#I buy myself flowers and it makes me happy so here’s some happy flowers for you too
elysiumcalled · 2 years
mutuals I am telepathically sending u all a bunch of flowers in your favourite colours 🌸🌼🌺🌷
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myfandomrealitea · 3 months
I know there's a lot of advice for handling things like depression and its so fucking easy for people to say "just do this and you'll feel better!" and I hate that, I fucking despise it, but I'm also gonna throw in my two cents about what is personally helping me get out of bed some days and genuinely, not kill myself.
Its taking care of nature.
Seriously. It sounds stupid and some days it feels stupid, but I put up bird feeders because I live in a semi-rural area where human activity is decimating the local bird population and options for safe feeding. So I put up bird feeders. And now I have like 83 different birds flocking to my garden on the daily and screaming at my window if the feeders are empty. And I've seen generations of baby birds brought to my garden by their parents because this is where the food is.
And I researched what plants and flowers were native to my area and I spent like $5 on a few different seed packets and sprinkled them around the grass and the sad empty flowerbeds and the lawn because the bees have nothing to eat and that's awful and it turns out wildflowers will fucking GROW the moment you look away, but now every spring and summer my lawn is a pretty little multi-colored bug haven.
And I've even gotten the chance to save a few little bug lives because of it. I've taken in cold-shocked bees and given them a warm little tupperware to recover in. I've fed bugs sugar water to get their energy back to take their food home. I've given dying bugs a sheltered, safe place to spend their last moments.
I planted a veggie garden. And I know I'm very lucky in that I have the space to do that, but also, you can grow a lot of things indoors. My friend has literally the smallest apartment you can imagine but she grows chives in her bathroom and grows five radishes at a time in a pot in the kitchen. Literally five. But it makes her so happy every single time she pulls them up or trots off to the bathroom to snip some chives.
I pick trash up every two weeks. The pick stick was like $4 online and I just put the bag out with my bi-weekly trash pick-up and its disgusting but but nobody else is gonna do it and I've only got finite time on this earth. If nobody else is going to pick up that can, I will. Because some innocent wild animal doesn't deserve to get hurt by human ignorance, and I deserve to walk home and see pretty flourishing nature instead of depressing discarded trash like I feel like most days.
I've left water out for the wildlife and watched hedgehogs, local dogs on their walks, squirrels and all sorts stop by to take a drink, because humans are fucking selfish and we're making something as basic as water so hard to access for anyone but ourselves, but I can fix a little bit of that just by putting out a bowl. Sometimes I don't even have to remember to fill it because the rain will fill it for me, and its kind of like nature's way of saying "you're helping me so I'm going to help you out too." Which is neat.
Like most days I do not want to be living on this earth but my god earth did not get a choice about us living here, and we're ruining it, and it actually feels so good to help stop and un-do a little bit of that destruction.
And you don't even have to try everything I do. If the only thing you've got the spoons to do is buy one bird feeder and you only remember to fill it once a month, its still something. That once a month could mean the difference between starvation and a full belly to a bird.
Again, none of this is obligatory and I'm not saying at all this is some magical cure for depression, but personally these things are things which are helping me slowly find things to keep getting out of bed for and things to feel a sense of self worth and satisfaction over. I feel better both in and about myself when I feed the birds, when I see the bugs in the garden, when I pick up the trash.
If its something you haven't considered yet, it might be worth a try.
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enhas-pov · 4 months
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summary: mafia sunghoon is way too overprotective and possessive over his girlfriend, he wants to keep her all to himself
warnings: kidnapping(?), swearing, yandere behaviour, stalking
word count: 2.1k
when i said yes to being sunghoon’s girlfriend, this isn’t exactly what i expected. i thought he would take me out on dates, buy me flowers, ask me to marry him and maybe even have his kids, but no. i’ve been held captive in his home for 3 years now, sort of. he does allow me to go outside obviously but i have rules. i always have to be with his body guards, i’m not allowed to wear revealing clothing, no drinking, no smoking, and no interacting with others. i’m basically his prisoner. besides that, i almost never get to spend time with sunghoon. he’s always out doing illegal shit while i’m stuck at home all miserable. tho when he is home, he’s either too tired or stuck in his office doing whatever on that stupid computer of his.
i was sat in the living room watching a movie when i suddenly heard the sound of sunghoon’s voice. “hi baby” i felt him place a kiss on my temple before taking his coat off. “hi. how was your day?” i ask him, pausing what i was watching. “exhausting. how about you?” he sat down next to me, threw his head back on the couch and placed his legs on the coffee table. “boring as usual” i was sulking which made him pick his head up to look at me. “it’s been months since you last left the house, of course you’re bored” i wanted to tell him that i was tired of being treated like his very own doll, but i wasn’t sure if that would make him upset or not. i placed one of my legs over him and wrapped them both around is waist so that i was sat on his lap. he cocked his head at me before bringing his hands down to my waist, squeezing me. i wrapped my arms around his neck and brought my hands up to tug on his hair. “hoon.. i was wondering if maybe we could go out? just you and me, together. as a couple” i bit down on my lip, not sure of what he was gonna say. “you mean you want me to take you out on a date?” he raised his eyebrows at me before i nodded in response. “___. you know i’ve got a busy schedule“ i gave him a pouting look which made him sigh. “i’ll try to make some time for you tomorrow, okay? but no promises“ i felt my face lit up, i was so happy that i was finally gonna spend some quality time with my boyfriend. “i love you, hoon” smiling at me, he looked happy as well. “i love you too, princess”
i looked at myself in the mirror and couldn’t stop smiling. i finished doing my makeup, i was dressed and all ready to go on my date with sunghoon. as i made my way down the stairs, my smile dropped when i saw sunghoon stood with his bodyguards. i thought it was just gonna be the two of us? “sunghoon?” he turned around and a smile appeared on his face when he saw me. “you look beautiful, ___.” he walked towards me and placed a kiss on my forehead, i was still confused to why his bodyguards were here tho. “i thought WE were going out?” he looked a little embarrassed, like he didnt know what to say. “baby, listen. something came up, and i felt really bad so i thought you could still go out, just not with me..” is he serious? who doesn’t have time for their own girlfriend? i crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at him. “i’ll make it up to you, okay?” he tried to kiss me, but i faced the other way so his lips met my cheek. he pulled away disappointed, but still made his way to the door and left. whatever, i did my makeup and got dressed so i might as well make the best out of it. i looked over at the 3 bodyguards i was left with, heeseung, jake and niki. i pushed my way through them and made my way outside to where the car was parked. “here you go-“ jake was kind enough to open the car door for me but i was still pissed, so i slammed the door shut after me. heeseung and jake were sat in the front while niki was sat behind with me. “where would you like to go, ___?” heeseung asked me, who had started driving the car. i didn’t feel like talking, so i just shrugged my shoulders. “how about the city? it’s where you always wanna go” niki suggested. i turn to him and slightly nod before turning back. “the city it is”
i had been walking around and doing some shopping for about an hour now and i guess it wasn’t that bad, i did need new clothes and stuff. “hold this for me please, need to use the restroom” i handed the bodyguard my shopping bags and sprinted quickly to the bathroom. after i finished, i was washing my hands when i noticed the window being open to let the fresh air in. i stared at it for a couple seconds before i shook my head. jumping out the window and running away so i can finally be free? no, that’s just dumb. i love sunghoon, i don’t need to escape.. i dried my hands and was about to leave the restroom when i stopped. i looked back at the window again, should i? sunghoon basically controls me and everything i do, i want to be my own person.. fuck it. i walked over to the window and climbed my way out of here. the second my feet touched the grass, i started running. where to? don’t know.
“it’s been 15 minutes. should we check on her?” jake asked the two other bodyguards who were with him. “we can’t just barge in. it’s the ladies room after all” heeseung suggested that they should wait a little longer before doing something they might regret or get in trouble for. “sunghoon said that we should always keep an eye on her though. who spends 15 minutes in the restroom anyways?” niki who was holding her shopping bags asked. “women” heeseung responded. “look. i don’t want to walk in there and get accused of being a pervert if nothing’s wrong. but if something is wrong, all three of us will get in way more trouble” jake sounded concerned. was he worried about, ___. or was he scared of what sunghoon would do to him? “alright, but i’m not going in there” heeseung raised his hands. “and i have to carry these” niki waved the shopping bags that he was holding. when jake walked over to the ladies restroom and opened the door, he sighed in relief when no one was there. wait, no one? he started panicking and looking around to see if she was in any of the empty bathroom stalls, but she was nowhere to be found. “shit, shit, shit-“ he froze for a second when he noticed the window that was open. no she didn’t, he thought to himself. “guys” jake hurriedly walked back to heeseung and niki, you could see panic all over his face. “what? did you walk in on her?” niki and heeseung were laughing, but this wasn’t funny. “shut the fuck up, she’s not in there. i think she might’ve jumped out the window..” they went from laughing to going silent, their eyes widened. “what are we supposed to do?” niki asked, you could tell he was freaking out. “sunghoon is gonna kill us” jake said as he kept on walking back in forth. “calm down. you’re making this so much worse by panicking. let’s go around looking for her, and if we can’t find her then we HAVE to call sunghoon. got it?” after heeseung calmed the boys down, they quickly separated and started looking for ___ right away. unfortunately they were unsuccessful. there was no sign of ___, she was gone. and there sunghoon was, stood in front of heeseung, jake and niki who were lowering their heads in shame (and fear). “you’re telling me you just lost her?” sunghoon sounded surprisingly calm, considering his girlfriend was nowhere to be found. “she went to the restroom and- i think she escaped through the window..” jake was very much struggling to get his words out. sunghoon nodded and placed his hand on jake’s shoulder. “just be more careful next time” he left after that. the 3 boys were confused, was that it? they didn’t know that the reason to why sunghoon was so calm, was because he was tracking his girlfriends phone down which she always had on her.
“where am i..” i was in the woods somewhere, it was 12am and it was really dark. not gonna lie, i was kinda scared. suddenly, i felt a shiver run down my spine at the sound of footsteps. am i not here alone? who else would be in the woods at 12am. i started speeding up my pace when i heard the footsteps getting closer and louder. i froze when i heard my name being called out. “___, baby i know you’re out here. if you come back home with me i promise you won’t get in any trouble” sunghoon? how did he.. i knew sunghoon was overprotective and all but this? he’s lost it and he’s fucking insane. i was never really scared of him, only when he’s mad. but right now at this very moment, i was too scared to face him. i started running when i accidentally tripped over a stupid rock. when i tried to get back up, i was met with a tall figure stood over me. “are you trying to run away from me?” the way he was talking to me. he sounded different, it was making me uncomfortable. “sunghoon..” still sat on the ground, i was trying my best to back away but he would just slowly walk towards me. when my back hit a tree, he crouched down in front of me. “you shouldn’t have done that, you know?” he brought his hand up to my face, but i slapped it away. it wasn’t on purpose, i was just scared. he shook his head and chuckled before gripping my arm. it was starting to hurt, i kept on moving my arm around while he was just blankly staring at me. “let go!” i gasped when i had accidentally hit him across his face making him fall back. yelling at him and then hitting him? i was done for. “i-“ “fucking bitch..” i quickly got up before he did and started running again, i kept on looking behind me to see him chasing after me. being chased by my own boyfriend in the woods at 12am wasn’t the date i was expecting. when i no longer had a sight of sunghoon, i quickly hid behind some bushes. i sat down and put my knees up to my chest, i covered my mouth and all i had to do now was to wait. if he thought i left the woods he would leave too, right? i closed my eyes shut when i heard the sound of his voice, he was near me. “you can’t hide from me, ___!” he yelled out. i could hear the anger in his voice and it was really scaring me. i didn’t notice how i had tears rolling down my face until i accidentally let out a sob, and even tho i was covering my mouth it was loud enough to hear. it went completely silent, i didn’t hear his footsteps or his voice. was he finally gone?
“there you are” i jumped at the sudden sound of his voice, shit. i slowly looked up to see sunghoon stood over me with a smirk on his lips. “come on. get up” he reached his hand out for me to take, i knew that if i didn’t there would be consequences. and i had already fucked up badly. i put my shaky hand in his and he was quick to pull me back up on my feet. he pulled me in closer to him and hid his face in my neck while his hands were roaming all over my body. “i can’t trust you now” he leaned away from my neck and looked me in the eyes. the look he had on his face was cold. tense, maybe. scary? intimidating? i don’t know. “hoon, i’m sorry..” i was shaking and crying in his arms. “shhh. you will be” he placed a soft kiss on my lips before pulling away with a serious look on his face. he wasn’t planning on hurting me, right?
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Love is Kind
All of the stories I was reading today were sad Steve and it made me cry so I wrote happy Steve to make me feel better.
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Jeana looked down at the purple water lilies in Steve's hand in distaste.
"Water lilies?" she asked, frowning. "Not red roses?"
Steve looked at her in confusion. "Yeah, your favorite flower in your favorite color."
"Yeah," she agreed, reluctantly taking the flowers. "But red roses are more romantic for Valentine's Day."
Steve went from wilting in disappointment to her reaction, to standing up straight with a spine of steel. "Oh I get it now." He took bouquet back from her forcefully. "Yeah, we're done."
Jeana's eyes went wide. "You're breaking up with me on Valentine's Day over a bunch of flowers?"
"No, Jeana," he said coldly. "We're done because you didn't tell me you wanted red roses. I assumed that the cheaper more personal water lilies would be the perfect thing for Valentine's Day."
Jeana winced.
"Ohhh..." Steve said, "I get it now. You wanted the Harrington money." He rubbed his fingers together. "Despite the fact that I work at a book store. That I told you when we first started going out that I had been kicked out."
Jeana rolled her eyes. "You still wore nice clothes and had fancy hair products in your bathroom, like I was supposed to believe that obvious lie?"
"I save for those!" Steve hissed. "I can't use anything else for my hair, I've tried. And yeah, so sue me for buying something nice once in a while."
She peeked around him to see the table was set with romantic candles and another bouquet of water lilies. "You weren't even going to take me out to eat?"
Steve tossed the flowers on the counter behind him. "Why else would I have you come here instead of picking you up?"
Jeana threw her arms in the air. "I thought you were supposed to be this Romeo, this Casanova."
Steve's nostrils flared. "Out!"
She stomped her foot and crossed her arms. "I'm not going anywhere until we talk this through!"
"There is nothing to talk about," Steve said, spinning her around and pushing her toward the door. "You were expecting me to shell out a shit ton of money on you, money you thought I was hiding from you. It's clear you were never interested in me, only the money and prestige the Harrington name brought you."
He opened the door and shoved her through it. "Goodbye."
He slammed the door behind her and gripped his hair tightly. Not enough to pull but just enough to feel pain at pressure of his tugging.
Now he had dinner that was about to be ready in ten minutes, no girlfriend, and a dessert he had slaved over all day.
