#I got another deuce plush again!
blind0raven · 7 months
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... sooooo
Meet the new smollest baby? Hahaha...
There was only 1 from the etsy seller, i had to
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chacolatepocky · 1 month
Drama club mishap
Story: Costume mishap at the nrc drama club
Characters: Ace trappola, Deuce spade, Jack howl, Epel felmier, Jack howl, Lilia vanrouge, Irene, Seulgi, Wendy, Joy & Yeri
CW: None probably unless you're scared of kpop girl group red velvet, OOC probably
A/n: I submitted this fic for a grade and it got a 98💀💀💀💀💀💀
The group of friends were sitting in a circle in the courtyard, limbs stretched out on the plush grass as they nervously waited for an email stating their costumes for the annual school play had come in, hoping they would fit correctly. Epel left out a huff, followed by the sound of his thick southern accent, "You know, I thought they said that we would get the costumes around three, It's already four now. "
"Just be patient, Epel. I'm sure they'll be sent out soon. " Jack said in a low tone of voice, trying to make his lavender headed friend didn't do anything too brash this time to avoid embarrassment, he definitely didn't want a rerun of what happened the previous year.
"Why do you even care anyway? Don't tell me you actually enjoy doing this. " Ace asked mockingly, not taking his attention from tapping away on his phone. "No I don't enjoy it, I just don't want to have another one of Vil's lectures because my costumes haven't come in yet. " Epel grumbled.
"Touche, " Ace said before opening his mouth again "Oh yeah, Sebek, bro, why are you here too? I thought you had a job to protect Malleus or somethin'? " The ginger questioned him, eyebrow slightly raised. "Well yes I do have a very important job of being a retainer to the great Malleus! But it just so happens that Master Lilia enjoys these plays and wanted me to participate this year. I tried to reason against it but he insisted obstinately. " Sebek sighed, threading a hand through his mint green hair.
A loud ping then rings out from a phone, another member of the group wakes up from his nap rather startled "Huh? Where am I? " He questions, Navy blue hair stuck slightly to his forehead from accumulated sweat. "Chill out, Juice, It was just a notification from your phone. Speaking of that you should probably check it. " Deuce grabbed his phone, Accidentally dropping it on the ground from his hands being clammy but quickly picking it up again and typing in his passcode.
He looked at the notification at the top of his phone, a email from the schools drama club director, Mr crewel. Giving them a notice to come and pick up their costumes for the play. "Guys, The costumes are done! " Deuce yells in excitement.
The group gets up and walks through the familiar hallways of the school until they reached the brown double doors leading to the theatre. They walked around to behind the stage where they saw Mr crewel, His assistant, Mr Kang and a few other students in the play, recognizing the one near the boxes of clothes as Lilia Vanrouge, Sebeks grandfather and mentor.
"Master Lilia! We have arrived to pick up our stage costumes. " Sebek announces loudly, Lilia turned around giving a wide smile, receiving his sharp canine teeth. "Hello son! I was just about to check with Mr crewel if you had shown up yet to retrieve your costumes. " Lilia turned around again, picking up a large cardboard box and shoving it in Sebeks hands "Now, Go try them on! " He insists. The five boys walk back into the dressing area to unbox their costumes.
"Geez, I can't wait to finally see em'. " Epel says "Me too. " Jack agrees. Sebek opens the box slowly, getting ready to see normal outfits, but they got something most unexpected instead. Inside the box was five, sparkling outfits, some two pieces and some in a piece, mostly in silver but with accent colours. One in a bright red, a blinding yellow, a darker blue shade, a electric lime green and a dusty purple.
Epel gasped, "What in tarnation are those things? " He exclaims in shock, Sebek eyes also widened in disbelief, Ace only chuckled. "Well come on men, we need to try on our outfits. " Epel glared but picked up his garment, trying to remain unflappable but ultimately failing. They retreated back to the dressing rooms for a short moment before stepping out in their outfits.
Shimmering stones and glitter shine from the lights pointing down in the dressing rooms, Deuce looks at himself in the mirror and says to his friends "Well I guess that we're rather adaptable. " trying to make the mood less disappointing but suddenly, a shout comes from behind them. "Hey? What are you doing with our outfits? " One of them asks, the boys turn around and are met with the faces of their female actresses, Irene, Seulgi, Wendy, Joy and Yeri.
It then dawned on the boys that Lilia had fortunately grabbed the wrong boxes unknowingly. Ace started laughing "I got scared for a second that you were going to make us really wear these dresses! " He wipes a tear from the corner of his eye, Epel and Jack let out a breath of relief simultaneously, Deuce chucked slightly and Sebek stood there. But alas a crisis was avoided.
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
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Dorms Meet the Eeveelutions
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The students want to know more about Phoebe’s Pokemon, the evolution part anyway. It’s so bizarre how something cute could eventually evolve into something totally different and intimidating. What better way to learn about evolution than introducing them to the Pokemon, Eevee and its various Eeveelutions.
First Years + Eevee
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“Huh? This little dog-fox is strong? No way am I believing that! It looks like a plush toy!”
⊖ Phoebe was showing off Eevee to the first years and explains how its a very unique Pokemon who can evolve into different forms. But Ace and Jack thinks that it looks like a fox-puppy who is not strong looking.
⊖ Deuce thinks its cute though as it lays on his lap for pets. Phoebe shows them that Eevee is just as cool and strong as its evolutions. She demonstrates its abilities as a fighter when she had them spar with it to prove a point. 
⊖ Needless to say, Ace was sent flying and Jack, though was basically a stone wall to Eevee until it used Return. The power of affection send the wolf boy rolling backwards a few feet away. From that day forward, they don’t dare say anything about Eevee being weak.
⊖ Sebek though, he was confident he was going to win because he trained under Lilia and he could secure victory. The poor half-fae was sent flying when Eevee started to use Double Team to distract him, Phoebe spammed that move to the point it got annoying. 
⊖ But she never told Sebek what Double Team does though, she just wanted to see him take back what he said about Eevee... Therefore decided to be “that” jerk who spams evasion moves during battle.
⊖ Don’t talk sh*t about her Pokemon or else she WILL play you like the cheap kazoo you are.
⊖ Eevee wasn’t all bad when you’re not its opponent, it was rather affectionate and the boys can’t get enough of the fluff around its neck. Deuce especially has a habit of running his hands through the neck fur whenever he goes to Ramshackle.
Heartslabyul + Leafeon
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“Oh, it tripped again! Someone get it out of the mud before you bring it in the dorm!”
⊖ Leafeon was alright at Heartslabyul except it was always getting stuck, tripping and even getting dirt and mud on itself. No one knows how but a mess is sure to follow unless you either get rid of the hazards or keep a VERY CLOSE eye on it.
⊖ Of course, Cater can’t help but get so carried away in taking pictures because clumsy is cute when it comes to animals. While Cater was following Leafeon to try and capture another clumsy moment, he tripped on a stray root the same time Leafeon tripped.
⊖ This happened during an Unbirthday Party and the awkward silence that followed was deafening. No one expected it, Trey just helped Cater up and tells him to look where he’s going and pay less attention on the phone. Leafeon does get a nice treat though, courtesy from Trey.
⊖ Leafeon does get a lot of attention from the students, often times placed a lot of flowers around it while it was sleeping because it just looks so photogenic. Cater is more mindful of where he’s going because he would have preferred people chuckle at him tripping because he can laugh it off too, the silence made him internally embarrassed.
