#I don't even have names for them or a full idea for their design
nightoftheweek · 1 year
I unknowingly started making a back story for two characters I was creating for inktober. It wasn't suppose to go like this. The goal was to work on things I never have done or done much of.
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halemerry · 1 year
On Crowley, memory, and identity.
So full disclosure first, I am not someone who is particularly interested in having Crowley's angel name on screen - personally I rather like the idea of never having an answer to this question - but I also do think it's interesting and fun to speculate and we got quite a few hints at this throughout this season soooo
Obviously part of this is that we meet him. The angel that would become Crowley is the first person on screen this season. We confirm a lot about him here. He confirm that he is powerful enough to start the engine of the universe. We confirm that he can control gravity and time and space and light. We confirm that he is the being that says let there be light before the beginning. We also confirm that he consulted with the concept designer of the universe and that he's very comfortable with the idea of questioning authority. We are also given Aziraphale's anxiety as a contrast to this and as proof that that is not a universal trait for early angels.
Now, we have always had evidence that Crowley is powerful. He's done some things that seem impossibly big. He stops time very casually and seemingly without effort - even at the end of season 1 it doesn't even seem to give us the same strain on him that holding the Bentley together does. This is a thing that we only ever see Crowley do and notably a thing that you would think other beings would mess with to their advantage if it was possible. Which means they either literally can't or that it never occurred to them that they could. Or as is becoming increasingly clear: perhaps it's a bit of both.
But that's not the only implication of power we get in season 1 either. We get Crowley seemingly in tune with the universe in a way many angels and demons aren't. Which, makes some sense if he helped make it. This manifests in all sorts of ways. He's constantly aware of Aziraphale's presence. He can smell when the world state changes like when Adam names Dog. He holds the Bentley together through utter destruction. He notices that there are different books in the bookshop - something I always assumed was meant to convey he was familiar with the shop's contents but after learning he didn't even know Jane Austen was a writer I wonder if it's actually more to do with him being in tune with reality. He also can apparently quite literally feel when there are eyes on them.
We're given even more of all these things this season in some really interesting ways. Crowley literally tests the air to check if a miracle has happened - another thing that we don't see anyone else do despite Heaven literally assigning someone to Aziraphale to check for a specific miracle. This particular beat is also something we are shown twice this season. Both here and in 1941, when Furfur uses the miracle blocker on Aziraphale. Here Crowley tests his miracles and despite getting nothing of the sort when Aziraphale tries a miracle literally the beat before this, we are given both a visual and an auditory effect. It ripples out with a watery sound effect from Crowley's finger. It's like he's prodding at reality.
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There's also several instances involving the recognition or lack thereof of angels and demons. Crowley feels that the demon army is arriving before it does. Neither side seems to be able to track Gabriel - one of the most powerful beings in existence - at all once he leaves Heaven. We also see countless angels fail to notice Crowley himself both as Bildad the Shuhite performing literal miracles right in front of them. And this happens again as he prances about Heaven after Muriel. Aziraphale can't tell Shax is a demon despite Crowley recognizing she's manifested behind him nearly as soon as he answers the phone. Aziraphale can't even recognize that he himself is still an angel at the end of the Job story.
He also. Quite literally. Brings someone back from the dead???? Like waves a hand casually on the street and reconstitutes Mr. Brown like he'd never been dead at all. Mr. Brown returns with no memory of what happened to him holding a newspaper that seems to have literal bite chunks coming out of it. It's not framed as a huge miracle or anything strenuous either - just a casual snap.
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And that's not even getting into the parallels with Gabriel. First of all. We get the color purple. It's purple when Aziraphale and angel that would become Crowley start the engine of the quadrants of the universe and it's purple when they miracle to hide Gabriel. This color is associated with power and, historically in the language of this show, with Gabriel himself. Them using it together twice speaks a lot to the power they have together.
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But that's not the only symbolism historically tied to Gabriel that has found its way to Crowley this season either. Most flashy of all is the lightning. This is how we see Gabriel arrive on earth at the end of season one and it is something Crowley apparently just Does when he gets too mad to contain himself.
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This alone wouldn't catch my attention except. Except the way Crowley reacts to Gabriel's memory problems is... interesting to say the least. He's angry and understandably so. Part of this is him being mad and protective of Aziraphale - he says as much himself to Jim directly. And yet, weirdly, it's the kind of mad that reminded me of something else.
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This is the mad he tends to gets at his plants. Do it properly. Think hard. You can do better than that. Grow better. It's the kind of angry that's steeped in projection. It's he kind of angry that is undercut with the occasional weird undercurrent of understanding. And so much of his dialogue with Jim around this is framed like he does actually understand. Jim says it hurts and he says he knows. Jim starts talking about it feeling like being an empty house that still remembers where the furniture is and Crowley immediately latches onto this and understands ah it's looking at where the furniture isn't.
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And there's a few other conversations that center around this issue that I find really interesting from a projection perspective. There's the conversation that happens when Crowley goes to have an alcohol fueled chat with Jim. He says "You're Jim now. Got everything just the way you wanted?" This doesn't make a whole lot of sense for him to be addressing Gabriel with. As far as he knows all Gabriel would want was the end of the world.
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And then there's the particular way he asks Jim to eliminate himself in this scene. Climb out the window. In other words, have a fall. Something he pretty immediately retracts and clearly feels guilty about no matter how much he hates Gabriel.
And then there's the first conversation he gets to have after learning about Gabriel. Crowley opens this conversation, thinking out loud. He's staring out, not talking to Az yet and the very first thing out of his mouth is, of all things: "He's going to be okay." A weird start for a statement about Gabriel in itself but then Crowley goes and adds what at it's core is his own trauma narrative to the end with, "We can just take him somewhere and leave him there."
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Now the real fun bit: Crowley also has memory issues that are out very prominently on display even as far back as season 1.
He has inconsistent memories of his Fall. The answers he gives us to why he Fell change slightly - even when he's alone with himself. He doesn't seem to understand why exactly he Fell even though he clearly has some vague idea of the pieces in play. I always thought to some degree that this was just a trauma response, but season 2 drew even more attention to this and now that we know that memory alteration is how Heaven handles powerful angels I can't help but to wonder if there's more in play here.
Crowley can't remember Furfur - who he apparently literally fought next to during the war in Heaven. Crowley can't remember building a nebula with Saraqael. Crowley doesn't remember why they decided gravity was a good idea.
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But he does remember bits and pieces here and there. He remembers doing some of the starmaking. He remembers how to access clearance locked files. He's missing pieces and also seems to have an understanding that Gabriel's memories ARE in there. Almost like he's done this work on himself before.
This narrative itself is also far more concerned with the angel Crowley was this time around. It teases his rank a few different times. Most notably is him having access the files only available to Dominions and above.
Now angel hierarchy is a bit of a messy area depending on what sources you're using but given Good Omens tendencies in the past we can assume that this leaves us five ranks. Dominion, Throne, Cherub, Seraph, and Archangel.
I might break down why I think Dominion, Throne, and Cherub feel kind of odd to me later if there's interest - now available here - in that but given the current length of this meta I just want to focus on that last one for now.
Crowley was an Archangel is far from a new theory and I've honestly historically had some fairly mixed feelings about it. But the parallels between Jim and Crowley lend some interesting connective tissue to a lot of those theories. And. There's also some interesting camera work and script writing tied to Crowley and that term outside of the scenes about Gabriel's memories specifically.
Firstly, during Crowley's chat with Beelzebub he says it's a big universe with plenty of places for an archangel to hide. Like Alpha Centauri perhaps?
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Then we get Aziraphale and Crowley both presenting Hell and Heaven respectively the idea that it could have been them that did the archangel class miracle. Aziraphale gets scoffed at and yet. Shax is the one who says the miracle was archangel level and Crowley's response is "how do you know I didn't do it?"
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Then later as she's prowling about the shop we get this interesting shot of Crowley in the doorframe and Jim in the background. Crowley grins and offers to let Shax look in and see if she can see any archangels in there while he's framed dead center and Jim himself is blurry in the back of the frame.
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And most fascinating in my opinion is this shot that happens when Crowley and Muriel are accessing the classified files. Nearly every shot in this sequence is group shots or shots of Gabriel. The camera is focused in the plot and the way the archangels function as a group and on Gabriel himself. But we get one single shot in this entire sequence of Crowley by himself and it is immediately following Gabriel saying "I am the only first order archangel in the room - or, well, the universe."
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And then in the end. We get the Metatron who goes out of his way to avoid using Crowley's name. He calls him demon (and insists correctly that Crowley would recognize him even when Michael doesn't) or refers to him as Aziraphale's friend. He only ever uses that name when trying to use him as a bribe for Aziraphale. That combined with the dark look he gives Crowley implies a familiarity that only the Metatron has with him.
So who is he then? There's plenty of old meta out there about why certain archangels fit or don't and I won't reiterate them here. They're interesting and definitely worth poking around at and very fun to read! Personally I'm not as interested in naming the someone he used to be as I am in examining the places that ghost of this angel has started to poke through the narrative so I'll end this here. It's spiralled into something far longer than I ever meant it to be anyway.
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jpitha · 23 days
The Oxygen Breathers: Sales Pitch
It wasn't until Late Summer Storm was being strapped into the small human ship that he realized that it was really really happening. Sure, he had seen the extremely small ships the humans had brought out to show off; a resurrection of a very old design, they said. And sure, he had noticed that one of them had two seats instead of one. They had said that one was for training or ride alongs, would he like to try it out? And sure, in a moment sans sanity, Late Summer Storm had agreed to the ride.
That as going to be it, right? They'd find some incompatibility, or there would be some political fallout and he wouldn't have to go. Face would be saved by all.
But no. The humans were so excited about the prospect they - to use one of their own strange idioms - 'moved heaven and earth' to make it happen.
First was political. Summer had hoped that Innari high command would balk at the idea of one of their own being wedged into a prototype human ship, but to his dismay, they were excited about the idea. They were so excited in fact that several members of the Isolators had paid him a visit and informed him in no uncertain terms that he was to be cooperative, polite, and above all, interested in what he was being shown. Interested enough to recall it, and write a report on the state of humanity's technology. His feathers fluttering nervously at a visit from the secret police, Summer agreed. He would report back on what he learned about their singleship, the one they called a fighter.
Next was logistical. Innari don't breath the same gas mixture as humans. It's not as dramatic a difference as say, the Von, who have much more methane hexafluoride in their breathing gas, but humanity's breathing mixture has frankly an irresponsible amount of oxygen in it. Oxygen narcosis occurs for Innari who breathe human concentrations and pressures of oxygen, and they die shortly after. The Innari medical community has published research papers stating that they are pretty sure that the humans suffer from oxygen narcosis too, they're just... used to it. 'Fortunately' for Summer, the human fighters had plumbing and fittings for hardsuits and supplemental breathing gas. Summer would wear a pressure suit and bring a atmosphere generator and his human pilot would do the same.
When the appointed day arrived, Summer stood in the too bright lights of the ship bay of the human Nullship Kon-Tiki. His pressure suit - a brand new one, printed up by the Innari navy, tailored and form fitted to his body - felt heavy and squeezed his feathers uncomfortably because of their higher gravity and atmo pressure.
Among the human workers bustling around without pressure suits - or really that much in the way of clothing either - someone walked in wearing a heavily armored pressure suit. Made of segmented pieces of reinforced coropolymer, they looked like they were headed to the front lines of a war, not a joyride.
"Late Summer Storm?" The voice said over his radio. He could speak their language, but he had his suit translate with subtitles in the bottom of his vision. It helped when they got going and spoke too quickly, or used some obscure idiom that needed translation. They translator also helped with body language. "I'm Captain Meghan Delrin, I'll be piloting today." They saluted sharply, and Summer noticed how maneuverable their suit was, even though it was quite heavily armored.
"Thank you, Captain. Please, call me Summer. My full name is unnecessary now." He said, turning to look at the fighter. "I am... interested in our upcoming flight."
"Are you now?" Captain Delrin laughed. Summer was surprised at the sound. He hadn't heard a human laugh before. The staccato pulses of sound were much different than the more musical Innari laughter. "You look like you're on your way to a funeral."
Summer's eyes flicked down to the translator for help with the phrase. She thinks you look despondent it said, helpfully. "Oh, please don't misunderstand Captain. I am grateful for the opportunity and I am excited to learn what your fighters can do, it's just..." He struggled for the word in their language. "Scary." That was probably closest.
To Summer's surprise Captain Delrin lifted her glass face covering, revealing her own face squeezed tightly in the foam of her helmet, surrounded by wires and blinking lights. He had no idea they were crammed into their suits so tightly! They moved so fluidly he had assumed their suits were much more loose fitting. "Summer, I want to make this crystal clear. We are doing everything within out power to make sure that this flight goes without incident and is even boring, but-" she raised a gauntleted finger "-we're scared too. If we weren't, we would run the risk of making mistakes. Scared is good. Scared means you're careful." The glass folded back down. "Come on, Summer, Let's get seated and belted."
The fighter was so small that there wasn't a door, per se. The clear canopy slid open and flipped up, revealing the two seats, side by side. Captain Delrin sat on the left, and Summer's seat was on the right. His seat was filled with pieces of closed cell foam, to fill in the gaps and hollow spots making up the differences between their bodyplans. Summer had spent a few hours in the fitting room with some very terse engineers sitting down and standing up, sitting down and standing up, until they were satisfied. As he sat, the seat was comfortable and he was belted in by more engineers. When they were finished, they looked at him for confirmation. He nodded and made the gesture he was taught - his outer manipulators and sensory feathers curled around into a fist, except for one pointing straight up. The human returned the gesture, saluted, and backed down the ladder.
As Captain Delrin was belted in, she had been pressing buttons and flipping switches. The fighter began to hum and throb as it came to life, motors rising in pitch and maneuvering jets puffing. Summer's sense of balance was thrown off for a moment, and then it recovered. "What was that?" he asked as Captain Delrin continued to start the fighter.
"Gyro" she said without stopping. "We can spin the ship for free with it. Good for tracking targets and maneuvering. Why? Did you feel it?"
Summer nodded, and then realizing she wouldn't be able to see the gesture said "Yes, I felt it. Is it magnetic?"
"It is suspended in a mag field, but the gyro itself is not, why?"
"We're sensitive to electromagnetism. It was how our ancient ancestors navigated our world."
"Huh. That makes sense I guess." She said, looking at him now. "Will it be an issue?"
"I don't know" Summer said. "But, I don't think it's enough of a reason to stop the ride."
"Fair enough."
Eventually they were warmed up and at power, and a small tug wheeled them to the launch tube. Captain Delrin explained that during a battle, the fighters could be launched every few minutes "But the ride is rough" she added.
Summer wondered what 'rough' was to a human when he heard the launching clamps grab the ship. Captain Delrin looked to an officer on the side, saluted, they returned the salute, and they launched.
Much later, Summer had to watch the video playback to see the launch. The fighter was shot out of the Nullship at a withering five gees. Captain Delrin grunted and took sharp breaths but was otherwise unharmed as Summer regained consciousness. "You made it Summer! Glad to have you with us once again." Delrin said, laughing. "We made it a light launch in deference to you. Normally we launch at twenty gee with the compensator set to ten."
"These fighters have a compensator and you didn't activate it?" Summer's whole body ached from the launch.
"What fun would that be? You have to feel some of the forces, it keeps you honest. Now then." Delrin flipped some switches and the color of her screens changed. "Let's see what we can see."
They spent the next solar hour flying around, showing Summer what the fighter was capable of. He had to admit, the maneuverability of the teeny ship was impressive. "But why?" he finally asked.
"Why what?"
"Why-" he gestured at the console "-all this. You have your Nullships, and they are more heavily armed than one of our Battlecruisers. They can travel farther, faster, and hit harder than anything in the Coalition. Why do you need fighters?"
Delrin reduced the throttle until they were practically coasting relative to the Nullship. "That's a good observation Summer. We have a few reasons. One, fighters will help us to engage multiple targets at once. The Coalition knows that our Nullships are powerful, so if they were ever to attack us, they would come at us en mass. A swarm of less powerful ships could overwhelm our targeting, and could do damage. Fighters could engage them, and divide their efforts."
Summer nodded to himself. His own government had decided that If anyone were to attack the humans, a swarm of a huge number of ships was just about the only way to have any chance of success.
"The second reason, is we're hoping to sell them." Delrin said matter-of-factly.
"You're what?" Summer stared dumbfounded. He couldn't have heard that correctly.
"We're going to offer them up for sale. The Coalition's defenses are woefully underdeveloped. Something like this is just what they need to help defend themselves.
"You'll give the other Coalition peoples weapons?"
"Not for free, but yes, why not?"
"It's just..." The Innari never shared technology. The idea of such a thing was too dangerous. Sell a weapon today, and tomorrow it could be turned back onto you. "What if the people who buy it use it against you?"
"That could happen, yes." Delrin said thoughtfully. "But history shows us it probably won't. Fighters aren't standalone things. They need parts, maintenance, upgrades, ships to haul them, printable matter, all kinds of ancillaries. If someone buys from us and then attacks..." She shrugged. "They'll find it very hard to keep their new fighters supplied and maintained. Also-" She looked out of the canopy into space. "It would be nice to have an opponent that was more our speed."
Summer was sure she was just playing a trick on him now. "Ha ha, sure thing Captain Delrin. You're telling me that you want to fight?"
"No Summer, we want to fight a good opponent. Someone who thinks on their feet, has close to our level of training and technology, someone who makes it worth while. Do you remember when you came to us and asked for our help? How we brought our ships out of Nullspace and defeated the Felimen almost instantly? It was boring."
"Boring. I was on one of the Nullships, Summer. It was practically a drill. People didn't even run. Didn't have to. We slipped out of Null, shot up a few Felimen cruisers, did a little light planetary bombardment, and slipped back into Null."
Summer was stunned into silence. The Felimen were a fierce enemy that had driven all of the Coalition people back for more than a year, winning battle after battle, claiming more and more space until the humans traded entry into the Coalition for defeating the Felimen.
It took the humans one solar day.
"If we sell some fighters to some of the Coalition who knows? Maybe in a few decades or centuries we'll finally get a good battle. Something really worth going all our for." Delrin said, wistfully. She really sounded like she wanted all out war.
