#I have more friends I just like to bully atlas <3
aeneakarts · 11 months
welcome to tumblr!
me want goofy sketches of ur and ur friends/mutuals ocs doing goofy lil things
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ft @chilling-in-the-void-alone
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justcallmesakira · 6 months
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i have been seeing this all over my tumblr page so ummm HERE YA GO!!! also this will be where i mention all my moots because i cannot for the fathom of fyodor copy that posts link
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@saelique- cinna x 15! dazai song- Tek it by cafune
two friends who secretly run on daffodil fields in the middle of the night and is always comfortable with each other
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@atlasnessie- atlas x jouno song- stereo hearts
that one couple who N O O N E predicted would get together but somehow he still carries you on his back as you pint to childrens bumper car
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@silverbladexyz- silvie x beast!chuuya song- Step on me
Your the only one who can calm him down, or so everyone says but can you? because with the way hes gone in a rampage it seems hes loyalty lies somewhere else...
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@typcallysid14- siddie x nikolai song- fuckin` boyfriend
Oh god, its a mess your just so in love with him and so is he! You cant stop taking pictures and his stuff and so cant he!
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@tojifile mo x geto song-somewhere only we know
The pair who never happened even when both of you acted so fruity with each other all the time,,,good things never last
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@rusmii= mii x chuuya song- BABYDOLL by ari abdul
That one funky and crazy couple of the mafia. After all who will save you when your telling the enemies that their dad went to buy milk and their mom went with him and cursing every single second.
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@biscuits-spooky-corner- my pookie cookie x highschool dazai song- Moonlight by kali uchis
OMG its that one crackhead couple who ate the dog before the dog can eat their homework!
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@elizais x eli x tachihara song- something about you by eyedress
You two may look like best buddies who blow vandalize peoples cars but in all serious you two are very genuine with each other espceilly since gaining tachis trust is something really award worthy &lt;3
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@atzuhi- x atsushi song- we fell in love in october by Girl in red
I am not shipping u two bcs of ur names but i just think your personality would fit atsushi and you two would go sticker cutting together :D
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@riiwrites- x dazai song- FVN! by LVL1
crackhead who send each other instagram reels 24/7 and roleplay as jack/alpha/dont mess with me/ 24/emo/superstrong/ playboy wolf and emily/dont mess with mwy swenpai/ ywndere/ uwu girl/ secret darkside and bully kids on roblox &lt;3
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@chuuyasboner x 18 chuuya song- see you again by tyler the creator
Tho u threatened him to a relationship he still takes out to the arcade and occasionally feeds you when you threaten ask him!
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@ruanais- rua x beast!dazai song- cigarettes out the window
You know hes going to leave one day,yet you still yearn to be in the warmth of his lap, Can he really hold you throughout the heavens and earth though?
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Rue x atsushi song- lovers rock by TV girl
I personally think you twi would be opposite attract bcs of your style, but even so as you run to buy more gothy type clothes and he goes to buy some soft matching pjs for you two, he will always be by your side
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@tsuunara- tsu x techhou song- Until i found you
No because you two would make such a cute n sweet couple (get it because of ur theme?). Just don't let him pour salt on your vanila cake though!
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@kurolumiis x loading...
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Who do you guys ship me with with? :3
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raayllum · 10 months
Been thinking recently about the idea in fandom that boils down to, usually, "the Character that Changes the most being deemed 'the most complex'" and that character development (i.e. character change) being held up as The Golden Standard of a Good Character and...
I fundamentally disagree, but first, a little bit more explanation about what I mean
Very often shows and movies, when being recommended on tumblr, are sold on the basis of having enjoyable/in-depth characters. Often times this also means conflating enjoyable with likeable, but that's a discussion post for another day. And even more often, it means there are characters who are seen as Deep because of how radically they change over the course of a story.
Lots of times, this falls into two camps:
Characters change radically, but early on in the story, and remain largely the same past that point of change (think anytime in a first season) until the end of the story
People recommending shows based on characters having traditional redemption arcs (enemy or bully to friend / good guy / love interest)
Now, I'm not saying that 1) character change can't be deep or 2) that character growth is bad. Neither of those things are true, even subjectively. What I am saying is that 1) character change / a character changing is not the same as automatically being a good, interesting, or well written character and 2) character growth is not the be-all-end-all of character writing. Yes, there can be problems with characters be overly stagnant, but typically that's only an issue if 1) a work is serialized and concerned with character development and they don't change at all, 2) a character never adjusts (rightly or wrongly) according to their mistakes, or 3) all of the above but they're a main character.
However, assuming that Character A has to be radically different at the beginning of a story in terms of their personality/values/etc. as they are at the end of the story is just... not how it works, necessarily. This is, I think, one of the reasons why antagonists who get redemption arcs tend to be more popular than heroes who had good values the whole time, because there's more opportunity to point and go "look, they've changed! they act on and have basic compassion now!" Which, fair enough, but again: other types of characters are fine too.
Particularly for characters fandom tends to have the hardest time with: paragons.
Paragons are characters who are usually the central hero, pretty morally if not entirely moral upstanding, and because they already start out in a place of "always doing the right thing," they rarely radically change by the end of the story. Instead, paragons are used to progress theme/messaging and inspire other characters around them to change (a good example might be Buddy from the Christmas movie Elf and to a lesser extent - as he's more transformative as a character - Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender, who's there to return childhood to his friends as an ideal and carry on Air Nomad values).
And for TDP, that's Ezran.
He's the youngest in the main cast and by far the most measured. While Callum and Rayla are off fighting, he keeps a level head. He assumes responsiblity largely without guilt, holds other people accountable most often without being cruel, he's kind and deeply compassionate, he shows regular empathy for his enemies even when he has to treat them like enemies, he loves his father but does not idealize him, he is king without craving power, he's trusting and honest and while he has his flaws (overly optimistic, his passivity, sometimes struggles to consider other people's emotions, naivety, etc), they - as of yet - are not overly connected to his sense of morality (which is a distinct difference compared to the rest of the main cast).
Now, TDP is less concerned with the theme of Childhood compared to something like ATLA, but Ezran being a child (again, in a way the rest of the cast is not) is also very important. Ezran, and Callum to a lesser extent, is the embodiment of the concept that children aren't born with hatred in their hearts; it's learned, or earned, through experience, society, and suffering. And as Ezran spells out for us in 4x03, he has suffered and been hurt - and he believes in breaking the cycle and believing in hope for a better future anyway.
Ezran's steadfast reflection of the series' core theme of "true strength - to break the cycle - is found in vulnerability, in forgiveness, in love" in both word and action does make him the closest thing to a paragon in the series. He's the one who finds the egg; he's the one who forgives Rayla and Soren; he's the one who still tries to help Claudia; he's the peacemaker, the literal bridge between peoples and species in spite of witnessing so many of their worst crimes/actions.
In both arcs, there tended to be a trio of characters who rapidly change, and a trio of characters who are more, comparatively, stagnated. Early S1 Rayla, Callum, and Soren are radically different in a ton of ways than they are even at the beginning of S3, but especially by the end. On the other hand, Viren - post 1x03 at least - Claudia and Ezran are far more consistent in arc 1; their circumstances change, but their viewpoints and realities and choices are largely the same from season to season - they just keep doubling down. This doesn't mean they don't change at all, but they don't radically transform - they just become more of what they already are.
I'd say that in arc 2, things have switched up, with Callum, Rayla, and Viren being the three who are radically transformed (thus far) with Soren, Claudia, and Ezran still being in the more stagnated corner. (For more notes on Claudia and Ezran's shared passivity, check out this pre-S4 meta.)
Ezran starts out the series as a good hearted, slightly mischevious little boy who loves his family and believes that people can be good. The point of the series is not to change these parts of him. It's to demonstrate the difficulties - losing both his parents, taking on the kingship, struggling to make the right choices, keeping his friends together, caring about peace and sentiment in a world that increasingly does not - of maintaining those positive traits, again, in a world that is determined to test those ideals and attributes.
Ezran is not here to be transformed by the storm, the same way his friends and some of his companions are. He is here to demonstrate the strength and necessity in weathering the storm so that the world cannot make you cold, or uncaring, or violent, even when those paths and emotions would be much easier to go down.
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Good character development isn't about changing your character; it's about changing your audience's understanding and perspective of your character. Sometimes that means the character is also changing simultaneously, but that's far from a requirement for a character to be interesting. Like most things in writing, what it really boils down to is execution.
And I could go on about why I think people gravitate towards characters who start off evil (often part of imperialist empires or older, institutionally backed systems) and learn that the evil was wrong actually (and sometimes not even that) but that's a meta for another day, and this one is long enough.
TLDR; Ezran, like a few other characters in the show - antagonists and protagonists alike - is not meant to be a radically transformative, even though he very much has grown and changed. Instead, he's meant to exemplify the importance of not losing your sense of self in an increasingly cruel or difficult world, and what parts we should arguably try our best to hold onto as well.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Snape vs Hama - When a Victim Becomes a Villain
So I was thinking about how victims become abusers and how their victimhood does not excuse their crimes as abusers. It is a valid explanation and it should provoke some level of empathy but the crime should never be totally condoned just because the abuser was a victim.
Which made me think of Snape vs. Hama for some reason.
In Harry Potter, Snape is considered a grey character while in ATLA Hama is an outright villain. While many Snape haters and antis claim Snape is not a hero but a villain, Snape's actions were nowhere near condemned on the same level compared to Hama's actions in ATLA. But why is that? For me, the main difference lies in how they retaliated against their abusers or the ones who committed crimes against them. Let me start with Snape.
So Snape was bullied mercilessly by the marauders while in school. Some of their actions were outright criminal. Including attempted murder (werewolf prank) and sexual assault (Snape's Worst Memory). As an adult, he became a death eater but then turned to the good side when his actions, in part, led to Lily Potter, his former friend, being murdered. It does not matter how the redemption happened - the point is that he had one.
But just because Snape had a redeeming moment did not make him into a sunshine cinamon roll. He detested Harry, the son of the man who made his school days hell, and always made sure Harry knew his dad was vile trash. He picked on Neville for being a clumsy student. He degraded Hermione for being an annoying know-it-all student.
But despite all this...Snape ultimately did more good towards the ones who hurt him. He saved Harry's life multiple times despite Harry always mistrusting his intentions and Harry always being proven wrong about Snape. He protected Neville in book 7 from the Carrows. He diligently brewed Lupin wolfsbane potion despite Lupin almost killing him years back and borderline gaslighting their awful past when they worked as coworkers (always calling Snape by his first name like they are friends and calling past bullying an old schoolboy grudge). He carried Sirius back on a stretcher in book 3 like a decent person while Sirius indifferently banged his head against the wall when he levitated Snape in the same book. He acts civilly towards Sirius and Lupin despite showing signs of still being wary of them.
Snape was not a pleasant teacher and not what someone would call nice, but ultimately he was a good person. Or at least he was not evil.
Hama has a tragic backstory as well. More than Snape. She was taken prisoner as a young woman and kept in an inhumane prison for years/decades. She was cut off from her element and had little hope of ever returning home. You can also imply that she was probably physically and/or sexually abused as well even if the show never indicates so. It's a prison so the possibility is high.
Fortunately, she is able to use bloodbending to escape. She then settles in a small fire nation town. I do not know when, but she then begins to use her skills to kidnap people from the town during full moons and hold them prisoner. I do not know how long she did this or if she committed these acts in various towns, but it is long enough for villagers to be cautious and give warnings about the full moon.
What makes Hama villainous is who she is attacking. We could empathize with her if she went on a rampage attacking fire nation soldiers or other fire nation prison guards. Kind of like Red Hood from Batman. The fire nation committed a grave injustice against her after all. However, she chooses to attack innocent fire nation citizens. Citizens who likely played no role in her captivity and have minimal roles in the war. Fire nation citizens who are likely also struggling in their own way during the war. The fire nation citizens, the working class in particular, are war victims as well. Moreover, there was nothing stopping her from going home. There was even a theory that Yon Rah came to the Southern water tribe looking for an escaped Hama, not Katara! She chose to stay in the land that oppressed her and hurt people in acts of revenge. She never even appeared to free others as well!
Unlike Snape who chose a different path once confronted with the consequences of his actions, Hama only doubled down and tried to bring Katara down with her. Even when Katara beats Hama, Hama suffers no remorse and laughs as she is led away by the townspeople.
I feel sorry for Hama. It's obvious her time in prison broke her. As for Snape, life dealt him a bad hand. Both were victims but only one chose to make her life's mission to hurt people. In the end, most of Snape's offences boil down to harsh words. Hopefully, Firelord Zuko was able to give other waterbender prisoners the justice they deserved.
PS: I think Hama should have just murdered all the guards, freed the other prisoners, and then gone back home or settled down in a quiet town.
For Snape, he should have left Hogwarts long ago. If possible, he should have transferred to another school because all Hogwarts did was lead him into a cult and turned a blind eye to his suffering. He should have played no role in the war at all and tossed Lily aside permanently. Harry should have never been Snape's problem. Maybe opening up his own potion business and leaving the country entirely, far away from Hogwarts and Cokesworth. Voldemort and Dumbledore both did not give a crap about him.
That's just my take.
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drippingviolets3 · 7 months
Sooooo, a lot has been happening with me recently and since I might be sick (and desperately need my medication adjusted-) I’m going to do a part two to that one thing where I rated danganronpa characters based on how they would comfort me after that one instance where I got bullied for being 💅
Hajime: 6/10: His free time events low key make me want to strangle him sometimes for his attitude, and I’m STILL traumatized by that one nut scene, but he’d still do more then the bare minimum despite being awkward about it.
Chiaki: 6/10: I know she would never say this, but for some reason she’s giving me Zuko’s “Thats rough buddy” response from ATLA 😭. I don’t think I would be able to tell if she’s actually listening or caring, so I’d be discouraged, but Chiaki would definitely try to find some way to distract me.
Nagito: -10/10: Mf would deadass look me in the eye and tell me it was a necessary stepping stone to achieve the brightest hope or some shit he can gtfo.
Twogami: 8/10: For the sake of staying in character he would pat me on the back with a broom, but would definitely have some words of wisdom to share with me, maybe share his food, idk.
