#I decided to watch Wish‚ the Disney movie that just came out
kisaxiii · 9 months
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munsonify · 2 months
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lost bracelet
pairing. steve harrington x fem!reader
summary. after finding a lost bracelet at a house party, steve keeps ahold of it in hopes someone comes looking for it. luckily for him, he notices that the pretty girl at the video store with a matching necklace.
genre. fluff
tropes. meet cute (kind of)
content warning/s. alcohol and weed consumption, making out and sexual touching (in a flashback), not proofread lol.
word count. 1448
disney princess collection
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A shiny, dainty bracelet dangled, hooked on a loose screw on the brown banister of Mike Lewinski’s house. It was late, streetlights shining through the houses front doors. Even through Steve’s slightly drunken haze, the silver jewelry caught his eye quickly. The streetlights shined perfectly as it caught the dangling beauty.
Steve stumbled over slightly to the banister, thick fingers grasping at the bracelet gently as he admired it. The design looked familiar - small multicolored flowers dangling from the chain. He admired it, thoughts racing and blurring together as he tries to piece together where he’s seen this bracelet before. With a frustrated huff, he carefully slid it off of the nail, holding it in his hands as his thoughts betrayed him. Steve cant quite remember when he’s seen it. Instead of dwelling - his head beginning to pound and swirl - he hooked it around his own wrist.
“Bracelets like that are the first steps to cross dressing, Harrington. Is there something you need to tell the class?” Robin retorted in a slurred voice, stumbling to Steve’s side. Even drunk, she could find a way to poke harmlessly at her friend.
“I’ve seen it before, Rob,” He mumbled. He made his way to the door. “Think someone lost it. Gotta make sure they find it.”
Robins eyebrows raised at him, watching his drunken figure stumble out of Lewinksi’s house with a serious look on his face.
“So you decided to steal it?”
“I’ll know whose it is when I see them. Gotta keep it safe.”
Stumbling after Steve, Robin just let him be. There was no use trying to talk some sense into him, especially when he’s drunk. With a mumbled “dingus”, the two found their way to a sober Jonathan, who promised to drive them home.
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A few days had passed since the night Steve found the flowered bracelet. He’d since taken it off, storing it in his jeans pocket everywhere he went. He was certain he knew who it belonged to - the memory was just buried somewhere in the back of his mind. Long fingers gently fiddled with the silver, becoming almost a nervous habit he’d become comfortable with.
There wasn’t much Steve remembered about that night. He remembered the beers and the loud thumping music, and the possibility that he’d gotten a hit off Eddie’s joint earlier in the night. He also remembered finding the bracelet - it dangled off his wrist even while he crashed and burned into his welcoming bed. He just wished he remembered who it belonged to.
His head snapped up quickly as the bell at the door of Family Video rang out. A group of young boys came in, babbling on about what rated R movie they were hoping to rent. Steve also wished he wasn’t constantly waiting for this mystery person to appear.
“If you keep getting distracted like that, Keith’s gonna fire your sorry ass,” Robin said with a glare. She caught the glare Steve threw back at her and ignored it. They both knew Kieth was too short staffed to do anything more than threaten him.
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“Give it up man,” Eddie quipped, his curly hair shaking around his head as he spoke. Steve found himself, once again, fiddling with the bracelet in his pocket. It’d gotten so bad that Eddie of all people picked up on it. “You stole the bracelet, of course nobody’s gonna come looking for it.”
He earned himself a rough smack in the arm, returning with his hands up in defense. Steve seemed more pent up than usual, so Eddie dropped it. He gave him a wonky side eye, before he went outside for a smoke. One he thought Steve would benefit from.
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A stack of videos rested on Steve’s hip as his eyes scan the shelves. He hadn’t worked in three days, and Kieth had somehow rearranged the entire store. That left Steve and Robin scrambling to familiarize themselves with the new set up. Steve couldn’t help but let out a frustrated huff.
He stumbled around the store with heavy feet, placing each returned film in its proper place, completely focused on his task. He was walking in circles in a dull attempt to finish the stack. Steve had already found himself in a bad mood to begin with. Rain poured outside, the dark clouds making Hawkins look more depressing than usual. He made sure to make a comment about the humidity and his hair to Robin before they were forced to work.
So engrossed in the task at hand, Steve failed to notice the front door opening. Somehow his ears didn’t register the chiming of the bell. With one last final trilogy in hand, he was determined to find its home before he even dared to look back at the register or the front door.
It wasn’t until a nice smelling perfume filled his senses that he came back to his surroundings. Steve’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. He recognized that scent. It wasn’t Robins, he knew that, the scent too distinct for him not to pick up on it. It certainly wasn’t Nancy’s. He’d grown a slight adversity to it.
A sweet voice rang into his ears before he could come to his own conclusion.
“Excuse me, sir?” you asked. Steve shuffled around on his feet at the question, eyes locking with yours the moment he finds them. His eyebrows knitted together even more at the sight of a woman his age - why were you calling him sir? He quickly chalked it up to politeness.
“Can you help me find the romance section please? You must’ve rearranged the store, I can’t find it.” Your pretty smile ignited something inside of him. His mind quickly flooded with the memory he’d been looking for since the party at Lewinski’s.
He quickly remembered your soft lips against his, the gentleness of your fingers brushing through his hair, the loud music surrounding the two of you. Steve had your back pressed into a corner of the dining room, locking you in place. He remembered the strawberry lipgloss you had on, too. It was an odd contrast to the liquor on your tongue. More importantly, he remembers the pretty necklace that you wore that night. It was a perfect match to the bracelet in his back pocket.
An awkward cough escaped your throat at the sudden quietness. Your eyebrows were raised in a confused sort of way as you stared up into his eyes. You hardly noticed his blush before he turned his head. Steve began babbling about how Keith - his manager - switched everything around without warning. You followed his awkward stumble towards the new spot for romance in the store.
There was something familiar about the man, you just couldn’t pinpoint where the familiarity came from. You fiddled with the flowered necklace around your neck as you moved past the thought. Your eyes landed immediately on the romance movie you were in search of. A giddy laugh rang into Steve’s ears as you slid the video off the rack and into both hands.
You walked up to the front of the store, letting the man guide you once again. Quickly, you noticed the way he reached inside of his front pocket and fidgeted. He seemed nervous, or deep in thought. He slid behind the counter to the register, eyes flickering up at you as he speaks.
“You were at Lewinski’s party last weekend, right?”
You couldn’t help but scoff at the reminder. A quick nod of your head gave him his answer, though you still spoke. Steve noticed the way your nose scrunched up in annoyance. It made his heart flutter.
“Yeah, but I kinda wish I didn’t.” Your words made his heart drop. He wondered if you remembered, or if you were too far gone to recall it. Your next words washed that away, though. “I lost my bracelet that night. It was my favorite, too.”
Steve’s hand found its way down to his pocket again. This time, he tugged out a thin bracelet. The same bracelet you were missing. Your eyes lit up again at the sight of it, relief filling your body. More rambles spew from his mouth, explaining that he found it when he was heading out and didn’t want to leave it.
He felt your fingers brush against his as you took it from his hand. Your bright smile and your gentle touch had his head spinning. You rambled on much like he did about how grateful you were of him. It didn’t take long for you to get choked up on your words. The way Steve stared into your eyes, you remembered where you’d knew him from. Warmth bloomed from your neck and stretched to your face. He’d been on your mind for days - you had no idea you’d run into him like this.
You weren’t sure what stars aligned for this to happen, but you were beyond grateful it did.
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taglist. @songbirdofthenight
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 6 months
Hazmat Hole 1: Overture
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I went back and forth on whether to do the pilot or not, but ultimately decided not to. Pilots are meant to be an episode 0 that isn’t necessary to understanding the plot. I may go back to it after episode 8 if I’m not completely sick of this.
It starts off with a story book narration about how hell started because Lucifer was a rebel or something and just states very vaguely that he had big ideas heaven didn’t like. Also Adam was the first man, Lilith was the first woman but she didn’t like Adam and liked Lucifer better they fell in love or whatever and Lucifer gave Eve the apple and he and Lilith were banished to hell. I wish I could lie and say I was skipping over details but they used more words to explain that in about as much depth as I did there. Anyway. The important part is that Charlie is a princess of hell as the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith and the angels go down to hell annually to purge excess souls.
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These two start off annoying and by god I do not see them getting any less so. Charlie is legitimately the most generic Disney Princess rip off I have ever seen in my life, complete with reading books aloud bursting into song. It’s genuinely jarring to hear her swear because you can tell the voice director basically just told her actor to pretend she’s auditioning for the little mermaid. Vaggie is annoying because she’s written like a middle schooler’s first “strong female character”. She’s the emo love interest in a B movie that was straight to video and made by people who don’t actually know what emo is.
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Appropriation Deer is literally just here to make wise cracks and occasionally move in ways that make animators cry and deviantart users in 2010 scream in joy.
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They could probably cut the budget in half by not having him in the show. Anyway no he is not here to do anything besides whine about how television sucks and emphasize that he’s only there at all because he’s into watching people fail and cry or whatever. He’s very flat as a character since he’s just there to be tumblr bait.
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Angel is here and spends the entire episode being sexually aggressive to the point of making everyone there uncomfortable and that’s the entire joke. That’s it. He’s a gay man who says penis and wise cracks and sexually harasses the men in the hotel. Because that is how vivziepop writes her mlm characters.
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We get a two for one easy joke with these two. Haha gay man is harassing a man who isn’t gay as well as haha asexual gets hit on but he says no way.
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Angel is here because “crack is expensive” and they don’t charge him rent there.
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Which he says while drinking a whole bottle of liquor to establish he’s an addict because vivziepop is as subtle as a bull in a China shop.
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And thus we are taken to our first musical number. It’s very underwhelming.
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Also Vaggie sings like she’s getting over a cold and plugging her nose and trying to do an impression of a duck.
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The opening number also leaves me with a perplexing question. Can you die in hell? Do you go to super hell if you die in hell?
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And we get our first real sexual harassment/assault joke from a giant slug flasher trying to make Charlie touch him in the middle of a musical number. I’m sure this bodes great for how angel’s abuse will be treated.
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I hate that I know this but as someone who did shamefully hate watch sausage party twice I have to point out that Adam here is literally just a rip off of a sausage party character.
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Everything down to the voice direction is literally just a rip off of the main antagonist of Sausage Party, the douche. This is probably somewhat intentional as vivziepop was a massive fan of that movie when it came out, but if you’re going to make an homage that borders on plagiarism (this is a joke I’m not accusing her of plagiarism here but it’s giving original character, donut steel), does it have to be from sausage party? Does it really? There’s other movies. Anyway he doesn’t say much, just establishes himself as a douche.
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Back at the hotel they start filming a new commercial since Alastor intentionally made their first commercial bad because he wanted to make fun of them and hates TVs just that much. Nothing very interesting happens. Angel is hot horny. Husk doesn’t want to be there. Alastor makes a deal with Vaggie to help as long as she never makes him go on TV again.
