#I am over here getting interested in something that’s gonna end sad
typicalopposite · 10 months
Just to put it out there… if I end up hurting myself by watching Fellow Travelers … I’m fully blaming the rwrb community because that’s who I see sharing it the most. ☹️
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rh3maji · 3 months
Lil rant abt Caine
Caine is just a lil guy, despite it all. From a design standpoint I thought I was gonna absolutely fucking hate looking at him because those chattering teeth toys make my skin crawl- but the art direction really helps make him look more appealing and whimsical than a disembodied pair of talking dentures sounds on paper.
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The thing with Caine is I didn't initially like him that much after the pilot. While his interactions with Bubble were quite funny, that one episode left me feeling like he'd just end up being kinda one note or at the very least one note in a way that'd get on my nerves. Then everything changed when Pomni Wake Up Time to Go On an Adventure! attacked
The comedic timing throughout that announcement video was so fucking funny and thanks to his line deliveries and animation/model [?] upgrades- CAINE LOOKED AND SOUNDED SO ADORABLE!!
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Legit it wasn't until this came out that I realized I actually could be on board with Caine as a character and it's been uphill from there. Episode 2 was better than the pilot not only comedically and visually but also in terms of showcasing just how actually unsettling Caine can be as an antagonist. Not because he's vengeful or malicious, but because he's so oblivious to how people work. His mind's always buzzing with terrible ideas and he's so so eager about these adventures, but at the end of the day he really really doesn't get the circus crew. Try as he might to include them, keep them engaged [ZOOBLE WAIT!], or even give them what they want [Exit doors] he doesn't realize how traumatic and distressing their current situation can be. The very nature of being trapped in a digital world is bad enough but it's especially rough here bc not only does its god have limited capabilities, you also are very well acquainted with him, and he can't fully understand your pain nor can he truly save you from it. He won't mourn your abstraction. He will not attend your funeral. He will not understand the distress of your arrival, nor the weight of your departure.
This isn't just sad from the pov of the circus gang, it's also very sad for Caine- not because i think he'll ever feel sad about it himself necessarily, but instead because the situation is sad. New members appear over and over, you craft adventures and games and distractions like [i'm assuming] they'd asked you to, but over and over, one by one, they abstract. They stop laughing at your jokes. They don't like you. They want you to leave them alone. It's confusing and maybe even inconvenient.
Where I'm hoping the series takes Caine is that this dissonance between Caine's intentions and the distress of the circus gang gets worse and worse and worse until something's got to give. I'm hoping that maybe at some point a character will try to sit down and talk with him and for it to either sorta get through to him but completely backfire in some form because he misinterprets what the others want from him OR i'd also be down for him to listen, but not understand any of it and proceed as tho nothing happened. I don't want Caine to come around really, it'd be interesting to see how Goose would go about having him come around to being a better host that empathizes more with humans, but personally I do prefer him to keep on keepin' on being this oblivious and eager antagonist.
My favorite Caine lines/line deliveries so far:
"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen!…e-except for swearing."
"And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake, or engage in ridery at the digital carnival!"
"What do you think of XDDCC? You're right, terrible, LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN!"
"Kaufmo abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?"
"Bubble you can't say that"
"Why are you all just standing there?! The- The Canyon- C-Candy Canyon Kingdom needs you now!" [according to his VA, this was an actual line flub but hoo boy am i glad they use it bc it's hilarious]
"I know you guys love your NPCs, but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows...what. could. happen..."
That last line there specifically surprised me the most because up until he said that I was under the impression Caine was linked to every single NPC. I even thought he could see through their eyes if he so chose thanks to his "hundreds of all seeing eyes" line in the pilot. Him saying this here implies lots of things. Has Caine forgotten before? Is someone in the circus secretly an NPC ooooooooh~
"Who knows what could happen..."
Honestly, when Caine first said this I did immediately theorize Jax as being an NPC but now that it's been *checks calendar* three months since I watched episode 2, I don't think this is the case anymore. Jax being an NPC would be...something. Jax not knowing he's an NPC would be interesting [i like it when ppl's realities get shattered], but honestly I think this line was a way to telegraph to the audience that no Caine isn't actually all knowing. He didn't know Gummigoo was coming through that portal until he saw him with his own two eyes. My theory is that Caine is only able to teleport, create, censor, transform, and destroy the world around him, but isn't able to see all of it at once unless he tries to. I think Caine's default state is one where he only knows what he sees directly in front of him/what he himself has left waiting for someone else. And rather than implying someone in the gang is an NPC, I think that line in episode 2 was mainly implying Caine can be tricked, that it's possible to hide something from him, to surprise him even. Though I'm not opposed to an NPC we haven't met trying to join under the guise of being human, it'd potentially create some fun tension assuming the audience was given enough reason to care about them.
Jax is actually my favorite character in tadc, but i couldn't fill an entire post with things to say abt him. Caine seems to be- at least as of right now- the easiest of all the characters to try and wrap my head around. I'll probably have a lot more to say about Jax as he exists in canon as the episodes come out [EPISODE 6 MY BELOVED]
but uhhhh yeah, that's all the things i had to say abt Caine. Pls go watch/listen to the fansong Digital Land bye!
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Grandma MC: Please excuse my grandchildren. They are only worried. *chuckles*
Eirian: *smiles softly at her* It's fine with me. Don't worry.
Ace and Deuce: Tch.
Malleus: I don't like this man. This date is over.
Vil: We're going to end it if he does something inappropriate. For now, let's observe.
Rook: Oui! Let's give Monsieur a chance.
Ruggie: I don't understand why Grim gets to be with Granny though. What's he gonna do there? Annoy her suitor?
Ace: Huh? That's why he's there? Dude, the guy already won him over!
*Grim eating the snacks brought by Eirian*
Leona: Is there any surprise to that?
Grandma MC: Anyway, I think we should need to start this conversation. *smiles at him*
Eirian: Yes. As you are already aware of, I'm here to win your heart and with your permission, to be my wife.
Grandma MC: How sweet of you and you seem to be a kind gentleman. However, why would you be interested to an old woman like me?
Grandma MC: I'm sure you have a lot of women chasing after you. *chuckles*
Eirian: Indeed there are. Though I am not and will never be interested to any of them except you.
Eirian: You have captured my heart, my lady. And my feelings have never changed even after fifty years have passed.
Ruggie: Fif—
Ruggie and Ace: FIFTY YEARS?!!
Vil, Rook, and Riddle: *who already knew about the details so they were not shocked but were amused to see others' reaction*
Malleus: *dumbfounded*
Leona: Damn. That was such a long time ago.
Grandma MC: Oh dear... Why would you wait that long?
Azul: *nods* Yeah. I agree. That is a no-brainer.
Kalim: Come on! It's true love!
Jamil: Kalim, can you imagine Granny getting married to a young man who looks like our age? It doesn't matter if he's old, he still looks young.
Kalim: But... Can't he make her younger?
Jamil and Azul: ...
Azul: With all due respect, shut your mouth.
Kalim: Eh?
Jamil: If someone hears you— *sigh*— Just don't speak for the time being, Kalim.
Eirian: I can wait for you even for a thousand years— No. An eternity. The only reason I didn't pursue was because you were married.
Grandma MC: ...
Grandma MC: But I don't remember ever meeting you.
Grandma MC: To be honest, I thought it was my first time arriving here in Twisted Wonderland.
Eirian: *sad frowns* It seems your memories had been erased. Though I can assure you that we had met. I have evidences and the fact that you used to call me 'Rian'.
Grandma MC: My... Well, it does suit you. I'm glad I had given you a beautiful nickname. *chuckles*
Eirian: *blushes*
Vil: *kicks him* Who gave you the permission to yell at Granny?
Epel: Yeah! Yell at the guy! Not her!
Rook: Himeringo, that isn't good too.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: I'm ending this date now.
Riddle and Vil: Not yet!
Leona: So who are we really watching over here? You're all a mess.
Eirian and Grandma MC: *have talked for a few hours; mostly Granny listening to him of how they had met*
Eirian: It remained a mystery to me how you had arrived to the underworld and how it became possible for you to befriend the creatures living there.
Eirian: Normally, a human would run away in fear, but you... *smiling* You had held them in your arms like they were adorable and tiny.
Grandma MC: Well, they do sound adorable so I do not see the problem. *chuckles softly*
Eirian: ...
Eirian: *pulls out something from his pocket*
*It was the Sundrop Flower*
Eirian: My lady, I have a present for you.
Grandma MC: What a lovely flower...
Eirian: This flower can bring back your youth.
Eirian: *smiles reassuringly* Don't worry. I won't be asking you to answer me now.
Eirian: I'm giving this to you so you will be able to travel some places here in Twisted Wonderland.
Grandma MC: Why, how kind of you. I shall treasure this gift. *smiles*
Eirian: ...
Eirian: *hugs her*
Epel, Ace, Ruggie, and Deuce: GET YOUR HANDS OFF GRANNY!!!!
Malleus: *ready to cause havoc*
Grandma MC: *chuckles* You must leave now. My grandchildren are angry.
Eirian: I'll see you again.
Riddle: You all are embarrassing.
Leona: Except me. I was totally cool back there.
Vil: What is that flower, Granny?
Grandma MC: Oh, it is a gift from Rian. *smiles*
Idia: Isn't that the Sundrop Flower? Rumored to bring back youth?
Kalim: Bring back youth?
Idia: Yes. But they disappeared from existence years ago.
Azul: Does that mean...
The boys: ...
Grim: Mryah! What's with you all?!
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peachyloveswriting · 2 years
Hi can u do a Jealous Kyle?(THXS)
"Yeah. But you're mine." --- (Kyle Brovloski)
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SUMMARY: Eric has always had the feels for you but it's really starting to get to Kyle.
WARNING: Slight smut, just making out that's it. Nothing too serious, recording. :).
NOTES: I've written in first person before and I do like it better than second person idk if it's gonna stick just lmk what you think.
The lunch table around me is loud, I can barely hear any coherent conversations other than my own. I find myself shouting over the table, bickering with Eric. He glares at me smugly, a glassy film over his eyes. Usually it's Kyle who yells at him but I find that the space beside me has gone silent.
"Just shut up fatass!" I snap.
He snickers at me. "Only for you."
I cringe and shake my head, adverting my gaze to the untouched plate in front of me. It's likely cold by now from being so enthralled in my argument but it's much more appealing than looking at Eric's face. I'd rather look at death in the eyes than listen to Eric make such comments about me to my face. Eric has always flirted with me though, but I've never been interested in him. It's been happening everyday since fourth grade and occasionally I stop to think; If I just said me and Kyle were dating he might stop but for the sake of my privacy, I say nothing. At the start of our relationship, we agreed to not tell anyone so we could keep it to ourselves. I was and still am perfectly fine with that, until Eric started flirting with me again.
"I'm going to go roll me one, y'all coming with me?" Kenny pipes up from the end of the table.
Kyle's hand grips mine as he stands to his feet, turning everyone's attention to us. "I'm coming." He announces. After being quiet this whole time, I feel surprised to see him suddenly jumping to volunteer for skipping class. That's not much like Kyle at all.
When we snuck out the back with our stuff, there were five of us, Kyle, Kenny, Stan, Craig, and I. Sneaking out was almost a hassle but we all managed to get away unscathed, leaving the rest of our friends behind. Now that I'm further away from school, I can collect my thoughts. Kyle never wants to openly skip like that, especially not to smoke weed.
"You sure you wanna smoke with us?" Kenny asks, looking at Kyle with curiosity. Looking over at Kenny, he shakes his head. With my hand in his, he lightly tugs me closer to his side.
"I just wanted to get out." Kyle admits sheepishly before looking ahead.
I watch Kenny's eyes widen, exchanging glances with Stan in surprise. I was honestly thinking the same thing, Kyle hasn't smoked a blunt a single day of his life and he suddenly went to smoke with Kenny. Now I know that's not actually true but that he wanted out and that never happens. Something about this whole thing is off, from openly holding hands to skipping school. It's just not like Kyle.
"If you don't mind I'm going to my car." Kyle points back towards the student parking with his thumb. Everyone bids us goodbye and he begins to pull me towards his parking spot. The silence between us feels thick on the walk over, his grip on my hand is tight. So tight that my palms are beginning to sweat. I look up at Kyle, his face is contorted into disgust and discomfort, in his eyes dances a quiet anger. One that I know is settled in his belly. I don't say anything until we reach the car, close our doors and settle in. At first I'm honestly unsure of what to say, he doesn't seem sad, but he seemed disappointed and angry. Like he's confused on what to feel and it confuses me.
"Hey." Kyle is looking out the back windshield, his arm spread to the back of my seat for leverage while he backs out. He's not looking at me. I wait until he's at a stop at the exit to grab his attention back. "Kyle, I need you to pull over up here." Kyle wat he's where I'm pointing. Though he's looking with furrowed brows and wandering eyes, he does what I ask and pulls over onto the aide of the road. His gaze meets mine, he's questioning me silently, confused by what I'm doing. I know he wants answers but I take a second to put the car in Park for him.
"Why?" He finally asks stiffly. I look back up, meeting his gaze. His eyes are searching mine for any clues. Softly taking his hand into mine and intertwining our fingers, I frown at him. There's just something he's not telling me, it's been happening for a while now. I just didn't know how to address it.
"Is something wrong?"
His face scrunches up. "What? No, Why- I'm good." Fumbling his words, Kyle shuts his lips. His gaze starts to shift away from mine, looking out the windows at other things. He's biting his lower lip, rolling it between his teeth before repeating it again. I squeeze his hand, pulling his attention back to me.
"Baby, you're not acting right. Is something wrong? Be honest."
He stares at me with contemplation falling over his looks, he's looking from my eyes, to my lips, to my hands, and finally back at my eyes. "Kinda." He says, lowering his gaze from mine and shaking his head. Suddenly a smile breaks out on my face, I knew he would say something sooner or later. A little convincing is all he needed, that satisfies a part of me that looks out for him, the one that feeds off his emotions. Not in a bad way of course.
"Tell me, I'm listening." My thumb softly brushes over his knuckles, smoothing out the skin there in time. It's a soft way to let him know I'm here, that he can speak to me. Kyle tends to shut down over certain things, some of which I haven't exactly figured out yet, but his well being matters to me. That includes whatever this is.