Teruteru: 7/10: Here me out, since Teru is canonically bisexual, coming from one queer to another, he’d know when to drop the pervert shit and actually help. His advice would be shit but hey at least he’d make me something to eat.
Mahiru: 3/10: I can’t stand this bitch I gotta be real with y’all 💀. While she would agree that it was bad and such, she’d still get onto me for how I reacted and tell me to stop crying. We know she doesn’t really do anything to stop bullying so she’ll just do slightly below the bare minimum and dip.
Peko: 12/10: MY. WIFE. Okay I might be biased but I do think she’d just slowly draw her sword out to kill the mfs but would retract it the moment someone said “Peko, no.” Would she know how to comfort me? Probably not. But will she make sure that karma is delivered and that it hurts like a bitch? 100% yes.
Ibuki: 5/10: I think she’d also canonically queer, but she’s obnoxious and is weird in a way that kinda feels forced to me tbh? Idk how else to describe it, but I do know that while she would do her best to help, she’s not the person I want to be around in that kind of mess.
Hiyoko: 4/10: It depends on if we’re friends or not. If we were she’d probably tear the bullies a new one before promptly getting curb stomped, or she’d just make fun of me and tell me to get over it 💀.
Mikan: 2/10: She’ll want to help but would probably make it worse by tripping, crying, and apologizing.
Nekomaru: 9/10: He’d be such a dad about it, give the bullies a firm talking to and maybe yell at them if they catch an attitude. Overall he’d be bodyguarding me around that bitch 24/7
Gundham: 7/10: He’d give me a hamster to hold and would go off on one of his tangents about being a demon lord and how he’s make them burn in hellfire and shower the underworld in brimstone, but I won’t be paying attention because I’m holding a hamster and that makes life better 💞
Akane: 5/10: Similar to “Peko, no” but instead it’s like swiper the fox where you gotta scream “AKANE NO!” Three times in a row to prevent her from going on a rampage.
Sonia: 6/10: The sweetest and gentlest thing omllll 💞💞💞. She’d make sure I’m in a safe mental space so I won’t hurt myself and brings me pillows and blankets and such. But if she gets really pissed, home girl will deadass threaten the group to leave me alone. If they catch an attitude they’re gonna have to throw hands with her whole fucking country (and it is mentioned that everyone in her country learn how to work army machinery in elementary school so 💀)
Kazuichi: 5/10: I don’t know if he knows what a bisexual is 😭. He’d try to support me but his confusion would be so evident that it somehow makes me laugh enough to where I’m less sad.
Fuyuhiko: 20/10: This man has access to an entire fucking yakuza and you think that bitch will get out unscathed? He isn’t good with words, but actions speak louder than words so he gets straight to work. By the next day that bitch would be in the hospital and get PTSD by looking at babies, knowing it was a baby gangster who knocked her teeth out
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lesbian-in-leather · 8 months
I'll send more for the ships ask! How I met your mother, and Atla 🙃
aaah thank you dearest!!
How I Met Your Mother (which I still haven't finished but never mind)
OTP: Barney/Robin, my beloveds <3 They have excellent chemistry, actually get along, respect each other, and they way the writers tried to claim they didn't work the first time was bullshit. I know they won't end up together but they deserve to be happy
Favourite canon pairing: Barney! And! Robin!
Worst pairing ever: Robin/Ted. They don't work!! I respect them for trying, but they found out really quickly that their life goals don't align and they simply Do Not Work as a couple, which is fine!! But also. Stop pushing them together. Please. I'm begging
Guilty pleasure pairing: Honestly I think Robin/Lily would be a VERY fun dynamic to explore (and Lily clearly agrees with me)
A pairing you want to see more: I'm sure I'll have an answer for this when I've finished the show, but I've been judging this one based on the fandom which,,, I am not yet a part of
That pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: Haven't spent any time in fandom yet (because I haven't finished the show) but from the writing I have to assume Marshall/Lily is popular and. I do not like it. I love Lily, and I think she deserves so much better than him (could go on a whole rant about that but we'll save that for another post)
Favourite non-romantic pair: Barney and Lily! When they were living together?? Absolute bestfriend vibes, I love it and I wish the writers gave us that dynamic more instead the other Barney and Lily dynamic where she hates him (serious) instead of she hates him (friendship bullying)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
(I am just focusing on AtLA, not including LoK because then I would have SUCH a hard time deciding)
OTP: oh absolutely Katara/Zuko. I think they had SUCH a fascinating dynamic and I would have loved to see the slow burn as they eventually begin to rebuild trust and friendship slowly turns into love. They had better chemistry and Katara and Aang worked better as friends I said what I said
Favourite canon pairing: Hmmmm probably Sokka/Suki, they're so cute and he's such a wifeguy even when they have literally only just started dating. Them <3
Worst pairing ever: Okay, so it's not the worst pairing ever but........ Katara/Aang. Personally, I just never felt like Katara actually reciprocated his feelings, and it really just came across like the writers just decided on them being endgame early on, and then backed themselves into the corner of We Have To Commit To It, No Matter What. I never really got a romantic vibe from her end, and just really would have much preferred it to not go in that direction
Guilty pleasure pairing: Ty-Lee/Azula. I am a sucker for sunshine/grumpy, especially if it involves the absolute betrayal of Ty-Lee siding with Mai??? I eat that shit UP
A pairing you want to see more: Okay this is absolutely just me being a lesbian but Katara/Azula could have made a BOMBASS power couple. Like,, imagine??? If Azula had gotten the redemption arc she deserved in the show, just imagine how unstoppable they would have been
That pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: Okay okay don't come for me, I'm not like, violently opposed or anything but I just,,, personally don't see the romantic aspect to Zuko/Sokka. I love their dynamic and ship what you wanna ship!! But I like them better as friends
Favourite non-romantic pair: oooh gotta be Toph & Katara. They're my GIRLS and I love how they slowly develop a friendship despite being two very different people
Send me a fandom and I'll answer these questions!
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bitchinbarzal · 9 months
LUNA YK WHO IS SUCH AN UNDDERRATED COUPLE?? actually i have multiple with reasons why
(in no particular order)
1. mila & finn
MY MANS WAITED YEARS FOR HER. he listened to her talk about other guys and her relationship problems while being fully in love with her. he is absolutely and completely devoted to her and despite the fact he KNEW she wasn’t in love with him, his feelings for her never left, not when they were kids and sure as hell not when they’re adults. he didn’t let her scary ass brothers stand in the way of being with her. she was his first love and just like her to him, he’ll be her last. the absolute epitome of childhood friends to lovers and i love them with everything in me.
2. henry & atlas
the enemies to lovers, well at least on atlas’s side. the man pining for her, not being able to get her off of his mind after she was yelling at him thru the penalty box for fighting her big brother. her constantly rejecting him but finally giving him a chance and it being the best relationship she has ever been in. he didn’t let his rivalry with her brother stand in his way of being with her. the secret relationship after they start dating because atlas doesn’t want to disappoint or upset her brother for dating his rival and falling in love with them. her being the first girl he’s ever truly been IN love with. ugh, they’re just *chefs kiss*
3. bailey & noa
miscommunication trope at its finest, miss luna. normally, i hate miscommunication trope, but girl you write is SPECTACULARLY!! noa thinking bailey is cute and flirting with him and thinking he’s ignoring her when in reality he just can’t hear her and then her confronting him and apologizing IN SIGN LANGUAGE THAT SHE LEARNED FOR HIM when she offends him? and her defending him to ANYONE AND EVERYONE that has anything negative to say about him, especially if it’s about him being deaf. NOT TO MENTION, NOA LITERALLY STARTING A CHARITY FOR DEAF KIDS?? bailey’s buddies is so cute and the fact that noa did it and not bailey just made me fall head over heels in love with this couple even more. in conclusion, i need me a girl like noa.
4. kai & otis
another childhood friends to lovers that i absolutely adore with everything in me. i feel like it was mutual pining when they were younger, but didn’t actually confess they’re feelings/start dating until they were like 17. the fact that kai always stood up to him and comforted him when bullies were making fun of his weight and made it so the bullies were more afraid of kai than they were of anything else. and the fact that kai got otis a dog, despite the fact that she hates dogs, because she wanted otis to have another coolie because coolie’s otis’s best friend. ugh them <3
5. rory & sawyer
did someone say unrequited love? boy groveling and traveling across the world ON HIS DRAFT DAY to go to the love of his life who is studying abroad? oh yes, i did. these two are lowk like a genderbent finn & mila to me. the fact that rory had a huge crush on sawyer as a child and was devastated when he moved to colorado but their moms still talked so they did too but then fell out of touch when sawyer got too busy with hockey and the draft and rory was too busy with school and looking at studying abroad for a year but on his draft day, RORY WAS THERE and she couldn’t hide her feelings from him anymore and then HE WENT AFTER HER TO MF SCOTLAND TO TELL HER ITS MUTUAL. ugh, i can’t with these two, they’re wayyyyy too underrated and need more love.
6. sutton & luca
best friends brother, older sisters best friend, secret relationship, older!girl & younger!guy. even after sutton moved, luca still managed to slither his way into her heart thru iris. the way sutton didn’t want to start anything with luca because she didn’t want to hurt/betray iris like that but not being able to deny her feelings for luca. luca being patient with her until she was ready to be with him even though they both knew she was ready, she was just scared. i miss them so much 😭
7. astrid & kasper, aka the F1 driver
i don’t know a lot about them other than the fact that they have a daughter. but the way astrid fell in love with someone from her moms field of work and is constantly there supporting him with their baby girl is just too mf cute and i feel like we’ve all forgotten about them.
1. Mila & Finn have my heart 🥺 the fact Finn listens to her no matter what.
2. Henry & Atlas are so soft. It’s like they’re so soft surrounded by a world of fire. That fire is her brothers.
3. Bailey & Noa will always be some of my favourites. The fact Noa did not think twice about sign language and made Bailey’s buddies and the fact that two of her babies are deaf too and she’s not upset she’s like 🥺🥺 they got it from dad
4. Kai & Otis are together because Petey and Brock couldn’t
5. Rory & Sawyer the plane scene will always get me 🥺🥺
6. Sutton & Luca always thinking of iris DESPITE being in love
7. Astrid & Kasper are the best the fact that he encourages women in motorsport and their daughter being there to see it all too is just 🥺🥺
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ardenrabbit · 2 years
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
What a fun question! Thank you for asking! I think I already answered an ask about favorite characters, but here's a list of some of my favorite media in no particular order 💜
1. Avatar the Last Airbender: If you didn't grow as a person if/when you watched atla I just don't know what to say to you. Watch it again I guess? Learn self-love and empathy and healthy coping tactics
2. Lord of the Rings, by Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien, especially Peter Jackson's Fellowship of the Ring, Extended Version: Favorite movie. Nostalgia factor. Gandalf. Viggo Mortensen ruining all other men for me. Boromir being a Good Man. The soundtrack of this movie is Home to me.
3. The Goblin Wood, book by Hilari Bell: Friendship, magic, and angry, vengeful witches. Anti-colonialism. Great take on magic. Questioning dogma and learning how not to be a cop. A crotchety goblin named Cogswhallop who is my best friend.
3. Big Fish: Movie with Albert Finney, Ewan Mcgregor, and Marion Cotillard my beloved. Whimsical, heartwarming, and profoundly bittersweet story about people learning to communicate and share in each other's lives. I really just fucking love this movie.
4. ⭐ A Silent Voice: Japanese animated movie about a former bully learning to not hate himself, a deaf girl learning self-worth, and a lot of people learning to be friends. Fucking stunning visuals and music. Another profoundly bittersweet one with a happy ending, and one I wish I'd seen earlier in my life. Content warning: two suicide attempts.
5. Mo Dao Zu Shi, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu: Chinese web novel with several adaptations, about a lot of fascinating topics with oceans of nuance because MXTX is a genius tbh, but largely about questioning convention and doing the right thing, the different ways in which people can love, the meanings of bravery, and some zombies. I also love her novel Tian Guan Ci Fu but have to analyze the themes a little more before I can confidently talk about what it means? It's fucking incredible though (and like twice as long lol)
6. No. 6, by Atsuko Asano: Japanese web novel with a manga and anime adaptation (manga is the best): honestly just a fun time about destroying The System with gay love and bees. Deuteragonist is an edgy dumbass who lived in a cave, blows up government vehicles, and quotes too much Shakespeare. To this day I am endlessly entertained by Nezumi.
7. The Kingkiller Chronicles, by Patrick Rothfuss: Book series comprising The Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear. Someday will include the final book, Doors of Stone. Epic fantasy story about a bard-rogue-wizard with delusions of grandeur giving his memoir after all the damage he's caused. Involves the COOLEST magic systems in one world, does an amazing job of establishing a truly low-fantasy-feeling but simultaneously deeply mystical environment, and has exactly the kind of compelling eccentricity that I love in characters. Beautifully poetic prose.
8. Dragon Age: rpg video game series about a series of Unfortunate World Events. You play a different character in each game, the protagonist at the center of one catastrophe or another, and they all tie in beautifully in the overall world story progression. The characters you meet are multidimensional and SO worth analyzing, because they're all fascinating and flawed people (except Varric Tethras, who is Perfect and The Love of my Life (my wife knows and accepts this)).
9. ⭐ Gates of Fire, by Steven Pressfield: Okay, FUCK THIS BOOK for being about the battle of Thermopylae where you know EXACTLY how that ended for the defending army and MAKING YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH THE CHARACTERS ANYWAY. Insanely well-researched historical fiction. Sympathetic to the subject and emotionally and socially insightful to a devastating degree. The best representation of the camaraderie and friendship in warrior culture without all the awful macho bullshit we've come to expect and loathe. They really ask the question "what is the opposite of fear" and come to the answer "love." I have broken down sobbing while reading a story three times in my life, and TWO of those times were from this book. Seriously, fuck this book. I will never write half as well as Steven Pressfield.
10. ⭐ It's Such a Beautiful Day, by Don Hertzfeldt: Remember the animation show on YouTube, that absurdist hand-drawn animation with the robots? Yeah that guy made a whole emotionally gutting, bittersweet movie about the nature of life and coming to terms with the end of it. Intergenerational trauma, chronic illness, and a lot of introspection. Beautifully paced storytelling. This is an Important Movie. It's not immediately stylistically accessible to everyone, but seriously, open your heart and branch out. This movie made me a little more whole.
