#honestly it’s not a BAD movie per se but it’s not a good movie.
kisaxiii · 9 months
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777dream-of-me · 1 year
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a post about circumstances by reve de londres
so…this is honestly common knowledge that i should have shared like months ago and everyone basically has their own post about it, BUT if you are new to loa and happen to stumble onto this post, please consider reading futher.
so before i went into the void state, my life wasn’t bad per se but i always had wanted more. for example, i had this friend and me and her were basically bestfriends. she had money, she was traveling everywhere for summer, and she had all this privilege while i was stuck at home, with no one to hangout with except my parents and no money.
lets fast foward to how i came about what im about to tell you, i remember it very vividly. it was a wednesday and i was in shower, stressing about my next hangout with this girl. she wanted to go to this fancy place and then uber somewhere to go shopping. i wasnt stressing about money because i was only going to eat bc at the time i wasnt able to afford the shopping plaza we were going to. i was stressing about the uber, because my parents had mixed feelings about it. AND at this time, i was planning on going into the void. i had been affirming and listening to my playlist and i felt so good that i was going to wake up in it. but i also had a doubt, which was if i keep worrying about this hangout, i wasn’t going to get into the void because im so worried about what is happening in my 3d.
then i realized, that shouldnt matter. i told myself to look at it like i was playing a part in a sitcom. or just a movie/show in general. that i was the teen girl who was in a middle class family with a lot of debt. that i was the teen girl who had a rich friend who didnt understand her struggles.
so…i didnt go out with the friend because i had ended up entering the void before the day we hung out.
JUST TO BE CLEAR: fuck ur circumstances and just pretend ur playing a part. bc in reality ur everything u want to be, whether its an actress, model, or ect.
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sexy-opium-ravioli · 1 year
Photo Booth
Universe: Resident Evil
wc: 1,791
Pairing: Stepbro!Leon S. Kennedy x Reader
Warnings: Not many, just the fact that Leon is your stepbrother and he is .5 of a little shit. Otherwise, this is a good, old fashioned fluff piece.
a/n: Hihi hello hello :) I've been trying to claw my way out of depression for a while, but here's some cute Leon content in the meantime!
@lipglossanon !! thank you for being such a wonderful writer, honestly reading you has been really inspiring as of late! and your characterization of the Leons you have are among my very favorite.
It not my best work by any means, but I hope anyone reading this enjoys <3
The liminal space of a mall was the place where you could see through a person, like light through glass. You'd get to see what stores they prefer to go to, what mall food they like to eat (or if they can't), what they buy vs what they don't. 
Or sometimes, as is the case with you and your weird, pseudo-freudian stepbrother-boyfriend Leon, you just get boba and mess around. 
There were other things you'd like to do with him, sure. Sometimes you two would catch a movie- or fuck each other until you're both sensitive and whimpering (as young lovers often do). Really depended on the day. 
But it was earlier in the morning and it was a free, clear Saturday, in the haze of a temperate spring. And, the last couple of days were kind of stressful. Keeping up separate social lives, exams, dealing with your shared parents- sometimes just being apart from each other was okay.
You were starting to suspect something in Leon. You didn't know what it was, really. Everything was in a haze with him- truer emotions he always hid behind something snarky and barbed. And since you could never really get an accurate read on him, you could only try to squint in the dark and decipher the signs in front of you. 
Still, something foundational was shifting. And there was a strange feeling in your stomach that had been there all morning, and it wasn't bad, per se; but it was constant and unusual. You sipped on your boba and started chewing. 
You and Leon were both sitting on public benches. The time was before most of the retail shops started setting up, only the food court was open. You laid your head on Leon's shoulder and closed your eyes while you both soaked in the sun's warmth. 
The mall was bright and quiet, not many were there yet. You still felt a bit sleepy, but it didn't seem like Leon minded resting either. There was a difference in the emotions you feel someone going through when you rest your head on their shoulder- and the way Leon's was giving into the weight of your head spelled relaxation. The both of you spent a bit of your morning like this. You lifted your head and glanced at how the sunlight reflected off of Leon's golden hair. How it also cut a shadow at the curve of his jaw. 
"You wanna walk around?" You asked with your voice low, not wanting to disrupt the quiet, alive whirring of the building. Leon looked at you, smiled a bit and nodded his head before getting up. 
When you caught up to pace with him, you decided to annoy him and cross pinkies. He retaliated by taking hold of your entire hand, and you tried not to make a big deal about it. Your heart was starting to beat really fast, though. 
You thought he would let go after a couple of seconds. He didn't. 
Exiting the first floor common area to the escalators surrounding it, you both enjoyed the warmth of a second floor perch. Leon hasn't let go of your hand yet, but you were joking around about other people you were seeing at the mall, or the vaguely strange sale ads you'd see posted on windows. 
It was light, conversation felt easy for once.
And then Leon saw something, and you watched the way his eyes captured a glint of absolute mischief. 
Your eyes followed the laser point focus of his- and oh. 
A photo booth. 
And before you knew it, the distance between you and the box was already halved from Leon practically yanking your arm off. It didn't hurt, so all you could do was laugh. 
Walking up to it, Leon already got his wallet out and was feeding the machine bills. You decided to slip in and look around inside. All photo booths look different- this one was pretty new and sparkly. 
Not long after, Leon swept the curtains and stepped in with a mean smirk. You got yourself ready, trying to make yourself look alright while Leon selected to start through the menu. 
You always felt a weird sort of anxiety in photo booths. They never gave anybody enough time to actually prepare for a photo, but Leon was already doing someth- "Hey-!"
He quickly stepped behind you, caged you in his arms, gave two hand horns, and made such a twisted face he actually did kind of resemble the devil, because in his heart of hearts, Leon S. Kennedy was a dork. 
You decided that if he was going to suffocate you with all the muscle he was trying to show off, you were going to get a picture of biting it. 
The bite wasn't too hard, but the quick noise that Leon gave was mostly out of being startled anyways. He quickly retaliated by flicking your arm before posing for the next- 
"Let's do a nicer one," you interject, quietly and quickly. You both prepare and in time, you're smiling together while Leon has his arm draped over your shoulders. It all happened so quickly and concisely that the warm feeling you got in your stomach from all the affectionate, silly, friendly contact was delayed. 
The countdown started again. Leon almost shoved you in front of him, but instead of putting his arms over your chest and neck and face, (being annoying about it), he placed them gently over your waist. And then when the camera flashed, he was kissing your cheek. 
You turned around in his arms, not really caring about the photos anymore. But he was the one that leaned down and kissed you gingerly, and with meaning. His lips were always so soft and smooth against yours-
The camera flashed. You two were together a little longer, and then you both separated. It was a few long seconds where time just stopped, and you could swear that if you opened the curtain and tried to find one of the rare morning pedestrians of the mall, they would be left unmoving. 
But all you could do was look at Leon. It didn't help that he was so pretty. But there was this weird flash of emotion in his eyes, that same one you couldn't read and he wasn't looking away-
The camera flash made you both jump a little, and then Leon gave a quiet, nervous laugh to himself that sparked yours. He looked at you again, an upward pull of his lips that didn't seem too mean anymore. "Better get those photos," 
"Yeah," you offer back, already leaving the booth. He followed you, and not long after, the booth started to give out a noise before producing two copies of the same strip. Leon quickly snatched them before you could even hope to grab them, and he held them out of your view after that. 
"Leon," He was snickering. That pretty smile he hasn't dropped for 5 minutes now has had its teasing quality reapplied. Irritation quickly bubbles back up in your throat. 
"Ugh, Leon, you-" He does that little shit older brother thing where he lets the strip creep just into your reach before yanking it away a couple of times, but he doesn't do it too much. He gives you one of the copies after starting to giggle at you. 
You shake your head, ready to be embarrassed at your own face or maybe even his, and- well, the first photo has you laughing. Your head is tilted backward and your eyes are closed, and the laughs pour out of your throat like smooth wine. 
"Leon you're such a dork,-"
"Oh ok! And we're not gonna talk about the absolutely feral thing latching itself to my arm-," 
"Noo~, we're not," You interrupt teasingly, and you take a look back at the pictures. The air swiftly changes from playful, easy and teasing to meaningful, endearing- kind of tense in a way. Leon looked beautiful, and you looked nice too, and now you just noticed that Leon is right behind you actively gauging your reaction. 
The third photo was almost too sweet and intimate to look at publicly, and you could feel the tips of your ears start to heat up. Leon's face is mostly obscured, sure, but the way you react to why it's obscured is so sweet and genuine it kind of embarrasses you. Your lips try to hide a smile and your eyes are cast downward and away from Leon- low, but not closed. One of your arms rests on the lean coils of muscle wrapped around your center, while the other reaches up for your hand to rest on his head. 
The fourth makes you inhale a little sharper, and you can now feel the high part of your cheekbones heat with your ears. Leon's chin is resting on your shoulder now, and you can't even imagine the shit-eating grin he must be wearing on his face. Well, both of your faces can't be seen by the camera, if that's any consolation to your poor, heated skin- you might melt ice at this point. 
You don't know why it has you so weirdly dizzy, but maybe it's the way Leon looks so boyish, almost soft kissing you. His head is so slightly tilted, and the way his body curls around yours is just so engaged-
The fifth one is sweet in a different way. It makes your heart instantly crackle and spark for hope, which any sort of tired rationality your dopamine abused brain has left is probably screaming at. 
There's that fear in your chest, but there's no denying the fact that there's a light glimmering in Leon's sea glass eyes that you haven't seen from him too many times. 