He needed to call someone to share this with. Robin was doing Valentine's with Vickie so she was out.
Then his eyes lit up. He knew exactly who to call.
He walked over to the phone and dialed.
"Hello, Munson's Funeral Parlor, you tag 'em, we bag 'em," the warm baritone came through the line.
"Eddie!" Steve said with a giggle.
"Stevie!" Eddie greeted back. "To what to I owe this pleasure?"
"How goes your anti-consumerism night in?" Steve asked, avoiding Eddie's question.
"Eh..." Eddie said. "Could be better. I'm watching violent movies to make myself feel less lonely."
Steve chewed on his bottom lip. "I have a warm lasagna, fresh breadsticks, and a nice bottle of wine and suddenly sans a girlfriend if you wanted to have some company."
"What happened with Jeana?" Eddie asked.
Steve sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "She didn't want me, she wanted the Harrington money, the King Steve charm, and a Casanova, not Steve Harrington who works at a queer little book shop in the middle of town."
"Well, fuck her," Eddie said. "Her loss. You bet I'll be there, sweetheart. Just give me time to put on my shoes and I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Thanks, Eds."
Steve opened the door a few minutes later to find that Eddie somehow had found sunflowers in the middle of fucking winter.
“Where are on earth did you find these, Eds?” Steve asked, breathing in the scent of his favorite flower.
Eddie tapped his nose knowingly. He spotted the water lilies in the vase on the table and dumped them in the trash. He replaced them with Steve’s sunflowers.
“There, that livens up the place better,” he said, turning to Steve, “don’cha think?”
Steve smiled back at him. “Yeah it really does.”
He went and made up their plates as Eddie opened the wine. He set them down on the table while Eddie filled their glasses. Steve trotted back to the kitchen and pulled out the breadsticks that were warming in the oven. He put them in a nice basket a covered them with a towel. He set them on the table between Eddie and him.
“This looks fantastic, Stevie,” Eddie murmured and dug into the lasagna. “Ooh. This is better than fantastic. This is divine.”
Steve hurried to take a sip of his wine to hide the flush of pleasure at the compliment that dusted his cheeks. And judging from the smirk on Eddie’s face, he hadn’t been successful at all.
“So what were you watching before I interrupted you?” he asked, blush still staining his cheeks.
Steve grimaces. “That is pretty violent. A little depressing too.”
Eddie shrugged, stabbing another bite of lasagna. “Was kind of the point. Didn’t want anything happy or romantic today.”
Steve picked up his glass and held up to Eddie. “I’ll drink to that.”
Eddie laughed, but clinked their glasses together and drank when Steve did.
They polished off all of the breadsticks, all of the wine, and about half of the lasagna. Steve put the leftovers in the fridge.
“You want a soda or something?” he called from the door of the fridge.
“I’ll take a beer if you have one,” Eddie called back from the sofa.
Steve grabbed two beers and handed one of the cans to Eddie.
“I thought you preferred bottles, babe,” Eddie said, popping open the can.
“I do,” Steve muttered darkly. “They were Jeana’s.”
Eddie cackled. “Here’s to stealing your ex’s shitty beer!”
Steve laughed too. “Cheers!”
Eddie went over to Steve’s record player and put on some Metallica he’d left over here and then flopped back on the sofa next to Steve.
“Thanks for coming over,” Steve murmured over the screaming riffs of Master of Puppets. “Rob is over at Vickie’s tonight and didn’t want to ruin her Valentine’s day, too.”
Eddie smiled softly. “And since I refuse to participate in the rampant consumerism of the day, there would be nothing for you to ruin.”
Steve chuckled. “That and you’re my best friend. I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d want to spend it with.”
This time it was Eddie’s turn to blush and he shoved a lock of hair in front of his face to hide the redness of his cheeks. He pushed playfully at Steve’s shoulder. “Fuck off. I’m sure there are lots of people you could have called that would have come running.”
“Rob was first pick,” Steve said, “you were second. I mean it, Eds. I wanted to share everything I’d done for her with you instead.”
Eddie’s blush reached his ears and stained the column of his throat. “You keep that shit up and this boy is going to start thinking impure thoughts.”
Steve blinked for a moment before he laughed. It wasn’t a harsh or hurtful laugh. It was bright and cheerful. “You put out on the first date, Eds?”
Eddie who was starting to think he’d taken it a step too far, stared up at Steve in amazement. He got his wits back fast enough to quip, “Only if they’re pretty enough.”
Steve ducked his head and scratched the back of his neck trying to hide his embarrassment. Well maybe that was the wrong word. Charmed. He was fucking charmed.
“You think I’m pretty?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Eddie raised Steve’s chin with his finger. “The prettiest boy I’ve ever seen, Stevie.”
Steve gulped. “And if I told you that I’ve had the biggest crush on you for so long?”
“Then I would ask why we aren’t dating, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured, leaning in close.
Steve let out a shuddering sigh. “Because I didn’t think I was an option for you.”
Eddie half knelt on the sofa, cupping his face in his hands. “You are my number one option, honey. Just say the word and I’m yours.”
Eddie grinned and then kissed Steve gently on the lips. He pulled back after a moment. “This isn’t just because you’re lonely on Valentine’s Day, right?”
Steve pulled Eddie onto his lap and brushed their noses together. “No, baby. She was only ever a placeholder for you. And a piss poor one at that. She never loved me for me. Not like you.”
Eddie chuckled. “And what makes you think I love you, pretty boy?”
“Because you knew I would be sad and brought me sunflowers.”
Eddie kissed Steve fiercely. “You are too clever for your own good, honey. Yes, that is exactly why I brought them. Because I didn’t want you to be sad. Because I wanted you to feel loved.”
“And I do,” Steve murmured. “I love you, too. So so much.”
They resumed kissing. It was darker. Deeper. More potent. Eddie could write songs and poems and books filled with the love he felt for this man and finding out that he felt the same.
All the bookstores and libraries in all the world couldn’t begin to fill the amount of pages Eddie would need to even try and convey how he felt in that moment.
But it could be summed up in one word.
Just pure ecstasy.
Robin wasn’t sure if it could be called a walk of shame when she had told Steve that she would be spending the night at Vickie’s, but walking into their shared apartment after the wild sex they had had last night she did feel a little silly.
She stopped short when she saw who was in her kitchen making breakfast in Steve’s track pants.
“Eddie?” she squeaked.
Eddie looked up at her with a grin. “Welcome home, Bucksters! If you haven’t eaten yet, pull up a chair and grab a stack of pancakes. I’ve made plenty.”
“You’re not Jeana,” Robin said stupidly.
“Steve would never cheat,” she said, again trying to figure this out.
“You two are a couple now?” Robin asked, her brain still in first gear.
Just then a very sleep rumpled Steve came wandering out of his bedroom and latched on to Eddie. “I missed you.” He kissed Eddie’s neck.
Eddie kissed his temple. “Sorry, sweetness. I got hungry.”
“Mhmm..” he muttered. “Does smell good.”
“Morning, dingus.” Robin crossed her arms in front of her chest. “You want to tell what this is about?”
Steve looked over at her and gave her a dopey smile. “Jeana sucked. Only wanted the Harrington money and not me. Called Eddie over to make me less sad. He brought me sunflowers and made me very happy.”
Robin looked over at Eddie who half shrugged around a clingy Steve. “That’s the gist of it.”
“Got it,” she said. “I’m happy for you both.”
She grabbed a plate and pilled on the pancakes, with Steve releasing Eddie to do the same.
As the three of them sat down and ate Eddie’s pancakes, Steve smiled happily to himself.
He was with the two people he loved most in all the world and he wouldn’t change a thing.
Permanent List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 @artiststarme ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual
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perfectlyoongi · 2 months
EX-BOYFRIEND!JUNGKOOK who knows his mistake was falling in love with you, but would do it again if you gave him a second chance. and it was just a second chance that he asked, that he begged. let Jungkook make the same mistakes. let Jungkook learn from his mistakes. let Jungkook love one more time so he can stop being in love with you. Jungkook was full of devotion, an ocean of pure love ran inside him desperately looking for a beach where he could delight and calm all the turmoil that existed inside him. just one more time. just one more kiss. just one more touch. just another chance was all Jungkook asked for because, even though his downfall was rooted in his devotion, Jungkook knew nothing more than loving you. it was a reality for Jungkook for years, an eternal life, and it was all he knew — let him live his life once again, that was all Jungkook asked for. “i should have seen this ending coming for myself, but it never stopped me from loving you. i allowed myself to feel because i knew you would never leave me. so why did you leave? why don’t you come back to me?”
EX-BOYFRIEND!JUNGKOOK who has a table full of bouquets of flowers that he never gave you. Jungkook could never get rid of that annoying habit of buying you flowers whenever a day was more beautiful or a special date was approaching — it had been a constant in Jungkook’s life to offer you several bouquets of flowers. there was always love in the bright colors of the flowers, a little understanding in some branches, complete fascination in the various leaves and all the flowers, all the bouquets, contained much more than Jungkook’s love. the bouquets had hope blossoming between the many petals; hope for a repeated past, hope for an altered present, hope for a future with you. but, no matter how colorful the bouquets were, no matter how bright the flowers were, they all had the same fate when bought by Jungkook; without any support or water, Jungkook just placed the bouquets on the table, looking at them with regret, hating himself a little for having succumbed to that habit of his that was only born with you. and the bouquets piled up. and Jungkook didn’t throw away the bouquets. there, on that table adorned with the destruction of his love, lay all of Jungkook’s devotion, a withered devotion that had no one as the object of its desires. “today i bought you a bouquet again. i just wanted to tell you that i bought your favorite flowers. they will always be here waiting for you. please, come and get them when you can.”
EX-BOYFRIEND!JUNGKOOK who feels his heart break every time he hears news about you. it was as if every word about you was loaded with sharp daggers that stabbed heavily into Jungkook’s heart and made him bleed tears of longing and hurt. hearing any information about you destroyed Jungkook. you got your promotion? you didn’t celebrate with him. you adopted a new cat? you didn’t ask Jungkook for name suggestions. you were okay? how could you be okay if Jungkook felt smaller and smaller, breaking into insignificant fragments that scattered wherever Jungkook passed in hopes of finding you and clinging to you? how could you be happy when Jungkook counted all the stars at night in hopes of one of them granting his wish for you to return to him? each piece of news burned hotter than the next, Jungkook’s small, fragile heart turning to paper, burning with the flames of insignificance and neglect — so much news about you and none about how much you missed Jungkook. “i heard you finally managed to buy the house you wanted. it’s still strange to imagine you in a house different than mine, but i want you to know that i’m really happy for you.”
EX-BOYFRIEND!JUNGKOOK who swears his lips were dry with all the words he didn’t get to say to you. Jungkook couldn’t remember the last time he felt like his lips were his — since the beginning of time it was clear that Jungkook’s sweet lips belonged to you; every word Jungkook said was adorned with your smiles and sweet laughs; every song Jungkook recited was framed with your beauty and essence; all the kisses Jungkook gave you were star-lit, all the constellations creating stories about you. for years, Jungkook’s lips belonged to you — now that you were gone, you’ve stopped taking care of them. your negligence appeared in rough form on Jungkook’s lips, no amount of lip balm being able to replace the lack you did to them. slowly, Jungkook’s lips were forgetting about you, getting rid of the skin you once touched, pushing with it all the words Jungkook liked to have said to you. “i love you and i want a life with you. i don’t think i can handle a life without you by my side. please stay.”
EX-BOYFRIEND!JUNGKOOK who stops sleeping because he can’t bear to dream about anything other than you. between sleepless nights and random dreams, Jungkook always chose to spend his nights sitting on the couch with the television on, his eyes staring but his mind running through memories and scenarios of when those restless nights were shared with you. how could Jungkook dream about anything if he only wanted you? he didn’t have any control over his dreams — he wanted to dream about you, but Jungkook knew he didn’t control his mind and he preferred to forbid his brain from creating any comfort for his heart rather than live experiences not worth living, just because there was no you.
EX-BOYFRIEND!JUNGKOOK who burns all the memories he has with you in the hope of being able to forget you. all the photos that had a touch of your magic were deleted from his cell phone, but not before printing them and throwing them in the fire; all the letters you exchanged with Jungkook when he traveled the world were thrown into the fire without a second thought; all the tickets to the movies you went were consumed by the hot flames of a fire of revolt and devastation. standing in front of the fire, seeing his entire life reduced to the same ashes that dusted his heart, Jungkook was static, no emotion behind his eyes glazed over in the fire; seeing the flames dancing, consuming everything he was, Jungkook could onl—
EX-BOYFRIEND!JUNGKOOK who stopped loving all the details about himself that made you fall in love with him — if you had stopped loving Jungkook, why would he love himself?
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todouswife · 11 months
Fanum Headcannons
I'm still pretty new to amp as a whole so this is probably not the best but I'm trying bc why is there no Fanum content here ???? this man is too fine to not have a million fics. sigh i guess i gotta do it myself. i swear ill get better once i grasp how he is more. i just gotta watch them more
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He is very protective, not jealous. He knows he got you and you stayin' but he don't want no one to try anything with you. Like he doesn't care what you wear with him but he doesn't want u to wear stuff too reviling by yourself. He's just worried someone will try you.
He gives me very much so
"Nah you need to look sluttier. Let ya ass hang out or somethin'," he says looking at your outfit. You scrunch up your face not expecting that answer.
"What do you mean?"
" What I said, wear something sluttier imma show you off tonight baby. Don't worry about nobody sayin' nothin' to you I can fight baby."
With that said he deff the type to meet some folks while you are out with him and when they start talking about you not knowing you're his girl he just lets them talk and get surprised when you come up and kiss him.
"Damn, she shakin' that shit," one of the dudes he was sitting with at the bar says looking at you. Fanum just chuckles and agrees glancing her direction every few minutes.
"Look at ha. She comin' this way imma try and get ha number." the same guy says when he notices you walking in his direction.
"Nah bro, I wouldn't do that. What if she got a man?" he says with a smirk watching his girl make her way over.
"Who cares nigga? She bad he shouldn't have let her come out alone."
"Good thing I didn't huh? Now get the fuck on goofy." Fanum says right as you get over to them. "How you doin' mami?" he asks, his attitude so much different.
He is such a gentleman. Like holds your hand and guides you downstairs. He refuses to let you open a door if he is there. He will not let you walk on the side near the street. just little stuff
he knows little things make you happy. He will plan dates, color code y'alls outfits, buy flowers, cooks, and takes care of you.
This man will speak in Spanish and it is the sexiest thing ever and he will say some of the sweetest stuff and then refuse to translate
He seems so mean and like he just goes through women but when he finds someone he loves he is just so sweet and like a big teddy bear.
