light blue eyes clashed with the brown ones. 
“Yeah. You’re Argyle’s boyfriend, right?”
Oh. Oh god. It’s happening again. Eddie’s eyebrow twitched and gave you a questioning look and he could see the confused frown on your face. He looked at his friend and sighed, knowing that Argyle probably made it sound that way. Just like he did last year with you and you mistook it all as well.
“Fucking christ– No. He is just my friend.”
“Oh?” Billy’s eye twitched as he kept looking at Eddie, and you could feel him tugging you closer to him as he kept looking at the dark-haired man. “Then you aren’t dating?”
“No. I am straight.”
And for some reason, you felt the whole air shift. Eddie’s face suddenly fell into a confused frown, and then into an annoyed one instantly, as Billy’s gaze hardened. 
“Right. He is the friend you’ve been messaging all the time?”
Billy’s eyes now landed on you and you looked at him to only have a sinking feeling in your stomach. You felt your throat closing up at his gaze, and you knew. You simply knew what was going on in his mind. Eddie was looking back and forth in between you and Billy, and he could see how your boyfriend’s jaw clenched.
“I– um–” 
“Billy! You promised to help me with the drinks!” You heard Argyle yell from the kitchen and Billy groaned as he closed his eyes in annoyance. You felt a slight grip on your waist again and then he let go of you, almost unwillingly, giving Eddie one last look before he left. You were staring at his retreating back as he headed to the kitchen, with a confused frown on your face.
“He’s… charming.” Eddie said with not an ounce of likeness in his tone, almost in disgust. He had a bad feeling in his stomach, but he wasn’t going to tell you that. He didn’t want to alarm you in any way, but you looked already confused and nervous. He didn’t want to add more wood to the fire.
“I– I need a smoke.” You stated and immediately rushed out to the backyard, fumbling with the pack of cigarettes in the pocket of your purse. What was going on? Why did Billy’s demeanor change so suddenly? You never told him it was Eddie the one you were messaging, but did it really matter?
You put the cigarette in your mouth, and now you were fumbling to get the lighter out, but you couldn’t find it. Billy doesn’t like it when you smoke, but he smokes as well. You don’t understand that train of thought, but you don't care right now. A flame appeared in front of you from a red lighter and you knew who it was without even looking at him. You leaned forward and lit the cigarette, taking a long puff.
“You look nervous.” Eddie lit his own stick, mimicking the long puff like you did, and you both let out the smoke out of your lungs.
“I just… don’t understand why he is being… this possessive?”
“Well, he might be overwhelmed by how much more of a man I am.” He joked and you snorted, shaking your head at him. He gave you a small grin and took another puff of his cigarette. “You also look pretty today, people tend to become protective when their partner shines.”
You were taken aback by his response. Did you hear him right?
“Oh Munson thinks I am pretty.” You joked, taking another swig of your stick, turning to look at him, but he wasn’t laughing as he looked to the distance.
“No denying there.”
He was just being friendly. Steve complimented you before, Nancy did too, so it should be fine. He was just being a nice friend, telling you that you look nice tonight, that is all. So why do you feel your hands sweating?
“Are you not going to say I look pretty too? C’mon, I even put a red shirt on today, not a black one.” He chuckled to lose the tension but inside, Eddie was a little nervous. The compliment slipped out of his tongue with ease, too much ease. You giggled, the tension going away, and shook your head at him.
“The red and the black go hand in hand with you, it’s not new.” 
“What do you want me to wear? A pink shirt? A baby blue crop top?” You exploded with laughter at the image that came to your head, making him face you with a smile to his face.
“With the care bears at the front!” At that, he too let out a laugh. It was easy being with Eddie, carefree, natural even. You were still amazed by that fact, and cannot even remember how you two disliked each other before. 
You both smoked your cigarettes, sharing jokes with one another, laughing, making the nervousness in your belly leave to a faraway place.
“It’s crazy to think I almost beat the shit out of you out here and now we are laughing together.” You put the cigarette out in the small ashtray that was on the garden table and Eddie followed suit with a chuckle.
“You? Beating the shit out of me? Are you sure about that Peach?” He stood in front of you, crossing his arms over his chest as he inspected you with a squint of his eyes. You copied his stance, and his eyes diverted for a second to your cleavage and went back up to your eyes.
“You think I can’t?” He barked out a laugh at that.
“Sweetheart, if I wanted to, I could pin you to the floor using only one hand.”
And oh, that didn’t cause the reaction you thought it would. It was friendly, it was him telling you he is stronger than you… Yet your stomach did a flip at the thought. He could definitely pin you down, and you know that because of his height and the arms that are big and filled with tattoos. 
He looked at you when you didn’t answer him back, and he noticed the look your face had as if processing a thought, and he felt a shockwave run down his spine. His thoughts were cut off when he sensed a pair of eyes looking his way, and he raised his head up to see Billy glaring at him as he leaned over the doorframe of the sliding doors with his arms crossed over his chest.
You blinked and quickly turned around to see your boyfriend with a stern look on his face. Now you realize how fast your heart was beating into your chest, and now you felt the nervousness creep up on you again as you stared at Billy’s piercing gaze.
“Can I talk to you for a second? Privately?”
You slowly nodded at that, giving Eddie one look telling him sorry you’re leaving, and turned to go with Billy. He didn’t grab you or hold your hand, simply turned away, guiding you toward the kitchen. You could sense your friend’s eyes following you as you walked into the kitchen, Billy closing the door behind you.
“Um… is everything okay?” 
“You think everything is fucking okay?”
You were stunned at his aggressiveness, never had heard him this way before. You didn’t know what could have possibly happened tonight, but you might have just a slight idea of what and why.
“What is wrong with you?”
“You fucked him, didn’t you?”
And your mouth fell agape at that. Did you hear him right?
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“For fuck sake, you fucked him, didn’t you?”
So you did hear right. Was he talking about Eddie? Why would he come up with that conclusion? What made him believe such a thing between you two?
“I was hoping I heard wrong William, what the fuck are you talking about?” Billy only scoffed with a fake smile on his lips as he leaned against the counter.
“Don’t you dare lie to me! I know you fucked him. That is not just a friend, calling you 'sweetheart'? Giggling together like middle schoolers?”
Was he serious right now? You were feeling your heart breaking, thrumming in your chest in an aggressive manner, and you wanted to run away, you did, but you had to face him. You had to talk to him, once and for all.
“He is my friend! I act that way with Steve, Jonathan!”
“Yeah, well, they’re gay! I don’t care about them!” You could hear the anger in his voice, the way the vein in his forehead was popping out. Your throat was trying to close as a lump was beginning to form, but you weren’t going to back down from this.
“What about Argyle!? He is straight and my friend!” You yelled back at him and he ran a hand through his hair as his nostrils started flaring up from anger.
“I don’t buy for a second he is straight. He is all over me, all the time.”
And the reality of it all hits you like a brick to the face. You remained quiet for a second, feeling your past months with him slip away from your fingers. The image you had of him had been tainted for a while, but this completely smeared the picture.
“And is there a problem if he is?”
And that made Billy look at you, defying you to keep going, almost warning you to shut up, but no… not with this. You liked Billy. You really did.
“What are you saying–”
“You do know that I’m bisexual, right?”
And silence fell in the kitchen. And you saw it. You saw how his eyes turned from anger to complete confusion, to then frown as he looked at you. It was your turn now to scoff, tears filling your eyes as you started pacing around the kitchen, trying to gather your thoughts.
“You…” He couldn’t even speak, and you didn’t want him to. He shouldn’t speak now.
“I thought I was fucking wrong, I seriously didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to believe that my boyfriend… that my boyfriend is–” You cannot even say the word. You can’t. You choked on your own sob as you covered your mouth with your hand. Billy’s face softened and he walked towards you, trying to put a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You swung his hand away with the back of yours and you stepped away, your face displaying the rage that your heart wanted to let out. “Let me ask you a fucking question, Billy. Are you for or against same-sex couples adopting?” 
And he realized it. You saw how his face turned into an angry one again, his eyes squinting at you as he remembered earlier today.
“You eavesdropped.” 
“You bet the fuck I did. And you, Billy Hargrove, are a homophobic asshole.” 
It was like a knife. Those words coming out of your mouth were stabbing you more than they stabbed him. You should have realized it when some of the dark jokes he and his friends did involved… you can’t even think about it. How could he? Why?
“Just because I do not share the same ideals, doesn’t make me homophobic. If I were, I wouldn’t be able to even talk to your friends for fuck sake!” He defended himself but what was the point? There wasn’t any, your heart couldn’t take it anymore, it really couldn’t. You could feel the tears sliding down your cheeks, shaking your head at him, taking a step back from him.
“I want you to leave.” Your words came out like venom, and he frowned at you, shaking his head.
“If I leave, you are coming with me, we need to talk this out–”
“There is nothing to talk about! Fucking leave!” Your voice was loud, his voice was loud, and everything was static around you, your vision clouding as he came close to you once more, trying to get hold of your hands.
“Baby, baby, come on, don’t be like that… We’ll go home and we’ll talk about this–” His voice sounded desperate now, and your tears were still running down your cheeks, your mind shutting him out completely as you shook your head again, desperate for him to leave. You didn’t want him near you. You were disgusted, completely disgusted.
“N-No!” Billy’s face crumbled into a stern look once more and he quickly got hold of your bicep in a tight grip, snapping you back into reality as he glared down at you.
“I am not leaving you alone here, with him. So if I leave, you are coming with me.” You tried to yank your arm away from his grip but he kept his hand tight on your arm, and you were feeling his digits digging more and more onto your skin, making your fear grow at each second.
“Let go of me Billy!” You tried again only to be pulled against him and you felt as if your heart were in your throat, his touch completely burning you, wanting it away from you. He wasn’t physical, never, and this is the first time he ever touched you in this way. 
“Please sweets, listen to me!” He was desperate for you, trying to get you to talk to him but you shook your head again and as he tried to move you once more, he felt the back of his shirt be yanked harshly, making him let go of your arm as he stumbled backward.
“What the actual fuck do you think you are doing?” 
Your eyes widened as you saw a broad back stepping before you, and the smell of wooden cologne immediately invaded your nostrils. You rubbed onto your arm as you straightened up to take a step to the side to see Billy looking at Eddie with a glare in his eyes.
“This doesn’t concern you. It involves me, and my girlfriend.” 
“From what I heard it seems she doesn’t hold that title anymore.” Eddie was almost snarling at Billy, completely blocking him from you in a defensive stance. Billy’s eyes caught yours, shaking his head.
“You– You’re still my girl, right?”
You felt the lump in your throat again, memories of the good times you spent with him flashing in front of your eyes. Memories that made you want to go around Eddie to get to him and hug him and kiss him. But then you saw your friends, looking at the scene at the doorway. Your friends. The ones who wouldn’t hurt you, and if they did, never intentionally.
And even if your heart breaks, even if your body trembles with need of him, with the need of his lips, with the need of his eyes on you…
You slowly shook your head at him.
“Bye Billy.” 
The room fell silent, and you could see Billy’s eyes filled with tears as he looked at you. What the both of you had was genuine, and it was growing to something even more beautiful, but this is not something you can accept from him. Ever. No matter if he tells you he can change because an ideal never changes that easily.
But his saddened frown turned into a sour one, rage filling his features as his gaze turned to Eddie and then back at you.
“You didn’t answer my first question, but I guess it was true then? You remain friends with guys you fuck darling?”
Your heart shattered at his coldness, at him insulting you this way, almost as if he were calling you ‘slut’ in a very indirect way. A tear rolled down your cheek as you looked at him with shock filled eyes. 
And it all happened too quickly. Suddenly Billy was face to face with Eddie, as the dark haired man gripped the front of his shirt while he glared down at your now ex-boyfriend. Ex. Another ex.
“Get the fuck out or I will ruin your only source of income pretty boy.” Eddie growled at Billy and pushed him away roughly, making Billy tumble slightly, almost hitting the counter behind him. 
His eyes searched for yours one last time, and you could see the hurt in them, reflecting your own. You didn’t doubt his caring for you, not even a second. It was genuine, all of it, but you cannot forgive him for what he did, and does for publicity. You looked away from him and you heard him sigh, followed by steps that were going towards the doorway where all your friends moved away from so he could go through.
“I’ll get my manager to pick my things up from your house. He’ll return yours.”
More steps. More. The front door opening. And then, a slam.
And you broke down.