⊖ Ace and Deuce got the idea to try and change Leafeon’s colors to autumn but the Pokemon wasn’t having it and runs around the garden trying to avoid their pens. What ended up was a bunch of roses in different colors and a very angry Riddle yelling for the ones responsible. 
Savanaclaw + Flareon
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“Oh? This little fox thing has spunk... Could you roast this meat again?”
⊖ Leona didn’t like any pets at his dorm but of course, this one wanders off into Savanaclaw territory and at the sight of the buff students, it wanted to pick a fight.
⊖ A few minutes of fire being blasted around the area, Ruggie came in just in time to pick up Flareon and gets it to the mirror before anything worse occurs. No matter how many times Phoebe has tried to keep it from going back or Ruggie throwing it through the mirror. It was stubborn! Leona had enough and tried to kick it out himself.
⊖ That ended up with Leona chasing Flareon around the dorm with an actual murderous look on his face, Flareon had an equally scary expression. Those two duking it out on the dorm, fire was everywhere, Ruggie had to fetch Phoebe to get her to stop the madness.
⊖ Leona and Flareon ended up getting soaked by water Pokemon. The two had to come to an agreement, so Flareon becomes a training assistant for the dorm students who are looking to enhance their skills in combat.
⊖ Leona doesn’t want to admit that he’s grown fond of the fiery furball. Yeah right, he says that he still hates it guts but the way Flareon sleeps by his bed says otherwise.
⊖ No one knows why but Flareon has beef with Jack, probably because he’s really buff? But so are the other dorm students though... Whatever it was, the poor boy is confused by it’s temper.
Octavinelle + Vaporeon
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“It is entirely just water? Interesting... Your creatures never cease to amaze me!“
⊖ Azul wanted to know more about Pokemon, when the topic of a creature with several possible evolutions was brought up, he immediately goes for the water eeveelution, Vaporeon. 
⊖ Things were going well at first, it was very chill and was easy to look after but then when he tried to give it a bath, Azul looked away for a moment to get shampoo when he turned around because he heard a splash.
⊖ There was nothing in the bathtub, he started to panic and thought that it escaped or dissolved into sea foam! Jade had to calm him down by having Floyd feel around the supposedly empty bathtub. Only to feel something and lift it out, revealing Vaporeon who just looked innocent and was unaware of what occurred.
⊖ After that scare, Azul is very intrigued by Vaporeon and would study its behavior in and out of the water. He would love to observe more about this creature.
Scarabia + Umbreon & Espeon
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“Look at this! It’s like me and Jamil! What a coincidence, ahaha!”
⊖ Espeon and Umbreon always came as a pair. It just seemed wrong to exclude one from the other, so Scarabia gets two Pokemon to look after. 
⊖ Kalim is more in tune with Espeon as he loves the sunlight and Espeon’s power is related to the daytime. The two would spend their time walking to the oasis and having a nice soak in the water before going back.
⊖ Espeon is also a good choice to leave with Kalim as it will use it’s powers to foresee accidents and injuries and prevents the Scarabia dorm leader from the danger. Jamil can finally rest easy for once, he wished he had an Espeon back then so he doesn’t have to babysit all the time.
⊖ But that doesn’t mean that Espeon won’t play some small pranks on the boy. Floating his headband  or even his plate of food. Kalim gets flustered and Espeon wants to do it more often because of how easy he is to get a reaction out of.
⊖ Kalim absolutely loves touching the soft velvet fur of Espeon, he also loves the gem on its forehead. It reminds him of the type of decor women wore around his home kingdom.
⊖ Jamil is much more fond of Umbreon. The two find solace in the nighttime. Umbreon doesn’t like parties as much so it can’t be seen whenever Kalim throws a party. But after the party, it can be seen basking under the moonlight with the rings glowing with dark energy. 
⊖ Jamil finds the glow quite hypnotic which is ironic. He often takes nightly walks to de-stress, with Umbreon it was more relaxing. He always thought that he can feel some sort of connection with its gaze. He takes great care of Umbreon, preparing it some nice food for both it and Espeon. 
⊖ Jamil can understand that Umbreon finds Espeon’s pranks annoying, as much as the boy finds Kalim to be a bit troublesome when he gets reckless.
Pomefiore + Glaceon
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“Such a beautiful creature! I suppose this wouldn’t be too much trouble looking after...”
⊖ Glaceon would bask in the praise of the Pomefiore students. It knows how beautiful it is and will let others know it. Rook fuels it’s ego with so many praises.
⊖ The only problem was that Glaceon has nowhere to make a snowy bed for itself, it knows that doing it in the garden would upset the students. So, Glaceon just makes it a habit to douse itself with water to freeze it on its fur. 
⊖ Vil took notice of the snowy paw prints it leaves and he wonders why it was making a mess of the floor until he actually observed it. He feels like slapping himself for not realizing so sooner. Pomefiore is beautiful but it has no place for snow.
⊖ He remedied the situation by having the students clean out an empty room for Glaceon to make as much snow as it wants. Glaceon was quite pleased with this arrangement, it now follows Vil and would often make him more sparkly by showering him in a light snow. 
⊖ Glaceon also flaunts itself too, the Pomefiore students praise the Pokemon a lot. Vil and Glaceon are like a perfect pair.
⊖ Seven help the poor soul who was blinded by the sparkling light of his beauty.
Ignihyde + Jolteon
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“S-So much energy!! Ah! I wonder if this is some sort of mistake... I might have to make some lightning rods for this one, Ortho”
⊖ Jolteon was very friendly and immediately began curiously poking around the dorm. There was so much to look at! Jolteon managed to sneak into Idia’s room while he was distracted by the game. 
⊖ Jolteon was watching from over his shoulder what Idia was doing, when the Pokemon brushed up against Idia’s side, he bolted up in fright.
⊖ Jolteon didn’t seem to be bothered and continued rubbing against the shaking student. Ortho managed to track Jolteon down and is now trying to get his brother and Jolteon to be friends.
⊖ He finds it cute!
⊖ It took a while for Idia to open up to Jolteon, as exciting it is to study a new species, facing one in person who wields huge power grounded him in reality.
⊖ But he found use for Jolteon’s unintentional jolts, he was using lightning rods to power his new inventions and that became their version of bonding. to the point Ortho had to drag Idia away from Jolteon because he wasn’t done with testing the new machine.
Diasomnia + Sylveon
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“So colorful yet... it doesn’t fear me... I think I will like this one, child of man~ fufu!”
⊖ Most would notice how out of place Sylveon is, it clashes with the black of the dorm. But Sylveon was so polite and beautiful that most of them were too distracted to care. 
⊖ Sebek didn’t think that this pastel creature was the strongest. But he was proven wrong after sparring. He’d find it even more shocking to know that Fairy types like Sylveon are feared by Dragons in Phoebe’s world. Not even dragon attacks would make a dent on them.
⊖ Silver likes watching the flowing ribbons, they always are mesmerizing to watch, he often falls asleep after a few minutes of watching the waving ribbons though.
⊖ Lilia tried to feed it his food but Sylveon was quite offended because his food can be considered a Poison attack. Which Fairies are weak to, Sylveon refuses to eat any cooking made by Lilia. Poor guy, the Pokemon was very blunt.
⊖ Malleus was very fond of Sylveon, it always holds his hand with the ribbons. He likes to gently grasp the ribbon as he walks alongside it, if anything happens to Sylveon, he will destroy everyone in the room and then himself! Maybe...
