#I am very much not American so please forgive me
corrodedcoughin · 2 years
something something southern boy eddie being jealous of nancy and steve growing closer (even though there's nothing going on between them and it's all in eddie's head) and going to an open-mic night in country bar a couple of towns over to sing jolene.
that's it. that's all i got. i just want more eddie singing dolly parton songs and he'll be such a petty lil jealous bitch that jolene fits him perfectly. okay, hope you're having a lovely day friend!
oh my lord do NOT get me started on Dolly Parton loving steddie. I believe and will promote it!! Southern boy Eddie just feels right somehow, I love everything you said.
Now you are going to have to forgive me for all inaccuracies because I am not American but here's some thoughts.
Eddie thinking Steve and Nancy are getting closer, they've been spending more and more time together, heads bent close and talking in whispers. Every time he sees them it feels like a fist around his heart and windpipe a hot, uncomfortable thing that makes him want to turn on his heel but finds himself staring and hurting instead.
He deals with it the only way he knows how, through music and who better than miss Dolly? He spends nights in his room blaring out Jolene, and I will always love you. Sometimes he mixes it up, adds new artists in Willie Nelson with 'Always on my mind', patsy cline 'crazy' and whatever else he can torture himself with.
Wayne handles it as best he can before he's knocking on Eddie's door shouting to turn it down when the soundsytem starts to rattle the mugs on the shelf. He loves Eddie like a son but if he loses another mug to Tammy Wynette's laments he's going to start hiding his record collection from that boy.
Without an outlet for his heartbreak Eddie gets restless so one day after he sees Steve and Nancy whispering and smiling again he jumps in his van and drives, speakers turned up and when he stops he finds himself a couple of towns away outside a bar with some pretty interesting clientele that, while keeping a low profile, are clearly having a good time. He gets curious and Eddie has never been somebody to shy away from his own curiosity so he goes in and what he finds changes his life.
There is such an amazing mix of people, couples and non-couples and most of all, a complete lack of stares or judgement. He keeps looking around, a smile on his face grows when he sees the stage when the barman is at his elbow
'You here for the open mic night? You look the type anyway'
Eddie turns to face the man, certain that this is a place he is coming back to
'Not this time, but sign me up for the next one'
It’s a few months down the line and Eddie is a regular, carved himself a spot on the stage in this evidently accepting and thriving gay bar.
He is gearing up to go out, ready to pour his heart out after seeing Steve pick Nancy up and spin her around, his whole mood souring and the overwhelming pain and sadness sitting low in his stomach. It had been manageable up until then, difficult sure, but manageable. So tonight is the night.
He walks up to the mic to familiar cheers and heckles; he always has such a varied set but never a bad word said about him. Eddie gets himself settled on the stool, acoustic guitar in hand and without giving himself a chance to look at the crowd he starts with the opening notes to Jolene and silence spreads across the audience. Eddie gives it everything, holding nothing back and the bar patrons join him in the chorus. He puts all his sadness into his performance, catharsis in its purest form. He aches and the audience aches with him, it finally feels good.
He looks up then and makes eye contact with the girl that has broken him. Nancy Wheeler stares at him across the bar, she stands in a gap in Eddie's eye line, somehow with nobody in front of her. Sad eyes seeing something in Eddie he never planned on sharing with her. He looks down immediately, not wanting to completely self-destruct in the middle of his set. But that's when he catches Nancy's hand, Nancy's occupied hand holding another hand. A distinctly non-masculine hand. He looks back up. Robin Buckley? Holding hands with Nancy Wheeler? Eddie has to park that thought, can’t let it into his mind when he has his set to finish but it finds a place to sit, to be addressed later, he's curious, not hopeful but definitely interested in this turn of events.
He finishes his set to applause and takes an ostentatious bow, packs up his stuff and shuffles off to the bar, hoping to get a drink and think about what he saw. Eddie manages to get to the bar when Nancy intercepts him, Robin in tow. He should have known she wouldn't ignore him, not when Eddie has actually been in her house, made small talk during the summers when the school couldn't be used for Hellfire and Mike's house was the only available spot.
'Hi Eddie, I just wanted to say, WE both wanted to say, that was great. Really great. Right Robin?'
Robin swings forward, hand still attached to Nancy's and starts to talk, going over Eddie's playing, song choices and then the cover of Jolene. Both her and Nancy change their body language at that lean close, soften their eyes, seem to pick up on something Eddie was showing but not telling.
The thing is, Eddie knew about Robin, they'd had talks in the band room cupboard, tentative at the start but then more open as time went on. They had a trust between each other that neither took lightly. And because of that, Eddie felt protective of Robin, doesn't want to see her hurt when she has clearly opened herself up to somebody new.
Just then Robin shoots off, says something about the bathroom which leaves Eddie and Nancy together. Eddie doesn't really know what to do with himself, doesn't want to talk to the girl that is responsible for his heartache but also doesn't want to let the opportunity to protect his friend go. So he doesn't think, just throws himself in at the deep end and hopes for the best
'You know Ms Wheeler, never thought I'd see you in the kind of place. Taking a walk on the wild side before returning to your castle?' It's not nice but it’s not overly hostile, he hopes
'Yeah, well Robin wanted to come and I thought it might be fun. Let her show me the ropes a bit'
Eddie raises an eyebrow at this
'Wouldn't it be better to come here with your boyfriend? Does he even know you are here or you just here to get some kick from Buckley where nobody can see you? Go back to you 'normal' life in the morning?'
To her credit, Nancy doesn't get angry, raises her head to look Eddie directly in the eye and begins to speak but is interrupted by Robin making a reappearance next to Nancy and then, much to Eddie's horror, a voice comes from behind him
'Ah the love bird reunited at last, don't know how you survived without breathing the same air quite honestly'
'Oh, shut up dingus, I know for a fact that you are disgustingly co-dependent so don't even start'
And that's when Steve fucking Harrington comes up to Eddie's side, places an arm on his bicep and squeezes
'Hey man, you were amazing. That Dolly cover? Goosebumps dude! I'd love to hear more if you know any of her others?'
Steve is leaning in close to Eddie, he is smiling at Eddie, he has his hand ON Eddie's arm. Eddie...may have misinterpreted some things.
It's another few months down the line and Eddie is about to step on stage at his familiar open mic night. He walks up on stage, electric guitar this time, plugs it in and tunes up, not giving the crowd any attention. Then, when he feels ready, his eyes are up and he finds the familiar pair in the crowd. Steve.
Turns out the time he and Nancy had been spending together was to plan romancing Robin and the spinning? That was when Nancy had finally secured a date. He feels silly for it now but hey, worked out in the end, right?
Eddie smiles wide, gets close to the mic so it’s almost muffled
'Stevie darlin', this ones for you'
And Eddie starts Dolly Parton's 'Baby I'm burning' as the audience gets up on their feet and Nancy pulls Robin and Steve onto the dance floor. It's loud and it's fun and Eddie doesn't stop grinning the whole time, smile evident in his voice as he sings and he sends his thanks out to Dolly.
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Chapter II, The Electric Sheep
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- I should probably start by telling you who this guy is.” Said Jimmy. - His name is Cheongtae, and he is Korean. Handsome, like you, discrete, he owns a high quality hair saloon here in Gangnam.”
- Is Cheongtae your...” started the American.
- You want to ask if he is my friend, how do I know him, why did he told me all of this.” Jimmy was impatient. - But believe me, our relationship doesn’t really matter now. I trust him enough to know that the story is true in every detail. Let me tell it to you exactly how I’ve heard it from him. I will use English, since you don’t know Korean. Some nuances could be lost, please forgive me for my simple language.
This is how, according to Jimmy, Cheongtae recounted his pleasurable encounter with Karina to him.
- I was already a bit stressed when riding in her elevator. You know where she lives now, she moved in those apartments on the north river side, with the private park at the center of the towers... Her manager had texted me a couple of hours before. It was urgent, he said. Karina was supposed to make a comeback in three weeks. We already had multiple sessions scheduled at the saloon, for her and the other members. But they needed me to come at her place, right now, for a quick check-up.
Karina has a big mouth. She is not vulgar or anything, just a bit exigent. She knows what she wants. When I worked for her she kept pestering me endlessly, talking about how she had this idea for a detail of the hair style while on vacation, how she wasn’t sure if it was something I was used to do... All while I waited with scissors in hand. Once I started cutting she calmed down. She reminded me of one of those dogs that bark and fight until you finally put them on a leash. Then they behave.
That’s why I was a bit stressed on the elevator. Hair is serious in Kpop. It’s part of the reason why I like to work for idols. But if they needed me to go directly to her place it meant that the stakes were even higher. I was expecting a big meeting of some sort, probably requested by Karina herself. When I finally put my foot into the entrance I was surprised. I couldn’t hear anyone, just the calm sound of the end of an afternoon. Karina was alone.