Slowly, Kyle shakes his head again. "I just don't like the way Cartman treats you." His eyes meet mine again. "He flirts with you all the time and it pisses me off." Venom flares from his tongue, creating a hateful edge in his voice that tells me he's annoyed. I can't help but wonder if it's because he doesn't trust me or if it's just him becoming uncomfortable.
"I'm not going to let him do anything. I promise." I squeeze his hand again, just to accentuate what I said but he shakes his head again.
"it's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't trust him. Sure, you could ignore him or tell him off but what's going to stop him from continuously thinking of you like that." A shudder rolls off his shoulders. "I don't like the thought of that."
"I don't either, but it's best if we leave it be. It's been almost seven years and he hasn't made a real move yet. I'm sure it's fine." Part of it is true but the other half doesn't feel as reassuring outside of my head, really my only goal is to sooth Kyle's worries but I seem to be interjecting myself now. He scoffs at my words and I furrow my brows. His eyes shift from discomfort to stern and sharp, an assured glare in his gaze. Maybe not directed towards me, but it sure feels like it.
"Yes, but you're mine." The roughness in his voice washes over me in a rain of tingling sensations, like tiny pellets raining down from the sky, pelting my skin. A shudder runs down my spine again. "I don't like him thinking he has a chance with you at all." Kyle finishes. Frustratedly, he points back at the school and groans at the end. Laughing softly and taking my hand away from his, I cup his cheek with it. The grin on my face can't be helped and neither can the heat, but I press forth.
"Yes, I'm yours. But maybe you should give him a reason to stop."
Suddenly it's like a fire lights up in his eyes, creating an evil grin right along with it. The cogs turning in his head are so obvious that I can practically feel the thought forming in his head. I'm unable to get my own thoughts out before he snaps his seatbelt back and presses a hard kiss on my lips. I hum in shock, my chest squeezing strangely in response. Roughly, our lips move together, a sort of sloppy manner tied in with it. Along my shoulders are his hands almost daring to pin me back against the seat and climb over. Still, they are teasingly holding me in place. I can feel one of his hands disappear from my shoulder but I'm not really looking to see what he's doing.
His teeth sink harshly into my bottom lip, pain shooting through it. Opening my mouth with a gasp, a small noise that can only be heard as a moan escapes me. Kyle begins to smile into the kiss, his other hand sliding down to my waist while slipping his tongue into my mouth. We've made out before but it's never been this intense before. I can even feel the tension building in the pit of my stomach, the kind that begs for attention. I didn't mean for it to slip out, but when it did I think both me and Kyle were shocked. "Please." The whimper is nothing more than a pathetic cry for attention, something that hitches the breath in the back of his throat for just a moment before he pulls away grinning like crazy.
"Yeah. That's right, beg for me." Callous in his voice sends a feeling of arousal between my legs, I squeeze them together in hopes of creating more but I get nothing in response.
"God damnit, Kyle." I huff.
Very slowly, with hazy half-lit eyes, Kyle pulls away. That's when I hear it, the sound of my own small plea repeating itself. My stomach twists, Kyle lifts his phone to reveal the whole thing on recording. My cheeks flood with heat and I look away, shy.
"I'm saving that for me." He mutters.
Looking back over I can see him saving it to his phone before opening up his messages. That's when I realized the name at the top is Eric's. Face red as ever I look back up at Kyle, my lips slightly agape and eyes wide. "Shit, that was hot."
Kyle snorts. Clicking the phone off, he looks at me. "I know it was. But it won't be for him."
"What if everyone sees?" I ask.
He puts the car back in drive with a proud grin on his lips. "They can look all they want." His hand comes to rest on my knee, squeezing softly. "At least they'll know you're mine."
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as much as i love buggy, i’m gonna request sanji for the fluffy alphabet!
let’s go foooor… C, D, N, U, and Y please! (my goldfish brain forgot if you said five at the most lol)
i love your work sm and i really wish you all the best!
Yay flirty chef!! Most of the requests for the Fluffabet have been Mihawk so far, which I am NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT I love him a very abnormal amount; but Sanji is just so precious and writing for him just
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*melts into a silly giggling puddle*
Aaaaanyway. I very much want to thank you for requesting the letter U, I've kind of been looking forward to it, since it gives me creative freedom to brainstorm further and deeper into the characters and their quirks/psychologies, and I always love doing that.
Thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoy!!!
Also feel free to come back and make requests for Buggy, as I've gotten none for him yet at all. Sad clown noises.
Also also, since someone else asked, requests for the Fluffy Alphabet will remain open until all letters are claimed for all characters; and I'll still accept requests for other characters I haven't listed if I feel I can write them and do them justice, I just listed the ones I did because they're the ones I've written the most. Until I state on my Masterpost that requests are closed, they are very much open!!
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C is for Courtship (How would they court you?)
“The heavens must be dull these days with their most beautiful goddess stuck down here.”
Firmly believes it was love at first sight, and Sanji is absolutely determined to win you over. As much as he wants to pull you in by your hands, wrap his arms around you, and tell you he’s loved you since the moment he first laid eyes on you; he also doesn’t want to overstep any boundaries and risk blowing his chances.
Flirty, flirty, flirty. He can’t help it, it's just what he does—but he’s respectful about it, dropping silly little lines designed to make you giggle, hopefully make you blush a little. Beyond that, though, he’s going to make every effort possible to legitimately get to know you; your likes and dislikes, your goals, your dreams, everything, wanting to ensure that you know he’s interested in you for more than just being a pretty face that happened to catch his eye.
If you flirt back, you’re never going to be able to get rid of him, he’s your responsibility now, basically a lost puppy that followed you home, end of story.
He’s bent on impressing you, so your first date he’s going to insist on cooking for you, just the two of you—meeting you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers (he made sure to ask in passing about your favorites at some point beforehand), with a light kiss on the cheek and a soft touch at your waist.
D is for Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning and other such household chores?)
“No, no, you sit down and relax, I can handle this, love. Really.”
Settling down with you would be a dream come true. He does have his dream of finding the All Blue, but if you’re willing to come with him on that adventure, then the journey there would be just as much of a dream to him as the destination itself.
It doesn’t take him very long at all to decide that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, and he’ll do anything to make that happen.
He’s quite cleanly and organized in general—having spent the better part of his formative years working in a professional kitchen, it’s become a force of habit. If something needs to be cleaned, to be tidied up or organized, he’s going to do so automatically, without even really thinking about it. He would much rather just see you relaxing, will probably protest a bit about you “doing too much” if you lift a finger to so much as sweep a floor.
You already know that cooking is handled. Cooking, kitchen maintenance in general. That goes without saying. Even if you enjoy cooking as well and you want to cook with him (absolute bonus, he loves cooking with you), he’s going to be right behind you wiping down the counters, washing and drying all the dishes as you go before you even have a chance to drop them in the sink.
N is for Needs (What do they need in a healthy relationship?)
“I don’t know how I ever survived without you in my life, sweetheart.”
Sanji can be a bit on the needy side. It isn’t that he lacks confidence, or that he absolutely requires constant reassurance—he just adores you, and wants to spend every minute possible with you, making sure that you know how precious you are to him.
If you’re near him, he needs to be touching you in some capacity. Whether it’s subtle, his hand resting at the small of your back while he stands next to you, or his arm curled around you and touching your waist; or if he’s pulling you back against him, arms around your waist or hands at your hips, resting his chin at your shoulder and pressing a kiss to your cheek, he always wants to be close to you.
Constantly telling you how much he loves you, showering you with praise for every little thing you do. If it gets to be too overwhelming he will back off—but you’re still going to catch him out of the corner of your vision with his own eyes glued to you, smiling and sighing as if you’re the single most incredible thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
That being said, if you argue about anything at all, he’ll be an absolute wreck, apologizing incessantly and begging your forgiveness; and he might need a fair amount of reassurance after the fact that you aren’t upset anymore. He can’t stomach the thought of upsetting you, because losing you would utterly devastate him.
U is for Unique (What’s something unique about them that no one knows but you?)
“It’s fine, just couldn’t sleep. Thought I’d get a head start on breakfast. You can go back to bed.”
Cooking is of course his passion—but it can, and sometimes does, double as a coping mechanism. He has a deeply troubled past, and every so often it might plague him in the form of nightmares.
In which case you’ll often  wake up to find his side of the bed empty; to find him in the kitchen in the wee hours of the night or morning, while everyone else is asleep, either prepping meals for the day or experimenting with new recipes to set his mind at ease.
He’s happy to accept if you offer to help, or if you just decide to sit up with him and offer your company. He’ll probably try to convince you to go back to bed, that there’s no need for you to lose sleep, but he’s not going to turn you down if you insist. It’s a gamble whether or not he’ll talk with you about what’s bothering him, or if he’ll keep a bit more quiet than usual while he immerses himself in his work. Either way, he appreciates your presence and your support more than you could ever know.
The menial, repetitive task of preparing ingredients in particular offers a pillar of stability and structure that helps him to breathe a little easier, to sort through that turmoil and make better sense of it; while the act of experimenting with something new helps steer his mind back to the present rather than dwelling on what woke him in the first place.
Y is for Yearning (What’s something that they yearn for when you’re separated?)
“Oh, no, love, I assure you, I definitely missed you more.”
It would be better to ask what he doesn’t yearn for. He simply can’t stand being apart from you, for any length of time. It isn’t that he doesn’t trust you, that doesn’t even cross his mind. He knows you’ll come back to him. He just can’t stand the length of time that you aren’t there.
Your touch, your scent, your face, your eyes, your body—your smile, your laugh, your voice, your embrace, your kisses—whether it’s minutes or hours or days that you happen to be apart, you’re the only thing that he can think about, having you back by his side, in his arms, safe and sound.
Life on the sea isn’t the safest, and he’s going to spend the entire time you're apart worried that something might happen to you. Even if you’re capable of handling yourself, he would feel much better being with you, knowing that he’s there to keep you safe.
And when you are together again, he makes it very clear just how much he missed you, all but literally gluing himself to your side, incessant in his insistence of how much he missed you, how he doesn’t ever want to spend that long apart again.
Even if it was only five minutes. Doesn’t matter, time is irrelevant, any amount of time away from you is far too long.
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leonsfiancee · 11 months
stress-free. - leon s. kennedy.
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summary: you give leon a back massage while he talks to you.
tw: fluff, slight angst, some sadness, scars, swearing, etc.
leon kennedy x female reader
Leon had his eyes closed as you gently rubbed his tense muscles, the warm air blowing through the room in a relaxing fashion. The TV was playing, but Leon was hardly listening to the movie that was playing, your massages working wonders on his aching muscles. He would let out a groan or two every once in a while, the sound music to your ears as you worked your fingers against his bare back.
"You okay?" you quietly asked, running your fingers against his back and tracing the outlines of his many scars. He opened his eyes and looked at the wall across from him, his hands were folded together on his lap. He sighed softly.
"Yeah," he replied. "Just… thinking, I guess." You frowned at his response, and leaned down to press a kiss on his neck. “You can talk to me if you want to, y'know?"
Leon hummed. "I know," he responded. "I just...don't know where to start."
You paused in your movements, your hands stilling against his back. You were silent, allowing him to think and collect his thoughts, you were interested in what was going on in his mind.
"I watch people die all the time," Leon suddenly stated. "People I have no idea who they are, people I have no connection with. And when it happens, I can’t help but feel horrible."
You were quiet.
"I think about their families, their friends, the people who care about them. And how their lives were cut short. How they had so much potential. And they're not here anymore. It's...a lot. All of the death, the loss. Ever since Raccoon City, I’ve been surrounded by it. Death. It's just a part of my everyday life. I hate it."
"It's hard," you whispered, knowing exactly what he was going through. You both were in the same position, having been there for each other during your darkest times. “And I understand it's not something you can easily get over. It never is."
"Yeah," he murmured, turning his head and resting his chin against his hand. He had a tired look in his eyes, his lips were turned down into a frown. “I’ve lost so many people, you…you don’t understand. How do you move on after you've seen people being eaten by zombies? How can you continue your life when you've seen someone being blown up to bits right in front of you? When you've had to fight to survive against a goddamn tyrant that has no fucking limit and just keeps coming..”
You bit your lip. "I can’t imagine, Leon..”
Leon was silent. "I just...don't feel like I deserve this. Any of this. The people who died didn't get to live their life to the fullest. And yet, here I am, alive and living my life. When I shouldn't even be alive."
"That's not true, Leon," you whispered, pressing another kiss against his neck. “You are very important to me.”
He swallowed. "Sometimes, I wish that it would have been me who died instead of the others," he said. "The world would have been a better place if that was the case.”
“Leon. Stop.” I say sternly, my hands going around his body to rest against his chest. I lean against him, holding him close.
He sighed and turned his head away from me, looking off to the side. His gaze was clouded and far away. He was lost in thought, his mind probably going a mile a minute. You were silent, waiting patiently for him to speak.
"Is this..," Leon began, pausing for a moment. He licked his lips, hesitating. "Is this my life now? Do I just keep going through life, pretending everything is fine when it's not?"
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"Am I just gonna have to keep watching people die? Keep living this nightmare that never seems to end? Is it always going to be like this?" Leon questioned. "Is this what the rest of my life is going to be?"
“I..I don’t know, Leon..”
He sighed, looking down. His expression was unreadable, but you could see the sadness in his eyes. You felt your heart break at his expression. You didn't know what to say to him, or what you could say to him. “I’m sorry you have to go through so much, Leon. It’s crazy and terrifying..I’m really sorry..and I wish I could help you..”
He glanced at you, before closing his eyes. There was a long silence between you two. You rested your chin against his shoulder, feeling his breathing calm down. After a few moments, he broke the silence.
"I love you," he murmured. "I really do."
"I love you, too, Leon," you whispered.
His mouth twitched slightly.
"Can you promise me something?" he asked, opening his eyes and staring ahead at the TV.
"Of course," you responded, moving your arms from around him. "Anything."
"Promise me that no matter what happens, you won't leave my side," he requested, glancing at you. "No matter how fucked up things are. Please."
"Leon," you said softly, cupping his face and pressing your lips against his forehead. He leaned into your touch, placing his hand over yours. “You know I would never leave you. I love you. No matter what. I promise."
