#I didn't get anything for Christmas but wasn't expecting it anyway
cxpperhead · 9 months
Rate your muse’s traits 0-10!
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Compassion: 2/10 Bitterness: 2/10 Happiness: 4/10 Politeness: 8/10 Chivalry: 3/10 Pride: 8/10 Honesty: 6/10 Bravery: 8/10 Recklessness: 5/10 Ambition: 9/10 Loyalty: 9/10* Love: 7/10 Sense of family: 1/10 Attractiveness: ?/10* Agility: 10/10 Sex drive: 5/10*
Tagged by: @belost-the-watcher (♡) Tagging: @ataviisms, @caestusvulpes, @celerem, @cxpedcrusxder, @question-marked, @qu-tipie, @messeduphood, @red-hemlock, @sanguine-salvation, @whxlmedwing, @the-arkham-librarian, @the-rorschach-mask, @twcfaces, @umbrellamedic and anybody else who'd like to do this?
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arcadequeerz · 2 years
I miss my dad.
#Cade.vnt#Closer it gets to Christmas the more it gets real and the more i hate it.#keep feeling like he's back on the road in his truck but i know he's Not and he's not coming home ever#N idk if its pathetic because me and him didn't get along and yada yada but i always expected him to outlive me#he was supposed to outlive me and he didn't and its Fucked Up and wasn't supposed to be like this.#old fuck was supposed to outlive all of us and he ended up dying in a hospital bed hooked up to machines and i didn't even get to say#goodbye#he didn't even eake back up#and i think thats what fucks me up the most that he didn't get to die here ay home- comfortable in his bed#or didn't get to make some stupid fucking joke that he Reall y shouldn't of said but still would make us laugh-#he left too quietly. he should of gone laughing#it isnt fair. it isn't fucking fair and i hate it and everyone keeps telling me its okay he's 'with god' now#and i dont want him to be i just want him back here. was suppoed to be a xonstant in my life and now#there's this fucking absence and i hate it so fucking much#we still dont even know what happened.#they kept throwing shit around and never said anything for certain.#anyways. my mom cut up a bunch of his shirts this evening- she sais she's gonna make a qult with them#she let me keep his pink floyd shirt though. crying and getting snot all over it rn#i just kind of need 2023 to be kinder to me. and my family. please i cant take anymore loss or pain#it feels like the universe hates me and wnts me dead.
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lesbian-gnf-archive · 2 years
the things george does to get dream to do things for him is insane. Fortnite era he was pouting at the camera and making puppy eyes for a princess skin🤦‍♂️
He's fucking crazy he begs Dream to buy him Fortnite skins and Dream just immediately does it likeeee dear fucking god 😭
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suzukiblu · 1 year
Excerpt from an in-progress DP x DC soulmate AU starring Jazz Fenton, a very unfortunate mugger, and a smoothie. Oh, and I guess Jason is there too.
Jazz meets her soulmate in, of all places, Park Row. Or as the locals call it, Crime Alley.
Seems about right for her life, she decides as she kicks the shit out of the guy who was trying to stab him for his wallet fifteen seconds ago. Her soulmate watches her curiously, seeming unconcerned by the fuss, and takes a sip of his smoothie.
Also seems about right, for her soulmate. A guy who got too nervous when necessary violence happened was not going to survive Thanksgiving in Amity Park, much less Christmas.
Well, it is Gotham.
"Hi," he says.
"Hi, sorry, one sec," Jazz says, then leans over the groaning mugger and offers him a card to the best local crisis center she's managed to track down via research and word of mouth in the four months she's been in Gotham. Not her card, obviously, since she just roundhouse-kicked the guy in the head to protect her soulmate from him and that's arguably a conflict of interest. Or close enough, anyway. "So you should check these guys out, they've got a very high success rate in their job program and there's an associated food bank and rent assistance, if you qualify."
"What?" the mugger says dazedly.
"Also if you ever touch my soulmate again I'll make you wish for the cold mercy of the Infinite Realms," Jazz adds pleasantly. The guy goes very, very pale. Then he snatches the card from her and runs for his life and eternal soul.
"This is the nicest thing the universe has ever done to me," her soulmate muses, taking another sip of his smoothie.
"Getting you mugged?" Jazz asks wryly, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Are you religious? Do you want kids?" her soulmate asks. "Also, who's your favorite Bat?"
"Robin, obviously," Jazz says. "The overdramatic and feral little stabby one, I mean. He reminds me of my little brother. Makes me feel a little bit maternal, to be honest. So that answers two out of three, and as far as religion goes, I only believe in Psychology Today, highly customized guns, and my mom's ninth-degree black belt."
"This better not awaken anything in me," her soulmate mutters under his breath.
"That seems unlikely, or we wouldn't be soulmates," Jazz says.
"Point," he says, sipping his smoothie again. Jazz didn't even know anywhere in Crime Alley sold smoothies, but she is new around here. "Wanna go break my bed? Or maybe go get coffee?"
"You've already got a smoothie," Jazz says.
"So I do," he says.
Jazz looks him over. He's her soulmate, so she's not surprised to find him gorgeous. She wasn't ever expecting a familial soulmate–Danny is a very intense sibling to have, and her parents are very intense parents to have, not to mention everything about Dani, and "soulcousins" aren't typically a thing–and she's never been especially interested in keeping around too many close friends, so considering all that, she was already expecting her soulmate to be a romantic one. If they are platonic, it's definitely only going to be because her soulmate is an aromantic asexual. Which he probably isn't, since he already asked about kids and religion and if she wanted to go break his bed.
Then again, she's met people who'll posture worse than that. Especially guys, and especially ace ones with a clear investment in their masculinity, and given this particular guy is built like a brick house could only dream to be, chances are he has some feelings about his masculinity. Though he's also drinking a visibly pink smoothie, not a neutral-colored protein shake or generic black coffee, so . . . fifty-fifty there, maybe?
Further inquiry will probably be required.
"I'm Jazz," she tells him. "What's your name?"
"Robin," he says. Then he–pauses. Blinks. "I mean–Robin."
He looks very confused for a second, and Jazz blinks too, and refocuses her eyes a bit. Oh, is he–
"Are you overshadowing that guy?" she assumes. For the love of–of course her soulmate would be a ghost, she thinks dryly. Who'd want a soulmate their mom and dad wouldn't want to grill for information and ask a thousand invasive questions, after all? "I mean, he's really hot, don't get me wrong, he looks good on you, but I'd rather meet you for real."
"'Overshadowing'?" Robin looks bemused.
"I'm Danny's sister," Jazz clarifies. Robin does not look less bemused. "You know, the new king?"
"What?" Robin says. Jazz frowns a little, feeling a bit bemused herself.
"Do you not get out much?" she asks.
"Never, actually, but also yes and constantly and way too often," Robin says. "My job is kind of demanding that way."
"What's your job?" Jazz asks curiously. Ghosts' jobs are always interesting, even if only for how they interact and manifest with their Obsessions. She wonders what his Obsession is, actually, because smoothies seem like an unlikely option but she doesn't have much else to go on here.
Can't be weirder than Box Ghost, either way.
"I'm a Bat," Robin says, then looks absolutely alarmed and also absolutely horrified.
"Huh," Jazz says, tilting her head. He seems really big to be one of the Robins, and a little too old besides. A year or two younger than her, maybe, and even the older Robin she's pretty sure is at best Danny's age. Though that's assuming this body is the one he fights crime in, admittedly. Although it's kinda funny if one of the Bats is just named Robin. Must get annoying on patrol, though. "I didn't know any of you were dead, but I guess that's not actually a surprise either, given the profession."
"Why did I say that to you?" Robin asks tightly.
"I told you, I'm the new king's sister," Jazz says. "You know, it's the royal family thing. Technically I'm his regent, legally speaking, but only because I'm better at paperwork and he doesn't count as a legal adult in the Infinite Realms yet. Hasn't been dead long enough, you know how it is. But I've been alive long enough to, apparently? But his 'being alive' technically stopped tracking at fourteen. It's complicated, basically."
"What the fuck does that mean?!" Robin demands.
"It means you can't lie to me because you're one of my brother's subjects," Jazz says, really not understanding his reaction. Every ghost knows this, after all. The only ones who wouldn't know it are too young to be away from their guardians' haunts or even leave the Infinite Realms at all. Definitely a ghost who knows how to overshadow someone this thoroughly and fully is old enough and experienced enough to know it, though. "Whose body is that, anyway?"
"It's my father's," Robin says. Jazz's eyes widen a little and she has several very concerned internal reactions before he chokes and sputters–"I mean–it's not–he's not–!"
"You realize there is no healthy way to mean that, right?" Jazz says. Robin looks frustrated and freaked out and she feels bad about it, because she didn't mean or want to upset him, but she clearly has. "Sorry. I mean, I still secretly feel like I'm the one parenting my parents half the time, you're not the only one with weird feelings about yours."
"I'm his," Robin says, then grits his teeth in visible pain. He's this close to crushing the smoothie cup he's holding but hasn't actually done it. Jazz wonders if that's an example of deliberate self-control or subconscious restraint.
She's pretty sure Robin didn't mean to say that, though.
"Are you okay?" she asks, a little concerned. Normally ghosts just stop talking about things they want to lie about, when they realize who she is.
"No," Robin says. "I'm just his. I've always been his, I always will be, his good soldier, his worst mistake, not his actual fucking son, why am I telling you this?!"
"I don't know," Jazz says, frowning in increased concern. "Usually people can work around the inability to lie a little bit, but you sound like you're being compelled to speak. Increasingly like, actually. Hm. What's your Obsession? And what kind of core do you have?"
"What?" he says.
"They might be making you unstable, is all," Jazz says. "I don't think it'd be a soulmate thing but to be fair I don't really know how that works. Are you dead, or are you a manifestation of something?"
"I'm dead," Robin says, staring at her. "That bastard clown beat my head in with a crowbar and blew up what was left of me. I woke up in my grave and–I–how did you know that?"
"Well, I didn't, that's why I asked," Jazz says reasonably, idly wondering why the Joker isn't dead yet, since this is Gotham and obviously it wouldn't be another "bastard clown" Robin was referencing, even if he wasn't a Bat. But like, at least dead via the court system, if nothing else. The Joker is insane, yes, but no one can argue he doesn't know right from wrong at this point. Does New Jersey just not have the death penalty, maybe? She hasn't thought to check. "Maybe it's the guy you're in? He's not drunk or high or anything, is he?"
"I hate drugs," Robin says, gritting his teeth again; tightening his grip on the smoothie again. He's trembling, just barely. "I hate them. I'd never touch them. I don't know what you are. You're scaring me. Please stop."
He definitely didn't mean to say that, Jazz can tell.
But . . . he doesn't know what she is.
He doesn't know.
Well, that's a problem.
"Robin," she says gently, and for some reason his face twists painfully at the sound of his own name. "Can I see your core? Please?"
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sapphosclosefriend · 9 months
- Money, Power, Glory pt 5 -
Pairing: CEO! Silverfox! Natasha Romanoff x Escort! Fem! Reader
Genre: smut, fluff, a little pining??
Summary: your Christmas vacation with Natasha couldn't start off in a better way… Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: top! Natasha x bottom! R, Natasha has a penis, big age gap (N=56, R=24), very brief drinking (N), SMUT, anal play (R receiving), butt plugs (R), anal sex (R receiving)
A/N: this story contains smut so anyone who isn’t 18+ DNI. I already have something in mind for the next part, but after that I still don't know how it will go…anyway, Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and happy holidays!!! As usual, likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated! Enjoy ♡
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To say it was cold was an understatement and soon a part of you regretted getting out of bed, despite the turmoil of emotions that plagued your mind any time you stopped for more than one second and got the chance to let your thoughts run free.
It had been weeks since that one beautiful weekend in Cuba and Natasha’s words still echoed clearly in your head.
“You make me wanna be perfect.”
You didn't care about her being “perfect”, she already was, but the thought of Natasha caring about what you thought of her made you feel special, deep down. You made sure not to bring up the topic if not prompted by her, though. You remembered very clearly the uncertainty in her beautiful eyes as she had said those words and, despite the reassurance you had tried your best to give her once she tried to apologize for her confession, you knew she still wasn't completely confident with the things she felt with you.
After her confession, for some time, asking you to spend more than a couple hours with her, something you had done almost as soon as you got to know each other, had started to feel almost overbearing to Natasha. It was her instinct immediately screaming at her to run away, just like usual, but the deal she had made with herself pushed her to try her best this time around. So she ended up doing what had plagued her mind for hours to no end, she asked you to spend Christmas with her. She knew it wasn't a holiday you particularly liked to spend with anybody, so she hoped there could've been a remote chance of you possibly agreeing to spend it with her.
She honestly didn't like how, deep down, she was starting to feel something extremely close to desperation at the prospect of, by chance, spending the day alone, yet again. It usually wouldn't have upset her too much, but this year she felt herself being more emotional than usual, thanks to the tumult of emotions you had been making her feel, which is why she knew that doing her usual trip to that place would've been so much harder than usual…
But luckily enough for her, you said yes and spared her heart an ache she really wasn't looking forward to feeling.
You didn't know what you were expecting when she said she'd bring you to a special place she liked, but a gigantic, wooden mansion in the woods wasn't exactly what you anticipated. At first it didn't really feel like something that would fit Natasha’s character, but when you thought about it a bit more, it was actually the perfect place for someone like her. Yes, it was still incredibly luxurious and slightly over the top, like the strong, stone cold CEO everyone knew her to be, but the quiet nature surrounding it, completely void of the chaos of the city and any people, felt like the real Natasha, the quiet, almost slightly shy one you had gotten to know in private.
You knew she had worked nonstop right until you had left, so you were pretty sure she would've appreciated what you had planned for your first day of vacation.
As soon as you got to your destination and she had given you a brief tour of the beautiful place, you were in her bed, not to do anything scandalous for once. You had barely given her the time to get in the bedroom before you were pushing her on the soft mattress and getting to work to give her the best massage you could, trying your best to relax her tense muscles at least a little bit. Thankfully, it had definitely worked because not only was she moaning the whole time in a way that you could barely ignore by the end of your little session, but she was out for a good three hours as soon as you finished your job.
You wanted nothing more than to bask in her relaxed beauty as she soundly slept next to you, but her calmness almost immediately lulled you into a delicious slumber as well.
You had unfortunately woken up from your nap all alone but you thankfully found her quite easily, despite the extremely large building you were still unfamiliar with.
You immediately missed the warmth coming from the cracking wood in the fireplace as soon as you stepped foot outside. Despite someone having taken care of the previously fully white hangout area right outside of the living room, there were still traces of snow over the large terrace as you shakily crossed it to reach Natasha. Maybe you underestimated the weather a bit too much and you definitely shouldn't have gone out only in sweatpants, uggs and a sweater but it was too late to change now, you needed to be with her.
She was leaning over the railing, facing the frozen lake a couple of feet away from the house while she lazily smoked a cigarette by herself. You had strangely never seen her smoke, but the lighter always sitting on the coffee table in the terrace back at her home suggested she sometimes indulged herself in it. She heard you way before you were able to reach her and, by the time you were by her side, she was already welcoming you with open arms, waiting for you to sneak in front of her to close her coat over the both of you.
"You're gonna freeze to death, detka."
Her murmured words and her voice, still slightly raspy from sleep, warmed you up just a little as you sneaked a hand out of its warm spot to snatch her cigarette and take a drag, appreciating even the small traces of warmth on your fingers from the end burning. Your breath, mixing with the smoke in the cold air, created a thick cloud in front of the two of you as you gave her back her cigarette.
"You should stop."
A sense of déjàvu seemed to suddenly hit Natasha as you repeated the words she'd heard from every single one of her wives. But the usual hints of annoyance she expected to feel at the thought of someone trying to tell her what to do surprisingly never came, leaving her only with the faint need to grant your wish and prevent you from worrying for her.
“If it'll make my sweet girl happy, maybe I will.”
“My”, that word hit you so deep and kept echoing in your mind over and over. How good did it sound, the idea of being Natasha's girl, of being the one next to her in life. It must've been even colder than you thought for your brain to get lost in such thoughts once again. You promised yourself you wouldn't give them air, yet there you were, melting in her arms at such simple words she probably didn't mean in such a deep way. Ok, maybe she did mean them in the exact way you were hoping…
You admittedly couldn't stop thinking about her, the deeper and deeper feelings you had for her plagued your mind all. the. time. And the only thing that reigned in your head every second of every hour was pure, emotional chaos. You knew you had to decide whether you wanted to try to pursue her in a less…professional way, but you hated to admit that you didn't know if you were brave enough to do so. You were still technically working when you spent time with her and hiding behind your job admittedly gave you a small sense of reassurance while you tried to get a grip on your spiraling thoughts.
You hated the fact that you were making her wait, you still hadn't given her a sign as clear as hers that you reciprocated the way she felt for you, and you knew that, if you waited for too long, your chance would've slipped away.
You didn't even really know what caused your stupid hesitation and you hated yourself for it. You could only do what felt the most fitting lately and tried not to think about it for too long. And the beautiful woman pressed right against your back, despite being the cause of your dilemma, at the same time easily gave you the perfect distraction any time you needed.
“It would…tho, I've got to admit, you're so hot when you smoke, jesus christ!”
You used the pretense of the icy weather to hide most of your face behind her warm coat, but she immediately noticed your genuine shyness behind the action at your spontaneous admittance. It warmed her heart every time you left some appreciations slip and got embarrassed for it. She only chuckled at your words and finished the rest of her cigarette in silence, soaking in the calmness from simply being in each other's presence.
As soon as she was done smoking you couldn't help but turn around in her arms, hugging her under her coat and breathing in her intoxicating scent from your warm spot in her hold. Your not so sneaky kiss on her neck as you hugged her could only make her need to feel your lips on hers and, lifting your chin with her index finger, she finally lost herself in a soft kiss. For once, you managed to lazily make out without your clothes immediately ending up scattered everywhere and you had to admit that you loved the tender, yet still passionate, moment just so much more than you expected. You gladly would've spent the rest of the day frozen in that moment, but you knew that, if you didn't stop yourself, you were the one who would've ended up frozen to death. And you wanted to live long enough to at least show her what you had ready for her…
“I have a surprise for you”
You barely managed to break the kiss to murmur the words against her lips and the small glint in her eyes made your stomach flutter like crazy.
“Another one? You're spoiling me, pretty girl.”
She seriously had to stop calling you all those names or else you were sure you wouldn't have been able to handle being called anything else ever again.
“I'm barely repaying you. You do so much for me.”
You felt your cheeks slightly warm up at your own words and the way she sweetly kissed your lips as a response certainly didn't help. You felt some of your confidence come back, though, once your mind went back, once again, at what the rest of the day would've been.
“Now, how about you go get comfortable on the couch, relax a little and wait for me? I'll be quick, I promise.”
“Yes ma'am.”
