#I have either no ideas or no motivation and I can’t tell which one so plz don’t be mad if I don’t respond I might just take a nap ;-;
sabertoothwalrus · 8 months
so I’ve been gaining a lot of insight into the animation industry recently, especially in regards to pitching & the creation of new shows. There’s a few ways to go about it.
First, there’s pitching to a studio. When you pitch, it has to be SHORT and CONCISE. You may write a lovingly detailed pitch bible that perfectly breaks down episodes and characterizations, and it might barely even get read. First impressions, first impressions, first impressions!
Most peoples’ first projects don’t get picked up. I’ve heard a few stories from directors that said they tried pitching a story they’d had for years, which got rejected, to then spend a week or even several hours in their car coming up with a new idea, only for that to get greenlit.
But that’s not the end of it. Just because a show gets greenlit, doesn’t mean it will ever get finished. There’s lots of things that can happen. Sometimes, unexpected major world events (like… a global pandemic) can cause projects to get chopped. Sometimes, a CEO change or studio merge means a single person can decide a project “no longer fits with the company’s brand.” Sometimes, the one producer that was rooting for your project gets laid off, and no one else cares enough, so it gets shelved. Sometimes, a streaming service decides to create an animation department, and then they decide they don’t want it anymore. Sometimes, the studio will be simultaneously be developing another project that was too similar to yours and they just didn’t think to tell you until they decide yours is the one with less potential.
On top of that, almost everyone in the industry is saying that “studios just don’t pick up original content anymore.” Studios want something they can franchise, something that will bring in money. New content is risky. Established fanbases are safer.
However! Studios can still be a very good thing. They can be unionized. They can provide better benefits and resources. They can have connections and infrastructure and a larger volume of workers. At a studio, you can divide the labor and produce more in less time. Longer episodes, longer seasons, more consistency in quality.
But this comes with all of the disadvantages of having more in the kitchen.
The alternative is indie animation.
With indie animation, you have total freedom. Full artistic control. It doesn’t even matter if your idea sucks ass, because there’s no one to tell you you can’t make it. You could make it anyway, and you can make it whatever you wanted.
The thing is, making animation is hard. In my production class last semester, the average maximum animation one person could make in that timeframe was 30-60 seconds, and that’s not even counting background design, sound design, or cleanup/color. To make a 5 minute animated short, you should probably have at least 5 people.
And it is CRUCIAL you have a production manager. Ideally someone who’s not already doing art for the project. Most projects without a production manager will fall apart pretty quickly. Once the adrenaline and impulse-fueled motivation wears off, you need someone to hold you accountable and enforce deadlines and proper time management.
Speaking of time, that’s also hard to get. The more people you have, the more likely schedules won’t line up. Most people will have school, or other jobs.
And it costs MONEY!!!!!! You either have everyone work for free and volunteer their time & energy, or you establish a business as a proper indie studio, with people who may or may not have experience on how to handle paying someone else’s salary. And the money has to come from somewhere, so you have to rely on crowdfunding like patreon or kickstarter. (This, by the way, is why I could never fault an indie animation for releasing merch with their pilot.)
And like, maybe you wanna do a series, and all your friends agree to volunteer their labor and time to make the first episode, but it was unanimously not sustainable. Deciding not to produce a second episode until you can raise enough money is not being suddenly greedy, it’s attempting to compensate people rather than expecting them to be continuously taken advantage of.
You have to consider your output as well. There are some outliers like Worthikids, who afaik does all his animation himself, and afaik can work on it full-time thanks to his patreon subscribers. And he still has only produced a total of 30 minutes of animation (for Big Top Burger specifically) in the past 4 years. This is an IMPRESSIVE feat and this is with using a lot of 3D as part of his pipeline!!
Indie animation also has the complication of being more accessible for fandoms. When you’re posting your Official Canon Content on youtube, it doesn’t look a lot different than the fandom-created video essay in the sidebar next to it. What’s canon vs what’s fanon becomes less distinguishable. The boundaries are blurrier. When the creator is just some guy you follow on twitter, it’s easier to prod them for info regarding ships and theories and word-of-god confirmation. They don’t have a PR team or entire international tv networks to appeal to. And this is when creators get frustrated that their fans snowball and turn their creation into something they don’t recognize (and no longer enjoy) anymore.
So it’s tricky.
Thankfully, the threshold to learn animation is fairly low nowadays!! There are TONS of resources online to learn it on your own without forking over a couple hundred thousand to a private art college. There are conventions and discord servers and events where you can network, if you know where to look.
I know it can seem discouraging in the face of capitalism, but I think that’s all the more reason why it’s so important to BE DETERMINED about animation!! We’re already starting to see the beginning of an indie animation boom, and I think it’s a testament to humanity’s desire to tell stories and create art. Even if there’s no financial gain, we do whatever it takes to tell our stories anyway.
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tinytennisskirt · 1 month
best friend!patrick zweig who is totally not in love with you…
headcanons with a plot <3
warnings: mentions of sex, kissing, marijuana, smoking, casual touches, jealousy, and silent yearningggg
- insists that he drives you home even if you’re the slightest bit tired. you yawn at his place- you’re not driving home. he says it’s to keep you safe but really, he just wants more time with you.
“it’s like twenty minutes out, i’ll drive, it’s nothing.”
“i’m perfectly fine to drive! i just yawned, i’m not tired.”
his foot is down. “yeah, that’s not happening.”
“you’re going to take a bus home? patrick…”
“i’ll take a taxi if it makes you feel better?”
“uh huh.”
- he follows the sidewalk rule. he’s never heard of it before but he does it, just on his own.
- saves you the last slice or even bite of anything he’s eating that’s worth it. he orders a really good burger, the very last bit left is yours. ordering a pizza, the last slice is yours. even a slice of cheesecake, the last bite is yours. bonus points to him for making sure the last bite contains all elements of what he had. the burger has all toppings left on the last bite, the cheesecake has the crust and the caramel drizzle, etc.
- doesn’t get why you choose such shitty men to go out with and waste your best dresses for the wrong eyes. he plays it off as caring about you, but he’s jealousss
“i have another date tonight with tony,” you tell him. he looks up from the can of ravioli he’s opening.
“tony with the hair or tony with the fake hair?”
you tsk, “with the hair.”
“the guy with the weird moustache who runs the laundromat? really?”
“he’s nice!”
“just nice shouldn’t cut it. and doesn’t he have the weird butt-chin thing? come on.”
“he treats me well! compliments me, pays for things…”
“yeah okay, with the laundromat money, you’re sure it’s not going on credit?”
by the end of the conversation he’s telling you that you look nice, a little defeated, but he means it. he can’t talk you out of it truly without first admitting he likes you and secondly, admitting to you he likes you.
- he’s always down to spend time with you. he might say he’s busy but he’s not. and when he is, he moves things around just to see you, but he won’t tell you that.
- he buys the drinks you like just to keep them in the fridge. he buys more every time he goes out so the stock of it keeps growing and soon enough it’s taking up two shelves in his fridge.
“i’m going to make something to eat for dinner,” you say, opening the fridge. and the fridge is near-full of your favourite drink. he usually gets it for you, you’d assume he just had a few but no. he has so many. and the thing is, he doesn’t like the drinks. so it’s just really weird. there’s a million of your drinks and then in the empty spaces, ketchup, mustard, milk, ground beef, cheese, and two red peppers next to the can of opened redbull. what for? who knows. you walk back out to where patrick is sitting and he looks up from his phone.
“we can get groceries. don’t have much right now,” he reaches for his keys and you laugh just a little, which stops him. you hold up one of the drinks and he just stares at it, knowing you know about the shelves upon shelves of it. “they were on sale, fuck off.”
- any time you’ve slept at his place he either gives up his bed and sleeps on the couch, or if you fall asleep on the couch you always wake up the next morning with a comfy blanket over you and a proper pillow under your head. he won’t move you, he’s too afraid to wake you. or on nights when you know you’re staying over or even on a whim, he’s used to giving you his clothes to sleep in because he knows you like the fit of them. they’re comfortable.
- without you coming over, patrick wouldn’t do any of his chores. he’s only motivated by the idea that you might come over and think he’s a slob. you already know he’s a slob, but he does a good job at hiding it. it always smells a bit like febreeze when you come over and not that you mind it- it smells good. but it can’t mask the slight cigarette scent and the scent of his cologne which is without a doubt on every surface he’s ever layed on.
- he’s the guy you can go to for honest opinions because he’ll always shamelessly side with you. a fight with a friend who was clearly in the wrong? he doesn’t even try to see the other perspective, he’s on your side no matter what. your ex and his new girl? he thinks she’s ugly and a downgrade and he’s an asshole for posting the grocery store flowers he got for her. he’s jealous, but he’s good knowing your ex fumbled you.
“they’re yellow.”
“he got her yellow chrysanthemums?”
you chuckle and look at him. “you know what flowers those are?”
“saw them the other day at the store. on sale, $5. same ones, look at the wrapping.” he says, pointing at the laptop. “he’s broke and she doesn’t even know it.”
you laugh. he’s glad to hear it.
- when you go out to bars he pays for your drinks. says you deserve it- you do come over and cook all the time so why not?
- patrick is known to crack a few jokes but when you’re serious, so is he. you’re upset? he’s listening, he won’t make fun of you unless he knows it’ll make you feel better. he’ll sit next to you, let you talk, cry, get really angry, get really sad. he’s there. and he’ll comfort you in whichever way you need. it’s his softer side, the one you bring out. lets you lean against him, he’ll even hug you if you ask.
- he’s a GOOD HUGGER. he gives amazing hugs, they are so enveloping, so comfortable. his arms wrap all the way around and not only do his arms squeeze you the perfect amount of tight, but his hands as well. he’s always warm but not hot, and he smells like good cologne and slightly of cigarettes. he’ll take any chance to hug you and you’ll gladly have it.
- struggling not to think about fucking you when you’re trying on dresses for a date. he’s thinking ‘what will these guys think when they see you?’ and his mind is on one thing that they’ll be thinking. but his mind is on it too, when you come out in a little black tube dress and you ask him if it’s too short. it’s too short for sure.
“what about the cleavage though? too much? not enough?”
“hm?” he’s not paying attention to your words.
“the cleavage. too much?”
“yeah. maybe try a turtleneck.”
yeah yeah it’s wrong to think about sex with your best friend, but the dresses, each shorter and showing more skin than the next we’re making him so incredibly horny. he doesn’t do well with that. goes home and fucks his own hand at the thought. helps to distract himself from the fact you’re out on a date with someone else who might actually get to take off that dress :(
- he’ll show up at your place with whatever it is you say you’ve been wanting and he will make a night out of it. wings? he’s at your door with them in an hour. drinks? yeah he stopped for a six pack of whatever he grabbed. he’s always down to get food. you want to go out? he’ll pick you up to go get whatever it is you’ve been wanting. a good excuse to actually work on bulking. not that it’s date-like.
- he’s got a photo of you in his wallet. it’s a platonic thing, he swears to the girl he takes on a date. she’s pretty but she’s not you. the photo of you sitting pretty with a potted plant doesn’t give off ‘available’ and yeah he kisses her but she is not you. he leaves early and calls you on his way back. he’s pretty sure he’s fucked forever because he’s realizing he only wants you.
- he’s protective at parties. he’s already watching you dance and have fun but when you come there with him and start flirting with guys it provokes him just a little more than it would if he were sober. he’ll walk over and slip his arm around your shoulder or even your waist if he’s had enough to drink and he’ll ask the guy how he’s doing and he’s 100% running interference pretending he’s just out of it from the alcohol and it isn’t the fact he’s jealous.
“hey man,” patrick usually greets the guy, hand resting on the small of your back. he’s always got a big smirk on his face, tongue against his cheek. “what’s up?” the move usually scares the guy off and you playfully hit or elbow him, but it’s worth it.
- his doors are always open to you. you have a key if you need it. so when you show up, soaked from the rain, upset over tony the laundromat guy being the dick patrick was so right about him being (despite not knowing the guy at all), he wraps you in his arms and he listens to the whole story. you’re complaining about genuine men being so hard to find and he’s sitting right there. he just brings his hand to rest against his jaw and looks off to the side at something as you continue speaking and he’s listening, he just hates what he’s hearing.
- he’ll take off whatever jacket he’s wearing if you’re cold. he won’t be happy about it- or look happy about it, but he might be a little happy about it… he’ll complain about what he’s going to do in the cold but the sweater or jacket is on you within five minutes of your ask.
- he’ll begrudgingly do whatever you ask of him. like he does not want to get up at 4:50 in the morning and drive to the hilltop to watch the sunrise. he wants to stay asleep, snoring in his bed, but you wake him up and he hates it, but it’s you and it’s the sunset so he goes with you. but in his still-tired state all he can seem to focus on is the light of the sunrise hitting your skin. he’ll either do it super slowly or begrudgingly, sometimes he might even say no. but it never stays a no.
- again. can’t stand that you keep giving your time to men who don’t know how to treat you. he goes to the bar, he drinks about it a little, he talks to the bartender about you. the bartender knows you by name, knows your favourite album, knows you go out with guys who aren’t him, and he knows you’re beautiful, having your features described by a drunk patrick who uses his hands a lot to gesture. it’s weird when you go to the bar with patrick another night and the bartender already knows your name and the drink you want.
- drunk patrick uses all the self control he has not to tell you he wants you. he almost lets it slip with unfinished sentences. does everything he can to fend himself off, but he’s very close to you when he’s drunk, his already-bad spatial awareness so much worse while impaired. his face always close to yours, nose sometimes hitting yours, he comes so close. hands reach for your waist when he’s near you. you don’t mind it- it doesn’t make you uncomfortable. it’s a different feeling. you manage to wrangle him into his bed and make him drink water. he’s talking to you like there are important things you need to know before he absolutely passes out.
“if that tony guy comes around again i hope he knows i owe him a broken nose,” he’ll say and he’s grinning and you’re just rolling your eyes at him, he’s so stupid. “you have to stop dating these guys, fucking douchebags. i know i’m not much better, but at least i don’t wear axe body spray and pick you up in a beat up honda.”
“patrick, you drive a honda,”
“mine isn’t beat up.” he says. so honest. you laugh at him and hand him back the cup of water. but he says it, “you deserve more than that kind of guy. want you to have someone who really gives a fuck, you know?”
“if i could find one,” you say. half-oblivious, half-looking for him to say something that’ll have meaning. it’s the first time his drunk mind is telling him the feeling in his chest is heartache. oh my god, he feels like such a girl- he just grins, dimples on his cheek crawling all the way up. he covers his face.
- when you’re hanging out with mutual friends, smoking, talking, he’s always taking the seat next to you. your friends all know he’s into you- most of them suspect you’re already dating on the down low, the way you guys are so close. you’re sitting on the couch and his arm is up on the back of the couch behind you, your hand sometimes resting on his leg, you have your own conversations on the side and you’re laughing and leaning toward each other. it’s obvious. he’s obvious. YOU are obvious. and oblivious! painfully.
- patrick will shave his beard for your birthday. he’ll trim it regularly but on your birthday he shaves it all off, it’s an annual thing. bare-faced and you find it so so fun to see him without.
- the dress you wear on your birthday is a little too perfect. the mix of you and your hair done and your makeup and the intention of drinking with your girl friends and asking him how you look before you leave. you usually ask him before you go out. he’s going out with you and your friends, but he comes over a little early, just how things are. he’s always honest.
“you look… wow.” he’s looking at you. you’re standing in front of him, little dress, perfectly fit to your body. and you’re smiling, doing a little spin. and you’re beautiful and god you’re so fucking hot. patrick fears for the possibility of his sober thoughts becoming drunk words later. you’re already unbearably fucking beautiful what is he going to do with himself?