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We go back to Charlie begging Adam to stop coming to hell and killing demons by the hundreds every year and Adam says no in frankly one of the only songs that I like from this series. Sadly, it’s still terribly annoying and repetitive.
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Viv posted meme please clap.
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Isn’t this the homophobic character from the pilot? Didn’t realize she was given a male voice to imply she’s either a drag Queen or trans I guess. Great. I’m sure it’s a very artistic and respectful choice and not every other more likely reason this was the casting decision.
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The episode ends with the discovery that an Angel was killed during the last extermination so they plan to come back in just six months to kill every demon in hell. I might care if any character established themselves as anything other than a vessel to spout boring exposition and sex jokes for twenty minutes.
And that’s episode one. It’s honestly just boring and all of the explicit language sounds extremely forced and awkward.
0/10, the one okay song wasn’t enough to save it. Too much exposition dumping.
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uva124 · 7 months
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It should be noted that this is a redesign for the Wish Au character written by @ animación , who helped me with the ideas and references for Amaya's design,@ animación it is very fun to collaborate with you :D
Now I will start to explain how we came to make this design:
-At first I didn't have many ideas for their design (the truth is before I was concentrating more on Aster and Asha) so I decided to watch the Whis movie to get a better idea of ​​the aesthetic I wanted to look for them………yes, the movie is not that good, later I will talk about my opinion of the movie but in terms of design I was disappointed that out of so many possibilities for the design and costumes of royalty, Disney chose a neutral color palette with small details of blue color, I don't know, I feel like there were so many striking possibilities wasted for they desings.
-Well, continuing with the topic, the author of this Au Wish sent me references about what her vision was about the design of Amaya, which were mostly about the storyboards of the movie, I really liked the idea, since it gave me vibes of a threatening but elegant queen,she also sent me some concept art of Mother Gothel that I used as a reference for the structure of Amaya's face
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This gave me the idea of ​​also using Sephora that belongs to the movie "The Prince of Egypt" as a reference for the aesthetic that I more or less wanted for the character.
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so first I decided to practice the structure of the face to familiarize myself with the design :D (I clarify that I traced the structure of the drawings here because it was just a practice, I used none of these sketches in the final result)
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After a while I started making my own sketches when I finally understood how to draw the face
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(For the hairstyle, I was guided by the photos that the author sent me, I almost forgot to put that😅)
-I also decided that instead of putting a crown on Amaya, I put a kind of headband with a jewel, because in addition to being comfortable, practical and cute (something that greatly characterizes Amaya's style)
It is also a parallel to my Asha design which has a diamond-shaped tattoo on her forehead.
-Now talking about Amaya's dress, yes or yes I wanted to design a cape with a hood, although at first I thought about adding a neckline to the top part of the dress, an idea came to me which was to be inspired by the Greek mythology character Circe, since curiously she is also a sorceress, I mentioned this to the author and she mentioned that at first when trying to draw her she was inspired by the conceptual art of Megara, who is also Greek, so in the end she decided that maybe the queen comes from from a town in Greece (Also this could have something to do with her backstory 👀)
-At some point in the story we discover that Amaya keeps different potions inside her dress (I guess for emergencies, I don't know), that's why I decided that the dress has a small opening, because in addition to making it easier for you to walk, it would also help you. get your potions out in an easier way (her potions are attached to a belt that would be on her leg or waist I suppose).
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-In the end I designed these 3 prototypes and sent them to the author to help me decide which one to choose or which to combine because the truth is I couldn't choose alone (I'm too indecisive).As I said, I was inspired by the character of Circe, so I looked for references of how the Greek goddesses dressed in ancient paintings, and if you look a little closer you can notice that I added the Leo symbol, since it represents the lion. , an animal that was associated with the Greek mythology character I mentioned
Another important detail is the moons on her dress, since it represents motherhood, an aspect that Amaya uses as a facade with her people, and speaking of space, the writer gave me the idea that Magnifico represents the sun since in her own words:
"I know the association with the sun and the moon fits their personalities really well. As the sun can be seen as bright, fun and warm like Magnifico presents himself, but it can also be a force of destruction that burns and is unpredictable. And the moon can be associated with Amaya for being a protective glow in the darkness like how she presents herself as a caring guide, but the moon also has a mysterious dark side we can never see.And the moon only shines to us because the sun is shining on it, so like… Amaya only shines because she’s next to Magnifico"
(Honestly, I'm always surprised by how much symbolism the writer can find for the characters, I only put it in because of what I mentioned before and because I thought it looked cute lol).
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(I came up with the belt and most of the costume thanks to this circe painting)
-Don't think that I decided on the colors yellow and dark blue just because they go together well, nonono, this one also has a meaning :D , you see, while I was looking at some of Wish's concept art there were these discarded designs of Magnifico:
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And doing a little google search I found this:
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-That's why I chose these colors, blue is a color that represents the truth, something that Amaya and Magnifico want to pretend, but the color yellow represents what they truly are, liars.
-And finally (because this writing is taking me more than 2 hours) the roses that are in her dress and hair are natural, and without giving you too many spoilers about the rewrite, Amaya suddenly ages a little, and when this happens the roses also have a change as they wither
Final comments :D
wow, that was quite long ,wasn't it?, I'm more than happy with the result, I hope you like it too, @annymation and I've put a lot of effort into this design and history of Amaya :)
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fantasygerard2000 · 5 months
Reworking Wish
I know this was already said, but the main gripe people have towards Wish is that the potential was there, it just didn't put on the right amount of effort. A criticism that took me long to agree with after sifting through Starboy simping, Magnifico sandals smooching and parasocial hatred towards the house of mouse.
So, after rewatching Wish for like the tenth time or something, I dunno I lost count, I decided to write down some things in the film that needed improvement. This is going to be taking the film as it is and giving it that little push it needed, more time in the oven to bake.
Also, a side tangent I wanna bring up before we move on. I don't like to use the word "fix" especially since it's associated with some people taking a work and reworking it to suit THEIR tastes and preferences, often without permission and out of spite.
Okay, let's proceed.
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The film starts with the shot of the book opening and a narrator explaining the story. A classic Disney staple. The narrator "reads" us the creation of Rosas by Magnifico. However, the opening narration emphasizes too much on Magnifico. I get the intent that this is a form of propaganda he made to get parents to tell stories to their kids about him, but this comes with a caveat regarding his backstory that I will explain later.
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So, either you have a different person narrating the opening scene like how in the classic Disney movies do instead of Asha. Or have Asha narrating to Sabino told through hand drawn illustrations she drew about how he and his family came to the kingdom of Rosas, visually through hand drawn animation.
Have the rest of the scene play out but major difference here. Instead of Asha applying to become Magnifico's apprentice, she was recommended the job by Amaya. An issue of show-don't-tell is present as Amaya explains how kind and generous Asha is, but is never shown. Have Asha welcome the tourists but the child is too scared to leave the boat, so Asha sing to them about how wonderful the kingdom is to make the child feel better while also helping the townsfolk on the way in her unique way, reminiscent of Mulan during Honor to Us All. Have Amaya watch Asha guide the tourists on a balcony through a window like the Evil Queen if you like to add a nod to Snow White as well subverting the trope to show that she's a good queen.
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A detail I like in the film is that instead of having a servant inform Asha that she's ready for the interview, Amaya herself came to the kitchen to inform her herself.
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As for the apprenticeship thing, I like to spice things up by having Tomas, Asha's father once worked for Magnifico who he considers a close friend before retiring once Sakina was pregnant with Asha. Amaya, being more close to her people than Magnifico, knew that Asha is Tomas' daughter and seeing how she's takes after him, recommended her husband to have Asha work as an apprentice.
So, Asha, nervous about becoming an apprentice to her father's former boss/friend/like-a-brother cuz why not make an evil uncle figure. The scene plays the same but little emphasis on Tomas. As well as a "he betrayed me" rant from Magnifico later on.
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The At All Costs sequence remains the same and the argument afterwards also kept intact. Additional dialogue has Asha mentioning how her father would have told Magnifico the same but he quickly dismisses her.
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The argument scene be tweaked with Sabino still hopeful about his wish being granted next year, making the news that Magnifico will never grant his more hurtful for Asha.
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The filmmakers' intent for the animals is that they know much about the universe than humans but considering they can't talk, humans just think they're dumb. I'm a Star plays out the same but additional dialogue is given before the song plays, with the animals explaining to Asha that Star can't speak to answer her questions but they can in song form.
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The scenes afterwards remains up to This is the Thanks I Get!? I like to add in minor details earlier like Magnifico checking his reflection during the interview as he "listens" to Asha, subtly showing his narcissism and his ties to mirrors.
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Also in the interview scene, he mentions about his old home being destroyed by greedy thieves. This was the caveat I mentioned earlier and how his backstory despite being offhandedly mentioned a few times made him too sympathetic for the simps to defend his nonexistent lack of honor. Either we cut out the "tragic" his backstory and simply have him studying magic and the masses praise him so much that he has enough influence to make his own kingdom.
Once Asha returns Sabino's wish to him, have the unused scene above be kept. An issue with the film is that despite Sabino being the main drive for the plot, he barely appears in it enough for viewers to care. So the scene where he can finally be able to play his lute serves as this.
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Magnifico arriving at the cottage to arrest Asha plays the same. Additional dialogue has Magnifico informing Asha and the viewer someone close to her who knows of Star ratted her out. After escaping Magnifico, have him burn the cottage if you like more villainy.
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The scene after play out the same with some minor tweaks. The teens have a secret hideout, a cave with the entrance be under a tree, a nod the dwarfs and the lost boys. Asha doesn't know the hideout initially but Dahlia has left a clue for her in a form of a hardened cookie, a nod to Esmerelda leaving Quasimodo a clue to find where the Romani are hiding from Frollo. Amaya discovers the hideout by following Asha.
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Instead of just books, Star uses the furniture the lift the teens up to the pulleys. Another scene has Amaya and Dahlia destroy the book in hopes of no one using it again. A major change is to have the book inform the reader that the more the person uses dark magic, the corrupt they become instead of committing once they commit to eternity, which I understand sounds like a lazy excuse to not redeem Magnifico.
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Have most of the guards go after Asha who thought they were being led by Magnifico but was actually Simon. Have the animals attack the guards and Simon like in Tarzan and Beauty and the Beast.
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When Magnifico blasts Amaya, she gets knocked out and drops her crown. To show his people he was the real traitor and make the crowd and remaining guards turn on him before he quickly overpowers them.
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Have the climax be given additional dialogue and show Magnifico treating the wishes badly once he had Star.
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Give a few moments to the scene where Asha remembers the "we are stars" message. Have her look at the her and her father's wishing tree and a moment of reflection before she starts singing.
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After Magnifico's defeat, have the scene play out the same but with additional dialogue from Amaya towards Magnifico. Additional dialogue from Sakina reveal Asha her wish.
