#I have too many ideas floating around in my head so tell me which one to do first
vee-is-a-clown · 2 years
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Creations Dance
Danny likes to dance in the night sky while flying in his new ghostly form which is very ethereal holding glimpses of different parts of space and creations unknown, this continues even after he moves to Gotham.
The sky around him becomes his stage,
A stage that matches him and follows his lead.
Gotham has never had such clear skies, able to see each and every star shining brightly.
Twinkling in many colours almost seeming to dance alongside Danny,
Sharing his joy in their existence.
Duke had seen the new phenomenon that was Gotham's skies, who hadn't it was all he would hear people talking around him anytime he left the house, speaking of which were also discussing the same.
Bruce, Tim, and Barbara all researching to see what had caused the change, their bet so far was on magic but not sure who or what was causing it or the reason why.
He had seen the others also poking around seeing if they could find a lead.
But the most curious of all being Jason's new demeanor, ever since the night skies had changed he seemed to calm down almost seeming peaceful.
Which don't get him wrong was a great thing to happen but the timing of it all was too weird, honestly even Bruce was tense about the sudden turn around in demeanor.
So with everyone else occupied he decided he might as well go and enjoy the night sky, it was a very amazing view to miss out on.
He had discovered a new spot a bit far from home but it was quiet and private and would make the perfect spot to stargaze comfortably without being interrupted.
He had fallen asleep accidentally but something had woken him up.
He noticed that it was cold, cold enough that he could just barely see his breath in the air in front of him which should not be possible since it was almost summer, had Mr.Freeze escaped?
Looking around now alert he caught a flash of something up above his head.
Looking up he saw..light and darkness and so many things that his mind couldn't comprehend rather less describe.
His eyes shifted trying to make out what he was seeing, in the center was a being..dancing?
The being seemed to feel his eyes on them because in the next moment they turned to stare at him.
He could feel the weight of their eyes on him their entire presence focused around him radiating power and joy.
Continuing to stare at each other the only thing Duke could think of was,
"You're gorgeous.."
Duke snapped back realizing he had said that out loud his face warming, but the being in front of him seemed delighted.
"Thank you! I'm surprised you're able to see me."
"It's hard not to, you were dancing so happily I could feel it in my chest."
They-he? floated closer
"If you liked my dancing so much you could continue to visit me here to see."
" If you're okay with it then I would really like that, my name is Duke."
"It's a date then Duke! You can call me Danny."
God what was he going to tell the others? He found the cause for the change in Gotham but Danny seemed to be good, not a villain.
Well he'll keep it a secret for a while more right now he had to prepare for his date!
Duke sees Danny dancing around in the sky: "We'll have a winter wedding."
Duke seeing the Bats stressing and losing sleep trying to figure what's going on: "Should I say something? Hm nah."
Danny Dancing around in the sky while Duke is in the background being a supporting bf cheering him on with pom poms: "That's my boyfriend woo~!"
The bats for some reason arguing about each other's past relationships and crushes
Steph pointing at Dick: You're the one with the strangest taste seriously out of everyone in this family Duke and I are the only ones with normal taste! Right Duke!"
Duke " My Boyfriend is a Being/Ancient Ghost of Space That Most of the Time Doesn't Look Human/Humanoid" Thomas: * face sweating while he tries to sneak out of the room* "Umm..*voice crack* y-yeah."
I really enjoyed writing this one, I don't see a lot of Duke/Danny, but the works I've read are all so wonderful ♡
Just an Idea
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wheeboo · 1 month
this is such a random thought but i had this idea in my head of superman!mingyu who’s just a gentle giant in a big muscular body🥺🥺 an adorable coworker at a newspaper outlet that fights crime
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no cuz ik mingyu would be the type to apologize for his superhuman strength after punching the bad guy 😭😭 like my dude is just always underestimates his powers ITS SO CUTE AND ENDEARING NGL 😭😭
anyway here's a long ass headcanon cuz they gave me SO MUCH BRAINROT LMAOOA
superman!mingyu who looks so DASHING in his suit and he always likes to wave to the pedastrians when he's flying and watching over the city
superman!mingyu who besides using his powers to fight crime he's always called to help save some kitty who got stranded in a tree, his red cape flowing so elegantly behind him as he floats down to the ground, cradling the little one in his arms :((
superman!mingyu who while patrolling sees some thug snatch a person's purse, making him throw away the doughnut he was eating and flying off after the thug. he manages to retrieve the purse back and returns it to back to the owner... to you hehe. his heart may have done a lil leap once you gave him a thankful smile
superman!mingyu who struggles to keep his heroic identity at bay, thankful for the pair of glasses that he wears to blend into the normal commotion of society. he's almost been caught one too many times, and there's even a lil dent in the elevator from his hands at the daily planet
superman!mingyu who finds out you work as an A-list journalist at the daily planet. tries his best to be so friendly and charming around you--gives you coffee in the mornings, opens the doors for you, offers you a shoulder whenever you're stressed. just doesn't help that he's called into action at the worst times possible, but this doesn't seem to sever your little connection together :')
superman!mingyu who asks to treat you after a stressful day at work, and even offers to walk you home, lamely using the reason, "well what if someone comes up and snatches your purse? I'll be there to save you!" and lowkey regrets saying that afterwards thinking he gave himself away HAHAH
superman!mingyu who almost impulsively confesses his feelings for you at your doorstep, but just has to be interrupted and called into action. has to contemplate for a moment, before promising that he'll explain everything soon and rushes off
superman!mingyu who secretly hovers near you when you're walking home at night to make sure you're safe :(( and subtly guides you away from any potential danger
superman!mingyu who thinks he's just so good at hiding his identity, thinking that you don't notice the way he looks a bit disheveled when showing up to work or the way he even wore his glasses upside down one time... but you're very observant, more than he thinks
superman!mingyu who finally gathers the courage to ask you out on a real date, suggesting a quiet dinner at a restaurant he knows you like. he's determined to spend the evening with you as mingyu, but he feels the urge to just tell you everything because he trusts you that much, yet he can't get himself to
superman!mingyu who finds himself stuck in a bit of an argument with you one night at the daily planet as stress had been piling up on you on top of his odd behaviour recently, which you also bring up out of frustration
superman!mingyu who freezes when you claim him to be superman, your words hanging in the air as the two of you stand together at the balcony near the top of the building. even with his continuous denials, the determination in your features is hard to challenge
superman!mingyu who suddenly feels a jolt of panic as he watches you climb onto the railing, your hands gripping the cold metal as you look back at him with a mix of defiance and trust
superman!mingyu who watches in horror as you let go of the railing and lean backward, your body tipping over the edge in slow motion, his heart catching in his throat as he sees you disappear from view
superman!mingyu who wastes no time, his glasses falling to the ground as he rushes to the edge and leaps off after you. his arms wrap around your waist when he finally catches up to you, pulling you close as he slows his descent to the ground
superman!mingyu who can't help but stare at you in pure panic and worry once you reach down the ground, looking over your face for any signs of injury or discomfort. his face softens when he doesn't though
superman!mingyu who tells you please never scare him like that again, and kisses you in that moment, hands trembling as he cups your face gently, silently vowing to protect you for as long as he could <3
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darkmuffinstudios · 6 months
Was bored and decided to create a silly little one-shot of Errormare for @inkywellcrow 🤭
Who knows, I might get more motivation to make more parts, I might not haha
Baking One-Shot (Errormare) (1.7k words)
Dream’s birthday (and by extension, Nightmare’s) was only a few days away, and the two most dastardly villains of the multiverse were in the middle of making something for it.
You see, after many decades of struggle, the two guardians grew weary of the constant back-and-forth and had since settled on a truce; No more bloodshed and no more overbearing war meetings. After so long, however, the two had long since forgotten times of peace. It was nothing more than echoes of what could have been, as well as what once was… So, as always in their relationship, Nightmare decided to be the first to extend one of many olive branches that will occur down the line.
To show a sign of good faith and to celebrate the occasion, Nightmare had his boys come up with gift ideas that they would give to his brother. The dark king had hoped that, whatever the gifts may be, that the action alone would show that he intended to support this truce and to keep friendly relations with his other half.
But asking a band of miscreants and murderers was a bad decision in hindsight, and so after many, MANY days of brainstorming, he eventually caved to Horror’s insistence on a birthday cake.
Which brings us to the present…
“Error, you’re whisking batter, not pummeling it into submission.” Nightmare scolded lightly. He wiped his hands on the apron he was wearing, trying not to get too irritated at how sloppy of a job his partner was doing.
“This is stupid.” Error grumbled.
“Error— slower, slower.”
“Don’t— !” His body locked up at Nightmare’s complaining, and he drastically slowed down his pace to a glaringly slow tempo. He gave Nightmare a frustrated look, to which the king easily brushed off. “Don’t tell me what to do. I read the recipe too.”
“Uh huh.” Nightmare deadpanned, setting a metal tray on the counter. “You're also as blind as a bat without your glasses, my dear.”
“They would have just got in the way.” Error huffed. After a few more mixes, he decided that surely was enough of that, and he dropped the bowl into the counter with a loud CLANK. “There. Done mixing.”
Nightmare rubbed his temples. What was that method of reducing stress? Counting back from five? Whatever it was, it surely wasn’t working as well as he had hoped. “Please don’t slam the bowl down.”
“Mmhm.” Error leaned against the counter, dismissive.
For his own mental (and Error’s physical) wellbeing, Nightmare opted to ignore him for a little while. Once he sprayed down the baking pan, he glanced over Error’s work. There was still some dry clumps of the batter mix floating around, but he wasn’t going to correct any of it since he knows how much his partner loves to throw his tantrums. Besides, Dream has been a pain in his ass for decades— the least he can do is crunch on some raw flour to save him from future headaches.
Carefully, he lifted the bowl and poured the mixture into the baking tin. Using a tentacle, he grabbed a spatula he set out beforehand to scrape any excess, and quietly put the bowl down. He gave Error a mild look.
Error met his gaze and paused, looking to either side of himself. “… What?”
“That’s how you put a bowl down. Silently.” Nightmare said, his voice dripping honey and tar.
“Oh, fuck you.” Error griped, rolling his eyes so over dramatically that his head went with it. Nightmare couldn’t help but smile at how stupid he could be.
After making his point, he walked over to the oven with the pan. After opening it with a tentacle (fashioned with a cute little baking mitten), he placed the pan inside and shut it with his hip. Making note of the time, he finally allowed himself to slump against the counter.
Nightmare looked up at the ceiling. How the hell does Horror do this every single day? Willingly?? He couldn’t even imagine how difficult it would be to order his men around such a small space, never mind how destructive all of them already are. Just the thought started to give him a headache…
“So,” Error started. “Why didn’t you ask your uh…” He thought for a moment, his body glitching a little from the effort.
“Horror?” Nightmare offered.
“Yeah— the big, freaky guy— to do this for you? Doesn’t he do this stuff already?”
Nightmare sighed. “… Well… Monster food is magic—”
“Uh. Yeah— I know.”
“I know that you know—“
“Then why say it—?”
Nightmare turned and glared at him. “Just let me talk!” Error held up his hands defensively, glaring right back at him for a moment, before Nightmare eventually continued.
“Well, because monster food is made of magic, then cooking monster food involves magic too. It incorporates the chef’s intent, and can communicate unspoken feelings through each bite.” Nightmare idly messed with one of the spoons on the counter, staring at the oven glass as he spoke. “To put it simply, it has to be made by me. I may not be the best at baking, but he will understand and appreciate the gesture anyways. He is that kind of guy, unfortunately.” He scoffed.
“So why drag me into this?” Error groused. “I couldn’t care less about making ‘Mr.Sunshine’ feel any better than he already feels.”
“Oh.” Nightmare turned to flash a smug look at Error. “Because I didn’t want to suffer alone.”
Error stared at Nightmare. For a long, long moment. A quiet, high-pitched sound began to come from Error’s body— the telltale sign that he was starting to crash. “You’re joking.”
Nightmare shrugged. “Am I?”
Error grabbed the whisk from the counter, chucking it with all his strength at Nightmare. “YOU ASS!! I COULD HAVE LEFT AT ANY TIME?!?”
The king chuckled, letting the whisk hit his shoulder. “Of course you could have. You weren’t obligated to do any of this.”
Error threw his arms around, already hellbent on destroying the kitchen. He ripped the toaster from its electrical socket, threatening to throw it on the ground when Nightmare continued. “But you stayed because you love me.”
That got Error to freeze in place. He stared at Nightmare, bewildered for a few seconds, before slowly lowering the toaster onto the counter. “… Whatever.” He mumbled, stewing.
Nightmare smiled at Error’s obvious admission of defeat, finding himself slowly walking over to him. He stopped a good few feet away, settling on leaning against the counter once more. “You love me, and wanted to help me because you loved me.” He teased lightly.
Error bristled. “I will leave!”
“But then I’d be so sad if you did.” Nightmare touched his own chest, right over where his apple soul would be. “All alone… abandoned…”
Error huffed, crossing his arms. “Good! Feel bad!! Feel bad for tormenting me for HOURS while I slaved away in this kitchen for you!!”
“It was only an hour, dear.” Nightmare chuckled.
“NUH UH!! You’re wrong!!” Error scowled, swinging an arm out to the side and ripping a portal open to a random, unsuspecting world. He gestured wildly to the setting sun. “See!! HOURS!! It’s already growing dark!!”
Nightmare rolled his eye. “Mmhm.” He knew he wasn’t winning this fight.
Error smiled triumphantly, leaning a little closer to Nightmare. The portal fizzled next to them, disappearing soon after. “Apologize.”
Nightmare raised a metaphorical eyebrow at Error. “For what?”
“For being mean and awful and terrible!” Error demanded, counting on his fingers as he went.
Nightmare rolled his eye for the second time. “Mmmmmmno. I don’t think I will.”
Error leaned back, pouting now. “Asshole.”
Nightmare sighed. A brief moment of silence grew between them as they waited for the cake to bake before Nightmare sighed again, shoulder sagging. He looked at the clock hanging on the far wall of the kitchen, then back at the oven glass. The cake wasn’t rising at all.
“… Do you think he will like it?”
Error didn’t look at Nightmare, arms still crossed. After another beat of silence, Error’s shoulders sagged a little and he quietly responded. “What do you mean.”
Another beat of silence. Error didn’t like it. He turned back to glance at Nightmare, only to see the other have his hands folded against his chest in a sort-of self hug. His tentacles were curled inward on themselves, and Nightmare hadn’t looked up once from the oven glass.
It bugged Error. He tried again, softer. “What... do you mean by that?” Nightmare sighed again, a third time, and it was starting to get to Error. He shook his head. “No one hates chocolate cake. If I find out he does, I’m throwing him.”
“Not the cake.” Nightmare answered quietly, though he did smile a little at Error’s threat. The spectacle of the destroyer of worlds tossing his brother like a football was amusing, to say the least. He gestured vaguely, trying to find the right words. “My… message.”