It's a look that makes your entire body feel warm, like your skin is being pricked by needles. At this point, you've stopped looking at the photos altogether and buried your face in your hands. It makes Leon's chin lift off your shoulder, and you hear a chuckle come from him, but nothing sarcastic. 
"C'mon, stores are opening soon, weirdo," And when he says that you realize that there's warmth behind his words. You lift your head and look at him, and he's scratching his nose but- is he blushing too? Oh. 
He is. 
Probably not as scorching hot as you, but still. He starts walking, you start walking with him. And then, he takes your hand like that entire thing just didn't happen, and you find that you can't really stop smiling. Even if you reduce it to the smallest pull of your lips, it's still on your face for a while longer. 
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lightwing-s · 2 years
the batboys as spy movies
Charlie’s Angels is by faaaaaaar Dick’s favorite spy movie. And he isn’t only a fan of the movies, having the dvd set for all the seasons of the  70’s show. Just don’t mention to him the 2019 atrocity. Some may say they’re brainless movies, but there’s much more to it than the lack of a deep plot. It is about the style, and the action, and over all, the fun. He believes those movies changed the landscape of cinema of the time, bringing back the hard-hitting action that had been lacking in films from that period, and did it  in the most entertaining way possible, with iconic fighting scenes he often tries to reproduce while in his own patrolling duties. Also… It’s sexy, okay? The whole vibe of the movie is sexy, and Dick fights just as good as he fights sexy. This movie is an iconic piece of cinema, of culture,  of the 2000s and he’ll die on that hill. 
When it comes to spy movies, Jason doesn’t strive far from his own older brother’s preferences,  choosing the more eccentric and fun kinds over the sometimes too serious and boring traditional movies. It’s honestly a break from his own, very often, broody self. Even he needs a break from that once in a while. Watching Kingsman gave him thrills he hadn’t got in a while, sitting on the tip of his chair at that fight scene at the church. It's gritty, bloody and dirty (in more ways than one), with tons of fun dialogue and situations he just hoped would happen to him at least once *hello, princess Tilde*. And even with all of that, the spy characters are not missing the classic polished,  fancy feeling of classic spy movies. 
Not your typical spy movie, per se, but Tim really loves The Imitation Game. The whole amazing premise of the movie revolves around an apparently unbreakable code that, if cracked, could win England the war, in a game of cat and mouse versus a powerful - nazi - enemy. He admires the brilliancy of Alan Turing, one of his actual real life heroes, for not only cracking the code and but also realizing that his job went much further than just that: they can’t let the enemy know they have the upper hand, so they have to sacrifice some things, some people, so they can save a much greater number. It feels too much like real life to him. And of course, Tim solved that problem by himself way before any character in the movie did.
Damian believes the best of espionage is found in  old spy movies, and no better example than the earlier 007 ones. Not that he thinks the recent ones are bad, but the classics are always classics, and they feel much better written, filmed, and portrayed in general, than the newer ones. He likes the gadgets, and how things are less about high tech, and much more about hands-on skills and combat. The  Sean Connery era is his absolute favorite, with the best movie, in his not so humble opinion,  being a toss of Goldfinger and From Russia With Love. Moreover, he loves that he gets to watch those movies with Alfred and his father, it’s like their own bonding, no pun intended, family thing.
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willowisapillow · 7 months
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🎊🎉 A Peachy New Year! 🎉🎊
💕❤️ They’re girlfriends, your honor ❤️💕
Behold, another piece of fanart that I’ve kept pushing back until now.
I was planning on drawing this earlier back in January, but some complications occurred with both IbisPaint and my tablet once again, and one mishap after another, half of my files for the art got wiped somehow when my tablet crashed for the 104897th time, and I had to start from scratch.
A very similar problem occurred with one of my Pride Month pics from last year, and this time I just said, “screw it, I can’t be bothered to finish this”, and took a long-ass break and moved on to other art projects. Eventually, I did come around and finished it in the end.
2023 was honestly just a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. It started off bad, then it was eh, and it ended… not really great good per se, but decent. I had to miss out on a lot of art projects because I was doing online school at that time, but since I graduated way back in June, I have a lot of free time on my hands and I have a lot of exciting plans in the future ^o^
One positive of this year I have so far is that I finally watched the Super Mario Movie. As per tradition of me being slower than molasses, I watched the movie on Netflix, and I absolutely LOVED it! The whole movie was literally what little me imagined a Mario movie would be like, and the movie just was a whole lot of fun. I especially loved the references/easter eggs in the movie, I was just fangirling so much 😭
And once the DK Rap came on I just started singing along like there was no tomorrow. And funny story, at one point, my mom actually walked by my room, overheard my singing, and gave me a funny look as if she thought I was going crazy, which she wasn’t wrong/hj
I could go on and on about how I love this movie, but we’d be here all day, so I’ll just say my two absolute favorite things about this movie. My first fave is obviously Peach, I’m so happy that my girl isn’t being portrayed as a damsel-in-distress, and is instead an active team leader, she was just absolutely iconic. And my second favorite thing is Bowser. Jack Black has always been one of my favorite actors/comedians, so it was a perfect decision for Illumination to have him voice Bowser. He’s the perfect blend of comedic and threatening, he gave me a lot of Hades from Hercules vibes haha
As for the art, I went with the dark-skinned, red-haired version of Bowsette, which imo is better than the regular version. One, it makes sense to give her dark skin because she lives in a place that’s nothing but fire and lava, and two, Bowser is canonically a ginger not a blondie lol
And for Peach, I drew her in her movie dress but also combined it with her winter/holiday earmuffs and cloak. Also wanted to give her the Princess Peach Showtime bow because I’m still hyped for that game >:3
Here’s to hoping this year will be great, good, or at the very least decent 🎉
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inkblackorchid · 3 months
What are your thoughts on the 5DS movie bonds beyond time? Plot characters villain animation and so on
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Ahhh, good old BBT. Minor caveat: It's been a hot second since I've seen the movie. But generally speaking, right from the gut? Bit of a mixed bag, this one. Let me address what you asked point by point, though. The tl;dr for anyone who doesn't want a lengthy response: I don't hate it, but outside of making me grin and/or fondly roll my eyes about some fanservice, I'm mostly just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about it. I appreciate it for the extremely fun attempt at a for the time pretty ambitious crossover, though.
The longer response, then:
Okay. Okay. Conceptually speaking? This movie is the absolute peak of fanservice. All three protags of all three ygo shows that had come out by that time, all teaming up against a special bad guy, and everyone's allowed to show off their coolest shit? Absolutely bananas. Fuck yeah.
Where the execution is concerned, though... Let me start with the obvious: This thing is too short. It doesn't feel like a proper movie, it feels like your average big plot duel stretched over two episodes. And that's a shame! Because Yugi's there, and so is Jaden, and these two and Yusei get to bounce off each other and I think a lot of people would have eaten it up if we had gotten more of that. Interactions aside, though, the short runtime also makes the plot feel rushed. First Yusei's sad, then things are going to shit, the he's off, then we're suddenly in Venice (what the fuck is Jaden doing in Venice??), then we're in Domino City, then blam, bam, onto the big duel. Can I get some time to breathe and actually enjoy the characters interacting, please?
And speaking of plot! Now, on paper, I don't have an issue with the idea of a guy going back in time to try and get rid of duel monsters. My problem lies more with the fact that the guy in question ties into 5Ds' main plot. And in a not insignificant way, at that. Like, perhaps in a universe where this movie was handled differently, BBT tying into the Iliaster stuff could have been cool as heck, but as it stands, Paradox and his plans feel a little too close to his namesake to me. The guy is almost exclusively relegated to a movie, to outside content of the show that wasn't shown in sequence with the rest of the episodes, yet he's actually one of the major characters of the Ark Cradle arc. And worse yet, said arc only gives us the barest, shittiest recap of who he is and what he wanted. It feels too disconnected from the rest for me, especially considering that Sherry more or less ends up replacing Paradox. And don't even get me started on the batshit implications his quest to kill Pegasus has on the way time travel is handled in 5Ds. The way this movie shows direct, devastating consequences of time being tampered with is a major reason for the headaches the emperors of Iliaster give me, which I've discussed in my Meklord post.
That said. I don't think Paradox, per se, is a bad antagonist. He's got the whole long-suffering shindig the other major players of Iliaster do, too, his design is bonkers in a fun way and of course, the idea of him hijacking protagonist ace monsters with his Malefic shenanigans makes him perfectly hateable. On paper, he's a completely fine antagonist, and I actually think the 3 V 1 duel he has with the protags is pretty fun.
And as for the animation, no notes there, honestly. I think BBT has some of the nicest animation of the 5Ds era (and especially like the way Yusei is animated in the movie).
So yeah! The whole thing is a bit hot and cold for me. I know some people love BBT to death, I know some people hate it with a fiery passion, and tbh, I get where both sides are coming from. Ultimately, I'll happily watch it, but there are always at least twenty other 5Ds episodes I'd watch even more happily. BBT is fine.
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zeroducks-2 · 12 days
Honestly I love the fanon families in DC but I very much acknowledge that the vast majority of it is not canon consistent. I almost feel like they’re two different universes in the way that Earth Two is different from Earth one. To me the media that supports the family feel good stuff like Wayne family Adventures is an entirely different continuity like Else world stories. They’re the same characters just written and played with in a much different way.
Wayne Family Adventure is indeed an elseworld, like the Lego DC movies or the Arkham videogames or the White Knight saga.