You were hurt, disgusted, in pain, feeling helpless because of this situation that couldn’t be fixed now. Never. No matter if you have feelings for him, if you will miss the days and nights spent with him. Tears ran down your cheeks as you sobbed into your hands, two arms wrapping around you as a lavender scent filled your nostrils.
Robin was cooing at you, rubbing your head, holding you like a baby to her chest. Your hands gripped her shirt as you cried onto it. Yes… Even if you are hurting you would never choose someone that hates your friends for their orientation. 
You wouldn’t choose them over Robin who is holding you tenderly and has held you this way many times before. You will hurt. You will cry. You will need time alone and space to gather and piece yourself back together again.
But they will all help you through it. Even Eddie who is behind Robin with a frown in his face, Steve next to him with the same look but his hand was on Eddie’s shoulder, pressing on it. 
It will be okay.
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End of Chapter 13
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A/N: Reblogs always help more than likes. Please support artists that way!
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phntmeii · 1 year
♡ Dating Hobie Brown Headcanons
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❝ I'm not a role model, I was briefly a runway model. I hate the AM, I hate the PM, I hate labels, I'm not a hero, because calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat.❝
[ SFW + No Gendered Terms]
A/N: I can't believe it took me so long to get around to this man since he's broken me since the movie released. Will be clawing at the doors of the studio for more Hobie screentime. Also, sorry it’s been a bit since the last headcanon list. Classes and shit :(
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✖ Off the bat, I'm sorry to say but Hobie would not consider what you two do as "dating". He doesn't like labels and being called someone's partner is too constricting of a box.
✖ Now that doesn't mean he isn't loyal. He's actually extremely loyal. The moment he is attracted to someone, everyone else fades away from his vision and it's just you.
✖ The only time he'd label the two of you as "partners" was if someone else showed interest in you. If someone casually asked, then no, you two are just hanging out. But if that person was interested in you, Hobie is like:
✖ "Actually, bruv, sorry to say but they're already with me. So, unfortunately, your eyes need to look elsewhere, yeah?"
✖ Pavitr is the equivalent of your pseudo-child/third-wheel. You two pay for his food, give him advice on him and Gayatri, and have him backseat on drives.
✖ Hobie is more of a listener than a talker. He likes to hear about your fixations and interests. His eyes stare at you with a small grin when he hears the moment you become totally excited in talking about your interests.
✖ And it doesn't matter what you're interested in, Hobie learns about it in his own time so he knows what you're talking about with more of an understanding.
✖ While Hobie may seem to not be paying attention sometimes, he actually had quite a good memory and simply pretends to forget when it comes to other people or if it's one of Miguel's orders.
✖ But with you, every word is ingrained into his memory and you'd be surprised that things you told him a long time ago are still present in his mind if something reminds him of it.
✖ He’ll be more than happy to lend some of his things to you! So long as he can do the same with you. If it’s clothing or something, he has specific pieces that are dedicated to himself so he won’t let them be taken from him. If you’re insistent though, he’ll simply make another one for you (with some design choices specifically attuned to you)!
✖ Hobie is very chill when it comes to his partner. He’s not an overly jealous type nor an overprotective one. He has full trust in you to make your own decisions.
✖ Absolutely acts as though his interests are commonplace and fakes surprise when you say you haven’t been exposed to that thing before.
✖ “You wot? Whadja mean you ain’t ever heard of (insert obscure indie film with a $1k budget)? It’s a classic, love, trust. You’ll love it.” It was in fact not one you loved and it was in 144p on a pirated site.
✖ Sometimes Hobie will scare the shit out of you by popping up out of nowhere. You’ll just go to the kitchen to get a snack, come back to your bedroom and Hobie is just chilling at your desk even though he wasn’t there two minutes ago.
✖ Because of his calm nature, he’s actually really good at comfort. If you feel overwhelmed or panicked, Hobie sets you down and calmly grounds you back to reality.
✖ He offers his hands, gently rubbing his thumbs on the back of your hands, and speaks in a calm voice. Once you’ve calmed, he’ll have a sweet smile.
✖ “Welcome back, love… C’mere. You’re alright. M’right here, love.”
✖ Hobie's main Love Languages to give are: Gift Giving and Physical Touch.
✖ Hobie loves to make gifts for you especially if you show interest in his style or anything he owns!
✖ He tends to be possessive over his own things so he'll make you a copy or your own version! Even if it's something time-consuming like making your own version of a vest or garbage pants, he loves spending time to do it if he gets to see the look on your face because of it.
✖ Because he has a massive collection of pins, patches, etc. he'll often hand some to you if he thinks you'll like them.
✖ Hobie's one indication of a "public claim" on you would be a gifted necklace that his guitar pick. On the back, he signed it as "H♡ ".
✖ This man is sly with physical touch. It's purposeful in a way to have you blushing and stuttering.
✖ He especially does it if you are in conversation with someone else just to watch you squirm. Something as simple as passing his hand at the small of your back just to see you fight back a blush or smile has him on cloud nine since he's the only one who can do that to you.
✖ Hobie also loves to rest his chin on top of your head. He'll do it anytime you two are standing around and he just wants to be closer to you.
✖ Hobie's favorite Love Languages to receive are: Quality Time and Words of Affirmation.
✖ There's nothing sweeter to Hobie than seeing his SO go out of their way to make time for him. He may tease about it. Something along the lines of: "Couldn't get enough a' me, hm?" but he really is so honored that you'd want to spend time with him.
✖ He can sometimes disappear at random when he’s on his duty. Coming back to see you in his room has him tearing off his suit and just holding onto you. There’s nothing more comforting than a simple relaxing time in bed with you with low lighting and music playing.
✖ Hobie is an intelligent musician. Words mean everything and the way they are strung together mean more.
✖ You can swear that you’ve never seen Hobie get flustered but Hobie knows how his heart melts at your words.
✖ His favorites are when you give him letters or send songs. He’ll read the letters over and over and read into the lyrics of the song continually.
✖He also loves hearing you compliment him as it gives him reason to turn up his own charm in response.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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androgynousblackbox · 7 months
Alright, I am watching the reaction stream of another person to see the video of Jamesy and I have thoughts! -Jamesy is REALLY counting on buttering up to Jessie Gender specifically. He named her so many times trying to "apologize" for weaponizing his audience against her when she told him to not erase her work in Nebula just because his whiny entitled ass couldn't accept that he wasn't invited to the platform. Not a single word about actually going to her and talk privately though, just a bunch of "ooh, Jessie Gender is the kindest, best human being ever and I am so sorry to her", like, bitch, WHY ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT HER? Jessie wasn't the worst victim of your actions! Your bullshit with her happened long BEFORE anything of this happened, so why the fuck are you even bringing her up?? My only guess is that Jamesy wants Jessie to speak on his favor and "forgive him", hoping that will bring him new good will from the queer community in youtube. I am fucking crossing my fingers and touching wood that Jessie does not fall for this manipulative bullshit. This guy is literally clout chasing because, again, when it came to the plagiarism, Jessie had NOTHING to do here. Jessie, if you want an easy win, don't say anything about this. Don't even aknowledge it. Pretend like a mosquito just farted in another building. You had nothing to do with this and I am sorry this piece of shit is trying to drag you into it to take advantage of your good nature. -"I only cared about the production side of making videos, that is why I bring Nick in as the main writer." This motherfucker really went and did it. He is literally blaming Nick squarely now, because now he is just not a co-writer. No, now he is the MAIN WRITER. Jamesy here was just trying to making his little films and buy expensive ass equipment while telling everyone he was starving on the streets, he only cared about the production. NICK, THOUGH, HE WAS ALL ABOUT THE WRITING. He was the one who put the words and little Jamesy baby boy here only "produced, directed and edited" (omg, shut the fuck off, man, your editing skills are mid at best) everything. -Way too many sob stories. I don't care, man. I don't fucking care that you got fired or whatever conditions you had. Do you have any fucking clue how many people do really struggle to reach the end of the month and they still never even think of stealing someone else's work? Everyone is struggling and yet, you were the one who made a career for fucking years out of stealing the works of everyone else in this community AND THEN, when call out, tried to paint them as the bad guys.
-A lot, and I do mean, a lot of time to "apologize" to Jessie Gender, but you know who he didn't apologize to? Literally none of the authors he stole from. Not the fan whose edit of Korra he used without credit. Not Alexander Avila. Not that person who was harassed to hell and back by Jamesy and his audience when they showed how he plagiarized on his disney video. Jessie deserved to be name dropped at least thirty times, but those people?? They are fucking nobodies. They don't matter. Why name them at all? It's not like their WORK WAS STOLEN BY YOU OR ANYTHING! And that is another thing! Even if Jamesy is really out there blaming Nick for all the words that they took without credit, then what the fuck is up with all the footage, edits and audiovisual works that weren't for you to take? You said your passion is production. That is part of the production, Jamesy. Is this you admitting you fully just fucking stole them and hoped nobody would notice because you are a lazy piece of garbage?
-"Having to do multiple edits because youtube copyright issues was so hard for me, guys, you don't understand uwu. It was so hard on me to make it less obvious I had plagiarized people!" THAT IS ENTIRELY YOUR OWN FAULT, BRO.
-So, hey, funny thing. I was looking to see if other people were reacting or had reuploaded the video so I could put it here. They haven't yet, there is only two reactions, but while I was doing that I found a video of ANOTHER person talking about Jamesy ripping them off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsD-wodn288 Apparently Jamesy had stolen a blog post that this person wrote about Lord of The Rings and they weren't known by anyone, they don't even like that article anymore, but still! Go see that video instead of watching Jamesy and support them if you find value on their work.
-Hey, Jamesy. Jamesy. You do know that epilepsy and head injuries or memory issues don't take you threaten, lie and weaponize your audience against people who call out your plagiarism with the evidence in hand, right? That has literally nothing to do actually, because you had to be aware off of the issue for you to lie about it after someone else brought it up. After the first time it happened, you could have hired another beta reader to tell you that ups, your memory/epilepsy/memory issues/ADHD strike again and you don't remember from where you took that quote from, sorry! You had money for that expensive ass camera, you could have. -Like, my guy, there were so many steps involved here. So many steps from writing, production, backlash and your response to the backlash. Even if any part on this was an honest mistake, something I don't fucking believe in because fuck you, you had millions of opportunities to rectified it and change it. And yet you didnd't. And so here we are, without you receiving not even a miserable fucking like. Go to hell. A mistake doesn't get repeated so many times for years. That was all a choice, bitch. Fuck you.
And here is where I stopped because his voice is like nail on my ears.
Don't look at his video, it's truly not worth it. DON'T LEAVE COMMENTS EITHER, YOUTUBE TAKES THAT AS ENGAGEMENT ANYWAY.
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aibouart · 3 months
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admittedly, i am afraid to talk about this, but have wanted to for a long while. i don't see a lot of people discuss this kind of thing, but i decided to do so for the me who was struggling and didn't know. also i have no idea where i am going with this and it's very late for me rn so here's a whole ass ramble on vent art. and also a bit more on how it's impacting how i view my art, now. i am terribly sorry if it's not very cohesive, my thoughts on it aren't yet cohesive either WOOPS
i wanted to talk a bit about how vent art really impacted my mental health, and how the idea that art needs some kind of meaning to have meaning really has been weighing on me lately (i know this is a concept i am assigning to my work and is not actually the norm/standard expectation of others consuming art. but it IS a sentiment i have seen enough that does impact me).
i want to specify, obviously i am not saying vent art is bad.
nor that doing vent pieces, or vent blogs, will ultimately result in what i went through for a number of years. rather, that this did happen to me, and there is a near impossible chance i am a unique case in any experience i will ever have. if you do vent art and it helps you, that's good! im not judging anyone for anything here. if your experience does not match my own, that's what it's like to be human~. i am not invalidating anyone on purpose by sharing my own experience. sorry for the insane disclaimer but it will eat me alive if i go to sleep thinking "what if they think x cuz i didn't say y and think im a terrible person"
i used to do vent art frequently (you won't find much on here as it was uploaded to a personal at the time). anytime i felt down or had a line of dialogue in my head making me feel bad in a way, i would draw for it. but the way i had interacted with it was really unhealthy. it became a terrible feedback loop where i'd feel bad, draw how i felt bad, look at the art, and ruminate even more on how i felt bad, until it spiralled so out of control i would lose touch with reality and get lost entirely in feeling like garbage.
i would just get so lost in the cycle with vent art that it would make my mental space worse and worse, and i would use the vent art as a negative confirmation bias. the words that hurt me i wrote down and anytime i looked again, they would hurt me again. but i would keep looking, and i would keep drawing.