She smirked as she muttered her words, knowing that was the most you could manage to boss her around. She was more than happy to comply, though. Not only was she actually curious of what was to come, but she knew she would've done basically anything in her comfort zone to make you happy.
So she did just what you said. She made herself a drink, sat on the couch in front of the fireplace and patiently waited for you to finally come back to her. She barely had the time to get herself lost in thought, before the sound of your footsteps got closer and closer to her. The white fur trims were the first things she saw once you rounded the corner and, as soon as your full figure graced her eyes, a playful, yet genuine, smile broke out on her face.
You had decided to do something a little more playful, and got yourself a red velvet mini dress with white fur trims at the bottom of the skirt and the top of the cleavage. If you had to be honest, you didn't even mind it, the dress itself definitely wasn't on the cheap side and you actually felt quite pretty in it. You also knew that Natasha liked something a bit different from time to time, so the thought of making her happy was most definitely a big plus.
“God, detka! You only get prettier, don't you? “
Despite your innocent facade you had purposely put on, your big smile and brief giggle were the most genuine thanks to her words. You couldn't help but lean over, giving her a perfect view of your cleavage in the meantime, to give her a quick kiss on the lips as a way to thank her.
As you turned around to move towards an armchair near the couch she was sitting on, she noticed the small pouch bag you'd been holding behind your back the whole time and couldn't help but grow curious as you got something from it. Leaning over to get the object you were looking for, the short skirt rode up your thighs deliciously, barely covering your center. Natasha knew she would've ended up leaning her head down to get a peak of what was hidden from her if you didn't straighten your back once again. And the initial, very brief, disappointment, immediately got replaced, once again, by anticipation as she intently observed your every movement. Gosh, you were driving her crazy while barely doing anything…
You held the mystery item behind your back the same way you were doing before with the bag and made your way back towards her, stopping in front of her. Natasha could immediately notice the mischievous nature behind the tiny smile you were trying to hide. She was starting to grow restless and she would've almost jumped on you if you didn't start talking.
“You've been very very good this year and I think you deserve a nice reward!”
She didn't utter a word as she waited for you to finish. Curiosity was eating her up, though, and sitting still on the couch, with you standing in front of her, your beautiful body perfectly on display for her, was getting harder by the second.
Thankfully, you easily got her attention as you showed her what you had behind your back.
“But first, you need to help me out with something.”
Your innocent voice and the glass candy cane that was hanging from your index finger, something most definitely void of any innocence, created a contrast that Natasha immediately felt in her pants. She had long given up by then, knowing that even the smallest thing you did or said could've easily gotten her riled up in a matter of seconds.
Her full attention was soon back on you once you'd gotten a secure hold of the candy cane and licked its tip before slowly pushing it into your mouth, stopping only once you had gotten down to its curve. Natasha couldn't stop a low groan of hers at the sight and unconsciously gripped her own thighs as to control herself once you leaned down. Your raised eyebrow and your eyes moving from hers to the toy made her understand what you wanted her to do. Your hollowed cheeks as she slowly pulled the candy cane out of your mouth, helped her pants feel even tighter and your pop once she fully pulled it out made it even worse.
Before she could make sure to calm herself down a bit, though, you turned around and leaned down a little, resting your hands on your own knees. Your new position made the skirt of your dress ride up dangerously and, soon enough, Natasha was finally able to fully see your surprisingly exposed center. She could only hum from the beautiful view of your already glistening core.
“Go on, put it in.”
Your words finally pulled her attention back to your face, as you now tried your best to look back at her. Happy to comply with your playfulness, she immediately went to push the end of the glass toy, now wet from your spit, into your pussy, but your giggle made her stop her movements as her smirk fell.
“Not in there, silly!”
She was at a loss for words and, thinking it was all a dream, she had to make sure she understood you correctly.
“Are you sure?”
You just smiled and nodded as a response and, seeing her still stuck in place, you wiggled your ass a little to get her attention back to her task in hand. Natasha took a deep breath to try to get a grip on herself. She knew that the tent in her pants was only destined to get worse in a matter of seconds.
Once she finally pushed the glass toy into the tight hole of your ass, she couldn't help but loudly curse. Your soft moans as she very slowly pushed more and more of it inside of you were already driving her crazy. Not wanting to go too fast she stopped herself once the straight end of the candy cane was around halfway inside and admired the amazing view in front of her. She could see how you unconsciously tried to squeeze your legs together as you softly whimpered from the different, yet extremely good, feeling.
As soon as she noticed her free hand getting closer to her own pants almost as if on its own, her attention was back on you. You slowly started to move back and forth over the glass toy Natasha held still in her hand and, the thought of possibly feeling her cock inside of you instead, surprised you with a loud moan of your own. Despite the toy's girth being quite alright, you soon found yourself needing more. You wanted her, you needed her. You could also hear Natasha's breathing getting a bit quicker partly thanks to her own hand now massaging herself through her pants.
So you pushed down one last time and, once you reached the curve of the candy cane, making the older woman groan at the lewd sight, you fully lifted yourself off of it with a breathy moan. The toy left a small opening once it left your hole and Natasha couldn't stop herself from imagining what it would’ve looked like if it was her cock you had fucked, instead. In that moment, the need to manhandle you on all fours to fuck you until you couldn't remember your own name hit her stronger than ever since you had known each other. But she did her best to hold herself back to find out what you were planning to do next.
The older woman was partly thankful once you moved away to rummage through your pouch bag, giving her some time to catch her breath and quickly finish her drink in one go. Once you got back, she knew it was all in vain, though.
Of course, the first thing she noticed was the butt plug you were holding that you had covered with lube. How could it not be? She had to admit it took her a couple of seconds to snap out of her trance as she admired you once again standing in front of her, this time offering the new toy to her. Once she was finally able to move a muscle and grab it, you turned around and leaned down like before, waiting for Natasha to do what you silently asked her to. The cold metal on your skin slightly made you jump in surprise as she moved the tip over your hole to get some lube over it too. Feeling her applying a bit more pressure, you tried to relax as much as you could, but couldn't hold back a whine as she gradually pushed more and more. Natasha's low cursing kept gracing your ears and only made you more eager to please her. You held your breath as the widest part pushed past your ring and, just like that, the rest slipped in almost as if on its own, making you yelp in surprise.
You giggled at your own reaction and, looking back at her, you found her eyes still on your center as her hands gently moved over your cheeks. Natasha couldn't believe how much she was being affected by everything you were doing and the sight of the red stone on your tight hole and your pussy now most definitely wet, were starting to make her twitch in her own pants. You still hadn't explicitly said if you wanted her to fuck you, so she made sure
to make the most out of the beautiful view in front of her, definitely more than enough for now.
You unfortunately put a stop to it to stand back up, taking a deep breath and turning around to face her once again.
“Much better!”
Your smile was filled with fake innocence as you leaned down to kiss her on the lips and whisper to her as if you were telling her a secret.
“I'll wait for you in the bedroom”
You barely had the time to leave the living room before she was catching up on you and following you towards the bedroom, shamelessly admiring your exposed thighs. She couldn't stop thinking about what was hidden under your skirt and her anticipation kept growing bigger and bigger with every step you took and every gentle sway of your hips.
You wanted to treat her to a night all about her, and you also selfishly wanted to do it because you liked it too, but she apparently was more needy than you made her out to be.
As soon as you got into the bedroom and you tried to make her lie down to properly worship her body, she was pushing you to stay under her instead. The way she had manhandled you and her slightly flushed cheeks as she hovered over you, made your center spasm around the plug still inside of you, drawing a moan out of you. She couldn't waste one more second, her cock was almost painfully hard and the sight of you lying down under her, with your skimpy dress and your legs open, were making her, if possible, even more eager to have you.
Seeing her frantically taking her pants and underwear off all while looking at your core made you pathetically whimper and you couldn't hold yourself from moving your own hand downwards to gently rub your clit in the meantime. You both knew you wouldn't have been able to indulge yourselves in any foreplay today, so you let her climb on the bed, between your legs, as you made yourself comfortable, ready to let her do whatever she wanted to you. But, before you could lay your head on the pillows, she made you turn around and pulled your ass up, making you kneel on all fours before her. You could barely breathe, she was always the one in charge during your sessions, but this was a slightly different side of Natasha you still hadn't met, unfortunately.
She ran her hands over your ass cheeks once again, lifting your skirt while doing so, before gliding her palms over the small of your back and upwards. Once she got to your shoulder blades she gently, yet purposefully, pushed until the side of your face was pressed against the mattress and your ass was in the air. You could see her admiring you from the corner of your eye and after a few seconds she leaned down a little to get closer to your face.
“Can I take it out, detka?”
Her soft voice was so much different than her actions and it made your heart flutter. You could only eagerly nod and whisper a small ��yes, please”, after which she immediately straightened her back up, kneeling behind you, and took a deep breath before taking a hold of the end of the plug. She gently pulled on it, making you gasp at the incredible feeling, and gradually pulled it out. Natasha couldn't help but moan at the sight of your ass stretching over the largest part of the toy and the need to feel you got almost unbearable.
She made sure to get a hold on herself, though, wanting to make the experience as comfortable as possible for you, and thoroughly lubed her cock.
“You ready?”
As soon as you answered positively, she positioned her cock against your ass, trying to calm down her breathing in the meantime.
Your mouth opened in a silent moan as she slowly pushed the head of her cock inside. It felt overwhelming yet not nearly enough at the same time and you didn't know whether you wanted her to stop or give you more. She wasn't even halfway inside when she stopped moving for a little bit to let you get used to it and, in the meantime, admire once again the way your ass tightened around her.
She couldn't believe how good you felt around her even without moving at all and she ended up having to focus on your beautiful face to distract herself while you got more comfortable. Your eyes were closed while you grasped one of the pillows for dear life and your lips looked even more tempting than usual as you shakily breathed through them. She would've gladly leaned down to kiss you with all the lo-care she had, but she wanted to wait for you to be more at ease.
“Please, move”
Your small, trembling voice that finally graced her ears after a bit, sounded heavenly to Natasha, who, taking a hold on your hips, slowly pulled out a little, before pushing back in, gradually going just a little deeper each time. She basked in the blissful sounds you were making and, once she settled on a regular pace, she finally left herself get lost in the pleasure. You finally got to hear her guttural moans as she fucked you still at a quite slow pace. You were sure there couldn't have been a more beautiful sound in the world and you would've gladly done anything to listen to it all the time.
Natasha's hold on your hips kept getting tighter and tighter, almost to the point of it being painful. You knew she was holding back and while at first you were thankful for it, you were once again feeling the gnawing need to feel more of her.
“Oh shit”
Natasha couldn't help but curse under her breath once she started feeling you pushing back against her every thrust, and your loud moan as you tightened around her once again did nothing but drive her wild. You tried to look back at her to admire her beautiful face of pure bliss and, once her eyes met yours, you couldn’t help but moan and move a little bit faster, making her movements quicken as well.
You settled on a steady pace and, while it satisfied you for a bit, you soon found yourselves needing more and more and more. It seemed like it was never enough.
You were desperate to feel each other cum as soon as possible, but, at the same time, you didn't want the blissful moment to end.
After a bit, sensing both of your orgasms approaching, Natasha pushed as much of herself she could inside of you, staying still for a couple of seconds and admiring you as you tried to hold yourself upright. You could barely breathe, if you thought she felt big while fucking you, you were wrong.
Once she finally pulled out, she graced you with a loud groan as you collapsed on the bed. Your and Natasha's heaving was the only sound in the room as you tried to recover as much as you possibly could.
You only noticed the tear that had escaped your eye once she gently wiped it with her thumb, before leaning down and kissing your cheek so softly you barely felt it.
“Are you ok?”
She barely pulled away to whisper her words, lowly speaking as if to make sure no one else could hear her. You only nodded while looking at her beautiful face and basked in the feeling of her hand gently running up and down your back.
“Do you wanna keep going?”
This time your nod was more eager, despite your energy starting to run low, and before she could ask you again, you made sure to confirm your desire with a firm “yes”.
As soon as you complied, she once again kissed your cheek and helped you turn around, letting you lie on your back to face her. She looked so beautiful, even more beautiful than usual, if that was even possible, and you suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling tugging at your heart at the sight of Natasha softly smiling down at you. You almost wanted to cry, but before you could get even more emotional than you apparently already were, you caressed her cheek and leaned up to deeply kiss her on the lips.
As you kept languidly making out, she ran her hands over your thighs as she settled between them and made you open them as much as you could. Once she broke the kiss, she leaned her forehead against yours and pushed her cock back inside of your ass, making you whimper at the even more intense feeling thanks to her closeness this time.
Thanks to the orgasm you both were about to reach just minutes before, you soon found yourselves settling back into a regular pace, gradually growing quicker by the minute.
You couldn't hold back another whine when Natasha straightened her back to stand on her knees, putting some distance between the two of you you admittedly hated deep down. But her hold on your waist as she resumed with a fast pace and her other hand moving to your clit, easily clouded your mind once again.
She was making you once again get closer to your peak incredibly fast and as much as you tried to hold it back for as long as you could, knowing that she was equally close to cumming, made you get even more lost in the highest pleasure you'd ever felt. She looked like a straight up goddess as she breathed hard through her mouth with her eyebrows furrowed, and her eyes roaming every snippet of your figure she could, made you feel like you couldn't be blessed by anything holier in your life.
You never wanted her to stop gracing your eyes and ears and skin. You wanted, no, needed her at all times and the moans that you couldn't hold back were unfortunately the only thing you could offer her back.
You could feel it coming, oh how sweet was your peak going to be, like no other in your entire life.
There it was! It was coming to the surface! No no no no, it wasn't a moan! Why couldn't you stop it!
“I love you!”
Part 6
Tags: @fxckmiup @natashasilverfox @dmenby3100 @marvels--slut @dvrkhcld @elenimoris @mrsrushman @mrsromanoff @thalia-is-not-ok @alianovnasposts @clintsupremacy @taliiiaasteria @meowymari @lissaaaa145 @natashaswife4125 @olsenmyolsen @angrywhisperslove @aemilia19 @setsuna1415 @letsboandy @mrsromanovaa @wizardofstories @karsonromanoff @scarlettbitchx
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octuscle · 9 months
My dad gave a baseball cap and jockstrap for Christmas. What am I supposed to do with these?
I didn't really expect anything else. It was clear that my stepmother's two sons were given plenty of presents for Christmas. Mike had received an incredibly expensive racing bike and Luke ski equipment and a skiing vacation over New Year's Eve. To only get a cap and a jockstrap was really humiliating. But the jockstrap wasn't even wrapped. And it's obviously worn. And it stinks. Why doesn't my stepmother just tell me to fuck off and that they want to celebrate Christmas alone? "Come on, Cinderella, why don't you try it on? I bet it's far too big for your pathetic cock." Luke goaded me. Okay, now it didn't matter anyway… I'll give them the show they want. Tomorrow I'm going back to university anyway…
I go up to my room and undress. And then put on the jockstrap. At first I thought the waistband was too tight and the cup was indeed much too big. But the jock actually fits like a glove. My cock seems to like its new home. It's half stiff and it's leaking precum. It feels so hot. I immediately had to start kneading the bulge. The skin of my hand somehow looks much darker against the yellowed white of the jockstrap. Where the hell did the tattoos come from? I stand in front of the mirror. But it's not me anymore. I'm slim, wiry, muscular. Tattooed like a gangster. That's right, I look like a Latino gangster. The precum leaks stronger and stronger. I can't stop kneading this bulge. I bet the cap looks really hot too.
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The family I work for as a gardener pays like shit. At least officially. But the extra income is great. I fuck the nymphomaniac mom at least three times a week. I supply the two degenerate sons with all the drugs they can afford. And the weakling of a father can't get enough of blowing me. The four idiots sit around the Christmas tree giggling. I pop in to see them again and ask if they still need my services. Otherwise, I get dressed and go out to celebrate with my friends. Christmas with the gringos is boring. Only Latinos know how to really celebrate.
You always find the best Latino pics @yeahthatsmypapi
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rosesbxrry · 2 years
Cabin fever
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Pairing: Boyfriend! Sunghoon X Girlfriend! Fem! Reader
Genre: Smut🔞(Minors DNI), established relationship! AU, 
Warnings: Hard and mean Dom! Sunghoon, unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it), cream pie, temperature play, cabin sex, fellatio (blowjob), throat fucking, ass spanking, slut shaming, degradation, Sunghoon calls you doll so much, reverse cowgirl, lots of teasing in his end, slight orgasm denial, slight nipple play. Hopefully I didn’t miss out anything else.
Summary: All you wanted was to escape the frigid December and spend more time with your boyfriend, Sunghoon, as the Christmas holiday urged you to do something together only to end up in a Ski Resort— courtesy of his idea. Still, at least the cabin you will be staying in was worth it, but Sunghoon had other plans during your trip. 
"Don't lie to me and say you never thought of us fucking while we're here."
A Holiday Special: ➜ Sunghoon
| ➜ Heeseung | ➜ Jay | ➜ Jake |
Main masterlist
Word count: 4,087 words
a/n: I can’t believe this would be the last one for the holiday special 😱 it has been a month of non-stop writing and I’m proud of myself for finishing this eventhough I’m way past the holiday mood already 🤡 Anyways, thank you to everyone who stuck around until the end 🫶
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It had to be said that— Winter is a very perplexing season, and you weren't for nor against the juncture that foreshadows spring. 
When you woke up the following day after a heavy snowfall, your world was stripped of its life. Snow covered the color of nature into a temporary slumber, depriving your surroundings of any signs of existence, minus the people living there. 
Shoveling the driveway and sidewalk was equally annoying as driving on the slippery, damp road. Doing something as simple as throwing the trash out was a hassle as you had to ensure you were dressed appropriately to avoid getting frostbite and wearing layers of clothing just to be outside for five minutes. 
The last straw was when you woke up in the middle of the night, itching to use the toilet, only to scream loudly at how cold the seat was. You didn't own one of those fancy Japanese toilet warmers, so you had to persevere with only what you had. 
The only saving grace to the coldest season was Christmas, the holiday you enjoyed the most in every aspect possible. It was the time of the month when you got to spend some time with your family and loved ones, which was why you were excited to celebrate the occasion with Sunghoon. 
As per tradition, both of you took turns taking responsibility for setting up a game plan for your Christmas dates. Whether it be a fancy candlelit dinner or a stay-at-home watching movies kind of vibe— it didn't really matter as long as you could spend some quality time together as a couple. 
You didn't expect him to book something outside the area, which you didn't mind since it's been so long since you've been to a vacation spot for a date. The problem lies when you find out that the place your boyfriend, who knew that the cold was the bane of your existence, had graciously reserved was a Ski Resort. 
Which alludes that skiing was in the itinerary or even the only entertainment there is within the vicinity. Heck, since when did he even ski in the first place? 
The place was situated on the outskirts of town, surrounded by the outdoor wilderness but more so pine timbers and mountains that seemed as frigid as the cold December. You were worried about altitude sickness at how high up the resort was, but that wasn't the case after sliding through the pistes and utilizing the ski lift multiple times. 
