#anyways angst
wolvesandshine · 8 months
Quidditch AU part 2
read part 1 here
“So what’s your favourite team?”
Regulus closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He knew Potter was annoying, but really this was ridiculous.
Not only did he have to steal half the field for his practice, he couldn’t shut up while he was at it.
“Did anyone ever tell you it was polite to not bother someone who doesn’t want to be bothered?”
James Potter smilies at him, the blinding smile that had girls all over him. The one that had never been directed at him. It throws Regulus off guard.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re so predictable?”
Regulus barely restrains himself from strangling Potter. “Why don’t you go back to being unhealthily codependent with Sirius instead?”
James laughs brightly. “He’s not much of a morning person.“
“Neither am I.” Regulus mutters, rolling his eyes.
James raises an eyebrow at that. Then suddenly his expression grows serious. “You know you have other options right?”
Regulus laughs derisively. “What? Move in with you? I’m not charity work Potter.”
“It’s not charity if it’s helping between friends -“
“Cut the bullshit Potter. You’re so naive. You really think my parents would let both of their children walk off?”
When he’s met with silence Regulus laughs again. Of course Potter wouldn’t have thought about that. Of course he believed that everyone could pull a Sirius and abandon their family without consequences.
“Leave me alone Potter.”
Regulus doesn’t bother looking at the retreating back of James Potter.
He had to get back to training.
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arosspeaksnonsense · 1 year
So... I had a like, one shot fic type story idea
I probs won't be able to write it since I require full focus/dedication/attention to something when i want it to come into fruition (which is already difficult as is) and also since I have too much going on in my head and I want to do all of it, but instead I find myself doing nothing all day please god help me idk what this is called (my guess is laziness)
BUT anyways, onto the story idea
You know how ink's vials and I guess livelihood depends entirely on the creators/fandom? (Ok I guess not ENTIRE but his vials do depend on it, which is the things that essentially makes him alive.)
Well, since the fandom is not very active as it was when it was like, 2016-2017 (not saying its dead)
What if the fandom, just, dies? I mean duh its inevitable and Ink is silently pleading that the last creators hopefully won't leave but he knows its inevitable, no matter how hard he tries to make them stay, some of them already starting to give up.
The others notice ink's change in behavior and ink tells them the entire the thing and how he has only a few more time left to be alive I guess.
The others obviously distraught about this, but ink reassures them its fine, but the others weren't convinced
And then they find ink maybe sobbing or terrified as he tells them that the creators all left and are all gone and that he's probably going to go soon too.
This makes the others panic and desperately asks ink if there is another way for his vials to work, in which he sadly answers no.
they then dedicate the next few days into making sure ink is enjoying every second of the very little time he has left.
As they slowly looses all his colors one by one, eventually he looses all of them completely, which leaves them being the same emotionless, soulless skeleton he started as before.
Everyone is left in distraught and sadness
All his friends all sobbed and cried, some silently and/or internally crying, as their once lively, creative and cheerful friend, now nothing more than an empty shell of what he once were.
A hollow husk, with an emotionless and empty expression.
A painful reminder hit all of them, that they will never get that face to smile ever again. the same face that used to grin and laugh all the time.
The cheerful smile that he let out as he pranks and greets others, the lively motivations he loved giving to everyone.
The Laughs and snorts he gave out whenever he got someone in a prank, or from a joke not many understand, if any one did at all. And how when he becomes too flustered, or when too much euphoria and happiness comes flooding his feelings, he will starting to float in the air and continuously go up until the euphoria ends and they eventually go back down.
His Lips(?) Now closed and sealed shut
No sign of a tone or a voice to speak
The hands that used to paint with such freedom and care, the hands that used to make such magnificent and beautiful paintings, that gorgeously and perfectly replicate reality as if though it was reality itself. The fingers that used to dance around the flute as it made music, the hands that sew not only fabrics of clothing but also the fabrics of reality.
Gone is the passion in his hands that once were, the hands that moved freely, stuck in place.
His feet that loved to dance and move wherever it goes, exposed out to the world, lacking of any visible footwear, lacking any care where it stepped and what it was on, representing freedom and free of chains.
Both now rigid and unmoving.