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the-crows-typist · 3 years
Thank you for you patience on this, here is the first installment of the Valentine’s event with Jade and the word ‘Chocolate’ which was requested by  @takumipineapplexd. Enjoy.
CW: For potential OOC and Slowburn with small bits of Angst
Word count: 6378
A Heart from Me to You
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“Welcome to the Sweet Tooth, may I take your order?” Deuce says as the customers enter the café in an excited hurry. From your position behind him, you couldn’t help but smile at their reactions to the confectionary seen within your shop; they were your creations, after all.
“I’ll have the lovers’ bite with some black coffee…Oh, and a tuna sandwich with some extra chips.”
“Alright, please take a seat and your order will be with you shortly.” The young man motions them to a nearby table with comfortable chairs and when they giggled to themselves, Deuce got to work on the order given to him. Just as the loud clatter overtook your hearing, you looked away, drowning the voices out to concentrate on the batch of brownies that had been cooking in the oven, the smell of chocolate wafting through the air and mingling with the smell of roasting coffee. You were proud of your achievements and you were proud of the atmosphere you’ve cultivated through your hard work.
“Ah, come on. Let me pay this time!”
“No, let me. I was the one who took you out on a date.”
“That’s not fair! Why don’t we pay half?”
“Eh, but—?”
But through your hard work, you ended up skipping on the life most people your age have. While you created beautiful pieces of art with sugar and meat, couples young and old enjoyed them. While you went out to get supplies, others spent time with people they wish to build a life together with. You couldn’t be angry at them, they deserved the happiness they found, but there was always that pang of jealousy and longing of what might have been had you just looked away from your work for one second.
You shrug your shoulders, hearing the timer ring. Then again, things wouldn’t have been any different.
“Deuce, can you clean up table 3 for me after you deliver the orders? I’ll be preparing the brownies.”
He smiled and nodded his head enthusiastically “I’ll go right to it.” and got to work. You were grateful to have him by your side, though you often felt guilty for the times you asked him to work alone during the days you needed to restock and resupply. Despite his insistence that he was fine, you could see the small tinge of exhaustion in his eyes.
You let the brownies cool on the counter and watch the small business thrive on the love of your heart. You are happy to see it flourish but you couldn’t help the biting bitterness of a love you yearned in return. Shaking the feelings away, you go back to work and grabbing a bar of chocolate, some milk, and hot water. The brownies aren’t gonna garnish themselves.
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The next day was relatively quiet, the two of you replenishing the stock of your products and making small talk between each other. Deuce talked about his family while you gave your own opinions and listened. It wasn’t until near completion that customers rolled around. Two tall waltzed into the café, both of them wearing apparel far too expensive for a visit to a small establishment.
“Welcome to the Sweet Tooth, may I take your order?” You took to the counter prompting Deuce to continue the restocking by himself. They looked like identical twins, only distinguished by their eyes and blank hair strands against messy and neat teal hair.
“Let’s see.” The one to your left said, his hand coming to his chin to think as he browses the menu. “I’d like a chocolate lava cake, the hamburger steak set…and some mint tea. What about you, Floyd?” He turned to his twin who had messier hair and droopy eyes. A small hum and he shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll have…french-fries. Ah, there’s flavors available, right?” Floyd leaned down and his towering figure making you falter but only for a while.  
“Yes, we currently have cheese and sour cream at the moment.”
“I’ll take the cheese, then.”
With a motion of your hand, you guided them to one of your plush seats. “Please have a seat and wait for your order, thank you.” As they went, you look to Deuce who had the same expression of fear and surprise on his face. The two of you congregate together while working on the orders. “I could feel my heart leap outta my chest, they look so scary.” He whispered to you.
“Shh, don’t say it too loud.” You chided, bumping his shoulder lightly. “But you have a point.”
Deuce pulled out the fries from the fryer and let it cool just as you began setting up the hamburger set carefully and slowly heated the lava cake. “I don’t know what business fancy-looking guys have with our café but…Profit is profit. Are the fries ready?”
“Just gonna put the cheese powder. The water for the tea is ready.”
“Good. Clean up the area, I’ll be the one to deliver the order.”
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“Sorry for the wait. Here’s the hamburger set, a chocolate lava cake, mint tea, and cheese fries.” You set the food down onto their table and set two small pieces of chocolate. “We have a special promo today that if you order a certain amount of food, you get one of our premium chocolates.”
“That’s wonderful, thank you.” The neater looking twin said just as his brother began eating the fries. You nod your head and gave him a polite smile. “Please enjoy the meal.”
The twins ate quietly, their eyes looking over your creations with healthy scrutiny. Floyd’s tongue slipped out of his mouth as he ate his fries and Jade took a bite from his hamburger. They both hummed, looking at each other as if communicating through their thoughts.
“My, such flavor.”
“Does that mean Jade likes the food?” Floyd leaned closer to his brother with a giggle. “We’ll have to see. Let’s finish this up, shall we? Would you like to split the cake, Floyd?”
Floyd stuck out his tongue towards his brother again and grabbed a fork. “Okay~. It looks pretty yummy too.”
The small cake was split between them and the aroma of chocolate hitting their noses.
“Jade, this is…”
“Indeed. Let’s finish up this meal and report to Azul, shall we?”
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“I believe this will cover the payment.” Jade offered a card to you, allowing you to input the amount. “May I ask, do you create all the food you here?” As you give the device to him for his card number, you nod your head. “I do. Well, except for the core ingredients and bread I make everything I sell by hand with help from Deuce.”
“Just the two of you?” The receipt prints out and he takes his card.
“Yes, just the two of us. We are a small café, after all, so we don’t expect a long line of customers compared to more corporate and well-known shops.” You let out a small laugh, a hand to your cheek. “Though I wouldn’t mind a small line one in a while.”
Jade laughs along with you, his voice soft and calm yet smile so practiced. “I hope that it would one day happen.” He slips his card back into his wallet then produces another card, handing it to you carefully and respectfully. “I am Jade Leech and this is my brother Floyd, thank you for the wonderful meal.”
You take the card from him and he gives you one last smile before he leaves with Floyd waiting for him by the door. “We’ll come by and visit again one of these days.” Jade gives you one last smile and both you and Deuce were left alone in the empty café.
“The Octanivelle Co.” You read the card out. “Have you heard of this, Deuce?”
He drew a little closer and hummed. “No, not really.”
The two of you walked to the table the twins ate on and found the plates were empty save for a few crumbs of cake and cheese powder. The two of you exchanged looks and couldn’t help but smile. “Looks like they enjoyed the food.”
The door’s bell rings suddenly and an old couple looks at them from the counter. “Can we order some tea and cookies?” One of them asked with uncertainty and you quickly let go of Deuce and walk towards them. “Of course, what kind of tea would you like?”
Deuce looked at you with a smile, seeing your face now vibrant and happy. Just as he went back to his duties, he took the card into this hands and looked at the name. Jade Leech. Octanivelle Co. Why does it sound so familiar?
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“We’re back!” Floyd announced just as he entered through the apartment door with Jade following close behind. Azul Ashengrotto had been reading some papers by the coffee table before hearing the two come in. He got up from his chair with a smile, a warm blanket over his shoulders, and clothes baggy and drooping. He looked quite tired. “Welcome back. How was the small trip around town? Did you find anything interesting?” Jade hands him a single piece of paper, a flyer. The young man’s eyes arched.
“The Sweet Tooth?”