Although, you could get down to the log cabin where you would lodge for the rest of the trip.
It was the epitome of a picturesque accommodation, fitted for the cozy and warm vibes it provided as you lay on the woolly sofa after spending half of the day outside skiing in the snow. 
"I'm so tired." You drawled, stretching your legs and resting your head on the back of the sofa. 
Your face was numb with all the cold wind blowing on your facial skin, wanting nothing more than to stuff yourself on a pile of blankets. Still, you enjoyed the activity more than you anticipated. 
"What happened to Miss this is stupid, I don't even know how to ski and her complaints?" Sunghoon snorted in amusement, feeling the cushion deep as he sat beside you. The high points of his pale face were also flushed from the cold. 
You kick his shin with your foot lightly. "Hush, Sunghoon. That's all in the past now. We need to start living in the future."
Your shameless allude caused him to grin knowingly, and you tried to salvage your remaining dignity to prevent stroking the already big ego that he was right about the trip. 
"Can you add more wood to the fire? It's seriously getting a bit cold here." You ask, wrapping your arms around yourself for warmth. 
The words you said were to distract and send him away from the subject matter, but now that you were conscious of the drop in temperature, chills went down your spine. 
It was getting cold in the cabin, evident by how your fingers were getting tingles as you held them close to your mouth. The masonry heater that warms up the place had probably started to die out since the morning you left to go skiing. 
That was the drawback of experiencing a multipurpose rental cabin; the one-layer log walls were also built to be used in the summer, which is why the insulation was pretty much crap. 
It didn't help that you were surrounded by a secluded forest, so if you and Sunghoon didn't keep the heater well ignited throughout the day, there was a high chance that both of you would end up freezing to death in this weather. 
"Come here, let me help warm up your hands." Sunghoon said, reaching out to take your left hand in his. 
You didn't think much, guessing that he'll put your hand in the pocket of his winter jacket. So, you instinctively relax your arm and let him guide it near his body— only for him to place it right on his crotch.
"What the— Sunghoon!" You yelled, obviously not amused by his sudden inappropriate behavior as you tried to pull your hands away from his growing bulge. 
He proved to be much more substantial; his grip on your hand didn't falter at your pathetic attempts to free yourself were to no avail. Sunghoon laughed at your annoyed expression, watching you struggle as he adjusted his hands that intertwined with yours to let you grope more of his size. 
"I'm literally freezing to my bones and the only thing you could do is to succumb to your own horny ass?" You protest through gritted teeth. 
Sunghoon shrugged his shoulders. "I told you I'll help you warm up your hand…..never said how though." 
You gave him an unbelievable stare, rolling your eyes while obviously used to his obnoxious antics of railing you up. 
"I'm being serious here." You reminded him, not swayed by his little charade. 
He snorted, giving you one dark look between his bangs. You yelped in surprise when he yanked your hand towards him, causing your upper arm and shoulder to fall flush on his lap. Some of your weight had transferred to your palm as you tried to keep the leverage to stare up at him. 
This action made you realize how hard he was under your hand. 
"I'm being serious too." He whispered an octave lower as he smirked down at you with a hungry glint that made you swallow. 
"Don't lie to me and say you never thought of us fucking while we're here." He raised an eyebrow, watching your cheeks flush as his words hit a home run. 
You can't pretend that it never crossed your mind that this trip would be the perfect setting for a bad plot line of a porno. There was an outdoor jacuzzi and even a fireplace in your shared bedroom— all the proper setup ensues the wild fantasy swimming in your mind, or maybe you were just as horny as he was. 
You grunted in defeat, and he watched you with a smug smile when you began to pull on the front of his pants. 
"Not a word, Park." You grumbled. 
He licks his lower lips, stopping himself from grinning wider as he helps you tug his pants to his thighs and free his hard cock from the confinements of his briefs.
Sunghoon let out a hiss when you began pumping his length; the delicious contact of your cold hands against the hot skin of his head and the underside of his veins got him winching in pleasure at the sensation. 
"I knew you'd come around," He said as you adjusted to lay your chin on his lap, body outstretched on the sofa on your chest and stomach, hands never ceased to jerk him slowly. "My dick is just that good, huh?" 
"You know, you're so much hotter with your mouth shut closed." You said, his words getting on your nerves. 
Sunghoon crackled at your annoyed expression. "While you—" 
He grabs a bunch of your hair behind your head, tugging forward until your face is inches away from his stiff erection. His other hand rested on your ass cheeks, kneading the ample flesh roughly until you whined at the sensation.
"—look so much hotter with your mouth open, full of my cock." 
You caved in to the directing action of his grip on your hair, opening your mouth as he guided you to shove his length past your lips. 
Sunghoon was not only ridiculously long, but his thick girth stretched the corner of your lips beyond its capacity. He was throbbing against the inside of your mouth as you slowly inhaled most of his size; the remaining length left was occupied for you to jerk him off. 
"My girl just wanted something to suck on, huh?" He said, shivering at the juxtaposition sensation of your hot mouth engulfing his cock as opposed to the cold temperature of the surrounding. 
When you withdraw with only his head around your lips, you dart your tongue at his swollen slit, precum dribbling out to coat your taste bud before encasing the majority of his length again in a suckling motion. 
The cold chills you felt before had dissipated, your body warming up as you relentlessly bobbed your head up and down his length more crudely by the second. 
His groans hitched when you ran your warm tongue over the large vein on his length, hollowing your cheeks to suction him back and forth so filthily that he didn't even need to move his hips to thrust into your throat— you were already doing it yourself, and he can't help but found the sight to be pure ecstasy. 
"Such a whore for my cock." He breathed out, watching you through half-lidded eyes. "Could never get enough watching you slut your mouth out for me." 
You would love to look up and gauge his reaction, but it proved to be complicated. 
Every time his swollen tip would press on the soft palate of your mouth and poke at the back of your throat, your eyes squeezed shut as all you could do was suck harder around his cock. 
It drives you crazy at how solid and big he was, filling the cavern of your mouth to the brim and forcing you to breathe through your nostrils at the lack of space. 
Your hands wrap around the base of his cock with whatever you weren't able to fit, feeling yourself rutting on the sofa at the sensation of your aching clit pooled with your own juices. 
Sloppy noises filled the air as you quickened your pace, humming around his cock as waves of vibrations sent signals for him to let out a few low groans.
It didn't help that the movement of your chin was digging into his tight balls. 
"Fuck, that's it." He encouraged you, toes curling as his pending release was on edge. He pulled your hair tighter, melting at how eager you were to fuck your throat with his dick. "Take me deeper, doll." 
You spurred into action, loosening the tension by unhinging your jaw and swallowing him until his cock pressed on your throat incessantly. With tears stinging your eyes, you remain stagnant in your position, diving deep down until you feel like choking. 
The sensation of your hot, gummy throat on his erect head for such a prolonged duration made him lose it— Sunghoon eyes flew to the ceiling, and his head lolled to the side as he released with a loud curse. 
He defiled your opening with ropes of his musky cum. You gulped down his hot seed rapturously and pumped his length to milk out every last drop of him. 
"Fuck, you're unreal." He slurred, leaning on the back of the sofa to watch you with blown-out eyes, thighs feeling sore with the weight of your shoulders on his lap. 
The beautiful sight of you smacking your lips around his length winded him in delight. Despite the drool and white mess dripping down your chin, you lick his cum nice and clean for him to witness. 
"Messy girl, you're drooling everywhere." He cooed, putting a palm on the crown of your head. 
Your jaw was sore from sucking him off, but you opted to swirl his tip around the roof of your mouth like he was fine wine. His taste was so addictive that you couldn't help but play with him for a little longer. 
"What can I say," You mumbled with his cock still in your mouth, looking up at him with a seductive stare. "I'm a slut for your cock, aren't I?"
Letting his head poke the inside of your cheek, you made sure he saw the prominent bulge that formed on your face. 
Sunghoon inhales a deep breath. 
You knew you unleashed the beast within; his eyes turned dark and cold as he roughly held your jaw to yank your mouth away, feeling his nails dig into the skin. You almost moan pathetically at the way he swallowed hard, anticipation sending waves of enticing pleasure to your clit because you knew—
He was gonna ruin you to hell. 
"Enough." His voice tightened, his command being the epitome of dominance. His thick eyebrows furrowed, expression morphed into raw hunger. You rubbed your thighs together, excitement coursing through your veins when he pulled on the waistband of your trousers. 
"That smart mouth of yours needs to stop being fucking greedy." He asserts, manhandling your body until you are straddling on either side of his thighs, giving him a good view of your back as you face away from him. 
The cold air of the frigid cabin made you shudder as your trousers were long thrown on the floor, leaving you vulnerable with your lace panties. Sunghoon pulled the soaked middle to the side, the bundled material wedged between the crack of your ass. 
You sigh when the chilly air hits your exposed and damp folds. 
"I want your pussy to do all the fucking this time" Sunghoon squeezed a handful of the soft flesh, massaging it teasingly until it bulged between his deft fingers, enough to make you whimper in agony.
"So prepare yourself and ride me real good." He urged, hands moving to your sides. 
Still suspended in mid-air above his lap, adrenaline bristled your body as you reached back to grip his cock, positioning his tip against your tender entrance while he lowered you down by your love handles. 
Everything shifts into an upward spiral, feeling him stretch your walls deliciously as you sink down on his hard cock. 
"Ahh—haaahh— fuck." You gasp for air, chest rising and falling erratically as you take him inch by inch until you bottom out and are fully seated on his lap. 
"So fucking deep….." 
You feel winded by the sheer volume of his cock  even though you've had him a million times before. Still, your position allowed him to reach the deepest part of your crevice, already clamping around his length before he could even move. 
Sunghoon seemed delighted with your reaction, leaning forward until his hot breath fanned the nape of your neck and toned chest flushed to your back. 
"You love it when I go deep into you, don't you?" he hummed, licking the outer shell of your ear before nibbling at the wet spot. "Love it when I split your pussy with my big cock, right, doll?" 
"I love it….fuck…I love it so much….." Your voice was slurred with drunkness, head spinning with vertigo overwhelming your consciousness at his words when you finally felt the desperation to move— grinding down on your hips to slowly test the waters.  
After enduring the initial adjustment, you finally move in and out of him, and my god, did you erupt out the most euphoric moan at the sensation of his length dragging against your hot walls. 
"Look at you go, bouncing on my cock like a slut you are." His defiling praises only fueled the knot burning in your stomach, your juices leaking around him as it lubricated the movement of your drop and fall. 
In the moment of delirious high, you didn't realize that he pulled the last article of clothing to keep you away from the biting temperature. It only registered in your mind when he roughly peeled your bra off, exposing your upper body to the cold air of the bleak cabin. 
You were sure the heater had died off at this point, basking your figure in the arctic air.
Sunghoon cupped your bouncing breast from behind; his large cold hands engulfed the pair with a tight grasp. Goosebumps flares on your skin by the coldness, and it gets worse when he kneads the flesh in a circular motion, index fingers flicking your erect nipples back and forth. 
"Wait— stop!" You begged, but the male continued playing with your breast and hardened nipple, ignoring your request with a coy smirk. 
"Why? Don't you like it when I play with your nipples like this?" You could feel the teasing grin plastered on his face at the back of your neck. You buck your hips when he pinches your tits, pulling them away slightly in a torturous manner. 
"Fuck, its too cold, Sunghoon." 
The throbbing pleasure came in waves, from your stuffed pussy to your sensitive breast, and it only intensified at how icy his fingers were.
"Cold? Then if I do this—" 
Nothing in the universe could prepare you for the sensation of his cold finger on your clit, and you almost lurch forward from his lap if he hadn't held you down with a strong arm around your waist. 
The temperature change was too much for your swollen clit to handle, and strings of broken moans escaped your lips that you almost choked on your saliva. The sensation hurts enough to morph oddly into agonizing pleasure that you've never felt before. 
Fuck, this is crazy. 
While you were losing your mind, Sunghoon was enraptured by the feeling of your cunt clenching and contracting around him. You were so tight, so wet that he couldn't help but rub circles around your clit rapidly to elicit more of your sweet spasm. 
"No— stop. Hahhahh— please stop, it's too much." 
You were sobbing in deep torment at this point, trying to clamp your thighs shut to slow his pace down. You lean back on his chest as your body grows dull by the pleasure every second, your thigh burning from riding him for too long.
Sunghoon was dissatisfied with your current state, apparent with how he stopped playing with your tits and clit, baring his fangs to bite between the junction of your neck harshly. 
"Too much?" Sunghoon let out an exasperated laugh punctuated with an edge of rage that you were all too familiar with. "You really are an ungrateful slut." 
With his arms around your waist to haul you up, you were pushed down on the wooden floor on all fours. Sunghoon made sure to realign his cock to nudge you deeper, your position with your ass up and head down made you at his mercy. 
"I gave you all the pleasure you need, yet, it's too much? Don't make me laugh." He spat, pulling you closer by the hips roughly.
The drag of your puffy nipples against the stone-cold floor at his action stings your eyes, droplets of salty tears dripping down your cheeks. The complaint died in your throat— you were afraid of what he'll do beyond if he ever heard another plea from you. 
Sunghoon can be grueling and hard on you, but maybe it was the internal masochist that kept you whining in pleasure at his forceful touch. 
"Move." He commands. 
You lay stagnant on the floor; the lack of proper spatial consciousness made you unable to compute what he meant, causing him to land a firm slap on your tender ass cheek. 
The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed throughout the space, leaving a redden splotch behind. You jolt slightly from the impact, curling your toes in anticipation when you feel the wind of a second collision— only it never came. 
Sunghoon loves how your drenched pussy clings onto his cock tighter, finding amusement when he teases for a second slap. Fuck, he found solace that you wanted to be spanked by him, and he'll do it wholeheartedly until you come, but that beats the point of punishing you. 
"Don't let me tell you twice." 
You swallowed down and mustered up the last remaining strength you had in your lower half, snapping back at his cock begrudgingly slowly but enough for him to be content for following his order. 
"See, it wasn't that hard to follow my orders, right?" He rubs on the sore spot of your ass with his thumb comfortingly. "Such a needy little thing."
You cried out in your folded arms, pushing back until the head of his cock kissed the deepest part of your pussy. Persevering that your abused tits would rub the cold floor every time you move, you clench your fist and push back faster and harder to satisfy him. 
Sunghoon was at the edge of coming, tilting his head back and watching your ass jiggle with every movement. His abdomen tensed up with eyebrows furrowed, feeling you milking him dry— until you stopped moving your hips abruptly before he could come undone.
"What the fuck?" He groans, almost offended by the sudden halt. 
You could have let him have his way with you, but instead, you were digging your grave in an attempt to relinquish some sort of control over him. 
"I—I'm not gonna let you come, Sunghoon." You breathe out, feigning bravery to utter those words even with your compromised position. 
There was a pause in the air before Sunghoon outright laughed. 
"Think you're so tough now, doll? Saying I can't cum?" Rather than taking it seriously, he snides in adoration at your attempt of defiance because, in the end, what fun will it be without some challenge? 
"Fuck, you're adorable." Smoothing the curve of your ass to the arch of your back, his chuckle derives from the depth of his chest as he bit his lower lips to control his grin. "You're so cute, baby." 
Your face burned at his genuine remarks. 
The dominant energy he possessed previously dissolved a bit, holding your hips more sensually as he started pistoning his hips. The knot in your stomach rekindled, and his cock slid in and out of your cunt easily at the amount of arousal dripping out.
"My cute girl likes becoming my cum slut, doesn't she?" Sunghoon crooned, sloppily railing you slowly but slamming back once he was deep in you. "Do you want it, baby? Do you want me to fill your hole with my seed? 
"Yes, yes— Sunghoon, I'm gonna cum…." You hiccuped. 
At this point, the buildup of numerous torturous stimulation was clawing you to the brink of insanity, wanting nothing more than to cum around his cock until you could see stars. 
Sunghoon understood the immediate signs of your nearing orgasm, humping the floor and crying his name uncontrollably— he gave all his strength in one last thrust before you burst by the seams.
Your climax blinds you over with euphoric waves that overwhelm your entire being. You were burning up inside but shuddered simultaneously on the cold floor, feeling like a fever taking over your release with sweet respite. 
It didn't take long for Sunghoon to come as well, filling you up with his hot load as he promised. He fuck you through your orgasm, suspending you on cloud nine in the afterglow until you turn limp. 
Huffing and puffing occupied the silence as you lay flat on the floor, exhaustion taking over the muscles of your body. As you clench and unclench when he pulls out, the abundant milky arousal oozes out of your spent hole on your thighs. 
"Are you okay? Did I take it too far?" Sunghoon hovers over your lower body, kissing softly on the bruised spot on your ass guiltily.
"Did you?" You snort sarcastically, obviously perpetuating that it isn't with the way you're utterly numb. Sighing blissfully at the feeling of his soft lips on your stinging flesh, you had only one thing on your mind that made him laugh. 
"I think my nipples are frozen." 
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A Holiday Special: ➜ Sunghoon
| ➜ Heeseung | ➜ Jay | ➜ Jake |
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boskadoff · 2 months
uh so Fiddleford is canonically likes men? And I guess Ford confirmed aro/ace hhksdkskdk
ok guys i- you-
I dont- post anything but the demons came back and they came back hard AhhHh
Why you making me write this why nobody else reporting this strong cannon
BoB confirmed two sexualities: Ford is aromantic and asexual, and Fiddleford likes men.
Lets start with Ford, cause its shorter:
BoB basically reiterated and highlighted that Ford is attracted to nothing.
Its actually very clearly pinpointed that Ford is aromantic/asexual. Why clearly? Like Alex chose, out of ALL the things to reveal about ford in Bills mind invasion section, is that he is "plansexual". He basically is indirectly says Ford feels no attraction. He is aromantic/asexual. Coupled with journal 3 entries "romance baffles me", and its confirmed.
Now Fiddleford, this is very interesting because it affects the story:
One, it clearifies why Fiddleford agreed to help with the portal. Bro just was GAY.
To extrapolate, he was from an area that expects traditional marriage Tennessee. He went through with it, probably wasn't super comfortable though seeing by how eagerly Fiddleford accepted Fords offer. So, integrating this new cannon, bro just always was gay for Ford and couldn't resist the opportunity to spend time with him.
Now lets gather all harder Book of Bill evidence
Bro knitted him gloves with many DRAFTS. (Shows how important it was to him to get it right)
Bro made him a snow globe of his lab.
Notice how it was HAND MADE.
He gave Emma-May nothing? He had time, he could have not made Ford two things, made one with for Ford and one thing for Emma-May. But he didn't?
The snowmen? And a whole picture of it??
Bill refers to Fiddleford as a third wheel.