"canon" when it comes to DC is not a single entity because DC means many many things. Jason having been tortured by Joker and then allying with Scarecrow is canon for the Arkhamverse, but surely it isn't for the comicverse. Eobard pretending to be a scientist named Harrison Wells is canon for the CW Flash TV show, but not for the comicverse. Selina Kyle being Carmine Falcone's daughter is canon for the Batman 2022 movie, but not for the comicverse. And same goes for whatever happens in Wayne Family Adventures - the stuff in there is canon for its own context, not for the main comics canon continuity.
Now when it comes to "fanon" that's a different thing. I've seen people act like DC fanon is some sort of monolith with specific rules but it very much is not, fanon means various takes that are so widespread that people start to act as if they were canon, even if they don't come from the source material and they were born directly from the fandom. An example is Tim Drake being a coffee addict or Stephanie Brown loving pancakes. This is stuff which is either very loosely based off of canon or with no bearings with canon whatsoever, but a good chunk of the fandom acts like they were canon facts. Some folks are aware that they're not, some aren't, most don't care.
Now, the concept of Bruce Wayne being a Tired Sitcom Dad™ with all his sidekicks living in Wayne Manor like some sort of big family is a fanon concept. A few years ago people started acting like this was canon, and new people coming in would see it and also assume it was canon (Wayne Family Adventure both comes from fanon concepts and served to fuel them, because at some point people started using WFA panels as "proof" that all that actually happened). There has been and still is a pushback of people saying no, this is non-canon, stop acting like this stuff happened in the main comics continuity, but they pretty much get drowned by the mass of people who instead scream that "good dad Bruce is the only real Bruce" and that every instance of abuse or toxic behavior you show them is out of character and should be disregarded. (It is worth noting that many of these folks have actually never read DC comics, and if you suggest they do they will call you ableist and a gatekeeper when you're lucky - when you're unlucky they'll tell you to go kill yourself)
I want to add as a footnote that there are many cases (probably most cases actually) in which fanon stuff is awesome, and makes fandom experiences more enjoyable. The whole multiverse dynamic of the Undertale fandom is a fanonical masterpiece just to name one. There is a specific issue with fanon in the DC fandom in particular, but it's absolutely not the case for all fandoms - the existence of fanon dynamics is not a bad thing per se and it's a natural consequence of big fandoms existing and evolving over time. The problem with the DC fandom is that the fanon material doesn't work WITH and ALONGSIDE the canonical elements of the story. It is rather in extreme direct contradiction with the established source material, and people flat out refuse to accept that their "sunshine and rainbows" version of things isn't the real deal.
It's worth mentioning that when it comes to the Flash family we have a bit of a different situation. The abuse there is more subtle, it's less "Bruce punched Dick in the face" and more "these people are treating Barry's depression like an inconvenience". It's less "Bruce slit Jason's throat to save the life of Jason's murderer" and more "the moment Barry isn't the perfect picture of strength and happiness his family will act like he's doing it on purpose to spite them". It's way easier to dismiss because lots of people are unable to even pick up on it, and especially when it comes to Wally and Iris, 90% of the fandom does not allow them to be complex characters with dark impulses who are very capable of hurting the people they love and who love them. Wally because he's supposed to be a shining perfect hero, and Iris... well, Iris is a woman. Unfortunately most people refuse to even begin taking into consideration the idea that a woman can be a gray character, therefore women in fandom spaces are treated like either irredeemably unlikable bitches, or perfect angels who could never do anything wrong. Iris falls into the second category for nearly every single person in the Flash Fandom I've seen so far.
But anyway, I ranted enough. As I mentioned in the comments of my previous ask, I too have written fluffy "batfamily" dynamics or made Wally act sweet and protective towards Barry, but I am able to make a difference between what I like, what I'm using for my fanfiction and what actually is canon.
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
your match up game looks so fun ‼️‼️‼️‼️ i wanna try it out hehe (rambling ahead)
1. beast of blood by malice mizer :3 i honestly don't have a reason other than it being chaotic enough that it fills up empty noise in my brain lol
2. 5w6 !!
3. ohh i LOVE youtube essays/analyses whether i'm fully listening or have em as background noise, i love horror youtube deep dives, particularly about analog/digital horror series and that one creepypasta iceberg hehe
4. i don't think i've ever had one ? to be honest i don't think i ever thought abt it until i saw it in like . cartoons n shit , never rlly knew about the concept of imaginary friends as a kid 😭
5. recently i use redacted sleep aid audios but most of the time i just . stay awake until my brain shuts down 🤞
6. honestly? i never thought abt this . but the first thing that came into my mind was veronica (idk either!!) though if i genuinely wanted to change my name i'd want it to be gender neutral, and tbh i doubt i'd have any important meaning behind it i'd just pick whatevr sounds nice
7. guy's sleep audio !!!! i joke about wanting guy angst a lot but to be real . this audio of his is so vulnerable .. like before that we only saw him being a goof and stuff yaknow . . idk that one forreals hit different 4 me
8. as much as i love every character, i do not understand why gavin is the most popular😭 don't get me wrong , love him, maybe it's because i haven't listened to the fl series but i do not get the hype💔
9. i don't know all the words per se but i would have to say mean girls . . as problematic as that movie is now its iconic and i love it and i need to rewatch it BAD .
10. damien tbh . haven't gotten to his other audios but i think i would want 2 be besties w him i relate 2 him a good amount (he also seems like the type id be intimidated into doing well in school for)
11. to be real i wld not be able to ramble if im tired LOL i think i'd be more quiet bcz i have a hard time sleeping to begin with
12. tbh just a soda (coca cola bcz i am basic) i go to convenience stores n stuff after school so im only there to pick up something quick before i go home so im in and im out 🔥🔥
13. the 2007 sweeney todd soundtrack 🤞 i cannawt find the movie ANYWHERE and its nostalgic to me so listening to the songs is the closest i'll get to scratch the itch in my brain
14. fnaf tbh EHWHEHW i've been into fnaf ever since i was a kid and it's stuck with me because it's what got me into horror n stuff  🫶
15. i'm a saggitarius, my mbti is INTP, i love horror and fashion, despite wearing a lot of darker alt fashion, my favorite color is pink (my phone case is decorated to the gods its very ridiculous) i like doing my own nails (funnily enough in bright colors) , i think i relate to honey the most in terms of personality, and i like to analyze most of the media im into!!
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So part of my thought process is based on your personality types, the Troubleshooter and the Logician. However, I have to admit a bigger part of my reasoning is I think Asher would love your fashion sense and would contrast you so cutely.
Like, on a deep, core level, your personality types give me the impression of someone who’s thoughtful and analytical and capable of solving problems. Those are good traits for a beta’s mate, especially when Asher can have more social, impulsive tendencies. On a funsies level, I imagine Asher dresses like your typical So Cal dude, kinda surfer chic, and he loves your style and what an odd pair you make. Like, on all levels but especially physical, you are the embodiment of the black cat/golden retriever couple.
Asher loves everything about you, so many things about you he finds it hard to pick a favorite. He loves the contrast between your dark clothes and your bright nails, loves asking you to paint his while you’re at it so y’all can match. He loves watching FNAF theories with you, because he was definitely a FNAF teenager. He even loves watching scary movies with you though he’s terrible with them. (Asher’s the type that loves the adrenaline rush while it’s playing but regrets it once it’s time to lock up the house.)
In the car, I just can't wait/ To pick you up on our very first date/ Is it cool if I hold your hand?/ Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?/ Do you like my stupid hair?/ Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?/ I'm just scared of what you think/ You make me nervous so I really can't eat/ Let's go/ Don't wait/ This night's almost over
Given we canonically know Asher to be a FOB fanboy, it’s hardly a leap to assume he’s a Blink fan, especially this song. I think this particular track is not only fun and nostalgic to him but captures his energy and vibes, how he felt when he first fell in love with you. It’s also catchy as hell, so you know he’s singing this at you full-volume all the time.
Anytime someone says they’re a horror fan, I’ve got to put Guy in their big three; one of my top headcanons is that he writes some gripping horror and loves it as a genre. (I also think he loves FNAF lore and finds it so fun, though he was not impressed by the movie.) I also love Lasko for you because I think he admires your bold, authentic fashion choices and finds them inspirational.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
PLEASE elaborate on the mario movie i want to know how bad it sucks
i took notes while i was watching it because i'm insane so here's what i wrote down:
objectively bad. especially if you are not a mario fan. sorry. specifically that special illumination flavor of bad. despicable me bad. you know what i mean
clearly more emphasis was put on aesthetic/worldbuilding than story. the spectacle is incredible but the story is barebones at the best of times. several plot points seem VERY rushed and very few character relationships are given the time or attention they really need to have the character-driven story that this movie clearly WANTS to be
ESPECIALLY mario and peach’s relationship is not given nearly enough time. they get a meet-cute scene in which peach instantly takes mario in for seemingly no reason and then one training montage (both within the span of about 30 mins of runtime) and after that they’re sharing intimate secrets with each other and we’re supposed to see mario as a potential romantic partner for peach. the relationship is not NEARLY established enough for any of this and the audience is left to assume that a ton of development must have happened off screen, which makes the relationship seem REALLY rushed and flat.
the only genuinely well-written relationship imo was mario and donkey kong and they fucking hate each other
that being said the world design is REALLY good and it’s clear the designers were fans and put a lot of effort into it!! it just kind of makes it more obvious that the story is bad when it’s painted over such a fantastic backdrop
the way the references to the games were built into the environment was, again, very well done. every reference i got was well-placed and funny. i just wish the story that held all the references together was good lol
peach’s body proportions were throwing me off for the entire movie. her head is SO huge in comparison to her tiny skinny body that it’s super distracting
sometimes chris pratt makes an effort to sound like a new york italian and sometimes he just Is Chris Pratt and i genuinely don’t know which one is worse
peach’s voice honestly threw me off more than crisp rat it just does not fit her at all
animation is over rendered in that new age disney-pixar style that i really hate. i think that a movie based on retro pixel-art video games could have benefited a lot from a more stylized art style instead of so much realism
the soundtrack is incredible tho
bowser is the best character in the whole movie (we knew this)
final fight was very good. that’s all i have to say about it it was good
i honestly think this was doomed to happen with a movie like this because mario as a game doesnt have a ton of story to hold it together so any story you try to make out of it is inevitably going to rely on game references over plot ESPECIALLY if you have diehard fans writing for you. i think they could have benefitted from a few writers who DIDN'T know or care about mario to look objectively at the script as a narrative because if you take away the game-reference spectacle the story is just. not great unfortunately. I don't think it was AWFUL per se but from purely a writing standpoint it could have been WAY better than what we got imo.