i have always used art as an outlet, but for some reason the way vent art impacted me was unhealthy. it wasn't a good outlet. and it took me years to cut ties with it. i relied on vent art for a long time, but it took a lot of introspection and thinking to realise it wasn't the release i thought it was. and it was hard to let go, too.
i haven't touched the blog in a few months, now. i haven't done much vent art at all since then and genuinely, i've been doing SOOO much better. i no longer ruminate nearly as much as i had done so, i no longer get caught in a feedback loop that lasts for days to weeks. i still feel like garbage like people tend to do, but i don't put myself in a cycle over it anymore. i have gone back to it a few times in moments of desperation, but what used to be every week/every few weeks is now once a month maybe. and not to the extent at all (i would oftentimes post ~20 images in one night, before).
but i keep thinking about how, while the way i had done vent art was bad for my mental health, i keep feeling that just because i do sparkly cute and happy drawings, now, or drawings with no real meaning, that my art has nothing beyond face value... i do like a lot of my vent art. i think their compositions, or hidden messages and meanings, or colour use, was interesting.
but it wasn't worth the price for me.
so i am a bit caught in an in-between, here. my favourite form of art is the expression of love-you liked something so much, you dedicated time to draw it. and yet i cannot ascribe that to my own work very often. i think that man i wish i could make art with some kind of deeper meaning, that speaks to people, that's more than just pretty colours or shiny shading or a character everyone likes, or a character i like. but i just... don't know if it's for me.
ultimately, i could develop a healthy relationship with expressing and exploring negative emotions or experiences through art, but... do i want to? do i have to? do i need to? is it not enough to just draw something because... i like it..?
of course, the answer is yes, draw what you want, draw how you want, it's your art. but i am still trying to come to terms with that idea. i dont want to be seen as some shallow artist who just draws what's cute and pretty because they can and it's all they can think of, but like what if that's just what i like to draw??
in the end, that alone is good enough, drawing because you like to, because it's fun, because you like the thing you're dedicating time to creating for. it's just hard to grapple with after discarding a type of art that i felt was the only way i drew "for real".
anyways i am sorry this is soooo fucking long, and for all the clarifications (IM STILL NOT SAYING VENT ART BAD AND EVERYONE WILL DO WHAT I DID!! Dx) and the fact i had no real point here (probably)
anyways i will continue to draw what i want because i like to, as i have always been.
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Dev Patel as Joshua (Modern Love) x Saleka Shyamalan as Juno J. (OC) - a fic inspired by emails i can’t send and short n’ sweet by Sabrina Carpenter
Word Count-(1K)
Joshua tossed the ring; it skipped down the street and disappeared down the storm drain as he stomped along the rain-covered sidewalk, entering the first bar he found and shaking his soaked hair out.
“Whiskey. Neat.” Joshua opened a tab, intending to drink away the sting of his first time being cheated on by his long term girlfriend, Emma.
Ironically, it must have been singles night in the bar because it was decked out in cherry red hearts and pink streamers along with cakes piped with sarcastic phrases like ‘CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BREAKUP.’
A woman in a blue dress swayed back and forth on a bar stool, a melancholy look on her gorgeous features as she stabbed a piece of the ‘Congratulations’ cake with her fork with one hand and nursing a drink with the other.
Feeling eyes on her, Juno J. looked up and locked eyes with a handsome man across the bar: black, rain-soaked curls and a grey t-shirt sticking to his broad chest, warm brown eyes behind thin wire-rimmed glasses balancing precariously on his sharp nose.
‘Hi.’ Juno mouthed, waving her hand at the man before looking bashfully back down at her drink.
After a year in a fake PR relationship with a tennis player who cared more about the game than her, Juno was out of practice and so. fucking. horny.
“I met her parents, y’know?” Josh tossed back another shot with the woman he had met at the bar, Juno. “She’s seen me naked, and I met her parents.” He winced as the liquor burned his throat. “And I got cheated on?”
Juno shook her head when the lemon drop’s sourness puckered her glossed lips. “I got dumped by a number one tennis player.” She sniffled and held her head up high. “I was ‘too much.’ for him, apparently.”
Joshua scoffed drunkenly, swaying on his bar stool. “Too much?” He replied incredulously as Juno stood up, doing a turn in her rhinestone pumps to show off her lacy blue dress. “Do you think I’m too much, J?”
Running a hand through his thick black curls, something like a prince, Juno wondered how Joshua’s ex could cheat on him as he flashed a charming smile and shook his head, ‘No.’ while rubbing the scruff on his jawline with his long fingers.
“I can’t believe I let some white man ruin my self-esteem.” Juno groaned in humiliation and pulled her hair in front of her face like a long black curtain. “This boy didn’t even know the difference between ‘they’re,’ ‘their,’ or ‘they are.’”
Joshua thought of Emma and the ex-boyfriend from high school she had ‘gone back in time with’. “I can drink to that.”
Another shot.
Suddenly, hours passed, and it was one am and the bar was closing.
Juno and Joshua stumbled out onto the sidewalk, too many drinks in and flirting heavily with Juno laughing and grabbing an equally hysterical Joshua’s arms for support.
He wrapped himself around Juno to protect her from the rain that had never stopped.
The street lights and the spins reared an ugly head as Juno pushed off Joshua for the nearest garbage can, pulling her hair back into a ponytail just in time as she retched into it.
“Oh, God!” Lip gloss smeared Juno’s face as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “I'm so sorry!" She gagged and turned away from him as she spit up the remains of her espresso Martini in the gutter.
“You can leave. I’ll call an Uber.” Juno kicked off her sequined pumps; she couldn’t have been more than five feet tall without them.
Juno sat on the curb, leaning against a lamppost and closing her eyes.
Joshua watched the chrome eyeshadow on Juno’s eyelids change shades of blue under the light as she took deep, shallow breaths.
“Are you sure? I know we’ve only met, but I live about a block from here.” Joshua knew better than to leave a drunk woman slumped over on the sidewalk. “You can sleep it off on my couch.”
Joshua removed his t-shirt and used his jacket as a cover for Juno in the alley they ducked inside of for her privacy. “Here, if you need to change.”
“If you’re offering. I don’t want to be alone tonight.” Juno accepted Joshua’s help rolling the blue, martini-soaked lace down her wide hips.
Twisting her shiny black hair back in a bun, Juno asked Joshua to hold her hair while she pulled his t-shirt over her head.
Inhaling the scent of Joshua’s cologne calmed Juno’s senses. “Thank you.” She sniffled, feeling very unpretty with her hair windblown and dried spit on the sides of her mouth, not to mention her ruined dress and bra.
“Do you think you can stand?” Joshua looped an arm around Juno’s waist, and she wrapped an arm around his shoulders, nodding and allowing Joshua to lift her.
“Hop on my back.” Joshua turned around, and Juno grunted with drunken effort once, twice, before throwing her arms around Joshua’s neck and allowing him to hike her body up and wrap her garter-covered legs around his waist.
“You can clean up and take a shower if you’d like,” Joshua said as he climbed the stairs of his apartment complex with Juno on his back. In her drunkenness, Juno was impressed by how Joshua carried her with ease.
If Juno didn’t know better, Joshua was reassuringly rubbing the inside of her thigh with his thumb. “This is me.” He gently set Juno down against the wall and unlocked his apartment door, walking her to the bathroom and lifting Juno again to sit her on the sink’s marble counter.
There was a brief moment where Joshua was standing between Juno’s thighs, her dress rolled up so high that he could see the blue lace of her underwear.
They both got quiet, chests rising and falling as heat filled the bathroom. “I’ll get you a change of clothes.” He quickly excused himself, and Juno pouted to herself as she watched Joshua leave.
Joshua heard Juno singing in the shower and was impressed. It sounded familiar; Juno must have been covering some pop songs from the radio. He made a mental note to look it up later.
The shower and fan were turned off. Joshua listened to the shower curtain open and the sound of wet bare feet on the linoleum.
The door clicked open, and Juno padded into the living room in one of Joshua’s clean t-shirts, and a pair of sweatpants rolled up to her ankles. “You can throw those away.” Juno frowned at the ruined dress and bra. “Those were expensive.” She pouted, her full bottom lip trembling slightly.
Juno had tried to wipe her face clean; her thick brows were unruly, blue mascara streaked down her shiny face, and her wet hair was already starting to curl.
“It’s alright.” Juno looked exhausted, and Joshua felt bad for the young woman, guiding her to the bed he made her on his couch. handing her a glass of water and an ibuprofen. “Get some sleep; everything will feel better in the morning.”
“This is a strange request, and I know how much you have already done for me tonight,” Juno snuggled underneath the blankets Joshua had laid out, looking up at him with her glassy brown eyes.
“Can you stay out here with me?” Big tears started to roll down her round cheeks, and Joshua didn’t hesitate to slip underneath the covers with Juno and use the sleeves of his sweater to wipe away her tears.
Joshua enveloped Juno in his arms. She put her head on his chest and nuzzled her face into the material of his sweater. “Thank you. You’re a real stand-up guy to let pretty drunk girls sleep on you in your apartment.”
“I don’t like being alone,” Joshua admitted, still feeling drunk as his lids got heavy and his voice slurred. “S’nice to have the company for once.” He let his hand rest on her exposed lower back from where his t-shirt rode up her.
Juno kissed the space above Joshua’s heart as he reached back to flick off the tableside lamp. “Night, Josh.”
“Goodnight, Juno.”
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starting a tag game for writers
Hi, it's Asmi! Okay, so, I've seen so many people afraid to start/continue writing because they're afraid it'll be garbage. And it's so sad how much joy and creativity is getting lost because of that fear. I've written utter shit before, and looking back on it is actually hilarious, and also, it's a reminder of how far I've come as a writer.
I really, really want people to be less afraid of the written word and of creating, and to get rid of that aura of mystery and elitism that often covers the writing process. Writing is messy and it's hell and it's torture. And it's amazing.
So here's the tag game:
Give me three lines/paragraphs that you've written that you love [fiction, non-fiction, from different works or the same, from completed stories or poems or WIPs, from yesterday or ten years ago] that you love. If that seems hard, even one will do. It doesn't have to be perfect. It can just be something silly that gives you joy.
And give me three lines/paragraphs that you've written that you dislike and find shitty. Anything at all as long as you wrote it. If you think it's ridiculous or absolute fucking garbage, even better! That's the point of this game. To see that we all write good things and bad things. Yeah? You can do this. And remember that both these categories are subjective.
I'll start. It's not as scary as it seems, I promise.
Things I've written that I find shitty:
The first man grabbed him by his collar, pinned him against the wall of the cave in which they were standing, and spat, “It doesn’t matter what you’ve done before. If the Queen’s not in the graveyard tonight, King Baza’s going to plan a most delightful execution for you. And even if he doesn’t, you being his nephew and all, I will arrange an accidental blowing up of your house when you are, tragically, inside.” [discount wall slam scene courtesy of 2016 Asmi, you're welcome]
“Overreacting?” said Dextor in disbelief, staring at Jay like, ‘What is wrong with you, dude?’ [sigh. my serious-scene-writing left a lot to be desired.]
“Don’t go,” I said, fighting tears. “Please, don’t leave me, too! You’re all I have left.” Strange thoughts for a child, but I meant every word. She looked at me with anguish. “I am sorry, Phil. Believe me, you are all I have, too, and this hurts me more than it does you. You’re like my son.” [I'm hysterical rereading this melodramatic shit, which was NOT the intended effect]
Things that I've written that I love:
He dropped the books onto a nearby chair and pulled her into his arms as he’d been longing to do all day, the smell of blueberries and hair product and her. The books she was holding were pressed against his chest, and he didn’t care. Why did he need to love the stars when he could love her, why did he need to look up at the sky for answers when they were right there in his arms? [I love this because when I first wrote it, I thought it was romantic, but I realised later that the boy, Ant, is aroace, and it doesn't change a thing about this scene, except that their love is platonic]
"Maybe being happy is the best that we can do. Maybe that’s more than most people manage, anyway.” They stood in front of the entrance, over puddles that reflected all the broken skyscrapers and the colours of the street and the grey-yellow sky. “Whatever you do with your parents,” she said. “Don’t let your guilt get in the way of doing ballet. It’s not wrong to be happy. It’s not.” [This is from the book I finished and I published, and I just really like this paragraph. It's not my favourite, but it makes me smile.]
The last you may leave wherever you please, wherever it is birds land to die. [A line from a poem I wrote in 2022, I like the rhythm]
(It took effort to find ones that I wanted to share, oof. If you find this difficult just know you're not alone. I usually like my writing, but turns out it's hard to take something you created and go hey, look, I'm proud of this. But we can do it.)