Delrin took them through some more high gee manuvers - with the compensator turned on this time - and demonstrated the weapons; two missile racks, two slug throwers, one exawatt laser and enough printable matter to keep them in consumables for an impressive amount of time. She had fired at some drone targets that the Nullship had launched, and even let Summer have a go at the weapons suite. She ordered a new wave sent out and Summer took over. It was intuitive, and easy to use, and frighteningly effective. As the last drone evaporated in an orange puff of exploding missile Summer looked down at his hands. He had - without any official training - destroyed more targets quicker than any Innari ship he could think of, and this was just a single human fighter!
The demonstration over, Captain Delrin took them back in. The landing was more gentle than the launch, but only just. As they rolled to a stop, the canopy popped open and Delrin's face mask opened again.
"So! How many fighters can we put you down for?"
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legendofmorons · 2 months
Your honor, I humbly submit an idea that has not left me alone for a solid few months. Seriously. I can’t escape it.
Reader is a hero. Well, kinda. They are a hero in their dreams in the most literal sense of the phrase.
When they were younger, they had this incredibly strong love for the Legend of Zelda and Mario and all manner of games where you could simply help people for the sake of doing good. They weren’t too shocked when their dreams took a more realistic turn. As they slept, they felt like they were living a second life where they were the hero. They would go around solving problems, collecting items, and generally saving the day. Some nights, the dreams would be from different times, based on different adventures, or fighting different people.
Those dreams had always felt extremely real to Reader, yet they knew they were just dreams. When morning came, they moved on.
That was the norm until a strange portal appeared in front of them. The summer was coming and they had no better plans, so they threw caution to the wind and stepped through. When they came to, they found themselves clad in the same clothes they wore in every dream, surrounded by the items they had grown so familiar with adventure after adventure.
They had gathered their things, realizing they instinctively knew how to fight, similar to what had happened on that first night. They wandered the area, heroic persona seemingly taking control, heading towards a town and immediately solving problems.
In fact, that was how they found the chain, while attempting to solve another problem. Something told them to keep their name close to their chest and they weren’t in the business of going against their gut, so they listened. They used a nickname in a group full of nicknames.
A long while of traveling and growing trust (and one particularly heated story rendition where the reader just plain forgot to censor their name) and Reader had shared their name with the group. They were met with stunned silence which was, admittedly, not the reaction they were expecting.
As it turned out, each of those dreams became stories to these heroes, acting as a guide on how to act, what to try. In their eyes, Reader was a hero of story and legend, someone kids played at being.
How do you think the boys would move forward from this?
-VS Anon
Pairing: Chain & reader
Rating: G
Notes: (Y/n/n) - Ypur nick name. I wrote the opening and then skipped the middle, I hope it's okay. I just really wanted to write the meeting.
Summary: You find yourself in the world of the dreams you played hero in, but apparently those dreams were more real than you thought.
Warnings: none.
Other: I saw you submitted something along these lines more recently. VS, do you want a second take on this? I am willing to do another take, haha. As always, if I missed anything, please let me know
You have always had a vivid imagination, at least according to those around you. But you can't really argue. After all, your dreams used to feel like a whole other world. A second life of sorts.
You'd loved games where you played a hero. Legend of Zelda? Amazing. Mario games? Absolutely.
Over the course of your life, you built what would have been quite the legacy in your dreams. You had countless items and had even been blessed by a sages.
Summer hangs in the breezes, due to start any day.
So, when a strange purple portal with a spooky energy opens up before you, you go through it. You don't have much else going on, and don't imagine anything too weird coming of it.
A shield, that was gained from a forest. Wooden with metal enforced ages and a beautiful swirling design carved into it.
You emerge in a small clearing with birds song cheerily overhead.
In front of you is a pile of items. Items that you know, because you collected them in your dreams.
A sword, gifted by the ruler of a fairy kingdom. The blade is enchanted to never break and to absorb any malice.
A small stachel that clips to a belt that is a bottomless bag. Anything you put in there appears in your hand once you reach in and think
A small cluster of potions. One that heals, one that provides stamina, and one that protects from fire.
Even the small flute from your travels.
"What the hell?" You murmur, looking at your hands.
You realize then, belatedly, that you are in the same outfit from your dreams. The leather armor on your limbs and the breathable fabric comfortable.
This is officially Weird, with a capital 'W'. This- doesn't seem like a dream. Not at all.
Ypu gather your items, securing them as you have many times before. You brush yourself off and look around for more details.
The clearing you're in is nice. Wild flowers are scattered about and there's a rabbit at the edge.
A river runs through it.
Well, your best bet is to find a town or something, and you heard once that towns are often near rivers. So, in theory, if you follow the river, you'll be okay.
You head off, following the river downstream and hoping for the best.
After two days of travel you have come to a few more conclusions.
First of all, you can fight. Like- really well. You fought of monsters that included a lynel, some lizards, and several bokoblins.
Second of all, walking for two days straight sucks but also you aren't as exhausted as you probably should be.
And third of all, this is definitely not a dream.
You're starting to wonder if this second life was ever a dream.
The third day you find a small town, but a town nonetheless. Thank whatever it is that looks out for you.
You make your way towards the store, hoping to stock up on arrows and food. You've accepted this is your life for the moment, might as well be prepared.
Unfortunately, while lost in thought you trip and stumble into someone. You are both sent sprawling to the ground.
With a groan, you rollout of them. You sit up and say, "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
"I'm okay, are you okay?" A male voice asks.
You turn to look at him and nearly chokes. You find yourself staring at the Link from Skyward Sword.
Okay, this is a lot.
"Uh-" You manage eloquently. Blinking as you try to formulate some kind of response.
"Did you hit your head?" Another male asks, he has pink hair. That's another Link, the one from Link to the past and s several other games.
"I think I might have." You frown, pushing to your feet.
You look around the group and find it made up entirely of Links from different games.
"That's no good, you need a potion?" Asks Twilight Princess Link.
"No... Just a little dazed." You wave him off, "Ever since I walked through a portal it's been a little weird."
"You walked through a portal too?" Asks Wind Waker Link.
"Yeah... Why?"
"I guess you're supposed to help defeat the shadow." Muses what is probably an older version of Majoras mask Link.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm Twilight." The Link in a wolf pelt says.
"I'm Time."
"Hi, I'm Wind!"
"I'm Warriors."
"I'm Sky."
You know these are all nicknames, so you decide to give your own nick name. You have a feeling your real name will cause- a scene.
"I'm (Y/n/n)."
Time can't stop thinking about the connections between you, (Y/n/n) and the hero (Y/n). You both have the same items, the same personality, and even the same appearances.
The hero you remind him of is legendary, chosen not by Hylia but by a deity before any remembered. A hero chosen Fierce Deity.
He comes back to the conversation in time to catch the tail end of your story.
"Ams then my friend was like "Stop hiding from them, they don't remember ypu tripping two years ago, (Y/n)."
"What?" Hyrule chokes.
"You're name is (Y/n)?"
About time. Fierce purrs from the void inside Time's mind.
"Uh- yeah?"
"You're The (Y/n)?!" Wind demands.
"Oh stars." Time mutters.
"I mean, maybe?"
"You're The one who slayed the hydra of Catan?" Wild blinks.
"Oh. I mean, yeah. That wasn't a big deal." You shrug, "It needed to be done."
"You rode a tornado!" Legend accuses.
"What? No I got swept up in a tornado."
"You knew the original sages before Skyloft even exsisted!" Sky gasps.
"You're the biggest hero ever." Warriors manages, sounding awed, "How are you unaware?"
"Uh...I didn't think that stuff mattered?"
"Are you kidding? Kids play games where they pretend to be you." Four says, looking horrified at your unawareness of your importance.
"Oh. Neat?" You say shakily.
This makes no sense, your dreams - if they were ever that - never seemed like you would be a hero of legend important enough to be known millenia later across different timeliness.
"You really don't know." Legend muses wryly.
"Glad I helped?"
"You are telling us all about your adventures." Wind informs you.
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disgustingtwitches · 2 months
"The closest to heaven we'll ever get"
Saw a lot of stuff about Simon helping out a s*x worker. Anyways, it reminded me of a personal experience I had so... Here I am 😃
5.5k words
*This is kind of Simon needing company and being a weirdo who needs constant validation.
Not gonna lie, it gets blasphemous at the end!
I always played around with the idea of being an escort. I was offered to do things while working in the strip club, but I always turned it down. I was spending every dollar I made because I could always make more, right? But when I broke up with my ex and realized I didn't have the credit or rental history to get my own place, I started panicking. The only option was to put down at least three months rent cash upfront, to even be considered. Suddenly, money was drying up at the club for me, my regulars were being whisked away by girls who would do more for less. I couldn't really get mad, it's just a part of the game really. So I knew what needed to be done.
I hit up one of my girlfriends and told her that I needed the extra cash and what I was willing to do for it. She helped me set up a website, took professional photos of me, made me business cards. The whole nine yards. Now all I had to do was wait. About a week in, I finally get my first client. It was awkward and surprisingly, both of our first times in this situation. I was sent back home in a black car and a few hundred bucks richer for just 30 minutes of my time. I felt a rush I never felt before.
As the months rolled by, the money came. Luxury was the new standard for me. Designer everything, nice dinners, even nicer dates. To my surprise a majority of my clientele were, at most, 10 years older than me, and even more surprisingly, good looking. Finance bros, guys with daddy's money, or just men who had the money to spare. They always talked about how it was more fun and less work to hire me than get a girlfriend. To get a pretty girl in their arm to parade around that wouldn't bicker and give them a hard time at the end of the night. No feelings attached, just company and good sex.
So here I am Saturday night. Instead of going out to the club like a normal woman my age in Manhattan should be doing. I am in my hotel. Waiting for a call or text from someone. Anybody. My hair in rollers, makeup half done. Just waiting. My phone lights up, a text coming in:
Hi, Gia. Was interested in spending an hour with you tonight, 11pm.
I smiled to myself. Finally, someone who reads my ad properly. Follows the instructions on what to text to me. Straight to the point.
Wonderful, just need a picture of your ID or passport.
I reply. Always a rule my girlfriend drilled into my head. Safety first. If they don't do it, then what could they be planning? Anything goes bad and all you have is a name that couldn't even be real. Any client worth your time understands your safety is a priority. So this was my way of feeling safer. A moment passes before my phone dings again.
A picture of a passport, full name and age. Along with a picture. He's cute. A little older than what I usually get but I'm not complaining. I quickly look him up, nothing out of the ordinary. Good.
Great. Thank you, Simon. I'll send an address for you to send a car at 10:20. Reach out to you then❤️
Before I start to get ready he texts,
Wear something casual.
Not an odd request. Actually most clients prefer it. Want more of a girlfriend vibe rather than an escort. I finished getting ready, helping myself to a glass of wine. Playing my usual bad bitch songs, it helped me turn into the woman I needed to be- from me to Gia.
10:25 rolls around. I get a screenshot of the Uber from him. 5 minutes out. I grab my purse and strut out of my hotel, to a nearby park. Never give your real address. Always make sure you're not being followed.
A black SUV pulls up, I slide in. Exchange pleasantries with the driver and I'm off. Headed to midtown. I share my location with a friend and how long I should be gone. My phone goes off.
Walk into the building and head to the elevators on the left. 36th floor. Apt. 4A.
I nod to myself before shooting a text of confirmation.
Got it. See you soon ;)
I pull up to the building, it's huge. Nicer than most places I've been. He must have some serious cash. I walk into the building and follow the directions he gave me. A little adrenaline rushes through me as I walk up to the door, always did when meeting someone new. I knock. He almost immediately opens the door, as if he was standing in front of it. Waiting.
I say with a wide smile. He steps aside as I walk in, looking around. Nice place. Really nice place. Ceiling to floor windows, minimalist decor, the lovely smell of something masculine and expensive. He looks me up and down as I turn to him.
You look just like your pictures.
His voice is deep, alluring, unreadable. Sends a chill up my thighs that shoots straight to my core.
You do too.
I reply playfully. A small twitch plays at the corner of his mouth before disappearing. His face inscrutable. I shimmy off my coat before he takes it, hanging it up in a closet near the entrance. I wait for him to move. He stands, hands in his pockets, studying me. An awkward minute passes before he walks to the living room. I follow.
Really nice place you got here.
I try to make the moment more comfortable.
He responds. He wasn't like the other men I've seen before. They are sociable, or at least try to be. I take a seat on the couch next to him, our knees barely touching.
Money's there.
He gestures to an envelope on the table. I nod, grabbing it.
Do you mind if I...?
I ask, opening it up. He nods and stands to pour himself a drink. My eyes widen. This is more than my usual rate. Much more. I'm quiet, trying not to show my shock.
Was hoping to do an overnight, if that's alright.
It was less of a question and more of a statement from him. It was more than enough for a night. I nodded.
Of course, I do wish you would've told me; I would've packed a bag.
I smiled, putting the envelope down on the table. I grab my phone and update my friend on how long I'd be gone for. I put away the phone quickly and look up at him. God, was he hot. And the way he carried himself made him even hotter, so nonchalant. He shrugged, sipping his drink before sitting next to me again, some space between us.
How long you been doing this?
He stares at me, gaze so intense I squirm a little.
Just a few months.
We're quiet again. Usually I try to carry a conversation if the other party can't hold one, but he makes me nervous. I talk again, asking mundane questions. It's like pulling teeth trying to have small talk with him. Maybe he's just not much of a talker.
I scoot closer to him, our knees barely touching. He puts his drink down, and rests his arms on the back of the couch. I lean in closer to him, resting my hand on his thigh before kissing his lips. He kisses back softly. We exchange light, almost timid kisses for awhile. He finally moves. A hand reaching up to grab at my hair, gently pulling. I moan faintly and that seems to set him off. He grabs me by the throat, not hard, just enough to stand me up and guide me to his bedroom; our kisses getting more intense. We strip each other of our clothes. I unbuckle his pants and pull them down, it feels like I'm opening a gift on Christmas. He's big. I smile up at him. He just looks down vacantly. I pull down his boxers and his erection springs up, tip drooling. He opens a drawer next to the bed, pulling out a condom and rolling it on himself.
Lay back.
He commands. I obey, opening my legs. I've done this so many times before, but this time it's different. As unceremoniously as he's treating this, I can't be more excited. His body is amazing, tattoos and scars just adding to the mysterious aura. His natural scent drives me wild. I look up to him as he crawls over me, lining himself up with me. He gives a couple lazy slaps on my slick. I take a sharp breath. He watches as he slides himself in, I tense up. Most guys are well... average. And he's well... much more than that.
He huffs. Sliding himself in more, not giving me any time to adjust. I grip the bedsheets, clenching my jaw. I stare up at him, he doesn't even look at me. His face emotionless as he watches himself slide in and out. I try to unclench, opening myself up more to him.
He grunts. My nipples harden at his voice. I moan as he slams into my cervix repeatedly. It makes him shoot his eyes up at me, glaring into mine. His eyes dark pools, intense. He roughly hooks his arms under my knees, pushing them up to my chest. He digs even deeper into me as I whimper. He takes quick, shallow breaths.
You're so deep.
I say panting, the breath getting knocked out of me. I reach out to touch his muscular arms. He grunts and pounds harder into me. I throw my head back, whining. Trying to not wince in pain. He slows for a moment, pulling back, keeping my legs on his shoulders as he slides in and out. My breasts bounce up and down with each thrust.
You're hot.
A hint of emotion in his voice, he reaches down to knead my chest. My face gets hot. I tighten around him.
He makes a sound that almost resembles a moan. I smile up at him, almost proud of making him show any emotion. He looks down at me, a flicker in his eyes, a small smirk on his face that leaves as quickly as it came. He parts my legs and rubs at my clit in rough circles. I squirm under him.
Say my name.
He orders. His strokes picking up as I get used to him.
As soon as his name leaves my lips, a deep rumble from his chest fills my ears. He leans over me, arms on either side of my head. I reach up to run my hands up and down the back of his neck.
Say you love me.
His request takes me aback. I pull him closer, my lips just under his ear.
I love you~
He immediately tenses up and takes a heavy breath. I could feel him twitch inside me as he finishes. He pulls away quickly, going to the bathroom to throw out the condom and clean up. He brings back a wet towel, wiping me down.
What's your name?
His tone as flat as ever.
I responded. I know what he's actually asking me. Never, ever tell a trick your real name. Hell, he shouldn't even know your real age.
You know what I mean.
He glares at me. I shift awkwardly. Don't do it. He doesn't say a word, just stares in a way that makes me uncomfortable. Why should he know your real name anyways? I tell him my name. Stupid. Fucking dumbass. I kick myself. He nods and slides into some sweats, throwing me his shirt.
Let's watch something.
I throw on his shirt. Now this is what I'm used to. Being a temporary girlfriend. Pretending to be affectionate. Giving much needed companionship. He splays out on the couch as I lay on top of him. He turns on the TV, resting a hand on my ass and squeezing it. Maybe this is why he hires girls. Because of how distant he is. The man can't even hold a conversation. He flicks on some show he was in the middle of, a business dramedy that I couldn't care less about. I rest my head on his chest and he runs his fingers through my hair. We're like this for a while, quiet.
Tell me you love me.
He says dryly, looking down at me. I look up and kiss him.
I love you, Simon.
He gets hard immediately, rubbing himself on me. He gets up, lifting me up effortlessly, and throws me on the bed. He lays on top of me, pinning me down onto the bed. Kissing me much more passionately this time, like he was trying to taste every inch of my mouth.
Keep saying it.
His voice gruff. He moves his kisses down to my neck, pawing at my bust.
I love you, Simon.
I moan. I wanted him so badly. I don't care how I got him, I just wanted to take him. Something about him made me go crazy, deep inside. He yanks up the shirt I was wearing, moving his kisses more and more south.
You fuck other people raw?
I shake my head. I might've been a whore, but I wasn't reckless.
He nods.
Can I eat you out?
I look down at him. Something about seeing him between my legs makes me wanna say yes. The way his eyes looks almost as if he's pleading, desperate. No way. Never do that.
I allow him to keep going. What the fuck am I doing? Why am I allowing this? Before I can think more, he plunges his tongue between my lips. Lapping up desperately, burying his face into me. I roll my eyes back, running my fingers through his hair.
I love you, Simon.