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silverflqmes · 6 months
sephiroth x reader where he meets this amazing girl (note: you) and she cooks him a homemade meal but he freaks out because he doesnt understand how to take it properly? but he starts crying of joy because he's happy to take it since he read about how moms treat their kids and he just kinna finds solace in this girl and wants find her again but obviously shinra keeps having other plans until finally one DAY she comes back again and you can decide what happens next :)
notes. i may have indulged a little ( a lot ) here, anon.. but i hope it’s somewhat okay.. brb i might have to ugly cry after this.. he makes me so😿 IM NOT NORMAL ANYMORE SOBS
genre. hurt + comfort
tw. discussion of bad eating habits.
sephiroth x gn!reader
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the water came to a boil as you threw in your spaghetti, twisting the knob on low for the sauce you’d prepared.
sephiroth would be home any minute and as a reward for working as hard as he did everyday, you had taken it upon you to prepare his most favorite meal for him. it wasn’t too hard to cook, luckily, but hopefully it tasted good.
you allowed the pasta to come to a boil, taking the time to set the table nicely. while sephiroth wasn’t one for the fancy shit or grandeur, you wanted to provide him with a good ambience. he deserved it, anyway.
on a trip to sector five, you’d managed to score a dozen of flowers from a sweet girl zack was interested — aerith, as you recalled. somehow he had started her on a business with her rare blooms, it was creative and cute that he’d made the time to do that with her.
while passing by him, he had urged you to buy some to help her start out — which you were happy to do. certainly when they made the perfect centerpiece and smelled pleasantly.
the bubbles began to surface in your absence, a jingling sound entering your ears once you’d returned to turn off the heat. sephiroth was home!
a smile lifted the corners of your mouth as you wiped a bead of sweat from your forehead before walking up to the door when he emerged. “welcome home, sephiroth!”
his face that was colored with exhaustion instantly contorted into one of ease, lips curling at the sight of you, his precious partner. were you waiting for him? how adorable.
the first class SOLDIER leaned in closely to your face and bestowed you with a chaste kiss, chuckling softly. “thank you, y/n. it’s a lovely sight to find you here,” he continued, holding your cheek in his gloved hand before looking behind you. “i see you’ve been busy.”
your cheeks burned at his words, a fuzzy feeling finding its way to your chest as you let out a sheepish laugh. “a-ah, i may have helped myself to your kitchen.. i hope you don’t mind.” he wouldn’t mind, he never did — but you still felt the need to say so.
his thumb rolled over your soft skin, a sound of amusement tumbling past his lips. “not at all, might i ask what you prepared yourself?”
blinking, you then proceeded to quirk a brow before snorting. “i composed a gourmet meal for the both of us, featuring candlelight and flowers. up to your standards, mr. first class?” you joked, to which he rolled his eyes, playfully.
“you treat me as if i were royalty.” sephiroth turned his head away, failing to suppress the small lift to his rosewood appendages.
you took ahold of his leather clad hand, snickering softly. “the best way to treat you, according to your dearest lover!” came your cheery response as you tugged him forward. “now come on, i doubt a battlefield has a scheduled lunch or dinner time!”
the silver haired male couldn’t argue with that reasoning. some missions went without food for long periods of time — just another thing he’d learnt to bear over the years. the human body could go weeks without alimentation, and he was no stranger to being denied or prevented from having a meal.
however, upon meeting you and having explained that reasoning to you early into your relationship.. he was met with quite a different perspective. while the SOLDIER found eating to be secondary — something that he would indulge in if the time and situation was right, you.. stressed it.
it had come as a great shock when he would announce he’d only had breakfast for the entirety of the day — which was basically just a bar or shake.. the bare minimum, in other words. frustrated, you’d scolded him that very evening before falling into a routine of meal preparation.
you didn’t care if he had to show up with this cutesy lunch box in a den of SOLDIERs, but it better have been emptied or so help you.
sephiroth had been greatly confused by your concern, and quite frankly — still was, however he understood where you were coming from ( despite lacking the same care for himself that you showed him ), and ate every last bite.
“i suppose i have to agree with that.” the long haired swordsman finally answered, bringing his steps to a halt before your work.
it wasn’t like you hadn’t made him food before, but this time felt different. you always put your all into everything, though this felt extra, extra special, somehow. perhaps, being cooked dinner was more.. intimate?
you patted his armored shoulder, grinning. “good! now get comfy while i get your plate ready, i used up the wine for the sauce.. so um, just water for tonight — but you need it!!”
with that, you had dashed back over to the kitchen, leaving behind a chuckling sephiroth. he’d never seen someone be so serious over dinner, it was silly. and yet, endearing all at the same time that you cared so deeply for his health when everyone had taught or treated him otherwise.
“are you certain you don’t require my assistance?” he inquired, leaning back in his seat to see if you were managing.
a laugh echoed from kitchen at his expression of concern. “nope! you just sit tight, on my way over now!” you assured, picking up your bowls and a basket of freshly sliced bread before making your way to the table.
despite your dismissal, the cat eyed hero made his way over to help with the placement, not wanting you to struggle any longer. you’d gone through great lengths for him today after all, it was the least he could do.
as sephiroth sat across from you, he was finally given the chance to take a look at what you’d put together, blinking in surprise.
“seafood pasta..?” he couldn’t remember the last time he had it. “how.. did you know?”
picking a piece of bread, you found yourself winking, suppressing a giggle. “i may or may not have asked cissnei.. given her network of information.” you smiled sheepishly, grabbing your silverware. “i hope that’s okay with you- i just wanted to make something you really, really liked!”
the first class SOLDIER was quiet for a moment, a strange warmth bubbling in his chest.
subconsciously, his hand lifted to touch where his heart had been, if only to find out what that strange feeling had been. “you.. you did that, for me?” his voice had almost come out in a weak whisper. the mako hued male was soft spoken to begin with, but this held more vulnerability than the other times.
an eager nod was the response he’d received, and despite his desire to question why, he took it as his cue to pick up his silverware, twirling the spaghetti with his fork. it.. had been a long time since he’d had his favorite dish, and homemade.. was a first.
as he tasted your work, he almost melted at the flavors — the nostalgia of it all. and yet.. it somehow was even better than any other occasion he had ordered or cooked it himself.
was it.. because you had made it specially for him? how odd, that the cooking from a specific person could affect the outcome so drastically.
“how is it?” you finally spoke up, curious to hear of his thoughts. “the seafood was a lucky find, i’m hoping it’s good and that i didn’t get scammed ahahaha..”
given midgar’s inland location, fish.. wasn’t something commonly sold, and if it was — it certainly would have costed a pretty gil. had you really gone through all this effort, just for him?
sephiroth swallowed the next bite he took, inclining his head. “it’s wonderful- nobody, i realize.. has ever done something like this for me before — or gone through as much trouble as you had to do this for me..” he spoke up in acknowledgment, feeling his eyes soften.. and blur?
why was his vision — was he.. crying?
the silver haired SOLDIER raised his gloved hands to brush the corners of his eyes. fresh tears, yes. he’d almost forgotten the feeling.
“seph-?” you blurted, getting up from your chair before rushing over to him. “oh no- is it bad?? are you having allergies — i didn’t put anything spicy in it.. a-ahh, i don’t have an allergy pen..” you panicked, dashing over to your purse before feeling a hand grasp your own.
your lashes fluttered in surprise when you were suddenly pulled into firm chest, silver draping over you as a pair of strong arms encircled your body.
“s-sephiroth?” you called out softly, worry in your voice as you rested your hands on his back, reciprocating the embrace. “everything okay? you’re crying..” you added quietly, frowning. did something happen?
he sucked in a breath, shaking his head. “i apologize- i didn’t mean to bring you anxiety with my sudden reaction.. the food was lovely, truly, and i.. could not be more grateful for it.” shinra’s hero began, relenting his grip a little. he didn’t want to hurt or bruise you after all with his strength. “i guess i was just.. taken by surprise, is all — being treated in this way is still.. rather foreign to me.” he admitted, attempting to even his voice out.
but you were patient, and listened to the best of your extent, at last understanding what he meant.
your boyfriend spoke little of his past, but the few things that he’d felt comfortable enough to elaborate on.. had been horrible to hear- it made your heart ache terribly in your chest.
“oh sephiroth..” you whispered gently, sliding your fingers into his hair comfortingly. “you’re okay, don’t apologize.. i was just worried since shellfish allergies are common..” you exhaled, panic dissipating. “i’m just glad you’re not sick.. but hey, you deserve this- alright? you work really hard everyday, you have been all your life.. this is the least i could do.”
he felt himself calm down gradually with your words, breaths slowly coming out more even. the male hadn’t planned on breaking down so suddenly, and while he felt bad.. you assured him that it was okay to react and feel as he did.
what.. made him so special to you? to go to all these extents for him and yet disregard all your efforts all at the same time..
“the ‘least’ you speak of hardly covers all that you do for me, y/n.. despite finding myself undeserving of your kindness.. i am forever grateful to be wanted and cared for by you — to be looked at in the way your eyes view me.. rather than the usual contempt and obsessive fascination scrutiny that i am met with.” he spoke after a brief silence, wanting to translate his feelings into words as best as possible.
they nearly had you melting, and out of pure adoration, you brought your lips at last to his. a reassurance that you had understood every bit of his feelings and that you had returned them all in full.
“you are every bit as deserving, sephiroth, as am i of you.. and i’ll always, always care for you. to me — you are everything, and worthy of all the love in the world.”
notes. screaming crying this is a little rushed towards the end but i hope it’s decent enough anon! my illiterate ass did not read the last bit of the request.. so i didn’t include the shinra bit😭 hope it’s okay!
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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orikiys · 1 year
✿ ✿ 〞voicemails as he tries to erase you
✰ pairings: ex bf!hyunjin x gn!reader
✰ genre: angst, romance, nostalgia (?), some humor as well
✰ warnings: cursing, heavy angst, low-key toxic ex hyunjin who wants you back and can’t move on
✰ word count: 1.3k + words
HYUNJIN | chan | minho | changbin | han | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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one 𖨂
hey. . . it’s been a really long time. how have you been? if you asked me that, i’d reply with a ‘fine’ , but the truth is i’m not fine, love. ever since– ever since you walked out of our shared apartment, which is no longer ours, i felt my chest ache. at that time i didn’t know why. i had no fucking clue. and god, i was so clueless that i almost lost myself in the process too. there were times when i felt like making up excuses just to get to see you or visiting your favourite cafes in hopes you would be there too. . . but you weren’t. it’s almost as if you stopped doing everything that was connected to me. stopped hanging out at our usual beach, stopped buying boba teas, started hating red velvet pastries and you even tore our couple shirt babe. i know i shouldn’t be calling you that, but i can’t help it. what hurts the most is that you’re trying to erase me, erase our memories and attempting to move on. while i, like the loser i am, is still stuck in the past. and i hate it so damn much.
two 𖨂
i see you in the sea everytime i’m at the beach. but it’s not us, instead now it’s ‘you’ and ‘me’. and at times, i really do wonder if you think of it too. think of the little beats of the heart that skipped just because of a single touch, or maybe the eye contacts that lingered a little too long. or perhaps the hugs and kisses, all too warm and making my brains go dizzy. do you think of it too? do you? and perhaps, it shouldn’t have ended this way. when i was the one who told you to leave, but here i am, begging you to come back. i was the one who left you but i still can’t move on, yet you look so happy, basking and glowing under the sun. tell me love, do you not remember it? remember us? our love is so saint-like and pure– that it hurts me to think how far we’ve come. but here you are, knitted into my soul like we are one thread. a thread that is now dangling off, and the harder i try to put it back, the farther it gets. is this how you want us to be now? so fragile? and just so desperate?
three 𖨂
i know you listen to these. i know you do. yet i can’t seem to figure out what’s holding you back. is it the guy from literature? or is your friends warning you to stay away from me? or perhaps the reason of our breakup? i can’t tell anymore. i really can’t. you mask yourself way too well, darling. but stop pretending. stop pretending that whenever i pass by, i can feel your hands tremble, i can feel your face go pale and i can see it in your eyes, how you hold yourself back from running to me. and i’m not saying it that you’re desperate, but it’s me who is the desperate one. i have studied the moles on the back of your neck, the blisters on your feet from practising way too much and even your lips– that now only say ‘goodbye’. why?
four 𖨂
i tried to stop loving you, so i built walls around my heart. and found other smiles to stare at– but the way you caved yourself in my veins makes it hard. we were so happy together. and i wish i could turn back time just so it could take us back to the past where it all ended. and as quickly as a flower withers, you did too, away from me. you told me how there’s no place for someone like me in your heart. how i irritate you the moment you see my face. and mostly, how much you hated my guts. how much you hated me. it hurts love. why do this to me? why must i be treated this way for what i did? though it was knowingly, i regret it. and i said sorry, a million times. with sincerity and love. just how many months should i knock at your door for that one day when you finally open it? how many sleepless nights do i have to spend, hugging your plushie thinking it was you? just how many more months do i have to wait till you come to tie my hair? answer me, darling. just once.
five 𖨂
must you do this on my birthday? humiliating me in front of my friends when i tried to invite you to my party? must you always have that expression of disgust whenever you see me? why can’t you let it go? if not, come back and erase my memories. erase yourself. erase the times we spent together, talking about our futures and what not. i’ll leave you, if you can do that. i thought my birthday would be a 360 for you. that you’d wish me just once and though as strangers i hoped you really did. was it really that hard to say those two words? that hard to make me happy again? i can’t believe you. i can’t believe how much different you’ve become. you’ve. . . changed. and i tried too as well. but it was hard when your smiling face kept popping everywhere i went. it’s embedded in my heart. and i can’t seem to get it out no matter how hard i try. and it hurts a lot. why can’t you give me one last chance? i promise i won’t fuck it up. one last chance, just think of it, please?
six 𖨂
you refuse to answer me. you refuse to see me. you refuse to love me back again. and now i’m starting to question whether i’m unlovable or not. i see it though. the pity looks thrown towards me as i walk towards you. or the weird stares when i try to touch you. they don’t know me as you know me, darling. they don’t know just how deeply i love you. they don’t know any of that. but you know. you always talked to me for hours when i felt low. you hugged me when the world kept spinning me around. you wrote poetries for me! now look at the irony. my collection of your paintings just keeps increasing, and now i sound like a poet as well. what else am i going to unveil because of you?
seven 𖨂
i’m staying at jisung’s tonight. i know how inconvenient that must be for him, yet he welcomes me with open arms. he treats me carefully, afraid to crack the wrong jokes or switch on the drama because he knows i’ll lose it the second i see any similarity. is this what a heartbreak feels like? if yes, i hope i never fall in love again. i hate it. love is a drug. it’s a drug once consumed you can never stop. the need keeps increasing till you lose your mind. and it’s you that i need. come back to me before i lose myself again. come, heal me, just like you always wanted to. except it’s my heart this time. can you do it, my doctor? can you? they say if you kiss a wound it will heal. but i don’t think you can kiss my heart. not anymore.