Alright, of course anyone who sees this is welcome to join, and tag the writers you know so we can all be uh writerly together :") but to start it off, no pressure tags @howmanyholesinswisscheese, @1800ineedshelp, @queermarzipan, @thescholarlystrumpet, @madfangirlontheloose.
Oh, and also tagging @neil-gaiman, @dduane, @drchucktingle just because maybe if you see this and join in, new writers will find comfort in knowing their role models have ups and downs, good and bad days too :")
Have a lovely day, everyone, and keep writing.
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asherlockstudy · 1 year
um im just scrolling through the streamys tag and i saw your posts and i thought "oh they seem cool i wonder what the blog is like"... then i went scrolling and you mentioned link coming out??? huh??? (i haven't watched gmm in like years year years) you seem like a level headed person to ask.... link is... gay? did this happen recently??? i am so confused but i know that if i google im gonna get garbage results. so yeah
Hello! Sorry for the late reply, hope you get to see this.
The answer is... yes and no. While there isn't anything explicit / certain / definite over all this time, it seems there is some restlessness on their side, with several projects such as their recent scripted videos, but also as far back as Hazel, the GMEs and Ear Biscuits that point towards the possibility of them taking a very slow, long way towards this direction, especially Link. In fact it seems like Link can't stand being in the closet anymore but Rhett dreads leaving it. That's my general impression.
While I might be considered the most stark supporter of this theory around here (or at least the one who verbalizes it the most), a few days ago more people started considering it thanks to a moment during GME where Link did something very close to a coming-out.
In case you haven't watched any of the GMEs, GME (Good Mythical Evening) is a paid live show they do once a year, which is like the strictly adult version of GMM. There, strong references to sex are allowed and they also drink enough to get inebriated and foul language is also allowed to some degree.
All that on its own would be already a lot to consider, but GME has also strong homoerotic traits since Rhett and Link play a lot with their ship there. Last year, they re-enacted rhink fics where they were having sex (basically handjobs?), I don't remember exactly. And they acted LIKE they were doing it. This year, they took it up a notch and Rhett actually sucked Link's nipple, among other things. And I mean, he really did it. For a few seconds. But he did it...properly. Don't ask me why they do this stuff. I don't know. I think nobody knows. I am just presenting you the facts so I can give you an idea about what is going on.
So, during a game in this latest GME, this dialogue took place regarding what the act of "docking" is:
Rhett: I was right! It is a gay thing! Stevie: Whaaat? I mean, well, Link also agreed with your answer so... Rhett: We both get points! Hold on, though... one guy needs to be circumcised. Link: Yeah you only need one circumcision for docking. Stevie: Oh you're asking ME? Rhett: I think..... I don't know a lot about this but I think only one guy needs to be uncircumcised. Link: Do you think docking actually happens? Because I don't think docking increases pleasure. Rhett: I don't know, man. I can't do it, man. My parents didn't give me a choice. They just circumcised me, man. Link: I know, but even after you're circumcised, you can try. Rhett: With someone who's not circumcised...... And also, I am not gay. Link: Hey, that's okay. It's okay. Rhett: Yeah, I mean, it's cool to not be gay! Link: No, it's not "cool"- Rhett: No, it's "okay" to not be gay! By "cool" I meant it is "okay" to not be gay! Link: But just go ahead and explain yourself completely. Rhett: But I might do it for scientific purposes! Link: This is what I wish you would do when I say something stupid. Rhett: If they needed to figure it out, if two scientists wanted to figure out whether two guys need to be uncircumcised, I'd be like "okay", I mean, I'd check with my wife first. Link: Yeah, but just say it is equally cool to be gay. Rhett: It is cool to be whatever you wanna be. Link: Yeah. Exactly. It's cool to be whatever you need, you want to be, you are. It's cool to be who you are. That's what I am deriving. Rhett: Yeah, that's the coolest you can be, to just be who you are. Right, Stevie? Link: I, you know what, I feel like, Stevie, I feel like I have been on a journey. Stevie: Okay. Rhett: Yeah. Link: To know- to figure out who I am. Rhett (mutters): Yeah, yeah, right. Link: And it's extremely rewarding, challenging and- Rhett: But we won't be docking later... Link: And..... rewarding. And we wanna- Yeah... can you... I was saying something important. Rhett: Because we're both circumcised. Link: Yes, but we are not gonna be docking later. Rhett: Right, because we're both circumcised. Link: But you can be circumcised and still have enough of a skin left after the circumcision to dock... In Good Mythical More we are gonna answer questions from the crew and we 're gonna have conversations about - (meanwhile Rhett talks simultaneously and almost over him about unimportant docking musings) Link: ...Right, so if you are not gonna come to Good Mythical More, please you can still get a ticket, join us for Good Mythical More, but for now we're gonna move on. Rhett (sarcastically): Don't you want more of this? Link: In the More. Stevie moves on with the game.
So, what happens next, Link also had two-three more moments when he seemed to consider talking about something and Rhett explicitly told him "Whatever it is you want to say, just keep it to yourself" and also in another moment "You can tell your Uber driver on your way home but not here".
During the More, at which Link hinted, there was a red box with nosy questions asked from the crew. Rhett was the one taking the questions and reading them. He chose to not read loudly and thus answer at least two questions, even though he pulled them out of the box.
Link eventually did not make any more similar statements.
You should also know that a couple of weeks ago, during the GME promo, Link had said that one reason we should watch the GME show was that he might even make an emotional speech before its end.
Another thing, the last months Link has also expressed in interviews and even in a college graduation that it is important to find who you are and explore your identity, addressing this especially to young adults. He always seems emotionally charged when he does it.
That's it. To me it just seems like there's one explanation only, but I will leave you to your own conclusions.
And one last detail. Rhett did everything in his power to not let Link finish what he started - almost bullied him out of it. Despite all that, notice what he said. While Link was trying to say whatever he was trying to say, Rhett said:
But we're not gonna be docking later.................. because we're both circumcised.
And he repeated the explanation once more.
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blizzard202 · 1 month
Standing Still - Reuploaded to Tumblr: Chapters 1-4
Chapters 5-8
Chapter One - Archie
It feels like only moments ago when Archie and Ashton Larkson’s parents passed. The two children never received the details on how it happened. The police never care enough about anything when it comes to poor people. And just like that the 15 and 13 year old boys were kicked to the streets. All they can do to get by now is beg and steal.
4 years later, it’s late, Archie knows that as he’s dragged by his brother through the streets. All he can register is that his brother has stolen a loaf of bread and now they’re being chased by around eight scary-looking men. 
“Get back here, you rat-bastards!” One of them shouts. Archie’s feet drag against the cobblestone and ache terribly. Shops and people fly by in a blur. He thinks he can feel tears sting at his eyes, but he fights them back. Don’t be a sissy. Ashton’s voice echoes in his mind.
They turn a few corners. He can hear his brother swear under his breath. The grip on his wrist disappears before… he hits the ground. Hard. There’s a sharp, ringing pain in his head. He blinks up at the scary men. They grab his arms, though a few others continue to chase Ashton. Before Archie can do anything, his vision fades to black.
When Archie wakes, he’s in some sort of cell. Alone. Everything aches. He can feel dried, crusty blood on the back of his neck, on his shoulders and clothes and… where is he? He shivers. It’s cold. His stomach grumbles madly. How long has it been since he’s eaten? How long was he knocked out for? His head hurts. Everything does.
He looks around once more. There doesn’t seem to be a way out. There’s no toilet. He thinks he can see something move in the shadows. Archie inches towards whatever it is. It is, in fact, a rat. He lets out a yelp and it immediately scurries back off into the shadows. 
All Archie can do is tuck himself into the corner of this cold, dark room, curl up on his side like a dog and close his eyes. He fights back tears. What did I do wrong? Why did all of this have to happen? First ma and pa are gone and now… Archie doesn’t fall asleep for a long, long time. When he does, it’s a light, dreamless sleep, often interrupted by the scurrying of rats or the footsteps of more scary men like the ones that took him here. But he sleeps. Barely.
Chapter Two - Raymond
Raymond is sitting in the break room of his job, eating his dinner. He works as a cleaner at a tailor’s shop down the street from Jacobi’s Deli, where he bought a ham sandwich with the 3 cents he made on his job that day. Almost 9:00. He thinks, glancing at the clock on the wall every couple of seconds. 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2… He springs up from his seat, locks up the doors of the shop, and makes his way down the road, dodging carriages and newsboys walking back to their lodging houses. He accidentally nicks a kid’s hat off when shooting his wrapper into the garbage can.
“Ay’ whaddya think you’re doin’?” The kid seems much too old to be a newsie, probably in his 20s at that point. “Look, I’m sorry, you don’t gotta make a big deal about it.” Raymond says. The new face is slightly shorter than him, red hair, he looks tougher than Raymond though. “It is MY first day on my job wit’ The Bronx newsies, and I don’t need you ruinin’ it, dipwad!” The guy takes a swing, Raymond dodges and trips him, making him fall flat on his back. He starts running. Wasn’t planning on dyin’ today. 
Raymond looks back to see that he isn’t being chased, but he doesn’t look where he’s going, and bumps into an old woman, knocking her over. Luckily, he catches her and puts her back on her feet. “Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! Are you alright ma’am?” “Yes, I’m fine, thank you for asking. I know it was an accident, it’s ok, things happen.” The two chat for a bit, then go their separate ways. That could’ve been way worse. 
Suddenly, a man dressed in clothes not seeming to fit the streets of Manhattan. “Excuse me child, do you not see what you just did?” The mysterious man asked. “Yes? I was runnin’ too fast and I accidentally bumped into a lady. Luckily I picked her up before she could hit the ground! She’s alright, I made sure-” “That isn’t what I saw.” The man tells Raymond. “Whaddya mean?” Raymond asks. “What I think just happened was an attempted murder. Don’t you know how old that woman is? If she hit the ground, she would have perished the second she came face-to-face with that concrete. Luckily, you noticed that people were around, and played it off as some kind of accident.” “What? You’re bein’ ridiculous! Why would I try to kill some poor old lady?” Raymond is flabbergasted, confused about what is entering his ears. “I don’t know, why would you? OFFICERS! TAKE HIM AWAY!”
“What? What are you doin’!? I- Get offa me! Stop! I didn’t do nothin’!” 
“Exactly kid. You didn’t do nothing, a double negative.” 
“What did I do to you to deserve this? Why are you being so mean?!” 
“Because I can. Wow! Two new inmates in one hour! We’re going to have a drink tonight boys!”
Great. Now I’m gonna rot in a cell because some ass thinks that capturing kids to put in your jail is just a fun game. He sits in a holding cell, feeling hopeless, until he looks to his side, and spots something in the corner. Another boy, about his age, maybe a year younger, curled up. He’s asleep. His curly, copper hair is tainted with a bit of blood, and there’s a small sort of gash in his head that’s barely visible through the thick curls.
Chapter Three - Archie
When Archie wakes again, a pair of dark eyes are peering back at him. He uncurls himself and presses against the cold wall of the strange, small room. The dull ache in his head is still there. His eyes take a moment to focus on the other boy. 
“Wha… who?” Archie’s speech is barely comprehensible as he slowly regains his senses. The other boy greets him.
“Hello? Are you ok?” The brown-haired boy’s concerned voice rings through the small room. It takes a few moments for Archie to even register what he said.
“I’m.. fine. Who- Who are you?” Archie tilts his head slightly and squints. It occurs to him that maybe he should introduce himself. 
Be polite, like Ma always said. “I’m Archie.” He offers a small, weak smile in an attempt to come off as friendly despite his situation.
The other boy blinks. “My name’s Raymond. You in here for somethin’ stupid too?” 
Archie winces. Something stupid? Sort of. He’d have to explain everything to this stranger, and from experience Archie knows it’s hard for him to stop talking once he starts. It’d be embarrassing to just spill his guts right here.
Don’t overthink. “Yeah, I guess so… do ya know where ‘here’ is?” Archie’s voice waivers a bit more than he’d prefer. He doesn’t want to seem weak. Raymond glances around.
“Seems like a prison? Dunno. I didn’t do anythin’ besides bump inta an old lady.” Raymond’s eyes land on the blood. 
“Are you ok? You’re definitely hurt… C’mere.” Archie hesitates before inching closer. Raymond pulls him the rest of the way and uses a hand to tilt Archie’s head downwards and to the side. It’s an awkward but not uncomfortable angle.