I gasp. It's the only thing he wanted me to say. I saw something in him, the way he reacted when I said that, it made me want to stay in his place forever. To never leave. Make him happy. It's just the good head talking, you'll snap back to your senses afterwards. He moans so quietly I can barely hear it. Barely. My legs on his shoulders, his arms wrapped around my thighs. Digging fingers into the soft flesh. He sucks on my nub repeatedly. It's a tortuously delicious feeling. I grip his hair a little.
I love you, Simon.
I look down at him, watching him devour me. He looks up at me, his eyes showing an emotion I can't decipher. He moves one hand down to slide two fingers into me.
I love you, Simon.
I moan, throwing my head back and smiling.
He mumbled into my heat. Pumping in and out before bending his fingers in a way that presses against my sweet spot. I hiss, pleasure flashing through me like a strobe light. I'm dripping wet. He pulls his fingers out and plunges his tongue into my entrance, trying to suck out every drop of my juices.
You taste good.
Voice as flat as ever, as if he isn't lost in between my folds. He drags his tongue up between my lips, from my entrance to my nub again. He slips his fingers in again, pressing up against my sweet spot repeatedly. I get lost in the feeling. God I could stay like this forever. He looks up at me, like he's looking for validation.
I love you, Simon~
I slip out between heavy breaths. He picks up the pace of his fingers and tongue. My face gets hot as I get closer, grip his hair a little harder. He goes even faster, harder, almost feverant. I roll my eyes back, panting. I whimper before crying out, tightening around his fingers in a vice grip.
I love you, Simon~
I force the words from my throat as I spasm under him. He continues, seemingly determined to draw another climax out of me. I mewled, trying to push his head away. He was unmoving for an unbearable moment. The only sounds were my pants and his slurping.
I love you, Simon.
I wailed, almost hoping it'll make him stop. He does thankfully. He pulls away, tearing off his sweats, beating off himself. Staring at me, his gaze is intense as ever. He grabs me by the thighs and drags me into his lap. He continues to stroke himself, staring into my wet core as if he was hypnotized by it.
Can I...
He starts, almost knowing he shouldn't ask the question.
Can I fuck you raw?
His voice is uncharacteristically soft and unsure. I blink at him, mind racing. ABORT! ABORT! THIS IS LIKE RULE #1 IN HOE-ING!!! He looked so delicious from this angle, his eyes still glued on my wetness. ARE YOU INSANE?? NO!! His throbbing, beautiful dick is twitching.
I nod. You're the dumbest person on the planet. I insult myself a million different ways in my head. A brief moment of regret is replaced with pleasure as he slides his tip teasingly in and out of me. His jaw clenches, chest rising and falling faster. His voice cracks as a moan escapes him, his eyebrows furrow.
I love you, Simon.
I stare at him, eyes half lidded. The smallest smile spreads across his face, still looking at himself entering me. He inches his way in. Pulling in and out, going deeper each time. I squeeze him, make him bite his lip.
That's good.
He stated, voice quavering. He clears his throat before grabbing one leg and lifting it to my chest, digging deep into me. I take a sharp breath in. He hovers over me, arms on either side of my head again. He slides in and out, slowly at first then picking up to a punishing pace. I whimper and wiggle under him. He grabs my face, forcing me to look into his eyes that bore into mine.
I love you, Simon.
I stare right back at him, passion shooting right out of my eyes. His eyes flutter for a moment before blinking back into his cold, unnerving self. He continues to dig himself into me, slamming and grinding himself into the deepest parts of me. It's a painfully addicting feeling. I take his hand and press it up against my lower stomach so he can feel how much he fills me. He clenches his jaw so hard, it looks like his head could pop.
I love you, Simon.
I whisper. He drops down on top of me, snaking his arms around and behind my back to grab my ass. His mouth right next to my ear, I can hear his fast and shallow breaths. Little groans that slip out every now and then. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him tighter.
I love you, Simon.
I hear him groan under me as I said it again. He goes faster than before, pretty much jackhammering me into the mattress. My mouth is agape and head thrown back. Only grunts escape my throat as I get fucked senseless.
Mhm...like that?
His words bounce around in my empty head. I replay it in my head over and over until I clench around him, he doesn't stop though. It only seems to spur him on even more. His warm breath tickling my ear as it gets more ragged.
Keep saying it.
He demands through gritted teeth.
Fuck... I love you, Simon.
I squeak out the words. He huffs and continues to rampage my body.
Can I come inside you?
He asks- No, begs. No use in turning back now. Just the thought made me close again.
I nod and he breathes harder and harder until he pleads in a strained voice,
Say it.
I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside me.
I love you, Simon~
He spills inside me. His stammered breaths and moans driving me crazy. The feeling of him pumping into me driving me over the edge. I pull him closer, practically squeezing him.
I love you, Simon.
I tenderly kiss the top of his head as he nuzzles into my neck.
How often do you do this?
My head clears, a wave of regret coming over me.
Never. I never even hired anyone before you.
He says in a way so sincere I honestly believe him. How do you know when a trick is lying? Their mouth is open. Rules. Rules to live by, to be able to survive doing what I do. Rules. They all meant nothing as soon as I laid eyes on him. Somehow saw this coming a mile away in the back of my head. He pulled away from my grasp, disappointment flooded me. He leaned back, opening my legs: watching both of our cum dripping out of me.
Say it.
His eyes so focused, as if he were trying to take a picture with his mind; so he would never forget this moment.
I love you, Simon.
I say with a tender smile. His dick jumps. Good lord is this man insatiable. He stands up and does the same routine as before, cleaning himself up and then me. He hands me his shirt:
I throw it on and he leads me to the bathroom, grabbing me by the shoulders and making me face the mirror. He gently pushes my back, I lean my elbows on the countertop. I stand on the balls of my feet, trying to get my hips to meet his. As I look in the mirror, his face looks almost tender watching me sway my hips.
I love you, Simon~
I sing softly. He bites his lip, entering me again. God, I never get used to the feeling. He grabs my hips and pulls me onto him, he bottoms me out. Groaning louder this time, he pulls my hair back so I'm looking directly at the mirror, locking eyes with him.
S'it, pretty girl...
A corner of his mouth upturned just enough to know he's enjoying himself. His words make me flutter around him. He groans and starts to pound into me. The bathroom is filled with the duet of our breaths and groans. He pulls my hair so my back is pressed against his chest. He rests a hand on my throat, squeezing just enough. Moves his lips to my neck, still sliding in and out of me.
You love me? Huh?
He grunts, warm breath on the pulse of my neck.
I love you. So much.
I moaned. I repeated the phrase so many times, it started coming out of my mouth naturally. He moved his hand from my hair to my lower stomach, pressing against it so he could feel himself hitting my walls.
You love this dick, yeah? Say it.
His voice getting more demanding and urgent. I nod and look at him through the mirror, smiling.
I love it, I love this dick so much, Simon~
He nips at my neck as he continues to fuck me. His nips turn into bites. Bites that definitely leave marks. I didn't care, that didn't matter right now.
You're never fucking leaving, you know that?
A threat that sounded like heaven to me. He could keep me chained to the bed and I wouldn't care, just as long as he kept fucking me like this. I giggled with excitement.
You like that, hm?
He smiles against my skin before continuing to lick and bite my neck.
I love it~
I truly did. It felt heavenly. Better than anyone I've ever had. Ever. Something felt so familiar about his touch. As if I belonged there.
I love you, Simon~
At this point I feel like I'm reciting a prayer, the words flowing out of me like a stream. I was melting in his arms.
Turn around, wanna see that pretty face.
I did so eagerly as he lifted me up on the counter and slid inside me. I smirked up at him. He, as always, was watching himself impale me.
Looks so pretty...
He seemingly mumbled to himself. He leaned down and pressed our foreheads together, a firm hand on the back of my head. Hitting a spot so deep inside me I never knew I had. We were like this for a long minute, sloppy sounds of our sex bouncing off the walls.
I love you, Simon.
I stared into his eyes. They seem to soften for a moment before he tightened the grip on the back of my neck. A huff, and then he came undone. He stayed inside me until he was soft. He pulls out and pushes his fingers into my cunt, stuffing his seed back into me.
He grunts in a way that sounds like approval before helping me off the counter. He leads me to bed and slips under the covers.
In my arms.
Commanding as he usually does. I press my head against his chest, his heart beating hard and fast. He wraps an arm around me, his touch much gentler than before. I fall asleep. Not too sure if he does too.
Morning comes and I'm woken up by the sun shining in my face. Sitting up, I'm in his bed, still wearing his shirt. Alone. I walk out to the living room and see him setting up breakfast on the coffee table.
You made this?
I question, surprised.
Ordered it. Good morning.
He turns to me, shoving his hands in his pockets. He looks at me expectantly. I blink at him.
Good morning.
I say. He looks at me as if he was anticipating something else. I think for a moment before suddenly remembering.
I love you, Simon.
He steps to the side, inviting me to sit on the couch. I help myself to a seat and look at the plate in front of me. It's simple, French toast and eggs. I help myself.
Are you gonna eat anything?
I look at him quizzically. He shakes his head, staring like always. We're silent as I finish my plate. I grab my phone and check the time. Almost time for me to leave.
Can I book you for longer?
His voice is gruff. An underlying tone, pleading?
It'll be expensive.
I didn't want to say that. Wanted to say I'll stay as long as he likes. But I already made too many mistakes. Gotta get back on track.
I don't care.
Of course he didn't. He could probably buy me out for the rest of my life if he wanted to. He pulled out his phone, asking for my personal number so he could send the money straight to my bank account. Hesitantly I gave it to him. He probably could find out that stuff if he wanted to anyways. My phone dings, I check my bank app. My eyes pop out of my head. I look up at him bewildered.
How long would that get me?
He asks, as if he didn't send me an ungodly amount of money.
It's enough for a whole week...
Shock still overwhelming me.
You wanna stay that long?
He doesn't really ask. He knows I'll say yes. Doesn't even wait for my answer.
I'll let you get your things.
He throws some of his clothes my way and sends me back in a car to the hotel. I grab my bags and checkout. Is this really happening? A call from my girlfriend. I tell her about his extension. She says something about making sure he's not a serial killer. We laugh, tells me to have fun, don't fall in love. I scoff as if that was the stupidest idea I've heard. As soon as I know it I'm back at his place, he's grabbing bags from me, setting them to the side. Turning to me and running a hand up the side of my waist.
I love you, Simon.
We spend the whole week tangled up in each other. Taking a break before I say those four words and he has me pinned against a wall or over a dresser or kitchen counter. Any flat surface, really.
It's Saturday night and we're showering, cleaning off sweat and other bodily fluids from each other. His touch is so gentle, handling me like I was a piece of china. He liked me. It was obvious. Seemed like the only way he knew how to show it was by fucking me, though. I liked him too. Maybe not to the extent he did.
Seemed like he found something he needed for a long time. He was hungry. Famished. He couldn't just let go of me. He's not satiated yet. Don't know if he'll ever be. It was a looming feeling. Dark and heavy. A little scary. But it made me feel more desired than I've ever been before. And not just a carnal desire. It made me feel coveted.
We're laid up on his couch. Watching the show I didn't care for before, a little more invested. My phone lights up, buzzing. The name of a regular of mine across the screen in big bold letters. This is usually the time of the month he calls to set up a date. A reminder that this is all temporary. I let it go to voicemail. He tenses up. Jealousy and disappointment radiating off him.
How much for the whole month?
He doesn't even let me think of an answer before speaking again.
How much to make you quit for good?
I'm a little shook, sure I've heard it a dozen times before. Always said in jest. But he's serious. The few words he said, he always seemed to mean. No need to waste his breath beating around the bush. My heart races. I can feel his pound against mine. A number doesn't come to my head.
Let's just see how this goes.
He doesn't like that answer. He wants something solid. A promise that I'll never leave. More than a promise. But that's as good as he can get right now. There's a tense silence between us.
I love you, Simon.
The only thing I can think of saying right now. He takes hold of me, climbing into the bed and sits me in his lap. His back against the headboard.
C'mon love.
He says frigid. An underlying tone of disappointment and hurt. I slide myself down on him, a little more adjusted to his size now. He wraps strong arms around my waist, pulling me so close it seems like he wants to coalesce into my very being.
Give me a number.
A demand that seems more like a plea. We hold each other. Unmoving as he is still buried deep inside me.
Maybe it is a little toxic to spiral into the addiction to fast money. Maybe I'm a little sick of pretending to be the perfect woman. Maybe it is a little exhausting to be a fantasy and nothing more. Maybe it is a little lonely when it's just me lying in bed, when I have to comfort others. Where's my comfort in all of this? Where's my happiness in all of this? No more fake smiles. No more fake orgasms. No more fake feelings. I don't care if he's lying. I want to indulge in delusion. Even for a moment.
I give in. He leans over, placing me on my back before adjusting himself on top of me. Touches my face, his showing an emotion that is genuine and staggering. Devotion? It feels like it.
I could almost cry, the way he takes me like I'm his. The way he talks to me like I'm not someone he hired. That didn't matter anymore. I wasn't an escort to him. I was his girl. The sex was different. Transcendant. Divine. Did I know I wanted to be saved? Of course I didn't know; for the life of sin and suffering is simply a thing to toil in until you are shown salvation. Every time he came, he baptized me. I was born again in his eyes, I was perfect and clean. Absolved of my sins.
He looked at me with so much adoration. I looked up at him, much in the same way Magdalene did to her Redeemer. He had turned a prostitute into a Saint. The unshakeable feeling of deliverance washed over as he touched me, no longer a leper. I was saved by him. His body. His sweat. His seed. Akin to taking Communion. The closest to heaven we'll ever get.
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jammofsammichflip · 2 months
*°•_:JJK Headcanons:_•°*
!!!Fluff, ❌🍋(no smut)!!!
Featuring/Pairing: Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kento Nanami, Inumaki Toge
(These are the (some) main people I absolutely know how to write for,
please give me ideas if you don't see someone/thing you'd like to see. <3)
*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::* °×•×°×•×°×•×°First Date°×•×°×•×°×•×°
Itadori Yuji: ° Your first date and 1 month' aversarry (1 month' anniversary) is gonna take place at a cat/pet cafe.
° No exeptions
° Itadori is gonna have a ball with you regardless of where your first date is, but he know how much you like cats/(other animals).
° All of his attention is on you as you take pictures of the animals and eat the cute food.
° He can barely take his eyes off of you <3
° He fell first and fell harder.
° He is the type of guy to bring you a bunch of unnecessary gifts (like Gojo) at random times
° Except his gifts are cuter and personalized (unlike Gojo)
° Love language is definitely Acts of Service and Quality Time
° He just loves seeing you happy and safe and that's all that really matters to him at this point.
° Honest to God, brags about how cute you are to anybody who'd listen: his friends, his teachers, your pets, somebody's child, random pictures YOU NAME IT
° Takes you to the movies afterwards (he looked for good movies with the help of Junpei (😭💕))
° Somehow ate 3 (full size) plates of food at the cafe before you had to ask him, "HOW DID YOU EAT ALL THAT? ARE YOU OJAY??? YUJI ITS BEEN 15 MINUTES SINCE WE SAT DOWNNN!!??!??!!"
° Gives you a soft kiss on the hand and then cheek once you get home
° Your name is filled with hearts and stars on his contacts bc it's cute
Fushiguro Megumi:
° He didn't know how much was too much so he took you for a cute park-picnic date
° He makes sure to bring lots of water and fresh fruit because its midday.
° He also brought (favorite cake flavor) to share <3
° Likes to look at all the dogs he sees and tell you everything he knows about them
° He blushes so hard when you compliment/flirt with him (if you dyed his hair he'd look like a damn tomato)
° (my headcanon) He talks about how he'd like to be a veterinarian when he gets older because he doesn't want animals to live the same life he lived at one point
° His point blank resting glare scares off anyone who tries to talk to the both of you
° Keeps getting the sneaking suspicion that Itadori, Nobara and Gojo are talking about him (he got really irritated at one point, that's how he knows)
° Has the cutest giggles when a bee lands near your nose
° Brings butterfly/dinosaur charms for you because he thinks you look cute when you talk about them.
° Leaves the picnic area better than he found it because he's just responsible like that
° Takes you too a pretty garden area where he gifts you (favorite flower)
° Kisses your hand goodbye (I faint)
° Told his classmates and teacher that the date was nice and nothing else (💀)
° Your contact has a picture he secretly took of you and thought was cute
Kento Nanami
° The epitome of class
° I swear he just keeps raising the damn bar
° Picks you up in the late afternoon/ evening
° Dinner at a nice restaurant (I think it's French/Louisianan cuisine)
° He bought a present for you because he saw it on the way to his car to pick you up
° A nice walk to set up for a good conversation
° He made sure that everything was so perfect, found a great path (walkable in flats/heels) that you can see the stars when you look up
° Calls you - My Lady - (see that capitalization?)
° Wanted to bust out in his singing voice when he heard MCR playing from somewhere (he's a diehard fan at heart and we all know it)
° Very excited to tell you about how much he likes bread (he prefers fresh made over store bought and loves to laugh at the silly designs on his sourdough)
° Almost choked on his spit when he thought he saw Satoru somewhere but it turned out to be flowers or sum.
° It was Satoru, he wanted to be a nosy bat and see what Nanami was doing since the couldn't annoy him today
° Very attentive to little details when you describe things things you (dis)like so he can be ready for future dates
° In his bag he definitely has chapstick, a notepad (he's so orderly), some mints and he made sure to pack a pair of slippers for you just in case your feet hurt at any point
° He's such a gentleman and he's so nice and respectful to the servers during dinner
° Makes sure to walk you to your door once he gets you home safely
° Puts a 💕 next to your name in his contacts.
° (Gojo is called 'The Annoying One 🤞😒' in his contacts, the only other one with emojis)
Inumaki Toge
° This chronically online ass mfker.
° He challenged you to a Fortnite battle
° It's a gaming date.
° So much mogging. You hit him with a 🗿🔥🐺 and he got quiet
° SALMONNN!!! 😭😭🙏
° Rice 💕🥰😚😍
° MUSTARD LEAF¿¿‽‽!!¿??
° Then Super Smash Bros™
° Soon y'all we're laughing your asses off at the villager prisons on your newly created Minecraft server.
° The unhealthiest amount of junk food known to man kind
° I'm convinced he consumes Redbull and gummy bears like water and air.