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Adore your writing!! Any tips on writing friends to lovers without it coming across as too cheesy? How would you spice it up?
Hey hey!!
Thank you so much for that compliment! :3
First of all, I feel like we all interpret cheesy in different ways, so I think you should be confident in your own abilities and skills. If it doesn’t sound cheesy to you, then don’t worry too much about what other people think!
Secondly, from what I’ve seen/read, there are quite some things I personally (and other people) consider as cheesy.
I’m just gonna use two movies I’ve seen as an example: Titanic and The Kissing Booth.
Whereas The Kissing Booth offers us boring characters (seriously I cannot remember anything about them: what do they want? What are their goals? What are their flaws?), Titanic gives us nuanced main characters (Rose, a young aristocratic woman, trapped in her societal role and Jack, a poor artist who dreams of a better life in America) AND side characters (FABRIZIOOOO).
Flat and boring characters without flaws make romance novels cheesy (in my opinion) and adding clichés just doesn’t help: the bad boy, the good guy, the quirky main character.
And likewise the plot:
What is Titanic’s love story about? A woman who feels so pressured by her role in society that she wants to kill herself, gets saved by a guy, falls in love with this guy and manages to break out of her misery through not only romance but also loving life itself again (because of that guy)?
What is The Kissing Booth about? I actually forgot A teenage girl who falls in love with her guy best friend’s brother…? Honestly sorry that’s all that comes to mind and don’t ask me how on earth that’s a problem?? How is that conflict uhhh
So, I’d argue a good love story per se is about the main character’s growth and overcoming struggles just like every other good story. Your plot needs conflict. Not everything can go smoothly. (Little info: most writers use the climax of a romance [end of act ii] to make it seem like the couple broke up, eg: 10 Things I Hate About You)
When it comes to friends-to-lovers specifically, I’d advise you to be aware of their character dynamic at first since friendships can look very different and how it progresses throughout the story. (Obviously going hand in hand with having established their characters in the first place)
How well do they know each other? Have they opened up to each other before? What are their boundaries in a friendship? Is one of them more interested than the other? Do they have a romantic history (like kissing drunk at a party or something)? Basically: how do they treat each other?
And most importantly: how do the characters themselves change throughout the story and because of the love story? Why this person? Why now?
In case I forgot anything, feel free to add your responses as reblogs or comments!
I hope this somewhat helps! (I’m not a professional don’t listen to me)
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schrijverr · 2 years
Robin's Friend Steve
When Robin comes back from summer break in ‘85, she keeps talking about her friend Steve. At first Casey doesn’t believe her, however, over time she observes the strange duo, who are attached at the hip.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: some of the girls are mean, like behind Robin's back
Casey has never been friends with Robin, no one really has. She’s too loud and talks too much and is just weird overall. There’s nothing wrong with her per se, she just doesn’t fit in. There is something different about her.
However the two have been in band together since middle school and are friendly in the halls. And sometimes she even sits with Casey’s group during lunch.
Robin is nice, everyone gets along with Robin, she just doesn’t tend to stick.
Honestly, Casey feels kind of bad for her, but she is awkward during sleep over games and can never gossip along, preferring to talk about her book than the cute boys in their school.
That is all to say that it is very weird when Robin joins them again for lunch, first day back senior year, and seems different in an unknown way. None of them can place a finger on it. It’s Jessica, who opens her mouth first asking: “Did you have a good summer, Robin?”
“Yeah,” Robin grins, oblivious to the stares send her ways. “I spend most of it with Steve, worked as an ice cream scooper together. It was fun, besides the whole mall burning down thing. He’s my schmuck, my dingus, you know. We watch movies together. He dropped me off at school this morning.”
“Steve?” Jessica asks, obviously as intrigued as Casey about this boy, the first one Robin has ever mentioned.
“He’s a bit of a goof, but he makes up for it,” Robin informs them happily and obliviously. “He doesn’t go here anymore, though.”
That makes a lot more sense to Casey, a stab of pitying sympathy going through her, Robin has made up a friend – a boyfriend maybe even – to fit in. There are a lot of boys named Steve who graduate each year, so it’s vague enough. It’s honestly a miracle she didn’t say he went to a different school and she met him on holiday.
More people seem to connect the same dots Casey has, because they smile at her awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Luckily Amy changes the topic, before it can get too awkward. She says: “You worked at the mall? Were you there when it burned down?”
It’s definitely more interesting than Robin’s made up friend, so they all lean in curiously. Everyone has heard of the tragedy, the rumors still churning the mills endlessly even if it has been almost two months ago. To hear a first hand account would make them a big player in the talks about it.
However, Robin stills, hunching into herself, before she swallows her bite. All the goofy playfulness is gone from her face and she nods: “Yeah, I was there.”
“What was it like?” Casey finds herself asking, practically holding her breath with the excitement at the admission.
“A lot more yelling than you’d expect,” Robin says tersely. “It was horrible.” At that she looks up, her face look a little haunted, making all of them wince back, unable to meet those eyes.
Robin takes a deep breath, then gets up and goes to sit at another a table. It houses the people who run the Hawkins High newspaper, but Robin doesn’t interact with any of them, except giving a small nod to Nancy Wheeler, before focusing on her meal.
The message is received by those in the band: Robin does not want to talk about the mall fire. She will actively walk away if you ask, as if it had been terrible, which does nothing to quell the rumors it brings with it.
Another weird facet to Robin Buckley.
Still, the first part of the conversation would likely have been forgotten due to the weirdness of the second part, were it not for the fact that Robin keeps mentioning her new friend, Steve. She brings him up whenever she can and it’s like they’ve moved in together with how much she knows about him and talks with and about him. If he’s even real that is.
Casey honestly doesn’t believe he is for a while. No one talks this much to one person. It’s weird to never spend time with anyone else. Even Jessica, who is now dating Micheal spends more time with other people.
“She makes up everything he says to fit in,” Jessica rolls her eyes when Casey expresses this. “She wants to have someone to mention like we do, but she doesn’t. She can know all those things about him, because she is the one coming up with it.”
“That’s kind of sad,” Amy comments. “I would rather just be alone than do such a thing.”
“I mean, I guess,” Casey says, she thought that too at first, but- “It’s just- She’s so consistent, you know? It always matches up.”
“God, do you think she has a notebook?” Amy giggles, Jessica joins in and that is the end of that conversation.
However, next band practice it happens again. They’re discussing The Breakfast Club and Robin interjects: “I liked Allison the best, but Steve liked Bender the best, which doesn’t even make sense, because he’s such a jock,” she wrinkles her nose. “I thought he would find solace in Andrew. He did, but he likes Bender better.”
And Casey can’t help, but think it’s weird Robin made up a person with such different hobbies to hers. She would think Robin would claim to have found someone like her, but instead she never seems to agree with his movie opinions or jocky-ness.
“What sports does Steve play?” Casey asks Robin, which gets her a few looks and some giggles, they probably think she is about to call Robin out on her made up friend, but she is genuinely curious what sort of person might befriend Robin.
“Well, he doesn’t do sport anymore, he graduated,” Robin starts. “But I think he still goes running, which is like insane. What kind of person even likes running? You get all sweaty. But I think he was on, like, every sports team before. He loves sports. He tries to explain, but I can never get it, you know? I only know basketball and swimming for sure, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was more, the jock.” She fake shudders with a grin.
“Of course,” Casey smiles, the gesture feeling awkward and fake, though Robin doesn’t seem to notice. A guy who did every sport, yeah, right.
“Truly, it’s horrible,” Robin continues on, oblivious. “He tells me the scores of the game each morning. I guess it’s fair, because he watches my art house movies. He claims that they are at least, most of them are just classics and he’s uncultured. I mean, I love him to bits, but who hasn’t seen Citizen Kane?”
Casey herself hasn’t seen Citizen Kane either and wants to avoid getting a detailed explanation about it, so she cuts Robin off. She asks: “Why are you friends with this Steve if you have nothing in common?”
Robin pauses and looks at her like she is the crazy one, as if she suddenly has two heads. She answers: “Because he’s great,” like that is obvious information.
“Oh my god,” Jessica exclaims gleefully, suddenly interested in the conversation. “Robin, do you like Steve?”
If she’s honest, Robin kind of looks like she has never considered the possibility, however before Casey can be sure, the look is gone, replaced by a blush. “I- I mean, he is attractive,” she stutters and Casey can barely believe it.
Some rumors are going around about Robin and why she might never talk about a boy, but here she is, blushing about a boy.