Raymond lets out a concerned “hm,” Archie can feel gentle fingers against his hair, seemingly clearing the way so his wound is more visible. Raymond’s fingers graze the raw, injured skin, which prompts Archie to suck in a sharp breath. He hasn’t been treated so gently since… well, since before his parents died. He’d received no such treatment from his brother.
Archie finds himself so lost in his thoughts that when Raymond pulls away, he takes a moment to open his eyes. He hadn’t even realized they were closed in the first place. 
“How bad does it hurt?” Raymond asks. It takes a short moment for Archie to reply. 
“Not… horribly? I’m bad with words. It’s like background noise but pain. Background pain.” Raymond laughs wryly, though he still looks concerned.
“What if you have a concussion or somethin’?” Ashton would have replied with a snarky, sarcastic reply. Archie doesn’t want to be like his brother, he’s realized that now. 
“I’m not sure… I’ll be fine, though. Uhm.. are you hurt at all?” Archie tilts his head. His eyes gleam with concern.
Raymond shakes his head. “I’m ok.” Archie is thankful Raymond hasn’t asked anything more about how he got here. As much as Archie would like the relief of crying into someone’s arms, he doesn’t want to scare this boy off. An awkward yet peaceful silence envelops the two. Archie ponders what Raymond could be thinking, and who Raymond is outside of this cold, dark cell. 
Chapter Four - Raymond
After a while, Archie starts explaining his story while Raymond creates a makeshift bandage by ripping off a piece of Archie’s shirt. Raymond has tried, and failed, to convince Archie to let him use his own shirt. 
“Thanks.” He says quietly. Raymond paces his way around, kicking a pebble around the cell, until he gets bored and slumps down against the wall next to Pup.
The two are sitting next to each other against the wall of the cell. A black, furry rat darts towards them but skitters the other way when it gets too close. Archie yelps loudly. Raymond snickers faintly, it’s a bit funny how timid Archie is, even if Raymond is concerned for the other boy. Raymond looks over to his left. 
“They’re just rats...” He says gently. There is a hint of amusement in his voice. Archie glances away and folds his arms. 
“But theys gonna bite me and I’ll get a disease!” He retorts. Raymond thinks he can see a hint of a smile on his face, though. 
“Just don’t bother them. They’re probably more afraid of you than you are of them.” Raymond places a hand on Archie’s shoulder. Archie smiles and looks back at Raymond, but his eyes still flicker back to the shadows every once and a while. 
After a few minutes, footsteps can be heard down what could be a hallway. The door opens. “Hey kids, you fellas gotta get in the room, boss says so.” A guard that seemed way too tired to work tells the two. He leads the two to a large room with about twenty sets of bunk beds. “There, that’s where you’re gonna sleep.” The man points at a bottom bunk. 
“…Which one?” Pup asks. 
The guard chuckles. “Are ya serious? Just be glad you aren’t in a three-kid bed!” The officer walks away, still chuckling to himself. 
“LIGHTS OUT!” The warden yells an hour later. 
Alrighty… Raymond thinks to himself. The two find themselves over to their bed after a while, they get affiliated with a couple other kids in the block: James, a young teen who didn't have a pinky finger, and Clippers, who said he does haircuts for kids who can’t afford them. Raymond feels a little uncomfortable in the rock-solid mattress, but after a while, he eventually falls asleep.
Original characters and story were created in collaboration with @no-i-wanna-go-down (Owner of Archie and Ashton) Any other characters (Excluding Raymond) are the product of dual creativity between the two authors, which entails equal ownership of the characters.
This doesn't need to be the end of your reading! There are much more chapters than these, but they are being reuploaded for the sake of promotion. If you would like to read on, please keep reading on AO3. There is a LOT more where that came from! (Spoiler alert: It's really gay)
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d4rkven0m · 1 month
A Hateful Union
a/n: sorry this took so long lmfao
Rhysand's POV
He can't figure her out. This has never been a problem before-- Rhysand finds that most people and fae's expressions spell out exactly what they feel or think. But not Victoria. Her face is neutral, and he can't understand her.
"So you're telling me you have no opinion about our marriage? It's a forever thing, you know. It's not some trivial game. This is binding," He inquires.
She scoffs quietly. "My Lord, before we are to marry, I will lay the rules out for you. One: you are never to speak to me as if I were a child. I am a grown woman, just as you are a grown man. You will treat me with respect. Two: I barely know you. I don't have some naive little girl's fantasy of a perfect marriage. We are complete strangers."
Rhysand raises a brow, folding his arms. He studies Victoria carefully. Again, she gives nothing away, except for her clear annoyance with him. He smirks at Victoria's sharp comment. "Sharp tongue, hm? I wasn't aware I'd marry such a venomous woman." He tries to provoke her, to get under her skin. He needs something. Victoria cannot remain a mystery to him.
She sighs. "If you have nothing more of importance to say to me, I will take my leave now. Goodbye, my Lord. I will see you on our wedding day." She says this with perfect manners, the definition of cold, withdrawn politeness. Victoria bows slightly and turns to walk away, leaving Rhysand in the frosty courtyard, alone and confused.
Victoria's POV
Her high heels dig into her ankles, leaving deep red wounds that sting and burn. But she doesn't let the pain show as she walks away from Rhysand. He will never see the real me, she vows. He will never find out my weaknesses. I won't let another man treat me like garbage. So she keeps walking and walking, until she's in her bedroom, and lays down on the bed. By this point, her feet are bleeding and throbbing, so she sends for the maid. After a soak and some bandages, she lies in bed to sleep.
But after an hour of tossing and turning, sleep still does not arrive. Her scalp feels itchy, and her chest burns. The fire must be returning. Victoria slowly tries to get out of bed and inches to her desk, rummaging around for some of her medicines. She finds the usual winter root, which helps cool her heat rashes, as well the snowberries she collected in the garden. The snowberries have an eternal chill about them.
Victoria mashes up the berries and root together, mixing it with water and drinking the juice quickly, hoping it can calm the burning. She lies back down.
The anxiety of marriage-- forever binding, everlasting-- with this man she does not care for... it certainly doesn't help her sickness. He's arrogant, self-important, condescending... ugh. She wills herself to concentrate on something else so that the burning in her chest will settle.
Eventually, she drifts to sleep.
Rhysand's POV
It turns out that Rhysand cannot find sleep either. He tosses in bed, watching the night sky. But unlike Victoria, he doesn’t burn.
He is so frustrated by her. What is it? Why is she so different from other fae? Why does she have this effect on me?
Rhysand might not ever figure it out. He wishes she would just be more open. But it’s not like he’s the best person to trust. Victoria has never met him before this engagement, had no say in the matter… he can see why she’s so guarded.
But then again, he is her fiancée, and Rhysand somehow wishes she would treat him as such, even given the circumstances. As much as he hates to admit… he is lonely. For decades now, he was never alone. Granted, it wasn’t really by choice, but he adapted to having company. And after Amarantha’s fall, he’s been mostly alone.
But no matter. The wedding is this week, and after they are married, Rhysand will have plenty of time to get closer to Victoria. No rush needed. He will just have to be patient for another few days.
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hinoko-takami · 1 year
I got fired yesterday, so that sucks. The benefits are that i can flip off the shitty assistant manager there, Mark Meling, as well as finally be open about why i hate him to the public. This is gonna be a long one.
If any of my previous coworkers see this, please go ahead and add your own stories to this.
TW: mentions of sexual harassment, predatory behavior, transphobia, racism, ableism, alcoholism, infidelity, and generally being a smelly garbage can of a person.
I'll try to keep this in chronological order, but that will be hard to do, as after certain events that i will mention, i stopped being the one fronting at work whenever mark was there. I am working with our primary protector to piece things together so im sorry if things arent perfectly chronological. All names but mine and marks are changed. One year ago, October 13th 2022, I started working at Kohl's as a seasonal employe, and was kept on after the season was over as a part time associate, eventually becoming a cashier mainly. I was 17 when i started there (this will become important later).
The first time i met mark was my first opening shift, maybe my 3rd or 4th shift there at all. I rang the bell to get in and was greeted by mark. He was rude and asked what i was doing. I stated i was there to work, to which he asked my name. I gave him the name they have in their system, Saturn, my work name, and he asked what me real name was with such attitude. I gave him the name "S", as that is what i use outside of work, and he doesnt need to know my legal name. He turned away and said "whatever", continuing to walk in and check me in, along with the other day crew. This was the first day of hell.
Throughout my time working at Kohl's, mark was consistently rude, controlling, disrespectful to all staff that werent also managers, and just an awful human being.
I often saw him engaging in predatory behavior towards minors, especially young customers, around the age of 16 or 17. He would flirt with them, even when they were obviously uncomfortable. This continued throughout my entire year of working there.
Now, here is where it gets particularly bad. November 26th 2022, Mark touched my thigh while putting a hanger into my hanger box. This was not a normal touch, this was a caress, very close to my butt. there were 3 other open registers he could have put the hanger into. This was intentional.
After this i grew a deep fear of mark, that would only get worse as time went on. You see, i was sexually abused twice between the ages of 15 and 16. I wont go into detail, but it fucked me up pretty bad, so having this happen nearly sent me into a panic attack, the only thing holding me together was the fact that i had a line of customers. I didn't know what to do or how to report it, so it just went unsaid, unseen, unpunished, until December 14th, in which i finally reported him online, thanks to a friend who no longer works there reporting him and telling me how.
I reported him, then a few days later the head manager, Cat, and another manager, Salmon, pulled me into their office, and took my account of what happened. They said it would be reported to HR and that i would be contacted within a week. They told me to keep quiet about it.
It's been almost a year. I have heard nothing. I refuse to be quiet.
I never received an update from HR. I never received anything. As far as i'm aware, neither did mark. His habits continued, but thankfully he never touched me again, likely because i became much more abrasive against him after that. After than nothing major happened as far as i am aware for a while, though this time is blurry, but i know he was still hitting on underage girls, making the female staff uncomfortable, and overall making everyone upset by generally being disrespectful.
To show the scope of what dealing with this man day in and day out for almost a year did to me, let me tell you this. On June 24th, mark had asked me to follow him into the stockroom to grab something, but once we got there, i was so frightened to be in an area alone with him with little to no cameras, that i switched out. Our primary protector took over work for me ever since then. Being around him made us on edge at all times. I could not work while he was there with me. They recently, on October 6th, had to switch out because of how much genuine stress they were under when around him.
Many times he would make inappropriate comments about the female staffs bodies, saying they were overweight when they were very much not. Allegedly, he commented on the weight of Poodle (a woman with a mom body), Bat (a very skinny and tall woman), Reindeer (an average skinny woman), and several underage employees, all of normal weight, calling them overweight to their faces, when they were never of the sort.
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Not only did he comment about the associates weight and appearance, he would often make outright rude comments about the employees, especially the new hires. Any time someone would make a small mistake and he saw, he would outright berate them, often publicly. This was especially clear in the case with my good friend, Wombat, they were brand new to the store and they have a shoulder injury that limits their motion and causes them sevre pain. They were degraded by mark while they were there for not being able to do the tasks he deemed so simple instead of helping them.
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One of my previous associates who no longer works there was studying to be a nurce, and had told me along with others in a group one night, that she suspects Mark would come to work intoxicated. His slurred speech, overly red face, frequent shifts in mood, frequent inability to pronounce common names correctly, apparent inability to stick to what he said, memory issues, as well as many frequent comments about alcohol, all lead to this being the truth. I do not know for sure, but i believe this personally. As of recent he seems to have stopped coming to work intoxicated, but this does not change the fact he likely did many times in the past.
Frequently, mark would do nothing helpful, simply sitting in his office doing nothing, only coming out when a manager was called to help. The same goes for telling associates to do things he was easily capable of doing in the moment, such as telling floor associates to pick up or move things that were right in front of him, sometimes literally just standing next to it, waiting for a floor associate to do what he could have done in one second. I dont even want to know how frequently this happened, but according to my friends who work on the floor regularly, it was quite often.
Over the year i spent at kohls, mark had never once used the correct pronouns for me, despite myself and many other amazing coworkers correcting him time and time again. He would always use she/her. When i or others would correct, he would deflect, saying he knows and he "just forgot". He never once apologized. When it was myself correcting him, he would always roll his eyes. He was once talking to “me” (our protector) about his son, who is transitioning, and he would only refer to him as his daughter and with she/her pronouns.