His eyes, oh dear his eyes. The eyes that used to express themselves so much. So expressive that it almost made you forget he lacked the very base of every being, a soul. The eyes that so greatly showed its differing and unique shapes and colors that expressed whatever emotion they were feeling.
Now reduced into an empty and pitiful circles of white, indicating emotionless and lifelessness, no more is the eyes that burst with colors and shape, only a blank stare is what remains.
He was so empty.
It terrified and saddened everyone.
The Multiverse Was filled with sobs and cries, Silence in some
The Multiverse was crying and mourning its guardian.
Dream, Distraught, knew what he had to do.
He had only known about ink's dads when Dream had been frantically looking for Ink as he had seemingly Disappeared, only to find said skeleton in the garden with a Gaster, this one had wings.
He has watched and approached carefully, but was stopped by a loud yelled by the short skeleton
He didn't know how to respond but he only walked closer, the expression on the gaster seemed..pleasantly surprised.
Not long after, dream had found out about how he isn't the only gaster in the house but two were sharing it, and how said two are married and fathers to his short friend
It was a pleasant surprise to dream
But...this surprise..
Will not be so pleasant.
As Dream was about to grab and carry Ink, The hands that intertwined on eachother, that hands being of Inks and Errors
Speaking of the glitch, Hes...probably not going to be well after this, after all besides blue, Ink was the only one that really took the time and Effort to Understand and Befriend Error, they had a very close relationship.
Error had not let go of Ink's Hand ever since the news of his depleting life. His haphephobia suddenly gone during doing so, (or is it?? I can't tell.) But now, he doesn't seem to react, only tightening his grip and continuing to look and stare into nothingness, finally Dream spoke
"Error..?, can you..let go?? Of Ink, I feel like his father's need to see this."
"...why can't they just..come here..."
" I'm afraid Aster cannot step outside of their AU"
"...fine. But I'll with you."
"Of course."
Dream opened a portal, he slowly walks through with error, who's carrying ink bridal style.
Aster and Top has not spoken over the past few days, worry littered their mind, as the news of their little star burning itself out soon had reached their non existant ears.
They spent Time with their little star, they made sure he enjoyed and had fun every second of the time they had left with him.
Eye bags shows prominent under their eyes, they hear a knock at the door, their eyes grows surprised, wishfully hoping their little hat had come to visit them again
Aster stands up and walked towards the door, a smile on his face, as he opens the door, his smile drops,
He sees the three Skeletons, and he sees especially the star that had burnt out.
Aster simply stares and does not respond, his eyes widened.
His hands slowly reaches for Ink
And Error though hesitant, give Ink to Aster.
Aster, felt like he couldn't breathe, the little star that always shined bright, so much so it didn't seem like they were ever going to die down, and yet here he is, no longer shining, his smile and laughs and snorts gone forever.
As he holds ink, he holds his hands, tears starts to flow down his face, he remembers when he held those small hands, guide them through the dirt, when Aster was teaching ink about gardening, when Aster saw the glimmer in his eyes (oh god, he will never get to see that ever again will he?) When he was watching Aster show him around the Garden, offering to show him how to grow beautiful flowers. He so excitedly followed every step so cautiously, contradicting Aster's Expectation of many mess up.
As he held into ink's tiny hands, the hands that he teached to learn many things, that he teached to not used his power so much.
He cried, he cried for ink, he cried for his child, his baby, his star.
And behind Aster, walks Top.
Eyes widened, eyes filled with tears.
There he saw his son, the little outcode that slithered their way into his life and affection, on the arms of his beloved, dead and empty,
Memories flashed as Top slowly made his way to his family. The tiny sans that laughed, smiled and cheered everyone around him, The tiny sans that was so tiny, Top's hat almost covered over half of their face, the tiny face that loved to tell stories and show paintings to their parents. His son, Ink, Dead and Empty in the Arms of his Husband.
It hit them, Ink is an outcode, he never belonged to a Universe, not in any AU, they can't just reset and reverse this like with aster or with any other sans, he truly and utterly gone.
The screams and cries of the Two Fathers, The Guardian of the Positivity, and the God of Destruction could be heard and felt throughout the entire Multiverse.
The Multiverse will never be the same.