They were roomates, obviously on very goods terms
"Try to forget"
"TheY emBraCed"
It was a very strong concentration on, and even mentioned in the same story, the gifts that Fiddleford gave. Notice how Alex SPECIFICALLY said Emma-Mays argument woth him was because Fiddleford gave her nothing. Which basically contrasts insanely with TWO HANDMADE gifts for Ford.
Lets couple with Journal 3 soft evidence where
His computer password was "Stanford"
The singular bed in the bunker.
Fiddleford knew when Stanford was possessed, shows how attentive he is.
He wrote up Fords research for him to publish.
Bro left his family for a while to spend time with Ford in isolation.
Disney decided to edit the phrase when Stanford says "happy to no longer be traveling this path alone" to " …happy to be traveling it with a friend". Basically showing the book was aware how gay these two sound.
Im note sure if Ford ever recipricated these feelings, he probably thought of Fiddleford as a very good friend, at most subconsciously some kind of QPR.
But BOY did Fiddleford fall for him.
In terms of why this might have been added to BoB:
I believe Alex saw how strongly Journal 3 implied Fiddauthor, (I watched too many interviews, and there were questions about those two, so it WAS on his mind) and just decided to finally clarify their bond. He eluded direct statements, but obviously made a call.
He may have also found the need to clearify why Fiddleford was so eager to jump in and help Ford for so many months, it is kind of murky evidence to say he just wanted to help out and leave his family for months for the heck of it while his son was still young. (Also in Twitter a long time ago, also kind of accepted that one jelous girlfriend meme of Bill Ford and Fiddleford where overlaid)
Moreover, the Alex didn't have to mention Fiddleford in the Book of Bill, all loose ends of his story were tied in Journal 3. Book of Bill was only supposed to be about Bills story, and clearification about his relation with Stanford. But he added Fiddleford anyway. And not only did he, but he chose to incorporate it in the Christmas scene: a very specific, often intimate time. This did not need to be included for any lore reason on than their relationship. It literally serves ZERO major purpose other than to elaborate on the relationship. Sure there were some minor mentions of fords childhood winter traditions for the funnies, a reference to dipper and mabel time traveling (footprints), and the santa goat story, but it revealed very little about any of it to defend the existence of that whole scene. It mostly supported already known lore with a silly santa goat story that circled around to Fiddleford being the hero anyway. Basically Christmas story = confirmed Fiddleford likes Ford more than his wife, which leads to gay romantic/QPR implications to his character.
Now, its clear that Fiddleford likes Ford, and by extention in some capacity likes men. So is he gay or bi? Not much evidence obviously, but I speculate he was gay, because if he had the ability to also like women as much as he liked men, why jump to the first woman so early in life and marry her? It feels like an impulse decision, he could have waited for others he liked more, to actually make gifts for them for christmas. He married her as if he was trying to hide something. Although no strong evidence to establish this.
And lastly, arguments may ensue because it was not "clearly stated given on a platter", but Alex communicates very indirectly about most lore, often leaving things for interpretation. Repeating the same information twice among two works, AND incorporated an INCREDIBLY specific scene about Christmas is pretty reinforced evidence of his intent.
I feel like Alex is kind of being devious and is toying with the audience because he knows there is a group kind of losing our minds over this particular relationship, hence the hazy statements and stories.
But I feel like summarizing what he wrote and the way he wrote it, there is no other reason why that content exists other than to confirm their sexualies and romantic preferences, and how it supports the plot of the story.
TLDR; update Fandom.con, Fiddleford likes men. Ford is aro/ace.
Like uh do you all agree or am I crazy or uh skmebody save me or 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
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ummmlife · 9 months
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Nanami using his "christmas present" in a very rough way!
Warnings!; MDNI this is literature porn, if you lie and read santa won't give you any nanami present 😋 , reader doesn't have an specified gender/genitalia , dom!top!nanami × sub!bottom!reader , facefucking , spankings , no foreplay , rough , angry!nanami , gift wrapping tape , dirty talk + degradation
Having a joyful christmas shouldn't be that hard. Waking up next to your boyfriend while his protective embrace covers you from the coldness of the morning, get ready together for the night, eat some KFC's chicken for dinner and then open up your gifts.
Your lovely man got you everything you were asking through the year. Every single jewelery, perfume, bag, shoes, clothes... Everything was there in their respective bags under the tree, who could be the luckiest lover in the world if it wasn't you? With a man like Kento, that was unbeatable.
Then Kento asked for his presents, you bought them, of course, his presents were hiding under your shared bed, why? Well, you decided to play a little prank to him, silly you.
The prank was to, flirtatiously, undress yourself to reveal a nice gift wrapping tape enveloping your naked body.
— "Here is your present!"
— "... Only that?"
To say that you blood run cold when you saw Kento's displaced expression was short to describe it. But he wasn't just displaced, no, Kento was enraged and we all know how blood-curdling that is. He spent so much money in those presents for you and you only got him what he can take every day he wants? Unreasonable, stupid even.
How ungrateful you are.
Kento got up from the couch and, even before you could reveal the prank, he grabbed your hair with one of his hands, pulling your head back as tight as he could for you to face him. — "What do you take me for?". More than offended, Kento sounded genuinely hurt by your "present".
You tried to speak again, of course, but this time his fingers in your mouth were more than enough to make you shut up. — "I don't want to hear anything from you tonight, I really don't want to..." . He took his fingers from your mouth and started to unbutton his pants, — "But if I got nothing else... then I'll use my present as much as I want. Get on your knees, now".
A mix of terror and eagerness ran through you as your body obeyed the words of the man you love the most, knees on the carpet, face up and mouth wide open, you even had the decency to stick out your tongue for him. It didn't take long for Kento to take his thick length out of his underwear and slide it in one single thrust all deep down to your throat, his hand taking place on your hair once more.
Thrust by thrust, Kento made it obvious for you that neither your constant gagging nor the lack of oxygen you were getting was going to stop him from using your mouth.
His growls and soft sighs decorated the living room of that peaceful home, accompanied by sounds of his balls hitting on your chin and your own gagging sounds. — "This is what you wanted, isn't it?.. Hah... What– ngh-! did you expect after disappointing me like– ah! like that?!"
But it wasn't enough to satisfied himself though.
Kento took his manhood out of your maw just to push your body against the couch, forcing your face down while your back arches. His palm smacking your ass sent a chill through your spin, but you couldn't savor the pain before another slap was send by him. Just like a naughty kid, you were being spanked for your bad behavior towards your loving boyfriend.
— "How ungrateful and foolish you are". Kento never used to be this rough, never calling you mean names unless you asked for it, never treating you with hate. Deep down you know that if he was actually hurting you, he'll stop, although... why could you him to stop anyway?
Kento stopped the spanking treatment for you to press yous head on the couch. You felt how he simply spat on your hole just to slide his throbbing shaft with a single thrust, the pain was unbearable at first, and Kento knew that because one of his hands moved to your hip to start rubbing it, that was his way to comfort you despite all his mood.
Once you got used to his size, because Kento still waited for you to feel comfortable, your inner walls became the victim of a delicious assault that was leaving your mind and senses all numb. — "Is this what you wanted? Ahn... Mngh-ph! Having this filthy hole filled with your boyfriend's cock? Huh? So greedy...". His movements didn't do anything but increase in force and roughness.
Your moans filled up the silence of your home as Kento's groans and sighs accompanied the melody of your screams drowned out by the cushions while the creaking of the chair marked the pace of this symphony that your bodies played.
It took a few minutes to feel the tickling sensation in your belly anticipating the culmination of your torturous pleasure while Kento's thrust erratically hitted your most sensitive spot. You couldn't see him directly, but by closing your eyes you could clearly focus on the mental image of your boyfriend's face as he's about to cum as well.
Small drops of sweat falling from his hair as this sticks on his forehead, his teeth clenching his jaw as the his heavy breathing leaves his nose. That focusing expression that he makes when he's avoiding himself to cum so quickly with a small frown and his eyes closed.
It was too much, Kento always make you go crazy for him and visualizing his expression of pleasure, while your body is focusing on the sensation of his manhood sliding in and out from you as his hips hit your flesh, just made easy for you to reach your peak. You didn't want to cum that fast, you wanted this moment to last, that was until Kento started to show his real voice, — "Mmm-ahh. A-aahh... Darling! I'm– nnhg! going to... to cum! Haahhh!".
Pure and loud moans of pleasure chime your ears, that was enough to make the orgasm hit all your body and make you shake. You could feel Kento's cock twitching inside of you as his fingers squeezed your hips tightly. It was marvelous.
Kento's thick cum fell from your greedy hole to the floor, running down from your thighs. Just like you, he was catching his breath before sliding out of you and slowly sitting back on the couch, his expression changed from a irritated one to a bitter one. — "Did you seriously not buy me a present?". Kento asks you with a obvious angry pout on his lips, how adorable.
You couldn't help but smile softly and move your body slowly, with Kento's help, to sit next to him.
— "Your presents are under the bed, I just wanted to play a little prank on you".
Your boyfriend's eyes lit up in realization, he looks at you now all embarrassed for how he reacted. Kento instinctively holds your hand as he looks down ashamed.
— "Can I... go and take my presents?" Is he really asking you permission for that? Obviously you didn't say no and as you took off the uncomfortable gift wrapping tape from your chest, Kento came back with 5 gift bags and a gleeful smirk.
To compensate all the damage caused, Kento cleaned all the kitchen and living room and also carried you in his arms for the rest of the night, because, poor you, who shouldn't move your legs for some brutal assault... That in his words, nevertheless, you were more than happy to spend the next hours in your boyfriend's arms, watching some cheesy american christmas movies and grabbing some snacks together.
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fun facts with miss bibi ! for the ones who don't know 🤓☝️
in japan, christmas is more a valentine's day snowy edition, so you can perceive the christmas spirit more from the young couples (and the kids, of course). that's why a lot of people spend their christmas with their partners, unlike us who usually spend it with our families.
also, due to the arrival of many new brands from overseas to japan and thanks to an excellent advertising team, it became a tradition for the japanese people to have kfc as their christmas dinner since the 80's.
that's all folks!
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celestialhole · 10 months
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Simon Riley x GN!reader headcanons
Warnings: Contains NSFW content below the cut, read at your own risk! Sorta proofread, random as fuck but here's your din din. Thinking about Simon Riley who uses his kids as weights for him to lift while working out. Just for fun. He likes hearing his kids laugh and giggle. Simon Riley who gets hella annoyed when your family/extended family buys so much crap for the kids. "The bloody hell they need this for? Don't we already have the damn pool outside!?" Simon looked down at the huge box in their living room, it was a goddamn bouncy house for the little ones. "I dunno Si. We can put it in the frontyar-" "WE ALREADY HAVE THE BALL PIT OUTSIDE!"
Never really celebrated his birthday before meeting you. You started giving him presents, taking him out, and taking him back to hotels (or your home) to ride him til' dawn. Now that you have little ones you all plan a small birthday party for him since he's old and grumpy. You give him one of his favorite desserts, have all the kids pile on him, and show him some love it resulted in him counting to 5 before chasing them all down while you record all of it.
Will fantasize about what life could've been like if his family were still here with him, what it could've been like if they had lived long enough to meet you. He's sure his Mother and Nephew would've loved you, and his brother would tease him n' say something like, "Now you know how it feels, it ain't as bad as you thought huh?" He wished to God he'd get to experience that in another lifetime. In my world, he doesn't celebrate Christmas and we know damn well why. If he's been with you for a long time he'll find a way to make something for you to make it special or he'll buy you something you mentioned wanting a few weeks or months back. But don't expect him to place a big ass tree in his apartment. If you manage to convince him to buy a tree he'll buy it and maybe a few ornaments he likes but the rest you're buying. Riley totally tore that bitch up and trust me, he tried to stop her but it was too early in the morning for that and he didn't want the tree anyways so he just sighs, puts some tea on the kettle grabs his reading glasses and his favorite book, and just relaxes on the couch as his military dog is tearing up your 350$ Christmas tree. "Jesus fucking Christ what happened in here!?" You stumbled over an ornament as you walked into the living room. Simon was chilling peacefully on the couch as Riley held a broken branch in her mouth and they both looked as if there wasn't a shit tone of ornaments and small pieces of the tree everywhere. It looked like a cluster fuck in your living room. "Tree became a chew toy," Simon mumbled. "I can see that.. And you didn't stop her?!" You narrowed your eyes at him. "Tried to, then it fell and I gave up," Simon took a sip of his tea and turned a page of the book he was reading. "Oh for fucks sake Simon.." You rubbed your eyes and leaned against the wall. He glanced up at you from the couch with an amused smile and looked back down at his book. "...This is what happens when we don't listen to Simon says-" "I'm kicking you and Riley out." You cut him off.
I see this man with an uncut shave because he's too lazy for that shit, however, if he notices he has a whole ass fucking jungle down there he'll trim it and then leave it alone for another 5 months. A solid 7 inches when soft and hard. Girth? Lots of it. Saggy balls. The type of man who doesn't notice when you get something done (hair, nails, etc). When you ask him if he notices anything different he'll immediately look at your ass to see if those squats did you any good. Speaking of your ass he loves your ass. Flat or thick he's smacking it when he casually walks past you. If you're plus-sized or just thicc it's even better. Don't ever bend over with this man in your perimeter. And it's even worse when you're in front of him and walking up the stairs cause he's staring hard at it. When you bend over he's smacking it, groping it, caressing it, and if he's really bold he's sneaking a quick hump against it. It's all shits and giggles till he's in that position. And you never hold back either. Now he doesn't trust walking up the stairs in front of you because you won't stop poking his ass and he hates it he loves you anyways. Call him daddy and he's not gonna speak or look at you for the rest of the day. You've made him spiritually nauseous good job. HE'S A BODY MAN BUT IN MY WORLD HE'S A THIGH AND TUMMY MAN! Also, I can see him being obsessed with ya nipple piercings if you ever got them. But nipple piercings are one thing, a genital piercing IS ANOTHER THING. Mutual masturbation is a must on the weekend mornings. He'll wake you up with pepper kisses to your neck while his hand is rubbing your tummy, when you wake up he'll gradually run his hands over your chest and pinch your nipple before moving his hand down to caress your arousal. He sucks the skin on your shoulder and neck to pleasure you and when you turn over to stroke his already hardened cock, he groans and moves his hips to slowly thrust his cock along your hand while his fingers slowly speed up. Now imagine his groans + his morning voice. This man loves you with every fiber of his being and tries his very best to make sure you know he loves you no matter what, so don't even think about asking him if he'll still love you as a worm. He'll keep you safely tucked in the pocket of his shirt and feed you noodles. He doesn't give two shits if you're hairy, plus-sized, or "unattractive". He'll cross the Amazon or even Antarctica to eat your ass I'm just saying. Don't protest or even speak, just bend over and let him have fun with his beautiful partner.
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oneshlut · 8 months
Hey, I just found your blog through a Varian headcanon and I’m in love! Could I humbly request a platonic Jax x reader where it’s the readers “birthday” (they day they came to the digital circus) and reader gets a bit down? I hope your day/evening/night is well, and remember to brush your teeth!
A/N: daaawww, hurt/comfort, my favorite (besides angst of course).. thanksies for the reminder--and for requesting, yesyes! hope you like what i did with this as much as you liked the var hcs :D (also super refreshing to see more platonic requests,)
Turning.. Something (Jax & Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: It's your anniversary of arriving at the circus, your "birthday"! Unfortunately, birthdays at the circus serve only colorful cake and existential dread. Jax becomes worried for the first time in his life. (hurt/comfort)
Ah, holiday blues. Commonly associated with Christmas, of course, but also birthdays occasionally. Whether it be the fear of growing older, spending your birthday alone, or even being stuck in a digital reality where you can't remember your birthday so instead you have a one year anniversary as a stand in for a birthday. Whatever the existential crisis may be, they sure do suck! At least you can relate to Pomni now.
Birthdays in the digital world work a little bit differently than in the "real" world. Caine tries to track the time, but inevitably fails. Instead of celebrating your arrival once a year, you celebrate it when Caine feels it's been long enough. So your birthday is about once in a blue moon. However, when that blue moon hits, all the existential dread you left about 4 months ago all comes back to you. And suddenly the friends you've made.. didn't really matter. Not in the grand scheme of things. And, not to you.
That's where the isolating came in.
For the next few days after your "birthday", you didn't come out of your room for even a second. Surprisingly, your room was probably less colorful than the rest of the circus. Still colorful enough to give you a headache, though. You didn't have the motivation to leave either, it would all be the same anyway. You weren't close to abstraction, but you were definitely going to get there if you kept things up.
This thought worried Jax. And Jax never gets worried. At first, he brushed the situation off with comedy. Like he always does. With everything. But then as he's walking around the circus, he notices even less of you.
Jax isn't a bold person, but he definitely could be. This was one of those scenarios, one where he would take things into his own hands. Knocking on your door, he stayed patient for you to answer. Normally, he'd just yell for you to open the door when he wanted to hang out, but this was.. a different occasion.
Okay. Everything's fine. It's just been 22 knocks and they still haven't answered the door. He's sure they're alright. Not.
Eventually, his thoughts that wracked his head overcame him. With droopy ears and a heavy heart, he took out the key to your room, opening it with a slightly obnoxious creak.
If even possible, the sight of you curled up in a ball in the corner of your room had caused his ears to fall even farther from where they were before. Immediately dropping his persona, he fell to the floor on his knees to comfort you. Being probably the most serious he's ever been, he set a hand on your shoulder with caution.
You, on the other hand, felt horrible. First the horrid "birthday" you just had, and now you were just burdening someone else dealing with the same existential crap with your own problems. If only Jax wasn't so damn caring, then.. then. ..Hm.
Seriously? Jax? Caring about you? That sure wasn't on your birthday bingo card. If anything, you would've expected him to just pull a ton of pranks on you and make you feel even worse. Instead he was comforting you. Making you feel better.
Almost immediately, tears started flowing. Jax was saddened by the sight at first, but gave a bittersweet grin when you had launched into his arms for more comfort. Giving you silent sushes, he laid careful strokes on your back, making sure not to do anything more to upset you.
Somehow, you felt that your next birthday might be a bit better with Jax around.
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folklvrsworld · 9 months
a christmas reunion ♤
pairing: ex!harry james potter x wolfstar daughter!reader warnings: mentions of alcohol, slight cursing, weirdo cormac summary: reader gets invited to a christmas party reunion of hogwarts students by pansy parkinson, she didn't expect to find and rekindle with an old flame song: a nonsense christmas - sabrina carpenter
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Storage, check. Keys, check. Personal belongings, check. The only thing left was turning off the lights and then the bookshop would be officially closed for the holiday. I took a quick scan around the place to make sure I didn't forget anything, then my eyes landed on the letter on top of the register counter.
Ah, right. The invitation.
I sighed and walked towards the counter to grab the letter. I looked at the neat and all too familiar handwriting addressing the letter to my bookshop. Opening it again for the second time that day, I was met with the same message.
Dear, Y/N.
Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas time,  if you're not too busy tomorrow, I'm hosting a Christmas party down at the club.
It's reserved for Hogwarts students era '91 only, with some exceptions.
Would be happy if you could join, party starts at eight, ends whenever it ends.
Hoping to see you there!!
PS. the dresscode is everything and anything Christmas
From, Pansy Parkinson.
I knew that I wasn't going to go. After graduating from Hogwarts and opening my own bookshop, I haven't really spoken to any of my Hogwarts friends. With the exception of Pansy and Hermione (who sometimes come in to my bookshop). I have even lost contact with him.
Shoving the letter to my bag, I turned off the lights and walked out of the shop, before locking the door with the shop key. Snow immediately fell down and rested itself onto my hair, I walked to my car and drove home to my apartment in London.
I intended to relax and enjoy this Christmas eve by having some hot chocolate and watching classic Christmas movies in bed. Mid way through my movie and hot cocoa, my phone rang. When I saw the caller ID, I picked it up.
"Hey, Y/N! Happy Christmas eve!" a familiar cheery voice from the other line called out, "Did you get my invitation?"
I chuckled, "Yes, Pansy. I got your invitation personally delivered by an owl coming into my shop this morning."
"Great, you're coming, right?"
"Uhmmm...." I paused the movie while waiting for her reaction.
"Oh, come on! Don't be such a Grinch."
I scoffed, "Excuse me? I am not anywhere near a Grinch, Pansy Parkinson. I am a very festive person."
"Then come to my party tomorrow! Wouldn't it be fun to have a little Hogwarts Christmas reunion?"
I sighed, "I don't know, Pans. It's been such a long time since we all saw each other. I'm 23 damn years old now, it's been quite some time."
"Woman! That's exactly why I'm hosting this reunion party—Merlin's beard, you never changed." she gave a chuckle.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" I laughed.
She sighed, "Look, just give it some thought. Okay? You don't have to socialize if you don't want to, you can hangout with me."
"Mhm..." I say unconvinced, "Fine, I'll think about it. But I made no promises, alright?"
I can practically hear her smiling through the phone, "Okay, great! I'm counting on it. Anyway, have a great Christmas eve, bye!"
"You too, Pans." I hang up the phone and continued my movie without having any second thought about the party.
But as I tried to sleep that night, thoughts about the party went over my head. Should I go or should I not? Will I regret it after if I didn't go? I decided to sleep it off and make up my mind on Christmas morning.
The next day, I got up earlier to get into the Christmas spirit. I put on some music while I make myself some special breakfast, and when the doorbell rang, I open it to find a delivery man handing me a wrapped present. It was from my dads. The famously known Lupin-Black couple.
I quickly read the christmas card, tearing up at what my papa wrote and silently laughing at what my dad wrote. I really miss them, but I am coming back home for the new years. I put the card aside and opened the box to reveal a pair of beautiful snowflake dangly earrings.
They were absolutely beautiful, I love how they always know what to pick for me. I store them inside my jewelry box and made a mental note to thank them later. After I finished my breakfast and did all of my morning routine, a notification came from the online daily prophet.
Have a very Merry Christmas to all witches
and wizards everywhere!!
To make this day even more festive and fun, all
Hogwarts alumni from '91 are invited to
a Christmas party down at Amortentia.
Get ready to dress up, get drunk, and have a
blast from the past for a reunion!
I click on the notification to find more details about the party. Damn, Pansy really went all out for this. My mind hasn't made up on whether I should go or not, although deep down I knew it wouldn't be so bad to go.
Driven by temptation, I walk over to my closet and look through my very minimum collection of dresses. None of the dresses were Christmassy enough, till I caught my eye on an unopened dress.
It was a red fluffy dress with sparkles all over the fabric, it had a bow around the waist, with a puffy short sleeve to complete the look. I had never worn it before, but it did scream Christmas.
Standing in front of the mirror, I held up the dress to my body and looked at myself up and down. I would look good in it. After some considerable thought I decided that I'm going to that Christmas party. It's not like I'm going just to see if a certain someone is going to be there...
Around seven, I took a shower and got ready. I put on the dress and did my makeup. I wore those snowflake earrings my dads bought for me, did a little crown braid over my hair, and put on a pair of shoes.
Looking at myself once more, I grabbed my purse and wand, put on my big warm coat, then headed out the door. I wasn't going to spend any money on an uber car when I have my own, though I hated driving in the snow.
When I got there, I could already hear party music coming out from the building. A big LED sign that says "Amortentia", Pansy's own personal bar. After locking my car and taking off my coat, I walk towards the door which had a sign that says "Closed for private party."
As I open the door to enter, the bouncer stopped me and asked me for my invitation. Luckily, I had it with me in my purse. He made sure it was the right invitation and he let me in. Christmas party music immediately blasted in my ear as I stepped into the place.
The place was decorated for Christmas, for obvious reasons. I've personally never had been in Pansy's bar since she opened it, I would be lying if I say I wasn't impressed. The place had a huge dance floor and a big bar. A wave of magic energy flew through me, it feels good to be surrounded by wizards again.
"Merlin's beard, Y/N/N! So glad you decided to come!" I heard Pansy yell through the noisy crowd as she walks towards me with a glass of presumably firewhiskey in her hand.
"Hey, Pans. The place looks great! It's way bigger than I imagined." I smiled, "You look very pretty, by the way."
"Awe, thanks babe. Don't even get me started on how you look." she looked at me up and down, "Damn. Anyway, come with me."
Before I could even say anything, she was already dragging me while sipping on her drink. Not a second later, I was by the bar and saw Pansy's slytherin friends. Don't get me wrong, they're my friends as well, but it's been a long time since we ever said a word to each other.
"Look who I brought!" Pansy said in a sing-song voice to her friends, all of their eyes immediately went on me.
"Lupin-Black! Long time no see!" Theodore Nott greeted me with a smile, which I returned back.
Blaise Zabini gave me a fist bump and Draco Malfoy, didn't seem to change, just gave me a nod to indicate that he senses my presence. My anxious self slowly began to calm as I started to talk with them, casually looking around as well and seeing a bunch of familiar faces.
I couldn't help but feel the desperate need to catch a sight of a specific face, a face I knew I would recognize from far away. But no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't seem to find him. Pansy seemed to notice me glancing over my shoulder a few times, so she asked.
"Looking for someone?"
I was brought back to my senses and looked at her, "Hm? No, no one."
"Oh come on, really? You're giving me bullshit for my Christmas present?"
"Ha. Ha. Very funny, but seriously—I'm not looking for anyone." I defended myself.
She sipped her glass, "Alright, if you say so. But just for your information, I did send an invitation to him. So there might be a chance he's here."
I raised an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes, "Stop pretending, Y/N/N. I know who you're looking for and you don't have to be ashamed to say that you're looking for Potter."
My eyes widened as I attempt to shut her up, "Shh! Are you mad?! Don't say that out loud or people might hear and think I'm obsessed with him or something."
"Aren't you...?" she asked lowly, I fought the urge to smack her across the face.
"Pansy. Please. I'm over him, besides he's with Ginny, isn't he?"
She shrugged, "I wouldn't be so sure of that."
The rest of the night surprisingly went very well. I eventually got brave enough to talk to some old friends and had fun on the dance floor with them, it felt good to reminisce on the feeling of having secret booze parties at Hogwarts. It also felt good to drink firewhiskey again.
When I was sitting at one of the couches in the corner, resting my feet from dancing and walking around, I felt an uncomfortable presence beside me. I had a guess on who it might be before even looking at the person.
"Merry Christmas! It's Y/N, right? Hufflepuff? It's been a while, you look hot now." the person said.
I mentally rolled my eyes, "Uhm...yeah."
"You remember me, right? Cormac Mclaggen." he introduced himself, I simply nodded my head.
He scooched himself a bit closer to him, swinging his hand behind so he could touch my shoulder. I avoided his gaze as much as I could. Dear Merlin, get me out of this place.
"Say, what are you doing tonight? Want to maybe come by my place?" he said with a very forced seductive voice.
I held in a breath, "Uhm....I'm good, Cormac."
"I could maybe buy you a drink?" this man would never give up until I agree on something to do with him, would he. 
To my surprise, a voice called out from behind me. A familiar voice, "Sorry, she's here with me."
Cormac seemed to be taken aback, he inched away from me before then walking away like nothing happened. I sighed and stood up to face the person who saved me, "Thanks for that.."
He smiled and nodded his head, "No problem. Can't believe Parkinson invited him to the party, but I guess she invited everyone with no exceptions."
I couldn't help but take a good look at him. He had grown a few inches taller since I last saw him, his brown fluffy hair stayed the same, his body had gotten more fit too. But the thing that mesmerized me the most were his eyes. Those green beautiful eyes. Same as ever.
"How are you, Harry?"
"I've been doing well. I mean—yeah, being head auror isn't an easy job, I almost get zero hours of sleep everyday. But hey, it's the holidays, and I'm surviving" he laughed.
God, I miss him. A lot.
"What about you? I heard that your bookshop's the best in London. I wouldn't be surprised about that, truthfully."
I chuckled, "That might be a little overreacting. But I'm doing really good as well. But I feel the most happy tonight, it's been a while since I'm surrounded by my kind of people."
"I'm surrounded by them everyday. But it's been a while since I saw you." he looked at me and I swear my heart plummeted down to my feet.
Harry and I had a thing back then, it went from third year until the fifth. He was my best friend first, I got along with him and Ron and Hermione really well. He was my first kiss and my first time, but we never addressed our relationship. In other words, our relationship was messy.
It was never clear what we were supposed to be, more like a 'friends with benefits' type of thing, that's why it just kind of fell apart at sixth year. He had a thing for Ginny and started dating her, leaving me heartbroken, but not really surprised.
But seeing him now, looking as good as ever, made me rethink about what we were back then. Making me feel like I wanted him again. But I pushed that thought aside.
He's with someone. You can't do this, it's Christmas.
"I was watching you all night, you here with anyone?" he asked. He was watching me all night?
"No, no one. I even didn't want to go in the first place, but Pansy convinced me. I'm not with anyone, or seeing anyone, for that matter. Just—by myself is all."
Why does it feel like I'm trying to make it super extra fucking clear  that I'm not in a relationship or even as close to seeing anyone? He wouldn't care for that...would he?
"Oh...I see." he said, I could somehow see his body relaxing a bit after hearing my answer.
"What about you? Last time I heard you and Ginny are engaged?" I took an unnoticed gulp.
He chuckled at that, "Oh no, you're way behind on the news. We broke it off a long time ago. It wasn't working. We kept arguing and bringing the worst out of each other."
Oh. He's single.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, I was really happy when I heard about the engagement. I thought you two would've already been married by now.."
He shrugged, "Thinking back now I think I was a little rushed, I'm not ready to be married just yet. Not when I've not gotten the right one." he looked straight at me with a warm smile that managed to make my heart go 'badump'.
"Anyway, what are we both doing here when we could dance while drinking firewhiskey." he broke off the tension, "Dance with me?"
He stretched out his hand and bowed down a bit, smirking up at me and waiting for me to take his hand. What a dork. I laughed and took his hand then he lead me to the dance floor. While we were dancing, he got us both a glass that floated itself to our hands.
I ended up spending the rest of the party with him. Dancing, drinking, laughing, telling stories, everything. It felt like we were both fifteen year olds again, too nervous to label our relationship, but knowing how we felt towards each other deep down.
"How are Sirius and Remus, by the way? Haven't seen them in a very long time." he asked while the party slowly started to die down.
"They're very well. I plan to go home for the new years, you could join me if you'd like." I widened my eyes a few seconds after realizing what I had said, I think the drunkness is slowly getting to me.
"I mean not like....you know. I mean you said you haven't seen them in a long time, so I thought maybe if you would...I don't know—"
He bursts out laughing at how I panicked, "Hey, relax! I wasn't thinking anything like that. I would love to join you, message me about the date and stuff. It'll be fun."
He conjured a piece of paper and a pen then wrote something on it then giving it to me, "Here's my number."
I took it and stared at it, realizing that I indeed did not have his number ever since I got a phone. I smiled and nodded at him, putting the paper in my purse. After another hour, we decided that it was enough partying. So we walked around to try and find Pansy to inform her that we were heading out.
"Y/N/N, there you are! I was looking all over for—oh...I see." Pansy said once we found her, smirking at the both of us, "Had fun?"
"Yeah, the party was a lot of fun. Thanks, Pans. We're going to head out now, I can't have any more drinks or I can't go home." I chuckled.
She continued smirking at us, "Uh huh. Stay safe you two, drive home safely."
After that, we both head on out and was met with the quiet cold air instead of the loud party music once again. I was freezing cold, I shouldn't have put my coat in the car. Harry seemed to notice as he started to take off his own coat.
"Here, wear this." he wrapped his coat around my body and stood there as if he's not freezing to death.
"What about you? I have my own coat, it's just in my car." I said but he just shook his head.
"It's alright, just bring it back to me when we go to your dads for the new years. I'm not that cold anyways."
I chuckled and held onto the coat tighter, "Thank you, Harry. Really. Thank you for hanging out with me at the party as well."
He smiled, "No worries. Truthfully, I wanted to talk to you ever since you stepped in. I saw when you just arrived, but I didn't say anything."
He paused for a few seconds and gulped before continuing, "I just wanted to say that you look extremely pretty tonight. You've always looked pretty, honestly. And uhm...I'm really glad I got to see you again tonight."
I tried so hard not to blush, but it probably wouldn't even show because my cheek and nose were already red from the cold, "I'm really glad I got to see you too, Harry."
We then said goodbye to each other and started to walk our separate ways to our own cars, but then he took my hand and turned me around before giving me a light kiss on the cheek.
"Sorry, couldn't let you leave without doing that." he said quietly.
I stood there, shocked. Smiling shyly and didn't do anything but nod my head slowly, "Alright, bye for now...Get home safe." he said as he walked away and waved.
I kept staring at him until I saw him apparate. I touched my cheek and couldn't help but smile widely. I don't know what in Merlins name just happened but whatever it is, I'm glad I came to this Christmas reunion party.
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covetyou · 4 months
a dress up!Joel interlude
tomorrow (29th May) I'll be posting the next part of dress up!Joel, lovingly titled ghosted.
in the meantime, have this interlude of sorts that I've been sitting on for weeks (and honestly thought I posted back in April, whoops.)
main masterlist ⋆ series masterlist
rating: Explicit (18+ only!) word count: 969 warnings: more brotherly shenanigans, sex toy talk, mild relationship angst, alcohol consumption summary: Joel's egg hunt couldn't have gone worse, and so he confides in the one person who has his back no matter what - his baby brother.
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future fics
Shooting the shit with his little brother wasn't something Joel Miller ever thought he'd enjoy. But, with age and maturity, there wasn't anything quite like sipping cold beers in his backyard, his brother yapping away about work, or girls, or the playoffs, or just about anything else, as they relaxed at the end of a long week. Tommy could talk, and Joel could listen, and that's how it'd always worked.
"Hey, you still got that thing I gave you," Tommy suddenly asks, after giving Joel a blow by blow of his latest conquest - some blonde he met at a bar and didn't even know the name of.
"What, this pain in my ass? Yeah."
"Very funny. Nah, I mean that ballpedo thing. Turns your balls into a torpedo."
"Yeah! You still got it? If you ain't usin' it, ain't no use in it goin' to waste."
Joel lifts his beer, the condesation leaving a dark ring on his jeans, and takes a sip, averting his eyes from Tommy.
"Still got it."
It was stuffed at the bottom of his sock drawer upstairs. After Christmas, and his uncomfortable walk back home with the thing still strapped to his balls, it took him a little while to pry the thing off. The lube he'd spread over himself was turning tacky combined with your juices, and wetting it just made everything too slippery. But, eventually, he was free, and he cleaned the thing up and left it to dry, as if there would be any opportunity to use it again.
It was a happy coincidence that Sarah was with her mom again on Valentine's day, and your calendar for that day was empty - he noticed when he was fixing a drip in your kitchen sink. Given you enjoyed Christmas, he thought you might like something else too, and he was happy to be right. On Easter, he was going to leave a note for you for his little egg hunt, hoping you'd wake up Saturday morning and make your way over to his place to find the final prize.
He hadn't expected to get caught, and he hadn't expected things to be left as they were afterwards. Now the memory of all of it left a sour taste in his mouth.
"Can I go grab it? I'll take it off you."
"Nah... nah it's okay," Joel says, with a non-commital wave, as Tommy stands, taking a few steps to head inside.
"C'mon, if you ain't usin' it, I can take it. Mom never teach you to share your shit?"
"I'm always sharin' my shit with you, I said no," Joel shoots back with finality, unable to stop himself from mumbling into the rim of his beer. "You wouldn't want it now anyway."
Tommy was never one for being quick to catch on, and for that Joel was grateful. Though, maybe this time he underestimated his little brother. Tommy still makes a move to head inside, likely to rifle through his shit to find the toy he'd given Joel so long ago, but he stops in his tracks before pulling the patio door open.
"Holy shit," is all Tommy says. "Holy shit."
"You remember you're an asshole again?"
"You used the fuckin' ball thing?!"
Joel's silence says all Tommy needs to know.
"You gave yourself a dick for balls and you didn't tell me? Fuck I've been wonderin' about that thing ever since I gave it to you. It good?"
Joel doesn't really know what to say. He doesn't want to say anything - he wants to keep his fuck up with you his own tragic little secret, but now the balldo's out of the bag, he can't exactly dodge the question. Tommy was a persistent bastard when he wanted to be, and Joel knew that he was going to be extra persistent with this.
"It... yeah. Yeah, it was good."
"Wait... fuckin' wait a minute. This mean you got a girl?!" Tommy's face lights up as he asks, and Joel can feel the color drain from his. "You got a girl and you didn't bother tellin' me? You wound me, brother."
Shaking his head, Joel takes another swig of beer, hoping it'll wash the memory of the taste of you from his mouth. It doesn't.
"Nah. Didn't get the girl."
"You fuck it up that bad?"
As much as they could piss each other off, they always had each other to fall back on. Usually, of course, it was Joel picking up the pieces for Tommy, but there was an unspoken agreement between them that meant no one was keeping score. No one owed anyone anything, they'd always be there for each other, whether it was one time or a thousand times. So, against his better judgement, Joel tells Tommy everything and, for once, Tommy listens.
"Only one thing I don't get," Tommy muses when Joel finally finishes with a sigh. "If it was a misunderstanin', what the fuck are you doin' here with me, and not over there with her, explainin' yourself?"
"She told me to leave. I don't wanna intrude any m-"
"You broke into her fuckin' house, brother, think you're long past that."
Tommy slides the patio door open, half inside, half outside, and looks back at his big brother.
"Take it from an asshole who knows - doin' nothin' ain't gonna do shit. You don't get the girl, you don't get your shit rocked. Talk to her. You got nothin' to lose. If she don't want anything to do with you, nothin' changes, and if she does, well... you get the girl, and you get your shit rocked."