Jade’s smile remained pleasant while Floyd plopped onto one of the comfortably plush chairs. “While we did go to the restaurants you asked us to sample, we chanced upon a small café with a wonderful array of pastries and confectionery. I had a nice chat with the owner who makes all their products from scratch.”
Azul brought a finger to his chin in thought. “And what of the food?”
Floyd leaned back on the chair with a hum. “I took a look at them while cooking. They’re pretty careful with food prep and had the right equipment on them.” He looked to the side, remembering how he stared at the owner as a way to look beyond what was allowed to be shown to him. “The assistant reminded me of a mackerel, always flopping around but pretty strong when it comes to it.”
“While I enjoyed the flavor, I think it would be best that you have a taste of it yourself, Azul. Perhaps The Sweet Tooth’s menu is exactly what we’re looking for.”
Azul looked at the flyer again. Its design was basic and borrowed and printing style, it was not at par with those used by more popular cafes. “I’ll take your word for it, thank you. Let’s schedule this for the end of the week.” The smallest of the three set the flyer down on the coffee table.
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“Here’s your order of assorted chocolates, a cream and strawberry cake, and some black coffee.” Deuce put all the food into a plastic bag and set it for the customer to take. “Thank you for shopping at The Sweet Tooth, please come again soon.” Sighing, the boy leaned against the counter to stretch his stiff neck. With the last customer on the line gone, the shop was now silent; a cold object hit his elbow and you smiled at him, handing him the cold soda. “You look like you need some refreshments.”
He gratefully took the can from you and popped it open to take a swig. “I’m just happy that I got everyone’s orders to them on time. I know we can handle it but boy does my arms hurt.” You stood next to him and shrugged your shoulders. “Cakes can be deceiving, can’t they?” He nods his head and continued to drink the soda. “But now that it’s the end of the week, I can surmise that we’ll get a few more customers.” You whisper to yourself then look over to Deuce. “Why don’t you take a break? I’m sure you’re tired.”
“It's fine a good ten minute rest won’t hurt, right?”
Just as Deuce was about to say something, the bell rang as the door opened, three people entered your establishment. Two familiar and one not. He wore clothes that both fit and hid his figure, his hair neatly styled and white, his blue eyes scanned the quaint shop he just entered. “What a lovely aroma.” He commented. “Is that chocolate?”
Nodding your head, you took your position by the register. “Indeed, sir. Ah, I think I remember serving your friends a few days ago.” You turned to the one with slightly messy hair. “Mister Jade Leech, right?” The three of them chuckle and Floyd pointed to his brother next to him. “Wrong Leech.”
“It’s quite alright. The two of them have told me about your shop and I’ve decided to try some of your food out. I’ve heard nothing but praise from the two of them.” Your cheeks flushed and your heartbeat was sudden, a smile formed on your lips. “Ah, I’m so happy you think that!” you exclaimed but quickly clear your throat when the twins chuckled at your reaction. “Might I suggest our roast beef sandwich? Oh, and a nice slice of chocolate cake??”
The small man nods his head. “As well as some tea, for three please? Mint will do.”
“Understood. Please take a seat while we prepare your order.”
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“Thanks for waiting.” You set down the order on the table along with the tea and three cups. Azul lets out a hum of approval when he smells the food. “It’s as Jade says, it smells very good.” The other twin, Jade, chuckles. “They used their spices quite well, don’t they? I have to doubt in my mind that it will be an enjoyable meal.”
“Ah, shucks, I don’t deserve such high praises. I’m just following the recipe.” You say sheepishly, scratching the back of your head as Azul took a bite of the sandwich. “Recipe? Did you get all these outta some cookbook?” Floyd wondered. “Most of the food here is my Uncle’s. Ah, but, the sweets are mine.”
“Are you a family business?”
“Yup. The business went to me after my Aunt retired, I’ve been running it ever since with Deuce.”
Azul swallowed his food and licked his lips. “Interesting. This Deuce person is your assistant, correct? Is he a recent hire?”
“No, he’s my cousin. We’ve been working together since the business was passed down. As for assistant…Honestly, we’re each other’s assistants, sir.”
Jade leaned back against the plush seating, his long legs splaying out. He looked like a model with his clothes on, the way his dark turtle neck defined his face and his light-colored long coat accented his look further. Oh geez, you felt yourself staring and decided to look to Azul. You could hear him chuckle at your movements and you felt this petty frustration boil in you.
“That’s all we wanted to know, thank you,” Azul said to you and catching himself. “Ah, where are my manners? Please, call me Azul. Might I ask for some extra water for the tea?”
“Of course!” You take the teapot from the table. “One moment. Please enjoy your meal.”
Once you were out of sight, Azul took a bite into the cake and his eyes went wide.
“What do you think?” Asked Jade while Azul continued to eat.
“I think we found it.”
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“The meal was lovely, thank you.” Azul reached into his pocket and produces some bills. “I’m surprised you don’t have customers coming to you in groves.” Shrugging your shoulders, you input the amount and slip in the bills. “I wish for that to happen but I don’t think Deuce and I can handle it with how we are now.”
You hand Azul the receipt and he looks through it, quiet for one moment. “Say, do you do catering?”
“Not at the moment, no.”
“Shame.” He pouted but moved to take a card out of his pocket. Azul Ashengrotto. Octanivelle Co. Your eyes widened at the familiar name. Was this Azul working with Jade and Floyd? “Come along, you two.” Just as the two walked out, the resting area’s door burst open with Deuce clutching his phone to his chest and face full of surprise. “You gotta see this! I can’t believe—!”
The trio left as Deuce approached you quickly. “I searched for Octanivelle Co. Look at all this! Their brands, the events!!” He pushed the phone to your face which you swatted in surprise. “The CEO’s name is Azul! That was him, right? Azul Ashengrotto?! He ate here!”
You moved quickly and ran outside the shop in your uniform, chocolate stained apron and all, to find the three. Oh, you should have known! You should have known!! You turned the corner to the nearby train station and soon as you moved to turn another side, your eyes collided with a dark-colored wall.
“Oops.” Said the person you bumped into, a pair of hand-holding your shoulders lightly. “Are you alright—Hm, aren’t you…?”
Jade Leech tilted his head down at you and you pulled yourself away. His shocked expression turned into a knowing smile. “Ah, I see.” He says and you’re sure you’re starting to feel the strong urge to pinch this man’s cheek…If you only you could reach him. “Azul, someone is looking for you.” He said to someone behind him as he let go of your shoulders.
“It’s you. What a pleasant surprise.” Azul’s smile was just as conniving as Jade’s but you could save the petty anger for later. “You asked about catering, right? I’ll do it.” You breathed in again. “But I need to know what you’ll need first.”
Azul’s back was straight and head held high as if he was triumphant in battle. “We need your food for my sister’s wedding.”
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The shop was closed for the day as per the suggestion of Azul, the two of you using the time to discuss and plan, to add and remove, to agree and disagree. “Okay,” Azul began, tapping his pencil on the table. “My sister loves strawberry shortcake so that will be the flavor of the wedding cake. The other finger foods will be the smaller version of the—.”
Deuce stood by the counter away from the two and watching Jade and Floyd rummaging through the kitchen and adjusting themselves to the environment. “When will the wedding be?” he asked, looking to one of the twins. Floyd pulled out a can of condensed milk before looking at him. “In few months, three or four, I think. Enough time to get the order done.”
Jade sets down some cups of tea and tea leaves. “When Azul sees something he likes, he won’t stop at anything until he gets what he wants.” He pours some water into a prepared teapot and added the leaves. “He has enough resources to make his vision a reality.”