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taglist: @taeriffic 🫧 @hello-2-u-from-me 🫧@theblackrose247
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being-addie · 1 year
Little Ways to Love Your Life
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I love performing little rituals to enhance my life. It's infinitely satisfying and it reminds me why living is so beautiful, on days when I start viewing the world through a pessimistic lens. This is your reminder that there's so much beauty in the mundane, just start looking for it :)
Here's some things I do that make me love my life just a little bit more:
Wake with the sun:
There is nothing better than opening your eyes to golden sunshine on your face. The golden hour has this quality that makes you feel like royalty.
Move your body:
Give your body a dose of endorphins by doing some exercise! Go for a hot girl walk, hit the gym for a sweaty HIIT sesh, or just groove to some Just Dance. I promise it will make you feel like you can conquer the world.
Smell sweet:
Put on a playlist and sing as you shower. Lather yourself up with sweet-smelling soap, and after you step out of the bath, slick on some vanilla scented moisturizer, and perfume. Don't forget deodorant! Make sure to stick with organic products because chemicals can irritate your skin.
Food = love:
A full stomach is a happy person. Make yourself a cup of coffee, and a hearty breakfast. Take note of the way milk swirls into the dark coffee, how the egg sizzles in the pan. Allow yourself to just exist in the moment, where you are taking care of your mind and body.
While I eat healthy 90% of the time, on days I really need to feel excited, I go buy a pain au chocolat from my nearest artisan bakery. It's one of my favourite foods to indulge in and it always makes me smile. Likewise, buy yourself something nice. It could be a new shirt, a bouquet of flowers, or designer chocolates. Indulge in yourself. You deserve it.
Look at beautiful things:
I don't mean window shopping or aesthetic Instagram pictures. Go out and observe. Look at the shape of the clouds, and how the trees dance in the wind. Pet that cute dog. Smell the wildflowers. Disconnect from the online world, even if it's for half an hour. Give yourself that much time.
Take pictures:
Screw retail therapy, taking aesthetic pictures is my new thing. Take so many pictures. The way sunlight filters in through your window, a cat stretching, a close-up of a flower, your Starbucks mocha latte. Unleash your inner photographer.
Pursue your hobbies:
When I'm down I play the piano or whip out my glue gun and craft my worries away. Doing something you love instantly puts your brain in a good mood. It could be tennis, gardening, quilling, birdwatching. Whatever you love. Do it.
Restrict your social media:
I was unknowingly comparing myself to all the girls I saw on Instagram and it was so detrimental to my self-esteem. I ended up deleting the app. I'm currently planning on reinstalling it by July next year. Delete the apps that do not make you feel good. You will have more time to dedicate to work, hobbies, family and relationships.
Finding joy in the mundane is the most healing thing you can do. Make your routine special, and switch it up once in a while. Don't shy away from your dream life, because you DESERVE it. You deserve EVERYTHING you ever want, okay? Now go get it. xoxo
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sofs16 · 4 months
let you break my heart again — 6
note. i messed up the timeline last chapter, so you can skim it over because stuff changed 😊
taglist @1655clean @uuzhanggggggg @cmleitora @annie115 @valntynebaby @mrosales16 @d3kstar @stopeatread @chimchimjiminie16 @viennakarma @peqch-pie @scaramou @daniellarogers @yourbane @maplesyrupsainz @needtokeepfeelingsincheck @blueflorals @c-losur3 @glow-ish @emryb @delululeclerc
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♫ mr perfectly fine - taylor swift
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liked by yn.yln, and 1,272,584 others charles_leclerc Dreams do come true... I'II be driving for scuderiaferrari for the 2019 Formula 1 World Championship.
view all 182,383 comments
yn.yln Congrats, Charles! 🎉
⤷ charles_leclerc Thank you so much, Y/n/n! Couldn’t do this without you❤️ 😊
⤷ user11 ship
f1 Welcome to red, Charles! 🏎️
scuderiaferrari 😍😍
october 9, 2018
october 10
“charlie! charles!” yn ran, bag in clutch and drink still in hand when she saw charles making his way out of the event they were both invited to. he turned around, smiling at the familiar voice, albeit clearly not sober.
“y/n/n!” he smiled at her taking a quick sip at her drink “i thought about it and i do want to go to that harry potter exhibition. honestly, i was going to go by myself until you asked, the dates just didn’t line up. are you free on your birthday? — silly question i’m so-”
“i am free for you” he interrupted, smiling softly “nice… yeah! okay! i’ll buy the tickets and-“ “no, do not worry about that. i will arrange everything” she shrugged and took a sip of the drink “…and all you need to do is look pretty and bring your harry potter knowledge, which you do everyday” she choked on her drink and laughed “why are you all so confident flirting now, charlie?” charles knew she was definitely drunk by the way she was swaying and using her old nickname for him.
“I thought I made my intentions clear with the flowers, mon coeur” charles raised his eyebrow “it takes more than flowers to win me over” she whispered with a smile and walked away
“night, charles!” she greeted, leaving the glass at a table near by “night, y/n/n” he smiled, shaking his head; oh he was going to do more than flowers.
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 2,483,293 others
yn.yln Thank you for a lovely night, f1 🩶 view all 326,171 comments
landonorris Damn… missed the party and missed seeing a gorgeous lady 🙁
⤷ yn.yln jeez 😭😭😭 GIVE IT UP BABY LANDOO
⤷ landonorris baby? 😘 i’d happily give everything up for you
⤷ yn.yln baby because you’re a fetus and focus on your job😒
⤷ landonorris Anything you sayyyyy
charles_leclerc 😍😍😍
october 13, 2018
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liked by yn.yln, charles_leclerc, and others landonorris Are you a parking ticket? 'cause you've got fine written all over you 😏 🍑#pickuplines#mclaren#f1
view all 328 comments
yn.yln Lando…you will be a pain in the ass to your PR manager😭
⤷ landonorris Ok. I’m only talking to you, by the way. 😉
⤷ yn.yln I’ll see you on the grid next season, Lando.
f1 😂
october 14, 2018
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liked by yn.yln, and 837,695 others
charles_leclerc Eyes on this week 👀
view all 361,117 comments
user16 charles thirst trappingish after that Lando post and comment section😭😭😭
october 15, 2018
october 16
charles knocked on your door, flowers in hand, with a smile on his face. you opened the door, struggling putting your necklace on. “charles! you’re early! you can come in” “i got too excited and got here early” he smiled shyly and scratched the back of his neck. “are those for me?” you eyed the flowers.
“Oh, yes!” He hands it over to you and you smell it for a second, your favorites. With the flowers out of the way, Charles could properly see you. He couldn’t take his gaze away from you. He admired you as you put the flowers in some water and grabbed a small bag from your luggage. “Happy birthday, Charles” you handed the bag to him and he looked at it “Can I open it now?” “Of course”
He took out a tiny box that had a custom Ferrari charm inside. “I noticed you still had the silver bracelet I gave you before, might want to add this charm since you’re Ferrari now” you shrugged and sat on the bed to put on your shoes.
“i- I love it so much” he smiled at you, taking a seat beside you. He hooked it in the bracelet and looked at the little details. 5 years ago you had given him this bracelet, saying he could add charms if he’d like. Over the years, he’d added little bead charms that didn’t dangle so he could always wear it without violating the racing dress code or it interfering with his driving.
You two set off to the Harry Potter museum which was roughly 30 minutes away from the main city. You looked out the window while Charles drove with light music playing. “I’m sorry” he said randomly. It had been 10 minuted into the drive when he spoke. “For?” You turned to him “I should have paid more attention to you before. I was caught up with all those girls and… I lost sight of you” your heart clenched. You couldn’t do this again.
the apology you had waited years for was finally here, yet it didn’t fill the hole you thought it would. “Mhm” you bit your lip and stared out the window again “I realized it too late. It is embarrassing to say but I only realized it when you left; when I got that letter” he turned to you and you licked your lips before facing him “So what are you implying?”
“Actions speak louder than words, so I am going to show you how important you are in my life. I am just thankful we are in the same field and I hope you give me a second chance. Like I said the last time we saw each other, I plan to do more than flowers” you hummed while looking at him “What do you think, cherié?” That damn nickname again.
“ I really want it to work with us, because I missed you truly. But it’s also been five years, we aren’t the same people we were then, and I think you hurt me too much” you told him honestly, words racking his head. “Yes, we are not the same as five years ago. Because this time I am wiser to not let you go.”
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There wasn’t much to say about your Harry Potter trip. You and Charles both freaked out like geeks as you saw everything. Unbeknownst to you, he was taking photos of you the whole time while enjoying as well. He bought you both a cloak beforehand and you truly felt like you were in your little Harry Potter bubble, with him.
The drive back was less awkward, full of laughs. It was around 6pm the time you both made it back to the city. you and charles had dinner as he suggested. dinner was full of lingering looks as you ate your ramen, fully demolishing the plate after hours of jumping up and down with excitement.
after that you both took a walk, spotting a photo booth that he dragged you into. they used to be something you loved with Charles, taking the silliest of photos. you both smiled walking out and bringing charles to a little cafe. you bought him a cupcake and a candle wishing him a happy birthday.
he could have well partied tonight. he could have been surrounded by hundreds of people to celebrate with him tonight lavishly, yet he was here with you. he was here: sitting in a tiny cafe with a tiny cupcake with you, and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
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liked by sharlleec, and 6,686 others
f1gossip F1 Presenter Yn Yln seen out with Charles Leclerc in Tokyo today, his birthday! view all 839 comments
user77 ship. october 16, 2018
📍 japan, harry potter studio
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 4,274,282 others
yn.yln harry ‘the chosen one’ pottah vs charles ‘il predestinato’ leclerc⚡️
view all 274,679 comments
gigihadid 😜
charles_leclerc Thank you for today, yn.yln 😊❤️
⤷ yn.yln anytime birthday boy:) LETS GO USA 🦅
october 16, 2018
༘˚⋆𐙚 yn.yln posted an instagram story
caption: happiest birthday to this little ravenclaw harry potter wizard! glad to have spent your special day with you! 🌟
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seen by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 2,373,912 others
charles_leclerc merci, cherié 🩷 only wanted to spend today with you yn.yln Ofc, Charles! See you this weekend :) 💌
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liked by yn.yln, and 2,584,694 others
charles_leclerc 21 today with the only person I want to spend the day with:) Thanks for the treat yn.yln, you next! view all 201,583 comments
user_yn thought this was a hardlaunch
yn.yln Happiest birthday, Charles! 🤍
user16 wait why is that pic like old since kids? They go that back? ⤷ user72 oh girl u don’t know? they were childhood sweethearts ish. yn was IN LOVE with him for years but he just had random girlfriends and she left for college
⤷ user16 second chance love 😍
user100 “only person i want to spend the day with” ahhahahahahaahahhaahahahahahaha. Haha.
october 16, 2018
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didyoutrydynamite · 10 months
Renegades: First Sight
Jaune: *Wandering the Beacon hallways, guitar in hand, having just been rejected by Weiss, again.* I spent like five hours on that song… *Notices Cardin and Russel peering out into the courtyard* … huh?
Cardin: I mean she’s… she’s something else.
Russel: Man, she’s not even on the SCALE!
Cardin: Maybe on the Scoville Scale.
Russel: Ha! Nice.
Jaune: Uh… hey guys!
Russel/Cardin: *Jump up and yelp* AH!
Cardin: Oh, its just you. Sup?
Russel: *Immediately get’s up in Jaune’s face* Yeah, man! You got a problem-?
Cardin: *Shoves Russel’s shoulder* Hey. I told you we’re not doing that anymore. Jaune’s cool now.
Russel: Oh, right. My bad. *Smacks Jaune’s hand in greeting and brings him for a quick pat on the back* How’s it going, Big-J? You doing good? You in a band now or something?
Jaune: *Looks at his guitar* Oh this? It’s nothing really. What are you guys up to?
Russel: Just checking out the Haven-Hottie.
Jaune: Who?
Cardin: Oh you have to have seen her. Look! *Drags Jaune over to their spot and point* Right there.
Jaune: *Squints until he notices Cinder sitting on a bench in the courtyard, his eyes practically bulging out upon really getting a look at her* Whoa…
Cardin/Russel: RIGHT?!
Cardin: Dude, she’s like the eighth wonder of Remnant or something!
Russel: Nah, she's beyond that—she’s the ninth, tenth, and eleventh wonder combined! I heard when she walks by, even the statues stop and stare!
Cardin: *Chuckles* I heard that she was held back a few times because the headmaster didn’t want their favorite student to graduate.
Russel: *Leans towards Jaune* And Cardin thinks he has a shot with her.
Cardin: *Blushes* I could! I’ve got the charm and the muscles to back it!
Russel: So why don’t you go and do it then?
Cardin: I would, but I’m still sore from my morning workout.
Russel: It’s 4:30 P.M.
Cardin: It was a really intense workout! Besides I don’t see you going!
Russel: Are you kidding?! A woman like that is only made for heartbreak. I can’t handle that stress, man! You couldn’t pay me to talk to her!
Cardin: *Suddenly has an idea and then slyly looks to Jaune* Hey, Jaune. You feel like making a quick buck?
Jaune: What do you mean?
Cardin: Here’s the deal, Blondie. I’ll give you 50$ if you go over there, right now, and ask that hottie out to the Vytal Festival Dance. 200$ if she says yes.
Jaune: (50 bucks? I can make myself look like an idiot for 50 bucks! I practically do it for free all the time! I could use that to buy Weiss some really nice flowers, then she’d have to go!) Deal! *Claps Cardin on the shoulder, hands Russel the guitar, and walts right out into the open* Watch and learn boys!
Russel: No way…
Cardin: Oh this is gonna be amazing.
Cinder: *Seemingly lost in deep thought*
Jaune: *Saunters right up to Cinder* Well hello~ beau-
Cinder: *Snaps a horrid glare at him*
Jaune: AHHH! *Jumps back startled*
Cinder: *Quickly switches to her signature “Just a regular happy school girl smile” that she’s become so adept at using* Oh hi. Didn’t see you there.
Jaune: *Gulps* I… um… hi.
Cinder: *Continues forced smile*
Jaune: *Awkwardly scratches his cheek* …so- uh.
Cinder: Was there something you wanted?
Jaune: *Deciding now is not the best time to ask her to the dance*…Yeah. I wanted to know… is… uh… everything ok?
Cinder: *Tilts her head* Of course I am. Do I seem upset to you? *Gives her best smile*
Jaune: Yeah, a little….
Cinder: *Her smile fades, replaced by a faint grimace of irritation.* Am I that transparent? *Lets out an exasperated huff* I'm fine, honestly. Just some personal matters, nothing you need to worry about.