Over the year mark would talk about his failing relationships to anyone who would listen, including underage associates, often sharing personal details you should not talk about at work, especially without permission from the person you are talking to. He has an ex-wife, and at least 8 or 9 girlfriends over the course of the year i worked there, while still flirting and making unwanted advances towards seemingly any girl in the store as long as she was 25 or younger. I had overheard him talking to another manager, Hare, about how he was talking to two girls, one he stated was his girlfriend at the time, and when they learned of each other they both dumped him. Unfortunately for Hare, she seemed uncomfortable but couldnt find a way out of the situation.
Many times mark would have people do things that were not part of their job, including having regester associates go farther than we were supposed to go away from the register, having us do large floor projects on busy days, such as making me entirely redo a wall of product and getting angry when it didn't get done because of having customers, and having one of the people at customer service, Reindeer, unload the amazon boxes when she is not supposed to, we have an entire team dedicated to doing that from what im aware of. Heck, Poodle had even made a comment about how he was not supposed to make her do that and that it is not part of her job.
One of the policies he most frequently broke was that we are not allowed to accuse a customer of shoplifting. He did this numerous times. Once he had me ring up an employees partner because he thought they were letting them take stuff, when he had no evidence and it was obviously not the case. More recently, on october 7th, we had 2 customers who were made very uncomfortable by marks hunch that they were shoplifting, which they were not, as i rang them up. They both left reviews for the store, and i think i will let them speak for themselves.
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Unfortunately, this is not the only time this scenario has happened, and i doubt it will be the last.
We had 2 new managers come to work at kohls over the year i was there, one being Sphinx and the other, who has not even been there for 2 months at the time of writing, Penguin. When Sphinx joined us he was immediately put down by mark, him being outright rude to Sphinx about trivial matters. According to Sphinx, he had finished cleaning his OMNI area, only to come back to it later so find it trashed and for mark to comment he should clean his area up. Several times mark has stated he does not trust Sphinx to close the store by himself, when he has shown time and time again he is just as capable as anyone else to close the store.
This is where Penguin comes in. She has been here for less than 2 months, and she is amazing. She is kind, smart, and genuinely helpful. A lovely person to have as a manager. She has been subject to marks unwanted advances since she started. She is now leaving at the end of the month, and i can only assume it is because of this.
Numerous people have reported his poor behavior, including other managers, like Sphinx, and another one i'll call Bear. All of us are sick of his disgusting behavior. I contacted my friends about this to get any stories they may have about mark, and one, potato (yes they asked me to call them that) had this to say;
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I havent even covered everything he's done yet. Heck, yesterday, October 9th, one of my previous coworkers, Rat, had told me about how mark had made racist comments towards her husband, and i cant even say i'm suprised considering he often would pick out maxican and black people to follow around and harass, including the customers who left the review abovem the man of which i beleive was mexican (i could be wrong, I dont remember exactly). The following is a statement from Rat herself about mark.
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I dont know how to end this, but this is really all i have right now. I'll reblog with anything i have to add. Just know, I wont be quiet about this anymore. I'm tired of him getting away with everything he's done. Mark Meling, know you are a piece of shit. You are disgusting. You are predatory, you are perverted, and god, you do not deserve to be a fucking asistiant manager. everyone there also thinks so. I wish i could have told more people about the atrocities you have done. Sorry about any bad grammar or structure, i wrote most of this between 12am-3am last night and finished it today. If any of my coworkers see this, please add your own stories to this.
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faterpresources · 1 year
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Mʏ Aᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇs ᴡɪᴛʜ Sᴜᴘᴇʀᴍᴀɴ - Sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 1 Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1
A collection of random lines compiled from the first episode of My Adventures with Superman Feel free to change the pronouns in order to better suit the parts involved.
❝ Pew-pew! ❞
❝ You nervous? ❞
❝ I can do this. ❞
❝ It gets better. ❞
❝ Ha! I am pumped. ❞
❝ Time for Plan B. ❞
❝ Goodbye forever. ❞
❝ This is precious. ❞
❝ Don't touch that. ❞
❝ We have no buyer. ❞
❝ We're stuck here. ❞
❝ It's not gorillas. ❞
❝ How am I doing this? ❞
❝ Oh, that's not good. ❞
❝ What are we going to do? ❞
❝ I've already got a lead. ❞
❝ Hi, there. After... you. ❞
❝ Do what I tell you to do. ❞
❝ Hey, you gotta slow down! ❞
❝ No. ___, you're an intern. ❞
❝ Do not crush his/her hand. ❞
❝ These are the new interns. ❞
❝ She/He's gotta be an alien. ❞
❝ I can't believe we're late. ❞
❝ Okay. I think we lost them. ❞
❝ Come on, ___. We're a team. ❞
❝ We're not a team. ❞
❝ What took you so long, ____? ❞
❝ Oh! I can't believe him/her. ❞
❝ Well, I didn't plan for this. ❞
❝ I know what I'm talking about. ❞
❝ You didn't give us the chance. ❞
❝ ___, this is your last chance. ❞
❝ The crew was getting restless. ❞
❝ People need to know about this. ❞
❝ There's a big pothole up there. ❞
❝ No, don't do that to your boss. ❞
❝ See you in there, big guy/girl. ❞
❝ Wait, were they garbage trucks? ❞
❝ Uh, they came from an army base. ❞
❝ It could be the sewer dinosaurs. ❞
❝ We've hit a snag in the operation. ❞
❝ What we need to do is keep moving. ❞
❝ New interns, out. Old intern, stay. ❞
❝ You didn't give us the chance. ❞
❝ Really? He/she seemed pretty upset. ❞
❝ Nah, that's just his/her face. ❞
❝ Our fence wasn't at the drop point. ❞
❝ Fine. I don't need your help anyway. ❞
❝ And then he says I'm the selfish one. ❞
❝ We call ourselves the Newskid Legion. ❞
❝ Why do you think that keeps happening? ❞
❝ Look around. There has to be something. ❞
❝ They're moving the robots to the docks. ❞
❝ And I saw a weird pigeon. It was gross. ❞
❝ Which one of you messed with the robot? ❞
❝ Do what I say and we can still get paid. ❞
❝ Like the fact that aliens walk among us. ❞
❝ Uh, sorry. I'll fix the front door later! ❞
❝ Ready for me to bust the story wide open? ❞
❝ There's only so many places to hide them. ❞
❝ Then what are we waiting around here for? ❞
❝ We don't even know what half this stuff is. ❞
❝ I got him/her fired from his/her dream job. ❞
❝ I can't believe our alarm clock exploded again. ❞
❝ This isn't about the city, ___ , it's about you. ❞
❝ Uh, wait. ___, this is starting to feel dangerous. ❞
❝ You're, like, twice my size. You can definitely... ❞
❝ We don't have to go through the window, or whisper. ❞
❝ Okay, I had to save the cat. I had to save the cat. ❞
❝ PM could be initials, like...Paranormal Meta-sapiens! ❞
❝ Just take a risk. What's the worst that could happen? ❞
❝ The only reason I called you in today was to meet them. ❞
❝ I'll tell our boss all of this the instant we meet him. ❞
❝ So, I'm, uh, just gonna leave before this gets any worse. ❞
❝ You do not report the news. You do not leave this building. ❞
❝ Uh... Well, it's... Today's my first day of work and I'm... ❞
❝ And with my keen eye for observation, huh, I'll get the proof. ❞
❝ This is it. This is the story that'll make you a real reporter. ❞
❝ I'm a normal man/woman/person having a normal day, starting now. ❞
❝ We're meeting my important and very serious journalistic source. ❞
❝ What is wrong with your dumb, beautiful, coward of a best friend?  ❞
❝ Wait, did you say "beautiful"? ❞
❝ It's bad business to hand out freebies. I need something in return. ❞
❝ I mean, yes, I lied.But he/she wouldn't have helped me unless I had. ❞
❝ Aliens, Loch Ness, Bigfoot...that one psychic starfish from Germany. ❞
❝ Your job is to teach the interns how to scan things and make coffee. ❞
❝ For the good of me, you need to stop coming in with these wild ideas. ❞
❝ I trusted you, and you used me and ___ just so you could get your story. ❞
❝ It's the term for the super-intelligent gorillas France has been hiding. ❞
❝ Ooh, and I have the three dozen donutsy ou wanted to eat all ready to go. ❞
❝ We're just two dummies who listened to you because we didn't know any better. ❞
❝ I mean, technically, yes, but you wouldn't have helped me if I told the truth. ❞
❝ Oh, have you considered that these robots might have come from beyond the stars? ❞
❝ I was being selfish, and you just left us. But you came back, and...And I'm sorry. ❞
❝ Why don't we panic real loud in front of the thieves and killers we hired for this job? ❞
❝ Ugh. I know. He/She did lie, but would I have helped him/her if he/she told me the truth? ❞
❝ He/She kept me behind because he/she wants you to help me follow up on my stolen robot story. ❞
❝ Hmm. If I had to transport stolen goods through the city...I'd find a way to do it in plain sight. ❞
❝ And because they see everything during their routes, they always know what's happening in the city. ❞
❝ ____ , we can't just sit in a warehouse full of freaky stolen science weapons till the cops show up. ❞
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ocelotrootbeer264 · 1 year
Hey guys, I decided to make a fanfiction of Smg4 and Smg3. And well... I'm very bad at fanfictions... but have some good ideas... this contains cussing and angst. Also some gayness... This is called. Smg34 (In This Together)
It has been awhile. Even between the two lovers; so called Smg4 and Smg3. Smg3 is sad about Terrance. Smg4 has gone crazy with the perfect video. Smg3 knew it was a bad idea for Smg4 to have gone crazy.
"W-What are you thinking?! Smg4?!" Smg3 said while he was holding Smg4's hand as if it was the end of the world. Smg4 kept glancing back and forth to the USB and back to Smg3. Smg3 knew this was a bad sign. "W-We can make another!" "Remember what I said?" Smg4 was still looking at Smg3 and the USB. Smg4 turned his head towards the USB. Smg3 realized what Smg4 was about to do. "We...  We're friends!" Smg3 said as he looked at Smg4. Smg4's eyes widen. He let the USB fall. And grabbed tighter to Smg3.
(END of flashback)
Smg3 really wanted to check on 4. He hasn't found a home yet. *in this Oneshot Smg4 don't have an RV.* He was about to get up but the doorbell rang.
Smg3 P.O.V
I was about to get up until the doorbell rang. "What the fuck...? It is midnight..." I gotten up to the door. I open the door and couldn't believe what I saw. Smg4. "H-hello... umm... I-I couldn't find a place to stay... ummm... Can.... Can I live with you?" Smg4 said sheepishly. I felt my face becoming flustered. "S-Sure!" I said. I let Smg4 in. I knew he was tired and smelled like garbage... "Hey uh... I know what will make you feel like home!" I said, "You can take a nice warm steaming shower!" Smg4 looked at me. "Are you sure-" "YES! YOU SMELL LIKE FUCKING TRASH! I'M GOING TO FORCE YOU IN THERE, BUTT NAKED, WATCHING YOU UNTIL YOU DO IT!" I yelled out. Smg4 just blushed. I realized what I just said. Shit... I fucking messed up... "I-Ignore what I-I-I just said. Just... get in the fucking shower..." I said. Smg4 nodded and went to my bathroom. I was a fucking tomato.
Smg4 P.O.V
I was in his bathroom and it look like a modern hotel... or a Mansion bathroom. I was flabbergasted. I put down my towel and started to get undress. Man... Smg3 was right... I do smell like garbage... Once I was fully naked, I hopped in the shower, turned on the water, and began to wash myself. I calmed down. I began to think about what he just said. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I tried to calm down again. I realized that Smg3 was pounding on my door. Probably wants me to get out. I got out, gotten dressed, and opened the door. "DUDE! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?! HAVE YOU BEEN FIGHTING THAT FUCKING BEAST???" Smg3 shook me with concerned. "No... I was just so.... Amazed by your bathroom..." I said. Smg3 had a tint on his face. "R-Right... I totally get it..." He said. He showed me my room and gave me a tour. Once he was done. I went to my room and went to my bed.
Smg3 P.O.V
Finally... that fucking idiot went to sleep. I mean... I don't care about him!! Well... sort of... I gotten into my pajamas and went to my bed. After all, he is only staying here temporary... Eggdog hopped on me and cuddled with me. Though... Terrance... I sometimes have bad dreams about him... I am sorry... I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
3rd person P.O.V
Smg4 is having the same nightmare... over and over...