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Once she takes after Magnifico's place as ruler, Amaya wears a more colorful dress, particularly a red colored tone down version of her original dress, showing she's a more competent ruler than Magnifico as well being tied to the rose, the symbol of Rosas.
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After the brief timeskip, Asha wears a different dress than her previous one that gets sparkly once Star made her a fairy godmother, justifying the Cinderella reference without too being on the nose.
As for other stuff like the songs, they're fine. Just need a few lines change to sound less awkward.
The animation is fine too, though a lower frame rate like in the clip below would've suffice. And yeah, people will accused Disney for copying Spider-verse, but honestly I don't care since they'll accuse Disney of anything bad, even if they included the stuff they wanted.
And that's all what I can think of to "improve" Wish.
As much as I like this movie, I do understand why most people don't to the point of "fixing" it. However, fixing it isn't to add a love interest or a villain couple, it's to figure out what works and doesn't. Which is why as much as I have my own version of Star that is very loosely based after the Starboy concept, I didn't added them in it because it'd be unnecessary and distracting.
Wish's flaws are the intentions that were there and obvious, but the way they were executed was lacking. Hence why some of the "improvements" are what the filmmakers intended but given a tweak. Even stuff I added like Tomas being Magnifico's former best friend and apprentice are things the can be better if executed properly or not.
My general thoughts on the rewrite fandom is that some do have the right idea but just have the wrong priorities.
And as much as I wrote down changes to Wish that could may have and have not improved it, I don't want to be praised for it because they general attitude of "this is better than X" has left a sour mark on my thoughts towards the vocal minority in animation fandom or any fandoms.
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coquettebows · 11 months
❥﹒bewitched (bewitched by laufey)
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yang jungwon x fem! reader﹒genre fluff fluff fluff!, mutual pining, best friends to lovers etc ﹒word count 1k﹒warnings confessions, cuddles, kisses in the rain, i love the song bewitched, very disney!
"you bewitched me, from the first time that you kissed me."
"then we ran down the street in the late london light, the world froze around us, you kissed me goodnight."
his pale rosy skin, his arms currently wrapped around you while you both watch a scary movie. "[name]! pleasee, this thing is scary!" jungwon yelled out, once again hiding in your neck when a jumpscare came up.
even though your cheeks were practically red, you giggle at his antics. "jungwon, the movie isn't even that scary!" you snickered, then jungwon left your 'cozy neck' and stared at you with his cute cat eyes.
"jungwon..." "please...!" "fine!"
you reached towards the table and grabbed the remote. you turned off the tv and laid back to the couch. jungwon hugged you tighter, seeming scared. you smile and then you heard the front door unlock.
"hello? [name]! i'm home!" your mom beamed, closing the door behind her. your mom walked towards the living room. "oh hi jungwon! i didn't know you were coming over!" she smiled, also looking at you and winking at you due to the fact both you and jungwon were cuddling.
"i'll be in the kitchen making dinner." your mom grinned, walking off while taking off her coat to hang.
you and jungwon stayed cuddling, taking in each other's warmth.
"hey, jungwon?" "yeah?" "i'm going to be right back, im going to use the bathroom kay?"
"whyy?" "it's going to be quick i promise."
he unwrapped his arms from you then started sulking. you smiled at him and walk towards the bathroom. well, not before your mom grabbed you into the kitchen.
"oh my god, are you guys finally together?" your mom quiently squealed. "mom, no! i mean, i wish but we're not! he doesn't see me like that."
"oh please! do you see the way he looks at you! he's totally inlove." she beamed, making your cheeks go red. "mom! keep down please! now, im going to go to the bathroom..."
you sighed and turned around to walk run to the bathroom to collect your breath.
you closed the door behind you, immediately taking a deep breath in and out. you couldn't help but wonder if he really liked you.
i mean sure, you both had reallllly close calls of almost kissing but it never happened.
you stayed in the bathroom, collecting yourself for about 5 minutes before you finally decided to go out.
you walked out to the living room to see jungwon and your mom talking while eating dinner. "hey [name]! come eat with us pleasee!" jungwon grinned and you smiled back, taking a seat.
"we were just talking about halloween! jungwon wanted to tag along with us for buying decorations!" she rambled, and you quickly nodded.
"yes yes! tag along jungwon! it would make things 100x more fun!" "hey! are you saying im boring?" "no mom..."
"i'll tag along then!" he smiled, finishing up his plate. you smile at him and began eating.
it was 3:33 am when you heard tapping from somewhere. you groan, trying to block out the noise. but somehow the tapping out louder.
you 'ughed' and got out of your warm bed to try to find that tapping sound. only to find yourself near the window, and opening it. a rock almost got thrown at your head but luckily you dodged.
"what the fuck..." you mumbled, rubbing your eyes and looking down to see jungwon.
"jungwon?" you uttered, and he sweetly smiled. "i didn't hit you right?" "yeah..."
"oh thank god! okay okay, [name] can you let me in for a second?" "oh, okay..."
you closed your window and quietly headed downstairs. you opened the door and then saw jungwon there in all his glory.
you stared at him and he stared back. "[name]...are you going to let me in?"
you came back to realization, "oh yeah! sorry..."
he came inside, taking off his shoes and quickly guiding you back to your room. "wha...what happened?" you ask him when he shut your door. "let's sneak out."
"huh? to where?" "anywhere! let's get food and head to the park!" "oh, okay, let me get ready then."
after a while of choosing an outfit, and just ended up choosing some hello kitty pj pants and a shirt, you both headed out and now getting some food.
"let's go to mcdonalds! it's open!" you say, and jungwon smiles, driving over there.
a silent air takes over, and you look out the window.
you both reach the fast food place, quickly going in, very hungry, you both get food, getting ready for the park.
you both laugh off from your conversations, not noticing the heavy rain coming down, until you both walk into it.
"oh, it's raining..." he mumbles. "the food is going to be soggy!" "you know what they say, the food tastes better soggy!" "no one says that jungwon."
he laughs and he grabs your hand. he runs, dragging you with him. you guys stop under a streetlamp. he puts down the food and smiles at you.
"[name], i feel like this is the right time to do this. please don't be mad at me." "what do you mea-"
he's kissing you. his warm hands caressing your face. you close your eyes and kiss him back just as intimately.
he broke the kiss off first, and he just kept staring at you. like he was taking in everything. "[name], i really really like you. never mind, i don't think like is the right word. [name], i love you. for so long. ever since we met, ever since you moved in from across from me. i've been waiting so long to let this out."
you smile at him and kiss him again. you feel him smile into the kiss and his hands hug your waist. you break off the kiss and smile at him. "jungwon, the moment i saw you, you bewitched me. you made moving here hundred times better. you always make things better, you make me feel better. i love you. tons and tons, and forever."
he hugged you, buring his head into your neck. "i'm really happy [name]." "me too."
you both stay like that, for a while before you spoke up again.
"so...are we going to let the food get even more soggier?"
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des2dream · 6 days
Ranking MLP Generations!💗🦄🌈
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For over 40 years, we have been exposed to colorful horses. Colorful horses who can talk....and sing....and dance....and fire mega rainbow lasers at their enemies! Colorful horses who also made their way into our collections. My Little Pony was introduced in 1982 following after the original My Pretty Pony toy that dropped in 1981 which was meant to sell toys for the young female demographic.
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The rest became history! MLP grew to become a popular toy during the 80s which spawned a movie in 1986 and a TV show that came out three months later. As the years went by, MLP went through multiple changes gaining new fans for new generations. I've decided to go over each generation and rank them based on my opinions, thoughts, and overall feelings of satisfaction I have toward them. I don't necessarily hate any of the generations that will be placed lower on this list, I just don't feel as attached to them nor do I feel like having an interest in them. I also won't discuss much of the toys, but I will discuss heavily on the TV shows based on them since I've seen more of the shows than I collected the toys. We'll start with the worst, then save the best for last. Let's go, everypony!
8. My Little Pony Generation 2
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The fact that I didn't even know this existed until years later doesn't help its case. The toy sales were so low that there wasn't even a cartoon to go with it. Only a video game. This generation released in 1997 before it ceased distribution in 1999 due to lackluster sales. However, it did find some success in Europe. I don't have much to say about this since I hadn't known about it. I originally thought My Little Pony Tales was Generation 2! One positive I can give is that I love the designs as they give off slightly more realistic horse-like features and it's a cool look. I didn't have any toys nor saw anything on TV with there being no series. I'm sorry, G2! Unfortunately, you hit the bottom of the barrel.
7. My Little Pony Generation 3.5
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Now, this spot is interesting! The third generation of MLP dominated the 2000s with newer colorful ponies like Pinkie Pie and Minty. On top of that, multiple specials began selling in DVDs that also aired on TV. By late 2009, Hasbro decided to revamp the series twice (sort of). They gathered a group of ponies who were well known in G3 (Pinkie Pie, Starsong, Rainbow Dash, Cheerilee, Toola Roola, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo) and gave them a redesign as well as likely aging them down for younger audiences. There was a 45-minute holiday special titled, Twinkle Wish Adventure as well as a couple mini episodes and new toys that spawned from this revamp.
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It eventually led to the second revamp titled, Newborn Cuties where the characters aged down to babies....you had to see it to believe it. I actually owned a G3.5 Pinkie Pie, a Newborn Cuties Pinkie, and a baby singing Starsong back in the day. These redesigns couldn't do it for me after being mesmerized by G3. I remember being upset that even Ponyville got a resign and it looked so bland compared to how the town looked early on. Newborn Cuties also looks extremely off with their pony heads and baby bodies. This generation is mostly hated by the fandom and I can see why. At least, it had more to offer than Generation 2. It was a nice distraction for young girls. It's now best to be left alone by an older me. If any of you like seeing fillies and baby ponies, this is the generation for you.
6. My Little Pony Generation 1.5/ My Little Pony Tales
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Let's go back to the year, 1992! You're sitting in your room and you're watching, Disney Channel. You're watching your favorite shows like, Goof Troop, The Little Mermaid, or Raw Toonage and you come across this colorful horse show. After Generation 1's series came to a close in 1987, we are now hit with a new series for pony fans in the 90s. This is the generation I previously thought was Generation 2. That is in fact not the case! We follow a group of pony friends as they spend their days in Ponyland going to school, hanging out for milkshakes, having sleepovers, and feuding with the resident boys. Our main ponies are Starlight, Sweetheart, Melody, Bright Eyes, Patch, Clover, and Bon Bon whom we follow in their daily lives. I find this show to be.....innocent, but weird (and not in a good way). It's passable for a Saturday morning cartoon and it does have funny moments, but something was off.
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Generation 1 left quite the impression on young audiences during the 80s. Ponies that not only sung and danced, but ponies that went through continuous magical adventures involving dragons, princesses, witches, evil kings, and all sorts of mythical creatures. My Little Pony Tales has talking and singing ponies, but there was an odd lack of magic with the show emphasizing more on Slice-of-Life. Not that I have any issues with that genre! It just feels odd seeing these magical horses not doing any magic and living in a modernized world. The characters also have annoying moments which is likely because the writers wanted to portray preteen behavior (since the ponies are preteens in this show), but it also falls into some cheesy 90s writing. Like I said, it is passable so I believe there's an audience for this one. It can make nice riffing material too!