It doesn’t occur to Casey that Robin might be embarrassed by the question, flushing under the sudden attention. She doesn’t think that Robin is stuttering, because she has to find an answer to protect herself, mentally bracing herself for the minefield she found herself in without warning.
“Tell me more,” Jessica demands.
“His, uhm- His hair is floppy and nice,” Robin starts, everyone oblivious that she is thinking off what all the girls said when Steve was in the back room when they worked at Scoops Ahoy. “And he’s nice.”
Casey almost can’t believe her ears as she pounces on the topic with Amy and Jessica, sadly interrupted by the teacher, who cuts the conversation short, before they can truly get into it. Robin slinking away.
After that, she avoids them, however the curiosity of Casey and the others has been sparked and they discuss it later.
“This makes so much sense,” Jessica exclaims. “She didn’t make him up, but she isn’t friends with this guy! She just imagines she is, because she likes him.”
“Which Steve do you think it is?” Casey wonders, able to picture what Jessica is sketching, feeling bad for Robin.
“Oh my god, do you think it’s Steve Harrington,” Amy exclaims. “I think my sister said he works at Family Video now, doesn’t Robin work there too?”
“He totally does,” Jessica agrees, looking like someone gave her a goldmine. “I can’t believe Buckley has a crush on king Steve.”
“She did seem obsessed with him, remember, when they shared Mrs. Click’s class,” Casey brings up, having also been in that class.
“Exactly,” Jessica agrees, excitedly.
“That’s so sad,” Amy says, not sounding like she pities Robin much. “That she makes up that he is friends with her.”
Casey feels a little uncomfortable at the comment, it sounds a bit too mean. Especially when Jessica adds: “Yeah, at that point go all in and say you’re dating.”
“Maybe she’s friendly with him, if they work together,” Casey says. “She might have exaggerated a bit, but it’s not too out there.”
“Come on, Casey,” Amy rolls her eyes. “She claims he drives her to school every morning. You don’t believe that, do you?”
“I guess not,” Casey says, not wanting to be excluded from their group. She is a band nerd, she knows to be happy with the friends she has, okay.
However, the next morning, before band practice, they all linger outside, instead of waiting inside with the rest. Robin is hardly ever late, so they don’t really worry. They’re just curious why Robin thinks she can keep up the lie when anyone can just check in the morning.
The car that rolls up is quite obviously not Steve Harrington’s. It’s a bit beat up and behind the wheel is an older man with glasses. Robin says goodbye to the man, stumbling out.
As to not look conspicuous, Jessica light a cigarette and waits until Robin is nearby, before she says: “I didn’t know your dad’s name is Steve, Robin.”
Casey cringes at the faux-sweet tone that Robin doesn’t pick up. Her heart plummeting when she replies: “It isn’t, his name is Frank. Truly an old man name in my opinion, like, who names their kid Frank, honestly. Steve was busy,” without seeing the trap.
“Really?” Jessica asks, faking interest. “What was he doing?”
“Oh,” Robin says surprised and shifts her eyes away. She shrugs: “I don’t know, I don’t live in his pocket, you know.”
The whole thing feels like a lie, because it is. Robin knows exactly where Steve is. His parents are home, so he has to play house with them. He hates it and she isn’t about to tell some random people that, there’s a besties code. Plus, she doesn’t want to fake a crush on Steve. Iew.
Of course, Casey doesn’t know this and winces, knowing what sort of rumors will be circulating about Robin by the time lunch period arrives.
“Just thought you would,” Jessica shrugs, like she actually was and stubs the cigarette. “Walk to practice together?”
“Sure,” Robin smiles, seemingly relieved the conversation is over and not seeing the look Amy and Jessica share. Casey keeps her eyes on the ground, not wanting to be in on the look. Robin seems a lot nicer than her own friends.
Indeed, rumors circulate about Robin. About how she’s making up being friends with Steve Harrington, like a sad weirdo.
And Robin remains painfully oblivious. She still talks about Steve daily, brings him up at practice or during lunch. Sometimes however, she falter as she does, glancing around. It makes Casey feel like she does know that she isn’t believed. In those moments, she can’t look Robin in her eyes, guilt eating at her.
It feels a bit like passive aggressive warfare. Robin’s ability to bring Steve into every conversation she has vs. the ability of the other to not snap that she should stop lying. Tensions that are rising and bound to break.
However, before they can, the impossible happens.
It’s an after school practice and Robin is doing that thing she does when she’s anxious when she’s unable to stand still. Casey notes she doesn’t have her trumpet with her.
“Where is your trumpet?” Vickie asks. Casey doesn’t really talk to Vickie, but she seems nice enough and her words stop Robin’s nervous fiddling, which Casey is grateful for. It can be really distracting.
“I, uh- I forgot it,” Robin squeaks.
Vickie frowns for a second, then smiles, putting an arm on her shoulder as she says: “I’m sure there is a spare. Don’t worry.”
“Oh, uhm, thank you,” Robin stutters, now blushing. She must be embarrassed at being called out like that, Casey thinks. Then Robin finds her footing again: “That is really nice, but it’s fine. Well, it’s not fine that I forgot, because I need it, so that sucks. I’m always forgetting stuff when I shouldn’t and it’s annoying, so I know it’s not fine. Sorry, what I’m trying to say, it’s- I called Steve, he’s bringing it over.”
Now, it is up to Vickie, whether she will go along with it, or tell Robin that she can’t rely on her imaginary friend to bring her stuff. Casey thinks Vickie will go along with it, never one to believe rumors. However that still leaves everyone in proxy, who heard.
Before anyone can make a decision, a different voice calls out: “Oi, Robbie, come get your flute thingy.”
Robin’s head whips around, big smile on her face, though she complains: “It’s not a flute thingy, dingus, you know that. It’s a trumpet. A glorious instrument that should be honored by all-”
“Yeah, yeah.” She is cut off, at the door stands none other than Steve Harrington. His hair is perfectly coiffed and his muscles bulge under his polo. He waves Robin’s rambling away, but he’s giving her an equally big grin. “If it’s such a glorious instrument, you shouldn’t leave it in my car like you do with all your other shit.”
Casey honestly can’t quite believe it. No one there can. It is actual king Steve, who took time out of his day to bring Robin her trumpet. The trumpet she left in his car. She hasn’t been lying. Robin Buckley is friends with Steve Harrington.
“You love all my shit. Besides, it’s not that bad,” Robin argues, taking the trumpet and pulling Steve into a hug.
“Yes, it is that bad,” Steve protests as he hugs Robin back, head resting on hers. “I don’t even know why you own that many hair ties, you don’t even have hair.”
Offended Robin pulls back and says: “I have hair, you’ve braided it. Just because I’m not like you, Mr. Hair, doesn’t mean you can insult my locks.”
In turn Steve sticks out his tongue and they continue to bicker. The rest of band just watches the duo, unsure of what to think. Ever since that first hug, they haven’t let go of each other, arms looped around waists even as they argue about Robin’s hair tie habits and Steve’s nickpicky-ness surrounding his car.
They look comfortable, so intertwined together, Casey thinks. However, she isn’t reminded of Jessica, who is often disgustingly wrapped up in Micheal, instead she is more reminded of her two baby cousins. Twins. They never leave each other alone. Robin and Steve look like them as they talk.
The duo is cut off by the teacher, who comes in and calls out: “Everyone get ready. Yes, that includes you, Buckley. Say bye to your boyfriend.”
Steve and Robin share a look, before they burst into giggles. Steve plants a kiss on Robin’s forehead, Robin leaves one on his cheek. Then she’s walking back to her spot, though she keeps hold of Steve’s hand until he is too far to keep a hold off. They keep waving until the door is closed and Steve leaves, practice beginning.
After that, different rumors pop up. These spread further than band, being deemed more juicy than a delusional girl.
Because that girl isn’t delusional. She is friends with Steve Harrington, the king of Hawkins High, even if he lost that throne to Billy in the end. Steve has befriended someone, who no one would have ever thought. Of course people want to know.
Amy and Jessica enjoy the attention, however, Casey feels uncomfortable. They hadn’t believed Robin and now they were talking about her and what she told them like they always had. Just to be popular.
Casey doesn’t want to be an outcast, she wants to fit in and have an okay high school experience before she can get out of Hawkins and move to college. Amy and Jessica have always been her friends and she doesn’t want to give that up.
However, she finds herself sitting with Vickie during lunch more and more often as her friends parade around the tables with the more popular kids.
Robin has taken to sitting with Nancy during lunch. The friendship stirring more rumors, since Nancy is Steve’s ex and Robin is either Steve’s girlfriend or illicit sibling if you want to believe what people say.
Not only that, but it seems that with the conformation, Casey sees the duo everywhere.
She is out to buy some ice cream, the last of the nice days of the year and there is Steve, Robin hanging off him as a little black girl who’s with them says: “You made a deal, sailor. I want four scoops.”
“You never finish four scoops,” Steve protests. “Plus, all that sugar is horrible for your teeth, your mom will kill me. You can have two. I’m serious, Erica.”
Erica turns to Robin, lifting an eyebrow as she asks: “Do you know something about honoring of contracts or do you need me to pull out the constitution?”
“I don’t know, do you want me to explain to him that contracts with minors aren’t upheld by most courts?” Robin counters. “Just let him pay for the two.”
“Fine,” Erica says after a moment, throwing up her hands.
“Thanks, Rob,” Steve tells her, nuzzling his face into her neck.
“Course, dingus,” Robin smiles back, ruffling his hair, a thing that seems illegal to Casey. Though the whole interaction in front of her already seems like something from another dimension.