She greets me firmly. - Oppa, finally. Come in. You really like to make women wait.” Oppa? I think. She knows I am married. Damn she is annoying. - Palli palli (- It means fast in Korean, added Jimmy: - Please learn this.), why are you moving in slow motion?” She wants to chit chat. And I am already out of it. Still, for the sake of business, I try to get into her mood: - You surely seem ready to go to a party.” She doesn’t like it. - A party? Dressed like this?” I look at her clothes, a pair of the most fluffy cargo pants, gray, and an expensive crop top, black. Nothing on her feet. She keeps going: - Please, please, please. Don’t stand there! I told you to come in.” I advance in the living room. I had never seen Karina outside of my shop, but still I had knew her for some time, I had no much interest. My focus shifted naturally on the style of the space. The living room is the only thing you can see when entering, you discover it in one striking blow. There are two, huge, sofas, that almost form a U shape. Light blue as the main color, very modern style. The floor takes a downward step to get to the sofas, it’s sophisticated. After this area you get to the windows, then a veranda. You could say that interior design is one my passions, but I see you don’t care so let’s keep going.
- Do you... like it?” Asks me Karina. - Sure, I like it. It’s good quality.” I don’t get to the veranda. I stop at the couches and turn to myself, an equally impressive open kitchen stands behind, hidden from the entrance. All the other rooms are out of sight, you get to them through corridors. By looking around I finally realize that something is missing. I can’t see Karina’s manager anywhere. I was already surprised of not seeing the whole team here, but the manager, I thought, was a given, since he was the one who wrote to me. - Where is your manager?” I ask.
- Oh, him. My manager...” Her tone floats. Her head is all over the place, I think. - He is not here.
- But how... I mean, he wrote to me, I thought it would be here. But he doesn’t have to, now that I think of it.
- Actually “I” wrote to you. I met him this morning, to discuss things, he forgot his phone here. It’s his working phone. I am going to give it back to him tomorrow.
- You wrote like if it was him. And you have my number. Why didn’t you write to me from your phone?
- I don’t know! How can I know? Maybe I thought it was more professional. Why are you asking me all these questions?! Can’t you see I am stressed already? If I manage to piss off Karina, I am cooked. - I am sorry.” I say. - It’s ok” she answers. - But really, you haven’t seen me in a while. Look at me. Can’t you see that I am stressed?” I look at her. She looks electric. It’s also because of the look. The crop top has that kind of fluffy texture that could come directly from the body of an electrical galactic sheep. I kind of like it, it is hot. Good choice on her. Not that I would expect any less, from one of the constantly ranking top 5 idols in popularity.
- What are you looking at?” She asks. - Your crop top. - Anything else?” And then I notice it. I could have done sooner, but I didn’t. Her breast had taken some sizes. Only her breast, not the rest of her body or her face. Two sizes, at least.
I nod to myself. What a reaction to have. Anyway.
- Exactly. That’s why I am stressed. Sit with me. I really need you today.
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pralinesims · 4 months
Hi! I was a first-time anon who had asked about the movie theater story you were working on a little while back (I never got to respond but I always like making people happy, and I'm glad I motivated you to continue it bc I love it so much).
But anyways, I wanted to ask this because I was genuinely curious: if each of your OCs had a Letterboxd, what would be their four favorite movies? Some might be bigger movie buffs than others, probably, but for the ones who are obsessed with them, is there a way they would organize their favorites, or do they just go with vibes?
HIYA and welcome back aaaa ;_; MWAH thank you so much!
Emilio: is totally into action movies, especially loves stuff where he can identify with the main hero. Laughs tears when watching movies like Hangover or other bromance comedy typa shit.
Vale: Give him anything sci-fi, horror or thriller and he'll be happy. For example I feel like he'd be obsessed with The Thing. Also probably enjoys stuff like Mad Max.
Luca: MAJOR MOVIE BUFF ALERT. Enjoys watching indie movies, even if they're a total slog. Also loves the classics from the golden age of Hollywood and things like comic adaptions, think of Batman and such. He'd probably be a very active Letterboxd user. I truly feel like he'd watch every movie out there.
Sharon: Hmm I don't really see her watching much movies. I'd figure she'd rather be into documentary typa things.
Aaron: I think he'd watch stuff like The Matrix, The Godfather, and similar movies which are rather hard hitting? Enjoys a good plot twist. Also The Lord of the Rings and such, he'd love adaptions of his fav books. Genres wouldn't matter much to him I feel like, but he'd DEFINITELY cringe at romcoms.
Gina: Something she can cry her heart out to. I'd figure she'd love dramas. Titanic and other tearjerker kinda stuff. And anything Ghibli!!! I'd believe she'd like the animated kinda type of movies a tad more.
Devyn: Hmm, I feel like he'd be a Fight Club and American Psycho typa guy. Prolly always rewatching critically well acclaimed classics. But also does not say no to sillier movies, and sings along to musicals.
Kaia: She's that kinda girl that probably almost exclusively watches horror movies. Has built up a heavy tolerance over years, so nothing is really shocking to her anymore. Yet she still can't be assed to watch another type of movie for once.
Maggie: Regularly watches the most disgusting, goriest splatter movies you can find, and laughs out loud when people die. Besides these, she's totally into sillier, lighthearted movies, like romcoms or stuff like Mean Girls.
// some whining from me + extra explanation under the cut:
...and to be frank, but THIS is one bigger aspect I kinda struggle with assigning to my OC's, only rarely I directly know which movie fits, bc I simply don't know enough ones. I do know what THEY like. Just no very specific examples. But generally, I am able to assign their preferred genres or type of movie. But really like. oh man. forgive me. I am the absolute WORST person to ask when it comes to movies because I very rarely watch some?
So here have my vague answers bc with this theme, I legit have to base it just around my general feel for it, cause my movie knowledge barely is developed lmao. Nor do I know anything about Letterboxd, but I might update some answers once I remember specific movies I felt like were right assigning to? But so far please have these ones ok!
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stirringwinds · 2 years
Hello hello! I have an ask request for you, if you fancy- Please reblog/ repost your favourite fic or art of yours, or one that you're proud of and let us know why 🙏
thank you so much for this interesting question! i have a lot of favourites, so it was hard to pick, but i'll talk about this one:
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The caption for this one was: 'Father had an empire / Stretched down from the heavens / To the depths of hell… / Now those days are gone, / Now you have the heavens, / All that lies beyond, / And all the hope I claim / Since leaving me undone. / You have my hands — forgive me. / You are your father’s son.'
This is one of my favourites because I love digging into the tug-of-war that goes on between Arthur and Alfred so much—between being bound together as father and son (and the moments of sentiment and tenderness that did exist amidst their dysfunctional relationship), king and crown prince—and the sort of Titanomachy vibe of being rivals. Titanomachy because well, that's the story of the old gods being overthrown by the new generation of gods in a war to decide who would have dominion over the universe. And that's very symbolic of their relationship, especially after 1945 which really hammers in the changing of the guard. Alfred doesn't quite slay his old man (unlike how some other older nations might have)...but it's a real generational change. A real relinquishment of power that wasn't without some prideful bitterness and scorn on Arthur's part, inasmuch as Arthur always favoured Alfred amongst his children, and begged for Alfred's help during the darkest days of WWII.
One thing I quite enjoyed was redesigning the back of Alfred's jacket from canon—instead of the US Army Air Force jacket, this is a Navy G1 flight jacket, because I headcanon Alfred as a naval aviator during WWII in the Pacific. The USS Yorktown was named after the Battle of Yorktown during the American Revolution (as most of you know)—and was a real aircraft carrier that played a pretty crucial role in several pivotal battles like Coral Sea and Midway against the Imperial Japanese Navy. It felt very apt, because Lord Father (tm) himself rose to power as a maritime empire—and here is Alfred, marrying sea and air power to seize the very power of the sun (stars produce light and heat through nuclear reactions after all).
After all, the boast of global British seapower decisively sank underneath the waves at Singapore in 1941 with the destruction of the Repulse and Prince of Wales at the hands of the Japanese. Alfred doesn’t have a title but...in spirit, that’s kind of who he is to Arthur. His heir. There’s some irony going on with Arthur’s deliverance being him. Composition-wise, I had fun with putting Arthur next to Alfred—but in the shadow— the sun sets on the British Empire after all, but at the end of the day, it's the crown prince growing out of his father's shadow and stepping into his shoes. Yes, I am a bit heavy-handed 😂 but all the same—I absolutely love drawing Arthur and Alfred together, because there’s so much to depict with the competing and fascinating strands making up their dynamic.
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puddlesofwords · 3 months
The Future is a Foreign Land Meta Analysis
This was super fun for me to put together. Please enjoy.
The Future is a Foreign Land has allusions to lyrics from the Dead Kennedys, classic literature, and Nazi Germany. It has a more punk aesthetic than the other Papa Nihil songs, which are focused primarily on interpersonal relationships, with a heavy dose of the ubiquitous Satanic imagery the band is known for.  Notably, Satanic imagery is virtually absent from the lyrics of TFiaFL, although interpersonal relationships do still play a role.  