- he’s a touchy drunk. not with everyone, not the same way he is with you. when he drinks his hands are magnetic to you, resting on your hands, hand on the small of your back, your waist, your arm. like i said before, you’re used to it, you don’t mind it, but it’s different when he’s staying somewhat sober because he’s afraid of how he’d act if he had more than three shots. he wouldn’t do anything you’re not comfortable with- it’s not that, it’s the fact he’s scared if he drinks tonight that you in your element, dancing, laughing, having fun in that little dress would provoke him to spill all of his secrets. he’s got a stoic form of self-understanding he’s taking to prevent anything dumb from falling out of his mouth under the influence.
- he does, however, fend off the creepy guys or just the assholes who try and buy you more drinks or even talk to you. he won’t let them get so far as to ask for your name. you whine but he just tells you, “you wouldn’t want to talk to them sober.” and you’re like hmm true. the defender position includes closing your tab, getting you home, and getting you inside safely. and usually you take care of him when he’s drunk or high, but he takes the opportunity very seriously. before he’s helped you get to bed but this particular time you’re asking him to undo the zipper on your dress and you’re lifting your hair.
he’s not going to tell you no, so he undoes the zipper and in seconds you’re stripping in front of him unabashedly and he turns around, arms folded, grinning to himself because of course this was happening. he is not an asshole, so he won’t turn around until you’re dressed, but when he turns around you’re only in one of his shirts that he’s been wondering where it went- and your underwear and you’re asking him to come sit with you because it’s still technically your birthday (it’s not).
he will, but he doesn’t want to stick around too long. despite the lack of alcohol, there’s still a pull to tell you how he feels, but that’s girly. and you’re drunk. he puts you to bed after making you drink water.
- he’s the kind of guy to keep a condom in his wallet- he’s never going to use it, it’s probably expired and worn in front his wallet being in his pocket but he has it in there. in fact it’s right behind the photo of you.
- he also has a stolen street sign in his living room from when he was on tour after high school. it’s custom for all guests visiting his place to slap it before they enter the room. if you don’t, there’s no consequences, but it’s just wrong not to. he will, however, catch YOU on it if you forget. holds you to it in whichever way he can.
- he’s totally debating on kissing you almost every time he’s with you. it’s getting progressively worse every time he’s with you he swears he’s going to do it but he doesn’t want to. (he wants to sooo fucking badly, it’s insane). any time you pass him by, every time you say his name, when you sit next to him, when you’re talking to him about anything, engaging with him, looking him in his eyes. it’s a struggle not to.
and you’re friends, longtime friends so the casual touches get to be too much, even. you cup his face with your hands saying he needs to shave and he’s only staring at your lips.
or you sit sideways next to him on the couch facing him and your hand is on his shoulder and you’re so close to him when you talk he really could just reach over and kiss you.
you sit on his counter while he’s making spaghetti and you’re eating the shredded cheese out of the bag and it’s weird but the height your at, it would be perfect.
- you are the cause of his biggest grins and most laughter. you don’t even have to try. he enjoys your company more than anyone else’s. platonically, romantically, in every way. you are his best friend. you get him on a level even art didn’t.
- he’ll pick you up whenever you need him to. doctors appointment, from a friend’s- so when your self-proclaimed final attempt at a date ends up terribly, he’s the first person you call. you’re all pretty for another piece of shit and patrick has to pretend he’s not happy the guy was so weird. you get in the car and his eyes fall on your collarbone and your thighs and you yourself catch it. his eyes. you pull a knowing little look. “shut up,” he says, driving away without even letting you get your seatbelt on.
- he’s not a door holder very often. maybe for old ladies and kids, and the occasional friend, but he’s holding every door open for you. he even opens the car door for you most times. get back to his place, you don’t want to go home yet, he holds the door for you on your way in. you hit the street sign on the wall before flopping down on his couch. it smells like citrusy febreeze and a bit like his cologne. out of his personal needs of restraint, he tosses you one of his comfy shirts and shorts so you can be out of that little dress. and after you take them to his bathroom to get changed, he’s still feeling the same way about the way you look. it was not the dress’ fault.
- the thing with patrick and other women is he’s never been afraid to go up to a girl, hit on her, he’s hardly been afraid to kiss a girl. he’s pretty confident all around but you are so different. the need to kiss you is all-consuming. he wonders if he should talk to you about things first when he’s never considered more than the flavour of a girl’s lip balm in the past. you make him nervous, sitting there in his clothes. i say there, but you’re next to him, hair behind your ears, talking about how you think you’re done with dating and you’re going to wait until the perfect guy falls into your lap. you’re playing some angle but he’s thinking that it’s a good thing. the conversation turns to joking, he’s teasing you, you tease back it’s just normal.
- of course patrick has a snack pantry. if he doesn’t have groceries, he has snacks. at a random point in conversation you tell him you could really go for an oreo right now and he’s so on that. so you both take a trip to the kitchen and you’re looking in the cabinet and you find the oreos and share them while continuing to talk at the counter. you’re going on about how strange your date was and how you felt if you stayed you’d be on a true crime document and the conversation begins to turn to thanking him for coming to get you. but like mentioned before, he’d always come get you. didn’t matter how far you were but he wouldn’t say that.
“it’s different, it’s not like you picking me up from the dentist, it’s you picking me up when i know you were busy.” you say. he smiles because he really wasn’t that busy- he was just out with friends of course he’d drop them for you. “i just want you to know i’m grateful is all.”
“don’t need to be-“ he says with his mouth full of oreo. “it was nothing, i was nearby anyway.” he wasn’t. he sped. in his honda.
“you’re so weird,” you giggle. “why can’t you just be normal about people thanking you for things you do? you go out of your way far too often.”
patrick chuckles to himself, shutting the package of oreos. he doesn’t do it for anyone else. “how do i be normal about it?”
“you could say ‘you’re welcome’, maybe?” you say. he nods. “i say i’m grateful for you and the things you do for the people you care about, namely me and you say ‘you’re welcome’.”
“we’re rehearsing?” he straightened himself as if getting ready and you pressed your hand to your forehead, smiling. “go for it. say how grateful you are for me and the things i do for you. only you.”
“so stupid, just say you’re welcome.” you giggle, throwing your hands up in the air in defeat. he grins, a sly grin, dimple on full display, gorgeous. he turns away from you to put away the oreos (if you weren’t there he wouldn’t have put them away). he shuts the cabinet door. “patrick?”
and he’s met with your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss.
- the way patrick kisses is very passionately. that’s who he is. he kissed a lot of girls in high school, met a few on tour that were worth making out with. his kisses are full of passion. but this kiss is from you, so he receives it like a gift. surprisingly politely. he’s never ever been caught so off-guard by a kiss. he didn’t see it coming at all. it’s a small kiss, a few seconds of lips fitting together perfectly, but you pull away. his face stays close to yours. he’s never had a kiss like this before. in the crowd of girls he’s ever kissed. it’s never felt like this. and it was so small.
“i’m sorry,” you say, hushed, but you’re smiling, so how sorry are you? he grins and in an instant, you’re kissing again, deeper, more, hands in his hair and his on your waist, holding tight. it’s all he’s thought about for a month on end. there’s something better than drugs and it’s this, patrick thinks. your back against the pantry door, him against you.
- he’s never been so in need of a kiss before. he’s never been kissed like this before. it’s somehow everything he’s ever wanted and everything he’s never gotten from every girl he’s ever kissed. and the thing about patrick is, like mentioned, he’s a moderately horny guy but this to him is all he wants. he only wants to kiss you. a few minutes pass and he’s doing something he’s never done and that’s talking it out with you. but as soon as he admits he likes you, he’s telling you to shut up because you’re giggling and it’s adorable and you can’t be calling him out on his crush like that…
- you admit to being a little oblivious and maybe admitting to repressing feelings because you weren’t entirely sure- and he’s instantly on making fun of you for it. he makes fun of himself for not seeing it sooner or for making a move sooner but there’s no room for apologies between another kiss. a kiss full of laughter where you just can’t stop laughing but you also won’t stop kissing him and it’s kind of perfect.
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hwajin · 2 years
#! — ɢᴇᴛ sᴘᴏᴛʟɪɢʜᴛ | 3racha
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genre: smut
pairing: fem!reader x 3racha
wc: 3.8k
warnings: 4some, fucktoy yn, slight (consensual) dehuminization (ig i think??), cockwarming, oral sex (m receiving), squirting, anal and vaginal sex, double penetration, unprotected sex, coming inside, cumshot, rough sex, just rlly disgusting i'm sorry i'm ovulating 😭😭
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The agreement had occurred naturally. You’ve been friends with Chan who had introduced you to Jisung who had introduced you to Changbin. You and Chan had been fucking each other occasionally long before you’d met the other two, never much labelling your relationship and what you were; you’ve figured letting off steam and pent up stress with the help of a friend you everything but could see romantically wasn’t a dumb idea, which had proved out to be correct. Two years of the arrangement and you haven’t fallen for the other, doubting you ever would.
Changbin and Jisung had heard of it, at some point. You hadn’t much kept it a secret, though you weren’t going around telling people you were sleeping with a good friend of yours, regularly so. And yet, you had grown closer and closer to Chan’s two friends over time, naturally – it was impossible not to, the three of them being part of a same body, three strands of one economic system. It had been no surprise when you visited Chan in the studio to meet the other boys there as well, only the three of them, working on countless new projects and always together. It had been no surprise when they had started offering you to stay over, that they would drop you off after they were done with this track or that, rarely holding their promises and crashing the night, or only getting you home in the early hours of the morning. You had never minded, though. You had liked the attention. You had liked that you started being a fourth body in their system, when they would be the ones calling you over more often than you were the one asking permission to stay. And they only ever called you to simply stay, to sit by the couch and watch. To somehow distract, perhaps. 
Truly, you had always been distracting them from their job, calming them, in one way or another. Had brought food packs, had offered to order their favourite dishes when they had been heads deep in a track. Had given massages, had cracked jokes to brighten the mood when things got stressful – you’ve been always helping, in one way or another, and in friendly manners.
It hasn’t been until one day, you were talking during lunch, about anything and everything. Jisung had complained, thoroughly so.
“Look, I don’t want to sound like a sex obsessed freak, but I haven’t gotten laid in fucking ages, it’s actually frustrating.”
Taking a big bite out his burger as to accentuate his statement, and you had chuckled at him.
“No for real, not only am I bitchless, I also legit think it’s affecting my work, like I have no time to jerk off—and no privacy, for that matter,”, Changbin’s mouth full of food, and he glared a look at his two friends, “and I can’t just hook up with a girl at the club, like-.” And then, looking at you and Chan, taking another bite of his palm sized piece of pizza, “and I don’t have a friend like that, one I could like- make an arrangement with. If you know what I mean.”
You did know, and you and Chan had exchanged only a knowing look, listening to their complaints. Their words had no ulterior motives behind; solely two friends who shared the same frustration, and the whole conversation had shifted rather quickly anyways, continuing on either of your meal before you had left them to not be late to your job yourself, and before they had continued to work away as well, finishing late that night.
And while for them it was a matter as banal as any other, it had spiked an idea within you. A want maybe you weren’t aware of having; to offer yourself to the three of them, for their very own pleasure. The same you had done with Chan; only now you were speaking of two additional people. And yet, as absurd as the thought was, it was nothing but intriguing. Wholly filthy and dirty – but you had spent sleepless nights over it.
And then, after some thinking, you had brought up the matter to Chan.
“You- you want to- what??”
Chan’s face had been confused, it had made you flustered. Not enough to drop the matter, though.
“I mean, I’m just saying… they’re frustrated, and I’m right here anyways- so why not?“
Chan had looked right through you momentarily, shooting you a knowing look, a smirk planted on his visage; because truly, there was no actual advantage coming out for you with this whole deal.
“What, is this like your secret fantasy or something?” Words a whisper and you could have whined out at the teasing all alone. “Being fucked by three men, being used as a human fleshlight by us, huh?” You did, in fact. You needed each one of them to do wholly unspeakable things to you, needed them desperately to be on boat with the matter.
Chan had agreed after some more teasing – because truly, how could he not when you have revealed such precious information about yourself – and had argued he’d talk with the other two – though both of you deemed the boys to be as filthy as you were and agree upon the idea without seconds thoughts. Which you weren’t wrong about.
By now you were used to it. Found yourself on one of their laps more often than not, or below the desk with your mouth wide agape for them. It had all occurred naturally; none of the three were ones to shy away, you too desperate to be embarrassed of your offer – it was fate like.
You were seated on Changbin’s thighs, cock buried so deep inside you felt dizzy from it’s continuous poking. You weren’t fucking, not even moving in the first place; Changbin working away on his laptop, arms around your figure, your back pressed against his sturdy chest, watching his track come undone. Your skirt was scrunched up at your hips, though it had been all too short to begin with, not leaving much to imagination – admittedly, pants and underwear had grown an inconvenience whenever you were headed to the studio, so you – and the boys – had found a liking for dress-like attire.
Occasionally, when needing a quick break, or when stretching himself out, Changbin’s hand would wander around your body down your core, circling at your clit to get you wetter, hotter, more desperate – each one of them loved getting you to a state of being a whiny mess, cock drunk and eager to please.
“Fuck it, I need some food.”
After an hour and a half Changbin decided to take a proper break – though he wasn’t one to ever leave any of you hot and bothered. He let his hands wander over your body in needy manner, as though having forgotten you were actually sitting on his lap, as though reminded of the fact his cock was buried within you and that both of you were turned on beyond comprehension. Longing hands on your thighs, squeezing the flesh and moaning out at its softness, palms on your hips then, caressing waist and stomach, groping breasts and closing in on your throat, eventually. Chan and Jisung were left to watch – they had been for the past hour and a half, and Jisung had complained to be waiting for his turn way too long already; he couldn’t work well when sexually frustrated, he worked even worse when continuously bricked up watching you sit and grind on Changbin’s erection, moaning and whining softly under your breath for all over ninety minutes. After all you were theirs to share, not Changbin’s. Though the older man hadn’t minded him, and wasn’t now.
He started thrusting up softy, the slow movement ripping out a drawn out moan out your throat. You were aware to be quiet when the three of them worked, though you couldn’t help it most of the time. Not when each of them knew all the quirks to your weaknesses – because while you were primarily helping them out for their very own pleasure none of them were ones to forget yours.
The hand on your throat tightened, fingers closing in on the side of your nape, and you arched your back, head thrown against Changbin’s shoulder. The man felt tense underneath you, chasing his orgasm he’d been holding out on for far too long. Continuous thrusts, rhythmic and hard against your core, his thick thighs clashing against your ass in sinful sounds. Your eyes were closed, shut fully, seeing stars.
“Fuck- keep it down at least.”
Jisung, watching intently, eyes hooded and a hand down his pants – he wouldn’t be stupid enough to cum without your body on him, without your help, yet he’d always been the most eager, the most impatient of the three. Needing you on him and his cock twenty four hours of the day, seven days a week. Chan chuckled at his antics, though he’d lie saying he could focus on his own work – your voice was heavenly, audibly trying to keep it down yet failing miserable at Changbin’s attempts to finally release.
His hips were moving faster now, harder than before – and both of you came with hushed down moans, you first, him following moments after. You sat chest to back for another minute or two, recollecting yourselves, getting a hold of your sanity you are seeming to lose whenever in a room with the three. Though Jisung wouldn’t let you rest for too long, surely.
“It’s my turn now, c’mon.”
His whine was adorable almost, and you huffed in laughter, rolling your eyes in amusement and in aftermath of your orgasm. You were feeling sore, yet your eagerness overtook any feeling of possible pain and exhaustion. You stood up, weak on your legs though Changbin was quick to catch you, guide you up until your head grew clearer. A quick reassuring word, a fast question whether you were good, and he was out the room, wallet in hand and hunger in his guts. Making your way over to Jisung’s seat, passing Chan who looked you up and down for a moment or two, before you kneeled down beneath Jisung’s desk. He was stroking himself still, hard on as mouth-watering as could be. “Fuck, need you so bad, you can’t imagine.” Jisung’s voice entirely too desperate, pathetic some would say, but he was never one to mind.