He hated to admit it, but Tommy was right, and Joel had never felt so fucking stupid that he didn't come to the same conclusion sooner.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow he'd make this right.
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primaviva · 9 months
blue christmas; león kennedy
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featuring. leon kennedy x fem!reader
synopsis. you’ll have a blue christmas without leon, or will you?
warnings. minor angst, mostly fluff. also my first leon fic! (i’m terrified)
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once again, it was christmas time, a season meant for cherished togetherness. the air was supposed to be filled with the warmth of loved ones, snuggled in front of a crackling fire, adorning the tree together, relishing in the joy of classic christmas movies, and immersing themselves in the enchanting spirit of the holidays.
but for you, that idyllic scene remained elusive—something you never quite experienced when dating an agent.
leon, your boyfriend, was constantly thrown into classified missions, shrouded in secrecy. there were times he couldn't even disclose the nature of his work, which meant you were well aware that a festive christmas break wasn't likely to be granted amidst his tireless efforts of dismantling organizations and gathering crucial intelligence.
during moments like these, you sought solace in solitude, confronting your sadness directly. you declined all invitations for plans during the final week leading up to christmas. a glimmer of hope remained that he would be present, and you wanted to ensure ample time to be with him. however, a sense of unease lingered, drawing you to want you to reject the idea of spending the holiday with anyone other than him and your family.
with a heavy sigh, you reluctantly left your warm bed, resigning yourself to the familiar routine of tending to daily errands and tidying up the house. nestling into the couch, you absentmindedly flipped through the channels, the repetitive christmas movies playing for the fifth time that week. then, a buzzing sound breaks the monotonous atmosphere.
your heart leaped with joy as you saw exactly who was calling. it was leon.
his calls were infrequent during his missions, making each one a precious and treasured moment. you never knew when you would get to hear his voice again, so you answered eagerly, your giddy anticipation evident in your high-pitched voice as you called out, "leon?" through the speaker.
"hey there, beautiful," leon's voice comes through the speaker, warm and familiar. "i hope i didn't catch you at a bad time."
a radiant smile illuminated your face as you responded, "no, not at all. there's not much to do anywhere with this snowstorm anyway." your gaze drifted towards the window, captivated by the swirling white fog gliding over the water, the snowflakes dancing amidst the relentless gusts of wind, their delicate forms adhering to the windowpane. "i’m about to binge another round of christmas movies," you added, a touch of wistfulness in your voice. "so, what's on your mind, leon?"
there's a slight pause on the other end, and you can almost hear him hesitating before he speaks again. "listen, i know it's christmas eve and all, and i hate that i can't be there with you. but this mission... it’s longer than i expected."
your heart sinks at his words, disappointment flooding your system. this was the same story every year, but it still hurt to hear it. "oh, leon," you say, trying to hide the disappointment in your tone. you were always polite with your sadness, like a little kid not wanting to deliver bad news, you didn’t want to ruin him because of yourself. "i was really looking forward to spending christmas with you. but i understand, duty calls, right?"
there's a tinge of sadness in his voice as he responds, "yeah, duty calls. i promise i'll make it up to you when i get back. we'll have our own little belated christmas celebration, just the two of us."
you can't help but let out a small chuckle. "you better make it a good one, kennedy. maybe i'll even let you take over the cooking for once," you tease, trying to lighten the mood.
leon's laughter comes through the phone, and you can almost picture the playful smile on his face. "deal. just don't expect anything gourmet, okay?"
as you two continue your conversation, your disappointment slowly fades away. even though you won't have him physically by your side for christmas, knowing that he's safe and that you’ll have your own celebration when he returns brings you comfort. and in the end, that's all that matters.
that was the mindset you had to have—enjoy the moments you have with him, even when it seems to be few.
you giggled at his joke. “y’know for an italian, aren’t you supposed to know how to cook? kinda embarrassing if you ask me,” you tease, snuggling yourself into the blanket as you hear a low chuckle of his from the phone.
leon's chuckle grows louder on the other end of the line. "hey now, i never claimed to be a master chef. i've got other talents, you know," he retorts playfully.
"oh, is that so? and what other talents might those be?" you ask, feigning curiosity.
"well, for one, i can take down a horde of zombies with my eyes closed. i can make some pretty funny jokes if i do say so myself," he replies, coated in sarcasm. "oh, and let's not forget my impeccable ability to make you smile, even from miles away."
you can't help but laugh at his response, as corny as it is. it's true, leon has a way of making the toughest situations bearable with his humor, even with the dad jokes. "well, i guess i can forgive your lack of culinary skills then. just make sure you're ready to put on your apron when you're back, alright?"
"i'll do my best, but no promises," he states, amusement clear in his tone. "but hey, i've got a surprise for you when i get back. something i think you'll love."
your curiosity piques at his words. "oh really? now you got me curious. what is it?" you ask, unable to contain my excitement.
leon lets out a mischievous chuckle. "sorry, babe, can't spoil the surprise. you'll just have to wait and find out."
you groan, pretending to be disappointed. "you're such a tease, leon. but i guess i'll have to be patient."
"patience is a virtue, my love," he replies, his voice filled with warmth. "just a little longer, and then we can have our own christmas celebration, complete with whatever surprise i have in store for you."
you grin, feeling a surge of anticipation. "i can't wait. just make sure you come back to me in one piece, alright?"
"you got it. i'll be home soon. i love you," he promises, his voice filled with sincerity.
"i love you too, leon. stay safe," you reply, bringing the phone closer to your ear to hear every tone of his.
despite the disappointment of not being able to spend christmas together, you know that seeing leon after will make it all worth it. and for now, you’ll hold on to that thought, eagerly awaiting his return.
as the beep resonated from your phone, signaling the end of the call, a harsh reality settled in, causing you to slump back into the couch. despite the excitement of hearing from him, the sting of loneliness remained. you pondered whether leon truly understood the weight of your solitude, yet hesitated to voice your feelings, fearing it would burden him with guilt or worry amidst his own demanding circumstances. after all, he must be grappling with his own shit.
rising from the couch, you made your way to the christmas tree, reaching down behind it to plug the lights back into the socket. a growing smile adorned your face as the warm glow illuminated the room.
the christmas tree stood tall and proud in the corner of the room, its branches reaching upward like outstretched arms. it was adorned with an array of ornaments, each one holding a special significance and memory. the lights, now aglow, cast a soft, warm radiance that enveloped the tree, casting playful shadows on the surrounding walls. the branches were adorned with a delightful assortment of decorations, ranging from delicate glass baubles to whimsical handmade trinkets. shimmering silver and gold balls mingled with vibrant red and green ornaments, a harmonious blend of colors that captured the essence of the holiday season you adored. nestled among the branches were strands of sparkling tinsel, something that leon claimed to hate on trees but so desperately wanted to put on yours, that caught the light and added a touch of magic to the scene. handcrafted paper snowflakes, carefully cut and strung with thread, dangled delicately, evoking the whimsy of winter's first snowfall. at the very top of the tree, a glittering star shone brilliantly, serving as a guiding light to illuminate the room and symbolize the hope and joy of the season. leon had held you up on his shoulders for you to get that very star up there.
as you gazed upon the tree, its beauty and the memories it held washed over you, reminding you of how you and leon had happily adorned this tree together just a couple of weeks ago. now, you stood before it alone. you physically felt the silence of his hands wrapped around your waist as you peered up at the star, his chin on your shoulder as his breath hit your neck whilst whispering sweet nothings.
another sigh escaped your lips as you acknowledged the familiar reality of how your holiday was going to pan out.
determined not to dwell on it indefinitely, you pushed aside the melancholy and headed to the kitchen to prepare your breakfast. you knew that allowing yourself to be consumed by these emotions all day would not serve you well.
as you make your way to the kitchen, the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. leon always made sure to set the coffee maker the night before, a small gesture that never failed to bring a smile to your face. but the smile wasn’t on your face, as he wasn’t here the night before or the nights before that. everything in your home seemed like an echo chamber of leon. though the house feels empty without leon's presence, you remind yourself that it's just temporary. he's out there, doing what he does best, and you couldn't be prouder of him. you know that his work is important, and sometimes sacrifices have to be made.
you pour yourself a cup, savoring the familiar taste and warmth. you grab a couple of eggs from the fridge and start preparing a simple breakfast. as you crack the eggs into the pan, you can't help but remember the times you’ve cooked together, laughing and joking around in the kitchen. you can still find joy in the small moments, even if it's just making breakfast for yourself. you turn on some music, filling the kitchen with some christmas classics, and start humming along as you cook.
as you sit down at the table, enjoying your breakfast, you glance at the calendar on the wall. christmas day is just around the corner, and you can't help but feel a twinge of excitement. soon enough, even if you hate how it is now, leon will be home.
you refuse to let the loneliness consume you. after finishing your breakfast, you clean up the kitchen and decide to fill your day with activities that can lift you up. whether it's going for a walk, reading a book, going on youtube for endless hours, hanging out with a friend, or even just watching more christmas movies, you’ll make the most of this day.
speaking of a friend, one of your friends had invited you to a christmas eve party a couple of days ago. however, at that time, you were deeply immersed in your emotions and sought solace in your own sorrows of being alone. but now, you've reached a turning point. the time for crying and being consumed by your emotions has passed.
you grab your phone and swiftly send a text to your friend, inquiring if the party is still happening. after a brief moment, you receive a reply confirming that the party is indeed taking place.
a surge of excitement rushes through you as you realize that attending the party would serve as the perfect distraction. it's an opportunity to spend time with friends, indulge in a drink or two, embrace the stupid holiday festivities, and momentarily let you forget the absence of leon.
as night fell, you wasted no time in preparing for the occasion. slipping into a stunning, curve-hugging short red dress, you embraced the perfect color for the festive season. its vibrant hue radiated celebration and joy. accompanied by elegant heels, every step exuded glamour.
attention to detail was paramount, so you meticulously selected accessories to complete your ensemble. your signature hoops and rings adorned your ears and fingers, adding a personal touch of style. but you didn't stop there. to harmonize with the season, you chose a few matching bracelets, flawlessly complementing the red dress.
turning your focus to your face, you skillfully applied makeup in a warm, natural palette, harmonizing with the enchanting christmas theme. subtle earthy tones accentuated your features, while a hint of shimmer on your eyelids added a touch of festive sparkle. a sweep of lip gloss provided a luscious glow, completing the radiant look.
before stepping out, you took a moment to enhance your curls. with a touch of product, you breathed new life into your locks, giving them refreshed volume that cascaded gracefully around your shoulders.
now fully prepared, you were ready to embrace the night, exuding confidence and capturing the spirit of the occasion.
with a sense of finality, you diligently switched off all the lights, the stove, and the remaining appliances. as the last item on your checklist, you knelt down to unplug the christmas tree, a tinge of melancholy tugging at the corners of your lips as you observed the once-bright lights flicker and fade into darkness. retrieving your keys from the coffee table, you approached the front door and closed it with a resolute click, sealing the chapter of your time within.
as you stepped out into the night, a cool breeze greeted you, whispering a farewell as you pressed the button on your car keys. a satisfying beep resonated from your vehicle, parked diligently in front of your house, punctuating the moment. slipping into the comforting embrace of the front seat, you took a moment to gather yourself, preparing to start the car.
as you make your way to the address, the air is filled with the lively sound of remixed holiday music and laughter. instantly, your energy shifts, and you feel a surge of excitement as you prepare to join the festivities.
upon entering, you find the party in full swing, with vibrant decorations adorning every corner and the delightful hum of friends and acquaintances mingling. across the room, you spot your friend, who eagerly waves you over with a warm smile.
twinkling lights illuminate every room, casting a warm, festive glow. garlands and wreaths, adorned with pinecones, holly berries, and shimmering ornaments, grace the walls and banisters, emanating the scent of fresh pine. the fireplace crackles with a cozy fire, casting dancing shadows on the walls. tables are adorned with holiday-themed centerpieces, featuring arrangements of poinsettias, candles, and miniature winter scenes. delicate snowflake decorations dangle from the ceilings, creating a whimsical atmosphere. everyone arrived dressed in their holiday best. other girls such as yourself don elegant cocktail dresses in rich colors, such as deep reds, emerald greens, and shimmering golds. some opt for fashionable jumpsuits or tailored pantsuits, exuding sophistication and style. the men present sport sharp suits or smart casual attire, complemented by festive touches like velvet blazers or patterned ties.
as you immerse yourself into the party, a profound sense of belonging washes over you. the room echoes with laughter, shared stories that make you blush, and an all-encompassing festive atmosphere. the night unfolds with drinks being passed around, party games igniting the atmosphere, and an abundance of delicious food and desserts to satisfy your cravings. witnessing spontaneous moments like people taking shots of coquito from another's belly button brings a carefree and joyful spirit to the occasion, exactly the kind of fun you needed.
in this lively setting, you let loose, embracing the merriment, and allowing yourself to simply revel in the happiness of the present moment.
as the night draws to a close, you say your goodbyes, feeling a little uplifted. the party had been a perfect distraction, you just dreaded going home to the silence you once shared with your lover.
you smile gratefully at your friend, feeling the warmth the her hug she encases you in. "thank you," you say sincerely. "i really did need this. it was a great distraction, and i had so much fun."
her embrace reminds you of the support and understanding that you have in your life. it's moments like these that make you appreciate the importance of having people to lean on.
returning her hug, you express your gratitude once more. "i'm lucky to have a friend like you. thanks for inviting me and being there for me. it means a lot."
“of course, don’t stress it,” she replies nonchalantly. as she walks you to your car, talking as much as you can before you have to go astray, eventually you part ways with her.
you slip into your car, starting the engine as you embark on the journey back home. the anticipation of returning to the quiet solitude of the house weighs heavily on you. eventually, you navigate through the drive-through and park your car, eager to reach the front door swiftly, mindful of the cold creeping up your bare legs, accentuated by your short dress. with haste, you insert the key into the lock, feeling a sense of relief as the door swings open. stepping inside, you swiftly turn to lock the door behind you, the click of the lock providing a small measure of comfort.
rubbing your tired eyes, exhausted from the emotional roller coaster of the day, you fumble to flip the light switch, craving the clarity of illumination. as the room floods with light, your senses jolt awake at the sight of someone familiar, causing you to momentarily snap out of your weariness.
“leon?” you voice, taken aback by his appearance.
leon stands in the middle of the living room, a mischievous smile on his face. he holds up a bouquet of flowers and a small gift, his eyes filled with warmth and excitement. he looks at you, his voice dripping with charm.
"surprise," he murmurs, a smile forming at the side of his mouth as he spoke. "i couldn't stay away for christmas after all."
your heart skips a beat as you take in the sight of him, unable to believe that he's actually here. the exhaustion and dread you felt just moments ago vanish, replaced by an overwhelming sense of happiness and relief.
you rush towards him, your eyes welling up with tears as you throw your arms around him, embracing him tightly. "leon! i can't believe it! you're really here!" you exclaim, hands practically shaking from the withdrawals of him not being in your grasp for what seemed like months on end.
he holds you close, his embrace reassuring and comforting. "i wanted to surprise you, beautiful," he says softly, his voice filled with affection. "i finished my mission earlier than expected, and there was no way i wasn’t coming back home to you the minute it ended."
you pull back slightly, your eyes searching his face, still in disbelief. "but... how? when did you even...?"
he chuckles, his piercing midnight blue gaze never leaving yours. "i made all the arrangements i needed to keep it a secret. i wanted to see the look on your face when you walked in and found me here."
that was just code for him that he probably drove here early and parked the car a block or four down so you wouldn’t bat an eye at it appearing mysteriously in the driveway which would give his little plan away. a mixture of awe, joy, and gratitude washes over you. you feel truly blessed to have someone like leon in your life, someone who goes above and beyond to make you happy.
"i can't believe you did this," you repeat, beginning to sound like a broken record. "you've truly outdone yourself, leon kennedy."
there it goes, his name leaving your lips once again. nothing made him more tender than hearing you say his name. leon smiles, his eyes twinkling with affection. "you know i would do anything for you."
basking in the joy of being reunited, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment and love.
"i really thought i would be spending another christmas alone this year," you whispered, your voice filled with a mix of surprise and delight. stepping back from the embrace, you allowed yourself a moment to fully absorb the sight before you, taking in every detail of leon.
leon's eyes soften as he looks at you, understanding and empathy shining through. "i'm sorry you had to feel that way, my love," he expressed gently, his voice filled with sincerity. "i never want you to feel alone, especially during the holidays."
he takes a step closer, reaching out to cup your face in his hands. "i know how much this time of year means to you, and i wanted to make sure it was special. you deserve all the love and happiness in the world, and i want to be the one to give it to you."
you lean into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hands against your skin. "you've already made my christmas just by being here," you reply, voice laced with gratitude. "i can't even put into words right now how much it means to me."
he smiles, his thumb gently brushing against your cheek. "you don't have to say anything. seeing your smile and knowing that i could surprise you like this is enough for me. i love you, and i'll always be here for you, no matter what."
you reach up to hold his hand against your face, savoring the moment and the love that surrounds you both. "i love you too, leon."
as you stand there, wrapped in each other's embrace, you can’t help but nuzzle yourself closer to him as if in one blink he’d be gone again.
you peer over to the flowers he had put down to hold you, and next to it a small box. “what’s that pretty little thing you got wrapped?” you inquire.
leon grins mischievously, now holding up the small gift box for you to see. "ah, this? well, that's a little something i picked up for you," he states playfully.
curiosity piqued, you eagerly reach out to take the box from him, as you carefully untie the ribbon and open the lid, revealing a delicate piece of jewelry nestled inside.
"it's a necklace," leon explains, his tone prideful as he was proud to come up with this gift for you. "i saw it and immediately thought of you. i added a little something too, look inside."
you delicately lift the necklace from its cushioned bed, admiring the intricate design and the way it catches the light. your fingertips grace the metal edge of the pendant as you flip it open, revealing a familiar photo of you and leon within. you instantly recognized the photo, a flood of memories rushing back as your eyes fell upon the familiar image. it captured leon perfectly, dressed in his black suit and tie, a visual testament to the moment he officially became an agent after his time as a cop in raccoon city—a chapter of his life that was cut short, to say the least. but your connection with leon had transcended those challenging times, as you had been together even before his days as an agent.
“so you always have me with you when i’m away,” he explains, his eyes creasing a bit from the smile on his face as he studies your features. “do you like it?”
it’s not like you could hear what he was saying as all the background noise felt like muffled echoes as you fixated on the image before you.