5. My Little Pony Generation 4.5/ Pony Life
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Here are the table scraps of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic....except, these table scraps were pretty okay. This show came onto streaming services and YouTube from November 7, 2020 until May 22, 2021. This was supposed to be a successor, spin-off, and reboot to FIM. The previous show had already ended, so I was chill with seeing the characters again in a different style. This generation was.....bonkers, to say the least! It was already kind of a struggle seeing fans adjust to the new chibi art style, but it was also a struggle keeping up with the show's new format. Pony Life was incredibly energetic as each episode was around 5 minutes (10 since they're in two-parts). There was also some crazy new quirks to the cast with Applejack breaking The Fourth Wall, Fluttershy shrinking and massively growing at will, and everyone casually drinking potions left and right. For me, it was hard to keep up with the fast pace of the show. However, I did appreciate the cast of The Mane Six reprising their roles for this show.
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Season 2 introduced viewers to Lightning Flash Chill (the tiger), Sugar Snap (the peacock), and Echo (the bat). Meet The Wild Siders! They're unicorn-hybrid creatures who work at a healthy food restaurant called, Salad Bowl Junction in their home realm. I honestly enjoyed them! They give off similar vibes to The Care Bear Cousins which is fascinating because the 80s actually did a spin-off toyline with a similar premise by having other pretty animals. There have also been episodes where characters from the previous series make an appearance such as Spike, Trixie Lulamoon, and Discord. I enjoyed this more than My Little Pony Tales and the characters are still likable, but it still has issues. I'm still put off by the constant energy in almost every minute. I don't feel attached to this show, but I do see myself watching it once in a while because the episodes aren't that long and I've grown used to the art style by now with how cute everyone looks. Also, it's nice seeing The Mane Six again!
4. My Little Pony Generation 5
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The year is 2021, it has been a couple years since Generation 4 ended, and this had some major horseshoes to fill! September 22 of that year presented us with a debut film on Netflix titled, A New Generation featuring stars like Vanessa Hudgens and Sofia Carson. It was actually pretty good! I instantly loved the characters, the animation, the story, and all the songs! It was a great introduction to G5. Personally, I enjoyed it much better than the early concept which was going be having The Mane Six meet each other all over again in a new Equestria. Twilight would've been an Earth Pony, Pinkie would've been a Pegasus, Fluttershy would've been a Unicorn, and Applejack was on the verge of likely getting replaced with a new character. Instead, Generation 5 is supposed to take place DECADES after the events of G4 with ponies and other creatures becoming separated from fear and prejudice. While it was shocking since G4 ended with bringing creatures together, it does make sense for history to repeat itself. The Mane Six have now become what you call, "An Old Pony's Tale" and The Magic of Friendship has been abandoned....until one pony stood up. A pony named, Sunny Starscout!
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We follow her along with her friends Izzy Moonbow, Princess Zipp Storm, Princess Pipp Petals, and Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer on their mission to restore magic in Equestria and bring everyone together. After the film, we got a series on Netflix titled, Make Your Mark as well as a series of shorts on YouTube named, Tell Your Tale (I wish it was actually Tail) that took place after the events of the movie. I have mixed feelings on both series. On one hand, I enjoy the art styles, I love the songs still, and I like the characters that were introduced like Misty Brightdawn and Sparky the Dragon. On the other hand, the episodes can be messy. We get pieces of information on how magic faded from Equestria, but it still doesn't feel like we're getting the whole picture. The IDW Comics have been giving a little more than the series. I also have many questions on G5's villain, Opaline who is an ALICORN! How did she become an alicorn or was she born one?! G5 wants to be its own thing, but it also clashes with trying to be a sequel to G4. It's a mess, but it's a beautiful mess! I do want to see more.
3. My Little Pony Generation 1
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Welcome to the generation that started it all! Say "thank you" to this generation for being the franchise's starting point please! Also, let's give a BIG "thank you" to My Pretty Pony for making this all possible! Before we got a full series, we got two TV specials titled, Rescue at Midnight Castle then Escape from Catrina in 1984 until we got a full-length film in 1986 many know as, My Little Pony: The Movie featuring the voices of recognizable names like Danny DeVito and Madeline Kahn. I've always found this generation to be fun to watch while having some 80's cheesy moments. There was a mixture of magic, action, adventure, and pure pony fluff that kept me sitting through multiple episodes. G1 had messy dialogue, some messy hand-drawn animation, and sometimes messy plot, but it was always charming and to the point. There were times where the pacing was very fast, but not as energetically exhausting as G4.5. This show brought a lot to the table with mystical adventures and characters. This generation gave us unicorns, pegasi, twinkle-eyed ponies, sea ponies, Spike the Dragon, witches, and dear sweet Megan Williams.
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After Generation 1, there was no longer a use for any human characters in MLP (unless if we count G4's Equestria Girls) and while it is a little sad, it does make G1 a little more unique. While Megan is the bearer of The Rainbow of Light, she's always there for her pony friends whenever they're in trouble and will always be down to have fun in Ponyland. She even includes her younger siblings, Danny and Molly into the mix. Aside from having human characters, there's also a fair share of creatures like dragons, penguins, and giant crabs. We also have other familiar names in this generation like Applejack and Twilight. This show even introduced memorable villains like Tirac, The Smooze, and Grogar. I feel like we owe a lot to this generation even if it's not everyone's favorite. I wouldn't be making this list if not for this show leaving such a a huge impact and leading into future generations to come. If you're feeling nostalgic, I think you'll have a good time checking this out.
2. My Little Pony Generation 3
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I know some of you are shocked....trust me, I know! Let me explain!....I can't help but love G3! I grew up with G3! I enjoyed it so much when I was little and I can't help but still like it today! Is it perfect? No! Is it messy? Yes! Did I have fun? Very much, thank you! In the year of 2003, we were presented with a lineup of new and improved MLP toys different from the previous gens and a Direct-to-Video special titled, A Charming Birthday which introduces our new ponies. As each year passed by, we got new specials and new ponies like Star Catcher, Princess Rarity of Unicornia, Wysteria, and so much more! This generation also includes Spike from G1! One thing I loved about G3 was watching all the specials and movies that came out. I'd always watch A Very Minty Christmas every time December rolled around! I thought Sky Wishes and Star Catcher's friendship was so cute to watch during Dancing In The Clouds and I absolutely adore Star Catcher's design. When Spike was reintroduced debuting in The Princess Promenade, I thought it was interesting that he was more knowledgeable and cultured rather than the sweet and innocent personality he had in G1. We were also introduced to fairy-like ponies called, Breezies. While G3 had little to no antagonists, less magical creatures than G1, and a slice-of-life feel like G1.5, there was still plenty of magical adventures to be had.
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I absolutely loved the aesthetic G3 was giving to its audience at the time as I couldn't get enough of the color scheme! I've never seen so many shades pink, purple, blue, and even hints of light green since watching Barbie movies! Their hometown, Ponyville looked so beautiful with the purple/pink castle standing front and center. Even other places like Unicornia, Butterfly Island, Breezie Blossom, and Rainbow Wishes Amusement Park are fun to look at. I didn't find the characters annoying and I loved watching their adventures while learning lessons. However, this generation was given a handful of hate like G3.5 mainly because pony fans though it "doesn't reach the same standards as G4" and it made me a little sad. G3 wasn't meant to be groundbreaking or anything. It was just meant to sell toys while using movies and specials to showcase the ponies making new friends, solving problems, and having fun. The same thing can be said about all the generations, really. I get why people don't enjoy it, but I don't think it's warranted of all the hate that it gets. The stories can be too simple and the executions might not be the best, but they're charming. Okay, everypony! We're reaching the end here! Let's see what my favorite generation of My Little Pony is!
1. My Little Pony Generation 4/ Friendship Is Magic
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There was no competition. There was no doubt. If anyone asked me what my favorite generation is, I would say G4 in an instant. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic really changed the game for the franchise as a whole! Lauren Faust (animator, writer, director, producer, creator of DC Superhero Girls, and married to Craig McCracken) got this show going in 2010 and it was a MASSIVE success! Toy sales were through the roof, comics were made, music albums were made, merchandise was highly recommended, and the show practically dominated the whole decade as it lasted for nine (technically ten) seasons from 2010 til 2019. Everyone fell in love with Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. We just call them, The Mane Six! This was actually a technical reboot to G3 with such familiar names in this gen. There's also familiar names from G1 that are present like Twilight, Applejack, Spike, Grogar, and Tirac (except he's renamed Tirek). I couldn't get enough of this show! I remember watching the first episode when it aired for the two-part series premier instantly wanting more when the first episode ended with, "To Be Continued...." and I was hooked! Each season gave us memorable characters, fantastic locations, exciting lore, amazing songs, and everyone's character growth throughout the series. This generation sparked a fun spinoff called, Equestria Girls where Twilight travels into a different universe where everyone is a human and Megan Williams from G1 even makes a cameo. There was even a full-length movie in 2017 featuring stars like Emily Blunt, Zoe Saldana, Sia, and Taye Diggs. This series also led the way for Pony Life to be made into G4.5 and Generation 5 as its sequel series.
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Of course, I can't keep going on about Generation 4 without mentioning The Brony Fandom! With Friendship Is Magic being such a successful show, it didn't only reach younger audiences. It also reached adults too....mainly targeted towards men hence where the term, bronies came from. For a whole decade this fandom has made so many fantastic projects inspired by the series. Music videos, fan songs, remixes, audio dramas, fanart, fanfics, animations, OCs, AUs, and so much more! You had to see it to believe it! I know just as many Brony songs as I do official G4 songs! This generation and its fandom changed my life! I don't know which season is my favorite because there's so many good episodes. Not every episode is perfect and maybe there are some who are put-off by the art style, but it's a really good time. Who would have thought that a show about magical animated ponies would make THAT much of an impact?! I highly recommend that you give G4 a watch if you're interested because you'll definitely have something to write home about.
Welp, that's my list! Thank you for sitting down and reading my thoughts. My Little Pony has been a successful franchise for up to 40 years (and still continuing)! I'll always love these colorful ponies no matter how messy each generation can be. MLP played a big part in my childhood so it was nice to look back on every generation as an adult. I'm looking forward to see what the future holds for newer generations and I hope any of you pony fans have a generation that holds a special place in your heart.🐎❤🦄💕
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Images (in terms of artwork) by: KacperKrysiak, Lea Dabssi, Justasuta, Tony Fleecs, ASKometa
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pretty-blkgirl · 1 year
Changbin Day
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//gn!reader x Changbin//
Synopsis: You surprise your boyfriend for his birthday
Genre: fluff, suggestive
Warnings: suggestive (no explicit smut but MDNI)
A/N: Not 100% in love with this but I wanted to write something for Binnie Day so I hope you enjoooooooy
“Baby, can I look now?” Your boyfriend asks for the 12th time. You wanted to be annoyed but you only giggle, making him whine slightly.