“Message?” Error echoed, clearly confused.
“My intent.” Nightmare tried instead. “It’s… I want this to go well. I want this to be our first steps in making up with one another, and I tried to put as much as I could into this cake… I tried to not fill it with…” he sighed, the fourth time. “… with my lingering feelings of the past.”
Nightmare raised a hand. “I’m certain I didn’t, and I know this won’t make up for everything that has happened between us… but…” He slowly brought his hand back towards himself, back to where it was wrapped around his chest. “I don’t know… I lack the proper words at the moment.”
Not that Error needed all of the words to understand. He thought a little bit before he spoke. “That’s why you asked me to help you with this.” The dots started connecting more in his head as he turned to Nightmare. “You didn’t want to do this alone.”
Nightmare considered Error’s words. “… I suppose I didn’t.”
Error stared at Nightmare, trying to get maybe just a little bit more out of him, before turning to look back at the oven. “… I think he’ll like it.”
“You think so?” Nightmare’s voice sounded uncertain.
“Yeah.” Error shrugged. “He is that kind of guy, like you said.”
Nightmare smiled a little. “I guess you’re right.”
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guiltyasdave · 1 year
only bought this dress so you could take it off
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series masterlist • this is part I
pairing: Dave York x f!reader
a/n: I was on my summer vacation last week, and I’m suffering from severe Dave York brainrot lately, which inspired a vivid daydream of Dave taking me on a little trip and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I was planning to keep it a oneshot, but there are so many more ideas for this floating around in my head, so a part 2 miiight be happening. Please read the warnings, this one’s nasty! (it’s the murder daddy energy)
word count: ~10.4k (this was supposed to be a nice little pwp, idk what happened) (Dave was holding me at gun-point)
summary: You have been sleeping with Dave York for a few months, keeping things casual, when he suggests to go on vacation together. You’re not sure what to expect, but you agree, and Dave takes very good care of you.
warnings: bits of angst, dubious morality (Dave is cheating on his wife), kinda unhealthy relationship dynamics, age-gap implied, alcohol consumption, able-bodied reader, Dave pulls her hair, dom!Dave, sub!reader, rough sex, semi-public touching, sir kink, degradation kink, rough oral sex (m receiving), unprotected piv (reader is on bc in my head, but it’s not mentioned in the fic), dirty talk, Dave is a menace, spanking, choking, edging, spit kink, restraints, idiots in love, let me know if I missed any!
this is explicit 18+ content, minors do not interact pleaseeeee
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Your phone starts buzzing on your work desk around 8 AM. You just got into the office and are starring at your monitor blankly, nursing a to-go cup of too expensive coffee and questioning your life choices. A regular Tuesday really.
You groan and flick your eyes down to your phone, your mind way too exhausted to deal with whoever is trying to contact you right now. You read the name on the screen and do a double take, your tiredness immediately forgotten. You hastily grab the device and press the green button to accept the call.
“Hey,” you say, trying your best not to sound just as eager as you suddenly feel. He doesn’t need to know the effect a simple call from him has on you.
“Good morning, sweetheart. What took you so long to answer, huh?” his voice sounds in your ear, calm and composed as always, but with a hint of teasing. You bite your lip, thankful that he can’t see how just hearing him speak has a blush creeping up your cheeks.
“S-sorry, just work and everything, you know?”
You can’t help the little sigh that you let out -work really has been a nightmare lately- and he chuckles sympathetically.
“You poor thing. Speaking of work, I actually have a favor to ask you.”
He knows fully well that he doesn’t need to ask you favors - you’d give him everything he wants, without question. His usual demanding tone is lacing his words and you involuntary clench your thighs together. God, you’re down so bad for this man.
This, as you need to keep reminding yourself, married man, who lives the perfect suburban life with his wife and their two kids. He’s not in love with you, you’re well aware of that, and you’re trying your hardest not to fall in love with him either.
You don’t know what exactly is going on between him and his wife and you don’t pry. He’s told you that things between them aren’t working out anymore and that they’ve agreed to stay together and play happy family until their girls are older. You’re not dumb, you know that this is the kind of story that every cheating man tells the other woman. And you’d probably call him out on his bullshit, if he were any other man. Hell, you wouldn’t have gotten involved with any other married man in the first place.
But Dave isn’t just any man and he’s got you wrapped around his finger ever since you met in a hotel bar a few months ago. You had just been stood up at said bar and Dave had been on a business trip, spending the night there. He came up to you, looking more handsome than any man should have the right to, bought you a drink and had you following him up to his room in the blink of an eye, which led to sex that was easily the best you had ever had.
Now, Dave calls you regularly, mostly when he’s close enough to meet up, but also some nights when he whispers filthy things into your ear until you come on your own fingers because he is too far away to put his hands on you.
You like to think that he cares about you, that you’re not just the willing means to an end and that you can actually give him something that he can’t get anywhere else. Something soft, a person that cares for him and gives him the chance to be soft as well. Because they exist, those moments of softness, in between tangled sheets and laughs shared in the darkness of your room, his fingers mindlessly dancing over your body when he thinks you’re already asleep and his lips pressed against yours a little too urgently when he’s saying goodbye to you.
But most of the time, Dave doesn’t like to care. He also doesn’t like to be soft. He’s ruthless, his edges sharp like a knife and he likes coming at you hard. He doesn’t tell you exactly what he does for a living, but you suspect that it’s dangerous and violent. He needs an outlet, somewhere he can let his aggressions run free, someone he can control.
This, you can definitely give him. You let him take it out on you when things get too much, you give up all control to him, and you love it. And he knows that you do. Sometimes you wonder if that’s the only reason he’s keeping you around, but you can’t bring yourself to believe it.
So, when your phone lights up with his name, you answer, trying to conceal your desperation to hear his voice, the hold he has on you, even if you’re fighting a losing battle. And when he’s asking for a favor, you hum questioningly, even though you already know that your answer will be “yes”.
“Take the next week off, and pack a bag. I’m having a few free days, so we’re going away for a bit, I’m picking you up on Saturday.”
He’s basically giving you an order, not stopping to ask if you’ve already got plans, if this might be a bad time, anything. Do this, be there, stat. Because he knows that you will do as he says and you know it, too.
Excitement bubbles up in you, the prospect of spending a whole week with Dave, something of a vacation, from what it sounds like, is more than you had ever allowed yourself to even daydream about. This is not what your relationship is about, it’s not what you do. Except that… apparently it is?
“I- okay, yes. That- that sounds great, Dave.” Your delight at his proposal is clear in your voice. “Where are we going? What do I need to pack? Do I need to prepare anything?”
He chuckles again and you can picture him shaking his head.
“No doll, don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Just bring your passport and pack for warm weather. And, sweetheart?” His voice drops an octave and he’s basically purring in your ear. “The sluttier, the better.”
He hangs up without waiting for your answer. You’re left to spend the rest of your workday in a daze, your panties soaked and your head busy with already cataloguing your entire closet and which things you’ll pack.
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The days pass you by in weird chunks of time. On one hand, you can’t wait for Saturday, while on the other hand, you feel terribly unprepared, causing anxiety to creep up on you several times throughout the week. Every vacation you’ve ever been on has been meticulously organized and planned out by yourself and the lack of knowledge that you’re dealing with right now is entirely foreign to you.
What if you need a certain vaccine for wherever you’re going and you don’t have it? What if the flight has an early check-in that you need to take care of? Has Dave booked a hotel? How are the reviews? What do you need to prepare for?
The nervous urge to be ready for every kind of situation that you can’t satisfy right now is threatening to drive you crazy and you need to remind yourself more than once that this is Dave that you’re dealing with. Not one of your ex-boyfriends that would’ve come up with some half-assed plan that lacked in several vital points and required you to take care of things yourself eventually.
Dave is even more thorough than you, he doesn’t leave anything up to chance and he doesn’t forget things. You’re still reeling from the mere fact that he’s planning to take you away for a whole week. You’ve never spent that much uninterrupted time together and you honestly hadn’t thought that he would want to. This is couple stuff. And you’re not a couple. You’re just someone he sleeps with occasionally. You need to remember at least that.
You have texted him a few times, trying to get more information about the trip, but he hasn’t budged. You only manage to find out that he’ll come pick you up Saturday morning and that you’ll be gone for a whole week. And that you should pack a lot of bikinis.
“You make sure you’ll look good for me, and I’ll take care of the rest,” his text read. Followed up by a stern, “Stop worrying.”
You try taking his words to heart and get prepared in the one way you can: Buying lots of skimpy dresses and bikinis. You vividly picture him taking them off of you and it works. You do stop worrying.
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Saturday finally rolls around and you’re ready, suitcase fully packed and dressed in a skirt so short that it will probably have you freezing your ass off on the airplane, but you can hardly bring yourself to care.
His taxi finally pulls up to your apartment building and he jumps out to meet you while the driver loads in your suitcase. You can’t help the giddy smile that’s on your face when Dave’s arms envelop you and your lips are on his before he even gets a greeting out. He chuckles as he kisses you softly, one of his hands cupping the back of your head, before he pulls away slightly to look at you. You’re breathless; the sight of him in his crisp shirt, the top two buttons undone to show off a sliver of his broad chest, his sharp jawline and those brown eyes trained firmly on you already enough to drive you a little crazy with need for him.
“Miss me that much, huh?” he murmurs against your lips, one hand still in your hair while the other one trails down to the hem of your skirt and skims the backside of your thighs before he gives your ass a rough squeeze. You nod quickly as a breath leaves you, not quite a moan but enough to clearly show him the effect his touch immediately has on you.
“Desperate little thing,” he grins and adds a playful slap to your backside before pecking your lips again and leading you towards the waiting car.
He slips in beside you, his hand immediately finding your thigh again and gently rubbing against the bare skin, creeping below your skirt’s hem again and again as you take off in the direction of the airport.
You’re falling into your familiar routine with him, the first effects of seeing him and the flare of your chemistry with each other calming down a little and allowing you to actually talk with him like a normal person, not a lovesick teenager. You’re filling each other in on the few weeks since you last saw each other, the little occurrences that you wanted to tell him about but didn’t have the opportunity to at the time. He’s not much of a texter and you understand that; he’s busy with his job and his family whose existence you still need to keep reminding yourself of.
His large hand doesn’t leave your thigh once throughout the drive, keeping a hold on you that feels especially possessive whenever his grip tightens. At the airport he grabs both of your suitcases and purposefully strides off, leaving you to walk beside him with nothing but your little purse. It’s not a grand gesture by any means, but still, no one has ever taken care of things for you like this and your want for him is bubbling inside of you.
He drops your baggage off at check-in and hands you your boarding pass. You can’t help the squeal that you let out when your eyes find the destination and you excitedly throw your arms around him.
“Are you serious? How did you know that I always wanted- But Dave, that’s SO much, I can’t have you pay for all this, I-“
He shushes you gently, though you can tell that he’s clearly pleased with how happy you are about where you’re going. He presses a kiss to the crown of your hand and rubs his hands over your shoulders.
“Of course you can. I wanted to do something nice for you, sweetheart, you’ve been so stressed out lately. And I-,” he trails off, looking almost a little bashful, “I wanted to spend my time off with you, without interruptions, you know.”
You think that he wants to add more, but he doesn’t, his expression slightly regretful like he accidentally said too much already. He barely verbalizes his feelings and you don’t push it.
“Thank you Dave, it’s- thank you. I really appreciate it.”
You lean up on your tiptoes and kiss him softly, trying to convey what you feel but can’t put into words. How you’re not even there yet and it’s already more than anyone has ever done for you. How ‘I wanted to spend my time off with you’ has butterflies erupting in your stomach, no matter how hard you try to suppress them. How it has you wondering if maybe, just maybe, you might be more for him than just the girl that he’s fucking on the side because his marriage is shitty. How much you wish that you were.
But you don’t have time to ponder all this because he possessively wraps an arm around your shoulder and leads you off towards security control, then to the gate where he gets you your favorite Starbucks without even asking for your order, and onto the plane, where he lets you have the window seat and his hand finds its way back onto your thigh.
You brought a book to read on the flight but you can’t make it through one page without losing your focus. Dave’s hand keeps climbing higher and higher, alternating between gripping your inner thigh tightly and drawing featherlight circles on the soft skin, and the heat that had been smoldering within you since you first laid eyes on him today is slowly but steadily becoming too much to bear.
Dave seems annoyingly unaffected, his face as composed as ever as he asks questions about your book, and you know that he notices the way you’re squirming in your seat, and how much he’s enjoying the fact that he’s the one to make you act like this.
You’re in the middle of a sentence when his fingers suddenly move all the way up your thigh and brush lightly against the fabric of your underwear. It’s a barely-there touch, but you’re so wound up that it’s enough to cause you to interrupt yourself with a loud gasp. He retracts his hand the tiniest bit, still hovering between your thighs, and tuts at you.
There’s a dark glint in his eyes that hasn’t been there moments before. You know this look and it takes everything in you to not clench your thighs together in anticipation of what’s to come. He raises an eyebrow, the condescension written clear on his face and his voice a low rumble, quiet enough for only you to hear.
“Shhh, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want everyone on here to know how much of a slut you are for me, now would we? Huh?”
He pinches the soft flesh on your inner thigh roughly when you don’t answer fast enough and you bite your lip, suppressing the whine that is threatening to come out of you.
“N-no…” you whisper and Dave arches his eyebrow even higher, looking at you expectantly. You gulp.
“No, sir.”
A small smile plays around his lips and he places a kiss on your cheek. “Good girl,” he mutters and his hand creeps up again until he’s rubbing against your panties, which you know are absolutely soaked by now. Your hips chase his touch and he chuckles darkly as he withdraws his fingers, completely this time, until he’s holding them up to your face. You can tell that the fingertips are shiny with the arousal that leaked through the fabric and you feel yourself blushing.
“Lick it off,” he demands, and your eyes widen.
“H-here?” you dare to ask. His gaze hardens.
“You wanna talk back to me?” His voice is calm, but you can sense the tension that’s rolling off of him. You should be disgusted, both by his request and the way that he’s talking to you, but you’re not. This is how you want him, how you crave him.
You shake your head hastily, acutely aware that questioning him was probably enough to get you into serious trouble later on. The thought sends another wave of desperate arousal through you.
“Then lick. It. Off. I’m not gonna tell you again.”
His tone is clipped, his face a hard mask, but your eyes flick down momentarily and the growing bulge in his pants tells you that he’s not as unaffected by the situation as he wants you to believe. You train your eyes back to his face and hold his gaze as you lean forward and obediently clean his fingers with tiny kitten licks. His jaw tenses as he finally draws his fingers back from your tongue and runs them across your cheek, smearing the traces of your spit there.