He nodded, closing his eyes again. "Okay," he whispered, his voice breaking.
You held him tightly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You’re going to be alright, Leon," you whispered.
He swallowed, looking at you. You gave him a reassuring smile, hoping to convey how much you loved him and how much you cared. “Thanks for listening…I feel like you’re the only one who really understands me..and the only person who can help me out of this hole. I really do appreciate it."
"I'll always be here for you," you said, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and hugging him tightly.
a/n: it’s okay..
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ohii-san · 9 months
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( The next day )
Rinne: Achoo!
Ah… My body’s cold, and my wallet is too…[1]
I shoulda stopped at my first win. If I’d just stopped pushing there, I’d be a lot happier right about now~...
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Niki: ♪ ( Eating sweets happily )
Rinne: Hey. You look so happy. Don’t get too excited over that big win of yours, ‘kay?
Niki: Ah. Just ‘cause you lost doesn’t mean you can take it out on me, Rinne-kun!
I mean, Rinne-kun’s the reason I came here in the first place. Isn’t that cruel to say? I’m the one who gave in and went out with you, ya know?
Rinne: Ah, jeez~. Why’d Niki get such a victory while I’m left broke? No matter how I look at it, that feels wrong…
Niki: Well there’s no helping that, ‘cause it’s just the way things are, isn’t it?
I did it just like Rinne-kun told me, I aimed for the hole in the middle… Wasn’t that the point, to aim right there?
‘Cause then, before I knew it, a bunch of balls came out.
Rinne: Tch! That’s just beginner’s luck.
Ah, I’m so depressed. I give so much to that place, compared to ya…
Why’re they being kinder to some amateur first-timer than me, a regular customer… They’ve got an obligation to treat me well, don’t they?
Niki: Mogumogu. Of course Rinne-kun would be looking for kindness and fairness from a pachinko parlor. I wonder if this is the rumored sensor of material desire I heard about?[2]
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Rinne: … Don’t look so happy eatin’ those sweets you won, c’mon. And they’re only a fraction of your winnings…
Hey, since I’m the one who invited you out here, those are rightfully mine too. Share them with me!
Niki: Eh?! That’s ridiculous, what kinda argument is that?! … Ah, you’ve seriously taken them already?!
Rinne: Mogumogu… I’m really depressed, so can’t ya be nicer to me?
Look around, everyone around seems happy and probably luckier than me, to boot. Am I the only unhappy person in the whole world? Ah… The world truly is cruel and dark.
Niki: Ah, well~. Don’t start being annoying to everyone around just ‘cause you’ve got bad luck, ‘kay?
Look, look. I want you to look around. There’s Christmas decorations all over the place. Even the sweets I got at the pachinko parlor were Christmas themed, see?
Niki: So, what do you think? Doesn’t it lift your spirits?
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Rinne: … Ah? Come to think of it, I guess it’s true everything’s all decorated for Christmas… Isn’t it kinda early for that, though? It’s only November.
Niki: Eh? It’s just like this everywhere lately, though. Even Cinnamon’s begun taking reservations for Christmas cakes.
Rinne: Hm. So it’s Christmas…
Niki: That’s a pretty underwhelming response~. Weren’t you really excited for the Halloween event?[3]
Rinne: That’s ‘cause as the leader, if I don’t keep things lively, our morale as a unit’s not gonna go up either. Besides, if I’m gonna do something as an idol, I gotta make the most of it and enjoy it to the fullest, right?
Niki: Right, Rinne-kun’s just like that, huh~?
He pretends to be a pretty lively kinda guy, but he’s surprisingly calm-headed– or level-headed, rather. You’ve been that way since you started crashing at my apartment…
Rinne: But everyone’s like that. As long as I’m doing this kinda work, I’ve gotta control myself and be conscious of my energy.
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Rinne: Besides, as long as I’m with Niki, there’s no need to force myself to act excited.
Niki: That’s true. So then, is Rinne-kun really not interested in Christmas at all?
Rinne: Eh. It’s not really like that…
I don’t mind if we do a live for it or something. It’s just a holiday that never made it into my hometown.
Ever since joining the idol industry, I’ve been given year-end schedules that didn’t gimme any time for Christmas. Besides, to be honest, I don’t have any memory of enjoying it either.
If you go to a pachinko place on that day, you’ll still get all your money sucked away and go home just as sad and lonely as you would’ve otherwise.
All the red and green decorations inside the establishment and along the way home just add insult to injury and make me feel even emptier.
I guess Niki would cook delicious meals back when we lived together, though… I suppose that’s a good memory.
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Niki: Ah, now that you mention it… That did happen, didn’t it~?
Rinne: Well, that’s good. Christmas is for the kids to enjoy, ain’t it?
As long as the kids are excited, enjoying themselves and bouncing around, it’s all good. But for adults, it’s just the same as any other weekday.
Niki: Eh~? Rinne-kun, are you for real? I don’t like that at all, though?
After all, it’s Christmas, right?
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Niki: Turkey and roast beef and beef stew! Ginger cookies, candy canes, bûche de Noël[4], and the classic strawberry Christmas cake! ☆
It’s a dream-like kinda day for me, ‘cause I get to eat delicious food all day, y’know?! I wish Jesus Christ was born every day!
Rinne: … Didn’t you say something like that about Halloween, too? I guess you’d be happy with any event tied to food.
Niki: Well, simply put, yeah.
Rinne: … Huh? Ah, shit!
Niki: Eh? What’s wrong? You’re looking pretty alarmed at that clock…
Rinne: I’ve got a meeting for work right about… Now.
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Niki: Huh?! Rinne-kun, you seriously came to play pachinko even though you had work?! I thought today was a day off for you?!
Rinne: Damn, I overstayed… Anzu-chan said “Absolutely don’t be late!” but, well… I am late, shit.
I wonder if I’ll make it if I run. ES is pretty far, though…
Sigh. It’s gonna be a pain either way~. Anyway, I’m heading off now, so it doesn’t matter!
Niki: Well, it’s a good chance for some exercise, right? Good luck, Rinne-kun!
Rinne: Hm? Why’re you talking like you’re not involved too, Niki. You’re comin’ too, y’know. Rinne-kun will be lo~nely otherwise!
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Niki: Huh?! But it has nothing to do with me, really, right?! I mean, you don’t even feel lonely at all, do you Rinne-kun? You just wanna drag me into it!
Rinne: C’mon, let’s go~. Run, run~!
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Niki: Ah, he’s already…! You were really serious about this?! Ugh– I’m only doing this for you this once, Rinne-kun!
[1]: the way rinne refers to this is something that can either be translated as wallet or breast pocket, such as that of a suit, where the wallet is kept . he's being kind of defeatist here
[2]: this is internet slang in japanese; basically, it's like when you really really want a card of your oshi, but they just won't come home . the object itself ( in rinne/niki's case, the pachinko machine ) senses your material desires, and therefore denies them ! there's not really a better way to translate this, but hopefully this helps you understand what niki meant better, lol
[3]: referring to spider, which aurora has translated here !
[4]: this is yule log/christmas log !
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Okay so this rant is gonna be mildly nsfw. So if you are a minor DONT LOOK! OKAY?! GET OUT! I DONT WANT MINORS TO LOOK AT THIS SHIT!!!! THIS IS FOR 18+ ONLY!
Im gonna be talking about an issue when it comes to a subset of people in the Splatoon community. So yeah, MINORS! LEAVE!!!!!
Go on... leave....
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Imma be real, a fair amount of the straight male fans in the Splatoon community who constantly sexualise all the women in the series need to realize that characters like Marina and Shiver would never get with you and you wouldn't be able to handle them either. You would not be able to handle Marina's hour long autistic rambles about excavators and machinery, and if you judged her for her interests because your pp is getting soft listening to her, she would despise you and not have sex with a random dude like you. She is not eye candy. She is not some slab of meat to go "AWOOOGGA HUMNA HUMNA HUMNA!" at. She's a dorky girl who has nerdy interests and is canonically a lesbian, not some bimbo to get looked at like a toy for your eyeballs. Sorry to burst your bubble.
You would probably HATE Shiver if you met her, i guarantee it. Marie as well, you would probably find her annoying and not vibe with her snarky personality despite you wanting to do bad things to her because you only see her as flesh for your pleasure. Marie hates and makes fun of ""fans"" like you. Sorry to tell ya. If you see Marie as some dommy mommy then I'm gonna have to ask you to get the fuck out of my sight dude. If you sexualise Callie too and make her some weird lustful woman who wants sex all the time, I will fucking murder you idc.
You would crumble to dust and get rejected SOOOOO fast by women who look and act like them. I'm telling you. Or they would run away from you so fast because you smell terrible.
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Start thinking with your head and not the small head downstairs.
Listen, we get it, they are attractive, but don't make it your whole personality and say how much you wanna f them and use nsfw art of them in thumbnails and discussions (you can figure out which youtuber I'm talking about here...)
I say that stuff as a joke at 1am at night and 99.9% of the time i talk about how wonderful their personalities and stories are. I ain't going "ZAMN!!!" over these characters because I'm not THAT big of a loser.
Marina being so passionate and giddy about her interests is one of the reasons why i like her so much. Marie being so relatable is why i like her, Shiver being such a silly girlfailure who's funny is why i like her, not because of their hips ffs. That's like the last thing on my mind when i think about these amazing characters.
As a straight male myself, you guys gotta do better, i don't wanna be grouped up with the rest of you horny lot that needs some fresh air. I'm not talking about all heterosexual men in the fanbase obviously, i'm not that kind of person where i hate on an entire group of people and I go "those friggen straights ruined the series!!!" Like the people who say that are half true but not every straight guy in the community is a horny lustful mess you know? And i am a straight guy myself but... I hate getting piled up with the creepy fans who lust over these women. Like we don't wanna hear you thirst over them and if you are gonna say something a bit more nsfw AT LEAST BE CREATIVE WITH IT! OR BE REALLY PATHETIC ABOUT IT TO WHERE IT'S FUNNY!
It's also so telling on how you probably treat women as well. I wouldn't be surprised if you have never been close to a woman, friendship or relationship wise. Sex and looks ain't all the end all be all of relationships, if you can't understand that then good luck finding a girl who will actually like you and even think about doing it with you.
I've never been in a relationship before AND EVEN I KNOW THAT!!!!! HOW SAD IS THAT?! The single and alone dude understands relationships better than you.
Be better and go outside for a change. Get a hobby, or something idfk.
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erikatsu · 1 year
even when i'm not with you — blade
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cw: gn!reader. hurt/some comfort(?). heavily implied depressive episode (reader). i am 100% projecting, idc. reader has hair long enough to play with. unedited. probably ooc blade.
note: i wasn't gonna post this, but i think we can all use the reminder that its okay to not be okay. aka i feel as if im bearing my soul rn LMAO.
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BLADE is not a man of many words. he didn't enjoy meaningless small talk or even elaborate conversation. he simply preferred silence, unless you were the one doing the talking. and just as much, he hated it when you were silent. when you weren't going on about your newest interest or current hobbies, he knew something was wrong.
it wasn't like you to not greet him when he got back to hq, to not smile at him when he'd kiss the top of your head in response. silver wolf had mentioned you didn't seem to be your usual self, but he didn't realize how bad it was until he walked into the room you both shared. at first he thought you were sleeping, possibly due to the assignment you and silver wolf had been assigned to with sam while he was on the xianzhou. but when he sat down and leaned in to kiss your cheek, he realized you were awake and that you were just... staring at the wall.
he was worried before, and now he was also filled with guilt. it was not new to him, as you had your bad days– just like he did. he just hated he wasn't around to help you before it progressed into this. blade frowned, kicking off his shoes before laying down beside you. he pulled you into him, tucking you into his chest and holding you tight.
your lower lip quivered at his embrace, your eyes closing upon feeling the burning of tears that were threatening to spill. and as soon as he whispered, "it's okay, i'm here now", you couldn't hold them back. they fell down your cheeks, leaving glistening trails along your skin before they dripped onto his shirt.
at least you weren't numb yet.
you tried to reign in your emotions, but unfortunately he could tell by the way you were breathing that you were crying. he shushed you, pressing his lips against your hair before he played with the ends, "it's okay, let it out. don't keep it in."
but you didn't want to. you were sick of this feeling, and you were sick of getting into your own head. you had no reason to be this sad, or to feel sorry for yourself. yet... that thought could not break the chains that were tied around your ankles– keeping you shackled and nearly drowning within the depths of your own mind. no matter how hard you tried to claw at them, to break them free, you couldn't and that left you feeling even more trapped than when this had first started.
and you didn't even know when it started– that nagging feeling of worthlessness that had spiraled into the mess you were now. you'd pushed it away for so long and now it was coming back to bite you. your sense of time was skewed, your memory was getting weak, and your judgment was beginning to cloud. if something was not right in front of you, it did not exist and that could lead to mishaps just like what happened on the last mission you had been tasked with.
you'd been benched– elio believing that it was what was best until you got better– and that was what sent you over the edge.
you felt like a failure, and that you always would be one. you thought that the others were disappointed in you, when they were only concerned for your well being. that sinking feeling of not being good enough quickly turned into your heart dropping to your belly, completely breaking what little hope you had left. you had let them down, you were so mad at yourself, and you felt so guilty.
alone, all these thoughts bubbled up with your bottled emotions until they finally boiled over and took the lid with it.
you didn't even know how long you'd been holed up in bed. sam was constantly checking in on you, making sure you were taking care of yourself despite how adamant you were that you were fine, that you didn't need a babysitter, and that you could take care of your fucking self. but you couldn't, and that was the reality of it. if not for sam, blade would've been getting you into the shower while he made you something to eat as soon as he got back.
blade. you tried to hide your face against his chest, muffling a choked sob and a jagged inhale. you didn't deserve what little love he had left to give. didn't deserve to be held like this, to hear him humming a soft tune or feel his finger tips lightly tracing over your skin– much like you did with him when the mara flared up if kafka wasn't around. he deserved so much more than someone who was so... broken. he shouldn't have to comfort you when he had it much worse, but he would argue that demons were demons regardless of how they presented themselves.
he deserved someone who could make him feel more whole.