Jaune: *Expression softens empathetically* Oh… Do you want to talk about it anyways? 
Cinder: *Glances at him quizzically.* 
Jaune: You know. Just to get it off your chest? If you want?
Cinder: And share my problems with a complete stranger?
Jaune: Well, my mom always said, "Strangers are friends you just haven't met yet."
Cinder: *Stares blankly* That is... a horribly naive saying. Not only is that statistically false but it's also VERY dangerous advice to give to a child.
Jaune: *Scratches the back of his head* Yeah… I kinda used to wander off with a lot of random adults as a kid.
Cinder: *Hold’s back a sudden laugh.* Snrk!
Jaune: *Smiles* But I like to think I came out alright. 
Cinder: *Faintest hint of a smile* You at least seem harmless enough. *Looks Jaune up and down.* Have I seen you around before?
Jaune: *Suddenly more nervous* Y-Yeah, maybe! *Straightens his uniform out* I’m Jaune Arc. My friends call me… Jaune. *Cringes inside.*
Cinder: *Raises an eyebrow, the hint of a smirk forming.* Jaune, is it? Well, Jaune, I'm Cinder. Cinder Fall. Pleasure’s all yours I presume.
Jaune: *Nods and smiles* Yeah, it’s nice to meet you! See? Not strangers anymore, are we?
Cinder: *Gives a small chuckle.* I suppose not. *Glances around briefly* So, you really care to know?
Jaune: If I can be of any help, yeah.
Cinder: *Sighs* It’s about a… “colleague” of mine…
Jaune: *Sit’s down on the bench with her* Like, a teammate?
Cinder: That's it, precisely. A "teammate" who's proving rather insubordinate. Now, because of that, I find myself at a loss. She refuses to undertake a task that would suit her perfectly!
Jaune: Ohhhh I see. You’re having leadership troubles. Has your teammate told you why she won’t help?
Cinder: It’d be a miracle to get a single word out of her. *Grumbles quietly to herself* That mute insect. *Continues to talk normally* She won’t do a single thing I say unless it’s conveyed through her… “father.”
Jaune: Huh. I get you. I’m a leader too, and trust me, I’ve had my fair share of trouble reigning in a certain teammate of mine. She even has a “brother” that she tends to listen better to than me sometimes.
Cinder: *Listens intently* How do you command her obedience?
Jaune: *Looks at her confused* Her what?
Cinder: How do you get her to listen to you?
Jaune: Oh, well. Whenever talking doesn’t work, I go to Ren, her “brother”, well, not really brother, but- you know it’s this whole thing that I don’t really need to get into, but the point is I go to Ren and inform him that I’ll no longer be providing them part of the team budget for pancakes until she settles down.
Cinder: *Looks at Jaune incredulously*  Pancakes???
Jaune: *Nods* Mhmm, it’s her most favorite thing in the world. Literally seen her eat if for every breakfast I’ve had with her.
Cinder: *Digests the information* Withhold the budget so she can’t have her favorite luxuries… I can work with that. *Sighs* But the task is rather time sensitive, what if she doesn’t yield in time to get it done?
Jaune: Then it sounds like you may need to do it yourself.
Cinder: *Raises an eyebrow, almost insulted* Me?
Jaune: Well, if it’s crucial and she's not budging, sometimes it’s best to step in and handle it personally. I know it’s probably not ideal, but that comes with being a leader, they depend on you when no one else can do it.
Cinder: Hmph. They do depend on me, don’t they?
Jaune: *Nods encouragingly* Yeah! That’s why they put you in charge.
Cinder: *Gets pumped* I am in charge! They’d be completely lost without me!
Jaune: *Getting pumped too* Exactly! Sometimes we have to roll up our sleeves and lead by example. Show them how things really get done!
Cinder: *Jumps up out of her seat* You’re right! It’s time I take matters in my own hands, and show that little mute who is really the boss around here!
Jaune: *Gets up too* That's the spirit!
Cinder: *Nods determined* Thank you. I now know exactly what I must do.
Jaune: *Smiles warmly* Happy to help. Oh and hey, good luck, Cinder.
Cinder: *Smiles confidently* Luck is for the ill-prepared, Jaune. *Turns and saunters off* And I never need luck.
Jaune: *Watches her walk off, feeling proud* So. Cool. *Whistles and walks off*
Cardin/Russel: *Stop him immediately*
Cardin: What did she say?!
Jaune: Huh?
Russel: *Smacks Cardin’s arm* What do you think she said?! They both walked away all smiling and shit! Jaune, you are a GOD.
Jaune: What do you guys think happened?
Cardin: That’s what we want to know! What did she say when you asked her to the dance?!
Jaune: *A long moment of silence before he starts sputtering in disbelief and panic now realizing that he completely forgot to ask her out*
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checkmatein3moves · 3 months
noir // halloween?
"Just call me useless and inept and an idiot for doing this to myself. Please do it. I want to hear it from the mouth of someone smarter than me. I'll feel better."
"I may be smarter than you, but you're underestimating your own superior deprecation ability," Raven says, annoyingly.
Noir glares at him, mouth a hard line. "I am not. I would never. Thank you for acknowledging one of my few talents, though. Even if it's not what I asked for."
His assistant only looks up through his eyelashes, not moving his head while he types away at an email. "Insulting you is not what you're paying me for. The more miserable you are, the more abominable the vibes in this cage with you."
He does have a point. Noir's office is a single room on a busy floor in a building owned by the president, thus it is surrounded by hundreds of others who believe they can build their own empire.
It's not their fault. They buy what they're sold. And he'd be hypocritical to judge, he's buying into the same delusion to cope. Raven's intelligence and dedication are all but wasted on him but the difference between Noir and the rest of the ants in the nest is the salary he can afford to pay his help. A fancy office would be naught but a corporate tomb for someone like him, a pretty place to sink.
Really. The office is the least of his reasons to be miserable. He'd never share such a pitying sentiment with Raven, but keeping someone so clearly destined for better cooped up in here weighs on him more than any claustrophobia.
He chuckles. "So you're not going to call me an idiot? You'd rather hear me do it to myself? Over and over..."
"You're a clever idiot. You should know you're never going to win."
Noir sits up in his grey armchair, mouth open. "You just—"
"A useful idiot. Watching your love life founder like this is making me very happy about the non-existence of mine." Raven smirks, forefinger and thumb resizing something on the screen in front of him.
Noir gasps, all but delighted to hear the beratement. "I knew you liked me, after all. And not just because I pay you. Though I'd take what I can get, at this point."
"If that were true, you'd be swanning about that estate now, probably moaning about the streamers not being a dark enough shade of black," Raven points out in his same lifeless tone, though the shift from concentrating on their work to dividing his attention is perceptible; long hair is pushed back behind a stylishly protruding ear.
It's enough of a cue for Noir to stop being considerate about distracting him. He gets up out of his comfy chair, plopping down on the cushion on the plastic chair in front of his desk, meant for visitors but seeing little use.
This is enough to earn a sideye.
"You seem to be under the impression that we'd be...courting, if I was still with them. I'd be their date, but I certainly wouldn't get a say in the decorating. And I wouldn't dare complain about their choices if I did. Not until later, anyway, to some innocent person who had no say in the matter." He has a belated realisation that he is still invited and planning to go. He has no choice; not going, sitting in his apartment or at work with their face plaguing his thoughts, would be the only thing worse. "My word, Raven. Tonight's gonna be like stepping into a minefield. You have to watch me."
"I'll keep you alive, but I won't keep you from throwing up on yourself," Raven says with the first ripple of laughter in his voice. "I could suggest you keep a clear head and find an opening to approach them to apologise, but I could just as soon grow a flower garden out of concrete."
Noir rolls his eyes. "Apologise? It's far too late for that. I can hardly go back and beg them to take a coward back. No, they deserve better, Raven. They shouldn't have to deal with the added stress of trying to prop me up alongside the empire they're already managing."
There's a moment of silence in the conversation; Raven thinks. He doesn't try to mindlessly pacify. Noir has the realisation that he's actually talking about his feelings to somebody and curls in on himself, crossing one leg over the other and squeezing his own upper arm. He's been vulnerable since the day he was born, always feeling exposed and flayed, but he balked as soon as a potential protector actually expressed an interest in him.
Bedsheets softer than his own, draped over his lover's waist as the last breaths of summer air mingle with the cooling heat of bodies. Noir's fingers trace their shoulders, their spine. His lips get jealous and press a kiss between their shoulderblades, and in turn his fingers turn desperate and grip their arm instead. They gasp, but it sounds delighted, and he has to initiate a crushing kiss when he flips them over so he doesn't have to see their tired eyes sparkle. It's guilt. He's making every second last, leaving them with every bit of proof that his body wishes he could stay. But by morning he's gone, short note left detailing that he just can't keep distracting them anymore.
"You don't understand a whole lot about relationships, do you?" Raven chases away the ghost that haunts him, though it never goes very far. "Not that anybody could blame you, of course. But I don't think abandonment issues help much more than...well, what's the worst effect you have on them? Bad optics? Getting in the way of prospects that they don't really need?"
Here's where he can't go any further; he can't confess to anybody that a fear of his own dependency was slowly creeping up on him. He was craving them all the time, seeking comfort hiding behind their skirts, at risk of becoming even more useless.
He redirects. "Funny you should bring up my understanding of relationships. I'm curious about yours. It isn't a lack of wisdom stunting your ability to find love, then?"
"If you hadn't noticed, I spend most of my time sequestered in a tower analysing reports. Full time work, it tends to...kill off the desire," Raven responds dryly, not seeming surprised or offended by the question.
"What if you found someone who understood, though? Like...someone you had enough chemistry with that you'd actively enjoy taking it slowly with?"
Raven's eyes narrow suspiciously now. "It sounds like you're—"
"I met Vinteren's assistant, Sunny. Only the once, but—"
"You roll that sentence back right now—"
"What's wrong with—"
"No. No, no, no—"
"Raven!" Noir snaps exasperatedly, noticing that he's covered his ear back up.
"My boss is not trying to matchmake me. It's not happening. This is all a terrible misunderstanding."
Wondering if he's crossed a line, Noir hesitates. "I can point him out to you, tonight, if you want. But if you really don't..."
"Perhaps," he says tautly. "Perhaps. But I assure you, this is mere curiosity. Do not mistake my acquiesence for interest."
Noir smirks, feeling like he's hit the jackpot of things to distract him from his own anguish. There's no way Raven's actually worse at this than he is.
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kooksbunnnn · 1 year
Lost cause? 3: Who is it really that you're trying to fight?
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Previous chapter
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook× Female!Reader
Genre: Established relationship/ marriage, angst, heartbreak, INFIDELITY. Panic attacks (TRIGGER WARNING). Pregnancy (do not read if this content triggers you) also, 18+, This is purely a work of FICTION please take it as FICTION only. Therapy and psychological conversations. Tears, guilt, regret and hope maybe?
Word count: approx 6.5k
Summary: You always wondered, how would your life turn out to be if you and Jungkook had a baby? So, when you finally conceive and decide to tell your husband, that you are pregnant, you didn't expect him to drop this bomb on you. You never would've thought that the surprise you planned would end up in agonized tears because of the shock your husband brings you. 
Authors note: Hello everybody, thankyou for waiting so patiently, I have a long message so I will put it at the end of the chapter, here is chapter 3, I hope you like it. Enjoy! Hehe~
"These sunflowers just look happier than the roses, don't you think?" you point at the various vases and bouquets as Jungkook holds your hand listening to your confused queries. 
"But didn't you find the roses pretty the moment you walked in?" He teases you with faux confusion and you stomp your feet like a toddler. "I am not buying both of them, kook." You pull him by his hand and he chuckles. 
You didn't want to buy both of them, they're ridiculously expensive and he won't even let you pay. You tried taking your clutch but he kinda snatched it and shoved it back in your luggage. Although your little playful squabble suddenly turned into a makeout session against the hotel wall, he still successfully hid your wallet. 
"Fine, baby, whatever you want." He pecks your cheeks and pulls back, fixing your scarf around your neck. "I'll get the sunflowers wrapped, you go check the gift shop for that snow globe you saw earlier, okay?" You smile and mutter 'okay', happily walking towards the gift shop with your hands in your coat pockets.
You reach the gift shop and ask for the snow globe along with some fridge magnets and keychains for your friends as souvenirs. Jimin and Hobi love magnets, and it was specifically mentioned in the group texts you got the night before your flight. 
'HAPPY HONEYMOONING, Y/N AND JUNGKOOK!! Bring souvenirs tho, tc♡'
You get all the stuff you want and turn around to look for your husband. He walks towards you with a smile on his face, Oh, that pretty face, the prettiest amongst the flower lanes.
You give him a big smile when he hands you the sunflower bouquet, and your eyes crinkle looking at the yellow flowers. Looking up at him you find him looking at you with hearts in his eyes. You giggle with pink cheeks and turn towards the counter with your face half hidden by the bouquet. 
"How much is it for everything, ma'am?" He asks the cashier when someone comes from inside the flower store and hands Jungkook a bouquet of roses making your eyes widen. 
"Jungkook!" You whisper-yell at your husband and he looks handing his card to the lady. "Yes, baby?" He asks with love filled in his voice, You tilt your head towards the red flowers and he follows your gaze moving his neck dramatically and exclaims, elongating his words, 
"Ohhhhh, the roses?"
You raise an eyebrow biting your inner cheeks, a smile threatening to appear on your face at his cuteness. "I got them for me, You said you don't want them but you know, I loooove red roses, so I got them for myself. The red makes me feel pretty, you know?" He explains with comically wide eyes and a coy smile, shrugging with the red roses in his arms, and you can't help but laugh and hug him. 
He pats your head and kisses your hair, chuckling. The lady hands hands him his card thanking him and gives him the items you both bought in a cloth bag with mountains painted over it.
Heading out of the shop you both hold hands while you walk towards your car. After keeping the stuff in the back seat and handing you both the bouquets, he opens the car door for you but before you get inside he stops you and turns you towards him. 
"I love your laugh, you know? and I love it the most when you laugh because of me." He says with his gaze fixed on your scarf while covering it around your neck carefully. He boops your red nose and you playfully scrunch it making him chuckle. 
"I love you, kook." You say leaning in to kiss him. 
"I love you, too, baby." He smiles against your lips.
------end of flashback------
Your face has a sad smile as your gaze lingers on the newly replaced sunflowers in the vase on your kitchen counter. The memories of the warm winter you spent in Switzerland cuddling with your husband make your heart feel chill and cold. You sip on the herbal tea with bags under your eyes due to the many nights of crying. 
You hear the couch in the lobby rustle and your gaze shifts to your sleeping husband. Yes, he slept on the couch not wanting to make you uncomfortable in any way but still being close to your room, since you felt very nauseous the night before. 