A small whine slips out of your throat as you feel fresh wetness flooding your panties and he grins before he kisses you again, murmuring a “Good girl” against your lips. He leans back into his seat, his hand finding an almost innocent position close to your knee.
“Why don’t you read a little more, sweetheart? We’ll be there soon.”
He flashes you a smile that could pass as genuine but you catch the glint in his eyes as he clocks your dazed expression and your slightly parted lips. You nod dumbly and pick the book back up, but not a single word that you read actively registers in your mind.
You try catching glances at Dave, until by the fourth time, he pinches your chin between his fingers and turns your head back forward. “I said, read,” he murmurs into your ear. You know he gets off on this stuff, giving you stupid little orders. And on the fact that you let him. That you get off on it, too.
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Your arrival happens in a blur. Dave leads you off the plane and through the smallest airport you’ve ever been to. Your brain is still a bit muddled from the unsatisfied arousal he’s ignited in you and now you’re excitedly turning your head left and right, trying to get in as many impressions as you possibly can. You’re not paying close attention to what’s happening and you’re thankful for the way Dave is taking charge without question. You’re happy to link you fingers through his and let him lead you wherever you need to go.
He retrieves your luggage, walks you out of the airport and to a waiting car. You spend the drive staring out of the window, your eyes wide, taking in all the beauty around you. It’s like you’ve arrived in literal paradise. You tell Dave as much and he chuckles, lifting your hand up to his mouth and pressing a gentle kiss against your knuckles. The unexpectedly sweet gesture has you blushing and a soft smile plays around his lips.
The hotel is, quite frankly, insane. If you had been worried about the amount of money that he’s spent on this trip before, it pales in comparison to how you’re feeling now. The building is nestled against the foot of a mountain, lush green trees surrounding the front and the road leading up to the entrance, while it opens up to a small, private bay where turquoise waves calmly roll up against the whitest sand you’ve ever seen.
There’s glass walls everywhere, giving you an almost 360° view as you step into the lobby. You know that you’re gaping and Dave actually laughs at your expression as he walks you up to the reception desk to check in. You’re not listening closely, too busy taking in your surroundings and convincing yourself that this is your real life and not some extremely realistic daydream that you’re having while sitting at your work desk.
Dave finishes up and wraps an arm around your shoulders to lead you to the elevators, stepping inside and pressing the top button. The doors slide closed and you can barely think about the fact that you’re apparently staying on the top floor before you’re being whirled around and end up with your front pressed against the elevator wall with Dave’s hands roughly shoving up your skirt until your ass is exposed to him.
Your surprised giggle morphs into a moan as his hand comes down hard to slap it, before gripping the flesh so roughly that it borders on painful. He presses his body up against yours and captures your lips in a sloppy kiss as his other hand slides up to cup your breasts over your tank top.
“Dave- we can’t-,” you gasp just as the elevator comes to a halt and dings. He growls and flicks your skirt back down, but keeps you pressed against his side as the doors slide open again. Thankfully there’s no other people around on this floor to witness your surely utterly disheveled state.
The dark glint is back in his eyes as he drags you along to your room number. He stops in front of the door and turns you towards him, his eyes trained on your face as he stares you down. His voice is low, his tone calm and controlled, but somehow it’s more threatening than if he shouted at you.
“You think you get to tell me what we can and can’t do? You think that’s for you to decide?” His hand grabs your face, his fingers digging into your cheeks, and you whimper.
“N-no sir, I’m sorry, I just thought-“ He slaps your cheek, not hard enough for it to hurt, but enough to shut you up. Enough to remind you of your place in this dynamic. Your eyes flicker around hastily, your mind acutely aware of the fact that you’re in a public setting and that someone could walk in on this at any time. His hold returns your face, forcing you to look at him again.
“You don’t think, sweetheart. I decide and you listen, isn’t that right? If I want you to show off that slutty little ass of yours for everyone to see, then that’s what you’ll do.”
You nod to your best ability with his hand still grasping your face, mumbling another, “I’m sorry, sir.” You can barely think, the heat between your thighs almost making your legs buckle at this point. His thumb moves to play with your bottom lip and a cruel smirk grows on his face.
“You will be, doll. This is the third time you’ve disrespected me today. Looks like you’re in for a rough night, huh?”
“Yes, sir.” You can’t help the way you subconsciously bite your lip and you know that your desire is written all over your face, your pupils probably blown wide and your cheeks hot.
“Christ,” he chuckles and seals your lips with another kiss, “you’re a fucked up little thing.” You can only nod, prompting another laugh from him.
He steps up beside you and digs a keycard out of his pocket, holding it up against the door that responds with an affirmative beeping sound and a lock clicking. He pushes the handle down and swings the door open, holding it for you, a hand on the small of your back as you tentatively take a few steps inside.
The gasp you let out now isn’t fueled by your arousal, which is momentarily forgotten, but by your utter inability to believe what you’re seeing. You’re standing in a small hallway which opens up into a gigantic living room that’s probably bigger than your entire apartment and completely lined with glass walls, revealing a balcony and the shimmering sea several floors below you. You slowly walk to the adjoining bedroom that houses the easily biggest bed you’ve ever seen and a continuation of the glass walls. From what you can see, the en-suite bathroom features a lot of white marble.
You turn back to Dave, who has followed you silently and seems to expectantly take in your every reaction. “You’re crazy,” you tell him and he grins as you struggle for words. “This is- it’s so expensive, it’s- it’s too much, really. You’re crazy,” you repeat and he walks up to you to take your hands. His thumbs rub little circles over the skin and he smiles softly.
“As I said, I wanted to do something nice for you. You deserve it, sweetheart, you do.”
“But- but it’s-,” you trail off, mortified to realize that your bottom lip is trembling and your eyes are getting wet. You’re not going to cry in front of Dave, not because of a stupid hotel room. More like a fucking suite, your brain unhelpfully provides and your lip trembles harder. Dave quickly wraps his arms around your shoulders, his eyes searching your face.
“But it’s what?” he implores, his features displaying a look of such genuine concern that you’re pretty sure you’ve never seen on him before. “Sweetheart, do you not like it?”
You shake your head, trying to think of some way to explain that doesn’t make you seem totally pathetic. “It’s-,” you draw a deep breath, “it’s just- this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Like, ever. I just can’t believe you would- for me…” You trail off, not sure how to explain that you can’t grasp why he would be willing to spend this amount of money on you. “What I mean to say is, it’s beautiful. Just- thank you. Really, thank you.”
You smile at him and the relief is incredibly evident on his face before he pulls you into a hug, his arms engulfing you, one hand stroking you head softly. For once, his hands don’t wander down your body, he just holds you tight and you allow yourself to think that you could get used to this.
You feel awkward after your little breakdown, but Dave doesn’t mention it again. He lets you traipse around the suite to explore and unpack and follows you when you step out onto the balcony where you inhale deeply, enjoying the salty air and the view down to the bay. You think that it might be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in your life and you flash a beaming smile at him.
“You like it?” he checks again and you nod eagerly. “Good,” he mumbles and steps up behind where you’re leaning against the railing, one of his arms finding its way around your middle and his head resting on your shoulder. “That’s good.”
You stay like that a little while, taking in the scenery in front of you in peaceful silence, listening to the sound of the waves that roll against the shore and watching as the sun is sinking lower, a soft golden light spreading out across the sky and reflecting in the water.
Eventually, one of his hands slowly starts gliding up your torso. He cups your breast and his fingers graze your quickly pebbling nipple. You moan quietly and instinctually push your hips back against his crotch and the growing hardness there, which causes him to chuckle as he bends down to run his lips over your neck, leaving small kisses and bites on the sensitive flesh.
You’ve been riled up and let back down so many times today that you feel a bit crazed at this point, the need for him between your legs downright painful as you grind your hips against him and another desperate moan escapes you. “Dave, please… I need you.” Your head falls back against his chest and his other arm loops around your middle, pressing you against him as he tuts softly.
“So needy that you’re forgetting all your manners, huh?”
He pinches your nipple, hard, before his hand sneaks higher and loosely wraps around your throat. The anticipation of what is -hopefully- finally about to happen has you feeling lightheaded. You don’t care that you’re outside, that anyone could look up and easily spot you on the balcony, you would let him fuck you right there, as long as he just finally fucks you at all. You haven’t given him an answer and the hold around you throat tightens. Not enough for any real pressure, but enough to remind you of the power he holds over you.
“Please, sir,” you whine and he chuckles again.
“Not yet, doll,” he whispers into your ear and his hand leaves your throat, then he turns you around until you’re face to face. You can see that he wants you too, it’s written on his features clear as day, and you can barely fathom his level of self-restraint right now. You open your mouth, ready to beg again, ready to beg for anything to relieve the throbbing pain between your thighs, but he shakes his head curtly and even in your lust-filled haze, you know better than to keep going and shut your mouth again.
He grins at your obedience and gives your lips a quick kiss. “Good girl. You’ll get everything you want soon enough, don’t worry. Just gotta be patient a little more, okay?” You nod, and dazedly let him take your hand and lead you back into the bedroom. “But first, we’re gonna have a nice dinner. Think you’re gonna need the energy, doll.” His grin turns downright feral and a small shudder runs through you. “Show me what pretty things you packed, yeah?”
You hum your agreement and turn to rummage through the closet, pick out a dress and fresh underwear and wander off into the bathroom. You half-expect him to stop you and make you change in front of him, but he doesn’t say a word. Maybe seeing you naked would be even too much for his restraint right now.
You change into the dress; it’s one of the new ones that you bought only last week while daydreaming about how Dave would take it off of you. It’s a short silk dress, dark red and with an open back that basically only consists of a several straps that form a loose pattern over your skin, which is why you forego a bra and only pull on a black thong, a lacy, barely there scrap of fabric. You also redo your makeup, adding a lipstick in a shade that matches the dress and freshen up your hair, then step out into the bedroom again.
Dave is still wearing the black slacks that he wore all day, but seems to have changed into a new, creamy white dress shirt, while you were busy in the bathroom. The top three buttons are open, which is one more than usual, exposing more of his broad chest than you’re used to and you know that you’re wearing an expression of awe on your face. He’s so beautiful. He always is, he’s stupidly attractive, really, but it’s hitting you especially hard right now, in these new surroundings and with the prospect of having him all to yourself for one whole week.
He’s eyeing you as well, his gaze roaming hungrily over your body. You become acutely aware of just how short the dress is, how much of your naked skin is on display. You like your body, and you’re not ashamed of showing it off, but this place is fancy. You know you look good, but suddenly, you feel a bit awkward. “Is- is this okay? Because, I-,” you stammer a little, “I didn’t expect this kind of hotel and you said- you said you wanted slutty, so…” You trail off, biting you lip nervously.
Dave’s gaze softens. It’s giving you whiplash, how quickly he switches between the domineering, controlled, sexually charged persona that he’s displaying around you most of the time, and this sweeter, caring side. The side that wants to do something nice for you. He takes a step towards you.
“Turn around for me, sweetheart.”
You do, giving him a little twirl before turning back around and meeting his gaze. He looks… you don’t know how to describe it. The hunger for you that you’re familiar with is there, but it’s also something else, something… more. “You look perfect,” he assures you and you can’t help but believe him. Then he continues, “take off your underwear.” You blink at him and he cocks an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t want any panty lines when you’re looking so gorgeous with that pretty dress.”
You know fully well that the tiny thong that you’re wearing isn’t leaving any panty lines, but you also know better than to argue. The thought of having nothing to protect your modesty under the very short hem of your dress makes you feel exposed, a little uneasy, which is probably exactly what he wants. Always testing your limits, always looking to see how far he can push you, how far you’d go to please him.
You slide your thong off and make to toss it in the direction of your suitcase, but he clicks his tongue and holds his hand out towards you. You put it into his waiting hand and he stuffs it into the pocket of his pants. You suppose that he’s planning something and that you’ll get to know about it when he wants you to, which isn’t now, so you keep your mouth shut and step closer to him. “Dinner?” you ask softly and lean on your tiptoes to kiss him. He returns the kiss, his tongue entering your mouth swiftly, giving you a taste of how much he wants you, before he pulls back and grabs your hand instead, leading you out of the suite and back to the elevator.
It’s just the two of you when you get on, but two floors down, you’re being joined by an elderly couple who you greet politely. As soon as their backs are turned to you, Dave’s hand is under your dress, running a finger through your slick folds. You manage to swallow your surprised gasp, but flinch slightly, and you see him smirk out of the corner of your eye. He slides his finger up and down your slit, brushing your already oversensitive clit a few times, and you bite down hard on your lip to keep the sounds inside that threaten to spill out of you.
When the elevator finally stops, he withdraws his hand and waits until the couple is a few steps away from you, until he leans down to whisper in your ear, “Good girl, learned your lesson I see. Now, what do you say?”
“Thank you, sir,” you breathe, your legs a bit wobbly and your arousal already leaking out of you.
“That’s right.” He pats your ass in a sort of condescending appreciation and you follow him into the dining area.
The hotel’s restaurant is located on the first floor, a beautiful, light-filled space that opens onto a big terrace which seems to float over the ocean and gives you a gorgeous view of the sunset’s colors that have become even more intense since you left your room. You’re being led to a small table for two and you gape at the view, causing Dave to laugh at you again, but it’s a warm laugh, that feels like he’s genuinely happy about how much you’re enjoying yourself.
You try reading through the menu, but you know maybe half of the things that are on there, much less how anything tastes or what you would prefer. You shoot Dave a sort of helpless look and he grins. “Want me to order for you?” he asks and you nod gratefully, trying not to feel embarrassed about how out of your depth you are. He orders something, along with a bottle of red wine, which you very much appreciate. You don’t know much about wine, but this one tastes really good. It turns out that he ordered some kind of fish for you, that you still have no idea how to pronounce right, but now you know that it’s freaking delicious. You tell Dave as much and he gives you another smile that seems much too soft and overwhelmingly right at the same time.
Dinner with him is much easier than you had anticipated. Apart from your excitement about the whole trip, you had been a little nervous about spending an entire week with him, having to make much more conversation than you usually do. It’s not that you never talk, but sooner or later, you end up naked with him whispering filth into your ear. You don’t go out on hour long dates, maybe a drink at a bar, but no big dinners and extensive talks. Until now.
Now you know that he’s a great listener, making you feel heard and understood, never once giving you the impression that you’re boring him. You also learn more about him, about his past, though he stays vague about his current job and the situation with his family. But it’s nice, being with him like this. Another thing that you could get used to, but that’s also another thought to shove into some far away corner of your mind. Be thankful for what it is, don’t become greedy for more, you tell yourself.
After two glasses of wine and a dessert that you could have died for, watching the sun set over the ocean until the night sky took over, you’re buzzing with happiness, but also excitement for the next part of the evening. The whole dinner was better than you could have imagined, but you have also been turned on for hours, with the man that you want right in front of you. When Dave finally stands up and pulls your chair out for you, you all but jump up and flit to his side. He chuckles and looks at your eager face. “Don’t get too excited, sweetheart. Tonight isn’t gonna be all that fun for you.”