So, let’s dig into the lyrics and music to see if they lead us to any ideas about the future of Ghost, or insights into how the concepts presented in this song might influence the band’s identity.  Please note that while I have researched the lore and read several histories of the band, I am fairly new to this fandom.  I am merely following leads I discovered while binge-listening to this song after seeing RHRN.  Which is to say, if any of my ideas run counter to established fandom theory, I apologize in advance. (I edited this to put in a read more... it's been a hot minute since I've used this platform and forgot my etiquette, please forgive me.)
The conceit of TFiaFL is that Papa Nihil wrote it in 1969.  Taking that into account, the year 1984 does track, mathematics-wise.  However, 1984 is a very culturally significant year.  George Orwell’s novel is immediately brought to mind, with all the baggage contained therein - Thought Police, brainwashing, Big Brother and the loss of privacy, and the fact that the main character’s job is to literally rewrite history at an organization called the Ministry of Truth.
Initially, as a US-based listener of the song, I��m jumping on the anti-fascist underpinnings of that allusion.  That line of thought isn’t wrong, per se, but I think there are factors at work that make the allusion much deeper and even more meaningful.
Since 1812 (Or 1834, depending on your source) Sweden had maintained a stance of neutrality.  This neutrality was baked into their identities - to the point that they didn’t declare for either side in World War II, the Cold War, or any other conflict.  On March 7, 2024 (ah, there’s the 2024 from the song!) Sweden joined NATO, foregoing neutrality for the first time in 200 years.  A large step - and one that was supported by 66% of the population.
Now, as someone who lives in the US, I know exactly how much power and influence 34% of the population can wield if it so chooses.  According to poll after poll, 66% of US Americans support all KINDS of initiatives that would actually make living in this country suck a lot less.  But that last 34%... well.  If you’ve followed US American politics at all in the past 8 years, you know what happened when 34% of the population lost its collective mind.  (Yup, that’s the percentage of US Americans that identify, or routinely vote, as Republican. The percentage is nearly identical to that of Democrats, so let’s not get too overwrought about things just yet.)
The interesting thing is, though, that the anti-NATO movement is supported primarily by young people.  Young people worried that joining NATO will militarize their country.  Worried that collective security does not stop conflicts and may exacerbate them.  I can’t deny that I understand where they’re coming from, that political neutrality gives more freedom of choice to the Swedish government about where and how they get involved in European affairs.  Choosing to be a part of NATO may remove some of that freedom of choice.  On the other hand, you end up selling iron ore to Nazis and training Danish troops at your airbases in the same breath, so… neutrality can also lead to hypocrisy.
But Puddles, I hear you cry, what on EARTH does this history lesson have to do with Ghost?
Well, in the absence of sympathies, won’t you hear me out? 
1969.  The year TFiaFL is supposed to have been written.  Height of the Cold War.  Sweden is still neutral - this time out of concern that if they join NATO, the USSR is going to invade them.  A not-improbable concern, given Finnish history of the era.  And closer along the timeline to 1945 than we are to 1969.  What’s the worry stated in the song?  A Brownshirt Stasi guard is knocking on your door.  A Brownshirt is, of course, one of the Sturmabteilung troops of Nazi Germany.  Stasi is a security officer of East Berlin - the Berlin of the Cold War.
Thus, if we take a small leap of logic and use a Sweden-centric worldview:  If Sweden fails to maintain neutrality, if they give up their freedom of choice, then the world falls to fascism.  (This is the first half of the first verse.  I’m sorry.  Moving on.)
Interestingly, the specific lyric ‘It’s 1984, and knocking on your door’ is a callback to the Dead Kennedys song “California Uber Alles” which was then remade by the band after the 1980 election into “We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now.”
Those two songs studied side-by-side are a fascinating study.  The first is about the fascism of the Left - which IS A THING.  It might seem corny or sarcastic to worry about hippies becoming dictators - but the theft of choice, even if that theft feels like comfort, is still theft.  Forced conformity, even if you agree with the premise, is still fascism.
 The second song is, of course, about how everyone who wasn’t WASPy felt about the election of Reagan.  The rise of the yuppie to replace the hippie.  This is definitely more in line with what is traditionally associated with punk and rock music in general.  (I’m also a fan of the fact that “We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now” is on an album named ‘In God We Trust’ but I think that’s just coincidence.)
To continue the lyric analysis, the song goes on to reference the Kennedys (which is a nice double-whammy - telling us that the previous line is almost certainly related to the Dead Kennedys songs, but ALSO invoking in the next breath the assassination of both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, which would have been contemporaneous to the storyline release date of TFiaFL, occurring in 1963 and 1968 respectively.)  As an aside, I find it hilarious that ‘the good ones get shot’ is the next lyric because there is currently ANOTHER Kennedy running for president, with the implied meaning that he’s ‘not good’ because he hasn’t been shot.  I don’t think this was intentional, it’s a very minor point in a pretty complex political landscape, but it makes me chuckle.
“For the minute it takes” in the chorus… definitely a reference to nuclear war.  The ensuing firestorm after a nuclear blast will consume a human body within moments, leaving nothing behind.  This is also likely to be a reference to the Doomsday Clock - which is currently sitting at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest it’s ever been to destruction.  Just to give some perspective - the Doomsday Clock was set to 7 minutes to midnight in 1947, right after WWII.  It was 10 minutes to midnight in 1969 and 3 minutes to midnight in 1984.  In 1991, however, the clock had been set back to 17 minutes to midnight, the furthest back it had ever been since its inception.  It has never been set back since.  More esoterically, though, it could be a reference to ts eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.”  The line ‘in a minute there is time/for decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.’ If this line is an allusion to the poem (there are other lines in other songs that make me think that ts eliot is likely one of Tobias’s poetic influences, tempered by the medium of lyric creation and music) then we can assume the piece is, indeed, referring to Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil. 
The second verse is a bit more obscure - probably because it’s dealing with an actual future prediction, as 2024 is only about half over as of the time of this writing.  There is hope in this verse, but it’s tinged with irony.  ‘The dark fascist regime might be gone’ is bittersweet - the hope of Papa Nihil looking toward the future and seeing that maybe, just maybe there’s a way to defeat fascism for good and knowing, as we do, that it didn’t come to pass and that fascism is, in fact, on the rise globally is a gut-punch.  
The next two lines are interesting.  They could be referring to Sister Imperator, continuing the subplot of their failed relationship.  They could be speaking to the audience - either in reference to some real-life transgression of the lyricist or of the lore-based transgressions of Papa Nihil. Or, perhaps this is asking to be forgiven for some future slight that will occur later.
I’m not going to lie, the bridge is weird.  It’s simultaneously finishing the thought of the previous verse but ALSO giving heavy-handed “All You Need is Love” vibes a la Beatles in 1967.  None of this is in any way meant as a criticism, however.  The bridge works musically as well as lyrically to pull the disparate lines of thought together into something coherent and hopeful.  Also of a tangential but possibly related note - “Revolution” by the Beatles was released in 1968 on The White Album.  And I can’t think of a more boot-licking rock and roll song ever to be penned.  But this is certainly a digression and probably just my brain leapfrogging onto interesting coincidences. 
Ok, fine, the song has some deep roots, but Puddles, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE BAND?
I’m so glad you asked.  I find that putting the two Dead Kennedys songs together paints a pretty definite picture for me, and I’m going to lay out what I think is in store based on this juxtaposition and The Future is a Foreign Land generally.
I think our next Papa is going to be a ‘teenage punk’ to put it bluntly.  Cardi was childlike - the tricycle, Papa Nihil and Sister Imperator acting as parents, his antics onstage, the bumbling charm and relative innocence of the character all read as childlike.  Charming, charismatic, certainly able to carry the title, but even the character’s backstory lends itself to a kind of childhood, with Cardi beginning as frontman without the official title of Papa Emeritus.  Cardi has grown up - and now has to face those awkward, angry, tumultuous teens.  And I think that will be reflected in a more punk-inspired sound (where Cardi’s music definitely trended toward pop-inspired).  TFiaFL gives us some of that punk-inspired flavor with the guitar riff and general vibe of the song.  I also think that this next Papa might try to dismantle the Clergy as it's a symbol of authority and conformity - the antithesis of the spirit of punk. I think we got a taste of this direction on IMPERA with the song “Twenties” - which I’ll be doing a deep dive on sooner rather than later, I’m sure.
I’m interested in, but not sold on, the idea that the next Papa will be female (either a new character or Tobias in drag - either works).  I don’t think changing the gender works with the story as I see it progressing.  I do think, however, that the next Papa will be possibly more chaotic and possibly angrier than we’ve seen - and probably more political, if the allusions in this song are any indication.  Whether that politicization is outward-facing toward the world as it is or inward-facing toward the world of the Lore, I’m not sure yet.  I look forward to the new cycle with great eagerness!
TLDR; I want the next Papa to have a mohawk and wear a ripped denim jacket for at least part of the ritual.  Thank you.