"it's beautiful, leon," you whisper, fighting the tears that threaten to trickle down your cheeks. "thank you. i love it."
he comes closer, rubbing the sides of your arms. "i'm glad you like it. i know it doesn’t replace the real thing, and it’s nowhere near close to,” leon affirmed, a laugh escaping his lips from referring to himself so highly. “but it’s something. and if it makes you happy, then i’m happy.”
with a gentle gesture, he extended his hand, delicately draping the necklace around your neck. the weight of the pendant against your skin sent a tingling sensation, as if it carried a significance beyond its physical presence. standing behind you, he carefully lowered it onto your chest, his touch evoking a sense of tenderness and affection. as the clasp secured the necklace, you swiftly turned around, your eyes meeting leon's.
in that fleeting moment, specific emotion could only describe how you felt—love. love for the person standing before you. the necklace settled into its rightful place, a symbol of the connection between your hearts, and you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the depth of your feelings.
leaning in, you press a soft kiss against his lips, your heart beating so hard against your chest you feel it might burst. "thank you for everything, leon. you truly are the best gift i could ever ask for."
you go to hug him one more time. leon holds you tightly in his arms, savoring the warmth of your body against his—a sensation he hasn’t felt in a while. "and you are the best gift i could ever ask for too," he replied, touching your heart as corny as it appeared. "being with you is all i need."
you remain intertwined in a tender embrace, savoring the preciousness of the moment and the profound love that envelops you both. as you nestle into each other, you can sense leon's arms enveloping you tighter, his hands gently pressing against the small of your back, conveying a depth of longing and affection that words could never fully capture. in that tranquil moment, you find solace in the knowledge that your connection is unbreakable, and that together, you can weather any storm that comes your way.
as leon's gaze shifts to the clock, his eyes follow each passing second until it finally strikes twelve, signaling the arrival of christmas. with utmost tenderness, he leans in to press a gentle kiss against your forehead, his affectionate gesture filling the room with warmth and love. his voice, as soft and delicate as the snowflakes that dance outside, gently breaks the silence of the room.
"merry christmas, my love," he whispers, his words spoken with a delicate care that wraps around you like a cozy blanket. the air seems to get warmer as he continues, "let's make this one to remember."
and as the joy of the season filled your heart, you knew that this year, your christmas would be anything but blue.
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lovelytsunoda · 9 days
heart too hot to hold | clement novalak
summary: staying at campus over thanksgiving wasn’t her first choice, but it was a hell of a lot better than a $800 round trip flight back home. over that one week while the campus was empty, she meets clement novalak and a rag-tag group of other holdovers who teach her valuable lessons about life and love
or, yn gets her breakfast club moment
pairing: college!clement novalak x college!reader
warnings: its basically the breakfast club lmao if they all chose to be there instead of being sent there against their will (if romance is not like what andrew and allison had i dont want it, i could go on for hours about how that was the most pure relationship in that movie), this is going to be a long one guys, implied smut at the end but it's not written out.
dedicated to my partner in clement related crime, @httpiastri
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the campus felt different with nobody on it.
she stood by the fireplace in the second-floor common room, watching the last few cars leave campus. her own inexpensive second-hand car stayed in its reserved spot, the lot almost empty around it. her parking pass dangled from the mirror behind her yankee candle air freshener to mask the old-person smell that seemed to permeate the mazda when she bought it.
its not that she didn't want to go home for reading week. she really did. she missed her parents and she missed her house, but she simply did not have the budget to buy peak plane tickets to go one province over. if she wasn't scared of her car falling apart before she got there, she was willing to make the six hour drive over the quebec-ontario border, but she just did not care enough.
and that's why she made the decision to stay on campus and take a longer break for christmas. she passed from the fireplace to the kitchen, a mug in hand and a hot cocoa packet tucked into her back pocket. the lack of kitchen in the individual rooms made cooking her own meals quite hard, so she was looking forward to having the second floor kitchen all to herself.
her phone was connected to the common room chromecast, and she was enjoying being able to hear music she actually liked echo around the room.
"mind if i borrow the stove?"
the voice from behind made her jump, hot milk spilling over the counter. she cursed under her breath, reaching to turn off the obnoxiously loud music.
"i didn't realize anybody else was still here. i expected to be the only one." she'd heard most of her floor leave that morning, and watched all the parking lots on campus slowly empty. nobody else should have been there. "go ahead, i was just about done anyways."
the boy nodded, his floppy hair falling around his face. he was wearing a sweatshirt and baggy jeans, a small coffee stain on the collar. "i'm clement, i live on the third floor."
"y/n. second." she said, a little unsure as she wiped up the counter. "you're not going home?"
"nah. i'd never get any work done if i did. i'm too busy."
she snorted, taking a sip of her drink "i'm too poor. a round trip was about $800 for a flight that's just under an hour and a half. i would rather go home for christmas."
clement smiled at her softly. "i get that. do you want anything to eat? it would be a shame just to cook for one."
she peered at his stunning eyes through the fringe that fell over his face. paired with his pleading grin, it was as if the man was giving her the human equivalent of puppy dog eyes.
"yeah, what the hell. but i pick the movie. are you familiar with st. elmo's fire? i watch it every fall."
clement made a face. "never heard of it."
her jaw dropped. "you've never heard of st. elmo's fire? rob lowe, ally sheedy, emilio estevez, andrew mccarthy, demi moore and judd nelson?"
"none of those words mean anything to me."
"it's the movie that made the brat pack!" she shouted. "you have to see it, let me go grab the dvd. don't stop cooking while i'm gone!"
as she started down the hall, she heard clement shout behind her "you still have dvd's?"
"there's a dvd player in every room, almost makes it worth the crappy tv quality."
when she came back, the common room was full of the smell of fried beef, a pot of spaghetti on the stove. clement had taken his sweater off, now sporting a muscle top with the under armour logo over his heart. she paused for a moment, blinking before she walked over to him.
he was hot!
he had even topped up her mug with extra warm milk and some whipped cream. a cutting board next to the stove had a can of tinned tomatoes and a pile of chopped carrots.
"i see someone fancies himself a chef."
"yeah, its a bit of a hobby." he shrugged, a devlish smile on his face. "i'd offer you wine but it's considered contraband and i didn't want my ra confiscating my merlot, so i drank it all."
if this was the breakfast club, she couldn't figure out if he was more john bender or andrew clark. he had bender's devilish charm, but andy's reserved humor. he had a bit of a bad boy streak, but he wasn't a total dick (every time she watches the breakfast club, she becomes more aware of the fact that she would have punched john bender in his smug face already), in fact, clement seemed quite sweet.
there was a knock on the kitchen wall just then, both parties turning to face the newcomer. she was quiet, dressed in a matching sweatsuit and cubic earrings.
"room for one more? i can pay you." her voice was soft. "it saves me making a skip the dishes order. i've missed eating with people."
y/n smiled waving her forward. "come join us! i was just about to put a movie on."
while clement finished up cooking, the girl introduced herself as olivia and the group of three settled on the couches around the tv. olivia seemed sweet, as did clement, and it struck yn that these were people she never would have gone out of her way to try and meet if she had just run into them in the halls.
"woah, who's the dude with the mullet? i know he;'s like, a bad person and all but i'd let him ruin my life." olivia remarked, watching rob lowe's character on screen
"yeah, you'd be hard pressed to find a character in this movie who gave something ten seconds of thought before they acted. it's part of why i like it so much. every character is messy because real life is messy, and sometimes people we know just suck."
clement raised his eyebrows. “I’m still not quite sure what this movie is actually about.”
“it’s a coming of age movie in a different sense. it’s about the transition from university to adulthood.” she explained, twirling the spaghetti on her fork. “and it’s about having sex with judd nelson.”
"yeah, but his character is a bit of a dick as well."
"that's the point." olivia and yn said in unison.
"alright, forget i said anything." clement laughed, turning back to the screen. "when does rob lowe get a saxophone?"
the movie was about halfway through, dirty plates stacked on the coffee table when someone else entered the room. the newcomer came in a cloud of vape smoke, smelling vaguely like passionfruit.
there's our john bender, she thought to herself. we definitely can't vape in here.
on screen, andrew mccarthy and ally sheedy were making out passionately, ready to tear each other's clothes off.
"no shit, did someone find professor alonso's vintage porn collection."
"woah dude, don't talk about the brat pack like that." yn fired back, flipping the newcomer the bird. "either stay quiet and join us or take your vape smoke somewhere else."
clement laughed into his fist, trying lamely to disguise it as a cough.
the newcomer chuckled, sinking down next to clement on the ratty couch. "so what are you guys watching then?"
"we can explain later. its at a good part!" olivia shushed him.
after the film finished, as the end credits rolled with the john parr song of the same name playing in the background, clement rose to his feet and gave the movie a shocking standing ovation.
"truth be told guys, i lost the plot halfway through." he admitted. "but i had a lot of fun watching it."
"i liked it." olivia hummed, nodding her head.
"so let me get this straight," the other boy stood to stand next to clement, pausing the dvd. "kirby is basically a stalker, billy is a deadbeat, alec is just a dick and jules should probably go to therapy?"
"yes." yn answered with a straight face. "not the most charming bunch, are they?"
he shook his head. "damn. we should watch a giant shark movie next."
"yeah, mate. deep blue sea or jaws?" clement laughed, clapping him on the back. "i'm clement, by the way."
"landon. and the answer is totally deep blue sea."
yep. definitely john bender.
"alright then," yn laughed. "olivia, what would you have picked?"
that was so not the answer she was expecting, but it gave her an idea.
"hey, if it's just the four of us in the building, we should get together every night, one person cooks and one person picks a movie." she suggested, reaching for her phone. "everybody, give me your numbers. we can set up a group chat."
"that's actually a really good idea." clement encouraged, beginning to clear the table. "i call dibs on fast five for my night."
with all the numbers in her phone, she sent out a smiley face to officially start the group chat.
"why are we called the breakfast club?" landon asked, staring down at his phone with a confused grimace.
"because we all match characters in the breakfast club. i'm allison, clement is andrew, olivia is obviously claire and you're bender." she said matter-of-factly.
"then who's brian? there were five in the movie, and there's only four of us." olivia added
"i think we've all got a little bit of brian in us."
they spent the rest of the evening in front of the fireplace (which they were all surprised was still functional with most of the building being gone) playing a game of uno with a deck of cards that clement was sure had more pick-up-fours than a standard deck did. reruns of the big bang theory played on the tv behind them while landon and clem battled with each other to see who could pick up more of the deck before the game was over.
it was 10:30 when y/n called it quits, although she really didn't want to. she had work to get finished in the morning, and needed to decide what recipe she was going to cook the following night. she was having fun with her new friends, and she wanted to make the most of it while she could.
"that's me done for the night. i have to go grocery shopping in the morning. olivia, you have dibs on the movie. nothing that's going to give me nightmares, though."
clement grinned from across the table. "don't worry, yn. i'll protect you."
"oh, shut up." she laughed, trying to hide the nervous blush on her face as she playfully kicked at his leg
"come off it, let me walk you back to your room."
she relented, walking side by side with clement. it was awkward, and mostly silent as they walked the carpeted hall. they made idle small talk, mostly about the events that had transpired that evening. she wondered as they were walking if clement would even remember this night after class was back in session.
"well, this is me." she said idly, pointing at a door with a fall wreath on it. "my roommate went home for the holidays so its just me here." she held the key fob in her hands, trying to come up with a way to make this moment last longer.
to prolong the feeling of calm she felt when speaking to clement novalak, the elation she felt when he looked at her like that.
"well," he sighed, hands in the front pockets of his jeans as he rocked on the balls of his feet. "i'll let you get on with your evening."
"thanks. i have to head out early tomorrow to get the ingredients i need for the meal, my fridge is pretty bare. you're welcome to tag along if you want."
clement beamed at her, and she felt her stomach flutter slightly. he was smiling at her, and she never wanted him to stop.
"yeah, why not. meet in the parking lot for eight?"
"sounds good."
the next morning, clement showed up at her door at promptly seven thirty with two tinfoil wrapped bagels in his hand. he took control of the aux cord in her car, blasting an odd mixture of throwbacks and house remixes of classic rock songs. she liked the way he made her feel, hanging on to every word and letting her ramble about anything and everything. he was a good storyteller, and she found herself filled with a sense of longing as he talked about his travels and his friend group.
she wished she could be a part of it.
they were still singing along to poison when they pulled back into the residency, and y/n found that her heart felt heavy at the idea of her time with clement being over.
she was falling far too deep, especially considering that their social circles shouldn't mix.
"do you want help cooking later?" clem offered, helping her grab the bags from the trunk. "if i'm being quite frank, i enjoy spending time with you."
her cheeks heated up as she buzzed the pair into the building. "yeah, okay. there's a bit we have to do now, and i'll need some latex gloves?"
clement raised an eyebrow.
"do you want to touch raw chicken with your bare hands?"
"fair enough."
she'd never had as much fun in the kitchen as she did that afternoon. they had the radio on, singing out of key and taking twenty minutes to do a ten minute task. clement danced around the small kitchen like an idiot, singing into a wooden spoon.
after the chicken was marinating in the fridge, their phones buzzed simultaneously on the counter.
"its olivia with the movie options for later. she's giving us a choice between the crow and slender man. i'm voting for the crow. as long as it’s the original from 1994.”
clement laughed. today he was wearing a turtleneck and jeans, and why did that make her knees go weak?
"yeah, i think i am too. i don't fuck with slender man."
later that evening, as the group congregated around the large flat screen to watch their movie, yn couldn’t help but notice that clement chose to sit next to her on the large couch. their thighs were basically touching. olivia looked in their direction, a knowing look on her face as she raised an eyebrow.
her phone buzzed in her lap.
olivia: hes so into you!!!
yn; like hell he is. he barely knows me
olivia; trust me, I know that look. get that dick girl, you deserve it!
“what happens after this week?” she asked quietly, shutting her phone as she looked around at the group.
landon still had his vape pen in hand. olivia sat on the floor, back up against the couch. her plate was a cross her lap, strewn with remnants of shawarma sauce and rice. and clement, pretty perfect clement was sitting next to her without a care in the world.
outside of this week, they were not her people, and she found herself dreading returning to a world where she had to pretend she hadn’t made a fuck ton of good memories with them.
landon shrugged, taking another drag of his vape. “I’m assuming we just all go back to normal.”
“but why?” olivia asked. “why should we? I’ve had a good time with you guys, and I’d feel odd just ignoring you if we passed in the halls.”
“I’d hang out with you guys.” yn said softly. “surprisingly enough, I like you guys.”
sure, she wouldn't consider going to one of landon's frat parties, or joining olivia at a pep rally, but more nights like this were right up her alley. good food, good movies and good friendship.
"i think, after all the time we've spent getting to know each other," clement started "that it would be a pretty shitty thing to do to abandon and ignore each other once reading week is over."
they were silent for the rest of the film, an uneasy feeling falling over them. y/n refused to make eye contact, scared of being burned. out of the corner of her eye, however, she noticed that clement was no longer watching the screen.
he was watching her, with a look approaching wistful in his eyes.
soon enough, the end of the week came, and olivia and yn felt like they needed to mark the week with something more monumental than dinner and a movie. olivia's roommate had a karaoke machine, and clement had a liquor store points card. with those two facts in hand, a plan started to emerge to throw a party celebrating their last week.
"let's make a pact tonight." clement said, raising his coffee mug at breakfast. "to treasure the week we spent together, and to solmenly swear not to ignore each other in the halls. we're friends now, whether we like it or not."
“man!” landon says “don’t get all sappy on me. let’s just enjoy this last day. as pitbull once said: life is not a waste of time. and time is not a waste of life. so let's stop wasting time, get wasted, and have the time of our lives.”
“damn straight!” olivia added, clinking her mug against his. “let’s make it the best party that this empty dorm has ever seen.”
yn laughed, pulling olivia in for a side hug. “yeah. we take it day by day. let’s not think about tomorrow and focus on having a good tonight.” this is the best idea I’ve ever been a part of, yn thought later that night, curled up next to olivia in a pile of blankets, smirnoff ices in their hands as the pair watched clement absolutley butcher the hannah montana theme song at karaoke.
It had been a good week, and while she was still sad she couldn’t make the trek home, she loved her new friends and she would always treasure the memories that she had made with them.
“my turn, my turn!!” olivia insisted, making grabby hands towards the wireless microphone. “come to mama, there’s an abba song with my name written all over it!”
yn laughed, watching Olivia saunter over to the karaoke set. no sooner than she had gotten up did clement slide onto the sofa to take her place,
“so, how was I?” he asked, slightly buzzed and sporting that goofy and contagious smile. when clement novalak was in a good mood, it was hard for anyone around him not to be.
she raised an eyebrow. “miley might say you ruined her tour.”
“oh come off it.” clem laughed, playfully launching a pillow in her direction. “you did this, you know.” he nodded in the direction of where landon was trying to hijack olivias performance of dancing queen. “earlier you said that if this was the breakfast club, you’d be allison, but i don’t think that’s entirely true. I think you’re brian, because he’s the one who brought everybody together in the end.”
her heart softened, something fizzing in her chest that was either heartburn or flattery. “you watched the breakfast club for me?”
“duh,” clement laughed “I had to know if you were insulting me hen you said I was andrew.”
she smiled, curling closer to him on the couch, bravely reaching to touch his forearm. “so if you’re andrew and I’m allison, it’s only right that I kiss you right now.”
oh god, that’s the cringiest thing I’ve ever said.
she didn't have time to dwell on her choice of words before clement cupped the back of her neck and pulled her face towards his, pressing his lips against hers.
the kiss took her breath away.
her hands slid up the back of his neck to tangle in his hair, the off key singing fading into the distance.
she pulled away, fully able to hear the heartbeat in her chest.
"holy shit."
clement laughed, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "holy shit indeed."
"shall we take this somewhere a little more private?" she asked tentatively. "i'd love to keep kissing you, but i dont want an audience."
clem beamed, lacing his fingers with hers. "should we go to your room or mine?"
she laughed, a smile splitting her face.
she never wanted this weekend to end, but if it had to, taking clement novalak to bed was exactly the ending she was hoping for.
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nuttyhatter · 3 months
The one where Sutekh is a good boy...
Ok, look, this makes abso-fucking-lutely no sense. Like, at all. But still, I'm writing it.
I don't know what/who Sutekh was in previous Doctor Who seasons, but going by what I just saw (and I already watched Empire of Death), I want Sutekh to be Doctor's multiversal dog.
I don't know why, but that's what my mind chose to stay with.
I think about Sutekh traveling on the TARDIS and watching the whole universe and time with the Doctor and meeting, if only as an espectator, all those who traveled with the Doctor.
Warning: Liberal use of curse words.
Imagine Sutekh watching the Doctor risk their own life time and time again to save other people.
Imagine how he could have reacted to the Doctor meeting Ruby, someone who was so ordinary, yet along with her mother had touched so many people's lives. Imagine Sutekh watching them risking it all to get to the goblings and save a baby they met maybe an hour ago, only to end up singing in front of the gobling king.
And then the Doctor freaking out and going to save Ruby.
And then this dog-looking entity finds the mistery of Ruby and starts to get curious about a person, someone who is alive and is not the Doctor.
And Ruby stars traveling with the Doctor (and with him) on TARDIS, and one day, they get to the babies.