The dark glint in his eyes is back and you’re subconsciously clenching your thighs together. The simple thought of what he might do to you is enough to push the arousal that has been simmering inside of you to the forefront of your mind again. You’re amazed how quickly he can sink back into that domineering character that could make you do almost anything with a simple snap of his fingers. He wasn’t like that at dinner, he didn’t once give you the impression that you’re below him or that he doesn’t respect you, separating this sexual dynamic that you’ve established from other parts of your interactions with clean precision.
He leads you out of the restaurant, his fingers grazing the bare skin on your back and you’re once again reminded that you’re completely bare beneath the skimpy dress that you’re wearing. His hand dips lower, playing with the hem that feels like it’s barely covering your ass. Goosebumps are forming on you lower back and your thighs and he chuckles darkly.
He keeps playing with your dress during the elevator ride, his fingers sliding underneath and grazing your ass repeatedly, until you’re fully riled up again. You’re a little nervous now. He promised to be rough several times today and you don’t doubt that he will. You’re excited as well, you want him rough, crave his control over you, but still…
He takes out the key card and opens the door as you follow him quietly, waiting for instructions. You can feel the tension rolling off of him. As soon as the door clicks shut, he’s on you, crowding you back against it, his hands grabbing your wrists and pulling them up above your head while he leans down to capture your waiting lips.
The kiss is messy, all teeth and tongues as he devours your mouth, towering over you and keeping your wrists fixed to the door while his whole body is pressing into yours. You arch into him, helplessly trying to get him closer as you moan into his mouth when he bites at your lower lip, keeping it in between his teeth as he pulls back a little before letting it go. You whine, the quick stab of pain transforming into pleasure and traveling straight to your pussy, which causes you to spread your legs wider and grind your hips against him.
He gathers both your wrists in his large hand, still pressing them against the wall above your head, and lets his other hand roam over your body, grabbing at your waist, bunching up the dress there. “Looked so good tonight, all dolled up in your pretty dress…” he murmurs with his lips now dragging against the soft skin of your neck, occasionally nipping and sucking at the skin, “and all this just for me, sweetheart?” He bites down right below your ear and your hips buck against him.
“Yes, yes sir, fuck…”
Your breath catches in your throat when he abruptly pulls the neckline down to expose your breasts and scratches his fingernails over your nipples. He pinches one hardened bud between his nails and pulls slightly before he lets go and watches how the flesh bounces back, then he repeats the motion on the other side. You’re gasping, tears are welling up in your eyes, it hurts, but it hurts so good, your pussy is completely soaked and you just want him to finally, finally fill you up.
Then he steps back, his jaw flickers as he watches you, still pressed against the door, panting softly and with a dazed expression on your face.
“Get on your knees.”
You get down immediately, hoping against hope that maybe he’ll let you come sooner when you’re being good now. He allows himself a cold smile at your eagerness and steps closer until you have to crane your neck to look up at him. He opens his belt and slacks in sure, controlled movements, the only evidence of his own need for you being the massive bulge that’s right in front of your face. He doesn’t waste time, shoving his pants and underwear down in one move and letting his cock spring free.
You gasp quietly, your mouth opening on its own accord at the sight of his massive length and you look up at him hungrily. “Open wide,” he tells you softly, almost gently and you obey, sticking your tongue out and watching mesmerized as he lets his tip rest on your tongue for a few moments. He pulls back slightly, smearing a mix of your saliva and his pre-cum across your cheeks, then slapping you with his cock, which causes you to moan. “Filthy little thing,” he murmurs and sinks into your wet mouth in one hard thrust.
You gag almost immediately, your throat contracting around him and he groans as he grabs your head and holds you still. Tears well up in your eyes and you already feel lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. He finally lets go and you desperately suck in a lungful of air before he starts thrusting into your mouth again, hitting the back of your throat every time and causing you to choke around him. The way he pushes you around, uses you for his own pleasure has a new rush of wetness flooding your pussy and you’re itching to touch your clit, just a little bit.
He notices how you’re squirming beneath him, how one of your hands is inching closer between your legs and he stops his thrusts, his cock still taking up most of your mouth, and looks down at your face.
“You wanna touch yourself? You like having your face fucked like a whore?”
You nod as best as you can and hum desperately, gazing up at him through your tear-soaked lashes. He furrows his brow, looking down at you with that wicked glint in his eye. “You know how to ask properly, I didn’t hear you sweetheart,” he tells you, sinking even deeper into your throat and you fight to suppress another gag. You hum again and look at him pleadingly; he’s well aware that you can’t ask him anything with his cock filling your throat like this. “Guess you don’t want to, then,” he shrugs, “hands behind your back. You’re not touching that pussy without my permission.” You whine, your clit throbbing painfully for attention, but you obediently cross your wrists at the small of your back.
“Poor thing,” he coos and pats your head in mock-sympathy, then moves his hand back to hold you in place as he pounds into your throat with renewed force. You gag around him, tears flowing all over your face and drool streaming down your chin and onto your tits. He sinks into you again and again, holding you up by your head and making you sputter around him, desperate to somehow draw air into your lungs. “Take it,” he growls, “take it like the little slut you are, down on the floor for me. That’s how you like it, don’t you?” He finally pulls out of you and slaps your cheek when you don’t respond immediately. “Don’t you?!”
“Y-yes sir,” you rasp, gasping for breath, tears and spit still all over your face.
He crouches down cups the cheek that he just slapped, his thumb rubbing at the tear-stained skin under your eye. You’re positive that you look a mess, mascara running down your cheeks and your dark lipstick smeared all around your mouth, mixing with your spit. Your hands are still behind your back, the arch in your body making you push your chest out and putting your tits on full display for him. He starts toying with your nipples again and you want to cry. An orgasm feels so close, yet so far away. You feel like you could come with just a few strokes on your clit, but you have no idea how much longer he will string you along until he finally deems it enough.
“You’ve been such a good girl, sweetheart. So patient all day, I bet you’re dripping all down those pretty legs right now, aren’t you? So desperate and ready for me, yeah?” His voice is a low growl in front of you and you whine your agreement. It’s not enough for him. “Say it. Tell me how desperate my little slut is to finally get fucked.”
You hesitate, your eyes dropping to the ground in front of you. “I-,” you gasp as he roughly grabs your chin and forces you to look at him, waiting for you to do as he said. “I need you to fuck me, so badly. I’ll be so good, I promise, just p-please, sir,” you whine, feeling pathetic, your voice trembling and your face burning. No matter how many depraved things he gets you to do with him, for him, talking like this still gets you embarrassed. Which is precisely why he makes you do it.
“And what are you?”
You feel your face heating up. “Your s-slut, sir.”
He grins as he adds another slap against your cheek. “Damn right you are.”
He straightens back up, tugs himself back into his pants and looks down at you. “Bedroom.” You scramble to get up, but he shakes his head and lands a hand on your shoulder, pushing you back down again. “No, no. You’re gonna crawl.” You sink back on your hands and knees, the amount of embarrassment and arousal that you’re feeling making you dizzy, and you look up at him shyly.
He nods approvingly and bends down to tug your dress up higher until your bare ass and pussy are on full display. “Good girl, right where you belong. Off you go, come on.” You bite your lip and start crawling towards the bedroom, his footsteps right behind you and you can feel his eyes drinking you in as another groan grumbles in his chest.
You stop in front of the bed and give him a questioning look. He gestures for you to stand up and you get back to your feet with trembling knees. He steps closer, his hands ghosting over your shoulders and toying with the straps of your dress.
“Such a pretty dress,” he murmurs as he slides them off your shoulders, the garment slipping down your body, leaving you bare except for the heels that you’ve been wearing all evening. You’re painfully aware of the power dynamic between you, how you’re completely naked and at his mercy while he’s still fully dressed. His hands roam over you, leaving goosebumps in their wake and come to rest at your hips. He squeezes the flesh there, then turns you around until you’re facing the bed.
One hand reaches up to your neck and he bends you over until your upper body is resting on the mattress, your back arching and your ass up in the air for him. He takes a step back and lands a slap on your backside without warning. You yelp, your body instinctively lurching forward and your legs shaking with the strain of keeping your balance in your heels. He notices, of course, and says, “You better keep those pretty legs steady, doll,” before reaching forward and massaging your stinging flesh. You hum, trying to get your muscles to cooperate, but your legs won’t stop trembling.
Dave’s touch leaves your body and he sits down on the bed beside your head, his eyes searching your face. “What’s your color, sweetheart?” he inquires, softly stroking your cheek.
“Green,” you answer without hesitation. It has already been a lot and you’re sure that he’s nowhere near finished with you, but you like it like this. You crave it. He nods, his touch still gentle on your face.
“And what do you say when you need me to stop?”
“Red,” you whisper, leaning into his touch.
“Good girl,” he murmurs and leans forward to press a kiss to your cheek, before he stands up again and disappears from your field of view.
“So,” his voice drawls from behind you, “I think I’ll give you twenty-five tonight, how’s that sound, sweetheart?” You gulp, but know that there’s only one acceptable answer.
“S-sounds good, sir. Thank you,” you breathe, the apprehension clear in your voice, and he laughs quietly.
“And what did you do to deserve this?”
You bite your lip again, struggling to think through the fog of arousal clearly enough to give him an answer that he’ll be satisfied with. “I d-didn’t listen and talked- talked back at you, and…” you trail off when his hand dips between your legs, swirling through the wetness there before retreating again. You inhale sharply and continue, “…and that was disrespectful. I’m sorry, sir, it won’t- it won’t happen again.”
“We’ll see about that,” Dave mumbles and his fingertips ghost over your lower back. “But that was a nice little speech, sweetheart. Starting now, you’re gonna count them out for me, yeah? Lose count and we’ll start over.” You nod and your hands grip the sheets as you try bracing yourself.
The first slap meets your flesh, not as hard as you know he can go, but hard enough to get a small scream out of you. “One,” you force yourself to say and he hums appreciatively, before landing the second slap exactly on the same spot as the first one. “T-two,” you whine, his handprint searing on your skin.
You make it until eleven before your legs give out, your trembling muscles collapsing under the task of keeping you upright in your heels while your body is scrambling to get away from the oncoming assault on your ass cheeks. You fall forward, your knees hitting the mattress right after Dave’s hand connected with your backside again. “Twelve, I’m sorry, sir,” you choke out.
“It’s okay,” he assures you, stepping closer and running his hands soothingly over your back as he searches your face, a look of soft concern on his face. “What’s your color, doll?”
“Green. Still- still green, sir,” you breathe out and you mean it. You feel like you’re on fire, but in the best way.
“Yeah?” he questions, “want me to continue?” and you nod your head eagerly. The concern washes away from his face, his jaw tensing and his eyes growing cold again. “Fucking masochistic little slut,” he growls and you moan, your walls desperately clenching around nothing.
He lets you stay with your knees on the bed, your ass still up high for him, until you’ve finally reached “twenty-five, t-thank you, sir.” You’re sobbing at this point, your skin feels raw where he hit you, but you’re also damn near delirious with want for him.
Dave strokes your skin gently, telling you what a good girl you’ve been and how proud he is of you, and you bask in his praise. Then his hand travels lower, slipping between your thighs until his fingers are running through your folds, feeling how soaked exactly his rough treatment has left you. “Fuck doll, you’re dripping. You really liked that, huh?” he murmurs as he pushes two of his thick fingers into you, sliding in easily and making you moan loudly.
He thrusts into your tight heat roughly, causing you to arch your back and spread your legs wider, your release so close that you can almost taste it. He keeps going until he feels you growing tighter, starting to clench around his fingers, and slides them out of you abruptly. You sob, feeling your orgasm subside again.
“I think you were about to come without permission, sweetheart. You just promised me you’d be good, didn’t you? Guess your greedy little cunt just can’t help herself, huh?”
You whimper an apology and receive another slap to your abused skin, causing you to jerk forward. “No doll, you stay right here. Give me your hands,” Dave’s stern voice orders from behind you. You let him take hold of your wrists, leaving you completely at his mercy in the position that you’re in, and he digs your panties out of his pants pocket, looping them around your wrists until they’re tightly secured.
When he’s satisfied with his work, you finally hear the rustling of him taking off his clothes. Without warning, you feel him swipe the head of his cock through your drenched folds, teasing you with the tip, grazing your clit and causing you to gasp, then sliding back until he’s prodding at your entrance. You whine loudly and try pushing your hips backwards, but his hold tightens around you, keeping you in position.
“Not so fast. Be a good girl and beg for it,” he requests, in a voice that still sounds so controlled, while you feel like you’re barely able to form words anymore. You’re not embarrassed anymore, the promise of his cock so close to where you want him wiping all inhibitions from your mind.
“Please sir, I need you so badly, please fuck me, I’ll do anything, just please…”
You feel pathetic begging like this, but you couldn’t care less. Dave lets out a strained groan behind you, and then he’s pushing into you in one strong thrust. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve taken him or how wet you are, his size always stings at the first intrusion and you wail, your body being pushed forward by his movement and he grips your bound wrists, holding you steady as he starts pounding into you.
“So fucking tight and wet you little slut, fuck you take me so good, being such a good girl, fuck…” Now his voice sounds wrecked behind you and you moan loudly at his words and at the way he’s splitting you open. This is what you had been craving for hours, the feeling of him thrusting into you again and again, and you push your hips back to meet his thrusts, to get him even deeper.
One of his hands grips your hair and pulls, forcing you to arch your back even more and slightly shifting the angle where he’s pounding into you, hitting something so delicious inside of you that you almost come on the spot, your walls already fluttering around him, but you’re not allowed, your scrambled brain reminds you, you need…
“Please sir, I’m gonna come, can I please…” Your voice breaks off into a sob when his movements slow down and he pulls out of you, pushing you forward until you’re laying flat on the bed, and he starts working on releasing your bound wrists.
“Good girl, asking for permission,” he praises, “but you’re gonna look me in the face when I make you come tonight.”
He frees your wrists and turns you around so that you’re on your back, looking up at him through teary eyes, desperate for your release. “Poor thing,” he coos as he gets between your legs, placing his large hands on your thighs and spreading them wide. His cock nudges at your entrance but he doesn’t sink back into you, his gaze trained on your face and his hand wandering up to play with your bottom lip.
“Open wide,” he tells you and you obey, parting your lips and sticking your tongue out. His breath has turned heavy by now and he hovers over you, hungry eyes roaming over your face, your open mouth and your wet eyes. He draws back the tiniest bit, then he spits into your mouth, his saliva coating your tongue and you whine, the filth of the whole situation making your pussy clench once more.
“Keep it open, show me.”