If I had to pick three of these to shove in people's faces, it would be the starred and red ones lol. Not enough people know about them or have taken the time to appreciate them.
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snakechu · 2 years
A primer on your Splatoon characters and how they relate to each other, if you please!
Pulls out my Google Doc
Short Version! (Yes, this is actually the short version)
Kai (Agent/Captain 3 who is brash, but becomes an aspiring leader), Cole (Agent 4 who is reserved, but breaks their shell. Does campaign 1 along with 3), and Jordan (Agent 8 who is very much traumatized, but strives to move forward) develop a polyromantic relationship during 2 and are still going strong in 3.
Kai has an older brother named Pike who is very much protective, but the good kind to prevent Kai from getting into trouble, which she can, will, and has despite his efforts. A very caring older brother who supports his sister and her friends/partners all the way. Also a weapon enthusiast and becomes Sheldon's full time assistant in 3. Also captain of his own team called Inkthority.
Kai has a full team by the name of Palette Swap in which Cole, Corey, and Star are apart of. Corey and Star are cousins with a very sibling dynamic. The two even become an indie Idol Duo by 3 called Foreshore. Corey shares a friendly rivalry with Pike before he even met Kai.
Maxwell (Neo Agent 3) escaped Octarian society when he was 9, two years after he and his father heard the Inkantation. He also escaped with his best friend, Julian, and his mom with the two having just heard the Inkantation. Max and Jules are practically brothers.
The two young Octolings met two Inklings when they turned 14, those Inklings being Nicki (cute and feminine but unhinged) and Atlas (no ounce for respecting authority), born and raised in Splatsville. The four of them formed the team Hue Havoc with Julian being the captain.
Max has a little Smallfry buddy he named Salt and raised him from an egg. Salt is the embodiment of 'no thoughts, head empty'. Loves being carried by Max while going completely limp. Likes going limp, regardless of being carried and just lays in places.
As Neo 3, Max greatly respects all the Agents before him. He shares a sibling dynamic with Captain 3, is intimidated by Agent 4 while 4 finds him endearing, and he shares mutual understanding and respect for Agent 8 and bond over their shared heritage.
For those who want the longer version (and I mean LONG you better buckle up).
I'll start off by talking about these guys!
First up is Kai Piers, who is my Agent/Captain 3. She is brash and bold who isn't afraid to speak her mind or jump into situations, which has led her to quite a bit of trouble in her youth (No hesitation when joining the New Squidbeak Splatoon at age 14). She may be reckless, but her hearts are in the right place. In 1 and 2, she is the captain of her own team dubbed Palette Swap. By Splatoon 2 (16), she has matured, but is still brash and reckless, but has learned to come up with plans before taking action... most of the time. I have yet to see Splatoon 3's story mode (21) so I'm not 100% certain on things, but I'd imagine she's fully in the mindset of Captain and is a much critical thinker than when she was younger, but that fire from her youth has not left her. She is also fond of Neo and is very much an older sister figure to them. By this point, she is fully in a polyromantic relationship with Agent's 4 and 8.
Cole Aegean, aka, Agent 4 is up next. Cole (15) met Kai the day she began her Turfing career by saving his butt from a couple of bullies (with the help of her brother), and they've been glued to the hip ever since (formed Palette Swap). He is much more reserved than Kai when it comes to taking any sort of initiative, down to the point where he can have an panic attack. Cole was actually dragged along by Kai into the New Squidbeak Splatoon (Yes, I have a two player campaign in Splatoon 1, fight me). Although he accepted the mission, he was very much a hot mess and was actively calling out Kai for how reckless she was being and how she was treating it like a game (She almost got them killed multiple times). But contrasting Kai's recklessness, Cole was much too cautious and overthought a lot, letting many opportunities get away from him. In the end, the two learned to combine their strengths to save the Great Zapfish. By 2 (17) Cole is still reserved, but has learned to be much more daring, even beginning to become charismatic. The moment he heard the Great Zapfish had been kidnapped once again, he didn't waste a second accepting his new solo mission (and received extra help, teehee). By 3 (22) you wouldn't even believe he used to be an anxiety ridden mess (It's not gone, but he's dealing with it much better now). An outsider would think him now reckless, but every move he makes is calculated and swift. No opportunity escapes him now or his Duelies. In a Polyromantic relationship with Captain 3 and Agent 8.
Now for my Agent 8, Jordan! In Splatoon 1 (14) they were present when the Calamari Inkantation was performed by the New Squidbeak Splatoon, opening their mind to the possibility that Inklings and Octarians can live in peace, despite what DJ Octavio has propagated to them during their time as a soldier. They have been unable to escape to Inkling society by 2 (16), but a chance encounter with Agent 3 would change all of that. They managed to recognize Agent 3 at the time and refused to fight her because of it, but that wasn't an option for 3, so a chase ensued with Jordan running for their life. This chase separated Jordan from 3, caused them to lose their memories, and end up in the Deepsea Metro (that I DO have an explanation for, but I'm currently writing about it RN, so no spoilers >:3). Their escape from the Deepsea came with a lot of built up trauma from going through all 80 tests for basically nothing (Mem cakes didn't provide complete memories *nudge nudge wink wink they weren't supposed to hehe*) along with the escape itself (fighting 3 was Not Fun TM). But once they reach Inkopolis, they began to live with Agent 3 and her older brother whom they've developed strong bonds with along with the rest of Pallet Swap. About a year and a half/two years later (haven't fully decided yet), all 3 Agents move into an apartment together some time after they begin their polyromantic relationship (still need to figure out how they all confess). By 3 (21) they have fully accepted and embraced their new life, thankful for every day they are able to live on the surface and thankful for the loves of their life. They never want to take anything for granted (God, I hope we get 4 and 8 content in the upcoming DLC so I can have further thoughts about my 4 and 8 during 3).
Pike Piers is Kai's older brother by two years and profreshional battler and captain of Inkthority! Pike had been living in Inkopolis alone for some time until his younger sister came to live with him just before her 14th birthday. Their relationship is a strong one, full of teasing, support, fights, and respect. Only strengthens as the two grow older. Pike is very much aware of Kai being Agent 3 and eventually the Captain of the Splatoon. His first reactions to this are panic and anger. Kai snuck off with Cole without telling him she was doing any of this during the first game, which reasonably freaked him out, as Kai had only just gotten used to Turf Wars. But after seeing what the two had done to save Inkopolis, he reluctantly allowed Kai to continue Agent work as long as she kept him updated as much as she could for the sake of his own sanity. By 2 (18) he actually assists Agent 4 during the second campaign as an assistant to Sheldon (he absolutely fanboyed getting the chance to work with him, he's a huge fan). Also in 2, he becomes the person to talk to for all of the young Agents when they need an ear, and shares a strong kinship with all of them, which only got stronger when they all began dating. By 3 (23) he is Sheldon's full time assistant and is also a weapon's and teamwork coach on the side.
Corey Humbold (16) is another teammate of Kai that she met early on along with his cousin, Star Botale. Corey is a very charismatic and confident individual who is also able to show a much more gentle and sensitive side to those he deems close. Also a good listener when he needs to be and the secondary older sibling friend among this group of six (Pike being the primary one even though Corey is older). Corey and Pike themselves have a shared friendly rivalry, with Corey once being apart of a rival team that has since disbanded (Corey also has a boyfriend that is a part of Pike's team, so there's that). Joining Kai's team has only increased the bond and rivalry between the two. In 2 (18) he also assisted Agent 4 as a source of recon and information, as he has been doing his own side research on Octarian society ever since Kai and Cole became Agents (he knows because he helped Pike to look for his sister when she joined the Splatoon). During the final confrontation in that campaign, Corey and Star become backup singers and dancers for the Squid Sisters as they performed the Calamari Inkantaion a second time (I got this idea from the art book showing a concept with DJ Octavio and Callie having backup dancers, so why not flip it). This was the beginning of Corey and Star's indie music careers in 3 (23).
And last, but not least in this group is Star Botale (15). She met Kai and Cole the same time as her cousin, Corey, and joined Palette Swap. Star is also charismatic like her cousin, but many people mistake her for seeming aloof. She is actually much more observant than people give her credit for (they realize their mistake much too late the moment she gets them with her charger skills) and is very good a reading people. She is able to say the right thing to get people to open up and then uses that for blackmailing purposes (all of which are for super petty reasons. But don't test her). She has always hopped around friends and girlfriends alike, with the only person she's ever stuck around and built a genuine bond with is Corey. But that all changed when she joined Palette Swap and found out about the New Squidbeak Splatoon. That was a ride she didn't want to hop off of. In 2 (17) also helped Agent 4 with her keen eye of environments, helping him with puzzles and weaknesses. Performed the Inkantation alongside her cousin with the Squid Sisters. By 3 (22) Corey and Star have formed Foreshore and are an indie Idol Duo.
OKAY! That was just the Splatoon 1 and 2 kiddos. I do have OCs for 3 despite me not having it. I've only shown one of four I have (Neo 3), who you can see here, here, and here... Okay, here we go, holy cow.
Neo Agent 3 is Maxwell 'Max' 'Maxie' Delta! A 14 year old Octoling who escaped with his father to Splatsville during the events of Splatoon 2 (9), but they both heard the Inkantation when Max was 7. Max was raised to become an high ranking engineer like his father and his mother was an Elite Octoling Soldier who was reported MIA 3 months after the first Great Zapfish raid and 3 months after Max and Mr. Delta heard the Inkantaion. This event led to Mr. Delta wanting to wait to see if his wife would somehow return so his whole family could escape and it led to Max building a grudge against the society he was born in because of how long it took for it to tell him his mom is missing (AKA, this is all set up for what I hope becomes a really interesting and fun character arc for the Story Mode, DON'T SAY ANYTHING I'LL REWORK IT IF I HAVE TO THIS IS BASICALLY ALL BETA). He will never know what happens to his mother, but hopes against hope that she's somehow still out there and will find her way back to him. Max during his first year or so on the surface ends up finding an abandoned Salmonid egg. His instinct to protect came over and raised the egg until it hatched into a Smallfry, which he named him Salt. Salt is 'no thoughts, head empty' at all times and goes limp whenever Max carries him in his arms. He does this a lot. Salt also just goes limp anyway, looking like a dopey plush. He also 'bleps' a lot, which Max finds adorable.
Up next is Max's best friend, Julian 'Jules' Lewis, headstrong and loyal to a fault! Jules was practically raised alongside Max and are basically brothers. Jules in Octarian society was being raised to become a soldier, and was quite the prodigy as well, the only thing holding him back at the time was age and the inability to shift properly. His mother was a weapon producer, as she was unable to become an Elite Soldier due to an accident that left her left eye blind and left ear deaf. Jules's father was never present in his life, as he was the product of a one night stand. Jules didn't end up hearing the Inkantaion until he was 9 years old, during Splatoon 2. He only heard of the song through Max, but hearing the song himself was a completely different experience. He wanted to go with Max. It took much convincing to get his mother to go along with them, but she eventually agreed for her son. When the two boys turned 14, the two moved into an apartment together in Splatsville to being their Turfing careers. Jules ends up becoming the captain and strategist of Hue Havoc, with him and Max becoming the founders.
The first new friend the Octolings meet is an Inkling their age named Nicki 'Nick' Eris! At first glance, Nick appears to be a very cute and friendly face, but that is only a façade. She's an Inkling who causes chaos on purpose and is terrifying on the battlefield with her blaster game. It was chance for the young Octolings and Nick to meet, but the two immediately wanted to become friends with her after a couple of Turf War matches with her. She'd never been friends with Octolings before, but she agreed on the premise that it might be fun for awhile. Turns out, the boy's reactions and interactions with her have been 100% genuine and all because of her skill. Her appearance never factored into any decision they made. She has never met anyone who didn't want to try an take advantage of her outward femininity (what started her toying with people in the first place), so to meet these two who are so genuine, she thought they were naïve at first. The friendship she has with those two is something she cherishes, but she'd be caught dead rather than admit that out loud.
Finally, we have Atlas 'Atti' Tide, a 14 year old Inkling with not a single ounce of respect for those above her. All her life, she has constantly been told what she needed to do and what she needed to be. Her reaction to that was "That can all go to hell!" She forges her own path with her bare hands. That first step began with buying a ticket to the heart of Splatsville to make a name for herself, and herself alone. She met the trio at the Tableturf Dojo and destroyed all three of them at it. Frustrated, Jules challenged Atti to a private one on one Splat Zones match. Atti, having to play clever, managed to pull a victory, but fully acknowledged that Jules is terrifying to fight ("It's like fighting a trained soldier!" "...Hahaha... Yeah.....") and Jules did the same. Her energetic gall was a perfect fit for the team, and Hue Havoc came into the spotlight.
THAT TOOK SO FREAKING LONG OKAY BRAIN. Seriously, if you decided to read all of that, give yourself a cookie because OMG EVEN I WASN'T EXPECTING TO WRITE THAT MUCH THAT TOOK ACTUAL HOURS!
...But yeah, these are my Splatoon OCs :D
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mizutori-heiko · 3 years
Mizutori’s bakudeku fanfiction master list [complete works]
Really really good writing by these incredible authors. In no particular order! These are all Top!Bakugou and Bottom!Deku. If A/B/O dynamics then it’s Alpha!Bakugou and Omega!Deku. Yes, I have preferences.
Canon World – until 15k
What The Fuck Did You Just Call Me? by reading_raindrop | 8,303 | Izuku starts calling him Bakugou and it pisses the explosive teen off a lot more than he thought it would.
Oh right, you were a little sh*t by SaysiWrites | 5,653 | When Midoriya Izuku gets hit by an age-reversion Quirk, the last thing anyone expected to find out is that Toddler-Izuku is a little shit. Except for one Bakugou Katsuki, who has seen this phase one too many times already. (Bonus+ the entire Little Sh*t (Kidfic) series)
Do Not Disturb by surveycorpsjean | 10,010 | Apply enough force, and something is bound to break.