“But with just the two of us…” Deuce’s words trail off as Azul continued his speech.
“I’ll have Jade and Floyd help you with your preparations.” Your eyes widened and you looked to the two twins standing at the ready, Jade smiling at you while Floyd waved. “They are fast learners and have been trained in many culinary techniques, just show them the ropes of your establishment and they’ll do the rest.”
You could feel yourself flush at the sudden act of kindness. “T-thank you very much, Mister Ashengrotto. I won’t let you down.”
“I’ll leave you to it, then.” He leans to look at the twins, nodding his head. “Jade, Floyd. Be here first thing tomorrow morning, you’ll be learning The Sweet Tooth’s recipes to perfection.”
“Got it.”
The twins smile in unison, your heart feeling the heavy pressure of the responsibility put onto you while Jade poured each one a cup of calming tea.
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Training the twins and running the shop took a bit of time to get used to. You made sure the schedules lined up and two people were always available at the counter at any given time. In the kitchen, you stayed with each twin and made sure they understood the recipe.
Floyd was a natural but often very flimsy when something different catches his attention. You often had to pat his back and tell him to be careful with adding ingredients. “Add the sugar in little by little. Good. Now mix until you’re to make ribbons easily.” You say, guiding his hand by holding his wrist.
“This takes a lot of work…My wrist is starting to hurt.” He complains and you pat his back. “The molds are the fun part. Just a little more and we’ll get to that, okay?”
Just as you move away from Floyd, Jade had just come out of the walk-in freezer with his mold in hand. “Ready for the testing?” You asked as he carefully set down the flimsy material and turning it over to let the pieces carefully slip out. Jade’s work was the polar opposite of his brother with actions precise and instructions followed to the tee.
“As I’ll ever be.” He says, handing a piece to you.
As you chewed, you felt the burst of chocolate hit your tongue and you let out a small noise of approval but there was something in his creations that unnerved you. It was perfect. Too perfect. “It’s good…But it lacks.” You say and Jade’s eyes widen a small bit. “I do remember adding all the ingredients as per the recipe.”
“No, no. It’s not about that. Your handling of the ingredients was perfect and precise but…” You take another bite of his chocolate and continue to chew the piece yet feeling nothing in it. You backtrack a little bit, scratching the back of your head knowing that your next explanation was going to sound stupid to those who don’t understand the concept. “Ah, how do I explain this? It isn’t just the balance of sweet and bitter, you need to put your feelings into it.”
The silence that followed was nerve-wracking and you couldn’t help but cough into your hand. “I-if that made any sense.”
Jade’s smile was what brought you a small ounce of relief and his hand on his chest. “I understand,” He says. “I’ll improve on that as we work together.”
“Hey, chef, can you taste this for me?” Floyd called out to you from behind. “I can’t get the balance right.” You turned around and hurried over to him with a spoon. “Let’s have a taste—Ack, it’s so sweet! What did you put in this?”
Jade’s hand never left his chest, his palm feeling the steady and soft beat of his pusher. “My feelings, huh?”
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“It’s quite festive outside.”
Deuce grunted, setting down a box full of milk and following Jade’s eyes to the crowds of people gathering and walking outside. “Ah, yeah. The town has a special night market that pops up once a month. Even people from outside of town come here to check it out.” Jade begins piping the cream covered cake and carefully decorating its top. “Really?”
“Yup. They like it since it’s a nice time to relax but recently, it’s become a place where people like to have dates.”
Jade laughs and begins adding the strawberries on top and sprinkling powdered sugar. “I’m sure the two of you have had your fair share of dates then?” Deuce scratches his chin, remembering his dates. “I have a few times.”
He looks to his cousin, watching them laugh with customers. “But I get guilty having to leave the store to them while I’m out having fun.” He hands a carton to Jade which he stores overhead. “They keep saying they’re fine but I can tell they get tired. They’re not very good at hiding it.” Deuce sighs and takes the box again and moves to the freezer. “They always put the shop first and I’m happy it’s still up and running. I just wish they knew that it was okay to have fun.”
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The air was cool and the roads silent, you took a deep breath in after staying in the café for so long. Just as you were about to take the in the signboard, a pop of color and voice of awe distracted you from your activity. Fireworks colored the sky with bright colors, the wind blow again and offered you comfort after a long day. To your left, a couple held hands as they watched and you forced yourself to look away and begin to take the signboard from the ground.
“Good work out there.”
Something cold touched your cheek and Jade stood over you with a glass of water. “Thanks for helping out too. You and Floyd were a big help.” He took a sip of water just as more fireworks flew into the sky. “Do they always do this?” He asks and you shake your head. “Not often. But it’s beautiful to look at, huh? It’s been a while since I’ve seen the fireworks.”
Jade looks to you just as another rocket soared into the sky, the colors of pink and blue, red and green, illuminated the sky in a grand finale. Its colors reflected in your eyes, the shine of the light against your skin that cast a different glow to your sweaty face, he blinks then looks back to the people with their loved ones clapping their hands.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
You look down at your cup of water and chuckle bitterly. “It is.”
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“You didn’t have to accompany me on a supply run, y’know?” You say as Jade helps load butter and sugar into a basket. “I would but your cousin was worried about you being tired so I decided to tag along.” He smiles at you in the most cryptic way imaginable, you couldn’t tell if he was making this all up or Deuce was trying to set you up.
“Besides, we’ll be working together for a while so it’s only right that I get used to the routine.” He took another look at the list and reached for the fruits too high up for you to take. While his height had been a bane, it was also a kind of blessing for reaching high places. “Now, what should we get next?” You look through your list and nod your head. “That’s all of it. We can grab a quick bite to eat before heading back.”
Once leaving the store will all the bags in tow, the two of you walked the streets. “How come you didn’t go to the night market yesterday?” He asked, your eyes looking to him. “You let Deuce go but he eventually came back to help.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look away with a pout. “Someone needs to look after the shop, that’s all. Can’t have the business suddenly tanking because of monthly market.”
“Besides…” Jade’s eyes widened slightly, seeing such an embittered grin on your face. It seemed that you had been hurt by this before. Your brows furrowed and eyes closed in a weary smile. “With all I’ve done, I don’t think I have time for that anymore.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—.”
“It’s fine, it’s just personal experience on my part. Let’s go back to the shop, Floyd and Deuce are probably wondering where we are.”
Jade continued to walk beside you but his eyes never watching as the bitter smile relax to one of content and nostalgia. He looks forward, thinking of something to say yet wondering if he should say anything at all.
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“And that should be the last piece.” You say, popping the last chocolate strawberry into the container and sealing it. Floyd takes the box and chucks it into the freezer. “This warrants a celebration, don’t you think?” Deuce nudges Jade’s arm. “I hope you got everything prepared.”
“Of course. It’s only your company that’s needed.”
Your confused expression is what prompts Jade to motion you to follow him to the back. “Follow me.” The four of you walk deeper into the shop and you begin to smell a charcoal grill and hear the crackling of a fire. A small party area had been made. A clay grill and some meat laid out to be cooked.
Floyd let out a noise of happiness and you looked to Jade. “Surprised? Good. Let’s enjoy the meal.”
The four of you were merry as you ate your fill of meat and assorted vegetables, Deuce and Floyd sharing their own stories while you and Jade listened. At first, you didn’t think the two would get along but seeing them be so comfortable with each other made you smile.