You hold still, your mouth wide open, feeling his spit mixing with yours as you stare up at him, waiting for his next command. “Now swallow,” he finally says and you do, showing him your empty mouth afterwards and he grins. “Fuck, you’re such an obedient slut, being such a good girl for me. You’d do anything right now, wouldn’t you? Fucked all the thoughts out of that pretty little head, yeah?”
“Yes, anything,” you whimper, and he sinks his cock back into you without preamble. Your eyes widen at the sensation of being full again and the new angle, moans of his name falling from your mouth and you wrap your legs around him, grasping at his wide shoulders to hold onto something as he starts pounding into you again with raw strength.
One of his hands wraps around your throat, squeezing until you feel light-headed, intensifying the feeling of his deep thrusts into you. Pleading whispers leave your lips, but you don’t even know what you’re begging for anymore, if you want more, if you want him to stop.
His movements speed up even more, hitting spots inside of you that have you moaning and squirming underneath him and the hand on your throat travels down to your breasts, toying with your nipples, pinching and pulling and sending delicious waves of pain through you.
You’re so close again, when his hand slides down to rub at your clit, making you scream and throw your head back, your eyes pinched close. He grabs at your face and forces you to look at him.
“Oh no, you’re gonna look me in the eyes when I make you come, are you gonna come sweetheart?”, he growls. You whine and nod desperately, your eyes shining with tears. “Go ahead then, come for me, squeeze my cock like the good little whore you are.”
He swirls his thumb over your neglected clit once more, gives you a particularly hard thrust and your vision swims, your whole body tensing up before you bear down on him and fall apart. You’re clenching rhythmically around his cock as the orgasm tears through your body in pulsing waves and you’re pulling him over the edge with you as he climaxes with a deep moan, spilling his release inside of you.
You’re a trembling mess, your breath stuttering and your mind still caught up in a blissful haze, and you’re only vaguely aware of him collapsing beside you, but you register the tender kiss that he presses to your cheek before he gets up and retreats to the bathroom.
The next thing you feel is the bed dipping as he sits down beside you again and you slowly blink your eyes open. Maybe it’s the post-orgasmic bliss that you’re still lost in, but you think to yourself that he looks especially beautiful right now, his face relaxed with a small smile playing around his mouth, where the stubble of his beard is showing through at the end of the day, and with his brown eyes warm again now as he looks at you.
“May I?” he asks and holds up a damp towel. You nod, returning his smile and watching as he brings the towel down between your legs, cleaning you up and soothing your hot skin. He gently turns you over and spreads some kind of healing balm over your burning cheeks, careful not to touch you too roughly. He also cleans your face, his soft touches almost enough to lull you to sleep.
When he’s finished, he maneuvers you around, causing you to giggle, until you’re in the middle of the bed and he can pull the covers over you, sliding in beside you and wrapping his arm around your middle. You shuffle closer until you’re securely tugged into his side, your breath fanning against his broad chest.
“You good?” he asks, looking down at you and placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Yeah,” you smile up at him and stretch to reach his mouth with your lips. He kisses you back, his hand coming up to play with your hair, and you smile even wider. As much as he likes to be rough with you, you think that what he actually needs, is the softness.
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putschki1969 · 20 days
Kalafina 「sprinter」 (Yuki Kajiura LIVE Vol.#2) - Unreleased and Unedited
Update 24/09/07: The original YouTube "video" was made private so I can no longer link to it. Instead, I am including the audio which I downloaded last night from the video. Please note that even though I keep calling the original upload a "video", it is just an audio track with a picture.
Update 24/09/08: The video on YouTube is back up again. I don't notice any obvious changes so I'm not sure why it was put on private in the first place. Check it out HERE.
Update 24/09/09: Check out my UPDATE POST here. New information has been revealed that in my opinion proves that the track on YouTube is fake.
Thanks to @gslin (@gslin on Twitter) for the heads-up! A mysterious account on YouTube (@FJS_Official => which is definitely not "official" but pretends to be judging by their name and handle; The account has since changed their handle to "@FJS_Channel") has uploaded an interesting audio a couple of days ago. It is presumably from Kalafina's front act performance for "Yuki Kajiura LIVE Vol.#2" held at Shibuya O-EAST on July 31, 2008. Wakana, Keiko, Hikaru and Maya (who was still a member back then) sang 4 songs in total:
Official footage exists of their "ARIA" and "Kizuato" performance (included as bonus content on the "Seventh Heaven" album) but up until recently, I think everyone believed that there were no live recordings of "oblivious" or "sprinter" featuring Maya (please correct me if I'm wrong in that regard).
When I initially saw the video on YouTube, I thought that this whole thing was fake. I feel like these days, any tech-savvy person can layer different audio tracks and make it sound like a brand-new live recording with a few tweaks here and there (especially if you factor in the growing popularity of AI). I mean, all you'd have to do is mix the original studio recording with Maya's vocals (or Maya's unofficial karaoke performance of the song) with one of the many existing live recordings of "sprinter" and voilà, you'd have created something like the above audio.
However, after listening to the audio a few times, I'm having a hard time recognising any specifics of the live performance. I'll admit, I'm not 100% familiar with every single "sprinter" performance since it's not exactly among my favourite songs but from what I can tell, Hikaru sounds a lot shakier than in any of the "official" live recordings that are out there. So yeah, this might indeed be "unreleased" and it appears to be as raw/unedited as it gets. I did a quick research but couldn't find anything on this topic so I don't think this has been posted before...
As @gslin has mentioned on Twitter, the sound quality is exceptionally well, too good for a bootleg (possibly recorded in an official manner close to the PA system?)
The video description says that it is a sound source preserved at Sony Music but I have my doubts about that. I wonder how the person who runs the account would just get access to it and be allowed to post it on a random YouTube channel. Sounds a bit fishy to me. If there are actually people out there who can get their hands on unreleased Kalafina audios, there would be more of them floating around (someone give me all those Christmas live sound sources!!!!).
But who knows, anything is possible. Maybe the venue had some of these sound sources stored (no idea if this is a common practice)? Shibuya O-EAST could have gotten rid of them (made them publicly available) after they rebranded the venue in 2021.
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agaypanic · 1 year
Hello!! So, I've never Requested before, so I hope this is okay, but I was wondering for one for Rory Keaner?
The reader has been in the friend group for a while and has started to like Rory and Rory likes them back. The reader tells Erica and Sarah about her crush while Rory tells Ethan and Benny about his, and while the entire group can both clearly see they like each other, the two (Rory and Reader) are incredibly blind to it. (Rory floating when they talk, where the reader gushes a bit about her crush on the Vampire and Rory just assumes its some other dude, etc.) The entire group tries desperately to get the two together by pulling crazy stunts and go crazy extents for them to understand the situation, but both are oblivious and don't believe the other could like them until one day the group gets sick and tired of all the chasing the other that they pull a plan to do truth or dare (can you please show some fun ones where the rest of the group also plays?), which leads to a shy confession from Rory and Reader happily and excitedly accepts with a cute little kiss at the end.
Sorry if that was weird or you couldn't understand! Again, this was my first time requesting so I hope that this was okay!! <3
The Love Trap (Rory Keaner X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Rory likes Y/n. Y/n likes Rory. These two facts seem to be common knowledge to everyone except for Rory and Y/n. Their friends try taking matters into their own hands, but after pulling many stunts, they still don’t realize the other’s feelings for them. So the gang decided to go with the foolproof option: truth or dare.
A/N: sorry there’s not really truths or dares for the group beyond some mentions, coming up with truths and dares is hard 
“God, he’s just so dreamy and sweet.” You gushed to Sarah and Erica, leaning against your locker door. Erica was ready to bang her head against the wall, having heard this love-drunken spiel hundreds of times, being prompted whenever you saw something that reminded you of your favorite blonde. “And he’s so dorky, I love it.”
“We get it,” Erica whined. “You’re in love with Rory. Go tell him about it.”
“I can’t!” You yelped, pulled out of your love-sick state.
“Why not?” Sarah asked. “You clearly have no problem talking about him.”
“Yeah, but I can’t talk about it with Rory because then he’d know that I like him. Duh! That’d be like me telling you to talk to Ethan about how much you have a crush on him, except we all know he actually likes you back.” That rendered Sarah speechless, so Erica had to respond for her.
“To be fair, we all know that Rory likes you back too.” You tried to deny it, but Erica made a gesture that told you to shut up. “Either tell him or don’t talk about it anymore. I’m sick of hearing about his wavy blonde locks and dazzling smile.” Erica’s voice pitched up slightly towards the end, clearly to mock you. Someone else entered the conversation before you could scold her for the inaccurate impression.
“Who’s dazzling smile are we talking about?” Benny asked, Ethan and Rory close behind him as he walked up to you and the girls. You were about to try to lie about the topic, but your friends weren’t having it.
“A guy that Y/n is hardcore crushing on,” Sarah smirked, looking over Benny’s shoulder to the guy in question. “I think you know him, Rory.”
“I do?” Rory asked.
“Oh yeah.” Erica nodded, ignoring your glare. “You know him really well.” 
“Who is it?” Ethan asked although he and Benny had a good idea of who the boy was.
“Don’t worry about it!” You said loudly to drown out whatever Erica and Sarah planned to say. “It’s just a little crush. Um, I gotta go. I’ll see you guys later.” Then you rushed away, leaving the rest of your friends in slight confusion.
“Okay, then…” Ethan said, watching you race around the corner of the hall. Then he looked at Erica and Sarah. “Is it safe to say it’s a bit more than a little crush?”
“Totally,” Sarah confirmed. “I’d run out of fingers more than ten times if I had to count how many times I’ve heard Y/n talk about this guy’s ‘pretty blonde hair’ and ‘mesmerizing fangy smile.’”
“Don’t forget the dorky outfits that are just ‘so cute,’” Erica added.
“Rory, you know who that sounds like?” Benny asked, even though he knew exactly who that sounded like.
“Yeah,” Rory answered. Thank God, at least Rory wasn’t as oblivious to Y/n’s feelings as she was to his. “Sounds like he’s a really lucky guy.” He sighed sadly, and everyone internally groaned. Rory was genuinely blonde. “I gotta go, but let me know if you guys ever find out who that dude is.”
The teens waited until Rory was out of sight to start complaining.
“How can two people be so blind?”
“Do you think that when he turned, the venom shrunk Rory’s brain?”
“No, he was always clueless about girls.”
“We gotta do something about this.”
“Like what?” Sarah asked Benny. “I think it’s safe to say we’re pretty open to ideas.”
“I don’t know.” Benny sighed frustratedly. “But I’m tired of having to pull Rory down from the ceiling because he gets all floaty just from thinking about Y/n. Like, I’m happy for him, but I’m not that strong.”
Your friends tried everything. They truly did. Anything that popped into their head seemed worth a shot.
They tried locking you and Rory in a storage closet together, thinking the close proximity would raise the tension until you both confessed. But half an hour later, they opened the door to see the two of you laughing and messing around with cleaning supplies. 
They made group plans and then canceled, but urged you and Rory to do whatever you all had planned to do. Then they’d all spy on the two of you. They’d see Rory stare at you with admiration when you’d get up and try to bowl a strike. They’d watch you blush whenever Rory insisted on paying for food, even when you offered to pay. Your friends saw every shy smile and accidental touch, but it still did nothing.
Sarah had even snuck a little love letter into your and Rory’s lockers, doing her best to write from your perspectives to the other under the guise of a secret admirer before suggesting to meet so you could see who had written your letter. When you and Rory met in the school courtyard when school was out, you brought up how crazy it was that you both got letters from secret admirers telling you to meet in the same spot. Then you waited together, and when it was clear no one was coming, Rory suggested getting ice cream, and both of your letters were long forgotten.
Now the gang, minus you and Rory, were in Ethan’s living room trying to plan their next scheme.
“How is nothing working?” Ethan asked with desperation. “We’ve tried everything.”
“Not everything,” Benny mumbled, flipping through his spell book frantically. Benny slapped a page in triumph before Ethan could ask him what he was looking for. “Boom! Truth potion! And…” Benny trailed off, turning more pages before slapping the other page he needed again. “Bravery potion.”
“How’s that gonna help?” Sarah asked. “You really wanna drug them?”
“Okay, we have them come over to E’s for game night or whatever, and we play Truth or Dare,” Benny suggested, becoming more excited as the plan pieced together in his head. “Everyone takes a sip of both potions, and we keep the game casual for a bit. Then, when we finally want them to actually confess and stuff, they will! If they choose truth, they have to tell the truth. If they choose dare, they’ll have the courage to actually go through with it.”
Everyone sat in silence, taking in what Benny had given to them. 
“I think this might actually be foolproof,” Sarah uttered.
“And we know Y/n and Rory are fools.” Erica joked. Sarah fished around in her pocket for her phone.
“Benny, how long will it take you to brew all of that?” Sarah asked. Benny flipped between the two pages before looking up at her.
“Maybe like two hours.”
“Then you better go now.” Sarah clicked on your contact, ready to call. “Erica, run Benny to his house. Ethan, call Rory. We’re doing this tonight!”
A few hours later, you and Rory had joined your friends with junk food and hyperness, utterly unaware of any schemes they were cooking behind your backs. The two of you were filling your plates together when Benny called everyone into the Morgan’s living room.
“Game time!” He said, clapping his hands to get all of your attention. Everyone sat down and watched Benny bring out two glowing vials. “Truth or dare, but with a twist! The green one is truth serum, and the orange one is liquid courage. We all drink both of them. Choose truth, and we get the truest answer. Choose dare, and we will watch you complete the most daunting task without a second thought.”
“That was so nerdy.” You whispered, making everyone laugh. Benny rolled his eyes and took a sip from each vial before passing it to Ethan. Soon enough, Rory had taken his sips and passed the little glasses to you. Your friends caught the small smiles that grew ever so slightly on your faces when your hands touched. “Are we sure this is safe? Like, would this be like being on competing medications?”
“Guess we’re gonna find out,” Benny answered with a shrug. His answer made you a bit unsure about this, but then Rory looked at you with an encouraging smile, and that was enough to make you gulp what was left in the two vials. “Nice! Okay, who’s first?”
Everyone looked at each other, wondering who would be the first to ask.
“Benny.” You smirked, looking at the boy to your left. “Truth or dare?”
“I dare you to let me draw a dick on you.”
“I hate this game.”
Half an hour later, many truths were answered, and dares were fulfilled. Erica was timed to see how long it would take to run through every street in town, which ended up being about twenty seconds. Rory had to crop his shirt, and you wondered if Erica had dared him to do it just to see you get flustered. Sarah had to admit that out of everyone in the group, she’d go out on a date with Ethan, who was smiley for the rest of the game.
“Benny, truth or dare?” Ethan asked.
“Dare.” Ethan tiredly got up, making his way to a kitchen pantry.
“I dare you to have a rematch with me.” Ethan pulled out a bag of marshmallows. “Let’s see who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth.”