"im sorry," you tried to apologize, finally finding your voice. you hated being so vulnerable, so weak. you couldn't but to feel pathetic, crying over nothing like a child.
you went to sit up, causing him to follow suit. he caught you by the chin, gently turning you towards him so he could wipe away your tears. he shook his head, "don't apologize."
he rubbed his thumb along your cheek, even though there was nothing more to wipe away, "there's no need to apologize for this, ever. we all have our own battles, but this does not mean you're losing yours. i will always be here to help, even if i'm not in person. i won't let you go through this alone."
you closed your eyes, more tears escaping before you finally nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your head on his shoulder. he squeezed you back just as tightly, murmuring in your ear, "always, sweetheart. in this life and the next."
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
Happy Friday :) Would it be okay to request something where the kids try to play matchmaker for Steve with the reader? Maybe he’s been pretty mopey and Dustin thinks a certain girl he knows can fix that but it’s just absolute chaos between the kids trying to make it happen but ends super fluffy and happy for Steve.
you requested this ages and ages ago, so thank you for your patience! it's less chaos and more the start of something sweet, hope you like! |fem!reader, fluff, 1.7k
"If you sigh one more time I think I'm going to punch you," Dustin groans. "Robin, can't you do something about this?" The boy throws his hands up in the air and Robin laughs. Steve feels his scowl deepen.
"No," she says. "Even though I am by far the smartest person you know, even I don't have a solution for whatever Debby Downer shit Steve's got going on." She flicks his neck as she walks by and Steve half-heartedly swats her away.
"C'mon," he mumbles, chin in his hands on the Family Video counter. The store has been dead, not a single customer in over an hour, and it's given him time to mope about his never-ending problem: He can't get a girl.
It's not just that, though, and he knows it. Robin knows it, too, though she doesn't bring it up. He's lonely. He can't seem to find anyone seriously interested in him beyond a few nights of fun, courtesy of his long-gone high school reputation. But now he's years away from that and he's tired of it. He just wants someone to feel kind of silly over. To laugh with and drive around town with and to love.
"You could date him," Dustin says, snapping Steve back to the dusty air of his reality. Robin makes retching noises.
"No, I could not," she sneers. Steve sighs again.
"There! Again!" Dustin winds up his fist and Steve only raises an eyebrow. Then the kid sighs and rests his own arms on the counter across from Steve. Damn, the kid is getting tall. "Alright, I'm going to speak to you man to man, Harrington," Dustin says.
"Oh, this outta be good," Steve mutters, shaking his head a little. He's had enough advice from 14-year-olds, thanks.
Dustin ignores him but Robin snickers somewhere in the stacks. "You are a sad, single dude," he says. Steve doesn't have the energy to fight it. "You're my friend, and your sad sack attitude is messing up our vibe. Okay?" Steve blinks, oddly touched. "And I don't want you to be sad forever. So I'm going to help you."
"Great," Steve deadpans. But Dustin sports what can only be called his scheming face. "You gonna set me up, or something?"
The kid snaps his fingers. "Exactly, Steve. And you call yourself slow!" Steve rolls his eyes.
"I don't think we have the same taste in girls, dude." Steve rarely allows himself to think about Henderson has snagged and kept a girl better than he ever could.
"Doesn't matter. I already know who we're going to set you up with. You know the girl who works at the arcade?"
Steve's stomach twists. Oh, yeah, he knows. It's you. He feels his cheeks heat and he fights to keep a straight face. He's only seen you a few times, talked to you maybe twice. You always seem to be working when he drops off or picks up the little shits he carts around. You're real pretty and he's almost positive you didn't grow up here, since you don't seem to know him at all.
"Maybe," he says, evenly. Dustin grins like a shark and starts to bounce on the balls of his feet.
"Gotcha! You do know her." Steve straightens and turns away from Dustin to futz with the computer but the kid follows him. "Oh, and you like her."
"I don't know her," Steve mumbles, and he knows he's lost by admitting even that much. He doesn't know you, that's true. He only knows your name because he saw it on your uniform. But he knows you're pretty and you're kind and part of him does want to get to know you. But won't he just fuck that up, too?
But Dustin is like a dog with a bone. "Well, lucky for you, the kids you call shitheads? Well, we know her. And because I know you're not exactly the worst guy in the world --"
"Gee, thanks," Steve says.
"-- I'll get the whole party to help this little operation get off the ground. All you gotta do is, y'know, charm her."
Robin bursts into laughter somewhere in the Horror section. "Knock it off!" Steve calls. "I'm plenty charming. But, sorry Henderson, I'm not letting you set me up."
Dustin crosses his arms. "Don't be a coward, Steve." The flutter he felt at the mention of you sours into the familiar self-loathing he's stewed in for who knows how long. What's the point in trying when he knows he'll just strike out? And humiliate himself in front of everyone and their mother in the arcade, no less?
"I'm not interested, dipshit, do you hear me?" Dustin smacks his palms on the counter. Steve jumps.
"Just fucking come to the arcade, Steve," Dustin says. His tone leaves no room for argument. In fact, Steve isn't sure he's ever heard him this serious.
"I don't think you're allowed to say fuck, dude." Dustin raises his middle finger slowly and mouths Fuck you. Steve sighs.
"When?" he says, and Dustin cheers.
When turns out to be the next night. Steve is on pick-up duty for Dustin, Max, and Lucas. He pulls into the empty parking lot at 9:45 and wonders how the hell he's going to charm you in 15 minutes with three teenagers badgering him to stop at the drive-thru on the way home like they always do.
"This is so stupid," he says to himself as he turns off the car. He tries to see inside the arcade but the combination of the tinted windows and the smattering of lights from the games means he can't really make anything out. Are you there? he wonders. What are you doing right now? Are you tired after a long shift? Will you smile when he walks in?
He sighs, runs a hand through his hair, and decides he has nothing left to lose. What's the worst that could happen, anyway? Maybe you don't even remember him. Maybe you already have a boyfriend. All of the worrying gets him from his car to the front door and before he knows it he's swinging it open.
It's empty. There is literally no one inside. No cheers or groans of kids, no chatter, no slurping of sodas or running round. Nothing. It's only the flash of the various games and a few artificial sounds and...you.
There you are, leaning on your elbows, inspecting your nails. "Just so you know, we're closing in about 15 minutes," you drone, customer service voice firmly in place as you don't bother looking up.
Steve lets himself look for a few seconds. You're so pretty, even in the dim lighting of the arcade. It makes his chest hurt and his throat dry.
"Uh," he says. Great start, Steve. "I'm looking for some kids?" You look up sharply and once you see him your face sharpens and your mouth stretches into a small smile, your eyes crinkling at the corners.
"Oh, hi," you say, somewhat softly, and Steve feels his confidence return from wherever it was hiding. He sticks one hand in his pocket and holds the other out to an approximation of Dustin's height.
"Three of 'em? Bout this high? Mouthy, annoying, loud." You laugh.
"That describes most of the kids who come through here," you tell him. But then your smile turns to a concerned twist. "But I know which ones belong to you. Dustin, Max, and Lucas, right?" Steve nods. Are they hiding somewhere, or something? He's going to give them an earful in the car.
"That's them," he says. "They're probably goofing around somewhere, or something." But your frown doesn't fade.
"No, Steve," you say, and he swears his blood sings when you say his name. You know his name! Why do you know his name? "They left like, an hour ago."
"What?" he says, like an idiot.
"Eddie Munson came to get them, I think. He's the one with the van, right?" Steve nods, mouth open in shock.
"Those fuckers," he says. "They set me up!" You burst into laughter and he realizes that he is being the opposite of charming right now. God, you're pretty, he thinks.
"Why did they do that?" you ask. Steve can feel the tension returning to his temples. He's digging his own grave, yet again. That's why he considers lying, for just a second, but what's he got to lose?
"They uh, wanted us to meet," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. He hopes his flush isn't visible.
"But we have met," you tell him. "Kind of." It's you who looks shy, now. "I mean, I know your name because the kids talk about you all the time. And we're talked a few times?" Your voice goes up at the end like you're not sure he even remembers. As if he could forget talking to you.
"You're right," Steve says. He tries his best for a casual grin, which seems to work since you smile back at him. He holds out his hand and you stare at it for a second before shaking it. You have soft hands. "But now it's official." He says your name for the first time and his palm tingles when you release it.
He wonders if you can see what's going on here. That a bunch of punk teenagers are trying to set you guys up like this is a rom com, or something. But you don't ask anymore questions. Steve figures that's a good sign.
"Do you need a ride home?" he asks. "Since you're closing, and all." He didn't see another car in the parking lot.
"I walk," you say. "It's only a few blocks." Steve frowns. It's chilly tonight, and even if you do this all the time, he knows what kind of shit can be hiding in the dark of Hawkins.
"I'll drive you," he says. "Only if you want." You seem to hesitate for a second before nodding.
"Okay, Steve," you say, and smile. Steve doesn't bother to hide his answering grin. It feels like a win. It feels like more than that, really. It feels like the start of something.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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bibibbon · 5 months
MHA chapter 422 rant
For a MCs rising chapter this chapter definitely didn't revolve around the MC in any major way.
Izuku intropsection where, I have never heard of her! This is a major issue I have with how hori writes Izuku. Almost every character at least gets their pov probably said and presented in their rising chapters except of izuku whose own rising chapter felt like a true let down and disappointment to me
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Inko is back! I guess. I was way more interested to what was happening to inko when izuku had to go through that whole painful process of losing his quirks and an arm and then regaining it but I guess she stayed in a default status and just crying for her son which understandable but i was expecting more from her. Heck I think I expected too much i thought that hori might do something with her character, something angst worthy. Heck I am seeing the dfo theorist and if it ends up being true then that would be cool angst potential but a horrible canon event considering that hori has stretched this far too long.
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Izuku midoriya rising just for izuku to be a side character in this chapter. Like i said this is a rising chapter and we get almost nothing personal from Izuku himself no intropsection no nothing. This chapter was simply full of other characters reactions and trying to help him to get up and do his job which is sad. I don't know but how come no one in the story sees just how unethical and bad the situation is like that's a 16 year old boy running to his death basically on live television. Also Iam enjoying the izu and all might parallels yet Iam worried that this might actually be Izuku's last fight. Also aren't we gonna talk about AFO is attacking izuku with OFA's own quirks I just find it cruel.
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Still not a huge fan of everyone needing to get their moments like this. Yeah my opinion didn't change I just felt like the moments and reactions were given to characters like asui and shoji and then we had to continue glossing over them. It feels Hella fast paced and at this point IAM not sure if hori wants to end or prolong the series🤷‍♀️. Also I had to check but can we talk about MOMO AND TORU LIKE !!!!
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Melissa and Rody my favourites and Iam bias.
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I wish we had more of ochako, iida and izu. Again another moment falls flat in there seires because we lack build up and development. I liked ochakos comment and the parallels with iida holding izu's hand and still holding it again but all of this seems empty because the original nerdy tiro that we had at the beginning of the series was scrapped for the boring todoroki, bakugo and izuku one. Heck we could of had an izucrew/dekusquad and that would of helped with the build up of this unlike what's going on now .
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Bakugo didn't need to be mentioned in this chapter but he is 😑. As far as anyone can tell Iam not a fan of bakugo and I don't think he needed to be mentioned like the guy got his arc and whatever so why don't we just focus on the current situation instead of thinking about how we wished he was here with Izuku and all like it felt pretty useless.
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In conclusion, it was an average meh chapter but I got annoyed considering the title being midoriya rising for it to not have any proper focus on midoriya.
Like I absolutely loved some of the character moments even though they lacked build up and were short AF but this chapter DOESN'T deserve to be called midoriya's rising.
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experimentfae · 1 year
Actor Au Wally darling x GN Human! reader (2)
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While you were walking out the guy from before ran towards you “wait the director!” This made you turn around “the-the director wanted you’re number.” He spoke out of breath, Right you forget about letting them know you’re number.
“Oh I’m sorry here it is.” He gave you a paper to write it down. “Thanks.” Then he walked away without another word. Which in return made you continue you’re way home.
Wally’s pov:
That little- I threw another object at my dressing room wall in raged by what the director told me.
“How dare they practically replace Me!” feeling the anger bubbling in me threatening to rage out again, but I heard a knock.
“Wally? Is everything ok?” I know that voice anywhere my best friend Barnaby I let out deep breaths trying to cool myself down. “Come in.” I replied
The I see him walk in looking around the dressing room “wow must be some bad news for you to be acting like this.” He stated seeming concern.
“barnaby… they are basically replacing me!” I yelled in anger but now with sadness mixed along with it, I could tell Barnaby was shocked “are you serious?” He questioned “of course I’m serious Barnaby, you know I would never joke about something like that!” I spoke just the thought of that, human taking my place.
“Wally I’m so sorry we will talk with the director.” He assured seeming confident they could change their mind “no… don’t even bother I know they been waiting for this opportunity, of course it fell right on their lap they aren’t gonna change their mind.” I advised.
He now seem defeated can’t blame him I feel it too “oh even is you’re replacement?” I let out a sigh don’t even want to think about them “it was some human that unfortunately despite my best efforts made it to the audition.”
“Now I can see why you told me not to bother changing their mind.” It’s unfortunate he knew what I meant immediately, sadly puppets still deal with oppression to this day.
I felt him hug my side “I promise Wally it will get better it always does.” I badly want to believe him but I can’t.
“Thanks Barnaby.”
(Y/N) pov:
I let out a gasp, the director gave me a message
[hello (y/n) hope this reaches you and we would be happy to say they you are hired for the new role of welcome home shooting starts on Monday 18th on 9:30 am please don’t be late]
I let out a excited screech “oh my cheese! I… I can’t believe this I got the part, I, I… man what should I do now?” You made a great achievement to the point you weren’t sure what you’re exact move should be.
“I guess I should tell my family!” You spoke feeling happy you called you’re immediate family and told them about the great news and of course they where ecstatic “sweetie we are so proud of you.” Stated you’re (parent 1).
“Yes sweetie we are, I hope this makes great things happen for you.” (parent 2) assured showing how much they cared and where excited for you.”
This made you happy next was to call you’re friend but you hesitated, they wanted the part you got would they be upset? 
“Maybe I shouldn’t…” you didn’t tell you’re friend about the news, at least not yet.