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hoe4wesanderson · 15 days
hi, it’s me again. just wanted to say that i love your blog almost as much as i love wes movies; you make such insightful comments on each of the characters i can’t even believe it.
anyway, please could you write something for jack whitman? maybe something where him and reader meet on the train in india and have a cute little love affair? thanks!! <3
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Elk Cracker—Jack Whitman x reader
summary: Jack finds you crying on the train, all alone. Love pursues.
a/n:..um brother I am SO sorry this took me like 7 months to write, I got logged out of this account and I couldn’t be assed logging back in. forgive me pookie. anywayyyy I hope the 10 people this will please love it!
warnings: his gf doesn’t exist or Rita( SORRRYYYYY), it’s pretty soft, talk about jacking off, crying, love, making out, Jack is as accurate as I could get him without being a creep, just flufff (for now), they get freaky at the end presumably, they just just met so it’s a tad awkward.
word count: 1.5k
The night was cold and the train was even colder, Jack was contemplating the meaning of his stupid life while looking out the window. Peter was munching on a cracker like a hungry elk, and Francis was.. jack hadn’t actually seen him for a while now he thought of it. Not that he cared, he was honestly itching for a release. A sweet, American-..
“I’m getting some air, alone.” Peters soft, slightly pissed off, voice mumbled as he stood up to leave. Jack nodded and hid a smile, this was perfect. He had the carriage to himself, perfect time to jack off a bit and free some stress.
The man reached down to unzip his fly, he didn’t even bother glancing around to see if anybody was watching. He figured the absolute nut job tourists around here could use a good show, might do them some good. Jack wasn’t even hard yet, it was pathetic and he knew it, but he was a man after all. So he pulled down his boxers.
But before jack could get to helping himself out he heard something that caught his mind, a soft sobbing. He cocked his head back in surprise, who the hell was crying at 2 in the morning? He swallowed his lust and zipped up his pants. This would have to wait.—
Jack made his was towards the soft cries, rubbing his groggy eyes as he passed shirtless old tourists. Why was nobody else concerned about this? He sighed as he walked, silently hoping he didn’t run into Francis or Peter. Jack made his way to the very end of the carriage. He was confused, where the hell were these sobs coming from?
He turned his head and that’s when he saw the suspect, you. You were leaning against the wall, crying your eyes out as you held yourself in a ball. Jack stared for a few seconds as he bit back the urge to take a photo.
This was poetic gold. He pretended to bump into something, sighing and reaching down to grab what he had dropped. You had only noticed him just then, like he had planned. Your eyes widened and you were quick to wipe away your tears, looking the exact opposite way. Jack stared awkwardly before clearing his throat.
“You uh..you’re crying.” He pointed out bluntly, looking at you.
You stared up at Jack, your cheeks flushing slightly from the embarrassment of being caught. “Oh, um, I didn’t mean for anyone to see…” Your voice trailed off as you fumbled with your sleeves, trying to hide the redness in your eyes.
Jack shuffled his feet awkwardly, clearly unsure of how to proceed. “I didn’t mean to intrude,” he said, his voice a bit hesitant. “I just heard, um, crying and thought maybe… I don’t know, maybe you needed someone to talk to?”
You looked at him, surprised by his offer. “I didn’t expect anyone to notice,” you admitted quietly, avoiding eye contact.
Jack gave a small, reassuring smile, trying to be comforting despite his own awkwardness. “Well, if you, um, want to talk or something, I’m here. I mean, you don’t have to, but…”
You took a deep breath, finding some comfort in his presence. “It’s just been one of those nights where everything feels too much. I thought getting away for a bit would help, but…”
Jack’s gaze softened as he listened. “Sometimes trips don’t turn out the way we expect. If you want to, um, talk about it, I’m here. Or if you just need some quiet..I’ll just go.”
“Thanks..” you mumbled.
Jack smiled faintly, relieved to see you opening up a bit. “Alright, I’ll be here. And, uh, if you want to hear somethin’ silly or distracting, just let me know. I’m, um, pretty good at that too.”
You managed a small, shy smile.
Jack gave a light nod and settled into a nearby seat, giving you the space you needed while remaining close enough to be supportive. The two of you sat in quiet companionship, and the train’s rhythmic hum seemed to make the night a bit more bearable.
A few beats passed where nothing was said, just silence. Until eventually in the silence came your voice.
“I’m y/n..” you declared softly and shrugged, looking over at him.
Jack perked up a bit and tilted his head at your words, he mulled over your words before he finally smiled to himself and nodded.
“Jack.” He replied softly, you smiled at his name and moved so you could sit near him. He stared you down and smiled right back. He missed sweet moments like this, he was a tad touch starved to be fair. He moved to boldly wipe a tear away from your face.
“Pretty faces like yours look beautiful with tears on them, but I bet you look cute without them too, hm?” He whispered and you felt a soft blush cover your cheeks. You giggled bashfully and shrugged your shoulders. He was a little cheesy but you couldn’t be bothered to care.
Jack felt bold in the moonlight, maybe if was the aura of the air, but he felt like kissing you. Slowly he moved a strand away from your face and you blushed some more.
“A kiss might help..” You whispered and averted your gaze, he smiled and nodded his head. He leaned forward and that was that.
your lips met his and you both sunk into a soft kiss, the sound of smooches filled the air and if hearts could fly like those cartoons—they most definitely would. Jack pulled you closer and put you onto of him, leaning himself into the edge of the seat and the wall so you were draped on him. A weird position but it was comfortable and it was honestly calming you down.
You and him stayed like that for a a while until the telltale sign of a man clearing his throat jump scared you and Jack. Jack looked past you to see Peter, who looked like he’d seen a ghost. Although he wasn’t all surprised.
Jack swallowed and gave him and wave, and then in the heat of it all moved to kiss you again.
Peter sighed and moved to walk off again, leaving you and Jack to your thing. Jack smiled against the kiss and pulled back to stare at you.
“I’m going to take you like an elk eating a cracker.” He drawled out, and you furrowed your brows. A giggle escaped you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked and he started to laugh as well, shrugging his shoulders.
“I dunno, just wanted to make you laugh.” He admitted.
And at that, that single joke, was the start of everything and nothing. Some may say causal holiday hookup, but the postcards you and him sent each-other after the trip proved otherwise.
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mediacircuspod · 10 months
Nice vs. Kind
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An attempt to explain how the two concepts vastly differ and how that can be used to understand Crowley in Good Omens. (Both Seasons 1-2)
I’m going to preface this with the fact that these are not the dictionary definitions of these two words and I’m using a distinctly American/English Speaking perspective to give them context and connotations. The differences between the two words in English have been dissected and argued over by people smarter and more experienced than me in academic circles. Look into the works of Tina Malti and RT Lakoff for more understanding, but what I’ve managed to paraphrase is this….
A definition of Nice; Of an agreeable or pleasant disposition.
Ex. Using pleasantries when communicating with others. Please, Thank You, Good Morning, ect.
A definition of Kind; Sympathy to others and a willingness to do what is right, without reward.
Ex. Doing favors for friends in need, or donating to charities.
A simple distinction that makes a world of difference when applying to people, doesn’t it?
Now there is the question of how this applies to Good Omens and it’s two main characters.
Obviously mainly Crowley and Aziraphale.
And I think it relies in this interaction.
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Crowley denies being “nice” quite vehemently in this interaction and he’s not exactly wrong.
Crowley isn’t nice, not really. He’s actually rather rude in most of his interactions with others, including some of his interactions with Aziraphale. It would be a stretch in every sense of the word to claim his presence as “pleasant” in general terms, no matter what Aziraphale might think.
But Crowley is kind. The demon is kind from the very beginning due to his relationship with sympathy and the selflessness he manages to pass off as a blasé fair attitude.
And we see proof of it time and time again.
Chronologically and with very few details….
With Adam, Eve, and the the garden, Crowley expresses sympathy. He states that it seems banishment as an unjust punishment for a first offense.
He expresses distaste for the mass killing of the people in Mesopotamia, specifically pointing out the loss of the children.
He refuses to watch more children die in “A Companion to Owls” and saves Job’s Children from their fate.
He expresses sympathy for Jesus and recalls his time spent with the “Son of God”
He performs favors for Aziraphale at The Globe Theater, in The Bastille, and during the Blitz.
He helps Elspeth with her journey and gives her stability in Edinburgh.
He saves the World because he cares about it. Stripped of his facades, Crowley cares very much about the earth, and not just for selfish reasons.
During none of these events, where Crowley is doing the right thing, is he “nice” in the terms defined earlier.
Aziraphale doesn’t distinguish between the two words, or words like them, and so he uses “nice” and “Good”(notice the Capital G) when it might be more accurate to use “kind” and “right”.
I think it might be telling that Crowley does distinguish between them. As he lives far more comfortably in the shades of grey than Aziraphale does.
If you liked those thoughts I write metas about good omens sometimes!
Here are a few!
Aziraphale and perspective on Crowley’s fall.
The start of their side and their differing feelings on being separate from heaven and hell. Crowley and Forgiveness
Exactly! Entities and how they fail to communicate.
I also am an artist by trade and have a Kickstarter up that you can check out on my page, it’s enamel pins! And it’s like actually so cool check it out if you want.
Tumblr. where u can see art
Kickstarter. where you can see the project
Goodbye 👋 now!
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shakespearefreak · 4 months
Welcome Kaya!