Your mom asked him to sleep in the guest room but he preferred sleeping near your room in case you needed something.  
It has been 4 days since you both decided to give your relationship a chance. Since then you have not talked much about anything other than the therapist's recommendations you got from Namjoon, Taehyung and their wives. 
Jin was supposed to return in 2 days from his trip with his wife to her house, his brother-in-law getting engaged. You feel like a lot has happened in the last 5 months and you were so clueless, you felt guilty for not being there for everybody. 
Apparently, Yoongi broke up with his girlfriend after 3 weeks of constant arguments. He seems okay, but you never know how a person actually feels from their face now, do you? You don't know what the arguments were about but you just hope he is fine. 
Hobi's girlfriend just moved in with him, they wanted to hold a get-together but postponed it saying you were not well since you went to the hospital 2 months ago. Somehow you know that is not the reason. You would also prefer not making anyone awkward with all the tension that you've been going through, You suggested them doing it without you but they refused, stating they want everyone there. 
Jungkook has been trying to be silently available and you can notice every one of his efforts, You feel your heart shatter every time you look at him but you try not to cry. You don't succeed. 
This was the decision you made, your doctor and therapist both suggested you start couple therapy, soon. Are you ready? No. But would you run away from your problems? Nope.
You have your first combined session in 4 hours and you feel nauseous already. You haven't talked much to Jungkook in the past four days except for thanking him whenever he helps you with stuff like getting up, switching the fan on if you feel hot suddenly, helping you with covering yourself with the comforter, putting your feet in your slippers and many more things. 
You both finally decided on a therapist that your doctor and Namjoon, both suggested. 
You absolutely feared this, you have no idea what outcome is waiting for you on the other side of the journey you chose. But you have to try, for the baby. Finishing your coffee you straighten up and walk towards the sink.
Suddenly you hear three loud knocks on the door and the mug slips from your hand. 
Hearing the mug hit the floor Jungkook jolts up and comes running towards you, "Hey, you okay?" He inquires holding your hands, speaking groggily, still sleepy. His eyes search you for any burns or injury.
"I am fine. It's okay." He hears you and it's like you both realize at the same moment that he has your hands in his, you both lift your heads at the same time. His eyes are swollen and red, with dark circles and slight stubble. 
Your eyes lock and you feel a weird feeling in your stomach. 
The knocks on the door intensifies while your mom came into the kitchen to take a bottle of water. Your dad and mom are supposed to visit your family doctor for your dad's regular checkup. He has been having fluctuating blood pressure and you feel like its because of you. 
Jungkook opens the door and a grumbling Jimin walks in along with a sheepishly smiling Namjoon holding some paper bags. "Get your door bell checked, I rang it four fucking times- oh shit, g-good morning everyone." Both men stop in their tracks and bow awkwardly greeting you and your mother as she giggles greeting them backward. 
"It's 10 am, Hyung. Why are you guys banging at the door so early?" Jungkook asks rubbing his left eye and you smile looking at their banter. 
You missed this.
Namjoon comes around the kitchen island and gives you a side hug while Jimin and Jungkook just argue about how 10 a.m. is not very early for some people.
"I'll go get ready for your dad's appointment and then come make breakfast until then you kids have juice, I'll be out in 10 mins-" Your mom says while she pats your head but Namjoon interrupts her by telling her they brought some sandwiches you would love according to his wife. 
You wanted to accompany your mother to the doctor's appointment but she insisted you focus on the day that awaits you, Her being the most honest person, she told you that today wouldn't be easy, it would be heart-wrenching. You would feel uneasy and maybe you might feel relief unexpectedly. Don't fight it. If the decision you both have made is something you both want to work on, don't fight your feelings.
"Oh! you brought the tomato and cheese sandwiches, yay!" You say a little too loud the whole room goes silent and you feel too aware of your voice, you gulp, chest deflating and the room getting bigger around you. Your eyes glisten slightly, which namjoon and jungkook notice immediately. Jungkook, notice the way you shrink physically, if that's even possible, after showing a little light on your face. 
It's something inside you, that makes you want to withdraw from anything slightly happy. Guilt? Of smiling? You dont want to think about it. 
"Yes!" Jimin says cheerfully and Namjoon joins him yelling for him to bring the sandwiches to the table. Your mom smiles at the yelling grown men while Jungkook just watches his hyungs trying to cheer you up. You walk up to the table and join them, lifting your head to look at Jungkook. You wanna tell him to join, but suddenly your face heats up and you can't talk. 
He must feel your eyes on him coz he looks at you and your eyes widen when you make eye contact. You can hear the bickering of the two men in the background, You try to speak, and he looks at you with hopeful eyes. hopes that you talk, to make a conversation, anything. 
"Jun-" you start
"Dude, the sandwiches are getting soggy, I already put the mustard, come and eat them," Jimin says and you sigh feeling weird again and you notice how Jungkook's eyes shut for a second before he looks away. 
"I dont like mustard in sandwiches, hyung. Thanks." He starts to walk away towards the guest bathroom with a sigh and you panic. You dont know what happened but you suddenly blurt out, "My sandwich does not have any sauce."
He stops in his tracks and turns to look at you with wide eyes. Seeing him turn you look down immediately. "You can t-take this, I'll eat the one with mustard."
The room falls silent again and you feel like you could cry, you wanna run away. Thats what your brain tells you to do, you almost get up already thinking of an excuse to run away but then you see your plates being exchanged. "Thankyou." He mutters looking at you, more like, looking at your head facing the table. 
You chose this, you need to be strong and have to at least start making full sentenced conversations. You need to make this work, for your baby. It's just not very easy to look at your husband and not think about it- you just don't want to think about it.
The breakfast ended with slight conversations between the guys. At least someone felt comfortable around each other, you, on the other hand? You felt like you made everyone around you awkward and the fact that you could've sensed their pity everytime they made eye contact with you made you want to bury your head in the ground. 
You could hear the small talks and the hums they let out, it all settled in your brain, it even made sense but you couldn't move your mouth any more than chewing the sandwich on which you almost choked on due to trying to eat fast and get away. 
The breakfast ended with the guys leaving after you excused yourself for the shower you planned 30 minutes later in your head, but still escaped the situation to breathe. Now that you see yourself in the bathroom mirror you watch how your chest rises and the tears burning the rims of your eyes. You didnt want to cry but you also know that crying helps you breathe these days. 
You can clearly see how your decision is affecting you, you're miserable. Which is definitely not good for the baby's health.
Would you really be a good example of parents to your baby?
You can't decipher if it's because of the betrayal you feel, the guilt of missing him even though he cheated, the regret of regretting giving him another chance or just the fact that you feel guilty by feeling better around him? 
You don't know how to give another chance, your past has been full of abandonment and ignorance towards you making heartbreak a bitter and sour feeling. Immediately forcing your heart to want to hate him. 
The guy you loved, still love, are you in love? Of course you are, that's such a stupid question to ask, you love that guy to death. The main question that lingers in your head is, should you be in love with him? Is that correct?
Your doctor adviced you to keep your anxiousness at bay for the sake of the two lives you are now held responsible for. Your therapist advised you to respect the decision you have made but also respect your personal boundaries. Both of the professionals telling you to prioritize both of your mental peace, only then things would work. 
The concept of mental health confuses you at this point. Is putting your mental peace as your priority staying away from him and feeling the panic take over you? Or sit around him feeling better for some time but worsen later since you owe this to your past self. 
You feel yourself zoning in onto the flowing water from your tap in front of you. Your thoughts are disrupted as you hear your mom knocking on the bathroom door, quickly wipe your tears and taking deep breaths, a sad try to stabilize your voice. 
"Y/N baby, I am heading out for the clinic okay?"
"Y-yea mom." You cringe as your voice breaks, silence filling the spaces on both side of the door. 
"You know I'm here for you, right?" She says and you want to sob hugging her but you don't want to stress her more. You feel the pain in your throat, the knot making your vision blurry with every second passing by. 
"Yea." You reply with a shaky voice expecting her to leave but then you hear her sniff. Your stomach clenches and you feel that you might vomit out the sandwiches from the morning. 
"Love you, baby, take care." She says and you murmur the affectionate phrase back. Turning off the tap you hear her retreat to the door and the door closes with a thud. Your mind reels over so many thoughts and you just need some silence from all the noisy voices in your head telling you shit about yourself and your choices, him included. Your mind wants you to answer questions, about feelings and your family's future, the questions only you and your husband sitting and waiting for you in the lobby could solve. 
Maybe you can get some help from the therapist you so dread to meet. 
The ticking of the clock, the beating of your heart, every passing second is making your eyes blind towards the white wallpaper of the waiting room. You wait for your husband sitting on the couch, fiddling with the rings on your ring finger. 
The room is decorated with plants and a lot of flower vases on every side table, and the reception desk is unattended since the lady who sweetly smiled at you went inside with a cup of something, you couldn't see clearly though, you guess it's for Dr. Shin.
Out of anxiety, you start fiddling with your rings. You still remember the day he proposed to you, promising you to never leave you alone and always be by your side, no matter what ups and downs. 
You never knew the ups and downs would someday lead you to the thought of divorcing him. The ring he wed you with on your wedding day shines along with the promise ring making you force your eyes away. 
The session hasn't even begun and you already are on the verge of crying. 
The glass door slides open and you watch a middle-aged lady approach the L-shaped couch you were sitting on. She smiles and calls out your name along with his making your heart drop. 
"Mr. and Mrs. Jeon?"
This stings but also gives you comfort. It's so fucked up.
You're scared. You don't know what's gonna happen after this session, are you afraid of being alone? You have this war going on inside you between morals and what your heart wants. You feel nauseous, however, you take a deep breath and get up.
When you enter the counsellor's office, it seems way more comfortable than you thought, it gives you more of an art studio vibe, with plants and canvases lying around, paints on a desk along with an almirah full of books and files. 
You smile as your eyes meet Dr. Shin, and she smiles back. Her face radiates a professional persona but it is not the kind of personality that could make someone uneasy, it makes you feel safe somehow. 
She sips on her coffee and keeps the mug on a coaster, clearing her throat. She was really pretty, sophisticated and she looked really smart. Her husband wouldn't cheat on her, would he? She seems perfect, unlike you with your baggy and red eyes. 
Were you ever attractive?
"Would you like some water or tea?" She offers with a smile. 
"Some water would be good, thank you." You say and she nods, calling her someone, probably the receptionist for the glass of water. 
"Are you here just by yourself today?" 
"No-no he should be here any minute, he must be in the traffic, I am so sorry." You frantically start searching your bag for your cellphone to call Jungkook. 
"It's okay, we can start the session when he arrives."  
"No, please, you don't have to do that, you must be really busy." You say looking at her with an apology on your face. Finally finding your phone, you check your messages and yes, he has texted you about being stuck in traffic. 
"He is on his way, in traffic." You say to which she nods and mutters a 'It's okay'. She resumes sipping her coffee while noting down your details in her notes. While she scribbles your head can't help but think about certain scenarios as to why Jungkook is late. 
You feel anxiety fill your nerves, you clench your fists tightly at the thought and shake your head slightly. You don't notice but Dr. Shin notices how you start to shake your leg, so she starts a conversation putting her notepad down.
"Do you paint, Mrs. Jeon?"
"Please, it's just Y/N and yes, sometimes." You say straightening your back, your baby belly very visible. 
She opens her mouth to say something but gets interrupted by the receptionist knocking on the door. Dr. Shin lets her in and she informs her that Jungkook arrived, asking if she should send him in. 
She nods and the receptionist leaves.  
"You know the best thing about art is that when you understand it, you can fix a mistake in a painting as many times as you want. Being able to do good art doesn't mean you wouldn't make mistakes, but you could fix them at any time you want. The only thing that matters is do you still want the results you wanted before you started to paint or will the excess anxiety to finish the art piece make it worse?" She says and you feel confused, before you could ask if she meant what you think she meant, Jungkook enters. 
He is wearing a black button-up tucked in his pants along with checkered trousers, a black blazer in his hand and his black hair slicked back. He had an important meeting today and you think he came directly from work. He looks good too and you hate that you feel that way.
"Good afternoon doctor, I am sorry I got late, I got stuck with a client and then the traffic, I am really sorry." He bows apologetically and quickly takes a seat beside you. You look at him and he mouths an 'I am sorry' with beads of sweat on his temples. You smile slightly and nod to tell him it's okay. 
"It's okay Mr. Jeon, you're just 4 mins late." She chuckles and picks up her notepad and pen. 
"Shall we start?" You both nod in unision. 
"So, I wanna assure you that this is a safe space and the information told or discussed here would not be disclosed unless there are any legal or medical emergencies which we hope wouldn't happen. Okay?" You squeeze your fists shut, you don't even want to think of all that. You notice how his Adam's apple bobs as he gulps in nervousness. 
"Shall we start?" She asks and you both nod in unison.
"Mr and Mrs Jeon, how long have you known each other?"
"6 years"
"6 years." Dr. shin nods at your answers.
"..and how did you two meet?"
"We met through mutual friends, Taehyung, his best friend, he was her roommate's boyfriend at that time." You explain. 
"I wouldn't call that boyfriend." He whispers and you smile huffing a breath. 
"Yeah, they were in a 'situationship'." You air-quote the word with one hand and smile, the other hand tracing the water ring, your glass is forming around it. 
"They used to wanna hang out with someone because she had a strict aunt as a guardian. So we spent time at Taehyung's place, Y/N used to live with her too, at her aunt's place, for the last year of her graduation." He says, smiling slightly at the memories of you creating excuses for your friend. 
"We could simply say, they ended their relationship soon after graduating, she started her Ph.D., moved out and we still remained friends." You point your thumb towards him and then you. 
"After some months we started dating when he asked me out.." your eyes are still zoned in on the glass while Jungkook stares at your face. 
Clearing your throat you give a small smile to the therapist and through a sniffle you speak again, "After 3 years of dating we finally decided to get married. We got married in his home town, Busan..."
You pause, your heart aching at the irony of you taking the vows in Busan, the same place where your husband spit on your 5 year-long relationship. You feel tears rising in your eyes but you blink them away, ears getting hotter by the second. 
"..And then I broke my promises." He nods slowly, as if owning up to his acts, eyes glossy and his Adams apple bobbing trying not to cry. 
You hear him say it and you feel nauseous. Yes, he did, and now you're sitting here in front of a therapist. Back to square one.
"Yes." you whisper without raising your head, nodding. A lone tear slipping through your eyes. 
The only thing you could hear after you said this was Dr. Shin's pen scribbling something in her pad, the clock ticking and the aquarium motor producing bubbles.
There was an aquarium in the room?
You feel Jungkook's gaze on you, but you don't dare lift your head.