And Atlas fell by supercrunch | 15,185 | They move in together, after a while. Katsuki joins Best Jeanist and Izuku trains under Gran Torino. They still take comfort in each other every day, curl up in bed and kiss and talk about how life is going. Their live are tumultuous, after all, what with villains and training and rescuing people every week. It’s nice to have something certain. At the end of a day filled with violence and adrenaline, Izuku knows he can come home to someone concrete. It’s perfect. Being a hero is scary and grueling and uncertain, but this part is just right. And then, one day, a child dies in Izuku’s arms.
be loved by bonnia | 5,403 | The kidnapping incident leaves bakugou traumatised about being touched on the back of his neck, and midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands.
Big Protein by Mysecretfanmoments | 13,683 | Bakugou Katsuki has a thriving hero career, an agent to manage his famous attitude, and absolutely zero romantic interest in anyone. With the exception of his favourite health food joint refusing to expand to his city, his life is pretty damn perfect—so why does a viral video revealing Deku's stash of dirty mags involving him and Deku together turn everything upside-down?
Chocolate cake and resin preserved flowers by Anoksun | 11,396 | Izuku loses his memories. Katsuki struggles not to lose Izuku too.
Twin Stars by theperksofbeinglarissa | 8,435 | When Deku saves a woman's life, her quirk is accidentally activated. Her quirk? She reveals a person's soulmate. A star-shaped mark appears on Midoriya's left arm... and on Bakugou's as well. Kirishima is the only one who knows that Bakugou is Midoriya's soulmate, and Bakugou isn't taking the news very well. Can the twin stars of class 1-A work out their differences and find their happy ending?
Unhealthy Fixations by Thesis | 12,522 | Izuku is an adult who knows better than to crush on his childhood bully. AND YET.
Like the Moon by osakakitty | 14,781 | Katsuki Bakugo is having constant, erotic dreams about Izuku Midoriya. He isn’t sure why, but they won’t go away. In order to make them stop, he needs to figure out what Izuku Midoriya means to him.
Worth a Second Shot by cinnabee | 13,080 | Katsuki and Izuku celebrate registering as a Hero Duo together with a big party. What could go wrong?
Like Something Out of A Shoujo Manga by Merrywetherweather | 2,971 | Deku ends up in a rather interesting quirk accident, one that triggers flag events as if he were the protagonist of an otome game.
Canon World – 15k++
Blood Moon by lalazee | 94,860 | The Thank-Fuck-We-Aren’t-Dead Sex had started then, and had never really stopped. Then came the feelings and the fights. The ego, the pride, the jealousy. And then there was Us.
The Way You Used To Do by edema_ruh | 669,463 | During a battle, Midoriya gets hit by a villain whose quirk detaches his soul from his body. Stuck in a ghost-like state, the boy enters a race against time in order to save himself from permanently dying. Much to his luck - or lack of it -, the only person who can see and talk to him in this state is no one other than Kacchan.
Just Like Breathing by MD_Daydreamer | 35,423 | Izuku got engaged. He didn't mind. If that made Uraraka happy, he could do it. He thought his life wouldn't change much.But then, Kacchan went to live in the USA.
briar roses (and hundred years of sleep) by vannral | 15,951 | In which Izuku is hit by a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Quirk, Class 3-A tries to find his True Love and get them to kiss him, and Katsuki’s very angry about it all.
"what's your type?" by sapphicflower | 20,192 | In order to increase their popularity rankings as up and coming pro heroes, Izuku and Katsuki participate in the most popular late night talk show for hero duos - ‘Heroes Rising!’. They’re killing it, obviously, because they know each other from inside and out. Until one question stumps the two of them: “What is your hero partner’s type?”
and it was Just Right by cinnabee | 23,759 | Katsuki spends two years post-graduation in a furious one-sided competition with his childhood friend and rival's promotional photos - until they finally run into each other, and, well. You shouldn't believe everything you see in magazines. A love story about size differences.
Notice Me, Nerd by useless_donut | 40,000 | Bakugou is in love with Midoriya. He doesn’t hide it, in fact it’s so painfully obvious that the entire class of 3-A has him figured out in a matter of months (days, in some cases). Too bad Midoriya is the most oblivious motherfucker out there, and Bakugou is too damn stubborn to actually ask him out. A love story as witnessed by the class of 3-A.
in your dreams, nerd! by sapphicflower | 37,639 | In a strange and unexpected set of circumstances, Izuku and Katsuki find themselves sharing their dreams together whenever they happen to fall asleep at the same time. Being hopelessly in love with each other, they don’t mind it all that much. What better way to spend time with your crush than in a stupidly vivid dream?
Hear Me by my_name_is_Levi | 22,419 | It wasn’t as if nightmares were uncommon for the freshman class of Yuuei. They’d seen plenty of things, heard and felt and witnessed enough travesty in their lives to last them a lifetime. But Midoriya Izuku was screaming, and no one, not even Bakugo Katsuki could ignore it.
Bridges by supercrunch | 18,018 | Bakugou is signed up for a Calvin Klein modeling gig. The thing is, they really do need the money. And Katsuki's technically the leader of this bunch of morons, so he finds himself taking the job even though his pride will never recover. And even though nobody thought to tell him that he'd be working with his ex-boyfriend. You know, the cute freckled guy from high school who went and broke his heart. So, yeah. This whole situation kind of sucks.
objective truth by mamalade | 15,390 | Izuku gets hit with a truth quirk, as one does. He seems to be handling it well—until Katsuki shows up.
catharsis by dollcewrites | 15,071 | It's been six years since Izuku graduated.It's been six years since he confessed to his childhood friend; his classmate and his inspiration. It's been six years since he deleted Bakugou's number, asked his friends not to mention the name, spent every last effort of his heart turning off the TV and averting his eyes from the newspapers. It's been six, long, long years since he gave up on Katsuki Bakugou ever loving him back.
Here here, my friends and me (You are my familia) by Jeka | 128,832 | Bakugou Katsuki has made a great job of ignoring the fact that he is tragically in love with Deku, someone who could never love him like that and let's face it, he doesn't deserve. Now that he can't ignore it anymore, he has to find a way to keep his childhood friend and move on for his own sake. Or so he had thought, maybe he can have Deku, after all. Izuku has everything he always wanted in life. But suddenly he has to navigate the most important relationship in his life through different eyes.
Canon World – Jealous! 
Hands Off by SaysiWrites | 7,140 | When a new girl at school starts flirting with Bakugou, his friends quickly become invested in the idea of their friend experiencing love - even if he doesn't seem at all interested in her. What they don't see is Midoriya fuming in the background. But how can he get rid of her when they've spent so long keeping their relationship a secret?
Surfaces by surveycorpsjean | 25,225 | Katsuki has a new girlfriend, but something isn't right. As impossible as it is, Izuku can't help but wonder what it'd be like to be called Katsuki's girl.
Green-Eyed Beast by SecretKiwi | 4,721 | Everyone wants a piece of Katsuki Bakugou, but they should beware of the Green-eyed beast always lurking close behind him.
Green with Envy by Sol_Morales707 | 2,611 | Izuku Midoriya is not as innocent and pure as everyone thinks he is. The truth was he was very jealous and willing to do anything for a certain blonde.
Happy Camper by Arysa | 7,074 | Wanting a break from the stress of dealing with the rookie Pro Hero grind, a handful of students from Class A decide to go on a camping trip. Izuku's excited to relax and catch up with everyone, especially Kacchan. But, well, Kacchan's... Kacchan. And dating Kirishima.
How to stop time: kiss by Teddingtons | 31,693 | Deku finally asks Uraraka out. Everyone's supportive except Bakugou who can't even look him in the eye. Deku seeks him out after and is hit with truth.
What I Deserve by s_the_queen | 16,671 | When Izuku starts dating a student in General Studies, everyone is happy for him. She's super sweet and really caring. But something doesn't sit right with Katsuki.
Deku's Already Fucking Taken by asdfjkl129 | 20,704 | 5 times people don't realize that Deku is already in a very happy relationship and try their hand at asking him out, and then in Bakugou's unique and special style, get very firmly corrected, +1 time where no correction is needed.
His by sister_elric | 6,206 | Izuku would like to consider himself a pretty level headed individual. Sure, he had the occasional tunnel vision, especially when it came to training. And hero work. And Kacchan. But, overall, Midoriya felt as though he typically kept his cool. Well, maybe that was a stretch. But, at the very least he could understand his own emotions. So, it surprised even him when an unfamiliar emotion coursed through him as a first year approached his boyfriend, Katsuki.
Down the Red Line by MinervaHope | 7,804 | Izuku has been able to see the red strings of fate since birth. It's no surprise that his is connected to Katsuki.
Canon World – Fake Relationship Goes Wrong
how he should’ve known (and how it turned out) by vannral | 43,918 | In which Katsuki and Izuku pretend to be a couple to avoid journalists, the plan backfires magnificently because of course it does, and the act goes on. Includes feelings, pining, domestic fluff and jealousy.
Vicious by feelslikefire | 105,173 | Midoriya and Bakugou wind up in the very last position either of them thought they'd be in: Hero Partners. It's not fun, but they learn to cope. Their first big assignment together takes them undercover to infiltrate a cult, but the situation turns out far more sinister than they first thought.
What I can never tell you by Mikacrispy | 27,067 | After living in the US for 5 years, Izuku returns to take care of a concussed Bakugou who believes they're engaged. Now, Izuku has to pretend he's in a relationship with the man he's loved for most of his life, knowing that it's just a matter of time until Katsuki gets better and realizes it's all a lie.
Not-Dating by MiraChaDoodles | 14,290 | Katsuki takes Deku on a not-date to save his career, only to find himself wishing it were real.
we'll do the things that lovers do by ethereals | 29,544 | Izuku gets an invitation to Shouto's wedding and Katsuki is PISSED that he asks Kirishima to be his date (also he wasn't even fucking invited
Canon World – Friends With Benefits (?) 
Four Times Bakugou Katsuki Doesn't Intend to Sleep With Midoriya Izuku (And the One Time that He Does) by fallingraine85 | 17,601 | He hadn’t planned for any of this. He isn’t about to go delving into the ball of yarn that is Midoriya Izuku’s heart; he isn’t equipped to try and untangle and make sense of it all. He isn’t about to try to analyze how he’s feeling about all of this, either.... How many times can you repeat the same mistake?
We Wear Chains on the Weekend by surveycorpsjean | 35,086 | Well, in a day of revelations, it turns out that Izuku isn't as vanilla as Katsuki previously thought. Unfortunately, that fascinating discovery is overshadowed by Izuku's dumbassery, because he has zero concept of aftercare."Don't go to anyone else," Katsuki says, because screw it. He can do a better job anyways. Or; Katsuki finds Izuku on a bad drop.
Just for Now by Shiro_Kabocha | 48,135 | Katsuki's parents are out of town over a school break and to keep him from getting up to any shenanigans, they ask Izuku to house sit with him. What are two teenaged boys to do when left alone to their own devices? (Bonus+ the entire Just for Love series)
safe in the darkness by yoonskisses | 20,855 | Izuku and Katsuki had been meeting up secretly for months, with absolutely no feelings involved. Or so Katsuki thought at least. The dorm gossip about Ochaco and Izuku's new relationship seemed to set a spanner in the works for their arrangement.
Alternative Universe – No Quirks
Bluebird by EtherealBeing | 53,108 | Dialing a wrong number was no unusual occurrence. Everyone did it once in a while, and Katsuki was well aware of that fact. However, possessing this knowledge made it no less aggravating for him to discover — a full two minutes into his rant about his day — that he’d been venting his frustrations to a complete stranger. As if that wasn't enough, said stranger was also inexplicably determined to hear his story to its end.
Someone Borrowed by mynameis152 | 138,996 | It felt like hours that he stared at Izuku, coming to terms with the fact that a man, his childhood best friend, whom he hadn’t seen since their senior year of high school, was there in front of his very eyes. Then his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched before he uttered through gritted teeth the very name Izuku had longed to hear for years. “Deku.”
Dark Side of the Sun by Synnie | 51,598 | Staying up too late playing video games, Kirishima wasn't expecting to get an urgent call begging for help. Next thing he knew, he was letting his classmate Izuku Midoriya take refuge in his apartment - without consulting his always angry roommate.
Manage Me by Justaperson1718 | 10,756 | Izuku becomes Katsuki’s model agent.
Don't Set Your Drink Down by Crandberrycrush | 88,424 | With sudden clarity Izuku realized he had broken the first rule of going out. Never leave your drink unattended.
Livewire by pretty_rekless | 18,160 | Per Ochako's request, Izuku downloads a gay dating app in hopes to finally find a partner. Except every single one of his leads keep ghosting him or standing him up... That is until one hot, fiery blond enters the chat. Grindr/Tinder AU fic.
Drinking Watermelon by warschach | 8,906 | Katsuki works as a camp counselor, and Izuku is a boy made of summer heat and sunlight.
Precious Pet by Mikacrispy | 6,379 | When broke college student Midoriya Izuku found a job that offered lodging, food, and good pay for four hours of work each day, he thought it was too good to be true. But he called anyway. Turns out all he has to do is to be the spoiled little puppy of a rich businessman.
Our Eleven Summers by Dark_Mage_Ayumu | 34,472 | The first time Katsuki met Izuku was when he was eight. For the next eleven years, Izuku changed his life, and no one even knew. Their relationship was something they shared in secret.
sticky note crushes by ladyofsnails | 3,239 | Katsuki hates his roommate. The green-haired, freckled, artsy son of a bitch with his dumb pun t-shirts and paint-stained hands he can’t fucking keep to himself. Katsuki can’t leave a single assignment or paper out in his room because that idiot will just grab anything to draw on it. He’s like a shark that can’t stop swimming else it’ll die – he can’t stop drawing. Ever.
Don't Play Pretend by SweetSide | 10,103 | Actor AU: Deku and Bakugou get the leading roles for an upcoming TV Drama. They weren’t aware that they would be working with each other for who knows how long. It would’ve been completely fine if they weren’t exes.
97.6 FM by jamjars | 32,249 | Izuku can’t stop listening to the radio host with the deep voice who sounds like he’s stuck in 2010. It’s a harmless crush. That is until he starts calling into the show under the pseudonym Deku.