“You’re on!” Benny jumped up from his seat, and everyone followed as the boys dumped the sweets onto the kitchen island. “Y/n, count for me.”
“Sarah, count for me,” Ethan said. 
Rory moved to the other side of you, standing at the end of the island between you and Benny.
“And Erica and I can be your cheerleaders!”
“Okay, I can be your cheerleader!”
You and Sarah counted down, and once they were able to start, Benny and Ethan started grabbing handfuls of marshmallows. You almost immediately lost track because Benny was just shoving them in his mouth, one right after the other.
Ethan tapped out first, getting to seventeen. But Benny kept going until he couldn’t fit another marshmallow.
“Well, now we know Benny’s mouth is big enough for twenty-five marshmallows.” You said, watching him start to swallow them.
“I’m not too surprised,” Erica said, returning to her living room seat. “It’s probably because of his wide mouth.”
“Hey!” Benny’s offense was muffled by the sweets still in his mouth. After he and Ethan cleaned up, the rest of you joined Erica. Benny groaned, patting his stomach. “I don’t think I can eat another marshmallow ever again. Rory, truth or dare?”
“Truth.” Benny gave Ethan, Erica, and Sarah a look that was indecipherable to you and Rory. Your friends nodded, and Benny grinned at Rory.
“If you had to kiss someone in this room, who would it be and why?” Rory suddenly became nervous. But because of the truth serum, he answered without a second thought.
“Y/n, and you know why.” Your eyes widened at the confession.
“I may know why, but I bet Y/n doesn’t.” You had an intense and sudden desire to know why.
“Because I like her.” Rory looked around the room, anywhere but you, while you stared at him. First with disbelief, then absolute joy.
“You do?” You asked, even though it was obviously true because of the truth serum coursing through him. “You like me?”
“Of course I do.” Rory felt heat creep up his neck and cheeks. He finally looked at you, the look of adoration finally able to be seen by you instead of just being seen by everyone else. “What’s not to like?”
You grinned so wide your cheeks started to hurt. Maybe it was the liquid courage or the fact that Rory had confirmed your biggest wish, but you couldn’t help but launch yourself at him. Rory used one hand to keep the both of you from falling over, and the other held onto your waist while you clung to him. Your friends watched with relief and triumph, internally celebrating that they finally got the two of you together.
“Y/n?” Rory asked for your attention, and you gave it to him immediately. He seemed to mirror your overjoyed expression. “Truth or dare?”
“Wanna go on a date with me?” You couldn’t help but squeal. 
“Yes!” You took your arms off from around his neck and placed your hands on his cheeks. “Rory, truth or dare?”
“Kiss me.”
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trendywaifus · 1 year
could i get a sequel to the fic of ningguang comforting anxious reader with yoimiya, kokomi and lynette if ur comfortable with writing her? :3c i'm happy to see that you're back and writing!! <3
woah lumi, you’re my first customer?? omg?? i haven’t seen you in a fat minute! it’s nice to see YOU back!! i missed you’re writing 😻
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— despite yoimiya being a bubbly girl, she’s attentive to those around her! especially you cus you’re her baby. she absolutely hates seeing you uncomfortable and anxious so she tries various ways to calm you down. unfortunately, some of her idea/plans backfires which at times, made your anxiety worsen but she learns. she’s really loud? okay, she’ll lower her voice down for you. she’s moving too fast? alr, she’s matching your pace, no biggie! you don’t like to be touched while you’re anxious? that’s fine, she’ll stay by your side and encourage you with her colorful words!
— if you dislike loud noises like fireworks, yoimiya’s completely fine with that. she’ll only work on them when you’re not around. when she’s with you, yoimiya plays with sparklers! yoimiya’s contagious laughter and smiles makes you brim with happiness. if you’re comfortable enough, you’d join in on the fun.
— yoimiya likes to take you to her fav spot where she watch the fireworks at to chill! if you want, she’ll love to hear you vent or ramble about anything you want. it’s great to have a buddy who’s a great listener. while yoimiya listens, her eyes are never off you, she’s locked in with whatever you gotta say.
when you finished speaking, yoimiya smiles brightly. she points at your hands, “ babe, give me your hand.“ confused by her request, you placed your hand out in front of her. she takes it within her own, and guides it to her chest. even though you felt her resting heartbeat against your palm, the placement of your hand was practically an inch above her bandage–covered breast. you stammer, “ yoimiya, wh-what’s the meaning of this? m-my hand—“
“ i know, ignore that! but the point i’m trying to get at here is even though my heartbeat is relaxed right now, I still have sooo many things going through my mind! and despite all of that, the reason why my heart is relaxed now is because. . “ her crinkling golden brown eyes twinkles with unadulterated sincerity. “ of you! having a precious someone or friend by your side can often shoo the bad anxiety away. it might not always be the best remedy but it’s better than dealing with it alone! remember that if you need someone to go to, i as your girlfriend, volunteer as tribute! “
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— as someone who leads a whole army and is looked up to by an island of people, kokomi understands your anxiety. for her to really cope with anxiety, she likes to take naps, read books, or plan extra battle strategies. since she has you now, she prefers to rest her head on your lap and relax.
— kokomi keeps a very keen eye on you. if she sees any signs of you becoming anxious, she’s at your side rubbing on your back. if she can’t come to your aid, she sends gorou! he’s not very good at comforting people so the little guy insists on you touching his ears and tail for therapeutic comfort. he’s only doing this for you, don’t tell anybody about it.
— naps are a musssst! when she’s stressed AND you’re stressed, she’s gonna take you to her office to nap. it’s y’all free time anyways, gotta recharge your battery. in my previous cuddle hc involving kokomi, she uses her hydro powers to make little fishies to lull you. why not sea horses or a fav sea animal of your choice instead this time??
“ you should be a magician. “ you mumbled, reaching your hand out to touch one of the hydro sea animals. one of them floats above your palm and twirls around happily as if was doing a little dance. kokomi giggles, running her fingers through your hair. “ mm, i already got my hands quite full. besides, magicians require a certain level of skill, charisma, and stage presence that i unfortunately don’t have. “
“ seriously? you do have the charisma. you have a way with words and your voice is soft to the ears. you’re able to create almost anything with hydro manipulation and that’s an advanced skill a lot of vision bearers don’t have. stage presence? pfft, your presence alone on the field changes the tide of the battle. you’re amazing. i’m so lucky to have you. “
cheeks red, she shakes her head with a tender smile. “ i very much appreciate your sentiments. however, i’m the one who’s lucky to have you, my dear. i find solace in your company, the fact that you also struggle with anxiety daily makes me feel like i’m not alone in this. as we go through our daily obstacles, at least at the end, me and you can share our experiences and give each other tips on how to cope with anxiety.“
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— lynette is such a cutie pie. much like kokomi, she knows the horrors of having anxiety! she has ways of coping like pretending to be a robot/puppet to avoid people from socializing with her (maybe i should do that). when it comes to you, she would rather help you find healthier ways to deal with it.
— one of the things she likes to do is to show you magic tricks! the good ol’ fashion card tricks, the disappearing and reappearing of objects! anything to make you smile and laugh. her cute little tadaa~ alone brightens up your mood. (:
— i believe that lynette loves to eat, esp deserts. i see her taking you to a cozy small café and she’s treating you to her fav treats she likes to eat. she knows that she might get an earful from her brother for eating too much before dinner, but since she’s chilling with you, eh.
“ these treats are delicious but. .isn’t that your fourth desert? “ you asked, voice filled with amusement. lynette sets the fork down on the empty plate. “ it is. i guess i let myself get carried away there. “ she shrugs, her resting deadpan expression sitting on her face. you found it comical that she’s a glutton and an introvert. what a cute mix! you giggled before bursting into laughter. although you sound wonderful and the butterflies fluttering in her stomach agrees as well, lynette tilts her head in confusion.
“ what’s so funny? “
“ nothing, you’re just too cute lynette. thank you for making my day like always. i feel better.“ you grinned, taking another bite of your desert. you failed to notice the small blush tainting her pale cheeks.
“ tadaa. .” she mumbles bashfully in success of making you smile and laugh today.
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Caine x assistant!reader
Requested over on ao3! Reader is supposed to be an AI assistant.
You are one of Caine’s helpers, but you weren’t anything like Bubble. You were (human-like/animal-like, etc) and couldn’t be popped like them. Besides, you enjoyed helping Caine and seeing all that he would come up with for the characters’ adventures! While you may not have been around with Caine since the beginning, you had been helping him for a long time, but lately you’ve noticed something. You knew you liked being around him, but lately, you felt different… not in a bad way but it was odd.
You figured one of the others would have an answer for you, so you figured you could start there. You didn’t want to tell Caine yet until you were sure about these feelings you had. What you didn’t know, however, was that he felt the same thing towards you, but kept it hidden quite well. Also he knew what you were up to, with his many eyes around the place.
You had decided to ask Ragatha, since you knew Jax would not help you, and even if he did, he would make fun of you for it and laugh at you, which you didn’t need at the moment and the others probably wouldn’t be much help either.
“Oh, hello, Y/n! Is there something I can help you with?” You nodded as you landed on the ground in front of her.
“Yeah, there’s something I want to ask about. I don’t want to go to Caine about this yet, since I’m… unsure of what it is.”
“Of course, I don’t mind at all! But… you do remember that he has eyes everywhere, right?”
“Well, yeah, but like I said, I wanted to talk this out first.”
“Fair enough. Come on, let’s go talk it out.” With that said, she motioned for you to follow her, which you did.
Meanwhile, in someplace you were not aware of, Caine was talking to Bubble about, well, you!
“They’re my assistant, yet I can’t shake these feelings I have for them.”
“You should just tell them how you feel, boss!”
“I can’t do that, Bubble!” Caine turned to face away from his other assistant, his arms crossed. “As much as I want to.”
“But you know they feel that way towards you!” Bubble floated around to his front, getting a bit too close to him, making him back away.
“I am aware of this, yes.”
“Then just tell them! What are you so nervous about?”
“It’s not that I am nervous, Bubble.”
“Then… what is it?”
“I have no idea!”
“…if you’re not going to tell them, then I will!” And with that, Bubble disappeared.
“Bubble, you little menace, you get back here!” Caine took off after them.
Back with you and Ragatha, you had finally found what these feelings were that you felt around Caine.
“So that’s what it is, huh..” you tapped your chin in thought. “Well… even if I did tell him, there’s no way he would feel that way! Right?”
“I’m not sure, Y/n. But uh, it looks like you’ve got company.” Confused, you turned around to see Bubble approaching you two, with Caine right behind them.
“Y/n! There is something Caine would like to tell you!” You could just hear the mischief in their high pitched voice. Before you could ask what was going on, Caine had caught up to Bubble and popped them.
“I am very sorry for them!”
“It’s fine, Caine. What did you want to talk to me about?”
“Well, my wonderful assistant, let’s go talk elsewhere.” You glanced back at Ragatha, who only shrugged but nodded in agreement, as if to tell you to go with him. You shrugged in response and looked back at Caine, before following after him.
Once you were in a more secluded area, you two stopped and looked back at each other. It was quiet for a few moments, before you spoke up.
“Alright, now that we’re by ourselves, what did you want to tell me?” You asked, tilting your head to the side in a curious manner.
“Well…” Caine sighed a bit, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. “It’s about… us.”
“About us?”
“Yes, my lovely assistant. You see, I am aware of your feelings for me.”
“I figured as much.” You rubbed your arm, feeling a bit awkward now.
“However! I’ve been thinking… and uh, I feel the same way about you.”
“Wha-? You do?”
“Yes, I do.”
“I… I’m happy to hear it!” You smiled faintly and took a step closer to him.
“I’m sure you are, Y/n. I’m just… happy you feel the same way.” You laughed a bit and nodded in agreement before you asked,
“Hey, Caine..? Could we keep this a secret from the others for a little while longer?”
“Of course, my dear. They don’t have to know a thing.”
“Good. Because I’m not ready for what they’re going to say just yet.”
“Well technically they don’t really need to know. So it’s really up to you.”
“Perfect. Now let’s just… stay here for the time being.” You and Caine spent what felt like the next few hours in the same place, talking about not only possible ideas for adventures, but about other things you could think of, just happy to be spending time together.
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morose-melodies · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to share this idea I got recently about a yandere Aether and maybe a fatui reader. Basically, the reader sees how everyone keeps using Aether, sending him off for errands and decides to help him by making him grow a backbone, but it kind of backfires. Feel free to ignore this idea or alter it if it doesn't really work for you. I'm also sorry if that's not much to go off of. It's my first time requesting something. Thanks and have a nice day!
backbone | yandere! aether x reader
content warning: none
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aether came to fontaine with one motive - to stop you.
but alas, there were people in need of assistance and help, so he helped, just as he always did, nearly forgetting his true motives.
he had seen you here and there but never got the chance to approach you, all he could do was watch as another chance to stop you faded away. it was tragic and almost laughable to you.
it almost felt as if he didn't want to stop you. you were almost disappointed - he would never catch you if this kept going on. perhaps you should make it a little easier for him.
or, you could straighten him out.
so you waited for him to catch you, as you were in no rush to get back to snezhnaya.
days had passed. you saw him every once and a while, but he never seemed to see you, which was disappointing as you waited you realized, he was too much of a pushover.
before he could even begin to look for you he had helped eight people, including one of the fatui soldiers you came with.
perhaps you should just approach him and tell him-
"look! it's (y/n), stop right there!" a high-pitched voice called out and you turned to the director of the voice to see aether and his floating companion blocking you from leaving the secluded ally you were standing in.
"it took you long enough...you're such a pushover. it's pathetic," you tut, watching as aether moved into a defensive position. "it's pathetic how you let people treat you, do you LIKE being bossed around and used?" you asked, watching as his brows slowly knitted together.
"I'm not being used, it's what I signed up for. to help-"
"no more of that helping, it's hindering you. ignore everyone and catch me - stop me from taking another gnosis," and with that, you left, too fast for him to react to but now the challenge was on.
"traveler, could you help me-"
"hey! could you help us out?"
"traveler, do you remember me? help me out!"
helping was his job and yet he was postponing it for your sake - a fatui harbinger. why should he listen to you anyway?
"no more of that helping, it's hindering you. ignore everyone and catch me - stop me from taking another gnosis."
... this must be a trick, right? why would you want him to catch you, to chase after you? it made no sense but he wanted to make sense of it.
so, he began to look for you, ignoring anyone who requested help from him. he needed to find you and STOP you.
he needed to stop you. he would stop you.
(y/n)... he would stop you.
he went around, asking about you, unknowingly catching glimpses of you only to realize after you were gone.
it was driving him mad.
were you doing this on purpose? were you trying to taunt him? trying to make him frustrated?
why ARE you doing this?