But you love to tell them about it and you needed to vent about how Wally didn’t seem all that pleased to see you, you did hear that he wasn’t fond of humans.
But you weren’t gonna let that stop you.
“I’m sure he’ll get over it I just hope the rest of the crew is more nicer, at least I know Eddie is pretty nice.”
Wally pov:
The newest episode went by like normal until the near the end of the episode.
I felt a bit of annoyance looking at the fake new house that appeared in the neighborhood but I have to keep a happy face after all, the cameras are rolling.
“Wow there is a new home!” Cheered Julie “this gotta be interesting.” Spoke Barnaby
I looked Into the camera “neighbor look a new neighbor is coming, isn’t this wonderful news?, are you excited just like us?.”
I paused pretending to expect a response
“That’s good neighbor we must always welcome people with open arms, next episode we would officially meet the new neighbor, can’t wait to see you next week.”
I waved goodbye until the camera cutoff and I fake smile turn neutral.
“Get me a chai latte, now.” The assistant immediately went to get the coffee and I sat down as the makeup crew took off my eye shadow.
“Hey Wally.” I looked to see Julie “I heard about what happen.” She seem upset for me this made me upset too I never like seeing my friends like that.
“It’s unfortunate but yeah.” I sighed out “wow I thought it was a rumor at first never thought they would try to replace you.” She replied in disbelief.
“Yeah no worry Julie I’m sure the new member can’t be that good.” I stated with confidence
Time skip Monday 18th of this month:
You drove to the studio and made you’re way in, you see the director waiting for you.
Their faces lighten up when they saw you “there is the star of the hour.” The director declared I felt myself be nervous.
“Yeah the new neighbor.” I said with a chuckle hoping it well take off the nerves.
“Yes mrx.(l/n) into the dressing room immediately.” The director said as someone from backstage showed you you’re dressing room “there is a 70s theme outfit waiting for you in the room, a makeup crew will come shortly.”
Spoke the person that showed you the way and they immediately left to do their other task
“Oh alright.” You said as you walked in and looked to see the outfit, you actually liked it “wow can’t believe this is happening still.” You spoke to yourself part you wanted to believe this was a dream, but you did enough pinching to definitely say this is a reality.
You go into the outfit and you sat down waiting for the makeup crew until you heard a knock on you’re door “come in.” You assured as you look to see you’re surprise it was.
Next chapter:(3)
<- Back to MasterList or back to welcome home
(Lol cliffhanger b/c I’m evil 😈)
(Sorry you guys didn’t have much interaction with Wally yet but it’s happening on the next chapter promise you that)
(Also sorry that I didn’t write sooner I had writer’s block)
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gnc-valentine · 2 months
Been thinking about Satan angst again !
A/N: So before I yap about this I wanna clarify I’m only on lesson 44 of og and I don’t rlly know what happens story wise beyond that within og, and I only know the story beyond it within nightbringer since I’ve played a good chunk of it. So if I get some shit wrong story wise that is most likely why 🗣‼️ anyways im Gonna blabber now
I was playing the star event today since it was on lonely devil and the end of the story for it was so deliciously sad but even sadder when recognizing that mc is quite literally gonna be taken to the past soon where he won’t see them for god knows how long.
Satan feeling ashamed for lashing out in front of you towards his brothers to the point he’s hiding in his room and trying to push the mc away despite how they’re genuinely worried for him, telling them “you’re the only one who worries about me, but that worry is misplaced and that no good could possibly come from being with me”. All of that is gnarly but in the event it was resolved luckily however those thoughts obviously linger all the time somewhere within him.
Imagine the mc and him having a long heart to heart talk about each other where he eventually lets that all out to them and more. Mc gives him comfort and stays by his side all throughout the night talking through it with him until they both fall into a nice slumber. But then he wakes up and uh oh! They’re not there !! First he assumes they’re running an errand or doing something else within the house but to his surprise and further despair, no one has seen mc. Nobody knows where they are or what has happened. Then suddenly solomon disappears too.
In his eyes it appeared they left him finally, perhaps finally done with his anger and wrath, perhaps afraid. Those thoughts were nowhere near the truth and he has the memories to back it up, however that’s simply not how emotions work. It doesn’t matter wether or not they were sent back to the past or finally did leave him, because In the end they were still gone. Hell it’s even possible that maybe they decided solomon would be a better fit, which he wouldn’t disagree with. Solomon doesn’t have that shameful wrath after all, solomon wasn’t born from anger and wrath, solomon didn’t lash out at people in destructive ways like he did. As the more time passes without them there, he gets more and more upset. He starts feeling more and more shame and hatred towards himself over his sin.
Oh how he wishes mc were here with him worrying about him again.
All done yapping now, apologies if this sounds like shit or completely non sensical, it is currently 5:50 am as I post this and I have to get ready for work in like 10 minutes with no sleep all night bc of this goofy ass special interest. Aughhhhhh I LOVE SATAN HES SO ANGSTY AND DOOMED X333333
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thecapricunt1616 · 7 months
The Bear & His Honey ; Chapter 8 -
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Lyrics - (TS) Slut! (1989TV!) ;  “You’re not sayin’ you’re in love with me, but you’re going to, half awake taking your chance it’s a big mistake, it might blow up in your pretty face I’m not saying do it anyway, but you’re going to”  ♡♡》》𝟙𝟠+ 𝕆ℕ𝕃𝕐 𝔽𝕀ℂ! ℕ𝕆 𝕄𝕀ℕ𝕆ℝ𝕊 𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕆𝕎𝔼𝔻《《♡♡ ♡ Summary: Carm + Winnie have an evening in together. They get wine drunk and have slightly spiritual talk over pizza. Winnie talks Carm through a nightmare. Carm gets some much needed rest, Some angsty sex ensues. ♡ W/C: 8,902 ♡ Posted Date: 02/20/24 ♡ A/N: (Kinda TL Don't have to read) Hayy besties!! I’ve been lookin' over the fic & judging what y'all like by the chapter likes- ok smut and Soft Dom Carm!! I’m leaning towards Soft Dom Carmy being the main trope for this fic & based on the likes y’all love it too!! He needs to build into it though for sure, Like- i'm not great at writing things close to canon- but what is canon is a pivotal part of what makes up Carmen - which is being severely emotionally underdeveloped in regards to relationships - also sexually. BUT don’t get me wrong- that man is a DOM he just needs a partner who will find that and pull it out of him. Like- y’all I am ALL for the fully anger management therapy version of Carmy tthat'swritten in to one shots here like I THIRST for it- I just want to try and flesh out the journey in between because I find it interesting. But it WILL happen in this fic- as you can tell this fic is a slow burn, its gonna be long, and I know its gonna end with Carmen being fully sexually comfortable (at least with Winnie) so expect some dirty dirty filth, carm is just growin rn okay!! I also find it fun to write kinda virgin! Carmy- I believe its canon he’s never had a gf- but I believe he’d had to have blown off steam some way in NY and hooking up on tinder since it was that time would be popular. Anyhow, enjoy this chapter!  ♡ Warnings for BTC: Minimally edited, talks of spiritualism, vomiting, talks of PTSD/Panic Attacks, Sad!Carm, Fluff, (Kinda asshole) But mostly insecure!Carm, Smut! (Talks of it- oral (m) , kissing, etc just slutty shit) 
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
The pizza had gotten there pretty quickly but considering the time of night, that was to be expected. Carmen had been sure to order Pepperoni with extra cheese per my request, and by the time the delivery driver had knocked on the door, we had already finished off my entire bottle of wine and I was in the kitchen opening another. He returns to where we had set up in the living room, putting the steaming pizza box on the coffee table. “No way- you need to finish that story, you can't just answer ‘why do you believe in angels’ with ‘I met a guy when I worked at Dunkin’ Donuts and we had breakfast every day until he died’ and that’s just… the end of the story,” he said and I laughed, coming back with 2 very full glasses of Rose and setting them down. 
“That is the whole story, you mean you want the long detailed version?” I set down the 2 paper plates and paper towel roll I was holding under my arm. “Yes.. Please- how was this man an angel?” he snorted, his face flush from the alcohol as I could easily assume mine was. “Okay… his name was Harold, he came in every day, and one day, well” I took a bite of my pizza. “Like I said - my parents, they were never married. My Mom was a twin, but her sister died when they were babies- anyhow” I took another bite, realizing he was listening intently.
“Um.. yeah..” I swallow “So, my dad like- wanted nothing to do with us really, I mean- we met him a few times but… we were just like I dunno, puppies or something? Like, my dad didn’t want us, but my mom was all religious- anyway… wait- what was I saying?” I asked and he started laughing, “Fuckin, Dunkin Donuts man, Harold?” He said and I nodded, catching my breath from laughing at my own drunk rambles. “Yess! Okay, so that's why- we had no money! And with Chris and all his appointments and everything, my mom had even less money, so when I was 14 I got a job to be able to buy stuff, so anyway, I was working a shift.” I took another bite of my pizza before a large sip of my wine.
“And the angel… flew in to buy his coffee?” he teased and I nudged him with my foot. “Shut up! He’s actually the coolest person ever just listen!” I said and he nodded, going in for his second slice of pizza. “I was working a shift, and this man comes in… he looked really sick and he was like ‘ oh can I get something to eat I don’t have any money’ or whatever so I didn’t have any money to spare obviously and so I got my manager thinking this is a huge fuckin’ company - yanno being an idiot teen - and my manager was like ‘oh sorry dude can’t help you’ and so…” I took another sip of my wine before continuing.
“I took my 4.25 that I was gonna use for lunch, I figured whatever, cause this dude needs it- he looked really sick, and that he needed to eat. and I remembered, my mom always said you do things when you can cause when the lord sends his angels to test you they aren't in a suit” I shrug and his eyebrows raised. “You gave him your lunch money?” he said and I shrugged “Mmhmm, anyway- not the point this is the point, Carm, so he leaves, right? Harold comes in, he gets his regular black coffee. Goes and sits down at one of the tables by himself, he drinks it all like he usually does, just watching- waiting almost, and before he goes to leave, he comes up to the counter, and guess what he does?” I asked and he shrugs, waiting for me to continue.
“He hands me, four fucking dollars, and twenty-five cents” I exaggerate each number and his eyes widen, “what the fuck” he muttered. “And I’m like ‘ Harold, why are you given’ me this?’ And he’s like ‘Oh I don’t know honey, I just figured you can use a pick me up today’ “ I took another bite of my pizza and he stopped chewing. “That… is fucking nuts,” he said and chuckled a bit and shook his head.
“And then, every day, we’d sit on my first break and he’d tell me stories about his life, the wars he’d been in, his daughters, his wife before she died, and when he stopped comin’ his daughter came in - she told me that he told her to tell me that he wasn’t doing well and that’s why he hadn’t been by- so I went and visited him in the hospital, got to say goodbye, he was so awesome, and he would do that sort of thing all the time- whenever someone needed something Harold was just… there ya know? It’s like God..or something sent him in at a different time every morning to help someone out even in the smallest ways, He was an angel” I said and Carm nodded, putting his plate down and finishing off his own wine. 
“Well, now that you didn’t make it sufferingly short, I see why you think that. I’d probably believe in angels too if somethin’ like that happened” He said and I dusted my hands over my empty plate before setting it down on the table. “So you’ve never had an experience like that?” He shrugged looking up while he thinks before shaking his head. 
“Nope. Maybe you’re just magical” he pokes my nose causing me to giggle. “I think you” I poke his nose back “are drunk, and we both need to go to bed. Cmon those blankets I put in the dryer went off a few minutes ago. Let's brush our teeth before they get cold” I got up and grabbed our glasses and he took the trash “At least let me help you a little” he said and I smiled. “Such the gentleman.” I teased and he followed me into the kitchen. 
I pointed to show him where the ziplocks were and put the cups in the dishwasher, taking the  box to the entryway and leaving it to bring to the recycling in the morning. “Oh uhhh…I sleep…with the um-“ I started “rain sounds?” He chuckled a bit, stretching his back. “Mmhmm…” I nodded. “So uh…is that ok?” I asked and he nods “no problem for me”
I turn around and head in the bathroom turning on the light “I assume you didn’t bring a toothbrush, or are we that close already?” I teased and he snorts. “No…I did not. Got an extra?” He asks and I open my bathroom closet “you’re in luck, Sadie’s soon to be sister in law is a dental hygienist” I pull out 2 from my thick stack Sadie had put on me when she came over since she had so many laying around her house. 
“Are you a green or blue boy?” I asked and he pouted playfully “no Spider-Man?” He jokes and I giggle. “Blue it is” I put the green one back and popped open the blue one, handing it to him and turning on the sink, wetting my pink electric toothbrush. I put on my anti-cavity toothpaste and handed it over to him, he did the same putting some on his brush. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll time you” I said and he raised his eyebrow “what?” He asked and I turned on my toothbrush, giving him a smug smile before popping the brush in my mouth. Every 30 seconds I mumbled ‘next quadrant!’ With a small smile until the 2 minutes was up, spitting my toothpaste out and brushing my tongue as he did the same before rinsing my mouth and shutting off the water. 
By the time we got in bed and shut the light off, Persephone had well found her spot between my legs, purring softly as she groomed herself for the night and I opened my phone, going to tik tok. Carm spoons me from behind, nuzzling his face in my shoulder with his arm wrapped around my waist. “What’re we watchin’ babe?” He mumbled and I smile. 
“My nightly dose of giggles” I said and scrolled down my for you page, stopping on a video from ‘Secret Brittany’ and my eyes locking on the screen. 
Okay guys, lock in alright? This is the plan - the military planning for the next 2-4 months of my life 
Carm lets out a snort in to my neck, his hand traveling up and down my ribs as he watches with me. 
I’m not going to move to Ireland- yet. I’m going to purchase bumble premium in Ireland, and I’m going to march with Irish men who want me - caveat, they want me, then, I’m going to move, and live my faerie dream 
I giggled, “me” I said quietly to myself and he pinches my waist gently causing me to giggle more “you?! You’re not goin’ anywhere I dunno’ what you’re talkin’ about” he held me tighter, nuzzling his nose deeper in to the crook of my neck. “Is someone whiny and jealous? I’m sure with my red hair and thick hips I’d have guys lining up for me” I teased and laced my fingers with his. 