Read {between} Your Lines by greatcloudninja | 52,252 | Midoriya Izuku, up-and-coming actor, has finally hit his big break (...), Bakugou Katsuki, who has been acting for over twenty years.However, Bakugou seems to have it out for Izuku, leading to tension both on and off set. When some incriminating photos surface, the studio suggests (...): having Bakugou and Midoriya fake a relationship to get ahead of the rumors. 
I’m not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts by PassingShadow | 5,522 | Izuku is a professional cuddler and Katsuki is his new client that’s just a little rough around the edges, and needs a natural healing touch.
Alternative Universe – Quirkless Deku
A Good Old-Fashioned Tattoo AU by lalazee | 14,437 | After their paths had split, Bakugou & Deku meet again as adults. While Bakugou begins to repent for the kid he used to be, he also starts to prove himself as he the man he is now.
Call Me a Safe Bet (I'm Betting I'm Not) by WTTTD | 10,803 | He wished he had some sort of heads up before seeing Deku again for the first time after nearly two years, looking like the essence of a lazy Sunday, smiling and surrounded with brand new, adoring friends. It was a little fitting that Katsuki burned for him so badly. (Support Department Deku)
In Which Kacchan Has a Ruff Time by OneshotPrincess | 14,511 | Bakugou Katsuki gets quirked into a dog, gets adopted by an unknowing Izuku and generally has a very rough few days full of realizations
While You Were Sleeping by Belkacaramelka (annabelleg) | 71,197 | The one where quirkless fanboy Midoriya Izuku rescues Pro Hero Todoroki Shouto, gets mistaken as his fiancé while he is in a coma, and gets caught up in the most unlikely fake engagement... until his childhood enemy and Todoroki's classmate Bakugou Katsuki tries to catch him out, and they both end up discovering a lot more about each other than they'd expected.
Let Me Assist You Personally by Seeress | 32,806 | Izuku is long-suffering Personal Assistant to #1 Pro Hero Dynamight.Dynamight can't keep a PA to save his career. They all quit crying after a few days weeks. Enter, Izuku—with enough money problems to brave the jaws of the cranky beast. Childhood friend turned glorified paid slave. Somehow it all works out. ‘Kill them with kindness’, his mom had told him once. If that were true, Bakugou Katsuki would be stone-cold dead by now.
Smile For The Camera by kurokonekokilled | 19,179 | Midnight has a cam site, home to millions of users, but one catches Katsuki's eye when he goes scrolled through it in search for something to help him release a little stress. A live stream and the best orgasm of his life later, his wallet is lighter, and he might be almost as obsessed with this Deku guy as the cam boy is with him.
Just Like The Comics by brichibi | 24,935 | Where Izuku works at a comic book shop because that’s as close to a hero as he’s gonna get, and Katsuki plays the part of heroic ex-boyfriend who is good at everything except winning Izuku back... maybe
Alternative Universe – Quirks
Get on my Level by Mikacrispy | 92,273 | Bakugou Katsuki is a Pro Hero whose boss demands him to take an intern. Midoriya Izuku is a UA student who needs an internship. When the two of them are put together, they learn about what it truly means to be a Hero and what it means to be in love.
A/B/O – Secret! Baby
Home by Emerald2402 | 87,214 | Midoriya Izuku left Japan in a rush, moving to America without a word to anyone else. But then almost 11 years later he arrives back Home and Bakugou Katsuki's Alpha is furious. Fuck that, Bakugou is furious, because Midoriya Izuku, an omega he tasted one time, has been keeping a very big, very blonde haired, green eyed secret.
Those Under the Same Stars by PerpetuallyPerturbed | 325,553 | When Katsuki Bakugo left Izuku Midoriya five years ago, he thought it was for forever. He put aside dreams and wishes of the omega to focus on his career. He was going to be the best hero, after all. He couldn't have an omega getting in his way. So when he's stopped on the streets one day by a pup begging for help for his mom, he isn't prepared to face what he gave up, and what the consequences of his actions were. (Quirkless Deku)
A/B/O – Quirks
Mark Me. Make Me Yours. by decadentbynature | 10,062 | Midoriya is the only Omega at UA and he's been hiding it well but there's one issue that threatens to expose him: his attraction to an Alpha, Bakugo. After being told to give some paperwork to Bakugo, Midoriya lets him into his dorm room and is immediately overwhelmed by his scent. Unable to help himself, he gives in to his urges, only to be discovered by Bakugo but instead of becoming enraged, Bakugo decides to give Midoriya exactly what he wants
Claim Me by ScientificallySinful (VampireGaaraCheesepuffs) | 114,449 | Being an Alpha has nothing to do with Katsuki's success as a Pro-Hero, the same way Deku's Omega status hasn't kept him from becoming Number Two. Secondary gender doesn't mean anything nowadays and “mating” is an antiquated practice. So when Izuku, his rival, asks Katsuki to Claim him in the middle of the night, there is only one logical thing to say. “What the fuck?”
Change of Plans by Mikacrispy | 185,965 | Alpha Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki never planned to get married to some random omega but what he wants isn't an option anymore. One for All wielder Midoriya Izuku has suffered injustice too many times and doesn't plan in allowing his secondary gender to dictate how he must live his life. Falling in love was never in the plans.
Going Feral For You by ANGIE_fic | 17,977 | Bakugou has an aggression problem that might have to do with his Alpha. His job is on the line because of it. So what do you do with a pent up Alpha? Yes.Rut. (Quirkless Izuku)
i live for you, i long for you by jeonjeonggukkkkkie | 19,165 | The five times Izuku hinted he wants Katsuki to spend his next heat with him, and the one time Katsuki took the hint.
Baby's First Bloom by ContraryBee | 44,945 | Izuku blooms for Katsuki one warm day in their third year of middle school. What follows is both boys learning about themselves, their bond, and the society they live in.
As Fate Would Have It by ScientificallySinful (VampireGaaraCheesepuffs) | 88,737 | Katsuki Bakugo had plenty of reasons why he wasn't mated yet, not that he was going to explain why to just anyone. But now, Ground Zero was running out of time. If he didn't find someone soon, he'd lose his position as a Pro-Hero and he'd never get to be #1. So, when he finds out there's a male Omega recently arrested for prostitution that's headed to prison if he too doesn't get a mate…well it must be fate. (Quirkless Izuku)
A/B/O – No Quirks
Gravity by warschach | 71,477 | Izuku is back in his hometown and plenty hasn't changed much from the 8 years he was gone. Except, Katsuki Bakugou, the alpha king of their small town. He's hotter- because that's fair, right, God? -, stronger, a now-famous pro fighter, and noticeably nicer this round.Not that he cares, pfft. (Fine, he cares.)
Nine Months by greatcloudninja | 23,303 | Omega Midoriya Izuku connects with Alpha Bakugou Katsuki through an online singles ad. Izuku pays Katsuki to help him with his heat, ending up pregnant in the process. What follows is a pregnancy filled with ups and downs, but whatever hurdles come their way, they can make it through together.
The long dark by Ominous-Anonymous (Ominonymous) | 13,289 | He could have been really dangerous. He could be a fucking murderer for all he knew. But Izuku Midoriya, ever the reckless daredevil, was not thinking of that when he got into a car with a complete stranger. Completely ignoring the part where his mother always taught him to never gets into cars with alphas he didn't know...
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cardinalcry · 2 years
Do you have backstory for the entirety of CRDL or is it just Cardin so far?
For those of you uninformed, I made a canon-inspired backstroy for Cardin Winchester, since Rooster Teeth never gave him one, and I also expanded on where team CRDL was following the events of Volume 3 going into 'Cardinal Cry'.
Anyway, the rest of team CRDL:
Russel Thrush is the punk kid of the group, and was the first member of the team that Cardin officially met/befriended. An orphan raised in the slums of Atlas, Russel had a hatred of rules and authority, as he was in-and-out of juvenile prisons for stealing enough to survive. Described as 'insensitive and rebellious' by Atlesian authorities, Russel might have been nothing more than a knifewielding street-rat if he wasn't found by a passing Huntress. Sensing a kind of talent in Thrush, the Huntress offered the rough young man a sponsorship to one of the combat schools in Vale- an opportunity which Russel took as a way of feeding himself without stealing.
After Cardin left to join Ruby on her mission to Haven, Russel was initially slated to take Cardin's place as leader, eliciting an argument between him and Dove. However, Professor Goodwitch revealed that a new leader had been selected; Ciel Soleil, who had volunteered to remain in Vale after Penny's 'death'. Whilst Dove didn't care and Sky was just happy to have a new leader, Russel and Ciel butted heads on almost everything. Ciel saw him as a rebellious element to be disciplined for maximum unit efficiency, and Russel saw her as a stuck-up Atlesian snob who had replaced his old leader and was now bossing them around. However, Russel and Ceil might find themselves growing closer despite their differences and contrasting personalities, going into 'Cardinal Cry'... >;D
Dove Bronzewing is the smart one of the group, and also the richest. The Bronzewing family made their fortune supplying mechanical parts and pistons for Huntsman weapons, before becoming a contractor for the everyday soldiers and guards around Vale. Ozpin himself was a customer of Dove's mother, and the two had a strong friendship that likely aided in Dove's acceptance. However, while Mrs. Bronzewing was a perfectly friendly and kind individual (atleast compared to Jacques Schnee), her second son was anything 'but. Dove was always a cold, antisocial and obsessive young man, preferring to read books or tinker in solitude over making friends or engaging with class activities. Despite the urging of his mother, Dove remained emotionally distant, eventually only pursuing a career as a Huntsman to acquire the roaming solitude he always wanted.
Dove's coldness and aloof attitude left him uncaring of Cardin's reputation as a bully -even sometimes joining in if he saw a benefit to himself further down the line-, but it also brought him into conflict with the hot headed and impulsive Russel. Without Cardin around to tell them to "knock it off, you two", Dove and Russel's animosity has continued to bubble beneath the surface going into the events of 'Cardinal Cry'...
Sky Lark is the only obvious outlier on CRDL; whilst Cardin was a ignorant bully, Russel was always angry at the world and Dove was a little cold to others, Sky is actually a very compassionate and optimistic human being. Sky was raised in the deserts of Vacuo, and raised among one of the many nomadic human tribes that roam the many oases and sandstone mountain-ranges that make up that part of Remnant. Loved, cared for, and raised by a large and loving multiethnic 'family', Sky had a pretty good childhood, eventually pursuing the path of a Huntsman to explore even more of the world and to indulge in his wanderlust. However, Sky's greatest failings ‘lie in his intelligence and wisdom; simply-put, the boy just isn't all that smart, leading him down a darker path as just another patsy and accomplice to the bullying and schemes of the rest of his team. After all, he just thought it was all just a joke. Time and again, fellow classmates like Yatsuhashi or Blake tried to make Sky see just how harmful his blindness to CRDL's actions was for himself and others, but Sky just couldn't see it; they were his friends! They weren't like that, not entirely!
- J
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manunelle · 3 years
{Ikerev} How many kids would they have? {Headcanon}
I’m kind of creating this post to organize my thoughts, because I want to write more about this in another post where I’ll write about how they are with their children and how I imagine their personalities. Please be aware that I imagine a different MC for each suitor, so the kids exist in the same universe lol
🖤 Black Army 🖤 
Ray Blackwell
One boy.
He was adopted by Ray and MC at age of 3. His father was one of Ray’s soldier who unfortunately passed away in duty. Since he had no mother or relatives that could take care of them, MC and Ray took him in. 
He prefers MC over Ray, but admires his dad very much!
Sirius Oswald
oh boy
This man and MC had 5 children! :) 
I kind of enjoy the thought of Sirius retiring because he wants to spend as much time as he can with his family. 
They have three girls and two boys. The order goes like this: Girl ---> Twins (boy and girl) ---> Boy ---> Girl. 
Would name his kids after flowers. 
The kids get along very well! They are really protective of each other and of their parents.
Luka Clemence
One boy as well. 
His kid is really sweet! He’s really friendly and everybody loves him at school. 
Is kind of a younger brother to Jonah’s girls. 
Talking about Jonah, he’s the best uncle ever. Always brings gifts and gives advices about anything that is troubling the boy. 
He’s doesn’t have a favorite parent. He’s close to both!
Fenrir Gospeed
Had two kids, a son and a daughterl. 
The firstborn is the boy, and the girl is six years younger. 
To his and MC’s surprise, the boy is a magic user! They discovered it when MC was bathing her baby when suddenly he started floating and giggling around. Imagine Fenrir and MC screaming and jumping around, trying to reach their son, who is having the time of his life. 
The girl is not a magic user, so she causes less trouble than her brother. She’s friends with Ray’s son.
Seth Hyde
One girl.
She has Seth’s hair and MC’s eyes, and likes to dress cute clothes and to play with her teddy bear. 
She’s reeeeaaaally shy. :< 
She probably prefers Seth over MC, but she doesn’t make it obvious. Of course, she likes her mother very much as well. But Seth’s hugs are something else. :> 
❤️ Red Army ❤️ 
Lancelot Kingsley
The next King of Hearts is a girl! 
She looks mostly like Lancelot, but her hair shape resembles MC’s. 
She’s really carismatic and smart, which means that she can hold a conversation with an adult without difficulties. 
She’s a friendly and curious little girl, always asking about how and why things work the way they do. 
As a magic user, she’s really interested in Harr’s work and gets along well with his daughter. 
Loves her dad! She looks up to him a lot and is not embarassed of asking him for advices and hugs.
Jonah Clemence
Our queen has two daughters. 
They are only 2 years apart, so they get along very well with each other. 
Honestly, they have Jonah completely wrapped around their little fingers. This man would go to the fucking moon if they wanted something from there. 
Despite being spoiled rotten, the girls are really gentle and caring with those around them. thank u so much mc
Because the younger sister is shyer, Jonah teaches his firstborn from a young age that she should always be nice and take care of her younger sister. 
They love baking! Imagine the MC and her two daughter baking cookies on the kitchen to present the man of their lives later. ;A; so cute
Edgar Bright
Edgar has one girl and one boy. 
Due to her fragile health, his daughter, the firstborn, won’t be able to become the next Jack of Hearts. She always smiles and says that it doesn’t bother her, but she gets self concious when hearing adults commenting about it. She also feels bad for passing the burden of being the heir to her younger brother. 