So Kaya actually arrived last Wednesday (May 29th), but I didn’t have time to free her from her box until the Wednesday after that! (And then of course it took me a few more days to edit the photos and write the accompanying story.) When I finally did, one of the first things I did was give her a few gifts I’d gotten during the long months I waited for her: her Meet Accessories, her doll, and Tatlo! 🐕 She was very happy. I also introduced her to my roommate; I explained to her that he’s basically my brother, even though we’re not actually related, which she of course understood because of her own relationship with her adopted sister Speaking Rain. Finally, she met the rest of her new roommates! She and Makena admired each other’s hair, Jip and Tatlo made friends, and Kaya and Josefina bonded over their dolls.
NOTE: I chose to use the Nez Perce spelling for words/phrases in the Nimíipuu language, rather than the anglicized phonetic spelling American Girl uses in the books. Also, I do not speak Nez Perce myself, so please forgive (and more importantly, correct!) any errors.
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Virginia looked up from the canvas of her latest painting. “Everyone!” she called. “I think she’s here!”
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Everyone crowded around Kaya, chattering excitedly. 
(Samantha, Nellie, and Virginia were there too, I just couldn’t easily fit them all in one photo!)
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“Ta’c léehyen,” Kaya said, with a slightly shy smile. “I am grateful to stay with you. I hope we will be friends.” She tried not to stare, taking in all the new faces and the wide range of clothing styles.
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“I love your braids!” Makena said, admiring Kaya’s sleek black hair and abalone shell hair ornaments.
“Qe’ci’yew’yew’! I like yours, too!”
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“Pardon me,” Nellie said hesitantly, pointing to Tatlo, “but is that… a wolf?” She tried not to sound as anxious as she felt.
Kaya laughed lightly. “Weet’u, this is my dog, Tatlo! He is very friendly.”
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Before anything else could be said, Jip ran up to the much-larger Tatlo, his stubby tail wagging furiously!
“Jip, maybe that’s not a good idea…” Samantha cautioned, but it was too late. Jip was already jumping up on Tatlo excitedly, too happy to have another dog to play with to contain himself. Nellie gasped.
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But as it turned out, there was no reason to worry. Tatlo seemed just as pleased to meet Jip as Jip was to meet him! The girls giggled as the two greeted each other in traditional doggy fashion. In a few minutes, you might have thought they’d known each other their entire canine lives.
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“Oh, is that your doll?” Kaya asked Josefina, gesturing to Niña. 
Josefina nodded. “My mother made her for me and my sisters a long time ago. She was meant to be passed down every Christmas, from eldest to youngest, but after Mamá died, my sister Clara hid her so she could keep her. But in the end, Clara gave Niña to me, and even made her this beautiful dress!”
Kaya nodded soberly. “I think your mother would be glad your sister did that.” Then she brightened. “I have a doll too! Would you like to see her?”
“Sí!” said Josefina. Kaya brought out her own doll.
“She is very special to me,” Kaya explained. “She used to belong to my sister, Speaking Rain. When Speaking Rain was lost to my family, Tatlo found her again using this doll’s scent.”
“So both of our dolls are important to us because they brought us closer to our sisters, and to people we had lost,” Josefina said thoughtfully.
Kaya considered this for a moment, then smiled. “’Eehé! That’s exactly right!”
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teecupangel · 1 year
Hello! I just discovered you recently, dived headfirst into several your fics and am so in love with them. I'm also incredibly grateful because I'm in the middle of putting a house on the market and your fics are saving my sanity. My most recent read is 'Ouverture', and I love bitter, slightly elitist and secretly disdainful Desmond. Now I have so many questions about Unity cannon (that you've cannonballed) if you wouldn't mind just head cannoning some future what if answers?
Does Arno return to France and get caught up in the revolution? Does Des come with and keep out of sight? IS Des considered a traitor by the Paris Assassins? Arno have an opinion on the Parisian Brotherhood? Does he have better Eagle vision since Des trained him? Do Paris Assassins read blue or white to him? Does he meet Elise again? What has become of the de la Serre family?
The French Revolution:
*random rooftop after absurdly flashy physics breaking move that avoided the lookout of five Paris Assassins*
Pierre: "Pisspot."
*arrogant eyebrow game at max and full permission from Des to be an asshole*
Arno: "0uncle Pierre."
Pierre. "Figured. Only one other who could hold eagle vision that easily to evade everyone with that stunt without breaking his neck. He would have kicked me as he flipped over my head."
Much love and thanks! And sorry for the long submission!
Hello! I’m so happy my fics were able to help you during such a hard time and please don't apologize. I love getting submissions and asks, no matter how long or short they are (although I am quite late in answering them TTATT). I hope selling your home is going well!
Okay, so let’s talk about the possible future of Ouverture and A New Way To Do Things in relation to Arno.
Arno will, of course, grow up in the homestead in this one. Unity officially starts 5 years after the end of AC3 when Arno is around 21 years old. Arno returns to France because he actually followed Desmond back to France (while Ratonhnhaké:ton and Clay had to stay behind for the Brotherhood and tells Desmond that they’ll catch up to him instead). Desmond returns because Lafayette requested their aid (he and Lafayette talked a lot during the American Revolutions as two French dudes doing whatever they can) and Desmond agreed to help his ‘motherland’.
This means that Desmond and Arno went back to France without the Parisian Brotherhood’s ‘approval’ so they’re going rogue (although Charlotte gets a visit and she cries because of how much Arno has grown).
Arno now calls Desmond ‘dad’ in this one too although he still calls Charles Dorian ‘father’ and they become embroiled in AC Unity’s plot as well, with Desmond having bad feelings because there’s something in Paris that just makes his skin crawl.
Desmond is sorta in a very precarious position in the Parisian Brotherhood, especially now that Sophie Trenet is a council member. A lot of the council members have a more forgiving stance on Desmond, especially after they hear how he helped Ratonhnhaké:ton take back the ‘colonies’ from the Templars but they’re not necessarily happy that he’s back. Sophie’s the one who is pushing for him to regain his old rank (not that Desmond wants it) though because she remembers him as being a good man and a great Assassin.
Desmond and Arno actually visits Bellec in prison and that’s how they reunite. Well…
That and the cannonball that ‘started’ the prison break…
Arno is officially a member of the American Brotherhood of Assassins (like Desmond) so he’s not thought of as a traitor but more like an outsider. Arno doesn’t mind though because his memory of France felt more like a distant dream. He doesn’t like to go to Versailles though.
Arno’s opinion of the Parisian Brotherhood is pretty much nonexistent. Desmond doesn’t like to talk about them, not even to complain about them. Other than say their ranking system is ridiculously long but Arno is pretty sure Desmond was being sarcastic (he was not).
Because of this, the Parisian Assassins appear as either blue (Bellec and Sophie) or white to him. They’re polite to him but also sorta cagey because he is not one of them as far as the Brotherhood is concern.
He does have a better Eagle Vision, one of the more advanced ones, actually, considering Desmond, Clay and Ratonhnhaké:ton trained him (and that means his Assassin style is a combination of his three instructors). The whole “I see their memories” thing Arno is also theorized by Clay as being a mutation caused by Arno’s close proximity to whatever Charles Dorian was carrying with him before he handed it off to another Assassin then returned to France to get his next (and last) mission. Clay believes that it’s some kind of POE and that it sorta mutated Arno’s Isu genes to be more prevalent in this case because he was still young when he was in it’s area of ‘influence’. Of course, that’s all guesswork and Arno just uses it to get more information.
Arno does meet Élise once more and it’s… well… it’s complicated.
While it’s highly possible that Arno would still hold a torch for Élise during that time, it is also highly possible that she would just be a distant memory, the kind girl whose parents may have had a hand on the death of his father (or so Desmond believed). Hell, if you want to add more drama in that front, it could be that Élise and Arno sees each other as ‘enemies’ this time around, their childhood memories being nothing more than the innocence of children that they could no longer go back to (especially with them no longer having any long history with one another so Arno sees Élise as a Templar gone rogue and Élise sees Arno as just another Assassin). (If you want to make it hurt, have Élise be the one to actually carry a torch for Arno while Arno had already fallen in love or may have already gotten married by the time he returns to Paris. To who? Ellen’s daughter Maria who becomes Arno’s childhood friend in the Davenport Homestead). Also, he’s seen as the older brother of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s children as well so, in many ways, Arno feels more at home at Davenport than he is in Paris while Élise’s father died because he couldn’t get the letter meant to warn him in time and she’s just full of anger and the burning desire for vengeance right now, with no one she can trust at all.
Also, also… Desmond has a reunion of his own to rival Arno’s Templar-connection past.
His aunt…
Madame Flavigny.
(Yeah, that’s right. The only person who knew Desmond as Antoine Faroy and his only living blood relative is a Templar, to be more exact, a Templar from the Radical Faction.)
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yallemagne · 1 year
This episode. Hoooooooeeeeeeeeeey.
The service was very simple and very solemn. There were only ourselves and the servants there, one or two old friends of his from Exeter, his London agent, and a gentleman representing Sir John Paxton, the President of the Incorporated Law Society. 