“My god, let the girl rest, Ji.”
Chan’s scolding voice from beside, and then he addressed you. “You’re okay, yeah?” You gifted him a reassuring smile and a nod. You were tired, fucked out already, surely. Though there was merely anything you desired more this very moment. You opened up your mouth, tongue out and ready to lap up anything Jisung would give you. A smirk from Chan, then a chuckle.
“You’re nasty, would have never thought.”
He was back to work, though his words enticed a fire to flame up within you. You were, this whole idea was, the fact all three of them agreed upon this idea was. It was disgusting if anything, and you couldn’t get enough of it, ever possibly. You groaned out in purified need, Jisung’s hands at your jaw, holding you in place and thrusting in shallow grinds. He let you get used to him for a moment or two before his own need grew all too big, before his head threw back against his chair and high pitched whines left his throat. Your knees numb, your eyes teary, locks dishevelled. Jisung had a hard grip on the roots of your hair, guiding you along his shaft, giving you no control of jerking him off yourself – using you as a personal toy, as nothing but a human hole. A cry of pleasure left your throat at the thought alone.
All three of them were wary initially, when it came to purely using you, as you wished they would, as you had told them they should. Felt bad, felt as though dehumanizing a good friend of theirs. Though, with the establishment of safe measures all of you grew onto the idea quick, as though it’s always been in your nature. Grew an obsession with the fact your legs were ever open for them, you were so very desperate to have them inside of you in one way or another, as often as it was possible.
A hand of yours wandered down your middle, settling between your legs with two fingers against your clit. Jisung’s thrusts caused for your entire body to rock back and forth, the little friction that created enough for your eyes to roll back in utter bliss, for muffled moans to vibrate against the head of his cock. You knew it wouldn’t be long until he came, always the fastest to shoot since always the most eager to fuck. Two or three more thrusts and he came down your throat in thick spurts of white, hips stuttering in their movement, his brows creasing in the middle, huffing out air in scattered manner. His grip on your hair loosening, and you lapped up his remaining orgasm, licking up his thighs and shaft which the man nothing but shuddered at. Exchanging a smile, and a heated kiss right after – Jisung always loved tasting himself on your lips.
Chan was always one to give you a break, despite aware of your filthy wishes. He sat hot and bothered in his chair, uncomfortable erection in his pants, though he let you sleep it out on the sofa right behind them. Simply due to his higher amounts of self-control, partly because he knew your body had limits no matter how much you wished to be filled up continuously without a break. But god, was it difficult. The three of them working away – Changbin returned from his hunt down for food, both him and Jisung utterly pleased, satisfied, relaxed – while he sat between them, talking lyrics and production while you were the only thing on his mind. He heard your little huffs and puffs of sleep behind him, saw your scrunched up figure under some duvets, or an occasional bare leg that protruded from underneath the blanket. It was a game of the mind, as though you were challenging him to see how much more he could take. Except you weren’t at all, except you’d be glad if he woke you up to express the wish for a quick get off – maybe it was solely Chan’s own mind that played games with him.
It called for you to awake at some point though, and you did with groggy eyes and a pool of wet between your legs. It was fascinating truly – one might think that your body would grow tired of it, would grow exhausted of the constant and very regular fucking; yet it grew needier altogether. Every moment you weren’t in the studio or with any of the three you wished for nothing else, the moment you left for home your body on the verge of turning back around and sleeping over at their apartment, in their beds instead of your own. Your demeanour would have been pathetic, concerning even, if the need and longing didn’t overtake the entirety of your body, your every nerve and thought. You didn’t care how desperate you seemed, how embarrassing you might act in front of them – at the end you were, desperate and embarrassing, and they loved it as much as you did.
Chan was the first to hear your waking, recalling the tired groan from behind him, converting his eyes onto your half awake figure. Your top was scrunched up, your skirt sitting by your hips, revealing the lack of any type of underwear, revealing all too much skin for Chan to contain his need any longer. The three of them had been slowly wrapping up, anyways; deciding on finishing touches, talking more nonsense than work due to exhaustion. You eyed them with sleep drunken eyes, hunger flickering within them. You were wholly too pathetic.
“Good morning, sleepyhead. You good?”
You nodded, stretching out your limbs.
“Very good, yeah.”
A chuckle from each of them, and Chan made his way over to you, nestling up by your side.
“Mind if we make you feel better?”
His voice a whisper when he spoke, low and raspy against your neck, hot breath and kisses against it eliciting a longing sigh out of you. Chan grazed his teeth against your skin, the sensitive of your nape, waiting for an answer while hungry hands wandered your body. You shook your head, fast and hasty, eyes fixating on the two other men who looked as worked up as you were feeling. There was something utterly filthy about watching their best friend turn you on, about his hushed words against your body, about the thought of all three of them having you however they wanted. About you being the very first and most eager one to encourage the sinful act.
“I don’t mind at all… please.”
Voice frantic, as though there wasn’t anything you needed more in your life. It needed only that for three pairs of hands to be on you, sleep clouded mind not fully grasping each of their position though enjoying the attention, nonetheless. Sometimes it was an ego thing, if you were honest. The three of them agreeing on having you as their personal fucktoy, all three of them desperate to let off some steam with the help of your body – it was a feeling like no other.
Your skirt was discarded, slid down your thighs and thrown onto the floor carelessly. Your shirt followed suit not mere moments after, and you were left bare to the bone in front of them. You ate up each wanting eye, grew wetter witch each tongue that pocked out to lick hunger lips.
Your body was propped up against the head of the sofa in a half-seated position, legs spread as wide as you managed. Mimicking your desperation, giving a reason for them to tease you. You loved when they did.
Changbin made his way to you onto the sofa, kneeling beside you, two fingers pinching at your jaw to make you look at him. A filthy smirk, a nod which you returned, and he guided your head downwards, only enough for your mouth to be reaching his cock. You wrapped your lips around him momentarily, with no need of telling or reminding what to do. A laugh out the mans mouth, a groan following after.
“Good fucking girl, so needy to just be filled up, huh?”
You heard Chan huff out in amusement, watching the way your head bobbed up and down on Changbin’s length seconds into taking him in, at all. He himself was positioned above your middle, making way for Jisung right behind and lower to him. The younger was squirting an ungodly amount of lube onto his shaft, stroking himself relentlessly, getting lost in the bit of pleasure he provided for himself before he focused back on you, your body. Eager hands groping at your ass, mostly for something to hold on, stability. His tip circled around your hole, the slimness of his cock more fitted for the back than Chan’s would be. A bit more circling, more prepping before he slowly pushed in, head thrown back at the tightness, relishing in the way you groaned out in pleasure, in the way your body jolted towards the friction. Chan held you down, pushed into your pussy not long after – almost bursting when his tip was coated fully in your wetness, head thrown back and eyes shut closed. Him and Jisung were bottoming out simultaneously, gliding into your holes at the same time. It was a feeling that drove you to mere insanity, and quicker than you could look you didn’t have the mind anymore to be jerking off Changbin, making the man fuck into your mouth instead. Tears of pleasure built up in your eyes – you could cum any minute and all they did was fill you up yet, without much action.
Chan and Jisung were holding a steady rhythm, one thrusting when the other wasn’t, giving you no time to catch a break from the feeling of utter depth. Changbin was the first to fall off the edge, hips stammering quickly and hot liquid filling you and sliding down your throat, the bitter taste making you wetter if any possible. He made sure to clean up your face, wiping off his remaining cum off your face when he came down from his high – though it was to little use, watching his friends fuck up into you, their faces distorted in pleasure, their groans filling the room, your own body bouncing up and down with every of their movements – Changbin hardened up again in less than seconds. Jerking off beside you, watching your tits move with every thrust, watching your hands grope Chan’s shoulders, your nails prone to draw blood if you weren’t careful.
Jisung’s movements the first to grow sloppy, and it didn’t need the man long to throw his head back and cum with a moan louder you have yet heard from him. He stayed inside you for a while longer, thrusting up his release deeper into you, watching as it squeezed out the sides and onto the base of his cock, small droplets onto the floor, making a mess to say the least. Changbin lost his composure at simply that, and at the face you made when you felt the warm liquid spread inside your tight hole – pure bliss, mouth wide agape and your legs opened yet another inch, welcoming and eager. The buffer man came with stuttered hips, spurts of cum painting your face white, your eyes closed, your tongue out to lap him up if needed – and it was the sole thing that Chan needed to see, observing his friend and you acting the nastiest you ever have, feeling Jisung pull out behind you, smelling the aroma of nothing but sex – the oldest male increased his speed shortly before halting inside you deeply, and at the feeling of him filling you up you couldn’t help but orgasm yourself in spurts of wetness, covering Chan’s cock, his thighs, the bit of floor beneath you. Your body contracting, your thighs never seeming to still, seeming to keep shaking for another while. Drawn out whines and their names spilling past your mouth like a mantra, and eventually your body fell limp. The three men didn’t look any better, eyes hooded and sheets of sweat covering their heaving chests. Though all of you needed a minute or two to compose yourself they all hurried to clean you up, nontheless — feeling their duty to. Jisung in charge of water, Chan grabbing a towel, Changbin on to get rid of the mess he made on your face.
If it went after you, you’d propose to stay and continue on for a couple more rounds. Though that confession would be wholly too embarrassing to make.
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good night, or whatever time of day it is for you 😅 i was never rly into the “traitor/evil ace” theories but book 7 has got me thinking; everyone who’s asleep has something that bothers them and so there dream is a simple solution to that, as an example epel being insecure about not feeling masculine so in his dream he’s big and buff. But I can’t think of any motivations like that for ace? So I wonder if maybe the game has intentionally not revealed personal details as a buildup for this book and we’ll find out something new abt him in his dream. The only others I could think of that don’t seem like they want to change anything are Jade and Floyd but I could be wrong.
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I never bought the traitor Ace theories either; he is genuinely friends with Yuu, Deuce, and Grim and does not have any obvious malicious intent toward them. (Why would he make the tedious trip back to Sage’s Island over the winter break to respond to Yuu’s SOS message if he didn’t actually value them? And, mind you, this is during a break he was very looking forward to—so much so that he was willing to make a deal with Azul to take the easy way out to pass final exams).
If he “betrays” us at all, I definitely think it would be in a small way. Like maybe he makes a selfish decision that the rest of the group don’t agree with (such as throwing himself right at OB Malleus). This would be similar to how he is consistently the voice of dissent against powerful figures such as Riddle or Malleus.
As for what’s “bothering” Ace, I believe we’ve already seen two big potential culprits: Yuu going back to their world and insecurities about not having developed his UM yet.
The former is more vague, but it comes up early in book 7; when Grim and Deuce realize that they may not be able to see Yuu again once they return to their original world, Ace cheerily dismisses the idea and tells them they’re not even sure if this will work. It could be read like he was deflecting here, as if he’s in denial himself and is using cheer to tell others what he’s telling himself to cope with the situation. Bro would never outright admit that his true feelings because he’s cheeky like that 💀
The latter option is implied much earlier in the main story, all the way back in book 5. Ace has been needling Deuce the whole book about how he’s such a slow learner and how Deuce will never keep up with him. Then at the end of book 5, Ace has a quick throwaway line in which he expresses shock that Deuce got his UM before he did. We have yet to follow up on this point since book 6 had Adeuce knocked out cold and book 7 scarcely features them. If Ace’s coping mechanisms are anything like what his lines in book 7 imply, then Ace has not talked about the upsetting things and instead kept them to himself. Personally, I think this one is a solid concept that wouldn’t seem entirely out of left field, especially given that book 7 is making a show out of having every student use their at least UM once. There is perfect set-up for Ace to come into his own here.
I think they’ll at least find something really convenient yet superficial for the other characters; after all, we pretty much got that with Rook. Maybe Floyd has the freedom to so whatever he wants without people getting on his case and Jade is free to live in the mountains among the mushrooms 😂
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mangyraccooon · 6 months
Thoughts about Modern day Dragon him being a late diagnosed autistic
Dragon would be one of those people who knew they were different from a young age but never could figure it out because either parents (who didn’t want a ‘different’ child) or becoming so high masking that it was very difficult to tell. (Probably a mix of both)
When Dragon is 40ish he takes luffy to the doctor for a routine checkup.
The doctor tells him his son is most likely autistic.
She also tells him it’s an inherited trait
Dragons reaction is “ah.”
He never thought luffy was different. That wasn’t true he understood luffy was different but it wasn’t a bad thing in his eyes.
Unknowingly at 7 years old dragon put on a mask. It starts to crack 33 years later in a doctor’s office.
The doctor gives him some pamphlets and online resources to go through. He spends the next 24 hours going through it all + several online quizzes.
Only the next morning when he opens his closet fully prepared to go into work: when he sees all his shirts and suit jackets. That he realizes he has no idea who the fuck he is as a person.
Luffy finds him crying in a mess of ripped silks and cotton.
Luffy crawls into his lap and starts telling him about a new beetle species found in South America.
Dragon calls them both in sick and lets his son decide the schedule for the day.
Later that night he goes through old boxes in the attic. Trying to find who the fuck he is- was- could’ve been.
He finds a couple old albums, his guitar, luffys baby blanket and…
Crying is natural and normal, he has to tell himself. You are not weak for crying twice in one day.
The ring is old, it was his mother’s. It had been left with his secretary along with luffy asleep in his bassinet.
“Sometimes I feel like you just put on this face and I don’t even know which one is the real you; or if there is a real you”
He would never know how right he had been.
Dragon quits his job; he can’t stand it anymore. The partners beg him to stay, he’s the best lawyer they have. But the feeling of a suit collar now feels like a noose.
Borsalino is the only one who still contacts him after.
Dragon has money; so much money. Other than luffy and silk shirts that didn’t scrape his skin there was very little dragon spent money on.
So he glides, spends more time with luffy. Falls into a depressive episode so bad he has to stay with his mother. Tsuru purses her lips when he tells her and dragon can’t help but feel a little angry.
“You knew.”
“I suspected.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You seemed to be fine.”
But dragon hadn’t been fine, he had been miserable. It was only now he could see how miserable he had been.
He cooks with his step mother who teaches him how to make a puff pastry. Luffy meets a boy down the street who also loves bugs. Life goes on.
Luffy gets a assessment and official diagnosis
The adhd part wasn’t that surprising to Dragon or anyone within 5 seconds of meeting luffy. his son is (affectionately) a human bounce ball.
Dragon gets an official diagnosis and sends a photo of him posing with it to borsalino. Borsalino sends a photo of himself and an online quiz. And dragon understands not everyone needs the word of a doctor to know who they are.
Garp barges into his life and demands he “stop being a freeloader and get a job.” Before flopping on the couch and doing just that.
Dragon gets the drag bar gig out of spite. Iva is the best worst thing that has ever happened to him. After finding out he knew guitar the queen needled him until he started practicing again out of spite (once again he had to stop using that as motivation)
The guitar strings cut at his fingertips.
Garp sets him up on a blind date, which ends with both him and rouge laughing themselves silly. Apparently garp had taken dragons “I like dick” comment to mean anyone who was in possession of a penis (even if it was silicone.)
He turns 42 and has to valiantly fend off Luffy, Ace and Rouge from eating his rack of ribs.
Iva gets him up on stage eventually (he was fine behind the bar)
He did like the eyeliner though and how his shoulders looked in the dress (but that was a thought for another day)
The band thing was a joke (or started as one) rouge sang, dragon played bass, iva played electric and kuma drummed his heart out.