The boy is calm and serious, which is kind of weird bc his face looks way too much with MC’s. He’s really protective of his parents and his sister. Loves animals, just like his dad! He’s smart and strong, but is really aloof. MC and Edgar are always worried about him bc he doesn’t seem to want friends. 
The girl is bffs with Lancelot’s daughter and Kyle’s son.
One daughter! 
She has MC’s hair and his eyes. She’s really pretty! 
She’s friendly and is always smiling. Since she’s younger than the other kids of the Red Army (Kyle’s second son is actually the youngest, but he is still a baby lol), they kind of treat her as a young sister, always hugging and patting her head. 
She’s really curious around everything. Actually, her personality resembles Lancelot’s daughter’s a lot. 
Loves watching her father training with the soldiers! At the end of every session, she goes running towards him demanding hugs.
Kyle Ash
Two boys. They have an age gap of 12 years.
His firstborn had a really fragile health as a child, to the point of having to take constant shots and Kyle having to perform different treatments on his child. Seeing their child suffer was really difficult for Kyle and MC, and at some point they even thought that he wouldn’t survive childhood. However, aroung age 8, the signs of this disease started decreasing and he got better. 
Kyle is still worried about his son, so he always keeps a close watch on him to see if those symptons will come back someday. 
Because they were always busy taking care of their older son, MC and Kyle decided to not have other children. So it was a big surprise when they discovered MC’s second pregnancy. 
Surprisingly, their second son has no health problems. As a baby, he’s really serious and likes to nap a lot. 
Both boys look a lot like Kyle. The older one looks the most, while the younger has MC’s eyes. 
Mousse Atlas
Has one son. 
The boy is a MC’s appearence copy with Mousse’s personalit copy. 
Just like his dad, loves napping. 
Naps everywhere. 
Once, when dusting some shelves, Luka found him sleeping in the Black Army’s library. 
How in the hell did this kid get here? 
He always goes missing. Like, at one moment he’s standing right next do MC and in the next second he disappears. Dude??? 
Actually, he’s a magic user, which explains him disappearing all the time and reaching things that are in a place way higher than him. However, he doesn’t tell it to his parent until he’s sixteen bc he’s afraid of disappointing them (bc he heard from some idiot that magic users are way too dangerous).
💚 Neutral 💚 
Harr Silver
He has one daughter. 
She has his hair and MC’s eyes. 
Since she’s a magic user, she and Harr are always excitingly talking about magic books and researchs. He also teaches her about spells and skills unrelated to magic, such as cooking and fishing. 
She’s really shy, and because kids used to bully her at school and adults ignored the situation, she has a really hard time socializing with people that are not her family.
Loves cats! As a toddler, Loki gave her a cat plushie and she is really attached to it. 
Gets along with Sirius’s oldest daughter and Lancelot’s, but I’ll talk more about this in another post. 
Likes to sleep with her parents. It’s hard to get up in the morning bc she is pratically glued to the one she is hugging.
Loki Genetta
One son. He’s the youngest among the 17 suitors (bc Loki is fucking 19 years old in canon universe, duh). 
The boy is always stealing MC’s attention, always glaring at Loki. Loki glares back because he’s a man-child. 
Actually, they get along very well when the issue is not MC, and the boy trusts Loki a lot, sharing secrets and asking for help when in need of assistance. 
His looks and personality are a carbon copy of Loki’s. 
Always follows Ray’s son and Fenrir’s daughter around. 
Oliver Knight
One daughter, and Oliver loves her so much!
She looks a lot like MC, both in looks and personality. 
Being a bit naive, she’s always getting in trouble. Thank god her friends are always ready to rescue her! Is bffs with Sirius’s second daughter. 
Boys love her. Girls too. As a teenager, she’s always having to turn down confessions. She tries to be gentle, but some people are just too bold for her to deal with. That’s when Sirius’s daughter and son (the twins!) enter and deal with whoever is bothering her. 
She kind of has a crush on Sirius’s oldest son, but is too embarassed to admit. 
Oliver knows, but doesn’t want her to know that he knows. It’s kind of tough to hide, bc when the boy shows up at his house he’s always fumming with jealousy. 
Blanc Lapin
Mister Blanc has one son.
He’s calm and smart. 
Loves tea parties! Dad’s carrot cake is the best.
Loves his mom. Loves his dad. Loves his friends. 
He’s a sunshine. Everybody loves him. 
Dean Tweedle
Has only one daughter. 
Her looks and personality are a perfect mix of her parents’. 
Sleeps only if her dad reads to her. Otherwise, she stays the whole night staring at ceiling with a bored expression. 
Is really smart and responsable. She’s the perfect “senpai” at school. 
Is bffs with Sirius’ oldest daughter. 
She and Dalim’s son look really alike, so people are always mistaking them as siblings. Dalim and Dean always get annoyed at this.
Dalim Tweedle/Dum
Has one son.
Just like Dean’s daughter, his looks are a mix of his parent’s, but his personality is a bit different. Despite being really curious, he’s really quiet and hesitant of asking questions aloud. 
Is a magic user. 
Sees Dean’s daughter as a big sister. Is always attached to her hand when they meet and follows her around like a shadow. 
Probably prefers his mom over Dalim. 
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atlabeth · 3 years
transferred part twelve - atla smau
masterlist | part eleven | part thirteen
this takes place about 2 weeks after the last chapter
summary: trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know that he’s falling for you as well. 
wc: 3.6k 
a/n: i’ve been writing bits and pieces of this since the start of this series so. enjoy. that’s all im gonna say lmao 
warning(s): cursing, mentions of familial death, mentions of abuse, some angst but also some fluff. this is kind of a heavy chapter because both zuko and y/n talk about their past, but there is fluff at the end. 
You pushed your hair out of your face and tried to blink the sleep out of your eyes, catching a glimpse of the time on the corner of your laptop. 
3:23 AM. 
You should’ve been asleep a long time ago, but all of your professors had decided to schedule tests in the same week so it was one of many, many late nights you had had lately. You thought that they would cool down because midterms were coming up, but BSSU professors kept proving you wrong. Late nights like these were becoming a regular occasion, and right now you just needed a break. 
The tea dates with Zuko were the only things keeping you sane. But could you even call them dates? 
It was the two of you, together, sitting and talking over tea for hours, and they were happening multiple times a week. In fact, you and him had gotten tea together exactly 9 times in the past two weeks — and that wasn’t even counting all the talking during your shared shifts. 
Katara, Suki, and Toph told you that they were dates, you wanted them to be dates, but there was a part of you that was so incredibly scared that you were wrong — that moving past that bridge would ruin the friendship that you cherished so much with Zuko — that you kept things solely platonic. No matter how much you wanted to kiss him every time he gave you that smile. 
But thinking about the complicated relationship you had found yourself entangled in with Zuko wasn’t a break, no matter how many times you had pondered over it before falling asleep in the wee hours of the night. 
You closed your laptop and grabbed your jacket that had been carelessly tossed on a stool at the kitchen island, making sure to sneak out of the apartment as quietly as you could. You opted to work in the living room, choosing to camp out on the sofa whenever you had to stay up as late as this, just so you wouldn’t wake up Sokka. Your brother had no idea how much you did for him. 
The cool breeze hitting your face and the shining stars in the sky were a welcome change of scenery from the lifelessness that was your apartment at night and your computer screen that you were sure was going to cause you eye issues later in life with how bright it was. 
You took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling the crisp night air, and started to walk. You were sure you looked like a mess. You were wearing some flannel pajama pants, a BSSU tank top, tennis shoes, and Zuko’s jacket.  He had never asked for it back after that night at the party, and when you had showed up to one of your hangouts wearing it, he told you that you could keep it — “it looks better on you anyways” �� so you did. 
There was something calming about the atmosphere. You knew that a lot of women were anxious about going out at night, especially alone, but that was why you had taken self defense classes. Being friends with Suki was a self defense class in its own, and it was very much appreciated. You allowed yourself to get lost in your thoughts, trying to give yourself the break that you deserved, when the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. 
“You know, it’s not safe to be out alone at this hour.” 
You let out a scream at the unexpected voice and whirled around, your fists already up to defend yourself. When you saw who it was, you laughed, completely shocked, and hit your hands against your legs, trying to calm your rapidly beating heart. 
“Holy shit, Zuko, you can’t just sneak up on someone like that!” you wheezed. You had no doubt that he only had good intentions, but for a second you thought someone was going to try and kill you. You had to admit, the scare was worth it to see the mix of horror and embarrassment on Zuko’s face.
“I’m so sorry!” His hands were held up placatingly in front of him and he let out a nervous laugh as well, but it did nothing to cover up the wide eyes he stared at you with. “I am so sorry, I didn’t even think about that. I- I was just up studying too, and I heard you leaving so I thought you could use some company- I swear, I wasn’t trying to scare you or anything!” 
You shook your head but couldn’t stop the smile on your lips, gesturing for him to come closer while you caught your breath. “It’s fine. Come on, walk with me.”
He fell into step beside you and the two of you walked in silence for a while, the only disruptions being the occasional car that drove by. It was eerily quiet, but with Zuko, it was nice. 
Both of you laughed when you each interrupted the other, and when you motioned for Zuko to go first he shook his head. You paused for a moment, the question on the tip of your tongue, before you decided to take the plunge. 
“I’ve been wondering since I got here; how did you end up as friends with—” You gestured around with your hands. “—this whole crew? It’s kind of a weird combination of people, so I guess I just wanna know how you became a part of it.” 
Zuko sighed and ran a hand through his hair, causing your eyes to widen a little bit as a stammered apology came out. “You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to-” He gave you a tight smile and shook his head. 
“No, it’s fine. You should know about my life if— if we’re going to keep living together.” He knew the moment he met you, the moment he agreed to let you live with all of them, that he would have to explain his past to you. Hell, your siblings might have already told you some of it — he could only hope you’d still want to be his friend after he was done. 
“”I.. I wasn’t the best person in the past. I was a horrible person actually, and I consider myself extremely lucky that I was given so many chances to change. I hurt people. Bullied people. Got into fights just because I could. I was just- horrible is the only way to describe it. But your siblings, Toph, Aang? They were all people that decided to give me one of those chances, and they’re a huge reason that I am who I am today.” Zuko spoke slowly, and you could tell that this was something he didn’t open up to many people about. You smiled softly at him and nodded, letting him know that he could go on. 
“I don’t know how much you know about my father, but he’s the CEO of our family company. He’s been this huge presence in the business world for as long as I can remember, and he’s responsible for all the wealth and fame that our family has today. And when I was younger, I idolized him. I thought he was the greatest man in the world, that he could do no wrong, and I just followed him blindly. He was the most important person in my life, but.. I was nothing to him.” 
“He didn’t care about his friends, or- or his family, he only cared about power. My mother left when I was young, we haven’t heard a word from her since, and- and I don’t even know if he cared. My father would do whatever it took to become as powerful as he could, and that meant—” Zuko’s voice was getting louder and he cleared his throat, trying to keep his cool. There was a certain hollowness behind his eyes, and it tore you to pieces. “That meant hurting anyone that went against him. Including his children.”  
“I have a sister, Azula. She’s a prodigy in every sense of the word, and my father used it, used her. She was clearly his favorite, and it drove me insane. I mean, I did everything for his approval, but he only cared about Azula. We had a good relationship when we were younger, but my father molded her into the kind of person he wanted her to be, and— and I was jealous of her. He used that against us, purposefully staked the fire of our competition, one that I thought I could somehow win. But we had both already lost the second we started fighting against each other.” 
“It took me a long time to realize that.. that he was abusing us. I mean, he gave me this scar all because I spoke out of turn, and— and I still thought that I could earn his favor, that he deserved to earn my favor! He threw me out of the house when I was thirteen, and I went to live with my uncle. It took an even longer time, but with his help, and the support of your siblings and their friends, I was able to break the cycle. I was horrible to them at first, all of them, and I hated my father for what he did, but it was probably the thing that saved me.”  “And Azula.. leaving her will always be my biggest regret. My biggest mistake. I should’ve forced her to come with me when I was kicked out, I should’ve done something sooner, because maybe she wouldn’t have turned out the way she did.” He swallowed hard, his voice strained. “I came back for her once I was stable, and I helped her get out. I helped her get a therapist. It’s been a long process, but she’s getting better every day. But not a day goes by where I don’t think about what I could’ve done to help her more.”
You instinctively reached out for Zuko’s hand, and to your surprise, he took it without question. You gave his hand a small squeeze and led him over to a nearby bench — without realizing it, the two of you had entered a public park that was near the complex. When you sat down together, you moved so that one of your legs was crossed in front of you and the other was hanging down so you could face him. 
“Zuko.. I am so, so sorry. I don’t think any amount of apologies will be able to get how I feel across, but.. you didn’t deserve to go through that. No one deserves to go through that.” You took both of his hands, thankful for the warmth they provided. “Listen to me. Are you listening to me?” 
He gave a pained smile and nodded. “Yes, Y/N. I’m listening to you.” 
“You are not who you were in middle school. You are not who you were in high school. Okay? Your father is a horrible man, and you wouldn’t have done any of those things if it wasn’t for him. What you did when you were younger wasn’t okay, but the fact that you have so much remorse for it today proves that you’re a good person. Zuko, you are a good person, one of the best men that I’ve ever met in my life, and I’ve only known you for a few months.” 
You were subconsciously rubbing calming circles into the back of his hands —  hands that were still holding yours — while you talked, but it was all Zuko could think about.  “I know you feel guilty about leaving your sister, but you did what you had to do to get out. You came back for her, and you’ve helped her get better. She’s grateful for it, Zuko, I know that much.” 
“Everyone else has forgiven you,” you murmured, staring deep into the fire he held in his eyes. “You deserve to forgive yourself.”
The silence that passed while you gazed into each other’s eyes felt like it lasted an eternity, when really it was only about a minute. Zuko was the first to break it, clearing his throat and looking everywhere but at you as his words tumbled out. “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to dump all of this on you at once.”
“It’s okay, Zuko, really. I understand; sometimes you just need to talk to somebody. You don’t know how much it means to me that you trusted me with all of that. And.. if we’re still baring our souls to each other, then I guess I have some things that you should know as well.” 