"traveler, why are you ignoring all those people? shouldn't we help them?" his floating companion asked but aether shook his head, saying, "we have other places to be. I have no time to help others right now."
"huh? why-"
"hush," aether slowed his walk, his eyes watching as you walked into a café, alone, "it's (y/n)! st-"
"shh and stay right here," aether began to trail over to the café, tuning out piamon's voice as she questioned his motives.
he entered the café only to be met with the faces of many fatui soldiers, "aether, I'm so glad you could make it," aether could hear you but couldn't see you.
his hand twitched... so you WERE taunting him.
he felt... offended.
"you were too late, though. I've already got the gnosis and I'll be leaving today."
was this a game to you? was he a game to you?
is this fun for you?
so this is it? you're going to leave him with these soldiers and he won't get to see you again? all of this build-up for this? "no," aether took a shaky step forward, "I'm going to stop you, (y/n) "
what a shame, you thought aether would catch you but he was just too slow. "hah, maybe next time." maybe next time he'll catch you, and maybe next time he won't be such a pushover.
"there's no need for a next time."
the voice came from behind, breathless and shaky. you made a move to turn around but before you could, a hand grabbed onto your shirt and turned you around, holding onto you firmly.
"hm? how'd you get out so soon."
"did you have fun?"
"pfft, no, i just thought you needed a bit of hel-"
"do you find this funny?"
"no. this is good for you, now that you can say no, you can get things done fas-"
"okay..." He released a shaky breath, momentarily closing his eyes before opening them once again, "give me the gnosis."
"no way. i need to get it back to snezhn-"
"(y/n), i caught you, give me the gnosis."
"i told you to catch me AND stop me from taking the gnosis, i already took the gnosis so the deals off-"
"no. i need to stop you," aether tightened his hold on you, forcing you to look directly at him. the look in his eyes told you he was hesitating.
"I have to stop you, (y/n)."
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December Creator of the Month: Oh-So-Youre-a-Nerd
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is @oh-so-youre-a-nerd . We're very excited because Ascindio is our very first artist to be highlighted! We hope you will enjoy learning more about them and their work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links:
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How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
More below...
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I started playing in 2016, I can't remember if I read Endless Summer or Rules of Engagement first, but I ended up deleting the app after like 2 weeks cause I couldn't stop buying diamonds 😅🤦
I re-downloaded it about, ohh idk 2 years ago?
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the Fandom specifically on Tumblr and specifically for It Lives Within, which happened to come out right after I read the first two books 
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
I always try to seem cool and mysterious when I meet people irl, and then as soon as I open my mouth, I ruin it with some niche trivia or something, and they say,  “Oh, so you're a nerd.” 😂 Can't tell you how many times this exact phrase has been uttered to me. 
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
This is the first Choices related post I made 😂 I was just thinking about the concept of what if characters make terrible decisions cause they're controlled by a player who is out of diamonds lol I was going to do a whole series of them (next was going to be lotr “fly on eagles to mordor?” *30 diamonds* or “simply walk”) but got lazy lol
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
Only art. God, I  WISH  I wrote too. I've thought about trying cause I have so many ideas floating around in my head, but at the end of the day, I'd rather spend my free time drawing. 
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
For Choices, since early 2022
For other fandoms, since well, forever, but I only started posting around 2017/18
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Favorite Choices book is probably It Lives in the Woods. All of the characters were so interesting, I never got bored reading it, and it had an incredible twist that made sense but I still didn't see coming. 
Favorite to create for is probably Blades of Light and Shadow though because I am such a sucker for the fantasy aesthetic.
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?.
This isn't the first Choices art I made, but it IS the first I actually shared
And honestly, I DO still like it because I still remember the way I felt absolutely POSSESSED while drawing it (I hadn't drawn anything for *months*). I would definitely change the background, though. Those trees look like shit, and they're not even the correct type for the kind of forest they're in. 
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
My favorite Choices art I've done is probably this piece. 
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10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I definitely didn't expect this one to do well at all as it was so hastily drawn
And I was sad this piece didn't get more love, it was such a dope scene and I was so excited about how the sword turned out
11- If you could only draw one style or type of art for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 
I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the question right, but if I had to pick like a specific type of art, it would be digital, and I would want to do fan art. I have a hard time painting anything that I don't already have a deep connection with (so original art with no story behind it is usually a chore for me), and digital art is just so incredibly convenient and not messy and so so versatile. 
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Because I use fiction as a way to safely process trauma/ grief/ other big emotions, each MC I make has a small part of me, whichever part I feel the need to explore at the time.
There's an amazing quote by Patrick Rothfuss that I feel explains it perfectly. 
It's from Wise Man's Fear
“These folk knew all about death. They killed their own livestock. They died from fevers, falls, or broken bones gone sour. Death was like an unpleasant neighbor. You didn’t talk about him for fear he might hear you and decide to pay a visit.
Except for stories, of course. Tales of poisoned kings and duels and old wars were fine. They dressed death in foreign clothes and sent him far from your door. A chimney fire or the croup cough were terrifying. But Gibea’s trial or the siege of Enfast, those were different. They were like prayers, like charms muttered late at night when you were walking alone in the dark. Stories were like ha’penny amulets you bought from a peddler, just in case.”
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
I have a very difficult time making the poses seem natural and flowing. My all time favorite art is Baroque/Renaissance style and how fluid the poses are, how soft the skin looks, how delicately it's all done. Obviously, I will always have my own style, but those are things that I so want to incorporate but never seem to get quite right, and it drives me crazy 😂
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Not really. I mean, I have a ton of unfinished work, but as soon as the window of inspiration passes, I just can't get myself to care enough about it to finish it (insert Jake the Dog, “now it's gone, and I don't care about it anymore!” )
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
I would, and have.  I typically show them whatever most rendered recent picture from my Instagram because I don't post any nsfw there and usually try to post only my prettier work for this specific reason haha. (As opposed to here, I post everything here, ain't NO ONE from real life invited to see my tumblr 😂)
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
Writers: Brandon Sanderson, for sure. He's the reason I got back into art back in 2017 ish. His stories are just so emotional they push me to create. Same with @saibug1022, there is always at least one scene from every story he shares that I desperately want to draw to try to capture the emotions. 
Artists: God, sooo many, here are just like my top 3 favorites and their instagrams.
Audra Auclair
Obsessed with her unique style, and specifically the way she draws eyelids and noses
The way they draw those dripping, glowing wisps. I stare at their pieces for hours (no lie) trying to dissect them stroke by stroke to figure out how they do it.
Miho Hirano
Their art has a delicate whimsy-ness I would SELL MY SOUL to achieve 
17- Which one of your creations would you like to see a fiction written about? 
JC, this is the shit I DREAM of.
Definitely this one. 
So this is love.
This little comic means a lot to me. 
18- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
Very rarely, but I do, every so often. This is my favorite original piece.
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20-  What other hobbies do you have?
Gaming, singing, walking through the Cemetary with my wee daughter, reading, that's about it 🤷
21 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
22: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I really wanted to say that I don't believe in “good” art and “bad” art (just ethical vs non-ethical). That being said, I know what it's like to hate your art, like soooo intimately. If you ever are feeling shit about your art, you can ABSOLUTELY message me (I don't care if we're mutuals or not, I don't care if we've never interacted before) and just say, “I am feeling shit about my art” and I will go through your art and tell you every specific thing I love about it and why it's wonderful. I am not joking; I am so so serious rn. 💗💗💗💗 
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yourtouchismidas · 11 months
How is Taylor with the other girls (Shay valentine and the twins)
so gigi and taylor are already friends, as gigi likes to think. obviously they dont see each other often as taylor is a busy woman, and so is your family, but gigi likes to watch her music videos and award shows and then matty will text taylor telling her gigi loved the new video, or saying congratulations, and taylor will reply. aw thank you sweet girl or ugh what an angel. but it is a while before taylor and gigi meet again, properly, when all the girls are born and old enough to come along to things. the band are nominated for a brit and taylor is performing, and for the first time, all five healy girls will be in the audience.
it might be a stupid fucking idea. the twins are three years old, which is younger than when gigi first attended awards, and there is two of them, but the whole band are there, and their partners, and when matty first floated the idea of bringing all the girls, and you scoffed in his face, the boys convinced you that they would be there to help, that they wouldnt drink until the girls were tucked up in bed, that they could play man to man with the twins, who were always better behaved for george, ross and adam than they were for their own parents. so you all end up round a few tables, each girl with glitter in their hair, nails painted, sparkling dresses. gigi wears dark purple, almost black, shay is in yellow with her hair in an updo curling around her face, valley wears dusty pink, silk, and the twins are dressed in the cutest pale blue dresses covered in daisies. you haul them all down the red carpet, hands holding hands holding hands, matty being stopped by interviewers who coo at whatever twin he is holding (you don't know, you just know they are both still with one of you) and you glance back and around at your girls and the crowds thinking how the hell is this my life.
the girls are spectacularly well behaved. the older three entranced by the stage and the outfits and the music, each with headphones that match their dresses. lexie plays quietly on george's lap, him wiggling her arms to dance to the songs. stevie, who were most worried about, is passed out on matty's shoulder almost the whole time.
when taylor comes out to perform, the older girls scream. taylor catches sight of gigi and waves to her, and then her eyes dance through all the girls who she has only seen on instagram before, singing the lyrics as if just to them. so cute she mouthes at you and matty before jumping right back into the next verse.
the band don't win, which you're secretly thankful for, because you dont know what you'd have done with all the girls had the boys had to go up on stage. matty has won many awards and you know he doesn't mind, especially because the winner is a newcomer who he's helped mentor.
after the awards have finished, taylor comes out into the audience, in something less swishy and dramatic than what she was wearing for her performance. she comes over to the band's table, scanning the girls again and grinning, before pulling matty into a hug.
"you've got a little army of them. i love it. i love it!" she says, as gigi sidles up to her, still shy of "princess taylor", even though in the comfort of her own house she calls her "my best friend."
"hello gorgeous girl," taylor says, and scoops gigi into her arms where she wraps her legs around her waist and rests her head on her shoulder. matty strokes gigi's curls from behind.
"why you acting shy, gi?" he says to her and she mumbles, "stop it matty," into taylor's shoulder.
shay barrels into taylor's legs as soon as she puts gigi down and squeezes her, making taylor laugh.
"oh why are you so precious, come here, let me look at you," she says, and scoops shay up too.
"this is my dreamer," matty says, "and this is my genius," he says, pulling valley out of the crowd and setting her in front of taylor. valley waves to her casually, unaffected by celebrity.
"this is valentine, right?" taylor asks. matty nods. "that's a beautiful name," she says to the girl. "maybe i should write a song about you?"
"no me! me!" shay says.
"about both of you. all of you!"
"how do you do that thing where you disappear in the smoke?" valley asks.
"magic!" shay says, looking to taylor expectantly to confirm her theory.
"obviously magic," taylor says, laughing, and then winking at valley. later, when no one else can hear them, she explains to valley the mechanics of it, but before that, she twirls shay round a few times, dancing with her, and then with all three of the big girls. when she talks to the other boys, stevie, awake now, reaches out her arms to her to be held, and then so does lexie, so she ends up with both in her arms, twirling their fingers around in her hair.
a few days later, the doorbell rings. it's a delivery. five packages. five princess dresses. all different. all specially chosen. shay's has fairy wings. valley's has green vines creeping up the sleeves. gigi's has stars and moons in sparkles. the twins have poufy lace skirts. she has signed them all. love aunty taylor x
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cheollipop · 13 days
Do you have a new ateez story planned? ❤️
hi anon!! I'm gonna use your ask to drop a tiny life update no one asked for, hope you don't mind~ ^^
I've just started my very last semester of uni and can already tell it's going to be a busy one (three group projects is three too many ><). that being said, I've had this one fic idea stuck in my head since june? july? and I really want to write it, so my goal for this semester (aside from hopefully passing) is making time for writing. I've had no motivation to write anything in months, but it used to bring me so much joy and I miss it. :")
I don't have much to show for it just yet, but here's a small snippet of my current san wip! it may or may not be a vampire au~ thank you anon for asking, I really appreciate your interest! <3
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Your calves burned, knees quivering with every healed step you took over the worn-down dance floor, lungs on fire as you sashayed between sweaty bodies, clammy hands passing you around between men clad in leather vests and flared pants. Faces blurred together, the music ringing in your ears, hips swaying in sync and muted whispers shared in the air between you — something about a private room — to which you quirked your lips, deftly twirling your body away from his slim frame and into another, and repeat. You weren’t sure how long it had been since you’d first stepped into the bar that evening, flowy red adorning your figure and painting your lips, a forgotten glass resting idly at the bar, or perhaps already cleaned out to serve another customer while you floated in the high the three sips you’d taken had offered you.
A high broken at the sight of fierce, feline eyes fixed on you from across the room, leather stretching over his torso, elbows resting over the bar he was leaned back against with a golden drink swirling around in the crystal he loosely gripped. He eyed you as though you were his birthright, and not a shadow of the past he’d left to mend the broken pieces of a heart he’d ruthlessly shattered. Three days. Three torturous days, you’d seen him rooted in place at the bar, unabashedly boring his eyes into your swaying figure for what felt like hours, then leaving without a word exchanged. Perhaps that explained your extreme attachment to the dance floor despite the ache in your muscles — watching you hopping from man to man, pressing against body after body, sweat dripping off your skin and smile plastered over your glossy lips, would that save you from a confrontation you were wholly unprepared for, from the rush of memories you’d bent the earth to bury?
to be continued.
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arosspeaksnonsense · 1 year
So... I had a like, one shot fic type story idea
I probs won't be able to write it since I require full focus/dedication/attention to something when i want it to come into fruition (which is already difficult as is) and also since I have too much going on in my head and I want to do all of it, but instead I find myself doing nothing all day please god help me idk what this is called (my guess is laziness)
BUT anyways, onto the story idea
You know how ink's vials and I guess livelihood depends entirely on the creators/fandom? (Ok I guess not ENTIRE but his vials do depend on it, which is the things that essentially makes him alive.)
Well, since the fandom is not very active as it was when it was like, 2016-2017 (not saying its dead)
What if the fandom, just, dies? I mean duh its inevitable and Ink is silently pleading that the last creators hopefully won't leave but he knows its inevitable, no matter how hard he tries to make them stay, some of them already starting to give up.
The others notice ink's change in behavior and ink tells them the entire the thing and how he has only a few more time left to be alive I guess.
The others obviously distraught about this, but ink reassures them its fine, but the others weren't convinced
And then they find ink maybe sobbing or terrified as he tells them that the creators all left and are all gone and that he's probably going to go soon too.
This makes the others panic and desperately asks ink if there is another way for his vials to work, in which he sadly answers no.
they then dedicate the next few days into making sure ink is enjoying every second of the very little time he has left.