You put a blindfold on him, and he was holding your hand while you led him around the house.
He couldn’t stand not being able to see where you were taking him, and he was even more upset that he couldn’t predict what his surprise was.
This year you both decided on something small and intimate, so he took some time to hang out with the members yesterday and planned to do something with you on his actual birthday.
You were determined to top yourself every year. You knew he would be satisfied with takeout and a movie if that’s what you planned, but you always wanted to do something special for him.
He deserved the absolute world, and you wanted to make sure he knew how much you loved him.
Your original plan was to take him to Disney World, but you remembered he specifically asked for something intimate, so you came up with something you hoped he’d like.
“Baby we’ve been walking for hours”
“It’s been 2 minutes”
He whines again and you roll your eyes playfully. You stopped at the dining room and let go of his hand, slightly startling him.
“Baby? Where’d you go? Can I take this off?”
“Yeah, take it off,” You say nervously
He snatches the blindfold off and rubs his eyes for a second. Once done, he looks at the dining room and gasps softly.
You spent hours decorating the room, deciding upon a soft pink and black for the colors.
You loved the color scheme because you felt it represented Changbin perfectly. He had a dark, intimidating exterior but once you interacted with him, you quickly realized he was the sweetest, kindest person ever.
You watched his face as he looked down at the table, seeing all his favorite foods, then at the corner of gifts labeled with numbers.
“Baby, how many presents did you get me?” He asked.
You tell him 24, which makes him laugh.
“Really? 24 gifts?”
“Well, that’s how old you are. I thought it was cute”
He suddenly grabs you and hugs you so tight you can’t breathe. You stay in the hug for a while, silently expressing your love for one another before he hesitantly lets go.
You smile, pointing down to the food, “Let’s eat before it gets cold”
You both take a seat and he wastes no time digging into the seaweed soup. You watch as he takes a huge spoonful, then another, then another.
“This is nuts” He sighs, taking another bite, “Did my mom make this? It tastes like hers”
“No, I made it but it is her recipe. She taught me how to make it the other day”
He can’t hide the huge smile that decorates his face. You direct him to the bulgogi and bibimbap, and he happily starts to eat both. Once you’re sure he likes the food, you start to eat as well, mentally patting yourself on the back for the delicious meal.
You two eat and talk for a while, just until he gets full and suggests putting the food away. Once you two put the food up, you take him back into the dining room and pull out his cake.
He looks fondly at the cute pink and white cake with sparkling 2 & 4 candles on it.
You grab a lighter and light the candles while he turns off the lights. Then, you begin singing Happy Birthday.
He laughs because you purposely sing bad, something you both do when it’s each other’s birthday.
He applauds you when you finish and takes a second to make a wish. When he blows out the candles, you turn on the lights then cheer and start to kiss all over his face.
He takes advantage of the affection and wraps his arms around you, grabbing your face and putting his lips on yours. Before you know it, you’re sitting at the table with him standing in between your legs, still making out.
You know he wants nothing more than to bend you over the table but you stop him before things can go further
“Baby you still have gifts to open”
He ignores you and starts to kiss your neck, earning a slight moan. You feel yourself start to melt at his touch, throwing your head back when he bites at your collar bone.
His hands are on your thighs, opening then as much as he can. One hand starts to travel up your shirt but you use up the last bit of your strength to stop him once more.
“Baby please open at least one gift”
He sighs but stops and helps you off the table. You walk him over to the corner and tell him to choose one of the numbered gifts.
“There’s so many,” He says, “I don’t know what to choose”
“Yeah, originally I was gonna start giving you the gifts 24 days ago, just so you have something to open til your birthday. But some stuff didn’t come in time”
He nods, “So that’s why they’re numbered?”
You smirk, “Yep”
He stares at the neatly wrapped gifts and starts to reach for some, first going for the biggest one and then the smallest. He ends up stopping before he could grab any, making you groan
“Baby just choose one”
After a couple more seconds of deciding, he settles upon the box marked “24”. The wrapping paper was plain white with both a pelargonium zonale and a gladiolus painted on it.
“My birth flowers?” He asks. You nod and make a mental note to thank Hyunjin for painting the plants for you.
He carefully takes off the wrapping paper and is met with a white box. He opens it, finding a black, lace lingerie set.
He pulls it out to get a good look, and you see the tip of his ears start to turn pink.
A confident smile starts to appear on his face when he turns his head to look at you
You take the set from him and start to walk out the room with him right behind you.
“Nice pick” you say, stopping at the hallway bathroom, “Go wait for me in the room while I put this on”
He wastes no time running to the bedroom, excited noises leaving his mouth as you chuckle loudly.
A/N: While I was researching his birth flowers, I found one for his specific birth date (the perlargonium) and his birth month (the gladiolus). So I decided to just add both to be safe!
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spicylove4ever · 10 months
So I went to watch Disney's Wish...
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...And here are what I thought all throughout the film (CAREFUL, SPOILERS):
So we are getting again the intro with a book with some story-telling. I like it. Really. It's a good classic. It did set really neatly what was happening there.
So the kingdom was formed around a Wizard-Tower who came there because of Magnifico's (where does that name come from?) reputation of wish-maker.
So this is Asha, who works as a regular tourist guide, and introduces us to the whole wish stuff via song. So the wish is literally handed to the king and you don't even remember it.... The way she put it on the song does sound like the usual propaganda.
And not all wishes are granted. Well, that is not necesarily evil, since in fair terms, not everyone gets what they wish for.
Her grandpa is 100 years old.... coincidence with this being the 100th Disney movie? Don't think so.
Asha is going to a job interview to be the king's assistant or aprentice. It seems she wants that job because the perks of it are wishes granted for all the family most of the time... and her grandfather has been waiting since he was 18 (like everyone who is not born on that kingdom).
She manages to make a good impression to the king. Nice done, Asha, I might get tips for job interviews from this.
Ladies and gentlemen, second time in history of this studio that the villain (not a spoiler, everyone knew thanks to the trailers) and the heroine have a duet song. And this time, the dude is even being genuine.
She even got to see the wishes Magnifico guards. She did made a good impression..... only to screw it asking for stuff when she hasn't even been given the job yet. Call me crazy but is not particularly wise to make such requests on the first day, not to mention, on the very job interview.
Turns out the King reveals he has a strong and strict filter on the wishes. To the point most of the wishes are never granted. Again, that doesn't have to be bad.... but the evil part of this man shows its face when it's revealed he goes too far deciding which wish is "good for the kingdom or harmless". I mean, the old man just wanted to inspire through playing the lute, but since Magnifico doesn't know what he wanted to inspire, he's out. No wish for him. Little bit paranoid, this man.
Also, she tries to bargain to convince him to at least to return the rejected wishes so at least people could have their wishes still in their hearts. Again, too soon, and again, this man is really set on his way to a merciless degree.
Ok, made Asha had an honor seat on how he crushed the grandpa's last hope of having his wish granted by giving the chance to another person was too mean.
By the way, is just me, or does the Queen's dress have a certain resemblance to Elsa's white dress?
Next song. Basically, Asha wonders what to do with all the information she has, and ends making a with to a star. The exact words "I make this wish to have something more for us than this". IT WORKED.
So a light shines in the sky and it goes to Asha to reveal some sort of golden pokemon little creature.
Magnifico interprets that strange light as "there is magic here more than mine, I must destroy". He nearly goes to the Evil Book of Spells, but we are revealed his wife Amaya is 85% of his self control by convince him using that book is a BAD IDEA.
Wait, why are we getting a forest magical animals song? That song feels too gratoitous. Why is the star making every animal and half the trees in the forest able to speak and sing? Just to make an exposition of how we all are connected or something? I don't know, but all this felt weird to me. Wait, did that bear just called the deer Bambi?
Wait, she's coming back to recover just her families' wishes? I thought she wanted more for all the people. Well, I guess it's a normal thing to do, but still. I guess they could have put more emphasis on her wish to help her grandpa on the song to understand why she priotizes.
That star is no mate for a sneak mission. It just made a chicken coop into a version of Be our Guest. I'm serious, it really had the vibe and chords.
While she convinces her friends on the castle staff to help her sneak into the King's studio, the King gathers the people to tell them to go to him with any lead about the shining light they saw last night. But then people start to make questions about the meaning of what they saw in the night, which then scalated to the point they started to question Magnifico. He DOES NOT TAKE IT WELL.
TIME FOR DARK MAGIC. Now, with the best song in this movie, this man turns completely into a villain. And a scary one. No kidding, the second he uses that book, he starts going down like a brick. It was awesome. I guess I missed intimidating villains.
Asha arrives to her house and gives her grandfather's wish back (she only got to pick that one, since she had no time for the other). Moving moment, but then Magnifico arrives. Oops.
The King then proceeds to punish Asha with the destruction of her mother's wish. BUT THEN HE REALIZES HE CAN CONSUME THE POWER OF THE WISH TO GAIN POWER. From desire to be the idol of the city to straight power hunger with no bounds. One add problem, THE WISHING STAR CAN BE ANOTHER SOURCE OF POWER. DOUBLE OOPS.
Asha and her family manage to run, but Asha then decides to go back and get the rest of the wishes, with the help of her friends.
But this villain doesn't give chances and enhances his game by revealing a secret lab (very similar to Snow White's stepmother's lab) where he makes a magic staff. The queen sees this and tries to talk him out of it, but then he threatens her with the staff and orders her to stand down. Ouch. Someone just broke his wife's heart.
Asha gathers her friends, except for the one who told Magnifico about her, who gets his wish of being a guard granted, but the king also turns him into a minion. Ominous again.
Also, they invite the queen to their rebelion.... by a message from a talking mouse. A good move, since by having the queen by their side, it makes all of this less illegal, even if they have good reasons.
They make a good plan to lure the king away from the wishes and release them, but it blows up because he sent his new minion in disguise. That was a good trick and twist. Magnifico gets to consume all the wishes AND the star.
I liked that when they were researching for a way to stop him on his evil book, the queen Amaya suggested they look for a way to change him back, it seems she still loved him, but what he turned himself into was way too bad to not do anything. But it was no use.
Magnifico has grown way too powerful and he has them all against the ropes... he even has shown himself to the whole kingdom.
And how do they defeat him? Asha calls all the people to make a wish... and it's with a song. For some reason, it worked, and the bad guy is absorved into his staff and all the wishes and the star he absorved are released.
Everything is good, Amaya is queen reignant, and Asha gets a magic wand and it's the apprentice of magic, and future "Magical Godmother". She even has a hoodie that makes her look like the Cinderella one.
Well, the movie's good points were mainly the villain, his wife, and all the cameos of the other Disney movies (there were way more than the ones I listed here). But the rest of it felt a little weird for me.
It was too cheesy at times, especially the final battle when they all made the wish.