° When a creep kept pressing you on the internet he took over as your big strong man (he's shorter than 5'9, I checked 💀😭)
° Legit kept calling himself The Skibidi Alpha Pack Leader™ and how much he want (the creep) to join his gang of Loners™
° Uses (🗿🙏🗣️🗿🌶️💬🥇📢🩼🎯🍃🐺🌘) religiously and unironically
° In all seriousness he does love you though. He's so glad he has someone he can laugh with and talk to (using text to speech- ofc it's set to Gigachad Voice)
° Absolutely the best at lifting you up when your sad because you humor has been marinated in the TikTok algorithm and is peak
° When he calls he uses facetime so you can see his reactions and his eyelashes that are always on fleek
° He passes little notes to you when he can't express his words through ingredients: "Your laugh is pretty <3",,, "That (game)skin is so cute, it goes well with your weapon",,, "Thank you for coming out with me, I like you a lot<333"
° Afterwards he gifts you little trinkets from when we was at the mall one time.
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suzukiblu · 4 months
WIP excerpt for Jan behind the cut; mistaken identities and interdimensional refugees. ( chrono || non-chrono )
And they must have a Clark. Kon can’t imagine how they couldn’t. 
He can’t imagine how anywhere couldn’t, if it came to it. 
Yeah, that’s a healthy thought, Kon reflects resignedly as Alfred shuts the car door and goes around to the driver’s side to slip into his own seat. Alfred starts the engine and pulls out of his parking spot, and Jon nervously grips Kon’s sleeve. He twists his wrist to grab the kid’s hand, and immediately ends up with Jon pressed completely against his side and resuming his earlier sniffling buried against his bicep. It’s whatever, obviously; Kon figures if the kid cries on the suit a bit, he can just get it . . . dry-cleaned, he guesses? Probably this is a dry-cleaning thing? 
God, who knows, Tim got the damn thing for him. It might need to be cleaned by a hyper-specific radiation or fresh water from snowmelt on the Alps or a custom-designed spray from the Batcave, for all he friggin’ knows. 
“Hello, Mr. Kent,” Alfred says as soon as the aid workers on the street have directed the towncar out of the immediate area of the refugee camp, his voice wryly but politely amused, and Kon feels an immediate rush of relief. Thank fuck, yeah, okay. Not that he really thought Alfred of all people thought he was actually a version of Batman, just . . . yeah. Just–yeah. It’s a relief. “Dare I ask why you informed the aid workers that you were Master Bruce?” 
“I did not, but I winked at a pretty lady while wearing a very expensive suit and holding a traumatized kid, so apparently some assumptions were made,” Kon admits sheepishly, and Alfred’s mouth quirks in the rearview mirror. 
“Do tell,” he says. 
“Please tell me Batman isn't gonna pull the ‘no outside capes in Gotham’ card over this,” Kon says, dragging a hand through his hair and slightly wrecking the carefully slicked-back style he had it in. At this point, he does not care. “My Batman knew I was in town.” 
“Oh, did he?” Alfred asks, still seeming wryly amused. 
“Mine too!” Jon blurts, straightening up a little as he leans back a bit from Kon. He keeps a hand on his arm, but Kon figures that’s no surprise. He’s a pretty familiar face, considering. Like, double-familiar, in a sense. 
“Ah, yes,” Alfred says, glancing carefully at Jon in the rearview mirror. “I’m sorry, young man. May I inquire after your name?” 
Well, shit, Kon thinks as Jon wilts immediately and tightens his grip on his sleeve, then buries his face in his bicep again. Not ideal, probably. At least, explaining Jon as a person is probably gonna be a whole thing, and not a thing the local Batman is gonna be thrilled to hear. 
Could be worse, admittedly. Could be “oh, Lex Luthor cooked me up in a basement”. 
Yeahhhhh. Well, at least Alfred actually recognized him, so apparently he does exist here. So like, at least they’ve only got to get through one of those explanations. 
“Jon Kent,” Jon says quietly, and Alfred . . . pauses. Kon does not let himself wince or look guilty or anything even remotely similar. Look, he’d have forewarned them if he’d had the option, okay? 
“I see,” Alfred says carefully. “May I inquire, young Mr. Kent, as to who your father might happen to be?” 
“Clark Kent,” Jon says, his voice still quiet and grip on Kon’s sleeve probably at hydraulic-press levels by now. “And my mom's Lois Lane.” 
“Ah,” Alfred says. “Please don't take this question the wrong way, young man, but would you happen to be adopted?” 
“No,” Jon says, setting his jaw stubbornly. 
“I see,” Alfred says. Kon–sighs, for lack of a better idea, and just wraps his arm around Jon. 
“I got you, Jonno,” he says, trying to sound reassuring. He’s not as good at that as Clark is, which is immediately proven by Jon tearing up and just clinging to him, full super-strength and all. A less invulnerable version of him would definitely bruise. 
And literally any baseline human would get their fucking spine crushed.
“I’m not dangerous,” Jon mutters. “And I’m not gonna hurt anybody. You know I wouldn't, right? I–I know you haven't had me yet in your reality, but–” 
“–but I'm not bad, I wouldn't hurt anyone, I promise, you know you and Mom wouldn't ever have a kid who was bad!” Jon chokes past an almost-sob, and Kon’s stomach sinks like a rock. 
Okay. Jon does not, in fact, have a version of him in his reality. 
Also, apparently has some really concerning ideas about biological determinism and nature versus nurture and whatever else, but like, he’s like ten, that’s–normal, or whatever, that’s–
“Jon, kiddo, no, I’m not–” he tries, and then the car dashboard lights up with a low, melodious sound, and Alfred presses a button on the steering wheel. 
“Report,” Batman’s voice says neutrally from the speakers, and Kon immediately winces. 
Well, this is gonna go just great, isn’t it. 
“Well, it seems Batman doesn't yet have to worry about an interdimensional territory dispute,” Alfred informs him dryly. “Superman, however . . .” 
Fuck his entire fucking life, Kon thinks. 
So much for not having to give both of the awkward explanations. 
“. . . Kent,” Bruce says, sounding immediately exasperated and also way less “Batman”, which Kon wishes he could assume were a good sign. “Why the hell did you tell the aid workers you were me?”
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channnel · 23 days
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Finally got to finish adult James Orion on the Buck-stayed!Au, where James and Alan are full-blooded-brothers cause of their father staying.
(Full body reference sheet under)
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I actually finished this since July- but I didn't end up liking adult James' design cause he still looks a lot like Alan. So, I drew those doodles to make myself attach to it.
Most of the major things in the actual story still happened, but with just some different actions and outcomes.
Random facts:
Talked to his mother a lot after the first incident happened, often relaying what Alan wants to say to her. Ophelia stayed with them until James was 15.
Doesn't remember much of Ophelia when he was young, so Buck told him every memory he had with her. Cherished his mother's memory by dyeing his hair the same color as her.
Wants to find Alan, he's still not near to his location though. He does visit forests a lot and even set up camp to stay overnight, just in case.
Generally a somewhat friendly yet strange individual- he doesn't have a filter, he's genuine on his actions and words, will help you bury a body if you give him something in return (like food or money). His personality is more akin to.. a bit of Wayne, and a bit of Dipper- I have an idea on his personality,I just don't know how to explain it.
He's been looking for Alan since he was 20. The 2nd incident caused by Alan left him ostracised. He stopped showing to class one day, and spent his time with his dad or alone in the forest.
Has bad memory, remembers people by experience/vibe, and often gets names mixed up, so he just settles on with nicknames.
Can feel pain, but he has a somewhat high tolerance on it- he does have a weird sense of taste.
Buck helped him get his own van when he told him that he wanted to find his older brother. He understood that his father's own van was special.
Talks to himself a lot. Will stare and mumble at a random object in the ground or in front of him for minutes if he feels like he forgot something important. The longest he stared was two minutes, and that's when he was supposed to go to Jules' house for Thanksgiving.
Will get a temporary job and stay in one place if he needs the money. Sometimes, he pickpockets and steals.
Will come back to a place if he likes it, or if he made a friend there.
Has a separate notepad for his doodles. Most of it are things he sees while driving. He lost seven of them.
Delusional and clingy when attached.
That's all for tonight- hope y'all like it.
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jackoshadows · 6 months
I think we don't talk enough about how Jon Snow secretly had a sword made for Arya at Winterfell - without anyone knowing! And that this was something he was planning on for a while, with the intention to teach Arya some fundamental sword skills - without anyone knowing!!
It reminds me about how much Arya must have poured out her heart and soul to Jon Snow about EVERYTHING, considering how much Jon knows about her. The very best of confidantes who guarded their secrets with each other and are the most loyal of siblings.
It was to Jon Snow that Arya goes, after being bullied for her looks, worried that she too was a bastard and Jon who consoled her (ignoring his own pain at being one). It's Jon who praises her as pretty and clever and understands that deep curiosity and ambition in her.
It's Jon who understands that Arya is interested in something different and that this is also deserving of attention. The ONLY person in the whole of Winterfell - not her parents, her other siblings, her teacher. Only Jon Snow.
I can imagine Jon and Arya just hanging out in a quiet corner of the Godswood, under the weirwood, with Arya pouring out her frustrations and chatting about playing with the serving girls and Jon talking about his day practicing the sword. They know each other so well, that they are famous for finishing each other's thoughts. They share such a singular bond that he even got her sword name right!!
Arya seemed puzzled at first. Then it came to her. She was that quick. They said it together: "Needle!" The memory of her laughter warmed him on the long ride north. - Jon, AGoT
Making Needle wouldn't have been easy considering it had to be done secretly. Clearly Jon thought that both his father and Catelyn wouldn't have been happy if they knew that the bastard was having swords made for their daughter.
"Give it to me." Reluctantly Arya surrendered her sword, wondering if she would ever hold it again. Her father turned it in the light, examining both sides of the blade. He tested the point with his thumb. "A bravo's blade," he said. "Yet it seems to me that I know this maker's mark. This is Mikken's work." Lord Eddard Stark sighed. "My nine-year-old daughter is being armed from my own forge, and I know nothing of it. The Hand of the King is expected to rule the Seven Kingdoms, yet it seems I cannot even rule my own household. How is it that you come to own a sword, Arya? Where did you get this?" - Arya, AGoT
Jon Snow took the time to research swords that Arya could hold and handle. He must have been up in Maester Luwin's turret looking through books for the design and asked questions of the Winterfell master-at-arms Rodrik Cassel about Braavosi swords.
She giggled at him. "It's so skinny." "So are you," Jon told her. "I had Mikken make this special. The bravos use swords like this in Pentos and Myr and the other Free Cities. It won't hack a man's head off, but it can poke him full of holes if you're fast enough." - Jon, AGoT
He'd had Mikken make a sword for Arya once, a bravo's blade, made small to fit her hand. Needle. He wondered if she still had it. Stick them with the pointy end, he'd told her, but if she tried to stick the Bastard, it could mean her life. - Jon, ADwD
It had been so long since he had last seen Arya. What would she look like now? Would he even know her? Arya Underfoot. Her face was always dirty. Would she still have that little sword he'd had Mikken forge for her? Stick them with the pointy end, he'd told her. Wisdom for her wedding night if half of what he heard of Ramsay Snow was true. Bring her home, Mance. I saved your son from Melisandre, and now I am about to save four thousand of your free folk. You owe me this one little girl. - Jon, ADwD
After getting the idea of what kind of sword works for Arya's small hands, Jon then goes to Mikken, requesting that he make a small Bravo's blade. I feel certain that Mikken had no idea that he was secretly having a sword made for the Lord of Winterfell's daughter. I wonder what Mikken's thoughts were on Jon Snow wanting that specific blade made. He clearly did not think it important to mention to Ned. And no one knew - not Robb or Theon or even the Winterfell master-at-arms!
Given how sudden the whole deal was with Ned leaving for King's Landing, IMO, it's clear that Jon was planning on secret rendezvous with Arya where he could show her the basics of using a sword. Jon is certainly no Syrio Forel and Arya certainly learned more from an actual Bravo master fencer than from Jon Snow.
And yet just knowing that Jon had Needle secretly made and was planning on secret lessons for Arya because he knew just how desperate she was to learn something different, something unacceptable for Winterfell's daughter and that he did so at the great risk of displeasing a father he looked up to and the Lady Catelyn Stark who already wanted him gone.
He truly is Lyanna's son in every way that mattered.
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dynamoe · 2 months
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REDRAW Venture Bros S01E10 "Tag Sale— You're It!"
→ → to all Billy Quizboy & Pete White posts
The scene where Mr. White and Master Billy (they didn't have full names yet) try to sell Dr. Girlfriend on becoming their nemesis opens with a tilt (camera moves up-down on X-axis), which I patched together from multiple screenshots.
This episode is officially Conjectural Technologies first appearance post-pilot, but the episode order was scrambled. Even as early as this episode is, when everything looked kinda “off” in general, in this scene in particular the proportions are very odd.
Dr. Girlfriend is enormous. It's not from a forced perspective/"wide lens" effect since even White is looking up at her— she really is like 7 feet tall here. The stretch is somewhat hidden by the tilt. She's supposed to be barely 5' (according to Doc on a commentary track)— a petite lady. Meanwhile, Billy's way too small in the shot. He's usually level with White's top row of buttons.
I rejiggered the proportions while faithfully recreating the poses, which I find both static/boring (the boys) + weird (why are her hands posed like that?) If I recall, I don't think anyone moves in this shot, just the simulated camera angle, so it may have been one drawing so no one could move, explaining the stiff poses.
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Looks like I accidentally created a new subtext. White gives Billy judgemental side-eye for looking up with reverential joy at Dr. Girlfriend about to bless him with a laying-on of hands on his big ol' melonhead.
When I've drawn White with his parasol before, I used the typical Japanese design. I considered maybe the canon brolly might have been based on a Thai (or another Southeast Asian culture's) design. When it comes back in a later episode it has more of an inverse curve to it that you see in old temple roofs.
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I've searched everywhere for a real life parasol with this design. Nothing. The closest I can find are big beach umbrellas at fancy resorts, but they aren't open at the top with criss-crossing ribs. Venture Bros takes place in a world very much like ours, but with subtle differences. This umbrella is one of those differences.
In my redraw, I added a Santa windsock. If you don't know why, turn in your fan club card, you POSEUR.
I found this abandoned drawing on my backup drive from 2021. Decided to finish it as self-care. (I'm moving in two weeks and very stressed out.)
First time (kinda) drawing Dr. Girlfriend. Only my fourth VB character drawn after, like, four years? Fifth if you count the Rusty Venture action figure.
What did they do with the Santa Windsock? Which one wanted it? Did Venture refuse sell it to them after he threw a snit over the Shrink Ray? He claims he won't sell the Shrink Ray to them in that scene (because they said the logo was stupid), but then they have it (in pieces) in their possession when he comes looking for it in Escape to the House of Mummies (Part II)
→ to Master Billy Quizboy & Pete White index
edited to add a further idea....
If only the show had an unlimited animation budget, it'd be more in character for Billy to be jumping around and gesturing wildly while making his pitch to be her nemesis. Sweaty. Hard sell.
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...and smoking. (My version of Billy smokes.)
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
The Solitary Omega -Klaus M.
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This is one of my fav stories from my Wattpad so I thought I would post it on her for everyone
Warning:Daddy Kink, a/b/o dynamics, Alpha and Omega behaviors of my own design in some parts, smut (but that’s why you’re here so enjoy it🤣)
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Vampires find their mates by scent like everyone else in the world, however there are no Omega vampires currently in existence, the last one having been 600 years ago and only existing, as far as anyone could tell, for a few weeks.  Vampires aren't attracted to Omega scents, most vampires are Alphas, very rarely scenting their mates in a Beta because very few vampires are submissive in any sense of the word.  Vampires want and need strong mates, craving the attention of another Alpha unlike humans where Alphas rarely mate with other Alphas, Alphas and Betas are the most common, making up about 92% of all mated pairs.  Alphas and Omegas make up about 7.5% of the rest leaving not even one percent to Alphas and Alphas.
As a human Klaus had always been attracted to Omegas, such as Tatia, however after the change they didn't smell appealing to him anymore and he didn't take them as a meal or a bed partner.  1000 years he spent no longer attracted to Omegas and to be honest, he missed them, their soft skin and sweet smell being everything he ever wanted, a mate to marry and bed, fill up with his pups and start a family, a family he could treat better than his had been in his life.  However as the years slowly went on it seemed less and less likely he would ever like ones smell again until after his first 100 years he gave up on the idea all together.  None of the Originals had ever met an Omega vampire, no one ever dumb enough to change one, until Mystic Falls that is.
The family had been undaggered and they were planning a ball, each writing their own invitations to whoever they wanted there for whatever reason.  He recognized all of the names until Elijah wrote a new one on the card, 'Y/Full/N'.  "Who is that brother?"
Elijah looked shocked.  "You've been here all this time and never met the Omega vampire?"  That sentence alone stunned him to silence, along with both Kol and Rebekah.  "Damon's friend, Y/n, well Y/F/n but she prefers Y/n.  I don't know how she was turned but she's lovely and very sweet, can't be more than a few vampire years old.  She undaggered me in the basement of the boarding house because she thought it was 'unfair' what Damon had done to me."  He chuckled.  "She still doesn't smell appealing however I'm not adverse to the scent either.  It's calming in a way, she's a very nice girl and I would like her to join the festivities.  You are all to leave her alone, she's my guest."  They nodded, all intrigued instantly.  "I mean it Kol."  Kol had been known to play with Omegas before but he shrugged, holding his hands up in defense.
"I'll be good."
"I actually find myself excited to meet her.  I'm intrigued."  Klaus admitted to his brother as they pulled up to the apartment complex on the edge of town, walking up to the door he knew was hers when Klaus smelled something mouth watering.  "What is that?"  He asked when Elijah knocked.
"What is that sme-"  he was cut off by the door opening and being overtaken by the most amazingly warm, delicious scent he had ever smelled.  A shudder rushed over his body as the hair on his arms stood up and he couldn't help but inhale it for as long as he could.
"Elijah?  To what do I own this pleasure?"  She didn't seem thrilled to see him, but not put off either and Klaus found himself happy at the fact that she wasn't afraid of them.
"I wanted to request your attendance at our families ball, most of the town is invited but I wanted to make sure you knew you were my personal guest."  She seemed stunned, taking the invitation before looking back at them.