As they slowly looses all his colors one by one, eventually he looses all of them completely, which leaves them being the same emotionless, soulless skeleton he started as before.
Everyone is left in distraught and sadness
All his friends all sobbed and cried, some silently and/or internally crying, as their once lively, creative and cheerful friend, now nothing more than an empty shell of what he once were.
A hollow husk, with an emotionless and empty expression.
A painful reminder hit all of them, that they will never get that face to smile ever again. the same face that used to grin and laugh all the time.
The cheerful smile that he let out as he pranks and greets others, the lively motivations he loved giving to everyone.
The Laughs and snorts he gave out whenever he got someone in a prank, or from a joke not many understand, if any one did at all. And how when he becomes too flustered, or when too much euphoria and happiness comes flooding his feelings, he will starting to float in the air and continuously go up until the euphoria ends and they eventually go back down.
His Lips(?) Now closed and sealed shut
No sign of a tone or a voice to speak
The hands that used to paint with such freedom and care, the hands that used to make such magnificent and beautiful paintings, that gorgeously and perfectly replicate reality as if though it was reality itself. The fingers that used to dance around the flute as it made music, the hands that sew not only fabrics of clothing but also the fabrics of reality.
Gone is the passion in his hands that once were, the hands that moved freely, stuck in place.
His feet that loved to dance and move wherever it goes, exposed out to the world, lacking of any visible footwear, lacking any care where it stepped and what it was on, representing freedom and free of chains.
Both now rigid and unmoving.
His eyes, oh dear his eyes. The eyes that used to express themselves so much. So expressive that it almost made you forget he lacked the very base of every being, a soul. The eyes that so greatly showed its differing and unique shapes and colors that expressed whatever emotion they were feeling.
Now reduced into an empty and pitiful circles of white, indicating emotionless and lifelessness, no more is the eyes that burst with colors and shape, only a blank stare is what remains.
He was so empty.
It terrified and saddened everyone.
The Multiverse Was filled with sobs and cries, Silence in some
The Multiverse was crying and mourning its guardian.
Dream, Distraught, knew what he had to do.
He had only known about ink's dads when Dream had been frantically looking for Ink as he had seemingly Disappeared, only to find said skeleton in the garden with a Gaster, this one had wings.
He has watched and approached carefully, but was stopped by a loud yelled by the short skeleton
He didn't know how to respond but he only walked closer, the expression on the gaster seemed..pleasantly surprised.
Not long after, dream had found out about how he isn't the only gaster in the house but two were sharing it, and how said two are married and fathers to his short friend
It was a pleasant surprise to dream
But...this surprise..
Will not be so pleasant.
As Dream was about to grab and carry Ink, The hands that intertwined on eachother, that hands being of Inks and Errors
Speaking of the glitch, Hes...probably not going to be well after this, after all besides blue, Ink was the only one that really took the time and Effort to Understand and Befriend Error, they had a very close relationship.
Error had not let go of Ink's Hand ever since the news of his depleting life. His haphephobia suddenly gone during doing so, (or is it?? I can't tell.) But now, he doesn't seem to react, only tightening his grip and continuing to look and stare into nothingness, finally Dream spoke
"Error..?, can you..let go?? Of Ink, I feel like his father's need to see this."
"...why can't they just..come here..."
" I'm afraid Aster cannot step outside of their AU"
"...fine. But I'll with you."
"Of course."
Dream opened a portal, he slowly walks through with error, who's carrying ink bridal style.
Aster and Top has not spoken over the past few days, worry littered their mind, as the news of their little star burning itself out soon had reached their non existant ears.
They spent Time with their little star, they made sure he enjoyed and had fun every second of the time they had left with him.
Eye bags shows prominent under their eyes, they hear a knock at the door, their eyes grows surprised, wishfully hoping their little hat had come to visit them again
Aster stands up and walked towards the door, a smile on his face, as he opens the door, his smile drops,
He sees the three Skeletons, and he sees especially the star that had burnt out.
Aster simply stares and does not respond, his eyes widened.
His hands slowly reaches for Ink
And Error though hesitant, give Ink to Aster.
Aster, felt like he couldn't breathe, the little star that always shined bright, so much so it didn't seem like they were ever going to die down, and yet here he is, no longer shining, his smile and laughs and snorts gone forever.
As he holds ink, he holds his hands, tears starts to flow down his face, he remembers when he held those small hands, guide them through the dirt, when Aster was teaching ink about gardening, when Aster saw the glimmer in his eyes (oh god, he will never get to see that ever again will he?) When he was watching Aster show him around the Garden, offering to show him how to grow beautiful flowers. He so excitedly followed every step so cautiously, contradicting Aster's Expectation of many mess up.
As he held into ink's tiny hands, the hands that he teached to learn many things, that he teached to not used his power so much.
He cried, he cried for ink, he cried for his child, his baby, his star.
And behind Aster, walks Top.
Eyes widened, eyes filled with tears.
There he saw his son, the little outcode that slithered their way into his life and affection, on the arms of his beloved, dead and empty,
Memories flashed as Top slowly made his way to his family. The tiny sans that laughed, smiled and cheered everyone around him, The tiny sans that was so tiny, Top's hat almost covered over half of their face, the tiny face that loved to tell stories and show paintings to their parents. His son, Ink, Dead and Empty in the Arms of his Husband.
It hit them, Ink is an outcode, he never belonged to a Universe, not in any AU, they can't just reset and reverse this like with aster or with any other sans, he truly and utterly gone.
The screams and cries of the Two Fathers, The Guardian of the Positivity, and the God of Destruction could be heard and felt throughout the entire Multiverse.
The Multiverse will never be the same.
But, at least Ink died happily with family, friends that cared for him, that stayed with him no matter his ways, his condition.
That will never forget him.
And to him it is enough.
The Multiverse Felt Empty.
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hathousehappenings · 4 months
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89. Untwist of Fate.
I've been waiting an embarrassing long time to do this episode. ^^; I think I need to explain...
To ME, this episode is clearly an homage to The Wizard of Oz. There's a twister, a guy who needed to be convinced to help because he's cowardly, someone who is trying to get the heart of his character, a man behind a curtain... I'm gonna put all my thoughts below a cut at the bottom of this post because there's a lot!
When I had finished the sketch for this one I showed it to a couple people to see if it was too weird an idea for me to complete. They looked like I was insane that I would even ask them. ((It was then that I realized that the people I live with are no fun and just don't get me...))
I also decided to do a bonus picture of Queenie as Glinda just cause. I wanted to let her dress up too.
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OKAY, and now here are the thoughts of a crazy person...
It's been obvious to me that from my first watch of this episode this all based off Wizard of Oz (the movie, not the book).
For instance, Hare is the Wizard because he’s trying to run the show, Alice is obviously Dorothy because she gets swept up in the twister, Dum is the Cowardly Lion because he was cowardly about helping test out cures for Alice, Rabbit is the Tinman because he’s trying to figure out his motivation (aka: get to the heart) of his character in the play and Queen is Glinda because she floats in at the very end and solves everything easily.
But, as I started thinking about it, more connections made themselves aware to me. And then I watched the episode!
First off, when we get to Wonderland there’s a little tune that plays as Hare’s back is to us in the director’s chair. That tune is very reminiscent of a tune in Oz called “Optimistic Voices”. It’s the song we hear as Dorothy and her friends come out of the poppy field and make way to the gates of the Emerald City. I actually caught that on my first watch through, so that wasn’t new to me. Rabbit is trying to figure out his motivation (aka: get to the heart of his character, Tinman) and Alice is just kinda there sitting around daydreaming.
Then Hare talks about how great their acting is and I start to realize something else: there are a ton of red props in this episode. I’ll brake it down as we go, but in this scene alone there’s Hare’s beret and bandana he used to mop his face, the ladder he climbs all over (I want to be that ladder) and the flowers that are thrown to them at the end of the song. This song is about Hare telling them what good actors they are and how they need to keep doing it, keep the act up. That sentiment feels very Wizard to me.
Next scene is “Throwing up Riddles”. More red props here: Hatter’s grill spatula and the writing on his apron and the plates are all a variant of red or its secondary color (red, pink or purple). They also talk about hogs/pigs a lot, which is what freaks Dorothy out in the beginning of the movie (she falls in the hog pen). Hatter is being silly and yet somehow smart with all these riddles, but he’s still acting like an idiot. Wisdom even though his head is empty? Sounds like Scarecrow! Then they get the news about the twister and run around like idiots.
Alice gets sucked up into the twister in the next scene. Obviously the twister is from Oz, but the first noises we hear while in the cyclone are chicken noises and that’s the same as in the film. You could argue that the Cheshire cat is supposed to be Toto in that he’s an animal who doesn’t contribute a whole hell of a lot to the story. I dunno. There are a ton of red items in the twister, though. A red velvet cake, red chicken, red candles, a red toad… Just because, I dunno.
Finding Alice after the twister only has the trash bucket and the chattering red teeth as the red props. All the men gather around to help the little girl character, which you could argue is like Oz. But that’s kinda low hanging fruit.
The “Interest of Science” scene is, well… interesting. We don’t have many red props here (a red velvet cake on the table and the satellite dish that Dee puts on Dum’s head) but we have some lyrics in the song that apply. Dee says “you might nearly be a hero, if you merely wouldn’t fear it” (!!!!) and the line about feeding him “to the lion”. Also, Hatter dropping random words of wisdom is odd. Like, he’s actually smart but just acts stupid. More connections to him and the Scarecrow.
Caterpillar’s story time does nothing to help my argument. There are no red props and his story is lame, kinda as per the usual. However, Caterpillar also doesn’t help them because he didn’t understand what they were asking for help about. So did it negate this scene? You decide.
This is the final Wonderland scene. We have three new red props: the red stripe on Hatter’s popcorn bucket (eeeeh?), the red curtain on the stage and Rabbit’s whole Bunny-o costume is red. Hatter is being brainless (as he does), Rabbit is still trying to find the heart of his character and Hare is still trying to keep the act up. He actually becomes the “man behind the curtain” after the how starts! And he keeps peeping out to watch everything.
Queen floats in like I don’t even know what. She’s been gone the bulk of the episode, other than to ask where Alice was during the twister. She also pulls the whole “you had the power all along" crap that Glinda pulls in the movie.
Rabbit is in red (ruby slippers) and Alice is in yellow (yellow brick road)!
The Red Queen and Alice skip through the forest in the very end, which I think is fitting because of the red and yellow symbolism.
After EVERYTHING I think the parallels are undeniable. They made some very conscious decisions about this episode to link it to Oz. I feel clever for having “figured it out”, but I might also just be letting my pride get to my head. I wouldn’t be surprised.
Anyway, any thoughts on this? Am I just late to the party and all this was supposed to be obvious?
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catgirlbussy · 1 year
holy shit i just realised im autistic
i know this seems like a shitpost, and tbf i am laughing at myself pretty hard rn. it's dawning on me at 6 AM after being awake all night, but (if you care, and if you don't feel free to ignore too, have a nice day!) hear me out, cause this genuinely feels meaningful and insightful for me with how my life has gone so far. I spent an hour writing this post in hopes someone might find it helpful too :3c
If you don't wanna read my post pls enjoy this picture of our famous friend autism baby stackin those cans before you go~♪
(source: wikipedia)
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like i already /knew/ I was before this moment, but i was thinkin about what i used to do as a kid and wow i am so autistic how the fuck did i not realise sooner. It straight up wasn't until I was already well into my 20's that I started to meet other autistic people online and learned about their experiences and difficulties from talking with them that I realised a lot of things they described matched for me too.
I live in assfuck nowhere so most of my life the only few times that I had met autistic people were like, folks who were nonverbal or whatever, just generally needing direct assistive care, and I never bothered to look things up on my own because I was already inundated with the pressures of growing up, school, mental health, etc. I remember one of the first times I had built up the courage to ask anyone about it, I was in the hospital because of mental health issues. This was in my second year uni, and when one of the doctors assessing me was asking me questions, I said I thought maybe I was autistic. He promptly and with a fair amount of snark told me that if I was autistic I wouldn't have gotten into university.
Thinking back, he was probably just an exhausted, fresh outta school resident with no special interest in psychiatric care (and also just seemed to suck in general), but it was enough that I shelved the idea for another 5 years.
Lo and behold, now I am lying here in bed, just absolutely gobsmacked by the VERY REAL idea that im autistic and like holy shit I feel so vindicated.
I've been on tumblr for just a bit, but I see a lot of folks talking in various neurodivergent circles about their experiences and that's been so wonderful for me. I also have a few good friend groups w/ a lot of neurodivergent folks, and that's been really exciting too.
Like, I'm still processing this cognitively as I'm writing, so please pardon this ill patterned post, but this feels like such a beneficial thing for me. Over time I've adapted a few strategies here and there to help myself accomplish various tasks, but now I feel so empowered to, like... actually figure stuff out.
Even after feeling confident I was autistic, it was this nebulous, floating concept in my head for so long of, "oh yeah im autistic or something idk," that I never really dedicated much effort to finding healthier ways to do things that didn't irk me or whatever. I don't feel like the label /itself/ is what is important to me here, but rather the awareness around why I do so many things in the ways that I do and that it's /okay/ that I do.
I don't want this post to go on too much longer, but I feel it's worth noting that I've fought for years with my family because they didn't understand why I was going about things the way I did. Again, remember, they all grew up in this cloistered hellhole too. But, surprise surprise, the times in my life that I have been doing better than any other are when I felt confident enough to ignore what everyone was trying to get me to go along with and instead just fashioned my own best methods (which also sometimes included informing said overbearing individual(s) to go fuck themselves cause I'm busy doing shit. It's hard for them to argue with me telling them as much when I would be completing X objective well, which is what they wanted in the first place).
I don't want to make this sound like I'm trying to be overconfident, but I mention as much instead as a sign of support for other neurodivergent folks to feel similarly empowered to drum to their own beat. Thinking back, I went from almost failing high school and ultimately retaking a grade to excelling in all my classes. Every single one. I know that's a relative assessment, you got variable difficulty levels, etc., and the grade score isn't important in and of itself, least of all because the school systems here (Canada) are a mess it seems, but just that alone as an idea, within the parameters of a particular system, I went from initial abject failure to thorough and lauded success.
Just think of what so many people could do if they weren't being pigeonholed into formats that absolutely aren't working for them.
I already have a boatload of (genuinely helpful by way of enabling access to proper education and treatment) diagnoses from my history of working with my (very wonderful and genuinely caring and helpful) psychiatrist that match with what I know about the neurodivergence term umbrella like ADHD, OCD, and bipolar, so it seems |autism| will feel quite at home in the group ^w^. I'll ask her about it at my next appointment to see if an official diagnosis has any value versus me just continuing to figure things out on my own.
Either way, I am thrilled right now thinking about the next time I get to shout
while an electric guitar squeals and lightning strikes all around me and I make cool stuff happen :3c.
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