"H̞͔̯͕̓͂a̖ͩḫ͙̟̜̩̠̊̽̅͑a̝̗ͣ̔ͬ̂ẖ̜̻ä̱̙̗͉̯̈͆̿̾̒.̠̥ͣ.̤̭͒̐̽͋ͤͬ.͇̦̟̝̰̳̈́̂̒.̫̣̪̦ ̫̼̘͕͙̏ͧS͍̭̦͕̝͕͆͐m̑g̲̪̱̜ͧ̄̒4͑ͮ̓̉.ͭ́.̘͕̻͎̩͙̓́̄̓͌̔͛.̰͇̍̎ ̾̋͊ͫ͋g̦̟͔͛ͧ͊͗͌̿̋i̯̳̣̪̼̲͋͛̊̇ve̞͔͑͊ͦ̐͌̐ ͫ̿̊ͭ͂ͤ̓u̬ͨ̇̿͂̍̓̃p͓̥͕̹̮̠̺̀͆.̗ͦ͊ͪͅ.̥͙̰.̗̝̋̑̓̓ͣ ͓̲̜̟̱͎̪̂̿̉y̥̠ͨ̉o̪͓̬̣͋̓̒̋̚u̘ͩ ̰̥͇̼w͇̖̯̭͎̟͔ȋ͍͇̽͑̈́̆́l̪̱͕͉̼̰̜l̫̑̾ͣͤͅ ̼͓̳̱̋́ͪ̚n̹̭̣͎̙̝̘̓̑͐̅̈e̤͍̳̩̝͔̮̾͌v͖̥̮̍ͧ͊̆͐e̟͊͒͌̎̚̚r͍̺̭̠̰͔̖ͩ̀̊͐ ͙̥͔̼̇b͇̪̜ͬ̈͌e̎ͦ͑̍ ͉̩̩̻̾̌̍͂p̜͕͑̊ͦ̉̚̚ͅo͔̲͇̰̰͓͋̔̃̑̑ͫp͉̹̤͓̒̈́̅̏̇u̱̗̖̣̿ͬ͐l̘̥͔̣͍̪ͥ̈͊͋ͭ̇ͬͅa̠ͮ̏̌r̹͈̠ͥ͗.͛̓.͍̒ͪͭ͒ͩ̉.͚̮͖̻̌͐̓̒ͦ ͇̤͚̟̰͙̦̆ͮ̃͂ͣ͆̚Y̓͂ͮͣͤo͔̫̼͖̹ͥu̦͉̎̊ͣ͛ͦ̽ͫ'͓͇̣̦̥̘͑̀̾̾ř͕̯ͮ̽̄̿ē̫̗͕͓̪̪ͦ̿̃̓͆ ̗̮̥̙̹̦̘̂̌͒̒j̭̞͓̻̙̹͈͗̑ͨū͌s̰̹͕͕̅ͅṭ̙̽ͧ̑ ̘̗̜̫̜ͣ͛a̝̼̥̙̲̅ ̰͎̯͍̪͒ͥͤ̈́̀ͨŝ̪t̼̙̰̒̄ͬ̐ͨṷ͉͗͗ͨ̽̒ͤp̙̹̬͚̥̀ͤͫ͂͋́̂i͉͇͚̣̹̎͊ͪͅd͙͔̔ ̜̊̆̂̔͐̚r͈̠͚̪̃̇͑̆͒̉̄e̥̼̫̋ͧ͗ͪͫ̋̚t͔̞̥̱̱͗ͅạ̲͍͉̥̑ͨ̇͑̈́ͅṛ̳͔̤̦̦̋̊̈́ď͎͇̫̾̓ͫ̂".̖̮̯̰ͫ͗́"̼͍̖̞͈̈̒
It said to him. "NONONONO! JUST STOP! I-I-I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" Smg4 screamed, crying and sobbing his  guts out. It only had an evil grin... it shape shifted into Smg4 insane look.
I͉͈͚̗̤̎ͫ͂͂T̜̣̭̯͔̅͌͌ͪ'S̜͖̏̑ͣ̽ ̟̮̟͎͒ͯG̣̭̥̼͌̀̌͆O̤̯̍͋͛̑T̪̓T̘̣͔̪͊À̞̣̽͗̅ ͕̭̗̦̱̃B̖͕͎E͍̗ͦ ̣̜͚̝ͣͅP̹̍͛ͤ͗Ể̤̩͔͎̂́Rͤ̾ͤͦF̲̝̼̒͗̉ͩE̺̓̋C̳̱̟͖T͎̞͚̉́ͦ͊!͓ͧ͂̾!͎̫̪!͍͈̐ ͈͛̎ͨ̽̄T̳̲͉̪̤ͯ̾̐͗ͭH̜̹̘̙E̎̑͆ͦ̚Y͋ ̙̠̖͙͓̒ͩͮ͗A͔͈͉̞Ř̩̤͕̥̇̾ͧͬE͇̼͒ͫͪ ͍̙̺̓ͨ̌̿̒J̣U̖̣͙̦͈ͥͥ͑S͇ͦ́Ť̻̪̳ͣ̾̄ ̥̯̳̇͂̀Í̺̯̪̱͇̏̎D̗̉͊I̱̽ͣ͊O͇̘̫T͔̈͛̌͛S͍̩̜͈̦̐!͚̥̳̠̤̓!̪̓̚!͇͖͔̭̖̇̈́̿ͩ̊ ̙̖̎̑̍͊K̪̹̒̂̄̐Ȉ̻͇̻͈̌̋L̽͋̒L̗̫̯͋̾ ̫͚͍̜̞̐̊ͪ͛̑Ṭ̤̙̤̮͒H̬͖͚͇̝͛ͥͣ̂E͈͎̫͊̄ͯM̥̬̫̲̄͒̄ͩ͂!ͥ̊̐̓!̺̟̋̆ͨͅ ̲̙͖̬̭ͧ̋̓K͆̎ͨİ͎̩͚͙̭L͌Lͦ́͐͊ ̼̰ͣ̄͗̈ͭT̠͖ͧ́ͅH͙͖̦͗͗͂̊̃E͖̞̅M̫̭̺̽̾͊̔ ̰̄̂Ǎ̿͑L͎̐̊ͭL̺͇̩͖͈ͩ!̳̘̹̼̈́̐!̪̮ͣ!ͮ͐͑̊͂ ͦͫ̐̿̚Ś̱M͓̠̬̦̅ͪ̍Ḡ̭͚̋̌́3̼ D̓͗̔O̝̙̟ͥ͒Ė̲̜͌S͈ͮN͎'̼͓̯͇̥̊̈T̻͑̔ͯ̑ͨ ̭̻̜̈̂G͔̫͙͒̍͊ͥͧI͈̣̱͛̂ͪV̱͎̮̂E̳̳͓̰͕ͦ̍́ ͙̗̳͋̾͆ͅÀ͑ͧ̐̓ S͗̈͆̅̽Ḣ̭̲̍I̞̮̠͋̂T̪͍ ̗̇ͯA̳̜̥B̮͚̜̪̋͊̆̍͋ͅO̖̮Ụ̗̙̆T͇̳̘͖͆ ͉̹̝̻̰ͬͪ̒͋Ỹ̦̼̙͕ͩO̺ͬU͉̤̥̳̳͋ͪ͒͂!̘͊͐!̻͈̃̅̎ͨ!̃̍ͦ̐ ͉̌̽D̂ͦ͑Î̱͈̒̽̉ͥE̿͑̑̋̌ ͓̫͕̚D̥͚̜I͔͈͍̗ͨͭͣ̌Ẻ̹ ͇͎̙ͩ͆D̼̊̍I͍͙̭̲̤ͥ̿ͤ͑E͑̆̇ͪ̚!̮̪̼̦̊ͧ͒!̮̠͊ͬ!̭̒ͧ
It laughed at Smg4. Smg4 just curled up into a ball. Sobbing and praying this can just end. On the other side, Smg3 woke up by Smg4 screaming. He gotten up and opened the door to Smg4's room. Smg3 found Smg4 in his sleep, sobbing. He shook Smg4 violently. Smg4 yelped and shot himself from his sleeping position. Smg4 looked at Smg3, seeing fear in his eyes. Smg4 hugged Smg3. "I-I'm so sorry... I-I-I just... I am just a piece of shit... arn't I...?" Smg4 said. Smg3 just hugged Smg4. "No... well yes... You're not just any piece of shit... your a funny, stupid, cute, and handsome piece of shit!" Smg3 cooed. Smg4 blushed and stopped crying. "Y-you... you mean it?" Smg4 said in concern. "Of course! Why would you think I wouldn't come running into your room, let you suffer even more?! That's just fucking wrong!" Smg3 said. "Yeah... That is... wrong..." Smg4 said... They both slowly leaned forward towards eachother. "Yeah... It is..." Smg3 calmly said. They're face to face... eyes closed... going in for a kiss... they kissed. A long passionate kiss... like the ones you see in romance movies. They let their bodies wrap against eachother. They didn't want to end this moment. Smg3 pinned down Smg4 to the bed. Still kissing him. They both starting to loose air. They stopped and panted. Smg3 looked at Smg4 in his eyes and Smg4 did the same to Smg3. "I love you idiot." Smg3 said, as he gave a small peck on the lips to 4. "I love you too, Mr. Tsundere." Smg4 said. Smg3 cuddled with 4 and 4 did the same to 3. It was the next morning and Smg4 woke up. Smg4 groaned as he stretched. He looked around and didn't see Smg3 in bed with him. He gotten up and looked into Smg3's room. He is not in his bed. He heard footsteps and found Smg3 holding breakfast and coffee for him. "Miss me?" Smg3 said. "Yeah... Yeah I do..."
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little fic/poem thingy i did about dave and bro
TG: i keep thinking about you
TG: its stupid i know
TG: youd call me stupid over it too
TG: sneer or sigh or some shit so id know how goddamn disappointing i am to you your would be knight raised and trained to be a hero given every opportunity to live up to you and endlessly fucking it up failing at it harder than i probably wouldve at school if you let me go to one
TG: but you gave me so much shit its all piled up in my head a big ol mountain of fecal matter flies buzzing around it and that many flies are fucking loud ok i can barely fucking hear myself think in here
TG: and i gotta get it all out somehow and tossing it into the infinite void of your goddamn inbox like yesterdays garbage or me in a spar with you when theres stairs nearby seems about as likely to work as any other thing
TG: so
TG: i think
TG: actually
TG: fuck this is hard
TG: i
TG: i kind of hate you sometimes, bro
TG: and i
TG: god
TG: fuck it you know what
TG: here ill ironically rap it
TG: i coulda been a poet man
TG: i coulda been a star
TG: and instead here we are here i stand the last will and testament of a dead fucked up broken little man
TG: you musta thought you were god cuz you put me up on the cross
TG: every damn day but im not jesus im just bleeding freely from these fucking holes you cut into my palms
TG: or maybe you thought he was god or it was just a semi ironic nod to a mythos you knew was wrong or it was just your note to play in sburbs shit song
TG: damn thing went on and on
TG: the chorus was my death or maybe that was the melody and the chorus was my endless panting breaths a medley of exhaustion left me huffing puffing never able to catch my breath never able to find a fucking end to that heady rush of deadly bloodshed dripping steady
TG: was it your will or his will that led in letting my blood spill bloodletting red spilling all over the floor hands blistered raw desperately gripping onto that fucking sword
TG: holding tight like it was a lifeline like i was ever gonna win a fight against you like if i just tried harder cried harder id somehow come out fine like being a hero of time ever meant anything but a shitty corpseparty conga line
TG: like i didnt wonder some days if youd give a fuck if i fucking died
TG: and god bro i didnt hate you for the crime of making me john technically created me but youre the one who brick by brick laid out the shape of me cut me like a gemstone to get the grade of me
TG: always a failing grade never a pass maybe you always knew id be a failure at this class for all it was supposedly made for me maybe they all knew and i was the last to understand that my dumb ass never woulda had a chance
TG: sorry if im being a little crass but i learned it from you because you taught me everything i knew and everything i know too i know im too much of a screwup failout dropout loser to live up to you
TG: thats the lesson you taught me best the message you drilled again and again into my head and its the one that sticks with me now youre dead and gone all these texts left unread whether theyre sitting in your inbox or bouncing around in my head
TG: youre a hero and im a pawn and maybe im wrong but that seems a little fucked up a little messed up kind of a not great thing to tell your son
TG: and it took me so goddamn long to understand that
TG: for the truth to dawn on me that it wasn’t wrong of me not to wanna play along to the song he wrote for me the one thats broken me the one you sung for him so loyally all along
TG: did you want the best for me when you took a sword to the chest for me or was that just another test for me you faced down death for me and lost and sometimes i wonder if you loved the rest of me or any of me and all this thinkings gonna be the death of me but i cant stop
TG: i feel like im gonna pop all these thoughts bouncing round and round my head like rubber fucking balls and they call me a god but im just a shitty kid in shitty pajamas and what are the odds ive ever earned a nod like that applause like that a cause like that and god, bro
TG: it was fucked up
TG: what you did to me was fucked up
TG: you arent even a real ghost but yours wont fucking leave me alone no matter how many times i tell myself youre gone
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light-end-dragon · 26 days
Chapter 4
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(Sound of the tavern door opening.)