“Will I see you at the party?”
Jade had poured himself a cup of tea and looking at you expectantly; your stunned silence was what prompted him to explain a bit more. “It is only right that you attend, you did agree to supply delicious food for the wedding.”
“Oh, uh…I suppose I can go. I might need to get a wardrobe check first.” You took a bite of the meat and chewed. “Though, parties like that tend to get wild as the night progresses right? It’d be nice to see you getting wild.” He took your tease in stride and chuckled. “My, is this an excuse not to see you at play as well? I’m certain your hand and eye coordination in sweets making will extend to your ability to dance.”
You hit his shoulder slightly, cheeks flushed yet smile wide. Your dancing skills weren’t anything to be proud of but you could keep a beat. You swear on that!
Jade laughs, his brows furrowed and shoulders shaking. “What I mean is, you’ve worked all this time. It’s time for you to have fun.”
Fun. Your shoulders hunch over with a smile on your face. Jade sets down pieces of meat on the grill while you think. You had spent so much time at The Sweet Tooth making things from the bottom of your heart. You had spent so much time skimping and ignoring what could have interested you for so long that it made you question if you deserved it? The fun most people you know have, the happiness they found and cultivated.
“Ah, I almost forgot.” Jade reaches down and pulls a box. “You did say that my work lacked a certain something so I’ve been practicing with the help of Deuce and Floyd.” Opening it, the smell of chocolate hit your nose. “I think I’ve perfected it.”
You pop a piece into your mouth, the sweetness and bitterness mingled and taste whole and honest. As you chewed, you tasted the memories and the conversations you had with Jade up until this point. His teasing remarks and his honest comments. It was perfect.
His look was expectant. “Well?”
You swallowed the sweet morsel and smiled at him, nodding your head “Well done.”
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The wedding was beautiful, the ceremony was solemn and the dance floor was filled with people dancing together. You were dressed in your best attire and nursing a drink in your hands. “There you are.” Azul’s voice pushed through the noise, behind him was his newlywed sister. “This is the owner of The Sweet Tooth, they’re the ones who made all the sweets,” Azul said with the bride, his sister, next to him. “Your sweets are the best. Everyone loves them!” She says, taking your hands in hers. “Your strawberry cake is delicious, I couldn’t stop myself from taking another slice.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” You say, smiling at the infectious sweetness of the newlywed bride’s smile. “Please, enjoy the food to your heart’s content.”
She nods, shaking your hands. “Enjoy the party! You’re welcome to dance with us if you’d like.” Azul chuckled as his sister ran to entertain the guests. “That girl, always too excited for her own good but I’m glad she’s happy. Thank you for helping, I really appreciate it.” You laugh, shaking your head. “It’s not a problem, Mr. Azul. Just seeing people happily eat my creations is enough for me.”
Nodding his head, he moves to step away. “Do enjoy the party.”
The music shifted to a slow beat and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the sudden shift of mood as the guest scrambled to dance with their respective partners. Your loneliness wouldn't sit for long when Jade took to your side. In his hand was a plate of strawberry cake.
“Enjoying the food?”
“I’d be lying if I wasn’t.”
He continues to eat while you watch the people dance in the center, the bride and her groom waltzing it away in the center with foreheads connected and smile wide. “Would you like to dance?” Jade looked down at you, his hand at the ready. You hesitated for a moment before taking it and walking with him to the dance floor.
The music was slow and so were your movements. Jade’s held your hand as you spun around slowly, the distance between you and him growing smaller and smaller. “Having fun?” He asked just as the lights dimmed to match the mood of the floor. “You always ask lots of questions, Jade.” You said, leaning your head to his chest. “I can’t help but be very curious, that’s all. I only want to make sure everything I do is satisfactory.”
You spun again, changing sides. “So you’ll only act if the person likes it, then?” He chuckles, eyes furrowed and sharp-looking teeth showing. You never admitted to it but, seeing him this way made him look so cute. “When you say it that way, you’re making me up to be some kind of boot licker.”
“Ah, c’mon. There’s no harm in making people happy. But you gotta think for yourself.”
“How ironic of you to say that.”
You stuck out your tongue at him in defiance and he laughed again just as the song shifted to one more intimate. “But…If I were to have things go my way.” He pulled your hands a little closer and letting go to let them settle on your waist, rocking you side to side. “I would want you to stay a bit longer.”
Your foreheads connecting and your noses almost touching. “That’s what I want.”
The hands on his chest bundle into fists, your cheeks quite warm. “I-if…If that’s what your heart desires.” Did you really deserve this kind of happiness? You asked yourself that millions of times yet never thought to answer it yourself. Did you deserve the singing feeling in your heart after ignoring it for so long?
“Then, will you dance with me again?” He asked, your body shivering as he held you close to him,
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The wedding ended and the guests began to leave. You stood at the edge just as the taxi you flagged down came to a crawling stop. Jade stood behind you with his hand holding yours. “Well,” You say, turning to him with a smile. “This is goodbye, then. The wedding is done and the customers are happy with the food. A perfect run, don’t you think?”
The two of you stood together for a while before you spoke to break the silence. “Thank you for tonight, Jade. I had lots of fun.”
Your heart soared remembering the dances you had with him but it soon plummeted to your stomach knowing it would probably be the last you’d do that with him. “I’m glad.” That was all he could say, “I’m glad you had fun.”
Nodding your head, you turned around and opened the car door. “Yeah. Real fun. Goodnight, Jade.” He nodded his head and your hand slipped out of his hand you. He put his hands behind his back and watching you speed off home, his tall figure growing smaller and smaller as the distance between you grew.
“Where to?” Asked the taxi driver.
You sniffle, looking away with a sigh. The moment of happiness you felt became a distant memory to come back to. The answer to the question you’ve always asked yourself was all too clear to ignore. You spared no second in answering.
“Baker’s Street.”
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The new day had started and you thought it couldn’t get any worse. You had slept through your alarm and Deuce was nowhere to be seen. Hastily donning your uniform, you sprinted your way to the shop only to see loads of boxes being hauled in. Deuce watched by the door.
“Deuce, why didn’t you wake me up? What’s going on here??”
Your cousin gave you a questioning look that turned into realization. “Didn’t Azul tell you? He was planning a visit after the wedding.” Azul and his sister, as if on cue, walked out of the store. “Good morning, sorry for the mess we’ve caused.”
“N-no, it’s not a problem really but what are you doing here?”
“Everyone loved your foods last night and thought to have breakfast here before leaving. Deuce told us you were short on hands so I had the twins help out.” Deuce chuckled and scratched his head. “You looked so tired that I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“Azul, everything’s ready.
Jade came out, his apron stained with oil and hair slicked back. The two of you alock eyes with one another for a split second. “Right. Let’s have a nice meal, shall we?” He and his sister went back in and leaving you alone. Deuce was quiet with his exit, only letting out a small laugh as he left you alone with Jade.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning.” You scratched your cheek with a small laugh. “I didn’t expect to see you again so suddenly.” He drew closer, taking your hand in his. “That’s not a bad thing, is it?” In your hand was a piece of chocolate, the very first thing you taught him to make.
“I just wanted to make sure everything is perfect.”
You popped it into your mouth and chewed. The morsel was not too sweet and not too bitter, the memories of the both of you making your heart soar to the heavens. “What do you think?” The hold on his hand never left yours.
“I think you’ll know what I say.”