Casey also spots Robin getting out of the very recognizable car that Steve owns at the drop off each morning. Sometimes they’re joined by a Freshman, but often it is just the two of them. Whenever she goes, she gives Steve this big hug that he returns, the two of them clinging to each other as if they’re afraid to let go.
And every time Casey sees them, they look happy. They have lively conversations, hold hands, give each other big grins.
At some point Casey sees them walk on a cold day. Robin is inside Steve’s coat, the two of them sharing it as they awkwardly hobble along. She hears Robin loudly say: “This sucks. It’s almost as cold as that bunker.”
“That wasn’t this bad, you just don’t know how to dress for the weather,” Steve protests.
“I do, the weatherman just lied to me,” Robin pouts. Whatever Steve replies to that is lost as the distance between the duo and Casey grows bigger.
If Casey is honest, she is quite jealous of the easy friendship the two seem to share. Amy and Jessica always make Casey feel like there are wrong answers or if she can do the wrong thing and be dropped. Steve and Robin seem to just like each other, even if they disagree on things. Though, Casey suspects they just like debating over random things.
She wonders what it is like to have a friend like that, but she doesn’t dare approach Robin. A part of her still wants to get out of high school semi-normally and befriending Robin is counterproductive in that. So, she just watches from the sidelines.
They go together to homecoming, both in suits and dancing like idiots. Neither of them seem to care about the stares, wrapped up in their own worlds.
Robin briefly shows up to a Halloween party, has one drink, then disappears into a toilet. Steve later shows up, uninvited and picks her up. She looks shaken and clings to him as he soothes her. Casey wonders what happened, but doesn’t dare to ask. Even if she had, she wouldn’t have been told about a bunker under the ground and cold needles.
Over winter break, they’re everywhere together as well, even if they’re not working. Casey is reminded of what she thought when Robin was lying, about how they must have moved in together with how much she seems to know about him. Looking at them sharing a scarf that doesn’t seem so far fetched.
Of course after winter break, school truly takes off. They’re all drowning in acceptance essays, mock exams and stress. No one is immune.
Casey looses sight of Robin and Steve, the odd duo not important enough for her as she tries to get into a good college with her grades.
Amy and Jessica barely hang out with her anymore. She stopped seeking them out a while ago and they haven’t cared to reach out to her again. It’s a bit lonely, she’ll admit, but she can use the time to study and do volunteer work that’ll look good on her college applications. Besides, she has been feeling better about herself without her old friends.
1986 is shaping up to be a pretty good year with the Hawkin’s Tigers going to the championships for the first time in years. This obviously means that band is there as well for the prep rally. Casey isn’t in the same section as Robin, but she’s close enough.
She isn’t sure if she should be surprised that Steve is also there and the two manage to make jokes through the National Anthem. However, she can’t help but note that Steve keeps ignoring his date to make faces at Robin. How he seems to have changed from when he was in school.
They have become part of her scenery over the past half year, she realizes. The duo has been popping up everywhere and she quite likes observing their weirdly close antics. When asked if they were dating, Robin denied it and she looked genuine. Casey believes her, unable to shake the twins from her mind when she looks at them.
A part of her wonders what made the two so close after the summer, when before then they had seemingly never interacted. Another part of her is resigned to it remaining a mystery, the odd duo continuing to be odd to the end.
However, they are blasted out of her mind when the news of Chrissy’s death hits the news. The whole town is on edge, looking for the unfamiliar. If Casey would have thought about Steve and Robin, she only would have noticed that the two seemed to have disappeared from the streets, likely in hiding as so many other that were afraid.
Casey herself is very afraid. She kind of looks like Chrissy and while the other two targets were boys, she can’t help but fear he has a type. That she’ll be a target.
It is almost funny how quickly worrying about a murderer can be overshadowed by something bigger. Way bigger. Hawkins splitting open kind of bigger.
She is lucky that her house has survived. Still, her parents are taking her a few towns over to where her grandma lives, hoping to let Casey graduate there on time, since Hawkins High now functions as shelter. They’re not yet selling the house, it’s worth less that its mortgage now and both her mother and father hope to return. Both grew up there and both wish to stay.
Right now Casey is delivering some stuff to the shelter, everyone wants to help those less fortunate after the earthquake and her mother has been planning on doing a deep clean anyway. All the clothes Casey has outgrown can be used by someone else.
And it is not until she is on her way to bring the clothes to the folding table that she remembers the duo, because Steve is folding clothes.
The moment she sees him – she knows Robin must be okay too, a stab of guilt for not worrying about her earlier going through her – because there is no way Steve could look like that if Robin had been hurt. Not even if the world got flipped upside down. Those are a package deal.
Indeed as she gets closer, she spots Robin at a table with Vickie, the two of them laughing as they make sandwiches. They look happy despite it all and Casey feels a little bit of jealousy in her bones as she watches.
Casey has never been friends with Robin, but when she sees the people she has befriended, she wishes she had. Robin loves them loudly and wholly and that seems like a nice thing to have, people who care. It’s different than what Casey knows.
She stays a few minutes, sees Vickie say goodbye, before Robin makes big eyes at Steve and runs to him, jumping on his back. Steve catches her like this is routine, swinging her around, before setting her down.
There’s a lot of tragedy in this town, but they have found happiness in the other.
I hate all the girls I made up so much!!! It was so hard to write them, bc I keep wanting to fight them ://// (I couldn’t keep writing this and have Casey be too mean, lmao, I had to make her a little bit nicer to not throw this out omg)
Also Robin is at that intersection where she doesn’t notice the indirect digs at her, but she knows that she is being excluded in some way and sometimes she chooses to ignore it, trust me, she’s aware :(
But I hope this came across well enough with the outsiders POV! Steve and Robin are besties, always together and a little odd and I love that for them <3
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yourlocalbimexican · 8 months
I Expect You To Die 2 thoughts
context: I bought a Meta Quest 2 at Best Buy two weeks ago and I finally came in yesterday. One of the games I knew I wanted to play was the I Expect You To Die trilogy (I’m a huge sucker for escape rooms, puzzles, and spy movies) I finished the second game recently so here are my thoughts!
This game is sooo gooood. Like, WOW I wasn’t expecting this. IMO the first one was pretty okay, nothing extraordinary but entertaining and it taught me what to expect in future titles. Going into the sequel was a whole different experience however.
The opening credits had me hooked from the get go. The va for John Juniper did a wonderful job. John made the game for me. Honestly. The soundtrack was phenomenal as well, which only helped the game. Anyways let’s get into the missions one by one.
(also I will be giving an overall score for each mission, with 10/10 meaning the mission’s puzzles felt complete and compelling, the mission fit what it was supposed to do, and my PERSONAL enjoyment of it. If you disagree, then tell me the comments as to why. I would love to hear your thoughts!)
-Stage Fright-
a simplistic but entertaining mission. Not the best out of the sequel but better than the first mission in the first game. The switch you need to do with the two cans was pretty smart and made good work of the pov depth that VR provides. It did take me a couple of tries when it came to the crossbow shooting but (mostly because I didn’t realize you could pick up the Zoraxis’ agents bolts)Overall: 6/10
-Jet Set-
okay, I’m gonna be honest here. Jet Set is the worst in the sequel. Now that doesn’t mean it’s a bad mission, but it’s the worst puzzle mission out of all the others in the sequel. Most of the puzzles in the mission didn’t feel connected at all. That is what bums me the most. It felt like this mission was a lot of cool ideas combined into a plane mission. The puzzles were fun, but they didn’t make sense when put into a mission. The next mission will better demonstrate what I mean. Overall: 5/10
-Eaves Drop-
This. Mission. Rocks. From the first laser puzzle, to the various desk puzzles. This mission feels so put together compared to Jet Set. It’s begins with you descending into The Fabricator’s workshop, in order to investigate John Juniper, Zoraxis, and any plans the three of them might have. The thing that really makes this mission feel so put together compared to Jet Set is that everything, and I do mean, everything, has a purpose. From the wheels on the board being used to crank open the Mimic Mask, to the manual that describes how to use the bear trap (which comes in handy when the guard shows up near the end). Everything in the puzzle has a purpose towards the mission or lore. I get that not every mission can expand the story of the game (otherwise the games would be over very quickly) but that doesn’t mean that missions have to be completely irrelevant.
Anyways, this part is getting long so I’ll wrap it up. In short, the mission makes full use of its environment to provide multiple fun and engaging puzzles that further the story of the game in a meaningful manner. Overall: 10/10
-Party Crashers-
Come off the trails of Eaves Drop, Party Crashers takes a turn in mission direction. We start off by impersonating Gibson (John’s wine guy) at the wine cellar. Sending John the right wine took more tries than I care to admit. Retrieving the Mimic Mask was clever. Looking into the hat for clues on the Keg puzzle was a nice touch. Eliminating the guards with the gas was neat and the callback to the tutorial mission was just the cherry on top for this mission. Party Crashers was the mission that took me the most time to figure out, but when I finally did figure it out, it was satisfying. Overall: 8/10
-Safe and Sound-
I think this is the shortest mission in the entire sequel. It definitely feels like it is. That isn’t a bad thing per se, but it just makes the mission feel…weird. The speed run timer is 1:30 which is incredibly fast. Considering the mission after this one is so monumental (and the final mission) and the previous mission being the head-scratcher it was, makes Safe and Sound seem small and easy. The most difficult part of the mission was the mirror puzzle even that was fairly easy to solve. I do understand why this mission is this way. It makes the finale seem so much bigger and gives the player a needed brain break from Party Crashers, but maybe Safe and Sound could’ve been a bit more difficult. Just a tiny bit. Overall: 6/10
-Rising Phoenix-
OKAY here we are. At the finale, and I gotta say. It doesn’t disappoint. Compared to the Death Machine mission from the first game, Rising Phoenix makes its goals simple and clear. The math to get there? Not so simple nor clear. My biggest fear for this mission was that it would be too convoluted or not long enough. However, neither fears game to fruition and this mission really shows what the devs can do. My personal favorite puzzles were the battery ones and the final briefcase puzzles.
also, John Juniper’s death was out of left field for me. I didn’t think he would die. I thought we would be able to arrest him or he would fly away on some jet but no. He dies. He died because his ego got in the way of his role and his use quickly left him. A interesting end to a interesting character.