"Thank you, that's very sweet but I would have nothing to wear."  Klaus noticed her nostrils flare and she looked at him as they did, her eyes darkening and he felt a swell of pride at the fact that she clearly loved his scent as well.
"I will make sure you have a dress love, if I can make that happen...will you save me a dance?"  Again, shock filled her eyes but she couldn't hide her smile.
"I suppose I could do that, so long as you promise to be well behaved Mr. Mikaelson."  He bowed, holding out his hand and she took it, allowing him to kiss hers.
"I shall be on my best behavior, you have my word."  She smiled, taking her hand back.
"Then I would be happy to save you one dance.  Just one."  He couldn't help his amusement at her warning.
"By the end, you will want to dance the night away in my arms my dear."  She rolled her eyes, retreating back inside.
"Thank you for the invitation.  I guess I'll see you there, by the way, I'm not a conventional Omega.  I don't wear pink."  She smirked, closing the door and leaving him to laugh on his way back to the car.
"What was that about?!"  Elijah demanded as he shut his door, not liking his brother going against what he had said and teasing the girl who he had only ever seen be kind to everyone, including himself which if you're a Mikaelson, you know is rare when someone knows who you are.
"You didn't smell that?"  Elijah shrugged.  "She smells fantastic.  No...outstanding.  No...sensational!  I've never smelled an Omega like that, not even Tatia smelled like that, she's...wow..."  He sank back into his seat as Elijah began driving again.
"I don't think I've ever seen you like this.  Y/n's a sweet girl Niklaus, and she deserves more than your little one night Hump-N-Dumps."  The hybrid nodded his head quickly.
"You're right, she does.  She deserves everything...and I will give it to her!  Starting with the dress!  It has to be perfect...and I think I have just the one in mind."  Elijah rolled his eyes, driving closer to town and making Klaus look around.  "Where are we going?"
"To drop off your invitation for Miss. Forbes."
"No.  There's no time.  Forget Caroline, home!  We have to go home!"  He insisted and the look on Elijah's face was a mix of shock and genuine concern now, the last thing he ever expected was his brother to give up on Caroline for Y/n.
They went home and Klaus was out of the car quickly, running to the attic where much of the old clothes they had were kept, he came back down with a large box 10 minutes later, holding what Elijah assumed was a dress.
"I'll be back!"  He shouted and Elijah looked back to Kol, Finn, and Rebekah. 
"I'm telling you, this is either the moment of his redemption, or the moment of his demise, I'm not sure which.  Let's just hope Miss. Y/L/n doesn't treat him like Miss. Forbes did or were all in trouble."  They all knew Elijah was right.  Klaus had been infatuated with a women only a handful of times in his life but something about the look on his face was different this time and they all noticed it.  Even with Caroline there was a certain level of cockiness to their brother but the way Elijah had explained him looking at Y/n...they were all more than a little concerned.
Y/n's POV
Another knock on the door startled me and I had just jumped out of the shower making me pull on a pair of sweat pants and a tank top with nothing underneath.  "Hold On!"  I shook my wet hair out and yanked the door open to see Klaus again, this time with a large box in his hands.
"Hello Kitten."
"Hi."  It took me a second for the 'Kitten' to register but when it did I couldn't stop the blush that overtook my cheeks.  "I-I thought the ball wasn't until tomorrow-"
"It isn't, I just...I wanted to make sure you had the dress.  I knew I had the perfect one for you."  He handed it to me and I was touched but also skeptical, knowing everything I've been told about him.
"Thank you...if I open this and it's a short skirted, low cut thing that shows everything I have I'm going to slap you."  I informed him and he looked stunned.
"Of course not!  I would never do you the dishonor...not in public at least, I would never want anyone but me to see you in such a way.  I would like that to be for my eyes only."  I giggled at what I thought was his attempt at a joke before I saw he was serious.  "I'm interested in you, I can't believe I haven't met you before now and I intend to make my feelings clear.  I know you probably wouldn't accept being my date to the ball so I won't ask and upset you, but I haven't smelled an Omega who's scent was anywhere near as breathtaking as yours since I was a human and honestly, I believe ever."
I was stunned by his admission.  "That's sweet Klaus.  It would be sweeter if I didn't know you were already trying to get into Caroline's pants-"  he cut me off as I set the box on the table beside me.
"Caroline isn't invited to the ball."  My head snapped up to look at him quickly, shocked, knowing how insistent he had been for her to give him a chance, her having made me listen to several hours of her complaining about his advances.  Honestly it was just annoying to hear a beautiful girl talk non-stop about how a sexy vampire being infatuated with her was somehow an inconvenience.  "She said no to me for the last time so I'm letting Tyler go when I leave here and she's free to enjoy him.  If she's determined to be with a cheating asshole who am I to stand in the way, and before you say it, this isn't me rebounding onto you or whatever humans say now a days.  I would really like to get to know you.  Not just take you to bed (although I admit that will be on my mind as my most prominent fantasy from now on) but get to know you.  I want to know who Y/F/n is, your hopes and dreams, your likes and dislikes, hobbies and favorite foods.  I want to take you to expensive dinners and on fun day trips, spend an ungodly amount of time with you until people are so fed up by how cute we are that they can't stand to be around us anymore...I want to say I want to fall in love with you but I think that ship sailed the moment you looked at me with those gorgeous Y/EC eyes.  I will wait however long I must for you to give me whatever kind of chance you are willing, however I will start with one dance tomorrow night in this dress, with this on."  He handed me a smaller box and I took it, his warm fingers touching mine for the first time and making my skin tingle.  "This is yours now, your personal vervain filled necklace that I hope you never want to take off, it's been mine for a while and I'd really like you to have it...love to see you wearing it...I hope to see you tomorrow night love."  He took my hand and kissed it, before retreating and disappearing just before I shut the door.
I was absolutely floored as I opened the dress box, it was like he knew exactly what I would want to wear and gave it to me.  I then opened the smaller box he gave me and it was the necklace.
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It looked old, very old and given his ancestry as well as how serious he seemed about it I assumed this necklace was a big deal to him, the feeling it gave me being enough to tell me that wearing this would be a promise to give him a chance, a real chance as my Alpha.  I set it on my bedside table and relaxed with some Game of Thrones for the rest of the night, looking over at the necklace every few minutes unable to get it out of my head before sighing and taking my time to get it over my head, settling it on my chest and something about it just feeling right.
I took my time getting ready the next evening, calling an Uber and getting a ride to the house about 15 minutes late, not wanting to arrive right on time.  Everyone seemed to already be inside when I got out of the Uber and I took a deep breath, walking in and quickly being handed a glass of champagne.  "Thank you."  The boy nodded and I looked around, walking through the ball room and the bar in aww of the house.  "Damn...how do people afford this shit?"  I mumbled to myself.
"Years of saving money."  I gasped, jumping and turning around as I heard a voice in my ear, seeing Klaus standing behind me.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry.  That was rude, I didn't mean-"
"Not rude at all.  I know I'm more well off than most, though I think it balances out considering I used to live in a one room hut with a dirt floor and 5 siblings." 
"That sounds awful...but also sort of fun.  I never had siblings, always felt like I missed out."
"There's positives and negatives.  Don't tell them but I wouldn't give them up for anything."  I nodded.
"I can tell how much you love your family, I think it's very sweet...misguided in some of the things you've done maybe, but loving.  Thank you for the dress, it's perfect.  I'm in love with it!  I think I took like, 200 pictures of myself tonight."  The smile on his face was well worth it.
"I'm glad, I was worried you wouldn't like it, it would be too dark-"
"Nothing is too dark for me.  I wear black 99% of my life, I just feel the most comfortable in it."  I finished the glass of champagne as I looked him over.  "You clean up nice, really nice, love the hair."  I giggled at seeing it slicked back.
"Are you making fun of me, Kitten?"  I gasped dramatically.
"I would never!"  He took the empty glass from my hand, placing it on a waiters tray before holding out his arm for me to take.
"Let me get you a drink, I'd like to show you something if I may."  I shrugged as he led me to the bar, the bartender dropping everything to serve him first.  "Bourbon and, what would you like sweet girl?"  I blushed at the nickname before looking up at the man.
"Long Island?"  He nodded and Klaus looked down at me as his bourbon was placed on the counter.
"You like fruity drinks?  I don't know why I didn't expect that."  I shrugged.
"My friends dad taught me to drink, he says you can't be an Omega and not know how to hold liquor in this day and age, too dangerous.  I can handle just about anything, though you never have to worry about me stealing your bourbon."  I told him, wrinkling my nose and he chuckled.  "If I was going to drink something it would probably be some kind of whiskey, I like fireball.  I just prefer things that don't taste like paint thinner if I can help it, taste better and get drunk faster, win win on the cocktails.  Though I don't need to be smashed tonight so this will be the last for a while I think."
"We'll get you some water later?"  He teased and I shoved him with my shoulder as he handed me my drink and took his own, leading me away from the crowd and through a door, up the back staircase.
"Are you going to murder me?"  I joked and he leaned close, sniffing my neck, growling.
"Maybe I am."  He was teasing me and I couldn't hide the chill that ran up my spine, making him smile.
"I think you have a lovely smile."  His smirk returned as I said this and I shook my head.   "Not smirk, smile.  A real smile, you don't do it a lot but I'm assuming you do it a lot with me compared to other people.  It makes your eyes light up."  I looked up at him as we stopped outside a door and he looked down at me, shocked.  "You have really pretty eyes."  I admitted and I could see a faint blush on his face.
"You do as well, they're a deep, amazing green that I could get lost in for hours if you will let me someday.  I also love this cute little button nose."  He teased, running his finger down the bridge of my nose.  "Perfect cheek bones...lovely red lips that I-Uh...anyway!"  He cut himself off.  "I want to show you a painting I did last night.  I just couldn't sleep until I got it out."  Klaus opened the door, taking my hand this time and pulling me inside, leading me over to the fire place and looking up at the painting over the mantle...it was me...or at least I think it was.  I definitely don't see myself like that, I'm beautiful.  It's so bright and well proportioned, I could never in my wildest dreams do anything like this.
"Klaus...this is...this is amazing!  Wow, I...just...wow!"  I moved to the bed beside us and sat on the edge, looking up at it, sipping the last of my drink and putting the glass on the table.
"I would like to draw you naked next."  He teased, sitting beside me and looking up at the painting.  "I'm not being forward, I promise, I really am interested in you.  I know it's only been a day but...I can't get you out of my head.  I would like you to be my Omega, I'm sure you get that all the time from Asshole Alphas that think they can just decide that you're theirs but I...I want you to choose me.  I want you to want me, want to be with me, want me to touch you and care for you and love you.  I understand though if everyone has scared you off of me too much, I just hope that's not the case."  He was right, people had tried to scare me when talking about Klaus, Damon and Stefan mostly, then Elena, once again pretending that everyone's lives revolve around her when in fact the only reason Klaus needed her was that she is a doppelgänger, not because she's just so amazing!  Lastly Caroline, who, like I said, would rant to anyone who would listen about the struggles of having a sexy, rich, hybrid artist fawn over her and shower her in gifts and wonderful drawings.  I sighed, getting up my nerve and standing, walking passed him and hearing him sigh as I shut the door, locking it.  He seemed to think I had left and I was quiet as possible when I unzipped the dress, watching him gulp the rest of his drink while I dropped the dress to the floor, sliding onto the bed and laying my head on the pillows.  He didn't seem to have noticed me before he stood up and turned to go to the door, seeing my dress on the floor, freezing before turning his head and looking to find me laid out on his pillows in my bra and panties.  "Holy fuck."  He breathed out and I giggled.
"Are you planning to draw me or what?  It's not exactly naked but-"
"You're perfect!"  He cut me off, jumping to grab his sketch book and sitting at the bottom of the bed.
"How do you want me?"  His eyes widened at my phrasing and I saw him try and discreetly adjust himself in his pants as he crept closer, lifting my hand over my head before turning the other one up and just as he was about to adjust my hips he stopped and looked at me, asking permission with his eyes and I found it sweet, making me nod.
"If anyone else ever sees this Klaus I swear to God-"
"I'll gouge their eyes out with a rusty spoon.  No one will ever look at you like this and live to tell the tale again...and this...this means what I hope it does?  That you want to be mine...that you'll let me be your Alpha?  Treat you the way you deserve?"  I smiled, nodding again and he moved his hands to shift my body into a better position for how he wanted to sketch me.
"Don't really know what you mean by the way I deserve but...I would like to call you Alpha."  I answered and it seemed to be enough.
"I want you to only call me Alpha...or Daddy."  He spoke as he began his sketching, causing me to purr at the idea and him to need to adjust himself again.
"Are you going to be able to go back to the party with that?"  I questioned, looking at the bulge in his pants and he chuckled.
"I'll be okay once I go to the bathroom."  I rolled my eyes but stayed still while he worked and I loved the intensity in his eyes as he drew me.
We were in there for about a half hour before he finished and once again I was breathtaking.  "I just work with what you give me."  He helped me back into the dress and led me back down the stairs to the party just as they were giving a toast.  He stopped me at the bottom of the stairs and joined his family as Elijah spoke, taking a champagne glass as I did and drinking.  I walked to the bar while Klaus spoke to Elijah about something before feeling a hand on my arm and turning to see Caroline.
"Where have you been Y/n?"
"Nowhere."  I took my drink and tried to walk around her but she stopped me again.
"Klaus didn't invite me to this himself, I had to come as someone's date, do you know why?"  I shrugged.  "Because he asked you."
"I think technically Elijah asked me, that's who my invitation was from anyway, but yes, he finally decided to let you be happy with Tyler like you wanted.  Go enjoy him. Have fun, be free of the man you called a nuisance."  She glared at me, taking her own drink.
"I wanted to have Tyler and enjoy being chased by a hot hybrid, until you."  I didn't know how to respond to that.
"You always said you hated his annoying advances, and how am I to control who he chases?"
"Turn him down!"
"Cause that worked so well for you?"
"Tell him to leave you alone, you don't like him, he should go back to chasing me, he'll listen.  I'm sure he misses me."  I rolled my eyes, turning to walk away.  "Don't walk away from me!"  She demanded, grabbing my hair and pulling me back, making me growl, grabbing her hand and pulling it away, breaking several fingers in my grasp.
"Don't forget how much older than you I am, I'm not fighting you for Klaus, he's already mine.  He stopped compelling Tyler and he's free to be with you now, be happy and stay away from me."
"Ladies?  Everything alright here?"  I heard my Alphas voice and it calms me like nothing else, even this fast after just accepting being his Omega.
"Yes Alpha, all okay here.  Caroline was just telling me how grateful she is to you for releasing Tyler."  Her glare became even stronger as she heard what I called him and he knew it was a lie but went with it.
"You're welcome Caroline.  I realized you were right, you and I never would have worked.  Is he here with you?"  She shook her head and I knew I had seen Tyler here.
"Is...is he with someone else?"  I couldn't stop myself from asking and her eye twitched slightly.  "Oh god Care, I'm so sorry!"
"If you're sorry you'll do what I asked."  She told me and I laughed.
"I'm sorry you got dumped but that doesn't mean I'm giving you my Alpha just because the option you liked better is gone.  He's a person, not some toy you can put down and pick up whenever you want to play with him, you treated Klaus like shit, I'm not going to make that mistake.  I'll treat my Alpha like the king that he is."  I told her, reaching up and brushing my fingers down his jaw, loving the happiness in his eyes as I did.
"My sweet girl."  He rumbled happily in his chest, kissing my forehead.  The next thing I knew I was covered in what I'm assuming was champagne as Caroline threw her drink on me and I rolled my eyes in exasperation.
"I liked this dress Care, that was a mistake."  She scoffed, about to say something snotty when I reached my hand up and drilled my fist straight into her face.  I got 4 punches in before my Alpha finally stopped me, everyone in the bar area, which thankfully was only about 10 people, were now staring at us in shock, her face now gushing blood all over her dress as I had very clearly broken more than just her nose.  "You know I hit like a man Care, I don't throw bitch punches!  Shouldn't have thrown your drink on me!"  Klaus began carrying me to the back door to get us out of here.  "Stay away from my Alpha!  Next time I'll break every bone you have!"  I shouted before he finally shut the door and hauled me into the kitchen where no one was allowed and back up to the top of the stairwell.
"That was uncalled for Y/n...but thank you."
"I get that you're kind of a dick but that's no reason to treat you like trash, you're not trash. Been nothing but nice to me..." I nuzzled into his neck and he held me tightly to his chest despite the champagne all over me. "I need a shower...I should go home." I admitted and he whined sadly. "I don't want to either but I don't have any clothes with me, just my clutch that I left in your room-"
"Borrow something of mine to sleep in, shower and stay here tonight. We'll abandon the rest of the party, substitute the dance you promised for some cuddling?" I considered it for a moment before sighing, knowing I was going to say yes.
"Okay Alpha, I'll spend the night. Just get me out of this, I'm starting to feel sticky." He lifted me up, blurring to his room and shutting the door behind him, setting me on the bathroom floor. He leaned down to turn on the water and I quickly dropped the dress, bra unhooking along with it and panties coming down as he set the water to a good temperature.
"Alright, that should be good. Leave your clothes and I'll take them when I leave something you can sleep in on the coun-" he cut himself off as he turned to see me now completely naked.
"Or, you could go get me the clothes, throw those into the hamper and join me in the shower, I think you have some champagne on you too, better safe than sorry, don't you think?" I pulled him close to me, hand on the back of his neck as I pulled him to my level, noses brushing, lips so very close and I noticed his breathing quicken. "My Alpha. Mine." I growled and he groaned, prompting me to connect our lips roughly. His hands found my waist and he pulled me close, trailing them down to my ass where he squeezed firmly causing me to moan against his lips. He used that to his advantage, shoving his tongue between my them and exploring my mouth almost obsessively, as if he expected me to stop him any minute, which I did as I shivered with a chill.
"You're cold. Get in the shower, I'll be right there. Is a shirt and boxers enough or do you need more cause I can snatch something from Rebekah-"
"It's fine Alpha, just hurry up." His eyes trailed over my body as he backed out of the room, rushing quickly to his dresser as I stepped into his shower which was an amazing shower that very clearly had heated floors and a marble seat just out of the water. The shower head was rectangular, about 2 feet long in the very large space and directly over head. The glass wall of the shower was charcoal, not completely clear glass which I loved and the walls seemed to be black quartz or something, his bathroom being overall dark but still light enough that it was inviting and I was instantly in love with it, even the water pressure being perfect. "Getting lonely!" I called out as he took too long.