He chuckles, moving with you to enter the shop. The bittersweet taste lingering on your tongue for longer than it should. Your fingers intertwined as you turned the sign over, signaling a new day of business at your shop. This was your happiness.
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elenamegan14 · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland: Headcanons for Dorm Haunted Houses Pt.6 - Scarabia
Part 5
You wanna see one dorm that goes all out this year? Look no further. Scarabia spared no expenses on making their haunted house looking so EXTRA fine. 
I mean, we’re talking about real gold, jewels, and high definition special effects. Oh, and yeah, Jamil and Kalim made a lot of effort to make those bodies look REAL.  
Scarabia’s haunted house is an Arabian “Cave of Wonders” that leads to a wondrous treasure fault. Legend said it housed a wishing lamp that grants wishes upon its rightful owner. Many had attempted to get the fabled lamp, but those who entered would never come out again. All those who came perished by the traps… or by its guardian itself. 
Merchandises were also made - they got the usual keychains, t-shirts, and even plushies of Kalim and Jamil in their Haunted House outfit. Most of Kalim’s dolls have nearly sold out, which irritates Jamil a bit. 
They got an auction to get the replica of the wishing lamp - it was sold for 993,000 madols. 
When the guests and students first enter the house, what greets them is the sight of a gigantic blue tiger. Jamil and Kalim made it so that the giant tiger head’s eyes could move around and made an illusion with the sand that it could move around as well. They can see blood and corpses littering across the cave entrance. A booming, intimidating voice rang through the gates...
As they entered through the dark and wet cave, the guests and students could see the horrible fates of the tomb robbers. Some are pinned by spikes, some are squashed by rocks and some even got gobbled up by bugs, mummies, and even the monstrous stone statues of snake guardians itself. 
At times, they were scared off by mummies coming out of their coffins, enraged stone statues, and snake guardians slithering out of every hole on the walls, popping as they pleased. MC’s group were wary of every crack and holes and jumpy at every noise. 
They even have an interactive game inside, where they can get small prizes if they win. The game is to put all the jewels evenly within the scales guarded by monstrous stone lizards and snakes. If they won, they got the prize. If not… well, even if it’s not real, they will fire blue flames at the people. It cost 5 madols to play the game. 
Kalim. Sweet precious sunshine Kalim is dressed as a genie. A cute turban rested on top of his head. “Isn't this cool?! I heard that the Sorcerer of the Sand used to have a genie who does his bidding, so I decided to become the genie itself!” Oh, KALIM. 
Like, Kalim is VERY popular with the kids and girls. Why wouldn’t he? Compared to the other scary actors, Kalim is very friendly, immediately drops his character when it gets too intense for the audience, and even helps a lost, crying kid to his parents back. WHAT A SWEETIE. 
Yet, he was scolded by Jamil to get back to his post and character, “There is a reason WHY we have a scream counter!”
Of course, Jamil IS the NAGA. And he was scarily GORGEOUS. Scaly red, black, and gold scales adorned his face, his arms, and his chest. Gold pieces of jewelry with rainbow-colored gems adorned every single bit of his body, making him impossibly alluring. A red veil closed half of the bottom of his face. MC swears that their heart skipped a beat when they saw him - to the point that they almost got distracted when Jamil hypnotized them. 
It’s not only MC. Almost everyone with a naga-fetish kink immediately got lured by Jamil. They don’t care - LET THE SCALEY BASTARD CRUSH THEM WITH THEIR TAIL. 
Ah, but Jamil did not also want to seduce them. The purpose of a haunted house is to SCARE the pants off them, so once he managed to get his victims into his arms… he will reveal his “true” form by extending his jaw like a snake. 
Jamil bragged that he might scare most of the kids… but he got more girls (and a few boys) approaching him than Kalim did. Even if they worked together, Jamil’s competitive streak with Kalim never ends. //sighs
He’s also responsible for scaring most of the guests and students. Jamil will jump out of nowhere, hissing in close-up and sometimes touching people straight on their shoulders then slithers off. It was creepy. 
But as they went deeper to the caves, they noticed that it became more gold and glittery. The guests then went through the treasure vault, where mountains of gold coins, jewels, and even expensive diamonds littered all across the floors and walls. 
Oh, and all those things were real too. (“Kalim, when I said to fill in with gold coins, I didn’t mean for it to be real. People are going to steal it.”)
Of course, some of the opportunistic guests and students tried to steal it.
Which is why Jamil made counter magic so that any guest who tried to touch it would receive a mild electric shock, and for all the poor schmuck students to trigger the traps if they touched the treasure to protect El-Asim's fortune. 
They even put a sign that says: “Warning! Please do not touch it! You’ll be sorry!”
The main centerpiece of Scarabia’s Haunted House is the back chamber where the lamp is hosted. On the center of a beautiful gazebo filled with calm blue colors, lies a golden lamp encrusted with colorful jewels placed inside a plush, velvet pillow. Next to it, there was a snake statue holding a bloody, giant ruby. DO NOT TOUCH IT AT ALL COST. 
Otherwise, Jamil will slither right at you.
Jamil is there, with a giant hourglass, hissing and scaring everyone yet making all the ‘monster lovers’ feel flustered. 
Sometimes he can be seen eating a screaming scare actor, his jaws are wide and splattered with blood, guts everywhere it’s just sausage and ketchup.
Once the hourglass reached the end, the cave was lit up with red lights and flames came bursting out almost near the guests and students. 
Poor MC got a part of their hair singed when they almost came too close. 
Kalim, the guide, is more than happy enough to relay the mission: inside this “Cave of Wonders” is a lamp, which is guarded by the vicious vizier-turned-naga, who greedily tried to covet the lamp for himself only to fall to its curse instead. The charm is inside the lamp, and students must survive the cave of wonders to get to the center of the haunted dorm itself.
To get to the lamp chamber, the students must solve one of the “interactive games” set up for them to get a piece of the puzzle that would open the chamber itself. It was guarded by stone snakes that would eliminate you if you failed to complete it within a limited time. They were given three tries before the statues threw them outside to enter again. 
The students were told that they can’t touch any treasures except for the charm itself. If they do… well, there’s no guarantee they can get out of the cave itself “alive”.
Also, Kalim warned them that if they ever encountered a naga, do not look into their eyes or they’ll hypnotize you to walk straight into their jail or a trap.
They have set up the atmosphere to be glamorous - all jewels and stuff, but when a student foolishly falls into the temptation of stealing a bit of real jewelry, he is immediately caught in a trap: getting pinned on the wall with knives, swords, etc. Don’t worry, he lives. 
He did beg to be let go though. 
The weeping did not help. Everyone almost felt sorry for him, but… THE CHARMS!
Actually, that guy served as an example. The students never thought that they WILL become part of the attraction for the guests if they fail. 
Soon after, more people are falling into traps - turns out, touching the treasures isn’t the only way to set it off - Kalim and Jamil make sure that there are hidden buttons and puzzles that would trigger each different trap. 
So now there are many students who are crushed by oversized styrofoam boulders, stuck inside a mummy casket with a terrifying mummy corpse prop, falls into a trap door, nearly impaled by spikes (they have no idea how Ace got into one, but HE’S FINE), being put to sleep by darts loaded with chloroform, buried underneath a glass case filled with black bugs (Jamil’s idea), and many more that you can think of. 
During the commotion, one of the charms from MC fell off. A student saw it on the ground, shining brightly. He grinned deviously, fingers twiddling to reach the charm. 
“Heh, heh! Today is my lucky day-” He got vibe-checked by the styrofoam/wood Pendulum of Doom(™) out of nowhere. 