He let out a bratty huff “I know that’s why you aren’t allowed to go” he muttered into my skin, causing me to smirk as I scrolled on to the next nonsense video. I gasped as I realized I had forgotten about getting to the next part of my absurd series about some woman divorcing her lying husband and looked up her account and Carm leans in a little closer. 
“Wait…” he muttered softly as I scroll through, trying to find the last video I left on. “Who the fuck did I marry…52 parts Winnie?!” He snorts and I giggle “Carmen- shut up, shhh your brain. Get engrossed.” I said and went all the way back to the first part and I glance down at him. 
“You know I’ve watched 23 parts but I’ll rewatch- cause you have to see this, and know-“ I lean in so our foreheads were touching and giggle a bit. “I’m scared” he said playfully causing me to laugh more. “Know Carmen -whatever your middle name is- Berzatto, I will always sniff out a lie- I will do my diligence- hear me?” I huff a laugh and he kisses my lips tenderly. 
“I would never dream of lying to you” he said honestly before continuing. “I may not tell you everything at once, but I’ll never misguide you, yeah?” He said softly and gently cups the back of my head with his warm hand. I nodded softly against him. “Yeah…” I whisper and kiss his forehead. “My middle names Anthony” he said with a small smile. “Mines - basic. Ok, Now listen to this bullshit” I giggle a bit and turn back around, hitting play. 
It was about 3 parts (30 minutes) of Carmen softly gasping, playing with the hem of my shirt in anticipation, and humming in confusion before I heard the first snore come from his lips. I hit pause on the video, putting on my rain asmr sounds on Spotify and gently plugged my phone in, setting my alarms before drifting off into a peaceful, relaxed sleep. 
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·...·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·...·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..
I woke up to the sounds of violent retching in my bathroom, I rubbed my eyes, confused for a moment before remembering that Carmen had slept over. I padded out to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing my brita jug, before opening my cabinet and grabbing one of the many different glasses that fit a bamboo lid and glass straw, this certain one adorned with cherries. I gently pushed the cup under the ice dispenser, letting a few cubes drop in before filling the cup with chilled water. 
I pushed the lid and straw on, popping the Brita back in the fridge before padding back to the bathroom, where I heard dry heaving from outside the slightly cracked door. “Carmy?” I mutter softly, pushing the door further open to see him crouched over the toilet, elbows supporting him as he gagged over the bowl. 
“S-sorry.” He muttered, coughing a bit before sitting up and trying to catch his breath. “No- no. Carmen, don’t apologize” I knelt down next to him, gently rubbing his back. “I’m not feeling sick.. so was it a nightmare?” I asked softly, extending the water to him. He sat back on the floor, extending his legs in front of him and sighing deeply. 
“I really didn’t mean t’wake you, Winnie. It’s fine…really they happen like every night” he mumbled, taking the glass from my hands. “I have them too! It’s ok, it's ok. S’just a bad dream” I said softly and gently brushed his curls off his forehead that were damp with sweat. He takes a big few gulps of water from the straw, sighing relieved before leaning back and resting on the cold tub. 
“Did you…did you wanna talk about it?” I sat next to him, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my cheek on my knee, glancing at him through the moonlight coming through the window. It was hard to see him without my glasses or contacts, but his striking blue eyes were still impossible to miss. “It’s…” he looked at his hands, holding the glass. “Stupid” he said finally. “So..so stupid. I used to..” he sighs, his head dropping back and eyes squeezing back in thought. 
“Throw up?” He said like a question, shaking his head quickly. “Like” he looked at me “before I’d…see my boss” in the dim light I could still see his cheeks reddening. I bit my lip gently, leaning over and hugging him silently, my head resting on his chest. “I’m sorry” I said softly and he sighed, setting his water glass down and curling his arm around my frame, rubbing gently. “No.. no that’s not- don’t feel bad” he said softly, his thumb rubbing soothing strokes in to the middle of my back. 
I gently shook my head against his chest. “Carmen…” I said softly. “This… this monster…” I said softly and looked up at him, cupping his cheek honestly. “He makes you sick Carmen…what…what he did to you- whatever he did…he creates a panic response in you, baby.” I rub my thumb along the stubble of his jaw that was already peaking out before first light. 
He swallows thickly, drinking in every word I was saying. “He…he…” I look at the floor, trying to find my words. “He instilled that voice in you” I said, my lip quivering slightly and he put his thumb to my lips gently to stop the motion. “What? What voice, honey?” He asked softly. 
I giggled into his finger, still slightly wine-drunk. “Your inner-saboteur. Just like Ru-Paul says” I gently nibble his finger, causing him to really laugh. “My inner-saboteur” he repeated with a smile. “Yes” I said gently and kissed his forehead. “Let him go, Carm, fuck that guy! Fuck your inner-saboteur. I’m still a tad bit drunk, but c’mon- brush your nasty throw-up teeth” I said teasingly and giggle, resting my forehead on his and gazing into his icy blue eyes. 
“And come back to bed, I’ll introduce you to Drag Race tomorrow”  I said softly, pecking his lips tenderly. “Okay?” I gaze into his eyes, looking for agreement. “Okay…” he said softly, a smirk adorning his lips. 
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·...·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·...·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..
I wake up to the feeling of Persephone jetting off my right thigh like an Olympic-launching pad at the sound of my alarm going off, soothing chirping birds filling the bedroom from my hatch alarm clock Sadie’s Parents had gotten me as a housewarming gift. I groan softly at the reverberating pain in my thigh muscle from her sudden attack, reaching down and soothing the ache with a slow rub from my hand. 
Carmen was draped around me, his arm tucked protectively around my waist and his prominent nose nuzzled in my neck, the feeling of short, hot breaths hitting my shoulder at an even pace. I gently leaned over, tapping the top of the clock that was slowly getting brighter, so it stopped its cry of awakening, 
I rubbed my face tiredly before I gently pried Carmys sleeping fingers off of my waist, slowly getting up off of the mattress, so as to not wake him. My t-shirt brushed just below my lower cheeks, goosebumps crawling up my legs from the chilly apartment air. I nuzzled my feet into my pink bear-claw slippers, and quietly shuffled out to the kitchen, silently pulling the bedroom door shut behind me.
 I sighed tiredly, stretching my back and arms just at the end of the hall, moaning softly at the blood rushing to my muscles at the action. “Mmhmm” I mumbled at Sephy hungry cries, scratching my scalp in a sleepy haze. 
“Comin’ babygirl” I muttered softly, shuffling out to the kitchen and opening the cabinet, I pulled out a tin full of wet food and cracked it open with my forefinger, taking out a spoon from the drawer. She meowed impatiently, causing my tired eyes to roll up involuntarily.
“Persephone” I muttered, tired but stern. “Jesus Christ should I call ASPCA?” I joked, taking a spoon out of the draw and nudging it closed with my hip quickly before spooning half the can in the bowl and chopping it up half-hazardly, before setting it on the floor with a clink. She dove in, eating like she’d been starved. 
I put a pod in my Nespresso machine, and rested my chin in my hand as my latte brewed, scrolling through my ‘For You’ page, sending a few videos to Sadie that made me stifle a laugh so as to not wake Carm. I opened my fridge, pouring some half and half in to my cup that I’d already filled with ice before pouring my espresso over the top and mixing it up before sealing the lid. 
I shuffled over to the couch, sitting down and continuing to scroll through videos as I sipped my latte. By the time I’d finished it, Persephone was sitting on the cat tree grooming herself in the morning light and the clock read 8:32. I got up, going over to my record player and shuffled through my selection of records, settling on Ctrl by SZA that Syd had gotten me. I bit my lip gently, thinking of her. 
I really hope she wasn’t mad at me…for too long. Thinking back on the conversations she had with us about her ‘boss’ who I now knew was Carm, he could be a serious asshole and he…emotionally led her on in a way? And they never explicitly mentioned their feelings but it sounds like there definitely was feelings..My thoughts are broken by the static of the record as it switches to the next song and Love Galore starts playing. 
I did my usual routine of walking around, pulling open my blinds to let the light in before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. I washed Sephys bowl and set it on the small drying rack before setting a pan on the stove to heat. I opened the fridge, resting my hands on my hips, and realizing I have no idea what Carmen eats- if he eats breakfast. It’s a Saturday though…I settle on the safe options of eggs and toast. 
I popped 4 pieces of bread into the toaster, humming along to Doves in The Wind while I cracked 4 eggs into a glass measuring cup and whisking them with a fork. I added a little bit of garlic salt and pepper, mixing it again before dropping some butter in the pan and letting it melt. I got out 2 of my pink heart shaped plates and set them down in preparation, before pouring the eggs in the pan. It was quick to scramble so I put the toaster down, and I was shuffling over to the table just as the bedroom door opened. 
Carm genuinely looked refreshed. The bags under his eyes were mostly gone, and his eyes didn’t look red and exhausted. I look over at the clock, 9:22. “Good Morning, Chef. I hope scrambled eggs and butter toast is acceptable? With jelly of course” I went over, clicking off my record player that had stopped spinning a few minutes prior.  “You made breakfast?” He asked, looking over to the table. 
It took all of my strength to keep a casual face at his deep, husky morning voice. “Mmhmm!” I hum and come back to the table and he followed. “Coffee?” I ask and he nods “thank you- wow. I can’t remember the last time I.. actually ate in the morning. What time?-“ he looks over to the stove and his eyebrows raise. “Shit.” He snorts. “I guess your bed was comfortable” he sits. 
I smirk proudly “well I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your stay so far at Winnie’s bed and breakfast” I said and went to the kitchen, opening my cabinet and smiling wide at the perfect mug for him to use. I set it down on the counter, “cream?” I asked opening the fridge. “Yes, What are you cheesin’ about?” He teased and I giggle “somethin’ - just wait” I took out the cream and set it on the counter and popped in an americano pod. 
“Oh! Forks! Sorry. Forgot my meds this morning. Let me go do that” he chuckles as I quickly shuffled off. I go in to the bathroom and took my medications with a handful of sink water before coming back and seeing his coffee was done. “Perfect!” I took it out, putting cream in. “Sugar?” I asked and he shook his head “no” he said and I stirred the coffee, putting the spoon in the sink. 
I carefully come over, covering the art on the mug until I set it down in front of him with a giggle. “A Bear mug for Bear and it has a cute, true saying, ‘A hug a day keeps the lonelies away’ “ I giggled. “See that one’s me,” I point to the smaller one, “and that’s you,” I pointed to the bigger one “cause’ you give teddy-bear hugs” I smiled. He looks up at me, his blue eyes sparkling in the morning light, an adorable smirk on his face. 
“You…” he starts and shakes his head, pulling me into his lap and I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck loosely to steady myself. He kisses all over my face, causing giggles to involuntarily fall from my lips and my eyes to squeeze shut at the quick short pecks that tickled like butterflies, my heart fluttering the same way in my chest. “Are so fucking cute” he hugs me close and I giggled, wrapping my arms around him. 
“Thank you” he kissed my neck sweetly before releasing me and I got up. “Wow, an ambush, I do take payment in kisses but warn me so I can count!” I joked, sitting down in my seat and he rolled his eyes playfully, a pink blush adorning his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. “Forks!” I said and he laughed, shaking his head again. 
“Does that happen all the time?” He asked and I nod, heading over to the drawer and grabbing 2 forks. “Yup. It’s worse if I don’t have my meds” I put his fork in front of him. “Hope it’s ok” I said and sit down “no- this is…this is great Winnie, thank you really” he said taking a bite and nodding. “5 stars Chef” he said and I laughed before taking a bite of mine. 
“Mmhmm totally I’m coming for your spot! Better get worried these eggs’ll put you out of business” I joked and he snorted, taking a sip of his coffee. “Mm- I think Starbucks should be a little scared” he teased and I giggle a bit, nibbling on my toast. “That’s all Nespresso that thing is amazing” 
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When we finished breakfast, Carm takes our plates and his mug over to the sink and starts washing them, along with the pan I’d used. “Wow…he cooks and cleans? You sure you aren’t taken already?” I joked, wiping down the table with a Lysol wipe. He chuckled “nope, haven’t gotten any serious offers” he joked back with a smile. 
“Did you wanna see my little library craft room thing?” I asked, throwing the wipe away in the garbage. He puts the now clean dishes on the drying rack. “Course, what do you…craft?” He asked, following me to the second bedroom and I opened the door. “Oh..lots of things. I sew,crochet,read, make jewelry, I paint sometimes” I shrugged and he looked around at all the half finished projects. 
“This is cute” he hummed, picking up a half finished star and moon granny square blanket off the back of my pink desk chair. “Oh! That’s for Syd’s birthday!! She’s such an astrology girl, it's one of those things we can talk about forever.” I smiled and he nods a bit. “Why haven’t you ever come around more? The uh- the restaurant” He asked as he looked over the intricate stitches and I shrugged, picking up stray crochet needles scattered on my desk and putting them in the little drawer where they belonged. 
“Oh.. well Sadie and I - it’s kinda fancy for one thing, and umm..we don’t like people and it’s been busy for months “ I laugh a bit “fancy huh?” He teased, setting the blanket back down and walking over to the wall of pictures I had next to my overflowing bookshelf. “It has been pretty busy” he said as he gazed over the different memories of girls trips Sadie and I had taken as well as pictures of nights out with Syd. 
“Also as you can probably tell- Sadie and I do not belong in a cool fancy place like that” I giggled and he shook his head rolling his eyes playfully with a smile. “I don’t either but it’s what brings the business right?” He looked over the books. “Damn, you read a lot” he said and I giggled. “Mmhmm! Work at a bookstore” I said and he pulled one of my most well loved books out, “this one of your slutty books?” He teased and I roll my eyes. 
“Ha.ha. No- this is an amazing book, you’re saying you’ve never read this book?” I took it from his hands. “My brother gave it to me” I said and flipped to the second blank page where ‘From Chris To Twinnie’ was scribbled in his chicken scratch handwriting. His eyebrows raised. “Oh…no- no. Never heard of it.” He said and my jaw dropped. “Never heard of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” I scoff a big smile coming to my face. 