Bartender: Welcome….
Men: Gyaaahha! 
Right as we opened the door, we were assaulted by the overloud guffawing from a group of men. I jumped at the unexpected sound, Bradley just wrinkling his nose.
Bradley: Ugh, look at this vulgar lot. Even Mithra has better manners than that.
Cain: True, he’d never make that much of a racket. Master Sage, don’t get separated from us.
Akira: O-okay….
Said group of men had taken up seats at the most central table in the bar, making it easy to see the source of the clamor. Their table was piled high with a lavish feast, like they were celebrating something.
However, the remains of their food was scattered everywhere, and several of them placed their muddy boots on the table. No matter how happy they seemed, just looking at it gave me an unpleasant feeling.
Akira: (If this were Shylock’s bar, he would’ve kicked them out already. I wonder why this bartender isn’t saying anything…) 
There were a number of other customers dotted along the wall, far away from the noise. They seemed to hate it too, but like the bartender, said nothing.
Bradley took a seat at the counter, leaning over it towards them.
Bradley: Yo, figured I’d stop by for a drink. Bring somethin’ good for me and this guy here, and juice for the squirt in the back.
Bartender: Most certainly. Are you travellers?
Bradley: Somethin’ along those lines. Pretty classy joint you got here, huh?
Bartender: …I am very sorry. I have already spoken to them several times, but as you can see…
The bartender’s posture crumbled, and I followed their gaze around the interior of the building. I could see things that were torn or broken all over, most likely because of this gang.
Cain: Man, these guys really are garbage….do they come here that often?
Bartender: Yes, they are my most unpleasant repeat customers. Granted, they probably only recently drifted down to these parts.
Bartender: I have no idea how they earn that amount of money, though. They’ll come here, raising a clamor for a few days, then disappear, and repeat the whole thing again.
Bartender: They themselves say they are mercenaries, but….theres no fighting here, not even conflicts between local lords. So I have no idea how on earth they’re earning anything. 
The bartender shrugged while serving us our drinks, then left to go take orders from the guests near the walls.
Cain merely took his drink, and was uncharacteristically silent as he took a swig, staring in the mens’ direction.
Cain: …Master Sage. Tell me about those guys; how they look, how many, what they’re actin’ like.
Akira: Huh? Oh, um….there’s a man with a scar on his cheek…he’s the most self-important looking, so he’s probably the leader.
Akira: If we’re going by appearance alone, he looks older than Oz or Figaro. He’s pretty tall and muscular. 
 Akira: There’s two others there about the same age as him; one of them is really well-built too, and the other is kind of unkempt-looking.
Akira: There’s one more there that’s younger than those three. He has long bangs, and the other two seem to bully him a lot. He looks a bit scared of them as well.
Cain: Okay, I’m gettin’ the picture now…thanks.
Cain: Okay, I’m gonna head over and talk with those guys a lil bit. They sound like the kinda guys who would know about some pretty awful things. 
Akira: Huh?! Wait, no, it’s dangerous!
Bradley: Whatever, just get goin’. Don’t fuck it up, got it?
Akira: Huh?!!!
Cain: Of course, of course. I’ll leave the Sage to you; come in at a good time, kay?
Without batting an eye, he clapped me on the shoulder and then headed over. Still worried, I leaned over to whisper into Bradley’s ear.
Akira: Is-is this really okay? Cain is very strong, but he’d raise a huge clamor if he drew his sword now, and he can’t use magic…
Bradley: Haha…yer real full of questions t’day, Sage. This is jus’ like what happened back when we started livin’ at the manor. 
Bradley: Picture me, the great Bradley Bain, feared bandit of the North, a terror to kids in their dreams, jus’ sitting at the table, eatin’ my food. Then, Mr. Central knight comes in.
Bradley: An’ what d’ya think he did as soon as he laid eyes on me? 
Akira: I..don’t know. What..did he do?
Bradley: Came straight over, flung an arm ‘round my shoulders, an’ said, “Yo, what’re you eatin’ there? It seems pretty good.” 
Cain: -Yo, what’re you eatin’ there? Seems pretty good.
I then heard Cain’s friendly voice, repeating almost verbatim what Bradley just said. 
He didn’t put an arm over any of their shoulders, instead leaning towards them in a familiar manner.
The men, however, grew angry at some strange young man suddenly approaching them.
Unkempt Man: Huh? The fuck are you?
Leader-like Man: You got the nerve t’ act all friendly with us??
In the sudden chaotic atmosphere, the young man with long bangs startled, his shoulders tensing up. 
However Cain, widening his eyes with surprise, just brought both his hands up in surrender.
Cain: Ah-my bad, my bad! That was pretty damn rude of me to just say hi like that. I’m sorry for interrupting your meal.
Cain: It’s just..you guys look like regulars, and you got some really fancy stuff laid out on your table, so I figured you might know what the best thing to eat here is. 
Cain: It’s my first time around these parts, and this particular tavern. If it’s okay, I’d love to hear your recommendations.
The group of hoodlums all glanced at each other, then back at Cain, who was offering them a handshake with an honest expression.
Despite being taken aback by his behavior, they still shook his hand,  glancing warily at the knight.
They did not seem to notice that Cain’s left hand rested casually on the hilt of his sword the whole time.
Bradley just shrugged as he drained his glass, standing up and stretching after putting a sizeable amount of silver coins on the counter.
Bradley: Barkeep, keep an eye on this one, will ya? Sage, you keep lookin’ too. Come over when its good.
Bartender: Thank you very much for your generosity; please leave it to me, sir.
Akira: W-wait, when you say good…..
Without stopping, Bradley just took large strides over to where Cain now was.
(Sound of fabric being grabbed.)
He then grabbed Cain by the scruff on his neck, much like he would a misbehaving puppy.
Cain: Gck-
Bradley: Oi. Ain’t I always sayin’ to stop wanderin’ off on your own and botherin’ the hell outta strangers?
Cain: Sorry, sorry, I kinda got excited. 
Bradley: Ugh. …Well, suppose it’s my bad for my partner here, he’s always like this. He’s jus’ bein’ a brat, so don’t think he’s got any ill will.
Leader-like Man: …..I guess…..
Bradley: Listen, I ain’t good with apologies so have a lil somethin’ on us.
Bradley: Though while we’re here, might as well ask for any interestin’ tales ya got of these here parts.
Bradley: We’re in the middle of travellin’ right now; any bit o’ gossip’s a help.
(Sound of a chair being dragged over.)
Pulling a chair over, Bradley flopped down on it with a heavy weight. 
At some point he must’ve taken out his magic tool, because unlike Cain and his sword, it was set down nearby as if it were a dare. 
Perhaps unconsciously, the gang of men then watched how Cain was going to respond. 
(Sound of another chair being dragged over.)
He too just pulled up a seat while giving a pleasant smile, falling in line with Bradley like they really were travellers who trusted each other.
Cain: What he said. That’s kinda also why I was askin’ for recommendations; I’d love to hear what you know.
The cheerful smile, the overbearing attitude, the innocent, endearing nature, gifts to make yourself be admired; all of it was calculated. All of it, a part of their plan. 
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its-chelisey-stuff · 1 year
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Yikes, honey. She's talking about you like you're garbage.
A few thoughts:
The look of pain and longing on each other's faces!! Aaaahh the angst has begun and I wanted this, actually, but man it hurtssss! But hurts so good
Anle deserved this because she asked for it. Just earlier in the episode she was proudly boasting to Cunning Luo that she was gonna insult and humiliate Cheng'en to send her into the arms of HanYe. And she did it! She should be proud. And yes the scene hurt, but it was also pleasing to see her get hurt and walk under the snow, alone. Sorry, Anle. Please get your shit together!
HanYe!! My poor Crown Prince. You could see how much he didn't want to do that and I wanted to cry when he remembered all the little moments he's had with Anle. And just as she wished he put that hairpin on her hair, it's obvious HanYe wanted the same. But duty and longtime promises come first. BTW Gong Jun's acting in these last 2 eps! He barely had any lines but his eyes said it all!
The grandmother is a terrible woman and I am aware she's this way because she believes this one to be the real Ziyuan and oofff she's nasty! I know! But also, I love every time she puts greedy and two-faced Cheng'en in her place. I cheered when she took off the hairpin from her!
Anle/Ziyuan getting to witness the hate against her on first hand without actually getting to experience it must be wild. The person being humiliated in front of her is her real identity! She was shocked to see it.
If HanYe is this committed when he doesn't even like the woman he believes to be Ziyuan, imagine when he finds out the real one is the one he is in love with! Gah!!!!! And yes I stand by this ship. I have faith the writers can redeem Anle lol
The whole banquet sequence I had this song playing in the back of my head because I just found it so chaotic lol it was hilarious.
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brunchable · 2 years
Spooktober Oneshots🎃
Because I didn't celebrate my 1K followers, I'll be using halloween to post dark themed shorts/one-shots. If dark themes makes you feel uncomfortable, you have the freedom not to read these stories (there will be warnings, of course).
I would like to thank each and everyone of you for being here and reading these fanfics. I get excited every time I post because I look forward to reading your reactions to what I wrote.
Thank you for being patient especially now that I'm busy with life and work. I love you all! 🥺💞
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The Taking Teaser (NSFW) - click here to read "Do you know what I am, (Y/N)?" he asked you, the dagger dropping to the floor.
"S-Sorcerer Supreme," you whispered, so softly you could barely hear your own words.
"Yes. That I am. But am I what you've read about? A simpleton monster no better than an old warlock that lurks in your woods? Am I that?" He was so close now, standing near your head. His hand came down to caress the curve of your trembling lips.
"Am I that?" he asked again, holding your gaze with the strange blue brilliance of his own.
"No," You whispered finally.
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Siren Teaser - click here to read “Is it d-dead?” you stammered.
“Let’s not stay long enough to find out.” Stephen said, grabbing your arm. He ran until both of you came across one of the smaller storage rooms, and he shoved you inside.
“W-who. What was that?” you asked.
“Stop shaking.” He commanded.
“What’s happening?”
“Calm down.” When he told you to stop shaking it seemed more like he was pleading with you. But now he just gave you a clear and direct order. You forced your hands to stop shaking.
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Thanks for Dinner Teaser - click here to read “Can I help you?” He called out in the same gruff voice, his breath coming out in clouds. You took a shaky breath and nodded almost imperceptibly in the vague light.
Stephen noticed then the way you were breathing shakily, and the way you were trembling in the cold, your slender shoulders bare beneath the ragged tank top you wore. 
Stephen licked his chapped lips nervously as he looked around again, sensing no other presence than you. Against the gnawing feeling in his stomach, Stephen gets rid of his tao mandalas, his grimy hands shaking slightly. You eyes were on him, locked onto every small movement Stephen made as he shifted uncomfortably.
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Witch's Revenge Teaser - click here to read “I’m going to murder you in fifteen minutes.”
“Wha—? Look, lady,” he pointed his finger at you, but stopped short. The tip of a butcher knife appeared from below the top edge of the counter.
“Sir,” you said, “all I said was that I'll have your order ready in fifteen minutes.”
Stephen turned to leave when a man stepped out of the kitchen.
“I’m sorry. I was out back chasing the varmints away from the garbage cans. It’s a constant battle. I’m Mike. Can I take your order?”
“Who is she?” Stephen was sweating, his breath coming in short gulps.
“Who are you talking about, mister?”
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Book of the Damned Teaser - click here to read It had begun when you and some friends had gone to the infamous abandoned Sanctum at the end of the street on Halloween. You and your friends were feeling your way along a corridor where the gloom overwhelmed all of you like a rising tide of black water. You heard what sounded like someone slurping or sucking very close to your ear. It was both disgusting and frightening at the same time.
“Who’s there?” you yelled, “If that's one of you guys it's not funny!” You had thought it was one of your friends messing with you. But the thing hadn’t gone away since that day.
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