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novelmonger · 4 months
Finally got around to watching Wish (mainly so I could form my own opinions about it), so I want to lock in my own opinions before I go look at all the criticisms of it I've been saving up since it came out :P
Overall, it was...fine? Not spectacularly good, not spectacularly bad. Kinda forgettable and pathetic for what was supposed to be Disney's "look at us we've been making animated movies for 100 years," but I've certainly seen worse from this studio.
As always, no matter what else I think of the movie, Disney always delivers on quality animation. Nothing groundbreaking, but I did like how it kind of looked 2D sometimes even though it was clearly all 3D though Klaus did it way better.
That being said, why did it look so much like Tangled? I don't just mean the palette-swap Disney seems to be using for every "princess"-like character these days, with the big eyes and the same basic facial structure. I mean that even the color scheme of purple and gold was the same. I loved Asha's hair, but the way it fell looked an awful lot like Rapunzel's sometimes (though obviously much shorter). Even some of her movements just looked like they recycled the animation from Tangled.
The songs were actually kinda catchy, though I didn't like the "You're a Star" song or whatever it's called. Best song by far was the duet with Asha and the villain. Also, I was expecting there to be more songs.
I'm sure everyone and their brother has already talked about this, but the villain felt lazily handled. His sudden descent into evil was too abrupt and too...all-encompassing? I could kind of see where they could have gone with him, someone with genuinely good intentions who takes it too far and decides the ends justify the means. But they made him too selfish and "mwahaha power!" so he just ended up boring.
The message that "if you dabble in forbidden magic even once, you're giving yourself to it for all eternity" was a surprisingly dark one for Disney, and not one I agree with at all. I would have much preferred to see even the tiniest smidge of a redemption for him. He can still get thrown in the dungeon at the end! But they had this whole scene about another character being forgiven for his actions in the movie, so why is the villain beyond redemption?
I get that this is a kids' movie, and I don't exactly expect a hard magic system from Disney, but how on earth does the star magic even work?! If everybody's a star, why does wishing on the stars in the sky work differently than just making a wish to yourself? Clearly the star has significant magic power, but if everybody has that power within them already, why does Asha need a magic wand to do things with it? How does everybody still have star power inside them if their wishes have been taken away or destroyed? I don't need everything about magic in any given story explained to me in scientific detail, but everything about the magic in this movie felt so arbitrary and convenient.
I'm sure I'm not the first person to point out that each one of Asha's friends corresponds to one of the seven Dwarves. I was patting myself on the back for figuring that out for myself, because I usually don't notice Easter eggs like that without someone pointing them out, but then they made it totally obvious at the end anyway -_-
I really wish the animals didn't start talking. Normally, I don't mind that in Disney movies; I kind of expect it, even. But every word that passed through Valentino's lips made me want to kick a baby goat. Not a pleasant experience.
You know, I just realized I think the only time I laughed in the whole movie was that moment when they open the door and see the chickens having a dance party. I usually have more fun with Disney movies, but there were too many times in this movie where it felt like they were trying too hard to be funny, and just ended up being kind of cringe. (Contrast that to Tangled, which still leaves me splitting my sides every time I watch it!)
What was Asha's mother's wish?! I kept waiting for them to show it, and started to think it was going to be something super important to the plot or something...but no. Just left a mystery forever.
The star was very cute.
I liked the pictures of all the animated movies in the credits. That was a nice glance back through the past hundred years. But did I blink and miss it, or did they leave off Meet the Robinsons and The Wild? I don't like either of those movies, but...weren't they Disney?!
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marine-indie-gal · 6 months
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I have recently watched the Most Messiest Fairy Tale Crossover Adaptation in all of its Existence made by the Same Company who did their Adaptation of My Recent Favorite German Franchise called "The Magic Riddle" and despite the film's huge wasted potential of going back and forth every single time, all of its Characters are the Only Ones that I liked about the Movie (even some of them can be a bit Annoying) but my god, was this film such an Interesting Acid Trip.
So while this Film's Target comparison has always been "Shrek" because of the idea of Fairy Tale crossovers, though one thing's for sure is how that this Movie came out 1 Year after the Original Shrek book (which in the Original Story behind one of the Most Successful franchises that we all know as of Today, the Real Shrek was never really a Fairy Tale crossover in the First Place as The Magic Riddle had its own Fairy Tale story despite mostly being its own Cinderella adaptation within a Crossover before "Happily N'Ever After" did it).
Technically, I don't blatantly understand why this Film gets compared to Shrek a whole lot, when there had already been Fairy Tale Crossovers or Ones that took place in a Modern setting, way long before Shrek was even born (I mean, "Into The Woods" or the 70s Donkeyskin Adaptation, anyone?). Still doesn't help the fact that a whole lot of people seem to keep forgetting Into The Woods' existence that the DreamWorks' Shrek actually took the inspiration from (Not putting my own Hate towards the DreamWorks Franchise nor the Book, I'm just showing my own personal stance).
So yeah, because despite this Film's Gigantic Clusterfuck of a Messy Plot that feels so much like Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" but with Fairy Tales, I will admit that this film could've had a much better plot convenience if it wasn't so confusing with its Beautiful Foreign Traditional Animation coming from the same Company behind Famous Australian Kids shows based off of Old Children's Books, this Movie did try its own best but at least it's still a cult classic much of its own.
But I gotta admit one thing, despite this Mashup Adaptation of the Cinderella Fairy Tale being a Confusing Mess, this version of their Cinderella character is really Pretty (both Her Design and her Style is Really Adorable) & since I just couldn’t get enough of her Gorgeous style, I’ve decided to create my own personal re-interpretation of her Ballroom dress from the Movie because I didn’t like on how so cheap and lazy it was all for a simple *Insert Fairy Tale Joke Reference Here*, despite Cindy and her Prince’s Romance being Bland, I really really WISH the Movie could've handled their own Relationship much better and not have them fall in love quick.
So I’ve decided to make her own Ballroom dress a Flower themed while also making it close to how I would view the Real Cinderella’s ballroom dress from the Fairy Tale. Had to do a lot of Changing but it was kinda hard to interpret this but then I finally managed to get it over with as I liked how it turned out to be. Especially for a Pretty Interesting Lead Character in a Bad/Neutral Fairy Tale Movie.
But also of note, I feel like this Movie kinda deserves a Huge Fanbase with Big Rewrites like with Disney’s Wish.
Cindy © Flying Bark Productions (since it’s former title was “Yoram Gross Film Studios”)
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iamanonymousr · 11 months
Yuu singing Disney Songs.
(a/n: I'm not good at English so I'm sorry if its confusing, gender neutral Yuu, just platonic relationships.)
🌹Heartslabyul - The Unbirthday Song
Yuu was singing the well known Unbirthday Song for fun. Riddle and Trey overheard them singing it and were pleasantly surprised.
The song is known as a very old song that many of the kids from the Queendom of Roses knew.
The Queen of Hearts also quite liked the song.
Riddle asked where Yuu learned the song from. Obviously Yuu couldn't just say the truth so instead they say that they heard Deuce singing it and its been stuck in their head.
Deuce was confused but brushed it off since he probably did and he just couldn't remember.
Yuu silenced Ace of saying anything.
🐯 Savanaclaw - Can You Feel The Love Tonight
The Savanaclaw boys were visibly confused when Yuu started singing a famous love song that originated from the Sunset Savana.
Yuu jokingly singing it after Jack said some other Savanaclaw student was talking about how he just got a girlfriend.
"Hehe, Can you feel the love tonight~"
It was like on instinct since Yuu often jokingly sang that one line to their friends or relatives back in their world whenever something romantic comes up.
Yuu was sweating all over when they pointed out how Yuu knew about the song.
Yuu just waved off their question saying they heard someone singing it.
The three didn't buy it but decided not to press. Even though they clearly just saw the weird prefect breath out a sigh of relief.
🐙 Octavinelle - Under The Sea
Azul wanted some liveliness in the Mostro Lounge so Yuu volunteered to sing a song in the lounge.
Azul took up their offer and prepared a small stage for them to perform.
Yuu ended up with singing Under The Sea since it fit the mood. What the poor unfortunate prefect didn't know was that it was yet again a famous song in the Coral Sea.
After Yuu finished Jade and Floyd came up to them. Floyd excitedly asking them how they knew the song, Jade watching with an amused smirk as Yuu nervously glanced around.
Yuu decided to go with "I researched" as their excuse.
Floyd whined saying that Yuu should just tell the truth. This ended up going in a long back'n forth, Floyd got moody and stopped.
Jade just chuckled, though he was just like his brother, he was very curious on how the Ramshackle prefect knew about that song.
⏳ Scarabia - Prince Ali
Yuu decided on putting a little show as gratitude after getting invited to one of Scarabia's dinners.
"Prince Kalim! Fabulous he! Kalim Al-Asim~"
Kalim even started singing too after getting the basic lyrics of the song.
Jamil was getting a headache as the Scarabia students cheered and joined in on singing the chorus.
All of them had a fun time that night.
Kalim asked Yuu if they'd made the song. Yuu just said that the song they sang was a little parody of the song 'Prince Ali' from their world.
Though obviously the real origin of the song was from the movie Aladdin which is what Scarabia is based off of...
Kalim ended up singing or humming the song from time to time.
Jamil has gotten sick of hearing the song over and over again. Kinda blames Yuu for ever singing that song to Kalim.
🍎 Pomefiore - I'm Wishing
Yuu just wanted to sing the song Snow White sung by the well called 'I'm Wishing' for fun.
They didn't expect THE Vil Schoenheit to give them a whole lot of advice and criticism about their singing.
Vil thought that Yuu was practicing their vocals so Vil being Vil of course had to give some tips.
Eventually Vil asked Yuu what the song was. Yuu was having a inner monologue whether they should tell Vil or not.
Yuu went with telling a half truth and half lie.
Vil half heartedly took it, before going away he mumbled something about the song sounding like something Neige would sing.
Vil would sometimes check in on Yuu and how their singing progress is going. If he finds out they've been slacking he'll give them a small scolding.
If you want to do something, do it with all your blood, sweat, and tears. Place all your energy and efforts into doing it.
Even though Yuu doesn't really want to become a pro at singing.
Rook likes listening to Yuu singing the song too. Thinks it's a beautiful song. Likes to imagine Neige singing the song too.
Yuu ultimately regrets singing that song because they now have two crazy people watching after them like crazy.
💀 Ignihyde - I Won't Say I'm Inlove
Yuu was just randomly singing the song 'I won't say I'm inlove.' in the school courtyard.
Yuu was just minding their own business, singing the song, trying to get the high notes.
Little did they know. A certain blue fire headed third year was watching them through the cameras.
Idia watch them with curiosity, amusement, and entertainment. But he also slightly cringed. Actually not slightly.
"What kind of person walks around singing a love song so loudly... Cringe!"
Though he probably also sings it in secret..
Surprise, surprise, the song is another popular love song in Twisted Wonderland.
Idia probably recorded it as blackmail. Look out for the future prefect! Because Idia will pull this blackmail out if needed.