You bit the inside of your cheek; were you really about to tell Zuko about what happened? Most people knew that your mother was dead — killed in a drunk driving accident when you were ten — but you had never told anyone, not even your father or your siblings, about the full effect it had on you. But his eyes told you more than he ever could, and in that moment you knew it would be okay. You could trust him with something you had never trusted anyone else with.
“I’m sure you know that my mother died when I was young.” He nodded and you swallowed, trying to get rid of the sudden dryness in your throat. “It was.. hard. Really hard, on all of us. It was just so unexpected that we didn’t know what to do. We didn’t really have any money to spare, so my dad had to keep working, and I had to take care of Sokka and Katara. I was only eleven, but I basically had to take over the ‘mom’ role. Our grandmother came down to take care of us so we wouldn’t just be a bunch of kids living on our own, but even with her and Katara’s help, it was still hard. Sokka and Katara had to grow up much faster than they should’ve, even though I tried to shield them as much as I could.” 
“It was.. a lot. I won’t lie to you, it was a lot. Maybe too much.” A mirthless laugh hung in the air and you had to blink back the tears threatening to spring. “My mother was.. amazing. She was the only one who truly got me, you know? She was just this— this beautiful spirit in the world, and she brought light wherever she went. And when she died, it left this.. huge, gaping hole in my heart, one that I’m still trying to fill. I- I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fill it. I thought as I got older it would be easier, but i-it’s not. The three of us joke around by calling Katara mom because of how she is, and they sometimes do it to me, and I know that’s all they are, jokes, but some part of it still hurts.” 
You were rambling now, spilling your soul to Zuko, going into the most mundane details that you had never told anyone. You had taken away the dam that had been holding back the waters of your emotions for so long, and now Zuko was going to drown in them. But you couldn’t stop.
“It’s the reason why I didn’t drive for so long. I didn’t want to, I was terrified of it because of what happened to my mother, but someone needed to be able to take Sokka and Katara around. And- and as I got older, and I started going to parties and people started drinking, I never did. I couldn’t, I was always the designated driver, because I couldn’t leave that in someone else’s hands. I had to be in control, because if I let someone go, then it was like I was killing my mother all over again, and it’s the reason why I always have to be the one driving—” 
You paused to take a deep breath, and as you looked down at your hands, you realized they were shaking. Not just your hands, but your entire body. What the hell were you doing? You let out a tearful laugh, covering your mouth with one hand and shaking your head. “God, I am so sorry, I— I don’t know what got into me.”
Zuko’s eyes never left yours, his own glassy, and he shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize. Like you said, it helps to tell someone. A-and— I know how you feel, what it’s like feeling like you have to give up the world for your siblings. But you have to take care of yourself too. You’re not just what you can give to other people. You are your own person.”
He was thankful that you trusted him enough to tell you something like this about yourself, something that your own blood didn’t even know, but it also made him realize that you had always trusted him. 
Your point about driving. You liked to be in control so that if something did go wrong, there wouldn’t be any thoughts of what you could’ve done. If something happened, it was because of you and only you. And on your first day of classes, and many trips since, you had let him drive. It was something so small, so insignificant to anyone, but to you it was a sign of trust. 
You trusted him. 
“You’re shivering.” Your voice snapped Zuko back to reality and he shrugged, the smallest smile playing on his lips. 
“I wouldn’t be if someone had given me my jacket back,” he joked. You elbowed him in the chest and stood up, holding out your hand for him to take to help him up as well. Zuko took it and you ignored the butterflies that erupted, setting a steady pace as the two of you walked. 
“We should get back to the apartment. It’s late, and you need to sleep,” you chided. 
“You have bags the size of baseballs under your eyes. I think you need sleep just as much as I do.” 
“I’m special,” you shot back with a grin.
Yeah, you are, Zuko thought. 
The walk back to the apartment was shrouded in comfortable silence and intertwined hands, something that neither of you made any move to change.
Soon enough you had gotten back to your rooms — such a small apartment meant that they were right next to each other — and as you turned on your heel to face him, a shy smile played on your lips. “Thank you. For, uh- coming after me. For listening to me.” 
“Of course,” he nodded. The two of you stood in silence for a while, and then Zuko reached out his hand. Your breath caught in your throat as he brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and the close proximity combined with the surprisingly intimate act caused your cheeks to heat up once more. It was like you were caught in a trance.
Your gaze flickered from his eyes to his lips for just a moment, and you could’ve sworn that he did the same. The air between the two of you was crackling with unseen electricity, and before you could question yourself you were leaning forward. 
You felt him lean in as well as your eyes fluttered shut, and his lips ghosted over yours. Your eyes snapped open and you stared at him, your lips slightly parted in disbelief — he just kissed you. Zuko just kissed you. It was like time had stopped — and then it all came crashing down. His lips came back to yours with an intense fervor, cupping your face in his hands to get as close to you as possible.
It was bliss in the purest sense. You reciprocated immediately, tangling a hand in his dark hair, letting out a soft gasp as your back hit the wall. Despite how many times you had imagined this moment, nothing could compare to the real thing. It was passionate but gentle all the same, and the warmth that spread through your whole body was familiar — it was Zuko. 
Your mind was a jumbled mess. It was split a million different ways; one part suddenly very worried about how your hair looked, one hoping that Sokka and Aang couldn’t hear you, another that didn’t care, but most of them were just screaming about how oh my god you were kissing Zuko.
You knew your whole face was flushed when you finally pulled away, and the warmth of his lips lingered as the two of you stared at each other, breathing slightly labored. You tentatively reached out your hand and softly, carefully traced your finger over a part of his scar. He flinched at the contact instinctively, but you felt him relax and even lean into your touch. It meant more than you could ever say, especially knowing what you knew now. 
“You’re so beautiful,” you murmured, your touch impossibly soft against the cracked skin of his scar. “And you’re stronger than anyone knows. Than you know.” 
You kissed him again, shorter and sweeter than the first but just as tender, trying to memorize the feeling of his lips against yours as he returned it. You smiled at him and pushed your door open behind you, equal parts nervous and exhilarated about what just happened. “Goodnight, Zuko,” you whispered, shining eyes never leaving his until you closed the door.  
As soon as you were in your room you turned around and leaned against the door, smiling to yourself like an idiot. Your hand ghosted over your cheek, the spot where his hands had been, and you sighed dreamily. You had no idea how you were going to be able to finish studying. 
This was definitely more than a small crush. 
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perm taglist: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
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also i am so sorry i suck at writing kiss scenes dont roast me please
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thenovelartist · 3 years
Burned Beginnings, chapter 1
Novel decided to do Adrienette April on a whim. Each post until the end of April (or such is the plan) will have 3 prompts in it.
She also discovered she’s very rusty. Bear with me here. XD
1. AU
Marinette had thought she’d grown used to Chloe’s bullying, having to had endure it since they were little. However, with high school came a new name that became a regular part of Chloe’s vocabulary, alongside “hot” and “sexy” and “dreamboat”.
“And Marinette would never catch the eye of someone so perfect.”
Honestly, Marinette had thought she was over it, but on a particularly bad day, she’d snapped back at Chloe.
“Well, clearly he isn’t that perfect if he fawns over someone whose only redeeming quality is pretending to be pretty.”
That had led to a fire alarm getting pulled and Marinette left to blame for it. Anyone who tried to come to her defense was shut down, and Marinette had been suspended.
Which had started an all-out war.
After being stuck at home, wrongfully, for three solid days, Marinette had snapped. She’d decided that if Chloe was going to build a bonfire and poor on the gasoline that she would be there with a match. By senior year, Marinette’s record had taken a hit for it but Chloe’s reputation was in the toilet.
Marinette would take what she could get.
However, she supposed she hadn’t fully thought out the consequences. As much as she played with fire, she should have realized she’d get burned sooner or later.
And she did. Third degree.
We regret to inform you your application has been denied.
Those were words she grew tired of seeing yet came back from every school she applied to. With that in mind, she’d called up her girl friends to tell them what had happened.
“Hey, Marinette,” Alya had said upon seeing the letters. “Don’t get me wrong, I feel really bad for you. But… I did warn you—”
“I get it,” Marinette had surrendered, knowing that Alya was completely right. “You tried to warm me of the consequences, and now I’m paying for them.”
The girls had slipped into a moment of silence before Alix spoke up. “Hey, I can ask Max if he can do a little digging so you at least know why, yeah?”
Marinette had raised a brow but agreed. “Only if he’s not busy with his own college stuff.”
“Oh please, he’s too smart for college. He started up some robotics company in his free time and is already making bank on it.”
It took a week for Max to come back with a full report. Marinette had to give him props for working fast as he did.
“Hacking into the system was the first thing I could think of,” he’d explained. “In the side notes, there was mention of your attendance record and suspensions.”
“They were all wrongful suspensions,” Alix had countered.
“Doesn’t matter to the school,” Max had said with a shrug. “But even then, I thought there had to be more to this than just attendance. There were other students who had the same notes yet were accepted. So I shifted focus to digging up background on all the directors of the school. After hacking a few emails, I discovered Audrey Bourgeois happens to know a lot of directors or administration members in all the fashion schools of France. Considering the contents of most of those emails, it has become clear that Marinette was wrongfully barred from every school she’d applied to. And that there’s nothing that can be done about it because we only discovered such scandal through highly illegal means.”
“So…” Alya had begun, turning her attention to Marinette. “Where does that leave you, M?”
Marinette’s lips had pursed in thought. It was funny how things turned out, because despite her anger, she somehow had been peace with what she was faced with. “I think that the last place I want to be is in an industry full of liars and people who use their words to manipulate anyone they damn well please.”
That was how she ended up working full-time in her parents’ bakery. They never said a word about it, but she knew they were disappointed. Of course they weren’t mad about her still being here and working in the bakery with them, and she knew her parents still loved her more than anything.
But she knew that with as many dreams as she had and had shared with them, they were disappointed on her surrendering it all.
“Sorry, Maman, Papa,” she whispered into the empty kitchen as she plopped the baguettes she formed onto a baking tray. “Just give me a little time to figure things out. Seems like lofty dreams are a lot easier to crush than I realized.”
 2. Rebellion
A son can only bear the world of their parent’s expectations for so long. He wasn’t Atlas, but after a few years of acting like him, Adrien decided to dump the globe. To hell if it broke. He’d smirk in satisfaction at his father’s disappointment.
At the very least, the fact he no longer had the weight of the world of his shoulders made the far-too-common disappointment lecture easier to bear.
His strategic rebellion had started harmless enough. At sixteen with a rapidly growing forced modeling career, he’d given his father an ultimatum: he gets to grow out his hair, or it all goes. It had been shocking the amount of power the razor in his hand had given him. It was the perfect harmless threat. His father had been furious, throwing a fit about Adrien acting like a child, but after being gaslit for so long, Adrien had finally come to realize the abusive techniques for what they were. And he wasn’t going to roll over and take it any longer.
That day had ended with Adrien being grounded but ultimately the victor of their stand-off.
After that, he’d begun ditching certain events. He’d always liked fencing, so he never ditched those lessons, but attendance for his home-school lessons, mandarin lessons, and piano lessons had all been decided on a whim. His father had hardly been pleased by this, but to Adrien, that was the point. The lectures soon washed into one another so much that Adrien could practically recite the words that roll off his father’s tongue verbatim. He’d come to realize they were strategically meant to hurt. To humiliate. And as such, he’d stopped taking them personally.
Then came the fun part.
He got earrings. Honestly, Adrien hadn’t really cared for the piercings one way or another. In one way, there were a hassle, and caring for new piercings was a pain in the butt. However, they had been worth it to see his dad so royally pissed off.
Then came the ditching of certain photoshoots. There was a reason Adrien had held off on this one for so long: he cared about the people running the shoot. There was no reason they needed to be collateral in this battle between him and his father. After all, they were just employees doing their job; Adrien didn’t want them to suffer for his rebellion. With that in mind, Adrien had planned out his absences of these photoshoots. Again, he didn’t want to drag anyone else into his mess, so he had always organized a replacement model. Shoot would always go on, just not as planned.
And that was enough to drive his father mad.
It always put a smile on Adrien’s face.
The last touch was an unexpected one. He hadn’t even thought about going this far. Yet, a friend of his not only put the idea in his head, but gave him the art to go with it.
“Is that a tattoo?”
Oh, how he wished he would have taken a picture of his father’s face. The large black cat surrounded in a green, wispy smoke that wrapped around his forearm was truly a work of art. He’d had to think carefully about this decision, but in the end, he quite liked it.
“Yeah. I’m eighteen; I can ink myself if I want to. Why? Is that a problem?”
Adrien might be wearing a cat on his arm, but the grin on his lips was downright wolfish.
Eventually, it all had come to a head and blew up in his face. Adrien couldn’t say he’d been surprised. In fact, he had been fully expecting it. He’d already found an apartment to rent and had begun sneaking most of his important things over there before his father could kick him out. So when Adrien found himself kicked to the curb as soon as he was handed his general education certificate, Adrien had been prepared.
But mostly, he was free.
What a joyous day it was.
However, now that he was free, he knew he needed a job. Not because he needed the money, per se, but because it was time he started acting like the average adult. He never got to go to school, so now, it was time to pick up a mundane, first job that everyone hated but would “serve him well later in life”. Mostly, it would just be something normal.
The easy places to apply were food shops and retail stores. He’d work one for a while before deciding what his next life step would be. Chloe had been quick to offer him a job at her father’s hotel, but Adrien was vehemently against the idea. Over the span of his rebellion, Chloe’s behavior and attitude towards him had grown notably worse, and he had a feeling cutting ties with her would be his next step in life.
In the end, he’d scored a job he definitely was underqualified for. He’d applied partly out of spite and partly because ‘why not?’ He’d heard about this bakery enough times from Chloe to know the “cruel bitch who did nothing but mercilessly harass her” lived here, and that was enough to pique Adrien’s curiosity. At a bakery as popular as that, though, he hadn’t been sure he’d get a call. And when he did, he knew he would do everything he could to present himself as a reliable and respectable man eager to work, but he never thought he’d end up hitting it off with the owner.
Which somehow ended up with him agreeing to work at Tom and Sabine’s Patisserie.
Going into that job, he swore to himself he would do what he could to prove himself worthy. He knew there had to have been better applicants, so Adrien didn’t want to disappoint the very kind owners who dared give him a chance. Soon, his days were spent working hard while covered in flour and surrounded by bread all day. Well, bread and all the sharp and hot objects in your average kitchen.