And Sutekh never saw much sense in life when everything in the end would be the same, but then he watched the Doctor and Ruby meet all this babies who shouldn't be babies anymore, who shouldn't be living there, pretty much by themselves, terrified of some strange being who lives in the lower part of the ship. Babies who were deemed mistakes, who were supposed to be abandoned, whose lives should ended years ago, who shouldn't even had come into existence.
And the Doctor and Ruby again do their best to save them because even if every other person decided that those kids weren't important, weren't good enough, weren't worth it, they both cared.
And you know what? That weird baby monster (whose origin Sutekh decided to pointedly ignore) with the power to inflict fear even in the Doctor by growling at the right frequence was kind of interesting... I mean, it wouldn't live forever, and Sutekh would make sure of that, but maybe, just maybe a little more time to see what thosee spacial-babies got up to...
Sutekh didn't appreciate Master showing up and causing a ruckus by stealing all music. He didn't get why the Doctor and Ruby cared so much either. It was just music, some noise all put together in some semblance of order and repeated time and time again.
He wasn't expecting the fucking End of Times because there was no music and humans decided to collectively fuck shit up-
And how was it that he still couldn't bring his Empire into existence with this crazy assholes at the proverbial wheel of this world? You take away music and they destroy the planet? Give the world back to the dinosaurs, that's what he says! (But not the cats, NEVER the cats, they already have too much of an ego for his liking...)
Anyways, that's when they go back and try to re-insert music in the world. Ruby plays the piano. She is... not bad.
He was actually not-hating it (he wasn't liking it, he doesn't do "like") when Master decides to show up and interrupt by trying to still the music from Ruby.
Things get really insane from there (but what else is new?) and Master is about to kill Ruby (which doesn't bother him at all, of course) when a Christmas carol starts coming out of that too strange but somehow still perfectly, reasonably ordinary girl. What...?
John Lennon and Paul McCarthy found the chord that expelled Master from this plain of existence. That doesn't surprise Sutekh at all, they were geniuses after all... Not that he knew anything about the Beat- that band he knew nothing at all about.
The Doctor stepped on a mine. The Doctor. Stepped. On a fucking MINE!
Centuries, maybe eons across the galaxy and the time lord goes into a war zone without looking and steps on a mine. Of course they do. Go throw your life away after battling the literal embodiment of death! See who cares!
The tube was a corpse. He didn't know how. He didn't want to know either.
There was a girl then, and even Sutekh knew that a girl of that age in that place was every kind of wrong. That soldier who came looking for her was exasperating. Couldn't she see that they were a bit busy right now trying not to explode?
Right, the Doctor is a time lord, he would make some interesting fireworks all over the planet... And the TARDIS. The TARDIS he was currently on. Shit.
Alright, the soldier had an idea that perhaps may work and- Where the fuck did that came from?! Who did this?! WHO-?!
Ruby was dying and that idiotic ambulance wouldn't do shit to help and the Doctor was still on the mine and WHY was that girl still here?!
The mine would activate eventually regardless of what the Doctor did and those two soldiers could not hack the system to make it help Ruby or the Doctor and the girl was talking with an hologram of his late father and watching photos and everything was wrong. Wrong, wrong. WRONG!
Ruby was still on the floor and didn't seem to be breathing and the Doctor was talking and... what did he mean? He didn't understand? The system? The ambulances? The war and the-?
This "soldiers" had been going to die at the hands of stupid robots thinking that they were at war with some kind of hostile alien race that probably was not even real and they were getting hi-Ruby and the Doctor killed!
And they had the gal to doubt the Doctor when he was basically spelling it out to them!
And did that guy really just confess his love to the other soldier? Now? Really?!
The hologram was the actual father of the girl yet. Sort of. Somehow. Somewhere. Sutekh didn't know. He didn't know either how the Doctor managed to convince it (him? Who cares!) to hack the system to help them, but they managed and-
The ambulances were attacking them. Great. Why not?
And the Doctor was still standing on the mine. Sure, whatever. Then-
Go, you weird hologram who definitely shouldn't be so sentient and have so much capacity for decision-making!!!!!
He released a great sigh when they left that planet (finally!). Ruby was alive, the Doctor hadn't exploded and Sutekh was on his spot over the TARDIS.
See? This was a clear show of the reasons life was simply ridiculous and way too chaotic.
Death was the final answer... Or not so final if the hologram of the girl's dad was anything to go by. Sutekh had never cared too much about what the living thought happened with them after death, he already knew... or thought he knew...
Nop. Not today. There had been more than enough stress already.
Sutekh then decided to rest. He got himself comfortable over the TARDIS and laid his head over his crossed paws, slowly falling asleep.
He suddenly opened his eyes, unable to decide if he should hit his own head repeatedly against TARDIS' roof or simply throw himself into the void and disappear along with his own sheer stupidity.
The woman in the ambulance. The ambulance. It was his, one of the multiple copies he made to plant across the universe. It was all him. His fault. He nearly killed Ruby and the Doctor. He...
Doesn't care. That's pretty much what he's trying to do, anyways. So what?
He settled back to rest and tried to sleep. It wasn't as comfortable as before.
Every person in this planet is so annoying, Sutekh cannot even begin to describe it. They were being eaten by slugs. Fucking. Slugs.
And those things ate over half the population before these idiots realised.
No, allow him to correct himself: Those things had had a feast with over half the population by the time Ruby and the Doctor stumbled across this planet and decided to try and save this stupid, ungrateful shits.
The girl couldn't walk. Sutekh gave up. This was more than what he was able to tolerate. It was just too much.
Then that boy appeared and wasn't a complete dumbass. So maybe Ruby and the Doctor's efforts weren't completely wasted... Not that it was worth anything, anyways. Everyone dies in the end.
The dots were behind the attack of the slugs. Honestly, couldn't they swith sides and help the dots instead? They were nice and easy to carry and could play music. How many of the fuckers in this planet could do that, huh?
He felt it, the moment the other boy's heart stopped beating. Then the girl met with Ruby and the Doctor by the river and said something about him going back to save others.
Sutekh didn't want her on TARDIS. She wasn't worth it, she wasn't worthy and she... she could be dangerous for Ruby and for the Doctor. He needed to do something before-
Those people were speaking, saying something in response to the Doctor's (too generous) offer to come with him and-
Go and keep your stupid planet, and stupid forest and slugs. Without WIFI. Do you know where you can find WIFI? In TARDIS, that's where!
Sutekh's mood was definitely awful by the time he heard the screaming Doctor.
He didn't get it. Why did they care so much? This people didn't deserve their care.
But nevertheless, the Doctor yelled himself hoarse and cried in despair.
Ruby hugged him.
Sutekh felt a very uncomfortable knot in his chest.
They were visiting the past-Earth so Ruby and the Doctor could have their "Bridgerton experience". That didn't mean much to Sutekh since all knowing and ever present entities didn't care about such trivialities as human entertainment.
(Also, Penelophe deserved better.)
The Doctor met some random guy who invited him to go outside... And wasn't that a bit foward for this time?
There was a space ship. Random-guy was a bounty hunter and thought that the Doctor was from some shape-shifting alien race that killed people and took their places in a twisted play that had no point in Sutekh's opinion.
Also, the guy called himself Rogue. Took the name from DND. Huh...
Doctor, you don't keep flirting with the dude who is threatening to kill you, that's not how it work!
Why did it work?!
And why is he on TARDIS? He is not Ruby, he is not the Doctor either. He is not an anomaly, he is not interesting. Why is he on TARDIS?
Why would the Doctor want this guy to come with them? He's another of the thousands of bounty hunters that roam the Universe with the sole purpose of earning money. And ok, that wasn't bad, per se. But it wasn't funny either... Not that he'd been having fun watching the Doctor and Ruby.
Oh, right, the shifter was still on the party with all those people... AND RUBY.
Fuck! Doctor, what are you waiting for?! That girl can be a real trouble magnet!
With some luck, she is still with that other boring girl.
The Doctor and Rogue were dancing and making a scandal of themselves, trying to attract the shifter. The Doctor also looked very... content, not like they did with Ruby but...
Maybe there was something to this Rogue- guy after all, if he could make the Doctor so happy with only a short dance.
He seems a bit rusty in the acting department though, the Doctor was carrying the whole show over his own shoulders and-
Wait, is Rogue kneeling? He is! He did! And he has a ring too!! And-
*cough cough*
Not that Sutekh cared. He doesn't give a damn about some fake marriage proposal of some fake gay couple.
Nevertheless, he is willing to allow Rogue on TARDIS after such and improvisation. He is gracious like that.
There were more shifters. And they liked the Doctor, they wanted to replace him too (as if they ever could...)
The shifters got to Ruby. They got to his the girl.
Now the shifters were celebrating a fake wedding with fake-Ruby as the bride.
The Doctor and Rogue got the shifters trapped into the portal and were about to send them away when fake-Ruby started a last ditch attempt to save herself by saying she was the real Ruby, but that couldn't be, for the mannerisms and even the scent of fake-Ruby was like that of the shifters Sutekh had encountered throughout his life.
Then the shifter that attacked Ruby appeared. Fake-Ruby was no fake and she was now trapped in the portal with the other shifters. She'd be sent to a desolate nightmare dimension with those creatures and she'd be on her own, if the Doctor didn't do something, anything. But there was nothing to do now, or the shifters would escape and break havoc.
Ruby was crying, all the while reassuring the Doctor, saying that it was ok.
It fucking wasn't.
Rogue asked the Doctor if they could give up a friend for the world. The Doctor said they couldn't and Sutekh... Sutekh thought he might understand.
Then Rogue kissed the Doctor. He took the detonator from their hand. The Doctor was crying and Rogue looked so fucking sorry.
Was he going to sacrifice Ruby? If he dared to...
Rogue jumped toward Ruby and pushed her out of the still inactive portal.
He threw the flowers at the Doctor.
'Find me'. That was all the bounty hunter said before activating the portal and falling with the shifters into some remote part of the Universe.
The Doctor kept trying to act as if everything was fine. As if they were fine. They weren't and they had no reason to.
Sutekh had been bringing death to this Universe since the Beginning and he knew loss, if only by watching it in others. People needed to mourn. This wasn't right.
But Ruby was there and she cut straight through the Doctor's bullshit.
They hugged and cried.
Sutekh, at the end, didn't dislike the bounty hunter. And Rogue had saved Ruby. He did it for the Doctor, didn't he? At least, that was all Sutekh could assume.
Why though? Why give it all for the happiness of someone you just met?
Perhaps Rogue was an anomaly too, after all.
An anomaly that was lost in some knot of the immense tapestry that were time and space. Imposble to track.
At least, impossible when you are not a death-deity with the ability to sense every living being in the Universe.
As things were, Sutekh was and could. So, he'd guide TARDIS. A little deviation from its intended course to the place were he had tracked the bounty hunter.
Then, Sutekh would add him to his collection of Oddities.
(And if it made a certain Doctor happy, so what?)
The hardest part was convincing TARDIS of cooperating with him instead of the Doctor for once. But she complied once he told her about his plan.
The TARDIS was stuck in a death-world while Ruby and the Doctor went out to find some piece of metal to fix the (very much not at all broken) TARDIS.
They were attacked by one of the shifters, but the creature was swiftly dealt with. It was also easily recognised.
The search for metal quickly changed to a search for Rogue.
They found him hiding away, dirty and hungry, in quite the deplorable state. But, and this Sutekh knew, Rogue was very much alive. The man was strong and had a good survival instincts.
Rogue was disbelieving, half convinced the Doctor and Ruby were the shifters. The Doctor reasoned that the only way for the shifter to replace them was by killing them. For that they had to be there and if they were there, there was no way the shifters got close enough to attack them and succeed. A bit of a twisted logic, if you ask Sutekh, but Rogue seemed to take it. The man was exhausted and probably desparate, so...
In their way back to TARDIS, they found the rest of the shifters.
On the upside, Rogue was sure now that Ruby and the Doctor were real. On the downside, angry and violent shifters.
But Ruby, the little marvel, had put on her earrings.
Sutekh had never seen such a graceful and impecable display of violence. He may take a look into MMA tournaments some time in the future... For research purposes, of course. He couldn't care less about these mortal petty activities.
They reached TARDIS, with a couple of the remaining shifter on their tail.
That's when they realised they had forgotten to look for a piece of metal.
It didn't matter, TARDIS wasn't broken. The Doctor surely would make another attempt at restarting TARDIS and she would function just fine. Except that she didn't.
Sutekh questioned her about it. He suppressed the urge to face-palmed, hard, when she explained that she didn't want to trick her creator, so she broke herself. It was just a minor thing, really, but now she truly needed a piece of metal.
The shifters were back now, banging at the door, the wood quickly cracking under the relentless assault.
The three passengers were frantic, looking for some metal chunk that'd work to fix TARDIS.
Sutekh was mad. At TARDIS for being so reckless, but also at himself for unknowingly asking such a thing of her.
But he wasn't just angry. There was and awful ball of something twisting in his stomach when he thought about TARDIS hurting herself at his request. About Ruby, the Doctor and Rogue, in danger because of his carelessness. It was the same feeling that had assaulted him a while back when they were leaving that war-zone of a planet and he realised the ambulance had been one of his creations. He felt bad, but he didn't understood why he cared. He felt... was this guilt? He didn't like it. He didn't.
Ruby screeched in fear when a big chunck of the door flew past her head, the shifters still banging at it.
The sound brought Sutekh back to reality.
Metal, they needed metal. A big piece, the Doctor had said. Something around the size of a human fist, something like...
Sutekh quickly undid his own collar and maneuvered one of its rings out. He put it inside one of TARDIS' compartments and she let it fall at the Doctor's feet. They used it to fix TARDIS and leave the planet.
Ten minutes after their departure and a heartfelt embrace from Rogue and Doctor (coupled with a Ruby Sunday patented hug for Rogue as a thanks for saving her), Sutekh could finally breath again.
Only for his own brain to halt when he realised a tiny, little detail about the previous ordeal. Not only had he guided TARDIS to Rogue and plotted with her to find and rescue him, but he had also helped Ruby, the Doctor and Rogue to fix TARDIS. This time, he hadn't been just a witness of the events. He had helped.
He had helped.
He had helped.
He had helped.
He had helped.
And with a pitiful whine, Sutekh covered his head with both paws and tried to sleep his shame and confusion away.
TARDIS laughed at him. The fucker.
Things pretty much fell into a rutine after that. Or as close to a rutine as it could be with the Doctor.
Rogue and the Doctor grew closer by the day while Ruby tried to (not-so-subtly) get them into different date-like situations. Sutekh learned about the new concept of "ships" and "shiping". It has noting to do with sailig, but it is a bit interesting. Only a little bit.
And of course, the trio fell into uncountable dangerous situations.
Sometimes they got themselves out of troubles all on their own. But there were times when they didn't. Those times, Sutekh teamed up with TARDIS to rescue their Oddities. (Usually Sutekh wouldn't share, but TARDIS was a very valuable ally and he also appreciated her input and their conversations. Sutekh ignored TARDIS when she threw in the word "friandship".)
And so, there was the time the space-pirates tried to feed them to the intergalactic kraken and the TARDIS teleported "on her own" to a spot conveniently located below them before they fell into the mouth of the crearure.
Or that time when those huge quimera-like creatures were about to get them, and the rocks over the cliff they were under fell all over the monsters.
Or that time when the key-card of that guard "slipped" out of his pocket and fell just into Ruby's reach so she could get the three of them out of their cells.
All in all, it wasn't bad. Sutekh had his spot over TARDIS and his little Anomalies lived and went on adventures and helped people around the galaxy. All the while unaware of the strange and unlikely being who reluctantly (not really, but shhh...) got them out of the most difficult troubles (it'a pronounced "taking care of them", but he is not ready to say it yet).
Then, one day, the three of them were cornered by a group of dream sucking, mosquito-lizard beings. They suck you dry and leave you as a shell of your former self. Most end their own existence after that.
There was no rocks to throw, no void to jump into, no door to be magically opened. So he did the one think he knew how to do best: He blew his sand.
Immediately the disgusting creatures turned to asshes. The trio ran away, back to TARDIS, ancient artifact they were retrieving in hand.
The Doctor set course back to the mother planet of the ugly rock they were in. Ruby and Rogue decided to call it a day and go to sleep.
Around an hour later, the Doctor started talking. It wasn't weird, not even uncommon, for the Doctor to chat with TARDIS.
'Sutekh,' he called.
The dog-like deity debated with himself for long seconds. Should he keep hiding? The Doctor clearly knew he was there, but maybe-
The Doctor started looking for something in one of the inside pockets of his jacket.
'I wasn't sure where I had seen this before,' they started saying, showing of the ring Sutekh had taken off his collar so the Doctor could fix TARDIS. 'But I knew I had and it gave some very unusal lectures when scanned by TARDIS'. The Doctor was smiling at noting in particular, speaking loud enough to be heard in the room, but not too much, in order to allow the rest of TARDIS' small crew thir due rest. 'And today, with that sand...' The Doctor didn't continue, chuckling and denying with his head instead, as if amused at some ridiculous story someone was telling him.
'Show yourself, please' they asked then, quietly, carefully, as if speaking to a scared child.
Sutekh should have been very offended. Instead, he materialized in front of the Doctor, using a smaller version of his usual form. The Doctor was actually taller than him now.
The time lord sat on the floor in such a way it was Sutekh now the one towering over them.
'So...,' the Doctor started. 'Care to explain yourself?' They sounded curious. Not angry, scared or resentful. Just curious, as if discovering the embodiment of death in your time maching was an every day thing.
'I hid,' Sutekh chose to start with. 'When you intended to throw me into the void, I got to TARDIS. I've been hiding here since then.'
'And weren't you planning your revenge? A way to make all life end and create your own desolate galaxy?' The tone was playful, but there was wariness underneath it all.
Sutekh didn't answer. He wasn't sure why, but the idea of confessing his previous plans was somehow worse than being discovered in TARDIS.
He had just enough time to realize he refered to his own plans as a thing from the past, when the Doctor spoke again.
'What's changed?'
Sutekh wasn't sure what the Doctor had seen in him during the few seconds he stayed silent, but he sounded less uncertain and more exited.
And he didn't know why, but that was a good thing.
'I belive...' he said, thinking over his answer. 'I belive, it was me.'
That realisation was as terrifying as it was exhilarating. And Sutekh had no idea what to do with it.
The Doctor stood up then, swiftly and gracefuly, as he always did. He walked to the controls of TARDIS, then looked at him with a broad smile.
'Then?, they asked. 'Where should we go next?'
Sutekh couldn't help but return the smile.
He was unsure, painfully so, and for the first time in his very long life. There was still a lot of bad blood between them, and even if Ruby didn't know who he was, Rogue was sure going to know something about him.
But looking at the smiling, lonely and too fogiving Doctor in front of him, with the bipping sounds of TARDIS in the backround, Sutekh decided that it was ok.
They had time to dealt with it all.
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