"Mr. And Mrs Jeon.." Your therapist keeps her pad down and looks at you, making you both lift your heads and pay attention to her. "..this is your first session, so I would only talk about things you are comfortable with, we'll take things according to the pace you both want, but if you want to make things work I would suggest you be honest and open with me, it might make you feel vulnerable and 'too exposed'." she emphasizes on her last words and continues, "It would be hard considering you both have a lot going on but trust me it would definitely be better than how it is now."
You both listen to her carefully, slightly nodding your head whenever she adds a question mark in her statements. 
"Before I address the situation I would like to ask you if you are comfortable in continuing this relationship?" she asks and he nods but you feel hesitant. There it was, the question that you know the answer to but still feel weird to say out loud. Your husband cheated on you, you can't change that. You have a life growing inside you, yours and Jungkook's flesh and blood, you can't change that. You decided on never giving cheaters a chance but why do you want to now? 
Do you think it would be good for the baby? Would it be good for him? For you? You love him, but what about the morals you promised you would never give up on? Would love be worthy enough to let go of the beliefs you have? 
"Mrs. Jeon? It's okay if you're still a little skeptical, you can take your time-"
"No ma'am, I am sure. I wanna try again." You say it out loud, for your baby's sake, at least that's what you want to believe. Jungkook breathes a relieved sigh and you look at him at the same time he does. He raises his eyebrows hesitantly trying to ask if you are sure, you nod softly making him give you a grateful smile. 
"Its good to know that both of you are on the same page. Now, I would like to hear what caused this distance.." 
As you let it out of you, how the last 5 months changed the trajectory of your life, the 5 years of your relationship, the trust, the bond, love, your self-esteem, your and his moral values, both of your belief systems, the trust on each other, the trust on yourselves, the honesty, the loyalty all bruised up and on the ground. What were you fighting? Each other? Society?
Maybe it's you who you're fighting.
You told Dr. Shin how you have faced this many times in your life, She nodded and explained to you how certain incidents affect our brains and the way we think, changing the way we live, think and even breathe. 
She explained how going through this would be tough for both of you, considering the pregnancy and the emotions you and your husband are feeling. She explained how your mind should be made up before going through with this because sometimes withdrawing from therapy or quitting in the middle of the process or sometimes going with it without a made-up mind might cause mental problems and since you were with a baby, you should be extra careful. You both try to assure her that you will make sure this goes well.
You cried looking away from him while you told the events that happened, he sobbed agreeing to them. He cried covering his face while cursing himself for what he did to your relationship and the happy family you both deserved. You both cried as she wrote and noted in her notepad. In the end, you reached out to hold his hand with tears running down your faces, admitting how you want to give your family a chance. 
With red eyes and shaky footsteps, you both leave the office. You get in the car since you've been taking cabs ever since you started showing. The car feels oddly comforting, the same fragrance mixed with the leather seat cover smell, the car having water bottles on each side, just like a few months ago. He used to keep them in the car just in case you felt car sick like that road trip in the hills where you were nauseous the whole time.
The bottle beside you looked new since it was sealed so you couldn't help but think that he bought them today, maybe for you. You wanted to ask him but before you could say you felt the soup and the tofu stew you had in lunch come up your throat. 
"Stop the car, Jungkoo- f-fuck stop the car. Pull over!"
Jungkook pulls over to the side and opens his side of the door to runs over to your side, he holds your hair up as you vomit your food and feelings out. You have been feeling uneasy ever since you left your apartment for the clinic. 
'You might feel physical changes as well, Mrs Jeon. You may feel everything at extremes, mood swings, food cravings, agitation, maybe sexual desire, frustration, or morning sickness might hit you at any time, Basically the anxiety is not gonna help you with the hormones and staying away from your husband might also not do any good. So I would suggest you be strong and try to get through this.'
You remember Dr. Shin's words coughing as your throat feels sore, your stomach aching from the pressure you put in puking. When you're done, Jungkook opens up a bottle of water for you as you tilt your head towards the seat resting it there. He helps you drink and wash your face. Feeling better you look up at Jungkook who makes sure your breathing is better and even now. 
"Are those new bottles?" 
"Huh? Ye-yeah. I bought them on the way to work this morning knowing you get car sick often and n-now...because of your nausea, I just wanted to be sure. There's more in the back, do you want? Wait-"
He takes a step back to walk to the back seat or the trunk you don't get to know where because you hold his wrist freezeing him in his steps. You notice how he tenses so you hesitantly let go of it. 
"I-I'm sorry, I just, I don't need it right now I feel better." He nods when you look down retracting your hand, you smile slightly at him and turn back in your seat. He comes up and closes your door helping you pull your seatbelt so that you can plug it in yourself, not wanting to make you feel weird by getting close. 
Sitting back in the car, you expect him to drive but he doesn't. Instead, he takes your hand slightly turning in his seat. He looks at you with glossy eyes making yours widen. 
"Y/n, If I need to apologize my whole life and still you dont feel comfortable with me?.." he breathes shakily holding your hand tighter, its killing him to say this but he needs you to know this. 
"You can still leave me, I don't deserve to be forgiven, I know. I betrayed you, I don't deserve you and her.." he almost sobs and you feel tears rise in your eyes as he mentions your daughter as well. Sometimes seeing how sure he is about a daughter makes you forget how you still don't know the gender and it's just both of your assumptions. 
One hand in his and the other one on your tummy you listen to him, "You are giving me another chance to live Y/N, this means so much to me, by trying again and giving us a chance, you are giving me another life. You don't know how much it means to me, I-I am so grateful for having you in my life but.." he breathes sharply and his hands start to shake. 
"You can still leave if you wish, I love you. I want you to be happy. He sniffs and you notice his nose getting red. "Being a normal human I would prefer it would be with me but.." he chuckles sadly tears falling down his cheeks, "I would let you go if you ever feel like you don't want this." 
He knows that statement is risky, he might make you think that he is having second thoughts but when he sees your lips in a small ssmile he feel like you got the message. 
You squeeze his hand and mutter, "I know kook, but we're gonna make it, for everybody in this car, you her and me." You chuckle as your tears fall as well.
Jungkook holds in a whimper sniffling and then he nods. You feel slightly lighter after today. Not completely okay but still a little better and hopeful. You are gonna get through this, you both are gonna be strong. Your child will be okay, he will be okay, your relationship and family will be okay.
Everything would be okay. 
Reaching home, You take a shower wanting to clean the sweat and the slight vomit smell you have on you. You brush your teeth and head out to have dinner that your mom cooked. You told her that you would talk to her after your shower about the day you had.
You sit at the table and ask your parents how their appointment went, She tells you how your dad needs his medicines changed, of slightly lesser power and doze. You tell your dad to take care while he drinks his soup for better blood pressure. You all wait for Jungkook to join while having light conversations while you tell your dad a slightly less stressful version of the session.
Jungkook joins you on the table with wet hair, a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. His body wash smell hits your nose comforting you just like you remember. You don't question your feelings, something was pulling you back but you still decide to find comfort in your husband's presence. 
After Dinner, Jungkook decides that he will do the dishes and clean up, your dad goes to sleep after wishing you and your baby good night. Your mom discussed the session with you encouraging you to stay strong, making sure that you wanna go through this. You smile and assure her that this is your and his choice. You hug her goodnight when she finally decides to sleep after Jungkook refuses her help with the cleanup for the second time. 
Sitting in the lobby as you watch him clean up the kitchen, like old times. Date nights with him were generally filled with laughter and kisses, cleaning and cooking, bickering over recipe ingredients and sometimes giving up and ordering takeouts. You smile at the memoriesthinking, would things ever be like they were? Would they be better or would they worsen? 
Helping you get into your bed, Jungkook places two bottles of water, a coaster and a glass which was filled with water and covered with a lid. He plugs your phone into your charger, your AirPods next to it. He tells you to call him if you feel any type of uneasiness but still places a small bin if it gets too late to run to the washroom or call for him. You smile at his efforts, never wanting this feeling to end, the way you feel.
"Good night Y/N.", he says looking into your eyes, you can smell his body wash as he kneels in front of you, holding your hands gently. He tells you things like call me if you need something, again. But..
It's weird, you can't focus. Somehow the little circles his thumb creates on your palm are distracting you. Looking up at you he notices how you zoned out so he calls your name softly, flicking his wet hair. 
Fuck, why are you feeling like this? You've seen him with wet hair so many times and why is hair still damp?! 
Since you were first bullied in high school, you generally question your instincts and always do things rationally. But this time, you don't know why your hand unconsciously reaches his hair and cards through it. Call it muscle memory? but you both freeze when your hand rests on the back of his head, his wet locks in between your fingers.
Never breaking eye contact you do what you never thought you would in the past 4 months. Jungkook gasps with eyes wide as you just look at him like it's something you commonly do. 
Did you just pull his hair?
He still looks at you confused and when you do it again with a tighter grip this time, he groans with his eyes shut. The sound he makes helps you realize what you just did and immediately withdraw your hand.
"Um..are you okay?" He asks, voice low and soft but with wide eyes. 
"Yeah, just sleepy." You quickly say cover yourself with your duvet, lying down immediately, not too fast because it is physically not possible for you, but you still try hiding.  
"O-okay. Good night." He awkwardly gets up and leaves the room switching off the lights. Closing the door just enough to let you have privacy, not locking it for emergency purposes. As soon as he leaves, you search for the reasons of why you might be feeling this way.
You type in the search bar, your friends who have had their babies sometimes mentioned about this but..
Search: Can you feel aroused during pregnancy? 
Eyes wide you scoff at the results, gritting your teeth you feel frustrated. This is not how you should feel about him, you decided to try again but this is not right. Right? 
Top result: It is a common symptom to feel sexually aroused in the late first trimester and the second trimester.
Another result: You might feel a little sexually heightened during your pregnancy.
Another click: You might feel your clitoris and labia are sensitive making you feel aroused which might be healthy too, so we would suggest you not miss this opportunity to have good orgasms-
You read on your phone with wide eyes and grit your teeth. Switching your phone off and throwing it to your bedside, you snuggle in under the covers, fists clenched. The touch of his damp hair still lingering on your hand and you stomp your feet under the duvet, irritated. Dr Shin was right. If you wanted to get through this, you need to be strong.
Very strong. 
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taglist: @skzthinker @whoa-jo @aznstoner @aloverga@bids97 @slut4jeon @whipwhoops @bearr02 @jojowantstocry @jossabelle88 @prajusstuff @gloriouscollectionpainter @tatamicalreadyexists @bonsaithings
Authors note: Hey everyone, I hope you all liked the chapter🦋 I would like to apologize again, I am sorry for the late update, I was really held up between my internship and assignments, I really tried to write a good chapter and I really hope it was good and maybe worth the wait? 👉👈
Um, also, it has been one year since I started writting on this blog so, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and a BIG THANKYOU ALONG WITH WARM AND TIGHT HUGS to all my readers who love my stories and give me the motivation to keep writing. I love you all so much🫶 Thank you for waiting so patiently, I will try and be better next time, hehe~
Note: Anyone wishing to get added to the taglist please message me or send me an ask.
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fire-lizard-ro · 5 months
Ah yes. I've come to inquire about a certain blond fellow with the pretty eyes. Aventurine
So here's my bit. Reader is going through a break up with Aventurine and then they make up. I'm writing this while attention (females perspective)is playing in my mind. Maybe you could like incorporate it into the ask. Because I'm thinking in a way that the reader is trying to get Aventurines attention whilst keeping him at a distance. Sor of cat and mouse. And he's buying into it though he's much prefer without the sneakiness.
Also I hope this asks finds you in good spirits and a joyful mood. Caio.
Okay, okay- I have no clue what attention is. A song? I’m not good at this game help-
Anyways I will try my best.
Thank you sm for the ask. 🫶
I really do love this twinky little blond man and I’m happy to be writing about him.
It’s like two in the morning rn and I’m rambling here to distract myself from things. ANY!!! WAYS!!!
No gender is mentioned for the reader.
CW: exactly one (1) 2.1 spoiler (Aventurine’s real name- It’s at the very end), break up-make up time, mild angst bc ofc there is it’s Aventurine, hurt/comfort, happy ending hehe 🫶
Writing under the cut (SFW):
You couldn’t help but smile as you saw a certain someone’s nickname flashing across your screen. Right on time.
Though you supposed he knew what you were doing. After all, Aventurine is smart. Even if he didn’t realize it right away, he had to know by now.
You picked up the phone.
“Well hello, stranger. To what do I owe the honor?” It was hard to keep the sly lilt and inflection out of your voice when you knew he was definitely gripping his phone tightly on the other end of the line.
“I’m sure you know, dear. You’re slick but not that slick. You’ll have to do better than that to outplay me,” Aventurine said, his voice still fixed in that unhurried cadence and unbothered tone like usual despite the situation.
You rested your cheek on a hand and leaned back in your seat with a smile. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. In any case, it’s a bit odd of you to call me. After all, we did break up. You remember that, I’m sure.”
You could practically hear the leather of his gloves crunching (is it crunching I forgot-) as he clenched a fist, keeping hold of his restraint.
The two of you had been dancing around each other like cat and mouse. Though at this point, who was the cat and who was the mouse was anyone’s guess.
Despite having gotten to the point of breaking up, you ended up missing him a lot. And thus you began the dance only to find his hand already waiting for you. It was unspoken that you both wanted the same thing. But every time he drew closer, you’d pull back. A frustrating back and forth that seemed to confuse him. Aventurine was sure you wanted him back. And yet you never let the cat finally catch his prey. Why? He didn’t get it.
“Oh sweetheart- Let’s not keep pretending, yes? I know you’ve been trying to catch my attention. You can’t hide your intentions.”
“Seems it’s working, then.”
It was true. You had been doing things to keep Aventurine’s eyes on you. Despite playing a game of keep away with him with how you’d draw him in and push him away, you didn’t want him looking at anyone else. At the same time, you weren’t sure if you’d truly be willing to get together again. What if the train went off the tracks again? The first time had been rough enough with the two of you waging a passive aggressive war and pointedly ignoring each other at some points.
And thus, this odd little game of yours. One that Aventurine was growing tired of it he had finally called you.
“Let’s talk in person, shall we?” “What-?”
A knock at the door. No fucking way- You opened the door to see your favorite the blond man himself.
“Hiya, darling dearest~”
“No need to be like that. I was serious about that talk.” He then pulled a bouquet of your favorite flowers out from behind his back. “For you,” Aventurine said with that stupid charming smirk of his. You squinted at him for a moment before accepting the flowers with a huff and a faux annoyed, “Fine.”
You were a bit conflicted. You were excited that he was here. Especially because he seemed desperate enough to actually seek you out and talk to you in person. But at the same time this was not something you calculated or expected to happen.
“I know you’re glad to see me. You don’t have to pretend,” he practically purred as you shot a glare over your shoulder, still keeping up appearances. “Oh but of course- I’m absolutely just tickled pink.”