Then it became less of a joke.
It was late, the porch was empty and the moon twinkled. Dragon cradled the phone in his hands. They had gotten a record deal.
He punched in the number slowly.
He was 45 now, he could do this.
The phone rang as he held it up to his ear.
His palms were sweaty.
“I uh-“ what was he supposed to say? “Hi, it’s been awhile. A long time actually- fuck I think I could tell you the exact date if I wasn’t drunk. But- you probably dont want to hear that huh?” He laughed, his breath coming out in a small cloud in the autumn air.
“So a lot happened, since you left. And I don’t blame you for leaving- just so we are clear. Yeah uhmm. So the band. I’m part of a band now surprise! We got a record deal and it made me realize I still- well that is, when I was told. I realized, your the only one I wanted to tell”
“And not in a bragging way!” He added hastily
A beeping noise, indicating the end of the message
“Wani I-“
But the message ended
-should I make this into an actual thing? Lemme know
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yizmiu · 6 months
SITUATIONSHIP 〻ᯇ # lee heeseung
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004. love | smau + written (606 wrds)
IN WHICH ✶ y/n loved the idea of love, simply because she hadn’t experienced it yet. She hoped and prayed that love would come to her at the perfect time of her life where she’s mentally stable and ready for it. So when she suddenly gets attention from Lee Heeseung—she can’t tell if she likes this or not? This sudden attention, he was extremely sweet to her, way too sweet that it was suspicious. Given his reputation, Heeseung wasn’t the type to settle. So why was he all up on Y/n? and just why was Y/n enjoying it? She was confused with herself and her new situationship, maybe she’s just overstimulated by everything and scared to commit.
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Heeseung made eye contact with the girl who stood next to the balcony, observing the party from above. He waved with his right hand, his left occupied with a red solo cup.
Y/n waved back, not surprised to see the man then make his way up the stairs. Although talking to Heeseung can be exhausting to her (because she doesn’t know his motives), she was always thinking of ways to entertain the man so she doesn’t come off as rude.
“Y/n, is this your first party?” Heeseung lightly teased the girl to start their conversation. “No, I’m not as geeky as everyone says I am.” She rolled her eyes. “I just don’t like drinking that much so I don’t see the point in going.”
“My friends wanted me to be here so I’m here, but if we’re being real, Soobin is just tired of being the designated driver and having to stay sober the night.” She joked with him.
“I wouldn’t want to stay sober at a Kappa Chi party either.” Heeseung laughs. “So, I’m guessing you’re not enjoying yourself?” Heeseung asked.
“Watching everyone dance and stumble from the balcony is very enjoyable.” She said sarcastically.
“Come dance with me! It’s very fun.” Heeseung said excitedly as he pouted his lips at the girl. “I can’t even dance, and I feel like I'd have to be drunk for that…” Y/n thought about how awkward she’d feel dancing.
“Okay…then can I show you something? It’s in Beomgyu’s room, I promise nothing fishy! He has a cool guitar collection. I want to play you something.
“Beomgyu won’t mind?” Y/n asked. “He’s like one of my best friends of course he won’t, and besides he’s like drunk out of his mind right now…” The two turned their heads to Choi Beomgyu who was seen chugging a cup of beer as he was currently losing a game of beer pong.
“Okay, then.” Y/n nodded her head. Heeseung smiled at the girl as he took the lead to Beomgyu’s room.
The two walked into the fairly big room, “What’s your favorite ‘wave to earth’ song?” Heeseung asked as he closed the door.
“Uhm, I’ve been liking ‘love’ a lot recently.” Y/n said as she saw Heeseung gently grab the light blue electric guitar that was hanging on the wall.
“Sit.” Heeseung patted the ottoman in front of the bed, gesturing to the girl.
“Be ready to be impressed.” Heeseung sat on the bed across from where she had been sitting on the ottoman.
“Okay, impress me then.” Y/n playfully rolled her eyes.
Heeseung started stringing the guitar.
The room was being filled with beautiful chords that were currently being created from the fingers of the boy in front of her.
“Sing it for me, please.” Heeseung asked the girl as he was playing the instrument. Y/n nodded her head, quietly singing the lyrics. “Louder, please.” Heeseung chuckled. “Okay.” Y/n laughed, singing the song a little louder now.
With Heeseung’s guitar playing and Y/n’s singing, time stopped, or at least for the two of them.
Endlessly staring into each other's eyes this moment felt like forever.
“Is this song really that long?” Y/n thought to herself.
“Oh, sorry.” The chimes of text messages breaking their eye contact. “My friends are asking where I am…I should go see them.” Y/n quickly replied to their texts and stood up. “Yeah, don’t want them to worry.” Heeseung nervously chuckled, still feeling the tension between the two.
“I’ll talk to you later?” Heeseung said, in a questioning tone.
“We’ll see.” Y/n cheekily smirked.
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doll3tt33 · 7 months
୨ৎ Kai Anderson SFW headcanons
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Gonna start doing headcanons for the evans in between making bots cuz I’m bored lol. If you ever wonder how I perceive these characters while I make bots, then here you go!
A handful of these are just plain observations and maybe to some these are clear as day, but idk imma still include them either way
Warnings: misogyny.. duh, loaaads of Reddit mentions
• This might be indisputably obvious, but I feel like some ppl think of Kai as someone who always plans 10 steps ahead, which I personally don’t think so
Yes, he does have a goal in mind, but a lot of his “next moves” are just ideas that came to him in a fleeting moment. Of course, he’ll act as if he totally knew what he was doing this whole time, even though he was def freestyling 💀
I feel like calling him out on his lack of meticulous planning would be an absolute jab to his ego, and he’ll deny it big time
• Kai is the embodiment of what it means to be a pseudo-intellectual 😭😭. Like he isn’t stupid at all, no doubt about that (mans manipulated crowds). But his arrogant attitude, his shameless use of fallacies, AND the fact he’s a walking contradiction - all while trying to act like he’s the smartest guy in the room?? Bye-
Again, I think he’s smart but don’t tell me he doesn’t act like your average pseudo-intellectual guy who’d mansplain 24/7
• His tolerance to spicy food is actually weak, but he pretends like it isn’t. He could be coughing his lungs out from the tiniest hint of spice in his food, but he would refuse to drink a glass of milk to cool down. HES A MAN
• This is already kinda a given, but mans speech mannerisms is literally like the average Reddit comment section ((iykyk
I also feel like a rant he posted online has been made into a copypasta at some point lol
• Speaking of Reddit.. whenever he gets into an argument with another user on there (most likely a politically charged one), he’ll downvote every existing comment from that user and will proceed to do it to any of their future comments by keeping tabs on their account, all out of sheer spite
• He likes weird porn genres. Idk which ones exactly, but I just know they be really specific
• Says he likes submissive, obedient women whose sole existence is to serve him. But at the same time, he can’t stand people he deems as vapid, and would dispose of them once he begins to see them as more of a liability than an asset (especially if they’re just THAT annoying). He definitely would rather keep someone around who has more substance
• Kai would play devil’s advocate for any corrupt figure you could think of. He’s like… that guy
• This is also a given, but I’d like to stress that people don’t know how r/theredpill was his holy bible. The Kai we know today has applied all the must-know tips to his entire character and mastered the arts of misogyny 101
Oh and he has a bunch of motivational posts saved from there, and he rereads the crap out of them each time a “fEmAle” would piss him off
• If you knew Kai prior to his cult and were genuinely nice to him, he’d definitely have a teensy-weensy soft spot for you and would avoid killing you ((unless you end up in a situation like winter’s, cuz then…💀
You’d be like the Jean to his Patrick Bateman! 😭
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Love Language (W.M)
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!CivilianReader (Avengers AU)
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Summary: After Thanos, Wanda retires, along with a long term effect from all the missions she had and then she met you.
Warning: None, just some fluff. Mentions of hearing loss and sign languages.
A/n: Hello! It's me! I have a fluff now after the angsts I have posted. Thanks to my Curious George anon for the inspiring talk and ideas. Y'all can thank her too for motivating me to write and post a fic here today. lol. Welp, happy reading peeps!
Main Masterlist
Years of being Avengers was quite a lot for Wanda, not to mention losing Vision after Pietro. Mission after mission, countless fighting off the enemies felt like she was in an endless war without any possibility to end.
Fortunately, Wanda was wrong. After defeating Thanos, The Avengers are finally able to retire. Wanda is grateful that everybody including her are still alive, though it was hard for her in the beginning to get out the grief from Vision’s death. During all of the fighting she has been through as an Avengers, Wanda can’t escape the explosions or other loud sounds that happened.
It cost her an invisible permanent damage. Wanda has a progressive hearing loss. Her hearing is slowly deteriorating by time causing her to have to learn to read people’s lips in the beginning. With Natasha’s support, Wanda finally accepts her condition and learns sign language to be prepared for the day when she totally loses her hearing.
Then you come into her life.
To Wanda, meeting you at the grocery store near her house was the best thing ever to happen to her life. You brought back the colors in her life that she thought she had lost. You and Wanda have been together for almost a year. She loves you with all her heart. You are the life that she never thought that she would have ever again. Losing people that she loves has made her very skeptical in finding her happiness again but you have saved her.
You, you fell in love with her very hard. Heads over heels. To you, Wanda is perfect. No matter how much she tells you that she is not. You can’t blame her. You understand why she always tells you that she is not perfect because of her condition. Although right now she can still hear certain sounds but most of the time, Wanda can’t hear very well.
Wanda tries to stall as long as she can to not wear hearing aids. She doesn’t feel confident
about how it looks when she puts them on even though some of them don’t look that obvious and are pretty discreet. At this point, Tony has given up in trying to convince her to wear the one that he created special for her. She prefers to read people's lips than wear hearing aids.
Since the first time you both met and then officially dating, the communications have been easy. You always try to talk clearly and slowly and she focuses on reading your lips. Wanda sees how patient you are no matter how many times she asks you to repeat your words or when she doesn’t hear your soft spoken voice.
Wanda knows how hard it is to learn sign language so she always tells you that you don’t have to learn about it. She loves you so much that she told you she would wear hearing aids once she loses all her hearing to save you and your time from learning sign language.
With mutual understanding and how much both of you love each other, life has been very beautiful and happy. Both of you do a lot of things together. Her favorite is movie night together with a lot of snacks and drinks. Either watching new movies at the theater and sometimes at home or watching another rerun of her or your favorite sitcoms.
Wanda always tries to hold herself back not to ask you whenever she probably can’t hear or miss some words because she doesn’t want to bother you. Being the sweetest girlfriend you are, you always quickly pause the movie whenever you see her face looking confused because you know what is actually happening and then help her explain or ask her which part she misses.
Tonight, you just bought an older movie that Wanda has been wanting to watch with you. All snacks are ready on the table and you are waiting for Wanda to bring the drinks.
You have been munching your favorite chips while waiting for her.
“Okay, here’s your drink, my sweet.” Wanda hands you the drink. You take the drink and try to finish the chips in your mouth before you answer. “Yay! Thank you, princess.” You take a sip then put the drink down.
You have some more chips and try to finish the chips. Wanda notices that you chew in a rush.
"Baby?" She calls.
"Hm?" You tap her hands as a sign of your hum while busy chewing and turning your head to her.
"You know if you keep chewing like that you'll finish the chip before the movie even starts, right?" Wanda teases you with a question followed by a giggle.
"Well yeah, that was the point, love." You smile. Wanda squints her eyebrows a little as she tries harder to read your lips while you are chewing and talk at the same time.
"What? Why?" Wanda looks perplexed from your answer.
"Oh, I'm trying to finish them all before the movie starts because I don't want to be noisy with all the crunchy noise during the movie, so you can hear the movie better." You explained as you take more chips.
Wanda feels her heart melt instantly after hearing your reason, bubbles of joy fill her heart. Her smile shows up right away on her face.
Her hand grabs yours to stop you grabbing the chips. "Detka, that's very sweet of you. You don't have to do that, I still can hear it. Thank you very much for thinking that way."
"Are you sure? I thought you don't like crunchy food when you are watching a movie?" Now it's your turn being confused as you look at her.
Wanda laughs a little. "Well it's okay. I can still hear it. It's harder for me to hear it if I was the one that chew the crunchy snacks but thank you, y/n." She smiles once more and leans to you to give you a quick kiss on your cheek.
She snuggles up closer to you, wrapping her arms around you and looks at you with her sparkling green eyes, full of joy and thinking how lucky she is to have the thoughtful you in her life.
“What did I do to deserve you? Gosh, you are so adorable.” she says in a very loving, grateful tone.
You look at her with your blushing cheeks as usual, you don’t know how to react to her compliment for you because all you can do is smile and ask her back “What? What did I do?”
“Just being you, sweet and thoughtful to me.” she replies, followed by her giggle that always makes you want to laugh with her.
“Of course. You deserve everything.” You kiss her forehead and you hear her giggle more.
“Oh, the movie starts. Shall we watch it now?” you ask as soon as you notice the TV screen.
She nods with a smile.
The first thirty minutes of the movie, both of you enjoy it together. The longer the movie passes, the more often you shift your position and it becomes too obvious for Wanda to notice.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
You look at her with a nervous smile. “Yes, I am okay, love. Why?”
“Oh nothing. Your thoughts are pretty loud. I meant I don’t really know what you are thinking but I know for sure your mind is spinning right now. Like, you are nervous or worried about something.” Your Sokovian girlfriend explains her own conclusion from what she figures from your thoughts. Despite her power that can hear your thoughts, Wanda promises you that she will never invade the privacy of your mind. Being the overthinker you are, sometimes everything in your head can be pretty loud for her to at least feel them.
You are trying your best to not think too much so it won’t give Wanda a complete gift away on what you really have on plan.
You laugh, hoping that it will cover the truth. “Nervous? Why would I be nervous?” you asked apprehensively while you clear your throat. Bunch of thoughts bounce around in your head, memorizing things while preparing the right answer for any possible questions that Wanda might ask.
Seeing more obvious and a little unusual behaviors of yours, Wanda pauses the movie. Silence is all she wants right now so she can hear you just in case you are going to say something, but you don’t.
A concerned sigh went out of her lips. “Y/n, sweetheart. Look at me, please. Is everything okay? What’s wrong?”
You turn your body facing her now with your face looking down a little. You mumble a little and your hand slightly moves in a certain way as if you are rehearsing something.
“Babe, I can’t hear you and I can’t read your lips either. What did you say?” A line of confusion appears between her eyebrows. Her eyes try to look at your lips to read them.
You take a deep breath and exhale it slowly. “Okay..” you mumble once more under your breath then get on one knee.
You hold her hands and look into her eyes. Comfortable silence fills the room. “Wanda, my love.” The beautiful brunette in front of you looks so surprised with what she sees, not from what she reads on your lips because you didn’t say anything but your hands movements say it all.
You continue doing sign language for everything that you are about to say to her.
“I’m so glad that a year ago you came for my help at work and asked me where the beddings aisle was, because you were the sweetest and cutest woman I’ve ever met. My heart skipped a bit and knew that you were the one for me right then right away. Having a life with you in this past year has been the best privilege I ever have. Loving you is so easy because you are perfect and flawless. I want to keep going, having life and loving you for the rest of my life. So, Wanda, will you marry me?” you slow down your hand movement when you reach the last sentence to show more emotions in it and right after that, you grab the opened little box with a ring in it.
Wanda looks at you in awe and can’t hold back her happy tears. Joy warms her heart. She is touched by your effort and surprise at learning sign language, let alone proposing to her with it.
“Of course! Yes! A thousand times yes!” Due to how speechless she is from the enormous amount of happiness, Wanda’s hand did the sign language for her answer. She then pulls you to hug you and kiss you.