🐉 Diasomnia - Once Upon A Dream
Yuu was unable to sleep so they decided to go for a small stroll on the night.
The moon was shining beautifully too so it won't be that bad to have a small walk.
Yuu hummed 'Once Upon A Dream' until that humming turned to singing.
A certain fae not too far away heard of the prefects voice and was completely entranced by it and the familiarity of the song they were singing.
Malleus didn't think a second about showing himself to the prefect. He did hoped for the prefect to be out at this hour.
After complimenting their voice Malleus curiously asked the origins of the song.
Yuu of course didn't told him and brushed off Malleus' question.
Leaving the poor fae pouting a bit.
The lyrics were stuck in his head so he kept singing the words softly.
It didn't take long for Lilia to notice and was completely surprised to find out that it had been the Ramshackle prefect's fault that Malleus kept repeating the song like a broken record.
What interested Lilia more though was how does the magicless prefect know about the song?
Lilia has heard of the song because of Meleanor but even she said that that song is millenniums old so it was quite rare to find people who knew of it.
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jackiestarsister · 5 months
Thoughts while re-watching the live-action "Beauty and the Beast"
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I am a huge fan of Beauty and the Beast, from the story by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve to Jean Cocteau's black-and-white film to Disney's animated movie and stage musical. When Disney's live-action remake came out in 2017, I was delighted by it, and failed to understand why so many people hated it. I've watched it a few times since then, but it has been a while, so I decided to give it a rewatch and take notes.
Be warned: this is pretty long!
My thoughts:
~ I love that the castle in the Disney intro is actually the Beast’s castle. On this watch, I noticed that it is topped with a statue that seems to be St. Michael slaying the devil/a monster, which is so appropriate for this story's symbolism!
~ Interesting that the first object seen is a rose being plucked. I assume that was the Enchantress’ hand? Did she pluck the flower from the prince’s own garden before entering the castle?
~ I love the way the servants are introduced in the prologue! Although they are in shadow, Cogsworth is there with his watch and Lumiere holds up a candelabra!
~ This film really leaned into the ostentation and extravagance of pre-revolution France, and it works so well in the context of this story about true inner beauty versus shallow, superficial appearance.
~ Is that Emma Thompson narrating the prologue? It sounds like her, but her accent is not the same as when she voices Mrs. Potts.
~ The actors must have had an interesting challenge acting out the curse scene, which has no audible dialogue between the Prince and the Enchantress!
~ I like that they added an explanation for why the villagers are unaware of the castle despite the relatively short distance between them.
~ I do not understand why people hate Emma Watson as Belle! She looks just right for the part, and while she is no Broadway-caliber singer, her voice is very pretty and she carries the songs quite well!
~ It almost looks like Belle is deliberately ignoring the people talking about her, marching past them as though trying not to care. But she stops to show kindness to the outcasts and the animals! She even waves to a criminal being escorted to jail!
~ I like that they gave Belle and Maurice one real friend, the local priest. I only wish he was a little more effective in his attempts to help them.
~ The entire sequence of “Belle” is just fantastic! It’s not easy to shoot such a complex scene with so many moving parts.
~ The trio of Gaston fangirls remind me of the silly younger sisters in Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility.
~ Although they made him an artist instead of an inventor, Maurice is still absentminded and a bit obsessive. It is easy to see how Belle would feel lonely despite his loving presence, since he is completely absorbed in his work.
~ Hearing that her mother was “fearless” might have inspired Belle’s own fearlessness later, first to save her father and then to save the Beast.
~ Why is Belle’s reader in English and not French? And why does she have a children’s book with her when she goes to do laundry? Did she hope to find someone to teach? Was she actually studying the English language?
~ Gaston crosses so many lines, literally and figuratively, when entreating Belle. And he does not even help her or defend her against the villagers’ abuse, he just tries to pressure her at a moment when she is upset and vulnerable.
~ It’s interesting that Gaston plays the “I can change” card, and Belle insists that “no one can change that much.” She will be proven wrong, but not by him!
~ The tree being struck by lightning and blocking Maurice’s path really makes his going to the castle seem like a result of magic or divine intervention!
~ Maurice seems remarkably calm throughout the wolf chase and when stumbling upon the castle!
~ The lamps held by sconces shaped like arms are a nice nod to Jean Cocteau’s 1946 film La Belle et La Bête!
~ I’m surprised that Maurice would feel bold enough to take a rose after being so spooked by Chip! It would make more sense if he either saw the animated objects and accepted their extraordinariness, or did not see anyone at all and assumed the inhabitants would remain hidden.
~ Maurice must have been coughing very loudly for Belle to hear him all the way in the foyer!
~ Belle holding the light up to see the Beast gives off Psyche and Cupid/Eros vibes!
~ “Forever can spare a minute” is an interesting choice of words considering the name of the song “How Does a Moment Last Forever.”
~ The Beast is so selfish and had such an unhealthy relationship with his own father that he cannot wrap his mind around Belle sacrificing herself for her father.
~ I like Ewan McGregor in general, but his French accent is ridiculous. I get that it’s in keeping with the original film, where Lumiere was the only character with a French accent, but aside from the English characters Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth, they’re all supposed to be French, so it doesn’t really make sense.
~ I don’t like that Lumiere is the one to give Belle a room, behind the Beast’s back. Giving her a room is supposed to be the Beast’s first gesture of decency and kindness toward Belle.
~ Lumiere is much shrewder and actually comes off smarter than Cogsworth, who is so by-the-book that he reveals the one place Belle ought not to go!
~ Belle’s expression when Madame la Garderobe dresses her up says, “I did not sign up for this!”
~ Belle’s simple beauty and country/provincial style contrasts strongly with her bedroom and the lavish style Madame tries to impose on her. That seems to be a kind of arc over the course of the film, with a sort of meeting in the middle by the end.
~ A big difference between the two films’ versions of “Gaston” is that here, LeFou pays the people in the tavern to play music and sing along, instead of everyone joining in freely! I like that, because it suggests that Gaston may not be as well-liked admired as he thinks.
~ When LeFou sings that he does not know how to spell Gaston’s name, it’s written right on the wall behind him!
~ Chip rolling around on his saucer in excitement reminds me of Aang on his air scooter! (Which is funny because I actually gave Aang the role of Chip in the Avatar/Beauty and the Beast crossover I wrote years before this movie came out.)
~ Why does Belle sit and hug her knees self-pityingly, in between moments when she is busy devising her escape? It’s pretty convenient timing for the Beast to see her that way in the mirror.
~ I'm sure it's been pointed out and laughed about before, but I find it quite funny that Emma Watson and Emma Thompson, who played Hermione and Prof. Trelawney in the Harry Potter films and had a whole scene involving tea leaves, got to act together in this film and dealt with teapots and teacups again!
~ Mrs. Potts’ advice about whether to listen to people when they are angry … makes sense when it comes to insults or harshness, but not when it comes to rules and boundaries.
~ Maestro Cadenza is so sassy! “Are there any other tasteless demands you wish to make upon my artistry?” I may need to use that next time I get a negative review for my work!
~ “This is France” followed by the knife falling like a guillotine made me laugh!
~ Lumiere seems clumsier, less confident, and more oblivious in this version of “Be Our Guest.”
~ Poor Belle can’t get a full bite of food while the staff objects are showing off! I choose to believe that after that performance, Mrs. Potts made sure she got to relax and eat a proper, comforting meal.
~ Belle breaking the rule about the West Wing feels more in-character in this version. Here, she is more headstrong, and she intends to break her word and leave. So it’s not just curiosity or fascination with the castle that drives her to investigate. She may be hoping to find out the Beast’s weakness and find a way to escape.
~ Belle is not very sneaky when going to the West Wing; her footsteps are very loud!
~ The Beast ruined the image of himself and his father, but he left his mother’s image intact!
~ If Philippe was still at the castle, how did Maurice get back to the village? Did he walk the whole way? There was no weird palanquin like in the animated movie.
~ The sequence of Belle, the Beast, and the wolves is kind of rushed. Even though it hits the same beats at the original scene, there is not a lot of room for the emotional reversals of the Beast going out to save Belle and her decision to save him in return, even though it costs her the chance of escape.
~ I’m glad that in this version, Maurice opposes Gaston as a suitor for Belle. He knows that the guy is bad news!
~ They gave the line “If you like it so much, then it’s yours,” originally part of the lyrics for “Belle,” to the Beast in the library scene!
~ Belle helps the Beast to see his home and possessions with new eyes, both because she is a newcomer seeing it for the first time, and because she reads with him. I like that a poem (“A Crystal Forest” by William Sharp) helps him look at the castle’s environment in a new way.
~ Belle literally lets sun into the castle when she cleans the windows!
~ The “something there” could have been friendship, but the fact that Mrs. Potts won’t tell Chip what it is makes me think it’s really sexual chemistry/attraction!
~ Has the Beast considered why laughter dies when he enters a room? Did that happen before the curse, or only after he became a beast? Is it because the staff are afraid of his temper, or of his monstrous appearance?
~ The magical book feels like a nod to the magical rooms Belle visits in the original story of “Beauty and the Beast”
~ Personally, I like that this version provides some backstory about Belle and the Beast’s parents. Belle’s journey thus entails not only new relationships but also healing and closure regarding past relationships. Losing their mothers at a young age becomes a point of commonality between Belle and the Beast. Learning of Belle’s mother’s sacrifice, urging Maurice to take their baby away for her safety, may have inspired the Beast’s willingness to let her go later.
~ I know it’s in keeping with the original film, but making Belle’s dress yellow creates a good contrast against the blue and white tones of her usual outfits and the wintry setting of the castle grounds.
~ The Beast’s smile when he sees Belle dressed for their dance is so soft and sweet!
~ The dance sequence is beautiful!!! They don’t look quite as happy and content as they do in the original, but somehow it feels appropriate to where they are at this point in their relationship. The choreography involves trust and teamwork, so it shows how much they have grown from where they began. Belle was not even willing to be in the same room as him, and now she is getting really close and letting him lift and twirl her!
~ I like that the Beast explicitly, if indirectly, broaches the subject of whether Belle could care about him, and that she affirms that she could. It’s more personal than just asking if she is happy there, which is a pretty odd question to ask someone who is technically a prisoner.
~ Unlike in the original, where the Beast is pained and takes a long moment to decide to let Belle go, in this version he says it immediately, almost without thinking.
~ Why doesn’t the coat holder (I think they call him M. Chapeau?) give Belle her cloak, at the very least, as she leaves?
~ “Evermore” is such a beautiful, powerful song! I realized that throughout it, the Beast keeps climbing higher in the castle so he can watch Belle as long as possible. My only criticism of the sequence is that the Beast’s CGI face does not emote very much. Some of the lyrics are pretty angsty, but his expression is almost stoic. Maybe he is supposed to be at peace with losing Belle?
~ How long did everyone stay in the tavern while the asylum carriage was summoned? Why do the villagers have torches at that point? And why do they all follow Gaston’s lead?