Aventurine chuckled, tipping his head down to look at you over his shades, lids low and eyes practically glowing. “You always did have a way with words, sweetheart.”
He then took off the sunglasses (and oh that was another stupid, dorky little thing about him you found oddly endearing- shades inside a building- stupid silly adorable man-) and plopped down on your couch while you put the flowers down on the counter in the kitchen. You’d deal with them later. For now you had him to deal with. You sat in the chair instead of the couch. He pouted playfully about it, but didn’t comment. “I’ll cut to the chase- I want you back. And I know you want me back, too. I just can’t figure out why you’re leading me closer and then shoving me away. I’m starting to get the feeling you just like my attention. But even so- We both know the truth. So why don’t you just give in, lovely? I know you want to,” he said, surprisingly not using the old song and dance of leading someone around to get the information he wanted. He didn’t talk in circles and didn’t even seem all that flirty despite his words. He was… oddly serious.
“And what about the reason we broke up before?” You didn’t even try to pretend anymore. Aventurine has always been able to see right through you. That ability had clearly not gone anywhere. “I can’t make promises, but we can talk. We’ll work something out. I’ll even compromise on it.” Compromise was not an Aventurine word. Any deals he made were made in his favor without the other person even knowing what they were going to lose. Your incredulity must have been showing on your face more than you thought because he laughed lightly, the sound somehow dry- tired and heavy. “I see that look. I’m serious, baby. I’m sorry I ever let you go. You’re the only one who stayed. The only one who has stuck around. I need you. I’ll give it all to you. My attention, my trust, my… my heart, even. You don’t have to play these games to make me want you.”
Now you feel a bit guilty. But at the same time, elated. Even before you broke up, he never once brought up matters of trust and love. He seemed far too uncomfortable even edging around the topic. But now Aventurine was the first one to bring it up.
You said nothing but silently stood. And his eyes dimmed, waiting for disappointment. But then you walked over and sat next to him, pulling him into a hug. “I missed you, Aven.”
He let out a shaky sigh and wrapped you up in his embrace, arms tight around you.
“You should tell me, ‘I missed you, Kakavasha,’” he (Kakavasha?) said, his voice was shaky with emotion.
“I… I missed you, Kakavasha.”
“And I love you, sweetheart.”
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archiveikemen · 6 months
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 25 (Crazy Love)
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
If life was a fairytale, it’d be easy to be happy.
As long as you refrain from “doing the wrong things”. For example…
Entering a forest that’s off limits, opening a door you shouldn’t, knowing a forbidden secret, and—
Kate: Thank you so much for the help you’ve given me all this time.
Colleague: I’m going to be so lonely without you here. But I’ll always be hoping for your success. Take care, Kate.
My colleagues bid me farewell after I told them that I would continue my service to the imperial court.
I reassured them that there were amazing people at the court, and working there would be like a promotion.
They were delighted to hear that. But had I told them what my new job truly entailed and who I was living with, their response would definitely be much different.
At least, that was me a month ago.
I said goodbye to the post office that smelled like ink and walked away, wiping away the small feeling of loneliness.
London, the capital of England, was the world’s most prosperous city under the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria.
Everyone lived their lives by their own desires, and today was no different.
In a corner of the street, I spotted a poster of my lover.
(Ah… it’s a poster of Liam.)
The poster announced the performance of a new play at The Scala called “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame”, with Liam starring as the main character.
And the premiere was tonight.
— Today, I’m lying to Liam about one thing.
Liam was unaware that I was going to watch the play.
(Liam got me tickets for the closing show, but I bought myself tickets to the premiere without telling him.)
(As a big fan of theatre, of course I have to secure tickets for myself!)
Liam was always gifting me bouquets of flowers, so I wanted to surprise him tonight by buying him flowers too.
(Fufufu, I hope I can give him a surprise.)
I went to a flower shop in the ever so lively Leadenhall Market to choose flowers for Liam.
(What kind of flowers should I get him? There's Gerbera, Cosmos… Ah.)
Amongst the various flowers on display, I found some modern roses that resembled the colour of Liam’s hair.
Modern roses were the flowers Liam often gifted me.
(... Yep, I’ve decided. I’ll go with these.)
Kate: Excuse me. Could you kindly put these modern roses into a bouquet for me, please?
Florist: Sure! These flowers are pretty rare and we don't always have them in stock. You’re very lucky.
Florist: By the way, did you know that modern roses have a very wonderful meaning in flower language?
Kate: No… what do they mean?
Florist: Modern roses signify “gratitude”. For example, you’re grateful to have met someone.
(“I’m grateful that I met you”.)
(I don’t think I’ve ever said that to Liam.)
– Flashback Start –
Kate: Thank you so much, Liam. I’ll be sure to cherish them well, so that they’ll keep blooming for a long time.
Kate: If I display them by my room’s window, they’ll definitely bring a smile to my face tomorrow morning…
Liam: If flowers can make you smile every morning, then I’ll give you however many flowers you want!
– Flashback End –
Ever since we met, Liam has gifted me countless bouquets of flowers that signify “gratitude”.
(What was Liam feeling each time he gifted me those flowers?)
(Has Liam… ever received such beautiful flowers from anyone?)
Throughout his life, there was probably not a single person who celebrated his existence.
Liam was physically and mentally wounded, to the point where he felt hopeless and wanted to give up on himself.
But I believed that Liam possessed a pure heart that cherished the people around him dearly.
It must've been so painful for him to live in such a cruel world with that kind heart.
I wished that he would throw his kindness away instead of bear the burden of his pain and suffering, but that was definitely not the kind of person Liam was.
(I can’t turn back time, but I can still express it to him from now on.)
(From now on, I’ll tell him often how grateful I am for him.)
(I’ll continue celebrating his existence.)
Seated close to the seats on the first floor of the theatre, I watched the curtains rise for “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame”.
– Flashback Start –
Tom: Liam, overcome your struggles. After “Hamlet”, play the role of Quasimodo in “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame”.
– Flashback End –
Just like he promised to that day, Liam portrayed himself as Quasimodo and overcame all odds as him.
Quasimodo (Liam): “This world I live in can be so cruel that there are times I want to look away from it, abandon it… and even stop living.”
Quasimodo (Liam): “But, even so… I have to keep on living!”
Quasimodo (Liam): “Until the day this heart stops beating…!”
The final lines were followed by an atmosphere so silent you could hear a water droplet fall.
— One second, two seconds, three seconds.
Then came a roar of non-stop thunderous applause.
I stood up from my seat and clapped for Liam as he stood under the spotlight during the curtain call.
(Ah… he shines so bright. So, very, bright.)
His graceful bow towards the audience made him look like a beautiful star people longed for, but I knew that my hands could touch that star.
Curly Haired Lady: … *sniffle*
Freckled Lady: Goodness, why are you crying? … *sniffle* I’m crying too. Something feels different about Liam, don't you think?
Curly Haired Lady: … Yeah. I can’t really say it well… but he seems much happier than before.
Hearing the voices of Liam’s passionate fans made my lips relax into a smile.
My eyes met Liam’s from afar.
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Liam: :D
(H-He noticed me.)
Liam flashed me a broad smile when he saw me, and winked at me.
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Liam: ;)
Curly Haired Lady: Kya! H-He just…! Liam just winked at me!
Freckled Lady: Y-You fool! Liam winked at me! ME!
Curly Haired Lady: Nooo, me! Liam~! I love you!
Freckled Lady: Not fair! I love you too…!
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Liam: :0
Liam: Haha.
One of the theatre members told me to wait for Liam on stage, and so I stood there on the empty stage after all the audience had left the theatre.
The spotlight above was so bright, I involuntarily squinted my eyes.
(... With a light this bright, there’s no escaping from or hiding anything.)
Whether it's in the light or in the pitch darkness, there was no such thing as remaining completely unharmed.
Sometimes, life can be so cruel that we feel like throwing it away.
Liam: Kate.
Kate: … Liam.
Despite that, I never want to let go of this miracle — every moment when our eyes meet, when we're breathing together, and when my heart races with excitement at the sight of him.
However embarrassing it may be, I held tightly onto even the tiniest bits of hope, wanting to live.
Until the day darkness comes for us.
Standing face to face with each other, I held out the bouquet I had hidden behind my back to my lover.
Kate: Congratulations on the premiere, Liam! Also…
Kate: Thank you for being alive.
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Liam: T-These flowers…
Liam: … Haha. … It’s my first time hearing someone thank me for being alive.
Liam awkwardly accepted the bouquet.
— He smiled with genuine joy.
Kate: I didn't expect you to see me from the stage. I wanted to surprise you.
Liam: These eyes were made to look for you.
Liam: By the way, what were you looking at just now?
Kate: I was looking at the spotlight. It’s so bright.
Liam: When you lie down here and look up — it’s even brighter.
Liam laid down on the floor and patted his side, motioning me to lie down next to him.
Following him, I joined him on the floor under the bright spotlight.
Kate: The lights kind of look like the stars in the sky, don't they?
Liam: … Yeah, I know.
Liam: Hey, Kate… do you know of this saying?
Liam: The moment you get to a place where the stars are within an arm’s reach, you’ll find it difficult to breathe. Within seconds, you’ll be on your way to heaven.
Liam: I don’t really understand, but for some reason it’s just always in my head.
I found myself staring at Liam’s profile as he spoke.
Kate: … If you could go to that place where you could touch the stars, would you want to?
Liam: If I could touch the stars… huh.
Liam reached a hand towards the spotlights hanging from the ceiling.
Liam: Even now, I still long to touch something as beautiful as the stars.
I recalled the day when he told me that everything apart from himself was beautiful.
Liam: But…
He pulled me close with an outstretched arm, firmly holding my shoulder.
Liam: Right now, however dirty or ashamed I feel… I much prefer being able to touch you like this.
Liam: I always will.
Liam: Perhaps, this way, I’ll always be happy.
As Liam spoke with a soft smile—
I leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on the neck.
Liam: … It tickles.
Liam just living on with a beating heart was enough for me to see him as the most beautiful person in the world, like the brightest star in the sky; and yet, he would most likely spend the rest of his life refusing to acknowledge his beauty and wishing to become a star while carrying the burden of his permanent scars.
(Even if you never realise how beautiful you are, I’ll always stay by your side and watch over you.)
Liam: I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
Liam: I don't know what will happen, but I think it’d be nice to have you with me…
Liam: I hope that you’ll have me in your eyes tomorrow too…
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Kate: What are you talking about…? I’ll always be waiting for you to spend our tomorrows together, until you get sick of it.
Liam: Then… let’s be together until the very last second of our lives.
Liam: Ahh, I’m looking forward to tomorrow…
Enveloped by the light that resembled the stars in the sky, we waited for our tomorrow to come.
Our hearts beating together.
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lbulldesigns · 5 months
UPDATE: AITAH For accusing my former best friend of trying to break up my relationship, and promptly ending our thirteen-year-long friendship?
Posted 19th of May, 2021
Thank you everyone for setting me straight, I accept the YTA verdict.
My Godfather always says to me "If one guy calls you a horse, then he's being a dick. If everyone's calling you a horse, then it's time to buy a saddle" well if everyone's calling me an AH then I need to swallow my pride and take it on the chin.
I'm the AH is more ways than one, and will spend a long, long, long time making up for this.
However, I don't have a happy update. I got up early this morning, with only three hours of sleep the night before, with the sole purpose of meeting up with Pow before school. I planned on stopping by our favourite diner and picking her up her favourite pancake dish and going over everything that happened yesterday over breakfast.
I had practised what I was going to say after I told my Uncle Benny everything that happened. He was disappointed in me and said that we needed to have a long chat on picking up actual red flags but that he was going to help me figure out the correct words to say to Pow and what I needed to expect from this talk.
So I'm about to head out and get the breakfast, with Benny also suggesting flowers (Pow loves flowers, but only if she can keep them alive in a pot) when the doorbell rings. I go and answer and Van is standing there with the pancakes I planned on getting, and a bag clothes.
Benny invited him in and Van apologised for rocking up so early but he wanted to bring Pow a fresh change of clothes before school, and her favourite breakfast.
To say we were confused would be an understatement. Benny asked what Van was talking about and Van then looked confused and asked if she wasn't here.
Long story short. Pow is now missing.
After she got home yesterday, she was in tears and Lo was the first to greet her. and in true Lo fashion decided to give her grief over this, Van doesn't know entirely what went down or what exactly was said but all he heard was a loud banshee-like scream, thudding, and Lo screaming in terror and pain. He had run into the entryway and saw Pow on top of Lo beating the shit out of him. (Something I would have paid to see).
Van had pulled Pow off of Lo but she was struggling to get out of his hold to continue her attack on Lo, so Van was reduced to shaking her by the shoulders and using his "snap out of it voice" which can come across pretty demanding. It worked and Pow instantly went from, in Van's words, a rabid Honey Badger to a lost and scared kitten. He demanded what was going on but Lo was groaning in pain, and by Van's words laying it on a little thick, and Pow was struck mute.
Van recognized her flight or fight response kicking in and started to tell her to get out and take a walk for a bit but he only got out "Get Out" before Pow bolted from the house, Van shouted out after her to go to Benny's and he'll see her tomorrow but he wasn't sure she heard but was certain she would come here anyway because she usually does when overwhelmed.
At this point I was starting to really feel sick, I explained everything that happened yeaterday at school. Van got really quiet and just just sighed heavily, and just looked at me with so much disappointment.
I thought I felt ashamed when all of you called me an AH but seeing this man's disappointment plain as day just crushed me. I mumbled out a pathetic sorry, but Van said that all of that didn't matter right now and what was important was finding his daughter.
He lectured me on my behavior and wanted the full story and I told him how everyone was saying the same things about Pow being toxic and that I spoke with Daisy, and she and her GF told me about how possessive she had been acting with them and that she was most likely doing the same thing.
Van asked for some examples, and I admitted I didn't see anything myself but my friends and my GF's friends often told me about her comments towards them and how one time she claimed that I belonged to her and she was certain I would always chose her over any skank that would try and muscle in. (I never added this info in my original post, because my mind was all over the place and there's a character limit)
I admitted that I didn't believe it at first, but the more and more people were telling me about her antics the more and more concerned I got, and when Daisy all but confirmed Pow's possessiveness I stupidly fell into the notion that everything was true.
I felt so stupid saying it all out loud.
Van asked me what Pow said in her defense, and I couldn't answer him because I never asked. Something he picked up on by my silence.
He sighed again and said that none of that helps locate his daughter right now, and asked if she had any other friends she would go to if I wasn't available.
So I called Zer, who miraculously answered my call, and asked if Pow was with her. But she hasn't seen or heard from her, she had tried called and texting Pow herself yesterday but got nothing back.
I took the day off the school, to help look for her.
It's now 6PM and we're currently at the Enforcers station, hoping to see if they picked up any wayward teenage girls.
I'll update with more later.
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