He just didn’t think that would include a wicked sharp and smoking hot young lady that happened to be his bosses’ daughter.
 3. Game Night
“Mama, Papa, please go. You two hardly ever get out of the house.”
Marinette watched her maman put a hand over the mouthpiece of her phone while her papa turned to her. “But I’ll be busy that night. We have a massive order scheduled for the next day.”
“I can handle that,” Marinette quickly countered with a grin. “You know I’m a night owl, anyway. I’ll get it done, and you two can go enjoy game night with your friends.”
Her parents spared each other a glance. “Are you sure about that, Marinette?” Maman asked.
“Positive. Papa already talks to the bread too much, so he really should talk to people for a change. And while you have to deal with people all day, I know you want more than to just have short conversations filled with small talk. So please, go out and have a social life for once.”
With one last look, her parents relented. With a smile, her mother took her hand off the phone. “We’ll be there.”
Papa turned to her with a grin. “I was going to spend that time teaching Adrien how to handle those orders. I can leave teaching him in your hands, right?”
Her grin fell. Adrien Agreste. What the hell a washed-out model was doing working at her parents’ bakery was beyond her. Admittedly, over the last month she’d been working with him, the most she’d say is that maybe he wasn’t too bad a guy. Papa certainly sung his praises. But that still didn’t answer the question of why he was working here of all places. After all, he was Chloe’s friend and suspected lover.
“Don’t think I don’t see that look on your face, Marinette,” her maman chastised. She’d hung up and set her phone down already, fully giving her attention to her daughter. “No matter your personal feelings, you really should give him a chance.”
“He’s a good kid,” Papa said. “Maybe a little rough around the edges, but I can tell he really does want to learn and do his best.”
Marinette sighed. This wasn’t the first time this talk had happened. She remembered having a talk with her parents after his first interview. There were a few other people who were far more qualified for the job, but Papa said he liked Adrien’s personality and spirit the best. So in the end, all Marinette’s objections had fallen upon deaf ears.
She sighed. “Fine. I’ll give him a chance.”
With a smile that made Marinette loath to disappoint him, her papa patted her head affectionately. “Thank you, Marinette. I think you’d like him if you got to know him.”
Not likely. “I’ll do my best, Papa.”
“Really, Marinette,” her maman warned. “Unless you have a valid reason, you need to put aside your feelings for the sake of the bakery running smoothly. Can you manage that?”
Appropriately chastised, Marinette bowed her head in embarrassment. Maman brought up a good point: Marinette shouldn’t let her anger towards Adrien affect the bakery. Her parents didn’t deserve that. “Yes, Maman. I’m sorry.”
With a smile, her maman came up and wrapped her in a hug. “Thank you, Marinette.”
Marinette hugged her back. “No, thank you, Maman and Papa, for everything. I won’t let you down.”
Papa wrapped his arms around both her and Maman. “Thank you, sweetheart. We love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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feather-dancer · 3 years
Tales of Arcadia Fanfic Recommendations - Part 6
I do admittedly have things left to read in my tabs I’d normally prefer to clear out before posting one of these but when you sail past the 30 mark I think it’s about time to get it out my drafts, yeah? Most importantly means this will be out before Rise of the Titans comes and emotionally destroys us all.
Needless to say soon as this is posted I give it 24 hours before 7 starts, we’ve got some amazing writers in this fandom and there’s a couple I juuust want one more chapter before I feel I can recommend it. Hope you find something you enjoy :)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
If at all interested in my own writing you can find it here!
General Trollhunters
Romeo, Question Mark - Jim is figuring himself out and has a question for Toby though nervous of how he might react. Honestly the support Aromantic’s need when they’re either questioning or coming out, Toby is a gem.
By The Book - After his dad left changing his world Jim had moments in his life where he needed to wrangle things in a way he could understand them with some moral support along the way that wasn’t there to do it for him, just give a light nudge the right direction. Comes with light Jilaire fluff.
That I Could Fear a Door - Jim was pulled from the Darklands whole but you cannot escape the trauma of your experiences quite so easily. It will take a little time, a lot of patience and perhaps the right ear to listen but with it can come hope.
Lest Back the Awful Door Should Spring - Sequel to the above, Jim’s capture to be sentenced by the tribunal echoes his experiences in the Darklands a little too closely sending all his careful progress hurtling back in one fell swoop. Is it any wonder he chose a false freedom that Unkar offered?
Façade - The confirmation that Mr. Strickler is not the man you thought he was probably was not going to be an easy one, Jim’s thoughts sit ill after that dinner.
Fashion - All changelings take root somewhere in a human life before their changeling one succeeds it and Nomura is no different. She felt love she could not understand and the ache of loss will follow for as she meanders through this world by the Whisper Man’s orders and her own volition of needing to belong somewhere. She will try her hand with the humans and the trolls, paint the road with blood as much as indulging herself with the arts and even risking her heart until everything leads her to Arcadia’s doorstep.
In Deep Trouble - What happened in the Deep during Season 2?
Aftermath - Just after the finale of Season 2 the Market trolls are forced to run leaving their homes behind and follow the Trollhunter they had dismissed so many times into the great unknown before them.
Don’t think - Jim weighs up his options and attempts to settle his thoughts before making the final decision whether or not to go through with using Merlin’s potion.
Nocturne for a Trollhunter - Jim learns a new hobby that gives him another way to relax that doesn’t involve cooking, one that follows him beyond Arcadia.
The Asteroid - A rare 3Below fic for my lists if centered on a certain hedge witch and Wizard. The end of the world is coming but not by Morgana’s hand and Merlin certainly never warned Douxie about it so if this truly is the end then it’s the best time to bring your loved ones close so you won’t be going out alone. Yes it’s Zouxie.
A bright future so it seemed (but that light grew a little less bright) - Claire’s parents (Or more specifically Ophelia) set her on the perfectionist’s path early, even a little slip can feel like the end of the world
Rest, Master Jim - You might be able to escape the Darklands but you cannot escape the consequences of being trapped there for so long as easily.
General Wizards
Not Found - So why did neither Douxie or Archie find the two remaining changelings in Arcadia or bring back the sole Akiridion when Merlin asked?
Place of Power - A lovely bit of shameless Zouxie fluff in that brief period the gang was at Hex Tech before the plot came to get them.
Bitter Water - Only two of the old team remain in Arcadia and those were Jim and Krel, the rest having left to pursue educational pursuits and in one particular case kept away for Nari’s safety. For the Akiridion he is still here with reminders of his heritage and what it took to have this life on earth chasing him all the way. It’s always good to have friends with a listening ear and hot chocolate.
Together, Dearest - The very act of resting is a potential invitation for nightmares and Nari is no different but when once more in the waking world you will find you’re not alone, there are hugs available.
The Night Belongs To Us - Lovingly described Skraelroc fluff during their long hunt for Merlin and the strangeness that can be observed on clearer nights.
Nineteen Plus Nine Hundred, Give Or Take - 900 years is a long time by anyone’s standards but perhaps during that Douxie can figure out how to truly live.
Twelfth Century Wizard, Twenty-First Century Witch - The follow up to the above, when you’ve lived a long and interesting life things can still pop up in odd ways... Even if you haven’t quite mastered the sacred art of texting yet.
ERAS TÚ (It was you). | Tales of Arcadia One-Shot - Would you want to live forever if it meant leaving everyone behind? Jilaire.
the only way for us to go - From his rescue from the streets of Camelot to the eventual guardian of this realm, Douxie has come a very, very long way. Through the frustrations of trying to learn magic, the belittling of others, the faith of Morgana and the power of music his experiences throughout 900 years truly make him what he is.
lay down your head - Even the mightiest can be plagued with the not so humble migraine. Skraelroc fluff.
Merry Christmas, Doctor Lake - Some Christmas gifts are worth going all out for and getting your friends and family to help out to make it extra special.
Grocery Run - After the incident where Merlin dismissed Strickler for being a changeling it is time for an excuse to get out the house for a bit and have a frank discussion about their relationship, the future beyond the incoming battle and lingering insecurities of two worlds colliding.
Alternate Universe
Fashionista, How Do You Look? - An AU that very much takes the term very literally here where everyone is human, Skrael, Bellroc and Nari are fashion designers plus many other ToA characters we know and love are either in the industry in some way themselves or on the fringes because of their jobs/who they know. Sometimes you work with catty bitches and want to kick back and watch the fireworks you know? Contains friends to almost to enemies to friends to maybe we’ll get our shit together this time but the odds aren’t great Skraelroc. There’s also a Zouxie oneshot in this collection that was a gift for meee because of the corner I dug in the AU.
Atlas, Fallen - When a star falls from the sky it is a punishment so when Atlas suddenly finds himself amongst the humans he had observed from above for countless ages in a flesh body like theirs he fears his Mother is punishing him and unable understand what he did wrong. While trying to find his way back home he gets a crash course in what it’s like to be human making friends along the way. Slow burn Jilaire.
she once was a true love of mine - I put this under the AU section even though it wavers between that and not, a mixture of classical Arthurian mythos and the glimpses of the Camelot in Tales of Arcadia where one kingdom collapses from war another strengthens by taking their princess as queen. While Arthur might have turned her head once it is the sibling that seems to be catching Gwen’s eye of late as much as her thoughts. Morgwen but in the department of pining.
Pulled From The Ocean - AU doesn’t quite fit this one but it feels a bit more fitting than general. A little oneshot snapshot of Jim living with deafness and the contrast of one world that falls easily into supporting that whereas the other tries their best but it makes the slip ups sting even more.
you are a stranger here, why have you come? - Fate is a funny old thing, something happens a little bit differently such as a father not leaving alone and everything can change so drastically. Nari’s fondness for children strikes again and this time it involves a 5-year old Jim Lake Jr. ending in the Order’s care and their foray into found family. Somehow Jim is even more of a disaster and as likely surmised from the fact I write this trope myself I am very weak for it.
go into your local forest and you will find a friend and a boy - Toby was unlucky in the friend department and by the time he is ten he still feels miserable and lonely having to endure Steve’s increasing bullying all the while. This is of course until he finds a blue half-troll hiding out the daylight hours munching cans in the local woods...
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akari-hope · 3 years
I saw a post recently that was talking about how Catra & Zuko’s arcs were both very complex & well-executed, which, yes! Cool, I enjoy seeing favorable comparisons between the two, bc the opposite is FAR more common (w/ Catra & those who relate to her often being the target of contempt.) But then the OP said, “Unlike Zuko, who only ever had Iroh - Catra had many people who care for her. Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio may not have loved her, but they have their loyalties to the people around them,
2/4  too. Scorpia, a constant source of love and care. Even Adora only gave up on her during the third season only” which kind of sours the post for me tbh. Lonnie (as much as I love her) is canonically shown to bully Catra. She’s apathetic toward her at best & threatening at worst, despite knowing that she’s w/o protection from SW or anyone else. (Hell, she capitalizes on it to assert power by saying just that while others flank her, illustrating Catra’s powerlessness pretty clearly.) Kyle &
3/4  Rogelio were shown as indifferent to her as well. That’s why Lonnie’s, “We were your friends!” line never sat right w/ me- she’s undermined & threatened Catra since they were kids. Scorpia (though I love her too) forced her friendship onto someone who was still wounded & violated Catra’s boundaries again & again despite her clear warnings. I know it’s common to call their friendship not only toxic, but abusive on Catra’s end (& I once thought that myself) but I have to revise that bc abuse is
4/4  predicated on leveraging power & dependence, & neither of them leveraged power over the other or was dependent on the other. I hesitate to even call it a full-fledged friendship. And Adora, in Catra’s mind, gave up on her the second she left the horde, so that point didn’t make since to me, either.
i think i saw the post you’re talking about, and my reason for not engaging with it was the exact same. i’ve never watched atla, so i can’t REALLY speak there (but i am consulting my roommate, who HAS), but the idea that catra had a huge group of people who cared for her is actually funny with how incorrect it is. 
at an ABSOLUTE maximum, she had...3. from the end of season 1 up until the portal, she had adora, scorpia, and entrapta. and even then i have trouble really saying that, bc while adora didn’t hate her they were still on opposite sides of a war, and her betrayal still stung. scorpia cared greatly for catra, but like you said, she was too forceful with it and catra was not ready to really accept something like that. and entrapta...well, while she was never cruel to catra (i like i imagine she genuinely felt a sense of kinship with her), ultimately they just weren’t super close. and like you said, the other cadets weren’t exactly super friendly with her either, with lonnie outright bullying catra. so it’s REALLY hard for me to say she’s got some giant support group. no one is really there to connect with catra, not truly. she’s very alone.
to my understanding of atla, uncle iroh is a figure who is incredibly supportive of zuko. like, completely so. and he always has been. which...catra really just does NOT have a relationship that’s even close to equivalent to that. a long-term support that never wavers or falters, that is on catra’s side and understanding regardless of what she does, even if they do not approve...no, there’s not really anyone who even comes close to that. zuko may only have that singular bond, but the strength of it is what really makes it so powerful. 
and even if catra DID have all those other bonds that op of that post claims she did, the difference is that catra never thought so. zuko always had uncle iroh to depend on and the one time he doubted it, he was still accepted with open arms. but catra always felt alone, and anytime she maybe began to think she wasn’t, she was betrayed, or it was snatched away from her once again. she starts to trust shadow weaver in season 2 and that leads to her escape. she opens up to scorpia in the crimson waste only to have that betrayal come crashing back in her face, with the even worse realization that shadow weaver went running to adora yet again. entrapta trying to stop her from opening the portal, while correct, was yet another betrayal in catra’s eyes. and when she finally pushes scorpia away in season 4, she’s utterly alone. and again, while we have adora’s assertion of “i never hated you” in season 5, that doesn’t mean catra didn’t feel like that bond was thoroughly severed the entire time.
idk, to me it REALLY just feels like catra and zuko are not really comparable characters other than both being people who get redemption. i think it can be fun to put them side by side in order to see how two different forms of redemption can be executed, but the whole compare/contrast thing most people want to do (even though op of the aforementioned post was being positive about both) just doesn’t sit right with me. it always ends up being “who had it easier” it feels. it just doesn’t approach either character with the understanding they deserve.
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