“Okay, so, now I see” I nod, holding the book to my chest with a teasing smirk on my face. “See what?” He asked “I see why you…I dunno” I shrug. “Don’t like to have fun “ I poke his chest and he scoffs. “I have fun I am totally fun!! Are you saying I’m boring?” He asks, slightly offended and I laugh. “No! I’m saying that… the whole point of this book is that life, our journey to self discovery is useless if you have no intention of loving or being loved.” He raised his eyebrows before starting to laugh. 
“A rabbit said that?” He questioned and I shook my head “no he learned it. C’mon let me do skincare on you and read it you’ll love it” I said and he blushed a bit. “Why do I have bad skin?” He joked with a teasing smile. “No you have nice skin but let me take care of it” I said and led him to the bathroom by his hand, getting out my face wash “wash your face with this” I said and turned the water on warm, and grabbed a clean face towel from the cabinet with embroidered strawberries on the hem. “dry your face with this” I instructed. 
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I gently put on the sparkly under eye patches under Carm’s eyes and he scrunched his nose adorably. “The fuckin’ hell why do you do this” he muttered “feels like a slug” he said causing me to giggle “oh my god such a boy. This will make your pretty blue eyes much more noticeable without all the darkness from never sleeping” I gently smoothed them out, booping his nose with the tip of my finger when I was done. 
“Mm whatever you say this is Winnie’s Salon after all” he says and I tut “no! This is Winnie’s beauty parlor. I'm not cutting your hair today” I said and his eyes fluttered open, looking up at me with a small smile. “They look pretty on you” he said, causing me to blush. “You’re a big flirt” I gently played with his hair and his eyes fluttered back shut, humming softly in satisfaction. “Did you want me to read to you?” I asked and his smile grew. 
“Please. It’s been a long time actually, I’m excited to hear about this rabbit” he said and I grab the book from next to us, opening to the first page and starting. 
“Chapter One” 
By the end of the first page, he was glancing up at me, watching me speak each word and smiling slightly when I did slightly different voices for each character. At the end of the first chapter, I close the book and he pouts a bit. “What? No keep going, that was getting cute…she loves that bunny” he said and I giggle. “Yes she does, if you want to hear the next chapter you have to come see me again. Plus, I’m getting hungry” 
I peeled his eye patches off, gently rubbing in the remnants with my ring fingers and he smiled softly. “Mm…you cook breakfast, pamper me, and read to me? I think this is my new hang-out spot for Saturdays” he jokes and I giggle a bit. “Good, so next Saturday you’ll get to see what happens in the next chapter.” I said and he sat up, sitting against the headboard next to me. 
“Sounds like a steal for me” he smiled adorably, his skin still glowing from the serum I’d applied. I looked at his lips, then back at his eyes before straddling his hips and kissing him deeply. He hesitantly moves his hands to my hips and rubs with his thumbs gently. I kiss down his jaw over his stubble to his neck, nipping gently and he groans softly “Winnie” he said, gripping my hip a bit tighter. I gently tug on his ear with my teeth. “I think it’s hot you’re such a talented chef and like when I cook for you” I said softly in his ear, gently tangling his curls in my fingers as I continue to kiss and nip his neck. 
I grind my hips on his and he moaned softly “Winnie.” He said softly, moving his hand to my back “I-i…” he swallowed thickly and I stopped, sitting up and looking at him. “What? Did I..did I do something wrong?” I asked. He shook his head, refusing to meet my eyes. “I-I don’t…we shouldn’t” he rubs over his chin, thinking. 
“Do you…regret last night?” I asked, getting off his lap and sitting crisscross beside him on the bed. He shook his head again “no- god no that was fuckin’ amazing Winnie I-“ he blushed, looking down at his lap. “I’ve uh never…” he cleared his throat, his eyes squeezing shut in embarrassment. “I- I’m surprised I lasted that long with you- a-and…I’ve never done that before..what we did in the shower and I’m still- I’m thinkin’ about it” he swallowed thickly, finally looking at me and I nodded slowly. 
“Okay…I think we should talk more about our sexual experiences” I said and bit my lip. His face goes pale, his mouth opening and closing a few times like he was trying to find the words. “Uh- I” he stuttered. “I’ll go first…what uh- what do you wanna know?” I asked casually and play with the hem of my shirt. “Uh- well..that’s- I don’t… I don’t know a lot” he said quietly, clearly embarrassed by the way his eyes darted away from mine again. 
“Okay so…how about this then. I’ve slept with 24 people, including you. But most of the bulk of those were back home, I’ve slept with you and one other person since I’ve been here, how many have you been with?” I asked and his eyes widen. “Twenty four?” He repeats, his mouth dropping slightly. I scoff “what so guys can sleep with 100 women by the time their 24 but I can’t sleep with 2 people a year over the course of nearly 10 years?!” I asked my tone laced with annoyance. 
He shook his head quickly “no-n-no Winnie no…I’ve….ive slept with less then 8 people…I’ve had sex like…maybe…” he took a deep breath, looking away and swallowing thickly “I don’t- I don’t like this game anymore or- or questions. Or whatever” he said his cheeks going red. I bite back a laugh at the irony of him being so insecure by holding my tongue between my teeth and I gently touch his bicep. “Look at me” I said softly and he shook his head inching away from my touch a bit. 
“Carmen. When I said no one has made me cum like that- I mean it. I was fully seeing stars bro I was shaking Carm.” I laughed and he looked over, eyebrows raising. “You really meant that?” He asked and I roll my eyes playfully. “I wasn’t even gonna fuck you a second ago I was gonna suck your dick because I’m sore. Literally yes you’re amazing Carmen you’re so fucking hot.” I said and he bit his lip, looking at his lap. 
“But I can’t…like- when…when we were in the shower” he muttered “that was-“ he swallowed thickly “I’ve never…I’ve never had sex in the shower before and-“ he sighs deeply. “I don’t want to get attached.” He looks at me finally, and I was silent for a moment, my brain filing through all the possible things he could mean. I settled on the safest response that would have the least possible chance of rejection. “Like- you don’t want tooo…” I questioned and he raised his eyebrows waiting for me to continue. 
“To get attatched to fucking me on your days off?” I question and he rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “Winnie” he muttered, slightly annoyed. “That’s not what I mean Y’know that” he said and I bit my lip. “Tell me what you mean then, Carmen” I said and he looked up at me. He stared at me for what felt like forever, studying me, my features, I tried my best to decipher what was going on behind his eyes but only a week of knowing each other I was rolling blanks. 
“I don’t want to get attached to this. Winnie, to you. I don’t want to do this, we can’t do this.” He shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest and the small change in body language felt like an ocean of distance was suddenly created between us emotionally. My mouth suddenly felt dry, and my throat was growing an enormous lump. “Why” I finally choke out and he looks back at me. “Because I told you, Winnie, I’m not boyfriend material. What this” he motions between the 2 of us “Is, can’t keep going like this. Fuckin’ cuddling and shit..” 
I felt like I wanted to burst out into tears, not more than 20 minutes ago he was dreamily looking up at me while I read to him and now he was telling me that he won’t allow himself to be around me, and relax. “Oh” I scoff, my eyes narrowing and crossing my arms over my own chest. 
“You are such a little baby,” I said and his eyebrows furrow, “what?” He asked. “A little fucking. Baby.” I repeat myself and he blinks a few times, “What the fuck do you mean?” He asked and I got up. “You are an angry baby, because you realize that I have more experience in the bedroom!” I laugh dryly. “Carmen. You knew what you were getting yourself into. You want this. Look at me, and tell me the last fucking time you relaxed on your day off? Hm?” I raise my eyebrows, shrugging and waiting for an answer. 
“You don’t fucking know me, Winnie” he scoffs. “I don’t- I don’t give a fuck that you have more experience than I do. Clearly, it wasn’t with anyone good! Per your fuckin statement 5 minutes ago.” I shook my head. “You’re right! You’re right Carmen. I was begging for your cock- and you wanna know something? You loved it. You were pussy drunk, Carmen, you- you are just so fucking obsessed with depriving yourself of joy, of pleasure that instead of allowing yourself to fuck me you’d rather be in your apartment all alone and cum in your hand? Fine. Have fun” I shrugged, motioning to the bedroom door. 
He sat there, jaw dropped. “You-“ he closed his eyes in shock, shaking his head as he digested what I just said to him. “You are so-“ he sighed, looking at me and his eyes flicker to my chest. I smirk, “fuck. Im gonna fucking hate myself this week. C’mere” he said and I knelt on the bed, straddling him once more and kissing him deeply. I pushed him back on the bed roughly. “Tell me you don’t want me” I said and peel off my shirt, exposing my breasts and already peaked nipples shining with their little black studs, already hardened due the adrenaline coursing through me. 
“Fuck off Winnie you know I fucking want you” he grabs my breast, playing with my nipple gently and I bit my lip. “I haven’t even showed you half of what I can do- and you’re gonna throw the towel so soon?” I rest my palms on his shoulders for leverage as I ground into his hips, the friction causing his eyes to flutter shut and his head to fall back onto the pillow in a low whimper. 
“N-no- no you’re right. You’re right Winnie fuck” he moaned, gently tugging at my jewelry causing me to gasp in pleasure. I kiss him hard, circling my hips into his at a torturously slow pace causing him to whimper and groan into my mouth which made a small smile come to my lips. I pulled away slightly, our lips barely an inch away. 
“Do you want me to suck your cock?” My eyes flutter to his, my hips completely still. His breath quivers “yes” he said barely above a whisper. “Tell me, say it, Carmy. What do you want?” I ask and kiss his neck tenderly. “I-I want you t-to” he swallows thickly when I nip at the tender spot below his ear. “I want you to suck my cock” he said, eyes fluttering shut and cheeks going red. I smirk, happy with the admission, but still unsatisfied with the way he was denying himself. 
“Okay baby, since you asked so nice, like such a good boy” I said, his lip tugging between his teeth and
I kissed down his chest, his abs tightening when I made my way over them, my tongue dragging slowly down the divot in the middle. He watches me with hooded eyes, hands gripping the sheets so tightly his knuckles were turning white, his chest raising up and down deeply at a quick rate as he watches me worship him. 
I straddle his calves, gently rubbing his fully hardened length through his sweatpants and he whines softly “please-please Winnie” he breathed impatiently. I smirked, my hands rubbing long teasing strokes up and down his thighs. “Do you really want me to suck your cock, Carmen?” I asked and he swallows thickly. “Winnie” he wined, looking away and his cheeks heating. 
I stopped touching him and my hands raised to my breasts, gently palming and squeezing them before playing with my hard nipples and my head dropping back as I moaned. “You don’t want me, baby?” I asked and his hand traveled to his pants and I stopped him, grabbing his wrist. “Do you want me Carmen?” I asked, taking his hand and putting his forefinger and ring finger in my mouth, my tongue swirling around them and hollowing my cheeks at the base of his hand. 
He bit his lip harshly as I did so. “So so fucking bad.” He said softly, I pulled off his fingers with a ‘pop’ and tugged him out of his boxers, leaning down and spitting the puddle of saliva I had collected in my mouth while sucking on his fingers and pump his length with the wetness, twisting and getting it all wet. “Holy fucking shit” he mumbled, a moan falling from his lips and his head falling back momentarily but he was quick to put his eyes back on me. 
“Does that feel good baby?” I ask sweetly, my thumb brushing over his tip. He nods “shit- yes s-so good baby” his abs clenched in pleasure as I slowly dragged my thumb over his slit teasingly. “Mmm the noises you make are so sexy baby I love it” my other hand dances around his stomach, my nails brushing the toned skin causing him to shiver slightly. 
“Oh you adorable thing” I said and leaned down, kissing his tip gently and his head drops back, a breathy moan falling from his lips, his knee jerking slightly under me. I stuck out my tongue, slowly licking his tip from the back of my throat all the way to the tip of my tongue, flicking it teasingly causing him to whimper beautifully. “You have such a nice cock baby” I praised, pumping him slowly, twisting my hand how I knew he liked based on the way his stomach would tense when I did it repeatedly. 
I look up at him, his cheeks, bright red, curls stuck to his forehead in sweat, “do you like it when I tug harder” I did so and he whines “or softer?” I went back to my original firmness and he breathed out, I could tell no one had really ever given him this kind of attention during a blow job before- so I was relishing in the fact that no matter if he did claim to hate himself this week, every time he came after a long day it would be at the thought of me. So I’m pulling out every stop, every theatric - I’m going to make this magical. 
I was already fucking him dumb and I had barely used my mouth yet. We had a lot of work to do, to mold him into the kind of partner I knew he yearned to be. And whether we continued to pretend to be ‘friends with benefits’ while he learned, or he decided he wanted more- I didn’t care. Because I knew this man wanted to dominate, and I was dedicated to getting it out of him. 
When I got no verbal response my hand stopped moving and I gently tap the head of his cock against my tongue getting his attention. “Words.” I said softly, smiling sweetly as I waited for a response. “Hard. H-hard. Please.” He said and I continued as he requested and he grunts “fuck yes…mmm twist baby like-“ he moans louder when I oblige. “Yes. Yes.” he breathed and I smirked, moving my hand faster. 
“Good boy, I love it when you tell me what feels good” I said and my hand that was on his stomach travels to his v-line, my forefinger soothingly stroking as I took his tip in my mouth, he lets out the hottest noise between a moan and a cry that I’d heard a man make, before I heard the sounds of the fabric beginning to give beneath his death grip. I pulled my lips off and stopped my hand from jacking him off, taking my hand off his stomach and pulling my hair out of the bun it was in. 
His eyes shot open as soon as I stopped, a small gasp tumbling from his lips as my tight curly bangs fell over my forehead, when they were blown out they were the 80s look I loved to achieve with my hair- but my bangs were extra curly naturally since they weren’t weighed down like the rest of my hair and I’d gotten it wet last night. I pushed it off my shoulders, taking his hand and putting it on my head. “Go as hard as you want. I’ll squeeze you twice if it’s too much.” I said and started again before he could reply. 
He whined hotly as I took him down inch by inch until he was lightly hitting the back of my throat, he was mostly just stroking the back of my head but when he felt me swallow around his tip it was like something in him flicked on. He grips the back of my hair “f-fuck- god do that again- fuck do it again Winnie” he said, pushing my head down gently. I closed my eyes, saying a silent and quick prayer to every god ever that I’d fully digested my breakfast, and that my gag reflex had gotten much better since trying to train it with my toothbrush before bed the past few years. 