Much like Lucy's funeral in a way, but not sparse for lack of inviting but a lack of people to invite. After all, Hawkins had no family left to him to leave anything to.
Jonathan was holding me by the arm, the way he used to in old days before I went to school. I felt it very improper, for you can't go on for some years teaching etiquette and decorum to other girls without the pedantry of it biting into yourself a bit; but it was Jonathan, and he was my husband, and we didn't know anybody who saw us—and we didn't care if they did—so on we walked.
Mina sounds a bit flustered at the faux pas they're engaging in but still overjoyed at the knowledge that Jonathan is her husband! However, she still needs to justify it: "well, no one will gossip because no one here knows us, so it is fine". Come now, dear, it's fine because it doesn't matter. But oh well, she's getting used to it.
Mina: *detailing Dracula's appearance* "You see, he did not pass the vibe check. His vibes were absolutely rancid."
She really describes Dracula as though she were describing an animal. It's kind of unsettling.
"I believe it is the Count, but he has grown young. My God, if this be so! Oh, my God! my God! If I only knew! if I only knew!"
Youuuu bastards, having Jonathan repeat the lines as Mina continues narrating aghgh.
"Why, Mina, have I been asleep! Oh, do forgive me for being so rude. Come, and we'll have a cup of tea somewhere." 
He's so cute!!! AAAA he is SO CUTE!!! My precious baby, I just want to hold him in my hands. He's so soft and cute and sounds so sweet and unsure, so bashful.
And then Mina begins the next section sounding like she has been crying. She mentions Arthur immediately, which is worth noting because she parallels him. She's lost a father figure and though she hasn't lost a lover, her lover is struggling to keep himself together while Arthur's lost the fight for her life already.
and then Jack comes in egregiously horny, and I just. What do you even have to say for yourself, sir? I think perhaps the way that he describes Quincey hints that he may not know Quincey as intimately as he knows Arthur? Nor as intimately as Arthur knows Quincey. Of course, part of this is just Bram fawning over American men because of his giant man crush on Walt Whitman. Jack's hero worship gives the impression that he's not close enough with Quincey to know his human flaws, at least. He sees him as a moral viking!!
Arthur was saying that he felt since then as if they two had been really married and that she was his wife in the sight of God. None of us said a word of the other operations, and none of us ever shall. 
Jack, are you really so stupid as to think that he doesn't know? Skipping ahead--
"Just so. Said he not that the transfusion of his blood to her veins had made her truly his bride?" "Yes, and it was a sweet and comforting idea for him." "Quite so. But there was a difficulty, friend John. If so that, then what about the others? Ho, ho! Then this so sweet maid is a polyandrist, and me, with my poor wife dead to me, but alive by Church's law, though no wits, all gone—even I, who am faithful husband to this now-no-wife, am bigamist." "I don't see where the joke comes in there either!" I said; and I did not feel particularly pleased with him for saying such things. 
Everyone raved over these lines before ("he confirmed the polycule!! they're all fucking!!"), and they probably still are raving tbh, so I appreciate Re: Dracula properly communicating VH's disdain for the idea and Jack's disdain for VH's disdain. It's more than an offensive joke, VH is bitter at Arthur's words because it would ironically make them all husbands of Lucy, and he morally objects to the idea of polyandry and betraying his wife though he considers her dead to him (comatose? out of her mind? either way, he can't/won't divorce her but still values the virtue of his faithfulness). Likewise, Jack doesn't appreciate VH's apparent derision towards Arthur and the insulting way he refers to Lucy as a polyandrist. But VH assures Jack that he's simply venting to Jack because Jack is his friend, and he dares not to express these harsh feelings to Arthur, who reminds him of his son.
"Friend John, forgive me if I pain. I showed not my feeling to others when it would wound, but only to you, my old friend, whom I can trust. If you could have looked into my very heart then when I want to laugh; if you could have done so when the laugh arrived; if you could do so now, when King Laugh have pack up his crown, and all that is to him—for he go far, far away from me, and for a long, long time—maybe you would perhaps pity me the most of all." I was touched by the tenderness of his tone, and asked why. "Because I know!"
See, this is why he will not tell Jack. Not because he's scared of him. Because he knows that to know is to suffer. He does not wish any suffering upon Jack, though he should realize that keeping secrets has been the cause of much suffering already.
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chemicallywrit · 11 months
I’m terribly inconsistent with audio drama sunday but there are so many stand-out eps this week that i HAVE to
@eelerschoice holy HECK, what a fantastic move with a blind protagonist, taking it as an opportunity to describe the world. Malevolent does it, but i think i like the way eeler’s choice does it better. Wonderful.
My beloved Steeplechase ended this week, and what a good ending. Endings are hard, and I know Justin wasn’t super thrilled about DMing, but he did such a fantastic job. I love these old man criminals so much. If you’re looking for Balance from the adventure zone, i’m not sure that’ll ever be recaptured, but if you want a good story, please listen to Steeplechase.
I am OBSESSED with the @kingmakerpod’s synechdekey (sp? i know it’s a synecdoche reference). What a fantastic plot device. This week’s ep was, as always, lovely and hilarious.
Forgive Me! was incredible. Yeah Father Ben, you punch out that scumbag misogynist. I’m so…proud of him? Yeah, proud of him.
I have a weird relationship with Leaving Corvat, because I like it, but it’s really clear to me that it’s American horror written by a European. It maybe actually adds to the horror, because everything feels very slightly…off? You know? However, this week’s episode had me feeling for Sleeper like I never have before, like he actually wants to be a good person, and suddenly I’m much more invested in his double who is married and expecting a kid. It took a very cool turn.
I’ve been catching up with four podcasts at once, as is my wont, and I just finished up Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica. I. Love her. She’s so good. I can’t wait to start Madame Magenta Presents.
I’ve also been listening through Fall of the House of Sunshine, and if you told me which characters would survive to season three, I don’t think i would have believed you. A dozen of the songs of this show are ending up on my spotify playlists. They’re just so. So! You know? I’m on 3.8 and I’m wondering when the next cringy gross song will happen. We’ve had too many heartfelt ones lately. This is the one i keep thinking about this week:
I also just started Gastronaut! And i didn’t know what I was expecting, but I think I’m in love? More on that another day, I expect.
For personal news, I am hype for the last few weeks of Re: Dracula, especially with the miniseries we’re planning soon. We’re halfway through recording season five of Inn Between, with recording on hold for a bit while I sort job stuff. Gotta make sure you can pay people. I’m also HYPE OUT OF MY MIND for the premier of The Dead, a zombie project I’ve been working on with Bloody FM that premiers on Halloween. Keep an eye out, i’m going to show it off all over.
Speaking of job stuff, I’m currently trying to make rent before i get my first paycheck from my new job! If you liked this or like the other things I do, i’d really appreciate a stop by my ko-fi. Get a sticker while you’re there!
Until next week!
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forever-fixating · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
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Shout out to @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt and @piratefalls for the tags! Second verse, same as the first; we got two WIP teases today again from living in a new normal and A Tournament for His Heart! Both bits are spicy (or spicy-adjacent). Enjoy, loves!
living in a new normal
(Alex is italics, Henry is regular)
Check your inbox. After our last conversation, let’s just say I was…inspired. Enjoy, love.
fuck, baby. that was…
Did I break you?
shut the fuck up
Now is that any way to show your gratitude?
im sorry, im sorry
i really fucking loved it
thank u
There’s my good boy. You’re very welcome, love.
i want to be good for u, ur baby boy
I like the sound of that.
i wish i had something to call u when we talk like this
Why don’t you Google some titles?
fucking duh, ur so smart or im just braindead from that fucking story
okay so im scanning this article and i think i found something
promise to tell me if its lame?
I’m certain it won’t be, but I give you my word regardless.
so theres the usual stuff like sir or daddy
which i dont really like
sir feels too impersonal or whatever and there is only one man i call daddy and thats my actual father
Of course, love. Whatever makes you feel safe and comfortable.
but i kinda like my lord?
cause ur hot and british
like not to be an american cliche but ur fucking accent does things to me, baby
I love it.
And you’re not the only cliche here, Alex. I’m not sure if you realize it, but your accent seems to come out in certain settings, like when you’re drunk or extremely aroused.
u can just say horny hehe
so im ur baby boy and ur my lord?
Sounds perfect, love.
A Tournament for His Heart
“Fuck me,” he begged as Vincent took his spot behind Henry, stroking his quivering hole with a calloused finger. “Make me forget who I am.”
Vincent reached for the vile of oil on the small table next to his bed, and Henry turned his head to watch him slick up his fingers. Soon, Henry was full, those gifted digits stretching him and reaching that sweet spot inside that made Henry moan. But that was not enough. Henry reached behind him to stroke Vincent’s cock, begging, “I’m ready. Please, fuck me hard.”
Vincent smacked his ass and took his cock in hand. Henry groaned as he slid inside him. Once he sensed Henry was ready, he began fucking the prince at a relentless pace. One hand gripped Henry’s hips while the other yanked on his hair, sucking a bruise on his racing pulse that Henry would have to hide with a spell for days afterward. But it was worth it. For a heady moment, the world and its many troubles were held at bay as they took what their bodies needed. Henry let his eyes fall closed and imagined Alex. Did he seek out comfort in another’s arms as Henry did? Would he hate Henry for what he did now?