Several quick gentle kisses land on your lips and cheeks. You pull yourself back a little to see her joyful beautiful face. Wanda’s hand gently rubs your cheek and goes to the top of your head, caressing your hair as soon as you two end up snuggling on the couch.. Both of you looked at each other with the look of so much love.
“When did you learn sign language?” She questioned you in a curious tone. “Uh, Tony and Natasha have been helping me with it at the compound, plus he created this app that can help me learn more by myself whenever I can.”
“Wait, so all these overtime at work the last few months? You actually went to the compound to learn your proposal lines?” Wanda giggles and her cheeks blush at the same time.
“Yes, I have been going to the compound and no, I didn’t learn only the proposal lines. I learned everything. I know sign language now, only for you but I’m not a pro yet, so please bear with me.” you answer after you give a few more soft kisses all over her that draws more giggles from her.
“Aww, that’s really sweet. Thank you, y/n. I’m so lucky to have you.” Wanda expresses her genuine feelings.
“I love you, Wanda.”
Those words are the most beautiful words she ever reads on your lips that will always swoon her off her feet, fall for you over and over again.
“I love you too, my sweet.
A/n: Welp, that's all for today from me. I hope you enjoyed this short fluff. Let me know what you think. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @imdoingsortagay @marvelwoman-sugarbaby @savethefbees @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd
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python333 · 1 year
scary dog privileges — python333
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synopsis ur super duper scary to almost all 141 soldiers, but to price soap ghost and gaz ur just the sweetest little thing ever :3
relationships platonic!taskforce 141 & gn!reader.
characters cap. price, soap, ghost, gaz.
word count 4.6k
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], no usage of c/n [call sign chosen for this fic is 'Cerberus'!], might sound kind of rushed/shitty :{
note normally i try not to rush fics BUT i started this at like 12 pm and as im typing this out its 11 pm and ive only written 2285 words so im kind of rushing this so i can keep up my little posting daily thing!! this idea has also been rotting in my brain for a while, so i might make a hcs thing from it, idk, but for now its just this fic!! also, thank you everyone who gave reblogged my last fic, reblogs are the best sorta motivation for a reader and i absolutely appreciate all of them :> anyway this is all fluff + comfort no hurt and has some soft!ghost in it because hes my dad and i love him so enjoy!!
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The Private in front of you may as well have been pissing his pants with how scared he looked. His commanding officer, and one of your closest friends, Soap, had reported him to you for ‘insubordination’. He’d said, verbatim, when telling you about him, “I’d deal with him myself, but I’m too tired to,” so now you had to deal with one of his subordinates. 
You sighed through your nose as you looked down at the Private in front of you, the latter comically small compared to you, both physically and mentally. 
“Well?” You ask expectantly, raising an eyebrow at him, “Are you gonna tell me what happened?” The Private shakily nods and you can hear him gulp, “Right, yeah, so basically, it was earlier this morning and I was following orders and everything, doing what I was supposed to, then I accidentally interrupted Soap while he was giving me orders, which I didn’t mean to do, I swear, I just wasn’t thinking and it happened and I just— I didn’t mean to do it. And then later on, we were both—me and Soap—talking with a few other people who I guess were some higher ranked soldiers from different tactical operations and I accidentally interrupted some of them. It was—” “I’m sorry, hold on,” You put a finger up to silence him, to which he responds with immediate silence, letting you talk, “You don’t accidentally interrupt someone. Either you do it or you don’t. You don’t just slip up and interrupt your CO in the middle of him giving you orders. Secondly, always refer to Soap as ‘Captain MacTavish’, or ‘Captain’ if that’s somehow too hard for you, don’t act like you get to talk about him like you’re both all buddy-buddy and—” “Okay, but if you’d just let me finish—” The Private tries to interrupt you, making you draw your eyebrows together in confusion. “Excuse me?” You ask, mildly offended that he had the audacity to interrupt you, “Did you just interrupt me?” The Private stays silent for a moment, looking up at you, wide-eyed. His whole face looks even more stupid like this—like he doesn’t even know what he did. 
“I asked you a question, Private,” You remind him, leaning down a bit, tilting your head to the side questioningly, “Did you just interrupt me?”  “Right, yeah, I did, sorry about that—” He tries to apologize, “Didn’t mean to. Swear.” “Right,” You narrow your eyes at him, standing back up straight and crossing your arms, “Remember what I just said? About not accidentally interrupting people?” “Yeah, I do.” “Could you say ‘Yes, Lieutenant’ instead of that?” You ask, “This isn’t a casual conversation. This is one of your superiors telling you that you can’t blatantly disrespect your commanding officer, so act like it.” “Yes— Yes, Lieutenant,” The Private stammers, which really shouldn’t make your lips twitch at the corners but it does, and you have to fight off a smile, pursing your lips instead. 
“Like I was saying earlier,” You continue your words from earlier, “In conversations like these, when you’re not out doing an assignment, I don’t want to catch you referring to Captain MacTavish as just ‘Soap’ ever again. And you don’t want me to catch you doing that either, you understand?” “I understand, Lieutenant.” “Good, good,” You nod, before gesturing for the Private to keep giving you his side of the story, “Continue telling me what happened then.” “Right, so, after that, Captain MacTavish gave me some new orders, and I felt like I had a better idea of what to do than him because I’d thought of something that makes more sense than what he told me to do, so I told him as such, and he acted all shocked like I didn’t have a really good idea, and told me that I was to follow his orders not the ones I tried to give to myself so I told him that mine were better and—”
“Have you read the military regulations and codes of conduct? Ever?” You interrupt, making the Private shut up almost immediately and hesitantly nod his head affirmatively. “I really don’t believe you. Everything I’ve heard so far is a direct violation of it, I just—” You pause to give a small, humorless laugh, “You have me speechless here, really.” The Private watches nervously as you struggle to find the appropriate words to say, before you finally come up with, “Is there more that you need to tell me about?” “… Yeah,” The Private answers sheepishly, making you sigh through your nose and gesture for him to tell you the rest. He clears his throat before starting up again, “And then he said that he’s the commanding officer for a reason and that what he says goes so I said okay and did what he told me to do. Then after that whole thing, he told me to go to your office and tell you what I did.” Why do I have to do all his dirty work? “… Okay then,” You look up at the ceiling and try to think of what to do, before taking a deep breath and looking down at the Private, muttering, “Well, I appreciate that you didn’t go into my office without my permission, at least you know not to do that.” You clear your throat before speaking louder, “Let’s head into my office instead of just standing out here. This is probably violating some sort of code…” The Private nods and lets you unlock the door to your office that’s just a few steps away and walks in after you, being sure to close the door behind him. He automatically sits at the chair across from your desk and you sit down at your own chair behind your desk. 
“Right, okay, let’s see…” You dig around the drawers of your desk, before letting out a small ‘ah-ha!’ and pulling a corrective action assignment form out of one of the small drawers of your desk and setting it onto the top of your desk. You grab a pen from the small cup by your desk and write down the date on the form in your usual neat handwriting. 
You read a question on the form and look over at the Private, “Could you give me your full name, please?”
“John— John Williams,” The Private stammers again, making you raise an eyebrow.
“Your name is John-John Williams?”
“No, just John Williams, Lieutenant.” “M’kay,” You write down his name and fill out a few more things on the form before signing it off with your name and looking over at the Private once again, folding the paper in half as you do, “I’m gonna trust you to bring this to Soap, and tell him that it’s from me. You think you can do that?” “Yeah, of course,” John breathes out, grabbing the paper from you as you hand it to him. “Yes what?” “Yes— Yes, Lieutenant.” “There we go,” You sigh and lean back in your chair, “Go on and pass that to him. And tell him to send anyone else who’s being insubordinate to Ghost or something, anyone but me.” 
John simply nods and gets up, walking out your office door and making sure to close it behind him. You cap the pen you’d used and put it back in the cup where the rest of your writing utensils are, before yawning and leaning forward to rest your head on your desk when suddenly there’s a sharp knocking at your office door. You muffle a groan and wait a moment before calling out, “Come in!” You watch as your door slowly opens, making a creaking sound that hurts your ears a bit, and much to your annoyance, yet another Private is standing in your doorway, looking just as sheepish as the last. “Oh my f— you know what?” You stand up and take a deep breath to momentarily calm yourself, “Who sent you? Was it Soap?” “… Yes,” The Private answers, their voice shaky as they speak to you, the whole thing only making you more annoyed. “Where is he right now?” You ask, walking towards the door and opening it wider, towering over the much smaller Private in front of you. 
“The— the training facility.” You blink at the Private and you take another deep breath to calm yourself. “Yeah, no sh— ugh, you know what? Thank you. Just—” You look up at the ceiling and tell yourself not to snap at this poor rookie, and look back down at them, “Just follow me. I have to go yell at him.” 
“What?” The Private asks dumbly, their eyes widening a bit in surprise. You don’t bother to look over your shoulder and check that they’re following you, instead just walking out of your office, somehow hearing their footsteps even with the thundering stomping your boots made as you walked. 
You eventually made it to one of the training facilities, the only one that currently had anyone in them, and opened the door louder than you meant to. You walked in, the shaking Private behind you as you walked up to Soap and took several deep breaths to calm yourself, ignoring the several rookies that stared at you as you walked over to him. You could hear small whispers forming amongst Soap’s small platoon of soldiers, but ignored them as well, simply walking up to Soap, who finally noticed you. He turned to you and gave you a knowing grin, like he knew exactly why you were here. “Hey, L.t—” “Why have I had two Privates coming into my office telling me you sent them because you couldn’t do your damn job?” You question him immediately, ignoring the small gasp from the Private behind you, “Do you know how many CAA forms I have left? Three. Three forms. Because you can’t deal with your own rookies. If I wanted to be dealing with them, I would’ve let Price make me a CO. You know what I said when he asked me to be one? Fuck no. I said it for a reason.” 
“… Sae ye din’t want me tae report onyone else tae ye?” Soap asks, like the little shit he is, in a teasing tone. “Absolutely not.”
“Noted,” He nods, as if he understands, and gestures for the Private he’d sent to you to come back over to him, “I actually got yer message a minute ago from Williams. I think he almost shat himself.” 
“I’m kinda happy about that, honestly,” You mutter, “Everything he told me was like… a direct violation of the code of conduct and was just so stupid.” “I ken!” Soap agrees, “I swear, naebody reads the code ‘o conduct ony mair.” “I asked him if he did, and he said yes, but I know he’s lying,” You roll your eyes before adding on, “And you know what? I’ve only had issues with British people ever since you and Gaz started reporting people to me. I think that they’re just the issue.” 
“Jesus, I ken,” Soap mutters, “Fuckin’ Brits.” “Fuckin’ Brits.” You nod in agreement, before sighing and looking over at the rest of Soap’s platoon. You look back at him, “I also told Williams to actually refer to you as ‘Captain MacTavish’, so… there’s that.” “Guid, guid,” Soap nods, before clearing his throat and continuing,
“So did ye only come here tae yell at mae?” 
“Yeah.” You admit, making Soap laugh lightly.
“And yer done now?”
“… I guess,” You mutter, making him chuckle and pat you on the shoulder.
“Guid,” He says, looking over at his group of soldiers he’s meant to be training, “I think yer scarin’ my soldiers more than mae.”
“How can you tell?” You ask sarcastically, following his gaze to the rookies that were trying their best not to look like they were eavesdropping when they clearly were. “They don’t even know we’re talking right now.” Soap huffs out a small laugh, “Right, o’ course.” 
“I’m gonna head back to my office and take a quick nap,” You let Soap know, “So don’t send me anymore people. They’re stinking up my office, it’s ridiculous.” Soap raises an eyebrow at you questioningly, “Why don’t you just go to your sleeping quarters?” “Don’t tell me what to do.” Soap raises his hands in surrender, “Alright, then.” You huff out a tired breath and say, “So if anyone asks where I am, just let them know that.” You don’t wait for a response before you walk away from Soap and immediately hear whispers starting up again, but you ignore them as you walk out the door, sort of used to them at this point. You didn’t know why you were so scary to some of the lower-ranked soldiers (and even some of the higher-ranked ones), considering you never intentionally did anything to scare them. Sure, you were taller than most of them, and maybe just a bit quicker to lose your temper with people, but it was never that bad. 
You vividly remember Gaz and Soap when they both found out a majority of the soldiers that were apart of the 141 were afraid of you or at least intimidated by you, the two had said that they wanted you around more often, just hanging out with them, so that they wouldn’t get bothered as much by people for unnecessary things.
Scary dog privileges, you remember they’d said, laughing as they did. It’s actually where you’d gotten your call sign, Cerberus. 
It’s not that you hated it at all, in fact, you didn’t mind being a little scary if it meant people were less likely to bother you, it’s just that it makes it a hell of a lot harder to actually talk to people without them starting to stammer or shake.
It was one of the reasons you turned down being a commanding officer—you didn’t really like the thought of commanding a platoon of soldiers that cowered in your presence. Plus, it was getting really annoying, not being able to talk to another soldier that wasn’t Price, Soap, Ghost or Gaz without them looking like all they wanted to do was leave the conversation. 
You finally make it back to your office and let out a sigh of relief as you open the door and walk in, closing it behind you, not even bothering to lock it as you immediately walk over to the chair behind your desk and sit down in it.
You reach below your desk and pull out a nice, fluffy blanket and a fluffy pillow to go with it that you always kept in your office—just for times like this, when you felt like going to sleep in your office, for whatever reason.
Were you supposed to be napping at all? No. Would your superiors let you anyway because you’ve somehow managed to get emotionally adopted by both Price and Soap? Absolutely.
You move some of the papers cluttering your desk out of the way and set down your pillow, as well as wrapping yourself in the blanket, and sigh happily as you lay your head down onto the pillow. 
Just as you’re getting comfy, you hear a knock at the door. No. You don’t get up to answer it. You just sit there, head on your pillow, nice and comfy. In fact, you refuse to answer the door, because you’ve opened it for two other people already, and God knows who you’re gonna snap at once you open that door.
Another knock—you ignore that one too, knowing full well you told Soap to tell anyone who was looking for you that you were in your office but also knowing that you never said you’d open the door, you just said you’d be there. 
You bury your face into the pillow and scream into it, knowing the scream wouldn’t be too muffled with how loud it was, but doing it anyway. You then take a deep breath and call out, unenthusiastic and tired, “Come in!” 
You watch the door open and see Ghost step in, and you’re silent as you watch him close the door behind him and walk over to you, his century old shitty laptop in hand as he sits down in the chair in front of your desk and sets down said laptop.
You pay no mind to it, deciding you’d rather take a nap, and set your head back down on the pillow, pretending that you can’t feel Ghost’s eyes on you. “… Are you okay?” He asks, sounding a little concerned as he looks at you bury your head into your pillow, before his concern turns into confusion as he asks, “When did you get a pillow in here— you have a blanket, too?” 
“Mmph.” You don’t respond with actual words, even if you did they’d be muffled beyond relief by your pillow. You can’t see him but Ghost raises an eyebrow at you and his lips twitch into a small, amused smile. 
“What, you’ve just had those in here?” Ghost asks, knowing he’ll get nothing more than a muffled hum from you. 
“Mmph.” “Alright, then,” He mutters, “Keep your secrets.” “Mmph.” You feel too tired to bother responding with anything else. “I feel like you shouldn’t sleep in your office, considering you have your own sleeping quarters you can sleep in.” “… Mmph.” “That’s fair,” Ghost nods. You hear him opening his laptop and you hear it crack when it opens, the noise making you huff out a small laugh into your pillow. God, that thing is so old, it’s ridiculous.
“What’s so funny?” Ghost asks as he types in his password. You don’t say anything in response, which doesn’t shock him in the slightest.  You feel yourself start to get closer to sleep, but can’t get quite there, instead sort of just hanging right on the edge of sleep.