~ The magic mirror’s actual glass is quite small and clouded! The images aren’t clear at all.
~ The standoff with Gaston is a bit awkward in its direction, but the actual “Mob Song” sequence is excellent! And this was the first time I wondered: is it meant to be an allusion to the mob mentality of the French Revolution?
~ Cogworth’s “man the barricades” has got to be a Les Misérables reference, and “third-rate musketeers” must be a Three Musketeers reference!
~ Do the household objects sing part of the “Mob Song”? Did they do that in the original movie too?
~ How did Belle carry the magic mirror and her mother’s rose thingy while riding her horse? She doesn’t seem to have any kind of bag on her. Does her ballgown have pockets?
~ Maurice and Belle’s scene in the wagon is so sweet. He seems to be convinced a little too quickly about the Beast becoming kind, but it underscores how much he trusts and supports her.
~ It’s not exactly original, but Belle turning a fashion accessory into a tool is so in-character!
~ LeFou mockingly talking to Chip and Mrs. Potts reminds me of Olaf, another Josh Gad character, pretending to address the rock trolls in Frozen!
~ I swear, Maestro Cadenza’s music as he pins LeFou down sounds like “The Imperial March (Darth Vader’s Theme)”!
~ Great symbolism of books being used as weapons against the literacy-hating townsfolk!
~ If Madame de Garderobe and Maestro Cadenza were able to come out of their respective rooms to participate in the battle, why weren’t they able to see each other sooner?
~ Where did Belle get that jacket? Was it Maurice’s?
~ Although it was shown earlier in the movie, I think the castle crumbling should have been revisited the night of the dance. It seems too random when it happens during the climactic fight.
~ I like that Belle participates in the fight, taking away Gaston’s weapons and trying to protect the Beast.
~ The “death” of all the household items … it’s like the writers asked, “How can we make the Beast’s death even more devastating than it already is?”
~ I like how the rose petals become part of the Beast’s transformation. But the transformation itself seems a bit rushed. In the animated movie and stage musical, it’s a pretty long sequence with a lot of awe and emotion. But I guess there’s only so much you can do with the live-action medium.
~ Mrs. Potts’ first name is Beatrice?!
~ As a human, Chip has a tooth missing, like his chipped rim!
~ It looks like Madame de Garderobe and Maestro Cadenza ditched their wigs and decided to wear their natural hair after the curse broke!
~ I had not realized that Gugu Mbatha-Raw was in this movie until now, after seeing her in Loki!
~ There are many beautiful shots of the sky throughout the film!
~ The score is so beautiful! I love that it weaves in melodies of songs from the original movie, the stage musical, and the new movie.
My conclusion: it’s not perfect, but it is a beautiful movie and a wonderful retelling of a classic story that long predates Disney’s interpretation!
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onesaltysir · 9 months
I need to settle this with myself, I can't decide if it's a good movie or not. Debate material under cut.
Eva Gabor slays as Miss Bianca (my queen) both times so that's an automatic yes from me. The story itself was also not bad.
On the other hand the animation threw me off because I've always been so loyal to the original 1977 The Rescuers. Milt Kahl's animation is such a big deal to me, that was the best era of Disney and I will not be hearing other opinions because they are wrong.
The egg scene with Johanna and Mcleach in the kitchen? Made me smile during my surgery recovery. Animated movies rarely make me smile. That scene was peak cinematic gold.
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The absolute deciding factor is if Jake is sexy or not. Now for the record I am 100% team Bernard. Thicc mouse man with a dumpy and a big heart? Yes maam. (He also has a slight stutter. As a stutterer myself, child me instantly fell in love when my father had me watch the original for the first time.) But there's just something about Jake's charm. That Indiana Jones ass kangaroo rat could punt me into the sun and I can’t tell if I would thank him or dropkick that Crocodile Dundee motherfucker.
Miss Bianca, however, has been and always will be my favourite. Everyone has a crush on her everywhere she goes and she looks so put together but I promise you she is so fucking autistic and probably does Jello shots with whoever wishes to humour her. Just watch the original, and then this is emphasized in Down Under. Fucking icon. God is a white mouse from Hungary with a purple hat.
That being said, let's turn back to the animation. What are these CGI scenes doing in here? Now mind you, overall I *am* impressed with the CGI. This movie came out in 1990 and they combined 2D animation with so many near flawless CGI shots. But why though? The combination was awesome, it slayed, it served. But there was just something about it that seemed so corny to me and I can’t place my finger on it.
And what are these size proportions? Cody is six years old acording to the Disney Wiki. If you are familiar with six year olds, then you know those things aren't exactly tiny. Why is he able to ride on that eagle? Golden eagles are real birds however they are smaller than bald eagles. Bald eagles are large birds but they are not that large. In fact the largest eagle as of right now is the giant Philippine eagle, which is only a meter tall. A six year old can’t ride that. Not only did Marahute fly hundreds of metres in the air supporting an entire six year old and then some, but she was also large enough for this kid to pitch a medium sized tent on. What the hell. Fake ass bird.
Another problem I have is that it takes place in Australia. So why in the absolute FUCK does Cody sound like he's from Nebraska USA? Riddle me fucking that. Mcleach is understandable because he's a poacher, probably dropped in from the US. In fact he sounds like he's from Tennessee so you know his ass did. But come on. Cody? He's a six year old born and raised in Australia. The only characters with Australian accents were two kangaroos, a koala, and Cody's mother. His mother is a stretch though, Edinburgh sounding ass bitch.
Also what six year old owns a large pocket knife? Cody if you don't put that shit down and go work on your colouring book. I swear to god.
What redeems it for me is Bianca and Bernard. Jake really thought he could pull Bianca from the perfect man. Bernard respects Bianca with everything he has, he continually gave her everything he could. Bernard loved her, and Bianca loved him back. Jake tried to shit on her man and Bianca said 'I think the fuck not.'
And yes. I know Bernard is some Hobbit ass motherfucker. He didn’t wanna go on the trip to save Penny in the original, he hates flying, he hates adventure, but Bianca taught him to love that and it was beautiful. He tried it for her and found out that he did love it after all. Bianca brought out his courage, and Bernard brought out her heart. They're the best Disney duo. Fuck you.
I got distracted. The question I want to answer is, is The Rescuers Down Under a great movie or is it a horrible movie? It's not just good or bad. You either love it or you hate it, and I can't decide.
Miss Bianca supremacy for life.
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blowingoffsteam2 · 7 months
Hello! Some of your latest reblogs reminded me that back when Wish first came out I sent in an ask about the ideas and themes potentially being interesting territory in a new KH game, and idk if it got lost by Tumblr or just unanswered, but I thought I'd submit again just in case. If you've seen the movie or read a synopsis I feel like it would be a perfect world for part of Riku's wish/dream story! The people in Rosas have to give away their dreams and forget it in hope of it being granted, but at least one person is negatively affected by this and not the same as he was, and then later the villain actually uses his dream to manipulate him into turning against his friends. Wish naturally has a nod to the Fairy God Mother who of course has spoken recently to Riku, and I was thinking the forgetting and the wishing/shooting star could tie into the meteor shower memory...I know Wish wasn't the huge hit Disney prolly wanted, but I think Nomura and Co could potentially come up with a way to tie it into KH that would make our part of the fandom super excited!
Oh absolutely, the themes would be perfect for kh. I haven't watched it yet myself and though I can't say I'm that interested in the movie itself, even if it's not that great as a movie it doesn't mean it can't work really well as a world as long as they really lean into those themes and tying them into the story. Unfortunately the poor reception to the movie might make them decide against including it (I also don't know how early they need to have their world selection locked in so it might be too late for kh4 regardless) In any case I would absolutely lose it if they showed Riku going to that world.
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
For the Disney day of the event, to kind of take a beloved topic and use it for the various fandoms, I decided to do a little post about the Mystic Messengers and their favourite Disney characters! I hope you lovelies will enjoy!
Jihyun’s mother liked to show him Disney movies in various languages on the rare occasions she got to spend overnights with him. She would always end their evenings with one before bedtime, so V became knowledgeable about at least the classic Disney movies. He always particularly loved Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She loved the Beast for everything he was, even the worst of him, was truly kind while being intelligent and he loved everything about that movie, from the love story to the songs to the art and the villains.
Jumin has watched almost all the Disney films as they came out and has been to the majority of the Disney parks. His father definitely thought that Disney was something of a cultural touchstone, especially among children, and that it would give Jumin something to talk about with other children, such as those born to the Chairman’s business contacts. Because Jumin grew up with them, he finds he has a nostalgic connection with Disney and does keep up with the newer movies. His favourite is a more recent one, but he really enjoys Coco. The music, the colours and art, the storyline, he felt it was all really beautiful. However, as much as he loves the movie and feels for the main character, his favourite character is still from the classic movies, Quasimodo. It was actually the animated Hunchback of Notre Dame that made Jumin want to go and read the classic novel.
Zen loves Disney movies because they’re the perfect mix of music and story. He prefers the movies that have more music in them and can do perfect renditions of all of his favourite Disney songs, especially ‘Go The Distance’ from Hercules. Speaking of Hercules, it’s his second favourite Disney movie. Aladdin just barely tops it out for his most favourite and it’s Aladdin himself who is Zen’s favourite Disney character.
Jaehee has actually gone her whole life without seeing any of the animated Disney films. Any Disney film she has seen is only because it was a film made by someone else that Disney acquired the rights to. Because of this, she does technically have a favourite Disney character, with it being Maria from The Sound of Music.
Yoosung actually is another one who really does enjoy Disney films, even as an adult. He’s watched the majority of the classics, with The Lion King being his favourite. He loves Simba and kind of wished he could be like Simba when he was a kid, but as an adult, his favourite character would have to be Marlin from Finding Nemo. That movie always makes Yoosung tear up every time he watches it.
Saeyoung gets into moods where he’ll want to binge Disney films, just because they’re usually light watches, with happy endings and catchy music, and they don’t take a lot of mental power to watch. He really, really connected to Stitch from Lilo & Stitch for reasons he can’t even rightly explain and it’s his favourite Disney character by far.
Saeran, for the aesthetics and for the story, really does enjoy The Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus both. They’re the only Disney movies he really watches with any regularity, as Disney movies aren’t normally really his thing. His favourite character is actually Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, with Binx from Hocus Pocus being a really close second.
Vanderwood has actually never watched a Disney movie in his life up until he met Saeyoung. It’s Seven who makes Vanderwood sit through them whenever Saeyoung gets in a Disney mood, so his choice of characters is based off the maybe four Disney movies he’s ever seen. I do think Vanderwood really enjoys the more live action Disney movies, and his favourite is Tron Legacy, with Sam Flynn being his favourite Disney hero.
Rika always connected more with the villains in Disney films than the heroes. It’s really hard for her to pick an absolute favourite among them but she’s really fond of both Maleficent and Ursula. She especially loves Ursula’s voice, which she finds really soothing for some reason and she knows all the words to ‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’.
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