Forgive me, cariad, Henry pleaded as Vincent’s cock pistoned in and out of him like a raging bull.
Henry came with a broken sob, and Vincent soon followed, groaning as they both collapsed onto their sides on the mattress. As Henry struggled to catch his breath, Vincent nuzzled his neck and stroked his hip, his cock still buried deep inside Henry. It felt nice, loving even, though no such thing existed between them.
“Will you stay tonight?” Vincent asked. “Surely whatever troubled you will keep for an evening.”
Henry thought of returning to the palace, of lying in a cold, dark bedchamber alone, and he wanted to weep. He knew he would be reprimanded if it were discovered where he had gone and what he did. But here, in his substitute lover’s arms, he felt cherished, if only for a moment.
He let himself relax into Vincent’s rough but warm embrace and closed his eyes, whispering, “I’ll stay.”
A/N- Don't worry yall; Henry's heart still belongs to Alex. He just needs to be held (and other things) in the meantime. Chapter one is basically finished, I just need to rewrite the beginning a little to add another character. And much like Alex, I have a peekaboo Southern accent. Chapter three of LNN is about halfway done, I just have two more cities to get through. This chapter will be an epistolary chapter of longing journal entries between the boys and fun text convos. I'm kinda in love with it, and I hope you will be too! I just finalized the band's European tour schedule. Anyone interested in a sneak peek?
Later, taters!
I think most of the people I usually tag have already been tagged, so open tag!
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There's something about earthbound I've been wondering about and i think maybe you can weigh in as the local expert. I keep seeing fans interpret jeff as British but to me that's not fully right because winters is this super cold snow country "up north" as the game says. So i always imagined him as something norse, y'know Swedish or Norwegian or Finnish maybe (heck even russian could be fun). But it's just a vibe on my end while the way Fans call him British feels like there's some canonical proof i missed somewhere? Sooo do you know if there's any big proof that jeff would be British or is it just a fanon agreement thing?
Howdy! Well, the British allegations are not unfounded. EarthBound is somewhat like Pokémon in which different areas are clearly based on real world areas based on their positioning, parallels to real world landmarks, local food, and so forth. Eagleland is the U.S., Scaraba is Egypt, and Winters is no exception!
Our first little bit of proof can be found in the Japanese manual, where it contains a rough world map. Here it is (this time, a different version to the one previously posted!) for reference and a zoomed in version including Winters in as much detail as I can provide with what I've got. I had to stitch this from a double page scan, so please forgive some artifacting issues.
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[Id: A scan from the Japanese Mother 2 manual, showcasing a planet much resembling our own in real life but with different regions and towns marked. The zoomed in portion reads "Foggyland" in big text with "Winters" and "Stonehenge" written in a smaller font below, descending vertically in that order.]
There appears to be a little island in the general area of Winters and Stonehenge, just like the U.K. in real life!
But here's the question: is Winters there? I know this map is a little unclear with its huge text, but hang in there. Even though Winters looks like it might be on that rightmost landmass, take a look at the full map of Winters (which I am only linking and not embedding because it is very big), and you have Winters and Stonehenge in the same landmass; just cross the Lake Tess on Tessie!
For reference, the American manual confirms it's a lake, so either they're both on the landmass, or both on the island.
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[Id: A scan from the American EarthBound manual. It is a plain text paragraph reading "The South Shore. If you manage to catch a ride with Tessie to the South Shore of Lake Tess, you'll find more woods and some animals that you've already met like the Goat. Follow the path southward, defending yourself as you go. A short hike will bring your to a fascinating artifact and another amazing challenge."]
So, here's where we get to real world parallels. Lake Tess and Tessie are clearly analogues to Loch Ness and Nessie (located in northern Scotland just above England), and Stonehenge literally shares its name with its real world counterpart located in southern England. So, if we are to match these locations, then Winters would logically be on the island, meaning that Jeff would be from the EB equivalent of the United Kingdom, which encompasses England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. He could really be from any of these! Therefore, your options here would be British, Scottish, Welsh, or Irish, but it seems like British is the most common interpretation.
Hope that helped!
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nordleuchten · 1 year
La Fayette being a loving Father (Part 5)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The Marquis de La Fayette to Benjamin Franklin, September 17, 1782
Every Child of Mine that Comes to Light is a Small Addition to the Number of American Citizens. I Have the pleasure to Inform You that, tho' She Was But Seven Months Advanced, Mde. de Lafayette Has this Morning Become Mother of a Daughter Who However Delicate in Its Begining Enjoys a Perfect Health, and I Hope Will Soon Grow Equal to the Heartiest Children.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 5, January 4, 1782‑December 29, 1785, Cornell University Press, 1983, p. 56-57p.
The Marquis de La Fayette to his wife Adrienne, March 27, 1783
For myself, I have given up all formalities and think only of my aunt. She talks to me about my affairs and about her own, and I tell her about you, our children, and America.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 5, January 4, 1782‑December 29, 1785, Cornell University Press, 1983, p. 117.
The Marquis de La Fayette to his wife Adrienne, March 27, 1783
My aunt loves you tenderly, is very touched by your concern, and is writing you, I think, today. I have carried out your commissions, which are much appreciated. I gave her poor Anastasie’s portrait. Have one made of George and Virginie and also have a copy made of the little picture you have of me. If all that is ready, I can send it to her when I arrive. A thousand affectionate greetings to mama and my sisters. I embrace our children.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 5, January 4, 1782‑December 29, 1785, Cornell University Press, 1983, p. 118.
The Marquis de La Fayette to George Washington, November 11, 1783
Mde. de Lafayette, My three Children are presented to You with the Most tender Homage to Yourself and Mrs. Washington. Your George is in perfect Health.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 5, January 4, 1782‑December 29, 1785, Cornell University Press, 1983, p. 164.
(La Fayette generally end most letters to George Washington with remarks about his three children, if they are healthy and well, how and what they are doing. These remarks are far too numerous to include them here.)
The Marquis de La Fayette to George Washington, May 14, 1784
He Has taken Care, of A family picture, Including Mde. de Lafayette, our Children, and Myself which I Beg leave to Present to My dear General, as the likenessess of those Who are Most Affectionately devoted to Him.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 5, January 4, 1782‑December 29, 1785, Cornell University Press, 1983, p. 216.
The Marquis de La Fayette to his wife Adrienne, June 25, 1784
Forgive me, my dear heart, for all my commissions, but it is nice to think that we are so closely united that our two interests are but one, that my affairs and yours are the same thing, and that everything, from our children to the last little tree at Chavaniac, is shared between us and everything affects us equally. Your Chavaniac trip, if it is possible, pleases me very much. I am very keen on George’s going, not only because of my aunt, but especially for his health, so that he will breathe the country air and run without hindrance, and especially without fear that he will do himself harm; and finally, I would like him to be raised without any fastidiousness, and I would rather know he is with the wolves of [illegible] than with the nice children at the Tuileries. Don’t you think as I do, my dear heart? I still have my other fantasy about the abbe’s costume, and I would rather he exchanged his little collar for a sword, because throughout my childhood I never stopped envying the luck of those who had a governor.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 5, January 4, 1782‑December 29, 1785, Cornell University Press, 1983, pp. 230-231.
The Marquis de La Fayette to his wife Adrienne, June 28, 1784
Embrace our children with great tenderness.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 5, January 4, 1782‑December 29, 1785, Cornell University Press, 1983, p. 231.
The Marquis de La Fayette to his wife Adrienne, August 13, 1784
Embrace our children a thousand and a thousand times.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 5, January 4, 1782‑December 29, 1785, Cornell University Press, 1983, p. 236.
The Marquis de La Fayette to his wife Adrienne, August 20, 1784
That, my dear heart, is how we spend our time, and we often talk of you, of our children, and of anything that has to do with the family. (…) Embrace our dear children. Farewell, farewell, my dear heart. You know how much I love you.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 5, January 4, 1782‑December 29, 1785, Cornell University Press, 1983, p. 237.
The Marquis de La Fayette to his wife Adrienne, October 10, 1784
I enclose a large packet of letters, and you will also find one for my aunt, for Gouvion, and for our dear Anastasie. (…) I am impatient to know how our children took to the country and their father's natal air.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 5, January 4, 1782‑December 29, 1785, Cornell University Press, 1983, p. 262.
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margridarnauds · 6 months
🪐 ❄️ and🍦 please!
Thank you!
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
(1) I have a lot of conferences soon, which is a lot of work but also means that I'll be traveling! (The American invasion of Europe has begun.)
(2) I've been slowly working on building stronger relationships, especially in the field, as well as *trying* to de-toxify the environment. It's a long process, and it's an imperfect one when it's being done by imperfect people, but if I have any say, the next generation is going to be in a much better place.
(3) I am. SO CLOSE. To finishing my grading. SO CLOSE.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Oh, God.