You quietly grumble in frustration and shift a bit in your seat, not knowing what the issue is. Ghost notices this and raises an eyebrow at you, but doesn’t do anything about it just yet, instead getting back to his work. Why’d he have to go into your office to do his work? Who knows.
You shift again in your seat and Ghost knows that he’s not gonna be able to focus if you keep shifting—why wouldn’t he just go to his own office?—around, so he sighs and picks up his laptop and drags the chair in front of your desk with him around to behind your desk where you are.
You lift your head up to try and see what he’s doing, confused, and see him putting his chair right next to yours and setting his laptop down onto the desk. 
Before you can ask anything, he gently puts a hand on the side of your head and guides it to rest on his shoulder, and—oh. This is much better, somehow. 
He seems to know that it’s that much better, too, because his eyes crinkle a bit, giving away the fact that he’s smiling. However, he stays silent, and keeps his hand on the side of your head for a moment before letting it fall down to the side of your forearm, his thumb gently rubbing soothing circles into your skin.
He opens up his laptop once again and types in his password with one hand, the typing going by significantly slower than it would’ve if he used both hands, but he decides against keeping his hand off of you, seeing as it assists in helping you go to sleep.
Are you supposed to be asleep right now? Definitely not. But like mentioned before, Price wouldn’t mind. And you’d probably laugh if Soap minded, because even if he’s a Captain, he’ll always act like a little shit. Ghost knows this too, and with this information, he figures that he might as well help you sleep, since he knows exactly how to help you sleep. 
One too many nights spent pacing in your room, which eventually woke Ghost up, which led to him helping you sleep, so that he could sleep too, You sleepily remember, He always said he was annoyed by the pacing, and that’s the only reason he helped you sleep. But now, seeing what’s happening now, makes you question that a bit. Was it his annoyance, or something else? Or am I thinking too much about this?
Cutting off your train of thought is another knock at the door, and it’s not loud enough to completely snap you out of your drowsy haze but it’s enough to make you a little more aware, and for you to readjust your head your head so that your face is practically buried in the crook of Ghost’s neck. His thumb stops rubbing against your forearm, and he glares at the door like it was the door’s fault it got knocked on. 
The knocking persists and neither of you say anything, just waiting on whoever it is on the other side to give up and go away, but whoever it is must be feeling pretty determined because even louder knocks sound at the door, making you and Ghost sigh in unison.
You both continue to stay silent, hoping that whoever was on the other side just goes away, but they don’t. You don’t hear any footsteps retreating, and the knocks keep coming.  
“Hello?” You both hear Price’s voice on the other side, “Cerberus? You in there?” “Say no,” You mutter into Ghost’s neck. He nods and clears his throat. 
“Nope!” Ghost calls out in response to Price’s question. 
“… Ghost?” Price’s surprised voice comes through, “What are you doing in there?” “Say this is your office,” You murmur, making Ghost huff out a small, amused laugh and nod again. 
“This is my office,” Ghost responds, “Why wouldn’t I be here?” “What? No,” Price’s voice becomes confused, “This is Cerberus’ office.” “No it’s not,” Ghost denies, lying straight through his teeth. You laugh quietly against his neck. “Uh… but it is?” Price argues, “It has their name on the front.” “No it doesn’t,” Ghost blatantly denies, continuing his thumb’s slow circle movements on your skin, the soothing action making you hum contently. You don’t know how, but somehow your humming is loud enough for Price to hear. Does he have his ear against the door or something?
“I can hear Cerberus in there,” Price argues again, “Don’t lie to me.” “Sorry, lamb,” Ghost apologizes to you softly, tone significantly more soft than it typically is, “I think he’s caught onto us.” “… I guess it’s fine for him to come in, then,” You mumble against his neck. He responds with a nod. 
“Come in!” Ghost calls out, and almost immediately you hear the door open and Price’s loud footsteps walking in. You can’t see him, but he opens his mouth to say something, when his eyes catch on your face buried in the crook of Ghost’s neck.
He looks questioningly at Ghost, the latter simply blinking over at Price, daring him to comment on it. 
He doesn’t, and instead closes the door behind him and walks up to the desk. 
“Cerberus?” He asks. You hum offhandedly, and he takes that as a sign to continue, “You okay?” “Mhm.” “You know you can sleep in your own sleeping quarters, right?” “Mhm.” “And you’re choosing not to?” 
“Mhm.” Price blinks at you for a moment before muttering, “Alright, then,” under his breath and turning to Ghost, “And you’re here because?” “Felt like having some company,” Ghost answers simply, watching as Price glances at his thumb rubbing circles into your forearm, and continues to watch as his eyes slowly make their way up to the way your face is buried in the crook of his neck. 
Price looks at Ghost, mouthing the words, ‘I’m telling everyone about this,’ to which Ghost mouths back, ‘Don’t you dare.’ Price grins at this and opens his mouth to say something else before there’s another knock at the door. 
“Are you always this popular?” Ghost asks you, sounding both mildly annoyed and amused. 
“Mhm.” You hum affirmatively. 
Ghost sighs and he and Price call out in unison, “Come in!” The door opens and you temporarily readjust your head so that you’re just resting your head on Ghost’s shoulder with your face facing the door, and you watch as Gaz enters the room and his neutral face turns into one of both surprise and confusion. 
“Were you lot having a party in here, or something?” He asks, closing the door behind him.
“Not originally,” Ghost deadpans, watching as Gaz walks over next to Price and leans against your desk, “What’re you here for?”
“Needed an extra corrective action form,” Gaz answers. Ghost looks down at you for permission to rummage through your desk drawers and you nod.
“Second drawer to the right,” You mumble, and Ghost opens that exact one up and pulls out a CAA form, handing it over to Gaz, who takes it with a ‘thank you’ and folds it in half, stuffing it into his back pocket.
He looks between you and Ghost questioningly, and opens his mouth to say something, before Ghost gives him the same look he did to Price, and Gaz immediately snaps his mouth shut.
“If you’re tired, Cerberus, you should go to your sleeping quarters,” Price comments, tone worried. You look over at him.
“What if someone needs me, though?” You ask, slowly blinking at him.
“Kid, I don’t think anyone would get any good help from you with the state you’re in right now,” Price says honestly, ignoring the small glare you send him. “Anyone who needs you can just refer to someone else.”
You hum neutrally and sigh before muttering, “Fine,” and tentatively take your head off of Ghost’s shoulder and unwrapping the blankets you’d wrapped around yourself earlier, bundling it into a little ball and putting it into the box under your desk, putting the pillow in there as well.
You crack your knuckles quickly and get up from your seat, quickly putting your hands on the edge of your desk to steady yourself, standing up on slightly shaky legs. “I can help you get over there,” Price offers, frowning a bit when you shake your head negatively. Ghost lets out a sigh and stands up, closing his laptop before quickly walking over to you and wrapping an arm loosely around your side, over your arm, pulling you closer to him and helping you stand up a bit straighter. Gaz observes all of this with a raised eyebrow but otherwise says nothing, instead watching with Price—who watched this with disbelief in his eyes—as Ghost walked with you to the door wordlessly, opening the door and walking out of it with you, not looking back as he closes the door behind him. “You think everyone’s gonna think Cerberus is all scary after they see them leaning on Ghost trying to get back to their sleeping quarters?” Gaz asks Price, staring at the closed door. “Somehow, yeah,” Price says after a moment, still caught up in his disbelief, “That is… the strangest thing I’ve seen all day.” “It’s only thirteen, Captain.” “I don’t think anything’s gonna top that.” “Top what?” Gaz asks, a little confused, “Seeing Ghost helping out Cerberus?” “Yeah.” Gaz huffs out a laugh and pats Price’s shoulder, “Jesus, man. I’m surprised that’s the first time you’ve seen that.” Gaz ignores Price’s confused look and walks towards the door, opening and closing it as he walks out, leaving Price dumbfounded in Cerberus’ office. “Huh?”
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fireflysymphony · 8 months
First Time Headcanons: Fyodor and Kunkida
MDNI 18+ content ahead
A/N: my motivation to write today wasn’t that high but please enjoy these short and sweet BSD headcanons!!
Word count: 1.4k
Content Warning: GN! Reader (descriptions of female anatomy and possible use of more feminine nicknames), corruption kink, oral (both parties receiving), mentions of breeding kink, orgasm denial, slapping, mentions of bondage and choking, praise, degradation, mentions of religion and using religion to manipulate, Fyodor is mean, soft Kunikida, not proofread, let me know if there’s anything else <3
Fyodor Dostoyevsky;
Firstly, this man has a definite corruption kink. The idea of having you first and ruining you for anyone else is his main motivation for taking you to the bedroom so fast. Of course, he’ll plant the idea of you two sleeping together into your head first with not so innocent accidental touches and passing comments, nothing too meaningful, right?
Also side note: if you’re not a virgin, he won’t believe you and tells you that “he’s the only one who’d ever want to be with someone like you let alone sleep with you.” Slowly, your previous sexual encounters start to feel like flukes because who would ever want to fuck someone as disgusting as you? You’re lucky Fyodor took pity on you!
Anyway, if his touches don’t get you to approach him on the topic of giving yourself to him for the first time, he’ll start making himself more obvious. You’re dense, so even if he’s blatantly up front about his needs, you wouldn’t get it. He takes to dropping lectures about how, according to god, it’s a partner's duty to give themselves over to the partner who is the provider, to relieve his stress whenever possible, and how can you fulfill your duty to him as his lover if you’re not giving him your everything, inside and outside of the bedroom? You must not care about him at all, maybe you weren’t the right choice for him. He could get anyone to be by his side, yet he chose you.
He’d even go as far as saying “if you refuse to do your job, I might have to get my satisfaction elsewhere, won’t I?” You can’t even tell if he’s lying or not.
No matter the method he used, you end up coming to his room, teary eyed from either how pent up you are or from feeling like you’ve failed him as a partner. But expect more degrading from him if you approach him because of “lustful urges.” How sinful you are for wanting to satisfy your desires. No matter, he’ll fulfill his duties as your lover accordingly.
So, onto the actual sex, Fyodor is a selfish and greedy partner normally, and it just gets worse when he has sex with you. Everything is for his own pleasure, not yours. He expects you to cater to him even if it is your first time. And he’s not gentle about it either. It’s your duty to serve him as he so often reminds you.
Fyodor sees sex as a further way to train you into being his perfect little lover which is why even on the first night you’re on your knees getting his cock shoved down your throat. Beforehand, he probably shoved his fingers down your throat to test your gag reflex before pushing you to your knees and using your mouth as his own personal fleshlight. He’s not even nice about it either…
“You’re already fucking crying? Use that tongue better. No… god you’re so useless, can’t even make me feel good without having me tell you how to do it…” He probably ends up slapping you if you do something he doesn’t like too.
The most lube you’ll get from him is his spit between your legs, or if he’s feeling more sadistic than normal, he’ll use your tears or just pound into you with no warning— during those occasions your screams of pain are what get him off most. During most rounds, you go until he cums unless he’s feeling generous.
Depending on his mood, he might not let you cum either. He sees release as a reward, and for a bitch like you who can barely take his cock down his throat, why would you deserve to cum? If he happens to be feeling generous, you’re allowed one orgasm which you’re required to clean up afterwards.
Speaking of afterwards, aftercare is nonexistent with him. Your first time he might act a little more lenient, but you’re still being trained after all. He won’t give you much, maybe a kiss on the forehead or a gentle massage before he’s ushering for you to go prepare a bath for him and then clean the sheets even if your ability to walk is limited.
Overall, Fyodor wants a doll more than a partner; someone who will listen to him unconditionally and do what he says. The only reason you haven’t been turned into an Ivan is because he finds the challenge of taming you the greatest thrill.
Doppo Kunikida:
Kunikida is similar to Fyodor in the sense that he has a bit of a corruption kink disguised behind strong morals. Unlike Fyodor though, he’s not interested in ruining you for anyone else. The notion of saving your first time for someone who you plan to stay with forever is just a more romantic sentiment to him. He's like a middle aged white man.
However, if you’ve had sex before, he won’t be too bothered since most people now don’t save themselves for marriage or even get married. It’s just one more ideal you don’t fit which is annoying, but he can’t stop loving you despite the 45 of 58 ideals you don’t fit. Maybe he needs to rethink that damned page. Back on topic, he tries hides his embarrassment towards you though. The idea that you’re more sexually experienced than him is frightening, and he’s scared to disappoint.
Luckily, he has six years to do his research! Dating until marriage gives you time to think over things like how to properly please your partner, and Kunikida has a strict six years until marriage agen- what… you want to sleep with him now? The poor man short circuits from the embarrassment and flusteredness he feels upon your request.
Whether you’re experienced or not, you’re going to have to approach Kunikida on the topic of intimacy. I doubt even when married he’d be able to face the subject at first. Whether or not you wait until your wedding night to do the deed, he’s like a robot who’s low on battery leading up to the events. On the outside, he looks like normal, stern Kunikida, but on the inside he’s panicky. What if you're dissatisfied with him in some way? Then what…
If you catch on to his internal panic or share any similar worries you have about this night, he might be able to calm down, and you guys take it slow for the night.
Kunikida slowly learns just how much he loves your body, mumbling praises about how beautiful/handsome you are. He’d never dare degrade you, the only things spilling from his lips are softly spoken praises and encouragement that you’re doing so well.
“You’re my good girl/boy, aren’t you?” “Yes, that’s right, just how I like it; you’re so breathtaking when you take me this well.” Etc.
After a few times together, he realizes just how much he loves giving you oral. His favorite position is when he’s on his knees while you’re either sitting or laying on the bed, just any position where he can look up and see all the facial expressions you make. He just likes to please you and will spend the majority of foreplay with his mouth between your legs. He’s not big on receiving oral since it just doesn’t get him off the same way giving it to you does, but if you’re insistent, he’ll let you give it to him.
Kunikida isn’t the most kinky lover and prefers to be more loving and gentle during sex, so most things like toys, degradation, etc. are kept out of his sexual arsenal. If you ask though, he’d be hesitant, but he won’t be opposed to choking you with his tie or tying you up with any soft ropes. He might not be into it, but seeing you happy and satisfied, as we’ve discussed, is his biggest kink. Under no circumstances, however, will he degrade, hit, spank, or choke you hard. That’s a big no-no for him no matter what.
Oh, did I mention that no matter what gender you are Kunikida has thought about breeding you? Well now I have. He’s too scared to bring it up, especially if you can actually get pregnant but do with that information what you will.
As for aftercare, out of all the characters in BSD, Kunikida is one of the best to go to. There’s a step by step guide both of you must follow, including a nice warm bath together and a sweet cuddle session. Kunikida takes notes on what he can do better.
Overall, a very sweet and caring partner who just wants you to feel the most pleasure he can give to you.