I took a deep breath, before fully relaxing my throat and pushing his tip past my tastebuds and I gently stroke his thighs, more to soothe myself that I could do it, before pushing deeper. He cries out, moaning what sounded more like a pleasured growl, his fingers tugging my hair lightly. I knew I had to stop pushing before I either hurt myself or actually gag and embarrass myself. I swallowed around him slowly, my throat fluttering around him for a few moments. 
I feel his muscles all tense beneath me, his abs tightened, stomach clenched, fingers digging into my scalp, eyes screwed shut, veins protruding in his neck. He would be cumming in the next few seconds so - I stopped. I pull off, sitting up, a string of saliva pulling from his cock to my lips as I did so. My lips swollen, jaw sore, chin and neck slick with saliva. I smirked as he gasps, his orgasm flowing away like dandelion seeds in the breeze and he looked at me, his pupils blown with lust. 
“W-why. Why did you stop?” He asked, he almost sounded angry. I shrug, “do you deserve to cum, Carm? You you deserve to feel good?” My fingers dance around his stomach and v line causing goosebumps to appear on his skin and his cock twitches, aching to be touched. “Please Winnie, fucking- let me finish” he grumbled, looking at the ceiling. 
“Let you” I scoff. “Do you even think you deserve that. Carmen? Hm? Put enough hours in this week? Plan enough new catering orders?” I taunt, goading him into showing me any thread of dominance in him I could tug on. He looks at me, his eyes darkening “suck my fucking cock. Winnie.” he ordered and I smirk. “Ooo, making demands now, I only serve those who deserve it” I drag my forefinger from his balls to his tip, smiling at the reaction of his stomach clenching and cock jumping in a twitch. 
“I deserve it” he grumbled, not meeting my eyes. “Hm?” I hum, ghosting my hand around his cock but not gripping it. “I said I fucking deserve it” he looks into my eyes as he said it. I lean down taking him back in my mouth and he sighs in relief, I pump the bottom half of his length as I take him back into my throat. It was barely 2 minutes of him spilling profanity, muttering my name, whines and moans, and only swallowing around him 2 times before I felt him fully tense up again, and an enormous load shot down the back of my throat, so much that I had to swallow 2 times after pulling off of him to get it all down.  
“Holy shit” I laugh taking a deep breath and he was laid there, trying to catch his breath “sorry” he said between breaths, eyes blissfully shut and cheeks flushed as well as his chest from his release. “No its…it’s fine just. Holy shit. You just dumped a generation down my throat” I joked and he laughs lightly.  
I quickly fix his boxers and laid next to him after pulling my shirt back on. “How the fuck did you do that?” He asked and I shrug a bit, pushing my hair behind my shoulders. “Dunno. Just tried it. Glad you like it though. How’d it feel?” I asked and he blushed, averting my gaze shyly. “Uh…” he furrows his eyebrows thinking. “Kinda like…your pussy but … like way tighter, and harder if that makes sense.” He looked back at me and I giggle. 
“Hm…ok. It was kinda cool, also really hot, also pretty freaky- when I went to wipe my chin, my hand touched my throat and I felt your dick like…” I giggle, covering my mouth at his shocked expression. “Holy fuck that’s hot” he said and I nod. “Felt weird. I’ll have you feel it next time” I said and yawned a bit, sitting up. 
“I’m gonna brush my teeth then you wanna nap?” I asked and he nodded “I’m not sure why- we’ve done basically nothing but I’m exhausted.” He said and rubs his face. I shrugged, “just your body catching up while it can on rest. I’ll be back.” I said and padded off to the bathroom. 
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➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
61 notes · View notes
petrifiedperi-au · 1 month
Holy ok ok ok so I just read your dev having trouble with being around Cosmo and Wanda but I bring you a different approach. What if he is mad at them! Trying to shift some of this huge amount of guilt because at least he went to Peri! His own parents left him alone to die. (I can’t remember if you said if they actually knew where he was or not)
Oh lordy oh ok gewze imagine Dev having this moment of realising he has something in common with Peri because he sees his parents as neglecting him. How sad would that make Dev? To realise how much guff he gave Peri cause he thought Peri couldnt relate at all. So he pushed him away but then thinking how wrong he was and how Peri did understand. (Even though we know cosmo and wanda are nothing like Dale and really did love Peri just saw a different priority) but the potent agnst of Dev having a miss understanding of it. Everytime Peri tries to deny it Dev relates. Everytime Cosmo and Wanda gush over Peri makes Dev fume because he sees it as all a show. He thinks he knows how it is behind closed doors. Even if hes actually wrong. It could really help them bond. Until Dev finally sees hes wrong and it’s gonna make a huge rift between them as he blames Peri for pretending to have a bad relationship with his parents. Probably saying it was to “mock” Dev or something.
On another note. Do you think Peri would actually be upset that his parents decided to save fairyworld instead? Maybe rationally he tells himself it was the better choice. That it was what ended up bringing him back. It was what saved all the other fairies who take priority. Hes just one guy. But thats still gonna hurt. Knowing your own parents can and have picked the masses over you. Knowing you arent worth the world to them. Of course he wouldnt actually expect them to choose him but maybe deep down he wanted them to? Idk im loosing it cause I just got off ruff 12hr shift at work lol.
Hope this isnt too off the money for your au I just really enjoy angst
~hollys fairy hell
[AU info here!]
OOOOHHH... THIS IS INTERESTING. WHILE C&W DIDN'T KNOW THAT PERI DIED, DEV BEING ANGRY BECAUSE OF THAT IS... OUGH. I think it DOES check out, actually. Feeling angry that they didn't even KNOW their son died, the blame being shifted to help ease the guilt... IT MAKES SENSE, AND IT'S IN CHARACTER.
He's seen their relationship before, and he knows that they're all such a genuinely happy family, and that makes him feel not ONLY GUILTIER, but MORE FRUSTRATED, MORE ANGRY. Their own son DIED, in front of HIM, and they DON'T EVEN KNOW.
HEAR ME OUT... DEV NOT KNOWING THAT C&W DON'T KNOW UNTIL PERI MENTIONS IT. Him assuming that they ALREADY told their parents, and that's why he was absent for a few days. THE GUILT SHIFTING INTO A MISDIRECTED ANGER ONCE PERI MENTIONS THAT THEY DON'T KNOW AND THAT THEY WANT TO KEEP IT FROM THEM... of COURSE, the guilt is still there, but it blends in with the other feelings and it's a Very Complicated Feeling Soup.
THE MISUNDERSTANDING IDEA IS NEAT... AND IN-CHARACTER. I don't know for SURE how I'd implement it [because my brain is very picky about the things I add, and I am too...], make it go, and ALL those good, delicious, juicy things, BUT BUT it will go on the backburner of thoughts. Specifics would probably just come to me randomly at 2 am like they have been lately gHDLSHSLHD 😭
Hazel's Wish fixed EVERYTHING that happened in the episode, and I talk about how the whole Millio Wishes Thing worked here, actually! I have a vague idea of how things go with Peri after they come back, but I don't have any set in stone ideas yet/there's no established timeline. I think... THEY don't even know at first, they're just confused at the fuzzy gaps in their memory and then, once they get a closer look at themself and the GHOST thing happens [when they're alone] and all that... THEN they put details together and realize they They Fucking Died.
WHICH... PERI DOESN'T UNPACK THAT. NOT MUCH, ANYWAY. The finale ends as usual, with the motorcycles and all that— that's BEFORE he realizes there might be something off. DO YOU GET ME... LIKE...
SORRY I'M... GETTING OFF TRACK. I don't think he'd be upset, not in that way, at least, given the circumstances. I DON'T KNOW IF THIS MAKES SENSE OR IF IT'S JUST WORD SOUP I'M SO SORRY I JUST WOKE UP LIKE AN HOUR AGO. I am throwing words at the wall and hoping they make sense HDJDDGKDDUI 😭
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Charles Leclerc x Male reader
"Is it worth it?"
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I'm slowly trying to get back to writing so updates might have like days gap in between or maybe a week, depends on my mood really, but I will try to write as often as I used to. It's just author's block is a bitch.
Prolly gonna be one of those typical angst stories but eh, angst was what I wanted when writing this.
I will be opening my requests for a bit maybe I might get some interesting stuff.
Warning: mentions of sex but no actual sex or maybe a few lines referencing it(?) Idk really
Here I am standing all alone in the pouring rain on the streets of monaco, I country I once was delighted to call home. Walking around aimlessly I can't help but think back to the events that lead to this ending and letting the tears slide down my rosy cheeks. I think back to the times I once was in his arms as how she is now, how he would tell me how much he loved me and hold me tight while cuddling on the couch, slowly falling asleep to a movie we both don't really care about.
We lay on the couch my face buried in his chest, his hand on my waist holding me tight the other playing with my hair.
"Charles, will you ever find someone better than me?"
I ask letting my insecurity take over for a moment.
"Mon cour, tell me, how can I find something better than perfection?" He says with a chuckle while he pull my hair softly so I am now forced to look up at him.
"You're unbelievable." I say while my cheeks turn a shade of pink. "I guess I'm just afraid that you will one day get tired of me, or see someone better than me, I'm just afraid that the last 4 years of my life with would just go down the drain like it meant nothing." I continue now having teary eyes and burying my face back in chest wetting his shirt a bit.
"Don't ever think that, I will never leave you, you have been the best thing to happen to me. I have not woken up a single day for the past 4 years without wondering why you chose me, why you noticed me?" He says now sitting us both up with me on his lap and his hands now I my cheeks wiping the stray tears that are still falling down.
I look at his face, watery eyes meeting mine.
"Don't ever think that you are someone not worth keeping, I love you and I promise to be with you forever."
I sit down on the wet pavement, my tears not stopping yet. Not being able to holdback the sadness, I pat my pockets feeling for my phone and wallet before realizing I left them at his apartment along with the groceries I just bought.
"Charles?" I say loudly, not hearing a reply I try again.
"Charles?" I say a bit louder.
I decide to get comfortable first, hanging my jacket on the coat rack, removing my shoes and putting on my crocs. As walk to our bedroom I hear grunting, I walked slower trying to concentrate on the noise until I heard a feminine voice.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, chaaarles aahh, fuck you're so biiig."
"I know, now just keep quiet so I can hear if he's back yet." I hear charles say breathily with a few grunts in between.
Hearing him grunting in pleasure and the moaning woman broke me, I knew it was only a matter of time. That one day he would find someone better, and I guess today was the day, or atleast the day I found out. With my mind plagued with the thoughts of them together, naked, having sex, I ran out of the apartment trying to be quiet but on my way to the door I bumped into a picture frame hearing the glass shatter. I looked at the frame through blurry eyes, kneeling down to pick it up and looking at what the photo was, it was me and charles standing on a balcony at sunset, his arm wrapped around my waist, my head on his shoulder our backs towards the sun with smiles on our face.
"I think I heard something break outside." I heard charles' voice say still breathing heavily.
I put the now broken picture frame faced down on the coffee table. Running towards the door, I grabbed my jacket from the rack and put it on. I left the apartment having a feeling I forgot something.
"Even after all these years I'm still so gullible, not being able to see through those empty promises and guilty smiles." I chuckled to myself pulling my legs close to my chest and placing my head on my knees.
"I knew it was only a matter of time, I wanted to atleast savour the fleeting moments I had with him, I knew something was up when he started staying out late more often. I should've known, I SHOULD'VE FUCKING KNOWN LOVE IS NOT SOMETHING I DESERVE." I scream the last parts now looking at the sky laughing loudly to myself. As I feel the cold rain pour on my face with my eyes closed I relapse back to a time when I feel down I would always run to him, and he would make my problems go away.
"Mon cour, what's wrong? I'm in the middle of something at the moment." He says through the phone sounding a bit annoyed.
"Ow uhm sorry, I just ah- nevermind, goodluck today." I say, my voice cracking up a bit, hoping he didn't hear it, as I immidiately end the call. But a few seconds later he called me, doubting whether I should answer it or not, until the call went to voicemail. He immidiately called again this time I pick it up.
"Come on, amour, tell me, what's wrong? I always have time for you." He says with concern replacing annoyance.
"It's nothing really, just the anxiety hitting."
"Sorry I can't be there right now, babe, just caught up with work right now. But I'm almost done, so I might be there in say 30 minutes? Then we can cuddle on the bed and put on a movie?"
"O-okay, thanks, I'll be waiting, bye and goodluck." I say now with a smile.
"Okay, ciao amour." He says before hanging up.
True to his word, he arrived 30 minutes later, with my favourite snacks in hand.
"Ciao." He said as he saw me laying on the hotel bed wrapped in a blanket.
"Ciao." I say with a huge smile on my face spotting my favourite snacks.
"Sorry about earlier, bebe, was just busy at the track." He says with a sympathetic smile.
"It's okay, work is more important anyway, but what matters now is that you're here." I say unwrapping the blanket around me and making my way towards him. As I reach him a give him a kiss and reaching for the snackbag.
"I'm just gonna have a quick shower and change then we can start, sound good?" He says smiling widely before booping my nose and making his way towards the shower.
"Yea, sounds good."
As I sob on the sidewalk I hear a voice call my name immidiately knowing who it was.
"Y/n? Y/n! Bebe what's wrong? I heard something break in the living room and saw your phone and wallet on the kitchen counter along with the groceries." He says concerned, but now that I look at him properly, it looked fake, a look that you would give to a person you don't care about.
"Ow it's just nothing, I just needed to clear my mind." I say feigning a smile, luckily he bought it.
"Let's go back, you'll catch a cold." He says with a small laugh as he takes my hand pulling me up and giving me a hug.
'He still smells of sex.' I thought to myself.
"Okay." I say walking with him hand in hand back to our or rather his apartment.
I felt disgusted, did he even notice? Does he even know that I now know? Does he even care? Is he ignoring it hoping it would all blow over? Is it even worth it at this point? Is pretending a game I can play? Is keeping everything in, worth it to keep him? Is he even worth it anymore?
I look at him once more, seeing him still with a smile.
'Am I the reason for that smile or was she?'
Been a while but eh, creative juice not in me rn. Hope you enjoyed? Requests are open for a bit send something you want written or idk, peace ✌️.
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