The thing is, there are a lot of really ambitious ideas I have for fics, but, for the most part, they're all things (1) I've already started and (2) Are things that I'm already possessive of. I'm very much someone who fine-tunes what I write to me and my tastes. Would I like for someone else to take the responsibility of the Abomination off my shoulders after all this time? ...well. Yeah. It would be over. I would be Free. I'd love for my fic for BG3 to plop on my lap, totally finished and written with professional level prose, but it's based on the playthrough that *I* did; I'm the world expert on that specific playthrough and I'm the only one who could write it like I want, even IF I'm self-conscious about it. It was actually a problem when I was doing exchange fics back in the day -- it was never a matter of signing up for exchanges and offering fics to write, it was always a problem when it came to asking OTHER people to write fics for me because it was always a matter of "asking someone else to write something that I won't write but that I'd also like to see."
But also if you ever wanted to write a ~250k Peyronan childhood friends to enemies to lovers epic historical fiction novel that juxtaposes the events of the Revolution with their developing love story and that explores themes of loyalty, authority, child abuse, forgiveness, loss, grief, liberty and what it means to be free, and historical queerness, with a well-developed Solympe and Marie Antoinette/Olympe secondary plot, FREE ME. PLEASE. Since you are the only one BESIDES me I'd trust with it.
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
(1) He's funny! He's delightfully bitchy.
(2) He is genuinely grateful if you help him out and doesn't forget the favors you do for him. He has some great character development. If you are willing to tolerate his rancid personality.
(3) He's pretty? He's very charismatic!
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 9 months
my wife my life, i have ojv brainrot -- will you please go into crazy amount of detail about what the style boys look like to you in the ojv? what kind of outfits they like to wear? comfort sweaters/shirts? <3 also i love you i am waving $50s and shouting louder than everyone else to be noticed i'm the ride or die bi disaster ojc kenny of the irl
ASHFVGKKVHLJK MY DARLING WIFE HI AND FUCK YEAH!!!!! Helllll yes!!! Ok ok I’m bouta go *rm Jersey voice* AWF!! (This is gonna be so long im sorry)
So OrangeJuiceVerse style my BELOVEDS!!! Ohhhhh my god these two own my entire goddamn soul! And smh they’re so pretty in their own right!!!
OJV Stan… he is a fucking stereotypical DREAM MAN! Kyle is down astronomically bad. Like I’m talkin tall dark and handsome, total sweetheart, inherently boyish charm that just makes everyone adore him! His heart of gold and that deep melancholy he sometimes gets behind those sapphire eyes make him all the more alluring! So this is what our affable Everyman looks like to me:
He is TALL (hit his last growth spurt between sophomore and junior year), like tops off at a lil over 6’2 and is the second tallest of the ojverse Star Seven also he’s BUILT AS HELL?!? In high school his physique could be attributed to the myriad of physically demanding hobbies he cycled through (football in particular when he started dreaming of going pro rip to that) and work on Randy’s Fuckass Farm (fuck u randy). But when he’s older he gets softer, sure (best pillow ever) but keeps working out JUST so he can hold every animal ever like a BABY!!! If you want an approximate art reference of young adult OJV Stan, @bunytime ’s drawings on here for SURE! Like he is tall and strong and BUILT FOR HUGS!!!
Blue blue BLUE eyes like not scary stare into your soul but this soft deep shade that reminds you of calm waters and gemstones peeking from the depths of the shadows of his brows. Just gentle waves and clear dusk light.
Ojv Stan didn’t go through the ever popular bleached hair headcanon, most of my Stans didn’t, but this one bc on the brink of a SadSack episode he mentioned getting Kenny to pierce his ears and dye his hair and (this was before they were dating) Kyle was like NO!!! Bc he always loved Stan’s classic all american look and knows him well enough to know that he would’ve hated it a few days later.
DIMPLES!! TWO OF EM!! And his smile is SO sweet his whole face splits omg my sweet boy!!! And he has tiny, almost imperceptible random scars in various places from childhood tomfoolery, especially on his hands bc he sometimes rivals Kenny in recklessness, and those hands are so rough but so TENDER when they touch you and he’s so aware of his own size and inherent ruggedness that completely juxtaposes his personality and it’s so!!! (God forgive me I’m thinking about nsfw ojv style hcs now)
Aight so OJV Stan IS greasy to some extent, c’mon he’s very Boy, but (this is important) only when he’s having a rough time mentally. Like he’s one of those people where while his horrendous lack of style doesn’t change much, you can tell by the stubble and the gross hair when he’s not doing well. Uhhh later down the timeline he has a beard tho. The bear jokes definitely emerge.
And for his style choices ohhhhh my god this man CANNOT fuckin dress!!! I’m constantly putting ojverse Stan in my clothes bc WHAT is this guy doing wearing the “Bigfoot is real I made s’mores with him” shirt and he is GENUINELY confused when he can’t wear jeans to something formal. His socks are STUPID and GIMMICKY and never match, and his wallet has a million keychains HIS BACKPACK omg like every stereotypical veggie boy he has alll the vegan loser pins and patches. Animal activist Stan forever.
A very casual dresser tbh, t shirts and jeans, sweatpants, hoodies (that have mostly been confiscated by Kyle) like he truly sucks at clothes unless he’s going stupid abt a Halloween costume. He kinda relies on Ky to know what looks good on him irl, bc Kyle is VERY reactive when he’s dressed a certain way and Kyle climbing him= ah yes I look Not Disheveled right to jail for both of them.
Oh KYLE!!! From Stan’s pov??? OJV Stan is a huge fucking fantasy loser and he only knows the word “ethereal” bc he’s a nerd and it describes Kyle. On GOD OJV Kyle is so pretty!!! Like Stanley Down Bad Marsh is ENTHRALLED!!! Always, like since he knew what beauty was, beauty was Kyle.
Ojverse Kyle keeps his hair a little past his shoulders since like freshman year of high school, his HAIRRRRR lord those gorgeous red curls, Stan simply cannot get enough of them, that ponytail, the half bun, the little braids Marj used to do when she and Ky would hang solo… dear god Stan will not shut up about his beautiful elf kings hair. Like hair wise if u want a reference picture the homie @grimsbane ‘s long hair Kyle EXEPT
My guy, OJV Kyle is TINY. Not as short as Kenny and Tweek, but close and definitely skinny to the point where if he misses a meal EVERYONE is on his bony ass bc 1) diabetes and 2) they all know his past with eds and no one’s gonna let that shit get its claws on him again! Unfortunately, OJV Kyle has a really hard time gaining weight, but as an adult he’s fully recovered, just kinda slim and at risk of health problems from the damage he did, but he’s mostly ok.
Ky topped off at 5’7 and was the tallest of the m5 in 7th grade and then EVERYONE but Kenny surpassed him WHICH he was pissed abt for a while. But he kinda stopped caring once he and Stan got together bc Stan wasn’t thattt much taller at first (and then this mf got huge) but Kyle was… VERY INTO THAT! It’s so unserious bc when they’re older Kyle’s like dude just fuckin toss me around and Stan WILL NOT because he’s NERVOUS and also traumatized from the ONE time he reinjured Kyle’s bad knee during Super Best Spicy Time (yes that’s what his loser ass named the sex playlist) but when Ky gets in the mood he wants to be manhandled frfr (I will do a nsfw headcanon post prolly) like the SIZE DIFFERENCE kyle is so spicy 100% calls the shots out here climbin Staniel like a tree.
He’s pale as fuck, cannot tan at allll this dude will not go outside without sunscreen bc he IS Sheila’s son and had it drilled into him that they are pale redheads and uv rays are not their friend, BUT his freckles are faint and so prettttttyyyyy he doesn’t even hate them bc Stan loves them and Kyle loves Stan (losers) he’s got a little group of them on his left cheekbone that Stan INSISTS looks like a heart aaaaaaaaaa
Good lord those eyes. Like you look into them and you are LOST in the most beautiful woods you have ever SEEN!!! I’m serious his eyes look like a forest, green and threaded with occasional brown like tree trunks and they are MAGNETIC!!! He is POINTY too like his features are sharp but his eyes are comfortable and it’s just a beautiful balance.
I’m fully of the belief that this lil redhead is a CHRONIC CLOTHES STEALER!!! Sneaky lil fox like if he’s comfy at home he’s 100% wearing Stan’s lame ass “earth day 2013” hoodie or some shit BUT!!!
His actual clothing is VERY much hot professional dark academia vibes the sweaters, the reading glasses, that hair, like he’s so cute in his button ups and when he stops wearing cargo pants so much in college (man likes pockets change my mind) Stan is SALIVATING bc he can see the sbf’s lithe legs better and he wants to SNAG him smh down horrendous. Kyle wears a lotta green, bc we ginger losers know that’s our COLOR and he looks GORGEOUS in jewel tones what a PRETTY BOY!!! Favorite item of clothing is DEFINITELY Stan’s Peace Love Pine Trees hoodie!!!
They do have friendship (lovers) bracelets that Kenny made them btw
Ok I THINK that’s what I got for now on what they look like but lord knows I’ll probably be more insane later NINA MY BELOVED WIFE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS
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