Requests are open <3
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anonzentimes · 2 months
*guy who loves talking about despair disease voice* wait can we talk more about despair disease. i have so many thoughts on despair disease and esp how it pertains to nagito
i feel like when a lot of people first play/watch the games they see nagito as someone who lies to manipulate people, which while i can’t super blame them for thinking that way bc of how hajime tries to reconcile his conflicting feelings over nagito, i get SO frustrated when ppl call nagito a liar bc no!!! no he’s not!!! you’re falling for other characters’ perceptions of him!!! nagito almost never lies and when he does he’s either really bad at it (cough cough final FTE. “i got it all from a book” you are not slick buddy) or comes clean as soon as he’s achieved his desired outcome- it’s more bluffing than actual deception, and one thing he’s especially sincere in is his beliefs and admiration for the people around him. and the despair disease PROVES this without a doubt!!
ok. i know in-text the despair disease is described as “reversing people’s personalities,” but i’ve always interpreted it a little differently. ibuki isn’t the opposite of gullible, akane isn’t the opposite of a coward, and nagito isn’t the opposite of a liar. to me, it’s always seemed like the despair disease gives its host the trait they’d most hate to have— whatever trait would instill in them the deepest despair. ibuki hates conformity- stick her with a disease that makes her blindly follow whatever she’s told. akane hates showing weakness- force her into a state of constant crying. nagito hates the idea of deceiving his classmates- make him incapable of being sincere. this interpretation makes mikan’s disease make a little more sense too imo, since remembering her brainwashing isn’t exactly reversing her personality but instead literally filling her to the brim with despair. ANYWAYS.
nagito Actively Despises not being able to tell the truth. he hates the despair disease, he sees it as a complete waste. in the ult. luck and hope and despair mangas, we actually get to see some of his internal monologue right before he passes out, and he is In Hell. he’s pissed that he can’t serve as a proper stepping stone in his state, he thinks the whole disease is stupid, and he gets so frustrated about not being able to properly encourage the group that he Literally Starts Foaming At The Mouth ????? like if you EVER wanted undeniable proof that nagito is sincere look at the despair disease. it’s basically a roundabout truth serum for him and that’s a huge part of why it’s one of my favorite motives
sidenote i feel like the despair disease has a shit ton of analysis potential in general just bc of how it turns characters into what they hate the most!! i loveeee brainstorming what symptoms certain characters would have gotten were they to get infected. hajime especially. maybe he’d get a fawning disease where he starts praising everyone nagito-style (this would highlight their bystander parallels and also make hajime feel MISERABLE bc he fucking hates when nagito points out how similar they are lmao). or maybe he’d get an apathy disease that’d essentially izuru-fy him (wonderful foreshadowing potential there, not to imagine the incredible angst of izuru being the thing hajime would hate to be most in the world.) alas i am not a fanfic author so i will sit with my concepts but it is a wonderful daydream with any dangan characters i’d highly recommend it :]
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!! I SCREAM IN UNISON WITH YOU I LOOOVEEE THE DESAIR DISEASE!!!!! MAN… I’M SO OBSESSED WITH HOW YOU INTERPRET AND ARTICULATED THE DESPAIR DISEASE💗💗💗 The Despair Disease is genuinely so good for analyzing I really do believe Danganronpa 2 Chapter 3 is the best Chapter 3 out of the franchise. I think the reserving of their personalities truly meaning the traits they would hate to have is soo good I’m eating up, sealing it in my heart, and using it forever such a delightful way to explain it. The interpretations on what disease Hajime would get is so fun, I’ve seen some people interpret him getting the honesty disease which is fun in concept but I don’t think it works as well as other ideas could, y’know? Your ideas for a potential apathy or fawning disease are really fun to me, I like the idea of the fawning disease tapping into how much of a realist he is and giving him the opposite attitude Lol. Thank you so much for sending this it’s so fun I’ll be thinking about this forever, I wish I was a fanfic writer aha! I really want to become a fanfic writer, soon with time I suppose. Thank you again for sharing your daydreams with me, you’re very right it does have a lot of analysis potential! :D
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malarign · 1 year
ur probs insanely busy but I just had an idea based on a TikTok I saw (typical)… basically I think it would make a really good heeseung angst where he thought it would be fun to play around with his partner and make them a little jealous - either cause they were unintentionally being too friendly with someone else or whatever you feel like coming up with - but it just turns out going bad and his partner gets super upset and there’s a lot of comfort. anyway now that I typed it it kinda sounds cringe but go wild if u want
jealousy, jealousy
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(when you get jealous of his co-worker)
contains: idolbf!Heeseung x gn!reader | genre: angst, fluff | tw! kissing, mentions of food, the reader is insecure about their looks, please remember, everybody is pretty in their own way | wc: 1,1k
reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated!
author’s note: thank you anon and sorry for the delay, i was in fact pretty busy 😵‍💫 also! no hate to the anon who sent this request but if you want to make your partner jealous intentionally just don’t get into a relationship! 🤭
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“Have a lovely day, dear! I’ll let you know when I’m done with work today and maybe we’ll grab some dinner together?” Heeseung said in a rush, putting his shoes on.
“Sure, just don’t overwork yourself m’kay?” You fixed the collar of his coat and smiled.
“Anything for you, baby.” He left a last sweet kiss on your lips and bid his last goodbyes for today.
Closing the door behind him you decided to get to work on your assignments. You sighed seeing the workload you had. A sudden rush of motivation took over your body and mind and got to grips with everything. Closing your laptop you took a look at the clock on the wall in front of you. The day just started and you had plenty of time before Heeseung would come back home, so you decided to pay him a visit at work.
It wouldn’t be the first time you visited him at work, yet you always can’t help but feel anxious at the thought of your presence there among other idols. You were intimidated not only because of their popularity and fame but also because of their stunning looks which often made you jealous. His pretty co-workers didn’t have to do anything, in particular, to make you feel insecure, intimidated, and simply ugly. Despite your concerns you never dared to disclose them to your boyfriend, afraid he would laugh at your worries.
You arrived at his company and went straight to their practice room, but you met with silence and darkness. Confused you wanted to call Heeseung, but then a familiar voice caught your attention.
“Y/n?” You saw Jake at the other end of the hallway. “Heeseung didn’t tell me you’ll come over” He smiled after jogging your way.
“I finished my work earlier today so I thought I would surprise him but can’t find him.”
“Oh! He’s eating lunch right now with the rest of the guys. Come on, join us, they’re serving your favorite,” Jake laughed as he nudged your side jokingly.
You felt your stomach grumble at the thought of their cafeteria’s food and walked with him to the elevator. Before you stepped in, he excused himself as he had some other obligations and left you.
Opening the door to the dining area you were met with the smell of fried rice and chicken. Many people gathered to eat so finding Heeseung bordered on the miraculous. When you finally noticed him you saw he was talking to one of his co-workers, smiling widely and telling jokes as they both ate their lunches. You took a few steps back at the sight, a wave of fear rushed down your spine.
Their smile, their hair, their eyes, their figure. Everything about them screamed perfection, making you embarrassed about how you looked. They’re beautiful, talented in many ways, while you were just an ordinary person, who wouldn’t find their place on stage.
Heeseung raised from his seat after he finished his meal and made his way to the elevators, right where you were. You quickly turned around and pushed a button to close the door as fast as possible. Looking at the mirror you noticed a few teardrops on your cheeks and wiped them off your face.
“I’m back!” Heeseung’s voice echoed in your apartment as you quietly fidgeted with the hem of the blanket you were under. “Jake told me you were at Hybe, why didn’t you tell me?” he asked and made his way to the kitchen and took a bottle of apple juice.
“I don’t know,” you mumbled under your nose and continued playing with the fabric.
“I didn’t hear you, can you repeat?”
“I don’t know, Heeseung,” you repeated yourself louder, sounding a little bit too harsh than you intended to.
Your tone and the way you called him by his name and not one of many nicknames you used made him confused.
“Hey, are you mad?” he asked and sat next to you. “Is it because I didn’t call? I’m so sorry, my love, but I got caught up in so much work I didn’t realize it got so late,” he said and tilted his head as he spoke.
“No, it’s not because you didn’t call.” You looked him in the eyes and that’s when he noticed your tear-stained cheeks.
“Are you crying? Love, what’s happening?” Heeseung cupped your face as he scanned your features. “We agreed not to hide our worries from each other,” he reminded you.
His sweet voice and full of love words made you cry, leaving him even more confused than before. Quietly embracing you in a comforting and warm hug he waited for you to calm down. Instead, he heard your voice, full of distress.
“Why would you love me, when there are so many other people who are way better than me?” You spoke incomprehensibly, but still enough for him to understand what you said.
“Why would you say that? Love, where is that coming from?”
You pulled away from his embrace and wiped your tears to look at him.
“Why would you want to be with me, an ordinary person, who will never understand your struggles as a public person? Why would you want to be with me, who has nothing to offer but coarseness? I’m not as beautiful as your co-workers. I’m not as talented, as charismatic, as interesting as them, so why would you want to settle down with me? When will you realize that they’re perfect and I’m not enough for you?”
Heeseung listened to you attentively, keeping eye contact with you throughout your whole monologue. When you were done he thought for a second to gather his wits and took your hands into his, rubbing your skin with his thumbs.
“Love, why didn’t you tell me earlier you felt that way? Gosh, I don’t care that you’re not a public person. Why would I want you to be one? Y/n, nobody knows and understands me more than you do. What you offer is not coarseness but stability and my safe space. Nobody makes me feel so safe and loved as you do. You don’t have to be an idol to be the most beautiful, talented, charismatic, and interesting person in my eyes. I love you as you are and nothing will change that, okay?”
You lowered your head at his words, feeling embarrassed at your own jealousy.
“My dear, please look at me,” Heeseung spoke and brushed your hair off your face. Looking at him smiling reassuringly made you cry again. You fell into his arms and wrapped yours around his neck, as he left soft kisses on your skin. “I love you so much,” he whispered.
“I love you, Hee.”
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
permanent taglist: (send an ask to be added) @nicholasluvbot
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roses-r-rosie3 · 8 months
Tomas Vrbada Smut Alphabet
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A - Aftercare (What is he like after sex)
✰ He will cuddle you, clean you up, talk to you for a bit about how much he loves you and how much you mean to him and then fall asleep next to you or he will be knocked out (either or)
B - Bottom Or Top? (Is he a Bottom or Top? Is he Dom!Bottom, Sub!Bottom, Dom!Top, Sub!Top)
✰ He is definitely either a sub!bottom or a sub!top but either way he is a sub there are very rare occasions where he is dominate but he is a bottom at heart ❤️
C - Cum (Anything to do with Cum)
✰ May not seem like it but he is a FREAK. He loves when you cum in his mouth (of course he swallows because he’s a ‘good boy’), he loves when you cum in him, literally anything to do with it
D - Dirty Secret (Secret Kink/Guilty Pleasure)
✰ He secretly likes the idea of you getting him pregnant. Of course, he knows that he can’t get pregnant but the thought of having a child that looks like you and him gets him excited
E - Experience (How Experienced is he?)
✰ I don’t see him as a very experienced person, you were probably his first relationship
F - Favorite Position (Self explanatory)
✰ Probably missionary (I know it’s basic)
G - Goofy (Is he silly during sex? Or is he serious)
✰ He takes these moments really seriously, he wouldn’t mind a if you cracked a joke here and there though
H - Hair (How well groomed is he?)
✰ He shaves almost everyday so I would imagine him to be very clean and well-groomed
I - Intimacy (How romantic is he during sex?)
✰ He is a very very romantic man, if he’s topping he’ll shower you with love and praise, if he’s bottoming he’ll tell you how good you’re fucking him
J - Jacking Off (Does he masterbate?)
✰ He used to do it a lot but after he started dating you he started jerking off maybe one or twice every month
K - Kinks (what are his kinks?)
✰ Pregnancy kink (as said before)
✰ Orgasam Control
✰ Gagging
L - Location (Favorite place to do it)
✰ He likes the bedroom a lot mainly because you guys don’t have to worry about being caught
M - Motivation (What turns him on)
✰ Literally anything tbh, you being shirtless, you training, you coming out of the shower with only a bath towel wrapped around your waist, but he tries (key word: tries) to hide it (he’s blushing like crazy)
N - No (Something he wouldn’t do/turn offs)
✰ knifeplay/anything with violence involved. He is afraid that he would accidentally hurt you and he doesn’t wanna take that risk
O - Oral (What are his oral preferences? Does he like giving or receiving?)
✰ he prefers giving because seeing your face scrunch up as he blows you makes him feel butterflies in his stomach
P - Pace (How Fast/slow does he go during sex?)
✰ If he’s topping he will go slow at first so that he can make sure that he’s not hurting you and eventually speed up over time
✰ If he is bottoming though… he wants you to make him your bitch
Q - Quickie (His opinions on quickies. Would he do it?)
✰ He doesn’t mind quickies because he’s always away from you but he prefers for the two of you to have an actual intimate moment (not that quickies aren’t intimate)
R - Risk (How risky is he willing to go?)
✰ I feel like Tomas isn’t a fan of it but if you want to then he will
✰ If you’re giving him a blowjob or jerking him off in the hallways, he would be extremely cautious and paranoid
S - Stamina (how long does he last)
✰ He could last about 4-5 rounds I mean he is a ninja after all…🤷‍♂️
T - Toys(does he own any toys?)
✰ I honestly don’t see Tomas to be the kind of guy to own any toys, maybe a dildo??
U - Unfair (does he like teasing you)
✰ No, He knows that if he even tries to tease you, then you will punish him (which probably gives him more of a reason for him to tease you now that I think about it)
V - Volume (How loud is he)
✰ All I need to say is that man WHIMPERS
W - Wild Card (random sex Headcannon)
✰ Once, when you and Tomas were doing it, Kuai started knocking on the door because he heard Tomas and thought he was being hurt, so while kuai was opening the door Tomas had to use abilities so that you could both put your clothes on
X - X-Ray (How big is his cock? Anything like that lols)
✰ 7 1/2 inches long 3 inches thick
Y - Yearning (how high is his sex drive)
✰ Honestly I don’t think it would be that high unless if he was coming home from a mission, but he would most likely want to cuddle and kiss while watching a movie
Z - Zzzz (how quickly does he fall asleep afterwards?)
✰ If he’s topping he will help you clean up but if he’s bottoming he will be out like a lightbulb
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lightandfellowship · 15 days
When the Master of Masters told Xehanort that “Human emotions are complex. For example, what you feel toward someone you love isn’t always good or well-meaning. It can be a false kind of light. Which begs the question: are these messy feelings that emerge from love still light? Or are they darkness?”, and then Xehanort responds with “Whoa, where did that come from?” I think the MoM was perhaps talking about Eraqus here in an effort to manipulate Xehanort. (Perhaps an obvious observation to make, but I have stuff to say about it.)
The MoM almost NEVER volunteers information about himself (unless he's talking to Luxu), and he’s way too much of a smooth talker to ever do it on accident either, so I don’t think he was referring to some event of his past or speaking from personal experience here. And since the MoM is a master manipulator who effortlessly turns people’s confidence and comraderie into insecurity and distrust, this means that the “example” he provided here was likely very specific, very targeted, and very intentional.
Think about the scene where Eraqus tells Xehanort that his dream is to be a beacon of light that can lead people out of the darkness, and then proceeds to use Xehanort as an example of someone who might need saving one day. Think about how Xehanort responds positively to this, saying it’s the perfect dream for Eraqus and then thanking Eraqus for always being there for him. For someone who’s supposed to one day dive into the darkness on purpose, he seems perfectly content with the idea of his friend coming to his rescue and pulling him out of it. So what happened? What changed Xehanort’s mind?
(Keep in mind that this scene takes place in Xehanort and Eraqus' classroom where No Name is hanging on the wall. The Gazing Eye would have witnessed this conversation, and thus the MoM likely knows how much of a threat Eraqus is.)
If the MoM’s goal is to ensure that Xehanort sticks to his “dark road” no matter what, then extinguishing the light that threatens to guide Xehanort off of that path would be essential to his plan. And his first step in doing that would be to sow seeds of doubt in Xehanort’s heart about Eraqus’ true intentions by subtly manipulating Xehanort’s worldview, using what Xehanort witnessed between Hoder and Baldr as the soil. Small, little doubts that would lie dormant in Xehanort’s heart until nourished by some major event.
Doubts like: maybe your friend’s love for you isn’t pure. Maybe it’s tainted by some dark emotion. Maybe you can’t trust him. Maybe he’ll never understand you. Maybe he’s destined to stand in your way. Maybe he never wanted what was best for you. Maybe he has some ulterior motive for being your friend. Maybe he’s deluded himself into thinking he’s a good person. Maybe he would grow to hate you if he knew of the darkness in your heart. Maybe he’s only holding you back. Maybe you should leave him behind. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if you took his life one day.