"You're very distracting. Sorry." He admitted and I turned my head to see him shirtless and leaning against the counter, my dress was gone and instead there were 2 sets of clothes on the sinks. I leaned my head back under the water, turning my body around so he could now see the front of me, my nipples hard at the idea of being watched by him for who knows how long and I could feel my pussy was soaked while he just continued watching me.
"How long is my Daddy going to stand there watching?" He growled, eyes shining yellow as I called him that for the first time.
"As long as I want Kitten, can't I just enjoy the sight of my Omega?" The emphasis he put on that was possessive and to anyone but an Omega might be scary but I adored it, loving and craving someone wanting me so terribly.
"Hmm, guess I'm going to have to get myself off, huh?" I trailed my hands from my hair where they were brushing through in the water, over my chest and squeezing my breasts lightly before slowly turning back around and away from him as one hand stayed on my tit and the other tailed down to my pussy.
"Y/n, turn around." He warned and I threw my head back, gasping at the feeling of my fingers on my clit. "Omega! Now! Don't be naughty our first night together, Daddy knows you're a good little girl. I just want to watch you for a moment, why are you denying your Alpha?" I whimpered at the thought, my Omega brain now set on the fact that this man is my Alpha, this man is going to be my mate and even unbonded all I want to do is please him, making me turn back around and him groan as he sees my 2 fingers on my clit, rubbing slowly. "Such a fucking tease Y/n." He growled, palming over his length, now hard under his boxers and suit pants.
"You too. Want you Alpha, please? I'm so wet for you!" My eyes had closed at some point but they snapped open as I heard his belt clatter and he quickly unbuttoned them, letting them and his boxers fall around his ankles, kicking them off and hopping into the shower beside me. I reached my hands out for him and he took them, placing them onto his shoulders, pulling my body flush against his so I felt his cock against my lower belly as he wrapped his arm around my back, the other hand grabbing my chin and turning it to face up at him as he leaned down, pressing our lips together again.
"All mine sweet girl, all mine. I'll never get tired of saying it. Mine!" I whimpered, nails digging into his back as his hips rocked against my body, cock rubbing against my damp skin to gain some friction.
I opened my eyes, looking up at him and grabbing his hips to make him stop, his eyes quickly looking down at me. "Mine." I stated, nothing else, just one word.
"Yours, all yours little wolf-"
"If she comes near you again you tell me and I'll kill her. Don't want her to even look at you, you understand?" I questioned and he smirked.
"I have myself a jealous little thing, don't I-"
"She doesn't care for relationships or mating, she has no respect. She would touch you, no one will ever touch you besides me again." He looked stunned, whether it was by my attitude or the fact that he was only going to be with me for eternity I didn't know. "If that's not what you want, let me go now-" the growl that escaped him was vicious as he grabbed ahold of my hips, pinning me to the wall.
"You think I did all this only to use you once?! You're mine Omega! All fucking mine! No one else will ever touch you again, my hands, my tongue, my cock-"
"No one will ever touch you again either. Can you live with that?" He snorted, smiling and nodding.
"Of course Y/n. I want you to be my mate. If she ever even bats her eyelashes at me suggestively I promise I will tell you. Now, no more talk of Caroline, let me have you. All mine pretty girl, All Fucking Mine!" He grabbed ahold of my waist, lifting me up and I wrapped my legs around his hips, snuggling close and pressing my lips to his as he guided his cock to my entrance, wasting no time in waiting to have and mark me after this incident, needing us both to be sure that no one else would ever come between us again, needing to mark each other so no one could ever steal our mate again.  "Fuck!  So tight Omega, so fucking perfect for me!"  He groaned, needing to take it slowly until he bottomed out so as not to hurt me.
"Alpha!  So big Alpha, stretching me so good!  Never...so big..."  I whimpered at the pain though I was enjoying it as well and he could clearly see that as he pulled back from my neck to look at my face.
"All mine, my tight, little pussy!  Gonna mark you up so good no one will ever even be able to imagine fucking you without seeing my face.  Tell me...tell me I can move?"  I took a deep breath before nodding and he pulled back, easing his cock back into me before doing it once more and slamming home the third time.
"Fuck!  Oh My God Daddy!"  I used the wall behind me as leverage to hump my hips into him, my legs tightly wrapped around his waist.
"Daddy's here sweet girl, all Daddy's."  I honestly don't understand how he hasn't put a hole in the wall behind me yet but I wasn't about to complain, never having been fucked quite like this in my life.
"Daddy!  So good!  Never been so good!"  The rumble that came from his chest was a pleased sound, clearly he was very happy to know he made me feel so good where other Alpha's failed.  He pulled me closer, if at all possible, turning and sitting on the shower seat so that he could thrust up into me, slamming his cock into me even harder and making me cry out in a mixture of mild pain and intense pleasure.  "Da-ddy!  Don't st-op!  Never Stop!  Want you to fuck me forever!"  I felt tears leak from the corners of my eyes as my lower belly tightened, a feeling I had only ever given myself in the past.  "Oh...oh shit...Alpha...I...I need-"
"I know Omega, Daddy knows what you need.  Your Alpha will always give you everything you need, my pretty little Kitten.  Cum for me Y/n, cum all over your Alphas cock, cum for me while I mark this perfect little neck-"
"Daddy!  Oh Daddy!"  I couldn't stop the squeal that came from my throat as my pussy constricted around him, the tension in my tummy finally becoming too much as my fangs dug into his neck.
"There's my girl, so good for me, such a perfect little princess, cumming so good for her Alpha.  Fuck...so tight around me, so close I-"  I scratched my nails up his shoulders and squeezed my pussy as tightly as I could before feeling him finish, heat spreading through me as he came, quite a lot it seemed, stilling inside of me and burying his face into my neck.  His fangs digging into my neck was the next thing I noticed, feeling the burn of his venom spreading through me though it didn't hurt, at least not right away. 
As I felt truly finished with injecting my venom I released his throat, relishing in the feeling of the pleasurable heat inside of me and my mates skin pressed all over mine just a second before the venom in my neck began to burn.  I could tell he was still pumping me full of venom and cum so I stayed still, ignoring the pain for as long as I could, my nails digging into his skin again though this time out of genuine pain as the burning got worse, now spreading through my veins. 
As a vampire, half of his venom is toxic to me, though the vampire in him as well as his werewolf half needed to mark me desperately, and as his Omega it's all I wanted, needing to mark my Alpha as well.  It would be perfectly fine as long as he heals the negative effects the werewolf part of the venom could have on my body though it would be days before I was in any real trouble.  I underestimated how badly the venom spreading would hurt though, just wanting my Alpha to be able to enjoy this moment that he's been waiting for, for over 1000 years.  Unable to hide it any longer I accidentally let out a pain filled whimper and he seemed to snap back to reality, pulling his fangs away and looking down into my eyes.  The pain eased as he released me and I smiled up at him, kissing my Alpha and hearing that happy rumble in his chest, starting to purr for him but not being able to hold it very long, trying again for only a second and making him pull back from the kiss to look at me, concerned.  "Omega?"  I whimpered and he looked over me slightly before seeing the black veins spreading from the mateing mark he had delivered me.  "Oh God, I'm so sorry!"  I shook my head as he bit into his wrist and pushed it between my lips.  "I didn't even think about that!  My venom is toxic to you...I can't even mark you without hurting you..."
"No!"  I whined as I felt the pain disappear.  "Loved it Alpha, didn't start hurting right away.  Just need to drink when you mark me from now on, I didn't think about it either.  Next time I'll take some of your blood and it won't hurt me a bit."  I reached my hands up to his face and pulled him close to kiss me again.
"Promise me?  Don't let me hurt you-"  I shook my head.
"Loved it Daddy, didn't start hurting for almost 10 seconds.  Just gotta drink from now on, please don't stop?  Need you to mark me Alpha!  Need it!"
"No, no, Shh.  Of course I'm going to mark you sweet girl, nothing will stop me!  Daddy will never deny his Omega his mark, I promise.  Don't worry, all mine."  He leaned back in, pressing his lips to his mark and giving me a chill straight down my spine. 
"Snuggle Alpha?"  I questioned, my eyes feeling drowsy as my glands began the job of settling his scent all through my bloodstream and body, adjusting to my new mated status which was a bit of a stressful thing on an Omegas body.  Settling an Alphas scent takes some time which is why most newly mated pairs don't emerge from their nest again for several days.
He seemed to be able to tell right away, nuzzling into my neck and kissing over his mark.  "Of course sweet girl, Alpha will always snuggle you-"
"Always?  Love snuggles Alpha."  He nodded, pressing his lips to mine.
"Always.  My precious girl will never be deprived of her Alphas warm arms wrapped around her."  He shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a black towel around me to keep me warm as he quickly dried himself off and pulled on his boxers, caressing me with the towel quite thoroughly until I was dry enough to put the boxers on as well as the Henley shirt.  He wrapped my hair up in a bun so I could deal with it later and hoisted me back into his arms, blurring us to his bed and snuggling me to his chest.  We spent quite a bit of time just snuggled like that until there was a knock on his door making my Alpha sigh, kissing my head and jumping up.  "What can I help you with brother?"  He questioned as he opened the door to find, I'm assuming, Elijah.
"You left in the middle of the party brother and it smells like sex in here.  Don't you dare tell me you brought someone up here when you're meant to be 'woo'ing Y/n!  I told you, she's a sweet girl and she deserves more than half your attention or a one night Fuck!  I swear to everything that is holy Niklaus, I-"
"It's okay Elijah...I think I'm going to be here for a while."  I spoke up, sitting up in the bed as Nik moved enough for Elijah to see me.
"Oh...that was fast.  Much faster than I anticipated..."  he stopped himself, pushing passed his brother and appearing beside me, tilting my head to bear my throat which made me whimper and Nik snarl quite loudly.  "I'm sorry, that was rude of me, I just-"
"She’s not settled yet brother,she needs to sleep if you don't mind."  He pulled his hands away, stepping back.
"My apologies Y/n, I would never...um...we can talk another time then."  I nodded, scootching away from the suited man.  “Damon snapped Kol’s neck-"
"What?!"  Nik growled and I whined.  He was suddenly by my side again, kissing my head to relax me.
"I don't know much but they seem to have made each other upset.  Everyone has left, mother seemed to have enjoyed herself."  I flinched slightly and Nik looked down at me.
"What was that?"  I shook my head.
"Nothing.  I don't want anything to do with it, just like I told Damon...please leave me out of it?"  I begged, not wanting anything to do with their clearly corrupt mother.
"Do with what Omega?"  I bit my lip to stop from saying anything.  "Omega..."  he warned and I sighed.
"Your mother wanted to talk to Elena tonight about something important.  She thinks your mom still wants to kill you but she wasn't sure exactly what she wanted.  She was supposed to meet her tonight, I don't know anything else.  I don't want to know, I don't Alpha."  He looked at Elijah, seeming to have a silent conversation.
"We can talk tomorrow about it, don't you worry sweet girl, you won't be dragged into anything anymore.  I'll come see you in the morning brother.  My Omega needs to sleep."
"Of course.  Good night little one."  I waved to my suited friend.
"Night night Eli."  He shut the door behind him and Nik snuggled back into me.
"You sleep my love.  We will spend the whole day together tomorrow, and you will feel all better."
"Yes Alpha.  All better."  I mumbled, my eyes drifting shut and my body giving way to sleep.
'Where did you go last night?  Caroline said you are dating Klaus now?!'  The text from Damon was what woke me up, Nik still asleep wrapped around me as I grabbed my phone from the clutch on his bed side table.
'I don't know what she's on about but I went home.  I had enough to drink and she got snappy because Tyler was with another girl.  Why?  Is something going on again?'
I looked back at Nik, brushing my fingers through his hair and kissing his nose as he began moving.  "Good morning."  I whispered and he smiled, opening his eyes to see me.
"Best morning.  The best morning I've ever had in 1000 years of life, waking up with my Omega in my arms for the first time.  I love you."  He pressed his lips to mine just as my phone dinged again.
"I love you too Alpha.  You're going to wake up with me in your arms for the rest of forever.  Enjoy it."  I looked back at my phone, opening the messages and knowing I couldn't not tell Nik about this instantly.
'Esther is using Elena's blood to help bind her children together and kill them.  The usual in this town I think.'
"Daddy?  I need you to promise me that if I show you something you're not going to get angry.  I need you to remember our bond is still settling and I need a calm environment and a loving mate."  He looked startled by this.
"I would never upset you, especially not now, and you're always safe with me.  Why, what's wrong?"  I handed him the phone and let him read the texts.  "Sweet girl, I'm going to borrow this for a moment to show my brother.  You wait right here, nice and calm, nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about." He said all that but rushed from the room rather quickly making me sigh before seeing Kol walk passed the room, glancing in and seeing me.
"Hello...who are you?" His smirk showed all his teeth in a threatening way making me pull the blankets closer.
"Your brothers Omega." Was my answer and he held his hands up as if to show me he was unarmed.
"Congratulations. Niklaus has always wanted an Omega. I'm surprised one was finally stupid enough to give him the time of day." I hissed at that, baring my teeth this time, making him smile. "Where did Nik run off to, leaving his settling Omega?"
"To tell Elijah that your mother is trying to kill you." His face fell at that before sighing.
"I knew it. I knew her loving us was too good to be true, I can't believe I..." he sighed and I could see the hurt on his face, making me take his hand to comfort him. He looked up at me, considering me for a moment before smiling a little. "Thank you. You're a sweet Omega. Nik got himself a good one it seems. I actually thought she might be serious this time, I...I feel stupid." I shook my head quickly.
"No matter how old you are she's your mom. The fact that she's trying to hurt you is unnatural and monstrous, don't feel badly sweetie." I pulled him close and he laid down, head now on my lap as I ran fingers through his hair.
"Can I stay here until Nik comes back?" I considered it and seeing as he wasn't being threatening I nodded, patting the bed beside me, him crawling up and snuggling into me, head on my chest, wrapping the blankets around me but staying on top of them himself which I found kind. I ran my fingers through his hair as he snuggled into me, enjoying whatever kind of comfort he was getting from me right now.
We stayed that way silently for about 20 minutes and just when I was drifting back off to sleep Nik walked back in. "Thank you for being patient my love, I...KOL!" We both jumped, him having startled both of us from a half sleep making me whine loudly. "No, no. Calm down my sweet, it's alright. Kol, what are you doing." He was trying very hard not to snap and growl at him and I very much appreciated his trying.
"Nothing! Your Omega is very comforting, I like her Nik. You picked a good one. She gives me head scratches."
"Kol, I'm trying very hard right now, you see that don't you? Very hard not to kill you."
"No killing. Go Kol, we can hang out sometime I'm not so newly mated, okay?" He looked over at me and nodded, jumping over me out of the bed.
"Thanks Y/n...you're not so bad."
"Thanks?" He shut the door behind him and Klaus took his place as soon as he was gone.
"What was that?"
"I told him about your mom and...it really upset him. I guess he tried to convince himself she was being real this time. It's natural. No matter how old you are there will always be a part of you that just wants your mom, and your mom is kind of a cunt it seems so that really does a number on you I'm sure." He nodded and I kissed his head, holding him to my chest to snuggle and go back to sleep before the door burst open again. "I'm going to have to go home to get some sleep in this fucking house!"
"What is this I hear about you saying our mother wants us dead?!" Rebekah was now in the room, hissing angrily and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm leaving."
"No! No you're not my love, lay down. No one else will come in, I promise. Out Rebekah! Sleep pretty girl, Alpha will be right back." I sighed, laying back down as he forced her out.
"Alpha? Are you kidding me?" He shoved her violently before shutting the door and that's the last I heard for a while until the door opened again and I saw Finn.
"Is the whole Mikaelson family going to pay a visit today?" I was immediately nervous when he closed the door behind him, making me move away.
"I never actually thought an Omega would get into bed with my devil brother. You know it's why he really daggered me don't you? Because I told him such?"
"Well I don't think he's the devil. I mean, he's a Dick, but not the devil, and he's nothing but good and kind to me. Finn...you're scaring me, p-please? Please leave?" I felt tears well up in my eyes as he stepped closer anyway.
"Why does my little brother, the worst of us all, get to be happy when my Sage is dead and I have to live alone? Answer me that little Omega, hmm?" I was instantly confused by that as I finally jumped from the opposite side of the bed.
"Sage? The girl that taught Damon to be a vampire? The red head? She's not dead!" He glared as I said it, appearing in front of me instantly and grabbing my throat tightly, holding me against the wall.
"Don't you lie to me! My mother told me that she was gone-"
"Mother...lie...wants...dead..." I choked as well as I could with his tight grip.
"What?" He released me and I fell to the floor instantly.
"ALPHA!" I screamed as loudly as I could, shoving the bedside table out and hiding behind it.
"Is she really alive? Really?" I nodded, cowering away as he looked at me but stopped coming closer, standing with a shocked look on his face as the door was thrown open violently and suddenly my Alpha was growling at Finn angrily.
"What are you doing?!"
"Nothing I...I'm so sorry little one...thank you..." he was gone instantly and Nik was in front of me looking very sorry.
"I'm so sorry love. My first day as your Alpha and I'm rubbish at it...come, let's get you comfortable. No one else will come in, I will make sure of it. Trust me?" He held his hands out and I paused but took them, allowing him to settle me into bed before he went back to the door. "The Next Person Who Enters This Room Without My Permission Will Get Their Throat Ripped Out! UNDERSTAND?!" I heard a few scattered 'yes'' before he was gone again making me whine, returning 10 seconds later. "I'm having breakfast made for us my love. They will knock and leave it by the door for us so you don't have to see anyone else. I'm so sorry pretty girl. So sorry." I nuzzled back into my Alphas neck and let him hold me, only wanting his comfort after everything that had just happened. "Nap until the food comes, we'll eat and watch a movie, then I'll scent you again. That should help. Relax." He was petting my head as he made that familiar rumbling sound in his chest that calmed me, sending me right off back to sleep in his arms.  I didn't wake back up until there was a light knock on the door and Nik jumped up, getting the tray from the maid who didn't even try to come in.  "Hungry Kitten?"  I nodded and he kissed my head, taking the top off of the tray and revealing 2 omelets, a plate of sausage, a plate of toast, and a plate of bacon.  "Eat baby, you're safe.  I promise, nothing is going to harm you again.  I don't care if it's Elijah himself, if someone comes through that door their neck is getting snapped.  Safe to eat."  He kissed my forehead again and turned on the tv. He wrapped himself around me and I ended up feeding him as he rubbed himself over my skin, scenting me.