Recently I re-watched Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (highly recommend the Knives Out movies if you love who-dunnits). Anyways, during the beginning of the movie, all the disruptors are mailed a box that has a series of puzzles in it that eventually reveal a card with an invitation to a private get-away on a Greek island. The briefcase puzzle in Rising Phoenix is basically the box from Glass Onion. Multiple different puzzles granting access to one thing. In the movie it’s a invite, in IEYTD 2, it’s the abort button to stop the rocket* from launching. Mind you, the entire briefcase puzzle is on a timer. So when you finally unlock the abort button, what happens? Well in a cruel twist of fate, Doc. Zoe turns off the power and the button no longer works. Worry not however! Remember the battery from early? Well we can use that to provide the briefcase the power and abort the rocket! Sadly the facility will blow either way, but the world will be saved.
this is the type of missions I love. When everything comes together, the reuse of old tools to progress through new puzzles, the clever solutions to sticky situations. This is what makes IEYTD 2 such a good sequel. From the get go there is a pressure to beat Zoraxis and defeat John Juniper and in turn, save the world. The final mission of the first game was lacking the build up, which made it seem very…sudden when it ended. Here? The finale is well expected. We now we are in the third act, and that this mission is do or die. Its just phenomenal. Overall: 10/10
-closing thoughts!-
I do believe that I Expect You To Die 2 is a wonderful sequel and is definitely worth the price. Jet Set (as much as I have said about it) isn’t a horrible level. Its has issues but maybe it’s just not my cup of tea. Eaves Drop’s atmosphere and classic spy elements makes it (IMO) the best level outside of the finale. Party Crashers is a fun, head-scratching follow up, and Rising Phoenix manages to deliver on everything the other missions were building towards. Overall: 9/10. I highly recommend you play it.
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behoright · 2 years
asap! (love countdown series) | a. svechnikov
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summary: part 3! our russian boy finally asks you to come on the roadie
wordcount: 901 
warnings: i think cursing, maybe some thirst from our characters - nothing sexual. once again. i’m bad  at writing.
⟢ㅤㅤ⁺ ㅤ 🦨ㅤㅤ⬭ㅤ
You were never one for the party life. You had gone to a couple of parties in college, and you didn’t mind a bar, but somehow you seemed to always find friends that dragged you out and forced you to have some weird interaction in places you, honestly, didn’t love. All of your friends, including Andrei. You loved him, but man, he needed to get a hold of himself and try to maybe, just maybe, buy a tv and stay in to watch a movie like you loved to do. So when he asked you to meet at your favorite ice cream place on Saturday, you were delighted to say yes. You knew that he would have rathered to meet at a low lit fancy restaurant after a game, or a rooftop bar on his day off, so this proposition didn’t seem bad. But of course not, and that’s because he knew you. He knew you very well - after all the nights spent awake talking about your childhood and your dreams, all the phone calls he would sit through after getting cheated on by your ex, and the summers spent together at his pool house. Andrei would always give the shirt right off his back for the people that he loved, and you were no exception. That Saturday was a lovely, sunny day in Raleigh, so you decided to try out your new sundress, excited to spend some quality time with your friend that you hadn’t seen in a while. However, as soon as you walked in, you knew something was up. Andrei just… didn’t look like himself. It took you a while to define exactly what was going on: I mean, he looked good as always. Yes, you were only friends, but you were not blind. You definitely knew that he was tall, and big, and he always wore that watch and those chains that you wanted so badly to feel by your face while he- ugh, focus! He looked the same, but the vibe was off. He wasn’t slouching, per se, but something in his demeanor seemed… strange. Almost antsy or fidgety. He kept scratching the nape of his neck, peering his gaze out to the street, almost as if he was anxious about something. You saw him take a deep breath while looking down at his feet, hands in his pockets - until he saw you. And he gave you that sweet, sweet, smile that made you melt every single time. And that usual big, bear hug; God, he made you feel so tiny, and so protected in his arms. Nonetheless, this time, you made a mental note of how his body felt - as soon as your head landed on his chest, instead of feeling his arms wrap around you, you could only focus on the rapid beating in his chest. Hmm, maybe he was having some problems in the rink; you reminded yourself to ask him about it once you sat down. “I, uh, I missed you. What flavor are we going for today?” he asked. 
After ordering, you sat down on the little hill you usually hung out at. It was nice to see him again, it had felt like forever. It felt hard, however, to laugh and share jokes when something seemed so strange about him. Andrei had always been incredibly confident, even when he was nervous - what in the hell could have been going on?
“There’s, uh, something I need to ask you.” Andrei tried his best to focus on the grass in front of him, not wanting to meet your gaze. He was so nervous that he thought that his grip was going to shatter the melting ice cream cone he was holding. You tried your best to find his gaze, peering your big doe eyes forward, and he could tell. Seeing it in his peripheral vision made his heart skip a beat. What in the world was happening to him? It was just you. Just Y/N. His best friend. The girl he hung out with the most, the one that he could take to dinner and not worry about what he said, the clothes he wore or even the check at times. He needed to get it together - to be confident, to just be himself as always. Instead, it just seemed to all come out as word vomit, and the sentence was over before he even realized he said it. “We’re planning a week-long roadie with friends and family and I really wanted to invite you. I just really want you to come.” Jesus, why did he say it like that? He should have said differently, told her about the other girls that were coming too and why did he say “really” like that god he sounded so weird when- 
“I would love to.”. Y/N’s words interrupted his rambling thoughts. “When is it?”. Andrei finally looked up at her, in all of her glorious beauty. “In a month.” “Perfect - I'll be done with my midterms by then.” she said, giving him a smile. And she seemed so… cool about it. Yeah, she seemed normal about it. This was going to be just another trip, with his friend, all of his teammates' friends, and nothing was going to be different. Right? Andrei knew that deep down, the thumping of his heart, and the warm feeling in his chest were telling him otherwise.
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ladyofthewolfsbane · 21 days
In which I rewatch Alien: Covenant
Well, I rewatched Covenabt tonight. My thoughts are below but TLDR; I liked it a bit more than the first time I saw it, but I still don’t really enjoy it. Full review/thoughts below:
I genuinely wanted to like this more than the first time I watched it and that … sort of happened? I can’t say I enjoyed this as a whole, but I did like the last 50-ish minutes more than I did the first time I watched it. The last time I saw this, I didn’t even like the android stuff, which is surprising because normally I’m all in for plots heavily involving androids. 
Thankfully, I genuinely enjoyed all the android stuff this time around. All the scenes involving David and Walter (separately or together) are really interesting and engaging. 
But that doesn’t make up for the overall negatives. 
Almost all the characters here are basically interchangeable and uninteresting — just slasher movie fodder. Now, I enjoy slashers. It’s one of my favorite subgenres of horror. I can enjoy a dumb, fun slasher easily. Fun being the key word here. Because I could more easily accept Covenant if it went all in on being a dumb slasher-ish movie/creature feature. For a comparison, AvP isn’t a good movie, but it knows what it is and has fun with it. That doesn’t really happen here. 
Covenant feels like Scott was actually interested in the android stuff but was obligated to shove in a bunch of xenomorph destruction and his heart wasn’t really in it. There’s some good creature stuff but … overall it just feels half hearted. 
I’m still mad about Shaw being killed casually  offscreen. It’s one thing if a character from a previous film dies in a sequel and their death means something. Nightmare on Elm Street 3 does that well. This doesn’t. Shaw is just unceremoniously killed off and used as a plot device. Honestly, it’s insulting to an interesting character and feels like everything she endured in Prometheus meant nothing. 
Also, while I enjoy David in this, he’s definitely a much more straightforward, classic villain here than he is in Prometheus. That’s not bad per se, but I find his more gray motivation and morality in Prometheus more interesting than what’s going on here. 
All in all, I really wish we’d gotten a proper Prometheus 2 and not the confused mess that is Covenant.
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We finally have our teaser for THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM!
I think it looks pretty cool. The backgrounds are absolutely gorgeous, and it's nice to see a big 2D animated film getting a wide release. J.R.R. Tolkein's Middle-Earth is actually no stranger to animation, as it has seen animated adaptations going back to the 1970s... You also had the still-pictures short put together by animation legend Gene Deitch in the 1960s that was never meant for release to the public, more to establish a trademark. Described as an "ashcan copy", this was when producer William Snyder's Czechoslavakia-based Rembrandt Films - where Deitch worked, and made all of his TOM & JERRY cartoons circa 1961-62 - briefly had the rights to turn the books into a feature, but it didn't materialize.
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Rankin-Bass - in working with Japanese-based animation studio Topcraft - finished the first screen adaptation in 1977 with an animated TV movie called THE HOBBIT, and a year later, Ralph Bakshi rolled out his rotoscoped adaptation titled THE LORD OF THE RINGS. Bakshi's RINGS didn't lead to a sequel despite being a part one and also being a box office success, while Rankin-Bass HOBBIT got a follow-up in the form of THE RETURN OF THE KING in 1980.