But, at least Ink died happily with family, friends that cared for him, that stayed with him no matter his ways, his condition.
That will never forget him.
And to him it is enough.
The Multiverse Felt Empty.
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0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
Demeter and Hestia: *Arguing*
Demeter: ....
Demeter,*slams her hands against her head*: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Hestia: ....
Demeter: *crying*
Hestia,*holds her*: I'm sorry...
Demeter: I know.
Hestia: I wish it was different.
Demeter: .....I know
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zaras22 · 2 years
anyways I hope that venti and the tsaritsa have some kind of extremely complicated relationship just so I can make even more headcanons in the future than I already do jbfdbvfd
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rxg1nald · 2 years
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ato-dato · 1 year
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Piss off!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!! :)))))
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hinamie · 24 days
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bruciemilf · 14 days
Okay. But when Bruce discovers Talia knew Jason was alive? That she knew his child was the man under the red hood. His boy.
Jason’s met and memorized every facet of Bruce Wayne. He knows Bruce by the way his eyes melt when he looks at him, to the hard lines of his cowl. He knows where Bruce starts and Batman ends.
When Bruce rips off his cowl to give her the deepest glare Jason’s ever seen, he’s reminded there’s no difference. Fear hits his stomach when he swallows,
“Hey, old man, don’t fucking blame HER. She has NO obligation to you—“
Bruce’s eyes are unblinking, wide, jumping from her frozen form to him. And Jason’s suddenly 10 again, running from hungry stray dogs cornering him in a place with no exit.
Bruce’s voice is shadow and whisper, “Quiet.”
“Damian,” he rasps, pointing at the small figure with dark hair and green eyes, who looks at neither of them. He looks at Talia. Jason thinks it’s fair. He’s never seen her scared, either. “Car. Cave. Stay. “
There’s something incredibly bitter in Jason when he just does. Doesn’t ask. Doesn’t rebel. He wants to, with every fiber and matter and crumb in his body. And his body says no.
He grabs Damian like he’s an angry cat, not the small assassin he knew since he was born. He doesn’t look back. He doesn’t want to, he realizes.
“Did you know?” Bruce asks, such a deadly calm to him, too calm for the winter in his eyes. Talia would’ve preferred a blade to the neck.
She can’t meet his eye. Almost like if she doesn’t face his hatred, his disapproval, his disappointment, it doesn’t count. “I did. “
“…Whatever you do,” she’d take it as pity if he didn’t sound repulsed , “you’re still his daughter.”
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hypnoticmoth · 1 month
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Do you ever want to badly write a fic but you’re too self conscious about your writing so it stays a forever idea ?? Hahaha…
Anyway, i’ve had thought about Vox’s obsession with Alastor bringing the ruin of the Vees…. Many many ideas, and what happens and …. Augh
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lovely-v · 9 months
I feel like some Fall Out Boy songs sound stupid until you listen to them in a very specific state of turmoil and then you’re like oh I get it hahaha yeah cheers Patrick yeah I’m gonna need u to sing that for me fifteen more times
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bonerot19 · 4 months
I know we like writing fics where Jason is all "I'm not the kid you lost" and "he died and I'm all the worst parts of him that came back" and whatever. but lately I've been thinking about a Jason that's angry bc everyone thinks he came back wrong, because to him, he's the same as he's always been. sure, he's more upset and angry and traumatized, but he's still Jason.
I've been thinking about a Jason that spent most of the time since his death underground and then catatonic. to him, hardly any time has passed at all. to his family, three years have gone by. and Jason knows he looks different than he did, and he knows he's sharper around the edges, now, but he's still Jason. he's the same kid that died and now he's back and why doesn't anyone see that?
they're the ones that changed, not him
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pixlokita · 26 days
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More likely than u think… goodnight …
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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mourning black and the death of ideals
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marisashinx · 2 months
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"Why hasn't Silver woken up yet...?"
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sandflakedraws · 16 days
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re : how each brother reacts learning that they can't go back
you'll have to pry the "all the Brozone Bros knew what happened at the tree" headcanon outta my cold, dead dead dead hands.
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soldrawss · 12 days
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I uh, started this as a little wholesome thing but it QUICKLY got out of hand, anyway part 2 here.
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