Think about the conclusion Xehanort arrived at after his "world tour". "[People] believe themselves to be moral and virtuous, but it's all an act. Darkness lurks in the pit of everyone's heart. Their light is a total farce."
Seven years after the events of the game and five years after Eraqus and Xehanort’s discussion about their dreams, the two turn their Keyblades on each other for the first time, and Xehanort asks “Do you stand in my way as a true Keyblade Master?” to which Eraqus corrects him “No. As a true friend.” Despite Eraqus doing exactly what he said he was going to do all those years ago (become a beacon to lead Xehanort out of the darkness), Xehanort fails to recognize Eraqus’ opposition as an act of love, almost as if he no longer believes that Eraqus is truly doing this for his sake—no, Eraqus is merely performing his duty as a Keyblade Master.
I imagine this clash is the moment when all of those doubts that the MoM planted in Xehanort’s heart begin to sprout, and over time will grow, and grow, and grow, until Eraqus’ light can no longer reach Xehanort’s heart through all the thorns.
“Are these messy feelings that emerge from love still light? Or are they darkness?” And if you think about it, Eraqus’ general mentality of “I’m the righteous one and I know what’s best for you and you shall conform to my beliefs or suffer the consequences” is a sort of twisted, not-pure-darkness-not-pure-light kind of love, isn’t it? A “false light”, like the MoM says. Someone so blinded by the light that he can’t see the shadows falling on his own heart.
One last thing, as well. Recall that Baldr tells Xehanort that when their lights (Hoder and Eraqus respectively) disappear, they lose their purpose and are swallowed by the void. So the game draws a direct correlation between Xehanort losing Eraqus and Xehanort falling to darkness. And sure, perhaps Eraqus never straight up dies like Hoder does, but Xehanort still lost Eraqus in a way, didn’t he?
(To clarify, this isn’t to say that Xehanort and Eraqus WOULDN’T have naturally drifted apart on their own if it weren’t for the MoM’s meddling, I’m just saying that if there WAS a chance that Eraqus could have prevented Xehanort’s fall to darkness, then the MoM made sure to stamp out that possibility ASAP before it had the opportunity to derail his plans.)
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harlowtales · 5 months
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Y/N feels trapped with a baby on the way and Jack distances himself to think
18 Plus Only - Adult Themes and Content
Nobody knew you were pregnant yet. You asked Jack to wait to even tell his family as it had just passed 3months and you didn’t want to jinx it. He was being super paranoid not letting you do anything, and barely go anywhere. He was hyper about germs and the cleaning lady had to be extra careful about how she disinfected every surface.
“Baby come on wash your fucking hands” Jack said one day exasperated and whipping out wipes to wipe your fingers like a child.
“Jack I can lick my fingers I’m at home.” You shot back with your mouth full of popcorn. “Hey when are we going out tonight?” You asked casually assuming you would be going to The Hub with your fiancée and asking to see what time you should get ready. Pregnancy was already making you more tired than usual and you wanted to take a nap before you left.
“Uhh WE?” Jack asked you back
“Yes. When are we leaving?” You repeated
“Baby.” Jack said calmly and sat down looking you in the eye “You won’t be going.”
“What??” You fumed “What the fu…” you firmly clamped your mouth as Jack was trying to not swear around the future baby.
He shot you a disapproving glance. “Please babe, stay home from now on k? Can’t have you in the mix anymore.” Jack explained and thought that would be that with a kiss on your forehead.
“Oh the fuck I’m not going. I’m not sitting home pregnant while you go out and girls seeing you ALONE?? Are you mental?” You raged.
“You don’t go on tour with me and I behave” Jack said to his credit. “You trust me I know you do. You just want to party.”
“No…um not true.” You said as he caught you in your true motives. You loved being out and hanging with everyone. “C’mon baby…Pleaaaassee” You begged flashing your megawatt smile and fluttering your eyelashes.
“That ain’t gone work.” Jack said sternly
“What about this.” You said going down on your knees and starting to pull down his sweatpants.
“Ok baby stop. You’d suck dick to get to go?” Jack said laughing.
“I’m going to be trapped for months after the baby is born.” You said pouting to which Jack finally relented.
“Ok mama you can go.” He said “But I’ll take a rain check on that sloppy toppy, I got some stuff to do before we leave.”
You took a nap and woke up around 6PM to get ready to go. Excitedly you texted your friends Jack actually said yes. You were only slightly showing with a hint of a bump. Most people had no idea you were pregnant, and you weren’t a heavy drinker so the fact that you turned down alcohol the last few weeks didn’t raise any eyebrows either. Urban knew and a couple of Jack’s friends who did security for him when he went out. This was to ensure you had extra protection.
You put your hair up in a ponytail with a longer extension for fun and put on a jumpsuit that wasn’t too tight to give the secret away. To go to the Hub you didn’t have to dress up. Jack thought you looked adorable which got him going even more than you looking ultra sexy.
“Mmmm” he said looking you up and down and pulling you close. “Can I jump in your jumper with you?”
“You passed on a blow job remember?” You reminded him as he kissed you.
Just then your driver and security buzzed up, it was time to go have fun one last time.
The energy of the club is what you needed. You dodged Jack and his friends successfully until the club started getting full. Jack sent Timo to hunt you down and bring you to where he was heading to behind “the wall”. “The wall” was the literal wall Jack’s friends formed in front of him when he went out to clubs so no random people could get too close to him.
Unfortunately for you who had just been convinced by your friends (who didn’t know you were 3 mos pregnant) to dance on the bar and you took the challenge, not because you were drunk but because you just wanted one last crazy thing to do.
“Whooo!! Go Y/N!!” They encouraged you as you twerked a little sticking your tongue out with plans to come down right away but Timo caught you and Jack spotted you texting Timo furiously “BRO TELL HER TO GET DAFUQ DOWN!” Jack texted in all angry caps.
You were in the process of coming down when you met Timo face to face as you touched the ground with his help. “Y/N! You are in trouble young lady.” He said sternly “Come with me.” He said taking you by the arm and whisking you off to where Jack was waiting beet red. You looked back at your friends who felt guilty for egging you on.
“Don’t” Jack said turning his head away as you went up on your tipi toes for a kiss. “I can’t even talk to you right now.”
“It’s called having fun old man.” You snapped “ I went up there on a dare for 2 mins”
“Can you act like a mother for 2 fucking seconds?” Jack angrily whispered. People nearby were trying to hear what was going on but fortunately the thundering bass drowned him out.
“Maybe I would act more like a mom if I wasn’t trapped!” You shot back hurting Jack deeply. All he had been doing was protecting you. He said nothing in return and sipped on his water to calm down. He reasoned you were being emotional given you were pregnant.
“Ok fine. 2 can play this ignoring game.” You said to him to which he pretended not to hear knowing it drove you nuts.
“Ok girly let’s go to the bathroom.” Urban’s girlfriend said taking you away to talk about what was going on with you. It was not like you to be so irresponsible. For once she agreed with Jack. “What’s going on mama?” Azura said kindly hugging you.
“He tells me what to do CONSTANTLY!” You said bursting into tears.
“He does always tell you what to do. Jack is like a stern father, I don’t know how you stand it.” Azura said trying to influence you to jump to Jack’s defence. Her and Urban had just got back together and she didn’t want to see you go through fighting with Jack while pregnant.
“Jack is not a stick in the mud” You said in his defence which Azura knew you would. “He is just trying to…oh I see what you’re doing. Nice one, making me realize my man just wants the best for me and his baby and maybe dancing on a bar is a bad idea.”
“Bingo!! You catch on quick” Azura said sarcastically making you laugh.
“Ok girl let me go apologize to my man.” You said feeling horrible for how you had spoken to Jack.
He was vibing in a corner not talking to anyone. The way you had acted had him down. He had fulfilled his obligation to appear at the club so he was just waiting for you to get out of the bathroom so the both of you could go home. He should have stuck to his guns and made you stay back. Now gossip blogs were going to be reporting about your 5 secs dancing on the bar and the obvious argument the two of you had. When they did the math months later and found out you were pregnant when you were up there, it’s going to be a mini-disaster.
“Ready? We’re leaving early, I have an early morning.” Jack lied.
“Baby…Jackman” You said reaching up to turn his sulking face to yours “I will never do anything like that again. I love you”
“Babe…no come on” He said avoiding your kiss as you reached around his neck to pull him down to you. He was really irritated and sad. It took you by surprise that you couldn’t work your magic and smooth it over. Urban and Azura exchanged concerned glances as you and Jack made your exit.
He was silent all the way home which thankfully wasn’t far from the condo. It was so awkward. When you got back you didn’t push him to talk to you and got ready for bed. Usually by now you guys would be joking again already. Jack didn’t come to bed with you. He sat in his studio room listening to a beat on loop with a pen and pad out. You tossed and turned while you heard the muffled beat through the bedroom walls. When you tipi toed into the studio you found him laying on the floor staring at the ceiling like he often did when he felt depression setting in. There was a whole bunch of scrunched up balls of paper that he had missed the waste paper basket with.
You said nothing and laid down on the floor in the same position next to him. At first he didn’t notice you and then glanced over but maintained his silence. You took a chance and reached out to hold his hand. He took it slowly and held it gently giving you a sense of relief. “Nice beat.” You said quietly
“Thanks. Clay made it.” He said expressionless
“Writer’s block?” You asked referencing all the crumpled up paper on the floor.
“Um sort of” He said turning to you propped up on his elbow “Do you believe in destiny baby?”
“To a degree. I’m not sure.” You said honestly turning to him. “Why?”
“I dreamt you and then I met you.” He said with a whimsical smile taking you by surprise and giving you tingles. “And now you have a part of me inside of you. We’re bonded forever now. Do you understand that means everything to me?”
“Not until now. I…I have felt trapped and sometimes…replaceable.” You said blinking to hold back tears coming.
“I could never do better than you.” Jack said moving closer and kissing you passionately. “Will you just trust that I always mean to do right by you?”
“Yes Jack I will.” You nodded as tears started to fall down your cheeks and he wiped them.
“I will always be here for this moment and wipe every tear as it falls.” He vowed in a near whisper. That’s it!! He said suddenly making you jump. “That’s the song! I’m unstuck! Thank you baby.” Jack said kissing you roughly on the head and leaping up to grab his pen and pad.
“Happy to help.” You said sarcastically “Don’t stay up too late.” You said yawning and heading to bed.
“Oh I’m coming to get some don’t worry” he said looking at your ass in your pyjama pants as you walked away.
@itsyagirljaz @okaaay-mice
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coffeegnomee · 23 days
It fascinates me that in this entire conflict with Flame we have this battle between c and cc mindsets and motivations that are so interconnected that the story only exists through the blend of both. 
MAPICC: “I don't care bro. He can't just get away with anything he wants to because he’s Flamefrags. I actually don't care” 
It is so cool how it’s BOTH:
“the villain of the server can’t just get away with anything he wants because he’s the villain” 
“Flamefrags the person can’t just get away with anything he wants because he’s Flame” 
One is a fully justifiable, and even honorable, story motive: to stop the evil rampage of the evil villain, 
the other is a respect and learning moment for a real person to learn that you have to work with others and not steamroll because you think you have the right to whatever your idea is. 
It is so fully both of that at the same time. 
Flame does it too, he met the story as a story; he said specifically to Zam in DM’s that he’s leaning into a character with blowing up spawn. 
But then when it comes down to it, it’s his video and he just wants to make it, and he's willing to hold the whole server hostage to do so.
He takes both to be true, though he disagrees that the second reason is any justification to oppose him, which is the whole point to what Mapicc is doing. Mapicc is trying to teach him that his actions have consequences and you have to embrace them WHILE doing your video, not separate your video from your actions.  
And that, on a greater level, lifesteal is never about just you, it’s about who you team with and about the server as a whole. Every interaction matters. 
And Mapicc fully embraces that actions have consequences and that he’s going to get shit for blowing things up because now people can say of him, “Mapicc can’t just get away with anything he wants because he’s Mapicc”. He thinks he's in the right, and flame deserved it, but as they walk around the destroyed castle he reflects saying, “yea and then when I cancel the duel I’m the dickhead. Well I mean, no what I did-” and doesn't finish the thought. But he gets it.
And THAT’S what makes lifesteal so interesting.
It’s not just an unscripted story, it’s other people continuing their lore during your lore, because of your lore, which messes everything up and doesn't lead to perfect stories being told. 
It’s a never-ending, ever-building conglomeration of difficult stories, real stories, actual shit going down, and pushing thorough it anyway. In a word: Resiliency. 
And then suddenly it’s not EITHER of those two above options, resiliency is necessary as the dual conflict of above boils over into a story about self worth and communication. Not about a video, not about a villain arc, the barriers of character break down, the story of the server which was once wrapped up in the easy rebuttal “It’s minecraft not real life” starts to crumble and suddenly it feels all too much like a real life problem stuck within the veneer of a character, forced to play out because it is in the context of a game, unable to be resolved until the person himself battles against his inner self.
And our villain is stuck under the thumb of someone else, despondent, weary, and just wanting to give up. Anything to end this endless agony that boiled from one mistake, one weak moment in listening to the devil on his shoulder, and has now brought real sorrow and massive stress. 
He talks of Wemmbu having leverage against him, a mysterious hold that keeps Flame from having any leverage in return. What looked like one type of character has boiled into something far more 3dimensional. 
And suddenly I’m getting flashbacks to the greatest story lifesteal has ever told. 
FLAME: “How can I control another man’s decision that like, he just logs on and starts blowing stuff up. Bro. what can I do” 
ZAM: “well, [laughs] telling him that’s he’s griefing your video! Tell him that he’s griefing your video! It’s so obvious!”
FLAME:” he wont give a fuck!” 
ZAM: “HOW? He obviously cares. He obviously cares” 
FLAME: “he does not give a fuck bro” 
ZAM: “You can just talk to your teammates, did you know you can just communicate with them? That is something that you can do that we cannot.”
[…] FLAME: “its not that easy” 
ZAM: “but it should be. It should be, Flame” 
ZAM: “they’ve been going against your motives this entire time? How is that not betraying? How is that any different?” 
FLAME: “bro they have leverage bro” 
[…] ZAM: “flame the way you’ve described this is that you’re being betrayed constantly by your teammates, your teammates are constantly going against you, always. And now you’re like scared of them as well, […] The way I see it is you’re having a communication problem, I don't know” 
FLAME: “I can’t do anything with somebody else’s problems” 
ZAM: “but it’s not someone else’s problem. It’s your problem […] you teammates are being terrible to you, your teammates are mistreating you” 
FLAME: “where the hell am I going? There’s nobody left that’s gonna want me on their team. And that's my fault” 
ZAM: “that’s not necessarily true. You just have to look […] you don't have to betray them, you could just leave the team on good terms”  
FLAME: “that doesn’t exist” 
ZAM: “[conceding] fair”
FLAME: “okay tell me what- in this scenario, put yourself in my shoes.” 
oh he’s BEEN there. He has been there. Don’t worry Flame. 
Standing up to your purple teammate is never easy. Especially when you’re so attached to the third teammate in the group. Hopefully Zam and Pangi can give helpful enough advice, but then again did Planet and Bacon and Branzy’s advice give the best conclusion to that relationship? Was communication possible or was the only possible response upholding a boundary and leaving to show how serious he takes it? Putting his foot down and standing up for himself? Is it possible to do that without breaking apart the team while still being serious about what is going on? 
And then there’s Mane saying “flame said that?” “Dumbass flame :sob:” “we already said we’d stop after he asked LMFAO” 
Where this will lend up, I don’t know. But this is the most interesting lore lifesteal has had in such a long time. I’m getting so many flashbacks to how it felt to watch s4 and I couldn’t be happier. 
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