But Peter Jackson really set a standard with his ambitious, visually resplendent adaptations. Not just for LORD OF THE RINGS adaptations, but also big-budget fantasy movies in general. Even his HOBBIT trilogy was thought to have fallen way short of that classic trilogy...
So where do you go from there? How does an animated version made nowadays do its own thing and sit nicely alongside the Jackson trilogy?
Warner Bros.' marketing seems to think that beginning the trailer with moments from the Jackson films is the way to go... And then wham-banging from those big budget productions into... An anime film that's noticeably a lot lower budget. I think that's not gonna go over great for a lot of audiences, who will be thinking after those first 30 or so seconds... "Wait, why is this a cartoon?"
And what's your explanation? "It was to keep the rights"?
I think it looks cool, then again I'm an animation fan. I gladly ate this up when they announced it a few years ago. I remember INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE getting that sort-of "wait, they're doing a cartoon now?" reaction before it came out. We already had the three big-screen live-action iterations of the character (Sam Raimi trilogy with Tobey Maguire, the 2nd Sony series with Andrew Garfield, and the MCU movies with Tom Holland), and we had VENOM just a few months earlier which was possibly setting up another distinct universe... So this was yet another Spider-Man movie, another universe, and it was animated...
SPIDER-VERSE opened okay in December 2018. $35m wasn't bad, per se, but not exactly great. That was lower than what, say, fellow Sony Animation movie HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA opened up with six years earlier. It wasn't anywhere near a more recent Pixar original like COCO ($50m)... But then something happened. Those who saw the movie raved about it. I know I sure I did, I caught it opening day. And the movie went to make over 5x its opening weekend gross and more than covered its $90m budget. $380m+ worldwide was pretty successful, though it was far below what the live-actions all took in. Even the more mixed Garfield movies, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 made over $700m worldwide back in 2014...
Cut to ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE, which took in over $380m DOMESTICALLY last year, and $690m worldwide. INTO got by on being great and audiences discovering it... Maybe a similar leggy performance awaits WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM, if it's pretty good. It does face some screen battling with MUFASA and SONIC 3, along with... Coincidentally, Spider-Man villain movie KRAVEN THE HUNTER.
I'm very curious to see how it does, honestly. Do I think the future of wide-release 2D movies rests on its back? Absolutely not. An anime adaptation of a well-worn property that's really just a rights-grab is not some great decider, and shouldn't be seen as one IMO. If it does well, I think it'll just be viewed as a sort of one-time thing. Not absolute proof to executives that full-on 2D animation units MUST be invested in. If the occasional 2D SPONGEBOB movie or whatever can't, this certainly won't. It would have to take multiple 2D movies making FROZEN numbers back-to-back... Yeeeeah... I think a lot of 2D purists don't realize that are so many editorial, financial, and technical factors at play that keeps the wider American feature animation industry dead-set on just using CGI. Not cheaper, but easier in some regards, and it's also their way of not dealing with certain aspects of 2D production that they didn't have much control over.
Anyways, I hope this movie does well, and it's neat to see animation filmmakers playing in this particular sandbox. Showing that anyone can take a crack at the property once again. After all, director Kenji Kamiyama - in addition to having a history dating back to the '80s - did direct a STAR WARS: VISIONS short and BLADE RUNNER: BLACK LOTUS.
In general, I like this sort-of current wave of big screen animated feature adaptations of properties largely synonymous with live-action movies. Spider-Man, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, ya know. Movies that are more than just "Oh, and the cartoon." SPIDER-VERSE and MUTANT MAYHEM did such cool things with the medium and the properties they were adapting, and TRANSFORMERS ONE looks to do the same.
(Yes, I know, there was a CG TMNT movie in 2007. It made its money back, I know. It kinda just came and went, though, in the public conscious. Whereas MUTANT MAYHEM was acclaimed and it has a sequel coming. And I'm also aware of the 1986 TRANSFORMERS movie. It's why I said "largely synonymous with"...)
I wonder if more happen. I'd imagine it'd be for another franchise, though, not an animated take on a standalone live-action classic. Like, don't expect a really sick animated FRENCH CONNECTION film or something like that. Surprised Disney doesn't get the jump on an animated STAR WARS movie that's NOT a pilot for a TV series (yes, I also know the 2008 CLONE WARS movie exists). Warner Bros. was silly to not make that animated BATMAN BEYOND movie pitched a little while back. Maybe a horror mainstay could be next? Wasn't there an animated NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET in the works at one point? More animated horror would be neat, honestly.
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angstigone · 1 month
coming in to ask sofa, morning sun and.... shooting star and film!
(alrightie, thank you sweetie)
(also small disclaimer, I do use ocs, but they are all self-inserts, basically of me with different wings and contact lenses, my brain just works better in ocs matter).
aki hayakawa x naoko chisaka:
sofa ⭑ when did you move in together?
they have been living together for a year since the anime start; naoko moved in when she was twenty-three with aki and it wasn't anything fancy truly, just as it'd be her last year of university and she had enough of living on campus, aki suggested for her to move in.
morning sun ⭑ how are the chores split in your household?
they both have very busy schedules, although naoko does spend more time at home due to having finished her lessons and just having to give a few exams + thesis and studying.
generally, they stick to what they are good at: naoko enjoys ordering and hence she's often the one folding laundry, cleaning dishes and doing groceries. aki, instead, enjoying cooking is the one in charge for meals.
they both usually do all the other stuff together based on their own schedules.
(in general chores aren't a sore spot with neither as they are also pretty tidy people).
shooting star ⭑ what does a date with the two of you look like?
alrightie, naoko enjoys going out. nothing fancy as she's an introvert at art but she definitely enjoys discovering new holes-in-the-wall restaurants and do some experiences (things such as pottery classes or dish making classes are definitely on the list). it's an excuse to dress fancy and look cute.
aki on the other side, I feel like enjoys the normalcy of the whole date as in he isn't this scrawny devil hunter with an haunted past, but just a guy out on a date with his lovely partner.
film ⭑ what’s your favorite movie? what’s theirs?
naoko's is «dirty dancing» (she has an uneahtlhy obsession with it and definitely showed it to denji to explain to him the peak of romance to which denji went 'should I tell mrs. makima that nobody puts her in a corner?' and naoko feared for her life).
«my neighbor totoro» for aki, although I think he discovered it rather recently and he did shed a few tears at the whole family storyline although he won't admit except to specific people (naoko, who was there and cradled him in her arms).
gojo satorou x yoshino haibara:
sofa ⭑ when did you move in together?
they do not technically live together, per se. as their marriage is one of convenience, yoshino lives more often with tsumiki and megumi than with gojo although he does have specific chambers for them.
I do feel like she'd move more stably there after the loss of tsumiki as she felt like she didn't want to overcome megumi with her own grief and in general enjoyed the support of gojo (this would happen I think when she's around 26 and gojo 28).
morning sun ⭑ how are the chores split in your household?
chores? what chores?
ngl gojo doesn't do many chores in his own household and although he'd drop to see the fushiguro siblings, he is more likely to send over stuff which is needed at yoshino's request.
although I headcanon yoshino as being completely autonomous in daily tasks, as she's a busy woman she's often not taking care of the household, especially upon moving with gojo.
shooting star ⭑ what does a date with the two of you look like?
this would often entail a good and natural shittalking session about the elders; they are both busy people - again - and the few time spent together is usually either at home or jujutsu high, talking calmly with one another.
an insane amount of snacks might be also brought in the mix just on gojo's bad influence.
although I do think that the closest to a romantic date, it's when yoshino drives gojo around with her bike and stop by to some place for breakfast. he doesn't agree often as he doesn't enjoy riding but it's honestly much funnier than he is willing to admit.
(also feels like yoshino is safer because of infinity, when they are riding together).
film ⭑ what’s your favorite movie? what’s theirs?
yoshino is a sucker for a good regency period romance; she grew with them a bit too much and as somebody who has trouble hearing (she's partially deaf), the focus on details and body language to her is very interesting and insightful. definitely the type to whip out «pride and prejudice» (2005) at any minor inconvenience.
this is totally silly but «stand with me» for gojo; it feels like a 'feel-good' movie somehow and he does relate a whole lot to the message of the movie. I think he watched it while on TV when he stayed over at the fushiguro household and he did have to excuse himself to the bathroom at the end of it.
jean havoc x merryn carabine:
sofa ⭑ when did you move in together?
after the end of the anime, doctor carabine stayed in xing for three years on a study retreat; as of right now I am unsure about whether they were together or not at this time, but I think that once merryn does come back they'd definitely move in quite quickly, like at the start of their 30s.
morning sun ⭑ how are the chores split in your household?
jean is about to become an househusband because I say so.
but aside the jokes, merryn is a doctor so her schedule is oftentimes all over the place although she isn't in the military anymore; this means that she often tries to pick up the slack through her free time either on her days off or the time she comes back from the hospital.
jean, in all truth, knows how to be autonomous as a soldier, so he's alright with keeping himself tidy and clear and with time I do believe that he'd learn to pick up merryn's slack (which he doesn't mind), in a secret deal mong them.
shooting star ⭑ what does a date with the two of you look like?
oftentimes they involve mostly catch up with the rest of the squad, either going out drinking or dining together (especially with roy, thirdwheeling the two).
definitely the types to do 'unprompted' library dates as in merryn needed some stuff for her researches and jean tagged along to bother her and complain, albeit she wouldn't change him for the whole world.
any selfship questions?
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