As if it’s not enough, Jamil appears out of nowhere to scare the victims before dragging them off course, putting them inside the “Cage of Shame”.
It’s just a jailbox filled with failed students being put outside the haunted house, becoming an attraction for the passersby. They have to be content being laughed at than to go through the haunted house again. 
MC’s group found an interactive game. It took them at least two tries to get it - Ace, Deuce, and Grimm are responsible for most of the failures, the dumbasses - but Jack unexpectedly solved it. Everyone’s jaws had dropped.
“What? This is just a simple scale game. I learned it from my sibling’s video game before.” Jack retorted. It was a children’s math education game. 
After they escaped from more traps, avoid TOUCHING THE GOLD AND JEWELS (“Would it kill you to lay off from the treasure?!” Epel slapped Deuce, Ace and Grimm’s hands so hard that it throbbed) and put the puzzle to open the chamber, they finally saw the lamp. 
Here’s another thing that the guide told them: to get the lamp, they have to watch out from triggering more traps - the platforms are fragile, so there’s a chance they could fall into the water if they do not tread the platforms carefully. Also, please avoid the GIANT RUBY as it will trigger the Naga Guardian to be summoned in place. 
Epel, being athletic, volunteered to get the lamp. 
He managed to avoid the pitfalls, the stones, and even falling spikes. He managed to reach the lamp and get it… except for one problem.
See, that giant Ruby is too much to bear. People want it - in fact, it’s so shiny and red… Ace is drooling. Counting how much he can sell on his head. 
But Grimm, being Grimm, falls into one final temptation. That giant jewel on the snake statue - SO UNBEARINGLY BLOOD RED, AND HUGE, AND ASKING TO BE TOUCHED- congrats Grimm, you’ve become Abu. 
Jamil came out immediately, all scaly and terrifying. He grabbed the screaming Grimm like a ragdoll. 
“INFIDELSSSSSS!!!!” Jamil hissed, “You have touched the forbidden treasure! Come as you may rescue your little friend, but you’ll never see the light of the day... again!”
The Guardian Naga then puts Grimm in a freaking large hourglass, stating that once the last sand falls, they will all be eliminated. 
Where the hell did they get a giant hourglass? Who knows, they have a flying Racoon to save. GDI, Grimm. 
The only way to save Grimm is to steal the key on Jamil’s neck that would open a hatch for Grimm to escape. Ace, Epel, and Jack are in charge of attacking and distracting Jamil. Meanwhile, Deuce will deal with getting the key. MC is told to stay the sidelines to guard ALL the charms (“You’re important to us, kantokusei!” Deuce yelled, avoiding Jamil’s tail. It made MC blushed a bit.)
As Deuce was about to reach the key, Jamil noticed his presence and threw the poor guy right at the attacking trio like a pinball bowling. Jamil then slithered towards the frightened MC. 
Now you see here, Jamil felt he had gone EXTRA mile to make himself monstrously appealing to MC. He does have an interest in them after they defied him when he last Overblotted, so he took this chance to - ahem! - “impress them”. 
“It’s just you and me, Dorm Leader...” Jamil coaxed, using his hypnotizing Unique Magic again, grabbing MC’s chin. “Just relax and… trussssssst in me.” Jamil’s eye seemed to glow as he coaxed MC into his arms. 
MC struggled hard, but they also took this chance to grab a hold of Jamil’s key and pushed him away, much to his surprise. 
They throw the key to the recording Ace, getting Grimm out of the hourglass hatch with barely a moment to spare. Afterward, they immediately book it, leaving behind a grumbled Jamil…
...but not before he gave a final hiss and a lick to MC. They got flustered - the rest of the group weren’t happy. Ace gave Jamil a middle finger before he left. 
So they got a few close calls with the trap, Ace immediately went after Grimm to try and struggle the furball with Grimm only defending himself that the giant ruby calls out to him - don’t tell me you guys don’t feel it too! As usual, these idiots denied it. 
Kalim went after them, congratulating on completing the challenge and getting the charm. "Did you guys like it??? Did you have fun?? =D"
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t the best question because it’s their turn trying to get Kalim for putting the REAL jewels and GOLD COINS as a set trap. What was he thinking? 
And then Epel gets depressed. He sighs a lot as they went onto the next haunted house. They only realized it a while later after they got curious at Epel’s sudden demeanor - Epel came from Pomefiore dorm. AND THEIR HAUNTED HOUSE IS NEXT. 
Just like Epel’s immediate annoyance, the smell of aromatic perfumes, iron, and sounds of fangirl squealing echoed as the Pomefiore’s Haunted Dorm looms ahead...
Part 7
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revwinchester · 6 years
Deuces Wild
Summary: Dean puts it all on the line for a particularly handsome player seated at his poker table.
Written for @spnaubingo; square filled Vegas Card Dealer!Dean
Pairing: Destiel
Word Count: 520
Raiting: Teen Warnings: implied future smut, a curse word or two
A/N: I’m going to try to write as many 500ish word drabbles for my AU Bingo card as I can before I have to submit my master list later today.  This is the first of, hopefully, a few.  
Deuces Wild - 
Dean smiled at the blue eyed man as he dealt the cards;.  He needed to keep his libido in check or he could very well end up fired but, god, this man… If he weren’t putting his brother through school, this guy might be worth getting fired over.  He had showed up in the high rollers room a couple of days ago looking like sex on legs with his messy hair, plush lips, and disheveled suit.  He had glanced around the room and then made a beeline for the open seat at Dean’s table, a process he’d then repeated every night since.  
Dean didn’t mind that part, really, the guy was a really good tipper and Dean had made more in tips these past few days than he had the rest of the month combined.  The real problem was that, when the man licked his lips or fished an ice cube from his glass with his tongue, Dean fell further and further under his spell.  And when he won, Christ when he won… he would flash his bright smile, full of teeth and gums, and Dean was pretty sure that that smile could bring on world peace and he wanted nothing more than to see it over and over again.  And that was exactly Dean’s problem.
Dean found himself using some of his more unsavory skills - the kinds that helped him out in back room poker games, that the casino would never endorse in its employees and would prosecute patrons for trying - all in the blue eyed man’s favor.  If he got caught, getting fired would probably be the least of his worries but Dean couldn’t help himself.  In just a handful of days, he found himself longing for that smile and going to stupid lengths to see it.
At least Dean knew his bosses hadn’t noticed (yet).  Sure, the man was winning a little more than the usual patron but that happened sometimes, and Dean was being careful… or as careful as a poker dealer could be when they were cheating on behalf of a player at their table.  However, he wasn’t so sure about the man.  He’d started winking at Dean whenever he had a particularly good hand and the dealer was thankful for the dimly lit and smokey room as he felt his cheeks heat and darken with every wink.
Tonight, the man stood up earlier than he usually would and Dean felt his smile falter for a moment before he plastered his grin back on his face.  He had to remain professional.”A pleasure as always, Mr…” Dean said, fishing for the man’s name as he stood and passed him one of his remaining chips as a tip.
“You can call me Castiel,” the man replied, sending yet another wink in Dean’s direction before he turned and sauntered away.
Dean looked down at the chip in his hand and did a double take.  Castiel had been a good tipper but this was something different: Dean was holding a $10,000 chip in his hand along with a piece of paper.  “Meet me tonight. Penthouse Suite. - C.”
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Destiel: (there’s no one here, yet.  Wanna be the first?  Send an ask!)
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