"Wanna stay like this forever Alpha." I admitted and he stopped his movements, kissing my head and turning me to see him.
"Then we will, we'll stay in this room, have our meals brought to us on silver platters, do nothing but snuggle, eat, sleep and mate for the rest of our existence." His teasing made me giggle as I leaned against him, laying back down to sleep again and he continued. "No more mother, or Salvatore's, or pesky annoying siblings, just mated bliss forever, all for you my lovely Y/n." He kissed my shoulder as I drifted off again. I knew there would be problems to be dealt with tomorrow and the next day and probably the next day but for now I would relax and just enjoy this contentment, the beginning of a long and happy life with my Alpha.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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snootlestheangel · 3 months
Royal Ghoap AU idea
Soap grows up as Prince, his family is royalty blah blah blah
Simon Riley is in the poor part of the city, which under Soap's father's rule, becomes the recruitment for Knights. It's a program designed to take the youth and prevent them from falling into criminal traps and becoming responsible people. It helps the families. Simon is recruited at a much younger age than most with the intention that he grows up alongside the only son of the King (ie Soap)
He and Soap grow up together, slowly falling in love by the time Simon is a full fledged Knight and they're adults.
Roba is the leader of a gang of criminals that burn the part of the city where Simon is from. The Riley family dies in the fire, and it is presumed that so does Simon, because he had fled the safety of the castle to save his family.
While in the castle before all of this, he had been courting Soap, only for Soap to express concerns that if they let their relationship develop into something more, that the people would say things. Basically Soap rejects Simon's physical advances (cock blocked)
Soap: I'm afraid of what they'll say of you, mo chridhe
Simon: let them talk, so long as I have you, nothing can harm me.
Soap lives for several years thinking that he could have had Simon and yet threw it all away.
Eventually his parents are mysteriously assassinated, and he, along with the King's Guards Price and Gaz, travel far as they follow a series of clues that will lead them to the assassin.
Along the way, they encounter The Ghost, a famed assassin with over a hundred assassinations credited to his name. Ghost is believed to have served under Roba.
There are two major ways I want to approach this.
The first way:
He reveals Roba is behind Soap's parents' assassinations, and tells them his plans to murder Roba himself. Price warns Soap not to trust him, but Soap can't help but feel the phantom is familiar.
One night, slipping away from the watchful eyes of Price and Gaz, Ghost enters Soap's private tent
They have a conversation where Ghost basically begs for forgiveness and Soap is confused and then he drops it, only for Soap to ask him if they know each other. Ghost doesn't directly respond, but Soap thinks it means he's uncomfortable because they don't. However, Simon quickly says "you look good as King, Johnny" not long after Soap falls quiet
Soap turns and then whispers his name. Begs him to take the mask off, asking how Roba has hurt him, etc. Simon eventually takes it off to reveal a very scarred face. Soap touches his face and the scars with tears in his eyes. Simon thinks it's because he's now ugly or not worthy of Soap's love anymore. But Soap finds him still as loveable as ever.
"I see scars. Which means you survived, and you healed, and you live to fight another day. Which means you're here, you're alive, and I finally have another chance to keep you."
"Will you let me have you? Even if just for tonight?"
"Of course. Only if you'll let me have you."
"I trust no other soul."
They get together (obviously) and then Idk where to go from here
The second way:
Soap catches word that Roba has been finally captured in a neighboring kingdom, so he brings Price and Gaz with him. The king of this place is Alejandro, with his partner Rudy, and they are joined by Shadow Company who captured Roba.
They are in the royal hall when Ghost manages to kill his way inside, where he uses his weapons to hold Rudy hostage.
His weapons in question are bladed: two large scythes that can cut from both sides (within the curve and outside), making them versatile and intimidating. Truly a character of Death
Alejandro makes a trade: Roba for Rudy. Everyone expects Ghost to leave with Roba, but instead he attacks him and kills him, kneeling back once the deed is done.
Alejandro asks "if you were not loyal to Roba, then who do you pledge to?" Because it's commonly accepted that assassins aren't solo: they have someone that pays them and provides what they need. Ghost stands, slowly makes his way towards Soap, and raises his weapons.
He proceeds to immediately drop them and uses the Royal Guard salute to show his loyalty to Soap. The salute is used in private by Knights/Guards to the crown/royal family. Only Soap, Gaz, and Price would know this, everyone else would be confused as to what that means.
Graves and a couple Shadows quickly attack Ghost and take him into custody. He keeps eye contact with Soap the entire time, Soap is shitting his pants cause how the fuck does THE GHOST know the private salute????? And why would he say he's loyal to me??? What the fuck???????
While Soap is freaking out, the others are trying to figure out Ghost's plans and blah blah blah. He's not giving anything away.
But Soap suddenly appears, saying that he should ask the questions privately because Ghost pledged his loyalty to him. They're upset Soap is in the room, to which Price, out of breath just goes "he's slippery"
They agree and let Soap "interrogate" Ghost.
Soap asks how he knew the salute. Ghost doesn't answer.
Soap asks why he suddenly pledged loyalty to him.
"To save yourself?"
"Cannot suddenly pledge to something you are already pledged to."
Soap is now confused and he's starting to get a weird feeling. He can't think of something to say, he's so confused. Ghost begins to look at him with the saddest, most emotional look he can despite the mask.
"You look good as King, Johnny."
Don't know where to go with this one as well but I'm definitely partial to the second way.
Anyways what y'all think?
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ramsayxme · 7 months
You've Been Watching Me.
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You dried your dripping hands across the front of your horribly filthy skirt. Back home, you wouldn't even allow your lowest servant to wear such a filthy piece of clothing. Everything was different now, you sighed as you finished washing the last dish. You could still hear the loud laughter trickling in from the dining hall while you emptied the washing bucket down the drain. You didn't have servants anymore; you were the servant.
You didn't remember much about when Ramsay Bolton captured you, but you did remember you lost everything. You used to have your own warm bed to sleep in with layers and layers of carefully hand woven blankets draped all across, each with a beautiful design. You used to love to run your hand along the intricate designs that were woven with such grace, skill, and care...Now you fiddle with the loose twine that holds your skirt from falling down to your ankles. Not quite as beautiful.
You can't even begin to imagine what you look like now. Your long brown hair felt wiry and stringy but greasy and oily at the same time. Your eyes felt sunken from lack of sleep. You felt bony and scrawny, unable to remember the last time you felt the sensation of fullness in your belly. You sighed as you exited the kitchen chamber and into the hallway. There was one good bit about being captured, though. Your captor was a handsome monster.
Of course, you knew how horrible, vicious, and vile this man was. After all, you had witnessed it first hand a few times so far. Regrettably, there was something about him that peaked your interest. There was a slight sexiness to the way he asserted dominance and power, as if he had no fears in the whole world. You had studied Ramsay's face many times while he was asserting his power, and you had always noticed the way he lit up. It was obviously arousing for him to watch people squirm until they give in to him.
Last week, you had watched in the shadows while he tortured and mutilated the man who was formerly known as Theon Greyjoy, now just a broken pet named Reek. You felt yourself heat up just by watching him abuse his power and ever since then, you had fantasized about him using that power on you. You were obviously ashamed of this, but you knew it was just a fantasy and nothing more.
You finally reached your bed chambers, your bare feet chilled from the cold stone of the castle. You walked over to your small fire that was still glowing, and you climbed on your unstable 'bed' right in front of the stone fireplace. It was made with a plank resting on uneven stones and covered with a few pelts. It was wildly uncomfortable. Your room was tiny, but you weren't in it much. You were either doing your chores or sneaking around, trying to catch glimpses of Ramsay throughout the day. You liked watching him.
You were so unimportant to him that he never noticed you. You could just pretend to be sweeping the floor while he ate dinner, cleaning the linens while he screamed at another servant, or just simply laying low in the shadows like you did the other day. You felt your adrenaline rush when you watched him. You couldn't help yourself!
You began warming your ice cold toes by the fire, reaching down and rubbing them slightly. You were lost in your thoughts when you heard your door slam. As you jumped to turn around, you saw one of the other servants standing at your door. It was a scraggly looking boy, you guessed not much older than 15. "Oh. You scared me." You said, turning back towards the fire. The boy still stood at your door. "What is it?"
He looked down at the floor. "Ramsay has requested you." You felt your heart race in secret. "What? Why? I haven't done anything wrong." You had not yet turned back to the boy. "I don't know." He muttered, "He asked for you. Let's go, before he gets angry at me." The boy had just planted an idea in your head. Poor boy.
"I don't believe you." You smirked, still facing the fire. "Come on!" He begged, a little louder and much more desperate this time. "You know he doesn't like to be kept waiting, please..." You sighed and stood up to face the boy. "What do you imagine he wants from me?" You pretended to be too scared to go with him. The boy quickly shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, but we can find out. Please. Hurry." He was truly terrified. You felt excitement bubble up in you. "Fine." You finally agreed.
The boy led you down the hallway to one of the side chambers. It was similar to the dining hall but a little smaller. He pushed the door, causing a loud squeaking noise to fill the air. You stepped inside and saw Ramsay sitting at the table. He was alone. You felt a shiver slither up your spine, but it wasn't fear. You tried to look scared.
"That took... longer than I wanted." Ramsay said softly, his eyes staring into the young boy. You heard the boy shift his weight, obviously uncomfortable. "I'm sorry. She... she didn't want to come right away, she moved slowly." He whispered, his eyes glancing at your feet on the floor. You shook your head, determined to make Ramsay angry at the boy. You felt guilty, but you wanted to watch him get mad. "Not true, Ramsay. He got lost on the way. I tried to tell him to take a left after the dining hall, but he didn't listen to me."
The boy's jaw hung slack as he stared at you, realizing what you were doing. "I see." Ramsay said, his eyes still stuck on the boy. You watched Ramsay inhale deeply as he pulled his shoulders back. He was wearing a front buttoned vest with a wool long sleeve underneath it. His curly dark hair swooped over his eyebrows and his piercing blue eyes shifted around underneath. His jaw was strong as he grit his teeth. He exhaled his breath with the words "Come here", directed to the boy. He sulked over, slouching wit defeat as he approached Ramsay.
Ramsay reached out and grabbed a handful of the boy's horribly messy hair. He yanked him down to his face and whispered something into the boys ear. You couldn't hear what he said, but you felt yourself get excited watching Ramsay be so powerful. The boy shuddered as Ramsay let go of his hair, a smile breaking across his face. "Run along now!" Ramsay yelled, sending the boy running out the door. He swung it shut as he left, causing it to slam loudly.
Now, it was just you and Ramsay...alone.
"Yes, Ramsay, what did you need from me?" You ask, breaking the silence in the room. Ramsay smiles, his lips slowly unveiling his sharp incisors as he grins wider. "Have you enjoyed it?" He asked, his voice deep and quiet. You felt a wave of anxiety flow across your torso. "Enjoy what?" You asked. He did not answer you. He simply lifted his hand and gave a 'come here' motion. His eyes were peering at you from behind his curls. You swallowed a small bubble of nerves as you stepped closer to him.
He did not seem satisfied until you were at the other edge of the table, directly across from him. He looked up at you, his shoulders square and his breathing steady. You stared in silence for a moment before he began chuckling. "You do enjoy it!" He laughed. You still weren't sure what he was saying but before you could ask, he answered for you. "You've been watching me."
You opened your mouth to argue, but Ramsay kept going. "You think you're sneaky, but you're not, no you are far from it! Do you really think I don't know everything that happens around here?" He swirled his finger around in the air, indicating the whole castle. "I noticed you watching me the first time you did it. I saw you in the corners when I was..." his eyes rolled around as he was trying to find the right words. "...playing with Reek."
Again, you opened your mouth to speak. "You like it, don't you?" Ramsay asks more firmly this time. All you can do is slowly nod your head. He knows. He has known this whole time. "What exactly do you enjoy about it? Do you like hearing the screams of pain too? Or is it something else?" He asks you. His eyes are very intense. He is staring directly at your face and you feel your cheeks flush. "I...." "Speak up, dear. I can't hear you." He grinned.
"I like watching you... I don't really know what it is, but I like watching you be powerful." Ramsay snickers at this. "It is not the torture alone that you enjoy, but its watching me torture others? You like my power?" He asked you although his voice oozed with confidence that he already knew the right answer. You hesitated to answer, and with a ~shing~ you heard Ramsay unsheathe one of his knives from his belt, twirling it in his hand, and then pointing it at you. "Answer me." He demanded, his eyebrows raised.
Oh, Gods. You swallowed another bubble, but again, it wasn't fear. You felt a breathy whimper slowly escape your lips as you sighed. "Yes." His eyes seemed to light up to your response, and perhaps also the moan that crept out. "Wonderful." He said, still pointing the knife at you. "Come here." He demanded. You swiftly walked around the table and stood facing him at his side. Your breathing was quick, you were so close to touching him.
He stood up quickly, pushing the chair out from under him with a loud scrape on the floor. He turned to you, making direct and intense eye contact immediately. You felt your breath hitch in your throat. He slowly brought the knife up to your neck and pressed the tip of the blade against your throat. "Now," He began, his voice low and breathy, his face only inches from yours. "I want you to do something for me to show me how much you enjoy watching me. Can you do that for me?"
You gently nodded your head, staring into his hungry eyes. He pressed the knife against you harder, the edge of it barely nicking your jaw. "Use your words." He groaned through gritted teeth. "Yes... yes, I can do it..." You didn't recognize your own voice. It sounded smoother and thicker than usual. Ramsay dropped the blade on the table. "Are you going to do anything I say?" He asked, almost cooing at you. His lips were close enough to your face that if you barely leaned forward, you would be kissing him. You felt the warmth of his breath on your own lips.
"Yes, I will do anything you-" Before you can finish your sentence, his hand wraps around your throat tightly. You feel your airway cut off and watch his eyes widen as he chokes you. You reach your hands up and place them on the hand around your throat out of instinct. His eyes dart across your face, almost as if he is examining every tiny movement you make. You notice his breathing is steady and controlled even though his eyes are wild and his teeth are barred. He lets his grip loosen a bit, but doesn't completely let go. You want him.
You lean forward slightly, in hopes to kiss him. He doesn't allow you, his grip tightens when you lean. "What do you think you're doing?" He chuckles at your pathetic attempt of romance. "Are we making love now? No, I don’t believe we are." Ramsay just laughs at you as he releases your throat and sits back down in the chair. "Get under the table." He demands. You do not hesitate this time.
You crouch under the table and sit on your shins, the stone is hard on your knees but you can't seem to be bothered. Ramsay scoots his chair back so he can peer down at you, and you stare up at him. You can feel your heartbeat in your throat and your stomach. You watch him intently as his hands dip to his trousers and he unlaces his waistband, his gaze never leaving your face. You watch as he pulls on his trousers, releasing his erection for you. You sharply inhale, watching him do this is something you thought was only possible in your dark fantasies. He snickers as he pulls himself out of his pants completely, and interlaces his fingers before resting his hands on the table in front of him. He stares down at you with a dominant glare and you feel yourself melt slightly.
You sit eagerly on the floor, watching him as he raises his eyebrows at you. “Well? You enjoy watching me, now let me enjoy watching you.” You feel your stomach flip in your body with excitement. You scoot forward on your shins and place your head on his knee. You stare up at him and manage to whisper “I’ve been fantasizing about this for days.” He gives you a closed lip smile and nods. “I know. I can tell. Now, go on…” You take a deep breath in and stare at his erection. You can’t believe this is about to happen. You want to pleasure him more than you’ve ever wanted to do anything in your life. You reach your hands up and wrap one of your hands around the base of his shaft as you place your lips on the warm tip of his cock.
Slowly, you began kissing the head. You swirl your tongue gently as you allow your eyes to flutter shut. His head is soft and smooth, your tongue gliding across him with ease. You kiss deeper, allowing his entire tip in your mouth. You sense Ramsay take a deep breath, making your core heat up. You’re really pleasuring this powerful man. You feel so special and invincible. Your confidence seeps out of your body through your actions as you open your mouth wider and take in more of him. You were moving slow but with intention. You felt his cock in the back of your throat and you began bobbing up and down, methodically and determined. Ramsay sighed again, his hands must have left their spot at the table because one of his hands wrapped around your hair at the back of your neck. You felt the slight pressure on the back of your head as he placed his hand there, softly pushing your head down to ease his cock snugly in your mouth.
You continued to pleasure him, now allowing his cock to fully enter your throat. You started losing control as he began taking control, you knew this was bound to happen. You knew that Ramsay wouldn't actually give you full control. You felt him wrap your hair around his fist once, and then grip on it tightly. He pushed and pulled your head, using your mouth at whatever speed pleased him. It was uncomfortable for you, but you were more focused on the grunts and breathy sighs coming from his throat.
Without warning, he shoved his chair back and stood up; leaving you alone under the table with your dripping chin. "Get up." He growled, his grin proving that his demand was enticing. You stumbled to your feet and stood, your ass against the edge of the table. Ramsay smiled at you for a moment before diving his face into the crook of your neck. He yanked the fabric of your shirt down your shoulder, allowing the soft skin to be exposed to him. You sucked in a breath as he began kissing your neck eagerly with bites in between kisses. You felt yourself groan when he bit down a bit harder, which made him reach to your waist and squeeze your hips.
His hands snaked from your hips to behind your thighs as he lifted you, setting you down on the table. You frantically began pulling your skirt up, bunching it around your torso. Ramsay chuckled at this. "You're an eager one." He whispered into your ear before biting down on the flesh directly below your earlobe. A whimper escaped your lips. You realized your arms were desperately tugging at Ramsay's sleeves and the front of his vest. Gods, you were not very good at hiding your lust for him. He stepped back one step before yanking his vest open and tearing it off. Then, he pulled the wool long sleeve over his head. You gawked at the sight, his pale and toned frame heaving as he stared at you with a predatory glare.
He stepped forward again, pressing himself against your core. Your skirt was still bunched around your sides, fully exposing yourself. Ramsay's cock nudged at your entrance as he allowed his trousers to fall from his thighs to his ankles. You reached out in an attempt to allow your fingers to graze over his pale skin, but he stopped you with his own hands. He grabbed your wrists and tucked them at your sides. "Lay down. Hands under your lower back." You obeyed, slowly leaning backwards and tucking your arms underneath the small of your back. "Good." He quietly praised you.
He grabbed the same knife from the edge of the table and wielded it in his hand. He leaned forward, pressing it against your neck, the cold blade sending shivers down your body. He slid the knife under the neckline of your shirt and easily sliced through the filthy fabric, exposing your breast to him. He pulled the shirt open like a cloak and began kneading at your chest while he nudged at your entrance, his cock pressing against your needy core. The knife returned to your throat as he lined himself up with your cunt. His free hand still groping your body, squeezing and pulling at your soft flesh. He leaned forward, pressing his length inside you easily. You were clearly very aroused, as your body was slick and easy to enter.
You whined as he stretched you. He enjoyed your whimpers. He clenched his jaw as he began pumping in and out, not allowing your body to adjust. You cried out with a combination of pain and pleasure, and Ramsay simply growled in return. He continued to press the knife against your throat, the blade threatening to slice through your skin at any moment. He did not break eye contact while he began fucking you. His icy eyes bore deep into your own, causing your stomach to flutter with arousal. This was unlike anything you had ever experienced. Seeing Ramsay abuse his power was one thing, but watching him to do it to you? Incredible.
You felt yourself growing warm, your body fully adjusting to him and beginning to float with pure bliss. You must've gave your enjoyment away on your face, because Ramsay pulled his cock from you. You whimpered as you felt empty, and your eyes snapped open to see him take a step backwards. "Get up." He demanded. You brought yourself off the table and realized how sore your arms and shoulders were. You stood in front of Ramsay, your skirt falling back to its original length.
"I can't have you enjoying this too much." He cooed, shaking his head with disappointment. He brought the knife back to your throat. You swallowed as you watched his eyes scan over your face. His other hand grabbed your hands and he brought them to his wet cock, still hard. "Please me." He demanded as he grabbed the nape of your neck once again. "Yes, Ramsay." You obeyed. You began stroking his cock while he leaned into you. You were using your hands to please him while he kept the knife pressed against you and had your hair wrapped around his other hand. He turned your head to the side, giving him access to your neck and ear. He breathed against your ear, causing goosebumps to rip across your skin.
He kissed your earlobe as the knife pressed against your jawline. You were steadily and rhythmically using your hands to jerk him off. Your mind blurred as you pleased him. Your brain drowned in the sounds of his shaky breaths and moans between the kisses on your neck. You knew he was growing close to orgasm, the grip on your hair was extremely tight and the knife was pressed against your jaw firmly. You were afraid he would slice your throat without knowing.
His hips began thrusting forward, his body begging for more pleasure. He lurched a few times before his thighs tightened and the knife actually dug into your jawline. He came, releasing a groan from deep within his belly as he did. You were gasping for air just as much as he was, you hadn't realized you had been holding your breath. He came down from his climax and finally released your hair. He noticed the nick on your jawline from his knife and he chuckled. "I got a bit carried away, didn't I?" He reached out to your chin and pulled it towards him, allowing you to face him once more. He pressed his lips against yours, kissing your mouth for the first time. You felt your heart flutter. The kiss was too short. He pulled away and bent over to pull his trousers up.
"Go wash your wound. I may need you again later tonight." He grinned as he turned to walk away, leaving you a panting mess. You were desperate for your own release, feeling the sexual tension built up in your own body. You watched Ramsay disappear in the hallway and you looked down at yourself. Your open shirt hanging off your elbows. Your dress even dirtier than it was before, but this time you didn't really seem to mind as much.
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thoughtsonkm · 5 days
Goodbye, for now
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BABY? HONEY? BOYFRIEND SHOT? Jikook you're too much!
This episode was truly the best way to end the show, maybe even the best episode of the series. (Neck in neck with episode 2 of course) The way they enjoyed it so much but were also so sad it was over. The hot tension all around, the soft boyfriends mood who can't stop flirting and name calling each other with the most low-key couple-like sweet names. They could not stop laughing, they could not stop touching and they couldn't stop being hilarious without even trying.
SK Spotify daily chart end of November 2023 :
Jimin Jungkook Jimin Jungkook Jimin Jimin
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It would be such a full circle moment if Jimin posted the boyfriend photo (which won't happen). Would almost be like a soft launch of some sort.
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Not the underwear too?? Gosh I love my little gay freaks!! (didn't understand why Jimin would quote their 'yet another inner joke meme' right at that moment but I've learned to not question their inner workings)
Sorry but i have to be pretty one last time and say that I kinda had enough of seeing so much from the crew around or even in Jikook's shots and angles. It breaks the fourth wall a little too much and ruins the whole bubble idea. Ok I'm done lol
Returning to the issue at hand, the "seeing the beds for the first time" scene keeps getting funnier and funnier. As if they don't already have designated sides of the bed 😏
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Ah the never ending bickering gives me life. Peep the half korean half english talk when they playfully get on each others nerves 👀😂
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I better not speak on the scuzzi jacuzzi shenanigans cause otherwise.. Let's just say the photo speaks for itself..
NO YOU KNOW WHAT IMMA SPEAK. We all know that jacuzzi time is always intimate, relaxing and personal for people that's why I wish Jikook had enjoyed it fully without cameras. Yes I'm pissed on their behalf, that they had to film the whole thing with 382929 different angles. lol
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His face is literally saying "oh so you're really gonna make me do it huh? if I was in your place I would've folded immediately and would've never let you go through with it!!" 😂
No one ever:
Jikook every 2sec : HONEY OH HONEY
(I was actually listening to the song while writing this and idk why it's so funny to me even tho it's a sad love ballad)
They must've loved getting the chance to at least see one episode of the show, plus the idea of watching it together..
Jungkook being so entertained by it meanwhile Jimin being mortified about half of the things that happened. HILARIOUS
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HAHAHHAHAHA all parties were concerned if they'd be able to pull it off, I can't
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BEST BELIEVE they're always gonna find a way to touch. Consciously or unconsciously.
This show made me realize that my favourite thing ever is Jk making food for Jimin, then making him hysterically laugh and therefore getting to hear Jimin's adorable giggles.
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"Hello it is I the one and only, the only one who can touch Jimin's head ble ble ble ble" - JK
Jk was like: How can you imagine Jimin without me in your dream? Are you crazy? What is this delusional dream world you live in Jin hyung??
Tbh it's so meaningful and a huge thing saying that these trips were literally the best trips of your life. I think the statement almost went over people's heads.
I can't get enough of Jimin looking pretty and cuddly and Jungkook's immediate thought being: I HAVE TO FILM YOU
Them saying they can do a reboot when they come back gave me some hope that maybe just maybe this is not the end of AYS 😭
The ending bonus clip left me fulfilled but also sad and with goosebumps all over.
Thank you Jimin & Jungkook for letting us peek into this trip and getting to witness some of your precious moments.
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Signing off, J&J 🥹
Ps. So I'm guessing the 52 minute video that comes with the photobook is probably the 3 bts videos combined that they've been reviewing for 48392 months right?
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crystallizsch · 4 months
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Trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught. So don't let me catch you ~
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uhhhhh say hi to jamil and yuusha's kid jas(mine) pt 2 (also here and here are like my only two other posts of her)
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HFDDF OKAY SO - i actually had these unfinished sketches from months ago of jas as a nrc student and scarabia housewarden
this sneaky little bastard (affectionate) had never left my cranium she was just sitting idly by
im sobbing i hate jas so much (lie i love her)
jamil and yuusha still aren't supposed to have a kid so i just imagine this to be an alternate timeline for them 🤧🤧🤧
soooo info dump time ---
━━━━━━✦ scarabia housewarden nrc jas
jas has a vice-housewarden who is her childhood best friend (figuring out if i want them to be twst rajah or abu)
also thinking about if i want yuusha to be a staff member in nrc with grim or just dead during this time (why? just because)
no further info tbh, scarabia housewarden jas is just vibing
━━━━━━✦ child jas stuffs
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i'm SO indecisive about her design as a toddler/preteen lowkey 😭
she was very sweet as a toddler but somewhere along the line she just became more carefree and chaotic
jas is a mama's girl but is more alike with her father than she cares to admit
octavinelle trio and heartslabyul duo + grim are like the honorary uncles (jas's favorites are floyd, ace, and grim bc they sometimes enable her with shenanigans)
even though jas has favorite uncles, najma is the favorite favorite. i imagine she's just the cool aunt
if mama yuu is "shrimpy" then jas is a "tiger prawn" (bc rajah)
jas LOVES doing people's hair including her own; would rather do them by hand rather than by magic
jamil showed jas how to breakdance once and it became ingrained in her personality ever since
(there's probably still more about her that i'm forgetting but this is it for now)
━━━━━━✦ bonus future jamiyuu stuff because i miss them
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jamil took yuusha's last name surprise surprise (if they get married)
i imagine after nrc they'd be travelling together actually, not necessarily settling down
(i'm REALLY not 100% on them settling down and having a kid but i still love jas a lot so im so conflicted) (that's why aus exist 😔✨)
(and if hypothetically they do settle down i think yuusha being staff in nrc with grim + maybe jamil who travels for work (or being a house husband??? maybe they alternate roles) can be adorable ideas)
━━━━━━✦ (i also had this thing that i never posted about that one trope of a fankid finding themselves in nrc bc of portal/time/mirror shenanigans)
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(jamil found both of them asleep somewhere and refuses to wake them up)
also some bonus tidbits about this scenario with them:
💜: Is she a family member of yours? How'd she get here?
🐍: I have never seen that child in my life before now. And there's no way I could have missed news about a new relative of mine.
💜: You know how ridiculous it sounds if she's related to me. I'm not from here. She even looks more like you!
🐍: Jas has the same color of eyes as you. Didn't you tell me she mistook you for her mother?
💜: ...Yeah, but I don't like what you're implying.
🐍: Well, I'm not exactly happy with this either.
they're just both in denial of the implication of this child existing and neither of them is saying it out loud.
and the angst/wholesomeness(???) of jamil asking jas's full name and hearing that she has her mother's last name instead of his
eventually they grew attached (unfortunately) until somehow they send jas home to her original timeline
and then they finally have a real conversation about what all that was about
anyways thank you for reading if you've made it this far;;; end tweet
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Spidersonas are the perfect exercise and I recommend everyone try -
Quick-Spidersona Exercises
How I use new Spidersonas as Artistic Practice
[A MEDIUM length post where I share ideas and exercises to create Spidersonas quicker and easier, while practicing your writing/art]
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Spidersonas can be a great tool for any artist!
If you're a writer looking for a way to get better at character creation, research, and world-building - Or an artist looking for a way to get better at character design:
Consider trying out Quick Spidersona exercises as a fun way to do that! I use them all the time, because seriously, who says you can only have ONE Spidersona?
(I think I have at least 15-20 now - counting the eight named kids I gave Miguel & Moche)
I usual end up making at least one a week - and I find they're amazing for learning how to make characters quickly and in a really fun way.
Everything can be canon in the Spider-verse, including a sentient piece of Lego-Plastic and a Pre-historic Spider-saur.
Plus, with the Spider-Society being full formed, and canon events at your choosing, you have a loose template for a background - making it easier to throw them into the story.
I use a couple different exercises on making Fast-Sonas, and I thought I'd share some.
Here's a couple of my favorites! If you find this helpful, let me know!
1 - Hour Sona Challenge
Ever have a half-baked Spidersona Idea or come up with a funny crack Spider?
Give yourself an hour (or two) and go at it.
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[This challenge is good for quick practice, Character Creation & Design]
Design them a suit as quick as you can, coming up with abilities and a rough personality.
You don't need to go into backstory if you don't feel like it, and it's a great way to get started
This is something you can do routinely - I do, I usually do this once or twice a week; And soon you'll have a full cast of sonas that can interact with each other!
It's great practice, and the more you do it, the easier it gets.
When you're doing it on the fly, or know it's just one hour - it can produce characters that are more natural, because you don't have time to second guess. Plus, since it's only an hour, you can get as silly as you want!
Stoner-Spider is an example of a 2-hour Sona Challenge.
This challenge is good for Character Design
Make your own cross over!
For something a bit easier - Take a Non-Spider character and make them a Spider-person.
This could be anyone, from other Marvel characters, to Disney Princesses, Celebrities, and characters from your other fandoms. You can even make some of your old OCs into Spider-people!
For Artists - this can be a real fun challenge - try and blend the characters original outfit and design into a suit suitable for swinging.
For Writers - try to adapt their current background, and shift it around so they have 'canon events'. If the character you like has lost someone, the person they lost could stand in for their Uncle Ben or Aunt May.
Example: If you're looking to adapt Ellie from The Last of Us, losing Joel could be her Uncle Ben canon event.
This works for every character (basically). What if Black Widow ACTUALLY got bit by a black widow? Now Nat Romanoff is on campus. (Every Peter thinks she's an MJ cause the red hair at first).
No matter how ridiculous, you can stretch it. In Spiderverse, everyone is Canon.
If they can write a SpiderCar - you can write ANYTHING.
Some ideas are:
Celebrities, Animals (like SpiderCat or the Dinosaur), Princesses, Greek Gods, Historical Figures, Fandom Characters,
Mundane Spider
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This challenge is good for: Character Building & Design
Not everyone is extraordinary. SOMEONE has to flip those McMiguel burgers goddamn it.
If making a huge story and traumatic canon events send daunting - just... Don't do it. Challenge yourself to make a Spidersona that's literally just a person.
Like a Target employee who got bit by a spider that came out a shipment. And now they have to work at the Society AND target. They wear the Target polo over their suit.
Pick a normal type of person, and challenge yourself to make them super.
Maybe a stay at home mom that got bit by a house spider, or a college student that got bit at the library. Any one could be a Spider-person! So don't worry that they're 'boring'.
Ideas for this:
A person based on your town/city, Random Professions, Teachers, Therapists, People based on hobbies you like to do (ex: Margo is eSports. SpiderCanada is hockey based),
History Spider
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[This is good for Research]
History Buffs WHERE U AT?????
If you love a period of history - GO ALL IN.
Take the SpiderNoir and Hobie route.
If your Spidersona was from Ancient Egypt, what would they wear? If you really like the Medieval Era, would their city want to burn them at the stake?
For Artists - What would they wear? And how would the fashion trends of their time period effect their suits?
For Writers - What would be their real name, if it were time period accurate? How would they act and speak? Consider how they would adjust to things like 2099, and how their time period would effect their fighting style.
Culture Spider
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If you're from a interesting culture or place, make a Sona for that!
[This is another great one for Research, as well as Character Design too]
I've seen it all, from my own IncaSpider, to Korean Spider-people and Romanian Spider-people.
For Artists - It's REALLY fun adapting traditional dress and colors into a Spider-suit, and you may even find yourself falling down a research hole.
For Writers - This can go DEEP. You can pick any time period of your culture and home. Things like their accent, their behaviors and traditions, and their backstory can all be reflections of your culture.
With HUNDREDS of years is material to pull from, using Culture as a back drop for a Spider can help them seem deep and natural. Plus, you can just Google clothing and use that as suit inspo
Ben Reilly - Mary Sue Spider
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Arguably my FAVORITE. Not for the faint of heart.
[This is the best for everything - Literal SELF CARE I MEAN THAT]
Write a character that's super strong and effortless about it. Pavi is. And he's still a great character.
Write a character who ALWAYS looks kick ass and rides a cool motorcycle or plays a rad guitar - Jess and Hobie are literally THAT.
Want your character to be big and super smart with deep trauma that haunts them? - Ben Reilly and Miguel. The three of them can be a trio.
Every time you draw something or write something that makes you cringe, or feels to OP or too much.
Good. Leave it in. Turn it up to 11.
Go all out. Draw your Instagram dream outfit. If you want your Sona in 12 inch heels - have at it!
'Oh but that's impractical and stup-'
They're literally a Super-Human. If Gwen can catch a helicopter like that, I think a Spidersona can manage stripper heels or Final Fantasy Hair.
What's the worst that can happen? You're doing it on purpose.
At the best, you'll make someone REALLY REALLY rad - like Hobie.
At the least, you'll make someone REALLY REALLY funny - like Ben Reilly.
Disco-Spider Diane is an example of this. She was probably supposed to be a completely self-indulgent, unhinged Sona.
So much so that she thinks she's perfect, even though she's a little bit naive, lazy, and in her own world. But because she doesn't care.. it's all good :)
No Logic Whatsoever Spider
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[This one is just funny. Great one for Character Design and getting out of your comfort zone.]
Spider-Ham, Spider-Car, Spider Cat, LegoSpider, Spiderplush and SpiderPopsicle all have a club. The No Logic Whatsoever Club.
Challenge yourself to make a new member.
Break all the laws of logic. If something can be Spiderman, then it is or duty to make it so.
What's your favorite animal? Make that.
Can they put on the suit themselves? No? Who cares they're a Spiderperson-thing now.
Is there a funny art style you like - make a Bendy's style 1930's black and white silent cartoon.
For Artists - This is a great one. It can be as simple as drawing Spider-man merch and making it sentient. Or as bizarre as drawing a Dinosaur in a Spider-man costume.
For Writers - HARD MODE. For pure crack fanatics. Enjoy trying to make logic of this. Or don't. They are what they are.
So here are just some exercises and ideas for those looking to strengthen their writing/art skills with Spidersonas.
They can be really quick to make, and you can always build on them over time, do a '1hr Sona Update' Challenge, run them through canon events and see them change.
Having multiple spidersonas can be fun, make writing easier, and it's great practice that translates everywhere - into world building, character design, research, and a lot of other creative skills.
Literally theres no need for just one! The Spiderverse is open to any Sona, no matter how bizarre, mundane, or self-indulgent!!
If this gave you and ideas or inspiration, let me know. If you try a challenge, I'd love to see too!
And as per usual if you've read this far: Here take this as a token of my gratitude
Go forth, create, and kill cringe with your bare hands. Smash it into a moving train. That usually does the trick.
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